Having Fun With: Worksheets
Having Fun With: Worksheets
Having Fun With: Worksheets
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You have to finish the book.
I wish I had a brother.
My mom is 44 years old.
The dog ran down the street.
Our garden is small.
I live in an apartment.
You’re about 5 feet tall.
A cliché is a figure of speech (often a metaphor or simile)
that is used so often it has become unoriginal and has lost
its intended descriptive meaning.
Can you match up the clichés below with their
Cliché Definition
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
Whisk 6. ______________
Ladle 7. ______________
Toaster 8. ______________
Juicer 9. ______________
Mug 10. ______________
Context Clues
Context Clues are words in a sentence which help you to work
out the meaning of a word that you don’t know (like a particularly
long word, a word you’ve never heard before or a word you don’t
know the meaning of). Read the sentences below and use the
context clues to figure out the meaning of the underlined
1.The man was very fortunate to have a good job because it meant
he could afford a nice house, a car and a holiday.
Meaning: ____________________________________
2. I can’t recall when I last ate an ice cream. I think it was when we
were in Spain last summer.
Meaning: ____________________________________
3. The girl was responsible for collecting the mail for her teacher
every Monday morning.
Meaning: ____________________________________
4. The little boy was sensitive and would often cry when small
things went wrong.
Meaning: ____________________________________
Main Idea
Read the text in the boxes below and then circle the main
idea of each paragraph:
Cause: ________________________________
Effect: ________________________________
Apple Apple
Text Analysis
Read the excerpt of text below and then answer
the questions on the following page.
We hope it has been useful for you in the classroom and that your
students enjoy the activities..
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