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Learning Hebrew: Other Nikkudim

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The document provides information on the Hebrew alphabet, vowels, numbers, and various vocabulary words including adjectives.

The Hebrew alphabet, vowels, nikkud (points), and digraphs are explained on pages 1-2. Key sounds are also associated with each letter.

Numbers can be written in Arabic numerals or Hebrew script. Cardinal and ordinal numbers in Hebrew are introduced on pages 2-4.


Script Script Script Script Script Script

Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound

‫א‬ ‫ב‬ ‫ג‬ ‫ד‬ ‫ה‬ ‫ו‬

A (Alef) B (Bet) G (Gimel) D (Dalet) H (He) V (Vav)

‫ז‬ ‫ח‬ ‫ט‬ ‫י‬ ‫ך‬ ‫כ‬

Z (Zayen) H sharp (Het) T (Tet) Y (Yod) K (Final Kaf) K (Kaf)

‫ל‬ ‫ם‬ ‫מ‬ ‫ן‬ ‫נ‬ ‫ס‬

L (Lamed) M (Final Mem) M (Mem) N (Final Nun) N (Nun) S (Samekh)

‫ע‬ ‫ף‬ ‫פ‬ ‫ץ‬ ‫צ‬ ‫ק‬

‘A (Ayin) P (Final Pe) P (Pe) Ts (Final Tsadi) Ts (Tsadi) Qu (Qof)

‫ר‬ ‫ש‬ ‫ת‬

R (Resh) Sh (Shin) T (Tav)

Other Nikkudim

Script Script Script Script Script Script

Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound

‫ב‬ ‫כ‬ ‫פ‬

ּ ‫ת‬
ּ ּ‫ו‬ ‫ו‬
B (Bet, Dagesh) K (Kaf, Dagesh) P (Pe, Dagesh) T (Tav, Dagesh) U (Vav, Shuruq) V (Vav)

ֽ‫א‬ ֿ‫א‬ ׁ‫ש‬ ׂ‫ש‬ ‫ֹו‬

Alef, Meteg Alef, Rafe Sh (Shin, Shin Dot) S (Shin, Sin Dot) O (Vav, Holam)

Points (Vowels) (Nequdot, ‫۞)נקודות‬ 

Script Script Script Script Script

Sound Sound Sound Sound Sound

ַ‫א‬ ָ‫א‬ ֵ‫א‬ ֶ‫א‬ ִ‫א‬

A (Alef, Patah) O (Alef, Qamats) Alef, Tsere E (Alef, Segol) i (Alef, Hiriq)
A as in “father” A as in “father” Ey as in “pray” E as in “get” i as in “magazine”

‫א‬ ‫ו‬ ֻ‫א‬ ּ‫ו‬ ְ‫א‬

Alef, Mark Upper Vav, Shuruq Alef, Sheva
Vav, Holam U (Alef, Qubuts)
Dot OO as in As if the letter is
O as in “old” OO as in “soon”
O as in “old” “soon” voweless

ֲ‫א‬ ֳ‫א‬ ֱ‫א‬

Alef, Hatef Patah Alef, Hatef Qamats Alef, Hatef Segol
ֽ‫א‬ ֿ‫א‬
Half voweless Half voweless and Half voweless and “e” in Alef, Meteg Alef, Rafe
and “a” “aw” “get”

Yiddish Digraph

Script Script Script

Sound Sound Sound

‫װ‬ ‫ױ‬ ‫ײ‬

yy (Double Vav) yi (Vav Yod) ii (Double Yod)

I hope the content of this page was useful to you, and that you learned some Hebrew alphabet, consonants and

vowels. Try to memorize them to be able to use them in your daily conversation. Make sure to check our Learn

Hebrew page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Hebrew Cardinal Numbers

Cardinal numbers in Hebrew as well as in English are digits like 1, 2, 3, 4 … There are two ways of writing the numbers

in Hebrew, in Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3) or in Hebrew script ( ‫ שלש‬,‫ שתים‬,‫)אפס‬. The table below contains more information

about the hebrew numbers.۩

English Hebrew Numbers Hebrew Script

0 Zero efes ‫אפס‬

1 One aaKhaat ‫אחת‬

2 Two shtaayim ‫שתים‬

3 Three shaalosh ‫שלש‬

4 Four arba' ‫ארבע‬

5 Five Khamesh ‫חמש‬

6 Six shesh ‫שש‬

7 Seven sheva' ‫שבע‬

8 Eight shmoney ‫שמונה‬

9 Nine teysha' ‫תשע‬

10 Ten 'eser ‫עשר‬

11 Eleven aaKhaat-'esrey ‫עשרה‬-‫אחת‬

12 Twelve shteym-'esrey ‫עשרה‬-‫שתים‬

13 Thirteen shlosh-'esrey ‫עשרה‬-‫שלש‬

14 Fourteen arbaa'-'esrey ‫עשרה‬-‫ארבע‬

15 Fifteen Khamesh-'esrey ‫עשרה‬-‫חמש‬

16 Sixteen shesh-'esrey ‫עשרה‬-‫שש‬

17 Seventeen shvaa'-'esrey ‫עשרה‬-‫שבע‬

18 Eighteen shmoney-'esrey ‫עשרה‬-‫שמונה‬

19 Nineteen tshaa'-'esrey ‫עשרה‬-‫תשע‬

20 Twenty 'esreem ‫עשרים‬

30 Thirty shlosheem ‫שלושים‬

English Hebrew Numbers Hebrew Script

40 Forty arba'eem ‫ארבעים‬

50 Fifty Khaameesheem ‫חמישים‬

60 Sixty sheesheem ‫ששים‬

70 Seventy shiv'eem ‫שבעים‬

80 Eighty shmoneem ‫שמונים‬

90 Ninety tish'eem ‫תשעים‬

100 Hundred mey-aa ‫מאה‬

1,000 Thousand elef ‫אלף‬

10,000 Ten Thousand aseret-aalafeem / revaavaa ‫ רבבה‬/ ‫אלפים‬-‫עשרת‬

100,000 Hundred Thousand mey-aa elef ‫אלף‬-‫מאה‬

1,000,000 Million meelyon ‫מיליון‬

Plus ve'od / ploos ‫ פלוס‬/ ‫ועוד‬

Minus paaKhot / meenoos ‫ מינוס‬/ ‫פחות‬

More (than) yoter ‫יותר‬

Less (than) paaKhot ‫פחות‬

Approximately be'ereKh ‫בערך‬

First reeshon ‫ראשון‬

Second shenee ‫שני‬

Third shleeshee ‫שלישי‬

Hebrew Ordinal Numbers

Ordinal numbers in Hebrew as well as in English are used to determine a position or a rank, for example: first, second,

third ... please look at the table above.

Hebrew Words

This page contains a table including the following: Hebrew Words to help you with your Hebrew vocabulary and
expressions. Try to memorize the way they're used because they're very important in communication, and might be very
helpful to convey your most important expressions. Make sure to check our Learn Hebrew page, which contains several
lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Hebrew Words

The following table contains important words about days and time in Hebrew as well as in English. ۞

English Hebrew Words Hebrew Script

Time/ Days

Sunday yom reeshon ‫יום ראשון‬

Monday yom shenee ‫יום שני‬

Tuesday yom shleeshee ‫יום שלישי‬

Wednesday yom revee'ee ‫יום רביעי‬

Thursday yom Khaameeshee ‫יום חמישי‬

Friday yom sheeshee ‫יום שישי‬

Saturday yom shaabaat ‫יום שבת‬

Yesterday etmol ‫אתמול‬

Today ha-yom ‫היום‬

Tomorrow maKhaar ‫מחר‬

Day yom ‫יום‬

Night laayla ‫לילה‬

Week shaavoo'a ‫שבוע‬

Month Khodesh ‫חודש‬

Year shaanaa ‫שנה‬

Second shneeyaa ‫שניה‬

Minute daakaa ‫דקה‬

Hour shaa'aa ‫שעה‬

Morning boker ‫בקר‬

English Hebrew Words Hebrew Script

Evening 'erev ‫ערב‬

Noon tsohoraayim ‫צהריים‬

Midnight Khaatsot ‫חצות‬

Now 'aaKhshaav / kaa'et ‫ כעת‬/ ‫עכשיו‬

Later aaKhaar kaaKh ‫אחר כך‬

The following table contains important Hebrew words about directions that you might use when lost.

English Hebrew Expressions Hebrew Script


Above / Over mey'aal / mey'ever ‫ מעבר‬/ ‫מעל‬

After / Past le-aKhaar / aaKharey ‫ אחרי‬/ ‫לאחר‬

Back / Behind aaKhor / mey-aaKhor / mey-aaKhoraay ‫ מאחורי‬/ ‫ מאחור‬/ ‫אחור‬

Before / In front of / Forward kodem / lifney / 'meelifney / kaadeema ‫ קדימה‬/ ‫ מלפני‬/ ‫ לפני‬/ ‫קודם‬

Between beyn ‫בין‬

Coordinates ko-ordeenaatot ‫קואורדינטות‬

Degrees maa'alot ‫מעלות‬

Down lemaataa ‫למטה‬

East mizraaKh ‫מזרח‬

Far raaKhok ‫רחוק‬

Longitude kaav oreKh ‫קו אורך‬

Left smol / smola ‫ שמאלה‬/ ‫שמאל‬

Latitude kaav roKhav ‫קו רוחב‬

My position is ___ 'emdaatee hee ___ ‫___ עמדתי היא‬

Near kaarov ‫קרוב‬

English Hebrew Expressions Hebrew Script

North tsaafon ‫צפון‬

Northeast tsfon-mizraaKh ‫מזרח‬-‫צפון‬

Northwest tsfon-ma'araav ‫מערב‬-‫צפון‬

Right yaameen / yameena ‫ ימינה‬/ ‫ימין‬

South daarom ‫דרום‬

Southeast drom-mizraaKh ‫מזרח‬-‫דרום‬

Southwest drom-ma'araav ‫מערב‬-‫דרום‬

Straight ahead yashaar kaadeema ‫ישר קדימה‬

Under meetaaKhaat ‫מתחת‬

Up lemaala ‫למעלה‬

West ma'araav ‫מערב‬

Hebrew Phrases

This page contains a table including the following: Hebrew phrases, expressions and words in Hebrew, conversation and
idioms, Hebrew greetings and survival phrases or simply if you want to know what to say when chatting. Most of the
sentences below are used for the everyday life conversations, so they might come handy if you memorize them. Make
sure to check our Learn Hebrew page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Hebrew Phrases

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English Phrases Hebrew Phrases

English Greetings Hebrew Greetings:

English Phrases Hebrew Phrases

Hi! Shalom!   ‫שלום‬

Good morning! Yom tov! / boker tov!   ‫ בוקר טוב‬/ ‫יום טוב‬

Good evening! Erev tov!   ‫ערב טוב‬

Welcome! (to greet someone) Barukh haba! (Barukh hanimtsa)   )‫ברוך הבא (ברוך הנמצא‬

How are you? Ma shelomkha   ‫מה שלומך‬

I'm fine, thanks! Tov, toda   ‫ תודה‬,‫טוב‬

And you? Veata? / atem?   ‫ אתם‬/ ‫?ואתה‬

Good/ So-So. Tov/ Kakha kakha   ‫ככה ככה‬/ ‫טוב‬

Thank you (very much)! Rav todot   ‫רב תודות‬

You're welcome! (for "thank you") Eyn davar   ‫אין דבר‬

Hey! Friend! Alo haver!   ‫!הלו חבר‬

I missed you so much! Hitgaagati eleykha   ‫התגעגעתי אליך‬

What's new? Ma nishma?   ‫?מה נישמה‬

Nothing much Meat meod!   ‫מעט מאוד‬

Good night! Layla tov!   ‫לילה טוב‬

See you later! Nitra’e bekarov!   ‫נתראה בקרוב‬

Good bye! Shalom!   ‫שלום‬

Asking for Help and Directions

I'm lost ibadti et haderekh sheli   ‫אבדתי את הדרך שלי‬

Can I help you? Ani yakhol laazor lekha   ‫אני יכול לעזור לך‬

Can you help me? Ata yakhol laazor li?   ‫?אתה יכול לעזור לי‬

Eyfo haambatya / beyt hamirkahat?

Where is the (bathroom/ pharmacy)?
‫ בית המרקחת‬/‫?איפו האמבטיה‬

Go straight! then turn left/ right! yashar, ahar kakh smola /yamina   ‫ימינה‬/‫ אחר כך שמאלה‬,‫ישר‬

I'm looking for john. Ani mehapes et John   ‫אני מחפש את ג'ון‬

One moment please! Rak rega bevakasha!   ‫!רק רגע בבקשה‬

English Phrases Hebrew Phrases

Hold on please! (phone) Bevasha lehafsik   ‫!בבקשה לא להפסיק‬

How much is this? Kama ze ole?   ‫?כמה זה עולה‬

Excuse me ...! (to ask for something) Bevakasha   ‫בבקשה‬

Excuse me! ( to pass by) Seliha rega   ‫סליחה רגע‬

Come with me! Bo iti   ‫בוא איתי‬

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How to Introduce Yourself

Do you speak (English/ Hebrew)? Ata medaber Anglit / ivrit?   ‫ עברית‬/‫?אתה מדבר אנגלית‬

Just a little. Meat   ‫מעט‬

What's your name? Ma shimkha?   ‫?מה שימך‬

My name is ... Hashem sheli …..   ‫ השם שלי‬....

Mr.../ Mrs.…/ Miss… Adon, geveret   ‫ גברת‬,‫אדון‬

Nice to meet you! Naim meod   ‫נעים מאוד‬

You're very kind! Toda Raba   ‫תודה רבה‬

Where are you from? Meayin ata?   ‫?מעין אתה‬

I'm from (the U.S/ Israel ) Miamerika/ Miyisrael   ‫מאמריקה‬/‫מישראל‬

I'm (American) Ani amerikai   ‫אני אמריקאי‬

Where do you live? Eyfo ata gar?   ‫?איפו אתה גר‬

I live in (the U.S/ Israel) Ani gar beyisrael / beamerika   ‫באמריקה‬/‫אני גר בישראל‬

Did you like it here? Haavta et haarets?   ‫?האבת את הארץ‬

Israel is a wonderful country Sefarad erets nifla   ‫ספרד ארץ נפלא‬

What do you do for a living? Ma ata ose behayim?   ‫?מה אתה עושה בחיים‬

I work as a (translator/ businessman) Ani meturgeman / ish asakim   ‫איש עסקים‬/‫אני מתורגמן‬

How to Introduce Yourself

I like Hebrew Haavti et ivrit   ‫האבתי את עברית‬

I've been learning Hebrew for 1 month Kevar hodesh ani lomed ivrit   ‫כבר חודש אני לומד עברית‬

Oh! That's good! ze tov meod   ‫זה טוב מאוד‬

How old are you? Ben kama ata?   ‫?בן כמה אתה‬

I'm (twenty, thirty...) years old. Ani ben esrim / sheloshim   ‫שלושים‬/‫אני בן עשרים‬

I have to go Ani tsarikh lalehet   ‫אני צריך ללכת‬

I will be right back! Ahzor miyad   ‫אחזור מייד‬

Wish Someone Something

Good luck! Meahel lekha mazal tov   ‫מאחל לך מזל טוב‬

Happy birthday! Yim huledet sameah   ‫יום הולדת שמח‬

Happy new year! Shana tova   ‫שנה טובה‬

Merry Christmas! Hag hamolad sameah   ‫חג המולד שמח‬

Congratulations! Kol hakavod   ‫כל הכבוד‬

Enjoy! (for meals...) Beteavon   ‫בטאבון‬

Hayiti rotse levaker beyisrael beatid

I'd like to visit Israel one day
‫הייתי רוצה לבקר בישראל בעתיד‬

Say hi to John for me Derishat shalom lejohn   ‫דרישת שלום לג'ון‬

Bless you (when sneezing) Laberiyut   ‫לבריאות‬

Good night and sweet dreams! layla tov /ot nehmadim   ‫חלומות נחמדים‬/‫לילה טוב‬

Solving a Misunderstanding

I'm Sorry! (if you don't hear something) Efshar lahzor bevakasha?   ‫?אפשר לחזור בבקשה‬

Sorry (for a mistake) Ani mitstaer meod   ‫אני מצטער מאוד‬

No Problem! Eyn kol baaya   ‫אין כל בעיה‬

Can You Say It Again? Efshar leagid shuv?   ‫?אפשר להגיד לי שוב‬

How to Introduce Yourself

Can You Speak Slowly? Efshar ledaber leat?   ‫?אפשר לדבר לאט‬

Write It Down Please! Efshar likhtov li et ze?   ‫?אפשר לכתוב לי את זה‬

I Don't Understand! Lo hevanti   ‫לא הבנתי‬

I Don't Know! lo yodea / yodeat   ‫ יודעת‬/‫לא יודע‬

I Have No Idea. Eyn li kol musag   ‫אין לי כל מושג‬

What's That Called In Hebrew? Eykh omerim leze beivrit?   ‫?איך אומרים לזה בעברית‬

What Does "gato" Mean In English? Ma ze "gato" beanglit?   ‫?מה זה "גטו" באנגלית‬

How Do You Say "Please" In Hebrew? Eykh omerim "please" beivrit?   ‫?איך אומרים "פליז" בעברית‬

What Is This? Ma ze?   ‫?מה זה‬

My Hebrew is bad. Ha ivrit sheli garua meod   ‫העברית שלי גרוע מאוד‬

Ani tsarikh letargel et haivrit sheli

I need to practice my Hebrew
‫אני צריך לתרגל את העברית שלי‬

Don't worry! Eyn daaga   ‫אין דאגה‬

Hebrew Expressions and Words

Good/ Bad/ So-So. Tov / ra / kakha kakha   ‫ככה ככה‬/‫רע‬/‫טוב‬

Big/ Small Gadol / katan   ‫קטן‬/‫גדול‬

Today/ Now Hayom / akhshav   ‫עכשיו‬/‫היום‬

Tomorrow/ Yesterday Mahar / etmol   ‫אתמול‬/‫מחר‬

Yes/ No Ken/ Lo   ‫לא‬/‫כן‬

Here you go! (when giving something) Hine   ‫הינה‬

Do you like it? Ze matsa hen beeynekha?   ‫?זה מצא חן בעינכה‬

I really like it! Yafe meod   ‫יפה מאוד‬

I'm hungry/ thirsty. Aniraev / ani tsame   ‫אני צמא‬/‫עני רעב‬

In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night. Boker / erev / layla   ‫לילה‬/‫ערב‬/‫בוקר‬

This/ That. Here/There Ze / hu / po / sham   ‫שם‬/‫פה‬/‫הוא‬/‫זה‬

Ani / ata / hu / anahnu / atem / hem

Me/ You. Him/ Her.
How to Introduce Yourself

Really! Beehlet!   ‫!בהחלט‬

Look! Tistakel!   ‫!תיסתכל‬

Hurry up! Dahuf!   ‫!דחוף‬

What? Where? Eyfo / heykhan?   ‫היכן‬/?‫?איפה‬

What time is it? Ma hashaa?   ‫?מה השעה‬

It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm. Eser / sheva vahetsi   ‫שבע וחצי‬/‫עשר‬

Give me this! Ten li et ze!   ‫!תן לי את זה‬

I love you! Ani hoev otkha!   ‫!אני הואב אותך‬

I feel sick. Ani hole   ‫אני חולה‬

I need a doctor Ani zakuk lerofe   ‫אני זקוק לרופא‬

One, Two, Three Ehad, shenayim, shelosha   ‫ שלושה‬,‫ שניים‬,‫אחד‬

Four, Five, Six Arbaa, hamisha, shisha   ‫ שישה‬,‫ חמישה‬,‫ארבעה‬

Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten Shivea,shemona, tishea, asara   ‫ עשרה‬,‫ תשעה‬,‫ שמונה‬,‫שבעה‬

The letters "kh" make a sound existing in many languages but not in English, kh or ch in Scottish loch and Chanukah. Or

like the Spanish jota.

Remember Hebrew starts from right to left just like Arabic, so if you try to read the Hebrew script, start from the

right! But you can read the Hebrew pronunciation the same way you read English!

There is also the “h” which is pronounced as a sharp h.

Hebrew Survival Terms

This page contains a table including the following: Hebrew Survival Terms to help you with your Hebrew vocabulary
and expressions. Try to memorize the way they're used because they're very important in communication, and might be
very helpful to convey your most important expressions. Make sure to check our Learn Hebrew page, which contains
several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Hebrew Survival Terms

The following table contains important survival terms in Hebrew as well as in English.
English Hebrew Survival Terms Hebrew Script

Emergency! maatsaav Kheyroom! ‫!מצב חרום‬

We need a doctor! anaaKhnoo tsreeKheem rofey! ‫!אנחנו צריכים רופא‬

Distress signal eetoot metsookaa ‫איתות מצוקה‬

Help! hatseeloo! ‫!הצילו‬

Evacuate the area! lefaanot et ha-eyzor! ‫!לפנות את האזור‬

Antibiotics anteebeeyotika ‫אנטיביוטיקה‬

Bandage taaKhboshet ‫תחבשת‬

Blood daam ‫דם‬

Burn kveeyaa ‫כויה‬

Clean nakee ‫נקי‬

Dead met ‫מת‬

Doctor rofey ‫רופא‬

Fever Khom ‫חום‬

Hospital beyt Kholeem ‫בית חולים‬

Infection zeehoom / daaleket ‫ דלקת‬/ ‫זיהום‬

Injured patsoo'aa ‫פצוע‬

Malnutrition taat-tezoonaa ‫תזונה‬-‫תת‬

Medic Khovesh ‫חובש‬

Medicine troofaa ‫תרופה‬

Nurse aaKhot ‫אחות‬

Poison raa'al ‫רעל‬

Sick Kholey ‫חולה‬

Vitamins veetaameenim ‫ויטמינים‬

Wound petsaa' ‫פצע‬

I am a doctor. anee rofey ‫אני רופא‬

English Hebrew Survival Terms Hebrew Script

I am not a doctor. anee lo rofey ‫אני לא רופא‬

I am going to help. anee holeKh la'azor ‫אני הולך לעזור‬

Can you walk? ha-eem ataa yaKhol laaleKhet? ‫?האם אתה יכול ללכת‬

Can you sit? ha-eem ataa yaKhol 'laashevet? ‫?האם אתה יכול לשבת‬

Can you stand? ha-eem ataa yaKhol la'amod? ‫?האם אתה יכול לעמוד‬

Are you in pain? ha-eem ko-ev leKhaa? ‫?האם כואב לך‬

You will get a shot. ataa tekabel zreekaa ‫אתה תקבל זריקה‬

I will take you to the

anee ekaaKh otKhaa leveyt ha-Kholeem ‫אני אקח אותך לבית החולים‬

What is wrong? maa ha-ba'ayaa? ‫?מה הבעיה‬

Are you injured? ha-eem ataa patsoo'a? ‫?האם אתה פצוע‬

ha-eem ataa yaKhol leha-aKheel et ‫האם אתה יכול להאכיל את‬

Can you feed yourself?
'atsmeKhaa? ‫?עצמך‬

ptaaKh et peeKhaa / ptaaKh et ha-pey ‫ פתח את הפה‬/ ‫פתח את פיך‬

Open your mouth.
shelKhaa ‫שלך‬

Are you pregnant? ha-eem aat beherayon? ‫?האם את בהריון‬

Hebrew Adjectives

This page contains a table including the following: Hebrew Adjectives including colors, size, shapes, tastes,
quantities... to help you with your Hebrew vocabulary and expressions. Try to memorize the way they're used because
they're very important in communication, and might be very helpful to convey your most important expressions. Make
sure to check our Learn Hebrew page, which contains several lessons that might help you in your learning process.

Hebrew Adjectives
The following 2 tables contain important adjectives about colors, size, shapes, tastes, quantities in Hebrew as well as

in English.

English Hebrew Adjectives Hebrew Script


Black shaaKhor ‫שחור‬

Blue kaaKhol ‫כחול‬

Brown Khoom ‫חום‬

Gray aafor ‫אפור‬

Green yaarok ‫ירוק‬

Orange kaatom ‫כתום‬

Purple segol ‫סגול‬

Red aadom ‫אדום‬

White lavaan ‫לבן‬

Yellow tsaahov ‫צהוב‬


Big gaadol ‫גדול‬

Deep 'amok ‫עמוק‬

Long aaroKh ‫ארוך‬

Narrow tsar ‫צר‬

Short (in height) namooKh ‫נמוך‬

Short (in length) kaatsaar ‫קצר‬

Small, little kaataan ‫קטן‬

Tall gaavoha ‫גבוה‬

Thick 'aavey ‫עבה‬

Thin daak ‫דק‬

Wide raaKhaav ‫רחב‬

English Hebrew Adjectives Hebrew Script


Round 'aagol / mey'oogaal ‫ מעוגל‬/ ‫עגול‬

Straight yaashaar ‫ישר‬

Square meyroobaa' ‫מרובע‬

Triangular meshoolaash ‫משולש‬

The following table contains important Hebrew adjectives about directions that you might use when lost.

English Hebrew Ivrit Adjectives


Bitter maar ‫מר‬

Fresh taaree ‫טרי‬

Salty maaloo-aaKh ‫מלוח‬

Sour Khaamoots ‫חמוץ‬

Spicy Khaareef ‫חריף‬

Sweet maatok ‫מתוק‬


Bad raa' ‫רע‬

Clean nakee ‫נקי‬

Dark kehey / KhaashooKh ‫ חשוך‬/ ‫כהה‬

Difficult kaashey ‫קשה‬

Dirty melooKhlaaKh ‫מלוכלך‬

Dry yavesh ‫יבש‬

Easy kaal ‫קל‬

Empty reyk ‫ריק‬

Expensive yakaar ‫יקר‬

English Hebrew Ivrit Adjectives

Fast maheer ‫מהיר‬

Foreign zaar ‫זר‬

Full maley ‫מלא‬

Good tov ‫טוב‬

Hard (firm) kaashey / nokshey ‫ נוקשה‬/ ‫קשה‬

Heavy kaaved ‫כבד‬

Inexpensive zol ‫זול‬

Light (illumination) or ‫אור‬

Light (weight) kaal ‫קל‬

Local mekomee ‫מקומי‬

New Khaadaash ‫חדש‬

Noisy ro'esh ‫רועש‬

Old (about things) yaashaan ‫ישן‬

Old (about people) zaaken ‫זקן‬

Powerful Khaazaak / adeer / maley 'ootsmaa ‫ מלא עוצמה‬/ ‫ אדיר‬/ ‫חזק‬

Quiet shaaket ‫שקט‬

Right / Correct naaKhon ‫נכון‬

Slow le-aat / eetee ‫ איטי‬/ ‫לאט‬

Soft raaKh ‫רך‬

Very me-od ‫מאד‬

Weak Khaalaash ‫חלש‬

Wet raatoov ‫רטוב‬

Wrong / Incorrect lo naaKhon / taa'oot ‫ טעות‬/ ‫לא נכון‬

Young tsaa'eer ‫צעיר‬

Quantities ‫ קצת‬/ ‫מעט‬

Few / Little me'aat / kestaat

English Hebrew Ivrit Adjectives

Many / Much raabeem / harbey ‫ הרבה‬/ ‫רבים‬

Part Kheylek ‫חלק‬

Some / A few mispaar / kaamaa ‫ כמה‬/ ‫מספר‬

Whole shaalem ‫שלם‬


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