Allison The Twilight Knight Setup
Allison The Twilight Knight Setup
Allison The Twilight Knight Setup
Allison the Twilight Knight Allison the Twilight Knight Setup -Allison’s Torso (proxy card 2):
Level Mov Tgh Spd Dmg Reaction - Wound: Without turning, move Allison 2
Allison the Twilight Knight appears in your settle- Custom spaces directly away from the attacker.
1 Deck List 6 11 - -
ment, and challenges the survivors to prove them- Critical - None
selves in battle. Choose your 4 best survivors to S Life: 10
defend the pride of the settlement. As the survivors -Allison’s Sword (proxy card 3):
step up to fight, they know that, for Allison, this is Reaction - Failure: Perform Basic Action, target the
merely a training exercise. attacker.
Critical - None
Instinct: Repose
Allison’s challenge scenario can be played any time
during your campaign. We recommend attempting it Full move Allison towards the center of the -Allison’s Leg (proxy card 4):
between Lantern Years 8-12. This scenario is a spe- showdown board. Reaction - None
cial showdown and does not advance the timeline. It Critical - Allison gains -1 movement token.
can be played during your Monster play session or
on its own. When you build a deck with multiple card backs,
draw from the bottom of the deck rather than the
The rewards from this challenge are designed to be Type: King’s Man top to avoid revealing what card comes next.
added to your Monster campaign. We recommend Hunt: None (nemesis)
gaining the rewards from this scenario once per Terrain and Deployment: Use King’s Man setup. Aftermath
Monster campaign. Keep in mind that it might require
several attempts to earn them. Custom AI Deck Victory
-Butcher: Hack, Hew, Hack City At the end of the showdown, restore all survivors
The Challenge Scenario -Screaming Antelope: Run Down who perished and heal all permanent injuries suf-
You will use The Allison the Twilight Knight pro- -King’s Man: Cleave, Coup de Grace fered this showdown. If the settlement does not have
motional miniature and your survivor miniatures. In a Twilight Sword rare gear, nominate a victorious
addition, you will need terrain tiles, AI cards, and Hit Allison uses the King’s Man’s Basic Action card. survivor to gain it. The survivor in the settlement with
Location cards from the Kingdom Death: Monster Replace all instinct actions with Repose. the Twilight Sword gains the following ability:
core game to set up your showdown.
Custom HL Deck Twilight Succession: If you die during the
Non-lethal Training Scenario Use the White Lion’s Clever Ploy, as well as 2 cop- showdown and you have a Twilight Sword,
This challenge scenario is a special showdown ies of each proxy card (included in the core game) to nominate another survivor on the showdown
where Allison arrives to train the survivors. Her goals represent the following: board to gain the Twilight Sword and this ability.
are not lethal. If survivors are killed during the show-
down, they are merely ejected from the training. -Allison’s Head (proxy card 1): Defeat
Reaction - Reflex: Attacker suffers 1 brain damage, You have failed Allison’s test. Restore all survivors
bash, and knockback 5. who perished and heal all permanent injuries they
Critical - None suffered this showdown. If the settlement has a
Twilight Sword, she disdainfully snatches it on her
exit. Archive it.
Candy & Cola The Young Lion Setup Aftermath
Level Mov Tgh Spd Dmg
The settlement’s hunting party finds one of their own Custom Victory
1 Deck List 7 8 - -
gravely injured on the way to hunt. As they try to You manage to defeat the Young Lion, and save the
return to the settlement, they’re cornered by a young hurt survivor. Gain Level 1 White Lion rewards.
A Ground Fighting
lion and find themselves in trouble. Luckily, Candy In addition, gain the Cola Bottle Lantern rare gear
and Cola appear to help the survivors take down the card, and if she is still alive, Candy and Cola join
lion. your settlement (+1 population).
Type: White Lion
The Candy & Cola challenge scenario can be played Hunt: Use Level 1 White Lion Setup. Choose a play-
any time during your campaign, but is recommended er to use Cola & Candy instead of a survivor from the
Cola Bottle Lantern
for lantern years 1-3. settlement. item, fragile, other
This scenario must be played in your campaign during Terrain and Deployment: Use White Lion setup.
a year without a nemesis encounter and replaces a
normal hunt and showdown phase of that year. Custom AI Deck
The Young Lion is more playful than most White
The rewards from this challenge will give you gear Lions, and has a custom AI deck to reflect this.
and add survivors to your settlement that can be Make the Lion’s deck using the following cards:
+1 Accuracy
used in your Monster campaign. Bat Around, Claw x2, Alert, Lick Wounds, Power
All survivors gain +1 Accuracy until the
Swat, Size Up, Chomp. Ground Fighting. end of the round. Use once per round
We recommend gaining the rewards from this sce- The Young Lion begins the encounter with Ground
nario once per Monster campaign. Keep in mind that Fighting already in play.
it might require several attempts to earn them. Defeat
The Young Lion rips into the survivors’ corpses with
The Challenge Scenario. Candy & Cola - Survivor abandon. Archive all Cloth gear in their gear grids.
You will use the Candy & Cola promotional minia- When taking control of Candy & Cola, start a new
ture, and the White Lion and Survivor miniatures character sheet. She begins with 2 Survival, +1
from the Kingdom Death: Monster core game. permanent movement, the Hyperactive disorder,
In addition, you will need terrain tiles from and the following gear in her grid: Founding Stone,
the Monster core game to set up your showdown. Cloth, Soda Bottle Lantern. She has access to all
of your settlement’s survival actions.
Paul the Savior The Halberdless Man Setup Paul has access to all of your settlement’s survival
Level Mov Tgh Spd Dmg actions, and starts the showdown with 1 token on
Paul is angry! After spending an afternoon sky-fish- Custom Battle Tempo.
1 Deck List 3 14 - -
ing, Paul returns to the settlement to find his wife and
son murdered by the Halberdless Man. Harness his Weak Spot Silent Hymn Life: 10 Use the following gear for the Paul the Survivor:
rage and avenge his family. King's Aura Battle Tempo Rawhide Pants, Rawhide Gloves, Rawhide Vest,
Rawhide Boots, Bone Dagger, Scrap Sword, and the
The Paul the Survivor challenge scenario can be Piranha Helm and Petal Lantern rare gear (both
played any time during your campaign. This scenario Type: King’s Man included with this challenge scenario).
is a special showdown and does not advance the Hunt: None (special showdown). Only Paul the
timeline. It can be played during your Monster play Savior may depart. Aftermath
session or on its own. Terrain & Deployment: Use King’s Man setup.
The rewards from this challenge are designed to be Custom AI Deck Vindicated, Paul casts his lure into the sky. Some-
added to your Monster campaign. We recommend Due to his lost weapon, the Halberdless Man is limit- thing in the clouds lifts him off his feet, and he is
gaining the rewards from this scenario once per ed in his actions. Use the following cards to construct pulled upwards into the darkness, never to be seen
Monster campaign. Keep in mind that it might require an AI deck: Hammer, Perfect Thrust, Familiar Face, again. Add the Sworn Enemy disorder to the disor-
several attempts to earn them. King’s Grace, Lantern Mirage, Force Thrust and der deck. Gain the Piranha Helmet rare gear.
Coup de Grace.
The Challenge Scenario
2 Piranha Helm
For this challenge scenario, you will setup a special Custom HL Deck armor, set, rawhide
showdown board. You will use The Paul the Survivor The Halberdless Man also loses the defensive
promotional miniature and the King’s Man miniature aspects of his lost weapon. Use the King’s Man’s hit
from the Kingdom Death: Monster core game. In ad- location deck, excluding the following cards: Regal
dition, you will need terrain tiles, AI, and Hit Location Sheath, Regal Skirt, Halberd Handle, Halberd Spear.
cards from the Monster core game to set up your
showdown. Paul - Survivor
When taking control of Paul the Survivor, start a new
Petal Lantern
item, lantern, other character sheet. He begins with Survival 5, Insanity You may spend survival while Frenzied.
9, Courage 3, Understanding 3, the Thrill Seeker,
Clutch Fighter, and Extra Sense fighting arts. Paul
also has the Rageholic and Sworn Enemy (included
in this scenario) disorders. Defeat
The Halberdless man takes its prize and leaves the
Sworn Enemy: When you gain this, choose a settlement. If the settlement has the Lantern Halberd
monster. You may only depart to face the cho- rare gear or the Guidepost innovation, archive them.
After rolling on the severe injury table, you
may spend any amount of survival to add sen monster. Your attacks against the chosen
that number to your roll result. monster gain +1 speed and +1 strength.
The rewards from this challenge will give you gear Custom AI Deck: Bite, 2 x Chow Down, Bolt, Gore, Devastating 1.
If your attack roll result is a 1, archive this card
and survivors that can be used in your Monster Run Down, Stomp, Lone Rampage, Crush and and place a Giant Stone Face terrain tile in any
adjacent space.
campaign. Devour, Skewer.
We recommend gaining the rewards from this sce- Custom HL Deck: Use the Screaming Antelope’s In addition, gain the Giant Stone Face rare gear
nario once per Monster campaign. Keep in mind that Hit Locations, but replace Wailing Slide with the card, and if she is still alive, Kara Black joins your
it might require several attempts to earn them. Butcher’s Overpower. settlement (+1 population).
The Challenge Scenario When you build a deck with multiple card backs, Defeat
For this challenge scenario, choose departing draw from the bottom of the deck rather than the The Silver Antelope gorges itself before moving on.
survivors as normal. You will use the Kara Black top to avoid revealing what card comes next. Each survivor archives a consumable gear in their
promotional miniature, and the White Antelope and gear grid.
Survivor miniatures from the Kingdom Death: Mon- Kara Black - Survivor
ster core game. When taking control of Kara Black, start a new char-
In addition, you will need terrain tiles from acter sheet. She begins with 3 Survival, +1 perma-
the Monster core game to set up your showdown. nent strength, the Leader and Tough fighting arts,
and the following gear in her grid: Founding Stone,
Cloth, Giant Stone Face. She has access to all of
your settlement’s survival actions.
The Messenger of the First Story The Radiant Lion Setup Aftermath
Level Mov Tgh Spd Dmg
The Radiant Lion has been following the Messenger 2 Deck List 7 10 +1 +1 Victory
for a long time, as she travels from settlement to You manage to defeat the Radiant Lion, and save
settlement. When the Lion gets ahead of her, it de- S Life: 10 the settlement
cides that your settlement is the place to finally try to Add the White Speaker-Story of the Goblin story
ambush her. The Messenger knows that this vicious event to the next lantern year on the timeline. After
beast will ravage your settlement if she fails, and resolving White Speaker, gain the Arm of the First
prepares herself for a possibly fatal showdown. Type: White Lion Tree rare gear.
The Messenger of the First Story challenge scenario Hunt: None (special showdown). Only The Messen-
can be played once during your campaign, on any ger of the First Story may depart.
Arm of the First Tree
lantern year. Its rewards are designed to be added
2 weapon, melee, club
to your Monster campaign. This scenario is a special Terrain & Deployment: Use Level 2 White Lion
showdown and does not advance the timeline. It can setup.
be played during your Monster play session or on its
own. Custom AI Deck: Claw, Combo Claw, Terrifying
Roar, Vicious Claw
The Challenge Scenario
For this challenge scenario, you will set up a special Custom HL Deck: Beast’s Ear, Beast’s Elbow,
showdown board. You will use the Messenger of the Beast’s Femur, Beast’s Flank, Beast’s Knee, Beast’s On a Perfect Hit, the monster gains -1 toughness
token until the end of the round. A monster can
First Story promotional miniature, and the White Lion Ribs, Clever Ploy, Fleshy Gut, Glorious Mane only suffer this once per round.
and Survivor miniatures from the Kingdom Death:
Monster core game. In addition, you will need terrain Messenger of the First Story- Survivor
tiles from the Monster core game to set up your When taking control of Messenger of the First Story, Defeat
showdown. start a new character sheet. She begins with Survival The Radiant Lion attacks the settlement! Immediately
6, Insanity 6, Courage 6, +1 permanent strength, +1 choose 4 survivors from the settlement to depart on
permanent evasion, +1 permanent speed, and the a special showdown against the Radiant Lion. If the
Last Man Standing fighting art. She has access to survivors are victorious, they gain Level 2 White Lion
all of your settlement’s survival actions. rewards and 1 Broken Lantern basic resource. If they
are defeated, follow the rules for White Lion defeat.
The Messenger of the First Story uses the following You may attempt this scenario again next campaign.
gear: Screaming Horns, Screaming Coat, Screaming
Skirt, Screaming Bracers, Screaming Leg Warmers,
Monster Grease, Cat Eye Circlet, Dried Acanthus,
and the Arm of the First Tree rare gear (included
with this challenge scenario).
The Aya the Survivor challenge scenario can be Set up the showdown board according to the dia-
played any time during your campaign. This scenario gram above. Patrol Example
is a special showdown and does not advance the Monster turn 1: 8 move to M4
timeline. It can be played during your Monster play Aya starts the encounter on the Entrance (E) space. Monster turn 2: 3 move to M2
session or on its own.
Start the Greedy Antelope on the space labeled M1 M2
Since the Greedy Antelope’s den is filled with ob- on the Showdown Setup diagram. Use black lantern M1
stacles, refer to the Terrain section and Showdown tokens to label the monster locations (M1-M6). M3
Section on field of view in the Core Game Rules to M4
help navigate this challenge. Place a token to mark Aya’s necklace, located at the
Objective (O).
We recommend gaining the rewards from this sce-
nario once per Monster campaign. Keep in mind that The monster goes first. If the Greedy Antelope is already on the spot it rolls,
it might require several attempts to earn them. it does not move.
The Greedy Antelope
The Challenge Scenario The Greedy Antelope has hidden Aya’s necklace If Aya is in the Greedy Antelope’s field of view at the
For this challenge scenario, you will use Aya, The with the rest of his cache, in a hollow formed by two start of its turn, it Pursues Aya.
Survivor promotional miniature and the Screaming Stone Columns. If she retrieves it and returns to the
Antelope miniature from the Kingdom Death: Mon- entrance of the antelope’s den, she is victorious. If Pursue: Full move the antelope directly towards
ster core game. In addition, you will need terrain tiles the Greedy Antelope catches her, she is defeated! Aya. If the Greedy Antelope reaches her, Aya is
from the Monster core game to set up your show- defeated!
down. The Greedy Antelope doesn’t have an AI or Hit Lo-
cation deck for this special showdown. The monster
controller controls it using the instructions here or the
custom Trait cards found in the Cards section at the
end of this book.
Patrolled or Pursued, check to see if Aya is in the Aya - Survivor
monster’s field of view. If she is, it will Pursue her on Aya the Survivor moves around the board as usual
its next turn even if she leaves the monster’s field of for a survivor in Kingdom Death: Monster. She has 1
view on her turn. In order for the Greedy Antelope to Survival, access to the Dash survival action, and the
stop Pursuing Aya, she must remain out of its field Hyperactive disorder.
of view for an entire turn.
Aya’s Gear
Aya does not have a gear grid during this challenge
scenario. Instead, she has 3 pieces of gear and the
knowledge of how to use them to help her bypass
Aya’s Gear the Antelope.
Aya’s Sword
Aya can reflect lantern light off her sword to Victory
misdirect the Greedy Antelope. Once during the If you manage to guide Aya to the Antelope’s cache
showdown, Aya can spend her activation to add and back, she succeeds in reclaiming her lost
or subtract up to 1 to the result of the next Ante- monster tooth necklace. Next lantern year, instead
lope location roll. of a normal settlement event, Aya shows up in the
settlement. After sharing her story with the survivors,
Aya’s Spear she departs, leaving behind her sword and spear to
Once during this showdown, Aya may hurl her inspire the settlement.
spear to a square up to 6 spaces away from her
current location. On the next monster turn, move Gain the Aya’s Sword and Aya’s Spear gear cards.
the monster to that location instead of rolling a These weapons are very special, and can be paired
die. Roll as normal on the next turn. with one another as long as they are adjacent in your
gear grid. As long as they are using the paired rule, a
Aya’s Lantern survivor may use both the Sword and Spear special-
Once during this showdown, Aya may extinguish ization or mastery while activating either weapon.
her lantern to hide from the Antelope. After she
does this, Aya is considered to out of the mon- Failure
ster’s field of view until she moves or until the end If the Greedy Antelope catches Aya at any point, the
of the next monster turn. On Aya’s next turn, she showdown ends, as Aya is run out of the Antelope’s
must relight her lantern, and does not domain.
gain activation.
Try again another Lantern Year, if you dare.
White Lion Screaming Antelope Phoenix
Level B A L Mov Tgh Spd Dmg Level B A L Mov Tgh Spd Dmg Level B A L Mov Tgh Spd Dmg
2 6 4 7 10 +1 +1 2 6 4 8 10 +1 +1 1 5 3 8 10 - -
Messenger of Humanity - Survivor Aftermath
When taking control of Messenger of Humanity, Retinue Action
start a new character sheet. He begins with Survival Victory
10; Insanity 0; Grand Weapon Specialization; the At the end of the story, the stranger gestures at the
Berserker, Crossarm Block, and Unconscious Fighter sky, where brilliant explosions of light momentarily Pick Target
fighting arts; the Rageholic disorder; and the Bitter blind the settlement. When they look back, the man The Messenger of Humanity
Frenzy and Solid (explained below) abilities. has vanihed.
Next settlement phase, draw the Lights in
Solid: If you would be knocked down, roll 1d10. the Sky settlement event instead of a random settle-
On a 4+, you are not knocked down. ment event and gain the Stone Arm rare gear.
The Messenger has access to all of your settlement’s Move & Attack Target
survival actions. Stone Arm Speed Accuracy Damage Trigger
item, stone, heavy
3 6+ 2 After Hit
Block 1.
Ignore 1 dismembered arm
permanent injury. Last Challenger Action
Defeat Pick Target
At the end of the story, the stranger sadly walks away. The Messenger of Humanity
Next settlement phase, draw the Haunted settle-
ment event instead of a random settlement event.
4 5+ 3 After Hit
The Messenger of the Spiral Path Messenger of the Spiral Path Setup The Messenger of the Spiral Path uses a custom
Basic Action and instinct. Replace all instinct actions
This Messenger has discovered what he calls the Level Mov Tgh Spd Dmg with Other Vortex.
Spiral Path, a course of mental discipline. When he 1 Deck List 6 12 - -
encounters your settlement, he decides to put his Custom HL Deck
S Diabolical S Spiral Age S King's Combat
training to the test, whether you want him to or not. S Life: 12 S Burning Spirit S Spiral Path
White Lion: Beast’s Elbow, Beast’s Back, Beast’s
Choose your 4 best survivors to defend the settle- Scapular Deltoid, Beast’s Chest
ment from his relentless attacks. As they approach Screaming Antelope: Ferocious Spasm, Restless
him, their attention is drawn to his intense eyes, Eye
where they notice a strange shimmer. Instinct: Other Vortex Butcher: Butcher’s Mask, Cleaver, Furious Crown,
Furious Shoulder
Perform Spiral Age. All survivors suffer
The Messenger of the Spiral Path challenge scenario King’s Man: Acid Blood Discharge
knockback 7 away from the messenger.
can be substituted for any Level 2 Butcher Nem- Phoenix: Glorious Crest, Glorious Eye, Glorious
esis Encounter. When your settlement challenges Head
the Messenger of the Spiral Path, fill in the Level
2 Butcher milestone normally on your settlement Type: Butcher If a hit location instructs a survivor to gain a mon-
record sheet and depart as you would for a nemesis ster resource, they gain a random basic resource
encounter. Hunt: None (nemesis) instead.
The rewards from this challenge are de-
signed to be added to your Monster campaign. We Terrain & Deployment: Use Level 2 Butcher setup When you build a deck with multiple card backs,
recommend gaining the rewards from this scenario draw from the bottom of the deck rather than the
once per Monster campaign. Keep in mind that it Custom AI Deck top to avoid revealing what card comes next.
might require several attempts to earn them. The Messenger of the Spiral Path uses cards
from the King’s Man, Screaming Antelope, and Aftermath
The Challenge Scenario Phoenix, as well as the Life trait. In addition, the
For this challenge scenario, you will setup a special monster uses two cards and a Basic Action card Victory
showdown board. You will use The Messenger of the unique to this challenge scenario. As the victorious survivors stand over the Messen-
Spiral Path promotional miniature and your Survi- ger’s body, they experience a strange shimmer and
vor miniatures from the Kingdom Death: Monster Use the cards listed from the following monsters to find him standing before them.
core game. In addition, you will need terrain tiles, AI build the Messenger’s AI deck:
cards, and Hit Location cards from the Monster core White Lion: Bloody Claw Dead survivors are reborn.
game to set up your showdown. Screaming Antelope: Bite, Run Down All reborn survivors gain the Fear of the Dark
Butcher: Lantern Hunger, 2x Wild Carve, Double disorder. Heal all dismembered injuries on reborn
Hack survivors.
Phoenix: Ripple, Haze If the settlement does not have a Forsaker Mask
rare gear, immediately gain one.
Adjust all zones on the Messenger of Courage’s AI
cards to conform to it’s 1x1 base size.
As the last survivor is killed, they experience a Burning Spirit
strange shimmer and find themselves standing in
front of the Messenger. Trait
Dead survivors are reborn. Heal all dismembered in-
juries on reborn survivors. All reborn survivors gain
the Fear of the Dark disorder. Perform the following actions when the
messenger's Life trait falls below the
corresponding numbers:
Add the Weird Dream settlement event to the next
year on the timeline. The dream must mention the
Messenger in a prominent role or automatically be
considered a poorly told tale. Gain +1 movement and +1 damage tokens.
Basic Action
Perform other vortex.
Pick Target Gain +5 movement and +5 speed tokens.
furthest threat, facing, in range
closest survivor
no target: other vortex
Kingdom Death: Monster - Challenge Scenarios 17
- Challenge Scenarios -
Basic Action Allison the Twilight Knight Allison’s Head Allison’s Leg
- Allison the Twilight Knight -
Ground Fighting
Cola Bottle Lantern
Failure Wound
item, fragile, other
Perform Basic Action, target the attacker. Without turning, move Allison 2 spaces - Custom AI Deck - - Custom HL -
directly away from the attacker.
- 1 x Bat Around Use the White Lion's
- 2 x Claw Hit Location deck,
- 1 x Alert unchanged.
- 1 x Lick Wounds
- 1 x Power Swat
- 1 x Size Up
- 1 x Chomp
+1 Accuracy
All survivors gain +1 Accuracy until the
end of the round. Use once per round
Instinct: sniff
- Printouts -
Level Mov Tgh Spd Dmg Level Mov Tgh Spd Dmg
Custom Custom
2 Deck List 5 11 +1 +1 1 Deck List 3 14 - -
S Trample
Giant Stone Face S Life: 10
1 weapon, melee, grand
heavy, two-handed, stone
- Custom AI Deck - - Custom HL - 6+ - Custom AI Deck - - Custom HL -
-1 x Bite
-2 x Chow Down
Use the Screaming
Antelope's Hit 5 -1 x Claw
-1 x Combo Claw
-1 x Beast’s Ear
-1 x Beast’s Elbow
-1 x Bolt Location deck, but -1 x Terrifying Roar -1 x Beast’s Femur
-1 x Gore replace -1 x Vicious Claw -1 x Beast’s Flank
-1 x Run Down Wailing Slide -1 x Beast’s Knee
-1 x Stomp with the Butcher's -1 x Beast’s Ribs
-1 x Lone Rampage Overpower. -1 x Clever Ploy
-1 x Crush & Devour -1 x Fleshy Gut
-1 x Skewer -1 x Glorious Mane
6+ 7+
4 At the end of the Greedy Antelope's turn,
Pursue: Full move the antelope
if Aya is in the monster's field of view, directly towards Aya. If the Greedy
the Greedy Antelope will Pursue as its Antelope reaches her, Aya is defeated!
only action for its following turn.
Retinue Action
Pick Target
The Messenger of Humanity
Aya’s Spear 2 Scout’s Tunic Fairy Bottle
2 weapon, melee, spear armor, set, leather item, fragile, other
Move & Attack Target
Speed Accuracy Damage Trigger
3 6+ 2 After Hit
When you would die for any reason, instead For each Perfect hit, make an
Pairs with Aya's Sword. Takes the place of the Leather Mask and restore all lost armor points and health levels, additional attack roll.
Leather Cuirass for completing the remove all bleeding tokens, and archive this card.
Leather Armor set.
- Printouts -