How To Read SDS
How To Read SDS
How To Read SDS
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are an important requirement of the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. SDS are essential documents that are
used to inform employees, students, and the general public about how materials can be safely handled, used, and stored. Since Flinn provides
chemicals only to schools, we have written Flinn SDS specifically for teachers and their students. Using clear and straightforward language, each
Flinn SDS provides all the relevant safety and hazard information in a consistent, useful, and easy-to-read two-page format. Flinn SDS follow
the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS). The 16 sections are divided into four major areas, each
designed to answer a specific question.
Hazard class: Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure; respiratory tract irritation (Category 3). May cause
D Eight pictograms exist in the GHS classifica- respiratory irritation (H335).
tion scheme to call attention to physical and health Hazard class: Specific target organ toxicity, single exposure; Narcotic effects (Category 3). May cause
hazards. See page 1238 for more information about drowsiness or dizziness (H336). Avoid breathing mist, vapors or spray (P261).
GHS pictograms.
Component Name CAS Number Formula Weight Concentration
E This section includes the formula, formula n-Butyl alcohol 71-36-3 CH3(CH2)2CH2OH 74.12
weight, concentration, and CAS#. The CAS# is E
the single identifying number for each specific
substance. CAS# should match the CAS# on the
bottle label. Synonym: 1-Butanol; n-Butanol
Call a POISON CENTER or physician if you feel unwell (P312). F
If inhaled: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing (P304+P340).
If in eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing
What should I do if a hazardous (P305+P351+P338).
situation occurs? If on skin (or hair): Immediately remove all contaminated clothing. Rinse skin with water (P303+P361+P353).
If swallowed: Rinse mouth. Call a POISON CENTER or physician if you feel unwell (P302+P301+P312).
Sections 4–6.
Class 1C flammable liquid. G NFPA CODE
F Seek medical attention. These first-aid Flash point: 37 oC Flammable limits: Lower: 1.4% Upper: 11.2% Autoignition Temperature: 343 oC H-2
When heated to decomposition, may emit toxic fumes. F-3 H
measures are only meant for immediate first aid In case of fire: Use triclass dry chemical fire extinguisher (P370+P378). R-0
and should always be followed up with profes-
sional medical care. The CAS# is the single
identifying number for each specific substance. SECTION 6 — ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES
CAS# should match the CAS# on the bottle label. Remove all ignition sources and ventilate area. Contain the spill with sand or other inert absorbent material and deposit in a sealed
bag or container. See Sections 8 and 13 for further information.
G This section is written for the firefighter. Flash © 2015 Flinn Scientific, Inc. All Rights Reserved. PAGE 1 OF 2
point (the lowest temperature at which enough
vapor is present to form an ignitable mixture with
air); upper and lower flammable limits; and the
auto ignition temperature (AIT) are common prop-
erties included in this section. H The NFPA code is a numerical code estab- I How to clean up a spill. Always remove
lished by the National Fire Protection Association. unprotected personnel from area and make sure
It rates the substance under fire conditions in four all students are safe. Contain the spill with sand
categories. Health, Flammability, Reactivity, or absorbent materials.
and unusual reactivity: 4 is a severe hazard, 0
is no hazard.
Each Flinn SDS follows the same format and the information is always found in the same location, making it a valuable resource in the event of
an emergency. With your first chemical order of the year, every teacher will receive a CD from Flinn Scientific containing all of our SDS. You
may also request another CD at any time. Flinn SDS are updated on a regular basis, guaranteeing the most up-to-date safety information possible.
Flinn sells a complete SDS Library in two versions, a hard copy version in two binders (Catalog No. AP7703, page 1206) or as part of the Flinn
Online Chemventory program. For a more detailed description of the Flinn Online Chemventory program, please refer to pages 1196–1197. For
our customers’ convenience, Flinn has also placed a free complete set of SDS on our website. Simply go to and click on the
Free SDS button—individual SDS are easy to find and copies may be printed from your computer.
How can I prevent hazardous situations
from occurring?
Safety Data Sheet n-Butyl Alcohol SDS #: 181.00
Revision Date: September 25, 2015
J Use the Flinn Suggested Chemical Storage
SECTION 7 — HANDLING AND STORAGE Pattern to prevent accidents and improve safety.
Flinn Suggested Chemical Storage Pattern: Organic #2. Store with alcohols, glycols, amines, and amides. Special storage and usage tips are also included.
Store in a dedicated flammables cabinet. If a flammables cabinet is not available, store in Flinn Saf-Stor can. J
Keep container tightly closed (P233). Keep cool (P235). Use only in a well-ventilated area or in a hood (P271).
K Wear personal protective equipment such as
SECTION 8 — EXPOSURE CONTROLS, PERSONAL PROTECTION goggles, gloves, and an apron. See page 1226–
Wear protective gloves, protective clothing and eye protection (P280). Wash thoroughly after handling (P264). Use ventilation to 1227 for an explanation of exposure guidelines.
keep airborne concentrations below exposure limits.
Exposure guidelines: PEL 100 ppm (OSHA) TLV 20 ppm (ACGIH) K
L Clear, concise, and useful physical and
SECTION 9 — PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES chemical properties help you learn more about
Clear colorless liquid. Wine-like odor. Boiling point: 117.7 C
the chemicals you use. The first part describes
Soluble: Water (20%). Miscible with alcohol and ether. Melting point: -89 C the material’s appearance. If it doesn’t look like
L Refractive index: 1.3988 this, STOP. Do not use it. It may be more or less
Specific gravity: 0.81
Avoid contact with aluminum, chromium trioxide, and oxidizing materials. M Describes the conditions or reactions to be
Substance may develop explosive hydroperoxides. M avoided. Also provides some indication about
Shelf life: Fair, substance may oxidize. See Section 7 for further information.
anticipated shelf life.
Acute effects: Absorbed through skin. Eye, skin, respiratory tract ORL-RAT LD50: 790 mg/kg N More detail on how the material may injure
irritation. Dizziness. CNS depression. IHL-RAT LC50: 8000 ppm/4H
Chronic effects: N.A. N SKN-RBT LD50: 3400 mg/kg O you. Acute (short exposure) and chronic (long-
Target organs: Eyes, skin, respiratory system, central nervous term) effects are listed along with their target
system. organs.
N.A. = Not available, not all health aspects of this substance have been fully investigated.
O Oral (ORL), inhalation (IHL), and skin
Data not yet available. P absorption (SKN) toxicity data on test animals is
SECTION 13 — DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS included. For more information on LD50, see pages
Please review all federal, state and local regulations that may apply before proceeding. 1228–1229.
Flinn Suggested Disposal Method #18b is one option. Q
Other useful information.
Shipping name: Butanols. Hazard class: 3, Flammable Liquid. UN number: UN1120. Sections 12–16.