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Science FPD

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General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
thinking Competence
Cross-curriculum priorities:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

5E’s- ENGAGE (1 lesson)

 To capture student interest and find out what they know about the 3 states of matter.
 To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about the properties of solids, liquids and gases.
 Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about the 3 states of matter. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning
learning experiences
5E’s- EXPLORE (1 lessons)
 To provide hands on, shared experiences of pressure
 To support students to investigate and explore ideas about gas
 Formative assessment
5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
 To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make representations of developing conceptual understandings
 Formative assessment
5E’s- ELABORATE (1 lessons)
 To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
 To use investigative/ inquiry skills
 Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)

 To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about solids, liquids and gases and represent what they know about their properties.
 Summative assessment of science understanding
English CONCEPT MAP Maths

 Wanted posters featuring the states of  Records and graph the time it takes
matter and a description various frozen liquids to melt
 Read “Bartholomew and the Oobleck”, Concept: Term: Weeks:  Measuring volume of liquids that are
then write your own story about solids, frozen or baked and calculating the
liquid and gases. difference.
Science / Technology & Enterprise
 Make oobleck and write a “how to”  Determine the mass of various matter
procedure  Making pancakes - observing the changes the of the same volume, using a double
 Create a memory game – match the ingredients undergo pan balance.
item/substance with its description.  Making windmills  Determine the volume of objects by
 calculating the displacement of water
 Venn diagram showing the properties
of solids, liquids gases
 Crystals – measure, record and graph
HASS growth over a defined period of time
 Research project into global warming and the ice
Teaching & Learning
Week/ Specific Lesson Assessment
Australian Curriculum links experiences Key Questions Resources
Lesson # Objective (What and how)
(Include learner diversity
Science Science as a Science
Understanding human Inquiry Skills

1 Engage ACSSU077 ACSHE081 ACSIS231 iPads – enough for 1

Solids, liquids Science With guidance, Students will be able Diagnostic Lesson Introduction – per group
and gases have involves testing pose clarifying to: assessment: Introduce new topic “Solids, Liquids Labelled containers
different predictions by questions and
 Group containers of  Anecdotal notes and gases”. What are some with lids
observable gathering data make
through Brainstorm – students list one of each examples of solids, Hairspray
properties and and predictions various matter into Icing sugar
behave in using evidence about scientific observation – solid, liquid, and gas and think liquids, gases?
solids, liquids and Bar of soap
different ways to develop investigations  Checklist about what makes it so. Toothpaste
explanations of gases, providing a Cordial
events and ACSIS093 justification for why
phenomena and Communicate Lesson Body – Honey
they placed them. Psyllium gel
reflects ideas, In small groups of 2- 3 students look
Blank strips of paper
historical and explanations  Provide 3 words to at each container with various for word wall
cultural and processes describe each of substances in it. Discuss in their
contributions using scientific
representations solids, liquids and groups whether they think each
in a variety of gases. substance is solid, liquid or gas and How did you decide
ways, including use their iPad to vote accordingly. whether each was a
multi-modal Class Discussion of results and how solid, liquid or gas?
groups determined their response.

Group Challenge – each group will

be given a container of psyllium gel.
Groups work together to discuss
whether they believe it is a solid,
liquid or gas and records their
response in the table provided.
What are some words
Lesson Close – Ticket out the Door - you can think of to
students receive 3 strips of paper and describe solids,
write 1 word on each to describe a liquids and gases?
solid, liquid and gas, to be put on the
word wall.
Week/ Specific Lesson Teaching & Learning experiences Key
Australian Curriculum links (What and Resources
Lesson # Objective (Include learner diversity Questions
Science Science as a Science Inquiry
Understanding human Skills


Solids, liquids and Science With guidance, Students will be able Formative: Lesson Introduction – Science
Explore Recap of last lesson – What are the
gases have involves testing pose clarifying to:  Anecdotal  Describe the properties of solids, liquids, gases characteristics of: journal
different predictions by questions and
observable gathering data make predictions  Generate their own notes through (Think/Pair/Share) - Solids? Film
properties and and about scientific hypothesis using the observation  What is pressure? Come up with a definition - Liquids? canisters
behave in using evidence investigations
template provided.  Checklist (Think/Pair/Share) - Gases? Alka-Seltzer
different ways to develop What is pressure?
explanations of ACSIS218  State that gas takes Lesson Body – When is pressure
events and Compare data Water
phenomena and with predictions
up space; and that a Students get into groups of 3 or 4 – assign roles useful?
reflects and use build-up of Introduce activity – read through Instruction sheet Paper towel
historical and as evidence in contained gas causes together Device/ipad
cultural developing Students develop and record a hypothesis in their
contributions explanations pressure.
science journals
Safety First – read through safety reminders together.
Move class outside – ensure students have
Scientific Communicate
knowledge is ideas, appropriate distance between group – i.e. 3-4 metres
used to solve explanations and  Students will pour the water into the canister up
problems and processes using to the black line.
inform personal scientific  One member of the group opens the Alka-Seltzer
and community representations in packet while another member stands close by
decisions a variety of ways, with the lid ready to put onto the canister.
including multi-
modal texts
 Drop an Alka-Seltzer tablet into the canister and
quickly secure the lid.
 Place the canister so it is standing with the lid
ACSIS088 Use What did we
equipment and
touching the ground and the base of the canister
facing the sky. observe?
materials safely, (Reaction time,
identifying  Stand back from the canister by quickly taking
two giant steps away from it and watch what height, etc.)
potential risks How does this
relate to pressure?
ACSIS090  One student from each group films the
Construct and use experiment on their device.
a range of Class discussion.
representations, Students write up experiment in their Science Journal
including tables using the template provided.
and graphs, to
represent and Revisit Word wall –
describe Allow student a couple of minutes to identify any
observations, words on the word wall that should be moved or
patterns or removed. Add anything new
in data using digit Lesson Close –
al technologies as Students to write on a post it note:
 Something that they learnt today
Anything they are still unsure about from today’s
Week/ Specific Lesson Assessment Teaching & Learning experiences
Australian Curriculum links Key Questions Resources
Lesson # Objective (What and how) (Include learner diversity

Science Science as a Science Inquiry

Understanding human Skills


Solids, liquids Science With guidance, Students will be able Formative: Lesson Introduction – What words can you Poster paper
Explain and gases have involves testing pose clarifying  Anecdotal notes Recap last lesson. think of to describe 2 large clear plastic
to:  What do we know about gas? each of the states of water bottles
different predictions by questions and through
observable gathering data make  Provide a definition  What is pressure? matter? Baking soda
properties and and predictions for each of - solid,  Rubric In science journal, students make notes to Funnels
behave in using evidence about scientific describe each state of matter. Can you identify any balloons
different ways to develop investigations
liquid, gas.
Watch - solids?
explanations of  State that gas takes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wclY8 Can you identify any
events and ACSIS218 up space and
phenomena and Compare data F-UoTE liquids?
reflects with predictions disperses if it is not Are there any gases?
historical and and use contained.
cultural as evidence in Lesson Body -
contributions developing Teacher demonstration –
explanations Baking soda and vinegar balloon
ideas, Group activity –
explanations In groups of 3-4 students discuss and come
and processes up with their own group definition of a
using scientific solid, liquid and gas and make either 1
representations large poster or 3 smaller posters including:
in a variety of  Labelled diagram or drawing
ways, including
multi-modal  Group definition
texts  1 example

Gallery walk to view posters

**Time permitting What words need to
be removed or
Revisit Word wall – relocated?
Allow student a couple of minutes to Can you think of
identify any words on the word wall that anything we need to
should be moved or removed. Add add?
anything new.

Lesson Close –
Students to write on a post it note:
 Something that they learnt today
 Anything they are still unsure about
from today’s lesson.
Specific Lesson Assessment Teaching & Learning experiences
Lesson Australian Curriculum links Key Questions Resources
Objective (What and how) (Include learner diversity
Science Science as a Science Inquiry Skills
Understandin human
g Endeavour
Elaborate Solids, liquids Science With guidance, pose clarifying Students will be Summative: Lesson Introduction – What is a fair test? Various sized
Review last lesson – What variable was
and gases involves testing questions and make predictions able to:  Anecdotal water bottles
have different predictions by about scientific investigations What do we already know about gas? changed in the
 Devise a notes through Measuring cups
observable gathering data Fair tests – definition. video?
properties and and ACSIS218 research question observation Watch – and spoons
behave in using evidence Compare data with predictions to conduct a fair  Rubric https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoGk What is a fair test? Vinegar
different to develop and use as evidence in developing test. CtrFYQY What are the
ways explanations of explanations  Be able to state variables in the
Baking soda
events and Funnels
phenomena and ACSIS093 an example of the Lesson Body – demonstration you
reflects Communicate ideas, explanations Independent Introduce fair tests and variables – Cows saw last lesson? Balloons
historical and and processes using scientific variable, Moo Softly. Think/pair/share on each – What variables can Paper towels
cultural representations in a variety of Dependent examples from the current experiment we change? Drop sheets
contributions ways, including multi-modal texts (students observed a demonstration of the
Variable and activity last lesson). Measuring tapes
ACSHE083 ACSIS086 Identify, plan and apply Controlled
Scientific the elements of scientific Variable using Students in groups decide on their research
knowledge is investigations to answer COWS.
used to solve question e.g. – how does changing the
questions and solve problems bottle size affect the chemical reaction
problems and using equipment and materials
inform personal between vinegar and baking soda to inflate
safely and identifying potential
and community a balloon?
decisions Identify the variables and record on the
ACSIS087 Decide variables to be sheet provided.
changed and measured in fair In their groups students then carry out their
tests, and observe measure and experiment. Teacher provides assistance or
record data with accuracy prompting where necessary.
using digital technologies as Record hypothesis.
appropriate Graph/draw results in Science Journal.

ACSIS088 Use equipment and

materials safely, identifying Lesson Close –
potential risks Students present to rest of class sharing:
 What the focus question was
ACSIS090 Construct and use a
 What were the variable
range of representations,
including tables and graphs, to
 What were the results
represent and describe  What worked/didn’t work?
observations, patterns or  What would you do differently
relationships in data using digital next time?
technologies as appropriate
Revisit Word wall –
ACSIS091 Reflect on and suggest Allow student a couple of minutes to
improvements to scientific identify any words on the word wall that
investigations should be moved or removed. Add
anything new
Teaching & Learning
Week/ Specific Lesson Assessment
Australian Curriculum links experiences Key Questions Resources
Lesson # Objective (What and how)
(Include learner diversity
Science Science as a Science Inquiry
Understanding human Skills
Evaluate ACSSU077 ACSHE081 ACSIS093 Students will be able to Summative: Lesson Introduction: What do we know Various scraps
Solids, liquids Science Communicate ideas, construct a model  Anecdotal notes Think/pair/share – what have we learnt about: materials –
and gases have involves testing explanations and showing: through throughout the topic?  Solids? cardboard,
different predictions by processes using  The 3 states of observation.  Different states of matter –  Liquid? polystyrene, plastics,
observable gathering data scientific matter  Rubric. observable properties and how  Gases? etc.
properties and and representations in a
behave in using evidence variety of ways,  Their properties, they behave in different ways How can/does matter Paints and paint
different ways to develop including multi- and  How materials change states of change states? brushes
explanations of modal texts  How they change. matter Newspaper/drop
events and sheets
phenomena and ACSIS090 Construct Lesson Body – Masking tape rolls
reflects In pairs (or groups of no more than 3)
and use a range of
historical and students will construct a model of the 3
including tables and states of matter that demonstrates their
graphs, to represent learning in this unit.
and describe
observations, Lesson Close –
patterns or Gallery walk – opportunity to view the rest
relationships of the class’
in data using digital Ticket out the door – one thing you have
technologies as learnt (throughout whole unit), and one
appropriate suggestion on what you would change
ACSIS091 Reflect
on and suggest
improvements to

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