This document outlines the requirements for case studies to be included in ESS (Environmental Systems and Societies) exams in 2017. It provides guidance on topics students should study, such as contrasting biomes and succession, case histories of species impacts, protected area evaluation, and food and energy system comparisons. Students are encouraged to choose specific examples and case studies that demonstrate themes like conflict over shared water resources, controversial species harvesting, and the effects of aquaculture.
This document outlines the requirements for case studies to be included in ESS (Environmental Systems and Societies) exams in 2017. It provides guidance on topics students should study, such as contrasting biomes and succession, case histories of species impacts, protected area evaluation, and food and energy system comparisons. Students are encouraged to choose specific examples and case studies that demonstrate themes like conflict over shared water resources, controversial species harvesting, and the effects of aquaculture.
This document outlines the requirements for case studies to be included in ESS (Environmental Systems and Societies) exams in 2017. It provides guidance on topics students should study, such as contrasting biomes and succession, case histories of species impacts, protected area evaluation, and food and energy system comparisons. Students are encouraged to choose specific examples and case studies that demonstrate themes like conflict over shared water resources, controversial species harvesting, and the effects of aquaculture.
This document outlines the requirements for case studies to be included in ESS (Environmental Systems and Societies) exams in 2017. It provides guidance on topics students should study, such as contrasting biomes and succession, case histories of species impacts, protected area evaluation, and food and energy system comparisons. Students are encouraged to choose specific examples and case studies that demonstrate themes like conflict over shared water resources, controversial species harvesting, and the effects of aquaculture.
1.1 Evaluate the implications of two contrasting EVSs in the context of given environmental issues.
2.4 Students should be encouraged to study at least four contrasting pairs of biomes of interest to them, such as temperate forests and tropical seasonalforests; or tundras and deserts; or tropical coral reefs and hydrothermalvents; or temperate bogs and tropical mangrove forests. 2.4 Named examples of organisms from the pioneer, intermediate and climax communities should be provided. 2.4 Describe the process of succession in a given example.
3.3 Discuss the case histories of three different species: one that has become extinct due to human activity, another that is critically endangered, and a third species whose conservation status has been improved by intervention. 3.3 Describe the threats to biodiversity from human activity in a given natural area of biological significance or conservation area. 3.4 Evaluate the success of a given protected area.
4.2 Discuss, with reference to a case study, how shared freshwater resources have given rise to international conflict. 4.3 Discuss, with reference to a case study, the controversial harvesting of a named species. (Aquatic Resources) 4.3 Discuss a case study that demonstrates the impact of aquaculture.
5.2 Compare and contrast the inputs, outputs and system characteristics for two given food production systems. 5.2 Evaluate the relative environmental impacts of two given food production systems. 5.3 Evaluate the soil management strategies of a given commercial farming system and of a given subsistence farming system.
6.4 (not required byt suggested) Possible case studies of intergovernmental situations involving acid deposition to consider include the USA Midwest and Eastern Canada interaction, as well as the impact of industrial Britain, Germany and Poland on Sweden.
7.1 Evaluate the energy strategy of a given society. (in guidance: Use case studies to highlight the energy choices of different countries)
Comprender Los Efectos de La Previsibilidad, Duración y Patrón Espacial de Secado en Conjuntos de Invertebrados Bentónicos en Dos Corrientes Intermitentes Contrastantes