SAS Research Note 43 Стрелковое
SAS Research Note 43 Стрелковое
SAS Research Note 43 Стрелковое
housands of companies from some 100 is a joint venture involving BAE Systems
countries produce small arms, light PLC of the United Kingdom (37.5 per cent),
weapons, and their ammunition. While Airbus Group—itself a conglomerate of vari-
comprehensively identifying producers and ous European interests—(37.5 per cent), and
estimating the global production of small arms Finmeccanica SpA of Italy (25 per cent).
and light weapons is a challenging exercise due The companies given in Table 3 may be
to the opacity of the market, this Research Note state owned or privately held, or a combina-
draws on existing data from the industry and tion of the two. They usually produce a mix
authorized trade to provide insights into the of small arms (such as handguns, shotguns,
main producers and categories of weapons assault rifles, and light and medium2 machine
produced worldwide. guns), light weapons (such as heavy machine
The Research Note identifies 30 states that guns, portable grenade launchers and rifle gre-
comprise some of the world’s major producers of nades, man-portable anti-tank weapons and
small arms, light weapons, and their associated ammunition, and man-portable air defence
Research Notes
Table 2 Selected companies producing small arms and light weapons, by country*
India Bharat Dynamics Ltd Light weapons and light weapons ammunition
Ordnance Factories Board Light weapons, light weapons ammunition, small arms, and small arms ammunition
Iran Defence Industries Organization Light weapons, light weapons ammunition, small arms, and small arms ammunition
Israel Elbit Systems Ltd Light weapons and light weapons ammunition
Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd Light weapons and light weapons ammunition
Israel Military Industries Ltd Light weapons, light weapons ammunition, and small arms
Rafael Advanced Defence Systems Ltd Light weapons and light weapons ammunition
SK Group Light weapons and small arms
Italy Beretta Holding SpA Light weapons, small arms, and small arms ammunition
Finmeccanica SpA Light weapons and light weapons ammunition
Fiocchi Munizioni SpA Small arms ammunition
Japan Asahi-Seiki Manufacturing Co. Ltd Small arms ammunition
Howa Machinery Co. Ltd Light weapons and small arms
North Koreaf First Machine Industry Bureau Light weapons and small arms
Norway Nammo ASg Light weapons, light weapons ammunition, and small arms ammunition
Pakistan Pakistan Ordnance Factories Light weapons, light weapons ammunition, small arms, and small arms ammunition
Russian Central Research Institute for Precision Machine Building Light weapons, light weapons ammunition, small arms, and small arms ammunition
Federation (TsNIITochMash)
CJSP Klimovsk Specialized Ammunition Plant Small arms ammunition
OJSC V.A. Degtyarev Plant Light weapons, light weapons ammunition, and small arms
OJSC State Research and Production Enterprise Bazalt Less-lethal ammunition, light weapons, light weapons ammunition, and small arms
SC Russian Technologies (Rostec) Light weapons and small arms
South Korea Hanwha Corporation Light weapons and light weapons ammunition
LIG Nex1 Light weapons and light weapons ammunition
Poongsan Corporation Light weapons ammunition and small arms ammunition
S&T Group Light weapons and small arms
Spain INSTALAZA SA Light weapons and light weapons ammunition
MaxamCorp Holding SL Light weapons, light weapons ammunition, and small arms ammunition
Sweden Saab Group Light weapons and light weapons ammunition
Switzerland KRISS Group Small arms
RUAG Group Light weapons, light weapons ammunition, and small arms ammunition
Turkey Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation (MKEK) Less-lethal ammunition, light weapons, light weapons ammunition, small arms,
and small arms ammunition