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Unit 3

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1. Write down the factors influencing deflections. (May 2011, Dec 2011, Dec 2015,
May 2016)
The deflection of the pre stressed concrete members is influenced by the
following salient factors
1. Imposed load and self- weight.
2. Magnitude of the pre stressing force
3. Cable Profile
4. Second moment of area of cross section
5. Modulus of elasticity of concrete
6. Shrinkage, creep and relaxation of steel stress.
7. Span of the member
8. Fixity condition.

2. Define short term and long term deflection.

Short Term Deflection:
Short term deflection at transfer is due to the pre stressing force and
self- weight. The effect of creep and shrinkage of concrete are not considered.
Long Term Deflection:
Long term deflectionunder service loadsis due to the effective pre stressing
force (after long term losses) and gravity loads. The effect of creep and shrinkage
of concrete are considered.

3. Define Anchorage Zone or end block.(Dec 2015)

The zone between the end of the beam and the section where only longitudinal
stress exists is generally referred as “Anchorage zone or End Block”.

4. Define Transmission length.

The distance required at the end of a pre tensioned tendon for developing the
maximum tendon stress by bond.

5. Write short notes on stress distribution in end block.
In most post-tensioned members, the pre stressing wires are introduced in cable
holes or ducts, pre-formed in the members and then stressed and anchored at
the end faces.
As a result of this, large forces concentrated over relatively small areas are
applied on the end blocks.
These highly discontinuous forces which are applied at the end, while changing
progressively to continuous linear distribution, develop transverse and shear

6. Write down the methods of finding Anchorage zone stress.

1) Magnel‟s method
2) Guyon‟s method
3) Zielink and Rowes method
4) Btitish code
5) IS code follows Z-R method.

7. Draw the sketch showing the stress distribution in end block by double anchor
plate. (May 2010)

8. Mention any two functions of end blocks. (May 2013, Dec 2013)
1. Large concentrated forces are transmitted on the bearing surface at the ends of
the beam by anchorages.
2. The pre stress is transferred throughout the length of the end block from nearly
concentrated areas.

9. Why anchorage zone has to be given special attention in pre stressed concrete
design. (June 2012)
 In the anchorage zone or the end block of a post tensioned pre stressed
concrete element, the state of stress distribution is complex and three
dimensional in nature.
 Large forces concentrated over relatively small areas are applied on the end
 Transverse and shear stresses are developed.
 The transverse stresses developed are tensile in nature. Concrete is weak in
 Therefore anchorage zone has to be given special attention in pre stressed
concrete design.

10. Discuss about anchorage Zone reinforcement.

 The main reinforcement in the anchorage zone should be designed to
withstand the bursting tension, which is determined by the transverse stress
distribution on the critical axis, usually coinciding with the line of action of the
largest individual force for plate and embedded (Freyssinet) type of anchorage.
 The typical arrangement of reinforcement in end block, mat, helical, loops or
links are generally provided in perpendicular directions.
 Test by Zielinski and Rowe have shown that helical reinforcement is more
efficient than mat reinforcement.
 In view of the short available bond length, loops, hooks, (or) right angle bends
are necessary, even with deformedbars.

11. What is the effect if transverse tensile stress on the end block?
The effect of transverse stress is to develop a zone of bursting tension in a
direction perpendicular to the anchorage force, resulting in horizontal cracking.

12. Define Guyon’s method.

The concept of symmetrical or equivalent prism for eccentric cables, and the
method of partitioning for the analysis of stresses developed due to multiple cables
have been introduced by guyon.

13. What is meant by bursting force / bursting tension (fbst)?

In a post tensioned member, the prestressing force is transferred through the
anchorage as concentrated force (Po) or (Pk). This force causes development of
transverse tensile stresses .The resultant of tensile stresses is known as bursting force
or bursting tension.

14. Write the permissible deflections as per IS codes.

 Span 
i. Final deflection due to all loads, temperature, creep & shrinkage <  
 250 
ii. Deflection including temperature, creep & shrinkage after partitions & finishes
 Span 
<  or 20 mm whichever is less.
 350 
iii. If finishes are applied to Prestressed concrete members, total upward
 Span 
deflection<  
 300 
15. What is meant by spalling force?
The surface end sections just adjacent to the anchor plate is subjected to tensile
force which is called spalling force.

16. Define Proof stress

The tensile stress in steel which produces a residual strain of 0.2 percent of the
original gauge length on unloading.

17. Sketch different types of arrangement of reinforcement in the end block.

18. How is Spalling tension taken care of in the anchorage zone?

Spalling tension is developed in the edge surfaces on the beam adjacent to the
anchor plate. The spalling stresses are directly proportional to the being stresses
imposed and inversely proportional to the interval of the bearing forces. In most cases
the spalling stresses are in the region of 0.3P/A to 0.4 P/A and if the intensity of
bearing stress is very high. When the spalling stresses could be very high. A high
percentage of small diameter loop stirrup reinforcement should be provided against

19. Define Development length.

The minimum length over which the stress in tendon can increase from zero to
the ultimate pre stress (fpu) is called the development. It is the algebraic sum of the
transmission length (Lt) and the length (Lb)
Ld  L t  L b
20. Define Bond length.
The minimum length over which the stress in the tendon increases from the
effective prestress (fpe) to the ultimate prestress (fpu) at the critical location is taken
as the bond length.

21. Write the IS: code provisions for transmission length for different types of
The transmission length is expressed in terms of the diameter of the wire, bar
or strand. The code recommends the following values for transmission length
 For plain and intended wires Lt = 100 
 Forcrimped wire Lt=65 
 Forstrands Lt=30  Where  is the diameter of tendon.

22. How transfer of prestress will takes place in Pretensioned and Post tensioned
 In pre tensioned member transfer of pre stress will takes place by means of
bond stress.
 In post tensioned member transfer of pre stress will takes place by means of
anchorage zone stress or by bearing stress.

23. What do you mean by Un-bonded tendon (May / June 2106 , Nov/Dec 2014)
When there is no bond between the pre stressing tendon and concrete, it is called
un bonded tendon. Un-grouted post tensioned tendons are examples of unbounded

1. Discuss about the importance of control of deflections and factors influencing
the deflection of Pre stressed concrete beams. (May 2013)
The structural concrete members should be designed to have adequate stiffness
to limit deflections, which may adversely affect the strength or serviceability of the
structure at working loads.
Suitable control on deflection is very essential for the following reasons:
Excessive, sagging of principal structural members is not only unsightly, but at
times, also renders the floor unsuitable for the intended use.
Large deflections under dynamic effects and under the influence of variable
loads may cause discomfort to the users.
Excessive deflections are likely to cause damage to finishes, partitions and
associated structures.
1. Imposed load and self-weight.
2. Magnitude of the pre stressing force
3. Cable Profile
4. Second moment of area of cross section
5. Modulus of elasticity of concrete
6. Shrinkage, creep and relaxation of steel stress.
7. Span of the member
8. Fixity condition.

2. The deck of prestressed concrete culvert is made up of a slab 500 mm thick.
The slab is spanning over 10.4 m and supports a total uniformly load comprising
the dead load and live loads of 33.5 kN/m. The modulus of elasticity of concrete is
38kN/mm2. The concrete slab is prestressed by straight cables each containing 12
high-tensile wire of 7 mm diameter stressed to 1200 N/mm2 at a constant
eccentricity of 195 mm. The cables are placed at 328 mm intervals in the
transverse direction. Estimate the instantaneous deflection of the slab at centre of
span under prestress and the imposed loads.
Given Data:
Deep (D) = 500 mm
Span (L) = 10.4 m
Dead and Live load (wq) = 33.5 kN/m
Modulus elasticity of concrete (Ec) = 38 kN/mm2
12-high-tensile wires of 7 mm diameter
Initial stress of wires = 1200 N/mm2
Constant eccentricity (e) = 195 mm
Spacing of cables = 328 mm (transverse direction)

To Calculate:
To estimate the instantaneous deflection of the slab at centre of span section
under prestress and imposed load
Considering 1 m width of the slab, the properties of the cross section are computed.
Width (b) = 1000 mm
 PeL2 
Upward deflection due to prestress   
 8EI 
 
 5gL4 
Downward deflection due to D.L & L.L  
 384EI 
 

Step 1: Prestressing force in cable:
P = (pretensioned stress x area of wires)
P = (1200 x 461.81)
P = 554.17 kN

Spacing of cables in transverse direction = 328 mm

Hence, the prestressing force per „m‟ width of slab is computed as

 1000 
P =  554.17 x   1689.54 kN
 328 

Step 2: Moment of inertia:

 bD3   1000 x 5003 
I    10416.67x106 mm4
 12   12 
   
Step 3: Upward deflection due to pre stress:
 PeL2 
Upward deflection due to prestress(PS )   
 8EI 
 
 1689.54x195x 10.4x1000 2 
 
 8x38x10416.67x10 6 
 
= -11.25 mm (Upwards)
Step 4: Downward deflection due to dead load and live load:
Total uniformly distributed load on the beam
= w = 33.5 kN/m = 0.0335 kN/mm
 5WL4 
Downward deflection due todead & liveload (DL  LL )  
 384EI 
 
 5x0.0335x104004 
 384x38x10416.67x106 
 
 12.89mm(downward)
Step 5: Resultant deflection:
= (-11.25 + 12.90)
= 1.65 mm (downward)

3. A concrete beam with a rectangular section 300 mm wide and 500 mm deep is
prestressed by 2 post-tensioned cables of area 600 mm2 each. Initially stressed to
1600N/mm2. The cables are located at a constant eccentricity of 100 mm
throughout the length of the beam having a span of 10 m. The modulus of
elasticity of steel and concrete is 210 and 38 kN/mm2 respectively.
a. Neglecting all losses, find the deflection at the centre of span when it is
supporting its own weight.
b. Allowing for 20% loss in pre stress, find the final deflection at the centre of
when it carries an imposed load of 18 kN/m. Dc = 25 kN/m3.
Given Data:
Beam size = 300 x 500 mm
Span (L) = 10 m
Area of prestressing cable = 2 x 600 mm2
Eccentricity e = 100mm
Modulus elasticity of concrete (Ec) = 38 kN/mm2
Modulus elasticity of steel (Es) = 210kN/mm2
Density of concrete Dc = 25kN/m3
Live load = 18 kN/m
Loss = 20%
Type of cable = Straight cable at uniform eccentricity.

To Calculate:
i. Deflection at the centre of span when it is supporting its own weight.
ii. Final deflection at the centre of when it carries an imposed load with 20% loss
 PeL2 
i. Upward deflection due tostraight tendon   
 8EI 
 
 5gL4 
ii. Downward deflection due to D.L  
 384EI 
 
 5qL4 
iii. Downward deflection due to L.L   iv. Final deflection   PS   DL   LL
 384EI 
 

Step 1: Self weight of beam (g):
g = (Area of c/s x unit weight of concrete)
g = (0.3x 0.5 x 25)
g = 3.75 kN/m = 0.0037 kN/mm
Step 2: Moment of inertia:
 bD3   300 x 5003 
I    3125x10 mm
6 4
 12   12
   
Step 3: Pre stressing force P:
P = Prestress x Area of tendon
= 1600 x 2x 600 = 1920kN
Step 4: Upward deflection due to pre stress:
 PeL2 
Upward deflection due to prestress(PS )   
 8EI 
 


= -20.20 mm (Upwards)
Step 5: Downward deflection due to dead load:
Self-weight of the beam = g = 3.75 kN/m = 0.0037 kN/mm
 5gL4 
Downward deflection due todead load (DL )  
 384EI 
 
 DL 

 DL  4.05mm(downward)
Step 6: Downward deflection due to Live load:
Live load on the beam = g = 18 kN/m = 0.018 kN/mm
 5qL4 
Downward deflection due toliveload (DL )  
 384EI 
 
 DL 
 DL  19.73mm(downward)

Step 7: Deflection at the centre of the span when it supports its own weight:
Final    PS   DL

= -20.20+ 4.05 = -16.15mm (upward)

Step 8: Upward deflection after 20% loss:
Upward deflection after 20% loss = 0.8 x -20.20
= -16.16 mm
Step 9: Final Deflection at the centre of the span after loss in prestress when it
carries an udl of 18kN/m:
Final    PS   DL   LL

= -16.16+ 4.05+19.73
= +7.62 mm(downward)
1. Final  at the centre of span when it is supporting its own weight = -16.15 mm
2. Final  at the centre of span when it carries an udl of 18kN/m and allowing for
20% loss = +7.62 mm

4. A concrete beam with a cross sectional area of 32 x 103 mm2 and radius of
gyration of 72mm is prestressed by a parabolic cable carrying an effective
prestress of 1000 N/mm2.The span of the beam is 8m.The cable composed of 6
wires of 7mm diameter has an eccentricity of 50mm at the centre and zero at
supports. Neglecting all losses, Find the central deflection of the beam as follows.
a. Self-weight + Prestress
b. Self-weight + Prestress + LL of 2kN/m. Assume Ec = 38kN/mm2

Given Data:
c/s area of beam = 32x103 mm2
Radius of gyration rxx = 72 mm
Span (L) = 8m
Prestress = 1000N/mm2
Eccentricity e = 50 mm @ centre and zero @ supports
Modulus elasticity of concrete (Ec) = 38 kN/mm2

Live load = 2kN/m
Type of cable = Parabolic cable (central Anchors)
To Calculate:
Central deflection for the following:
a. Self-weight + Prestress
b. Self-weight + Prestress + LL of 2kN/m.
 PeL2 
i. Upward deflection due to parabolic tendon centralanchors  5 
 48EI 
 
 5gL4 
ii. Downward deflection due to D.L  
 384EI 
 
 5qL4 
iii. Downward deflection due to L.L  
 384EI 
 

Step 1: Self weight of beam (g):

g = (Area of c/s x unit weight of concrete)

 32x103 
 x25 
 10002
 
 0.8kN / m  0.0008kN / mm

Step 2: Moment of inertia:

I  Arxx 2  32x103 x722  165.88x106 mm4

Step 3: Pre stressing force P:

P = Prestress x Area of tendon

 x72
Area of tendon = x6 = 231 mm2
P = 1000 x 231 = 231 kN

Step 4: Upward deflection due to pre stress:
 PeL2 
Upward deflection due to prestress(PS )  5 
 48EI 
 
 231x150x80002 
 5 
 48x38x165.88x106 
 
= -12.22 mm (Upwards)

Step 5: Downward deflection due to dead load:

Self-weight of the beam = g = 0.8 kN/m = 0.0008 kN/mm
 5gL4 
Downward deflection due todead load (DL )  
 384EI 
 
 DL 

 DL  6.76mm(downward)
Step 5: Downward deflection due to Live load:
Live load on the beam = g = 2 kN/m = 0.002 kN/mm
 5qL4 
Downward deflection due todead & liveload (DL )  
 384EI 
 
 DL 

 DL  16.92mm(downward)
Step 6: Central deflection for the given condition:
Condition 1:  PS   DL

Final deflection = -12.22 + 6.76 = -5.44mm (upward)

Condition 2:  PS   DL   LL

Final deflection = -12.22 + 6.76 + 16.92 = 11.42 mm (downward)

5. A rectangular concrete beam of cross section 150 mm wide and 300 mm deep is
simply supported over a span of 8 m and is prestressed by means of a symmetric
parabolic cable, at a distance of 75 mm from the bottom of the beam at mid span
and 125 mm from the top of the beam at support sections. If the force in the cable
is 350 kN and the modulus of elasticity of concrete is 38 kN/m2calculate
(a) The deflection at mid-span when the beam is supporting its own weight, and
(b) The concentrated load which must be applied at mid-span to restore it to the
level of supports.

Given Data:
Beam size = 150 x 300 mm
Span (L) = 8m
Prestressing force = 350 kN
Eccentricity e 1= 75 mm; e2 = 25mm
Modulus elasticity of concrete (Ec) = 38 kN/mm2
Type of cable = Parabolic cable with eccentric anchors.

To Calculate:
1. Deflection at the centre of span when it is supporting its own weight.
2. Concentrated load „Q‟ at mid-span to restore it to the level of support
 PL2 
 48EI  
i. Upward deflection due toparabolic with eccentricanchors    5e1  e2 
 
 5gL4 
ii. Downward deflection due to D.L  
 384EI 
 
 5qL4 
iii. Downward deflection due to L.L  
 384EI 
 
Step 1: Self weight of beam (g):

g = (Area of c/s x unit weight of concrete)
g = (0.15x 0.3 x 25)
g = 1.125 kN/m = 0.00125 kN/mm
Step 2: Moment of inertia:
 bD3   150 x 3003 
I     337.5x106 mm4
 12   12 
   
Step 3: Upward deflection due to pre stress:
 PL2 
 48EI  
Upward deflection due to prestress(PS )   5e1  e2 
 

  5x75  25
= -12.70 mm (Upwards)

Step 4: Downward deflection due to dead load:

Self-weight of the beam = g = 1.125 kN/m = 0.00125 kN/mm
 5gL4 
Downward deflection due todead load (DL )  
 384EI 
 
5x0.00125x8000 4
 DL 
 DL  5.19mm(downward)

Step 5: Deflection at the centre of the span when it supports its own weight:
Final    PS   DL

= -12.70+ 5.19 = -7.50mm (upward)

Step 6: Concentrated load:
If „Q‟ = Concentrated load required at the centre of span,

wl 3
For concentrated load,  

Then, 7.51 =

7.51 = 48x38x337.5x10

Q = 9.02 kN
1. Final  at the centre of span when it is supporting its own weight = -12.70 mm
2. Concentrated load Q = 9.02kN

6. A concrete beam having a rectangular section 100 mm wide and 300 mm deep
is prestressed by a parabolic cable carrying an initial force of 240 kN. The cable
has an eccentricity of 50mm at the centre of span at the supports. If the span of
the beam is 10m wide and the live load is 2kN/m. Estimate the short time
deflection at the centre of span. Assuming Ec= 38kN/mm2 and creep co-efficient
Ф = 2.0. Loss of pre stress = 20% of initial stress after 6 months. Estimate the
long time deflection at the centre of span at this stage, assuming the dead and live
loads are simultaneously applied after the release of pre stress.
Given Data:
Beam size = 100 x 300 mm
Span (L) = 10 m
Initial Prestressing force = 240 kN
Eccentricity e = 50mm @ centre and zero @ supports
Modulus elasticity of concrete (Ec) = 38 kN/mm2
Creep co-efficient = 2.0
Live load = 2 kN/m
Loss = 20% of initial stress
Type of cable = Parabolic cable with central anchors

To Calculate:
1. Short time deflection at centre
2. Long time deflection at centre
Short time deflection:
 PieL2 
i. Upward deflection due to parabolic tendon with centralanchors  5 
 48EI 
 

 5gL4 
ii. Downward deflection due to D.L  
 384EI 
 
 5qL4 
iii. Downward deflection due to L.L  
 384EI 
 
Long time deflection:
 L p   Lp  
Long time deflection  i1 1     ip 1  
  1   
 Pi   2Pi  

Step 1: Self weight of beam (g):

g = (Area of c/s x unit weight of concrete)
g = (0.1x 0.3 x 25)
g = 0.75 kN/m = 0.0075 kN/mm
Step 2: Moment of inertia:
 bD3   100 x 3003 
I     225x106 mm4
 12   12 
   
Step 3: Upward deflection due to pre stress:
 5PieL2 
Upward deflection due to prestress(PS )   
 48EI 
 

   14.61mm
= -14.61 mm (Upwards)
Step 4: Downward deflection due to dead load:
Self-weight of the beam = g = 0.75 kN/m = 0.00075 kN/mm
 5gL4 
Downward deflection due todead load (DL )  
 384EI 
 
 DL 
 DL  11.42mm(downward)

Step 5: Downward deflection due to Live load:

Live load on the beam = g = 2 kN/m = 0.002 kN/mm

 5qL4 
Downward deflection due toliveload (DL )  
 384EI 
 
 DL 
 DL  30.45mm(downward)

Step 6: Short term deflection at centre:

Final    PS   DL   LL

= -14.61+ 11.42+30.45 = + 27.26mm (downward)

Step 7: Long time deflection:
i. Initial deflection due to transverse loads(  i1 )

 i1   LL   DL = 11.42 + 30.45 = 41.87 mm

ii. Initial deflection due to pre stress = 14.61 mm
iii. Final deflection (  f )

 Lp   Lp  
 f  i1 1     ip 1    1   
 Pi   2Pi   (Note: Lp = 20% of initial stress)

 0.2Pi   0.2 Pi  
 f  41.87 1  2   14.61 1    1   2
 Pi   2Pi  

 f  + 89.11 mm (downward)
1. Short time deflection = + 27.26 mm (downward)
2. Long time deflection = + 89.1 mm (downward)

7. A pre-tensioned concrete beam of span 8 m having a rectangular section of
150 mm wide x 300 mm deep. The beam is pre-stressed by a parabolic cable
having an eccentricity of 75 mm below the centroidal axis at the centre of the
span and an eccentricity of 25 mm above the centroidal axis at the support
sections. The initial force in the cable is 350 kN. The beam supports three
concentrated loads of 10 kN each at intervals of 2m. Ec = 38 kN/mm2.
(i) Neglecting losses of pre stress, estimate the short term deflection due
(Prestress + self -weight)
(ii) Allowing for 20% loss in pre stress, estimate long term deflection
under (Prestress + self -weight + live load) assume creep co-efficient as
1.80. (Nov / Dec 2015, May / June 2016)

Given Data:
Beam size = 150 x 300 mm
Span (L) = 8m
Initial Pre stressing force = 350 kN
Eccentricity = e1 = 75mm, e2 = 25mm
Modulus elasticity of concrete (Ec) = 38 kN/mm2
Live load = 10 kN
Loss = 20%
Type of cable = Parabolic cable with eccentric anchors

To Calculate:
1. Short time deflection at centre due to Pre stress + self-weight
2. Long time deflection at centre due to Pre stress + self-weight + Live load with
20% loss of Prestress

Short time deflection:
 PL2 
 48EI  
i. Upward deflection due to parabolic tendon with eccentricanchors   5e1  e2 
 
 5gL4 
ii. Downward deflection due to D.L  
 384EI 
 

Moment of area of BM
iii. Downward deflection due to L.L 
Flexural Rigidity
Long time deflection:
 L p   Lp  
Long time deflection  i1 1     ip 1    1   
 Pi   2 Pi 
Step 1: Self weight of beam (g):
g = (Area of c/s x unit weight of concrete)
g = (0.5x 0.3 x 25)
g = 1.08 kN/m = 0.00108 kN/mm
Step 2: Moment of inertia:
 bD3   150 x 3003 
I    3.375x10 mm
8 4
 12   12
   
Step 3: Upward deflection due to pre stress:
 PL2 
 48EI  
Upward deflection due to prestress(PS )   5e1 e2 
 

  5x75  25   12.73mm
= -12.73 mm (Upwards)
Step 4: Downward deflection due to dead load:
Self-weight of the beam = g = 1.08 kN/m = 0.00108kN/mm
 5gL4 
Downward deflection due todead(DL )  
 384EI 
 
5x0.00108x8000 4
 DL 
 DL  4.49mm(downward)

Step 5: Downward deflection due to Live load:

Live load on the beam = g = 10 kN (3 point loads acting at a distance of 2m)
Moment area of BM
Downward deflection due to liveload (LL ) 
Flexural Rigidity
3 2

3 1
3 2
 x 30 x10 x 2000 x x 2000   30x10 x2000x3000   x10x10 x2000  x2000  2000  
 8

 LL   19.75 mm(downward)

Step 6: Short term deflection at centre due Prestress + Dead load:

Final    PS   DL

= -12.73+ 4.49 = - 8.2 mm (upward)

Step 7: Long time deflection:
i. Initial deflection due to transverse loads(  i1 )

 i1   LL   DL = 4.49+ 19.75= 24.24 mm

ii. Initial deflection due to pre stress = -12.73 mm
iii. Final deflection (  f )

 Lp   Lp  
 f  i1 1     ip 1    1   
 Pi   2Pi   (Note: Lp = 20% of initial stress)

 0.2Pi   0.2Pi  
 f  24.24 1  1.8  12.73 1    1  1.8
 Pi   2Pi  

 f  + 37.06 mm (downward)
1. Short time deflection due to pre stress and self-weight = + 8.2 mm (upward)

2. Long term deflection pre stress, self-weight and live load = - 37.06 mm

8. A concrete beam with a rectangular section of 150 mm wide x 300 mm deep, is
stressed by 3 cables, each carrying an effective force of 200 kN. The span of
the beam is 12m. The first cable is parabolic with an eccentricity of 50mm
below the centroidal axis at the centreof the span and 50 mm above the
centroidal axis at supports. The second cable is parabolic with zero at
supports and eccentricity of 50mm at the centre of span. The third cable is
straight with a uniform eccentricity of 50mm below the centroidal axis. If the
beam supports a uniformly distributed live load of 6kN/m and Ec = 38 kN/m2.
Estimate the instaneous deflection at the following stages.
i. Pre stress + self –weight of the beam
ii. Pre stress + self –weight + Live load (May 2013)

Given Data:
Beam size = 150 x 300 mm
Span (L) = 12 m
Pre stressing force = 200 kN
Live load = 6 kN/m
Modulus elasticity of concrete (Ec) = 38 kN/mm2
Cable 1: e1 = 50 mm; e2 = 50 mm (Parabolic cable eccentric anchors)
Cable 2: e= 50 mm (Parabolic cable central anchors)
Cable 3: e= 50 mm (Straight tendon)

To Calculate:
Instaneous deflection for the following
i. Pre stress + Self weight of beam
ii. Pre stress + Self weight of beam + L.L

 PeL2 
 48EI  
i. Upward deflection due to parabolic tendon eccentricanchors   5e1  e2 
 
 PeL2 
ii. Upward deflection due to parabolic tendon centralanchors  5 
 48EI 
 
 PeL2 
iii. Upward deflection due tostraight tendon   
 8EI 
 
 5gL4 
ii. Downward deflection due to D.L  
 384EI 
 
 5qL4 
iii. Downward deflection due to L.L   iv. Final deflection   PS   DL   LL
 384EI 
 

Step 1: Self weight of beam (g):

g = (Area of c/s x unit weight of concrete)
g = (0.15x 0.3 x 25)
g = 1.125 kN/m = 0.00125 kN/mm
Step 2: Moment of inertia:
 bD3   150 x 3003 
I    337.5x10 mm
6 4
 12   12
   
Step 3: Upward deflection due to pre stress for various tendon profile:
Cable 1: Parabolic tendon with eccentric anchors :( e1 = 50mm; e2 = 50mm)
 PeL2 
 48EI  
Upward deflection due to prestress(PS )   5e1  e2 
 

  5x50  50
= -13.8 mm (Upwards)

Cable 2: Parabolic tendon with central anchors :( e= 50mm)
 PeL2 
Upward deflection due to prestress(PS )  5 
 48EI 
 
 200x50x120002 
 5 
 48x38x337.5x106 
 
= -11.69 mm (Upwards)
Cable 3: Straight tendon with constant eccentricity :( e= 50mm)
 PeL2 
Upward deflection due to prestress(PS )   
 8EI 
 
 200x50x120002 
 
 8x38x337.5x106 
 
= -14.03 mm (Upwards)
Total deflection due to pre stress:
= -13.8-11.69-14.03
= - 39.52 mm

Step 5: Downward deflection due to dead load:

Self-weight of the beam = g = 1.125 kN/m = 0.00125 kN/mm
 5gL4 
Downward deflection due todead load (DL )  
 384EI 
 
 DL 

 DL  26.30mm(downward)

Step 6: Downward deflection due to Live load:
Live load on the beam =q = 6 kN/m = 0.006 kN/mm
 5qL4 
Downward deflection due toliveload (DL )  
 384EI 
 
5x0.006x12000 4
 DL 
 DL  126.31mm(downward)

Step 7: Deflection at the centre of the span for the given conditions:
Condition 1: Pre stress + Self weight
Final    PS   DL
= -39.52+ 26.3
= - 13.22 (upward)
Condition 2: Pre stress + Self weight + Live load
Final    PS   DL   LL
= -39.52+ 26.3+126.31
= - 113.09 (downward)

1. Final  at the centre of span due to pre stress + self-weight = -13.22 mm
2. Final  at the centre of span due to pre stress + self-weight + Live load= -

9. Explain Magnel’s method in anchorage.(May 2014)

In Magnel‟s method the end block is considered as a deep beam subjected to

concentrated loads due to anchorages on one side and to normal and tangential
distributed loads from the linear direct stress and shear stress distribution from the
other side. The forces acting on the end block and the stresses acting on any point on
the horizontal axis parallel to the beam are shown in Figure with the following

Forces on the End Block

M -bending moment
H -direct force (vertical) (directionsshownin the figure are +ve)
V = shear force (horizontal)
Fv = vertical stress
Fh = direct stress
 = shear stress

The stress distribution across the section can be approximate by the following

M  H
Fv  k1  2   k2  
 bh   bh 
  k3  
 bh 
P  e' 
Fh  1  12 2 
bh  h' 

Constants K1, K2and K3are co-efficient of stresses in end block (Magnel‟s) for
varying distance from the end face of the beam.

The direct stress fh is computed by assuming that the concentrated disperses at

45° and considering the depth of the section intercepted between the dispersion lines
at the required point on the horizontal axis.

The principal stresses acting at the point are computed by the general equations:

f f  1
fh  fv   4 2
f max or f min   v h 
 2  2
 2 
tan 2   
 fv  fh 

The bursting tension is computed from the distribution of principal tensile stress on
the required axis and suitable reinforcements are designed to take up this tension.

Magnels method
10. The end block a prestressed concrete beam, rectangular in section, is 100mm
wide and 200mm deep. The pre stressing force of 100kN is transmitted to
concrete by a distribution plate 100mm wide and 50 mm deep, concentrically
located at the ends. Calculate the position and magnitude of the maximum
tensile stress on the horizontal section through the centreand edge of the
anchor plate. Compute the bursting tension on these horizontal planes.

Given Data:
Pre stressing force (P) = 100 kN
Depth of the beam (h) = 200mm
Width of the beam (b) = 100mm

To calculate:
1. The position and magnitude of maximum tensile stress
2. Bursting tension
Step 1: Direct stress:
 P   100 x10 
fh         5 N / mm

 A   200 x100 

Step 2: Vertical stress for section xx:

 M  H
f v  k1 2   k2  
 bh   bh 

i. Co- efficients of stresses in End Block (Magnel)

Normally, the vertical stress fv and the principal tensile stress are critical at x =
0.5h. Referring to the figure

Forces acting on the End Block

For section XX
At  0.5 ; Referring to Magnel‟s table
K1 = -5.00 ; K2 = 2.00;K3 = 1.25

ii. Bending Moment for section xx (M):

  100   100 x10   50  

M   5x100x100   
    
  2   2   4 
M = 1875x 103 Nmm
iii. Vertical stress (fv):
 M  H
f v  k1 2   k2  
 bh   bh 
 1875 x103 
fv   5 2 
  2.35N / mm 2
 100x200 
Step 3: Principal stressfor section xx:
The principal tensile stress (acting at 0.5 h = 100 mm from the end) is given by,
f f  1
f min   v h    f h  f v   4 2

 2  2
 5  2.35  1
f min     5  2.35  0   2.35N / mm2

 2  2

Distribution of tensile stress

Step 4: Bursting tensionfor section xx:
Therefore, the total splitting tension, assuming parabolic distribution of stress is
shown in figure is given by,
 2  
Fbst   x150 x 2.35 100   23500 N
 3  
Step 5: Vertical stress and shear stress for section YY:
 M  H
f v  k1 2   k2  
 bh   bh 
i. Co- efficients of stresses in End Block (Magnel)
For section YY (passing through edge of plate) stresses at x= 0.5h = 100mm
from end.
For section YY
At  0.5 ; Referring to Magnel‟s table
K1 = -5.00 ; K2 = 2.00;K3 = 1.25
ii. Bending Moment and shear force for section YY (M):
  75  
M  100x75x5    
  2 
M = 14x 105 N mm
V = -(100x 75x5) = - 37500 N(acting towards the end of beam)

iii. Vertical stress for section YY (fv):

 M  H
f v  k1 2   k2  
 bh   bh 
 14x105 
fv   5 2 
 0   1.75N / mm 2
 100x200 
iv. Shear stress for section YY (  ):
V  37500 
  k3  1.25     2.35 N / mm

 bh   100x200 

Step 6: Principal stressfor section YY and angle of inclination of principal plane:
The principal tensile stress (acting at 0.5 h = 100 mm from the end) is given by,
f f  1
f min   v h    f h  f v   4 2

 2  2
 5  1.75  1
f min     5  1.75  4  2.35   2.475N / mm 2
2 2

 2  2
Angle of inclination of the plane of principal stress with respect to the vertical plane
 2   2x 2.35 
tan 2      0.7
 fv  fh   1.75  5 
tan 2  35 ° and θ = 17.5°
Tensile stress component in the vertical direction
= 2.475 x sec 17.5° = 2.6 N/mm2

Step 7: Bursting tensionfor section YY:

 2  
Fbst   x150 x 2.6 100   26000 N
 3  
i. Principal stress on XX direction = - 2.35 N/mm2
ii. Bursting tension onXX direction = 23500 N
iii. Principal stress on YY direction = - 2.475 N/mm2
iv. Bursting tension on YY direction = 26000 N

11. The end block a pre stressed concrete beam, 100mm wide and 200mm deep,
supports an eccentric pre stressing force of 100kN, the line of action of which
coincides with the bottom kern of the section. The depth of the anchor plate is
50mm. Estimate the magnitude and position of the principal tensile stress on a
horizontal plane passing through the centre of the anchorage plate.

Forces Acting on the End Block

Given Data:
Pre stressing force (P) = 100 kN
Depth of the beam (h) = 200mm
Width of the beam (b) = 100mm
To calculate:
1. The position and magnitude of maximum tensile stress on a horizontal
passing through the centre of anchorage plate.
Step 1: Vertical stress for section xx:
 M  H
f v  k1 2   k2  
 bh   bh 
i. Bending Moment for section xx (M):
 1  1  
M   x6.66x13.33x100   x133.3   50x103 12.5  1345x103 Nmm
 2  3  

ii. Shear Force for section xx (V):
 1  
V   x6.66x13.33x100    50x103   5612N
 2  
iii. Vertical stress for section YY (fv):
 M  H
f v  k1 2   k2  
 bh   bh 
M= 1345x 103; V = -5612 ; H = 0; fh =+6.666 N/mm2
 1345x103 
fv   5 2 
 0   1.66 N / mm 2
 100x200 

Step 2: Shear stress (  ):

V  5612 
  k3  1.25     0.35 N / mm

 bh   100x200 

Step 3: Principal stress:

f f  1
f min   v h    f h  f v   4 2

 2  2
 6.666  1.66  1
f min     6.666  1.66   4  0.35   1.7 N / mm2
2 2

 2  2

Step 4: Bursting tension:

 2  
Fbst   x150 x1.7 100  17000 N
 3  

i. Principal stress = - 1.7 N/mm2
ii. Bursting tension = 17000 N

12. The end block a pre stressed concrete beam, rectangular in section, is 100mm
wide and 200mm deep. The pre stressing force of 100kN is transmitted to
concrete by a distribution plate 100mm wide and 50 mm deep, concentrically
located at the ends. Calculate the position and magnitude of the maximum
tensile stress on the horizontal section through the centre and edge of the
anchor plate. Compute the bursting tension on these horizontal plane by
Guyons method.

Given Data:
Pre stressing force (P) = 100 kN
Depth of loaded area = 2ypo = 50mm
Depth of surrounding prism = 2yo = 200mm

To calculate:
i. Position and magnitude of maximum tensile stress
ii. Bursting tension

Step 1: Distribution ratio:
2ypo 50
  0.25
2yo 200

Step 2: Position of zero stress and Position of maximum stress:

Referring to Guyon‟s table (Distributed axial force) for distribution ratio 0.25,
i. Position of zero stress = 0.15
2 yo
Position of zero stress = 0.15(2yo) = 0.15 x 200 = 30mm
ii. Position of maximum stress = 0.33
2 yo
Position of maximum stress = 0.33(2yo) = 0.33 x 200 = 66 mm

Step 3: Maximum tensile stress:
Referring to Guyon‟s table (Distributed axial force) for distribution ratio 0.25,
Ratio of maximum tensile stress to average stress = 0.345
Maximum tensilestress  0.345  
 100x103 
 0.345   1.725 N / mm

 200x100 
Step 4: Bursting tension (fbst):
  ypo 0.58 
Fbst  0.3P 1    
  yo  
  0.3x100x103  1   0.25  
 
 16575 N
Step 5: Area of steel required:
If the yield stress in mild steel = 260N/mm2, then
 16575 
  0.87 x 260    73mm
Area of steel required =  2

 

i. Maximum tensile stress = 1.725 N/mm2
ii. Bursting tension = 16575 N

13. The end block a pre stressed concrete beam, 100mm wide and 200mm deep,
supports an eccentric pre stressing force of 100kN, the line of action of which
coincides with the bottom kern of the section. The depth of the anchor plate is
50mm. Compute the maximum tensile stress and the total splitting tension
using Guyon’s method.
Given Data:
Pre stressing force (P) = 100 kN
Depth of loaded area = 2ypo = 50mm
Depth of the symmetric prism = 2yo = 133 mm

To calculate:
i. Maximum tensile stress
ii. Total splitting tension

Step 1: Distribution ratio:
2ypo 50
  0.375
2yo 133

Step 2: Position of zero stress and Position of maximum stress:

Referring to Guyon‟s table (Distributed axial force) for distribution ratio 0.375,
iii. Position of zero stress = 0.175
2 yo
Position of zero stress = 0.175(2yo) = 0.175 x 133 = 23.5 mm
iv. Position of maximum stress = 0.382
2 yo
Position of maximum stress = 0.382(2yo) = 0.382 x 133 = 51 mm

Step 3: Maximum tensile stress:

Referring to Guyon‟s table (Distributed axial force) for distribution ratio 0.375,
Ratio of maximum tensile stress to average stress = 0.285

Maximum tensilestress  0.285  
 100x103 
 0.285    2.13 N / mm

 100x133 
Step 4: Total splitting tension (fbst):
  ypo 0.58 
Fbst  0.3P 1    
  yo  
  0.3x100x103  1   0.375  
 
 13015 N
i. Maximum tensile stress = 2.13 N/mm2
ii. Total splitting tension = 13015 N

Design of Anchorage zone reinforcement:

14. The end block of a post tensioned PSC beam 300mm wide and 300mm deep is
subjected to a concentric anchorage force of 832.8kN by a Freyssinet
anchorage system of area 11,720 mm2.Design and detail the anchorage
reinforcement for the end block. (Nov/ Dec 2015)

Given Data:
Beam size = 300 x 300 mm
Pre stressing force = 832.8kN
Depth of surrounding prism = 2yo = 300mm
Freyssinet anchorage area = 11,720mm2

To calculate:
Design and de detail the anchorage reinforcement for the end block.

Step 1: Average compressive stress (fc):

P 832.8x103
fc   9.25 N / mm2
A 300 x 300

Step 2: Depth of Anchorage plate (2ypo):
 d2
Area of Freyssinet anchorage =

 d2 11720 x 4
11000 = ; d 122mm
4 
d  2ypo 122 mm

Step 3: Distribution ratio:

2ypo 122
  0.41
2yo 300

Step 4: Maximum transverse tensile stress: (fvmax)

 ypo 
fv max  fc 0.98  0.825
 yo 

fvmax  8.8 0.98  0.825  0.41

= 5.93 N/mm2

Step 5: Bursting tension (fbst):

 ypo 
Fbst  Pk 0.48  0.4
 yo 

Fbst  800x103 0.48  0.4  0.41

= 263.16 x103N

Step 6: Design of end zone reinforcement:

Using 10mmø mild steel links with yield stress of 260 N/mm2

Fbst 257.92x103
Number of bars required =  14.77 16 Nos
0.87 fy ast   x102 
0.87 x260x  
 4 

The reinforcement is to be arranged in the zone between 0.2 yo (0.2 x 150) = 30mm
and yo = 150mm. The arrangement of reinforcement in the two perpendicular
direction is shown in figure.

15. The end block of a post tensioned prestressed member is 550mm wide and 550
mm deep. Four cables each made up of 7 wires of 12mm diameter strands and
carrying a force of 100kN are anchored by plate anchorages 150mmx 150mm,
located with their centres at 125mm from the edges of the end block. The
cable duct is 50mm diameter. The 28 day cube strength of concrete fcu is
45N/mm2. The cube strength of concrete at transfer fci is
25N/mm2.Permissible bearing stresses behind anchorages should confirm with
IS 1343. The characteristic yield stress in mild steel anchorage reinforcement
is 260 N/mm2.Design suitable anchorages for the end block.

Given Data:
Beam size = 550 x 550 mm
Pre stressing force = 1000kN
Depth of loaded area = 2ypo = 150mm
Depth of surrounding prism = 2yo = 250mm
Dia. Of cable duct = 50 mm
Anchorage plate size = 150 x 150 mm

To calculate:
Design and de detail the anchorage reinforcement for the end block.

Step 1: Area of the cable duct:

 x502
A 1963.5mm 2

Step 2: Net area of the surrounding prism:

Net area = Area of surrounding prism – Area
of cable duct
=  250X250 1963.5

= 60536.5mm2.

Step 3: Average compressive stress (fc):

P 1000 x103
fc  16.5 N / mm 2
A 60536.5

Step 4: Bearing stress:

A br
According to IS 1343, the bearing stress shall not exceed 0.48 fci or 0.8f ci
A pun

Whichever is less (Refer - Pg:35, IS 1343-1980, cl:

A br = Bearing area = 60536.5 mm2
A pun =Punching area = 1502 = 22500 mm2

Bearing stressis limited to  0.48x25x
19.7N / mm 2 (or) 0.8f ci  0.8 x 25  20 N / mm 2

Actual bearing stress = 16.5 N/mm2.

Step 5: Maximum Transverse tensile stress ( f vmax )
Maximum transverse tensile stress is critical in Z-R method compared to IS method
  ypo  
f vmax  f c 0.98  0.825  
  yo  
  75  
16.5 0.98  0.825  
  125  
 8 N / mm 2
Step 6: Bursting tension (fbst):
 ypo 
Fbst  Pk 0.48  0.4
 yo 

Fbst 1000x103 0.48  0.4  0.6 

= 240 x103N

Step 7: Design of end zone reinforcement:

Using 10mmø mild steel links with yield stress of 260 N/mm2
Fbst 240x103
Number of bars required =  14.69 16 Nos
0.87 fy ast   x102 
0.87 x260x  
 4 
The reinforcement is to be arranged in the zone between 0.2 yo (0.2 x 125) = 25mm
and yo = 125 mm. The arrangement of reinforcement in the two perpendicular
directions is shown in figure.

16. The end block of prestressed concrete beam, rectangular in section 100 mm
wide and 200mm deep. The pre stressing force is 100kN transmitted to
concrete by distribution plate, 100mm wide and 50 mm deep concentrically
located at the ends. Calculate the position and magnitude of the maximum
tensile stress on the horizontal section through the centre and edge of anchor
plate. Compute the bursting tension in the horizontal plane .(April / May
2013,Nov/ Dec 2013)

Given Data:
Beam size = 100x 200 mm

Distribution plate size = 100x 50 mm

Pre stressing force = 100kN
Depth of loaded area = 2ypo = 50mm
Depth of surrounding prism = 2yo = 100mm

To calculate:
i. Position and magnitude of the maximum tensile stress on the horizontal
section through the centre and edge of anchor plate
ii. The bursting tension in the horizontal plane.

Note: Concentrically load (Equal stress distribution will occur, that equal stress
distribution is achieved by square prism)

Step 1: Average compressive stress (fc):

P 1000 x103
fc  10 N / mm 2
A 100x100

Step 2: Distribution ratio:

2ypo ypo 25
   0.5
2yo yo 50

Step 3: Maximum Transverse tensile stress ( f vmax )
Maximum transverse tensile stress is critical in Z-R method compared to IS method
  ypo  
f vmax  f c 0.98  0.825  
  yo  
  25  
16.5 0.98  0.825   
  50  
 5.675 N / mm 2
Step 4: Bursting tension (fbst):
 ypo 
Fbst  Pk 0.48  0.4
 yo 

Fbst 100x103 0.48  0.4  0.5

= 28,000 N
If the permissible tensile stress in concrete is assumed as 2N/mm2, the corrected
value of the bursting tension is

  f 2 
Fbst (corrected)  Fbst 1   t  
  f v max  
 
  2 2 
 28,000 1    
  5.675  
 24522N

i. Maximum tensile stress = 5.675 N/mm2
ii. Bursting tension = 28000 N

17. Discuss about the anchorage zone reinforcement.

 The main reinforcement in the anchorage zone should be designed to withstand the
bursting tension, which is determined by the transverse stress distribution on the
critical axis, usually coinciding with the line of action of the largest individual
 For plate and embedded (Freyssinet) type of anchorage the typical arrangement of
reinforcement in end block are shown in figure.
 Mat, helical, loops or links are generally provided in perpendicular directions.
 Test by Zielinski and Rowe have shown that helical reinforcement is more
efficient than mat reinforcement.
 In cases where spalling or secondary tension develops at the corners, suitable
steel in the form of hair-pin bars should be provided to prevent the failure of
corner zones.
 Suitable pockets are generally provided behind the anchorages so that the
secondary reinforcement can be bent and the pocket filled with mortar after pre
stressing operation.
 In case of the end blocks where bearing plates are positioned close to the edge of
block the steel cage should be arranged so that the bearing plates do not overlap it.
 This precaution is necessary to prevent the spalling of concrete at the corners
during stressing due to the different elastic modulus of the plane containing the

Pocket Behind Anchorage

Arrangement of steel cage in Anchorage zone

18. Calculate the transmission length at the end of a pretensioned beam as per

Hoyers method using the following data:

Span of the beam = 50m

Diameter of wires used = 7mm

Co-efficient of friction between steel and concrete = 0.1

Poissons ratio for steel = 0.3

Poissions ratio for concrete = 0.15

Es = 210 kN/mm2 and Ec = 30kN/mm2

Ultimate tensile strength of steel wire, fpu = 1500 N/mm2

Initial stress in steel, fpi = 0.7 ,fpu = 1050 N/mm2

Effective stress in steel ,fpe = 0.6, fpu = 900 N/mm2

Given Data:
Span of the Beam = 50m

Diameter of wire  = 7 mm
Co-efficient of friction between steel and concrete = 0.1
Poisson‟s ratio for steel v s = 0.3
Poisson‟s ratio for concrete v c = 0.15

Es = 210 kN/mm2

Ec = 30kN/mm2

fpi = 0.7

fpe = 0.6

fpu = 900 N/mm2

To calculate:
Transmission length

Step 1: Modular ratio c
E s 210
c  = 7
Ec 30

Step 2: Transmission length as per Hoyer method:

   f  fpe 
Lt  1  vc   e  pi  
2  vs E c  2fpi  fp e 
  7 0.7 x1500  900 
 1  0.15    
 0.3 30x10  2x1050  900 
L t 100 100(7)  700 mm

Step 3: Overall length:

If the beam is simply supported over a span of 50m, there should be atleast
700mm of beam projection beyond the centre of supports at each end. Therefore, the
total length of beam required to be cast at site is given by,
Overall length = (50+2x0.7)m = 5.14m

i. Transmission length Lt = 700mm
ii. Overall length = 5.14 m

19. A pretensioned beam is prestressed using 5mm diameter wires with an initial
stress of 80 percent of the ultimate tensile strength of steel (fpu = 1600 N/mm2).
The cube strength of concrete at transfer is 30 N/mm2.
a. Calculate the transmission length
b. Compute the bond stress at ¼ and ½ the transmission length from the
end, and
c. Calculate the overall average bond stress

Given Data:

Diameter of wire  = 5 mm
Cube strength of concrete fcu = 30 N/mm2
Ultimate tensile strength of steel fpu = 1600 N/mm2

To Calculate:

i. Transmission length
ii. Bond stress at ¼ and ½ the transmission length from the end, and
iii. Overall average bond stress

Step 1: Transmission length: Lt

fcu x103 30 x103

Lt    485mm
 0.0235

Step 2: Bond stress at ¼ and ½ of transmission length:

 bp x   bp max e4 x/  7.42e  4x 0.00725x x /

If  = 5 mm

 bp   7.42e 0.0058x 

(i) Bond stress at Lt/4 is given by
Where x = (1/4 Lt = (1/4 x 485 = 121.25mm)

 bp   7.42e 0.0058x121.25    3.7 N / mm2

(ii) Bond stress at Lt/2 is given by
Where x = (1/2 Lt = (1/2 x 485 = 242.5 mm)

 bp   7.42e 0.0058x242.5   1.82N / mm2

Step 3: Overall average bond stress:

 bp average  19.6 xx5x485

0.8x1600 
  3.30 N / mm
 


iv. Transmission length Lt = 485 mm

v. Bond stress at ¼ transmission length from the end = 3.7 N/mm2
vi. Bond stress ½ the transmission length from the end = 1.82 N/mm2
vii. Overall average bond stress = 3.30N/mm2

20. The pre-tensioned beam of 8m span has a symmetrical I-section. The flanges
are 200 mm wide and 60 mm thick. The web thickness is 80mm and the
overall depth of girder is 400mm. The member is pre stressed by a 8 wires of
5mm diameter located on the tension side such that the effective eccentricity is
90mm. The initial stress in the wires is 1280 N/mm2 and the cube strength of
concrete at transfer is 42 N/mm2.
a. Determine the maximum vertical tensile stress developed in the transfer
zone: and
b. Design suitable mild steel reinforcement, assuming the permissible stress
in steel as 140 N/mm2.

Given Data:

Top & bottom flange size = 200 mm x 60 mm

Web size =80 mm x 280 mm
Eccentricity e = 90 mm
Initial Pre stress = 1280 N/mm2
Cube strength of concrete at transfer fcu = 42 N/mm2
8 wires of 5mm diameter is used.
To Calculate:

i. Maximum vertical tensile stress developed in the transfer zone.

ii. Design suitable mild steel reinforcement


Step 1: Area of the section Ac:

Area Ac =  200x60  80x280   (200x60) 

= 46400mm2

Step 2:Moment of Inertia:

 b1d13   b 2d 32   b3d33 
= +(A1 (y t - y1 )) 2 + 2
  +(A 3 (y t - y3 ))
 12    +(A 2 (y t - y 2 )) +
I xx
   12   12 
 200x603  2  80x280 
 12    +(46400(200-200))
Ixx +(46400(200-30) +
   12 
 200x603 
+  +(46400(200-370) 2
 12 
 
I xx = 847 x 106 mm 4

Step 3: Section modulus

 I   847 x 106  6 3
Z=Zt =Zb =  xx  =   = 4.235 x 10 mm

 y t   200 
Note: Given section is symmetric section so Z=Zt =Zb

Step 4: Pre stressing force (P)
P = Prestress x Area of tendon

  x52 
= x8  x1280  200 kN
 4 
 
Step 5: Resultant Stress:
i. Stress at top fibre:

 P Pe   200x103 200x103x90 
f top =  -    2
- 3 

 A c Z t   464x10 c 4235x10 
ii. Stress at bottom fibre:

P Pe   200x103 200x103x90 
f bot =  +  +   8.6N / mm
 2 3
 A c Zb   464x10 c 4235x10 
Step 6: Maximum Vertical Stress:
Taking into consideration all the forces above the centroidal axis of the section,
External moment due to pre stressing force = 0

i. Internal Moment (M):

The internal moment due to the distribution of pre stress developed is obtained as,
M =[(200 x 60x 0.64x170) + (140x 80x 2.8x 70)] = 351x 104Nmm

ii. Transmission Length (Lt):

fcu x103 42 x103

Lt    525mm
 0.0235
iii. Maximum tensile stress near the end face:

 10M   10 x 351x104 
      2.09 N / mm
 b w h L t   80 x 400 x525 
Step 7: Area of Vertical reinforcement Asv:

 2.5M   2.5x 351x104 

     158mm
 fs h   140 x400 
Provide 3 bars of 6mm diameter stirrups (two-legged) in the transfer zone.

Anna university Two marks Questions

1. Write down the factors influencing deflections. (May 2011, Dec 2011, Dec 2015,
May 2016)(Pg.No:2, Q.No:1)
2. Define Anchorage Zone or end block.(Dec 2105) (Pg.No:2, Q.No:3)
3. Draw the sketch showing the stress distribution in end block by double anchor
plate. (May 2010) (Pg.No:3, Q.No:7)
4. Mention any two functions of end blocks. (May 2013, Dec 2013) (Pg.No:4,
5. Why anchorage zone has to be given special attention in pre stressed concrete
design. (June 2012) (Pg.No:4, Q.No:9)
6. What do you mean by Unbounded tendon (May / June 2106 , Nov/Dec
2014)(Pg.No:7, Q.No:22)

Anna university Sixteen Mark Questions
1. A pre-tensioned concrete beam of span 8 m having a rectangular section of 150
mm wide x 300 mm deep. The beam is pre-stressed by a parabolic cable having an
eccentricity of 75 mm below the centroidal axis at the centre of the span and an
eccentricity of 25 mm above the centroidal axis at the support sections. The initial
force in the cable is 350 kN. The beam supports three concentrated loads of 10 kN
each at intervals of 2m. Ec = 38 kN/mm2.
(i) Neglecting losses of pre stress, estimate the short term deflection due
(Prestress + self -weight)
(ii) Allowing for 20% loss in pre stress, estimate long term deflection under
(Prestress + self -weight + live load) assume creep co-efficient as 1.80.
(Nov / Dec 2015, May / June 2016) (Pg.No:21, Q.No:7)

2. A concrete beam with a rectangular section of 150 mm wide x 300 mm deep, is

stressed by 3 cables, each carrying an effective force of 200 kN. The span of the beam
is 12m. The first cable is parabolic with an eccentricity of 50mm below the centroidal
axis at the centre of the span and 50 mm above the centroidal axis at supports. The
second cable is parabolic with zero at supports and eccentricity of 50mm at the centre
of span. The third cable is straight with a uniform eccentricity of 50mm below the
centroidal axis. If the beam supports a uniformly distributed live load of 6kN/m and
Ec = 38 kN/m2. Estimate the instaneous deflection at the following stages.
i. Pre stress + self –weight of the beam
ii. Pre stress + self –weight + Live load (May 2013) (Pg.No:23, Q.No:8)

3. Explain Magnel‟s method in anchorage.(May 2014) (Pg.No:27, Q.No:9)

4. The end block of a post tensioned PSC beam 300mm wide and 300mm deep is
subjected to a concentric anchorage force of 832.8 kN by a Freyssinet anchorage
system of area 11,720 mm2.Design and detail the anchorage reinforcement for the
end block. (Nov/ Dec 2015) (Pg.No:36, Q.No:14)

5. The end block of pre stressed concrete beam, rectangular in section 100 mm wide
and 200mm deep. The pre stressing force is 100kN transmitted to concrete by
distribution plate, 100mm wide and 50 mm deep concentrically located at the ends.
Calculate the position and magnitude of the maximum tensile stress on the
horizontal section through the centre and edge of anchor plate. Compute the
bursting tension in the horizontal plane .(April / May 2013,Nov/ Dec 2013)
(Pg.No:40, Q.No:16)

6. Discuss about the importance of control of deflections and factors influencing the
deflection of Pre stressed concrete beams. (May 2013) (Pg.No:8, Q.No:1)

Important Two marks Questions
1. Write down the factors influencing deflections.
2. Define short term and long term deflection.
3. Define Transmission length.
4. Define Anchorage Zone or end block.
5. Mention any two functions of end blocks.
6. Why anchorage zone has to be given special attention in pre stressed concrete
7. What is meant by bursting force / bursting tension (fbst)?
8. Write the permissible deflections as per IS codes.
9. Define Development length.
10. Define Bond length.
11. Write the IS: codal provisions of transmission length for different types of
12. What do you mean by Unbonded tendon.
13. How transfer of pre stress will takes place in Pre tensioned and Post tensioned
14. What is meant by spalling force?
15. How is Spalling tension taken care of in the anchorage zone?
16. Sketch Different types of arrangement of reinforcement in the end block.
17. Draw the sketch showing the stress distribution in end block by double anchor
plate. (May 2010)
18. What is the effect if transverse tensile stress on the end block?
19. Define Guyon‟s method.
20. Discuss about anchorage Zone reinforcement.

Important Sixteen marks Questions
1. Discuss about the importance of control of deflections and factors influencing the
deflection of Pre stressed concrete beams. (May 2013)

2. A concrete beam with a rectangular section 300 mm wide and 500 mm deep is
prestressed by 2 post-tensioned cables of area 600 mm2 each. Initially stressed to
1600 N/mm2. The cables are located at a constant eccentricity of 100 mm
throughout the length of the beam having a span of 10 m. The modulus of
elasticity of steel and concrete is 210 and 38 kN/mm2 respectively.
a. Neglecting all losses, find the deflection at the centre of span when it is
supporting its own weight.
b. Allowing for 20% loss in pre stress, find the final deflection at the centre of
when it carries an imposed load of 18 kN/m. Dc = 25 kN/m3.

3. A rectangular concrete beam of cross section 150 mm wide and 300 mm deep is
simply supported over a span of 8 m and is pre stressed by means of a symmetric
parabolic cable, at a distance of 75 mm from the bottom of the beam at mid span
and 125 mm from the top of the beam at support sections. If the force in the cable
is 350 kN and the modulus of elasticity of concrete is 38 kN/m2calculate
(a) The deflection at mid-span when the beam is supporting its own weight, and
(b) The concentrated load which must be applied at mid-span to restore it to the
level of supports.

4. a. Explain Magnel‟s method in anchorage.(May 2014)

b. The end block a pre stressed concrete beam, rectangular in section, is 100mm
wide and 200mm deep. The pre stressing force of 100kN is transmitted to concrete
by a distribution plate 100mm wide and 50 mm deep, concentrically located at the
ends. Calculate the position and magnitude of the maximum tensile stress on the
horizontal section through the centre and edge of the anchor plate. Compute the
bursting tension on these horizontal plane.

5. A pre-tensioned concrete beam of span 8 m having a rectangular section of 150
mm wide x 300 mm deep. The beam is pre-stressed by a parabolic cable having an
eccentricity of 75 mm below the centroidal axis at the centre of the span and an
eccentricity of 25 mm above the centroidal axis at the support sections. The initial
force in the cable is 350 kN. The beam supports three concentrated loads of 10 kN
each at intervals of 2m. Ec = 38 kN/mm2.
a. Neglecting losses of pre stress, estimate the short term deflection due
(Prestress + self -weight)
b. Allowing for 20% loss in pre stress, estimate long term deflection under
(Prestress + self -weight + live load) assume creep co-efficient as 1.80.
(Nov / Dec 2015, May / June 2016)

6. The end block a pre stressed concrete beam, rectangular in section, is 100mm wide
and 200mm deep. The pre stressing force of 100kN is transmitted to concrete by a
distribution plate 100mm wide and 50 mm deep, concentrically located at the ends.
Calculate the position and magnitude of the maximum tensile stress on the
horizontal section through the centre and edge of the anchor plate. Compute the
bursting tension on these horizontal plane by Guyons method.

7. The end block of a post tensioned PSC beam 300mm wide and 300mm deep is
subjected to a concentric anchorage force of 832.8 kN by a Freyssinet anchorage
system of area 11,720 mm2.Design and detail the anchorage reinforcement for the
end block. (Nov/ Dec 2015)

8. The end block of pre stressed concrete beam, rectangular in section 100 mm wide
and 200mm deep. The pre stressing force is 100kN transmitted to concrete by
distribution plate, 100mm wide and 50 mm deep concentrically located at the ends.
Calculate the position and magnitude of the maximum tensile stress on the
horizontal section through the centre and edge of anchor plate. Compute the
bursting tension in the horizontal plane .(April / May 2013,Nov/ Dec 2013)

9. The end block of a post tensioned pre stressed member is 550mm wide and 550
mm deep. Four cables each made up of 7 wires of 12mm diameter strands and
carrying a force of 100kN are anchored by plate anchorages 150mmx 150mm,
located with their centres at 125mm from the edges of the end block. The cable
duct is 50mm diameter. The 28 day cube strength of concrete fcu is 45N/mm2. The
cube strength of concrete at transfer fci is 25N/mm2.Permissible bearing stresses
behind anchorages should confirm with IS 1343. The characteristic yield stress in
mild steel anchorage reinforcement is 260 N/mm2.Design suitable anchorages for
the end block.

10. A pretensioned beam is prestressed using 5mm diameter wires with an initial stress
of 80 percent of the ultimate tensile strength of steel (fpu = 1600 N/mm2). The
cube strength of concrete at transfer is 30 N/mm2.
a. Calculate the transmission length
b. Compute the bond stress at ¼ and ½ the transmission length from the
end, and
c. Calculate the overall average bond stress


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