Request For Quote
Request For Quote
Request For Quote
<<Customer Name>>
RFQ Title: <<insert>>
Reference No: <<insert>> Date of Issue: <<insert>>
Document history
This is the Queensland Government Request for Quote (RFQ) for the
procurement of low risk goods and services.
Separate from this document are Guidance Notes (available on GovNet) to help the Customer complete this
document. Where there is a guidance note to help you, it is indicated by [see Guidance Note #].
The Customer needs to fill out all yellow highlighted sections with details of the Customer’s requirements. The
Customer is to delete all highlighting and guidance notes before issuing the Request for Quote.
Section 3 is to be completed by the Supplier. Instructions to Suppliers are included in italics.
Privacy Notice: The Customer is collecting Personal Information from the Supplier for the purpose of administering the Invitation
Process and Contract. Personal Information may be shared with Queensland Government agencies and bodies, non-government
organisations and other governments in Australia for that purpose. Personal Information may be made publicly available in
accordance with the requirements of the Queensland Government’s procurement policy. An individual is able to gain access to
Personal Information held by the Customer about the individual in certain circumstances.
Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>
Table of Contents
Section 3 – Option 1 Supplier response (where new General Contract Conditions and
Contract Details documents are used) ....................................................................................... 7
Section 1 – Requirements
Key deliverables and/or <Customer to describe the deliverables and any key milestones / due
milestones dates, or insert “See Contract Details attached.” and include this
information in the Contract Details document instead.>
Delivery address of <Customer to insert address details or “See Contract Details attached”
Goods and/or Services and include this information in the Contract Details document instead.>
Contract terms and See section 2 below for details of the Contract that applies if the Customer
conditions proceeds with the Supplier’s quote.
How to lodge a quote Quotes are to be submitted by <insert how quotes are to be submitted
e.g. post/courier, email, fax (include how many copies required)> , by
the closing date and time.
Closing date and time <xx:xx am/pm EST on <day of week> <dd/mm/yyyy>
Offer validity period <Customer to insert number of days quote must remain valid>
Contact officer All enquiries regarding this RFQ should be directed to:
Name: <insert>
Position: <insert>
Phone: <insert> Email <insert>
Complaints If at any time during the Invitation Process a Supplier considers that it
has been unreasonably or unfairly treated and it has not been able to
resolve the issue with the Customer contact person, the Supplier may
request for the issue to be dealt with in accordance with the Customer’s
complaint management process and directed to:
Name: <insert>
Position: <insert>
Email: <insert>
<Customers should select the heading and paragraphs that are appropriate for this RFQ, depending
on which contract they are selecting. Customers may select one of the three (3) options below:>
Any contract departures or special conditions that apply to the Contract are specified in the Contract
Details (attached). [see Guidance Note #6]
<<Customer to insert any special conditions it wants to include in the contract, or any amendments
to the standard conditions.
Phone number: Email:
Quote details and Examples:
specifications Please refer to attached proposal / CV (contractors/services)
Description of good/services
Details of supplier’s ability to meet Requirements
Response to specification/requirements and Key Performance
Deviation from the <insert>
(if applicable)
Additional information The Supplier must include this information as part of its response:
<If the customer requires any additional information from the Supplier,
then insert details here (e.g. provide CV’s, safety/risk management
<Supplier to insert/attach additional information requested above>
Warranty details If a warranty period applies to the goods/services then the Supplier
(if applicable) must insert details of the warranty offered here (e.g. warranty period
and warranty conditions)
<Supplier to insert warranty details if applicable>
Departures from the Clause Supplier’s proposed changes to the Contract:
Contract Number
(not applicable if Basic
Purchasing Conditions
are used)
Pricing information
Price [see Guidance Note #8] <insert>
Schedule of rates <insert>
(if applicable)
Payment milestones If payment milestones are applicable then insert details below:
(if applicable) <Supplier to insert>
Insurance details For any insurance policies specified in Section 1 (other than
Workers’ Compensation insurance), provide the following details:
Type of policy:
Expiry date:
Insured amount:
Conflict of interest Suppliers must give details of any possible Conflict of interest that exists
or may arise in relation to the making and/or acceptance of their quote.
If there is nothing to declare, please insert “None”.
9. Supplier Confidential
The customer will keep confidential all
Confidential Information of the Supplier which it
obtains as part of the Invitation Process.
The customer may use Supplier Confidential
Information for the purposes of the Invitation
The customer may disclose Supplier Confidential
(a) to its personnel for the purposes of the
Invitation Process;
(b) as required under the Right to Information
(c) as required by Law;
(d) to a Minister, their advisors or Parliament;
(e) to its professional advisors.
The customer may publish information about the
Invitation Process and any resulting Contract on
the Queensland Contracts Directory, where
required or recommended by Queensland
Government Procurement Policy.