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l12 Questionnaire

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Name of respondent__________________________________
Gender a) Male __________________ b) Female __________
Designation ________________________________________
Name of the Organisation _____________________________
Year of Establishment _____________________________ ___
1. Are you aware of CSR as a terminology?
(a) Yes (b) No
2. How clear to you is its true meaning?
(a) Very clear (b) Somewhat clear (c) Indifferent (d) Not clear (e) Not clear at all
3. Do you think that there is a relationship between profitability and CSR?
(a) Yes (b) No
4. Please rank the following drivers of CSR according to you. ("1" for the highest
rank and "7" for the lowest rank)

SI No. Drivers of Corporate Social Responsibility Rank

1 Increase in profits
2 Image Building
3 Vision and philosophy of the Company/Organisation
4 Legal Compliance
5 Rising International Standards
6 Increasing Awareness
7 Community Pressure

5. Please tick (whichever applicable) the strategy you have for CSR implementation
in your organisation/company:
(a) A separate Department (b) NCO (c) Line Dept (d) Foundation Trust
6. Does your company/organization have separate allocation of funds for CSR
(a) Yes (b) No

7. Has your company/organisation invested in any of the following areas as part of its
community investment initiatives?(Please tick whichever applicable)

SI.No. Community Investment Initiatives Yes No

1 Education
2 Helping the underprivileged
3 Local Heritage
4 Youth Development
5 Poverty Alleviation
6 Working for Disability
7 Conservation of Nature
8 Games and Sports
9 Promotion of Culture
10 Infrastructural support to local community
11 No community Investment Initiatives
12 Others, please give details below_

8. What type of resources do you provide? (Please tick)

(a) Money (b) In Kind (c) Volunteers (d) Loans (e) Others please
specify _________________

9. Has your organisation/company introduced any of the following programmes to

assist employees, their families or community members?(please tick)

(a) Health (Yes) (No)

(b) Education (Yes) (No)
(c) Training (Yes) (No)
(d) Counselling (Yes) (No)
(e) Preservation programmes (Yes) (No)
10. Does your Company/Organisation award for CSR activities?
(Yes) (No)
11. If yes, what is the percentage of the net profits?
(a) Not disclosed (b) Between 1% to 2% (c) Between 2% to 3% (d) More than 3%.
12. Does your Company/Organiiation evaluate CSR activities?
(a) Yes (b) No

13. To which stakeholders do your Organisation report CSR information?
SI.No. Stakeholder Yes No
1 Board of Directors
2 Employees
3 Customers
4 Suppliers
5 Government

14. Does your Company/Organisation raise awareness within the Co./Organisation in

relation to the above CSR issues through:
SI.No. Yes No
1 Training and Awareness Programmes
2 Internal Communication (e.g. Bulletins, Intranet etc.)
3 Management Briefings
4 Others(specify)

15. To encourage 'Employee Volunteers ig', kinds of incentives given by your

Co./Organisation are:

ITEMS Never Sometimes Always

Paid time-off
Monetary Incentives
Non-Monetary Incentives
Seminars, Workshops

16. To improve Employee welfare and Labour Relations, do your Co./Organisation

practice the following:

ITEMS Never Sometimes Always

Support System
Stable Labour Relations
Preserve Diversity policy
Prevent Discrimination
Friendly Office Layout

17. Does your Co./Organisation communicate the 'Policy' to the stakeholders?

STAKEHOLDERS Never Sometimes Always


18. Rate your opinion about the following items for adoption of CSR practices by
Companies/Organisations: (Please tick the statement of your agreement or
disagreement with the following statements by choosing the corresponding
assertions from strongly agree-5 to strongly disagrees)

Strongly Agree Indifferent Disag Strongly

ITEMS Disagree
Agree ree
Promote Corporate
Increase financial Efficiency
Competitive Market Advantage

Organisational Values, Culture,

Mission & Coals
Pressure from Stakeholders

19. Rate your opinion about the benefits of CSR to the following stakeholders of a
company/ an organisation (please tick):

Strongly Agree Indifferent Disagree Strongly

Agree Disagree
1. Build customer
2. Customer satisfaction
& Awareness
3. Quality product at an
affordable rate
4. Retention of employees
5. Support work-life
6. Motivate and improve
employees’ morale and
7. Corporate
encourage donorship
and volunteerism

8. Support social
9. Developing
employment and
10. Greater efficiency and
less waste
11. Avoid excessive
12. Attract green and ethical
13. Environmental friendly
products, services and
14. Compliance
regulations and
standards (ISO etc.)
15. Protection of natural

20. Do you prefer to buy product/services of the companies which practice CSR?
(a) Yes (b) No
21. Do you have the willingness to pay higher prices for products/services of
companies/organisations which practice CSR?
(a) Yes (b) No
If yes, please add any further comments on your opinion/suggestions about


Thank you for completing the survey


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