Airport Engineering
Airport Engineering
Airport Engineering
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Opposite Amul Dairy, Civil Court Road, Post Box No. 65, ANAND 388 001 India
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Detailed Contents
Chapter 1 introduction Chapter 3 airport planning
1-1. General 3-1. General
(1) Collective demand 3-2. Improvement of existing airport
(2) Efficient and adequate supply (1) Capacity of existing airport
(3) Power of discrimination (2) Improving the existing capacity
1-2. Significance of transport (3) Traffic forecast
(1) Economic significance of transport (4) Planning a new airport
(2) Political significance of transport 3-3. Airport site selection
(3) Social significance of transport (1) Atmospheric and meteorological conditions
1-3. Modes of transport (2) Availability of land for expansion
(1) Land transport (3) Availability of utilities
(2) Water transport (4) Development of the surrounding area
(3) Air transport (5) Economy of construction
1-4. History of aviation (6) Ground accessibility
1-5. Air transportation in India (7) Presence of other airports
(1) Indian Airlines Corporation (8) Regional plan, (9) Soil characteristics
(2) Air India International Corporation (10) Surrounding obstructions
1-6. International airport authority of India (IAAI) (11) Topography, (12) Use of airport
1-7. Civil aviation department 3-4. Airport size
1-8. Airport Authority of India (AAI) (1) Elevation of the airport site
1-9. Open sky policy (2) Meteorological conditions
1-10. Airport terminology (3) Performance characteristics of aircrafts
1-11. Component parts of aeroplane (4) Volume of traffic
(1) Engine, (2) Flaps, (3) Fuselage 3-5. Forecasting in aviation
(4) Propeller, (5) Three controls 3-6. Airport obstructions
(6) Tricycle undercarriage, (7) Wings (1) Imaginary surfaces
1-12. Aircraft characteristics (2) Objects with actual heights
(1) Aircraft capacity 3-7. Clear zone
(2) Aircraft speed 3-8. Turning zone
(3) Aircraft weight and wheel arrangement 3-9. Zoning laws
(4) Fuel spilling (1) Height zoning, (2) Land-use zoning
(5) Jet blast 3-10. Regional planning
(6) Minimum circling radius (1) Air traffic, (2) Existing airports
(7) Minimum turning radius (3) Population, (4) Topographical features
(8) Noise 3-11. Airport architecture
(9) Range (1) Features of building, (2) International airport
(10) Size of aircraft (3) Materials of construction, (4) Plants
(11) Take off and landing distances (5) Seating arrangements, (6) Utilization of space
(12) Type of propulsion 3-12. Environmental considerations
(13) Tyre pressure and contact area (1) Environmental impact assessment (EIA)
1-13. Characteristics of the jet aircraft (2) Environmental impact statement (EIS)
(1) Channelization (3) Environmental management plan (EMP)
(2) Fuel spilling 3-13. Factors influenced by airport activity
(3) High-pressure tyres and small contact areas (1) Ecological factors
(4) High velocities, (5) Hot blasts, (6) Noise (2) Engineering and economic factors
(7) Porpoising effect (3) Pollution factors
(8) Pumping of the joints (4) Social factors
(9) Sucking effect 3-14 Measures to control adverse impacts
1-14. Civil and military aircrafts (1) Measures to control noise impact
1-15. Classification of aerodromes (2) Measures to control soil and geology impact
1-16. Classification of airports (3) Measures to control hydrology and water impact
1-17. Flying activities (4) Measures to control air quality impact
(1) Military operational flights QUESTIONS 3
(2) Non-scheduled commercial flights
(3) Personal flights Chapter 4 runway design
(4) Scheduled commercial flights 4-1. General
QUESTIONS 1 4-2. Runway orientation
Chapter 2 airport surveys (1) Preliminary information required
2-1. General (2) Head wind, (3) Cross wind component
2-2. Objects of surveys (4) Wind coverage, (5) Wind rose
2-3. Types of surveys 4-3. Change in direction of runway
(1) Approach zone survey, (2) Drainage survey (1) Excessive grading
(3) Meteorological survey (2) Noise nuisance
(4) Natural resources survey, (5) Soil survey (3) Obstructions
(6) Topographical survey, (7) Traffic survey 4-4. Basic runway length
2-4. Drawings to be prepared (1) Normal landing, (2) Normal take off
(1) Drainage plan, (2) Grading plan (3) Stopping in emergency
(3) Lighting plan, (4) Master plan 4-5. Corrections to basic runway length
(5) Obstruction plan, (6) Paving plan (1) Correction for elevation
(7) Topographic plan (2) Correction for gradient
QUESTIONS 2 (3) Correction for temperature
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Opposite Amul Dairy, Civil Court Road, Post Box No. 65, ANAND 388 001 India
Telephone: (02692) 256237, Fax: (02692) 240089, e-mail:, Follow us:
Detailed Contents
4-6. Geometric design of runways 6-7. Hangars
(1) Length (1) Nose hangars
(2) Longitudinal and effective gradient (2) T-hangars
(3) Rate of change of longitudinal gradient 6-8. Protection from jet blast
(4) Safety area, (5) Sight distance (1) Blast fences
(6) Transverse gradient, (7) Width (2) Erosion control
4-7. Balanced field concept 6-9. Typical airport layouts
4-8. Airport capacity 6-10. Layout of military airports
4-9. Runway patterns QUESTIONS 6
(1) Single runway, (2) Parallel runways Chapter 7 airport pavement design
(3) Intersecting runways 7-1. General
(4) Divergent or open V-runways 7-2. Types of pavements
4-10. Comparison of runway patterns (1) Flexible pavements
4-11. Geometric design of runway intersection
(2) Rigid pavements
7-3. Design factors or requirements
Chapter 5 Taxiway design (1) Characteristics of construction materials
5-1. General (2) Subgrade soil
5-2. Layout of taxiways (3) Wheel load
(1) Arrangement, (2) Busy airports 7-4. Design of flexible pavements
(3) Crossing, (4) Higher turn-off speeds (1) California Bearing Ratio (C.B.R.) method
(5) Route (2) McLeod method
5-3. Geometric standards for taxiway (3) Burmister Method
(1) Length of taxiway (4) Analytical design method
(2) Longitudinal gradient (5) Computer Aided Design Application
(3) Rate of change of longitudinal gradient 7-5. Design of rigid pavements
(4) Sight distance (1) FAA method
(5) Transverse gradient (2) Method based on Westergaard’s analysis
(6) Turning radius (3) PCA method
(7) Width of safety area 7-6. LCN method of pavement design
(8) Width of taxiway (1) LCN for flexible pavement
5-4. Exit taxiways (2) LCN for rigid pavement
(1) Air traffic control, (2) Exit speed 7-7. Causes of failure of pavements
(3) Location of runways, (4) Number of exits (1) Failures in flexible pavements
(5) Pilot variability, (6) Topographical features (2) Failures in rigid pavements
(7) Types of aircraft, (8) Weather conditions 7-8. Typical flexible pavement failures
5-5. Optimum location of exit taxiways (1) Alligator or map cracking
5-6. Design of exit taxiways (2) Consolidation of pavement layers
(1) Angle of turn, (2) Compound curve (3) Formation of waves, (4) Frost heaving
(3) Exit speed, (4) Lengths L1 and L2 (5) Lack of binding with the lower course
(5) Occupancy time, (6) Shape of taxiway (6) Longitudinal cracking
(7) Stopping distance, (8) Turning radius (7) Reflection cracking
5-7. Loading aprons (8) Shear failure
5-8. Holding aprons 7-9. Typical rigid pavement failures
(1) Configuration, (2) Entry to the runway (1) Mud pumping
(3) Facility of bypass, (4) Holding bays (2) Scaling of cement concrete
(5) Location (3) Shrinkage cracks
(6) Peak demands (4) Spalling of joints
5-9. Fillets (5) Structural cracks, (6) Warping cracks
5-10. Separation clearance 7-10. Maintenance and evaluation of airport pavements
5-11. Bypass or turnaround taxiway 7-11. Aircraft-pavement classification number system
QUESTIONS 5 7-12. Joints in cement concrete pavements
(1) Expansion joints
Chapter 6 Planning and design of terminal area
(2) Contraction joints, (3) Warping joints
6-1. General
(4) Construction joints
6-2. Terminal building
7-13. Joint fillers and sealers
(1) Design objectives
7-14. Pumping
(2) Facilities to be provided
7-15. Design of overlay pavements
(3) Noise control
(1) Design of flexible overlay
(4) Planning considerations
(2) Design of rigid overlay
(5) Site selection
(6) Space requirements 7-16. Pavements for light aircraft
6-3. Passenger flow (1) Flexible pavement
(1) Arrival (2) Rigid pavement
(2) Check-in, (3) Waiting QUESTIONS 7
(4) Security screening, (5) Departure Chapter 8 airport grading and DRAINAGE
(6) Deplaning 8-1. General
6-4. Parking of vehicles 8-2. Importance of grading
(1) Short-term, (2) Long-term, (3) Remote 8-3. General requirements of grading
6-5. Size of apron (1) Cuts and fills, (2) Drainage, (3) Equipment
(1) Gate position, (3) Systems of aircraft parking (4) Grade lines, (5) Grading plans
(2) Number of gates (6) Ground near landing strips
6-6. Apron turntable (7) Intersection, (8) Subgrade soils
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Opposite Amul Dairy, Civil Court Road, Post Box No. 65, ANAND 388 001 India
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Detailed Contents
8-4. Operations of grading Chapter 10 air traffic control
8-5. Earthwork computations 10-1. General
(1) Cross-sectional method 10-2. Importance of air traffic control
(2) Mass-haul curve method 10-3. Flight rules
8-6. Aims of airport drainage
(1) Meaning, (2) Principle, (3) Responsibility
8-7. Functions of airport drainage
8-8. Special characteristics of airport drainage (4) Type of control
8-9. Basic requirements of airport drainage system 10-4. Air traffic control network
(1) Capacity, (2) Future expansion (1) Control centres, (2) Control towers
(3) Rapid drainage, (4) Strength (3) Flight service stations
8-10. Surface drainage 10-5. Air traffic control aids
(1) Objectives of surface drainage (1) En route aids or airway aids
(2) Time of concentration
(2) Landing aids or terminal aids
(3) Estimating runoff
(4) Design procedure 10-6. Automation in air traffic control aids
(5) Layout of surface drainage 10-7. GPS Air Traffic Control
8-11. Ponding 10-8. Free flight air traffic control
(1) Meaning of the term, (2) Necessity (1) General
(3) Importance, (4) Location, (5) Design process (2) Free flight types
8-12. Sub-surface drainage (3) Different approaches of free flight
(1) Functions of sub-surface drainage QUESTIONS 10
(2) Changes in moisture content
(3) Base course and subgrade drainage Chapter 11 Heliports and stolports
(4) Intercepting drainage, (5) Drainability of soils 11-1. General
(6) Methods of sub-surface drainage 11-2. Advantages of helicopters
8-13. Types of pipes (1) Bad weather, (2) Future prospects
(1) Bell and spigot pipes, (2) Perforated pipes (3) Military operation, (4) Saving in time
(3) Porous concrete pipes
(5) Utility
(4) Skip pipes
8-14. Filter materials 11-3. Characteristics of helicopter
QUESTIONS 8 (1) Flight characteristics
(2) Physical characteristics
Chapter 9 Visual aids
9-1. General 11-4. Planning of heliports
9-2. Requirements of pilots for visual aids (1) Selection of site
(1) Daytime with clear weather (2) Size of landing area
(2) Night and daytime with bad weather (3) Orientation of landing area, (4) Terminal area
9-3. Airport markings (5) Obstruction clearance requirements
(1) Apron marking, (2) Landing direction indicator (6) Marking of heliports, (7) Lighting of heliports
(3) Runway marking 11-5. Elevated heliports
(4) Shoulder marking
11-6. Heliports at airports
(5) Taxiway marking
(6) Wind direction indicator 11-7. Characteristics of STOL aircraft
9-4. Guidance to pilots during landing 11-8. Advantages of STOL aircraft
(1) Alignment guidance, (2) Height information (1) Intercity transportation, (2) Noise
(3) Visual parameters (3) Operation, (4) Runway length
9-5. Factors affecting airport lighting (5) Use of airspace
9-6. Elements of airport lighting 11-9. Planning of stolports
(1) Airport beacon, (2) Approach lighting
(1) Obstruction clearance requirements
(3) Apron and hangar lighting
(4) Boundary lighting (2) Runway length
(5) Lighting of landing direction indicator (3) Runway width
(6) Lighting of wind direction indicator (4) Taxiway width
(7) Runway lighting (5) Marking of stolports
(8) Taxiway lighting (6) Lighting of stolports
(9) Threshold lighting QUESTIONS 11
9-7. Other associated visual aids
9-8. Visibility Appendix I Abbreviated Terms
Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Opposite Amul Dairy, Civil Court Road, Post Box No. 65, ANAND 388 001 India
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