Calculationaspectsusedineurocode7forpilefoundation PDF
Calculationaspectsusedineurocode7forpilefoundation PDF
Calculationaspectsusedineurocode7forpilefoundation PDF
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3 authors, including:
Paweł Więcławski
Gdansk University of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Paweł Więcławski on 10 November 2016.
1. Introduction
Evaluation of bearing capacity and settlements of individual piles and pile groups is still
difficult research and engineering problem. The execution of piles using various technologies
causes significant changes in natural stress state existing in natural subsoil. In general,
driven and displacement piles improve foundation conditions over the pile shaft and under
the base due to soil compaction and increase of shear strength. In turn, bored piles causing
an extraction of the soil on the ground surface, induce loosening of the soil and decrease the
stresses in direct neighborhood of the pile.
In order to take into account the above phenomena, the calculation methods should
include at least the parameters referring to the soil type (cohesive and non-cohesive), type of
the pile and its detailed technology, soil state and natural stress state in a subsoil.
In engineering practice the reliable calculation methods are elaborated by individual
European countries. Some summary of the practical methods for calculation of pile
foundations was the seminar “Design of Axially Loaded Piles. European Practice”, held in
Brussels in 1997. Presently, an unification of various calculation methods is contained in
a system of Eurocodes. In Eurocode 7 some general calculation principles are assumed.
Design of pile foundations has been described in details in Section 7 of Erocode 7.
According to the Eurocode recommendations, a design of pile foundations should be made
using one of the following approaches:
a) based on the static load test results, the consistency of which with other comparable
experiences has been proved by calculations or in some other way,
b) based on empirical or analytical calculation methods, the reliability of which has been
confirmed by static load tests in comparable conditions,
c) based on dynamic load test results, the reliability of which has been revealed by static
load tests in similar soil conditions and for the same type of piles,
d) based on the observation of the behaviour of comparable pile foundations, provided
that the data were verified by field tests (site investigations and soil testing).
It should be stressed out that according to the Eurocode, the basic, most preferable
design method for piles are static load tests. Next, it is suggested to apply empirical and
analytical methods, dynamic load tests with dynamic formulae and at the last, data from
engineering experience gained from observed foundation behaviour in similar soil and
loading conditions. Additionally, the behaviour of an individual pile in the group of piles as
well as a rigidity and strength of cap construction should be also considered.
The calculation approaches a, b, c and d given by Eurocode 7 are formulated in a quite
general manner and do not contain detailed, nether measuring nor calculation methods. In
the next parts of the paper some practical calculation methods from approach “a” and “b” will
be described.
For an evaluation of the bearing capacity of piles, the results of Investigations of a subsoil
are very often used. One of the groups of parameters used, there are geotechnical
parameters obtained from laboratory tests.
In general, two groups of methods can be distinguished in this case, namely:
• the methods making use of effective parameters obtained from drained tests,
• the methods based on total parameters, undrained tests.
The second group of parameters widely used in the design of pile foundations are the results
of in situ tests. They are mainly based on the CPT, DPT, DMT or pressiometer tests. In this
case direct and indirect calculation methods are applied.
Calculated bearing capacity Rc;d of the pile can be determined from the following relation:
Rc ; k R b ; k Rs ; k
Rc ; d = or Rc ; d = + (1)
γt γb γs
Characteristic values should be calculated from the following relation:
Table 1. Some methods of evaluation of pile bearing capacity based on soil investigations and SPLT
Indirect methods
• α method
α method belongs to the group of indirect methods for evaluation of pile bearing capacity
represented by resistance over the pile shaft. In the literature one can mainly find a method
elaborated by Tomlinson (1971) as well as a method proposed by L.C. Reese with his co-
workers from American Petroleum Institute. According to them, the unit resistance can be
determined by the following formula:
fs = α ⋅ cu (5)
where α is an adhesion coefficient dependent on the pile diameter and undrained shear
strength of cohesive soil cu.
• β method
β method, known also as method of total stresses allows to determine unit skin friction from
the following expression:
fs = β ⋅ σ'v = K s ⋅ tg δ ⋅ σ'v (6)
making use of effective vertical stress σ’ν , friction angle between soil and pile material and
coefficient of earth pressure over the pile shaft Ks.
Unit resistance under the base can be calculated from the relationship:
q = Nt · pt (7)
where Nt is bearing capacity coeficient dependent on effective angle of internal friction of the
soil and pt is the effective horizontal stress at the base of pile.
• λ method
In the method the unit resistance over the pile shaft depends on pile lenght, state of cohesive
soil i.e. its shear strength and effective vertical stress distributed over the pile.
The value of λ reduction coefficient is determined depending on the pile length (Vijayvergiya
& Focht ,1972).
Unit resistance under the base of the pile can be calculated from simple empirical relation
based on soil shear strength cu:
q = 9 · cu (9)
This relation is used in order to determine the unit resistances under the pile base also in
α method (Tomlinson, 1979/1995, Reese, 1984), β method (Reese, 1982; AASHTO,
1996/2000) and λ method (US Army Corps of Engineers, 1977).
qbu = ψ1 ⋅ q c (10)
q csi fsi
fs = or fs = (11)
ψ 2i ψ 3i
The values of bearing capacity coefficients ψ1, ψ2i i ψ3i have been defined based on
numerous field tests and determined for two pile types i.e. driven piles (Vibro) and large
diameter bored piles. These values are presented as a function of cone resistance qc which
is selected depending of the soil type. Significant role in the calculation procedure is
respective determination of zone under the pile base in which average value of the
resistance is assumed. The authors of the method have proposed three schemes illustrating
the manner of averaging of qc value and the range of impact zone, which is to be assumed
for calculations, depending on the soil conditions.
In many countries all over the world, static pile load tests were and still are considered as
most reliable method for evaluation of bearing capacity and settlements of piles and pile
foundations. Also in Poland, in Polish Piling Code PN-83/B-02482 this way has been
assumed as most valuable. Based on good engineering practice, the Authors of Eurocode 7
distinguish static load tests as the only way of reliable design of pile foundations.
where, ξ1, ξ2 – correlation coefficients dependent on a number of load tests and determined
based on the results of tests performed.
The tests should be executed up to the ultimate load for which ultimate bearing capacity
can be deduced. It was assumed that ultimate bearing capacity of the pile corresponds to the
load causing a settlement equivalent to 10% of the pile diameter. It should be noted, that
many years experience gained from static load tests executed in Poland indicates that is very
rare case when one deals with so large settlements. Thus, this recommendation increases
the total cost of load tests and significantly elongates testing time.
4. Calculation examples
Example 1
Bearing capacity analysis of bored pile based on static load test. Large diameter bored pile
φ 1500 mm, 15 m long , design load Qr = 5186 kN. The pile base embedded in low plasticity
sandy clay with some interbeddings of gravel.
Example 2
Bearing capacity analysis of Vibro – Fundex pile, φ 610 mm in diameter and 9.5 m long,
driven by DELMAG 30 diesel hammer, based on static load tests and direct methods making
use of the results of CPT tests. Design load Qr = 1034 kN, the base of the pile embedded in
silty clays.
Bearing capacity
based on SPLT
QmaxSPLT 1758 – – – – – – –
acc. to
1758 – – – – – k = 0.8 1406
Methods based /B-02482
on SPLT EN 1997-1:
1758 1.4 1.4 – – 1256 1.1 1142
EN 1997-2:
2007 2378 – – 1.4 1.4 1699 1.1 1545
(DIN 1054)
1980 – – 1.4 1.4 1414 1.1 1285
& Giasanelli
2340 – – 1.4 1.4 1671 1.1 1519
De Ruiter
& Beringen 2251 – – 1.4 1.4 1608 1.1 1462
Methods based (1978)
on soil α - Tomlinson
investigations 1239 – – 1.4 1.4 885 1.1 805
Penpile -
1152 – – 1.4 1.4 823 1.1 748
Clisby (1978)
Gwizdała -
Stęczniewski 2308 – – 1.4 1.4 1648 1.1 1498
5. Summary
In Poland, static load tests have been applied from many years as reliable method for
evaluation of real bearing capacity of piles. Recommendations given in Eurocode 7 are
consistent with Polish engineering practice, however execution procedure of SPTL as well as
interpretation of test results based on load-settlement curve still require to be elaborated in
In the engineering practice, almost always, the maximum settlement during the SPTL test
is lower than 10% of pile diameter. It has undoubted impact on further interpretation of the
results (ultimate loads and design economy – see Table 2 and 3).
Calculation of pile bearing capacities, even based on direct methods making use of CPT
test results, can reveal significant differences. It was confirmed by some calculation
examples presented in this paper, see Table 3, column 10, for few selected calculation
methods. For large diameter bored pile the reliable values were obtained in terms of the
method recommended by EN 1997-2:2007 as well as Gwizdała and Stęczniewski, 2007,
Schmertmann, 1978, De Ruiter & Beringen, 1978 as well as Bustamante & Gianeselli, 1982.
It should be also pointed out that the recommendation of reliable calculation method
should be done based on detailed technical and economical analysis considering elements
of statistics and pile load test results.
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