Chapter 3: Classical Demand Theory: Frederic Vermeulen
Chapter 3: Classical Demand Theory: Frederic Vermeulen
Chapter 3: Classical Demand Theory: Frederic Vermeulen
Frederic Vermeulen
University of Leuven
Department of Economics
The preference relation % on X is rational if it possesses the following two
(i) Completeness: for all x, y 2 X , we have x % y or y % x.
(ii) Transitivity: for all x, y , z 2 X , if x % y and y % z, then x % z.
The preference relation % on X is monotone if x 2 X and y ' x implies
y # x. It is strongly monotone if y ( x and y 6= x implies that y # x.
The preference relation % on X is strictly convex if for every x 2 X , we
have that y % x, z % x, and y 6= z implies ay + (1 + a) z # x for all
a 2 (0, 1).
The assumptions made thus far are not su¢cient to guarantee the
existence of a utility function that represents some rational preference
A preference relation % can be represented by a utility function only if it is
Proof. We will show that if a utility function that represents % exists,
then % is complete and transitive.
(i) Completeness: Since u is a real-valued function on X , we have that for
any x, y 2 X either u (x ) ( u (y ) or u (y ) ( u (x ). Moreover, since u
represents %, this implies that either x % y or y % x. Hence, % is
(ii) Transitivity: Suppose x % y and y % z. Since u represents %, we have
u (x ) ( u (y ) and u (y ) ( u (z ) and, thus, u (x ) ( u (z ). Since u
represents %, we have x % z. So we have that x % y and y % z implies
x % z, which establishes transitivity."
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Preference and utility
The preference relation % is continuous if the following holds. For any
sequence of pairs f(x n , y n )gn•=1 with x n % y n for all Önite n, we have
x % y for x = limn !• x n and y = limn !• y n .
0 0
and y = limn !• y n = . We thus obtain y # x, which
0 1
does not satisfy the deÖnition of continuity.
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Preference and utility
Suppose that the (rational) preference relation % on X is continuous.
Then there is a continuous utility function u (x ) that represents %.
# utilityL function is (strictly)
$ quasiconcave if the set
y 2 R + : u (y ) ( u (x ) is (strictly) convex for all x. Or, equivalently, if
u (ax + (1 + a) y ) ( (>) min fu (x ) , u (y )g for all x, y and a 2 [0, 1]
(x 6= y and a 2 (0, 1)).
quasiconcavity: every set of points inside the contour line of a function is convex
max u (x )
x (0
subject to p 3 x , w .
If u (.) is continuous, then the UMP has a solution.
# $
Proof. The Walrasian budget set Bp,w = x 2 RL+ : p 3 x , w is a
compact set because it is both bounded (for any `, we have x` , w /p` for
all x 2 Bp,w ) and closed. A continuous function always has a maximum
value on any compact set."
Two important objects are implied by the UMP: the set of optimal
commodity bundles (the maximizers / solution set of the UMP) and
the consumerís maximal utility value (the value function of the UMP).
Suppose that the utility function u (.) is a continuous utility function
representing a locally nonsatiated preference relation % deÖned on the
consumption set X = RL+ . Then the Marshallian demand correspondence
x (p, w ) possesses the following properties:
(i) Homogeneity of degree zero in (p, w ): x (ap, aw ) = x (p, w ) for any
p, w and scalar a > 0.
(ii) Walrasí law (adding-up): p 3 x = w for all x 2 x (p, w ).
(iii) Convexity/uniqueness: If % is convex (u (.) is quasiconcave), then
x (p, w ) is a convex set. If % is strictly convex (u (.) is strictly
quasiconcave), then x (p, w ) consists of a single element.
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The utility maximization problem
# $ # $
Proof. (i) Note that x 2 RL+ : p 3 x , w = x 2 RL+ : ap 3 x , aw
for any a > 0. Since neither the utility function nor the budget set
changes, the set of optimal bundles must be the same for both situations:
x (ap, aw ) = x (p, w ).
(ii) If p 3 x < w for some x 2 x (p, w ), then local nonsatiation implies that
there must be another bundle y su¢ciently close to x with both p 3 y < w
and y # x. But this would contradict the optimality of x.
(iii) Suppose that u (.) is quasiconcave and that there are two bundles x
and x 0 , with x 6= x 0 and x, x 0 2 x (p, w ). We will now show that
x 00 = ax + (1 + a) x 0 2 x (p, w ) for any a 2 [0, 1]. Note that
u (x ) = u (x 0 ), which is denoted by u 4 . By quasiconcavity, u (x 00 ) ( u 4 .
Since p 3 x , w and p 3 x 0 , w , we have
p 3 x 00 = p 3 [ax + (1 + a) x 0 ] , w . So x 00 is a feasible choice. Since
u (x 00 ) ( u 4 and x 00 is feasible, we have x 00 2 x (p, w ), which establishes
convexity of x (p, w ) when u (.) is quasiconcave.
Suppose that u (.) is strictly quasiconcave, then with the same reasoning
as before, we obtain that x 00 is a feasible choice and that u (x 00 ) > u (x 4 )
for a 2 (0, 1). This contradicts that x, x 0 2 x (p, w ), which establishes
uniqueness when u (.) is strictly quasiconcave."
∂u (x 4 )
, lp` , with equality if x`4 > 0.
5u (x 4 ) , lp
x 4 3 [5u (x 4 ) + lp ] = 0.
This shows that the marginal rate of substitution between any two
goods is equal to their price ratio at an interior optimum.
For each (p, w ) ' 0, the utility value of the UMP is denoted
v (p, w ) 2 R and equals u (x 4 ) for any x 4 2 x (p, w ).
The function v (p, w ) is the indirect utility function.
The indirect utility function depends on the utility representation
Suppose that u (.) is a continuous function that represents a locally
nonsatiated preference relation % on the consumption set X = RL+ . The
indirect utility function v (p, w ) then satisÖes the properties:
(i) Homogeneous of degree zero.
(ii) Nondecreasing in w and nonincreasing in p` for any `.
(iii) Quasiconvex; i.e., the set f(p, w ) : v (p, w ) , v g is convex for any v .
(iv) Continuous in p and w .
The utility function u which maps from the space of goods X to ℝ is convex and quasiconcave.
The indirect utility function v which maps from the space of prices to ℝ is quasiconvex.
u: If you average two consumption bundles your utility is not lower than the average of the utility of the two bundles. Rather than
eating just meat one day and just vegetables the other day you prefer to mix these everyday.
v: If the price vector is p one day and p′ the other day you may be better off than if it was p+p′2 every day. It is easy to check that
anything you can buy under the second price regime you can also buy under the first. However there might be consumption bundles
that you can only buy under the first price regime.
The utility maximization problem
min p 3 x
x (0
subject to u (x ) ( u.
It looks for the minimum level of wealth needed to reach a utility level
that is at least equal to u.
The EMP is known as the ëdualí problem of the UMP: the objective
function and the budget constraint play reversed roles in both
optimization problems.
Suppose that u (.) is a continuous utility function that represents a locally
nonsatiated preference relation % deÖned on the consumption set X = RL+
and that the price vector is p ' 0. Then we have
(i) If x 4 is optimal in the UMP when wealth w > 0, then x 4 is optimal in
the EMP when the required utility level is u (x 4 ). The minimized
expenditure level in this EMP is exactly w .
(ii) If x 4 is optimal in the EMP when the required utility level is u > u (0),
then x 4 is optimal in the UMP when wealth is p 3 x 4 . The maximized
utility level in the UMP is exactly u.
Suppose that u (.) is continuous and representing a locally nonsatiated
preference relation % deÖned on the consumption set X = RL+ . The
expenditure function e (p, u ) is
(i) Homogeneous of degree one in p.
(ii) Strictly increasing in u and nondecreasing in p` for any `.
(iii) Concave in p.
e (p, v (p, w )) = w
v (p, e (p, u )) = u.
The relation implies that for a Öxed price vector, the expenditure
function and the indirect utility function are each otherís inverse (see
Exercises 3.E.8 and 3.E.9).
Suppose that u (.) is continuous and representing a locally nonsatiated
preference relation % deÖned on the consumption set X = RL+ . Then for
any p ' 0, the Hicksian demand correspondence h (p, u ) has the
(i) Homogeneous of degree zero: h (ap, u ) = h (p, u ) for any a > 0 and
any (p, u ).
(ii) No excess utility: for any x 2 h (p, u ), u (x ) = u.
(iii) Convexity/uniqueness: if % is convex, then h (p, u ) is a convex set; if
% is strictly convex, then h (p, u ) is single-valued.
Suppose that u (.) is continuous and representing a locally nonsatiated
preference relation % deÖned on the consumption set X = RL+ and that
h (p, u ) is single-valued for any p ' 0. Then the Hicksian demand
function h (p, u ) satisÖes the compensated law of demand: for all p 0 and
p 00 , & 00 ' ( & ' & ')
p + p 0 3 h p 00 , u + h p 0 , u , 0.
Proof. For any p ' 0, the bundle h (p, u ) is optimal in the EMP and so
it is associated with a lower expenditure level at prices p than any other
bundle that obtains a utility level of at least u. Therefore, we have
& ' & '
p 00 3 h p 00 , u , p 00 3 h p 0 , u
(Shephardís lemma) Suppose that u (.) is a continuous utility function
that represents a locally nonsatiated and strictly convex preference relation
% deÖned on the consumption set X = RL+ . For all p and u, we have:
2 3
∂e (p,u )
∂p 1
6 .. 7
h (p, u ) = rp e (p, u ) = 6
4 . 7.
∂e (p,u )
∂p L
rp e (p, u ) = rp [p 3 h (p, u )]
= h (p, u ) + [p 3 Dp h (p, u )]T .
Suppose that u (.) is a continuous utility function that represents a locally
nonsatiated and strictly convex preference relation % deÖned on the
consumption set X = RL+ . Suppose also that h (., u ) is continuously
di§erentiable at (p, u ) and denote its L 8 L derivative matrix by
Dp h (p, u ). Then
(i) Dp h (p, u ) = Dp2 e (p, u ) .
(ii) Dp h (p, u ) is a negative semideÖnite and symmetric matrix.
(iii) Dp h (p, u ) p = 0.
(Slutsky equation) Suppose that u (.) is a continuous utility function that
represents a locally nonsatiated and strictly convex preference relation %
deÖned on the consumption set X = RL+ . Then for all (p, w ) and
u = v (p, w ), we have
Proof. Suppose that a consumer faces the price-wealth pair (p, w ) and
attains a utility level u. Note that w = e (p, u ). Recall that
h` (p, u ) = x` (p, e (p, u )) for all (p, u ). Di§erentiation with respect to pk ,
using Shephardís lemma and evaluation at (p, u ) obtains
(Royís identity) Suppose that u (.) is a continuous utility function that
represents a locally nonsatiated and strictly convex preference relation %
deÖned on the consumption set X = RL+ . Suppose also that the indirect
utility function is di§erentiable at (p, w ) ' 0.Then we have for every
` = 1, ..., L
∂v (p,w )
∂p `
x` (p, w ) = + ∂v (p,w )
Equivalent variation.
& ' & ' & '
EV p 0 , p 1 , w = e p0 , u1 + e p0 , u0
& '
= e p0 , u1 + w .
Compensating variation.
& ' & ' & '
CV p 0 , p 1 , w = e p1 , u1 + e p1 , u0
& '
= w + e p1 , u0 .
0 1 0 1 0 1
CV p 0 , p 1 , w = e p0 , u0 + e p1 , u0
Z p0 0 1
h1 p1 , p +1 , u 0 dp1 .
p 11
The Marshallian demand & function ' &x (p, w ) 'satisÖes SARP if for any series
of&price-wealth' pairs p 1 , w 1 , ..., p N , w N with
x p n +&1 , w n +1' 6= x (p n , w n ) for all n ,
& N + 1, we'have
p N 3 x p 1 , w 1 > w N whenever p n 3 x p n +1 , w n +1 , w n for all
n , N + 1.
& 1 1'
SARP tells that & Nif x Np' , w is&directly 'or indirectly revealed at least
as good as x &p , w ' , then x p , w N N cannot be directly revealed
preferred to x p 1 , w 1 .
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The Strong Axiom of Revealed Preference
The Marshallian demand function x (p, w ) satisÖes SARP if and only if
there is a rational preference relation % that rationalizes x (p, w ) in the
sense that for all (p, w ), x (p, w ) # y for every y 6= x (p, w ) with
y 2 Bp,w .