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Detached-Eddy Simulations of The Flow Over A Cylinder at Re 3900 Using OpenFOAM

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Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169

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Detached–eddy simulations of the flow over a cylinder at Re = 3900

using OpenFOAM
Valerio D’Alessandro a,∗, Sergio Montelpare b, Renato Ricci a
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona (AN), Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia, Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara, Viale Pindaro 42, 65127, Pescara (PE), Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper we present Detached–Eddy Simulations (DES) of the flow field past a cylinder at Reynolds
Received 10 December 2015 number 3900 obtained by means of the open–source code OpenFOAM.
Revised 1 May 2016
Accepted 28 May 2016 A first aim of the work was to implement a complex DES model based on the v2 –f approach in order
Available online 31 May 2016 to take advantage of its good performance in the near-wall as well as in the LES region. The model was
tested successfully against the selected benchmark case using a Dirichlet type wall boundary condition
Keywords: for the  equation. The role of non–linear constitutive relations in unsolved term modelling was also
Detached–eddy simulation
investigated, but only for the standard Spalart–Allmaras DES approach. A second aim of this study was to
Cylinder Flow
validate the DES models available in the OpenFOAM official release.
HPC Supercomputing facilities are essential for DES computations to be performed within an acceptable wall–
clock time, so we also conducted a detailed code scalability assessment on latest-generation supercom-
puting equipment. These results are also extensively discussed in this paper.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Separation (GIS) and log–layer mismatch, can be found in [3]. GIS
problems as a consequence of the MSD effect were solved by us-
Nowadays it is well known that unsteady Reynolds–Averaged ing a Delayed–Detached–Eddy Simulation (DDES) model, [4], and
Navier–Stokes (RANS) models fail to predict proper flow physics that is why DDES can be considered the new standard version
in many cases involving large turbulent structures. On the other of DES. The improved Delayed–Detached–Eddy Simulation (IDDES)
hand, Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) require a very fine grid in the approach, [5], is more ambitious. It was developed, complete with
near-wall region, and thus entail a high computational cost. The new empirical functions, to overcome the log–layer mismatch as
Detached-Eddy Simulation (DES) technique introduced by Spalart well as MSD. DES models have also since been introduced that are
et al. [1], is a hybrid RANS/LES approach that operates like RANS based on two–equation RANS. In particular, Travin et al. [6] devel-
in the near-wall regions and like LES in separated flow zones. DES oped a DES model based on the SST k–ω model, and other mod-
is probably the most popular hybrid RANS/LES method because it ifications were proposed in various papers too (for this specific
is simple to apply to a wide range of existing RANS models. It model), that involved replacing the length scale in the transport
is also particularly attractive because it produces good results in equations for turbulence, [7–9].
several conditions with fewer computational resources than stan- It is only very recently that DES approaches based on the v2 –f
dard LES. The original DES formulation is based on the Spalart- RANS model have appeared in the literature. A first advantage of
Allmaras (SA), [2], eddy-viscosity RANS model, for which LES be- this model by comparison with other RANS methods lies in its
havior is achieved by modifying the length scale used in the turbu- ability to accurately predict the near-wall effects without specific
lence model. It is worth mentioning that standard DES approaches treatments or expedients. Jee and Shariff, [10], introduced a DES
raise some practical issues and have been harder to deal with than approach based on the k– –v2 –f model; Mirzaei and Sohankar,
was initially expected by the CFD community. An extended review [11], developed a k–ω–v2 –f DES technique; and Ashton et al., [12],
of these issues, i.e. Modeled–Stress Depletion (MSD), Grid–Induced pursued a DES approach using the φ –f model. These models are
very appealing for DES development purposes because they use a
length scale based on flow properties, not on grid size like the SA

Corresponding author.. model. In LES mode, the v2 –f DES models also have a transport
E-mail addresses: v.dalessandro@univpm.it (V. D’Alessandro),
equation for the Sub–Grid Scales (SGS) kinetic energy that is less
s.montelpare@unich.it (S. Montelpare), ricci@univpm.it (R. Ricci).

0045-7930/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169 153

empirical than the SGS modified turbulent viscosity, ν˜ , used in the 2.1. The Spalart–Allmaras DES model
standard SA–DES. The main drawback of these models lies in that
they use four additional equations for turbulence modeling, while The original DES model was introduced by Spalart et al., [1],
other DES techniques are less costly from this point of view. and it replaces the minimum wall distance d in the SA–RANS
The sphere and the circular cylinder are obvious test cases for model with a modified length scale d˜:
an approach with claims over separated flows, [13,14]. In this pa-
d˜ = min(d, CDES ),  = max(x, y, z ), (1)
per, we focus our efforts on the flow over the circular cylinder in
the lower sub–critical range at Re = 3900. A first set of experimen- where x, y and z are the grid sizes and CDES is a constant.
tal measurements was conducted on this flow field by Lourenco In the boundary layer, the normal wall distance d is actually much
and Shih, [15], using PIV equipment. More recently, Parnaudeau smaller than the wall parallel grid spacing. The modified normal
et al., [16], performed numerical simulations (LES) and experiments wall distance consequently acts as a length scale, d˜ = d, and the
with the PIV and HWA methods. Their PIV data are not consistent SA–RANS model is retained within the boundary layer. Outside the
with those obtained by Lourenco and Shih in the very near wake, boundary layer, on the other hand, the normal wall distance is
but both data sets are consistent with the HWA data obtained by larger than the grid spacing, so the modified length scale becomes
Ong and Wallace, [17], far away from the near wake. That is why d˜ = CDES . Being dependent on the grid size, this length scale en-
some authors have claimed there is a flow bifurcation in the very ables the DES model to work like LES in separated flow regions,
near wake region. To be more precise, a first flow state is charac- which are typically located away from the walls.
terized by the presence of a U–shaped profile of the stream-wise The complete set of the incompressible SA–DES Partial Differ-
velocity, while a second state reveals the presence of a V–shaped ential Equation (PDE) system can be written as:
profile. Both states have been found in a large number of LES and
Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS). Moin, [18], recently confirmed
∇ · u = 0,
that the U–shaped state is correct, however, and that the V–shaped ∂u 1
+ ∇ · ( u  u ) = − ∇ p + ∇ · ( 2ν D ) + ∇ · B,
profile occurs in experiments due to vibrations. It is important to ∂t ρ
note that the computation of solutions with U–shaped profiles is ∂ ν˜ c 1  
no trivial task. This specific flow problem has consequently be- + ∇ · (uν˜ ) = cb1 S˜ν˜ + b2 ∇ ν˜ · ∇ ν˜ + ∇ · (ν + ν˜ )∇ ν˜
∂t σ σ
come a popular case for testing numerical modelling and most of  2
the publications have been concerned with LES, [16,19–32]. A DNS ν˜
− cw 1 f w . (2)
computation was conducted in Ma et al., [33], while Wissink and d˜
Rodi, [34], performed a series of DNS tests for a flow over a circu-
The unsolved term, tensor B in Eq. (2), is modelled in this work as:
lar cylinder at Re = 3300. On the other hand, DES computations of
this flow field are quite limited. Xu et al, [14], applied standard SA–
B = R − cr1 (Q · R − R · Q ), (3)
DES, while Jee and Shariff, [10], more recently performed SA–DDES
and DES based on their own v2 –f approach, obtaining very good where R is the linear part of B, which is expressed in terms of the
results. Zhao et al., [35], performed a series of DES simulations us- classic Boussinesq approximation:
ing high–order schemes and standard SA–DES, while Li et al., [36],
used the same approach to solve the flow equations with an im- R = − kI + 2νt D, (4)
mersed boundary method. 3
In this paper, we present a suite of DES computations of the and νt = fv1 ν˜ and D = 0.5 ∇ u + ∇ uT . The non–linear term ap-
flow over the circular cylinder at Re = 3900 using OpenFOAM pearing in Eq. (3) was introduced by Spalart in [38] for RANS equa-
code, [37]. This is an open–source code based on an unstructured tions coupled with the SA model. This quadratic constitutive rela-
finite volume method (FVM), released under the GNU Public Li- tion uses only one of the many possible combinations of strain rate
cense (GPL). In recent years it has attracted a great deal of interest and rotation tensor, and it is related to the proposal advanced by
from both academic institutions and industry because it provides Wilcox and Rubesin, [39]. The constant cr1 was obtained by Spalart
accurate solutions and also allows for customization. himself in [1] for simple boundary layer flows with the constraint
Here we describe an implementation and an assessment of re- u u > w w > v v . The value obtained for cr1 is 0.3. The normalized
cent DES techniques in OpenFOAM. We also thoroughly investigate rotation tensor Q in eq. (3) is defined as:
and validate the standard DES models available in official releases.  1 
The parallel scalability of the code adopted is also carefully ana- Q = 2 / ∇ u : ∇ u,  = ∇ u − ∇ uT .
lyzed on latest-generation supercomputing facilities.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the The following closure functions are now introduced to complete
governing equations of the DES approaches considered here. the definition of the PDE system reported in Eq. (2):
Section 3 briefly describes the discretization technique and Open- χ3 χ
FOAM parallel scalability. Section 4 is devoted to the numerical re- f v1 =  , f v2 = 1 − ,
χ +
3 cv31 ( 1 + χ f v1 )
sults, and Section 5 contains the conclusions.  61
6  1 + cw3
g = r + cw2 r − r , fw = g ,
2. Governing equations g6 + cw
ν˜ ν˜
This section describes the flow models used in this paper. Sev- r= , S˜ = S + 2 2 fv2 ,
S˜k2 d2 k d
eral variants of the SA–DES approach and a DES technique based √
on the v2 –f model were tested. where S = 2 :  and χ = ν˜ /ν . The closure parameters are those
The SA–DES/IDDES approaches were used with the OpenFOAM of the standard model:
native implementation, while the v2 –f DES approach was imple- cb1 = 0.1355, cb2 = 0.622, cv1 = 7 .1 ,
mented here within the OpenFOAM code for the first time. We
c (1 + cb2 )
also report on an investigation into the role of non–linear quadratic σ = 2/3, cw1 = b1 + , (6)
constitutive relations for turbulent unsolved terms (relating only to k2 σ
the Spalart–Allmarar DES model). cw2 = 0 .3 , cw3 = 2 , k = 0.41.
154 V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169

It is important to note that few papers in literature have cho- if k3/2 / < CDES , the model works in RANS mode with the follow-
sen, as we did, to adopt a non–Boussinesq constitutive relation for ing conditions:
tensor B. A seminal work in the LES environment was conducted
by Liu et al., [40], while Gopalan and Jaiman, [41], very recently
LDES = LRANS , TDES = TRANS , DES =  , (11)
developed two different non–linear hybrid RANS–LES approaches. where:
These works essentially showed that non–linear methods might  
ν 1 / 2  
k 0.6k
contribute a small, but robust improvement to a basic technique. TRANS = min max , cT ,√ ,
From now on, we refer to DES based on the SA model with   6cμ v2 |D|
a non–linear constitutive relation as Non–Linear Detached–Eddy
    1 / 4  (12)
k3/2 k3/2 ν3
Simulation (NLDES), and to the standard technique using the com- LRANS = max min ,√ , cη ;
mon Boussinesq approximation (cr1 = 0) as SA–DES.  6cμ v2 |D| 
if not, the model operates in LES mode as follows:
2.2. The SA–IDDES model 
LDES = CDES , TDES = CDES / k, DES = k3/2 /(CDES ). (13)
The goal of the SA–IDDES model is to combine the advantages
The production term in the transport equation for the turbulent
of the wall modeled LES (WMLES) with DDES capabilities. The
kinetic energy k is modelled as P = 2νt |D|2 , whereas the produc-
IDDES approach avoids the issue of mismatch between the mod-
elled log–layer and the solved log–layer, which has typically tion term in the equation for v2 is expressed with the following
plagued the use of either DES or DDES for wall modelling in LES. equation:
IDDES incorporates the different approaches involved in the fol- v2 2
lowing manner: k fDES = min k f, 5 DES + P . (14)
k 3
lIDDES = f˜d (1 + fe )lRANS + 1 − f˜d lLES (7) The model constants are the same as those proposed by Jee and
where lLES is defined as CDES . The grid scale  is defined as Shariff in [10]:
min[Cw max , Cw d, min ], where Cw is a constant and d is the dis-
tance from the nearest wall; min is taken as min(x, y, z) cμ = 0.22, σ = 1 . 3 , c 1 = 1.4 1 + 0.045 k/v2 ,
and max equals max(x, y, z). The f˜d function is defined as
max(1 − fdt , fB ) which is determined by both the geometry and c 2 = 1 .9 , c1 = 1 .4 , c2 = 0.3 , (15)
the flow. cT = 6 , cL = 0.23, cη = 70, CDES = 0.8.
When fe = 0, lIDDES in eq. (7) can be written as:
  As for the boundary conditions, we adopted the same set of con-
lIDDES = f˜d lRANS + 1 − f˜d lLES (8) ditions as those proposed in [10]. The wall condition for the 
equation was treated differently, however. In this work we did not
and IDDES is converted into DDES. Conversely, when fe > 0 and
adopt the condition w = ν∂n2 k|w used in [10]; we implemented
f˜d = fB , lIDDES is written as:
the formulation proposed by Chien, [43], for RANS equations in-
lIDDES = fB (1 + fe )lRANS + (1 − fB )lLES (9) stead. This type of condition is obtained by introducing, close to
the wall, Taylor expansions for average velocity components and
and IDDES behaves in WMLES mode in the wall region. The de- their fluctuations. Starting from the definition of  , the condition
tailed formulations of the functions not described here for the sake at the wall reads:
of brevity can be found in the original reference, [5]. Note that
lIDDES is the length scale required from the ν˜ transport equation w = ν . (16)
in the DES framework. y2
It is worth noting that Chien’s wall boundary condition for  is of
2.3. The v2 –f DES model the Dirichlet type, and it does not require an assessment of the
second derivative for k, so it is easy to implement with no loss of
The DES approach based on the v2 –f model tested here is second-order spatial accuracy.
drawn from the version of the v2 –f RANS model proposed by Lien
et al., [42]. This model has a transport equation for k,  and v2 3. Numerical solution
together with an elliptic relaxation equation for a function f con-
taining the time and length scales. The choice between RANS and All computations in this work were performed using Open-
LES models is made on the grounds of the standard DES criterion, FOAM v.2.3.0. In particular, we have used pisoFoam, which is
introduced by Spalart et al. in [1], relating to the flow scales. the transient solver for incompressible flows available in official
The flow model equations read as follows: OpenFOAM releases. pisoFoam uses the well-established PISO al-
gorithm, [44], for pressure–velocity decoupling and, like the other
∂k standard solvers, it is based on a colocated FVM approach; the
+ ∇ · (uk ) = P − DES + ∇ · [(ν + νt )∇ k],
Rhie–Chow correction is used to remove oscillations in the solu-
∂ c 1 P − c 2 
+ ∇ · ( u ) = − DES + ∇ · ν + ∇ , tions, [45].
∂t TDES σ All diffusive terms and pressure gradients were approximated
∂v 2   v 2  (10)
with a second–order accuracy while a second–order implicit Euler
+ ∇ · uv2 = k fDES − 6 DES + ∇ · (ν + νt )∇ v2 ,
∂t  k  method (BDF–2, [46]) was used for time integration.
1 v2 2 P For all the SA–DES/IDDES computations the convective terms
cL LDES ∇ f − f =
2 2 2
( c1 − 6 ) − ( c1 − 1 ) − c2 ,
TDES k 3 k were discretized using a limited central difference scheme, based
on a limiter introduced by Sweby, [47], for the turbulence equa-
where the eddy–viscosity is considered as: νt = cμ v2 TDES . The tion; a second-order central scheme was used for the momen-
switch from the RANS to the LES mode is based on the compar- tum equation. Such a numerical setup revealed numerical stability
ison of the length scale k3/2 / and the grid size, . To be specific, problems for the v2 –f DES computations in our preliminary test, so
V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169 155

Fig. 1. Wall–clock time measurement.

the high–resolution NVD Gamma scheme, [48], was chosen for the shown in Fig. 1(b). In this study, we also built OpenFOAM using
convective terms, while retaining the same configuration for the Intel 15.0.2 and GNU 4.9.2 compilers, while IntelMPI v5.0.2 and
diffusive contributions. OpenMPI v1.8.4 (built with both Intel and GNU compilers) were
considered for message passing. Fig. 1(b) shows that using the dif-
3.1. OpenFOAM parallel performance ferent combinations of compilers and MPI implementations affords
no evident gain in performance. This behavior was noted by Culpo
For each conservation equation, the linear system deriving from too, [50], on the previous generation of Tier–0 and Tier–1 facili-
the implicit treatment of the unknown variables can be solved ties, and it probably relates to the storage format used for sparse
using different approaches available in OpenFOAM. It is com- matrix representation, which prevents an efficient use of SSE vec-
mon knowledge, however, that the structure of linear algebra torization.
solvers, matrix preconditioners and smoothers strongly influences Fig. 2 shows the effect of the grid–size on OpenFOAM scalability
the scaling behavior and overall computational efficiency of a CFD in terms of speedup and parallel efficiency. From here on, Open-
code. Ascertaining the parallel behavior of OpenFOAM on latest- FOAM computational performance is examined using GNU compil-
generation supercomputers thus becomes essential in order to ex- ers and OpenMPI. It is worth noting that the intra–node scalability
ploit these resources correctly. In our specific case, all the simu- (up to 16 MPI tasks) is not optimal due to the bandwidth dedicated
lations were conducted on the GALILEO supercomputing facility at to memory as the number of tasks increases. The inter–node scal-
CINECA (a Tier–1 system forming part of the PRACE initiative, [49]), ability shows an opposite trend up until the latency due to node
which is an IBM NeXtScale cluster consisting of 516 compute communications becomes predominant. It is also worth noting that
nodes with 2 octa–core Intel Haswell processors (E5–2630) with smaller grids have a better parallel performance with a reduced
2.40 GHz and 128 GB of RAM each. The system is also accelerated number of cores, see Fig. 2(b), while grids with more cells perform
with 2 Intel Phi 7120p accelerators per node on 384 nodes and 2 better using a large number of CPU–cores. In particular, we noted
NVIDIA K80 cards per node on 40 nodes. that OpenFOAM on GALILEO has a parallel efficiency of about 62%
To investigate the parallel scalability of the OpenFOAM code with 768 CPU–cores using the grid where nc = 8 · 106 . This result
and run the DES computations as efficiently as possible, we con- shows that PISO-based solvers (such as icoFoam) can achieve a
sidered a widely–used benchmark, i.e. the lid–driven cavity prob- good parallel performance (about 104 cells for each core) on mod-
lem of a laminar, incompressible flow in a 3D cubic domain. All the ern Tier–1 systems.
boundaries were treated as walls except for the top, which was a The influence of the linear solvers on parallel performance was
moving wall. The strong scaling tests were conducted on a suite also investigated because, as Jasak has already pointed out, [51],
of four uniformly-spaced grids with a number of cells nc amount- the scalability and performance issues for OpenFOAM are both re-
ing to: 106 , 2 · 106 , 4 · 106 and 8 · 106 . We also fixed Re = 10 lated to the sparse linear algebra core libraries. We studied these
and t = 10−4 H/uw with a top wall velocity uw and a cavity side scalability properties using two different linear solvers for the
size H; as linear solvers we used a preconditioned conjugate gra- pressure equation because its solution has a strong impact on the
dient method (PCG) with a diagonal incomplete Cholesky precon- code’s parallel performance. We considered a Geometric Agglom-
ditioner for the pressure; an iterative solver based on the Gauss– erated algebraic Multi–Grid (GAMG) solver and a Preconditioned
Siedel method as a smoother was used for the velocity. The con- Conjugate–Gradient (PCG) method (see for more details [52]). As
vergence tolerances were set to 10−6 for the pressure and 10−5 already mentioned in several research papers, the GAMG linear
for the velocity. The scalability tests for this benchmark were con- solver is globally faster than the PCG one. This was confirmed by
ducted using the icoFoam solver and adopting two PISO correc- our tests too, as shown in Fig. 3, but this behavior only applies to
tors. The tests were conducted without any I/O for 40 time–steps, computations without a very large number of CPU–cores. We also
as in Culpo, [50], in order to cancel the starting overhead. Fig. 1 investigated the effect of the number of cells on the lowest level
shows a first set of wall–clock time measurements. The effect of of the multi–grid approach implemented in GAMG. As expected,
computational mesh size is clearly trivial, see Fig. 1(a), while the the increase in the number of cells on the lowest level negatively
impact of both the compilers and of MPI library implementation is affects the solver’s overall scalability properties, as shown in Fig. 4
156 V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169

Fig. 2. Grid–size effect.

Fig. 3. Linear solver effect. Wall–clock time.

Fig. 4. Linear solver effect. Grid with nc = 2 · 106 .

V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169 157

Fig. 5. Linear solver effect. Grid with nc = 4 · 106 .

Table 1
Computational grids parameters.

nc Lz Nz ncx,y z

G1 3955200 πD 48 82400 6.54 · 10−2

G2 494400 πD 24 20600 1.308 · 10−1
G3 659200 πD 8 82400 3.92 · 10−1
G4 2.06 · 106 0.5D 25 82400 2 · 10−2
G5 659200 0.5D 8 82400 6.25 · 10−2

and Fig. 5. It is worth noting, however, that the PCG solver has bet-
ter scalability properties than the GAMG solver. This feature relates
to the communication overload produced by GAMG on its coarsest
Our scalability study enabled us to gain a thorough understand-
ing of the parallel behavior of the OpenFOAM linear solver used on
latest-generation supercomputers. In the light of these results, we
went on to perform our DES computations using a PCG solver for
the pressure and OpenFOAM v2.3, built using GNU compilers and
OpenMPI, for message passing. This linear solver configuration en-
abled us to exploit the GALILEO facility as efficiently as possible.
In the DES cases, we used a preconditioned bi–conjugate gradi-
ent method (PBiCG) with a diagonal incomplete–LU (asymmetric)
Fig. 6. Representation of the computational grid.
preconditioner for the velocity and turbulence equations. For the
pressure, on the other hand, we used a preconditioned conjugate
gradient method (PCG) with a diagonal incomplete Cholesky pre-
a priori. Previous authors have also shown that 48 cells suffice to
conditioner. The linear system for pressure was solved using a lo-
capture the vortical structures developing behind the cylinder.
cal accuracy of 10−6 , whereas the other systems were considered
The G1 grid was created by uniformly extruding the longitu-
as having converged when the residuals reached 10−9 . For the tur-
dinal plane, shown in Fig. 6, which has a number of cells nc, x, y
bulent variables we used the same approach as for the velocity,
amounting to 82400. The G2 grid consists of 494400 cells and
except for the elliptic relaxation function f, for which we used the
it was obtained by halving the G1 grid cells in all the x–y–z di-
same techniques as for the pressure, but the numerical solution
rections. The G3 grid was obtained starting from the same lon-
was considered as having converged when the residuals reached
gitudinal plane discretization conceived for G1 grid, and applying
10−9 .
a coarser discretization in the span–wise direction, using only 8
cells for a length of π D. The G4 and G5 grids were built adopting
3.2. Computational domain Lz = 0.5D in order to examine the effect of the span–wise length
of the domain. In both cases, we set nc,x,y = 82400, as in G1 and
We built five different structured computational grids, the mean G3. We used 8 cells for the G5 grid, so the spanwise resolution z
parameters of which are listed in Table 1. The finest grid, named was very similar to that of our finest grid (G1). For the G4 grid, we
G1, has nc = 3955200 cells with a spanwise length Lz of π D dis- refined Nz up to 25 computational cells, obtaining 2.06 · 106 cells.
cretized by 48 computational cells as in several other publica- It should be noted that a distance of 10 D between the cylinder
tions, [16,20,26,27,53,54]. The estimation adopted for the span- surface and the inflow boundary was used for all the grids; in the
wise domain size and resolution was drawn from Kravchenko and wake region the domain develops for 40 D behind the cylinder’s
Moin, [23], assessing the sizes of the streamwise vortex structures surface. The distance between the upper and lower sides of the
158 V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169

Table 2
Turbulent variable boundary conditions.

k v2  f ν˜

Initial Conditions 10−3 u2∞ 2/3 ·10−3 u2∞ 10−3 u3∞ /D 0 3ν

Wall boundary 0 0 2ν k/y2
0 0
Inlet boundary 0 0 ∂n  = 0 ∂n f = 0 3ν
Outlet boundary ∂n k = 0 ∂n v2 = 0 ∂n  = 0 ∂n f = 0 ∂n ν˜ = 0

computational domain is 20 D, while the height of the cells next

to the walls was set to: r/D = 2 · 10−4 for all the grids except G3,
for which this value was doubled.
The computations involving the largest number of grid cells
were completed on the GALILEO supercomputing facility at CINECA
using 384 CPU–cores for the simulations relating to the G1 grid
and 192 CPU–cores for the G4 grid. Note that the number of
cores was chosen consistently with the scalability tests presented
in Section 3.1; this choice stems from evidence of icoFoam and
pisoFoam sharing the same numerical technology. The solutions
on the coarser grids were obtained on a small Linux Cluster with
6 AMD Opteron-based nodes for a total of 96 CPU cores operating
at 2.6 GHz.

4. Results Fig. 7. Mean streamwise velocity in the wake centerline, comparing grids G1 and
G2. Legend: SA–DES (G1), SA–DES (G2), NLDES (G1), NLDES
This section illustrates our numerical solutions for the flow field (G2), SA–IDDES (G1), SA–IDDES (G2), v2 –f DES (G1), v2 –f DES
over a circular cylinder in the sub-critical regime at Re = 3900. (G2), ◦Exp. Parnaudeau et al.,  Exp. Lourenco and Shih,  Exp. Ong.

For this case the flow is laminar in the boundary layer, even
in the vicinity of the obstacle, and it becomes turbulent only after
separation. There is also evidence of Kelvin–Helmoltz instabilities
before the turbulent region. The proposed benchmark enables us
to test the DES models considered as LES drawing a rigorous com-
parison with previously published studies. It is worth noting that,
the flow being turbulent only after separation, any DES model can
be expected to provide accurate LES results. It is important to em-
phasize that DES models have been developed specifically to work
in RANS mode in the near–wall region; they have been designed
for fully turbulent flows and calibrated with turbulence data. For
this flow problem, we use a RANS model to handle a fully–laminar
boundary layer. The flow features consequently reveal a critical is-
sue related to our flow models. Most transport equation models
converge towards laminar solution at low Reynolds numbers any-
way. Several RANS models are also able to emulate a laminar–
turbulent transition although the rigorous mathematical origin for
this phenomenon is still not known, [55]. Roughly speaking, it
could be said that the behavior of a specific RANS model in a lam-
inar region is not strictly predictable. The results obtained are con-
sequently used to discuss the ability of a specific model to describe
a laminar layer, providing some indications concerning the turbu-
lent viscosity in the boundary layer.
The description of the boundary conditions for the turbulence
model equations can be found in Table 2. No wall functions were
used and the flow periodicity was assumed to be in the span–wise Fig. 8. Mean streamwise velocity at different locations in the wake region, compar-
ing grids G1 and G2. For details, see the caption for Fig. 7. The velocity profiles are
direction; the inviscid wall condition was employed for the upper
vertically shifted for the sake of clarity.
and lower sides of the domain.
Finally, for the purpose of a comparison with the literature, tur-
bulence statistics were sampled over about 190 shedding periods,
corresponding to a time interval of T = 900D/u∞ and a time–step turbulence simulation techniques, such as DNS and LES, as already
size t = 10−3 D/u∞ . noted in [23,56].
For this purpose, the flow statistics emerging from our simula-
4.1. Flow statistics tions with the G1 and G2 grids, combined with the following ex-
perimental data from the literature
4.1.1. Grid study
This subsection concerns an extensive grid effect study for the (i) PIV data in Lourenco and Shih, [15],
different DES approaches considered in this paper. This topic is of (ii) PIV data in Parnaudeau et al., [16],
interest because the grid resolution is particularly relevant to other (iii) HWA data in Ong and Wallace, [17],
V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169 159

therefore easy to use Fig. 7 to estimate Lr /D. The mean stream-
wise and transverse velocity profiles in the cylinder’s wake are also
shown in Fig. 8 and in Fig. 9 respectively. Clearly, conflicting re-
sults for the very near wake (x/D ≤ 2.02) emerge from the differ-
ent experimental data considered here. In particular, Lourenco and
Shih found a V–shaped streamwise velocity profile at x/D = 1.06,
whereas Parnaudeau et al. obtained a U–shaped profile in their ex-
periments. Then Lr /D is 1.51 in Parnaudeau et al. , while Lourenco
and Shih obtained 1.18. The evident differences in the shape and
size of the recirculation region thus relate to the above-cited ex-
perimental data.
Concerning the present simulations, as shown in Fig. 8, only the
SA–IDDES and v2 –f DES models predict a U–shaped profile with
our finer grid (G1), whereas the NLDES and SA–DES techniques
produce a V–shaped profile at x/D = 1.06 with both the G1 and
the G2 grid. Note too that all the computations presented here are
mostly in agreement for x/D ≥ 4.0 with the experiments conducted
by Ong and Wallace, [17].
Kravchenko and Moin, [23], suggested that the shape of the
mean velocity profile is strictly linked to an early transition in
the shear layers. The streamwise velocity fluctuations, Fig. 10, are
indeed noticeably higher for all the employed models when the
coarser grid is adopted, for instance. In addition, the instantaneous
vorticity magnitude contour plots, shown in Fig. 11 for the v2 –f
Fig. 9. Mean transverse velocity at different locations in the wake region, compar-
model for compactness, demonstrate that the separating shear lay-
ing grids G1 and G2. For details, see the caption for Fig. 7. The velocity profiles are
vertically shifted for the sake of clarity. ers are much longer in the simulations with a finer resolution,
Fig. 11(a), than in the coarse grid, Fig. 11(b). In other words, for
all the DES models tested, the coarser grid (G2) is certainly in-
adequate for solving the thin shear layers developing behind the
cylinder, and this leads us to obtain an early transition (shorter
shear layers). So there was probably an early transition in the shear
layers in the experiments conducted by Lourenco and Shih, as al-
ready mentioned by Kravchenko and Moin [23]. This factor should
explain the agreement Lourenco and Shih findings and the under–
solved computations.
It is also worth mentioning that the standard SA–DES model,
and its non–linear version (NLDES), are unable to solve the wake
region accurately even with our finest grid (G1). Generally speak-
ing, the coarse–grid computations and the SA–DES/NLDES on the
G1 grid show a smaller recirculation region and a weaker velocity
deficit by comparison with the finest solutions.
The effect of spanwise resolution was also investigated by car-
rying out a set of computations on the G3 grid. The G1 and G3
grids differ only in the number of cells in the z–direction, Table 1.
It is very easy to see that, for the DES models considered, having
only 8 nodes in the direction of the cylinder axis is not enough to
capture the important streamwise vortices, see Figs. 12–15.
At the same time, the effect of the domain’s spanwise length
was assessed using the G4 and G5 grids with the NLDES approach.
These grids have a spanwise length of 0.5 D and they share the
same features on the plane normal to the cylinder’s axis (with
Fig. 10. Mean resolved streamwise Reynolds stresses at different locations in the grids G1 and G3 too). The G4 and G5 grids also have a different
wake region, comparing grids G1 and G2. For details, see the caption for Fig. 7. The spanwise resolution, see Table 1. Figs. 16–19 clearly show that the
velocity profiles are vertically shifted for the sake of clarity. above-cited grids are not useful for studying the flow past a cylin-
der at Re = 3900. In particular, the mean velocity field is com-
pletely different from the reference data in the very near wake
are shown in Figs. 7–10. Note that the G1 and G2 grids are nested (x/D ≤ 2.02), while a sufficient degree of accuracy is achieved for
and the ratio between their number of cells, nc , is exactly 8. x/D ≥ 4. Here again, the Reynolds stresses, Fig. 19, are systemati-
Fig. 7 shows the mean streamwise velocity in the wake cen- cally overestimated. This effect is obviously related to the domain
terline, which is zero at the base of the cylinder (no–slip condi- size Lz = 0.5D, which severely restricts the development of the vor-
tion), then reaches a negative minimum value in the recirculation tical structures.
zones, and converges asymptotically toward the free–stream veloc- Finally, the effect of the free–stream ν˜ was investigated to
ity. From this plot we can also obtain the mean streamwise length further validate the NLDES approach. In particular, we computed
of the recirculation region, Lr /D. Note that, by definition, Lr cor- the flow field past the cylinder using the NLDES technique and
responds to the distance between the cylinder surface and the sign the condition ν˜∞ /ν = 0 (corresponding to a fully laminar inflow).
change of the mean streamwise velocity along the centerline. It is The flow case considered in this paper regards the sub–critical
160 V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169

Fig. 11. Instantaneous vorticity magnitude, v2 –f DES. T = 500D/u∞ .

Fig. 12. Mean stream–wise velocity in the wake centerline. G1 and G3 Fig. 13. Mean stream–wise velocity at different locations in the wake region. G1
grids comparison. Legend: SA–DES (G1), SA–DES (G3), NLDES and G3 grids comparison. For details, see the caption for Fig. 12. The velocity pro-
(G1), NLDES (G3), SA–IDDES (G1), SA–IDDES (G3), v2 –f DES files are vertically shifted for the sake of clearness.
(G1), 2
v –f DES (G3), Exp. Parnaudeau et al.,  Exp. Lourenco and Shih, 
Exp. Ong.
performed LES (with Smagorinsky SGS and a turbulent kinetic
energy equation) using OpenFOAM compressible solvers.
regime, so the boundary layer is laminar and the laminar– Fig. 20 shows the mean streamwise velocity along the center-
turbulent transition only occurs after the separation. A negligible line in the wake region. As already mentioned, this plot can be
impact of the free–stream condition for ν˜ is therefore expected used effortlessly to estimate Lr /D. This is a crucial matter because
on the flow statistics in the wake region. Figs. 16–19 confirm as the quality of Lr /D predictions can be considered as the deciding
much, since it is very obvious that NLDES results obtained with factor for the agreement between experimental and numerical
ν˜∞ /ν = 3 and ν˜∞ /ν = 0 are very similar. results, [16]. It is worth emphasizing that the present predictions,
based on SA–IDDES, closely resemble the reference data. In partic-
ular, Lr /D computed by our SA–IDDES solution is 1.427, while we
4.1.2. Comparison with data in the literature obtained Lr /D = 1.678 with our v2 –f implementation. This set
In this subsection we report flow statistics deriving from our of results is consistent with the experimental data in Parnaudeau
different approaches obtained using the finest grid (G1). A detailed et al., [16] who predicted Lr /D = 1.51. Lysenko et al., using
comparison is also drawn with the experimental data in the TKE–LES, [26], and Jee and Sheriff using v2 − f DES, predicted
literature introduced in Section 4.1.1 . The present solutions are 1.68 and 1.44, respectively. Our approaches based on standard
compared with the CFD computations by Lysenko et al., [26], who SA–DES, i.e. both the linear and the non–linear techniques, show
V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169 161

Fig. 14. Mean transverse velocity at different locations in the wake region. G1 and Fig. 16. Mean stream–wise velocity in the wake centerline. NLDES model behav-
G3 grids comparison. For details, see the caption for Fig. 12. The velocity profiles ior. Legend: NLDES (ν˜∞ /ν = 3, G1), NLDES (ν˜∞ /ν = 0, G1 ), NLDES
are vertically shifted for the sake of clearness. (ν˜∞ /ν = 3, G4), NLDES (ν˜∞ /ν = 3, G5), Exp. Parnaudeau et al.,  Exp.
Lourenco and Shih,  Exp. Ong. The velocity profiles are vertically shifted for
the sake of clearness.

Fig. 15. Mean resolved stream–wise Reynolds stresses at different locations in the
wake region. G1 and G3 grids comparison. For details, see the caption for Fig. 12.
The velocity profiles are vertically shifted for the sake of clearness. Fig. 17. Mean stream–wise velocity at different locations in the wake region. NLDES
model behavior. For details, see the caption for Fig. 16. The velocity profiles are
vertically shifted for the sake of clearness.

a good agreement with Smagorinsky LES results, as in Lysenko

et al. [26]. In this case, Lr /D is clearly underestimated, however,
compared with the PIV data in Parnaudeau et al., [16]. A complete mental findings of Lourenco and Shih, [15], and with the Open-
review of the results in the literature for Lr /D is given in Table 4. FOAM Smagorinsky–LES results in Lysenko et al., [26]. For x/D =
Fig. 21 shows the mean streamwise velocity profiles in the 1.54 and x/D = 2.02, only the SA–IDDES and v2 –f models are con-
cylinder’s wake. Our SA–IDDES and v2 –f DES generated a U–shaped sistent with the findings of Parnaudeau et al., [16], and Lysenko
velocity profile very consistent with the TKE–LES data in [26], et al., [26], using TKE–LES, whereas the SA-DES and NLDES show a
and with Parnaudeau’s experimental data, [16]. At the same time, good agreement with the PIV data in Lourenco and Shih, [15], and
the velocity profiles calculated with NLDES and SA–DES exhibit with the Smagorinsky LES in Lysenko et al., [26]. All of our com-
a V–shaped profile and a very good agreement with the experi- putations for x/D ≥ 4.0 are fairly consistent with the experiments
162 V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169

Fig. 18. Mean transverse velocity at different locations in the wake region. NLDES Fig. 20. Mean streamwise velocity in the wake centerline. Comparison with data
model behavior. For details, see the caption for Fig. 16. The velocity profiles are in the literature. Legend: NLDES, SA–DES, SA–IDDES, LES–
vertically shifted for the sake of clearness. TKE ([26]), LES–SMAG ([26]) , v2 –f DES, Exp. Parnaudeau et al.,  Exp.
Lourenco and Shih,  Exp. Ong.

Fig. 19. Mean resolved stream–wise Reynolds stresses at different locations in the Fig. 21. Mean streamwise velocity at different locations in the wake region. Com-
wake region. NLDES model behavior. For details, see the caption for Fig. 16. The parison with data in the literature. For details, see the caption for Fig. 20. The ve-
velocity profiles are vertically shifted for the sake of clearness. locity profiles are vertically shifted for the sake of clarity.

results presented here agree well with each other and with those
conducted by Ong and Wallace, [17], and with the data reported of Ong and Wallace, [17].
by Lysenko et al., [26]. Fig. 23 shows the solved Reynolds normal stress, u u /u2∞ .
Fig. 22 shows the mean transverse velocity profiles, v/u∞ . Once Both SA–IDDES and our v2 –f DES implementation proved capa-
again, the present SA–IDDES and v2 –f results are in line with the ble of capturing these two peaks very well. Fig. 23 also shows
experiments conducted by Parnaudeau et al., [16], and with the that TKE–LES is unable to accurately compute the peaks’ magni-
data reported by Lysenko et al. TKE–LES, [26]. The NLDES and tude; in a sense, this goes to show the efficacy and reliability of
SA–DES compare particularly well with the experimental data in our DES approaches. The standard SA–DES and NLDES techniques
Lourenco and Shih, [15], and the Smagorinsky SGS based LES find- agree, here again, with Lourenco and Shih, [15] and the Smagorin-
ings in Lysenko et al., [26]. For the profiles where x/D ≥ 4 all the sky LES data in Lysenko et al. [26]. Note that, at x/D = 1.54, only
V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169 163

Fig. 22. Mean transverse velocity at different locations in the wake region. Compar- Fig. 24. Mean solved transverse Reynolds stresses at different locations in the wake
ison with data in the literature. For details, see the caption for Fig. 20. The velocity region. Comparison with data in the literature. For details, see the caption for
profiles are vertically shifted for the sake of clarity. Fig. 20. The Reynolds stresses component profiles are vertically shifted for the sake
of clarity.

Fig. 23. Mean resolved streamwise Reynolds stresses at different locations in the Fig. 25. Mean solved streamwise Reynolds stress in the wake centerline. Compari-
wake region. Comparison with data in the literature. For details, see the caption for son with data in the literature.
Fig. 20. The Reynolds stresses component profiles are vertically shifted for the sake
of clarity.

with the reference data in the very near wake as well as in the
other positions. The same 2
  can be said of the v –f technique, but
SA–IDDES is consistent with Parnaudeau et al., [16], whereas v2 – this model exhibits a v v /u2∞ underestimation for x/D = 1.54 and
f and LES–TKE tend to underestimate u u /u2∞ . Finally, a good x/D = 2.02, as seen with the TKE–LES approach, [26].
agreement emerges between all the present calculations and the The last plot shows the solved streamwise Reynolds stress in
data in the literature for x/D ≥ 2.02. the wake centerline, see Fig. 25. Experimental data demonstrate
that u u /u2∞ is zero at the base of the cylinder, and it reaches
 concerning the mean cross-flow normal Reynolds stress
v v /u2∞ are shown in Fig. 24. It is clear that SA–DES and NLDES two peaks before its slow monotonous decay to zero. Some nu-
overestimate the Reynolds stress for x/D = 1.06 and x/D = 1.54, merical simulations reported here, and in the literature ones, [16],
while for other profiles they are consistent with experimental do not show the second peak in u u /u2∞ profile, but only a slight
data sets. On the other hand, the SA–IDDES results are consistent step. The v2 –f DES model seems to exhibit the best agreement with
164 V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169

Table 3
Integrated flow quantities (present solutions). St resolution is ±1.1 · 10−3 for all the
Grid Model CL, rms CD St − C p,b Lr /D θ sep

G1 SA–IDDES 0.1458 1.0235 0.222 0.8780 1.4270 87.00°

G1 NLDES 0.3832 1.1751 0.217 1.0370 0.9110 88.99°
G1 SA–DES 0.4248 1.2025 0.215 1.0770 0.8500 89.28°
G1 v2 –f DES 0.1088 0.9857 0.214 0.8290 1.6780 86.40°
G2 SA–IDDES 0.8283 1.4106 0.205 1.4688 0.5137 93.59°
G2 NLDES 0.6546 1.3076 0.207 1.2642 0.6747 91.21°
G2 SA–DES 0.6140 1.2776 0.204 1.2890 0.7172 91.08°
G2 v2 –f DES 0.5719 1.2553 0.205 1.2570 0.7270 90.66°
G3 SA–IDDES 0.5228 1.2501 0.205 1.0376 0.6654 90.02°
G3 NLDES 0.5543 1.2478 0.207 1.1586 0.7842 90.23°
G3 SADES 0.5928 1.2719 0.206 1.1718 0.7694 90.65°
G3 v2 –f DES 0.5409 1.2452 0.211 0.9726 0.8731 89.80°
G4 NLDES 0.8396 1.4136 0.225 1.5341 0.4661 93.29°
G5 NLDES 0.7273 1.3594 0.222 1.4213 0.5597 92.32°

the LES data in Paranadeau et al. and with Norberg’s experiments,

though the Reynolds stress decay is steeper for our DES results,
and the u u /u2∞ level in the wake region is lower. SA–IDDES un-
derestimates the u u /u2∞ peak, but in the wake region it pro-
duces similar results to the v2 –f approach. Neither SA–DES nor
NLDES show the previously-mentioned slight step in their trend,
but their peak is comparable with the experimental data, especially
using NLDES.
It is also worth noting that the quadratic constitutive relation
for the unsolved terms used in this work, Eq. (3), produces some
slight effects by comparison with the standard SA–DES model. The
most relevant effect is on the u u /u2∞ profile at x/D = 1.06; in
this case, the NLDES approach enables the SA based DES to obtain
a very good fit with the Smagorinksy LES in Lysenko et al. [26],
see Fig. 23. The NLDES approach also predicts a Lr /D value closer
to the Smagorinsky LES result than standard SA–DES, see Table 4.
Taken together, our results confirm that nonlinear constitutive re-
lations in the DES approach might provide a small robust improve-
ment over the basic techniques, as noted by Liu et al., [40], in the
LES framework.

4.2. Wall data

In this subsection we present and discuss a series of results re-

lated to the cylinder wall. Fig. 26(a) shows the average pressure co-
efficient distribution, C p = 2( p − p∞ )/ρ u2∞ ). Note that, for the
sake of brevity, only our results for the G1 grid have been in-
cluded. It is quite easy to see that the v2 –f DES results are very
similar to the experimental data, [57]; here again, the SA–IDDES
data show a slight underestimation of Cp in the same zone. Other
DES approaches proposed here reveal some deviations from the ex-
perimental data, as do the Smagorinsky LES findings in Lysenko
et al. [26] .
This plot is also very useful for ascertaining the mean base suc-
tion coefficient, Cp, b , which is Cp on the cylinder surface at θ = Fig. 26. Mean wall data.
180◦ . Table 4 provides a complete review of the integrated flow
quantities currently available in the literature. Table 3 shows all
the results obtained in the work using the suite of computational The v2 –f model performs well for the Cp distribution too, how-
grids described in Section 3.2. Analyzing the above-mentioned ta- ever, thanks to its ability to predict the near-wall effects accurately.
bles, it is clear that for v2 –f we obtained C p,b −0.829; this is in This situation is reflected in the results for the force coeffi-
good agreement
 with Norberg’s, [57], experimental measurements cients. Fig. 27 shows the time–histories of the instantaneous lift
of C p,b −0.84. SA–IDDES slightly overestimated this value, at coefficient, CL , and drag coefficient, CD , obtained with the SA–DES,
C p,b −0.878, see Table 4. The other DES solutions (on the finest SA–IDDES and v2 –f DES models using the G1 grid. Note that the
grid) presented here produced Cp, b values close to −1, i.e. they NLDES results are omitted to simplify the plot contents, given that
underestimated this value. These results correlate clearly with the the presence of the NLDES data is not particularly relevant in this
nature of the DES approach, in that using the RANS technique in particular case. It is clear that the standard SA–DES overestimates
the near-wall region may give rise to inaccurate wall data a priori. the CD and CL coefficients vis-à-vis the SA–IDDES and v2 –f. In
V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169 165

Table 4
Literature integrated flow quantities.
CL, rms CD St − C p,b Lr /D θ sep

Lourenco and Shih PIV, [15] - 0.99 - - 1.18 -

Parnaudeau et al. PIV, [16] - - 0.21 - 1.51 -
Norberg HWA, [57] - 0.98 - 0.84 - -
Lysenko et al. LES–SMAG, [26] 0.444 1.18 0.19 0.8 0.9 89°
Lysenko et al. LES–TKE, [26] 0.09 0.97 0.209 0.91 1.67 88°
Jee v2 − f DES, [10] - 1.0 0.214 0.928 1.44 86.1°
Jee SA-DDES, [10] - 0.965 0.221 0.969 1.37 88.3°
Parnaudeau et al. LES, [16] - - 0.21 - 1.56 -
Mittal et al. LES, [20] - 1.00 0.22 - 1.588 87°
Kravchenko and Moin LES, [23] - 1.04 0.21 0.94 1.35 88°
Meyer et al. LES, [24] - 1.05 0.21 0.92 1.38 88°
Wornom et al. LES, [25] 0.11 0.99 0.21 0.88 1.45 89°
Mani et al. LES, [27] - 0.99 0.21 0.86 - 89°
Pettersen et al. LES, [29] 0.1954 1.078 0.2154 - 1.27 -
Luo et al. DES, [30] - 1.01 0.203 0.89 1.46 86.4°
Luo et al. PANS, [30] - 1.06 0.201 0.96 1.2 87.3°
Zhang et al. LES, [32] 0.125 1.001 0.22 - - -
Ouvrard et al. LES, [53] 0.092 0.94 0.22 0.83 1.56 -
Franke et al. LES, [54] - 0.99 0.21 0.85 1.64 -
Alkishriwi et al. LES, [58] - 1.05 0.22 - 1.31 -

As concerns the CD values, it is easy to see that the results ob-
tained with v2 –f model on our finest grid produce the best fit with
experimental data. The SA–IDDES results are very good too, but
they slightly overestimate CD . Other approaches proposed here
produce a marked overestimation of the average drag coefficient.
Fig. 26(b) shows the dimensionless mean vorticity magni-
tude,  , on the cylinder surface (here again, only the results
for the G1 grid are considered).√ Note that  is scaled as in Ma
et al., [33], using the factor 2 Re. Our DES computations clearly
underestimate the wall vorticity magnitude, but a fairly good con-
sistency emerges between our numerical solutions and the refer-
ence data in the literature.
A further note concerns the mean separation flow angle, θ sep .
SA–IDDES and our v2 –f model estimate, using G1 grid, θsep =
87.0◦ and θsep = 86.4◦ , respectively. These data are within the
range of the experimental values and similar to previous DES
and LES results, [10,16,23,24,26,32]. For this flow quantity, SA–DES
and NLDES again overestimate the reference value, Table 4, even
though they provide a good fit with the Smagorinsky LES data in
Lysenko et al., [26], and other Smagorinsky LES references in the
The Strouhal number related to vortex shedding instability was
also computed by performing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
of the lift coefficient time signal. For this specific flow parameter
Fig. 27. Force coefficient time–histories (grid G1). all our simulations predict values aligned with the references in
the literature, see Table 4. Here too, it is easy to see that all the
published data show a very good agreement when predicting the
Strouhal number, St.
particular, the behavior of the force coefficients relates to the
Integrated flow quantities from coarse grid computations are
boundary layer detachment mechanism shown in Fig. 28. Standard
given in Table 3. All the models were inaccurate in predicting the
SA–DES shows an early transition from 2D to 3D flows (very close
mean flow parameters on our coarse grids. These computations
to the cylinder). SA–IDDES and v2 –f models are characterized in-
further confirm that St is not sensitive enough to be a reliable pa-
stead by mainly two–dimensional free-shear layers. The features of
rameter for model validation purposes.
a laminar flow are consequently retained more in the latter cases
than in the standard SA–DES, producing smoothed force coefficient
time–histories. In connection with the CL, rms values, see Table 4, 4.3. Discussion
we found that a shorter mean recirculation bubble length, Lr /D
corresponds to a higher amplitude of CL, rms , as shown in Fig. 27. The flow statistics from the simulations described here, to-
This situation was first mentioned by Ouvrard et al., [53], and con- gether with the results of other authors’ numerical and experimen-
firmed by Lsyenko et al., [26] for pure LES calculations too. Our tal studies, are reported in the previous sub–sections. A detailed
SA–IDDES and v2 –f are generally consistent with several accurate grid study was also conducted, see Section 4.1.1. As expected, our
literature references listed in Table 4. Our standard SA–DES and results are in line with main references in the literature.
NLDES approaches seem instead to exhibit a better agreement with The most important issue emerging vis-à-vis previous plots
LES based on the Smagorinsky SGS model. concerns the different shape of the velocity profiles in the very
166 V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169

Fig. 28. Vortical structure, identified by the Q–criterion, isosurface colored by pressure obtained with the G1 grid. Q = 0.5u2∞ /D2 at T = 500D/u∞ .
V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169 167

Fig. 29. Contour of a normalized eddy viscosity, ν T /ν , obtained with the G1 grid. T = 500D/u∞ .

near wake. Experimental analyses confirmed the existence of two ever, that eddy viscosity is not exactly zero in the attached bound-
different states for the streamwise velocity, one with a U–shaped ary layer, but it is small enough for its effects to be negligible,
profile and the other with a V–shaped profile. In the present work see Fig. 29. We consequently cannot observe the impact of a given
we thoroughly investigated the capabilities of the DES techniques RANS model on the laminar boundary layer computation. It is also
in predicting the flow states behind circular cylinders in the sub– worth noting that using a DES approach based on the v2 –f model
critical regime. Only the SA–IDDES and v2 –f approaches demon- should improve the model’s prediction capabilities in LES mode.
strated the ability to obtain the U–shaped profile using our finest This is correlated with the adoption of a transport equation for SGS
grid (G1). On the other hand, the standard SA–DES technique has kinetic energy that is certainly less empirical than the ν˜ equation
only proved capable of capturing V–shaped velocity profiles. To used in SA–DES approaches. This point is certainly suited in the
overcome this limitation, we also introduced a nonlinear term in computation of the flow past a cylinder in a sub–critical regime.
the constitutive equation for the B tensor, but - as in previous at- A last comment concerns the SA–IDDES, an approach that - as
tempts described in the literature - we obtained only the limited discussed in Section 1 - solves the main problems related to the
benefits described in Section 4.1.2. The v2 –f model generated very original SA–DES approaches. A marked improvement in the quality
good results for the complex flow problem considered, even if it of the results was consequently obtained, as seen in the previous
was implemented and used in the “standard” DES mode. It is al- sub–sections.
ready common knowledge that this model should be able to as- In addition, it is very important to emphasize that only the v2 –
sure a good prediction performance for several reasons, the first f DES model and SA–IDDES (using the G1 grid) are able to solve
of which is associated with its ability to suppress normal veloc- the separating shear layers accurately. The NLDES/SA–models and
ity fluctuation at the wall caused by non–local pressure–strain ef- the coarser grids proved inadequate for the purpose of solving the
fects, [10]. Several authors have shown that this helps to improve shear layers precisely. This is a key issue because we have noted
the prediction of separation and reattachment. The SA model, for that shear layer under–resolution gives rise to an early transition
example, does not distinguish flow anisotropies, and that is why and strongly influences the recirculation zone and shape.
we introduced the non–linear Spalart constitutive relation. For the Another novel feature of this paper worth emphasizing con-
flow field considered here, this feature of the v2 –f model is prob- cerns the wall boundary condition used for the  equation in v2 –
ably not crucially important because we have a laminar boundary f DES. To be more precise, we decided to use a boundary con-
layer. Another point to make relating to this issue is the behav- dition developed by Chien, [43], for RANS equations rather than
ior of our models within the attached boundary layer, as intro- the Jee and Shariff proposal, [10]. This enabled us to move the
duced at the beginning of this section. It should be noted, how- wall boundary condition for  from a Neumann type to a Dirichlet
168 V. D’Alessandro et al. / Computers and Fluids 136 (2016) 152–169

It is worth noting that supercomputing facilities are absolutely

necessary in order to run turbulence simulations within an accept-
able time frame. That is why we conducted extensive scalability
tests in order to make proper use of the GALILEO supercomputing
facility at CINECA. The data provided here are clearly of particular
interest to OpenFOAM users interested in HPC computing.
We obtained a good feedback with the native OpenFOAM im-
plementation as well as with our own. The significance of our work
is not limited to OpenFOAM validation. We also extensively stud-
ied the flow considered within the DES framework, and this is of
particular interest because the literature contains a great variety of
studies for the cylinder at Re = 3900 based on the LES technique,
but only a few based on DES computations.
It is also worth emphasizing that (for mean streamwise ve-
locity) the U–shaped profile can only be predicted by SA–IDDES
and v2 –f, whereas - even using our finest grid - standard SA–
DES with linear or quadratic constitutive relations can only predict
the V–shaped profile in the wake region. The NLDES technique of-
fers some improvement in flow quantity prediction, however, by
comparison with the original standard SA–DES model. Our work
thus confirms that non–linear constitutive relations for turbulent
stresses can slightly improve the prediction capabilities of the ba-
sic techniques, while the v2 –f DES approach provides reliable and
accurate results.
Fig. 30. 1–D energy spectrum at x/D = 3.0 (G1 grid).
It is also worth noting that our flow statistics are very appeal-
ing because they were obtained using less than 4 · 106 grid cells
type. From a theoretical point of view, this choice does not affect (G1 grid). They are probably the least costly computational results
the quality of the results, while it provides a suitable equivalent available in the literature (after weighting in terms of quality) be-
boundary condition that is easier to be coded. In conclusion, the cause all CFD references use a number of grid cells, nc , in the range
v2 –f model exhibited a good performance requiring greater com- of 5 · 106 ≤ nc ≤ 107 .
putational resources. For G1 grid the total simulation time for a We conclude that our results support the adequacy of the
typical SA–DES/IDDES calculation on GALILEO was about 95 hours OpenFOAM code for computing turbulent flows using DES tech-
(using 384 CPU cores), while the v2 –f took about 116 hours with niques.
the same number of CPU cores. Our v2 –f results also compare well
with those of Jee and Shariff, [10]; the average drag coefficient is Acknowledgements
very similar to the reference value, and so is the Strouhal number,
the Cp, b and θ sep , see Table 4. The mean recirculation bubble We acknowledge the CINECA Award N. HP10CV8M72 YEAR 2015
length, Lr /D, estimated from our computations is greater than in under the ISCRA initiative, for providing high-performance com-
Jee and Shariff, [10], but very similar to the figure reported by Ly- puting resources and support. We are grateful to Dr D. A. Lysenko
senko et al., [26], using TKE–LES. Our finest DES results warrant the and Prof. I.S. Ertesvag, Norwegian University of Science and Tech-
most attention because a good quality was achieved with a limited nology (NTNU), for kindly providing us with their data.
number of cells; in fact, these solutions were obtained with coarser
computational grids than those reported in the literature.
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