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Architect Data File - 2014-3

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adf architectsdatafile

March 2014

Building for education:

Materials Science &
Metallurgy building,
University of Cambridge

Care homes & assisted

living: Bishopstoke Park
Retirement Village, Eastleigh

Plus the latest news,

events and products

sewage treatment incorporating

cladding & facades • floor coverings BUILDING

www.architectsdatafile.co.uk insulation PROJECTS

35 Calthorpe Road
Birmingham, B15 1TS
United Kingdom
Tel.: 0808 - 2340268

enquiry 401
contents march 2014

news & events

Industry News
23 29
14 CPD Focus
15 Events

23 History provides a future for the retired


Instead of a shining new development for the retired, Anchor Trust and HEADLINES
English Care Village Partnerships are using design to invent a history for
an assisted living development in Hampshire, as Steve Menary reports 4 The UK and France sweep
the board at this year’s
29 Titan in its tomb BREEAM Awards
The country’s second largest ever concrete pour was needed to create a 7 Birmingham unveils huge
building for Cambridge’s materials scientists in which vibration could be HS2 redevelopment plan
kept to a minimum. Mark Smulian reports
10 UK housing shortage latest:
icing here with cake to follow

Specifying off-mains drainage 17 Editor’s Focus
Kevin Roe, sales director of Kingspan Klargester,
looks at the drainage options available for different sites 12 Appointments & News
20 Planning & Design
43 Structural Elements
Inspired by natural systems
43 External Envelope
Ventilated façades have been around for a long time. In traditional Scandinavian (inc. External Fixtures)
housing, for example, an air gap was included between the timber external wall 51 Insulation
and the internal wall, as a way of preventing these soft wood structures from
54 Heating, Ventilation & Services
rotting in a rainy climate. But the principles go back further than that – in fact,
56 Interiors
they take their cue from the natural world. By Trespa UK
65 Disabled Products & Services
INSULATION 65 Safety & Security
52 66 Landscaping & External Works
What are SIPS and how do they provide
the optimum fabric first solution? 67 Classified & Directory
Experts from the UK Structural Insulated Panel Association explain
why the use of SIPS technology is on the increase across the UK
adf architectsdatafile
March 2014
Aperam Stainless Services
Cover image courtesy of

& Solutions, see page 50


for more details

Endless application possibilities for Building for education:

Materials Science &
Metallurgy building,
University of Cambridge

solid and engineered timber flooring Care homes & assisted

living: Bishopstoke Park
Retirement Village, Eastleigh

Plus the latest news,

events and products

By Roger Hemmings, marketing manager of Havwoods www.architectsdatafile.co.uk

sewage treatment
cladding & facades • floor coverings
4 news

Publisher/Editor Scan the code with your

Simon Reed
mobile phone using QR
Assistant Editors
Gabrielle Vinyard
The UK and code software to view
the latest news from

France sweep the

Rebecca Wicks
Editorial &
Production Assistants
Roseanne Field
Mikey Pooley
Steve Menary
board at this year’s
Mark Smulian
Sales Director
Lesley Mayo
Advertisement Manager
Anthony Parker
anthony@netmagmedia.eu The best performing buildings of 2013 The winners in the scheme categories:
Sales Executives assessed under BREEAM (the BRE
Sue Benson
Suzanne Easter
Environmental Assessment Method) • BREEAM Offices: Quadrant “The outstanding
Steve Smith were recognised at the annual BREEAM
awards presentation at Ecobuild.
2 South, London quality of this year’s
Circulation/Reader • BREEAM Retail: So Ouest, winning projects has
Enquiry Service BREEAM was the world’s first envi-
Jane Spice Levallois-Perret, France
ronmental assessment method, created
in 1990 and now used in over 70 coun- • BREEAM Industrial: Bombay
set the sustainable
tries around the world, providing a Sapphire Distillery Process development bar
range of social, environmental and eco-
netMAGmedia Ltd nomic benefits to clients. Over a million
Buildings, Hampshire even higher”
Cointronic House buildings have been registered for assess- • BREEAM Mixed Use Gavin Dunn, director of BREEAM
Station Road, Heathfield
East Sussex, TN21 8DF ment since then. Ratings are calculated and Other Buildings:
against a range of criteria by independ-
Advertising & Prince Charles House,
Administration ent BREEAM assessors, with the results “They are not only testament to incred-
t 01435 863500 expressed as a percentage score. St Austell, Cornwall ible technological ingenuity but also to
f 01435 863897
info@netmagmedia.eu This year saw a new format to select • BREEAM Education: Energy the resourcefulness and vision of the
www.architectsdatafile.co.uk the award winners. Previously, awards teams that brought them to life and
Technologies Building,
Press Releases were given to the building with the their ability to put people at their heart.”
highest score in each category. This year Nottingham University Companies, countries and individuals
a panel of eminent industry judges • BREEAM Healthcare: were also singled out for prestigious
selected the winners from a shortlist of Elective Orthopaedic BREEAM awards. European company
Supporter of
the five highest scoring buildings in each Grontmij was named ‘Assessor Company
section. Comprising Alan Yates, BRE
Theatres, City Hospital,
of the Year’, and Rob Baker of RSK
Global (Chair); Cat Hirst, UK-GBC; Nottingham Group, Oriane Dugrosprez of ALTO
Claudine Blamey, The Crown Estate; • BREEAM In-Use: Ingénierie and Stefaan Martel of Bopro
Phil Heenan, Cabinet Office; and received individual ‘Assessors of the
Annual subscription costs just £48 for
12 issues, including post and packing.
Cité Europe, Calais
Phone 01435 863500 for details.
Hywel Davies, CIBSE, their decision Year’ awards.
Individual copies of the publication are was based on the particular circum- • BREEAM Residential: Three awards were also presented to
available at £5 each inc p & p.
All rights reserved stances, challenges and achievements of Fourways House, London pioneering assessors who were the first
No part of this publication may be each development as well as the very in a country to have conducted a
reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, high BREEAM scores achieved. Another first for this year’s awards BREEAM certified building assessment.
including photocopying, recording or
stored in any information retrieval Projects from across the UK and was the brand new ‘Your BREEAM The winners were:
system without the express prior written
consent of the publisher. Although every
France have triumphed for 2014. At the Award’. Decided by over 5,000 • Viviane Cunha of Viviane Cunha
effort is made to ensure the accuracy and
reliability of material published in
gala event at Ecobuild, compered by TV public votes, selecting from a shortlist Associados for a residential
Architects Datafile, the publisher can wildlife presenter Michaela Strachan, published by the online journal development near Rio de Janeiro
accept no responsibility for the claims
or opinions made by contributors, UK projects won six of the scheme Building4Change, the award went to in Brazil
manufacturers or advertisers. Editorial
contributors to this journal may have categories. The BREEAM Retail and The Cooperative headquarters building, • Jérémie Cottin of Le Sommer
made a payment towards the repro-
duction costs of material used to BREEAM In-Use categories were won 1 Angel Square in Manchester. Environnement for the Villas du
illustrate their products. The manu-
facturer of the paper used within our
by projects in France, with the latter “The outstanding quality of this Larvotto development in Monaco
publication is a Chain-of-Custody
certified supplier operating within
an all-French shortlist, highlighting year’s winning projects has set the sus- • Andrew Caistor of Prague-based
environmental systems certified to both the country’s remarkable uptake of tainable development bar even higher,” green-gain for a business centre in
ISO 14001 and EMAS in order to
ensure sustainable production. BREEAM In-Use. said Gavin Dunn, director of BREEAM. the Slovak Republic
Printed in England

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk

news 5


UEL students
get global
Three University of East London
students have beaten off global competi-
tion to win “honourable mentions” in a
leading architecture award.
The competition, called Cebada
Community Centre, focuses on a com-
munity centre in Madrid which needed
to be redesigned. The competition
aimed to highlight students’ skill in
repairing run-down areas of the inner
city town.
The winners had to find architectural
solutions to reactivate the community
centre, while taking advantage of its
potential, and to design somewhere to inner-city urban issues.
offer something to everyone, as well as “As the competition was open to
keeping an open public space. entries from all over the world, it’s a great
The UEL students were given hon- honour to have our students’ work recog-
ourable mentions in three different nised in this way.”
departments. These were: urban integra- Student Esther Peyrovi added: “We’re
tion (Ahmed Elsirafi), sustainability all very pleased to have our work and
(Tomohiro Himeno) and architectonic ideas recognised like this. It was really
design (Esther Peyrovi). interesting to see the wide array of
UEL’s architectural senior lecturer, architectural ideas developed for the
Michele Roelofsma, said: “We saw this competition. The project was really
competition could reinforce the aims of engaging, and dealing with an existing Re-establishing neglected space by Esther
our course by providing the opportunity building in a thriving Spanish culture Peyrovi (above). Both images courtesy
of the University of East London
for our students to work with genuine pushed our creativity.”


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news 7

Birmingham unveils huge HS2 redevelopment plan

Birmingham City Council has unveiled The new developments will be
the Birmingham Curzon HS2 Masterplan, focused around the brand new city
which will see 141 hectares of the city centre station – Birmingham Curzon –
centre transformed. where HS2 terminates on its 49 minute
The centre-piece of the plan is a stun- journey from London. The station will
ning glass rail station for the 250mph place the city at the heart of the new
HS2 trains designed by award winning national high speed network.
architects Wilkinson Eyre. The ambi- Plans include the creation of over
tious plans form one of the biggest urban 14,000 jobs, 600,000 sq m of new
regeneration schemes in Britain, and by employment floorspace and 2,000 new
far the biggest redevelopment so far homes. The regeneration will boost the
announced on the back of HS2. city’s economy by £1.3 billion each year.


UK takes the lead as first country to ‘Developed

to improve
develop Smart Cities standards communication
and understanding
BSI, the business standards company, delighted that the UK is the first UK cities. It focusses on the enabling of the smart cities
has recently published new guidance to country to publish a set of standards that processes by which innovative use of
help support UK cities in becoming will help us navigate the governance and technology and data coupled with field by providing
smarter. In the UK alone, eight out of 10 leadership challenges that smart tech- organisational change can help deliver a tool to ensure
people now live in cities, and the United nologies bring for cities everywhere.” the diverse visions for future UK cities developers,
Nations predicts cities will grow by 70 in more efficient, effective and sustain-
per cent by 2050. As they become more PAS 180 Smart cities – Vocabulary able ways. designers,
complex, an intelligent standardised was developed to improve communica- Universities and Science Minister manufacturers
structure for using and sharing existing tion and understanding of the smart David Willetts said: “There is huge
data and resources becomes vital. This is cities field by providing a tool to ensure potential for the UK to be the world
and clients use a
echoed in the findings of the govern- developers, designers, manufacturers leader in smart cities and to achieve a common language’
ment’s Information Economy Strategy and clients use a common language strategic advantage for UK cities and
published in June 2013. when talking about smart cities helping industry as international markets
BIS (Department for Business
Innovations & Skills) has worked with
the industry to work more efficiently
and effectively.
develop. Industry standards are key
to achieving world leadership status for
news bytes
BSI to develop and launch an agenda It is the first version of a “smart cities the UK and hence I welcome the publi- Visit the website
around the smart city standards, in what vocabulary”, the beginning of a process cations of the first two BSI smart city and enter the reference
is an emerging market still in its infancy. to collate the diverse range of terms and standards. These standards will help to number for more information
The Publicly Available Specifications expressions used in day-to-day discus- address barriers to implementing smart
PAS 180 and PAS 181, address the stan- sions about smart cities. The vocabulary city concepts and promote uptake of Pringle Brandon
dardisation gaps in the smart city market aims to provide an agreed set of working smart city solutions at scale.” Perkins +Will tops
by pro-viding a guidance framework and terms to enable practitioners to better Some of the organisations involved interior architect
common language. share a common understanding. in the development of PAS 180 rankings...
Ref: 23925
Scott Steedman, director of standards include: Department of Architecture,
at BSI, said: “Smart cities need stan- PAS 181 Smart city framework – Department for Culture, Media and
Chilean architect
dards. The UK leads the world in Guide to establishing strategies for Sport (DCMS), Cambridge University
Smiljan Radic to design
shaping business standards. If we are to smart cities and communities was and University of Westminster. Some
Serpentine Galleries
make the most of the global opportuni- developed to guide decision-makers and of the organisations involved in the Pavilion 2014...
ties from smart cities, we need to work assist them to develop, agree and deliver development of PAS 181 include: Ref: 93046
fast to structure the knowledge that can smart city strategies that can transform Balfour Beatty, Birmingham City
help city leaders, communities, innova- cities’ abilities to meet future challenges Council, BRE, Fujitsu, Future Cities Desert states’ students
tors and technology providers recognise and deliver future aspirations. Catapult, IBM, Leeds City Council, fresh ideas to develop
what good looks like and how these The framework does not describe a Royal Borough of Greenwich and The Derby green site...
concepts can bring benefits for all. I’m one-size-fits-all model for the future of Technology Strategy Board. Ref: 16201

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk

8 news advertorial

Bigger & better for 2014

The Eco Technology Show will be open from 9.30am - 5pm
on Thursday 26 June and 9.30am - 4.30pm on Friday 27 June.
Registration is free

he Eco Technology Show returns to the visitors how they can save money and reap benefits consumer demand have combined to drive market
South East this summer, with a focus on for cities, businesses, and communities. growth. Eco technology is no longer on the margin
the practical business benefits of innova- Now in its third year, the Eco Technology Show – its mainstream business now.
tion and low carbon solutions. Speakers at free is firmly established as the UK’s premier event “The products and services we’ll be showcasing
workshops and over 140 exhibitors will be showing showcasing ideas and innovations from across provide significant opportunities for improving
Europe and highlighting how they can save money resource efficiency, energy management and
and deliver genuine benefits to cities, businesses making real differences to the towns and cities we
and communities. The 2014 event has attracted live in. For anyone with focus on energy manage-
Greg Barker, Minister of State at the Department ment, new build or maintaining, improving exist-
of Energy & Climate Change as a keynote speaker. ing buildings, low carbon transport and resource
The show focuses on: energy management, efficiency, a visit to the Eco Technology Show will
build, transport, technology & resource efficiency. be a day well spent.”
Nicola Gunstone, commercial director at the There will be an opportunity to meet and
Eco Technology Show comments: “The powerful network with industry and thought leaders face
Michael Yeoman, director of South Downs Solar drivers of carbon reduction, the need to tackle to face. The programme will be announced online
explains about the feed in tariff to a visitor at the show
fuel poverty, spiralling energy costs and increasing in March.

Further information can be found on the website www.ecotechnologyshow.co.uk


respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk

news 9


Winner of the World

Design Impact Prize
The International Council of Societies of Industrial
Design (ICSID) awarded the 2013-2014 World Design
Impact Prize to A Behaviour Changing (ABC) Syringe,
developed by Dr David Swann from the University
of Huddersfield during an awards ceremony at the World
Barbara Weiss Architects completes the
Design Capital® (WDC) International Design Gala in UK’s largest single-site GP practice
Cape Town on 28 February. There are numerous issues
related to the unsafe use of syringes, but rather than Barbara Weiss Architects (BWA) has completed the extensive
create a new type of syringe (where a single £0.03 device refurbishment, extension and change of use of a redundant
can take years to get FDA approval and millions to 1990s office block into the new Wokingham Medical Centre,
produce), the ABC Syringe is an intelligent label that to create the largest single-site GP practice in the UK.
provides an easy way to recognise which syringes have The 1,600 sq m NHS building provides new facilities for
been used versus those that have not and costs closer to up to 16 GPs (currently home to 11), and five nurses, along
£30,000 to create and takes only three months for FDA with a new pharmacy and flexible medical suite. The relocation
approval. It is a universal communication tool regardless from two separate sites now occupies a site in the heart of
of literacy. Wokingham’s town centre in Berkshire, a key area for the
Visit www.architectsdatafile.co.uk and enter ref: continued regeneration of the town.
59297 for more information. Visit www.architectsdatafile.co.uk and enter ref: 16690 for
more information.









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10 news


UK housing shortage latest:

icing here with cake to follow
By Paul Graham, MD of cost-effective, bespoke project lead
news bytes provider Planning Pipe (www.planningpipe.co.uk)
Visit the website
and enter the reference

number for more information he go-ahead on what could be a Proponents also argue that more self- theirs lower. With relatively stable land
pioneering model for reform in building can help to defuse some of the and house prices (at least compared to
Awareness and usage of the UK’s housing supply was toxic planning arguments of NIMBY many other countries) UK house-
BIM among architects announced as Cherwell Council pur- versus developer. With more individuals builders and developers have been only
is growing. British and chased a 187ha MOD site and offered involved in building houses, they argue, relatively annoyed.
Dutch architects have up to 1,000 homes solely for self- local support for new homes will increase Many believe significantly more
the lead... builders. There has not been a self-build with more desirable houses built. homes will be built only when the incen-
Ref: 12013 project of such a scale in the UK Government has supported self-build. tives are right at the local level. Those
before – but does this innovative scheme November 2013 saw £30 million in loans incentives must focus on land supply
Assael Architecture in fact reveal as much about what is set aside for self-builders. In February and prices. Community Land Auctions
makes the Sunday not happening to help solve the UK’s 2014 it was announced that each self- (CLAs) – competitive tendering auc-
Times ‘100 Best Small housing shortage? builder is set to benefit by around tions similar to those used for 3G mobile
Companies’ list... Self-build has been seen by many as £15,000 per build as Community phone networks – were backed by the
Ref: 24651 a significant but untapped source of Infrastructure Levies are removed. Coalition in 2011 and a pilot scheme
new homes. While small scale and pio- Cherwell Council’s Graven Hill was promised. The potential of CLAs
Government must neering in the UK, self-build is just how project may change the view that self- were viewed as significant precisely
slash refurb VAT
most (and in fact more) homes are built build cannot promise new houses in any because they created significant incen-
to boost economy by
in Europe. significant numbers. However, critics tives at a local level to build new homes.
£15 billion...
Taking inspiration from Europe, could rightly claim that such schemes are The losers from CLAs would be exist-
Ref: 74192
Cherwell are encouraging a variety of mainly a substitute to traditional devel- ing developers and landowners. Their
New Eco Open approaches for development on the site oper-led large schemes – and don’t really current profits from land would be in
Houses trail launched... in Bicester – from kit homes and single enhance the housing cake overall. effect transferred to local authorities
Ref: 85883 unit custom builds through to terraced and local communities. CLAs also
housing and apartment blocks. The Follow the incentives promise “build-ready” sites, which
Healthcare Estates: council hope that around 30 per cent of For many, the main portion of the encourage more competition for existing
Spring seminars the homes will be classed as ‘affordable’ housing supply problem stems from the developers. As a final blow, CLAs would
in run-up to and want to attract a mix of sole-owned, incentives in the current market. The see the value of developers’ current land
Manchester event... part owned and rented properties. The incentive for developers to build houses banks fall. There is every incentive for
Ref: 22201 approach is markedly different to the is too often less than the risk/return of existing developers to oppose this new
current, developer-dominated UK land acquisition and sale. There is every auction model.
JDS Architects housing market. Can self-build be that incentive for individuals to be a NIMBY The Graven Hill project could well be
wins the International significant? a pioneering model for self-build in the
rather than support large numbers of
Award At The UK and hence an important contribu-
new homes nearby. There is virtually
Belgian Building The self-build icing no incentive for local authorities to tion to the UK’s future housing supply
Awards 2014... mix. However it remains on the surface
Ref: 57249
There certainly appears to be substantial exceed local housing targets in the short
unmet demand for self and custom build term – and every incentive to listen to of the issue.
in the UK. The National Self Build the local community and often object to The political incentive to tackle
Floating villages,
Association estimates that six million of new schemes. perhaps the single biggest issue in
rain gardens and
us expect to research how to build a With all these incentives pointing in housing supply – that of land prices –
pedalos – 20 water
home for themselves in the next 12 the same way, it came as no surprise that appears to be less than the incentive to
sensitive ideas
for London’s months. Self-build is also viewed as an following the abolition of centrally- keep the status quo. Self-build at scale
Royal Docks... accelerator in the speed of construction imposed regional housing targets, local may be here now but we still await even
Ref: 82569 – with less likelihood for landbanking. councils have almost universally set a pilot for CLA.
enq. 105

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk



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news 13

PLANNING Crypt on the Green at St James’ Church renowned architectural firm Carmody
in early March. Groarke, will significantly enhance the
Griff Rhys Celebrating its fifth edition this year,
Clerkenwell Design Week (20-22 May)
cancer care and support already offered
at the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.
Jones denounces will showcase the latest innovations by On Saturday March 8, ‘The London
designers and manufacturers from the Dresser’ – the first of the seven portable
interpretation UK and around the world. Set against buildings which make up the Interim
of national the historic backdrop of Clerkenwell, the
three-day festival will be centred upon
Centre – was delivered to the hospital.
‘The London Dresser’ was a project
planning system leading design showrooms in the neigh- commissioned by the Mayor of London

Appearing on the Daily Politics Show,

bourhood, as well as four focused exhibi-
tions; The Design Factory, Platform,
as part of the Wonder Installations
series for 2012 during the London
news bytes
Griff Rhys Jones, president of Civic Detail and Additions. 2012 Olympics. Visit the website
Voice, has spoken out about the ambigu- For more information visit the website For more information visit the website and enter the reference
ity of the National Planning Policy www.architectsdatafile.co.uk and enter www.architectsdatafile.co.uk and enter number for more information
Framework (NPPF). ref: 70946. ref: 70553.
Griff said: “To have a presumption in London Festival
favour of brownfield sites is not the same HEALTHCARE ACHIEVEMENT
of Architecture
as having a policy that brownfield sites 2014 preview...
should be built on first. It is obvious that Maggie’s is coming Ryder highest Ref: 81953
housing on ‘greenfield sites’ generates
much more profit for developers, but to The Clatterbridge ranking architect Independent study
planning policy should not be about
helping developers to profiteer. But to
Cancer Centre in top 100 reveals over 230 new
towers planned for
the man in the street, this is exactly what The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre has London skyline...
the National Planning Policy Framework announced a new partnership with Ref: 15807
is doing.” Maggie’s, the charity that provides free
For more information visit the website practical, emotional and social support Landscape and
www.architectsdatafile.co.uk and enter for anyone living with cancer as well as local centre plans
ref: 82387. approved for the North
their family and friends, to create a
West Cambridge
Maggie’s Centre on its main hospital site
EVENT Development...
in Wirral, Merseyside.
Ref: 20087
The Interim Centre, designed by
Clerkenwell For the second year running Ryder Phaidon Atlas charts
Architecture has made The Sunday
Design Week Times 100 Best Companies to Work For.
over 3,000 of the best
buildings from around
announces festival This year Ryder is the highest placed UK
architect in the prestigious best small
the world...
Ref: 50341
programme companies list. Nearly 900 organisations
entered the awards and the opinions Manufacturers launch
Newly appointed Show Director of 250,000 employees were canvassed, collective effort to
William Knight presented Clerkenwell making it the largest survey of workplace address UK flooding...
Design Week’s 2014 programme at the engagement in the UK. Ref: 84075

The Sunday Times British Homes Awards

with the Passivhaus Trust, Kingspan Insulation,
the AJ and Habitat First Group challenge
architects to design “EcoHaus” - a home to
14 Passivhaus standard.
Design an award winning Passivhaus See the design brief and Awards categories at:
We’ll build it! britishhomesawards.co.uk

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk


cpd focus continuing professional development

Maintaining and improving professional competence,
skills, abilities and knowledge


The LRWA (Liquid Roofing and

Waterproofing Association) has
announced the launch of its RIBA ITW Industry, developers and
approved CPD, available online for A leading hardware manufacturer, system suppliers of SpaceJoist metal
specifiers, architects, and surveyors. HOPPE UK, now offers architects web floor joists, SpaceRafter metal
“Continuing Professional and other specifiers a RIBA- web rafters and SpaceStud perform-
Development is crucial for anyone approved CPD training on Lever ance wall studs announced its RIBA
working in the construction To mark Selectaglaze’s 20 years at Handles and Liability. The training, Core Curriculum CPD Benefits of
industry,” commented Terry Wain, The Building Centre the company is which can be carried out as a structural metal web timber frame
LRWA technical secretary. hosting a CPD and Networking seminar at any location, covers the components. ITW Industry’s 45
The CPD should take around 25 Event. This daytime event will importance of specifying the correct minute RIBA CPD provides atten-
minutes to complete and includes include refreshments and give lever handles to comply with legisla- dees with a foundation knowledge
information on the history of participants the opportunity to tion, regulatory guidelines, building of structural metal web timber
liquids and the various ways in socialise with industry colleagues regs and fire regulations. It also frame components. The CPD mod-
which LRWA aims to promote best and present an opportunity to view advises specifiers of door hardware ule falls within the RIBA Core
practice within the industry. Selectaglaze’s permanent exhibition how best to limit their liability. Curriculum category of Designing
stand. The RIBA approved CPD and building it: design, construction,
0207 448 3859 01902 484 400
enq. 111 Understanding and Specifying enq. 112 technology and engineering and cov-
www.lrwa.org.uk www.hoppe.co.uk
Secondary Glazing will be relevant ers the open web components’ con-
to architects, designers and struction, thermal efficiency and
THREE WILO CPDS ON OFFER contractors working on SPECIFYING DOOR HINGES sound performance to the latest
refurbishment schemes particularly standards, building codes and
those involving traditional or listed regulations, plus various informative
buildings. These may include case studies. ITW Industry, which
residential schemes, offices, hotels, includes the Alpine and Gang-Nail
museums, hospitals, all types of truss system brands, is well posi-
educational building and even tioned to deliver such a metal web
churches. Issues such as energy CPD with its long history and
performance, environmental noise expertise in timber engineering.
issues and provision of security SIMONSWERK’s RIBA-approved Alpine originally supplied Space-
A guide to Rainwater Harvesting including certified levels will be CPD provides architects with the Joist back in the early ‘80s, while the
Systems from Wilo discusses the fully covered and a Q and A session technical knowledge for specifying Gang-Nail brand has to some extent
options available with rainwater, will allow more detailed discussions. the correct hinge for the right appli- established itself as a generic name
regulations, standards and installa- Established since 1966 and a Royal cation, offering guidance on door for the punched nail plates used in
tion example. The benefits of high Warrant Holder since 2004, specification, legislation, building timber engineered components such
efficiency pumping helps you develop Selectaglaze is a UK leading regulations, fire & safety in use, CE as roof trusses. Together as ITW
your knowledge as to the regula- designer, manufacturer and installer marking – MANDEC and the Industry, its metal web timber frame
tions concerning glandless and of secondary glazing systems and Equality Act. SIMONSWERK are systems have seen considerable
glanded pumps together with new submits products to rigorous a leading manufacturer of top research and development, culmi-
motor regulations. Surge protection independent tests. The company has quality brass, aluminium and stain- nating in producing the best
– designing out hydraulic shock worked with a wide range of public less steel hinges. Ranges include the performing metal web joist (Space-
explains hydraulic shock and and private clients and in many fine award winning fully concealed Joist) on the market and the
corrects misconceptions of how buildings including those listed at TECTUS and the outstanding solid pioneering performance wall stud
to solve it. Grade 1. brass TRITECH hinges. system (SpaceStud).
01283 523000 01727 837 271 0121 522 2848 01592 771132
enq. 113 enq. 114 enq. 115 enq. 116
training@wilo.co.uk www.selectaglaze.co.uk www.simonswerk.co.uk www.itw-industry.com

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk

news 15

Modern World
GETTING THE BEST OUT OF ROLLED Until 27 May, London Concrete Elegance: Buildings for
AIA UK Design in Excellence
Awards Gala www.architecture.com/whatson Concerts and Council Tax
9 April, London
27 March, London
New British Works: www.buildingcentre.co.uk/events
Today – Tomorrow
Greenbuild Awards Until 27 May, London
7 May, Manchester www.architecture.com/whatson
Open House London
The Lead Sheet Association’s www.greenbuildawards.co.uk 20 - 21 September, London
Empire Builders: 1750 - 1950 www.londonopenhouse.org
RIBA-approved CPD is an interac-
Until 15 June, London
tive way to find out how to get the British Homes Awards
best out of British Standard lead. It www.architecture.com/whatson Eco Open Houses
19 September, London
includes an introduction to manu- 12-13 April, Worthing
facturing methods and the techni- John Pantlin: photographing the 27 April, Steyning
cal, life cycle and sustainability mid-century home 18-19 and 25-26 October,
characteristics of lead. It also CONFERENCES & SEMINARS
Until 29 June, London Brighton & Hove
explores the main uses of lead sheet, www.architecture.com/whatson www.ecoopenhouses.org
looking at flashings and weather- Growing Communities:
ings, roofing and cladding and the Sustainable Education Buildings TRADE SHOWS
restoration of historic buildings. Venice Architecture Biennale
29 April, London 7 June - 23 November, Venice
The CPD also uses real life exam-
www.buildingcentre.co.uk/events Sustainability Live
ples from LSA site investigations. www.labiennale.org/en/
[including NEMEX, Energy
01622 872 432 architecture/
Recovery and IWEX]
www.leadsheet.co.uk/cpd-and- EXHIBITIONS
1 - 3 April, Birmingham
seminars enq. 117 FESTIVALS
Sensing Spaces:
WETROOM DESIGN & SPECIFICATION Architecture Reimagined Clerkenwell Design Week Greenbuild Expo
Until 6 April, London 20 - 22 May, London 7 - 8 May, Manchester
www.royalacademy.org.uk/ clerkenwelldesignweek.com www.greenbuildexpo.co.uk
London Festival of Architecture Design in Mental Health
Buro Happold Emerging 1 - 30 June, London Conference & Exhibition
www.londonfestivalofarchitecture.org 13 - 14 May, Birmingham
Architects Presents: 42 Architects
Until 11 April, London
As the popularity of wetrooms con- www.burohappold.com/events The International Festival for
May Design Series
tinues to grow, CCL Wetrooms Business (IFB) 2014
have developed a Wetroom Design & 18 - 20 May, London
June - July, Liverpool
Agnese Sanvito: www.maydesignseries.com
Specification CPD to help guide www.ifb2014.com
Architects through the process of Absorb/reflect/scatter
designing and specifying a water- Until 26 April, London FIREX / IFSEC International
SHORT COURSE 17 - 19 June, London
tight wetroom. The technical pres- www.buildingcentre.co.uk/
entation covers the key galleries/galleries_cafe.asp www.ifsec.co.uk
considerations of designing and The Drawing Gym for Architects
specifying a wetroom, including and Spatial Designers The Eco Technology Show
wetroom design and layout, water- Living Laboratory: Richard
29 April, London 26 - 27 June, Brighton
proofing, drainage, floor build up Pare on Le Corbusier and
www.buildingcentre.co.uk/events www.ecotechnologyshow.co.uk
and installation. It also includes a Konstantin Melnikov
section on how wetrooms can help 21 March - 11 May, London The Craft of Concrete 100% Design
meet the Lifetime Homes Standard.
www.ealing.gov.uk/ 20 May, London 17 - 20 September, London
0844 327 6002 pmgalleryandhouse www.100percentdesign.co.uk
enq. 118

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk



Leading shower cubicle and bathroom pod manufacturer,
Taplanes Ltd, provide pre-fabricated solutions to a variety
editor’s focus
of end users throughout the UK and Ireland. With a
strong client base including universities, schools, housing Plumis
associations and hotels, Taplanes pre-formed shower The Automist watermist suppression has been assessed and accepted as an
enclosures overcome the inherent problems associated LABC Registered Solution - Registered Detail RD171 to provide active
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of installation, together with a guaranteed ‘leak proof ’ conversion applications. The scheme enables much faster approval of most
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within the accommodation sector. For additional service conversion projects without a long and detailed investigation. For further
and product information please contact direct, or visit information on Automist call Plumis or visit its website.
the company’s website.
enq. 121
enq. 120
Vetrotech is a manufacturer of fire-resistant
products. Vetrotech also produce glass solutions for
marine and security applications. With innovative
research and development combined with state-of-
the-art production technologies, Vetrotech creates
bespoke solutions of high quality, consistency and
complexity. All solutions are suitable for multi-
comfort applications and meet the aesthetic
demands of modern architecture. Every project has a
unique criteria and if required the company can
discuss every application case by case. It offers the
optimal glass for every fire-protection demand while
blending with non-fire glass types.
enq. 122

Expona marks Polyflor’s continual evolutionary
development of design-led flooring products. The
Expona PUR and Expona Commercial PUR
collections are meticulously aligned to today’s
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De Leeuw cent recycled content with 100 per cent recyclability
via the Recofloor recycling scheme. For more
Rooms overheating due to solar gain becomes information, including free samples, visit its website.
more and more frequent. As insulation
enq. 125
increases and leakage is minimised, any
shortfall on ventilation quickly leads to
overheating and occupant discomfort. To Rega Ventilation
minimise this solar gain the most efficient
Now with 30 years experience of manufacturing heat recovery ventilation systems
solar reflector/window shade needs to be
in the UK Rega continue to develop new high efficiency products. The latest
specified. With reflectance levels from 70
range of central air units achieve over 90 per cent heat recovery and specific fan
per cent to over 80 per cent Reflex-Rol s
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hading offers market leading performance of
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discreet in appearance, Reflex-Rol makes you
the air unit is combined with Rega’s acoustic duct products a quietly running
more comfortable.
system is guaranteed.
enq. 123
enq. 124

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk

Innova Design Solutions
editor’s focus Innova Design Solutions is proving itself top of the class in
laboratory design and installations with its Hot Corner
concept, bringing a new dimension to science rooms and
teaching. The Hot Corner lay-out creates a flexible
Gainsborough Specialist Bathing earning environment that provides a working classroom
and practical laboratory within the same space. Research
Gainsborough Specialist Bathing has launched a range of accessible wet rooms shows that practical activity time within a laboratory
suitable for long term and acute care developments. These stylish wet rooms offer a amounts to no more than 40 per cent, making it
versatile and durable solution that meets the unique challenges of assisted bathing. important that both practical teaching and theory are
Suitable for new-builds or refurbishments, these wet rooms incorporate a level access optimised within the design. Hot Corners has provided
wet deck area, choice of thermostatically controlled showers, integrated shower seat, the answer in numerous successful installations.
half-height doors or flat glass screen plus a variety of wall paneling and safety flooring
in a range of finishes. Gainsborough also provides a complete end-to-end service. enq. 127

enq. 126

Todd Doors
Todd Doors has launched a brand new and exclusively developed range of classically
styled internal doors. This highly anticipated range comprises eight solid and 11
complementary glazed options which feature either flat or raised and fielded panels in a
variety of configurations as well as a 47mm inset solid timber moulding detail. The
stylish Estates Range doors come in untreated American White Oak as standard. All
designs in the Estates Range can be ordered as 40mm non-fire and 44mm FD30 fire
doors (which also feature hidden Intumescent seals).
enq. 128

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20 appointments & news; planning & design; care homes & assisted living special report

Dacatie launch new product selector app Kingspan leads responsible sourcing
Dacatie, market leaders in the cavity closer market, have To help specifiers make the most of its industry leading
launched a free product selector app to help make the selection approach to responsible sourcing, Kingspan
of the correct product as simple as possible for both builders Insulation has now released updated technical
merchants and brickwork contractors. The app allows the user bulletins explaining how its products can help to
to quickly identify the correct Dacatie product for the job, as achieve credits for responsible sourcing in the relevant
well as containing all the relevant information that may be sections of Code for Sustainable Homes (C4SH) 2010
required including datasheets and fitting guides. To celebrate and BREEAM 2011. The updated technical bulletins
the launch, Dacatie are offering one person the chance to win which include information about all C4SH 2010 and
two tickets to watch Manchester United at Old Trafford, as well as three-course BREEAM 2011 credits which can be directly or indirectly achieved with
meal, drinks and accommodation. To be in with a chance of winning download Kingspan Insulation products are available for download from: www.kingspanin-
the app and submit a funny or interesting picture via the ‘send us a picture’ button. sulation.co.uk/literature/white-papers-and-technical-bulletins.aspx.
0161 622 2042 www.quantum-ps.co.uk enq.130 01544 387 384 www.kingspaninsulation.co.uk enq.131

Mixing it up with The VEKA UK Group Ancon launches BIM object library
The VEKA UK Group was delighted to welcome Vince High integrity steel fixings manufacturer Ancon has
Cable back to the company's Burnley HQ to officially launched a comprehensive BIM object library to
open the system supplier’s impressive, new mixing plant. support the industry’s transition to digital building
The Business Secretary enjoyed a tour of the Farrington modelling. Available free from the NBS National
Road site with the UK Company Directors and Global BIM Library, the new BIM objects allow Ancon
VEKA Group Board Member Boni Eichwald, who had products to be easily incorporated into a 3D building model and its associated
travelled from Germany to attend the opening of the component database. Ancon BIM objects cover a wide range of its products,
state-of-the-art mixing plant, which has seen investment of £5 million.The VEKA including standard cavity wall ties and other masonry restraints, masonry sup-
UK Group’s new facility is now the most technically-advanced mixing plant in ports, windposts and masonry reinforcement, tension bar systems, shear load con-
the UK. It has been designed with future expansion in mind, which could poten- nectors, stud rails and reinforcement continuity systems; all of which are critical
tially take capacity from the current 48,000 tonnes to a possible 72,000 tonnes. to the structural integrity of a building and essential to an accurate BIM model.
01282 716611 www.vekauk.com enq.132 0114 275 5224 www.ancon.co.uk enq.133

Quantum Flooring BIM models now live

Quantum Flooring has become
the first flooring accessories
manufacturer to create and
distribute BIM objects for stair
nosing’s. Five key stair nosing
profiles have been created and are now available for free download. The models
are available via the National BIM Library, the UK’s first free-to-use and
platform-neutral library of high quality BIM objects. The objects have been made
available in five software formats (ArchiCAD, Revit, Vectorworks and Bentley,
IFC). Quantum Floorings’ move allows architects and specifiers to easily
download and insert objects directly into a model.
New software tools will help engineers 0161 627 4222 www.quantum-ps.co.uk enq.135

Engineering the best possible flood prevention control of surface water drainage
systems is now quicker and easier for the majority of UK designers with the launch
of important new software tools for the Hydro International Hydro-Brake
Complete level access wetrooms
Optimum® vortex flow control. With the inclusion of Hydro-Brake Optimum Wetrooms are the ultimate solution if a level access
within the industry-standard Micro Drainage design tool, from February 2014, showering area is required. On The Level offer tailor-made
engineers now have the flexibility to tailor the size and hydraulic performance of complete wetrooms for the elderly or less able with added
flow controls to meet their design objectives. Available from XP-Solutions, Micro safety features such as non-slip sheet vinyl flooring to
Drainage (formerly known as WinDes®) is used by more than 90 per cent of reduce the risk of slipping, further enhanced by accessories
drainage engineers in the UK. Hydro International has also announced the launch such as a grab rail and seat. On The Level design and
of a complementary Hydro-Brake Optimum Design Tool providing integrated manufacture its patented Birch ply underfloor trays in any
online support for engineers to validate and output detailed design drawings from shape or size to create unique wetroom solutions for care
the Hydro International website. The Tool also mirrors the capabilities within homes, private residences and hospitals. The trays are easy
Micro Drainage, providing engineers with a flow control sizing engine allowing to install, highly durable and guaranteed for 25 years, supplied ready to lay on
the ability to explore and visualise design options. any substrate including timber, screed and floating floors.
01275 337937 www.hydro-int.com enq.134 01525 373202 www.onthelevel.co.uk enq.136

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care homes & assisted living special report 21


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air drying. The Aerolet toilet lift can be fitted over a standard WC or Clos-o-Mat.
0161 969 1199 www.clos-o-mat.com enq.137 enq.138


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22 care homes & assisted living special report

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care homes & assisted living special report 23






Instead of a shining new development for the retired, Anchor Trust and
English Care Village Partnerships are using design to invent a history for
an assisted living development in Hampshire, as Steve Menary reports

© Anchor Trust

E nsuring good design can be achieved in a number

ways, but in Hampshire the county council is using
the planning system to safeguard new developments,
such as the Bishopstoke Retirement Village near Eastleigh
design for the scheme is not for a gleaming new residential
project but a sense of gradual development that reflects the
slow ageing of the residents.
Ian Knox, Anchor’s Bishopstoke Park general manager said:
in Hampshire. “The architectural concept is to retain the charm and heritage
The first phase is due for completion by this autumn and of the original Mount building and create a new future for the
will provide a retirement village that is rated both Excellent historical building, which will remain at the heart of
in the BREEAM system and level four in the Code for Bishopstoke Park retirement village community.”
Sustainable Homes. Peter Kilby, the senior design co-ordinator on the project
The scheme will feature over 170 homes and a 48-unit care for design and build contractors (D&B) Willmott Dixon,
home plus a Wellness Centre, swimming pool, hair and beauty says: “There are so many finishes out there from different
salon, village bistro and delicatessen, but the idea behind the bricks to different renders and roof tiles and Flemish bond
Continued overleaf...

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24 care homes & assisted living special report


© Steve Menary

and stretcher bonds. Willmott Dixon has a track record working on projects in
‘The idea was to “The idea was to make it look as though it had been devel- the care home and retirement sector for clients ranging from
oped over time. The swimming pool is very modern but Housing 21 and Catalyst to Chevin Housing Association. The
make it look as attached to the Victorian section. They didn’t want it to look group had also previously worked for Anchor Trust elsewhere
though it had like speculative box-housing. Even the flat types are different. on projects such as the £63 million Denham Garden Village in
been developed It’s more about a sales type and a level of finish.” Buckinghamshire.
The idea for the scheme was created by the English Care The site of the Bishopstoke project was a former healthcare
over time.The Village Partnership and is being developed and will be run by
swimming pool is Anchor, England’s largest not-for-profit provider of housing
very modern but and care to older people.
The initial design was developed by award-winning
attached to the Gloucestershire-based architects Tyack, which has a track
Victorian section’ record in residential designs. The outline service design was
Peter Kilby, senior design
initially put together by Environmental Services Design
co-ordinator on the project, (ESD) as part of the pre-planning stage. This outline design
Willmott Dixon was then developed further by Urban Edge to enable the trust
to secure planning permission.
To build out the scheme, Anchor opted for the D&B route.
After using the initial plans to put the job out to tender,
in April 2013 the trust chose Willmott Dixon ahead of bids
from Galliford Try, GB Building Solutions and Leadbitter for © Anchor Trust
the contract.

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care homes & assisted living special report 25


facility, the Mount Hospital. Although nearly 15 hectares in

size, the plot is dotted and surrounded by trees, such as
Copper Beech, that had tree preservation orders and had to
be retained.
The main central building featuring 36 units from linked
assisted living units to close care units and a care bed section is
deemed a commercial building as this will also include shops
and a commercial kitchen. As a result, this part of the scheme
falls under the BREEAM system and the outlying apartments
are rated under the Code for Sustainable Homes.
To secure BREEAM Excellent and code level four, the design
specified features including a combined heat and power (CHP)
plant powered by gas and underfloor heating throughout.
Kilby adds: “Ultimately, you would go for a biomass boiler
but you can still achieve level four in the code with a gas pow-
ered CHP, which provides a 25 per cent improvement on Part
L, which is what we need to achieve.
“You can also do the heating with radiators but underfloor
is better. The rest of the credits come through areas such as
waste control. That’s our company policy anyway and we are
diverting waste from landfill with bricks, block, timber and
metal all sorted. Between 90 and 95 per cent of the waste from
the scheme has been diverted from landfill, which is an exem-
plar credit, which is good to achieve.”
The scheme includes meters for the heating, hot and cold
water and electric in the main building to help identify any
leaks or excessive usage. “That leak detection is great for
BREEAM,” says Kilby.
Storm water on the site is diverted from the sewers into
infiltration tanks, while permeable paving has been specified
between the car parking spaces to also aid the drainage. There
is no grey water recycling but rainwater is harvested from the
swimming pool building and used to flush the toilets.
After a record breaking January 2014 for rainfall, there has
been no shortage of water on the actual building site. Apart
from the rain, perhaps the biggest obstacle for contractor
Willmott Dixon has been retaining an existing Victorian
tower at the heart of Bishopstoke Park.
Continued overleaf...

© Anchor Trust © Steve Menary

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26 care homes & assisted living special report


© Anchor Trust

“It was almost a façade retention,” jokes Kilby about the

derelict building, which was without a roof for two years and
was retained as part of the planning permission. With the
building set to link to other new elements, saving the tower
was also central to preserving the history of the site, however
the design proved problematic.
Senior Build Manager Ben Alford says: “Because of dry rot,
everything had to come out and it’s been a bit tricky. Literally
every bit of timber, including the bits they originally drove
between the brickwork to secure the doors, had to come out as
they harbour the spores from dry rot in the walls. At one point,
there were three storeys without floors that were unbraced.”
The building has since been secured with scaffolding by
sub-contractor Harsco working for Willmott Dixon at
Bishopstoke Park. The tower windows have all been replaced,
providing a test for John A Russell Joinery.
For Willmott Dixon, the supply chain has been key to
building out such a complicated design. Kilby adds: “It’s quite
a complicated build as there’s so many different interfaces and
you need quality sub-contractors, not house-bashers. The
quality has to be there to match the bricks and the roof tiles.
It’s not just about bashing up a house then leaving.”
After Willmott Dixon won the contract, Urban Edge was
novated to work with the contractor on the D&B project and
Kilby says that relationship is what has proved important to
the successful delivery of the project.
He adds: “The designers took the initial design and devel-
oped it to conclusion. That’s part of the checking. There’s a lot
of elements on the site that talk to each other like the warden
call system or the BMS [Building Management System],
which counts towards BREEAM.
“You also have to be a lot more careful in selecting materials.
The architects had to work with the BREEAM guide to
achieve the credits. Some of the roof tiles did not have good
ratings, but need to be an A or A+. The timber also needs to
© Steve Menary be responsibly sourced.

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care homes & assisted living special report 27


‘It was
a façade
Peter Kilby, senior design
co-ordinator on the project,
Willmott Dixon

Project: Bishopstoke
Park Retirement Village
Location: Eastleigh,
Cost: Circa
£22 million
Client: Anchor Trust
Tyack/Urban Edge
© Steve Menary
Planning consultant:
“It’s the due diligence on what’s going in, then the minimis- apartments being reserved. With a design that found favour
ing of waste on-site that goes to landfill. It’s all interlinked. with the planners, a second phase is in the pipeline to expand
That’s why you need a design and build contractor so that Bishopstoke Park. Phase two has planning approval and, Environmental Services
we can put our experiences into it and say ‘you don’t want to though the contract will go out to tender again, Willmott Design
do that.’” Dixon’s team will hope that their work so far is enough to
Although a record-breaking January in terms of rainfall secure the job. Landscape consultant:
Portus & Whitton
delayed work on-site, the scheme is expected to be complete by
October 2014, but off-plan sales for units in the first phase Structural engineer:
began in May 2013. The cost of the units at Bishopstoke Park Farrow Walsh
range from £198,000 for a one-bedroom, assisted living apart- Cost consultants:
ment right up to £689,000 for a penthouse apartment in the Mace
Pullman, Bristolian, Fenman or Caledonian range.
Acoustic consultant:
Services charges are £110 a week on top of that, with buyers Hoare Lea
essentially buying a package of care as much as a new home.
Even on the relatively affluent South Coast, those prices are Design & build
not cheap but with a design aspiration way ahead of the units contractor:
Willmott Dixon
churned out by volume housebuilders, the scheme has quickly
found demand. Kitchen supplier:
By the end of February 2014, a total of 52 per cent of first Moores Furniture
phase purchasers have bought off-plan doubling the figures © Anchor Trust Lift: Otis
for sales expectations, with almost 80 per cent of all village

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28 care homes & assisted living special report; building for education special report

Redring pumps up Selectronic range AluK specified for University of South Wales
Showering and hot water expert Redring has added to AluK’s aluminium building systems have been sup-
its bestselling Selectronic Premier range with the plied for the new main entrance building at the
Selectronic Premier LAP. The Selectronic Premier range University of South Wales, to create a new focal
of showers has been specifically designed to meet the point. Combining design flexibility with function-
needs of the care sector thanks to its revolutionary tech- ality, the SL52 Curtain Walling System in
nology and design. The new Selectronic Premier LAP RAL7038 Matt colour was fitted in two areas in the
(Level Access Pump) bolsters the range with the option main entrance of Block B. This system helps to create impressive glass façades
of an integral LAP. This allows waste water to be that enhance the aesthetics of a building, but also provides the performance
removed even when a gravity drain is not available. The required to meet and exceed current standards. Meanwhile, 13 structurally
Selectronic Premier LAP controls the level access drain pump directly, removing enhanced aluminium swing door framing systems (GT55 NI) were used for heavy
the need to fit a separate flow switch and associated wiring. traffic areas where no insulation was required, providing the ultimate in security.
0844 372 7750 www.redring.co.uk enq.143 01633 81 04 40 www.aluk.co.uk enq.144

KI supplies chairs to The Bushey Academy Specialists for artificial grass in schools
KI have supplied its new range of When children’s play areas have become
Postura+ chairs to The Bushey synonymous with mud, Nomow
Academy’s new building, designed Artificial Grass can transform those areas
by Architects Co-Partnership. The  
into beautiful, green and safe play areas
innovative building provides state of that can be used year round, regardless of
the art accommodation for 1,350 poor weather. Black Firs Primary School in Cheshire realised the benefits of
students including 300 post-16 Nomow and had over 700m2 of Play 365 artificial grass installed. Nomow also
students. KI’s Postura+ range of installed brand new drainage solutions eliminating the problem of floods, and
seven sizes of stackable chairs installed its Shock Safe impact pads system, giving a 3m critical fall height around
provided for the new academy, are available in a variety of colours and are the play equipment. Nomow’s technical team can assist with all aspects of product
manufactured in the UK. The chair is ergonomically designed to promote good specification and pricing, design, landscaping and groundworks.
posture and provide exceptional comfort for students. enq.145 enq.146
0800 587 0380 www.nomow.co.uk

Tarasafe™ safety flooring exclusively specified

More than 8,000m2 of Gerflor’s Tarasafe range of
slip-resistant vinyl safety flooring was specified for a
£37.1 million Scottish school building programme.
The hard-wearing flooring was specified for The
Lasswade Centre, the second building constructed
in the £1.25 billion Schools for the Future pro-
gramme, along with Eastwood School in Renfrewshire. Both have utilised Gerflor
flooring for its aesthetic appeal and hardwearing durability. All the Tarasafe
flooring was impregnated with Sanosol® fungistatic and bacteriostatic treatment,
incorporating Gerflor’s unique SparClean® treatment, which eliminates dirt traps
Schlüter provides perfect formula and cuts maintenance costs by reducing the need for cleaning materials.
01926 622600 www.gerflor.co.uk enq.148
The University of Oxford’s Mathematical Institute has factored in a top supplier
of essential tiling protection, Schlüter-Systems, during its £220 million develop-
ment of new facilities- adding up to a first-class installation of the very best degree. Gilgen under-floor door operators chosen
Aimed at providing a modern, state-of-the-art facility to 500 mathematical
researchers and support staff, the new building will also be a centre for the aca- Gilgen Door Systems has installed a number of
demic life of over 900 undergraduates. Therefore, with such heavy pedestrian bespoke automatic sliding doors and swing door
traffic, it’s no surprise that movement joints from the Schlüter®-DILEX range, operators as part of a new extension to Oxford
along with stair nosing profiles from the Schlüter®-TREP have been installed to Brookes University Headington Campus. The
provide the ultimate in flooring protection. A complex conundrum to some, the Gilgen SLX sliding doors incorporate a unique
security, durability and protection of tile flooring can be a minefield of calcula- under floor door operator which is concealed
tions. However, thanks to the innovative profiles, trims and stair nosing products from view leading to a clean aesthetic design.
from Schlüter-Systems, the new flooring at the Mathematical Institute will remain The under-floor operator can be used with a variety of door designs and is hidden
sturdy and firm even under the feet of thousands of students. Carl Stokes, head from view by a removable floor cover which enables unrestricted service access.
of Marketing and Customer Service, commented: “We are extremely honoured Gilgen supplied and installed a total of nine bi-parting sliding door systems and
to become part of a new chapter in the UK’s oldest university.” five heavy duty swing door operators over the project duration.
enq.147 0800 316 6994 www.gilgendoorsystems.co.uk enq.149
01530 813396 www.schluter.co.uk

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building for education special report 29


The country’s second largest ever concrete pour was needed to create a
building for Cambridge’s materials scientists in which vibration could be kept
to a minimum. Mark Smulian reports

I t must have been a remarkable sight when 120 lorries

drove up to a site on the western edge of Cambridge and
over 24 hours deposited enough concrete to constitute
the second largest pour of the material seen in the UK after
can do to the limits here.”
Requirements for vibration and the accommodation of
large and complex equipment were imposed by the depart-
ment, which wanted an environment in its new £48 million
‘We pushed
what orthodox
London’s Shard. home where its electron microscopes could be protected from construction
The concrete was needed for an unusual purpose too, not interference – including also from sound and thermal currents can do to the
just for a normal building base but one that would – as far – that disturbs their readings.
as possible – eliminate vibration from the structure that In addition to some 500 staff and students, the building limits here’
would stand on it. Using concrete on such a vast scale for the would be home to what is known jokingly as ‘The Tomb’, home Project architect Rebecca
Mortimore, senior associate
new building for the University of Cambridge’s Department to Titan, more formally the FEI Titan 3 Electron Microscope. and science and education
of Materials Science and Metallurgy was a challenge. This device allows scientists to analyse structures less than one- projects director at
Project architect Rebecca Mortimore, senior associate and half the size of a carbon atom and more than a million times architectural practice NBBJ
science and education projects director at architectural smaller than the width of a human hair.
practice NBBJ, says: “We pushed what orthodox construction It would also house a variety of other machines, including
Continued on page 33...

© Morley von Sternberg/ NBBJ

The main entrance from

the road

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VELUX Modular Skylights
Team of 4, 15 days, 420 modules, 900m2 atrium
Come rain or shine


VELUX Modular Skylights
Designed in co-operation with Foster + Partners

When DSV Global Transport and Logistics decided to build

their new headquarters, nestled between woods and a lake,
in Hedehusene, Denmark, daylight and fresh air were key
considerations in providing a healthy working environment
for over 700 staff. VELUX Modular Skylights was the ideal
choice. It took a team of four just 15 days to install 420 fully
prefabricated modules, 35m above ground level, to create an
impressive atrium. The installation process was straightforward,
safe and continued through every type of weather.

To find out why VELUX Modular Skylights is the perfect

solution for your next commercial project, visit our new
website velux.co.uk/modularskylights where you’ll find
downloadable case studies and tools including AutoCAD,
Revit and 3DS. Or call 01592 778 916.

You can also watch our film of the DSV

installation ‘Building a Modular Atrium’ online.

building for education special report 33


© Morley von Sternberg/ NBBJ

‘So complex were the demands that design
alone took some two and a half years, and
construction another two years’

smaller scanning electron microscopes, and the scientists

wanted a building in which they could advance knowledge by
pushing these devices’ performance further then ever.
Their work is frontiers of knowledge stuff and projects
include the study of ‘nanowire’ proteins that cause conditions
including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Researchers
are also investigating lighting devices that could work for 60
years and how to purify water using ultraviolet lights to kill
bacteria and viruses.
All this made for a demanding design brief for Mortimore.
True, she has a greenfield site little encumbered with neigh-
bouring buildings to work with, but how could she produce
the building the department wanted?
So complex were the demands that design alone took some
two and a half years, and construction another two years. The
solution was a 1,000 sq m building for the electron micro-
scopes, which appears from both the outside and inside to be
part of the whole, but is in fact separate from the main 10,700
sq m materials science building. These structures are joined by
a thin movement joint so that “inside you cannot tell when
you move from one to the other”, Mortimore says.
Electron microscopy sits on a concrete base two metres deep,
while the main building needs only a one-metre depth base.
“A high water table in the area means the electron micro-
scopy suite could not be completely underground and that
would also have been expensive,” Mortimore explains.
So sensitive are the electron microscopes to vibration that
a road outside had to have its pavers removed and given a
smooth surface because passing buses disturbed the machines,
even though they ran some 35 metres from the building.
Indeed, the microscopes can detect vibrations from the
M11 motorway, which is not even visible from the site.
“Vibrations go round the Earth and you cannot do any-
thing about them, so the vibration and sound and thermal
problems cannot be eliminated but you can design the build-
ing to mitigate them out of the critical range of each instru-
ment,” Mortimore says.
Both buildings are constructed from structural concrete
with brick cladding over the laboratory areas and curtain
walling where offices and a refreshment area are located. The
site slopes four metres from north to south. Laboratories are
on the north and east sides and occupy the whole of the lower
ground floor, for vibration stability.
Office mezzanine floors are to the south and west. Both
parts of the building are accessed via open staircases and
separated by a narrow atrium, which gives light over the
Continued on page 35...
The library is lit by the narrow atrium (above) and the brick
pattern reflects shapes familiar to metallurgists (opposite)

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34 building for education special report

New School steeled for success with Kingspan

Ebbw Fawr Learning Community Secondary
Phase, parit of a £300 million regeneration project,
is on course to achieve a BREEAM ‘Excellent’
rating with the help of products from Kingspan
Insulation. Kingspan Insulation’s high performance
Thermataper TT46 LPC/FM and Thermaroof
TR26 LPC/FM were specified for the school’s flat roof by architects BDP,
forming part of its passive design approach for the building. Thermataper TT46
LPC/FM has been developed with integral falls to eliminate water ponding which
can lead to deflection of the deck and reduce the lifespan of a roof. TT46 and
TR26 hold the highest possible Green Guide 2008 summary rating of A+.
01544 387 384 www.kingspaninsulation.co.uk enq.153

Lanes Group chosen for maintenance

Lanes Group has been selected to carry out
drainage surveys and remedial repairs at schools
in Birmingham. Galliford Try has commissioned
the work as part of its full facilities management
service to 11 schools across Birmingham.
Engineers from the Lanes Birmingham depot at
Minworth have carried out camera surveys,
cleaning and remedial work at three schools. Across all three schools, the teams
have carried out nearly 400 patch repairs to underground drainage pipes. They
also supplied drainage survey reports, with supporting HD quality underground
images, that will help Galliford Try develop long-term maintenance programmes.
0161 788 2261 www.lanesfordrains.co.uk enq.154

Sliding solutions open doors for more students

Education Secretary Michael Gove recently
announced increased funding for more places in
schools in 2014. P C Henderson advises on how it
is vital that space is used intelligently to provide the
ideal environment. Fergus Pickard, product devel-
opment director for P C Henderson commented:
“When considering school building it is essential to utilise space in a clever way
whilst ensuring the materials specified are durable. Increasing school places means
more footfall and therefore more general wear and tear. P C Henderson sliding
door hardware is tested to withstand over 100,000 cycles. Our sliding door hard-
ware can be used to save space and can create a flexible learning environment.”
0191 377 0701 www.pchenderson.com enq.155

RigiSystems provides finishing touch

RigiSystems Ziplok aluminium standing seam
roofing has been used to provide the crowning
glory to St Albert the Great Catholic Primary
School in Hemel Hempstead. The Ziplok was
site rolled in single lengths from eaves to eaves, in
lengths of 46m on the main roof in a combined
convex and concave wave format. The roof was supported on acoustic structural
decking in 0.75mm thick steel x 100mm deep trapezoidal profile, with thermal
insulation material to achieve 0.23 U value. RigiSystems Micromatt finish was
used on the Ziplok to provide a pre-weathered appearance to the whole building.
RigiSystems Ziplok continues to be used extensively in the education sector.
01905 750500 www.rigisystems.org enq.156

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building for education special report 35


© Morley von Sternberg/ NBBJ

modular to allow for reconfiguration, and accessible risers and

oversized ceiling voids facilitate modification. ‘Water provides
Outside the office areas, bespoke gold-anodised aluminium
uprights enclose access walkways for maintenance staff and
an attractive
provide privacy and sunshade for occupants. visual feature
Although the subject groups in the department collaborate but the lake is
closely, each needed its own teaching and research area since
they use different equipment and methods and so no two lab-
an integral part
oratories could be designed the same way. of the site’s
“All the laboratory suites are different to match the needs of drainage and
academic groups,” Mortimore says.
© Morley von Sternberg/ NBBJ Disciplines include basic metallurgy biochemistry and elec-
was dug as part
trochemistry, microscopy, nano-science, coating and ceramics of the project’
technology. Their equipment’s bespoke spaces include, for
library. Staff offices have external balconies that form hori- example, a process laboratory that contains all the largest
zontal bands across the facades, reflecting the mezzanine floors equipment, and a testing laboratory for rigs and crushers.
inside. A ‘sputter’ laboratory (pictured above), in which layers of Complex M&E equipment
materials only an atom thick are laid on each other, contains in the sputter laboratory
Offices are organised into clusters with mixes of flexible (left) and an artificial lake sits
open-plan and cellular space per floor and staircase landings what looks to the layman like an intimidating array of devices at the rear of the building
widened to accommodate collaboration hubs. Furniture is inspired by science fiction, with an extraordinarily complex (above)
Continued on page 37...

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36 building for education special report advertorial

Kemper System helps Huddersfield

Uni build on bio-diversity
construction of four new buildings designed by reservoir under the growing medium to replace
architects Watson Batty, including a new sports the more conventional SuDS and avoid costly and
hall, Dean’s office and corporate suite. Constructed time-consuming excavation of separate drainage
with a single steel frame, all the buildings adjoin tanks. The roof build up was inverted by applying
each other but rise to different heights. Green the FLL certified root-resistant Kemperol V210
roofs were specified for three areas, including the waterproofing membrane first, followed by the
new sports hall, and a warm roof was selected for insulation, the blue roof drainage reservoir and
the corporate suite. then the growing medium.
Kemper System worked closely with the archi- Explains Nick O’Mara from Cawston Roofing:
tects, the roofing contractor, Cawston Roofing, “For the waterproofing membrane, using Kemperol
and green roof supplier, ABG, to develop a series V210 meant that we could be more flexible with
of warm roof and green roof systems that would the programme and more creative with the roof
take account of different roof levels, aspect and build up as well as providing an FLL certified root-

iquid roofing and waterproofing specialist, bio-diversity of the planting required to meet the resistant and robust waterproofing membrane with
Kemper System, has helped enhance both university’s objectives. a BBA certified service life in excess of 25 years.”
bio-diversity and energy efficiency at The green roof solution was to use Kemper enq.157
Huddersfield University by working collaboratively System’s Kemperol V210 cold liquid-applied Contact Kemper System
with roofing contractor and green roof specialist waterproofing membrane and an innovative ‘blue
on a series of new build green and warm roofs. roof ’ drainage system, designed by ABG. The blue
today on 01925 445532
Huddersfield University has invested in the roof puts a high density polyethylene (HDP) or visit www.kempersystem.co.uk

Bison’s precast is smart choice

Bison Manufacturing has secured a significant order to supply its precast concrete
components for the construction of two new campuses at the City of Glasgow
College. The project will see Bison design, manufacture and deliver over
58,000m2 of its leading precast hollowcore flooring, as well as a large number of
precast stair units, to the college’s new Riverside and City Campus developments.
Bison’s concrete units, manufactured at the company’s Uddingston plant in
Scotland, will be supplied complete with the Bison’s patented mechanically
inserted lifting hooks, for ease, speed and safety of installation. Mike Nelson, sales
and commercial manager at Bison, said: “Our flooring and stair units have long
been specified in education projects for their durability, quality and ease of instal-
lation – and we’re looking forward to supporting the project team during the
build.” Once complete, this £228 million dual campus development will cater for
over 40,000 student enrolments per annum. The construction of Riverside
Campus is expected to be completed in August 2015, with City Campus to follow
in August 2016.
enq.158 enq.159
01283 817500 www.bison.co.uk

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building for education special report 37


© Morley von Sternberg/ NBBJ

mesh of mechanical and electrical servicing overhead. machines which could disrupt images,” Mortimore says.
General and teaching laboratories – without the need for All noisy support equipment is in an ante-room and so can-
heavy equipment – are on intermediate floors and hazardous not disrupt the machines (or indeed be heard by the human
and high-pressure laboratories are on the top floor. ear) in their adjacent room.
The double height entrance foyer of the main building At its most extreme, Titan’s ‘Tomb’ is a 7-metre cube fully
connects the road entrance through to another at the rear screened by low carbon steel in four layers to keep out noise
where a cycle path – important in such a bike-friendly city – and vibration. Outside it equipment whirrs, inside there is
runs alongside a small stream that flows from a lake. Water dead silence.
provides an attractive visual feature but the lake is an integral The vibration problem limited the use of sustainability
Scientists are encouraged
part of the site’s drainage and was dug as part of the project. features. A large photovoltaic array occupies the roof of the to share ideas in the Tea
A secure service yard at the rear accommodates bulk gas main building, supplying three per cent of the power equip- Room (above) and the front
storage, maintenance workshops and delivery areas. ment, the electron microscopy suite has a green roof and rain- of the building shows brick
and curtain wall areas
In the electron microscopy laboratories chilled beams are water harvesting is employed, along with natural ventilation (above right)
used to cool rooms to “control thermal turbulence from for non-laboratory areas.
Continued overleaf...

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38 building for education special report


© Morley von Sternberg/ NBBJ

‘We could
not use any
measures that
would interfere
with the
such as ground
source heat
Project architect
Rebecca Mortimore

Client: University of
Cambridge Estates
Architect and interior
designer: NBBJ
Main contractor:
Willmott Dixon
Structural engineer:
Ramboll UK
Services consultant:
Hoare Lea
Services sub-
contractor: Mitie
Landscape architect:
Robert Myers The mixed-mode ventilation system incorporates natural These patterns might mean little to most people, but to
Associates venting to non-laboratory areas using the light well as a solar metallurgists they are the shapes made by the grains in metals
stack, and mechanical assistance with heat recovery is used when examined under microscopes, the first stage of study
Project manager:
during peak conditions. for most of them. The idea for the patterns came from aca-
Davis Langdon
Exposed thermal mass provides passive cooling and opera- demic staff, who were able to rapidly sketch what they wanted.
CDM coordinator: ble hoppers allow overnight purging. In the coming years the building will have neighbours since
Gardiner & Theobold While the building enjoys BREEAM Very Good status, “we it forms part of the West Cambridge campus, to which the
Cost consultant: could not use any sustainability measures that would interfere university is relocating over 20 years a number of mainly scien-
Turner & Townsend with the equipment, such as ground source heat pumps,” tific departments whose older accommodation has become
Vibration consultant:
Mortimore says. inappropriate. A campus master plan shows how the buildings
Colin Gordon Brick was used for robustness and visual effect on the exte- should work together.
rior of the laboratories. At first sight, the outside of both build- From the outside the materials science building is an attrac-
Planning authority: ings appears to comprise flat brick, but look a little closer and tive addition to the university. Deep inside, machines are at
Cambridge City
some bricks are raised or recessed by 15mm to make patterns work helping staff to expand the store of human knowledge.
that are most clearly visible when the sun creates a shadow.

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk

building for education special report advertorial 39

Rada ticks refurbishment needs

of one of the UK’s oldest universities
ada’s commercial showering and wash- Rada’s experts are working with teams from
room controls feature in an ambitious shower cubicle and pod manufacturer Taplanes,
refurbishment project at the University who are conducting the installation work.
of Aberdeen. Jonathan Braunton, sales and marketing co-
The Rada 215-T3 BC thermostatic shower ordinator at Taplanes, said: “We have worked with
valves and complementing BSR-S/300 shower Rada on a number of university projects and can
heads are being installed across a number of always rely on them to provide high quality wash-
campus buildings as part of a three-year refurbish- room solutions, which not only meet all of the
ment at the UK’s fifth oldest university. required building regulations, but meet the needs
The Buildcert TMV3 approved 215-T3 BC of each project too.”
concealed thermostatic mixing valve incorporates Eoin McQuone, senior marketing manager at
a sealed, maintenance-free cartridge, making it a Rada, the experts in commercial showering and
popular choice with university maintenance staff washroom controls, said: “Rada has a great range
and facilities managers. of products designed with the education sector in
Equally easy to maintain is the highly robust mind and we’re delighted to see them specified by
BSR-S/300 shower head. The product comes the Taplanes team for their work at the University
complete with a metal rigid shower arm, adjustable of Aberdeen. Our systems complement their
chrome plated head and durable polished chrome cubicles and pods extremely well, providing the
finish, and is ideally suited to education settings. university with a cost effective, long term solution.”
For more information, call Rada on 0844 571 1777,
email radacustomerservices@mirashowers.com or visit www.radacontrols.com


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40 building for education special report advertorial; groundworks

The next big thing in platform lifts

latform lifts have been around for some move chemistry trolleys safely and easily between
time now with the standard platform size the preparation and chemistry labs, which meas-
of 1,100mm wide x 1,500mm long, more ured 1,650mm long. The standard platform lift
than capable of accommodating a wheelchair pas- was too short in length and the next option was a
senger and attendant but when you need to move conventional 13 person passenger lift, which due
individual items which are longer than 1,500mm to the deep pit requirements, could not be pro-
what do you do? vided in the existing building.
This was the situation at Cardiff University in After discussion with Axess 4 All, the large
their chemistry building. The university needed to capacity A8000 platform lift was suggested, which
has all of the benefits of a platform lift with a small
recess and no over travel but with a platform length
of 2,480mm long. access perspective, the unit was fitted with power
A space for the A8000 was found in the operated doors with remote push button which
entrance stairwell and as the platform lift would allowed wheelchair users to call the lift and be out
sit inside the existing ornate stairwell, it was of the swing of the power operated doors.
decided that the shaft panels should be glazed to Installation took place over the spring half term
allow as much light as possible though the plat- break so disruption to the university and students
form lift and continue with the feeling of space was kept to a minimum with the platform lift
within the stair well. To ensure the platform lift being installed, commissioned and handed over
would also fulfil its requirements from a disabled within a five day period. enq.162

Call Axess 4 All Ltd on 0208 213 3099, email sales@axess4all.com or visit www.axess4all.com

School gets arty with Kingspan

Pupils at an academy in Hertfordshire are
benefiting from top class arts facilities thanks to
a new extension constructed using the
Kingspan TEK® Building System and Kingspan
Specialists in Unidek Aero® Roofing System. The John

sewage treatment systems, Warner School gained academy status in 2011.

For the school to maintain high quality provision for growing pupil numbers
pump stations and additional teaching space and facilities were required. The Kingspan TEK
septic tank conversions Building System and Kingspan Unidek Aero delivered the required thermal
performance with a reduced thickness compared with traditional construction
methods, ensuring that teaching space was maximised within the extension.
• Supplier and installer of
sewage treatment plant 01544 387 384 www.kingspantek.co.uk enq.164
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www.adfonline.eu – register now


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groundworks 41

supplies fail. Pump stations require careful design to offer the
requisite storage and meet the requirements of the particular ‘The DETR report
application. For further advice we recommend you contact a recommends
reputable manufacturer. that septic tanks

off-mains Private drainage options

If it is not possible to pump to the main sewer, generally deter-
should only be
considered if a
sewer connection
drainage mined by distance and access, then sewage will need to be dealt
with within the boundaries of the property.
There are a range of sewage treatment systems to choose
from, each with an efficiency rating based on how effectively
or a treatment
plant cannot
be used’
they break down the sewage.
Kevin Roe, sales director of Septic tanks allow the settlement, storage and partial decom-
Kingspan Klargester, looks at the position of solids, but they don’t treat sewage and need a
drainage field or ‘soakaway’ into which the effluent can be
drainage options available for discharged and filtered. Under H2 Building Regulations, septic
different sites tank effluent is considered harmful and, when installed, there
should also be secondary treatment, including reed beds.
The DETR report recommends that septic tanks should
only be considered if a sewer connection or a treatment plant
cannot be used.
Sewage treatment plants (STPs) provide an environment
where aerobic bacteria cultivate and break down sewage.
They are highly efficient, treating more than 90 per cent of
the pollutants.
Packaged sewage treatment systems, with tertiary treatment
such as packaged reed beds, are the current ‘gold standard’,
bringing the efficiency rating up to 98 per cent. They produce
a clear overflow that is environmentally friendly and suitable
for discharging even on sensitive sites.

Site suitability
The Regulations recommend a site assessment prior to instal-
lation, part of which should include testing the ground for its

f the country’s current stock of 25 million houses, suitability as a drainage field, done as a percolation test; the
around 1.5 million are not connected to the sewer. correct procedure is described in BS6297:2007.
In all cases the first consideration should be a Sites on poorly draining soil or on areas subject to flooding
sewer connection and this may require using a pump station. will have poor soakaway characteristics leading to a high risk of
This recommendation is in accordance with Building local pollution and potential health issues for the site.
Regulations – pump stations are widely specified solutions for Both H2 Building Regulations and BS6297 state that the
off-mains drainage. water table must be one metre below the septic tank outlet.
If connection is impractical then a private drainage solution In these instances, an STP is your only option – and it’s
will be required. Assessment should include a site inspection by worth noting that the life of the drainage field will be greatly
a suitably qualified expert before the preferred option is decided extended because of the high effluent quality.
upon, as recommended by the 2010 Building Regulations and Effluent from an STP is allowed to discharge into a water-
the DETR report 3/99. course, but this is regulated and requires registration with the
An incorrectly specified solution can leave the property Environment Agency/Environmental Protection Agency.
owner with failing toilets and drains. It also leaves them and the Applications for discharges can be made online, but always seek
builder at risk of prosecution under The Public Health advice first.
Act 1936.
Cost comparisons
Pump stations Despite their high efficiency rating, STPs don’t cost signifi-
A pump station must comply with both British Standards BS cantly more to buy and install than a septic tank, particularly
EN752 and Building Regulations for Foul Drainage with a when the former does not require a drainage field. Maintenance
mandatory capacity to hold waste for 24 hours should power and running costs are relatively low.

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42 groundworks

• Suitable for homes without access to mains drainage

• Discreet solution to on-site sewage treatment
• 10 models in the range with a capacity up to 50pe
• CE Marked and EN 12566-3 Certified
• Uses the extended aeration method to treat sewage
• 96% efficiency allows a typical 3-5 year emptying interval
• Visually unobtrusive and odourless
• 25 year warranty on GRP & 2 year warranty on the air pump
• Deal direct with the 6,Manufacturer

0800 731 9421 www.webuildit-ltd.co.uk

enq.166 enq.167


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structural elements; external envelope (incl. external fixtures) 43

FLOORMATE 300-A gains BBA accreditation Stormking mix the old and new
FLOORMATE 300-A extruded polystyrene Stormking has combined modern prefabrica-
(XPS) insulation from Dow Building Solutions tion methods with traditional materials for a
has been awarded a BBA certificate, offering prestige housing development at Belvedere in St
specifiers valuable third party endorsement for Saviours, Jersey for Dandara Jersey Limited.
the product’s performance. FLOORMATE Stormking have supplied complete roof dormer
300-A – which is a STYROFOAM-A grade units for the mixed four and five bedroomed
manufactured in the UK – is durable enough to homes which are close to the sea in St Helier and
be laid beneath concrete floor slabs, and can help to prevent thermal bridges at therefore subject to harsh weather conditions at times. Made to Dandara’s specific
floor and wall junctions. Thermal conductivity is 0.034W/mK in a 100mm thick- requirements to blend with existing housing in the area, the dormers have been
ness; the product also offers good compressive strength of 300kPa and a high finished in real lead. Dandara specified Stormking for these dormers because of
design load of 130kPa. In addition, FLOORMATE 300-A has excellent moisture their unrivalled experience in the design and manufacture of prefabricated grp
resistance thanks to its closed cell structure. enq.169 building products to BBA standards. enq.170

Langley rejuvenate award-winning crematorium Firestone UltraPly™ walking tall

The architecturally recognised Telford Crematorium Black Sail Youth Hostel, one of the oldest
in Shropshire has been reinvigorated thanks to a new and most remote youth hostels in England,
Bituminous Strip Slate roofing system from Langley has undergone major refurbishment
Waterproofing Systems Ltd. When the existing utilising a Firestone UltraPly TPO single
large sloping cedar shingle roof began to fail, ply roof system designed to blend with the
approved contractors SPV Group secured the works idyllic landscape. The roof was peppered
and implemented the Langley solution. Langley’s experts specified 600m² of with penetrations to accommodate solar panels, solar heating, solatubes and then
bituminous Strip Slate shingles for their appearance, ease of installation and finished off with a green roof. A robust yet flexible roofing system was therefore
excellent weather resistance. To round off the warm roof system, Paravapo SBS essential in order to cope with all the detailing and green roof system require-
vapour control layer, insulation to current regulations and Adepar JS bituminous ments, thus making Firestone UltraPly TPO the ideal solution. Firestone UltraPly
underlay were used to provide the waterproof foundation for the shingle layer. TPO is a reinforced membrane of flexible polyolefin, containing no plasticisers
enq.171 or halogens and is considered a material of low environmental impact. enq.172
01327 704 778 www.langley.co.uk

Pro-tecting eco values

Use of polymer roofing is proving to play a key part
in achieving reduced carbon emissions for major
retail brands. Sainsbury’s, Tesco and IKEA are
among the marques using Protan SE single ply
membrane on stores in the UK and Europe. Used
in conjunction with timber roof cassettes, the
material ensures the roofs are weathertight and as energy efficient as possible –
using up to 30 per cent less heat. Protan SE, available in 1.2mm, 1.6mm and
1.8mm, is developed to cope with even the most extreme weather conditions
without detriment: it is certified to ≤ -30°. Hot-air welded at joints and mechan-
ically fixed to the roof, the membrane achieves durability for up to 30 years. British Standard lead -
a high performance product which:
01925 658001 customercare@protan.co.uk
delivers exceptional longevity
unparalleled durability and malleability
Integritank enjoys the high life VËprovides consistency of performance
VËis less susceptible to cracking so
Stirling Lloyd’s Integritank waterproofing protects against water ingress
membrane is being increasingly specified on a Manufacturing Members of the LSA are so
number of London’s exclusive new residential confident about the performance of their
developments. One of the latest is 375 material (installed in accordance with the LSA’s
Manual and BS 6915) that they are now able
Kensington High Street, a selection of luxu- to provide a 50-year warranty.
rious one, two and three bedroom apartments
This far outstrips any other guarantees on the
and penthouses in one of London’s most market, particularly in relation to man-made
sought-after addresses. Contemporary features, including podium decks, products that have a much shorter life span.
balconies and green roofs, sit atop luxurious multi-million pound habitable
properties below. Developers therefore insist on a 100 per cent effective water-
proofing system to prevent any water ingress and Integritank is proving ideal.
01565 633 111 www.stirlinglloyd.com enq.174 enq.175

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44 structural elements; external envelope (incl. external fixtures)

Delta embraces BIM Levolux changes gear in Swindon

Among the benefits of Building Information A new state-of-the-art, multi-storey car park is about
Modelling (BIM) are knowledge sharing, to open in the centre of Swindon, boasting a
improved project management, faster and more revolutionary terracotta screening solution from
economical creation of a project, and a reduction Levolux. Levolux was approached, as a leading solar
in environmental impact. All of these goals are shading and screening specialist, to develop a custom
shared by Delta Membrane Systems, which is screening solution for the car park. The solution
why the company has arranged for its whole product range to be BIM‐compatible. comprises vertical aluminium and terracotta fins,
This service is now available on the company’s website and hosts Delta’s range of arranged differently on each elevation to satisfy
systems and products for basement walls, floors and green roofs, with many more specific performance criteria. The vertical Fins help to protect the core structure
to come. Delta Membranes prides itself on providing the material, design advice, from excessive weathering, while providing shade to occupants and their vehicles.
and backup service for a variety of projects. The introduction of BIM downloads In total, Levolux supplied almost 5,800 linear metres of terracotta Fin and more
further endorses this commitment. enq.176 than 3,000 linear metres of aluminium Fins. enq.177

Better rooflight option for singly ply New window achieves Passivhaus standard
A better roof finish can be achieved using a new Uniform Architectural Ltd has launched uni_one®
solution from partners Brett Martin and Protan. Termoscudo, its most energy efficient window system so far.
Now, Mardome rooflights can be specified with Termoscudo benefits from sleek aesthetic design details as
a factory-fitted Protan G1.5mm vapour part of the uni_one range with additional technology that
permeable single ply membrane collar. The greatly improves its thermal insulation capabilities to certify
option minimises the amount of on-site fixing and welding required. As a result, it to Passivhaus standards by achieving a heat loss ‘U’ value
a neater finish around a complicated detail is attained and potential weather pen- of 0.79 W/m2K. The advanced engineering design also
etration significantly reduced. “Detailing is potentially a weak spot in any single improves acoustic insulation giving the window system a
ply roof,” explains Protan Managing Director Fraser Maitland. “Giving specifiers value of up to 43 rw (dB) providing increased comfort for
a ready dressed rooflight removes reliance on the quality of workmanship and the occupants. The new uni_one Termoscudo window system along with the rest
can potentially eliminate ‘snagging’ issues such as weather leakage.” of the uni_one range is featured in Uniform Architectural’s new brochure
enq.178 uni_one, The Contemporary Window, which is available on request. enq.179
01925 658001 www.protan.co.uk

The elegance
and strength of
Crittall steel
is timeless.
Crittall Windows Ltd,
Francis House,
And today’s modern Freebournes Road,
high performance Witham,
equivalent products Essex CM8 3UN
replicate perfectly Tel: +44 (0)1376 530800
that original design Fax: +44 (0)1376 530801
and unique heritage. E: hq@crittall-windows.co.uk
www. crittall-windows.com

Our heritage is our strength


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external envelope (incl. external fixtures) 45



Bespoke doors by Todd Doors

Design led, competitively priced, excellent service            


For a house that deserves exceptional doors,   
talk to the Todd Doors Developer Team     
about our Estates Range.

020 8839 3577


enq.181 enq.182


Low U-values 0.77 W/m2K Low Ud-values 1.3 W/m2K

Low-energy homes Passive house standard Floor to ceiling glass

Reynaers at Home has a range Our CS104 window and door Our new Hi-Finity sliding
of windows and doors that system can achieve whole door offers floor-to-ceiling
have been awarded the Swiss window U-values as low as glass and Ud values as low
Minergie accreditation for 0.77 W/m2K. as 1.3 W/m2K.
low-energy homes.

Specifying our range of energy-saving products means you no longer need to be

constrained by energy efficiency. This leaves you free to do what you do best:
design innovative, breathtaking homes.

T 0121 421 9707
E homeuk@reynaers.com


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46 external envelope (incl. external fixtures)

Schueco has wide range of folding/sliding doors

  "     Launched last year, Schueco’s Contemporary
  "    Living Collection brings the company’s premium

    quality aluminium windows, doors and façades to
the trade residential market. Among the systems
is a wide range of sliding/folding doors which will
appeal to owners looking for improvements that
could add capital value, as well as comfort, to their
homes. The range includes the Schueco ASS 80 FD.HI, a door which combines
exceptionally high thermal efficiency (Uw value of <1.3 W/m2K) with narrow
face-widths of only 112mm. Available with leaves up to 1.2m wide and up to 3m
high, the door has elegant looks, slim sight-lines and high-quality fittings.
01908 282111 www.schueco.co.uk enq.185

PIVOTA® - Fully concealed 3-D hinges

Cooke Brothers are the sole UK stockists and distributors of
the PIVOTA series of fully concealed, three way adjustable,
four knuckle precision hinges. The range is acknowledged as
being at the forefront in advanced hinge design and
performance. They represent an important and valuable new
dimension to Cooke Brothers’ comprehensive range of hinge
options. The PIVOTA DX series has much to offer: solid steel
or solid aluminium bodies, door weights from 40kg up to
300kg, three dimensional adjustment, matching cover plates for screws, fire rating
and anti-jemmy protection. Standard finishes include velour-nickel plated, stain-
less steel coated, aluminium coated or the choice of galvanised finishes on request.
01922 740011 www.cookebrothers.co.uk enq.186

Kawneer helps women with a WICED view

The UK’s first Women’s International Centre for
Economic Development (WICED) showcases almost
the full spectrum of glazing from architectural alu-
minium systems supplier, Kawneer. Its AA®100

curtain walling features on a striking facetted convex
and concave gable screens and is complemented by
AA®601TE casement windows and series 350 severe-duty commercial entrance
doors. The Kawneer curtain walling with 50mm sightlines includes feature face
caps that extend above the curtain walling line to provide balustrading to the
upper terrace levels while the windows include automatic-opening top-hung vents
 '  (% ! )"#   (!#  (% #%%$ ! #$ % %#!& on the first floor and manual top-hung vents on the ground, second and third.
%! ## !# ""%! $ %%& & & (!#$ (% &!   * #$ 01928 502500 www.kawneer.co.uk enq.187
$*$%$   !#  !"% ! (!##* $#' #! $ %#!& %!  $%%! !
& &  !($ !!#$     !  $*$%$
&#%   &$%#$
  ! $ %%& & & $          #% RigiSystems introduces new composite panels
%  %!& (% &$ %! $&$$ *!&# "#!% &#%#
RigiSystems has introduced a new range of compos-
ite panels, which complement the built-up systems.
Composites can be useful on many smaller installa-
tions that may not justify the number of components
required for a built-up system. Wall panels can,
however, be used as part of a built-up system in order to provide the insulation
layer. This can be particularly advantageous in façade applications, where a rigid
insulation layer makes construction of the façade both easier and quicker. Panels,
both roof and wall, are available in standard widths of one metre and lengths up
to 16m, in a range of thicknesses to provide different ‘U’-values, and with either
standard PIR core or fire rated mineral fibre wool core.
01905 750500 www.rigisystems.org enq.188

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external envelope (incl. external fixtures) advertorial 47

Client: Lincolnshire County Council

Main contractor: CINM/
Clugston Construction
Architects: Concept: Studio E Delivery:
Weedon Partnership

Green and black Eurobond Extra wall

panels deliver stunning visual feature to
North Hykeham Energy Recovery Facility

Rockspan delivers visual secondary steelwork, save on build costs and create
a weathertight envelope quickly to help shorten
construction time.

extra for North Hykeham Architecturally a curved roof ‘shell’ houses the
tipping hall and boiler hall and softens the visual

Energy Recovery Facility impact of the building from elevated views from
Lincoln. This curved shell is intersected by a
refined rectilinear form containing the other
process areas which extends at roof level to create

ockspan Extra wall panels finished in facility is designed as a combined heat and power a grand colonnade that reinforces the ‘civic’ façade
jade green and ultra black are a stunning plant to incinerate 150,000 tonnes per year of of the building where the visitor centre and admin-
visual feature of the new Energy Recovery residual waste generating enough electricity to istration facilities are sited.
Facility [ERF] at North Hykeham. It is planned power 15,000 homes [11MW] for sale to the The building is 190m long, 30m wide, at its
to help Lincolnshire County Council achieve national grid. peak reaches 45m high and has a 75m chimney
its local, national and European targets for the The low environmental impact of Eurobond stake. The project is estimated to have cost £145
management of its municipal solid waste. The Laminates’ Rockspan wall panel makes it particu- million and will operate 24 hours a day creating
larly suitable for a project such as this ERF facility 33 new jobs.
that is driven by environmental concerns. The
150mm thick green and black Rockspan Extra
panels have a high density stone wool core that Call Eurobond today on
provide a fully tested two hours fire rating with
increased acoustic performance and spanning
02920 776677 or visit
capabilities. The long spans reduce the need for www.eurobond.co.uk

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48 external envelope (incl. external fixtures)

Roofline • Rainwater • Cladding
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For a free sample, call 0800 849 6339
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enq.190 enq.191

Are you searching for

a cost effective quality cladding panel,
that’ll give you aesthetic freedom?
Yes? Then use Vitrabond! Well established in the market, Vitrabond is globally
recognised by Architects, Builders and Installers as the superior ACM rainscreen cladding
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Vitrabond is readily available to meet your requirements. The composition of Vitrabond is
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For more information visit www.vitrabond.com
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For Vitrabond UK, contact Valcan Architectural. T: 0844 800 7131 F: 0844 800 7130 E: enquiries@valcan.co.uk


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external envelope (incl. external fixtures) 49

Inspired by natural systems

Ventilated façades have been around for a long time. In traditional Scandinavian housing, for
example, an air gap was included between the timber external wall and the internal wall, as a way
of preventing these soft wood structures from rotting in a rainy climate. But the principles go back
further than that – in fact, they take their cue from the natural world. By Trespa UK

T A ‘breathable’ building
hroughout nature you will find protective membranes
or skins. Animals, trees and even planets all have skins
that protect their internal systems. Not only do these A number of benefits result from allowing the migration of ‘Throughout
moisture and vapour from the interior of the building into the
skins protect but they also act as mediums between the inside
open air. By letting moisture escape and stopping water pene- nature a skin
and the outside. Systems in these natural skins permit the trans-
fer of certain elements such as vapour from one side to another, tration, the growth of mould colonies and rot is suppressed; protects and
mould can cause respiratory problems and even trigger asthma
allowing them to ‘breathe’.
attacks. Wood rot and metal corrosion, meanwhile, can affect
is a medium
Until recently most buildings have had sealed envelopes
rather than breathable skins. Their primary function was to the stability of the structure. between the
protect the indoor space from the outdoor environment. Sealed By integrating or even adding a ventilated rainscreen cladding inside and
envelopes can cause problems for a building if they leak or if system to a building façade, water penetration is minimised,
there is inadequate ventilation. Leakage can cause deterioration the load-bearing wall is in good condition, internal air quality outside’
of the (inner) wall construction. Due to the inner wall being is improved and insulation can be increased and kept in desir-
out of sight this leakage is often discovered too late resulting in able condition.
costly repairs. This is down to a ventilated air space between the cladding
Today, ventilated façades are applied worldwide as an answer and the load-bearing wall. The air in the designed cavity will
to allowing a building to ‘breathe’. They enable architects to circulate due to air pressure differentials and thermal differen-
meet the requirements in different climates. By introducing a tials over the height of the building. In a cold climate this causes
ventilated air space between the cladding and the construction, the condensation water at the rear of the cladding to dry. In a
vapour can more easily pass between the skins of the building. warm climate the moving air will cool the inner layers of the
This contributes to a healthy indoor climate. construction, thus reducing the demand for cooling energy.

The load-bearing wall

A load-bearing wall protected by
a ventilated façade system will
Water penetration
usually be dry and therefore
With continuous air flow between the
deterioration is limited.
cladding and the inner layers of the
Rainscreen cladding is relatively
exterior wall and vertical cavity closures
light in comparison to other wall
at the corners of the building only small
constructions; this reduces the
pressure differentials occur between
weight applied to the
both sides of the cladding. Penetration of
load-bearing wall. enq.193
wind-driven rain through the joints of
the façade cladding therefore is minimal
and ventilation openings permit drainage
of rain that might have penetrated
through the joints.
Indoor air quality
In a ventilated façade system, a weather
Insulation barrier is intended to stop moisture from
Due to the use of a thin rainscreen cladding penetrating the building. This weather
rather than standard thicker claddings such as barrier may be vapour-permeable, allowing
brick, more depth is available for insulation, vapour to move between the inside of the
given a certain thickness of the total wall building and the outside air, which can help
construction. This extra insulation improves improve indoor air quality. The designer
the energy efficiency of the building. may also choose a weather barrier that
prevents air infiltration, thus reducing
uncontrolled heat or cold leakage.

Note: The illustration on this page does not specify a particular system and is only for information purposes.

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50 external envelope (incl. external fixtures)

UGINOX for lower cost of facades and roofs

Aperam, are terne-coated stainless steels which take on
the natural patina of aged lead sheet. This has prompted
English Heritage to endorse them as an acceptable
alternative to lead. Such nickel-free ferritic grades are
invariably lower in cost per square metre than copper
and zinc. Its inherent strength enables it to be used at
gauges as thin as 0.4mm. Overall weight savings can
therefore be as much as 35 per cent. All require minimal
cleaning and maintenance and offer complete resistance
Flyscreen Systems for Windows and Doors to underside corrosion in non-ventilated situations.
01246 571660 www.aperam.com enq.195

VMZINC hits the heights on Heron Tower

Heron Tower has become one of the best known
landmarks in central London. The 46-storey
building has a VMZINC PLUS standing seam
Insect Mesh for Cladding and Ventilation system on the two main roof areas, on the 38th
The Flyscreen Company Ltd and 41st floors. The building is among the tallest
in which the compact, warm roof system has
Warren Business Park Tel: 01454 238 288 been used and as it needs no supporting ventila-
Knockdown, Tetbury Fax: 01454 238 988 tion, views from the Drift Restaurant, Sky Bar and terraces are not affected by
unsightly vents. Precise wind loading calculations were needed, but the metal also
Gloucestershire www.flyscreen.com had to be reflection-free. VMZINC’s pre-weathered mid-grey QUARTZ-ZINC®
GL8 8QY sales@flyscreen.com offers exceptional colour retention and was therefore the perfect choice.
01992 822288 www.vmzinc.co.uk enq.196

Making an entrance...
...bespoke revolving doors

first impressions...
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external envelope (incl. external fixtures); insulation 51

VIVIX® facade panels are a soaring success Bank is fully protected by Remmers
Formica Group’s VIVIX exterior façade panels were Remmers protective coating systems were chosen to meet
installed at the new control tower for Norway’s the highly demanding specification and multiple facade
Kristiansand Airport. To clad the control tower, VIVIX finishes to a Grade 1 listed, four storey high building in
panels in Storm, a deep charcoal grey, was chosen. The egg- London requiring extensive stone and concrete restoration.
inspired shape dictated the choice of material needed to be Repairs were carried out using Betofix R2, a high build, fast
curved. Roald Bakke of Wiig og Horgmo Architects said: curing concrete repair mortar. Remmers Restoration
“VIVIX panels are the ideal solution for this project. The Mortar was also selected for its ideal restoration and repro-
panels are easily machined and can be cut into a variety of filing properties for masonry as well as ornamental building
shapes and sizes. The control towers are at least 30 meters above ground; the elements. Finally, Remmers Elastoflex Facade Paint was applied for its excellent
material we used for cladding had to be lightweight for ease of installation and anticarbonation characteristics, resistance to weathering and crack bridging
safety as well as versatile and flexible to allow us to realise the design concept.” ability. The works were completed within budget and ahead of the tight program.
0191 259 3512 www.formica.com enq.198 0845 373 0103 www.remmers.co.uk enq.199

Cladding and façades from DML Group

Cladding and façades specialist, DML Group offers a total capability solution from design and build to the manufacture of
bespoke shop fronts and curtain walling systems, and a full turn-key provision. The company has considerable experience in
delivering major schemes, which include a new façade for the Oxford Street entrance of Tottenham Court Road station along
with glazing and stainless steel cladding; bronze shopfronts, glazed roof lights and cladding for the St James’ Gateway
development in London’s West End; and most recently, a unique artwork project at An t-Eilean (The Island), which involves
bronze cladding, doors and balustrades for a walled pavilion garden in the centre of Inverness Campus, a multi-stakeholder
215-acre business, research and education facility, developed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise. The company’s retail
schemes include the London Designer Outlet; several branches of a major retail bank; and the Trinity Leeds shopping centre,
where it designed, manufactured and installed over 2,000m2 of curtain walling. DML has extensive involvement in the retail,
education, residential and public sectors and works nationally and internationally for some of the world’s leading brands and
the UK’s largest main contractors.
0113 256 5661 www.dmlgroup.co.uk enq.200

Thin Hybrid Multi-layer Insulation Blanket


Insulation for use in Roofs, Walls & Floors

BDA Agrément Nr.

The Crags Industrial Park, Morven Street,

Creswell, Derbyshire S80 4AJ.
Tel: 0844 99 104 04 www.ybscomposites.com

enq.201 enq.202

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52 insulation

Courtesy of SIPs
Eco Panels

What are SIPS

and how do
they provide the
optimum fabric
first solution?
Experts from the UK Structural Insulated Panel
Association explain why the use of SIPS technology
is on the increase across the UK

S Thermal resistance (U-values)

tructural insulated panel systems (SIPS) are an advanced
‘Lightweight, method of construction, offering superior insulation,
The thermal resistance of a material indicates its ability to trans-
structural strength and air-tightness. SIPS are used in
quick to erect floors, walls and roofs for residential, industrial, educational
fer heat. In solids this is directly proportional to the material’s
and free from and commercial applications – providing ecologically friendly
thickness since heat is transferred via conduction. Therefore,
to improve the thermal resistance and reduce the U-value an
problems of and energy efficient buildings.
increase in thickness of building elements is required.
compression SIP technology has been developed around composite
SIPS offer the efficiency of structural and thermal perform-
panel techniques, creating a product with excellent structural
shrinkage and and thermal characteristics. SIPS have two parallel faces –
ance within one product, delivering U-values as low as 0.11
W/m2k while also limiting the increase in building dimensions
cold bridging’ usually oriented strand board (OSB), sandwiching a rigid core
(wall thickness).
of polyurethane (PU) foam or expanded polystyrene (EPS),
The main benefit of SIPS over other panelised forms of
making them lightweight, quick to erect and free from prob-
construction is due to the limited quantity of repeating
lems of compression shrinkage and cold bridging associated
thermal bridges such as studs and noggins. Therefore a typical
with other forms of construction.
value of 94 per cent of the panel area is counted as insulation
when calculating the U-value of building components to BS EN
SIPS and thermal performance ISO 8990.
The construction industry has witnessed a significant rise in the
use of SIPS for use in both residential and commercial build- Thermal bridging (Y-values)
ings. In the UK 60 per cent of fossil fuels are used to heat build-
Although repeating thermal bridges are accounted for within
ings and half of this is housing. By far the most economical
the U-value calculation, non-repeating thermal bridges require
method of reducing fossil fuel use in housing is to reduce space
special consideration. Up to 15 per cent of heat loss from the
heating demand, by focusing on more efficient building fabric
building envelope combined with the associated issues of
solutions. SIPS have many of the answers.
localised condensation and mould build up can be attributed

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk

insulation 53

to these localised cold bridges. Typically these occur around

openings and junctions where there are gaps in insulation or
materials of low thermal resistance are required for other enve-
lope performance requirements. The introduction of the
amended Approved Documents of Part L in April 2010 meant
that heat loss calculations were replaced by the concept of Fabric
Energy Efficiency (FEE) putting more focus on thermal bridges
when calculating the Dwelling Emissions Rate (DER) and FEEs.

Airtightness announcements that all new homes will be zero carbon rated
Part L has put increased focus and weighting on the airtightness by 2020, thermal insulation and lower air leakage requirements
of the building envelope – ‘build tight – ventilate right’ is the will increase dramatically.
mantra that has been adopted. The flow of air through a build- The Building Regulations consist of Part A to P, with Part L
ing is either controlled through ventilation, or uncontrolled concentrating on the thermal qualities and energy efficiency of
through air leakage. residential and commercial buildings. Part L 2013 has now been
published and the approved document will be coming into
force in April 2014.
SIPS – the future of There are now two targets to meet for houses - as well as the
low energy construction Target Emission Rate (TER) at six per cent reduction in CO2
SIPS provide a balanced approach to hygrothermal perform- for residential and nine per cent for commercial, dwellings also
ance (the transfer of heat, air and moisture through the building need to meet a Target Fabric Energy Efficiency (TFEE) meas-
envelope) that maximises gains in all areas without compromis- ured in kWh/m2/year.)
ing others. The flexibility of SIPS permits a wide and varied For architects and developers this improvement is achievable
building type and style with very little restriction on size, shape with good fabric and design. By adopting the use of structural Physics of Medicine Building
and form. insulated panels, these new requirements can easily be achieved, at Cambridge University
during construction (above)
With the government’s commitment to the lowering of especially when the SIPS provider is integrated early enough in and completion (right).
CO2 emissions in construction, together with numerous the design process to allow efficient and effective design. Courtesy of SIPs UK


SIPs: The future of housebuilding has arrived

Sips eco panels, easi-wall system and easi-roof system, are an advanced yet affordable form of construction
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superior to current Building Regulations low running costs easi-roof system offers a highly US FOR M TACT
easi-wall and roof panels are 100% Ensure a comfortable ambient insulated trussless roof DETAILS
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Tel: 01787 377388 | www.Sips.co


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54 insulation; heating, ventilation & services

Lifetime homes require Thin-Joint solution Birmingham opens a new chapter

H+H’s innovative Rå Build method has Kooltherm® pipe insulation from Kingspan Tarec
been used at Britannia Crescent, Great was chosen to insulate pipework at the new Library
Yarmouth. The Thin-Joint system was of Birmingham, the largest public library in Europe.
chosen in particular for its speed of Architect Mecanoo’s design makes maximum use of
construction and exceptional sustainabil- natural light with an eye-catching façade combining
ity credentials, as well as being highly glass and interlocking aluminium hoops. Kingspan
adaptable. The system achieves A+ rating in the BRE’s Green Guide to Housing Tarec Kooltherm® pipe insulation was specified for the project as part of this sus-
Specification. To simplify the procurement process, the H+H estimating team tainable approach. The product is designed for insulating pipework and equip-
supplied a Thin-Joint package sale. The package included Standard Grade ment operating within a temperature range -50°C to +120°C, and can attain
Multi-Plate 3.6N blocks and quick-setting Thin-Joint Celfix mortar used to build thermal conductivities as low as 0.025 W/m·K. As a result it was able to provide
the internal leaf of the external cavity walls and separating walls. the required thermal performance with a minimal solution thickness.
01732 880520 www.hhcelcon.co.uk enq.205 01457 890400 www.kingspantarec.com enq.206

EHC introduce smart technology

EHC are committed to providing products which deliver fully controllable heat at affordable running costs in properties with
no access to mains gas. EHC’s Combination Electric Radiators have been accepted as an alternative to traditional storage
heating. The major advantage of this reliable system is that they’re a 24 hour, fully controllable central heating system which
modulates to maintain a constant room temperature. The radiators look and heat up like conventional ‘wet’ system radiators
with 100 per cent efficiency. They’re maintenance free and do not produce harmful emissions. Each has its own in-built
thermostat, enabling you to control the temperature. EHC recommend that each radiator is hard wired to an EHC Control
Box on a dedicated Heating Circuit which is connected to a 24/7 Programmer and Room Thermostat. To assist with changing
lifestyles and spiralling energy costs, EHC have adapted the Combination Radiators to enable them to be controlled by smart
technology when using the hard wired control system. The ‘user friendly’ software can be utilised on a laptop, tablet or
smartphone and gives maximum control as heating cycles and temperatures can be monitored and controlled remotely with
optimised weather data via the Internet. It will also provide information regarding historic data such as room temperatures.
01698 820533 www.electric-heatingcompany.co.uk enq.207

Utilise SIPs with SIPs Eco Panels

apollo monza SIPs Eco Panels is one of the UK’s leading
aluminium column radiator SIP suppliers to individuals, developers
and contractors, and it is now offering
CPDs to architects and engineers. With
free quotations, an introducers scheme and
free CPDs, there is no better time to find
out how SIPs Eco Panels can help you
comply with the new Part L, building
bigger more air-tight buildings quicker,
with the insulation pre-installed. Contact SIPs Eco Panels today to find out how
it can help you and your clients utilise SIPs to achieve u-values of 0.14 and below
without the need for additional insulation. enq.209

EWI system has outstanding performance

The Warm Wall Plus external wall insulation system from
Knauf Marmorit combines excellent thermal
ideal for low temperature renewable systems performance with outstanding fire protection and
ideal for high pressure systems acoustic insulation properties. Suitable for use on new
the latest patented technology build or refurbishment projects, it enables bright,
a unique aluminium radiator design
low-maintenance insulated facades to be created simply,
half the weight of steel
82 vertical and horizontal sizes with no need for additional fire breaks. A multi-layered
delivered within 3 working days system, Warm Wall Plus incorporates Knauf ’s innovative Rocksilk fire-resistant
mineral fibre insulation at its core. Warm Wall Plus can be applied to virtually
www.apolloradiators.co.uk any substrate and to timber or steel-framed structures. The system is complete
with a broad range of complementary components for fixing and trimming.
enq.208 0117 982 1042 www.marmorit.co.uk enq.210

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heating, ventilation & services 55


SE Controls’ smoke and natural

ventilation solution for Airbus
new 25,000 sq m office building for and performance standards were met.
leading aircraft manufacturer, Airbus, is Four separate atrium spaces feature as part of the
using an advanced smoke and natural ven- building, designed by AWW Architects, and each
tilation system from SE Controls to provide a com- incorporates 84 Schüco AWS 102 projected top
fortable working environment for staff while hung vents. The vents are automatically operated
ensuring that an effective smoke and fire control by a total of 336 SCCO 24 30 concealed actuators,
strategy can be implemented in the event of a fire. which were supplied, installed and commissioned
The four storey building, which is part of the by SE Controls in partnership with specialist are maintained within the pre-set parameters to
£70 million Airbus Aerospace Business Park devel- façade contractor, Norking Aluminium. maintain a comfortable working environment.
opment at Filton, accommodates more than 2,500 In addition to installing the actuators, the inter- In the event of a fire, the building’s alarm system
staff and brings together engineering, design and face control panels were also supplied, installed signals the natural ventilation system to auto-
customer support functions that are currently and commissioned by SE Controls together with matically close all the vents as part of the smoke
located in several smaller buildings on-site into the the fire rated cabling, which is completely con- and fire control strategy. This not only restricts the
new engineering and technology campus. cealed within the curtain walling. flow of oxygen into the building to help suppress
SE Controls was involved in the project from During day-to-day operation, the natural ventila- the fire but also allows precise control to be taken
the early stages to clarify the ventilation strategy tion system responds to signals from sensors linked by fire officers via the system’s manual control
and provide calculations on the free area require- to the building management system (BMS) to points, enabling smoke to be cleared from the
ments for the smoke vents to ensure compliance ensure that the indoor air quality and temperature relevant atrium. enq.211

For more information contact SE Controls today on 01543 443060, email info@secontrols.com or visit www.secontrols.com

enq.212 enq.213

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56 heating, ventilation & services; interiors

ThermaSkirt has higher heat transfer ability Refurbishment chooses AET Flexible Space
A paper has been published investigating the thermal per- AET Flexible Space has recently supplied Under
formance of radiant skirting boards using Discrete Heat’s Floor Air Conditioning (UFAC) equipment to
ThermaSkirt heated skirting board as the test sample. The another high specification refurbishment in the Soho
rigorous testing of both ThermaSkirt and a range of con- area of London at 76-88 Wardour Street. This latest
ventional radiators provided data that showed radiant base- refurbishment was designed to convert a traditional
boards had a significantly higher heat transfer ability of 50 heated only building into fully air conditioned com-
per cent more than panel radiators. The research showed mercial office space. AET Flexible Space UFAC was specified by the Consultant
the compatibility of heated skirting boards and heat pumps URS as an ideal solution for overcoming the height restrictions, unique structural
to be more effective than using traditional radiator panels elements and floor plate configuration. The UFAC system proposed by AET
in a heat pump system. The results also showed that the heat emission increases Flexible Space was a zonal CAM-C system utilising the floor plenum beneath the
by 2.1 per cent per cm of height of the heated skirting board and doubling the raised access floor as the ventilation duct for the supply and return air.
water flow only increased the heat emission by 4.5 per cent. enq.214 enq.215
01342 310400 www.flexiblespace.com

Wood Energy fires up UK installer network Raychem specified for 25 Churchill Place
Biomass boiler specialist Wood Energy is Pentair Thermal Management has provided its
celebrating continued UK business growth with Raychem HWAT solution to Jointing Technologies
the launch of a national Registered Installer for the DHWS system at 25 Churchill Place,
Network. Wood Energy’s Registered Installer Canary Wharf. 25 Churchill Place is designed to be
Network will provide highly skilled and trained one of the most energy efficient office buildings at
biomass boiler engineers across the UK. This Canary Wharf and the Raychem HWAT system was
nationwide network of installers will receive expert training from the company chosen for its reliability, space saving benefits and to
to support its expanding customer base in the commercial and industrial sector. ensure the provision of instant hot water, main-
The introduction of Wood Energy’s Registered Installer Network coincides with tained at a temperature of 55°C, at all points up to
the unveiling of a striking new brand identity and the launch of a new company the outlets. The hot water services are based in a hybrid system with recirculated
website. Wood Energy is a supplier of high efficiency renewable heating systems. pipework in the risers and single pipe on each floor to the outlets. HWAT-Eco
enq.216 controllers for Legionella prevention functionality are also included. enq.217
0845 070 7338 www.woodenergy.com


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58 interiors

3M shows wide range of product innovations

Diversified technology company 3M will present
a selection of high performance films and
finishes for interior design and refurbishment at
Hotelympia 2014 (stand 3728). DI-NOC
Architectural Finishes from 3M are special effect
self-adhesive vinyl films available in wood grain,
stone, brushed metals and carbon fibre effects. Fasara Decorative Window Film
series from 3M are translucent polyester films for glass partitions and windows,
representing a fraction of the cost of etched or sandblasted glass. New Dichroic
Film from 3M shows how dazzling colour changing effects can be produced
simply, without the expense of authentic dichroic glass or coloured acrylic panels.
Project: enq.221
0845 606 388 www.3M.co.uk/innovativefinishes
The Hydro Glasgow

Foster & Partners Scolmore is favourite for new racecourse hotel
InterContinental Hotels Group’s recent signing,

A sensitive tap the Holiday Inn Huntingdon - Racecourse in

Cambridgeshire, has recently opened for business,

that can handle with products from Scolmore’s lighting and

wiring accessories ranges providing stylish finish-
ing touches. All 98 bedrooms and all corridors of

the big crowds this new build venture have been fitted with Scolmore’s innovative low energy
Inceptor LED downlights in a satin chrome finish, with matching wiring acces-
sories providing a co-ordinated look. Scolmore’s Inceptor integrated LED down-
The Hydro, Glasgow’s newest entertainment lights are proving hugely popular with installers - providing a high light output,
venue, and a city landmark, with a seating high performance product that can be fitted into the shallowest of ceiling voids.
capacity of 12,000, will play host to 140 events
01827 63454 www.scolmore.com enq.222
a year, attracting over one million spectators.
The London-based architects Foster & Partners chose to
install Dolphin Infra-red Sensor taps. These WRAS-approved
taps aren’t just stylish, they go a long way to help conserve
water, reduce a building’s carbon footprint and have a low
environmental impact that helps make a positive contribution Lighting catalogue with style shots available on request
to BREEAM assessments.

Dolphin Blue DB100 / DB125

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Dolphin Dispensers
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0208 123 7914

washrooms worth experiencing www.modernlightingsolutions.co.uk


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interiors 59

Trendy teracotta tiles

Inspired by traditional Mediterranean terracotta
tiles, Solus Ceramics new Cotto Clay range is a
modern reimagining of this iconic and recognis-
able material. Rustic and earthy browns and
oranges sit alongside more contemporary cream
and grey colour options, which allow this range to
be used in many different design schemes and
projects. An uneven surface texture makes every single tile completely unique.
Cotto Clay is one of the most versatile ranges that Solus Ceramics has ever
discovered, and in total comprises of seven versatile sizes, including 300x600mm,
600x1200mm and many unusual plank shaped sizes.
0121 753 0777 www.solusceramics.com enq.224

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TEL: 0161 767 1122 FAX: 0161 767 1128 E-MAIL: INFO@POLYFLOR.COM WWW.POLYFLOR.COM
interiors 61

Endless application
possibilities for solid and
engineered timber flooring
By Roger Hemmings, marketing manager of Havwoods

he demand for solid and engineered wood flooring supplying timber or timber products must provide a due dili-
has never been so great and many clients are now gence system of operation, which includes recording and storing
requesting it for use in a huge variety of applications information for a minimum of five years.
including walls and ceilings as well as flooring. The applications
are numerous, the ideas endless and with so many surface Construction
finishes available the installations have been further carried The bonding together of multiple layers of timber in engineered
forward into the wider realm of hospitality, offices, retail and boards, positioned so that the grain runs at 90 degrees to each
the leisure industry. other, makes it virtually impossible for the timber to swell or
The benefits of engineered timber are being recognised more shrink. This ensures a number of important advantages, prima-
and more, ensuring an increasing scale of options across the vast rily that the board itself remains highly stable despite changes ‘The ever evolving
spectrum of European and tropical timber. in temperature or humidity, thus enabling guaranteed installa- genuine and
tion over underfloor heating. reproduction
Regulations Engineered timber flooring is available in many thicknesses
A number or international, governmental and non-governmental and widths, the most common being around14-22mm but is
reclaimed boards
organisations have been established to promote the responsible also available up to 25mm+. The minimum thickness for struc- are now readily
management of the world’s forests. A new European Union tural boards is 18mm in solid or engineered construction and available in
Timber Regulation (EU995/2010) is now in place which there are various stipulations and recommendations for instal- herringbone and
makes it illegal to place illegally harvested timber and timber lation to ensure it is fitted to the correct British Standards.
products on the European Union market place and all operators
chevron blocks,
Continued on page 63...
increasing the
scope and design
options for this
re-used timber

Harrods Technology rooms

supplied by Havwoods

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk

62 interiors

Granwax scores a ten-strike with Dog Bowl Nora flooring specified for University of Ulster
With its gleaming wooden floors and five full Nora Flooring Systems has recently installed its
length ten-pin bowling lanes, Dog Bowl is the norament® 926 crossline flooring within the
newest addition to Manchester’s city centre. canteens at the University of Ulster Coleraine
Housed in a unique building with an arched roof, Campus. norament 926 crossline is offered in 16
the striking old structure was in need of expressive colours and features a subtle 3D texture,
modernising. Alan Ray, managing director of inspired by hand-crafted woodcuts. It is made from
Traditional Flooring UK Ltd was called in to renovate the floors: “Granwax’s high-quality rubber and carries the Blue Angel cer-
Hardwax Oil was chosen for its superb wear capabilities, its ease of use and tification for low emissions. The physical environment has a strong influence on
maintenance. This finish is a blend of natural oils and waxes that offers excep- learning and floor coverings are a large contributor to the built environment. Nora
tional durability and resistance, and is ideal for floors with high levels of footfall. rubber flooring provides an attractive visual appearance, which is preserved for
In addition, it helps enhance the colour and look of the wood.” many years thanks to the durability and wear resistance of the resilient material.
01773 541177 www.granwax.co.uk enq.228 01788 513 160 www.nora.com/uk enq.229

Mipolam Cosmo offers low potential for slips Tarkett chosen to help reduce injuries
Ideal for heavy traffic areas in healthcare, education Following trials, an NHS hospital is hoping to reduce trips
and other busy environments, Mipolam Cosmo and falls in its dementia ward by installing Tarkett flooring.
offers low potential for slip (≥36 wet) when tested The Hip-Hop Flooring Study discovered that installing
to BS 79762:2002. It’s also easy to maintain and Tarkett’s Omnisports flooring was likely to reduce the
provides outstanding stain resistance. By combin- injuries suffered by older people when falling over due to its
ing the renowned hard-wearing Mipolam Cosmo shock-absorbent foam backing. The range is commonly used
with its revolutionary, patented Evercare™ surface in sports halls but it was found that the same shock-
treatment, international vinyl and linoleum flooring specialist Gerflor has rede- absorbing properties that help prevent injuries to sports users also benefits demen-
fined the standards for smooth homogeneous calendered flooring. The use of tia patients and the elderly at risk of falls. Portsmouth Hospital NHS Trust has
Evercare™ sets new standards in low maintenance and provides an unrivalled level now installed 1,600 sq m of Omnisports Training 5mm flooring in the treatment
of stain and chemical resistance. Mipolam Cosmo is 100 per cent recyclable. bedrooms of the hospital’s four acute wards, which care for frail, older patients.
01926 622600 www.gerflor.co.uk enq.230 01622 854 040 www.tarkett.co.uk enq.231


Schlüter®-DITRA - a reference point in quality

With its distinctive bright orange appearance and innovative features, it’s no
‘Wood that works wonder Schlüter-Systems’ Schlüter-DITRA remains the reference point for

twice as hard’ many installers when it comes to quality. It is the unsurpassed uncoupling
membrane for tile and natural stone installations and continues to be the only
product of its kind to work through its patented design and geometric movement
Globally renowned with an ever evolving portfolio of around 1000 capability. Schlüter-DITRA is a polyethylene membrane with a grid structure of
products, Havwoods are continually researching products which are square cavities, each cut back in a dovetail configuration and an anchoring fleece
innovative, both technically and aesthetically. More information is laminated to its underside. The tile adhesive mechanically locks into cut-back
available at www.havwoods.co.uk or e-mail info@havwoods.co.uk indentations on the topside of the matting, eliminating the need for further
To book your RIBA CPD: anchoring mesh. The geometry of Schlüter-DITRA allows for the absorption of
‘The use of wood flooring in lateral movement in each direction. Through its unique two layer design,
sustainable architecture’ Schlüter-DITRA truly separates the substrate and tile covering by creating essen-
russell.calder@havwoods.co.uk tial free space between the layers in which the matting can move safely, reacting
gareth.dixon@havwoods.co.uk to the movement of the substrate and surface independently of each other. What
Tel +44 (0) 1524 737000 makes Schlüter-DITRA such a success is its ability to be used in a variety of
applications, even on problematic substrates.
enq.232 enq.233
01530 813396 www.schluter.co.uk

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interiors 63

Timber finishes Product and design

There are a number of finishes for wood flooring and many Many timber product ranges are continually developing exclu-
‘ “Don’t be
species can be purchased as unfinished giving the contractor sive and inspirational finishes for applications limited only by limited to the
the opportunity to colour stain and finish the board as they the imagination. floor” is the
wish. Many floors are available coloured and pre-finished and Reclaimed flooring has long been a favourite with designers advice, and many
the most common are the oiled finishes. These are easily main- and the ever evolving genuine and reproduction reclaimed
tained by regular wax application and complete renovation is boards are now readily available in herringbone and chevron
designers are
simply undertaken by sanding either particular areas of high blocks, increasing the scope and design options for this re-used only too keen to
footfall or the whole floor area. Oils are available in different timber product. try the products
sheen levels for gloss, satin, matt or ultra matt appearance The more traditional reclaimed ranges are not limited to up the wall
depending on individual requirement. oak but include elm and pine and the benefits include random
Lacquered boards, as above, are also available in a variety of length and width boards to add to the truly historic image.
across the ceiling
sheen levels and most lacquered boards will already have a Painted and stained boards are aesthetically pleasing and and in many
number of coats applied for extra resistance to wear and tear many are available in bespoke finishes requested by designers other applications’
and for areas of high foot traffic. However, spot renovation is and high end residential clients.
not as simple and generally requires a complete renovation of Currently most popular are greys and whites and the many
the entire floor area by a specialist floor contractor. initial processes give even wider scope to these neutral hues.
Many other finishes are becoming increasingly recognised
including distressing, tumbling, hand-scraping and even Walls and ceilings
fuming and burning to give the wood that particularly unique “Don’t be limited to the floor” is the advice, and many design-
look that only the specialist processes can achieve. Most ers are only too keen to try the products up the wall across the
however, will still require an on-site final seal coat to ensure ceiling and in many other applications including table-tops
years of wear. and counter surfaces.

surfacing solutions

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Surfacing solutions for internal applications

01978 661 991

www.conren.com info@conren.com

enq.235 enq.236

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64 interiors

Seamless walls and floors • Polished/distressed concrete

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enq.239 enq.240

respond online at www.architectsdatafile.co.uk

disabled products and services; safety & security 65

Kidde professional business manager retires

adf website Kidde – a world leading smoke, heat and carbon monox-
ide alarm manufacturer – has announced the retirement
The Architects Datafile (ADF) website is an of Gerald Jones, business manager for Professional and
online provider of past and present products and
Fire Brigade Channels in the UK and Ireland. A chartered
news items for the architect or specifier.
architectsdatafile.co.uk is a one-stop source for all marketer, Gerald’s career was largely spent in the
the latest press releases providing any visitor with construction products sector, latterly in fire safety. He
access to information about products and services joined Kidde in 2000 and developed the specification-led
that they may require. From the website, you can
find links to digital issues that have live links to
side of the business from virtually nothing to its current
advertisers’ sites, as well as daily email alerts to position. Kidde Safety Europe Director, Andy Burnett said: “Gerald devoted
keep you as informed as possible. himself to the business and applied his extensive knowledge and long experience
www.architectsdatafile.co.uk of residential fire and carbon monoxide safety to the benefit of the industry.”
01753 685096 www.smoke-alarms.co.uk enq.241

GATEMASTER gate closers

Renowned for their quality manufacture and reliability, GATEMASTER gate closers from Signet Locks can be fitted to
metal and timber gates to ensure controlled and secure closing at all times. Local regulations on self closing gates vary so please
check with the local authority before fitting these products. Experience in this field demonstrates that, when used correctly,
these closers will reliably close gates for many years. GSB gas strut closers are top quality gate closing struts, ideal for closing
gates up to 80kg. There is no need to release gas to reduce the spring force, just simply move the strut along the slots in the
brackets to adjust the force exerted. The adjustable brackets also make the installation easy as there is no need to compress the
spring when fitting it to the gate. It is ideal for both fitting to new installations and retrofitting to existing gates. APS hydraulic
gate closers are hydraulically controlled with a top hinge kit that has been developed using proven technology to provide
reliable gate closing. They are vandal resistant and suitable for gates up to 120kg. The robust closer unit is fitted underneath
the gate, meaning it is unobtrusive, and this also acts as a load-bearing lower hinge. The kit includes a top hinge assembly
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