Xerox India Limited: Pay Slip For The Month of October 2017
Xerox India Limited: Pay Slip For The Month of October 2017
Xerox India Limited: Pay Slip For The Month of October 2017
, GURGAON - 122018
Pay Slip for the month of October 2017 Print Date : 15/11/2017 09:00:29AM
Earnings Deductions
Description Rate Monthly Arrear Total Description Amount
BASIC 30,625 30,625 30,625 PF 3,675
HRA 15,313 15,313 15,313 TDS 4,332
SPL ALLOW 38,221 38,221 38,221 LWF (EMP) 10
CAR ALLOW 6,300 6,300 6,300
LTA 3,000 3,000 3,000
SHIFT ALOW 8,750 8,750
Gross Salary 1,176,391 124,331 1,052,060 Total of Investment u/s 80C 154,916
Deduction U/S 80C 150,000
Previous Employer Professional Tax 80CCD 50,000
Professional Tax U/S 80D 25,000
Under Chapter VI-A 225,000
Any Other Income -160,000
Taxable Income 667,060
Total Tax 45,912
Tax Rebate
Tax Due 45,912
Educational Cess 1,377
Net Tax 47,289
Tax Deducted (Previous Employer)
Tax Deducted Till Date 21,298
Tax to be Deducted 25,991
Tax / Month 4,332 Total of Ded Under Chapter VI-A 225,000
Tax on Non-Recurring Earnings
Tax Deduction for this month 4,332 Interest on Housing Loan -160000
Personal Note :
EMail ID:Ashish.Srivastava@xerox.comPWD: