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News 14

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BMJ Weekly Newsletter

Head Teacher: Mrs Marie Hill Newsletter: 11th January 2019

Deputy Head: Mr Mark Bennett Issue Number: 14

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Brinsworth Attendance

Manor Junior School Newsletter Just a reminder that our annual school target from
the local authority is 96.5% and at the end of every
Our School Values half term you will receive an attendance letter.
Politeness, Fairness, Friendship, Trustworthiness, These are to either congratulate pupils and
Happiness, Pride, Respect, Determination, parents or to remind parents of attendance
figures and that the Education Welfare Officer is
Courage, Honesty, Teamwork and Cooperation.
available for support if needed. We always offer
Our values are important because they help us to
support to ensure that you have all resources
grow and develop. They help us to create the
available to you. Please contact school if you do
future we want to experience.
not understand the information in the letter.
Young Voices Contact Details
Yesterday the School Choir took part in the Young Please remember that it is vitally important that
Voices Concert at the Sheffield Arena. It was a
you keep us updated if you change your contact
fantastic event watched by thousands of people.
details. If you have moved house or have a new
Everyone had an amazing night and a big thank you to
contact number please call into the office to
the pupils and all staff involved for their hard work in
making the event such a success. We had some very complete a change of details form.
positive comments from our families!
Dinner Money
Parent Art and Craft Mornings/Afternoons School dinners cost £2.05 per day or £10.25 per
As advertised in the Events Calendar we are running a week. Dinners should be paid for in advance
series of Parent Art and Craft afternoons based around either weekly on a Monday morning or monthly if
class topic work. They will run from 1.30pm – 3pm this you prefer. If your account falls into debit you will
time around rather than in the mornings. be asked to bring sandwiches for your child until
Here are the dates for your diaries. the debt is cleared. Alerts can be set up on
Y5 – Thursday 17th January 1.30pm-3pm Parentpay to let you know when the balance is
Y3 – Thursday 24th January 1.30pm-3pm zero. Information is available in the office. Thank
Y4 – Thursday 31st January – 1.30pm-3pm you to all those parents who continue to support
school by paying for school dinners and keeping
From Monday 4th February it is Internet Safety Week their accounts in credit.
and we are running some morning design workshops
with the children. Superhero Themed Lunch Day
Monday 4th February – Y6 Design Morning On Thursday 17th January we have a special
Tuesday 5th February – Y5 Design Morning Superhero themed lunch menu:
Wednesday 6th February –Y3 Design Morning
Thursday 7th February – Y4 Design Morning Superman (Burger in a bun)
Cat Woman (Salmon fishcake)
Spiderman (Cheese wrap / sandwich)
Uni Hockey Fixtures ****
The Under11 hockey team played Canklow Woods at Iron Man (Diced potatoes)
home this week. In a hard fought match Brinsworth ****
Manor won 6-3. Well done to everyone who played. Green Lantern (Green seasonal vegetables)
Next week we ‘take on’ Brinsworth Howarth at an away Wonderwoman (Iced sponge & custard)
match. Black Panther (Choc chip muffins)
Batman (Biscuits)

Y6 Parent SATs Meeting Teacher Training Days 2018/19

year, our Y6 Parent SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests)
(Children are not in school on these dates)
meeting in on Tuesday 29th January at 3.30pm in the
Hall. This is an important year for your children as we Friday 12th April
prepare them for the secondary transition. Monday 22nd July

SATs dates: Monday 13th May – Thursday 16th May

For enquiries: Brinsworth Manor Junior School
We ask that Y6 pupils are not absent on these dates. Telephone number: 01709 828505
Next week

English Narrative Roman wish story

Year 3
Mrs Rowbottom Maths Mass
Miss Kingston
Miss Bletcher Roman timeline

English Biography – William the Conqueror

Year 4
Miss Tracey Fractions of a set
Miss Morley
Miss Howlett Topic Castle on the hill

Year 5 English Persuasion

Mrs Weatherall/Mrs
Ellis Maths Fractions
Mrs Ramsden / Miss
Do you want to live in my city?
Moore Topic
Miss Webster

Year 6 English Writing to persuade

Miss Hill Place value and number
Miss Guest Maths
Miss Ashby The Journey – Global citizenship

Please bring your PE Kit

Reminder about Inclusion Support Attendance

Please remember that if you would like to discuss
any absence, behaviour, medical, safeguarding,
Week beginning 17th December 2018
online safety or any pupil-parent issue please Y3 Miss Kingston Eagle Class 94.7%
contact the Inclusion Team as soon as possible for Y3 Mrs Rowbottom Falcon Class 99.1%
an appointment. We really like to hear your views Y3 Miss Bletcher Osprey Class 98.6%
and will always try to help where we can.
Y4 Miss Tracey Jaguar Class 87.5%
Mrs Roebuck/Miss Stringer – Inclusion Support Y4 Miss Morley Leopard Class 89.4%
Mrs Weatherall – Inclusion Lead/ SENDCo. Y4 Miss Howlett Tiger Class 90.4%
Y5 Mrs Weatherall / Mrs Ellis
Comments 93.5%
Dolphin Class
Y5 Miss Webster Seahorse Class 98.9%
Y5 Mrs Ramsden Turtle Class 86.4%
Y6 Miss Ashby Chameleon Class 94.0%
Y6 Miss Guest Gecko Class 96.8%
Y6 Miss Hill Iguana Class 98.1%



Please help to reach our target this year!

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