SBF CFSD Tucson19
SBF CFSD Tucson19
SBF CFSD Tucson19
Mountain View High School
3901 W Linda Vista Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85742
What will you do to help save someone’s life?
Every 2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer worldwide
Help us raise funds for cancer research in kids and young adults.
How to participate (options):
1. Be a Shavee. Go Bald (#1 buzz cut) with us at the event.
2. Donate your ponytail (need 8”). Not going bald.
Sign up:
Options 1 or 2 register as a Shavee and begin raising funds on your head.
Everyone come and support our honored kids/young adults battling
cancer. Cheer on those who are Going Bald or Donating their ponytails.
Our honored kids/young adults Gabe, Chase, Bryce, Hannah, Elizabeth and Zoie