Pipelines Design Philosophy
Pipelines Design Philosophy
Pipelines Design Philosophy
All revisions for review will be issued at R01, with subsequent R02, R03, etc as required.
All revisions approved for issue or design will be issued at A01, with subsequent A02, A03, etc as
Documents approved for Construction will be issued at C01, C02 , and C03 respectively.
Documents or drawings revised as ―As built‖ will be issued as Z01, Z02 Z03 etc.
Narrative sections revised from previous approved issues are to be noted in the table below and/or
highlighted in the RH margin (using the appropriate revision status) thus: | A02
Drawings/diagrams revised from previous approved issues are highlighted by 'clouding' the affected
areas and by the use of a triangle containing the revision status.
Pipeline – General A system of pipes and other components used to transport
hydrocarbon between plants. A pipeline includes pig traps and
extends from pig trap to pig trap, or, if no pig trap is fitted, to the first
isolation valve within the plant.
Principal Party (Usually SPDC), that initiates the project and ultimately pays
for its design and construction. The Principal will generally specify
the technical requirements. The Principal may also include an agent
or consultant authorised to act for and on behalf of, the Principal.
Contractor Party, which carries out all or part of the detail design. The Principal
may undertake all or part of the duties of the Contractor.
AG Associated Gas
API American Petroleum Institute
API RP American Petroleum Institute – Recommended Practice
ASNT American Society for Non-Destructive Testing
ASTM American Society for Testing of Materials
BDEP Basic Design and Engineering Package
BfD SSAGS Project Basis for Design, SSG-TPD-GEN-AA-7704-00001
BP Business Plan
CAPEX Capital Expenditure
CCP Central Compressor Plant
CP Cathodic Protection
DEP Shell Standard for Design and Engineering Practice
DPR Department of Petroleum Resources
D/t Diameter to thickness ratio
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
ELPS Escravos-Lagos Pipeline System
ESD Emergency Shutdown
FBE Fusion Bonded Epoxy
FYIP Forcados Yokri Integrated Project
1.2 Background
The Southern Swamp area comprises fields within Oil Mining License (OML) 35 and OML 46
in the coastal swamp area, sixty-five kilometer (65km) South of Warri. There are ten (10) fully
appraised, Ten (10) partially appraised and four (4) un-appraised fields within the node, with
expectation oil ‗Ultimate Recovery‘ (UR) of 1,636 million stock tank barrel (MMstb) and 2,138
billion standard cubic feet (Bscf) of Associated Gas (AG) (‗Gas Initially In Place‘ - GIIP UR of
4 Tcf, 53% Recovery Factor (RF)) out of which 792 MMstb and 444 Bscf has been produced
by end 2010. All existing production in the area is gathered into four flow stations at Tunu,
Ogbotobo, Benisede and Opukushi. The produced oil is evacuated via Trans Ramos pipeline
to Forcados Terminal whilst the associated gas is currently flared.
The project to end routine flaring and re-develop the fields in the southern swamp catchment
area started in 1999 as Southern Swamp Integrated Oil and Gas Project (SIOGP). This
project stalled at the Define phase in 2006 due to among other things funding challenges. In
2009 the project was re-invigorated as an AG solution project with provision for mini
development. The latest project concept now called Southern Swamp AG Solutions (SSAGS)
primarily aimed at providing AG solutions to cover ‗No further Activity‘ (NFA) production (141
million barrel (MMbbl) + 98 Bscf AG) while maximising use of existing flowstation assets in
order to reduce Capex. It also includes a reduced well scope of 21 oil wells and 2 NAG wells
to develop additional 125 MMbbl new oil and 347 Bscf of gas (AG+NAG). NAG development
is to support the sustenance of circa 100MMScf/d gas supply to the domestic market for at
least 10 years. This development will also provide anchor infrastructure to support future
development of significant discovered and undiscovered potentials within the node (presently
about 820 MMboe).
Gas will be exported to Escravos Lagos Pipeline System (ELPS) via the existing 24‖ Offshore
Gas Gathering System (OGGS) line from EA Riser Platform (RP-A) to Forcados Yokri
(reverse flow) and the existing 16‖line from Forcados Yokri Integrated Project (FYIP) central
processing facility (CPF) to Odidi. A new pipeline will be installed from Tunu to EA RP-A. In
order to allow gas from Southern Swamp to reverse flow through OGGS to FYIP.
Ogbotobo Benisede
ELPS 10 MMscf /d 20 MMscf /d
FYIP Phase 1 & 2 Facility AG AG Opukushi
CCP 30 MMscf /d
230 MMscf/d
The co-ordinate system shall be based on the Nigerian Transverse Mercator Projection Mid-
Belt (Minna Datum).
Design, fabrication and installation work will be governed by the following regulations, codes
and standards.
2.2 Regulations
Local laws regulating the oil and gas industry shall be strictly adhered to. Guidance on the
statutory requirements for pipelines design, construction and operation should be obtained
from the following documents:
Regulation Function
Petroleum Act, CAP P10, Laws of This is the principal statute regulating the oil industry.
the Federation of Nigeria, LFN The following regulations relevant to this project are
2004, as amended issued pursuant to the Act.
Mineral Oil (Safety) Regulations These regulations, in so far as they apply to pipelines,
1963, as amended. require compliance with the IP, API and ASME codes
and standards.
Oil Pipelines Act, 1956. CAP. 145 Provides for licenses to be granted for the
(Amended 1965, CAP. 338, LFN establishment and maintenance of pipelines incidental
1990) and supplementary to oilfields and oil mining, and for
purposes ancillary to such pipelines.
Oil and Gas Pipelines Regulations, Detailed regulations for the design, construction and
1995 maintenance of oil and gas pipelines
Environmental Impact Assessment Makes the conduct of an EIA mandatory prior to the
Act, CAP E12, LFN 2004. development of any project or activity likely to have a
significant effect on the environment
Federal Environment Protection Provides for the protection of the environment and
Agency Act, CAP F13, LFN 2004. sustainable development of Nigeria‘s natural
Environmental Guidelines and Document is issued by the DPR and provides
Standards For The Petroleum guidelines on pollution abatement and relevant
Industry In Nigeria, 1991. legislation.
The primary pipeline design code prescribed by the Nigerian national Standard is:
In addition to the codes above, the current Shell DEP prescribes the following design code:
a) ISO 13623 Petroleum and natural gas Industries – Pipeline Transportation Systems
Since the Nigerian design code mandates the use of ASME B31.8, the use of ISO
13623 shall be by exception only.
Identification of optimum AG pipeline route between the Flowstations and Tunu CPF.
Identification of optimum route for the NAG flowlines between the wells and CPF.
Design and installation of the following AG pipelines:
o 12‖ x 16km pipeline from the Benisede flowstation to the Tunu CPF.
o 12‖ x 24km pipeline from the Opukushi flowstation to the Tunu CPF
o 8‖ x 16km pipeline from the Ogbotobo flowstation to the Tunu CPF
Design and installation of two 10‖ x 150m NAG flowlines, to transport:
o 100 MMscfd of gas from the Dodo North well 1 and
o 60 MMscfd of gas from the Dodo North well 2 to a new NAG Bulkline M/F
Design and installation of a 10‖ x 10km NAG Pipeline, to transport Dodo North well 1
and 2 well fluid from new NAG Bulkline M/F to Tunu CPF.
Design and installation of a 16‖ x 32km gas export pipeline, to ship a maximum of 160
MMscfd of gas, from the Tunu CPF to the EA RP-A riser platform and onwards via
existing facilities to the ELPS manifold at Odidi.
Provision of pig launching / receiving facilities at either end of the AG / NAG lines.
The scope of the SSAGS Pipeline project shall be as stated under ―Definitions and
Abbreviations‖ and figure 5A in the DEP for Pipeline Pig Trap Systems (Ref 3).
Utilities and services for any pipeline shall be provided at the facility to which the line is tied. A
16‖ diameter riser is installed at the EA RP-A. An hydraulic analysis shall be conducted to
confirm the adequacy of the line size and it‘s integrity confirmed prior to BDEP completion.
Documents and drawings addressing all pipeline interfaces at the above locations shall be
developed during the BDEP, Detail Design, Construction and Commissioning of the pipelines.
A Routing Study should be carried out to confirm the adequacy of the selected routes.
In executing the study, it should be noted that the lines should be routed along existing SPDC
RoW and within common RoW‘s in order to minimise land take with consideration for
acquisition of additional strips where existing corridor is insufficient. Temporary acquisition
may be required for laydown and pipelay activities.
The optimal route should impose minimal impact on the environment. Route selection will be
subjected to the statutory requirement for ESHIA. Considerations to improve access and re-
routing to avoid areas where there may be difficulties with the pipeline construction shall be
made during the detail design phase. The following points should be considered:
Rivers and ravines should be crossed at right angles and in a straight run of the river
away from caving banks, if possible. A safe distance of at least 60m shall be
maintained between new and existing crossing(s) to avoid damage to existing
pipelines during construction activities.
Areas with potential for communities to expand beyond the current limits should be
detailed, while areas with a high potential for community encroachment should be
avoided. However, where pipelines must traverse these areas design factors shall be
applied as advised by the project QRA or other major risk assessment.
Pipeline building proximity distances and design factors shall be in line with section of the DEP for Pipeline Engineering (Ref 7).
Pipelines should not be routed parallel and adjacent to power lines where reasonable
alternatives are available.
Land ownership may require the re-routing of the pipeline.
The pipeline end points and preliminary route should be finalised using a combination of
satellite imagery, state maps, field reconnaissance, aerial photography and helicopter overfly.
After preliminary determination of the route, an ownership search and preliminary survey
should be made to determine actual conditions along the route. Based on the survey and
related information, the route should be finalized and re-surveyed as required.
4.2 Permits
Environmental permits will be required for the new pipeline facilities. These permits shall
comply with the statutory Nigerian regulations listed in section 2.1.
Land use permits shall be required where the pipelines crosses state lands, roads, rivers etc.
and the design/installation of the pipeline must be in compliance with the specific permit
requirements. Any conditions or special requirements should be indicated on the design
drawings, or in the contract documents.
The required statutory permits, PTS/OPL/EIA etc., shall be secured as part of project
Temporary RoW acquisition will be required to cater for equipment workspace, linepipe
laydown areas and excavated spoil management. These shall be acquired during the
acquisition of the mainline RoW and ownership will be relinquished on construction
Future NAG pipelines routed to the Tunu CPF must conform to the design limits specified
1. The expected pipeline inlet pressure for the AG lines is less than 15 barg with corresponding wall thicknesses
less than 1mm for any of the likely HSLA material. Consequently, the maximum design pressure for the AG
lines shall be dictated by section of DEP Pipeline Engineering, which requires the pipe wall
thickness be not less than 4.8mm.
2. Transient temperatures during start up and blowdown could be lower due to J-T effects. This should be taken
into consideration during material selection.
The result of a transient hydraulic analysis during the detail design phase shall be
incorporated into the start-up, shutdown and normal operations narratives of the Pipelines
Operations and Maintenance Manual.
Hydrodynamic slugs formed during normal operation in the slug flow regime due to
instability of the gas-liquid interface.
Terrain induced slugs due to liquid collection at low points in the pipelines.
Rate induced slugs due to change in flow rate.
Pig induced slugs due to liquids being swept out of the pipelines by pipeline pigs.
6.1.3 Pigging
All SSAGS pipelines shall be designed for sphere, foam, cup and intelligent pigs. The pigging
facilities shall be designed to handle standard inspection tools in line with DEP for Pipeline
Pig Trap Systems (Ref 3). The pig trap code breaks shall be as stated in figure 5A of
aforementioned DEP.
A suitable pigging philosophy should be developed during the BDEP phase.
6.12.1 General
The CP design and supply for the onshore section of the pipelines shall be in accordance with
section 27 of the SCS and DEP while the offshore section shall be in accordance
with DEP
6.12.5 Rectifiers
Transformer-rectifiers will be air-cooled units if located in an equipment/control room or oil
cooled units if located externally within flowstations / Tunu CPF. In the latter case, the
enclosures will be IP54 rated or better, and shall be rated for use in hazardous areas if
appropriate to their selected location.
6.15 Drains
All pig launchers and receivers should be integrated within the common open and closed
(except NAG) drain facilities. Open and closed drains should be routed so as to minimize
pockets and sloped down to the existing collection pits / tanks. All drain systems will be
atmospheric systems and so there will be no continuous or regular discharge of pressurized
hydrocarbons to drain systems. Vessels will be depressurized before draining to sumps.
The existing pig trap on the EA RP-A platform is connected to the platform drain system.
Liquids generated by pigging the export pipeline at Tunu will be allowed to flow directly into
the EA RP-A to North Bank CCP pipeline.
The constructability review will consider the pipeline material delivery schedule, QA inspection
access, construction access, roads, lay down areas, RoW width and construction spreads
required for installing the pipelines through the above area. Due to the critical nature of the
offshore section, vendor competency will be paramount in the contracting process.
The result of the constructability review shall be incorporated into the BDEP and detail
ISO Standards
Document Number Document Title
Petroleum and natural gas industries — Steel pipe for pipeline
ISO 3183 transportation systems
ISO 13623 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries – Pipeline transportation
ISO 15590-1 Induction Bends for Pipeline Transportations Systems