Blender Shortcut Key
Blender Shortcut Key
Blender Shortcut Key
Basic (Standard UK) keyboard layout and hotkey map for Blender - N.B. some shortcut keys may be
mapped differently depending on system language
Blender keyboard shortcut & hotkey map blank so you can chart your own key-combinations - standard
keyboard layout based on UK language
Blender can do a lot of 'stuff' so having a chart of some sort to 'map' all those keyboard
shortcuts would be handy, especially if it were printable. The following hotkey chart shows the
basic shortcuts available for Blender. A blank version is also provided for 'custom' key mappings
and mappings that differ based on system language.
Design note: (^) indicates an action initiated after manipulator, i.e., press �G� then �Ctrl�
etc., held down throughout activity/action.
The 3D View and the orientation of Objects within can be controlled using the "NumPad" keys - note
default axis orientation is X/Y/Z ( left/right, front/back, up/down)
Design note: where Numpad keys are unavailable (laptop), in "User Preferences" activate
"Emulate Numpad" under "Input" options, forcing Blender to use the main numerical keys, 1 - 0,
as alternatives. Enabling 'emulate' disables the normal 'layer selection' feature attributed to the
same keys.
Design Note: items marked "*" above indicate schemas useful in instances where mouse or
touch-pad control options are not available (but access to full keyboard layout is).
Design note: (^) denotes a function either not available to all editors, view or areas, and/or the
data presented differs relative to the editor/view within which the panels appears.
Using "Shift", "Ctrl" and "Alt" on the same keys to perform different operations in Object Mode
Design note: when "Emulate Numpad" is enabled ("User Preferences" » "Input"), the main
numerical keys, 1 - 0, no longer function as layer selection shortcuts, acting instead as
alternatives to the Scene manipulation keys typically attributed to the Numpad (useful for
laptops/keyboards absent the extended Numpad section).
Using "Shift", "Ctrl" and "Alt" on the same keys to perform different operations in Edit Mode
1 » 0 = Layers (top row - selecting layers in Edit mode keeps active mesh in view)
Alt+1 » 0 = Layers (bottom row)
Ctrl+1 » 5 = Subdivision level 1x thru 5x
Shift+1 » 0 = multi-select Layers (top row)
Shift+Alt+1 » 0 = multi-select Layers (bottom row)
' = Select All/Deselect All Layers
. = Pivot Point - Cursor
, = Pivot Point - Median (default)
A = Select All/Deselect All
B = Border (Box) Select
Alt+B = toggle Clip Select (on select/off)
Ctrl+B = Bevel Edge selections
Shift+Ctrl+B = Bevel Vertex selections
Shift+B = Zoom to Selected
C = Circle (Paint) Select
C = Centre on Cursor (2.49 or below)
Ctrl+C = Copy Face Selected (2.49 or below)
D = switch Draw mode (2.49 or below)
Shift+D = Duplicate (unlinked)
E = Extrude
Alt+E = Extrude Region
Esc = Cancel action/operation
Ctrl+E = Edges options/Specials (incl. 2.49)
F = Generate Face
Ctrl+F = Faces options/Specials (incl. 2.49)
Ctrl+Shift+F = Flip Edge (2.49 or below)
Ctrl+G = Vertex Groups
Shift+G = Select Similar
H = Hide
Alt+H = Unhide All
I = Inset
J = Diagonal surface split (corner to corner)
Ctrl+I = Invert selection
Alt+J = convert Tris to Quads
K = Knife
Alt+M = Merge
Ctrl+M = Mirror/Flip
o +X = along X axis (front/back)
o +Y = along Y axis (left/right)
o +Z = along Z axis (up/down)
O = toggle Proportional Editing
P = Separate (to Object)
Alt+P = Poke Face
Ctrl+P = Make Vertex Parent
Ctrl+R = Loopcut
Ctrl+T = Tessellation (triangulation)
Tab = toggle Edit/Object mode
Ctrl+Tab = Mesh Select Mode (Face, Edge, Vertex)
Shift+Tab = toggle Grid-snap on/off
U = UV Mapping
U = UV Calculation (2.49 or below)
V = Rip/Detach Vertex
Shift+V = Slide selection (alt. double-tap "G")
Ctrl+V = Vertices options
Ctrl+V = Vertex Specials (2.49)
W = Specials
X = Delete options
Ctrl+X = Dissolve Selected
Ctrl+X = Delete All/Reset (2.49 or below)
Y = Split Face/Edge/Vertex
Z = toggle Wireframe/Solid viewport shading
Alt+Z = toggle Solid/Texture viewport shading
Ctrl+Z = Undo
Basic shortcut keys for "Pose" Mode (also largely available when Armature is in Edit mode)
1 » 0 = Layers (top row - selecting layers in Edit mode keeps active mesh in view)
Alt+1 » 0 = Layers (bottom row)
Ctrl+1 » 5 = Subdivision level 1x thru 5x
Shift+1 » 0 = multi-select Layers (top row)
Shift+Alt+1 » 0 = multi-select Layers (bottom row)
' = Select All/Deselect All Layers
. = Pivot Point - Cursor
, = Pivot Point - Median (default)
A = Select All/Deselect All
Arrow Keys
o Left = animation playback (towards 'start')
o Right = animation playback (towards 'end')
o Up = Jump to next Keyframe (towards 'start')
o Down = Jump to next Keyframe (towards 'end')
B = Border (Box) Select
C = Circle (Paint) Select
o C+LMB = Additive Select
o C+MMB = Subtractive Select
o RMB = Cancel Selection
Ctrl+C = Copy Pose
I = Insert (Keyframe)
Ctrl+I = Invert Selection
Alt+I = Delete keyframe
G = Translate (move/grab +X, +Y, +Z)
Alt+G = Clear Location
Shift+G = Select Grouped
H = Hide
Alt+H = Unhide All
Shift+H = Hide Unselected
Ctrl+M = Mirror/Flip
o +X = along X axis (front/back)
o +Y = along Y axis (left/right)
o +Z = along Z axis (up/down)
O = Proportional Editing
Ctrl+P = Set Parent To (options)
R = Rotate (+X, +Y, +Z)
Alt+R = Clear Rotation
S = Scale (+X, +Y, +Z)
Alt+S = Clear Scale
Ctrl+Alt+S = constrained Scale (Armature in Pose/Edit Mode)
Ctrl+Tab = toggle Pose/Edit mode
Ctrl+V = Paste Pose
W = Specials
Basic shortcuts (hotkey's) for use in the UV/Image Editor - note that using the "Tab" key switches
between the "UV Editor" and "Image Editor" aspect of the same editor view
Arrow Keys
o Left = Frame-by-frame playback (towards 'start')
o Right = Frame-by-frame playback (towards 'end')
o Up = Jump to next Keyframe (towards 'start')
o Down = Jump to next Keyframe (towards 'end')
o Shift+Left = Jump to End
o Shift+Right = Jump to Start
o Shift+Up = Jump ten frames (forward)
o Shift+Down = Jump ten frames (backward)
A = Select All/Deselect All
B = Border (Box) Select
Ctrl+C = Copy Keyframe
Shift+D = Duplicate
I = Insert Keyframe
Ctrl+I = Invert Selection
M = Add Marker
Shift+S = Snap
T = Set Keyframe Interpolation
Tab = Lock Tracks
Ctrl+V = Paste Keyframe
X = Delete
NumPad + = Increase Timeline Length (zoom)
NumPad - = Decrease Timeline Length (unzoom)
Basic shortcut keys for the Node Editor (active in Cycles Render mode)
A = (De)Select All
Shift+A = Add (menu)
B = Border/Box Select
C = Circle/Paint Select
Shift+D = Duplicate
F = Links selected
Shift+F = Make and replace links
Ctrl+F = Find Node
Alt+G = Ungroup
Ctrl+G = Group
Shift+G = Select Group
Ctrl+I = Invert Selection
T = Tools Shelf
Tab = Edit Group
N = Properties
G = Translate/Manipulate
S = Resize/Scale
R = Rotate
A = (De)select All
B = Border Select
Ctrl+B = Border (incl. node Handles)
Alt+B = Border (incl. axis range)
C = Circle Select
Shift+D = Duplicate Marker
I = Insert Keyframes
Ctrl+E = Easing Type
Shift+E = Extrapolation Mode
H = Hide Selected Curves
Shift+H = Hide Unselected Curves
Alt+H = Reveal Curves
K = Columns on Selected Keys
L = Select Linked
M = Add Marker
Ctrl+M = Rename marker
Alt+O - Smooth Keys
Shift+O = Sample Keyframes
T = Interpolation Mode
Tab = Toggle Channel Edit Mode
V = Handle Type
Shift+M = Mirror
Shift+S = Snap
Ctrl+C = Copy Frames
Ctrl+V = Paste Frames
Shift+W = Toggle Channel Setting
X = Delete Marker/Channels
NumPad - = Unzoom Workspace (when curor over workspace)
NumPad + = Zoom Workspace
NumPad - = Collapse Channels (when cursor over channels)
Numpad + = Expand Channels