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Request For Quote

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Request for quote (RFQ)

<<Customer Name>>
RFQ Title: <<insert>>
Reference No: <<insert>> Date of Issue: <<insert>>
Document history

Version Date Status Key changes Author/s Reviewer/s



This is the Queensland Government Request for Quote (RFQ) for the
procurement of low risk goods and services.
Separate from this document are Guidance Notes (available on GovNet) to help the Customer complete this
document. Where there is a guidance note to help you, it is indicated by [see Guidance Note #].

The Customer needs to fill out all yellow highlighted sections with details of the Customer’s requirements. The
Customer is to delete all highlighting and guidance notes before issuing the Request for Quote.
Section 3 is to be completed by the Supplier. Instructions to Suppliers are included in italics.

Privacy Notice: The Customer is collecting Personal Information from the Supplier for the purpose of administering the Invitation
Process and Contract. Personal Information may be shared with Queensland Government agencies and bodies, non-government
organisations and other governments in Australia for that purpose. Personal Information may be made publicly available in
accordance with the requirements of the Queensland Government’s procurement policy. An individual is able to gain access to
Personal Information held by the Customer about the individual in certain circumstances.
Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>

Table of Contents

Section 1 – Requirements ............................................................................................................ 4

Section 2 – Terms and conditions of the Contract ................................................................... 6

Section 3 – Option 1 Supplier response (where new General Contract Conditions and
Contract Details documents are used) ....................................................................................... 7

Schedule A – RFQ Conditions ................................................................................................... 10

Version 2 September 2016 3

Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>

Section 1 – Requirements

Goods and/or services requirement [see Guidance Note #1]

Description of goods <Describe goods and services that are the subject of this RFQ>
and/or services

Specifications and/or <Customer to describe specifications/scope of work, attach separately,

scope of works or insert “See Contract Details attached.” and include this information
[see Guidance Note #2]
in the Contract Details document instead.>

Key deliverables and/or <Customer to describe the deliverables and any key milestones / due
milestones dates, or insert “See Contract Details attached.” and include this
information in the Contract Details document instead.>

Delivery address of <Customer to insert address details or “See Contract Details attached”
Goods and/or Services and include this information in the Contract Details document instead.>

Delivery period <Customer to insert date(s) for delivery of goods/services or “See

Contract Details attached” and include this information in the Contract
Details document instead.>
<Customer to insert text below or “See Contract Details attached”>
(a) Workers’ Compensation Insurance in accordance with the
Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (Qld);
[see Guidance Note #3]
(b) Public Liability insurance for a minimum of $10 million in
respect of each claim
(c) <insert any other insurances>

Important information about submitting a quote:

RFQ Conditions This Request for Quote (RFQ) process will be governed by the RFQ
Conditions contained in Schedule A.

Contract terms and See section 2 below for details of the Contract that applies if the Customer
conditions proceeds with the Supplier’s quote.

Evaluation criteria Quotes will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

[see Guidance Note #4]
<Customer to insert>

Providing a quote Suppliers must complete Section 3 – Supplier Response.

If submitting an alternative offer, Suppliers must explain how the
alternative better meets the Customer’s objectives.

How to lodge a quote Quotes are to be submitted by <insert how quotes are to be submitted
e.g. post/courier, email, fax (include how many copies required)> , by
the closing date and time.

Version 2 September 2016 4

Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>

Closing date and time <xx:xx am/pm EST on <day of week> <dd/mm/yyyy>

Offer validity period <Customer to insert number of days quote must remain valid>

Contact officer All enquiries regarding this RFQ should be directed to:
Name: <insert>
Position: <insert>
Phone: <insert> Email <insert>
Complaints If at any time during the Invitation Process a Supplier considers that it
has been unreasonably or unfairly treated and it has not been able to
resolve the issue with the Customer contact person, the Supplier may
request for the issue to be dealt with in accordance with the Customer’s
complaint management process and directed to:
Name: <insert>
Position: <insert>
Email: <insert>

Version 2 September 2016 5

Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>

Section 2 – Terms and conditions of the Contract

[see Guidance Note #5]

<Customers should select the heading and paragraphs that are appropriate for this RFQ, depending
on which contract they are selecting. Customers may select one of the three (3) options below:>

<Option 1> Basic Purchasing Conditions

Any contract arising from this RFQ process will be governed by the Basic Purchasing Conditions
available at < the Department. of Housing and Public Works website> or attach as Annexure B. The
definitions and rules of interpretation applicable to the Contract are available <on the Department.
of Housing and Public Works website or attach as Annexure C.> [see Guidance Note #6]

<Option 2> General Contract Conditions or Comprehensive Contract

Conditions <delete whichever does not apply>
Any contract arising from this RFQ process will be governed by the Contract Details (attached) and
General Contract Conditions/Comprehensive Contract Conditions available <on the
Department. of Housing and Public Works website > or attach as Annexure B. The definitions and
rules of interpretation applicable to the Contract are available < on the Department. of Housing and
Public Works website or attach as Annexure C.>

Any contract departures or special conditions that apply to the Contract are specified in the Contract
Details (attached). [see Guidance Note #6]

<Option 3> Contract (specific)

Any contract arising from this RFQ process will be governed by the contract available at < the
Department. of Housing and Public Works website> or attach as Annexure B.

Special Conditions [see Guidance Note #6]

<<Customer to insert any special conditions it wants to include in the contract, or any amendments
to the standard conditions.

Version 2 September 2016 6

Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>

Section 3 – <Option 1> Supplier response (where new

General Contract Conditions and Contract Details documents
are used) [see Guidance Note 7]
<If the Contract being used is the new General Contract Conditions (which replaces the previous
‘short form’ conditions of contract) or Comprehensive Contract Conditions, then attach a copy of
the Contract Details and ask the supplier to complete and submit it as part of its response. For
“Suppliers must complete and sign the attached Contract Details as part of its response to this
Conflict of interest
Suppliers must give details of any possible Conflict of Interest that exists or may arise in relation to
the Invitation Process, or performance of the Contract (if the Supplier is successful). If there is
nothing to declare, please insert “None”.

<Insert Supplier response>

Authorisation and execution by Supplier

As the authorised officer named below, I certify that:
(a) I am authorised to submit the Supplier’s response as the Supplier’s representative.
(b) The Supplier understands and has complied with the Requirements of the Request for Quote.
(c) The enclosed Response is complete, accurate and not misleading in any way.

<Customer can then delete the rest of this section 3.>

Section 3 – <Option 2> Supplier response

<If either the Basic Purchasing Conditions (or some other contract) is being used as the contract,
then insert the following>
(Supplier to complete and sign Section 3 and return all sections)
Supplier response to Request for Quote
Supplier name <insert>
ACN/ABN <insert>
Address <insert>
Postal Address <insert>
(if different from above)
Contact Person Name:

Version 2 September 2016 7

Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>

Phone number: Email:
Quote details and Examples:
specifications  Please refer to attached proposal / CV (contractors/services)
 Description of good/services
 Details of supplier’s ability to meet Requirements
 Response to specification/requirements and Key Performance
Deviation from the <insert>
(if applicable)
Additional information The Supplier must include this information as part of its response:
<If the customer requires any additional information from the Supplier,
then insert details here (e.g. provide CV’s, safety/risk management
<Supplier to insert/attach additional information requested above>
Warranty details If a warranty period applies to the goods/services then the Supplier
(if applicable) must insert details of the warranty offered here (e.g. warranty period
and warranty conditions)
<Supplier to insert warranty details if applicable>
Departures from the Clause Supplier’s proposed changes to the Contract:
Contract Number
(not applicable if Basic
Purchasing Conditions
are used)

Pricing information
Price [see Guidance Note #8] <insert>
Schedule of rates <insert>
(if applicable)
Payment milestones If payment milestones are applicable then insert details below:
(if applicable) <Supplier to insert>
Insurance details For any insurance policies specified in Section 1 (other than
Workers’ Compensation insurance), provide the following details:

Type of policy:
Expiry date:
Insured amount:

Version 2 September 2016 8

Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>

Conflict of interest Suppliers must give details of any possible Conflict of interest that exists
or may arise in relation to the making and/or acceptance of their quote.
If there is nothing to declare, please insert “None”.

Authorisation and As the authorised officer named below, I certify that:

execution by Supplier (a) I am authorised to submit the Supplier’s response as the Supplier’s
(b) The Supplier understands and has complied with the Requirements of
the Request for Quote.
(c) The Supplier’s response is complete, accurate and not misleading in
any way.

Version 2 September 2016 9

Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>– – Insert Division

Schedule A – RFQ Conditions

(k) change the terms and conditions applicable to
the Invitation Process, including terms of the
1. Interpretation proposed Contract; or
These Request for Quote (RFQ) Conditions may (l) cancel the Invitation Process.
be used where a Customer is seeking quotes to The Supplier will not make any claim in
enter into a Contract. connection with a decision by the Customer to
exercise or not to exercise any of its rights in
2. Invitation Process relation to the Invitation Process.

2.1. Supplier acceptance 3. Alternative offers

By submitting a quote, the Supplier:
(a) accepts these Request for Quote Conditions. The Queensland Government procurement policy
promotes an outcome focussed approach,
(b) offers to enter into a Contract with the seeking opportunities to innovate and improve
Customer to provide the Goods, Services and value for money. Suppliers are encouraged to
Deliverables, submit alternative offers and innovative offers
and the Customer may accept the quote during where they believe that the alternative will
the Offer Validity Period. promote the Customer’s objectives.
2.2. Customer discretion
The Customer may make any changes to the 4. No reliance on information
Invitation Process in its absolute discretion, by
notifying the Supplier including by publication on The Supplier is responsible for making its own
the Queensland Government QTenders website. investigation and assessment about all matters
Without limitation, the Customer may: relevant to the Request for Quote, the
Requirements, the accuracy of all information and
(a) add or change Requirements;
documents provided by or on behalf of the
(b) amend dates including extend the Closing Customer, and all other matters relevant to the
date and time; Supplier’s quote.
(c) consider or reject a quote received after the
Closing date and time;
5. Supplier cost
(d) accept non-Conforming Offers, alternative or
innovative offers, quotes in part, or multiple Participation in the Invitation Process is at the
quotes; Supplier’s cost. The Customer is not required to
(e) reject any or all quotes; pay compensation to the Supplier in relation to the
(f) amend the evaluation criteria stipulated in the Invitation Process in any circumstances, for any
Request for Quote;
(g) exercise discretion in evaluating any
subjective evaluation criteria; 6. Subject to contract
(h) negotiate with one or more Suppliers and
No contract will be formed between the Customer
allow any Supplier to vary its quote;
and the Supplier unless and until the Customer
(i) interview, negotiate or hold discussions with accepts the Supplier’s quote in writing or both
any Supplier or prospective Supplier on any parties sign a contract document.
matter contained (or proposed to be
contained) in a quote to the exclusion of
others; 7. Compliance
(j) request some or all Suppliers to conduct site
The Supplier must:
visits, provide references and additional
information, and/or make themselves (a) (communication) direct all enquiries relating
available for panel interviews; to the Request for Quote to the Customer’s

Version 3 September 2018 10

Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>– – Insert Division

nominated contact person, and not discuss 8.1. Anti-competitive conduct

the Request for Quote with any other person The Supplier warrants that neither it, nor its
except as required to prepare its quote. Personnel have engaged in any collusive, anti-
(b) (accuracy) ensure that all information competitive or similar conduct in connection with
provided as part of its quote is complete, the Invitation Process or any actual or potential
accurate, current, and not misleading. contract with any entity for goods and services
(c) (Laws) comply with all Laws. similar to the Goods and Services.
(d) (confidentiality) keep confidential all 8.2. Conflict of Interest
Confidential Information which it obtains as The Supplier warrants that it and its Personnel do
part of the Invitation Process, not use it except
not hold any office or possess any property, are
for the purpose of responding to the Request not engaged in any business or activity and do not
for Quote, and not disclose it except to its
have any obligations whereby a Conflict of
Personnel on a need to know basis for the Interest is created, or may appear to be created,
purpose of responding to the Request for
in conflict with its obligations under these RFQ
Quote, or with the Customer’s consent, or to
Conditions or the proposed Contract, except as
the extent required by Law, or to its disclosed in the Supplier’s quote.
professional advisors.
The Supplier warrants that it will not, and it will
(e) (privacy) if it collects or has access to any
ensure that its personnel do not, place themselves
Personal Information in connection with the
in a position that may give rise to a Conflict of
Invitation Process, comply as if it was the
Interest between the interest of the Customer and
Customer with the privacy principles in the
the Supplier’s interests during the Invitation
Information Privacy Act or the Australian
Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act, as
applicable, in relation to that Personal The Supplier warrants that it will immediately
Information and comply with all reasonable notify the Customer if any Conflict of Interest
directions of the Customer relating to the arises after lodgement of the Supplier’s quote.
Personal Information; 8.3. Criminal organisation
(f) (no publicity) not make any public The Supplier warrants that neither it or its
announcements or advertisement relating to Personnel:
the Invitation Process.
(a) have been convicted of an offence under the
(g) (competitive neutrality) if the Supplier is a Criminal Code where one of the elements of
government owned business, local the offence is that the person is a participant
government, or Commonwealth, State or in a criminal organisation within the meaning
Territory or authority, price its quote to comply of section 60A(3) of the Criminal Code; or
with the competitive neutrality principles of the
(b) are subject to an order under, or have been
Supplier’s jurisdiction.
convicted of an offence under the Criminal
(h) (personnel) ensure that its personnel also Organisation Act 2009 (Qld).
comply with these requirements.
8.4. Warranties are ongoing
(i) (accuracy of information) ensure that all
representations, warranties, declarations, The warranties in this section are provided as at
statements, information and documents the date of the Supplier’s response to the Request
(“information”) made or provided by the for Quote and on an ongoing basis until the later
Supplier in connection with the Invitation of the Customer notifying the Supplier that its
Process are complete, accurate, up-to-date quote has been rejected and expiry or termination
and not misleading in any way. The Supplier of any Contract entered pursuant to the Invitation
must immediately tell the Customer if any Process (“relevant period”).
information is or becomes incomplete, The Supplier warrants that it will immediately
inaccurate, out-of-date or misleading in any notify the Customer if it becomes aware that any
way. warranty made in this section was inaccurate,
incomplete, out-of-date or misleading in any way
8. Anti-competitive conduct, when made, or becomes inaccurate, incomplete,
out-of-date or misleading in any way, during the
conflict of interest and relevant period.
criminal organisations
Version 3 September 2018 11
Request for Quote <<Customer Name>> <<RFQ title and reference no.>>– – Insert Division

8.5. Breach of warranty

In addition to any other remedies available to it
under Law or contract, the Customer may, in its
absolute discretion (but is not required to),
immediately disqualify a Supplier that it believes
has breached any warranty in this clause.

9. Supplier Confidential
The customer will keep confidential all
Confidential Information of the Supplier which it
obtains as part of the Invitation Process.
The customer may use Supplier Confidential
Information for the purposes of the Invitation
The customer may disclose Supplier Confidential
(a) to its personnel for the purposes of the
Invitation Process;
(b) as required under the Right to Information
(c) as required by Law;
(d) to a Minister, their advisors or Parliament;
(e) to its professional advisors.
The customer may publish information about the
Invitation Process and any resulting Contract on
the Queensland Contracts Directory, where
required or recommended by Queensland
Government Procurement Policy.

Version 3 September 2018 12

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