7 2015 Not Eng Csse II
7 2015 Not Eng Csse II
7 2015 Not Eng Csse II
on 17th of May to raise the public awareness about High blood pressure (hypertension) is an increase in
hypertension and to encourage citizens of all pressure inside the arteries, the vessels that carry
countries to prevent and control this silent killer, the blood from the heart. This is usually caused by
modern epidemic. It was first celebrated on 14thof constriction, or narrowing, of the arteries. The heart
May in the year 2005 organized by the World then has to work harder to pump blood to the rest of
Hypertension League. the body.
The theme for World Hypertension Day is Know
Your Numbers with a goal of increasing high blood
pressure (BP) awareness in all populations around
the world.
High blood pressure can be lowered with lifestyle changes and medications.
Lifestyle Changes, such as
Losing weight and eating a healthy diet such as the DASH diet (rich in fruits and vegetables, low-fat
dairy, reduce saturated and total fat)
Reducing salt (no more than 1,500 mg/day)
Reducing alcohol intake (males, no more than two drinks per day and females, no more than one drink
per day)
Getting more exercise (at least 30 mins per day, most days of the week)
Managing stress