Bulfinch's Mythology
Bulfinch's Mythology
Bulfinch's Mythology
Copyright, 1894
S. W. Tilton
Rockwell and Churchill,
Chapter I
Origin of Greeks and Romans. The Aryan Family. The Divinities
of these Nations. Character of the Romans. Greek notion of
the World. Dawn, Sun, and Moon. Jupiter and the gods of
Olympus. Foreign gods. Latin Names. Saturn or Kronos.
Titans. Juno, Vulcan, Mars, Phoebus-Apollo, Venus, Cupid,
Minerva, Mercury, Ceres, Bacchus. The Muses. The Graces.
The Fates. The Furies. Pan. The Satyrs. Momus.
Plutus. Roman gods. ................................................................. 1
Chapter II
Roman Idea of Creation. Golden Age. Milky Way. Parnassus.
The Deluge. Deucalion and Pyrrha. Pandora. Prometheus.
Apollo and Daphne. Pyramus and Thisbe. Davy's Safety
Lamp. Cephalus and Procris ......................................................... 18
Chapter III
Juno. Syrinx, or Pandean Pipes. Argus's Eyes. Io. Callisto
Constellations of Great and Little Bear. Pole-star. Diana.
Actaeon. Latona. Rustics turned to Frogs. Isle of Delos.
Phaeton. Palace of the Sun. Phoebus. Day. Month.
Year. Hours. Seasons. Chariot of the sun. People of
Aethiopia. Libyan Desert. The Wells Dry. The Sea Shrinks.
Phaeton's Tomb. The Heliades ............................................. 37
Chapter IV
Silenus. Midas. Bacchus's Reward to Midas. River Pactolus.
Pan Challenges Apollo. Midas's Ears. Gordian Knot. Baucis
and Philemon. Aetna. Perpetual Spring. Pluto carries off
Prosperine. Cere's Search. Prosperine's Release. Eleusinian
Mysteries. Glaucis changed to a Fish. Scylla ......................... 58
Chapter V
Pygmalion's Statue. Dryope and Iole. Lotus Tree. Venus and
Adonis. Anemone or Wind Flower. Apollo and Hyacinthus.
Game of Quoits. Flower Hyacinthus. Ceyx and Halcyone.
Palace of the King of Sleep. Morpheus. Halcyon Birds. .... 75
Chapter VI
Hamadryads. Pomona. Vertumnus. Iphis. Cupid and Psyche.
Zephyr. Temple of Ceres. Temple of Venus. The Ant.
Golden Fleece. Pluto. Cerberus. Charon. The Treasure.
Stygian Sleep. Cup of Ambrosia. Birth of Pleasure. Greek
name of Psyche............................................................................... 91
Chapter VII
Cadmus. Origin of City of Thebes. Tyrians. Serpent. Dragon's
Teeth. Harmonia. Serpent Sacred to Mars. Myrmidons.
Cephalus. Aeacus. Pestilence Sent by June. Origin of
Myrmidons. .................................................................................. 108
Chapter VIII
Minos, King of Crete. Nisus, his purple hair. Scylla's Betrayal.
Her Punishment. Echo. Juno's Sentence. Narcissus. Love
for his own image. Clytie. Hopeless Love for Apollo.
Becomes a Flower. Hero and Leander. Hellespont .......... 116
Chapter IX
Goddess of Wisdom. Arachne. Her Challenge with Minerva.
Minerva's Web. Arachne's Web. Transformation. Niobe
Queen of Thebes. Mount Cynthus. Death of Niobe's Children.
Changed to stone. The Gray-haired Sisters. The Gorgon
Medusa. Tower of brass. Danae. Perseus. Net of Dicte.
Minerva. King Atlas. Andromeda. Sea Monster.
Wedding Feast. Enemies Turned to Stone............................ 129
Chapter X
Attributes of Monsters. Laius. Oedipus. The Oracle. Sphinx.
The Riddle. Oedipus made King. Jocasta. Origin of
Pegasus. Fountain of Hippocrene. The Chimaera.
Bellerophontic Letters. The Centaurs. The Pygmies.
Description of the Griffin. The Native Country. One-Eyed
People ......................................................................................... 149
Chapter XI
The Ram with the Golden Fleece. The Hellespont. Jason's Quest.
Sowing the Dragon's Teeth. Jason's Father. Incantations of
Medea. Ancient Name of Greece. Great Gatherings of the
Greeks. Wild Boar. Atalanta's Race. Three Golden Apples.
Lovers' Ingratitude. Venus's Revenge. Corybantes............. 158
Chapter XII
Labors of Hercules. Fight with Nemean Lion. Slaughter of the
Hydra. Cleaning the Augean Stables. Girdle of the Queen of the
Amazons. Oxen of Geryon. Golden Apples of Hesperides.
Victory over Antaeus. Cacus Slain. Hercules, Descent into
Hades. He Becomes the Slave of Omphale. Dejanira's
Charm. Death of Hercules. Hebe, Goddess of Youth ......... 175
Chapter XIII
Theseus Moves the Fated Stone, and Proceeds to Athens.
Procrustes's Bedstead. Tribute to Minos. Ariadne. Clew of
Thread. Encounter with the Minotaur. Theseus Becomes King
of Athens. Friendship of Theseus and Pirithous. The
Theseum. Festival of Panathenaea. Elgin Marbles. National
Greek Games. The Labyrinth. Daedalus' Wings. Invention
of the Saw. Castor and Pollux. Argonautic Expedition.
Orpheus's Harp. Gemini ......................................................... 184
Chapter XIV
Destruction of Semele. Infancy of Bacchus. March of Bacchus.
One of the Bacchanals taken Prisoner. Pentheus. Worship of
Bacchus Established in Greece. Ariadne. Bacchus's
Marriage. Ariadne's Crown..................................................... 195
Chapter XV
Pan. Shepherd's Pipe. Panic Terror. Signification of the Name
Pan. Latin Divinities. Wood Nymphs. Water Nymphs.
Sea Nymphs. Pleasing Traits of Old Paganism. Mrs. Browning's
Poem. Violation of Cere's Grove. Erisichthon's Punishment.
Rhoecus. Water Deities. Neptune's Symbol of Power. Latin
Name for the Muses, and other Deities. Personification of the
Winds. The Harpies. Worship of Fortuna........................... 203
Chapter XVI
Transformation of Achelous. Origin of the Cornucopia. Ancient
Meaning of fight of Achelous with Hercules. Aesculapius.
The Cyclops. Antigone. Expedition of the "Seven against
Thebes." Antigone's Sisterly Devotion. Antigone's Burial.
Penelope. Statue to Modesty. Ulysses. Penelope's
suitors. Penelope's Web .......................................................... 217
Chapter XVII
Orpheus's Lyre. Unhappy Prognostics at Orpheus's Marriage.
Eurydice's Death. Orpheus Descends to the Stygian Realm.
Orpheus Loses Eurydice Forever. Thracian Maidens.
Honey. Aristaeus's Loss and Complaint. Cyrene's
Apartments. Proteus Captured. His Directions to Orpheus.
Swarm of Bees. Celebrated Mythical Poets and Musicians.
First Mortal Endowed with Prophetic Powers ............................ 227
Chapter XVIII
Adventures of Real Persons. Arion, Famous Musician. Description
of Ancient Theatres. Murder of Ibycus. Chorus Personating
the Furies. Cranes of Ibycus. The Murderers Seized.
Simonides. Scopa's Jest. Simonides's Escape. Sappho.
"Lover's Leap" ............................................................................ 238
Chapter XIX
Endymion. Mount Latmos. Gift of Perpetual Youth and Perpetual
Sleep. Orion. Kedalion. Orion's Girdle. The Fatal Shot
The Pleiads. Aurora. Memnon. statue of Memnon.
Scylla. Acis and Galatea. River Acis .................................. 248
Chapter XX
Minerva's Competition. Paris's Decision. Helen. Paris's
Elopement. Ulysses's Pretence. The Apple of Discord.
Priam, King of Troy. Commander of Grecian Armament.
Principal Leaders of the Trojans. Agamemnon Kills the Sacred
Stag. Iphigenia. The Trojan War. The Iliad. Interest of
Dods and Goddesses in the War. Achilles's Suit of Armor.
Death of Hector. Ransom Sent to Achilles. Achilles Grants
Priam's Request. Hector's Funeral Solemnities....................... 256
Chapter XXI
Achilles Captivated by Polyxena. Achilles' Claim. Bestowal of
Achilles' Armor. The Hyacinth. Arrows of Hercules. Death
of Paris. Celebrated Statue of Minerva. Wooden Horse.
Greeks Pretend to Abandon the Siege. Sea Serpents.
Laocoon. Troy subdued. Helen and Menelaus. Nepenthe.
Agamemnon's Misfortunes. Orestes. Electra. Site of the
City of Troy ................................................................................ 276
Chapter XXII
The Odyssey. The Wanderings of Ulysses. Country of the
Cyclops. The Island of Aeolus. The Barbarous Tribe of
Laestrygonians. Circe. The Sirens. Scylla and Charybdis.
Cattle of Hyperion. Ulysses's Raft. Calypso Entertains
Ulysses. Telemachus and Mentor Escape from Calypso's Isle290
Chapter XXIII
Ulysses Abandons the Raft. The Country of the Phaeacians.
Nausicaa's Dream. A Game of Ball. Ulysses's Dilemma.
Nausicaa's Courage. The Palace of Alcinous. Skill of the
Phaeacian Women. Hospitality to Ulysses. Demodocus, the
Blind Bard. Gifts to Ulysses ................................................... 302
Chapter XXIV
Adventures of Ǽneas.—Prepare to Build a City. — Polydore. — A
floating Island. — Arrival at Crete. — The Harpies. — Land at
Epirus. — The Cyclopes. — Juno’s Resentment. — Safe Arrival of
the Trojans. — at Italy. — Words of the Sibyl........................... 302
Chapter XXV
Virgil's Description of the Region of the Dead. Descend into
Hades. The Black River and Ferryman. Cape Palinurus.
The Three-Headed Dog. Regions of Sadness. Shades of
Grecian and Trojan Warriors. Judgment Hall of
Rhadamanthus. The Elysian Fields. Aeneas Meets His
Father. Anchises Explains the Plan of Creation.
Transmigration of Souls. Egyptian Name of Hades. Location
of Elysium. Prophetic Power of the Sibyl. Legend of the Nine
Books.......................................................................................... 314
Latinus's Dream. —Prediction of the Harpies. —Juni's Animosity, —
Open— ing the Gates of Janus. — Camilla. — Evander. — Ǽneas
Arrives. — Evander Welcomes Him. —Tarchon. —Juno's
Interference. — Turnus. —Nisus and Euryalus.—Death of Both.—
Ǽneas Relieves the Camp. —Mezentius.— Ǽneas Challenges
Turnus.—Turnus is Killed — Death of Ǽncas. — Foundation of
Rome .......................................................................................... 334
Pythagoras, the Philosopher of Crotona.—His Doctrine and his
Scholars.— Numbers as the Principle of all Things. — The
Monad. — Doctrine of Metempsychosis. — The Music of the
Spheres. — Invention of the Lyre. — Sybaris and Crotona. —
Milo the Athlete. — The Religion and Mythology of Egypt. — Mr.
Birch's Opinion and that of other Writers. — The Principal
Egyptian Gods.—Osiris and Isis.—Apis.—Milton's allusion to
Egyptian Gods.—Oracles.—Dodona.—Delphi.—Trophonius.—
Ǽsculapius.—Apis ................................................................... 349
Origin of Mythology. — The Scriptural Theory. — The Historical
Theory. — The Allegorical Theory. — The Astronomical Theory.
— The Physical Theory.—Wordsworth's View. — Statues of the
Gods.—Olympian Jupiter. — Minerva of the Parthenon. — Venus
de' Medici. — Apollo Belvedere.—Venus of Melos.—Poets of
Mythology.—Homer.—Virgil.—Ovid ...................................... 368
Mythology of the East.—Brahminism.—Buddhism.—The Zoroastrian
System.—The Zendavesta and Zoroaster.—Period of his Life.—
Hindu Mythology. — Brahma. — Vishnu. — Siva. — Trimurti. —
Agni. — Indra. — Surya. —Vishnu. — Siva. — Juggernaut. —
Castes and Hindu Customs. — Buddha and Buddhism. — The
Grand Lama. — Prester John ..................................................... 390
Northern Mythology. — The Eddas.—The Ash Ygdrasil.—Odin.—The
Joys of Valhalla. — Thor. — The Other Gods,—Loki and his
Three Children. — Tyr and the Wolf Fenris. — Gleipnir. — How
Thor paid the Mountain God his Wages. —Thor Loses his
Hammer and Recovers it. —Frey and Gerda.—Skirnir ............ 406
Thor's Visit to Jotunheim. — Thialfi. — Loki. — Skrymir the Giant. —
The Three Blows from Mi'olnir.—The City of Utgard.—Utgard—
Loki.— Loki and Logi. — Thialfi and Hugi. — The Drinking
Horn.— Thor's Three Draughts. — The Gray Cat. — The Old
Woman Elli. — Utgard. —Loki's Deceptions.—Gullfaxi and
Gleipnir.—Hrunguir.— Thor's Battle with the Frost Giant ........ 418
Baldur the Good —Frigga.—The Descent of Odin.—Loki and
Frigga.— The Mistletoe. — Hodur. — The Death of Baldur. —
Hermod.— Hela. — Thaukt. — The Funeral of Baldur. —
Hringham. — Punishment of Loki. —Siguna.—The Elves.—
Eagnarok.— The Twilight of the Gods.— Surtur.—The Bridge
Bifrost. — The Giallar horn. — Alfadur. — Runic Letters.—The
Skalds.—The Sagas.—Iceland ................................................... 427
The Druids. — Be'al. — Stonehenge. — Cromlech. — Beltane. —
Samh'in. — Hallow—eve. — The Mistletoe. — Triads. — Welsh
Bards. — Eisteddfods. —lona.—Columba.—Culdees. — " Eileen
Nam Baa " ................................................................................. 436
Chapter I
The Greeks and Romans both belong to the same race or stock. It
is generally known in our time as the Aryan family of mankind;
and so far as we know its history, the Greeks and Romans
descended from the tribes which emigrated from the high table-
lands of Northern India. Other tribes emigrated in different
directions from the same centre, so that traces of the Aryan
language are found in the islands of the Pacific ocean.
The people of this race, who moved westward, seem to have had a
special fondness for open air nature, and a willingness to
personify the powers of nature. They were glad to live in the
open air, and they specially encouraged the virtues which an
open-air people prize. Thus no Roman was thought manly who could
not swim, and every Greek exercised in the athletic sports of the
The Romans and Grecian and German divisions of this great race
are those with which we have most to do in history and in
literature. Our own English language is made up of the dialects
of different tribes, many of whom agreed in their use of words
which they had derived from our Aryan ancestry. Thus our
substantive verb I AM appears in the original Sanscrit of the
Aryans as ESMI, and m for ME (MOI), or the first person singular,
is found in all the verbal inflections. The Greek form of the
same verb was ESMI, which became ASMI, and in Latin the first
and last vowels have disappeared, the verb is SUM. Similar
relationships are traced in the numerals, and throughout all the
languages of these nations.
The Romans, like the Etruscans who came before them, were neither
poetical nor imaginative in temperament. Their activity ran in
practical directions. They therefore invented few, if any
stories, of the gods whom they worshipped with fixed rites. Mr.
Macaulay speaks of these gods as "the sober abstractions of the
Roman pantheon." We owe most of the stories of the ancient
mythology to the wit and fancy of the Greeks, more playful and
imaginative, who seized from Egypt and from the East such
legends as pleased them, and adapted them in their own way. It
often happens that such stories, resembling each other in their
foundation, are found in the Greek and Roman authors in several
different forms.
To understand these stories, we will here first acquaint
ourselves with the ideas of the structure of the universe, which
the poets and others held, and which will form the scenery, so to
speak, of the narratives.
The Greek poets believed the earth to be flat and circular, their
own country occupying the middle of it, the central point being
either Mount Olympus, the abode of the gods, or Delphi, so famous
for its oracle.
The circular disk of the earth was crossed from west to east, and
divided into two equal parts by the Sea, as they called the
Mediterranean, and its continuation the Euxine.
Around the earth flowed the River Ocean, its course being from
south to north on the western side of the earth, and in a
contrary direction on the eastern side. It flowed in a steady,
equable current, unvexed by storm or tempest. The sea, and all
the rivers on earth, received their waters from it.
The northern portion of the earth was supposed to be inhabited by
a happy race named the Hyperboreans1 , dwelling in everlasting bliss
and spring beyond the lofty mountains whose caverns were supposed to
send forth the piercing blasts of the north wind, which chilled the
people of Hellas (Greece). Their country was inaccessible by land or
sea. They lived exempt from disease or old age, from toils and
warfare. Moore has given us the "Song of a Hyperborean,"
"I come from a land in the sun-bright deep,
Where golden gardens glow,
Where the winds of the north, becalmed in sleep,
Their conch-shells never blow."
On the south side of the earth, close to the stream of Ocean,
dwelt a people happy and virtuous as the Hyperboreans. They were
named the Ǽthiopians. The gods favored them so highly that they
were wont to leave at times their Olympian abodes, and go to
share their sacrifices and banquets.
On the western margin of the earth, by the stream of Ocean, lay a
happy place named the Elysian Plain, whither mortals favored by
the gods were transported without tasting of death, to enjoy an
immortality of bliss. This happy region was also called the
"fortunate fields," and the "Isles of the Blessed."
We thus see that the Greeks of the early ages knew little of any
real people except those to the east and south of their own
"who live beyond the north" from the word "hyper," beyond, and boreas, the north wind.
country, or near the coast of the Mediterranean. Their
imagination meantime peopled the western portion of this sea with
giants, monsters, and enchantresses; while they placed around the
disk of the earth, which they probably regarded as of no great
width, nations enjoying the peculiar favor of the gods, and
blessed with happiness and longevity.
The Dawn, the Sun, and the Moon were supposed to rise out of the
Ocean, on the western side, and to drive through the air, giving light to
gods and men. The stars also, except those forming Charles' Wain or
Bear, and others near them, rose
out of and sank into the stream
of Ocean. There the sun-god
embarked in a winged boat,
which conveyed him round by
the northern part of the earth,
back to his place of rising in the
east. Milton alludes to this in his
Or Zeus. The relation of these names to each other will be explained on the next page.
family observed, at fixed times, memorial rites in their honor, and
for these and other religious observances the family hearth was
consecrated. The earliest rites of Roman worship are supposed to be
connected with such family devotions.
As the Greeks and Romans became acquainted with other nations,
they imported their habits of worship, even in early times. It
will be remembered that as late as St. Paul's time, he found an
altar at Athens "to an unknown god." Greeks and Romans alike
were willing to receive from other nations the legends regarding
their gods, and to incorporate them as well as they could with
their own. It is thus that in the poetical mythology of those
nations, which we are now to study, we frequently find a Latin
and a Greek name for one imagined divinity. Thus Zeus, of the
Greeks, becomes in Latin with the addition of the word pater1 (a
father) Jupiter Kronos of the Greeks appears as
"Vulcanus" of the Latins, "Ares" of the Greeks is "Mars" or
Mavors of the Latins, "Poseidon" of the Greeks is "Neptunus" of
the Latins, "Aphrodite" of the Greeks is "Venus" of the Latins.
This variation is not to be confounded with a mere translation,
as where "Paulos" of the Greek becomes "Paulus" in Latin, or
"Odysseus" becomes "Ulysses," or as when "Pierre" of the French
becomes "Peter" in English. What really happened was, that as
the Romans, more cultivated than their fathers, found in Greek
literature a god of fire and smithery, they transferred his
name "Hephaistos" to their own old god "Vulcanus," who had the
same duties, and in their after literature the Latin name was
used for the stories of Greek and Latin origin.
As the English literature came into being largely on French and
Latin models, and as French is but a degraded Latin and retains
Latin roots largely, in our older English poets the Latin forms
of these names are generally used. In our own generation, with
The reader will observe that father is one of the words derived from an Ayan root. Let p and
t become rough, as the grammarians say, let p become ph, and t th, and you have phather or
the precision now so much courted, a fashion has come in, of
designating Mars by his Greek name of "Ares," Venus by her name
Saturn and Rhea were of the race of Titans, who were the children
of Earth and Heaven, which sprang from Chaos, of which we shall
give a further account in our next chapter.
Jove appears to be a word derived from the same root as Zeus, and it appears in the root dev
of the Sanscrit, where devas are gods of different forms. Our English word devil probably
comes from the French diable, Italian diavolo, Latin diabolus, one who makes division,-
literally one who separates balls, or throws balls about, instead of throwing them frankly
and truly at the batsman. It is not to be traced to the Sanscrit deva.
In allusion to the dethronement of Ouranos by Kronos, and of
Kronos or Saturnus by Zeus or Jupiter, Prometheus says in
Ǽschylus's tragedy,
Ophion and Eurynome ruled over Olympus till they were dethroned
by Saturn and Rhea. Milton alludes to them in Paradise Lost. He
says the heathen seem to have had some knowledge of the
temptation and fall of man,
"And fabled how the serpent, whom they called
Ophion, with Eurynome (the wide-
Encroaching Eve perhaps), had first the rule
Of high Olympus, thence by Saturn driven."
The representations given of Saturn are not very consistent, for
on the one hand his reign is said to have been the golden age of
innocence and purity, and on the other he is described as a
monster who devoured his own children1 Jupiter, however,
This inconsistency arises from considering the Saturn of the Romans the same with the
Grecian deity Chronos (Time), which, as it brings an end to all things which have had a
beginning, may be said to devour its own offspring.
escaped this fate, and when grown up espoused Metis (Prudence), who
administered a draught to Saturn which caused him to disgorge his
children. Jupiter, with his brothers and sisters, now rebelled against
their father Saturn, and
his brothers the Titans;
vanquished them, and
imprisoned some of
them in Tartarus,
inflicting other
penalties on others.
Atlas was condemned
to bear up the heavens
on his shoulders.
On the dethronement
of Saturn, Jupiter with
his brothers Neptune
(Poseidon) and Pluto
(Dis) divided his
dominions. Jupiter's
portion was the
heavens, Neptune's the
ocean, and Pluto's the
realms of the dead.
Earth and Olympus
were common property.
Jupiter was king of
gods and men. The
thunder was his
weapon, and he bore a
shield called Ǽgis,
made for him by
Vulcan. The eagle was
his favorite bird, and
bore his thunderbolts.
Juno1 (Hera) was the wife
of Jupiter, and queen of the gods. Iris, the goddess of the rainbow, was her
attendant and messenger. The peacock was her favorite bird.
pronounce He-re, in two syllables
Vulcan (Hephaistos), the celestial artist, was the son of Jupiter
and Juno. He was born lame, and his mother was so displeased at
the sight of him that she flung him out of heaven. Other
accounts say that Jupiter kicked him out for taking part with his
mother, in a quarrel which occurred between them. Vulcan's
lameness, according to this account, was the consequence of his
fall. He was a whole day falling, and at last alighted in the
island of Lemnos, which was thenceforth sacred to him. Milton
alludes to this story in Paradise lost, Book I.
"From morn
To noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve,
A summer's day; and with the setting sun
Dropped from the zenith, like a falling star,
On Lemnos, the Ǽgean isle."
Mars (Ares), the god of war, was the son of Jupiter and Juno.
Phoebus Apollo1 , the god of archery, prophecy, and music, was the
son of Jupiter and Latona, and brother of Diana (Artemis). He was god
of the sun, as Diana, his sister, was the goddess of the moon.
Cupid (Eros), the god of love, was the son of Venus. He was her
constant companion; and, armed with bow and arrows, he shot the
This is a Greek name of a Greek divinity, who seems to have had no Roman resemblance
darts of desire into the bosoms of both gods and men. There was
a deity named Anteros, who was sometimes represented as the
avenger of slighted love, and sometimes as the symbol of
reciprocal affection. The following legend is told of him:
Venus, complaining to Themis that her son Eros continued always a
child, was told by her that it was because he was solitary, and
that if he had a brother he would grow apace. Anteros was soon
afterwards born, and Eros immediately was seen to increase
rapidly in size and strength.
Minerva (Pallas Athene), the goddess of wisdom, was the offspring
of Jupiter, without a mother. She sprang from his head,
completely armed. Her favorite bird was the owl, and the plant
sacred to her the olive.
Byron, in "Childe Harold," alludes to the birth of Minerva thus:
"Can tyrants but by tyrants conquered be,
And freedom find no champion and no child,
Such as Columbia saw arise, when she
Sprang forth a Pallas, armed and undefiled?
Or must such minds be nourished in the wild,
Deep in the unpruned forest, 'midst the roar
Of Cataracts, where nursing Nature smiled
On infant Washington? Has earth no more
Such seeds within her breast, or Europe no such shore?"
Mercury (Hermes), was the son of Jupiter and Maia. He presided
over commerce, wrestling and other gymnastic exercises; even over
thieving, and everything, in short, which required skill and
dexterity. He was the messenger of Jupiter, and wore a winged
cap and winged shoes. He bore in his hand a rod entwined with
two serpents, called the Caduceus.
Mercury is said to have invented the lyre. Four hours after his
birth he found the shell of a tortoise, made holes in the
opposite edges of it, and drew cords of linen through them, and
the instrument was complete1 The cords were nine, in honor of the nine
Muses. Mercury gave the lyre to Apollo, and received from him in
exchange the caduceus.
From this origin of the instrument, the word "shell" is often used as synonymous with :"lyre,"
and figuratively for music and poetry. Thus Gray, in his ode on the "Progress of Poesy,"
"O Sovereign of the willing soul,
Parent of sweet and solemn-breathing airs,
Enchanting shell! The sullen Cares
And Frantic Passions hear thy soft control."
Ceres (Demeter) was the daughter of Saturn and Rhea. She had a
daughter named Proserpine (Persephone), who became the wife of
Pluto, and queen of the realms of the dead. Ceres presided over
Bacchus (Dionysus)_, the god of wine, was the son of Jupiter and
Semele. He represents not only the
intoxicating power of wine, but its social and
beneficent influences likewise; so that he is
viewed as the promoter of civilization, and a
lawgiver and lover of peace.
The muses were the daughters of Jupiter and
Mnemosyne (Memory). They presided over
song, and prompted the memory. They were
nine in number, to each of whom was assigned
the presidency over some particular department
of literature, art, or science. Calliope was the
muse of epic poetry, Clio of history, Euterpe of
lyric poetry, Melpomene of tragedy,
Terpischore of choral dance and song, Erato of
love-poetry, Polyhymnia of sacred poetry,
Urania of astronomy, Thalia [Pronounced Tha-
lei-a, with the emphasis on the second syllable]
of comedy.
The Graces were goddesses presiding over
the banquet, the dance, and all social
enjoyments and elegant arts. They were three
in number. Their names were Euphrosyne, Aglaia, and Thalia.
Spenser described the office of the Graces thus:
The Fates were also three Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Their
office was to spin the thread of human destiny, and they were armed
with shears, with which they cut it off when they pleased. They were
the daughters of Themis (Law), who sits by Jove on his throne to give
him counsel.
The Erinnyes, or Furies, were three goddesses who punished crimes by their
secret stings. The heads of the Furies were wreathed with serpents, and
their whole appearance was terrific and appalling. Their names were
Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera. They were also called Eumenides.
Nemesis was also an avenging goddess. She represents the righteous anger
of the gods, particularly towards the proud and insolent.
Pan1 was the god of flocks and shepherds. His favorite residence, as the
Greeks describe him, was in Arcadia.
The Satyrs were deities of the woods and fields. They were
conceived to be covered with bristly hair, their heads decorated with
short, sprouting horns, and their feet like goats' feet.
Momus was the god of laughter, and Plutus the god of wealth.
The name Pan means everything, and he is sometimes spoken of as the god of all nature.
Bellona, a war goddess.
Terminus, the god of landmarks. His statue was a rude stone or
post, set in the ground to mark the boundaries of fields.
Pales, the goddess presiding over cattle and pastures.
Pomona presided over fruit trees.
Flora, the goddess of flowers.
Lucina, the goddess of childbirth.
Vesta (the Hestia of the Greeks) was a deity presiding over the
public and private hearth. A sacred fire, tended by six virgin
priestesses called Vestals, flamed in her temple. As the safety
of the city was held to be connected with its conservation, the
neglect of the virgins, if they let it go out, was severely
punished, and the fire was rekindled from the rays of the sun.
Liber is another Latin name of Bacchus; and Mulciber of Vulcan.
Janus was the porter of heaven. He opens the year, the first
month being named after him. He is the guardian deity of gates,
on which account he is commonly represented with two heads,
because every door looks two ways. His temples at Rome were
numerous. In war time the gates of the principal one were always
open. In peace they were closed; but they were shut only once
between the reign of Numa and that of Augustus.
The Penates were the gods who were supposed to attend to the
welfare and prosperity of the family. Their name is derived from
Penus, the pantry, which was sacred to them. Every master of a
family was the priest to the Penates of his own house.
The Lares, or Lars, were also household gods, but differed from the
Penates in being regarded as the deified spirits of mortals. The family
Lars were held to be the souls of the ancestors, who watched over and
protected their descendants. The words Lemur and Larva more nearly
correspond to our word Ghost.
The Romans believed that every man had his Genius, and every
woman her Juno; that is, a spirit who had given them being, and was
regarded as a protector through life. On birthdays men made offerings
to their Genius, women to their Juno.
Macaulay thus alludes to some of the Roman gods:
"Pomona loves the orchard,
And Liber loves the vine,
And Pales loves the straw-built shed
Warm with the breath of kine;
And Venus loves the whisper
Of plighted youth and maid
In April's ivory moonlight,
Beneath the Chestnut shade."
"Prophecy of Capys."
upright stature1, so that while all other animals turn their faces
downward and look to the earth, he raises his face to heaven and gazes
on the stars2.
Woman was not yet made. The story is, that Jupiter made her, and
sent her to Prometheus and his brother, to punish them for their
presumption in stealing fire from heaven; and man, for accepting
the gift. The first woman was named Pandora. She was made in
heaven, every god contributing something to perfect her. Venus
gave her beauty, Mercury persuasion, Apollo music. Thus
equipped, she was conveyed to earth, and presented to Epimetheus,
who gladly accepted her, though cautioned by his brother to
beware of Jupiter and his gifts. Epimetheus had in his house a
jar, in which were kept certain noxious articles, for which, in
fitting man for his new abode, he had had no occasion. Pandora
was seized with an eager curiosity to know what this jar
contained; and one day she slipped off the cover and looked in.
Forthwith there escaped a multitude of plagues for hapless man,
such as gout, rheumatism, and colic for his body, and envy,
The two Greek words for man have the root an, "up.
Every reader will be interested in comparing this narrative with that in the beginning of
Genesis. It seems clear that so many Jews were in Rome in Ovid's days, many of whom were
people of consideration among those with whom he lived, that he may have heard the account
in the Hebrew Scriptures translated. Compare JUDAISM by Prof. Frederic Huidekoper.
spite, and revenge for his mind, and scattered themselves far
and wide. Pandora hastened to replace the lid; but, alas! The
whole contents of the jar had escaped, one thing only excepted,
which lay at the bottom, and that was HOPE. So we see at this
day, whatever evils are abroad, hope never entirely leaves us;
and while we have THAT, no amount of other ills can make us
completely wretched.
Another story is, that Pandora was sent in good faith, by Jupiter, to
bless man; that she was furnished with a box, containing her marriage
presents, into which every god had put some blessing. She opened the
box incautiously, and the blessings all escaped, HOPE only excepted.
This story seems more consistent than the former; for how could
HOPE, so precious a jewel as it is, have been kept in a jar full of all
manner of evils?
The world being thus furnished with inhabitants, the first age was an
age of innocence and happiness, called the GOLDEN AGE. Truth and
right prevailed, though not enforced by law, nor was there any
magistrate to threaten or punish. The forest had not yet been robbed of
its trees to furnish timbers for vessels, nor had men built fortifications
round their towns. There were no such things as swords, spears, or
helmets. The earth brought forth all things necessary for man, without
his labor in ploughing or sowing. Perpetual spring reigned, flowers
sprang up without seed, the rivers flowed with milk and wine, and
yellow honey distilled from the oaks.
Crime burst in like a flood; modesty, truth, and honor fled. In their
places came fraud and cunning, violence, and the wicked love of gain.
Then seamen spread sails to the wind, and the trees were torn from the
mountains to serve for keels to ships, and vex the face of ocean. The
earth, which till now had been cultivated in common, began to be
divided off into possessions. Men were not satisfied with what the
surface produced, but must dig into its bowels, and draw forth from
thence the ores of metals. Mischievous IRON, and more mischievous
GOLD, were produced. War sprang up, using both as weapons; the
guest was not safe in his friend's house; and sons-in-law and fathers-in-
law, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, could not trust one
another. Sons wished their fathers dead, that they might come to the
inheritance; family love lay prostrate. The earth was wet with
slaughter, and the gods abandoned it, one by one, till Astraea1 alone
was left, and finally she also took her departure.
The goddess of innocence and purity. After leaving earth, she was placed among the
stars, where she became the constellation Virgo The Virgin. Themis (Justice) was the
mother of Astraea. She is represented as holding aloft a pair of scales, in which she
weighs the claims of opposing parties. It was a favorite idea of the old poets, that these
goddesses would one day return, and bring back the Golden Age. Even in a Christian
Hymn, the Messiah of Pope, this idea occurs.
"All crimes shall cease, and ancient fraud shall fail,
Returning Justice lift aloft her scale,
Peace o'er the world her olive wand extend,
And white-robed Innocence from heaven descend."
See, also, Milton's Hymn on the nativity, stanzas xiv, and xv
Byron and Shelley have both treated this theme. The following
are Byron's lines:
The slime with which the earth was covered by the waters of the
flood, produced an excessive fertility, which called forth every
variety of production, both bad and good. Among the rest,
Python, an enormous serpent, crept forth, the terror of the
people, and lurked in the caves of Mount Parnassus. Apollo slew
him with his arrows weapons which he had not before used
against any but feeble animals, hares, wild goats, and such game.
In commemoration of this illustrious conquest he instituted the
Pythian games, in which the victor in feats of strength,
swiftness of foot, or in the chariot race, was crowned with a
wreath of beech leaves; for the laurel was not yet adopted by
Apollo as his own tree. And here Apollo founded his oracle at
Delphi, the only oracle "that was not exclusively national, for
it was consulted by many outside nations, and, in fact, was held
in the highest repute all over the world. In obedience to its
decrees, the laws of Lycurgus were introduced, and the earliest
Greek colonies founded. No cities were built without first
consulting the Delphic oracle, for it was believed that Apollo
took special delight in the founding of cities, the first stone
of which he laid in person; nor was any enterprise ever
undertaken without inquiry at this sacred fane as to its probable
The famous statue of Apollo called the Belvedere2 represents the
god after his victory over the serpent Python. To this Byron
alludes in his Childe Harold, iv. 161:
From Beren's Myths and Legends of Greece and Rome
From the Belvedere of the Vatican palace where it stands
you call them, where you will, but presume not to meddle with my
Venus's boy heard these words, and rejoined, ":Your arrows may
strike all things else, Apollo, but mine shall strike you.:" So saying, he
took his stand on a rock of Parnassus, and drew from his quiver two
arrows of different workmanship, one to excite love, the other to repel
it. The former was of gold and sharp- pointed, the latter blunt and
tipped with lead. With the leaden shaft he struck the nymph Daphne,
the daughter of the river god Peneus, and with the golden one Apollo,
through the heart. Forthwith the god was seized with love for the
maiden, and she abhorred the thought of loving. Her delight was in
woodland sports and in the spoils of the chase. Many lovers sought
her, but she spurned them all, ranging the woods, and taking thought
neither of Cupid nor of Hymen. Her father often said to her,
"Daughter, you owe me a son-in-law; you owe me grandchildren." She,
hating the thought of marriage as a crime, with her beautiful face tinged
all over with blushes, threw her arms around her father's neck, and said,
"Dearest father, grant me this favor, that I may always remain
unmarried, like Diana." He consented, but at the same time said, "Your
own face will forbid it."
Apollo loved her, and longed to obtain her; and he who gives oracles
to all in the world was not wise enough to look into his own fortunes.
He saw her hair flung loose over her shoulders, and said, "If so
charming in disorder, what would it be if arranged?" He saw her eyes
bright as stars; he saw her lips, and was not satisfied with only seeing
them. He admired her hands and arms bared to the shoulder, and
whatever was hidden from view he imagined more beautiful still. He
followed her; she fled, swifter than the wind, and delayed not a moment
at his entreaties. "Stay," said he, "daughter of Peneus; I am not a foe.
Do not fly me as a lamb flies the wolf, or a dove the hawk. It is for love
I pursue you. You make me miserable, for fear you should fall and hurt
yourself on these stones, and I should be the cause. Pray run slower,
and I will follow slower. I am no clown, no rude peasant. Jupiter is
my father, and I am lord of Delphos and Tenedos, and know all things,
present and future. I am the god of song and the lyre. My arrows fly
true to the mark; but alas! An arrow more fatal than mine has pierced
my heart! I am the god of medicine, and know the virtues of all healing
plants. Alas! I suffer a malady that no balm can cure!"
The nymph continued her flight, and left his plea half uttered. And
even as she fled she charmed him. The wind blew her garments, and
The pursuer is the more rapid, however, and gains upon her, and
his panting breath blows upon her hair. Now her strength begins
to fail, and, ready to sink, she calls upon her father, the river
god: "Help me, Peneus! Open the earth to enclose me, or change
my form, which has brought me into this danger!"
Scarcely had she spoken, when a stiffness seized all her limbs;
her bosom began to be enclosed in a tender bark; her hair became
leaves; her arms became branches; her feet stuck fast in the
ground, as roots; her face became a tree-top, retaining nothing
of its former self but its beauty. Apollo stood amazed. He
touched the stem, and felt the flesh tremble under the new bark.
He embraced the branches, and lavished kisses on the wood. The
branches shrank from his lips. "Since you cannot be my wife,"
said he, "you shall assuredly be my tree. I will wear you for my
crown. With you I will decorate my harp and my quiver; and when
the great Roman conquerors lead up the triumphal pomp to the
Capitol, you shall be woven into wreaths for their brows. And,
Pyramus was the handsomest youth, and Thisbe the fairest maiden,
in all Babylonia, where Semiramis reigned. Their parents
occupied adjoining houses; and neighborhood brought the young
people together, and acquaintance ripened into love. They would
gladly have married, but their parents forbade. One thing,
however, they could not forbid that love should glow with equal
ardor in the bosoms of both. They conversed by signs and
glances, and the fire burned more intensely for being covered up.
In the wall that parted the two houses there was a crack, caused
by some fault in the structure. No one had remarked it before,
but the lovers discovered it. 'What will love not discover? It
afforded a passage to the voice; and tender messages used to pass
backward and forward through the gap. As they stood, Pyramus on
this side, Thisbe on that, their breaths would mingle. "Cruel
wall," they said, "why do you keep two lovers apart? But we will
not be ungrateful. We owe you, we confess, the privilege of
transmitting loving words to willing ears." Such words they
uttered on different sides of the wall; and when night came and
they must say farewell, they pressed their lips upon the wall,
she on her side, he on his, as they could come no nearer.
One morning, when Aurora had put out the stars, and the sun had
melted the frost from the grass, they met at the accustomed spot.
Then, after lamenting their hard fate, they agreed that next
night, when all was still, they would slip away from watchful
eyes, leave their dwellings and walk out into the fields; and to
insure a meeting, repair to a well-known edifice, standing
without the city's bounds, called the tomb of Ninus, and that the
one who came first should await the other at the foot of a
certain tree. It was a white mulberry tree and stood near a cool
spring. All was agreed on, and they waited impatiently for the
sun to go down beneath the waters and night to rise up from them.
Then cautiously Thisbe stole forth, unobserved by the family, her
head covered with a veil, made her way to the monument and sat
down under the tree. As she sat alone in the dim light of the
evening she descried a lioness, her jaws reeking with recent
slaughter, approaching the fountain to slake her thirst. Thisbe
fled at the sight, and sought refuge in the hollow of a rock. As
she fled she dropped her veil. The lioness, after drinking at
the spring, turned to retreat to the woods, and seeing the veil
on the ground, tossed and rent it with her bloody mouth.
By this time, Thisbe, still trembling with fear, yet wishing not
to disappoint her lover, stepped cautiously forth, looking
anxiously for the youth, eager to tell him the danger she had
escaped. When she came to the spot and saw the changed color of
the mulberries she doubted whether it was the same place. While
she hesitated she saw the form of one struggling in the agonies
of death. She started back, a shudder ran through her frame as a
ripple on the face of the still water when a sudden breeze sweeps
over it. But as soon as she recognized her lover, she screamed
and beat her breast; embracing the lifeless body, pouring tears
into its wounds, and imprinting kisses on the cold lips. "Oh,
Pyramus," she cried, "what has done this? Answer me, Pyramus; it
is your own Thisbe that speaks. Hear me, dearest, and lift that
drooping head!" At the name of Thisbe, Pyramus opened his eyes,
then closed them again. She saw her veil stained with blood and
the scabbard empty of its sword. "Thy own hand has slain thee,
and for my sake," she said. "I too can be brave for once, and my
love is as strong as thine. I will follow thee in death, for I
have been the cause; and death, which alone could part us, shall
not prevent my joining thee. And ye, unhappy parents of us both,
deny us not our united request. As love and death have joined
us, let one tomb contain us. And thou, tree, retain the marks of
slaughter. Let thy berries still serve for memorials of our blood." So
saying, she plunged the sword into her breast. Her parents acceded to
her wish; the gods also ratified it. The two bodies were buried in one
sepulchre, and the tree ever after brought forth purple berries, as it does
to this day.
Moore, in the Sylph's Ball, speaking of Davy's Safety Lamp, is
reminded of the wall that separated Thisbe and her lover:
"O for that lamp's metallic gauze,
That curtain of protecting wire,
Which Davy delicately draws
Around illicit, dangerous fire!
whose name was Lelaps. No sooner was the dog let loose than he
darted off, quicker than their eye could follow him. If they had not
seen his footprints in the sand they would have thought he flew.
Cephalus and others stood on a hill and saw the race. The fox tried
every art; he ran in a circle and turned on his track, the dog close upon
him, with open jaws, snapping at his heels, but biting only the air.
Cephalus was about to use his javelin, when suddenly he saw both dog
and game stop instantly. The heavenly powers who had given both,
were not willing that either should conquer. In the very attitude of life
and action they were turned into stone. So lifelike and natural did they
look, you would have thought, as you looked at them, that one was
going to bark, the other to leap forward.
Cephalus, though he had lost his dog, still continued to take delight
in the chase. He would go out at early morning, ranging the woods and
hills unaccompanied by any one, needing no help, for his javelin was a
sure weapon in all cases. Fatigued with hunting, when the sun got high
he would seek a shady nook where a cool stream flowed, and, stretched
on the grass with his garments thrown aside, would enjoy the breeze.
Sometimes he would say aloud, "Come, sweet breeze, come and fan my
breast, come and allay the heat that burns me." Some one passing by
one day heard him talking in this way to the air, and, foolishly
believing that he was talking to some maiden, went and told the secret
to Procris, Cephalus's wife. Love is credulous. Procris, at the sudden
shock, fainted away. Presently recovering, she said, "It cannot be true;
I will not believe it unless I myself am a witness to it." So she waited,
with anxious heart, till the next morning, when Cephalus went to hunt
as usual. Then she stole out after him, and concealed herself in the
place where the informer directed her. Cephalus came as he was wont
when tired with sport, and stretched himself on the green bank, saying,
"Come, sweet breeze, come and fan me; you know how I love you!
You make the groves and my solitary rambles delightful." He was
running on in this way when he heard, or thought he heard, a sound as
of a sob in the bushes. Supposing it some wild animal, he threw hie
javelin at the spot. A cry from his beloved Procris told him that the
weapon had too surely met its mark. He rushed to the place, and found
her bleeding and with sinking strength endeavoring to draw forth from
the wound the javelin, her own gift. Cephalus raised her from the
earth, strove to stanch the blood, and called her to revive and not to
leave him miserable, to reproach himself with her death. She opened
her feeble eyes, and forced herself to utter these few words: "I implore
you, if you have ever loved me, if I have ever deserved kindness at
your hands, my husband, grant me this last request; do not marry that
odious Breeze!" This disclosed the whole mystery; but alas! What
advantage to disclose it now? She died; but her face wore a calm
expression, and she looked pityingly and forgivingly on her husband
when he made her understand the truth.
Chapter III
J upiter and Juno, although husband and wife, did not live together
very happily. Jupiter did not love his wife very much, and Juno
distrusted her husband, and was always accusing him of unfaithfulness.
One day she perceived that it suddenly grew dark, and immediately
suspected that her husband had raised a cloud to hide some of his
doings that would not bear the light. She brushed away the cloud, and
saw her husband, on the banks of a glassy river, with a beautiful heifer
standing near him. Juno suspected that the heifer's form concealed
some fair nymph of mortal mould. This was indeed the case; for it was
Io, the daughter of the river god Inachus, whom Jupiter had been
flirting with, and, when he became aware of the approach of his wife,
had changed into that form.
Juno joined her husband, and noticing the heifer, praised its
beauty, and asked whose it was, and of what herd. Jupiter, to
stop questions, replied that it was a fresh creation from the
earth. Juno asked to have it as a gift. What could Jupiter do?
He was loth to give his mistress to his wife; yet how refuse so
trifling a present as a simple heifer? He could not, without
arousing suspicion; so he consented. The goddess was not yet
relieved of her suspicions; and she delivered the heifer to
Argus, to be strictly watched.
Now Argus had a hundred eyes in his head, and never went to sleep
with more than two at a time, so that he kept watch of Io
constantly. He suffered her to feed through the day, and at
night tied her up with a vile rope round her neck. She would
have stretched out her arms to implore freedom of Argus, but she
had no arms to stretch out, and her voice was a bellow that
frightened even herself. She saw her father and her sisters, went
near them, and suffered them to pat her back, and heard them
admire her beauty. Her father reached her a tuft o gras, and she
licked the outstretched hand. She longed to make herself known
to him, and would have uttered her wish; but, alas! words were
wanting. At length she bethought herself of writing, and
inscribed her name it was a short one with her hoof on the
sand. Inachus recognized it, and discovering that his daughter,
whom he had long sought in vain, was hidden under this disguise,
mourned over her, and, embracing her white neck, exclaimed,
"Alas! My daughter, it would have been a less grief to have lost
you altogether!" While he thus lamented, Argus, observing, came
and drove her away, and took his seat on a high bank, whence he
could see in every direction.
Among other stories, Mercury told him how the instrument on which
he played was invented. "There was a certain nymph, whose name
was Syrinx, who was much beloved by the satyrs and spirits of the
wood; but she would have none of them, but was a faithful
worshipper of Diana, and followed the chase. You would have
thought it was Diana herself, had you seen her in her hunting
dress, only that her bow was of horn and Diana's of silver. One
day, as she was returning from the chase, Pan met her, told her
just this, and added more of the same sort. She ran away,
without stopping to hear his compliments, and he pursued till she
came to the bank of the river, where he overtook her, and she had
only time to call for help on her friends, the water nymphs. They
heard and consented. Pan threw his arms around what he supposed
to be the form of the nymph, and found he embraced only a tuft of
reeds! As he breathed a sigh, the air sounded through the reeds,
and produced a plaintive melody. The god, charmed with the
novelty and with the sweetness of the music, said 'Thus, then, at
least, you shall be mine.' And he took some of the reeds, and
placing them together, of unequal lengths, side by side, made an
instrument which he called Syrinx, in honor of the nymph."
Before Mercury had finished his story, he saw Argus's eyes all
asleep. As his head nodded forward on his breast, Mercury with
one stroke cut his neck through, and tumbled his head down the
rocks. O hapless Argus! The light of your hundred eyes is
quenched at once! Juno took them and put them as ornaments on
the tail of her peacock, where they remain to this day.
But the vengeance of Juno was not yet satiated. She sent a
gadfly to torment Io, who fled over the whole world from its
pursuit. She swam through the Ionian Sea, which derived its name
from her, then roamed over the plains of Illyria, ascended Mount
Haemus, and crossed the Thracian strait, thence named the
Bosphorus (cow-bearer), rambled on through Scythia and the
country of the Cimmerians, and arrived at last on the banks of
the Nile. At length Jupiter interceded for her, and, upon his
promising not to pay her any more attentions, Juno consented to
restore her to her form. It was curious to see her gradually
recover her former self. The coarse hairs fell from her body,
her horns shrunk up, her eyes grew narrower, her mouth shorter;
hands and fingers came instead of hoofs to her forefeet; in fine,
there was nothing left of the heifer except her beauty. At first
she was afraid to speak for fear she should low, but gradually
she recovered her confidence, and was restored to her father and
Callisto was another maiden who excited the jealousy of Juno, and
the goddess changed her into a bear. "I will take away," said
she, :"that beauty with which you have captivated my husband."
Down fell Callisto on her hands and knees; she tried to stretch
out her arms in supplication, they were already beginning to be
covered with black hair. Her hands grew rounded, became armed
with crooked claws, and served for feet; her mouth, which Jove
used to praise for its beauty, became a horrid pair of jaws; her
voice, which if unchanged would have moved the heart to pity,
became a growl, more fit to inspire terror. Yet her former
disposition remained, and, with continued groaning, she bemoaned
her fate, and stood upright as well as she could, lifting up her
paws to beg for mercy; and felt that Jove was unkind, though she
could not tell him so. Ah, how often, afraid to stay in the
woods all night alone, she wandered about the neighborhood of her
former haunts; how often, frightened by the dogs, did she, so
lately a huntress, fly in terror from the hunters! Often she
fled from the wild beasts, forgetting that she was now a wild
beast herself; and, bear as she was, was afraid of the bears.
One day a youth espied her as he was hunting. She saw him and
recognized him as her own son, now grown a young man. She
stopped, and felt inclined to embrace him. As she was about to
approach, he, alarmed, raised his hunting spear, and was on the
point of transfixing her, when Jupiter, beholding, arrested the
crime, and, snatching away both of them, placed them in the
heavens as the Great and Little Bear.
Juno was in a rage to see her rival so set in honor, and hastened
to ancient Tethys and Oceanus, the powers of ocean, and, in
answer to their inquiries, thus told the cause of her coming; "Do
you ask why I, the queen of the gods, have left the heavenly
plains and sought your depths. Learn that I am supplanted in
heaven, my place is given to another. You will hardly believe
me; but look when night darkens the world, and you shall see the
two, of whom I have so much reason to complain, exalted to the
There was a valley thickly enclosed with cypresses and pines, sacred
to the huntress-queen, Diana. In the extremity of the valley was a cave,
not adorned with art, but nature had counterfeited art in its
construction, for she had turned the arch of its roof with stones as
delicately fitted as if by the hand of man. A fountain burst out from
one side, whose open basin was bounded by a grassy rim. Here the
goddess of the woods used to come when weary with hunting and lave
her virgin limbs in the sparkling water.
One day, having repaired thither with her nymphs, she handed her
javelin, her quiver, and her bow to one, her robe to another,
while a third unbound the sandals from her feet. Then Crocale,
the most skilful of them, arranged her hair, and Nephele, Hyale,
and the rest drew water in capacious urns. While the goddess was
thus employed in the labors of the toilet, behold, Actaeon,
having quitted his companions, and rambling without any especial
object, came to the place, led thither by his destiny. As he
presented himself at the entrance of the cave, the nymphs, seeing
a man, screamed and rushed towards the goddess to hide her with
their bodies. But she was taller than the rest, and overtopped
them all by a head. Such a color as tinges the clouds at sunset
or at dawn came over the countenance of Diana thus taken by
surprise. Surrounded as she was by her nymphs, she yet turned
half away, and sought with a sudden impulse for her arrows. As
they were not at hand, she dashed the water into the face of the
intruder, adding these words: "Now go and tell, if you can, that
you have seen Diana unapparelled." Immediately a pair of
branching stag's horns grew out of his head, his neck gained in
length, his ears grew sharp-pointed, his hands became feet, his
arms long legs, his body was covered with a hairy spotted hide.
Fear took the place of his former boldness, and the hero fled.
He could not but admire his own speed; but when he saw his horns
in the water, "Ah, wretched me!: he would have said, but no sound
followed the effort. He groaned, and tears flowed down the face
that had taken the place of his own. Yet his consciousness
remained. What shall he do? Go home to seek the palace, or lie
hid in the woods? The latter he was afraid, the former he was
ashamed, to do. While he hesitated the dogs saw him. First
Melampus, a Spartan dog, gave the signal with his bark, then
Some thought the goddess in this instance more severe than was
just, while others praised her conduct as strictly consistent
with her virgin dignity. As usual, the recent event brought
older ones to mind, and one of the bystanders told this story.
"Some countrymen of Lycia once insulted the goddess Latona, but
not with impunity. When I was young, my father, who had grown
too old for active labors, sent me to Lycia to drive thence some
choice oxen, and there I saw the very pond and marsh where the
wonder happened. Near by stood an ancient altar, black with the
smoke of sacrifice and almost buried among the reeds. I inquired
whose altar it might be, whether of Faunus or the Naiads or some
god of the neighboring mountain, and one of the country people
replied, 'No mountain or river god possesses this altar, but she
whom royal Juno in her jealousy drove from land to land, denying
her any spot of earth whereon to rear her twins. Bearing in her
arms the infant deities, Latona reached this land, weary with her
burden and parched with thirst. By chance she espied in the
bottom of the valley this pond of clear water, where the country
people were at work gathering willows and osiers. The goddess
approached, and kneeling on the bank would have slaked her thirst
in the cool stream, but the rustics forbade her. 'Why do you
refuse me water?' said she; 'water is free to all. Nature allows
no one to claim as property the sunshine, the air, or the water.
I come to take my share of the common blessing. Yet I ask it of
you as a favor. I have no intention of washing my limbs in it,
weary though they be, but only to quench my thirst. My mouth is
so dry that I can hardly speak. A draught of water would be
nectar to me; it would revive me, and I would own myself indebted
to you for life itself. Let these infants move your pity, who
stretch out their little arms as if to plead for me'; and the
children, as it happened, were stretching out their arms.
"Who would not have been moved with these gentle words of the
goddess? But these clowns persisted in their rudeness; they even
added jeers and threats of violence if she did not leave the
place. Nor was this all. They waded into the pond and stirred
up the mud with their feet, so as to make the water unfit to
drink. Latona was so angry that she ceased to feel her thirst.
She no longer supplicated the clowns, but lifting her hands to
heaven exclaimed, 'May they never quit that pool, but pass their
lives there!' And it came to pass accordingly. They now live in
the water, sometimes totally submerged, then raising their heads
above the surface, or swimming upon it. Sometimes they come out
upon the bank, but soon leap back again into the water. They
still use their base voices in railing, and though they have the
water all to themselves, are not ashamed to croak in the midst of
it. Their voices are harsh, their throats bloated, their mouths
have become stretched by constant railing, their necks have
Epaphus was the son of Jupiter and Io. Phaeton, child of the
Sun, was one day boasting to him of his high descent and of his
father Phoebus. Epaphus could not bear it. "Foolish fellow,"
said he "you believe your mother in all things, and you are
puffed up by your pride in a false father." Phaeton went in rage
and shame and reported this to his mother, Clymene. "If," said
he, "I am indeed of heavenly birth, give me, mother, some proof
of it, and establish my claim to the honor." Clymene stretched
forth her hands towards the skies, and said, "I call to witness
the Sun which looks down upon us, that I have told you the truth.
If I speak falsely, let this be the last time I behold his light.
But it needs not much labor to go and inquire for yourself; the
land whence the sun rises lies next to ours. Go and demand of
him whether he will own you as a son" Phaeton heard with delight.
He travelled to India, which lies directly in the regions of
sunrise; and, full of hope and pride, approached the goal whence
the Sun begins his course.
The palace of the Sun stood reared aloft on columns, glittering
with gold and precious stones, while polished ivory formed the
ceilings, and silver the doors. The workmanship surpassed the
material; for upon the walls Vulcan had represented earth, sea
and skies, with their inhabitants. In the sea were the nymphs,
some sporting in the waves, some riding on the backs of fishes,
while others sat upon the rocks and dried their sea-green hair.
Their faces were not all alike, nor yet unlike, but such as
sisters' ought to be. The earth had its towns and forests and
rivers and rustic divinities. Over all was carved the likeness
of the glorious heaven; and on the silver doors the twelve signs
of the zodiac, six on each side.
Clymene's son advanced up the steep ascent, and entered the halls
of his disputed father. He approached the paternal presence, but
stopped at a distance, for the light was more than he could bear.
Phoebus, arrayed in a purple vesture, sat on a throne which
glittered as with diamonds. On his right hand and his left stood
the Day, the Month, and the Year, and, at regular intervals, the
Hours. Spring stood with her head crowned with flowers, and
Summer, with garment cast aside, and a garland formed of spears
of ripened grain, and Autumn, with his feet stained with grape
juice, and icy Winter, with his hair stiffened with hoar frost.
Surrounded by these attendants, the Sun, with the eye that sees
every thing, beheld the youth dazzled with the novelty and
splendor of the scene, and inquired the purpose of his errand.
The youth replied, "Oh, light of the boundless world, Phoebus, my
easy to guide those horses, with their breasts full of fire which
they breathe forth from their mouths and nostrils. I can
scarcely govern them myself, when they are unruly and resist the
reins. Beware, my son, lest I should give you a fatal gift;
recall your request while yet you may. Do you ask me for proof
that you are sprung from my blood? I give you a proof in my
fears for you. Look at my face, I would that you could look
into my breast, you would there see all a father's anxiety.
Finally," he continued, "look round the world and choose whatever
you will of what earth or sea contains most precious, ask it
and fear no refusal. This only I pray you not to urge. It is
not honor, but destruction you seek. Why do you hang round my
neck and still entreat me? You shall have it if you persist,
the oath is sworn and must be kept, but I beg you to choose
more wisely."
He ended; but the youth rejected all admonition, and held to his
demand. So, having resisted as long as he could, Phoebus at last
led the way to where stood the lofty chariot.
It was of gold, the gift of Vulcan; the axle was of gold, the
pole and wheels of gold, the spokes of silver. Along the seat
were rows of chrysolites and diamonds, which reflected all around
the brightness of the sun. While the daring youth gazed in
admiration, the early Dawn threw open the purple doors of the
east, and showed the pathway strewn with roses. The stars
withdrew, marshalled by the Daystar, which last of all retired
also. The father, when he saw the earth beginning to glow, and
the Moon preparing to retire, ordered the Hours to harness up the
horses. They obeyed, and led forth from the lofty stalls the
steeds full fed with ambrosia, and attached the reins. Then the
father bathed the face of his son with a powerful unguent, and
made him capable of enduring the brightness of the flame. He set
the rays on his head, and, with a foreboding sigh, said, "If, my
son, you will in this at least heed my advice, spare the whip and
hold tight the reins. They go fast enough of their own accord;
the labor is to hold them in. You are not to take the straight
road directly between the five circles, but turn off to the left.
Keep within the limit of the middle zone, and avoid the northern
and the southern alike. You will see the marks of the wheels,
and they will serve to guide you. And, that the skies and the
earth may each receive their due share of heat, go not too high,
or you will burn the heavenly dwellings, nor too low, or you will
set the earth on fire; the middle course is safest and best. And
now I leave you to your chance, which I hope will plan better for
you than you have done for yourself. Night is passing out of the
western gates and we can delay no longer. Take the reins; but if
at last your heart fails you, and you will benefit by my advice,
stay where you are in safety, and suffer me to light and warm the
earth." The agile youth sprang into the chariot, stood erect and
grasped the reins with delight, pouring out thanks to his
reluctant parent.
Meanwhile the horses fill the air with their snortings and fiery
breath, and stamp the ground impatient. Now the bars are let
down, and the boundless plain of the universe lies open before
them. They dart forward and cleave the opposing clouds, and
outrun the morning breezes which started from the same eastern
goal. The steeds soon perceived that the load they drew was
lighter than usual; and as a ship without ballast is tossed
hither and thither on the sea, so the chariot, without its
accustomed weight, was dashed about as if empty. They rush
headlong and leave the travelled road. He is alarmed, and knows
not how to guide them; nor, if he knew, has he the power. Then,
for the first time, the Great and Little Bear were scorched with
heat, and would fain, if it were possible, have plunged into the
water; and the Serpent which lies coiled up round the north pole,
torpid and harmless, grew warm, and with warmth felt its rage
revive. Bootes, they say, fled away, though encumbered with his
plough, and all unused to rapid motion.
When hapless Phaeton looked down upon the earth, now spreading in
vast extent beneath him, he grew pale and his knees shook with
terror. In spite of the glare all around him, the sight of his
eyes grew dim. He wished he had never touched his father's
horses, never learned his parentage, never prevailed in his
request. He is borne along like a vessel that flies before a
tempest, when the pilot can do no more and betakes himself to his
prayers. What shall he do? Much of the heavenly road is left
behind, but more remains before. He turns his eyes from one
direction to the other; now to the goal whence he began his
Then Phaeton beheld the world on fire, and felt the heat
intolerable. The air he breathed was like the air of a furnace
and full of burning ashes, and the smoke was of a pitchy
darkness. He dashed forward he knew not whither. Then, it is
believed, the people of Ǽthiopia became black by the blood being
forced so suddenly to the surface, and the Libyan desert was
waters through seven mouths into the sea, there seven dry
channels alone remained. The earth cracked open, and through the
chinks light broke into Tartarus, and frightened the king of
shadows and his queen. The sea shrank up. Where before was
water, it became a dry plain; and the mountains that lie beneath
the waves lifted up their heads and became islands. The fishes
sought the lowest depths, and the dolphins no longer ventured as
usual to sport on the surface. Even Nereus, and his wife Doris,
with the Nereids, their daughters, sought the deepest caves for
refuge. Thrice Neptune essayed to raise his head above the
surface and thrice was driven back by the heat. Earth,
surrounded as she was by waters, yet with head and shoulders
bare, screening her face with her hand, looked up to heaven, and
with a husky voice called on Jupiter.
Thus spoke Earth, and overcome with heat and thirst, could say no
more. Then Jupiter Omnipotent, calling to witness all the gods,
including him who had lent the chariot, and showing them that all
was lost unless some speedy remedy were applied, mounted the
lofty tower from whence he diffuses clouds over the earth, and
hurls the forked lightnings. But at that time not a cloud was to
be found to interpose for a screen to earth, nor was a shower
remaining unexhausted. He thundered, and brandishing a
lightning-bolt in his right hand launched it against the
charioteer, and struck him at the same moment from his seat and
from existence! Phaeton, with his hair on fire, fell headlong,
like a shooting star which marks the heavens with its brightness
as it falls, and Eridanus, the great river, received him and
cooled his burning frame. The Italian Naiads reared a tomb for
him, and inscribed these words upon the stone:
His sisters, the Heliades, as they lamented his fate were turned
into poplar trees, on the banks of the river, and their tears,
which continued to flow, became amber as they dropped into the
The story of King Midas has been told by others with some
variations. Dryden, in the Wife of Bath's Tale, makes Midas'
queen the betrayer of the secret.
Gordius, being made king, dedicated his wagon to the deity of the
oracle, and tied it up in its place with a fast knot. This was
the celebrated Gordian Knot, of which, in after times it was
said, that whoever should untie it should become lord of all
Asia. Many tried to untie it, but none succeeded, till Alexander
the Great, in his career of conquest, came to Phrygia. He tried
his skill with as ill success as the others, till growing
impatient he drew his sword and cut the knot. When he afterwards
succeeded in subjecting all Asia to his sway, people began to
think that he had complied with the terms of the oracle according
to its true meaning.
her apron on, with trembling hand set the table. One leg was
shorter than the rest, but a shell put under restored the level.
When fixed, she rubbed the table down with some sweet-smelling
herbs. Upon it she set some olives, Minerva's-fruit, some
cornel-berries preserved in vinegar, and added radishes and
cheese, with eggs lightly cooked in the ashes. All were served
in earthen dishes, and an earthenware pitcher, with wooden cups,
stood beside them. When all was ready, the stew, smoking hot,
was set on the table. Some wine, not of the oldest, was added;
and for dessert, apples and wild honey; and over and above all,
friendly faces, and simple but hearty welcome.
Now while the repast proceeded, the old folks were astonished to
see that the wine, as fast as it was poured out, renewed itself
in the pitcher, of its own accord. Struck with terror, Baucis
and Philemon recognized their heavenly guests, fell on their
knees, and with clasped hands implored forgiveness for their poor
entertainment. There was an old goose, which they kept as the
guardian of their humble cottage; and they bethought them to make
this a sacrifice in honor of their guests. But the goose, too
nimble for the old folks, eluded their pursuit with the aid of
feet and wings, and at last took shelter between the gods
themselves. They forbade it to be slain; and spoke in these
words: "We are gods. This inhospitable village shall pay the
penalty of its impiety; you alone shall go free from the
chastisement. Quit your house, and come with us to the top of
yonder hill." They hastened to obey, and staff in hand, labored
up the steep ascent. They had come within an arrow's flight of
the top, when turning their eyes below, they beheld all the
country sunk in a lake, only their own house left standing.
While they gazed with wonder at the sight, and lamented the fate
of their neighbors, that old house of theirs was changed into a
Temple. Columns took the place of the corner-posts, the thatch
grew yellow and appeared a gilded roof, the floors became marble,
the doors were enriched with carving and ornaments of gold. Then
spoke Jupiter in benignant accents: "Excellent old man, and woman
worthy of such a husband, speak, tell us your wishes; what favor
have you to ask of us?" Philemon took counsel with Baucis a few
moments; then declared to the gods their united wish. "We ask to
be priests and guardians of this your temple; and since here we
have passed our lives in love and concord, we wish that one and
the same hour may take us both from life, that I may not live to
see her grave, nor be laid in my own by her." Their prayer was
granted. They were the keepers of the temple as long as they
lived. When grown very old, as they stood one day before the
steps of the sacred edifice, and were telling the story of the
place, Baucis saw Philemon begin to put forth leaves, and old
Philemon saw Baucis changing in like manner. And now a leafy
crown had grown over their heads, while exchanging parting words,
as long as they could speak. "Farewell, dear spouse," they said,
together, and at the same moment the bark closed over their
mouths. The Tyanean shepherd long showed the two trees, standing
side by side, made out of the two good old people.
The story of Baucis and Philemon has been imitated by Swift, in a
burlesque style, the actors in the change being two wandering
saints and the house being changed into a church, of which
Philemon is made the parson The following may serve as a
"They scarce had spoke when, fair and soft,
The roof began to mount aloft;
Aloft rose every beam and rafter;
The heavy wall climbed slowly after.
The chimney widened and grew higher,
Became a steeple with a spire.
The kettle to the top was hoist,
And there stood fastened to a joist,
But with the upside down, to show
Its inclination for below;
In vain, for a superior force,
Applied at bottom, stops its course;
Doomed ever in suspense to dwell,
'Tis now no kettle, but a bell.
A wooden jack, which had almost
Lost by disuse the art to roast,
A sudden alteration feels,
Increased by new intestine wheels;
And, what exalts the wonder more,
and Diana the huntress, defy us; and there is that daughter of
Ceres, who threatens to follow their example. Now do you, if you
have any regard for your own interest or mine, join these two in
one." The boy unbound his quiver, and selected his sharpest and
truest arrow; then, straining the bow against his knee, he
attached the string, and, having made ready, shot the arrow with
its barbed point right into
the heart of Pluto.
In the vale of Enna
there is a lake embowered
in woods, which screen it
from the fervid rays of the
sun, while the moist
ground is covered with
flowers, and spring reigns
perpetual. Here
Proserpine was playing
with her companions,
gathering lilies and
violets, and filling her
basket and her apron with
them, when Pluto saw her
from his chariot, loved
her, and carried her off.
She screamed for help to
her mother and her
companions; and when in
her fright she dropped the
corners of her apron and
let the flowers fall,
childlike, she felt the loss
of them as an addition to
her grief. The ravisher
urged on his steeds,
calling them each by
name, and throwing loose over their heads and necks his iron-colored
reins. When he reached the River Cyane, and it opposed his passage,
he struck the river bank with his trident, and the earth opened and gave
him a passage to Tartarus.
who had been watching what her guest was doing, sprang forward with
a cry and snatched the child from the fire. Then Ceres assumed her
own form, and a divine splendor shone all around. While they were
overcome with astonishment, she said, "Mother, you have been cruel in
your fondness to your son. I
would have made him
immortal, but you have
frustrated my attempt.
Nevertheless, he shall be
great and useful. He shall
teach men the use of the
plough, and the rewards
which labor can win from
the cultivated soil." So
saying, she wrapped a cloud
about her, and mounting her
chariot rode away.
Ceres continued her
search for her daughter,
passing from land to land,
and across seas and rivers,
till at length she returned to
Sicily, whence she at first set
out, and stood by the banks
of the River Cyane, where
Pluto made himself a
passage with his prize to his
own dominions. The river-
nymph would have told the
goddess all she had
witnessed, but dared not, for
fear of Pluto; so she only
ventured to take up the
girdle which Proserpine had
dropped in her flight, and waft it to the feet of the mother. Ceres,
seeing this, was no longer in doubt of her loss, but she did not yet know
the cause, and laid the blame on the innocent land. "Ungrateful soil,"
said she, "which I have endowed with fertility and clothed with herbage
and nourishing grain, No more shall you enjoy my favors" Then the
cattle died, the plough broke in the furrow, the seed failed to come up;
there was too much sun, there was too much rain; the birds stole the
seeds, thistles and brambles were the only growth. Seeing this, the
fountain Arethusa interceded for the land. "Goddess," said she, "blame
not the land; it opened unwillingly to yield a passage to your daughter.
I can tell you of her fate, for I have seen her. This is not my native
country; I came hither from Elis. I was a woodland nymph, and
delighted in the chase. They praised my beauty, but I cared nothing for
it, and rather boasted of my hunting exploits. One day I was returning
from the wood, heated with exercise, when I came to a stream silently
flowing, so clear that you might count the pebbles on the bottom. The
willows shaded it, and the grassy bank sloped down to the water's edge.
I approached, I touched the water with my foot. I stepped in knee-
deep, and not content with that, I laid my garments on the willows and
went in. While I sported in the water, I heard an indistinct murmur
coming up as out of the depths of the stream; and made haste to escape
to the nearest bank. The voice said, 'Why do you fly, Arethusa? I am
Alpheus, the god of this stream.' I ran, he pursued; he was not more
swift than I, but he was stronger, and gained upon me, as my strength
failed. At last, exhausted, I cried for help to Diana.
'Help me, goddess! Help your votary!' The goddess heard, and
wrapped me suddenly in a thick cloud. The river-god looked now
this way and now that, and twice came close to me, but could not
find me. 'Arethusa! Arethusa!' he cried. Oh, how I trembled,
like a lamb that hears the wolf growling outside the fold. A
cold sweat came over me, my hair flowed down in streams; where my
foot stood there was a pool. In short, in less time than it
takes to tell it I became a fountain. But in this form Alpheus
knew me, and attempted to mingle his stream with mine. Diana
cleft the ground, and I, endeavoring to escape him, plunged into
the cavern, and through the bowels of the earth came out here in
Sicily. While I passed through the lower parts of the earth, I
saw your Proserpine. She was sad, but no longer showing alarm in
her countenance. Her look was such as became a queen, the
queen of Erebus; the powerful bride of the monarch of the realms
of the dead."
When Ceres heard this, she stood for a while like one stupefied;
then turned her chariot towards heaven, and hastened to present
herself before the throne of Jove. She told the story of her
bereavement, and implored Jupiter to interfere to procure the
restitution of her daughter. Jupiter consented on one condition,
namely, that Proserpine should not during her stay in the lower
world have taken any food; otherwise, the Fates forbade her
release. Accordingly, Mercury was sent, accompanied by Spring,
to demand Proserpine of Pluto. The wily monarch consented; but
alas! the maiden had taken a pomegranate which Pluto offered her,
and had sucked the sweet pulp from a few of the seeds. This was
enough to prevent her complete release; but a compromise was
made, by which she was to pass half the time with her mother, and
the rest with her husband Pluto.
Ceres allowed herself to be pacified with this arrangement, and
restored the earth to her favor. Now she remembered Celeus and
his family, and her promise to his infant son Triptolemus. When
the boy grew up, she taught him the use of the plough, and how to
sow the seed. She took him in her chariot, drawn by winged
dragons, through all the countries of the earth, imparting to
mankind valuable grains, and the knowledge of agriculture. After
his return, Triptolemus build a magnificent temple to Ceres in
Eleusis, and established the worship of the goddess, under the
name of the Eleusinian mysteries, which, in the splendor and
solemnity of their observance, surpassed all other religious
celebrations among the Greeks.
There can be little doubt but that this story of Ceres and Proserpine is
an allegory. Proserpine signifies the seed-corn, which, when cast into
the ground, lies there concealed, that is, she is carried off by the god
of the underworld; it reappears, that is, Proserpine is restored to her
mother. Spring leads her back to the light of day.
A name for Pluto.
Glaucus was a fisherman. One day he had drawn his nets to land,
and had taken a great many fishes of various kinds. So he
emptied his net, and proceeded to sort the fishes on the grass.
The place where he stood was a beautiful island in the river, a
solitary spot, uninhabited, and not used for pasturage of cattle,
nor ever visited by any but himself. On a sudden, the fishes,
which had been laid on the grass, began to revive and move their
fins as if they were in the water; and while he looked on
astonished, they one and all moved off to the water, plunged in
and swam away. He did not know what to make of this, whether
some god had done it, or some secret power in the herbage. "What
herb has such a power?" he exclaimed; and gathering some, he
tasted it. Scarce had the juices of the plant reached his palate
when he found himself agitated with a longing desire for the
water. He could no longer restrain himself, but bidding farewell
to earth, he plunged into the stream. The gods of the water
received him graciously, and admitted him to the honor of their
society. They obtained the consent of Oceanus and Tethys, the
sovereigns of the sea, that all that was mortal in him should be
washed away. A hundred rivers poured their waters over him .
Then he lost all sense of his former nature and all
One day Glaucus saw the beautiful maiden Scylla, the favorite of
the water-nymphs, rambling on the shore, and when she had found a
sheltered nook, laving her limbs in the clear water. He fell in
love with her, and showing himself on the surface, spoke to her,
saying such things as he thought most likely to win her to stay;
for she turned to run immediately on sight of him and ran till
she had gained a cliff overlooking the sea. Here she stopped and
turned round to see whether it was a god or a sea-animal, and
observed with wonder his shape and color. Glaucus, partly
emerging from the water, and supporting himself against a rock,
said, "Maiden, I am no monster, nor a sea-animal, but a god; and
neither Proteus nor Triton ranks higher than I. Once I was a
mortal, and followed the sea for a living; but now I belong
wholly to it." Then he told the story of his metamorphosis and
how he had been promoted to his present dignity, and added, "But
what avails all this if it fails to move your heart?" He was
going on in this strain, but Scylla turned and hastened away.
The goddess was indignant, but she could not punish him, neither
did she wish to do so, for she liked him too well; so she turned
all her wrath against her rival, poor Scylla. She took plants of
poisonous powers and mixed them together, with incantations and
charms. Then she passed through the crowd of gambolling beasts,
the victims of her art, and proceeded to the coast of Sicily,
where Scylla lived. There was a little bay on the shore to which
Scylla used to resort, in the heat of the day, to breathe the air
of the sea, and to bathe in its waters. Here the goddess poured
her poisonous mixture, and muttered over it incantations of
mighty power. Scylla came as usual and plunged into the water up
to her waist. What was her horror to perceive a brood of
serpents and barking monsters surrounding her! At first she
could not imagine they were a part of herself, and tried to run
from them, and to drive them away; but as she ran she carried
them with her, and when she tried to touch her limbs, she found
her hands touch only the yawning jaws of monsters. Scylla
remained rooted to the spot. Her temper grew as ugly as her
form, and she took pleasure in devouring hapless mariners who
came within her grasp. Thus she destroyed six of the companions
of Ulysses, and tried to wreck the ships of Aeneas, till at last
she was turned into a rock, and as such still continues to be a
terror to mariners.
on a couch spread with cloths of Tyrian dye, and called her his wife,
and put her head upon a pillow of the softest feathers, as if she could
enjoy their softness.
The festival of Venus was at hand, a festival celebrated with
great pomp at Cyprus. Victims were offered, the altars smoked,
and the odor of incense filled the air. When Pygmalion had
performed his part in the solemnities, he stood before the altar
and timidly said, "Ye gods, who can do all things, give me, I
pray you, for my wife" he dared not say "my ivory virgin," but
said instead "one like my ivory virgin." Venus, who was
present at the festival, heard him and knew the thought he would
have uttered; and, as an omen of her favor, caused the flame on
the altar to shoot up thrice in a fiery point into the air. When
he returned home, he went to see his statue, and, leaning over
the couch, gave a kiss to the mouth. It seemed to be warm. He
pressed its lips again, he laid his hand upon the limbs; the
ivory felt soft to his touch, and yielded to his fingers like the
wax of Hymettus. While he stands astonished and glad, though
doubting, and fears he may be mistaken, again and again with a
lover's ardor he touches the object of his hopes. It was indeed
alive! The veins when pressed yielded to the finger and then
resumed their roundness. Then at last the votary of Venus found
words to thank the goddess, and pressed his lips upon lips as
real as his own. The virgin felt the kisses and blushed, and,
opening her timid eyes to the light, fixed them at the same
moment on her lover. Venus blessed the nuptials she had formed,
and from this union Paphos was born, from whom the city, sacred
to Venus, received its name.
Morris tells the story of Pygmalion and the Image in some of the
most beautiful verses of the Earthly Paradise.
Dryope and Iole were sisters. The former was the wife of
Andraemon, beloved by her husband, and happy in the birth of her
first child. One day the sisters strolled to the bank of a
stream that sloped gradually down to the water's edge, while the
upland was overgrown with myrtles. They were intending to gather
flowers for forming garlands for the altars of the nymphs, and
Dryope carried her child at her bosom, a precious burden, and
nursed him as she walked. Near the water grew a lotus plant,
full of purple flowers. Dryope gathered some and offered them to
the baby, and Iole was about to do the same, when she perceived
blood dropping from the places where her sister had broken them
off the stem. The plant was no other than the Nymph Lotis, who,
running from a base pursuer, had been changed into this form.
This they learned from the country people when it was too late.
Dryope, horror-struck when she perceived what she had done, would
gladly have hastened from the spot, but found her feet rooted to
the ground. She tried to pull them away, but moved nothing but
her arms. The woodiness crept upward, and by degrees invested
her body. In anguish she attempted to tear her hair, but found
her hands filled with leaves. The infant felt his mother's bosom
begin to harden, and the milk cease to flow. Iole looked on at
the sad fate of her sister, and could render no assistance. She
embraced the growing trunk, as if she would hold back the
advancing wood, and would gladly have been enveloped in the same
bark. At this moment Andraemon, the husband of Dryope, with her
father, approached; and when they asked for Dryope, Iole pointed
them to the new-formed lotus. They embraced the trunk of the yet
warm tree, and showered their kisses on its leaves.
Now there was nothing left of Dryope but her face. Her tears
still flowed and fell on her leaves, and while she could she
spoke. "I am not guilty. I deserve not this fate. I have
injured no one. If I speak falsely, may my foliage perish with
drought and my trunk be cut down and burned. Take this infant
and give him to a nurse. Let him often be brought and nursed
under my branches, and play in my shade; and when he is old
enough to talk, let him be taught to call me mother, and to say
with sadness, 'My mother lies hid under this bark' But bid him be
careful of river banks, and beware how he plucks flowers,
remembering that every bush he sees may be a goddess in disguise.
Farewell, dear husband, and sister, and father. If you retain
any love for me, let not the axe wound me, nor the flocks bite
and tear my branches. Since I cannot stoop to you, climb up
hither and kiss me; and while my lips continue to feel, lift up
my child that I may kiss him. I can speak no more, for already
the bark advances up my neck, and will soon shoot over me. You
need not close my eyes; the bark will close them without your
aid." Then the lips ceased to move, and life was extinct; but
the branches retained, for some time longer the vital heat.
Venus, playing one day with her boy Cupid, wounded her bosom
one of his arrows. She pushed him away, but the wound was deeper
than she thought. Before it healed she beheld Adonis, and was
captivated with him. She no longer took any interest in her
favorite resorts, Paphos, and Cnidos, and Amathos, rich in
metals. She absented herself even from Olympus, for Adonis was
dearer to her than heaven. Him she followed and bore him
company. She who used to love to recline in the shade, with no
care but to cultivate her charms, now rambled through the woods
and over the hills, dressed like the huntress Diana. She called
her dogs, and chased hares and stags, or other game that it is
safe to hunt, but kept clear of the wolves and bears, reeking
with the slaughter of the herd. She charged Adonis, too, to
beware of such dangerous animals. "Be brave towards the timid,"
said she; "courage against the courageous is not safe. Beware
how you expose yourself to danger, and put my happiness to risk.
Attack not the beasts that Nature has armed with weapons. I do
not value your glory so highly as to consent to purchase it by
such exposure. Your youth, and the beauty that charms Venus,
will not touch the hearts of lions and bristly boars. Think of
their terrible claws and prodigious strength! I hate the whole
race of them. Do you ask why?" Then she told him the story of
Atalanta and Hippomenes, who were changed into lions for their
ingratitude to her.
Having given him this warning, she mounted her chariot drawn by
swans, and drove away through the air. But Adonis was too noble to
heed such counsels. The dogs had roused a wild boar from his lair, and
the youth threw his spear and wounded the animal with a sidelong
stroke. The beast drew out the weapon with his jaws, and rushed after
Adonis, who
turned and ran;
but the boar
overtook him,
and buried his
tusks in his
side, and
stretched him
dying upon the
Venus, in her
chariot, had not
yet reached
Cyprus, when
she heard
coming up
through mid air
the groans of
her beloved,
and turned her
coursers back to
earth. As she drew near and saw from on high his lifeless body bathed
in blood, she alighted, and bending over it beat her breast and tore her
hair. Reproaching the Fates, she said, "Yet theirs shall be but a partial
triumph; memorials of my grief shall endure, and the spectacle of your
death, my Adonis, and of my lamentation shall be annually renewed.
Your blood shall be changed into a flower; that consolation none can
envy me." Thus speaking, she sprinkled nectar on the blood; and as
they mingled, bubbles rose as in a pool on which raindrops fall, and in
an hour's time there sprang up a flower of bloody hue like that of a
pomegranate. But it is short-lived. It is said the wind blows the
blossoms open, and afterwards blows the petals away; so it is called
Anemone, or wind Flower, from the cause which assists equally in its
production and its decay.
than the Tyrian sprang up, resembling the lily, if it were not
that this is purple and that silvery white (it is evidently not
our modern hyacinth that is here described. It is perhaps some
species of iris, or perhaps of larkspur, or of pansy.) And this
was not enough for Phoebus; but to confer still grater honor, he
marked the petals with his sorrow, and inscribed "Ah! Ah!" upon
them, as we see to this day. The flower bears the name of
Hyacinthus, and with every returning spring revives the memory of
his fate.
It was said that Zephyrus (the West-wind), who was also fond of
Hyacinthus and jealous of his preference of Apollo, blew the
quoit out of its course to make it strike Hyacinthus. Keats
These words weighed heavily on the mind of king Ceyx, and it was
no less his own wish than hers to take her with him, but he could
not bear to expose her to the dangers of the sea. He answered,
therefore, consoling her as well as he could, and finished with
these words: "I promise, by the rays of my father the Day-star,
that if fate permits I will return before the moon shall have
twice rounded her orb." When he had thus spoken he ordered the
vessel to be drawn out of the ship-house, and the oars and sails
to be put aboard. When Halcyone saw these preparations she
shuddered, as if with a presentiment of evil. With tears and
sobs she said farewell, and then fell senseless to the ground.
Ceyx would still have lingered, but now the young men grasped
their oars and pulled vigorously through the waves, with long and
measured strokes. Halcyone raised her streaming eyes, and saw
her husband standing on the deck, waving his hand to her. She
answered his signal till the vessel had receded so far that she
could no longer distinguish his form from the rest. When the
vessel itself could no more be seen, she strained her eyes to
catch the last glimmer of the sail, till that too disappeared.
Then, retiring to her chamber, she threw herself on her solitary
Meanwhile they glide out of the harbor, and the breeze plays
among the ropes. The seamen draw in their oars, and hoist their
sails. When half or less of their course was passed, as night
drew on, the sea began to whiten with swelling waves, and the
east wind to blow a gale. The master gives the word to take in
sail, but the storm forbids obedience, for such is the roar of
the winds and waves that his orders are unheard. The men, of
their own accord, busy themselves to secure the oars, to
strengthen the ship, to reef the sail. While they thus do what
to each one seems best, the storm increases. The shouting of the
men, the rattling of the shrouds, and the dashing of the waves,
mingle with the roar of the thunder. The swelling sea seems
lifted up to the heavens, to scatter its foam among the clouds;
then sinking away to the bottom assumes the color of the shoal,
a Stygian blackness.
The vessel obeys all these changes. It seems like a wild beast
that rushes on the spears of the hunters. Rain falls in
torrents, as if the skies were coming down to unite with the sea.
When the lightning ceases for a moment, the night seems to add
its own darkness to that of the storm; then comes the flash,
rending the darkness asunder, and lighting up all with a glare.
Skill fails, courage sinks, and death seems to come on every
wave. The men are stupefied with terror. The thought of
parents, and kindred, and pledges left at home, comes over their
minds. Ceyx thinks of Halcyone. No name but hers is on his
lips, and while he yearns for her, he yet rejoices in her
absence. Presently the mast is shattered by a stroke of
lightning, the rudder broken, and the triumphant surge curling
over looks down upon the wreck, then falls, and crushes it to
fragments. Some of the seamen, stunned by the stroke, sink, and
rise no more; others cling to fragments of the wreck. Ceyx, with
the hand that used to grasp the sceptre, holds fast to a plank,
calling for help, alas, in vain, upon his father and his
father-in-law. But oftenest on his lips was the name of
Halcyone. His thoughts cling to her. He prays that the waves
may bear his body to her sight, and that it may receive burial at
her hands. At length the waters overwhelm him, and he sinks.
The Day-star looked dim that night. Since it could not leave the
heavens, it shrouded its face with clouds.
In the mean while Halcyone, ignorant of all these horrors,
counted the days till her husband's promised return. Now she
gets ready the garments which he shall put on, and now what she
shall wear when he arrives. To all the gods she offers frequent
incense but more than all to Juno. For her husband, who was no
more, she prayed incessantly; that he might be safe; that he
might come home; that he might not, in his absence, see any one
that he would love better than her. But of all these prayers,
the last was the only one destined to be granted. The goddess,
at length, could not bear any longer to be pleaded with for one
already dead, and to have hands raised to her altars, that ought
rather to be offering funeral rites. So, calling Iris, she said,
"Iris, my faithful messenger, go to the drowsy dwelling of
Somnus, and tell him to send a vision to Halcyone, in the form of
Ceyx, to make known to her the event."
Iris puts on her robe of many colors, and tingeing the sky with
her bow, seeks the palace of the King of Sleep. Near the
As soon as the goddess entered and brushed away the dreams that
hovered around her, her brightness lit up all the cave. The god,
scarce opening his eyes, and ever and anon dropping his beard
upon his breast, at last shook himself free from himself, and
leaning on his arm, inquired her errand, for he knew who she
was. She answered, "Somnus, gentlest of the gods, tranquillizer
of minds and soother of careworn hearts, Juno sends you her
commands that you dispatch a dream to Halcyone, in the city of
Trachinae, representing her lost husband and all the events of
the wreck."
Having delivered her message, Iris hasted away, for she could not
longer endure the stagnant air, and as she felt drowsiness
creeping over her, she made her escape, and returned by her bow
the way she came. Then Somnus called one of his numerous sons,
Morpheus, the most expert at counterfeiting forms, and in
Morpheus flew, making no noise with his wings, and soon came to
the Haemonian city, where, laying aside his wings, he assumed the
form of Ceyx. Under that form, but pale like a dead man, naked,
he stood before the couch of the wretched wife. His beard seemed
soaked with water, and water trickled from his drowned locks.
Leaning over the bed, tears streaming from his eyes, he said, "Do
you recognize your Ceyx, unhappy wife, or has death too much
changed my visage? Behold me, know me, your husband's shade,
instead of himself. Your prayers, Halcyone, availed me nothing.
I am dead. No more deceive yourself with vain hopes of my
return. The stormy winds sunk my ship in the Aegean Sea; waves
filled my mouth while it called aloud on you. No uncertain
messenger tells you this, no vague rumor brings it to your ears.
I come in person, a shipwrecked man, to tell you my fate. Arise!
Give me tears, give me lamentations, let me not go down to
Tartarus unwept." To these words Morpheus added the voice which
seemed to be that of her husband; he seemed to pour forth genuine
tears; his hands had the gestures of Ceyx.
smote her breast and rent her garments. She cares not to unbind
her hair, but tears it wildly. Her nurse asks what is the cause
of her grief. "Halcyone is no more," she answers; "she perished
with her Ceyx. Utter not words of comfort, he is shipwrecked and
dead. I have seen him. I have recognized him. I stretched out
my hands to seize him and detain him. His shade vanished, but it
was the true shade of my husband. Not with the accustomed
features, not with the beauty that was his, but pale, naked, and
with his hair wet with sea-water, he appeared to wretched me.
Here, in this very spot, the sad vision stood," and she looked
to find the mark of his footsteps. "This it was, this that my
presaging mind foreboded, when I implored him not to leave me to
trust himself to the waves. O, how I wish, since thou wouldst
go, that thou hadst taken me with thee! It would have been far
better. Then I should have had no remnant of life to spend
without thee, nor a separate death to die. If I could bear to
live and struggle to endure, I should be more cruel to myself
than the sea has been to me. But I will not struggle. I will
not be separated from thee, unhappy husband. This time, at least
I will keep thee company. In death, if one tomb may not include
us, one epitaph shall; if I may not lay my ashes with thine, my
name, at least, shall not be separated." Her grief forbade more
words, and these were broken with tears and sobs.
It was now morning. She went to the sea-shore, and sought the
spot where she last saw him, on his departure. "Here he lingered
and cast off his tacklings and gave me his last kiss." While she
reviews every moment, and strives to recall every incident,
looking out over the sea, she descries an indistinct object
floating in the water. At first she was in doubt what it was,
but by degrees the waves bore it nearer, and it was plainly the
body of a man. Though unknowing of whom, yet, as it was of some
shipwrecked one, she was deeply moved, and gave it her tears,
saying, "Alas! Unhappy one, and unhappy, if such there be, thy
wife!" Borne by the waves, it came nearer. As she more and more
nearly views it, she trembles more and more. Now, now it
approaches the shore. Now marks that she recognizes appear. It
is her husband! Stretching out her trembling hands towards it,
she exclaims, "O, dearest husband, is it thus you return to me?"
There was built out from the shore a mole, constructed to break
the assaults of the sea, and stem its violent ingress. She
leaped upon this barrier and (it was wonderful she could do so)
she flew, and striking the air with wings produced on the
instant, skimmed along the surface of the water, an unhappy bird.
As she flew, her throat poured forth sounds full of grief, and
like the voice of one lamenting. When she touched the mute and
bloodless body, she enfolded its beloved limbs with her new-
formed wings, and tried to give kisses with her horny beak.
Whether Ceyx felt it, or whether it was only the action of the
waves, those who looked on doubted, but the body seemed to raise
its head. But indeed he did feel it, and by the pitying gods
both of them were changed into birds. They mate and have their
young ones. For seven placid days, in winter time, Halcyone
broods over her nest, which floats upon the sea. Then the way is
safe to seamen. Aeolus guards the winds, and keeps them from
disturbing the deep. The sea is given up, for the time, to his
Milton, in his Hymn for the Nativity, thus alludes to the fable
of the Halcyon:
Chapter VI
Vertumnus and Pomona. Cupid and Psyche
reaper, did he bring her corn in a basket, and looked the very
image of a reaper! With a hay-band tied round him, one would
think he had just come from turning over the grass. Sometimes he
would have an ox-goad in his hand, and you would have said he had
just unyoked his weary oxen. Now he bore a pruning-hook, and
personated a vine-dresser; and again with a ladder on his
shoulder, he seemed as if he was going to gather apples.
Sometimes he trudged along as a discharged soldier, and again he
bore a fishing-rod as if
going to fish. In this way,
he gained
admission to her, again
and again, and fed his
passion with the
sight of her.
One day he came
in the guise of an old
woman, her gray hair
surmounted with a
cap, and a staff in her
hand. She entered
the garden and
admired the fruit. "It
does you credit, my
dear," she said, and
kissed Pomona, not
exactly with an old
woman's kiss. She sat
down on a bank, and
looked up at the
branches laden with
fruit which hung over
her. Opposite was an
elm entwined with a
vine loaded with
swelling grapes. She praised the tree and its associated vine, equally.
"But," said Vertumnus, "if the tree stood alone, and had no vine
clinging to it, it would lie prostrate on the ground. Why will you not
take a lesson from the tree and the vine, and consent to unite yourself
with some one? I wish you would. Helen herself had not more
Vertumnus and Pomona 93
"Iphis was a young man of humble parentage, who saw and loved
Anaxarete, a noble lady of the ancient family of Teucer. He
struggled long with his passion, but when he found he could not
subdue it, he came a suppliant to her mansion. First he told his
passion to her nurse, and begged her as she loved her foster-
child to favor his suit. And then he tried to win her domestics
to his side. Sometimes he committed his vows to written tablets,
and often hung at her door garlands which he had moistened with
his tears. He stretched himself on her threshold, and uttered
his complaints to the cruel bolts and bars. She was deafer than
the surges which rise in the November gale; harder than steel
from the German forges, or a rock that still clings to its native
cliff. She mocked and laughed at him, adding cruel words to her
ungentle treatment, and gave not the slightest gleam of hope.
"Iphis could not any longer endure the torments of hopeless love,
and standing before her doors, he spake these last words:
'Anaxarete, you have conquered, and shall no longer have to bear
94 Vertumnus and Pomona
But Pomona was also regarded as presiding over other fruits, and,
as such, is invoked by Thomson:
Cupid prepared to obey the commands of his mother. There are two
fountains in Venus's garden, one of sweet waters, the other of
bitter. Cupid filled two amber vases, one from each fountain,
and suspending them from the top of his quiver, hastened to the
Vertumnus and Pomona 97
Her parents, afraid that they had unwittingly incurred the anger
of the gods, consulted the oracle of Apollo, and received this
answer: "The virgin is destined for the bride of no mortal lover.
Her future husband awaits her on the top of the mountain. He is
a monster whom neither gods nor men can resist."
This dreadful decree of the oracle filled all the people with
dismay, and her parents abandoned themselves to grief. But
Psyche said, "Why, my dear parents, do you now lament me? You
should rather have grieved when the people showered upon me
undeserved honors, and with one voice called me a Venus. I now
perceive that I am a victim to that name. I submit. Lead me to
that rock to which my unhappy fate has destined me." Accordingly,
all things being prepared, the royal maid took her place in the
procession, which more resembled a funeral than a nuptial pomp,
and with her parents, amid the lamentations of the people,
ascended the mountain, on the summit of which they left her
alone, and with sorrowful hearts returned home.
dale. By degrees her mind became composed, and she laid herself
down on the grassy bank to sleep. When she awoke, refreshed with
sleep, she looked round and beheld nearby a pleasant grove of
tall and stately trees. She entered it, and in the midst
discovered a fountain, sending forth clear and crystal waters,
and hard by, a magnificent palace whose August front impressed
the spectator that it was not the work of mortal hands, but the
happy retreat of some god. Drawn by admiration and wonder, she
approached the building and ventured to enter. Every object she
met filled her with pleasure and amazement. Golden pillars
supported the vaulted roof, and the walls were enriched with
carvings and paintings representing beasts of the chase and rural
scenes, adapted to delight the eye of the beholder. Proceeding
onward she perceived that besides the apartments of state there
were others, filled with all manner of treasures, and beautiful
and precious productions of nature and art.
While her eyes were thus occupied, a voice addressed her, though
she saw no one, uttering these words: "Sovereign lady, all that
you see is yours. We whose voices you hear are your servants,
and shall obey all your commands with our utmost care and
diligence. Retire therefore to your chamber and repose on your
bed of down, and when you see fit repair to the bath. Supper
will await you in the adjoining alcove when it pleases you to
take your seat there."
She had not yet seen her destined husband. He came only in the
hours of darkness, and fled before the dawn of morning, but his
accents were full of love, and inspired a like passion in her.
She often begged him to stay and let her behold him, but he would
not consent. On the contrary, he charged her to make no attempt
Vertumnus and Pomona 99
to see him, for it was his pleasure, for the best of reasons, to
keep concealed. "Why should you wish to behold me?" he said.
"Have you any doubt of my love? Have you any wish ungratified?
If you saw me, perhaps you would fear me, perhaps adore me, but
all I ask of you is to love me. I would rather you would love me
as an equal than adore me as a god."
This reasoning somewhat quieted Psyche for a time, and while the
novelty lasted she felt quite happy. But at length the thought
of her parents, left in ignorance of her fate, and of her
sisters, precluded from sharing with her the delights of her
situation, preyed on her mind and made her begin to feel her
palace as but a splendid prison. When her husband came one
night, she told him her distress, and at last drew from him an
unwilling consent that her sisters should be brought to see her.
Take our advice. Provide yourself with a lamp and a sharp knife;
put them in concealment that your husband may not discover them,
and when he is sound asleep, slip out of bed bring forth your
lamp and see for yourself whether what they say is true or not.
If it is, hesitate not to cut off the monster's head, and thereby
recover your liberty."
perhaps choose one of us." With this idea, without saying a word
of her intentions, each of them rose early the next morning and
ascended the mountain, and having reached the top, called upon
Zephyr to receive her and bear her to his lord; then leaping up,
and not being sustained by Zephyr, fell down the precipice and
was dashed to pieces.
She had no sooner entered than she saw heaps of corn, some in
loose ears and some in sheaves, with mingled ears of barley.
Scattered about lay sickles and rakes, and all the instruments of
harvest, without order, as if thrown carelessly out of the weary
reapers' hands in the sultry hours of the day.
Psyche obeyed the commands of Ceres and took her way to the
temple of Venus, endeavoring to fortify her mind and thinking of
what she should say and how she should best propitiate the angry
goddess, feeling that the issue was doubtful and perhaps fatal.
formidable rams on the other side, for as long as they are under
the influence of the rising sun, they burn with a cruel rage to
destroy mortals with their sharp horns or rude teeth. But when
the noontide sun has driven the flock to the shade, and the
serene spirit of the flood has lulled them to rest, you may then
cross in safety, and you will find the woolly gold sticking to
the bushes and the trunks of the trees."
Psyche was now satisfied that her destruction was at hand, being
obliged to go with her own feet directly down to Erebus.
Wherefore, to make no delay of what was not to be avoided, she
goes to the top of a high tower to precipitate herself headlong,
thus to descend the shortest way to the shades below. But a
voice from the tower said to her, "Why, poor unlucky girl, dost
thou design to put an end to thy days in so dreadful a manner?
And what cowardice makes thee sink under this last danger, who
hast been so miraculously supported in all thy former?" Then the
voice told her how by a certain cave she might reach the realms
of Pluto, and how to avoid all the dangers of the road, to pass
by Cerberus, the three-headed dog, and prevail on Charon, the
ferryman, to take her across the black river and bring her back
again. But the voice added, "When Proserpine has given you the
box, filled with her beauty, of all things this is chiefly to be
observed by you, that you never once open or look into the box
nor allow your curiosity to pry into the treasure of the beauty
of the goddesses.
104 Vertumnus and Pomona
But Cupid being now recovered from his wound, and not able longer
to bear the absence of his beloved Psyche, slipping through the
smallest crack of the window of his chamber which happened to be
left open, flew to the spot where Psyche lay, and gathering up
the sleep from her body closed it again in the box, and waked
Psyche with a light touch of one of his arrows. "Again," said
he, "hast thou almost perished by the same curiosity. But now
perform exactly the task imposed on you by my mother, and I will
take care of the rest."
Thus Psyche became at last united to Cupid, and in due time they had
a daughter born to them whose name was Pleasure.
The fable of Cupid and
Psyche is usually considered
allegorical. The Greek name
for a butterfly is Psyche, and
the same word means the
soul. There is no illustration
of the immortality of the soul
so striking and beautiful as
the butterfly, bursting on
brilliant wings from the tomb
in which it has lain, after a
dull, grovelling caterpillar
existence, to flutter in the
blaze of day and feed on the
most fragrant and delicate
productions of the spring.
Psyche, then, is the human
soul, which is purified by
sufferings and misfortunes,
and is thus prepared for the
enjoyment of true and pure
In works of art Psyche is
represented as a maiden with
the wings of a butterfly, alone
or with Cupid, in the different
situations described in the allegory.
Cadmus having waited for the return of his men till midday, went
in search of them. His covering was a lion's hide, and besides
his javelin he carried in his hand a lance, and in his breast a
bold heart, a surer reliance than either. When he entered the
wood and saw the lifeless bodies of his men, and the monster with
his bloody jaws, he exclaimed, "O faithful friends, I will avenge
you, or share your death." So saying he lifted a huge stone and
threw it with all his force at the serpent. Such a block would
have shaken the wall of a fortress, but it made no impression on
the monster. Cadmus next threw his javelin, which met with
better success, for it penetrated the serpent's scales, and
pierced through to his entrails. Fierce with pain the monster
turned back his head to view the wound, and attempted to draw out
the weapon with his mouth, but broke it off, leaving the iron
point rankling in his flesh. His neck swelled with rage, bloody
foam covered his jaws, and the breath of his nostrils poisoned
the air around. Now he twisted himself into a circle, then
stretched himself out on the ground like the trunk of a fallen
tree. As he moved onward, Cadmus retreated before him, holding
While Cadmus stood over his conquered foe, contemplating its vast
size, a voice was heard (from whence he knew not, but he heard it
distinctly), commanding him to take the dragon's teeth and sow
them in the earth. He obeyed. He made a furrow in the ground,
and planted the teeth, destined to produce a crop of men. Scarce
had he done so when the clods began to move, and the points of
spears to appear above the surface. Next helmets, with their
nodding plumes, came up, and next, the shoulders and breasts and
limbs of men with weapons, and in time a harvest of armed
warriors. Cadmus, alarmed, prepared to encounter a new enemy,
but one of them said to him, "Meddle not with our civil war."
With that he who had spoken smote one of his earth-born brothers
with a sword, and he himself fell pierced with an arrow from
another. The latter fell victim to a fourth, and in like manner
the whole crowd dealt with each other till all fell slain with
mutual wounds except five survivors. One of these cast away his
weapons and said, "Brothers, let us live in peace!" These five
joined with Cadmus in building his city, to which they gave the
name of Thebes.
their children still weighed upon their minds; and one day Cadmus
exclaimed, "If a serpent's life is so dear to the gods, I would I
were myself a serpent." No sooner had he uttered the words than
he began to change his form. Harmonia beheld it, and prayed to
the gods to let her share his fate. Both became serpents. They
lie in the woods, but mindful of their origin they neither avoid
the presence of man nor do they ever injure any one.
last all hope of relief vanished and men learned to look upon
death as the only deliverer from disease. Then they gave way to
every inclination, and cared not to ask what was expedient, for
nothing was expedient. All restraint laid aside, they crowded
around the wells and fountains, and drank till they died, without
quenching thirst. Many had not strength to get away from the
water, but died in the midst of the stream, and others would
drink of it notwithstanding. Such was their weariness of their
sick-beds that some would creep forth, and if not strong enough
to stand, would die on the ground. They seemed to hate their
friends, and got away from their homes, as if, not knowing the
cause of their sickness, they charged it on the place of their
abode. Some were seen tottering along the road, as long as they
could stand, while others sank on the earth, and turned their
dying eyes around to take a last look, then closed them in death.
"What heart had I left me, during all this, or what ought I to
have had, except to hate life and wish to be with my dead
subjects? On all sides lay my people strewn like over-ripened
apples beneath the tree, or acorns under the storm-shaken oak.
You see yonder s temple on the height. It is sacred to Jupiter.
Oh, how many offered prayers there; husbands for wives, fathers
for sons, and died in the very act of supplication! How often,
while the priest made ready for sacrifice, the victim fell,
struck down by disease without waiting for the blow. At length
all reverence for sacred things was lost. Bodies were thrown out
unburied, wood was wanting for funeral piles, men fought with one
another for the possession of them. Finally there were none left
to mourn; sons and husbands, old men and youths, perished alike
recruit your forces. They will follow you to the war, young in
years and bold in heart."
Chapter VIII
Nisus and Scylla. Echo and Narcissus. Clytie. Hero and
M inos, king of Crete, made war upon Megara. Nisus was king of
Megara, and Scylla was his daughter. The siege had now lasted
six months, and the city still held out, for it was decreed by
fate that it should not be taken so long as a certain purple
lock, which glittered among the hair of King Nisus, remained on
his head. There was a tower on the city walls, which overlooked
the plain where Minos and his army were encamped. To this tower
Scylla used to repair, and look abroad over the tents of the
hostile army. The siege had lasted so long that she had learned
to distinguish the persons of the leaders. Minos, in particular,
excited her admiration. She admired his graceful deportment; if
he threw his javelin, skill seemed combined with force in the
discharge; if he drew his bow, Apollo himself could not have done
it more gracefully. But when he laid aside his helmet, and in
his purple robes bestrode his white horse with its gay
caparisons, and reined in its foaming mouth, the daughter of
Nisus was hardly mistress of herself; she was almost frantic with
admiration. She envied the weapon that he grasped, the reins
that he held. She felt as if she could, if it were possible, go
Nisus and Scylla 117
While she thus reasoned night came on, and soon the whole palace
was buried in sleep. She entered her father's bedchamber and cut
off the fatal lock; then passed out of the city and entered the
enemy's camp. She demanded to be led to the king, and thus
addressed him: "I am Scylla, the daughter of Nisus. I surrender
to you my country and my father's house. I ask no reward but
yourself; for love of you I have done it. See here the purple
118 Nisus and Scylla
lock! With this I give you my father and his kingdom." She held
out her hand with the fatal spoil. Minos shrunk back and refused
to touch it. "The gods destroy thee, infamous woman," he
exclaimed; "disgrace of our time! May neither earth nor sea
yield thee a resting place! Surely, my Crete, where Jove himself
was cradled, shall not be polluted with such a monster!" Thus he
said, and gave orders that equitable terms should be allowed to
the conquered city, and that the fleet should immediately sail
from the island.
Echo was a beautiful nymph, fond of the woods and hills, where
she devoted herself to woodland sports. She was a favorite of
Diana, and attended her in the chase. But Echo had one failing;
she was fond of talking, and whether in chat or argument would
have the last word. One day Juno was seeking her husband, who,
she had reason to fear, was amusing himself among the nymphs.
Echo by her talk contrived to detain the goddess till the nymphs
made their escape. When Juno discovered it, she passed sentence
upon Echo in these words: "You shall forfeit the use of that
tongue with which you have cheated me, except for that one
purpose you are so fond of Reply. You shall still have the
last word, but no power to speak first."
Nisus and Scylla 119
There was a clear fountain, with water like silver, to which the
shepherds never drove their flocks. Nor did the mountain goats
resort to it, nor any of the beasts of the forest; neither was it
defaced with fallen leaves or branches; but the grass grew fresh
around it, and the rocks sheltered it from the sun. Hither came
one day the youth fatigued with hunting, heated and thirsty. He
stooped down to drink, and saw his own image in the water; he
thought it was some beautiful water=spirit living in the
fountain. He stood gazing with admiration at those bright eyes,
those locks curled like the locks of Bacchus or Apollo, the
rounded cheeks, the ivory neck, the parted lips, and the glow of
health and exercise over all. He fell in love with himself. He
brought his lips near to take a kiss; he plunged his arms in to
embrace the beloved object. It fled at the touch, but returned
again after a moment and renewed the fascination. He could not
tear himself away; he lost all thought of food or rest, while he
hovered over the brink of the fountain gazing upon his own image.
He talked with the supposed spirit: "Why, beautiful being, do you
shun me? Surely my face is not one to repel you. The nymphs
love me, and you yourself look not indifferent upon me. When I
stretch forth my arms you do the same; and you smile upon me and
answer my beckonings with the like." His tears fell into the
water and disturbed the image. As he saw it depart, he
exclaimed, "Stay, I entreat you! Let me at least gaze upon you,
if I may not touch you." With this, and much more of the same
kind, he cherished the flame that consumed him, so that by
degrees he lost his color, his vigor, and the beauty which
formerly had so charmed the nymph Echo. She kept near him,
however, and when he exclaimed, "Alas! Alas!" she answered him
with the same words. He pined away and died; and when his shade
passed the Stygian river, it leaned over the boat to catch a look
of itself in the waters. The nymphs mourned for him, especially
the water-nymphs; and when they smote their breasts, Echo smote
hers also. They prepared a funeral pile, and would have burned
the body, but it was nowhere to be found; but in its place a
Nisus and Scylla 121
Clytie was a water-nymph and in love with Apollo, who made her no
return. So she pined away, sitting all day long upon the cold
ground, with her unbound tresses streaming over her shoulders.
Nine days she sat and tasted neither food nor drink, her own
tears and the chilly dew her only food. She gazed on the sun
when he rose, and as he passed through his daily course to his
setting; she saw no other object, her face turned constantly on
him. At last, they say, her limbs rooted in the ground, her face
became a sunflower, which turns on its stem so as always to face
the sun throughout its daily course; for it retains to that
extent the feeling of the nymph from whom it sprang.
One of the best known of the marble busts discovered in our own
time, generally bears the name of Clytie. It has been very
frequently copied in plaster. It represents the head of a young
girl looking down, the neck and shoulders being supported in
the cup of a large flower, which by a little effort of
imagination can be made into a giant sunflower. The latest
supposition, however, is that this bust represented not Clytie,
but Isis.
Hood in his Flowers thus alludes to Clytie:
"I will not have the mad Clytie,
Whose head is turned by the sun;
The tulip is a courtly quean,
Whom therefore I will shun;
The cowslip is a country wench,
The violet is a nun;
But I will woo the dainty rose,
The queen of every one."
The sunflower is a favorite emblem of constancy. Thus Moore uses
"The heart that has truly loved never forgets,
But as truly loves on to the close;
As the sunflower turns on her god when he sets
The same look that she turned when he rose."
124 Nisus and Scylla
Schiller has made one of his finest ballads from the tragic fate
of the two lovers. The following verses are a translation from
the latter part of the ballad:
After the storm has arisen, Hero sees the danger, and cries,
Chapter IX
Minerva and Arachne. Niobe. The Story of Perseus
gaze upon her work. It was not only beautiful when it was done,
but beautiful also in the doing. To watch her, as she took the
wool in its rude state and formed it into rolls, or separated it
with her fingers and carded it till it looked as light and soft
as a cloud, or twirled the spindle with skilful touch, or wove
the web, or, when woven, adorned it with her needle, one would
have said that Minerva herself had taught her. But this she
Minerva and Arachne 131
Minerva wrought on her web the scene of her contest with Neptune.
Twelve of the heavenly powers are represented, Jupiter, with
August gravity, sitting in the midst. Neptune, the ruler of the
sea, holds his trident, and appears to have just smitten the
earth, from which a horse has leaped forth. Minerva depicted
herself with helmed head, her Ǽgis covering her breast. Such
132 Minerva and Arachne
was the central circle; and in the four corners were represented
incidents illustrating the displeasure of the gods at such presumptuous
mortals as had dared to contend with them. These were meant as
warnings to her rival to give up the contest before it was too late.
feel her guilt and shame. She could not endure it, and went and hanged
herself. Minerva pitied her as she saw her hanging by a rope. "Live,
guilty woman," said she; " and that you may preserve the memory of
this lesson, continue to hang, you and your descendants, to all future
times." She sprinkled her with the juices of aconite, and immediately
her hair came off, and her
nose and ears likewise.
Her form shrank up, and
her head grew smaller yet;
her fingers grew to her
side, and served for legs.
All the rest of her is body,
out of which she spins her
thread, often hanging
suspended by it, in the
same attitude as when
Minerva touched her and
transformed her into a
Spenser tells the story of
Arachne in his
Muiopotmos, adhering
very closely to his master
Ovid, but improving upon
him in the conclusion of
the story. The two stanzas
which follow tell what was done after the goddess had depicted her
creation of the olive tree:
The fate of Arachne was noised abroad through all the country,
and served as a warning to all presumptuous mortals not to
compare themselves with the divinities. But one, and she a
matron too, failed to learn the lesson of humility. It was
Niobe, the queen of Thebes. She had indeed much to be proud of;
Minerva and Arachne 135
but it was not her husband's fame, nor her own beauty, nor their
great descent, nor the power of their kingdom that elated her.
It was her children; and truly the happiest of mothers would
Niobe have been, if only she had not claimed to be so. It was on
occasion of the annual celebration in honor of Latona and her
offspring, Apollo and Diana, when the people of Thebes were
assembled, their brows crowned with laurel, bearing frankincense
to the altars and paying their vows, that Niobe appeared among
the crowd. Her attire was splendid with gold and gems, and her
face as beautiful as the face of an angry woman can be. She
stood and surveyed the people with haughty looks. "What folly,"
said she, "is this! to prefer beings whom you never saw to
those who stand before your eyes! Why should Latona be honored
with worship rather than I? My father was Tantalus, who was
received as a guest at the table of the gods; my mother was a
goddess. My husband built and rules this city, Thebes; and
Phrygia is my paternal inheritance. Wherever I turn my eyes I
survey the elements of my power; nor is my form and presence
unworthy of a goddess. To all this let me add, I have seven sons
and seven daughters, and look for sons-in-law and daughters-in-
law of pretensions worthy of my alliance. Have I not cause for
pride? Will you prefer to me this Latona, the Titan's daughter,
with her two children? I have seven times as many. Fortunate
indeed am I, and fortunate I shall remain! Will any one deny
this? My abundance is my security. I feel myself too strong for
Fortune to subdue. She may take from me much; I shall still have
much left. Were I to lose some of my children, I should hardly
be left as poor as Latona with her two only. Away with you from
these solemnities, put off the laurel from your brows, have
done with this worship!" The people obeyed, and left the sacred
services uncompleted.
The terror of the people and grief of the attendants soon made
Niobe acquainted with what had taken place. She could hardly
think it possible; she was indignant that the gods had dared and
amazed that they had been able to do it. Her husband, Amphion,
overwhelmed with the blow, destroyed himself. Alas! How
different was this Niobe from her who had so lately driven away
the people from the sacred rites, and held her stately course
through the city, the envy of her friends, now the pity even of
her foes! She knelt over the lifeless bodies, and kissed, now
one, now another of her dead sons. Raising her pallid arms to
heaven, "Cruel Latona," said she, "feed full your rage with my
Minerva and Arachne 137
alone. She was brave from excess of grief. The sisters stood in
garments of mourning over the biers of their dead brothers. One
fell, struck by an arrow, and died on the corpse she was
bewailing. Another, attempting to console her mother, suddenly
ceased to speak, and sank lifeless to the earth. A third tried
to escape by flight, a fourth by concealment, another stood
trembling, uncertain what course to take. Six were now dead, and
only one remained, whom the mother held clasped in her arms, and
covered as it were with her whole body.
138 Minerva and Arachne
The Graeae were three sisters who were gray-haired from their
birth, whence their name. The Gorgons were monstrous females
with huge teeth like those of swine, brazen claws, and snaky
hair. They also were three in number, two of them immortal, but
the other, Medusa, mortal. None of these beings make much figure
in mythology except Medusa, the Gorgon, whose story we shall next
advert to. We mention them chiefly to introduce an ingenious
theory of some modern writers, namely, that the Gorgons and
Graeae were only personifications of the terrors of the sea, the
former denoting the STRONG billows of the wide open main, and the
latter the WHITE-crested waves that dash against the rocks of the
coast. Their names in Greek signify the above epithets.
140 Minerva and Arachne
Acrisius was the king who ruled in Argos. To him had an oracle
declared that he should be slain by the child of his daughter
Danae. Therefore the cruel king, thinking it better that Danae
should have no children than that he should be slain, ordered a
tower of brass to be made, and in this tower he confined his
daughter away from all men.
But who can withstand Jupiter? He saw Danae, loved her, and
changing his form to a shower of gold, he shone into the
apartment of the captive girl.
After the slaughter of Medusa, Perseus, bearing with him the head
of the Gorgon, flew far and wide, over land and sea. As night
came on, he reached the western limit of the earth, where the sun
goes down. Here he would gladly have rested till morning. It
was the realm of King Atlas, whose bulk surpassed that of all
other men. He was rich in flocks and herds and had no neighbor
or rival to dispute his state. But his chief pride was in his
gardens, whose fruit was of gold, hanging from golden branches,
half hid with golden leaves. Perseus said to him, "I come as a
guest. If you honor illustrious descent, I claim Jupiter for my
142 Minerva and Arachne
And all in vain was Atlas turned to a mountain, for the oracle
did not mean Perseus, but the hero Hercules, who should come long
afterwards to get the golden apples for his cousin Eurystheus.
not tell, she disclosed her name and that of her country, and her
mother's pride of beauty. Before she had done speaking, a sound
was heard off upon the water, and the sea-monster appeared, with
his head raised above the surface, cleaving the waves with his
broad breast. The virgin shrieked, the father and mother who had
now arrived at the scene, wretched both, but the mother more
justly so, stood by, not able to afford protection, but only to
pour forth lamentations and to embrace the victim. Then spoke
Perseus: "There will be time enough for tears; this hour is all
we have for rescue. My rank as the son of Jove and my renown as
the slayer of the Gorgon might make me acceptable as a suitor;
but I will try to win her by services rendered, if the gods will
144 Minerva and Arachne
And now the monster was within the range of a stone thrown by a
skilful slinger, when with a sudden bound the youth soared into
the air. As an eagle, when from his lofty flight he sees a
serpent basking in the sun, pounces upon him and seizes him by
the neck to prevent him from turning his head round and using his
fangs, so the youth darted down upon the back of the monster and
plunged his sword into its shoulder. Irritated by the wound the
monster raised himself into the air, then plunged into the depth;
then, like a wild boar surrounded by a pack of barking dogs,
turned swiftly from side to side, while the youth eluded its
attacks by means of his wings. Wherever he can find a passage
for his sword between the scales he makes a wound, piercing now
the side, now the flank, as it slopes towards the tail. The
brute spouts from his nostrils water mixed with blood. The wings
of the hero are wet with it, and he dares no longer trust to
them. Alighting on a rock which rose above the waves, and
holding on by a projecting fragment, as the monster floated near
he gave him a death-stroke. The people who had gathered on the
shore shouted so that the hills re-echoed to the sound. The
parents, transported with joy, embraced their future son-in-law,
calling him their deliverer and the savior of their house, and
the virgin, both cause and reward of the contest, descended from
the rock.
Perseus and his friends maintained for some time the unequal
contest; but the numbers of the assailants were too great for
them, and destruction seemed inevitable, when a sudden thought
struck Perseus: "I will make my enemy defend me." Then, with a
loud voice he exclaimed, :If I have any friend here let him turn
146 Minerva and Arachne
away his eyes!" and held aloft the Gorgon's head. "Seek not to
frighten us with your jugglery," said Thescelus, and raised his
javelin in act to throw, and became stone in the very attitude.
Ampyx was about to plunge his sword into the body of a prostrate
foe, but his arm stiffened and he could neither thrust forward
nor withdraw it. Another, in the midst of a vociferous
challenge, stopped, his mouth open, but no sound issuing. One of
Perseus's friends, Aconteus, caught sight of the Gorgon and
stiffened like the rest. Astyages struck him with his sword, but
instead of wounding, it recoiled with a ringing noise.
Phineus beheld this dreadful result of his unjust aggression, and
felt confounded. He called aloud to his friends, but got no
answer; he touched them and found them stone. Falling on his
knees and stretching out his hands to Perseus, but turning his
head away, he begged for mercy. "Take all," said he, "give me
but my life." "Base coward," said Perseus, "thus much I will
grant you; no weapon shall touch you; moreover you shall be
preserved in my house as a memorial of these events." So saying,
he held the Gorgon's head to the side where Phineus was looking,
and in the very form in which he knelt, with his hands
outstretched and face averted, he became fixed immovably, a mass
of stone!
The following allusion to Perseus is from Milman's Samor:
* * * * *
Such execution,
So stern, so sudden, wrought the grisly aspect
Of terrible Medusa,
When wandering through the woods she turned to stone
148 Minerva and Arachne
Of Atlas there is another story, which I like better than the one
told. He was one of the Titans who warred against Jupiter like
Typhoeus, Briareus, and others. After their defeat by the king
of gods and men, Atlas was condemned to stand in the far western
part of the earth, by the Pillars of Hercules, and to hold on his
shoulders the weight of heaven and the stars.
The story runs that Perseus, flying by, asked and obtained rest
and food. The next morning he asked what he could do to reward
Atlas for his kindness. The best that giant could think of was
that Perseus should show him the snaky head of Medusa, that he
might be turned to stone and be at rest from his heavy load.
Chapter X
Monsters. Giants. Sphinx. Pegasus and the Chimaera.
Centaurs. Griffin. Pygmies
Monsters, in the language of mythology, were beings of unnatural
proportions or parts, usually regarded with terror, as possessing
immense strength and ferocity, which they employed for the injury
and annoyance of men. Some of them were supposed to combine the
members of different animals; such were the Sphinx and the
Chimaera; and to these all the terrible qualities of wild beasts
were attributed, together with human sagacity and faculties.
Others, as the giants, differed from men chiefly in their size;
and in this particular we must recognize a wide distinction among
them. The human giants, if so they may be called, such as the
Cyclopes, Antaeus, Orion, and others, must be supposed not to be
altogether disproportioned to human beings, for they mingled in
love and strife with them. But the superhuman giants, who warred
with the gods, were of vastly larger dimensions. Tityus, we are
told, when stretched on the plain, covered nine acres, and
Enceladus required the whole of Mount Ǽtna to be laid upon him
to keep him down.
We have already spoken of the war which the giants waged against
the gods, and of its result. While this war lasted the giants
proved a formidable enemy. Some of them, like Briareus, had a
hundred arms; others, like Typhon, breathed out fire. At one
time they put the gods to such fear that they fled into Egypt,
and hid themselves under various forms. Jupiter took the form of
a ram, whence he was afterwards worshipped in Egypt as the god
Ammon, with curved horns. Apollo became a crow, Bacchus a goat,
Diana a cat, Juno a cow, Venus a fish, Mercury a bird. At
another time the giants attempted to climb up into heaven, and
for that purpose took up the mountain Ossa and piled it on
Pelion. They were at last subdued by thunderbolts, which Minerva
invented, and taught Vulcan and his Cyclopes to make for Jupiter.
When Perseus cut off Medusa's head, the blood sinking into the
earth produced the winged horse Pegasus. Minerva caught and
was jealous of him, suspecting that his wife Antea looked with
too much admiration on the young warrior. From this instance of
Bellerophon being unconsciously the bearer of his own death-
warrant, the expression "Bellerophontic letters" arose, to
describe any species of communication which a person is made the
bearer of, containing matter prejudicial to himself.
Pegasus, being the horse of the Muses, has always been at the
service of the poets. Schiller tells a pretty story of his
having been sold by a needy poet, and put to the cart and the
plough. He was not fit for such service, and his clownish master
could make nothing of him. But a youth stepped forth and asked
leave to try him. As soon as he was seated on his back, the
horse, which had appeared at first vicious, and afterwards
spirit-broken, rose kingly, a spirit, a god; unfolded the
splendor of his wings and soared towards heaven. Our own poet
Longfellow also records an adventure of this famous steed in his
Pegasus in Pound.
The Greeks loved to people their woods and hills with strange
wild people, half man, half beast. Such were the Satyrs men
with goats' legs. But nobler and better were the Centaurs, men
to the waist, while the rest was the form of a horse. The
ancients were too fond of a horse to consider the union of his
nature with man's as forming any very degraded compound, and
accordingly the Centaur is the only one of the fancied monsters
of antiquity to which any good traits are assigned. The Centaurs
were admitted to the companionship of man, and at the marriage of
Pirithous with Hippodamia, they were among the guests. At the
feast, Eurytion, one of the Centaurs, becoming intoxicated with
the wine, attempted to offer violence to the bride; the other
Centaurs followed his example, and a dreadful conflict arose in
which several of them were slain. This is the celebrated battle
of the Lapithae and Centaurs, a favorite subject with the
sculptors and poets of antiquity.
But all the Centaurs were not like the rude guests of Pirithous.
Chiron was instructed by Apollo and Diana, and was renowned for
his skill in hunting, medicine, music, and the art of prophecy.
The most distinguished heroes of Grecian story were his pupils.
Among the rest the infant Aesculapius was intrusted to his
charge, by Apollo, his father. When the sage returned to his
home bearing the infant, his daughter Ocyroe came forth to meet
him, and at sight of the child burst forth into a prophetic
strain (for she was a prophetess), foretelling the glory that he
was to achieve. Aesculapius, when grown up, became a renowned
physician, and even in one instance succeeded in restoring the
dead to life. Pluto resented this, and Jupiter, at his request,
struck the bold physician with lightning and killed him, but
after his death received him into the number of the gods.
Chiron was the wisest and justest of all the Centaurs, and at his
death Jupiter placed him among the stars as the constellation
The Griffin is a monster with the body of a lion, the head and
wings of an eagle, and back covered with feathers. Like birds it
builds its nest, and instead of an egg lays an agate therein. It
has long claws and talons of such a size that the people of that
country make them into drinking-cups. India was assigned as the
native country of the Griffins. They found gold in the mountains
and built their nests of it, for which reason their nests were
very tempting to the hunters, and they were forced to keep
vigilant guard over them. Their instinct led them to know where
buried treasures lay, and they did their best to keep plunderers
at a distance. The Arimaspians, among whom the Griffins
flourished, were a one-eyed people of Scythia.
Chapter XI
The Argo with her crew of heroes left the shores of Thessaly and
having touched at the Island of Lemnos, thence crossed to Mysia
and thence to Thrace. Here they found the sage Phineus, and from
him received instruction as to their future course. It seems the
entrance of the Euxine Sea was impeded by two small rocky
islands, which floated on the surface, and in their tossings and
heavings occasionally came together, crushing and grinding to
atoms any object that might be caught between them. They were
called the Symplegades, or Clashing Islands. Phineus instructed
the Argonauts how to pass this dangerous strait. When they
reached the islands they let go a dove, which took her way
between the rocks, and passed in safety, only losing some
feathers of her tail. Jason and his men seized the favorable
moment of the rebound, plied their oars with vigor, and passed
safe through, though the islands closed behind them, and actually
grazed their stern. They now rowed along the shore till they
arrived at the eastern end of the sea, and landed at the kingdom
of Colchis.
Jason made known his message to the Colchian king, Ǽetes, who
consented to give up the golden fleece if Jason would yoke to the
plough two fire-breathing bulls with brazen feet, and sow the
teeth of the dragon, which Cadmus had slain, and from which it
was well known that a crop of armed men would spring up, who
would turn their weapons against their producer. Jason accepted
the conditions, and a time was
set for making the experiment.
Previously, however, he found
means to plead his cause to
Medea, daughter of the king.
He promised her marriage,
and as they stood before the
altar of Hecate, called the
goddess to witness his oath.
Medea yielded and by her
aid, for she was a potent
sorceress, he was furnished
with a charm, by which he
could encounter safely the
breath of the fire-breathing
bulls and the weapons of the
armed men.
amazed; the Greeks shouted for joy. Jason next proceeded to sow the
dragon's teeth and plough them in. And soon the crop of armed men
sprang up, and wonderful to relate! no sooner had they reached the
surface than they began to brandish their weapons and rush upon Jason.
The Greeks trembled for their hero, and even she who had provided
him a way of safety and taught him how to use it, Medea herself, grew
pale with fear. Jason for a time kept his assailants at bay with his
sword and shield, till finding their numbers overwhelming, he resorted
to the charm which Medea had taught him, seized a stone and threw it
in the midst of his foes. They immediately turned their arms against
one another, and soon there was not one of the dragon's brood left
alive. The Greeks embraced their hero, and Medea, if she dared, would
have embraced him too.
Then Ǽetes promised the next day to give them the fleece, and
the Greeks went joyfully down to the Argo with the hero Jason in
their midst. But that night Medea came down to Jason, and bade
him make haste and follow her, for that her father proposed the
next morning to attack the Argonauts and to destroy their ship.
They went together to the grove of Mars, where the golden fleece
hung guarded by the dreadful dragon, who glared at the hero and
his conductor with his great round eyes that never slept. But
Medea was prepared, and began her magic songs and spells, and
sprinkled over him a sleeping potion which she had prepared by
her art. At the smell he relaxed his rage, stood for a moment
motionless, then shut those great round eyes, that had never been
known to shut before, and turned over on his side, fast asleep.
Jason seized the fleece, and with his friends and Medea
accompanying, hastened to their vessel, before ǼETES, the king,
could arrest their departure, and made the best of their way back
to Thessaly, where they arrived safe, and Jason delivered the
fleece to Pelias, and dedicated the Argo to Neptune. What became
of the fleece afterwards we do not know, but perhaps it was
found, after all, like many other golden prizes, not worth the
trouble it had cost to procure it.
Amid the rejoicings for the recovery of the golden Fleece, Jason felt
that one thing was wanting, the presence of Ǽson, his father, who was
prevented by his age and infirmities from taking part in them. Jason
said to Medea, "My wife, I would that your arts, whose power I have
seen so mighty for my aid, could do me one further service, and take
some years from my life to add them to my father's." Medea replied,
"Not at such a cost shall it be done, but if my art avails me, his life shall
be lengthened without abridging yours." The next full moon she issued
forth alone, while all creatures slept; not a breath stirred the foliage,
and all was still. To the stars she addressed her incantations, and to the
moon; to Hecate1, the goddess of the underworld, and to Tellus, the
goddess of the earth, by whose power plants potent for
Hecate was a mysterious divinity sometimes identified with Diana and sometimes with
Proserpine. As Diana represents the moonlight splendor of night, so Hecate represents its
darkness and terrors. She was the goddess of sorcery and witchcraft, and was believed to
wander by night along the earth, seen only by the dogs whose barking told her approach
enchantments are produced. She invoked the gods of the woods and
caverns, of mountains and valleys, of lakes and rivers, of winds and
vapors. While she spoke the stars shone brighter, and presently a
chariot descended through the air, drawn by flying serpents. She
ascended it, and, borne aloft, made her way to distant regions, where
potent plants grew which she knew
how to select for her purpose. Nine
nights she employed in her search,
and during that time came not within
the doors of her palace nor under any
roof, and shunned all intercourse with
She next erected two altars, the one
to Hecate, the other to Hebe, the
goddess of youth, and sacrificed a
black sheep, pouring libations of milk
and wine. She implored Pluto and his
stolen bride that they would not
hasten to take the old man's life. Then
she directed that Ǽson should be led
forth, and having thrown him into a
deep sleep by a charm, had him laid
on a bed of herbs, like one dead.
Jason and all others were kept away
from the place, that no profane eyes
might look upon her mysteries. Then,
with streaming hair, she thrice moved
round the altars, dipped flaming twigs
in the blood, and laid them thereon to
burn. Meanwhile the caldron with its
contents was got ready. In it she put
magic herbs, with seeds and flowers
of acrid juice, stones from the distant
East, and sand from the shore of all-
surrounding ocean; hoar frost,
gathered by moonlight, a screech-owl's head and wings, and the entrails
of a wolf. She added fragments of the shells of tortoises, and the liver
of stags, animals tenacious of life, and the head and beak of a
crow, that outlives nine generations of men. These, with many other
things without a name, she boiled together for her purposed work,
stirring them up with a dry olive branch; and behold, the branch when
taken out instantly became green, and before long was covered with
leaves and a plentiful growth of young olives; and as the liquor boiled
and bubbled, and sometimes ran over, the grass, wherever the
sprinklings fell, shot forth with a verdure like that of spring.
Seeing that all was ready, Medea cut the throat of the old man
and let out all his blood, and poured into his mouth and into his
wound the juices of her caldron. As soon as he had completely
imbibed them, his hair and beard laid by their whiteness and
assumed the blackness of youth; his paleness and emaciation were
gone; his veins were full of blood, his limbs of vigor and
robustness. Ǽson is amazed at himself, and remembers that such
as he now is he was in his youthful days, forty years before.
Medea used her arts here for a good purpose, but not so in another
instance, where she made them the instruments of revenge. Pelias, our
readers will recollect, was the usurping uncle of Jason, and had kept
him out of his kingdom. Yet he must have had some good qualities, for
his daughters loved him, and when they saw what Medea had done for
Ǽson, they wished her to do the same for their father. Medea
pretended to consent, and prepared her caldron as before. At her
request an old sheep was brought and plunged into the caldron. Very
soon a bleating was heard in the kettle, and, when the cover was
removed, a lamb jumped forth and ran frisking away into the meadow.
The daughters of Pelias saw the experiment with delight, and appointed
a time for their father to undergo the same operation. But Medea
prepared her caldron for him in a very different way. She put in only
water and a few simple herbs. In the night she with the sisters entered
the bed-chamber of the old king, while he and his guards slept soundly
under the influence of a spell cast upon them by Medea. The daughters
stood by the bedside with their weapons drawn, but hesitated to strike,
till Medea chid their irresolution. Then, turning away their faces and
giving random blows, they smote him with their weapons. He, starting
from his sleep, cried out, "My daughters, what are you doing? Will you
kill your father?:" Their hearts failed them, and the weapons fell from
their hands, but Medea struck him a fatal blow, and prevented his
saying more.
Then they placed him in the caldron, and Medea hastened to depart
in her serpent-drawn chariot before they discovered her
treachery, for their vengeance would have been terrible. She
escaped, however, but had little enjoyment of the fruits of her
crime. Jason, for whom she had done so much, wishing to marry
Creusa, princess of Corinth, put away Medea. She, enraged at his
ingratitude, called on the gods for vengeance, sent a poisoned
robe as a gift to the bride, and then killing her own children,
and setting fire to the palace, mounted her serpent-drawn chariot
and fled to Athens, where she married King Ǽgeus, the father of
Theseus; and we shall meet her again when we come to the
adventures of that hero.
And again:
atrocity. In her flight from Colchis she had taken her young
brother Absyrtus with her. Finding the pursuing vessels of
Ǽetes gaining upon the Argonauts, she caused the lad to be
killed and his limbs to be strewn over the sea. Ǽetes on
reaching the place found these sorrowful traces of his murdered
son; but while he tarried to collect the scattered fragments and
bestow upon them an honorable interment, the Argonauts escaped.
The search for the Golden Fleece was undertaken by Jason, aided
by heroes from all Greece, or Hellas as it was then called. It
was the first of their common undertakings which made the Greeks
feel that they were in truth one nation, though split up into
many small kingdoms. Another of their great gatherings was for
the Calydonian Hunt, and another, the greatest and most famous of
all, for the Trojan War.
The hero of the quest for the golden Fleece was Jason. With the
other heroes of the Greeks, he was present at the Calydonian
Hunt. But the chief hero was Meleager, the son of Œneus, king
of Calydon, and Althea, his queen.
Althea, when her son was born, beheld the three Destinies, who,
as they spun their fatal thread, foretold that the life of the
child should last no longer than a brand then burning upon the
hearth. Althea seized and quenched the brand, and carefully
preserved it for years, while Meleager grew to boyhood, youth,
and manhood. It chanced, then, that Œneus, as he offered
in a bold hunt for the ravenous monster. Theseus and his friend
Pirithous, Jason, Peleus afterwards the father of Achilles,
Telamon the father of Ajax, Nestor, then a youth, but who in his
age bore arms with Achilles and Ajax in the Trojan war, these
and many more joined in the enterprise. With them came Atalanta,
the daughter of Iasius, king of Arcadia. A buckle of polished
gold confined her vest, an ivory quiver hung on her left
shoulder, and her left hand bore the bow. Her face blent
feminine beauty with the best graces of martial youth. Meleager
saw and loved.
But now already they were near the monster's lair. They
stretched strong nets from tree to tree; they uncoupled their
dogs, they tried to find the footprints of their quarry in the
grass. From the wood was a descent to marshy ground. Here the
boar, as he lay among the reeds, heard the shouts of his
pursuers, and rushed forth against them. One and another is
thrown down and slain. Jason throws his spear with a prayer to
Diana for success; and the favoring goddess allows the weapon to
touch, but not to wound, removing the steel point of the spear
even in its flight. Nestor, assailed, seeks and finds safety in
the branches of a tree. Telamon rushes on, but stumbling at a
projecting root, falls prone. But an arrow from Atalanta at
length for the first time tastes the monster's blood. It is a
slight wound, but Meleager sees and joyfully proclaims it.
Anceus, excited to envy by the praise given to a female, loudly
proclaims his own valor, and defies alike the boar and the
goddess who had sent it; but as he rushes on, the infuriated
beast lays him low with a mortal wound. Theseus throws his
lance, but it is turned aside by a projecting bough. The dart of
Jason misses its object, and kills instead one of their own dogs.
But Meleager, after one unsuccessful stroke, drives his spear
into the monsters side, then rushes on and despatches him with
repeated blows.
author of the deed is known, grief gives way to the stern desire
of vengeance on her son. The fatal brand, which once she rescued
from the flames, the brand which the Destinies had linked with
Meleager's life, she brings forth, and commands a fire to be
prepared. Then four times she essays to place the brand upon the
pile; four times draws back, shuddering at the thought of
bringing destruction on her son. The feelings of the mother and
the sister contend within her. Now she is pale at the thought of
the purposed deed, now flushed again with anger at the act of her
son. As a vessel, driven in one direction by the wind, and in
the opposite by the tide, the mind of Althea hangs suspended in
uncertainty. But now the sister prevails above the mother, and
she begins as she holds the fatal wood: "Turn, ye Furies,
goddesses of punishment! Turn to behold the sacrifice I bring!
Crime must atone for crime. Shall Œneus rejoice in his victor
son, while the house of Thestius (Thestius was father of Toxeus,
Phlexippus and Althea) is desolate? But, alas! To what deed am I
borne along? Brothers, forgive a mother's weakness! My hand
fails me. He deserves death, but not that I should destroy him.
But shall he then live, and triumph, and reign over Calydon,
while you, my brothers, wander unavenged among the shades? No!
Thou has lived by my gift; die, now, for thine own crime. Return
the life which twice I gave thee, first at thy birth, again when
I snatched this brand from the flames. O that thou hadst then
died! Alas! Evil is the conquest; but, brothers, ye have
conquered." And, turning away her face, she threw the fatal wood
upon the burning pile.
Althea, when the deed was done, laid violent hands upon herself.
The sisters of Meleager mourned their brother with uncontrollable
grief; till Diana, pitying the sorrows of the house that once had
aroused her anger, turned them into birds.
The innocent cause of so much sorrow was a maiden whose face you
might truly say was boyish for a girl, yet too girlish for a boy.
Her fortune had been told, and it was to this effect: "Atalanta,
do not marry; marriage will be your ruin." Terrified by this
oracle, she fled the society of men, and devoted herself to the
sports of the chase. To all suitors (for she had many) she
imposed a condition which was generally effectual in relieving
her of their persecutions: "I will be the prize of him who
shall conquer me in the race; but death must be the penalty of
all who try and fail." In spite of this hard condition some
would try. Hippomenes was to be judge of the race. "Can it be
possible that any will be so rash as to risk so much for a wife?"
said he. But when he saw her lay aside her robe for the race, he
changed his mind, and said, "Pardon me, youths, I knew not the
prize you were competing for." As he surveyed them he wished them
all to be beaten, and swelled with envy of any one that seemed at
all likely to win. While such were his thoughts, the virgin
darted forward. As she ran, she looked more beautiful than ever.
The breezes seemed to give wings to her feet; her hair flew over
her shoulders, and the gay fringe of her garment fluttered behind
her. A ruddy hue tinged the whiteness of her skin, such as a
crimson curtain casts on a marble wall. All her competitors were
distanced, and were put to death without mercy. Hippomenes, not
daunted by this result, fixing his eyes on the virgin, said, "Why
boast of beating those laggards? I offer myself for the
contest." Atalanta looked at him with a pitying countenance, and
hardly knew whether she would rather conquer him or not. "What
god can tempt one so young and handsome to throw himself away? I
pity him, not for his beauty (yet he is beautiful), but for his
youth. I wish he would give up the race, or if he will be so
mad, I hope he may outrun me." While she hesitates, revolving
these thoughts, the spectators grow impatient for the race, and
her father prompts her to prepare. Then Hippomenes addressed a
prayer to Venus; "Help me, Venus, for you have led me on" Venus
heard, and was propitious.
But the lovers were so full of their own happiness that they
forgot to pay due honor to Venus; and the goddess was provoked at
their ingratitude. She caused them to give offence to Cybele.
That powerful goddess was not to be insulted with impunity. She
took from them their human form and turned them into animals of
characters resembling their own: of the huntress-heroine,
Cybele is the Latin name of the goddess called by the Greeks Rhea
and Ops. She was the wife of Cronos and mother of Zeus. In
H ercules (in Greek, Heracles) was the son of Jupiter and Alemena.
As Juno was always hostile to the offspring of her husband by
mortal mothers, she declared war against Hercules from his birth.
She sent two serpents to destroy him as he lay in his cradle, but
the precocious infant strangled them with his own hands1. He was
however by the arts of Juno rendered subject to his cousin
Eurystheus and compelled to perform all his commands. Eurystheus
enjoined upon him a succession of desperate adventures, which are
called the twelve "Labors of Hercules." The first was the fight
with the Nemean lion. The valley of Nemea was infested by a
terrible lion. Eurystheus ordered Hercules to bring him the skin
of this monster. After using in vain his club and arrows against
the lion, Hercules strangled the animal with his hands. He
returned carrying the dead lion on his shoulders; but Eurystheus
On this account the infant Hercules was made the type of infant America, by Dr. Franklin,
and the French artists whom he employed in the American Revolution. Horatio Greenough has
placed a bas-relief of the Infant Hercules on the pedestal of his statue of Washington, which
stands in front of the Capitol.
His next labor was to slaughter the Hydra. This monster ravaged
the country of Argos, and dwelt in a swamp near the well of
Amymone, of which the story is that when the country was
suffering from drought, Neptune, who loved her, had permitted her
to touch the rock with his trident, and a spring of three outlets
burst forth. Here the Hydra took up his position, and Hercules
was sent to destroy him. The Hydra had nine heads, of which the
middle one was immortal. Hercules struck off its head with his
club, but in the place of the head knocked off, two new ones grew
forth each time. At length with the assistance of his faithful
servant Iolaus, he burned away the heads of the Hydra, and buried
the ninth or immortal one under a huge rock.
His next labor was of a more delicate kind. Admeta, the daughter
of Eurystheus, longed to obtain the girdle of the queen of the
Amazons, and Eurystheus ordered Hercules to go and get it. The
Amazons were a nation of women. They were very warlike and held
several flourishing cities. It was their custom to bring up only
the female children; the boys were either sent away to the
neighboring nations or put to death. Hercules was accompanied by
a number of volunteers, and after various adventures at last
reached the country of the Amazons. Hippolyta, the queen,
received him kindly, and consented to yield him her girdle; but
Juno, taking the form of an Amazon, went among the other Amazons
and persuaded them that the strangers were carrying off their
queen. The Amazons instantly armed and came in great numbers
down to the ship. Hercules, thinking that Hippolyta had acted
treacherously, slew her, and taking her girdle, made sail
The most difficult labor of all was bringing the golden apples of
the Hesperides, for Hercules did not know where to find them.
These were the apples which Juno had received at her wedding from
the goddess of the Earth, and which she had intrusted to the
keeping of the daughters of Hesperis, assisted by a watchful
dragon. After various adventures Hercules arrived at Mount Atlas
in Africa. Atlas was one of the Titans who had warred against
the gods, and after they were subdued, Atlas was condemned to
bear on his shoulders the weight of the heavens. He was the
father of the Hesperides, and Hercules thought, might, if any one
could, find the apples and bring them to him. But how to send
Atlas away from his post, or bear up the heavens while he was
gone? Hercules took the burden on his own shoulders, and sent
Atlas to seek the apples. He returned with them, and though
somewhat reluctantly, took his burden upon his shoulders again,
and let Hercules return with the apples to Eurystheus1.
Hercules was a descendant of Perseus. Perseus changed Atlas to stone. How could Hercules
take his place? This is only one of the many anachronisms found in ancient mythology.
fall, he lifted him up from the earth and strangled him in the
The last exploit we shall record was bringing Cerberus from the
lower world. Hercules descended into Hades, accompanied by
Mercury and Minerva. He obtained permission from Pluto to carry
Cerberus to the upper air, provided he could do it without the
use of weapons; and in spite of the monster's struggling he
seized him, held him fast, and carried him to Eurystheus, and
afterwards brought him back again. When he was in Hades he
obtained the liberty of Theseus, his admirer and imitator, who
had been detained a prisoner there for an unsuccessful attempt to
carry off Proserpine.
One of the seven hills of Rome
with her, but Hercules heard her cries, and shot an arrow into
the heart of Nessus. The dying Centaur told Dejanira to take a
portion of his blood and keep it, as it might be used as a charm
to preserve the love of her husband.
Dejanira did so, and before long fancied she had occasion to use
it. Hercules in one of his conquests had taken prisoner a fair
maiden, named Iole, of whom he seemed more fond than Dejanira
approved. When Hercules was about to offer sacrifices to the
gods in honor of his victory, he sent to his wife for a white
robe to use on the occasion. Dejanira, thinking it a good
opportunity to try her love-spell, steeped the garment in the
blood of Nessus. We are to suppose she took care to wash out all
traces of it, but the magic power remained, and as soon as the
garment became warm on the body of Hercules, the poison
penetrated into all his limbs and caused him the most intense
agony. In his frenzy he seized Lichas, who had brought him the
fatal robe, and hurled him into the sea. He wrenched off the
garment, but it stuck to his flesh, and with it he tore away
whole pieces of his body. In this state he embarked on board a
ship and was conveyed home. Dejanira on seeing what she had
unwittingly done, hung herself. Hercules, prepared to die,
ascended Mount Œta, where he built a funeral pile of trees, gave
his bow and arrows to Philoctetes, and laid himself down on the
pile, his head resting on his club, and his lion's skin spread
over him. With a countenance as serene as if he were taking his
place at a festal board, he commanded Philoctetes to apply the
torch. The flames spread apace and soon invested the whole mass.
Milton thus alludes to the frenzy of Hercules:
"As when Alcides1", from Œchalia crowned
With conquest, felt the envenomed robe, and tore,
Through pain, up by the roots Thessalian pines
And Lichas from the top of Œta threw
Into the Euboic Sea."
Alcides, a name of Hercules; the word means "descendant of Alcaeus
The poet Schiller, in one of his pieces called the Ideal and
Life, illustrates the contrast between the practical and the
imaginative in some beautiful stanzas, of which the last two may
be thus translated:
Knowing by her arts who he was, and fearing the loss of her
influence with her husband, if Theseus should be acknowledged as
his son, she filled the mind of Ǽgeus with suspicions of the
young stranger, and induced him to present him a cup of poison;
but at the moment when Theseus stepped forward to take it, the
sight of the sword which he wore discovered to his father who he
was, and prevented the fatal draught. Medea, detected in her
arts, fled once more from deserved punishment, and arrived in
Asia, where the country afterwards called Media received its name
from her. Theseus was acknowledged by his father, and declared
his successor.
One of the finest pieces of sculpture in Italy, the recumbent Ariadne of the Vatican,
represents this incident. A copy is in the Athenaeum gallery, Boston. The celebrated statue of
Ariadne, by Danneker, represents her as riding on the tiger of Bacchus, at a somewhat later
period of her story.
blown away, and then handling the wax and working it over with
his fingers, by his play impeding his father in his labors. When
at last the work was done, the artist, waving his wings, found
himself buoyed upward and hung suspended, poising himself on the
beaten air. He next equipped his son in the same manner, and
taught him how to fly, as a bird tempts her young ones from the
lofty nest into the air. When all was prepared for flight, he
said, "Icarus, my son, I charge you to keep at a moderate height,
for if you fly too low the damp will clog your wings, and if too
high the heat will melt them. Keep near me and you will be
safe." While he gave him these instructions and fitted the wings
to his shoulders, the face of the father was wet with tears, and
his hands trembled. He kissed the boy, not knowing that it was
for the last time. Then rising on his wings he flew off,
encouraging him to follow, and looked back from his own flight to
see how his son managed his wings. As they flew the ploughman
stopped his work to gaze, and the shepherd learned on his staff
and watched them, astonished at the sight, and thinking they were
gods who could thus cleave the air.
They passed Samos and Delos on the left and Lebynthos on the
right, when the boy, exulting in his career, began to leave the
guidance of his companion and soar upward as if to reach heaven.
The nearness of the blazing sun softened the wax which held the
feathers together, and they came off. He fluttered with his
arms, but no feathers remained to hold the air. While his mouth
uttered cries to his father, it was submerged in the blue waters
of the sea, which thenceforth was called by his name. His father
cried, "Icarus, Icarus, where are you?" At last he saw the
feathers floating on the water, and bitterly lamenting his own
arts, he buried the body and called the land Icaria in memory of
his child. Daedalus arrived safe in Sicily, where he built a
temple to Apollo, and hung up his wings, an offering to the god.
Castor and Pollux were the offspring of Leda and the Swan, under
which disguise Jupiter had concealed himself. Leda gave birth to
an egg, from which sprang the twins. Helen, so famous afterwards
as the cause of the Trojan war, was their sister.
When Theseus and his friend Pirithous had carried off Helen from
Sparta, the youthful heroes Castor and Pollux, with their
followers, hasted to her rescue. Theseus was absent from Attica,
and the brothers were successful in recovering their sister.
Castor was famous for taming and managing horses, and Pollux for
skill in boxing. They were united by the warmest affection, and
inseparable in all their enterprises. They accompanied the
One of the ships in which St. Paul sailed was named the Castor and Pollux. See Acts
* * * * *
"Back comes the chief in triumph
Who in the hour of fight
Hath seen the great Twin Brethren
In harness on his right.
Safe comes the ship to haven
Through billows and through gales,
If once the great Twin Brethren
Sit shining on the sails."
Chapter XIV
Bacchus. Ariadne
B ACCHUS was the son of Jupiter and Semele. Juno, to gratify her
resentment against Semele, contrived a plan for her destruction.
Assuming the form of Beroe, her aged nurse, she insinuated doubts
whether it was indeed Jove himself who came as a lover. Heaving
a sigh, she said, "I hope it will turn out so, but I can't help
being afraid. People are not always what they pretend to be. If
he is indeed Jove, make him give some proof of it. Ask him to
come arrayed in all his splendors, such as he wears in heaven.
That will put the matter beyond a doubt." Semele was persuaded
to try the experiment. She asks a favor, without naming what it
is. Jove gives his promise and confirms it with the irrevocable
oath, attesting the river Styx, terrible to the gods themselves.
Then she made know her request. The god would have stopped her
as she spake, but she was too quick for him. The words escaped,
and he could neither unsay his promise nor her request. In deep
distress he left her and returned to the upper regions. There he
clothed himself in his splendors, not putting on all his terrors,
as when he overthrew the giants, but what is known among the gods
as his lesser panoply. Arrayed in this he entered the chamber of
Semele. Her mortal frame could not endure the splendors of the
immortal radiance. She was consumed to ashes.
Jove took the infant Bacchus and gave him in charge to the
Nysaean nymphs, who nourished his infancy and childhood, and for
their care were rewarded by Jupiter by being placed, as the
Hyades, among the stars. When Bacchus grew up he discovered the
culture of the vine and the mode of extracting its precious
juice; but Juno struck him with madness, and drove him forth a
wanderer through various parts of the earth. In Phrygia the
goddess Rhea cured him and taught him her religious rites, and he
set out on a progress through Asia teaching the people the
cultivation of the vine. The most famous part of his wanderings
is his expedition to India, which is said to have lasted several
years. Returning in triumph he undertook to introduce his
worship into Greece, but was opposed by some princes who dreaded
its introduction on account of the disorders and madness it
brought with it.
lay to the right, and I was trimming the sails to carry us there,
when some by signs and others by whispers signified to me their
will that I should sail in the opposite direction, and take the
boy to Egypt to sell him for a slave. I was confounded and said,
'Let some one else pilot the ship;' withdrawing myself from any
further agency in their wickedness. They cursed me, and one of
them exclaiming, 'Don't flatter yourself that we depend on you
for our safety,' took my place as pilot, and bore away from
"Then the god, pretending that he had just become aware of their
treachery, looked out over the sea and said in a voice of
weeping, 'Sailors, these are not the shores you promised to take
me to; yonder island is not my home. What have I done that you
should treat me so? It is small glory you will gain by cheating
a poor boy.' I wept to hear him, but the crew laughed at both of
us, and sped the vessel fast over the sea. All at once strange
as it may seem, it is true the vessel stopped, in the mid sea,
as fast as if it was fixed on the ground. The men, astonished,
pulled at their oars, and spread more sail, trying to make
progress by the aid of both, but all in vain. Ivy twined round
the oars and hindered their motion, and clung with its heavy
clusters of berries to the sails. A vine, laden with grapes, ran
up the mast, and along the sides of the vessel. The sound of
flutes was heard and the odor of fragrant wine spread all around.
The god himself had a chaplet of vine leaves, and bore in his
hand a spear wreathed with ivy. Tigers crouched at his feet, and
lynxes and spotted panthers played around him. The sailors were
seized with terror or madness; some leaped overboard; others,
preparing to do the same, beheld their companions in the water
undergoing a change, their bodies becoming flattened and ending
in a crooked tail. One exclaimed, 'What miracle is this!' and as
he spoke his mouth widened, his nostrils expanded, and scales
covered all his body. Another endeavoring to pull the oar felt
his hands shrink up, and presently to be no longer hands but
fins; another trying to raise his arms to a rope found he had no
arms, and curving his mutilated body, jumped into the sea. What
had been his legs became the two ends of a crescent-shaped tail.
The whole crew became dolphins and swam about the ship, now upon
the surface, now under it, scattering the spray, and spouting the
water from their broad nostrils. Of twenty men I alone was left.
The god cheered me, as I trembled with fear. 'Fear not,' said
he; 'steer toward Naxos.' I obeyed, and when we arrived there, I
kindled the altars and celebrated the sacred rites of Bacchus."
The island where Ariadne was left was the favorite island of
Bacchus, the same that he wished the Tyrrhenian mariners to carry
him to, when they so treacherously attempted to make prize of
him. As Ariadne sat lamenting her fate, Bacchus found her,
consoled her and made her his wife as Minerva had prophesied to
Theseus. As a marriage present he gave her a golden crown,
enriched with gems, and when she died, he took her crown and
threw it up into the sky. As it mounted the gems grew brighter
and were turned into stars, and preserving its form Ariadne's
crown remains fixed in the heavens as a constellation, between
the kneeling Hercules and the man who holds the serpent.
Pan, the god of woods and fields, of flocks and shepherds, dwelt
in grottos, wandered on the mountains and in valleys, and amused
himself with the chase or in leading the dances of the nymphs.
He was fond of music, and, as we have seen, the inventor of the
syrinx, or shepherd's pipe, which he himself played in a masterly
manner. Pan, like other gods who dwelt in forests, was dreaded
by those whose occupations caused them to pass through the woods
by night, for the gloom and loneliness of such scenes dispose the
mind to superstitious fears. Hence sudden fright without any
visible cause was ascribed to Pan, and called a Panic terror.
Mrs. Browning, in her poem called The Dead Pan. The two
following verses are a specimen:
As Ceres herself could not approach Famine, for the Fates have
ordained that these two goddesses shall never come together, she
called an Oread from her mountain and spoke to her in these
words: "There is a place in the farthest part of ice-clad
Scythia, a sad and sterile region without trees and without
crops. Cold dwells there, and Fear, and Shuddering, and Famine.
Go to Famine and tell her to take possession of the bowels of
Erisichthon. Let not abundance subdue her, nor the power of my
gifts drive her away. Be not alarmed at the distance," (for
Famine dwells very far from Ceres,) "but take my chariot. The
dragons are fleet and obey the rein, and will take you through
the air in a short time." So she gave her the reins, and she
drove away and soon reached Scythia. On arriving at Mount
Caucasus she stopped the dragons and found Famine in a stony
field, pulling up with teeth and claws the scanty herbage. Her
hair was rough, her eyes sunk, her face pale, her lips blanched,
her jaws covered with dust, and her skin drawn tight, so as to
show all her bones. As the Oread saw her afar off (for she did
not dare to come near) she delivered the commands of Ceres; and
though she stopped as short a time as possible, and kept her
distance as well as she could, yet she began to feel hungry, and
turned the dragons' heads and drove back to Thessaly.
Rhoecus boldly asked her love, and the nymph yielded to his
desire. She at the same time charged him to be constant, and
told him that a bee should be her messenger, and let him know
when she would admit his society. One time the bee came to
Rhoecus when he was playing at draughts, and he carelessly
brushed it away. This so incensed the nymph that she deprived
him of sight.
Our countryman, James Russell Lowell, has taken this story for
the subject of one of his shorter poems. He introduces it thus:
Oceanus and Tethys were the Titans who ruled over the Sea. When
Jove and his brothers overthrew the Titans and assumed their
power, Neptune and Amphitrite succeeded to the dominion of the
waters in place of Oceanus and Tethys.
Neptune was the chief of the water deities. The symbol of his
power was the trident, or spear with three points, with which he
used to shatter rocks, to call forth or subdue storms, to shake
the shores, and the like. He created the horse, and was the
patron of horse races. His own horses had brazen hoofs and
golden manes. They drew his chariot over the sea, which became
smooth before him, while the monsters of the deep gambolled about
his path.
Ino, the daughter of Cadmus and wife of Athamas, flying from her
frantic husband, with her little son Melicertes in her arms,
sprang from a cliff into the sea. The gods, out of compassion,
made her a goddess of the sea, under the name of Leucothea, and
him a god under that of Palaemon. Both were held powerful to
save from shipwreck, and were invoked by sailors. Palaemon was
usually represented riding on a dolphin. The Isthmian games were
celebrated in his honor. He was called Portumnus by the Romans,
and believed to have jurisdiction of the ports and shores.
"Sabrina fair,
Listen and appear to us,
In name of great Oceanus;
By the earth-shaking Neptune's mace,
And Tethys' grave, majestic pace,
By hoary Nereus' wrinkled look,
And the Carpathian wizard's hook (Proteus)
By scaly Triton's winding shell,
And old soothsaying Glaucus; spell,
By Leucothea's lovely hands,
And her son who rules the strands,
By Thetis' tinsel-slippered feet,
And the songs of Sirens sweet."
By this name the Latins designated the Muses, but included under
it also some other deities, principally nymphs of fountains.
Egeria was one of them, whose fountain and grotto are still
shown. It was said that Numa, the second king of Rome, was
favored by this nymph with secret interviews, in which she taught
him those lessons of wisdom and of law which he embodied in the
institutions of his rising nation. After the death of Numa the
nymph pined away and was changed into a fountain.
Byron, in Childe Harold, Canto IV., thus alludes to Egeria and
her grotto:
success. It was hard for him to breathe gently, and sighing was
out of the question. Weary at last of fruitless endeavors, he
acted out his true character, seized the maiden and carried her
off. Their children were Zetes and Calais, winged warriors, who
accompanied the Argonautic expedition, and did good service in an
encounter with those monstrous birds the Harpies.
Dr. Young, the poet of the Night Thoughts, addressing the idle
and luxurious, says:
Fortuna is the Latin name for Tyche, the goddess of Fortune. The
worship of Fortuna held a position of much higher importance at
Rome than did the worship of Tyche among the Greeks. She was
regarded at Rome as the goddess of good fortune only, and was
usually represented holding the cornucopia.
Victoria, the Latin form for the goddess Nike, was highly honored
among the conquest-loving Romans, and many temples were dedicated
to her at Rome. There was a celebrated temple at Athens to the
Greek goddess Nike Apteros, or Wingless Victory, of which remains
still exist.
Theseus asked him the cause of his grief, and how he lost his
horn. To which question the river-god replied as follows: "Who
not so. Brave warriors, who would willingly have perilled their
lives for their prince, shrunk from the thought of dying for him
on the bed of sickness; and old servants who had experienced his
bounty and that of his house from their childhood up, were not
willing to lay down the scanty remnant of their days to show
their gratitude. Men asked, "Why does not one of his parents
do it? They cannot in the course of nature live much longer, and
who can feel like them the call to rescue the life they gave from
an untimely end?" But the parents, distressed though they were
at the thought of losing him, shrunk from the call. Then
Alcestis, with a generous self-devotion, proffered herself as the
substitute. Admetus, fond as he was of life, would not have
submitted to receive it at such a cost; but there was no remedy.
The condition imposed by the Fates had been met, and the decree
was irrevocable. Alcestis sickened as Admetus revived, and she
was rapidly sinking to the grave.
When the moment came for the bride to leave her father's house,
Icarius, unable to bear the thoughts of parting with his
daughter, tried to persuade her to remain with him, and not
accompany her husband to Ithaca. Ulysses gave Penelope her
choice, to stay or go with him. Penelope made no reply, but
dropped her veil over her face. Icarius urged her no further,
but when she was gone erected a statue to Modesty on the spot
where they parted.
Ulysses and Penelope had not enjoyed their union more than a year
when it was interrupted by the events which called Ulysses to the
Trojan war. During his long absence, and when it was doubtful
O rpheus was the son of Apollo and the muse Calliope. He was
presented by his father with a lyre and taught to play upon it,
and he played to such perfection that nothing could withstand the
charm of his music. Not only his fellow mortals, but wild beasts
were softened by his strains, and gathering round him laid by
their fierceness, and stood entranced with his lay. Nay, the
very trees and rocks were sensible to the charm. The former
crowded round him and the latter relaxed somewhat of their
hardness, softened by his notes.
Hymen had been called to bless with his presence the nuptials of
Orpheus with Eurydice; but though he attended, he brought no
happy omens with him. His very torch smoked and brought tears
into their eyes. In coincidence with such prognostics Eurydice,
shortly after her marriage, while wandering with the nymphs, her
companions, was seen by the shepherd Aristaeus, who was struck
with her beauty, and made advances to her. She fled, and in
flying trod upon a snake in the grass, was bitten in the foot and
died. Orpheus sang his grief to all who breathed the upper air,
both gods and men, and finding it all unavailing resolved to seek
cast a glance behind him, when instantly she was borne away.
Stretching out their arms to embrace one another they grasped
only the air. Dying now a second time she yet cannot reproach
her husband, for how can she blame his impatience to behold her?
"Farewell," she said, "a last farewell," and was hurried away,
so fast that the sound hardly reached his ears.
the power of music, for his Ode for St. Cecelia's Day. The
following stanza relates the conclusion of the story:
Man avails himself of the instincts of the inferior animals for his own
advantage. Hence sprang the art of keeping bees. Honey must first
have been known as a wild product, the bees building their structures in
hollow trees or holes in the rocks, or any similar cavity that chance
offered. Thus occasionally the carcass of a dead animal would be
occupied by the bees for that purpose. It was no doubt from some such
incident that the superstition arose that the bees were engendered by the
decaying flesh of the animal; and Virgil, in the following story1, shows
how this supposed fact may be turned to account for renewing the
swarm when it has been lost by disease or accident.
From the Georgies, Book IV.1.317
their table with the richest dainties. They first poured out
libations to Neptune, then regaled themselves with the feast, and
after that Cyrene thus addressed him: "There is an old prophet
named Proteus, who dwells in the sea and is a favorite of
Neptune, whose herd of sea-calves he pastures. We nymphs hold
him in great respect, for he is a learned sage, and knows all
things, past, present, and to come. He can tell you, my son, the
cause of the mortality among your bees, and how you may remedy
it. But he will not do it voluntarily, however you may entreat
him. You must compel him by force. If you seize him and chain
him, he will answer your questions in order to get released, for
he cannot, by all his arts, get away if you hold fast the chains.
I will carry you to his cave, where he comes at noon to take his
midday repose. Then you may easily secure him. But when he
finds himself captured, his resort is to a power he possesses of
changing himself into various forms. He will become a wild boar
or a fierce tiger, a scaly dragon, or lion with yellow mane. Or
he will make a noise like the crackling of flames or the rush of
water, so as to tempt you to let go the chain, when he will make
his escape. But you have only to keep him fast bound, and at
last when he finds all his arts unavailing, he will return to his
own figure and obey your commands." So saying she sprinkled her
son with fragrant nectar, the beverage of the gods, and
immediately an unusual vigor filled his frame and courage his
heart, while perfume breathed all around him.
The nymph led her son to the prophet's cave, and concealed him
among the recesses of the rocks, while she herself took her place
behind the clouds. Then noon came and the hour when men and
herds retreat from the glaring sun to indulge in quiet slumber,
Proteus issued from the water, followed hy his herd of sea-
calves, which spread themselves along the shore. He sat on the
rock and counted his herd; then stretched himself on the floor of
the cave and went to sleep. Aristaeus hardly allowed him to get
fairly asleep before he fixed the fetters on him and shouted
aloud. Proteus, waking and finding himself captured, immediately
resorted to his arts, becoming first a fire, then a flood, then a
horrible wild beast, in rapid succession. But trying all in
vain, he at last resumed his own form and addressed the youth in
angry accents: "Who are you, bold youth, who thus invade my
abode, and what do you want with me?" Aristaeus replied,
"Proteus, you know already, for it is needless for any one to
attempt to deceive you. And do you also cease your efforts to
elude me. I am led hither by divine assistance, to know from you
the cause of my misfortune and how to remedy it." At these words
the prophet, fixing on him his gray eyes with a piercing look,
thus spoke: "You received the merited reward of your deeds, by
which Eurydice met her death, for in flying from you she trod
upon a serpent, of whose bite she died. To avenge her death the
nymphs, her companions, have sent this destruction bo your bees.
You have to appease their anger, and thus it must be done: Select
four bulls of perfect form and size, and four cows of equal
beauty, build four altars to the nymphs, and sacrifice the
animals, leaving their carcasses in the leafy grove. To Orpheus
and Eurydice you shall pay such funeral honors as may allay their
resentment. Returning after nine days you will examine the
bodies of the cattle slain and see what will befall." Aristaeus
faithfully obeyed these directions. He sacrificed the cattle, he
left their bodies in the grove, he offered funeral honors to the
shades of Orpheus and Eurydice; then returning on the ninth day
he examined the bodies of the animals, and, wonderful to relate!
A swarm of bees had taken possession of one of the carcasses, and
were pursuing their labors there as in a hive.
Milton also appears to have had Cyrene and her domestic scene in
his mind when he describes to us Sabrina, the nymph of the river
Severn, in the Guardian-spirit's Song in Comus:
"Sabrina fair!
Listen when thou art sitting
Under the glassy, cool, translucent wave
In twisted braids of lilies knitting
The loose train of thy amber-dropping hair;
Listen for dear honor's sake,
Goddess of the silver lake!
Listen and save."
The punishment of Dirce is the subject of a celebrated group of statuary now in the Museum
at Naples.
Linus was the instructor of Hercules in music, but having one day
reproved his pupil rather harshly, he roused the anger of
Hercules, who struck him with his lyre and killed him.
took care of the young ones and fed them carefully. One day when
he was asleep under the oak, the serpents licked his ears with
their tongues. On awaking he was astonished to find that he now
understood the language of birds and creeping things. This
knowledge enabled him to foretell future events, and he became a
renowned soothsayer. At one time his enemies took him captive
and kept him strictly imprisoned. Melampus in the silence of
night heard the wood-worms in the timbers talking together, and
found out by what they said that the timbers were nearly eaten
through, and the roof would soon fall in. He told his captors
and demanded to be let out, warning them also. They took his
warning, and thus escaped destruction, and rewarded Malampus and
held him in high honor.
spread fame!" He went, won the prize, and embarked with his
wealth in a Corinthian ship for home. On the second morning
after setting sail, the wind breathed mild and fair. "Oh,
Periander," he exclaimed, "dismiss your fears! Soon shall you
forget them in my embrace. With what lavish offerings will we
display our gratitude to the gods, and how merry will we be at
the festal board!" The wind and sea continued propitious. Not a
cloud dimmed the firmament. He had not trusted too much to the
ocean, but he had to man. He overheard the seamen exchanging
hints with one another, and found they were plotting to possess
themselves of his treasure. Presently they surrounded him loud
and mutinous, and said, "Arion, you must die! If you would have
a grave on shore, yield yourself to die on this spot; but if
otherwise, cast yourself into the sea." "Will nothing satisfy
you but my life?" said he. "Take my gold, and welcome. I
willingly buy my life at that price." "No, no; we cannot spare
you. Your life will be too dangerous to us. Where could we go
to escape from Periander, if he should know that you had been
robbed by us? Your gold would be of little use to us, if, on
returning home, we could never more be free from fear." "Grant
me, then," said he, "a last request, since nought will avail to
save my life, that I may die as I have lived, as becomes a bard.
When I shall have sung my death-song, and my harp-strings shall
cease to vibrate, then I will bid farewell to life, and yield
uncomplaining to my fate." This prayer, like the others, would
have been unheeded, they thought only of their booty, but to
hear so famous a musician, that moved their rude hearts. "Suffer
me," he added, "to arrange my dress. Apollo will not favor me
unless I be clad in my minstrel garb."
But the strains of his music had drawn round him the inhabitants
of the deep to listen, and dolphins followed the ship as if
chained by a spell. While he struggled in the waves, a dolphin
offered him his back, and carried him mounted thereon safe to
shore. At the spot where he landed, a monument of brass was
afterwards erected upon the rocky shore, to preserve the memory
of the event.
When Arion and the dolphin parted, each to his own element, Arion
thus poured forth his thanks. "Farewell, thou faithful, friendly
fish! Would that I could reward thee; but thou canst not wend
with me, nor I with thee. Companionship we may not have. May
Galatea, queen of the deep, accord thee her favor, and thou,
proud of the burden, draw her chariot over the smooth mirror of
the deep."
Arion hastened from the shore, and soon saw before him the towers
of Corinth. He journeyed on, harp in hand, singing as he went,
full of love and happiness, forgetting his losses, and mindful
only of what remained, his friend and his lyre. He entered the
hospitable halls, and was soon clasped in the embrace of
Periander. "I come back to thee, my friend," he said. "The
talent which a god bestowed has been the delight of thousands,
Ibycus, the pious poet, was on his way to the chariot races and
musical competitions held at the Isthmus of Corinth, which
attracted all of Grecian lineage. Apollo had bestowed on him the
gift of song, the honeyed lips of the poet, and he pursued his
way with lightsome step, full of the god. Already the towers of
Corinth crowning the height appeared in view, and he had entered
with pious awe the sacred grove of Neptune. No living object was
in sight, only a flock of cranes flew overhead, taking the same
course as himself in their migration to a southern clime. "Good
luck to you, ye friendly squadrons," he exclaimed, "my companions
from across the sea. I take your company for a good omen. We
come from far, and fly in search of hospitality. May both of us
meet that kind reception which shields the stranger guest from
He paced briskly on, and soon was in the middle of the wood.
There suddenly, at a narrow pass, two robbers stepped forth and
barred his way. He must yield or fight. But his hand,
accustomed to the lyre and not to the strife of arms, sank
powerless. He called for help on men and gods, but his cry
reached no defender's ear. "Then here must I die," said he, "in
a strange land, unlamented, cut off by the hand of outlaws, and
see none to avenge my cause." Sore wounded he sank to the earth,
when hoarse screamed the cranes overhead. "Take up my cause, ye
cranes," he said, "since no voice but yours answers to my cry."
So saying, he closed his eyes in death.
The body, despoiled and mangled, was found, and though disfigured
with wounds, was recognized by the friend in Corinth who had
expected him as a guest. "Is it thus I find you restored to me?"
he exclaimed; "I who hoped to entwine your temples with the
wreath of triumph in the strife of song!"
But what trace or mark shall point out the perpetrator from
amidst the vast multitude attracted by the splendor of the feat?
Did he fall by the hands of robbers, or did some private enemy
slay him? The all-discerning sun alone can tell, for no other
eye beheld it. Yet not improbably the murderer even now walks in
the midst of the throng, and enjoys the fruits of his crime,
while vengeance seeks for him in vain. Perhaps in their own
temple's enclosure he defies the gods, mingling freely in this
throng of men that now presses into the ampitheatre.
For now crowded together, row on row, the multitude fill the
seats till it seems as if the very fabric would give way. The
murmur of voices sounds like the roar of the sea, while the
circles widening in their ascent rise, tier on tier, as if they
would reach the sky.
And now the vast assemblage listens to the awful voice of the
chorus personating the Furies, which in solemn guise advances
with measured step, and moves around the circuit of the theatre.
Can they be mortal women who compose that awful group, and can
that vast concourse of silent forms be living beings!
"Happy the man who keeps his heart pure from guilt and crime!
Him we avengers touch not; he treads the path of life secure from
us. But woe! Woe! To him who has done the deed of secret
murder. We, the fearful family of Night, fasten ourselves upon
his whole being. Thinks he by flight to escape us? We fly still
faster in pursuit, twine our snakes around his feet and bring him
to the ground. Unwearied we pursue; no pity checks our course;
still on and on to the end of life, we give him no peace nor
rest." Thus the Eumenides sang, and moved in solemn cadence,
while stillness like the stillness of death sat over the whole
assembly as if in the presence of superhuman beings; and then in
solemn march completing the circuit of the theatre, they passed
out at the back of the stage.
murderer's hand laid low! What have the cranes to do with him?"
And louder grew the swell of voices, while like a lightning's
flash the thought sped through every heart, "Observe the power of
the Eumenides! The pious poet shall be avenged! The murderer
has informed against himself. Seize the man who uttered that cry
and the other to whom he spoke!"
The culprit would gladly have recalled his words, but it was too
late. The faces of the murderers pale with terror betrayed their
guilt. The people took them before the judge, they confessed
their crime and suffered the punishment they deserved.
Those who wish to know more of Sappho and her leap, are referred
to the Spectator, Nos. 223 and 229, and also to Moore's Evenings
in Greece.
248 Aurora and Tithonus
Chapter XIX
Endymion. Orion. Aurora and Tithonus. Acis and
"Many a night I saw the Pleiads, rising through the mellow shade,
Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid."
Locksley Hall
Byron alludes to the lost Pleiad:
Aurora, the goddess of the Dawn, like her sister the Moon, was at
times inspired with the love of mortals. Her greatest favorite
was Tithonus, son of Laomedon, king of Troy. She stole him away,
and prevailed on Jupiter to grant him immortality; but forgetting
to have youth joined in the gift, after some time she began to
discern, to her great mortification, that he was growing old.
When his hair was quite white she left his society; but he still
had the range of her palace, lived on ambrosial food, and was
clad in celestial raiment. At length he lost the power of using
his limbs, and then she shut him up in his chamber, whence his
feeble voice might at times be heard. Finally she turned him
into a grasshopper.
252 Aurora and Tithonus
Memnon was the son of aurora and Tithonus. He was king of the
Ǽthiopians, and dwelt in the extreme east, on the shore of
Ocean. He came with his warriors to assist the kindred of his
father in the war of Troy. King Priam received him with great
honors, and listened with admiration to his narrative of the
wonders of the ocean shore.
The very day after his arrival, Memnon, impatient of repose, led
his troops to the field. Antilochus, the brave son of Nestor,
fell by his hand, and the Greeks were put to flight, when
Achilles appeared and restored the battle. A long and doubtful
contest ensued between him and the son of Aurora; at length
victor declared for Achilles, Memnon fell, and the Trojans fled
in dismay.
Aurora, who, from her station in the sky, had viewed with
apprehension the danger of her son, when she saw him fall
directed his brothers, the Winds, to convey his body to the banks
of the river Esepus in Paphlagonia. In the evening Aurora came,
accompanied by the Hours and the Pleiads, and wept and lamented
over her son. Night, in sympathy with her grief, spread the
heaven with clouds; all nature mourned for the offspring of the
Dawn. The Aethiopians raised his tomb on the banks of the stream
in the grove of the nymphs, and Jupiter caused the sparks and
cinders of his funeral-pile to be turned into birds, which,
dividing into two flocks, fought over the pile till they fell
into the flame. Every year, at the anniversary of his death,
they return and celebrate his obsequies in like manner. Aurora
remains inconsolable for the loss of her son. Her tears still
flow, and may be seen at early morning in the form of dew-drops
on the grass.
existing statue with the one described by the ancients, and the
mysterious sounds are still more doubtful. Yet there are not
wanting some modern testimonies to their being still audible. It
has been suggested that sounds produced by confined air making
its escape from crevices or caverns in the rocks may have given
some ground for the story. Sir Gardner Wilkinson, a late
traveller, of the highest authority, examined the statue itself,
and discovered that it was hollow, and that "in the lap of the
statue is a stone, which, on being struck, emits a metallic
sound, that might still be made use of to deceive a visitor who
was predisposed to believe its powers."
society, so much did the cyclops seek mine; and if you ask me
whether my love for Acis or my hatred for Polyphemus was the
stronger, I cannot tell you; they were in equal measure. Oh,
Venus, how great is thy power! This fierce giant, the terror of
the woods, whom no hapless stranger escaped unharmed, who defied
even Jove himself, learned to feel what love was, and touched
with a passion for me, forgot his flocks and his well-stored
caverns. Then, for the first time, he began to take some care of
his appearance, and to try to make himself agreeable; he harrowed
those coarse locks of his with a comb, and mowed his beard with a
sickle, looked at his harsh features in the water, and composed
his countenance. His love of slaughter, his fierceness and
thirst of blood prevailed no more, and ships that touched at his
island went away in safety. He paced up and down the sea-shore,
imprinting huge tracks with his heavy tread, and, when weary, lay
tranquilly in his cave.
"When he had finished he rose up, and like a raging bull, that
cannot stand still, wandered off into the woods. Acis and I
thought no more of him, till on a sudden he came to a spot which
gave him a view of us as we sat. 'I see you,' he exclaimed, 'and
I will make this the last of your love-meetings.' His voice was
a roar such as an angry Cyclops alone could utter. Ǽtna
trembled at the sound. I, overcome with terror, plunged into the
water. Acis turned and fled, crying, 'Save me, Galatea, save me,
my parents!" The Cyclops pursued him, and tearing a rock from
the side of the mountain hurled it at him. Though only a corner
of it touched him it overwhelmed him.
Aurora and Tithonus 255
"All that fate left in my power I did for Acis. I endowed him
with the honors of his grandfather the river-god. The purple
blood flowed out from under the rock, but by degrees grew paler
and looked like the stream of a river rendered turbid by rains,
and in time it became clear. The rock cleaved open, and the
water, as it gushed from the chasm, uttered a pleasing murmur."
Thus Acis was changed into a river, and the river retains the
name of Acis.
M inerva was the goddess of wisdom, but on one occasion she did a
very foolish thing; she entered into competition with Juno and
Venus for the prize of beauty. It happened thus. At the
nuptials of Peleus and Thetis all the gods were invited with the
exception of Eris, or Discord. Enraged at her exclusion, the
goddess threw a golden apple among the guests with the
inscription, "For the most beautiful." Thereupon Juno, Venus,
and Minerva, each claimed the apple. Jupiter not willing to
decide in so delicate a matter, sent the goddesses to Mount Ida,
where the beautiful shepherd Paris was tending his flocks, and to
him was committed the decision. The goddesses accordingly
appeared before him. Juno promised him power and riches, Minerva
glory and renown in war, and Venus the fairest of women for his
wife, each attempting to bias his decision in her own favor.
Paris decided in favor of Venus and gave her the golden apple,
thus making the two other goddesses his enemies. Under the
protection of Venus, Paris sailed to Greece, and was hospitably
received by Menelaus, king of Sparta. Now Helen, the wife of
Menelaus, was the very woman whom Venus had destined for Paris,
the fairest of her sex. She had been sought as a bride by
numerous suitors, and before her decision was made known, they
all, at the suggestion of Ulysses, one of their number, took an
oath that they would defend her from all injury and avenge her
cause if necessary. She chose Menelaus, and was living with him
happily when Paris became their guest. Paris, aided by Venus,
persuaded her to slope with him, and carried her to Troy, whence
arose the famous Trojan war, the theme of the greatest poems of
antiquity, those of Homer and Virgil.
among which he had placed some arms. While the king's daughters
were engrossed with the other contents of the merchant's pack,
Achilles handled the weapons and thereby betrayed himself to the
keen eye of Ulysses, who found no great difficulty in persuading
him to disregard his mother's prudent counsels and join his
countrymen in the war.
Priam was king of Troy, and Paris, the shepherd and seducer of
Helen, was his son. Paris had been brought up in obscurity,
because there were certain ominous forebodings connected with him
from his infancy that he would be the ruin of the state. These
forebodings seemed at length likely to be realized, for the
Grecian armament now in preparation was the greatest that had
ever been fitted out. Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, and brother of
the injured Menelaus, was chosen commander-in-chief. Achilles
was their most illustrious warrior. After him ranked Ajax,
gigantic in size and of great courage, but dull of intellect,
Diomedes, second only to Achilles in all the qualities of a hero,
Ulysses, famous for his sagacity, and Nestor, the oldest of the
Grecian chiefs, and one to whom they all looked up for counsel.
But Troy was no feeble enemy. Priam, the king, was now old, but
he had been a wise prince and had strengthened his state by good
government at home and numerous alliances with his neighbors.
But the principal stay and support of his throne was his son
Hector, one of the noblest characters painted by heathen
antiquity. Hector felt, from the first, a presentiment of the
fall of his country, but still persevered in his heroic
resistance, yet by no means justified the wrong which brought
this danger upon her. He was united in marriage with Andromache,
and as a husband and father his character was not less admirable
than as a warrior. The principal leaders on the side of the
Trojans, besides Hector, were Aeneas and Deiphobus, Glaucus and
After two years of preparation the Greek fleet and army assembled
in the port of Aulis in Boeotia. Here Agamemnon in hunting
killed a stag which was sacred to Diana, and the goddess in
return visited the army with pestilence, and produced a calm
which prevented the ships from leaving the port. Calchas the
soothsayer thereupon announced that the wrath of the virgin
The wind now proving fair the fleet made sail and brought the
forces to the coast of Troy. The Trojans came to oppose their
landing, and at the first onset Protesilaus fell by the hand of
Hector. Protesilaus had left at home his wife Laodamia, who was
most tenderly attached to him. When the news of his death
reached her she implored the gods to be allowed to converse with
him only three hours. The request was granted. Mercury led
Protesilaus back to the upper world, and when he died a second
time Laodamia died with him. There was a story that the nymphs
panted elm trees round his grave which grew very well till they
were high enough to command a view of Troy, and then withered
away, while fresh branches sprang from the roots.
The war continued without decisive results for nine years. Then
an event occurred which seemed likely to be fatal to the cause of
the Greeks, and that was a quarrel between Achilles and
Agamemnon. It is at this point that the great poem of Homer, the
Iliad, begins. The Greeks, though unsuccessful against Troy, had
taken the neighboring and allied cities, and in the division of
the spoil a female captive, by name Chryseis, daughter of
Chryses, priest of Apollo, had fallen to the share of Agamemnon.
Chryses came bearing the sacred emblems of his office, and begged
the release of his daughter. Agamemnon refused. Thereupon
Chryses implored Apollo to afflict the Greeks till they should be
forced to yield their prey. Apollo granted the prayer of his
priest, and sent pestilence into the Grecian camp. Then a
council was called to deliberate how to allay the wrath of the
gods and avert the plague. Achilles boldly charged their
misfortunes upon Agamemnon as caused by his withholding Chryseis.
Agamemnon enraged, consented to relinquish his captive, but
demanded that Achilles should yield to him in her stead Briseis,
admirer Mars on the same side, but Neptune favored the Greeks.
Apollo was neutral, sometimes taking one side, sometimes the
other, and Jove himself, though he loved the good King Priam, yet
exercised a degree of impartiality; not however without
While Neptune was thus aiding the Greeks and driving back the
Trojans, Jupiter saw nothing of what was going on, for his
attention had been drawn from the field by the wiles of Juno.
That goddess had arrayed herself in all her charms, and, to crown
all, had borrowed of Venus her girdle called Cestus, which had
the effect to heighten the wearer's charms to such a degree that
they were quite irresistible. So prepared, Juno went to join her
husband, who sat on Olympus watching the battle. When he beheld
her she looked so charming that the fondness of his early love
revived, and, forgetting the contending armies and all other
affairs of state, he thought only of her and let the battle go as
it would.
But this absorption did not continue long, and when, upon turning
his eyes downward, he beheld Hector stretched on the plain almost
lifeless from pain and bruises, he dismissed Juno in a rage,
commanding her to send Iris and Apollo to him. When Iris came he
sent her with a stern message to Neptune, ordering him instantly
Patroclus was strongly moved with this address, and hastened back
to Achilles, revolving in his mind all he had seen and heard. He
told the prince the sad condition of affairs at the camp of their
late associates; Diomedes, Ulysses, Agamemnon, Machaon, all
wounded, the rampart broken down, the enemy among the ships
preparing to burn them, and thus to cut off all means of return
to Greece. While they spoke the flames burst forth from one of
the ships. Achilles, at the sight, relented so far as to grant
Patroclus his request to lead the Myrmidons (for so were
Achilles' soldiers called) to the field, and to lend him his
armor that he might thereby strike more terror into the minds of
the Trojans. Without delay the soldiers were marshalled,
Patroclus put on the radiant armor and mounted the chariot of
Achilles, and led forth the men ardent for battle. But before he
went, Achilles strictly charged him that he should be content
with repelling the foe. "Seek not," said he, "to press the
Trojans without me, lest thou add still more to the disgrace
already mine." Then exhorting the troops to do their best he
dismissed them full of ardor to the fight.
shouted and the ships reechoed the acclaim. The Trojans, at the
sight of the well-known armor, struck with terror, looked every
where for refuge. First those who had got possession of the ship
and set it on fire left and allowed the Grecians to retake it and
extinguish the flames. Then the rest of the Trojans fled in
dismay. Ajax, Menelaus, and the two sons of Nestor performed
prodigies of valor. Hector was forced to turn his horses' heads
and retire from the enclosure, leaving his men entangled in the
fosse to escape as they could. Patroclus drove them before him,
slaying many, none daring to make a stand against him.
wounded him in the back, and Hector pressing forward pierced him
with his spear. He fell mortally wounded.
Jupiter heard the prayer and dispersed the clouds. Then Ajax
sent Antilochus to Achilles with the intelligence of Patroclus's
death, and of the conflict raging for his remains. The Greeks at
last succeeded in bearing off the body to the ships, closely
pursued by Hector and Aeneas and rest of the Trojans.
Achilles heard the fate of his friend with such distress that
Antilochus feared for a while that he would destroy himself. His
groans reached the ears of his mother, Thetis, far down in the
deeps of ocean where she abode, and she hastened to him to
procure for him a suit of armor from Vulcan more than equal to
that he had lost. He consented, and Thetis immediately repaired
to Vulcan's palace. She found him busy at his forge making
tripods for his own use, so artfully constructed that they moved
forward of their own accord when wanted, and retired again when
dismissed. On hearing the request of Thetis, Vulcan immediately
laid aside his work and hastened to comply with her wishes. He
The first glow of pleasure that Achilles had felt since the death
of Petroclus was at the sight of this splendid armor. And now
arrayed in it, he went forth into the camp, calling all the
chiefs to council. When they were all assembled he addressed
them. Renouncing his displeasure against Agamemnon and bitterly
lamenting the miseries that had resulted from it, he called on
them to proceed at once to the field. Agamemnon made a suitable
reply, laying all the blame on Ate, the goddess of discord, and
thereupon complete reconcilement took place between the heroes.
But when the rest had escaped into the town Hector stood without,
determined to await the combat. His old father called to him
from the walls and begged him to retire nor tempt the encounter.
His mother, Hecuba, also besought him to the same effect, but all
in vain. "How can I," said he to himself, "by whose command the
people went to this day's contest, where so many have fallen,
seek safety for myself against a single foe? But what if I offer
him to yield up Helen and all her treasures and ample of our own
beside? Ah no! It is too late. He would not even hear me
through, but slay me while I spoke." While he thus ruminated,
Achilles approached, terrible as Mars, his armor flashing
lighting as he moved. At that sight Hector's heart failed him
and he fled. Achilles swiftly pursued. They ran, still keeping
near the walls, till they had thrice encircled the city. As
often as Hector approached the walls Achilles intercepted him and
forced him to keep out in a wider circle. But Apollo sustained
Hector's strength, and would not let him sink in weariness. Then
Pallas, assuming the form of Deiphobus, Hector's bravest brother,
appeared suddenly at his side. Hector saw him with delight, and,
thus strengthened, stopped his flight and turned to meet
Achilles. Hector threw his spear, which struck the shield of
Achilles and bounded back. He turned to receive another from the
When Achilles and the Greeks had taken their revenge on the
killer of Patroclus they busied themselves in paying due funeral
rites to their friend. A pile was erected, and the body burned
with due solemnity; and then ensued games of strength and skill,
chariot races, wrestling, boxing, and archery. Then the chiefs
sat down to the funeral banquet and after that retired to rest.
But Achilles neither partook of the feast nor of sleep. The
recollection of his lost friend kept him awake, remembering their
companionship in toil and dangers, in battle or on the perilous
deep. Before the earliest dawn he left his tent, and joining to
his chariot his swift steeds, he fastened Hector's body to be
dragged behind. Twice he dragged him round the tomb of
bade them draw forth his litter and place in it the various
articles designed for a ransom to Achilles.
When all was ready, the old king with a single companion, as aged
as himself, the herald Idaeus, drove forth from the gates,
parting there with Hecuba his queen, and all his friends, who
lamented him as going to certain death.
the body, which they placed on the litter, and spread the
garments over it, that not unveiled it should be borne back to
Troy. Then Achilles dismissed the old king with his attendants,
having first pledged himself to allow a truce of twelve days for
the funeral solemnities.
As the litter approached the city and was descried from the
walls, the people poured forth to gaze once more on the face of
their hero. Foremost of all, the mother and the wife of Hector
came, and at the sight of the lifeless body renewed their
lamentations. The people all wept with them, and to the going
down of the sun there was no pause or abatement of their grief.
The next day preparations were made for the funeral solemnities.
For nine days the people brought wood and built the pile, and on
the tenth they placed the body on the summit and applied the
torch; while all Troy, thronging forth, encompassed the pile.
When it had completely burned, they quenched the cinders with
wine, collected the bones and placed them in a golden urn, which
they buried in the earth, and reared a pile of stones over the
Chapter XXI
The Fall of Troy. Return of the Greeks. Orestes and
It was now discovered that Troy could not be taken but by the
arrows of Hercules. They were in possession of Philoctetes, the
friend who had been with Hercules at the last, and lighted his
funeral pyre. Philoctetes had joined the Grecian expedition
against Troy, but had accidentally wounded his foot with one of
the poisoned arrows, and the smell from his wound proved so
offensive that his companions carried him to the Isle of Lemnos
and left him there. Diomedes was now sent to induce him to
rejoin the army. He succeeded. Philoctetes was cured of his
wound by Machaon, and Paris was the first victim of the fatal
arrows. In his distress Paris bethought him of one whom in his
prosperity he had forgotten. This was the nymph Œnone, whom he
The story of the invulnerability of Achilles is not found in Homer, and is inconsistent with
his account. For how could Achilles require the aid of celestial armor if he were invulnerable?
278 The Fall of Troy
had married when a youth, and had abandoned for the fatal beauty
Helen. Œnone, remembering the wrongs she had suffered, refused
to heal the wound, and Paris went back to Troy and died. Œnone
quickly repented, and hastened after him with remedies, but came
too late, and in her grief hung herself.
But Troy still held out, and the Greeks began to despair of ever
subduing it by force, and by advice of Ulysses resolved to resort
to stratagem. They pretended to be making preparations to
abandon the siege, and a portion of the ships were withdrawn, and
lay hid behind a neighboring island. The Greeks then constructed
an immense Wooden Horse, which they gave out was intended as a
propitiatory offering to Minerva, but in fact was filled with
armed men. The remaining Greeks then betook themselves to their
ships and sailed away, as if for a final departure. The Trojans,
seeing the encampment broken up and the fleet gone, concluded the
enemy to have abandoned the siege. The gates were thrown open,
and the whole population issued forth rejoicing at the long-
prohibited liberty of passing freely over the scene of the late
encampment. The great horse was the chief object of curiosity.
280 The Fall of Troy
and the day closed with festivity. In the night the armed men
who were enclosed in the body of the horse, being led out by the
traitor Sinon, opened the gates of the city to their friends who
had returned under cover of the night. The city was set on fire;
282 The Fall of Troy
the people, overcome with feasting and sleep, put to the sword,
and Troy completely subdued.
King Priam lived to see the downfall of his kingdom, and was slain at
last on the fatal night when the Greeks took the city. He had armed
himself and was about to mingle with the combatants, but was
prevailed on by Hecuba, his aged queen, to take refuge with herself and
his daughters as a suppliant at the altar of Jupiter. While there, his
youngest son Polites, pursued by Pyrrhus1, the son of Achilles, rushed
in wounded, and expired at the feet of his father; whereupon Priam,
Pyrrhus's exclamation, "Not such aid nor such defenders does the time require," has become
The Fall of Troy 283
overcome with indignation, hurled his spear with feeble hand against
Pyrrhus, and was forthwith slain by him.
Our readers will be anxious to know the fate of Helen, the fair
but guilty occasion of so much slaughter. On the fall of Troy
Menelaus recovered possession of his wife, who had not ceased to
love him, though she had yielded to the might of Venus and
deserted him for another. After the death of Paris she aided the
Greeks secretly on several occasions, and in particular when
Ulysses and Diomedes entered the city in disguise to carry off
the Palladium. She saw and recognized Ulysses, but kept the
secret, and even assisted them in obtaining the image. Thus she
became reconciled to her husband, and they were among the first
to leave the shores of Troy for their native land. But having
incurred the displeasure of the gods they were driven by storms
from shore to shore of the Mediterranean, visiting Cyprus,
Phoenicia and Egypt. In Egypt they were kindly treated and
presented with rich gifts, of which Helen's share was a golden
spindle and a basket on wheels. The basket was to hold the wool
and spools for the queen's work.
The conspirators intended also to slay his son Orestes, a lad not
yet old enough to be an object of apprehension, but from whom, if
he should be suffered to grow up, there might be danger.
Electra, the sister of Orestes, saved her brother's life by
sending him secretly away to his uncle Strophius, king of Phocis.
In the palace of Strophius, Orestes grew up with the king's son,
Pylades, and formed with him that ardent friendship which has
become proverbial. Electra frequently reminded her brother hy
messengers of the duty of avenging his father's death, and when
grown up he consulted the oracle of Delphi, which confirmed him
in his design. He therefore repaired in disguise to Argos,
pretending to he a messenger from Strophius, who had come to
announce the death of Orestes, and brought the ashes of the
deceased in a funeral urn. After visiting his father's tomb and
sacrificing upon it, according to the rites of the ancients, he
made himself known to his sister Electra, and soon after slew
both Ǽgisthus and Clytemnestra.
the gods, did not fail to awaken in the breasts of the ancients
the same abhorrence that it does in ours. The Eumenides,
avenging deities, seized upon Orestes, and drove him frantic from
land to land. Pylades accompanied him in his wanderings, and
watched over him. At length in answer to a second appeal to the
oracle, he was directed to go to Tauris in Scythia, and to bring
thence a statue of Diana
which was believed to have
fallen from heaven.
Accordingly Orestes and
Pylades went to Tauris,
where the barbarous people
were accustomed to sacrifice
to the goddess all strangers
who fell into their hands.
The two friends were seized
and carried bound to the
temple to be made victims.
But the priestess of Diana
was no other than Iphigenia,
the sister of Orestes, who, our
readers will remember, was
snatched away by Diana, at
the moment when she was
about to be sacrificed.
Ascertaining from the
prisoners who they were,
Iphigenia disclosed herself to
them, and the three made their escape with
the statue of the goddess, and returned to Mycenae.
But Orestes was not yet relieved from the vengeance of the
Erinnyes. At length he took refuge with Minerva at Athens. The
goddess afforded him protection, and appointed the court of
Areopagus to decide his fate. The Erinnyes brought forward their
accusation, and Orestes made the command of the Delphic oracle
his excuse. When the court voted and the voices were equally
divided, Orestes was acquitted by the command of Minerva.
288 The Fall of Troy
One of the most pathetic scenes in the ancient drama is that in which
Sophocles represents the meeting of Orestes and Electra, on his return
from Phocis. Orestes, mistaking Electra
for one of the domestics, and desirous of
keeping his arrival a secret till the hour of
vengeance should arrive, produces the
urn in which his ashes are supposed to
rest. Electra, believing him to be really
dead, takes the urn, and embracing it,
pours forth her grief in language full of
tenderness and despair.
After hearing so much about the city of Troy and its heroes, the
reader will perhaps be surprised to learn that the exact site of
that famous city is still a matter of dispute. There are some
The Fall of Troy 289
From Troy the vessels first made land at Ismarus, a city of the
Ciconians, where, in a skirmish with the inhabitants, Ulysses
lost six men from each ship. Sailing thence they were overtaken
by a storm which drove them for nine days along the sea till they
reached the country of the Lotus-eaters. Here, after watering,
Ulysses sent three of his men to discover who the inhabitants
were. These men on coming among the Lotus-eaters were kindly
entertained by them, and were given some of their own food, the
lotus-plant to eat. The effect of this food was such that those
who partook of it lost all thoughts of home and wished to remain
in that country. It was by main force that Ulysses dragged these
men away, and he was even obliged to tie them under the benches
of his ship1.
Tennyson in the Lotus-eaters has charmingly expressed the dreamy languid feeling
which the lotus-food is said to have produced:
replied most humbly, stating that they were Greeks, from the
great expedition that had lately won so much glory in the
conquest of Troy; that they were now on their way home, and
finished by imploring his hospitality in the name of the gods.
Polyphemus deigned no answer, but reaching out his hand, seized
two of the Greeks, whom he hurled against the side of the cave,
and dashed out their brains. He proceeded to devour them with
great relish, and having made a hearty meal, stretched himself
out on the floor to sleep. Ulysses was tempted to seize the
opportunity and plunge his sword into him as he slept, but
recollected that it would only expose them all to certain
destruction, as the rock with which the giant had closed up the
door was far beyond their power to remove, and they would
therefore be in hopeless imprisonment. Next morning the giant
seized two more of the Greeks, and dispatched them in the same
manner as their companions, feasting on their flesh till no
fragment was left. He then moved away the rock from the door,
drove out his flocks, and went out, carefully replacing the
barrier after him. When he was gone Ulysses planned how he might
take vengeance for his murdered friends, and effect his escape
with his surviving companions. He made his men prepare a massive
bar of wood cut by the Cyclops for a staff, which they found in
the cave. They sharpened the end of it and seasoned it in the
fire, and hid it under the straw on the cavern floor. Then four
of the boldest were selected, with whom Ulysses joined himself as
a fifth. The Cyclops came home at evening, rolled away the stone
and drove in his flock as usual. After milking them and making
his arrangements as before, he seized two more of Ulysses'
companions and dashed their brains out, and made his evening meal
upon them as he had on the others. After he had supped, Ulysses,
approaching him, handed him a bowl of wine, saying, "Cyclops,
this is wine; taste and drink after thy meal of man's flesh." He
took and drank it, and was hugely delighted with it, and called
for more. Ulysses supplied him once and again, which pleased the
giant so much that he promised him as a favor that he should be
the last of the party devoured. He asked his name, to which
Ulysses replied, "My name is Noman."
After his supper the giant lay down to repose, and was soon sound
asleep. Then Ulysses with his four select friends thrust the end
of the stake into the fire till it was all one burning coal, then
poising it exactly above the giant's only eye, they buried it
deeply into the socket, twirling it round and round as a
carpenter does his auger. The howling monster filled the cavern
with his outcry, and Ulysses with his aids nimbly got out of his
way and concealed themselves in the cave. The Cyclops,
bellowing, called aloud on all the Cyclopes dwelling in the caves
around him, far and near. They on his cry flocked around the
den, and inquired what grievous hurt had caused him to sound such
an alarm and break their slumbers. He replied, "O friends, I
die, and Noman gives the blow." They answered, "If no man hurts
thee it is the stroke of Jove, and thou must bear it." So
saying, they left him groaning.
Next morning the Cyclops rolled away the stone to let his flock
out to pasture, but planted himself in the door of the cave to
feel of all as they went out, that Ulysses and his men should not
escape with them. But Ulysses had made his men harness the rams
of the flock three abreast, with osiers which they found on the
floor of the cave. To the middle ram of the three one of the
Greeks suspended himself, so protected by the exterior rams on
either side. As they passed, the giant felt of the animals'
backs and sides, but never thought of their bellies; so the men
all passed safe, Ulysses himself being on the last one that
passed. When they had got a few paces from the cavern, Ulysses
and his friends released themselves from their rams, and drove a
good part of the flock down to the shore to their boat. They put
them aboard with all haste, then pushed off from the shore, and
when at a safe distance Ulysses shouted, "Cyclops, the gods have
well requited thee for thy atrocious deeds. Know it is Ulysses
to whom thou owest thy shameful loss of sight." The Cyclops,
hearing this, seized a rock that projected from the side of the
mountain, and rending it from its bed he lifted it high in the
air, then exerting all his force, hurled it in the direction of
the voice. Down came the mass, just clearing the vessel's stern.
The ocean, at the plunge of the huge rock, heaved the ship
294 Adventures of Ulysses
With grief for their slain companions mixed with joy at their own
escape, they pursued their way till they arrived at the Aeaean
isle, where dwelt Circe, the daughter of the sun. Landing here
Ulysses climbed a hill, and gazing round saw no signs of
habitation except in one spot at the centre of the island, where
he perceived a palace embowered with trees. He sent forward one-
half of his crew, under the command of Eurylochus, to see what
prospect of hospitality they might find. As they approached the
palace, they found themselves surrounded by lions, tigers and
wolves, not fierce, but tamed by Circe's art, for she was a
powerful magician. All these animals had once been men, but had
been changed by Circe's enchantments into the forms of beasts.
The sounds of soft music were heard from within, and a sweet
female voice singing. Eurylochus called aloud and the goddess
came forth and invited them in. They all gladly entered except
Eurylochus, who suspected danger. The goddess conducted her
guests to a seat, and had them served with wine and other
delicacies. When they had feasted heartily, she touched them one
by one with her wand, and they became immediately changed into
SWINE, in "head, body, voice and bristles," yet with their
intellects as before. She shut them in her sties, and supplied
them with acorns and such other things as swine love.
Eurylochus hurried back to the ship and told the tale. Ulysses
thereupon determined to go himself, and try if by any means he
might deliver his companions. As he strode onward alone, he met
a youth who addressed him familiarly, appearing to be acquainted
with his adventures. He announced himself as Mercury, and
informed Ulysses of the arts of Circe, and of the danger of
approaching her. As Ulysses was not to be dissuaded from his
attempts, Mercury provided him with a sprig of the plant Moly, of
wonderful power to resist sorceries, and instructed him how to
296 Adventures of Ulysses
his companions the signal to unseal their ears, and they relieved
him from his bonds.
Ulysses had been warned by Circe of the two monsters Scylla and
Charybdis. We have already met with Scylla in the story of
Glaucus, and remember that she was once a beautiful maiden and
was changed into a snaky monster by Circe. She dwelt in a cave
high up on the cliff, from whence she was accustomed to thrust
forth her long necks for she had six heads, and in each of her
mouths to seize one of the crew of every vessel passing within
reach. The other terror, Charybdis, was a gulf, nearly on a
level with the water. Thrice each day the water rushed into a
frightful chasm, and thrice was disgorged. Any vessel coming
near the whirlpool when the tide was rushing in must inevitably
by ingulfed; not Neptune himself could save it.
Circe had warned him of another danger. After passing Scylla and
Charybdis, the next land he would make was Trinakria, an island
whereon were pastured the cattle of Hyperion, the Sun, tended by
his daughters Lampetia and Phaethusa. These flocks must not be
violated, whatever the wants of the voyagers might be. If this
injunction were transgressed, destruction was sure to fall on the
Ulysses would willingly have passed the island of the Sun without
stopping, but his companions so urgently pleaded for the rest and
refreshment that would be derived from anchoring and passing the
night on shore, that Ulysses yielded. He bound them, however,
with an oath that they would not touch one of the animals of the
sacred flocks and herds, but content themselves with what
provision they yet had left of the supply which Circe had put on
board. So long as this supply lasted the people kept their oath,
but contrary winds detained them at the island for a month, and
after consuming all their stock of provisions, they were forced
to rely upon the birds and fishes they could catch. Famine
pressed them, and at length one day, in the absence of Ulysses,
they slew some of the cattle, vainly attempting to make amends
for the deed by offering from them a portion to the offended
powers. Ulysses, on his return to the shore, was horror-struck
at perceiving what they had done, and the more so on account of
the portentous signs which followed. The skins crept on the
ground, and the joints of meat lowed on the spits while roasting.
The wind becoming fair they sailed from the island. They had not
gone far when the weather changed, and a storm of thunder and
lightning ensued. A stroke of lightning shattered their mast,
which in its fall killed the pilot. At last the vessel itself
came to pieces. The keel and mast floating side by side, Ulysses
formed of them a raft, to which he clung, and, the wind changing,
the waves bore him to Calypso's island. All the rest of the crew
Chapter XXIII
The Odyssey (continued)
U lysses clung to the raft while any of its timbers kept together,
and when it no longer yielded him support, binding the girdle
around him, he swam. Minerva smoothed the billows before him and
sent him a wind that rolled the waves towards the shore. The
surf beat high on the rocks and seemed to forbid approach; but at
length finding calm water at the mouth of a gentle stream, he
landed, spent with toil, breathless and speechless and almost
dead. After some time reviving, he kissed the soil, rejoicing,
yet at a loss what course to take. At a short distance he
perceived a wood, to which he turned his steps. There finding a
covert sheltered by intermingling branches alike from the sun and
the rain, he collected a pile of leaves and formed a bed, on
which he stretched himself, and heaping the leaves over him, fell
The land where he was thrown was Scheria, the country of the
Phaecians. These people dwelt originally near the Cyclopes; but
being oppressed by that savage race, they migrated to the isle of
Scheria, under the conduct of Nausithous their king. They were,
the poet tells us, a people akin to the gods, who appeared
manifestly and feasted among them when they offered sacrifices,
and did not conceal themselves from solitary wayfarers when they
met them. They had abundance of wealth and lived in the
enjoyment of it undisturbed by the alarms of war, for as they
dwelt remote from gain-seeking man, no enemy ever approached
their shores, and they did not even require to make use of bows
and quivers. Their chief employment was navigation. Their
ships, which went with the velocity of birds, were endued with
intelligence; they knew every port and needed no pilot.
Alcinous, the son of Nausithous, was now their king, a wise and
just sovereign, beloved by his people.
Now it happened that the very night on which Ulysses was cast
ashore on the Phaeacian island, and while he lay sleeping on his
bed of leaves, Nausicaa, the daughter of the king, had a dream
sent by Minerva, reminding her that her wedding-day was not far
distant, and that it would be but a prudent preparation for that
event to have a general washing of the clothes of the family.
This was no slight affair, for the fountains were at some
distance and the garments must be carried thither. On awaking,
the princess hastened to her parents to tell them what was on her
mind; not alluding to her wedding-day, but finding other reasons
equally good. Her father readily assented and ordered the grooms
to furnish forth a wagon for the purpose. The clothes were put
therein, and the queen mother placed in the wagon, likewise an
abundant supply of food and wine. The princess took her seat and
plied the lash, her attendant virgins following her on foot.
Arrived at the river side they turned out the mules to graze, and
unloading the carriage, bore the garments down to the water, and
working with cheerfulness and alacrity soon dispatched their
labor. Then having spread the garments on the shore to dry, and
having themselves bathed, they sat down to enjoy their meal;
after which they rose and amused themselves with a game of ball,
the princess singing to them while they played. But when they
had refolded the apparel and were about to resume their way to
the town, Minerva caused the ball thrown by the princess to fall
into the water, whereat they all screamed, and Ulysses awaked at
the sound.
quarter you might see the vines, some in blossom, some loaded
with ripe grapes, and in another observe the vintagers treading
the wine-press. On the garden's borders flowers of every hue
bloomed all the year round, arranged with neatest art. In the
midst two fountains poured forth their waters, one flowing by
artificial channels over all the garden, the other conducted
through the courtyard of the palace, whence every citizen might
draw his supplies.
The king then dismissed his guests, notifying them that the next
day he would call them to council to consider what had best be
done for the stranger.
When the guests had departed and Ulysses was left alone with the
king and queen, the queen asked him who he was and whence he
came, and (recognizing the clothes which he wore as those which
her maidens and herself had made) from whom he received his
garments. He told them of his residence in Calypso's isle and
his departure thence; of the wreck of his raft, his escape by
The next day the assembled chiefs confirmed the promise of the
king. A bark was prepared and a crew of stout rowers selected,
and all betook themselves to the palace, where a bounteous repast
was provided. After the feast the king proposed that the young
men should show their guest their proficiency in manly sports,
and all went forth to the arena for games of running, wrestling,
and other exercises. After all had done their best, Ulysses
being challenged to show what he could do, at first declined, but
being taunted by one of the youths, seized a quoit of weight far
heavier than any the Phaeacians had thrown, and sent it farther
than the utmost throw of theirs. All were astonished, and viewed
their guest with greatly increased respect.
After the games they returned to the hall, and the herald led in
Demodocus, the blind bard,
He took for his theme the wooden horse, by means of which the
Greeks found entrance into Troy. Apollo inspired him, and he
sang so feelingly of the terrors and the exploits of that
eventful time that all were delighted, but Ulysses was moved to
tears. Observing which, Alcinous, when the song was done,
demanded of him why at the mention of troy his sorrows awaked.
Had he lost there a father or brother, or any dear friend?
Ulysses in reply announced himself by his true name, and at their
request, recounted the adventures which had befallen him since
his departure from Troy. This narrative raised the sympathy and
admiration of the Phaeacians for their guest to the highest
pitch. The king proposed that each chief should present him with
a gift, himself setting the example. They obeyed, and vied with
one another in loading the illustrious stranger with costly
The next day Ulysses set sail in the Phaeacian vessel, and in a
short time arrived safe at Ithaca, his own island. When the
vessel touched the strand he was asleep. The mariners, without
waking him, carried him on shore, and landed with him the chest
containing his presents, and then sailed away.
Lord Carlisle, in his Diary in the Turkish and Greek Waters, thus
speaks of Corfu, which he considers to be the ancient Phaeacian
"The sites explain the Odyssey. The temple of the sea-god could
not have been more fitly placed, upon a grassy platform of the
most elastic turf, on the brow of a crag commanding harbor, and
channel, and ocean. Just at the entrance of the inner harbor
there is a picturesque rock with a small convent perched atop it,
which by one legend is the transformed pinnace of Ulysses.
It was now twenty years that Ulysses had been away from Ithaca,
and when he awoke he did not recognize his native land. But
Minerva, appearing to him in the form of a young shepherd,
informed him where he was, and told him the state of things at
his palace. More than a hundred nobles of Ithaca and of the
neighboring islands had been for years suing for the hand of
Penelope, his wife, imagining him dead, and lording it over his
palace and people, as if they were owners of both. That he might
be able to take vengeance upon them, it was important that he
should not be recognized. Minerva accordingly metamorphosed him
into an unsightly beggar, and as such he was kindly received by
Eumaeus, the swine-herd, a faithful servant of his house.
The father and son took counsel together how they should get the
better of the suitors and punish them for their outrages. It was
arranged that Telemachus should proceed to the palace and mingle
with the suitors as formerly; that Ulysses should go also, as a
beggar, a character which in the rude old times had different
privileges from those we concede to it now. As traveller and
story-teller, the beggar was admitted in the halls of chieftains,
and often treated like a guest; though sometimes, also, no doubt,
with contumely. Ulysses charged his son not to betray, by any
display of unusual interest in him, that he knew him to be other
than he seemed, and even if he saw him insulted, or beaten, not
to interpose otherwise than he might do for any stranger.
At the palace they found the usual scene of feasting and riot
going on. The suitors pretended to receive Telemachus with joy
at his return, though secretly mortified at the failure of their
plots to take his life. The old beggar was permitted to enter,
and provided with a portion from the table. A touching incident
occurred as Ulysses entered the court-yard of the palace. An old
dog lay in the yard almost dead with age, and seeing a stranger
enter, raised his head, with ears erect. It was Argus, Ulysses'
own dog, that he had in other days often led to the chase.
"Soon he perceived
Long-lost Ulysses nigh, down fell his ears
Clapped close, and with his tail glad signs he gave
Of gratulation, impotent to rise,
And to approach his master as of old.
Ulysses, noting him, wiped off a tear
. . . Then his destiny released
Old Argus, soon as he had lived to see
Ulysses in the twentieth year restored."
As Ulysses sat eating his portion in the hall, the suitors soon
began to exhibit their insolence to him. When he mildly
All things being prepared for the trial, the first thing to be
done was to bend the bow in order to attach the string.
Telemachus endeavored to do it, but found all his efforts
fruitless; and modestly confessing that he had attempted a task
beyond his strength, he yielded the bow to another. HE tried it
with no better success, and, amidst the laughter and jeers of his
companions, gave it up. Another tried it and another; they
rubbed the bow with tallow, but all to no purpose; it would not
bend. Then spoke Ulysses, humbly suggesting that he should be
permitted to try; for, said he, "beggar as I am, I was once a
soldier, and there is still some strength in these old limbs of
mine." The suitors hooted with derision, and commanded to turn
him out of the hall for his insolence. But Telemachus spoke up
for him, and merely to gratify the old man, bade him try.
Ulysses took the bow, and handled it with the hand of a master.
With ease he adjusted the cord to its notch, then fitting an
arrow to the bow he drew the string and sped the arrow unerring
through the rings.
"Come my friends,
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
Push off, and sitting well in order smite
The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
It may be that the gulfs will wash us down;
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles,
And see the great Achilles whom we knew,
Tho'much is taken, much abides; and tho'
We are not now that strength which in old days
Chapter XXIV
Adventures of Ǽneas The Harpies Dido Palinurus
one of the bushes. To his dismay the wounded part dropped blood.
When he repeated the act, a voice from the ground cried out to
him, "Spare me, Ǽneas; I am your kinsman, Polydore, here
murdered with many arrows, from which a bush has grown, nourished
with my blood." These words recalled to the recollection of
Ǽneas that Polydore was a young prince of Troy, whom his father
had sent with ample treasures to the neighboring land of Thrace,
to be there brought up, at a distance from the horrors of war.
The king to whom he was sent had murdered him, and seized his
treasures. Ǽneas and his companions hastened away, considering
the land to be accursed by the stain of such a crime.
When they entered the port the Trojans saw herds of cattle
roaming over the plain. They slew as many as they wished, and
prepared for a feast. But no sooner had they seated themselves
at the table, than a horrible clamor was heard in the air, and a
flock of odious Harpies came rushing down upon them, seizing in
their talons the meat from the dishes, and flying away with it.
Ǽneas and his companions drew their swords and dealt vigorous
blows among the monsters, but to no purpose, for they were so
nimble it was almost impossible to hit them, and their feathers
were like armor impenetrable to steel. One of them, perched on a
neighboring cliff, screamed out, "Is it thus, Trojans, you treat
us innocent birds, first slaughter our cattle, and then make war
on ourselves?" She then predicted dire sufferings to them in
their future course, and having vented her wrath flew away. The
Trojans made haste to leave the country, and next found
themselves coasting along the shore of Epirus. Here they landed,
and to their astonishment learned that certain Trojan exiles, who
had been carried there as prisoners, had become rulers of the
country. Andromache, the widow of Hector, became the wife of one
of the victorious Grecian chiefs, to whom she bore a son. Her
From hence Ǽneas coasted along the shore of Sicily, and passed
the country of Cyclopes. Here they were hailed from the shore by
a miserable object, whom by his garments, tattered as they were,
they perceived to be a Greek. He told them he was one of
Ulysses' companions, left behind by that chief in his hurried
departure. He related the story of Ulysses' adventure with
Polyphemus, and besought them to take him off with them, as he
had no means of sustaining his existence where he was, but wild
berries and roots, and lived in constant fear of the Cyclopes.
While he spoke Polyphemus made his appearance; a terrible
monster, shapeless, vast, whose only eye had been put out. He
walked with cautious steps, feeling his way with a staff, down to
the sea-side, to wash his eye-socket in the waves. When he
reached the water, he waded out towards them, and his immense
height enabled him to advance far into the sea, so that the
Trojans, in terror, took to their oars to get out of his way.
Hearing the oars, Polyphemus shouted after them, so that the
shores resounded, and at the noise the other Cyclopes came forth
from their caves and woods, and lined the shore, like a row of
lofty pine trees. The Trojans plied their oars, and soon left
them out of sight.
Carthage, where the exiles had now arrived, was a spot on the
coast of Africa opposite Sicily, where at that time a Tyrian
colony under Dido their queen, were laying the foundations of a
state destined in later ages to be the rival of Rome itself.
Dido was the daughter of Belus, king of Tyre, and sister of
Pygmalion who succeeded his father on the throne. Her husband
was Sichaeus, a man of immense wealth, but Pygmalion, who coveted
Such was the state of affairs when Ǽneas with his Trojans
arrived there. Dido received the illustrious exiles with
friendliness and hospitality. "Not unacquainted with distress,"
she said, "I have learned to succor the unfortunate." The
queen's hospitality displayed itself in festivities at which
games of strength and skill were exhibited. The strangers
contended for the palm with her own subjects on equal terms, the
queen declaring that whether the victor were "Trojan or Tyrian
should make no difference to her." At the feast which followed
the games, Ǽneas gave at her request a recital of the closing
events of the Trojan history and his own adventures after the
fall of the city. Dido was charmed with his discourse and filled
with admiration of his exploits. She conceived an ardent passion
for him, and he for his part seemed well content to accept the
fortunate chance which appeared to offer him at once a happy
termination of his wanderings, a home, a kingdom, and a bride.
Months rolled away in the enjoyment of pleasant intercourse, and
it seemed as if Italy and the empire destined to be founded on
its shores were alike forgotten. Seeing which, Jupiter
dispatched Mercury with a message to Ǽneas recalling him to a
sense of his high destiny, and commanding him to resume his
Ǽneas, under this divine command, parted from Dido, though she
tried every allurement and persuasion to detain him. The blow to
her affection and her pride was too much for her to endure, and
when she found that he was gone, she mounted a funeral-pile which
she had caused to be prepared, and, having stabbed herself, was
consumed with the pile. The flames rising over the city were
seen by the departing Trojans, and, though the cause was unknown,
gave to Ǽneas some intimation of the fatal event.
The ships at last reached the shores of Italy, and joyfully did
the adventurers leap to land. While his people were employed in
making their encampment Ǽneas sought the abode of the Sibyl. It
was a cave connected with a temple and grove, sacred to Apollo
and Diana. While Aeneas contemplated the scene, the Sibyl
accosted him. She seemed to know his errand, and under the
influence of the deity of the place burst forth in a prophetic
strain, giving dark intimations of labors and perils through
which he was destined to make his way to final success. She
closed with the encouraging words which have become proverbial:
"Yield not to disasters, but press onward the more bravely."
Ǽneas replied that he had prepared himself for whatever might
await him. He had but one request to make. Having been directed
in a dream to seek the abode of the dead in order to confer with
his father Anchises to receive from him a revelation of his
future fortunes and those of his race, he asked her assistance to
enable him to accomplish the task. The Sibyl replied, "The
descent to Avernus is easy; the gate of Pluto stands open night
and day; but to retrace one's steps and return to the upper air,
that is the toil, that the difficulty. She instructed him to
seek in the forest a tree on which grew a golden branch. This
branch was to be plucked off, to be borne as a gift to
Pluto, but consoled him by informing him that the people of the shore
where his body had been wafted by the waves, should be stirred up by
the prodigies to give it the burial, and that the promontory should bear
the name of Cape Palinurus, which it does to this day. Leaving
Palinurus consoled by these words, they approached the boat. Charon,
fixing his eyes sternly upon the advancing warrior, demanded by what
right he, living and armed, approached the shore. To which the Sibyl
replied that they would commit no violence, that Ǽneas's only object
was to see his father, and finally exhibited the golden branch, at sight
of which Charon's wrath relaxed, and he made haste to turn his back to
the shore, and receive them on board. The boat, adapted only to the
light freight of bodiless spirits, groaned under the weight of the hero.
They were soon conveyed to the opposite shore. There they were
encountered by the three- headed dog Cerberus, with his necks bristling
with snakes. He barked with all his three throats till the Sibyl threw
him a medicated cake, which he eagerly devoured, and then stretched
himself out in his den and fell asleep. Ǽneas and the Sibyl sprang to
land. The first sound that struck their ears was the wailing of young
children, who had died on the threshold of life, and near to these were
they who had perished under false charges. Minos presides over them
as judge, and examines the deeds of each. The next class was of those
who had died by their own hand, hating life and seeking refuge in
death. Oh, how willingly would they now endure poverty, labor, and
any other infliction, if they might but return to life! Next were situated
the regions of sadness, divided off into retired paths, leading through
groves of myrtle. Here roamed those who had fallen victims to
unrequited love, not freed from pain even by death itself. Among
these, Ǽneas thought he descried the form of Dido, with a wound still
recent. In the dim light he was for a moment uncertain, but
approaching perceived it was indeed herself. Tears fell from his eyes,
and he addressed her in the accents of love. "Unhappy Dido! Was
then the rumor true that you had perished? And was I, alas! the cause!
I call the gods to witness that my departure from you was reluctant, and
in obedience to the commands of Jove; nor could I believe that my
absence would have cost you so dear. Stop, I beseech you, and refuse
me not a last farewell." She stood for a moment with averted
countenance, and eyes fixed on the ground, and then silently passed on,
as insensible to his pleadings as a rock. Ǽneas followed for some
distance; then, with a heavy heart, rejoined his companion and resumed
his route.
They next entered the fields where roam the heroes who have
fallen in battle. Here they saw many shades of Grecian and
Trojan warriors. The Trojans thronged around him, and could not
be satisfied with the sight. They asked the cause of his coming,
and plied him with innumerable questions. But the Greeks, at the
sight of his armor glittering through the murky atmosphere,
recognized the hero, and filled with terror turned their backs
and fled, as they used to flee on the plains of Troy.
Ǽneas would have lingered long with his Trojan friends but the
Sibyl hurried him away. They next came to a place where the road
divided, the one leading to Elysium, the other to the regions of
the condemned. Ǽneas beheld on one side the walls of a mighty
city, around which Phlegethon rolled its fiery waters. Before
him was the gate of adamant that neither gods nor men can break
through. An iron tower stood by the gate, on which Tisiphone,
the avenging Fury, kept guard. From the city were heard groans,
and the sound of the scourge, the creaking of iron, and the
clanking of chains. Ǽneas, horror-struck, inquired of his guide
what crimes were those whose punishments produced the sounds he
hear? The Sibyl answered, "Here is the judgment-hall of
Rhadamanthus, who brings to light crimes done in life, which the
perpetrator vainly thought impenetrably hid. Tisiphone applies
her whip of scorpions, and delivers the offender over to her
sister Furies. At this moment with horrid clang the brazen gates
unfolded, and Ǽneas saw within, a Hydra with fifty heads,
guarding the entrance. The Sibyl told him that the Gulf of
Tartarus descended deep, so that its recesses were as far beneath
their feet as heaven was high above their heads. In the bottom
of this pit, the Titan race, who warred against the gods, lie
The Sibyl now warned Ǽneas that it was time to turn from these
melancholy regions and seek the city of the blessed. They passed
Ǽneas and the Sybil then took leave of Anchises, and returned by
some short cut, which the poet does not explain, to the upper
Virgil, we have seen, places his Elysium under the earth, and
assigns it for a residence to the spirits of the blessed. But in
Homer Elysium forms no part of the realms of the dead. He places
it on the west of the earth, near Ocean, and described it as a
happy land, where there is neither snow, nor cold, nor rain, and
always fanned by the delightful breezes of Zephyrus. Hither
favored heroes pass without dying, and live happy under the rule
of Rhadamanthus. The Elysium of Hesiod and Pindar is in the
Isles of the Blessed, or Fortunate Islands, in the Western Ocean.
From these sprang the legend of the happy island Atlantis. This
blissful region may have been wholly imaginary, but possibly may
have sprung from the reports of some storm-driven mariners who
had caught a glimpse of the coast of America.
James Russell Lowell, in one of his shorter poems, claims for the
present age some of the privileges of that happy realm.
Addressing the Past, he says,
As Ǽneas and the Sibyl pursued their way back to earth, he said
to her, "Whether thou be a goddess or a mortal beloved by the
gods, by me thou shalt always be held in reverence. When I reach
the upper air, I will cause a temple to be built to thy honor,
and will myself bring offerings." "I am no goddess," said the
Sibyl; "I have no claim to sacrifice or offering. I am mortal;
yet if I could have accepted the love of Apollo, I might have
There were various Sibyls; but the Cumaean Sibyl, of whom Ovid
and Virgil write, is the most celebrated of them. Ovid's story
of her life protracted to one thousand years may be intended to
Chapter XXVI
Æ neas, having parted from the Sibyl and rejoined his fleet,
coasted along the shores of Italy and cast anchor in the mouth of
the Tiber. The poet Virgil, having brought his hero to this
spot, the destined termination of his wanderings, invokes his
Muse to tell him the situation of things at that eventful moment.
Latinus, third in descent from Saturn, ruled the country. He was
now old and had no male descendant, but had one charming
Our readers will remember that in the conflict with the Harpies,
one of those half-human birds had threatened the Trojans with
dire sufferings. In particular she predicted that before their
wanderings ceased they should be pressed by hunger to devour
their tables. This portent now came true; for as they took their
scanty meal, seated on the grass, the men placed their hard
biscuit on their laps, and put thereon whatever their gleanings
in the woods supplied. Having dispatched the latter they
finished by eating the crusts. Seeing which, the boy Iulus said
playfully, "See, we are eating our tables." Ǽneas caught the
words and accepted the omen. "All hail, promised land!" he
exclaimed, "this is our home, this our country!" He then took
measures to find out who were the present inhabitants of the
land, and who their rulers. A hundred chosen men were sent to
the village of Latinus, bearing presents and a request for
friendship and alliance. They went and were favorably received.
Latinus immediately concluded that the Trojan hero was no other
than the promised son-in-law announced by the oracle. He
cheerfully granted his alliance and sent back the messengers
mounted on steeds from his stables, and loaded with gifts and
friendly messages.
dogs, and led them to rouse up from the thicket a tame stag, the
favorite of Silvia, the daughter of Tyrrheus, the king's
herdsman. A javelin from the hand of Iulus wounded the animal,
and he had only strength left to run homewards, and died at his
mistress' feet. Her cries and tears roused her brothers and the
herdsmen, and they, seizing whatever weapons came to hand,
furiously assaulted the hunting party. These were protected by
their friends, and the herdsmen were finally driven back with the
loss of two of their number.
These things were enough to rouse the storm of war, and the
queen, Turnus, and the peasants, all urged the old king to drive
the strangers from the country. He resisted as long as he could,
but finding his opposition unavailing, finally gave way and
retreated to his retirement.
to the distaff or the loom, but had learned to endure the toils
of war, and in speed to outstrip the wind. It seemed as if she
might run over the standing corn without crushing it, or over the
surface of the water without dipping her feet. Camilla's history
had been singular from the beginning. Her father, Metabus,
driven from his city by civil discord, carried with him in his
flight his infant daughter. As he fled
through the woods, his enemies in hot
pursuit, he reached the bank of the river
Amazenus, which, swelled by rains,
seemed to debar a passage. He paused for
a moment, then decided what to do. He
tied the infant to his lance with wrappers
of bark, and, poising the weapon in his
upraised hand, thus addressed Diana:
"Goddess of the woods! I consecrate this
maid to you;" then hurled the weapon
with its burden to the opposite bank. The
spear flew across the roaring water. His
pursuers were already upon him, but he
plunged into the river and swam across,
and found the spear with the infant safe
on the other side. Thenceforth he lived
among the
shepherds, and brought up his daughter in
woodland arts. While a child she was
taught to use the bow and throw the
javelin. With her sling she could bring
down the crane or the wild swan. Her dress was a tiger's skin. Many
mothers sought her for a daughter-in-law, but she continued faithful to
Diana, and repelled the thought of marriage.
About the middle of the day they came in sight of the scattered
buildings of the infant town where in after times the proud city
of Rome grew, whose glory reached the skies. By chance the old
king, Evander, was that day celebrating annual solemnities in
honor of Hercules and all the gods. Pallas, his son, and all the
chiefs of the little commonwealth stood by. When they saw the
tall ship gliding onward through the wood, they were alarmed at
the sight, and rose from the tables. But Pallas forbade the
solemnities to be interrupted, and seizing a weapon, stepped
forward to the river's bank. He called aloud, demanding who they
were and what was their object. Ǽneas, holding forth an olive-
branch, replied, "We are Trojans, friends to you and enemies to
the Rutulians. We seek Evander, and offer to join our arms with
yours." Pallas, in amazement at the sound of so great a name,
invited them to land, and when Ǽneas touched the shore he seized
his hand and held it long in friendly grasp. Proceeding through
the wood they joined the king and his party, and were most
favorably received. Seats were provided for them at the tables,
and the repast proceeded.
When the solemnities were ended all moved towards the city. The
king, bending with age, walked between his son and Ǽneas, taking
the arm of one or the other of them, and with much variety of
pleasing talk shortening the way. Ǽneas looked and listened
with delight, observing all the beauties of the scene, and
learning much of heroes renowned in ancient times. Evander said,
"These extensive groves were once inhabited by fauns and nymphs,
and a rude race of men who sprang from the trees themselves, and
had neither laws nor social culture. They knew not how to yoke
the cattle nor raise a harvest, nor provide from present
abundance for future want; but browsed like beasts upon the leafy
boughs, or fed voraciously on their hunted prey. Such were they
when Saturn, expelled from Olympus by his sons, came among them
and drew together the fierce savages, formed them into society,
and gave them laws. Such peace and plenty ensued that men ever
since have called his reign the golden age; but by degrees far
other times succeeded, and the thirst of gold and the thirst of
blood prevailed. The land was a prey to successive tyrants, till
fortune and resistless destiny brought me hither, an exile from
my native land, Arcadia."
Having thus said, he showed him the Tarpeian rock, and the rude
spot then overgrown with bushes where in after times the Capitol
rose in all its magnificence. He next pointed to some dismantled
walls, and said, "Here stood Janiculum, built by Janus, and there
Saturnia, the town of Saturn." Such discourse brought them to
the cottage of poor Evander, whence they saw the lowing herds
roaming over the plain where now the proud and stately Forum
stands. They entered, and a couch was spread for Ǽneas, well
stuffed with leaves and covered with the skin of the Libyan bear.
Next morning, awakened by the dawn and the shrill song of birds
beneath the eaves of his low mansion, old Evander rose. Clad in
a tunic, and a panther's skin thrown over his shoulders, with
sandals on his feet, and his good sword girded to his side, he
went forth to seek his guest. Two mastiffs followed him, his
having sent back the rest of his party in the ships. Ǽneas and
his band safely arrived at the Etruscan camp and were received
with open arms by Tarchon, the Etruscan leader, and his
In the meanwhile Turnus had collected his bands and made all
necessary preparations for the war. Juno sent Iris to him with a
message inciting him to take advantage of the absence of Ǽneas
and surprise the Trojan camp. Accordingly the attempt was made,
but the Trojans were found on their guard, and having received
strict orders from Ǽneas not to fight in his absence, they lay
still in their intrenchments, and resisted all the efforts of the
Rutulians to draw them in to the field. Night coming on, the
army of Turnus in high spirits at their fancied superiority,
feasted and enjoyed themselves, and finally stretched themselves
on the field and slept secure.
In the camp of the Trojans things were far otherwise. There all
was watchfulness and anxiety, and impatience for Ǽneas's return.
Nisus stood guard at the entrance of the camp, and Euryalus, a
youth distinguished above all in the army for graces of person
and fine qualities, was with him. These two were friends and
brothers in arms. Nisus said to his friend, "Do you perceive
what confidence and carelessness the enemy display? Their lights
are few and dim, and the men seem all oppressed with wine or
sleep. You know how anxiously our chiefs wish to send to Ǽneas,
and to get intelligence from him. Now I am strongly moved to
make my way through the enemy's camp and to go in search of our
chief. If I succeed, the glory of the deed will be enough reward
for me, and if they judge the service deserves anything more, let
them pay it to you."
The two friends left the camp and plunged at once into the midst
of the enemy. They found no watch, no sentinels posted, but all
about, the sleeping soldiers strewn on the grass and among the
wagons. The laws of war at that early day did not forbid a brave
man to slay a sleeping foe, and the two Trojans slew, as they
passed, such of the enemy as they could without exciting alarm.
In one tent Euryalus made prize of a helmet brilliant with gold
and plumes. They had passed through the enemy's ranks without
being discovered, but now suddenly appeared a troop directly in
front of them, which, under Volscens, their leader, were
Raising his eyes to the moon which now shone clear, he said,
"Goddess! Favor my effort!" And aiming his javelin at one of
the leaders of the troop, struck him in the back and stretched
him on the plain with a death-blow. In the midst of their
amazement another weapon flew, and another of the party fell
dead. Volscens, the leader, ignorant whence the darts came,
rushed sword in hand upon Euryalus. "You shall pay the penalty
of both," he said, and would have plunged the sword into his
bosom, when Nisus, who from his concealment saw the peril of his
friend, rushed forward, exclaiming, "'Twas I, 'twas I; turn your
swords against me, Rutulians; I did it; he only followed me as a
friend." While he spoke the sword fell, and pierced the comely
bosom of Euryalus. His head fell over on his shoulder, like a
flower cut down by the plough. Nisus rushed upon Volscens and
plunged his sword into his body, and was himself slain on the
instant by numberless blows.
He received the fatal stroke not unprepared, and poured out his
life and his blood together.
After the battle there was a cessation of arms for some days to
allow both armies to bury their dead. In this interval Ǽneas
challenged Turnus to decide the contest by single combat, but
Turnus evaded the challenge. Another battle ensued, in which
Camilla, the virgin warrior, was chiefly conspicuous. Her deeds
of valor surpassed those of the bravest warriors, and many
Trojans and Etruscans fell pierced with her darts or struck down
by her battle-axe. At last an Etruscan named Aruns, who had
watched her long, seeking for some advantage, observed her
pursuing a flying enemy whose splendid armor offered a tempting
prize. Intent on the chase she observed not her danger, and the
javelin of Aruns struck her and inflicted a fatal wound. She
fell and breathed her last in the arms of her attendant maidens.
But Diana, who beheld her fate, suffered not her slaughter to be
unavenged. Aruns, as he stole away, glad but frightened, was
struck by a secret arrow, launched by one of the nymphs of
Diana's train, and died ignobly and unknown.
Jupiter to assist him any longer. Turnus threw his lance, but it
recoiled harmless from the shield of Ǽneas. The Trojan hero
then threw his, which penetrated the shield of Turnus, and
pierced his thigh. Then Turnus' fortitude forsook him and he
begged for mercy; and Ǽneas would have given him his life, but
at the instant his eye fell on the belt of Pallas, which Turnus
had taken from the slaughtered youth. Instantly his rage
revived, and exclaiming, "Pallas immolates thee with this blow,"
he thrust him through with his sword.
Here the Ǽneid closes, but the story goes that Ǽneas, having
triumphed over his foes, obtained Lavinia as his bride. His son
Iulus founded the city of Alba Longa. He, and his descendants
after him, reigned over the town for many years. At length
Numitor and Amulius, two brothers, quarrelled about the kingdom.
Amulius seized the crown by force, cast out Numitor, and made his
daughter, Rhea Silvia, a Vestal Virgin. The Vestal Virgins, the
priestesses of the goddess Vesta, were sworn to celibacy. But
Rhea Silvia broke her vow, and gave birth, by the god Mars, to
the twins, Romulus and Remus. For this offence she was buried
alive, the usual punishment accorded to unfaithful Vestals, while
the children were exposed on the river Tiber. Romulus and Remus,
however, were rescued by a herdsman, and were educated among the
shepherds in ignorance of their parentage. But chance revealed
it to them. They collected a band of friends, and took revenge
on their granduncle for the murder of their mother. Afterwards
they founded, by the side of the river Tiber, where they had been
exposed in infancy, the city of Rome.
2+3+5=10. ONE is not counted, as being rather the source of number than a number itself.
As the numbers proceed frm the Monad, so he regarded the pure and
simple essence of the Deity as the source of all the forms of
nature. Gods, demons, and heroes are emanations of the Supreme;
and there is a fourth emanation, the human soul. This is
immortal, and when freed from the fetters of the body, passes to
the habitation of the dead, where it remains till it returns to
the world to dwell in some other human or animal body, and at
last, when sufficiently purified, it returns to the source from
which it proceeded. This doctrine of the transmigration of souls
(metempsychosis), which was first Indian and Egyptian, and
connected with the doctrine of reward and punishment of human
actions, was the chief cause why the Pythagoreans killed no
animals. Ovid represents Pythagoras addressing his disciples in
these words: "Souls never die, but always on quitting one abode
pass to another. I myself can remember that in the time of the
Trojan was I was Euphorbus, the son of Panthus, and fell by the
spear of Menelaus. Lately, being in the temple of Juno, at
Argos, I recognized my shield hung up there among the trophies.
All things change, nothing perishes. The soul passes hither and
thither, occupying now this body, now that, passing from the body
of a beast into that of a man, and thence to a beast's again. As
wax is stamped with certain figures, then melted, then stamped
anew with others, yet is always the same wax, so the soul, being
always the same, yet wears at different times different forms.
Therefore, if the love of kindred is not extinct in your bosoms,
forbear, I entreat you, to violate the life of those who may
haply be your own relatives."
A war arose between the two cities, and Sybaris was conquered and
destroyed. Milo, the celebrated athlete, led the army of
Crotona. Many stories are told of Milo's vast strength, such as
his carrying a heifer of four years old upon his shoulders, and
afterwards eating the whole of it in a single day. The mode of
his death is thus related: As he was passing through a forest he
saw the trunk of a tree which had been partially split open by
wood-cutters, and attempted to rend it further; but the wood
closed upon his hands and held him fast, in which state he was
attacked and devoured by wolves.
The Greek and Latin poets and philosophers, as they made some
very slight acquaintance with Egyptian worship, give Greek or
Latin names to the divinities worshipped. Thus we sometimes hear
Osiris spoken of as the Egyptian Hermes. But such changes of
names are confusing, and are at best but fanciful (In the same
way Plutarch, a Greek writer, says of the Jews' Feast of
Tabernacles, "I know that their God is our Bacchus." This was
merely from the vines, vine leaves and wine used in the
ceremonies.) It would happen sometimes, in later times, that a
fashion of religion would carry the worship of one God or Goddess
to a distance. Thus the worship of Isis became fashionable in
Rome in the time of Nero and Paul, as readers of Bulwer's Last
Days of Pompeii will remember.
over Egypt before the time of mortals. The eight gods of the first order
at Memphis were 1. Ptah; 2. Shu; 3. Tefnu; 4. Seb; 5. Nut; 6. Osiris;
7. Isis and Horus; 8. Athor. Those of Thebes were 1. Amen Ra; 2.
Mentu; 3. Atum; 4. Shu and Tefnu; 5. Seb; 6. Osiris; 7. Set and
Nepthys; 8. Horus and Athor. The gods of the second order were
twelve in number, but the name of one only, an Egyptian Hercules, has
been preserved. The third order is stated to have comprised Osiris,
who, it will be seen, belonged to the first order." GUIDE TO THE
S. Birch
PASHT: Pasht and Bast appear to be two forms of the same goddess.
As Bast she is represented as a woman, lion-headed, with the disc and
uroeus; as Pasht she is cat-headed, and holds a sistrum. Adored at
Bubastis. Observe the syllable BAST.
The highest visible deity of the Egyptians was Amun Ra, or Amen
Ra, the concealed sun; the word Ra signifying the sun. This name
appears in the Greek and Latin writers as Zeus Ammon and Jupiter
Ammon. When Amun manifests himself by his word, will or spirit,
he is known as Nu, Num, Noub, Nef, Neph, or Kneph, and this
word Kneph through the form Cnuphis is, perhaps, the Anubis of
the Greek and Latin authors. That word has not been found earlier
than the time of Augustus. Anubis was then worshipped as the
guardian god, and represented with a dog's head.
The soul of Osiris was supposed to exist in some way in the
sacred bull Apis, of which Serapis or Sarapis is probably another
name. "Apis," says Herodotus, "is a young bull, whose hair is
black, on his forehead a white triangle, on his back an eagle,
with a beetle under his tongue and with the hair of his tail
double." Ovid says he is of various colors. Plutarch says he
has a crescent on his right side. These superstitions varied
from age to age. Apis was worshipped in Memphis.
It must be observed, in general, that the names in the Latin
classics belong to a much later period of the Egyptian religion
than the names found on most of the monuments. It will be found,
that, as in the change from Nu to Anubis, it is difficult to
trace the progress of a name from one to the other. In the cases
where an ox, a ram, or a dog is worshipped with, or as a symbol
of, a god, we probably have the survival of a very early local
Osiris and Isis were at one time induced to descend to the earth
to bestow gifts and blessings on its inhabitants. Isis showed
them first the use of wheat and barley, and Osiris made the
instruments of agriculture and taught men the use of them, as
well as how to harness the ox to the plough. He then gave men
laws, the institution of marriage, a civil organization, and
taught them how to worship the gods. After he had thus made the
valley of the Nile a happy country, he assembled a host with
which he went to bestow his blessings upon the rest of the world.
He conquered the nations everywhere, but not with weapons, only
with music and eloquence. His brother Typhon (Typhon is supposed
to be the Seth of the monuments) saw this, and filled with envy
and malice sought, during his absence, to usurp his throne. But
Isis, who held the reins of government, frustrated his plans.
Still more embittered, he now resolved to kill his brother. This
he did in the following manner: Having organized a conspiracy of
seventy-two members, he went with them to the feast which was
celebrated in honor of the king's return. He then caused a box
or chest to be brought in, which had been made to fit exactly the
size of Osiris, and declared that he would give that chest of
precious wood to whosoever could get into it. The rest tried in
vain, but no sooner was Osiris in it than Typhon and his
companions closed the lid and flung the chest into the Nile.
When Isis heard of the cruel murder she wept and mourned, and
then with her hair shorn, clothed in black and beating her
breast, she sought diligently for the body of her husband. In
this search she was assisted by Anubis, the son of Osiris and
Nephthys. They sought in vain for some time; for when the chest,
carried by the waves to the shores of Byblos, had become
entangled in the reeds that grew at the edge of the water, the
divine power that dwelt in the body of Osiris imparted such
strength to the shrub that it grew into a mighty tree, enclosing
in its trunk the coffin of the god. This tree, with its sacred
deposit, was shortly afterward felled, and erected as a column in
the palace of the king of Phoenicia. But at length, by the aid
of Anubis and the sacred birds, Isis ascertained these facts, and
then went to the royal city. There she offered herself at the
palace as a servant, and being admitted, threw off her disguise
and appeared as the goddess, surrounded with thunder and
lightning. Striking the column with her wand, she caused it to
split open and give up the sacred coffin. This she seized and
returned with it, and concealed it in the depth of a forest, but
Typhon discovered it, and cutting the body into fourteen pieces,
scattered them hither and thither. After a tedious search, Isis
found thirteen pieces, the fishes of the Nile having eaten the
other. This she replaced by an imitation of sycamore wood, and
buried the body at Philoe, which became ever after the great
burying place of the nation, and the spot to which pilgrimages
were made from all parts of the country. A temple of surpassing
magnificence was also erected there in honor of the god, and at
every place where one of his limbs had been found, minor temples
Oracle was the name used to denote the place where answers were
supposed to be given by any of the divinities to those who
consulted them respecting the future. The word was also used to
signify the response which was given.
There being no rain in Egypt, the grass is "unshowered," and the country depends for its
fertility upon the overflowings of the Nile. The ark alluded to in the last line is shown by
pictures still remaining on the walls of the Egyptian temples to have been borne by the priests
in their religious processions. It probably represented the chest in which Osiris was placed.
dove flew to the temple of Jupiter Ammon in the Libyan oasis, and
delivered a similar command there. Another account is, that
they were not doves, but priestesses, who were carried off from
Thebes in Egypt by the Phoenicians, and set up oracles at Oasis
and Dodona. The responses of the oracle were given from the
trees, by the branches rustling in the wind, the sounds being
interpreted by the priests.
But the most celebrated of the Grecian oracles was that of Apollo
at Delphi, a city built on the slopes of Parnassus in Phocis.
Chapter XXVIII
Origin of Mythology Statues of Gods and Goddesses Poets of
All the theories which have bene mentioned are true to a certain
extent. It would therefore be more correct to say that the
mythology of a nation has sprung from all these sources combined
than from any one in particular. We may add also that there are
many myths which have risen from the desire of man to account for
those natural phenomena which he cannot understand; and not a few
have had their rise from a similar desire of giving a reason for
the names of places and persons.
The idea which the artist essayed to embody was that of the
supreme deity of the Hellenic (Grecian) nation, enthroned as a
conqueror, in perfect majesty and repose, and ruling with a nod
the subject world. Phidias avowed that he took his idea from the
representation which Homer gives in the first book of the Iliad,
in the passage thus translated by Pope:
Origin of Mythology 373
Both the Jupiter and Minerva of Phidias are lost, but there is
good ground to believe that we have, in several extant statues
and busts, the artist's conceptions of the countenances of both.
They are characterized by grave and dignified beauty, and freedom
from any transient expression, which in the language of art is
called repose.
Cowper's version is less elegant, but truer to the original.
"He ceased, and under his dark brows the nod
Vouchsafed of confirmation. All around
The sovereign's everlasting head his curls
Ambrosial shook, and the huge mountain reeled."
It may interest our readers to see how this passage appears in
another famous version, that which was issued under the name of
Tickell, contemporaneously with Pope's, and which, being by many
attributed to Addison, led to the quarrel which ensued between
Addison and Pope.
"This said, his kingly brow the sire inclined;
The large black curls fell awful from behind,
Thick shadowing the stern forehead of the god;
Olympus trembled at the almighty nod."
374 Origin of Mythology
The Venus of the Medici is so called from its having been in the
possession of the princes of that name in Rome when it first
attracted attention, about two hundred years ago. An inscription
on the base records it to be the work of Cleomenes, an Athenian
sculptor of 200 B.C., but the authenticity of the inscription is
doubtful. There is a story that the artist was employed by
public authority to make a statue exhibiting the perfection of
female beauty, and to aid him in his task, the most perfect forms
the city could supply were furnished him for models. It is this
which Thomson alludes to in his Summer.
of stepping forward. The left arm which seems to have held the
bow is outstretched, and the head is turned in the same
direction. In attitude and proportion the graceful majesty of
Homer, from whose poems of the Iliad and Odyssey we have taken
the chief part of our chapters of the Trojan war and the return
of the Grecians, is almost as mythical a personage as the heroes
he celebrates. The traditionary story is that he was a wandering
Origin of Mythology 377
Virgil, called also by his surname, Maro, from whose poem of the
Ǽneid we have taken the story of Ǽneas, was one of the great
poets who made the reign of the Roman emperor, Augustus, so
celebrated, under the name of the Augustan age. Virgil was born
in Mantua in the year 70 B.C. His great poem is ranked next to
those of Homer, in the highest class of poetical composition, the
Epic. Virgil is far inferior to Homer in originality and
invention, but superior to him in correctness and elegance. To
critics of English lineage Milton alone of modern poets seems
worthy to be classed with these illustrious ancients. His poem
of Paradise Lost, from which we have borrowed so many
illustrations, is in many respects equal, in some superior, to
either of the great works of antiquity. The following epigram of
Dryden characterizes the three poets with as much truth as it is
usual to find in such pointed criticism:
The two great works of Ovid are his Metamorphoses and his Fasti.
They are both mythological poems, and from the former we have
taken most of our stories of Grecian and Roman mythology. A late
writer thus characterizes these poems:
Chapter XXIX
Modern Monsters: The Phoenix Basilisk Unicorn
The Roman naturalist Pliny thus describes him: "He does not impel
his body like other serpents, by a multiplied flexion, but
advances lofty and upright. He kills the shrubs, not only by
contact but by breathing on them, and splits the rocks, such
power of evil is there in him. It was formally believed that if
killed by a spear from on horseback the power of the poison
conducted through the weapon killed not only the rider but the
horse also. To this Lucan alludes in these lines:
glare upon its author, and by a kind of poetical justice slew the
basilisk with his own weapon.
The basilisk was of some use after death. Thus we read that its
carcass was suspended in the temple of Apollo, and in private
houses, as a sovereign remedy against spiders, and that it was
also hung up in the temple of Diana, for which reason no swallow
ever dared enter the sacred place.
The unicorn seems to have been a sad puzzle to the hunters, who
hardly knew how to come at so valuable a piece of game. Some
described the horn as moveable at the will of the animal, a kind
of small sword in short, with which ho hunter who was not
exceedingly cunning in fence could have a chance. Others
maintained that all the animal's strength lay in its horn, and
that when hard pressed in pursuit, it would throw itself from the
pinnacle of the highest rocks horn foremost, so as to pitch upon
it, and then quietly march off not a whit the worse for its fall.
But it seems they found out how to circumvent the poor unicorn at
last. They discovered that it was a great lover of purity and
innocence, so they took the field with a young VIRGIN, who was
placed in the unsuspecting admirer's way. When the unicorn spied
her, he approached with all reverence, couched beside her, and
laying his head in her lap, fell asleep. The treacherous virgin
then gave a signal, and the hunters made in and captured the
simple beast.
Modern Monsters 387
That the skin of an animal which could resist the action of fire
should be considered proof against that element, is not to be
wondered at. We accordingly find that a cloth made of the skins
of salamanders (for there really is such an animal, a kind of
lizard) was incombustible, and very valuable for wrapping up such
articles as were too precious to be intrusted to any other
envelopes. These fire-proof cloths were actually produced, said
to be made of salamander's wool, though the knowing ones detected
that the substance of which they were composed was Asbestos, a
mineral, which is in fine filaments capable of being woven into a
flexible cloth.
Dr. Young, in the Night Thoughts, with more quaintness than good
taste, compares the sceptic who can remain unmoved in the
contemplation of the starry heavens, to a salamander unwarmed in
the fire:
Modern Monsters 389
D uring the last fifty years new attention has been paid to the
systems of religion of the Eastern world, especially to that of
Zoroaster among the Persians, and that which is called Brahmanism
and the rival system known as Buddhism in the nations farther
east. Especial interest belongs to these inquiries for us,
because these religions are religions of the great Aryan race to
which we belong. The people among whom they were introduced all
used some dialect of the family of language to which our own
belongs. Even young readers will take an interest in such books
as Clarke's Great Religions and Johnson's Oriental Religions,
which are devoted to careful studies of them.
The Vedas undoubtedly teach the belief of one supreme God. The
name of this deity is Brahma. His attributes are represented by
the three personified powers of creation, preservation, and
destruction, which, under the respective names of Brahma, Vishnu,
and Siva, form the trimurti or triad of principal Hindu gods. Of
the inferior gods the most important are, 1. Indra, the god of
heaven, of thunder, lightning, storm, and rain; 2. Agni, the god
of fire; 3. Yana, the god of the infernal regions; 4. Surya, the
god of the sun.
Brahma is the creator of the universe, and the source from which
all the individual deities have sprung, and into which all will
ultimately be absorbed. "As milk changes to curd, and water to
ice, so is Brahma variously transformed and diversified, without
aid of exterior means of any sort. The human soul, according to
the Vedas, is a portion of the supreme ruler, as a spark is of
the fire.
"But all the efforts of Brahmanism could not arrest the natural
development of the system. It passed on into polytheism and
Vishnu occupies the second place in the triad of the Hindus, and
is the personification of the preserving principle. To protect
the world in various epochs of danger, Vishnu descended to the
earth in different incarnations, or bodily forms, which descents
are called Avatars. They are very numerous, but ten are more
particularly specified. The first Avatar was as Matsya, the
Fish, under which form Vishnu preserved Manu, the ancestor of the
human race, during a universal deluge. The second Avatar was in
the form of a Tortoise, which form he assumed to support the
earth when the gods were churning the sea for the beverage of
immortality, Amrita.
We may omit the other Avatars, which were of the same general
character, that is, interpositions to protect the right or to
punish wrong-doers, and come to the ninth, which is the most
celebrated of the Avatars of Vishnu, in which he appeared in the
human form of Krishna, an invincible warrior, who by his exploits
relieved the earth from the tyrants who oppressed it.
The worshippers of Vishnu and Siva form two sects, each of which
proclaims the superiority of its favorite deity, denying the
claims of the other, and Brahma, the creator, having finished his
work, seems to be regarded as no longer active, and has now only
one temple in India, while Mahadeva and Vishnu have many. The
worshippers of Vishnu are generally distinguished by a greater
tenderness for life and consequent abstinence from animal food,
and a worship less cruel than that of the followers of Siva.
temple stands near the shore, about three hundred miles southwest
of Calcutta. The idol is a carved block of wood, with a hideous
face, painted black, and a distended blood-red mouth. On
festival days the throne of the image is placed on a tower sixty
feet high, moving on wheels. Six long ropes are attached to the
tower, by which the people draw it along. The priests and their
attendants stand round the throne on the tower, and occasionally
turn to the worshippers with songs and gestures. While the tower
moves along numbers of the devout worshippers throw themselves on
the ground, in order to be crushed by the wheels, and the
multitude shout in approbation of the act, as a pleasing
sacrifice to the idol. Every year, particularly at two great
festivals in March and July, pilgrims flock in crowds to the
temple. Not less than seventy or eighty thousand people are said
to visit the place on these occasions, when all castes eat
as containing all the rules of their faith, and all that was
necessary to guide them in their religious ceremonies. They were
also commanded to take rank in the order of their birth, the
Brahmans uppermost, as having sprung from the head of Brahma.
There is another class lower even than the Sudras, for it is not
one of the original pure classes, but springs from an
unauthorized union of individuals of different castes. These are
the Pariahs, who are employed in the lowest services and treated
with the utmost severity. They are compelled to do what no one
else can do without pollution. They are not only considered
unclean themselves, but they render unclean every thing they
touch. They are deprived of all civil rights, and stigmatized by
particular laws, regulating their mode of life, their houses and
their furniture. They are not allowed to visit the pagodas or
temples of the other castes, but have their own pagodas and
religious exercises. They are not suffered to enter the houses
of the other castes; if it is done incautiously or from
necessity, the place must be purified by religious ceremonies.
They must not appear at public markets, and are confined to the
use of particular wells, which they are obliged to surround with
bones of animals, to warn others against using them. They dwell
in miserable hovels, distant from cities and villages, and are
under no restrictions in regard to food, which last is not a
privilege, but a mark of ignominy, as if they were so degraded
that nothing could pollute them. The three higher castes are
prohibited entirely the use of flesh. The fourth is allowed to
eat all kinds except beef, but only the lowest caste is allowed
every kind of food without restrictions.
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
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The Buddhists reject entirely the authority of the Vedas, and the
religious observances prescribed in them and kept by the Hindus.
They also reject the distinction of castes, and prohibit all
bloody sacrifices, and allow animal food. Their priests are
chosen from all classes; they are expected to procure their
maintenance by perambulation and begging, and, among other
things, it is their duty to endeavor to turn to some use things
thrown aside as useless by others, and to discover the medicinal
power of plants. But in Ceylon three orders of priests are
recognized; those of the highest order are usually men of high
birth and learning, and are supported at the principal temples,
The charming poem called the Light of Asia, by Mr. Edwin Arnold,
has lately called general attention to Buddhism. The following
is an extract from it:
Chapter XXXI
Northern Mythology Valhalla The Valkyrior
According to the Eddas there was once no heaven above nor earth
beneath, but only a bottomless deep, and a world of mist in which
flowed a fountain. Twelve rivers issued from this fountain, and
when they had flowed far from their source, they froze into ice,
and one layer accumulating above another, the great deep was
filled up.
Southward from the world of mist was the world of light. From
this flowed a warm wind upon the ice and melted it. The vapors
rose in the air and formed clouds, from which sprang Ymir, the
Frost giant and his progeny, and the cow Audhumbla, whose milk
afforded nourishment and food to the giant. The cow got
nourishment by licking the hoar frost and salt from the ice.
While she was one day licking the salt stones there appeared at
first the hair of a man, on the second day the whole head, and on
the third the entire form endowed with beauty, agility, and
power. This new being was a god, from whom and his wife, a
daughter of the giant race, sprang the three brothers Odin, Vili,
and Ve. They slew the giant Ymir, and out of his body formed the
earth, of his blood the seas, of his bones the mountains, of his
hair the trees, of his skull the heavens, and of his brain
clouds, charged with hail and snow. Of Ymir's eyebrows the gods
formed Midgard (mid earth), destined to become the abode of man.
Odin then regulated the periods of day and night and the seasons
by placing in the heavens the sun and moon, and appointing to
them their respective courses. As soon as the sun began to shed
its rays upon the earth, it caused the vegetable world to bud and
sprout. Shortly after the gods had created the world they walked
by the side of the sea, pleased with their new work, but found
that it was still incomplete, for it was without human beings.
They therefore took an ash-tree and made a man out of it, and
they made a woman out of an alder, and called the man Aske and
the woman Embla. Odin then gave them life and soul, Vili reason
and motion, and Ve bestowed upon them the senses, expressive
features, and speech. Midgard was then given them as their
residence, and they became the progenitors of the human race.
they represent the four winds. Under the tree lies Ymir, and
when he tries to shake off its weight the earth quakes.
food. Mead is for him both food and drink. He invented the
Runic characters, and it is the business of the Norns to engrave
the runes of fate upon a metal shield. From Odin's name, spelt
Wodin, as it sometimes is, came Wednesday, the name of the fourth
day of the week.
The Valkyrior are warlike virgins, mounted upon horses and armed
with helmets, shields, and spears. Odin, who is desirous to
collect a great many heroes in Valhalla, to be able to meet the
giants in a day when the final contest must come, sends down to
every battle-field to make choice of those who shall be slain.
The Valkyrior are his messengers, and their name means "Choosers
of the slain." When they ride forth on their errand their armor
shed a strange flickering light, which flashes up over the
northern skies, making what men call the "Aurora Borealis," or
"Northern Lights."1
Gray's ode, The Fatal Sisters, is founded on this superstition.
his hammer, Miolnir, which both the Frost and the Mountain giants
know to their cost, when they see it hurled against them in the
air, for it has split many a skull of their fathers and kindred.
"Jove is my brother;
Mine eyes are the lightning;
The wheels of my chariot
Roll in the thunder,
The blows of my hammer
ring in the thunder."
Tales Of A Wayside Inn
Bragi is the god of poetry, and his song records the deeds of
warriors. His wife, Iduna, keeps in a box the apples which the
gods, when they feel old age approaching, have only to taste of
to become young again.
The wolf Fenris gave the gods a great deal of trouble before they
succeeded in chaining him. He broke the strongest fetters as if
they were made of cobwebs. Finally the gods sent a messenger to
the mountain spirits, who made for them the chain called
Gleipnir. It is fashioned of six things, viz., th noise made by
the footfall of a cat, the beards of women, the roots of stones,
the breath of fishes, the nerves (sensibilities) of bears, and
the spittle of birds. When finished it was as smooth and soft as
a silken string. But when the gods asked the wolf to suffer
himself to be bound with this apparently slight ribbon, he
suspected their design, fearing that it was made by enchantment.
But Tyr (the sword god), to quiet his suspicions, placed his hand
in Fenris' mouth. Then the other gods bound the wolf with
Gleipnir. But when the wolf found that he could not break his
fetters, and that the gods would not release him, he bit off
Tyr's hand, and he has ever since remained one-handed.
Once on a time, when the gods were constructing their abodes and
had already finished Midgard and Valhalla, a certain artificer
came and offered to build them a residence so well fortified that
they should be perfectly safe from the incursions of the Frost
giants and the giants of the mountains. But he demanded for his
reward the goddess Freya, together with the sun and moon. The
gods yielded to his terms provided he would finish the whole work
himself without any one's assistance, and all within the space of
one winter. But if anything remained unfinished on the first day
of summer he should forfeit the recompense agreed on. On being
told these terms the artificer stipulated that he should be
allowed the use of his horse Svadilfari, and this by the advice
of Loki was granted to him. He accordingly set to work on the
first day of winter, and during the night let his horse draw
stone for the building. The enormous size of the stones struck
the gods with astonishment, and they saw clearly that the horse
did one half more of the toilsome work than his mater. Their
bargain, however, had been concluded, and confirmed by solemn
oaths, for without these precautions a giant would not have
thought himself safe among the gods, especially when Thor should
return from an expedition he had then undertaken against the evil
As the winter drew to a close, the building was far advanced, and
the bulwarks were sufficiently high and massive to render the
place impregnable. In short, when it wanted but three days to
summer the only part that remained to be finished was the
gateway. Then sat the gods on their seats of justice and entered
into consultation, inquiring of one another who among them could
have advised to give Freya away, or to plunge the heavens in
darkness by permitting the giant to carry away the sun and the
They all agreed that no one but Loki, the author of so many evil
deeds, could have given such bad counsel, and that he should be
put to a cruel death if he did not contrive some way to prevent
the artificer from completing his task and obtaining the
stipulated recompense. They proceeded to lay hands on Loki, who
in his fright promised upon oath that, let it cost what it would,
he would so manage matters that the man should lose his reward.
That very night when the man went with Svadilfari for building-
stone, a mare suddenly ran out of a forest and began to neigh.
The horse thereat broke loose and ran after the mare into the
forest, which obliged the man also to run after his horse, and
thus between one and another the whole night was lost, so that at
dawn the work had not made the usual progress. The man, seeing
that he must fail of completing his task, resumed his own
gigantic stature, and the gods now clearly perceived that it was
in reality a mountain giant who had come amongst them. Feeling
no longer bound by their oaths, they called on Thor, who
immediately ran to their assistance, and lifting up his mallet,
paid the workman his wages, not with the sun and moon, and not
even by sending him back to Jotunheim, for with the first blow he
shattered the giant's skull to pieces and hurled him headlong
into Niffleheim.
Once upon a time it happened that Thor's hammer fell into the
possession of the giant Thrym, who buried it eight fathoms deep
under the rocks of Jotunheim. Thor sent Loki to negotiate with
Thrym, but he could only prevail so far as to get the giant's
promise to restore the weapon if Freya would consent to be his
bride. Loki returned and reported the result of his mission, but
the goddess of love was quite horrified at the idea of bestowing
her charms on the king of the Frost giants. In this emergency
Loki persuaded Thor to dress himself in Freya's clothes and
accompany him to Jotunheim. Thrym received his veiled bride with
due courtesy, but was greatly surprised at seeing her eat for her
supper eight salmon and a full-grown ox, besides other
delicacies, washing the whole down with three tuns of mead.
Loki, however, assured him that she had not tasted anything for
eight long nights, so great was her desire to see her lover, the
renowned ruler or Jotunheim. Thrym had at length the curiosity
to peep under his bride's veil, but started back in affright, and
demanded why Freya's eyeballs glistened with fire. Loki repeated
the same excuse and the giant was satisfied. He ordered the
hammer to be brought in and laid on the maiden's lap. Thereupon
Thor threw off his disguise, grasped his redoubted weapon and
slaughtered Thrum and all his followers.
would give him his sword as a reward. Frey consented and gave
him the sword, and Skirnir set off on his journey and obtained
the maiden's promise that within nine nights she would come to a
certain place and there wed Frey. Skirnir having reported the
success of his errand, Frey exclaimed,
So Frey obtained Gerda, the most beautiful of all women, for his
wife, but he lost his sword.
"My name is Skrymir," said the giant, "but I need not ask thy
name, for I know that thou art the god Tor. But what has become
of my glove?" Thor then perceived that what they had taken
overnight for a hall was the giant's glove and the chamber where
his two companions had sought refuge was the thumb. Skrymir then
proposed that they should travel in company, and Thor consenting,
they sat down to eat their breakfast, and when they had done,
Skrymir packed all the provisions into one wallet, threw it over
his shoulder, and strode on before them, taking such tremendous
strides that they were hard put to it to keep up with him. So
they travelled the whole day, and at dusk, Skrymir close a place
for them to pass the night in under a large oak-tree. Skrymir
then told them he would lie down to sleep. "But take ye the
wallet," he added, "and prepare your supper."Skrymir soon fell
asleep and began to snore strongly, but when Thor tried to open
the wallet, he found the giant had tied it up so tight he could
not untie a single knot. At last Thor became wroth, and grasping
his mallet with both hands he struck a furious blow on the
giant's head. Skrymir awakening merely asked whether a leaf had
not fallen on his head, and whether they had supped and were
ready to go to sleep. Thor answered that they were just going to
sleep, and so saying went and laid himself down under another
tree. But sleep came not that night to Thor, and when Skrymir
snored again so loud that the forest re-echoed with the noise, he
arose, and grasping his mallet launched it with such force at the
giant's skull that it made a deep dint in it. Skrymir awakening
cried out, "What's the matter? Are there any birds perched on
this tree? I felt some moss from the branches fall on my head.
How fares it with thee, Thor?" But Thor went away hastily,
saying that he had just then awoke, and that as it was only
midnight, there was still time for sleep. He however resolved
that if he had an opportunity of striking a third blow, it should
Hereupon he threw his wallet over his shoulders, and turned away
from them into the forest, and Thor had no wish to stop him or to
ask for any more of his company.
Thor and his companions proceeded on their way, and towards noon
descried a city standing in the middle of a plain. It was so
lofty that they were obliged to bend their necks quite back on
their shoulders in order to see to the top of it. On arriving
they entered the city, and seeing a large palace before them with
the door wide open, they went in, and found a number of men of
prodigious stature, sitting on benches in the hall. Going
further, they came before the king Utgard-Loki, whom they saluted
with great respect. The king, regarding them with a scornful
smile, said, "If I do not mistake me, that stripling yonder must
be the god Thor." Then addressing himself to Thor, he said,
"Perhaps thou mayst be more than thou appearest to be. What are
the feats that thou and thy fellows deem yourselves skilled in,
for no one is permitted to remain here who does not, in some feat
or other, excel all other men?"
"The feat that I know," said Loki, "is to eat quicker than any
one else, and in this I am ready to give a proof against any one
here who may choose to compete with me."
He then ordered one of his men who was sitting at the farther end
of the bench, and whose name was Logi, to come forward and try
his skill with Loki. A trough filled with meat having been set
on the hall floor, Loki placed himself at one end, and Logi at
the other, and each of them began to eat as fast as he could,
until they met in the middle of the trough. But it was found
that Loki had only eaten the flesh, while his adversary had
devoured both flesh and bone, and the trough to boot. All the
company therefore adjudged that Loki was vanquished.
Utgard-Loki then asked what feat the young man who accompanied
Thor could perform. Thialfi answered that he would run a race
with any one who might be matched against him. The king observed
that skill in running was something to boast of, but if the youth
would win the match he must display great agility. He then arose
and went with all who were present to a plain where there was
good ground for running on, and calling a young man named Hugi,
bade him run a match with Thialfi. In the first course Hugi so
much outstripped his competitor that he turned back and met him
not far from the starting-place. Then they ran a second and a
third time, but Thialfi met with no better success. Utgard-Loki
then asked Thor in what feats he would choose to give proofs of
that prowess for which he was so famous. Thor answered that he
would try a drinking-match with any one. Utgard-Loki bade his
cupbearer bring the large horn which his followers were obliged
to empty when they had trespassed in any way against the law of
the feast. The cupbearer having presented it to Thor, Utgard-
Loki said, "Whoever is a good drinker will empty that horn at a
single draught, though most men make two of it, but the most puny
drinker can do it in three."
After taking breath, Thor went to it again with all his might,
but when he took the horn from his mouth, it seemed to him that
he had drunk rather less than before, although the horn could now
be carried without spilling.
"How now, Thor," said Utgard-Loki, "thou must not spare thyself;
if thou meanest to drain the horn at the third draught thou must
pull deeply; and I must needs say that thou wilt not be called so
mighty a man here as thou art at home if thou showest no greater
prowess in other feats than methinks will be shown in this."
Thor, full of wrath, again set the horn to his lips, and did his
best to empty it; but on looking in found the liquor was only a
little lower, so he resolved to make no further attempt, but gave
back the horn to the cupbearer.
"I now see plainly," said Utgard-Loki, "that thou art not quite
so stout as we thought thee; but wilt thou try any other feat,
though methinks thou art not likely to bear any prize away with
thee hence."
"Little as ye call me," answered Thor, "let me see who among you
will come hither now I am in wrath and wrestle with me."
"I see no one here," said Utgard-Loki, looking at the men sitting
on the benches, "who would not think it beneath him to wrestle
with thee; let somebody, however, call hither that old crone, my
nurse Elli, and let Thor wrestle with her if he will. She has
thrown to the ground many a man not less strong than this Thor
A toothless old woman then entered the hall, and was told by
Utgard-Loki to take hold of Thor. The tale is shortly told. The
more Thor tightened his hold on the crone the firmer she stood.
At length, after a very violent struggle, Thor began to lose his
footing, and was finally brought down upon one knee. Utgard-Loki
then told them to desist, adding that Thor had now no occasion to
ask any one else in the hall to wrestle with him, and it was also
getting late; so he showed Thor and his companions to their
seats, and they passed the night there in good cheer.
The next morning at break of day, Thor and his companions dressed
themselves and prepared for their departure. Utgard-Loki ordered
a table to be set for them, on which there was no lack of
victuals or drink. After the repast Utgard-Loki led them to the
gate of the city, and on parting asked Thor how he thought his
journey had turned out, and whether he had met with any men
stronger than himself. Thor told him that he could not deny but
that he had brought great shame on himself. "And what grieves me
most," he added, is that ye will call me a person of little
On hearing these words Thor in a rage laid hold of his mallet and
would have launched it at him, but Utgard-Loki had disappeared,
and when Thor would have returned to the city to destroy it, he
found nothing around him but a verdant plain.
But the other gods, feeling that what Frigga had done was quite
sufficient, amused themselves with using Baldur as a mark, some
hurling darts at him, some stones, while others hewed at him with
their swords and battle-axes, for do what they would none of them
could harm him. And this became a favorite pastime with them and
was regarded as an honor shown to Baldur. But when Loki beheld
the scene he was sorely vexed that Baldur was not hurt.
Assuming, therefore, the shape of a woman, he went to Fensalir,
the mansion of Frigga. That goddess, when she saw the pretended
woman, inquired of her if she knew what the gods were doing at
their meetings. She replied that they were throwing darts and
stones at Baldur, without being able to hurt him. "Ay," said
Frigga, "neither stones, nor sticks, nor anything else can hurt
Baldur, for I have exacted an oath from all of them. " "What,"
exclaimed the woman, "have all things sworn to spare Baldur?"
"All things," replied Frigga, "except one little shrub that grows
on the eastern side of Valhalla, and is called Mistletoe, and
which I thought too young and feeble to crave an oath from."
As soon as Loki heard this he went away, and resuming his natural
shape, cut off the mistletoe, and repaired to the place where the
gods were assembled. There he found Hodur standing apart,
without partaking of the sports, on account of his blindness, and
going up to him, said, "Why dost thou not also throw something at
"Come, then," said Loki, "do like the rest and show honor to
Baldur by throwing this twig at him, and I will direct thy arm
towards the place where he stands."
Hodur then took the mistletoe, and under the guidance of Loki,
darted it at Baldur, who, pierced through and through, fell down
lifeless. Surely never was there witnessed, either among gods or
men, a more atrocious deed than this. When Baldur fell, the gods
were struck speechless with horror, and then they looked at each
other, and all were of one mind to lay hands on him who had done
the deed, but they were obliged to delay their vengeance out of
respect for the sacred place where they were assembled. They
gave vent to their grief by loud lamentations. When the gods
"I ride to Hel," answered Hermod, "to seek Baldur. Hast thou
perchance seen him pass this way?"
She replied, "Baldur hath ridden over Gyoll's bridge, and yonder
lieth the way he took to the abodes of death."
Hermod then rode back to Asgard and gave an account of all he had
heard and witnessed.
It was strongly suspected that this hag was no other than Loki
himself, who never ceased to work evil among gods and men. So
Baldur was prevented from coming back to Asgard. (In
Longfellow's Poems, vol. 1, page 379, will be found a poem
entitled Tegner's Drapa, upon the subject of Baldur's death.)
The gods took up the dead body and bore it to the sea-shore where
stood Baldur's ship Hringham, which passed for the largest in the
world. Baldur's dead body was put on the funeral pile, on board
the ship, and his wife Nanna was so struck with grief at the
sight that she broke her heart, and her body was burned on the
same pile with her husband's. There was a vast concourse of
various kinds of people at Baldur's obsequies. First came Odin
accompanied by Frigga, the Valkyrior, and his ravens; then Frey
in his car drawn by Gullinbursti, the boar; Heimdall rode his
horse Gulltopp, and Freya drove in her chariot drawn by cats.
There were also a great many Frost giants and giants of the
mountain present. Baldur's horse was led to the pile fully
caparisoned and consumed in the same flames with his master.
But Loki did not escape his deserved punishment. When he saw how
angry the gods were, he fled to the mountain, and there built
himself a hut with four doors, so that he could see every
approaching danger. He invented a net to catch the fishes, such
as fishermen have used since his time. But Odin found out his
hiding-place and the gods assembled to take him. He, seeing
this, changed himself into a salmon, and lay hid among the stones
of the brook. But the gods took his net and dragged the brook,
and Loki finding he must be caught, tried to leap over the net;
but Thor caught him by the tail and compressed it so, that
salmons every since have had that part remarkably fine and thin.
They bound him with chains and suspended a serpent over his head,
whose venom falls upon his face drop by drop. His wife Siguna
sits by his side and catches the drops as they fall, in a cup;
but when she carries it away to empty it, the venom falls upon
Loki, which makes him howl with horror, and twist his body about
so violently that the whole earth shakes, and this produces what
men call earthquakes.
Their country was called Alfheim, and was the domain of Freyr,
the god of the sun, in whose light they were always sporting.
men perish in great numbers, and the eagles of the air feast upon
their still quivering bodies. The wolf Fenris will now break his
bands, the Midgard serpent rise out of her bed in the sea, and
Loki, released from his bonds, will join the enemies of the gods.
Amidst the general devastation the sons of Muspelheim will rush
forth under their leader Surtur, before and behind whom are
flames and burning fire. Onward they ride over Bifrost, the
rainbow bridge, which breaks under the horses' hoofs. But they,
disregarding its fall, direct their course to the battle-field
called Vigrid. Thither also repair the wolf Fenris, the Midgard
serpent, Loki with all the followers of Hela, and the Frost
After this Alfadur (the almighty) will cause a new heaven and a
new earth to arise out of the sea. The new earth, filled with
abundant supplies, will spontaneously produce its fruits without
labor or care. Wickedness and misery will no more be known, but
the gods and men will live happily together.
The Skalds were the bards and poets of the nation, a very
important class of men in all communities in an early stage of
civilization. They are the depositaries of whatever historic
lore there is, and it is their office to mingle something of
intellectual gratification with the rude feasts of the warriors,
by rehearsing, with such accompaniments of poetry and music as
their skill can afford, the exploits of their heroes living or
dead. The compositions of the Skalds were called Sagas, many of
which have come down to us, and contain valuable materials of
history, and a faithful picture of the state of society at the
time to which they relate.
The Eddas and Sagas have come to us from Iceland. The following
extract from Carlyle's Lectures on Heroes and Hero worship gives
an animated account of the region where the strange stories we
have been reading had their origin. Let the reader contrast it
for a moment with Greece, the parent of classical mythology.
"In that strange island, Iceland, burst up, the geologists say,
by fire from the bottom of the sea, a wild land of barrenness and
lava, swallowed many months of every year in black tempests, yet
with a wild, gleaming beauty in summer time, towering up there
stern and grim in the North Ocean, with its snow yokuls
(mountains), roaring geysers (boiling springs), sulphur pools,
and horrid volcanic chasms, like the vast, chaotic battle-field
of Frost and Fire, where, of all places, we least looked for
literature or written memorials, the record of these things was
written down. On the seaboard of this wild land is a rim of
grassy country, where cattle can subsist, and men by means of
them and of what the sea yields; and it seems they were poetic
men these, men who had deep thoughts in them and uttered
musically their thoughts. Much would be lost had Iceland not
been burst up from the sea, not been discovered by the Northmen!"
The Druids taught the existence of one God, to whom they gave a
name "Be'al," which Celtic antiquaries tell us means "the life of
The Druids observed two festivals in each year. The former took
place in the beginning of May, and was called Beltane or "fire of
God." On this occasion a large fire was kindled on some elevated
spot, in honor of the sun, whose returning beneficence they thus
Besides these two great annual festivals, the Druids were in the
habit of observing the full moon, and especially the sixth day of
the moon. On the latter they sought the mistletoe, which grew on
their favorite oaks, and to which, as well as to the oak itself,
they ascribed a peculiar virtue and sacredness. The discovery of
it was an occasion of rejoicing and solemn worship. "They call
it," says Pliny, "by a word in their language which means 'heal-
all,' and having made solemn preparation for feasting and
sacrifice under the tree, they drive thither two milk-white
bulls, whose horns are then for the first time bound. The priest
then, robed in white, ascends the tree, and cuts off the
mistletoe with a golden sickle. It is caught in a white mantle,
after which they proceed to slay the victims, at the same time
praying that god would render his gift prosperous to those to
whom he had given it. They drink the water in which it has been
infused, and think it a remedy for all diseases. The mistletoe
is a parasitic plant, and is not always nor often found on the
oak, so that when it is found it is the more precious."
The Druidical system was at its height at the time of the Roman
invasion under Julius Caesar. Against the Druids, as their chief
enemies, these conquerors of the world directed their unsparing
fury. The Druids, harassed at all points on the main-land,
retreated to Anglesey and Iona, where for a season they found
shelter, and continued their now-dishonored rites.
aiding each other in the common work of preaching the gospel and
teaching youth, as well as maintaining in themselves the fervor
of devotion by united exercises of worship. On entering the
order certain vows were taken by the members, but they were not
those which were usually imposed by monastic orders, for of
these, which are three, celibacy, poverty, and obedience, the
Culdees were bound to none except the third. To poverty they did
not bind themselves; on the contrary, they seem to have labored
diligently to procure for themselves and those dependent on them
the comforts of life. Marriage also was allowed them, and most
of them seem to have entered into that state. True, their wives
were not permitted to reside with them at the institution, but
they had a residence assigned to them in an adjacent locality.
Near Iona there is an island which still bears the name of "Eilen
nam ban," women's island, where their husbands seem to have
resided with them, except when duty required their presence in
the school or the sanctuary.
Ionia, from its position in the western seas, was exposed to the
assaults of the Norwegian and Danish rovers by whom those seas
were infested, and by them it was repeatedly pillaged, its
dwellings burned, and its peaceful inhabitants put to the sword.
These unfavorable circumstances led to its gradual decline, which
was expedited by the supervision of the Culdees throughout
Scotland. Under the reign of Popery the island became the seat
of a nunnery, the ruins of which are still seen. At the
Reformation, the nuns were allowed to remain, living in
community, when the abbey was dismantled.
W e have seen throughout the course of this book how the Greek
and Norse myths have furnished material for the poets, not only
of Greece and Scandinavia, but also of modern times. In the same way
these stories have been found capable of artistic treatment by painters,
sculptors, and even by musicians. The story of Cupid and Psyche has
not only been retold by poets from Apuleius to William Morris, but
also drawn out in a series of frescoes by Raphael, and sculptured in
marble by Canova. Even to enumerate the works of art of the modern
and ancient world which depend for their subject-matter upon
mythology would be a task for a book by itself. As we have been able
to give only a few illustrations of the poetic treatment of some of the
principal myths, so we shall have to content ourselves with a similarly
limited view of the part played by them in other fields of art.
the disc its highest force. The body is bent forward, the toes
of one foot cling to the ground, the muscles of the torso are
strained, the whole body is in an attitude of violent tension
which can endure only for an instant. Yet the face is free from
of the Centaurs and Amazons. The figures have not the calm
stateliness of bearing which characterizes those of the Parthenon frieze,
but instead exhibit a wild
vehemence of action which is,
perhaps, directly due to the
influence of Myron.
What Polycleitos did for the male form in these two statues he did for
the female form in his Amazon, which, according to a doubtful story,
was adjudged in competition superior to a work by Pheidias. A statue
supposed to be a copy of this masterpiece of Polycleitos is now in the
Berlin Museum. It represents a woman standing in a graceful attitude
beside a pillar, her left arm thrown above her head to free her wounded
breast. The sculptor has succeeded admirably in catching the muscular
force and firm hard flesh
beneath the graceful curves
of the woman warrior.
three great pieces of art work: The Athene Promachos, the Athene
Parthenos, and the Olympian Zeus. The first of these was a work
of Pheidias's youth. It represented the goddess standing gazing
toward Athens lovingly and protectingly. She held a spear in one
hand, the other supported a buckler. The statue was nine feet
high. It was dignified and noble, but at the time of its
conception Pheidias had not freed himself from the convention and
traditions of the earlier school, and the stiff folds of the
tunic, the cold demeanor of the goddess, recall the masters whom
Pheidias was destined to supersede. No copy of this statue
survives, and hence a description of it must be largely
conjectural, made up from hints gleaned from Athenian coins.
this statue was to shine as queen. The Olympian Zeus was the
representative of that greater divinity which all Hellas united
in honoring. We may gain from the words of Pausanias some idea
of the magnificence of this statue, but of its unutterable
majesty we can only form faint images in the mind, remembering
the strength and grace of the figures of the pediments of the
Another post-Pheidian
work at Athens was the
temple of Nike Apteros, the
wingless Victory. The bas-
reliefs from this temple, now
in the Acropolis Museum at
Athens, one representing the
Victory stooping to tie her
sandal, another, the Victory
crowning a trophy, recall the
consummate grace of the art
of Pheidias, the greatest
Greek art.
Scopas was born at Paros, and lived during the fist half of the
fourth century. He did much decorative work including the
pediments of the temple of Athena at Tegea. He participated also
in the decoration of the Mausoleum erected by Artemisia to the
lips, and sweet, soft skin, is, perhaps, the nearest approach
which we possess to the glorious beauty of the original.
The Hermes was found lacking the right arm and both legs below
the knees, but the marvellous head and torso are perfectly
preserved. The god is without the traditional symbols of his
divinity. He is merely a beautiful man. He stands leaning
easily against a tree, supporting on one arm the child Dionysus,
to whom he turns his gracious head with the devotion and love of
a protector. The face, in its expression of sweet majesty, is
distinctly a personal conception. The low forehead, the eyes far
apart, the small, playful mouth, the round, dimpled chin, all
bear evidence to the individual quality which Praxiteles infused
into the ideal thought of the god. The body, though at rest, is
instinct with life and activity, in spite of its grace. In
short, the form of the god has the superb perfection, as the face
has the dignity, which was attributed to Pheidias. Nevertheless,
the Hermes illustrates sensual loveliness of the later school.
The freedom with which the god is conceived belongs to an age
when the chains of religious belief sat lightly upon the artist.
The gds of Praxiteles are the gods of human experience, and in
his treatment of them he does not always escape the tendency of
the age of decline to put pathos and passion in the place of
eternal majesty.
But from this time the downward tendency in Greek art is only too
apparent, and very rapid. The spread of Greek influence over
Asia, and later, in consequence of the conquest of Greece by
Rome, over Europe, had the effect of widening the market for
Greek production, but of drying up the sources of what was vital
in that production. Athens and Sikyou became mere provincial
cities, and were shorn thenceforth of all artistic significance;
and Greek art, thus deprived of the roots of its life, continued
to grow for a while with a rank luxuriance of production, but
soon became normal and conventional. The artists who followed
Lysippos contented themselves chiefly with seeking a merely
technical perfection in reproducing the creations of the earlier
and more original age.
The contests with the Gauls, the fear inspired by the huge forms
of the barbarians, seem to have influenced powerfully the
imaginative conceptions of the sculptors of the school of
Pergamon. One of the most famous works which they have left is
the figure long known as the Dying Gladiator, of which a copy
The same judgment may be extended to the Farnese Bull, the work
of Apollonius and Tauriscos, artists from Tralles who lived at
Rhodes. This group represents the punishment of the cruel Dirke
at the hands of the sons of Antiope. The beautiful queen clasps
the knee of one of the sons praying for grace, while the other
boy is about to throw over her the noose which is to bind her to
the bull. Antiope stands in the background, a mere lay figure,
and scattered about are numerous small symbolical figures. Like
the Laocoon the Farnese Bull exhibits surprising mastery of
technical obstacles, but, like the Laocoon, it falls short of
true tragic grandeur. In a greater degree than the Laocoon it
trenches upon the province of painting. It is more complicated
in its subject-matter; and the appearance in the group of many
small subsidiary figures, which in a painting might have been
given their proper value, being in the marble of the same relief
and distinction as the major characters, give a somewhat absurd
effect. The little goddess who sits in the foreground, for
instance, is smaller than the dog. Again, there is less of the
motive shown than in the Laocoon. The group is seized at the
moment preceding the frightful catastrophe, but that moment is as
full of agony as the succeeding ones, and in addition there is
the feeling of suspense and oppression that comes from the
unfinished tragedy. Altogether, the group, in spite of the
marvellous technical skill shown in details, is a failure when
judged on general lines. Its interest lies in momentary and
apparently ummotived suffering, not in any truly serious
conception of life.
With the conquest of Greece by Rome, the final stage of Greek art
begins. But the vigor and originality had departed. The
sculptors aimed at and attained technical correctness, academic
During all of this final period Greek art was very largely
influenced by the relations which existed between Greece and
Rome. About the year 200 B.C. the Roman conquest of Greece led
to an important traffic in works of art between Rome and the
Greek cities. For a time, indeed, statues formed a recognized
part of the booty which graced every Roman triumph. M. Fulvius
Nobilior carried away not less than five hundred and fifteen.
After the period of conquest the importation of Greek statues
continued at Rome, and in time Greek artists also began to remove
thither, so that Rome became not only the centre for the
collection of Greek works of art, but the chief seat of their
production. At this time the Roman religious conceptions were
identified with those of Greece, and the Greek gods received the
Latin names by which we now know them. The influence of the
Greeks upon Rome was very marked, but the reflex influence of the
material civilization of Italy upon Greek art was altogether bad,
and thus the splendor of classical art went out in
dilletantism and weakness.