Elp225 Expt4 PDF
Elp225 Expt4 PDF
Elp225 Expt4 PDF
● Studying the operating characteristics of Pre Amplifier.
● Constructing and operating a simple speed control system.
● Observing the response of a position control system to a step input.
● Investigate the effect of gain on deadband and step response.
● Observe the effect of added inertia on step response.
● Observe overshooting and how to observe how it can be reduced by using
● Recognize the term ‘velocity feedback’ and see how it affects the performance of a
position control system.
Theory -
A) Pre Amplifier:-
Pre Amplifier (PA150C) has two input and two outputs. If there is a positive voltage on
one of the inputs then one of its output become positive. while if one of the output
become negative, other will become positive.
The error signal output of opAmp is being utilized to drive output potentiometer via
preamplifier and motor
2) Simple Speed Control System:-
Here a closed loop system is being deployed where actual speed is compared to the
required speed. This produces an error signal to actuate the servo amplifier output so
that the motor drives at a more constant speed
The problem of overshoot arises due to motor’s speed carrying it past the point of
alignment , higher the gain higher will be the motor response so that above a certain gain
system never align. As a first step to reduce overshoot , magnetic brakes are used.
Observations -
Brake Position Ref Voltage (V) Error (V) Tachogenerato Speed (rpm)
(deg) r (V)
Brake Position Ref Voltage (V) Error (V) Tachogenerato Speed (rpm)
(deg) r (V)
119 54.2
Brake Tachogenerator Reference Speed
Position (V) (V) Error (V) (rpm)
0 2.74 2.806 0.943 1000
3 2.79 2.797 0.943 980
5 2.7 2.794 0.943 980
7 2.69 2.788 0.943 970
9 2.68 2.79 0.943 970
Brake Tachogenerator Reference Speed
Position (V) (V) Error (V) (rpm)
0 2.83 2.89 1.715 1020
3 2.83 2.89 1.73 1020
5 2.7 2.886 1.86 1010
7 2.81 2.85 2.01 1000
9 2.8 2.897 2.097 1000
Effects of Magnetic Brake on Overshoot
No.of Overshoots
0 2 5 10
2 3 5 4 2
5 3 3 4 4
10 3 3 3 6
No.of Overshoots
2 5 10
1 4 2 1
2 13 4 2
5 28 7 3
10 - 10 3
‘-’ represents the case when the oscillations were taking too long to die down
Pictures of Oscilloscope:-
First we looked at characteristics of Pre Amplifier (PA150C which had two input and two
outputs). It was noticed that there was inbuilt offset i.e zero input value had non zero
voltage across outputs which we eliminated using the ‘zero set’ control in pre amplifier.
Also the nonlinear part in curve were due to pre amplifier circuit limiting near supply line
Next Tachogenerator was introduced to investigate the closed loop speed control system.
The error signal produced when actual speed is compared to required speed, actuated the
servo amplifier output so that the motor maintains more a constant speed.
Also increase of gain value will cause decrement in speed value to cause larger increase in
value of error.
Increasing gain will reduce the input needed to get an output effect and hence also
Finally we reduced overshoot using magnetic brakes which had the effect if applying
loading proportional to the speed.