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Review and Herald, 1907

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The passage discusses themes of hearing God's voice and understanding messages versus misunderstanding them. It encourages living attentively to not miss God's voice.

The pamphlet 'The Church: Its Organization, Order, and Discipline' by J.N. Loughborough which discusses the biblical teachings around the church, its history and organization.

The health publication 'Life and Health' which contains articles on various health topics of interest for different groups.

Educational Number

Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C., June.76, 1907

The heavens opened, and a voice was heard;

And they who might have caught the precious
word .
Stood by with hearts unheeding and unstirred.

The throngs were gathering to praise and pray,

And some were seeking Jesus by the way ;
But no one knew the Father's voice that day.

Some said a crash of thunder rent the air;

Some, that an unseen angel came to bear
A message to the Master waiting there.

If I had tarried with that multitude,

And heard the voice which they misunderstood,
Should I have known? I wonder if I should!

Or like the throng should I have been misled,

And, heedless, let the message pass instead,
Misunderstood and misinterpreted?

May I so live that in this latter day

I may not miss the voice along the way,
But hearing, understand it, and obey.
— Edith Virginia Bradt.

rage The current comments are exception-

ally good. A large number of practical
topics pertaining to health are brought
with the work of Christ as a child, his
sacrifice, the finished plan of salvation,
and the new earth. No. I contains 204
Conducted by the Department of Circulation of to the attention of the reader. pages, 75 cents; No. 2, 256 pages, 75
the Review and Herald Publishing The editorials are unusually strong cents ; No. 3, 304 pages, go cents.
Association and very instructive, embracing a wide
scope of practical topics.
The entire number will be found to be The Great Advent Movement
The Church excellent for all classes. It will merit
Its Organization, Order, and Discipline THIS is a timely publication, accurately
the praise that has come to each pre-
citing the progress of the Seventh-day
OUR readers do not want to overlook ceding number for some time in the
Adventist denomination from its begin-
the fact that the book for the present past,—" the best yet published."
ning to the present time. The author,
is " The Church : Its Organization, Or- We ask the co-operation of the RE-
J. N. Loughborough, having been con-
der, and Discipline," by Elder J. N. VIEW readers in giving this number a
large circulation. nected with the denomination from its
Loughborcugh. Of this pamphlet, Elder
Subscription price, so cents a year; beginning, is well qualified to prepare
GeOrge I. Butler, president of the South-
5 cents a copy ; 22 cents when 25 or a book giving the history of the rise and
ern Union Conference, says : " The book
more copies of any one issue are ordered progress of this denomination. With
covers two main features. The first part
the exception of "The Church: Its Or-
gives a very full and complete summary to one address; liberal commissions to
agents for annual subscriptions. ganization, Order, and Discipline," this
of the Scriptural teaching with refer-
is one of the most important publications
ence to the church and its work. The 411, for REVIEW readers at this particular
second part enters into the real history
time. It will strengthen the faith and
of our cause previous to organization, Home and Health confidence of every individual who reads
recording the facts that led up to the THIS new health book is now ready. it. Its readers will have a more perfect
organization, and giving a careful state- It' is a large subscription book, designed knowledge of the dealings of God with
ment of the history of the work of or- especially for home reference, treating this special people and of the message
ganization and its practical benefits in of the many details pertaining to the they are giving, and they will be encour-
the progress of our cause. The sum- home and the care of the body. aged to continue their efforts in ad-
mary of questions growing out of the Its general scope embraces " The vancing this great work. Let all not
subject of organization is worthy of Home "— how to make it ; " General only read it, but study it. Price, $1.5o.
careful study, and will be a great help Housekeeping "— all of its details; " The
to many of our• younger members who Diet "— what it should be ; " The Care
are not familiar with the phases of this of the BOdy "— revealing the simple
important subject. The answers are things one must do to keep the body The Seer of Patmos
most excellent." THIS thrilling book contains a story-
healthy ; " The Care and Training of
The subject-matter composing this Children "— sound common sense for all on the prophecies o f Revelation, written
pamphlet is no new man-made theory, parents ; " The Home Treatment of Dis- in simple narrative form, and contains
but is the condensed, formulated instruc- a new setting of the important messages
ease "— a valuable instructor, doctor,
tion given to the denomination during and nurse. recorded in John's prophecy in the book
its development, arranged in condensed It contains the clean, strong principles o f Revelation. It will be found to be
form for reference and study. It is ren- of the gospel as it should be practised interesting, instructive, and essential to
dered convenient and practical by a thor- in our manner of living. It teaches all Bible students. It is illustrated with
ough index, which will enable one to some of the most practical means by original engravings especially prepared
turn at once to any portion of a subject. which 'we :nay make our homes visible for the book. Being written in story
It contains 184 pages, printed in clear types of the invisible home above. It form, it is especially attractive to
type ; price, 25 cents, post-paid. contains God's message of health which the young; no better book could be
is due just now in all the world. It tells placed in the hands of a young man or
how to live a plain, simple life. It con- young woman than the story of " The
The June Number of Life tains information that will prove to be Seer . of Patmos." Price, $1, post-paid.
and Health practical in the mechanical construction
of houses. It will lighten the labors of
THE June number of Life and Health
is filled with good things essential to all.
many an overburdened housekeeper by The New Testament Primer
giving choice recipes and healthful sug- THIS is a new book for children, com-
The first article is about the " Little
gestions on all the practical features of posed of simplified nature and Bible
Foxes " that spoil the influence, and it
housekeeping. It will prove to be an topics, and sparkling with bright, two-
inspires the mind of the reader to an all-round, valuable counselor in every
appreciation of the value of refinement feature of home life. It contains 592 colored illustrations ; arranged in four
in all the walks of life. graded departments, beginning with a
pages, and is illustrated with over 25o Scripture alphabet, the first letter of the
The old people will find this number es-
original drawings made especially for Scripture text being printed with two
pecially helpful to them. It contains a the hook. The prices, post-paid, are :
treatise on " Diseases Incident to Old cloth, marbled edge, $2.50; full law colors, and decorated with vines that
Age," that will instil new courage and sheep, $3.50; full leather, $4.50. grow in Palestine.
strong hope into their lives. The second department is a nature dis:
Agents wanted in all sections of the play of trees, flowers, animals, birds,
The sick are the beneficiaries in a country. Write for particulars.
part of the June number, for some ex- and insects, with a slate exercise in wri-
cellent suggestions are given to their ting, drawing, and stick-laying.
attendants that will prove to be better The third and fourth departments con-
for them than medicine. The True Education Readers tain simple stories of Christ and some
The deception of the patent medicine THE new series of school readers are of the leading disciples. The entire hook
proprietors is exposed in the naming of receiving hearty approval by our edu- is admirably adapted to attract and to
the ingredients of their compounds so cators, This series of books is winning teach the children — clean, cultured, and
the people may not recognize them in its way in the appreciation of the peo- convincing. Beautifully bound in board
the supposed remedies they are using. ple. Orders are being received for them and cloth covers, 25 and 5o cents.
The housekeeper is especially favored very encouragingly at the present time.
with practical hints in the preparation The special purpose of these True Edu-
of palatable and nutritious foods. cation Readers is to teach English read- Orders for any publication mentioned
All ladies are given a view " Behind ing; yet while teaching the art of on this page may be sent to any confer-
the Scenes " of the would-be beautiful reading, the subject-matter is so arranged ence tract society, or to Review and
form. Some of the evils of tight lacing that the pupil will be familiarized with Herald Publishing Association, Takoma
are clearly portrayed. the most important Bible truths. In Park Station, Washington, D. C., or
Mothers will find the June number of the series, the pupils are taken three Battle Creek, Mich.
value to them in connection with the times over God's great plan from the Also Pacific Press Publishing Com-
often perplexing question of child train- beginning. The successive steps in the pany, Mountain View, Cal.; Portland,
ing,—" A Little Boy's Confession " in work of creation are given clearly, and Ore.; Kansas City, Mo.; Southern Pub-
the June number containing a valuable with these certain selected Bible child lishing Association, Nashville, Tenn.,
obj ect-lesson. biographies are included. It deals also and Fort Worth, Tex.
Here is the Patience of the Saints: Here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of 7esns." Rev. 14:12.


Urnotsb to tile Frorittmatton of "ttpt pleasure parties, junks, and sampans of pressing one, and considerable attention
wa ours briturrrii all descriptions. It is said that more was given to it. No foreigner can, with
unto Or *aints" than eighty thousand people live on the safety to his health, live inside the native
river, children being born and spending city, and even the outskirts of the new
ISSUED EACH THURSDAY BY THE their whole lives with no other home city where our workers now live, can
than a house-boat. Both here and at not be commended for a health resort.
Review & Herald Publishing Association
Hongkong these house-boats are man- At the same time, property is high,
Terms: in Advance aged by women; and if there is a man and the tendency is upward all the time.
One Year $1.50 Four Months 50 on board at all, he fills a merely sub- Canton is a city of wealth, and the longer
Eight Months 1.00 Three Months 40 ordinate position under the direction of we defer establishing a fitting memorial
51X Months 75 Two Months......... .23
No extra postage is charged to countries within
a woman, who at the same time may for the truth in that city, the greater the
the Universal Postal Union. have a baby strapped on her back, and cost will be. This matter must have
Address all communications and make all Drafts
two or three other young children oc- early and serious consideration.
and Money-orders payable to— cupying reserved seats in that small part A local committee to take direct super-
REVIEW AND HERALD of the boat which serves as kitchen, vision of the missions in the province of
Takoma Park Station - Washington, D. C.
dining-room, sitting-room, and sleeping- Kwangtung was chosen at this meeting:
[Entered as second-class matter, August 14, 1903, room. There may be a cat or a dog J. N. Anderson (Chairman), E. H. Wil-
at the post-office at Washington, D. C., under the act about the place, while one or more hens, bur, Dr. Law Keem, and J. P. Anderson.
of Congress of March 3, 1879.]
and sometimes a pig, are kept in a little A committee for the school work (a
basket pen under the stern. With all large problem) was also selected: E. H.
Ehitortal the rest there is without exception a lit-
tle altar somewhere about, where incense
Wilbur (Chairman), J. N. Anderson,
and Sisters Thompson and Vanscoy.
is burned to propitiate the malign spirits. This provision for local supervision will
Editorial Letter I found no such an outfit elsewhere in doubtless be found helpful in carrying on
Jottings from the Editor's Note-Book all my travels. It is a merely local in- the work.
CANTON is the most populous city in stitution. On the Sabbath the Chinese Sabbath-
China, containing nearly one half as The headquarters of our mission in school was first held with thirteen
many human beings as are found in all Canton is in a building on the river classes, and an excellent attendance, in-
Australasia, and yet it does not cover front, owned and formerly occupied by cluding a large proportion of those in
a large territory. There are no side- the Baptists. Brother J. N. Anderson the different schools. After this the
walks, the streets are in most cases no lives in the upper part, while the lower chapel was filled while Dr. Law Keem
wider than an average sidewalk in a part is finished off for a chapel and preached a stirring sermon, and then
Western city, and such things as parks guest-room. Within easy walking dis- Dr. Miller and I each spoke for a short
and public gardens are an unknown tance live Brother E. H. Wilbur and time through an interpreter. 'It was en-
quantity. Besides this the people are family, and Sister Vanscoy, Brother couraging to see so good an attendance
densely packed in the houses, sometimes Tilbury and wife, Brother Wong, at these services, and to note the earnest
three and four generations living under Brother J. P. Anderson, and Sister Ida attention given to the instruction im-
the same roof. These facts suggest the Thompson. Quite a large girls' school parted. Surely there must be some of
reasons why the census taker (if there is conducted by Sister Thompson, a these who will receive the seed into good
were such an official in China) would smaller one by Sister Vanscoy, while ground. In the afternoon I gave a Bible
not be compelled to weary himself with schools for boys and for the Hakkas are study in English, and this brought to a
long journeys in order to find the two held in the house where Brother J. P. close the services of a profitable Sab-
and one-half million people. Anderson lives. Some Chinese helpers bath.
The foreign settlement, called the are associated with the different work- One morning I saw that a bamboo
Shaineen, is in marked contrast with the ers. Dr. Law Keem and wife have re- frame was being erected on the shore in
native city, with its broad and well- cently opened up work at Fat Shan, a front of Brother Anderson's home, and
shaded streets and its handsome build- " village " of from three to five hundred on inquiry I learned that a poor old
ings. Only a minute's walk across the thousand inhabitants on the railway line woman had died in one of the boats, and
canal separating these two districts so about ten miles from Canton. We spent preparations were being made for the
completely changes one's surroundings one day in visiting this place, and Dr. funeral. I watched the whole program
that he could easily believe that he had Law and his wife joined us in the meet- with much interest. After the frame-
traveled half-way around the world. It ings at Canton. work had been put in position, it was
is like a sudden leap from Europe into During my stay we had a Bible study covered with matting, and during the day
the heart of Asia. every day, and usually one or two busi- various things were brought to it, inclu-
Within the city of Canton there are ness sessions. The remainder of the ding different kinds of food placed upon
neither carts, carriages, nor wheelbar- time we. spent in trying to become ac- a table in front of a paper chair in which
rows, the only public means of convey- quainted with the local field and its a paper figure of a woman was seated.
ance being the sedan-chair. The river needs, and in counseling with the breth- A sedan-chair of paper, and some other
swarms with boats of all kinds — steam- ren. articles which I could not name, com-
ers, launches, " rice-power " boats (boats The problem of providing more suit- pleted the outfit. In the evening the
with a large paddle wheel at the stern able headquaters for our work, and more funeral began, and it continued the
driven by coolies), flower boats for healthful homes for our workers, is a greater part of the night. There was

much wailing, interspersed with the sad service, and to lay plans for the more I. H. Evans, W. VV. Prescott, W. A.
cry, My poor mother, come back ; " rapid advancement of the. work. Spicer, E. T. Russell, R. A. Underwood,
" My poor aunt, come back," etc. The Elder A. G. Daniells responded, sug- R. C. Porter, Frederick Griggs, G. B.
priests chanted over and over again a gesting what a sight this gathering Thompson, G. F. Haffner, W. B. White,
weird, monotonous ritual, accompanied would be to Elder J. N. Andrews, our L. R. Conradi, E. E. Andross, P. A. 411
with a flute of mournful sound; and as first missionary to Europe, had his life Hansen, H. R. Salisbury.
my room was only a few rods from the been spared to meet with us. When he It was voted that all conference and
scene, my sleep naturally fled from me. came to Europe in 1874, the Seventh-day mission field laborers attending the
At the close of the service all the articles Adventists in all the world numbered council be invited to participate with the
made of paper were burned, and in this about seven thousand. Now, in Europe committee in the work of the council.
way sent on to the spirit world for the alone, there are about fourteen thousand Laborers were present as follows: —
benefit of the deceased. Poor old believers in this advent message. From the United States : Wm. Co-
woman ! Poor deceived Chinese! How The following program was adopted vert, W. J. Fitzgerald, M. L. Andreasen,
sorry I felt for them! How much they for the council: Rising bell at 6 o'clock ; Dr. R. G. Edib, Mrs. R. G. Edib.
need the truth of the blessed gospel breakfast at 7; social meeting from British Union: S. G. Haughey, M. A.
which lights up the tomb and reveals 8 : is to 9; Bible study from 9 : 15 to Altman, W. H. Meredith, W. H. Wake-
the glory beyond ! 0 that the light of io: 30 ; business session from 1o: 45 to ham, W. T. Bartlett, J. J. Gillatt.
life might speedily shine in all that dark 12; dinner at I ; business session from Scandinavian Union : 0. A. Johnson,
land! 3 to 4:3o; workers' meeting from 5 to J. C. Raft, Fred Anderson, David Ost-
Our closing meeting was held on Mon- 6; supper at 6: 3o ; reports or preach- lund, j. M. Erikson, S. F. Svensson, N.
day evening, March II; and accompanied ing from 7: 30 to 8: 45. P. Nelson, Emil Lind, P. N. Lindegren,
by Brother Anderson and Brother Tid- Friday, May 10 Erik Arnesen, A. C. Christensen, Jens
bury, I left the next morning for Hong- The social meeting, led by Elder Wm. Olsen, John P. Hansen, P. Christiansen,
kong, to take the steamship " Princess Covert, was a blessed season. The text, L. Muderspach.
Alice " of the Norddeutscher Lloyd Line " This generation shall not pass, till all German Union : H. F. Schuberth, J. G.
these things be fulfilled," stirred every ()blander, H. Hartkop, R. G. Klingbeil, 4
for Europe. Fog delayed the arrival of
the boat, so that she did not sail until heart. One after another of the visiting H. J. Loebsack, L. Mathe, G. Schubert,
Thursday forenoon, and 'I thus had the delegates thanked God for what their E. Frauchiger, John F. Huenergardt, E.
opportunity of seeing again Brethren eyes had seen and their ears had heard Enseleit, W. Ising, F. Zerndt, F. Prieser,
Miller and Wilbur, who had visited a of the rapid progress of the message in G. W. Hockarth, J. H. Schilling, R. Fen-
place suggested for the opening of a populous Europe. For many years, even ner, H. Meyer, John Steiner, 0. Luepke,
new station. As the brethren stood on since the early days of the message, Dr. Meyer, J. Pieper, J. T. Boettcher,
the dock, and the great ship slowly moved some of these visiting brethren had D. P. Gaede, 0. Wildgrube, Daniel
out into the harbor, I felt deeply stirred worked and prayed and labored to help Isaak, 0. Madsen, J. Erzberger.
on leaving these lands of the far East send the message across the sea from Latin Union.: H. H. Dexter, J. P.
where I had spent three months in ear- America, and now to see face to face Badaut, G. Roth, Paul Steiner, A.
nest work and such pleasant fellowship the evidence of the blessing of God upon Matthy, Samuel Badaut, T. Nussbaum,
with the workers. With a greater sense these labors, filled their hearts with joy U. Augsbourger, C. T. Everson, P. Fant,
of their need do I now pray for Japan, and gratitude, too deep for utterance. L. Benezet, Frank Bond, Walter Bond,
Korea, and China. May the• time of Elder G. A. Irwin conducted the morn- C. E. Rentfro, E. Schwantes, Joseph
their visitation speedily come. ing Bible study, dealing with the subject Curdy, L. P. Tieche, Dr. P. A. De For-
W. W. P. of the spirit of prophecy. While we est, J. Vuilleumier, J. Robert, C. Reiland,
shall not be able in these reports to give P. Badaut, David Lecoultre, H. Provin,
details as to all the services from day to S. Jespersson.
General Conference Committee day, we may in this opening report give India Mission: Dr. R. S. Ingersoll, Dr.
At Gland, Switzerland, near Geneva the points made in this first Bible study. Olive P. Ingersoll.
THE council opened on May 9, one Some of the purposes of the Lord in Besides these representatives many
day before the time appointed, inasmuch the gift of the spirit of prophecy to the brethren and sisters are in attendance
as the majority of the members of the church are (I) to withdraw man from from near-by points, and in connection
committee had arrived in Gland, and his purposes; (2) to hide pride from with the council will he held the meet-
were ready to take up the work. The man (Job 33: 15-17) ; (3) to bring peo- ings of the French-Swiss Conference and
camp is pitched among the oaks on the ple to obedience (Neh. 9: 29, 30 ) ; (4) of the Latin Union Mission.
grounds of the sanitarium. It is an to witness to righteousness (Rom. 3: 'The chairman, A. G. Daniells, briefly
ideal place for a meeting, and the coun- 21) ; (5) to lead and to preserve his reviewed the work of the last two years,
cil has been favored with ideal weather. people (Hosea 12: 13) ; (6) to establish showing encouraging growth in every
Sitting in the large pavilion, the con- his people and to bring prosperity to his
department. The 1905 General Confer-
gregation may look down upon Lake cause (2 Chron. 20: 20) ; (7) to restrain
ence encouraged local conferences to
Geneva, and across to the snow-capped from wrong and apostasy. Prov. 29: 18.
plan definitely to share funds with the
range of the Alps. The history of the past sixty years has
mission fields. In 1905 these confer-
At the opening meeting Elder L. R. demonstrated in this work the truth of
ences appropriated $97,696 to work out-
Conradi, in behalf of the European every text, and through all these years
side of their own borders. The figures
brethren, welcomed the council, and ex- the results of every repudiation of this
for 1906 are not yet compiled, but esti-
pressed the appreciation of the believers gift by men who have left the faith have
mates place the amount at nearly $125,-
in Europe that the committee was as- likewise shown that to turn against the
sembled in this place. It was the first means by which God seeks to lead his
In 1904 the Sabbath-school Depart-
time in the history of the message that people is to reject the Lord and to
ment gave $40,278 to missions; in 1905,
such a council had been held in Europe. plunge into darkness.
All the four quarters of the earth were At the opening business session of $49,894; in 1906 the schools have given
here represented. East and west, and the council the following members of the $57.901 to missions, and thus the Sab-
the uttermost north and farthest south; General Conference Committee were bath-schools have become a most impor-
met in council to seek endowment for present : A. G. Daniells, G. A. Irwin, tant factor in the missionary advance.

The Religious Liberty Department has beyond their borders. Australasia has A Bold Plan
been called into very active service in laid hold of the work in Polynesia and THROUGH all past history Satan has
meeting the Sunday issue in Congress, the East Indies; the German Union is carried on' his work of counterfeiting
and aiding throughout the field. The new pushing forward in East Africa, estab- the work of God. He has not scrupled
journal Liberty has had a splendid cir- lishing mission after mission; the British even to ensconce himself within the
culation. Union has opened the work in Uganda, sacred precincts of the sanctuary itself,
A Medical Department of the General while the Scandinavian Union is pre- and from that vantage-ground to tamper
Conference was organized at the 1905 paring this year to enter the new field of with and adulterate the ceremonies of
conference. This department has been Abyssinia. the temple service. To that extent he
full of work, and great advancement has Sabbath, May I
had gone when Jesus, with the whip of
been made in our medical work. Nearly The Friday evening preaching serv-
cords, drove out the minions of greed,
every sanitarium operated among us now ice was conducted by Elder Prescott,
declaring that they had converted into
stands related to our denominational or- who showed how this advent movement
a den of thieves that structure which was
ganization just as do our educational and was the filling out in all its -details of
designed to be the dwelling-place of the
publishing institutions. The work has the prophetic outline given in Rev. 14:
Most High.
been unified and greatly developed. The 6-12. These preaching services are
Satan has never faltered in his unholy
institutions are enjoying the best pat- translated on the one side of the tent
ambition to " be like the Most High."
ronage they have ever had. Six years into French, on the other side simul-
Through all the history of sin there has
ago our sanitariums numbered eighteen; taneously into German, while a little
run the blood-red thread of Satan's pur-
they now number about sixty. group of Spanish-speaking people gath-
pose to rule or ruin, and to rule by ruin.
The educational work is vigorously ered in the rear are also served by an
Every forward movement in God's work
growing, and our schools have the larg- interpreter.
has met his persistent onslaughts. It
est attendance in their history. We have The Sabbath-school was truly a poly-
has been " a battle and a march," and
now about 600 schools, 800 teachers, and glot session, lessons being conducted in
another battle and another march. When
about 14,000 of the young people of the English, German, French, Danish, Swe-
he has been unable to stay the progress
denomination are studying in the schools. dish, and Spanish.
of any movement from the outside, his
The Young People's Department bears Elder Daniells spoke Sabbath morn-
next move has always been to get on the
witness to the fact that the young people ing, the thought being " Lo, I am with
inside and put discord in the place of
of the denomination are in line for serv- you alway." Blessed lessons were
harmony, disintegration in the place of
ice. The Young People's Societies have drawn for workers facing all manner
cohesion, confusion in the place of or-
been raising money for missions, and of perplexities in the fields, and the
ganization, contentions within, that he
engaging in all lines of work. Spirit of God brooded tenderly over the
might thus reduce the ability of the force
The publishing work has taken a very whole encampment.
to contend against that which is without.
encouraging turn during the last two In the afternoon Elder Covert spoke
No army ever succeeds whose integral
years. Those in charge of the depart- of Christ as our Elder Brother bearing
units have imbibed a spirit of distrust
ment and laborers in this branch have the heavy burdens, and this preaching
toward their leaders. No army ever
pushed the subscription-book work upon service was followed by a testimony
succeeds which undertakes a radical and
the original plans which proved suc- meeting. All hearts were full to over-
vital change in organization while the
cessful years ago, and the renewed ef- flowing. Brethren and sisters from far-
battle is on. To attempt it is to invite
forts have been greatly blessed. The separated fields testified to the grace of
defeat. But neither of these contingen-
sales for 1906 were one third greater God, and confidence in the speedy tri-
cies can possibly approach in rashness
than for 1905, and the year 1907, it is uniph of the message. It was the same
and certainty of defeat such a proposi-
hoped, may be the year of largest sales word from Russia, from Iceland, from
tion as the complete disorganization of
of any in our history. Algeria, from Germany, from Britain,
our forces in the very face of the enemy's
The organization of the North Amer- from Europe, or America. The convic-
charging legions. No leader of an army
ican Foreign Department has been a tion moves mightily in the hearts of the
ever thought of it; no private would
great blessing to the work among Ger- workers that the last issues of the mighty
trust a leader who would think of it.
man, Danish, and Swedish peoples in conflict are swiftly drawing to a close.
The soldier who risks his life in battle
America, and it is hoped that the estab- It was a blessed Sabbath day. Many of
must have confidence in the judgment
lishment of a foreign depository in New the workers spoke of having messages
and wisdom of his leaders ; but one ex-
York City will- prove a great help to the from fields they had• left that the be-
perience in that kind of military tactics
work in foreign tongues in the United lievers remaining behind were remem-
would make him unwilling ever again to
States. bering the council in prayer. In this
go into battle.
Since the last General Conference polyglot assembly the oneness and unity
The theory of individual leadership
nearly one hundred and fifty workers, of the world-wide work were touchingly
and individual responsibility in this clo-
including their wives, have been sent realized. As one German brother put
sing conflict may be made to appear
into the mission fields. Missions have it, he heard a variety of languages from
beautiful,— as a theory,— but no move-
been established in Hayti, Cuba, Ecua- the lips, but it was all one language
ment is possible of success under such an
dor, Peru, Korea, Barotseland, Sierre from the heart.
arrangement. What made Babel? —
Leone, Uganda, Algeria, Java, the Phil- At the evening service Elder Thomp-
Lack of organization. But God brought
ippines, province of Hunan (China), son reported the recent meetings in India
it about for the very purpose of bringing
India (North Hill Mission), and South and Burma, speaking of the needs and
their work to naught. He disorganized
Africa (Kafir Mission). During the the progress of the work among these
them, and immediately their work ceased.
two years the South American Union millions. It is impossible that it should be other-
and West Indian Union Conferences Thus the council is just opened. All
wise. They were doing a great work ;
have been organized, while the Pacific have realized the special blessing of the
but God was not pleased with it. He
Union has been divided, forming the Lcrd, and are assured that his grace and
wisdom will continue with the council as used the most effective instrument pos-
new and vigorous North Pacific Union
the business is proceeded with. sible to bring their work to naught: he
Very cheering is the manner in which W. A. SPICER, disorganized them. It worked so well
former mission fields are taking up work Secretary. that Satan, the great father of all coun-

terfeiters, has appropriated it and re- A SUBSCRIBER to the Christian Herald for man's transgression of God's law,.
served it as a most effective agency with sent in the following query to the edi- tasted death for us, and in our place,
which to strike back at the great work tor: that his righteousness might stand in the•
which God is to do in the culmination If we keep the first day of the week place of our sin. Now shall we declare
of his work for man. as the Sabbath, when God commanded that law abolished because Christ's death
That such a blow is struck under the us to keep the seventh, are we not trans- paid for our transgression of it? Such.
gressors of the law?
guise of religion should not blind our teaching is more than " ridiculous." It
The editor makes the following
eyes as to its authorship and purpose. is a complete misrepresentation of
astounding reply .in the issue of May
It takes more than a sacred name to Christ's mission to this earth, and is
make and keep a thing sacred. " Thus doing a terribly ruinous work in the
Are you desirous of keeping the law?
saith Jehovah unto the house of Israel, It is a step backward, and involves an world. Inspiration says : " He that turn-
Seek ye me, and ye shall live; but seek extensive change in your habits, but eth away his ear from hearing the law,
not Beth-el." Amos 5:4, 5. But why there is no reason why you should not even his prayer is an abomination."'
not seek Beth-el, seeing that Beth-el do it if you wish. Do not, however, try Prov. 28: 9. Again: " He that saith,.
to persuade other people to follow your I know him, and keepeth not his com-
means The House of God? — Because ridiculous example.
Beth-el had come to be the abode of a mandments, is a liar, and the truth is.
The reply is an astounding one, com- not in him." 1 John 2: 4. Let no char-
people who dishonored God. He was
ing as it does from a professed Chris- acterization of our course as " ridicu-
dishonored there while still they called
tian. A Christian is a follower of Christ. lous " cause us to falter in following the
it his abode. He disowned it. and
warned his people against it, notwith- Christ said: "I have kept my Father's example of our Saviour.
commandments, and abide in his love."
standing the sacred sound of its name.
John 15: 10. Christ was our example.
So he will disown and so does he warn
Would the editor call this example of WHILE a plan is in preparation through
against any movement carried on to-day
the One whom he professes to follow, a which the world hopes for universal
in his name whose purpose is to weaken
C. NI. S. " ridiculous example "? Christ said: peace, and while the Word of God
and scatter his forces.
" It is easier for heaven 'and earth to plainly teaches the futility of any such
pass away, than for one tittle of the law hope, the world itself is furnishing the
Nutt au Tuntlitatt to fail." Would the editor brand that
as a " ridiculous " teaching? That law
evidence that the predictions of the in-
spired prophets are true, and that the
fails that is not kept. If God's law is cry of peace and safety is a false cry.
FATHER SEARLE, rector of the Paulist not to be a failure, it must be kept; and One page of one daily paper furnishes
Fathers' Catholic church, New York, in if the keeping of it is " ridiculous," then the following witness of the increasing
a recent sermon is said to have startled it certainly is " ridiculous " to teach that troublousness of our times. From the
his congregation by declaring his belief it should be kept. Nevertheless Christ head-lines on that one page we glean
in spiritism. This priest is a member not only taught that the law of God the following: —
of the Society for Psychical Research, should be kept, hut he made it a part of Crime Floods Russia ; New Outbreak
and has made considerable investigation the business of his followers to teach that of Terrorism Sweeping the Country ;
of spiritistic phenomena. In an inter- it should be kept; and those. who teach Provinces in Revolution; Human Life
Cheap; Twenty Millions for New Pris-
view following his sermon, he stated otherwise will rank very low in the ons, and Only Twelve Millions for New
plainly that while these phenomena were kingdom of God, if indeed they 'ever Schools, Tells the Whole Story. Re-
supernatural, he believed them to be the enter there, for thus declares our Sa- bellion in China; Officers Assassinated
work of devils. Speaking of the failure viour again: " Whosoever therefore by Insurgents in Hongkong; Mission
shall break one of these least command- Station Raided; Troops Are Being Hur-
of spirit testimonies to agree with one
ried to the Scene; German Gunboat with
another, he said: " It appears that these ments, and shall teach men so, shall be Marines Sent to Protect Subjects; Brit-
intelligences are not what they claim to called least in the kingdom of heaven; ish Gunboat May Soon Be Dispatched.
be; and it seems more probable that they but whosoever shall do and teach them, Slain Priest a Spy; Believed to Be an
are deceitful than that they are ignorant. he shall be called great in the kingdom Agent of the Sultan. Lottery to Pay
$300,000 Fine to Escape Imprisonment
Besides, their control of a medium, when of heaven." Matt. 5:19. This editor of Its Officials. Guatemalan Panic ; Na-
habitual, has been known to culminate holds that the resurrection of Christ tion Is Near Anarchy ; Nineteen under
in what is called diabolic possession; made such a complete metamorphosis in Sentence of Death for Complicity in
and in no case does ;it seem to have God's work in the earth that the keep- Plot Against Cabrera; Terrible Slaugh-
ing of God's law' is a " ridiculous " act; ter Feared. Disorders at Santiago ;
had a good moral effect." He stated his Strike Leads to Clashes Between Rural
positive belief that spirits can be com- that the law was abolished in Christ, Guards and Rioters.= Four Shot in Race
municated with through mediums, but Christ says: " Think not that I am Riot.
that " these spirits are evil ones — fallen come to destroy the law or the prophets : And this is only a portion of the sen-
angels — who have never inhabited a hu- I came not to destroy, but to fulfil." sational news of one day. No cry of
man body." Another part of his testi- Matt. 5: 17. He who would set Christ peace and safety, no resolutions of peace
mony is interesting because of the closing forth as a destroyer of God's law has congresses, can change the hearts of
sentence. He said : " The overwhelm- failed to discern the first principles of men. It is Only the power of Christ in
ing probability is that the spirits com- the plan of redemption. How easily our the life that can bring peace, and only
municating are either devils or lost Saviour could have escaped death for his protection can give safety. " Great
human souls subject to devils in hell. man's sins if the theory of an abolished peace have they which love thy law:
These devils are not confined in their law were true. Christ.need only abolish and nothing shall offend them." With
operations to a local hell. Such may the law, and then there would be no the hearts of men unregenerated, no
he the case after general judgment, but sentence of death hanging over the hu- peace is possible to man ; and with the
not now." The idea of a future gen- man race. With the law gone, there world drifting further and further
eral judgment seems hardly to harmon- could be no transgression, hence no sin, away • from the only One who can
ize with the existence of " lost human hence no need of redemption, hence no bring about that regeneration, there is
souls " in hell " subject to devils," at the need of a Saviour. Christ's death on no possibility of universal peace in this
present time before that general judg- Calvary proves the abolition of the law earth till Christ sets up his throne to
ment has taken place. an impossibility. He paid the penalty reign over a world purified by fire.

Southern Illinois
nr iqunbrrb ttn iftu Ttionsanit Dollar uuIi West Michigan
Wisconsin 1,680.37

•Total $14,403.03
For Special Work at Home and Abroad North Pacific Union Conference
Conference not specified $ 315.30
British Columbia 57.80
How Much Owest Thou? ing one upon us. Then let us get rid of Montana 172.90
our benumbing load, and we shall not Upper Columbia 1,195.37
WE were recently greatly refreshed to
" turn away sorrowful," as the rich
know that a brother and his wife had young ruler did whom Jesus admonished Western Washington 932.79
made a donation of five hundred dollars to sell all that he had, but will be joyful Idaho 844.90
to the $150,000 fund. Before this we in the consciousness of obedience to our Western Oregon 785.66
had not known of a larger donation than * * *
Lord's command. Total $4,304.72
one hundred and sixteen dollars made
by any single individual to this fund. Northern Union Conference
This was made by a brother in the South Alberta $ 139.10
who has recently come to the truth. The Skodsburg Sanitarium Manitoba 238.70
Such gifts are an inspiration. Such ex- THIs is an institution most beautifully Saskatchewan Mission Field • • 34.85
amples ought to be contagious, and if located, and one that has been the means Minnesota 3,480.50
the people are made acquainted with of bringing the light of the last message South Dakota 2,104.10
them, they will be. These gifts must of mercy and blessing to many people of North Dakota 1,681.23
come freely, as unto the Lord. note and distinction in Denmark. Two
Go thou, and do likewise. This may thousand dollars has been appropriated Total $7,678.48
not mean that every reader of this arti- by the General Conference to this insti- Pacific Lliiion Conference
cle can give five hundred dollars, or even tution. This is a small gift, and it is Arizona $ 177.87
one hundred to this work, but .you can not money lost or thrown away. California-Nevada 1696
4,2450669 4
make the same gift in proportion to that The patronage of the institution has Southern California
which God has given you. We call to been altogether too great for the capacity Utah
remembrance, while the $too,000 fund of the buildings, so that heavy rents
was being raised for the work in Wash- have been paid for unsuitable buildings, Total $5,417.28
ington, a brother in New York State some of them located at quite a distance Southern Union Conference
who gave something like $T,too to the from the sanitarium. The Danish breth- South Carolina 67.88
$ioo,000 fund ; and we understand that. ren have themselves given four thou- Alabama 200.63
this gift represented nearly all the sand dollars to provide a suitable build- Tennessee 444.76
worldly goods this brother possessed. ing. The General Conference gives half Florida 233.75
Such gifts preach a powerful sermon. of that amount in the $150,000 fund. North Carolina 151.97
How much owest thou ? You can This is one of the smaller divisions of Kentucky 30.36
never measure your debt by that of that fund, and yet one that is of great Cumberland 315.98
another. To whom the Lord has given importance, and will be a great blessing Louisiana 313.51
little, of him but little is required. To to the thrifty, substantial people of Den- Mississippi 149.14
whom he has given much, of him much mark. J. S. WAsHBuRN. Georgia 160.55
shall be required. Shall we not have
during the 'raising of the remaining two Total $2,068.53
thirds of the $150,000 fund, a large num- Received on the $150,000 Fund Southwestern Union Conference
ber of gifts which recognize the prin- up to play 28, 1907 Arkansas $ 2,3.64
ciple that we owe our all to him who Atlantic Union Conference Oklahoma 1,248.05
gave us in the beginning our life, and Texas 762.38
Central New England $2,108.47
finally gave us his life to redeem us?
How much owest thou ? Chesapeake 225.66
Total $2,224.07
J. S. WASH BURN. Eastern Pennsylvania 1,272.65
Greater New York 415.75 Unknown $149.20
Maine 344.94 Foreign
New Jersey 550.63 Algeria $ 13.33
"No Burden" New York 1,020.17 Australia 132.19
WE meet people, who complacently tell Southern New England 850.23 Bermuda 25.0o
us by word and action that they have no Vermont 738.06 China 3.00
burden for the needs of our various in- Virginia 260.67 South Africa 128.16
stitutions, as if this settled the matter, Western Pennsylvania 822.57 Jamaica
and they should be excused. The, fact West Virginia 211.67 Yukon Territory 10.00
that we have no burden should alarm us. Western New York 970.02 England 256.32
If a starving man is at our door, and we Gold Coast, West Africa 10.00
have no burden for his pangs of hunger, Total $9,791.49 Mexico 2.00
it shows that we possess not the spirit Canadian Union Conference Costa Rica 2.00
of the Master. There may never be the Maritime $281.43 India 12.48
need for another $150,000 fund. The Quebec 33.78 South America 23.35
Lord, true to his word, is " cutting short Ontario 298.42 Switzerland 5.81
the work." The remnant church of Panama 4.00
which we are members, calls loudly for Total $613.63 Nicaragua 2.00
means now, that the message may quickly Central Union Conference Trinidad •34
go to the world, and that we may go to Colorado $ 877.19 Central American Mission 17.0o
the home Jesus has prepared for us. Iowa 2,167.97 Norway 25.00
Can it be that we have " no burden " to Kansas 1,244.90 Japan 12.50
give I " No burden " to go home! Missouri 495.80 Hayti 5.00
Truly the Laodicean message is due to Nebraska 4,779.63
this people now as never before. If we Wyoming 403.87 Total $702.89
have no burden now when needs are so Grand Total $58,472.92
great, we shall have a burden of remorse Total $9,969.36 All remittances should be made to the
when we come to offer our means too District of Columbia treasurer of the State conference wherein
late. It is time that those of us with no Washington churches $1,150.24 the remitter resides. If, for any reason,
burden should go to our closets and Lake Union Conference this is not possible, then remittance
mightily cry to the Lord that we may East Michigan $ 1,082.86 should be made to I. H. Evans, Treas-
get a burden. It may be the weight of Indiana 4,237.00 urer, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.,
money and business cares has so dead- North Michigan 120.51 and not to the Review and Herald Pub-
ened some of us that we could not feel Northern Illinois 1,108.69 lishing Association.
a burden if the Lord himself were throw- Ohio 2,661.61 I. H. EVANS, Treasurer.

now filled with useless ornaments. Spend out to thy house? when thou seest the
6rurral Artirirs your money in buying books that will be naked, that thou cover him; and that
the means of enlightening the mind in thou hide not thyself from thine own
" Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things regard to present truth. The time you flesh? Then shall thy light break forth
are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever
things are Pure, whatsoever things are lovely, what- waste in moving and dusting the multi- as the morning, and thine health shall
soever things are of good report; if there be any tudinous ornaments in your house, spend spring forth speedily: and thy righteous-
virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these
things." Phil. 4:8. in writing a few lines to your friends, ness shall go before thee; the glory of
in sending papers or leaflets or little the Lord shall be thy rereward. . . . If
God's Law Set to Music hooks to some one who knows not the thou draw out thy soul to the hungry,
Ps. 119: 5 4 truth. Grasp the word of the Lord as and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall
ELIZA H. MORTON the treasure of infinite wisdom and love; thy light rise in obscurity, and thy dark-
SET to music is God's law, this is the guide-book that points out ness shall be as the noonday: and the
Music sweet and clear. the path to heaven. It points us to the Lord shall guide thee continually, and
When I keep its precepts all, sin-pardoning Saviour, saying, " Behold satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat
What have I to fear? the Lamb of God, which taketh away thy bones : and thou shalt be like a
Glad with notes of tuneful love the sin of the world." 0 that you would watered garden, and like a spring of
Pilgrimage below,
Statutes of the Lord my song search the Scriptures with prayerful water, whose waters fail not."
From the long ago. hearts, and a spirit of surrender to God ! " Though I speak with the tongues
O that you would search your hearts as of men and of angels, and have not char-
How I love that precious law ! with a lighted candle, and discover and ity," Paul declares, " I am become as
Joyful is my heart, break the finest thread that binds you to sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
For the will of God is there worldly habits, which divert the mind And though I have the gift of prophecy,
Of my life a part; from God ! Plead with God to show you and understand all mysteries, and all
0 the glory of that love, every practise that draws your thoughts knowledge; and though I have all faith,
Spring of life and peace, and affections from him. God has given so that I could remove mountains, and
House of pilgrimage made glad,
Freedom,— full release ! his holy law to man as his measure of have not charity, I am nothing. And
character. By this law you may see and though I bestow all my goods to feed
Strike the key-note loud and long,— overcome every defect in your character. the poor, and though I give my body to
Hear, obey, and live. You may sever yourself from every idol, be burned, and have not charity, it prof-
Angels with their harmony and link yourself to , the throne of God iteth me nothing. Charity suffereth long,
Tones of rapture give. by the golden chain of grace and truth. and is kind; charity envieth not; charity
Jesus kept that holy law, The apostle writes : " Let love be vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, cloth
Doing nothing wrong. without dissimulation. Abhor that which not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not
Reconcilement is for me, is evil; cleave to that which is good. her own, is not easily provoked, think-
Law of God my song. eth no evil."
Be kindly affectioned one to another with
North Deering, Maine. brotherly love ; in honor preferring one The Son of the infinite God came to
another; not slothful in business; fervent this earth, and honored it with his pres-
in spirit ; serving the Lord ; rejoicing in ence. He emptied himself of his glory,
"No Other Gods Before Me" hope; patient in tribulation; continuing and clothed his divinity with humanity,
MRS. E. G.,WHITE instant in prayer; distributing to the that humanity might touch humanity, and
EVERY true child of God will be sifted necessity of saints ; given to hospitality." reveal to fallen man the perfect love of
as wheat, and in the sifting process every " The night i5 far spent; the day is at God. Christ did not come to earth to
cherished pleasure which diverts the hand : let us therefore cast off the works live a life of pleasure, of self-indulgence.
mind from God must be sacrificed. In of darkness, and let us put on the armor He lived not to please himself. " The
many families the mantel-shelves, stands, of light. Let us walk honestly, as in Son of man," he said, " is come to seek
and tables are filled with ornaments and the day ; not in rioting and drunkenness, and to save that which was lost."
pictures. Albums filled with photographs not in chambering and wantonness, not We have great changes to make before
of the family and their friends are placed in strife and envying. But put ye on the we reach perfection. God calls for com-
where they will attract the attention of Lord Jesus Christ, and make not pro- plete self-surrender. We must guard
visitors. Thus the thoughts, which vision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts diligently our lips, lest they speak guile.
should be upon God and heavenly in- thereof." We must be strict with ourselves, that
terests, are brought down to common There is none too much self-denial, we bring not false principles into our
things. Is not this a species of idolatry? none too much self-sacrifice, none too dealings with others, and lead souls from
Should not the money thus spent have much overcoming evil with good. If all the safe path. We must work the works
been used to bless humanity, to relieve the inclinations to gratify the taste for of God. Adhere to correct principles,
the suffering, to clothe the naked, and frivolous things were firmly resisted, whatever the cost to yourself. In ap-
to feed the hungry? Should it not be there would be more money to use for peals and warnings let your light shine
placed in the Lord's treasury to advance God. Shall we not make decided forth to others. Economize your pence
his cause and build up his kingdom in changes in this respect? Shall we not that you may have pounds with which
the earth? set money flowing in channels where it to help the cause of truth. Keep your
This matter is of great importance, will glorify God? tables free from many pictures and ,orna-
and it is urged upon you to save you When 'I see families poorly clad, and ments, which are as nothing in compar-
from the sin of idolatry. Blessing would houses destitute of, those things that are ison with the Word of God. Let your
come to your souls if you would obey necessary for comfort, and then visit the holy example lead the sympathies of
the word spoken by the Holy One of homes where every niche and corner is your friends heavenward: " for he that
Israel: " Thou shalt have no other gods filled with useless ornaments, I am tired in these things serveth Christ is accept-
before me." Many are creating unnec- of the sight of my eyes. Let us search able to God, and approved of men.. Let
essary cares and anxieties for themselves the Word and see if there is not some us therefore follow after the things
by devoting' time and thought to the instruction there that will teach us how which make for peace, and, things where-
unnecessary ornaments with which their to relieve the maladies that have become with one may edify another." " We then
houses are filled. The power of God is chronic in the spiritual life of many. that are strong ought to bear the infirm-
needed to arouse them from this devo- " Is not this the fast that I have ities of the weak, and not to please our-
tion; for to all intents and purposes it chosen ?" God asks, " to loose the bands selves. Let every one of us please his
is idolatry. of wickedness, to undo the heavy bur- neighbor for his good to edification. For
He who searches the heart desires to dens, and to let the oppressed go free, even Christ pleased not himself; but,
win his people from every species of and that ye break every yoke? Is it not as it is written, The reproaches of
idolatry. Let the Word of God, the to deal thy bread to the hungry, and them that reproached thee fell on me.
blessed book of life, occupy the tables that thou bring the poor that are cast For whatsoever things were written

aforetime were written for our learning, exchange for works, but absolutely free Paul writes that God " hath put all
that we through patience and comfort forever, or they would perish when their things under his feet, and gave him to
of the Scriptures might have hope. Now wages in life would expire. Hence man's be the head over all things to the church,
the ,God of patience and consolation only hope of securing eternal life is as which is his body, the fulness of him
grant you to be likeminded one toward a free gift from God. It is wholly by that filleth all in all." What local church
another according to Jesus Christ: that grace through faith; otherwise it would is this? This is not a local church.
ye may with one mind and one not be of grace, but of debt. Works This is the church of the living God.
mouth glorify God, even the Father of have their place, not as a means of " To the intent that now unto the
our Lord Jesus Christ." justification, but as the fruit of it. It principalities and powers in heavenly
is not by faith and works, but rather, places might be known by the church
by faith that works that we are to be the manifold wisdom of God." " Christ
Faith and Works, or Faith justified unto eternal life. also loved the church, and gave himself
That Works Columbus, Ohio. for it." Eph. 5 : 25. " That he might
W. H. GRANGER present it to himself a glorious church,
ALTHOUGH the Scriptures say, plainly not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such
as words can, that we are justified by The Author of Order thing; but that it should be holy and
faith without works; yet the opinion J. S. WASHBURN without blemish." Verse 27. " But if
generally prevails that it must be by " GOD is not the author of confusion, I tarry long, that thou mayest know how
faith and works, because there is an- but of peace, as in all churches of the thou oughtest to behave thyself in the
other text that says just as plainly, that saints." A pamphlet recently written house of God, which is •the church of
" faith without works is dead." Then conveys the idea that every church is the living God, the pillar and ground of
again, the Bible teaches that eternal life independent, and that there should be no the truth." I Tim. 3: 15. The Scripture
is a free gift from God to those who conference organization. All general speaks clearly of the " general assembly
believe in Jesus. Over against this is organization is branded as Babylon and and church of the First-born, which are
the text that says, just as plainly, that the papacy. But if this principle were to written in heaven."
he will reward every man according to prevail, there would indeed be a very Thus it is plain that the divine plan
his works. Are these texts harmonious, Babylon of confusion and disorder does not contemplate independent, un-
and if so, how are they to be under- among us. Each church sending out its related organizations scattered here and
stood? They are perfectly harmonious workers here and there without co- there, but the church as one united
when rightly divided. operation, with no central executive com- whole. There is one Lord, one Spirit,
In the first place, it must be under- mittees to carry out the wishes of all the one faith, and logically the church of
stood that these texts are not speaking churches, everything would certainly 'be God is one church. The Lord is bring-
of the same thing, but are teaching on running at cross-purposes. ing out such a people from the Babylon
two widely separated phases of the one But the whole plan is contrary to the and confusion of the world, and forming
great Subject — salvation. I will state plan of God and the order of heaven, them into one, welding them together.
the difference by saying that eternal life and the order among his own people, as The most wonderfully organized peo-
is indeed a free gift to those who believe indicated by many scriptures. " For this ple the world has ever known was Israel.
in Jesus, and that it is obtained by faith cause I bow my knees unto the Father The excellent advice of Jethro to Moses
alone without works. The reward for of our Lord Jesus Christ, of whom the that there should be companies and order
works is not eternal life, but degrees of whole family in heaven and earth is by divisions, and yet all recognizing a
honor in the kingdom. Hence it is true named." " We are members of his body, common church government (for Israel
that eternal life comes to the believer of his flesh, and of his bones." We are was " the church in the wilderness "), is
without works, and it is also true that members one of another. still good counsel, written for our learn-
all will be rewarded according to their Heaven is not conducted on the prin- ing. And when Israel was divided and
works. ciple of independent congregations. scattered among •the hills and valleys of
Had man never sinned, then eternal There was a high and mighty angel, who Palestine, they were still one church, one
life would have been his as a reward started the idea in heaven of congre- body in government and organization.
for obedience. But when man sinned, gational independence. He gathered to- The council at Jerusalem is an evi-
he forfeited his right to life, and ex- gether his followers. But the Lord had dence that the disciples believed in and
cluded the remotest possibility of his no room for an independent congrega- practised an organized unity.. Note that
ever enjoying it thereafter, except as a tion in heaven, and that mighty angel at this council certain orders were given.
free gift from the Author of life. The was cast out, and all the members of his These were the result of their counsel.
life which we now enjoy is not ours by church with him, out of the unity of the Note the expression, " It seemed good
right of merit, but is a free gift to all, one family in heaven, separated from the to the Holy Ghost, and to us." Read
both good and bad alike, through Christ. family, cut off by the divine surgeon further Acts 16: 4, 5: " And as they
In the first place, since we have al- from the great body. This surgical went through the cities, they delivered
ready sinned, and thus forfeited our operation has caused him pain, and has them the decrees for to keep, that were
right to life, if the Lord were now to caused us all much tribulation. We ordained of the apostles and elders which
reward us with life in proportion to our have had enough of this experiment of were at Jerusalem. And so were the
works, is it not clear that life would congregational independence. churches established in the faith, and
simply be a wage paid in return for It is true that in the New Testament, increased in number daily."
works, and hence not a free gift? the church in Jerusalem, the church in These decrees that were ordained of
Furthermore, inasmuch as we have all Antioch, the church in Rome, are men- the apostles and elders were not popery.
sinned, and since eternal life can come tioned ;. but it is also true that the whole Here was a central council, a conference,
only as a reward to those who yield body of God's people is many times that had ordained certain things; and
absolute, perfect, and eternal obedience, called " the church of Christ," " the they went through all the different
it is evident that no human being would church of the living God," etc. Matt. churches, delivering these decrees for
have a sufficient store of good works 16: 18: " Upon this rock I will build them to keep; and so, that is, by this
with which to secure eternal life. To my church; and the gates of hell shall means, was the church established in the
illustrate: say, for instance, here is a not prevail against it." What church faith, and increased in number daily. In
man who by his works has earned one was this? I ask. Was it the church in this connection read also Acts 15:45:,
thousand years of life in the kingdom; Jerusalem, the church in Antioch, the " And he went through Syria and Cilicia,
another has earned ten times as much; church in Corinth? — No. It was the confirming the churches."
another one hundred times as much; it church, the whole church, the body of This certainly is as clear as the reso-
can plainly be seen that when the time believers. lutions that are passed by the General
paid them in wages for their works Again: " God hath set some in the Conference and are sent out to all our
would expire, God must either come to church, first apostles," etc. In what people; though our General Conference
their rescue with a gift of life, not in church? — In the church. Of Jesus, has never •taken upon itself as yet to call

them decrees, as the decisions of the tion of people in their rights of person does not rightfully belong to him, it is
apostles were called in the early days and property. H man had always been stealing. The word " rightfully " covers
after their General Conference at Jeru- prompted by that higher motive of love it all; for if not rightfully owned, it was
salem. What can be more clear than fcr his fellow man underlying this di- taken " without right," which is the very
this : " So were the churches con- vision of the law, civil governments first definition, of stealing. And how
firmed "? And any work that pulls down would never have been needed; for the numerous the ways, and in this age how
this organization will not confirm the provisions of the law would have been varied the forms, of polite stealing in
church, but rather bring in disintegra- carried out voluntarily among men. But the business world — in bond manipula-
tion, division, and ruin. because of sin and selfishness, and man's tions, on stock exchange, dealings in
General organization, organized unity, disregard of the rights of his neighbor, " futures," in various defalcations, and
is God's plan and purpose. The whole civil governments were necessary, and in many instances of improper personal
principle is laid out in what we know of were instituted for the protection and profit from public trusts and political
the order of heaven, in the order of enforcement of these rights — mark it, and official life covered by the modern
Israel, and in the order of the apostolic for the protection of man's rights, and word " graft."
church. But God has given men brains the punishment of crime, which is a This honest interpretation of God's
and common sense to apply the princi- violation of these rights; and not for command will doubtless be called by
ples of his Word to their daily life and the punishment of sin and the enforce- some the fogyisms of a bygone day, un-
the daily perplexities and difficulties ment of God's law; for that takes hold suited to this commercial age; but God
which they meet. of the very " thoughts and intents of the never changes, and right is right all the
Through much labor and perplexity heart," which governments can not reach time and everywhere. His command,
there has been formed among the people nor take cognizance of. " Thou shalt not steal," comes thunder-
who believe in the near coming of the It should be borne in mind that there ing down to us ,in this age with all the
Lord an organization which has been in- is a vast difference between sin and majesty of a burning Sinai back of it,
dorsed from beginning to end by the crime; one has to do with the violation and with increased necessity for its fre-
spirit of prophecy. Whoever seeks to of God's law as such, the other with the quent repetition. " Let him that stole
overthrow it is doing the work of the violation of rightful human law, which, steal no more." Eph. 4:28.
enemy who sought to bring an independ- though based upon some of the prin- Keene, Tex.
ent organization into the family of ciples underlying God's law, are never-
heaven. No man liveth unto himself; theless far from being the same. No
neither does any church live unto itself, earthly government can rightly under-
or any conference. We are all one, take to enforce God's law, because it is The Blessing of Trials
members of his body, of his flesh, and not the province of civil governments to G. B. THOMPSON
of his bones. Let us abide in the body. enforce religious laws and duties, and PEARLS are much sought after; and
Let us stay on board the ship. every attempt to do so has always re- the rich, in their luxurious mansions, at
Many have arisen in days that are sulted in persecution, and always will. great expense adorn themselves with
past, and are arising to-day, preaching And even if it should be thought to be pearls.
independence and false liberty, which is its province, it could not do it, for the The best pearls are found in a certain
license. The liberty of organized unity, reason that the government has no way kind of oyster shell which is found in the
wherein each feels definitely related to of detecting the secret violations of waters of a tropic sea. They are se-
every other one of the church of the God's law in the thoughts of the heart. cured by divers from the bottom of the
living God, is true liberty. He who is Earthly governments can deal only with sea. In one day the diver may find one
cut off can no more live, prosper, and overt acts. worth a fortune, or he may work many
bear fruit than the branch severed from Every one recognizes that to take an- days, and open tons of shells, without
the vine. If, ever there was a time when other's goods " without notice, or clan- finding a single pearl.
organization and unity were essential, destinely " (secretly), is stealing. Every How are these pearls formed in the
it is to-day. A small people, united with one knows what it is to steal within the shell? They do not grow there naturally.
God, and welded together as one, can meaning of the first and second defini- It is thought that some foreign sub-
face the divided interests of the world's tions as given above ; and whenever one stance, such as a grain of sand or some-
great Babylon, and win eternal victory. is spoken of as a thief, or an act is re- thing similar, gets into the shell. This
Nashville, Tenn. ferred to as thievery, the mind goes at wounds and bruises the delicate body of
once to something of this kind. But how the mollusk, and this offending sub-
few look at stealing in the sense of the stance becomes covered with the same
Short Sermons on the Ten third and fourth definitions given above. secretion with which the interior of the
Commandments In the light of these definitions it ap- shell is covered. So this beautiful and
The Eighth Commandment pears that anything obtained by unfair, much-sought-after gem is really pro-
W. A. MC CUTCHEN dishonest, or secret methods, that are duced by this little creature on the
" Thou shalt not steal." Ex. 20 : 15. afraid of daylight, is stealing. Misrep- inside of the shell, struggling against
The recognized definiticn of to steal is : resentation of an article or property in the hardship which besets its very exist-
" 1. To take, and carry away feloniously, a deal, is stealing. Extortion, by charg- ence.
as the personal goods of another; to ing an excessive rate of interest or much The lesson : There is in this a beau-
take without right or leave. 2. To with- more than a thing is worth, because tiful and helpful lesson for each of us.
draw or convey without notice, or some poor man has to borrow or buy Trials and temptations beset the path-
clandestinely. 3. To gain or win by on time and can not help himself, thus way of each. Sometimes they seem hard
duress or gradual and imperceptible taking advantage of his situation, is to bear, and we are tempted to murmur
means. 4. To accomplish in a concealed stealing. The extortioner is classed and complain, and to wonder why we
or unobserved manner." right along with the thief, the drunkard, have to endure so much. But these are
It is plainly seen again in this com- the adulterer, etc. See I Cor. 5: to, 11 ; necessary that the pearl of patience may
mandment that this division of the law 6:q, To. be perfected in us, and in order that the
touching man's relation to his fellow Anything obtained by unfair, unjust, " pearl of great price " may be bestowed
man is based upon man's natural rights. or oppressive measures, even though the upon us at last. Though they may
It is wrong for one man to steal from methods employed may never be dis- wound and hurt, if endured, they will
another, because the one stolen from has covered or suspected by the ones from perfect in us the graces of the Holy
a right to his property, and no one has whom the things are gotten, is thievery. Spirit, and when the Master conies to
a right to deprive him of it. Definitions two and three give it: " To gather home his " jewels," we may be
It is on the principle laid down in gain or win by duress or gradual and numbered among them.
this division of the law that proper civil imperceptible means; to accomplish in a Even jewels of rare merit and worth
government is founded. The chief prov- concealed or unobserved manner." In must pass under the polishing process
ince of civil government is the protec- short, however one may get a thing that of the lapidary before they can shine

with the greatest brilliancy. So we, too, how to get work, but how to get work- special reporters from Melbourne to in-
have to be polished. After being washed„ ers to cope with the enormous volume spect the place. Many writers have re-
we need to pass beneath the hot iron of of business that is going through our ferred to our work as an object-lesson
trial and affliction that the wrinkles of office. We had no idea one year ago but worthy of imitation by other manufac-
sin may be smoothed out. But " our light that our premises and plant would be turers. So far as I have heard, not one
affliction, which is but for a moment, large enough to meet all the demands person who has visited our institution
worketh for us a far more exceeding that would be made upon us. But we has ever made an unfavorable comment
and eternal weight of glory." have altogether underestimated our regarding the change of location from
Cairo, Egypt. needs, and have already had to make city to country, but, on the other hand;
some extensions to our building. almost every one of them has expressed
" One pleasing feature which has himself in terms of admiration concern-
Obedience Better Than Sacrifice arisen in connection with our move into ing the wisdom of bringing our employ-
T. E. BOWEN the country is the large number of vis- ees with their families, away from the
No amount of sacrifice will atone for itors who desire to see through our evil surroundings of city life.
headstrong disobedience. The human premises. When we were in the city " Thinking you may be interested in
of Melbourne, it was an extremely rare the results which have accrued from the
heart is so apt to fill with pride, and
entertain such lofty opinions of the great- thing to have any outside of our own move of our factory from the city to the
ness of its own wisdom and far-sighted- ranks become even interested in our country, I have penned the above
ness, that the Lord is compelled often plant : there was nothing notable about thoughts; for to me the unlooked-for ef-
to give object-lessons illustrating the a factory in the city. But somehow a fects of this move are a source of great
foolishness of human devisings apart factory in the country seems to be an pleasure, and a powerful witness to the
object of very great attraction. We are value of the spirit of prophecy, by which
from the counsel of God.
A few years ago the Lord sent his here surrounded by mountains on all the Lord urged us to change our loca-
sides. Half a mile away there is a lit- tion."
servant to Australia. While there, very
important instruction was given concern- tle village, which, on account of the May God forgive us for our slowness
ing changes that must be brought about natural scenery, is becoming a tourists' of heart to believe. Let us heed the
in the manner and methods of conducting resort. Just recently some new country inspired counsel of King Jehoshaphat to
his work in the earth. Solemn messages has been explored from twenty to thirty his people : " 0 Judah, and ye inhabit-
were sent to America. Some of them miles back in the mountains, and some ants of Jerusalem: believe in Jehovah
involved such reversals of the then-pres- new waterfalls have been discovered. your, God, so shall ye be established;
The State governor and a party of believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper."
•ent methods that some men were stag-
gered. Others pronounced the instruc- gentlemen made a trip a few days ago
tion utterly impractical, and others said to view the scenery. Many other parties
it would be even ruinous to the work of are also making this trip. In order to Give the Warning
get to this place, they have to pass right
God, if followed. Some have lived long
by our factory; and when they come
IT is the solemn duty of the servants
enough; however, to see that God is of God to warn the wicked of the evil
wiser than men, and that to obey his across a place like ours in the midst of
of his way, to warn men of dangers
counsel is indeed very prudent. heavily timbered country, it causes no
which they may foresee, to warn the un-
Very important instruction was also small amount of surprise.
ruly that they may yield obedience to
given concerning the Australasian field. " While the governor was going
through, he at once pulled up, and the precepts of the Lord, and to warn
It was pointed out that they were not to the careless of the approach of the sword
follow precedents, as to manner and wanted to see what was going on here,
and asked to be shown through. Many which shall devour the unwary, to warn
methods of labor in America, but that the faithless and disobedient to flee from
it was God's design to make Australia a other notable persons have also in like
manner been attracted to this place, and the wrath to come.
training-center for workers in that part It is not enough to say soft words, and
of the field. The school work and pub- thus we have been brought into contact
with classes of people who hitherto did prophesy smooth things, and sing pleas-
lishing interests were to be cast in en- ant songs, and cry, " Peace, peace," when
tirely new molds. Some men there saw not even know of our existence, or if
they did, thought we were some little there is no peace. The solemn warning
no light in this instruction; but faithful of God must be given, and if men neg-
ones were found who, through faith, body of fanatics who kept Sunday on
Saturday. , When they come and see an lect it, it must be at their peril. They
obeyed the Lord. As a result, marvel- must he left without excuse, and - no
ous prosperity has attended every branch up-to-date printing plant, and inspect our
literature, and, as they do almost in- man should be allowed to sink into the
of the work there, not because certain abyss of darkness without a `faithful
select men were connected with it, but variably, purchase some of it, they go
away with a very different opinion. warning of his danger.
because God's own plows were being If perdition is a dream, then men
followed. " We were told over and over again
by those who were opposed to the idea may be allowed to dream their way on
In a letter written by Brother Ander-
of going into the country, that we would thither. If the damnation of hell is a
son, editor of the Australasian Signs, to
he buried, and would not be able to do fable and a phantom, then we may al-
one of the brethren associated with the
any missionary work whatever in a wild, low persons to go on unwarned and un-
Mission Board, is such a striking illus-
ont-of-the-way place such as we had admonished; but if there are stern and
tration of what it has meant to the pub-
chosen. But the reverse has been the terrible realities before us, if there is a
lishing work implicitly to follow God's
instruction, that we take the liberty of case. Instead of being buried in the doom which is the second death, then
quoting from his letter. He says : — country, we are actually in a place where those who perceive the danger, who see
" You will be glad to know that our more people are brought into direct con- the sword coming, are bound by the most
office here is just flooded with work. tact with our work every week than solemn obligations to warn the wicked
As you have heard frequently, we do hitherto came in contact with it in a of the error and danger of his way.
not cater for commercial work in our year. I think if the exact figures could Let every man of God realize his re-
Warburton office. To give you some be ascertained, we should find that this sponsibility. Let him hold fast the faith-
idea of how our business has increased, statement, strange as it seems, is very ful word which God has spoken. Let
will say that one year ago we thought much under the, mark. him put away his own, wisdom and his
that two presses would be all that we " Never in my connection with the own words, and testify and repeat what
should require to cope with our own work have I seen so much interest mani- jst has said, and warn men to be-
denominational work. We find that we fested by the general public in any of our ware, lest in their carelessness and pre-
can keep five going, and even then very institutions. Several references have been sumption, they meet an awful doom,
frequently have to labor overtime for made to our plant by the large metro- from which there will be no way of
weeks together. Our difficulty is not politan daily papers, and they have sent escape.— Selected.

husband, to be able to cook a good plain
meal, and to arrange it upon the table in
a neat, inviting manner. The art of ma-
king good bread, from both bolted and
unbolted flour, should be mastered by
every woman before she becomes a wife.
The husband fed upon griddle-cakes,
sour bread, and poorly cooked, highly
seasoned food is liable to partake of the
nature of the food he eats; and when
day after day he goes home to an untidy,
Cheerfulness sacred are now trusted to her keeping. disorderly house, where only fretting and
As bright as are sun-rays through cloud- Will she prove faithful to the trust re- complaining greet his ear, is it any won-
rifts, posed in her? Will her realm be a der that he turns from such a home to
As welcome as flowers in May, peaceful one, or will anarchy prevail? seek scenes more cheerful? A woman's
As fair as a clear, golden sunset No woman should marry without ask- best and grandest energies should center
At the close of a dark, rainy day, ing herself a few heart-searching ques-
Unto hearts that are fainting and weary, in her home. This field should be the
tions. Does she truly love the one who first to be cultivated, before going very
Unto feet that are slow in life's race, asks her to go with him to the marriage
Are the words of a glad, cheerful spirit, far to help others. Be faithful in the
altar? Can she be a true wife, a real home duties first; then reach out the
Or the smiles of a bright, cheerful
face. blessing to him who would lift her to his helping hand to others.
heart throne ? Can and will she be true Woman has her divinely appointed
Then speak not the words of repining, to him " through better or worse "? Can work, her place to fill in God's plan; and
Though oft to the lips they arise; she cherish and comfort him until death one of her divinely appointed offices is
Proclaim that the sun is still shining, severs the tie? These are a few of the that of motherhood. But motherhood
When his light is not seen in our skies. questions every woman should put to her should never be ,forced upon any woman
To your own heart and other hearts inmost soul before she consents to be-
round you without her consent. She should have
come a wife. the privilege of deciding for herself.
Keep singing a joyous refrain, The relation existing between husband
For the sweetest of songs that e'er found No true husband will go contrary to the
you and wife is the most sacred of all earthly ' mind of. the wife in this matter. Many
Was the bird-song you heard through relations. Love is the first essential in women are not physically able to become
the rain. this relation, and faithfulness is one of mothers, and should not be compelled to.
the chiefest of wifely duties. By love In Eph. 5 : 22-24 we read these words:
Ah, the long, dusty highway grows and faithfulness she may make her hus- " Wives, submit yourselves unto your
weary band's life purer, stronger, grander, and
To thousands of worn, marching feet, husbands, as unto the Lord. For the
she who fails here fails in one of the husband is the head of the wife, even as
But they change to the steps of the most important duties of life.
victor, Christ is the head of the church. . . .
When music comes down the long Remember, dear reader, I am writing Therefore as the church is subject unto
street. of the home as God would have it be, Christ, so let the wives be to their
Fling out, then, the spirit's own music, as he intended it should be, not as it own husbands in everything." Again:
To comfort, to lift, and to bless, really exists to-day or has existed since " Wives submit yourselves unto your
And march to the jubilant measures the purity of the Eden home was lost. own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord."
Of the chorus of Cheerfulness. There are few if any ideal homes in the " Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to
— Anna R. Henderson. world at the present time; but few hus- your own husbands; that, if any obey
bands and wives who measure up to the not the word, they also may without the
standard of the Word of God. Sad, sad word be won by the conversation of the
The Wife as a Home Maker indeed it is that so many homes are wives." " Even as Sarah obeyed Abra-
" HOMES," says a writer, " are the darkened by sin that should be heavens ham, calling him lord." Col. 3: 18: I
springs among the hills, whose many of peace and joy in this sin-cursed earth. Peter 3: I, 6. Let no husband conclude
streamlets form, like great rivers, so- The Bible portrays the model wife. that in these divine commands there is
ciety, the community, the nation, the You will find her sketched in Proverbs the least license granted him to be tyran-
church. If the springs run low, the• 31. She is here set before us with all nical or unjust. The wife is only to
river wastes; if they pour out bounteous the virtues needful for her exalted sta- submit as is fit in the Lord. The hus-
currents-, the rivers are full. Homes are tion. " The heart of her husband doth band who fills his part of the divine
divinely ordained." safely trust in her. . . . She will do him command, and loves his wife as his own
One person alone can not make a home good and not evil all the days of her body, yea, even as Christ loved the
what it ought to be. Each member of life." " Her price is far above rubies." church, giving himself for it, will ask
the family, the husband, the wife, the Prov. 31: II, 12, IO. " She is a crown nothing of his wife but what is right,
son, the daughter, must have a part in to her husband." Prov. 12 : 4. nothing to which she will not be willing
the home making. As in music when The virtuous woman is set forth as to yield cheerful obedience. If the hus-
all the parts are combined we have per- her husband's gem of many virtues. She band first fails in fulfilling his part, ought
fect harmony, but if one part fails the is the guardian of his interests, her he to expect more of his wife than of
harmony is broken and the effect des- economy is his safe steward; for she will himself ?
troyed, so in the home life. When each make his interests her own, and will
Certainly the marriage relation, when
is faithful, doing his allotted part lov- exercise economy and carefulness in the
both husband and wife are faithful to
ingly, the harmony is sweet and sacred; family expenditure. From her lips sweet
all the commands of God, is a most
but if any member fails in love or duty, words of counsel and encouragement
happy state. That much depends upon
the harmony is marred. I will endeavor, should fall, and her prayers should daily
the wife and mother I freely admit. I
from a Bible standpoint, to speak of the ascend for heaven's blessings upon him.
think I may truthfully say she is the
wife's part in making a happy home. There is need of solid foundation upon
home maker; for if she is a sweet, pa-
When a good and noble man chooses which to build the home structure ; that
tient woman, it is her presence which
from among his 'acquaintances one to foundation I will call good housekeeping.
The lover may exist upon smiles and makes the home. The space within the
be his wife, he raises her to a position of
honor, of dignity. She is now a queen, caresses, but the husband desires more walls of the dwelling you inhabit, does
over a small realm to be sure, but a substantial food, in the shape of good not of itself make a home. Home,
queen, nevertheless. In her hand is bread and other well-cooked viands. whether the palace of the millionaire or
placed a scepter of power, which she will Every girl before she marries, ought, as the cottage of the poor man, is made by
wield for good or ill. Destinies most she values the love and respect of her the sweet spirit of love and contentment

that dwells there. Where these elements you expect them to bring you spotless, soon departs. Bickerings arise, recrim-
exist, with the love of God in the heart, high-minded girls. In receiving them inations follow; and one of the pair goes
there you will find the true home. how can you think it honorable to give across the State line to get permission
Let no wife who reads these lines look less in return than spotless, high-minded to break the sacred union. How can
upon her home duties as of little ac- boys ?— The Christian. there be any home life among our rich
count, but rather let her look to God for people, with one house in the country,
strength to be a more faithful wife, a another in town, and two months in
more patient, tender mother. May no The Sky That Went Along Florida between? And as if this were
mother belittle the work of home ma- DEATH had taken the father, and the not bad enough, they take their children
king; rather let her realize the greatness mother with her little boy was leaving abroad for some years. I have lived in
of her work, and that from her home is the old home. They had walked a long Paris and watched the effect of these
going out an influence far-reaching for and weary way. The dear familiar European sojourns; and I know whereof
good or ill. Satan is seeking in these last sights had long been left behind, and I speak, when I say that they are had for
days to demoralize the homes, and to they were amid new and strange sur- our sons, and still worse for our daugh-
make wives and mothers dissatisfied and roundings. Suddenly the boy looked up ters. They come back having lost all
restless, forgetful of the sacredness of and noticed that the sky was the same, idea of love of home life, and happy only
their 'duties. May God help every wife the 'same lovely blue, the same fleecy when counting the days before they re-
and mother to seek to do her home work clouds. " Mania," he exclaimed, " the turn to their beloved Europe. When this
as unto the Lord," to feel the sacred- sky goes along with us ! " family life is destroyed, the church has
ness of the mother's calling.—Mrs. M. C. Happy little philosopher ! Constantly lost its chief ally.— C. S. Robinson.
Du Bois. in life's journey are we leaving familiar
scenes and associations behind us. Well
for us that God's overarching sky, with Teaching the Children to Help
Take Care of the Boys its blue canopy by day and starlit dome
YES, fathers and mothers, it is your by night, goes along with us. And there A WRITER in Housewife says : " Many
boys who need your most thoughtful is so much of it. mothers, overworked and longing for
care. It seems to be instinctive with There was another boy, born in the relief, do not realize that at hand they
parents to shield their girls from the slums of a great city, his home a dark have a large reserve force of unskilled,
sight or the sound of sinful things. room in a tenement-house in a narrow but willing and affectionate labor. The
What mother would rest if, when eve- little ones who add so largely to our
alley. It was not his to know the green
ning comes, her little daughter were at fields, the daisies in the meadow, the duties are the very ones who, if directed
large in the street, frequenting the vil- cool brooks, or the whispering trees. rightly, will spring to our relief and ease
lage store, or hanging about the door Even the sky was to him a tiny patch the heat and burden of our day wonder-
of a drinking-saloon? How many times seen through the encroaching fronts of fully. It is the step, step' about the
is the son, only a ten-year-old, away housework that is so fatiguing; the
rickety houses in a dingy street. One
from the sight and sound of the mother larger tasks, gone systematically about,
day, through some kind providence, the
at nightfall, breathing in a worse ma- are not so exhausting; but the various
boy found himself in " God's out of
laria than that from stagnant pools, little, uncounted things which, if not
doors." With shining face and wide-
from the rude talk of older boys, or of done, show so blackly on a background
open eyes he cried out, " Why, how much
coarse vulgar men? of otherwise good housekeeping, and the
sky there is ! " Yes, there is a great deal
Outgrow it, will they? Do they? doing or not doing of these is what
of sky for those who will look up.—
Now and then a boy poisoned in child- tries our nerves and our tempers. With-
hood by vicious associates does live out in the least overworking the child,
down the poison, and comes out a clean, its little hands and feet can yet be made
pure man; hut look over any community The Decay of Family Life of great help to us, and even a very
in search of the young men without THE family is a divine institution young child will save many steps if prop-
guile, whose souls and bodies are clean, founded by God and hedged in by his erly set about it. The tiny feet must
and are they the rule or the exception? laws. To-day, however, its religious trot, and they will cross the room many
Scrutinize the sisters of these same significance is largely lost sight of, and times joyously if the little one can feel
young men, and do you expect to find both before and after marriage, conve- that he is working for mama."— Se-
the spotless among them the rule or the nience is the principle that regulates lected.
exception? It is the curse of the world everything. Christ's teaching on the sub-
that its boys are cherished less sacredly ject of divorce was plain; but when it is
proclaimed from the pulpit now, the A Real Home
than its girls, that they whose tempta-
tions to physical vices are strongest, have hearer goes his way and says, "-Our I NEVER saw a garment too fine for a
the least done to fortify them against minister thinks thus about divorce," as man or maid; there never was a chair
evil. if it were merely an individual opinion too good for a cobbler or a cooper or a
Do not say that because of the differ- and could be disregarded. The old ro- king to sit in; never a house too fine to
ence in their natures, boys and girls can mance and sanctity that lay about the shelter the human head. But do we not
not he trained by the same standard of home has been largely destroyed by what value these tools a little more than they
morality. It is a base libel upon man- we call increasing civilization. When are worth, and sometimes mortgage a
hood, fostered so long in the world that I was a 'boy, I used to declaim the stir- house for the mahogany we bring into
it has come almost to be believed. If ring lines, " Strike for your altars and it? I had rather eat my dinner off the
boys have greater temptations, so have your fires; strike for the green graves head of a barrel, or dress after the
they stronger powers, were they only of your sires." But now the altars and fashion of John the Baptist in the wilder-
cultivated. But too often they are fires are register-holes in the wall, and ness, or sit on a block all my life, than
wholly neglected. Do not trust to the the green graves of the sires are vaults consume all myself before I got to a
future to bring your boys out right, for of stone made to look as much like small home, and take so much pains with the
it will almost certainly bring them out palaces as wealth can make them ; and outside that the inside was as hollow as
scarred. Neither trust to their being nobody would care to fight for • either. an empty nut. Beauty is a great thing,
above temptation. Know always where I saw the other day a motto, " God Bless but beauty of garment, house, and furni-
they are, and what are their inmost Our Flat; " that was all that there was ture are tawdry ornaments compared
thoughts; and this, not by prying, tyran- left of the home. I do not oppose the with
i domestic love. All the elegance in
nical oversight of their movements, but flat system; but I say that anything that Ate world will not make a home, and I
by such a loving, yearning interest for breaks up the home feeling aims a blow would give more for a spoonful of real
their well-being that they love to open at the morals of the family. When the hearty love than for whole ship-loads of
their souls to you. Some day these boys romance and sacredness of home is gone, furniture and all the gorgeousness the
of yours will be seeking out mates, and then it seems as if even decency very world can gather.— 0. W. Holmes.

questions similar to these. They will

not ask about sisters, for girls are of
no account.
Our home is on a hill, away from the
impure air. It is a pleasant location.
From here we can see as many as twenty
villages. These are different from those
at home. The houses are very close
Report of the Welsh Mission, Much patience has been manifested together. A village may not take in any
throughout our companies ; for we have more room than one of our large camp-
for 1906 not been able to visit them as much as meeting grounds at home, and still have
W. H. MEREDITH we would have liked. God watches the a population of from one thousand to
DURING the past year we have prayed faithful work done by the lay brethren, fifteen hundred. The houses are built
that the spiritual life of our people and he will grant the reward by and by. of clay, are about eight feet high, and
might be quickened, and we are glad Since last July Brother and Sister have straw-covered. roofs. They usually
to see indications that our prayers are Bailey have labored in connection with have a small kitchen and two other
being answered. And though our our Bible van. The Lord has blessed rooms, each room eight feet square.
growth has not been so great as we their efforts, and all the good accom- Churches, post-office, and'other buildings
-would have liked, yet there are signs plished will be revealed only when the can not he distinguished from the dwell-
of an earnest awakening to the stern records of heaven are opened. Up to ings or from one another.
realities of our day. Was there ever a Dec. 31, 1906, they had sold two hundred We have a very nice little 'company of
year so full of the signs that mark the and twenty copies of " Our Paradise believers in Sunan. The first meeting
end, as the year just closed? We think Home," thirty-five of " Great Contro- I attended seemed strange. The men
not; and as our eyes are opened to see versy," twenty-seven of " Christ Our enter through one door, the women
-these things, our souls are stirred with Saviour," and many others. In addition, by another. All take off their shoes
a desire to hasten on the work which they sold 1,312 tracts and pamphlets. A before entering, and are seated on the
must be finished before the trumpet shall large number of meetings were held floor. The men keep on their hats. We
sound, heralding the coming King, and from the van platform, also in the homes women can not see the speaker, because
we desire above all else to haVe a part of the people, and a few times in the a curtain is drawn in front of us. Ac-
in carrying it to those who are now in chapels and schoolrooms in the neighbor- cording to the custom of this country,
darkness. hood. Several have become deeply in- women are not allowed to be in the same
At Cardiff the Lord has blessed us terested in the truth, and one lady is room with the men. They have been
with precious fruit, for which we thank rejoicing in it, as a result of the van kept down in every way, and there is
him. Sixteen have been baptized there, work. The increase of membership dur- great need of workers to labor among
several have been added by vote, and ing the last year has not been large. them.
there are still a number who are expect- Forty-one were baptized during 1906. Perhaps it would be interesting to
ing to unite with the church soon. We rejoice in the signs that indicate know how I try to put into practise what
Since our last annual meeting we have plainly that the Lord is coming soon. I learn of the language. All I have to
organized a church at Blaenavon, which We are still ready to " spend and be do is to go for a walk through the vil-
also includes the company from Aber- spent " in this blessed work. To us lage. First the dogs begin to bark;
gavenny. There are indications that there is nothing else worth working for every family has a dog. 'I soon found
others will come to swell their numbers — no other work worthy of our atten- that if I turned around,, they would run,
in the near future. tion. and act as if they were afraid of a for-
The company at Aberdare has grown eigner. Next, one will have several
under the fostering care of Brother and -dozen children following, and 'often
Sister Buchman, and has been added to Korea women. The latter will begin to ask
:the church at Pontypridd. MIMI SCHARFFENBERG questions. I answer what I know, and
In the district where Brethren Rodd, THE trip from America to Japan was when I do not know, they go through
'Carscallen, and Shafer, and Sister a very pleasant one. From Japan we various performances to try to make me
Swann have labored, the work has gone went across the Korean Strait on a understand. Several times I have been
hard, and would often have discouraged Japanese boat. In the hallway of the invited to come into their homes. After
the workers had they not known that ship we had to take off our shoes. Many being seated — on the floor — they will
-they had done what they could. • How- sleep in one room, on the floor. try to find out what I have learned, and
•ever, a few souls have taken their stand Landing in Fusan, Korea, we took do their best to teach me something
for the truth, and are filled with zeal to the train to Sunan. But in this country more; I enjoy this very much, for it
carry the precious seed to others. trains run only during the day, and at gives me an opportunity to get ac-
Throughout the field strong efforts have night we had various experiences in get- quainted with their customs little by
been made by the enemy to keep the peo- ting a lodging. little.
ple from hearing. Again and again This is a very hilly country, and it They all have black hair, and seem-
the canvasser has been repulsed, and seemed strange at first to see the long ingly can not understand why mine is
-has been told that the people are being rows of people, dressed in white, coming light. They wanted to know if it was
instructed by their pastors not to buy down the hills, and finally to find our- my own ; so one day I had to take it
our literature. Thank God, they can do selves right among them. It is the cus- down for them to pull at, to satisfy
nothing against the truth. It will with- tom for both men and women to dress them that it would not come off.
stand all the fiery darts of the enemy. in white. In their homes they have no kind of
We heartily welcome Brother Pen- As soon as we reached Sunan, the furniture. All I have seen is what we
rose, of Pembroke. • The Lord blessed Koreans came in great numbers to visit might call a trunk, in which they keep
his soul with the truth, and enabled him us. Elder Smith and wife and myself their clothes. The floors are covered
to preach it to his flock,— the members are the only foreigners in this city. The, with straw matting, on which they also
of the Martletwy Baptist church,— and natives will not knock at the door, but sleep.
a few good souls have decided to walk in open it, and walk right in, and seemingly The more I am among them, the more
the path of truth, amid great trial and do as if they were at home. The women I see their great need. I am very thank-
tribulation. almost always go out visiting in bands. ful that the Lord has sent me here, and
We would like to bear testimony to From ten to thirty have come here, at my whole desire is that I may learn the
the faithfulness of our church leaders, one time. They usually have a routine language, so I shall be able to tell them
and all who have in any way helped to of questions to ask, such as, " What is of the love of Jesus, and the great and
hold together what has been gathered, your name ? " " How old are you? " precious truths that have been com-
as well as endeavored to reach others. " Have you an elder brother? " and other mitted to us. Since being here I have

thought that if our people at home could placed in newspapers such insertions as Twenty-nine million people, speaking
but see the conditions here, they would this : " Such as would like to seek for five or six different languages, must be
never feel like shirking their part in this religious truth, and gain information warned in this land; and after the truth
work. None could or would wish to be with reference to the signs of the times has gone to all the world, " then shall
idle. and coming events, are invited to confi- the end come."
dentially apply to " One gentleman Vienna.
wrote in reply: " I would like to find
Breaking Ground in Austria peace for my troubled heart." Another
JOHN WOLFGARTEN wrote: " It is very hard to seek for the Fat Shan, China
AT the time of the last conference in true faith among the many opinions and LAW KEEM, M. D.
Friedensau, it was voted that we make confessions of to-day. The Christian IT has been nearly a year and a half
Austria our field of labor, and we ac- faith has so changed that it contradicts since we came to China. The Lord has
cepted the call in faith, believing it to be itself, and one finds no comfort in it; one kept us through dangers seen and unseen,
of God. In September we and many have been his
took up our abode in Vienna, blessings. We are thankful
the capital of Austria, where to be here and have a part
the Lord helped us in finding in his great closing work.
a suitable dwelling, although The greater portion of this
we had arrived in rather an time we have spent in Can-
unfavorable time to choose ton; this has enabled my
a good house. Shortly after wife to get a good start on
getting well settled in our the language, and has given
new quarters, I went to me an opportunity to study
Prague, to cast out the gos- the field and find a good lo-
pel net there for a few cation for the work. After
months. In December Breth- visiting several places, we
ren Conradi and Boettcher decided to locate in Fat
visited us, and the little com- Shan, a city of nearly one
pany of believers w a s million inhabitants. This
strengthened by their pres- city is ten miles from Can-
ence, and several were bap- ton, and is connected with
tized, while three or four that place by railway.
others expressed their desire After deciding to settle
to follow later. here. I looked for several
Unfortunately, we have no months before finding a suit-
freedom in this land,— at able dwelling, as house-hunt-
least not such liberty as we ing is no easy task in China.
enjoy in the greater portion We found one at last, with
of Germany,— and yet our the help of a friend, and
work must be done. If one after making needed repairs,
plan does not succeed, we we moved in, the tenth of
must try another way to at- last December.
tain our object, and keep on Before our chapel was
trying until our effort is ready, we held services each
crowned with success. The Sabbath in our sitting-room,
laws of this land are so and invited a few persons to
formed, as far as religious come. The first Sabbath ten
liberty is concerned, as to be came.
of advantage only to the I have visited among the
Romanist, and therefore the people, and find them very
spiritual darkness is so great friendly toward our work.
that it can be broken only We have also had many
through the third angel's visits from members of the
message. Liberty of speech London and Wesleyan Mis-
we do not enjoy, for we sions. Some are inquiring
can not come freely together and is in continual unrest." A lady wrote: already about the Sabbath and other
speak of God's Word ; the colporteur " I am much interested in what you say points of our faith. One minister espe-
dares not scatter the printed page, for with reference to the future. Have you cially is in earnest. He has accepted the
that is forbidden; we do not have the possibly read the Revelation of St. John? Sabbath, and is trying now to gain his
liberty even to give away our litera- It appears to me that the world must father and mother also. He wishes to
ture, to say nothing of attempting to soon come to an end." Yet another: join us, but greatly desires his whole
sell it; and yet the Lord opens av- " 0, I would like so very much to know family to accept the truth with him.
enues through which we may circulate what truth is, but I can not imagine His father is also a minister. We are
our tracts and periodicals and books what it can be ! I plead for the truth. praying that he will take his stand firmly
among the people. Hasten, hasten ! " Another : " Our for the truth. Opposition against the
We now have Bible studies with some Christianity of to-day is altogether too work only creates a desire to learn more
interested persons, right in our own superficial, and mostly outward formal- of what we believe.
home. Not long ago we had the joy of ities." To-day (February 4) we held our first
seeing a young Rumanian baptized. His These replies speak for themselves. I service in the chapel, with fourteen in
uncle is minister of justice in Rumania; correspond with these persons, and send attendance, one being a Wesleyan min-
and now the young man, who came to them our publications through Hamburg. ister. With this exception, they have
us from the Greek Catholic Church, is The Lord certainly has a people here net attended church services before, and,
in the Friedensau School, preparing him- also, that will answer the call, " Come consequently, know little or nothing of
self to carry the message to the people out of her," as soon as the call reaches church etiquette. They talked out loud.
of his own land. them. The women compared their clothes with
That I might get in touch with people We feel happy to be found doing what those of my wife, making all comments
in various cities, who are interested in we can for the Master in this difficult aloud. One young man called out to
the genuine gospel of Christ, I have field. Our responsibility is great. them that it was not good to talk out

loud — of course forgetting what he him- ing. old gentleman, and walks as briskly late country around, seems like a minia-
self was doing. When we sang, they as I can. It did me a great deal of good ture Eden.
all tried to sing, too. I talked to them to meet him. Of course I shall write On my visit to one of the large dia-
about Christ and his soon coming, and to him, and send him some of our pa- mond mines, I was profoundly impressed
cn the whole, they paid very good at- pers and books, as he is well educated by the great amount of work and ex-
tention. • in English, as well as in Chinese, and pense incurred in mining and hoisting
The men looked up each text. Some- can read anything I could send him. tons upon tons of earth and passing it
times I had to stop talking, to find a Perhaps the Lcrd will have a follower through various processes and scores of
text for some one. Some seemed to lis- in the courts of China's palace some machines, to get a few jewels. This
ten with real interest. The Lord grant time. All things are possible with him. diamond-mining business has reached
that I may be able to give them the We are of the best courage, and trust such a degree of perfection through the
plain, definite message, and that it may in the near future to have something scientific machinery and methods em-
find good soil in some hearts, and take much better to write than heretofore. ployed that not one single jewel goes
root, bearing fruit to his glory. out with the waste, even though it is no
Through the kindness of the San Fran- larger than a small pin-head. The anal-
cisco church, and a brother, we have a The Kimberley Diamond Fields ogy between the true Christian and the
good organ. This is a great attraction, G. A. IRWIN diamond itself and the necessary meth-
as well as a help in the singing. Our KIMBERLEY contains a population of ods employed to release it from the rock
chapel will seat sixty persons com- 34,260. It is the center of the diamond and clay in which it is embedded, is so
fortably. fields of South Africa, and the diamond- striking that I can not forbear giving
We have done very little medical work mining industry is what has made and some facts and details that will make
so far, for lack of a place; but we are still keeps it one of the most prosperous the analogy clear to the reader.
getting the bath-room and dispensary towns in all South Africa. In December, In the first place, the diamond is
ready for earnest work as soon as I re- 1905, there were 17,26o natives and 3,192 formed by intense heat and pressure.
turn from the Shanghai meeting. We Europeans employed in the Kimberley In some instances the pressure has
have two earnest young men who will mines. All the mines in and about thrown the diamonds to the surface of
take up the nurses' work on my return, Kimberley were, in the days of Cecil the earth, where they may be found in
one coming from Amoy. My wife has Rhodes, consolidated into what is now gravel and sand-banks, and in river beds.
more invitations than she can respond to known as the DeBeers Mining Com- But the greatest number are found deep
for visits among the women. We are, pany." This company owns and con- down in the earth, imbedded in rock and
sure the Lord called us to this place, and trols not only the mines now open, but tough, bluish clay surrounding the hole
we see many evidences of it already. thousands of acres of land at present that gave vent to the intense heat and
On my way from Hongkong last lying waste. A very large proportion pressure that formed the diamond, and
week, I had the good fortune to meet of the property in the city itself is under gave it its hardness and luster. This
Mr. Wu Ting Fang, ex-ambassador to their control in some degree. The rights rock and clay is dug out with pick and
the United States, who returned to China and privileges of the company seem to shovel, and elevated to the surface by
not long since. He is over sixty years have scarcely any limit. Yet notwith- means of lifts, and dropped into small
of age. He inquired where I came from, standing all this, the directors of the cars, which are hauled out to what is
etc. On learning that I was a physician, company pursue a liberal course, both known as the farm, or floor, where it is
graduated in the States, he said, " Well, toward the town and toward its own dumped from the cars onto the ground.
you fellows are behind the times. Now- employees. Thousands of acres are thus covered
adays the best-read men do not use much For the double purpose of protecting from one to two feet deep. In this con-
medicine. They depend more on ra- both themselves and the natives they dition it is allowed to remain for months,
tional methods, diet, and nature. Just employ, the company has gone to the exposed to the sun, rain, and other at-
look at me — over sixty years old. I expense of building and properly equip- mospheric conditions. The whole mass
do not eat flesh foods, or use any medi- ping large compounds. Each of these is stirred at intervals, so as to expose all
cine. I live on vegetables, grains, and compounds encloses several acres of parts to the sun and air. This is done in
nuts. I take a cold bath every morning, land, and has rooming capacity for from order that the action of the elements
and walk several miles before breakfast. one thousand to three thousand natives. may pulverize, or so change the nature
Why, I feel as hale and hearty as a Each contains within its limits a store, of this tough, rocky clay, that in the
young fellow, and believe 'I can live to stocked with provisions, clothing, etc. grinding and various other processes to 41
be over one hundred years old. These supplies are sold to the employees which it is submitted later, the particles
" A few years ago, while in America, on the same margin of profit as is will separate and release the diamonds,
I had the rheumatism, with my joints charged by the outside dealer. and make it possible, through a multi-
swollen and sore. I heard that a flesh In addition to the store, there is a plicity of stirrings, washings, shakings,
diet caused it, by forming uric acid in large, light, and neatly kept hospital for and siftings, to obtain every genuine
the system, and I quit eating meat. Now the accommodation of the sick and diamond contained in the clay thus
I have no rheumatism •nor anything. wounded. A physician and a medical manipulated. The last shaking and sift-
All medicine went with the meat. I do matron, who give their whole time to ing machine, over which the diamonds
not go to these big feasts, either — I this work, are supplied by the company. and small pebbles of a similar size and
have no use for such nonsense." In case an employee loses a limb while weight are carried by the shaking of the
I told him we were of the same belief doing his duty, the company pays for machine, and the constant flow of a
on these points; that I, too, did not use an artificial limb. stream of water, is covered with a kind
flesh foods, and used very little medicine For, its officers and white employees, of grease that catches and holds every
in my practise, treating more with hydro- the company built upon its own land diamond, while the pebbles and some
therapy. " 0, is that so? Well, now, a beautiful suburb to the city, known as small stones, which look like diamonds,
you must teach this to the people here. Kenilworth. Large public vineyards and are carried• on by the shaking and wash-
Teach them physiology, and how to take orchards were also planted. Hundreds ing, and are borne away by the lift,
better care of themselves; that's what of nice brick cottages were erected on and deposited in one of the great piles
'I want." commodious lots, which were planted to of waste that have accumulated around
He asked me to what denomination I fruit and ornamental trees. Schoolhouses, each mine, resembling the foot-hills
belonged, also where I was located. He churches, and other public buildings around some gigantic mountain peak.
took my address, and wished to corre- were built; in fact, everything necessary It is the golden oil that flows from the
spond with me. This man holds high for comfort, convenience, and the pleas- two olive-trees through the two golden
positions in the government at Peking, ure of the employees was provided. The pipes that catches and holds the true
yet he is a real Daniel, so far as the trees planted in this large area have Christian in the last shaking, just as the
principles of physical living are con- made a marvelous growth, and this sub- grease catches and holds every real
cerned. He is certainly a healthy-look- urb, in contrast with the bare and deso- diamond as it traverses the last machine.

Just as the smallest diamond is caught a comforting fact to know that while mit to this polishing process, as does
and held by the grease, so, in the mighty God's jewels are scattered here and there the inanimate diamond, the Lord has
sifting that is to take place among God's all over the world, among " every na- said, " And they shall be mine, saith the
people, not the least grain shall fall upon tion, and kindred, and tongue, and peo- Lord of hosts, in that day when I make
the earth. Amos 9: 9. ple," he has provided a scheme, known up my jewels ; and I will spare them, as
I could easily hold in the hollow of as the third angel's message, that will a man spareth his own son that serveth
my hands all the diamonds obtained from bring to the surface, and separate from him."
a day's work of one of the largest mines the mass of rubbish and worldliness in
in Kimberley, yet their value in the which they have been imbedded, all the
rough was estimated by an expert to be hidden jewels; and those on the surface, Mission Notes
six thousand pounds. The amount of or only slightly covered, will be hunted,
or . .fished out, as the Lord has promised Tilts incident is related in a letter
dirt handled in obtaining this handful of
from Elder Babcock, of West Africa:
jewels is beyond my power to describe in Jer. 16: 16: " Behold, I will send for
" A young minister, formerly of the
other than by the use of the word " im- many fishers, saith the Lord, and they
United Brethren Church, visited me, and
shall fish them; and
finally decided in favor of the truth.
after will I send for His wife was much- opposed. A few
many hunters, and they months ago she dreamed of seeing a
shall hunt them from large tent, and people coming to receive
every mountain, and the ' seal' of God. She was unable to
from every hill, and find out just what the ' seal ' was. She
out of the holes of the said that in her dream she could not find
rocks." her husband for some time, but at last
he came, and was ' sealed.' For
a while she would not come to
the meetings in the tent. At
the very first meeting she at-
tended, I spoke on the ' seal,'
and her heart was opened to the
truth. She and her husband
have had experience in mission

mense ! In the beginning of

this mining industry in Kim-
berley, all the work of elevating
the clay to the surface was done
by hand, or by very rude hoist-
ing devices. Yet in this way,
clay and rock sufficient were
removed to leave a hole right in STREET IN KIMBERLEY
the edge of the city eighteen hun-
dred feet deep, and half a mile wide The finding of the
across the top. As I stood upon the diamonds, laborious and
brink, peering into the depths of this expensive though the
great hole, the force of the figure used process is, is not the
in Isa. si: I, 2, came to me with great end of the operation.
vividness : " Harken to me, ye that fol- Before they will shine
low after righteousness, ye that seek the and emit the luster
Lord: look unto the rock whence ye that is in them, they SORTING THE DIAMONDS.
are hewn, and to the hole of the pit must be cut, polished,
whence ye are digged. Look unto Abra- and shaped. So with the Christian. The WILLIAM CAREY, m point of win-
ham your father, and unto Sarah that finding may have cost the sacrifice of someness, was the very opposite of Rob-
bare you: for I called him alone, and men and means, and been accompanied ert Morrison. On Carey's leaving his
blessed him, and increased him." by the tears, prayers, and heartaches of pastorate in Leicester, England, it is
Many of God's jewels of past ages, as the hunters and fishers, yet before he recorded that one of the obstacles pre-
well as in the present generation, have can " shine as the brightness of the sented to his going to India was : " The
been buried very deep in heathenism and firmament " or " as the stars forever and congregation to which Carey had minis-
worldliness. As we stand to-day upon ever," he must be hewed and squared tered was loath to lose the services of
the very brink of eternity, and gaze into by the prophets, that he may be fitted their pastor; and so Thomas and Sut-
the dark pit of sin whence we have been for a place in the spiritual temple that cliff had to visit Leicester to, conciliate
digged, we can see that it has been God is erecting of human beings, who, as his hearers. With many heart pangs his
alone by the mercy, goodness, and bless- living stones, " polished after the simili- congregation consented to the severance,
ing of God that we have been rescued tude of a palace," are to be the out- a sense of duty prevailing. ' We have
from such conditions and surroundings, shining of his. glory. " The trials of life been praying,' said one of the members,
and brought thus far on our journey. are God's workmen, to remove impurities ' for the spread of Christ's kingdom
In comparison with the multitudes of and roughness from our character. among the heathen, and now God re-
people by whom they have been sur- Their hewing, squaring, and chiseling, quires us to make the first sacrifice to
rounded, God's true people have always their burnishing and polishing, is a pain- accomplish it.' And upon their pastor's
been few in number. In this last genera- ful process; it is hard to be pressed down leaving, they made an entry in their
tion they are spoken of by our Saviour to the grinding wheel. But the stone
church book, so that his love to his poor
as " a little flock." The number that will is brought forth prepared to fill its place
miserable fellow creatures might be put
be redeemed from the earth through in the heavenly temple. Upon no useless
obedience to the principles and teachings material does the Master bestow such cn 'record; at the same time stating that
of the third angel's message will be in careful, thorough work. Only his pre- while they concurred with him, it was
comparison to the population of the cious stones are polished after the simil- at the expense of losing one whom they
world as one to eleven thousand. It is itude of a palace," Of those who sub- loved as their own souls."

beautiful shrubbery. He died in Jan-

uary, 1906. As his estate had to be set-
tled, it came into market, and was sold
to us at a greatly reduced price.
The cost of the premises, including
ten acres of beautiful land, the fine resi-
dence, shrubbery, etc., was $12,732.
There has been expended on the build-
ing, on the addition and improvements,
Forward Movement with Our " Mr. Williams introduced the Signs the sum of $20,145. The addition is a
of the Times in this section about twelve wing thirty-four by seventy feet, three
Pioneer Missionary Paper months ago ; and where it is read, it stories high above, the basement. The
THE special campaign inaugurated in has a wonderful awakening effect upon institution is now approaching com-
behalf of our pioneer missionary paper, the people. Enclosed 'I send one dollar pletion. The basement of the addition
the Signs of the Times, is meeting with to continue the paper." is high, with plenty of light, and has
grand success. On one day, May 1, over Our ministers are also taking an ac- been made mainly into nice bath-rooms
fifteen hundred subscriptions were re- tive part in this work, as may be seen for both sexes. These are all finished,
ceived, and scores of letters expressing from the following letter, which is only with perhaps the exception of a little
hearty approval of the special series, and one of many received : — paint. The two lower stories of the ad-
promising orders later on. " Find enclosed draft for eighteen dol- dition, consisting of rooms for the pa-
The increase in the subscription list lars and post-office order for four dollars, tients, are finished in neat, plain style,
for the week ending May I was 5,151 for which please send to Mrs. A. P. ready for occupancy. The upper story
copies, and for the following two weeks Heacock, Little Rock, forty-four copies is ready for the inside finishing. The
10,135, making the total of additional of the Special Signs for six months, roof of the residence building was raised
subscriptions 15,286. We first printed beginning May i. up to correspond with the height of the
forty thousand copies of the first number We handled the Signs work in St. addition, furnishing a fine dining-room,
of the special series, and are having to Joseph, Mo., and are glad to renew our kitchen, etc., on the upper story. In the
order another edition. work with it in this place. wing will be the operating room, and
The pages for the first few numbers " Yours in the truth, other rooms for patients. The elevator
of this series, are electrotyped, so that " A. P. HEACOCK." is already in working order.
copies of the entire series of twenty-six In addition to the special series of The wing has wide verandas, most
special numbers can be furnished to all articles on present truth, particular at- suitable for airings, and comfortable in
who send in their subscriptions on or tention is given to the " Outlook De- pleasant weather. From these verandas,
before June 1. partment," calling attention to current beautiful views are obtained over the
One man emphasized his approval of events, and showing their meaning in the city and surrounding country. Already
the plan by subscribing for seventy-five light of prophecy. patients are coming in and occupying,
copies to be sent to his friends in the Just at present the Peace Conference the furnished rooms. It is expected that
East. The Los Angeles church takes in New York and the coming Peace ' the building will accommodate thirty or
1,257 copies, the San Francisco church Congress at The Hague are attracting thirty-five patients. The work done on
over 1,000 copies, the Pacific Press em- public attention, The Signs is contain- this institution is of good quality, but
ployees 75o copies, and so on. ing reports of the first meeting, by spe- not showy or extravagant.
The Atlantic and Pacific Unions have cial representative, and will have two There have been various hindrances
united with the General Conference in representatives at The Hague. which have delayed the work, and as
sending a club of five hundred to the It is cur purpose to make the Signs usual the building has cost more than
American school-teachers in the Philip- the very best missionary journal in all it was expected it would.
pine Islands. We believe it will be one the world. Will you not join in the great There was a fire in March which des-
of the best investments they. have ever forward move to give thousands more troyed the barn and a cheap building
made. the opportunity of reading it? being used for laundry and bakery.
Churches and individuals in all parts SIGNS OF THE TIMES. These 'buildings being insured, the loss
of the country are ordering clubs for Mountain View, Cal. on them was small ; but •costly finishing
missionary work ; and the number who lumber recently purchased was being
regularly sell large numbers each week temporarily housed in them. This lum-
has more than doubled. Two city work- ber was not insured, which caused a loss
ers write, the first from Kansas City,
The Nashville Sanitarium of about twelve hundred dollars. The
Its Present Condition and Needs
Mo., the other from Los • Angeles, origin of the fire was a great mystery.
Cal.: — THIS institution has occupied the most It probably arose from a defective chim-
" It seems that the longer we work prominent position among the institu- ney.
with the Signs, the greater success we tions that have been receiving funds Nashville is the headquarters of this
have. Last Monday we had wonderful from the gifts of our people in the great Southern field. It is one of the
success. After we have been in a place Southern Union Conference. Of the most influential and important of the
and sold one or two papers, we either $5o,000 appropriated from the $15o.000 Southern cities. It is an educational
have to stop or are treated very kindly. fund for the Southern field, it was to center where many large and wealthy
We feel and know that the Lord is receive $25,000, or about one half of all institutions are located, and we can not
wonderfully blessing cur efforts." coming to this field. Nearly all that consider that an expenditure of twenty-
" I am having blessed experiences in sum has been advanced by the General five thousand dollars is extravagant for
tbis work. I sell one hundred papers, Conference, and has been expended on an institution which is to represent so
and give away one hundred tracts each the building and premises. Doubtless important a branch of our work. Its
clay. The Signs of the Times is a good our people who have been bestowing capacity at the most is thirty-five or
seller. The people seem anxious to hear their means would like to have a full, forty patients, and is that extravagant?
the truth. This work is the pleasure of frank statement of its present conditions The writer can not see that it is.
my life, but 'I am able to work only and prospects. The writer will endeavor There seems to be very hopeful pros-
about five hours a day. If I could work to give this faithfully, in as limited a pects before this institution. The phy-
eight hours, I could sell nearly or quite space as consistent with the facts. sicians of the city manifest a friendly
two hundred a day." As, is generally well known in the feeling toward it, and promise to send
We quote the following from a letter South, the premises are situated about patients. Many patients already have
just received from a person evidently three miles from the State-house, which either written to the physician or told
not of our faith : — is in the heart of the city of Nashville, him personally that •they intend to come
"Dear Editor of the on the Murfreesborough Pike, one of • as soon as possible after it is finished.
Signs of the Times,— the most important roads leading out Large numbers of the Nashville people
" We received yours of recent date. of the city. There is not a more pleasant have been in the habit of visiting such
Yes, you may consider me a subscriber site in the city or outside of it. The institutions in Battle Creek and other
for your paper while I live. I consider building stands on some of the most places. Our meager facilities here in
it the best paper in the United States, elevated land outside of the city. It was the city have been very reasonably pat-
and fully indorse its teachings. It throws the residence of one of the leading pro- ronized, and we hope for a profitable
more light on the prophecies than any fessors of Vanderbilt University, built patronage in the future. It will cer-
other work I have seen. with excellent taste, and surrounded with tainly be a very pleasant, restful place,

out of the smoke and the dust of the city,

with very beautiful surroundings.
Scotland I prayed earnestly that God would give
him what he needed just now, and asked
But, say those of critical mind, " Are EDINBURGH.— Since we arrived in him if he would not pray for himself.
you not in debt ? "— Yes, we are to some Scotland last fall, my time has very The only words he could utter were.
extent. We hope in time to be able to largely been taken up with studies and " God help me, or I perish," in a very
pay these debts by the earning capacity hospital work, preparatory to running broken voice. He arose from his knees
of the institution, and hope then to be no the gauntlet which will enable me to with a new light in his eyes. I told him
longer burdensome upon the charity of practise as a medical missionary in Brit- to tell his mother about it, which he did.
our people. Our people and denomina- ish fields. However, this has not pre- It is needless to say there was rejoicing
tion stand back of this institution in vented us from receiving a few of those in his house that night, as well as ,in
precisely the same way that they do back rich blessings and experiences which heaven. Nearly a month has now passed.
of all our institutions of the same nature. come to those who humbly try to follow The boy has gone steadily onward.
The brethren of the General Conference the Master's 'example in bringing the Every one remarks at the change which
have shown a very kindly and helpful glad tidings of great joy into the hearts has come into his life. His mother is
interest in the institution, and we hope and lives of others. happy, knowing that her son is at home
that we shall never do anything to des- One experience which we had I would reading and studying his Bible, instead
troy their interest in us. like to briefly relate, as perhaps it may of lying drunk in some grog-shop.
We wish to borrow money from some be an encouragement to some one. For None but those who have had the
of our people to help us to pay some several reasons, we felt it our duty to experience can know how happy such
debts, and assist us in furnishing the remove from our lodgings, and engage an experience makes us. We would
institution, so that it can proceed to do quarters at this place. We had been rather be the means in Christ's hands
its noble work for humanity and the settled only a day or two when our land- of leading just such sin-sick souls to the
cause of God. It is now just about pre- lady, who is a Christian, came into our foot of the cross, and of bringing such
pared to enter upon its work of useful- room, with tears in her eyes, and said happiness into the lives of others, than
ness. There is wealth among our peo- she had felt in her heart, ever since we to be the king of this great nation, and
ple; and will not some of these good had been in her house, that the Lord had be without Christ and his love.
Seventh-day Adventists loan us money sent us to her. She told us of her son, H. J. WILLIAMS.
without interest, •
or at a low rate
of interest, and
thus help in the
That Tent-Meeting
good and noble As the season for our tent-meetings is
work before us ? drawing near, it will be in order to make
This institution some suggestions about doing house-to-
has to enter upon house work in connection with such ef-
its work and earn forts. All who have had experience in
its reputation. tent-meeting work know the importance
We ask for it the of keeping every home well supplied with
confidence a n d literature while the meetings are in prog-
assistance that it ress. To do this successfully requires
needs. It is in no small effort, but it always brings
every way loyal gratifying results. To get in touch with
to this cause, and every family in the vicinity, and to keep
is thoroughly in touch with them every day during the
grounded in the meetings, is a very' important matter,
faith of this and one that should never be neglected.
people. Dear It is well for us to bear in mind the fact
friends, stewards SCENE TN EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND that we may never have the privilege of
of t h e Lord's passing that way again ; hence the im-
money, " lend us a hand " and help us who had recently returned from the portance of making a supreme effort to
with loans to carry on this work suc- army a drunkard, and would sell any- warn every soul while the opportunity
cessfully. GEO. I. BUTLER, thing he could get his hands on for a is given. To assist in doing this, I sug-
Pres. Southern Union Conference. drink; in fact, he had gotten about as gest the following plan as being very
low as he could go. She asked if there practical, and one that is almost sure to
was anything we could do for her boy. bring the desired results : —
We told her we would be glad to do all On going into a new place, first ascer-
West Coast, Africa we could for him. tain as nearly as possible the number of
FREETOWN,. SIERRA LEONE.— Ethiopia I had a talk with the boy, who ex- families living within a reasonable ra-
is stretching forth her hands to God. pressed a desire to •be rid of these evil dius of the place of meeting. Then
Ham's sons and daughters are gathering habits, but said he had tried many times . supply yourself with as many •sets of
in crowds to hear the unadulterated without success. The mother promised The Family Bible Teacher as you have
. truths recorded in God's Word, and after to try to keep him in the house for a families in the vicinity. The day you
hearing, they are accepting the same. week. I gave him treatment each day, begin your meeting, begin also the work
Our Heavenly Father has sent me just and succeeded in getting him over the of visiting the people. Make it .a point
in time to assist Brother Babcock in the first few days, which are always the to see that every family is supplied each
day of the meeting with a lesson dealing
work in this part of his vineyard. I am worst in these cases, and got him sober,
with the subject spoken on the previous
glad to say that our tent-meetings are so he could think with a clear brain.
evening, Say, for instance, the subject
largely attended by soldiers and citizens. I asked him into my room one evening,
On the twenty-eighth of February we and told him how he was breaking his of Christ's Second Coming is spoken
baptized seven converts. Three are sol- mother's heart, and that he was ruin- on; the next morning take lesson No. 5
diers, and one is a soldier's wife. These ing his life physically, also his hope of to each home, telling them that it deals
are all Jamaicans. The remaining three eternal life; that the help, we had given with the subject spoken on the previous
him was only temporary, to give him a evening, and urge a careful reading of
are citizens of Freetown.
the lesson. At the same time announce
Our day-school is being held in the clear mind, that he might have an op- the subject for the following evening.
tent. We have on register one hundred portunity to choose the right way; that and invite each family to attend the
the only thing which could save him
pupils. My time is employed in teach- meetings. This method will not only
completely was the power of Christ.
ing, preaching, and holding Bible read- insure the largest possible attendance,
After talking and reading with him
ings in the homes of the people. On for some time, I asked him if he would but has the advantage of making your
Sunday afternoons I hold religious serv- not accept Jesus as his Saviour, who work doubly effective. The following
ice in the military hospital, with the sick could deliver him from this thing and recent testimony from brethren who
soldiers. Knowing that the coming of from all sin. I told him I could heartily adopted this plan will be of interest: —
the Master is at hand, I am trying to do recommend Christ to him as One who " The first few evenings a very fair
audience came out to hear. After the
all I can to prepare my fellow men to would never leave nor forsake him, and
first three meetings the congregation be-
meet him with joy and gladness. who was fully able to keep him from gan to fall away, and about the sixth
TUTU KWAMINA. falling. We got on our knees together. meeting there were only about nine or

ten adults besides those of our own faith. Receipt and Disbursement Statement of the General Conference
We saw that something must be done, for Quarter Ending March 31, 1907
or the meeting would have to close. We RECEIPTS DISBURSEMENTS
counseled together, and decided to send $ 21,627.85
Cash on hand Jan. 1, 1907
for enough sets of The Family Bible 674.12 $ 1,228.30
Conference and tract societies
Teacher to place in each home in the Work among the colored people 1,332.06 1,853.34
town each day. 9,143.32 7,470.28
" Having some of the numbers on Deposits
District of Columbia Evangelical Committee 2,743.44 1,497.41
hand, we took up the work at once. As 526.3o
we carried the readings to their homes, Expense
we had an opportunity to visit with the From conferences for support of laborers 4,323.99
General Conference Association 10,515.58
people a few minutes, and invite them 1,268.45
out to the meetings. As far as possible, General Conference Corporation
Orphanage Fund 152.18
we gave them a printed reading on the 37,924.17
One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollar Fund 31,033.27
the same subject that was preached on 9,175.00
Loans 21,002.25
the night before. This placed them on 383.10
friendly terms with us, and nearly all Publishing houses 639.40
promised to read the leaflets and come Religious Liberty Bureau 619.07 35.85
Specific and special accounts 9,091.45 20,047.85
out to the meetings. 3.00
" This has been repeated every day Caribbean Watchman 65.79
for nearly a week; and from the very First-day offerings 4,859.82
clay we began this work, the congrega- Annual offerings 21,757.71
tion began to increase, and now the tent Missions 16,136.40
is full every evening. At our last meet- Midsummer offering 368.65
ing we had a tent full, although many Sabbath-school donations 11,831.30
had to come in the rain. Tithe 3,715.93
" One good feature about his method To laborers 10,629.66
Mission fields 42,210.79
is that it seems to bring out the very
best people of the town, and another is Cash on hand, March 31, 1907 16,348.92
that it reaches the class that it is im-
possible to get out to any other meet- $161,118.00 $161,118.00
ings." I. H. EVANS, Treasurer.
But says one, " Where would the
money come from with which to pay for
the literature? " I believe the Lord message of the third angel to those you, if you have not already done so;
wants the work done in the most effective about them. Elder E. W. Webster and and if the Lord moves upon your heart
way possible, and that he will supply the others had labored here about fourteen to give toward this worthy and needy
means when we are willing to walk out years ago, and these had with joy re- cause, send your remittance, as Brother
in faith, taking advantage of the oppor- ceived the truth. Nash directs, to Elizabeth McHugh,
tunities given us. Adopt the method of The Spartanburg church was in sore Spartanburg, S. C., or to Mrs. R. T.
taking up a collection every evening, and need' of a place of worship. But real Nash, Campobello, S. C.
there will be means enough with which estate and building material were high E. W. CAREY.
to pay for the literature. I am confident priced. We believed that God would be Luray, S. C.
that the Lord will move upon the hearts honored 'by having a church building, a
of the people to give liberally when we memorial for his name and truth, but we
first give liberally to them. Brethren, found no way to provide one.
This little company had been lifting
Turrritt fttattion
try this plan, and I am sure you will be
greatly pleased with the results. Our its full share of the financial burdens of
last tent effort will he held before a great the denomination. If a publishing house — A number of Russian students have
while, and now as never before we in a distant land was sinking under the been arrested in Berlin, Germany,
should lay our plans to make our work burden of debt, the Spartanburg church charged with plotting against the life of
the most effective possible. helped to lift it out. Was a sanitarium Emperor William.
W. H. GRANGER. to be built in a part of the United States
where the truth had already gained a — A lockout in the building trades is
strong hold, the Spartanburg church re- directly affecting 6o,000 men in Berlin,
sponded nobly to the appeal made to Germany, and 40,000 more are indirectly
Help for the Long Neglected them. When an academy, an industrial affected by the movement.
IT is now almost four years since the school, or a college was to be built, the — Northern Texas suffered from a
painful needs of South Carolina began Spartanburg church was not forgotten. tornado, May 25, which resulted in six-
to appeal to the writer. At that time Appeal after appeal was sent to them, teen deaths, many injuries, and the loss
there was not a Seventh-day Adventist and out of the liberality of their hearts of property valued at $ioo,000.
minister or Bible worker in the State. they sent their dollars, obtained through
I looked. through the canvassers' reports sacrifice, to hasten the message they —The grand jury at San Francisco
to learn if there were any of these faith- loved. recently indicted six millionaires on
ful messengers carrying the saving truths The foreign work, too, has had their charges of bribery, .and returned addi-
of the last message to the precious souls hearts, and much of the contents of their tional indictments against Mayor
of this State. There were none. pocketbooks. Their tithe has been a Schmitz and Abraham Ruef.
Could it be true, a whole State, one constant tributary flowing into the gen- — Mrs. McKinley, widow of the mar-
of the original thirteen, with a popula- eral treasury. Thousands of dollars tyred president, died at her home in
tion of 1,340,316, going unwarned, while have in these ways gone out from this Canton, Ohio, May 26. President Roose-
the vials of God's wrath hang heavy little company to build up and strengthen velt, Vice-President Fairbanks, and
over their heads? Would the strong the work, not in this State, but the work some members of the cabinet attended
conferences to the north and west allow in general. the funeral on the twenty-ninth.
this condition to go on, and meet such And now shall Spartanburg in her
facts in the judgment? Would not the deep necessity be forgotten? Let the — The revolutionary outbreak in the
blood of souls be found upon the gar- body now strengthen this weak member, Kwangtung Province, China, is said to
ments of some in responsible positions? and the body itself will be strengthened. be anti-dynastic, and those participating
The Lord answered prayer, and opened South Carolina is the most neglected of therein say there is no danger to mis-
the way for a few laborers to enter the all this long-neglected Southland. To sionaries. However, some of the mis-
State. On closer acquaintance, we found help Spartanburg now will do much to sionaries have come in from their sta-
a small church organization at Spartan- help the work onward throughout the tions to Swatow. The cause of revolt is
burg, another at Brushy Creek, and a State. said to be the excessive taxation made
few isolated Sabbath-keepers scattered In the REVIEW of May 2 will be found necessary to pay the excessive indemnity
here and there throughout the State. an article by Elder R. T. Nash, under asked by the " Christian " nations for
These faithful souls were working in a the heading, " An Opportune Time for the losses sustained during the Boxer
humble way to make known the solemn Spartanburg, S. C." Read it, we pray uprising of 190o.

The work was begun in Wichita about

J' I' rhirat filiogionarg six years ago by Brother and Sister L. C.
Lord's blessing may rest on this occa-
sion, and remain with the institution.
Christofferson. They were graduate
Jriiartmrut nurses from the Nebraska Sanitarium,
and began their work by opening treat-
conducted by the Medical Department of the General ment rooms and a vegetarian café. The A Letter
Conference work grew steadily, and the sanitarium
W. A. GEORGE, M. D., • - - Chairman
As I read in the REVIEW of the death
methods grew in favcr with the public of Dr. • George, our dear missionary to
W. A. RUBLE, M. D., - Secretary
to such an extent that those in charge Turkey, it made me anxious to tell what
of the work in the State deemed it ad- the Lord has done and is doing for me.
The Medical Missionary Council visable to erect a sanitarium, which is I have been 'holding the dread disease,
THE prospect for a large attendance located just outside of the city limits, tuberculosis, at bay by the use of hydro-
at this meeting grows more encouraging on a beautiful tract of twenty acres of therapeutic remedies. At this writing
each day. Fifteen superintendents of land, about two miles west of the busi- there is every prospect of complete vic-
sanitariums have been heard from who ness district, thus securing the quiet of tory over this enemy of our race.
are planning to be present; and many a country life. For a number of years I have been a
other physicians, medical secretaries of The outlook is very encouraging, and sufferer from chronic bronchitis. I found
local conferences, and nurses, have writ- shows every evidence of a steady and that the poultice effects of prolonged
ten their intention to attend. healthful growth, and a successful future heat by the use of the hot-water bottle
We have just received word that the for this institution. Already those who helped me to breathe easier. This was
brethren who have been attending the have planted the institution have had the three years ago last fall, and all winter
European meeting will reach home in pleasure of seeing several who have I depended on the dry heat, as I could
time to attend this council. entered its domain for the relief of not use the compress with the bottle
All who are interested in the medical physical ailments, embrace the present without chill. I put it on my chest when
work of our denomination recognize the truth, which we believe is to be to them I retired, and kept it there, sleeping
importance of this meeting, and are en- an eternal blessing. sweetly till I awoke, sometimes as late
couraging the physicians and as two o'clock in the morn-
nurses to be present. Nearly ing.
every one who has been as- But the disease advanced
signed a subject for the till the lower part of my left
occasion has promised to fur- lung was affected, and the
nish the article. The sub- disease was then pronounced
jects are generally acknowl- tuberculosis. About one year
edged to be such as are of ago this month, there were
the utmost importance to our hemorrhages from this lung,
work as medical missionaries, four times, caused, as the
and a live interest is mani- doctor said, by ulcers. But
fested in them. I persisted in the treatment,
Probably the best way for because of the relief, also
our medical secretaries and with the hope of ultimate
nurses from a distance, who success. At that time the
do not attend the meeting of Northwestern Union Confer-
the American Medical Asso- ence was in session in this
ciation at Atlantic City, to city. I was in a very feeble
get to this meeting would be condition, and could attend
to secure a ticket to the the forenoon meetings only.
Jamestown Exposition, and One forenoon, in an upper
come from there to Wash- room where some of our dear
ington on Thursday or Fri- KANSAS SANITARIUM laborers had been invited, we
day, June 6 or 7. Stop-over prayed for the Lord's con-
privileges at Washington are granted on It is the purpose of this institution to tinued blessing upon the treatment, and
many roads on tickets to Jamestown. maintain a high missionary standard, and claimed the promise : " They shall lay
THE COMMITTEE. encourage the young people of this de- hands on the sick, and they shall re-
nomination, who may wish to profit by cover."
an experience they may gain while con- During the past summer I have used
Kansas Sanitarium nected with it, to devote themselves to the compress with the hot-water bottle.
THE Kansas Sanitarium, which is lo- practical missionary work. None but Most of the time during the three years,
cated at Wichita, Kan., was opened for Seventh-day Adventists are admitted to I have taken a treatment of an hour or
the reception of patients in June, 1905. its training classes for nurses. At pres- more in the middle of the day, and dur-
Since that time the patronage has stead- ent there are three classes, numbering, ing the last eight months, in the morn-
ily increased, until at the present time in all, eighteen. The following is a list ing as well. By careful estimate I con-
it is sufficient to keep the building filled of the officers, nurses, and helpers of clude that I have taken as many as
to its capacity most of the time. the institution : — seventeen hundred treatments — dry heat
The sanitarium building is a modern Medical staff and managers : Dr. F. E. during all the cold weather months, ex
brick structure. The main building is Braucht and wife, Dr. H. G. Schaum- cept the midday treatment, and moist
four stories high, forty-four by eighty loffel and wife, Misses Bertha McClel- heat by aid of the compress during the
feet, and contains offices, parlor, dining- lan and Estella Secrist, Albert Bland, warm months. To this has been added
rooms, gymnasium, and guest-rooms, H. L. Shafer, and Dr. L. F. Fritz- the full hot bath occasionally, and the
many of which are supplied with hot and gartener. Students in training: Marie cool dry towel rub every morning, with
cold water. A three-story annex con- Laubach, Edith Davis, Anna Wiebe, Nel- a wet towel rub as frequently -as twice
tains the ladies' and the gentlemen's bath lie Thompson, Anna Anderson, Minnie a week.
and treatment rooms, the surgical ward, Abbott, Blanche Secrist, Etta Nicholas. At this date, March 3, 1907, every
and operating room. Alvena 'Cuticle, Mary Gibbs, Florence symptom of the disease is gone except in
The institution is lighted with elec- Maxted, Lizzie Mohr, G. V. Fowler, the one original spot on the bronchi.
tricity and heated with steam. The A. A. Mohr, Linda Chesebro, Ruth And, thanks to Him who healeth all our
equipment of the institution will compare Mahurin, Elsie Hiatt, and Gulah Brown. diseases, this is giving way to the treat-
favorably with the best of our institu-s F. E. BRAUCHT. ment. I can eat better, breathe easier,
tions. The building contains forty-five and am gaining in flesh. For the en-
rooms, and will accommodate, by crowd- couragement of those younger in years,
ing, about seventy-five patients, but The Dedication I will say that I am in my sixty-eighth
could not accommodate that many at PLANS for the dedication of the new year. And I feel to say that if my expe-
present, as the entire fourth floor is oc- Sanitarium at Washington are well rience shall be of any help to others,
cupied by the staff of helpers. We have under way. A program has been pre- my sufferings with this trouble and la-
had as many as fifty-two patients pared. The building is nearly completed, bors in overcoming it will not have been
crowded into the building, besides ac- and the grounds are beautifully arranged. in vain. H. F. PHELPS.
commodating the helpers. Let us have your prayers that the Minneapolis, Minn.

TVs depar ment will appear in the first issue of each upon the preparation for the work and His spirit was one of sacrifice for others.
month of the REVIEW AND HERALD into the work itself with the keenest As parents we are called upon to give
It will be devoted to the consideration of Christian pleasure. It is the duty of all our church our children to the service of God. This
education in the denomination, involving the work of
primary, intermediate, and advanced schools. The officers — and in this I include the Sab- giving the children to the service of God
principles of education in a broad sense will be dis-
cussed in their application to the methods employed bath:school and young people Workers — involves our preparing them for that
in the different grades of these schools. Reports of
the work done in all parts of the world will be pub- so to hold before all our children and service. Again we say our schools are
lished. The preparation of workers to carry the
gospel to all lands and,the immediate finishing of the young people the importance of the mis- established for this very purpose.
third angel's message will be kept prominently before
the schools as the leading aim in Christian education. sionary work that they will have no Now is the time to begin to plan for
This department is conducted by the Department
of Education of the General Conference. other ambition' in life but to enlist in the the school work of our sons and daugh-
FREDERICK GRIGGS, Chairman, service of the Lord. It is only by the ters for this coming year. It will take
C. C. LEw16, Secretary.
constant, steady effort that this forward effort and denial. To many it will seem
movement can be given permanency. impossible to put forth this effort and
The Missionary Movement F. G. make this denial. But it can and should
THERE was started at the educational be done. It will yield an abundant re-
convention at College View, Neb., last ward. This reward will not be here-
summer, a movement which should have To Parents
after only, but the joy of here seeing
permanency. Its purpose was to con- ABRAHAM was chosen for the position
our children in the service of the Lord
nect our school's with the great mission- in God's great plan of salvation which
is in itself an abundant one.
ary work which we as a people are he occupied; and he became a great
So let us all as parents do our full
carrying on. The schools are to be nation because he commanded his chil-
duty in commanding our children and
gateways through which our young peo- dren and his household after him, to
our household after us that they may
ple pass into the great harvest-field. This walk in the ways and statutes of the
keep the way of the Lord. F. G.
movement has reference to both the Lord.
schools and the young people. The Re is an object-lesson to all parents.
schools are to be so conducted that a He did his work faithfully and well. eke Eituraitututtglissirmarg
strong missionary spirit shall always Isaac was so taught to obey, that when I: ourmatt
prevail. Abraham was preparing to offer him as
In each subject that is taught, and a sacrifice, he helped to bind the cords
indeed in each class recitation, the spirit that fastened him on the altar. 0 that The Mission Fields and Our
should be the outgrowth of our motto, we all as parents were as true and faith- Schools
" The Advent Message to All the World ful to the trust committed to us as was HISTORY proves that in the promulga-
Abraham ! A different state of affairs tion of any reform measure of a relig-
in This Generation." ious nature, the missionary • has been
With reference to our young people, would then certainly prevail among our closely followed by, or his work has gone
this movement is to be so strong that it young people. In place of seeing them hand in hand with, schools. These
shall continually urge them from their engaged in worldly avocations, we should schools have always given character and
homes into our schools, and so on into see them entering heartily upon the serv- permanence to the work of missionaries.
ice of the Lord as they leave their pa- When we consider the conditions which
the field. call for many reforms in the world, the
Now, there is great danger that this rental roofs. God requires no less of us reason is evident why schools should .be
movement shall lose its force. That it than he required of Abraham; but as he established contemporaneous with, or
has had a force during the past year is no respecter of persons, our reward soon after, the missionary work is begun.
will be as great as was Abraham's, if we During the time Israel and Judah
is witnessed by our full schools and the were apostatizing from God, he caused
strong missionary spirit prevailing in are as faithful to our trust and the per- to be established the schools of the
them. The key-note which was sounded formance of our parental duty as was he. prophets, proposing by this means to
at our educational convention has cer- The Lord has given plain instruction train men for service in the work of
tainly been carried into a mighty, stir- as to the training of our children for his reforming Israel, and through them to
service. He has ordained schools, that carry a knowledge of his law and the
ring, marching hymn. Now we must messages of his prophets to the world.
not permit this swelling chorus ever to they may be taught his laws, as they are Previously to the time of Christ, the
diminish in volume. On the other hand, revealed in his Word, in nature, and in professed church had again apostatized.
the number of singers this coming year his dealings with mankind. He came and chose humble men to whom
must be many more, and if possible, Children are an heritage of the Lord. he could teach the principles of his law
and train them for a service of reform.
they must sing in more perfect unison. They are given us for our good. If we
From these instances we see that a
But this can be accomplished only by properly do our part in training them training is necessary for the pioneer
our constantly keeping before our minds for his service, we ourselves shall be work of carrying on new movements.
the meaning of this forward movement. greatly rewarded in divine life. We The Church of Rome from her. earliest
must ever hold before our minds the existence has recognized the value of
It means that every one of our young giving a training to her missionaries be-
men and women shall be drafted into purpose of our existence. It is not that fore sending them out into new fields.
service. I use the word " drafted " ad- we may simply live our little day of Not only has she been thorough in pre-
visedly. They are not to be forced into life here and pass away forever; but it paring the pioneer missionary for pro-
mulgating her doctrines, but she has also
an unwilling service, but the pleasure is that we may so live here that we may
been diligent in reaping the fullest re-
of the work and the joys of the victory live forever in a better world.
sults of his efforts by establishing train-
are to be so held before all our young But to do this we must enter into the ing-schools of various kinds which would
men and women that they shall enter spirit of the author of life, Christ Jesus. train the converts to the new faith as

Missionaries in their own country. When ister in his field. He has to look after coming everything by faith in the Lord
that church in the early part of the the work in the States of Rio, Espirito Jesus. You will weep and pray often.
Christian era was sending missionaries Santo, Minas Geraes, and Bahia. Think But how great is your joy when you
to the barbarian tribes in the north, of it! — one man for four States as finally see precious souls rejoicing in the
closely following the missionary's effort large as some of the States in America. truth as a result of your labor. This
was the establishment of these schools. By sending out our good missionary pays for all you have suffered.
Thus by first sending trained mission- paper, 0 Arauto da Verdade, an in- Why have I written the above ? To
aries into unentered fields, and through terest sprang up in the States of Para discourage you after I have encouraged
them. training native converts as workers and Bahia. In the latter State people you to come over and help us? 0 no,
for the extension of her work by estab- began to keep the Sabbath without ever indeed ! Why, then? — To make you see
lishing schools in that country, she has having seen a minister. They are call- that it takes a whole and true man to be
succeeded in planting the banner of ing for a minister, and wish to be bap- a missionary. JOHN LIPKE.
superstition in all parts of the civilized tized. Elder Spies intends to go, but (To be concluded)
world. But because Rome recognized the work is pressing on all sides.
the principle and used it for her purpose, In Sao Paulo our only minister is
we need not discard it in carrying for- Elder Hoelzle. He is also the editor of To Students Preparing for Work
ward the great work committed to us. our Portuguese paper. He needs can-
It is a course which the history of Sev- vassers, Bible workers, and ministers. in China
enth-day Adventist missionary operations Elder Ehlers has charge of the work (Concluded)
proves to be the right and successful in the States of Parana and Santa Cath- IT would seem unnecessary here to
way of bearing to the world the message arina. He is the only ordained minister mention the importance of being familiar
of Christ's coming. in his field, and is anxious to get more with the Scriptures and the special truths
This message started in poverty and laborers, because the work demands it. for this time. This, above all other
obscurity in the northeastern part of Even in the State of Gogaz, away in the things, is what this nation, with its four
the United States. For years our interior, an interest has developed. We hundred and twenty-six million inhabit-
efforts were confined to the States. can truly say, we need our young people ants, is sadly waiting for ; and this is the
But to-day it is no more the States, who are studying in our schools to come sword of the missionary. A good stu-
North and South America, nor Europe, over and help us proclaim the third dent of the Scriptures will soon become
to which our efforts are confined ; for angel's message in our large country of familiar with the Chinese Bible. We can
it has become a world-wide enterprise. Brazil. not speak too highly of memorizing
Missionaries are in every .country. If you take your map and look up the Scripture, since it will educate the mind
But no sooner have these new fields States I have mentioned, you will see in for memorizing this language. Further,
been fairly entered, than it has been how few States we have begun to work since the Bible is the text used in the
necessary to establish a real training- so far. Our laborers who have worked Chinese course of study, having the Eng-
school to equip native workers for the here for years under privations, trials, lish text in mind is a great help toward
extension of the message to their coun- and difficulties are growing old. Our learning the meaning of certain terms,
trymen. In Australia this has proved young people must come to the front, and also of translating. If time should
true, in Germany it has worked suc- step into the ranks, lift up the banner permit, the study of Greek will prove
cessfully, in England it has given per- of truth, and go forward under the great valuable, as in many instances the Greek
manency to the work. In fact, in all Captain, our beloved Saviour. Where construction and order simulates the
the countries where the work has be- are the young people in our schools who Chinese. Further, owing to the poor
come thoroughly organized, the schools will say, " Here am I, Lord; send me "? translation of the Chinese Bible, it is
have been a very important factor in I hope many who read this will speak often convenient to refer to the original.
bringing about this condition. these words. And while I write these Young's Concordance will serve the
In countries where the establishment lines, I pray to •God to put the desire needs of a missionary not having a thor-
of strong schools, in which a thorough into many hearts to consecrate them- ough knowledge of the Greek.
missionary training can be given, has selves to the work in foreign lands. With gratitude we have noticed that
been neglected, the work has moved But that you, my dear brother and the industrial branches are being made
slcwly. In proportion to the energy sister, may not be deceived, I will try a part of the course of study in our
with which the training of native to explain what is required of one who schools. Just such a preparation is
workers in their own schools has been wishes to come, and will tell of some of needed for the work in the primitive
provided, so has the work been ex- the difficulties he is going to meet. Many and Oriental mission fields. It must be
tended. The lesson is a pertinent one. a young man is ready to go to foreign borne in mind that the Chinese are far
We need to connect with all our mis- lands when he sees how missionaries who ahead of some foreign lands in agri-
sionary efforts such schcol work as have returned for a needed rest are hon- culture. A missionary was quite sur-
will give permanency and definiteness ored and praised. But if this is the only prised upon asking an old Chinaman
to our work. We must in every field reason for wishing to be a missionary, why he was covering a pumpkin vine
train native workers for the work of it has no worth whatever. with dirt, to hear the reply that the vine
those fields. W. E. HANCOCK. When you come into such a strange would take root, and the roots would
country, you will find that your journey serve as feeders. From a bare red soil
has not been a pleasure trip. You will which has no rest from year to year, and
Young Men to the Front have to fight, yes, to fight hard every from which every straw is gathered for
" NoT by the large meetings, fine day with the devil, who will do his ut- fuel, they succeed in raising two good
speeches, and much excitement are most to hinder the beginning of our. crops a year. Carpentering, bricklaying,
great things done ; 0, no, but by earnest. work in new territory. You will have to tinning, and other industries have their
quiet work, as the worker is not influ- grapple with peculiar difficulties, the place, and the missionary finds a knowl-
enced by his success. but realizes that darkness of superstition, and with dis- edge of these subjects very convenient
God's presence is with him." eases resulting from exposures and a when having to overhaul a Chinese
These were the words that the great different climate. You find few rail- house, so that it will be suitable for for-
missionary, Livingstone, spoke before a roads. The journeying is done on mule eigners, or in taking measurements for
large congregation in England, while or horseback through uninhabited dis- furniture, or in fixing an apparatus for
he took a much-needed rest. He re- tricts. Sometimes you suffer hunger and a shower-bath, etc.
turned after that to Africa, and true to thirst. Bad water may bring on sick- In coming to a tropical climate like
the above-mentioned principles, he la- ness. Tropical rains may soak you. You this, a good general knowledge of physi-
bored there until his death: may have to cross rivers on boats or ology and personal hygiene is of ines-
Such missionaries we can use also in by swimming. Such experiences one has timable value. Although not all of this
this country, Brazil, where spiritual who labors in the interior. After you empire lies in the tropical belt, still the
darkness reigns. In the States two get to your field, a Catholic priest may tropical diseases prevail in most parts.
years ago, I saw at our camp-meetings stir up his people and seek to drive you However, we believe that in most cases
and in our schools a large .number of out, or even kill you. This has happened. arrangements could be made whereby a
intelligent young people, of whom we Then it takes nerve and faith. The dark- knowledge of the care necessary to for-
could use many in Brazil. Workers are ness of superstition is great. You have tify one's self against the climatic condi-
needed very much. to learn to adapt yourself to some of tions can be secured after reaching the
Elder Spies, for instance, has charge the customs of the people and to the field, as well as how to deal with the
of the work in the northern part of peculiar conditions of the country. You most common ailments with which the
Brazil. He is the only ordained min-. have to press forward in faith, over- people of China are afflicted. At present

the sick are receiving treatment at all they could qualify themselves for useful- given you in that same hour what ye
our mission stations. Here in a land ness by studying and becoming familiar shall speak. For it is not ye that speak,
without foreign physicians except in the with other languages. They could de- but the Spirit of your Father which
port cities and a few mission centers, vote themselves to the work of trans- speaketh through you." This Spirit
the sick suffering from simple ailments lating."—" Testimonies for the Church," works in a systematized manner, and the
can often be cured or greatly relieved Vol. III, page 204. "Many of the bar- success of its efforts through an indi-
by one who has had opportunity to spend ren, unworked fields must be entered by vidual is measured by the proportion of
a few weeks at one of our regular med- beginners. The brightness of the Sa- co-operation which that individual af-
ical dispensaries. Many lives are saved viour's view of the world will inspire fords. The Holy Spirit will bring to
by simply knowing how to use the stom- confidence in many workers, who, if they " remembrance " the sacred lessons of
ach-pump, since people are constantly begin in humility and put their hearts Scripture.
taking crude opium to commit suicide. into the work, will he found to be the Divinity, in the great and all-glorious
In thus being able to minister to their right men for the time and place— work of salvation, cloaks itself in human-
physical needs, confidence is secured, and Id., Vol. VII, page 271. ity. Then how necessary that the wis-
afterward an opportunity to reach them These statements emphasize the fact dom of the God who fashioned nature,
with the life-saving truth. that the training of missionaries can, in who rules in the history of nations, and
Foreign foods are very expensive here; a large part at least, be hest secured in who inspired the sacred volume, should
and since China affords a large variety the mission field. not be hidden by our ignorance concern-
of food material, such as wheat, peanuts, H. W. MILLER, M. D. ing these objects. Stated otherwise, how
rice,, vegetable oil, sweet potatoes, a few important as a power speedily to close
varieties of beans, some good varieties of this work and usher us into glory is
vegetables and tubers; fruits, such as education (Prov. 4 : 7)— riot in " science
pears, peaches, cherries, grapes, persim- A Speedy Consummation falsely so-called," but in true science
mons, and plums, one can get along very " THE Lord God of heaven will not consecrated by a life harmonious with
well without many foreign foods. A supply the deficiencies that result from the will of the Propounder of all the
knowledge of the principles of cooking, mental and spiritual indolence. When facts of science. A man with a dull
and of the combination of instrument may accomplish
food materials, will greatly his task ; but, 0, how slowly
assist the worker in making and laboriously! Time oc-
his allowance see him cupied in sharpening the
through. One thing that can blade is never time lost.
be studied here better than Eccl. TO: Io. " God works
any other place in the world for people in spite of their
is economy. It is claimed ignorance. . . . But those
that as many Chinese could who have education can ac-
live on what is wasted in complish a much more ex-
America as there are inhab- tensive work in bringing
itants there, and we can see souls to the knowledge of the
no reason to doubt the state- truth than can those who are
ment. uneducated."— Special Tes-
To those who may have timony,
finished their school work While all are commanded
some years previously, and to re-echo the cry, "'Come,"
desire to take some further yet upon our young espe-
preparation before coming cially rests the burden of the
to China, we would say that speedy and successful accom-
under ordinary circum- plishment of this work. " We
stances, we would not con- need young men and women
sider it wise to spend a long who have a high intellectual
time in preparation in the culture in order that they
home land; for in most cases may do the best work for the
new workers will be associ- CONFUCIAN HALL, PEKING, CHINA Lord." " Remember now thy
ated with another worker •for This building contains the tablets in honor of the great sages of China. Here Creator in the days of thy
some time, and at least the the highest officials come to pay their respects. Confucianism is the doctrine youth." How often we have
first two years will be spent held by the literary classes. This building is between three and four hundred understood this exhortation
on language study, during years old. as calling merely for an ac-
which time many practical knowledgement of a belief
points may be picked up with reference the human agents shall exercise their in God. True, it is designed to rouse
to treatments and mission methods. The faculties to acquire knowledge, to be- us to a recognition of our duty to
preparation of some of the great mis- come deep-thinking men, . . . then even God, for we read further, " Fear God,
sionaries of the Bible, and the way they judges and kings will be brought to ac- and keep his commandments." These
were able to meet emergencies, will fur- knowledge, in the courts of justice, in commandments, however, also • teach us
nish interesting study for those coming parliaments and councils, that the God our duty to our fellow men a duty
here, and there is a marked similarity who made heaven and earth is the author which is not simply negative, but also
between present existing conditions in of Christianity . . . who instituted the positive, making us debtors to all men,
China and those with which the apostles seventh-day Sabbath."— Special Tes- owing to them the glad tidings of the
met. timony. kingdom.
From the record concerning the apos- With the gospel of a soon-coming Sa- If all our youth would remember
tle Paul's method of training young men viour as our message, the whole world Christ, the one by whom creation was
as missionaries, we learn that they ac- as our field, and this generation as our effected; if they would behold him taking
companied him on his missionary tours, only time of work, it behooves us as a his farewell of the celestial home in
and he mentions not a few who received people to know the best and quickest glory and coming to this, the darkest
their training in this way. On this means of accomplishing our God-given spot in the universe as the great mis-
method of education we have the follow- duty. What shall be the active force to sionary Exemplar, would they not by
ing counsel: " Young men should be give the advent message to the world beholding become " changed into the
qualifying themselves by becoming fa- in this generation? — Undoubtedly the same image "? Would they not gladly
miliar with other languages, that God Spirit of God, in rich measure resting surrender home comforts and prepare im-
may use them as mediums to communi- upon a consecrated band of workers. mediately for successful service even in
cate his saving truth to those of other However, the Holy Spirit does not take the darkest portions of the earth? What
nations. These young men may obtain up his abode indiscriminately in any in- a powerfill corps would soon be added
a knowledge of other languages even dividual. They that bear the vessels of to the militant host! How rapidly the
while engaged in laboring for sinners. the Lord must be clean — sanctified. strongest forts of the enemy would fall
If they are economical of their time, they When •the events referred to in the before the united and advancing army!
can be improving their minds; and if above-quoted Testimony shall occur, it Soon we should see our beloved Jesus.
women who have borne but little respon- will be essential for us to recall the Families separated for a few short years
sibility would deyote themselves to God, words of our Saviour : " It shall be would share in a glad reunion; partings

would be over; we should have joy in hauling the rest of the material over an evangelizing, spiritual, and moral
the result of our humble efforts, and the mountains from the railroad, a dis- force. Does that not mean that here is
should be united with the family above tance of fifteen or twenty miles for the a call for teachers strong in the belief
to praise our Redeemer throughout eter- round trip, and in this way saved a that the gospel must go to the world?
nity. Young man, young woman, God great deal of money which they were Is not this a call to you ?
is calling, " Who will go for us? " Fa- unable to give. Thus the building was Nctice also that the education recom-
thers and mothers in Israel, lend your constructed as the money and material mended by this Harvard graduate, this
sons and daughters to the Lord as long came in, and . with the great gain that, native of the mountains of Rabun
as they live, and he will richly repay. as it grew, the people felt that it was County, for the mountain youth is
May the Saviour now behold us " ha- their own, and that as friendly gifts verily the same as that which the Tes-
sting the coming of the day of God." 2 came from the outside, they realized timonies have long been urging upon
Peter 3: 12, margin. they were doing what they could to us as a people,— an education that fits
JOHN D. GILLATT. help themselves." for every-day life, an education that
Concerning the plan for school work makes lovers of work, an education
we read : " The school is planned as based upon soil cultivation.
an industrial and high school for the Are we ready to fill such calls ? If
The School for the Times so, come, step into the places waiting
surrounding mountain country in Which
I HAVE thought for some time that if poor boys and girls can support them- for you. If not, come, prepare for such
some of cur energetic young people — selves in part by their work, and as a work.
readers of the REVIEW — Could know model school for the local community." I have other stories for you, stories
of some things going on in neighbor- Industrial Education Needed that bear a little later date even than this
ing States, it would awaken a desire one, and which come even a little
Professor Ritchie describes the people
in their hearts to enter quickly upon nearer home.
for whom he is working; and since you
a work to which the Lord is calling M. BESSIE DEGRAW.
and I are called to this work, we want to
them. 4cnow the conditions to be met. He
I have been collecting some inter-
says: —
esting stories — true stories — of sacri- " These isolated mountain people are The Parent's Reuard
fice and devotion which I am pleased TO-DAY as I walked home from the
not only lacking in education, but are
to be able to give you. The first is schoolroom, two of my pupils were a
lacking in social and economic effi-
the account of the starting of an in-
ciency. They need not only education little distance in advance of me, walking
dustrial school in Rabun County, Geor- which will develop their latent intel- with their arms around each other; and
gia, described as " lying in the heart
lect and talent, but also education which I thought of the letter I received the
of the illiterate mountain region, and
will develop their industrial and social other day from their father, who is hun-
occupying a strategic position in this
activities. They need to learn how to dreds of miles away. He said, in part,
great field. Situated in the heart of
live and how to work, not only to own as follows : —
the Blue Ridge Mountains, in the ex-
their homes as most of them do, but to " It will be seventeen years the twen-
treme northeastern corner of Georgia, make them more comfortable and whole-
it has been, until the advent of a rail- ty-sixth of this month since our home
some, and to cultivate their mountain was made happy by a little visitor that
road, one of the most isolated and in- farms in a scientific and intensive way.
accessible counties in all the Southern came to stay with us. How glad we
They need to learn the value of time, were to welcome her to our poor home!
mountain region. In its isolated posi-
to acquire skill and efficiency, to culti- Years have passed, and the home is still
tion all the conditions have prevailed
vate thrift and frugality, and to make poor; yet I trust to reach a better one
peculiar to the remote mountain com-
the most of their resources. . . by and by, and want that little visitor to
munity. It presents the mountain prob-
" The old education fails to reach the come and see us there. 0, it does my
lem in all its phases — educational, mountain problem 'because it is not
social, moral, religious, and economic." soul good to hear from your hand,
adapted to mountain conditions. The Brother Howell, of those true, Christ-
The story of this industrial school goal which it sets 'before the mountain
in Rabun County, Georgia, is given like principles in her that I could see
boy or girl is too often an escape from when only a little prattling girl ! They
by Andrew J. Ritchie, its founder and
the work and environment of the moun- were acted out in her willingness to do
superintendent, himself a native of tain community, and a change to the
this same county and a Harvard grad- life of the town or city. The kind of for others,— never too tired to help her
uate. papa with his work if he asked her.
education needed is education which " Before two years had come and
Now the School Was Established shall have a larger bearing upon the gone, another little black-eyed visitor
Professor Ritchie says: " In August, life which the people are to lead. The asked to stay in that humble home. She
1902, while on a visit to the county school through which this education is said : I will be company for this one you
during my vacation as teacher at Bay- to be provided must establish a practical have. There is not much difference in
lor University, Texas, I saw the great connection between education and work. our ages. It will be so nice for us to
need of not only a strong school in Its course of study must have to do be together. Will you be kind enough
the county, but of a school that would with the industries of the environment. to give us dollies and toys?'
provide something more than the old The mountain boy needs to be trained " You can not realize my anxiety for
education of the text-books. I noticed in agriculture, forestry, dairying and their future welfare. But the precious
that the brightest boys were leaving animal husbandry, and in handicrafts thought passes through my mind day
the county, and that the girls, as a in wood-work and other industries for after day as I toil along in this dreary
rule, were being left without education, which the materials lie at hand unused. 'old world to earn a few dollars to apply
and in the midst of surroundings in The mountain girl needs to be trained on the education of my children, that I
which their social condition was help- in the arts of orderly housekeeping and am investing in the bank of heaven. By
less and hopeless. I thought how successful home making, which will saving my children, they, in turn, may
much it would mean if there could be combine with the pure mountain air and be educated to help save others."
a school in which these boys and girls water, to give these people the physical As I think of this humble worker,
could be educated at home and trained health which is their birthright. toiling for such a purpose, I am re-
in profitable occupations, so that they " The mountain school must also be
minded of a few sentences we learned
would remain in the county and marry an evangelizing spiritual and moral in one of our classes a short time ago : —
and make homes and elevate the stand- force. It must do the work which is " The work of many may appear to be
ards of life and society in their com- not being done in the remote mountain
district by the church and the evangel- restricted by circumstances; but wher-
munities." ever it is, if performed with faith and
Mr. Ritchie traveled on horseback, istic preacher. It must set in motion
diligence, it will be felt to the utter-
visiting nearly every family in the influences which will soften the moun-
most parts of the earth. . . . The hum-
county, and soliciting means and help. tain temper and displace the spirit of
blest worker, moved by the Holy Spirit,
When the time came to build, having feud. it must banish the evil of
very little money in hand, " some whisky and its attendant evils of moral will touch invisible chords, whose vibra-
brought their teams and made the ex- and social degradation. It must impart tions will ring to the ends of the earth,
and make melody through eternal ages."
cavations for the basement story, such a breadth and richness of social
others quarried and hauled the stone, life as shall make the mountain com- What a " school of music " is this ! I
still others cut and_ hauled the logs to munity an attractive place in which to want to take a few terms of lessons
the sawmill for the framing, and al- live." myself.
most the entire community shared in Notice, the mountain school must be And as see these girls bending their

efforts to gain an education, and becom- real work — not alone as instructors and We at Bethel have passed through such
ing more earnest, thoughtful, and cheer- as learners of just how to do the task trouble ; and looking for light,— we
ful, I feel that the prayers of their father which their hands are doing, but as trust humbly and teachably,— have seen
are being answered, and his labors for instructors and learners of the spirit in light, not suddenly revealed, but added
them rewarded. This great and glorious which it is to be done, of the manner to what had already been seen.
message that has called us out of the of its doing, and the relation of its doing It is a lesson hard to learn, for the
to the whole life. customs of generations are not easily I
world, is to " turn the heart of the fa-
thers to the children, and the heart of But this personal contact can be had abandoned in mind or practise. Yet the
the children to their fathers." only when the students working with call for small institutions, the exhorta-
CLIFFORD G. HOWELL. the teacher are few enough so that each tions against centralization and crowd-
may receive the personal impress of the ing, the appeals for personal piety and
teacher's character. In other words, the personal work among teachers and stu-
tirturipits unit rtliabs school, in its plans for the training of dents, God has clearly made to us for
students, must conform to the plan of years. When his word has no effect,
the home in the relative number of stu- his hand becomes heavy.
A Lesson Hard to Learn dents, as well as in work. Just as much A. W. SPAULDING.
ORIGINALLY our homes were meant is there need of this in the school home.
to be schools, sanitariums, and asylums. The proprieties and niceties of social
We were to train our children, and relations can be thoroughly taught only
by intimate companionship, and this
others' children who should come to us ;
to receive the fatherless, the sick, and close companionship can be had only WEBSTER defines discipline as follows :
the poor; to shelter, heal, and help them. when the teacher has not too many (I) the treatment suited to a disciple, or
But, with some noble exceptions, homes under his charge. This argues the need learner; (2) development of the faculties
have failed in the fulfilment of these of every teacher's being as far as pos- by instruction and exercise; (3) train-
their duties. sible in home relations with his stu- ing to act in accordance with established
In the history of our message, the dents, and of a restriction of the num- rules or laws.
early failure of homes to do this work ber of students. To discipline, then, is so to educate
made evident the necessity for its being Without this condition, we work, not or train that there will be a harmonious
done by other means, if our mission was for the individual, but for the mass ; development of the physical, mental, and
really to be accomplished. Then men we become, not fathers and mothers, spiritual powers in the disciple, or
and women who had such a love for but taskmasters ; we trust, not to per- learner, that will cause him to walk in
any of these principles as to wish to put sonal communion, but to the general the ways of God.
them into practise were associated in atmosphere of good, for the salvation The only perfectly disciplined life of
groups for the purpose of doing it. of our charges. And this last condition which we have any record is that of our
They were meant still to work for is what we commonly find. Saviour. We find that his early years
individuals, to work for their salvation, If we look for the results of this were spent in useful work, the study of
as it was possible to do in the home. training en masse, what do we find ? — the works and Word of God, and com-
That was to be their sole purpose and Children with vague and misty notions munion with him in prayer. We read
work — to save souls ; not merely to give of truth, young people, wishful for right- that "in his industrious life there were
facts, graduate students; to give treat- eousness, but too weak to stand for prin- no idle moments to invite temptation."
ments, make cures ; to put out books, ciple; creatures, therefore, who hold a Satan finds it impossible to ensnare the
make money. But when, for the sake of half knowledge of the truth, and, through soul whose every energy is employed
greater material results, they brought failure to practise it, only a half knowl- in service for God.
in more members than they could give edge. If you are thoroughly acquainted Applying these principles to the school-
personal attention to, spiritually, intel- with your young people, count the num- room, we shall find the daily program
lectually, and physically, just as the ber of them who obey the laws of health, so arranged that the spiritual, mental,
home is intended to do, and by that who eat, sleep, breathe, bathe, exercise, and physical development of each child
course were forced to trust in system as they are preached at to do; who goes on harmoniously. The periods for
and routine, then the missionary spirit, hold in practise, from a sturdy sense of mental work will not be too long, and
the parental spirit, declined, and both Christian principle, the laws and cour- will be followed by industrial work,
overseers and underlings drifted into tesies of social life; who are versed in which will be a pleasing and helpful
worldliness — in the printing houses the lore of the Bible through a practise change to the pupil, leading him to love
into commercialism, in the sanitariums of its precepts, or who know even the to work with his hands. Where this
into strivings for fame, in the school ten commandments. Investigation will plan is successfully carried out, there
into devotion to form and careers. astonish. will 'be very little cause for insubordi-
Thus, as the home plan and condition Emotionalism can never take the place nation, and this part of discipline will
disappeared from our institutions and of knowledge. The efforts of the orator not be such a perplexing question as it 4
the family spirit declined, their real work before the congregation, the enthusiasm has been in the past.
naturally was neglected, and the outputs of the teacher before his class, will But such cases will arise ; and how
of the institutions alone occupied our result in nothing more than a temporary shall they be met? We are told that
people's minds. Then we ceased to work stirring of dry bones, until by daily asso- the greatest wrong we can do a pupil is
so much for the salvation of individuals, ciation with Christian leaders the young to allow him to become fastened in the
and endeavored to get results from have been brought to know by practise bondage of an evil habit. The first thing,
working with the masses. Our routine the truths we hold„ This can be done then, is to enlist, his will for the correc-
work drove us, our multitudinous re- only by an adoption of home methods. tion of the evil. Just how this may be
sponsibilities distracted us, and we by a return to individual effort and an done will depend upon the disposition of
trusted to the general atmosphere to work abandonment of trust in Work upon the the child ; and the teacher, having stud-
out the salvation of our charges. This mass. ied the dispbsition of his pupils, will be
condition was speedily reached, by the All earnest teachers have tried, it is able, with the help of the Lord, to know
congestion of our institutions with em- true, to give their lives in personal effort how it may be done. But it should he
ployees, helpers, and students. for their students, but the massing of made plain that the government of God
To speak specifically of the school, too many to allow of the operation of knows no compromise with evil, and for
we created this condition by making the home methods, prevents the complete this reason disobedience can not he tol-
class the principal medium of communi- success of their efforts. Still we place erated in the school. Always remember
cation between teacher and students, and our trust in the gathering of great num- that if we as teachers have the well-
by making our school homes dormitories, bers into the schools„ as if their walls being of our pupils at heart, we shall
clubs. Now the purpose of our schools enclosed manufactories of righteousness ; not compromise with wrong-doing. It
is to make character, and in the forma- still we boast of great attendances — the might seem the easier way sometimes,
tion of character, class-room work should very thing which will prevent the doing but when we remember that their eternal
count for only its due importance. What of our real work. happiness is at stake in the decisions
does count is the intimate association In view of these facts, which the stu- made, it assumes another aspect. The
between the trainers. and those to be dent of the Testimonies and of peda- Lord has said that " it is not love, but
trained. Thus work in the field, in the gogic principles knows, do we not see sentimentalism that palters with wrong-
shop, and in the home, must be shared that these conditions have been rebuked doing, seeks by coaxing or bribes to
by teachers and students, as instructors by calamity, and is not such calamity a secure compliance, and finally accepts
and learners, if the school is .to do its call to the adoption of correct principles? some substitute in the place of the thing

required." Then let us so labor in all manent value the production is to us. to another; and the Lord as their great
matters of discipline that the children But the all-important question to ask is, teacher labored with them to give them
may be fitted to dwell with the redeemed Of what use will this be to me through- one lesson after another, but they would
throughout eternity. out eternity? The more love for God not learn. And the Lord says, " I sware
LOTTIE E. FARRELL. we have here, the more 'shall we love in my wrath, They shall not enter into
God in heaven; the more we see in na- my rest."
ture here, the more shall be appreciate What purpose did the Lord have in
Value of Good Reading our heavenly surroundings. Therefore view in the education of Israel? " Be-
those books which bring these results hold, I have taught you statutes and
ACQUINTANCES are formed by an ex- will be of the most service. judgments. . . . Keep therefore and do
change of thoughts, either written or The education which fits us for a suc- them; for this is your wisdom and your
spoken. We may never see a person, cessful life in this world is not to be understanding in the sight of the nations,
but he may become in a certain sense neglected; but of more worth is the edu- which shall hear all these statutes, and
our friend, by our reading what he has cation which prepares us for service in 'say, Surely this great nation is a wise
written. Therefore as cautiously as we our Master's cause. The- one is as much and understanding people." Dent. 4: 5-9.
choose our friends, should we select the higher than the other as heaven is " And ye shall teach them your children,
books which we read. higher than the earth. speaking of them when thou sittest in
God reveals himself to man through ETHEL J. SANDERSON. thine house, and when thou walkest by
the Word, through nature,.and through the way, when thou liest down, and when
his influence on the inner consciousness thou risest up." Dent. I i : 18-20. The
of man. Some hearts are more in tune Lord wanted them to be workers to-
with the pulsations of the eternal heart The Education of Israel an gether with him in the training of their
of love than are others. Then, are not Object-Lesson for Us children, and in being a nation of teach-
the writings of those men the ones we " ALL the commandments which I ers to the world. For this purpose they
should most read and study? command thee this day shall ye observe themse'ves needed instruction and disci-
Standard literature is that literature to do, that ye may live, and multiply, pline. But in all this they as a nation
which has stood the test of ages, having failed. Their whole history is given us
and go in and possess the land which
been handed down from generation to the Lord sware unto your fathers. And as an object-lesson that the Lord may
generation. It supplies the needs of thou shalt remember all the way which accomplish through us as a people what
both rich and poor, and is of interest the Lord thy God led thee these forty Israel failed to accomplish.
to each class. It does not address any years in the wilderness, to humble thee, The Lord has given us instruction
one sect or party, but is a communica- and to prove thee, to know what was after instruction to fit us for our special
tion from man to man. This is because in thine heart, whether thou wouldest work as teachers of our children and of
the quality of universality is present. keep his commandments, or no. . . . the world. The whole power of the
This characteristic gives to a literary Thou shalt also consider in thine heart, Almighty will be with us as a people, to
production a world-wide scope, reach- that, as a man chasteneth his son, so the enlighten the dark world, if we will heed
ing as far as does the language in which Lord thy God chasteneth thee." Deut. the instructions given us. With Israel
it is written. It touches the innermost 8 : 1, 2, 5. of old the plan of God could not be
feelings of man. The Bible has univer- In these words we see plainly that the accomplished. But this time it will be
sality to a fuller extent than any other whole work of God with Israel in the accomplished, and then Israel will enter
book, and any literary production which wilderness was a work of education; into his rest. May our earnest prayer
does not have this quality is short lived. and what is it written for? —" For our be to have a part in it.
There are two kinds of literature, admonition, upon whom the ends of the J. F. HARDER.
which we may designate as knowledge world are come."
literature and power literature. The A German interpreter, G. D. Krum-
former instructs, while the latter I: rillas
macher, says that the word " wilderness "
is translated from a wcrd in the orig-
totirimarur1 iuith
Literature includes anything of a inal text which is derived from a word
technical nature in knowledge or that signifies " to instruct," or " instruc-
science. All text-books, dictionaries, The Support of the Church-
tion." He further states that " to hum-
encyclopedias, and the like, would ble " is translated from a Hebrew word Schools
come under this head. It is a good thing which signifies " to answer." THE financial problem of our church-
to store the mind well with facts ; but So we see that the experiences of schools is one that puzzles our churches.
unless the morals of a man are stirred, Israel in the wilderness were a school Many of our teachers receive but scanty
he never can arouse any one else to for them indeed : God was their great living wages, and often go without their
action. teacher, and precious were the lessons pay. There are several reasons for
Power literature is that kind which taught to them; the Lord proved them, this: —
gives renewed energy to one. It works and tested them, and often it was mani- First, as a usual thing, it is not run
most powerfully upon the morals of a fested that they were very slew to learn as a church-school, but as a subscription
man, showing him the relation he bears their lessons. Many times their expe- school for the church. Second, there is
to God and all mankind. Our hand and riences were like putting test questions not co-operation on the part of the
judgment become developed only by use. to a school, where the pupils could not church to make it a success. Third,
Therefore the best literature for one's answer their teacher " one of a thou- there is not a burden for the children
moral faculties is that which arouses sand." Job 9: 3. So we see " to an- we see around us every day and mingle
them to action. A hook that can not swer " meant " to be humbled " for them with on the Sabbath.
impart serviceable knowledge should not indeed. Had they not been so slew to Christ says, " The children of this
be read. learn, fhe Lord would have lifted them world are in their generation wiser than
By the reading of good literature we step by step to higher level. Their great the children of light." Will not this
become acquainted with • the best Teacher testifies of them: " Forty years apply to our present system of support-
thoughts of the best writers; we have long was I grieved with this generation, ing our church-schools ? The children
revealed to us the highest ideals and and said, It is a people that do err in of this world come together as a body
noblest motives which prevailed during their heart, and they have not known and form what we call a civil govern-
the successive periods of the nation's my ways," or as the German Bible has ment.' For the education of their chil-
growth. And every production is it, " and my ways they would not learn." dren they tax every man according to
bound to leave its impression upon us. They " tempted me, proved me, and saw his wealth, and not according to the
If it has increased our love for God, my works forty years." Does not that children he has.
given us a warmer sympathy for all sound very strange? When the Lord, A subscription school is not a public
mankind, a deeper interest in the cre- their teacher, would test them, in order school, or a school run by the govern-
ated works of God, a keener realization to humble them, they would reverse the ment. A subscription school is not a
of •our obligations to God and mankind, thing, and tempt (test) and prove the church-school, or a school run by the
a higher gratitude for the mercies sur- Lord. When the Lord would give them church. A public schocl is one run and
rounding us, and a greater desire to lessons to learn to know him, they " be- supported by the public. A chtirch-school
have a part in the work of our Master, came vain in their imaginations. and is one run and supported by the church.
we may know that it has been of great their foolish heart was darkened." Our present system is to tax every pa-
use to us. In journeying from one wilderness to tron according to the children he sends,
Perhaps a still better test is the per- another, they wandered from one school and then in the name of the church call

it a church-school, when in reality it is ful love, let them join the birds in their to the successful student his passport
not a church-school, but a subscription songs of praise. from the preparatory school of earth to
school. Let us call it by its right name. " Educate the children and youth to the higher grade, the school above."
John the beloved has given us a rule consider the works of the great Master MRS. W. H. SEBASTIAN.
that is a thermometer in every church. Artist, and to imitate the attractive
" If a man say, I love God, and hateth graces of nature in their character."-- I
his brother, he is a liar : for he that " Testimony on Education," page 62. Some Thoughts in Favor of
loveth not his brother whom he bath Geographical facts are constantly
seen, how can he love God whom he changing; but the great principles of the Wood Sloyd
hath not seen? " Let us apply this rule science, the well-developed physical laws (Concluded)
to our work and ourselves. which underlie civilization and govern SOME may say that wood sloyd is not
We are sending scores of teachers to the world, remain ever the same, and practical in the grades. It is true that
the foreign fields, and supporting them these should be taught the children as we turn out little models, in a sense
by our offerings, for the purpose of edu- the sure foundation on which to build only ornamental, but the child must he
cating children whom we have not seen. all the work for all the years to come. trained from the simple to the more com-
Such schools are real church-schools. A good teacher is known by the plex forms. The former are found
And this is as God would have it. Now amount of crayon he uses. In present- among the ornamental articles. Con-
do you love these children? Some of ing a subject, if ever so rude a drawing sider the age and ability of the child,
them are in Africa, India, and China. can be made on the blackboard, it an- and give him work at first that he can
Perhaps you would say, " Yes, I love swers the purpose in conveying the turn out in a reasonable length of time
them, and I am helping to support those thought to the child's mind, and it is with a degree of satisfaction in the re-
teachers who are laboring over there." indelibly pictured there; to do this it is sults obtained. You may hear some one
Now let us apply John's rule by a few not necessary that one be an artist, still say that it takes too much time, and
questions. Do you live where there is never begin by saying, " I can not draw does not leave ample time for the regu-
a church? Is there a church-school? a good picture; " for the child's mind is lar class work. In every case that comes
Are you helping to support it? If not, alive to what you have taught it pre- to my mind where sloyd has been used,
why not? Do you love the children you vious to the presentation of the drawing, it has been added, not to supplement
mingle with every Sabbath? Where is and no matter how rude the sketch, it some other subject, but as an independ-
the proof that you love the children in will appear a likeness of whatever you ent class. Experience has proved that it
the foreign fields whom you have not are endeavoring to illustrate. does not detract from the mental work.
seen? Will it not be found by your Map work should hold a most impor- On the other hand, we find a more thor- 4
support of the home church, and by your tant part in our geography work. The ough student turning off better work and
effort to save the children you see? flat surface, to develop thought, must more of it. Sloyd not only improves
If we are to 'be the light of the world, be made to glow °with life and move- his knowledge in drawing, science, math-
we must follow the commission our Sa- ment. The eye must look beyond the ematics, etc., but teaches him to judge
viour has given in Acts 1 : 8: " Ye shall symbol, and see the thing symbolized. between right and wrong methods and
lie witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, The pupils must develop the power of their results. He can see the difference
and in all Judea, and in Samaria, and imagining great unseen forms, and should between the skilled and the unskilled
unto the uttermost part of the earth." be allowed sometimes to give the pic- workman, and their comparative worth.
- In Acts we find the disciples carrying ture as it exists in their minds, after In the sloyd room family caste is laid
out this commission. How ?—" And the it has been produced for them. aside, and the son of the rich man takes
multitude of them that believed were of A vagueness of conception on the his place at the bench by the side of
one heart and of one soul." They sold teacher's part in regard to places to be the poor man's son. The former begins
their possessions and goods, and parted represented will lead to a failure. In to appreciate the fact that there is dig-
them to all men, as every man had need, this you can not expect more of your nity in labor. It is no longer degrading
and had all things common. pupils than you can do yourself. It is in his sight, and the working man has
When we walk by these principles, your 'bounden duty to know. ,his sympathies. The poor man's son
we shall surely have church-schools in The science of geography is God- accepts the opportunity as a stepping-
the true sense of the word. given. Its principles are so simple, so stone to train his eye, his hand, and his
V. B. WATTS. plain, and so practical that the little mind to work in unison, and thus become
child can be charmed with their beauty; a more skilful laborer, and of some real
and yet its truths are so grand, so won- worth to his fellow men.
Geography a God -given Science derful, and so unsearchable that the Sloyd work tends to hold the boys in
THE importance of the study of geog- most mature mind finds in them depths school for a longer period, and is a
raphy in school has too long been un- of thought which can not be fathomed, drawing card ,to increase the attendance.
derestimated. How can we lead the
minds of the children to God other than
and intricate problems which can not be
solved. It is a study that elevates and
As a factor in discipline it is of ines-
timable value. The worst punishment
through his handiwork? Thousands of ennobles the mind, and in the School of that can be inflicted upon a child for
children's minds have been left in a state the Hereafter, " all the treasures of the misbehavior or poorly prepared lessons,
of hopeless and no less helpless confu- universe will he open to the study of is to excuse him from his sloyd class.
sion, because this beautiful study is God's children. With unutterable de- One might suppose that expense might
taught in such a way that it appeals to light we• shall enter into the joy and the stand in the way of its introduction into
their memory as only a list of unrelated, wisdom of unfallen beings. We shall some of our schools, 'but a well-equipped
disconnected facts. share the treasures gained through ages room can be furnished for what an or-
Parents should lie the only teachers and ages spent in contemplation of God's dinary schoolroom might be. After all,
of their children until they have reached handiwork. And the years of eternity, if a child's soul is at stake, shall we
at least eight years of age, and the ma- as they roll, will continue to bring more stop and quibble over a few silver coins ?
terial for their instruction in geography glorious revelations. Exceeding abun- The Lord will surely ask us, " Where is
is found under the children's feet, over dant above all that we ask and think the flock that was given thee, thy beau-
their heads, and in the air about them, will lie forever and forever, the impar- tiful flock? " Give them the threefold
and on every side of their path,— the taticn of the gifts of God."—"Edio- development, and keep in mind Bacon's
fragrant flowers, the bright, sparkling cation." aphorism, " Education is the cultivation
waters, the birds darting by, green fields, Geography is an unfathomable science ; of a just and legitimate familiarity be-
lofty trees, passing clouds, and falling we can not learn nor teach it completely twixt the mind and things."
rain. The child should be asked to ac- in this life, but the teacher who co- Sloyd is not taught for the sole pur-
cept bin little blindly, and his activity, operates with the divine purpose in pose of turning out artizans, no more
instead of being suppressed, should be imparting to the youth, through this than banking is taught with the intention
turned into channels of education. science, a knoviledge of God, does a of turning out bankers, nor botany with
" The little children should come es- work like unto the Saviour's when here the thought of turning out naturalists.
pecially close to nature. Instead of put- on earth; and his was a high and noble A boy sent out with a practical educa-
ting fashion's shackles upon them, let work. tion is better qualified to enter the in-
them be free like lambs, to play in the " As the teacher awakens a desire to dustrial school of life. He is not the
sweet, fresh sunlight. reach God's ideal, he presents an edu- boy to wait for something to turn up, but
"Teach them to see the wisdom and cation that can not be completed in this is able to turn up something for himself.
love of God in his created works, and life, but that will be continued in the In " Education," page 214, on Manual
as their hearts swell with joy and grate- life to come,— an education that secures Training, we have the following: " It

is a safeguard against temptation. Its hand, American ambition and push are Our brethren in Oklahoma are waking
discipline places a check on self-indul- lacking. Everything is done with pa- up to the fact that the church-schools
gence, and promotes industry, purity, ciencia (patience). A large per cent are the means of establishing their
firmness. Thus it becomes a part of of the natives can neither read nor dren in the message and preparing them
God's great plan for our recovery from write. Among the Germans the condi- to carry the glad tidings of the soon-
the fall." LOTTA BELL. tions are somewhat better. The upper coming Saviour to a fallen world.
class has comparatively good schools, DAVID VOTH.
yet even in cities many can neither read
Mur Orlyints nor write. With many disadvantages
before us, we have pushed forward with
the help of our Heavenly Father. The Du Quoin Intermediate
Our Industrial School In Taquary, In our printing-office, which is located School
Brazil. in the main building of our school, we FROM its earliest existence the Du
REALIZING the importance of Chris- are quite busy now. We print one Quoin (Ill.) school has been handi-
tian education, our brethren resolved German and two Portuguese journals capped for want 'of a dormitory. Few
at a conference held in Sao Leopoldo, every month. Next month we expect parents are willing to send their boys
of this State, to open an industrial to print an extra number of our paper and girls away from home to live in
school, where our youth could be edu- 0 Arauto da Verdade (Herald of some private family unless they are per-
cated for the great work of proclaiming Truth). About seven thousand copies fectly satisfied that the home environ-
the third angel's message. have already been ordered, so we prob- ments of that family are thoroughly
The committee appointed to look for ably can print an edition of ten thou- conducive to a healthy spiritual growth,
a suitable place, found after much sand. Besides that, we now print " His as well as to a symmetrical physical and
searching a property with the necessary, Glorious Appearing," our second book mental development.
suitable buildings in Taquary, which in the Portuguese language, on our This, together with some local condi-
was bought by our school association; own press. All those dear brethren tions, has tended to keep our attendance
and here, after the necessary repairs and and sisters in the States who gladly lighter than it otherwise might have
preparations, the school was opened contributed to our printing fund will be been. However, those who have come
Aug. 19, 1903, with a fair number of glad to learn that thousands of pages are endeavoring to qualify themselves
students. go out from the printing plant which to enter some field of usefulness in
The Object" they helped to buy, to warn the inhab- the Master's service. Every student in
Our school has a well-defined pur- itants of Brazil. How great, my the intermediate department, with per-
pose. Its mission is to train workers brethren, will be your joy when you haps one exception, is planning to en-
to carry the gospel to the inhabitants finally meet saved souls in the kingdom gage actively in the work soon. Nearly
of Brazil. In the preparation of labor- as a result! JOHN LITHE. all, if not all, will enter the canvassing
ers the principles of true education are field next summer. Some intend to earn
recognized. In educating the youth of a scholarship for Emmanuel Missionary
both sexes we hope to turn out able Church-Schools in Oklahoma College. One or two hope to teach next
canvassers, who can spread a knowledge IT is very encouraging to see the in- year. Some who went to school last
of present truth with success, and to terest our people are taking in this year- are teaching this year. So while
prepare Bible workers, teachers, and branch of the Lord's work. The pur- we have been unable to see such results
ministers who can proclaim to the world pose of the church-school is to give the as we would like, yet omens are more
the last warning message in simple children and youth an education and a encouraging now than at any time in our
words with a heart filled with love for training that will fit them for the Mas- history.
their fellow men. Since the opening of ter's work here below, and so for those To the writer's mind we are handi-
the school the work of the teachers heavenly mansions above. By taking an capped more for lack of room and facil-
with their students has been richly interest in church-school work, parents ities for carrying on the different lines
blessed. take an interest in the salvation of their of manual training than all else com-
Instruction children. bined. God has plainly indicated to us
This institution offers a two years' We have twelve church-schools in our that we should have manual training in
course in German and Portuguese. The conference this year. Six of these are our schools, and surely no school can at-
Bible takes the first place in the studies. English, with an enrolment of one hun- tain to the standard God would have it
Instruction is also given in nature study, dred and thirty, and six are German, without carrying on this department of
physiology, grammar, geography, arith- with two hundred and thirteen enrolled. the work as a part of the daily cur-
metic, writing, singing, music, dress cut- The teachers are all pleased with their riculum. God wants us to exercise faith.
ting, sewing, hand-work, etc. schools, and send in encouraging reports. He is able, willing, and anxious to do
The Home To my knowledge there has been no fric- great things for his people. Why does
The main building contains a class tion between the patrons and teachers. he not do so ?— Because we stand in
room, a meeting room, general office, The work has moved along smoothly and the way.
rooms for students and teachers, print- harmoniously. If we had been able to William Hawley Smith, the renowned
ing-office, kitchen, etc. Teacher and secure teachers for all the calls coming lecturer, said to the writer a short time
students are one family, and live and in, we could have at least eighteen ago : " You Adventists are right in your
dine in the same house. church-schools. Letters have been re- ideals of education. Stand by them, and
farm ceived from different parts of Oklahoma, you are sure of success. The road may
To the school belong • about thirty asking for teachers, but to the disap- be rough and rocky, but it will pay to
acres of land, which in part is culti- pointment of their writers and to our climb the steep." Men of the world are
vated by the students, who are_ required sorrow, I was obliged to write that all not slow to recognize the merits of any
to work four hours every day. Stu- the teachers were engaged. As long as good thing. Why are we so slow? I
dents have an opportunity to learn val- we are unable to fill these places, the know but one reason. Rev. 3: 17 tells
uable lessons in horticulture and bee children will attend the public schools. the whole story. What a dreadful thing
management. In our garden we can This should not be so. We hope and it is ! But thank God for the eighteenth
raise almost all the vegetables and fruits pray that the Lord will lay a burden verse. In it is couched the panacea for
that can be raised in the. States. Our upon many of our young people for this all our ills. Let us heed it. And evi-
students do the work in the house, on work. dently one of the best ways to do so is
the land, in the garden, and in stable Brother Harder, who has recently to arise to a realization of our duty in
and barn, and do also the necessary moved to Beaver County, Oklahoma, felt the way of educating ourselves to the
building and building-repairing work. a burden resting upon him to do some- work of giving the message to the world
When we look over the past and con- thing for our young people in that part in this generation. The Du Quoin
side:- what the Lord has wrought, we of the country, and instead of asking for church and school are beginning to see
must wonder and praise him. In va- financial help from the conference, he and grasp the situation; for this we feel
rious ways he has helped and counseled took from his own money and built a thankful. A missionary spirit seems to
us. The educational work is a much commodious schoolhouse. About forty be coming, which must result in good.
more difficult work in Brazil than in the pupils are attending. When we think of Brethren and sisters, remember us in
States. Our students pay only about the number of young people in that part your prayers, that we may rally to the
$4.60 a month for tuition, board, rent, of Oklahoma, we can but believe that standard, and help to make a short work
etc., and yet it is difficult for parents to this brother has done a noble work, and of our long-neglected duty.
pay even this amount. On the other his money is wisely invested. A. C. HAUGHEY.

South Dakota, Notice! Camp-Meetings in the Southern Union

t's 4$ THE annual meeting of the South Dakota
Conference Association of Seventh-day Ad-
IN the list of camp-meetings for 1907 it
will be noticed that in several of the con-
ferences in the Southern Union the time and
APPCONTM ENT5 ventists will convene in the city of Sioux
Falls, S. D., at II A. M., Tuesday, June 18, the place are both given, while in others only
1907. All delegates to the conference are the time appears. It is hoped that the au-
thorities in each of the conferences of the I
delegates to this meeting.
Camp-Meetings for 1907 Southern Union will decide upon a location
C. M. CLARK, Chairman,
ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE CEO. W. MILLER, Secretary. for the camp-meeting as soon as possible,
Central New England, Mass., Fitch- and report the same.
burg June 20-3o We can not tell at this writing just who
Chesapeake, Baltimore, Md. July 5-14 will attend these camp-meetings. Elders
Greater New York and New Jersey ' Alberta, Notice! Tenney, Parmele, and very likely Elder J. S.
June 13-23 THE first annual meeting of the members Washburn, will attend most of these meet-
Maine Aug. 23 to Sept. a of the corporation known as the Alberta Con- ings. More will be said in the future with
New York Sept. 5-16 ference Association of Seventh-day Adventists reference to this. GEO. I. BUTLER,
Southern New England, New London, will be held in connection with the camp-
Conn. June 6-16 meeting at Lacombe, July 3, at 9 A. M.
Vermont Aug. 29 to Sept. 9 C. A. BURMAN, President,
Western New York Aug. 29 to Sept. 9 A. C. ANDERSON, Secretary. Greater New York and New Jersey,
West Pennsylvania, Oil City June 13-23 Notice!
CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE IT has been definitely decided between the
Alberta, Lacombe July 1-7
Alberta, Notice! conferences of Greater New York and New
Ontario, Niagara Falls .. Aug. 22 to Sept. Jersey to hold a joint camp-meeting. The
SOUTHERN UNION CONFERENCE THE second annual session of the Alberta
meeting will be held June 13-23. The exact
Alabama, Birmingham Oct. 3-13 Conference of Seventh-day Adventists will
location has not been determined at this time,
Cumberland Conference Aug. 20-3o convene in connection with the camp-meeting
but the interests of both conferences will be
Florida, Tampa Oct. 10-20 at Lacombe, Alberta, July 1-7, 1907. The
considered, and the best place selected. We
Georgia July 25 to Aug. 4 purpose of this conference will be the elec-
trust this gathering may be the best that has
Louisiana July 19-28 tion of officers for the coming year, and the
ever convened in this part of the field.
Mississippi July 11-21 transaction of such other business as may
We can not give the prices of tents and
North Carolina, Lexington Aug. 15-25 be considered advisable in the promotion of
other furnishings yet, but we will notify our
South Carolina, Spartanburg Aug. 8-18 the cause of God in this new field.
churches as soon as possible. We trust that
Tennessee River Conference, Waverly Since there has been no provision made for
our brethren and sisters will put forth an
Aug. 2-10 the election of delegates, all members of I
extra effort to attend this meeting. You can
LAKE UNION CONFERENCE churches in the Alberta Conference in good
not afford to lose the blessing it will bring
Northern Illinois, Aurora, Aug. 29 to Sept. 8 standing will be invited to participate in the
to you. C. H. EDWARDS.
North Michigan, Gladstone June 24-30 proceedings of this conference.
North Mich., East Jordan, Aug. 29 to Sept. q C. A. BURMAN.
Minnesota, St. Cloud May 3o to June 9 Business Notices
North Dakota, Devil's Lake July 9-15
Chesapeake Conference BRIEF business notices will be published in
North Dakota, Velva June 24 to July
THE eighth annual session of the Chesa- this department subject to the discretion of
North Dakota, Hankinson June 11-17
June 13-23 peake Conference of Seventh-day Adventists the publishers.
South Dakota, Sioux Falls
will be held in connection with the camp- Display advertising will not be accepted,
meeting at Baltimore, Md., July 5-14. Each nor do the publishers solicit advertising of
Iowa, Des Moines May 3o to June 9
Aug. 15-25 church in the conference is entitled to one any kind for this paper.
Kansas, Herington (State)
Aug, 8- r 8 delegate for its organization, regardless of A charge of one dollar will be made for
Missouri, Eldon
membership, and to one additional delegate each insertion of forty words or less. Each
Nebraska, Hastings (Prospect
Sept. 12-22 for every ten members. Officers will be elected additional word, initial, or group of figures,
for the ensuing year, and other important in excess of forty, will cast three cents.
Wyoming Mission Field, Crawford,
June 20-30 matters pertaining to the work in the con- No discount for several insertions.
ference will come before the delegates. We open no accounts for advertising, and
July 18-28 Tents, cots, lumber, etc., will be for rent. cash must accompany each order.
Arkansas, Siloam Springs
Aug. 22 to Sept. 2 Orders for the same should be sent to E. R. All persons unknown to. the managers of
Oklahoma, Woodward (local) July 23-28 Nutter, 1909 Lansdowne St., Baltimore, Md., this paper must send with their advertisement
Aug. -it at an early date, so that everything may be satisfactory written recommendation. It is
PACIFIC UNION CONFERENCE ready when the campers arrive on the not enough to refer to some individual by
ground. name. Secure his recommendation in wri-
California-Nevada, St. Helena, Cal.,
June 2o-3o Good ministerial help is promised, and spe- ting and send it.
Southern California, Los Angeles, Aug. 16- cial attention will be given to all branches FOR SALE.— Cooking oil. Freight prepaid.
Utah, Salt Lake City Oct. of the work. Moaats LUKENS. Straight $4.50 5-gal. can, between parallel
with east line of Colorado and west of Ohio.
Montana, St. Helena June 13-23 I predict one dollar gallon soon. Not high
Upper Columbia, Walla Walla, price then. Address R. H. Brock, Arkansas
Wash. May 3o to June to North Dakota, Notice!
City, Kan.
MEETINGS IN EUROPE THOSE living in the northeastern part of
Finland June 14-18 the State will be pleased to learn that a FOR SALE.— 160 acres good, rolling land
Sweden, Sodertelje, near Stock- camp-meeting is appointed to be held at in wheat belt of western Kansas, 4'A miles
holm June 19-24 Devil's Lake, July 9-15. This is during the from town, ,A mile from school. Small im-
German-Swiss July 3-7 Chautauqua season, when a large number of provements. Would take small home in the
French-Swiss July 10-14 people are attracted to that place, both for South as part pay ; easy terms for remainder.
German Union, Friedensau July 18-28 the entertainment the Chautauqua affords and Address C. F. Parmele, Wakeeney, Kan.
British Union Aug. 2-r also for the pleasure of camping in the beau- WANTED AT ONCE.— 25 young ladies, 15
Holland Aug. 15-18 tiful groves bordering the lake. young men, all consecrated Seventh-day Ad-
The presidents of the various conferences We hope to have the camp located where ventist Christian workers, to make immediate
are requested to forward any information the people of Devil's Lake, and also visitors, arrangements to enter the Glendale Sanita-
which will enable us to publish a complete will find it convenient to attend the meet- rium Training-school for Missionary Nurses.
and correct list of the camp-meetings ap- ings. Services will be held in the English and
Class begins June I. Exceptional opportunity
pointed for the present season. If any Scandinavian languages, and efficient labor- to get a thorough, practical missionary train-
changes are made, of either time or place of ers in them all will be present. ing, that will fit you for any field in the
meetings already appointed, notice should be We sincerely hope that all our brethren world. Address Dr. Winegar Simpson,
forwarded at once. and sisters living in the northeastern part
Glendale, Cal.
of the State will attend this meeting. A
dining tent will be on the ground, and meals FOR SALE.— Farm of 6 acres full-bearing
Literature for Jamestown Exposition will be provided at a reasonable charge. In orchard; 4 acres prunes; I acre peaches;
ANY of our publications,— periodicals, regard to reduced railroad rates, we can not remainder family orchard; quarter mile from
tracts, or books,— in any language, that any announce them at this time; but if the Chau- thriving town in center of Santa Clara Valley,
conference, publishing house, or individual tauqua is granted special rates, we also will garden spot of California ; splendid markets
can send us, prepaid, will be gladly accepted receive them. So those coming should take at hand ; good living assured from fruits and
for free distribution during the time of the certificates of purchase from the agent, and poultry ; new 7-room house, all modern con-
Jamestown Exposition. Send any time be- if rates are granted, the certificates will be veniences, windmill, etc.; close to good school
fore Nov. 15, 1907, prepaid, to G. A. Stevens, signed by the secretary of the Chautauqua. and Seventh-day Adventist church : a sacri-
24 Willow St., Hampton, Va. By request of Come and bring your family with you, and fice, $3,250. For particulars, address J. B.
the Virginia Conference, invite your friends. JOHN CT. WALKER, Greenwood, 232 San Pablo Ave., Oakland,
R. D. HOTTEL, President. President. Cal.

POSITION WANTED.— By young married SOSEY.— Died at Pasadena, Cal., April 21 SCHRAMM.— Died at his home in Bren-
man with good mechanical ability ; has Mass- r907, John Leverne Sosey, son of Sister John ham, Tex., of measles, Clay Schramm, son of
achusetts State journeyman plumbers' license; C. Sosey, formerly of Battle Creek, Mich Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schramm, aged 9 years
is handy with all tools; good workman. Ad- The child, though only 17 months and 20 and 9 months. He will be greatly missed by
dress William H. Young, Care of New Eng- days of age, was a sunbeam in both family father, mother, sister, and three brothers,
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. and church. As death (supposed to have re- but they mourn not as those who have no
sulted from acute indigestion) snatched the hope. Clay loved the Sabbath-school and
SPECIAL ORPINGTON SALE.— To make room little one very suddenly, the blow falls heav-
for growing chicks, we will close out our church services, at which he was a regular
ily ; but there is hope in the promise con- attendant. At his request, all the money he
surplus stock of buff Orpingtons at half price cerning those who sleep in Jesus.
$r each for hens. pullets, cockerels. One had saved ($11.65) is given to missions; thus
R. W. MILLER. he, being dead, yet speaketh. Funeral serv-
2-year cock, $2.50. Eggs after June r, $r
per Is. We like the Orpingtons better than ANDERSON.— Died at Denver, Ind., April ice was conducted by the writer.
ever. Our customers are delighted. Get a 26, 1907, of pneumonia, Benjamin F. Ander- W. W. EASTMAN,
start now. Address Union College Poultry son, aged 73 years, I month, and 16 days.
He was converted and united with the Sev- WILLS.— Died at his home in Chicago,
Yards, College View, Neb. Ill., April 28, 1907, of paralysis, Louis A.
enth-day Adventist church at Denver in 1886.
He was respected in the community where he Wills, aged 61 years, I month, and 12 days.
FOR SALE.— Health foods, sanitary sup- His faithful wife had prayed for years that
plies, household conveniences, pictures, wall had lived for more than twenty years. He
was glad to see the message advance, and did he might be converted and keep all the com-
mottoes, wall-pockets, good things for agents. mandments of God. Three days before his
Dinner sets, silver• sets, watches free with much to help it. He rests in hope of a part
in the first resurrection. Funeral service death he knelt with her in prayer, and sur-
orders. Kornoil absolutely pure ; five gallons, rendered fully to the Lord. He gave evi-
$4; ten gallons, $7.50. Dollar fever ther- was conducted by the writer.
W. A. YOUNG. dence of a new birth and true conversion.
mometers, 45 cents till July I. Catalogues Besides his wife, he leaves a son and two
and food prices free. Address Sanitarium LAKE.— Died at the home of her SOD in grandchildren to mourn their loss. Words
Supply Co., Nashville, Tenn. Worcester, Mass., of consumption, Mrs. C. S. of comfort were spoken by the writer from
Lake, aged 87 years and to months. Sister Job 14: 14 to a crowded house.; TAROK.
Lake had been a consistent Sabbath-keeper
Addresses for more than thirty years, being a member
first of the church at South Lancaster and DFPAS.— Died at his home in Stephenson.
THE post-office address of Brother John Mich., April 24, 1907, Floriman Deoas, aged
Niehaus is Greenfield, Ind. later of the church at Worcester. Two sons
and several grandchildren are left to mourn 69 years, 4 months. and r day. He came
Elder 0. E. Reinke's post-office address is to this country from Belgium in 1856. In
now 43o Wales Ave., New York City, N. Y. their loss. The funeral service was held at
the home, April 9, 1907, being conducted by 1864 he identified himself with the Catholic
the writer. Words of comfort were spoken Church, but later he joined the Presbyterian
from Luke 8 : 52. F. W. STRAY. Church, and remained in its fellowship until
Mbrituarits BOARDMAN.— Died at Springfield, Mass.,
he embraced the third angel's message in
1860. A wife, one son, two sisters, two
March so. 1907, Mercy S. Boardman, widow brothers. five grandchildren, and many great-
REDFIELD.— Died at her home on Moran of George H. Boardman, aged 77 years. Sister grandchildren mourn their loss. Our brother
Prairie, Wash., of senile decay, Sister Mary Boardman heard and accepted the third an- had selected r Thess. 4: 13-18 as an expres-
Redfield. She embraced the truths of the gel's message about twenty years ago. She sion of his hope and as the foundation for
third angel's message some fifty years ago, leaves three sons and two daughters to mourn the funeral service, which was conducted by
and has ever since lived a consistent Chris- their loss. Prayer service was held at the the writer. M. W. LEWIS.
tian life. She died in the bright hope of home on the evening of •the twelfth, and the
next day the remains were taken to Burling- STEWARD.— Died at his home in Grays-
the resurrection. The funeral service was ville, Tenn., April 23, 1907. Elder Thaddeus
held at the house, and was conducted by ton, Vt., for burial. After a service in the
Seventh-day Adventist church, the body was Moore Steward, aged 79 years, 5 months, and
E. M. Watts, assisted by C. H. Castle. 7 days. He had been in feeble health for
E. M. WATTS. laid to rest in Green Mount Cemetery, to
await the coming of :the Life-giver. several months, being able to go out but
J. P. BROWN. little. He was converted early in life, and
Rowsor.t.— Died in Rock Hall, Md.; of
in 1843 joined the Baptist Church. In the
consumption, Geo. T. Rollison, aged 32 years SPEAR.— Fell asleep in Jesus, at Wright,
and 8 months. For several years he had• fall of 1852 he began keeping the Sabbath, it
Mich., April 4, 1907, after a short illness of having been brought to his attention by Elder
known the truth, but not until shortly before one week, Mrs. Henry F. Spear, in her Chase, and for a year thereafter he traveled
his death did he confess Christ and seek for seventy-eighth year. Sister Spear embraced and preached with Elder J. H. Waggoner.
mercy from God. He gave strong assurance the third angel's message about the year While in Lyndina, Wis., he was imprisoned
that he was accepted. He leaves a wife, two 187o, under the labors of Elder I. D. Van two weeks for refusing to take an oath in
children, and other near relatives. Elder Horn. She was a mother in Israel, a devout, court. The sheriff allowed him to go out
Lukens conducted the funeral service, speak- earnest Christian woman who loved the com- every night to preach, without guard. In
ing words of comfort from Ps. 34 : 6. ing of the Lord. She leaves one sister, five 1863 the conference of Wisconsin and Illi-
G. H. CLARK. children, and fourteen grandchildren; but nois was organized, and Elder Steward acted
HAavIE.—Died at Woodburn, Ore., March they sorrow not as those who have no hope. as secretary of this conference for five years.
18, 1907, of cancer of the liver, Mrs. Eliza- The funeral service was held in the Bauer He wrote the appeal to Governor Lewis of
beth Harvie, aged 71 years. With her hus- church, the discourse being given by the Wisconsin and Governor Yates of Illinois
band and children she moved to Winnipeg in Writer. R. C. HORTON. for exemption of Seventh-day Adventists
1874, at which place she joined the Seventh- BERRY.— Died at St. Clairsville, Ohio. from service as combatants in the Civil War.
day Adventist church. She was an earnest, April 2, 1907, of cancer of the liver, Dun- For many years he was closely associated
faithful Sabbath-keeper until her death. In ham M. Berry, aged 79 years, 5 months, and in labor with Elders J. N. Loughborough and
addition to raising her own two children, she 9 days. He was a member of the Methodist R. F. Andrews. In 1874 Elder Steward
cared for seven adopted children. She came Church for about fourteen years, and first moved his family to Battle Creek, Mich., but
to Oregon a few weeks ago to visit her heard the preaching of this message during he continued to preach in his former field of
children, and died at her son's home. Funeral a tent effort in St. Clairsville, in 1885, by labor for a few years longer. Of those who
service was conducted by the writer at the Elders E. H. Gates, R. A. Underwood, and embraced the truth under his labors scarcely
M. E. church. We laid her to rest in hope E. J. Van Horn, and was the first one at that one has ever given it up. He was very care-
of the glorious resurrection, time to take a stand for present truth. He ful to explain all the vital points of doctrine.
DANIEL NETTLETON. was a consistent Christian. He leaves five and the sanctuary question was considered
sons and five daughters to mourn their loss. of special importance. To the original plat-
BRISTOL.— Died at Syracuse, N. Y., April form of truth held by us as a people, he was
12, 1907, of heart failure, Harry Lewis Bris- Elder E. T. Russell spoke words of comfort
from I Thess. 4: 13-18. A. C. BROWN. loyal to the end. He preached in Michigan
tol, aged 4o years, 8 months, and 20 days. until 1902, when he moved to Graysville.
About the year 1885 a severe accident befell BESWETIIERICK.— Died at the Vancouver Tenn., where he frequently preached when his
him, which resulted in valvular difficulty of Hospital, March 5, 1907, after an operation strength would permit. He was a man of
the heart. When about sixteen years of age, for cancer, Mrs. Alice Beswetherick, aged 57 great faith, and seldom would engage in con-
he was converted and baptized while attend- years. Sister Beswetherick accepted present versation for any length of time without tell-
ing the South Lancaster Academy, Later he truth seven years ago at Mesick, Mich., under ing of the wonderful answers to prayer in
entered the ministry, being ordained in 1895. the labors of Elder Stureman, and united behalf of the sick and afflicted. Sister M. E.
In 1901 failing health compelled him to cease with that church. Later she moved to Steward, now in feeble health, survives her
his public labors. He was afterward grad- Battle Creek, where she was an active husband, along with a daughter, Miss Mary
uated from a school of osteopathy, and opened worker until September, 1906, when she Steward, who has for years been the con-
an office in Syracuse. He was twice elected came here on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. stant and faithful companion of her aged
president of the Central New York Osteo- McMilan. She died in full assurance of the parents. The funeral service, which was held
pathic Society. A wife, one son, an aged first resurrection, being patient in suffering, at the church in Graysville, was conducted by
father, and an only sister mourn, but not as and rejoicing in her Saviour's love. She Elder Smith Sharp, assisted by Elder E. L.
those who have no hope. The funeral service leaves a husband, three daughters, and' one Sanford and the writer. Ps. 503 : I was the
was held at the home, and interment was son, besides many friends, to mourn, their last scripture repeated by Elder Steward, and
made at Onondaga Valley. loss. The funeral was conducted by our the writer employed this text as a basis of
S. B. WHITNEY. pastor, E. C. Widgley. CARRIE, MCMILAN. appropriate remarks. J. E. TENNEY.

IT will be glad news for all our young None of the islands of the West Indies,
people to learn that steps were taken at save those named, take the domestic rate.
1 [F/01 the recent council to provide for a So please take note of this when sending
( t• rowN
Young People's Department by the Gen- mail to Jamaica and Trinidad, and pay
WASHINGTON, D. C., JUNE 6, 1907 eral Conference, with officers of experi- the foreign rate.
ence, to have the direct oversight of I
C. M. SNOW ! this very important branch of the Lord's
W. A. SPICER work. Minutes of Medical Missionary
DR. DAVID PAULSON gave an interest- KNOWING that the proceedings of the
E. C. CUSHMAN and wife, and their
ing and encouraging talk to the Office coming medical missionary council will
niece, Miss Lector Carman, passed
employees at chapel service, June 2. he of interest to all our people, it has
through Washington last week on their
way to connect with the industrial school occurred to us that many would like to
secure a printed copy of the proceed-
DR. A. A. JOHN, of Mexico City, for- at Bog Walk, near Kingston, Jamaica.
ings at once if published. In fact, sev-
merly connected with our sanitarium at They have been detained in getting off
eral requests have come in already. If
Guadalajara, paid a visit to the office to their field because of the severe ill- enough copies are required, we will have
of the Review and Herald, May 31. ness of their little son.
the proceedings published in pamphlet
THE editor writes that he will remain FROM a letter from S. A. Wellman, Persons requiring these will please
in Europe several weeks to attend the Port of Spain, Trinidad, May 14, we send fifteen cents to help defray expense
camp-meetings in the various European learn that the excitement caused by yel- of publishing. Send at once to W. A.
union conferences. He will arrive in low fever is not over, as one or two Ruble, Medical Secretary, Takoma Park
cases occur each week, sufficient to keep Station, Washington, D. C., that we may
Washington about August 25.
the people in fear of an epidemic. Hun- know how many to have published
dreds of the white population are leaving should it be necessary to print them.
OUR Holland friends can secure a the island, some cause for which may be Every one interested in the medical
limited number of mimeographed senior found in the fact that the rainy season branch of the third angel's message
Sabbath-school lessons in the Holland is approaching. should have a copy of these proceedings.
language by addressing J. W. Hofstra, Shall we publish them? Your reply will
Otsego, Mich. Price, 5 cents. help to decide the matter.
THE Gosbel Herald is the orran of the THE COMMITTEE.
Southern Missionary Society, the depart-
ID 1. I. SHIRLEY, of southern Cali-
ment of colored work for the Southern
fornia, has accepted a call to join The Work in Spartanburg, S. C.
Union Conference. All our people ought
Brother and Sister Claude Morgan in THE Second Presbyterian church
to be intelligent concerning this feature
their school work in Utilla, off the coast property has been procured for eight
of our denominational work, therefore
of Spanish Honduras, Central America. hundred dollars. We are paying four
all should read the Gosbel Herald. It
She was to leave California the last of and one-half per 'cent on this eight
is a four-page monthly paper published
May or first of June for this needy field. hundred dollars. The building commit-
at ten cents a year, payable in postage-
stamps. Please send your subscription tee has given four notes of two hundred
THE Washington Training College to the Southern Missionary Society, dollars each, coming due June 8, August
closed Tuesday, May 28, after a success- North Station, Nashville. Term. By so 8, October 8, and December 8, respect-
ful year's work. Five of the students doing you will help the work for the ively. We can see that the Lord has
go out into the tent work, eight into the colored people. directed in securing this church build-
canvassing field, and four are entering ing, and we expect to see the work move
upon a course in nursing. Many of the
OUR thoughtlessness often causes our
forward rapidly in this place.
There is some repair work that needs
students are planning to return for at
least one more year's work in the Col- faithful foreign missionaries to suffer. to be done at once on this church before
lege. We write them letters, send them off we can invite the public to it. Shall we
without weighing, and then only pay the wait the eight months until the notes are
domestic postal rate. Then when the all paid before placing ourselves in a
G. A. IRWIN, G. B. Thompson, and
good missionary receives the letter, he position to help the people of Spartan-
others attending the European council
has to pay what we should have paid, burg? This is not the mind of the build-
from America, were to sail May 29 from
and as much more as a fine. For in- ing committee nor of the Spartanburg
Liverpool. Brethren Daniells, Evans,
stance, a letter which will go for two church.
and Spicer were to sail on the thirty-
cents in this country may require ten We hope, pray, and expect to see
first, or as soon after as passage could cents if sent to a foreign country: and
money coming in fast enough to warrant
be secured. This will bring them home,
if not paid by the sender, the receiver our beginning the work of repair soon.
no providence preventing, the present
must pay that sum and as much more We are standing ready to prosecute this
week or the first of next.
when the letter reaches him. The do- work as fast as the means coming in
mestic rate is two cents for each ounce; will allow us to do it.
MRS. MAY M. QUANTOCK, nee Taylor, the foreign rate is five cents for each This move for a building at Spartan-
expects soon to sail from San Francisco, half ounce. The domestic rate covers burg has greatly stirred the church to
on her return to India. The failing letters sent to Canada, Mexico, Cuba, action. Only six hundred dollars is
health of her husband compelled them Porto Rico, Hawaii, Tutuila, the Philip- what we are calling for.
to return to America some three years pines, Guam, and the Canal Zone; but We also need a good, enterprising
ago, in the hope that he might recover. if writing to any other countries or any trained nurse to open up treatment
God permitted otherwise, and now Sister other islands, the foreign rate must be rooms in this city. Who will respond ?
Quantock, with her little five-year-old paid. Weigh the letter, and attach five R. T. NASH.
girl, returns to her former field of labor. cents in stamps for each half ounce. Campobello, S. C.

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