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The Most Dangerous Game and The Necklace

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The Language of Literature Model Unit

Grade: 9 Topic: The Short Story

Prepared by: Estelle Moore-Walker

Donna Schnitker
Bellaire High School

Unit Focus/Concept
This unit focuses on the short story. As students read, analyze, and discuss two short stories, “The
Necklace” and “The Most Dangerous Game,” they will develop their comprehension skills and their
understanding of literary elements. By writing in response to literature, students will practice writing
paragraphs with supporting examples and logical explanations. Students will also practice and apply
vocabulary strategies, and they will identify and demonstrate an understanding of the eight parts of speech.

ELAR.9.2.a. The student selects and reads a variety of texts from varied sources for a variety of purposes.
ELAR.9.2.b. The student understands literary forms and terms as appropriate to selected texts.
ELAR.9.2.d. The student analyzes narrative text structure and its features.
ELAR.9.2.f. The student recognizes and uses literary terms to analyze text.
ELAR.9.2.g. The student identifies and analyzes a variety of literary devices.
ELAR.9.2.h. The student compares communication across texts.
ELAR.9.2.i. The student interprets text through varied response.
ELAR.9.3.c. The student interprets words and phrases in a variety of contexts to increase comprehension.
ELAR.9.5.a. The student uses a variety of strategies prior to reading to enhance comprehension.
ELAR.9.5.c. The student analyzes text structure for its influence on understanding.
ELAR.9.5.d. The student determines a text’s main or major ideas and the salient supporting details.
ELAR.9.5.f. The student draws inferences using support from a text.
ELAR.9.5.g. The student demonstrates skill in comprehension through his/her response to a variety of
questioning strategies.
ELAR.9.6.b. The student uses elements of text to defend his/her own interpretations and responses.
ELAL.9.1.b. The student listens actively in a variety of contexts for a variety of purposes.
ELAW.9.2.c. The student writes descriptive, narrative, and expository paragraphs.
ELAW. 9.2.f. The student organizes ideas in writing to ensure coherence, logical progression, and support
for ideas.
ELAW.9.3.b. The student employs written conventions appropriately (for example, capitalizing, and
punctuating when producing a bibliography).
ELAW.9.4.a. The student produces error-free writing demonstrating control over grammatical elements (for
example, subject-verb agreement, pronoun-agreement, verb forms).
ELAW.9.5.b. The student uses and expand ideas and information from sources other than personal

The Language of Literature Model Unit

Grade: 9 Topic: The Short Story

Resources Needed/Recommended
The Language of Literature,Grade 9, McDougal Littell c.2000:
• Teacher’s Edition (TE) and student edition (PE)
• Texas Lesson Plan Book
• Audio Library, Grade 9, Disk 1
• Unit Resource Book, Unit 1
• Formal Assessment Book
• Grammar Transparencies and Copymasters Book
• Vocabulary Transparencies and Copymasters Book
• Literary Analysis Transparencies and Copymasters Book
• The InterActive Reader

Recommended Professional Bibliography:

Professional Development and Planning Guide, The Language of Literature, McDougal Littell:
“Strategies for Day-to-Day Planning,” p. 9
“Teaching Strategies and Techniques,” pp. 11-12
“Assessment Options,” p. 17

The Language of Literature Model Unit

Grade: 9 Topic: “The Necklace”

Week 1 of 2
Day 1 Day 2
Objectives/ To understand and appreciate a classic short story. To demonstrate an understanding of plot (internal and external
To examine the literary devices in the short story. conflict, complications, and resolution).
Content To summarize important information in the short story. To demonstrate an understanding of cause and effect.
Specifications To summarize important information in the story.
Connect to Your Life – p. 26 of the Student’s and The students will share their group presentations about the
Introduction/ Teacher’s Editions. role that status plays in a group.
Warm-up/ Provide background information (discuss the time
Review Activity period and class differences.) Use the Build
Background activity on p. 26.
Define plot, internal and external conflict, The students will listen to the Audio Library Disk 1, the
complication, and cause and effect, using the Focus second half (11 minutes) for comprehension (pp. 27-28). The
Your Reading: Plot and Active Reading: Cause and students are required to follow along in the textbook as they
Effect activities in the PE p. 26. listen to the audio disk. The students will participate in a
teacher-led discussion.
Students listen to the Audio Library CD/Disk 1, the You may wish to use the questions on p. 35 of the student’s
first 11 minutes*. Students will read along in the text text. Discussion should include the characters, setting, and
as the CD plays. conflict in the story. You may wish to ask students additional
questions, such as:
*Note: listening to the audio CD is one option; you 1. Discuss what difference there is between a genuine and a
Concept may prefer to have students read the text for part or all fake item.
Development of the selection. 2. Discuss possible reasons Mme. Loisel has an outburst
when her husband tells her about the invitation.
3. Predicting: Will Mme. and her husband find the necklace?
What might happen if they do not?
4. Explain how Mme. Loisel’s approach to her new problem
differs from her previous behavior.
5. Irony: Explain what is unexpected about Mme. Forestier’s

After listening to the Audio Library CD/Disk 1, the The students will complete the Literary Analysis Skillbuilder
students will identify plot, internal and external for plot. Duplicate from p. 6 of the Unit One Resource Book,
conflict, complications, and resolution. or use p. 13 in the InterActive Reader.

Student Divide students into five groups and assign a

spokesperson for each group. Each group will discus
the following:
Consider the role status plays in a group to which you
What are some things that give a person status?
How can you tell that a person has status?
What are some benefits of status?
What are some possible harmful effects of status?
The Interactive Reader: Active Reading Skillbuilder The class groups will read and share cause and effect
(page 12)—Cause and Effect (Also found on p. 5 of diagrams. They will compare their analysis diagrams for plot.
Assessment the Unit One Resource Book)
Homework—Use the diagram to connect the Use the transparency for Plot on p. 1 of the Literary Analysis
(beginning) major events of “The Necklace” in an Transparencies and Copymasters book to review plot
unbroken chain of cause and effect. Active Reading structure.
Skillbuilder: Cause & Effect—duplicate from Unit One
Resource Book p.5 or use InterActive Reader p. 12. You may wish to take time to show the dramatization of the
Next Steps/
If you plan to use the selection test from the Formal story from the Literature in Performance Video, and to do
Linkages Assessment book, you may wish to explain that the some of the activities within the Sourcebook that
format of the test will include a graphic organizer for accompanies the video.
charting the key events of the plot. This will help
students prepare during the week by paying careful
attention to the plot of the story.

The Language of Literature Model Unit

Grade: 9 Topic: “The Necklace”

Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

To use context clues to identify unfamiliar To identify and demonstrate an To review the beginning and end of the
Objectives/ words in “The Necklace.” understanding of eight parts of speech. story for insight into Mme. Loisel’s
Content To demonstrate using context clues to To identify and distinguish between character. To write a well developed
Specifications identify unfamiliar words. abstract and concrete nouns. paragraph or journal entry.

Introduction/ Use the Mini-Lesson for Pre-teaching Use the Grammar Mini-lesson, Use the Writing Options #1 on p. 36. Ask
Vocabulary: Using Context Clues on p. 27 Determining Parts of Speech: Diagnostic, students to read the prompt. Refer to the
of the TE. Use this lesson as a warm-up to on p. 29 of the Teacher’s Edition. Teacher’s Edition for warm-up
Review discuss the use of context clues to suggestions.
Activity understand word meanings.
Use the Building Vocabulary lesson on Review the eight parts of speech. Use Use p. 131 of the student text to review
Understanding Context Clues on page 103 the Quick Reference: Part of Speech the basics of narrative writing. Ask
of the student text. Guide students through from the Grammar Handbook, p. 1179 of students to pre-write and draft a sequel to
completing the exercise. the student text. the story, telling how Mme. Loisel might
react to Mme. Forestier’s revelation that
Concept The students will complete Context Clues Discuss the difference between abstract the necklace was a fake.
Development on p.18 in the Vocabulary Transparencies and concrete nouns. Use p.1180 of the You may wish to use p. 134 of the student
and Copymasters book. Grammar Handbook in the student text. text for additonal suggestions for pre-
The students should read the sentences and writing and drafting.
circle the context clues in each sentence.
The teacher will model the activity first.

The students should use the textbook to Reproduce the following pages from the The students will write a well developed
locate and define the following words: Grammar Transparencies and paragraph or journal entry that provides a
adulation, aghast, askew, exorbitant, gamut, Copymasters book: sequel to the story, telling how Mme.
pauper, privation, prospects, ruinous, and Diagnostic: Parts of Speech p. 61 Loisel might react to Mme. Forestier’s
vexation (also listed on p. 26 of student Abstract and Concrete Nouns p. 63 revelation that the necklace was a fake.
text.) Read and discuss the top portion of each
Use the Personal Word List copymaster on copymaster with students. Do the first You may wish to use the Personal
Student p. 17 of the Vocabulary Transparencies and few exercises together; then have Narrative template on p. 25 of the Writing
Practice Copymasters book. students do the rest. Transparencies and Copymasters book to
assist students with drafting.

Peer-editing -- The student will check a

peer’s writing for grammatical and
mechanical errors. You may wish to use
the Personal Narrative Peer Response
Guide on p. 45 of the Unit One Resource

Students will complete the Words to Know Use the Grammar in Context activity on Use the Rubric: Standards for Writing on
Skillbuilder activity. Duplicate from the p. 37 of the student text. p. 131 of the student text.
Assessment Unit One Resource Book p. 7, Students may be assessed for this selection
or use p. 14 in the InterActive Reader. using the selection test from the Formal
Assessment book, pp. 7-8.
Homework: Exercise A from Vocabulary in Ask students, either in groups or
Next Steps/ Action activity on p. 36 in student book. individually, to review the story “The
Linkages Necklace” and find additional examples
of abstract or concrete nouns.

The Language of Literature Model Unit

Grade: 9 Topic: “The Most Dangerous Game”

Week 2 of 2
Day 1 Day 2
Objectives/ Investigate real life examples of survival. Focused reading: plot and predictions
Understand and appreciate the short story “The Most Using context clues (infer meaning) to define
Content Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell. vocabulary in the story.
Specifications Understand the literary elements.
Use the Connect to Your Life activity in the student Review: Students share their prediction #1 and reasons
Introduction/ book/ TE p. 38 for “What will happen next?”
Warm-up/ With a partner, brainstorm qualities of survival; share
Review Activity with class as teacher completes chart, “What does it
take to survive?” on the board.
Define and identify setting, plot, and character using p. Listening for comprehension; Audio Library CD, Grade
24 of the student book. A definition for foreshadowing 9, Unit 1, Disk 2 (approx. 26 minutes) Text pages 42-
may be found in the Glossary of Literary Terms on p. 51
1132 if you wish to introduce this element.
Review the Focus Your Reading activities for Literary Review the use of context clues to infer meanings,
Analysis and Active Reading on p.38. using the Preteaching Vocabulary Activity: Using
Listen to the Audio Library CD; Grade 9, Unit 1, Disk Context Clues on p. 39 of the Teacher’s Edition.
Development 2 (approx. 8 minutes) as students read along in the text
on pages 39-42.*

*Note: listening to the audio CD is one option; you

may prefer to have students read the text for part or all
of the selection.
After listening to CD, students: After listening to CD, students:
1. Define setting and locate words and phrases from Use the text and locate the following words; tangible,
the reading that reveal setting. quarry, disarming, amenity, affable, condone, droll,
Student 2. Identify the characters and their views on scruple (also listed on p. 38 of the student book)
Practice hunting; citing examples from the text. Copy the sentences which contain the words and circle
3. Predict what might happen next in the story. context clues.
Define the words. Note: Teacher models activity first.

Active Reading Skillbuilder: Predicting Informal: Class reads aloud sentences in text and
Duplicate from Unit One Resource Book p. 11 or use in determines meaning of words.
Assessment the InterActive Reader, p. 39.
Homework: Students make their first prediction about Copymaster #19, Context Clues, from Vocabulary
what will happen next and cite reasons Transparencies and Copymasters book.
Prediction activity leads to discussion of Active Reading Skillbuilder: Predicting. Complete
Next Steps/ foreshadowing and conflict. prediction #2 and give reasons.
Linkages Homework: Vocabulary in Action activity, p. 59 of
student text.

The Language of Literature Model Unit

Grade: 9 Topic: “The Most Dangerous Game”

Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

Objectives/ Demonstrate comprehension of Define and identify examples of internal Identifying and explaining examples
vocabulary from the story and external conflicts. of internal and external conflict.
Content Focused reading: plot and predicting Focused reading: Plot and hunting Choosing precise verbs.
Specifications strategies.
Introduction/ Review definitions of vocabulary words Review: Students share predition #3 and Teacher collects student paragraphs
Warm-up/ (see class activity and homework from reasons. “What will happen next?” about conflict. You may wish to read
day 2.) several aloud.
Use the Words to Know Skillbuilder to Sustained silent reading Text—pp. 53-57 Recognize author’s use of internal and
have students apply knowledge of external conflict.
definitions of words to a new context. Use the transparency for Conflict, p. 2
Duplicate the Words to Know from the Literary Analysis Transparencies Discuss what the conflicts reveal
Skillbuilder from Unit One Resource and Copymasters book, to discuss the about the characters.
Book p. 13, or use p. 41 in the difference between internal and external
InterActive Reader. conflict. You may wish to discuss some
additional questions from p. 58 in the
Listening for comprehension; Audio PE/TE.
Development Library CD, Grade 9, Unit 1, Disk 2
(approx. 10 minutes) Text—pp. 51-53 Use Choosing Precise Verbs, p. 179 of
the Grammar Transparencies and
Copymasters book to demonstrate
how to utilize precise verbs to clarify
meaning, create vivid images, and
strengthen mood. Do the activity as a
In groups of four, students work together In groups of four, students work together Individually, students complete
to complete Words to Know Skillbuilder to complete the Literary Analysis Grammar in Action: Choosing Precise
Worksheet. Skillbuilder: Conflict. Duplicate from Verbs activity on p. 60 of the PE/TE.
Unit One Resource Book, p. 12, or use p.
Practice Before listening to CD, students share 40 in the InterActive Reader. If time permits, you may wish to have
their prediction #2 and reasons. students revise their paragraphs about
conflict to add more precise verbs.
Class corrects Words to Know Representatives from groups report Use the Grammar Skillbuilder:
Skillbuilder worksheet. examples of conflict. Teacher records Choosing Precise Verbs on p. 14 of
them on overhead trasparency. Unit One Resource Book.
Assessment “The Most Dangerous Game”
selection test from the Formal
Assessment Book may be used to
assess students on this selection.
Active Reading Skillbuilder handout: Homework: in one, well-developed Teacher reads summary, p. 10 of Unit
Complete prediction #3 and reasons paragraph, respond to the follow-up One Resource Book and reviews for
“What will happen next?” Complete for question, “Which conflicts added the most test.
homework as necessary. excitement to the story? Why?” Refer to
Next Steps/ p.58 of PE/TE, Literary Analysis activity Prior to reading the summary, the
Linkages in shaded box. teacher may wish to use the
Standardized Test Practice Mini-
Examination of conflicts reveals lesson on p. 50 of the Teacher’s
information about the characters. Edition, to discuss what makes a good

The Language of Literature Model Unit

Grade: 9 Topic: Short Story

Appendix: Suggested Resources for “The Necklace”

Attachment/ Resource Page Number

“The Necklace” Audio Library CD Disk 1
Active Reading Unit One Resource Book 5
Skillbuilder: Cause InterActive Reader 12
and Effect
Literary Analysis Unit One Resource Book 6
Skillbuilder: Plot InterActive Reader 13
Context Clues Vocabulary Transparecies and Copymasters Book 18
Personal Word List Vocabulary Transparecies and Copymasters Book 17
Words to Know Unit One Resource Book 7
Skillbuilder InterActive Reader 14
Diagnostic: Parts of Grammar Transparencies and Copymasters Book 61
Abstract and Concrete Grammar Transparencies and Copymasters Book 63
Personal Narrative Writing Transparencies and Copymasters Book 25
Personal Narrative Writing Transparencies and Copymasters Book 45
Peer Response Guide
Selection Test Formal Assessment book 7-8
“The Necklace” Literature in Performace Video and Sourcebook

The Language of Literature Model Unit

Grade: 9 Topic: Short Story

Appendix: Suggested Resources for “The Most Dangerous Game”

Attachment/ Resource Page Number

“The Most Dangerous Audio Library CD Disk 1
Active Reading Unit One Resource Book 11
Skillbuilder: InterActive Reader 39
Context Clues Vocabulary Transparencies and Copymasters 19
Words to Know Unit One Resource Book 13
Skillbuilder InterActive Reader 41
Conflict Literary Analysis Transparencies and 2
Literary Analysis Unit One Resource Book 12
Skillbuilder: Conflict InterActive Reader 40
Choosing Precise Grammar Transparencies and Copymasters 179
Grammar Skillbuilder: Unit One Resource Book 14
Choosing Precise
Summary Unit One Resource Book 10
Selection Test Formal Assessment Book 9-10

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