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When special rules directly contradict each other, rules that prevent something  Changing location or being effected by a movement effect is considered to
take precedent over rules that allow something to happen. be moved (even if it moved 0”)
 Moving vertically on climbable terrain has a rate of 1Mv per 1”
 Models that ignore terrain while moving do not have to use any movement
STAT CARDS on vertical movement when walking up a climbable surface, only the
 Model can never have a stat reduced below 0 horizontal part of the movement counts.
 Charge removed  A model falls if…
 Walk changed to Move  If it leaves base contact with all climbable terrain while moving vertically
 Wounds changed into Health  If it ends its movement without any of its base on terrain or the table
 Height changed into Size  A model that falls suffers damage equal to half the fall distance rounded
 AP removed from the game; now models have Actions and a Bonus Action down in inches then may continue moving.
 Moving towards or away from something clarifies you use the center of the
involved objects for reference (models, terrain, markers, ect).
 Unless pushed, a model moving closer can move around impeding
objects if it minimizes the distance between them, but it can never
 Any Model may have a single upgrade attached to them during hiring
move in a way that increase the distance it and the object
 Upgrades grant base benefit and additional benefit to minions
 Unless pushed, a model moving away can move around impeding objects
 Upgrades are unique by default and a crew may on have one copy of each. if it maximizes the distance between them, but it can never move in a
 Upgrade Restrictions include way that decreases the distance it and the object
 Plentiful (X) – Crew can have X copies of it
 Restricted (Name) – Only indicated model(s) can take upgrade
 Special (Name) – Only attaches via in game actions/abilities
 Pushes cannot be horizontally broken up (must be straight line)
 Pushes cannot include vertical movement (can change elevation via stairs)
FATE CARDS  Pushes DO NOT ignore severe terrain
 Max hand size is 6, if you go above this you must discard back down to 6
 If a model begins or ends a place in terrain, it counts as having moved
 Players choose order of discarded cards
through it
 Players can look through discard pile now


CHEATING FATE  LOS same from M2E, with some clarifications
 No cheating rules same as M2E  Clarified that sight lines between models never go over their own bases
 Any flipped card without a minus can be cheated (including initiative)  Clarified the sight lines cannot be drawn through ceilings and floors
 The Red Joker deals Severe +1 damage now  A model on terrain adds the terrain’s height to its size for LoS (the same is
true for terrain on top of terrain).
 LoS blocking is ignored if the intervening model/terrain has a size/height
DUELS lower than one of the objects trying to draw LoS
Same as M2E  All blocking terrain with height casts a shadow.
 A terrain’s shadow extends out a distance equal to its height (max 3”)
 If a model with a size equal to or lower than a terrain’s height is
TRIGGERS completely within its shadow, then slights lines that pass through that
New Trigger timing names and structure as follows: terrain are blocked.
 Immediately – resolves in declare triggers step (usually modifies duel)  A model within a terrain’s shadow gains cover against projectiles attacks
 When resolving – resolves with actions effects if any sight lines go through the terrain
 Only occur if action was successful
 New effects resolves after the actions base effect unless the trigger
states otherwise
 After resolving – resolves after action is completed if declaring model is still
in play and any target models are still in play
 After succeeding – resolves after a successful action is completed, but only if
model with trigger succeeded the duel
 All triggers without timing specified are considered After succeeding
 Any italics text for a trigger must be paid when declaring the trigger or the
trigger fails.
 If a cost is suffering damage, it can’t be paid if it reduces the performing
model’s Health to zero or lower.
 If trigger generates a new action, this action an independent action that isn’t
resolved until all other effects are resolved.
 New actions cannot declare triggers

 Measuring between elevated model and non-elevated model is
 Distance = (V – LS) + H
 V = Vertical distance between bases
 LS = Lower models Size
 H = Horizontal distance between bases
 Added term, Completely Within: all of base must be within the range
 0” range means base to base contact
 A model isn’t in base contact with itself

 Cover: projectile attacks against a model with cover grants +1 Df to the  Walk same as before but…
target and puts the attack’s damage flip at a (-).  CANNOT be used to leave an enemy’s engagement range
 Concealment: Non-close attacks against a model with concealment puts the  Charge – Model pushes its Mv and takes an attack action
attack action on a (-).  Limited to once per turn and not while engaged
 Clarification; if models base is overlapping terrain it is in the terrain  The charge action doesn’t target a model, so it doesn’t need LoS
 Change is a push so it can’t go up terrain
Terrain Traits and Clarifications  Interact same as before but…
 Blocking – If the height of this terrain is equal to or greater than the size of  CANNOT declare if this model took the disengage action this activation
models trying to draw LoS, then the sight lines through it are blocked.  CAN remove friendly scheme markers now
 Climbable – Models cannot move through this terrain, but may stand on it or  Concentration – Model gains Focused +1
move up and down along its edges.  Disengage – Engaged model lets a single enemy make a special attack and
 Concealing – Sight lines that go through concealing terrain grant the target then it pushes its Mv
concealment. A model within concealing terrain can ignore 2” of it.  Attack doesn’t have normal effect, but reduces push by 2/4/6 inches
 Dense – LoS can be drawn in and out of it, but not through it  Neither model can declare triggers
 Destructible – Models within 1” of this terrain can take an action to remove  “Damage” gains (+) for every other enemy model engaging it
it from the table. Models on the terrain when it is removed fall.  Disengaging model cannot take interact actions this activation
 Hazardous – After a model moves through it or resolves an action while  Assist – friendly model within 2” (including self) lowers value of Burning,
within it, the model suffer the hazardous terrain effect or 1 damage if Distracted, or Injured condition by 1/2/3.
nothing is mentioned.
 Hazardous Markers of same name are treated as the same piece of
hazardous terrain (so gone are Vox Ramos tricks) RESOLVING ACTIONS
 Height X – used for LoS purposes and casts a shadow  Actions Resolve in following Order:
 Impassable – Models and markers cannot move through this terrain.  Declare Action, Pay Costs, Declare Target, Perform Duel, Apply Results
 Severe – all non-placing movement is halved while within severe terrain  Special modifiers, costs, or targeting limitations are displaced in italics
 Sloped – Models ignore vertical movement cost on sloped terrain  Costs noted in italics must be paid or the action fails
 Hills and Staircases specially noted that you can move up and down them as  A model can’t reduce itself to 0 Health to pay a cost.
if it was just horizontal movement.  Clarified if an action’s effects cannot be resolved they are ignored
 Clarified that model is considered to be resolving an action during every part
of the resolve process. So you can’t push out of hazardous terrain with an
START PHASE (PASS TOKENS) action and then considered the action resolved outside of the terrain.
 Both players can spend any number of SS to draw extra cards; once all SS are  Effects (actions, abilities, triggers, ect) that generate new actions must be
spent both players draw 2 cards per SS spent; players must still discard completely resolved (including after resolving effects) before any new action
down to max hand size after doing so is taken
 Determining Initiative changed
 Flip a single card then lower flip must cheat first DAMAGE
 Players CANNOT spend SS to reflip initiative now  Clarification that effects referencing amount of damage suffered are
 If tied, the player that went first last round cheats first. If this is the first referring to the damage after damage reduction.
turn then just reflip again until someone wins.  Models that can use SS can spend a SS before suffering from a damage flip to
 After cheating, unused pass tokens are added to player’s initiative values add a minus flip to the damage
and then discarded.  Clarification that reduction cannot decrease damage below 1 unless stated.
 If scores are still tied, go back to the first step.  Models that can use SS can spend any number of SS to reduce damage. The
 Clarified that start of turn effects happen after initiative is determined amount reduced is equal to a 1/2/3 flip with a +1 per additional SS spent
 After start effects are resolved, Pass Tokens are generated. and it can reduce damage to 0.
 Crew with fewer models gains pass tokens equal to the difference  This reduction happens after all other forms of reduction
 Crews can discard a pass token to skip activating a model and when  Clarification that a model that suffers 0 damage, is not considered to have
doing so they may draw a card if they have less cards then opponent suffered damage


 VP are scored one at a time and each scoring effect is completely resolved Resolved models being killed as follows
before moving on to another scoring effect  Model is reduced to 0 Health or instantly killed by ability
 Strategies are scored before schemes  Healing effects happen, if this puts model above 0 Health, they are no longer
 If multiple points are being scored at the same time, the player with considered killed and any further effects from being killed don’t trigger.
initiative determines the order they are scored in  Ignore this step if model is instantly killed
 Shuffling discard pile and deck is done at end of turn  Effects that resolve after the model is killed happen now
 Markers are placed as a result of being killed
 Remove the model from the game
ACTIONS  Resolve sequential effects (they are ignored if they require the removed
 (0) actions are now called bonus actions model to resolve)
 Models don’t generate AP, they instead can declare 2 actions per turn
 Masters and Leaders can declare 3 actions per turn
 Clarified that regardless of controlling player, a model never changes what it
considers to be a friend or an enemy

 Interact actions CAN be taken if you are engaging an enemy, but aren’t being The Replace rules work as follows.
engaged by them  1) Place new model in base contact with the original. If the model can’t fit,
 Targeting an engaging or engaged model with a projectile attack causes that models limit is hit, or it is buried, than it isn’t added to the game.
Friendly Fire  2) New models Health is set to the lower option of the original models Health
 Friendly fire means attack and damage flips gain a negative or the new models maximum Health. If the replace heals the new model, it
happens now.
 3) Conditions and summoning upgrades on the original model are attached
TOKENS to the new model. All other upgrades are removed from the game.
 Tokens stay on a model for the rest of the game or until removed by an  4) If new and original model are in same crew, the new model becomes the
effect target of any effects that targeted the original model like schemes and
 5) Remove the original model from the game. If the new and original models
MARKERS (CREATE & PLACE) are not in the same crew, the original model is considered to be killed. No
effects occur from the original model being removed (points or markers).
 The default size for a marker is 30mm unless noted otherwise
 6) If the new model is at 0 Health, it is killed.
 If terrain is created or moved on a marker, the marker is placed on top of the
 7) If the original model was in the middle of its activation, the new model
terrain without changing its horizontal position.
 If terrain is removed the marker will fall keeping its horizontal position continues the activation, using any remaining actions. If the original model
had finished its activation, then the new model is considered to have
 Non-terrain markers can be on top of each other and don’t block each other
finished its activation as well.
 Markers are friendly to the crew controlling the model that placed it.
 If multiple models are replaced by a single model, the new model can
 Placed markers can be put in base contact with models or even under
be placed in base contact with any of the original models. Add the
models bases
health of original models together for step 2, then resolve step 3 for
 Created markers must follow these rules:
every original model. In step 5 all original models are removed.
 Can overlap terrain, but not other markers  If a single model is replaced by multiple models, all new models must
 Cannot be placed in base contact with models that didn’t create them.
be placed in base contact with the original model. Resolve step 2
individually for each new model and choose a single model for steps 3
and 4. If step 6 is needed, choose a single model for it and the others
CONDITIONS P.39 are considered to have activated already.

 If a model has a blast on weak damage, the blast deals 1 damage BURY
 Clarified that damage increases don’t affect blast damage  Buried models activate, but can’t take actions
 Controller of unbury effect places the model
 Unburied models that can’t be placed as specified by the action are placed
AURAS AND PULSES by its owner in their starting deployment zone
 Both extend their range in every direction from the model, including up and  Buried models are killed when the game ends
 Aura’s are not cumulative and a model is only affected by one of a specific
 Clarification that once per effects only apply to that model and not other
models within the crew with the same ability
SHOCKWAVES  Clarification that once per effects are independent of each other
 Attacker places a 30mm marker within range and LOS
 Marker creates a pulse equal to the Shockwave’s value. Any models touched
by marker or within the pulse suffer the effects of the attack. TIMING
 Shockwaves ignore Cover and Concealment The General timing for resolving multiple effects is as follows.
 Models are only affected by a single shockwave marker placed by the same  Active player (or player with initiative if no active) chooses the order of
action resolution for their models unresolved effects.
 Non-active player resolves their effects in the order of their choosing.
 Any effects still left unresolved are now resolved by active player
 Unless specified otherwise, summoned models come into play in base Other time notes are
contact and LOS of the model who is doing the action to summon it. If the  Sequential Effects
model can’t be placed, it is not added to the game  Resolve the initiate effect first
 The summoning crew must discard a pass token or if they don’t have one,  Additional effects resolve in the order they are generated after any
the opposing crew gains a pass token. effects which had been previously generated are resolved.
 The summoned model is considered to be a part of the crew of the model  Abilities with word “After” only happen after the current effect is resolved
that summoned it.
 CANNOT summon a non-minion model if it already exists in their crew
 CANNOT summon a minion model if you are already at your max limit
for them (noted number on card or 3 if not noted)
 Many summoning effects require an upgrade to be attached to the model
 If you can’t attach the upgrade the summon doesn’t happen

 Attacker and Defender added for deployment purposes
 Both players flip, higher card is attacker
 Suit of attacker determines Strategy
 Suit of defender determines deployment
 Schemes are generated
 Factions are chosen and revealed at same time
 Leaders are chosen and revealed at the same time
 Any Master or Henchman can be declared the leader
 Crews are hired
 Crews are revealed
 Schemes are chosen
 Deployment is done
 Defender divides crew into two groups
 Attacker chooses a deployment zone for the defender and which one of
the groups deploys first
 Defender deploys first group
 Attacker deploys complete crew
 Defender deploys second group
 Game Begins

 Models are hired as follows:
 Leader is free
 Models that share a keyword with your leader cost normal
 Versatile models in your faction cost normal
 Non-keyword models cost +1ss
 You may only hire one of any non-minion model unless their stat card
notes otherwise
 Any model may take a single upgrade
 Unspent SS are added to your crews cache (max 10), Can go over 10 in game


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