Engineering Drawing Question - pdf-21
Engineering Drawing Question - pdf-21
Engineering Drawing Question - pdf-21
Sol. For a line group 0.25, the line widths (in Sol. A short break line is used to indicate long
mm) is 0.13 (thin), 0.25 (medium), 0.5 part of uniform cross section and is
(thick). Hence statement I is false. generally represented by using continuous
Section (hatching) lines are drawn using freehand narrow (thin) line.
thin continuous line of 0.13 mm. Hence 11. The preferred line width for letter group of 7
statement II is correct. mm is
Gothic lettering has a uniform line width for A. 1 mm B. 0.7 mm
all the parts of a letter. It may be single C. 0.5 mm D. 0.25 mm
stroke of double storke and vertical or
Ans. C
inclined. Hence statement III is true.
Sol. The preferred line width for letter group of 7
7. IS 10714 : 2001 refers to
mm is 0.5 mm.
A. scales
Note :
B. lines
C. lettering (1) For 10 mm group, it is 0.7 mm
D. projection methods (2) For 5 mm group, it is 0.35 mm
Ans. B 12. The type of line used to indicate a cutting
Sol. IS 10714 : 2001 and SP46-2003 is a BIS plane is
code which refers to lines for technical A. dashed
drawings. B. long dashed dotted
8. Which of the following ISs provides the C. long dashed double dotted
guidelines for dimensioning on technical D. continuous freehand
Ans. B
A. IS 10714 : 1983
Sol. A cutting plane is preferably indicated using
B. IS 11669 : 1986
long dashed dotted narrow (chain narrow)
C. IS 10711 : 2001
D. IS 1444 : 1989
13. Which of the following statements are
Ans. B
Sol. IS 11669 – 1986 and SP 46-2003 is a BIS
I. In the aligned system of dimensioning,
code which refers general principles of
the dimensions are placed near the
Dimensioning of technical drawing.
middle of a dimension line by
9. Centreline is used to indicate
interrupting it.
A. axis of cylinder
II. Dimension lines should not cross each
B. centerline of the hole
other and other lines of the object.
C. axis of symmetry
III. The note ‘5 × ϕ10’ means five holes of
D. all of the above
diameter 10 units each.
Ans. D
IV. To indicate the metric threads, the
Sol. Centreline is used generally to indicate the
nominal diameter should be preceded
locus of centre of an object. Hence it cann
by ‘M’.
indicate axis of cylinder, Centreline of the
A. I, II and III B. II, III and IV
hole, axis of symmetry etc. It is denoted
using chain narrow (thin) line. C. I, III and IV D. All of these
10. A short break line is used to indicate a Ans. B
A. broken part Sol. In aligned method, dimension should be
B. part to be broken placed parallel to and above their dimension
C. long part of uniform cross section lines and preferably at the middle and clear
D. short part of non-uniform cross section of the line without interrupting it. Hence
statement I is false.
Ans. C
A dimension line is a continuous narrow line, 17. The abbreviation ‘SF’ stands for
drawn parallel to edge or surface whose A. spot face B. spherical face
measurement should be shown and should C. counterbore D. spherical finish
not cross each other lines of the object. Ans. A
Hence statement II is correct Sol. Abbreviation ‘SF’ stands for spot face. ‘SF’
The note ‘5 × ϕ10’ means five holes of sometimes also represented as S’FACE.
diameter 10 units each. In some cases it 18. Which of the following statements are
may be denoted as “5 holes, ϕ10“. Hence correct?
statement III is correct.
I. Knowledge of geometrical constructions
In either case of metric threads (external or is essential in designing the specific
internal), the nominal diameter is preceded profiles on the objects.
by symbol ‘M’. Hence statement IV is
II. The internal angle of pentagon is 120o.
A. Only I B. Only II
14. If all the horizontal or vertical dimensions of
C. Both D. None
the object start from a common extension
Ans. A
line situated at one end, the way of
dimensioning is called Sol. Knowledge of geometrical constructions is
essential in designing the specific profiles on
A. chain dimensioning
the object. Hence statement I is correct.
B. parallel dimensioning
For a regular polygon, each interior angle is
C. combined dimensioning
n − 2 o
D. none of the above given as 180 , where n is total
Ans. B n
Sol. In parallel or progressive dimensioning, number of sides of the regular polygon.
placement of a number of single dimension Here n = 5 (for pentagon) 80, each interior
lines parallel to one another starting from a angle is 108o. Hence statement II is wrong.
common extension line situated at one end Note :
is done. Smaller dimensions are always 360o
(1) Each exterior angle = .
placed neares the view. n
15. The symbol ‘Sϕ’ indicates (2) Sum of exterior angle = 360o.
A. sectional diameter (3) Sum of interior angle = 180o × (n-2)
B. spherical diameter 19. Which of the following statements are
C. squared diameter correct?
D. straight diameter I. The perpendicular bisector of any chord
Ans. B of a circle passes through the centre of
Sol. The symbol Sϕ indicates the diameter of a the circle.
sphere. II. A regular pentagon cannot be inscribed
16. The abbreviation CSK stands for exactly in a given circle.
A. conical shaft III. The shortest distance between the
B. cylindrical shaft centres of two circles tangent to each
C. counterbore other is always equal to the sum of their
D. countersunk radii.
Ans. C A. Only I B. I and II
Sol. Diameter is indicated as ϕ. C. II and III D. I and III
Depth is indicated as DEEP. Ans. A
Therefore for the hole of 40 unit diameter Sol. The perpendicular bisector of the chord of
and 60 unit depth, it is indicated as ϕ40, an arc/circle always passes through the
DEEP60. centre of the arc/circle. Hence statement I
is correct.
A regular pentagon can be inscribed exactly 21. Which of the following statements are
in a given circle. Hence statement II is correct?
correct. Statement III is wrong. I. To draw the drawing of a multistoried
Case I : Circle touching externally. building.
II. LOS is equal to the product of RF and
III. A plain scale gives distances in a unit
and its immediate two sub-units.
A. Only I B. II and III
C. I and III D. All of above
Ans. A
Shortest distance between the centres = R1 Sol. To draw the drawing of a multistories
+ R2 building, reduction scales should be used.
Case II : Circle touching internally. Reducing scales are mentioned in the 1 : Y,
where Y > 1. Hence, RF < 1. Other objects
that used RF < 1 are bridges, huge
machinery, ships, aeroplanes etc. Hence
statement I is correct Length of scale,
LOS = RF × minimum distance to be
represented. Hence statement II is false.
Shortest distance between the centres = R2 A plain scale is used to indicate the
– R1 distances in a unit and its immediate
So, given statement is false because it has subdivision, whereas a vernier scale and
not mentioned how it touch each other. diagonal scale indicate the distances in a
20. In a big circle, three small circles of equal unit and its immediate two subdivion. Hence
size are drawn. Each of the small circles is statement III is false.
tangent to the big circle and the other two 22. Which of the following statements are
circles. Which of the following sentences is correct?
correct? I. A diagonal scale is based on the
A. The centres of the small circles lie along similarity of triangles.
a diameter of big circle. II. For backward vernier scale, LC = MSD –
B. The centres of the small circles lie at the VSD.
corner of an equiliateral triangle. III. All the divisions on the base of a scale
C. The distance between the centre of any of chords (i.e., linear degree scale) are
two small circles is equal to the radius equal.
of the big circle. A. Only I B. II and III
D. One of the small circles will be C. I and III D. All of above
concentric with the big circle. Ans. A
Ans. B Sol. A diagonal scale is based on the similarity of
Sol. From the figure drawn above, it is quite triangles. Hence statement I is true.
apparent that the centres of the small circles A vernier scale is a backward vernier scales
lie at the corner of an equilateral triangle. if VSD > MSD and its least count is given by
LC = VSD – MSD. Hence statement II is
All the divisions on the base of a scale of
chords are not equal but decreases
gradually from one end to other. Hence
statement III is correct.
23. Which of the following statements are 26. The size of the drawing drawn to scale 2 : 1
correct? will be ____________ the actual size of the
I. Scale of chords measures the angles object.
based on the length of chords of a circle. A. same as B. twice of
II. Reducing scales are expressed in the C. half of D. can’t tell
format Y : 1, Y being greater than 1. Ans. B
A. Only I B. Only II Ans. Scale = 2 : 1
C. Both D. None 2 drawing size of an object
RF = =
Ans. A 1 actual size
Sol. Scale of chords measures the angles based ⇒ 2 (actual size) = drawing size of an
on the length of chords of a circle. Hence object
statement I is correct. 27. The information needed to construct any
Reducing scales are mentioned in the format scale (except the scale of chords) is
1 : Y, Y > 1. Y : 1 format is for enlargement A. RF of the scale
scale. Hence statement II is wrong.
B. Unit of measurement
24. Which of the following statements are
C. Maximum distance to be represented
D. All of the above
I. Measurement of the distances is simpler
Ans. D
in a diagonal scale than in a vernier
Sol. The information needed to construct any
scale (except the scale of chords) is
II. In a diagonal scale, a horizontal
a. RF of the scale (= 1, > 1, < 1)
subdivision represents y cm. If there are
n vertical divisions, then LC of the scale b. Units of measurement (mm, cm, etc.)
is equal to y/n cm. c. Maximum distance to be represented
A. Only I B. Only II 28. If an area of Y2 is represented by an area of
C. Both D. None X2 on drawing, then the RF is equal to
Ans. C A. X/Y B. X2/Y2
Sol. Measurement of the distances is simpler in C. √X/√Y D. √X2/√Y2
a diagonal scale then in a vernier scale. Ans. D
Hence statement I is correct. size of an object
Sol. RF =
If in the diagonal scale, horizontal actual size
subdivision represents y cm. Then to get LC area of drawing
of the scale, it is divided into n equal parts =
actual area
so that LC = y/n cm. Hence is statement II
volume of drawing
is correct. = 3
actual volume
25. In a scale, 1 cm represents 1 m. Its RF is
A. 1/1000 B. 1/100 Here,
C. 1/10 D. 1/10000 Area of drawing = X2
Ans. B Actual area = Y2
Sol. Mathematically, X2
RF =
drawing size of an object Y2
RF =
its actual size 29. The scale used for angular measurement is
(in same units) A. plain scale
1 cm 1 B. vernier scale
RF = =
100 cm 100 C. diagonal scale
1 D. None of the above
RF =
100 Ans. D
40. Which of the following statements are 43. In the first-angle projection method, the
correct? view seen from the left is placed on
I. If a face is parallel to the direction of A. Left of FV B. Right of FV
viewing it is seen as edge view. C. Above FV D. Below FV
II. Sectional views are drawn to reveal Ans. B
internal details of an object. Sol. In 1st angle projection method, LSV is
III. A horizontal section plane will create a obtained on RPP which is on the right of FV.
sectional FV. 44. In the first-angle projection method, the
IV. A half-sectional view is obtained by direction of arrows on the cutting plane line
cutting a quarter part by two is
perpendicular cutting planes. A. away from the POP
A. I, II and III B. towards the POP
B. II, III and IV C. away from the base of the solid
D. towards the base of the solid
C. I, II and IV
Ans. B
D. All of the above
Sol. In 1st angle projection method, the direction
Ans. C
of arrows on the cutting plane line is
Sol. If face is parallel to the direction of viewing, towards the POP.
only the edge of the object can be seen. 45. Which of the following is a symbol of the
Hence, the name edge view. Hence first-angle method of projection?
statement I is correct.
To obtain the insight of internal details of an
object, sectional views are drawn. Hence A.
statement II is correct.
A horizontal section plane will create a line
in FV and/or SV. Hence statement III is B.
The sectional view obtained after removing
the front portion by means of two cutting
planes at right angles to each other is a hay C.
sectional view. Hence statement IV is
41. Which one of the following is not a principal
plane of projection? D.
A. HP B. VP Ans. A
C. PP D. Auxiliary plane Sol. The symbol of 1st angle method of projection
Ans. D is
Sol. In 3rd angle method of projection, LHSV is Sol. The isometric view of the sphere is seen
obtained on left hand side of FV. larger in site than the actual size of the
47. The TV of a rectangular shaped room will sphere and its is 11/9 times the actual
show diameter.
A. length and height 51. Perspective projections are mostly used in
B. length and width A. Architectual drawing
C. width and height B. advertising drawings
D. none of the above C. Artistic drawings
Ans. B D. All of the above
Sol. The TV of a rectangular shaped room will Ans. D
show both length and width of the object. Sol. Perspective projections are mostly used in
48. Which of the following relationships is true architectural and civil engineering drawings,
for the first-angle method of projection? advertisement campaigns etc. It is to note
A. Object – POP – observer that perspective views are not used in
B. Object – observer – POP manufacturing drawings.
C. POP – Observer – object 53. If SV of a point is seen on X1Y1, the point
D. Observer – object – POP lies on
Ans. D A. the HP
Sol. For 1st angle method of projection, the setup B. the VP
is C. the PP
Observer – object – POP D. Any one of the above
49. Which of the following sentence is wrong Ans. B
about three-point perspective? Sol. To obtain SV of a point on X|Y|, the point
A. All the three principal edges of the must lies on the VP.
object are inclined to the picture plane
B. There are three vanishing points
C. Vertical edges are seen parallel
D. Some of the dimensions represents the
true dimension.
Ans. A
Sol. If a principal face of an object is parallel to
the picture plane, the perspective projection
is called parallel perspective.
50. The real angle made by isometric axes with
each other is
A. 120o B. 90o 54. Which of the following statements are
C. 60 o D. 30o correct?
Ans. B I. If FV of a line is parallel to XY, its TV
gives TL.
Sol. Isometric axes at 90o apart.
II. PL of a line would be constant if angle ϕ
51. While drawing the isometric view of the
is constant.
sphere, its diameter is taken
III. HT of a line is seen on TV or extension
A. 11/9 times of the actual diameter
of TV.
B. 9/11 times of the actual diameter
A. I and II B. II and III
C. Equal to the actual diameter
C. I and III D. All of the above
D. None of the above
Ans. C
Ans. A
Sol. The projections can be drawn as follows : 57. If a line is parallel to both the RPs, then
Hence statement I is correct. which of the following statements is
A. TL = PL B. TL = EL
C. TL > EL D. α = β
Ans. C
Sol. If a line is parallel to both the reference
planes (RPS) then TL = PL = EL. Moreover
Plan length (PL) or TVLC (Top view length) since lines are parallel so α = β. Hence
is an apparent length of a line seen in TV. It option (c) is wrong.
varies with angle d. Hence statement II is 58. The projection of VT on XY, i.e., ν is seen on
false. A. TV or extension of FV
Horizontal trace is the point of interaction of B. FV or extension of FV
the line (or its extension) with the HP. Since C. either TV or FV
on HP, TV is obtained so HT of a line is seen D. None of the above
on TV or extension of TV. Hence statement Ans. A
III is true. Sol. The projection of VT on XY, i.e., ν is seen on
55. Which of the following statements are TV or extension of TV.
correct? 59. To obtain the point view of a line, the
I. If TV of a line is a point view, then the auxiliary plane is set
line is perpendicular to the VP. A. perpendicular to TL
II. The plane perpendicular to the VP and B. parallel to TL
inclined to the HP is called AVP.
C. inclined at angle ϕo to TL
III. The projection on an AVP is called the
D. inclined at an angle ϕo to TL
auxiliary FV.
Ans. A
A. I and II B. Only III
Sol. To obtain the point view of a line, the
C. II and III D. All of the above
auxiliary plane is set perpendicular to TL.
Ans. B
60. Which of the following statements are
Sol. If the TV of a line is a point view, then the correct?
line is parallel to the VP. Hence statement I
I. If a corner of a pentagonal plate is in the
is wrong.
VP, then its TV has one point on XY.
Plane perpendicular to VP and inclined to HP
II. If a plane is parallel to an RP, its
is called AIP (Auxiliary inclined plane).
projection on that RP shows the true
Hence statement II is wrong.
shape and size.
Auxiliary FV is obtained on AVP which is
III. The trace of a plane is a line.
inclined to VP and perpendicular to HP.
A. I and II B. II and III
Hence statement III is correct.
C. I and III D. All of the above
56. If a line is inclined to the HP and parallel to
Ans. D
the VP, it will have
Sol. The projection of a corner placed at VP will
A. Only HT
be seen as a point on the XY line. Hence
B. Only VT
statement I is correct.
C. both HT and VT
The true shape and site of an object is
D. neither HT nor VT
obtained in that RP to which it is parallel.
Ans. A Hence statement II is correct.
Sol. If a line is inclined to HP and parallel to the The trace of a plane is a line. Hence
VP, it will have only HT (horizontal trace). statement III is correct.
61. Which of the following statements are Sol. A hexahedron consists of six equal square
correct? faces.
I. If an edge view of a plane is projected 65. A pentagonal pyramid is resting on its
on the auxiliary plane parallel to the triangular face on the HP with its axis
edge view, then the auxiliary view parallel to the VP. Which of the following
obtained gives the true shape of the sentences is correct?
plane. A. FV shows TL of axis
II. The obtain ϕp, a line is drawn parallel to B. SV of axis is perpendicular to XY.
an auxiliary plane in the final TV. C. TV of axis is parallel to XY.
A. Only I B. Only II D. All of the above
C. Both D. None Ans. D
Ans. A Sol. Since the axis is parallel to VP then
Sol. Since auxiliary plane is parallel to the edge FV shows TL of axis. Also TV of axis is
view, so the auxiliary view obtained gives parallel to XY and SV of axis is perpendicular
the true shape of the plane. Hence to XY.
statement I is correct. 66. A hexagonal prism has its axis inclined at
To obtain ϕp, a line is drawn parallel to XY 30o to the HP and 60o to the VP. Which of
line in the final TV. Hence statement II is the following sentences is correct?
false. A. The axis will be seen at 30o to XY in FV
62. If an edge of an oblique pentagonal plane is B. The axis will be seen at 60o to XY in FV
parallel to the HP and VP, then which of the C. The base will make 60o with the HP
following sentences is WRONG? D. The base will make 30o with the HP
A. FV will show TL of the edge Ans. C
B. TV will show TL of the edge Sol. For a hexagonal prism inclined at 30o to HP
C. FV will show TL of the plane and 60o to VP, its base will make 60o with
D. SV will show edge view the HP.
Ans. C 67. Which one of the following cannot be a
Sol. Since the plane is parallel to HP and VP, then section of a tetrahedron?
in either views TL will be seen as edge view A. Isosceles triangle
only and not complete plane. B. Equilateral triangle
63. A continuous straight line in FV of an object C. Trapezium
may represent D. Pentagon
A. An edge of the object Ans. D
B. A face of the object Sol. A tetrahedron is a closed solid by four
C. Either an edge or a face of the object triangle. Hence its section can not be a
D. A corner on the object pentagon.
Ans. C 68. To obtain the true shape of the section of a
Sol. A continuous straight line in FV of an object solid, an auxiliary plane is set
may represent either an edge or a face of A. Inclined at an angle of 45o to a cutting
the object. plane
64. A hexahedron consists of B. Perpendicular to a cutting plane
A. Four equal square faces C. Parallel to cutting plane
B. Six equal square faces D. Parallel to XY
C. Four equal triangular faces Ans. C
D. Six equal triangular faces Sol. To obtain true shape, the auxiliary plane is
Ans. B set parallel to the cutting plane.
69. If the cutting plane includes the axis of a 73. The included angle, θ of the sector
cylinder, the section obtained is a development of a cone of base radius r
A. Rectangle and slant height R is given by,
B. Circle A. θo = 360(R / r)
C. Ellipse B. θo = 360(r / R)
D. Any of the above C. θo = 180o(R / r)
Ans. A D. θo = 180o(r / R)
Sol. If the position of the cutting plane is Ans. B
parallel to the axis then the true shape of r
Sol. The relation is given by = 360o
section is rectangular. R
70. Whenever a prism and a pyramid
74. If a thread is wound around a cone,
intersect, the curve seen at their
starting from a point on the base, and
intersection is a
brought back to the same point, then the
A. Smooth curve shortest possible length of the thread is
B. Segmented-line curve equal to the
C. Either smooth curve or segmented- A. Slant height of the cone
line curve B. Diameter of the base of the cone
D. None of the above C. Longest chord of the development
Ans. A sector
Sol. The intersection of a prism and pyramid D. Length of a perpendicular from a
gives segmented line curve. corner of the development sector to
71. Which of the following sentence is wrong? the opposite edge
A. A hidden edge may emerge from the Ans. C
intersection of two visible edges. Sol. The shortest possible length of the thread
B. A hidden edge may emerge from the will be the longest chord of the
intersection of two hidden edges. development sector.
C. A visible edge may emerge from the 75. The development of a curved surface of a
intersection of two visible edges. cylinder will be a
D. A visible edge may emerge from the A. Rectangle B. Sector
intersection of two hidden edges. C. Triangle D. Circle
Ans. D Ans. A
Sol. A visible dge can not emerge from the Sol. The development of a curved surface of a
intersection of two hidden edges. cylinder will be a rectangle.
72. The theory of development is used in 76. The development of all the surface of a
manufacturing of cube will be
A. Plastic moulded parts A. 4 squares B. 5 squares
B. Cast iron parts C. 6 squares D. 8 squares
C. Sheet metal parts Ans. C
D. Electronic components Ans. The development of all the surface of a
Ans. C cube will be 6 squares.
Sol. The theory of development is used in
manufacturing of sheet metal parts.