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910-6244-001 Rev A PDF

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Tekelec EAGLE® 5

Release 44.0

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts

910-6244-001 Revision A
February 2012

Copyright 2012 Tekelec. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.

Legal Information can be accessed from the Main Menu of the optical disc or on the
Tekelec Customer Support web site in the Legal Information folder of the Product Support tab.
Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction.....................................................................29
Scope and Audience...............................................................................................................30
Manual Organization..............................................................................................................30
Documentation Admonishments..........................................................................................32
Customer Care Center............................................................................................................32
Emergency Response..............................................................................................................35
Related Publications...............................................................................................................35
Documentation Availability, Packaging, and Updates.....................................................35
Locate Product Documentation on the Customer Support Site.......................................36
Maintenance and Administration Subsystem.....................................................................36
EAGLE 5 ISS Database Partitions.........................................................................................38

Chapter 2: STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts............................42

Adding an STPLAN Card......................................................................................................43
Removing an STPLAN Card.................................................................................................46
Adding a TCP/IP Data Link.................................................................................................47
Removing a TCP/IP Data Link.............................................................................................49
Adding a TCP/IP Node.........................................................................................................50
Removing a TCP/IP Node.....................................................................................................52
Configuring the Copy Original OPC for STPLAN Option...............................................54
Configuring the Option for Including the Incoming and Outgoing Linkset Names
in the STPLAN Message Format.....................................................................................55

Chapter 3: Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Configuring the EAGLE 5 ISS for the DTA Feature...........................................................57
Changing the Gateway Screening Redirect Parameters....................................................68
Disabling the Gateway Screening Redirect Function........................................................72

Chapter 4: GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts.....79

Activating the GSM MAP Screening Feature......................................................................80
Configuring the MTP MAP Screening Feature...................................................................86
Configuring a Linkset for the GSM MAP Screening Feature...........................................88

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 ii

Changing the System-Wide GSM MAP Screening Options.............................................92
Adding a GSM Subsystem Number Screening Entry........................................................93
Removing a GSM Subsystem Number Screening Entry...................................................94
Adding a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code...............................................................95
Removing a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code........................................................102
Changing a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code.........................................................103
Adding a GSM MAP Screening Entry...............................................................................110
Removing a GSM MAP Screening Entry...........................................................................118
Changing a GSM MAP Screening Entry............................................................................120
Changing the GSM MAP Screening TCAP Continue and End Message Processing

Chapter 5: EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support

Configuration Flowcharts............................................................127
Enabling the Time Slot Counter Synchronization (TSCSYNC) and EAGLE 5
Integrated Monitoring Support (E5IS) Features.........................................................128
Configuring the EISCOPY Option for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring
Support Feature...............................................................................................................129
Configuring the FCMODE Option for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring
Support Feature...............................................................................................................131
Configuring the IP Addresses for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Adding a Signaling Transport Card (STC)........................................................................136
Removing a Signaling Transport Card (STC)...................................................................139

Chapter 6: Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration

Adding a GLS Card..............................................................................................................142
Removing a GLS Card..........................................................................................................147
Configuring Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets...........................................................148
Configuring TLNP Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets...............................................152
Removing Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets..............................................................159
Setting the Threshold for Reporting Gateway Screening Activity................................160
Setting the Maximum Number of Gateway Screening Rejected Messages..................161
Activating the MTP Routed GWS Stop Action Feature...................................................162
Turning Off the MTP Routed GWS Stop Action Feature ...............................................166
Adding an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen.............................................................167
Removing an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen........................................................170
Changing an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen.........................................................171

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 iii

Adding an Allowed Called Party Address Screen...........................................................175
Removing an Allowed Called Party Address Screen......................................................179
Changing an Allowed Called Party Address Screen.......................................................181
Adding an Allowed Translation Type Screen..................................................................186
Removing an Allowed Translation Type Screen..............................................................189
Changing an Allowed Translation Type Screen...............................................................190
Adding an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen.........................................................193
Removing an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen ....................................................197
Changing an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen......................................................199
Adding an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen..................................................204
Removing an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen..............................................207
Changing an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen..............................................209
Adding a Blocked DPC Screen............................................................................................213
Removing a Blocked DPC Screen.......................................................................................218
Changing a Blocked DPC Screen........................................................................................220
Adding an Allowed DPC Screen........................................................................................225
Removing an Allowed DPC Screen....................................................................................230
Changing an Allowed DPC Screen.....................................................................................231
Adding an Allowed SIO Screen..........................................................................................237
Removing an Allowed SIO Screen......................................................................................240
Changing an Allowed SIO Screen......................................................................................241
Adding a Blocked OPC Screen............................................................................................244
Removing a Blocked OPC Screen.......................................................................................249
Changing a Blocked OPC Screen........................................................................................250
Adding an Allowed OPC Screen........................................................................................255
Removing an Allowed OPC Screen....................................................................................260
Changing an Allowed OPC Screen.....................................................................................261
Adding a Screen Set..............................................................................................................267
Removing a Screen Set.........................................................................................................270
Changing a Screen Set..........................................................................................................271
Configuring the EAGLE 5 ISS for the CNCF Feature......................................................274
Adding an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen.............................................................278
Removing an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen.........................................................281
Changing an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen..........................................................282

Chapter 7: Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Adding a Service Module....................................................................................................287
Removing a Service Module................................................................................................291
Adding a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type..........................................................292

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 iv

Removing a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type......................................................293
Changing a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type.......................................................294
Adding a Concerned Signaling Point Code......................................................................295
Removing a Concerned Signaling Point Code..................................................................299
Provisioning a Solitary Mated Application.......................................................................302
Provisioning a Dominant Mated Application...................................................................313
Provisioning a Load Shared Mated Application..............................................................330
Provisioning a Combined Dominant/Load Shared Mated Application......................341
Removing a Mated Application..........................................................................................352
Changing the Attributes of a Mated Application.............................................................357
Changing the Mated Application Type.............................................................................363
Changing the Weight and In-Service Threshold Values of a Mated Application.......369
Changing the MRNSET and MRN Point Code Values of MAP Entries.......................377
Provisioning MRN Entries...................................................................................................380
Removing MRN Entries.......................................................................................................385
Changing the Relative Cost Values of MRN Entries.......................................................391
Changing MRN Entries with the ESWT Parameter.........................................................392
Changing the Weight and Threshold Values of MRN Entries.......................................396
Changing the MAPSET, MAP Point Code, and MAP SSN Values of MRN
Adding a GT Conversion Table Entry...............................................................................402
Removing a GT Conversion Table Entry...........................................................................406
Changing a GT Conversion Table Entry............................................................................410
Changing the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Options......................................................417
Changing SCCP Class 1 Sequencing Option.....................................................................418
Changing the SCCP Alarm Thresholds.............................................................................420
Changing the Transaction-Based GTT Load Sharing Options.......................................421
Adding a Loopset..................................................................................................................422
Removing a Loopset.............................................................................................................424
Changing the Attributes of a Loopset................................................................................427
Configuring the ANSI to ITU-N SCCP Conversion Option...........................................430
Configuring a SCCP Test Message.....................................................................................431
Adding Global Title Modification Information................................................................432
Removing Global Title Modification Information...........................................................434
Changing Global Title Modification Information............................................................437
Changing the MTP-Routed GTT Options..........................................................................442
Activating the IGTTLS feature............................................................................................443
Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm.....................................................................................447
Turning Off the IGTTLS Feature ........................................................................................448
Enabling the XGTT Table Expansion Feature...................................................................449
Enabling the XMAP Table Expansion Feature..................................................................453

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 v

Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Feature.....................................................456
Activating the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature..........................................................459
Turning Off the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature ......................................................463
Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature.......................................................464
Activating the Hex Digit Support for GTT Feature.........................................................469
Activating the Weighted GTT Load Sharing Feature......................................................473
Activating the Transaction-Based GTT Load Sharing Feature.......................................478
Activating the SCCP Loop Detection Feature...................................................................483
Activating the E5-SM4G/ E5-SM8G-B Throughput Capacity Feature.........................488
Activating the Advanced GT Modification Feature.........................................................491
Activating the GTT Load Sharing with Alternate Routing Indicator Feature.............494
Turning Off the GTT Load Sharing with Alternate Routing Indicator Feature
Activating the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT Feature.......................................500
Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature..................................504
Activating the TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature.....................................................508
Enabling a TOBR Opcode Quantity...................................................................................510
Activating the GTT Actions Features.................................................................................511
Activating the XUDT UDT Conversion Feature...............................................................515

Chapter 8: Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Adding a Translation Type..................................................................................................519
Removing a Translation Type.............................................................................................525
Adding a Global Title Translation......................................................................................529
Removing a Global Title Translation.................................................................................539
Changing a Global Title Translation..................................................................................541

Chapter 9: Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)

Configuration Flowcharts............................................................555
Adding a GTT Set..................................................................................................................556
Removing a GTT Set.............................................................................................................558
Changing a GTT Set..............................................................................................................560
Adding a GTT Selector.........................................................................................................563
Removing a GTT Selector....................................................................................................565
Changing a GTT Selector.....................................................................................................566
Adding Global Title Address Information........................................................................567
Removing Global Title Address Information...................................................................576
Changing Global Title Address Information....................................................................578

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 vi

Changing the Default GTT Mode Options........................................................................593
Adding a GTT Action...........................................................................................................596
Removing a GTT Action Entry............................................................................................604
Changing a GTT Action.......................................................................................................607
Adding a GTT Action Set.....................................................................................................617
Removing a GTT Action Set................................................................................................618
Changing a GTT Action Set.................................................................................................619
Adding a GTT Action Path Entry.......................................................................................621
Removing a GTT Action Path Entry...................................................................................624
Changing a GTT Action Path Entry...................................................................................625
Changing the Unique GTT Selector Option......................................................................628

Chapter 10: MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration

Activating the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature............................................................630
Configuring the GSM MO SMS B-Party Routing Options..............................................633
Configuring the IS-41 MO SMS B-Party Routing Options..............................................634
Adding a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature................635
Removing a Service Selector Entry.....................................................................................638
Changing the Attributes of a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS B-Party
Routing Feature...............................................................................................................639
Turning the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature Off.........................................................641

Chapter 11: MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party

Configuration Flowcharts............................................................642
Activating the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature...................................................643
Configuring the B-Party Check Option for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1
Configuring Point Code Entries for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature........647
Configuring GTA Entries for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature...................650
Turning Off the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature ...............................................652

Chapter 12: IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts...................653

Adding an IPLIMx Card......................................................................................................654
Adding an IPLIMx Signaling Link.....................................................................................657
Configuring an IP Link.........................................................................................................662
Adding an IP Host................................................................................................................671
Configuring an IP Card........................................................................................................672
Adding an IP Route..............................................................................................................676

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 vii

Adding an M2PA Association.............................................................................................678
Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature.........................................681
Removing an IPLIMx Card..................................................................................................685
Removing an IPLIMx Signaling Link.................................................................................686
Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPLIMx Card........................................................688
Removing an IP Route..........................................................................................................689
Removing an M2PA Association........................................................................................690
Changing the Attributes of an M2PA Association...........................................................691
Changing the Buffer Size of a M2PA Association............................................................695
Changing the Host Values of a M2PA Association..........................................................699
Changing the Link Value of a M2PA Association to another Link Value on the
Same IPLIMx Card..........................................................................................................706
Configuring SCTP Retransmission Control for a M2PA Association...........................710
Changing a M2PA Timer Set...............................................................................................711
Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for M2PA Associations................712
Turning Off the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature .....................................715

Chapter 13: IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration

Adding an IPGWx Card.......................................................................................................718
Configuring an IPGWx Linkset...........................................................................................721
Adding a Mate IPGWx Linkset to another IPGWx Linkset............................................728
Adding an IPGWx Signaling Link......................................................................................734
Configuring an IP Link.........................................................................................................740
Adding an IP Host................................................................................................................749
Configuring an IP Card........................................................................................................750
Adding an IP Route..............................................................................................................754
Adding an M3UA or SUA Association..............................................................................756
Adding a New Association to a New Application Server..............................................760
Adding an Existing Association to a New Application Server......................................763
Adding a New Association to an Existing Application Server......................................767
Adding an Existing Association to an Existing Application Server..............................772
Adding a Routing Key Containing an Application Server.............................................777
Adding a Network Appearance..........................................................................................782
Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature.........................................785
Removing an IPGWx Card..................................................................................................789
Removing an IPGWx Signaling Link.................................................................................790
Removing a Mate IPGWx Linkset from another IPGWx Linkset..................................792
Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPGWx Card.........................................................796
Removing an IP Route..........................................................................................................797

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 viii

Removing a M3UA or SUA Association............................................................................798
Removing an Association from an Application Server...................................................799
Removing a Routing Key Containing an Application Server.........................................801
Removing a Network Appearance.....................................................................................803
Changing IP Options............................................................................................................804
Changing the Attributes of a M3UA or SUA Association..............................................805
Changing the Buffer Size of a M3UA or SUA Association.............................................813
Changing the Host Values of a M3UA or SUA Association...........................................817
Configuring SCTP Retransmission Control for a M3UA or SUA Association............823
Changing an Application Server.........................................................................................825
Changing the CIC Values in an Existing Routing Key Containing an Application
Changing the Routing Context Value in an Existing Routing Key................................829
Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for M3UA and SUA
Changing a UA Parameter Set............................................................................................835
Turning the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature Off......................................836

Chapter 14: IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration

Adding an IPSG Card...........................................................................................................839
Adding an IPSG M2PA Linkset..........................................................................................841
Adding an IPSG M3UA Linkset..........................................................................................846
Configuring an IP Link.........................................................................................................851
Adding an IP Host................................................................................................................860
Configuring an IP Card........................................................................................................861
Adding an IP Route..............................................................................................................865
Adding an IPSG M2PA Association...................................................................................867
Adding an IPSG M3UA Association..................................................................................871
Adding an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link..............................................................................873
Adding an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link.............................................................................879
Adding a Network Appearance..........................................................................................886
Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature.........................................889
Removing an IPSG Card......................................................................................................893
Removing an IPSG Linkset..................................................................................................894
Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPSG Card.............................................................901
Removing an IP Route..........................................................................................................903
Removing an IPSG Association...........................................................................................904
Removing an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link.........................................................................906
Removing an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link........................................................................908

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 ix

Removing a Network Appearance.....................................................................................911
Changing an IPLIMx Card to an IPSG Card.....................................................................912
Configuring IP Options........................................................................................................916
Configuring IPSG M3UA Linkset Options........................................................................917
Changing an IPSG M2PA Linkset.......................................................................................918
Changing an IPSG M3UA Linkset......................................................................................923
Changing the Attributes of an IPSG Association.............................................................931
Changing the Buffer Size of an IPSG Association............................................................936
Changing the Host Values of an IPSG Association..........................................................940
Configuring an IPSG Association for SCTP Retransmission Control...........................946
Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for IPSG M2PA Associations......948
Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for IPSG M3UA Associations......951
Changing an M2PA Timer Set.............................................................................................955
Changing a UA Parameter Set............................................................................................956
Turning Off the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature .....................................957

Chapter 15: End Office Support Flowcharts................................958

Adding an End Node Internal Point Code........................................................................959
Removing an End Node Internal Point Code...................................................................960

Chapter 16: Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts.........961

Changing the Proxy Point Code Quantity.........................................................................962
Changing the DPC Quantity...............................................................................................965
Activating the ITU National and International Spare Point Code Support
Adding a Secondary Point Code.........................................................................................976
Removing a Secondary Point Code....................................................................................978
Adding a Point Code to the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS.............................979
Changing the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS......................................................982
Adding a Cluster Point Code..............................................................................................993
Changing the Attributes of a Cluster Point Code............................................................998
Adding a Network Routing Point Code..........................................................................1002
Adding a Destination Point Code.....................................................................................1006
Removing a Destination Point Code................................................................................1011
Changing a Destination Point Code.................................................................................1015
Changing the Format of an ITU National Point Code...................................................1019
Changing the Group Code Assigned to a 14-Bit ITU National Point Code...............1020

Chapter 17: SS7 Configuration Flowcharts................................1021

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 x

Adding a SS7 Linkset..........................................................................................................1023
Verifying the Gateway Screening Configuration for a Linkset....................................1025
Configuring the MTP Restart Feature..............................................................................1027
Configuring the 5-Bit to 8-Bit SLS Conversion Feature.................................................1028
Using Proxy Point Codes and Secondary Point Codes when Adding a Linkset.......1030
Activating the SLS Bit Rotation by Incoming Linkset Feature.....................................1037
Configuring the RSLS8 Value for ANSI Linksets...........................................................1041
Removing a Linkset Containing SS7 Signaling Links....................................................1042
Changing an SS7 Linkset....................................................................................................1049
Verifying the New Adjacent Point Code or New Secondary Point Code for a
Using the MULTGC Parameter when Changing the Attributes of a Linkset............1060
Configuring an ITU Linkset with a Secondary Adjacent Point Code (SAPC)...........1063
Adding an SS7 Signaling Link...........................................................................................1069
Removing an SS7 Signaling Link......................................................................................1072
Adding a Route Containing an SS7 DPC.........................................................................1074
Adding a Route Containing a Cluster Point Code.........................................................1081
Adding a Route Containing an IPGWx Linkset.............................................................1084
Removing a Route...............................................................................................................1088
Changing a Route................................................................................................................1096
Changing Level 2 Timers...................................................................................................1104
Changing Level 3 Timers...................................................................................................1105
Changing a Signaling Link Test Message........................................................................1106
Configuring Circular Route Detection.............................................................................1107
Configuring the TFA/TFR Pacing Rate...........................................................................1108
Configuring the Frequency of RST Messages on Low Priority Routes.......................1109
Adding Remote Loopback Points.....................................................................................1110
Removing Remote Loopback Points................................................................................1111
Changing Remote Loopback Points.................................................................................1112
Configuring the System for Random SLS Generation...................................................1113
Configuring the Options for the TDM Global Timing Interface..................................1116
Configuring the Restricted Linkset Option.....................................................................1118
Configuring the Options for Handling TFCs on ITU-I and ITU-N Networks...........1120
Changing the High-Capacity Card Temperature Alarm Thresholds..........................1121
Activating the Origin-Based MTP Routing Feature.......................................................1122
Configuring the Origin-Based MTP Routing SCCP OPC Option................................1126
Adding an Exception Route Entry....................................................................................1127
Removing a Route Exception Entry.................................................................................1137
Changing a Route Exception Entry..................................................................................1142
Activating the Circular Route Auto-Recovery Feature.................................................1150
Turning Off the Circular Route Auto-Recovery Feature ..............................................1153

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xi

Activating the Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection Feature..................................1154
Turning Off the Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection Feature ..............................1157
Activating the Multiple Linksets to Single Adjacent PC (MLS) Feature.....................1158
Configuring the ITU Linkset NI Mapping Options.......................................................1162
Configuring the Option for Handling Message Priorities for Messages Crossing
into ITU-I and ITU-N Networks.................................................................................1163
Activating the 6-Way Loadsharing on Routesets Feature.............................................1164

Chapter 18: Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration

Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity.............................................1169
Adding a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry..........................................................1171
Removing a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry......................................................1174
Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation STP Option....................................1175
Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation Linkset Option..............................1176

Chapter 19: E1 Interface Flowcharts............................................1177

Adding a LIM-E1 Card.......................................................................................................1178
Removing a LIM-E1 Card..................................................................................................1182
Adding Channelized and non-Channel Bridged E1 Ports............................................1183
Adding Channel Bridged E1 Ports...................................................................................1190
Adding Unchannelized E1 Ports.......................................................................................1196
Removing the E1 Interface Parameters............................................................................1206
Changing the Attributes of a Channelized E1 Port........................................................1207
Changing the Attributes of an Unchannelized E1 Port.................................................1211
Making a Channel Bridged E1 Port from a Channelized E1 Port................................1213
Making a Non-Channel Bridged E1 Port from a Channel Bridged E1 Port...............1219
Adding an E1 Signaling Link............................................................................................1221

Chapter 20: T1 Interface Flowcharts............................................1225

Adding a LIM-T1 Card.......................................................................................................1226
Removing a LIM-T1 Card..................................................................................................1230
Adding Channelized and non-Channel Bridged T1 Ports............................................1231
Adding Channel Bridged T1 Ports...................................................................................1238
Adding Unchannelized T1 Ports.......................................................................................1244
Removing the T1 Interface Parameters............................................................................1253
Changing the Attributes of a Channelized T1 Port........................................................1254
Changing the Attributes of an Unchannelized T1 Port.................................................1258
Making a Channel Bridged T1 Port from a Channelized T1 Port................................1260

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xii

Making a Non-Channel Bridged T1 Port from a Channel Bridged T1 Port...............1266
Adding a T1 Signaling Link...............................................................................................1268

Chapter 21: ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts.1272

Adding an ATM High-Speed LIM....................................................................................1273
Changing the Three Links per E5-ATM Card Quantity................................................1275
Adding an ATM High-Speed Signaling Link.................................................................1278
Changing an ATM High-Speed Signaling Link Parameter Set....................................1288

Chapter 22: Database Management Flowcharts........................1289

Making a Backup of the Database on the Fixed Disk....................................................1290
Making a Backup of the Database to the Removable Cartridge or Removable
Media ..............................................................................................................................1291
Restoring the Database from the Backup Partition of the Fixed Disk.........................1295
Restoring the Database from the Removable Cartridge or Removable Media .........1296
Repairing the Database......................................................................................................1298
Copying the Database from the Active to the Standby Fixed Disk.............................1299
Backing Up System Data to the Removable Cartridge or Removable Media ...........1302
Restoring System Data from a Removable Cartridge or Removable Media..............1304
Formatting a Removable Cartridge..................................................................................1306
Formatting the Fixed Disk of the Standby TDM............................................................1311
Formatting Removable Media...........................................................................................1315

Chapter 23: GPL Management Flowcharts................................1318

Updating the IMT GPL.......................................................................................................1319
Updating the EOAM GPL..................................................................................................1323
Updating the BLMCAP and OAMHC GPLs...................................................................1326
Updating the Signaling Link and Data Link GPLs........................................................1329
Updating the Service GPLs................................................................................................1334
Updating the Flash GPLs...................................................................................................1341
Updating the BPHMUX GPL............................................................................................1351
Updating the HIPR GPL....................................................................................................1356
Updating the HIPR2 GPL..................................................................................................1361
Making the Trial Utility GPL the Approved Utility GPL.............................................1366
Reloading the TDM LCA Clock Bitfile.............................................................................1369
Activating the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature.............................................................1372
Turning Off the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature..........................................................1377
Updating the BLIXP GPL...................................................................................................1378
Updating a High-Capacity Card to Run the BLIXP GPL..............................................1385

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xiii

Chapter 24: System Administration Flowcharts.......................1389
Setting the Clock and Date on the EAGLE 5 ISS............................................................1391
Changing the Security Defaults........................................................................................1392
Configuring the Unauthorized Use Warning Message.................................................1393
Changing the Security Log Characteristics.....................................................................1394
Copying the Security Log to the File Transfer Area......................................................1395
Adding a User to the System.............................................................................................1397
Removing a User from the System...................................................................................1399
Changing User Information...............................................................................................1400
Changing a Password.........................................................................................................1403
Changing Terminal Characteristics..................................................................................1404
Changing Terminal Command Class Assignments.......................................................1410
Configuring Command Classes........................................................................................1412
Adding a Shelf.....................................................................................................................1414
Removing a Shelf.................................................................................................................1415
Adding an SS7 LIM.............................................................................................................1416
Removing an SS7 LIM........................................................................................................1417
Configuring the UIM Threshold.......................................................................................1419
Removing a UIM Threshold..............................................................................................1420
Configuring the Measurements Terminal for an EAGLE 5 ISS Containing 700
Signaling Links..............................................................................................................1421
Adding a Measurement Collection and Polling Module (MCPM)..............................1422
Removing a MCPM.............................................................................................................1425
Configuring the Measurements Platform Feature.........................................................1426
Adding an FTP Server........................................................................................................1430
Removing an FTP Server....................................................................................................1432
Changing an FTP Server....................................................................................................1433
Adding an IPSM..................................................................................................................1435
Removing an IPSM.............................................................................................................1441
Configuring the Options for the Network Security Enhancements Feature..............1443
Configuring the Restore Device State Option.................................................................1444
Adding an Entry to the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table....................................1445
Removing an Entry from the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table..........................1447
Changing an Entry in the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table................................1449
Configuring the IMT Bus Alarm Thresholds..................................................................1450
Activating Controlled Features.........................................................................................1451
Activating the Eagle OA&M IP Security Enhancement Controlled Feature..............1455
Activating the 15 Minute Measurements Controlled Feature......................................1459
Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm...................................................................................1463

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xiv

Deactivating Controlled Features.....................................................................................1464
Configuring the Integrated Measurements Feature.......................................................1465

Chapter 25: SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts.............1469

Activating the SEAS over IP Feature................................................................................1470
Performing the Initial SEAS Configuration.....................................................................1472
Configuring SEAS Terminals............................................................................................1474
Changing the Existing SEAS Configuration...................................................................1477
Turning Off the SEAS Over IP Feature............................................................................1480

Chapter 26: Remote Backup and Restore Flowcharts..............1481

Making a Backup of the Database to the FTP Server.....................................................1482
Restoring the Database from the FTP Server..................................................................1484
Configuring the Archive Build ID Option.......................................................................1485

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xv

List of Figures
Figure 1: EAGLE 5 ISS Database Partitions (Legacy Control Cards)..........................................39
Figure 2: EAGLE 5 ISS Database Partitions (E5-Based Control Cards).......................................40
Figure 3: Adding an STPLAN Card.................................................................................................43
Figure 4: Removing an STPLAN Card.............................................................................................46
Figure 5: Adding a TCP/IP Data Link.............................................................................................47
Figure 6: Removing a TCP/IP Data Link........................................................................................49
Figure 7: Adding a TCP/IP Node.....................................................................................................50
Figure 8: Removing a TCP/IP Node................................................................................................52
Figure 9: Configuring the Copy Original OPC for STPLAN Option...........................................54
Figure 10: Configuring the Option for Including the Incoming and Outgoing Linkset
Names in the STPLAN Message Format...................................................................................55
Figure 11: Configuring the EAGLE 5 ISS for the DTA Feature....................................................57
Figure 12: Changing the Gateway Screening Redirect Parameters.............................................68
Figure 13: Disabling the Gateway Screening Redirect Function..................................................72
Figure 14: Activating the GSM MAP Screening Feature...............................................................80
Figure 15: Configuring the MTP MAP Screening Feature............................................................86
Figure 16: Configuring a Linkset for the GSM MAP Screening Feature.....................................88
Figure 17: Changing the System-Wide GSM MAP Screening Options.......................................92
Figure 18: Adding a GSM Subsystem Number Screening Entry.................................................93
Figure 19: Removing a GSM Subsystem Number Screening Entry.............................................94
Figure 20: Adding a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code........................................................95
Figure 21: Removing a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code..................................................102
Figure 22: Changing a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code...................................................103
Figure 23: Adding a GSM MAP Screening Entry.........................................................................110
Figure 24: Removing a GSM MAP Screening Entry....................................................................118
Figure 25: Changing a GSM MAP Screening Entry.....................................................................120
Figure 26: Changing the GSM MAP Screening TCAP Continue and End Message
Processing Option.......................................................................................................................126
Figure 27: Enabling the Time Slot Counter Synchronization (TSCSYNC) and EAGLE 5
Integrated Monitoring Support (E5IS) Features.....................................................................128
Figure 28: Configuring the EISCOPY Option for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring
Support Feature...........................................................................................................................129
Figure 29: Configuring the FCMODE Option for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring
Support Feature...........................................................................................................................131
Figure 30: Configuring the IP Addresses for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Figure 31: Adding a Signaling Transport Card (STC).................................................................136

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Figure 32: Removing a Signaling Transport Card (STC).............................................................139
Figure 33: Adding a GLS Card to the Database............................................................................142
Figure 34: Removing a GLS Card...................................................................................................147
Figure 35: Configuring Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets....................................................148
Figure 36: Configuring TLNP Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets.........................................152
Figure 37: Removing Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets........................................................159
Figure 38: Setting the Threshold for Reporting Gateway Screening Activity..........................160
Figure 39: Setting the Maximum Number of Gateway Screening Rejected Messages...........161
Figure 40: Activating the MTP Routed GWS Stop Action Feature............................................162
Figure 41: Turning Off the MTP Routed GWS Stop Action Feature ........................................166
Figure 42: Adding an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen .....................................................167
Figure 43: Removing an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen..................................................170
Figure 44: Changing an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen...................................................171
Figure 45: Adding an Allowed Called Party Address Screen....................................................175
Figure 46: Removing an Allowed Called Party Address Screen ...............................................179
Figure 47: Changing an Allowed Called Party Address Screen.................................................181
Figure 48: Adding an Allowed Translation Type Screen ...........................................................186
Figure 49: Removing an Allowed Translation Type Screen ......................................................189
Figure 50: Changing an Allowed Translation Type Screen .......................................................190
Figure 51: Adding an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen...................................................193
Figure 52: Removing an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen .............................................197
Figure 53: Changing an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen...............................................199
Figure 54: Adding an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen ...........................................204
Figure 55: Removing an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen.......................................207
Figure 56: Changing an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen........................................209
Figure 57: Adding a Blocked DPC Screen.....................................................................................213
Figure 58: Removing a Blocked DPC Screen.................................................................................218
Figure 59: Changing a Blocked DPC Screen..................................................................................220
Figure 60: Adding an Allowed DPC Screen..................................................................................225
Figure 61: Removing an Allowed DPC Screen ............................................................................230
Figure 62: Changing an Allowed DPC Screen .............................................................................231
Figure 63: Adding an Allowed SIO Screen....................................................................................237
Figure 64: Removing an Allowed SIO Screen ..............................................................................240
Figure 65: Changing an Allowed SIO Screen ...............................................................................241
Figure 66: Adding a Blocked OPC Screen.....................................................................................244
Figure 67: Removing a Blocked OPC Screen.................................................................................249
Figure 68: Changing a Blocked OPC Screen..................................................................................250
Figure 69: Adding an Allowed OPC Screen..................................................................................255
Figure 70: Removing an Allowed OPC Screen.............................................................................260
Figure 71: Changing an Allowed OPC Screen .............................................................................261
Figure 72: Adding a Screen Set.......................................................................................................267

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Figure 73: Removing a Screen Set...................................................................................................270
Figure 74: Changing a Screen Set....................................................................................................271
Figure 75: Calling Name Conversion Facility Configuration ....................................................274
Figure 76: Adding an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen ......................................................278
Figure 77: Removing an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen..................................................281
Figure 78: Changing an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen...................................................282
Figure 79: Adding a Service Module..............................................................................................287
Figure 80: Removing a Service Module.........................................................................................291
Figure 81: Adding a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type....................................................292
Figure 82: Removing a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type...............................................293
Figure 83: Changing a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type................................................294
Figure 84: Adding a Concerned Signaling Point Code................................................................295
Figure 85: Removing a Concerned Signaling Point Code...........................................................299
Figure 86: Provisioning a Solitary Mated Application................................................................302
Figure 87: Provisioning a Dominant Mated Application............................................................313
Figure 88: Provisioning a Load Shared Mated Application........................................................330
Figure 89: Provisioning a Combined Dominant/Load Shared Mated Application................341
Figure 90: Removing a Mated Application...................................................................................352
Figure 91: Changing the Attributes of a Mated Application......................................................357
Figure 92: Changing the Mated Application Type.......................................................................363
Figure 93: Changing the Weight and In-Service Threshold Values of a Mated
Figure 94: Changing the MRNSET and MRN Point Code Values of MAP Entries.................377
Figure 95: Provisioning MRN Entries............................................................................................380
Figure 96: Removing MRN Entries.................................................................................................385
Figure 97: Changing the Relative Cost Values of MRN Entries.................................................391
Figure 98: Changing MRN Entries with the ESWT Parameter...................................................392
Figure 99: Changing the Weight and Threshold Values of MRN Entries.................................396
Figure 100: Changing the MAPSET, MAP Point Code, and MAP SSN Values of MRN
Figure 101: Adding a GT Conversion Table Entry.......................................................................402
Figure 102: Removing a GT Conversion Table Entry..................................................................406
Figure 103: Changing a GT Conversion Table Entry...................................................................410
Figure 104: Changing the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Options.............................................417
Figure 105: Changing SCCP Class 1 Sequencing Option............................................................418
Figure 106: Changing the SCCP Alarm Thresholds.....................................................................420
Figure 107: Changing the Transaction-Based GTT Load Sharing Options...............................421
Figure 108: Adding a Loopset to the Database.............................................................................422
Figure 109: Removing a Loopset.....................................................................................................424
Figure 110: Changing the Attributes of a Loopset........................................................................427
Figure 111: Configuring the ANSI to ITU-N SCCP Conversion Option...................................430

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xviii

Figure 112: Configuring a SCCP Test Message.............................................................................431
Figure 113: Adding Global Title Modification Information........................................................432
Figure 114: Removing Global Title Modification Information...................................................434
Figure 115: Changing Global Title Modification Information....................................................437
Figure 116: Changing the MTP-Routed GTT Options.................................................................442
Figure 117: Activating the IGTTLS feature....................................................................................443
Figure 118: Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm............................................................................447
Figure 119: Turning Off the IGTTLS Feature ...............................................................................448
Figure 120: Enabling the XGTT Table Expansion Feature..........................................................449
Figure 121: Enabling the XMAP Table Expansion Feature.........................................................453
Figure 122: Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Feature.............................................456
Figure 123: Activating the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature.................................................459
Figure 124: Turning Off the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature .............................................463
Figure 125: Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature...............................................464
Figure 126: Activating the Hex Digit Support for GTT Feature.................................................469
Figure 127: Activating the Weighted GTT Load Sharing Feature..............................................473
Figure 128: Activating the Transaction-Based GTT Load Sharing Feature..............................478
Figure 129: Activating the SCCP Loop Detection Feature..........................................................483
Figure 130: Activating the E5-SM4G/ E5-SM8G-B Throughput Capacity Feature.................488
Figure 131: Activating the Advanced GT Modification Feature................................................491
Figure 132: Activating the GTT Load Sharing with Alternate Routing Indicator Feature.....494
Figure 133: Turning Off the GTT Load Sharing with Alternate Routing Indicator Feature
Figure 134: Activating the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT Feature...............................500
Figure 135: Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature.........................504
Figure 136: Activating the TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature............................................508
Figure 137: Enabling a TOBR Opcode Quantity...........................................................................510
Figure 138: Activating the GTT Actions Features........................................................................511
Figure 139: Activating the XUDT UDT Conversion Feature......................................................515
Figure 140: Adding a Translation Type.........................................................................................519
Figure 141: Removing a Translation Type.....................................................................................525
Figure 142: Adding a Global Title Translation.............................................................................529
Figure 143: Removing a Global Title Translation.........................................................................539
Figure 144: Changing a Global Title Translation..........................................................................541
Figure 145: Adding a GTT Set.........................................................................................................556
Figure 146: Removing a GTT Set.....................................................................................................558
Figure 147: Changing a GTT Set.....................................................................................................560
Figure 148: Adding a GTT Selector.................................................................................................563
Figure 149: Removing a GTT Selector............................................................................................565
Figure 150: Changing a GTT Selector.............................................................................................566
Figure 151: Adding Global Title Address Information...............................................................567

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xix

Figure 152: Removing Global Title Address Information...........................................................576
Figure 153: Changing Global Title Address Information............................................................578
Figure 154: Changing the Default GTT Mode Options...............................................................593
Figure 155: Adding a GTT Action...................................................................................................596
Figure 156: Removing a GTT Action Entry...................................................................................604
Figure 157: Changing a GTT Action...............................................................................................607
Figure 158: Adding a GTT Action Set............................................................................................617
Figure 159: Removing a GTT Action Set........................................................................................618
Figure 160: Changing a GTT Action Set.........................................................................................619
Figure 161: Adding a GTT Action Path Entry...............................................................................621
Figure 162: Removing a GTT Action Path Entry..........................................................................624
Figure 163: Changing a GTT Action Path Entry...........................................................................625
Figure 164: Changing the Unique GTT Selector Option..............................................................628
Figure 165: Activating the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature...................................................630
Figure 166: Configuring the GSM MO SMS B-Party Routing Options.....................................633
Figure 167: Configuring the IS-41 MO SMS B-Party Routing Options.....................................634
Figure 168: Adding a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature.......635
Figure 169: Removing a Service Selector Entry............................................................................638
Figure 170: Changing the Attributes of a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS B-Party
Routing Feature...........................................................................................................................639
Figure 171: Turning the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature Off................................................641
Figure 172: Activating the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature..........................................643
Figure 173: Configuring the B-Party Check Option for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase
1 Feature........................................................................................................................................646
Figure 174: Configuring Point Code Entries for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1
Figure 175: Configuring GTA Entries for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature..........650
Figure 176: Turning Off the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature .......................................652
Figure 177: Adding an IPLIMx Card..............................................................................................654
Figure 178: Adding an IPLIMx Signaling Link.............................................................................657
Figure 179: Configuring an IP Link................................................................................................662
Figure 180: Adding an IP Host........................................................................................................671
Figure 181: Configuring an IP Card...............................................................................................672
Figure 182: Adding an IP Route......................................................................................................676
Figure 183: Adding an M2PA Association....................................................................................678
Figure 184: Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature.................................681
Figure 185: Removing an IPLIMx Card.........................................................................................685
Figure 186: Removing an IPLIMx Signaling Link........................................................................686
Figure 187: Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPLIMx Card................................................688
Figure 188: Removing an IP Route.................................................................................................689
Figure 189: Removing an M2PA Association................................................................................690

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xx

Figure 190: Changing the Attributes of an M2PA Association..................................................691
Figure 191: Changing the Buffer Size of a M2PA Association....................................................695
Figure 192: Changing the Host Values of a M2PA Association.................................................699
Figure 193: Changing the Link Value of a M2PA Association to another Link Value on
the Same IPLIMx Card................................................................................................................706
Figure 194: Configuring the SCTP Retransmission Control for a M2PA Association............710
Figure 195: Changing an M2PA Timer Set....................................................................................711
Figure 196: Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for M2PA Associations........712
Figure 197: Turning Off the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature..............................715
Figure 198: Adding an IPGWx Card..............................................................................................718
Figure 199: Configuring an IPGWx Linkset..................................................................................721
Figure 200: Adding a Mate IPGWx Linkset to another IPGWx Linkset...................................728
Figure 201: Adding an IPGWx Signaling Link.............................................................................734
Figure 202: Configuring an IP Link................................................................................................740
Figure 203: Adding an IP Host........................................................................................................749
Figure 204: Configuring an IP Card...............................................................................................750
Figure 205: Adding an IP Route......................................................................................................754
Figure 206: Adding an IPGWx M3UA or SUA Association........................................................756
Figure 207: Adding a New Association to a New Application Server......................................760
Figure 208: Adding an Existing Association to a New Application Server..............................763
Figure 209: Adding a New Association to an Existing Application Server..............................767
Figure 210: Adding an Existing Application to an Existing Application Server.....................772
Figure 211: Adding a Routing Key Containing an Application Server.....................................777
Figure 212: Adding a Network Appearance.................................................................................782
Figure 213: Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature.................................785
Figure 214: Removing an IPGWx Card..........................................................................................789
Figure 215: Removing an IPGWx Signaling Link.........................................................................790
Figure 216: Removing a Mate IPGWx Linkset from another IPGWx Linkset..........................792
Figure 217: Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPGWx Card................................................796
Figure 218: Removing an IP Route.................................................................................................797
Figure 219: Removing a M3UA or SUA Association...................................................................798
Figure 220: Removing an Association from an Application Server...........................................799
Figure 221: Removing a Routing Key Containing an Application Server................................801
Figure 222: Removing a Network Appearance.............................................................................803
Figure 223: Changing IP Options....................................................................................................804
Figure 224: Changing the Attributes of a M3UA or SUA Association......................................805
Figure 225: Changing the Buffer Size of an M3UA or SUA Association..................................813
Figure 226: Changing the Host Values of a M3UA or SUA Association..................................817
Figure 227: Configuring SCTP Retransmission Control for a M3UA or SUA
Figure 228: Changing an Application Server................................................................................825

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xxi

Figure 229: Changing the CIC Values in an Existing Routing Key Containing an
Application Server.......................................................................................................................827
Figure 230: Changing the Routing Context Value in an Existing Routing Key.......................829
Figure 231: Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for M3UA and SUA
Figure 232: Changing a UA Parameter Set....................................................................................835
Figure 233: Turning the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature Off..............................836
Figure 234: Adding an IPSG Card..................................................................................................839
Figure 235: Adding an IPSG M2PA Linkset..................................................................................841
Figure 236: Adding an IPSG M3UA Linkset.................................................................................846
Figure 237: Configuring an IP Link................................................................................................851
Figure 238: Adding an IP Host........................................................................................................860
Figure 239: Configuring an IP Card...............................................................................................861
Figure 240: Adding an IP Route......................................................................................................865
Figure 241: Adding an IPSG M2PA Association..........................................................................867
Figure 242: Adding an IPSG M3UA Association..........................................................................871
Figure 243: Adding an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link.....................................................................873
Figure 244: Adding an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link....................................................................879
Figure 245: Adding a Network Appearance.................................................................................886
Figure 246: Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature.................................889
Figure 247: Removing an IPSG Card..............................................................................................893
Figure 248: Removing an IPSG Linkset..........................................................................................894
Figure 249: Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPSG Card....................................................901
Figure 250: Removing an IP Route.................................................................................................903
Figure 251: Removing an IPSG Association..................................................................................904
Figure 252: Removing an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link................................................................906
Figure 253: Removing an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link................................................................908
Figure 254: Removing a Network Appearance.............................................................................911
Figure 255: Changing IPLIMx Card to IPSG Card.......................................................................912
Figure 256: Configuring IP Options...............................................................................................916
Figure 257: Configuring IPSG M3UA Linkset Options...............................................................917
Figure 258: Changing an IPSG M2PA Linkset..............................................................................918
Figure 259: Changing an IPSG M3UA Linkset.............................................................................923
Figure 260: Changing the Attributes of an IPSG Association.....................................................931
Figure 261: Changing the Buffer Size of an IPSG Association....................................................936
Figure 262: Changing the Host Values of an IPSG Association.................................................940
Figure 263: Configuring an IPSG Association for SCTP Retransmission Control...................946
Figure 264: Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for IPSG M2PA
Figure 265: Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for IPSG M3UA

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xxii

Figure 266: Changing an M2PA Timer Set....................................................................................955
Figure 267: Changing a UA Parameter Set....................................................................................956
Figure 268: Turning Off the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature .............................957
Figure 269: Adding an End Node Internal Point Code...............................................................959
Figure 270: Removing an End Node Internal Point Code...........................................................960
Figure 271: Changing the Proxy Point Code Quantity................................................................962
Figure 272: Changing the DPC Quantity.......................................................................................965
Figure 273: Activating the ITU National and International Spare Point Code Support
Figure 274: Adding a Secondary Point Code................................................................................976
Figure 275: Removing a Secondary Point Code............................................................................978
Figure 276: Adding a Point Code to the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS.....................979
Figure 277: Changing the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS.............................................982
Figure 278: Adding a Cluster Point Code......................................................................................993
Figure 279: Changing the Attributes of a Cluster Point Code....................................................998
Figure 280: Adding a Network Routing Point Code.................................................................1002
Figure 281: Adding a Destination Point Code............................................................................1006
Figure 282: Removing a Destination Point Code........................................................................1011
Figure 283: Changing a Destination Point Code........................................................................1015
Figure 284: Changing the Format of an ITU National Point Code..........................................1019
Figure 285: Changing the Group Code Assigned to a 14-Bit ITU National Point Code.......1020
Figure 286: Adding a SS7 Linkset.................................................................................................1023
Figure 287: Verifying the Gateway Screening Configuration for a Linkset...........................1025
Figure 288: Configuring the MTP Restart Feature.....................................................................1027
Figure 289: Configuring the 5-Bit to 8-Bit SLS Conversion Feature........................................1028
Figure 290: Using Proxy Point Codes and Secondary Point Codes when Adding a
Figure 291: Activating the SLS Bit Rotation by Incoming Linkset Feature.............................1037
Figure 292: Configuring the RSLS8 Value for ANSI Linksets..................................................1041
Figure 293: Removing a Linkset Containing SS7 Signaling Links...........................................1042
Figure 294: Changing an SS7 Linkset...........................................................................................1049
Figure 295: Verifying the New Adjacent Point Code or New Secondary Point Code for a
Figure 296: Using the MULTGC Parameter when Changing the Attributes of a Linkset.....1060
Figure 297: Configuring an ITU Linkset with a Secondary Adjacent Point Code (SAPC)....1063
Figure 298: Adding an SS7 Signaling Link..................................................................................1069
Figure 299: Removing an SS7 Signaling Link.............................................................................1072
Figure 300: Adding a Route Containing an SS7 DPC................................................................1074
Figure 301: Adding a Route Containing a Cluster Point Code................................................1081
Figure 302: Adding a Route Containing an IPGWx Linkset.....................................................1084
Figure 303: Removing a Route......................................................................................................1088

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Figure 304: Changing a Route.......................................................................................................1096
Figure 305: Changing Level 2 Timers...........................................................................................1104
Figure 306: Changing Level 3 Timers...........................................................................................1105
Figure 307: Changing a Signaling Link Test Message...............................................................1106
Figure 308: Configuring Circular Route Detection....................................................................1107
Figure 309: Configuring the TFA/TFR Pacing Rate..................................................................1108
Figure 310: Configuring the Frequency of RST Messages on Low Priority Routes..............1109
Figure 311: Adding Remote Loopback Points............................................................................1110
Figure 312: Removing Remote Loopback Points........................................................................1111
Figure 313: Changing Remote Loopback Points.........................................................................1112
Figure 314: Configuring the System for Random SLS Generation..........................................1113
Figure 315: Configuring the Options for the TDM Global Timing Interface.........................1116
Figure 316: Configuring the Restricted Linkset Option............................................................1118
Figure 317: Configuring the Options for Handling TFCs on ITU-I and ITU-N
Figure 318: Changing the High-Capacity Card Temperature Alarm Thresholds.................1121
Figure 319: Activating the Origin-Based MTP Routing Feature..............................................1122
Figure 320: Configuring the Origin-Based MTP Routing SCCP OPC Option.......................1126
Figure 321: Adding an Exception Route Entry...........................................................................1127
Figure 322: Removing a Route Exception Entry.........................................................................1137
Figure 323: Changing a Route Exception Entry..........................................................................1142
Figure 324: Activating the Circular Route Auto-Recovery Feature.........................................1150
Figure 325: Turning Off the Circular Route Auto-Recovery Feature .....................................1153
Figure 326: Activating the Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection Feature.........................1154
Figure 327: Turning Off the Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection Feature ......................1157
Figure 328: Activating the Multiple Linksets to Single Adjacent PC (MLS) Feature............1158
Figure 329: Configuring the ITU Linkset NI Mapping Options...............................................1162
Figure 330: Configuring the Option for Handling Message Priorities for Messages
Crossing into ITU-I and ITU-N Networks.............................................................................1163
Figure 331: Activating the 6-Way Loadsharing on Routesets Feature....................................1164
Figure 332: Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity.....................................1169
Figure 333: Adding a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry..................................................1171
Figure 334: Removing a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry.............................................1174
Figure 335: Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation STP Option............................1175
Figure 336: Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation Linkset Option.....................1176
Figure 337: Adding a LIM-E1 Card..............................................................................................1178
Figure 338: Removing a LIM-E1 Card..........................................................................................1182
Figure 339: Adding Channelized and non-Channel Bridged E1 Ports...................................1183
Figure 340: Adding Channel Bridged E1 Ports...........................................................................1190
Figure 341: Adding Unchannelized E1 Ports..............................................................................1196
Figure 342: Removing the E1 Interface Parameters...................................................................1206

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Figure 343: Changing the Attributes of a Channelized E1 Port...............................................1207
Figure 344: Changing the Attributes of an Unchannelized E1 Port.........................................1211
Figure 345: Making a Channel Bridged E1 Port from a Channelized E1 Port.......................1213
Figure 346: Making a Non-Channel Bridged E1 Port from a Channel Bridged E1 Port.......1219
Figure 347: Adding an E1 Signaling Link....................................................................................1221
Figure 348: Adding a LIM-T1 Card..............................................................................................1226
Figure 349: Removing a LIM-T1 Card..........................................................................................1230
Figure 350: Adding Channelized and non-Channel Bridged T1 Ports...................................1231
Figure 351: Adding Channel Bridged T1 Ports...........................................................................1238
Figure 352: Adding Unchannelized T1 Ports..............................................................................1244
Figure 353: Removing the T1 Interface Parameters...................................................................1253
Figure 354: Changing the Attributes of a Channelized T1 Port...............................................1254
Figure 355: Changing the Attributes of an Unchannelized T1 Port.........................................1258
Figure 356: Making a Channel Bridged T1 Port from a Channelized T1 Port.......................1260
Figure 357: Making a Non-Channel Bridged T1 Port from a Channel Bridged T1 Port.......1266
Figure 358: Adding a T1 Signaling Link......................................................................................1268
Figure 359: Adding an ATM High-Speed LIM...........................................................................1273
Figure 360: Changing the Three Links per E5-ATM Card Quantity.......................................1275
Figure 361: Adding an ATM High-Speed Signaling Link.........................................................1278
Figure 362: Changing an ATM High-Speed Signaling Link Parameter Set...........................1288
Figure 363: Making a Backup of the Database on the Fixed Disk............................................1290
Figure 364: Making a Backup of the Database to the Removable Cartridge or Removable
Media ..........................................................................................................................................1291
Figure 365: Restoring the Database from the Backup Partition of the Fixed Disk................1295
Figure 366: Restoring the Database from the Removable Cartridge or Removable Media
Figure 367: Repairing the Database..............................................................................................1298
Figure 368: Copying the Database from the Active to the Standby Fixed Disk.....................1299
Figure 369: Backing Up System Data to the Removable Cartridge or Removable Media
Figure 370: Restoring System Data from a Removable Cartridge or Removable Media.....1304
Figure 371: Formatting a Removable Cartridge.........................................................................1306
Figure 372: Formatting the Fixed Disk of the Standby TDM....................................................1311
Figure 373: Formatting Removable Media..................................................................................1315
Figure 374: Updating the IMT GPL..............................................................................................1319
Figure 375: Updating the EOAM GPL.........................................................................................1323
Figure 376: Updating the BLMCAP and OAMHC GPLs..........................................................1326
Figure 377: Updating the Signaling Link and Data Link GPLs................................................1329
Figure 378: Updating the Service GPLs.......................................................................................1334
Figure 379: Updating the Flash GPLs...........................................................................................1341
Figure 380: Updating the BPHMUX GPL....................................................................................1351

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Figure 381: Updating the HIPR GPL............................................................................................1356
Figure 382: Updating the HIPR2 GPL..........................................................................................1361
Figure 383: Making the Trial Utility GPL the Approved Utility GPL.....................................1366
Figure 384: Reloading the TDM LCA Clock Bitfile....................................................................1369
Figure 385: Activating the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature.....................................................1372
Figure 386: Turning Off the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature .................................................1377
Figure 387: Updating the BLIXP GPL..........................................................................................1378
Figure 388: Updating a High-Capacity Card to Run the BLIXP GPL......................................1385
Figure 389: Setting the Clock and Date on the EAGLE 5 ISS....................................................1391
Figure 390: Changing the Security Defaults................................................................................1392
Figure 391: Configuring the Unauthorized Use Warning Message........................................1393
Figure 392: Changing the Security Log Characteristics.............................................................1394
Figure 393: Copying the Security Log to the File Transfer Area..............................................1395
Figure 394: Adding a User to the System....................................................................................1397
Figure 395: Removing a User from the System...........................................................................1399
Figure 396: Changing User Information......................................................................................1400
Figure 397: Changing a Password................................................................................................1403
Figure 398: Changing Terminal Characteristics.........................................................................1404
Figure 399: Changing Terminal Command Class Assignments..............................................1410
Figure 400: Configuring Command Classes................................................................................1412
Figure 401: Adding a Shelf.............................................................................................................1414
Figure 402: Removing a Shelf........................................................................................................1415
Figure 403: Adding an SS7 LIM....................................................................................................1416
Figure 404: Removing an SS7 LIM................................................................................................1417
Figure 405: Configuring the UIM Threshold..............................................................................1419
Figure 406: Removing a UIM Threshold......................................................................................1420
Figure 407: Configuring the Measurements Terminal for an EAGLE 5 ISS Containing 700
Signaling Links..........................................................................................................................1421
Figure 408: Adding a Measurement Collection and Polling Module (MCPM).....................1423
Figure 409: Removing a MCPM....................................................................................................1425
Figure 410: Configuring the Measurements Platform Feature.................................................1426
Figure 411: Adding an FTP Server................................................................................................1430
Figure 412: Removing an FTP Server...........................................................................................1432
Figure 413: Changing an FTP Server............................................................................................1433
Figure 414: Adding an IPSM.........................................................................................................1435
Figure 415: Removing an IPSM.....................................................................................................1441
Figure 416: Configuring the Options for the Network Security Enhancements Feature.....1443
Figure 417: Configuring the Restore Device State Option........................................................1444
Figure 418: Adding an Entry to the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table...........................1445
Figure 419: Removing an Entry from the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table..................1447
Figure 420: Changing an Entry in the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table........................1449

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xxvi

Figure 421: Configuring the IMT Bus Alarm Thresholds..........................................................1450
Figure 422: Activating Controlled Features................................................................................1451
Figure 423: Activating the Eagle OA&M IP Security Enhancement Controlled Feature.....1455
Figure 424: Activating the 15 Minute Measurements Controlled Feature..............................1459
Figure 425: Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm..........................................................................1463
Figure 426: Deactivating Controlled Features............................................................................1464
Figure 427: Configuring the Integrated Measurements Feature..............................................1465
Figure 428: Activating the SEAS over IP Feature.......................................................................1470
Figure 429: Performing the Initial SEAS Configuration............................................................1472
Figure 430: Configuring SEAS Terminals....................................................................................1474
Figure 431: Changing the Existing SEAS Configuration...........................................................1477
Figure 432: Turning Off the SEAS Over IP Feature....................................................................1480
Figure 433: Making a Backup of the Database to the FTP Server............................................1482
Figure 434: Restoring the Database from the FTP Server..........................................................1484
Figure 435: Configuring the Archive Build ID Option..............................................................1485

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xxvii

List of Tables
Table 1: Admonishments...................................................................................................................32

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 xxviii


Topics: This chapter contains general information about this
• Overview.....30
• Scope and Audience.....30
• Manual Organization.....30
• Documentation Admonishments.....32
• Customer Care Center.....32
• Emergency Response.....35
• Related Publications.....35
• Documentation Availability, Packaging, and
• Locate Product Documentation on the Customer
Support Site.....36
• Maintenance and Administration Subsystem....36
• EAGLE 5 ISS Database Partitions.....38

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 29

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

The Database Administration Manual – Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures that are
contained in these manuals.
• Database Administration Manual - Features
• Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening
• Database Administration Manual - Global Title Translation
• Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure Gateway
• Database Administration Manual - SS7
• Database Administration Manual - System Management
Throughout this manual, these terms are used to refer to either the original card or the EPM-B version
or other replacement version of the card unless one of the card types is specifically required.
• E5-ENET - the original E5-ENET or the E5-ENET-B card
• E5-ATM - the original E5-ATM or the E5-ATM-B card
• E5-IPSM - the original E5-IPSM or the E5-ENET-B card that is running the IPSHC GPL
• E5-SM4G - the original E5-SM4G or the E5-SM8G-B card (not an EPM-B card)
• MCPM - the original MCPM or the E5-MCPM-B card

Scope and Audience

This manual is intended for database administration personnel or translations personnel responsible
for configuring the EAGLE 5 ISS and its database.

Manual Organization
This document is organized into the following sections.
Introduction contains general information about this manual.
STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the STPLAN configuration procedures
located in the Database Administration Manual - Features.
Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the Database
Transport Access configuration procedures located in the Database Administration Manual - Features.
GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the GSM MAP Screening
configuration procedures located in the Database Administration Manual - Features.
EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the EAGLE
5 Integrated Monitoring Support configuration procedures located in the Database Administration
Manual - Features.
Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the Gateway Screening
configuration procedures located in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 30

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

Basic Global Title Translation Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures to
configure the entities that are common to both the Global Title Translation (GTT) and Enhanced Global
Title Translation (EGTT) features. These procedures are located in the "Global Title Translation (GTT)
Overview" section of the Database Administration Manual - Global Title Translation.
Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures used
to configure the Global Title Translation feature. These procedures are located in the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title Translation.
Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the
procedures used to configure the Enhanced Global Title Translation feature. These procedures are
located in the Database Administration Manual - Global Title Translation.
MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the MO SMS B-Party
Routing configuration procedures located in the Database Administration Manual - Global Title Translation.
MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the MO SMS
Prepaid Intercept on B-Party configuration procedures located in the Database Administration Manual
- Global Title Translation.
IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the IETF M2PA configuration procedures
located in the Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure Gateway.
IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the IETF M3UA and SUA
configuration procedures located in the Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure Gateway.
IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the IPSG M2PA and M3UA
configuration procedures located in the Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure Gateway.
End Office Support Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the End Office Support configuration
procedures located in the Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure Gateway.
Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures for configuring
destination point codes (DPCs). These procedure are located in the Database Administration Manual -
SS7 Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures that are used to configure
linksets, signaling links, routes, and other miscellaneous items to support the SS7 network. These
procedures are located in the Database Administration Manual - SS7.
Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures that
are used to configure the Point Code and CIC Translation feature. These procedures are located in the
Database Administration Manual - SS7.
E1 Interface Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures used to configure the E1 interface.
These procedures are located in the Database Administration Manual - SS7.
T1 Interface Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures used to configure the T1 interface.
These procedures are located in the Database Administration Manual - SS7.
ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures used to configure
ATM high-speed signaling links. These procedures are located in the Database Administration Manual
- SS7.
Database Management Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures that are used for managing
the database. These procedures are located in the Database Administration Manual - System Management.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 31

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

GPL Management Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures that are used for managing the
system data (GPLs). These procedures are located in the Database Administration Manual - System
System Administration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures that are used to administer
the items shown in the Introduction section of the Database Administration Manual - System Management.
This chapter also contains the flowcharts for the procedures contained in the Controlled Feature
Activation Procedures section of the Database Administration Manual - System Management.
SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures that are used to
configure the SEAS over IP feature. These procedures are located in the Database Administration Manual
- System Management.
Remote Backup and Restore Flowcharts contains the flowcharts for the procedures that are used for
backing up the database to the DB FTP server and restoring the database from the DB FTP server.
These procedures are located in the Database Administration Manual - System Management.

Documentation Admonishments
Admonishments are icons and text throughout this manual that alert the reader to assure personal
safety, to minimize possible service interruptions, and to warn of the potential for equipment damage.

Table 1: Admonishments

(This icon and text indicate the possibility of personal injury.)

(This icon and text indicate the possibility of equipment damage.)

(This icon and text indicate the possibility of service interruption.)

Customer Care Center

The Tekelec Customer Care Center is your initial point of contact for all product support needs. A
representative takes your call or email, creates a Customer Service Request (CSR) and directs your
requests to the Tekelec Technical Assistance Center (TAC). Each CSR includes an individual tracking
number. Together with TAC Engineers, the representative will help you resolve your request.
The Customer Care Center is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and is linked
to TAC Engineers around the globe.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 32

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

Tekelec TAC Engineers are available to provide solutions to your technical questions and issues 7
days a week, 24 hours a day. After a CSR is issued, the TAC Engineer determines the classification of
the trouble. If a critical problem exists, emergency procedures are initiated. If the problem is not critical,
normal support procedures apply. A primary Technical Engineer is assigned to work on the CSR and
provide a solution to the problem. The CSR is closed when the problem is resolved.
Tekelec Technical Assistance Centers are located around the globe in the following locations:

Tekelec - Global
Email (All Regions): support@tekelec.com
• USA and Canada
1-888-FOR-TKLC or 1-888-367-8552 (toll-free, within continental USA and Canada)
1-919-460-2150 (outside continental USA and Canada)
TAC Regional Support Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. (GMT minus 5 hours), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
• Caribbean and Latin America (CALA)
USA access code +1-800-658-5454, then 1-888-FOR-TKLC or 1-888-367-8552 (toll-free)
TAC Regional Support Office Hours (except Brazil):
10:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m. (GMT minus 6 hours), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
• Argentina
0-800-555-5246 (toll-free)
• Brazil
0-800-891-4341 (toll-free)
TAC Regional Support Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. through 6:30 p.m. (GMT minus 3 hours), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
• Chile
• Colombia
• Dominican Republic

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 33

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

• Mexico
• Peru
• Puerto Rico
1-888-367-8552 (1-888-FOR-TKLC)
• Venezuela

• Europe, Middle East, and Africa

Regional Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. (GMT), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays
• Signaling
+44 1784 467 804 (within UK)
• Software Solutions
+33 3 89 33 54 00

• Asia
• India
+91 124 436 8552 or +91 124 436 8553
TAC Regional Support Office Hours:
10:00 a.m. through 7:00 p.m. (GMT plus 5 1/2 hours), Monday through Saturday, excluding
• Singapore
+65 6796 2288
TAC Regional Support Office Hours:
9:00 a.m. through 6:00 p.m. (GMT plus 8 hours), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 34

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

Emergency Response
In the event of a critical service situation, emergency response is offered by the Tekelec Customer Care
Center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The emergency response provides immediate coverage, automatic
escalation, and other features to ensure that the critical situation is resolved as rapidly as possible.
A critical situation is defined as a problem with the installed equipment that severely affects service,
traffic, or maintenance capabilities, and requires immediate corrective action. Critical situations affect
service and/or system operation resulting in one or several of these situations:
• A total system failure that results in loss of all transaction processing capability
• Significant reduction in system capacity or traffic handling capability
• Loss of the system’s ability to perform automatic system reconfiguration
• Inability to restart a processor or the system
• Corruption of system databases that requires service affecting corrective actions
• Loss of access for maintenance or recovery operations
• Loss of the system ability to provide any required critical or major trouble notification

Any other problem severely affecting service, capacity/traffic, billing, and maintenance capabilities
may be defined as critical by prior discussion and agreement with the Tekelec Customer Care Center.

Related Publications
For information about additional publications that are related to this document, refer to the Related
Publications document. The Related Publications document is published as a part of the Release
Documentation and is also published as a separate document on the Tekelec Customer Support Site.

Documentation Availability, Packaging, and Updates

Tekelec provides documentation with each system and in accordance with contractual agreements.
For General Availability (GA) releases, Tekelec publishes a complete EAGLE 5 ISS documentation set.
For Limited Availability (LA) releases, Tekelec may publish a documentation subset tailored to specific
feature content or hardware requirements. Documentation Bulletins announce a new or updated
The Tekelec EAGLE 5 ISS documentation set is released on an optical disc. This format allows for easy
searches through all parts of the documentation set.
The electronic file of each manual is also available from the Tekelec Customer Support site. This site
allows for 24-hour access to the most up-to-date documentation, including the latest versions of Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 35

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

Printed documentation is available for GA releases on request only and with a lead time of six weeks.
The printed documentation set includes pocket guides for commands and alarms. Pocket guides may
also be ordered separately. Exceptions to printed documentation are:
• Hardware or Installation manuals are printed without the linked attachments found in the electronic
version of the manuals.
• The Release Notice is available only on the Customer Support site.
Note: Customers may print a reasonable number of each manual for their own use.
Documentation is updated when significant changes are made that affect system operation. Updates
resulting from Severity 1 and 2 Problem Reports (PRs) are made to existing manuals. Other changes
are included in the documentation for the next scheduled release. Updates are made by re-issuing an
electronic file to the customer support site. Customers with printed documentation should contact
their Sales Representative for an addendum. Occasionally, changes are communicated first with a
Documentation Bulletin to provide customers with an advanced notice of the issue until officially
released in the documentation. Documentation Bulletins are posted on the Customer Support site and
can be viewed per product and release.

Locate Product Documentation on the Customer Support Site

Access to Tekelec's Customer Support site is restricted to current Tekelec customers only. This section
describes how to log into the Tekelec Customer Support site and locate a document. Viewing the
document requires Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can be downloaded at www.adobe.com.
1. Log into the Tekelec Customer Support site.
Note: If you have not registered for this new site, click the Register Here link. Have your customer
number available. The response time for registration requests is 24 to 48 hours.
2. Click the Product Support tab.
3. Use the Search field to locate a document by its part number, release number, document name, or
document type. The Search field accepts both full and partial entries.
4. Click a subject folder to browse through a list of related files.
5. To download a file to your location, right-click the file name and select Save Target As.

Maintenance and Administration Subsystem

The Maintenance and Administration Subsystem (MAS) is the central management point for the
EAGLE 5 ISS. The MAS provides user interface, maintenance communication, peripheral services,
alarm processing, system disk interface, and measurements. Management and redundancy are provided
by use of two separate subsystem processors.
The MAS resides on two separate sets of Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor
(MASP) cards and a Maintenance Disk and Alarm card (collectively referred to as control cards). The
control cards are located in slots 1113 through 1118 of the EAGLE 5 ISS control shelf. The control cards
can be either E5-based cards or legacy cards.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 36

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

Note: In normal operation, the E5-based control cards and the legacy control cards cannot be mixed
in one EAGLE 5 ISS control shelf.

Legacy Control Cards

The legacy set of EAGLE 5 ISS control cards consists of the following cards:
• Two MASP card sets; each set contains the following two cards:
• A General Purpose Service Module II (GPSM-II) card
• A Terminal Disk Module (TDM) card

• One Maintenance Disk and Alarm (MDAL) card

General Purpose Service Module II (GPSM-II) Card
Each GPSM-II card contains the Communications Processor and the Applications Processor and
provides connections to the IMT bus. The card controls the maintenance and database administration
activity and performs both application and communication processing. GPSM-II cards are located in
slots 1113 and 1115 of the control shelf.
Terminal Disk Module (TDM) Card
Each TDM card provides the Terminal Processor for the 16 I/O ports, and interfaces to the Maintenance
Disk and Alarm (MDAL) card. The TDM card also distributes Composite Clocks and High Speed
Master clocks throughout the EAGLE 5 ISS, and distributes Shelf ID to the EAGLE 5 ISS. Each TDM
card contains one fixed disk drive that is used to store primary and backup system databases,
measurements, and Generic Program Loads (GPLs). The TDM cards are located in slots 1114 and 1116
of the control shelf.
Maintenance Disk and Alarm (MDAL) Card
The MDAL card processes alarm requests and provides fan control. There is only one MDAL card in
a control card set. Critical, major, and minor system alarms are provided for up to 6 individual frames.
In addition to the 3 system alarms, the MDAL card provides the system audible alarm. The MDAL
card provides control of fans on a per-frame basis and allows for each fan relay to be set individually.
The MDAL card contains a removable cartridge drive; the removable cartridge is used for installing
new software; backing up the system software, the application software, and the database; and for
downloading data for off-line processing. The MDAL card is located in slots 1117 and 1118 of the
control shelf.

E5-based Control Cards

The E5-based set of EAGLE 5 ISS control cards consists of the following cards:
• Two Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor cards (E5-MASP) cards. Each dual-slot
E5-MASP card is made up of the following two modules:
• Maintenance Communication Application Processor (E5-MCAP) card
• Terminal Disk Module (E5-TDM) card

• One Maintenance Disk and Alarm card (E5-MDAL card)

Maintenance Communication Application Processor (E5-MCAP) Card
The E5-MCAP card contains the Communications Processor and Applications Processor and provides
connections to the IMT bus. The card controls the maintenance and database administration activity

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 37

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

and performs both application and communication processing. E5-MCAP cards are located in slots
1113 and 1115 of the control shelf.
Each E5-MCAP card contains two USB ports. One latched USB port is used with removable flash
media (“thumb drives”), and one flush-mounted USB port is used with a plug-in “credit card” flash
drive. The removable media drive is used to install and back up customer data. The credit card drive
is used for upgrade and could be used for disaster recovery.
Terminal Disk Module (E5-TDM) Card
The E5-TDM card provides the Terminal Processor for the 16 I/O ports, and interfaces to the
Maintenance Disk and Alarm (E5-MDAL) card and fixed disk storage. The E5-TDM card also distributes
Composite Clocks and High Speed Master clocks throughout the EAGLE 5 ISS, and distributes Shelf
ID to the EAGLE 5 ISS. Each E5-TDM card contains one fixed SATA drive that is used to store primary
and backup system databases, measurements, and Generic Program Loads (GPLs). E5-TDM cards are
located in slots 1114 and 1116 of the control shelf.
Maintenance Disk and Alarm (E5-MDAL) Card
The E5-MDAL card processes alarm requests and provides fan control. There is only one E5-MDAL
card in a control card set. Critical, major, and minor system alarms are provided for up to 6 individual
frames. In addition to the 3 system alarms, the E5-MDAL card provides the system audible alarm.
The E5-MDAL card provides control of fans on a per-frame basis, and allows for each fan relay to be
set individually. The E5-MDAL card does not contain a removable cartridge drive; drives for removable
media are located on the E5-MCAP card. The E5-MDAL card is located in slots 1117 and 1118 of the
control shelf.

EAGLE 5 ISS Database Partitions

The data that the EAGLE 5 ISS uses to perform its functions are stored in two separate areas: the fixed
disk drives, and the removable cartridge. The following sections describe these areas and data that is
stored on them. These areas and their partitions are shown in Figure 1: EAGLE 5 ISS Database Partitions
(Legacy Control Cards) and Figure 2: EAGLE 5 ISS Database Partitions (E5-Based Control Cards).

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 38

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

Figure 1: EAGLE 5 ISS Database Partitions (Legacy Control Cards)

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 39

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

Figure 2: EAGLE 5 ISS Database Partitions (E5-Based Control Cards)

Fixed Disk Drive

There are two fixed disk drives on the EAGLE 5 ISS. The fixed disk drives contain the “master” set of
data and programs for the EAGLE 5 ISS. The two fixed disk drives are located on the terminal disk
modules (TDMs). Both disks have the same files. The data stored on the fixed disks is partially replicated
on the various cards in the EAGLE 5 ISS. Changes made during database administration sessions are
sent to the appropriate cards.
The data on the fixed disks can be viewed as four partitions.
• Current partition

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 40

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Introduction

• Backup partition
• Measurements partition
• Generic program loads (GPLs) partition

The data which can be administered by users is stored in two partitions on the fixed disk, a current
database partition which has the tables which are changed by on-line administration, and a backup
database partition which is a user-controlled copy of the current partition.
All of the on-line data administration commands affect the data in the current partition. The purpose
of the backup partition is to provide the users with a means of rapidly restoring the database to a
known good state if there has been a problem while changing the current partition.
A full set of GPLs is stored on the fixed disk, in the GPL partition. There is an approved GPL and a
trial GPL for each type of GPL in this set and a utility GPL, which has only an approved version.
Copies of these GPLs are downloaded to the EAGLE 5 ISS cards. The GPL provides each card with
its functionality. For example, the ss7ansi GPL provides MTP functionality for link interface modules
Measurement tables are organized as a single partition on the fixed disk. These tables are used as
holding areas for the measurement counts.

Removable Cartridge or Removable Media

The removable cartridge is used with the legacy MDAL control card in card location 1117. The
removable media is used with the E5-MCAP card portion of the E5-MASP in card locations 1113 and
The removable cartridge or removable media is used for two purposes.
• To hold an off-line backup copy of the administered data and system GPLs
• To hold a copy of the measurement tables

Because of the size of the data stored on the fixed disk drives on the TDMs, a single removable cartridge
or removable media cannot store all of the data in the database, GPL and measurements partitions.
To use a removable cartridge or removable media to hold the system data, it must be formatted for
system data. To use a removable cartridge or removable media to hold measurements data, it must
be formatted for measurements data. The EAGLE 5 ISS provides the user the ability to format a
removable cartridge or removable media for either of these purposes. A removable cartridge or
removable media can be formatted on the EAGLE 5 ISS by using the format-disk command. More
information on the format-disk command can be found in the Commands Manual. More information
on the removable cartridge or removable media drives can be found in the Hardware Manual - EAGLE
5 ISS.
Additional and preformatted removable cartridges or removable media are available from the Customer
Care Center.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 41


STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the STPLAN
configuration procedures located in the Database
• Adding an STPLAN Card.....43 Administration Manual - Features.
• Removing an STPLAN Card.....46
• Adding a TCP/IP Data Link.....47
• Removing a TCP/IP Data Link.....49
• Adding a TCP/IP Node.....50
• Removing a TCP/IP Node.....52
• Configuring the Copy Original OPC for STPLAN
• Configuring the Option for Including the Incoming
and Outgoing Linkset Names in the STPLAN
Message Format.....55

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 42

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an STPLAN Card

Enter the
rtrv-card command.

Does the output Yes

show any cards running the
STPLAN application?


Enter the rtrv-feat


Are both the

STPLAN and Gateway Yes
Screening features


Enter the
Is the Gateway Yes chg-feat command
Screening feature
with this parameter.


Enter the
chg-feat command with Which card E5-SLAN To
these parameters. has been installed into
Sheet 2
:gws=on the EAGLE 5 ISS?

Dual-Slot DCM/

Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 43

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the card
that is being added E5-ENET To
an E5-ENET or an
Enter the Sheet 3
rept-stat-gpl command card?
with this parameter.

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.
Are HIPR cards
installed in both the card Yes
locations 9 and 10 of the shelf
in which the STPLAN card
will be installed?
Perform the “Configuring
What is the Off the MFC Option”
No MFC option value? procedure to turn on the
MFC option.

Enter the
rept-stat-gpl command On
with this parameter.

Was the rtrv-feat No Enter the

command performed on
rtrv-feat command.
Are HIPR2 cards Sheet 1?
installed in both the card Yes
locations 9 and 10 of the shelf
in which the STPLAN card Yes
will be installed?

Enter the
Is the Fan No chg-feat command
feature turned
Refer to the Installation with this parameter.
Manual - EAGLE 5 ISS and fan=on
install the required HIPR or
HIPR2 cards. Yes

Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the E5-ENET-B
Refer to the Installation Manual and
install the fans on the shelf containing
the E5-ENET-B card. No Have the fans
Note: The fans must be installed and been installed?
working properly before an E5-ENET-B
card can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 44

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Insert the STPLAN card into a

non-provisioned card location in the
A dual-slot DCM must be in an
odd-numbered location, and the
adjacent even-numbered card
location must be empty and not
Note: If the STPLAN card will be
sending traffic to the ECAP, the
STPLAN card must be a single-slot

Perform the alarm clearing

Has UAM Yes procedure for UAM 0002 in
0002 been the Unsolicited Alarm and
generated? Information Messages
Manual to clear the alarm.


Enter the ent-card command with these

:loc=<card location of STPLAN card>
Note: See the “STPLAN Card Provisioning”
section of the “Adding an STPLAN Card”
procedure in the Database Administration
Manual – Features for the rules that apply to
provisioning STPLAN cards.

Enter the rtrv-card command with

this parameter.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-card command>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 3: Adding an STPLAN Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 45

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an STPLAN Card

Thre are no STPLAN cards

Does the output No
Enter the in the EAGLE 5 ISS. This
show any cards running the
rtrv-card command. procedure cannot be
STPLAN application?

Enter the Yes

rept-stat-dlk command with this
:loc=<card location of the
STPLAN card being removed>

Enter the canc-dlk command

Is the state of No with this parameter.
the TCP/IP data link
:loc=<card location of the
STPLAN card being removed>


Enter the Enter the

rmv-card command with rept-stat-dlk command with this
this parameter. parameter.
:loc=<card location of the :loc=<card location of the
STPLAN card being removed> STPLAN card being removed>

Enter the rtrv-ip-node command with Enter the dlt-card command with
this parameter. this parameter.
:loc=<card location of the STPLAN :loc=<card location of the STPLAN
card being removed> card being removed>

Enter the dlt-ip-node command with these Enter the rtrv-card command with
parameters. this parameter.
:ipaddr=<node IP address> :loc=<card location specified in
:loc=<card location of the STPLAN card the dlt-card command>
being removed>

Enter the
Enter the dlt-dlk command with this chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
parameter. command.
:loc=<card location of the STPLAN
card being removed>

Figure 4: Removing an STPLAN Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 46

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a TCP/IP Data Link

Enter the rtrv-dlk


Enter the rtrv-ip-node


Does the IP address

Choose another IP
of the TCP/IP data link being Yes address for the TCP/IP
entered match any IP addresses
data link being entered
for the existing TCP/IP data links,
into the database
nodes, or routers?


Enter the rtrv-card


Is the Perform the "Adding an STPLAN

required STPLAN card No Card to the Database" procedure in
in the database? this chapter and add the necessary
(See the Note) card to the database


Sheet 2
Note: The STPLAN card that will be
specified in the ent-dlk command must
be shown in the rtrv-card output, but
cannot be shown in the loc column of the
rtrv-dlk output.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 47

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the ent-dlk command with these mandatory

:loc=<card location of the STPLAN card>
:ipaddr=<IP address being assigned to the STPLAN
and with any of these optional parameters:
:speed=<10 or 100>, default value = 10
:duplex=<half or full>, default value = half
:auto=<yes or no>, default value = yes
1. The default value for the auto parameter is yes, if
the speed and duplex parameters are not specified.
2. The speed and duplex parameters can be
specified with the auto parameter only if the auto
parameter value is no.
3. If the speed and duplex parameters are specified
and the auto parameter is not specified, the default
value for the auto parameter is no.
4. If either the duplex or speed parameters are
specified, then both the duplex and speed
parameters must be specified.

Enter the rtrv-dlk command

with this parameter:
:loc=<card location specified
in the ent-dlk command>

Enter the rst-card command

with this parameter:
:loc=<card location specified in
the ent-dlk command>

Enter the act-dlk command

with this parameter:
:loc=<card location specified
in the ent-dlk command>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 5: Adding a TCP/IP Data Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 48

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a TCP/IP Data Link

Enter the
rtrv-dlk command

Enter the canc-dlk command with

this parameter:
:loc=<card location of the STPLAN card
containing the TCP/IP data link being

Enter the rept-stat-dlk command

with this parameter:
loc=<card location specified in the
canc-dlk command>

Enter the rmv-card command with Enter the dlt-dlk command with this
this parameter: parameter:
:loc=<card location specified in the :loc=<card location specified in the
rept-stat-dlk command> dlt-ip-node command>

Enter the rtrv-ip-node command with Enter the rtrv-dlk command with this
this parameter: parameter:
:loc=<card location specified in the :loc=<card location specified in the
rmv-card command> dlt-dlk command>

Enter the dlt-ip-node command with Enter the

these parameters: chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
:ipaddr=<node IP address> command
:loc=<card location specified in the
rtrv-ip-node command>

Figure 6: Removing a TCP/IP Data Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 49

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a TCP/IP Node

Enter the rtrv-ip-node


Enter the rtrv-dlk


Perform the “Adding a

Is the required TCP/IP Link” procedure in
TCP/IP data link in the this chapter and add the
database? necessary TCP/IP data
link to the database


Enter the ent-ip-node command with

these mandatory parameters:
:loc=<card location of the STPLAN card
containing the TCP/IP data link >
:ipaddr=<TCP/IP node IP address>
:ipport=<1024 - 5000>
:cap=<0 - 100>
and with this optional parameter:
:iprte=<IP address of the TCP/IP router>
1. Refer to the introduction to this procedure for
information about using IP addresses with the
ent-ip-rte command.
2. Refer to the cap parameter description in this
procedure for more information about using the
cap parameter.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 50

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-ip-node

command with this parameter:
:ipaddr=<the ipaddr parameter value
specified in the ent-ip-node

Enter the act-dlk command

with this parameter:
:loc=<card location shown in the
rtrv-ip-node output>

Enter the rept-stat-dlk command

with this parameter:
:loc=<card location specified in the
act-dlk command>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 7: Adding a TCP/IP Node

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 51

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a TCP/IP Node

Enter the rtrv-ip-node


Enter the
rtrv-dlk command

Enter the rept-stat-dlk command

with this parameter:
:loc=<card location of the
STPLAN card assigned to the
TCP/IP node being removed>

Is the state of the

No data link assigned to the Yes
TCP/IP node being removed

Enter the canc-dlk command

with this parameter:
:loc=<card location specified in
the rept-stat-dlk command>

Enter the rept-stat-dlk command Enter the rept-stat-card command

with this parameter: with this parameter:
:loc=<card location specified in the :loc=<card location specified in the
canc-dlk command> rept-stat-dlk command>

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 52

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the state of the Enter the rmv-card command with

card assigned to the No this parameter:
TCP/IP node to be removed :loc=<card location specified in the
OOS-MT-DSBLD? rept-stat-card command on Sheet 1>

Yes Enter the rept-stat-card command

with this parameter:
:loc=<card location specified in the
rmv-card command>

Enter the dlt-ip-node command

with these parameters:
:ipaddr=<node IP address
Are all the
assigned to the node>
connections to a TCP/IP Yes
node being removed from
or these parameters:
the database?
:ipaddr=<node IP address
assigned to the node>

Enter the dlt-ip-node command with this

mandatory parameter: Enter the rtrv-ip-node command
:ipaddr=<node IP address assigned to the node> with this parameter:
and at least one of these optional parameters: :ipaddr=<the ipaddr value specified
:ipappl=stplan with the dlt-ip-node command>
:ipport=<IP port assigned to the node>
:loc=<card location of the STPLAN card assigned to
the node>
Note: The ipappl or ipport parameters can be specified
with the dlt-ip-node command, but both parameters
cannot be specified with the dlt-ip-node command at
the same time.

Enter the rtrv-ip-node command

Enter the
with any of the parameters and
value that were specified with the
dlt-ip-node command.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 8: Removing a TCP/IP Node

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 53

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the Copy Original OPC for STPLAN Option

Enter the rtrv-ss7opts


What is the
current value for the OFF Enter the rtrv-feat
slancporgopc command


Enter the
Is the STPLAN No
chg-ss7opts command with
feature on (shown by the
this parameter.
entry LAN=on)?
Perform the
“Adding an
procedure in this
chapter to turn the
STPLAN feature on
and add the
required STPLAN
Enter the
Enter the rtrv-ss7opts chg-ss7opts command
command with this parameter.

Enter the

Figure 9: Configuring the Copy Original OPC for STPLAN Option

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 54

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts STPLAN Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the Option for Including the Incoming and Outgoing Linkset
Names in the STPLAN Message Format

Enter the rtrv-ss7opts


What is the
current value for OFF Enter the rtrv-feat
the slanlsn command


Enter the
Is the STPLAN No
chg-ss7opts command with
feature on (shown by the
this parameter.
entry LAN=on)?
Perform the
“Adding an
procedure in this
chapter to turn the
STPLAN feature on
and add the
required STPLAN
Enter the
Enter the rtrv-ss7opts chg-ss7opts command
command with this parameter.

Enter the

Figure 10: Configuring the Option for Including the Incoming and Outgoing Linkset Names in the
STPLAN Message Format

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 55


Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the Database
Transport Access configuration procedures located
• Configuring the EAGLE 5 ISS for the DTA in the Database Administration Manual - Features.
• Changing the Gateway Screening Redirect
• Disabling the Gateway Screening Redirect

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 56

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Configuring the EAGLE 5 ISS for the DTA Feature

Enter the Is the gateway Yes

rtrv-gws-redirect screening redirect
command function enabled?

The gateway screening

No redirect function is
enabled. This procedure
Enter the rtrv-feat
cannot be used to changed
provisioned data. Go to the
"Changing the Gateway
Screening Redirect
Enter the rtrv-card Parameters" procedure to
command change the existing data.

Is the gateway Enter the

screening feature chg-feat:gws=on
turned on? command


Is the global Enter the

title translation feature chg-feat:gtt=on
turned on? command


Are the
Are the
required No required service No
service modules and
modules in the
LIMs in the

Yes Go to the "Adding a
Service Module"
procedure in the
To Administration Manual
Sheet 2 - Global Title
Translation and add
the required service
modules to the

Sheet 1 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 57

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Go to the "Adding a SS7

LIM" procedure in the
Are the Database Administration
From No
required LIMs in the Manual - System
Sheet 1
database? Management and add the
required LIMs to the

Will MSUs
Yes No To
from IP cards be
Sheet 3

Perform the "Adding an

IPLIMx Card", “Adding an
IPGWx Card”, or “Adding an
Are the No IPSG Card” procedures in the
required IP cards in
Database Administration
the database?
Manual - IP7 Secure Gateway
and add the required IP cards
to the database

Verify that the IP cards are assigned to SCTP

associations, and application routing keys, as
applicable, by entering one of these sets of
If the card’s application is iplim or iplimi, enter
these commands:
rtrv-assoc, rtrv-ip-lnk
If the card’s application is ss7ipgw or ipgwi,
enter these commands:
rtrv-appl-rtkey, rtrv-as, rtrv-assoc, rtrv-ip-lnk
If the card’s application is ipsg, enter these
rtrv-assoc, rtrv-ip-lnk, rtrv-ls, rtrv-slk

Are the IP cards

assigned to the SCTP No
associations and, if
applicable, routing

Yes Update the IP7 Secure

Gateway configuration
by performing the
appropriate procedures
Sheet 3
in the Database
Administration Manual
- IP7 Secure Gateway

Sheet 2 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 58

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-dstn


Go to the "Adding a Destination Point

Code" procedure in the Database
Are the Administration Manual - SS7 and add
required DPCs in the the required DPCs to the database.
database? SS7 DPCs can be either ANSI, ITU-I,
ITU-I Spare, ITU-N, ITU-N Spare, or
ITU-N24 point codes.

Enter the rtrv-ls


Go to the "Adding an SS7 Linkset"

Are the No procedure in the Database
required linksets in the
Administration Manual - SS7 and add
the required linksets to the database


Enter the rtrv-slk


Go to the "Adding an SS7

Are the required Signaling Link" procedure in the
signaling links in the Database Administration Manual -
database? SS7 and add the required linksets
to the database


Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 59

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 3

Enter the rtrv-rte


Go to the "Adding a Route Containing

Are the an SS7 DPC" procedure in the
required routes in the Database Administration
database? Manual - SS7 and add the required
routes to the database

Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Was the
chg-feat:gws=on command
executed on Sheet 1?


Does the required No To

linkset reference a gateway
Sheet 7
screening screen set?


Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 60

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 4

Enter the
rtrv-scrset:scrn=<xxxx> command
where <xxxx> is a name of the screen
set shown in SCRN field of the rtrv-ls
command output on Sheet 3


of the last screen in the
screen set?

Display the last screen in the screen

CGPA , TT, set using the retrieve command that
CDPA , AFTPC corresponds to the screen being
displayed. For example, if the last
screen in the screen set is an Allowed
To ISUP screen, enter the rtrv-scr-isup
Sheet 6 command with the name of the

Does the screen have

To No a gateway screening stop action
Sheet 8 set assigned that contains the
RDCT stop action?


Sheet 9

Sheet 5 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 61

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 5

Do you wish to Do you wish

No Yes To
use another screen set in to change this
Sheet 8
the database? screen set?

Yes No
Sheet 7
Enter the rtrv-scrset

Display the last screen in the screen

set using the retrieve command that
Enter the rtrv-scrset:scrn=<xxxx>
corresponds to the screen being
command where <xxxx> is the screen set
displayed. For example, if the last
name shown in the SCRN field of the
screen in the screen set is an Allowed
rtrv-scrset command output
ISUP screen, enter the rtrv-scr-isup
command with the name of the
of the last screen in the
screen set?
Does the screen have
a gateway screening stop action No
CGPA , TT, set assigned that contains the
CDPA , AFTPC RDCT stop action?

Sheet 8
Do you wish to Yes
use another screen set in
the database?
Sheet 9

Have all the

No Yes To
screen sets been
Sheet 8

Sheet 6 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 62

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Configure a gateway screening screen set that contains any of these

screens: Allowed OPC, Blocked OPC, Allowed SIO, Allowed DPC,
Blocked DPC, Allowed Affected Destination Field, or Allowed ISUP
Message Type . The gateway screening process must stop at one of
these screens with the gateway screening stop action set containing the
stop action RDCT.
To configure these screens , perform these procedures as necessary:
Sheets 4 Adding an Allowed OPC Screen procedure
or 6 Adding a Blocked OPC Screen procedure
Adding an Allowed SIO Screen procedure
Adding an Allowed DPC Screen procedure
Adding a Blocked DPC Screen procedure
Adding an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen procedure
Adding an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen procedure

Is the screen set name

specified in the previous step
shown in the output of the rtrv-ls Yes
command executed on Sheet 3 or
specified in the linkset procedure
on Sheet 3?


Perform the "Changing an SS7 Linkset"

procedure to change the linkset to include these
:scrn = the name of the gateway
screening screen set
:gwsa = on
:gwsm = on
Sheet 9
:gwsd = <on, off>
Note: See the "Discarding MSUs" section in
the Database Transport Access (DTA )
Configuration chapter of the Database
Administration Manual – Features for more
information about using the gwsd parameter.

Sheet 7 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 63

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Change the gateway screening screen set to contain any of these

screens: Allowed OPC, Blocked OPC, Allowed SIO, Allowed DPC,
Blocked DPC, Allowed Affected Destination Field, or Allowed ISUP
Message Type . The gateway screening process must stop at one of
these screens with the gateway screening stop action set containing the
stop action RDCT.
To configure these screens , perform these procedures as necessary:
Sheets 4 Changing an Allowed OPC Screen procedure
or 5 Changing a Blocked OPC Screen procedure
Changing an Allowed SIO Screen procedure
Changing an Allowed DPC Screen procedure
Changing a Blocked DPC Screen procedure
Changing an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen procedure
Changing an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen procedure

Is the screen set name

specified in the previous step
shown in the output of the rtrv-ls Yes
command executed on Sheet 3 or
specified in the linkset procedure
on Sheet 3?


Perform the "Changing an SS7 Linkset"

procedure to change the linkset to include these
:scrn = the name of the gateway
screening screen set
:gwsa = on
:gwsm = on
Sheet 9
:gwsd = <on, off>
Note: See the "Discarding MSUs" section in
the Database Transport Access (DTA )
Configuration chapter of the Database
Administration Manual – Features for more
information about using the gwsd parameter.

Sheet 8 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 64

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheets 5, 6,
7, or 8

Do you wish to use

the EAGLE 5 ISS's point code Yes Enter the rtrv-sid
as the DPC for the redirect command


Enter the ent-gws-redirect command with

these parameters:
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24 = <GWS redirect
point code>
:ri = <gt, ssn>
:ssn = <CDPA SSN >
:tt = <CDPA translation type >
:gta = <0 - 21 decimal digits> (hexadecimal
digits cannot be specified for the gta
:enabled = <on, off>
Note: The dpci parameter value can be either Enter the rtrv-gws-redirect
an ITU-I point code or an ITU-I Spare point command
code. The dpcn parameter value can be
either an ITU-N point code or an ITU-N Spare
point code.
Enter the rtrv-feat

Is the Enhanced
To Yes No To
GTT feature on
Sheet 11 Sheet 10
(EGTT = on)?

Sheet 9 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 65

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 9

Enter the
rtrv-gtt:type=<xxx>:gta=<yyy> command
where <xxx> is the translation type and
<yyy> is the global title address specified in
the ent-gws-redirect command executed on
Sheet 9

Is the global title Enter the

translation data in the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
database? command


Enter the
rtrv-tt:type=<xxx> command where Perform the "Adding a Translation
<xxx> is the translation type specified Type " and "Adding a Global Title
in the ent-gws-redirect command Translation "procedures in Chapter 3,
executed on Sheet 9 "Global Title Translation (GTT)
Configuration," in the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title
Translation to configure the translation
type and GTT data with the values
specified in the ent-gws-redirect
Is the value command peformed on Sheet 9.
specified for the tt parameter
of the ent-gws-redirect command
executed on Sheet 9 in the
Perform the "Adding a Global Title
Translation " procedure in Chapter 3,
"Global Title Translation (GTT)
Yes Configuration," in the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title
Translation to configure the GTT data
with the values specified in the
ent-gws-redirect command peformed
on Sheet 9.

Sheet 10 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 66

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 9

Enter the rtrv-gttsel:tt=<xxx>

command where <xxx> is the
translation type specified specified
in the ent-gws-redirect command
executed on Sheet 9 Perform the "Adding a GTT Set,"
"Adding a GTT Selector," and
"Adding Global Title Address
Information" procedures in Chapter
Is the value
4, "Enhanced Global Title Translation
specified for the tt parameter
Yes No (EGTT) Configuration," in the
of the ent-gws-redirect command
Database Administration Manual -
executed on Sheet
Global Title Translation to configure
9 in the database?
the translation type and GTA data
with the values specified in the ent-
gws-redirect command peformed on
Sheet 9.
Enter the rtrv-gta command with these

:gttsn= GTT Set Name from the previous step

Is the global title
:gta= Global title address from the Yes
address data in the
ent-gws-redirect command from Sheet 9
:ssn= Subsystem number from the
ent-gws-redirect command from Sheet 9
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24= Point code from the Enter the
ent-gws-redirect command from Sheet 9 No chg-db:action=backup
:dest=fixed command

Perform the "Adding Global Title

Address Information" procedure in
Chapter 4, "Enhanced Global Title
Translation (EGTT) Configuration," in
the Database Administration Manual -
Global Title Translation to configure the
GTA data with the values specified in
the ent-gws-redirect command
peformed on Sheet 9.

Sheet 11 of 11
Figure 11: Configuring the EAGLE 5 ISS for the DTA Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 67

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Changing the Gateway Screening Redirect Parameters

Enter the rtrv-gws-redirect


Is the DPC value No

being changed?


Is the DPC
value being changed to Yes Enter the
the EAGLE 5 ISS's point rtrv-sid command


Enter the rtrv-rte


Is the route to Are the RI, SSN,

Yes Yes To
the DPC in the TT, or GTA parameters
Sheet 2
database? being changed?

No No

Go to the "Adding a Route

Containing an SS7 DPC" Enter the
procedures in the Database chg-gws-redirect command with one
Administration Manual - SS7 of these DPC parameters:
and add the route to the DPC :dpc/dpca = <ANSI route DPC or
to the database EAGLE 5 ISS's point code>
:dpci = <ITU-I route DPC or EAGLE
5 ISS's point code>
:dpcn = <ITU-N route DPC or EAGLE
5 ISS's point code>
:dpcn24 = <ITU-N24 route DPC or
EAGLE 5 ISS's point code>
Enter the rtrv-gws-redirect
Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 68

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the
chg-gws-redirect command with any
of the following parameters:
:ri=<gt, ssn>
:ssn=<subsystem number>
:tt=<translation type>
:gta=<global title address>
(hexadecimal digits cannot be
specified for the gta parameter)
Enter the rtrv-gws-redirect
If the DPC is being changed, specify command
one of these DPC parameters:
:dpc/dpca = <ANSI route DPC or
Eagle's point code>
:dpci = <ITU-I route DPC or Eagle's Enter the rtrv-feat
point code> command
:dpcn = <ITU-N route DPC or Eagle's
point code>
:dpcn24 = <ITU-N24 route DPC or
Eagle's point code>

Is the Enhanced
To Yes No To
GTT feature on
Sheet 4 Sheet 3
(EGTT = on)?

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 69

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 2

Enter the
rtrv-gtt:type=<xxx>:gta=<yyy> command
where <xxx> is the translation type and
<yyy> is the global title address specified in
the chg-gws-redirect command executed on
Sheet 2

Is the global title Enter the

translation data in the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
database? command


Enter the
rtrv-tt:type=<xxx> command where Perform the "Adding a Translation
<xxx> is the translation type specified Type " and "Adding a Global Title
in the chg-gws-redirect command Translation "procedures in Chapter 3,
executed on Sheet 2 "Global Title Translation (GTT)
Configuration," in the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title
Translation to configure the translation
type and GTT data with the values
specified in the chg-gws-redirect
Is the value command peformed on Sheet 2.
specified for the tt parameter
of the chg-gws-redirect command
executed on Sheet
2 in the database?
Perform the "Adding a Global Title
Translation " procedure in Chapter 3,
"Global Title Translation (GTT)
Yes Configuration," in the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title
Translation to configure the GTT data
with the values specified in the
chg-gws-redirect command peformed
on Sheet 2.

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 70

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-gttsel:tt=<xxx>

command where <xxx> is the
translation type specified specified
in the chg-gws-redirect command
executed on Sheet 2 Perform the "Adding a GTT Set,"
"Adding a GTT Selector," and
"Adding Global Title Address
Information" procedures in Chapter
Is the value
4, "Enhanced Global Title Translation
specified for the tt parameter
Yes No (EGTT) Configuration," in the
of the chg-gws-redirect command
Database Administration Manual -
executed on Sheet
Global Title Translation to configure
2 in the database?
the translation type and GTA data
with the values specified in the
chg-gws-redirect command
peformed on Sheet 2.
Enter the rtrv-gta command with these

:gttsn= GTT Set Name from the previous step

Is the global title
:gta= Global title address from the Yes
address data in the
chg-gws-redirect command from Sheet 2
:ssn= Subsystem number from the
chg-gws-redirect command from Sheet 2
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24= Point code from the Enter the
chg-gws-redirect command from Sheet 2 No chg-db:action=backup
:dest=fixed command

Perform the "Adding Global Title

Address Information" procedure in
Chapter 4, "Enhanced Global Title
Translation (EGTT) Configuration," in
the Database Administration Manual -
Global Title Translation to configure the
GTA data with the values specified in
the chg-gws-redirect command
peformed on Sheet 2.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 12: Changing the Gateway Screening Redirect Parameters

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 71

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Disabling the Gateway Screening Redirect Function

Enter the rtrv-gws-redirect


Which command do
Enter the
you wish to use to disable chg-gws-redirect
the gateway screening
redirect function?


Enter the
Enter the rtrv-gws-actset

To Sheet

Sheet 1 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 72

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the
Do any of the
rtrv-scr-opc:actname=<xxxxxx> command
Allowed OPC screens
where <xxxxxx> is the GWS stop action set No
have the redirect (rdct) GWS
name displayed in the rtrv-gws-actset
stop action assigned
command output executed on Sheet 1 that
to them?
contains the redirect (rdct) GWS stop action


Do you wish to
Yes assign another GWS stop
action set to the Allowed
OPC screen?


Enter the
chg-scr-opc command with the
actname=none parameter

Enter the
chg-scr-opc command with the
Enter the
actname=<xxxxxx> parameter
where <xxxxxx> is the GWS stop
command where <xxxxxx> is the
action set name displayed in the
GWS stop action set name used
rtrv-gws-actset command output
in the previous rtrv-scr-opc
executed on Sheet 1 that does not
command executed on this sheet
contain the redirect (rdct) GWS
stop action

Do other Do other
GWS stop actions have Allowed OPC screens
Yes No Yes
the redirect (rdct) GWS stop have the redirect (rdct) GWS
action assigned stop action assigned
to them? to them?

To Sheet

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 73

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 2

Enter the
Do any of the
rtrv-scr-blkopc:actname=<xxxxxx> command
Blocked OPC screens
where <xxxxxx> is the GWS stop action set No
have the redirect (rdct) GWS
name displayed in the rtrv-gws-actset
stop action assigned
command output executed on Sheet 1 that
to them?
contains the redirect (rdct) GWS stop action


Do you wish to
Yes assign another GWS stop
action set to the Blocked
OPC screen?


Enter the
chg-scr-blkopc command with the
actname=none parameter

Enter the
chg-scr-blkopc command with the
Enter the
actname=<xxxxxx> parameter
where <xxxxxx> is the GWS stop
command where <xxxxxx> is the
action set name displayed in the
GWS stop action set name used
rtrv-gws-actset command output
in the previous rtrv-scr-blkopc
executed on Sheet 1 that does not
command executed on this sheet
contain the redirect (rdct) GWS
stop action

Do other Do other
GWS stop actions have Blocked OPC screens
Yes No Yes
the redirect (rdct) GWS stop have the redirect (rdct) GWS
action assigned stop action assigned
to them? to them?

To Sheet

Sheet 3 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 74

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 3

Enter the
Do any of the
rtrv-scr-sio:actname=<xxxxxx> command
Allowed SIO screens
where <xxxxxx> is the GWS stop action set No
have the redirect (rdct) GWS
name displayed in the rtrv-gws-actset
stop action assigned
command output executed on Sheet 1 that
to them?
contains the redirect (rdct) GWS stop action


Do you wish to
Yes assign another GWS stop
action set to the Allowed
SIO screen?


Enter the
chg-scr-sio command with the
actname=none parameter

Enter the
chg-scr-sio command with the
Enter the
actname=<xxxxxx> parameter
where <xxxxxx> is the GWS stop
command where <xxxxxx> is the
action set name displayed in the
GWS stop action set name used
rtrv-gws-actset command output
in the previous rtrv-scr-sio
executed on Sheet 1 that does not
command executed on this sheet
contain the redirect (rdct) GWS
stop action

Do other Do other
GWS stop actions have Allowed SIO screens
Yes No Yes
the redirect (rdct) GWS stop have the redirect (rdct) GWS
action assigned stop action assigned
to them? to them?

To Sheet

Sheet 4 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 75

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 4

Enter the
Do any of the
rtrv-scr-dpc:actname=<xxxxxx> command
Allowed DPC screens
where <xxxxxx> is the GWS stop action set No
have the redirect (rdct) GWS
name displayed in the rtrv-gws-actset
stop action assigned
command output executed on Sheet 1 that
to them?
contains the redirect (rdct) GWS stop action


Do you wish to
Yes assign another GWS stop
action set to the Allowed
DPC screen?


Enter the
chg-scr-dpc command with the
actname=none parameter

Enter the
chg-scr-dpc command with the
Enter the
actname=<xxxxxx> parameter
where <xxxxxx> is the GWS stop
command where <xxxxxx> is the
action set name displayed in the
GWS stop action set name used
rtrv-gws-actset command output
in the previous rtrv-scr-dpc
executed on Sheet 1 that does not
command executed on this sheet
contain the redirect (rdct) GWS
stop action

Do other Do other
GWS stop actions have Allowed DPC screens
Yes No Yes
the redirect (rdct) GWS stop have the redirect (rdct) GWS
action assigned stop action assigned
to them? to them?

To Sheet

Sheet 5 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 76

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Sheet 5

Enter the
Do any of the
rtrv-scr-blkdpc:actname=<xxxxxx> command
Blocked DPC screens
where <xxxxxx> is the GWS stop action set No
have the redirect (rdct) GWS
name displayed in the rtrv-gws-actset
stop action assigned
command output executed on Sheet 1 that
to them?
contains the redirect (rdct) GWS stop action


Do you wish to
Yes assign another GWS stop
action set to the Blocked
DPC screen?


Enter the
chg-scr-blkdpc command with the
actname=none parameter

Enter the
chg-scr-blkdpc command with the
Enter the
actname=<xxxxxx> parameter
where <xxxxxx> is the GWS stop
command where <xxxxxx> is the
action set name displayed in the
GWS stop action set name used
rtrv-gws-actset command output
in the previous rtrv-scr-blkdpc
executed on Sheet 1 that does not
command executed on this sheet
contain the redirect (rdct) GWS
stop action

Do other Do other
GWS stop actions have Blocked DPC screens
Yes No Yes
the redirect (rdct) GWS stop have the redirect (rdct) GWS
action assigned stop action assigned
to them? to them?

To Sheet

Sheet 6 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 77

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Transport Access (DTA) Configuration

Enter the
Sheet 6


Enter the
Do any of the
Allowed Affected
command where <xxxxxx> is the GWS
Destination Field screens
stop action set name displayed in the
have the redirect (rdct) GWS
rtrv-gws-actset command output executed
stop action assigned
on Sheet 1 that contains the redirect (rdct)
to them?
GWS stop action


Do you wish to
assign another GWS stop
action set to the Allowed
Affected Destination Field


Enter the
chg-scr-destfld command with the
actname=none parameter

Enter the
chg-scr-destfld command with the
Enter the
actname=<xxxxxx> parameter where
<xxxxxx> is the GWS stop action set
command where <xxxxxx> is the
name displayed in the
GWS stop action set name used in
rtrv-gws-actset command output
the previous rtrv-scr-destfld
executed on Sheet 1 that does not
command executed on this sheet
contain the redirect (rdct) GWS stop

Do other
Do other
Allowed Affected
GWS stop actions have
Yes No Destination Field screens Yes
the redirect (rdct) GWS stop
have the redirect (rdct) GWS
action assigned
stop action assigned
to them?
to them?


Enter the

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 13: Disabling the Gateway Screening Redirect Function

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 78


GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the GSM
MAP Screening configuration procedures located
• Activating the GSM MAP Screening Feature...80 in the Database Administration Manual - Features.
• Configuring the MTP MAP Screening
• Configuring a Linkset for the GSM MAP Screening
• Changing the System-Wide GSM MAP Screening
• Adding a GSM Subsystem Number Screening
• Removing a GSM Subsystem Number Screening
• Adding a GSM MAP Screening Operation
• Removing a GSM MAP Screening Operation
• Changing a GSM MAP Screening Operation
• Adding a GSM MAP Screening Entry.....110
• Removing a GSM MAP Screening Entry.....118
• Changing a GSM MAP Screening Entry.....120
• Changing the GSM MAP Screening TCAP
Continue and End Message Processing

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 79

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the GSM MAP Screening Feature

Are the
GSM MAP Screening
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Yes
and Enhanced GSM MAP
Screening features
enabled and on?

No No further action
is necessary

Is the Do you wish to

GSM MAP Screening Yes enable and turn on the
feature enabled Enhanced GSM MAP
and on? Screening feature?

No Yes

Is the
Yes To
GSM MAP Screening
Sheet 3
feature enabled?


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command Note: Once the GSM

with these parameters: MAP Screening
:partnum=893013201 features is enabled
:status=on (See Note) and turned on, it
cannot be disabled or
turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Do you wish to
enable and turn on the Yes To
Enhanced GSM MAP Sheet 2
Screening feature?

No Enter the

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 80

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the Enhanced
Yes To
GSM MAP Screening
Sheet 3
feature enabled?


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command Note: Once the Enhanced

with these parameters: GSM MAP Screening features
:partnum=893012401 are enabled and turned on,
:status=on (See the Note) they cannot be disabled or
turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 81

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

From Note: If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only

Sheets 1 the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
or 2 quantity of 64, the answer to this question
is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number
must be verified. This is the default entry
for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is
Enter the rtrv-card shown whether or not the Eagle 5 ISS’s
command serial number is in the database.

Are DSMs
or E5-SM4G cards No
shown in the rtrv-card

Perform the "Adding a

Service Module" procedure
in the Database
Administration Manual -
Global Title Translation to
add the required service
modules to the database.

Are any features

shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat Yes To
output on Sheet 1? Sheet 6
(See the Note)


Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 82

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 6
(See Notes 1, 2,
and 3)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No To
in the database Sheet 5


Enter the ent-serial-num Notes:

command with these parameters:
1. If the serial number is locked, it
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
cannot be changed.
:lock=yes 2. If the serial number is not locked,
the controlled feature cannot be
3. The serial number can be found
on a label affixed to the control shelf
To (shelf 1100).
Sheet 6

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 83

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 4

This feature cannot be

enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Is the EAGLE 5 Yes Center to get the correct serial
ISS's serial number
number entered into the
database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
Yes command with these parameters:
No 5 ISS's serial number
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
in the database

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 84

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 3,
4, or 5

Is the GSM MAP 1. Once the GSM MAP Screening and
Screening feature Enhanced GSM MAP Screening
enabled and on? features are enabled and turned on,
they cannot be disabled or turned off.
2. The GSM MAP Screening and
No Enhanced GSM MAP Screening
features cannot be enabled with a
Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command temporary feature access key.
with these parameters:
:fak=<GSM MAP Screening feature
access key> (See Notes 1 and 2)

Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command

with these parameters:
:status=on (See Note 1)

Do you wish to
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command
enable and turn on the No
with this parameter:
Enhanced GSM MAP
Screening feature?


Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with

these parameters:
:fak=<Enhanced GSM MAP Screening
feature access key> (See Notes 1 and 2)

Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command

with these parameters:
:status=on (See Note 1)

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command Enter the

with this parameter: chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
:partnum=893012401 command

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 14: Activating the GSM MAP Screening Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 85

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the MTP MAP Screening Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
MTP MAP Screening No To
feature enabled Sheet 2
and on?


Do you wish
to turn the MTP MAP No No further action is
Screening feature necessary


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command

with these parameters:
:status=off (See Note)

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 86

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Is the
From Yes
MTP MAP Screening
Sheet 1
feature enabled?


Is the
No Enhanced GSM MAP
Screening feature
enabled and on?

Peform the "Activating the
GSM MAP Screening Feature"
Enter the rtrv-measopts
procedure in this chapter to
enable and turn the Enhanced
GSM MAP Screening Feature

No Is the Measurements
Platform enabled?


Peform the "Configuring the

Enter the enable-ctrl-feat
Measurements Platform Enter the chg-ctrl-feat
command with these
Feature" procedure in the command with these
Database Administration parameters:
Manual - System :partnum=893013501
:fak=<MTP MAP Screening
Management to enable the :status=on
feature access key>
Measurements Platform

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 15: Configuring the MTP MAP Screening Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 87

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring a Linkset for the GSM MAP Screening Feature

Enter the rtrv-ls


Is an existing Is the APC

Yes No To
linkset being of the linkset being
Sheet 3
changed? changed?

Sheet 2 No Yes

Enter the rtrv-sid command

Note: The APC of the linkset
cannot be shown in the
rtrv-sid output.

Add the ITU-I spare point

code or ITU-N spare point
code, as necessary, to the
self identification of the
Do you wish to Does the
use ITU-I or ITU-N spare Yes rtrv-sid output show No
performing the “Changing
point codes with GSM ITU-I or ITU-N spare
the Self Identification of
MAP Screening? point codes?
the EAGLE 5 ISS”
procedure in the Database
Yes Administration Manual -

Enter the rtrv-dstn command

with this parameter:
dpcn24=<linkset's APC>

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code"
Is the APC in No procedure in the Database
the DPC table? Administration Manual - SS7
to add the linkset's APC to the
DPC table

To To
Sheet 2 Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 88

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-rtx command

with this parameter:
dpcn24=<New APC for the

Is the
APC of the linkset being No
added in this procedure in
the rtrv-rtx output?


Do you wish to Yes To

choose another APC
Sheet 1
for the linkset?


Perform the “Removing a

Route Exception Entry”
procedure in the Database To
Administration Manual - SS7 to Sheet 3
remove all the entries shown in
the rtrv-rtx output

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 89

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Is the Enhanced No command with this
GSM MAP Screening
feature to be used?


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this
Is the GSM No
MAP Screening feature
enabled and on?

Is the Enhanced GSM Perform the "Activating the GSM

No Yes
MAP Screening feature MAP Screening Feature"
enabled and on? procedure to enable and turn on
the GSM MAP Screening feature.
If the Enhanced GSM MAP
Screening feature is being used,
Yes use this procedure to enable and
turn on the Enhanced GSM MAP
Screening feature
Enter the ent-ls
command with these parameters:
:lsn = <1 alpha and up to 7 alphanumeric
Is a new linkset
characters> Yes No To
being added to the
:apca/apci/apcn/apcn24=<linkset's APC> Sheet 4
:lst=<a, b, c, d, e>
(See Notes)

Enter the rtrv-ls:lsn=<axxxxxxx>

Enter the
command where <axxxxxxx> is
the linkset name specified with
the ent-ls command

1. There are other optional parameters that can be used with the ent-ls command. For more
information on these parameters, go to the Commands Manual.
2. The apca parameter can be specified only if the Enhanced GSM MAP Screening feature is
enabled and on.
3. The apci parameter value can be either an ITU-I point code or an ITU-I spare point code.
4. The apcn parameter value can be either an ITU-N point code or an ITU-N spare point code.

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 90

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

From 1. There are other optional parameters that
Sheet 3 can be used with the chg-ls command. For
more information on these parameters, go to
the Commands Manual.
2. The gsmscrn parameter can be specified
for an ANSI linkset, a linkset with an APCA
Enter the rtrv-ls:lsn=<name
parameter value, only if the Enhanced GSM
of the linkset being
MAP Screening feature is enabled and on.
changed> command

Enter the chg-ls

Is GSM command with these parameters:
MAP Screening to be Disabled :lsn = <linkset name being
enabled or disabled for the changed>
linkset? :gsmscrn=off
(See Notes)


Enter the chg-ls

command with these parameters: Enter the rtrv-ls:lsn=<axxxxxxx>
:lsn = <linkset name being command where <axxxxxxx> is
changed> the linkset name specified with
:gsmscrn=on the chg-ls command
(See Notes)

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 16: Configuring a Linkset for the GSM MAP Screening Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 91

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the System-Wide GSM MAP Screening Options

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Perform the "Activating the

Is the
GSM MAP Screening Feature"
GSM MAP screening No
procedure to enable and turn
feature enabled and
on the GSM MAP Screening
turned on?


Enter the rtrv-stpopts


GSMDFLT Which option do you GSMDECERR

wish to change?


Enter the Enter the Enter the

chg-stpopts:gsmdflt=<pass, chg-stpopts:gsmdflt=<pass, discard> chg-stpopts:gsmdecerr=<pass,
discard> command :gsmdecerr=<pass, discard> discard> command

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Enter the

Figure 17: Changing the System-Wide GSM MAP Screening Options

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 92

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a GSM Subsystem Number Screening Entry

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this

Perform the "Activating the

Is the
GSM MAP Screening Feature"
GSM MAP screening No
procedure to enable and turn
feature enabled and
on the GSM MAP Screening
turned on?


Enter the rtrv-gsmssn-scrn


Enter the ent-gsmssn-scrn

command with these
:type=<orig, dest>

Enter the rtrv-gsmssn-scrn


Enter the

Figure 18: Adding a GSM Subsystem Number Screening Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 93

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a GSM Subsystem Number Screening Entry

Enter the rtrv-gsmssn-scrn


Enter the dlt-gsmssn-scrn

command with these
:type=<orig, dest>

Enter the rtrv-gsmssn-scrn


Enter the

Figure 19: Removing a GSM Subsystem Number Screening Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 94

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Go to the "Activating the GSM

Is the GSM
command with this No MAP Screening Feature"
MAP Screening feature
parameter: procedure to enable and turn on
enabled and on?
:partnum=893013201 the GSM MAP Screening feature


Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode


FORWARD, Enter the ent-gsms-opcode command with

DUPLICATE , these parameters:
DUPDISC What will the :opcode=71
value of the dfltact :opname=<1 to 8 alphanumeric characters>
Sheet 3
parameter be? :dfltact=atierr
Note: The word "none" cannot be used as a
value for the opname parameter.

Will the opcode=*

To Yes parameter be specified with
Sheet 2 the ent-gsms-opcode


Enter the ent-gsms-opcode command with

these parameters: Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode
:opcode=<0-255, except opcode 71> command with this parameter:
:opname=<1 to 8 alphanumeric characters> :opcode=<opcode value specified
:dfltact=<pass, discard, route> in the ent-gsms-opcode
Note: The word "none" cannot be used as a command>
value for the opname parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 95

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Will the opcode=* Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

parameter be specified with Yes command with this
the ent-gsms-opcode parameter:
command? :partnum=893012401


Is the Enhanced GSM

MAP Screening feature
enabled and on?


Enter the ent-gsms-opcode command with

Go to the "Activating the GSM
these parameters:
MAP Screening Feature"
:opcode=<0-255, except opcode 71, or *>
procedure to enable and turn on
:opname=<1 to 8 alphanumeric characters>
the Enhanced GSM MAP
:dfltact=<pass, discard, route>
Screening feature
(See Notes)

Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode

command with this parameter: Enter the
:opcode=<opcode value specified chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
in the ent-gsms-opcode command

1. The word "none" cannot be used as a value for the opname parameter.
2. To specify the opcode=* parameter, the Enhanced GSM MAP Screening
feature must be enabled and on.

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 96

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Will the opcode=*

or pc/pca parameters be No Yes
field displayed in the
specified with the
rtrv-gsms-opcode output on
Sheet 1?

Yes No

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this
:partnum=893012401 Do you wish to use the
mapset parameter in this

Is the Enhanced GSM
MAP Screening feature
enabled and on? Perform the "Activating the Flexible
GTT Load Sharing Feature" procedure
in the Database Administration Manual To
- Global Title Translation to enabled Sheet 4
No and turn on the Activating the Flexible
GTT Load Sharing Feature.
Go to the "Activating the GSM
MAP Screening Feature"
procedure to enable and turn on
the Enhanced GSM MAP
Screening feature

Sheet 3 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 97

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Will the force=yes

parameter be used in this Yes To
procedure? (See Notes 5 Sheet 5
and 6 on Sheet 7)


Enter the rtrv-map


Is the point code

and subsystem being used in
Yes Enter the rtrv-rte
this procedure shown in the
rtrv-map output? (See Notes
5 and 6 on Sheet 7)


Is the point code being

Go to the "Provisioning a Mated Application"
used in this procedure shown in Yes
procedure in the Database Administration
the rtrv-rte output as the DPC
Manual - Global Title Translation and add a
of a route?
new mated application containing the point
code and subsystem being used in this
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is
enabled (shown on Sheet 3), the point code No
and subsystem specified with the
ent-gsms-opcode command must be assigned Perform the "Adding a Route
to the MAP set that will be assigned to the Containing an SS7 DPC" procedure in
GSM OPCODE entry. the Database Administration Manual - To
SS7 to add a new route containing the Sheet 6
point code being used in this

Sheet 4 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 98

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 4 rtrv-dstn command

Perform the "Adding a Destination

Point Code" procedure in the
Is the required point Database Administration Manual -
code shown in the SS7 to add the required destination
rtrv-dstn output? point code. A proxy point code
cannot be assigned to this point


Enter the
rtrv-dstn:dpc=<point code
being added> command

Enter the
Is a proxy point No rtrv-rte:dpc=<point code to
code shown in the
be specified with the ent-gsms-opcode
previous step?
command> command


This point code cannot be Is the point code

assigned to the GSM to be specified in the No
OPCODE entry. Choose ent-gsms-opcode command
another point code. the DPC of a route?
Perform the "Adding a Route
Containing an SS7 DPC"
Yes procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7 to
add a new route containing the
point code being used in this

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 99

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 4
or 5

Enter the ent-gsms-opcode command with these

mandatory parameters:
:opcode=<0-255, except opcode 71, or *>
:opname=<1 to 8 alphanumeric characters>
:dfltact=<forward, duplicate, dupdisc>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 = <either an ANSI full point
code (pc/pca), an ITU-I point code or ITU-I spare
point code (pci), a 14-bit ITU-N point code or
14-bit ITU-N spare point code (pcn), or a 24-bit
ITU-N point code (pcn24)>
:ssn = <2 - 255>
and with any of these optional parameters:
:ri = <gt, ssn>
:tt = < 0 – 255, none>
:force = <yes, no>
:mapset=<MAP set ID>
(See the Notes on Sheet 7)

Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode

command with this parameter:
:opcode=<opcode value specified
in the ent-gsms-opcode

Enter the

Sheet 6 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 100

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

1. The word "none" cannot be used as a value for the opname parameter.
2. The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 value must be shown in the rtrv-rte output on Sheets 4 or
5 as the DPC of a route. The pc/pca value must be a full point code value. The pc/pca
value can be a member of a cluster point code when that cluster point code is the DPC
of a route. A proxy point code cannot be assigned to the point code.
3. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain 14-bit ITU-N point codes or 24-bit ITU-N point codes,
but not both.
4. To specify the opcode=* or pc/pca parameters, the Enhanced GSM MAP Screening
feature must be enabled and on.
5. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, shown on Sheet 3:
The mapset parameter cannot be used.
The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 and ssn values must be shown in the rtrv-map output on
Sheet 4, otherwise, the force=yes parameter must be specified.
6. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, shown on Sheet 3:
The mapset parameter must be used.
The force=yes parameter can be used only if the MAP set assigned to the GSM
OPCODE entry is the default MAP set.
If the MAP set assigned to the GSM OPCODE entry is a MAP set other than the
default MAP set, the force=yes parameter cannot be used. The point code and
subsystem contained in the GSM OPCODE entry must be in the MAP set assigned to
the GSM OPCODE entry.
If the default MAP set is assigned to the GSM OPCODE entry and the force=yes
parameter is not specified, the point code and subsystem contained in the GSM
OPCODE entry must be in the default MAP set.
7. If the ri or tt parameters are not specified, the default values for these parameters are
assigned to the GSM OPCODE entry. The default values for these parameters are:
ri – ssn
tt – no value is specified. A dash is shown in the TT column of the rtrv-gsms-opcode
8. If the ri=ssn parameter is specified, a numerical value must be specified for the ssn

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 20: Adding a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 101

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code

Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode


Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn

:opname=<name from the
rtrv-gsms-opcode output> command

Perform the "Removing a GSM MAP

Does the OPNAME shown
Yes Screening Entry" procedure to remove
in the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output
all the CGPA entries shown in the
contain CGPA entries ?
rtrv-gsmmap-scrn:opname output

No Enter the dlt-gsms-opcode

command with this parameter,
:opname=<name from the
rtrv-gsms-opcode output>

Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode

command with this parameter,
:opname=<name specified in the
dlt-gsms-opcode command>

Enter the

Figure 21: Removing a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 102

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code

Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode


Enter the chg-gsms-opcode command

Are the DFLTACT , with these parameters:
PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24, No :opname=<name from the
SSN, or MAPSET parameter rtrv-gsms-opcode output>
values to be changed? :nopname=<1 to 8 alphanumeric
characters> (See Note 1 on Sheet 7)

Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode
:opname=<nopname value specified
in the chg-gsms-opcode command>

Enter the

Pass, Route,
Discard, or
Will the DFLTACT What will the new
parameter value be DFLTACT parameter
Sheet 2
changed? value be?

No Duplicate, or
Duplicate and Discard

Duplicate, or
What is the Duplicate and Discard To
current DFLTACT
Sheet 3
parameter value?

Pass, Route,
Discard, or
Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 103

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the chg-gsms-opcode command with

this mandatory parameter:
:opname=<name from the rtrv-gsms-opcode
output from Sheet 1>
and al least of these optional parameters:
:nopname = <new OPCODE name>
:ndfltact = <pass, discard, atierr, route>
1. If the dfltact parameter value is being
changed to atierr, the OPCODE name must
contain opcode 71. If the OPCODE name is
being changed to a name that contains
opcode 71, the dfltact parameter value must
be atierr.
2. The word "none" cannot be used as a
value for the opname or nopname

Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode command

with this parameter:
:opname=<opname or nopname (if the
opname was changed) value specified
in the chg-gsms-opcode command>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 104

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Will the npc/npca Is the MAPSET

parameters be specified with No field displayed in the Yes
the chg-gsms-opcode rtrv-gsms-opcode output on
command? Sheet 1?

Yes No

Does the rtrv-gsms-opcode

Do you wish to
:opcode=<opcode name>
Yes assign a MAP set value to the No
output on Sheet 1 show pc/pca parameter
GSM OPCODE entry in this
values or the opcode=*
parameter value?

Perform the "Activating the Flexible
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat GTT Load Sharing Feature" procedure
command with this in the Database Administration Manual To
parameter: - Global Title Translation to enabled Sheet 4
:partnum=893012401 and turn on the Activating the Flexible
GTT Load Sharing Feature.

Is the Enhanced GSM Yes

MAP Screening feature
enabled and on?


Go to the "Activating the GSM

MAP Screening Feature"
procedure and enable and turn
on the Enhanced GSM MAP
Screening feature

Sheet 3 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 105

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Will the force=yes

parameter be used in this Yes To
procedure? (See Notes 5, Sheet 5
7, and 8 on Sheet 7)


Enter the rtrv-map


Is the point code

and subsystem being used
in this procedure shown in the Yes Enter the rtrv-rte
rtrv-map output? (See Notes command
5, 6, 7, 8, and 11 on
Sheet 7)


Is the point code being

Go to the "Provisioning a Mated Application"
used in this procedure shown in Yes
procedure in the Database Administration
the rtrv-rte output as the DPC
Manual - Global Title Translation and add a
of a route?
new mated application containing the point
code and subsystem being used in this
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is
enabled (shown on Sheet 3), the point code No
and subsystem specified with the
chg-gsms-opcode command must be assigned Perform the "Adding a Route
to the MAP set that will be assigned to the Containing an SS7 DPC" procedure in
GSM OPCODE entry. the Database Administration Manual - To
SS7 to add a new route containing the Sheet 6
point code being used in this

Sheet 4 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 106

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 4 rtrv-dstn command

Perform the "Adding a Destination

Point Code" procedure in the
Is the required point Database Administration Manual -
code shown in the SS7 to add the required destination
rtrv-dstn output? point code. A proxy point code
cannot be assigned to this point


Enter the
rtrv-dstn:dpc=<point code
being added> command

Enter the
Is a proxy point No rtrv-rte:dpc=<point code to
code shown in the
be specified with the chg-gsms-opcode
previous step?
command> command


This point code cannot be Is the point code

assigned to the GSM to be specified in the No
OPCODE entry. Choose chg-gsms-opcode command
another point code. the DPC of a route?
Perform the "Adding a Route
Containing an SS7 DPC"
Yes procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7 to
add a new route containing the
point code being used in this

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 107

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 4
or 5

Enter the chg-gsms-opcode command with

these mandatory parameters:
:opname=<name from the rtrv-gsms-opcode
output from Sheet 1>
:npc/npca/npci/npcn/pcn24 = <new ANSI point
code (npc/npca), new ITU-I point code or ITU-I
spare point code (npci), new 14-bit ITU-N point
code or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code (npcn),
or new 24-bit ITU-N point code (npcn24)
:nssn = <new subsystem number>
and any of these optional parameters:
:nri = <gt, ssn>
:ntt = < 0 – 255, none>
:nopname = <new OPCODE name>
:ndfltact = <forward, duplicate, dupdisc>
:force = <yes, no>
:nmapset=<MAP set ID>
(See Notes on Sheet 7)

Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode

:opname=<opname or nopname (if
the opname was changed) value
specified in the chg-gsms-opcode
command> command

Enter the

Sheet 6 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 108

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

1. The word "none" cannot be used as a value for the opname or nopname parameters.
2. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain 14-bit ITU-N point codes or 24-bit ITU-N point codes, but not both.
3. If the point code and subsystem number values are not being changed, the npc/npca/npci/npcn/
npcn24 and nssn parameters must be specified with the current values for these parameters.
4. The npc/npca/npci/npcn/npcn24 value must be shown in the rtrv-rte output on Sheets 4 or 5 as
the DPC of a route. The npc/npca value must be a full point code value. The npc/npca value can be
a member of a cluster point code when that cluster point code is the DPC of a route. A proxy point
code cannot be assigned to the point code.
5. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, shown on Sheet 3, the npc/npca/npci/
npcn/npcn24 and nssn values must be shown in the rtrv-map output on Sheet 4. If the npc/npca/
npci/npcn/npcn24 or nssn values are not shown in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes parameter
must be specified.
6. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, shown on Sheet 3, and the current dfltact
parameter value is either pass, route, discard, or atierr, and the dfltact parameter value is changed
to either forward, duplicate, or dupdisc, the GSM OPCODE entry must be assigned to a MAP set
with the nmapset=dflt parameter (to assign the GSM OPCODE entry to the default MAP set), or with
the nmapset=<numbered MAP set ID> parameter (to assign the GSM OPCODE entry to a MAP set
other the default MAP set).
7. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, shown on Sheet 3, and the default MAP set
will be assigned to the GSM OPCODE entry, the npc/npca/npci/npcn/npcn24 and nssn values must
be shown in the default MAP set in the rtrv-map output on Sheet 4. If the npc/npca/npci/npcn/
npcn24 or nssn values are not shown in the default MAP set in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes
parameter must be specified.
8. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, shown on Sheet 3, and a MAP set other than
the default MAP set will be assigned to the GSM OPCODE entry, the npc/npca/npci/npcn/npcn24
and nssn values must be shown in that MAP set in the rtrv-map output on Sheet 4.
9. To specify the npc/npca parameters, the Enhanced GSM MAP Screening feature must be
enabled and turned on.
10. If only the point code or subsystem number value is being changed, the point code or
subsystem number value being changed must be specified with the new value for the parameter
being changed. The current value for the point code or subsystem number parameter not being
changed must be specified. The ndfltact parameter does not have to be specified. For example, if
the current point code is pca=002-002-002 and the subsystem number is 50, and the point code is
being changed to pca=003-003-003 and the substem number is not changing, the npca parameter
value would be the new point code value (003-003-003) and the nssn parameter value would be the
current value (50).
11. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, shown on Sheet 3, and the point code and
subsystem values are not being changed, the nmapset parameter does not have to be specified
unless the MAP set ID assigned to the GSM OPCODE entry is being changed. The new MAP set
must contain the point code and subsystem values in the GSM OPCODE entry.
12. If an optional parameter is not specified, the value for that parameter is not changed.
13. The value none for the tt parameter removes the existing tt parameter value that is assigned to
the GSM OPCODE entry. A dash is shown in the TT column of the rtrv-gsms-opcode output when
the tt value is removed.
14. If, when the chg-gsms-opcode command is completed, the ri parameter value is ssn, then a
numerical value must be assigned to the ssn parameter.

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 22: Changing a GSM MAP Screening Operation Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 109

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a GSM MAP Screening Entry

Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode


Is the desired Go to the "Adding a GSM MAP

OPCODE name shown in No Screening Operation
the rtrv-gsms-opcode Code" procedure and add the new
output? OPCODE name to the database


Will any
of these parameters
Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn be specified with the
:opname=<name from the ent-gsmmap-scrn command:
rtrv-gsms-opcode output> command :action=forward

No Sheet 2

Will any
of these parameters
be specified with the
ent-gsmmap-scrn command:

Does the database Yes No

contain any opnames with
an opcode=71?


Go to the "Adding a GSM MAP

Screening Operation Code" To
procedure and add the opcode Sheet 5
with the value 71

Sheet 1 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 110

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

field displayed in the
rtrv-gsms-opcode and
rtrv-gsmmap-scrn outputs
on Sheet 1?


Do you wish to use

the mapset parameter in this


Perform the "Activating the Flexible

GTT Load Sharing Feature" procedure
in the Database Administration Manual To
- Global Title Translation to enabled Sheet 3
and turn on the Activating the Flexible
GTT Load Sharing Feature.

Sheet 2 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 111

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Will the force=yes

parameter be used in this
procedure? (See Notes 13 and Yes To
14 in the Add GSM MAP Screening Sheet 4
Entry Parameter Combinations
table in this procedure)


Enter the rtrv-map


Is the point
code and subsystem
being used in this procedure
shown in the rtrv-map output? (See Notes Yes Enter the rtrv-rte
13 and 14 in the Add GSM MAP Screening command
Entry Parameter Combinations
table in this

Is the point code being
used in this procedure shown
Go to the "Provisioning a Mated Application" Yes
in the rtrv-rte output as the DPC
procedure in the Database Administration of a route or as a member of
Manual - Global Title Translation and add a a cluster route?
new mated application containing the point
code and subsystem being used in this
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is No
enabled (shown on Sheet 2), the point code
and subsystem specified with the Perform the "Adding a Route
ent-gsmmap-scrn command must be assigned Containing an SS7 DPC" procedure in
to the MAP set that will be assigned to the the Database Administration Manual - To
GSM MAP screening entry. SS7 to add a new route containing the Sheet 5
point code being used in this

Sheet 3 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 112

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 3 rtrv-dstn command

Perform the "Adding a Destination

Point Code" procedure in the
Is the required point Database Administration Manual -
code shown in the SS7 to add the required destination
rtrv-dstn output? point code. A proxy point code
cannot be assigned to this point


Enter the
rtrv-dstn:dpc=<point code
being added> command

Enter the
Is a proxy point No rtrv-rte:dpc=<point code to
code shown in the
be specified with the ent-gsmmap-scrn
previous step?
command> command


This point code cannot be Is the point code

assigned to the GSM MAP to be specified in the No
Screening entry. Choose ent-gsmmap-scrn command
another point code. the DPC of a route?
Perform the "Adding a Route
Containing an SS7 DPC"
Yes procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7 to
add a new route containing the
point code being used in this

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 113

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Are either the pc/pca,

cdsr, saddr=* parameters, or
hex digit values for the saddr/eaddr No To
Sheets 1,
parameters to be specified with Sheet 8
3, or 4
the ent-gsmmap-scrn


Does the
output on Sheet 1 show Yes
pc/pca, cdsr, hex digit parameter
values, or the saddr=*
parameter value?


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this

Is the Enhanced GSM Yes

MAP Screening feature
enabled and on?


Go to the "Activating the GSM MAP

Screening Feature" procedure and To
enable and turn on the Enhanced GSM Sheet 6
MAP Screening feature

Sheet 5 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 114

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Is a CDPA entry to be
From Yes
assigned to an existing
Sheet 5
CGPA entry (See Note)?
Note: The Enhanced GSM
MAP Screening feature
must be enabled and on to
add a CDPA entry.

Enter the ent-gsmmap-scrn command with these

mandatory parameters:
:opname=<opname from either the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn
or rtrv-gsms-opcode output on Sheet 1>
:cgsr=<CGPA screening reference name >
and any of these optional parameters:
:saddr=<1 - 15 hex digits or * >
:eaddr=<1 - 15 hex digits>
:npv=<0 - 15, * >
:naiv=<0 - 127, * >
:forbid=<all, none, state, location>
:action=<pass, discard, atierr, route, forward,
duplicate, dupdisc>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 = <ANSI point code (pc/pca),
ITU-I point code or ITU-I spare point code (pci), 14-bit
ITU-N point code or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
(pcn), or 24-bit ITU-N point code (pcn24)
:ssn = <subsystem number>
:force = <yes, no>
:mapset = <dflt or numbered MAP set ID>
:ri = <gt, ssn>
:tt = < 0 – 255, none>
(See the Add GSM MAP Screening Entry Parameter
Combinations table in this procedure for the parameter

Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command

with these parameters:
:opname=<opname parameter value from
the ent-gsmmap-scrn command>
:cgsr=<cgsr parameter value from the
ent-gsmmap-scrn command>

entry to be assigned to Yes To
the CGPA entry added in
Sheet 7
this procedure
(See Note)?

No Enter the

Sheet 6 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 115

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 6

Enter the ent-gsmmap-scrn command with these

mandatory parameters:
:opname=<opname from either the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn
or rtrv-gsms-opcode output on Sheet 1>
:cgsr=<CGPA screening reference name >
:cdsr=<CDPA screening reference name >
and any of these optional parameters:
:saddr=<1 - 15 hex digits or * >
:eaddr=<1 - 15 hex digits>
:npv=<0 - 15, * >
:naiv=<0 - 127, * >
:forbid=<all, none, state, location>
:action=<pass, discard, atierr, route, forward,
duplicate, dupdisc>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 = <ANSI point code (pc/pca),
ITU-I point code or ITU-I spare point code (pci), 14-bit
ITU-N point code or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
(pcn), or 24-bit ITU-N point code (pcn24)
:ssn = <subsystem number>
:force = <yes, no>
:mapset = <dflt or numbered MAP set ID>
:ri = <gt, ssn>
:tt = < 0 – 255, none>
(See the Add GSM MAP Screening Entry Parameter
Combinations table in this procedure for the parameter

Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command with

these parameters:
:opname=<opname parameter value from
the ent-gsmmap-scrn command>
:cgsr=<cgsr parameter value from the
ent-gsmmap-scrn command>
:cdsr=<cdsr parameter value from the
ent-gsmmap-scrn command>

Enter the

Sheet 7 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 116

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Enter the ent-gsmmap-scrn command with these

mandatory parameters:
:saddr=<1 - 15 decimal digits>
:opname=<opname from either the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn
or rtrv-gsms-opcode output on Sheet 1>
:cgsr=<CGPA screening reference name >
and any of these optional parameters:
:eaddr=<1 - 15 decimal digits>
:npv=<0 - 15, * >
:naiv=<0 - 127, * >
:forbid=<all, none, state, location>
:action=<pass, discard, atierr, route, forward,
duplicate, dupdisc>
:pci/pcn/pcn24 = <ITU-I point code or ITU-I spare
point code (pci), 14-bit ITU-N point code or 14-bit
ITU-N spare point code (pcn), or 24-bit ITU-N point
code (pcn24)
:ssn = <subsystem number>
:force = <yes, no>
:mapset = <dflt or numbered MAP set ID>
:ri = <gt, ssn>
:tt = < 0 – 255, none>
(See the Add GSM MAP Screening Entry Parameter
Combinations table in this procedure for the parameter

Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command

with these parameters:
:opname=<opname parameter value
from the ent-gsmmap-scrn command>
:cgsr=<cgsr parameter value from the
ent-gsmmap-scrn command>

Enter the

Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 23: Adding a GSM MAP Screening Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 117

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a GSM MAP Screening Entry

Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn

:opname=<OPCODE name from the
Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode
rtrv-gsms-opcode output containing
the GSM MAP Screening entry being
removed> command

Do either the
pc/pca, cdsr, saddr=*
parameters, or hex digit values for the Yes
saddr/eaddr parameters appear in
the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this

Is the
Enhanced GSM Yes To
MAP Screening feature
Sheet 2
enabled and


Enter the dlt-gsmmap-scrn command with these

mandatory parameters:
:opname=<value shown in the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output>
:cgsr=<value shown in the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output>

Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command

Enter the chg-db
with these parameters:
:opname=<opname value from the
:dest=fixed command
dlt-gsmmap-scrn command>

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 118

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command

with these parameters:
From :opname=<opname value specified in
Sheet 1 rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command on Sheet 1>
:cgsr=<cgsr value from the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn
command on Sheet 1>

Does the entry No

being removed contain
CDPA entries ?


Enter the dlt-gsmmap-scrn command with these

:opname=<value shown in the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output>
:cgsr=<value shown in the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output>
:cdsr=<value shown in the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output>

Have all CDPA

No Yes
entries been

Are other CDPA Is the CGPA

Yes Yes
entries being entry being
removed? removed?


Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn Enter the dlt-gsmmap-scrn

command with these parameters: command with these parameters:
:opname=<opname value from the :opname=<value shown in the
dlt-gsmmap-scrn command> rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output>
:cgsr=<cgsr value from the :cgsr=<value shown in the
dlt-gsmmap-scrn command> rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output>

Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command

Enter the
with these parameters:
:opname=<opname value from the
dlt-gsmmap-scrn command>

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 24: Removing a GSM MAP Screening Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 119

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a GSM MAP Screening Entry

Enter the rtrv-gsms-opcode


Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn

:opname=<name from the
rtrv-gsms-opcode output> command

Are either the

npc/npca or ncdsr parameters
Yes No
to be specified with the

Does the
rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output
show pc/pca, cdsr, hex digit values Yes
for the saddr and eaddr parmeters,
or the saddr=* parameter


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this

Go to the "Activating the GSM

Is the Enhanced GSM MAP Screening Feature"
MAP Screening feature procedure and enable and turn
enabled and on? on the Enhanced GSM MAP
Screening feature

Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn

Yes :opname=<name from the previous
rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output>
:cgsr=<CGPA screening reference
name being changed> command

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 120

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Will the action

parameter value be atierr (new
No value or current value if unchanged), or
will the forbid parameter value be state
or location (new value or current
value if unchanged)?


Will the action

parameter value be either forward, No To
duplicate, or dupdisc (new value or Sheet 5
current value if unchanged)?

field displayed in the
rtrv-gsms-opcode and
rtrv-gsmmap-scrn outputs
on Sheet 1?


Do you wish to use

the nmapset parameter in this


Perform the "Activating the Flexible

GTT Load Sharing Feature" procedure
in the Database Administration Manual To
- Global Title Translation to enabled Sheet 3
and turn on the Activating the Flexible
GTT Load Sharing Feature.

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 121

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Will the force=yes

parameter be used in this
procedure? (See Notes 11 and Yes To
12 in the Change GSM MAP Screening Sheet 4
Entry Parameter Combinations
table in this procedure)


Enter the rtrv-map


Is the point
code and subsystem
being used in this procedure
shown in the rtrv-map output? (See Notes Yes Enter the rtrv-rte
11 and 12 in the Change GSM MAP command
Screening Entry Parameter
Combinations table in this

Is the point code being
used in this procedure shown
Go to the "Provisioning a Mated Application" Yes
in the rtrv-rte output as the DPC
procedure in the Database Administration of a route or as a member of
Manual - Global Title Translation and add a a cluster route?
new mated application containing the point
code and subsystem being used in this
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is No
enabled (shown on Sheet 2), the point code
and subsystem specified with the Perform the "Adding a Route
chg-gsmmap-scrn command must be assigned Containing an SS7 DPC" procedure in
to the MAP set that will be assigned to the the Database Administration Manual - To
GSM MAP screening entry. SS7 to add a new route containing the Sheet 5
point code being used in this

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 122

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 3 rtrv-dstn command

Perform the "Adding a Destination

Point Code" procedure in the
Is the required point Database Administration Manual -
code shown in the SS7 to add the required destination
rtrv-dstn output? point code. A proxy point code
cannot be assigned to this point


Enter the
rtrv-dstn:dpc=<point code
being added> command

Enter the
Is a proxy point No rtrv-rte:dpc=<point code to
code shown in the
be specified with the chg-gsmmap-
previous step?
scrn command> command


This point code cannot be Is the point code

assigned to the GSM MAP to be specified in the No
Screening entry. Choose chg-gsmmap-scrn command
another point code. the DPC of a route?
Perform the "Adding a Route
Containing an SS7 DPC"
Yes procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7 to
add a new route containing the
point code being used in this

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 123

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

From Is the Enhanced GSM No To

Sheets 2, MAP Screening feature
Sheet 6
3, or 4 enabled and on?


Enter the chg-gsmmap-scrn command with these

mandatory parameters:
:opname=<opname from either the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn
or rtrv-gsms-opcode output on Sheet 1>
:cgsr=<CGSR name>
and any of these optional parameters:
:nforbid=<all, none, state, location>
:naction=<pass, discard, atierr, route, forward,
duplicate, dupdisc>
:npc/npca/npci/npcn/npcn24 = <ANSI point code
(npc/npca), ITU-I point code or ITU-I spare point code
(npci), 14-bit ITU-N point code or 14-bit ITU-N spare
point code (npcn), or 24-bit ITU-N point code (npcn24)
:nssn = <subsystem number>
:force = <yes, no>
:cdsr=<CDSR name>
:ncgsr=<new CGSR name>
:ncdsr=<new CDSR name>
:force = <yes, no>
:nmapset=<dflt or numbered MAP set ID>
:nri = <gt, ssn>
:ntt = < 0 – 255, none>
(See the Change GSM MAP Screening Entry
Parameter Combinations table in this procedure for the
parameter combinations)

Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command with this

:opname=<opname value from the chg-gsmmap-scrn
Note: If the cdsr parameter was specified with the
chg-gsmmap-scrn command, specify the cgsr and
cdsr parameters with the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command
with the current values if unchanged, or the current
cgsr parameter value and the new cdsr value from the
chg-gsmmap-scrn command.

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 124

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Enter the chg-gsmmap-scrn command with these

mandatory parameters:
:opname=<opname from either the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn
or rtrv-gsms-opcode output on Sheet 1>
:cgsr=<CGSR name>
and any of these optional parameters:
:nforbid=<all, none, state, location>
:naction=<pass, discard, atierr, route, forward,
duplicate, dupdisc>
:npci/npcn/npcn24 = <ITU-I point code or ITU-I spare
point code (npci), 14-bit ITU-N point code or 14-bit
ITU-N spare point code (npcn), or 24-bit ITU-N point
code (npcn24)
:nssn = <subsystem number>
:ncgsr=<new CGSR name>
:force = <yes, no>
:nmapset=<dflt or numbered MAP set ID>
:nri = <gt, ssn>
:ntt = < 0 – 255, none>
(See the Change GSM MAP Screening Entry
Parameter Combinations table in this procedure for the
parameter combinations)

Enter the rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command

with this parameter:
:opname=<opname value from the
chg-gsmmap-scrn command>

Enter the

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 25: Changing a GSM MAP Screening Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 125

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GSM MAP Screening Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the GSM MAP Screening TCAP Continue and End Message
Processing Option

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


The GMSTCAPCE field is shown in

the rtrv-sccpopts output only when the
GSM MAP Screening feature is
Is the GMSTCAPCE No enabled and turned on.
field shown in the
Perform the “Activating the GSM MAP
rtrv-sccpopts output?
Screening Feature” procedure in this
chapter to enable and turn on the
GSM MAP Screening feature.

What is the
current value for the Off
Enter the
On chg-sccpopts:gmstcapce=on
Executing this command
enables the processing of
Enter the
GSM MAP Screening TCAP
chg-sccpopts:gmstcapce=off Continue and TCAP End
command. messages.
Executing this command disables the
processing of GSM MAP Screening
TCAP Continue and TCAP End

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


Enter the

Figure 26: Changing the GSM MAP Screening TCAP Continue and End Message Processing Option

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 126


EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support Configuration
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the EAGLE
5 Integrated Monitoring Support configuration
• Enabling the Time Slot Counter Synchronization procedures located in the Database Administration
(TSCSYNC) and EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Manual - Features.
Support (E5IS) Features.....128
• Configuring the EISCOPY Option for the EAGLE
5 Integrated Monitoring Support Feature.....129
• Configuring the FCMODE Option for the EAGLE
5 Integrated Monitoring Support Feature.....131
• Configuring the IP Addresses for the EAGLE 5
Integrated Monitoring Support Feature.....134
• Adding a Signaling Transport Card (STC).....136
• Removing a Signaling Transport Card (STC)..139

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 127

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Enabling the Time Slot Counter Synchronization (TSCSYNC) and EAGLE

5 Integrated Monitoring Support (E5IS) Features

Note: Before executing this procedure, make sure you have

purchased the Time Slot Counter Synchronization and EAGLE 5
Integrated Monitoring Support features. If you are not sure whether
you have purchased the Time Slot Counter Synchronization and
EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support features, contact your
Tekelec Sales Representative or Account Representative .

Enter the Are the No

rtrv-feat command. TSCSYNC and E5IS
See the Note. features on?

Yes Yes No
feature on?

Enter the chg-feat Enter the chg-feat

command with this command with these
parameter. parameters.
:e5is=on :tscsync=on
Do you wish to
Yes change the EISCOPY :e5is=on
value in the rtrv-eisopts
Enter the
Perform the rtrv-feat command.
"Configuring the No
EISCOPY Option for
the EAGLE 5 Integrated
Monitoring Support Enter the
Feature" procedure to chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
change the EISCOPY command.

Do you wish to Do you wish to

change the FCMODE Yes change the PVN, PVNMASK, Yes
values in the rtrv-eisopts FCNA, and FCNB values in
output? the rtrv-netopts output?

Perform the "Configuring

the IP Addresses for the
No No EAGLE 5 Integrated
Monitoring Support
Feature" procedure to
Perform the "Configuring the
change the PVN,
FCMODE Option for the EAGLE 5
Integrated Monitoring Support
FCNB values.
Feature" procedure to change the
FCMODE values.
Yes Are STCs No
to be added to the

Perform the "Adding a This procedure is

Signaling Transport Card finished
(STC)" procedure to add
more STCs.

Figure 27: Enabling the Time Slot Counter Synchronization (TSCSYNC) and EAGLE 5 Integrated
Monitoring Support (E5IS) Features

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 128

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the EISCOPY Option for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring

Support Feature

Enter the
rtrv-feat command.

Perform the "Enabling the

Time Slot Counter
Is the E5IS Off (TSCSYNC) and EAGLE 5
feature on
Integrated Monitoring
or off?
Support (E5IS) Features"
procedure in this chapter to
enable the E5IS feature.

Enter the rtrv-eisopts


What is the Off Enter the

current EISCOPY rept-stat-mon
Sheet 2
option value? command.


Are the FCMODE Enter the

values for all the GPLs Yes chg-eisopts command with
shown in the rtrv-eisopts this parameter.
output off? :eiscopy=off


Enter the
chg-eisopts command with
these parameters. Enter the rtrv-eisopts
:eiscopy=off command.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 129

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the
rst-card command with this
Are at least Yes Is the primary No :loc=<card location of the STC that
2 STCs in the state of at least 2 is out of service in the previous
database? STCs IS-NR? step>
Perform this step as necessary so
that the state of a minimum of 2
No Yes STCs is IS-NR.

Perform the "Adding a

Signaling Transport Card
Enter the
(STC)" procedure and add
rtrv-netopts command.
the required STCs to the

The EISCOPY option cannot be turned on if any of these

Enter the conditions are present.
rtrv-ip-lnk command. The subnet address resulting from the PVN and
FCNBMASK values is the same as
the subnet address resulting from either the IPADDR and
SUBMASK values shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk output or the
Enter the
DEST and SUBMASK values shown in the rtrv-ip-rte
rtrv-ip-rte command.
The subnet address resulting from the PVN and
PVNMASK values
Enter the chg-eisopts
is the same as the subnet address resulting from the
command with this
The host portion of the subnet address resulting from the
PVN and PVNMASK values is not 0 (zero).
The PVNMASK value is not one of these values:
Do you
Yes wish to change
the FCMODE If any of these conditions are present, perform the
values? “Configuring the IP Addresses for the EAGLE 5 Integrated
Monitoring Support Feature” procedure to change the
required IP addresses before proceeding to the next step.
Perform the No
"Configuring the
FCMODE Option for
the EAGLE 5
Integrated Enter the rtrv-eisopts
Monitoring Support command.
Feature" procedure
to change the
FCMODE values.
Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 28: Configuring the EISCOPY Option for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 130

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the FCMODE Option for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring

Support Feature

Enter the
rtrv-feat command.

Perform the "Enabling the Time

Slot Counter Synchronization
Integrated Monitoring Support
Is the Off (E5IS) Features" procedure in
E5IS feature on this chapter to enable the E5IS
or off? feature.
The EISCOPY value and the
On FCMODE values for all GPLs
are off.

Enter the rtrv-eisopts


Perform the "Configuring the

EISCOPY Option" procedure to
What is the turn the EISCOPY option on.
current EISCOPY When the EISCOPY option is
option value? turned on, the FCMODE values
for all GPLS are changed to

Will the No This procedure is

FCMODE values
be changed?


Which IPSG To
FCGPL value will
Sheet 3
be specified?


Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 131

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

What is the
Enter the rept-stat-card state of at least one of Not Enter the rtrv-slk
command with this the cards shown in the IS-NR command with this
parameter. rept-stat-card outputs parameter.
:appl=ss7ipgw that is running the :type=ipgw

Enter the rept-stat-card

command with this IS-NR
Are signaling links
No assigned to the cards shown
in the rept-stat-card outputs that
are running the IPGHC
Are any Perform the “Adding an
cards running the Yes IPGWx Signaling Link”
IPGHC GPL shown in procedure to add Yes
the rept-stat-card signaling links to the
outputs? cards that are running
the IPGHC GPL. Enter the rst-card
command with this
:loc=< the card location
of one of the cards that
is running the IPGHC
Perform the “Adding an
IPGWx Card” procedure to
provision the necessary
IPGWx cards that run the Will the Yes To
IPGHC GPL. fcgpl=all parameter be
Sheet 3
The required IPGWx linksets, specified?
signaling links, and
associations must also be
provisioned. No

Enter the chg-eisopts command

with these parameters.
:fcmode=<fcopy, stc, off>

Enter the rtrv-eisopts


Enter the

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 132

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Perform the “Adding an

IPSG Card” procedure to
Are any provision the necessary
Enter the rept-stat-card
cards running the No IPSG cards.
command with this
IPSG GPL shown in the
parameter. The required IPSG linksets,
:appl=ipsg signaling links, and
associations must also be

What is the state IS-NR
of at least one of the
IPSG cards?

Enter the rtrv-slk

command with this

Enter the rst-card

command with this
Are signaling links Yes parameter.
assigned to the IPSG
:loc=< the card location
of one of the IPSG


Enter the chg-eisopts command with this

Perform either the “Adding parameter:
an IPSG M2PA Signaling :fcmode=<fcopy, stc, off>
Link” or “Adding an IPSG and one of these parameters.
M3UA Signaling Link” :fcgpl=ipsg – to apply the FCMODE to cards
procedures to add signaling running the IPSG GPL
links to the IPSG cards. :fcgpl=all – to apply the FCMODE to cards
running both the IPGHC and IPSG GPLs

Enter the rtrv-eisopts


Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 29: Configuring the FCMODE Option for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 133

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the IP Addresses for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring

Support Feature

Enter the
rtrv-feat command.

Perform the "Enabling the Time

Slot Counter Synchronization
Is the E5IS Off (TSCSYNC) and EAGLE 5
feature on or
Integrated Monitoring Support
(E5IS) Features" procedure to turn
on the E5IS feature.

Enter the rtrv-eisopts

To change the FCNA and
FCNB values, the
FCMODE values for all the
GPLs shown in the
rtrv-eisopts output must be
either OFF or STC.

Are the PVN and No

PVNMASK values being

Are the
Yes FCMODE values for Yes
all the GPLs STC or
To change the PVN and PVNMASK
values, the EISCOPY value must be
For the EISCOPY value to be OFF,
the FCMODE values for all the
Perform the "Configuring the
GPLs must be OFF. If the FCMODE
FCMODE Option for the EAGLE
values are OFF, the FCNA and
5 Integrated Monitoring Support
FCNB values can also be changed.
Feature" procedure to change
the FCMODE values to either

What is the Off Enter the

current EISCOPY
rtrv-netopts command.
option value?

Enter the
rtrv-ip-lnk command.
Perform the "Configuring the
EISCOPY Option for the
EAGLE 5 Integrated
Monitoring Support Feature"
procedure to change the To Enter the
EISCOPY value to OFF. Sheet 2 rtrv-ip-rte command.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 134

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the
chg-netopts command with these optional parameters.
:pvn=<PVN IP address>
Choose values for the pvn and pvnmask, fcna, or :pvnmask=<Subnet mask of PVN IP address>
fcnb parameters that do not produce the same :fcna=<FCNA IP address>
subnet address as the IPADDR and SUBMASK :fcnb=<FCNB IP address>
values shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk output or the DEST Notes:
and SUBMASK values shown in the rtrv-ip-route
output. 1. At least one of the pvn and pvnmask, fcna, or fcnb
parameters must be specified.
The subnet address resulting from the PVN and
PVNMASK, FCNA and FCNAMASK, or FCNB and 2. The pvn parameter value must be a Class B IP address
FCNBMASK values cannot be the same as the and the last segment of the IP address must be 0 (zero).
subnet address resulting from either the IPADDR 3. If either the pvn or pvnmask parameters are specified,
and SUBMASK values shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk both parameters must be specified.
output or the DEST and SUBMASK values shown in 4. The third segment of the IP address specified for the fcna
the rtrv-ip-route output. or fcnb parameters can only contain an even number. The
CAUTION: When configuring the IP addresses, value of the fourth segment of the IP address must be 0
make sure that the IP addresses do not conflict (zero).
with the DHCP IP addresses that are leased to the 5. The FCNAMASK and FCNBMASK values shown in the
STC cards. Any conflicting IP addresses may rtrv-netopts output cannot be changed.
adversely affect the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring
Support feature. 6. The PVNMASK value must be one of these values.

Enter the
Enter the
rtrv-netopts command.

Do you wish
No to change the Yes

This procedure is Perform the "Configuring the EISCOPY

finished. Option for the EAGLE 5 Integrated
Monitoring Support Feature" procedure to
change the EISCOPY value.
Perform the "Configuring the FCMODE
Option for the EAGLE 5 Integrated
Monitoring Support Feature" procedure to
change the FCMODE values.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 30: Configuring the IP Addresses for the EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 135

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Signaling Transport Card (STC)

Enter the
rtrv-card command.

Enter the
rtrv-feat command.

Perform the "Enabling the

Time Slot Counter
Is the No (TSCSYNC) and EAGLE 5
E5IS feature
Integrated Monitoring Support
(E5IS) Features” procedure in
this chapter to enable the
Yes E5IS feature .

Are HIPR or
HIPR2 cards required,
refer to the “STC Provisioning”
To No section of the “Adding a Signaling
Sheet 3 Transport Card (STC)” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual -
Features, for provisioning
STC cards?


Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 136

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the card
that is being added E5-ENET To
an E5-ENET or an
Enter the Sheet 3
rept-stat-gpl command card?
with this parameter.

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.
Are HIPR cards
installed in both the card Yes
locations 9 and 10 of the shelf
in which the STC
will be installed?
Perform the “Configuring
What is the Off the MFC Option”
No MFC option value? procedure to turn on the
MFC option.

Enter the
rept-stat-gpl command On
with this parameter.

Enter the
Is the Fan No chg-feat command
feature turned
with this parameter.
Are HIPR2 cards on?
installed in both the card Yes
locations 9 and 10 of the shelf Yes
in which the STC
will be installed? Verify that fans have been
installed on the shelf
containing the E5-ENET-B
No card.

Refer to the Installation

Manual - EAGLE 5 ISS and
install the required HIPR or
HIPR2 cards. Yes Have the fans
been installed?


Refer to the Installation Manual and

install the fans on the shelf containing
To the E5-ENET-B card.
Sheet 3 Note: The fans must be installed and
working properly before an E5-ENET-B
card can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 137

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the
ent-card command with these parameters.
:loc=<STC location>
Refer to the “STC Provisioning” section of the “Adding
a Signaling Transport Card (STC)” procedure in the Enter the
From Database Administration Manual - Features for the rtrv-card command with this
Sheets 1 rules that apply to provisioning STCs. parameter.
or 2 Notes: :loc=<card location specified
1. If a single-slot STC or E5-STC card is being in the ent-card command>
added, the card location can be any slot except
even-numbered slots used by a dual-slot card.
2. If a dual-slot STC is being added, the card
location must be an odd-numbered slot with the
adjacent even-numbered slot empty, as shown in
the Dual-Slot STC Locations table in this procedure.

No Visually verify that the STC

Has the STC
has been installed into the
been installed?


Perform the alarm clearing

Insert the STC into
Yes procedure for UAM 0002 in the
the card slot Has UAM 0002
Unsolicited Alarm and
specified in the been generated?
Information Messages Manual
ent-card command.
to clear the alarm.


Enter the
alw-card command with this
:loc=<card loaction specified in
the ent-card command>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 31: Adding a Signaling Transport Card (STC)

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 138

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts EAGLE 5 Integrated Monitoring Support
Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a Signaling Transport Card (STC)

Enter the
rtrv-card command

Enter the
rept-stat-card:loc=<card location>

Enter the
rmv-card:loc=<card location>

Enter the
dlt-card:loc=<card location>

Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<card location specified in
the dlt-card command> command

Enter the

Figure 32: Removing a Signaling Transport Card (STC)

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 139


Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the Gateway
Screening configuration procedures located in the
• Adding a GLS Card.....142 Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
• Removing a GLS Card.....147
• Configuring Gateway Screening Stop Action
• Configuring TLNP Gateway Screening Stop Action
• Removing Gateway Screening Stop Action
• Setting the Threshold for Reporting Gateway
Screening Activity.....160
• Setting the Maximum Number of Gateway
Screening Rejected Messages.....161
• Activating the MTP Routed GWS Stop Action
• Turning Off the MTP Routed GWS Stop Action
Feature .....166
• Adding an Allowed Affected Point Code
• Removing an Allowed Affected Point Code
• Changing an Allowed Affected Point Code
• Adding an Allowed Called Party Address
• Removing an Allowed Called Party Address
• Changing an Allowed Called Party Address
• Adding an Allowed Translation Type Screen...186
• Removing an Allowed Translation Type
• Changing an Allowed Translation Type

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 140

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

• Adding an Allowed Calling Party Address

• Removing an Allowed Calling Party Address
Screen .....197
• Changing an Allowed Calling Party Address
• Adding an Allowed Affected Destination Field
• Removing an Allowed Affected Destination Field
• Changing an Allowed Affected Destination Field
• Adding a Blocked DPC Screen.....213
• Removing a Blocked DPC Screen.....218
• Changing a Blocked DPC Screen.....220
• Adding an Allowed DPC Screen.....225
• Removing an Allowed DPC Screen.....230
• Changing an Allowed DPC Screen.....231
• Adding an Allowed SIO Screen.....237
• Removing an Allowed SIO Screen.....240
• Changing an Allowed SIO Screen.....241
• Adding a Blocked OPC Screen.....244
• Removing a Blocked OPC Screen.....249
• Changing a Blocked OPC Screen.....250
• Adding an Allowed OPC Screen.....255
• Removing an Allowed OPC Screen.....260
• Changing an Allowed OPC Screen.....261
• Adding a Screen Set.....267
• Removing a Screen Set.....270
• Changing a Screen Set.....271
• Configuring the EAGLE 5 ISS for the CNCF
• Adding an Allowed ISUP Message Type
• Removing an Allowed ISUP Message Type
• Changing an Allowed ISUP Message Type

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 141

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a GLS Card

Enter the
rtrv-card command

Does the output Yes

show any cards running the
GLS application?


Enter the rtrv-feat


Is the
gateway screening Yes
feature turned


Enter the
Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 142

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the
Sheet 1

Is an E5-TSM No To
being installed? Sheet 5


Are E5-TSMs
shown in the rept-stat-card


Is the new E5-TSM

being provisioned in the same No To
shelf that contains any Sheet 3


Sheet 4

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 143

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is an
From No To
E5-TSM card being
Sheet 2 Sheet 5


Enter the

Are HIPR cards

installed in both the card
No Yes
locations 9 and 10 of the shelf in
which the E5-TSM will be

Enter the

Are HIPR2 cards

installed in both the card
No Yes
locations 9 and 10 of the shelf in
which the E5-TSM will be

Refer to the Installation

Manual - EAGLE 5 ISS To
and install the required Sheet 4
HIPR or HIPR2 cards

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 144

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

From Visually verify that the E5-TSM has

Sheets 2 been installed into a non-provisioned
or 3 card location in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Has the E5-TSM

been installed into a No
non-provisioned card location in
the EAGLE 5 ISS?


Insert the E5-TSM into a

non-provisioned location in
the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Has UAM 0002 No

been generated?


Perform the alarm clearing

procedure for UAM 0002 in
the Unsolicited Alarm and
Sheet 5
Information Messages
Manual to clear the alarm.

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 145

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

From Visually verify that the TSM has

Sheets 2 been installed into a non-provisioned
or 3 card location in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Has the TSM

been installed into a No
non-provisioned card location in
the EAGLE 5 ISS?

Insert the TSM into a

non-provisioned location in
the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Enter the ent-card command with

these parameters:
From :loc=<GLS card location being
Sheet 4 added>

Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
:loc=<location specified in the
ent-card command>

Enter the rst-card command with

this parameter:
:loc=<location specified in the
ent-card command>

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 33: Adding a GLS Card to the Database

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 146

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a GLS Card

Enter the
rtrv-card command

Enter the

Enter the
Is the GLS rmv-card:loc=<location of
card the only one the GLS card being
in service? removed>:force=yes


Enter the dlt-card

Enter the rmv-card
:loc=<location of the
:loc=<location of the GLS card
GLS card being
being removed> command
removed> command

Enter the rtrv-card

:loc=<location specified
in the dlt-card command>

Enter the

Figure 34: Removing a GLS Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 147

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets

Is the gateway No Enter the

Enter the rtrv-feat
screening feature chg-feat:gws=on
on? command


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Is the TLNP Go to the "Configuring

gateway screening stop Yes TLNP Gateway
action to be added to a Screening Stop Action
gateway screening stop Sets” procedure in this
action set? chapter.


Is the TINP
Is the TINP stop
gateway screening stop Yes Yes
action shown in the
action to be added to a
gateway screening stop
action set?

No No

The TINP stop action Only two gateway screening stop

cannot be specified in action sets can be configured with
this procedure. the TINP stop action.
One stop action set can contain
only the TINP stop action, and the
other stop action set contain the
Is the SCCP COPY and TINP stop actions.
gateway screening stop Yes To
action to be added to a
Sheet 2
gateway screening stop
action set?

No Are both of these

Yes stop action sets shown in the
rtrv-gws-actset output on
Sheet 1?
Sheet 3


Sheet 4

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 148

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Only two gateway screening stop

action sets can be configure with
Is the SCCP the SCCP stop action.
stop action shown in Yes One stop action set can contain
the rtrv-gws-actset output only the SCCP stop action, and
on Sheet 1? the other stop action set contain
the COPY and SCCP stop

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this parameter.
:partnum=893035601 Are both of these
No stop action sets shown in the
rtrv-gws-actset output on
Sheet 1?

Is the MTP Routed Yes Yes

GWS Stop Action feature
The SCCP stop action
cannot be specified in
this procedure.

Perform the "Activating

the MTP Routed GWS To
Stop Action” procedure in To Sheet 3
this chapter to enable the Sheet 4
MTP Routed GWS Stop
Action feature.

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 149

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Either the CNCF, TIF, TIF2, TIF3 stop actions, or

combinations of these stop actions must be
Refer to the Gateway Screening Stop Action Set
From Parameter Combinations table for the combinations
Sheets 1 that can be used.
or 2 The Gateway Screening Stop Action Set Parameter
Combinations table is located in the Configuring
Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets procedure in
the Database Administration Manual – Gateway

Do you wish to No
specify the CNCF stop


Is the CNCF stop

action shown in the Yes
rtrv-gws-actset on
Sheet 1?


Is the
CNCF feature Yes
on (see the rtrv-feat output
from Sheet 1)?


Enter the
Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 150

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Are the TINP,

Do you wish to Yes TIF, TIF2, or TIF3 No
From Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
specify the TIF, TIF2, or stop actions shown in the
Sheet 3 command.
TIF3 stop actions? rtrv-gws-actset output on
Sheet 1?

Sheets 1
or 2 Yes Are any of the
features that are shown in
the note enabled?
Enter the chg-gws-actset command with these
:actid=<4 to 16>
:actname=<the GWS stop action set name> No
:act1=<the GWS stop action>
:act2=<the GWS stop action>
:act3=<the GWS stop action>
Perform the procedures in
The values for the act1, act2, and act3 the Numbering Plan
parameters are shown in the Gateway Processor Guide to enable
Screening Action Set Parameter combinations one or more of the features
table. Enter the values for these parameter as that are shown in Note 1.
shown in the Gateway Screening Action Set
Parameter combinations table.
The Gateway Screening Stop Action Set
Parameter Combinations table is located in the
Configuring Gateway Screening Stop Action Enter the
Enter the rtrv-gws-actset
Sets procedure in the Database Administration chg-db:action=backup
Manual – Gateway Screening. :dest=fixed command
(See the Notes 2 through 6 and the Cautions)

1. The features that must be enabled to specify the TIF, TIF2, or TIF3 stop actions in this procedure are:
893018901 – TIF Number Portability
893022202 – TIF SCS Forwarding
893024001 – TIF Simple Number Substitution.
2. The force=yes parameter must be specified with the chg-gws-actset command if an existing GWS stop action set is being changed.
3. The force=yes parameter can be specified with the chg-gws-actset command if a new GWS stop action set is being created, but is not
4. The actname parameter must be specified for a new GWS stop action set.
5. The actname parameter is not required, but can be specified, if an existing stop action set is being changed.
6. If the actname parameter value is different from what is shown in the rtrv-gws-actset output for the GWS stop action set being changed, the
name of the GWS stop action set will be changed to the new actname parameter value (see Caution 1).
1. Changing the name of an existing GWS stop action set will prevent the actions defined in the GWS stop action set from being used
to process the MSUs that pass gateway screening. If the name of the GWS stop action set is changed, enter the gateway screening
retrieve commands (rtrv-scrset, trv-scr-opc, rtrv-scr-blkopc, rtrv-scr-sio, rtrv-scr-dpc, rtrv-scr-blkdpc, rtrv-scr-destfld, rtrv-scr-isup,
rtrv-scr-cgpa, rtrv-scr-tt, rtrv-scr-cdpa, and rtrv-scr-aftpc) with the actname parameter and the old GWS stop action set name to
identify the screens that need to be changed to use the new GWS stop action set name. To change these screens, perform the
appropriate procedures in in this chapter.
2. Caution must be used when changing the stop actions in existing gateway screening stop action sets because these gateway
screening stop action sets may be used by one or more gateway screening rules. Changes in the existing gateway screening stop
action sets will change how MSUs that pass gateway screening are processed.
3. Caution must be used when specifying the RDCT stop action in an existing GWS stop action set. Specifying the RDCT stop action
for Allowed OPC screens containing the adjacent point code of a linkset, for Allowed SIO screens containing the service indicator
values 1 (SI=1) or 2 (SI=2), or for Allowed DPC screens containing the Eagle's point code can cause signaling link failures.
To verify whether or not the GWS stop action set name used in this procedure is referenced by these screens , enter the rtrv-scr-opc,
rtrv-scr-sio, or rtrv-scr-dpc commands, with the actname parameter and the GWS stop action set name used in this procedure.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 35: Configuring Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 151

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring TLNP Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets

Enter the rtrv-feat


Enter the
Is the gateway No
screening feature on?

Enter the rtrv-gws-actset

Are TLNP GWS stop

Yes No
actions displayed in the
rtrv-gws-actset output?

Sheet 2
Are all the GWS stop
action combinations shown in the No To
Note displayed in the Sheet 6
rtrv-gws actset output?

Note: All the TLNP GWS stop

Yes action combinations are shown
below. The order of appearance
and the ACTID and ACTNAME
This procedure cannot be values on your EAGLE 5 ISS may
performed be different.
-- ------ ---- ---- ----
5 tlnp tlnp ---- ----
6 tlcp copy tlnp ----

Sheet 1 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is the TLNP LNP (See
GWS stop action to be the Note)
used with the Triggerless LNP
Sheet 1
feature or ISUP NP with
EPAP feature ?
Perform the procedures in
the ELAP Administration and
LNP Feature Activation
with EPAP
manual to configure the
Triggerless LNP feature
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Neither ISUP NP
with EPAP or LNP LNP Feature
Features Enabled Is the LNP or Enabled
feature enabled?


Sheet 3 Feature Enabled

Is the TLNP
Enter the
feature turned on (See No
the rtrv-feat output from
Sheet 1)?

Sheet 6

Note: If the TIF, TIF2, or TIF3 gatweway screening

stop actions are shown in the rtrv-gws-actset
output on Sheet 1, the LNP and Triggerless LNP
features cannot be used for the TLNP gateway
screening stop action.

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 153

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Sheet 2

Is the TLNP
GWS stop action to be Triggerless
used with the Triggerless LNP LNP
feature or ISUP NP with
EPAP feature ?
(See the Note)
Perform the procedures in
the ELAP Administration and
ISUP NP LNP Feature Activation
with EPAP manual to configure the
Triggerless LNP feature .

Is the G-Port
Perform the procedures in
feature enabled No
the Feature Manual - G-Port
(See the rtrv-ctrl-feat output
to enable the G-Port feature
on Sheet 2)?

Sheet 4

Note: If the TIF Number Portability, TIF SCS Forwarding,

or TIF Simple Number Substitution features are shown in
the rtrv-ctrl-feat output on Sheet 2 as enabled, the LNP
and Triggerless LNP features cannot be used for the
TLNP gateway screening stop action.

Sheet 3 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 3 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 6
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


Sheet 5

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
feature with a quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is the default entry
for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf
(shelf 1100).

Sheet 4 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
Yes command with these parameters:
From 5 ISS's serial number
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
Sheet 4 in the database

Sheet 6

Is the EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes

serial number locked?

No This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Enter the ent-serial-num Contact the Customer Care
command with this parameter: Center to get the correct serial
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct number entered into the
serial number> database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
Yes command with these parameters:
No 5 ISS's serial number
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
in the database

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 156

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 4
or 5

Enter the
:fak=<ISUP NP with EPAP feature access key >
Note: If you do not have the feature access key for
the ISUP NP with EPAP feature , contact your
Tekelec sales representative or account

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Enter the chg-gws-actset command with these

:actid=<4 to 16>
From :actname=<the GWS stop action set name>
Sheets 1 :force=yes
or 2 and with one these parameter combinations:
(See Notes and Cautions on Sheet 7)

Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Enter the

Sheet 6 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 157

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. The force=yes parameter must be specified with the chg-gws-actset command if an
existing GWS stop action set is being changed.
2. The force=yes parameter can be specified with the chg-gws-actset command if a new
GWS stop action set is being created, but is not necessary.
3. The TLNP GWS stop action cannot be in the same GWS stop action set with either
the CNCF or RDCT GWS stop actions.
4. The actname parameter must be specified for a new GWS stop action set.
5. The actname parameter is not required, but can be specified, if an existing stop
action set is being changed.
6. If the actname parameter value is different from what is shown in the rtrv-gws-actset
output for the GWS stop action set being changed, the name of the GWS stop action
set will be changed to the new actname parameter value (see Caution 1).

1. Changing the name of an existing GWS stop action set will prevent the actions
defined in the GWS stop action set from being used to process the MSUs that
pass gateway screening. If the name of the GWS stop action set is changed,
enter the gateway screening retrieve commands (rtrv-scrset, rtrv-scr-opc,
rtrv-scr-blkopc, rtrv-scr-sio, rtrv-scr-dpc, rtrv-scr-blkdpc, rtrv-scr-destfld,
rtrv-scr-isup, rtrv-scr-cgpa, rtrv-scr-tt, rtrv-scr-cdpa, and rtrv-scr-aftpc) with the
actname parameter and the old GWS stop action set name to identify the screens
that need to be changed to use the new GWS stop action set name. To change
these screens, perform the appropriate procedures in Chapters 3 through 15 in
this manual.
2. Caution must be used when changing the stop actions in existing gateway
screening stop action sets because these gateway screening stop action sets
may be used by one or more gateway screening rules. Changes in the existing
gateway screening stop action sets will change how MSUs that pass gateway
screening are processed.

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 36: Configuring TLNP Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 158

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets

Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Enter the chg-gws-actset command with these

:actid=<the GWS stop action ID being changed, from
Are all the GWS
No 4 to 16>
stop actions being removed
from an existing GWS stop
action set?
Note: More than one stop action parameter with the
value none can be specified with the chg-gws-actset

Enter the chg-gws-actset

command with these
:actid=<the GWS stop action ID
being changed, from 4 to 16> Enter the rtrv-gws-actset
:all=none command
Note: Executing this command
will remove the stop action ID
from the database.
Enter the

Figure 37: Removing Gateway Screening Stop Action Sets

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 159

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Setting the Threshold for Reporting Gateway Screening Activity

Enter the rtrv-gtwy-acthesh


Enter the
rtrv-ls command

Does the linkset

have a screen set


Enter the
rtrv-scrset command

Enter the
set-gtwy-acthresh command with
Go to the "Changing an SS7 these mandatory parameters:
Linkset" procedure in the Database :lsn = <the name of the linkset>
Administration Manual - SS7 and :intrvl= <5 - 30>
change the linkset with the gwsa=on and with at least one of these
and scrn parameters optional parameters:
:rej = <0 - 999999>
:recv = <0 - 999999>

Enter the rtrv-gtwy-acthresh

:lsn=<linkset name specified in the
set-gtwy-acthresh command>

Enter the

Figure 38: Setting the Threshold for Reporting Gateway Screening Activity

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 160

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Setting the Maximum Number of Gateway Screening Rejected Messages

Enter the rtrv-gtwy-prmtrs


Enter the
set-scrrej-prmtrs command with
these parameters:
:limit = <0 - 9999>
:intrvl= <5 - 30>

Enter the rtrv-gtwy-prmtrs


Enter the

Figure 39: Setting the Maximum Number of Gateway Screening Rejected Messages

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 161

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the MTP Routed GWS Stop Action Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
MTP Routed GWS Stop No To
Action feature Sheet 2


Is the status The MTP Routed GWS Stop

of the MTP Routed GWS On Action feature is enabled
Stop Action feature and turned on. No further
on or off? action is necessary.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 162

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the rtrv-feat

Sheet 1 command

Perform the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in the
Database Administration Is the
Manual – Global Title GTT feature turned
Translation to turn the GTT on?
feature on.
Add any required service
modules according to the Yes
Service Module and Feature
Combinations table.

Are any controlled

features shown in the Yes
rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)

Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the
To HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
Sheet 3 quantity of 64, the answer to this question is
no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must
be verified. This is the default entry for the
rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown
whether or not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial
number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be
3. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label
affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 4

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Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
From 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
Sheet 2 in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4

Is the EAGLE 5 Yes

ISS's serial number

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Enter the ent-serial-num
Center to get the correct serial
command with this parameter:
number entered into the
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
database. Refer to the
serial number>
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 164

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the
feature you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec
sales representative or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Do you wish No
to turn this feature on at
this time?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 40: Activating the MTP Routed GWS Stop Action Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 165

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Turning Off the MTP Routed GWS Stop Action Feature

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

This procedure cannot be

perfomed. To turn the MTP
Is the MTP Routed No Routed GWS Stop Action
GWS Stop Action feature
feature off, the MTP Routed
enabled and on?
GWS Stop Action feature must
be enabled and on.


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat

command with these parameters.
Caution: If the MTP Routed
GWS Stop Action feature is turned off,
messages that pass gateway screening
will not be forwarded to the service
modules for further processing.

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Figure 41: Turning Off the MTP Routed GWS Stop Action Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 166

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-feat Is the gateway No
command screening feature on?


Enter the rtrv-scr-aftpc


Enter the rtrv-scr-aftpc

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-aftpc command, or a
new screening reference name.

Is a gateway
Yes screening stop action set to No
be assigned to the Allowed
AFTPC screen?

Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Go to the "Configuring
Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure
action set in the and configure the required
database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database

To Sheet

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 167

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is an ITU-I or
From 14-bit ITU-N spare point No
Sheet 1 code being added to the


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Perform the "Activating the ITU

Is the ITU National and International Spare
National and International No Point Code Support Feature"
Spare Point Code Support procedure to enable the ITU
Feature enabled? National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Enter the ent-scr-aftpc command with these
:sr=<screening reference name>
:ssn=<0-255, *>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<0-255, *> :zone=<0-7, *>
:nc=<0-255, *> :area=<0-255, *>
:ncm=<0-255, *> :id=<0-7, *>
:pcst=<s, none>

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=<0-255, *> :npc=<1-16383, *>
:ssa=<0-255, *> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<0-255, *>
(See the Notes on Sheet 3)

Enter the Enter the rtrv-scr-aftpc

chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed :sr=<screening reference
command name> command

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 168

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by
inserting double ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the
range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter
025&&200 for the ni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the
asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a
Range of Values" section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range
of Values" section is in the "Adding an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen "
procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The actname parameter is optional. If the actname parameter is specified, the
actname parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop action set names
shown in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
4. To add a non -spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be
specified. If the pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value must be none.
5. To add a spare point code , the pcst=s parameter must be specified.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 42: Adding an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 169

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-aftpc

:sr=<screening reference
Enter the rtrv-scr-aftpc name> command. The Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa
command screening reference name is a :nsfi=aftpc command
name shown in the previous
rtrv-scr-aftpc command.

Go to the "Changing an Allowed

Called Party Address Screen"
Do any screens procedure and change the
reference the screen being screen with other NSFI and NSR
removed? values or have the screening
process stop with the Allowed
CDPA screen

Enter the dlt-scr-aftpc command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
:ssn=<current ssn value>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type contained in the screen being removed. Only one point code
type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value>
:pcst=<s, none>

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=<current msa value> :npc=<current npc value> Enter the rtrv-scr-aftpc
:ssa=<current ssa value> :pcst=<s, none> :sr=<screening reference
:sp=<current sp value> name> command

1. The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc, msa, Enter the
ssa, sp, or ssn parameters must be entered exactly as shown in the chg-db:action=backup
rtrv-scr-aftpc output. :dest=fixed command
2. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit ITU-N
spare point code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified with the
dlt-scr-aftpc command.
3. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit ITU-N
non-spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be
specified with the dlt-scr-aftpc command. If the pcst parameter is
specified for a screen containing either an ITU-I or a 14-bit ITU-N
non-spare point code, the value must be none.

Figure 43: Removing an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 170

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-aftpc


Enter the rtrv-scr-aftpc

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the previous
rtrv-scr-aftpc command.

Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No
be assigned to the Allowed
AFTPC screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Go to the "Configuring
Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure and
action set in the configure the required
database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database

To Sheet

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 171

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the point
No code being changed Yes Is the point code No
an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N being changed?
point code?

Sheet 3
Is the point code an Yes
ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare
point code?


Is the point
code being changed No
to an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N
spare point code?


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the ITU
National and International Yes
Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National

and International Spare Point Code
Support Feature" procedure to enable the
Sheet 3
ITU National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 172

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the chg-scr-aftpc command with these mandatory parameters:

:sr=<screening reference name>
:ssn=<current ssn value>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point code type contained in the screen being changed. Only one
point code type can be specified.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value> :npc=<current npc value> :msa=<current msa value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value> :pcst=<s, none> :ssa=<current ssa value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value> :sp=<current sp value>
:pcst=<s, none>
At least one of these optional parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-aftpc command.
:nssn=<0-255, *>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
If the new point code code parameters are specified, they must be of the same type as the current point code values
specified in the chg-scr-aftpc command.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:nni=<0-255, *> :nzone=<0-7, *> :nnpc=<1-16383, *> :nmsa=<0-255, *>
:nnc=<0-255, *> :narea=<0-255, *> :npcst=<s, none> :nssa=<0-255, *>
:nncm=<0-255, *> :nid=<0-7, *> :nsp=<0-255, *>
:npcst=<s, none>
(See the Notes on Sheet 4)

Enter the rtrv-scr-aftpc

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 173

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by inserting double
ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to
specify the range 025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter 025&&200 for the ni parameter
2. The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, or ssn parameters must be
entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-aftpc output.
3. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see
the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values"
section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration
Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the
"Changing an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen " procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
4. The actname parameter is optional. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname
parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop action set names shown in the
rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
5. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code to a non-spare point code, both
the pcst=s and npcst=none parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-aftpc
6. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code to a spare point code, the
npcst=s parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-aftpc command. The pcst parameter
does not have to be specified.
7. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit
ITU-N spare point code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-aftpc
8. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit
ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be specified with the
chg-scr-aftpc command. If the pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing either
an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst parameter value must be none.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 44: Changing an Allowed Affected Point Code Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 174

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Allowed Called Party Address Screen

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-feat Is the gateway No
command screening feature on?


Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa


Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-cdpa command, or a
new screening reference name.

Yes No To
screening stop with
Sheet 2
this screen?

Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No To
be assigned to the Allowed Sheet 3
CDPA screen ?

Go to the "Configuring
Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
Enter the rtrv-gws-actset gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure and
command action set in the configure the required
database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database


Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 175

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the

Is the Yes
required screen in
the database?


Is a new Go to the "Adding a Allowed

Allowed AFTPC screen Yes Affected Point Code Screen"
to be added to the procedure and add the
database? required screen


Go to the "Changing an
Allowed Affected Point Code To
Screen" procedure and Sheet 3
change the required screen

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 176

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N spare point No
Sheets 1
code being added to the
or 2


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Perform the "Activating the ITU

National and International
Is the ITU
Spare Point Code Support
National and International No
Feature" procedure to enable
Spare Point Code Support
the ITU National and
Feature enabled?
International Spare Point Code
Support feature.

Enter the ent-scr-cdpa command with these
:sr=<screening reference name>
:ssn=<0-255, *>
:scmgfid=<1-255, *>
:nsfi=<aftpc, stop>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<0-255, *> :zone=<0-7, *>
:nc=<0-255, *> :area=<0-255, *>
:ncm=<0-255, *> :id=<0-7, *>
:pcst=<s, none>

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=<0-255, *> :npc=<1-16383, *>
:ssa=<0-255, *> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<0-255, *>
(See the Notes on Sheet 4)

Enter the Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa

chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed :sr=<screening reference
command name> command

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 177

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by inserting double
ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify the range
025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter 025&&200 for the ni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section. The "Gateway
Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The
"Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the "Adding an Allowed Called Party Address Screen"
procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The scmgfid parameter can be specified only if the ssn=1 parameter is specified. If either the ssn=1
or scmgfid parameter is specified, the other parameter must be specified. The scmgfid parameter
cannot be specified if the ssn parameter value is 0, 2 through 255, or *.
4. To specify the nsfi=aftpc parameter, the ssn parameter value must be 1.
5. If the ssn parameter value is 0, 2 through 255, or *, the nsfi paramter value must be stop.
6. If the ssn parameter value is 1, the nsfi parameter value can be aftpc or stop.
7. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the nsfi=aftpc parameter is
8. The actname parameter can be specified only if the nsfi=stop parameter is specified. The actname
parameter is optional. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname parameter value is one of
the gateway screening stop action set names shown in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
9. To add a non -spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be specified. If the pcst
parameter is specified for a screen containing an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value
must be none.
10. To add a spare point code , the pcst=s parameter must be specified.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 45: Adding an Allowed Called Party Address Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 178

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an Allowed Called Party Address Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa


Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa

command with this parameter.
:sr=<screening reference
The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-cdpa

Verify that the Allowed CDPA screen being

removed is not referenced by any screens in
the database by entering these commands.

Do any screens No
reference the screen being


The NSFI and NSR values of the screens referencing

the Allowed CDPA screen being removed need to be
Change the NSFI and NSR values to reference other
screens, or have the screening process stop with the
screens currently referencing the Allowed CDPA
screen being removed.
Perform these procedures as appropriate, depending Sheet 2
on the type of screen referencing the Allowed CDPA
screen being changed.
"Changing an Allowed SIO Screen"
"Changing an Allowed Calling Party Address
"Changing an Allowed Translation Type Screen "

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 179

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the dlt-scr-cdpa command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
:ssn=<current ssn value>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type contained in the screen being removed. Only one point code type
can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value>
:pcst=<s, none>

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=<current msa value> :npc=<current npc value>
:ssa=<current ssa value> :pcst<s, none>
:sp=<current sp value>

1. The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc, msa, ssa, sp, or
ssn parameters must be entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-cdpa output.
2. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit ITU-N spare point
code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified with the dlt-scr-cdpa command.
3. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit ITU-N non-spare
point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be specified with the
dlt-scr-cdpa command. If the pcst parameter is specified for a screen
containing either an ITU-I or a 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value
must be none.

Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa

command with this parameter.
:sr=<screening reference
name specified in the previous

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 46: Removing an Allowed Called Party Address Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 180

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an Allowed Called Party Address Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa


Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-cdpa command.

Will No To
screening stop with
Sheet 2
this screen?


Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No To
be assigned to the Allowed Sheet 3
CDPA screen ?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Go to the "Configuring
Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure and
action set in the configure the required
database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database


Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 181

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the

Is the Yes
required screen in
the database?


Is a new Go to the "Adding a Allowed

Allowed AFTPC screen Yes Affected Point Code Screen"
to be added to the procedure and add the
database? required screen


Go to the "Changing an
Allowed Affected Point Code To
Screen" procedure and Sheet 3
change the required screen

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 182

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Is the point
No code being changed Yes Is the point code No
an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N being changed?
point code?

Sheet 4
Is the point code an Yes
ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare
point code?


Is the point
code being changed No
to an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N
spare point code?


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the ITU
National and International Yes
Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National

and International Spare Point Code
Support Feature" procedure to enable the
Sheet 4
ITU National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 183

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Enter the chg-scr-cdpa command with these mandatory parameters:

:sr=<screening reference name>
:ssn=<current ssn value>
:scmgfid=<current scmgfid value>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point code type contained in the screen being changed. Only one
point code type can be specified.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value> :npc=<current npc value> :msa=<current msa value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value> :pcst=<s, none> :ssa=<current ssa value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value> :sp=<current sp value>
:pcst=<s, none>
At least one of these optional parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-cdpa command.
:nssn=<0-255, *>
:nscmgfid=<1-255, *>
:nsfi=<aftpc, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
If the new point code code parameters are specified, they must be of the same type as the current point code values
specified in the chg-scr-cdpa command.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:nni=<0-255, *> :nzone=<0-7, *> :nnpc=<1-16383, *> :nmsa=<0-255, *>
:nnc=<0-255, *> :narea=<0-255, *> :npcst=<s, none> :nssa=<0-255, *>
:nncm=<0-255, *> :nid=<0-7, *> :nsp=<0-255, *>
:npcst=<s, none>
(See the Notes on Sheet 5)

Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 184

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the nni, nnc, or nncm parameters by inserting double
ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify the
range 025 to 200 for the nni parameter,enter 025&&200 for the nni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section. The
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway
Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the "Changing an Allowed Called Party
Address Screen" procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The nscmgfid parameter can be specified only if the ssn parameter value (if unchanged) or the
nssn parameter value is 1. If either the nssn=1 or nscmgfid parameter is specified, the other
parameter must be specified. The nscmgfid parameter cannot be specified if the ssn parameter value
is 0, 2 through 255, or *.
4. To specify the nsfi=aftpc parameter, the ssn parameter value (if unchanged) or the nssn
parameter value must be 1.
5. If the ssn parameter value (if unchanged) or the nssn parameter value is 0, 2 through 255, or *, the
nsfi parameter value must be stop.
6. If the ssn parameter value (if unchanged) or the nssn parameter value is 1, the nsfi parameter
value can be either aftpc or stop.
7. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the nsfi=aftpc parameter is
8. The actname parameter can be specified only if the nsfi value is stop (either the current nsfi value
is stop and not being changed, or the nsfi value is being changed to stop). The actname parameter is
optional. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname parameter value is one of the gateway
screening stop action set names shown in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
9. The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc, msa, ssa, sp, or ssn parameters must
be entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-cdpa output. If dashes are shown for the scmgfid
parameter, the scmgfid parameter cannot be specified with the chg-scr-cdpa command.
10. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code to a non-spare point code, both the pcst=s
and npcst=none parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-cdpa command.
11. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code to a spare point code, the npcst=s
parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-cdpa command. The pcst parameter does not have to
be specified.
12. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare
point code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-cdpa command.
13. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare
point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be specified with the chg-scr-cdpa command. If the
pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point
code, the pcst parameter value must be none.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 47: Changing an Allowed Called Party Address Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 185

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Allowed Translation Type Screen

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-feat Is the gateway No
command screening feature on?


Enter the rtrv-scr-tt


Enter the rtrv-scr-tt

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-tt command, or a
new screening reference name.

Yes No To
screening stop with
Sheet 2
this screen?

Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No To
be assigned to the Allowed Sheet 3
TT screen?

Go to the "Configuring
Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
Enter the rtrv-gws-actset gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure and
command action set in the configure the required
database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database


Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 186

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1
1. A range of values can be specified for the type parameter by inserting double ampersands (&&)
between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for
the type parameter,enter 025&&200 for the type parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
Enter the For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the
rtrv-scr-cdpa:all=yes "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section. The
command "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway
Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the "Adding an Allowed Translation Type
Screen" procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.

Is a new Perform the "Changing an

Is the No Allowed CDPA screen No Allowed Called Party Address
required screen in
to be added to the Screen" procedure to change
the database?
database? the required screen

Yes Yes

Perform the "Adding a

Allowed Called Party Address
Screen" procedure to add the
required screen

Enter the ent-scr-tt

:sr=<screening reference name>
:type=<0-255, *>:nsfi=cdpa
:nsr=<next screening reference> command
(See Notes)

Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 187

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is a gateway Enter the ent-scr-tt

screening stop action set to No :sr=<screening reference name>
be assigned to the Allowed :type=<0-255, *>
TT screen? :nsfi=stop command (See Notes)


Enter the ent-scr-tt

:sr=<screening reference name>
Enter the rtrv-scr-tt
:type=<0-255, *>
:sr=<screening reference
name> command
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
command (See Notes)

Enter the

1. A range of values can be specified for the type parameter by inserting double
ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the range. For
example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for the type parameter,enter 025&&200
for the type parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the
asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a
Range of Values" section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range
of Values" section is in the "Adding an Allowed Translation Type Screen "
procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 48: Adding an Allowed Translation Type Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 188

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an Allowed Translation Type Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-tt


Enter the rtrv-scr-tt

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the previous
rtrv-scr-tt command.

Enter the rtrv-scr-cgpa

:nsfi=tt command

Go to the "Changing an Allowed

Calling Party Address Screen"
Do any screen sets Yes procedure and change the screen
reference the screen being
with other NSFI and NSR values or
have the screening process stop
with the Allowed CGPA screen


Enter the dlt-scr-tt command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
:type=<current type value>.
The current value of the type parameter must be
entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-tt output.

Enter the rtrv-scr-tt

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Figure 49: Removing an Allowed Translation Type Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 189

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an Allowed Translation Type Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-tt


Enter the rtrv-scr-tt

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the previous
rtrv-scr-tt command.

Will No To
screening stop with
Sheet 2
this screen?


Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No
be assigned to the Allowed
TT screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Go to the "Configuring
Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure and
action set in the configure the required
database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database


Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 190

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

From 1. A range of values can be specified for the ntype parameter by inserting double ampersands (&&)
Sheet 1 between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for
the ntype parameter,enter 025&&200 for the ntype parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section. The
Enter the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway
rtrv-scr-cdpa:all=yes Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the "Changing an Allowed Translation
command Type Screen " procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The current value of the type parameter must be entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-tt output.

Is a new Perform the "Changing an

Is the No Allowed CDPA screen No Allowed Called Party Address
required screen in
to be added to the Screen" procedure to change
the database?
database? the required screen

Yes Yes

Perform the "Adding an

Allowed Called Party Address
Screen" procedure to add the
required screen

Enter the chg-scr-tt command with

these parameters:
:sr=<screening reference name>
:type=<current type value>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:ntype=<0-255, *>
(See Notes)

Enter the rtrv-scr-cdpa

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 191

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the chg-scr-tt

Is a gateway
:sr=<screening reference name>
screening stop action set to No
:type=<current type value>
be assigned to the Allowed
:ntype=<0-255, *>
TT screen?
:nsfi=stop command (See Notes)


Enter the chg-scr-tt

:sr=<screening reference name>
:type=<current type value> Enter the rtrv-scr-tt
:ntype=<0-255, *> :sr=<screening reference
:nsfi=stop name> command
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
command (See Notes)

Enter the

1. A range of values can be specified for the ntype parameter by inserting double ampersands (&&)
between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for
the ntype parameter,enter 025&&200 for the ntype parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section. The
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway
Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the "Changing an Allowed Translation
Type Screen " procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The current value of the type parameter must be entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-tt output.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 50: Changing an Allowed Translation Type Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 192

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-feat Is the gateway No
command screening feature on?


Enter the rtrv-scr-cgpa


Enter the rtrv-scr-cgpa

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-cgpa command, or a
new screening reference name.

Yes No To
screening stop with
Sheet 2
this screen?

Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No To
be assigned to the Allowed Sheet 3
CGPA screen ?

Go to the "Configuring
Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
Enter the rtrv-gws-actset gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure and
command action set in the configure the required
database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database


Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 193

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

The screen referenced by the nsfi/nsr parameter

combination of the Allowed CGPA screen being added in
this procedure must be in the database. The routing
indicator value (ri) determines what the nsfi value can be. Is the Yes
Enter one of these commands based on the nsfi and ri required screen in
parameter values of the Allowed CGPA screen being the database?
If nsfi=tt and ri=<gt, *>, enter rtrv-scr-tt:all=yes
If nsfi=cdpa and ri=<dpc, *>, enter rtrv-scr-cdpa:all=yes

Is the required
screen to be added to
the database?


Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed CGPA
screen being added in this procedure and change
the required screen.
If nsfi=tt, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Translation Type Screen " procedure
If nsfi=cdpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Called Party Address Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed CGPA
screen being added in this procedure and add the
required screen. To
If nsfi=tt, perform the "Adding an Allowed Sheet 3
Translation Type Screen " procedure
If nsfi=cdpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Called Party Address Screen" procedure

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 194

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is an ITU-I or
From 14-bit ITU-N spare point No
Sheet 1 code being added to the


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Perform the "Activating the ITU

National and International
Is the ITU
Spare Point Code Support
National and International No
Feature" procedure to enable
Spare Point Code Support
the ITU National and
Feature enabled?
International Spare Point Code
Support feature.

Enter the ent-scr-cgpa command with these
:sr=<screening reference name>
:ssn=<0-255, *>
:ri=<gt, dpc, *>
:sccpmt=<9, 10, 17, 18, *>
:nsfi=<tt, cdpa, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<0-255, *> :zone=<0-7, *>
:nc=<0-255, *> :area=<0-255, *>
:ncm=<0-255, *> :id=<0-7, *>
Enter the rtrv-scr-cgpa :pcst=<s, none>
:sr=<screening reference
name> command 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:msa=<0-255, *> :npc=<1-16383, *>
:ssa=<0-255, *> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<0-255, *>
Enter the (See the Notes on Sheet 4)

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 195

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by
inserting double ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the
range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter
025&&200 for the ni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the
asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a
Range of Values" section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range
of Values" section is in the "Adding an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen"
procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. If the sccpmt parameter is not specified, an asterisk will be entered as the
value for the sccpmt parameter.
4. To specify the nsfi=tt parameter, the ri parameter value must be gt or *.
5. To specify the nsfi=cdpa parameter, the ri parameter value must be dpc or *.
6. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the nsfi=tt
or nsfi=cdpa parameters are specified.
7. The actname parameter can be specified only if the nsfi=stop parameter is
specified. The actname parameter is optional. If the actname parameter is
specified, the actname parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop
action set names shown in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
8. To add a non -spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be
specified. If the pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value must be none.
9. To add a spare point code , the pcst=s parameter must be specified.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 51: Adding an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 196

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-cgpa

:sr=<screening reference name>
Enter the rtrv-scr-cgpa
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-cgpa command.

Verify that the Allowed CGPA screen being

removed is not referenced by any screens in
the database by entering these commands.

The NSFI and NSR values of the screens referencing the

Allowed CGPA screen being removed need to be
Change the NSFI and NSR values to reference other
screens, or have the screening process stop with the
screens currently referencing the Allowed CGPA screen
being removed.
Do any screen sets Yes Perform these procedures as appropriate, depending on
reference the screen being
removed? the type of screen referencing the Allowed CGPA screen
being changed.
"Changing an Allowed OPC Screen"
No "Changing a Blocked OPC Screen"
"Changing an Allowed SIO Screen"
"Changing an Allowed DPC Screen"
"Changing a Blocked DPC Screen"

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 197

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the dlt-scr-cgpa command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
:ssn=<current ssn value>
:ri=<current ri value>
:sccpmt=<current sccpmt value>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type contained in the screen being removed. Only one point code type can be

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value>
:pcst=<s, none>

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=<current msa value> :npc=<current npc value>
:ssa=<current ssa value> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<current sp value>

1. The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc, msa, ssa, sp, ssn, ri, or
sccpmt parameters must be entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-cgpa output.
2. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit ITU-N spare point code, the
pcst=s parameter must be specified with the dlt-scr-cdpa command.
3. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point
code, the pcst parameter does not have to be specified with the dlt-scr-cgpa command.
If the pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing either an ITU-I or a 14-bit ITU-
N non-spare point code, the value must be none.

Enter the rtrv-scr-cgpa

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 52: Removing an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 198

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-cgpa


Enter the rtrv-scr-cgpa

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-cgpa command.

Is a gateway
Will Yes screening stop action set to No To
screening stop with
be assigned to the Allowed Sheet 3
this screen?
CGPA screen ?


To Enter the rtrv-gws-actset

Sheet 2 command

Go to the "Configuring
Gateway Screening Stop Is the required
Action Sets" procedure and No gateway screening stop
configure the required action set in the
gateway screening stop database?
action set in the database


Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 199

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Are the
From No
nsfi, nsr, or ri values
Sheet 1
being changed?

The screen referenced by the new
nsfi/nsr parameter combination of the Allowed CGPA
screen being changed in this procedure must be in the
The routing indicator value (ri) determines what the nsfi
value can be. If the ri value is changed, the nsfi value Is the Yes
may also have to change. required screen in
Enter one of these commands based on the new nsfi or the database?
new ri values being changed in the Allowed CGPA
Current (if unchanged) Current (if unchanged) Command to be
or New NSFI or New RI Entered
TT GT rtrv-scr-tt:all=yes
CDPA DPC rtrv-scr-cdpa:all=yes

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the new nsfi parameter value of the Allowed OPC
screen being changed in this procedure and change
Is the required the required screen.
screen to be added to
If nsfi=tt, perform the "Changing an Allowed
the database?
Translation Type Screen " procedure
If nsfi=cdpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Called Party Address Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the new nsfi parameter value of the Allowed
CGPA screen being changed in this procedure
and add the required screen. To
If nsfi=tt, perform the "Adding an Allowed Sheet 3
Translation Type Screen " procedure
If nsfi=cdpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Called Party Address Screen" procedure

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 200

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Is the point
No code being changed Yes Is the point code No
an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N being changed?
point code?

Sheet 4
Is the point code an Yes
ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare
point code?


Is the point
code being changed No
to an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N
spare point code?


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the ITU
National and International Yes
Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National

and International Spare Point Code
Support Feature" procedure to enable the
Sheet 4
ITU National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 201

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Enter the chg-scr-cgpa command with these mandatory parameters:

:sr=<screening reference name>
:ssn=<current ssn value>
:ri=<current ri value>
:sccpmt=<current sccpmt value>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point code type contained in the screen being changed. Only one
point code type can be specified.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value> :npc=<current npc value> :msa=<current msa value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value> :pcst=<s, none> :ssa=<current ssa value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value> :sp=<current sp value>
:pcst=<s, none>
At least one of these optional parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-cgpa command.
:nssn=<0-255, *>
:nri=<gt, dpc, *>
:nsccpmt=<9, 10, 17, 18>
:nsfi=<tt, cdpa, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
If the new point code code parameters are specified, they must be of the same type as the current point code values
specified in the chg-scr-cgpa command.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:nni=<0-255, *> :nzone=<0-7, *> :nnpc=<1-16383, *> :nmsa=<0-255, *>
:nnc=<0-255, *> :narea=<0-255, *> :npcst=<s, none> :nssa=<0-255, *>
:nncm=<0-255, *> :nid=<0-7, *> :nsp=<0-255, *>
:npcst=<s, none>
(See the Notes on Sheet 5)

Enter the rtrv-scr-cgpa

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 202

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the nni, nnc, or nncm parameters by inserting double
ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify the
range 025 to 200 for the nni parameter,enter 025&&200 for the nni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section. The
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway
Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the “Changing an Allowed Calling Party
Address Screen” procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. If either the nsfi=<tt or cdpa> or nsr paramters are specified, the other parameter must be
4. If the nsfi=stop parameter is specified, or if the current nsfi value is stop and is not being changed,
the nsr parameter cannot be specified.
5. The actname parameter can be specified only when the nsfi value is stop (either the current nsfi
value is stop and not being changed, or if the nsfi value is being changed to stop). The actname
parameter is optional. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname parameter value is one of
the gateway screening stop action set names shown in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
6. The nri=gt parameter can be specified only if the nsfi value is TT. If the nsfi=tt parameter is
specified, the ri value must be GT or *.
7. The nri=dpc parameter can be specified only if the nsfi value is CDPA . If the nsfi=cdpa parameter
is specified, the ri value must be DPC or *.
8. The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc, ssn, ri, and sccpmt parameters must be
entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-cgpa output.
9. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code to a non-spare point code, both the pcst=s
and npcst=none parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-cgpa command.
10. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code to a spare point code, the npcst=s
parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-cgpa command. The pcst parameter does not have to
be specified.
11. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare
point code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-cgpa command.
12. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare
point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be specified with the chg-scr-cgpa command. If the
pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point
code, the pcst parameter value must be none.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 53: Changing an Allowed Calling Party Address Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 203

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-feat Is the gateway No
command screening feature on?


Enter the rtrv-scr-destfld


Enter the rtrv-scr-destfld

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-destfld command, or
a new screening reference name.

Is a gateway
Yes screening stop action set to No
be assigned to the Allowed
DESTFLD screen?

Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Go to the "Configuring
Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure
action set in the and configure the required
database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database

To Sheet

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 204

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is an ITU-I or
From 14-bit ITU-N spare point No
Sheet 1 code being added to the


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Perform the "Activating the ITU

National and International
Is the ITU
Spare Point Code Support
National and International No
Feature" procedure to enable
Spare Point Code Support
the ITU National and
Feature enabled?
International Spare Point Code
Support feature.

Enter the ent-scr-destfld command with these
:sr=<screening reference name>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<0-255, *> :zone=<0-7, *>
:nc=<0-255, *> :area=<0-255, *>
:ncm=<0-255, *> :id=<0-7, *>
:pcst=<s, none>
Enter the rtrv-scr-destfld
:sr=<screening reference
24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code
name> command
:msa=<0-255, *> :npc=<1-16383, *>
:ssa=<0-255, *> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<0-255, *>
(See the Notes on Sheet 3)
Enter the

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 205

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by
inserting double ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the
range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter
025&&200 for the ni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the
asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a
Range of Values" section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range
of Values" section is in the "Adding an Allowed Affected Destination Field
Screen" procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The actname parameter is optional. If the actname parameter is specified, the
actname parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop action set names
shown in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
4. To add a non -spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be
specified. If the pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value must be none.
5. To add a spare point code , the pcst=s parameter must be specified.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 54: Adding an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 206

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-destfld

:sr=<screening reference name>
Enter the rtrv-scr-destfld
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-destfld command.

Verify that the Allowed DESTFLD screen

being removed is not referenced by any
screens in the database by entering these

The NSFI and NSR values of the screens referencing the

Allowed DESTFLD screen being removed need to be
Change the NSFI and NSR values to reference other
screens, or have the screening process stop with the
screens currently referencing the Allowed DESTFLD
Do any screen sets Yes screen being removed.
reference the screen being
removed? Perform these procedures as appropriate, depending on
the type of screen referencing the Allowed DESTFLD
screen being changed.
"Changing an Allowed SIO Screen"
"Changing an Allowed DPC Screen"
"Changing a Blocked DPC Screen"

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 207

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the dlt-scr-destfld command with this parameter:

:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type contained in the screen being removed. Only one point code type can be

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value>
:pcst=<s, none>

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=<current msa value> :npc=<current npc value>
:ssa=<current ssa value> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<current sp value>

1. The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc, msa, ssa, or sp,
parameters must be entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-destfld output.
2. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit ITU-N spare point code, the
pcst=s parameter must be specified with the dlt-scr-destfld command.
3. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point
code, the pcst parameter does not have to be specified with the dlt-scr-destfld
command. If the pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing either an ITU-I or a
14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value must be none.

Enter the rtrv-scr-destfld

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 55: Removing an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 208

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-destfld


Enter the rtrv-scr-destfld

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-destfld command.

Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No To Sheet
be assigned to the Allowed 2
DESTFLD screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Go to the "Configuring
Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure and
action set in the configure the required
database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database


To Sheet

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 209

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the point
No code being changed Yes Is the point code No
an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N being changed?
point code?

Sheet 3
Is the point code an Yes
ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare
point code?


Is the point
code being changed No
to an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N
spare point code?


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the ITU
National and International Yes
Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National

and International Spare Point Code
Support Feature" procedure to enable the
Sheet 3
ITU National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 210

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Enter the chg-scr-destfld command with these mandatory parameters:

:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point code type contained in the screen being changed. Only one
point code type can be specified.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value> :npc=<current npc value> :msa=<current msa value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value> :pcst=<s, none> :ssa=<current ssa value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value> :sp=<current sp value>
:pcst=<s, none>
At least one of these optional parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-destfld command.
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:nni=<0-255, *> :nzone=<0-7, *> :nnpc=<1-16383, *> :nmsa=<0-255, *>
:nnc=<0-255, *> :narea=<0-255, *> :npcst=<s, none> :nssa=<0-255, *>
:nncm=<0-255, *> :nid=<0-7, *> :nsp=<0-255, *>
:npcst=<s, none>
If the new point code code parameters are specified, they must be of the same type as the current point code
values specified in the chg-scr-destfld command.
(See the Notes on Sheet 4)

Enter the rtrv-scr-destfld

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the nni, nnc, or nncm parameters by inserting double
ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify the
range 025 to 200 for the nni parameter,enter 025&&200 for the nni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section. The
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway
Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the "Changing an Allowed Affected
Destination Field Screen" procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The actname parameter is optional. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname
parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop action set names shown in the rtrv-gws-actset
output on Sheet 1.
4. The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc, msa, ssa, and sp parameters must be
entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-destfld output.
5. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code to a non-spare point code, both the pcst=s
and npcst=none parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-destfld command.
6. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code to a spare point code, the npcst=s
parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-destfld command. The pcst parameter does not have to
be specified.
7. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point
code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-destfld command.
8. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare
point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be specified with the chg-scr-destfld command. If
the pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point
code, the pcst parameter value must be none.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 56: Changing an Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 212

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Blocked DPC Screen

Is the gateway No Enter the

Enter the rtrv-feat
screening feature chg-feat:gws=on
on? command

Enter the Yes

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc
:sr=<screening reference name> command. The
screening reference name is a name shown in
the previous rtrv-scr-blkopc command, or a new
screening reference name.

No Is this the first Yes To

entry for this
Sheet 3

Is an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N spare point No
code being added to the

Yes Does the screening

reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Perform the "Activating the ITU

Is the ITU National and International Spare
National and International No Point Code Support Feature"
Spare Point Code Support procedure to enable the ITU
Feature enabled? National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 213

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the ent-scr-blkdpc command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkdpc
:ni=<0-255, *> :zone=<0-7, *>
:sr=<screening reference
:nc=<0-255, *> :area=<0-255, *>
name> command
:ncm=<0-255, *> :id=<0-7, *>
:pcst=<s, none>

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

Enter the
:msa=<0-255, *> :npc=<1-16383, *>
:ssa=<0-255, *> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<0-255, *>
(See Notes )

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by inserting double
ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify
the range 025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter 025&&200 for the ni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see
the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section.
The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration Manual -
Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. To add a non -spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be specified. If the
pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point
code, the value must be none.
4. To add a spare point code , the pcst=s parameter must be specified.

Sheet 2 of 5

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Sheet 1

Will screening No To
stop with this
Sheet 4


Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No
be assigned to the Blocked
OPC screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Is the required
gateway screening stop Yes
action set in the


Go to the "Configuring Gateway

Screening Stop Action Sets"
procedure and configure the
Sheet 5
required gateway screening stop
action set in the database

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 215

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

The screen referenced by the nsfi/nsr

parameter combination of the Blocked DPC
screen being added in this procedure must
be in the database.
Enter one of these commands based on the
nsfi parameter value of the Blocked DPC
screen being added.
If nsfi=destfld, enter rtrv-scr-destfld:all=yes
If nsfi=isup, enter rtrv-scr-isup:all=yes
If nsfi=cgpa, enter rtrv-scr-cgpa:all=yes

Is the Yes
required screen in
the database?

No Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Blocked DPC
screen being added in this procedure and change
the required screen.
Is the required If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Changing an
screen to be added to Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen"
the database? procedure
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Changing an Allowed
ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure
Yes If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Blocked DPC
screen being added in this procedure and add the
required screen.
If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Adding an Allowed To
Affected Destination Field Screen" procedure Sheet 5
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Adding an Allowed
ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Sheet 4 of 5

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Sheets 3
or 4

Enter the ent-scr-blkdpc command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
:nsfi=<destfld, isup, cgpa, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=c :zone=c

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=c :npc=c
(See Notes)

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkdpc

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

1. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the nsfi parameter value
is either destfld, isup, or cgpa.
2. The actname parameter is optional and can be specified only with the nsfi=stop parameter.
If the actname parameter is specified, the actname parameter value is one of the gateway
screening stop action set names shown in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 3.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 57: Adding a Blocked DPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 217

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a Blocked DPC Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkdpc

:sr=<screening reference name>
Enter the rtrv-scr-blkdpc
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-blkdpc command.

Verify that the Blocked DPC screen being

removed is not referenced by any screens or
screen sets in the database by entering
these commands.

The NSFI and NSR values of the screens referencing the

Blocked DPC screen being removed need to be changed.
Change the NSFI and NSR values to reference other
screens, or have the screening process stop with the
screens currently referencing the Blocked DPC screen
being removed.
Do any screens or Perform these procedures as appropriate, depending on
screen sets reference the the type of screen referencing the Blocked DPC screen
screen being removed? being changed.
"Changing a Screen Set"
"Changing an Allowed OPC Screen"
No "Changing a Blocked OPC Screen"
"Changing an Allowed SIO Screen"
"Changing an Allowed DPC Screen"

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 218

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the dlt-scr-blkdpc command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type contained in the screen being removed. Only one point
code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value>
:pcst=<s, none>

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=<current msa value> :npc=<current npc value>
:ssa=<current ssa value> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<current sp value> Enter the rtrv-scr-blkdpc
Notes: :sr=<screening reference
1.The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc, name> command
msa, ssa, or sp parameters must be entered exactly as shown
in the rtrv-scr-blkdpc output.
2. The screen containing the point code value C cannot be Enter the
removed until all other screens in the screening reference have chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
been removed. Removing the screen containing the point code command
value C will remove the screening reference from the Blocked
DPC table.
3. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit
ITU-N spare point code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified
with the dlt-scr-blkdpc command.
4. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit
ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have
to be specified with the dlt-scr-blkdpc command. If the pcst
parameter is specified for a screen containing either an ITU-I or
a 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value must be none.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 58: Removing a Blocked DPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 219

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a Blocked DPC Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkdpc

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkdpc :sr=<screening reference name> command. The
command screening reference name is a name shown in
the previous rtrv-scr-blkdpc command.

Is the current
No Is the point code Yes No To
NSFI value for this
being changed? Sheet 3
screen FAIL?

Sheet 2

Is the point
Is the point code an
No code being changed Yes Yes
ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare
an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N
point code?
point code?


Is the point
Yes code being changed No
to an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N
spare point code?

Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point

Is the ITU
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat National and International Yes
command Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National

and International Spare Point Code
Support Feature" procedure to enable the
Sheet 2
ITU National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 220

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the chg-scr-blkdpc command with this mandatory parameter:

:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point code type contained in the screen being changed. Only one
point code type can be specified.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value> :npc=<current npc value> :msa=<current msa value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value> :pcst=<s, none> :ssa=<current ssa value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value> :sp=<current sp value>
:pcst=<s, none>
At least one of these optional point code parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-blkdpc command.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:nni=<0-255, *> :nzone=<0-7, *> :nnpc=<1-16383, *> :nmsa=<0-255, *>
:nnc=<0-255, *> :narea=<0-255, *> :npcst=<s, none> :nssa=<0-255, *>
:nncm=<0-255, *> :nid=<0-7, *> :nsp=<0-255, *>
:npcst=<s, none>
The new point code code parameters must be of the same type as the current point code values specified in the
chg-scr-blkdpc command
(See Notes )

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkdpc Enter the

:sr=<screening reference chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
name> command command

1. A range of values can be specified for the nni, nnc, or nncm parameters by inserting double ampersands (&&)
between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for the nni
parameter, enter 025&&200 for the nni parameter value.
2. The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc, msa, ssa, or sp parameters must be entered exactly as
shown in the rtrv-scr-blkdpc output. The current point code value cannot be C.
3. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening
Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in
the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the
"Changing a Blocked DPC Screen" procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
4. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code to a non-spare point code, both the pcst=s and npcst=none
parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-blkdpc command.
5. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code to a spare point code, the npcst=s parameter must be
specified with the chg-scr-blkdpc command. The pcst parameter does not have to be specified.
6. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code, the
pcst=s parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-blkdpc command.
7. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the
pcst parameter does not have to be specified with the chg-scr-blkdpc command. If the pcst parameter is specified
for a screen containing either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst parameter value must be none.

Sheet 2 of 5

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Sheet 1

Will screening No To
stop with this
Sheet 4


Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No
be assigned to the Blocked
OPC screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Is the required
gateway screening stop Yes
action set in the


Go to the "Configuring Gateway

Screening Stop Action Sets"
procedure and configure the
Sheet 5
required gateway screening stop
action set in the database

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 222

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Are the
From No
nsfi or nsr values
Sheet 3
being changed?

The screen referenced by the new nsfi/nsr
parameter combination of the Blocked DPC
screen being changed in this procedure
must be in the database.
Enter one of these commands based on the
new nsfi parameter value of the Blocked
DPC screen being changed.
If nsfi=destfld, enter rtrv-scr-destfld:all=yes
If nsfi=isup, enter rtrv-scr-isup:all=yes
If nsfi=cgpa, enter rtrv-scr-cgpa:all=yes

Is the Yes
required screen in
the database?

No Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Blocked DPC
screen being added in this procedure and change
the required screen.
Is the required If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Changing an
screen to be added to Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen"
the database? procedure
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Changing an Allowed
ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure
Yes If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Blocked DPC
screen being added in this procedure and add the
required screen.
If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Adding an Allowed To
Affected Destination Field Screen" procedure Sheet 5
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Adding an Allowed
ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Sheet 4 of 5

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Sheets 3
or 4

Enter the chg-scr-blkdpc command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
:nsfi=<destfld, isup, cgpa, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=c :zone=c

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=c :npc=c
(See Notes)

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkdpc

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

1. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the nsfi
parameter value is either destfld, isup, or cgpa.
2. The actname parameter is optional and can be specified only with the
nsfi=stop parameter. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname
parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop action set names shown
in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 3.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 59: Changing a Blocked DPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 224

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Allowed DPC Screen

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-feat Is the gateway No
command screening feature on?


Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc


Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-dpc command, or a
new screening reference name.

Will No To
screening stop with
Sheet 3
this screen?


Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No To
be assigned to the Allowed Sheet 4
DPC screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset To

command Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 225

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is the required
From gateway screening stop No Enter the rtrv-sid
Sheet 1 action set in the command


Does the gateway

screening stop action set No
Caution: Redirecting SLTA / contain the redirect stop
SLTM messages causes SLTA / action?
SLTM messages not to be
returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS.
The signaling link will fail if the Yes
SLTA /SLTM messages are not
returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. Enter the rtrv-sid
To prevent SLTA /SLTM command
messages from being
redirected, gateway screening
stop action sets containing the
redirect stop action should not
be assigned to Allowed DPC
Does the Allowed
screens containing the EAGLE
DPC screen contain the No To
5 ISS's point code.
EAGLE 5 ISS's point code? Sheet 4
(See Caution)


Go to the "Configuring
Is an existing gateway Gateway Screening Stop
screening stop action set to be No Action Sets" procedure and
assigned to the Allowed DPC configure the required gateway
screen? screening stop action set in the
database (See Caution)


Assign a gateway screening

stop action set to the Allowed To
DPC screen that does not Sheet 4
contain the redirect stop action

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 226

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

The screen referenced by the nsfi/nsr

parameter combination of the Allowed DPC
screen being added in this procedure must
be in the database.
Enter one of these commands based on the Is the
nsfi parameter value of the Allowed DPC Yes
required screen in
screen being added. the database?
If nsfi=blkdpc, enter rtrv-scr-blkdpc:all=yes
If nsfi=destfld, enter rtrv-scr-destfld:all=yes
If nsfi=cgpa, enter rtrv-scr-cgpa:all=yes No
If nsfi=isup, enter rtrv-scr-isup:all=yes

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed DPC
screen being added in this procedure and change
the required screen.
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
Is the required DPC Screen" procedure
screen to be added to
If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Adding an Allowed
the database?
Affected Destination Field Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Adding an Allowed
ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed DPC
screen being added in this procedure and add the
required screen.
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure To
If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Adding an Allowed Sheet 4
Affected Destination Field Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Adding an Allowed
ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure

Sheet 3 of 5

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N spare point No
Sheets 1,
code being added to the
2, or 3


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Perform the "Activating the ITU

National and International
Is the ITU
Spare Point Code Support
National and International No
Feature" procedure to enable
Spare Point Code Support
the ITU National and
Feature enabled?
International Spare Point Code
Support feature.

Enter the ent-scr-dpc command with these
:sr=<screening reference name>
:nsfi=<blkdpc, destfld, cgpa, isup, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<0-255, *> :zone=<0-7, *>
:nc=<0-255, *> :area=<0-255, *>
:ncm=<0-255, *> :id=<0-7, *>
Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc
:pcst=<s, none>
:sr=<screening reference
name> command
24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:msa=<0-255, *> :npc=<1-16383, *>
:ssa=<0-255, *> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<0-255, *>
Enter the
(See the Notes and Caution on Sheet 5)

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 228

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by
inserting double ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the
range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter
025&&200 for the ni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the
asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a
Range of Values" section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range
of Values" section is in the "Adding an Allowed DPC Screen" procedure in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the nsfi
parameter value is either blkdpc, destfld, cgpa, or isup.
4. The actname parameter is optional and can be specified only with the
nsfi=stop parameter. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname
parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop action set names shown
in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
5. To add a non -spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be
specified. If the pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value must be none.
6. To add a spare point code , the pcst=s parameter must be specified.
Caution: Redirecting SLTA /SLTM messages causes SLTA /SLTM messages
noto to be returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. The signaling link will fail if the SLTA /
SLTM messages are not returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS.
To prevent SLTA /SLTM messages from being redirected , gateway screening
stop action sets containing the redirect stop action should not be assigned to
Allowed DPC screens containing the EAGLE 5 ISS's point code.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 60: Adding an Allowed DPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 229

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an Allowed DPC Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc

:sr=<screening reference name>
Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-dpc command.

Verify that the Allowed DPC screen being

removed is not referenced by any screens in
the database by entering these commands.

Do any screen sets No

reference the screen being

Enter the dlt-scr-dpc command with these

Yes parameters:
:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
Change the screens, or screen sets, code type contained in the screen being removed. Only one point
referencing the Allowed DPC being removed code type can be specified.
by performing these procedures as
appropriate and change the screen, or ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code
screen set, with other NSFI and NSR values :ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value>
or have the screening process stop with the :nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value>
screen or screen set. :ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value>
"Changing a Screen Set" :pcst=<s, none>
"Changing an Allowed OPC Screen"
24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code
"Changing a Blocked OPC Screen"
:msa=<current msa value> :npc=<current npc value>
"Changing an Allowed SIO Screen" :ssa=<current ssa value> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<current sp value>
1.The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc,
msa, ssa, or sp parameters must be entered exactly as shown
Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc in the rtrv-scr-dpc output.
:sr=<screening reference 2. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit
name> command ITU-N spare point code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified
with the dlt-scr-dpc command.
3. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit
Enter the ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed to be specified with the dlt-scr-dpc command. If the pcst
command parameter is specified for a screen containing either an ITU-I or
a 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value must be none.

Figure 61: Removing an Allowed DPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 230

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an Allowed DPC Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc


Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the previous
rtrv-scr-dpc command.

Will screening No To
stop with this
Sheet 3


Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No To
be assigned to the Allowed Sheet 4
DPC screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset To

command Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 231

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is the required
From gateway screening stop No Enter the rtrv-sid
Sheet 1 action set in the command


Does the gateway

screening stop action set No
Caution: Redirecting SLTA / contain the redirect stop
SLTM messages causes SLTA / action?
SLTM messages not to be
returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS.
The signaling link will fail if the Yes
SLTA /SLTM messages are not
returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. Enter the rtrv-sid
To prevent SLTA /SLTM command
messages from being
redirected, gateway screening
stop action sets containing the
redirect stop action should not
be assigned to Allowed DPC
Does the Allowed
screens containing the EAGLE
DPC screen contain the No To
5 ISS's point code.
EAGLE 5 ISS's point code? Sheet 4
(See Caution)


Go to the "Configuring
Is an existing gateway Gateway Screening Stop
screening stop action set to be No Action Sets" procedure and
assigned to the Allowed DPC configure the required gateway
screen? screening stop action set in the
database (See Caution)


Assign a gateway screening

stop action set to the Allowed To
DPC screen that does not Sheet 4
contain the redirect stop action

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 232

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Are the
From No
nsfi or nsr values
Sheet 1
being changed?

The screen referenced by the new nsfi/nsr Yes

parameter combination of the Allowed DPC
screen being changed in this procedure
must be in the database.
Enter one of these commands based on the
new nsfi parameter value of the Allowed
DPC screen being changed.
If nsfi=blkdpc, enter rtrv-scr-blkdpc:all=yes
If nsfi=destfld, enter rtrv-scr-destfld:all=yes
If nsfi=cgpa, enter rtrv-scr-cgpa:all=yes
If nsfi=isup, enter rtrv-scr-isup:all=yes

Is the Yes
required screen in
the database?

No Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed DPC
screen being changed in this procedure and
change the required screen.
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
Is the required DPC Screen" procedure
screen to be added to If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Changing an
the database? Allowed Affected Destination Field Screen"
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Yes Calling Party Address Screen" procedure
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Changing an Allowed
ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed DPC
screen being changed in this procedure and add
the required screen.
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure To
If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Adding an Allowed Sheet 4
Affected Destination Field Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Adding an Allowed
ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure

Sheet 3 of 6

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1,
2, or 3

Is the point
No code being changed Yes Is the point code No
an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N being changed?
point code?

Sheet 5
Is the point code an Yes
ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare
point code?


Is the point
code being changed No
to an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N
spare point code?


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the ITU
National and International Yes
Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National

and International Spare Point Code
Support Feature" procedure to enable
Sheet 5
the ITU National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 234

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 4

Enter the chg-scr-dpc command with this mandatory parameter:

:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point code type contained in the screen being changed. Only one
point code type can be specified.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value> :npc=<current npc value> :msa=<current msa value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value> :pcst=<s, none> :ssa=<current ssa value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value> :sp=<current sp value>
:pcst=<s, none>
At least one of these optional parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-dpc command.
:nsfi=<blkdpc, destfld, cgpa, isup, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
If the new point code code parameters are specified, they must be of the same type as the current point code values
specified in the chg-scr-dpc command.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:nni=<0-255, *> :nzone=<0-7, *> :nnpc=<1-16383, *> :nmsa=<0-255, *>
:nnc=<0-255, *> :narea=<0-255, *> :npcst=<s, none> :nssa=<0-255, *>
:nncm=<0-255, *> :nid=<0-7, *> :nsp=<0-255, *>
:npcst=<s, none>
(See the Notes and Caution on Sheet 6)

Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 235

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by
inserting double ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the
range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter
025&&200 for the ni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the
asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a
Range of Values" section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range
of Values" section is in the "Changing an Allowed DPC Screen" procedure in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The nsr parameter can be specified, and must be specified, if the nsfi
parameter value is either blkdpc, destfld, cgpa, or isup.
4. The actname parameter is optional and can be specified only with the
nsfi=stop parameter. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname
parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop action set names shown
in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
5. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code to a non-spare point
code, both the pcst=s and npcst=none parameters must be specified with the
chg-scr-dpc command.
6. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code to a spare point
code, the npcst=s parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-dpc command.
The pcst parameter does not have to be specified.
7. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N spare point code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified with the
chg-scr-dpc command.
8. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be
specified with the chg-scr-dpc command. If the pcst parameter is specified for a
screen containing either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst
parameter value must be none.
Caution: Redirecting SLTA /SLTM messages causes SLTA /SLTM messages not
to be returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. The signaling link will fail if the SLTA /STM
messages are not returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS.
To prevent SLTA /SLTM messages from being redirected , gateway screening
stop action sets containing redirect stop action should not be assigned to
Allowed DPC screens containing the EAGLE 5 ISS's point code.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 62: Changing an Allowed DPC Screen

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Adding an Allowed SIO Screen

Enter the rtrv-feat


Caution: Redirecting SLTA /SLTM messages

Is the gateway Enter the prevents SLTA /SLTM messages from being
screening feature chg-feat:gws=on returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. The signaling
on? command link carrying these messages will fail if these
messages are not returned to the EAGLE 5
Yes To prevent SLTA /SLTM messages from
being redirected, gateway screening stop
Enter the rtrv-scr-sio action sets containing the redirect stop action
command should not be assigned to Allowed SIO
screens containing the service indicator
values 1 (SI=1) or 2 (SI=2).

Enter the rtrv-scr-sio

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference Is a gateway
name is a name shown the previous screening stop action
rtrv-scr-sio command, or a new No
set to be assigned to the
screening reference name Allowed SIO screen?
(See Caution)

Will screening Yes
stop with this Enter the rtrv-gws-actset
screen? command


Go to the "Configuring
To Gateway Screening Stop
Is the required
Sheet 2 Action Sets procedure
gateway screening stop No
and configure the required
action set in the
gateway screening stop
action set in the database
(See Caution)
Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 237

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

The screen referenced by the nsfi/nsr parameter

combination of the Allowed SIO screen being added in
this procedure must be in the database. The service
indicator value (si) determines what the nsfi value can be.
Enter one of these commands based on the nsfi and si
parameter values of the Allowed SIO screen being Is the Yes
added. required screen in
If nsfi=destfld and si=0, enter rtrv-scr-destfld:all=yes the database?
If nsfi=isup and si=<4, 5>, enter rtrv-scr-isup:all=yes
If nsfi=cgpa and si=3, enter rtrv-scr-cgpa:all=yes
If nsfi=cdpa and si=3, enter rtrv-scr-cdpa:all=yes No
If nsfi=dpc and si=<0-15>, enter rtrv-scr-dpc:all=yes
If nsfi=blkdpc and si=<0-15>, enter rtrv-scr-blkdpc:all=yes

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed SIO screen
being added in this procedure and change
the required screen.
If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Affected Destination Field Screen" procedure
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Is the required ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure
screen to be added to
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Changing an Allowed
the database?
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
Yes DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cdpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Called Party Address Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed SIO
screen being added in this procedure and add the
required screen.
If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Affected Destination Field Screen" procedure
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Adding an Allowed
ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure To
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Adding an Allowed Sheet 3
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cdpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Called Party Address Screen" procedure

Sheet 2 of 3

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the ent-scr-sio command with these Notes:

parameters: 1. A range of values can be specified for the pri, h0, or h1
:sr=<screening reference name> parameters by inserting double ampersands (&&) between
the parameter values defining the range. For example, to
:nic=<0-3> specify the range 0 to 3 for the pri parameter,enter 0&&3 for
:pri=<0-3,*> the pri parameter value.
:si=<0-15> 2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for
:h0=<0-15, *> that parameter.
:h1=<0-15, *> For more information about specifying a range of values and
:nsfi=<destfld, isup, dpc, blkdpc, cgpa, cdpa, stop> about using the asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening
:nsr=<next screening reference> Attributes" section in Chapter 2 and the "Specifying a Range
of Values" and "Specifiying H0 and H1 Values" sections in
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
this procedure.
(See Notes and Caution)
3. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be
specified, if the nsfi parameter value is either destfld, isup,
dpc, blkdpc, cgpa, or cdpa.
4. The actname parameter is optional and can be specified
Enter the rtrv-scr-sio only with the nsfi=stop parameter. If the actname parameter
:sr=<screening reference is specified, the actname parameter value is one of the
name> command gateway screening stop action set names shown in the
rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
5. The NSFI and service indicator values can be entered
only in the following combinations:

Enter the SI Value NSFI Value

chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed 0 destfld, dpc, blkdpc
3 cgpa, cdpa, dpc, blkdpc
command 4, 5 isup, dpc, blkdpc
1, 2, 6-15 dpc, blkdpc
6. The h0 and h1 parameters can be specified, and must be
specified, only if the si values are either 0, 1, or 2.
Caution: Redirecting SLTA /SLTM messages prevents
SLTA /SLTM messages from being returned to the EAGLE 5
ISS. The signaling link carrying these messages will fail if
these messages are not returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS.
To prevent SLTA /SLTM messages from being redirected ,
gateway screening stop action sets containing the redirect
stop action should not be assigned to Allowed SIO screens
containing the service indicator values 1 (SI=1) or 2 (SI=2).

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 63: Adding an Allowed SIO Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 239

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an Allowed SIO Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-sio

:sr=<screening reference name>
Enter the rtrv-scr-sio
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-sio command.

Verify that the Allowed SIO screen being

removed is not referenced by any screens in
the database by entering these commands.

Do any screen sets No

reference the screen being


Enter the dlt-scr-sio command with these

Change the screens, or screen sets, :sr=<screening reference name>
referencing the Allowed SIO being removed :nic=<current nic value>
by performing these procedures as :si=<current si value>
appropriate and change the screen, or :pri=<current pri value>
screen set, with other NSFI and NSR values :h0=<current h0 value>
or have the screening process stop with the :h1=<current h1 value>
screen or screen set.
Note: The current values for the nic, si, pri,
"Changing a Screen Set" h0, or h1 parameters must be entered
"Changing an Allowed OPC Screen" exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-sio output. If
"Changing a Blocked OPC Screen" dashes are shown for the h0 and h1
parameters, these parameters cannot be

Enter the rtrv-scr-sio

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Figure 64: Removing an Allowed SIO Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 240

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an Allowed SIO Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-sio


Enter the rtrv-scr-sio

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the previous
rtrv-scr-sio command.
Caution: Redirecting SLTA /SLTM messages
prevents SLTA /SLTM messages from being
returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. The signaling
Will screening link carrying these messages will fail if these
No To messages are not returned to the EAGLE 5
stop with this
Sheet 2 ISS.
To prevent SLTA /SLTM messages from
being redirected, gateway screening stop
Yes action sets containing the redirect stop action
should not be assigned to Allowed SIO
screens containing the service indicator
values 1 (SI=1) or 2 (SI=2).
Is a gateway
screening stop action No
set to be assigned to the
Allowed SIO screen?
(See Caution)


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Go to the "Configuring
Gateway Screening Stop
Is the required
Action Sets procedure
gateway screening stop No
and configure the required
action set in the
gateway screening stop
action set in the database
(See Caution)
Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 241

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Are the
From No
nsfi, nsr, or si values
Sheet 1
being changed?

The screen referenced by the new Yes

nsfi/nsr parameter combination of the Allowed SIO
screen being changed in this procedure must be in the
The service indicator value (si) determines what the nsfi
value can be. If the si value is changed, the nsfi value
may also have to change. Is the Yes
Enter one of these commands based on the new nsfi or required screen in
new si values being changed in the Allowed SIO screen. the database?
Current (if unchanged) Current (if unchanged) Command to be
or New NSFI or New SI Entered
DESTFLD 0 rtrv-scr-destfld:all=yes No
ISUP 4, 5 rtrv-scr-isup:all=yes
CGPA 3 rtrv-scr-cgpa:all=yes
CDPA 3 rtrv-scr-cdpa:all=yes
DPC 0 - 15 rtrv-scr-dpc:all=yes
BLKDPC 0 - 15 rtrv-scr-blkdpc:all=yes

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed SIO screen
being changed in this procedure and change
the required screen.
If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Affected Destination Field Screen" procedure
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Is the required ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure
screen to be added to
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Changing an Allowed
the database?
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
Yes DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cdpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Called Party Address Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed SIO
screen being changed in this procedure and add
the required screen.
If nsfi=destfld, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Affected Destination Field Screen" procedure
If nsfi=isup, perform the "Adding an Allowed
ISUP Message Type Screen " procedure To
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Adding an Allowed Sheet 3
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cdpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Called Party Address Screen" procedure

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 242

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the chg-scr-sio command with these

mandatory parameters:
:sr=<screening reference name>
:nic=<current nic value>
:pri=<current pri value>
:si=<current si value>
:h0=<current h0 value>
:h1=<current h1 value>
At least one of these optional parameters must be Enter the rtrv-scr-sio
specified with the chg-scr-sio command. :sr=<screening reference
:nnic=<0-3> name> command
:nh0=<0-15, *>
Enter the
:nh1=<0-15, *>
:nsfi=<destfld, isup, dpc, blkdpc, cgpa, cdpa, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
(See Notes and Caution)

1. A range of values can be specified for the npri, nh0, or nh1 parameters by inserting double ampersands (&&) between
the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify the range 0 to 3 for the npri parameter,enter 0&&3 for
the npri parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening
Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" and "Specifiying H0 and H1 Values" sections. The "Gateway
Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range
of Values" and "Specifiying H0 and H1 Values" sections are in the "Changing an Allowed SIO Screen" procedure in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The current values for the nic, si, pri, h0, or h1 parameters must be entered exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-sio output.
If dashes are shown for the h0 and h1 parameters, these parameters cannot be specified.
4. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the nsfi parameter is specified and its value is
either destfld, isup, dpc, blkdpc, cgpa, or cdpa.
5. The actname parameter is optional and can be specified only if the current nsfi parameter is stop, or the new nsfi
parameter value is stop. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname parameter value is one of the gateway
screening stop action set names shown in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
6. If the si parameter value is 0, 1, or 2, the h0 and h1 parameters must be specified. If the si parameter value is 3
through 15, the h0 and h1 parameters cannot be specified.
7. If the nsi parameter value is 0, 1, or 2, the nh0 and nh1 parameters must be specified. If the nsi parameter value is 3
through 15, the nh0 and nh1 parameters cannot be specified.
8. The NSFI and service indicator values can be entered only in the following combinations:
Current (if unchanged) Current (if unchanged)
or New SI Value or New NSFI Value
0 destfld, dpc, blkdpc
3 cgpa, cdpa, dpc, blkdpc
4, 5 isup, dpc, blkdpc
1, 2, 6 - 15 dpc, blkdpc

Caution: Redirecting SLTA /SLTM messages prevents SLTA /SLTM messages from being returned to the EAGLE 5
ISS. The signaling link carrying these messages will fail if these messages are not returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. To
prevent SLTA /SLTM messages from being redirected , gateway screening stop action sets containing the redirect stop
action should not be assigned to Allowed SIO screens containing the service indicator values 1 (SI=1) or 2 (SI=2).

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 65: Changing an Allowed SIO Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 243

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Blocked OPC Screen

Is the gateway No Enter the

Enter the rtrv-feat
screening feature chg-feat:gws=on
on? command

Enter the Yes

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc
:sr=<screening reference name> command. The
screening reference name is a name shown in
the previous rtrv-scr-blkopc command, or a new
screening reference name.

No Is this the first Yes To

entry for this
Sheet 3

Is an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N spare point No
code being added to the

Yes Does the screening

reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Perform the "Activating the ITU

Is the ITU National and International Spare
National and International No Point Code Support Feature"
Spare Point Code Support procedure to enable the ITU
Feature enabled? National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 244

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the ent-scr-blkopc command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc
:ni=<0-255, *> :zone=<0-7, *>
:sr=<screening reference
:nc=<0-255, *> :area=<0-255, *>
name> command
:ncm=<0-255, *> :id=<0-7, *>
:pcst=<s, none>

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

Enter the
:msa=<0-255, *> :npc=<1-16383, *>
:ssa=<0-255, *> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<0-255, *>
(See Notes )

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by inserting double
ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify
the range 025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter 025&&200 for the ni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see
the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section.
The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the Database Administration Manual -
Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the "Adding a Blocked
OPC Screen" procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. To add a non -spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be specified. If the
pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point
code, the value must be none.
4. To add a spare point code , the pcst=s parameter must be specified.

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 245

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Will screening No To
stop with this
Sheet 4


Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No
be assigned to the Blocked
OPC screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Is the required
gateway screening stop Yes
action set in the


Go to the "Configuring Gateway

Screening Stop Action Sets"
procedure and configure the
Sheet 5
required gateway screening stop
action set in the database

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 246

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

The screen referenced by the nsfi/nsr

parameter combination of the Blocked OPC
screen being added in this procedure must
be in the database.
Enter one of these commands based on the
nsfi parameter value of the Blocked OPC
screen being added.
If nsfi=sio, enter rtrv-scr-sio:all=yes
If nsfi=dpc, enter rtrv-scr-dpc:all=yes
If nsfi=blkdpc, enter rtrv-scr-blkdpc:all=yes
If nsfi=cgpa, enter rtrv-scr-cgpa:all=yes

Is the Yes
required screen in
the database?

No Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Blocked OPC
screen being added in this procedure and change
the required screen.
If nsfi=sio, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Is the required SIO Screen" procedure
screen to be added to
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Changing an Allowed
the database?
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Blocked OPC
screen being added in this procedure and add the
required screen.
If nsfi=sio, perform the "Adding an Allowed SIO
Screen" procedure To
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Adding an Allowed DPC Sheet 5
Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Sheet 4 of 5

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Sheets 3
or 4

Enter the ent-scr-blkopc command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
:nsfi=<sio, dpc, blkdpc, cgpa, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=c :zone=c

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=c :npc=c
(See Notes)

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

1. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the nsfi parameter value
is either sio, dpc, blkdpc, cgpa, or isup.
2. The actname parameter is optional and can be specified only with the nsfi=stop parameter.
If the actname parameter is specified, the actname parameter value is one of the gateway
screening stop action set names shown in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 3.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 66: Adding a Blocked OPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 248

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a Blocked OPC Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc

:sr=<screening reference name>
Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-blkopc command.

Verify that the Blocked OPC screen being

removed is not referenced by any screens or
screen sets in the database by entering
these commands.

Do any screens Enter the dlt-scr-blkopc command with these

or screen sets No parameters:
reference the screen :sr=<screening reference name>
being removed? and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type contained in the screen being removed. Only one point
code type can be specified.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code
:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value>
Change the screens or screen sets :ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value>
referencing the Blocked OPC being removed :pcst=<s, none>
by performing these procedures as
appropriate and change the screen, or 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code
screen set, with other NSFI and NSR values :msa=<current msa value> :npc=<current npc value>
or have the screening process stop with the :ssa=<current ssa value> :pcst=<s, none>
screen or screen set. :sp=<current sp value>
"Changing a Screen Set" Notes:
"Changing an Allowed OPC Screen" 1.The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc,
msa, ssa, or sp parameters must be entered exactly as shown
in the rtrv-scr-blkopc output.
2. The screen containing the point code value C cannot be
removed until all other screens in the screening reference have
Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc been removed. Removing the screen containing the point code
:sr=<screening reference value C will remove the screening reference from the Blocked
name> command OPC table.
3. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit
ITU-N spare point code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified
Enter the with the dlt-scr-blkopc command.
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed 4. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit
command ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have
to be specified with the dlt-scr-blkopc command. If the pcst
parameter is specified for a screen containing either an ITU-I or
a 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value must be none.

Figure 67: Removing a Blocked OPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 249

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a Blocked OPC Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc :sr=<screening reference name> command. The
command screening reference name is a name shown in
the previous rtrv-scr-blkopc command.

Is the current
No Is the point code Yes No To
NSFI value for this
being changed? Sheet 3
screen FAIL?

Sheet 2

Is the point
Is the point code an
No code being changed Yes Yes
ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare
an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N
point code?
point code?


Is the point
Yes code being changed No
to an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N
spare point code?

Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point

Is the ITU
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat National and International Yes
command Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National

and International Spare Point Code
Support Feature" procedure to enable the
Sheet 2
ITU National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 250

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the chg-scr-blkopc command with this mandatory parameter:

:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point code type contained in the screen being changed. Only one
point code type can be specified.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value> :npc=<current npc value> :msa=<current msa value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value> :pcst=<s, none> :ssa=<current ssa value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value> :sp=<current sp value>
:pcst=<s, none>
At least one of these optional point code parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-blkopc command.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:nni=<0-255, *> :nzone=<0-7, *> :nnpc=<1-16383, *> :nmsa=<0-255, *>
:nnc=<0-255, *> :narea=<0-255, *> :npcst=<s, none> :nssa=<0-255, *>
:nncm=<0-255, *> :nid=<0-7, *> :nsp=<0-255, *>
:npcst=<s, none>
The new point code code parameters must be of the same type as the current point code values specified in the
chg-scr-blkopc command
(See Notes )

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc Enter the

:sr=<screening reference chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
name> command command

1. A range of values can be specified for the nni, nnc, or nncm parameters by inserting double ampersands (&&)
between the parameter values defining the range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for the nni
parameter, enter 025&&200 for the nni parameter value.
2. The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc, msa, ssa, or sp parameters must be entered exactly as
shown in the rtrv-scr-blkopc output. The current point code value cannot be C.
3. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening
Attributes" section and the "Specifying a Range of Values" section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in
the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range of Values" section is in the
“Changing a Blocked OPC Screen” procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
4. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code to a non-spare point code, both the pcst=s and npcst=none
parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-blkopc command.
5. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code to a spare point code, the npcst=s parameter must be
specified with the chg-scr-blkopc command. The pcst parameter does not have to be specified.
6. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code, the
pcst=s parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-blkopc command.
7. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the
pcst parameter does not have to be specified with the chg-scr-blkopc command. If the pcst parameter is specified
for a screen containing either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst parameter value must be none.

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 251

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Sheet 1

Will screening No To
stop with this
Sheet 4


Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No
be assigned to the Blocked
OPC screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Is the required
gateway screening stop Yes
action set in the


Go to the "Configuring Gateway

Screening Stop Action Sets"
procedure and configure the
Sheet 5
required gateway screening stop
action set in the database

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 252

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Are the
From No
nsfi or nsr values
Sheet 3
being changed?

The screen referenced by the new nsfi/nsr
parameter combination of the Blocked OPC
screen being changed in this procedure
must be in the database.
Enter one of these commands based on the
new nsfi parameter value of the Blocked
OPC screen being changed.
If nsfi=sio, enter rtrv-scr-sio:all=yes
If nsfi=dpc, enter rtrv-scr-dpc:all=yes
If nsfi=blkdpc, enter rtrv-scr-blkdpc:all=yes
If nsfi=cgpa, enter rtrv-scr-cgpa:all=yes

Is the Yes
required screen in
the database?

No Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Blocked OPC
screen being added in this procedure and change
the required screen.
If nsfi=sio, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Is the required SIO Screen" procedure
screen to be added to
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Changing an Allowed
the database?
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Blocked OPC
screen being added in this procedure and add the
required screen.
If nsfi=sio, perform the "Adding an Allowed SIO
Screen" procedure To
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Adding an Allowed DPC Sheet 5
Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Sheet 4 of 5

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 3
or 4

Enter the chg-scr-blkopc command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
:nsfi=<sio, dpc, blkdpc, cgpa, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=c :zone=c

24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code

:msa=c :npc=c
(See Notes)

Enter the rtrv-scr-blkopc

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

1. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the nsfi
parameter value is either sio, dpc, blkdpc, or cgpa.
2. The actname parameter is optional and can be specified only with the
nsfi=stop parameter. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname
parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop action set names shown
in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 3.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 68: Changing a Blocked OPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 254

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Allowed OPC Screen

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-feat Is the gateway No
command screening feature on?


Enter the rtrv-scr-opc


Enter the rtrv-scr-opc

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-opc command, or a
new screening reference name.

Will No To
screening stop with
Sheet 3
this screen?


Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No To
be assigned to the Allowed Sheet 4
OPC screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset To

command Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 255

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is the required
From gateway screening stop No Enter the rtrv-ls
Sheet 1 action set in the command


Caution: Redirecting SLTA / Does the gateway

SLTM messages causes SLTA / screening stop action set No
SLTM messages not to be contain the redirect stop
returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. action?
The signaling link will fail if the
SLTA /SLTM messages are not
returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. Yes
To prevent SLTA /SLTM
messages from being Enter the rtrv-ls
redirected, gateway screening command
stop action sets containing the
redirect stop action should not
be assigned to Allowed OPC
screens containing the
adjacent point code of a linkset.
Does the Allowed
OPC screen contain the No To
adjacent point code of a linkset? Sheet 4
(See Caution)


Go to the "Configuring
Is an existing gateway Gateway Screening Stop
screening stop action set to be No Action Sets" procedure and
assigned to the Allowed OPC configure the required gateway
screen? screening stop action set in the
database (See Caution)


Assign a gateway screening

stop action set to the Allowed To
OPC screen that does not Sheet 4
contain the redirect stop action

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 256

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

The screen referenced by the nsfi/nsr

parameter combination of the Allowed OPC
screen being added in this procedure must
be in the database.
Enter one of these commands based on the
Is the
nsfi parameter value of the Allowed OPC Yes
required screen in
screen being added.
the database?
If nsfi=blkopc, enter rtrv-scr-blkopc:all=yes
If nsfi=sio, enter rtrv-scr-sio:all=yes
If nsfi=dpc, enter rtrv-scr-dpc:all=yes No
If nsfi=blkdpc, enter rtrv-scr-blkdpc:all=yes
If nsfi=cgpa, enter rtrv-scr-cgpa:all=yes

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed OPC
screen being added in this procedure and change
the required screen.
If nsfi=blkopc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
OPC Screen" procedure
Is the required No If nsfi=sio, perform the "Changing an Allowed
screen to be added to SIO Screen" procedure
the database?
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Changing an Allowed
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed OPC
screen being added in this procedure and add the
required screen.
If nsfi=blkopc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
OPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=sio, perform the "Adding an Allowed SIO To
Screen" procedure Sheet 4
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Adding an Allowed DPC
Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 257

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N spare point No
Sheets 1,
code being added to the
2, or 3


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Perform the "Activating the ITU

National and International
Is the ITU
Spare Point Code Support
National and International No
Feature" procedure to enable
Spare Point Code Support
the ITU National and
Feature enabled?
International Spare Point Code
Support feature.

Enter the ent-scr-opc command with these
:sr=<screening reference name>
:nsfi=<blkopc, sio, dpc, blkdpc, cgpa, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type. Only one point code type can be specified.

ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code

:ni=<0-255, *> :zone=<0-7, *>
:nc=<0-255, *> :area=<0-255, *>
:ncm=<0-255, *> :id=<0-7, *>
Enter the rtrv-scr-opc
:pcst=<s, none>
:sr=<screening reference
name> command
24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:msa=<0-255, *> :npc=<1-16383, *>
:ssa=<0-255, *> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<0-255, *>
Enter the
(See the Notes and Caution on Sheet 5)

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 258

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by
inserting double ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the
range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter
025&&200 for the ni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the
asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a
Range of Values" section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range
of Values" section is in the "Adding an Allowed OPC Screen" procedure in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the nsfi
parameter value is either blkopc, sio, dpc, blkdpc, or cgpa.
4. The actname parameter is optional and can be specified only with the
nsfi=stop parameter. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname
parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop action set names shown
in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
5. To add a non -spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be
specified. If the pcst parameter is specified for a screen containing an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value must be none.
6. To add a spare point code , the pcst=s parameter must be specified.
Caution: Redirecting SLTA /SLTM messages causes SLTA /SLTM messages
noto to be returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. The signaling link will fail if the SLTA /
SLTM messages are not returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS.
To prevent SLTA /SLTM messages from being redirected , gateway screening
stop action sets containing the redirect stop action should not be assigned to
Allowed OPC screens containing the adjacent point code of a linkset.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 69: Adding an Allowed OPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 259

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an Allowed OPC Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-opc

:sr=<screening reference name>
Enter the rtrv-scr-opc
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-opc command.

Verify that the Allowed OPC screen being

removed is not referenced by any screens in
the database by entering this command.

Do any screen sets No

reference the screen being

Enter the dlt-scr-opc command with these

Yes parameters:
:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point
code type contained in the screen being removed. Only one point
code type can be specified.

Change the screen sets referencing the ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code
Allowed OPC being removed by performing :ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value>
the "Changing a Screen Set" procedure and :nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value>
change the screen set with other NSFI and :ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value>
NSR values or have the screening process :pcst=<s, none>
stop with the screen set.
24-Bit ITU-N Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:msa=<current msa value> :npc=<current npc value>
:ssa=<current ssa value> :pcst=<s, none>
:sp=<current sp value>
1.The current values for the ni, nc, ncm, zone, area, id, npc,
msa, ssa, or sp parameters must be entered exactly as shown
Enter the rtrv-scr-opc in the rtrv-scr-opc output.
:sr=<screening reference 2. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit
name> command ITU-N spare point code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified
with the dlt-scr-opc command.
3. To remove an entry containing either an ITU -I or a 14-bit
ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have
Enter the to be specified with the dlt-scr-opc command. If the pcst
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed parameter is specified for a screen containing either an ITU-I or
command a 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the value must be none.

Figure 70: Removing an Allowed OPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 260

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an Allowed OPC Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-opc


Enter the rtrv-scr-opc

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the previous
rtrv-scr-opc command.

Will screening No To
stop with this
Sheet 3


Is a gateway
screening stop action set to No To
be assigned to the Allowed Sheet 4
OPC screen?


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset To

command Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 261

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Is the required
From gateway screening stop No Enter the rtrv-ls
Sheet 1 action set in the command


Caution: Redirecting SLTA / Does the gateway

SLTM messages causes SLTA / screening stop action set No
SLTM messages not to be contain the redirect stop
returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. action?
The signaling link will fail if the
SLTA /SLTM messages are not
returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. Yes
To prevent SLTA /SLTM
messages from being Enter the rtrv-ls
redirected, gateway screening command
stop action sets containing the
redirect stop action should not
be assigned to Allowed OPC
screens containing the
adjacent point code of a linkset.
Does the Allowed
OPC screen contain the No To
adjacent point code of a linkset? Sheet 4
(See Caution)


Go to the "Configuring
Is an existing gateway Gateway Screening Stop
screening stop action set to be No Action Sets" procedure and
assigned to the Allowed OPC configure the required gateway
screen? screening stop action set in the
database (See Caution)


Assign a gateway screening

stop action set to the Allowed To
OPC screen that does not Sheet 4
contain the redirect stop action

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 262

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Are the
From No
nsfi or nsr values
Sheet 1
being changed?

The screen referenced by the new nsfi/nsr Yes

parameter combination of the Allowed OPC
screen being changed in this procedure
must be in the database.
Enter one of these commands based on the
Is the
new nsfi parameter value of the Allowed Yes
required screen in
OPC screen being changed.
the database?
If nsfi=blkopc, enter rtrv-scr-blkopc:all=yes
If nsfi=sio, enter rtrv-scr-sio:all=yes
If nsfi=dpc, enter rtrv-scr-dpc:all=yes No
If nsfi=blkdpc, enter rtrv-scr-blkdpc:all=yes
If nsfi=cgpa, enter rtrv-scr-cgpa:all=yes

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed OPC
screen being added in this procedure and change
the required screen.
If nsfi=blkopc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
OPC Screen" procedure
Is the required No If nsfi=sio, perform the "Changing an Allowed
screen to be added to SIO Screen" procedure
the database?
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Changing an Allowed
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Changing an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the Allowed OPC
screen being added in this procedure and add the
required screen.
If nsfi=blkopc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
OPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=sio, perform the "Adding an Allowed SIO To
Screen" procedure Sheet 4
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Adding an Allowed DPC
Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=cgpa, perform the "Adding an Allowed
Calling Party Address Screen" procedure

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 263

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1,
2, or 3

Is the point
No code being changed Yes Is the point code No
an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N being changed?
point code?

Sheet 5
Is the point code an Yes
ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare
point code?


Is the point
code being changed No
to an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N
spare point code?


Does the screening

No reference contain any ITU-I Yes
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the ITU
National and International Yes
Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National

and International Spare Point Code
Support Feature" procedure to enable
Sheet 5
the ITU National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature.

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 264

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 4

Enter the chg-scr-opc command with this mandatory parameter:

:sr=<screening reference name>
and the point code parameters, depending on the point code type contained in the screen being changed. Only one
point code type can be specified.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:ni=<current ni value> :zone=<current zone value> :npc=<current npc value> :msa=<current msa value>
:nc=<current nc value> :area=<current area value> :pcst=<s, none> :ssa=<current ssa value>
:ncm=<current ncm value> :id=<current id value> :sp=<current sp value>
:pcst=<s, none>
At least one of these optional parameters must be specified with the chg-scr-opc command.
:nsfi=<blkopc, sio, dpc, blkdpc, cgpa, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
If the new point code code parameters are specified, they must be of the same type as the current point code values
specified in the chg-scr-opc command.
ANSI Point Code ITU-I Point Code 14-Bit ITU-N Point Code 24-Bit ITU-N Point Code
:nni=<0-255, *> :nzone=<0-7, *> :nnpc=<1-16383, *> :nmsa=<0-255, *>
:nnc=<0-255, *> :narea=<0-255, *> :npcst=<s, none> :nssa=<0-255, *>
:nncm=<0-255, *> :nid=<0-7, *> :nsp=<0-255, *>
:npcst=<s, none>
(See the Notes and Caution on Sheet 6)

Enter the rtrv-scr-opc

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 265

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

1. A range of values can be specified for the ni, nc, or ncm parameters by
inserting double ampersands (&&) between the parameter values defining the
range. For example, to specify the range 025 to 200 for the ni parameter,enter
025&&200 for the ni parameter value.
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for that parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the
asterisk, see the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section and the "Specifying a
Range of Values" section. The "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening. The "Specifying a Range
of Values" section is in the “Changing an Allowed OPC Screen” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual - Gateway Screening.
3. The nsr parameter can be specified, and must be specified, if the nsfi
parameter value is either blkopc, sio, dpc, blkdpc, or cgpa.
4. The actname parameter is optional and can be specified only with the
nsfi=stop parameter. If the actname parameter is specified, the actname
parameter value is one of the gateway screening stop action set names shown
in the rtrv-gws-actset output on Sheet 1.
5. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code to a non-spare point
code, both the pcst=s and npcst=none parameters must be specified with the
chg-scr-opc command.
6. To change an ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code to a spare point
code, the npcst=s parameter must be specified with the chg-scr-opc command.
The pcst parameter does not have to be specified.
7. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N spare point code, the pcst=s parameter must be specified with the
chg-scr-opc command.
8. If the current point code in the screen being changed is either an ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst parameter does not have to be
specified with the chg-scr-opc command. If the pcst parameter is specified for a
screen containing either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code, the pcst
parameter value must be none.
Caution: Redirecting SLTA /SLTM messages causes SLTA /SLTM messages not
to be returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS. The signaling link will fail if the SLTA /STM
messages are not returned to the EAGLE 5 ISS.
To prevent SLTA /SLTM messages from being redirected , gateway screening
stop action sets containing redirect stop action should not be assigned to
Allowed OPC screens containing the adjacent point code of a linkset.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 71: Changing an Allowed OPC Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 266

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Screen Set

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-feat Is the gateway No
command screening feature on?


Enter the rtrv-scrset


Will No To
screening stop with
Sheet 2
this screen set?


Is a gateway
Yes screening stop action set to No To
be assigned to the Sheet 3
screen set?

Is the required
Enter the rtrv-gws-actset gateway screening stop Yes
command action set in the


Go to the "Configuring
Gateway Screening Stop
Action Sets" procedure and To
configure the required Sheet 3
gateway screening stop
action set in the database

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 267

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

The screen referenced by the nsfi/nsr

parameter combination of the screen set
being added in this procedure must be in the
Enter one of these commands based on the Is the
nsfi parameter value of the screen set being Yes
required screen in
added. the database?
If nsfi=opc, enter rtrv-scr-opc:all=yes
If nsfi=blkopc, enter rtrv-scr-blkopc:all=yes
If nsfi=sio, enter rtrv-scr-sio:all=yes No
If nsfi=dpc, enter rtrv-scr-dpc:all=yes
If nsfi=blkdpc, enter rtrv-scr-blkdpc:all=yes

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the screen set being
added in this procedure and change
the required screen.
If nsfi=opc, perform the "Changing an Allowed
OPC Screen" procedure
Is the required No If nsfi=blkopc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
screen to be added to OPC Screen" procedure
the database?
If nsfi=sio, perform the "Changing an Allowed
SIO Screen" procedure
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Changing an Allowed
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures corresponding to

the nsfi parameter value of the screen set being
added in this procedure and add the required
If nsfi=opc, perform the "Adding an Allowed
OPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkopc, perform the "Adding a Blocked To
OPC Screen" procedure Sheet 3
If nsfi=sio, perform the "Adding an Allowed SIO
Screen" procedure
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Adding an Allowed
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 268

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the ent-scrset command with these

:sr=<screening reference name>
:nsfi=<opc, blkopc, sio, dpc, blkdpc, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
:destfld=<yes, no>
1. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and
must be specified, if the nsfi parameter value is
either opc, blkopc, sio, dpc, or blkdpc.
2. The actname parameter is optional and can be
specified only with the nsfi=stop parameter. If the
actname parameter is specified, the actname
parameter value is one of the gateway screening
stop action set names shown in the rtrv-gws-actset
output on Sheet 1.
3. The destfld parameter is optional and specifies
whether or not automatic affected destiantion
screening is enabled for the screen set.

Enter the rtrv-scrset


Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 72: Adding a Screen Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 269

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a Screen Set

Enter the rtrv-scrset


Enter the rtrv-ls


Is the screen set No

to be removed assigned
to any linksets?


Go to the "Changing an SS7

Linkset" procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7 and Enter the dlt-scrset
change the scrn parameter of the :scrn=<screen set name>
linkset to reference another screen command
set, or to none to remove the
reference to the current screen set.

Enter the rtrv-scrset


Enter the

Figure 73: Removing a Screen Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 270

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a Screen Set

Enter the
rtrv-scrset command

Enter the
rtrv-ls command

Go the the "Changing an

Do any SS7 Linkset" procedure to
linkset reference this remove the screen set
screen? association with the
:scrn=none parameter


Is a gateway
Will screening Yes screening stop action set No
stop with this
to be assigned to the
screen set?
screen set?


Enter the
Sheet 2

Is the required
gateway screening stop Yes
action set in the


Go to the "Configuring Gateway

Screening Stop Action Sets"
procedure to configure the required
Sheet 3
gateway screening stop action set
in the database

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 271

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Are the
From No
nsfi or nsr values
Sheet 1
being changed?

The screen referenced by the new nsfi/nsr
parameter combination of the screen set
being changed in this procedure must be in
the database.
Enter one of these commands based on the Is the
new nsfi parameter value of the screen set Yes
required screen in
being changed. the database?
If nsfi=opc, enter rtrv-scr-opc:all=yes
If nsfi=blkopc, enter rtrv-scr-blkopc:all=yes
If nsfi=sio, enter rtrv-scr-sio:all=yes No
If nsfi=dpc, enter rtrv-scr-dpc:all=yes
If nsfi=blkdpc, enter rtrv-scr-blkdpc:all=yes

Perform one of these procedures, corresponding

to the nsfi parameter value of the screen set being
changed in this procedure and change
the required screen.
If nsfi=opc, perform the "Changing an Allowed
OPC Screen" procedure
Is the required No If nsfi=blkopc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
screen to be added to OPC Screen" procedure
the database?
If nsfi=sio, perform the "Changing an Allowed
SIO Screen" procedure
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Changing an Allowed
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Changing a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure

Perform one of these procedures corresponding to

the nsfi parameter value of the screen set being
changed in this procedure and add the required
If nsfi=opc, perform the "Adding an Allowed
OPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkopc, perform the "Adding a Blocked To
OPC Screen" procedure Sheet 3
If nsfi=sio, perform the "Adding an Allowed SIO
Screen" procedure
If nsfi=dpc, perform the "Adding an Allowed
DPC Screen" procedure
If nsfi=blkdpc, perform the "Adding a Blocked
DPC Screen" procedure

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 272

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the chg-scrset command with these

:scrn=<screen set name>
:nscrn=<new screen set name, if the screen
set name is being changed>
:nsfi=<opc, blkopc, sio, dpc, blkdpc, stop>
:nsr=<next screening reference>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
:destfld=<yes, no>
1. The nsr parameter can be specified only, and
must be specified, if the nsfi parameter value is
either opc, blkopc, sio, dpc, or blkdpc.
2. The actname parameter is optional and can be
specified only with the nsfi=stop parameter. If the
actname parameter is specified, the actname
parameter value is one of the gateway screening
stop action set names shown in the rtrv-gws-actset
output on Sheet 1.
3. The destfld parameter is optional and specifies
whether or not automatic affected destiantion
screening is enabled for the screen set.

Enter the rtrv-scrset


Was the screen Yes

set name changed in this

Go to the "Changing an SS7 Linkset"

No procedure to change the screen set
association with the scrn parameter to
either the current screen set name if the
screen set name was not changed, or the
new screen set name if the screen set
name was changed

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-ls

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 74: Changing a Screen Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 273

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the EAGLE 5 ISS for the CNCF Feature

Enter the rtrv-feat


Is the gateway Enter the

screening feature chg-feat:gws=on
on? command


Is the calling Enter the

name conversion facility chg-feat:cncf=on
feature on? command


Enter the rtrv-gws-actset


Go to the "Configuring Gateway

Is a gateway screening
Screening Stop Action Sets" procedure
stop action set containing the No
and configure a gateway screening stop
CNCF gateway screening stop
action set in the database that contains
action in the database?
the CNCF gateway screening stop action

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 274

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc

Sheet 1 command

Enter the rtrv-scr-dpc

:sr=<screening reference name
from previous rtrv-scr-dpc
command> command

Go to the "Changing
Is the
Is a new Allowed an Allowed DPC
required Allowed No No
DPC screen to be added Screen" procedure and
DPC screen in the
to the database? change the required


Go to the "Adding an Allowed

DPC Screen" procedure and
add the required screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-sio

:sr=<screening reference name Enter the rtrv-scr-sio
from previous rtrv-scr-sio command
command> command

Go to the "Changing
Is the
Is a new Allowed an Allowed SIO
required Allowed No No
SIO screen to be added Screen" procedure and
SIO screen in the
to the database? change the required

Yes Yes

Go to the "Adding an Allowed

SIO Screen" procedure and
add the required screen

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 275

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the rtrv-scr-opc

Sheet 2 command

Enter the rtrv-scr-opc

:sr=<screening reference name
from previous rtrv-scr-opc
command> command

Go to the "Changing
Is the
Is a new Allowed an Allowed OPC
required Allowed No No
OPC screen to be added Screen" procedure and
OPC screen in the
to the database? change the required


Go to the "Adding an Allowed

OPC Screen" procedure and
add the required screen

Enter the rtrv-scrset

:scrn=<screen set name from Enter the rtrv-scrset
previous rtrv-scrset command> command

Go to the "Changing a
Is the Is a new screen
No No Screen Set" procedure
required screen set in set to be added to the
and change the
the database? database?
required screen


Go to the "Adding a Screen

Set" procedure and add the
required screen

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 276

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Enter the rtrv-ls


Is the Yes
required linkset in
the database?


Go to the "Changing an SS7 Linkset"

Is a new linkset procedure in the Database
to be added to the Administration Manual - SS7 and
database? change the required linkset with the
gwsa=on and scrn parameters.


Go to the "Adding an SS7

Linkset" procedure in the
Enter the
Database Administration Manual
- SS7 and add the required
linkset with the gwsa=on and
scrn parameters.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 75: Calling Name Conversion Facility Configuration

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 277

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen

Enter the rtrv-feat


Is the gateway Enter the

screening feature chg-feat:gws=on
on? command


Enter the rtrv-scr-isup


Enter the rtrv-scr-isup

:sr=<screening reference name>
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-isup command, or a
new screening reference name.

Are ISUP message ISUP Message

types or TUP message Types To
types being added to the Sheet 2

TUP Message

Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 278

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is a gateway
screening stop action set to Yes Enter the rtrv-gws-actset
be assigned to the Allowed command
ISUP screen?

Perform the "Configuring
Enter the ent-scr-isup:sr= Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
<screening reference name> gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure to
:isupmt=<0-255, *>:nsfi=stop action set in the add configure the required
command (See Notes) database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database


Enter the ent-scr-isup

:sr=<screening reference
name>:isupmt=<0-255, *>
:nsfi=stop:actname=<GWS stop action
set name> command (See Notes) Notes:
1. A range of ISUP message types can be
specified for the isupmt parameter by inserting
double ampersands (&&) between the isupmt
Enter the rtrv-scr-isup values defining the range. For example, to
:sr=<screening reference specify the range 5 to 27, enter 5&&27 for the
isupmt parameter value.
name> command
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of
values for the isupmt parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of
Enter the values and about using the asterisk, see the
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section. The
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the
command Database Administration Manual - Gateway

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 279

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is a gateway
screening stop action set to Yes Enter the rtrv-gws-actset
be assigned to the Allowed command
ISUP screen?

Perform the "Configuring
Enter the ent-scr-isup:sr= Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
<screening reference name> gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure to
:tupmt=<0-255, *>:nsfi=stop action set in the configure the required
command (See Notes) database? gateway screening stop
action set in the database


Enter the ent-scr-isup

:sr=<screening reference
name>:tupmt=<0-255, *>
:nsfi=stop:actname=<GWS stop action
set name> command (See Notes) Notes:
1. A range of TUP message types can be
specified for the tupmt parameter by inserting
double ampersands (&&) between the tupmt
Enter the rtrv-scr-isup values defining the range. For example, to
:sr=<screening reference specify the range 5 to 27, enter 5&&27 for the
tupmt parameter value.
name> command
2. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of
values for the tupmt parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of
Enter the values and about using the asterisk, see the
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section. The
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed "Gateway Screening Attributes" section is in the
command Database Administration Manual - Gateway

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 76: Adding an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 280

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-isup

:sr=<screening reference name>
Enter the rtrv-scr-isup
command. The screening reference
name is a name shown in the
previous rtrv-scr-isup command.

Verify that the Allowed ISUP screen being

removed is not referenced by any screens in
the database by entering these commands.

Do any screens No
reference the screen being


Enter the dlt-scr-isup command with

Change the screens referencing the Allowed this parameter:
ISUP being removed by performing these :sr=<screening reference name>
procedures as appropriate and change the and one of these parameters:
screen with other NSFI and NSR values or :isupmt=<current isupmt value>
have the screening process stop with the or
screen. :tupmt=<current tupmt value>
"Changing an Allowed SIO Screen" The current value for the isupmt or
"Changing an Allowed DPC Screen" tupmt parameter must be entered
"Changing a Blocked DPC Screen" exactly as shown in the rtrv-scr-isup

Enter the rtrv-scr-isup

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

Figure 77: Removing an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 281

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen

Enter the rtrv-scr-isup

Enter the rtrv-scr-isup :sr=<screening reference name> command.
command The screening reference name is a name
shown in the previous rtrv-scr-isup command.

ISUP Message
Types Are ISUP message types
or TUP message types being

Is a gateway TUP Message

screening stop action set to Yes Enter the rtrv-gws-actset Types
be assigned to the Allowed command
ISUP screen? To
Sheet 2

Perform the "Configuring
Enter the chg-scr-isup Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
:sr=<screening reference gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure to
name>:isupmt=<current isupmt action set in the configure the required
value>:nisupmt=<0-255, *> database? gateway screening stop
command (See the Notes) action set in the database


Enter the chg-scr-isup

:sr=<screening reference
name>:isupmt=<current isupmt
value>:nisupmt=<0-255, *>
:actname=<GWS stop action set name>
command (See the Notes)

Enter the rtrv-scr-isup

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

1. A range of ISUP message types can be specified for the nisupmt parameter by inserting double
ampersands (&&) between the isupmt values defining the range. For example, to specify the range 5
to 27, enter 5&&27 for the nisupmt parameter value.
2. The current isupmt value must be specified exactly as it is shown in the rtrv-scr-isup output.
3. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for the nisupmt parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk, see the
"Gateway Screening Attributes" section in the Database Administration Manual – Gateway Screening.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 282

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Gateway Screening (GWS) Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is a gateway
screening stop action set to Yes Enter the rtrv-gws-actset
be assigned to the Allowed command
ISUP screen?

Perform the "Configuring
Enter the chg-scr-isup:sr= Is the required Gateway Screening Stop
<screening reference name> gateway screening stop No Action Sets" procedure to
:tupmt=<current tupmt value> action set in the configure the required
:ntupmt=<0-255, *> database? gateway screening stop
:nsfi=stop command action set in the database
(See the Notes)

Enter the chg-scr-isup

:sr= <screening reference name>
:tupmt=<current tupmt value>
:ntupmt=<0-255, *>
:nsfi=stop:actname=<GWS stop action
set name> command (See the Notes)

Enter the rtrv-scr-isup

:sr=<screening reference
name> command

Enter the

1. A range of TUP message types can be specified for the ntupmt parameter by
inserting double ampersands (&&) between the tupmt values defining the range. For
example, to specify the range 5 to 27, enter 5&&27 for the ntupmt parameter value.
2. The current tupmt value must be specified exactly as it is shown in the rtrv-scr-isup
3. The asterisk (*) specifies the entire range of values for the ntupmt parameter.
For more information about specifying a range of values and about using the asterisk,
see the "Gateway Screening Attributes" section in the Database Administration
Manual - Gateway Screening.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 78: Changing an Allowed ISUP Message Type Screen

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 283


Basic Global Title Translation Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures to configure the entities that are common
• Adding a Service Module.....287 to both the Global Title Translation (GTT) and
• Removing a Service Module.....291 Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) features.
• Adding a Mapped SS7 Message Translation These procedures are located in the "Global Title
Type.....292 Translation (GTT) Overview" section of the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title Translation.
• Removing a Mapped SS7 Message Translation
• Changing a Mapped SS7 Message Translation
• Adding a Concerned Signaling Point Code.....295
• Removing a Concerned Signaling Point Code..299
• Provisioning a Solitary Mated Application.....302
• Provisioning a Dominant Mated Application..313
• Provisioning a Load Shared Mated
• Provisioning a Combined Dominant/Load Shared
Mated Application.....341
• Removing a Mated Application.....352
• Changing the Attributes of a Mated
• Changing the Mated Application Type.....363
• Changing the Weight and In-Service Threshold
Values of a Mated Application.....369
• Changing the MRNSET and MRN Point Code
Values of MAP Entries.....377
• Provisioning MRN Entries.....380
• Removing MRN Entries.....385
• Changing the Relative Cost Values of MRN
• Changing MRN Entries with the ESWT
• Changing the Weight and Threshold Values of
MRN Entries.....396

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 284

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

• Changing the MAPSET, MAP Point Code, and

MAP SSN Values of MRN Entries.....400
• Adding a GT Conversion Table Entry.....402
• Removing a GT Conversion Table Entry.....406
• Changing a GT Conversion Table Entry.....410
• Changing the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion
• Changing SCCP Class 1 Sequencing Option...418
• Changing the SCCP Alarm Thresholds.....420
• Changing the Transaction-Based GTT Load
Sharing Options.....421
• Adding a Loopset.....422
• Removing a Loopset.....424
• Changing the Attributes of a Loopset.....427
• Configuring the ANSI to ITU-N SCCP Conversion
• Configuring a SCCP Test Message.....431
• Adding Global Title Modification Information.432
• Removing Global Title Modification
• Changing Global Title Modification
• Changing the MTP-Routed GTT Options.....442
• Activating the IGTTLS feature.....443
• Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm.....447
• Turning Off the IGTTLS Feature .....448
• Enabling the XGTT Table Expansion Feature..449
• Enabling the XMAP Table Expansion
• Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion
• Activating the Flexible GTT Load Sharing
• Turning Off the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature
• Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing
• Activating the Hex Digit Support for GTT
• Activating the Weighted GTT Load Sharing
• Activating the Transaction-Based GTT Load
Sharing Feature.....478
• Activating the SCCP Loop Detection Feature..483

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 285

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

• Activating the E5-SM4G/ E5-SM8G-B Throughput

Capacity Feature.....488
• Activating the Advanced GT Modification
• Activating the GTT Load Sharing with Alternate
Routing Indicator Feature.....494
• Turning Off the GTT Load Sharing with Alternate
Routing Indicator Feature .....499
• Activating the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in
VGTT Feature.....500
• Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional Based
Routing Feature.....504
• Activating the TCAP Opcode Based Routing
• Enabling a TOBR Opcode Quantity.....510
• Activating the GTT Actions Features.....511
• Activating the XUDT UDT Conversion

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 286

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Adding a Service Module

Are service No
Enter the Enter the
modules shown in the
rtrv-card command. rtrv-feat command.
rtrv-card output?


Yes Is the global

Enter the
title translation
rtrv-ctrl-feat command.
feature on?


Are any of the Enter the

features shown in the No chg-feat:gtt=on
ELAP-Based and EPAP -Based command.
Features table enabled?
(See the Note)

Will any of the features
Yes shown in the ELAP-Based and No
EPAP -Based Features table be

Enter the
rept-stat-sccp command.

Are the maximum

number of service modules
shown in the rept-stat-sccp output? No To
(see the SCCP Transactions per Sheet 2
Second Table , see
the Note)
Note: The table that is referenced
in this step is located in the
"Adding a Service Module” Yes
procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - Global
Title Translation .
This procedure cannot
be performed.

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 287

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Is a DSM No Enter the

Sheet 1 card being installed? rept-stat-gpl:gpl-hipr


Visually verify that the service module Are HIPR cards

has been installed into a non-provisioned installed in both the card
odd-numbered card location in the Yes
locations 9 and 10 of the shelf in
EAGLE 5 ISS. The adjacent even- which the service module will
numbered card location must be empty be installed?
and not provisioned.

Is an E5-SM4G
card being installed? Enter the
Has the service module been Yes command.
installed into a non-provisioned odd- Yes
numbered card location in the

Are HIPR2 cards

No Yes installed in both the card
locations 9 and 10 of the shelf in
Sheet 3
Insert the service module into a non- which the service module will
provisioned odd-numbered card be installed?
location in the EAGLE 5 ISS. The
adjacent even-numbered card
location must be empty and not No

Refer to the Installation

Manual - EAGLE 5 ISS
and install the required
Has UAM 0002 No HIPR or HIPR2 cards.
been generated?

Enter the ent-card command with these

:loc=<card location>
Perform the alarm clearing :type=dsm
procedure for UAM 0002 :appl=vsccp
in the Unsolicited Alarm If any EPAP-based feature is enabled To
and Information Messages and turned on and the service module Sheet 4
Manual to clear the alarm. quantity will exceed 25, the ent-card
command must be entered twice. within
30 seconds on the same terminal for the
DSM to be added to the database.

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 288

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the
From card being E5-SM4G
Sheet 2 provisioned an E5-SM4G
or an E5-SM8G-B


Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Refer to "Configuring the

Is the MFC No
MFC Option" procedure to
option turned on? turn on the MFC option.


Enter the chg-feat No

command with this Is the Fan
parameter. feature turned
fan=on. on?


Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the E5-SM4G Enter the ent-card command with
or E5-SM8G-B card. these parameters.
:loc=<card location>
If any EPAP-based feature is enabled
Yes and turned on, and the service module
Have the fans
quantity will exceed 25, the ent-card
been installed?
command must be entered twice within
30 seconds on the same terminal for
No the service module to be added to the

Refer to the Installation Manual and

install the fans on the shelf containing
the E5-SM4G or E5-SM8G-B card.
Note: The fans must be installed and
working properly before the
E5-SM4G or E5-SM8G-B card can To
be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS. Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 289

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

Note: The primary state of the service module will

Enter the rtrv-card command remain IS-ANR and the secondary state of the
with this parameter. service module will remain MPS_UNAVAIL after the
:loc=<card location specified in rst-card command is performed when these
ent-card command> conditions are present.
The EAGLE 5 ISS is not connected to an EPAP
on the T1200 hardware platform
An EPAP -based feature is enabled and turned
Enter the rst-card command on.
with this parameter.
Adding the new service module increased the
:loc=<location specified in the
service module quantity beyond 25.
ent-card command>
(See the Note)

Is the Enhanced No
Global Title Translation
(EGTT) feature on?


Is the Enhanced
Global Title Translation No
(EGTT) to be turned


Enter the Enter the

chg-feat:egtt=on chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
command. command.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 79: Adding a Service Module

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 290

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Removing a Service Module

Enter the rept-stat-sccp


Enter the
rmv-card command with these
Is the service Yes parameters:
module the only one
:loc=<location of the card
in service?
being removed>

Enter the Enter the

rmv-card command with this dlt-card command with this
parameter: parameter:
:loc=<location of the card :loc=<location of the card
being removed> being removed>

Enter the
rtrv-card command with this
:loc=<location of the card
being removed>

Enter the

Figure 80: Removing a Service Module

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 291

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Adding a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type

Enter the
rtrv-ttmap command

Enter the
rtrv-ls command

Go to the "Adding an SS7 Linkset"

Is the required procedure in the Database
linkset in the Administration Manual - SS7 and add
database? the linkset to the database or choose
a linkset that is in the database


Enter the
ent-ttmap command

Enter the
rtrv-ttmap command

Enter the

Figure 81: Adding a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 292

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Removing a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type

Enter the
rtrv-ttmap command

Enter the
dlt-ttmap command

Enter the
rtrv-ttmap command

Enter the

Figure 82: Removing a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 293

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type

Enter the
rtrv-ttmap command

Enter the
chg-ttmap command

Enter the
rtrv-ttmap command

Enter the

Figure 83: Changing a Mapped SS7 Message Translation Type

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 294

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Adding a Concerned Signaling Point Code

Enter the
rtrv-cspc command

Is the point code Yes

being added to an existing
CSPC group?


Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
Enter the
group name> command
point code that is being assigned
to the CSPC group>

Perform one of the "Adding an

Route" procedures in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7 and
Is the required No add the route to the database.
route in the
Make sure that at least 1 active
signaling link is assigned to one of
the linksets that are assigned to the

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this
Sheet 3
:lsn=<the name of the linkset
shown in the rtrv-rte output>

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 295

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the
rept-stat-slk command with these
:loc=<the location of the card
Are signaling containing the signaling link shown
links assigned to the in the rtrv-ls output>
linkset? :link=<the link value for the
signaling link shown in the rtrv-ls
No Repeat this step for each signaling
link in the linkset.

Add a signaling link to the linkset by

performing one of these procedures in these
Database Administration Manual – SS7
Adding an SS7 Signaling Link
Adding an E1 Signaling Link
Adding a T1 Signaling Link
Adding an ATM High -Speed Signaling Link
Database Administration Manual – IP7
Secure Gateway
Adding an IPLIMx Signaling Link
Adding an IPGWx Signaling Link
Adding an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link
Adding an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link
Make sure the signaling link is placed into

Is the state of
at least one signaling
link IS-NR?


Bring at least one of the signaling links in the

linkset into service. Enter the
act-slk command with these parameters.
:loc=<the location of the card containing the
To signaling link shown in the rept-stat-slk
Sheet 3 output>
:link=<the link value for the signaling link
shown in the rept-stat-slk output>
Repeat this step for each signaling link that is
being brought into service.

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 296

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 1
or 2

Are multiple point

code network types shown in
the rtrv-cspc output?


Will the CSPC No

group contain different
point code types?


Enter the

Is the
SCCP Conversion
feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP

Conversion Feature" procedure to enable
Sheet 4
the ANSI/ITU SCCP conversion feature.

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 297

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

Is a new concerned
Enter the
signaling point code group Yes
ent-cspc:grp=<CSPC group
being added to the
name> command.


Enter the
ent-cspc:grp=<CSPC group name> command with
only one of these point code parameters.
:pc/pca=<ANSI point code>
:pci=<ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code>
:pcn=<14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code>
:pcn24=<24-bit ITU-N point code>
1. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain 14-bit ITU-N point codes
and 24-bit ITU-N point codes, but not both at the same time.
2. If a point code is being added to an existing group, and
the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is not enabled, the
point code type of the new point code must match the point
code type of the existing point codes in the group.
3. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, the
CSPC group may contain ANSI point codes (pc/pca), ITU-I
or ITU-I spare point codes (pci), and either 14-bit ITU-N or
14-bit ITU-N spare point codes (pcn), or
24-bit ITU-N (pcn24) point codes.
4. The point code being added cannot be in the specified
CSPC group, but must be shown in the rtrv-rte output.
5. If the point code is an ANSI point code, it must be a full
point code and not a cluster point code or a network routing
point code.

Enter the
Enter the
rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC group
name specified in the ent-cspc
command> command.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 84: Adding a Concerned Signaling Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 298

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Removing a Concerned Signaling Point Code

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC group
rtrv-cspc command name shown in the rtrv-cspc
output> command

Is a concerned Yes
signaling point code group
being removed?


Enter the
dlt-cspc command with these
:grp=<CSPC group name>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code
being removed>

Enter the
rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC group
name specified in the dlt-cspc
command> command

Was the last point

code removed from the Yes
concerned signaling point
code group?

No Do you wish to
leave this empty concerned No To
signaling point code group in Sheet 2
the database?


Enter the

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 299

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Is the Flexible Yes To

GTT Load Sharing feature
Sheet 3


Enter the
dlt-cspc:grp=<CSPC group name>
:all=yes command
The CSPC group is removed and a
caution message is displayed
indicating that the CSPC group
being removed may be used by a
mated application.

Enter the
rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC group
name specified in the dlt-cspc
command> command

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 300

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-map


Is the CSPC group

being removed in this Yes
procedure shown in the
rtrv-map output?

No Perform the “Changing the

Attributes of a Mated
Application” procedure in this
Enter the chapter to change the CSPC
dlt-cspc:grp=<CSPC group name> group assigned to the mated
:all=yes command applications that are currently
referencing the CSPC group
being removed in this
Enter the
rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC group
name specified in the dlt-cspc
command> command

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 85: Removing a Concerned Signaling Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 301

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Provisioning a Solitary Mated Application

What is the current

Enter the maximum number of mated 36000 The Flexible GTT Load
rtrv-map command. applications the EAGLE 5 Sharing feature is enabled.
ISS can have?

1024, 2000, Enter the rtrv-tbl-capacity

or 3000 command.

Less Than
the Maximum
What is the current Capacity To
number of provisioned
Sheet 2
mated applications?

Equal to the
Maximum Capacity

What is the current

3000 maximum number of mated
applications shown in either the
rtrv-map or rtrv-tbl-capacity

1024 or

No new point codes can be

used for the mated
application. Existing point Do you wish to
codes from the rtrv-map No increase the maximum
output can be used as long number of MAP entries that
as different SSN values are are allowed?
specified with the point

Perform the "Enabling the

XMAP Table Expansion
Controlled Feature" procedure
to enable and activate the
Sheet 2
XMAP Table Expansion feature
for the desired number of
mated applications.

Sheet 1 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 302

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the solitary
From MAP group or MAP set
Sheet 1 being provisioned with a
new point code?

Enter the No
rtrv-map command with this
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point Is a CSPC
code of the new mated group to be assigned No To
application> to the mated Sheet 3


How many different than 12 Enter the
SSN entries are assigned
rtrv-cspc command.
to the point code?


Is the required No
The point code contains
CSPC group in the
the maximum number of
SSNs. No more SSNs
can be provisioned for
this point code.

Enter the
rtrv-cspc command
with this parameter.
Do you wish to :grp=<CSPC group>
Yes use another existing point
code from the rtrv-map

Does the CSPC No
group contain the point code
being added?

Do you wish to Yes Perform the "Adding a

use a new point Concerned Signaling Point
code? Yes Code" procedure to add the
CSPC group and point code
to the database.
Sheet 3
This procedure cannot
be performed.

Sheet 2 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 303

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Will the
network type of the CSPC No
group be the same as the network
Sheet 2
type of the primary point code of
the mated application?

Does the CSPC
group contain different types
No of point codes? (shown either in the
Is the rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC group> output from
Yes MAPSET column Sheet 2, or as a result of adding
shown in the rtrv-map a new CSPC group)

No Yes

Enter the
No Do you wish rtrv-ctrl-feat:partnum=893012001
to provision MAP command.


Perform the "Activating the Is the

Flexible GTT Load Sharing Yes ANSI/ITU SCCP
Feature" procedure to enable Conversion
and turn on the Flexible GTT feature enabled?
Load Sharing feature.


Perform the "Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP

Conversion Feature" procedure to enable
Is the the ANSI/ITU SCCP conversion feature.
subsystem to be used?
See the Note.

Yes Note: The sso parameter cannot be

To specified if the point code value for
Sheet 3 the mated application is the EAGLE
To Enter the 5 ISS's point code, but the sso
Sheet 6 rtrv-sid command. parameter can be specified with
other point codes.

Sheet 3 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 304

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the mated
application being Yes
From To
provisioned with an existing
Sheet 3 Sheet 5
point code shown in the
rtrv-map output?


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a Destination

Point Code" procedure in the
Is the mated
No Database Administration Manual -
application’s point code
SS7 to add the required destination
shown in the
point code. A proxy point code
rtrv-dstn output?
cannot be assigned to this point


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with
this parameter.
:dpc=<point code being

Enter the
Is a proxy point No rtrv-rte command with this
code shown in the parameter.
previous step? :dpc=<point code being


Perform one of the "Adding a

This point code cannot be Route" procedures in the Database
assigned to the mated Is the required Administration Manual - SS7 to add
application. Choose another route in the the required route to the database
point code. database? using the point code that will be
assigned to the mated application as
the DPC of the route.

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 305

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 4

Are the
Are the
point code parameters to be
fields shown in the rtrv-map
specified for the mated

No Yes Perform the “Activating

the GTT Load Sharing
with Alternate Routing
Enter the rtrv-mrn Indicator Feature”
command. procedure to enable the
GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing
Indicator feature.

Is the desired
MRNSET and MRN point
Yes code values shown in the rtrv-mrn
output? See Note 13 in the Solitary
Mated Application Parameter
Combinations table.
See the Note.


Enter the ent-map command using the Perform the “Provisioning

parameter combinations shown in the MRN Entries” procedure in
Other Subsystems column of the Solitary this chapter to create an
Mated Applications Parameter MRN set that contains the
Combinations table. See the Note. MRN point code value.

The Solitary Mated Applications

Parameter Combinations table is
Enter the rtrv-map command with these
in the “Provisioning a Solitary Mated
parameters and values.
Application” procedure in the
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and Database Administration Manual -
value specified in the previous step. Global Title Translation .
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
If the mapset parameter was specified in the
previous step, the mapset parameter and value
should be specified with the rtrv-map command.

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 306

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Enter the Enter the

Sheet 3 rtrv-ctrl-feat command. rtrv-ss-appl command.

The Eagle 5 ISS contain only

one mated application entry EIR,
for the INP subsystem. INP
To V-Flex,
Sheet 8 If the INP subsystem is Which subsystems ATINPQ
shown, continue the are shown in the
procedure with Sheet 8. rtrv-ss-appl output?

None or To
The Eagle 5 ISS contain only
AIQ Sheet 8
one mated application entry
To for the LNP subsystem.
Sheet 11 If the LNP subsystem is
shown, continue the
procedure with Sheet 10.
Which subsystem AIQ
will be assigned to the
mated application?

Enter the ent-map command using the Sheet 7
parameter combinations shown in the
LNP Subsystem column of the Solitary
Mated Applications Parameter No
Combinations table in this procedure. Is the LNP
feature enabled?
This table is in the “Provisioning a Solitary
Mated Application” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual - Global Yes
Title Translation .

Perform the procedures in the

ELAP Administration and LNP
Feature Activation manual to
Enter the enable the LNP feature.
rtrv-map command with these
parameters and values.
The pc or pca parameter and value
specified in the previous step. Do you wish Yes To
The ssn parameter and value specified to provision entries for the
Sheet 11
in the previous step. AIQ subsystem?
If the mapset=dflt parameter was
specified in the previous step, the
mapset=dflt parameter should be No
specified with the rtrv-map command.

Enter the

Sheet 6 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 307

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 6

Which subsystem ATINPQ , AIQ
will be assigned to the
mated application?


Perform the
procedures in the
Is either the
No Feature Manual – INP/
AINPQ and enable and
Query feature enabled
turn on the INP or
and turned on?
ANSI-41 INP Query

Enter the ent-map command using the parameter

combinations shown in the INP Subsystem
column of the Solitary Mated Applications
Parameter Combinations table in this procedure.
This table is in the “Provisioning a Solitary Mated
Application” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title Translation .

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these parameters and
The pcn or pcn24 parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
If the mapset=dflt parameter was specified in
the previous step, the mapset=dflt parameter
should be specified with the rtrv-map command.

Do you wish
Enter the No Yes
to provision entries To
for the other Sheet 8

Sheet 7 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 308

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Which subsystem ATINPQ , AIQ
Sheets 6 will be assigned to the
or 7 mated application?


Perform the
Is the EIR No procedures in the
feature enabled and Feature Manual – EIR
turned on? to enable and turn on
the EIR feature


Enter the ent-map command using the parameter combinations

shown in the EIR Subsystem column of the Solitary Mated
Applications Parameter Combinations table. See the Note.
If you wish to assign the EIR subsystem to another point code type,
repeat this step with the point code parameter and value shown in
the rtrv-sid output.
If the EIR subsystem is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output on Sheet 6,
the subsystem number for the EIR subsystem shown in the
rtrv-ss-appl output must be specified as the value for the ssn

Note: The table in this step is in

the “Provisioning a Solitary Mated
Enter the rtrv-map command with these Application” procedure in the
parameters and values. Database Administration Manual -
The pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and value Global Title Translation .
specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
If the mapset=dflt parameter was specified in
the previous step, the mapset=dflt parameter
should be specified with the rtrv-map command.
Repeat this step for each entry that was
specified in the previous step.

Do you wish
Enter the No Yes
to provision entries To
for the other Sheet 9

Sheet 8 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 309

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Which subsystem AIQ
will be assigned to the
Sheet 8
mated application?


Perform the procedures

Is the V-Flex No in the Feature Manual –
feature enabled and V-Flex to enable and
turned on? turn on the V-Flex


Enter the ent-map command using the parameter combinations

shown in the V-FLEX Subsystem column of the Solitary Mated
Applications Parameter Combinations table. See the Note.
If you wish to assign the V-Flex subsystem to another point code
type, repeat this step with the point code parameter and value
shown in the rtrv-sid output.
If the V-Flex subsystem is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output on Sheet
6, the subsystem number for the V-Flex subsystem shown in the
rtrv-ss-appl output must be specified as the value for the ssn
parameter. Note: The table in this step is in
the “Provisioning a Solitary Mated
Application” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual -
Enter the rtrv-map command with these parameters Global Title Translation .
and values.
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the previous
If the mapset=dflt parameter was specified in the
previous step, the mapset=dflt parameter should be
specified with the rtrv-map command.
Repeat this step for each entry that was specified in the
previous step.

Do you wish
Enter the No Yes
to provision entries To
for the other Sheet 10

Sheet 9 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 310

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Which subsystem AIQ

will be assigned to the
Sheet 9
mated application?


Perform the procedures

Is the ATINP No in the Feature Manual –
feature enabled and
ATINP to enable the
turned on?
ATINP feature .


Enter the ent-map command using the parameter combinations

shown in the ATINPQ Subsystem column of the Solitary Mated
Applications Parameter Combinations table.
This table is in the “Provisioning a Solitary Mated Application”
procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Global Title
Translation .
If you wish to assign the ATINPQ subsystem to another point code
type, repeat this step with the point code parameter and value
shown in the rtrv-sid output.
If the ATINPQ subsystem is shown in the
rtrv-ss-appl output on Sheet 6, the subsystem number for the
ATINPQ subsystem shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output must be
specified as the value for the ssn parameter.

Enter the rtrv-map command with these parameters and

The pc, pca, pci, or pcn parameter and value specified
in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the previous
If the mapset=dflt parameter was specified in the
previous step, the mapset=dflt parameter should be
specified with the rtrv-map command.
Repeat this step for each entry that was specified in the
previous step.

Do you wish
Enter the No Yes
to provision entries To
for the other Sheet 11

Sheet 10 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 311

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Perform the procedures in the

From Is the AIQ Feature Manual - Analyzed
Sheet 6 or feature enabled and Information Features to enable
10 turned on? and turn on the ANSI41 AIQ


Enter the ent-map command using the parameter

combinations shown in the AIQ Subsystem
column of the Solitary Mated Applications
Parameter Combinations table.
This table is in the “Provisioning a Solitary Mated
Application” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title Translation .
If you wish to assign the AIQ subsystem to
another point code type, repeat this step with the
point code parameter and value shown in the
rtrv-sid output.
If the AIQ subsystem is shown in the
rtrv-ss-appl output on Sheet 6, the subsystem
number for the AIQ subsystem shown in the
rtrv-ss-appl output must be specified as the
value for the ssn parameter.

Enter the rtrv-map command with these

parameters and values.
The pc, pca, pci, or pcn parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
If the mapset=dflt parameter was specified in
the previous step, the mapset=dflt parameter
should be specified with the rtrv-map command.
Repeat this step for each entry that was
specified in the previous step.

Enter the

Sheet 11 of 11
Figure 86: Provisioning a Solitary Mated Application

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 312

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Provisioning a Dominant Mated Application

Enter the
rtrv-map command.

What is the current

maximum number of mated 36000 The Flexible GTT Load
applications the EAGLE 5 Sharing feature is enabled.
ISS can have?

1024, 2000, Enter the rtrv-tbl-capacity

or 3000 command.

Less Than
the Maximum
What is the current Capacity
number of provisioned
mated applications?

Equal to the
Maximum Capacity

What is the current

maximum number of mated 3000
applications shown in either the
rtrv-map or rtrv-tbl-capacity

1024 or 2000

No new point codes can be

used for the mated
Do you wish to application. Existing point
increase the maximum No codes from the rtrv-map
number of MAP entries that output can be used as long
are allowed? as different SSN values are
specified with the point


Perform the "Enabling the

XMAP Table Expansion
Controlled Feature" procedure
to enable and activate the
Sheet 2
XMAP Table Expansion feature
for the desired number of
mated applications.

Sheet 1 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 313

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the Flexible GTT No Is a new point code Yes

From To
Load Sharing feature being added to a new
Sheet 1 Sheet 6
enabled? MAP group?

Yes No
Sheet 3

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these parameters. Is an existing point
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<primary point code No code, shown in the rtrv-map Yes To
of the existing MAP group that the new output, being added to a new Sheet 5
mated application is being added to> MAP group?
:ssn=<SSN assigned to the point code>


Less Is the new

How many entries than 32 Yes
point code being added
does the MAP group
to an existing MAP


The MAP group contains the

maximum number entries.
No more entries can be
added to this MAP group.

Perform the “Removing a

Do you wish
Yes Mated Application” procedure
to remove any mated
to remove the required
applications from the MAP
number of mated applciations
from the MAP group.


Do you wish
Yes No Do you wish add Yes
add the mated application To
the mated application to
to another existing MAP Sheet 5
a new MAP group?


This procedure cannot be


Sheet 2 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 314

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the mated
No Is a new point code Yes
From application being added To
being added to a new
Sheet 2 to the default MAP Sheet 6
default MAP set?

Yes No
Sheet 4

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these parameters.
Is an existing
No point code, shown in the Yes
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<primary point code To
rtrv-map output, being added
of the existing MAP group in the default Sheet 5
to a new MAP group in the
MAP set that the new mated application is
default MAP set?
being added to>
:ssn=<SSN assigned to the point code>


Less Is the new

How many entries than 32 point code being Yes
does the MAP group added to an existing MAP
contain? group in the default
MAP set?


The MAP group contains the

maximum number entries.
No more entries can be
added to this MAP group.

Perform the “Removing a

Do you wish
Yes Mated Application” procedure
to remove any mated
to remove the required
applications from the MAP
number of mated applciations
from the MAP group.


Do you wish
Do you wish add
Yes add the mated application No Yes
the mated application to To
to another existing MAP
a new MAP group in the Sheet 5
group in the default
default MAP set?
MAP set?

This procedure cannot be

Sheet 3 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 315

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is a new point code Yes

From To
being added to a new
Sheet 3 Sheet 6
MAP set?

No Is an existing Yes
point code, shown in the
rtrv-map output, being added
to a new MAP set?

Enter the No
rtrv-map command with this parameter. To
:mapset=<MAP set ID that the new mated Sheet 5
application is being added to>


Less Is the new

How many entries than 32 Yes
point code being
does the MAP set
added to an existing
MAP set?


The MAP set contains the

maximum number entries.
No more entries can be
added to this MAP set.

Perform the “Removing a

Do you wish
Yes Mated Application” procedure
to remove any mated
to remove the required
applications from the MAP
number of mated applciations
from the MAP set.


Do you wish
Yes No Do you wish add Yes
add the mated application To
the mated application to
to another existing Sheet 5
a new MAP set?
MAP set?


This procedure cannot be


Sheet 4 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 316

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2,
3, or 4

Enter the
rtrv-map command with this parameter:
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code of
the new mated application>

How many different
than 12
SSN entries are assigned
to the point code?


The point code contains the

maximum number of SSNs. No
more SSNs can be provisioned To
for this point code. Sheet 6


Do you wish to
use another existing Do you wish to
Yes No
point code from the rtrv-map use a new point
output? See the code?


Note: If the current number of provisioned This procedure cannot be

mated applications is equal to the performed.
maximum number of mated applications
that can be provisioned, shown in either
the rtrv-map or rtrv-tbl-capacity outputs
on Sheet 1, only point codes shown in
the rtrv-map output can be used to
provision mated applications.

Sheet 5 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 317

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2, 3,
Note: If the mated point code is not
4, or 5
assigned to a CSPC group, that point
code will not be notified of the
subsystem's status.

group to be assigned to No
the mated application?
See the Note.


Enter the
rtrv-cspc command.

Is the required No
CSPC group in the


Enter the
rtrv-cspc command
with this parameter.
:grp=<CSPC group>

Perform the "Adding a

Does the CSPC Concerned Signaling Point
group contain the point No Code" procedure to add the
code and mated point CSPC group and point code
code being added? or mated point code to the

Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 318

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Will the
network type of the
From CSPC group be the same No
Sheet 6 as the network type of the primary
point code of the
mated application?


Does the CSPC

group contain different types of point codes? Yes
(shown either in the rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC
group> output from Sheet 6, or as a result
of adding a new CSPC group)


Enter the

Is the
Conversion feature


Perform the "Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP

Conversion Feature" procedure to enable
Sheet 8
the ANSI/ITU SCCP conversion feature.

Sheet 7 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 319

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the MAPSET No Do you wish No

column shown in the to provision MAP
Sheet 7
rtrv-map output? sets?

Yes Yes

Perform the "Activating the Flexible

GTT Load Sharing Feature"
procedure to enable and turn on
the Flexible GTT Load Sharing

No Is a new mated
Enter the To
application to be
rtrv-sid command. Sheet 15x

Is the
Yes EAGLE 5 ISS's point
code and subsystem to be
used? See the

Are the primary and No Note: The sso parameter cannot

mate point codes of the mated be specified if the point code
To Yes
application assigned to other mated value for the mated application is
Sheet 17x the EAGLE 5 ISS's point code.
appalications shown in the
rtrv-map output?


Is primary point
Yes code of the mated
application assigned to other
Sheet 15x
mated appalications shown in
the rtrv-map output?


Enter the To
rtrv-dstn command. Sheet 14x

Sheet 8 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 320

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 7

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point
Code" procedure to
Is the required point No add the required
code shown in the
destination point code.
rtrv-dstn output?
A proxy point code
cannot be assigned to
this point code.

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
:dpc=<primary point code of
the mated application>

Enter the
Is a proxy point No rtrv-rte command with
code shown in the this parameter.
previous step? :dpc=<primary point code
of the mated application>


This point code cannot be

assigned to the mated
application. Choose another
point code. Is the No
required route in the


Perform one of the

"Adding a Route"
Is the procedures to add the
To No EAGLE 5 ISS's point required route to the
Sheet 11 code and subsystem database using the
to be used? mated application
primary point code as
the DPC of the route

Sheet 12

Sheet 9 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 321

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is mate point code

of the mated application No Was the rtrv-dstn No
assigned to other mated command performed on
Sheet 8
appalications shown in Sheet 13x?
the rtrv-map output?

Yes Enter the

Yes rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a Destination

Point Code" procedure in the
Database Administration Manual - No Is the required point
SS7 to add the required destination code shown in the
point code. A proxy point code rtrv-dstn output?
cannot be assigned to this point


Enter the Enter the

rtrv-rte command with rtrv-dstn command with this
this parameter. parameter.
:dpc=<mate point :dpc=<mate point code of the
code of the mated mated application>

Is the No Is a proxy point

required route in the code shown in the
database? previous step?

Perform one of the "Adding a
Route" procedures in the
Database Administration Manual - This point code cannot be
SS7 to add the required route to assigned to the mated
the database using the mated application. Choose another
application mate point code as the point code.
DPC of the route

Is the
EAGLE 5 ISS's point No To
code and subsystem Sheet 11
to be used?


Sheet 12

Sheet 10 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 322

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are the
Are the
From MRNSET and MRN Yes No
Sheets 8, 9, point code parameters to be
fields shown in the rtrv-map
or 10 specified for the mated

Perform the “Activating the

No GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing Indicator
Feature” procedure in
Appendix A to enable the
GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing Indicator
Is a new feature.
mated application to be
created? Enter the rtrv-mrn
Enter the ent-map command
using the parameter No
combinations shown in the
Other Subsystems column of
the Dominant Mated
Applications Parameter Is the desired
Enter the chg-map
Combinations for the ENT- MRNSET and MRN point
command using the Yes
MAP Command table. See code values shown in the
parameter combinations
Note 2. rtrv-mrn output? See
shown in the Dominant
Mated Applications Notes 1 and 2.
Parameter Combinations for
the CHG-MAP Command
table. See Note 2. No
This step can be repeated
until the mated application
group contains a maximum Perform the “Provisioning
of 32 entries. MRN Entries” procedure in
this chapter to create an
Are more mated Yes MRN set that contains the
applications to be added MRN point code value.
to the group?

Enter the rtrv-map command with these

parameters and values.
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 Notes:
parameter and value specified in the
1. For the valid mated application point code and
previous step.
MRN point code combinations, see Note 14 in the
The ssn parameter and value specified Dominant Mated Applications Parameter
in the previous step. Combinations for the ENT-MAP Command table or
If the mapset parameter was specified in Note 8 in the Dominant Mated Applications
the previous step, the mapset parameter Parameter Combinations for the CHG-MAP
and value from the previous step must Command table.
be specified.
2. The tables referenced in these steps are in the
“Provisioning a Dominant Mated Application”
procedure in the Database Administration Manual -
Global Title Translation .
Enter the

Sheet 11 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 323

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enter the Enter the
Sheets 9
rtrv-ctrl-feat command. rtrv-ss-appl command.
or 10

The Eagle 5 ISS contain only

one mated application entry EIR,
for the INP subsystem. INP
To V-Flex,
Sheet 13 If the INP subsystem is Which subsystems ATINPQ
shown, continue the are shown in the
procedure with Sheet 13. rtrv-ss-appl output?

None or To
The Eagle 5 ISS contain only
AIQ Sheet 14
one mated application entry
To for the LNP subsystem.
Sheet 17 If the LNP subsystem is
shown, continue the
procedure with Sheet 17.
Which subsystem AIQ
will be assigned to the
mated application?

Enter the ent-map command using the Sheet 13
parameter combinations shown in the
LNP Subsystem column of the Dominant
Mated Applications Parameter
Combinations for the ENT-MAP No Is the LNP
Command table. feature enabled?
This table is in the “Provisioning a
Dominant Mated Application” procedure in
the Database Administration Manual - Yes
Global Title Translation .
Perform the procedures in the
ELAP Administration and LNP
Feature Activation manual to
Enter the enable the LNP feature.
rtrv-map command with these
parameters and values.
The pc or pca parameter and value
specified in the previous step. Do you wish Yes To
The ssn parameter and value specified to provision entries for the
Sheet 17
in the previous step. AIQ subsystem?
If the mapset=dflt parameter was
specified in the previous step, the
mapset=dflt parameter should be No
specified with the rtrv-map command.

Enter the

Sheet 12 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 324

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 12

Which subsystem ATINPQ , AIQ
will be assigned to the
mated application?


Perform the
procedures in the
Is either the
No Feature Manual – INP/
AINPQ to enable and
Query feature enabled
turn on the INP or
and turned on?
ANSI-41 INP Query

Enter the ent-map command using the parameter

combinations shown in the INP Subsystem
column of the Dominant Mated Applications
Parameter Combinations for the ENT-MAP
Command table.
This table is in the “Provisioning a Dominant
Mated Application” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title Translation .

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these parameters and
The pcn or pcn24 parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
If the mapset=dflt parameter was specified in
the previous step, the mapset=dflt parameter
should be specified with the rtrv-map command.

Do you wish
Enter the No Yes
to provision entries To
for the other Sheet 14

Sheet 13 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 325

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Which subsystem ATINPQ , AIQ
Sheets 12 will be assigned to the
or 13 mated application?


Perform the
Is the EIR No procedures in the
feature enabled and Feature Manual – EIR
turned on? to enable and turn on
the EIR feature


Enter the ent-map command using the parameter combinations

shown in the EIR Subsystem column of the Dominant Mated
Applications Parameter Combinations for the ENT-MAP Command
table. See the Note.
If you wish to assign the EIR subsystem to another point code type,
repeat this step with the point code parameter and value shown in
the rtrv-sid output.
If the EIR subsystem is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output on Sheet
12, the subsystem number for the EIR subsystem shown in the
rtrv-ss-appl output must be specified as the value for the ssn

Note: The table in this step is in

the “Provisioning a Dominant
Enter the rtrv-map command with these Mated Application” procedure in
parameters and values. the Database Administration
The pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and value Manual - Global Title Translation .
specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
If the mapset=dflt parameter was specified in
the previous step, the mapset=dflt parameter
should be specified with the rtrv-map command.
Repeat this step for each entry that was
specified in the previous step.

Do you wish
Enter the No Yes
to provision entries To
for the other Sheet 15

Sheet 14 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 326

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Which subsystem AIQ
will be assigned to the
Sheet 14
mated application?


Perform the procedures

Is the V-Flex No in the Feature Manual –
feature enabled and V-Flex to enable and
turned on? turn on the V-Flex


Enter the ent-map command using the parameter combinations

shown in the V-FLEX Subsystem column of the Dominant Mated
Applications Parameter Combinations for the ENT-MAP Command
table. See the Note.
If you wish to assign the V-Flex subsystem to another point code
type, repeat this step with the point code parameter and value
shown in the rtrv-sid output.
If the V-Flex subsystem is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output on Sheet
12, the subsystem number for the V-Flex subsystem shown in the
rtrv-ss-appl output must be specified as the value for the ssn
parameter. Note: The table in this step is in
the “Provisioning a Dominant
Mated Application” procedure in
the Database Administration
Enter the rtrv-map command with these parameters Manual - Global Title Translation .
and values.
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the previous
If the mapset=dflt parameter was specified in the
previous step, the mapset=dflt parameter should be
specified with the rtrv-map command.
Repeat this step for each entry that was specified in the
previous step.

Do you wish
Enter the No Yes
to provision entries To
for the other Sheet 16

Sheet 15 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 327

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Which subsystem AIQ

will be assigned to the
Sheet 15
mated application?


Perform the procedures

Is the ATINP No in the Feature Manual –
feature enabled and
ATINP to enable the
turned on?
ATINP feature .


Enter the ent-map command using the parameter combinations

shown in the ATINPQ Subsystem column of the Dominant Mated
Applications Parameter Combinations for the ENT-MAP Command
This table is in the “Provisioning a Dominant Mated Application”
procedure in the Database Administration Manual - Global Title
Translation .
If you wish to assign the ATINPQ subsystem to another point code
type, repeat this step with the point code parameter and value
shown in the rtrv-sid output.
If the ATINPQ subsystem is shown in the
rtrv-ss-appl output on Sheet 12, the subsystem number for the
ATINPQ subsystem shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output must be
specified as the value for the ssn parameter.

Enter the rtrv-map command with these parameters and

The pc, pca, pci, or pcn parameter and value specified
in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the previous
If the mapset=dflt parameter was specified in the
previous step, the mapset=dflt parameter should be
specified with the rtrv-map command.
Repeat this step for each entry that was specified in the
previous step.

Do you wish
Enter the No Yes
to provision entries To
for the other Sheet 17

Sheet 16 of 17

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 328

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Perform the procedures in the

From Is the AIQ Feature Manual - Analyzed
Sheet 12 feature enabled and Information Features to enable
or 16 turned on? and turn on the ANSI41 AIQ


Enter the ent-map command using the parameter

combinations shown in the AIQ Subsystem
column of the Dominant Mated Applications
Parameter Combinations for the ENT-MAP
Command table.
This table is in the “Provisioning a Dominant
Mated Application” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title Translation .
If you wish to assign the AIQ subsystem to
another point code type, repeat this step with the
point code parameter and value shown in the
rtrv-sid output.
If the AIQ subsystem is shown in the
rtrv-ss-appl output on Sheet 12, the subsystem
number for the AIQ subsystem shown in the
rtrv-ss-appl output must be specified as the
value for the ssn parameter.

Enter the rtrv-map command with these

parameters and values.
The pc, pca, pci, or pcn parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
If the mapset=dflt parameter was specified in
the previous step, the mapset=dflt parameter
should be specified with the rtrv-map command.
Repeat this step for each entry that was
specified in the previous step.

Enter the

Sheet 17 of 17
Figure 87: Provisioning a Dominant Mated Application

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 329

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Provisioning a Load Shared Mated Application

Enter the
rtrv-map command.

What is the current

maximum number of mated 36000 The Flexible GTT Load
applications the EAGLE 5 Sharing feature is enabled.
ISS can have?

1024, 2000, Enter the rtrv-tbl-capacity

or 3000 command.

Less Than
the Maximum
What is the current Capacity
number of provisioned
mated applications?

Equal to the
Maximum Capacity

What is the current

maximum number of mated 3000
applications shown in either the
rtrv-map or rtrv-tbl-capacity

1024 or 2000

No new point codes can be

used for the mated
Do you wish to application. Existing point
increase the maximum No codes from the rtrv-map
number of MAP entries that output can be used as long
are allowed? as different SSN values are
specified with the point


Perform the "Enabling the

XMAP Table Expansion
Controlled Feature" procedure
to enable and activate the
Sheet 2
XMAP Table Expansion feature
for the desired number of
mated applications.

Sheet 1 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 330

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the Flexible GTT No Is a new point code Yes

From To
Load Sharing feature being added to a new
Sheet 1 Sheet 6
enabled? MAP group?

Yes No
Sheet 3

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these parameters. Is an existing point
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<primary point code No code, shown in the rtrv-map Yes To
of the existing MAP group that the new output, being added to a new Sheet 5
mated application is being added to> MAP group?
:ssn=<SSN assigned to the point code>


Less Is the new

How many entries than 32 Yes
point code being added
does the MAP group
to an existing MAP


The MAP group contains the

maximum number entries.
No more entries can be
added to this MAP group.

Perform the “Removing a

Do you wish
Yes Mated Application” procedure
to remove any mated
to remove the required
applications from the MAP
number of mated applciations
from the MAP group.


Do you wish
Yes No Do you wish add Yes
add the mated application To
the mated application to
to another existing MAP Sheet 5
a new MAP group?


This procedure cannot be


Sheet 2 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 331

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the mated
No Is a new point code Yes
From application being added To
being added to a new
Sheet 2 to the default MAP Sheet 6
default MAP set?

Yes No
Sheet 4

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these parameters.
Is an existing
No point code, shown in the Yes
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<primary point code To
rtrv-map output, being added
of the existing MAP group in the default Sheet 5
to a new MAP group in the
MAP set that the new mated application is
default MAP set?
being added to>
:ssn=<SSN assigned to the point code>


Less Is the new

How many entries than 32 point code being Yes
does the MAP group added to an existing MAP
contain? group in the default
MAP set?


The MAP group contains the

maximum number entries.
No more entries can be
added to this MAP group.

Perform the “Removing a

Do you wish
Yes Mated Application” procedure
to remove any mated
to remove the required
applications from the MAP
number of mated applciations
from the MAP group.


Do you wish
Do you wish add
Yes add the mated application No Yes
the mated application to To
to another existing MAP
a new MAP group in the Sheet 5
group in the default
default MAP set?
MAP set?

This procedure cannot be

Sheet 3 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 332

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is a new point code Yes

From To
being added to a new
Sheet 3 Sheet 6
MAP set?

No Is an existing Yes
point code, shown in the
rtrv-map output, being added
to a new MAP set?

Enter the No
rtrv-map command with this parameter. To
:mapset=<MAP set ID that the new mated Sheet 5
application is being added to>


Less Is the new

How many entries than 32 Yes
point code being
does the MAP set
added to an existing
MAP set?


The MAP set contains the

maximum number entries.
No more entries can be
added to this MAP set.

Perform the “Removing a

Do you wish
Yes Mated Application” procedure
to remove any mated
to remove the required
applications from the MAP
number of mated applciations
from the MAP set.


Do you wish
Yes No Do you wish add Yes
add the mated application To
the mated application to
to another existing Sheet 5
a new MAP set?
MAP set?


This procedure cannot be


Sheet 4 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 333

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2,
3, or 4

Enter the
rtrv-map command with this parameter:
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code of
the new mated application>

How many different
than 12
SSN entries are assigned
to the point code?


The point code contains the

maximum number of SSNs. No
more SSNs can be provisioned To
for this point code. Sheet 6


Do you wish to
use another existing Do you wish to
Yes No
point code from the rtrv-map use a new point
output? See the code?


Note: If the current number of provisioned This procedure cannot be

mated applications is equal to the performed.
maximum number of mated applications
that can be provisioned, shown in either
the rtrv-map or rtrv-tbl-capacity outputs
on Sheet 1, only point codes shown in
the rtrv-map output can be used to
provision mated applications.

Sheet 5 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 334

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2, 3,
Note: If the mated point code is not
4, or 5
assigned to a CSPC group, that point
code will not be notified of the
subsystem's status.

group to be assigned to No
the mated application?
See the Note.


Enter the
rtrv-cspc command.

Is the required No
CSPC group in the


Enter the
rtrv-cspc command
with this parameter.
:grp=<CSPC group>

Perform the "Adding a

Does the CSPC Concerned Signaling Point
group contain the point No Code" procedure to add the
code and mated point CSPC group and point code
code being added? or mated point code to the

Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 335

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Will the
network type of the
From CSPC group be the same No
Sheet 6 as the network type of the primary
point code of the
mated application?


Does the CSPC

group contain different types of point codes? Yes
(shown either in the rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC
group> output from Sheet 6, or as a result
of adding a new CSPC group)


Enter the

Is the
Conversion feature


Perform the "Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP

Conversion Feature" procedure to enable
Sheet 8
the ANSI/ITU SCCP conversion feature.

Sheet 7 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 336

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the MAPSET Yes

column shown in the
Sheet 7
rtrv-map output?


Do you wish No
to provision MAP


If the WT, %WT, and THR columns

Perform "Activating the
are shown in the rtrv-map output on
Flexible GTT Load Sharing
Sheet 1, then the Weighted GTT
Feature" procedure to
Load Sharing feature is enabled.
enable and turn on the
Weight and in-service threshold
Flexible GTT Load Sharing
values can be assigned when
provisioning mated applications.

Do you wish to
No provision weight and in-service
threshold values for the mated


Are the WT,

Yes %WT, and THR columns are
shown in the rtrv-map output
on Sheet 1?


Perform "Activating the Weighted

Yes Is a new mated GTT Load Sharing Feature"
application to be procedure to enable and turn on
created? the Weighted GTT Load Sharing

To To
Sheet 9 Sheet 10

Sheet 8 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 337

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are the primary and

mate point codes of the mated No
application assigned to other mated
Sheet 8
appalications shown in the
rtrv-map output?

Is primary point
code of the mated Yes
To To
application assigned to other
Sheet 11 Sheet 10
mated appalications shown in
the rtrv-map output?

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code"
Is the required No procedure to add the required
point code shown in the
destination point code. A proxy
rtrv-dstn output?
point code cannot be assigned to
this point code.


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
:dpc=<primary point code of Enter the
the mated application> rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc=<primary point code of
the mated application>

Is a proxy point No
code shown in the Perform one of the
previous step? "Adding a Route"
procedures to add the
Is the No required route to the
required route in the
Yes database using the
mated application
primary point code as
This point code cannot be the DPC of the route.
assigned to the mated
application. Choose another
point code.
Sheet 10

Sheet 9 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 338

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is mate point code

From of the mated application No
Sheets 8 assigned to other mated
or 9 appalications shown in
the rtrv-map output?

Sheet 11 Yes Was the rtrv-dstn No
command performed on
Sheet 9?

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code"
Is the required point No procedure to add the required
code shown in the
destination point code. A proxy
rtrv-dstn output?
point code cannot be assigned
to this point code.


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
:dpc=<mate point code of the
mated application>

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc=<mate point code of
Is a proxy point No the mated application>
code shown in the
previous step?

Perform one of the

Yes "Adding a Route"
procedures to add the
Is the No required route to the
required route in the
This point code cannot be database using the
assigned to the mated mated application mate
application. Choose another point code as the DPC
point code. of the route.

Sheet 11

Sheet 10 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 339

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are the
Are the
From MRNSET and MRN No No
Sheets 9 point code parameters to be
fields shown in the rtrv-map
or 10 specified for the mated

Yes Yes

Perform the “Activating the

GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing Indicator
Enter the rtrv-mrn
Feature” procedure to
enable the GTT Load
Sharing with Alternate
Routing Indicator feature.

No Is a new Yes
mated application to be

Is the desired
Enter the chg-map No MRNSET and MRN point
Enter the ent-map code values shown in the
command using the
command using the rtrv-mrn output? See
parameter combinations
parameter combinations Notes 1 and 2.
shown in the Load Shared
shown in the Load
Mated Application
Shared Mated Application
Parameter Combinations
Parameter Combinations
for the CHG-MAP Yes
for the ENT-MAP
Command table in this
Command table in this
procedure. See
procedure. See Note 2.
Note 2. Perform the “Provisioning
This step can be repeated MRN Entries” procedure to
until the mated application create an MRN set that
group contains a maximum contains the MRN point
of 32 entries. code value.

Yes Are more mated

applications to be added
to the group? Notes:
1. For the valid mated application point code and
Enter the rtrv-map command with these MRN point code combinations, see Note 7 in the
parameters and values: No Load Shared Mated Application Parameter
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 Combinations for the ENT-MAP Command table or
parameter and value specified in the Note 8 in the Load Shared Mated Application
previous step. Parameter Combinations for the CHG-MAP
The ssn parameter and value specified Command table.
in the previous step. 2. These tables are in the “Provisioning a Load
If the mapset parameter was specified in Shared Mated Application” procedure in the
the previous step, the mapset parameter Database Administration Manual - Global Title
and value from the previous step must Translation .
be specified.

Enter the

Sheet 11 of 11
Figure 88: Provisioning a Load Shared Mated Application

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 340

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Provisioning a Combined Dominant/Load Shared Mated Application

Enter the
rtrv-map command.

What is the current

maximum number of mated 36000 The Flexible GTT Load
applications the EAGLE 5 Sharing feature is enabled.
ISS can have?

1024, 2000, Enter the rtrv-tbl-capacity

or 3000 command.

Less Than
the Maximum
What is the current Capacity
number of provisioned
mated applications?

Equal to the
Maximum Capacity

What is the current

maximum number of mated 3000
applications shown in either the
rtrv-map or rtrv-tbl-capacity

1024 or 2000

No new point codes can be

used for the mated
Do you wish to application. Existing point
increase the maximum No codes from the rtrv-map
number of MAP entries that output can be used as long
are allowed? as different SSN values are
specified with the point


Perform the "Enabling the

XMAP Table Expansion
Controlled Feature" procedure
to enable and activate the
Sheet 2
XMAP Table Expansion feature
for the desired number of
mated applications.

Sheet 1 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 341

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the Flexible GTT No Is a new point code Yes

From To
Load Sharing feature being added to a new
Sheet 1 Sheet 6
enabled? MAP group?

Yes No
Sheet 3

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these parameters. Is an existing point
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<primary point code No code, shown in the rtrv-map Yes To
of the existing MAP group that the new output, being added to a new Sheet 5
mated application is being added to> MAP group?
:ssn=<SSN assigned to the point code>


Less Is the new

How many entries than 32 Yes
point code being added
does the MAP group
to an existing MAP


The MAP group contains the

maximum number entries.
No more entries can be
added to this MAP group.

Perform the “Removing a

Do you wish
Yes Mated Application” procedure
to remove any mated
to remove the required
applications from the MAP
number of mated applciations
from the MAP group.


Do you wish
Yes No Do you wish add Yes
add the mated application To
the mated application to
to another existing MAP Sheet 5
a new MAP group?


This procedure cannot be


Sheet 2 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 342

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the mated
No Is a new point code Yes
From application being added To
being added to a new
Sheet 2 to the default MAP Sheet 6
default MAP set?

Yes No
Sheet 4

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these parameters.
Is an existing
No point code, shown in the Yes
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<primary point code To
rtrv-map output, being added
of the existing MAP group in the default Sheet 5
to a new MAP group in the
MAP set that the new mated application is
default MAP set?
being added to>
:ssn=<SSN assigned to the point code>


Less Is the new

How many entries than 32 point code being Yes
does the MAP group added to an existing MAP
contain? group in the default
MAP set?


The MAP group contains the

maximum number entries.
No more entries can be
added to this MAP group.

Perform the “Removing a

Do you wish
Yes Mated Application” procedure
to remove any mated
to remove the required
applications from the MAP
number of mated applciations
from the MAP group.


Do you wish
Do you wish add
Yes add the mated application No Yes
the mated application to To
to another existing MAP
a new MAP group in the Sheet 5
group in the default
default MAP set?
MAP set?

This procedure cannot be

Sheet 3 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 343

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is a new point code Yes

From To
being added to a new
Sheet 3 Sheet 6
MAP set?

No Is an existing Yes
point code, shown in the
rtrv-map output, being added
to a new MAP set?

Enter the No
rtrv-map command with this parameter. To
:mapset=<MAP set ID that the new mated Sheet 5
application is being added to>


Less Is the new

How many entries than 32 Yes
point code being
does the MAP set
added to an existing
MAP set?


The MAP set contains the

maximum number entries.
No more entries can be
added to this MAP set.

Perform the “Removing a

Do you wish
Yes Mated Application” procedure
to remove any mated
to remove the required
applications from the MAP
number of mated applciations
from the MAP set.


Do you wish
Yes No Do you wish add Yes
add the mated application To
the mated application to
to another existing Sheet 5
a new MAP set?
MAP set?


This procedure cannot be


Sheet 4 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 344

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2,
3, or 4

Enter the
rtrv-map command with this parameter:
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code of
the new mated application>

How many different
than 12
SSN entries are assigned
to the point code?


The point code contains the

maximum number of SSNs. No
more SSNs can be provisioned To
for this point code. Sheet 6


Do you wish to
use another existing Do you wish to
Yes No
point code from the rtrv-map use a new point
output? See the code?


Note: If the current number of provisioned This procedure cannot be

mated applications is equal to the performed.
maximum number of mated applications
that can be provisioned, shown in either
the rtrv-map or rtrv-tbl-capacity outputs
on Sheet 1, only point codes shown in
the rtrv-map output can be used to
provision mated applications.

Sheet 5 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 345

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2, 3,
Note: If the mated point code is not
4, or 5
assigned to a CSPC group, that point
code will not be notified of the
subsystem's status.

group to be assigned to No
the mated application?
See the Note.


Enter the
rtrv-cspc command.

Is the required No
CSPC group in the


Enter the
rtrv-cspc command
with this parameter.
:grp=<CSPC group>

Perform the "Adding a

Does the CSPC Concerned Signaling Point
group contain the point No Code" procedure to add the
code and mated point CSPC group and point code
code being added? or mated point code to the

Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 346

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Will the
network type of the
From CSPC group be the same No
Sheet 6 as the network type of the primary
point code of the
mated application?


Does the CSPC

group contain different types of point codes? Yes
(shown either in the rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC
group> output from Sheet 6, or as a result
of adding a new CSPC group)


Enter the

Is the
Conversion feature


Perform the "Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP

Conversion Feature" procedure to enable
Sheet 8
the ANSI/ITU SCCP conversion feature.

Sheet 7 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 347

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the MAPSET Yes

column shown in the
Sheet 7
rtrv-map output?


Do you wish No
to provision MAP


If the WT, %WT, and THR columns

Perform "Activating the
are shown in the rtrv-map output on
Flexible GTT Load Sharing
Sheet 1, then the Weighted GTT
Feature" procedure to
Load Sharing feature is enabled.
enable and turn on the
Weight and in-service threshold
Flexible GTT Load Sharing
values can be assigned when
provisioning mated applications.

Do you wish to
No provision weight and in-service
threshold values for the mated


Are the WT,

Yes %WT, and THR columns are
shown in the rtrv-map output
on Sheet 1?


Perform "Activating the Weighted

Yes Is a new mated GTT Load Sharing Feature"
application to be procedure to enable and turn on
created? the Weighted GTT Load Sharing

To To
Sheet 9 Sheet 10

Sheet 8 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 348

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are the primary and

mate point codes of the mated No
application assigned to other mated
Sheet 8
appalications shown in the
rtrv-map output?

Is primary point
code of the mated Yes
To To
application assigned to other
Sheet 11 Sheet 10
mated appalications shown in
the rtrv-map output?

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code"
Is the required No procedure to add the required
point code shown in the
destination point code. A proxy
rtrv-dstn output?
point code cannot be assigned to
this point code.


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
:dpc=<primary point code of Enter the
the mated application> rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc=<primary point code of
the mated application>

Is a proxy point No
code shown in the Perform one of the
previous step? "Adding a Route"
procedures to add the
Is the No required route to the
required route in the
Yes database using the
mated application
primary point code as
This point code cannot be the DPC of the route.
assigned to the mated
application. Choose another
point code.
Sheet 10

Sheet 9 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 349

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is mate point code

From of the mated application No
Sheets 8 assigned to other mated
or 9 appalications shown in
the rtrv-map output?

Sheet 11 Yes Was the rtrv-dstn No
command performed on
Sheet 9?

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code"
Is the required point No procedure to add the required
code shown in the
destination point code. A proxy
rtrv-dstn output?
point code cannot be assigned
to this point code.


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
:dpc=<mate point code of the
mated application>

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc=<mate point code of
Is a proxy point No the mated application>
code shown in the
previous step?

Perform one of the

Yes "Adding a Route"
procedures to add the
Is the No required route to the
required route in the
This point code cannot be database using the
assigned to the mated mated application mate
application. Choose another point code as the DPC
point code. of the route.

Sheet 11

Sheet 10 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 350

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are the
Are the
From MRNSET and MRN No No
Sheets 9 point code parameters to be
fields shown in the rtrv-map
or 10 specified for the mated

Yes Yes

Perform the “Activating the

GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing Indicator
Enter the rtrv-mrn
Feature” procedure to
enable the GTT Load
Sharing with Alternate
Routing Indicator feature.

No Is a new Yes
mated application to be

Is the desired
Enter the chg-map Enter the ent-map No MRNSET and MRN point
command using the command using the code values shown in the
parameter combinations parameter combinations rtrv-mrn output? See
shown in the Combined shown in the Combined Notes 1 and 2.
Dominant/Load Shared Dominant/Load Shared
Mated Application Mated Application
Parameter Combinations Parameter Combinations Yes
for the CHG-MAP for the ENT-MAP
Command table in this Command table in this
procedure. See procedure. See Note 2. Perform the “Provisioning
Note 2. MRN Entries” procedure to
This step can be repeated create an MRN set that
until the mated application contains the MRN point
group contains a maximum code value.
of 32 entries.
Yes Are more mated
applications to be added
to the group? Notes:
1. For the valid mated application point code and
Enter the rtrv-map command with these MRN point code combinations, see Note 9 in the
parameters and values: No Combined Dominant/Load Shared Mated Application
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 Parameter Combinations for the ENT-MAP
parameter and value specified in the Command table or Note 10 in the Combined
previous step. Dominant/Load Shared Mated Application Parameter
The ssn parameter and value specified Combinations for the CHG-MAP Command table.
in the previous step. 2. These tables are in the “Provisioning a Combined
If the mapset parameter was specified in Dominant/Load Shared Mated Application”
the previous step, the mapset parameter procedure in the Database Administration Manual -
and value from the previous step must Global Title Translation .
be specified.

Enter the

Sheet 11 of 11
Figure 89: Provisioning a Combined Dominant/Load Shared Mated Application

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 351

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Removing a Mated Application

Does the mated

Enter the Enter the application that is being removed No
rtrv-map command. rtrv-sid command. contain the EAGLE 5 ISS’s true
point code?

Perform the
procedures in the
ELAP Administration Yes
LNP Which
and LNP Feature
subystem is being
Activation manual
and remove the LNP Enter the
subsystem from the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.

Perform the procedures

in the Feature Manual - EIR
EIR and remove the EIR
subsystem from the
database. Are any of the
features shown in the
Perform the procedures Subsystem Features table No
in the Feature Manual – INP
in this procedure enabled,
INP/AINPQ and remove and turned on
the INP subsystem from if required?
the database.

Perform the procedures

in the Feature Manual – V-Flex Yes
V-Flex and remove the V-
Flex subsystem from the
database. Enter the rtrv-ss-appl
Perform the procedures
in the Feature Manual – ATINPQ
ATINP and remove the
ATINPQ subsystem from
the database.
Does the
mated application
Perform the procedures Yes contain any of the subsystems No
in the Feature Manual - shown in the Subsystem
Analyzed Information Features table in this
Features to remove the procedure?
AIQ subsystem from the
database. To
Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 352

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is a specific point
Is the MAPSET field Yes Yes
From code and subsystem entry To
shown in the rtrv-map output
Sheet 1 being removed from the Sheet 5
on Sheet 1?
default MAP set?

Sheet 5

The GTT Load Sharing

Yes Is the MRNSET No
with Alternate Routing
field shown in the
Indicator feature is
rtrv-map output?

A point code/
SSN entry in
the MAP set To
Sheet 3 Enter the dlt-map command with these
What is parameters.
being removed from :mapset=<the MAP set ID assigned to the
the MAP set? (See MAP entry>
the Note) An MRN set :mrnset=<the MRN set ID assigned to the
MAP entry>
The entire :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the point code in the
MAP set specified MAP set>
Note: If the MRNSET
:ssn=<subsystem number assigned to the
column contains
point code value in the specified MAP set>
Enter the rtrv-mrn dashes, then an MRN
command. set is not assigned to
the MAP set.

Do you wish to Yes To

remove a point code entry
Is the MAP set Sheet 3
Yes from the MAP set?
assigned to any MRN

Perform the “Removing
MRN Entries” procedure to
remove the MAP set from
the MRN sets. Was the default
No Yes
MAP set specified in the
To previous step?
Sheet 3
Enter the
rtrv-map command with this
:mapset=<the MAP set ID Enter the
specified in the previous rtrv-map command with these
step> parameters.
Enter the :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the point
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed code parameter and value specified
command. in the previous step>
:ssn=<subsystem number specified
in the previous step>

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 353

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Is the EGTT feature Yes

Enter the
Sheets 1 on (see the rtrv-feat output
rtrv-feat command.
or 2 on this Sheet)?

Enter the rtrv-tt
Enter the rtrv-gttset

Enter the
rtrv-gtt command with these
Enter the
rtrv-gta command with these
:type=<translation type from the
rtrv-tt command output>
:gttsn=<GTT set name from the
:mapset=<MAP set ID containing the
rtrv-gttset command output>
point code and subsystem entry
:mapset=<MAP set ID containing the
being removed>
point code and subsystem entry
being removed>

Are entries Yes

displayed in the rtrv-gtt
output? Are entries Yes
displayed in the rtrv-gta
Perform the “Changing a
No Global Title Translation”
procedure to change the
MAP set assignment for No
Perform the “Changing
the global title translations Global Title Address
displayed in the rtrv-gtt Information” procedure
output. to change the MAP set
assignment for the
global title translations
No Have all the
displayed in the rtrv-gta
global title translations
been checked?

No Have all the

Yes global title translations
been checked?

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 354

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enter the
rtrv-gsms-opcode command with this Are entries
From parameter. displayed in the Yes
Sheet 3 :mapset=<MAP set ID containing the rtrv-gsms-opcode
point code and subsystem entry output?
being removed>


Note: If the Flexible GTT Perform the “Changing a GSM

Load Sharing feature is MAP Screening Operation
not enabled, only the Enter the
Code” procedure to change the
mated application’s point rtrv-gsms-opcode
MAP set assignment for the
code is referenced. command.
GSM opcode entries displayed
If the Flexible GTT Load in the rtrv-gsms-opcode output.
Sharing feature is
enabled, the mated
application’s point code Enter the
and MAP set ID is rtrv-gsmmap-scrn command with
referenced. these parameters.
:opname=<opname from the
rtrv-gsms-opcode output>
:mapset=<MAP set ID containing the
point code and subsystem entry
No being removed>

Have all the Are entries

Yes GSM MAP screening No displayed in the
entries been rtrv-gsmmap-scrn
checked? output?


Perform the “Changing a GSM MAP

Screening Entry” procedure to
change the MAP set assignment for
the GSM MAP screening entries
displayed in the
rtrv-gsmmap-scrn output.

Enter the chg-ppsopts command with

these parameters.
:ppt=<the prepaid portability type
Do any entries in
containing the mated application’s point
the rtrv-ppsopts output Yes
Enter the rtrv-ppsopts code or the mated application’s point
reference the mated application
command. code and MAP set ID>
being removed?
See the Note.
Repeat this step for all entries in the
rtrv-ppsopts output that reference the
mated application being removed.

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 355

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2
or 4

Are all the mated

No applications and subsystems Yes
for a specified point code
being removed?

Enter the dlt-map command with Enter the dlt-map command

these parameters. with these parameters.
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code
value being removed> value being removed>
:ssn=<subsystem number assigned :all=yes
to the point code value being If the mated application is
removed> assigned to a MAP set, the
If the mated application is mapset parameter and value
assigned to a MAP set, the must be specified with the
mapset parameter and value dlt-map command.
must be specified with the See the Note.
dlt-map command.
See the Note.

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these
Enter the parameters.
rtrv-map command with these The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
parameters. parameter and value specified in
The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 the previous step.
parameter and value specified in The mapset parameter and value
the previous step. specified in the previous step, if
The ssn parameter and value the mated applciation was
specified in the previous step. assigned to a MAP set.
The mapset parameter and value
specified in the previous step, if
the mated applciation was
assigned to a MAP set.

Enter the

Note: If weight and threshold values are assigned to a load shared or

combined dominant/load shared mated application, and if by removing
entries from this mated application the mated application becomes
either a solitary or dominant mated application, all weight and threshold
values are removed from the remaining entries in the mated application.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 90: Removing a Mated Application

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 356

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing the Attributes of a Mated Application

Enter the
rtrv-map command.

Are the
point code and SSN (PC No To
and SSN parameter values) Sheet 2
being changed?


Record the existing MAP group or

MAP set data.
Note: If the MAPSET field is
shown in the rtrv-map output, then
a MAP set is being changed in this

Perform the "Removing a

Mated Application" procedure
and remove the mated

Perform one of the "Provisioning a

Mated Application" procedures in
this chapter and add the new
mated application.

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 357

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Is the
Enter the Yes No
CSPC group name being
rtrv-cspc command

Is the required No
CSPC group in the

Yes Perform the "Adding a Concerned

Signaling Point Code" procedure to
add the CSPC group and PC or mated
Enter the PC to the database.
rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC If the format of the primary point
code of the mated application and
group> command
the formats of the point codes in the
CSPC group will be different, the
ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature
must be enabled. To
Sheet 4

Are the
required point codes assigned
to the CSPC group?


Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 358

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Will the
network type of the
From CSPC group be the same Yes
Sheet 2 as the network type of the primary
point code of the mated


Does the CSPC

group contain different types of point
codes? (shown either in the Yes
rtrv-cspc:grp=<CSPC group> output from
Sheet 2, or as a result of adding a new
CSPC group)


Enter the

Is the
feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP

Conversion Feature" procedure to enable
Sheet 4
the ANSI/ITU SCCP conversion feature.

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 359

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Will the
From Yes
sso parameter value
Sheet 3
be changed?

Enter the
No rtrv-sid command

Enter the chg-map command with these

mandatory parameters:
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<current ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I
spare, ITU-N, ITU-N spare, or ITU-N24 point code>
:ssn=<current subsystem number>
and with at least one of these optional parameters.
:grp=<CSPC group name>
:sso=<on, off>
:srm=<yes, no>
:mrc=<yes, no>
If the MAPSET field is shown in the rtrv-map output
on Sheet 1, the mapset parameter specifying the
current MAP set ID of the mated application must
be specified.
If the MAPSET field is not shown in the rtrv-map
output on Sheet 1, the mapset parameter cannot
be specified with the chg-map command.
(See the Notes on Sheet 6)

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these parameters.
The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter and
value specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
The mapset parameter must be specified with
the rtrv-map command, with the value
specified in the previous step, if it was
specified with the chg-map command. If the
mapset parameter was not specified with the
chg-map command, it cannot be specified with
the rtrv-map command.

Enter the
Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 360

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 4

Perform the “Changing

the MRNSET and MRN
Do you wish to Point Code Values of MAP
change the MRNSET and Yes Entries” procedure in this
MRN point code values in chapter.
the MAP set? This procedure can be
performed only on a MAP


Do you wish to Perform the “Changing

change the weight or the Weight or In-Service
in-service threshold values Threshold Values in the
in the MAP group or Mated Application”
MAP set? procedure in this chapter.


Perform the “Changing

Do you wish to Yes the Mated Application
change the mated
Type” procedure in this
application type?


This procedure is

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 361

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

1. A solitary mated application contains only one entry. The rc parameter can be specified for a
solitary mated application, but is is not necessary.
2. A dominant mated application is a MAP group or MAP set whose rc entries that are unique. If the rc
value of a dominant mated application is being changed, make sure that the new rc value is unique.
3. A load shared mated application is a MAP group or MAP set whose rc entries that are equal.
Specifying the rc parameter for an entry in a load shared mated application is not necessary . For the
load shared mated application to remain a load shared mated application, the rc value for any entry
cannot be changed to another value.
4. A combined dominant/load shared mated application is a MAP group or MAP set that contains
entries with a minimum of two rc values that are equal and a minimum of one rc value that is different.
If the rc value of a combined dominant/load shared mated application is being changed, make sure
that the mated application contains a minimum of two rc values that are equal and a minimum of one
rc value that is different.
5. The sso parameter cannot be specified if the point code value for the mated application is the
EAGLE 5 ISS's point code, shown in the rtrv-sid output.
6. The format of the point codes in the CSPC group specified with the grp parameter must be the
same as the primary point code specified with the chg-map command only if the ANSI/ITU SCCP
Conversion feature is not enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, the CSPC
group may contain a mixture of point code types (see the “Adding a Concerned Signaling Point Code”
procedure in this chapter), and the network type of the CSPC group can be different from the network
type of the primary point code of the mated application.
7. The mated application containing the EAGLE 5 ISS's point code, shown in the rtrv-sid output, can
have only one mate point code assigned to it. The relative cost value assigned to the EAGLE 5 ISS’s
point code must be less than the relative cost value the mate point code. The EAGLE 5 ISS’s true
point code and subsystem cannot be specified for a load shared or combined dominant/load shared
mated application.
8. The mapset parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the Flexible GTT Load
Sharing feature is enabled. If the rtrv-map output contains the MAPSET column, the Flexible GTT
Load Sharing feature is enabled.
9. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the new grp, mrc, srm, or sso values specified
in the chg-map command are applied to all mated applications containing the point code and SSN
specified in the chg-map command.
10. The srm=yes parameter cannot be specified for mated applications containing ITU point codes
(pci/mpci, pcn/mpcn, or pcn24/mpcn24 parameter values).
11. The force=yes parameter must be specified and can be specified only when the rc and either the
srm or mrc parameters are specified.
12. The value of the mrc parameter affects traffic only if the mated application is a dominant mated
13. The value of the srm parameter affects traffic only if the mated application is a dominant or
combined dominant/load shared mated application.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 91: Changing the Attributes of a Mated Application

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 362

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing the Mated Application Type

Is an existing
solitary MAP group or MAP
Enter the set being changed to a dominant, Yes
rtrv-map command. load shared, or combined dominant/
load shared MAP group
or MAP set?

Perform one of the

No "Provisioning
a Mated Application"
in this chapter to add
the new mated
Is a dominant, load
shared, or combined dominant/ No
load shared MAP group or MAP set
being changed to a solitary MAP
group or MAP set?


Record the existing MAP What type of

group or MAP set data. MAP group is being Dominant
created by changing the RC values
in the mated application?
(See the Notes)

Perform the "Removing

a Mated Application" To
procedure to remove Load Shared or Sheet 2
the mated application. Combined

Perform the "Provisioning a

Solitary Mated Application" To
procedure in this chapter to add Sheet 3
the new solitary mated application.

1. The mated application containing the EAGLE 5 ISS's point code can have only
one mate point code assigned to it. The relative cost value assigned to the EAGLE
5 ISS’s point code must be less than the relative cost value the mate point code .
The EAGLE 5 ISS’s true point code and subsystem cannot be specified for a load
shared or combined dominant/load shared mated application.
2. If the mated application being changed is either a load shared or combined
dominant/load shared mated application, and this mated application has weight and
in-service threshold values assigned, when this mated application is changed to a
dominant mated application, the weight and in-service threshold values will be
removed from the mated application.

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 363

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Sheet 1

Enter the chg-map command with these

mandatory parameters.
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<current ANSI,
ITU-I, ITU-I spare, ITU-N, ITU-N spare, or
ITU-N24 point code>
:ssn=<current subsystem number>
:rc=<0-99, the RC value must be unique>
If the MAPSET field is shown in the
rtrv-map output on Sheet 1, the mapset
parameter specifying the current MAP set ID of
the mated application must be specified.
If the MAPSET field is not shown in the rtrv-map
output on Sheet 1, the mapset parameter cannot
be specified with the chg-map command.
Repeat this step to change other
members of the MAP group or MAP set
as necessary.

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these parameters.
The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
The mapset parameter must be specified with
the rtrv-map command, with the value specified
in the previous step, if it was specified with the
chg-map command. If the mapset parameter
was not specified with the chg-map command,
it cannot be specified with the rtrv-map

Enter the

Sheet 6

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 364

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the
rtrv-sid command

Is the EAGLE 5 ISS’s

point code shown in the mated Yes
application that is being

A load shared mated application

No or a combined dominant/load
shared mated application cannot
contain the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point
What type of Record the mated application
MAP group or MAP set is data.
being created?

Combined Perform the "Removing

Dominant/Load a Mated Application"
Load Shared Shared procedure to remove
the mated application.

To To
Perform the "Provisioning a Load
Sheet 4 Sheet 5
Shared Mated Application"
procedure or the "Provisioning a
Combined Dominant/Load Shared
Mated Application" procedure in
this chapter to add the new mated

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 365

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

Enter the chg-map command with these mandatory

:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<current ANSI,
ITU-I, ITU-I spare, ITU-N, ITU-N spare, or
ITU-N24 point code>
:ssn=<current subsystem number>
:rc=<0-99, all RC values in the mated application
must be equal>
If the MAPSET field is shown in the rtrv-map output on
Sheet 1, the mapset parameter specifying the current
MAP set ID of the mated application must be specified.
If the MAPSET field is not shown in the rtrv-map output on
Sheet 1, the mapset parameter cannot be specified with
the chg-map command.
Repeat this step to change other members of the MAP
group or MAP set as necessary.

Enter the rtrv-map command with these parameters.

The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter and value specified in
the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the previous
The mapset parameter must be specified with the rtrv-map
command, with the value specified in the previous step, if it
was specified with the chg-map command. If the mapset
parameter was not specified with the chg-map command, it
cannot be specified with the rtrv-map command.

Enter the

Sheet 6

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 366

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

Enter the chg-map command with these mandatory

:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<current ANSI,
ITU-I, ITU-I spare, ITU-N, ITU-N spare, or ITU-N24
point code>
:ssn=<current subsystem number>
:rc=<0-99, the mated application must contain a
minimum of two RC values that are equal and a
minimum of one RC value that is different>
If the MAPSET field is shown in the rtrv-map output on
Sheet 1, the mapset parameter specifying the current
MAP set ID of the mated application must be
If the MAPSET field is not shown in the rtrv-map
output on Sheet 1, the mapset parameter cannot be
specified with the chg-map command.
Repeat this step to change other members of the
MAP group or MAP set as necessary.

Enter the rtrv-map command with these

The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
The mapset parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
The mapset parameter must be specified with the
rtrv-map command, with the value specified in the
previous step, if it was specified with the chg-map
command. If the mapset parameter was not
specified with the chg-map command, it cannot be
specified with the rtrv-map command.

Enter the
Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 367

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2,
4, or 5

Perform the “Changing

the MRNSET and MRN
Do you wish to Point Code Values of MAP
change the MRNSET and Yes Entries” procedure in this
MRN point code values in chapter.
the MAP set? This procedure can be
performed only on a MAP


Do you wish to Perform the “Changing

change the weight or the Weight and In-Service
in-service threshold values Threshold Values in the
in the MAP group or Mated Application”
MAP set? procedure in this chapter.


Do you wish to Perform the “Changing the

change any of the other Yes Attributes of a Mated
attributes in the MAP Application” procedure in
set or MAP group? this chapter.


This procedure is

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 92: Changing the Mated Application Type

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 368

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing the Weight and In-Service Threshold Values of a Mated


Enter the
rtrv-map command.

Are the WT,

%WT, and THR columns Yes
shown in the rtrv-map


Perform the "Activating the

Weighted GTT Load Sharing Solitary or
Feature" procedure in Appendix A, What type of Dominant
"Controlled Feature Activation mated application is being
Procedures," to enable and turn on changed?
the Weighted GTT Load Sharing
Load Shared or

Do you wish to
change the type of mated


Perform the "Changing the Mated

Application Type " procedure in
Appendix A, in this chapter to
change the mated application to
Sheet 2
either a Load Shared or Combined
Dominant/Load Shared mated

Sheet 1 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 369

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

The Same Weight

Value for the
Entire MAP Group
From What values
or MAP Set To
Sheets 1, 3, do you wish to
Sheet 3
4, 5, 6, 8 change?

The Same Weight

Value and In-Service
Threshold Value for
the Entire MAP Group
or MAP Set To
Sheet 4

The Weight Value

for an Individual
Entry in a MAP
Group or MAP Set To
Sheet 5

The Weight and RC

Value for an
Individual Entry in a
MAP Group or MAP
Set To
Sheet 5

The In-Service
Value Only To
Sheet 6

The Weight Value

for all Entries with
the same RC Value To
Sheet 7

The Weight Value

for all Entries with
the same RC Value
and the In-Service
Threshold Value To
Sheet 7

Sheet 2 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 370

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

The same weight value for all the entries in

a MAP set or MAP group are specified with
the eswt parameter. The eswt parameter
has the values 1 – 99, or none.
The eswt=none parameter can be
From specified only for a MAP set or MAP group
Sheet 2 that contains weight and in-service
threshold values. The eswt=none
parameter removes removes all the weight
and in-service threshold values from the
MAP set or MAP group, creating a
non-weighted MAP set or MAP group.

Enter the
chg-map command with these
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<current ANSI,
ITU-I, ITU-I spare, ITU-N, ITU-N spare,
or ITU-N24 point code>
:ssn=<current subsystem number>
:eswt=<1 – 99,or none>
Note: If the MAPSET field shown in
the rtrv-map output on Sheet 1, the
mapset=<current MAP set ID>
parameter must be specified with the
chg-map command.

Was the
eswt=none parameter


Do you wish to
make other changes to
To No Yes To
the weight and in-service
Sheet 8 Sheet 2
threshold values for the MAP
group or MAP set?

Sheet 3 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 371

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2

Enter the
chg-map command with these
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<current ANSI,
ITU-I, ITU-I spare, ITU-N, ITU-N spare,
or ITU-N24 point code>
:ssn=<current subsystem number>
:eswt=<1 – 99>
:thr=<1 – 100>
Notes: If the MAPSET field shown in
the rtrv-map output on Sheet 1, the
mapset=<current MAP set ID>
parameter must be specified with the
chg-map command.

Do you wish to
make other changes to
Yes To
the weight and in-service
Sheet 2
threshold values for the MAP
group or MAP set?


Sheet 8

Sheet 4 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 372

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2

Do you wish to
change the RC value of the Yes
entry in the MAP set or MAP
Enter the chg-map command with
these parameters:
ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, ITU-N,
ITU-N spare, or ITU-N24 point
Enter the chg-map command with code>
these parameters: :ssn=<current subsystem number>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<current :wt=<1 – 99>
ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, ITU-N, :rc=<0 - 99>
ITU-N spare, or ITU-N24 point :force=yes
Repeat this step for each entry
:ssn=<current subsystem number>
whose weight value is being
:wt=<1 – 99>
changed. The resulting MAP set or
Repeat this step for each entry MAP group must be either a Load
whose weight value is being Shared or Combined Dominant/
changed. Load Shared MAP set or MAP
Note: If the MAPSET field shown group.
in the rtrv-map output on Sheet 1, Note: If the MAPSET field shown
the mapset=<current MAP set ID> in the rtrv-map output on Sheet 1,
parameter must be specified with the mapset=<current MAP set ID>
the chg-map command. parameter must be specified with
the chg-map command.

Do you wish to
make other changes to Yes To
the weight and in-service
Sheet 2
threshold values for the MAP
group or MAP set?

Sheet 8

Sheet 5 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 373

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2

Enter the
chg-map command with these
ITU-I, ITU-I spare, ITU-N, ITU-N
spare, or ITU-N24 point code>
:ssn=<current subsystem number>
:thr=<1 – 100>
Note: If the MAPSET field shown
in the rtrv-map output on Sheet 1,
the mapset=<current MAP set ID>
parameter must be specified with
the chg-map command.

Do you wish to
make other changes to Yes To
the weight and in-service
Sheet 2
threshold values for the MAP
group or MAP set?


Sheet 8

Sheet 6 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 374

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2

The mated application being changed on this sheet should be in

a Combined Dominant/Load Shared MAP set or MAP group.
The weight value of each entry in the MAP set or MAP group
that has the same RC value as the specified entry is changed to
the value specified by the grpwt parameter.
If the grpwt parameter is specified for an entry in a Load Shared
MAP set or MAP group, the weight value of all the entries are
changed to the grpwt parameter value as all the entries in the
Load Shared MAP set or MAP group have the same RC value.
The action of the grpwt parameter on a Load Shared MAP set or
MAP group is action is the same as the action performed by the
eswt parameter.

Do you wish to
change the in-service
No Yes
threshold value of an RC
group in the MAP set or
MAP group?

Enter the chg-map command with Enter the chg-map command with
these parameters: these parameters:
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<current :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<current
ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, ITU-N, ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, ITU-N,
ITU-N spare, or ITU-N24 point ITU-N spare, or ITU-N24 point
code> code>
:ssn=<current subsystem number> :ssn=<current subsystem number>
:grpwt=<1 – 99> :grpwt=<1 – 99>
An RC group is a group of entries in :thr=<1 - 100>
the MAP group or MAP set with the An RC group is a group of entries in
same RC value. the MAP group or MAP set with the
Repeat this step for each RC group same RC value.
whose weight value is being Repeat this step for each RC group
changed. whose weight value and in-service
Note: If the MAPSET field shown threshold is being changed.
in the rtrv-map output on Sheet 1, Note: If the MAPSET field shown
the mapset=<current MAP set ID> in the rtrv-map output on Sheet 1,
parameter must be specified with the mapset=<current MAP set ID>
the chg-map command. parameter must be specified with
the chg-map command.

Sheet 8

Sheet 7 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 375

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 3, 4,
5, 6, or 7

Enter the rtrv-map command with these parameters:

The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter and value specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the previous step.
The mapset parameter and value specified in the previous step.
The mapset parameter must be specified with the rtrv-map command if it was
specified with the chg-map command. If the mapset parameter was not
specified with the chg-map command, it cannot be specified with the
rtrv-map command.

Do you wish to
Yes make other changes to
the weight and in-service
threshold values for the MAP
group or MAP set?

Enter the
Sheet 2

Perform the “Changing

the MRNSET and MRN
Do you wish to Point Code Values of MAP
change the MRNSET and Yes Entries” procedure in this
MRN point code values in chapter.
the MAP set? This procedure can be
performed only on a MAP


Do you wish to Perform the “Changing the

change any of the other Yes Attributes of a Mated
attributes in the MAP Application” procedure in
set or MAP group? this chapter.

This procedure is

Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 93: Changing the Weight and In-Service Threshold Values of a Mated Application

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 376

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing the MRNSET and MRN Point Code Values of MAP Entries

Enter the
rtrv-map command

Are the
fields shown in the rtrv-map

Yes Perform the “Activating the

GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing Indicator
Enter the rtrv-mrn Feature” procedure in
command. Appendix A to enable the
GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing Indicator

Are the desired

MRNSET and MAP point
code values shown in the rtrv-mrn
output? (See the Note
on Sheet 2)


Perform the “Provisioning

MRN Entries” procedure in
this chapter to create a
Sheet 2
MRN set that contains the
MRN point code value.

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 377

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the chg-map command with these parameters.

:mapset=<MAP set ID from the
rtrv-map output>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value from the
rtrv-map output>
:ssn=<the SSN value assigned to the pc/pca/pci/
pcn/pcn24 in the MAP set shown in the rtrv-map
:mrnset=<the MRN set value from the
rtrv-mrn output>
mrnpcn24=<the point code value in the MRN set
shown in the rtrv-mrn output>
Note: The network type of the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
and the mrnpc/mrnpca/mrnpci/mrnpcn/mrnpcn24
parameter values must be the same. The
combinations are shown in the MAP and MRN Point
Code Parameter Combinations table in this

Enter the rtrv-map command with these

parameters and values.
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and
value specified in the previous step.
The ssn parameter and value specified in the
previous step.
The mapset parameter and value specified in
the previous step.

Enter the

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 378

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2

Do you wish to Perform the “Changing

change the mated Yes the Mated Application
application type for this Type” procedure in this
MAP set? chapter.


Perform the “Changing

Do you wish to
the Weight and In-Service
change the weight or Yes
Threshold Values in the
in-service threshold values
Mated Application”
for this MAP set?
procedure in this chapter.


Do you wish to Perform the “Changing the

change any of the other Yes Attributes of a Mated
attributes in this Application” procedure in
MAP set? this chapter.


This procedure is

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 94: Changing the MRNSET and MRN Point Code Values of MAP Entries

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 379

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Provisioning MRN Entries

Enter the
rtrv-mrn command. 3000 or
What is the maximum
capacity of the MRN table
shown in the rtrv-mrn

Are any MRN Yes

entries shown in the
rtrv-mrn output? 5904 - 5999 or
2904 - 2999

Entries are provisioned in the
Will the addition of SCCP-SERV table, shown in the
Enter the the new MRNs exceed the Yes rtrv-sccp-serv output.
rtrv-ctrl-feat command maximum capacity of the MRN Entries in the MRN or SCCP-SERV
with this parameter. table shown in the rtrv-mrn tables must be removed so that the
:partnum=893006901 output? new MRN entries can be added.

The new MRN entries

No cannot be added. This
procedure cannot be
Yes performed.
feature enabled?
No Will any entries
be removed?

Perform the "Activating the
IGTTLS Feature" procedure to To
enable and turn on the IGTTLS Sheet 2
feature. SCCP-SERV
Entries Which type of
entries will be
Enter the rtrv-sccp-serv

Perform the “Removing MRN

Entries” procedure to remove the
required number of MRN entries to
Enter the dlt-sccp-serv command with this mandatory allow the addition of the new MRN
parameter. entries.
:serv=<gport, gflex>
and with at least one of these point code parameters, to
remove specific point code entries:
:pc1/pca1/pci1/pcn1/pcn241=<point code>
:pc2/pca2/pci2/pcn2/pcn242=<point code> To
Sheet 2
:pc3/pca3/pci3/pcn3/pcn243=<point code>
:pc4/pca4/pci4/pcn4/pcn244=<point code>
or with one of the point code parameters and the all=yes
parmeter, to remove all the entries for the G-Port or G-Flex
service. Remove the required number of entries to allow
the addition of the new MRN entries.

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 380

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Are the WT,%WT, Yes

and THR columns shown in
the rtrv-mrn output?


Do you wish
to provision weight and No
in-service threshold


Perform the "Activating the

Weighted GTT Load Sharing Is the MRNSET Yes
Feature" procedure enable and turn column shown in the
on the Weighted GTT Load Sharing rtrv-mrn output?


Do you wish No
to provision MRN


Perform the "Activating the Flexible

GTT Load Sharing Feature" to enable To
and turn on the Flexible GTT Load Sheet 3
Sharing feature.

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 381

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are all the point

Is the Flexible Yes codes being specified in Yes
GTT Load Sharing this procedure shown in the
Sheet 2
feature enabled? rtrv-mrn output on
Sheet 1?

Enter the
rtrv-sid command.

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a Destination

Perform one of the
Is the required point No Point Code" procedure to add the
"Adding a Route"
code shown in the required destination point code. A
procedures to the
rtrv-dstn output? proxy point code cannot be assigned
required routes.
to this point code.


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with
this parameter.
:dpc=<point code being

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this parameter.
:dpc=<point code value used in this
Is a proxy point No Repeat this step for all point code
code shown in the values used in this procedure.
previous step? If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing
feature is enabled, perform this step
for the point codes used in this
Yes procedure that are not shown in the
rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1.

This point code

cannot be
assigned to the
global title
translation. Are the required
No Yes
Choose another routes in the
point code. database?

Perform one of the

"Adding a Route" To
procedures to the Sheet 4
required routes.

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 382

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

Are the
point code, and MAPSSN No
parameters to be specified
for the MRN


Are the
MAPSSN fields shown in the
rtrv-mrn output?

Yes Perform the “Activating the

GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing Indicator
Enter the rtrv-map
Feature” procedure to
enable the GTT Load
Sharing with Alternate
Routing Indicator feature.

Are the desired

code, and MAPSSN values Yes
shown in the rtrv-map
output? (See the


Perform one of the Provisioning a

Mated Application procedures to
provision a MAP set that contains
Sheet 5
the MAP point code and MAPSSN

Note: For the valid MRN point code and mated application point
code combinations, see Note 12 in the Parameter Combinations
for the ENT-MRN Command table or Note 11 in the Parameter
Combinations for the CHG-MRN Command table. These tables
are shown in the “Provisioning MRN Entries” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual – Global Title Translation .

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 383

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Sheet 4

Yes Will a new No

MRN group or MRN
set be created?

Enter the ent-mrn command

using the parameter The entry can be entered using either the
combinations shown in the ent-mrn or chg-mrn command.
Parameter Combinations for If the ent-mrn command will be used, enter the
the ENT-MRN Command ent-mrn command using the parameter
table. See the Note. combinations shown in the Parameter
Combinations for the ENT-MRN Command table.
See the Note.
If the chg-mrn command will be used, enter the
chg-mrn command using the parameter
combinations shown in the Parameter
Are more
Yes Combinations for the CHG-MRN Command
MRN entries to be
table. See the Note.
added to the MRN group
or MRN set? The rc parameter cannot be specified with the
ent-mrn or chg-mrn command.
The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter value is the
No point code value from the previous step (if a new
MRN group or MRN set was created in the
previous step) or the point code value from the
rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1 (if the new MRN is
being added to an existing MRN group or MRN
This step can be repeated until the MRN group or
MRN set contains a maximum of 32 entries.

Enter the rtrv-mrn command with this

parameter and value.
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter
and value specified in the previous step.
If the mrnset parameter was specified in
the previous step, the mrnset parameter
and value from the previous step must be
Note: The Parameter Combinations for the
ENT-MRN Command table and the
Parameter Combinations for the CHG-MRN
Command table are shown in the
“Provisioning MRN Entries” procedure in the Enter the
Database Administration Manual – Global chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Title Translation . command.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 95: Provisioning MRN Entries

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 384

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Removing MRN Entries

Is the
Enter the MRNSET column No
rtrv-mrn command. shown in the rtrv-mrn

Sheet 2

No Is an entire
MRN group being

Enter the dlt-mrn command this parameter:
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the point code being Enter the dlt-mrn command with
removed> these parameters.
If more than one point code value is being :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code
removed in this step, specify one or more of value in the MRN group that is
these optional parameters. being removed>
:pc1/pca1/pci1/pcn1/pcn241=<the first alternate :all=yes
point code being removed>
:pc2/pca2/pci2/pcn2/pcn242=<the second
alternate point code being removed>
Enter the
:pc3/pca3/pci3/pcn3/pcn243=<the third alternate rtrv-mrn command with this
point code being removed> parameter.
:pc4/pca4/pci4/pcn4/pcn244=<the fourth pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the point
alternate point code being removed> code and value specified in the
Notes: previous step>
1. The MRN group must contain at least two
point code entries after the specified point
codes are removed in this procedure.
Enter the
2. If weight and threshold values are assigned chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
to a load shared or combined dominant/load command.
shared MRN group, and if by removing entries
from this MRN group the MRN group becomes
a dominant MRN group, all weight and
threshold values are removed from the
remaining entries in the MRN group.

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 385

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

The GTT Load Sharing

Is the MAPSET Yes
From with Alternate Routing
field shown in the
Sheet 1 Indicator feature is
rtrv-mrn output?

A point code
entry in the The entire
What is
MRN set MRN set
To being removed from
Sheet 3 the MRN set? See
the Note.

Enter the dlt-mrn command with

A MAP set
these parameters.
:mrnset=<the MRN set ID assigned
to the MRN entry>
:mapset=<the MAP set ID assigned
to the MRN entry>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the point Enter the rtrv-map
code in the specified MRN set> command.

Do you wish to Yes

remove a point code entry
from the MRN set?
Yes Is the MRN set
assigned to any MAP

Perform the “Removing a Mated

Enter the Application” procedure in this No
rtrv-mrn command with these chapter to remove the MRN set
parameters. from the MAP sets.
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the point
code parameter and value specified
in the previous step>
:mrnset=<the MRN set ID specified
in the previous step>
Sheet 3

Enter the
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed Note: If the MAPSET column
command. contains dashes, then a MAP set
is not assigned to the MRN set.

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 386

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Enter the Is the EGTT Yes To

Sheet 2 rtrv-feat command. feature on? Sheet 4


Enter the
rtrv-tt command.

Enter the rtrv-gtt command with

these parameters.
Is an entire No :type/typea/typei/typeis/typen/
MRN set being typens/typen24=<translation type
removed? from the rtrv-tt output>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code
value being removed>

Enter the rtrv-gtt command with

these parameters.
Are any entries Yes Do you wish to No
typens/typen24=<translation type
displayed in the rtrv-gtt remove the global title
from the rtrv-tt output>
output? translation entry?
code value in the MRN set being
No Yes

Perform the
Perform the
“Changing a Global
“Removing a Global
Title Translation”
Title Translation”
procedure to remove
procedure to remove
the reference to the
the global title
MRN set specified in
translation entry.
this procedure.

Have all the No

GTT entries been


Sheet 5

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 387

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

Enter the
rtrv-gttset command.

Enter the rtrv-gta command with

these parameters.
Is an entire No :gttsn=<GTT set name from the
MRN set being
rtrv-gttset output>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code
value being removed>

Enter the rtrv-gta command with

these parameters.
:gttsn=<GTT set name from the
rtrv-gttset output>
code value in the MRN set being

Yes Are any entries No

displayed in the rtrv-gta

Perform the “Changing

Global Title Address
Do you wish to No Information” procedure to
remove the global title
remove the reference to
translation entry?
the MRN set specified
in this procedure.


Perform the “Removing

Have all the No
Global Title Address
GTA entries been
Information” procedure to
remove the GTA entry .


Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 388

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Sheets 3
or 4

Do any entries in
the rtrv-ppsopts output Yes
Enter the rtrv-ppsopts
reference the MRN being
See the Note.
Enter the chg-ppsopts command with
these parameters.
Note: The MRNs affected by the entries in No :ppt=<the prepaid portability type
the rtrv-ppsopts output are the MRNs in containing the MRN’s point code and
non-default MRN sets. If the Flexible GTT non-default MRN set ID>
Load Sharing feature is not enabled, there :pci/pcn=none
are no non-default MRN sets. Repeat this step for all entries in the
rtrv-ppsopts output that reference the
MRN being removed.

Is the
No MRN set that is Yes
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
specified in this procedure
the default MRN

Are any No
GTT Actions features


Enter the rtrv-gttact command with

these parameters.
:mrnset=<the MRN set number that No
Are any entries
will be specified with the dlt-mrn
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the point
code in the specified MRN set>

Perform the “Changing a GTT

Action” procedure to change the
MRN set reference in each entry
Sheet 6
that is displayed in the rtrv-gttact

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 389

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Sheet 5

Is an entire No
MRN set being


Enter the dlt-mrn command

with these parameters.
pcn24=<the point code in Enter the dlt-mrn command these parameters.
the MRN set that is being :mrnset=<MRN set ID containing the point code that
removed> is being removed>
:all=yes :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the point code in the
:mrnset=<MRN set ID that specified MRN set>
is being removed> If more than one point code value is being removed
in this step, specify one or more of these optional
:pc1/pca1/pci1/pcn1/pcn241=<the point code in the
Enter the specified MRN set>
rtrv-mrn command with these
:pc2/pca2/pci2/pcn2/pcn242=<the point code in the
specified MRN set>
point code parameter and :pc3/pca3/pci3/pcn3/pcn243=<the point code in the
value specified in the previous specified MRN set>
step> :pc4/pca4/pci4/pcn4/pcn244=<the point code in the
:mrnset=<the MRN set ID specified MRN set>
specified in the previous step>
1. The MRN set must contain at least two point
code entries after the specified point codes are
removed in this procedure.
Enter the
2. If weight and threshold values are assigned to a
load shared or combined dominant/load shared
MRN set, and if by removing entries from this MRN
set the MRN set becomes a dominant MRN set, all
weight and threshold values are removed from the
remaining entries in the MRN set.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 96: Removing MRN Entries

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 390

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing the Relative Cost Values of MRN Entries

Enter the
rtrv-mrn command

Enter the chg-mrn command with these

:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value from
the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1>
:rc=<0 – 99>
and any of these point code parameters and its
corresponding RC parameter:
:pc1/pca1/pci1/pcn1/pcn241=<point code value Enter the rtrv-mrn command with these
in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output on parameter and values:
Sheet 1>
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter
:rc1=<0 - 99>
and value specified in the previous step.
:pc2/pca2/pci2/pcn2/pcn242=<point code value
If the mrnset parameter was specified in
in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output on
the previous step, the mrnset parameter
Sheet 1>
and value from the previous step must be
:rc2=<0 - 99>
specified in this step.
:pc3/pca3/pci3/pcn3/pcn243=<point code value If the mrnset parameter was not specified
in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output on in the previous step, the mrnset parameter
Sheet 1> cannot be specified in this step.
:rc3=<0 - 99>
:pc4/pca4/pci4/pcn4/pcn244=<point code value
in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output on
Sheet 1> Enter the
:rc4=<0 - 99> chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
This step can be repeated for any additional entries in command
the MRN group or MRN set.
(See Notes)

1. If the MRNSET field is shown in the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1, the mrnset=<current MRN set ID>
parameter, specifying the MRN set containing the point code specfied in this step, must be specified with
the chg-mrn or rtrv-mrn command.
2. If the MRNSET field is not shown in the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1, the mrnset parameter cannot be
specified with the chg-mrn or rtrv-mrn command.
3. A dominant MRN group or MRN set contains entries whose RC values are unique.
4. A load shared MRN group or MRN set contains entries whose RC values are equal.
5. A combined dominant/load shared MRN group or MRN set contains a minimum of two entries shows RC
values are equal, and a minimum of one entry whose RC value is different.
6. If weights and in-service thresholds are assigned to the MRN group or MRN set being changed, and the
MRN group or MRN set is being changed to a dominant MRN group or MRN set, the weight and in-service
threshold values will be removed from the MRN group or MRN set.

Figure 97: Changing the Relative Cost Values of MRN Entries

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 391

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing MRN Entries with the ESWT Parameter

Enter the
rtrv-mrn command

Are weight and Are weight and

threshold values assigned to the No threshold values assigned to any Yes
MRN group or MRN set that is MRN groups or MRN sets in the
being changed? rtrv-mrn output?

Yes No

Go to "Activating the Weighted GTT

Load Sharing Feature" procedure in
Are all the weight Appendix A, "Controlled Feature
and threshold values being Activation Procedures," to enable
No and turn on the Weighted GTT Load
removed from the MRN group or
MRN set with the eswt=none Sharing feature

Yes To To
Sheet 3 Sheet 2

Enter the chg-mrn command with these parameters:

:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value in the MRN group
or MRN set being changed>
Executing this command removes the weight and threshold
values from all the entries in the MRN group or MAP set.
Note: If the MRNSET column is shown in the rtrv-mrn output,
then the mrnset=<current MRN set ID> parameter specifying
the MRN set containing the point code specified in this step
must be specified. If the MRNSET column is not shown in the
rtrv-mrn output, then the mrnset parameter cannot be

Enter the rtrv-mrn command with these parameter

and values:
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
Enter the
If the mrnset parameter was specified in the previous
step, the mrnset parameter and value from the
previous step must be specified in this step.
If the mrnset parameter was not specified in the
previous step, the mrnset parameter cannot be
specified in this step.

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 392

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Are weight and

threshold values assigned to any Yes
MRN groups or MRN sets in the
rtrv-mrn output?


Go to "Activating the Weighted GTT Load Shared or Combined

Load Sharing Feature" procedure in What type Dominant/Load Shared
Appendix A, "Controlled Feature of MRN group or (Notes 2 & 3)
Activation Procedures," to enable MRN set is being
and turn on the Weighted GTT Load changed?
Sharing feature

Notes: (Note 1)
1. A dominant MRN group or MRN set contains
entries whose RC values are unique.
2. A load shared MRN group or MRN set contains To To
entries whose RC values are equal. Sheet 3 Sheet 4
3. A combined dominant/load shared MRN group
or MRN set contains a minimum of two entries
shows RC values are equal, and a minimum of
one entry whose RC value is different.

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 393

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

What type Combined Dominant/

From of MRN group or Load Shared
Sheet 2 MRN set is being

Load Shared

Enter the chg-mrn command with these Enter the chg-mrn command with these
mandatory parameters: mandatory parameters:
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value from :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value from
the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1> the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1>
:rc=<0 - 99> :rc=<0 - 99>
and at least one of these point code parameters and at least one of these point code parameters
and its corresponding RC parameter: and its corresponding RC parameter:
:pc1/pca1/pci1/pcn1/pcn241=<point code value :pc1/pca1/pci1/pcn1/pcn241=<point code value
in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn
output on Sheet 1> output on Sheet 1>
:rc1=<0 - 99> :rc1=<0 - 99>
:pc2/pca2/pci2/pcn2/pcn242=<point code value :pc2/pca2/pci2/pcn2/pcn242=<point code value
in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn
output on Sheet 1> output on Sheet 1>
:rc2=<0 - 99> :rc2=<0 - 99>
:pc3/pca3/pci3/pcn3/pcn243=<point code value :pc3/pca3/pci3/pcn3/pcn243=<point code value
in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn
output on Sheet 1> output on Sheet 1>
:rc3=<0 - 99> :rc3=<0 - 99>
:pc4/pca4/pci4/pcn4/pcn244=<point code value :pc4/pca4/pci4/pcn4/pcn244=<point code value
in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn in the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn
output on Sheet 1> output on Sheet 1>
:rc4=<0 - 99> :rc4=<0 - 99>
The RC values for all entries specified in To produce a combined dominant /load shared
this step must be equal. MRN group or MRN set, the MRN group or MRN
Repeat this step for all entries in the MRN group set must contain a minimum of two entries whose
or MRN set. RC values are equal, and a minimum of one entry
(See Notes) whose RC value is different.
Repeat this step for all entries in the MRN group
or MRN set.
(See Notes)

Sheet 4

1. If the MRNSET field is shown in the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1, the mrnset=<current MRN set ID>
parameter, specifying the MRN set containing the point code specfied in this step, must be specified with
the chg-mrn command.
2. If the MRNSET field is not shown in the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1, the mrnset parameter cannot be
specified with the chg-mrn command.

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 394

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

Enter the chg-mrn command with these

Is the in-service parameters:
threshold of the MRN No :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code
group or MRN set being value in the MRN group or MRN set
changed? being changed>
:eswt=<1 - 99> (See Notes 1 and 2)


Enter the chg-mrn command with these

:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value in
the MRN group or MRN set being changed>
:eswt=<1 - 99>
:thr=<1 - 100>
(See Notes)
Enter the rtrv-mrn command with these parameter and
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
Enter the
If the mrnset parameter was specified in the previous
step, the mrnset parameter and value from the
previous step must be specified in this step.
If the mrnset parameter was not specified in the
previous step, the mrnset parameter cannot be
specified in this step.

1. If the MRNSET field is shown in the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1, the mrnset=<current MRN set ID>
parameter, specifying the MRN set containing the point code specfied in this step, must be specified with
the chg-mrn or rtrv-mrn command.
2. If the MRNSET field is not shown in the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1, the mrnset parameter cannot be
specified with the chg-mrn or rtrv-mrn command.
3. The thr parameter value is assigned to all entries in the MRN group or MRN set that contains the point
code value specified in the chg-mrn command.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 98: Changing MRN Entries with the ESWT Parameter

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 395

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing the Weight and Threshold Values of MRN Entries

Enter the Group Weight and

rtrv-mrn command In-Service
Threshold To
Sheet 2

What type of change Weights Only To
do you wish to make to the
Sheet 3
MRN group or MRN set?
Weights and
Relative Cost
Values To
Threshold Only
Sheet 4

Enter the chg-mrn command with

these parameters:
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code
1. If the MRNSET field is shown in the rtrv-mrn output
value in the MRN group or MRN set on Sheet 1, the mrnset=<current MRN set ID>
being changed from the rtrv-mrn parameter, specifying the MRN set containing the point
output> code specfied in this step, must be specified with the
:thr=<1 - 100> (See Notes) chg-mrn or rtrv-mrn command.
2. If the MRNSET field is not shown in the rtrv-mrn
output on Sheet 1, the mrnset parameter cannot be
specified with the chg-mrn or rtrv-mrn command.
Enter the rtrv-mrn command with these parameter 3. The thr parameter value is assigned to all entries
and values: that have the same RC value in the MRN group or
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and value MRN set that contains the point code value specified in
the chg-mrn command.
specified in the previous step.
If the mrnset parameter was specified in the previous step,
the mrnset parameter and value from the previous step must
be specified in this step.
If the mrnset parameter was not specified in the previous
step, the mrnset parameter cannot be specified in this step.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 396

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is only the
From group weight of No
Sheet 1 the MRN group or MRN set
being changed?


Change the weight value of an RC group in the Change the weight value of an RC group in the
MRN group or MRN set by entering the chg-mrn MRN group or MRN set by entering the chg-mrn
command with these parameters: command with these parameters:
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value
from the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1> from the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1>
:grpwt=<1 - 99> :grpwt=<1 - 99>
Repeat this step for each RC group whose :thr=<1 - 100>
weight value is being changed. Repeat this step for each RC group whose
(See Notes 1, 3, and 4) weight and threshold value is being changed.
(See Notes 1, 2, 3, and 4)

Enter the rtrv-mrn command with this

parameter and value:
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
If the mrnset parameter was specified in the previous
step, the mrnset parameter and value from the
previous step must be specified in this step.
If the mrnset parameter was not specified in the
previous step, the mrnset parameter cannot be
specified in this step.

Enter the

1. The grpwt parameter value is assigned to all entries that have the same RC value in the MRN group or
MRN set that contains the point code value specified in the chg-mrn command.
2. The thr parameter value is assigned to all entries that have the same RC value in the MRN group or MRN
set that contains the point code value specified in the chg-mrn command.
3. If the MRNSET field is shown in the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1, the mrnset=<current MRN set ID>
parameter, specifying the MRN set containing the point code specfied in this step, must be specified with the
chg-mrn or rtrv-mrn command.
4. If the MRNSET field is not shown in the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1, the mrnset parameter cannot be
specified with the chg-mrn or rtrv-mrn command.

Sheet 2 of 4

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Sheet 1

Enter the chg-mrn command with these Notes:

mandatory parameters: 1. If the MRNSET field is shown in the rtrv-mrn output on
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value from the Sheet 1, the mrnset=<current MRN set ID> parameter,
rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1> specifying the MRN set containing the point code
and at least one of these point code parameters specfied in this step, must be specified with the chg-mrn
and its corresponding WT parameter:
:pc1/pca1/pci1/pcn1/pcn241=<point code value in 2. If the MRNSET field is not shown in the rtrv-mrn
output on Sheet 1, the mrnset parameter cannot be
the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output
specified with the chg-mrn command.
on Sheet 1>
:wt1=<1 - 99>
:pc2/pca2/pci2/pcn2/pcn242=<point code value in
the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output
on Sheet 1>
:wt2=<1 - 99>
:pc3/pca3/pci3/pcn3/pcn243=<point code value in
the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output
on Sheet 1>
:wt3=<1 - 99>
:pc4/pca4/pci4/pcn4/pcn244=<point code value in
the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output
on Sheet 1>
:wt4=<1 - 99>
This step can be repeated for any additional
entries in the MRN group or MRN set.
(See Notes 1 and 2)

Enter the rtrv-mrn command with this parameter and

The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and value
specified in the previous step.
If the mrnset parameter was specified in the previous
step, the mrnset parameter and value from the
previous step must be specified in this step.
If the mrnset parameter was not specified in the
previous step, the mrnset parameter cannot be
specified in this step.

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 398

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Sheet 1

Enter the chg-mrn command with these

mandatory parameters:
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value from the
rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1>
:rc=<1 - 99>
:wt=<1 - 99>
and any of these point code parameters with the
corresponding RC and WT parameter:
:pc1/pca1/pci1/pcn1/pcn241=<point code value in
the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output
on Sheet 1 containing the specified point code> Enter the rtrv-mrn command with this parameter and
:rc1=<1 - 99> value:
:wt1=<1 - 99> The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and value
:pc2/pca2/pci2/pcn2/pcn242=<point code value in specified in the previous step.
the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output If the mrnset parameter was specified in the previous
on Sheet 1> step, the mrnset parameter and value from the
:rc2=<1 - 99> previous step must be specified in this step.
:wt2=<1 - 99> If the mrnset parameter was not specified in the
:pc3/pca3/pci3/pcn3/pcn243=<point code value in previous step, the mrnset parameter cannot be
the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output specified in this step.
on Sheet 1>
:rc3=<1 - 99>
:wt3=<1 - 99>
:pc4/pca4/pci4/pcn4/pcn244=<point code value in Enter the
the group being changed from the rtrv-mrn output chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
on Sheet 1> command
:rc4=<1 - 99>
:wt4=<1 - 99>
This step can be repeated for any additional
entries in the MRN group or MRN set.
(See Notes 1, 2, 3, and 4 on Sheet 8)

1. If the MRNSET field is shown in the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1, the mrnset=<current MRN set ID>
parameter, specifying the MRN set containing the point code specfied in this step, must be specified with the
chg-mrn command.
2. If the MRNSET field is not shown in the rtrv-mrn output on Sheet 1, the mrnset parameter cannot be
specified with the chg-mrn command.
3. If the RC values are changed so that the resulting MRN group or MRN set is a dominant MRN group or
MRN set (all the RC values are unique), the weight (wt, wt1, wt2, wt3, wt4) parameter can be specified with
the chg-mrn command, but the weight and threshold values will be removed from the MRN group or MRN set .
The weight and threshold values will not be shown for the MRN group or MRN set in the rtrv-mrn output
4. The force=yes parameter must be specified with the chg-mrn command when the following parameter
combinations are specified with the chg-mrn command:
If the rc parameter and the wt/wt1/wt2/wt3/wt4 parameters are specified with the chg-mrn command.
If the wt parameter and the rc/rc1/rc2/rc3/rc4 parameters are specified with the chg-mrn command.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 99: Changing the Weight and Threshold Values of MRN Entries

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Changing the MAPSET, MAP Point Code, and MAP SSN Values of MRN

Enter the
rtrv-mrn command

Are the
MAPSSN fields shown in the
rtrv-mrn output?

Yes Perform the “Activating the

GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing Indicator
Enter the rtrv-map Feature” procedure in
command. Appendix A to enable the
GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing Indicator

Are the desired

code, and MAPSSN values No
shown in the rtrv-map
output? (See the Note
on Sheet 2)

Perform one of the
Provisioning a Mated
Application procedures in
this chapter to create a
Sheet 2
MAP set that contains the
MAP point code and
MAPSSN values.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the chg-mrn command with these parameters:

:mrnset=<MRN set ID from the
rtrv-mrn output>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<point code value from the
rtrv-mrn output>
:mapset=<the MAP set value from the
rtrv-map output>
mappcn24=<the point code value in the MAP set
shown in the rtrv-map output>
:mapssn=<the SSN value assigned to the mappc/
mappca/mappci/mappcn/mappcn24 in the MAP set
shown in the rtrv-map output>
Note: The network type of the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
and the mappc/mappca/mappci/mappcn/mappcn24
parameter values must be the same. The
combinations are shown in the MRN and MAP Point
Code Parameter Combinations table in this

Enter the rtrv-mrn command with these

parameters and values:
The pc, pca, pci, pcn, or pcn24 parameter and
value specified in the previous step.
The mrnset parameter and value specified in the
previous step.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 100: Changing the MAPSET, MAP Point Code, and MAP SSN Values of MRN Entries

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 401

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Adding a GT Conversion Table Entry

Enter the

Is the
Conversion feature


Perform the "Activating the

ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion
Enter the rtrv-gtcnv
Feature" procedure to enable
the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion

Which dir
To ITOA parameter value will be Both To
Sheet 3 specified in the ent-gtcnv Sheet 4


Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 402

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Sheet 1

Which gtixlat
22 parameter value will be 24
specified in the ent-gtcnv

Enter the ent-gtcnv command with Enter the ent-gtcnv command with
these mandatory parameters: these mandatory parameters:
:dir = atoi :dir = atoi
:gtixlat = 22 :gtixlat = 24
:tta = 0 - 255, * :tta = 0 - 255, *
:tti = 0 - 255 :tti = 0 - 255
The optional prefix (npdd, npds) or :np = 0 - 15
suffix (nsdd, nsds) parameters can be :nai = 0 - 63
specified with the ent-gtcnv command, The optional prefix (npdd, npds) or
but both sets of parameters, or a suffix (nsdd, nsds) parameters can be
mixture of the prefix and suffix specified with the ent-gtcnv command,
parameters cannot be specified. but both sets of parameters, or a
:npdd = 0-21 mixture of the prefix and suffix
:npds = 1 - 21 digits parameters cannot be specified.
:nsdd = 0 - 21 :npdd = 0-21
:nsds = 1 - 21 digits :npds = 1 - 21 digits
:nsdd = 0 - 21
:nsds = 1 - 21 digits

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these
parameters: parameters:
:dir = atoi :dir = atoi
:gtixlat = 22 :gtixlat = 24
:tta = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv :tta = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>
command> :tti = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>
:tti = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv :np = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>
command> :nai = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 4

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Sheet 1

Which gtixlat
22 parameter value will be 24
specified in the ent-gtcnv

Enter the ent-gtcnv

command with these
mandatory parameters: Will the asterisk (*) be
No Yes
:dir = itoa specified for the tti, np, or
:gtixlat = 22 nai parameters?
:tta = 0 - 255
:tti = 0 - 255
The optional prefix (npdd,
Enter the ent-gtcnv Enter the ent-gtcnv
npds) or suffix (nsdd, nsds)
command with these command with these
parameters can be
mandatory parameters: mandatory parameters:
specified with the ent-gtcnv
:dir = itoa :dir = itoa
command, but both sets of
:gtixlat = 24 :gtixlat = 24
parameters, or a mixture of
:tta = 0 - 255 :tta = 0 - 255
the prefix and suffix
:tti = 0 - 255 :tti = *
parameters cannot be
:np = 0 - 15 :np = *
:nai = 0 - 63 :nai = *
:npdd = 0-21
The optional prefix (npdd, The optional prefix (npdd,
:npds = 1 - 21 digits
npds) or suffix (nsdd, nsds) npds) or suffix (nsdd, nsds)
:nsdd = 0 - 21
parameters can be parameters can be
:nsds = 1 - 21 digits
specified with the ent-gtcnv specified with the ent-gtcnv
command, but both sets of command, but both sets of
parameters, or a mixture of parameters, or a mixture of
the prefix and suffix the prefix and suffix
parameters cannot be parameters cannot be
specified. specified.
Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command :npdd = 0-21 :npdd = 0-21
with these parameters: :npds = 1 - 21 digits :npds = 1 - 21 digits
:dir = itoa :nsdd = 0 - 21 :nsdd = 0 - 21
:gtixlat = 22 :nsds = 1 - 21 digits :nsds = 1 - 21 digits
:tta = <value specified in the
ent-gtcnv command>
:tti = <value specified in the
ent-gtcnv command>

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these parameters:

:dir = itoa
Enter the :gtixlat = 24
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed :tta = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>
command :tti = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>
:np = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>
:nai = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 1

Which gtixlat
22 parameter value will be 24
specified in the ent-gtcnv

Enter the ent-gtcnv command with Enter the ent-gtcnv command with
these mandatory parameters: these mandatory parameters:
:dir = both :dir = both
:gtixlat = 22 :gtixlat = 24
:tta = 0 - 255 :tta = 0 - 255
:tti = 0 - 255 :tti = 0 - 255
The optional prefix (npdd, npds) or :np = 0 - 15
suffix (nsdd, nsds) parameters can be :nai = 0 - 63
specified with the ent-gtcnv command, The optional prefix (npdd, npds) or
but both sets of parameters, or a suffix (nsdd, nsds) parameters can be
mixture of the prefix and suffix specified with the ent-gtcnv command,
parameters cannot be specified. but both sets of parameters, or a
:npdd = 0-21 mixture of the prefix and suffix
:npds = 1 - 21 digits parameters cannot be specified.
:nsdd = 0 - 21 :npdd = 0-21
:nsds = 1 - 21 digits :npds = 1 - 21 digits
:nsdd = 0 - 21
:nsds = 1 - 21 digits

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these parameters:
parameters: :dir = both
:dir = both :gtixlat = 24
:gtixlat = 22 :tta = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>
:tta = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv :tti = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>
command> :np = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>
:tti = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv :nai = <value specified in the ent-gtcnv command>

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 101: Adding a GT Conversion Table Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 405

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Removing a GT Conversion Table Entry

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv


This procedure cannot be

performed as the ANSI/ITU SCCP
Has error Yes Conversion feature is not enabled.
message E4171 been
This feature must be enabled for
the database to contain any GT
conversion table entries.


This procedure cannot be

performed as there are no Are any GT conversion
GT conversion table table entries shown in the
entries to remove. rtrv-gtcnv output?


Which dir
To ITOA parameter value will be Both To
Sheet 3 specified in the dlt-gtcnv Sheet 4


Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 406

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Sheet 1

Enter the dlt-gtcnv command with these

:dir = atoi
:tta = <TTA value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being removed>

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these

:dir = atoi
:gtixlat = <value assigned to the GT conversion
entry removed in the previous step>
:tta = <value specified in the dlt-gtcnv command>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 407

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Sheet 1

What is the gtixlat

22 parameter value in the GT 24
conversion entry being

Enter the dlt-gtcnv command with these Enter the dlt-gtcnv command with these
parameters: parameters:
:dir = itoa :dir = itoa
:tti = <TTI value assigned to the GT :tti = <TTI value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being removed> conversion table entry being removed>
:np = <NP value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being removed>
:nai = <NAI value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being removed>

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these
with these parameters: parameters:
:dir = itoa :dir = itoa
:gtixlat = 22 :gtixlat = 24
:tti = <value specified in the :tti = <value specified in the dlt-gtcnv command>
dlt-gtcnv command> :np = <value specified in the dlt-gtcnv command>
:nai = <value specified in the dlt-gtcnv command>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 408

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Sheet 1

What is the gtixlat

22 parameter value in the GT 24
conversion entry being

Enter the dlt-gtcnv command with these Enter the dlt-gtcnv command with these
mandatory parameters: mandatory parameters:
:dir = both :dir = both
:tta = <TTA value assigned to the GT :tta = <TTA value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being removed> conversion table entry being removed>
:tti = <TTI value assigned to the GT :tti = <TTI value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being removed> conversion table entry being removed>
:np = <NP value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being removed>
:nai = <NAI value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being removed>

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these parameters:
parameters: :dir = both
:dir = both :gtixlat = 24
:gtixlat = 22 :tta = <value specified in the dlt-gtcnv command>
:tta = <value specified in the dlt-gtcnv command> :tti = <value specified in the dlt-gtcnv command>
:tti = <value specified in the dlt-gtcnv command> :np = <value specified in the dlt-gtcnv command>
:nai = <value specified in the dlt-gtcnv command>

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 102: Removing a GT Conversion Table Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 409

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Changing a GT Conversion Table Entry

Enter the

This procedure cannot be

Is the ANSI/ITU No performed. This feature must be
SCCP Conversion enabled for the database to
feature enabled? contain any GT conversion table

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv

This procedure cannot be

performed as there are no No Are any GT conversion
GT conversion table table entries shown in the
entries to change. rtrv-gtcnv output?


Which dir
To ITOA parameter value will be Both To
Sheet 4 specified in the chg-gtcnv Sheet 6


Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 410

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Does the GT
conversion table entry
From contain values for the Prefix No
Sheet 1 (NPDD, NPDS) or Suffix


Are these values being

Are these values No changed from one type to No
being removed? another (Prefix to Suffix or
Suffix to Prefix)?

Yes To
Sheet 3

What is the gtixlat

22 parameter value in the GT 24
conversion entry being
Enter the chg-gtcnv command Enter the chg-gtcnv command with
with these parameters: these parameters:
:dir = atoi :dir = atoi
:tta = <TTA value assigned to the :tta = <TTA value assigned to the GT
GT conversion table entry being conversion table entry being changed>
changed> :rdmod = yes
:rdmod = yes and any of these optional parameters:
This optional parameter can be :tti = 0 - 255
specified if desired: :np = 0 - 15
:tti = 0 - 255 :nai = 0 - 63

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these
parameters: parameters:
:dir = atoi :dir = atoi
:gtixlat = 22 :gtixlat = 24
:tta = <value specified in the chg-gtcnv :tta = <value specified in the chg-gtcnv command>

Are new prefix Enter the

To Yes No
or suffix values being chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Sheet 3
assigned? command

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 411

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2

What is the gtixlat

22 parameter value in the GT 24
conversion entry being

Enter the chg-gtcnv command with these Enter the chg-gtcnv command with these
mandatory parameters: mandatory parameters:
:dir = atoi :dir = atoi
:tta = 0 - 255, * :tta = 0 - 255, *
and at least one of these optional and at least one of these optional
parameters: parameters:
:tti = 0 - 255 :tti = 0 - 255
:npdd = 0-21 :np = 0 - 15
:npds = 1 - 21 digits :nai = 0 - 63
:nsdd = 0 - 21 :npdd = 0-21
:nsds = 1 - 21 digits :npds = 1 - 21 digits
The optional prefix (npdd, npds) or suffix :nsdd = 0 - 21
(nsdd, nsds) parameters can be specified :nsds = 1 - 21 digits
with the chg-gtcnv command, but both sets The optional prefix (npdd, npds) or suffix
of parameters, or a mixture of the prefix and (nsdd, nsds) parameters can be specified
suffix parameters cannot be specified. with the chg-gtcnv command, but both
sets of parameters, or a mixture of the
prefix and suffix parameters cannot be
Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these
:dir = atoi
:gtixlat = 22 Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these
:tta = <value specified in the chg-gtcnv parameters:
command> :dir = atoi
:gtixlat = 24
:tta = <value specified in the chg-gtcnv

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 412

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Does the GT
conversion table entry
From contain values for the Prefix No
Sheet 1 (NPDD, NPDS) or Suffix


Are these values being

Are these values No changed from one type to No
being removed? another (Prefix to Suffix or
Suffix to Prefix)?

Yes To
Sheet 5

What is the gtixlat

22 parameter value in the GT 24
conversion entry being
Enter the chg-gtcnv command Enter the chg-gtcnv command with these
with these parameters: parameters:
:dir = itoa :dir = itoa
:tti = <TTI value assigned to the :tti = <TTI value assigned to the GT
GT conversion table entry being conversion table entry being changed>
changed> :rdmod = yes
:rdmod = yes :np = <NP value assigned to the GT
This optional parameter can be conversion table entry being changed>
specified if desired: :nai = <NAI value assigned to the GT
:tta = 0 - 255 conversion table entry being changed>
This optional parameter can be specified if
:tta = 0 - 255

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these
parameters: parameters:
:dir = itoa :dir = atoi
:gtixlat = 22 :gtixlat = 24
:tti = <TTI value specified in the :tta = <value specified in the chg-gtcnv
chg-gtcnv command> command>

Are new prefix Enter the

To Yes No
or suffix values being chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Sheet 5
assigned? command

Sheet 4 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 413

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 4

What is the gtixlat

22 parameter value in the GT 24
conversion entry being

Enter the chg-gtcnv command with these Enter the chg-gtcnv command with these
mandatory parameters: mandatory parameters:
:dir = itoa :dir = itoa
:tti = <TTI value assigned to the GT :tti = <TTI value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being changed> conversion table entry being changed>
and with at least one of these optional :np = <NP value assigned to the GT
parameters: conversion table entry being changed>
:tta = 0 - 255 :nai = <NAI value assigned to the GT
:npdd = 0-21 conversion table entry being changed>
:npds = 1 - 21 digits and with at least one of these optional
:nsdd = 0 - 21 parameters:
:nsds = 1 - 21 digits :tta = 0 - 255
The optional prefix (npdd, npds) or suffix :npdd = 0-21
(nsdd, nsds) parameters can be specified :npds = 1 - 21 digits
with the chg-gtcnv command, but both sets :nsdd = 0 - 21
of parameters, or a mixture of the prefix :nsds = 1 - 21 digits
and suffix parameters cannot be specified. The optional prefix (npdd, npds) or suffix
(nsdd, nsds) parameters can be specified
with the chg-gtcnv command, but both
sets of parameters, or a mixture of the
prefix and suffix parameters cannot be

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these
parameters: parameters:
:dir = itoa :dir = itoa
:tti = <value specified in the chg-gtcnv :tti = <value specified in the chg-gtcnv command>
command> :np = <value specified in the chg-gtcnv command>
:nai = <value specified in the chg-gtcnv command>

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Does the GT
conversion table entry
From contain values for the Prefix No
Sheet 1 (NPDD, NPDS) or Suffix


Are these values being

Are these values No changed from one type to No
being removed? another (Prefix to Suffix or
Suffix to Prefix)?

Yes To
Sheet 7

What is the gtixlat

22 parameter value in the GT 24
conversion entry being
Enter the chg-gtcnv command Enter the chg-gtcnv command with these
with these parameters: parameters:
:dir = both :dir = both
:tta = <TTA value assigned to the :tta = <TTA value assigned to the GT
GT conversion table entry being conversion table entry being changed>
changed> :tti = <TTI value assigned to the GT conversion
:tti = <TTI value assigned to the table entry being changed>
GT conversion table entry being :np = <NP value assigned to the GT conversion
changed> table entry being changed>
:rdmod = yes :nai = <NAI value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being changed>
:rdmod = yes

Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these
parameters: parameters:
:dir = both :dir = both
:gtixlat = 22 :gtixlat = 24
:tta = <TTA value specified in the :tta = <TTA value specified in the chg -gtcnv
chg-gtcnv command> command>
:tti = <TTI value specified in the :tti = <TTI value specified in the chg-gtcnv
chg-gtcnv command> command>

Are new prefix Enter the

To Yes No
or suffix values being chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Sheet 7
assigned? command

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Sheet 6

What is the gtixlat

22 parameter value in the GT 24
conversion entry being

Enter the chg-gtcnv command with Enter the chg-gtcnv command with
these mandatory parameters: these mandatory parameters:
:dir = both :dir = both
:tta = <TTA value assigned to the GT :tta = <TTA value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being changed> conversion table entry being changed>
:tti = <TTI value assigned to the GT :tti = <TTI value assigned to the GT
conversion table entry being changed> conversion table entry being changed>
and with at least one of these optional :np = <NP value assigned to the GT
parameters: conversion table entry being changed>
:npdd = 0-21 :nai = <NAI value assigned to the GT
:npds = 1 - 21 digits conversion table entry being changed>
:nsdd = 0 - 21 and with at least one of these optional
:nsds = 1 - 21 digits parameters:
The optional prefix (npdd, npds) or :npdd = 0-21
suffix (nsdd, nsds) parameters can be :npds = 1 - 21 digits
specified with the chg-gtcnv command, :nsdd = 0 - 21
but both sets of parameters, or a :nsds = 1 - 21 digits
mixture of the prefix and suffix The optional prefix (npdd, npds) or
parameters cannot be specified. suffix (nsdd, nsds) parameters can be
specified with the chg-gtcnv command,
but both sets of parameters, or a
mixture of the prefix and suffix
Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these parameters cannot be specified.
:dir = both
:gtixlat = 22
:tta = <TTA value specified in the chg -gtcnv Enter the rtrv-gtcnv command with these parameters:
command> :dir = both
:tti = <TTI value specified in the chg-gtcnv :gtixlat = 24
command> :tta = <TTA value specified in the chg -gtcnv command>
:tti = <TTI value specified in the chg-gtcnv command>
:np = <NP value specified in the chg-gtcnv command>
:nai = <NAI value specified in the chg-gtcnv command>

Enter the

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 103: Changing a GT Conversion Table Entry

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Changing the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Options

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

These fields are shown only when the

ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is
If these fields are not shown in the rtrv-stpopts
Are the CNVCGDA,
output, perform the "Activating the
procedure to enable the ANSI/ITU SCCP
fields shown in the rtrv-stpopts
Conversion feature.
After the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature
is enabled, the CNVCGDA, CNVCGDI,
Yes values in the rtrv-stpopts output will be no.

Enter the
chg-stpopts command with at least one of
Enter the
these parameters.
chg-stpopts command with at least one
:on=cnvcgda – if the current value is no of these parameters.
:on=cnvcgdi – if the current value is no
:on=cnvcgdn – if the current value is no
:on=cnvcgdn24 – if the current value is no
:on=gtccnvdflt – if the current value is no
:off=cnvcgda – if the current value is yes
:off=cnvcgdi – if the current value is yes See the Notes.
:off=cnvcgdn – if the current value is yes
:off=cnvcgdn24 – if the current value is yes
:off=gtccnvdflt – if the current value is yes
See the Notes.

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


1. More than one value can be specified for
Enter the the on or off parameters. Each value is
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed separated by a comma as shown in this
command. example.
If both the on and off parameters are
specified with the chg-stpopts command, the
same value cannot be specified for both the
on and off parameters.
2. If the value of the CNVCGDA, CNVCGDI,
or CNVCGDN values in the rtrv-stpopts
output is no when this procedure is
completed, and the calling party address of
the MSU cannot be converted when the MSU
is processed, then the MSU is discarded.

Figure 104: Changing the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Options

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 417

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing SCCP Class 1 Sequencing Option

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


What is the
current value for the To
class1seq Sheet 2


Enter the

Executing this command allows UDT/

XUDT Class 1 messages to be load
shared using GTT load sharing
configuration in the MAP and MRN
tables, but the sequencing of UDT/
XUDT Class 1 messages is not

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


Enter the

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-stpopts

The randsls=all parameter of the chg-stpopts
command should not be used with the class1seq=on
parameter of the chg-sccpopts command.
Using the randsls=all parameter with the
What is the ALL class1seq=on parameter does not guarantee that
RANDSLS UDT/XUDT Class1 ITU messages are delivered to the
value? remote node in the order in which they were received.
The class1seq=on parameter, without the randsls=all
parameter, guarantees that UDT/XUDT Class 1 ITU
OFF or messages are delivered to the remote node in the
CLASS0 order in which they were received.

Enter one of these

chg-stpopts:randsls=class0 Do you wish to
continue to guarantee the
See the “Configuring the Yes delivery of UDT/XUDT Class 1 ITU
EAGLE 5 ISS for Random messages to the remote node in the
SLS Generation” procedure order in which they were
in the Database received?
Administration Manual - SS7
for more information on
using these options.
Enter the
Executing this command guarantees that
UDT/XUDT Class 1 ITU messages are
delivered to the remote node in the order Do not change the
in which they were received. randsls option of the
Load sharing of the UDT/XUDT Class 1 chg-stpopts command.
messages is performed in the dominant
mode, overriding the load sharing
configuration in the MAP and MRN Enter the rtrv-sccpopts
tables. command
If the STP option randsls=all is set, UDT/
XUDT Class 1 ITU messages are not
guaranteed to be delivered to the remote
node in the order in which they were Enter the
received. chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 105: Changing SCCP Class 1 Sequencing Option

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Changing the SCCP Alarm Thresholds

Enter the rtrv-th-alm


Enter the chg-th-alm command

with at least of of these
:sccptpscap = < 0 to 100 >
:sccpcalcmthd = < n, nplus1 >
:gttservl1 = < 1 to 100 > Enter the rtrv-th-alm
:gttservl2 = < 1 to 100 > command
:nongttservl1 = < 1 to 100 >
:nongttservl2 = < 1 to 100 >
:sccpthlv1intvl= <0 to 1440>
:sccpthlv2intvl = <0 to 1440> Enter the
(See the Notes) chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed

1. If any parameter is not specified with the chg-th-alm command, that parameter
value will not be changed.
2. The system default values for the parameters used in this procedure are:
sccptpscap – 80 sccpcalcmthd – n
gttservl1 – 10 gttservl2 – 20
nongttservl1 – 10 nongttservl2 – 20
sccpthlv1intvl – 0 sccpthlv2intvl – 0.
3. After the chg-th-alm command is performed, the gttservl2 parameter value must be
greater than the gttservl1 parameter value.
4. After the chg-th-alm command is performed, the nongttservl2 parameter value must
be greater than the nongttservl1 parameter value.
5. After the chg-th-alm command is performed, the sccpthlv2intvl parameter value
must be greater than the sccpthlv1intvl parameter value.

Figure 106: Changing the SCCP Alarm Thresholds

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing the Transaction-Based GTT Load Sharing Options

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts

The Transaction -Based GTT Load
Sharing feature is not enabled. The
Transaction -Based GTT Load
Sharing feature must be enabled for
these fields to be displayed in the
Are the tggt0, tgtt1, rtrv-sccpopts output, and to change
tgttudtkey, and tgttxudtkey No
these values.
fields shown in the
rtrv-sccpopts output? Perform the “Activating the
Transaction -Based GTT Load
Sharing Feature” in Appendix A of
this manual to enable the
Yes Transaction -Based GTT Load
Sharing feature.
Enter the
chg-sccpopts command with at least
one of these parameters.

:tggt0 = <udt, xudt, both, none>

:tgtt1 = <udt, xudt, both, none>
:tgttudtkey = <mtp, tcap, sccp, enhmtp>
:tgttxudtkey = <mtp, sccp, enhmtp>

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


Enter the

Figure 107: Changing the Transaction-Based GTT Load Sharing Options

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Adding a Loopset

Note: If the rtrv-loopset command is entered with no

Enter the rtrv-loopset command other parameters specified, a maximum of 50
with these parameters: entries are displayed. To display more than 50
:num=1000 entries, the force=yes parameter must be specified
:force=yes (see Note) with the rtrv-loopset command and the num
parameter value must be greater than 50. Since
there can be a maximum of 1000 loopsets in the
database, to display all the loopsets in the database,
the force=yes and num=1000 parameters must be
specified with the rtrv-loopset command.
Is error message Yes
E4565 displayed?


The SCCP Loop Detection feature

is not enabled.
Is error message Yes
Perform the “Activating the SCCP
E2584 displayed?
Loop Detection” procedure to
enable the SCCP Loop Detection

Less than
How many 1000
loopsets are provisioned
in the database?


This is the maximum number of Perform the “Removing a Loopset

loopsets that can be provisioned or Loopset Entry” procedure and
Sheet 2
in the database. remove an existing loopset.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the
ent-loopset command with these mandatory
:name=<the name of the loopset, consisting of
one alphabetic character followed by a maximum
of seven alphanumeric characters>
:pcl/pcla/pcli/pcln/pcln24=<the point code being
added to the loopset>
and this optional parameter:
:mode=<notify, discard>
Note: A maximum of six point codes can be
specified with the pcl/pcla/pcli/pcln/pcln24
The point code values are separated by
Enter the commas with no spaces between the commas
rtrv-loopset command with this and the values as shown in this example.
parameter: :pcl=002-002-002,003-003-003,004-004-004
:name=<loopset name specified
This example specifies three ANSI point codes
in the ent-loopset command>
for the loopset.
The default value of the mode parameter is

Enter the

Perform the “Changing a Loopset”

Do you wish to procedure in this chapter and add
add more point codes the desired point codes to the
to the loopset? loopset with the apcl/apcla/apcli/
apcln/apcln24 parameter.

This procedure is

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 108: Adding a Loopset to the Database

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Removing a Loopset

Enter the Notes:

rtrv-loopset command with the following
parameters: 1. The rtrv-loopset command with
:num=<number of entries to be displayed> no other parameters specified
:force=yes displays a maximum of 50 entries.
(See Note 1) To display more than 50 entries,
the force=yes parameter must be
specified with the rtrv-loopset
command and the num parameter
value must be greater than 50.
This procedure cannot
Is the error
Yes be performed as there 2. The force=yes parameter cannot
message, E4565
are no loopset entries be used to delete the entire
to be removed. loopset.


Do you wish to
use the force=yes Yes To
parameter? Sheet 3
(See Note 2)


Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

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From Enter the rtrv-feat

Sheet 1 command

Is the EGTT No
feature turned

Enter the rtrv-gttset Enter the rtrv-tt

command command

Enter rtrv-gta command with these Enter rtrv-gtt command with these
parameters: parameters:
:gttsn=<GTT set name from the :type=<translation type from the
rtrv-gttset output> rtrv-tt output>
:loopset=<name of the loopset being :loopset=<name of the loopset
removed> being removed>

Is the loopset No No Is the loopset

accociated with the accociated with the

Yes Yes

Perform the “Changing Global Title Perform the “Changing a Global Title
Address Information” procedure in Translation” procedure in Chapter 3
Chapter 4 of this manual to change of this manual to change the loopset
the loopset assignment for the GTA . assignment for the GTT.

Have all the Have all the

No No
GTT set names been translation types been
displayed? displayed?

Yes Yes
Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 425

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Sheets 1
or 2

Yes Do you want to delete

the entire loopset from the

Remove the specified point codes form the

Remove the entire loopset from the
loopset by entering the dlt-loopset command
database by entering the dlt-loopset
with these parameters:
command with this parameter:
:name= <loopset name>
:name= <loopset name>
:pcl/pcli/pcln/pcln24= <specified point codes>
:force = yes

Verify the changes by

entering the rtrv-loopset
command with this parameter:
:name= <loopset name>

Do you want
Yes to assign the loopset No
specified in previous steps to the
GTT or GTA entries that were

No Is the EGTT Yes

feature on?

Perform “Adding a Global Perform “Adding Global Title

Title Translation” or the Address Information” or the
“Changing a Global Title “Changing Global Title
Translation” to add or Address Information” to add
change the GTT entry or change the GTA entry

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 109: Removing a Loopset

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Changing the Attributes of a Loopset

Note: The rtrv-loopset command

Enter the with no other parameters specified
rtrv-loopset command with the following displays a maximum of 50 entries.
parameters: To display more than 50 entries,
:num=<number of entries to be displayed> the force=yes parameter must be
:force=yes specified with the rtrv-loopset
(See Note) command and the num parameter
value must be greater than 50.

This procedure cannot

Is the error
Yes be performed as there
message, E4565
are no loopset entries to
be removed.


Do you wish to change the

Yes To
attributes of the points codes by
Sheet 3
using force=yes parameter?


Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 427

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Enter the rtrv-feat

Sheet 1 command

Is the EGTT No
feature turned
Enter the rtrv-gttset Enter the rtrv-tt
command command

Enter rtrv-gta command with these Enter rtrv-gtt command with these
parameters: parameters:
:gttsn=<GTT set name from the :type=<translation type from the rtrv-tt
rtrv-gttset output> output>
:loopset=<name of the loopset :loopset=<name of the loopset being
being changed> changed>

Is the loopset No No Is the loopset

accociated with the accociated with the

Yes Yes

Perform the “Changing Global Title Perform the “Changing a Global Title
Address Information” procedure in Translation” procedure in Chapter 3
Chapter 4 of this manual to change of this manual to change the loopset
the loopset assignment for the GTA . assignment for the GTT.

Have all the Have all the

No No
GTT set names been translation types been
displayed? displayed?

Yes Yes
Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 428

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Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the chg-loopset command to change the

attributes of the loopset. Use the Changing a
Loopset Parameter Combinations table in this
procedure for the parameter combinations that
can be used.

Verify the changes by entering the

rtrv-loopset command with the parameter:
:name= <loopset name>

Do you want
to assign the loopset
Yes No
specified in previous steps to the
GTT or GTA entries that were

No Is the EGTT Yes

feature on?

Perform “Adding a Global Perform “Adding Global Title

Title Translation” or the Address Information” or the
“Changing a Global Title “Changing Global Title
Translation” to add or Address Information” to add
change the GTT entry or change the GTA entry

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 110: Changing the Attributes of a Loopset

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Configuring the ANSI to ITU-N SCCP Conversion Option

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


The ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is not

enabled and turned on. The ANSI/ITU SCCP
Conversion feature must be enabled and
Is the CNVAINAT No turned on for this field to be displayed in the
field shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output, and to change this value.
rtrv-sccpopts output?
Perform the “Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP
Conversion Feature” to enable and turn on the
ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature.

Enter the
chg-sccpopts command with this
:cnvainat = <0, 1>

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


Enter the

Figure 111: Configuring the ANSI to ITU-N SCCP Conversion Option

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 430

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Configuring a SCCP Test Message

Perform the "Adding a

Is the No Service Module" procedure
Enter the rtrv-feat
GTT feature to turn the GTT feature on
on? and to make sure that the
correct hardware is installed.


Will the lsn

No parameter be specified
for the chg-sccp-msg
See the Note.
Note: It is recommended that the lsn
Yes parameter is specified with the
chg-sccp-msg command. When the
Enter the rtrv-sccp-msg tst-msg command is performed, the linkset
command with this parameter. name is used to determine the GTT mode
Enter the rtrv-ls hierarchy.
:msgn=<the number of the command.
SCCP test message that is being
configured – 1 – 10>

Enter the chg-sccp-msg command.

Use the SCCP Test Message Parameter
Combinations table, shown in the “Configuring an
SCCP Test Message” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – Global Title Translation , for
the parameter combinations that can be used.
The command line on the terminal can contain up to
150 characters. If the parameters and values
specified with the chg-sccp-msg command are too
long to fit on the chg-sccp-msg command line,
perform the chg-sccp-msg command as many times
as necessary to complete adding the SCCP test

Enter the rtrv-sccp-msg

command with this parameter.
:msgn=<the number of the
SCCP test message specified
with the chg-sccp-msg

Enter the

Figure 112: Configuring a SCCP Test Message

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 431

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Adding Global Title Modification Information

How 100,000
Enter the rtrv-gtmod
many entries are

Less than The entry cannot be

100,000 added.

Will only
the gtmodid and Do all the
Yes ntt parameters be specified Yes entries contain only values No
for the global title for the the gtmodid and
modification ntt parameters?

Enter the ent-gtmod No

command with these Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
command. Are hexadecimal Yes
digits shown in the
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID rtrv-gtmod output?
consisting of 1 alphabetic
character with up to 8
alphanumeric characters>
:ntt=<0 – 255>
Are any of
the Advanced GT Yes
Modification features
enabled? Are hexadecimal
Enter the rtrv-gtmod No
digits to be specified for
command with this
the npds or nsds
parameter. No parameters?
:gtmodid=<the gtmodid
value specified in the
ent-gtmod command>
Perform the “Activating Yes
the Advanced GT
Modification Feature”
procedure to enable any Enter the
Enter the chg-db of the AMGTT features. rtrv-ctrl-feat
:action=backup:dest=fixed :partnum=893018501
command. command.

No Is the Yes
Hex Digit Support for GTT
feature enabled?

Perform the "Activating the

Hex Digit Support for GTT
Feature" procedure to enable
Sheet 2
the Hex Digit Support for GTT

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 432

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are the ngti or

Are ngti values No No
From on=gt0fill parameters to
shown in the rtrv-gtmod
Sheet 1 be specified for the

Yes Yes

Enter the
Enter the ent-gtmod command with this mandatory parameter.
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID consisting of 1 alphabetic character with up to 8
alphanumeric characters>
and with these optional parameters.
:cgpassn=<2 – 255>
Is the
:ngti=<2, 4> Yes ANSI/ITU SCCP
:nnai=<0 – 127> conversion feature
:nnp=<0 – 15> enabled?
:npdd=<1 – 21>
:npds=<1 – 21 decimal digits or 1 – 21 hexadecimal digits>
:nsdd=<1 – 21>
:nsds=<1 – 21 decimal digits or 1 – 21 hexadecimal digits>
:ntt=<0 – 255> Perform the "Activating the
:off=gt0fill – this parameter cannot be specified if the on=gt0fill parameter is ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion
specified. Feature" procedure to enable the
:on=gt0fill – this parameter cannot be specified if the off=gt0fill parameter is ANSI/ITU SCCP conversion
specified. feature.
:precd=<pfx, sfx>
1. The on=gt0fill parameter can be specified only if the ngti paramter is specified.
2. If the ngti=2 parameter is specified, the nnai and nnp parameters cannot be
3. If the ngti=4 parameter is specified, the nnai and nnp parameters must be
4. If the npdd/npds and nsdd/nsds parameter combinations are specified, the
precd parameter must be specified.
5. If the precd parameter is specified, the npdd, npds, nsdd, or nsds parameters
must be specified.
6. The combined length of npds and nsds parameter values cannot exceed 21

Enter the rtrv-gtmod command

with this parameter. Enter the
:gtmodid=<the gtmodid value chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
specified in the ent-gtmod command.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 113: Adding Global Title Modification Information

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 433

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Removing Global Title Modification Information

Enter the rtrv-gtmod

command with this Are any entries No This procedure cannot
parameter. displayed? be performed.


Enter the
than Zero
What is the rtrv-gttset command with this
Zero (0) (0)
REFCNT value of the parameter.
GTMOD ID that is being :gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID
removed? that is being removed in this

To No Are any entries

Sheet 2 displayed?


than Zero Enter the
(0) rtrv-gta command with these
:gttsn=<GTT set name shown in
What is the the rtrv-gttset output>
Zero (0) REFCNT value of the :gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID value
GTMOD ID that is being specified with the rtrv-gttset
removed? command>

Enter the
dlt-gtmod command with
this parameter. Perform one of these procedures.
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD
ID that is being removed Enter the rtrv-gtmod The "Removing Global Title Address
in this procedure> command with these Information" procedure to remove any
parameters. GTA entries that reference the GTMOD
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID ID.
specified with the rtrv-gta The "Changing Global Title Address
command> Information" procedure to change the
Enter the rtrv-gtmod
:on=refcnt GTMOD ID references of any entries that
command with this
currently reference the GTMOD ID to
reference another GTMOD ID or to
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD
Yes reference no GTMOD ID.
ID specified with the
dlt-gtmod command>

Have all the

GTA entries in all the GTT sets
Enter the shown in the rtrv-gttset output
chg-db:action=backup been displayed?
:dest=fixed command.


Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 434

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enter the rtrv-gtt command with

these parameters.
From Enter the
typens/typen24=<the translation
Sheet 1 rtrv-tt command.
type shown in the rtrv-tt output>
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID that is
being removed in this procedure>

Perform one of these procedures.

The "Removing a Global Title
Translation " procedure to remove any
GTT entries that reference the GTMOD
ID. Yes Are any entries
The "Changing a Global Title displayed?
Translation " procedure to change the
GTMOD ID references of any entries that
currently reference the GTMOD ID to
reference another GTMOD ID or to No
reference no GTMOD ID.

Have all the

GTT entries for all the No
translation types shown in the
rtrv-tt output been


Enter the rtrv-gtmod

command with these
What is the
Zero (0) parameters.
REFCNT value of the
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID
GTMOD ID that is being
specified with the rtrv-gtt
Enter the Greater than
dlt-gtmod command with Zero (0)
this parameter.
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD
ID that is being removed
in this procedure>
Sheet 3

Enter the rtrv-gttset

command with this
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD
ID specified with the
dlt-gtmod command>

Enter the
:dest=fixed command.

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 435

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enter the
rtrv-gttact command with this
From parameter.
Sheet 2 :cdgtmodid=<the GTMOD ID that
is being removed in this

Perform one of these procedures.

The "Removing a GTT Action" procedure
to remove any GTT action entries that
Yes reference the GTMOD ID.
Are any entries
displayed? The "Changing a GTT Action" procedure to
change the GTMOD ID references of any
entries that currently reference the
GTMOD ID to reference another GTMOD
No ID or to reference no GTMOD ID.

Enter the rtrv-gtmod

command with these
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID
specified with the rtrv-gttact
Enter the command>
rtrv-gttact command with this :on=refcnt
:cggtmodid=<the GTMOD ID that
is being removed in this
than Zero What is the
(0) REFCNT value of the
GTMOD ID that is being

Zero (0)
Perform one of these procedures.
The "Removing a GTT Action" procedure
Enter the
to remove any GTT action entries that
dlt-gtmod command with this
reference the GTMOD ID.
The "Changing a GTT Action" procedure to :gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID that
change the GTMOD ID references of any is being removed in this
entries that currently reference the procedure>
GTMOD ID to reference another GTMOD
ID or to reference no GTMOD ID.

Enter the rtrv-gttset command

with this parameter.
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID
specified with the
dlt-gtmod command>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 114: Removing Global Title Modification Information

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 436

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing Global Title Modification Information

Enter the rtrv-gtmod Are any entries No This procedure cannot

command. displayed? be performed.


Do you wish Do all the

To Yes to change only No entries contain only values Yes
Sheet 5 the gtmodid or ntt for the the gtmodid and
parameter values? ntt parameters?

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
Sheet 3
No command.

Are any of
Yes Do you wish Yes the Advanced GT
to change the NGTI
Modification features

What will None
be the new NGTI
Perform the “Activating
the Advanced GT
2, 4 Modification Feature”
procedure to enable any
What is Off of the AMGTT features.
Do you wish No
On To to change the
Sheet 4 GT0FILL value?

The GT0FILL value must
be off if the NGTI value is
changed to NONE.
What will Off To
be the new GT0FILL
Sheet 4


The NGTI value must

To be 2 or 4 if the
Sheet 2 GT0FILL value is
changed to on.

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 437

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Are NGTI Yes

values shown in the
rtrv-gtmod output?


Enter the

Is the If the current NGTI value is 4,

Yes What will 2
ANSI/ITU SCCP the NNP and NNAI values will
be the new NGTI
conversion be removed when the ngti=2
feature enabled? parameter is specified.


The nnp and nnai To

Perform the "Activating parameters must be Sheet 4
the ANSI/ITU SCCP specified when the
Conversion Feature" GTMOD ID is changed.
procedure to enable the The network type of the
ANSI/ITU SCCP point code that is assigned
conversion feature. to the GTT/GTA entry must
be ITU.

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 438

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enter the rtrv-gtt command with

these parameters.
From Enter the
typen24=<the translation type
Sheet 2 rtrv-tt command.
shown in the rtrv-tt output>
:gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID that is
being changed in this procedure>

What is the
ANSI network type of the point code Yes Are any entries
that is assigned to the entries displayed?
in the rtrv-gtt output?



Have all the

GTT entries for all the No
translation types shown in the
rtrv-tt output been
Sheet 4
Enter the
rtrv-gttset command with
this parameter.
Have all the
No :gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID
GTA entries in all the GTT sets
that is being changed in this
shown in the rtrv-gttset output
been displayed?

Yes Are any entries


Enter the No
rtrv-gta command with these
What is the parameters.
ANSI network type of the point code :gttsn=<GTT set name shown in
that is assigned to the entries the rtrv-gttset output>
in the rtrv-gtt output? :gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID value
specified with the rtrv-gttset
The NGTI value cannot command>
be 4. To
Sheet 4

Sheet 1

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 439

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 1,
2, or 3

Are hexadecimal Yes Do you wish Yes

digits shown in the to change the NNP or
rtrv-gtmod output? NNAI values?

No No

Are hexadecimal Sheet 5
digits to be specified for No
the npds or nsds
No What will the
Value NGTI value be when 2
this procedure is

Enter the The nnp and nnai The nnp and

rtrv-ctrl-feat:partnum=893018501 parameters can be 4 nnai parameters
command. specified. The values for cannot be
these parameters can be specified.
the numerical values or The nnp and nnai
the value none shown in parameters must be
the chg-gtmod step on specified. The values for
Sheet 5. these parameters can be
the numerical values
Is the Yes shown in the chg-gtmod
Hex Digit Support for GTT
step on Sheet 5.
feature enabled?

Sheet 5
Perform the "Activating the
Hex Digit Support for GTT
Feature" procedure to enable
the Hex Digit Support for GTT

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 440

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 1
or 4

Enter the chg-gtmod command with this mandatory parameter.

:gtmodid=<the GTMOD ID shown in the rtrv-gtmod output>
and with these optional parameters.
:ngtmodid=<the new GTMOD ID consisting of 1 alphabetic character with
up to 8 alphanumeric characters>
:cgpassn=<2 – 255, or none>
:ngti=<2, 4, or none>
:nnai=<0 – 127, or none>
:nnp=<0 – 15, or none>
:npdd=<1 – 21, or none>
:npds=<1 – 21 decimal digits or 1 – 21 hexadecimal digits, or none>
:nsdd=<1 – 21, or none>
:nsds=<1 – 21 decimal digits or 1 – 21 hexadecimal digits, or none>
:ntt=<0 – 255, or none>
:off=gt0fill – this parameter cannot be specified if the on=gt0fill parameter is
:on=gt0fill – this parameter cannot be specified if the off=gt0fill parameter is
:precd=<pfx, sfx>
1. The on=gt0fill parameter can be specified only if the ngti parameter value
when this procedure is finished is either 2 or 4.
2. If the ngti parameter value when this procedure is finished is 2, the nnai and
nnp parameters cannot be specified.
3. If the ngti parameter value when this procedure is finished is 4, the nnai and
nnp parameters must be specified and their value cannot be none.
4. If the entry will have no ngti parameter value when this procedure is finished,
the nnai and nnp parameters can be specified and their value can be none.
5. If either the npdd/npds or nsdd/nsds parameter combinations are specified,
the precd parameter cannot be specified.
6. If the npdd/npds and nsdd/nsds parameter combinations are specified, the
precd parameter must be specified.
7. If the precd parameter is specified, the npdd/npds and nsdd/nsds parameter
combinations must be specified.
8. The combined length of npds and nsds parameter values cannot exceed 21
9. The ngtmodid parameter changes the references from the current gtmodid
value to the new gtmodid value in the entities that reference the current gtmodid

Enter the rtrv-gtmod command with this

:gtmodid=<the gtmodid value if the Enter the
gtmodid value was not changed in the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
chg-gtmod command, or the ngtmodid command.
value if the ngtmodid parameter was
specified in the chg-gtmod command>

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 115: Changing Global Title Modification Information

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 441

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Changing the MTP-Routed GTT Options

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


What is the
What is the OFF MTPROUTE
current MTPRGTT


The feature that is Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

required for setting the command.
MTPRGTT option and
for setting the
option is enabled.

Enter the chg-sccpopts

command with these
parameters, depending on the Is the MTP
parameter values that are Yes Routed GWS Stop Action
being changed. feature or the MTP Msgs for
:mtprgtt=>off, usemtppc, SCCP Apps feature
fullgtt> enabled.

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts Perform one of these procedures.

command. To enable the MTP Routed GWS Stop
Action feature, perform the “Activating the
MTP Routed GWS Stop Action Feature”
procedure in the Database Administration
Enter the Manual – Gateway Screening.
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed To enable the MTP Msgs for SCCP Apps
command. feature, perform the “MTP Msgs for SCCP
Apps Activation Procedure” in one of
these manuals to enable the feature.
Feature Manual - A-Port
Feature Manual - IS41 GSM Migration
Feature Manual - MO SMS

Figure 116: Changing the MTP-Routed GTT Options

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 442

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the IGTTLS feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the feature
No To
Sheet 2


The feature is permanently

Is the status of the On
enabled and activated. No further
feature on or off?
action is necessary.


Enter the rtrv-card


Go to the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in Chapter
Are service
No 2 to make sure the proper
modules in the
hardware is installed and
configured to support the
IGTTLS feature


Are service
modules required to
support the IGTTLS
feature in the

Yes Enter the

:status=on command

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 443

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Is the feature No To Sheet

Sheet 1 temporarily enabled? 3

Yes Do you wish to Yes

permanently enable this

Enter the
:fak=<feature access key> command
(See Note 3 on Sheet 3)

On Is the status of the

feature on or off?

The feature is Was the status of On

temporarily enabled and Off temporarily enabled
activated. No further feature on or off?
action is necessary.
Enter the rtrv-card

Go to the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in Chapter
Are service
No 2 to make sure the proper
modules in the
hardware is installed and
configured to support the
IGTTLS feature


Are service
modules required to
support the IGTTLS
feature in the

Yes Enter the

:status=on command

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 444

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any controlled 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only
From features shown in the Yes the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
Sheet 2 rtrv-ctrl-feat output? quantity of 64, the answer to this
(See Note 1) question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s
serial number must be verified. This is
the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat
output. This entry is shown whether or
No not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in
the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot
Enter the rtrv-serial-num be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf
Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number
No in the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)
This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial
number in the database.
Is the EAGLE Contact the Customer Care
5 ISS's serial number No Is the EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
in the database serial number locked? number entered into the
correct? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
Yes No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>
Enter the ent-serial-num
command with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial Enter the rtrv-serial-num
number> command

Is the EAGLE
To Yes 5 ISS's serial number No
Sheet 4 in the database

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 445

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enter the
Is the feature to enable-ctrl-feat
From Yes
be permanently :partnum=893006901
Sheet 3
enabled? :fak=<permanent feature access key>
command (See Note)


Enter the
Enter the rtrv-card
:fak=<temporary feature access key>
command (See Note)

Are service
modules in the


Go to the "Adding a Service

Are service
Module" procedure in Chapter
modules required to
No 2 to make sure the proper
support the IGTTLS
hardware is installed and
feature in the
configured to support the
IGTTLS feature


Enter the
:status=on command
Note: If you do not have the feature access
key for the IGTTLS feature, contact your
Tekelec sales representative or account
representative. The feature access key Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
determines if the IGTTLS feature is command
permenantly or temporarily enabled.

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 117: Activating the IGTTLS feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 446

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm

Enter the

Enter the
:partnum=<control feature part
number without dashes>
:alarm=clear command.

Enter the

Enter the

Figure 118: Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 447

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Turning Off the IGTTLS Feature

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

This procedure cannot be

Is the IGTTLS feature No perfomed. To turn the IGTTLS
enabled and on? feature off, the IGTTLS feature
must be enabled and on.


Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Perform the “Turning the GTT Load

Sharing with Alternate Routing Is the GTT Load
Indicator Feature Off” procedure in Yes Sharing with Alternate
this appendix to turn the GTT Load Routing Indicator feature
Sharing with Alternate Routing enabled and on?
Indicator feature off.


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with

these parameters.
:status=off (See Caution)
Caution: If the IGTTLS feature is turned
off, the ent-mrn and chg-mrn commands
cannot be executed, and mated relay
Enter the node groups and point codes cannot be
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this configured in the database. The mated
parameter. relay node groups and point codes can
:partnum=893006901 be displayed with the rtrv-mrn command
and removed from the database with the
dlt-mrn command if the IGTTLS feature
is turned off.
Enter the

Figure 119: Turning Off the IGTTLS Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 448

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enabling the XGTT Table Expansion Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the XGTT
Table Expansion feature Yes To
permanently Sheet 2


Enter the rtrv-card


Go to the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in Chapter
Are service
No 2 to make sure the proper
modules shown in the
hardware is installed and
rtrv-card output?
configured to support the
XGTT Table Expansion feature


Are any controlled

features shown in the No
rtrv-ctrl-feat output? (See
the Note)

Note: If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows To

only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity Sheet 3
feature with a quantity of 64, the
answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be To
verified. This is the default entry for Sheet 4
the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is
shown whether or not the Eagle 5
ISS’s serial number is in the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 449

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Is the quantity shown

in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output for the Yes
XGTT Table Expansion feature the
desired quantity?


Is the quantity shown

in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output for Yes
the XGTT Table Expansion feature
greater than the desired

The XGTT Table Expansion

feature is permanently
enabled and the desired
quantity can be used. No
further action is necessary.

Are any controlled

features shown in the No To
rtrv-ctrl-feat output? (See Sheet 3
the Note)


Note: If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows

To only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
Sheet 4 feature with a quantity of 64, the
answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be
verified. This is the default entry for
the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is
shown whether or not the Eagle 5
ISS’s serial number is in the

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 450

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Enter the

Sheets 1 rtrv-serial-num
or 2 command.

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 1, 2,
and 3)

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4
Is the EAGLE 5
ISS's serial number
locked? Enter the ent-serial-num
command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial Enter the rtrv-serial-num
number in the database. command
Contact the Customer Care
Center to get the correct serial
number entered into the
database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
Is the EAGLE
section in Chapter 1 for the
5 ISS's serial number No
contact information.
in the database

Notes: Yes
1. If the serial number is locked, it
cannot be changed. Enter the ent-serial-num
2. If the serial number is not locked, the command with these
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
parameters: To
3. The serial number can be found on a :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's Sheet 4
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf
serial number>

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 451

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 1,
2, or 3

Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:

:partnum=<XGTT Table Expansion feature part number >
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the XGTT Table
Expansion feature, contact your Tekelec sales representative or
account representative.
2. For 400,000 GTT entries, use part number 893006101.
3. For 1,000,000 GTT entries, use part number 893006110.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:
:partnum=<part number used in
the enable-ctrl-feat command>

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 120: Enabling the XGTT Table Expansion Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 452

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enabling the XMAP Table Expansion Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the XMAP Is the quantity shown

Table Expansion feature Yes in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output for the Yes
permanently XMAP Table Expansion feature the
enabled? desired quantity?


Enter the rtrv-card


Is the quantity
shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat Yes
output for the XMAP Table
Expansion feature greater than
Are service the desired quantity?
modules shown in the
rtrv-card output? The XMAP Table Expansion
feature is permanently
enabled and the desired
Go to the "Adding a Service quantity can be used. No
Module" procedure in Chapter further action is necessary.
2 to make sure the proper
hardware is installed and
configured to support the
XMAP Table Expansion feature

Are any controlled

features shown in the No To
rtrv-ctrl-feat output? Sheet 2
Note: If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows (See the Note)
only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity feature
with a quantity of 64, the answer to this
question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s
serial number must be verified. This is Yes
the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat
output. This entry is shown whether or
not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in
the database.
Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 453

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Enter the rtrv-serial-num Notes:

Sheet 1 command 1. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be
2. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
3. The serial number can be found on a label
affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 3
(See Notes 1, 2,
and 3)

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial number
in the database. Contact the
Is the EAGLE
Customer Care Center to get the
5 ISS's serial number No Is the EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes
correct serial number entered into
in the database serial number locked?
the database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center” section
in Chapter 1 for the contact
Yes No

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number Enter the rtrv-serial-num
in the database command


Enter the ent-serial-num command

with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 454

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:

:partnum=<XMAP Table Expansion feature part number >
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the XMAP Table
Expansion feature, contact your Tekelec sales representative or
account representative.
2. For 2,000 MAP entries, use part number 893007701.
3. For 3,000 MAP entries, use part number 893007710.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:
:partnum=<part number used in
the enable-ctrl-feat command>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 121: Enabling the XMAP Table Expansion Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 455

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the Is the status of

Conversion feature Conversion feature on Sheet 3
enabled? or off?

No On

Enter the rtrv-feat The ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Note: The GTT-related
command. feature is enabled and activated. features are shown in the
No further action is necessary. SCCP Card and Feature
Combinations table in the
“Adding an SCCP Card”
procedure in the
Database Administration
Manual – Global Title
Translation .
In the rtrv-ctrl-feat
Are either the No Yes
output, are any GTT-related
features enabled?
features on?
(see the Note)


This procedure cannot be performed if

either of these features are on. If these
features are on, and you wish to
perform this procedure, contact the In the rtrv-feat
Customer Care Center. Refer to the output, are any GTT-related Yes To
“Customer Care Center” section in features on? Sheet 2
Chapter 1 for the contact information. (see the Note)

Enter the rtrv-card

Yes Is the GTT No

feature on?

Perform the "Adding a Service Module"

Are service No procedure to turn the GTT feature on, if
modules shown in the necessary, and add service modules to
rtrv-card output? the database according to the Service
Module and Feature Combinations table.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 456

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1
Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
Enter the Yes
the database correct and is
the serial number locked?
Are any command.
See Notes 2, 3,
controlled features shown No
and 4.
in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
See Note 1.

To Enter the ent-serial-num

Sheet 3 Is the EAGLE command with these
5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters.
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
No Is the EAGLE 5 Yes Center to get the correct serial
ISS's serial number
number entered into the
database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the ent-serial-num
command with this parameter. Enter the rtrv-serial-num
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct command.
serial number>

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters.
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 3
1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a quantity of 64,
the answer to this question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is
the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the Eagle 5
ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 457

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2

Enter the
:fak=<feature access key> command.
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the
controlled feature you wish to enable, contact your
Tekelec sales representative or account
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Enter the
:partnum=893012001:status=on command.
1. Once the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is
turned on, it cannot be turned off.
2. The called party/calling party address indicator bit
in the MSU may be modified as soon as the ANSI/
ITU SCCP Conversion is enabled and turned on,
depending on the destination network of the MSU.
Sheet 1 If the MSU is sent to an ITU-I network, the value of
the called party/calling party address indicator bit
in the MSU may be changed to 0.
If the MSU is sent to an ANSI or ITU-N network,
the value of the called party/calling party address
indicator bit in the MSU may be changed to 1.
If you wish to set the value of the called party/
calling party address indicator bit in the MSU after
the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion is enabled and
turned on, perform the “Configuring the ANSI to
ITU-N SCCP Conversion Option” procedure.

Enter the

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 122: Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 458

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
Flexible GTT Load No
Sharing feature


The Flexible GTT Load

Is the status of
Sharing feature is
the Flexible GTT Load On
enabled and turned on.
Sharing feature on
No further action is
or off?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these Enter the rtrv-card
parameters: command

Are service
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command Yes
modules shown in the
with this parameter:
rtrv-card output?

Enter the
Go to the "Adding a Service
Module" procedure in Chapter
2 to turn the GTT feature on
and add service modules to the
database according to the
Service Module and Feature
Combinations table

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 459

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No To
in the database Sheet 3


Enter the ent-serial-num Notes:

command with these parameters: 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
number> feature with a quantity of 64, the
:lock=yes answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be
verified. This is the default entry for
the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is
shown whether or not the Eagle 5
To ISS’s serial number is in the
Sheet 4 database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it
cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked,
the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found
on a label affixed to the control shelf
(shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 460

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2

This feature cannot be

enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Is the EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
serial number locked? number entered into the
database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
Yes command with these parameters:
No 5 ISS's serial number
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
in the database

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 461

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3 Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the controlled feature part
number or the feature access key for the controlled
feature you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec
When provisioning GTT sales representative or account representative.
(with the ent-/chg-gtt commands) or 2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.
GTA (with the ent-/chg-gta commands)
entries, will the ri=gt parameter be
specified for these entries? 1. Once the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is
enabled, provisioning for Flexible Intermediate GTT
Load Sharing can be performed, but the EAGLE 5
ISS will not perform Flexible Intermediate GTT
Load Sharing on GTT traffic requiring intermediate
Yes global title translation until the Flexible GTT Load
Sharing is turned on in the next step.
2. Once the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is
enabled, provisioning for Flexible Final GTT Load
Sharing can be performed, but the EAGLE 5 ISS
will not perform Flexible Final GTT Load Sharing
Does the rtrv-ctrl-feat
on GTT traffic requiring final global title translation
output show that the Intermediate Yes
until the Flexible GTT Load Sharing is turned on in
GTT Load Sharing feature is
the next step.
enabled and turned on?

No Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Perform to the “Activating the :partnum=893015401
IGTTLS Feature” procedure in this :status=on
chapter to enable and turn on the
Intermediate GTT Load Sharing

Enter the
Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 123: Activating the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 462

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Turning Off the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature

Enter the

This procedure cannot be

Is the Flexible GTT perfomed. To turn the Flexible
Load Sharing feature GTT Load Sharing feature off, the
enabled and on? Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature
must be enabled and on.


Enter the Cautions:

chg-ctrl-feat 1. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is turned
:partnum=893015401 off, provisioning for Flexible Intermediate GTT Load
:status=off command (See Cautions) Sharing can be performed with the ent-mrn, dlt-mrn,
chg-mrn, and rtrv-mrn commands.
The EAGLE 5 ISS will not perform Flexible
Intermediate GTT Load Sharing on GTT traffic
Enter the requiring intermediate global title translation.
command 2. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is turned
off, provisioning for Flexible Final GTT Load Sharing
can be performed with the ent-map, dlt-map,
chg-map, and rtrv-map commands.
Enter the The EAGLE 5 ISS will not perform Flexible Final
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed GTT Load Sharing on GTT traffic requiring final
command global title translation.

Figure 124: Turning Off the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 463

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
Origin-Based SCCP No To
Routing feature Sheet 2


Is the status of
The Origin-Based SCCP Routing
the Origin-Based SCCP On
feature is enabled and turned on.
Routing feature on
No further action is necessary.
or off?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Once this feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 464

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-feat


Is the EGTT No
feature on?

Yes Enter the chg-feat command

with this parameter:
Enter the rtrv-card If the GTT feature is not on,
command turn the GTT feature on by
specifying the gtt=on
parameter with the egtt=on

Perform the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure to turn the GTT
feature on to add service modules to
the database according to the Service
Are service Module and Feature Combinations
modules shown in the table.
rtrv-card output?
This table is in the “Adding a Service
Module” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – Global Title
Translation .

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 465

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 2 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 5
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No To
in the database Sheet 4


Enter the ent-serial-num Notes:

command with these parameters: 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
number> feature with a quantity of 64, the
:lock=yes answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be
verified. This is the default entry for
the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is
shown whether or not the Eagle 5
To ISS’s serial number is in the
Sheet 5 database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it
cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked,
the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found
on a label affixed to the control shelf
(shelf 1100).

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 466

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

This feature cannot be

enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Is the Contact the Customer Care
EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
serial number number entered into the
locked? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
Yes command with these parameters:
No 5 ISS's serial number
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
in the database

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 467

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 3
or 4

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the controlled feature part number or the
feature access key for the controlled feature you wish to enable ,
contact your Tekelec sales representative or account
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.
Caution: Once the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is
enabled, provisioning for the Origin-Based SCCP Routing
feature can be performed except for provisioning the Origin-
Based SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchy for linksets and the
system wide default GTT mode option with one of the Origin-
Based SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchies. The Origin-Based
SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchy for linksets and the system
wide default GTT mode option with one of the Origin-Based
SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchies can be provisioned only
when the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is turned on in the
next step. The EAGLE 5 ISS will not perform Origin-Based
SCCP Routing on GTT traffic until the the Origin-Based SCCP
Routing feature is turned on in the next step.

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Once this feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 125: Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 468

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the Hex Digit Support for GTT Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


The Hex Digit Support for GTT

Is the feature is enabled and turned on.
Hex Digit Support for Yes No further action is necessary.
GTT feature Once the Hex Digit Support
enabled? feature is enabled, it is also
turned on.


Enter the rtrv-feat


Is the GTT No
feature on?


Enter the rtrv-card


Go to the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in Chapter
Are service 2 to turn the GTT feature on
modules shown in the and add service modules to the
rtrv-card output? database according to the
Service Module and Feature
Combinations table

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 469

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No To
in the database Sheet 3


Enter the ent-serial-num Notes:

command with these parameters: 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
number> feature with a quantity of 64, the
:lock=yes answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be
verified. This is the default entry for
the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is
shown whether or not the Eagle 5
To ISS’s serial number is in the
Sheet 4 database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it
cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked,
the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found
on a label affixed to the control shelf
(shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 470

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2

This feature cannot be

enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Is the Contact the Customer Care
EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
serial number number entered into the
locked? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
Yes command with these parameters:
No 5 ISS's serial number
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
in the database

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 471

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<Hex Digit Support for GTT feature
access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the
Hex Digit Support for GTT feature, contact your
Tekelec sales representative or account
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.
3. Once the Hex Digit Support for GTT feature is
enabled, it is also turned on. Once this feature is
enabled, it cannot be turned off.

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 126: Activating the Hex Digit Support for GTT Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 472

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the Weighted GTT Load Sharing Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
Weighted GTT Load No To
Sharing feature Sheet 2


The Weighted GTT

Is the status of
Load Sharing feature is
the Weighted GTT Load On
enabled and turned on.
Sharing feature on
No further action is
or off?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Once this feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 473

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-feat


Go to the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in Chapter 2
to turn the GTT feature on and
Is the GTT No
add service modules to the
feature on?
database according to the Service
Module and Feature
Combinations table

Enter the rtrv-feat


Are service
modules shown in the
rtrv-card output?


Go to the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in Chapter 2
to add service modules to the To
database according to the Service Sheet 3
Module and Feature
Combinations table

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 474

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 2 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 5
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No To
in the database Sheet 4


Enter the ent-serial-num Notes:

command with these parameters: 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
number> feature with a quantity of 64, the
:lock=yes answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be
verified. This is the default entry for
the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is
shown whether or not the Eagle 5
To ISS’s serial number is in the
Sheet 5 database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it
cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked,
the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found
on a label affixed to the control shelf
(shelf 1100).

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 475

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

This feature cannot be

enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Is the Contact the Customer Care
EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
serial number number entered into the
locked? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
Yes command with these parameters:
No 5 ISS's serial number
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
in the database

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 476

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 3
or 4

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the controlled
feature you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec sales
representative or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Once this feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 127: Activating the Weighted GTT Load Sharing Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 477

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the Transaction-Based GTT Load Sharing Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
Transaction -Based No To
GTT Load Sharing Sheet 2
feature enabled?


The Transaction -Based

Is the status of
GTT Load Sharing
the Transaction -Based On
feature is enabled and
GTT Load Sharing
turned on. No further
feature on or off?
action is necessary.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Once this feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 478

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-feat


Go to the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in Chapter 2
to turn the GTT feature on and
Is the GTT No
add service modules to the
feature on?
database according to the Service
Module and Feature
Combinations table

Enter the rtrv-feat


Are service
modules shown in the
rtrv-card output?


Go to the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in Chapter 2
to add service modules to the To
database according to the Service Sheet 3
Module and Feature
Combinations table

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 479

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 2 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 5
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No To
in the database Sheet 4


Enter the ent-serial-num Notes:

command with these parameters: 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
number> feature with a quantity of 64, the
:lock=yes answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be
verified. This is the default entry for
the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is
shown whether or not the Eagle 5
To ISS’s serial number is in the
Sheet 5 database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it
cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked,
the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found
on a label affixed to the control shelf
(shelf 1100).

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 480

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

This feature cannot be

enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Is the Contact the Customer Care
EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
serial number number entered into the
locked? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
Yes command with these parameters:
No 5 ISS's serial number
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
in the database

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 481

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 3
or 4

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the controlled
feature you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec sales
representative or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.
Caution: Once the Transaction -Based GTT Load Sharing feature is
enabled, provisioning for the Transaction -Based GTT Load Sharing
feature can be performed, but the EAGLE 5 ISS will not perform
Transaction -Based GTT Load Sharing on GTT traffic until the the
Transaction -Based GTT Load Sharing feature is turned on with the
chg-ctrl-feat command.

Do you wish to
No Yes
turn this feature on at
this time?

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Once this feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.
Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 128: Activating the Transaction-Based GTT Load Sharing Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 482

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the SCCP Loop Detection Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
No To
SCCP Loop Detection
Sheet 2
feature enabled?


Is the status of The SCCP Loop Detection

the SCCP Loop Detection feature is enabled and turned on.
feature on or off? No further action is necessary.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Once this feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 483

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-feat


Is the GTT No
feature on?


Enter the rtrv-card


Go to the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in Chapter
Are service 2 to turn the GTT feature on
modules shown in the and add service modules to the
rtrv-card output? database according to the
Service Module and Feature
Combinations table

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 484

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 2 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 5
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No To
in the database Sheet 4


Enter the ent-serial-num Notes:

command with these parameters: 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
number> feature with a quantity of 64, the
:lock=yes answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be
verified. This is the default entry for
the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is
shown whether or not the Eagle 5
To ISS’s serial number is in the
Sheet 5 database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it
cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked,
the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found
on a label affixed to the control shelf
(shelf 1100).

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 485

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 3

This feature cannot be

enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Is the Contact the Customer Care
EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
serial number number entered into the
locked? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
Yes command with these parameters:
No 5 ISS's serial number
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
in the database

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 486

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 3
or 4

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the
SCCP Loopback Detection feature, contact your
Tekelec sales representative or account
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.
Caution: Once the SCCP Loopback Detection
feature is enabled, provisioning for the SCCP
Loopback Detection feature can be performed, but
SCCP Loopback Detection will not be performed until
the SCCP Loopback Detection feature is turned on in
the next step.

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Once this feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 129: Activating the SCCP Loop Detection Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 487

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the E5-SM4G/ E5-SM8G-B Throughput Capacity Feature

The E5-SM4G
Throughput Capacity
No further action is
feature is enabled for the
necessary. This
maximum quantity. No
.Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat procedure cannot be
further action is
command. performed.


What value is Do you wish to

Is the service module an 6800 shown in the Quantity 5000 enable a higher SCCP
E5-SM4G or E5-SM8G-B column of the rtrv-ctrl-feat tranactions per second
card? output? quantity?

Neither Yes
E5-SM8G-B 6800 nor
To To
Sheet 3 Sheet 3
Enter the rtrv-feat

The E5-SM4G Throughput Capacity

feature can be enabled for one of two Enter the
Is the GTT Yes
quantities of SCCP transactions per rept-stat-gpl:gpl=sccphc
feature on?
second. command.
5000 SCCP transactions per second
6800 SCCP transactions per second No
The E5-SM8G-B Throughput Capacity
can also be enabled for 10000 SCCP
transactions per second. Are E5-SM4G No
Note: If the 5000 SCCP transactions cards provisioned in
per second quantity is enabled and an the database?
EPAP-based feature is enabled, the
number of SCCP transactions per
second is limited to 3125. Yes
Perform the "Adding a Service
Module" procedure in Chapter
Perform the "Adding a Service 2 to add E5-SM4G or
Module" procedure in Chapter 2 E5-SM8G-B cards to the
to turn on the GTT feature. database according to
Add E5-SM4G or SM8G-B
the Service Module and
cards to the database
Feature Combinations table.
according to the Service
Module and Feature
Combinations table. To
Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 488

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only
From controlled features shown Yes the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
Sheet 1 in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output? quantity of 64, the answer to this
(See Note 1) question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s
serial number must be verified. This is
the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat
output. This entry is shown whether or
No not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in
the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot
Enter the rtrv-serial-num be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf
Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is the Yes To
serial number locked? Sheet 3
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)
This feature cannot be
enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Is the EAGLE Contact the Customer Care
No Is the EAGLE Yes
5 ISS's serial number Center to get the correct serial
5 ISS's serial number
in the database number entered into the
correct? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
Yes No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter.
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the ent-serial-num

command with these Is the EAGLE
parameters. Yes 5 ISS's serial number No
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's in the database
serial number> correct?

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 489

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:partnum=<E5-SM4G Throughput Capacity part number>
:fak=<feature access key>
1. The E5-SM4G Throughput Capacity feature can use one of
these part numbers.
for 5000 SCCP transactions per second – 893019101
for 6800 SCCP transactions per second – 893019102
for 10000 SCCP transactions per second - 893019103
2. If you do not have the feature access key for the
E5-SM4G or E5-SM8G-B Throughput Capacity quantity that
you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec sales representative
or account representative.
3. The E5-SM4G and E5-SM8G-B Throughput capacity

quantities can only be permanently enabled.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

:partnum=<the part number

specified in the precious step>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 130: Activating the E5-SM4G/ E5-SM8G-B Throughput Capacity Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 490

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the Advanced GT Modification Feature

Are any of the

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Advanced GT Yes
command Modification features

Is the AMGTT No
CdPA Only feature


No further action is necessary.

Do you wish
No Once any of the Advanced GT
to enable the AMGTT
Modification features are
CgPA Upgrade
enabled, they are also turned
Enter the rtrv-feat
Sheet 3

Is the GTT No
feature on?


Enter the rtrv-card


Go to the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in Chapter
Are service 2 to turn the GTT feature on
modules shown in the and add servive modules to the
rtrv-card output? database according to the
Service Module and Feature
Combinations table

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 491

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any controlled 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only
From features shown in the Yes the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output? quantity of 64, the answer to this
(See Note 1) question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s
serial number must be verified. This is
the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat
output. This entry is shown whether or
No not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in
the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot
Enter the rtrv-serial-num be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf
Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is the Yes To
serial number locked? Sheet 3
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)
This feature cannot be
enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Is the EAGLE Contact the Customer Care
5 ISS's serial number No Is the EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
in the database serial number locked? number entered into the
correct? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
Yes No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>
Enter the ent-serial-num
command with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial Enter the rtrv-serial-num
number> command

Is the EAGLE
To Yes 5 ISS's serial number No
Sheet 3 in the database

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 492

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From From
Sheet 1 Sheet 2

Enter the Enter the

enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters: enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:partnum=893021803 :partnum=893021801
:fak=<AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature access key > :fak=<AMGTT feature access key>
Notes: Notes:
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the 1. If you do not have the feature access key for the
AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature , contact your AMGTT feature, contact your Tekelec sales
Tekelec sales representative or account representative or account representative.
representative. 2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled. 3. Once the AMGTT feature is enabled, it is also
3. Once the AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature is turned on. Once this feature is enabled, it cannot be
enabled, it is also turned on. Once this feature is turned off.
enabled, it cannot be turned off.

Enter the Enter the

rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this
parameter: parameter:
:partnum=893021803 :partnum=893021801

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 131: Activating the Advanced GT Modification Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 493

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the GTT Load Sharing with Alternate Routing Indicator Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
GTT Load Sharing with No To
Alternate Routing Indicator Sheet 2
feature enabled?


Is the status The GTT Load Sharing with

of the GTT Load Alternate Routing Indicator
Sharing with Alternate Routing feature is enabled and
Indicator feature turned on. No further action
on or off? is necessary.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 494

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


Sheet 3

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
feature with a quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is the default entry
for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control
shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 495

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
From 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
Sheet 2 in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4

Is the EAGLE 5 Yes

ISS's serial number

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Enter the ent-serial-num
Center to get the correct serial
command with this parameter:
number entered into the
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
database. Refer to the
serial number>
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 496

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2
or 3

Is the Intermediate
GTT Load Sharing feature


Perform to the “Activating the

IGTTLS Feature” procedure in this Is the Flexible Yes
chapter to enable and turn on the GTT Load Sharing feature
Intermediate GTT Load Sharing enabled?

Perform to the “Activating the
Flexible GTT Load Sharing
Feature” procedure in this chapter
to enable on the Flexible GTT Load
Sharing feature

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 497

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 4

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the controlled feature part
number for the feature you wish to enable , contact
your Tekelec sales representative or account
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Do you wish No
to turn this feature on at
this time?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 132: Activating the GTT Load Sharing with Alternate Routing Indicator Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 498

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Turning Off the GTT Load Sharing with Alternate Routing Indicator Feature

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

This procedure cannot be

perfomed. To turn the GTT Load
Is the GTT Load
Sharing with Alternate Routing
Sharing with Alternate No
Indicator feature off, the GTT Load
Routing Indicator feature
Sharing with Alternate Routing
enabled and on?
Indicator feature must be enabled
and on.


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat

command with these parameters.
Caution: If the GTT Load Sharing with
Alternate Routing Indicator feature is
turned off, provisioning for GTT Load
Sharing with Alternate Routing Indicator
can be performed, but load sharing using
alternate routing indicators will not be

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Figure 133: Turning Off the GTT Load Sharing with Alternate Routing Indicator Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 499

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
Support for 16 No To
GTT Lengths in VGTT Sheet 2
feature enabled?


Is the status The Support for 16 GTT

of the Support for 16 GTT On Lengths in VGTT feature is
Lengths in VGTT feature on enabled and turned on. No
or off? further action is necessary.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Note: Once the Support for 16 GTT
Lengths in VGTT feature is turned
on, it cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 500

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

From Enter the rtrv-feat

Sheet 1 command.

Yes Is the VGTT No

feature on?

Enter this command.

If the GTT feature is not
on, the gtt=on parameter
must also be specified with
the chg-feat command.
Are any controlled
No features shown in the Yes
rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)

Enter the

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Sheet 3

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC-MIM SLK Capacity
feature with a quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is the default entry
for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control
shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 501

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
From 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
Sheet 2 in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4

Is the EAGLE 5 Yes

ISS's serial number

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Enter the ent-serial-num
Center to get the correct serial
command with this parameter:
number entered into the
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
database. Refer to the
serial number>
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 502

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for this
feature, contact your Tekelec sales representative
or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Do you wish No
to turn this feature on at
this time?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
1. Once the Support for 16 GTT
Lengths in VGTT feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.
2. If the VGTT with Support for 16 GTT
Lengths in VGTT is not turned on, 11 to
16 different length global title addresses
for a translation type or a GTT set Enter the
cannot be provisioned. rtrv-ctrl-feat command with
this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 134: Activating the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 503

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
Flexible Linkset Optional No To
Based Routing feature Sheet 2


Is the status The Flexible Linkset

of the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing
Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and
feature on turned on. No further action
or off? is necessary.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Note: Once the Flexible Linkset
Optional Based Routing feature is
turned on, it cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 504

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Is the
From Enter the No
EGTT feature
Sheet 1 rtrv-feat command.


Enter this command.

If the GTT feature is not
on, the gtt=on parameter
must also be specified with
the chg-feat command.

Are any controlled

No features shown in the Yes
rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)

Enter the

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Sheet 3

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
feature with a quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is the default entry
for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control
shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 505

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
From 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
Sheet 2 in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4

Is the EAGLE 5 Yes

ISS's serial number

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Enter the ent-serial-num
Center to get the correct serial
command with this parameter:
number entered into the
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
database. Refer to the
serial number>
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 506

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for this
feature, contact your Tekelec sales representative
or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Do you wish No
to turn this feature on at
this time?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
1. Once the Flexible Linkset Optional
Based Routing feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.
2. If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based
Routing feature is not turned on,
provisioning for the Flexible Linkset
Optional Based Routing feature cannot Enter the
be performed. rtrv-ctrl-feat command with
this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 135: Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 507

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the Is the Flexible

TCAP Opcode Based No Linkset Optional Based Yes
Routing feature Routing feature enabled
enabled? and turned on?

Yes No

Perform the “Activating the

Flexible Linkset Optional
Based Routing Feature”
procedure in this appendix
to enable and turn on the
Flexible Linkset Optional
Based Routing feature.

Sheet 2

Is the status The TCAP Opcode Based

of the TCAP Opcode On Routing feature is enabled
Based Routing feature on and turned on. No further
or off? action is necessary.

Off Enter the

chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Note: Once the TCAP Opcode
Based Routing feature is turned on,
it cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 508

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for this
feature, contact your Tekelec sales representative
or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Do you wish No
to turn this feature on at
this time?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
1. Once the TCAP Opcode Based
Routing feature is turned on, it cannot
be turned off.
2. If the TCAP Opcode Based Routing
feature is not turned on, provisioning for
the TCAP Opcode Based Routing
feature cannot be performed. Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with
this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 136: Activating the TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 509

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Enabling a TOBR Opcode Quantity

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the maximum Yes This procedure cannot

TOBR Opcode quantity
be performed.


Is any Yes
TOBR Opcode quantity


Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with

these parameters.
Is the :partnum=<TOBR Opcode quantity part
TCAP Opcode number>
Based Routing feature :fak=<feature access key>
enabled and Notes:
turned on? 1. If you do not have the feature access
key for the TOBR Opcode quantity that
No you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec
sales representative or account
Perform the "Activating the 2. The TOBR Opcode quantity part
TCAP Opcode Based Routing numbers are shown in the TOBR Opcode
feature" procedure in this Quantity Part Numbers table in this
appendix to enable and turn procedure.
on, as requried, the TCAP 3. The quantity that is being enabled must
Opcode Based Routing be greater than the current quantity.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

Enter the
with this parameter:
:partnum=<part number used in
the enable-ctrl-feat command>

Figure 137: Enabling a TOBR Opcode Quantity

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 510

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the GTT Actions Features

Are all the GTT

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Actions features enabled Yes No further action is
command. and turned on? See the necessary.

Note: These are the GTT Actions features

and their part numbers. No
GTT Action – DISCARD – 893027501
GTT Action – DUPLICATE – 893027601
GTT Action – FORWARD – 893037501
Is the desired GTT Yes
Actions feature enabled
and turned on?


Is the desired No To
GTT Actions feature
Sheet 2
enabled on?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
:partnum=<See the Note for the
GTT Actions part number>
Caution: Once the specific GTT
Actions feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.
:partnum=<the part number
specified in the chg-ctrl-feat


Are all the GTT

Do you wish No Actions features enabled
to enable and turn on other
and turned on? See the
GTT Actions features?

No Yes

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 511

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Are any of the Yes

features shown in Note 1
Sheet 1

Are any of the Yes
features shown in Note 2
Enter the
rtrv-feat command.

Is the
Is the Yes No
EGTT feature
feature being Sheet 4


Enter the
Is the Yes Enter the
chg-feat command
GTT feature rept-stat-card:appl=vsccp
with this parameter.
on? command.


Perform the "Adding a Service Are any in-service

Module" procedure in this chapter Yes DSMs provisioned
to turn the GTT and EGTT in the database? See
features on and add service Note 3.
modules to the database
according to the Service Module Notes:
and Feature The in-service DSMs must be 1. If any of these features are enabled,
replaced by E5-SM4G cards. No
Combinations table. the EGTT feature is turned on.
This table is in the "Adding a Contact the Customer Care Origin-Based SCCP Routing
Service Module" procedure in the Center before replacing the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing
Database Administration Manual – DSMs. Refer to the “Customer MO SMS B-Party Routing
Global Title Translation . Care Center” section in Any GTT Actions feature.
Chapter 1 for the contact 2. If any of these Features are enabled,
information. then in-service DSMs are not provisioned
in the database.
To Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT
Sheet 3 Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing
A LNP telephone number quantity that
is 240 million numbers or greater.
3. A DSM is shown by the entry VSCCP
in the GPL column in the rept-stat-card
output. The state of the DSM is shown in
the PST column in the rept-stat-card
output. If the value in the PST column is
IS-NR, the DSM is an in-service DSM.

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 512

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 2
Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
Enter the Yes
the database correct and is
the serial number locked?
Are any command.
See Notes 2, 3,
controlled features shown No
and 4.
in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
See Note 1.

To Enter the ent-serial-num

Sheet 4 Is the EAGLE command with these
5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters.
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
No Is the EAGLE 5 Yes Center to get the correct serial
ISS's serial number
number entered into the
database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the ent-serial-num
command with this parameter. Enter the rtrv-serial-num
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct command.
serial number>

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters.
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4
1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a quantity of 64,
the answer to this question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is
the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the Eagle 5
ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 513

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.
:partnum=<See Note 4 for the GTT Actions part
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for this
feature, contact your Tekelec sales representative
or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled. Do you wish No
3. Once the specific GTT Actions feature is to turn this feature on at
enabled, provisioning for specific GTT Actions this time?
feature can be performed, but the specific GTT
Actions feature will not be performed until the
specific GTT Actions feature is turned on in the Yes
next step.
4. These are the GTT Actions features and their
part numbers.
Enter the
GTT Action – DISCARD – 893027501 chg-ctrl-feat command with these
GTT Action – DUPLICATE – 893027601 parameters.
GTT Action – FORWARD – 893037501 :partnum=<the part number specified in
the enable-ctrl-feat command>
Caution: Once the specific GTT Actions
feature is turned on, it cannot be turned

Is the Yes
other GTT Actions
feature enabled?


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Do you wish Are all the GTT command with this
to enable and turn on No Actions features enabled parameter.
other GTT Actions and turned on? See :partnum=<the part
features? Note 4. number specified in the
chg-ctrl-feat command>

No Yes

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 138: Activating the GTT Actions Features

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 514

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Activating the XUDT UDT Conversion Feature

Is the XUDT UDT Yes

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat No further action is
Conversion feature enabled
command. necessary.
and turned on?


Is the XUDT No To
UDT Conversion feature
Sheet 2


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Caution: Once the XUDT UDT
Conversion feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 515

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheet 1
Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
Enter the Yes
the database correct and is
the serial number locked?
Are any command.
See Notes 2, 3,
controlled features shown No
and 4.
in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
See Note 1.

To Enter the ent-serial-num

Sheet 3 Is the EAGLE command with these
5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters.
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
No Is the EAGLE 5 Yes Center to get the correct serial
ISS's serial number
number entered into the
database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the ent-serial-num
command with this parameter. Enter the rtrv-serial-num
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct command.
serial number>

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters.
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 3
1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a quantity of 64,
the answer to this question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is
the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the Eagle 5
ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 516

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Basic Global Title Translation Configuration

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for this
feature, contact your Tekelec sales representative
or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.
3. If the XUDT UDT Conversion feature is not
turned on in the next step, provisioning for the
XUDT UDT Conversion feature cannot be

Do you wish No
to turn this feature on at
this time?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command
with this parameter.
Caution: Once the XUDT UDT
Conversion feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 139: Activating the XUDT UDT Conversion Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 517


Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures used to configure the Global Title
• Adding a Translation Type.....519 Translation feature. These procedures are located
• Removing a Translation Type.....525 in the Database Administration Manual - Global Title
• Adding a Global Title Translation.....529 Translation.
• Removing a Global Title Translation.....539
• Changing a Global Title Translation.....541

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 518

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Adding a Translation Type

Perform the "Adding a Service

Is the No
Enter the rtrv-feat Module" procedure to turn the GTT
GTT feature
command. feature on and to make sure that
the correct hardware is installed.
Sheets 2 Yes
or 3
Enter the rtrv-gttset To
command with this Sheet 6
parameter. Yes Is the No Enter the rtrv-tt
:gttsn=<TTN value EGTT feature
that will be specified on?
with the ent-tt

Sheet 4

Is the TTN
value shown in the GTTSN Yes To
column of the rtrv-gttset Sheet 2


Only a CDGTA GTT set with the

NETDOM value of either ANSI or
ITU can be provisioned in this

Do you wish
to provision a GTT set Yes Perform the "Adding a
with a set type other than CDGTA GTT Set" procedure to
or with the NETDOM value add the desired GTT set.


Note: The advanced GTT parameters and

their default values are:
Do you wish to Perform the NAI = dflt – ITU GTT selectors only
provision a CDGTA GTT set "Adding a GTT NP = dflt – ITU GTT selectors only
that will contain GTT selectors whose Yes Selector” CGSSN – dashes
values for the advanced GTT features procedure to add SELID = none
are not the default values? the desired GTT LSN=any
See the Note. selector. An ITU translation type must have an entry
with the GTI=2 and GTI=4 values, with the
default values for the advanced GTT
No parameters.

To An ANSI translation type must have an

Sheet 4 entry with the GTI=2 value, with the default
values for the advanced GTT parameters.

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 519

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

The Origin-Based SCCP Routing or

Flexible Linkset Optional Based
Is the SETTYPE No Routing features are not enabled.
column shown in the
Sheet 1 The GTT set shown in the
rtrv-gttset output?
rtrv-gttset output is a CDGTA GTT

What is the What is the

SETTYPE value of the CDGTA NETDOM value of the ANSI, ITU
GTT set displayed on GTT set displayed on
Sheet 1? Sheet 1?

A Value other CROSS

than CDGTA
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
The TTN value command.
cannot be used in
this procedure.

Do you wish No Go to Sheet 1 and enter

to use this TTN value to add the rtrv-gttset command
a GTT selector entry? with another TTN value.


To Enter the rtrv-gttsel command.

Sheet 1 If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not enabled,
Perform the "Adding a
GTT Selector” procedure and the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature
to add the desired GTT is not enabled and turned on, specify this parameter wit
selector. the rtrv-gttsel command.
:gttsn=<TTN value that will be specified with the ent-tt
If only the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is
enabled, specify these commands.
rtrv-gttsel:cdgtasn=<TTN value that will be specified with
Sheet 3
the ent-tt command>
rtrv-gttsel:cggtasn=<TTN value that will be specified with
the ent-tt command>
If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is
enabled and turned on, specify these commands.
rtrv-gttsel:cdgttsn=<TTN value that will be specified with
the ent-tt command>
rtrv-gttsel:cggttsn=<TTN value that will be specified with
the ent-tt command>

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 520

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Sheet 2

Yes Are any entries No


Do all the
entries contain the Yes Do any of No To
default values for the advanced the entries contain the desired
Sheet 4
GTT features? translation type value?
See the Note.

No Yes

This translation type and

TTN combination cannot be
used in this procedure. Do you wish to
Choose another translation assign an alias Yes To
type and TTN combination. translation type to the
Sheet 6
translation type using the
ent-tt command?

Sheet 1
Perform the "Adding a
GTT Selector” procedure
to add the desired GTT

Note: The advanced GTT parameters and their default values are:
NAI = dflt – ITU GTT selectors only
NP = dflt – ITU GTT selectors only
CGSSN – dashes
SELID = none
An ITU translation type must have an entry with the GTI=2 and GTI=4
values, with the default values for the advanced GTT parameters .
An ANSI translation type must have an entry with the GTI=2 value,
with the default values for the advanced GTT parameters .

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 521

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Sheets 1
or 3

Are translation The Support for 16

types that contain 11 – 16 Yes GTT Lengths in VGTT To
different GTA lengths shown feature is enabled and Sheet 6
in the rtrv-tt output? turned on.


Are translation
types that contain 2 – 10 Yes The VGTT feature
different GTA lengths shown is turned on .
in the rtrv-tt output?


Will the new

translation type have more Yes
than 10 different length
GTAs assigned to it ?

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this
Will the new No parameter.
translation type have more No
than one different length
GTA assigned to it ?

Yes Is the
Yes Support for 16 GTT
Lengths in VGTT feature
is enabled and
To turned on?
Sheet 5


Perform the “Activating the Support

for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT
To Feature” procedure in Appendix A
Sheet 6 of this manual to enable and turn on
the Support for 16 GTT
Lengths in VGTT feature.

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 522

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Sheet 4

Will the new

Is the Yes No
translation type have more
VGTT feature
than 10 different length GTAs
assigned to it?

Enter the rtrv-card
command. Enter the
chg-feat:vgtt=on Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
command. command with this

Are the correct service

modules provisioned in the
EAGLE 5 ISS? Is the
(See the Service Module and Feature Yes
Support for 16 GTT Yes
Combinations table in the “Adding a Service Lengths in VGTT feature
Module” procedure in the Database is enabled and
Administration Manual – Global turned on?
Title Translation )


Perform the “Activating the Support
for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT
The correct service modules must be in the Feature” procedure in Appendix A
EAGLE 5 ISS before the VGTT feature can of this manual to enable and turn on
be turned on. the Support for 16 GTT
Refer to the Service Module and Feature Lengths in VGTT feature.
Combinations table in the “Adding a Service
Module” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – Global Title
Sheet 6
Translation to determine the service
modules that are required.
If any service modules must be replaced,
contact the Customer Care Center before
replacing any service modules. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center” section in Chapter 1
for the contact information.

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 523

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Is the
From Yes
alias parameter to be
Sheets 1,
specified with the ent-tt
3, 4, or 5


Choose a
Yes Is the
translation type
translation type in
that is not in the
the database?


Do you wish to
assign an alias translation Yes
type to the translation type
Enter the
that was added?
ent-tt command with this mandatory
typen24=< translation type> No
and with any of these optional parameters. Is the Yes
:ttn=<translation type name> alias translation type in
:ndgt=<number of digits in the global title the database?
See Notes 1 through 3 and 5.

Enter the
ent-tt command with these mandatory
Enter the rtrv-tt command with this Choose a
parameter. translation
:type/typea/typei/typeis/typen/ type for the
typen24=<the current translation type>
typens/typen24=<the translation alias that is
:alias=<alias translation type>
type parameter and value not in the
and with this optional parameter.
specified in the ent-tt command> database.
:ttn=<the current translation type name>
See Notes 2 through 4.

Enter the 1. If the VGTT feature is on, the ndgt parameter cannot be specified with the ent-tt command.
2. The translation type value, for example 10, can be specified as a value for each translation type
command. parameter (typea=10, typei=10, typeis=10, typen=10, typens=10, typen24=10). The translation type
value can appear in the rtrv-tt output only once for each network type of translation types.
3. An alias translation type value cannot be specified if the value is shown in the TYPE column of the
rtrv-tt output for the network type defined by the specified translation type parameter. For example,
the alias translation type value 10 cannot be specified as an alias of an ITU-I translation type if a
TYPEI value in the rtrv-tt output is 10. However, if the TYPEIS column does not contain the value 10,
the value 10 can be specified as an alias translation type of an ITU-I spare translation type. The alias
translation type value can appear in the rtrv-tt output only once for each network type of translation
4. When adding an alias translation type, the translation type must be specified with the ent-tt
command. The translation type must be shown in the rtrv-tt output.
5. If the ttn parameter is not specified, the ttn value will be added in the formats shown in this list.
If an ANSI translation type 10 is specified, the ttn value will be setans010.
If an ITU-I translation type 10 is specified, the ttn value will be setint010.
If an ITU-I spare translation type 10 is specified, the ttn value will be setins010.
If an ITU-N translation type 10 is specified, the ttn value will be setnat010.
If an ITU-N spare translation type 10 is specified, the ttn value will be setnas010.
If an ITU-N24 translation type 10 is specified, the ttn value will be set24n010.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 140: Adding a Translation Type

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 524

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Removing a Translation Type

This procedure cannot

Is the No
Enter the rtrv-feat be performed. There are
GTT feature
command. no translation types to


Enter the rtrv-tt


Does the No
translation type have
aliases assigned to it?


Are only the alias No To

translation types being
Sheet 2


Enter the
dlt-tt command with these mandatory
:type/typea/typei/typeis/typen/typens/ Enter the rtrv-tt command with this
typen24=<translation type> parameter.
:alias =<alias translation type> :type/typea/typei/typeis/typen/
and with this optional parameter. typens/typen24=<translation type
:ttn=<translation type name> specified in the dlt-tt command>
Repeat this step for all alias translation
types that are being removed from the
translation type.
Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 525

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Is the No
From To
EGTT feature
Sheet 1 Sheet 4


Enter the rtrv-gttset command

with this parameter.
:gttsn=<the TTN value
assigned to the translation type
that is being removed>

What is The translation type cannot be

the NETDOM value Cross removed with this procedure.
assigned to the entry that Perform the “Removing a GTT
you wish to Selector” procedure to remove
remove? the translation type.


Enter the rtrv-gttsel command.

column shown in the If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not enabled,
rtrv-gttset output? and the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature
is not enabled and turned on, specify this parameter wit
the rtrv-gttsel command.
:gttsn=<the TTN value assigned to the translation type
Yes that is being removed>
If only the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is
enabled, specify these commands.
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
rtrv-gttsel:cdgtasn=<the TTN value assigned to the
translation type that is being removed>
rtrv-gttsel:cggtasn=<the TTN value assigned to the
translation type that is being removed>
If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is
enabled and turned on, specify these commands.
rtrv-gttsel:cdgttsn=<the TTN value assigned to the
translation type that is being removed>
rtrv-ghttsel:cggttsn=<the TTN value assigned to the
translation type that is being removed>

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 526

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

From Are any entries No

Sheet 2 displayed?


Do all the Enter the rtrv-gta command

No entries contain the Yes with this parameter.
default values for the advanced :gttsn=<the TTN value
GTT features? assigned to the translation type
See the Note. that is being removed>
The translation type
cannot be removed with
this procedure.
Perform the “Removing a
GTT Selector” procedure
No Are any entries Yes
to remove the translation
type. displayed?

Perform the “Removing

Global Title Address
Enter the
Information” procedure to
dlt-tt command with these
remove the entries shown
mandatory parameters:
in the rtrv-gta output.
typens/typen24=<translation type
Yes Does the
being removed>
translation type have
:alias =<alias translation type>
aliases assigned to it?
and with this optional parameter.
:ttn=<translation type name>
Repeat this step for all alias
translation types that are being
removed from the translation type.

Enter the
dlt-tt command with this mandatory
typen24=<translation type being
and with this optional parameter.
:ttn=<translation type name> Enter the rtrv-tt command with
this parameter.
Note: The advanced GTT parameters and their default values are: typens/typen24=<translation type
NAI = dflt – ITU GTT selectors only specified in the dlt-tt command>
NP = dflt – ITU GTT selectors only
CGSSN – dashes
SELID = none
Enter the
An ITU translation type must have an entry with the GTI=2 and GTI=4
values, with the default values for the advanced GTT parameters .
An ANSI translation type must have an entry with the GTI=2 value,
with the default values for the advanced GTT parameters .

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 527

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Enter the rtrv-gtt command

with this parameter.
From :type/typea/typei/typeis/typen/
Sheet 2 typens/typen24=<the
translation type that will be

Perform the "Removing a

Does the translation Global Title Translation "
type being removed have Yes procedure to remove the
global title translation data global title translation
associated with it? data associated with the
translation type.


Yes Does the

translation type have
aliases assigned to it?

Enter the No
dlt-tt command with these
mandatory parameters:
Enter the
dlt-tt command with this mandatory
typens/typen24=<translation type
being removed>
:alias =<alias translation type>
typen24=<translation type being
and with this optional parameter.
:ttn=<translation type name>
and with this optional parameter.
Repeat this step for all alias
:ttn=<translation type name>
translation types that are being
removed from the translation
Enter the rtrv-tt command with
this parameter.
typens/typen24=<translation type
specified in the dlt-tt command>

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 141: Removing a Translation Type

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 528

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Adding a Global Title Translation

Enter the rtrv-tt


Perform the "Adding a

Is the required No Translation Type "
translation type in the procedure to add the
Sheet 3
database? required translation type
to the database.

Is the EGTT No
Enter the rtrv-feat To
feature turned
command. Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-gttsel command.

If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not
enabled, and the Flexible Linkset Optional Based
Routing feature is not enabled and turned on, specify Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
this parameter with the rtrv-gttsel command. command.
:gttsn=<TTN value assigned translation type that will
be assigned to the GTT entry>
If only the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is
enabled, specify these commands.
rtrv-gttsel:cdgtasn=<TTN value assigned translation
type that will be assigned to the GTT entry>
rtrv-gttsel:cggtasn=<TTN value assigned translation
type that will be assigned to the GTT entry> Note: The advanced GTT parameters and their default
values are:
If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing NAI = dflt – ITU GTT selectors only
feature is enabled and turned on, specify these NP = dflt – ITU GTT selectors only
commands. CGSSN – dashes
rtrv-gttsel:cdgttsn=<TTN value assigned translation SELID = none
type that will be assigned to the GTT entry> LSN=any
rtrv-gttsel:cggttsn=<TTN value assigned translation An ITU translation type must have an entry with the GTI=2
type that will be assigned to the GTT entry> and GTI=4 values, with the default values for the advanced
GTT parameters.
An ANSI translation type must have an entry with the GTI=2
value, with the default values for the advanced GTT

Do all the
entries have default Yes To
values for the advanced
Sheet 2
GTT parameters? See
the note.


The translation type cannot

be assigned to the GTT
entry. Choose another
translation type.

Sheet 1 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 529

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Are translation The Support for 16

From types that contain 11 – 16 Yes GTT Lengths in VGTT
Sheet 1 different GTA lengths shown feature is enabled and
in the rtrv-tt output? turned on.


Are translation
types that contain 2 – 10 Yes The VGTT feature
different GTA lengths shown is turned on .
in the rtrv-tt output?


Will the
Yes translation type have more No
than one different length
GTA assigned to it ?

Is the Yes Enter the rtrv-card

VGTT feature


To Are the correct

Sheet 3 service modules
provisioned in the EAGLE 5 ISS? (See the Yes
Service Module and Feature Combinations
table in the Database Administration
Manual – Global Title
Translation )


The correct service modules must be in the EAGLE 5 ISS

before the VGTT feature can be turned on.
Refer to the Service Module and Feature Combinations
table in in the “Adding a Service Module” in the Database
Enter the
Administration Manual – Global Title Translation to
determine the service modules that are required.
If any service modules must be replaced, contact the
Customer Care Center before replacing any service
modules. Refer to the “Customer Care Center” section in To
Chapter 1 for the contact information. Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 530

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Will the
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
From translation type have Yes command with this
Sheets 1 more than 10 different length
or 2 GTAs assigned
to it?


Enter the rtrv-gtt command with one of

these translation type parameters,
Is the
corresponding to the translation type being
Yes Support for 16 GTT
specified in the ent-gtt command,
Lengths in VGTT feature
is enabled and
typen24, and with these parameters.
turned on?
:gta=<global title address>
:egta=<end global title address>

Was error message No

E2405 displayed in the Perform the “Activating the Support
previous step? for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT
Feature” procedure to enable and
turn on the Support for 16 GTT
Lengths in VGTT feature.

Will the number of No

Was the Yes global title translations be more
rtrv-ctrl-feat command on
than the current maximum number
Sheet 1 performed?
of global title translations?

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

What is the current

1,000,000 maximum number of global
title translations the EAGLE 5
ISS can have?

This procedure cannot Less than

be performed. The 1,000,000
contain a maximum of
Perform the "Enabling the XGTT
1,000,000 global title
Table Expansion Controlled
translation entries.
Feature" procedure to enable
the XGTT Table Expansion
Sheet 4
feature for either a quantity of
400,000 or 1,000,000 global title
translations as required.

Sheet 3 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 531

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Is the gtmodid Is the

From parameter being No cggtmod=yes parameter No
Sheet 3 specified in this being specified in this
procedure? procedure?

Yes Yes
Enter the rtrv-gtmod

Do any entries
in the rtrv-gtt output contain Yes To
If the NGTI value in the
global title modification entry the cggtmod=yes parameter Sheet 5
is 4, the point code that will value?
be assigned to the GTT
entry must be an ITU point

Was the
Is the rtrv-ctrl-feat command No
desired global title No on Sheets 1 or 3
modification entry shown in performed?
the rtrv-gtmod
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Perform the “Adding a

Global Title Modification
Entry” procedure to add the Are either of
desired global title the Advanced GT Yes
modification entry. Modification features
shown in the Note


Note: The cggtmod=yes parameter

can be specified only if one of these Perform the “Activating the
Advanced GT Modification features is Advanced GT Modification
enabled. Feature” procedure to enable
Sheet 5
one of the features shown in
AMGTT – 893021801
the Note.
AMGTT CgPA Upgrade – 893021803

Sheet 4 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 532

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Do you wish to
From use the LOOPSET No To
Sheet 4 parameter with the ent-gtt Sheet 6


Was error
Yes No Is the LOOPSET No
message E2405 displayed
field shown in the rtrv-gtt
in the rtrv-gtt output on
output on Sheet 3?
Sheet 3?

Is the SCCP Yes
Loop Detection feature
enabled? Perform the "Activating the
SCCP Loop Detection
Feature" procedure to
Enter the rtrv-loopset command with enable the SCCP Loop
No these parameters. Detection feature.
Perform the "Activating the If the rtrv-loopset command is entered
SCCP Loop Detection with no other parameters specified, a
Feature" procedure to maximum of 50 entries are displayed. To
enable the SCCP Loop display more than 50 entries, the
Detection feature. force=yes parameter must be specified
with the rtrv-loopset command and the
num parameter value must be greater
than 50. Since there can be a maximum
of 1000 loopsets in the database, to
display all the loopsets in the database,
the force=yes and num=1000 parameters
must be specified with the rtrv-loopset

No Is the required Yes To

loopset name shown in the
Sheet 6
rtrv-loopset output?

Perform the "Adding a

Loopset" procedure to
add the required

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 533

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Sheet 5 Will the point code No
type and TT type of the
GTT match?

Are hexadecimal Was the rtrv-ctrl-feat No
digits shown for any gta command on Sheets 3 or
or egta parameter values in the 4 performed?
rtrv-gtt output on
Sheet 3?

Enter the

Do you wish to use

hexadecimal digits for the No
gta or egta parameter values in
Is the
this procedure? Yes ANSI/ITU SCCP
conversion feature


Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat:partnum=893018501 Perform the "Activating the
command. ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion
Feature" procedure to enable the
ANSI/ITU SCCP conversion

Is the Yes
Hex Digit Support for GTT
feature enabled?

Which value for the

RI parameter is to be specified RI=SSN To
with the ent-gtt command? See Sheet 9
the Note.
Perform the "Activating the
Hex Digit Support for GTT
Feature" procedure to enable RI=GT
the Hex Digit Support for GTT
Note: If the point code value to be
specified with the ent-gtt
command is the EAGLE 5 ISS’s
point code, then the RI parameter
Sheet 7
value must be SSN.

Sheet 6 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 534

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Enter the
Sheet 6

Is the
Flexible GTT Load Yes Enter the
Sharing feature rtrv-mrn command.


No Is the required
MRN set shown in the
Do you wish rtrv-mrn output?
To No to use the MRNSET
Sheet 8 parameter with the
ent-gtt command? Yes


Is the point code

Perform the "Activating to be specified in the Yes
the Flexible GTT Load ent-gtt command shown in
Sharing Feature" the MRN set?
procedure to enable the
Flexible GTT Load
Sharing feature.

Perform the "Provisioning MRN

Entries" procedure to configure
the required MRN set.
Make sure that the point code
value to be specified with the
ent-gtt command is assigned to
this MRN set.

Sheet 10

Sheet 7 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 535

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Sheet 7

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code" Perform one of the
Is the required point No procedure to add the "Adding a Route"
code shown in the required destination point procedures to add the
rtrv-dstn output? code. A proxy point code required route to the
cannot be assigned to this database.
point code.


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
code to be specified with the ent-gtt

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
Is a proxy point No parameter.
code shown in the :dpc/dpca/dpci/
previous step? dpcndpcn24=<point code
to be specified with the
ent-gtt command>

This point code cannot be

assigned to the mated
application. Choose another Is the Yes
point code. required route in the


Perform one of the "Adding a

Route" procedures in the
Database Administration
Sheet 10
Manual - SS7 to add the
required route to the database.

Sheet 8 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 536

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Which value for XLAT =DPCSSN Is the point No

the XLAT parameter is
From code value to be the true
to be specified with the ent-gtt
Sheet 6 point code of the
command? (See
the Note)

Note: If the point code value to be
specified with the ent-gtt command XLAT =DPC
is the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point code,
then the XLAT parameter value Enter the
must be DPCSSN. rtrv-sid command.

Enter the

Enter the
rtrv-map command with one of these
parameter combinations.
If the XLAT value will be DPC, specify the
Is the Yes pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter with the
Flexible GTT Load point code value that will be specified with
Sharing feature the ent-gtt command.
enabled? If the XLAT value will be DPCSSN, specify
the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 and ssn
parameters with the point code and SSN
No values that will be specified with the ent-gtt

Do you wish
to use the MAPSET No
parameter with the
ent-gtt command? Is the required
MAP entry shown in the
rtrv-map output?

Yes Perform one of the "Provisioning a

Mated Application" procedures to
Perform the "Activating configure the required MAP entry.
the Flexible GTT Load Make sure that the point code value,
Sharing Feature" and SSN value if the XLAT value will be
procedure to enable the DPCSSN, to be specified with the
Flexible GTT Load ent-gtt command is assigned to the
Sharing feature. MAP entry.
If the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point code will be
specified with the ent-gtt command,
shown in the rtrv-sid output, the MAP
entry must be either a solitary or
dominant mated application.

Sheet 10

Sheet 9 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 537

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Which value for

From the XLAT parameter is XLAT =DPC
Sheet 9 to be specified with the ent-gtt


Sheets 7
or 8

Is the point
Enter the Yes code value to be the No
rtrv-ss-appl command. EAGLE 5 ISS’s point

Add the GTT entry to the database using the

parameter combinations shown in the Add GTT
Parameter Combinations table in the “Adding a
Global Title Translation” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual – Global Title
Is the SSN shown Yes Translation .
in the rtrv-ss-appl Note: The command line on the terminal can
output? contain up to 150 characters. If the parameters
and values specified with the ent-gtt command
are too long to fit on the ent-gtt command line,
No perform the “Changing a Global Title
Translation” procedure to complete adding the
GTT entry.
Add the subsystem number to the subsystem
application table by performing the procedures in
one of these manuals.
LNP SSN – perform the procedures in the ELAP Enter the
Administration and LNP Feature Activation manual rtrv-gtt command with these parameters.
to enable the LNP feature, if necessary, and add :type/typei/typeis/typen/typens/
the LNP SSN. typen24=<translation type parameter and value
V-Flex SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature specified in the ent-gtt command>
Manual – V-Flex to enable and turn on the V-Flex :gta=<global title address specified in the ent-gtt
feature, if necessary, and add the V-Flex SSN. command>
INP SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature The num and force parameters can be specified
Manual – INP/AINPQ to enable and turn on the INP with the rtrv-gtt command. The num parameter
or AINPQ features, if necessary, and add the INP specifies the number of entries to display. If the
SSN. num parameter value is greater than 1000, the
force=yes parameter must be specified with the
EIR SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature rtrv-gtt command.
Manual - EIR to enable and turn on the EIR feature,
if necessary, and add the EIR SSN.
ATINPQ SSN - perform the procedures in the
Feature Manual - ATINP to enable and turn on the
Enter the
ATINP feature , if necessary, and add the ATINPQ
AIQ SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual - Analyzed Information Features to enable
and turn on the ANSI41 AIQ feature, if necessary,
and add the AIQ SSN.

Sheet 10 of 10
Figure 142: Adding a Global Title Translation

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 538

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Removing a Global Title Translation

Enter the rtrv-feat


This procedure cannot

Is the No be performed. There are
GTT feature
no GTT entries to


Enter the rtrv-tt


Enter the
rtrv-gtt command with this
Is the No parameter.
EGTT feature :type/typea/typei/typeis/typen/
Sheet 2
on? typens/typen24=<the translation
type containing the GTT entry
being removed>

Enter the rtrv-gttset command

What is
with this parameter.
the NETDOM value Cross
:gttsn=<the TTN value
assigned to the entry that
assigned to the translation type
you wish to
that is assigned to the GTT
entry being removed>


Enter the rtrv-gta command

with this parameter.
:gttsn=<the TTN value
specified with the rtrv-gttset

DPC, The GTT entry cannot be

DPCNGT, or What is removed with this procedure.
To DPCSSN the XLAT value assigned to None Perform the “Removing Global
Sheet 2 the entry that you wish to Title Address Information”
remove? procedure to remove the GTT

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 539

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Will the number

Is the range of Yes Yes
From of GTT entries exceed the
global title addresses
Sheet 1 maximum number of GTT
being split?


Enter the rtrv-gttapath command with

these parameters.
The range of
:cdgttsn=<TTN value shown in the 1,000,000 What is the
global title
rtrv-gtt output or the GTTSN value in the maximum number of global
rtrv-gta output on Sheet 1> title addresses?
cannot be split.
:cdgta=<GTA value shown in the rtrv-gtt
output or in the rtrv-gta output on Sheet 1>
Less than

Are any entries Yes

Perform the "Enabling the XGTT
Table Expansion Controlled
Feature" procedure to enable the
Perform one of these procedures. XGTT Table Expansion feature for
"Removing a GTT Action Path either a quantity of 400,000 or
Entry” to remove the entries 1,000,000 global title translations as
displayed in the rtrv-gttapath required.
"Changing a GTT Action Path
Entry” to change GTT set that is
being referenced to the value
none or to another GTT set for
the entries displayed in the
rtrv-gttapath output.

Enter the
dlt-gtt command with this mandatory
:gta=<global title address>
and with any of these optional parameters. Enter the
:type/typea/typei/typeis/typen/typens/ rtrv-gtt command with either the
typen24=<translation type containg the GTT translation type parameter
data being removed> (type/typea/typei/typeis/typen/typens/
:ttn=<translation type name associated with the typen24) value or the translation type
translation type containg the GTT data being name (ttn) value specified in the
removed> dlt-gtt command.
:egta=<end global title address>
Note: Either the translation type or the
translation type name must be specified with
the dlt-gtt command. Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 143: Removing a Global Title Translation

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 540

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Changing a Global Title Translation

Is the EGTT No
Enter the rtrv-tt Enter the rtrv-feat
feature turned
command. command.

Enter the rtrv-gttsel command.

If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not
enabled, and the Flexible Linkset Optional Based
Routing feature is not enabled and turned on, specify Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
this parameter with the rtrv-gttsel command. command.
:gttsn=<TTN value assigned translation type that is
assigned to the GTT entry>
If only the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is
enabled, specify these commands.
rtrv-gttsel:cdgtasn=<TTN value assigned translation
type that is assigned to the GTT entry>
rtrv-gttsel:cggtasn=<TTN value assigned translation
type that is assigned to the GTT entry>
If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing
feature is enabled and turned on, specify these
rtrv-gttsel:cdgttsn=<TTN value assigned translation
type that is assigned to the GTT entry>
rtrv-gttsel:cggttsn=<TTN value assigned translation
type that is assigned to the GTT entry>

Enter the rtrv-gtt command with one of

these translation type parameters,
Do all the
corresponding to the translation type being
entries have default Yes specified in the chg-gtt command,
values for the advanced
GTT parameters? See
typen24, and with these parameters.
the note.
:gta=<global title address>
:egta=<end global title address>

The GTT entry cannot be

changed. Choose another To
GTT entry to change. Sheet 2

Note: The advanced GTT parameters and their default

values are:
NAI = dflt – ITU GTT selectors only
NP = dflt – ITU GTT selectors only
CGSSN – dashes
SELID = none
An ITU translation type must have an entry with the GTI=2
and GTI=4 values, with the default values for the advanced
GTT parameters.
An ANSI translation type must have an entry with the GTI=2
value, with the default values for the advanced GTT

Sheet 1 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 541

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Does the GTT

Yes Is the range of No
From entry contain a range To
global title addresses being
Sheet 1 of global title Sheet 3
split ?

Sheet 3

Enter the rtrv-gttapath command

with these parameters. Will the number of
:cdgttsn=<TTN value shown in the No global title addresses exceed
rtrv-gtt output on Sheet 1> the maximum number of global
:cdgta=<GTA value specified in title translations?
the rtrv-gtt command on Sheet 1>


Perform the "Enabling the

XGTT Table Expansion
Less than
Controlled Feature" procedure What is
to enable the XGTT Table maximum number
Expansion feature for either a of global title
quantity of 400,000 or translations?
1,000,000 global title
translations as required.

The range of
No global title
Are any entries
addresses cannot
be split.


Perform the "Removing a GTT

Do you wish Yes Action Path Entry” to remove
to remove these
the entries displayed in the
rtrv-gttapath output.


The range of
global title To
addresses cannot Sheet 3
be split.

Sheet 2 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 542

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Is the gtmodid Is the

From parameter being No cggtmod=yes parameter No
Sheet 2 specified in this being specified in this
procedure? procedure?

Yes Yes

Is the Do any entries

gtmodid=none Yes in the rtrv-gtt output contain Yes To
being specified in this the cggtmod=yes parameter Sheet 4
procedure? value?


Enter the rtrv-gtmod

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

If the NGTI value in the global

title modification entry is 4, the
point code that will be assigned
to the GTT entry when this Are either of
procedure is finished must be an the Advanced GT Yes
ITU point code. Modification features
shown in the Note

Is the
desired global title No
modification entry shown in Perform the “Activating the
the rtrv-gtmod Advanced GT Modification
output? Feature” procedure to enable
Sheet 4
one of the features shown in
the Note.

Note: The cggtmod=yes parameter

Perform the “Adding a
can be specified only if one of these
Global Title Modification
Advanced GT Modification features is
Entry” procedure to add the
desired global title
modification entry. AMGTT – 893021801
AMGTT CgPA Upgrade – 893021803

Sheet 3 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 543

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Sheet 3

Will the point code Yes Is the point

type and TT type of the code value being
GTT match? changed?


Do you wish to
Enter the Yes No
use the ANSI/ITU
SCCP conversion

Are hexadecimal
Is the
Yes digits shown for any gta Yes
or egta parameter values in the
conversion feature enabled
rtrv-gtt output
and on?
on Sheet 1?


Perform the "Activating the

ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion
Feature" procedure to enable and Do you wish to use
Yes hexadecimal digits for the No
turn on the ANSI/ITU SCCP
conversion feature. egta parameter value in this

Enter the

Perform the "Activating the

Is the
Hex Digit Support for GTT No Yes
Hex Digit Support
Feature" procedure to
for GTT feature
enable the Hex Digit
Support for GTT feature.

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 544

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

parameter value being
Sheet 4


Perform the "Activating the

Yes Is the LOOPSET No SCCP Loop Detection
field shown in the rtrv-gtt Feature" procedure to
on Sheet 1? enable the SCCP Loop
Detection feature

Enter the rtrv-loopset command with

these parameters.
If the rtrv-loopset command is entered
with no other parameters specified, a
maximum of 50 entries are displayed. To Is the
display more than 50 entries, the required loopset No
force=yes parameter must be specified name shown in the
with the rtrv-loopset command and the rtrv-loopset
num parameter value must be greater output?
than 50. Since there can be a maximum
of 1000 loopsets in the database, to
display all the loopsets in the database, Yes Perform the "Adding a
the force=yes and num=1000 parameters Loopset" procedure to
must be specified with the rtrv-loopset add the requried
command. loopset.

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 545

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Note: If the current point code value (if the point code
From value is not changed in this procedure), or the new point
Sheet 5 code value (if the point code value will be changed in this
procedure), is the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point code, then the RI
parameter value must be SSN.

What will the What will the

RI parameter value be when SSN XLAT parameter value DPCSSN To
this procedure is finished? be when this procedure Sheet 10
(See the Note) is finished?


Sheet 8

Is an MRNSET Yes The Flexible GTT Load

value shown in the rtrv-gtt
Sharing feature is enabled.
output on Sheet 1?


Do you wish
No Is the point No
to specify an MRNSET To
code value being
value for the GTT Sheet 14


Perform the "Activating the To

Flexible GTT Load Sharing Sheet 7
Feature" procedure to enable the
Flexible GTT Load Sharing

Perform the "Provisioning MRN Entries"

procedure to configure the required MRN
Make sure that the current point code value To
(if the point code value is not changed in Sheet 14
this procedure), or the new point code
value (if the point code value will be
changed in this procedure) is assigned to
this MRN set.

Sheet 6 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 546

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Is the Flexible Yes

From Enter the
GTT Load Sharing feature
Sheet 6 rtrv-mrn command.

Enter the
Is the required No
rtrv-dstn command.
MRN set shown in the
rtrv-mrn output?

Perform the "Provisioning

Perform the "Adding a Yes MRN Entries" procedure to
Destination Point Code" configure the required
Is the required procedure to add the MRN set.
point code shown in the required destination Make sure that the current
rtrv-dstn output? point code. A proxy point point code value (if the
code cannot be assigned point code value is not
to this point code. changed in this
Yes procedure), or the new
point code value (if the
point code value will be
Enter the changed in this procedure)
rtrv-dstn command with Perform one of the
"Adding a Route" is assigned to this MRN
this parameter. set.
:dpc/dcpa/dpci/dpcn/ procedures and add
dpcn24=<point code to be the required route to
specified with the chg-gtt the database
Is the point code
to be specified with No
Enter the the chg-gtt command shown
rtrv-rte command with in the MRN set?
Is a proxy point No this parameter.
code shown in the :dpc/dcpa/dpci/dpcn/
previous step? dpcn24=<point code
to be specified with
the chg-gtt command>

This point code cannot

be assigned to the
Is the point
global title translation.
code to be Yes
Choose another point
specified in the chg-gtt
command the DPC
of a route?


Perform one of the

"Adding a Route"
procedures and add
Sheet 14
the required route to
the database

Sheet 7 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 547

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

From The Flexible GTT Load
value shown in the rtrv-gtt
Sheet 5 Sharing feature is enabled.
output on Sheet 1?


Is the point No Is the Flexible No To

code value being GTT Load Sharing
Sheet 14
changed? feature enabled?

Yes Yes

Enter the
rtrv-map command with this Is the
parameter. MAPSET value of No
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the the GTT entry being
new point code value> changed?

Yes Enter the

rtrv-map command with this
Is the required current point code value>
MAP entry containing the No
new point code value shown
in the rtrv-map

Yes Is another MAP

Yes Will the force=yes No set containing the current
parameter be specified with
point code value shown in
the chg-gtt command?
the rtrv-map output?

To No
Sheet 9

Perform one of the "Provisioning a

Mated Application" procedures to To
configure the required MAP entry that Sheet 14
contains the new point code value (if
the point code value is being changed)
or the current point code value (if the
point code value is not being
To changed).
Sheet 14
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing
feature is enabled, the mapset
parameter must be specified with the
MAP entry. The mapset value
specified when the MAP entry is
created must be specified when the
GTT entry is changed.

Sheet 8 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 548

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

From Enter the

Sheet 8 rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code"
Is the required No procedure to add the
point code shown in the required destination point
rtrv-dstn output? code. A proxy point code
cannot be assigned to this
point code.


Enter the rtrv-dstn command with

this parameter.
code to be specified with the chg-gtt

This point code cannot be

Yes Is a proxy point
assigned to the global title
code shown in the
translation. Choose another
previous step?
point code.


Enter the rtrv-rte command with

this parameter.
code to be specified with the chg-gtt

Perform one of the

Is the point code
No "Adding a Route"
to be specified in the
procedures to add the
chg-gtt command the DPC
required route to the
of a route?


Sheet 14

Sheet 9 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 549

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

From The Flexible GTT Load
value shown in the rtrv-gtt
Sheet 5 Sharing feature is enabled.
output on Sheet 1?


Is the point No To
code value being
Sheet 11

Enter the
rtrv-sid command.

Will the new

No the point code value be Yes
the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point Enter the
code? rtrv-map command with this
The MAPSET value, if the :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the
Flexible GTT Load Sharing EAGLE 5 ISS’s point code>
feature is enabled, and SSN The SSN value can also be
value can also be changed. changed.
If the Flexible GTT Load
Sharing feature is enabled,
the MAP entry must be in
Enter the the default MAP set.
rtrv-map command with this
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the Is a MAP entry shown Yes
new point code value> in the rtrv-map output with
the required values?

No Sheet 14

Is a MAP entry shown No

in the rtrv-map output with Perform one of the "Provisioning a
the required values? Mated Application" procedures to
configure the required MAP entry that
contains the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point
Perform one of the "Provisioning a code and the required SSN value.
Yes Mated Application" procedures to If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing
configure the required MAP entry that feature is enabled, the mapset=dflt
contains the new point code value parameter must be specified with the
and the required SSN value. MAP entry. The MAPSET value must
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing be DFLT when this procedure is
feature is enabled, the mapset completed.
parameter must be specified with the
MAP entry. The mapset value
To specified when the MAP entry is
created must be specified for the GTT To
Sheet 14 Sheet 13
entry when the GTT entry is changed.

Sheet 10 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 550

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Is the No Is the Flexible No

SSN value being GTT Load Sharing
Sheet 10
changed? feature enabled?


Enter the
rtrv-sid command.
Do you wish
to change the MAP set No
that is assigned to the
GTT entry?
Is the point
code in the GTT entry No
the EAGLE 5 ISS’s Yes
point code?
Sheet 12

Enter the
rtrv-map command with this
parameter. Yes Is the Flexible No
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the GTT Load Sharing
point code assigned to the feature enabled?
GTT entry>
:ssn=<the new SSN value>

Is a MAP entry shown Yes

in the rtrv-map output with
the required values?


Perform one of the "Provisioning a

Mated Application" procedures to
configure the required MAP entry that
contains the point code value that us
assigned to the GTT entry and the
new SSN value. Is the point
code in the GTT entry No To
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing the EAGLE 5 ISS’s Sheet 14
feature is enabled, the mapset point code?
parameter must be specified with the
MAP entry. The mapset value
specified when the MAP entry is Yes
created must be specified for the GTT
entry when the GTT entry is changed. To
Sheet 13

Sheet 11 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 551

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

From Enter the

Sheet 11 rtrv-sid command.

The EAGLE 5 ISS’s point

code can only be in the
Is the point default MAP set. The default
code in the GTT entry Yes MAP set must be assigned
the EAGLE 5 ISS’s to the GTT entry. The MAP
point code? set that is assigned to the
GTT entry cannot be

Enter the
rtrv-map command with these
point code assigned to the GTT
:ssn=<the current SSN value>

Is another MAP set

that contains the point code Yes
and SSN values that are assigned
to the GTT entry shown in the
rtrv-map output?


Perform one of the "Provisioning a

Mated Application" procedures to
configure the required MAP set that To
contains the point code and SSN Sheet 14
values that are assigned to the GTT

Sheet 12 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 552

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Enter the
Sheets 10
rtrv-ss-appl command.
or 11

Is the required
SSN value shown Yes
in the rtrv-ss-appl


Add the subsystem number to the subsystem application table by

performing the procedures in one of these manuals.
LNP SSN – perform the procedures in the ELAP Administration
and LNP Feature Activation manual to enable the LNP feature, if
necessary, and add the LNP SSN.
V-Flex SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature Manual – V-
Flex to enable and turn on the V-Flex feature, if necessary, and
add the V-Flex SSN.
INP SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature Manual – INP/
AINPQ to enable and turn on the INP or AINPQ features, if To
necessary, and add the INP SSN. Sheet 14
EIR SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature Manual - EIR to
enable and turn on the EIR feature, if necessary, and add the EIR
ATINPQ SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature Manual -
ATINP to enable and turn on the ATINP feature , if necessary, and
add the ATINPQ SSN .
AIQ SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature Manual -
Analyzed Information Features to enable and turn on the ANSI41
AIQ feature, if necessary, and add the AIQ SSN.

Sheet 13 of 14

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 553

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration

Sheets 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11,
12, or 13

Change the GTT entry with the chg-gtt command.

Refer to the Change GTT Parameter Combinations table
in this procedure for the other parameters that can be
specified with the chg-gtt command. This table is in the
“Changing a Global Title Translation” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual - Global Title
Translation .
Note: The command line on the terminal can contain up to
150 characters. If the parameters and values specified
with the chg-gtt command are too long to fit on the chg-gtt
command line, perform the chg-gtt command as many
times as necessary to complete the GTT entry.

Enter the rtrv-gtt command with these parameters.

:type/typea/typei/typeis/typen/typens/typen24=<translation type
parameter and value specified in the chg-gtt command>
:gta=<global title address specified in the chg-gtt command>
The num and force parameters can be specified with the rtrv-gtt
command. The num parameter specifies the number of entries to
display. If the num parameter value is greater than 1000, the
force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-gtt command.

Enter the

Sheet 14 of 14
Figure 144: Changing a Global Title Translation

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 554


Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) Configuration
Topics: This chapter contains the contains the flowcharts
for the procedures used to configure the Enhanced
• Adding a GTT Set.....556 Global Title Translation feature. These procedures
• Removing a GTT Set.....558 are located in the Database Administration Manual -
• Changing a GTT Set.....560 Global Title Translation.
• Adding a GTT Selector.....563
• Removing a GTT Selector.....565
• Changing a GTT Selector.....566
• Adding Global Title Address Information.....567
• Removing Global Title Address Information....576
• Changing Global Title Address Information....578
• Changing the Default GTT Mode Options.....593
• Adding a GTT Action.....596
• Removing a GTT Action Entry.....604
• Changing a GTT Action.....607
• Adding a GTT Action Set.....617
• Removing a GTT Action Set.....618
• Changing a GTT Action Set.....619
• Adding a GTT Action Path Entry.....621
• Removing a GTT Action Path Entry.....624
• Changing a GTT Action Path Entry.....625
• Changing the Unique GTT Selector Option.....628

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 555

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a GTT Set

Enter the rtrv-gttset


The EGTT feature is not on.

Perform the "Adding a Service
Is error Yes Module" procedure to turn the
message E3557
EGTT feature on and to make sure
that the correct hardware is

To specify any of the following parameters or values for the GTT set ,
the feature that corresponds to the parameters or values must be shown
as enabled, and turned on if required, in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output.
Perform the procedure, shown in the following list, that corresponds to
the parameters or values that you wish to specify for the GTT set.
settype parameter values cdgta, cggta, cgssn, cgpc, opc – “Activating
the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature” procedure to enable the
Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature. If any of these values are shown
in the rtrv-gttset output, this procedure does not need to be performed.
settype parameter values cdssn, dpc – “Activating the Flexible Linkset
Optional Based Routing Feature” procedure to enable and turn on the
Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature. If any of these values
are shown in the rtrv-gttset output, this procedure does not need to be
settype parameter value opcode – “Activating the TCAP Opcode Based
Routing Feature” procedure to enable and turn on the TCAP Opcode
Based Routing feature. If this value is shown in the rtrv-gttset output,
this procedure does not need to be performed.
Note: If the SETTYPE column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output, the
settype parameter must be specified with the ent-gttset command.
netdom=cross – “Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Feature”
procedure to enable the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature. If this
parameter value is shown in the rtrv-gttset output, this procedure does
not need to be performed.
11 to 16 different GTA lengths will be assigned to the GTT set –
“Activating the Support for 16 GTT Lengths for VGTT Feature”
procedure to enable the Support for 16 GTT Lengths for VGTT feature.
If 11 to 16 different GTA lengths are assigned to any GTT set , this
parameter value is shown in the rtrv-gttset output, this procedure does
not need to be performed.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 556

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Is the Support
From for 16 GTT Lengths for No
Sheet 1 VGTT feature enabled and
turned on?


Are GTT sets

containing 2 to 10 different No
GTA lengths shown in the
rtrv-gttset output
on Sheet1?

feature is turned

Add the GTT set using the ent-gttset

The GTT Set Parameter Combinations
tables in this procedure shows the
No Will the GTT set
parameter combinations that can be used
contain 2 to 10 different
with the ent-gttset command.
GTA lengths ?
The GTT Set Parameter Combinations
tables is in the “Adding a GTT Set”
procedure in the Database Administration
Manual – Global Title Translation .

Enter the rtrv-feat

Enter the rtrv-gttset command
with the gttsn parameter and
value specified with the ent-gttset

Yes Is the
VGTT feature turned
Enter the on?

Enter the chg-feat

command with this

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 145: Adding a GTT Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 557

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a GTT Set

Enter the
rtrv-gta command with this Is any GTA data No
Enter the rtrv-gttset
parameter. assigned to the GTT
:gttsn=<GTT set name being set name?

than Zero Perform the "Removing Global
What is the
(0) Title Address Information"
REFCNT value of the
GTT set that is being procedure to remove any GTA
removed? data assigned to the GTT set

Zero (0)

Enter the
Have all the
dlt-gttset command with this Yes No
references to the
GTT set been
:gttsn=<GTT set name being
removed in this procedure>

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Enter the rtrv-gttset command
with this parameter.
:gttsn=<GTT set name
specified in the previous step> Enter the rtrv-gttsel command.
If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not enabled, and the Flexible Linkset
Optional Based Routing feature is not enabled and turned on, specify this parameter wit
the rtrv-gttsel command.

Enter the :gttsn=<name of the GTT set name that is being removed>
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed If only the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is enabled, specify these commands.
command. rtrv-gttsel:cdgtasn=<name of the GTT set name that is being removed>
rtrv-gttsel:cggtasn=<name of the GTT set name that is being removed>
If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on, specify
these commands.
rtrv-gttsel:cdgttsn=<name of the GTT set name that is being removed>
rtrv-ghttsel:cggttsn=<name of the GTT set name that is being removed>

Perform the "Removing a

GTT Selector" procedure Yes Are any GTT
to remove any GTT selectors assigned to the
selectors assigned to the GTT set name?
GTT set name.


Have all the

Yes references to the No To
GTT set been Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 558

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 1 rtrv-gsmsmsopts command.

Is the GTT Perform the “Configuring the

No set name shown in the Yes GSM B-Party Routing Options”
rtrv-gsmsmsopts output as procedure to change the
value? NONE.

Have all the

No references to the
GTT set been

Is the GTT Perform the procedures in the
set name shown in the Yes Feature Manual – IS41 GSM
rtrv-gsmsmsopts output as Migration to change the
value? value to NONE.


Have all the

Enter the No references to the Yes
rtrv-is41smsopts command. GTT set been

Enter the
Perform the “Configuring the IS-41
dlt-gttset command with this
B-Party Routing Options” procedure
to remove the GTT set name as the
:gttsn=<GTT set name being
removed in this procedure>

Enter the rtrv-gttset command

with this parameter.
:gttsn=<GTT set name
specified in the previous step>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 146: Removing a GTT Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 559

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a GTT Set

The only actions that can be taken

for a GTT set are:
To change the NETDOM value of
CDGTA GTT set to CROSS . If the
SETTYPE column is not shown, all
Enter the rtrv-gttset the GTT sets are CDGTA GTT sets .
To change the NDGT value of a
CDGTA or CGGTA GTT set only if
the VGTT feature is off.
The name of the GTT set can be

column shown in the
rtrv-gttset output?


CDGTA , What values are

No Are multiple digit CGGTA shown in the SETTYPE
length entries shown in the column shown in the rtrv-gttset
NDGT column? output for the GTT set that is
being changed?
Enter the rtrv-feat
command. Yes

The NDGT Only the name of the

Yes parameter cannot GTT set can be
Is the VGTT changed.
be specified with
feature on?
the chg-gttset

Is the GTT No
The NDGT parameter set a CDGTA
can be specified with GTT set?
the chg-gttset

Yes Do you wish No

To To
to change the NETDOM
Sheet 2 Sheet 3
value to CROSS?

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 560

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Is the GTT No
set a CDGTA
Sheet 1
GTT set?


Yes Do you wish No

to change the NETDOM
value to CROSS?

Is the value CROSS

shown in the NETDOM column Yes Is the VGTT On
of the rtrv-gttset for any feature on or off?


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this parameter.
:partnum=893012001 Enter the rtrv-gta command
with the gttsn parameter and Yes Will the ndgt
value that will be specified parameter be specified
with the chg-gttset in this procedure?

Is the ANSI/ITU Yes
SCCP Conversion feature
Are any GTA entries No
assigned to the GTT set
being changed?

Perform the “Activating the
ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion
Feature” procedure to Perform the "Removing Global
enable the ANSI/ITU SCCP Title Address Information"
Conversion feature. To
procedure to remove any GTA
Sheet 3
data assigned to the GTT set

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 561

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the
chg-gttset command with this mandatory parameter:
:gttsn=<GTT set name being changed>
and at least one of these parameters.
:ndgt=<1 - 21 digits>
:ngttsn=<the new GTT set name – 1 alphabetic
character followed by up to 8 alphanumeric characters>
1. The netdom=cross parameter can be specified only
if the SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the
SETTYPE column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output,
the netdom=cross parameter can be specified only for
a CDGTA GTT set .
2. The ndgt parameter can be specified only if the
VGTT feature is off. If the SETTYPE column is shown
in the rtrv-gttset output, the ndgt parameter can be
specified only for a CDGTA or CGGTA GTT set .
3. The ngttsn parameter value cannot be none.

Enter the rtrv-gttset command

with this parameter.
:gttsn=<GTT set name
specified in the previous step>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 147: Changing a GTT Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 562

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a GTT Selector

Is the desired GTT No

Enter the Enter the
set name shown in the
rtrv-gttsel command. rtrv-gttset command.
rtrv-gttsel output?

Note: Refer to the tables referenced

in the ent-gttsel step on Sheet 2 for Yes
the parameters that can be specified
for a GTT selector. Yes Is the desired GTT
set name shown in the
rtrv-gttset output?
No Is the GTTSN
column shown in the
rtrv-gttsel output?

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command. Yes Perform the “Adding a
GTT Set” procedure to
add the desired GTT
Only the EGTT feature set.
is turned on.

Perform the one of these procedures that

corresponds to the parameters or values
Do you wish to that you wish to specify for the GTT
provision the GTT selector selector. See the Note.
for any of these features: Origin-Based Yes Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing
SCCP Routing, Flexible Linkset Optional Feature
Based Routing, TCAP Opcode
Based Routing? See Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional
the Note. Based Routing Feature
Activating the TCAP Opcode Based
Routing Feature
Sheet 2

No Is the desired Yes Will the lsn

linkset set name shown in parameter be specified for
the rtrv-gttsel output? the GTT selector?

Enter the
rtrv-ls command. Yes No

Is the desired linkset Yes

set name shown in the
rtrv-ls output?

Perform the “Adding an SS7

No Linkset” procedure in the
Database Administration
Sheet 2
Manual – SS7 to add the
desired linkset to the database.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 563

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Add the GTT selector using the ent-gttsel command.

Use one of these tables for the parameter combinations that
can be used for the ent-gttsel command.
Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - EGTT Only
Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - Origin-Based
SCCP Routing Enabled Only
Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations – OBSR Enabled
and FLOBR Enabled and Turned On
Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - Flexible Linkset
Optional Based Routing Enabled and Turned On Only
Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - FLOBR and
TOBR Enabled and Turned On Only
Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - OBSR Enabled,
and FLOBR and TOBR Enabled and Turned On
These tables are located in the “Adding a GTT Selector”
procedure in the Database Administration Manual – Global
Title Translation .

Enter the
rtrv-gttsel command with these parameters and
GTI parameter and value that was specified in
the ent-gttsel command.
Translation type (tt) parameter and value that
was specified in the ent-gttsel command.
GTT set parameters (gttsn, cdgtasn, cggtasn,
cgpcsn, cdgttsn, or cggttsn) and values that
were specified in the ent-gttsel command.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 148: Adding a GTT Selector

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 564

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a GTT Selector

Enter the
rtrv-gttsel command.

Enter the dlt-gttsel command.

Refer to these tables for the parameter combinations
that can be used with the dlt-gttsel command.
Remove GTT Selector Parameter Combination –
GTI=2 or GTI=4
Remove GTT Selector Parameter Combination –
These tables are located in the “Remove a GTT
Selector” procedure in the Database Administration
Manual – Global Title Translation .

Enter the
rtrv-gttsel command with these
:gti = <GTI value specified in the
previous step>
:tt = <translation type specified in
the previous step>
If the gti value is zero (0), the tt
parameter cannot be specified.

Enter the

Figure 149: Removing a GTT Selector

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 565

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a GTT Selector

Which GTT set GTTSET
Enter the Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
name column is shown in
rtrv-gttsel command. command.
the rtrv-gttsel output?


Only the EGTT feature

is turned on.

Yes Is the new

GTT set shown in the
rtrv-gttsel output?


Enter the rtrv-gttset


Change the GTT selector with the chg-gttsel command.

Use one of these tables, depending on the features that are turned
on, enabled, or enabled and turned on, for the parameter
combinations that can be used with the chg-gttsel command.
These tables are in the “Changing a GTT Selector” procedure in the Yes Is the new
Database Administration Manual – Global Title Translation . GTT set shown in the
Change GTT Selector Parameter Combinations – EGTT Only rtrv-gttset output?
Change GTT Selector Parameter Combinations – Origin-Based
SCCP Routing Enabled Only
Change GTT Selector Parameter Combinations – CDGTTSN and
CGGTTSN columns shown in the RTRV-GTTSEL Output
Perform the “Adding a
GTT Set” procedure to add
the new GTT set.
Enter the rtrv-gttsel command with the gti,
tt, np/npv, nai/naiv, cgssn, selid, lsn, or
eaglegen=yes parameters that were
specified in the chg-gttsel command.

Enter the

Figure 150: Changing a GTT Selector

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 566

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Adding Global Title Address Information

Enter the rtrv-gttset


Enter the
Is the rtrv-gta command with this
required GTT set name Yes parameter.
shown in the rtrv-gttset :gttsn=<GTT set name that will be
output? specified with the ent-gta


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Will the number
of global title address entries No
exceed the maximum number of
global title address


This procedure cannot

be performed. The Is the
1,000,000 What is the Yes
EAGLE 5 ISS can required GTT set name
maximum number of global
contain a maximum of shown in the rtrv-gttset
title address entries?
1,000,000 global title output?
address entries.

Less than No To
1,000,000 Sheet 2

Perform the "Enabling the

XGTT Table Expansion Perform the "Adding a GTT Set"
Controlled Feature" procedure procedure to add the required GTT set
to enable the XGTT Table to the database.
Expansion feature for either a If the SETTYPE column is not shown in
quantity of 400,000 or the rtrv-gttset output, and you wish to
1,000,000 global title provision the GTA entry for any of these
translations as required. features:
Origin-Based SCCP Routing,
Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing,
TCAP Opcode Based Routing.
Make sure that the appropriate feature is
enabled, and turned on if necessary,
when adding the GTT set.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 567

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Are any of the

Are the features
parameters shown in the
Yes for the parameters No
From Feature Requirements for
that will be specified for the GTA
Sheet 1 ENT-GTA Parameters to be
entry enabled and turned on if
specified for the GTA entry ?
(See the Note)
Perform the required
Note: The Feature procedures shown in
Requirements for the Feature
No Yes
ENT-GTA Parameters table is
Requirements for
in the “Adding Global Title
Address Information” in the
Database Administration Parameters table to
Manual - Global enable, and turn on if
DPC, TitleTranslation . necessary, the
DPCSSN, required feature.
xlat parameter value will be
specified with the ent-gta

Sheet 3

Do you wish
Is the Flexible No No
to use the MRNSET or To
GTT Load Sharing
MAPSET parameters with Sheet 8
feature enabled?
the ent-gta command?


Perform the "Activating the

Do you wish
Yes Flexible GTT Load Sharing
to use the MRNSET
Feature" procedure to enable
parameter with the
and turn on the Flexible GTT
ent-gta command?
Load Sharing feature.
Enter the
rtrv-mrn command. Enter the
Do you wish rtrv-map command.
to use the MAPSET Yes
parameter with the
ent-gta command?
Is the required Yes
MRN set shown in the
No Yes Is the required
rtrv-mrn output?
MAP set shown in the
rtrv-map output?

Sheet 8 No
Perform the "Provisioning
MRN Entries" procedure to
configure the required MRN Perform one of the
set. "Provisioning a Mated
Application" procedures to
configure the required MAP set.

Sheet 2 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 568

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Note: If the current point code value (if the point code
From value is not changed in this procedure), or the new point
Sheet 2 code value (if the point code value will be changed in this
procedure), is the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point code, then the RI
parameter value must be SSN.

Which RI parameter The XLAT parameter

value will be assigned to the SSN value for the global title To
global title address entry? address entry can be either Sheet 5
(See the Note) DPCSSN or DPC.


The XLAT parameter

value for the global title
address entry can be either

Do you wish
Is the Flexible No No
to use the MRNSET To
GTT Load Sharing
parameter with the Sheet 4
feature enabled?
ent-gta command?


Perform the "Activating the

Flexible GTT Load Sharing
Enter the
Feature" procedure to enable
rtrv-mrn command.
and turn on the Flexible GTT
Load Sharing feature.

Is the point code

Is the required Yes Yes
to be specified in the
MRN set shown in the
ent-gta command shown in
rtrv-mrn output?
the MRN set?

No No

Perform the "Provisioning MRN Entries"

procedure to configure the required MRN
set. To
Make sure that the point code value to be Sheet 8
specified with the ent-gta command is
assigned to this MRN set.

Sheet 3 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 569

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 3 rtrv-dstn command.

Is the required point No

code shown in the
rtrv-dstn output?

Perform the "Adding a

Yes Destination Point Code"
procedure to add the
required destination point
Enter the code. A proxy point code
rtrv-dstn command with cannot be assigned to this
this parameter. point code.
:dpc=<point code being

This point code cannot be

Yes Is a proxy point
assigned to the global title
code shown in the
translation. Choose another
previous step?
point code.


Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc=<point code to
be specified with the ent-gta

Perform one of the

Is the point code
No "Adding a Route"
to be specified in the
procedures to add the
ent-gta command the DPC
required route to the
of a route?


Sheet 8

Sheet 4 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 570

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Do you wish
Is the Flexible No Yes
From to use the MAPSET
GTT Load Sharing
Sheet 3 parameter with the
feature enabled?
ent-gta command?

Yes Perform the "Activating

No the Flexible GTT Load
Sharing Feature"
procedure to enable and
turn on the Flexible GTT
Load Sharing feature.

Will the
EAGLE 5 ISS’s point code No Enter the
be assigned to the global rtrv-map command.
title address entry?

Which XLAT
parameter value will be DPC
The XLAT value for the global title
address entry must be DPCSSN. specified with the ent-gta
The EAGLE 5 ISS’s point code and command?
SSN must be assigned to a MAP The point code
entry. specified with the
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing DPCSSN
ent-gta command
feature is enabled, the EAGLE 5 must be assigned to
ISS’s point code and SSN must be in The point code and a MAP entry.
the default MAP set. SSN specified with the If the point code is
ent-gta command must not assigned to a
be assigned to a MAP MAP entry, the
entry. force=yes parameter
must be specified
Enter the
with the ent-gta
rtrv-sid command.

Perform one of the "Provisioning a Will the

No Is the required No
Mated Application" procedures to force=yes parameter be
MAP entry shown in the
configure the required MAP entry with specified with the ent-gta
rtrv-map output?
the point code value, and SSN value if command?
the XLAT parameter value sill be
DPCSSN, that will be specified with the
ent-gta command. Yes Yes
If the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point code and
SSN will be specified with the ent-gta
command, perform either the
"Provisioning a Solitary Mated To To
Application" or "Provisioning a Dominant Sheet 7 Sheet 6
Mated Application" procedures.

Sheet 5 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 571

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 5 rtrv-dstn command.

Is the required point No

code shown in the
rtrv-dstn output?

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code"
procedure to add the
Enter the required destination point
rtrv-dstn command with code. A proxy point code
cannot be assigned to this
this parameter.
point code.
:dpc=<point code being

This point code cannot be

Yes Is a proxy point
assigned to the global title
code shown in the
translation. Choose another
previous step?
point code.


Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc=<point code to
be specified with the ent-gta

Perform one of the

Is the point code
No "Adding a Route"
to be specified in the
procedures to add the
ent-gta command the DPC
required route to the
of a route?


Sheet 8

Sheet 6 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 572

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Will the EAGLE

From 5 ISS’s point code be No
Sheet 5 specified with the ent-gta


Enter the
rtrv-ss-appl command.

Is the SSN shown Yes

in the rtrv-ss-appl


Add the subsystem number to the subsystem application

table by performing the procedures in one of these
LNP SSN – perform the procedures in the ELAP
Administration and LNP Feature Activation manual to
enable the LNP feature, if necessary, and add the LNP
V-Flex SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual – V-Flex to enable and turn on the V-Flex
feature, if necessary, and add the V-Flex SSN.
INP SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual – INP/AINPQ to enable and turn on the INP or
Sheet 8
AINPQ features, if necessary, and add the INP SSN.
EIR SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual - EIR to enable and turn on the EIR feature, if
necessary, and add the EIR SSN.
ATINPQ SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual - ATINP to enable and turn on the ATINP
feature, if necessary, and add the ATINPQ SSN .
AIQ SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual - Analyzed Information Features to enable and
turn on the ANSI41 AIQ feature, if necessary, and add
the AIQ SSN.

Sheet 7 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 573

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-loopset command with

these parameters.
Is the :num=1000
From Yes
loopset parameter to be :force=yes
Sheets 2, 3,
specified with the ent-gta If the rtrv-loopset command is entered
4, 6, or 7
command? with no other parameters specified, a
maximum of 50 entries are displayed. To
display more than 50 entries, the
No force=yes parameter must be specified
with the rtrv-loopset command and the
num parameter value must be greater
than 50. Since there can be a maximum
of 1000 loopsets in the database, to
display all the loopsets in the database,
Is a GT the force=yes and num=1000 parameters
modification identifer to be No must be specified with the rtrv-loopset
specified with the ent-gta command.


Enter the rtrv-gtmod Yes Is the required

command. loopset name shown in the
rtrv-loopset output?

Is the required
GT modification identifer Yes
shown in the rtrv-gtmod Perform the "Adding a
output? See the Loopset" procedure to
Note. add the requried


Perform the "Adding GT Is a GTT action Note: If the NGTI value

Modification Data" procedure set name to be No
in the global title
to add the required GT specified with the ent-gta modification entry is 4,
modification data. command? the point code that will
be assigned to the
GTA entry must be an
Yes ITU point code.

Yes Is the required

Enter the rtrv-gttaset
GTT action set shown in the
rtrv-gttaset output?

Sheet 9
Perform the "Adding a GTT
Action Set" procedure to add
Sheet 9
the required GTT action set.

Sheet 8 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 574

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Sheet 8

Add the GTA entry to the database using the ent-gta command. Use one of these
tables in the “Adding Global Title Address Information” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - Global Title Translation for the parameters and values that
can be used with the ent-gta command.
The command line on the terminal can contain up to 150 characters. If the
parameters and values specified with the ent-gta command are too long to fit on the
ent-gta command line, perform the “Changing Global Title Address Information”
procedure in this chapter to complete adding the GTA entry.
GTA Parameter Combinations - No SETTYPE Column in RTRV-GTTSET Output
GTTSN = CDGTA GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = CGGTA GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = CGPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = CGSSN GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = OPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = CDSSN GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = OPCODE GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = DPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Enter the rtrv-gta command with this parameter.

:gttsn=<GTT set name specified in the ent-gta command>
Depending on the type of GTT set specified by the gttsn parameter,
specify one of these parameters with the gttsn parameter.
CDGTA and CGGTA GTT set , or a GTT set with no SETTYPE
value - :gta=<global title address specified in the ent-gta command>
CGPC GTT set - :cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24=<CGPC value
specified in the ent-gta command>
OPC GTT set - :opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24=<OPC value specified
in the ent-gta command>
CGSSN GTT set - :cgssn=<CGSSN value specified in the ent-gta
CDSSN GTT set - :cdssn=<CDSSN value specified in the ent-gta
OPCODE GTT set - :opcode=<OPCODE value specified in the
ent-gta command>
DPC GTT set - :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value specified
in the ent-gta command>
The num and force parameters can be specified with the rtrv-gta
command. The num parameter specifies the number of entries to
display. If the num parameter value is greater than 1000, the
force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-gta command.

Enter the

Sheet 9 of 9
Figure 151: Adding Global Title Address Information

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 575

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Configuration Flowcharts

Removing Global Title Address Information

Enter the rtrv-gttset


Enter the
rtrv-gta command with this
:gttsn=<GTT set name containing
the GTA entry being removed >

Is the range of
global title addresses, No
being split?


Will the number

of global title address entries No
exceed the maximum number of
global title address


The range of global

What is the 1,000,000 title addresses,
maximum number of global
title addresses?
cannot be split.

Less than

Perform the "Enabling the XGTT

Table Expansion Controlled
Feature" procedure to enable the
XGTT Table Expansion feature for
Sheet 2
either a quantity of 400,000 or
1,000,000 global title translations as

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 576

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Sheet 1

Is the set type of the

GTT set that contains the GTA No
entry that is being removed


Enter the rtrv-gttapath command with one of

these parameters.
If the GTT set type is CDGTA -
:cdgttsn=<the GTT set name shown in the
rtrv-gta output on Sheet 1>
If the GTT set type is CGGTA -
:cggttsn=<the GTT set name shown in the
rtrv-gta output on Sheet 1>
If the GTT set type is OPCODE -
:opgttsn=<the GTT set name shown in the
rtrv-gta output on Sheet 1> Remove the GTA entry from the database using the
dlt-gta command.
Use one of these tables in this procedure for the
parameter combinations that can be used with the
dlt-gta command.

No DLT -GTA Parameter Combinations – EGTT only

Are any entries
displayed? DLT -GTA Parameter Combinations – GTT Sets
DLT -GTA Parameter Combinations – GTT Sets
The tables are in the “Removing Global Title Address
Information” procedure in the Database Administration
Perform one of these procedures.
Manual – Global Title Translation .
"Removing a GTT Action Path Entry” to remove
the entries displayed in the rtrv-gttapath output.
"Changing a GTT Action Path Entry” to change
GTT set that is being references to the value Enter the
none for the entries displayed in the rtrv-gttapath rtrv-gta command with this
:gttsn=<GTT set name containing
specified in the previous step>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 152: Removing Global Title Address Information

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 577

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Configuration Flowcharts

Changing Global Title Address Information

Enter the
rtrv-gta command with this Are the OPTSN,
Enter the rtrv-gttset parameter. OPCSN, or CGCNVSN No
command. :gttsn=<GTT set name that fields shown in the rtrv-gta
contains the GTA data is output?
being changed>


No Is the desired GTT Yes Are the OPTSN,

set name shown in the OPCSN, or CGCNVSN values
rtrv-gttset output? being changed?

Add the required GTT set No
by performing the “Adding a
GTT Set” procedure.

Does the GTA

Is the range of
No Yes entry contain a range
global title addresses,
of global title addresses,
CGSSNs, or
being split ?

To No
Sheet 3
Will the Sheet 3
number of global title
No translations entries exceed the Yes
maximum number of global title

The range of
What is global title
maximum number 1,000,000 addresses,
of global title translation CGSSNs, or
entries? CDSSNs
cannot be split.
Perform the "Enabling the Less than
XGTT Table Expansion 1,000,000
Controlled Feature" procedure
To to enable the XGTT Table
Sheet 2 Expansion feature for either a
quantity of 400,000 or
1,000,000 global title
translation entries as required.

Sheet 1 of 15

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Configuration Flowcharts

Does the GTA entry No

From To
contain a range of global
Sheet 1 Sheet 3
title addresses?


Enter the
rtrv-gttapath command
with these parameters.
What is the GTT CGGTA :cggtsn=<the GTT set Note: If error
set type shown in the shown in the rtrv-gta message E3451 is
rtrv-gta output? output> displayed, the
:cggta=<the GTA value feature required to
shown in the rtrv-gta execute this
output> command is not
CDGTA enabled. There are
no entries to
Enter the
rtrv-gttapath command
with these parameters.
:cdgtsn=<the GTT set Are any entries No
shown in the rtrv-gta displayed? See the
output> Note.
:cdgta=<the GTA value
shown in the rtrv-gta
output> Yes

The range of global

title addresses
The range of global No Do you wish cannot be split
title addresses to remove the unless the entries
cannot be split. entries? shown in the
rtrv-gttapath output
are removed.

Perform the "Removing a
Sheet 3 The range of global
GTT Path" procedure to
title addresses can
remove the entries shown
be split.
in the rtrv-gttapath output.

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 15

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Configuration Flowcharts

From Note: The Feature Requirements

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
Sheets 1 for CHG-GTA Parameters table is
or 2 in the “Adding Global Title Address
Information” in the Database
Administration Manual - Global
TitleTranslation .

Are any of the

parameters shown in the
Feature Requirements for Yes
CHG-GTA Parameters to be
specified for the GTA entry ?
(See the Note)

Are the features

for these parameters
shown in the Feature Requirements No
for CHG-GTA Parameters table
enabled, and turned on if
Perform the required
DPC, procedures shown in
DPCSSN, Yes the Feature
What will the
DPCNGT Requirements for
xlat parameter value be
when this procedure is
Parameters table to
enable, and turn on if
necessary, the
To required feature.
Sheet 5 NONE

Do you wish
Is the Flexible No No
to use the MRNSET or To
GTT Load Sharing
MAPSET parameters with Sheet 14
feature enabled?
the chg-gta command?


Perform the "Activating the

Flexible GTT Load Sharing
Feature" procedure to enable
Sheet 4
and turn on the Flexible GTT
Load Sharing feature.

Sheet 3 of 15

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Sheet 3

Do you wish
Yes to use the MRNSET No
parameter with the
chg-gta command?

Enter the
rtrv-mrn command.

Is the required Yes

MRN set shown in the
rtrv-mrn output?


Perform the "Provisioning Do you wish

MRN Entries" procedure to to use the MAPSET Yes Enter the
configure the required MRN parameter with the rtrv-map command.
set. chg-gta command?


Yes Is the required

MAP set shown in the
rtrv-map output?


Perform one of the

To "Provisioning a Mated
Sheet 14 Application" procedures to
configure the required MAP set.

Sheet 4 of 15

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Note: If the current point code value (if the point code
From value is not changed in this procedure), or the new point
Sheet 3 code value (if the point code value will be changed in this
procedure), is the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point code, then the RI
parameter value must be SSN.

What will the What will the

RI parameter value be when SSN XLAT parameter value DPCSSN To
this procedure is finished? be when this procedure Sheet 10
(See the Note) is finished?


The xlat parameter value To

can be dpcngt, dpcssn, or Sheet 8

Is the Flexible Yes To

GTT Load Sharing
Sheet 6
feature enabled?


Is the point No To
code value being
Sheet 14


Sheet 7

Sheet 5 of 15

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Sheet 5

Is the MRN No Is the point No

set value being code value being
changed? changed?

Yes Yes

Enter the
rtrv-mrn command.

Is the required No
MRN set shown in the
rtrv-mrn output?


Perform the "Provisioning MRN

Entries" procedure to configure the
required MRN set.
Is the point code Make sure that the current point code
to be specified with No
value (if the point code value is not
the chg-gta command shown changed in this procedure), or the
in the MRN set? new point code value (if the point
code value will be changed in this
procedure) is assigned to this MRN
Yes set.

Sheet 14

Sheet 6 of 15

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From Enter the

Sheet 5 rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code"
Is the required point No procedure to add the
code shown in the required destination point
rtrv-dstn output? code. A proxy point code
cannot be assigned to this
point code.


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with
this parameter.
:dpc=<point code being

This point code cannot be

Yes Is a proxy point
assigned to the global title
code shown in the
translation. Choose another
previous step?
point code.


Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc=<point code to
be specified with the chg-gta

Perform one of the

Is the point code
No "Adding a Route"
to be specified in the
procedures to add the
chg-gta command the
required route to the
DPC of a route?


Sheet 14

Sheet 7 of 15

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Sheet 5

Is the point No Is the Flexible No To

code value being GTT Load Sharing
Sheet 14
changed? feature enabled?

Yes Yes

Enter the
rtrv-map command with this Is the
parameter. MAPSET value of No
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the the GTA entry being
new point code value> changed?

Enter the
rtrv-map command with this
Is the required current point code value>
MAP entry containing the No
new point code value shown
in the rtrv-map

Yes Is another MAP

Yes Will the force=yes No set containing the current
parameter be specified with
point code value shown in
the chg-gta command?
the rtrv-map output?

To No Yes
Sheet 9

Perform one of the "Provisioning a

Mated Application" procedures to To
configure the required MAP entry that Sheet 14
contains the new point code value (if
the point code value is being changed)
or the current point code value (if the
point code value is not being
To changed).
Sheet 14
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing
feature is enabled, the mapset
parameter must be specified with the
MAP entry. The mapset value
specified when the MAP entry is
created must be specified when the
GTA entry is changed.

Sheet 8 of 15

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Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 8 rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code"
Is the required No procedure to add the
point code shown in the required destination point
rtrv-dstn output? code. A proxy point code
cannot be assigned to this
point code.


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with
this parameter.
:dpc=<point code being

This point code cannot be

Yes Is a proxy point
assigned to the global title
code shown in the
translation. Choose another
previous step?
point code.


Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc=<point code to
be specified with the chg-gta

Perform one of the

Is the point code
No "Adding a Route"
to be specified in the
procedures to add the
chg-gta command the DPC
required route to the
of a route?


Sheet 14

Sheet 9 of 15

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Is the point No
From To
code value being
Sheet 5 Sheet 11

Enter the
rtrv-sid command.

Will the new

No the point code value be Yes
the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point Enter the
code? rtrv-map command with this
The MAPSET value, if the :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the
Flexible GTT Load Sharing EAGLE 5 ISS’s point code>
feature is enabled, and SSN The SSN value can also be
value can also be changed. changed.
If the Flexible GTT Load
Sharing feature is enabled,
the MAP entry must be in
Enter the the default MAP set.
rtrv-map command with this
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<the Is a MAP entry shown Yes
new point code value> in the rtrv-map output with
the required values?


Is a MAP entry shown No Perform one of the "Provisioning a

in the rtrv-map output with Mated Application" procedures to
the required values? configure the required MAP entry that
contains the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point
code and the required SSN value.
Yes If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing
Perform one of the "Provisioning a
feature is enabled, the mapset=dflt
Mated Application" procedures to
parameter must be specified with the
configure the required MAP entry that
contains the new point code value MAP entry. The MAPSET value must
and the required SSN value. be DFLT when this procedure is
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing
feature is enabled, the mapset
parameter must be specified with the
MAP entry. The mapset value
specified when the MAP entry is
created must be specified for the GTA To
entry when the GTA entry is changed. Sheet 13

Sheet 14

Sheet 10 of 15

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Is the No Is the Flexible No

SSN value being GTT Load Sharing
Sheet 10
changed? feature enabled?


Enter the To
rtrv-sid command. Sheet 12

Is the point
No Is the Flexible No
code in the GTA entry
GTT Load Sharing
the EAGLE 5 ISS’s
feature enabled?
point code?


Enter the
rtrv-map command with this
point code assigned to the
GTA entry>
:ssn=<the new SSN value>

Is a MAP entry shown Yes

in the rtrv-map output with
the required values?


Perform one of the "Provisioning a

Mated Application" procedures to
configure the required MAP entry that
contains the point code value that us
assigned to the GTA entry and the
new SSN value. Is the point
code in the GTA entry No To
If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing the EAGLE 5 ISS’s Sheet 14
feature is enabled, the mapset point code?
parameter must be specified with the
MAP entry. The mapset value
specified when the MAP entry is Yes
created must be specified for the GTA
entry when the GTA entry is changed. To
Sheet 13

Sheet 11 of 15

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Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 11 rtrv-sid command.

The EAGLE 5 ISS’s point

code can only be in the
Is the point default MAP set. The default
code in the GTA entry Yes MAP set must be assigned
the EAGLE 5 ISS’s to the GTA entry. The MAP
point code? set that is assigned to the
GTA entry cannot be

Do you wish
to change the MAP set No
that is assigned to the
GTA entry?


Enter the
rtrv-map command with these
point code assigned to the GTA
:ssn=<the current SSN value>

Is another MAP set

that contains the point code Yes
and SSN values that are assigned
to the GTA entry shown in the
rtrv-map output?


Perform one of the "Provisioning a

Mated Application" procedures to
configure the required MAP set that To
contains the point code and SSN Sheet 14
values that are assigned to the GTA

Sheet 12 of 15

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Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the
Sheets 10
rtrv-ss-appl command.
or 11

Is the required
SSN value shown Yes
in the rtrv-ss-appl


Add the subsystem number to the subsystem application table by

performing the procedures in one of these manuals.
LNP SSN – perform the procedures in the ELAP Administration
and LNP Feature Activation manual to enable the LNP feature, if
necessary, and add the LNP SSN.
V-Flex SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature Manual – V-
Flex to enable and turn on the V-Flex feature, if necessary, and
add the V-Flex SSN.
INP SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature Manual – INP/
AINPQ to enable and turn on the INP or AINPQ features, if To
necessary, and add the INP SSN. Sheet 14
EIR SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature Manual - EIR to
enable and turn on the EIR feature, if necessary, and add the EIR
ATINPQ SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature Manual -
ATINP to enable and turn on the ATINP feature , if necessary, and
add the ATINPQ SSN .
AIQ SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature Manual -
Analyzed Information Features to enable and turn on the ANSI41
AIQ feature, if necessary, and add the AIQ SSN.

Sheet 13 of 15

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Enter the rtrv-loopset command with

these parameters.
From :num=1000
Is the name of Yes
Sheets 3, 4, 5, :force=yes
loopset to be specified with
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, If the rtrv-loopset command is entered
the chg-gta command?
11, 12, or 13 with no other parameters specified, a
maximum of 50 entries are displayed. To
display more than 50 entries, the
No force=yes parameter must be specified
with the rtrv-loopset command and the
num parameter value must be greater
than 50. Since there can be a maximum
of 1000 loopsets in the database, to
display all the loopsets in the database,
Is a GT the force=yes and num=1000 parameters
modification identifer to be No must be specified with the rtrv-loopset
specified with the chg-gta command.


Enter the rtrv-gtmod Yes Is the required

command. loopset name shown in the
rtrv-loopset output?

Is the required
GT modification identifer Yes Perform the "Adding a
shown in the rtrv-gtmod
Loopset" procedure to
output? See the
add the requried

Note: If the NGTI value
in the global title
Perform the "Adding GT Is a GTT action
No modification entry is 4,
Modification Data" procedure set name to be
the point code that is
to add the required GT specified with the chg-gta
assigned to the GTA
modification data. command?
entry must be an ITU
point code.


Yes Is the required

Enter the rtrv-gttaset
GTT action set shown in the
rtrv-gttaset output?

Perform the "Adding a GTT
To To
Action Set" procedure to add
Sheet 15 Sheet 15
the required GTT action set.

Sheet 14 of 15

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Sheet 14

Change the GTA entry to the database using the chg-gta command. Use one of these
tables for the parameters and values that can be used with the chg-gta command.
These tables are in the “Changing Global Title Address Information” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual - Global Title Translation .
GTA Parameter Combinations - No SETTYPE Column in RTRV-GTTSET Output
GTTSN = CDGTA GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = CGGTA GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = CGPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = CGSSN GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = OPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = CDSSN GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = OPCODE GTT Set Parameter Combinations
GTTSN = DPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations
The command line on the terminal can contain up to 150 characters. If the
parameters and values specified with the chg-gta command are too long to fit on the
chg-gta command line, perform the chg-gta command as many times as required to
complete changing the GTA entry.

Enter the rtrv-gta command with this parameter.

:gttsn=<GTT set name specified in the chg-gta command>
Depending on the type of GTT set specified by the gttsn parameter, specify
one of these parameters with the gttsn parameter.
CDGTA and CGGTA GTT set , or a GTT set with no SETTYPE value -
:gta=<global title address specified in the chg-gta command>
CGPC GTT set - :cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24=<CGPC value specified
in the chg-gta command>
OPC GTT set - :opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24=<OPC value specified in the
chg-gta command>
CGSSN GTT set - :cgssn=<CGSSN value specified in the chg-gta
CDSSN GTT set - :cdssn=<CDSSN value specified in the chg-gta
OPCODE GTT set - :opcode=<OPCODE value specified in the
chg-gta command>
DPC GTT set - :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value specified in the
chg-gta command>
The num and force parameters can be specified with the rtrv-gta command.
The num parameter specifies the number of entries to display. If the num
parameter value is greater than 1000, the force=yes parameter must be
specified with the rtrv-gta command.

Enter the

Sheet 15 of 15
Figure 153: Changing Global Title Address Information

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 592

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the Default GTT Mode Options

To change the DFLTFALLBACK value to yes, the Flexible Linkset

Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on. If
Enter the rtrv-sccpopts the current DFLTFALLBACK value is yes, the Flexible Linkset
command. Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on.
To change the DFLTGTTMODE option to one of these values (a
Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing GTT mode hierarchy), the
Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and
turned on.
If any of these values are shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output for the
DFLTGTTMODE option, the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing
feature is enabled and turned on.
To change the DFLTGTTMODE option to one of these values (an
Origin-Based SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchy), the
Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature must be enabled and turned on.
No Will the CgPA ,AdvCdPA ,CdPA
be changed?
If any of these values are shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output for the
DFLTGTTMODE option, the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is
enabled and turned on.

What will
be the new CdPA

A value other
than CdPA
Enter the chg-sccpopts
Will the No command with at least one of
DFLTFALLBACK value these parameters.
be changed? :dfltgttmod=cd
Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts

What will
To perform this Yes be the new No
procedure, the DFLTFALLBACK
value must be Enter the
changed. chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 593

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
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Sheet 1

Is the
DFLTGTTMODE value being No
changed to an Origin-Based
SCCP Routing GTT mode


Is an Origin-Based
SCCP Routing GTT mode Yes
hierarchy shown in the
rtrv-sccpopts output on
Sheet 1?
Is a Flexible
No Linkset Optional Based Yes
Routing GTT mode hierarchy
No shown in the rtrv-sccpopts
output on Sheet 1?

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this To
parameter. Sheet 3

Is the
being changed
to yes?
Is the Origin-Based Yes
SCCP Routing feature enabled
and turned on?

No Enter the chg-sccpopts command.

Use the Default GTT Mode Option
Parameter Combinations table as a guide
Perform the “Activating the for the parameters and values that can be
Origin-Based SCCP Routing used.
Feature” procedure to This table is in the “Changing the Default
enable and turn on the GTT Mode Options” procedure in the
Origin-Based SCCP Routing Database Administration Manual – Global
feature. Title Translation .

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-sccpopts

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 594

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
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Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this

Is the Flexible
Linkset Optional Based Yes
Routing feature enabled
and turned on?

Enter the chg-sccpopts command.
Use the Default GTT Mode Option
Perform the “Activating the
Parameter Combinations table as a guide
Flexible Linkset Optional Based
for the parameters and values that can be
Routing Feature” procedure to
enable and turn on the Flexible
Linkset Optional Based Routing This table is in the “Changing the Default
feature. GTT Mode Options” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual – Global
Title Translation .

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 154: Changing the Default GTT Mode Options

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 595

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a GTT Action

Yes How 2000

Enter the rtrv-gttact Are any entries
many entries are
command. displayed?

Less than The entry

2000 cannot be
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
Are any
No entries with the desired
act parameter value
Perform the "Activating
the GTT Actions Is the Yes
Feature” procedure to No required feature
enable, and turn on if enabled? See the
desired, the required Note.
GTT Actions feature.


DUP, FWD What will

To be the value of the act
Sheet 2 parameter for the new

TCAPERR Note: These are the GTT Actions features
and their part numbers.
Enter the ent-gttact command with the
Action – DISCARD – 893027501
parameters and values that correspond to the
act parameter value that will be specified for ACT value DUP - GTT Action – DUPLICATE
the GTT action. – 893027601
The parameter and value combinations are ACT Value FWD - GTT Action – FORWARD
shown in the GTT Actions Parameter – 893037501
Combinations table in the “Adding a GTT
Action” procedure located in the Database
Administration Manual – Global Title
Translation .

Enter the rtrv-gttact command

Enter the
with this parameter.
:actid=<the actid value specified
in the ent-gttact command>

Sheet 1 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 596

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

What will SSN

From To
the ri parameter
Sheet 1 Sheet 4
value be?


Yes column shown in the No
rtrv-gttact output on
Sheet 1 ?

Are entries shown Do you

in the rtrv-gttact output on Yes
Yes wish to specify the
Sheet 1 that contain the point code mrnset parameter?
and MRNSET values that will be
used in the new


Are entries shown

Enter the rtrv-mrn in the rtrv-gttact output
Yes on Sheet 1 that contain the point
code values that will be
used in the new

To No
Sheet 6 Perform the "Activating
the Flexible GTT Load
Sharing Feature"
To procedure to enable the
Sheet 3 Flexible GTT Load
Is the required Sharing feature.
Yes MRN set with the required
point code shown in the
rtrv-mrn output?

Perform the "Provisioning MRN

To No Entries" procedure to configure
Sheet 6 the required MRN set.
Make sure that the point code
value to be specified with the
ent-gttact command is assigned
to this MRN set.

Sheet 6

Sheet 2 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 597

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code" Perform one of the
Is the required No procedure to add the "Adding a Route"
point code shown in the required destination point procedures to add the
rtrv-dstn output? code. A proxy point code required route to the
cannot be assigned to this database.
point code.


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
code to be specified with the
ent-gttact command>

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
Is a proxy point No parameter.
code shown in the :dpc/dpca/dpci/
previous step? dpcndpcn24=<point code
to be specified with the
ent-gttact command>

This point code cannot be

assigned to the mated
application. Choose another Is the Yes
point code. required route in the


Perform one of the "Adding a

Route" procedures in the
Database Administration
Sheet 6
Manual - SS7 to add the
required route to the database.

Sheet 3 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 598

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

From column shown in the No
Sheet 2 rtrv-gttact output on
Sheet 1 ?

Do you Yes
wish to specify the
mapset parameter?

Are entries shown

in the rtrv-gttact output on No
Yes Sheet 1 that contain the point code,
SSN, and MAPSET values that
will be used in the new

Are entries shown

No in the rtrv-gttact output on
No Sheet 1 that contain the point
code and SSN values that
will be used in the new


Sheet 6

Perform the "Activating

the Flexible GTT Load
Enter the rtrv-map Sharing Feature"
command. procedure to enable the
Flexible GTT Load
Sharing feature.

Is the required
Yes MAP entry with the No
To To
required point code and SSN
Sheet 6 Sheet 5
values shown in the
rtrv-map output?

Sheet 4 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 599

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Is the point code

that will be specified with No
From Enter the rtrv-sid
the ent-gttact command entry
Sheet 4 command.
the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point

Perform either the the "Provisioning a Solitary

Mated Application" or "Provisioning a Dominant
Mated Application" procedures to configure the
required MAP entry with the point code and SSN
values, and the MAPSET value if required, that will
Perform one of the the
be specified with the ent-gttact command.
"Provisioning a Mated
Application" procedures to
configure the required MAP
entry with the point code and
Enter the SSN values, and the MAPSET
rtrv-ss-appl command. value if required, that will be
specified with the ent-gttact

Is the SSN shown Yes

in the rtrv-ss-appl


Add the subsystem number to the subsystem

application table by performing the procedures in
one of these manuals.
LNP SSN – perform the procedures in the ELAP
Administration and LNP Feature Activation manual
to enable the LNP feature, if necessary, and add
the LNP SSN.
V-Flex SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual – V-Flex to enable and turn on the V-Flex
feature, if necessary, and add the V-Flex SSN.
INP SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual – INP/AINPQ to enable and turn on the INP
or AINPQ features, if necessary, and add the INP
Sheet 6
EIR SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual - EIR to enable and turn on the EIR feature,
if necessary, and add the EIR SSN.
ATINPQ SSN - perform the procedures in the
Feature Manual - ATINP to enable and turn on the
ATINP feature , if necessary, and add the ATINPQ
AIQ SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual - Analyzed Information Features to enable
and turn on the ANSI41 AIQ feature, if necessary,
and add the AIQ SSN.

Sheet 5 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 600

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 2, 3,
4, or 5

Do you wish No
to specify the loopset


Yes Do you wish Yes
values shown in the
to use one of these
rtrv-gttact output on
LOOPSET values?
Sheet 1?


Enter the rtrv-loopset


Is the required Yes

loopset value shown in the
rtrv-loopset output?


Perform the "Adding a Loopset"

procedure to configure the
Sheet 7
required loopset.

Sheet 6 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 601

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Do you wish
From to specify the No
Sheet 6 cdgtmodid or cggtmodid


Are CDGTMODID Do you wish

or CGGTMODID values Yes to use one of these Yes
shown in the rtrv-gttact values? See the
output on Sheet 1? Note.


Enter the rtrv-gtmod


Do you wish No
to specify the cggtmodid
Is the required parameter?
GTMOD identifier shown in Yes
the rtrv-gtmod output? See
the Note.


Perform the "Adding GT

Modification Data" procedure to
values shown in the rtrv-gttact
configure the required GTMOD
output on Sheet 1?

Is the AMGTT
or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade Yes
features enabled, shown in the
rtrv-ctrl-feat output on
Note: If an ANSI point code will Sheet 1?
be assigned to the GTT action
entry, the NGTI value of the
GTMOD identifier must be 2. No Perform the “Activating the
Advanced GT Modification
Feature” procedure to enable
Sheet 8
Upgrade features.

Sheet 7 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 602

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

What will
From be the value of the act DUP
Sheet 7 parameter for the new


Do you wish No
to specify the defactid


What will be the FALLBACK

defactid parameter

A GTT Action Entry

whose ACT value is

Are entries
No shown in the rtrv-gttact output Yes
on Sheet 1 whose act parameter
value is the same as the defactid
value you wish to use?
Enter the ent-gttact command with the
parameters and values that correspond to the
act parameter value that will be specified for
Perform the this the GTT action.
procedure from Sheet
1 to add an entry that The parameter and value combinations are
contains the desired shown in the GTT Actions Parameter
act parameter value. Combinations table in the “Adding a GTT
Action” procedure located in the Database
Administration Manual – Global Title
Translation .

Enter the rtrv-gttact command

Enter the
with this parameter.
:actid=<the actid value specified
in the ent-gttact command>

Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 155: Adding a GTT Action

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 603

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a GTT Action Entry

Enter the rtrv-gttact

command with this

Greater than
What is the
0 (Zero)
REFCNT value of the GTT To
action that is being Sheet 2

0 (Zero)

Enter the dlt-gttact command

with this parameter.
:actid=<the actid value of the
GTT action that is being

Enter the rtrv-gttact command

with this parameter.
:actid=<the actid value specified
in the dlt-gttact command>

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 604

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

What is the
From ACTION value of the To
Sheet 1 GTT action that is being Sheet 3


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Are any entries
shown in the rtrv-gttact
output whose ACTION value is No
FWD and whose DEFACTID value
is the ACTION value of the GTT
action that is being No Is the LNP
removed? feature enabled?

Yes Yes

Perform the "Changing a GTT Action” Enter the rtrv-lnp-serv

procedure to change the DEFACTID command.
value of the GTT action to another value.
Perform this procedure for each entry
shown in the rtrv-gttact output whose To
ACTION value is FWD and whose Sheet 3
DEFACTID value is the ACTION value of
the GTT action that is being removed. Are any entries
shown in the rtrv-lnp-serv
No output whose DFLTACT value is
the ACTID value of the GTT
action that is being
Have all the No
references to the No
GTT action been
removed? Have all the Yes
Yes references to the
GTT action been
Yes removed?

Enter the dlt-gttact command Perform the "Changing an LNP Service”

with this parameter. procedure in the ELAP Administration and
LNP Feature Activation manual to change
:actid=<the actid value of the the DFLTACT value of the LNP services
GTT action that is being that references the GTT action that is
removed> being removed.

Enter the rtrv-gttact command

Enter the
with this parameter.
:actid=<the actid value specified
in the dlt-gttact command>

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 605

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-gttaset command with this

:actid1=<the actid value of the GTT action
that is being removed>
The rtrv-gttaset command contains six actid
parameters: actid1, actid2, actid3, actid4,
actid5, and actid6. Any of these parameters
can be used in this step.

Perform one of these procedures.

"Removing a GTT Action Set” - to remove
the GTT action set that references the
GTT action that is being removed.
"Changing a GTT Action Set” - to remove
the reference to the GTT action entry
from the GTT action set.
Perform this step for each entry shown in
the rtrv-gttaset output.

Enter the dlt-gttact command

with this parameter.
:actid=<the actid value of the
GTT action that is being

Enter the rtrv-gttact command

with this parameter.
:actid=<the actid value specified
in the dlt-gttact command>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 156: Removing a GTT Action Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 606

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a GTT Action

If the the REFCNT value of the GTT action

will remain greater than 0 (zero) when the
Greater than GTT action is being changed.
Enter the rtrv-gttact What is the
0 (Zero) The current ACTID value cannot be
command with this REFCNT value of the GTT
changed to a new ACTID value.
parameter. action that is being
on=refcnt removed? The current ACT value cannot be
changed until all references to the GTT
action that is being changed are
removed, unless the current ACT value
is DISC, UDTS, or TCAPERR. If the
To 0 (Zero) current ACT value is DISC, UDTS, or
Sheet 2 TCAPERR, the new ACT value can be

Do you
Yes wish to change the No To
current ACT value or the
Sheet 2
current ACTID value of the
GTT action?

UDTS, Is the actid value of
What is the
TCAPERR the GTT action entry that is Yes
ACT value of the GTT
being changed also shown as the
action that is being
DEFACTID value of any GTT
action entries?


Enter the rtrv-gttaset

command with this
:actid1=<the actid value of
the GTT action that is being
changed> Enter the chg-gttact command with
these parameters to change the
DEFACTID value of the GTT action
No to a value that is not the current
Perform one of these procedures.
:actid=<actid value>
"Removing a GTT Action Set” - to remove Have all the
references to the :defactid=<the actid value of a GTT
the GTT action set that references the
GTT action been action entry whose act value is disc,
GTT action that is being changed.
removed? udts, tcaperr; or the value fallback>
"Changing a GTT Action Set” - to change
Perform this procedure for each
the GTT action set to remove the
entry shown in the rtrv-gttact output
references to the GTT action that is being
Yes whose ACT value is FWD and
whose DEFACTID value is the ACT
Perform this step for each entry shown in value of the GTT action that is being
the rtrv-gttaset output. changed.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 607

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

What will
be the value of the DUP, FWD
From To
act parameter when
Sheet 1 Sheet 3
this procedure is


the current ACT

Are any entries

shown in the rtrv-gttact Yes
output on Sheet 1 whose ACT
value is DISC, UDTS, or


Perform the "Activating The atcaperr and itcaperr

the GTT Actions parameters can be specified only if
Feature” procedure to the act parameter value is tcaperr.
enable, and turn on if The udtserr parameter can be
desired, the GTT Action specified only if the act parameter
– DISCARD feature. value is udts.

Enter the chg-gttact command with the

parameters and values the correspond to the
act parameter value that will be specified for
Enter the rtrv-gttact command the GTT action.
with this parameter. The parameter and value combinations are
:actid=<the actid value specified shown in the GTT Actions Parameter
in the chg-gttact command> combination table in the “Changing a GTT
Action” procedure located in the Database
Administration Manual – Global Title
Translation .
Enter the

Sheet 2 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 608

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

What will
be the value of the DUP
act parameter when
this procedure is

FWD Perform the "Activating

Are any entries the GTT Actions
shown in the rtrv-gttact No Feature” procedure to
output on Sheet 1 whose ACT enable, and turn on if
value is DUP? desired, the GTT Action
– DUPLICATE feature .


Are any entries

shown in the rtrv-gttact Yes
output on Sheet 1 whose ACT
value is FWD?


The GTT action must

Perform the "Activating contain a point code
What will
the GTT Actions value, defined by the
be the value of the SSN
Feature” procedure to pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
ri parameter when
enable, and turn on if parameter and a
this procedure is
desired, the GTT Action subsystem number
– FORWARD feature . defined by the ssn

The GTT action must

contain a point code To
value, defined by the Sheet 6

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 609

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

From Note: If the entry that is being changed

Sheet 3 will have a calling party point code
value when this procedure is finished,
the network type of the point code and
the calling party point code values
must be the same.
The calling party point code is
Is the MRNSET provisioned with the cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/
column shown in the No cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameter and is
rtrv-gttact output on shown in the CGPCA/CGPCI/CGPCN/
Sheet 1 ? CGPCN24 fields of the
rtrv-gttact output.


Are entries shown

in the rtrv-gttact output on
Yes Do you Yes
Sheet 1 that contain the point code
wish to specify the
and MRNSET values that will be
mrnset parameter?
used in the new entry? See
the Note.



Are entries shown

in the rtrv-gttact output
Enter the rtrv-mrn Yes on Sheet 1 that contain the point
command. code values that will be
used in the new

Sheet 8
Perform the "Activating
Is the required the Flexible GTT Load
Yes MRN set with the required Sharing Feature"
point code shown in the procedure to enable the
Sheet 5
rtrv-mrn output? Flexible GTT Load
Sharing feature.

No Perform the "Provisioning MRN

Entries" procedure to configure
the required MRN set.
Make sure that the point code
value that is assigned to the GTT
action entry when this procedure
is finished is assigned to this
MRN set.

Sheet 8

Sheet 4 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 610

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Note: If the entry that is being changed will

From have a calling party point code value when this
Sheet 4 procedure is finished, the network type of the
point code and the calling party point code
values must be the same.
The calling party point code is provisioned
with the cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24
parameter and is shown in the CGPCA/
Enter the CGPCI/CGPCN/CGPCN24 fields of the
rtrv-dstn command. rtrv-gttact output.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code" Perform one of the
Is the required
No procedure to add the "Adding a Route"
point code shown in the
required destination point procedures to add the
rtrv-dstn output? See
code. A proxy point code required route to the
the Note.
cannot be assigned to this database.
point code.


Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
code to be specified with the
ent-gttact command>

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
Is a proxy point No parameter.
code shown in the :dpc/dpca/dpci/
previous step? dpcndpcn24=<point code
to be specified with the
ent-gttact command>

This point code cannot be

assigned to the mated
application. Choose another Is the Yes
point code. required route in the


Perform one of the "Adding a

Route" procedures in the
Database Administration
Sheet 8
Manual - SS7 to add the
required route to the database.

Sheet 5 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 611

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

From column shown in the No
Sheet 3 rtrv-gttact output on
Sheet 1 ?

Do you Yes
wish to specify the
mapset parameter?

Are entries
shown in the rtrv-gttact No
Yes output on Sheet 1 that contain the
point code, SSN, and MAPSET
values that will be used in
the new entry? See
the Note?

Are entries shown

No in the rtrv-gttact output on
No Sheet 1 that contain the point
code and SSN values that
will be used in the new


Sheet 8

Perform the "Activating

the Flexible GTT Load
Enter the rtrv-map Sharing Feature"
command. procedure to enable the
Flexible GTT Load
Sharing feature.

Is the required
Yes MAP entry with the No
To To
required point code and SSN
Sheet 8 Sheet 7
values shown in the
rtrv-map output?

Note: If the entry that is being changed will have a calling

party point code value when this procedure is finished,
the network type of the point code and the calling party
point code values must be the same.
The calling party point code is provisioned
with the cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameter and
is shown in the CGPCA/CGPCI/CGPCN/CGPCN24 fields
of the rtrv-gttact output.

Sheet 6 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 612

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Is the point code

that will be specified with No
From Enter the rtrv-sid
the ent-gttact command entry
Sheet 6 command.
the EAGLE 5 ISS’s point

Perform either the the "Provisioning a Solitary Mated

Application" or "Provisioning a Dominant Mated
Application" procedures to configure the required MAP
entry with the point code and SSN values, and the
MAPSET value if required, that will be specified with
Perform one of the the
the chg-gttact command. See the Note.
"Provisioning a Mated
Application" procedures to
configure the required MAP
entry with the point code and
Enter the SSN values, and the MAPSET
rtrv-ss-appl command. value if required, that will be
specified with the chg-gttact
command. See the Note.

Note: If the entry that is being

Is the SSN shown Yes changed will have a calling
in the rtrv-ss-appl party point code value when
output? this procedure is finished, the
network type of the point code
and the calling party point
No code values must be the

Add the subsystem number to the subsystem The calling party point code is
application table by performing the procedures in provisioned with the cgpc/
one of these manuals. cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24
parameter and is shown in the
LNP SSN – perform the procedures in the ELAP CGPCA/CGPCI/CGPCN/
Administration and LNP Feature Activation manual CGPCN24 fields of the
to enable the LNP feature, if necessary, and add rtrv-gttact output.
the LNP SSN.
V-Flex SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual – V-Flex to enable and turn on the V-Flex
feature, if necessary, and add the V-Flex SSN.
INP SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual – INP/AINPQ to enable and turn on the INP
or AINPQ features, if necessary, and add the INP
Sheet 8
EIR SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual - EIR to enable and turn on the EIR feature,
if necessary, and add the EIR SSN.
ATINPQ SSN - perform the procedures in the
Feature Manual - ATINP to enable and turn on the
ATINP feature , if necessary, and add the ATINPQ
AIQ SSN - perform the procedures in the Feature
Manual - Analyzed Information Features to enable
and turn on the ANSI41 AIQ feature, if necessary,
and add the AIQ SSN.

Sheet 7 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 613

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 4, 5,
6, or 7

Do you wish No
to specify the loopset


Yes Do you wish Yes
values shown in the
to use one of these
rtrv-gttact output on
LOOPSET values?
Sheet 1?


Enter the rtrv-loopset


Is the required Yes

loopset value shown in the
rtrv-loopset output?


Perform the "Adding a Loopset"

procedure to configure the
Sheet 9
required loopset.

Sheet 8 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 614

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Do you wish
From to specify the No
Sheet 8 cdgtmodid or cggtmodid


Are CDGTMODID Do you wish

or CGGTMODID values Yes to use one of these Yes
shown in the rtrv-gttact values? See the
output on Sheet 1? Note.

Note: If an ANSI point code will

No be assigned to the GTT action
entry when this procedure is
completed, the NGTI value of the
Enter the rtrv-gtmod GTMOD identifier must be 2.

Do you wish No
to specify the cggtmodid
Is the required parameter?
GTMOD identifier shown in Yes
the rtrv-gtmod output? See
the Note.


Perform the "Adding GT

Modification Data" procedure to
values shown in the rtrv-gttact
configure the required GTMOD
output on Sheet 1?

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Perform the “Activating the

Is the AMGTT No Advanced GT Modification
or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade Feature” procedure to enable
Sheet 10
features enabled? the AMGTT or AMGTT CgPA
Upgrade features.


Sheet 9 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 615

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

What will
From be the value of the act DUP
Sheet 9 parameter for the new


Do you wish No
to specify the defactid


What will be the FALLBACK

defactid parameter

A GTT Action Entry

whose ACT value is

Are entries
No shown in the rtrv-gttact output Yes
on Sheet 1 whose act parameter
value is the same as the defactid
value you wish to use?
Enter the chg-gttact command with the
Perform the "Adding parameters and values that correspond to the
a GTT Action” act parameter value that will be specified for
procedure to add the GTT action.
the GTT action The parameter and value combinations are
entry with the shown in the GTT Actions Parameter
required ACT value Combination table in the “Changing a GTT
of DISC, UDTS, or Action” procedure located in the Database
TCAPERR. Administration Manual – Global Title
Translation .

Enter the rtrv-gttact command

Enter the
with this parameter.
:actid=<the actid value specified
in the chg-gttact command>

Sheet 10 of 10
Figure 157: Changing a GTT Action

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 616

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a GTT Action Set

Perform the "Adding a Service Module"
procedure in this chapter to turn the EGTT
feature on and add service modules to the
Is error Yes database according to the Service Module
Enter the rtrv-gttaset and Feature Combinations table.
message E3557
displayed? This table is in the "Adding a Service
Module" procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – Global Title
20,000 How No Translation .
many entries are

The entry cannot be Enter the rtrv-gttact

added. Less than 20,000 command.

Will all the

entries in the new GTT No
action set use the ACTID
values shown in the Yes Are the desired
rtrv-gttaset output? GTT actions shown in the
rtrv-gttact output?

Enter the ent-gttaset command with these mandatory
parameters. Perform the "Adding a
:actsn=<the GTT action set name consisting of 1 alphabetic GTT Action” procedure
character and up to 8 alphanumeric characters> to add the required GTT
:actid1=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or actions.
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note>
and with any of these optional parameters.
:actid2=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or Note: A GTT action set can contain these
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note> combinations of GTT action entries.
:actid3=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or The GTT action set can contain a maximum
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note> of 6 GTT actions.
:actid4=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or The GTT action set can contain 1 GTT
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note> action whose ACT value is either DISC,
:actid5=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or UDTS, TCAPERR, or FWD.
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note>
If the ACT value of the GTT action is FWD,
:actid6=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or the ACT value of the other GTT actions in
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note> the GTT action set can only be DUP.
:on=testmode – this parameter cannot be specified if the
The GTT action set can contain a maximum
off=testmode parameter is specified.
of 5 GTT actions whose ACT value is DUP.
:off=testmode – this parameter cannot be specified if the
on=testmode parameter is specified. If GTT actions whose ACT value is DISC,
UDTS, TCAPERR, or FWD are specified in
the GTT action set, these GTT actions must
be the last entry in the GTT action set.
All the ACTID values in the GTT action set
must be unique.

Enter the rtrv-gttaset command

with this parameter. Enter the
:actsn=<the actsn value chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
specified in the ent-gttaset command.

Figure 158: Adding a GTT Action Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 617

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a GTT Action Set

Enter the rtrv-gttaset What is the

command with this REFCNT value of the 0 (Zero)
parameter. GTT action set that is
on=refcnt being removed?

Enter the rtrv-gttset command Greater than

with this parameter. 0 (Zero)
:actsn=<the actsn value of the
GTT action set that is being

Enter the rtrv-gta command with

these parameters.
:gttsn=<the gttsn value shown
in the rtrv-gttset output>
:actsn=<the actsn value
specified in the rtrv-gttset
Repeat this step for each entry
shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

Perform one of these procedures.

"Removing Global Title Address
Information” - to remove the GTA entry
that references the GTT action set that is
Enter the dlt-gttaset command
being removed.
with this parameter.
"Changing Global Title Address
:actsn=<the actsn value of the
Information” - to change the GTT action
GTT action set that is being
set reference in the GTA entry to another
GTT action set or to reference no GTT
action set.
Repeat this step for each entry shown in
the rtrv-gta output.
Enter the rtrv-gttaset command
with this parameter.
:actsn=<the actsn value
specified in the dlt-gttaset

Enter the

Figure 159: Removing a GTT Action Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 618

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a GTT Action Set

Enter the rtrv-gttaset


Is error Yes
message E3557


Are any entries No This procedure cannot

displayed? be performed.


Will all the new

ACTID entries for the GTT Yes
action set use the ACTID
values shown in the
rtrv-gttaset output?


Enter the rtrv-gttact


Are the required Yes

GTT actions shown in the
rtrv-gttact output?


Perform the "Adding a

GTT Action” procedure To
to add the required GTT Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 619

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the chg-gttaset command with this Note: A GTT action set can contain these
mandatory parameter: combinations of GTT action entries.
:actsn=<the GTT action set name shown in the rtrv-gttaset The GTT action set can contain a maximum
output on Sheet 1> of 6 GTT actions.
and with at least one of these optional parameters. The GTT action set can contain 1 GTT
:actid1=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or action whose ACT value is either DISC,
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note> UDTS, TCAPERR, or FWD.
:actid2=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or If the ACT value of the GTT action is FWD,
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note> the ACT value of the other GTT actions in
:actid3=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or the GTT action set can only be DUP.
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note> The GTT action set can contain a maximum
:actid4=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or of 5 GTT actions whose ACT value is DUP.
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note>
If GTT actions whose ACT value is DISC,
:actid5=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or UDTS, TCAPERR, or FWD are specified in
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note> the GTT action set, these GTT actions must
:actid6=<the GTT action ID from either the rtrv-gttaset or be the last entry in the GTT action set.
rtrv-gttact outputs – See the Note>
All the ACTID values in the GTT action set
:on=testmode – this parameter cannot be specified if the must be unique.
off=testmode parameter is specified.
:off=testmode – this parameter cannot be specified if the
on=testmode parameter is specified.
:nactsn=<the new GTT action set name consisting of 1
alphabetic character and up to 8 alphanumeric characters>
The nactsn value cannot be none. When the GTT action set
name is changed, all references to the current GTT action set
name are changed to the new GTT action set name.

Enter the rtrv-gttaset command

with this parameter.
:actsn=<the actsn value or the nactsn
value, if the GTT action set name was
changed, specified in the chg-gttaset

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 160: Changing a GTT Action Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 620

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a GTT Action Path Entry

Perform the "Activating the GTT Actions

Is error Yes Feature” procedure to enable, and turn on if
Enter the rtrv-gttapath
message E3541 desired, the GTT Action – DISCARD, GTT
displayed? Action – DUPLICATE , or GTT Action –
FORWARD features .

How No
many entries are

The entry cannot be

added. Less than 10,000
Enter the
rtrv-gttset command.

Will the
No Is a CDGTA Yes No
cdgttsn parameter be
GTT set shown in the
specified for the GTT
rtrv-gttset output?
action path entry?

Perform the
“Adding a GTT Set”
procedure to add Enter the rtrv-gta
the required command with this
CDGTA GTT set . parameter.
:gttsn=<the name of a

Does the
GTA entry contain Yes
the required GTA


Are other
Yes CDGTA GTT sets No
shown in the rtrv-gttset

Perform the “Adding

Global Title Address
Information” procedure To
to add the required GTA Sheet 2
value to the CDGTA
GTT set.

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 621

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Will the Will the

From cggttsn parameter be No opgttsn parameter be No
Sheet 1 specified for the GTT specified for the GTT
action path entry? action path entry?
If neither the called party GTA,
calling party GTA, or TCAP
Yes Yes OPCODE-based entries are being
added, this procedure cannot be
performed. If the called party GTA
or calling party GTA entries are
Is a CGGTA being added, continue the
No GTT set shown in the procedure with Sheet 3.
rtrv-gttset output on
Sheet 1? Is an OPCODE set No
shown in the rtrv-gttset
Perform the output on Sheet 1?
“Adding a GTT Set” Yes
procedure to add
the required Perform the
CGGTA GTT set . Yes
Enter the rtrv-gta “Adding a GTT Set”
command with this procedure to add
parameter. the required
Enter the rtrv-gta OPCODE GTT set.
:gttsn=<the name of a
command with this
:gttsn=<the name of an

Does the
GTA entry contain Yes
the required GTA Does the
value? GTA entry contain Yes
the required
information? See
the Note.
No Sheet 3

Are other
Yes CGGTA GTT sets
shown in the rtrv-gttset
output? Are other
Yes OPCODE GTT sets No
shown in the rtrv-gttset

Perform the “Adding

Global Title Address
Information” procedure
to add the required GTA
value to the CGGTA Perform the “Adding
GTT set. Global Title Address
To Information” procedure
Sheet 3 to add the required data
NOTE: See the ent-gttapath step on value to the OPCODE
Sheet 3 for the parameters that are used GTT set. See the Note.
for a TCAP OPCODE-based GTT action
path entry.

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 622

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the ent-gttapath with this mandatory parameter:

:gttpn=<the name of the GTT action path entry consisting of 1 alphabetic character
followed by up to 4 alphanumeric characters>
and with one or more sets of these optional parameters.
To specify a called party GTA value for the GTT action path entry , specifiy these
parameters and values shown in the rtrv-gta output on Sheet 1 or provisioned with the
“Adding Global Title Address Information” procedure performed on Sheet 1.
:cdgta=<the CDGTA value >
:cdgttsn=<the name of the CDGTA GTT set shown in the GTTSN column >
To specify a calling party GTA value for the GTT action path entry , specifiy these
parameters and values shown in the rtrv-gta output on Sheet 2 or provisioned with the
“Adding Global Title Address Information” procedure performed on Sheet 2.
:cggta=<the CGGTA value >
:cggttsn=<the name of the CGGTA GTT set shown in the GTTSN column >
To specify TCAP OPCODE -based values for the GTT action path entry, specifiy these
parameters and values shown in the rtrv-gta output on Sheet 2 or provisioned with the
“Adding Global Title Address Information” procedure performed on Sheet 2.
:acn=<the acn value>
:family=<the family value>
:opcode=<the opcode value>
:opgttsn=<the name of the OPCODE GTT set shown in the GTTSN column>
:pkgtype=<the pkgtype value>
Note: The GTT action path added in this step cannot match any GTT action path entry
shown in the rtrv-gttapath output on Sheet 1.

Enter the rtrv-gttapath command

with this parameter.
:gttpn=<the gttpn value specified in
the ent-gttapath command>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 161: Adding a GTT Action Path Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 623

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a GTT Action Path Entry

Enter the rtrv-gttapath


Are any entries No This procedure cannot

displayed? be performed.


Enter the dlt-gttapath command

with this parameter.
:gttpn=<the gttpn value of the
GTT action path that is being

Enter the rtrv-gttaset command

with this parameter.
:gttpn=<the gttpn value
specified in the dlt-gttapath

Enter the

Figure 162: Removing a GTT Action Path Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 624

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a GTT Action Path Entry

Is error Yes This procedure cannot be

Enter the rtrv-gttapath
message E3451 performed. There are no
displayed? entries to change.


Enter the
rtrv-gttset command.

Is the required Will the

No CDGTA GTT set Yes cdgttsn or cdgta values No
shown in the rtrv-gttset for the GTT action path
output? entry be changed?

Enter the rtrv-gta
command with this
:gttsn=<the name of a
Perform the CDGTA GTT set >
“Adding a GTT Set”
procedure to add
the required

Does the
GTA entry contain Yes
the required GTA


Are other
Yes CDGTA GTT sets No
shown in the rtrv-gttset

Perform the “Adding

Global Title Address
Information” procedure To
to add the required GTA Sheet 2
value to the CDGTA
GTT set.

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 625

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Will the Will the TCAP

From cggttsn or cggta values No OPCODE-based values No To
Sheet 1 for the GTT action path for the GTT action path Sheet 3
entry be changed? entry be changed?

Yes Yes

No GTT set shown in the Is an OPCODE set No
rtrv-gttset output on shown in the rtrv-gttset
Sheet 1? output on Sheet 1?

Perform the
Perform the
“Adding a GTT Set” Yes “Adding a GTT Set”
procedure to add Yes
procedure to add
the required
the required
CGGTA GTT set . Enter the rtrv-gta OPCODE GTT set.
command with this
parameter. Enter the rtrv-gta
:gttsn=<the name of a command with this
CGGTA GTT set > parameter.
:gttsn=<the name of an

Does the
GTA entry contain Yes
the required GTA Does the
value? GTA entry contain Yes
the required
information? See
the Note.
No Sheet 3

Are other
Yes CGGTA GTT sets
shown in the rtrv-gttset
output? Are other
Yes OPCODE GTT sets No
shown in the rtrv-gttset

Perform the “Adding

Global Title Address
Information” procedure
to add the required GTA
value to the CGGTA Perform the “Adding
GTT set. Global Title Address
To Information” procedure
Sheet 3 to add the required data
NOTE: See the chg-gttapath step on value to the OPCODE
Sheet 3 for the parameters that are used GTT set. See the Note.
for a TCAP OPCODE-based GTT action
path entry.

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 626

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

If neither the called party

Are the called GTA , calling party GTA,
party GTA, calling party No TCAP OPCODE-based
GTA , TCAP OPCODE-based entries, or the GTTPN
Sheet 2
entries, or the GTTPN value value are being changed,
being changed? this procedure cannot be


Enter the chg-gttapath with this mandatory parameter:

:gttpn=<the name of the GTT action path entry shown in the rtrv-gttapath output on
Sheet 1>
and with one or more sets of these optional parameters.
To specify a called party GTA value for the GTT action path entry , specifiy these
parameters and values shown in the rtrv-gta output on Sheet 1 or provisioned with the
“Adding Global Title Address Information” procedure performed on Sheet 1.
:cdgta=<the CDGTA value >
:cdgttsn=<the name of the CDGTA GTT set shown in the GTTSN column >
To specify a calling party GTA value for the GTT action path entry , specifiy these
parameters and values shown in the rtrv-gta output on Sheet 2 or provisioned with the
“Adding Global Title Address Information” procedure performed on Sheet 2.
:cggta=<the CGGTA value >
:cggttsn=<the name of the CGGTA GTT set shown in the GTTSN column >
To specify TCAP OPCODE -based values for the GTT action path entry, specifiy these
parameters and values shown in the rtrv-gta output on Sheet 2 or provisioned with the
“Adding Global Title Address Information” procedure performed on Sheet 2.
:acn=<the acn value>
:family=<the family value>
:opcode=<the opcode value>
:opgttsn=<the name of the OPCODE GTT set shown in the GTTSN column>
:pkgtype=<the pkgtype value>
To change the name of the GTT action path , specifiy this parameter.
:ngttpn=<the new name of the GTT action path entry consisting of 1 alphabetic
character followed by up to 4 alphanumeric characters>
The ngttpn value cannot be shown in the rtrv-gttapath output on Sheet 1.
Note: The GTT action path resulting from performing this step cannot match any GTT
action path entry shown in the rtrv-gttapath output on Sheet 1.

Enter the rtrv-gttapath command with

this parameter.
:gttpn=<the gttpn value in the
chg-gttapath command>
If the ngttpn parameter was specified with
the chg-gttapath command, the gttpn
value in this step must be the nggtn
parameter value.

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 163: Changing a GTT Action Path Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 627

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT)
Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the Unique GTT Selector Option

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


Enter the chg-sccpopts command with

this parameter.
:unqgttsel=<bestmatch, exactmatch>

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


Enter the

Figure 164: Changing the Unique GTT Selector Option

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 628


MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the MO
SMS B-Party Routing configuration procedures
• Activating the MO SMS B-Party Routing located in the Database Administration Manual - Global
Feature.....630 Title Translation.
• Configuring the GSM MO SMS B-Party Routing
• Configuring the IS-41 MO SMS B-Party Routing
• Adding a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS
B-Party Routing Feature.....635
• Removing a Service Selector Entry.....638
• Changing the Attributes of a Service Selector Entry
for the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature.....639
• Turning the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 629

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
MO SMS B-Party No
Routing feature


The MO SMS B-Party

Is the status of
On Routing feature is
the MO SMS B-Party
enabled and turned on.
Routing feature on
No further action is
or off?
Enter the rtrv-card
Perform the "Adding a Service
Module" procedure to add
Enter the service modules to the database
chg-ctrl-feat command with these according to the Service Module
parameters. and Feature Combinations table.
:partnum=893024601 Make sure to turn the EGTT No Are service
:status=on feature on. modules shown in the
rtrv-card output?
This table is in the "Adding a
Service Module" procedure in
the Database Administration
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command Manual – Global Title
with this parameter. Translation .
Enter the rtrv-feat

Enter the
Yes Is the EGTT
feature on?


Enter the chg-feat command

with this parameter.
Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 630

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes Enter the rtrv-serial-num
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output? command.
(See Note 1)


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
To Yes the database correct and is
Sheet 3 the serial number locked?
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


Is the EAGLE
Yes 5 ISS's serial number No
in the database

Enter the ent-serial-num

Yes Is the EAGLE No command with these
5 ISS's serial number parameters.
locked? :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
serial number>
This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial
number in the database. Enter the ent-serial-num
Contact the Customer Care command with this parameter.
Center to get the correct serial :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
number entered into the serial number>
database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center” To
section in Chapter 1 for the Sheet 3
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num
1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the
HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a quantity of
64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. Enter the ent-serial-num
This is the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat Is the EAGLE command with these
output. This entry is shown whether or not the No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters.
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database. in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be correct? serial number>
changed. :lock=yes
3. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label
affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 631

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.
:fak=<MO SMS B-Party Routing feature access
1. If you do not have the MO SMS B-Party Routing
feature access key, contact your Tekelec sales
representative or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.
Caution: Once the MO SMS B-Party Routing
feature is enabled, provisioning for MO SMS
B-Party Routing feature can be performed, but the
EAGLE 5 ISS will not perform global title
translation on the MAP B-Party digits of any
messages until the MO SMS B-Party Routing
feature is turned on in the next step.

Enter the
Do you wish to chg-ctrl-feat command with these
turn the MO SMS Yes
B-Party feature on at :partnum=893024601
this time? :status=on


Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 165: Activating the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 632

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the GSM MO SMS B-Party Routing Options

Enter the rtrv-gsmsmsopts


The MO SMS B-Party Routing feature is not

enabled. The MO SMS B-Party Routing
Are the feature must be enabled for these fields to be
BPARTYGTTSN and No displayed in the rtrv-gsmsmsopts output, and
MOSMSGTTDIG fields shown to change these values.
in the rtrv-gsmsmsopts
output? Perform the “MO SMS B-Party Routing
Feature” to enable the MO SMS B-Party
Routing feature.

Enter the
chg-gsmsmsopts command with at least one of
Will a GTT set these parameters.
name be specified for No :bpartygttsn = <the GTT set name, or the value
value? :mosmsgttdig=<mapbparty, sccpcdpa>
1. If the SETTYPE column is shown in the
Yes rtrv-gttset output, the settype value for the
GTT set name must be CDGTA .
2. If when this step is completed, the
Enter the bpartygttsn value will be none, the
rtrv-gttset command. mosmsgttdig value must be sccpcdpa.

Enter the rtrv-gsmsmsopts

Is the required
GTT set name shown in Yes
the rtrv-gttset output? See
Note 1.
Enter the

Perform the “Adding a

GTT Set” procedure to
add the required GTT
set. See Note 1.

Figure 166: Configuring the GSM MO SMS B-Party Routing Options

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 633

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the IS-41 MO SMS B-Party Routing Options

Enter the rtrv-is41smsopts


The MO SMS B-Party Routing feature is not

enabled. The MO SMS B-Party Routing
Are the feature must be enabled for these fields to be
BPARTYGTTSN and No displayed in the rtrv-is41smsopts output, and to
MOSMSGTTDIG fields shown change these values.
in the rtrv-is41smsopts
output? Perform the “MO SMS B-Party Routing
Feature” to enable the MO SMS B-Party
Routing feature.

Enter the
chg-is41smsopts command with at least one of
Will a GTT set these parameters.
name be specified for No :bpartygttsn = <the GTT set name, or the value
value? :mosmsgttdig=<mapbparty, sccpcdpa>
1. If the SETTYPE column is shown in the
Yes rtrv-gttset output, the settype value for the
GTT set name must be CDGTA .
2. If when this step is completed, the
Enter the bpartygttsn value will be none, the
rtrv-gttset command. mosmsgttdig value must be sccpcdpa.

Enter the rtrv-is41smsopts

Is the required
GTT set name shown in Yes
the rtrv-gttset output? See
Note 1.
Enter the

Perform the “Adding a

GTT Set” procedure to
add the required GTT set.
See Note 1.

Figure 167: Configuring the IS-41 MO SMS B-Party Routing Options

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 634

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature

Perform the "Activating the

Enter the
Is the MO SMS No MO SMS B-Party Routing
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with
B-Party Routing Feature" procedure to
this parameter.
feature enabled? enable the MO SMS
B-Party Routing feature.


Enter the rtrv-srvsel

command with these

This is the maximum number of

How many entries 20992 entries that can be provisioned.
are displayed in the If you wish to add the new service
rtrv-srvsel output? selector entry, an existing entry
must be removed or changed.

Less than

Do you wish to The new service selector

remove or change an No entry cannot be added.
existing service selector This procedure cannot be
entry? performed.


Change an
Existing Service
Selector Entry Which action
do you wish to

Perform the "Changing Remove an

the Attributes of a Existing Service
Selection Service Entry Selector Entry
for the MO SMS B-Party
Routing Feature "

Perform the "Removing a

Selection Service Entry"
Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 635

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1


Yes No Will ITU selectors No
or GTIN24 entries (ITU
be provisioned in this
selectors) shown in the
rtrv-srvsel output?


Is the
No ANSIGFLEX option Enter the rtrv-stpopts
shown in the rtrv-stpopts command.


Enter the chg-stpopts

What is the Yes command with this


Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 636

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Are entries
Enter the rtrv-stp
What will be On shown in the No
From command with this
the GTTRQD rtrv-srvsel output on Sheet
Sheet 2 parameter.
value? 1 whose GTTRQD
value is on?


The cards that are displayed are

DSMs. The GTTRQD value cannot be
set to on.
Will the If you wish to change the GTTRQD
No DFLTACT value be a value to on, all the DSMs must be Yes Are any entries
GTT action replaced by E5-SM4G cards. displayed?
ID? Contact the Customer Care Center
before replacing the DSMs. Refer to
the “Customer Care Center” section in No
Yes Chapter 1 for the contact information.

Enter the rtrv-stp

Enter the rtrv-gttact command with this
command. parameter.

No E5-SM4G cards are

displayed The GTTRQD value
Is the desired cannot be set to on. No Are any entries
Yes DISC/UDTS/TCAPERR Perform the “Adding a Service displayed?
GTT action ID Module” procedure to add the
shown? E5-SM4G cards.

Enter the rtrv-srvsel command with these
parameters and values that were specified in the
Perform the "Adding a ent-srvsel command.
GTT Action " procedure :gtt/gtia/gtii/gtin/gtin24
to add the required GTT :tt
action ID. :ssn
Add the service selector using the ent-srvsel :snai
command. Use the Parameter Combinations :np/npv and :nai/naiv – These parameters must
for Adding Service Selectors for the MO be specified if the gtii/gtin/gtin24=4 parameter
SMS B-Party Routing Feature table in the was specified in the ent-srvsel command.
“Adding a Service Selector Entry for the MO The np/npv and nai/naiv parameters cannot be
SMS B-Party Routing Feature” procedure in specified if the gti/gtia/gtii/gtin/gtin24=2 parameter
the Database Administration Manual – was specifiied in the ent-srvsel command.
Global Title Translation as a guide to
determine which parameters to use with the
ent-srvsel command.
Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 168: Adding a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 637

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a Service Selector Entry

Enter the rtrv-srvsel

command with these parameters.

Select the service selector that will

be removed from the rtrv-srvsel
output. Record all the values for the
service selector.

Remove the service selector using the

dlt-srvsel command. Use the Parameter
Combinations for Removing Service
Selectors table as a guide to determine
which parameters to use with the dlt-srvsel
This table is in the “Removing a Service
Selector Entry” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – Global Title
Translation .

Enter the rtrv-srvsel command with

the parameters and values that were
recorded for the service selector that
was removed.

Enter the

Figure 169: Removing a Service Selector Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 638

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the Attributes of a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS B-Party
Routing Feature

Enter the rtrv-srvsel

command with these parameters.

Is the SERV value Yes

smsmr shown in the
rtrv-srvsel output?

Select the service selector that will
be changed from the rtrv-srvsel
output. Record all the values for the
Enter the
service selector.
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with
this parameter.

Will the Yes To

Sheet 2
Is the MO SMS values be changed?
B-Party Routing
feature enabled?

Change the service selector using the
chg-srvsel command. Use the Parameter
Perform the "Activating the MO Combinations for Changing Service
SMS B-Party Routing Feature" Selectors for the MO SMS B-Party Routing
procedure in this chapter to enable Feature table as a guide to determine which
the MO SMS B-Party Routing parameters to use with the chg-srvsel
feature. command.
This table is in the “Changing the Attributes
of a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS
B-Party Routing Feature” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual - Global
Title Translation .

Enter the rtrv-srvsel command with

the parameters and values that were
recorded for the service selector that
was changed.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 639

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Are entries
Enter the rtrv-stp
What will be On shown in the No
From command with this
the GTTRQD rtrv-srvsel output on Sheet
Sheet 2 parameter.
value? 1 whose GTTRQD
value is on?


The cards that are displayed are

DSMs. The GTTRQD value cannot be
set to on.
Will the If you wish to change the GTTRQD
No NDFLTACT value be a value to on, all the DSMs must be Yes Are any entries
GTT action replaced by E5-SM4G cards. displayed?
ID? Contact the Customer Care Center
before replacing the DSMs. Refer to
the “Customer Care Center” section in No
Yes Chapter 1 for the contact information.

Enter the rtrv-stp

Enter the rtrv-gttact command with this
command. parameter.

No E5-SM4G cards are

displayed The GTTRQD value
Is the desired cannot be set to on. No Are any entries
Yes DISC/UDTS/TCAPERR Perform the “Adding a Service displayed?
GTT action ID Module” procedure to add the
shown? E5-SM4G cards.


Perform the "Adding a

GTT Action " procedure
to add the required GTT
action ID.

Change the service selector using the

chg-srvsel command. Use the Parameter Enter the rtrv-srvsel command
Combinations for Changing Service withthe parameters and values
Selectors for the MO SMS B-Party Routing that were recorded for the
Feature table as a guide to determine which service selector that was
parameters to use with the chg-srvsel changed.
This table is in the “Changing the Attributes
of a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS
B-Party Routing Feature” procedure in the Enter the
Database Administration Manual - Global chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Title Translation . command.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 170: Changing the Attributes of a Service Selector Entry for the MO SMS B-Party Routing

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 640

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS B-Party Routing Configuration Flowcharts

Turning the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature Off

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

This procedure cannot be

Is the MO SMS perfomed. To turn the MO SMS
B-Party Routing feature B-Party Routing feature off, the MO
enabled and on? SMS B-Party Routing feature must
be enabled and on.


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Caution: If the MO SMS B-Party Routing feature is
turned off, provisioning for MO SMS B-Party Routing
can be performed with the chg-gsmsmsopts,
chg-is41smsopts, ent-srvsel, dlt-srvsel, and
chg-srvsel commands.
The EAGLE 5 ISS will not perform global title
translation on the MAP B-Party digits of the message.

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Figure 171: Turning the MO SMS B-Party Routing Feature Off

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 641


MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the MO
SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party configuration
• Activating the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 procedures located in the Database Administration
Feature.....643 Manual - Global Title Translation.
• Configuring the B-Party Check Option for the
Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature.....646
• Configuring Point Code Entries for the Prepaid
SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature.....647
• Configuring GTA Entries for the Prepaid SMS
Intercept Phase 1 Feature.....650
• Turning Off the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1
Feature .....652

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 642

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration

Activating the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the Prepaid
No Is the Prepaid SMS No
SMS Intercept Phase 1 To
Intercept Phase 1 feature
feature permanently Sheet 2
temporarily enabled?

Yes Yes

Is the status of Do you wish to

the Prepaid SMS On Yes
permanently enable the
Intercept Phase 1 feature Prepaid SMS Intercept
on or off? Phase 1 feature?
The Prepaid SMS Enter the
Off Intercept Phase 1 enable-ctrl-feat
feature is permanently No command with these
enabled and turned parameters.
Enter the chg-ctrl-feat on. No further action is :partnum=893006701
command with these necessary. :fak=<Prepaid SMS
parameters. Intercept
:partnum=893006701 Phase 1 permanent
:status=on feature access key>

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat On Is the status of the

command with this parameter. Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase
:partnum=893006701 1 feature on or off?

The Prepaid SMS

Intercept Phase 1
Off Enter the chg-ctrl-feat
feature is temporarily
Enter the command with these
enabled and turned on.
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed parameters.
No further action is
command. :partnum=893006701

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 643

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes Enter the rtrv-serial-num
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output? command.
(See Note 1)


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
To Yes the database correct and is
Sheet 3 the serial number locked?
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


Is the EAGLE
Yes 5 ISS's serial number No
in the database

Enter the ent-serial-num

Yes Is the EAGLE No command with these
5 ISS's serial number parameters.
locked? :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
serial number>
This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial
number in the database. Enter the ent-serial-num
Contact the Customer Care command with this parameter.
Center to get the correct serial :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
number entered into the serial number>
database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center” To
section in Chapter 1 for the Sheet 3
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num
1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the
HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a quantity of
64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. Enter the ent-serial-num
This is the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat Is the EAGLE command with these
output. This entry is shown whether or not the No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters.
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database. in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be correct? serial number>
changed. :lock=yes
3. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label
affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 644

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration

Sheet 2
Perform the "Adding a Service Module"
procedure in this chapter to add service
modules to the database according to the
Service Module and Feature Combinations
Enter the rtrv-feat Is the GTT No table. Make sure to turn the GTT feature
command. feature on? on.
This table is in the "Adding a Service
Module" procedure in the Database
Yes Administration Manual – Global Title
Enter the rtrv-stp command Translation .
with this parameter.

Perform the "Adding a Service

Module" procedure in this chapter to
add service modules to the database
Are service according to the Service Module and
modules shown in the Feature Combinations table.
rtrv-stp output? This table is in the "Adding a Service
Module" procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – Global Title
Yes Translation .

Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command

with these parameters.
Is the Prepaid
Yes :partnum=893006701
SMS Intercept Phase 1
:fak=<Prepaid SMS Intercept
feature to be permanently
Phase 1 permanent feature access
See the Note.

Note: If you do not have the feature access
key for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command
feature, contact your Tekelec sales with these parameters. Enter the chg-ctrl-feat
representative or account representative. :partnum=893006701 command with these
The feature access key determines if the :fak=<Prepaid SMS Intercept parameters.
Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 feature is Phase 1 temporary feature access :partnum=893006701
permanently or temporarily enabled. key> :status=on
See the Note.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 172: Activating the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 645

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration

Configuring the B-Party Check Option for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase
1 Feature

Perform the “Activating the

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Is the Prepaid
No Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1
command with this SMS Intercept Phase 1
Feature” to enable and turn on
parameter. feature enabled and
the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase
:partnum=893006701 turned on?
1 feature.


Enter the rtrv-ppsopts

command with this

Off What is the On


Enter the chg-ppsopts Enter the chg-ppsopts

command with this parameter. command with this parameter.
:bpartychk=on :bpartychk=off

Enter the rtrv-ppsopts

command with this parameter.

Enter the

Perform the
“Configuring Point
No Do you wish to Yes Code Entries for the
configure point codes in
Prepaid SMS
the PPSOPTS table?
Intercept Phase 1
Feature” procedure.

Perform the
“Configuring GTA Yes Do you wish to No This procedure is
Entries for the Prepaid configure GTAs in the
SMS Intercept Phase PPSOPTS table?
1 Feature” procedure.

Figure 173: Configuring the B-Party Check Option for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 646

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration

Configuring Point Code Entries for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1

Perform the “Activating the

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Is the Prepaid
No Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1
command with this SMS Intercept Phase 1
Feature” to enable and turn on
parameter. feature enabled and
the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase
:partnum=893006701 turned on?
1 feature.


Enter the rtrv-ppsopts


Add an Remove
Entry Do you wish to an Entry
add or remove an
Sheet 2

Point Code Point Code

Only Which portion and SSN
of the entry do you wish
to remove?

SSN Only

Enter the chg-ppsopts Enter the chg-ppsopts Enter the chg-ppsopts

Perform the “Configuring the command with these command with these command with these
B-Party Check Option for the parameters. parameters. parameters.
Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase :ppt=<the prepaid :ppt=<the prepaid :ppt=<the prepaid
1 Feature” procedure. portability type number portability type number portability type number
of the entry being of the entry being of the entry being
changed> changed> changed>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn=none :ssn=none :pc/pca/pci/pcn=none
Yes :ssn=none

Do you wish to
Enter the rtrv-ppsopts
configure the B-party
command with this parameter.
check option in the
:ppt=<the prepaid portability
PPSOPTS table?
type number specified in the
chg-ppopts command>

Enter the
Do you wish to No
configure GTAs in the
PPSOPTS table?
This procedure is

Perform the “Configuring GTA
Entries for the Prepaid SMS
Intercept Phase 1 Feature”

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 647

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration

Enter the rtrv-rte command

Is the No
From with this parameter.
point code the DPC
Sheet 1 :dpca/dpci/dpcn=<the point
of a route?
code that will be added>

Enter the rtrv-dstn command
with this parameter. Perform one of the Adding a Route
:dpca/dpci/dpcn=<the DPC procedures to add the required route
of the route> with the point code value specified in
the rtrv-rte command as the DPC of
the route.
A proxy point code cannot be
assigned to the DPC of the route.
Is a proxy
point code assigned
to the DPC of the route No
(shown by an entry in the
PPC field)? See
the Note 1.
What is the routing SSN
The DPC of the route Yes indicator (RI) value of the
cannot be specified in this point code entry?
procedure. Choose another
point code.
Is the Flexible GT
No GTT Load Sharing To
feature enabled? See Sheet 3
Notes: Note 2.
1. If the PPC field is not
shown in the rtrv-dstn
output, a proxy point code Yes
Enter the rtrv-mrn
is not assigned the point command.
code. Enter the chg-ppsopts command
2. If the SETID column is with these mandatory parameters:
shown in the :ppt=<the prepaid portability type
rtrv-ppsopts output on number of the entry being
Sheet 1, the Flexible GTT changed>
Load Sharing feature is :pc/pca/pci/pcn=<the point code
Is the point
enabled. value that is being added> Yes code shown in the
3. The setid parameter can rtrv-mrn output? See
and with any of these optional
be specified only if the Note 3.
Flexible GTT Load Sharing
feature is enabled. If the :setid=<the MRN set ID containing
setid parameter is the point code> No
specified, the pc/pca/pci/ :ssn=<2 – 255>
pcn value must be in the
See Notes 2 and 3.
MRN set specified by the Perform the “Provisioning MRN
setid parameter. Entries” procedure in Chapter 2 of
this manual to add the point code to
an MRN set.

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 648

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration

Enter the rtrv-map command

with this parameter.
From :pc/pca/pci/pcn=<the point
Sheet 2 code that will be added>

Is the point code Yes

What is the routing shown in the rtrv-map
SSN output?
indicator (RI) value of the
point code entry?

Perform one of the
GT Provisioning a Mated
Enter the chg-ppsopts command with
procedures to add the
these mandatory parameters:
point code to a MAP
:ppt=<the prepaid portability type number group or MAP set.
of the entry being changed>
Enter the rtrv-ppsopts :pc/pca/pci/pcn=<the point code value that
command with this parameter. is being added>
:ppt=<the prepaid portability :ri=ssn
type number specified in the
chg-ppopts command> and with any of these optional parameters.
:setid=<the MAP set ID containing the
point code>
:ssn=<2 – 255>
Enter the See the Notes.
1. The pc/pca/pci/pcn value must be shown in
the rtrv-map output.
2. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn and ssn parameters
Do you wish to Perform the “Configuring the are specified, the point code and SSN
configure the B-party Yes B-Party Check Option for the combination must be shown in the rtrv-map
check option in the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase output.
PPSOPTS table? 1 Feature” procedure. 3. If the SETID column is shown in the rtrv-
ppsopts output on Sheet 1, the Flexible GTT
Load Sharing feature is enabled.
No 4. The setid parameter can be specified only
if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is
5. If the setid parameter is specified, the pc/
pca/pci/pcn value must be in the MAP set
Do you wish to No This procedure is specified by the setid parameter.
configure GTAs in the
finished. 6. If the setid and ssn parameters are
PPSOPTS table?
specified, the point code and SSN
combination must be in the MAP set specified
by the setid parameter.

Perform the “Configuring GTA

Entries for the Prepaid SMS
Intercept Phase 1 Feature”

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 174: Configuring Point Code Entries for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 649

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration

Configuring GTA Entries for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this

Is the Prepaid
SMS Intercept Phase 1 Yes
feature enabled and
turned on?
Enter the chg-ppsopts command with
these parameters.
No :gta=<GTA value being removed >

Perform the “Activating the

Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1
Feature” to enable and turn on
the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase Enter the rtrv-ppsopts
1 feature. command.

Enter the rtrv-ppsopts Enter the

command. chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed

Added Is a GTA being Removed

added or removed? Do you wish to
Yes configure the B-party
check option in the
PPSOPTS table?
Sheet 2
Perform the “Configuring the No
B-Party Check Option for the Prepaid
SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature”

Perform the “Configuring Point Do you wish to

Code Entries for the Prepaid Yes configure point code
SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature” entries in the PPSOPTS
procedure. table?


This procedure is

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 650

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration

How many This is the maximum number of GTAs

From GTAs are shown in 32 that the PPSOPTS table can contain.
Sheet 1 the rtrv-ppsopts The new GTA can be added by
output? replacing an existing GTA value .

Less than

Enter the chg-ppsopts command with

these parameters.
Do you wish to Yes :gta=<the GTA value that is being
replace an existing
GTA entry?
:ngta=<the new GTA value , 1 – 15


Enter the chg-ppsopts command with

at least one of these parameters.
:gta=<the GTA value , 1 – 15 digits>
:gta1=<the GTA value , 1 – 15 digits>
Enter the rtrv-ppsopts
:gta2=<the GTA value , 1 – 15 digits>
:gta3=<the GTA value , 1 – 15 digits>
Repeat this step as needed to add the
desired number of GTAs , up to a
maximum of 32 GTAs .
Enter the

Perform the “Configuring the Do you wish to

B-Party Check Option for the Prepaid Yes configure the B-party
SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature” check option in the
procedure. PPSOPTS table?


Do you wish to
This procedure is No configure point code
finished. entries in the PPSOPTS

Perform the “Configuring Point

Code Entries for the Prepaid
SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature”

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 175: Configuring GTA Entries for the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 651

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts MO SMS Prepaid Intercept on B-Party Configuration

Turning Off the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

This procedure cannot be

Is the Prepaid SMS perfomed. To turn the Prepaid
Intercept Phase 1 feature SMS Intercept Phase 1 feature off,
enabled and on? the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1
feature must be enabled and on.


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Caution: If the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1
feature is turned off, the screening incoming
messages from an MSC by the EAGLE 5 ISS will
not be performed.

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Figure 176: Turning Off the Prepaid SMS Intercept Phase 1 Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 652


IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the IETF
M2PA configuration procedures located in the
• Adding an IPLIMx Card.....654 Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure Gateway.
• Adding an IPLIMx Signaling Link.....657
• Configuring an IP Link.....662
• Adding an IP Host.....671
• Configuring an IP Card.....672
• Adding an IP Route.....676
• Adding an M2PA Association.....678
• Activating the Large MSU Support for IP
Signaling Feature.....681
• Removing an IPLIMx Card.....685
• Removing an IPLIMx Signaling Link.....686
• Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPLIMx
• Removing an IP Route.....689
• Removing an M2PA Association.....690
• Changing the Attributes of an M2PA
• Changing the Buffer Size of a M2PA
• Changing the Host Values of a M2PA
• Changing the Link Value of a M2PA Association
to another Link Value on the Same IPLIMx
• Configuring SCTP Retransmission Control for a
M2PA Association.....710
• Changing a M2PA Timer Set.....711
• Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option
for M2PA Associations.....712
• Turning Off the Large MSU Support for IP
Signaling Feature .....715

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 653

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IPLIMx Card

Enter the rtrv-card
Note: See the Card Slot Selection section in the
“Adding an IPLIMx Card” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual – IP7 Secure

Are the required

Yes Visually verify that the IP
unprovisioned card slots
card has been installed into
shown in the rtrv-card output?
the EAGLE 5 ISS.
See the Note.

Has the Yes
Enter the rtrv-shlf IP card been
command. installed?


Insert the IP card into the desired

Yes Have all the
card slot following the rules
shelves been
described in the Card Slot Selection
section. This section is in the
“Adding an IPLIMx Card” procedure
This procedure cannot be No in the Database Administration
performed as no card Manual – IP7 Secure Gateway.
slots are available for the
new card.

Enter the ent-shlf command with

these parameters. Has UAM No
loc=<location of the shelf: 1200, 0002 been
1300, 2100, 2200, 2300, 3100, 3200, generated?
3300, 4100, 4200, 4300, 5100, 5200,
5300, or 6100>
:type=ext Yes

Perform the alarm clearing

procedure for UAM 0002 in
the Unsolicited Alarm and
Sheet 2
Information Messages manual
to clear the alarm.

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 654

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the IP
card being provisioned No
in this procedure an
E5-ENET card?


Enter the

Is the card
Are HIPR cards
Yes that is being added E5-ENET
installed in card locations
an E5-ENET or an
9 and 10 of the shelf containing
the E5-ENET card?
Enter the
E5-ENET-B ent-card command with these
No mandatory parameters.
:loc=<card location>
Enter the :appl=<iplim, iplimi>
Sheet 3

Enter the
rtrv-card command with
this parameter.
:loc=<card loaction
Are HIPR2 cards specified in the ent-card
installed in card locations Yes
9 and 10 of the shelf containing
the E5-ENET card?

Enter the
No chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed

Refer to the Installation

Manual - EAGLE 5 ISS and
install the required HIPR or
HIPR2 cards.

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 655

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

Refer to "Configuring
Is the MFC option No the MFC Option”
turned on? procedure to turn on the
MFC option.


Enter the
No Is the Fan
chg-feat command
feature turned
with this parameter.


Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the E5-ENET-B

Enter the
ent-card command with these
Have the fans Yes mandatory parameters.
been installed? :loc=<card location>
:appl=<iplim, iplimi>

Refer to the Installation Manual and Enter the

install the fans on the shelf containing rtrv-card command with
the E5-ENET-B card. this parameter.
Note: The fans must be installed and :loc=<card loaction
working properly before an E5-ENET-B specified in the ent-card
card can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS. command>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 177: Adding an IPLIMx Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 656

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IPLIMx Signaling Link

Enter the rtrv-tbl-capacity


Will the addition This procedure cannot be

What is the
of the signaling link Yes 2800 performed. The EAGLE 5
maximum number of signaling
exceed the maximum number of ISS can contain a
links the EAGLE 5 ISS can
signaling links the EAGLE maximum of 2800
5 ISS can have? signaling links.

Less than
No 2800

Perform the "Enabling the

Large System # Links
Enter the rtrv-tps Controlled Feature"
command. procedure to enable the
desired quantity of
signaling links.

Is the
Yes Are signaling Yes
Enter the required card in the
links assigned to
rtrv-card command. database? See
the card?
the Note

No No
Note: If the linkset that the
signaling link will be assigned to Perform the "Adding an
contains, or will contain, the An IPLIMx card that
IPLIMx Card" procedure to
multgc=yes parameter, the card contains signaling links
add the IPLIMx card to the
containing the signaling link must uses 4000 TPS.
have the IPLIMI application
assigned to it.

Will the addition of

To Yes the signaling link exceed No
Sheet 2 the maximum total provisioned
system TPS?

Enter the

Sheet 5

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 657

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Sheet 1
Note: The maximum total
provisioned system TPS
cannot be increased
beyond 750,000 TPS.

What is
the maximum total 750,000
provisioned system TPS
value? See
the Note.

To add the signaling link , one or more of these actions

500,000 must be performed.
The IP TPS values of some IPGWx linksets will have
to be changed.
The MAXSLKTPS values of some IPSG linksets (and
Do you wish the RSVDSLKTPS values if necessary) will have to
to change the maximum No be changed.
total provisioned system Some ATM high -speed signaling links will have to be
TPS value? removed. An ANSI ATM high -speed signaling link
uses 1630 TPS. An ITU ATM high -speed signaling
link uses 2038 TPS.
Remove an IPLIMx card that contains signaling links.
An IPLIMx card that contains signaling links uses
Perform the “Activating the 4000 TPS.
HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature”
procedure to enable and turn on
the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
feature. When the HIPR2 High
Rate Mode feature is enabled To
and turned on, the maximum Sheet 3
total provisioned system TPS
value is increased to 750,000.

Enter the rtrv-slk


Sheet 5

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 658

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

None of the
From Actions This procedure
Sheets 2
cannot be performed.
or 4

Change the TPS

Which action Linksets
do you wish to
Sheet 4

Remove ATM
High-Speed Remove an
Signaling Links IPLIMx Card

Are any
Are any
IPLIMx cards
No ATM high -speed No
containing signaling links
signaling links shown in the
shown in the rtrv-card
rtrv-card output
output on
on Sheet 1?
Sheet 1?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Removing an

Perform the “Removing
IPLIMx Card” procedure to
an SS7 Signaling Link”
remove an IPLIMX card, not
procedure to remove
the card that this link will be
some ATM high -speed
assigned to, and it associated
signaling links.
signaling links.

Yes Do you wish No Enter the rtrv-slk

to perform other

Sheet 5

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 659

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Are any
From Enter the rept-stat-iptps linksets shown in No
Sheet 3 command. the rept-stat-iptps


Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
Are any linksets
No :lsn=<linkset name shown in
shown with the value
the rept-stat-iptps output>
yes in the IPGWAPC
column? Repeat this step for each
linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output.

Change the IP TPS

values of some or all the
Are any
existing IPGWx linksets No
linksets shown with
shown in the rtrv-ls
the value yes in the
output by performing the
IPSG column?
“Configuring an IPGWx
Linkset” procedure.

Change the MAXSLKTPS
values of the IPSG linksets
(and RSVDSLKTPS values if
necessary) of some or all of Do you
the IPSG linkset shown in the wish to change
rtrv-ls output by performing Yes the MAXSLKTPS
one of these procedures as values on any of
necessary. the IPSG
“Changing an IPSG M2PA linksets?
“Changing an IPSG M3UA No

Yes Do you wish

to perform other
Sheet 3


Enter the rtrv-slk To

command. Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 660

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Sheets 1, 2,
3, or 4

Enter the ent-slk command. Use the M2PA IPLIMx

Signaling Link Parameter Combinations table in the
“Adding an IPLIMx Signaling Link” procedure in the Enter the rtrv-slk command with these
Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure parameters for each signaling link added
Gateway as a guide to determine which with the ent-slk command.
parameters to specify with the ent-slk command. :loc=<card location specified in the
If adding the new signaling link will result in more ent-slk command>
than 700 signaling links in the database and the :link = <the link parameter value
OAMHCMEAS value in the rtrv-measopts output is specified in the ent-slk command>
on, the scheduled UI measurement reports will be

Enter the
rst-card:loc=<card location
specified in the ent-slk Yes Is the signaling
command> command for link the first link on the
each card that signaling links card?
were added to for the first

Enter the act-slk command with these

parameters for each signaling link added
with the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the link parameter value
specified in the ent-slk command>

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with

these parameters for each signaling link
added with the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the link parameter value
specified in the ent-slk command>

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 178: Adding an IPLIMx Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 661

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring an IP Link

Enter the
rtrv-ip-lnk command

Is the
ipaddr= parameter No
to be specified with the
chg-ip-lnk command?


Enter the
rtrv-ip-host command with
this parameter.

Is the current IP
address of the IP link No
shown in the rtrv-ip-host


Perform the "Removing an IP Enter the

Host" procedure in this rtrv-slk:loc=<card location of
chapter and remove the host the signaling link from the
assigned to the IP address rtrv-ip-lnk output> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card location
of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 9

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Sheet 1

Is the state of Yes

the signaling link


Enter the
dact-slk:loc=<card location of
the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card Enter the
location of the signaling link> rept-stat-card:loc=<card
:link=<signaling link assigned location> command
to the card> command

Is the state of Yes

the card


Enter the
location> command

Enter the
Sheet 3
location> command

Sheet 2 of 9

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Sheet 2

Are the ipaddr

or submask paramter No To
values being Sheet 6


Enter the
rtrv-ip-card command with
the loc value of the IP link
being changed

Is the IP address
No Yes To
being changed to a
Sheet 4
different network?

Enter the
Is the card
rtrv-ip-rte command with No
the loc values of the IP link
to an IP route?
being changed


Perform the "Removing an

IP Route" procedure to To
remove the IP route Sheet 5
assigned to the card

Sheet 3 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 664

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Sheet 3

No Does the defrouter Yes

parameter have a value

Does the
network portion of the
Yes defrouter parameter match the
network portion of the IP address
not being changed or the
new IP address?


Enter the Perform the "Configuring

rtrv-ip-rte command with an IP Card" procedure and
the loc values of the IP link change the IP address of
being changed the default router to

Is the card No
to an IP route?


Perform the "Removing an

IP Route" procedure and To
remove the IP route Sheet 5
assigned to the card

Sheet 4 of 9

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Sheets 3
or 4

Is a Class B IP
address to be specified for No
the new IP address of the IP


Enter the
rtrv-netopts command

Is error message Yes

E3967 displayed?


Choose values for the ipaddr and

submask parameters of the
IP link that do not produce the same
subnet address as these parameter values
shown in the rtrv-netopts output.
The subnet address resulting from the
ipaddr and submask parameter values of
the IP link cannot be the same as the
subnet address resulting from the PVN
or FCNB and FCNBMASK values shown
in the rtrv-netopts output.

Sheet 5 of 9

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Was a local
host removed on Sheet 1 Yes
Sheets 3
with the "Removing an IP
or 5
Host" procedure?


Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with the
lhost value shown in the
rtrv-ip-host output from Sheet 1

Does the
rtrv-assoc output show No
any associations assigned
to the local host?


What is the
value of the open


Perform one of these procedures to

change the open parameter value to
“Changing the Attributes of an M2PA
Sheet 7
Association” in this chapter.
“Changing the Attributes of an M3UA
or SUA Association” in Chapter 4.

Sheet 6 of 9

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Sheet 6

Enter the
chg-ip-lnk command with these mandatory
:loc=<card location of the link>
:port=<the ethernet interface on the card, A or B>
and with at least one of these optional
:ipaddr = <IP address>
:submask = <subnet mask of the IP interface>
:auto = <yes, no>
:duplex = <half, full>
Enter the
:speed = <10, 100>
rtrv-ip-lnk command with this
:mactype = <dix, 802.3>
(See Notes 1, 2, and 3)
:loc=<loc parameter value
specified in the previous step>

Was the state

To No
of the card changed on
Sheet 8
Sheet 2?

Enter the Yes

location> command

Enter the
Sheet 8
location> command

1. If either the ipaddr or submask parameters are specified, then both
parameters must be specified, unless the ipaddr= parameter is
specified, then the submask parameter is not required.
2. The ipaddr= parameter disables the IP link.
3. If the auto=yes parameter is specified, then the duplex and speed
parameters cannot be specified.

Sheet 7 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 668

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Sheet 7

Was the state

of the signaling link No
changed on
Sheet 2?


Enter the
act-slk:loc=<card location of
the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card Were the ipaddr or
location of signaling link> submask paramter
:link=<signaling link assigned values changed?
to the card> command

Enter the

Was the default

Yes router IP address
changed on
Sheet 4?

Perform the "Configuring an IP
Card" procedure in this chapter to
change the IP address of the
default router to an IP address
Sheet 9
whose network portion matches the
network portion of the new IP
address of the IP link

Sheet 8 of 9

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Sheet 8

Was an IP No
route removed on
Sheets 3 or 4?


Perform the "Adding an IP

Route" procedure and add
the IP route back to the

Yes Was the open

parameter value changed for
an association on Sheet 6?

Perform one of these procedures to No

change the open parameter value to
“Changing the Attributes of an M2PA
Association” in this chapter.
“Changing the Attributes of an M3UA
or SUA Association” in Chapter 4.

Enter the

Sheet 9 of 9
Figure 179: Configuring an IP Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 670

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IP Host

Enter the rtrv-ip-host

command with this

Enter the rtrv-ip-lnk


Enter the ent-ip-host command with

these parameters:
:host = <the hostname to be associated
with the IP address>
Is a local
No :ipaddr = <IP address to be associated
host being with the hostname>
configured? :type=remote
The IP address assigned to the remote
host cannot be shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk
Yes output.

Is the IP address Perform the “Changing an IP

for this local host shown in Link” procedure in this chapter
the rtrv-ip-lnk output? to add the IP address.

Enter the ent-ip-host command with
these mandatory parameters:
:host = <the hostname to be associated
with the IP address>
:ipaddr = <IP address to be associated
with the hostname>
and with this optional parameter:

Enter the rtrv-ip-host command

with this parameter:
:host = <the hostname specified
in the ent-ip-host command>

Enter the

Figure 180: Adding an IP Host

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 671

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring an IP Card

Enter the
rtrv-ip-card command

Enter the
rtrv-slk:loc=<card location of the
signaling link from rtrv-ip-card
output> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card location
of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Is the state of Yes

the signaling link


Enter the
dact-slk:loc=<card location of
the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
location of the signaling link>
Sheet 2
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Sheet 1 of 4

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Enter the Is the state of

From No
rept-stat-card:loc=<card the card
Sheet 1
location> command OOS-MT-DSBLD?


Enter the Enter the

rept-stat-card:loc=<card inh-card:loc=<card
location> command location> command

Is the defrouter
parameter to be specified No
with the chg-ip-card


Does the network

Enter the
portion of the defrouter value
rtrv-ip-lnk command with this Yes To
and any of the IP addresses
parameter: Sheet 3
shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk output
:loc=<location of the IP card>


Choose a value for the

defrouter parameter so that the Do you wish to
network portion of the defrouter No change any of the IP Yes
parameter value matches one addresses shown in the
of the IP addresses shown in rtrv-ip-lnk output?
the rtrv-ip-lnk output.

Perform the "Configuring an IP Link"

procedure in this chapter to change
one of the IP addresses shown in the
To rtrv-ip-lnk output so that the network
Sheet 3 portion of the defrouter parameter
value matches one of the IP
addresses shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk

Sheet 2 of 4

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Sheet 2

Will the sctpcsum No

parameter value be


Enter the
rtrv-sg-opts command

What is the
current value of the
sctpcsum parameter shown
in the rtrv-sg-opts


Perform the “Changing the SCTP

Checksum Algorithm Option for M2PA
Associations” procedure in this chapter to
Sheet 4
change the system-wide SCTP
checksum algorithm to percard.

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Enter the Notes:

chg-ip-card:loc=<card location> command 1. Either the domain or rstdomain parameters can
with at least one of these parameters: be specified, but not both.
:srchordr = <local, srvr, srvronly>
:dsna = <IP address for domain server A> 2. The IP address of the Ethernet interface must be
:dsnb = <IP address for domain server B> shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk output before the defrouter
:domain = <domain name> parameter can be specified. The network portion of
:defrouter = <IP address of the default the IP address assigned to one of the Ethernet
router> Interfaces on the IP card must match the network
:rstdomain = <yes, no> portion of the default router's IP address.
:sctpcsum = <adler32, crc32c> 3. Specifying the IP address for the dsna or
(See Notes 1 through 4) dsnb parameters, removes the IP address for
Domain Server A (dsna) or Domain Server B
4. The sctpcsum parameter can be specified only if
Enter the
the SCTPCSUM value shown in the rtrv-sg-opts
rtrv-ip-card command with this
output is percard.
:loc = <the card location specified
with the chg-ip-card command>

Was the state Was the state

No No
of the card changed on of the signaling link
Sheet 1? changed on Sheet 1?


Enter the Enter the

alw-card:loc=<card dact-slk:loc=<card location of
location> command the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
rept-stat-card:loc=<card Enter the
location> command rept-stat-slk:loc=<card
location of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 181: Configuring an IP Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 675

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IP Route

Enter the Enter the

rtrv-ip-rte command rtrv-ip-card command

Perform the "Adding an

IPLIMx Card" procedure in Is the required
this chapter to add the IP card in the
required IP card to the database?


Perform the "Changing an IP Card"

procedure in this chapter and make
Is a Class B IP
sure that the network portion of the
address to be specified
IP addresses assigned for the A or No
as the value for the dest
B interfaces is the same as the
parameter in the ent-ip-rte
network portion of the IP address
that will be assigned to the gtwy
parameter of the IP route


Enter the
Choose values for the dest and rtrv-netopts command
submask parameters of the
ent-ip-rte command that do not
produce the same subnet address as
these parameter values shown in the
rtrv-netopts output.
No Is error message
FCNB and FCNBMASK E3967 displayed?
The subnet address resulting from
the dest and submask parameter
values of the ent-ip-rte command
cannot be the same as the subnet Yes
address resulting from the PVN and
or FCNB and FCNBMASK values
shown in the rtrv-netopts output.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 676

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Sheet 1

Enter the
ent-ip-rte command with these parameters:
:loc=<IP card location>
:dest = <IP address of the remote host or
:submask = <subnet mask of the
destination IP address>
:gtwy = <IP address of the gateway or
(See Notes 1 through 4)

Enter the
rtrv-ip-rte:loc=<card location
specified in the ent-ip-rte
command> command

Enter the

1. The network portion of the IP address value of the gtwy
parameter must be the same as the network portion of the IP
addresses shown for either the A or B interfaces in the rtrv-ip-card
2. The value of the dest and gtwy parameters cannot the
127.x.x.x (the loopback address),, or the IP addresses of
the A or B interfaces on the IP card, and cannot be assigned to
another IP card.
3. There can be a maximum of 64 IP routes assigned to an IP
4. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 1024 IP routes.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 182: Adding an IP Route

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 677

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an M2PA Association

Enter the
rtrv-assoc command.

Is the required
No Is the required Yes
IP link shown in the Enter the
IP link in the IP Link
rtrv-assoc output? (See rtrv-ip-lnk command.
Note 1)

Yes No
Perform the "Configuring
an IP Link" procedure in Enter the
Enter the this chapter and add the rtrv-ip-host
rtrv-slk command with this required IP link. command with this
parameter. parameter.
:loc= <card location from the :display=all
rtrv-assoc output>

Is the required
host name shown in the No
What is the IPLIM,
rtrv-ip-host output? (See
value in the TYPE IPLIMI To Notes 2, 3, and 4)
column of the rtrv-slk Sheet 2
Enter the Perform the
The links and host assigned to rtrv-slk command "Adding an IP
this card cannot be used in this with this Host"
procedure. parameter. procedure in
:loc=<card location this chapter
that will contain the and add the
new M2PA required host
association> name.
Perform the
Do you wish to “Configuring an
use the card shown in the Yes IPSG M2PA Notes:
rtrv-slk output to configure an Association” 1. The IP link is shown by the entries in the
M2PA association ? procedure in CARD LOC and IPLINK PORT columns. The
Chapter 14. ADAPTER value of the association must be
M2PA .
No 2. The IP address of the IP link should be
assigned to the host name, shown in the
rtrv-ip-host output, that will be assigned to
Choose another card from the
the association.
rtrv-assoc output whose
adapter value is M2PA . 3. The ipliml2 parameter value of the
signaling link must be m2pa.
4. The values of the lhost and alhost
parameters must be in the LOCAL HOST
column in the rtrv-ip-host output.

Sheet 1 of 3

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with these

Is the desired Yes
From parameters.
signaling link shown in the
Sheet 1 :loc = <card location of the IP signaling link>
rtrv-slk output?
:link = <signaling link assigned to the card>


Perform the "Adding an IPLIMx

Signaling Link" procedure in this Is the
Yes signaling link out of
chapter and add the signaling link
with the ipliml2=m2pa parameter, service (PST=OOS-MT,
and without activating the SST=Unavail)?
signaling link

Enter the Enter the dact-slk command with these

rtrv-m2pa-tset parameters.
command. :loc = <card location of the IP signaling
:link = <signaling link assigned to the
Is the desired
M2PA timer set Yes
defined with the desired Enter the rept-stat-slk command with these
values? (See the parameters.
Note) :loc = <card location of the IP signaling link>
:link = <signaling link assigned to the card>
Was a new host Yes
name added on
Sheet 1?
Perform the "Changing
an M2PA Timer Set "
procedure in this chapter
and change the desired No Is the available
timer set with the desired buffer size of the card Yes
values (See the Caution) that the association will be
Enter the rtrv-assoc assigned to 200
command with this or greater?
:lhost=<local host name
Note: If the m2patset
that will be assigned to the No To
parameter will not be
new association> Sheet 3
specified with the ent-assoc
command, the RFC version
of M2PA timer set 1 will be
assigned to the association. Perform the “Changing an M2PA Do you wish to
Caution: Changing an Association” procedure and change Yes change the buffer size
M2PA timer set may affect the buffer size of the associations of any of the associations
the performance of any assigned to the card to allow the new currently assigned to
associations using the timer association to be added to the card. the card?
set being changed.


To The new association

Sheet 3 cannot be added.

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 679

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the
ent-assoc command with these mandatory parameters:
:aname=<association name>
:lhost = <local host name from the rtrv-ip-host output>
and with at least one of these optional parameters.
:lport = <local port ID>
:rhost = <remote host name>
Sheet 2
:rport = <remote port ID>
:link = <the signaling link from the rtrv-slk output>
:adapter = m2pa
:alhost = <alternate local host name from the rtrv-ip-host output>
:m2patset = 1-20
(See Notes 1 through 11)

No Is the Yes
association to be

Enter the chg-assoc

Enter the act-slk command
command with these
with these parameters.
Enter the rtrv-assoc parameters.
:loc = <card location of the IP
command with this parameter. :aname=<association
signaling link>
:aname=<association name> name>
:link = <signaling link assigned
to the card>

Enter the rept-stat-slk

command with these
parameters. Enter the
:loc = <card location of the IP chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
signaling link> command.
:link = <signaling link
assigned to the card>

1. The B Ethernet interface can be used with single-slot EDCMs or E5-ENET cards.
2. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 4000 connections (association – application server assignments plus sockets).
3. The adapter parameter value for the association must be m2pa. The value of the ipliml2 parameter of the signaling link being
assigned to this association must be m2pa. The default value for the adapter parameter is m2pa.
4. IPLIMx cards can have only one connection for each signaling link assigned to the card. If the card is a single-slot EDCM, the card
may contain a maximum of eight connections. If the card is an E5-ENET card, the card may contain a maximum of 16 connections.
5. The value of the lhost, rhost, or alhost parameters is a text string of up to 60 characters, with the first character being a letter. The
command line on the terminal can contain up to 150 characters. If the host names are too long to fit on the ent-assoc command line,
perform the chg-assoc command with the parameters and values necessary to complete the entry of the M2PA association .
6. If the new association is to be activated in this procedure with the chg-assoc command, the association must contain values for the
lhost, rhost, lport, and rport parameters.
7. If the lhost and alhost are specified, the lhost parameter value represents the IP address corresponding to one of the network
interfaces (A or B) on the IP card while the alhost parameter value represents the IP address corresponding to the other network
interface of the same IP card.
8. The m2patset parameter can be specified only with the adapter=m2pa parameter.
9. The m2patset parameter value defaults to M2PA timer set 1 (m2patset=1) if the m2patset parameter is not specified.
10. The port parameter can be used in place of the link parameter to specify the signaling link assigned to the association.
11. When the adapter=m2pa parameter is specified, the RFC M2PA version is assigned to the M 2PA association by default . If you wish
to assign the Draft 6 M2PA version to this association , perform the “Changing the Attributes of an M2PA Association” procedure in this
chapter after this procedure is completed to change the M2PA version of this association .

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 183: Adding an M2PA Association

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Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the Large MSU

No To
Support for IP Signaling
Sheet 2
feature enabled?


Is the status
The Large MSU Support for IP
of the Large MSU On Signaling feature is enabled and
Support for IP Signaling
turned on. No further action is
feature on
or off?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

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Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


Sheet 3

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
feature with a quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is the default entry
for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control
shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 4

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Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
From 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
Sheet 2 in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4

Is the EAGLE 5 Yes

ISS's serial number

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Enter the ent-serial-num
Center to get the correct serial
command with this parameter:
number entered into the
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
database. Refer to the
serial number>
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<Large MSU Support for IP Signaling feature
access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the
Large MSU Support for IP Signaling feature,
contact your Tekelec sales representative or
account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 184: Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature

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Removing an IPLIMx Card

Enter the rtrv-card


The card being removed in this

procedure must be running the
IPLIM or IPLIMI applications.
Select one of these cards.

Perform the “Removing an IPLIMx Signaling

Link” procedure to remove the signaling links
assigned to the card being removed.
Repeat this step for each signaling link
assigned to the card.

Enter the dlt-card command with

this parameter:
:loc=<location of the card being

Enter the rtrv-card command with

this parameter:
:loc=<card location from the
previous step>

Enter the

Figure 185: Removing an IPLIMx Card

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IPLIMx Signaling Link

Enter the
rtrv-slk command.

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this What is the A, B, D,
parameter. linkset type of the linkset E, or PRX
:lsn=<the name of the linkset that displayed in the previous
contains the signaling link that is step?
being removed>

Enter the
rtrv-ss7opts command.

What is the Off



When the signaling

link is removed, will the
Yes number of signaling links in the No
linkset be less than the
TFATCABMLQ value of the
linkset ?

Enter the chg-ls command

Do you wish with these parameters.
to change the Yes :lsn=<the name of the linkset To
TFATCABMLQ value for that contains the signaling Sheet 2
the linkset to 0? link that is being removed>


The signaling link cannot be

removed. The remainder of
this procedure cannot be

Sheet 1 of 2

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Enter the Enter the

rtrv-ip-lnk command with this rtrv-ip-host command with this
parameter. parameter.
Sheet 1
:loc = <location of the signaling :ipaddr = <IP address shown in the
link being removed> rtrv-ip-lnk output>

Enter the chg-assoc command with

these parameters.
:aname=<association name> Enter the
:open=no Yes Is the host name rtrv-assoc command with this
:alw=no assigned to any inservice parameter.
Repeat this step for all or open associations? :lhost = <local host name shown
associations shown in the in the rtrv-ip-host output>
rtrv-assoc output whose open or
alw parameter values are yes.
Note: If removing the signaling link
will result in 700 or less signaling
Enter the dact-slk command with links in the database and the
these parameters. OAMHCMEAS value in the
:loc=<location of the signaling link> rtrv-measopts output is on, the
:link=<signaling link being scheduled UI measurement reports
removed> will be enabled.

Enter the rept-stat-slk command

with these parameters. Is the signaling Yes Enter the rmv-card command with
:loc=<location of the signaling link> link the last signaling this parameter.
:link=<signaling link being link on the card? :loc=<location of the signaling link>

Enter the rept-stat-card command
with this parameter.
:loc=<location of the signaling link>

Enter the dlt-slk command with

these parameters.
No Is the signaling Yes
:loc=<location of the signaling link>
link the last signaling
:link=<signaling link being
link on the linkset?
See the Note.

Enter the dlt-slk command with

Enter the rtrv-slk command with these
these parameters.
:loc=<location of the signaling link>
:loc=<location specified in the dlt-slk
:link=<signaling link being
:link=<signaling link specified in the dlt-slk
See the Note.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 186: Removing an IPLIMx Signaling Link

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Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPLIMx Card

Enter the rtrv-ip-host Is the host Remote Host

command with this name shown a local Name
parameter. host name or a remote
:display=all host name?

Local Host
Enter the rtrv-ip-lnk Name
Enter the rtrv-assoc
command with this
Enter the rtrv-card :lhost=<host name being
command removed in this procedure>

Select an IP host that is

assigned to an IPLIMx Is the host name
card. No
shown in the rtrv-assoc


Remove all the

associations referencing
Do you wish to
the host name by Yes
remove the
performing the "Removing
an M2PA Association "
procedure in this chapter.


Change the local host name for the

associations referencing the host name
being removed by performing the
“Changing the Host Values of an M2PA
Association” procedure in this chapter.

Enter the dlt-ip-host command

with this parameter:
:host = <hostname being

Enter the rtrv-ip-host

Enter the
command with this parameter:
:host = <hostname specified
in the dlt-ip-host command>

Figure 187: Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPLIMx Card

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Removing an IP Route

Enter the
rtrv-ip-rte command

Enter the
rept-stat-card:loc=<location of
IP card containing the IP route
being removed> command

Is the state of Yes

the IP card


Do you wish to
Enter the
place the IP card in the Yes inh-card:loc=<IP card
containing the IP route being
removed> command
(See Caution)


Enter the Enter the

dlt-ip-rte command with the dlt-ip-rte command with at lease one
:force=yes parameter and at lease of these parameters:
one of these parameters: :loc=<IP card location>
:loc=<IP card location> :dest = <IP address of the remote
:dest = <IP address of the remote host or network>
host or network>

Enter the
rtrv-ip-rte command

Caution: Removing an IP route while

the IP card is still in service can result
in losing the ability to route outbound
IP traffic on the IP card. This can Enter the
Does the IP
cause both TCP and SCTP sessions alw-card:loc=<IP card location
card contain other IP
on the IP card to be lost. specified in the dlt-ip-rte
command> command

Enter the

Figure 188: Removing an IP Route

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Removing an M2PA Association

Enter the rtrv-assoc


Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
The adapter value assigned to the
:loc = <the location of the card
association must be m2pa.
containing the M2PA association that is
shown in the rtrv-assoc output>

IPLIMI What application is
assigned to the card?


Perform the "Removing an

IPSG Association"
procedure to remove the
M2PA association .

Enter the chg-assoc command with

What is the these parameters:
value of the open :aname=<the name of the M2PA
parameter? association>


Enter the dlt-assoc command

with this parameter:
:aname = <name of the M2PA

Enter the rtrv-assoc command with

this parameter:
:aname = <association name
specified in the dlt-assoc command>

Enter the

Figure 189: Removing an M2PA Association

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Changing the Attributes of an M2PA Association

Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter. Note: If the open parameter value is being
Enter the rtrv-assoc :loc = <the location of the card changed to yes, the association must
command. containing the association that will be contain values for the lhost, lport, rhost, and
changed, shown in the rtrv-assoc rport parameters. A signaling link containing
output> the loc and link value that is assigned to the
association must be provisioned in the

Perform the "Changing the

No Is the IPSG Yes Attributes of an IPSG
application is assigned Association" procedure in
to the card? Chapter 14 to change the
attributes of the association.

Are only the

open, alw, or rtxthr No To
parameter values being Sheet 2

Enter the
Is the rtxthr Yes rtrv-assoc command with this
parameter value being parameter.
changed? :aname=<name of the association
Is the name being changed>
open parameter value No
being changed to yes? No
(See the Note)
Enter the chg-assoc with this
mandatory parameter:
Yes :aname=<name of the association
being changed>
and with at least one of these optional
:alw = <yes, no>
Is a signaling :open = <yes, no>
link assigned to the card, :rtxthr = < 0 – 65535>
shown in the LSET NAME and
LINK columns in the
rtrv-card output? Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this
:aname=<association name specified
with the chg-assoc command>

Perform the "Adding an

IPLIMx Signaling Link" Enter the
procedure in this chapter chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Sheet 7x
to add the required command.
signaling link.

Sheet 1 of 4

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Enter the chg-assoc

command with these
What is the Yes
From parameters.
value of the open
Sheet 1 :aname=<name of the
association being changed>

Enter the rtrv-assoc command

with this parameter.
:aname=<name of the
association being changed>

Either choose another value for the

cwmin parameter that is less than
Is the cwmin Is the new cwmin or equal to the bufsize value, or
parameter to be specified Yes value less than or equal to No change the bufsize value by
with the chg-assoc the bufsize parameter value? performing the “Changing the
command? (See the Note) Buffer Size of an M2PA
Association” procedure in this
No Yes

Is the m2patset
parameter to be specified No To
with the chg-assoc Sheet 3

Note: The cwmin value must be less

Yes than or equal to the bufsize value.
The cwmin value is the number of
Enter the rtrv-m2pa-tset command with bytes specified for the size of the
one of these parameters. association’s congestion window. The
:ver=d6 – to display the Draft 6 values bufsize value is the number of
:ver=rfc – to display the RFC values kilobytes specified for the size of the
If you wish to display Draft 6 and RFC association’s buffer .
values, do not specify the ver
To determine whether or not the cwmin
value is less than or equal to the
Is the desired bufsize value, perform one of these
M2PA timer set Yes actions:
defined with the desired Multiply the bufsize value by 1024
values? Divide the cwmin value by 1024.
Caution: Changing an M2PA timer set
No may affect the performance of any
associations using the timer set being
Perform the "Changing an M2PA
Timer Set" procedure in this
chapter and change the desired
Sheet 3
timer set with the desired values.
(See the Caution)

Sheet 2 of 4

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Is a remote Yes Is the alternate Yes

host value being remote host value being
Sheet 2
changed? changed?

No No

Enter the chg-assoc command with this

mandatory parameter. Specify the rhost parameter
:aname=<name of the association being changed> with the chg-assoc command.
and with any of these optional parameters: This will change the primary
remote host value, shown in
:lport = <TCP port for the local host> the RHOST field of the
:rhost = <remote host name> rtrv-assoc output. The
:rhosttype=<primary or alternate> rhosttype=primary parameter
rhostval=<relaxed, match> can be specified with the rhost
:rport = <TCP port for the remote host> parameter, but it is not
:alw = <yes, no> necessary.
:rmode = <rfc or lin>
:rmin = <10 – 1000>
:rmax = <10 – 1000>
:rtimes = <3 – 12> Is a value
:cwmin = <1500 – 409600> No shown in the RHOST
:istrms = <1 or 2> field of the rtrv-assoc
:ostrms = <1 or 2> output?
:m2patset = <1 – 20>
:ver = <d6 or rfc>
:rtxthr = < 0 – 65535> Yes
(See the Notes on Sheet 4) Specify the rhost and
rhosttype=primary parameters
with the chg-assoc command.
This will change the alternate
remote host value, shown in
the ARHOST field of the
rtrv-assoc output.
Was the value
No of the open parameter Yes
changed on Enter the chg-assoc command
Sheet 2? with these parameters.
:aname=<name of the
association being changed>
Enter the rtrv-assoc Enter the chg-assoc :rhost = <remote host name>
command with this command with these The rhosttype=primary
parameter. parameters. parameter can be specified
:aname=<association :aname=<association with the rhost parameter, but it
name specified with the name being changed> is not necessary.
chg-assoc command> :open=yes

Enter the
Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheets 1
or 3

Perform the
Do you wish “Changing the Host
to change the LHOST or Yes Values of an M2PA
ALHOST values of the Association”
M2PA association ? procedure in this


Do you wish to Do you wish to

change the buffer size No change the LINK value No This procedure is
of the M2PA of the M2PA finished.
association? association?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Changing the Perform the “Changing the

Buffer Size of an M2PA Link Value of an M2PA
Association” procedure in Association to another Link
this chapter. Value on the Same IPLIMx
Card” procedure in this

1. If any optional parameters are not specified with the chg-assoc command, those values are not changed.
2. The value of the rhost parameter is a text string of up to 60 characters, with the first character being a letter. The
command input is limited to 150 characters, including the hostname.
3. If the value of the open parameter is yes, only the values of the alw and rtxthr parameters can be changed. To
change the values of the other parameters, the value of the open parameter must be no.
4. The value of the rmin parameter must be less than or equal to the rmax parameter value.
5. The M2PA version of the association determines the version of the M 2PA timer set that is assigned to the
association. For example, if M2PA timer set 3 is assigned to the M2PA association , and the association is an RFC
M2PA association , the RFC version of M2PA timer set 3 is used with the association. If M2PA timer set 7 is
assigned to the M2PA association , and the association is a Draft 6 M2PA association , the Draft 6 version of M2PA
timer set 7 is used with the association.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 190: Changing the Attributes of an M2PA Association

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Changing the Buffer Size of a M2PA Association

Enter the rtrv-assoc


Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
:loc = <the location of the card
containing the association that will be
changed, shown in the rtrv-assoc

Perform the "Changing the

Is the IPSG Buffer Size of an IPSG
application is assigned Association" procedure in
to the card? Chapter 14 to change the
attributes of the association.


What is the No
value of the open


Enter the chg-assoc command

Enter the rtrv-assoc command
with these parameters.
with this parameter:
:aname=<name of the
:aname=<name of the
association being changed>
association being changed>

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

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Sheet 1

The new buffer size for this association

cannot exceed the available buffer size
for the card.
Do the buffers
If you wish to increase the buffer size on the other associations No
for this association to a value that is assigned to the card need
greater than the available buffer size to be changed?
for the card, the buffer size of the other
associations assigned to the card must
be decreased.
Enter the rtrv-assoc command
with this parameter:
Enter the rtrv-assoc command
:aname=<name assigned to the
with this parameter:
association displayed in the
:lhost=<local host name
previous step>
assigned to the association
Repeat this step for each
being changed>
association displayed in the
previous step.

Either choose another value for

Are the new bufsize the bufsize parameter that is
values for these associations No greater than or equal to the
greater than or equal to the cwmin cwmin value, or change the
values for these associations? cwmin value by performing the
(See the Note) “Changing the Attributes of an
M2PA Association” procedure .


Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname=<name assigned to the
association displayed in the previous step>
Sheet 3
Note: The bufsize value must be greater than or equal to :bufsize=<8 – 400>
the cwmin value. Repeat this step as necessary for each
The cwmin value is the number of bytes specified for the association displayed in the previous step.
size of the association’s congestion window. The bufsize
value is the number of kilobytes specified for the size of
the association’s buffer .
To determine whether or not the bufsize value is greater
than or equal to the cwmin value, perform one of these
Multiply the bufsize value by 1024
Divide the cwmin value by 1024.

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Sheet 2

Either choose another value for

the bufsize parameter that is
Is the new bufsize
No greater than or equal to the
value greater than or equal to
cwmin value, or change the
the cwmin parameter value?
cwmin value by performing the
(See the Note)
“Changing the Attributes of an
M2PA Association” procedure .


Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname=<name of the association being
:bufsize=<8 – 400>

Enter the chg-assoc

command with these
Was the value of
Yes parameters.
the open parameter
changed on Sheet 1?
name being changed>

Enter the rtrv-assoc
command with this
name specified with the
chg-assoc command>
Note: The bufsize value must be greater than or equal to
the cwmin value.
Enter the
The cwmin value is the number of bytes specified for the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
size of the association’s congestion window. The bufsize command
value is the number of kilobytes specified for the size of
the association’s buffer .
To determine whether or not the bufsize value is greater
than or equal to the cwmin value, perform one of these
Sheet 4
Multiply the bufsize value by 1024
Divide the cwmin value by 1024.

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Do you wish
Perform the “Changing the
to change the LHOST or Yes
Host Values of an M2PA
ALHOST values of the
Association” procedure.
M2PA association ?


Perform the “Changing the

Do you wish to
Link Value of an M2PA
change the LINK value Yes
Association to another Link
of the M2PA
Value on the Same IPLIMx
Card” procedure.


Do you wish to
Perform the “Changing the
change the other Yes
Attributes of an M2PA
attributes of the M2PA
Association” procedure.


This procedure is

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 191: Changing the Buffer Size of a M2PA Association

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Changing the Host Values of a M2PA Association

Enter the rtrv-assoc


Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
:loc = <the location of the card
containing the association that will be
changed, shown in the rtrv-assoc

Perform the "Changing the

Is the IPSG Host Values of an IPSG
application is assigned Association" procedure in
to the card? Chapter 6 to change the
attributes of the association.


What is the No
value of the open


Enter the chg-assoc command

Enter the rtrv-assoc command
with these parameters.
with these parameters.
:aname=<name of the
:aname=<name of the
association being changed>
association being changed>

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 7

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Is the association
From No
that is being changed an
Sheet 1
M2PA association ?


Does the M2PA

association contain an
ALHOST value?


Is removing the
ALHOST value from this No To
association the only action to
Sheet 3
be performed in this


Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname=<name of the association being
Sheet 6

Sheet 2 of 7

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Sheet 2

Enter the
rtrv-ip-host command with
this parameter.

Is the
required host
Yes Enter the
name shown in the
rtrv-ip-lnk command
rtrv-ip-host output?
(See Note 1)

Enter the
rept-stat-card command with
Enter the this parameter:
rtrv-ip-lnk command :loc=<card location of the IP
address from the rtrv-ip-lnk
output assigned to the IP host>

Is the required
IP link shown in the Yes
rtrv-ip-lnk output?
(See Note 2)


Perform the "Configuring Perform the "Adding an IP

an IP Link" procedure in Host" procedure in this To
this chapter and configure chapter and add the Sheet 4
the required IP link required host name

1. The rtrv-ip-host output must contain a host name for the association’s
lhost parameter and a host name for the association’s alhost parameter,
if the alhost parameter will be specified for the association.
2. The IP address of the IP link should be assigned to the host name,
shown in the rtrv-ip-host output, that will be used as the association’s
lhost parameter value. If the alhost parameter will be specified for the
association, the IP address of the IP link must be assigned to the host
name that will be used as the alhost parameter value. The IP links
associated with the association’s lhost and alhost values must be
assigned to the same card.

Sheet 3 of 7

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Sheet 3

Enter the
rtrv-slk:loc=<card location of the
Is the link Yes IP signaling link associated with
parameter value being
the local host>:link=<new link
value being assigned to the
association> command

No Is the required
signaling link in the

Is the No
No adapter parameter
value being changed from
either M3UA or SUA Perform the "Adding an IPLIMx
to M2PA ? Signaling Link" procedure in this
chapter and add the required
signaling link without activating the
Yes signaling link.
Note: The ipliml2=m2pa parameter
Sheet 5
must be specified for the signaling
link. The adapter=m2pa parameter
must be specified for the association
that the signaling link will be assigned
Enter the rtrv-as command with to.
this parameter:
:aname=<name of the
association being changed>

Is the
association assigned
to any application

Yes Perform the "Removing an

Association from an Application
Server" procedure in this chapter and
Sheet 5
remove the association from the
application servers

Sheet 4 of 7

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Was the Enter the

From rept-stat-card No rept-stat-card:loc=<card
Sheet 4 command performed location from the rtrv-ip-lnk
on Sheet 3? output> command


Was a new
No Yes To
signaling link added
Sheet 6
on Sheet 4?

Enter the rtrv-slk command with these Enter the rept-stat-slk command
parameters: with these parameters:
:loc = <card location of the IP signaling :loc = <card location of the IP
link> signaling link>
:link = <signaling link assigned to the :link = <signaling link assigned to
card> the card>

Is the signaling
Is the value of the link out of service Yes
ipliml2 parameter of the (PST=OOS-MT,
signaling link m2pa? SST=Unavail)?

No No

Enter the dact-slk command with

Perform the "Removing an these parameters:
IPGWx Signaling Link" :loc = <card location of the IP
procedure in Chapter 4 and signaling link>
remove the signaling link :link = <signaling link assigned to
the card>

Perform the "Adding an IPLIMx

Signaling Link" procedure in this Enter the rept-stat-slk command
chapter and add the signaling link with with these parameters:
the ipliml2=m2pa parameter without :loc = <card location of the IP
activating the signaling link signaling link>
:link = <signaling link assigned to
the card>

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Enter the chg-assoc Sheet 2
:aname=<name of the association being
changed> command with these optional
:lhost = <local host name from the
rtrv-ip-host output>
:lport = <TCP port for the local host>
:rhost = <remote host name> Was the value of
:rport = <TCP port for the remote host> the open parameter
:link = <the signaling link from the rtrv-slk changed on Sheet 1?
:alhost <alternate local host name from the Enter the
rtrv-ip-host output, or the value none> chg-assoc command with
:adapter = m2pa No these parameters:
:m2patset = <1 – 20> :aname=<association
:ver = <d6 or rfc> name being changed>
(See Notes 1 through 13 on Sheet 7) Enter the :open=yes
name specified with the
chg-assoc command>

Enter the act-slk command with Enter the rept-stat-slk command

these parameters: with these parameters:
:loc = <card location of the IP :loc = <card location of the IP
signaling link> signaling link>
:link = <signaling link assigned to :link = <signaling link assigned
the card> to the card>

Enter the

Do you wish to Do you wish to

change the buffer size No change the other No This procedure is
of the M2PA attributes of the M2PA finished.
association? association?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Changing the Perform the “Changing the

Buffer Size of an M2PA Attributes of an M2PA
Association” procedure in Association” procedure in
this chapter. this chapter.

Sheet 6 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 704

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

1. If any optional parameters are not specified with the chg-assoc command, those values are not
2. The B Ethernet interface can be used with single-slot EDCMs or E5-ENET cards.
3. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 4000 connections.
4. IPLIMx cards can have only one connection for each signaling link assigned to the card. If the card is a
single-slot EDCM, the card may contain a maximum of eight connections. If the card is an E5-ENET card,
the card may contain a maximum of 16 connections.
5. The value of the lhost and rhost parameters is a text string of up to 60 characters, with the first character
being a letter. The command input is limited to 150 characters, including the hostnames
6. The adapter parameter value for the association must be m2pa and the ipliml2=m2pa parameter must
be assigned to the signaling link on the iplim or iplimi card.
7. Specifying the lhost parameter only creates a uni-homed endpoint. The network portion of the
endpoint's IP address must be the same as the network portion of the IP address assigned to either the A
or B network interface of the IP card.
8. Specifying the lhost and alhost parameters creates a multi-homed endpoint. The network portion of the
IP address associated with the lhost parameter must be the same as the network portion of the IP address
assigned to one of the network interfaces (A or B) of the IP card, and the network portion of the IP address
associated with the alhost parameter must be the same as the network portion of the IP address assigned
to the other network interface on the IP card .
9. The alhost=none parameter removes the alternate local host from the specified association, which also
removes the multi-homed endpoint capability.
10. If the mp2atset parameter is not specified with the chg-assoc command, and the adapter parameter
value is being changed to m2pa, the m2patset parameter value defaults to M2PA timer set 1 (m2patset=1).
11. The port parameter can be used in place of the link parameter to specify the signaling link assigned to
the association.
12. The M2PA version of the association determines the version of the M 2PA timer set that is assigned to
the association. For example, if M2PA timer set 3 is assigned to the M2PA association , and the association
is an RFC M2PA association , the RFC version of M2PA timer set 3 is used with the association. If M2PA
timer set 7 is assigned to the M2PA association , and the association is a Draft 6 M2PA association , the
Draft 6 version of M2PA timer set 7 is used with the association.
13. If the adapter parameter value of the association is changed to m2pa in this procedure and the ver
parameter is not specified, the version of the association will be RFC. To make this association a M 2PA
Draft 6 association, the ver=d6 parameter must be specified for this association.

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 192: Changing the Host Values of a M2PA Association

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the Link Value of a M2PA Association to another Link Value on

the Same IPLIMx Card

Enter the rtrv-assoc


Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
:loc = <the location of the card
containing the association that will be
changed, shown in the rtrv-assoc

Perform the "Changing the

Is the IPSG Attributes of an IPSG
application is assigned Association" procedure in
to the card? Chapter 6 to change the
attributes of the association.


What is the No
value of the open


Enter the chg-assoc command

with these parameters.
:aname=<name of the
Sheet 2
association being changed>

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 706

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the new Is the new

link value shown in the link value shown in the No
rtrv-card output for the card that is rtrv-assoc output for the card that
hosting the association that is is hosting the association that
being changed? is being changed?

No Yes
This signaling link
cannot be used.
Perform the "Adding an
IPLIMx Signaling Link" Enter the rept-stat-slk command
procedure in this chapter to with these parameters:
add the required signaling :loc = <card location of the IP
link. signaling link>
:link = <signaling link assigned
to the card>

Is the signaling
Yes link out of service


Enter the dact-slk command with

these parameters:
:loc = <card location of the IP
signaling link>
:link = <signaling link assigned to
the card>

Enter the rept-stat-slk command

with these parameters:
To :loc = <card location of the IP
Sheet 3 signaling link>
:link = <signaling link assigned to
the card>

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 707

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the chg-assoc command with these

Was the value of
:aname=<name of the association being Yes
the open parameter
changed on Sheet 1?
:link=<the new link value for the
Enter the chg-assoc
command with these
No parameters.
Enter the rtrv-assoc name being changed>
command with this :open=yes
name specified with the
chg-assoc command>

Enter the act-slk command with

these parameters: Was that state
:loc = <card location of the IP Yes of the signaling link
signaling link> changed on Sheet
:link = <signaling link assigned to 2?
the card>


Enter the rept-stat-slk command

with these parameters:
Enter the
:loc = <card location of the IP
signaling link>
:link = <signaling link assigned to
the card>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 708

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Do you wish Perform the “Changing the

to change the LHOST or Yes Host Values of an M2PA
ALHOST values of the Association” procedure in this
M2PA association ? chapter.


Do you wish to Do you wish to

change the buffer size No change the other No This procedure is
of the M2PA attributes of the M2PA finished.
association? association?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Changing the Perform the “Changing the

Buffer Size of an M2PA Attributes of an M2PA
Association” procedure in Association” procedure in
this chapter. this chapter.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 193: Changing the Link Value of a M2PA Association to another Link Value on the Same

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 709

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring SCTP Retransmission Control for a M2PA Association

Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter.
Enter the rtrv-assoc :loc = <the location of the card
command. containing the M2PA association that is
being changed, shown in the
rtrv-assoc output>

Enter the rtrv-assoc command with this

No Is the IPSG Yes
application is assigned
:aname=<the name of the M2PA
to the card?
association that is being changed>

Perform the "Configuring an

IPSG Association for SCTP
Retransmission Control"
procedure to configure the
Enter the SCTP retransmission control
pass:loc=<card location of the for the association.
association that is being changed>
Do the retransmission No
:cmd="ping <remote host name>"
parameter values need to
command several times and ping the
be changed?
remote host (the RHOST value in the
previous step) to determine the
expected round trip time. This procedure is
Yes finished.

Perform the "Changing the Attributes

of an M2PA Association " procedure
to change the retransmission
parameters based on the results of
pinging the remote host.
Enter the
pass:loc=<card location specified with the
ping command>
:cmd="assocrtt <name of the association
specified with the ping command>"
command to display the round trip time data
collected after an association is established when
an SCTP INIT message is sent and an
acknowlegement is received.
Perform this command for each association name
that references the remote host name specified in
the ping command.

Enter the pass:loc=<card location

specified in the previous
Yes Do the retransmission
step>:cmd="sctp -a <association
parameter values need to
name>" command.
be changed?
The association name is the association
name specified in the previous step.
Perform the "Changing the Attributes of
an M2PA Association " procedure to No
change the retransmission parameters
based on the results of the assocrtt
(Weighted Average round -trip time) and This procedure is
sctp -a (data retransmission counts) finished.
pass command outputs.

Figure 194: Configuring the SCTP Retransmission Control for a M2PA Association

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 710

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a M2PA Timer Set

Enter the
rtrv-m2pa-tset command with one of these
:ver = d6 - to display the Draft 6 values
:ver = rfc - to display the RFC values.
If the ver parameter is not specified with the
rtrv-m2pa-tset command, both the Draft 6 and
RFC values will be displayed.

Enter the
chg-m2pa-tset command with only
these parameters:

:tset=<the number of the M2PA

Is an M2PA timer set timer set being changed>
to be copied to another :srctset=<the number of the M2PA
M2PA timer set ? timer set being copied>
:ver=<version of the M2PA timer
set being copied, either d6 (Draft 6
No version) or rfc (RFC version)>
(See Caution and Note)

Enter the
chg-m2pa-tset command with
these parameters:
:tset=<the number of the M2PA
timer set being changed> Enter the
rtrv-m2pa-tset command with these
:ver=<version of the M2PA timer
set being changed, either d6 (Draft
6 version) or rfc (RFC version)> :tset=<tset value specified in the
chg-m2pa-tset command>
and at least one of the timer
parameters shown in the M2PA :ver=<version of the M2PA timer set
Timers table in this procedure. specified in the chg-m2pa-tset
The values for the M2PA timers
are shown in the M2PA Timers
table in this procedure.
(See Caution and Note)
Enter the

1. Either the timer parameters or the srctset parameter must be specified with the
chg-m2pa-tset command. Both the timer parameters and the srctset parameter
cannot be specified with the chg-m2pa-tset command.
2. If the ver parameter is not specified with the chg-m2pa-tset command, the RFC
values will be changed. To change the Draft 6 values, the ver=d6 parameter must be
specified with the chg-m2pa-tset command.
Caution: Changing an M2PA timer set may affect the performance of any
associations using the timer set being changed.

Figure 195: Changing an M2PA Timer Set

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for M2PA Associations

Enter the rtrv-sg-opts


Enter the rtrv-card command. Record the

card locations and signaling link information
for all cards running the IPLIM and IPLIMI

What will the PERCARD Enter the

new sctpcsum value chg-sg-opts:sctpcsum=percard
be? command

CRC32C Perform the “Configuring an IP
Card” procedure in this chapter to
Enter the
assign an sctpcsum parameter
chg-sg-opts:sctpcsum=<adler32, crc32c>
value for the card.

Enter the rtrv-sg-opts

Sheet 3

Enter the dact-slk command with these

:loc = <location of a card running either the
IPLIM or IPLIMx application>
:link = <signaling link on the card specified by
the loc parameter>. Repeat this step for each
signaling link assigned to the card.

Enter the rtrv-ip-lnk


Enter the rtrv-ip-host

command with this To
parameter. Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 712

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-assoc command with this

:lhost = <the local host name (from the
rtrv-ip-host output) whose IP address is
associated with the card location of each
signaling link (from the rtrv-ip-lnk output)
specified in the dact-slk command>
Does the checksum
algorithm value in all the
associations displayed in the previous No
Enter the chg-assoc command with these step match the checksum algorithm value
parameters: specified in the chg-sg-opts
:aname = <aname value from the rtrv-assoc output> command on Sheet 1?
:open = no.
Repeat this step for each association shown in the
rtrv-assoc output. Contact the Customer
Yes Care Center. Refer to
the "Customer Care
Center" section in
Enter the chg-assoc command with these Chapter 1 for the
parameters: contact information.
:aname = <aname value from the rtrv-assoc output>
:open = yes.
Repeat this step for each association shown in the Enter the act-slk command with these
rtrv-assoc output. parameters:
:loc = <location of the card specified in the
dact-slk command on Sheet 1>
:link = <signaling link on the card specified
in the dact-slk command on Sheet 1>.
Enter the pass command with these
Repeat this step for each signaling link
assigned to the card.
:loc=<card location specified in the
dact-slk command>
:cmd="sctp -a <name of the assocation
specified in the chg-assoc command>"
Repeat this step for each association
shown in the rtrv-assoc output. To
Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 713

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with these

parameters: Enter the pass:loc=<card location
:loc = <location of the card specified in the specified in the rept-stat-slk
act-slk command> command>:cmd="netstat -p sctp"
:link = <signaling link on the card specified in command
the act-slk command>

Enter the No Are any errors Yes

Contact the Customer Care
Center. Refer to the
"Customer Care Center"
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.

Have all the cards running Does the EAGLE 5

No the IPLIM or IPLIMI applications been Yes ISS contain cards running the Yes
updated with the new SCTP SS7IPGW or IPGWI
checksum algorithm? applications?

Sheet 1 No
Perform the “Changing the
No Does the EAGLE 5 SCTP Checksum Algorithm
This procedure is
ISS contain cards running Option for M3UA and SUA
the IPSG application? Associations” procedure in
Chapter 4.


Perform the “Changing the SCTP

Checksum Algorithm Option for IPSG
M3UA Associations” and “Changing
the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option
for IPSG M2PA Associations”
procedures in Chapter 6.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 196: Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for M2PA Associations

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 714

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M2PA Configuration Flowcharts

Turning Off the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

This procedure cannot be

Is the Large MSU perfomed. To turn the Large MSU
Support for IP Signaling No Support for IP Signaling feature off,
feature enabled the Large MSU Support for IP
and turned on? Signaling feature must be enabled
and turned on.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Caution: If the Large MSU Support for IP
Signaling feature is turned off, the EAGLE
5 ISS will not process messages that are
larger than 272 bytes.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Figure 197: Turning Off the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 715


IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the IETF
M3UA and SUA configuration procedures located
• Adding an IPGWx Card.....718 in the Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure
• Configuring an IPGWx Linkset.....721 Gateway.
• Adding a Mate IPGWx Linkset to another IPGWx
• Adding an IPGWx Signaling Link.....734
• Configuring an IP Link.....740
• Adding an IP Host.....749
• Configuring an IP Card.....750
• Adding an IP Route.....754
• Adding an M3UA or SUA Association.....756
• Adding a New Association to a New Application
• Adding an Existing Association to a New
Application Server.....763
• Adding a New Association to an Existing
Application Server.....767
• Adding an Existing Association to an Existing
Application Server.....772
• Adding a Routing Key Containing an Application
• Adding a Network Appearance.....782
• Activating the Large MSU Support for IP
Signaling Feature.....785
• Removing an IPGWx Card.....789
• Removing an IPGWx Signaling Link.....790
• Removing a Mate IPGWx Linkset from another
IPGWx Linkset.....792
• Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPGWx
• Removing an IP Route.....797
• Removing a M3UA or SUA Association.....798
• Removing an Association from an Application

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 716

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

• Removing a Routing Key Containing an

Application Server.....801
• Removing a Network Appearance.....803
• Changing IP Options.....804
• Changing the Attributes of a M3UA or SUA
• Changing the Buffer Size of a M3UA or SUA
• Changing the Host Values of a M3UA or SUA
• Configuring SCTP Retransmission Control for a
M3UA or SUA Association.....823
• Changing an Application Server.....825
• Changing the CIC Values in an Existing Routing
Key Containing an Application Server.....827
• Changing the Routing Context Value in an
Existing Routing Key.....829
• Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option
for M3UA and SUA Associations.....831
• Changing a UA Parameter Set.....835
• Turning the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling
Feature Off.....836

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 717

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IPGWx Card

Note: Before executing this procedure, make sure you have purchased the ISUP-over-IP feature. If
you are not sure whether you have purchased the ISUP-over-IP feature, contact your Tekelec Sales
Representative or Account Representative.

Enter the rtrv-card

Note: See the Card Slot Selection section in
the “Adding an IPGWx Card” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual – IP7 Secure

Are the required

Enter the rtrv-shlf No unprovisioned card slots Yes
command. shown in the rtrv-card output?
See the Note.

Enter the ent-shlf command

with these parameters.
loc=<location of the shelf: Visually verify that
Have all the No 1200, 1300, 2100, 2200, the IP card has been
shelves been
2300, 3100, 3200, 3300, installed into the
4100, 4200, 4300, 5100, EAGLE 5 ISS.
5200, 5300, or 6100>
Yes :type=ext

This procedure Has the

No Yes
cannot be performed IP card been
as no card slots are installed?
available for the new

Insert the IP card into the

desired card location following
the rules described in the Card
Slot Selection section. This Has UAM No
section is in the “Adding an 0002 been
IPGWx Card” procedure in the generated?
Database Administration
Manual – IP7 Secure
Gateway. Yes

Perform the alarm

clearing procedure for
UAM 0002 in
the Unsolicited Alarm
Sheet 2
and Information
Messages manual to
clear the alarm.

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 718

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Is the Yes No
From Enter the rtrv-feat Is the IPISUP
ISUP-over-IP feature
Sheet 1 command. feature on?
to be used?

Enter the

Is the IP
card being provisioned No
To Sheet
in this procedure an 3
E5-ENET card?

Is the IP card
being provisioned in this Refer to "Configuring
Enter the the MFC Option"
procedure an E5-ENET-
rept-stat-gpl:gpl=hipr procedure to turn on
B card?
the MFC option.

Is the
Enter the rtrv-feat No
Are HIPR cards MFC option turned
Yes command. on?
installed in card locations
9 and 10 of the shelf containing
the E5-ENET card?

Enter the chg- No
Is the Fan
feat:fan=on feature turned
Enter the command. on?

Verify that the fans

have been installed
on the shelf
Are HIPR2 cards containing the
installed in card locations Yes
Refer to the Installation E5-ENET-B card.
9 and 10 of the shelf containing Manual and install the fans
the E5-ENET card? on the shelf containing the
E5-ENET-B card.
Note: The fans must be
Have the fans
No working properly
been installed?
before the E5-ENET-B
card can be placed in the
Refer to the Installation
Manual - EAGLE 5 ISS and
install the required HIPR or
HIPR2 cards.
To Sheet

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 719

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Which application IPGWI

From is being assigned to the
Sheet 2 card ?


Enter the
ent -card command with these
mandatory parameters .
:loc=<card location >
:type =dcm
:appl =ss 7ipgw

Enter the
Enter the
ent -card command with these
rtrv-card command with this
mandatory parameters .
parameter .
:loc=<card location >
:loc=<card loaction specified
:type =dcm
in the ent -card command >
:appl =ipgwi

Enter the
chg -db :action =backup :dest =fixed
command .

Perform the "Changing IP

Do you wish to Yes Options " procedure to change
change the quantity of
the quantity of static routing
static routing keys ?
keys .


This procedure is
finished .

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 198: Adding an IPGWx Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 720

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring an IPGWx Linkset

Enter the rtrv-tps Note: The maximum total

command. provisioned system TPS
cannot be increased beyond
750,000 TPS.

Will What is
configuring the IPGWx Yes the maximum total 750,000
linkset exceed the maximum provisioned system TPS
total provisioned system value? See the
TPS value? Note.

To add the linkset , one or more of

500,000 these actions must be performed.
The IP TPS values of some IPGWx
linksets will have to be changed.
The MAXSLKTPS values of some
IPSG linksets (and the
RSVDSLKTPS values if necessary)
Do you wish will have to be changed.
to change the maximum No
Some ATM high -speed signaling
total provisioned system links will have to be removed. An
TPS value? ANSI ATM high -speed signaling link
uses 1630 TPS. An ITU ATM high -
speed signaling link uses 2038
Yes TPS.
Remove an IPLIMx card that
Perform the “Activating the contains signaling links. An IPLIMx
HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature” card that contains signaling links
procedure to enable and turn on uses 4000 TPS.
the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
Enter the rtrv-ls
feature. When the HIPR2 High
Rate Mode feature is enabled
and turned on, the maximum
total provisioned system TPS
value is increased to 750,000.
Sheet 4
Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 721

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

None of the
From Actions This procedure
Sheets 1
cannot be performed.
or 3

Change the TPS

Which action Linksets
do you wish to
Sheet 3

Remove ATM
High-Speed Remove an
Signaling Links IPLIMx Card

Enter the rtrv-slk Enter the rtrv-slk

command with this command with this
parameter. parameter.
:type=saal :type=iplim

Are any Are any

No ATM high -speed IPLIMx signaling links No
signaling links shown in shown in the rtrv-slk
the rtrv-slk output? output?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Removing

Perform the “Removing an
an SS7 Signaling Link”
IPLIMx Card” procedure to
procedure to remove
remove an IPLIMX card and it
some ATM high -speed
associated signaling links.
signaling links.

Yes Do you wish No Enter the rtrv-ls

to perform other

Sheet 4

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 722

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Are any
linksets shown in
From Enter the rept-stat-iptps the rept-stat-iptps No
Sheet 2 command. output, other than the linkset
that is being changed?
See the Note. Note: If an existing
IPGWx linkset is being
changed in this
Yes procedure, this linkset
should not be changed
on this sheet. This
linkset will be changed
Enter the rtrv-ls command on Sheet 7.
with this parameter.
Are any linksets
No :lsn=<linkset name shown in
shown with the value
the rept-stat-iptps output>
yes in the IPGWAPC
column? Repeat this step for each
linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output.
Change the IP TPS
values of some or all the
existing IPGWx linksets
shown in the rtrv-ls
output with the chg-ls
command and these Are any
parameters. See the linksets shown with No
Note. the value yes in the
:lsn=<linkset name being IPSG column?
:iptps = <100 - 32000>
The iptps parameter Yes
Change the MAXSLKTPS
value must be divisible
values of the IPSG linksets
by 10.
(and RSVDSLKTPS values if
necessary) of some or all of Do you
the IPSG linkset shown in the wish to change
rtrv-ls output by performing Yes the MAXSLKTPS
one of these procedures as values on any of
necessary. the IPSG
“Changing an IPSG M2PA linksets?
“Changing an IPSG M3UA No

Yes Do you wish

to perform other

Sheet 2
Enter the rtrv-ls To
command. Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 7

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From Yes Is a new Yes
parameter to be specified
Sheets 1, linkset being
for the linkset? (See Notes
2, or 3 added?
1 and 2)


Sheet 5

No What value will the Yes

MULTGC parameter be
changed to?
ITU-N What type of
APC is assigned to
the linkset?
Does the rtrv-ls
Yes output show any ITU-N
ITU-I point codes with group

Does the
No linkset have more
than one ITU-N SAPC Enter the rtrv-feat
assigned? command.


Enter the
rtrv-rte:dpcn=<ITU-N Is the ITU
SAPC> command. To Yes National Duplicate Point
Sheet 5 Code feature on
(ITUDUPPC = on)?

No Is the SAPC the
DPC of a route?

Enter the
No Is the Mutiple
Yes chg-feat:mpc=on
Point Code feature on
(MPC = on)?
Perform the "Removing a
Route" procedure to
remove the route to the
Enter the
Sheet 5
Enter the
chg-ls command with these
parameters. Notes:
:lsn=<linkset name being
1. The application assigned to the signaling links in the
linkset must be IPGWI.
:sapcn=<ITU-N SAPC being
removed> 2. The multgc=yes parameter can only be specified for
:action=delete linksets with either an ITU-I or a 14-bit ITU-N APC.

Sheet 4 of 7

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Sheet 4

The APC of this

No Is a new Yes linkset cannot be
linkset being
shown in the rtrv-ls

Does the Will the

linkset have No APC of the linkset No To
ITU-N SAPCs be changed (See Sheet 7
assigned? the Note)?

Yes Yes

Enter the The APC of this

rtrv-rte:dpcn=<ITU-N linkset cannot be From
SAPC> command. shown in the rtrv-ls Sheet 6

Is the No Enter the rtrv-sid

SAPC the DPC of command.
a route?

Enter the rtrv-dstn

Yes command.

Perform the "Removing a

Route" procedure to
remove the route to the
Is the APC of the
new linkset or the new Yes To
APC of the linkset that is being
Sheet 6
Enter the changed shown in the
chg-ls command with these rtrv-dstn output?
:lsn=<linkset name being
:sapcn=<ITU-N SAPC being
Perform the “Adding a Destination
Point Code” procedure to add the
required point code to the database.
Note: If the adjacent point code is being To
The PRX=YES parameter cannot be
changed, the point code type of the new Sheet 7
specified for this point code and a
adjacent point code must be the same as proxy point code cannot be assigned
the current adjacent point code. to this point code.
For example, if the current adjacent point
code is an ITU-I point code, the new
adjacent point code must be an ITU-I
point code.

Sheet 5 of 7

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Enter the rtrv-dstn

command with this
What is the PRX Yes
From parameter.
parameter value shown in
Sheet 5 :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/
the previous step?
dpcn24=<APC value for
the linkset being added>
This point code cannot
No be used as the APC of
this linkset. Choose
another point code.
Enter the rtrv-rte command with
this parameter.
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<New Is a proxy point
APC for the linkset> code assigned to the Yes
point code displayed in
the previous step?

Is the APC of
the new linkset or the
No new APC of the linkset that Enter the rtrv-rtx command
is being changed shown in the with this parameter:
rtrv-rte output as the :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/
DPC of a route? dpcn24=<New APC for the


Is the APC of the

Do you wish to Yes new linkset or the new
choose another APC APC of the linkset that is being
for the linkset? changed shown in the
rtrv-trx output?

Sheet 5 Yes
Perform the “Removing a
Route” procedure to remove
all the entries shown in the
rtrv-rte output. Do you wish to Yes To
choose another APC
Sheet 5
for the linkset?

To No
Sheet 7

Perform the “Removing a

Route Exception Entry”
procedure to remove all the
entries shown in the rtrv-rtx

Sheet 6 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 726

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

From Is a new Yes Do you wish Yes Enter the rtrv-feat

Sheets 5 linkset being to use the IPISUP
or 6 added? feature?

No No

Is the IPISUP No
Change the existing IPGWx linkset with the chg-ls
command and with this mandatory parameter: feature on?
:lsn=<linkset name being changed>
and with at least one of these optional parameters. Yes Enter the
:apc/apca/apci/apcn/apcn24=<new adjacent point chg-feat
code shown in the rtrv-dstn output, but not shown in :ipisup=on
the rtrv-sid output> command.
:iptps = <100 - 32000>
The iptps parameter value must be divisible by 10, Add the IPGWx linkset with the ent-ls command
and cannot allow the total provisioned system TPS and these mandatory parameters.
value to exceed the value shown in the rtrv-tps :lsn=<linkset name, not shown in the rtrv-ls output
output on Sheet 1 or the increased value if the in the previous step>
“Activating the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature” :apc/apca/apci/apcn/apcn24=<adjacent point code
procedure was performed on Sheet 1. shown in the rtrv-dstn output, but not shown in the
:lsusealm = <10 - 100> rtrv-sid output>
:slkusealm = <10 - 100> :lst=<a, b, c, d, e>
:multgc=<yes, no> :ipgwapc=yes
:iptps = <100 - 32000>
Note: To specify the multgc=yes parameter, this
linkset can contain only signaling links running the The iptps parameter value must be divisible by 10,
IPGWI application. and cannot allow the total provisioned system TPS
value to exceed the value shown in the rtrv-tps
There are other optional parameters that can be
output on Sheet 1 or the increased value if the
specified with the chg-ls command. See the “Other
“Activating the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature”
Optional Parameters” section in the “Configuring
procedure was performed on Sheet 1.
an IPGWx Linkset” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – IP7 Secure Gateway for These optional parameters can also be specified to
the procedures that discuss these parameters and change the linkset and signaling link alarm
their usage. thresholds, and the multgc parameter value.
:lsusealm = <10 - 100>
:slkusealm = <10 - 100>
:multgc=<yes, no>
Note: Only signaling links running the IPGWI
Enter the rtrv-ls command
application can be assigned to an IPGWx linkset
with this parameter.
with the multgc=yes parameter.
:lsn=<linkset name specified
in the chg-ls command> There are other optional parameters that can be
specified with the ent-ls command. See the “Other
Optional Parameters” section in the “Configuring
an IPGWx Linkset” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – IP7 Secure Gateway for
the procedures that discuss these parameters and
their usage.

Enter the rtrv-ls command

Enter the
with this parameter.
:lsn=<linkset name specified
in the ent-ls command>

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 199: Configuring an IPGWx Linkset

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 727

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Mate IPGWx Linkset to another IPGWx Linkset

Enter the rept-stat-iptps


Are any entries Yes To

displayed? Sheet 2


Perform the “Configuring an

IPGWx Linkset” procedure in
this chapter to create two
IPGWx linksets.

Enter the chg-ls command with these

mandatory parameters:
:lsn=<the name of the linkset,
created in the previous step, that the
mate IPGWX linkset will be assigned From
to> Sheet 2
:matelsn=<the name of the linksets,
created in the previous step, that will
be the mate IPGWx linkset>

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter:
:lsn=<the linkset name that
was changed>

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 6

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Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter:
:lsn=<LSN shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output>

Does the linkset

Choose another
being changed have No
linkset from the
more than one signaling
rept-stat-iptps output


Do you
wish to use another Do you wish
IPGWx linkset from the to continue to change
rept-stat-iptps this linkset?

No Yes

Perform the “Removing an IPGWx

Signaling Link” procedure in this
chapter to remove all but one of the
signaling links from this linkset

Perform the “Configuring an Is the desired

IPGWx Linkset” procedure in mate linkset shown in Yes To
this chapter to add a new the rept-stat-iptps Sheet 3
IPGWx linkset output?


Perform the “Configuring an

Were two new
Yes IPGWx Linkset” procedure in
IPGWx linksets created
this chapter to add the new
on this sheet?
mate linkset

To No
Sheet 1 To
Sheet 4

Sheet 2 of 6

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Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-ls command

Choose another
with this parameter:
linkset from the
:lsn=<mate LSN shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output
rept-stat-iptps output>


Perform the
Do you
Does the APC “Configuring an
wish to use another
type of this linkset match No No IPGWx Linkset”
IPGWx linkset from the
the APC type of the linkset procedure in this
being changed? chapter to add the
new mate linkset


Does the mate No

linkset have more than
one signaling link?


Perform the “Removing an

IPGWx Signaling Link”
Do you wish Yes procedure in this chapter to
to continue to change
remove all but one of the
this linkset?
signaling links from this

Perform the
Do you
“Configuring an
wish to use another
No IPGWx Linkset” To
IPGWx linkset from the
procedure in this Sheet 4
chapter to add the
new mate linkset


Choose another
linkset from the
rept-stat-iptps output

Sheet 3 of 6

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Is a signaling link
assigned to the IPGWx
linkset, shown in the rtrv-ls No
Sheets 2
output on Sheet 2, that the mate
or 3
IPGWx Linkset is being
added to?


Enter the rept-stat-card command with this

:loc=<the card location of the signaling link
that is assigned to the IPGWx linkset
shown in the rtrv-ls output on Sheet 2>

Is the status Yes

of the card


Enter the rept-stat-slk command

with these parameters:
:loc=<the card location used in
the rept-stat-card command>

Is the status of
Yes To
the signaling link
Sheet 6

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 731

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Are the IP connections

on the IPGWx signaling link to
be placed out of service by the far end
From Yes
node for the IPGWx signaling link?
Sheet 4
Note: This is the recommended
method for placing the IP
connections out of service.

Place any in-service IP connections on the IPGWx

signaling link shown in the rept-stat-slk output on
Enter the No
Sheet 3 out of service.
rtrv-ip-lnk command with these
parameters: Have the far-end node for the signaling link place
:loc = <location of the signaling the M3UA or SUA associations in either the
link being taken out of service> ASP-INACTIVE or ASP-DOWN states.

Enter the
rtrv-ip-host command with this
Sheet 6
:ipaddr = <IP address shown in the
rtrv-ip-lnk output>

Enter the Enter the chg-assoc

rtrv-assoc command with this :aname=<association name>
parameter: :alw=no command.
:lhost = <local host name shown Repeat this step for all associations
in the rtrv-ip-host output> shown in the rtrv-assoc output
whose alw parameter values are

Enter the chg-assoc

Is the host name
Yes :aname=<association name>
assigned to any inservice
:open=no command.
or open associations?
Repeat this step for all associations
shown in the rtrv-assoc output
whose open parameter values are
No yes.

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 6

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Enter the dact-slk command with

Enter the inh-card command
these parameters:
From with this parameter:
:loc=<the card location used in the
Sheet 5 :loc=<the card location used
rept-stat-slk command on Sheet 4>
in the dact-slk command>
Sheet 4
Change the existing IPGWx linkset
with the chg-ls command and these
mandatory parameters:
:lsn=<linkset name being changed>
Enter the alw-card command with this
:matelsn = <mate linkset name>
:loc=<the card location used in the inh-card

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter: Enter the act-slk command with these
:lsn=<the linkset name that parameters:
was changed> :loc=<the card location used in the
dact-slk command>

Was a signaling Yes

link taken out of Were the alw
service? and open parameter values Yes
for any associations changed
on Sheet 5?


Have the far-end node for the Enter the chg-assoc

IPGWx signaling link put back into :aname=<association name>
service the IP connections that :open=yes:alw=yes
were placed out of service on command.
Sheet 5. Repeat this step for all
Have the far-end node place the associations whose open or
M3UA or SUA associations in the alw parameter values were
ASP-ACTIVE state. changed on Sheet 5.

Enter the

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 200: Adding a Mate IPGWx Linkset to another IPGWx Linkset

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 733

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IPGWx Signaling Link

Enter the rtrv-tbl-capacity


Will the addition

of the signaling link Yes
exceed the maximum number of
signaling links the EAGLE
5 ISS can have?

No What is the
maximum number of signaling 2800
links the EAGLE 5 ISS can

Less than

Perform the "Enabling the

Large System # Links
Controlled Feature"
procedure to enable the
desired quantity of
signaling links.

Enter the rtrv-slk This procedure cannot be

command performed. The EAGLE 5
ISS can contain a
maximum of 2800
signaling links.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 6

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Note: If the linkset that the signaling link will be

assigned to contains, or will contain, the
From multgc=yes parameter, the card containing the
Sheets 1 signaling link must have the IPGWI application
or 4 assigned to it.

Enter the rtrv-ls


Is the desired
linkset in the database?
(See Note 1)


Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this parameter:
:lsn=<the name of the linkset that the
signaling link is being assigned to>

Enter the
rtrv-card command

Is the
required card in the Yes
(See Note 2)


Perform the "Adding an

IPGWx Card" procedure to To
add the IPGWx card to the Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 6

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Sheet 2

Does the linkset

contain any IPGWx Yes To
signaling links? Sheet 4
(see Note 1)


What is the value

of the IPGWAPC


Does the
linkset contain any No To
other signaling links? Sheet 6
(See Note 2)


Perform the "Configuring

Perform the "Removing a Linkset
an IPGWx Linkset"
Containing SS7 Signaling Links"
procedure to add a new
procedure to remove the linkset
IPGWx linkset to the
from the database (See Note 3)

1. An IPGWx signaling link is a signaling link assigned to a card running either the
SS7IPGW or IPGWI applications.
2. An IPGWx linkset can contain only IPGWx signaling links.
3. The IPGWAPC=yes parameter, required for an IPGWx linkset, can be specified only
with the ent-ls command. To use this parameter for an existing linkset that has the
IPGWAPC=no parameter, the linkset must be removed, then re-entered with the
IPGWAPC=YES parameter.

Sheet 3 of 6

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Sheet 3

Does the
linkset have a mate No To
IPGWx linkset assigned? Sheet 5
(See the Notes)


Perform the "Removing a Mate

Do you IPGWx Linkset from another
wish to use this IPGWx Linkset" procedure to
linkset? remove the mate IPGWx


Perform the "Configuring an

IPGWx Linkset" procedure to To
add as new IPGWx linkset to Sheet 6
the database

1. An IPGWx linkset can contain only one IPGWx signaling link if the
IPGWx linkset has a mate IPGWx linkset assigned to it, or is the mate to an
IPGWx linkset.
2. If the IPGWx linkset is not the mate to another IPGWx linkset, or does not
have a mate IPGWx linkset assigned, the IPGWx linkset can contain up to 8
IPGWx signaling links.

Sheet 4 of 6

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Sheet 4

Enter the rept-stat-iptps


Enter the rtrv-ls command with this

:lsn=<the linkset name shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output>
This step is performed to verify if the
linkset that the signaling link will be
assigned to is the mate of another
IPGWx linkset.
Repeat this step until all the linksets
in the rept-stat-iptps output have
been displayed, or until you have Perform the
found that the linkset that the "Configuring an IPGWx
signaling link will be assigned to is Linkset" procedure to
the mate of another IPGWx linkset. add as new IPGWx
linkset to the database


Is this linkset Do you

the mate of another wish to use this
IPGWx linkset? linkset?


Perform the "Removing a Mate

IPGWx Linkset from another
IPGWx Linkset" procedure to
remove the mate IPGWx

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 6

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Sheets 3
or 5

Enter the ent-slk command. Use the IPGWx

Signaling Link Parameter Combinations table in
the “Adding an IPGWx Signaling Link” procedure Enter the rtrv-slk command with these
in the Database Administration Manual - IP7 parameters for each signaling link added
Secure Gateway as a guide to determine which with the ent-slk command.
parameters to specify with the ent-slk command. :loc=<card location specified in the
If adding the new signaling link will result in more ent-slk command>
than 700 signaling links in the database and the :link = <the link parameter value
OAMHCMEAS value in the rtrv-measopts output is specified in the ent-slk command>
on, the scheduled UI measurement reports will be

Enter the
rst-card:loc=<card location
specified in the ent-slk Yes Is the signaling
command> command for link the first link on the
each card that signaling links card?
were added to for the first

Enter the act-slk command with these

parameters for each signaling link added
with the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the link parameter value
specified in the ent-slk command>

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with

these parameters for each signaling link
added with the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the link parameter value
specified in the ent-slk command>

Enter the

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 201: Adding an IPGWx Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 739

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring an IP Link

Enter the
rtrv-ip-lnk command

Is the
ipaddr= parameter No
to be specified with the
chg-ip-lnk command?


Enter the
rtrv-ip-host command with
this parameter.

Is the current IP
address of the IP link No
shown in the rtrv-ip-host


Perform the "Removing an IP Enter the

Host" procedure in this rtrv-slk:loc=<card location of
chapter and remove the host the signaling link from the
assigned to the IP address rtrv-ip-lnk output> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card location
of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 740

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Sheet 1

Is the state of Yes

the signaling link


Enter the
dact-slk:loc=<card location of
the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card Enter the
location of the signaling link> rept-stat-card:loc=<card
:link=<signaling link assigned location> command
to the card> command

Is the state of Yes

the card


Enter the
location> command

Enter the
Sheet 3
location> command

Sheet 2 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 741

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Sheet 2

Are the ipaddr

or submask paramter No To
values being Sheet 6


Enter the
rtrv-ip-card command with
the loc value of the IP link
being changed

Is the IP address
No Yes To
being changed to a
Sheet 4
different network?

Enter the
Is the card
rtrv-ip-rte command with No
the loc values of the IP link
to an IP route?
being changed


Perform the "Removing an

IP Route" procedure to To
remove the IP route Sheet 5
assigned to the card

Sheet 3 of 9

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Sheet 3

No Does the defrouter Yes

parameter have a value

Does the
network portion of the
Yes defrouter parameter match the
network portion of the IP address
not being changed or the
new IP address?


Enter the Perform the "Configuring

rtrv-ip-rte command with an IP Card" procedure and
the loc values of the IP link change the IP address of
being changed the default router to

Is the card No
to an IP route?


Perform the "Removing an

IP Route" procedure and To
remove the IP route Sheet 5
assigned to the card

Sheet 4 of 9

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Sheets 3
or 4

Is a Class B IP
address to be specified for No
the new IP address of the IP


Enter the
rtrv-netopts command

Is error message Yes

E3967 displayed?


Choose values for the ipaddr and

submask parameters of the
IP link that do not produce the same
subnet address as these parameter values
shown in the rtrv-netopts output.
The subnet address resulting from the
ipaddr and submask parameter values of
the IP link cannot be the same as the
subnet address resulting from the PVN
or FCNB and FCNBMASK values shown
in the rtrv-netopts output.

Sheet 5 of 9

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Was a local
host removed on Sheet 1 Yes
Sheets 3
with the "Removing an IP
or 5
Host" procedure?


Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with the
lhost value shown in the
rtrv-ip-host output from Sheet 1

Does the
rtrv-assoc output show No
any associations assigned
to the local host?


What is the
value of the open


Perform one of these procedures to

change the open parameter value to
“Changing the Attributes of an M2PA
Sheet 7
Association” in Chapter 3.
“Changing the Attributes of an M3UA
or SUA Association” in this chapter.

Sheet 6 of 9

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Sheet 6

Enter the
chg-ip-lnk command with these mandatory
:loc=<card location of the link>
:port=<the ethernet interface on the card, A or B>
and with at least one of these optional
:ipaddr = <IP address>
:submask = <subnet mask of the IP interface>
:auto = <yes, no>
:duplex = <half, full>
Enter the
:speed = <10, 100>
rtrv-ip-lnk command with this
:mactype = <dix, 802.3>
(See Notes 1, 2, and 3)
:loc=<loc parameter value
specified in the previous step>

Was the state

To No
of the card changed on
Sheet 8
Sheet 2?

Enter the Yes

location> command

Enter the
Sheet 8
location> command

1. If either the ipaddr or submask parameters are specified, then both
parameters must be specified, unless the ipaddr= parameter is
specified, then the submask parameter is not required.
2. The ipaddr= parameter disables the IP link.
3. If the auto=yes parameter is specified, then the duplex and speed
parameters cannot be specified.

Sheet 7 of 9

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Sheet 7

Was the state

of the signaling link No
changed on
Sheet 2?


Enter the
act-slk:loc=<card location of
the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card Were the ipaddr or
location of signaling link> submask paramter
:link=<signaling link assigned values changed?
to the card> command

Enter the

Was the default

Yes router IP address
changed on
Sheet 4?

Perform the "Configuring an IP
Card" procedure in this chapter to
change the IP address of the
default router to an IP address
Sheet 9
whose network portion matches the
network portion of the new IP
address of the IP link

Sheet 8 of 9

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 8

Was an IP No
route removed on
Sheets 3 or 4?


Perform the "Adding an IP

Route" procedure and add
the IP route back to the

Yes Was the open

parameter value changed for
an association on Sheet 6?

Perform one of these procedures to No

change the open parameter value to
“Changing the Attributes of an M2PA
Association” in Chapter 3.
“Changing the Attributes of an M3UA
or SUA Association” in this chapter.

Enter the

Sheet 9 of 9
Figure 202: Configuring an IP Link

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IP Host

Enter the rtrv-ip-host

command with this

Enter the rtrv-ip-lnk


Enter the ent-ip-host command with

these parameters:
:host = <the hostname to be associated
with the IP address>
Is a local
No :ipaddr = <IP address to be associated
host being with the hostname>
configured? :type=remote
The IP address assigned to the remote
host cannot be shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk
Yes output.

Is the IP address Perform the “Changing an IP

for this local host shown in Link” procedure in this chapter
the rtrv-ip-lnk output? to add the IP address.

Enter the ent-ip-host command with
these mandatory parameters:
:host = <the hostname to be associated
with the IP address>
:ipaddr = <IP address to be associated
with the hostname>
and with this optional parameter:

Enter the rtrv-ip-host command

with this parameter:
:host = <the hostname specified
in the ent-ip-host command>

Enter the

Figure 203: Adding an IP Host

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 749

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring an IP Card

Enter the
rtrv-ip-card command

Enter the
rtrv-slk:loc=<card location of the
signaling link from rtrv-ip-card
output> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card location
of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Is the state of Yes

the signaling link


Enter the
dact-slk:loc=<card location of
the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
location of the signaling link>
Sheet 2
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Sheet 1 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the Is the state of

From No
rept-stat-card:loc=<card the card
Sheet 1
location> command OOS-MT-DSBLD?


Enter the Enter the

rept-stat-card:loc=<card inh-card:loc=<card
location> command location> command

Is the defrouter
parameter to be specified No
with the chg-ip-card


Does the network

Enter the
portion of the defrouter value
rtrv-ip-lnk command with this Yes To
and any of the IP addresses
parameter: Sheet 3
shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk output
:loc=<location of the IP card>


Choose a value for the

defrouter parameter so that the Do you wish to
network portion of the defrouter No change any of the IP Yes
parameter value matches one addresses shown in the
of the IP addresses shown in rtrv-ip-lnk output?
the rtrv-ip-lnk output.

Perform the "Configuring an IP Link"

procedure in this chapter to change
one of the IP addresses shown in the
To rtrv-ip-lnk output so that the network
Sheet 3 portion of the defrouter parameter
value matches one of the IP
addresses shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk

Sheet 2 of 4

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Sheet 2

Will the sctpcsum No

parameter value be


Enter the
rtrv-sg-opts command

What is the
current value of the
sctpcsum parameter shown
in the rtrv-sg-opts


Perform the “Changing the SCTP

Checksum Algorithm Option for M3UA
and SUA Associations” procedure in this
Sheet 4
chapter to change the system-wide SCTP
checksum algorithm to percard.

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Enter the Notes:

chg-ip-card:loc=<card location> command 1. Either the domain or rstdomain parameters can
with at least one of these parameters: be specified, but not both.
:srchordr = <local, srvr, srvronly>
:dsna = <IP address for domain server A> 2. The IP address of the Ethernet interface must be
:dsnb = <IP address for domain server B> shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk output before the defrouter
:domain = <domain name> parameter can be specified. The network portion of
:defrouter = <IP address of the default the IP address assigned to one of the Ethernet
router> Interfaces on the IP card must match the network
:rstdomain = <yes, no> portion of the default router's IP address.
:sctpcsum = <adler32, crc32c> 3. Specifying the IP address for the dsna or
(See Notes 1 through 4) dsnb parameters, removes the IP address for
Domain Server A (dsna) or Domain Server B
4. The sctpcsum parameter can be specified only if
Enter the
the SCTPCSUM value shown in the rtrv-sg-opts
rtrv-ip-card command with this
output is percard.
:loc = <the card location specified
with the chg-ip-card command>

Was the state Was the state

No No
of the card changed on of the signaling link
Sheet 1? changed on Sheet 1?


Enter the Enter the

alw-card:loc=<card dact-slk:loc=<card location of
location> command the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
rept-stat-card:loc=<card Enter the
location> command rept-stat-slk:loc=<card
location of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 204: Configuring an IP Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 753

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IP Route

Enter the Enter the

rtrv-ip-rte command rtrv-ip-card command

Perform the "Adding an

IPGWx Card" procedure in Is the required
this chapter to add the IP card in the
required IP card to the database?


Perform the "Changing an IP Card"

procedure in this chapter and make
Is a Class B IP
sure that the network portion of the
address to be specified
IP addresses assigned for the A or No
as the value for the dest
B interfaces is the same as the
parameter in the ent-ip-rte
network portion of the IP address
that will be assigned to the gtwy
parameter of the IP route


Enter the
Choose values for the dest and rtrv-netopts command
submask parameters of the
ent-ip-rte command that do not
produce the same subnet address as
these parameter values shown in the
rtrv-netopts output.
No Is error message
FCNB and FCNBMASK E3967 displayed?
The subnet address resulting from
the dest and submask parameter
values of the ent-ip-rte command
cannot be the same as the subnet Yes
address resulting from the PVN and
or FCNB and FCNBMASK values
shown in the rtrv-netopts output.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the
ent-ip-rte command with these parameters:
:loc=<IP card location>
:dest = <IP address of the remote host or
:submask = <subnet mask of the
destination IP address>
:gtwy = <IP address of the gateway or
(See Notes 1 through 4)

Enter the
rtrv-ip-rte:loc=<card location
specified in the ent-ip-rte
command> command

Enter the

1. The network portion of the IP address value of the gtwy
parameter must be the same as the network portion of the IP
addresses shown for either the A or B interfaces in the rtrv-ip-card
2. The value of the dest and gtwy parameters cannot the
127.x.x.x (the loopback address),, or the IP addresses of
the A or B interfaces on the IP card, and cannot be assigned to
another IP card.
3. There can be a maximum of 64 IP routes assigned to an IP
4. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 1024 IP routes.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 205: Adding an IP Route

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an M3UA or SUA Association

Enter the Note: The IP link is shown by the entries

rtrv-assoc command in the CARD LOC and IPLINK PORT
columns. The ADAPTER value of the
association must be M3UA or SUA.

Is the required
IP link shown in the No To
rtrv-assoc output? (See Sheet 2
the Note)

Yes Are SUA

associations Yes
assigned to the IP
Enter the
rtrv-slk command with this No
:loc= <card location from the
rtrv-assoc output>

What is the SS7IPGW,

value in the TYPE IPGWI To
column of the rtrv-slk Sheet 3


The links and host assigned to

this card cannot be used in this

Do you wish to Perform the “Configuring an

use the card shown in the Yes IPSG M3UA Association”
rtrv-slk output to configure an procedure in Chapter 6 of this
M3UA association? manual.


Choose another card from the

rtrv-assoc output whose
adapter value is M3UA or SUA.

Sheet 1 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

From 1. The IP address of the IP link should be assigned
Sheet 1 to the host name, shown in the rtrv-ip-host output,
that will be assigned to the association.
2. The values of the lhost and alhost parameters
must be in the LOCAL HOST column in the
Enter the rtrv-ip-host output.
rtrv-ip-lnk command

Perform the "Changing an

Is the required No IP Link" procedure in this
IP link in the IP Link
chapter and add the
required IP link


Enter the
rtrv-ip-host command with
this parameter.

Is the required
host name shown in the Yes
rtrv-ip-host output? (See
Notes 1 and 2)


Perform the "Adding an IP

Host" procedure in this To
chapter and add the Sheet 3
required host name

Sheet 2 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Was a new
No Yes
host name added on
Sheet 2?

Enter the rtrv-assoc command

with this parameter:
:lhost=<local host name that
will be assigned to the new

Is the available
buffer size of the card Yes
that the association will be
assigned to 16
or greater?

No To
Sheet 4

Do you wish to
change the buffer size
of any of the associations
currently assigned to
the card?

The new association

cannot be added. Yes

Perform the “Changing the Buffer Size of an

M3UA or SUA Association” procedure and
change the buffer size of the associations
assigned to the card to allow the new
association to be added to the card.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Enter the
ent-assoc command with these
mandatory parameters:
:aname=<association name>
:lhost = <local host name from the
rtrv-ip-host output>
and with at least one of these optional
parameters: No
Is the association
:lport = <local port ID>
to be activated?
:rhost = <remote host name>
:rport = <remote port ID>
:link = <the signaling link from the
rtrv-slk output> Yes
:adapter = <m3ua, sua>
:alhost = <alternate local host name from
the rtrv-ip-host output> Enter the chg-assoc
(See the Notes) :aname=<association name>

Enter the Enter the rtrv-assoc

chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed :aname=<association name>
command command

1. The B Ethernet interface can be used with single-slot EDCMs or E5-ENET cards.
2. Each local host on an IPGWx card can contain a maximum of 50 connections
(association – application server assignments).
3. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 4000 connections (association – application
server assignments).
4. The value of the lhost, rhost, or alhost parameters is a text string of up to 60 characters,
with the first character being a letter. The command line on the terminal can contain up to
150 characters. If the host names are too long to fit on the ent-assoc command line, perform
the chg-assoc command with the parameters and values necessary to complete the entry of
the M3UA or SUA association.
5. If the new association is to be activated in this procedure with the chg-assoc command,
the association must contain values for the lhost, rhost, lport, and rport parameters.
6. If the lhost and alhost are specified, the lhost parameter value represents the IP address
corresponding to one of the network interfaces (A or B) on the IP card while the alhost
parameter value represents the IP address corresponding to the other network interface of
the same IP card.
7. The default value for the adapter parameter is m3ua.
8. The port parameter can be used in place of the link parameter to specify the signaling link
assigned to the association.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 206: Adding an IPGWx M3UA or SUA Association

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a New Association to a New Application Server

Enter the rtrv-as


Enter the rtrv-assoc

From command
Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-ip-host

command with this

Is the IP host for

the new association Yes Enter the rtrv-ip-lnk
shown in the rtrv-ip-host command


Perform the "Adding an IP Host"

procedure in this chapter and add
the desired IP host to the

Enter the rtrv-card command

To with this parameter:
Sheet 3 :loc = <the location of the card, shown
in the rtrv-ip-lnk output, whose IP
address is assigned to the desired IP

This IP host cannot be used

for the association that will Is the IPSG
be assigned to the application assigned
application server. Choose to the card?
another IP host.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

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Sheet 1

Note: An association can be assigned to more than

Enter the one application server.
rtrv-assoc command with this Each association and application server combination
parameter: is referred to as an association - application server
:lhost<local host value from assignment.
the rtrv-ip-host output>

Enter the How many

rtrv-as command with this parameter: association - application Less than
:aname<association name from the server assignments reference the 50
rtrv-assoc output> local host value shown in the
Repeat this step for each association rtrv-ip-host output on
displayed in the rtrv-assoc output. Sheet 1? (See Note)


Do you wish to use

Go to Sheet 1 and select
another IP Host shown in Yes
another IP host from the
the rtrv-ip-host output on
rtrv-ip-host output
Sheet 1?

No Sheet 1

This local host value cannot be used

for this association.
Perform the "Adding an IP Host"
Sheet 3
procedure in this chapter and add the
desired IP host to the database.

Sheet 2 of 3

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

From Notes:
Sheets 1
1. M2PA associations cannot be assigned to an application
or 2
2. If the application server is being added in this procedure
will be assigned to a routing key containing a rcontext
parameter value, the adapter parameter value for the
Perform the “Adding an M3UA or
association assigned to this application server can be
SUA Association” procedure in this
either M3UA or SUA.
chapter and add the new
association. The open parameter 3. If the application server is being added in this procedure
value for this association must be set will be assigned to a routing key that does not contain a
to no. (See the Notes) rcontext parameter value, the adapter parameter value for
the association assigned to this application server must be
4. SUA associations and their corresponding application
Enter the ent-as command with these
server, can be assigned to only these types of routing keys:
:asname = <the new application server Full routing key – DPC/SI=3/SSN
name> Partial routing key – DPC/SI=3
:aname = <the name of the association
Partial routing key – DPC only
created in the previous step>
Partial routing key – SI=3 only
Default routing key.
The routing key containing the application server with the
Enter the rtrv-as command with
SUA associations must have an rcontext value assigned
this parameter:
to it.
:asname=<the application server
name specified in the ent-as If the new application server will not be assigned to one of
command> these types of routing keys, the adapter parameter value
of the associations assigned to the application server
must be M3UA.
5. The application of the card containing the signaling link
assigned to the association is either SS7IPGW or IPGWI.

Do you wish to
change the open parameter No
value of the association
assigned to the application


Enter the
chg-assoc command with these Enter the
parameters: chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
:aname=<association name> command

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 207: Adding a New Association to a New Application Server

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 762

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Existing Association to a New Application Server

Enter the rtrv-as


Is the association being

From Yes
added to the application server
Sheet 2
shown in the rtrv-as output?

Enter the rtrv-assoc command with

this parameter:
No :aname=<association name shown
in the rtrv-as output that will be
added to the new application
Enter the rtrv-assoc server>
command with this (See the Notes on Sheet 4)

Does the association

meet the routing key No
requirements shown in the
Is the association being notes on Sheet 4?
added to the application server
shown in the rtrv-assoc output? Yes
(See the Notes on Sheet 4 for the routing
Choose another
key requirements that apply to the Yes association
Enter the rtrv-card
with this parameter:
Sheet 2
No :loc = <the location of the
card containing the
association that is shown in
the rtrv-assoc output>

Perform the "Adding a New Is the IPSG Yes

Association to a New Application application assigned to
Server" procedure in this chapter to the card?
add a new association to the new
application server.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

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Sheet 1

Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this
:lhost<local host value from
the rtrv-assoc output>

Enter the Note: An association can be assigned to

rtrv-as command with this parameter: more than one application server.
:aname<association name from the Each association and application server
rtrv-assoc output> combination is referred to as an
Repeat this step for each association association - application server
displayed in the rtrv-assoc output. assignment.

How many
association - application This association cannot be assigned
server assignments reference the 50 this application server.
local host value shown in the Go back to Sheet 1 and choose
rtrv-assoc output? another association.
(See Note)

Less than
To To
Sheet 3 Sheet 1

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 764

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Sheet 1

Enter the chg-assoc command with

What is the current value these parameters:
of the open parameter of the Yes :aname=<the name of the
association that will be assigned to association being added to the
the application server? application server>


Enter the ent-as command with these

:asname = <the name of the new
application server>
:aname = <the name of the association
shown in the rtrv-as or rtrv-assoc
outputs on Sheet 1>
(See the Notes on Sheet 4)

Enter the rtrv-as command with

this parameter:
:asname=<the application server
name specified in the ent-as

Enter the
Do you wish to change the chg-assoc command with these
value of the open parameter of the Yes parameters:
association that was assigned to :aname=<the name of the association
the application server? specified in the ent-as command>

No Enter the

Sheet 3 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

1. If the application server is being added in this procedure will be assigned to a routing key
containing a rcontext parameter value, the adapter parameter value for the association assigned to
this application server can be either M3UA or SUA.
2. If the application server is being added in this procedure will be assigned to a routing key that
does not contain a rcontext parameter value, the adapter parameter value for the association
assigned to this application server must be M3UA.
3. SUA associations and their corresponding application server, can be assigned to only these types
of routing keys:
Full routing key – DPC/SI=3/SSN
Partial routing key – DPC/SI=3
Partial routing key – DPC only
Partial routing key – SI=3 only
Default routing key.
The routing key containing the application server with the SUA associations must have an rcontext
value assigned to it.
If the new application server will not be assigned to one of these types of routing keys, the adapter
parameter value of the associations assigned to the application server must be M3UA.
4. M2PA associations cannot be assigned to application servers .

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 208: Adding an Existing Association to a New Application Server

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 766

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a New Association to an Existing Application Server

Enter the rtrv-as


Enter the rtrv-as command with this

:asname=<the name of the application
server that the association will be added to>
Note: A maximum of 16 associations can be
assigned to an application server.

How many Less

associations are assigned than16 To
to the application Sheet 2


Do you wish to
use another application Yes
server shown in the rtrv-as


Perform the "Adding a New

Association to a New Application
Server" procedure in this chapter
and add the new association to a
new application server.

Sheet 1 of 5

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Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-asssoc command with this

:aname=<the name of one of the
associations assigned to the application
This step identifies the adapter value for
each association.
The adapter value for all the associations
assigned to an application server must be
the same.

Enter the rtrv-slk command with this

:loc=<card location from the
rtrv-assoc output>

The new association must be

assigned to a card running the same
application shown in the rtrv-slk

Is the local IP host

shown in the rtrv-assoc output Yes To
to be assigned to the new Sheet 4


Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 768

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Sheets 2
or 4

Enter the rtrv-ip-host command

with this parameter.

Is the IP host for

the new association No
shown in the rtrv-ip-host

Yes Perform the "Adding an IP Host"

procedure in this chapter and add
Enter the rtrv-ip-lnk the desired IP host to the
command database.
The IP host must be assigned to a
card running the same application
as the card shown in the rtrv-slk
Enter the rtrv-slk command with this output on Sheet 2.
:loc=<card location from the rtrv-ip-lnk
output that has the IP address
assigned to the lhost value specified
Sheet 5
in the rtrv-ip-host command>


Are the card Do you wish to

applications shown in both No use another IP host that is Yes
rtrv-slk outputs the configured in the
same? database?

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 769

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Sheets 2
or 3

Note: An association can be assigned to more than

one application server.
Enter the Each association and application server combination
rtrv-assoc command with this is referred to as an association - application server
parameter: assignment.
:lhost<local host value that will be
assigned to the new association>

Enter the How many

rtrv-as command with this parameter: association - application Less than
:aname<association name from the server assignments reference the 50
rtrv-assoc output> local host value shown in the
Repeat this step for each association rtrv-assoc output?
displayed in the rtrv-assoc output. (See Note)


Do you wish to
Go to Sheet 3 and select
use another IP host that is Yes
another IP host from the
configured in the
rtrv-ip-host output

Sheet 3
Perform the "Adding an IP Host" procedure in
this chapter and add the desired IP host to the
database. To
The IP host must be assigned to a card running Sheet 5
the same application as the card shown in the
rtrv-slk outputs on Sheets 2 and 3.

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 770

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 3 1. M2PA associations cannot be assigned to an application
or 4 server.
2. If the application server is being added in this procedure
will be assigned to a routing key containing a rcontext
parameter value, the adapter parameter value for the
Perform the “Adding an M3UA or SUA association assigned to this application server can be
Association” procedure in this chapter either M3UA or SUA.
and add the new association. The open 3. If the application server is being added in this procedure
parameter value for this association must will be assigned to a routing key that does not contain a
be set to no. The adapter value for this rcontext parameter value, the adapter parameter value for
association must be the same as the the association assigned to this application server must be
adapter value for the other associations M3UA.
assigned to the application server.
4. SUA associations and their corresponding application
(See the Notes)
server, can be assigned to only these types of routing keys:
Full routing key – DPC/SI=3/SSN
Enter the ent-as command with these Partial routing key – DPC/SI=3
parameters: Partial routing key – DPC only
:asname = <the name of the application
Partial routing key – SI=3 only
:aname = <the name of the association Default routing key.
created in the previous step> The routing key containing the application server with the
SUA associations must have an rcontext value assigned
to it.
If the new application server will not be assigned to one of
Enter the rtrv-as command with
these types of routing keys, the adapter parameter value
this parameter:
of the associations assigned to the application server
:asname=<the application server
must be M3UA.
name specified in the ent-as
command> 5. The application of the card containing the signaling link
assigned to the association is either SS7IPGW or IPGWI.

Do you wish to
change the open parameter No
value of the association
assigned to the application


Enter the
chg-assoc command with these Enter the
parameters: chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
:aname=<association name> command

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 209: Adding a New Association to an Existing Application Server

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 771

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Existing Association to an Existing Application Server

Enter the rtrv-as


Enter the rtrv-as command with this

:asname=<the name of the application
server that the association will be added to>
Note: A maximum of 16 associations can be
assigned to an application server.

How many Less

associations are assigned than16 To
to the application Sheet 2


Do you wish to
use another application Yes
server shown in the rtrv-as


Perform the "Adding an Existing

Association to a New Application
Server" procedure in this chapter
and add the association to a new
application server.

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 772

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1,
3, or 4

Is the association being

added to the application server Yes
shown in the rtrv-as output on
Sheet 1?

Enter the rtrv-asssoc command with this

No :aname=<the name of one of the
associations assigned to the application
Enter the rtrv-asssoc server>
command This step identifies the adapter value for
each association.
The adapter value for all the associations
assigned to an application server must be
the same.

Is the association being

added to the application server Yes
shown in the rtrv-assoc Enter the rtrv-slk command with this
output? parameter:
:loc=<card location from the
rtrv-assoc output>

The association being assigned to the
Perform the "Adding a New application server must be assigned to a
Association to an Existing card running the same application shown
Application Server" procedure in this in the rtrv-slk output.
chapter to add a new association to
this application server.

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 773

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Enter the rtrv-asssoc command with this

From :aname=<the name of the association being
Sheet 2 assigned to the application server from the
rtrv-as output (Sheet 1) or the rtrv-assoc
output (Sheet 2)>

Is the adapter value

of the association displayed
in the previous step the same as the No
adapter value of the associations
assigned to the application
Go back to Sheet 2 and
select another association


Is the lhost value

Enter the rtrv-slk command with this for the association shown
parameter: No in the previous step the same as
:loc=<card location from the the lhost value shown in the
rtrv-assoc output> rtrv-assoc output on
Sheet 2?


Are the card

applications shown in both Yes To
rtrv-slk outputs the Sheet 4


Go back to Sheet 2 and To

select another association Sheet 2

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 774

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Sheet 3

Enter the Note: An association can be assigned to more than

rtrv-assoc command with this one application server.
parameter: Each association and application server combination
:lhost<local host value from is referred to as an association - application server
the association being added assignment.
to this application server>

Enter the How many

rtrv-as command with this parameter: association - application Less than
:aname<association name from the server assignments reference the 50
rtrv-assoc output> local host value specified in the
Repeat this step for each association rtrv-assoc command on this
displayed in the rtrv-assoc output. sheet? (See Note)
Sheet 5
Do you wish
to use another This association cannot
association from another be assigned to the
application server? application server.

Go to Sheet 2 and select Perform the "Adding a New

another association from No Association to an Existing
the rtrv-as output on Application Server" procedure in
Sheet 1 this chapter to add a new
association to this application

Sheet 2

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 775

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Sheet 4

What is the open Enter the

parameter value of the chg-assoc command with
association (shown in the Yes these parameters:
rtrv-assoc output on Sheet 3) :aname=<association
being added to the name>
application server? :open=no


Enter the ent-as command with these

:asname = <the name of the application
:aname = <the name of the association
from the rtrv-assoc output on Sheet 3>

Enter the rtrv-as command with

this parameter:
:asname=<the application server
name specified in the ent-as

Do you wish to
change the open parameter No
value of the association
assigned to the application


Enter the
chg-assoc command with these Enter the
parameters: chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
:aname=<association name> command

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 210: Adding an Existing Application to an Existing Application Server

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 776

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Routing Key Containing an Application Server

Enter the rtrv-appl-rtkey


Does the
Is a default Yes rtrv-appl-rtkey output Yes
routing key to be
contain a default
routing key?

No The database can contain

No only one default routing key.
Another default routing key
Enter the
cannot be added.
rtrv-as command
Add either a full or partial
routing key with the desired
application server.

Enter the
Is the rtrv-appl-rtkey command with these
required application Yes parameters:
server in the :asname=<application server name
database? to be assigned to the routing key>


Perform one of these adding application server

procedures (see Note) in this chapter and add Is the rcontext
the new application server. parameter to be specified No
If the rcontext parameter will not be specified for the new routing
for the routing key, make sure that the adapter key?
parameter value for the associations assigned
to the new application server is M3UA.
If the rcontext parameter will be specified for
the routing key, make sure that the open
parameter value of the associations is set to
no. The adapter parameter value of these
associations can be either SUA or M3UA. Is the application
Yes No
SUA associations, and their corresponding server assigned to other
application server, can be assigned to only routing keys?
these types of routing keys, with these values:
Full routing key - DPC/SI=3/SSN
Partial Routing Key - DPC/SI=3 To
Sheet 2
Partial routing key - DPC only
Partial routing key - SI=3 only
Note: The adding application server procedures are:
Default routing key
Adding a New Association to a New Application Server
Adding an Existing Association to a New Application Server
Adding a New Association to an Existing Application Server
Adding an Existing Association to an Existing Application Server.

Sheet 1 of 5

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Sheet 1

Was a new
application server added
on Sheet 1?


Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this
Is the rcontext
parameter to be specified No To
:aname=<association name>.
for the new routing key? Sheet 3
Repeat this step for each
(See Notes)
association name shown in the
rtrv-as output on Sheet 1.


Enter the
chg-assoc command with these parameters
:aname=<association name>
What is the open=no
open parameter value for the Yes Repeat this step for each association
associations shown in the assigned to the application server.
rtrv-assoc output? Caution: The IP connections using the
associations specified in this step will not be
able to carry any traffic when the open
parameter is changed to no.

Sheet 3

1. If the adapter parameter value for the application server is SUA , and a new application
server is specified for the routing key, the rcontext parameter is required.
2. If the adapter parameter value for the application server is M3UA, and a new application
server is specified for the routing key, the rcontext parameter is optional.
3. If the application server is assigned to other routing keys, the rcontext parameter cannot
be specified for this routing key. An application server can be assigned to only one routing
key that contains an rcontext parameter value.

Sheet 2 of 5

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From Is a default routing Yes To

Sheet 2 key being added? Sheet 5


Are ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N spare point Yes
codes shown in the rtrv-appl-rtkey
output on Sheet 1?


Are ITU-I or
14-bit ITU-N spare point No
codes to be assigned to
the routing key?


Enter the

Is the ITU
National and International Yes
Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National and

International Spare Point Code Support
Feature" procedure in the Database To
Administration Manual - SS7 to enable the Sheet 4
ITU National and International Spare Point
Code Support feature.

Sheet 3 of 5

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Sheet 3

Enter the
rept-ip-iptps command

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this
:lsn=<linkset name from the
rept-stat-iptps output>.
Perform this step for all the linksets
shown in the rept-stat-iptps output.

Is the DPC of the

Choose a DPC for the routing
routing key shown as the Yes key that is not the APC of an
DPC of any IPGWx linkset or
IPGWx linkset or the SAPC
an SAPC assigned to any
assigned to an IPGWx linkset.
IPGWx linkset?

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 780

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Sheets 3
or 4

Is a default No Is the SI value Yes Enter the

routing key being
to be 4, 5, or 13? rtrv-feat command

Yes No

Enter the Yes Is the IPISUP

ent-appl-rtkey command with the feature on?
parameter combinations shown in
the Routing Key Parameter
Combinations for Adding a Routing
Key Containing an Application No
Server table in this procedure,
depending on the type of routing Enter the
key being added. chg-feat:ipisup=on

Enter the rtrv-appl-rtkey

command with the routing key Was the open
parameters specified in the parameter value of the No
ent-appl-rtkey command (dpc, si, associations assigned to this
opc, cics, cice, ssn, asname, routing key changed
type, and rcontext, as applicable) on Sheet 2?
with the display=all parameter.


Enter the
chg-assoc command with these
parameters Enter the
:aname=<association name> chg-db:action=backup
open=yes :dest-fixed command
Repeat this step for each association
that was changed on Sheet 2.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 211: Adding a Routing Key Containing an Application Server

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Network Appearance

Enter the
rtrv-na command

Is the gc parameter Yes Enter the rtrv-sid

to be specified? command


Is the desired gc
parameter value shown in
the rtrv-sid output?


Enter the rtrv-spc


Is the desired gc
parameter value shown in
the rtrv-spc output?


Perform the “Adding a Secondary

Point Code” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7 and add a
Sheet 2
secondary point code to the database
with the desired group code value.

Sheet 1 of 3

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Is the ituis or
From No
ituns parameters
Sheet 1
to be specified?


Are ITU-I spare

or 14-bit ITU-N spare
network appearances are shown
in the rtrv-na output
on Sheet 1?


Was the rtrv-sid Are spare point

Yes Yes
command executed on codes shown in the
Sheet 1? rtrv-sid output?

No No

Enter the

Is the ITU
National and International Yes
Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National

and International Spare Point Code Support
Feature" procedure in the Database To
Administration Manual - SS7 to enable the Sheet 3
ITU National and International Spare Point
Code Support feature.

Sheet 2 of 3

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Sheet 2

Enter the Notes:

ent-na command with these mandatory 1. The group code value (gc) must be shown in
parameters: the rtrv-sid or rtrv-spc output.
:na=<0 - 4294967295> 2. The gc parameter can be specified with the
:type = <ansi, itui, itun, itun24, ituis, ituns> type=itun or type=ituns parameters, but cannot
and this optional parameter: be specified with the type=ansi, type=itui,
:gc = <group code for 14-bit ITU-N point type=ituis or type=itun24 parameters.
codes or 14-bit ITU-N spare point codes>
(See Notes 1 through 4) 3. If group codes are shown in the rtrv-sid or
rtrv-spc outputs, the gc parameter must be
specified with the type=itun or type=ituns

Enter the 4. The type=ituis or type=ituns parameters can

rtrv-na command be specified only if the ITU National and
International Spare Point Code Support feature
is enabled.

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 212: Adding a Network Appearance

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the Large MSU

No To
Support for IP Signaling
Sheet 2
feature enabled?


Is the status
The Large MSU Support for IP
of the Large MSU On Signaling feature is enabled and
Support for IP Signaling
turned on. No further action is
feature on
or off?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

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Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


Sheet 3

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
feature with a quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is the default entry
for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control
shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 4

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Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
From 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
Sheet 2 in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4

Is the EAGLE 5 Yes

ISS's serial number

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Enter the ent-serial-num
Center to get the correct serial
command with this parameter:
number entered into the
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
database. Refer to the
serial number>
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<Large MSU Support for IP Signaling feature
access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the
Large MSU Support for IP Signaling feature,
contact your Tekelec sales representative or
account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 213: Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 788

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IPGWx Card

Enter the rtrv-card


The card being removed in this

procedure must be running the
SS7IPGW or IPGWI applications.
Select one of these cards.

Perform the “Removing an IPGWx Signaling Enter the dlt-card command with
Link” procedure in this chapter and remove this parameter:
the signaling link assigned to the card being :loc=<location of the card being
removed. removed>

Enter the rtrv-card command with

this parameter:
:loc=<card location from the
previous step>

Enter the

Figure 214: Removing an IPGWx Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 789

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IPGWx Signaling Link

Enter the
rtrv-slk command.

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this What is the A, B, D,
parameter. linkset type of the linkset E, or PRX
:lsn=<the name of the linkset that displayed in the previous
contains the signaling link that is step?
being removed>

Enter the
rtrv-ss7opts command.

What is the Off



When the signaling

link is removed, will the
Yes number of signaling links in the No
linkset be less than the
TFATCABMLQ value of the
linkset ?

Enter the chg-ls command

Do you wish with these parameters.
to change the Yes :lsn=<the name of the linkset To
TFATCABMLQ value for that contains the signaling Sheet 2
the linkset to 0? link that is being removed>


The signaling link cannot be

removed. The remainder of
this procedure cannot be

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 790

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Place out of service any in-service IP connections Enter the

on the IPGWx signaling link being removed. rtrv-ip-lnk command with this
Have the far-end node for the signaling link place parameter.
Sheet 1
the M3UA or SUA associations in either the :loc = <location of the signaling
ASP-INACTIVE or ASP-DOWN states. link being removed>

Enter the Enter the

rtrv-assoc command with this rtrv-ip-host command with this
parameter. parameter.
:lhost = <local host name shown :ipaddr = <IP address shown in the
in the rtrv-ip-host output> rtrv-ip-lnk output>

Enter the chg-assoc command

with these parameters.
:aname=<association name>
Is the host name Yes :open=no
assigned to any inservice :alw=no
or open associations? Repeat this step for all
associations shown in the
rtrv-assoc output whose open or
alw parameter values are yes.

Enter the dact-slk command

with these parameters.
:loc=<location of the signaling link>

Enter the
Enter the rmv-card
Enter the rept-stat-slk command rept-stat-card
command with this
with these parameters. command with this
:loc=<location of the signaling link> parameter.
:loc=<location of the
:link=a :loc=<location of the
signaling link>
signaling link>

Enter the dlt-slk command with

these parameters. No Is the signaling
:loc=<location of the signaling link> link the last signaling
:link=a link on the linkset?
See the Note.


Note: If removing the signaling

Enter the dlt-slk command with
Enter the rtrv-slk command with link will result in 700 or less
these parameters.
these parameters. signaling links in the database
:loc=<location of the signaling link>
:loc=<location specified in the and the OAMHCMEAS value in
dlt-slk command> the rtrv-measopts output is on,
:link=a the scheduled UI measurement
See the Note.
reports will be enabled.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 215: Removing an IPGWx Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 791

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a Mate IPGWx Linkset from another IPGWx Linkset

Enter the rept-stat-iptps


Are any entries No



Enter the rtrv-ls command with

this parameter:
:lsn=<LSN shown in the LSN
column of the rept-stat-iptps
Repeat this step for each linkset
shown in the rept-stat-iptps

This procedure cannot be

Do any linksets
performed. There are no
contain a value in the No
IPGWx linksets or IPGWx
MATELSN column of the
linksets with mate IPGWx
rtrv-ls output?
linksets in the database.


Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 792

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Is a signaling link
assigned to the mate linkset,
From No
shown in the rtrv-ls output on
Sheet 1
Sheet 1, that is being


Enter the rept-stat-card command with this

:loc=<the card location of the signaling link
that is assigned to the mate linkset that is
being removed, shown in the rtrv-ls output
on Sheet 1>

Is the status Yes

of the card


Enter the rept-stat-slk command

with these parameters:
:loc=<the card location used in
the rept-stat-card command>

Is the status of
Yes To
the signaling link
Sheet 4

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 793

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Are the IP connections

on the IPGWx signaling link to
be placed out of service by the far end
From Yes
node for the IPGWx signaling link?
Sheet 2
Note: This is the recommended
method for placing the IP
connections out of service.

Place any in-service IP connections on the IPGWx

signaling link shown in the rept-stat-slk output on
Enter the No
Sheet 3 out of service.
rtrv-ip-lnk command with these
parameters: Have the far-end node for the signaling link place
:loc = <location of the signaling the M3UA or SUA associations in either the
link being taken out of service> ASP-INACTIVE or ASP-DOWN states.

Enter the
rtrv-ip-host command with this
Sheet 4
:ipaddr = <IP address shown in the
rtrv-ip-lnk output>

Enter the Enter the chg-assoc

rtrv-assoc command with this :aname=<association name>
parameter: :alw=no command.
:lhost = <local host name shown Repeat this step for all associations
in the rtrv-ip-host output> shown in the rtrv-assoc output
whose alw parameter values are

Enter the chg-assoc

Is the host name
Yes :aname=<association name>
assigned to any inservice
:open=no command.
or open associations?
Repeat this step for all associations
shown in the rtrv-assoc output
whose open parameter values are
No yes.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 794

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Enter the dact-slk command with

Enter the inh-card command
these parameters:
From with this parameter:
:loc=<the card location used in the
Sheet 3 :loc=<the card location used
rept-stat-slk command on Sheet 2>
in the dact-slk command>
Sheet 2
Change the existing IPGWx linkset
with the chg-ls command and these
mandatory parameters:
:lsn=<linkset name being changed>
Enter the alw-card command with this
:matelsn = <mate linkset name>
:loc=<the card location used in the inh-card

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter: Enter the act-slk command with these
:lsn=<the linkset name that parameters:
was changed> :loc=<the card location used in the dact-slk

Was a signaling Yes

link taken out of Were the alw
service? and open parameter values Yes
for any associations changed
on Sheet 3?


Have the far-end node for the Enter the chg-assoc

IPGWx signaling link put back into :aname=<association name>
service the IP connections that :open=yes:alw=yes
were placed out of service on command.
Sheet 3. Repeat this step for all
Have the far-end node place the associations whose open or
M3UA or SUA associations in the alw parameter values were
ASP-ACTIVE state. changed on Sheet 3.

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 216: Removing a Mate IPGWx Linkset from another IPGWx Linkset

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 795

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPGWx Card

Enter the rtrv-ip-host Is the host Remote Host

command with this name shown a local Name
parameter. host name or a remote
:display=all host name?

Local Host
Enter the rtrv-ip-lnk Name
Enter the rtrv-assoc
command with this
Enter the rtrv-card :lhost=<host name being
command removed in this procedure>

Select an IP host that is

assigned to an IPGWx Is the host name
card. No
shown in the rtrv-assoc


Remove all the

associations referencing
the host name by Do you wish to
performing the "Removing remove the
an M3UA or SUA associations?
Association" procedure in
this chapter.

Change the local host name for the

associations referencing the host name
being removed by performing the
“Changing the Host Values of an M3UA
or SUA Association” procedure in this

Enter the dlt-ip-host command

with this parameter:
:host = <hostname being

Enter the rtrv-ip-host

Enter the
command with this parameter:
:host = <hostname specified
in the dlt-ip-host command>

Figure 217: Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPGWx Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 796

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IP Route

Enter the
rtrv-ip-rte command

Enter the
rept-stat-card:loc=<location of
IP card containing the IP route
being removed> command

Is the state of Yes

the IP card


Do you wish to
Enter the
place the IP card in the Yes inh-card:loc=<IP card
containing the IP route being
removed> command
(See Caution)


Enter the Enter the

dlt-ip-rte command with the dlt-ip-rte command with at lease one
:force=yes parameter and at lease of these parameters:
one of these parameters: :loc=<IP card location>
:loc=<IP card location> :dest = <IP address of the remote
:dest = <IP address of the remote host or network>
host or network>

Enter the
rtrv-ip-rte command

Caution: Removing an IP route while

the IP card is still in service can result
in losing the ability to route outbound
IP traffic on the IP card. This can Enter the
Does the IP
cause both TCP and SCTP sessions alw-card:loc=<IP card location
card contain other IP
on the IP card to be lost. specified in the dlt-ip-rte
command> command

Enter the

Figure 218: Removing an IP Route

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 797

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a M3UA or SUA Association

Is an M3UA
Enter the rtrv-assoc Yes
association being

Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
:loc = <the location of the card
containing the M3UA association that is
shown in the rtrv-assoc output>

IPGWI What application is IPSG
assigned to the card?

Enter the Perform the "Removing an

rtrv-as command with this IPSG Association"
parameter: procedure in Chapter 6 to
:aname=<name of the association remove the M3UA
being removed in this procedure> association.

Perform the "Removing an

Is the association Association from an Application
assigned to any Server" procedure in this chapter
application servers? and remove the association from
the application servers.

Enter the chg-assoc
command with these
What is the
Yes parameters:
value of the open
:aname=<the name of the
M3UA or SUA association>


Enter the rtrv-assoc command with

Enter the dlt-assoc command
this parameter:
with this parameter:
:aname = <association name
:aname = <association name>
specified in the dlt-assoc command>

Enter the

Figure 219: Removing a M3UA or SUA Association

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 798

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an Association from an Application Server

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-as rtrv-assoc:aname=<association
command name from the rtrv-as output>

Enter the
chg-assoc command with these
What is the
Yes parameters:
value of the open
:aname=<association name from
the rtrv-as output>
Note: If the association being removed
is the only association assigned to the No
application server, the application server
is removed from the database.

Is the association
specified in this procedure the
only association assigned to the
application server?
(See Note)

Enter the
rtrv-appl-rtkey command with
this parameter: No
:asname=<application server
name being removed>

Is the application
server specified in the No
rtrv-appl-rtkey command
assigned to any routing


Perform the "Removing a Routing Key

Containing an Application Server"
procedure in this chapter and remove the To
application server specified in the Sheet 2
rtrv-appl-rtkey command from the routing
keys displayed in the rtrv-appl-rtkey output.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the dlt-as command with

these parameters:
:asname = <application server name
containing the association being removed>
:aname = <association name being
removed from the application server>
Note: If the association being removed is
the only association assigned to the
application server, the application server is
removed from the database.

Enter the rtrv-as command

with this parameter:
:asname=<application server
name specified in the dlt-as

Enter the
chg-assoc command with these
Was the value of
Yes parameters:
the open parameter
:aname=<association name that
was changed on Sheet 1>


Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 220: Removing an Association from an Application Server

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Removing a Routing Key Containing an Application Server

Enter the rtrv-appl-rtkey


Select a routing key from the

rtrv-appl-rtkey output.

Display the information about the

routing key being removed by
entering the rtrv-appl-rtkey
Does this routing key command with the display=all
contain a routing context parameter and at least one of
parameter value? these values, DPC, SI, SSN,
OPC, CICS, or CICE, shown in
the previous rtrv-appl-rtkey

Enter the Enter the

rtrv-appl-rtkey command with these rtrv-assoc command with this
parameters: parameter:
:rcontext=<routing context parameter :aname=<association name>
value assigned to the routing key> Repeat this step for all the
:display=all associations shown in the routing key

Enter the
chg-assoc command with these
:aname=<association name>
Repeat this step for each association Do all the
No associations in the routing key Yes
shown in the rtrv-appl-rtkey output
contain the open=no parameter
with the open=yes parameter value.
Caution: The IP connections using
the associations specified in this step
will not be able to carry any traffic
when the open parameter is changed
to no.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the dlt-appl-rtkey command with the

parameter combinations shown in the
Routing Key Parameter Combinations for
Removing Routing Keys table in this
procedure, and the values shown in the
previous step, depending on the type of
routing key being removed.

Enter the rtrv-appl-rtkey

command with the routing key
parameters and values specified
in the dlt-appl-rtkey command
(dpc, si, opc, cics, cice, ssn,
asname, sname, type, loc, and
rcontext, as applicable).

Enter the
chg-assoc command with these
Were any parameters
associations changed :aname=<association name>
on Sheet 1? :open=yes
Repeat this step for each association
that was changed on Sheet 1.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 221: Removing a Routing Key Containing an Application Server

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Removing a Network Appearance

Enter the
rtrv-na command

Is a specific group
code associated with an Yes
ITU-N or ITU-N Spare network
appearance to be


Enter the Enter the

dlt-na command with these dlt-na command with these
parameters: parameters:
:na=<network appearance from :na = <ITU-N or ITU-N spare network
rtrv-na command> appearance from rtrv-na command>
:type = <ansi, itui, itun, itun24, ituis, :type = <itun, ituns>
ituns> :gc = <group code assigned to
ITU-N or ITU-N Spare network

Enter the
rtrv-na command

Enter the

Figure 222: Removing a Network Appearance

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Changing IP Options

Enter the rtrv-sg-opts


Is the srkq Yes Enter the rtrv-tbl-capacity

parameter value being

No The new srkq parameter value cannot

be less than the number of rounting
keys that are currently provisioned. This
is shown in the RTEKEY row of the
rtrv-tbl-capacity command.

Enter the chg-sg-opts command with at least one

of these parameters:
:srkq = <0 - 2500>
:snmpcont = <SNMP system contact>
:getcomm = <SNMP get community name>
:setcomm = <SNMP set community name>
:trapcomm = <SNMP trap community name>
:ipgwabate = <yes, no>
:uameasusedftas = <yes, no>
Note: The values of the snmpcont, getcomm,
setcomm, and trapcomm parameters are a string
of up to 32 characters that is not case sensitive. If
the character string contains characters other than
alphanumeric characters, the character string
must be enclosed in single quotes.

Enter the rtrv-sg-opts


Enter the

Figure 223: Changing IP Options

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Changing the Attributes of a M3UA or SUA Association

Enter the rtrv-assoc


Select an association to
change whose adapter value
is M3UA or SUA.

Does the card

containing the association that Yes
will be changed, contain any
SUA associations?


Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
:loc = <the location of the card containing
the association that will be changed,
whose adapter value is M3UA, shown in
the rtrv-assoc output>

Is the IPSG
No To
application is assigned
Sheet 2
to the card?


Perform the "Changing the

Attributes of an IPSG
Association" procedure in
Chapter 6 to change the
attributes of the association.

Sheet 1 of 8

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Are only the

From open, alw, or rtxthr No To
Sheet 1 parameter values being Sheet 4


Is the open
Yes parameter value being No To
changed to yes? Sheet 3
(See the Note)

Was the No
rtrv-card command

Enter the rtrv-slk command

Yes with this parameter:
:loc = <the location of the
card containing the
association that will be

Is a signaling
link assigned to the card,
shown in the LSET NAME and Yes
LINK columns in the rtrv-card
output, or shown in the
rtrv-slk output?


Perform the "Adding an IPGWx

Signaling Link" procedure in this chapter
Sheet 3
to add the required signaling link.

Note: If the open parameter value is being changed to

yes, the association must contain values for the lhost,
lport, rhost, and rport parameters. A signaling link
containing the loc and link value that is assigned to the
association must be provisioned in the database.

Sheet 2 of 8

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Sheet 2

Is the No
rtxthr parameter value
being changed?


Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this
:aname=<name of the association
name being changed>

Enter the chg-assoc with this mandatory

:aname=<name of the association being
and with at least one of these optional
:alw = <yes, no>
:open = <yes, no >
:rtxthr = < 0 – 65535>

Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this
:aname=<association name specified
with the chg-assoc command>

Enter the

Sheet 8

Sheet 3 of 8

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Enter the chg-assoc command

What is the with these parameters.
From Yes
value of the open :aname=<name of the
Sheet 2
parameter? association being changed>


Enter the rtrv-assoc command

with this parameter:
:aname=<name of the
association being changed>

Is the adapter
parameter value being No
changed in this


Enter the
rtrv-as command with this parameter:
:aname<name of the association that
is being changed>

Is the association No
assigned to any application


Perform the “Removing an Association

from an Application Server” procedure in
this chapter to remove the association that
Sheet 5
is being changed from the application
servers displayed in the rtrv-as output.

Sheet 4 of 8

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Note 1. If the uaps parameter will not be

From specified with the chg-assoc command, and the
Sheet 4 adapter parameter value is being changed to
either m3ua or sua, the UA parameter set 10
will be assigned to the association.
Caution: Changing a UA parameter set may
affect the performance of any associations
using the UA parameter set being changed.
Is the uaps Note 2. The cwmin value must be less than or
parameter to be specified No equal to the bufsize value.
with the chg-assoc The cwmin value is the number of bytes
command? specified for the size of the association’s
congestion window. The bufsize value is the
number of kilobytes specified for the size of the
association’s buffer .
To determine whether or not the cwmin value is
less than or equal to the bufsize value, perform
one of these actions:
Enter the
rtrv-uaps command Multiply the bufsize value by 1024
Divide the cwmin value by 1024.

Is the desired
UA parameter set Yes
defined with the desired
values? Is the cwmin
(See Note 1) parameter to be No
specified with the
No chg-assoc

Perform the "Changing a UA

Parameter Set" procedure in Yes
this chapter and change the To
desired UA parameter set with Sheet 6
the desired values (See

Is the new cwmin

Yes value less than or equal to No
the bufsize parameter value?
(See Note 2)

Either choose another value for

the cwmin parameter that is less
than or equal to the bufsize
To value, or change the bufsize
Sheet 6 value by performing the
“Changing the Buffer Size of an
M2PA Association” procedure in
this chapter.

Sheet 5 of 8

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Sheet 5

Is a remote No
host value being

Specify the rhost parameter
with the chg-assoc command
on Sheet 7. This will change
the primary remote host value,
Is the alternate No shown in the RHOST field of
remote host value being
the rtrv-assoc output. The
rhosttype=primary parameter
can be specified with the rhost
parameter, but it is not
Yes necessary.

Is a value
shown in the RHOST Yes
field of the rtrv-assoc


Enter the chg-assoc command

with these parameters. Specify the rhost and
:aname=<name of the rhosttype=primary parameters
association being changed> with the chg-assoc command
:rhost = <remote host name> on Sheet 7. This will change
The rhosttype=primary the alternate remote host
parameter can be specified value, shown in the ARHOST
with the rhost parameter, but it field of the rtrv-assoc output.
is not necessary.

Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 8

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Sheet 6

Enter the chg-assoc

:aname=<association name being
changed> command with these optional 1. If any optional parameters are not
parameters: specified with the chg-assoc
:lport = <TCP port for the local host> command, those values are not
:rhost = <remote host name> changed.
:rhosttype=<primary or alternate> 2. The value of the rmin parameter
rhostval=<relaxed, match> must be less than or equal to the rmax
:rport = <TCP port for the remote host> parameter value.
:alw = <yes, no> 3. The value of the rhost parameter is
:rmode = rfc or lin a text string of up to 60 characters,
:rmin = <10 – 1000> with the first character being a letter.
:rmax = <10 – 1000> The command input is limited to 150
:rtimes = <3 – 12> characters, including the hostname.
:cwmin = <1500 – 409600>
:adapter = <m3ua, sua> 4. If the value of the open parameter is
:istrms = <1 or 2> yes, only the values of the alw and
:ostrms = <1 or 2> rtxthr parameters can be changed. To
:uaps = <1 – 10> change the values of the other
rtxthr = <0 – 65535> parameters, the value of the open
(See the Notes) parameter must be no.

Enter the
Was the value
Yes :aname=<association
of the open parameter
name being
changed on Sheet 4?

Enter the
name specified with the
chg-assoc command>

Sheet 8

Sheet 7 of 8

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Sheet 7

Perform one of these procedures in this

chapter to add the association to the
Was the application servers:
association removed from Yes
Adding an Existing Association to a New
any application servers on
Application Server
Sheet 4?
Adding an Existing Association to an
Existing Application Server


Enter the

Do you wish
to change the LHOST
From Yes
or ALHOST values of
Sheet 3
the M3UA or SUA
Perform the “Changing the
Host Values of an M3UA or
No SUA Association”
procedure in this chapter.

Do you wish to
change the buffer size Yes
of the M3UA or SUA

Perform the “Changing the

No Buffer Size of an M3UA or
SUA Association” procedure
in this chapter.

This procedure is

Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 224: Changing the Attributes of a M3UA or SUA Association

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Changing the Buffer Size of a M3UA or SUA Association

Enter the rtrv-assoc


Select an association to
change whose adapter value
is M3UA or SUA.

Does the card

containing the association that Yes
will be changed, contain any
SUA associations?


Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
:loc = <the location of the card containing
the association that will be changed,
whose adapter value is M3UA, shown in
the rtrv-assoc output>

Is the IPSG What is the No

application is assigned value of the open
to the card? parameter?

Yes Yes

Perform the "Changing the Enter the chg-assoc command

Enter the rtrv-assoc command
Buffer Size of an IPSG with these parameters.
with this parameter:
Association" procedure in :aname=<name of the
:aname=<name of the
Chapter 14 to change the association being changed>
association being changed>
attributes of the association. :open=no

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

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Sheet 1

The new buffer size for this association

cannot exceed the available buffer size
for the card.
Do the buffers
If you wish to increase the buffer size on the other associations No
for this association to a value that is assigned to the card need
greater than the available buffer size to be changed?
for the card, the buffer size of the other
associations assigned to the card must
be decreased.
Enter the rtrv-assoc command
with this parameter:
Enter the rtrv-assoc command
:aname=<name assigned to the
with this parameter:
association displayed in the
:lhost=<local host name
previous step>
assigned to the association
Repeat this step for each
being changed>
association displayed in the
previous step.

Either choose another value for

the bufsize parameter that is
Are the new bufsize
greater than or equal to the
values for these associations No cwmin value, or change the
greater than or equal to the cwmin
cwmin value by performing the
values for these associations?
“Changing the Attributes of an
(See the Note)
M3UA or SUA Association”


Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname=<name assigned to the
association displayed in the previous step>
Sheet 3
Note: The bufsize value must be greater than or equal to :bufsize=<8 – 400>
the cwmin value. Repeat this step as necessary for each
The cwmin value is the number of bytes specified for the association displayed in the previous step.
size of the association’s congestion window. The bufsize
value is the number of kilobytes specified for the size of
the association’s buffer .
To determine whether or not the bufsize value is greater
than or equal to the cwmin value, perform one of these
Multiply the bufsize value by 1024
Divide the cwmin value by 1024.

Sheet 2 of 4

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Sheet 2

Either choose another value for

the bufsize parameter that is
Is the new bufsize greater than or equal to the
value greater than or equal to No cwmin value, or change the
the cwmin parameter value? cwmin value by performing the
(See the Note) “Changing the Attributes of an
M3UA or SUA Association”


Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname=<name of the association being
:bufsize=<8 – 400>

Enter the chg-assoc

command with these
Was the value of
Yes parameters.
the open parameter
changed on Sheet 1?
name being changed>

Enter the rtrv-assoc
command with this
name specified with the
chg-assoc command>
Note: The bufsize value must be greater than or equal to
the cwmin value.
Enter the
The cwmin value is the number of bytes specified for the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
size of the association’s congestion window. The bufsize command
value is the number of kilobytes specified for the size of
the association’s buffer .
To determine whether or not the bufsize value is greater
than or equal to the cwmin value, perform one of these
Sheet 4
Multiply the bufsize value by 1024
Divide the cwmin value by 1024.

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Do you wish
Perform the “Changing the
to change the LHOST or Yes
Host Values of an M3UA or
ALHOST values of the
SUA Association” procedure.
M2PA association ?


Do you wish to
Perform the “Changing the
change the other Yes
Attributes of an M3UA or
attributes of the M3UA or
SUA Association” procedure.
SUA association?


This procedure is

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 225: Changing the Buffer Size of an M3UA or SUA Association

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Changing the Host Values of a M3UA or SUA Association

Enter the rtrv-assoc


Select an association to
change whose adapter value
is M3UA or SUA.

What is the No
value of the open

Does the card

containing the association that Yes
will be changed, contain any
SUA associations?
Enter the chg-assoc command
Enter the rtrv-assoc command
with these parameters.
with this parameter:
:aname=<name of the
:aname=<name of the
No association being changed>
association being changed>

Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
:loc = <the location of the card containing
the association that will be changed,
whose adapter value is M3UA, shown in
Does the
the rtrv-assoc output>
M3UA or SUA No
association contain an
ALHOST value?

Is the IPSG Yes

application is assigned
to the card?

Is removing the
ALHOST value from this No To
association the only action to
Sheet 2
Perform the "Changing the be performed in this
Host Values of an IPSG procedure?
Association" procedure in
Chapter 6 to change the
attributes of the association. Yes

Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname=<name of the association being
Sheet 5

Sheet 1 of 6

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Enter the
rtrv-ip-host command with
this parameter.

Is the
required host
Yes Enter the
name shown in the
rtrv-ip-lnk command
Sheet 3 No Enter the
rept-stat-card command with
this parameter:
Enter the :loc=<card location of the IP
rtrv-ip-lnk command address from the rtrv-ip-lnk
output assigned to the IP host>

Sheet 3
Is the required
IP link shown in the Yes
rtrv-ip-lnk output?
(See Note)


Perform the "Adding an IP Perform the "Adding an IP

Link" procedure in this Host" procedure in this
chapter and add the chapter and add the
required IP link required host name

Sheet 4

Note: The IP address of the IP link should be assigned to the host name,
shown in the rtrv-ip-host output, that will be assigned to the association.

Sheet 2 of 6

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Sheet 2

Enter the
Note: An association can be assigned to
rtrv-assoc command with this
more than one application server.
Each association and application server
:lhost<local host value from
combination is referred to as an
the rtrv-ip-host output>
association - application server

Enter the
rtrv-as command with this parameter:
:aname<association name from the
rtrv-assoc output>
Repeat this step for each association
displayed in the rtrv-assoc output.

How many
association - application This local host value cannot be used
server assignments reference the 50 for this association.
local host value shown in the Go to Sheet 2 and add a new IP link
rtrv-ip-host output on and IP host for this association
Sheet 2? (See Note)

Less than To
50 Sheet 2

Was the Enter the

rept-stat-card No rept-stat-card:loc=<card
command performed location from the rtrv-ip-lnk
on Sheet 2? output> command


Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 6

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Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the
rtrv-slk command with this
Is the link Yes parameter:
parameter value being
:loc=<card location of the IP
signaling link associated with the
local host>


Is the required No
signaling link in the


Perform the "Adding an IPGWx

To Signaling Link" procedure in this
Sheet 5 chapter and add the required
signaling link.

Sheet 4 of 6

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Sheet 4
Sheet 1

Enter the chg-assoc

:aname=<association name being changed>
command with these optional parameters:
:lhost = <local host name from the
rtrv-ip-host output>
:lport = <TCP port for the local host> Was the value of
:rhost = <remote host name> Yes
the open parameter
:rport = <TCP port for the remote host> changed on Sheet 1?
:link = a
:alhost <alternate local host name from the
rtrv-ip-host output> Enter the
:adapter = <m3ua, sua> chg-assoc
:uaps = <1 – 10> No :aname=<association
(See Notes 1 through 10 on Sheet 6) name being
Enter the command
name specified with the
chg-assoc command>

Enter the

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 6

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Sheet 5

Do you wish to Perform the “Changing the

change the buffer size Yes Buffer Size of an M3UA or
of the M3UA or SUA SUA Association” procedure in
association? this chapter.


Do you wish to Perform the “Changing the

change the other Yes Attributes of an M3UA or
attributes of the M3UA or SUA Association” procedure
SUA association? in this chapter.


This procedure is

1. If any optional parameters are not specified with the chg-assoc command, those values are not changed.
2. Single-slot EDCMs or E5-ENET cards can use the B Ethernet interface.
3. The number of association – application server assignments on an IPGWx card cannot exceed 50.
4. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 4000 connections.
5. The value of the lhost and rhost parameters is a text string of up to 60 characters, with the first character being a
letter. The command input is limited to 150 characters, including the hostnames
6. Specifying the lhost parameter only creates a uni-homed endpoint. The network portion of the endpoint's IP address
must be the same as the network portion of the IP address assigned to either the A or B network interface of the IP card.
7. Specifying the lhost and alhost parameters creates a multi-homed endpoint. The network portion of the IP address
associated with the lhost parameter must be the same as the network portion of the IP address assigned to one of the
network interfaces (A or B) of the IP card, and the network portion of the IP address associated with the alhost
parameter must be the same as the network portion of the IP address assigned to the other network interface on the IP
card .
8. The alhost=none parameter removes the alternate local host from the specified association, which also removes the
multi-homed endpoint capability.
9. If the uaps parameter is not specified with the chg-assoc command, and the adapter parameter value is being
changed to either m3ua or sua, the uaps parameter value defaults to UA parameter set 10 (uaps=10).
10. The port parameter can be used in place of the link parameter to specify the signaling link assigned to the

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 226: Changing the Host Values of a M3UA or SUA Association

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring SCTP Retransmission Control for a M3UA or SUA Association

Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
Is an M3UA
Enter the rtrv-assoc Yes :loc = <the location of the card
association being
command containing the M3UA association
that will be changed, shown in the
rtrv-assoc output>

Enter the rtrv-assoc command with this

Is the IPSG
parameter: No
application is assigned
:aname=<the name of the M3UA or SUA
to the card?
association that is being changed>


Enter the
pass:loc=<card location of the Perform the "Configuring an IPSG
association that is being changed> Association for SCTP Retransmission
:cmd="ping <remote host name>" Control" procedure in Chapter 6 to
command several times and ping the configure the SCTP retransmission
remote host (the RHOST value in the control for the association.
previous step) to determine the
expected round trip time.

Do the retransmission No This procedure is

parameter values need to
be changed?


Perform the "Changing the Attributes

of an M3UA or SUA Association"
procedure in this chapter and change To
the retransmission parameters based Sheet 2
on the results of pinging the remote

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the
pass:loc=<card location specified with the
ping command>
:cmd="assocrtt <name of the association
specified with the ping command>"
command to display the round trip time data
collected after an association is established when
an SCTP INIT message is sent and an
acknowlegement is received.
Perform this command for each association name
that references the remote host name specified in
the ping command.

Enter the pass:loc=<card location specified in

the previous step>:cmd="sctp -a <association
name>" command.
The association name is the association name
specified in the previous step.

Perform the "Changing the Attributes of

an M3UA or SUA Association" procedure
in this chapter and change the
Do the retransmission
Yes retransmission parameters based on the
parameter values need to
results of the assocrtt (Weighted
be changed?
Average round-trip time) and sctp -a
(data retransmission counts) pass
command outputs

This procedure is

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 227: Configuring SCTP Retransmission Control for a M3UA or SUA Association

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an Application Server

Enter the rtrv-as


Is the mode parameter No To

value for the application
Sheet 2
server being changed?


Enter the
name from the rtrv-as output>

Enter the
chg-assoc command with these
What is the
Yes parameters:
value of the open
:aname=<association name from
the rtrv-as output>

Have all the

associations in the No
application server been


Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the
chg-as command with this mandatory
:asname = <AS name>
and with at least one of these optional
:mode = <override, loadshare>
:tr = <10 – 2000>

Enter the
rtrv-as command with this
:asname=<the application server
name specified in the chg-as

Enter the
chg-assoc command with these
Was the value of
:aname=<association name that
the open parameter Yes
was changed on Sheet 1>
changed for any associations
on Sheet 1?
Perform this command for all
associations that were changed on
Sheet 1.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 228: Changing an Application Server

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the CIC Values in an Existing Routing Key Containing an

Application Server

Does the routing key No

Enter the rtrv-appl-rtkey To
have a routing context
command Sheet 2
value assigned to it?

Display the information about the
routing key being changed by entering
the rtrv-appl-rtkey command with this
and with this parameter and value
shown in the previous rtrv-appl-rtkey
output: From
:rcontext=<RCONTEXT value assigned Sheet 2
to the routing key being changed>

The range of CIC values Enter the chg-appl-rtkey command

cannot be split. Only the range with the parameter combinations
of CIC values can be changed shown in the Rules for Changing the
for a routing key containing a Range of CIC Values in an Existing
routing context value. Routing Key section of this procedure.

Enter the rtrv-appl-rtkey command with the

display=all parameter and with these parameters and
values specified in the chg-appl-rtkey command if the
routing key does not contain a routing context value.
:dpc=<DPC value specified in the chg-appl-rtkey
:si=<SI value specified in the chg-appl-rtkey
Enter the :cics=<CICS or NCICS value specified in the
chg-db:action=backup chg-appl-rtkey command>
:dest-fixed command :cice=<CICE or NCICE value specified in the
chg-appl-rtkey command>
If the ncics or ncice parameters were specified in the
chg-appl-rtkey command, the NCICS or NCICE values must
be specified for the cics or cice parameters.
If the routing key contains a routing key value , specify this
parameter with the rtrv-appl-rtkey command:
:rcontext=<RCONTEXT value specified in the
chg-appl-rtkey command>

Sheet 1 of 2

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Display the information about the routing key

being changed by entering the rtrv-appl-rtkey
command with this parameter:
Change the Range
and with these parameter values shown in the How are the CIC of CIC Values
previous rtrv-appl-rtkey output: values in the routing key
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC assigned to to be changed?
the routing key being changed>
:si=<service indicator value assigned to the routing
key being changed, either 4, 5, or 13> To
Split the Range Sheet 1
:type=<full or partial> of CIC Values

Enter the chg-appl-rtkey command with

the parameter combinations shown in
the Rules for Splitting the Range of CIC
Values in an Existing Routing Key
section of this procedure.

Enter the rtrv-appl-rtkey command with the display=all

parameter and with these parameters and values
specified in the chg-appl-rtkey command if the routing key
does not contain a routing context value.
:dpc=<DPC value specified in the chg-appl-rtkey
:si=<SI value specified in the chg-appl-rtkey command>
:cics=<CICS value specified in the chg-appl-rtkey
:cice=<CICE value specified in the chg-appl-rtkey

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 229: Changing the CIC Values in an Existing Routing Key Containing an Application Server

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the Routing Context Value in an Existing Routing Key

Enter the rtrv-appl-rtkey


Display the information about the

routing key being changed by Enter the
entering the rtrv-appl-rtkey rtrv-assoc command with this
command with these parameters. parameter.
:display=all :aname=<association name>
:rcontext=<current routing context Repeat this step for each
value assigned to the routing key association name displayed in
being changed, shown in the the previous rtrv-appl-rtkey
previous rtrv-appl-rtkey output> output.
(See the Note)

Do all the
associations shown in the
rtrv-assoc output contain the
open=no parameter

Enter the
chg-assoc command with these parameters Yes
:aname=<association name>
Repeat this step for each association
assigned to the application server that To
contains the open=yes parameter value. Sheet 2
Caution: The IP connections using the
associations specified in this step will not be
able to carry any traffic when the open
parameter is changed to no.

Note: If the rcontext field of the rtrv-appl-rtkey output contains dashes (-), the
routing key does not contain a routing context value.
To add a routing context value to an existing M 3UA routing key that currently
does not have a routing context value, perform the following procedures.
Remove the routing key by performing the “Removing an Application Routing
Key” procedure. Record the routing key information before removing the routing
Add the routing key with the information recorded in the previous step and the
routing context value by performing the “Adding an Application Routing Key
Containing an Application Server” procedure.
A routing context value must always be assigned to an SUA routing key .

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the chg-appl-rtkey command

with these parameters:
:rcontext=<current routing context
value assigned to the routing key>
:nrcontext=<new routing context
value, 0 - 4294967295>
The new routing context value cannot
be assigned to another routing key

Enter the rtrv-appl-rtkey command

with these parameters:
:rcontext=<new routing context value
specified in the previous step>

Was the open

parameter value of the No
associations assigned to this
routing key changed
in this procedure?


Enter the
chg-assoc command with these
parameters Enter the
:aname=<association name> chg-db:action=backup:dest-fixed
open=yes command
Repeat this step for each association that
was changed in this procedure.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 230: Changing the Routing Context Value in an Existing Routing Key

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for M3UA and SUA

Enter the rtrv-sg-opts


Enter the rtrv-card command. Record the

card locations and signaling link information
for all cards running the SS7IPGW and
IPGWI applications.
Sheet 4

Have the IP near end node stop all

traffic to one of the cards running the
SS7IPGW or IPGWI applications on
the EAGLE 5 ISS.

At the EAGLE 5 ISS, enter this

Enter the rtrv-ip-lnk
pass:loc=<location of the card
running the SS7IPGW or IPGWI
application>:cmd="msucount -l"

Enter the rtrv-assoc command with this

Enter the rtrv-ip-host
:lhost = <the local host name (from the command with this
rtrv-ip-host output) whose IP address is parameter.
associated with the card location of the :display=all
signaling link (from the rtrv-ip-lnk output)
specified in the pass command>

Enter this command for each

association assigned to the card.
pass:loc=<location of the card
running the SS7IPGW or IPGWI
application>:cmd="msucount -a
<association name>"

At the IP near end node, disconnect

all associations attached to the card
specified in the pass command.

At the EAGLE 5 ISS, enter the dact-slk

command with these parameters:
:loc = <location of a card specified in the
Sheet 2
pass command>

Sheet 1 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

What will the PERCARD Enter the

new sctpcsum value chg-sg-opts:sctpcsum=percard
be? command

CRC32C Perform the “Configuring an IP
Card” procedure in this chapter to
assign an sctpcsum parameter
Enter the value for the card.
chg-sg-opts:sctpcsum=<adler32, crc32c>

Enter the rtrv-sg-opts


Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname = <aname value from the rtrv-assoc
output> Enter the pass command with these
:open = no. parameters:
Repeat this step for each association shown in :loc=<card location specified in the
the rtrv-assoc output on Sheet 1. dact-slk command>
:cmd="sctp -a <name of the assocation
specified in the chg-assoc command>"
Repeat this step for each association
shown in the rtrv-assoc output.
Enter the chg-assoc command with these
:aname = <aname value from the rtrv-assoc
:open = yes.
Repeat this step for each association shown in
the rtrv-assoc output on Sheet 1.
Does the checksum
Contact the Customer Care algorithm value in all the
Center. Refer to the "Customer No associations displayed in the previous
Care Center" section in Chapter 1 step match the checksum algorithm value
for the contact information. specified in the chg-sg-opts

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

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Sheet 2

Have the IP near end node configure all

associations attached to the card specified
in the pass command on Sheet 2 to use the
new algorithm. Verify that the associations
will use the algorithm.

At the EAGLE 5 ISS, enter the

act-slk command with these
parameters. Enter the rept-stat-slk
:loc=<location of the card specified in command
the pass command on Sheet 2>

At the EAGLE 5 ISS, enter the At the IP near end node, connect one
rept-stat-assoc command with this parameter: of the associations attached to the
:aname = <the association aname specified in card specified in the act-slk
the chg-assoc command on Sheet 2> command.

Enter the pass:loc=<card location

specified in the act-slk
command>:cmd="netstat -p sctp"

Contact the Customer Care

Center. Refer to the
Are any errors Yes
"Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

At the IP near end node, connect all At the IP near end node, activate one
of the other associations attached to of the associations attached to the
the card specified in the act-slk and card specified in the act-slk and pass
pass commands on Sheet 3. commands on Sheet 3.

Enter this command for each association assigned

At the EAGLE 5 ISS, enter this
to the card.
pass:loc=<location of the card specified in the
pass:loc=<location of the card specified
previous pass command>:cmd="msucount -a
in the act-slk and pass commands on
<association name specified in the rept-stat-assoc
Sheet 3>:cmd="msucount -l"
command on Sheet 3>"

At the IP near end node, activate all

of the other associations attached to
the card specified in the pass
Is traffic flowing over the No
association specified in the
previous pass command?

Contact the Customer Care

Center. Refer to the
Have all the cards running
"Customer Care Center”
the SS7IPGW or IPGWI applications No To
section in Chapter 1 for the
been updated with the new SCTP Sheet 1
contact information.
checksum algorithm?

Yes Does the EAGLE 5

ISS contain cards running Yes
Enter the the IPLIM or IPLIMI
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed applications?
command Perform the “Changing
the SCTP Checksum
No Algorithm Option for
No Does the EAGLE 5 M2PA Associations”
ISS contain cards running procedure in Chapter 5.
the IPSG application?

This procedure is Perform the “Changing the SCTP

finished. Checksum Algorithm Option for IPSG
M3UA Associations” and “Changing
the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option
for IPSG M2PA Associations”
procedures in Chapter 6.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 231: Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for M3UA and SUA Associations

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a UA Parameter Set

Enter the
rtrv-uaps command with this
:set=< UA parameter set to
change, 1 - 9 >

Enter the
rtrv-uaps command with
Is a UA parameter Yes this parameter.
set to be copied to another
:set=< UA parameter set
UA parameter set?
that is being copied,
1 - 10 >


Enter the chg-uaps command with

Enter the chg-uaps command with this mandatory these parameters.
parameter. :set=<UA parameter set that is
:set=< UA parameter set being changed, displayed in being changed, 1 -9 >
the rtrv-uaps output>
:scrset = < UA parameter set
and with at least one of these optional parameters: that is being copied, 1 - 10 >
:timer = < 2, 3, 4 > Notes:
:tvalue = <dependent on the parm value>
if timer = 2, tvalue = 10 - 30000 milliseconds 1. The set and scrset parameter
values cannot be the same.
if timer = 3, tvalue = 100 - 60000 milliseconds
if timer = 4, tvalue = 100 - 10000 milliseconds 2. If the scrset parameter is
specified, no other optional
:parm = < 1, 2, 3, 4 >
parameter may be specified.
:pvalue = <dependent on the parm value>
if parm = 1, see the Valid PVALUE Parameter
Values if PARM =1 table
if parm = 2, see the Valid PVALUE Parameter
Values if PARM =2 table
if parm = 3, see the Valid PVALUE Parameter
Values if PARM =3 table
if parm = 4, see the Valid PVALUE Parameter
Values if PARM =4 table Enter the
Notes: rtrv-uaps command with this
1. The timer and tvalue parameters must be specified :set=<UA parameter set that
together. If one is specified, the other must be was changed>
2. The parm and pvalue parameters must be specified
together. If one is specified, the other must be
specified. Enter the
3. The tables that are referenced in the pvalue command.
parameter description are in the “Changing a UA
Parameter Set” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – IP7 Secure Gateway.

Figure 232: Changing a UA Parameter Set

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IETF M3UA and SUA Configuration Flowcharts

Turning the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature Off

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

This procedure cannot be

Is the Large MSU perfomed. To turn the Large MSU
Support for IP Signaling No Support for IP Signaling feature off,
feature enabled the Large MSU Support for IP
and turned on? Signaling feature must be enabled
and turned on.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Caution: If the Large MSU Support for IP
Signaling feature is turned off, the EAGLE
5 ISS will not process messages that are
larger than 272 bytes.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Figure 233: Turning the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature Off

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 836


IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the IPSG
M2PA and M3UA configuration procedures located
• Adding an IPSG Card.....839 in the Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure
• Adding an IPSG M2PA Linkset.....841 Gateway.
• Adding an IPSG M3UA Linkset.....846
• Configuring an IP Link.....851
• Adding an IP Host.....860
• Configuring an IP Card.....861
• Adding an IP Route.....865
• Adding an IPSG M2PA Association.....867
• Adding an IPSG M3UA Association.....871
• Adding an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link.....873
• Adding an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link.....879
• Adding a Network Appearance.....886
• Activating the Large MSU Support for IP
Signaling Feature.....889
• Removing an IPSG Card.....893
• Removing an IPSG Linkset.....894
• Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPSG
• Removing an IP Route.....903
• Removing an IPSG Association.....904
• Removing an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link.....906
• Removing an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link.....908
• Removing a Network Appearance.....911
• Changing an IPLIMx Card to an IPSG Card...912
• Configuring IP Options.....916
• Configuring IPSG M3UA Linkset Options.....917
• Changing an IPSG M2PA Linkset.....918
• Changing an IPSG M3UA Linkset.....923
• Changing the Attributes of an IPSG
• Changing the Buffer Size of an IPSG

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 837

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

• Changing the Host Values of an IPSG

• Configuring an IPSG Association for SCTP
Retransmission Control.....946
• Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option
for IPSG M2PA Associations.....948
• Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option
for IPSG M3UA Associations.....951
• Changing an M2PA Timer Set.....955
• Changing a UA Parameter Set.....956
• Turning Off the Large MSU Support for IP
Signaling Feature .....957

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IPSG Card

Enter the rtrv-tps

What is
750,000 This
the maximum total
procedure cannot
provisioned system
be performed.
TPS value?

Will adding the 500,000

new IPSG card exceed Yes
the maximum total provisioned
system TPS value? See Perform the “Activating the HIPR2 High
Note 1. Rate Mode Feature” procedure to enable
and turn on the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
feature. When the HIPR2 High Rate
No Mode feature is enabled and turned on,
the maximum total provisioned system
TPS value is increased to 750,000.

Enter the rtrv-card

command. Has the Yes
IP card been

Are the required
unprovisioned card slots Yes
shown in the rtrv-card output? Insert the IP card into the desired card
See Note 2. slot following the rules described in
the Card Slot Selection section. This
section is in the “Adding an IPSG
Visually verify that the Card” procedure in the Database
No Administration Manual – IP7 Secure
IP card has been
installed into the Gateway.

Enter the rtrv-shlf EAGLE 5 ISS.


Enter the ent-shlf command Has UAM 0002 No

with these parameters. been generated?
loc=<location of the shelf:
Have all the No 1200, 1300, 2100, 2200, 2300,
shelves been
3100, 3200, 3300, 4100, 4200,
provisioned? Yes
4300, 5100, 5200, 5300, or
Yes :type=ext
Perform the alarm clearing
procedure for UAM 0002 in
This procedure cannot the Unsolicited Alarm and
be performed as no card Information Messages manual
slots are available for the to clear the alarm.
new card.
1. The IPSG card uses 5000 - 10,000
. TPS. Sheet 2
2. See the Card Slot Selection section in
the “Adding an IPSG Card” procedure in
the Database Administration Manual – IP7
Secure Gateway.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the ent-card

command with these Enter the rtrv-card command
Is the IP
card being provisioned No mandatory parameters. with this parameter.
in this procedure an :loc=<card location> :loc=<card location specified
E5-ENET card? :type=enet in the ent-card command>

Enter the chg-db:action
Enter the =back:dest=fixed
rept-stat-gpl:gpl=hipr command.


Are HIPR cards Is the IP card being

E5-ENET-B Enter the
installed in card locations Yes provisioned in this
9 and 10 of the shelf containing procedure an E5-ENET
the E5-ENET card? or an E5-ENET-B

Is Is
Enter the
No the Fan
chg-feat:fan=on No Yes the MFC
feature turned option on?
Enter the on?
command. No

Verify that fans have Refer to the

been installed on the "Configuring the MFC
shelf containing the Option" procedure to
Are HIPR2 cards E5-ENET-B card. turn on the MFC
installed in card locations Yes option.
9 and 10 of the shelf containing
the E5-ENET card?

Have the fans
No been installed?

Refer to the Installation No

Manual - EAGLE 5 ISS and
install the required HIPR or
Refer to the Installation Manual and
HIPR2 cards.
install the fans on the shelf containing
the E5-ENET-B card.
Note: The fans must be installed and
working properly before an
E5-ENET-B card can be placed in the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 234: Adding an IPSG Card

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IPSG M2PA Linkset

The APC of this linkset

Enter the rtrv-ls Enter the rtrv-sid
cannot be shown in the
command. command.
rtrv-ls output.

Enter the rtrv-dstn

command with this Is the
parameter: Yes APC of the linkset being Enter the rtrv-dstn
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/ added in this procedure in command.
dpcn24=<APC value for the rtrv-dstn output?
the linkset being added>

Enter the rtrv-rtx command
with this parameter: Perform the “Adding a
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/ Destination Point Code” To
dpcn24=<New APC for the procedure to add the required Sheet 2
linkset> point code to the database.

This point code

Is the
Yes Do you wish to Yes cannot be used as
APC of the linkset being
choose another APC the APC of this
added in this procedure in
for the linkset? linkset. Choose
the rtrv-rtx output?
another point code.


Perform the “Removing a

Enter the rtrv-rte command with
Route Exception Entry”
this parameter:
procedure to remove all
the entries shown in the
APC for the linkset>
rtrv-rtx output.

Is the
APC of the linkset
Yes Do you wish to Yes
being changed in this
choose another APC
procedure in the rtrv-rte
for the linkset?
output as the DPC of
a route?

Perform the “Removing

a Route” procedure to
remove all the entries
Sheet 2
shown in the rtrv-rte

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 841

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the rtrv-tps

Sheet 1 command.
Note: The maximum total
provisioned system TPS
cannot be increased
beyond 750,000 TPS.

Will the
Yes value for the linkset cause the No To
maximum total provisioned system Sheet 5
TPS value to be

What is
the maximum total 750,000
provisioned system TPS
value? See
the Note.

To add the linkset , one or more of these actions must

500,000 be performed.
The IP TPS values of some IPGWx linksets will have
to be changed.
The MAXSLKTPS values of some IPSG linksets (and
Do you wish the RSVDSLKTPS values if necessary) will have to
to change the maximum No be changed.
total provisioned system Some ATM high -speed signaling links will have to be
TPS value? removed. An ANSI ATM high -speed signaling link
uses 1630 TPS. An ITU ATM high -speed signaling
link uses 2038 TPS.
Remove an IPLIMx card that contains signaling links.
An IPLIMx card that contains signaling links uses
Perform the “Activating the 4000 TPS.
HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature”
procedure to enable and turn on
the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
feature. When the HIPR2 High
Rate Mode feature is enabled To
and turned on, the maximum Sheet 3
total provisioned system TPS
value is increased to 750,000.

Sheet 5

Sheet 2 of 5

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

None of the
From Actions This procedure
Sheets 2
cannot be performed.
or 4

Change the TPS

Which action Linksets
do you wish to
Sheet 4

Remove ATM
High-Speed Remove an
Signaling Links IPLIMx Card

Enter the rtrv-slk Enter the rtrv-slk

command with this command with this
parameter. parameter.
:type=saal :type=iplim

Are any Are any

No ATM high -speed IPLIMx signaling links No
signaling links shown in shown in the rtrv-slk
the rtrv-slk output? output?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Removing

Perform the “Removing an
an SS7 Signaling Link”
IPLIMx Card” procedure to
procedure to remove
remove an IPLIMX card and it
some ATM high -speed
associated signaling links.
signaling links.

Yes Do you wish No To

to perform other
Sheet 5

Sheet 3 of 5

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Are any
From Enter the rept-stat-iptps linksets shown in No
Sheet 3 command. the rept-stat-iptps


Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
Are any linksets
No :lsn=<linkset name shown in
shown with the value
the rept-stat-iptps output>
yes in the IPGWAPC
column? Repeat this step for each
linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output.

Change the IP TPS

values of some or all the
Are any
existing IPGWx linksets No
linksets shown with
shown in the rtrv-ls
the value yes in the
output by performing the
IPSG column?
“Configuring an IPGWx
Linkset” procedure.

Change the MAXSLKTPS
values of the IPSG linksets
(and RSVDSLKTPS values if
necessary) of some or all of Do you
the IPSG linkset shown in the wish to change
rtrv-ls output by performing Yes the MAXSLKTPS
one of these procedures as values on any of
necessary. the IPSG
“Changing an IPSG M2PA linksets?
“Changing an IPSG M3UA No

Yes Do you wish

to perform other
Sheet 3


Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 844

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 2,
3, or 4

Add the IPSG M2PA linkset with the ent-ls command and
these mandatory parameters:
:lsn = <linkset name, not shown in the rtrv-ls output>
:apc/apca/apci/apcn/apcn24 = <adjacent point code shown in
the rtrv-dstn output, but not shown in the rtrv-sid output>
:lst = <a, b, c, d, e>
:ipsg = yes
:adapter = m2pa
:maxslktps = <100 - 5000>
:rsvdslktps = <0 - 5000>
and with any of these optional parameters.
:tpsalmtype = <rsvdslktps, maxslktps> Default value = rsvdslktps
:lsusealm = <10 - 100> Default value = 100
:slkusealm = <10 - 100> Default value = 80
1. The maxslktps parameter value must be greater than or
equal to the rsvdslktps parameter value.
2. The slktps parameter can be used in place of the rsvdslktps
There are other optional parameters that can be specified with
the ent-ls command. See the “Other Optional Parameters”
section in the “Adding an IPSG M2PA Linkset” Procedure in the
Database Administration Manual – IP7 Secure Gateway for the
procedures that discuss these parameters and their usage.

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
:lsn=<linkset name specified
in the ent-ls command>

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 235: Adding an IPSG M2PA Linkset

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Adding an IPSG M3UA Linkset

Enter the rtrv-ls Enter the rtrv-dstn

command. command.
Perform the “Adding a
Destination Point Code”
Is the procedure to add the
The APC of this linkset
APC of the required point code to the
cannot be shown in the No
linkset being added in database.
rtrv-ls output.
this procedure in the The PRX=YES parameter
rtrv-dstn cannot be specified for this
output? point code and a proxy
Enter the rtrv-sid point code cannot be
command. Yes assigned to this point code.
Enter the rtrv-dstn
command with this
parameter. To
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/ Sheet 2
dpcn24=<APC value for
the linkset being added>

Enter the rtrv-rtx command

Is a proxy point
Is the PRX=YES No No with this parameter.
code assigned to the
parameter value shown in :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/
point code displayed in
the previous step? dpcn24=<New APC for the
the previous step?

Yes Yes

This point code cannot be

used as the APC of this
linkset. Choose another Is the
Yes Do you wish to Yes No
point code. APC of the linkset being
choose another APC
added in this procedure in
for the linkset?
the rtrv-rtx output?

Perform the “Removing a
Route Exception Entry”
procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7 to Enter the rtrv-rte command with
remove all the entries shown in this parameter.
the rtrv-rtx output :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<New
APC for the linkset>

Is the
new APC of the linkset
Yes Do you wish to Yes being changed in this
choose another APC
procedure in the rtrv-rte
for the linkset?
output as the DPC of
a route?
Perform the “Removing a
Route” procedure in the
Database Administration To
Manual - SS7 to remove all the Sheet 2
entries shown in the rtrv-rte

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 846

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the rtrv-tps

Sheet 1 command.
Note: The maximum total
provisioned system TPS
cannot be increased
beyond 750,000 TPS.

Will the
Yes value for the linkset cause the No To
maximum total provisioned system Sheet 5
TPS value to be

What is
the maximum total 750,000
provisioned system TPS
value? See
the Note.

To add the linkset , one or more of these actions must

500,000 be performed.
The IP TPS values of some IPGWx linksets will have
to be changed.
The MAXSLKTPS values of some IPSG linksets (and
Do you wish the RSVDSLKTPS values if necessary) will have to
to change the maximum No be changed.
total provisioned system Some ATM high -speed signaling links will have to be
TPS value? removed. An ANSI ATM high -speed signaling link
uses 1630 TPS. An ITU ATM high -speed signaling
link uses 2038 TPS.
Remove an IPLIMx card that contains signaling links.
An IPLIMx card that contains signaling links uses
Perform the “Activating the 4000 TPS.
HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature”
procedure to enable and turn on
the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
feature. When the HIPR2 High
Rate Mode feature is enabled To
and turned on, the maximum Sheet 3
total provisioned system TPS
value is increased to 750,000.

Sheet 5

Sheet 2 of 5

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None of the
From Actions This procedure
Sheets 2
cannot be performed.
or 4

Change the TPS

Which action Linksets
do you wish to
Sheet 4

Remove ATM
High-Speed Remove an
Signaling Links IPLIMx Card

Enter the rtrv-slk Enter the rtrv-slk

command with this command with this
parameter. parameter.
:type=saal :type=iplim

Are any Are any

No ATM high -speed IPLIMx signaling links No
signaling links shown in shown in the rtrv-slk
the rtrv-slk output? output?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Removing

Perform the “Removing an
an SS7 Signaling Link”
IPLIMx Card” procedure to
procedure to remove
remove an IPLIMX card and it
some ATM high -speed
associated signaling links.
signaling links.

Yes Do you wish No To

to perform other
Sheet 5

Sheet 3 of 5

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Are any
From Enter the rept-stat-iptps linksets shown in No
Sheet 3 command. the rept-stat-iptps


Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
Are any linksets
No :lsn=<linkset name shown in
shown with the value
the rept-stat-iptps output>
yes in the IPGWAPC
column? Repeat this step for each
linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output.

Change the IP TPS

values of some or all the
Are any
existing IPGWx linksets No
linksets shown with
shown in the rtrv-ls
the value yes in the
output by performing the
IPSG column?
“Configuring an IPGWx
Linkset” procedure.

Change the MAXSLKTPS
values of the IPSG linksets
(and RSVDSLKTPS values if
necessary) of some or all of Do you
the IPSG linkset shown in the wish to change
rtrv-ls output by performing Yes the MAXSLKTPS
one of these procedures as values on any of
necessary. the IPSG
“Changing an IPSG M2PA linksets?
“Changing an IPSG M3UA No

Yes Do you wish

to perform other
Sheet 3


Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 849

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 2,
3, or 4

Add the IPSG M3UA linkset with the ent-ls command and
these mandatory parameters:
:lsn = <linkset name, not shown in the rtrv-ls output>
:apc/apca/apci/apcn/apcn24 = <adjacent point code shown in
the rtrv-dstn output, but not shown in the rtrv-sid output>
:lst = a
:ipsg = yes
:adapter = m3ua
:maxslktps = <100 - 5000>
:rsvdslktps = <0 - 5000>
and with any of these optional parameters.
:rcontext = < 0 – 4294967295> Default value = no value specified
:asnotif = < yes, no> Default value = yes
:tpsalmtype = <rsvdslktps, maxslktps> Default value = rsvdslktps
:lsusealm = <10 - 100> Default value = 100
:slkusealm = <10 - 100> Default value = 80
1. The maxslktps parameter value must be greater than or equal to the
rsvdslktps parameter value.
2. The slktps parameter can be used in place of the rsvdslktps parameter.
There are other optional parameters that can be specified with the ent-ls
command. See the “Other Optional Parameters” section in the “Adding
an IPSG M3UA Linkset” Procedure in the Database Administration
Manual – IP7 Secure Gateway for the procedures that discuss these
parameters and their usage.

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
:lsn=<linkset name specified
in the ent-ls command>

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 236: Adding an IPSG M3UA Linkset

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Configuring an IP Link

Enter the
rtrv-ip-lnk command

Is the
ipaddr= parameter No
to be specified with the
chg-ip-lnk command?


Enter the
rtrv-ip-host command with
this parameter.

Is the current IP
address of the IP link No
shown in the rtrv-ip-host


Perform the "Removing an IP Enter the

Host" procedure in this rtrv-slk:loc=<card location of
chapter and remove the host the signaling link from the
assigned to the IP address rtrv-ip-lnk output> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card location
of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 9

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Sheet 1

Is the state of Yes

the signaling link


Enter the
dact-slk:loc=<card location of
the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card Enter the
location of the signaling link> rept-stat-card:loc=<card
:link=<signaling link assigned location> command
to the card> command

Is the state of Yes

the card


Enter the
location> command

Enter the
Sheet 3
location> command

Sheet 2 of 9

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Sheet 2

Are the ipaddr

or submask paramter No To
values being Sheet 6


Enter the
rtrv-ip-card command with
the loc value of the IP link
being changed

Is the IP address
No Yes To
being changed to a
Sheet 4
different network?

Enter the
Is the card
rtrv-ip-rte command with No
the loc values of the IP link
to an IP route?
being changed


Perform the "Removing an

IP Route" procedure to To
remove the IP route Sheet 5
assigned to the card

Sheet 3 of 9

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Sheet 3

No Does the defrouter Yes

parameter have a value

Does the
network portion of the
Yes defrouter parameter match the
network portion of the IP address
not being changed or the
new IP address?


Enter the Perform the "Configuring

rtrv-ip-rte command with an IP Card" procedure and
the loc values of the IP link change the IP address of
being changed the default router to

Is the card No
to an IP route?


Perform the "Removing an

IP Route" procedure and To
remove the IP route Sheet 5
assigned to the card

Sheet 4 of 9

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Sheets 3
or 4

Is a Class B IP
address to be specified for No
the new IP address of the IP


Enter the
rtrv-netopts command

Is error message Yes

E3967 displayed?


Choose values for the ipaddr and

submask parameters of the
IP link that do not produce the same
subnet address as these parameter values
shown in the rtrv-netopts output.
The subnet address resulting from the
ipaddr and submask parameter values of
the IP link cannot be the same as the
subnet address resulting from the PVN
or FCNB and FCNBMASK values shown
in the rtrv-netopts output.

Sheet 5 of 9

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Was a local
host removed on Sheet 1 Yes
Sheets 3
with the "Removing an IP
or 5
Host" procedure?


Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with the
lhost value shown in the
rtrv-ip-host output from Sheet 1

Does the
rtrv-assoc output show No
any associations assigned
to the local host?


What is the
value of the open


Perform the “Changing the Attributes

of an IPSG Association” procedure in To
this chapter to change the open Sheet 7
parameter value to no.

Sheet 6 of 9

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Sheet 6

Enter the
chg-ip-lnk command with these mandatory
:loc=<card location of the link>
:port=<the ethernet interface on the card, A or B>
and with at least one of these optional
:ipaddr = <IP address>
:submask = <subnet mask of the IP interface>
:auto = <yes, no>
:duplex = <half, full>
Enter the
:speed = <10, 100>
rtrv-ip-lnk command with this
:mactype = <dix, 802.3>
(See Notes 1, 2, and 3)
:loc=<loc parameter value
specified in the previous step>

Was the state

To No
of the card changed on
Sheet 8
Sheet 2?

Enter the Yes

location> command

Enter the
Sheet 8
location> command

1. If either the ipaddr or submask parameters are specified, then both
parameters must be specified, unless the ipaddr= parameter is
specified, then the submask parameter is not required.
2. The ipaddr= parameter disables the IP link.
3. If the auto=yes parameter is specified, then the duplex and speed
parameters cannot be specified.

Sheet 7 of 9

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Sheet 7

Was the state

of the signaling link No
changed on
Sheet 2?


Enter the
act-slk:loc=<card location of
the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card Were the ipaddr or
location of signaling link> submask paramter
:link=<signaling link assigned values changed?
to the card> command

Enter the

Was the default

Yes router IP address
changed on
Sheet 4?

Perform the "Configuring an IP
Card" procedure in this chapter to
change the IP address of the
default router to an IP address
Sheet 9
whose network portion matches the
network portion of the new IP
address of the IP link

Sheet 8 of 9

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Sheet 8

Was an IP No
route removed on
Sheets 3 or 4?


Perform the "Adding an IP

Route" procedure and add
the IP route back to the

Yes Was the open

parameter value changed for
an association on Sheet 6?

Perform the “Changing the Attributes No

of an IPSG Association” procedure in
this chapter to change the open
parameter value to yes.

Enter the

Sheet 9 of 9
Figure 237: Configuring an IP Link

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IP Host

Enter the rtrv-ip-host

command with this

Enter the rtrv-ip-lnk


Enter the ent-ip-host command with

these parameters:
:host = <the hostname to be associated
with the IP address>
Is a local
No :ipaddr = <IP address to be associated
host being with the hostname>
configured? :type=remote
The IP address assigned to the remote
host cannot be shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk
Yes output.

Is the IP address Perform the “Changing an IP

for this local host shown in Link” procedure in this chapter
the rtrv-ip-lnk output? to add the IP address.

Enter the ent-ip-host command with
these mandatory parameters:
:host = <the hostname to be associated
with the IP address>
:ipaddr = <IP address to be associated
with the hostname>
and with this optional parameter:

Enter the rtrv-ip-host command

with this parameter:
:host = <the hostname specified
in the ent-ip-host command>

Enter the

Figure 238: Adding an IP Host

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring an IP Card

Enter the
rtrv-ip-card command

Enter the
rtrv-slk:loc=<card location of the
signaling link from rtrv-ip-card
output> command

Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<card location
of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Is the state of Yes

the signaling link


Enter the
dact-slk:loc=<card location of
the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
location of the signaling link>
Sheet 2
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Sheet 1 of 4

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Enter the Is the state of

From No
rept-stat-card:loc=<card the card
Sheet 1
location> command OOS-MT-DSBLD?


Enter the Enter the

rept-stat-card:loc=<card inh-card:loc=<card
location> command location> command

Is the defrouter
parameter to be specified No
with the chg-ip-card


Does the network

Enter the
portion of the defrouter value
rtrv-ip-lnk command with this Yes To
and any of the IP addresses
parameter: Sheet 3
shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk output
:loc=<location of the IP card>


Choose a value for the

defrouter parameter so that the Do you wish to
network portion of the defrouter No change any of the IP Yes
parameter value matches one addresses shown in the
of the IP addresses shown in rtrv-ip-lnk output?
the rtrv-ip-lnk output.

Perform the "Configuring an IP Link"

procedure in this chapter to change
one of the IP addresses shown in the
To rtrv-ip-lnk output so that the network
Sheet 3 portion of the defrouter parameter
value matches one of the IP
addresses shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk

Sheet 2 of 4

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Sheet 2

Will the sctpcsum No To

parameter value be
Sheet 4


Enter the
rtrv-sg-opts command Enter the rtrv-assoc command
with this parameter:
:aname=<the name of the
association shown in the ANAME
column in the rtrv-slk output on
Sheet 1>
What is the
current value of the
sctpcsum parameter shown
in the rtrv-sg-opts
What is the
ADAPTER value assigned
PERCARD to the association?

Perform the “Changing the Perform the “Changing the

SCTP Checksum Algorithm SCTP Checksum Algorithm
Option for IPSG-M2PA Option for IPSG-M3UA
To Associations” procedure in Associations” procedure in
Sheet 4 this chapter to change the this chapter to change the
system-wide SCTP checksum system-wide SCTP checksum
algorithm to percard. algorithm to percard.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Enter the Notes:

chg-ip-card:loc=<card location> command 1. Either the domain or rstdomain parameters can
with at least one of these parameters: be specified, but not both.
:srchordr = <local, srvr, srvronly>
:dsna = <IP address for domain server A> 2. The IP address of the Ethernet interface must be
:dsnb = <IP address for domain server B> shown in the rtrv-ip-lnk output before the defrouter
:domain = <domain name> parameter can be specified. The network portion of
:defrouter = <IP address of the default the IP address assigned to one of the Ethernet
router> Interfaces on the IP card must match the network
:rstdomain = <yes, no> portion of the default router's IP address.
:sctpcsum = <adler32, crc32c> 3. Specifying the IP address for the dsna or
(See Notes 1 through 4) dsnb parameters, removes the IP address for
Domain Server A (dsna) or Domain Server B
4. The sctpcsum parameter can be specified only if
Enter the
the SCTPCSUM value shown in the rtrv-sg-opts
rtrv-ip-card command with this
output is percard.
:loc = <the card location specified
with the chg-ip-card command>

Was the state Was the state

No No
of the card changed on of the signaling link
Sheet 1? changed on Sheet 1?


Enter the Enter the

alw-card:loc=<card dact-slk:loc=<card location of
location> command the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the
rept-stat-card:loc=<card Enter the
location> command rept-stat-slk:loc=<card
location of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link assigned
to the card> command

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 239: Configuring an IP Card

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IP Route

Enter the Enter the

rtrv-ip-rte command rtrv-ip-card command

Perform the "Adding an

IPSG Card" procedure in Is the required
this chapter to add the IP card in the
required IP card to the database?


Perform the "Changing an IP Card"

procedure in this chapter and make
Is a Class B IP
sure that the network portion of the
address to be specified
IP addresses assigned for the A or No
as the value for the dest
B interfaces is the same as the
parameter in the ent-ip-rte
network portion of the IP address
that will be assigned to the gtwy
parameter of the IP route


Enter the
Choose values for the dest and rtrv-netopts command
submask parameters of the
ent-ip-rte command that do not
produce the same subnet address as
these parameter values shown in the
rtrv-netopts output.
No Is error message
FCNB and FCNBMASK E3967 displayed?
The subnet address resulting from
the dest and submask parameter
values of the ent-ip-rte command
cannot be the same as the subnet Yes
address resulting from the PVN and
or FCNB and FCNBMASK values
shown in the rtrv-netopts output.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the
ent-ip-rte command with these parameters:
:loc=<IP card location>
:dest = <IP address of the remote host or
:submask = <subnet mask of the
destination IP address>
:gtwy = <IP address of the gateway or
(See Notes 1 through 4)

Enter the
rtrv-ip-rte:loc=<card location
specified in the ent-ip-rte
command> command

Enter the

1. The network portion of the IP address value of the gtwy
parameter must be the same as the network portion of the IP
addresses shown for either the A or B interfaces in the rtrv-ip-card
2. The value of the dest and gtwy parameters cannot the
127.x.x.x (the loopback address),, or the IP addresses of
the A or B interfaces on the IP card, and cannot be assigned to
another IP card.
3. There can be a maximum of 64 IP routes assigned to an IP
4. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 1024 IP routes.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 240: Adding an IP Route

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 866

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IPSG M2PA Association

Enter the
rtrv-assoc command.
Note: The IP link is shown by the
entries in the CARD LOC and
IPLINK PORT columns. The
ADAPTER value of the association
must be M2PA .
Is the required
IP link shown in the No To
rtrv-assoc output? (See Sheet 2
the Note)


Enter the
rtrv-card command with this
:loc= <card location from the
rtrv-assoc output>

Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this What is the
parameter. IPSG value in the TYPE
:loc = <the card location that column of the rtrv-card
will host the new output?


Less The links and host assigned to

than 32 How many this card cannot be used in this
associations are procedure.

To 32
Sheet 3

Do you wish to
This is the maximum use the card shown in the Yes
number of IPSG rtrv-card output to configure an
associations the IPSG M2PA association ?
card may contain.
Choose another IPSG
card. Perform the “Adding
No an M2PA Association”

Choose another card from the

rtrv-assoc output whose
adapter value is M2PA .

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 867

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 1 rtrv-ip-lnk command.

Perform the "Configuring

Is the required No an IP Link" procedure in
IP link in the IP Link
this chapter to add the
required IP link.


Enter the
rtrv-ip-host command with
this parameter.

Is the required Perform the "Adding an IP

host name shown in the No Host" procedure in this
rtrv-ip-host output? See chapter and add the
Notes 1 and 2. required host name.

Enter the
rtrv-m2pa-tset command.

1. The IP address of the IP link should be
Is the desired
assigned to the host name, shown in the
M2PA timer set Yes
rtrv-ip-host output, that will be assigned to the
defined with the desired
values? See
2. The values of the lhost and alhost parameters Note 3.
must be in the LOCAL HOST column in the
rtrv-ip-host output.
3: If the m2patset parameter will not be specified No
with the ent-assoc command, the RFC version of
M2PA timer set 1 will be assigned to the
association. Perform the "Changing an
Caution: Changing an M2PA timer set may M2PA Timer Set " procedure in
affect the performance of any associations using this chapter to change the To
the timer set being changed. desired timer set with the Sheet 3
desired values. See the

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 868

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 1 rtrv-m2pa-tset command.

Perform the "Changing an

Is the desired
M2PA Timer Set " procedure in
M2PA timer set No this chapter and change the
defined with the desired
desired timer set with the
values? See
desired values. See the
the Note.


Note: If the m2patset parameter

will not be specified with the
ent-assoc command, the RFC
version of M2PA timer set 1 will
Yes Was a new host be assigned to the association.
name added on
Sheet 2 Caution: Changing an M2PA
Sheet 2?
timer set may affect the
performance of any
associations using the timer set
No being changed.

Enter the rtrv-assoc

command with this
:lhost=<local host name
that will be assigned to the
new association>

200 or Less than Do you wish to

What is the
greater 200 change the buffer size No
available buffer size of the
of any of the associations
card that the association will
currently assigned to the
be assigned to ?

The new association

Yes cannot be added.

Perform the “Changing the Buffer Size

of an IPSG Association” procedure to
To change the buffer size of the
Sheet 4 associations assigned to the card to
allow the new association to be added
to the card.

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Enter the
ent-assoc command with these mandatory parameters.
:aname=<association name>
:lhost = <local host name from the
rtrv-ip-host output>
and with at least one of these optional parameters:
:lport = <local port ID>
:rhost = <remote host name>
:rport = <remote port ID>
:adapter = m2pa
:alhost = <alternate local host name from the rtrv-ip-host
:m2patset = 1-20
(See Notes 1 through 9)

Enter the rtrv-assoc command

with this parameter.
:aname=<the name of the
association specified with the
ent-assoc command>

Enter the

1. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 4000 connections (association – application server assignments).
2. The default value for the adapter parameter is m2pa.
3. A maximum of 32 IPSG M2PA or M 3UA associations can be assigned to the IPSG card.
4. The value of the lhost, rhost, or alhost parameters is a text string of up to 60 characters, with the first character being a
letter. The command line on the terminal can contain up to 150 characters. If the host names are too long to fit on the ent-
assoc command line, perform the chg-assoc command with the parameters and values necessary to complete the entry of the
IPSG M2PA association .
5. To activate the association after the association is assigned to a signaling link , the association must contain values for the
lhost, rhost, lport, and rport parameters.
6. If the lhost and alhost parameters are specified, the lhost parameter value represents the IP address corresponding to one
of the network interfaces (A or B) on the IP card while the alhost parameter value represents the IP address corresponding to
the other network interface of the same IP card.
7. The m2patset parameter can be specified only with the adapter=m2pa parameter.
8. The m2patset parameter value defaults to M2PA timer set 1 (m2patset=1) if the m2patset parameter is not specified.
9. When the adapter=m2pa parameter is specified, the RFC M2PA version is assigned to the M 2PA association by default . If
you wish to assign the Draft 6 M2PA version to this association , perform the “Changing the Attributes of an IPSG Association”
procedure in this chapter after this procedure is completed to change the M2PA version of this association .

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 241: Adding an IPSG M2PA Association

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IPSG M3UA Association

Enter the
rtrv-assoc command

Is the required
IP link shown in the No Enter the
rtrv-assoc output? See rtrv-ip-lnk command
Note 1.
Is the required No
IP link in the IP Link
Yes table?

Enter the
rtrv-card command with this Perform the
Yes "Configuring an IP
:loc= <card location from the Link" procedure in
rtrv-assoc output> this chapter and
add the required IP
Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this What is the Enter the
parameter. IPSG value in the TYPE rtrv-ip-host command with
:loc = <the card location that column of the rtrv-card this parameter.
will host the new output? :display=all


Less than Is the required

How many Yes
32 To host name shown in the
associations are rtrv-ip-host output? See
Sheet 2
displayed? Notes 2 and 3.

The links and host assigned to No
this card cannot be used in this
This is the maximum number
of IPSG associations the IPSG Perform the "Adding an IP
card may contain. Choose Host" procedure in this To
another IPSG card. chapter and add the Sheet 2
required host name.

Choose another card

Do you wish to
from the rtrv-assoc No Yes Perform the “Adding an
use the card shown in the
output whose M3UA or SUA Association”
rtrv-card output to configure an
adapter value is procedure.
M3UA association?

1. The IP link is shown by the entries in the CARD LOC and IPLINK PORT columns. The ADAPTER
value of the association must be M3UA.
2. The IP address of the IP link should be assigned to the host name, shown in the rtrv-ip-host
output, that will be assigned to the association.
3. The values of the lhost and alhost parameters must be in the LOCAL HOST column in the
rtrv-ip-host output.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Was a new host Yes

name added on
Sheet 1
Sheet 1?

Enter the rtrv-assoc No Enter the

command with this ent-assoc command with these
parameter. mandatory parameters:
:lhost=<local host name :aname=<association name>
that will be assigned to the :lhost = <local host name from the
new association> rtrv-ip-host output>
:adapter = m3ua
and with at least one of these optional
:lport = <local port ID>
:rhost = <remote host name>
What is the 16 or :rport = <remote port ID>
available buffer size of the greater :alhost = <alternate local host name from
card that the association will the rtrv-ip-host output>
be assigned to ? (See Notes 1 through 5)

Less than
16 Enter the rtrv-assoc command
with this parameter.
Perform the “Changing the :aname=<the name of the
Buffer Size of an IPSG association specified with the
Do you wish to ent-assoc command>
Association” procedure to
change the buffer size Yes change the buffer size of the
of any of the associations
associations assigned to the
currently assigned to the
card to allow the new
card? Enter the
association to be added to
the card. chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed

The new association

cannot be added.

1. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 4000 connections (association – application
server assignments).
2. A maximum of 32 IPSG M2PA or M 3UA associations can be assigned to the IPSG card.
3. The value of the lhost, rhost, or alhost parameters is a text string of up to 60 characters,
with the first character being a letter. The command line on the terminal can contain up to 150
characters. If the host names are too long to fit on the ent-assoc command line, perform the
chg-assoc command with the parameters and values necessary to complete the entry of the
IPSG M3UA association.
4. To activate the association after the association is assigned to a signaling link , the
association must contain values for the lhost, rhost, lport, and rport parameters.
5. If the lhost and alhost parameters are specified, the lhost parameter value represents the IP
address corresponding to one of the network interfaces (A or B) on the IP card while the
alhost parameter value represents the IP address corresponding to the other network
interface of the same IP card.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 242: Adding an IPSG M3UA Association

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link

Enter the
Will the addition
What is the
of the signaling link Yes 2800
maximum number of signaling
exceed the maximum number of
links the EAGLE 5 ISS can
signaling links the EAGLE
5 ISS can have?
This procedure
cannot be
No performed. The
Perform the "Enabling the EAGLE 5 ISS can
Large System # Links contain a maximum
Enter the Controlled Feature" of 2800 signaling
rtrv-slk command. procedure to enable the links.
Sheet 2
desired quantity of signaling

Enter the

Is the Perform the “Adding an

required card in the No IPSG Card” procedure to
database? See add the IPSG card to the
the Note. database.

Yes Note: The card type must be

ENET and card’s application
must be IPSG.
Enter the
rtrv-slk command with this
:loc=<IPSG card location>

An IPSG card can

How many
contain a maximum 32 signaling links are
of 32 IPSG signaling
assigned to the
links. Choose
another IPSG card.

Less than

A new signaling
link cannot be How many Less than
added to this 5000 TPS is currently 5000 To
card. Choose shown in the rtrv-slk Sheet 2
another IPSG output?

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 873

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Is the desired
From Enter the rept-stat-iptps linkset shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 command rept-stat-iptps

Perform the "Adding an No Enter the rtrv-ls command

IPSG M2PA Linkset " with this parameter.
procedure to add a new :lsn=<the name of the
IPSG M2PA linkset to the linkset shown in the
database. See the Note. rept-stat-iptps output>

M2PA What is the Yes What is the

ADAPTER value for IPSG value for the
the linkset? linkset?

M3UA No Choose another

linkset from the
Yes Was a new rept-stat-iptps
IPSG card added on output.
Sheet 1?


A new signaling link

cannot be added to this
Will adding the Yes card unless the
new signaling link
exceed the 5000 TPS limit
for at least one of the
for the IPSG card? See
linksets shown in the
the Note.
rtrv-slk output are

To Perform the "Changing an IPSG

Sheet 3 M2PA Linkset " or the "Changing
Do you
an IPSG M3UA Linkset"
wish to change the Yes procedure, as necessary, to
RSVDSLKTPS value in any of
change the appropriate
Note: When the IPSG M2PA signaling the linksets shown in
RSVDSLKTPS values in the
link is added, the RSVDSLKTPS value the rtrv-slk output?
linksets shown in the rtrv-slk
that is assigned to the linkset will be output.
assigned to the signaling link. The
sum of the TPS used by all the No
signaling links that are assigned to the
IPSG card cannot exceed 5000 TPS.
The TPS used by the IPSG card and A new signaling link
cannot be added to To To
the TPS used by each signaling link Sheet 3
that is assigned to the IPSG card is this card. Choose Sheet 1
shown when the rtrv-slk command another IPSG card.
with the location of the IPSG card was
performed on Sheet 1.

Sheet 2 of 6

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Will adding the

new signaling link exceed No
From Enter the rtrv-tps To
the maximum total provisioned
Sheet 2 command. Sheet 6
system TPS value? See
the Note on Sheet 2.

Note: The maximum total Yes

provisioned system TPS cannot be
increased beyond 750,000 TPS.

What is
500,000 the maximum total
provisioned system TPS
value? See
the Note.


To add the signaling link , one or more of these actions

must be performed.
The IP TPS values of some IPGWx linksets will have
to be changed.
The MAXSLKTPS values of some IPSG linksets (and
Do you wish the RSVDSLKTPS values if necessary) will have to
to change the maximum No be changed.
total provisioned system Some ATM high -speed signaling links will have to be
TPS value? removed. An ANSI ATM high -speed signaling link
uses 1630 TPS. An ITU ATM high -speed signaling
link uses 2038 TPS.
Remove an IPLIMx card that contains signaling links.
An IPLIMx card that contains signaling links uses
Perform the “Activating the 4000 TPS.
HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature”
procedure in to enable and turn
on the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
feature. When the HIPR2 High
Rate Mode feature is enabled To
and turned on, the maximum Sheet 4
total provisioned system TPS
value is increased to 750,000.

Sheet 6

Sheet 3 of 6

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

None of the
From Actions This procedure
Sheets 3
cannot be performed.
or 5

Change the TPS

Which action Linksets
do you wish to
Sheet 5

Remove ATM
High-Speed Remove an
Signaling Links IPLIMx Card

Are any
Are any
IPLIMx cards
No ATM high -speed No
containing signaling links
signaling links shown in the
shown in the rtrv-card
rtrv-card output
output on
on Sheet 1?
Sheet 1?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Removing an

Perform the “Removing
IPLIMx Card” procedure to
an SS7 Signaling Link”
remove an IPLIMX card, not
procedure to remove
the card that this link will be
some ATM high -speed
assigned to, and it associated
signaling links.
signaling links.

Yes Do you wish No To

to perform other
Sheet 6

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 876

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Are any
linksets shown in No
the rept-stat-iptps
Sheet 4
output on
Sheet 2?


Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
Are any linksets
No :lsn=<linkset name shown in
shown with the value
the rept-stat-iptps output>
yes in the IPGWAPC
column? Repeat this step for each
linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output.

Change the IP TPS

values of some or all the
Are any
existing IPGWx linksets No
linksets shown with
shown in the rtrv-ls
the value yes in the
output by performing the
IPSG column?
“Configuring an IPGWx
Linkset” procedure.

Change the MAXSLKTPS
values of the IPSG linksets
(and RSVDSLKTPS values if
necessary) of some or all of Do you
the IPSG linkset shown in the wish to change
rtrv-ls output by performing Yes the MAXSLKTPS
one of these procedures as values on any of
necessary. the IPSG
“Changing an IPSG M2PA linksets?
“Changing an IPSG M3UA No

Yes Do you wish

to perform other
Sheet 4


Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 877

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-assoc command

Are any entries
From with this parameter. No
shown in the rtrv-assoc
Sheets 2, 3, :loc=<the location of the IPSG
output? See
4, or 5 card that the signaling link will
the Note.
be assigned to>

Enter the ent-slk command. Use the IPSG M2PA
Signaling Link Parameter Combinations table in the
“Adding an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link” procedure in Perform the “Adding an IPSG
the Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure M2PA Association” procedure to
Gateway as a guide to determine which parameters to add the IPSG M2PA association .
specify with the ent-slk command. This association must be
If adding the new signaling link will result in more than assigned to the IPSG card that
700 signaling links in the database and the the IPSG M2PA signaling link will
OAMHCMEAS value in the rtrv-measopts output is on, be assigned to.
the scheduled UI measurement reports will be

Enter the rtrv-slk command with these

parameters for each signaling link added
with the ent-slk command. Is the signaling Yes
:loc=<card location specified in the link the first link on the
ent-slk command> card?
:link = <the link parameter value
specified in the ent-slk command>
Enter the act-slk command with these Enter the
parameters for each signaling link added rst-card:loc=<card location
with the ent-slk command. specified in the ent-slk
:loc=<card location specified in the command> command for
ent-slk command> each card that signaling links
:link = <the link parameter value were added to for the first
specified in the ent-slk command> time.

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with

these parameters for each signaling link Note: The association that can be assigned to an
added with the ent-slk command. IPSG M2PA signaling link must be an association
:loc=<card location specified in the whose ADAPTER value is M2PA and is not assigned
ent-slk command> to a signaling link (dashes are shown in the LINK
:link = <the link parameter value column of the rtrv-assoc output).
specified in the ent-slk command>

Enter the chg-assoc command

with these parameters.
:aname=<the name of the Enter the
association assigned to the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
signaling link> command.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 243: Adding an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link

Enter the
Will the addition
What is the
of the signaling link Yes 2800
maximum number of signaling
exceed the maximum number of
links the EAGLE 5 ISS can
signaling links the EAGLE
5 ISS can have?
This procedure
cannot be
No performed. The
Perform the "Enabling the EAGLE 5 ISS can
Large System # Links contain a maximum
From Enter the Controlled Feature" of 2800 signaling
Sheets 2 rtrv-slk command. procedure to enable the links.
or 6 desired quantity of signaling

Enter the

Is the Perform the “Adding an

required card in the No IPSG Card” procedure to
database? See add the IPSG card to the
the Note. database.

Yes Note: The card type must be

ENET and card’s application
must be IPSG.
Enter the
rtrv-slk command with this
:loc=<IPSG card location>

An IPSG card can

How many
contain a maximum 32 signaling links are
of 32 IPSG signaling
assigned to the
links. Choose
another IPSG card.

Less than

A new signaling
link cannot be How many Less than
added to this 5000 TPS is currently 5000 To
card. Choose shown in the rtrv-slk Sheet 2
another IPSG output?

Sheet 1 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Is the desired
From Enter the rept-stat-iptps linkset shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 command rept-stat-iptps

Perform the "Adding an No Enter the rtrv-ls command

IPSG M3UA Linkset" with this parameter.
procedure to add a new :lsn=<the name of the
IPSG M3UA linkset to the linkset shown in the
database. See the Note. rept-stat-iptps output>

M3UA What is the Yes What is the

ADAPTER value for IPSG value for the
the linkset? linkset?

M2PA No Choose another

linkset from the
Yes Was a new rept-stat-iptps
IPSG card added on output.
Sheet 1?


A new signaling link

cannot be added to this
Will adding the Yes card unless the
new signaling link
exceed the 5000 TPS limit
for at least one of the
for the IPSG card? See
linksets shown in the
the Note.
rtrv-slk output are

To Perform the "Changing an IPSG

Sheet 3 M3UA Linkset" or the "Changing
Do you
an IPSG M2PA Linkset "
wish to change the Yes procedure, as necessary, to
RSVDSLKTPS value in any of
change the appropriate
Note: When the IPSG M3UA signaling the linksets shown in
RSVDSLKTPS values in the
link is added, the RSVDSLKTPS value the rtrv-slk output?
linksets shown in the rtrv-slk
that is assigned to the linkset will be output.
assigned to the signaling link. The
sum of the TPS used by all the No
signaling links that are assigned to the
IPSG card cannot exceed 5000 TPS.
The TPS used by the IPSG card and A new signaling link
cannot be added to To To
the TPS used by each signaling link Sheet 3
that is assigned to the IPSG card is this card. Choose Sheet 1
shown when the rtrv-slk command another IPSG card.
with the location of the IPSG card was
performed on Sheet 1.

Sheet 2 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Will adding the

new signaling link exceed No
From Enter the rtrv-tps To
the maximum total provisioned
Sheet 2 command. Sheet 6
system TPS value? See
the Note on Sheet 2.

Note: The maximum total Yes

provisioned system TPS cannot be
increased beyond 750,000 TPS.

What is
500,000 the maximum total
provisioned system TPS
value? See
the Note.


To add the signaling link , one or more of these actions

must be performed.
The IP TPS values of some IPGWx linksets will have
to be changed.
The MAXSLKTPS values of some IPSG linksets (and
Do you wish the RSVDSLKTPS values if necessary) will have to
to change the maximum No be changed.
total provisioned system Some ATM high -speed signaling links will have to be
TPS value? removed. An ANSI ATM high -speed signaling link
uses 1630 TPS. An ITU ATM high -speed signaling
link uses 2038 TPS.
Remove an IPLIMx card that contains signaling links.
An IPLIMx card that contains signaling links uses
Perform the “Activating the 4000 TPS.
HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature”
procedure in to enable and turn
on the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
feature. When the HIPR2 High
Rate Mode feature is enabled To
and turned on, the maximum Sheet 4
total provisioned system TPS
value is increased to 750,000.

Sheet 6

Sheet 3 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

None of the
From Actions This procedure
Sheets 3
cannot be performed.
or 5

Change the TPS

Which action Linksets
do you wish to
Sheet 5

Remove ATM
High-Speed Remove an
Signaling Links IPLIMx Card

Are any
Are any
IPLIMx cards
No ATM high -speed No
containing signaling links
signaling links shown in the
shown in the rtrv-card
rtrv-card output
output on
on Sheet 1?
Sheet 1?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Removing an

Perform the “Removing
IPLIMx Card” procedure to
an SS7 Signaling Link”
remove an IPLIMX card, not
procedure to remove
the card that this link will be
some ATM high -speed
assigned to, and it associated
signaling links.
signaling links.

Yes Do you wish No To

to perform other
Sheet 6

Sheet 4 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 882

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Are any
linksets shown in No
the rept-stat-iptps
Sheet 4
output on
Sheet 2?


Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
Are any linksets
No :lsn=<linkset name shown in
shown with the value
the rept-stat-iptps output>
yes in the IPGWAPC
column? Repeat this step for each
linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output.

Change the IP TPS

values of some or all the
Are any
existing IPGWx linksets No
linksets shown with
shown in the rtrv-ls
the value yes in the
output by performing the
IPSG column?
“Configuring an IPGWx
Linkset” procedure.

Change the MAXSLKTPS
values of the IPSG linksets
(and RSVDSLKTPS values if
necessary) of some or all of Do you
the IPSG linkset shown in the wish to change
rtrv-ls output by performing Yes the MAXSLKTPS
one of these procedures as values on any of
necessary. the IPSG
“Changing an IPSG M2PA linksets?
“Changing an IPSG M3UA No

Yes Do you wish

to perform other
Sheet 4


Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 883

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-assoc command

Are any entries
From with this parameter. No
shown in the rtrv-assoc
Sheets 3, :loc=<the location of the IPSG
output? See
4, or 5 card that the signaling link will
the Note.
be assigned to>

Perform the “Adding an IPSG

Yes M3UA Association” procedure to
add the IPSG M3UA association.
This association must be
Note: Dashes for the LINK assigned to the IPSG card that
value of an association indicate the IPSG M3UA signaling link will
that the association is not be assigned to.
assigned to a signaling link.

A Value other What is LINK

than Dashes value of the Dashes
association? See the
Enter the rtrv-slk command with
this parameter.
:aname=<the name of the
association that will be assigned
to the signaling link>
Enter the rtrv-ls command with this
:lsn=<the name of the linkset
shown in the rtrv-slk output>
Repeat this step for each linkset
15 or name shown in the rtrv-slk output.
How many signaling Less
links is the association
assigned to?
Enter the rtrv-ls command with this
16 :lsn=<the name of the linkset that
will be assigned to the new
signaling link output>
An association can be assigned
to a maximum of 16 signaling
links. Choose another IPSG card
for this signaling link.

Does the linkset that

will be assigned to the new Yes
signaling link contain a unique
To RCONTEXT value?
Sheet 2


Perform the “Changing an IPSG

M3UA Linkset” procedure to add a
routing context value to the linkset
that will be assigned to the signaling
Sheet 7
link, that is unique when compared to
the other linksets that this association
is assigned to.

Sheet 6 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 6

Enter the ent-slk command. Use the IPSG M3UA

Signaling Link Parameter Combinations table in the
“Adding an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link” procedure in Enter the rtrv-slk command with these
the Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure parameters for each signaling link added
Gateway as a guide to determine which parameters with the ent-slk command.
to specify with the ent-slk command. :loc=<card location specified in the
If adding the new signaling link will result in more ent-slk command>
than 700 signaling links in the database and the :link = <the link parameter value
OAMHCMEAS value in the rtrv-measopts output is specified in the ent-slk command>
on, the scheduled UI measurement reports will be

No Is the signaling
link the first link on the


Enter the act-slk command with these Enter the

parameters for each signaling link added rst-card:loc=<card location
with the ent-slk command. specified in the ent-slk
:loc=<card location specified in the command> command for
ent-slk command> each card that signaling links
:link = <the link parameter value were added to for the first
specified in the ent-slk command> time.

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with

these parameters for each signaling link
added with the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the link parameter value
specified in the ent-slk command>

Enter the chg-assoc command

What was the
with these parameters.
OPEN value of the No :aname=<the name of the
association that was
association assigned to the
assigned to the
signaling link>
signaling link?

Enter the

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 244: Adding an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 885

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Network Appearance

Enter the
rtrv-na command

Is the gc parameter Yes Enter the rtrv-sid

to be specified? command


Is the desired gc
parameter value shown in
the rtrv-sid output?


Enter the rtrv-spc


Is the desired gc
parameter value shown in
the rtrv-spc output?


Perform the “Adding a Secondary

Point Code” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7 and add a
Sheet 2
secondary point code to the database
with the desired group code value.

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 886

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Is the ituis or
From No
ituns parameters
Sheet 1
to be specified?


Are ITU-I spare

or 14-bit ITU-N spare
network appearances are shown
in the rtrv-na output
on Sheet 1?


Was the rtrv-sid Are spare point

Yes Yes
command executed on codes shown in the
Sheet 1? rtrv-sid output?

No No

Enter the

Is the ITU
National and International Yes
Spare Point Code Support
Feature enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU National

and International Spare Point Code Support
Feature" procedure in the Database To
Administration Manual - SS7 to enable the Sheet 3
ITU National and International Spare Point
Code Support feature.

Sheet 2 of 3

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Sheet 2

Enter the Notes:

ent-na command with these mandatory 1. The group code value (gc) must be shown in
parameters: the rtrv-sid or rtrv-spc output.
:na=<0 - 4294967295> 2. The gc parameter can be specified with the
:type = <ansi, itui, itun, itun24, ituis, ituns> type=itun or type=ituns parameters, but cannot
and this optional parameter: be specified with the type=ansi, type=itui,
:gc = <group code for 14-bit ITU-N point type=ituis or type=itun24 parameters.
codes or 14-bit ITU-N spare point codes>
(See Notes 1 through 4) 3. If group codes are shown in the rtrv-sid or
rtrv-spc outputs, the gc parameter must be
specified with the type=itun or type=ituns

Enter the 4. The type=ituis or type=ituns parameters can

rtrv-na command be specified only if the ITU National and
International Spare Point Code Support feature
is enabled.

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 245: Adding a Network Appearance

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 888

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the Large MSU

No To
Support for IP Signaling
Sheet 2
feature enabled?


Is the status
The Large MSU Support for IP
of the Large MSU On Signaling feature is enabled and
Support for IP Signaling
turned on. No further action is
feature on
or off?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


Sheet 3

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
feature with a quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is the default entry
for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control
shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 4

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Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
From 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
Sheet 2 in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4

Is the EAGLE 5 Yes

ISS's serial number

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Enter the ent-serial-num
Center to get the correct serial
command with this parameter:
number entered into the
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
database. Refer to the
serial number>
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<Large MSU Support for IP Signaling feature
access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the
Large MSU Support for IP Signaling feature,
contact your Tekelec sales representative or
account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 246: Activating the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 892

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IPSG Card

Enter the rtrv-card


Enter the rtrv-ls command with

The card being removed in this
this parameter:
procedure must be running the
:lsn=<the name of the linkset
IPSG application. Select one of
shown in the LSET NAME column
these cards.
for the card being removed>

What is the
ADAPTER value assigned
to the linkset?

Perform the “Removing an Perform the “Removing an

IPSG-M2PA Signaling Link” IPSG-M3UA Signaling Link”
procedure in this chapter to procedure in this chapter to
remove the signaling links that remove the signaling links that
are assigned to the card being are assigned to the card being
removed. removed.
Repeat this step for each Repeat this step for each
signaling link assigned to the signaling link assigned to the
card. card.

Enter the dlt-card command with

this parameter:
:loc=<location of the card being

Enter the rtrv-card command with

this parameter:
:loc=<card location from the
previous step>

Enter the

Figure 247: Removing an IPSG Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 893

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IPSG Linkset

Enter the
rept-stat-iptps command

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this parameter.
:lsn=<the name of the linkset that
will be removed, shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output>

Perform the “Removing a

Linkset Containing SS7
What is the
No Signaling Links” procedure
IPSG value of the
in the Database
Administration Manual –
SS7 to remove the linkset.

What is the linkset

A, B, C, D, E
type of the linkset being


Are multiple linksets

No To
with the same APC shown
Sheet 3
in the rtrv-ls output?


Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 7

Enter the rtrv-ls command with this

APC of the linkset being removed>

Enter the rtrv-dstn command with

this parameter:
APC of the linkset being removed>

Does the APC of

the linkset contain the proxy No
point code shown in the
rtrv-dstn output?


This linkset cannot be removed until

the other proxy linksets that have this
APC are removed. Continue this
Sheet 3
procedure to remove the other proxy
linksets that have this APC.

Sheet 2 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-rte command with

this parameter.
Sheets 1
:lsn=<name of the linkset being
or 2

Is the
linkset being Yes
removed assigned to
any routes?

No Perform the the “Removing

a Route” procedure in the
Database Administration
Manual – SS7 to remove
the routes.

What is the
ADAPTER value of the

Perform the “Removing an Perform the “Removing an

IPSG M2PA Signaling Link” IPSG M3UA Signaling Link”
procedure in this chapter and procedure in this chapter and
remove all the signaling links remove all the signaling links
from the linkset. from the linkset.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 7

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Enter the rtrv-rtx command with

From this parameter.
Sheet 3 :lsn=<name of the linkset being

Is the linkset that

No To
is being removed shown in
Sheet 5
the rtrv-rtx output?


Do you wish
to change the name
No of the linkset assigned to the Yes
route exception entries
displayed in the rtrv-rtx
Perform the “Removing a Perform the “Chaning a
Route Exception Entry” Route Exception Entry”
procedure in this chapter procedure in this chapter to
to remove all the entries change the name of the
shown in the rtrv-rtx linkset assigned to the route
output. exception entries displayed
in the rtrv-rtx output.

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 897

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Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

From command with this
Sheet 4 parameter.

Is the Flexible
Linkset Optional Based No
Routing feature enabled and
turned on?


Enter the rtrv-gttsel

command with this
:lsn=<the name of the
linkset that is being

Is the linkset
shown in the rtrv-gttsel


Perform the “Removing a GTT

Selector” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual – To
Global Title Translation to remove Sheet 6
all the GTT selectors that contain
the linkset that is being removed.

Sheet 5 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the dlt-ls command with

From this parameter.
Sheet 5 :lsn=<name of the linkset being

Enter the rtrv-ls command with this

:lsn=<name of the linkset used in
the dlt-ls output>

Was the linkset that No

was removed a proxy


Was the proxy linkset

the only linkset assigned to the Yes
APC of the linkset that was

Enter the
No command

Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 7

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Sheet 6

Did the proxy linkset

contain the proxy point code No
that was assigned to the APC
of the linkset?


Do you wish
to remove the proxy linkset
that contains the proxy point code
that was assigned to the APC
of the linkset?


Enter the

Perform this procedure from

Are other proxy Sheet 2 to remove the linkset
linksets with this APC still with the APC that contains the
in the database? proxy point code shown in the
rtrv-dstn output on Sheet 2.


The linkset whose APC contains the

proxy point code shown in the rtrv-dstn
output on Sheet 2 cannot be removed
until the other proxy linksets that have
Sheet 2
this APC are removed. Perform this
procedure from Sheet 2 to remove
these linksets.

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 248: Removing an IPSG Linkset

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPSG Card

Enter the rtrv-ip-host Is the host Remote Host

command with this name shown a local Name
parameter. host name or a remote
:display=all host name?

Local Host
Enter the rtrv-ip-lnk Name

Enter the rtrv-card


Enter the rtrv-assoc

Select an IP host that is command with this
assigned to an IPSG parameter:
card. :lhost=<host name being
removed in this procedure>

Are associations
Yes To
displayed in the
Sheet 2
rtrv-assoc output?


Enter the dlt-ip-host command

with this parameter:
:host = <hostname being

Enter the rtrv-ip-host

command with this parameter:
:host = <hostname specified
in the dlt-ip-host command>

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Change the local host

name for the associations
referencing the host name
Do you wish
No being removed by
to remove the
performing the “Changing
the Host Values of an
IPSG Association”
procedure in this chapter.

Remove all the

associations referencing
the host name by
performing the "Removing
an IPSG Association"
procedure in this chapter.

Enter the dlt-ip-host command

with this parameter:
:host = <hostname being

Enter the rtrv-ip-host

command with this parameter:
:host = <hostname specified
in the dlt-ip-host command>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 249: Removing an IP Host Assigned to an IPSG Card

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IP Route

Enter the
rtrv-ip-rte command

Enter the
rept-stat-card:loc=<location of
IP card containing the IP route
being removed> command

Is the state of Yes

the IP card


Do you wish to
Enter the
place the IP card in the Yes inh-card:loc=<IP card
containing the IP route being
removed> command
(See Caution)


Enter the Enter the

dlt-ip-rte command with the dlt-ip-rte command with at lease one
:force=yes parameter and at lease of these parameters:
one of these parameters: :loc=<IP card location>
:loc=<IP card location> :dest = <IP address of the remote
:dest = <IP address of the remote host or network>
host or network>

Enter the
rtrv-ip-rte command

Caution: Removing an IP route while

the IP card is still in service can result
in losing the ability to route outbound
IP traffic on the IP card. This can Enter the
Does the IP
cause both TCP and SCTP sessions alw-card:loc=<IP card location
card contain other IP
on the IP card to be lost. specified in the dlt-ip-rte
command> command

Enter the

Figure 250: Removing an IP Route

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IPSG Association

Enter the rtrv-assoc


Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
The ADAPTER value assigned to
:loc = <the location of the card
the association must be either
containing the association that will be
M2PA or M3UA.
removed, shown in the rtrv-assoc

IPLIM, Perform the "Removing an

IPSG IPLIMI M2PA Association "
What application is
procedure in Chapter 3 to
assigned to the card?
remove the M2PA

Are signaling SS7IPGW, Perform the "Removing an

No To
links assigned to the IPGWI M3UA or SUA Association"
Sheet 2
card? procedure in Chapter 4 to
remove the M3UA

Perform the "Removing an

IPSG M2PA Signaling Link "
What is the M2PA procedure in this chapter to
ADAPTER value of the
remove all the signaling links
that are assigned to the


Perform the "Removing an

IPSG M3UA Signaling Link"
procedure in this chapter to To
remove all the signaling links Sheet 2
that are assigned to the

Sheet 1 of 2

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the chg-assoc command with

Yes these parameters:
What is the value of
:aname=<the name of the
the open parameter?
association that is being removed>

Enter the dlt-assoc command
with this parameter:
:aname = <name of the association
that is being removed>

Enter the rtrv-assoc command with

this parameter:
:aname = <association name
specified in the dlt-assoc command>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 251: Removing an IPSG Association

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 905

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link

Enter the
Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this
rtrv-slk command with this
:loc = <location of the signaling
link being removed>


What is the
M2PA M3UA Do you wish to
ADAPTER value of the
remove the IPSG M3UA
associations shown in the
signaling link
rtrv-assoc output?

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this Yes
:lsn=<the name of the linkset that
contains the signaling link that is Perform the “Removing an
being removed> IPSG M3UA Signaling
Link” procedure to remove
the IPSG M3UA signaling

What is the A, B, D,
C linkset type of the linkset E, or PRX
displayed in the previous

When the signaling

Enter the link is removed, will the
rtrv-ss7opts command. number of signaling links in the No To
linkset be less than the Sheet 2
TFATCABMLQ value of the
linkset ?

Off What is the On


Enter the chg-ls command

with these parameters. Do you wish
To :lsn=<the name of the linkset Yes to change the No
Sheet 2 that contains the signaling TFATCABMLQ value for
link that is being removed> the linkset to 0?

The signaling link cannot be

removed. The remainder of
this procedure cannot be

Sheet 1 of 2

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Is the host name No

assigned to any inservice
Sheet 1
or open associations?


Enter the chg-assoc

:aname=<association name> Enter the dact-slk command with
:open=no:alw=no command these parameters.
Repeat this step for all :loc=<location of the signaling link>
associations shown in the :link=<signaling link being
rtrv-assoc output whose open or removed>
alw parameter values are yes.

Enter the rept-stat-slk command

with these parameters.
Enter the rmv-card command with :loc=<location of the signaling link>
this parameter. :link=<signaling link being
:loc=<location of the signaling link> removed>

Enter the rept-stat-card command Is the signaling

with this parameter. Yes
link the last signaling
:loc=<location of the signaling link> link on the card?

Yes Is the signaling
link the last signaling
link in the linkset?

Enter the dlt-slk command with No

these parameters.
:loc=<location of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link being Enter the dlt-slk command with Note: If removing the signaling link
removed> these parameters. will result in 700 or less signaling
:force=yes :loc=<location of the signaling link> links in the database and the
See the Note. :link=<signaling link being OAMHCMEAS value in the
removed> rtrv-measopts output is on, the
See the Note. scheduled UI measurement reports
will be enabled.

Enter the rtrv-slk command with these

:loc=<location specified in the dlt-slk
:link=<signaling link specified in the dlt-slk

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 252: Removing an IPSG M2PA Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 907

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link

Enter the
rtrv-slk command with this

Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this Do you wish to
No Yes
parameter. remove the IPSG M2PA
:loc = <location of the signaling signaling link
link being removed>
Perform the “Removing an
IPSG M2PA Signaling
Link” procedure in this
chapter to remove the
IPSG M2PA signaling link .

What is the
ADAPTER value of the M2PA
Note: If the NUMSLKALW,
associations shown in the NUMSLKRSTR, or
rtrv-assoc output? NUMSLKPROH values are 1 or a
number with an asterisk (*), for
Enter the rtrv-ls command with this example 2*, the answer to this
question is No. The IPSG M3UA
M3UA parameter.
signaling link can be removed if
:lsn = < the name of the linkset that these are the values for the
contains the IPSG M3UA signaling NUMSLKALW, NUMSLKRSTR,
link that is being removed, shown in and NUMSLKPROH parameters.
the rtrv-slk output>

Will removing the

Do you wish to
signaling link cause the number
change the NUMSLKALW,
No Yes of IS-NR IPSG M3UA signaling links in the No
linkset to be less than the NUMSLKALW,
values? (See the Note)

signaling link cannot be
removed. The remainder
Perform the “Configuring IPSG
of this procedure cannot
M3UA Linkset Options” procedure To
be performed.
in this chapter to change the Sheet 2
required values.

Sheet 1 of 3

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Sheet 1

Place out of service any in-service IP

connections on the IPSG M3UA signaling link
being removed.
Have the far-end node for the signaling link
place the M3UA associations in either the

Is the host name

assigned to any inservice
or open associations?


Enter the chg-assoc

:aname=<association name> Enter the dact-slk command with
:open=no:alw=no command these parameters:
Repeat this step for all :loc=<location of the signaling link>
associations shown in the :link=<signaling link being
rtrv-assoc output whose open or removed>
alw parameter values are yes.

Enter the rept-stat-slk command

with these parameters:
:loc=<location of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link being

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

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Sheet 2

Is the signaling Yes Enter the rmv-card command with

link the last signaling this parameter.
link on the card? :loc=<location of the signaling link>
Note: If removing the signaling link
will result in 700 or less signaling
No links in the database and the
OAMHCMEAS value in the
Enter the rept-stat-card command rtrv-measopts output is on, the
with this parameter. scheduled UI measurement reports
:loc=<location of the signaling link> will be enabled.

Enter the dlt-slk command with

these parameters.
Is the signaling Yes :loc=<location of the signaling link>
link the last signaling :link=<signaling link being
link in the linkset? removed>
See the Note.

Enter the dlt-slk command with

these parameters.
:loc=<location of the signaling link>
:link=<signaling link being
See the Note.

Enter the rtrv-slk command with these

:loc=<location specified in the dlt-slk
:link=<signaling link specified in the dlt-slk

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 253: Removing an IPSG M3UA Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 910

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a Network Appearance

Enter the
rtrv-na command

Is a specific group
code associated with an Yes
ITU-N or ITU-N Spare network
appearance to be


Enter the Enter the

dlt-na command with these dlt-na command with these
parameters: parameters:
:na=<network appearance from :na = <ITU-N or ITU-N spare network
rtrv-na command> appearance from rtrv-na command>
:type = <ansi, itui, itun, itun24, ituis, :type = <itun, ituns>
ituns> :gc = <group code assigned to
ITU-N or ITU-N Spare network

Enter the
rtrv-na command

Enter the

Figure 254: Removing a Network Appearance

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 911

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an IPLIMx Card to an IPSG Card

Enter the rtrv-card


Are cards assigned

No This procedure
to the IPLIM or IPLIMI
cannot be
application shown in the
rtrv-card output?


The card is not an E5-ENET Enter the rept-stat-card command

card that is assigned to the with this parameter.
IPLIM or IPLIMI application. :loc=< the card location of the
Choose another card. IPLIMx card that is being

No Is the value
in the TYPE column

This procedure cannot be
performed on this card.
Perform the “Removing an
Are signaling IPLIMx Card” to remove this
links shown in the No card. Perform the procedures
rept-stat-card in the IPSG M2PA and M 3UA
output? Configuration Procedures
chapter to configure an IPSG
card with IPSG M2PA
Yes signaling links.

Is the state of all

No the signaling links Yes
assigned to the card
Enter the dact-slk command with these
:loc=< the card location of the IPLIMx card
that is being changed>
:link=< the link value of the signaling link
Sheet 2
that is not OOS-MT-DSBLD>
Repeat this step for all the signaling links
shown in the rept-stat-card output that are

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 912

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rmv-card command

Is the state No with this parameter.
of the card :loc=< the card location of the
Sheet 1
OOS-MT-DSBLD? IPLIMx card that is being


Enter the rtrv-ls command with this

:lsn=< the name of the linkset
shown in the rept-stat-card output
on Sheet 1>
Repeat this step for each linkset
shown in the rept-stat-card output.

When the chg-card command is executed, the

RSVDSLKTPS and MAXSLKTPS values of the
linkset will be assigned based on the current
IPSG value of the linkset.
If the current IPSG value of the linkset is no, the
RSVDSLKTPS value of the linkset will be 0
(zero) and the MAXSLKTPS value of the linkset
will be 4000.
If the current IPSG value of the linkset is yes, the
RSVDSLKTPS and the MAXSLKTPS values will
not be changed. The total TPS used by the
signaling links in this linkset will be the number of
signaling links in the linkset multiplied by the
RSVDSLKTPS value of the linkset.

Enter the rtrv-assoc command

with this parameter.
:loc=< the card location of the
IPLIMx card that is being

Are M2PA Perform the “Adding an M2PA

associations shown in No Association” procedure to add
the rtrv-assoc M2PA associations to the IPLIMx
output? card that will be changed.


Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

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Will the card’s

What is the Yes Yes
From maximum TPS value (5000) be
current IPSG value of
Sheet 2 exceeded when the chg-card
the linkset?
command is executed?


No value of the linkset, and the
MAXSLKTPS value if
necessary, by performing the
Enter the rtrv-tps
“Changing an IPSG M2PA
Linkset” procedure. Perform this
procedure for each linkset
shown in the rept-stat-card
output on Sheet 1 as necessary.

Will the
MAXSLKTPS values of the No
linkset exceed the maximum
total provisioned
system TPS?

Note: The maximum total

provisioned system TPS
cannot be increased
beyond 750,000 TPS.
Change the MAXSLKTPS value
of the linkset, and the
What is RSVDSLKTPS value if
the maximum total 750,000 necessary, by performing the
provisioned system TPS “Changing an IPSG M2PA
value? See Linkset” procedure. Perform this
the Note. procedure for each linkset shown
in the rept-stat-card output on
Sheet 1 as necessary.

Perform the “Activating the

HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature”
procedure to enable and turn on Enter the chg-card command
the HIPR2 High Rate Mode with these parameters.
feature. When the HIPR2 High :loc=<the location of the card
Rate Mode feature is enabled that is being changed>
and turned on, the maximum :nappl=ipsg
total provisioned system TPS
value is increased to 750,000.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 914

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter.
:loc=<the location of the card
Sheet 3
specified with the chg-card

Enter the rtrv-ls command with this

:lsn=< the name of the linkset
shown in the rept-stat-card output
on Sheet 1>
Repeat this step for each linkset
shown in the rept-stat-card output.

When this
Do you wish
procedure was No Yes
to change the
started, what was the
RSVDSLKTPS value for
IPSG value of any of
any of the linksets?
the linksets?

Yes No


value of the linkset, and the
MAXSLKTPS value if
Yes Was the state necessary, by performing the
of the card changed on “Changing an IPSG M2PA
Sheet 2? Linkset” procedure. Perform this
procedure for each linkset
displayed in the rtrv-ls outputs
Enter the rst-card command as necessary.
with this parameter.
:loc=< the card location
specified with the rtrv-card
Enter the act-slk command with these
Was the state :loc=< the card location specified with the
of any of the signaling Yes rst-card command>
links assigned to the card
:link=< the link value of the signaling link>
changed on Sheet
1? Repeat this step for all the signaling links
that were specified with the dact-slk
command on Sheet 1.

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 255: Changing IPLIMx Card to IPSG Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 915

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring IP Options

Enter the rtrv-sg-opts


Is the srkq Yes Enter the rtrv-tbl-capacity

parameter value being

No The new srkq parameter value cannot

be less than the number of rounting
keys that are currently provisioned. This
is shown in the RTEKEY row of the
rtrv-tbl-capacity command.

Enter the chg-sg-opts command with at least one

of these parameters:
:srkq = <0 - 2500>
:snmpcont = <SNMP system contact>
:getcomm = <SNMP get community name>
:setcomm = <SNMP set community name>
:trapcomm = <SNMP trap community name>
:ipgwabate = <yes, no>
:uameasusedftas = <yes, no>
Note: The values of the snmpcont, getcomm,
setcomm, and trapcomm parameters are a string
of up to 32 characters that is not case sensitive. If
the character string contains characters other than
alphanumeric characters, the character string
must be enclosed in single quotes.

Enter the rtrv-sg-opts


Enter the

Figure 256: Configuring IP Options

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring IPSG M3UA Linkset Options

Are any
Enter the rept-stat-iptps linksets shown in the No This procedure cannot be
command. rept-stat-iptps performed.


Enter the rtrv-ls command with

this parameter.
:lsn=<the name of the linkset
shown in the LSN column of the
rept-stat-iptps output>

This linkset is not an IPSG

Is the M3UA links and the procedure
ADAPTER parameter value No cannot be performed on this
m3ua shown in the linkset. This procedure can be
rtrv-ls output? performed only for IPSG M3UA

Do you wish to
Yes No
perform this procedure
on another linkset?

Enter the chg-lsopts command with this mandatory parameter:

:lsn = <the name of the IPSG M3UA linkset> This procedure is
and with at least one of these parameters: finished.
:numslkalw = <0 - 16>
:numslkrstr = <0 - 16>
:numslkproh = <0 - 16>
1. The values of the numslkalw, numslkrstr, or numslkproh parameters
cannot be greater than the number of signaling links that are assigned to
the linkset.
Enter the rtrv-ls command with
2. The value 0 for the numslkalw, numslkrstr, or numslkproh parameters is this parameter.
considered to be half the number of signaling links assigned to the linkset. :lsn=<the name of the linkset
3. The system default value for the numslkalw, numslkrstr, or numslkproh specified in the chg-lsopts
parameters is 1. command>
4. If any optional parameter is not specified with the chg-lsopts command,
the value for that parameter will not be changed.
5. If the linkset does not contain any signaling links, only the values 0 or 1 Enter the
can be specified for the numslkalw, numslkrstr, or numslkproh chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
parameters. command
6. The value of the numslkrstr parameter must be less than or equal to the
numslkalw parameter value.
7. The value of the numslkproh parameter must be less than or equal to
the numslkrstr parameter value.

Figure 257: Configuring IPSG M3UA Linkset Options

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an IPSG M2PA Linkset


Enter the rtrv-ls command

Do you wish
Enter the rtrv-ls with this parameter.
to change this
command. :lsn=<the name of the


M3UA What is the Yes What is the

ADAPTER value of the
IPSG value?
linkset? What is
No value?
Perform the
“Removing an IPSG
M3UA Signaling Link” Yes
procedure to remove
all the IPSG M3UA
signaling links from Perform the “Removing a
this linkset. Linkset Containing SS7
Do you wish to Signaling Links”
change the RSVDSLKTPS No
procedure to remove the
or the MAXSLKTPS values linkset.
for the linkset?

Enter the chg-ls To

command with these Yes Sheet 5 Perform the “Adding an
parameters. IPSG M2PA Linkset”
:lsn=<the name of the procedure to add the
The new RSVDSLKTPS value for
linkset> IPSG M2PA linkset .
the linkset cannot allow the sum of
:adapter=m2pa the TPS used by all the IPSG
signaling links that are assigned to
each IPSG card shown in the
linkset to exceed 5000 and cannot Perform the “Adding an
exceed the maximum total IPSG M2PA Signaling
provisioned system TPS. Link” procedure to add
The new MAXSLKTPS value for the IPSG M2PA signaling
linkset cannot exceed the maximum links to this linkset.
total provisioned system TPS.

Enter the
rtrv-slk command with this Will the new
parameter. RSVDSLKTPS value exceed Yes
:loc=<IPSG card location> the maximum 5000 TPS limit
Repeat this step for each card for the card?
shown in the individual linkset,
the linkset that is being
changed, that was displayed on
this sheet. Choose another
value for the
To value that will not
Sheet 2 exceed the
maximum 5000
TPS limit for the

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 918

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the rtrv-tps

Sheet 1 command.

Will the
MAXSLKTPS values exceed the
Sheet 5
maximum total provisioned
system TPS?

Note: The maximum total

Yes provisioned system TPS
cannot be increased
beyond 750,000 TPS.

What is
500,000 the maximum total 750,000
provisioned system TPS
value? See
the Note.

To add the signaling link , one or more of these actions

must be performed.
The IP TPS values of some IPGWx linksets will have
to be changed.
The MAXSLKTPS values of some IPSG linksets (and
Do you wish the RSVDSLKTPS values if necessary) will have to
to change the maximum No be changed.
total provisioned system Some ATM high -speed signaling links will have to be
TPS value? removed. An ANSI ATM high -speed signaling link
uses 1630 TPS. An ITU ATM high -speed signaling
link uses 2038 TPS.
Remove an IPLIMx card that contains signaling links.
An IPLIMx card that contains signaling links uses
4000 TPS.
Perform the “Activating the
HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature”
procedure to enable and turn on
the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
feature. When the HIPR2 High
Rate Mode feature is enabled
Sheet 3
and turned on, the maximum
total provisioned system TPS
value is increased to 750,000.

Sheet 5

Sheet 2 of 5

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None of the
From Actions This procedure
Sheets 2
cannot be performed.
or 4

Change the TPS

Which action Linksets
do you wish to
Sheet 4

Remove ATM
High-Speed Remove an
Signaling Links IPLIMx Card

Enter the rtrv-slk Enter the rtrv-slk

command with this command with this
parameter. parameter.
:type=saal :type=iplim

Are any
Are any
No IPLIMx cards No
ATM high -speed
containing signaling links
signaling links shown in the
shown in the rtrv-slk
rtrv-slk output?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Removing an

Perform the “Removing
IPLIMx Card” procedure to
an SS7 Signaling Link”
remove an IPLIMX card, not
procedure to remove
the card that this link will be
some ATM high -speed
assigned to, and it associated
signaling links.
signaling links.

Yes Do you wish No To

to perform other
Sheet 5

Sheet 3 of 5

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Are any
linksets shown in
From Enter the rept-stat-iptps the rept-stat-iptps No
Sheet 3 command. output, other than the
linkset that is being
Enter the rtrv-ls command
with this parameter. Yes
:lsn=<linkset name shown in
the rept-stat-iptps output>
Repeat this step for each
linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output.

Change the IP TPS

values of some or all the
Are any linksets
No Yes existing IPGWx linksets
shown with the value
shown in the rtrv-ls
yes in the IPGWAPC
output by performing the
“Configuring an IPGWx
Linkset” procedure.

Do you
What is wish to change Are any
M2PA the ADAPTER value Yes the MAXSLKTPS Yes linksets shown with
of the linksets that you values on any of the value yes in the
wish to change? the IPSG IPSG column?

M3UA No No

Enter the chg-ls

command with this
mandatory parameter. Change the MAXSLKTPS
:lsn=<the name of the values of the IPSG linksets
IPSG M2PA linkset > (and RSVDSLKTPS values if
and with at least one of necessary) of some or all of the
these optional IPSG M3UA linksets shown in
parameters. the rtrv-ls output by performing
:rsvdslktps = <100 – the “Changing an IPSG M3UA
5000> Linkset” procedure.
:maxslktps = <0 – 5000>
If more than one IPSG
Do you wish No
M2PA linkset will be To
to perform other
changed, repeat this step Sheet 5
for each linkset.


Sheet 3

Sheet 4 of 5

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Sheets 1, 2,
3, or 4

Enter the chg-ls command with this

mandatory parameter:
:lsn=<the name of the linkset>
and with at least one of these optional parameters.
:rsvdslktps = <100 – 5000>
:maxslktps = <0 – 5000>
:tpsalmtype= <rsvdslktps, maxslktps>
:lsusealm = <10 – 100>
:slkusealm = <10 – 100>
1. The maxslktps parameter value must be greater than or
equal to the rsvdslktps parameter value.
2. The slktps parameter can be used in place of the rsvdslktps
There are other optional parameters that can be specified with Enter the rtrv-ls command
the chg-ls command. See the “Other Optional Parameters” with this parameter.
section in the “Changing an IPSG M2PA Linkset” Procedure in :lsn=<linkset name specified
the Database Administration Manual – IP7 Secure Gateway for in the chg-ls command>
the procedures that discuss these parameters and their usage.

Enter the

Was the linkset

No that was changed in this
This procedure is
procedure an IPSG M3UA linkset
when this procedure was


Perform the “Adding an

IPSG M2PA Signaling Link”
procedure to add IPSG M2PA
signaling links to this linkset.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 258: Changing an IPSG M2PA Linkset

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Changing an IPSG M3UA Linkset

Enter the rtrv-ls


Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter. Perform the “Removing a
:lsn=<the name of the What is No Linkset Containing SS7
linkset> the IPGWAPC Signaling Links”
value? procedure to remove the


No Do you wish Yes Perform the “Adding an

to change this
IPSG M3UA Linkset”
procedure to add the
What is PRX IPSG M3UA linkset.
the LST value of the

Perform the “Adding an

A, B, C,
IPSG M3UA Signaling
D, E
Link” procedure to add
IPSG M3UA signaling
links to this linkset.
M2PA What is the Yes No
What is the
ADAPTER value of
IPSG value?
the linkset?


Enter the chg-ls

B, C, command with these
Are No What is D, E parameters.
signaling links shown in the LST value of the
:lsn=<the name of the
the linkset? linkset?
Yes A

Perform these procedures as

required to remove the
signaling links from the
linkset. Do you wish to
“Removing an SS7 Signaling change the MAXSLKTPS Yes
Link” or RSVDSLKTPS values
“Removing an IPLIMx for the linkset?
Signaling Link”
“Removing an IPSG M2PA
Signaling Link” No
To To
Sheet 5 Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 923

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the rtrv-tps

Sheet 1 command. Note: The maximum total
provisioned system TPS
cannot be increased
beyond 750,000 TPS.

The new RSVDSLKTPS value for the

linkset cannot allow the sum of the TPS Will the
used by all the IPSG signaling links that RSVDSLKTPS or the No To
are assigned to each IPSG card shown MAXSLKTPS values exceed the
in the linkset to exceed 5000 and cannot Sheet 5
maximum total provisioned
exceed the maximum total provisioned system TPS?
system TPS.
The new MAXSLKTPS value for the
linkset cannot exceed the maximum total
provisioned system TPS.

Enter the What is

rtrv-slk command with this the maximum total 750,000
parameter. provisioned system TPS
:loc=<IPSG card location> value? See
Repeat this step for each card the Note.
shown in the individual linkset,
the linkset that is being
changed, that was displayed on 500,000
this sheet.

To add the signaling link , one or more

of these actions must be performed.
The IP TPS values of some IPGWx
linksets will have to be changed.
Will the new
No The MAXSLKTPS values of some
RSVDSLKTPS value exceed
IPSG linksets (and the RSVDSLKTPS
the maximum 5000 TPS limit
values if necessary) will have to be
for the card? Do you wish
No changed.
to change the maximum
total provisioned system Some ATM high -speed signaling links
TPS value? will have to be removed. An ANSI
ATM high -speed signaling link uses
1630 TPS. An ITU ATM high -speed
Yes signaling link uses 2038 TPS.
Choose another value for the
RSVDSLKTPS value that will Remove an IPLIMx card that contains
not exceed the maximum signaling links. An IPLIMx card that
5000 TPS limit for the card. contains signaling links uses 4000
Perform the “Activating the TPS.
HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature”
procedure to enable and turn on
the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
feature. When the HIPR2 High
Sheet 5
Rate Mode feature is enabled
and turned on, the maximum
Sheet 3
total provisioned system TPS
value is increased to 750,000.

Sheet 2 of 8

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None of the
From Actions This procedure
Sheets 2
cannot be performed.
or 4

Change the TPS

Which action Linksets
do you wish to
Sheet 4

Remove ATM
High-Speed Remove an
Signaling Links IPLIMx Card

Enter the rtrv-slk Enter the rtrv-slk

command with this command with this
parameter. parameter.
:type=saal :type=iplim

Are any
Are any
No IPLIMx cards No
ATM high -speed
containing signaling links
signaling links shown in the
shown in the rtrv-slk
rtrv-slk output?

Yes Yes

Perform the “Removing an

Perform the “Removing
IPLIMx Card” procedure to
an SS7 Signaling Link”
remove an IPLIMX card, not
procedure to remove
the card that this link will be
some ATM high -speed
assigned to, and it associated
signaling links.
signaling links.

Yes Do you wish No To

to perform other
Sheet 5

Sheet 3 of 8

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Are any
linksets shown in
From Enter the rept-stat-iptps the rept-stat-iptps No
Sheet 3 command. output, other than the
linkset that is being
Enter the rtrv-ls command
with this parameter. Yes
:lsn=<linkset name shown in
the rept-stat-iptps output>
Repeat this step for each
linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output.

Change the IP TPS

values of some or all the
Are any linksets
No Yes existing IPGWx linksets
shown with the value
shown in the rtrv-ls
yes in the IPGWAPC
output by performing the
“Configuring an IPGWx
Linkset” procedure.

Do you
What is wish to change Are any
M3UA the ADAPTER value Yes the MAXSLKTPS Yes linksets shown with
of the linksets that you values on any of the value yes in the
wish to change? the IPSG IPSG column?

M2PA No No

Enter the chg-ls

command with this
mandatory parameter. Change the MAXSLKTPS
:lsn=<the name of the values of the IPSG linksets
IPSG M3UA linkset> (and RSVDSLKTPS values if
and with at least one of necessary) of some or all of the
these optional IPSG M2PA linksets shown in
parameters. the rtrv-ls output by performing
:rsvdslktps = <100 – the “Changing an IPSG M2PA
5000> Linkset” procedure.
:maxslktps = <0 – 5000>
If more than one IPSG
Do you wish No
M3UA linkset will be To
to perform other
changed, repeat this step Sheet 5
for each linkset.


Sheet 3

Sheet 4 of 8

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Do you wish
From No
to change the ASNOTIF,
Sheets 1, 2,
3, or 4
values for the linkset?



Linkset of linkset was Linkset
selected when this
procedure was
Enter the chg-ls command with
Enter the chg-ls command with these
these mandatory parameters.
mandatory parameters.
:lsn=<the name of the linkset>
:lsn=<the name of the linkset>
and with any of these optional
and any of these optional parameters .
:rsvdslktps = <100 – 5000>
:rsvdslktps = <100 – 5000>
:maxslktps = <0 – 5000>
:maxslktps = <0 – 5000>
:tpsalmtype= <rsvdslktps,
:tpsalmtype= <rsvdslktps, maxslktps>
:asnotif=<yes, no>
:lsusealm = <10 – 100>
:lsusealm = <10 – 100>
:slkusealm = <10 – 100>
:slkusealm = <10 – 100>
See the Notes.
See the Notes.

No Do you wish to Yes To

change the RCONTEXT
Sheet 6
value for the linkset?

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
:lsn=<linkset name specified
in the chg-ls command>

What type IPSG M2PA Perform the “Adding an

Enter the of linkset was Linkset IPSG M3UA Signaling Link”
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed selected when this procedure to add IPSG
command. procedure was M3UA signaling links to this
started? linkset.

1. The maxslktps parameter value must be greater than or
equal to the rsvdslktps parameter value.
This procedure is
2. The slktps parameter can be used in place of the rsvdslktps finished.
3. There are other optional parameters that can be specified
with the chg-ls command. See the “Other Optional Parameters”
section in the “Changing an IPSG M3UA Linkset” Procedure in
the Database Administration Manual – IP7 Secure Gateway for
the procedures that discuss these parameters and their usage.

Sheet 5 of 8

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What type IPSG M2PA

of linkset was Linkset
selected when this
Sheet 5
procedure was


Do you wish
to remove the Yes To
RCONTEXT value from Sheet 8
the linkset?


Are signaling No
links assigned to the


Enter the
dact-slk command with these
:loc=<IPSG card location>
:link=<link value for the signaling link>
Repeat this step for each signaling link
shown in the rtrv-ls output on Sheet 1.

Enter the
rtrv-slk command with this parameter.
:aname=<the name of the association
assigned to the signaling link in the
Repeat this step for each association
shown in the rtrv-ls output on Sheet 1.

Enter the rtrv-ls command with this

The new RCONTEXT value for the
linkset that is being changed
:lsn=<the name of the linkset To
cannot be the same as any
shown in the rtrv-slk output> Sheet 7
RCONTEXT values shown in the
Repeat this step for each linkset
rtrv-ls output in the previous step.
shown in the rtrv-slk output.

Sheet 6 of 8

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Are signaling No
links assigned to the
Sheet 6


Perform the “Removing an IPSG

M3UA Signaling Link” procedure to
remove all the IPSG M3UA signaling
links from the linkset.

Enter the chg-ls command with

these parameters:
:lsn=<the name of the linkset>
:rcontext=<current routing context

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter:
:lsn=<linkset name specified
in the chg-ls command>

Perform the “Adding an IPSG

M3UA Signaling Link”
procedure to add IPSG M3UA
signaling links to this linkset.

Enter the

Sheet 7 of 8

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What type IPSG M2PA

of linkset was Linkset
selected when this
Sheet 6
procedure was

Linkset Was the
Enter the chg-ls command with
Yes adapter=m3ua
these parameters.
parameter specified with
:lsn=<the name of the linkset>
the chg-ls command on
:rcontext=<0 - 4294967295>
Sheet 5?

Enter the rtrv-ls command
with this parameter.
:lsn=<linkset name specified Enter the chg-ls command with
in the chg-ls command> this parameter.
:lsn=<the name of the linkset>

Perform the “Adding an

Are signaling
No IPSG M3UA Signaling Link”
links assigned to the
procedure to add IPSG
linkset that was
M3UA signaling links to this


Enter the
act-slk command with these
:loc=<IPSG card location>
:link=<link value for the signaling link in
the linkset>
Repeat this step for each signaling link
that was deactivated on this sheet.

Enter the

Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 259: Changing an IPSG M3UA Linkset

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the Attributes of an IPSG Association

Enter the rtrv-card command

Perform the "Changing the
with this parameter.
Attributes of an M2PA
Enter the rtrv-assoc :loc = <the location of the card
Association" procedure to
command. containing the association that will be
change the attributes of the
changed, shown in the rtrv-assoc
1. If the adapter parameter value M2PA
for the association is M3UA, the
alw parameter cannot be specified.
2. If the open parameter value is Is the IPSG What is the
being changed to yes, the No
application is assigned ADAPTER value of the
association must contain values for to the card? association?
the lhost, lport, rhost, and rport
parameters. The association must
be assigned to a signaling link,
shown by the LINK value in the Yes M3UA
rtrv-assoc output.
Perform the "Changing the
Attributes of an M3UA or
Are only the SUA Association" procedure
Yes open, alw, or rtxthr No to change the attributes of
parameter values being the association.
(See Note 1)

Sheet 3

Is the
Yes Is the association Yes
open parameter value
assigned to a signaling
being changed to yes?
(See Note 2)

No No

M2PA What is the M3UA

ADAPTER value of the

Perform the "Adding an Perform the "Adding an

IPSG M2PA Signaling IPSG M3UA Signaling
Link" procedure in this Link" procedure in this
chapter to add the chapter to add the
required signaling link. required signaling link.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 5

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Note: If the adapter

Is the rtxthr No parameter value for the
parameter value being association is M3UA, the
Sheet 1
changed? alw parameter cannot be

Enter the chg-assoc with this
mandatory parameter:
Enter the :aname=<name of the association
rtrv-assoc command with this being changed>
parameter. and with at least one of these optional
:aname=<name of the association parameters.
name being changed> :alw = <yes, no> (See the Note)
:open = <yes, no>
:rtxthr = < 0 – 65535>

Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with
Enter the
this parameter.
name specified with the
chg-assoc command>

Do you wish Perform the “Changing the

to change the LHOST or Yes Host Values of an IPSG
ALHOST values of the Association” procedure in
IPSG association? this chapter.


Do you wish to
change the buffer size No This procedure is
of the IPSG finished.


Perform the “Changing the

Buffer Size of an IPSG
Association” procedure in
this chapter.

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 932

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the chg-assoc command

What is the Yes with these parameters.
value of the open :aname=<name of the
Sheet 1
parameter? association being changed>


Enter the rtrv-assoc command

with this parameter.
:aname=<name of the
association being changed> Note: The cwmin value must be less than or equal to the
bufsize value.
The cwmin value is the number of bytes specified for the
size of the association’s congestion window. The bufsize
value is the number of kilobytes specified for the size of
the association’s buffer .
Is the cwmin To determine whether or not the cwmin value is less than
No parameter to be specified or equal to the bufsize value, perform one of these
with the chg-assoc actions.
Multiply the bufsize value by 1024
Divide the cwmin value by 1024

Either choose another value for

the cwmin parameter that is less
Is the new cwmin than or equal to the bufsize
value less than or equal to No value, or change the bufsize
the bufsize parameter value? value by performing the
(See the Note) “Changing the Buffer Size of an
IPSG Association” procedure in
this chapter.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 5

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Enter the rtrv-m2pa-tset command

with one of these parameters.
:ver=d6 – to display the Draft 6
Is the version of the M2PA timer set
m2patset parameter Yes
From :ver=rfc – to display the RFC version
to be specified with the
Sheet 3 of the M2PA timer set
chg-assoc command?
See the Note. If neither parameter is specified with
the rtrv-m2pa-tset command, both
Note: The m2patset versions of the M2PA timer set are
parameter can be No displayed.
specified only for IPSG
M2PA associations .

Is the uaps Is the desired

Yes parameter to be specified Yes M2PA timer set
with the chg-assoc defined with the desired
command? values?

Enter the
rtrv-uaps command. No No

To Perform the "Changing an M2PA

Sheet 5 Timer Set" procedure in this
chapter and change the desired
timer set with the desired values.
Is the desired Caution: Changing an M2PA
Yes Is a remote No
UA parameter set timer set may affect the
host value being
defined with the desired performance of any associations
values? using the timer set being

Specify the rhost parameter
with the chg-assoc command
Perform the "Changing a UA on Sheet 5. This will change
Parameter Set" procedure in the primary remote host value,
this chapter and change the Is the alternate No shown in the RHOST field of
desired UA parameter set with remote host value being
the rtrv-assoc output. The
the desired values. changed?
rhosttype=primary parameter
Caution: Changing a UA can be specified with the rhost
parameter set may affect the parameter, but it is not
performance of any Yes necessary.
associations using the UA
parameter set being changed.

Enter the chg-assoc command Is a value

No shown in the RHOST
with these parameters.
:aname=<name of the field of the rtrv-assoc
association being changed> output?
:rhost = <remote host name>
The rhosttype=primary
parameter can be specified
with the rhost parameter, but it
is not necessary.
Specify the rhost and rhosttype=primary
parameters with the chg-assoc command
on Sheet 8x. This will change the alternate
Sheet 5
remote host value, shown in the ARHOST
field of the rtrv-assoc output.

Sheet 4 of 5

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Sheet 4 Enter the chg-assoc
Was the command with these
value of the open Yes parameters.
parameter changed :aname=<association
Enter the chg-assoc command with this on Sheet 3? name being changed>
mandatory parameter: :open=yes
:aname=<name of the association being
and with any of these optional parameters.
:lport = <TCP port for the local host> Enter the rtrv-assoc
:rhost = <remote host name> command with this
:rhosttype=<primary or alternate> parameter.
rhostval=<relaxed, match> :aname=<association
:rport = <TCP port for the remote host> name specified with the
:alw = <yes, no> chg-assoc command>
:rmode = <rfc or lin>
:rmin = <10 – 1000> Enter the
:rmax = <10 – 1000> chg-db:action=backup
:rtimes = <3 – 12> :dest=fixed command.
:cwmin = <1500 – 409600>
:istrms = <1 or 2>
:ostrms = <1 or 2>
:m2patset = <1 – 20>
:ver = <d6 or rfc>
:uaps = <1 – 10> Do you wish
:rtxthr = < 0 – 65535> to change the LHOST or Yes
(See the Notes) ALHOST values of the
IPSG association?

Perform the “Changing the

Host Values of an IPSG
No Association” procedure in
this chapter.

Do you wish to
Perform the “Changing the Buffer Yes No
change the buffer size This procedure is
Size of an IPSG Association”
of the IPSG finished.
procedure in this chapter.

1. If any optional parameters are not specified with the chg-assoc command, those values are not changed.
2. The value of the rhost parameter is a text string of up to 60 characters, with the first character being a letter. The command
input is limited to 150 characters, including the hostname.
3. If the value of the open parameter is yes, only the values of the alw and rtxthr parameters can be changed. To change the
values of the other parameters, the value of the open parameter value must be no.
4. The value of the rmin parameter must be less than or equal to the rmax parameter value.
5. The M2PA version of the association determines the version of the M 2PA timer set that is assigned to the association . For
example, if M2PA timer set 3 is assigned to the M2PA association , and the association is an RFC M2PA association , the RFC
version of M2PA timer set 3 is used with the association. If M2PA timer set 7 is assigned to the M2PA association , and the
association is a Draft 6 M2PA association , the Draft 6 version of M2PA timer set 7 is used with the association.
6. The m2patset and ver parameters can be specified only for IPSG M2PA associations .
7. If the adapter parameter value for the association is M3UA, the alw parameter cannot be specified.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 260: Changing the Attributes of an IPSG Association

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Changing the Buffer Size of an IPSG Association

Enter the rtrv-assoc


Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
:loc = <the location of the card
containing the association that will be
changed, shown in the rtrv-assoc

Is the IPSG
application is assigned
to the card?

No What is the No
value of the open


Enter the chg-assoc

Enter the rtrv-assoc
command with these
command with this
:aname=<name of the
:aname=<name of the
association being
association being

What is the To
ADAPTER value of the Sheet 2

Perform the "Changing the Perform the "Changing the

Buffer Size of an M2PA Buffer Size of an M3UA or
Association" procedure in SUA Association" procedure
Chapter 12 to change the in Chapter 13 to change the
buffer size of the buffer size of the
association. association.

Sheet 1 of 4

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Sheet 1

The new buffer size for this association

cannot exceed the available buffer size
for the card.
Do the buffers
If you wish to increase the buffer size on the other associations No
for this association to a value that is assigned to the card need
greater than the available buffer size to be changed?
for the card, the buffer size of the other
associations assigned to the card must
be decreased.
Enter the rtrv-assoc command
with this parameter:
Enter the rtrv-assoc command
:aname=<name assigned to the
with this parameter:
association displayed in the
:lhost=<local host name
previous step>
assigned to the association
Repeat this step for each
being changed>
association displayed in the
previous step.

Either choose another value for

Are the new bufsize the bufsize parameter that is
values for these associations No greater than or equal to the
greater than or equal to the cwmin cwmin value, or change the
values for these associations? cwmin value by performing the
(See the Note) “Changing the Attributes of an
IPSG Association” procedure.


Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname=<name assigned to the
association displayed in the previous step>
Sheet 3
Note: The bufsize value must be greater than or equal to :bufsize=<8 – 400>
the cwmin value. Repeat this step as necessary for each
The cwmin value is the number of bytes specified for the association displayed in the previous step.
size of the association’s congestion window. The bufsize
value is the number of kilobytes specified for the size of
the association’s buffer .
To determine whether or not the bufsize value is greater
than or equal to the cwmin value, perform one of these
Multiply the bufsize value by 1024
Divide the cwmin value by 1024.

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Sheet 2

Either choose another value for

the bufsize parameter that is
Is the new bufsize
No greater than or equal to the
value greater than or equal to
cwmin value, or change the
the cwmin parameter value?
cwmin value by performing the
(See the Note)
“Changing the Attributes of an
IPSG Association” procedure.


Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname=<name of the association being
:bufsize=<8 – 400>

Enter the chg-assoc

command with these
Was the value of
Yes parameters.
the open parameter
changed on Sheet 1?
name being changed>

Enter the rtrv-assoc
command with this
name specified with the
chg-assoc command>
Note: The bufsize value must be greater than or equal to
the cwmin value.
Enter the
The cwmin value is the number of bytes specified for the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
size of the association’s congestion window. The bufsize command
value is the number of kilobytes specified for the size of
the association’s buffer .
To determine whether or not the bufsize value is greater
than or equal to the cwmin value, perform one of these
Sheet 4
Multiply the bufsize value by 1024
Divide the cwmin value by 1024.

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Do you wish
Perform the “Changing the
to change the LHOST or Yes
Host Values of an IPSG
ALHOST values of the
Association” procedure.
IPSG association?


Do you wish to
Perform the “Changing the
change the other Yes
Attributes of an IPSG
attributes of the IPSG
Association” procedure.


This procedure is

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 261: Changing the Buffer Size of an IPSG Association

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Changing the Host Values of an IPSG Association

Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter.
Is the IPSG No
Enter the rtrv-assoc :loc = <the location of the card
application is assigned
command. containing the association that will be
to the card?
changed, shown in the rtrv-assoc

Enter the rtrv-assoc command
No What is the
with this parameter.
value of the open
:aname=<name of the
association being changed>


Enter the chg-assoc command with

Does the IPSG these parameters.
association contain an :aname=<name of the association
ALHOST value? being changed>

To Yes
Sheet 2

M2PA What is the

Is removing the ADAPTER value of the
No ALHOST value from this association?
association the only action to
be performed in this
procedure? Perform the "Changing
the Host Values of an M3UA
M2PA Association "
Yes procedure to change
the host values of the Perform the "Changing
association. the Host Values of an
Enter the chg-assoc command with these
Association" procedure
:aname=<name of the association being
change the host values
of the association.

Was the value of No

the open parameter

Sheet 6

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-assoc command
chg-assoc command with
with this parameter. Enter the
these parameters.
:aname=<association name chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
specified with the command.
name being changed>
chg-assoc command>

Sheet 1 of 6

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Enter the
From rtrv-ip-host command with
Sheet 1 this parameter.

Is the
required host Yes
From To
name shown in the
Sheet 3 Sheet 3
rtrv-ip-host output?
See Note 1.


Enter the
rtrv-ip-lnk command.

Is the required
IP link shown in the Yes
rtrv-ip-lnk output?
See Note 2.


Perform the "Configuring Perform the "Adding an IP

an IP Link" procedure in Host" procedure in this To
this chapter to configure chapter to add the required Sheet 4
the required IP link. host name.

1. The rtrv-ip-host output must contain a host name for the association’s
lhost parameter and a host name for the association’s alhost parameter,
if the alhost parameter will be specified for the association.
2. The IP address of the IP link should be assigned to the host name,
shown in the rtrv-ip-host output, that will be used as the association’s
lhost parameter value. If the alhost parameter will be specified for the
association, the IP address of the IP link must be assigned to the host
name that will be used as the alhost parameter value. The IP links
associated with the association’s lhost and alhost values must be
assigned to the same card.

Sheet 2 of 6

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Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this
From parameter.
Sheet 2 :lhost=<local host value shown
in the rtrv-ip-host output on
Sheet 2>

How many The host for IPSG associations

associations are 32 can contain a maximum of 32 To
assigned to the IPSG associations. Choose Sheet 2
host? another host.

than 32

Is a signaling
Yes What is the current
links assigned to the M3UA
ADAPTER value of the
association that is being


Perform the "Removing an Perform the "Removing an

IPSG M2PA Signaling Link " IPSG M3UA Signaling Link"
procedure in this chapter to procedure in this chapter to
remove the signaling link remove the signaling link
from the association. from the association.

Is ADAPTER value No To
of the association being
Sheet 5


Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 6

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Sheets 2
or 3

M2PA What is the new M3UA

ADAPTER value of the

Is the m2patset Is the uaps

parameter to be specified No parameter to be specified No
with the chg-assoc with the chg-assoc
command? command?

Yes Yes

Enter the rtrv-m2pa-tset command Enter the

with one of these parameters. rtrv-uaps command with this
:ver=d6 – to display the Draft 6
:uaps = <UAPS set number, 1 - 10>
version of the M2PA timer set
:ver=rfc – to display the RFC version
of the M2PA timer set
If neither parameter is specified with
the rtrv-m2pa-tset command, both
versions of the M2PA timer set are Is the desired
UA parameter set Yes
defined with the desired

Is the
desired M2PA timer Yes
set defined with the desired Perform the "Changing a UA
values? See the Parameter Set" procedure in
Note. this chapter and change the
desired UA parameter set with
No the desired values.
See Caution 2.

Perform the "Changing an M2PA To

Timer Set" procedure in this Sheet 5
chapter to change the desired
timer set with the desired values.
See Caution 1. Note: If the mp2atset parameter is not specified with the
chg-assoc command, the m2patset parameter value
defaults to M2PA timer set 1 (m2patset=1).
Caution 1: Changing an M2PA timer set may affect the
performance of any associations using the timer set
being changed.
Caution 2: Changing a UA parameter set may affect
the performance of any associations using the UA
parameter set being changed.

Sheet 4 of 6

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Enter the chg-assoc command with this mandatory

From parameter:
Sheets 3 :aname=<name of the association being changed>
or 4 and with at least one of these optional parameters.
:lhost = <local host name from the
rtrv-ip-host output>
:lport = <TCP port for the local host>
:alhost <alternate local host name from the
rtrv-ip-host output, or the value none>
:adapter = <m2pa, m3ua>
:m2patset = <1 – 20>
:ver = <d6 or rfc>
:uaps = <1 - 10>
(See Notes 1 through 11 on Sheet 6)

Was the association

Yes What is the M3UA
assigned to a signaling link
ADAPTER value of the
when this procedure was

Perform the "Adding

Signaling Link"
procedure in this
Perform the "Adding chapter to add a
an IPSG M2PA signaling link to the
Signaling Link" association.
procedure in this
chapter to add a
signaling link to the
Enter the
chg-assoc command with Was the value
these parameters. Yes of the open parameter
:aname=<association changed on
name being changed> Sheet 1?


Enter the
rtrv-assoc command with this
Enter the
:aname=<association name
specified with the
chg-assoc command>

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 6

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Do you wish to Perform the “Changing the

From Yes
change the buffer size Buffer Size of an IPSG
Sheets 1
of the IPSG Association” procedure in
or 5
association? this chapter.


Do you wish to Perform the “Changing the

change the other Yes Attributes of an IPSG
attributes of the IPSG Association” procedure in
association? this chapter.


This procedure is

1. If any optional parameters are not specified with the chg-assoc command, those values are not changed.
2. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 4000 connections.
3. The host of an IPSG association can contains a maximum of 32 IPSG associations.
4. The value of the lhost and rhost parameters is a text string of up to 60 characters, with the first character being a letter.
The command input is limited to 150 characters, including the hostnames
5. Specifying the lhost parameter only creates a uni-homed endpoint. The network portion of the endpoint's IP address
must be the same as the network portion of the IP address assigned to either the A or B network interface of the IP card.
6. Specifying the lhost and alhost parameters creates a multi-homed endpoint. The network portion of the IP address
associated with the lhost parameter must be the same as the network portion of the IP address assigned to one of the
network interfaces (A or B) of the IP card, and the network portion of the IP address associated with the alhost parameter
must be the same as the network portion of the IP address assigned to the other network interface on the IP card .
7. The alhost=none parameter removes the alternate local host from the specified association, which also removes the
multi-homed endpoint capability.
8. The m2patset and ver parameters can be specified only for IPSG M2PA associations .
9. If the mp2atset parameter is not specified with the chg-assoc command, and the adapter parameter value is being
changed to m2pa, the m2patset parameter value defaults to M2PA timer set 1 (m2patset=1).
10. The M2PA version of the association determines the version of the M 2PA timer set that is assigned to the association .
For example, if M2PA timer set 3 is assigned to the M2PA association , and the association is an RFC M2PA association ,
the RFC version of M2PA timer set 3 is used with the association. If M2PA timer set 7 is assigned to the M2PA
association, and the association is a Draft 6 M2PA association , the Draft 6 version of M2PA timer set 7 is used with the
11. If the adapter parameter value of the association is changed to m2pa in this procedure and the ver parameter is not
specified, the version of the association will be RFC. To make this association a M 2PA Draft 6 association, the ver=d6
parameter must be specified for this association.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 262: Changing the Host Values of an IPSG Association

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Configuring an IPSG Association for SCTP Retransmission Control

Enter the rtrv-card command

with this parameter:
Enter the rtrv-assoc :loc = <the location of the card
command containing the M2PA or M 3UA
association that is being changed,
shown in the rtrv-assoc output>

Is the IPSG
Yes No
application is assigned
to the card?

Enter the rtrv-assoc command with this

What is the
parameter: M2PA
ADAPTER value of the
:aname=<the name of the IPSG
association that is being changed>


Enter the
Perform the "Adding an Perform the "Adding an
pass:loc=<card location of the
M3UA or SUA Association M2PA Association for SCTP
association that is being changed>
for SCTP Retransmission Retransmission Control"
:cmd="ping <remote host name>"
Control" procedure in procedure in Chapter 3 to
command several times and ping the
Chapter 4 to configure the configure the SCTP
remote host (the RHOST value in the
SCTP retransmission control retransmission control for
previous step) to determine the
for the association. the association.
expected round trip time.

Perform the "Changing the

Attributes of an IPSG
Do the retransmission Association" procedure in
parameter values need to this chapter to change the
be changed? retransmission parameters
based on the results of
pinging the remote host.


This procedure is To
finished Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

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Enter the
pass:loc=<card location specified with the
ping command>
:cmd="assocrtt <name of the association
specified with the ping command>"
From command to display the round trip time data
Sheet 1 collected after an association is established when
an SCTP INIT message is sent and an
acknowlegement is received.
Perform this command for each association name
that references the remote host name specified in
the ping command.

Enter the pass:loc=<card location specified in

the previous step>:cmd="sctp -a <association
name>" command.
The association name is the association name
specified in the previous step.

Do the retransmission No This procedure is

parameter values need to
be changed?

Perform the "Changing the Attributes of

Yes an IPSG Association" procedure in this
chapter to change the retransmission
parameters based on the results of the
assocrtt (Weighted Average round -trip
time) and sctp -a (data retransmission
counts) pass command outputs

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 263: Configuring an IPSG Association for SCTP Retransmission Control

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Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for IPSG M2PA


Enter the rtrv-sg-opts Enter the rtrv-assoc command

command with this parameter.
:loc=<card location of an IPSG
card from the rtrv-card output>

Enter the rtrv-card command. Record the

card locations and signaling link information
for all cards running the IPSG application.

M2PA What is the M3UA

ADAPTER value of the

What will the Perform the “Changing the SCTP

PERCARD Checksum Algorithm Option for
new sctpcsum value
be? IPSG M3UA Associations”
procedure in this chapter to
Enter the change the checksum algorithm.
ADLER32, chg-sg-opts:sctpcsum=percard
CRC32C command

Enter the
chg-sg-opts:sctpcsum=<adler32, crc32c>

Perform the “Configuring an IP

Card” procedure in this chapter to
Enter the rtrv-sg-opts assign an sctpcsum parameter
command value for the card containing the
From IPSG M2PA association .
Sheet 3

Enter the dact-slk command with these

:loc = <location of the card containing the
IPSG M2PA association >
:link = <signaling link on the card specified by
the loc parameter>. Repeat this step for each
signaling link assigned to the card.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

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Sheet 1

Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname = <aname value from the rtrv-assoc output>
:open = no.
Repeat this step for each association shown in the
rtrv-assoc output.

Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname = <aname value from the rtrv-assoc output>
:open = yes.
Repeat this step for each association shown in the
rtrv-assoc output.

Enter the pass command with these

parameters: Does the checksum
:loc=<card location specified in the algorithm value in all the
dact-slk command> associations displayed in the previous No
:cmd="sctp -a <name of the assocation step match the checksum algorithm value
specified in the chg-assoc command>" specified in the chg-sg-opts
Repeat this step for each association command on Sheet 1?
shown in the rtrv-assoc output. Contact the Customer
Care Center. Refer to
the "Customer Care
Yes Center" section in
Chapter 1 for the
Enter the act-slk command with these contact information.
:loc = <location of the card specified in the
dact-slk command on Sheet 1>
:link = <signaling link on the card specified
in the dact-slk command on Sheet 1>.
Repeat this step for each signaling link
assigned to the card.

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

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Sheet 2

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with these

parameters: Enter the pass:loc=<card location
:loc = <location of the card specified in the specified in the rept-stat-slk
act-slk command> command>:cmd="netstat -p sctp"
:link = <signaling link on the card specified in command
the act-slk command>

No Are any errors Yes


Contact the Customer Care

Center. Refer to the
"Customer Care Center"
section in Chapter 1 for the
Have all the cards running contact information.
Yes the IPSG application been updated No
with the new SCTP checksum
algorithm? To
Enter the Sheet 1

Does the EAGLE 5

ISS contain cards running the Yes


Perform the “Changing the

Does the EAGLE
SCTP Checksum Algorithm
Yes 5 ISS contain cards
Option for M3UA and SUA
running the IPLIM or IPLIMI
Associations” procedure in
Chapter 4.

Perform the “Changing the SCTP No

This procedure is
Checksum Algorithm Option for M2PA
Associations” procedures in Chapter 3.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 264: Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for IPSG M2PA Associations

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Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for IPSG M3UA


Enter the rtrv-sg-opts


Enter the rtrv-card command.

Record the card locations and From
signaling link information for all cards Sheet 4
running the IPSG application.

Enter the rtrv-assoc command Have the IP near end node

with this parameter. stop all traffic to the card
:loc=<card location of an IPSG specified in the rtrv-assoc
card from the rtrv-card output> command.

At the EAGLE 5 ISS, enter this

pass:loc=<location of the card
What is the M3UA specified in the rtrv-assoc
ADAPTER value of the
command>:cmd="msucount -l"

M2PA Enter this command for each

association assigned to the card.
pass:loc=<location of the card
Perform the “Changing the SCTP specified in the rtrv-assoc
Checksum Algorithm Option for command>:cmd="msucount -a
IPSG M2PA Associations” <association name>"
procedure in this chapter to
change the checksum algorithm.

At the IP near end node, disconnect

all associations attached to the card
specified in the pass command.

At the EAGLE 5 ISS, enter the dact-slk

command with these parameters:
:loc = <location of a card specified in the
Sheet 2
pass command>

Sheet 1 of 4

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Sheet 1

What will the PERCARD Enter the

new sctpcsum value chg-sg-opts:sctpcsum=percard
be? command

CRC32C Perform the “Configuring an IP
Card” procedure in this chapter to
assign an sctpcsum parameter
Enter the value for the card.
chg-sg-opts:sctpcsum=<adler32, crc32c>

Enter the rtrv-sg-opts


Enter the chg-assoc command with these

:aname = <aname value from the rtrv-assoc
Enter the pass command with these
:open = no.
:loc=<card location specified in the
Repeat this step for each association shown in
dact-slk command>
the rtrv-assoc output on Sheet 1.
:cmd="sctp -a <name of the assocation
specified in the chg-assoc command>"
Repeat this step for each association
shown in the rtrv-assoc output on
Enter the chg-assoc command with these
Sheet 1.
:aname = <aname value from the rtrv-assoc
:open = yes.
Repeat this step for each association shown in
the rtrv-assoc output on Sheet 1.
Does the checksum
Contact the Customer Care algorithm value in all the
Center. Refer to the "Customer No associations displayed in the previous
Care Center" section in Chapter 1 step match the checksum algorithm value
for the contact information. specified in the chg-sg-opts

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 952

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Have the IP near end node configure all

associations attached to the card specified
in the pass command on Sheet 2 to use the
new algorithm. Verify that the associations
will use the algorithm.

At the EAGLE 5 ISS, enter the

act-slk command with these
parameters. Enter the rept-stat-slk
:loc=<location of the card specified in command
the pass command on Sheet 2>

At the EAGLE 5 ISS, enter the At the IP near end node, connect one
rept-stat-assoc command with this parameter: of the associations attached to the
:aname = <the association aname specified in card specified in the act-slk
the chg-assoc command on Sheet 2> command.

Enter the pass:loc=<card location

specified in the act-slk
command>:cmd="netstat -p sctp"

Contact the Customer Care

Center. Refer to the
Are any errors Yes
"Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 953

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 3

At the IP near end node, connect all At the IP near end node, activate one
of the other associations attached to of the associations attached to the
the card specified in the act-slk and card specified in the act-slk and pass
pass commands on Sheet 3. commands on Sheet 3.

Enter this command for each association assigned

At the EAGLE 5 ISS, enter this
to the card.
pass:loc=<location of the card specified in the
pass:loc=<location of the card specified
previous pass command>:cmd="msucount -a
in the act-slk and pass commands on
<association name specified in the rept-stat-assoc
Sheet 3>:cmd="msucount -l"
command on Sheet 3>"

At the IP near end node, activate all

of the other associations attached to
the card specified in the pass
Is traffic flowing over the No
association specified in the
previous pass command?

Contact the Customer Care

Center. Refer to the
Have all the cards containing
"Customer Care Center”
IPSG M3UA associations been No To
section in Chapter 1 for the
updated with the new SCTP Sheet 1
contact information.
checksum algorithm?

Yes Does the EAGLE 5

ISS contain cards running Yes
Enter the the IPLIM or IPLIMI
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed applications?
command Perform the “Changing
the SCTP Checksum
Does the EAGLE 5 No Algorithm Option for
No ISS contain cards running M2PA Associations”
the SS7IPGW or IPGWI procedure in Chapter 3.

This procedure is
finished. Perform the “Changing the SCTP
Checksum Algorithm Option for M3UA
or SUA Associations” procedures in
Chapter 4.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 265: Changing the SCTP Checksum Algorithm Option for IPSG M3UA Associations

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 954

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an M2PA Timer Set

Enter the
rtrv-m2pa-tset command with one of these
:ver = d6 - to display the Draft 6 values
:ver = rfc - to display the RFC values.
If the ver parameter is not specified with the
rtrv-m2pa-tset command, both the Draft 6 and
RFC values will be displayed.

Enter the
chg-m2pa-tset command with only
these parameters:

:tset=<the number of the M2PA

Is an M2PA timer set timer set being changed>
to be copied to another :srctset=<the number of the M2PA
M2PA timer set ? timer set being copied>
:ver=<version of the M2PA timer
set being copied, either d6 (Draft 6
No version) or rfc (RFC version)>
(See Caution and Note)

Enter the
chg-m2pa-tset command with
these parameters:
:tset=<the number of the M2PA
timer set being changed> Enter the
rtrv-m2pa-tset command with these
:ver=<version of the M2PA timer
set being changed, either d6 (Draft
6 version) or rfc (RFC version)> :tset=<tset value specified in the
chg-m2pa-tset command>
and at least one of the timer
parameters shown in the M2PA :ver=<version of the M2PA timer set
Timers table in this procedure. specified in the chg-m2pa-tset
The values for the M2PA timers
are shown in the M2PA Timers
table in this procedure.
(See Caution and Note)
Enter the

1. Either the timer parameters or the srctset parameter must be specified with the
chg-m2pa-tset command. Both the timer parameters and the srctset parameter
cannot be specified with the chg-m2pa-tset command.
2. If the ver parameter is not specified with the chg-m2pa-tset command, the RFC
values will be changed. To change the Draft 6 values, the ver=d6 parameter must be
specified with the chg-m2pa-tset command.
Caution: Changing an M2PA timer set may affect the performance of any
associations using the timer set being changed.

Figure 266: Changing an M2PA Timer Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 955

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a UA Parameter Set

Enter the
rtrv-uaps command with this
:set=< UA parameter set to
change, 1 - 9 >

Enter the
rtrv-uaps command with
Is a UA parameter Yes this parameter.
set to be copied to another
:set=< UA parameter set
UA parameter set?
that is being copied,
1 - 10 >


Enter the chg-uaps command with

Enter the chg-uaps command with this mandatory these parameters.
parameter. :set=<UA parameter set that is
:set=< UA parameter set being changed, displayed in being changed, 1 -9 >
the rtrv-uaps output>
:scrset = < UA parameter set
and with at least one of these optional parameters: that is being copied, 1 - 10 >
:timer = < 2, 3, 4 > Notes:
:tvalue = <dependent on the parm value>
if timer = 2, tvalue = 10 - 30000 milliseconds 1. The set and scrset parameter
values cannot be the same.
if timer = 3, tvalue = 100 - 60000 milliseconds
if timer = 4, tvalue = 100 - 10000 milliseconds 2. If the scrset parameter is
specified, no other optional
:parm = < 1, 2, 3, 4 >
parameter may be specified.
:pvalue = <dependent on the parm value>
if parm = 1, see the Valid PVALUE Parameter
Values if PARM =1 table
if parm = 2, see the Valid PVALUE Parameter
Values if PARM =2 table
if parm = 3, see the Valid PVALUE Parameter
Values if PARM =3 table
if parm = 4, see the Valid PVALUE Parameter
Values if PARM =4 table Enter the
Notes: rtrv-uaps command with this
1. The timer and tvalue parameters must be specified :set=<UA parameter set that
together. If one is specified, the other must be was changed>
2. The parm and pvalue parameters must be specified
together. If one is specified, the other must be
specified. Enter the
3. The tables that are referenced in the pvalue command.
parameter description are in the “Changing a UA
Parameter Set” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – IP7 Secure Gateway.

Figure 267: Changing a UA Parameter Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 956

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts IPSG M2PA and M3UA Configuration Flowcharts

Turning Off the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

This procedure cannot be

Is the Large MSU perfomed. To turn the Large MSU
Support for IP Signaling No Support for IP Signaling feature off,
feature enabled the Large MSU Support for IP
and turned on? Signaling feature must be enabled
and turned on.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Caution: If the Large MSU Support for IP
Signaling feature is turned off, the EAGLE
5 ISS will not process messages that are
larger than 272 bytes.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Figure 268: Turning Off the Large MSU Support for IP Signaling Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 957


End Office Support Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the End
Office Support configuration procedures located in
• Adding an End Node Internal Point Code.....959 the Database Administration Manual - IP7 Secure
• Removing an End Node Internal Point Code...960 Gateway.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 958

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts End Office Support Flowcharts

Adding an End Node Internal Point Code

Enter the
rtrv-rmt-appl command

Is the internal point No

Enter the
code shown in the
rtrv-dstn command
rtrv-dstn output?

Go to the "Adding a Destination Point

Yes Code" procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7 and add
the required full destination point code
to the database.

Enter the ent-rmt-appl command with

these mandatory parameters:
:ipc/ipca/ipci/ipcn/ipcn24 = <internal
Are the si=3, ssn, or point code value>
ssne parameters to be Yes :si = 3
specified with the :ssn = <subsystem number>
ent-rmt-appl command? and this optional parameter:
:ssne = <SSN value to end a range of
subsystem numbers>
(See Notes 1 through 5)

Enter the ent-rmt-appl command

with these parameters:
:ipc/ipca/ipci/ipcn/ipcn24 = <internal Enter the
point code value> rtrv-rmt-appl command
:si = <4 - 15>
(See Notes 1 through 4)

Enter the

1. If the ipc or ipca parameter is specified, only a full point code value can be specified.
2. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain 14-bit ITU-N point codes or 24-bit ITU-N point codes, but not both at the
same time.
3. The point code value can be a non-spare, non-private, spare (s-), private (p- ) or a private spare (ps- ) point
code, but does not have to be a spare, private, or private spare point code. Any point code can be a private
point code. Only ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N point codes can be private spare point codes or spare point codes. The
point code value must be shown in the rtrv-dstn command output.
4. Only one IPC value for each network type can be configured. If you are adding an IPC value of the same
network type as an existing IPC (for example, adding an ANSI IPC when the rtrv-rmt-appl output contains an
ANSI IPC), the IPC value must be the same as the existing IPC value.
5. The ssn parameter value cannot be greater than the ssne parameter value.

Figure 269: Adding an End Node Internal Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 959

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts End Office Support Flowcharts

Removing an End Node Internal Point Code

Enter the
rtrv-rmt-appl command

Enter the dlt-rmt-appl command with

these mandatory parameters:
:ipc/ipca/ipci/ipcn/ipcn24 = <internal
Are the si=3, ssn, or point code value>
ssne parameters to be Yes :si = 3
specified with the :ssn = <subsystem number>
dlt-rmt-appl command? and this optional parameter:
:ssne = <SSN value to end a range of
subsystem numbers>
(See Notes 1 and 2)

Enter the dlt-rmt-appl command with

these parameters:
:ipc/ipca/ipci/ipcn/ipcn24 = <internal
point code value>
:si = <4 - 15>

Enter the
rtrv-rmt-appl command

Enter the Notes:

chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed 1. The ssn parameter value cannot be greater
command than the ssne parameter value.

2. Specifying the ssn and ssne parameters

removes a range of subsystem numbers.

Figure 270: Removing an End Node Internal Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 960


Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures for configuring destination point codes
• Changing the Proxy Point Code Quantity.....962 (DPCs). These procedure are located in the Database
• Changing the DPC Quantity.....965 Administration Manual - SS7.
• Activating the ITU National and International
Spare Point Code Support Feature.....973
• Adding a Secondary Point Code.....976
• Removing a Secondary Point Code.....978
• Adding a Point Code to the Self-Identification of
the EAGLE 5 ISS.....979
• Changing the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5
• Adding a Cluster Point Code.....993
• Changing the Attributes of a Cluster Point
• Adding a Network Routing Point Code.....1002
• Adding a Destination Point Code.....1006
• Removing a Destination Point Code.....1011
• Changing a Destination Point Code.....1015
• Changing the Format of an ITU National Point
• Changing the Group Code Assigned to a 14-Bit
ITU National Point Code.....1020

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 961

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Changing the Proxy Point Code Quantity

Is a proxy point
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Yes
code quantity currently


Are any controlled

No features shown in the Yes
rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is the Yes To
serial number locked? Sheet 3
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No To
in the database Sheet 2


1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only
the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
Enter the ent-serial-num quantity of 64, the answer to this
command with these parameters: question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial serial number must be verified. This is
number> the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat
:lock=yes output. This entry is shown whether or
not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in
the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot
be changed.
To 3. If the serial number is not locked, the
Sheet 3 controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 962

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Sheet 1
This feature cannot be
enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Is the Contact the Customer Care
EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
serial number number entered into the
locked? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No
in the database


Enter the ent-serial-num

command with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 963

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with

these parameters:
:partnum=<proxy point code quantity
part number>
:fak=<proxy point code quantity feature
access key> (See Notes 1, 2, 3, and 4)

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:
:partnum=<part number specified in
the enable-ctrl-feat command>

Enter the

1. The following are the part numbers for the proxy point code
quantity being enabled.
Part Number Proxy Point Code Quantity
893018701 10
893018702 20
893018703 30
893018704 40
893018705 50
893018706 60
893018707 70
893018708 80
893018709 90
893018710 100
2. A proxy point code quantity cannot be decreased.
3. A proxy point code quantity cannot be enabled with a
temporary feature access key.
4. If you do not have the feature access key for the proxy point
code quantity you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec Sales
Representative or Account Representative.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 271: Changing the Proxy Point Code Quantity

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 964

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Changing the DPC Quantity

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


What is the value of the 8001 – 10,000

MTPDPCQ parameter (or the sum (8501 – 10,500)
of the MTPDPCQ and MTPXLQ values
if the MTPXLQ parameter is shown)
in the rtrv-stpopts output?

2000 or Less
(2500 or Less)
7001 - 8000 Sheet 2
(7501 - 8500)
6001 - 7000
(6501 - 7500)
5001 - 6000
(5501 - 6500) Do you wish to No
enable 7000, 8000, or
10,000 routesets?

Sheet 4

2001 - 5000 Do you wish to

(2501 - 5500) No Do you No
enable 6000, 7000,
wish to change the
8000, or 10,000

Notes: Yes No further action

Yes is necessary.
1. The quantities shown in paranthesis apply
only if the MTPXLQ parameter is shown in
the rtrv-stpopts output.
2. The MTPXLQ parameter is shown only To Sheet 7
when the Cluster Routing and Management Sheet 2
Diversity (CRMD) feature is on.

Sheet 1 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 965

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Are 6000, 7000, Yes

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat To
8000, or 10,000 routesets
command. Sheet 4

Enter the rtrv-feat

Is the No Do you wish to No

5000 routes increase the routeset
feature on? quantity?


Enter the
chg-feat command with this
Note: Before turning this feature
on, make sure you have
purchased the 5000 Routes
feature. If you are not sure if you
have purchased the 5000 Routes
feature, contact you Tekelec Sales
Representative or Account

Enter the rtrv-feat


Will the Yes Do you No

routeset quantity wish to change the
remain at 5000? DPC quantity?

No Yes No further action

is necessary.

To To
Sheet 3 Sheet 7

Sheet 2 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 966

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Are any features 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the
From shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat Yes To HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
Sheet 2 output on Sheet 2? (See Sheet 4 quantity of 64, the EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
Note 1) number must be verified with the
rtrv-serial-num command.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be
No changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num
command. 4. The serial number can be found on a
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

This feature cannot be enabled Is the EAGLE

without the correct serial number 5 ISS's serial number in
in the database. Contact the the database correct and is Yes
Customer Care Center to get the the serial number locked?
correct serial number entered into (See Notes 2, 3,
the database. Refer to the and 4)
"Customer Care Center” section in
Chapter 1 for the contact
information. No


Is the EAGLE
Is the EAGLE No 5 ISS's serial number
5 ISS's serial number
in the database

No Yes

Enter the ent-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num
command with these parameters:
command with this parameter. To
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct Sheet 4
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes
in the database

Sheet 3 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 967

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Sheets 1,
2, or 3

or What is
8000 the current routeset 10,000 To
quantity? See the Sheet 7

6000 or 5000
Note: If neither 6000, 7000, 8000, nor
10,000 routesets are enabled, the
Enter the rtrv-dstn command EAGLE 5 ISS can have a maximum
with this parameter. of 5000 routesets.

Perform the "Changing a

Destination Point Code"
7000 or More than procedure in this chapter
6000 Which routeset 8000 How many alias 8000 and remove the enough
quantity will be point codes are
alias point codes to reduce
enabled? configured?
the amount of configured
alias point codes to less
10,000 than 8000.
Less than
Sheet 5

Less than
How many alias 10,000
point codes are

More than

Perform the "Changing a

Destination Point Code"
procedure in this chapter
and remove the enough To
alias point codes to reduce Sheet 5
the amount of configured
alias point codes to less
than 10,000.

Sheet 4 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 968

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Sheets 1, 3,
or 4

Which routeset 10,000 To

quantity do you wish to
Sheet 6

6000, 7000,
or 8000

Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with these Notes:

parameters. 1. Once this feature is enabled, it cannot be
To enable the 6000 routeset quantity, specify these disabled or turned off.
:partnum=893006401 2. This feature cannot be enabled with a
:fak=<6000 routeset quantity feature access key> temporary feature access key.
(See Notes 1, 2, and 3) 3. If you do not have the feature access key for the
feature you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec
To enable the 7000 routeset quantity, specify these Sales Representative or Account Representative.
:fak=<7000 routeset quantity feature access key>
(See Notes 1, 2, and 3)

To enable the 8000 routeset quantity, specify these

:fak=<8000 routeset quantity feature access key>
(See Notes 1, 2, and 3)

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.
:partnum=<part number specified in
the enable-ctrl-feat command>

Sheet 7

Sheet 5 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 969

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Enter the rtrv-stp command

with this parameter.

Install E5-MCAP cards in both card

Are E5-MCAP locations as required. Contact the
cards shown in both No Customer Care Center before installing
card locations 1113 the E5-MCAP cards. Refer to the
and 1115? “Customer Care Center” section in
Chapter 1 for the contact information.


Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with these

:fak=<10,000 routeset quantity feature access key>
1. Once this feature is enabled, it cannot be
disabled or turned off.
2. This feature cannot be enabled with a temporary
feature access key.
3. If you do not have the feature access key for the
feature you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec
Sales Representative or Account Representative.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 970

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Sheets 1, 2,
4, 5, or 6

Was the MTPXLQ

parameter shown in the Yes To
rtrv-stpopts output on Sheet 8
Sheet 1?


Enter the
chg-stpopts command with this parameter.
:mtpdpcq=<See the Note>
Note: The value for the mtpdpcq parameter is shown in the following list and is
dependent on the routeset quantity that is enabled with the enable-ctrl-feat command,
or turned on with the chg-feat command:
5000 routes not turned on, 6000, 7000, or 8000 routesets not enabled - 500 to 2000
5000 routes turned on, 6000, 7000, or 8000 routesets not enabled - 500 to 5000
6000 routesets enabled - 500 to 6000
7000 routesets enabled - 500 to 7000
8000 routesets enabled - 500 to 8000
10,000 routesets enabled - 500 to 10,000

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Enter the

Sheet 7 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 971

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Sheet 7

Exception List Is the DPC

Enter the chg-stpopts Enter the chg-stpopts
Quantity exception list quantity Quantity
command with this command with this
or the DPC quantity to be
parameter. parameter.
:mtpxlq=<See Note 1> :mtpdpcq=<See Note 1>
(See Note 2)

Both DPC and Exception

List Quantity

Enter the chg-stpopts command with

these parameters.
:mtpdpcq=<See Note 1>
:mtpxlq=<See Note 1>

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Enter the

1. The sum of the values for the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters cannot exceed these values, depending
which routeset quantity has been enabled with the enable-ctrl-feat command, or turned on with the chg-feat
5000 routes not turned on, 6000, 7000, 8000, or 10,000 routesets not enabled - 2500. The range of values
for the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters is 500 to 2000.
5000 routes turned on, 6000, 7000, 8000, or 10,000 routesets not enabled - 5500. The range of values for
the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters is 500 to 5000.
6000 routesets enabled - 6500. The range of values for the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters is 500 to
7000 routesets enabled - 7500. The range of values for the mtpdpcq parameter is 500 to 7000. The range
of values for the mtpxlq parameter is 500 to 6000.
8000 routesets enabled - 8500. The range of values for the mtpdpcq parameter is 500 to 8000. The range
of values for the mtpxlq parameter is 500 to 6000.
10,000 routesets enabled – 10,500. The range of values for the mtpdpcq parameter is 500 to 10,000. The
range of values for the mtpxlq parameter is 500 to 10,000.
2. If the DPC quantity or the exception list quantity is being changed, both the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq
parameters do not have to be specified unless the resulting sum of the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters
would exceed the totals shown in Note 1.
For example, the current mtpdpcq value is 4000 and the current mtpxlq value is 1500, resulting in a sum of
5500, and only the 5000 Routes feature is on. To increase either value , both parameters must be specified
and the sum of the new values cannot exceed 5500. If either value is being decreased, the other parameter
can be specified as long as the sum of the values does not exceed 5500.
If in this example, the current mtpdpcq value is 3000 and the current mtpxlq value is 1500, resulting in a sum
of 4500, either parameter value can be changed without specifying the other parameter as long as the sum of
the values does not exceed 5500.

Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 272: Changing the DPC Quantity

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 972

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Activating the ITU National and International Spare Point Code Support

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Notes:

command 1. Before executing this procedure, make
sure you have purchased the ITU National
and International Spare Point Code
Support feature. If you are not sure if you
have purchased the ITU National and
International Spare Point Code Support
Is the Spare Point feature, contact your Tekelec Sales
Code Support feature Yes No further action can Representative or Account Representative.
enabled and turned be performed.
2. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows no other
features, only the default entry HC-MIM
SLK Capacity feature with a quantity of 64
is shown.
3. If the serial number is locked, it cannot
be changed.
4. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
Is the Spare Point Yes To
Code Support feature 5. The serial number can be found on a
Sheet 3 label affixed to the control shelf (shelf


Are any controlled

features shown in the Yes
rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 2)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
:fak=<Spare Point Code Support feature access
the database correct and is the Yes
serial number locked?
Note: If you do not have the feature access key for
(See Notes 3, 4,
the Spare Point Code Support feature, contact your
and 5)
Tekelec sales representative or account

Sheet 2
Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 973

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Sheet 1

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial number
in the database. Contact the
Is the EAGLE
Customer Care Center to get the
5 ISS's serial number No Is the EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes
correct serial number entered
in the database serial number locked?
into the database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center” section
in Chapter 1 for the contact
Yes No

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
command with these parameters: Yes 5 ISS's serial number No
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
in the database

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<Spare Point Code Support feature access
Note: If you do not have the feature access key for
the Spare Point Code Support feature, contact your
Tekelec sales representative or account

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 974

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Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
Caution: Once the Spare Point Code Support
feature is turned on with the chg-ctrl-feat
command, it cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

To begin adding ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N spare

point codes, perform the “Adding a Point
Code to the Self-Identification of the EAGLE
5 ISS” procedure in this chapter.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 273: Activating the ITU National and International Spare Point Code Support Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 975

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Adding a Secondary Point Code

Enter the Note: Before executing this procedure, make sure you have purchased the
rtrv-spc command. Multiple Point Code Support feature, and if you are assigning a group code to a
14-bit ITU-N secondary point code, the Duplicate ITU-N Point Code Support
feature. If you are not sure if you have purchased these features , contact your
Tekelec Sales Representative or Account Representative .

Perform the "Removing a

No Yes Secondary Point Code"
Is error message Is the SPC
procedure to remove a
E3867 displayed? table full?
secondary point code from the

Enter the
Enter the
rtrv-sid command.
rtrv-feat command.
To add a secondary point code of a particular
point code format, the self-identification of the
EAGLE 5 ISS must contain a point code
value of the same format.
The secondary point code value being added
cannot match any point code values shown in
Is the Mutiple Point Enter the the rtrv-sid output.
Code Support feature on chg-feat:mpc=on
(MPC = on)? command

Does the rtrv-spc
Yes output contain the same type of
point code being added in this
Contact the Customer procedure?
Care Center. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for
the contact information. No

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command. Does the rtrv-sid
The secondary point code value being Yes output contain the same type of
added cannot match any DPC and alias point code being added in this
point code values shown in the rtrv-dstn procedure?

Enter the
rtrv-pct command.
To Perform the "Adding a Point Code
The secondary point code value being
Sheet 2 to the Self-Identification of the
added cannot match any EPC values
shown in the rtrv-pct output. EAGLE 5 ISS" procedure to add the
required type of point code to the
self-identification of the EAGLE 5

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Is the new secondary Yes Enter the

point code a 14-bit ITU-N
rtrv-stpopts command.
point code?


Will a group code

No be assigned to the 14-bit
ITU-N secondary point


Yes Is the ITU Duplicate

Enter the Point Code feature on
ent-spc command with this parameter. (ITUDUPPC = on)?
:spc/spca/spci/spcn/spcn24=<the secondary point code>
1. The secondary point code value cannot be shown in
the rtrv-sid or rtrv-dstn outputs.
2. The secondary point code value cannot be shown as
an EPC value in the rtrv-pct output. Enter the
3. The secondary point code cannot be all zeros and chg-feat:ituduppc=on
must be a full point code. command.
4. If the secondary point code is a 14-bit ITU-N point
code, the secondary point code must be in the format
defined by the NPCFMTI field of the rtrv-stpopts
command output.
5. A group code for the 14-bit ITU-N secondary point code
value can be specified only if the ITU Duplicate Point
Code feature is on.

Enter the
rtrv-spc command.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 274: Adding a Secondary Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 977

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Removing a Secondary Point Code

Enter the
rtrv-spc command

Enter the Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

rtrv-dstn command with this command with this parameter:
parameter: :partnum=893019701
being removed>

Is the Multiple
Are any DPCs No Linkset to Single APC
No feature enabled and
shown in the rtrv-dstn
output? turned on?


Enter the Enter the

chg-dstn command with these parameters: rtrv-ls command with this
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC parameter:
containing SPC being removed> :spc/spca/spci/spcn/spcn24=<SPC
:spc/spca/spci/spcn/spcn24=none being removed>
Repeat this step for each DPC shown in
the rtrv-dstn output.

Enter the
dlt-spc command with this No Are any linksets
parameter: shown in the rtrv-ls
:spc/spca/spci/spcn/spcn24=<SPC output?
being removed>


Enter the
rtrv-spc command with this Perform the “Removing a Linkset
parameter: Containing SS7 Signaling Links”
:spc/spca/spci/spcn/spcn24=<SPC procedure and remove all the linksets
specified with the dlt-spc command> shown in the rtrv-ls output.

Enter the

Figure 275: Removing a Secondary Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 978

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Adding a Point Code to the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS

Enter the
rtrv-sid command

Is the network This procedure cannot be

type of the point code performed. To change an
being added in this procedure Yes existing true point code,
shown in the rtrv-sid output? perform the "Changing the
(See Note 1 on Self-Identification of the
Sheet 3) EAGLE 5 ISS" procedure.


Is either an ITU-I
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point No
code being added in this


Is either an ITU-I
or 14-bit ITU-N spare point Yes
code shown in the rtrv-sid


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Is the ITU National

command with this and International Spare Yes
parameter: Point Code Support feature
:partnum=893013601 enabled?


Perform the "Activating the ITU

National and International Spare
Point Code Support Feature" To
procedure to enable the ITU Sheet 2
National and International Spare
Point Code feature.

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 979

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Sheet 1

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
Is the pcn parameter
No parameter:
to be specified with the ent-sid
dpcn24=<point code value
being added in this procedure>

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-dstn command with this
rtrv-stpopts command parameter:
aliasn24=<point code value
being added in this procedure>

Are group codes

shown in the rtrv-sid

Is the point code being

Yes added in this procedure shown
in the rtrv-dstn outputs?

Is the desired
group code shown in Yes
the rtrv-sid output?
Choose another point
code value

Enter the ent-sid command with at

Enter the
least one of these parameters:
rtrv-spc command
:pc/pca = <ANSI point code>
:pci = <ITU-I or ITU-I spare point
Enter the :pcn = <14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N
rtrv-sid command spare point code>
pcn24 = <24-bit ITU-N point code>
(See Notes 2 through 8 on Sheet 3)

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 980

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1. The self-identification can contain these types of point codes:
ANSI - shown in the PCA column
ITU-I - shown in the PCI column
14-bit ITU-N - shown in the PCN column
24-bit ITU-N - shown in the PCN24 column.
The PCI column can also contain an ITU-I spare point code in addition to the ITU-I point code.
The PCN column can also contain a 14-bit ITU-N spare point code in addition to the ITU-N point code.
If any of these point code types, including spare point codes, are shown in the rtrv-sid output, then that
type of point code cannot be specified in this procedure.
2. If the the pcn parameter is specified with the ent-sid command, the pcn24 parameter cannot be
3. If the the pcn24 parameter is specified with the ent-sid command, the pcn parameter cannot be
4. For 14-bit ITU-N point code values, the format of the point code must match the format defined by the
NPCFMTI parameter of the rtrv-stpopts output.
5. The point code values must be full point codes.
6. The ITU National and International Spare Point Code Support feature must be enabled to specify an
ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code.
7. The point code specified in this procedure cannot be defined as a capability point code.
8. See the "ANSI Point Codes" section in the Database Administration Manual – SS7 for information about
entering ANSI point codes.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 276: Adding a Point Code to the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 981

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Changing the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS

Note: Before executing this procedure, make sure you have purchased the
Enter the ITU Duplicate Point Code and Multiple Point Code features . If you wish to
rtrv-sid command. use these features and are not sure if you have purchased the ITU Duplicate
Point Code and Multiple Point Code features , contact your Tekelec Sales
Representative or Account Representative.

Are only the CLLI or No Are ITU-N point No To

PCTYPE values being codes to be specified in
Sheet 3
changed? this procedure?

Yes Yes

CLLI Only or
CLLI and 14-bit
PCTYPE Which Which type of ITU-N To
values are being ITU-N point code is to
Sheet 2
changed? be specified?

To PCTYPE 24-bit
Sheet 5 Only ITU-N

Enter the chg-sid command with these parameters: Is the PCN24 Yes
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 = <EAGLE 5 ISS's point code> field shown in the
:pctype = <ansi, other> rtrv-sid output?
Note: The pctype parameter value determines the
format of ANSI point codes. If the pctype parameter
value is changed to ansi, ANSI point codes that will be
added to the database must meet the ANSI standard. If
the pctype parameter value is changed to other, ANSI
point codes that will be added to the database do not
have to meet the ANSI standard. Refer to the “ANSI
Point Codes” section for more information about the Does the rtrv-sid No
format of ANSI point codes. The “ANSI Point Codes” output show a value in
section is in the Database Administration Manual - SS7. the PCN field?

Enter the rtrv-sid
Perform the "Removing a Destination
Point Code" procedure to remove any
ITU-N point codes.
Enter the
Enter the
chg-sid:pcn=<current 14-bit
ITU-N point code
value>:npcn=none command
Note: If the PCN field contains
Sheet 3
a non-spare point code and a
spare point code, this
command must be performed
for both point code values.

Sheet 1 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 982

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From Enter the

Sheet 1 rtrv-stpopts command.

Is the PCN Yes

field shown in the Do you wish to
rtrv-sid output? change the format of ITU No
national point codes shown in the
NPCFMTI field of the rtrv-stpopts
No command output?

Does the rtrv-sid No Yes

output show a value in
the PCN24 field?
Perform the “Changing
the Format of an ITU
Are group Yes
Yes National Point Code”
codes shown in the
procedure to change the
rtrv-sid output?
ITU national point code
Perform the "Removing a format.
Destination Point Code"
procedure to remove any No
ITU-N24 point codes.

Enter the Are group codes

chg-sid:pcn24=none Enter the rtrv-feat Yes
to be assigned to the ITU
command. command.
national point codes?


Are the Multiple

No Point Code Support and ITU Yes
Duplicate Point Code Support
features on (MPC = on and

Is the Multiple Point Yes

Code Support feature on
(MPC = on)?

Enter the
No command.

Enter the
Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 983

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Is the value that The value

will be specified for the none
pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter
Sheet 3
to be the value none or another
point code value?

Another point
code value
Does the rtrv-dstn
output show any point codes No
Enter the rtrv-map that are of the same type as the pc/
command. pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter
being removed?


Do any mated
Yes applications reference the Perform the "Removing a
EAGLE 5 ISS's point Destination Point Code"
code? procedure to remove any
point codes that are the
same type as the
No pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
Perform the "Removing a parameter value being
Mated Application" removed
procedure to remove any Enter the rtrv-spc
mated applications that command.
reference the EAGLE 5
ISS's point code.

Is the point code

to be specified in this
Yes procedure shown in the rtrv-dstn No
or rtrv-spc outputs, or shown as an
EPC value in the rtrv-pct

The point codes specified in this

procedure cannot be shown in the
rtrv-dstn or rtrv-spc outputs, or shown
as an EPC value in the rtrv-pct
Sheet 5
Choose a point code that is not
shown in the rtrv-dstn or rtrv-spc
outputs, or shown as an EPC value in
the rtrv-pct output.

Sheet 3 of 11

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Is the value that The value

will be specified for the none
pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter
Sheet 3
to be the value none or another
point code value?

Another point
code value
Does the rtrv-dstn
output show any point codes No
Enter the rtrv-map that are of the same type as the pc/
command. pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter
being removed?


Do any mated
Yes applications reference the Perform the "Removing a
EAGLE 5 ISS's point Destination Point Code"
code? procedure to remove any
point codes that are the
same type as the
No pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
Perform the "Removing a parameter value being
Mated Application" removed
procedure to remove any Enter the rtrv-spc
mated applications that command.
reference the EAGLE 5
ISS's point code.

Is the point code

to be specified in this
Yes procedure shown in the rtrv-dstn No
or rtrv-spc outputs, or shown as an
EPC value in the rtrv-pct

The point codes specified in this

procedure cannot be shown in the
rtrv-dstn or rtrv-spc outputs, or shown
as an EPC value in the rtrv-pct
Sheet 5
Choose a point code that is not
shown in the rtrv-dstn or rtrv-spc
outputs, or shown as an EPC value in
the rtrv-pct output.

Sheet 4 of 11

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Sheets 3
or 4

Is the CLLI No To
parameter value to be
Sheet 6


Was the rtrv-feat Yes No

Is the E5IS
command executed on
feature on?
Sheet 2?

Sheet 1 No

Enter the rtrv-eisopts

Enter the rtrv-feat command.

No On What is the Off
value for all the GPLs
shown in the rtrv-eisopts
output off?


Enter the Enter the

chg-eisopts:fcmode=off chg-eisopts:eiscopy=off
:fcgpl=all command. command.

Are only the clli

Yes or clli and pctype
parameter values being

Sheet 9 No
Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 986

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Are CPCs No
being provisioned with the
Sheet 5
chg-sid command?

Yes CPCs To
From Sheet 9
Sheets 7
or 8

What type of CPC G-Port CPCs

will be provisioned with the
Sheet 7
chg-sid command?

INP, G-Flex, LNP CPCs To

EIR, MNP, Sheet 8

Are the desired

No type of CPCs shown in Yes To
the rtrv-sid output on Sheet 9
Sheet 1?

If LNP CPCs are shown in the

rtrv-sid output, or if the LNP
Are LNP CPCs Yes feature is enabled, only LNP,
shown in the rtrv-sid
AIQ, or STP CPCs can be
output on Sheet 1?
provisioned with the chg-sid

Perform the procedures in one these
manuals to enable, and turn on if
required, the required feature.
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
command. INP CPCs - Feature Manual – INP/
To AINPQ – to enable and turn on the
Sheet 9 INP or ANSI-41 INP Query features
G-Flex CPCs - Feature Manual – G-Flex
C7 Relay – to enable and turn on the
G-Flex feature
EIR CPCs - Feature Manual – EIR – to
Is the LNP Yes enable and turn on the EIR feature
feature enabled? Yes
MNP CPCs - Feature Manual – A-Port to
enable the A-Port feature, or Feature
Manual – IS41 GSM Migration – to
Is the feature enable the IS41 GSM Migration
No that is required to No feature
support the CPC type
V-Flex CPCs - Feature Manual – V-Flex
enabled, and turned on if – to enable and turn on the V-Flex
required? Feature
ATINPQ CPCs - Feature Manual –
ATINP – to enable the ATINP feature

Sheet 6 of 11

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Are G-Port
From CPCs shown in the Yes
Sheet 6 rtrv-sid output on
Sheet 1?


Are LNP or MNP

CPCs shown in the Yes G-Port CPCs cannot
rtrv-sid output on be provisioned.
Sheet 1?


Do you wish to
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat No
provision another type
command. of CPC?


Are either the

LNP, A-Port, or IS41 Yes
GSM Migration features
enabled? Is the LNP feature
enabled or are LNP Yes
CPCs shown in the rtrv-sid
No output on Sheet 1?

Sheet 6

Is the G-Port Yes

feature enabled?

No Perform the procedures in the

Feature Manual – G-Port to
Sheet 9
enable the G-Port feature.

Sheet 7 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 988

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

From CPCs shown in the Yes To
Sheet 6 rtrv-sid output on Sheet 9
Sheet 1?


Are CPCs
other than AIQ or Yes
STP CPCs shown in
the rtrv-sid output on
Sheet 1?

No Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


To Yes Is the LNP No

Sheet 9 feature enabled?

Are any of the

features that are required for
No supporting CPCs other than LNP,
AIQ, or STP CPCs enabled,
and turned on if required (See
Sheets 6 and 7)?

cannot be
Perform the procedures in the provisioned.
ELAP Administration and LNP
Feature Activation manual to
enable the LNP feature.

No Do you wish to Yes

provision another type
Sheet 9
of CPC?

Sheet 6

Sheet 8 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 989

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

From Enter the chg-sid command with at least one

Sheets 7 of these parameters.
Sheet 6
or 8 :pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 = <EAGLE 5 ISS's point
code, or none>
:clli = <EAGLE 5 ISS's CLLI value>
:cpc/cpca/cpci/cpcn/cpcn24 = <capability point
Are AIQ No code>
CPCs to be :ncpc/ncpca/ncpci/ncpcn/ncpcn24 = <new
provisioned? capability point code, or none>
:npci/npcn = <new ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N EAGLE 5
ISS point code, or none>
Yes :cpctype = <stp, lnp, inp, eir, gport, gflex, mnp,
vflex, atinpq, aiq>
:pctype = <ansi, other>
(See the Notes on Sheet 11)
CPCs shown in the Yes
rtrv-sid output on
Sheet 1?

Was the pc/pca/

pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter No To
changed with the chg-sid Sheet 10
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Is the Yes Do you wish to

ANSI41 AIQ feature No change the restore previous Yes
enabled? device states after
init-sys setting?
No Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.
Perform the procedures in the
Feature Manual - Analyzed
Information Features to
enable the ANSI41 AIQ
feature. Enter the On What is the
current setting?


Enter the
Enter the
init-sys command.
This command must be entered
twice within 30 seconds.

Enter the login command

with this parameter.
Sheet 10
:uid=<your user ID>

Sheet 9 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 990

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

From Was the CLLI No

Sheet 9 value changed?


Was a caution
No Was the EISCOPY No
message received that
option changed on
indicated that the CCSMRs
Sheet 5?
should be updated?


Enter the
Perform the procedures in the chg-eisopts:eiscopy=on
“SEAS Over IP Configuration command.
Flowcharts” chapter to update the
CCSMR configuration.

Enter the chg-eisopts command

with these parameters. Was the
Yes No
:fcmode=<value shown in the FCMODE option changed
rtrv-eisopts output on Sheet 5> on Sheet 5?
:fcgpl=<value shown in the
rtrv-eisopts output on Sheet 5>
Repeat this step for all the GPLs
shown in the rtrv-eisopts output on
Sheet 5 as necessary.

Perform the "Changing the Was the caution

Gateway Screening Redirect Yes mesage received indicating that
Parameters" procedure to the GWS Redirect Function DPC
change the DPC. needs to be changed?


Enter the rtrv-sid


Enter the

Sheet 10 of 11

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 991

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

1. The parameters pc/pca, cpc/cpca, and ncpc/ncpca require ANSI point code values.
2. The parameters pci, npci, cpci, and ncpci require ITU-I point code values.
3. The parameters pcn, ncpn, cpcn, and ncpcn require 14-bit ITU-N point code values.
4. The parameters pcn24, cpcn24, and ncpcn24 require 24-bit ITU-N point code values.
5. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain 14-bit ITU-N point codes or 24-bit ITU-N point codes, but not both at the same time.
6. For 14-bit ITU-N point code values, the format of the point code must match the format defined by the NPCFMTI parameter of
the rtrv-stpopts output.
7. The point code values must be full point codes.
8. The cpc parameter must be specified with the ncpc parameter and the point code type of both parameters must be the same.
9. Either the cpc or ncpc parameter must be specified with the cpctype parameter.
10. The ncpc parameter value cannot be equal to the cpc or pc parameter values.
11. The clli parameter value cannot be none or assigned to a route.
12. If the cpctype parameter value is lnp, the point code values must be ANSI point codes.
13. If the cpctype parameter value is inp, the point code values must be either ITU-I,
14-bit ITU-N, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes.
14. If the cpctype parameter value is eir, the point code values must be either ITU-I,
14-bit ITU-N, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes.
15. If the cpctype parameter value is gflex, the point code values can be any point code type.
16. If the cpctype parameter value is gport, the point code values can be any point code type.
17. If the cpctype parameter value is stp, the point code values can be any point code type.
18. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain a maximum of 96 capability point codes.
19. The ncpc=none parameter removes the specified capability point code.
20. The ncpc=<point code value> replaces the specified capability point code.
21. The pc=none parameter removes the point code of the specified point code type. This parameter cannot be specified if there
are routes that have DPCs of the point code type specified by the pc=none parameter.
22. The pctype parameter specifies whether or not the ANSI point codes used by the EAGLE 5 ISS meet the ANSI standard
(pctype=ansi) or not (pctype=other). This parameter does not apply to ITU international or ITU national point codes. See the
"ANSI Point Codes" section in this chapter for information about entering ANSI point codes.
23. If you wish to specify the pcn24 parameter with the chg-sid command and the rtrv-sid output shows the PCN field, the 14-bit
ITU-N point code value, shown in the PCN field must be removed with the pcn=none parameter before the pcn24 parameter
value can be specified by the chg-sid command. Enter the chg-sid command with the pcn=none parameter, then re-enter
the chg-sid command with the pcn24 parameter. If no value is shown in the PCN field, specifying the pcn=none parameter is
not necessary.
24. If you wish to specify the pcn parameter with the chg-sid command and the rtrv-sid output shows the PCN24 field, the 24-bit
ITU-N point code value, shown in the PCN24 field must be removed with the pcn24=none parameter before the pcn
parameter value can be specified by the chg-sid command. Enter the chg-sid command with the pcn24=none parameter,
then re-enter the chg-sid command with the pcn parameter. If no value is shown in the PCN24 field, specifying the
pcn24=none parameter is not necessary.
25. The npci=none parameter removes the specified ITU-I point code.
26. The npcn=none parameter removes the specified 14-bit ITU-N point code.
27. The npci=<point code value> replaces the specified ITU-I point code.
28. The npcn=<point code value> replaces the specified 14-bit ITU-N point code.
29. The npci/npcn parameter values cannot be equal to any cpc or pc parameter values.
30. The pci parameter must be specified if the npci parameter is specified.
31. The pcn parameter must be specified if the npcn parameter is specified.
32. The new ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N point code values (npci/npcn) must be the same type as the pci/pcn parameter value. For
example, if the pci value is a non-spare point code, the npci value must be a non-spare point code. If the pci value is a spare
point code, the npci value must be a spare point code.
33. If the cpctype parameter value is mnp, the point code values can be any point code type.
34. If the cpctype parameter value is vflex, the point code values can be any point code type.
35. If the cpctype parameter value is atinpq or aiq, the point code values must be either ANSI, ITU-I, or 14-bit ITU-N point codes.

Sheet 11 of 11
Figure 277: Changing the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 992

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Adding a Cluster Point Code

Enter the Note: Before executing this procedure, make sure you have purchased
rtrv-dstn command. the Cluster Routing and Management Diversity feature and the nested
cluster routing feature. If you are not sure if you have purchased the
Cluster Routing and Management Diversity feature and the nested
cluster routing feature, contact your Tekelec Sales Representative or
Account Representative.

Will the addition

of the cluster point code No To
exceed the current Sheet 2


Perform one of these

What is the "Removing a Destination
current capacity shown Point Code" procedure to
in the rtrv-dstn remove a DPC
ALLOCATED fields shown in
output? “Removing a Route Exception
the rtrv-dstn output?
Entry” procedure to remove
an exception route.
Less than

What is the sum Less than Perform the "Changing the

of the DESTINATION 10500 DPC Quantity" procedure to
change the number of DPCs
allowed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.


Perform one of these procedures.

"Removing a Destination Point Code"
procedure to remove a DPC
Sheet 2
“Removing a Route Exception Entry”
procedure to remove an exception route.

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 993

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Does the rtrv-dstn No

output show any cluster
Sheet 1
point codes?

Yes Does the rtrv-dstn No Enter the rtrv-sid

output show any ANSI
point codes?

No Are nested
cluster point codes
being configured?

Are the
Yes Yes point code shown
ALLOCATED fields shown
in the rtrv-sid
in the rtrv-dstn output?
Yes Is the Nested
Cluster Routing
feature on? No
Perform the "Changing the Self
Identification of the EAGLE 5
Enter the rtrv-feat
No ISS" procedure to add an ANSI
point code to the self
identification of the EAGLE 5
Enter the

Is the Cluster
Yes Routing and
Management Diversity
feature on?
Is the No
cluster DPC in the
database? No

Enter the
Select another
cluster DPC to add
to the database.

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 994

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Does the rtrv-dstn Are the nprst,

output show DPCs that are No rcause, or splitiam No
members of the cluster DPC parameters being specified
Sheet 2
being added in this with the cluster
procedure? point code?

Yes Yes
Sheet 4

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Enter the Have all
rtrv-rte:dpca=<point code the DPCs that
from rtrv-dstn that is a No are members of the cluster
member of the cluster point DPC being added in this
code being added> procedure been
command. displayed?
Is the TIF
Number Portability Yes
feature, part number
No enabled?
Is the DPC a
The nprst,
DPC of a route?
rcause, and
To No splitiam
Sheet 4 parameters can be
Yes specified for the
Perform the procedures in the point code.
Enter the Do you
Feature Manual – TIF to enable Yes
rtrv-ls:lsn=<linkset name wish to enable the TIF
the TIF Number Portability
shown in the rtrv-rte Number Portability
feature or the features shown in
output> command. feature?
the Note as required.
Sheet 4
Is the No The nprst and
linkset type rcause parameters
A or E? Do you wish cannot be specified for
to enable any of the cluster point code.
the features shown
Yes in the Note?

Perform the “Changing an No

SS7 Linkset” procedure to Are any of
change the linkset type to No the features
either B, C, or D. The splitiam shown in the Note
parameter cannot be enabled?
specified for the
Note: The features requried for the splitiam cluster point code.
parameter are:
TIF SCS Forwarding - part number 893022201
TIF Simple Number Substitution - part number
The splitiam
parameter can
TIF Additional Subscriber Data - part number To
be specified for
893024501 Sheet 4
the cluster point
TIF Generic Routing Number - part number code.

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 995

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Is the
sccpmsgcnv No
parameter being specified
Sheet 3
with the cluster
point code?


Was the Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

rtrv-ctrl-feat command No command with this
performed on Sheet parameter.
3? :partnum=893035301


Is the
XUDT UDT conversion Yes
feature enabled and
turned on?


Perform the “Activating the

XUDT UDT Conversion
Feature” procedure to enable
Sheet 5
and turn on the XUDT UDT
Conversion feature.

Sheet 4 of 5

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Sheet 4
Enter the rtrv-dstn command
with this parameter.
:dpca=<the cluster point code
Add the cluster point code by entering one of these value specified in the ent-dstn
If the cluster point code will be a nested cluster point code
and a dynamic exception list will be maintained for the
cluster point code, enter this command.
ent-dstn:dpca=<the nested cluster point code
Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.
If the cluster point code will be a nested cluster point code
and a dynamic exception list will not be maintained for the
cluster point code, enter this command.
Enter the
ent-dstn:dpca=<the nested cluster point code chg-stpopts command
value>:ncai=yes:elei=no with at least one of
If the cluster point code will not be a nested cluster point these parameters.
code and a dynamic exception list will be maintained for the
Do you wish to Yes :mtplxq =<See the
cluster point code, enter this command. change the exception list
ent-dstn:dpca=<the cluster point code :mtpxlet=<0020 - 2400>
value>:ncai=no:elei=yes :mtpxlot=<0 - 100>
If the cluster point code will not be a nested cluster point :mtpdpcq=<See the
code and a dynamic exception list will not be maintained for No Notes>
the cluster point code, enter this command.
ent-dstn:dpca=<the cluster point code value>:ncai=no
These optional parameters can be specified with the Enter the
ent-dstn command. rtrv-stpopts command.
:nprst = <on, off>
:rcause = <0 – 127, or the value none>
Enter the
:splitiam = < 15 – 31, or the value none> chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
:clli = <the common language location identifier - 1 command.
alphabetic character followed by 10 alphanumeric
:sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt, xudt2udt, sxudt2udt>

1. The sum of the values for the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters cannot exceed these values, depending which routeset quantity has been
enabled with the enable-ctrl-feat command, or turned on with the chg-feat command:
5000 routes not turned on, 6000, 7000, or 8000 routesets not enabled - 2500. The range of values for the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters is
500 to 2000.
5000 routes turned on, 6000, 7000, or 8000 routesets not enabled - 5500. The range of values for the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters is
500 to 5000.
6000 routesets enabled - 6500. The range of values for the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters is 500 to 6000.
7000 routesets enabled - 7500. The range of values for the mtpdpcq parameter is 500 to 7000. The range of values for the mtpxlq
parameter is 500 to 6000.
8000 routesets enabled - 8500. The range of values for the mtpdpcq parameter is 500 to 8000. The range of values for the mtpxlq
parameter is 500 to 6000.
10000 routesets enabled - 10500. The range of values for the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters is 500 to 10000.
2. If the DPC quantity or the exception list quantity is being changed in this step, both the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters do have to be
specified in this step unless the resulting sum of the mtpdpcq and mtpxlq parameters would exceed the totals shown in Note 1.
For example, the current mtpdpcq value is 4000 and the current mtpxlq value is 1500, resulting in a sum of 5500, and only the 5000 Routes
feature is on. To increase either value , both parameters must be specified and the sum of the new values cannot exceed 5500. If either value is
being decreased, the other parameter can be specified as long as the sum of the values does not exceed 5500.
If in this example, the current mtpdpcq value is 3000 and the current mtpxlq value is 1500, resulting in a sum of 4500, either parameter value can
be changed without specifying the other parameter as long as the sum of the values does not exceed 5500.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 278: Adding a Cluster Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 997

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Changing the Attributes of a Cluster Point Code

Note: Before executing this procedure, make sure you have purchased the Cluster Routing
and Management Diversity feature or the nested cluster routing feature. If you are not sure if
you have purchased the Cluster Routing and Management Diversity feature or the nested
cluster routing feature, contact your Tekelec Sales Representative or Account Representative .

Is the CLLI value Yes

Enter the Enter the
for the cluster PC to be
rtrv-dstn command. rtrv-sid command.

Note: The features requried for the

splitiam parameter are:
TIF SCS Forwarding - part number
TIF Simple Number Substitution - part Does the new
number 893024001
No CLLI value match any CLLI Yes
TIF Additional Subscriber Data - part values shown in the rtrv-dstn
number 893024501 or rtrv-sid outputs?
TIF Generic Routing Number - part
number 893025501
Enter the Choose a CLLI value
rtrv-dstn command with this that does not match
parameter. any CLLI values
:dpca=<cluster point code shown in the rtrv-dstn
being changed> or rtrv-sid outputs.

Are the nprst, Is the TIF

rcause, or splitiam Yes Number Portability Yes
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
parameters being specified feature, part number
with the cluster 893018901
point code? enabled?

No No
Perform the procedures The nprst,
in the Feature Manual – rcause, and splitiam
Do you
TIF to enable the TIF Yes parameters can be
wish to enable the TIF
Number Portability specified for the
Number Portability
feature or the features cluster
shown in the Note as point code.

The nprst and To
rcause parameters Sheet 2
cannot be specified for
Do you
the cluster point code.
wish to enable any of
the features shown in
the Note?

No The splitiam
No Are any of Yes parameter can be
the features shown in specified for the
the Note enabled? cluster point
The splitiam parameter code.
cannot be specified for
Sheet 2
the cluster point code.

Sheet 1 of 4

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Is the
Was the
sccpmsgcnv Yes No
From rtrv-ctrl-feat command
parameter being specified
Sheet 1 performed on Sheet
with the cluster
point code?

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

No command with this

Is the
Yes XUDT UDT conversion
feature enabled and
turned on?


Perform the
“Activating the XUDT
Yes Is the UDT Conversion
NCAI parameter value Feature” procedure
Sheet 3
to be changed? to enable and turn on
Conversion feature.

Enter the
chg-dstn command with these
mandatory parameters:
:dpca=<The cluster point code that is
being changed>
elei=<yes, no>
and any of these optional parameters. Enter the
:nprst = <on, off> rtrv-dstn with this parameter.
:dpca=<the cluster point code value
:rcause = <0 – 127, or the value none>
specified in the chg-dstn
:splitiam = < 15 – 31, or the value none> command>
:clli = <the common language location
identifier - 1 alphabetic character
followed by 10 alphanumeric
Enter the
:sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt,
xudt2udt, sxudt2udt>

Sheet 2 of 4

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Enter the rtrv-dstn command with this

What is the current Yes
From :dpca=<cluster point code value being
value of the NCAI
Sheet 2 changed with 3 asterisks instead of
one asterisk for the network cluster
member value of the point code>


Sheet 4

Does the cluster

No point code have any
member point codes in the


Is the Enter the rtrv-rte command with this

No Yes parameter.
ELEI parameter value
to be changed? :dpca=<cluster point code member
DPC value shown in the previous step>
Repeat this step for each member of
the cluster point code
Enter the Enter the
chg-dstn command with these chg-dstn command with these
mandatory parameters: mandatory parameters:
:dpca=<The cluster point code that :dpca=<The cluster point code that
is being changed> is being changed>
ncai=no ncai=no
:elei=<yes, no> Are the cluster
and with any of these optional Yes point code and its member
parameters. and with any of these optional
parameters. point codes in the same
:nprst = <on, off> routeset?
:nprst = <on, off>
:rcause = <0 – 127, or the value
none> :rcause = <0 – 127, or the value
:splitiam = < 15 – 31, or the value No
none> :splitiam = < 15 – 31, or the value
:clli = <the common language
location identifier - 1 alphabetic :clli = <the common language Perform the "Removing a Route"
character followed by 10 location identifier - 1 alphabetic procedure to remove the routes to
alphanumeric characters> character followed by 10 the members of the cluster point
:sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt, alphanumeric characters> code.
xudt2udt, sxudt2udt> :sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt,
xudt2udt, sxudt2udt>

Enter the
rtrv-dstn with this parameter. Enter the
:dpca=<the cluster point code value chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
specified in the chg-dstn command.

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1000

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 3 rtrv-feat command.

Is the nested No
cluster routing feature on
(NCR = on)?

Enter the

No Is the Yes
ELEI parameter value
to be changed?

Enter the Enter the

chg-dstn command with these chg-dstn command with these
mandatory parameters: mandatory parameters:
:dpca=<The cluster point code that is :dpca=<The cluster point code that is
being changed> being changed>
ncai=yes ncai=yes
and any of these optional parameters. :elei=<yes, no>
:nprst = <on, off> and any of these optional parameters.
:rcause = <0 – 127, or the value none> :nprst = <on, off>

:splitiam = < 15 – 31, or the value :rcause = <0 – 127, or the value none>
none> :splitiam = < 15 – 31, or the value
:clli = <the common language location none>
identifier - 1 alphabetic character :clli = <the common language location
followed by 10 alphanumeric identifier - 1 alphabetic character
characters> followed by 10 alphanumeric
:sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt, characters>
xudt2udt, sxudt2udt> :sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt,
xudt2udt, sxudt2udt>

Enter the
rtrv-dstn with this parameter.
:dpca=<the cluster point code value
specified in the chg-dstn

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 279: Changing the Attributes of a Cluster Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1001

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Adding a Network Routing Point Code

Enter the Note: Before executing this procedure, make sure you have purchased the
rtrv-dstn command. network routing feature. If you are not sure if you have purchased the network
routing feature, contact your Tekelec Sales Representative or Account

Will the addition

of the network routing No To
point code exceed the Sheet 2
current capacity?


Perform one of these

What is the "Removing a Destination
current capacity shown Point Code" procedure to
in the rtrv-dstn remove a DPC
ALLOCATED fields shown in
output? “Removing a Route Exception
the rtrv-dstn output?
Entry” procedure to remove
an exception route.
Less than

What is the sum Less than Perform the "Changing the

of the DESTINATION 10,500 DPC Quantity" procedure to
change the number of DPCs
allowed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.


Perform one of these procedures.

"Removing a Destination Point Code"
procedure to remove a DPC
Sheet 2
“Removing a Route Exception Entry”
procedure to remove an exception route.

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1002

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Is the Yes
From Enter the rtrv-feat
Network Routing
Sheet 1 command
feature on?


Enter the

No Does the rtrv-dstn No Does the rtrv-dstn

Enter the rtrv-sid
output show any ANSI output show any network
point codes? routing point codes?

Yes Yes

Is an ANSI
point code shown Yes
in the rtrv-sid
output? Do any of the
No network routing point codes Yes
have the network indicators
No of 1 to 5?

Perform the "Changing the Self

Do you wish to
Identification of the EAGLE 5
configure network routing No
ISS" procedure to add an ANSI
point codes that have the
point code to the self
network indicators of
identification of the EAGLE 5
1 to 5?


Has the
Enter the rtrv-sid No rtrv-sid command been
command performed in this


What is the OTHER

PCTYPE value?

Perform the "Changing the

Self Identification of the
EAGLE 5 ISS" procedure to
Sheet 3
change the PCTYPE value

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1003

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Note: The features requried for the

splitiam parameter are.
Are the nprst,
rcause, or splitiam TIF SCS Forwarding - part number
From No
parameters being specified 893022201
Sheet 2
with the network routing TIF Simple Number Substitution - part
point code? number 893024001
TIF Additional Subscriber Data - part
number 893024501
TIF Generic Routing Number - part
number 893025501
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Is the TIF The nprst,

Number Portability Yes rcause, and splitiam
feature, part number parameters can be
Sheet 4
893018901 specified for the network
enabled? routing point code.


Perform the procedures

in the Feature Manual –
Do you
Yes TIF to enable the TIF
wish to enable the TIF
Number Portability
Number Portability
feature or the features
shown in the Note as

The nprst and
rcause parameters cannot
be specified for the network
routing point code. Do you
wish to enable any of
the features shown in
the Note?

Are any of No
the features shown in
the Note enabled? The splitiam parameter
cannot be specified for
the network routing
point code.

The splitiam parameter

can be specified for the
network routing point

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1004

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Is the
Was the
sccpmsgcnv Yes No
From rtrv-ctrl-feat command
parameter being specified
Sheet 3 performed on Sheet
with the network routing
point code?

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

No command with this

Is the
Yes XUDT UDT conversion
feature enabled and
turned on?

Enter the ent-dstn command with this
mandatory parameter:
:dpca=<network routing point code>
and with any of these optional parameters. Perform the
:nprst = <on, off> “Activating the XUDT
UDT Conversion
:rcause = <0 – 127, or the value none>
Feature” procedure
:splitiam = < 15 – 31, or the value none> to enable and turn on
:clli = <the common language location the XUDT UDT
identifier - 1 alphabetic character followed Conversion feature.
by 10 alphanumeric characters>
:sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt, xudt2udt,

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
:dpca=<network routing point code
specified in the ent-dstn command>

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 280: Adding a Network Routing Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1005

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Adding a Destination Point Code

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command.

To add the new DPC , these entities must be checked depending on how the DPC will be provisioned. Perform the
commands and procedures as required depending on how the DPC will be provisioned.
The addition of the new DPC cannot exceed the current capacity shown in the DESTINATION ENTRIES ALLOCATED
or the Destination table row of the rtrv-dstn output. If the current capacity will be exceeded by adding the new DPC, and
the maximum capacity is shown in the rtrv-dstn output: 10,000 if the DESTINATION ENTRIES ALLOCATED and X-LIST
ENTRIES ALLOCATED rows are not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, or 10,500 if the DESTINATION ENTRIES
ALLOCATED and X-LIST ENTRIES ALLOCATED rows are shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the Removing a
Destination Point Code procedure or Removing a Route Exception Entry procedure to remove an existing DPC or
exception route entry.
If the maximum capacity is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the Changing the DPC Quantity procedure to
increase the number of DPCs that can be in the database.
The type of point code being added, ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-N, ITU-N24 must be shown in the rtrv-dstn output or the rtrv-sid
output. If the point code type is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the rtrv-sid command. If the point code type
is not shown in rtrv-dstn and rtrv-sid, perform the Adding a Point Code to the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS to
add a point code of the desired point code type.
If the new DPC will be a 14-bit ITU-N point code, and a group code will be assigned to the point code, the group code
must be defined in rtrv-sid,
rtrv-dstn, or rtrv-spc outputs. If the group code is not shown in either of these outputs, perform the Adding a Point Code
to the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS procedure to add an entry with the desired group code. If the group code
will be different from the ones shown in the rtrv-sid or
rtrv-dstn outputs, perform the Adding a Secondary Point Code procedure to add a secondary point code with the desired
group code.
If a secondary point code will be specified with the DPC, the secondary point code must be shown in the rtrv-spc output.
It the secondary point code is not shown in the rtrv-spc output, perform the Adding a Secondary Point Code to add the
desired secondary point code.
If the clli parameter will be specified with the DPC, the clli parameter value cannot be shown in the rtrv-sid or rtrv-dstn
outputs. Enter the rtrv-sid command to verify the CLLI value in the self-identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS.
The format of a 14-bit ITU-N DPC must match the format defined by the NPCFMTI value in the rtrv-stpopts output.
Enter the rtrv-stpopts to verify the NPCFMTI value. If you wish to change the format, perform the 14-Bit ITU National
Point Code Formats procedure.
To specify an alias point code with the DPC , adding the new alias point code cannot exceed the maximum alias point
code quantity shown in the ALIASES ALLOCATED : or the Alias table row in the rtrv-dstn output. If the maximum alias
point code quantity will be exceeded , perform the Changing a Destination Point Code procedure to remove enough
alias point codes to allow the new alias point code to be added.
If the nprst or rcause parameters will be specified with the DPC, the TIF Number Portability feature must be enabled.
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify that the feature is enabled. If the feature is not enabled, perform the
procedures in Feature Manual - TIF to enable the TIF Number Portability feature.
If the splitiam parameter will be specified with the DPC, at least one of these features must be enabled.
TIF Number Portability
TIF SCS Forwarding
TIF Simple Number Subsstitution
TIF Additional Subscriber Data
TIF Generic Routing Number
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify if any of these features are enabled. If none of these features are enabled,
perform the procedures in Feature Manual - TIF to enable one of more of these features.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 5

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Sheet 1

If the prx=yes or ppc parameters will be specified with the DPC, the Proxy Point Code feature must be enabled . The
addition of the proxy point code with the prx=yes parameter cannot exceed the enabled proxy point code quantity,
shown in the PPC table or PROXY DPC(s): row of the rtrv-dstn output. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify if a
proxy point code quantity is enabled. If a proxy point code quantity is enabled, the Proxy Point Code feature is enabled .
To enable the Proxy Point Code feature or increase the proxy point code quantity , perform the Changing the Proxy Point
Code Quantity procedure. If the enabled quantity is 100, and 100 proxy point codes are in the database, no more proxy
point codes can be added.
If the sccpmsgcnv parameter will be specified with the DPC, the XUDT UDT Conversion feature must be enabled and
turned on. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify that the feature is enabled and turned on. If the feature is not
enabled and turned on, perform the “Activating the XUDT UDT Conversion Feature” procedure to enable the XUDT UDT
Conversion feature.

Adding a DPC
without the PRX Adding a DPC
or PPC with the PRX or
Parameters PPC Parameters
What action
will be performed?

Enter the
ent-dstn command with the Is a new proxy Yes
:dpc/:dpca/:dpci/:dpcn/:dpcn24=<point point code being
code value> parameter and with any of provisioned?
these optional parameters.
:clli=<CLLI value>
:bei=<yes, no>
:aliasa/:aliasi/:aliasn/aliasn24=<alias point To
code value> Sheet 3
point code value> A proxy point code will
:ipgwapc=<yes, no> be assigned to a DPC
:nprst=<on, off> using the ppc
parameter with the
:rcause=<0 – 127, or the value none> ent-dstn command.
:splitiam=< 15 – 31, or the value none>
:homespc=<yes, no>
:homesmsc=<yes, no>
:sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt, xudt2udt,
(See the Notes on Sheet 5) To
Sheet 4

Enter the rtrv-dstn command with this

parameter. Enter the
:dpc/:dpca/:dpci/:dpcn/:dpcn24=<the DPC chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
parameter and value specified with the command.
ent-dstn command>

Sheet 2 of 5

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Sheets 2
or 4 Notes:
1. The DPC must be a full point code, in
the SS7 domain, and cannot be a
private point code.
2. The DPC cannot have the
Enter the ipgwapc=yes parameter value
ent-dstn command with these mandatory assigned.
parameters: 3. The DPC and proxy point code must
:dpc/:dpca/:dpci/:dpcn/:dpcn24=<point be the same network type. For
code value> example, if the DPC is an ANSI point
:prx=yes code, the proxy point code must be an
and with any of these optional parameters. ANSI point code.
:clli=<CLLI value> 4. If the DPC and proxy point code are
:bei=<yes, no> 14-bit ITU-N point codes with a group
:aliasa/:aliasi/:aliasn/aliasn24=<alias point code, the group code values for both
code value> the DPC and the proxy point code must
:nprst=<on, off> be the same.
:rcause=<0 – 127, or the value none>
:splitiam=< 15 – 31, or the value none>
:homespc=<yes, no>
:homesmsc=<yes, no>
:sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt, xudt2udt, Enter the ent-dstn command with these
sxudt2udt> mandatory parameters:
(See Notes 1 and 2 on this sheet and the :dpc/:dpca/:dpci/:dpcn/:dpcn24=<point
Notes on Sheet 5) code value>
point code value shown in the previous
and with any of these optional
Do you wish :clli=<CLLI value>
to assign the new Yes :bei=<yes, no>
proxy point code to a :aliasa/:aliasi/:aliasn/aliasn24=<alias
DPC? point code value>
:nprst=<on, off>
:rcause=<0 – 127, or the value none>
No :splitiam=< 15 – 31, or the value none>
:homespc=<yes, no>
:homesmsc=<yes, no>
:sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt,
xudt2udt, sxudt2udt>
(See Notes 1 through 4 on this Sheet
and the Notes on Sheet 5)
Enter the rtrv-dstn command
with this parameter.
:dpcn24=<the DPC parameter
and value specified with the
ent-dstn command>

Enter the

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Enter the
From rtrv-dstn command with
Sheet 2 this parameter:

Is the desired proxy

point code shown in the No To
rtrv-dstn output in the Sheet 3
previous step?


Enter the ent-dstn command with these

code value> Notes:
:ppc/:ppca/:ppci/:ppcn/:ppcn24=<proxy 1. The DPC must be a full point code,
point code value shown in the previous in the SS7 domain, and cannot be a
step> private point code.
and with any of these optional parameters. 2. The DPC cannot have the
:clli=<CLLI value> ipgwapc=yes parameter value
:bei=<yes, no> assigned.
:aliasa/:aliasi/:aliasn/aliasn24=<alias 3. The DPC and proxy point code
point code value> must be the same network type. For
:nprst=<on, off> example, if the DPC is an ANSI point
:rcause=<0 – 127, or the value none> code, the proxy point code must be
:splitiam=< 15 – 31, or the value none> an ANSI point code.
:homespc=<yes, no> 4. If the DPC and proxy point code
:homesmsc=<yes, no> are 14-bit ITU-N point codes with a
:sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt, xudt2udt, group code, the group code values for
sxudt2udt> both the DPC and the proxy point
(See Notes 1 through 4 on this Sheet code must be the same.
and the Notes on Sheet 5)

Enter the rtrv-dstn command

with this parameter.
:dpcn24=<the DPC parameter
and value specified with the
ent-dstn command>

Enter the

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1. The PCI and PCN columns of the rtrv-sid output can contain spare and non-spare point code values. To provision ITU -I or 14-bit
ITU-N non-spare point codes in this procedure, the rtrv-sid output must contain
non-spare point codes (ITU-I non-spare point code in the PCI column and 14-bit ITU-N non-spare point code in the PCN column).
To provision ITU -I or 14-bit ITU-N spare point codes in this procedure, the rtrv-sid output must contain spare point codes (ITU-I spare
point code in the PCI column and 14-bit ITU-N spare point code in the PCN column).
2. The :dpc/:dpca/:dpci/:dpcn/:dpcn24, :aliasa/:aliasi/:aliasn/:aliasn24, :spc/:spca/:spci/:spcn/:spcn24 and :ppc/:ppca/:ppci/:ppcn/
:ppcn24 parameters are used to provision either ANSI, ITU-I, 14-bit ITU-N, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes.
:dpc/:dpca, :spc/:spca, :aliasa, :ppc/ppca = ANSI DPC, private ANSI DPC, SPC, alias point code, proxy point code
:dpci, :spci, :aliasi, :ppci = ITU-I DPC (non-spare point code, spare point code, private point code, private spare point code),
SPC (non-spare or spare point code), alias point code (non-spare or spare point code), proxy point code
:dpcn, :spcn, :aliasn, :ppcn = 14-bit ITU-N DPC (non-spare point code, spare point code, private point code, private spare point
code), SPC (non-spare or spare point code), alias point code (non-spare or spare point code), proxy point code
:dpcn24, :spcn24, :aliasn24, :ppcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N DPC, private 24-bit ITU-N DPC, SPC, alias point code, proxy point code
3. The network type of alias point codes cannot be the same as the network type of the DPC.
If the DPC is ANSI, then either ITU-I or ITU-N (14-bit or 24-bit) alias point codes can be assigned.
If the DPC is ITU-I, then either ANSI or ITU-N (14-bit or 24-bit) alias point codes can be assigned.
If the DPC is either a 14-bit or a 24-bit ITU-N, then either ITU-I or ANSI alias point codes can be assigned.
4. The system can contain 14-bit ITU-N point codes or 24-bit ITU-N point codes, but not both at the same time.
5. The network type of an SPC must be the same as the network type of the DPC.
6. The alias point code and SPC value must be full point codes.
7. The alias point code value cannot be shown in the rtrv-dstn output.
8. The NI and NC values of an ANSI point code cannot be the same as the NI and NC values of any cluster point code shown in the
rtrv-dstn output.
9. The rtrv-sid output must show values in the PCA, PCI, PCN, or PCN24 fields before a DPC of the network type corresponding to
these fields can be added.
10. The DPC or CLLI value being added cannot be shown in the rtrv-sid output.
11. The DPC being added cannot be an alias point code.
12. The SPC value must be show in the rtrv-spc output.
13. If a 14-bit ITU-N DPC is being added and the ITU Duplicate Point Code feature is on, and no SPC are being assigned the DPC,
the group code assigned to the DPC must be the same as the group code value shown in the PCN field of the rtrv-sid output.
14. If a 14-bit ITU-N DPC is being added and the ITU Duplicate Point Code feature is on, and an SPC is being assigned the DPC,
the group code assigned to the DPC must be the same as the group code assigned to the SPC.
15. The format of 14-bit ITU-N point codes must match the format defined by the NPCFMTI value of the
rtrv-stpopts output.
16. The ipgwapc parameter can be used only for ANSI DPCs that will be used to define the IP gateway APC of a linkset .
17. The default value for the domain parameter is ss7, and the default value for the bei parameter is no.
18. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain these quantities of alias point codes depending the features that are enabled or turned on.
5000 routes is not turned on, 6000, 7000, 8000, or 10,000 routesets is not enabled – 12,000 alias point codes
5000 routes is turned on, 6000, 7000, 8000, or 10,000 routesets is not enabled – 12,000 alias point codes
6000 routesets are enabled – 12,000 alias point codes
7000 routesets are enabled – 8000 alias point codes
8000 routeset are enabled – 8000 alias point codes
10,000 routesets are enabled – 10,000 alias point codes
The number of alias point codes is shown in the ent-dstn and rtrv-dstn outputs.
19. The type of alias point code that can provisioned is dependent on the type of DPC that is being provisioned. Refer to the
Destination Point Code and Alias Point Code Type Combinations table in the “Adding a Destination Point Code” procedure locate d
in the Database Administration Manual – SS7 for the alias point code parameter combinations.
20. The default value for the sccpmsgcnv parameter is none.

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 281: Adding a Destination Point Code

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Removing a Destination Point Code

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command.

Perform the "Changing a

Do you Yes Destination Point Code"
wish to remove an
procedure to remove the


Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this parameter.
destination point code being removed
from the database>

Perform the
Is the DPC to be Yes "Removing a Route"
removed the DPC of a
procedure to
remove the route.


Enter the
rtrv-ls command.

Perform the "Removing a

Does the Yes Linkset Containing SS7
linkset APC match
Signaling Links" procedure to
the DPC?
remove the linkset


Sheet 2

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Is the No
From Enter the
GTT feature
Sheet 1 rtrv-feat command.
turned on?


Enter the
rtrv-map command with this
code value being removed>

No Enter the
Are any entries


Perform the "Removing a Is the IGTTLS No

Mated Application" feature on?
procedure to remove the
entries that contain the DPC
that is being removed. Yes

Enter the
rtrv-mrn command with this
code value being removed>

Are any entries No Enter the

displayed? rtrv-rmt-appl command.


Perform the "Removing an Yes Is the DPC No

MRN Group or MRN Group in the rtrv-rmt-appl
Entry" procedure to remove output?
the entries that contain the
DPC that is being removed.
Perform the "Removing an
End Node Internal Point
Code" procedure to remove
Sheet 3
the DPC the internal point

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Are the number

of proxy point codes No
shown in the rtrv-dstn output
Sheet 2
on Sheet 1 greater than
0 (zero)?

Yes Enter the

rtrv-dstn command with this
dpcn24=<point code value being
Enter the removed>
rtrv-ls command with this
ppcn24=<point code value
being removed>
Is the DPC a
Yes proxy point code (shown No
by the entry PRX = yes in
the rtrv-dstn output?

Are any linksets No



The linksets that are

displayed have the proxy Enter the
point code values rtrv-dstn command with this
assigned to them. Perform parameter.
the "Removing a Linkset :ppc/ppca/ppci/ppcn/
Containing SS7 Signaling ppcn24=<point code value
Links" procedure to being removed>
remove these linksets.

Are any point No

codes displayed?


Enter the
dlt-dstn command with this
Sheet 3
value displayed in the previous step >
Repeat this step for each DPC
displayed in the previous step.

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Is the No
Sheet 3
point code?

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
xxx is the network value of the
point code and yyy is the cluster
value of the point code.

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
Yes Is the DPC No
a member of a cluster
:dpca=<cluster point code
point code?
shown in the previous rtrv-dstn

What is the
NCAI value of Yes
the cluster point


Enter the
Enter the dlt-dstn command with this
rtrv-rtx command with this parameter.
parameter. :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/
:dpc/dpca=<point code value dpcn24=<point code value being
being removed> removed>

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
Are any entries No parameter.
displayed? :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/
dpcn24=<point code parameter
and value specified with the
Yes dlt-dstn command>

Perform the "Removing a Route

Exception Entry" procedure to Enter the
remove the exception route entries chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
that are assigned to the point code command.
that is being removed.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 282: Removing a Destination Point Code

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Changing a Destination Point Code

Perform the "Changing the

Are the attributes Yes
Enter the Attributes of a Cluster Point
of a cluster point code
rtrv-dstn command. Code" procedure to change the
being changed?
cluster point code.


No Is the DPC Yes

parameter value being

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with
this parameter.
dpcn24=<point code
whose attributes are
being changed>

Is a proxy point
No code assigned to the DPC
(shown in the ppc field of
the rtrv-dstn output?


Do you wish Go to the "Removing a

To No to change the proxy Yes Destination Point Code"
Sheet 2 point code assigned to procedure and remove the
the DPC? destination point code

Network Routing
Cluster Point Code What type Point Code
of DPC is being added?
(See the Note)

Perform the "Adding a Perform the "Adding a

Cluster Point Code" All Other Network Routing Point
procedure to add the cluster Point Codes Code" procedure to add the
point code. network routing point code.

Perform the "Adding

Note: If a proxy point code is being Destination Point Code"
added, the proxy point code cannot procedure to add the
be a cluster point code or a network destination point code.
routing point code.

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Sheet 1

To change the attributes of a DPC , these entities must be checked depending on how the attributes of the DPC will be
changed. Perform the commands and procedures as required depending on how the attributes of the DPC will be
The type of point code being added, ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-N, ITU-N24 must be shown in the rtrv-dstn output or the rtrv-sid
output. If the point code type is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the rtrv-sid command. If the point code type is
not shown in the rtrv-dstn and rtrv-sid outputs, perform the Adding a Point Code to the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5
ISS to add a point code of the desired point code type.
If the new point code will be a 14-bit ITU-N point code, and a group code will be assigned to the point code, the group
code must be defined in rtrv-sid, rtrv-dstn, or rtrv-spc outputs. If the group code is not shown in either of these outputs,
perform the Adding a Point Code to the Self-Identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS procedure to add an entry with the
desired group code. If the group code will be different from the ones shown in the rtrv-sid or rtrv-dstn outputs, perform
the Adding a Secondary Point Code procedure to add a secondary point code with the desired group code.
If a secondary point code value will be changed, the new secondary point code must be shown in the rtrv-spc output. If
the new secondary point code is shown in the
rtrv-spc output, and the Multiple Linksets to Single Adjacent PC feature is enabled and turned on, the new secondary
point code cannot be the secondary point code of a linkset. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify if the Multiple
Linksets to Single Adjacent PC feature is enabled and turned on. If the Multiple Linksets to Single Adjacent PC feature is
enabled and turned on, enter the rtrv-ls command with the spc/spca/spci/spcn/spcn24 parameter with the new
secondary point code value from the rtrv-spc output. It the secondary point code is not shown in the rtrv-spc output,
perform the Adding a Secondary Point Code to add the desired secondary point code. The spc/spca/spci/spcn/spcn24
parameter cannot be specified for a DPC that contains a proxy point code, shown the PPCA/PPCI/PPCN/PPCN24 field
when the individual DPC is displayed.
If the clli parameter value will be changed, the new clli parameter value cannot be shown in the rtrv-sid or rtrv-dstn
outputs. Enter the rtrv-sid command to verify the CLLI value in the self-identification of the EAGLE 5 ISS.
The format of a 14-bit ITU-N point code must match the format defined by the NPCFMTI value in the rtrv-stpopts output.
Enter the rtrv-stpopts to verify the NPCFMTI value. If you wish to change the format, perform the 14-Bit ITU National
Point Code Formats procedure.
To specify an alias point code with the DPC , specifying the new alias point code cannot exceed the maximum alias point
code quantity shown in the ALIASES ALLOCATED : or the Alias table row in the rtrv-dstn output. If the maximum alias
point code quantity will be exceeded, remove enough alias point codes to allow the new alias point code to be added.
Enter the chg-dstn command with the DPC that contains the alias point code that is being removed and with the aliasa/
aliasi/aliasn/aliasn24=none parameter. Enter this command as needed to remove the required number of alias point
If the nprst or rcause parameters will be specified with the DPC, the TIF Number Portability feature must be enabled. If
the current rcause value is none and the current nprst value is off, enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify that the
feature is enabled. If the feature is not enabled, perform the procedures in Feature Manual - TIF to enable the TIF
Number Portability feature.
If the splitiam parameter will be specified with the DPC, at least one of these features must be enabled.
TIF Number Portability
TIF SCS Forwarding
TIF Simple Number Subsstitution
TIF Additional Subscriber Data
TIF Generic Routing Number
If the current splitiam value is none, enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify if any of these features are enabled. If
none of these features are enabled, perform the procedures in Feature Manual - TIF to enable one of more of these

Sheet 3

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Sheet 2

If the prx=yes parameter will be specified with the DPC, the Proxy Point Code feature must be enabled . The addition of
the proxy point code with the prx=yes parameter cannot exceed the enabled proxy point code quantity, shown in the
PPC table or PROXY DPC(s): row of the rtrv-dstn output. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify if a proxy point code
quantity is enabled. If a proxy point code quantity is enabled, the Proxy Point Code feature is enabled . To enable the
Proxy Point Code feature or increase the proxy point code quantity , perform the Changing the Proxy Point Code
Quantity procedure. The prx=yes parameter cannot be specified for the DPC if any of these conditions are present.
If the enabled quantity is 100 and 100 proxy point codes are in the database.
If the DPC is a private point code, a cluster point code, a network routing point code, or the adjacent point code of an
IPGWx linkset. The private point codes, cluster point codes, and network routing point codes are shown in the rtrv-
dstn output. Display the linkset with the rtrv-ls command, then re-enter the rtrv-ls command with the name of the
linkset that has the DPC as its adjacent point code to verify if the linkset is an IPGWx linkset.
If the current PRX value is yes, the PRX value cannot be changed if the DPC is referenced by other point codes as a
proxy point code. Enter the rtrv-dstn command with the ppc/ppca/ppci/ppcn/ppcn24 parameter and the DPC that is
being changed to verify if the proxy point code is referenced by other point codes. Perform the Removing a Destination
Point Code procedure to remove the point code that reference the proxy point code .
If the sccpmsgcnv parameter will be specified with the DPC, the XUDT UDT Conversion feature must be enabled and
turned on. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify that the feature is enabled and turned on. If the feature is not
enabled and turned on, perform the “Activating the XUDT UDT Conversion Feature” procedure to enable the XUDT UDT
Conversion feature.

Enter the
chg-dstn command with this mandatory parameter
:dpc/:dpca/:dpci/:dpcn/:dpcn24=<point code value>
and these optional parameters.
:clli=<CLLI value>
:bei=<yes, no>
:aliasa/:aliasi/:aliasn/:aliasn24=<alias point code
value> or none
:spc/:spca/:spci/:spcn/:spcn24=<secondary point
code value> or none
:prx=<yes, no>
:nprst=<on, off>
:rcause=<0 – 127, or the value none>
:splitiam=< 15 – 31, or the value none>
:homespc=<yes, no>
:homesmsc=<yes, no>
:sccpmsgcnv = <none, udt2xudt, xudt2udt,
(See the Notes on Sheet 4)

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this parameter.
value that was specified in the chg-dstn
Enter the

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1. One or more optional parameters must be specified
2. The values for parameters not specified with the chg-dstn command will not be changed.
3. The :dpc/:dpca/:dpci/:dpcn/:dpcn24, :aliasa/:aliasi/:aliasn/:aliasn24, and :spc/:spca/:spci/:spcn/:spcn24 parameters are used to
provision either ANSI, ITU-I, 14-bit ITU-N, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes.
:dpc/:dpca, :spc/:spca, :aliasa = ANSI DPC, private ANSI DPC, SPC, alias point code
:dpci, :spci, :aliasi = ITU-I DPC (non-spare point code, spare point code, private point code, private spare point code),
SPC (non-spare or spare point code), alias point code (non-spare or spare point code)
:dpcn, :spcn, :aliasn = 14-bit ITU-N DPC (non-spare point code, spare point code, private point code, private spare point code),
SPC (non-spare or spare point code), alias point code (non-spare or spare point code)
:dpcn24, :spcn24, :aliasn24 = 24-bit ITU-N DPC, private 24-bit ITU-N DPC, SPC, alias point code
4. The network type of alias point codes cannot be the same as the network type of the DPC.
If the DPC is ANSI, then either ITU-I or ITU-N (14-bit or 24-bit) alias point codes can be assigned.
If the DPC is ITU-I, then either ANSI or ITU-N (14-bit or 24-bit) alias point codes can be assigned.
If the DPC is either a 14-bit or a 24-bit ITU-N, then either ITU-I or ANSI alias point codes can be assigned.
5. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain 14-bit ITU-N point codes or 24-bit ITU-N point codes, but not both at the same time.
6. The value none for the :aliasa/:aliasi/:aliasn, and :spc/:spca/:spci/:spcn parameters removes the alias point code or SPC from the
7. The network type of an SPC must be the same as the network type of the DPC.
8. The alias point code and SPC value must be full point codes.
9. The alias point code value cannot be shown in the rtrv-dstn output.
10. The NI and NC values of an ANSI point code cannot be the same as the NI and NC values of any cluster point code shown in the
rtrv-dstn output.
11. The rtrv-sid output must show values in the PCA, PCI, PCN, or PCN24 fields before a DPC of the network type corresponding
these fields can be added.
12. The CLLI value being added cannot be shown in the rtrv-sid output.
13. The SPC value must be show in the rtrv-spc output.
14. If a 14-bit ITU-N DPC is being added and the ITU Duplicate Point Code feature is on, and no SPC is being assigned the DPC, the
group code assigned to the DPC must be the same as the group code value shown in the PCN field of the rtrv-sid output.
15. If a 14-bit ITU-N DPC is being added and the ITU Duplicate Point Code feature is on, and an SPC is being assigned the DPC, the
group code assigned to the DPC must be the same as the group code assigned to the SPC.
16. The format of 14-bit ITU-N point codes must match the format defined by the NPCFMTI value of the
rtrv-stpopts output.
17. The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain these quantities of alias point codes depending the features that are enabled or turned on.
5000 routes is not turned on, 6000, 7000, 8000, or 10,000 routesets is not enabled – 12,000 alias point codes
5000 routes is turned on, 6000, 7000, 8000, or 10,000 routesets is not enabled – 12,000 alias point codes
6000 routesets are enabled – 12,000 alias point codes
7000 routesets are enabled – 8000 alias point codes
8000 routeset are enabled – 8000 alias point codes
10,000 routesets are enabled – 10,000 alias point codes
The number of alias point codes is shown in the chg-dstn and rtrv-dstn outputs.
18. To change a DPC to a proxy point code with the prx=yes parameter, the DPC cannot be a private point code and the DPC cannot
be a cluster point code or a network routing point code. The DPC cannot APC of a linkset whose ipgwapc parameter value is yes.
19. To change a proxy point code to a non -proxy point code with the prx=no parameter, the proxy point code cannot be assigned to
any linksets or DPCs.
20. An SPC cannot be assigned to a DPC that has a proxy point code assigned to it.
21. The type of alias point code that can provisioned is dependent on the type of DPC that is being provisioned. Refer to the
Destination Point Code and Alias Point Code Type Combinations table in the “Changing a Destination Point Code” procedure loca ted
in the Database Administration Manual – SS7 for the alias point code parameter combinations.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 283: Changing a Destination Point Code

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Changing the Format of an ITU National Point Code

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Enter the
command where x is the number of
bits in each segment of the point
code from 0 to 14.

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Enter the

Figure 284: Changing the Format of an ITU National Point Code

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Configuring Destination Tables Flowcharts

Changing the Group Code Assigned to a 14-Bit ITU National Point Code

Enter the
rtrv-dstn:dpcn= <xxxxx-yy>
command where <xxxxx-yy> is
the 14-bit ITU-N point code and
its associated group code

Enter the
rtrv-rte:dpcn= <xxxxx-yy>
command where <xxxxx-yy> is
the 14-bit ITU-N point code and
its associated group code

Perform the "Duplicate ITU National

Point Code Configuration" procedure
to enter the 14-bit ITU-N point code
with the new group code

Perform the "Removing a Destination Perform the "Adding an SS7 Linkset"

Point Code" procedure to remove the procedure to add a new linkset to the
14-bit ITU-N DPC with the old group database containing the 14-bit ITU-N
code APC with the new group code

Perform the "Adding an SS7 Signaling

Link" procedure to add the signaling
Is the DPC of the
links that were removed in the
route specified in the rtrv-rte Yes
"Removing a Destination Point Code"
command output also the
procedure to the database specifying
APC of a linkset?
the new linkset name added in the
previous step for each signaling link


Perform one of the "Adding a Route" Perform one of the "Adding a Route"
procedures to add the route specifying procedures to add the route specifying the
the 14-bit ITU-N DPC with the new new linkset name and the 14-bit ITU-N
group code DPC with the new group code

Enter the

Figure 285: Changing the Group Code Assigned to a 14-Bit ITU National Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1020


SS7 Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures that are used to configure linksets,
• Adding a SS7 Linkset.....1023 signaling links, routes, and other miscellaneous
• Verifying the Gateway Screening Configuration items to support the SS7 network. These procedures
for a Linkset.....1025 are located in the Database Administration Manual -
• Configuring the MTP Restart Feature.....1027 SS7.
• Configuring the 5-Bit to 8-Bit SLS Conversion
• Using Proxy Point Codes and Secondary Point
Codes when Adding a Linkset.....1030
• Activating the SLS Bit Rotation by Incoming
Linkset Feature.....1037
• Configuring the RSLS8 Value for ANSI
• Removing a Linkset Containing SS7 Signaling
• Changing an SS7 Linkset.....1049
• Verifying the New Adjacent Point Code or New
Secondary Point Code for a Linkset.....1052
• Using the MULTGC Parameter when Changing
the Attributes of a Linkset.....1060
• Configuring an ITU Linkset with a Secondary
Adjacent Point Code (SAPC).....1063
• Adding an SS7 Signaling Link.....1069
• Removing an SS7 Signaling Link.....1072
• Adding a Route Containing an SS7 DPC.....1074
• Adding a Route Containing a Cluster Point
• Adding a Route Containing an IPGWx
• Removing a Route.....1088
• Changing a Route.....1096
• Changing Level 2 Timers.....1104
• Changing Level 3 Timers.....1105
• Changing a Signaling Link Test Message.....1106

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1021

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

• Configuring Circular Route Detection.....1107

• Configuring the TFA/TFR Pacing Rate.....1108
• Configuring the Frequency of RST Messages on
Low Priority Routes.....1109
• Adding Remote Loopback Points.....1110
• Removing Remote Loopback Points.....1111
• Changing Remote Loopback Points.....1112
• Configuring the System for Random SLS
• Configuring the Options for the TDM Global
Timing Interface.....1116
• Configuring the Restricted Linkset Option....1118
• Configuring the Options for Handling TFCs on
ITU-I and ITU-N Networks.....1120
• Changing the High-Capacity Card Temperature
Alarm Thresholds.....1121
• Activating the Origin-Based MTP Routing
• Configuring the Origin-Based MTP Routing SCCP
OPC Option.....1126
• Adding an Exception Route Entry.....1127
• Removing a Route Exception Entry.....1137
• Changing a Route Exception Entry.....1142
• Activating the Circular Route Auto-Recovery
• Turning Off the Circular Route Auto-Recovery
Feature .....1153
• Activating the Enhanced Far-End Loopback
Detection Feature.....1154
• Turning Off the Enhanced Far-End Loopback
Detection Feature .....1157
• Activating the Multiple Linksets to Single Adjacent
PC (MLS) Feature.....1158
• Configuring the ITU Linkset NI Mapping
• Configuring the Option for Handling Message
Priorities for Messages Crossing into ITU-I and
ITU-N Networks.....1163
• Activating the 6-Way Loadsharing on Routesets

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1022

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a SS7 Linkset

Is the APC
Enter the rtrv-ls of the new linkset Yes
command. currently assigned to an
existing linkset?

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code"
procedure to add the
Enter the rtrv-sid
APC to the DPC table.

Enter the rtrv-dstn Is the APC in No

command. the DPC table? Will any of the
parameters shown in the No
next step be specified for
Enter the rtrv-rtx command with this Yes the linkset?
APC for the linkset> To
Sheet 2

To specify any of the following parameters for the linkset :

the feature that corresponds to the parameters must be shown as turned on
Is the in the rtrv-feat output, or enabled, and turned on if required, in the
APC of the linkset being No
rtrv-ctrl-feat output.
added in this procedure in other entities that correspond to the parameters must be configured in the
the rtrv-rtx output? database.
Perform the procedure, shown in the following list, that corresponds to the
parameters that you wish to specify for the linkset.
Yes scrn, gwsa, gwsm, gwsd – Verifying the Gateway Screening Configuration for a
mtprse – Configuring the MTP Restart Feature
slsci, asl8 – Configuring the 5-Bit to 8-Bit Conversion Feature. These
Yes Do you wish to parameters only apply to ANSI linksets.
choose another APC islsrsb – Activating the SLS Bit Rotation by Incoming Linkset Feature
for the linkset? The ISLSRSB value for an ANSI linkset provisioned in this procedure can be
only 1 to 5. The RSLS8 value for the linkset is set to no when the linkset is
added. If you wish to use the values 6, 7, or 8 for the ISLSRSB parameter,
No perform these procedures after adding the linkset.
Configuring the RSLS8 Value for ANSI Linksets – to change the RSLS8
Perform the “Removing a value for the linkset to yes.
Route Exception Entry” Changing an SS7 Linkset – to change the ISLSRSB value.
procedure in this chapter to gttmode – If the value for this parameter will be CG, ACDCD, ACDCGCD,
remove all the entries shown in ACDCDCG, CGACDCD, CGCD, or CDCG, perform the Activating the Origin-
the rtrv-rtx output. Based SCCP Routing Feature procedure. The Origin-Based SCCP Routing
feature must be enabled and turned on. If the value for this parameter will be
FCD, FCG, FCGFCD, or FCDFCG, perform the Activating the Flexible Linkset
Optional Based Routing Feature procedure. The Flexible Linkset Optional
Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on.
randsls – Configuring the System for Random SLS Generation. The value of the
randsls parameter of the chg-stpopts command must be perls.
To cgttmode - Activating the Advanced GT Modification Feature. Either the AMGTT
Sheet 2 or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature must be enabled .
ppc/ppca/ppci/ppcn/ppcn24, spc/spca/spci/spcn/spcn24 – Using Proxy Point
Codes and Secondary Point Codes when Adding a Linkset.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Note 1: The slsocbit parameter can
2. The application assigned to the
be used only with linksets that have
From signaling links in the linkset must
either ITU-I or ITU-N APCs (either
Sheet 1 14-bit or 24-bit ITU-N APCs).
3. The multgc=yes parameter can
only be specified for linksets with
either an ITU-I or a 14-bit ITU-N
parameter to be assigned to No
the linkset? (See Notes 2
and 3)
Is the slsocbit
parameter to be specified No
for the linkset?
(See Note 1) Yes

Does the rtrv-ls
No output show any ITU-N Yes
point codes with group
Is the slsocbit No
parameter to be assigned Enter the
to the linkset? rtrv-feat
Is the ITU
Yes Yes
National Duplicate Point
Code feature on
Enter the rtrv-feat (ITUDUPPC = on)?


Is the ITU SLS Yes Is the Mutiple Yes

Enhancement feature Point Code feature on
on (SLSOCB=on)? (MPC = on)?

No No

Enter the Enter the Enter the

chg-feat:slsocb=on chg-feat:mpc=on chg-feat:ituduppc=on
command. :ituduppc=on command. command.

Enter the ent-ls command.

Use the Adding a Linkset Parameter
Enter the rtrv-ls command with Combinations table as a guide to
this parameter. determine which parameters to specify
:lsn=<the linkset name specified with the ent-ls command.
with the ent-ls command> The table is in the “Adding an SS7
Linkset” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual - SS7.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 286: Adding a SS7 Linkset

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Verifying the Gateway Screening Configuration for a Linkset

Enter the rtrv-ls


Is the desired scrn

value shown in the
rtrv-ls output?

Enter the rtrv-scrset

Yes command to display the
GWS screen sets in the

Do you wish to
examine the content of
the screen set?


Enter the
rtrv-scrset:scrn=<screen set
name> command specfying
the screen set name shown
in the SCRN field of the
rtrv-scrset or rtrv-ls outputs.

Do you wish to No
examine each screen in
the screen set?


Enter the gateway screening retrieve

command that corresponds to the
value shown in the NSFI field of the
rtrv-scrset=<screen set name> output
Sheet 2
with the value for the sr parameter
shown in the NSR/ACT field of the
rtrv-scrset=<screen set name> output.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Is the required Yes

GWS screen set in the


Perform the "Adding a Screen

Set" procedure in the Database Is a new Yes
Administration Manual - linkset being added to
Gateway Screening and add the the database?
screen set to the database.


Does the
linkset have an scrn
value assigned?


Enter the chg-ls command

with these parameters: This procedure is
:lsn=<linkset name> finished.

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with these parameters: Enter the
:lsn=<the linkset name chg-db:action=backup
specified in the previous :dest=fixed command

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 287: Verifying the Gateway Screening Configuration for a Linkset

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the MTP Restart Feature

Enter the rtrv-feat Notes:

command. 1. .The ANSI MTP restart feature can
be used only with linksets that have
2.The ITU MTP restart feature can be
used only with linksets that have either
ITU-I or ITU-N APCs (either 14-bit or
Do you wish to
No 24-bit ITU-N APCs).
use the ANSI MTP
restart feature?
(See Note 1)


Is the ANSI Yes

MTP restart feature


Do you wish to
Enter the Yes
use the ITU MTP
restart feature?
(See Note 2)

No Is the ITU
MTP restart feature


Enter the
Enter the rtrv-stpopts

Enter the
chg-stpopts command with at least one
of these parameters.
Do you wish to
change the values of the Yes :on=mtprsi (to change the MTPRSI value
MTPRSI or MTPRSIT in the rtrv-stpopts output to yes)
fields? :off=mtprsi (to change the MTPRSI value
in the rtrv-stpopts output to no)
:mtprsit=<2000 to 900000>

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-stpopts

Figure 288: Configuring the MTP Restart Feature

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the 5-Bit to 8-Bit SLS Conversion Feature

Enter the rtrv-stpopts Note: The 5-Bit to 8-Bit SLS

command conversion feature can be
used only with linksets that
have ANSI APCs.

Do you wish to
No No further action is
change the value of the
SLSCNV field?


ON or
What is the OFF To
current value of the
Sheet 2
SLSCNV field?


Do you wish to
Enter the
enable 5-bit to 8-bit No
SLS conversion on all


Enter the
Enter the rtrv-stpopts

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 2

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the value of
the SLSCNV parameter
on or off?

Do you wish to
enable 5-bit to 8-bit SLS No
conversion on all

Enter the
Yes chg-stpopts:slscnv=perls

Enter the

Do you wish to
enable 5-bit to 8-bit SLS No
conversion only on specific

Enter the

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-stpopts

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 289: Configuring the 5-Bit to 8-Bit SLS Conversion Feature

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Using Proxy Point Codes and Secondary Point Codes when Adding a

Enter the rtrv-ls


Is the APC of
the linkset being No To
assigned to more than Sheet 5
one linkset?


Are multiple
linksets with the same Yes
APC shown in the rtrv-ls


Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with
this parameter:

Is the Mutiple
Linksets to Single Yes
Adjacent PC feature
enabled and turned


Perform the “Activating the Multiple

Linksets to Single Adjacent PC
(MLS) Feature” procedure in this
Sheet 2
chapter to enable and turn on this

Sheet 1 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this
APC of the linkset being added>

This is the maximum number

How many of linksets that can be
linksets are assigned assigned to an APC. Choose
to this APC? another APC from the rtrv-ls
output on Sheet 1.


Is the linkset
Yes To
type of the linkset
Sheet 4


Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

The secondary point code

that will be assigned to the
From new linkset cannot be the
Sheet 2 same as any secondary
point code that is shown in
the rtrv-ls on Sheet 2.

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
APC of the linkset being added>

The secondary point

code that is assigned
Is a secondary
to the point code
point code assigned to the Yes
shown in the rtrv-dstn
APC of the linkset (displayed
output cannot be
in the previous step)?
assigned to the new


Enter the
rtrv-spc command

Is the desired
secondary point code No
shown in the rtrv-spc
Perform the “Adding a Secondary
Point Code” procedure in Chapter 2
Yes of this manual to add the desired
secondary point code. The network
type of this secondary point code
must be the same as the APC of the

This procedure is

Sheet 3 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

The proxy point code that will

be assigned to the new
From linkset cannot be the same
Sheet 2 as any proxy point code that
is shown in the rtrv-ls on
Sheet 2.

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this

Is the desired
proxy point code shown in
the rtrv-dstn output?

Perform the “Adding a Destination

Yes Point Code” procedure in Chapter 2
of this manual to add the desired
proxy point code. The network type
of this proxy point code must be the
same as the APC of the linkset.

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
proxy point code that will be added
to the linkset>

How many linksets 0-9 This procedure is

are using the proxy point


A proxy point code can be assigned

to a maximum of 10 linksets. Choose
another proxy point code from the
rtrv-dstn:prx=yes output.

Sheet 4 of 7

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Sheet 1

Is a proxy
linkset (LST=PRX) with No This procedure is
a new APC being finished.


The APC of the proxy linkset

Are proxy
must be a destination point
linksets shown in Yes
code that has a proxy point
the rtrv-ls output on
code assigned to the
Sheet 1?
destination point code.

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command

To To
Sheet 6 Sheet 7

Sheet 5 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 5

The APC of the proxy linkset

Is a quantity of must be a destination point
proxy point codes code that has a proxy point
enabled? code assigned to the
destination point code.

Enter the
Perform the “Changing the Proxy rtrv-dstn command with this
Point Code Quantity” procedure in parameter:
Chapter 2 of this manual to enable a :prx=yes
quantity of proxy point codes.

Perform the “Adding a Destination Point Sheet 7
Code” procedure in Chapter 2 of this
manual to add the desired proxy point
code and assign this proxy point code to
the destination point code that will be the
APC of this linkset. The network type of
this proxy point code must be the same
as the APC of the linkset.

This proxy linkset must contain the

following attributes:
The LST=PRX parameter.
A proxy point code must be assigned to This procedure is
the APC of this linkset. finished.
The proxy point code that is assigned to
the APC of this linkset must also be
assigned to this linkset.

Sheet 6 of 7

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Sheets 5
or 6

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this parameter:
:ppc/ppca/ppci/ppcn/pcn24=<the proxy
point code that will be added to the
linkset from the rtrv-dstn:prx=yes

Perform the “Adding a

Destination Point Code”
procedure in Chapter 2 of this
manual to add the desired
Are any destination proxy point code and assign
point codes shown in the this proxy point code to the
previous step? destination point code that will
be the APC of this linkset. The
network type of this proxy point
Yes code must be the same as the
APC of the linkset.

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
proxy point code that will be added
to the linkset>

This proxy linkset must contain

the following attributes:
The LST=PRX parameter.
A proxy point code must be
How many linksets 0-9 assigned to the APC of this
are using the proxy point
The proxy point code that is
assigned to the APC of this
linkset must also be assigned to
10 this linkset.

A proxy point code can be assigned

to a maximum of 10 linksets. Choose
another proxy point code from the This procedure is
rtrv-dstn:prx=yes output. finished.

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 290: Using Proxy Point Codes and Secondary Point Codes when Adding a Linkset

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the SLS Bit Rotation by Incoming Linkset Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
SLS Bit Rotation by No To
Incoming Linkset feature Sheet 2


Is the status of The SLS Bit Rotation by

the SLS Bit Rotation by On Incoming Linkset feature is
Incoming Linkset feature enabled and turned on. No
on or off? further action is necessary.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Note: Once the SLS Bit Rotation by
Incoming Linkset feature is turned
on, it cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


Sheet 3

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity feature
with a quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s
serial number must be verified. This is the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat
output. This entry is shown whether or not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is
in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf (shelf

Sheet 2 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
From 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
Sheet 2 in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4

Is the EAGLE 5 Yes

ISS's serial number

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Enter the ent-serial-num
Center to get the correct serial
command with this parameter:
number entered into the
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
database. Refer to the
serial number>
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<SLS Bit Rotation by Incoming Linkset
feature access key>
1. If you do not have the SLS Bit Rotation by
Incoming Linkset feature access key, contact your
Tekelec sales representative or account
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Note: Once the SLS Bit Rotation by
Incoming Linkset feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 291: Activating the SLS Bit Rotation by Incoming Linkset Feature

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the RSLS8 Value for ANSI Linksets

Enter the rtrv-ls command with

this parameter.
:lsn=<the name of the ANSI
linkset whose RSLS8 value you
wish to change>

Perform the “Activating the SLS

Bit Rotation by Incoming
Linkset Feature” procedure to
Is the RSLS8 enable the SLS Bit Rotation
column shown in the feature.
rtrv-ls output?
Once the SLS Bit Rotation
feature is enabled, the RSLS8
value for the linkset is set to no.

Do you wish to
change the RSLS8

No further action is
necessary. Yes

What is
Yes No
the RSLS8

Enter the chg-lsopts Enter the chg-lsopts

command with these command with these
parameters. parameters.
:lsn=<the name of the :lsn=<the name of the
ANSI linkset> ANSI linkset>
:rsls8=no :rsls8=yes

Enter the rtrv-ls command with

this parameter.
:lsn=<the name of the ANSI
linkset specified in the chg-
lsopts command>

Enter the

Figure 292: Configuring the RSLS8 Value for ANSI Linksets

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1041

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a Linkset Containing SS7 Signaling Links

Enter the
rtrv-ls command.

What is the linkset

A, B, C, D, E
type of the linkset being


Are multiple linksets

No To
with the same APC shown
Sheet 2
in the rtrv-ls output?
Sheet 7


Enter the rtrv-ls command with this

APC of the linkset being removed>

Enter the rtrv-dstn command with

this parameter.
APC of the linkset being removed>

Does the APC of

No the linkset contain the proxy
point code shown in the
rtrv-dstn output?


This linkset cannot be removed until

the other proxy linksets that have this
APC are removed. Continue this
Sheet 2
procedure to remove the other proxy
linksets that have this APC.

Sheet 1 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-ls command with Enter the rtrv-rte command with
this parameter. this parameter.
:lsn=<name of the linkset being :lsn=<name of the linkset being
removed> removed>

Perform the the “Removing Is the

a Route” procedure in this Yes linkset being
chapter and remove the removed assigned to
routes. any routes?


Enter the dact-slk command with these

:loc=<location of the signaling link
assigned to the linkset being removed>
:port=<signaling link port>
Repeat this step for all the signaling links
assigned to the linkset being removed.
Enter the rept-stat-ls command
with this parameter.
:lsn=<name of the linkset being
removed> Enter the rtrv-slk command with this
:loc=<location of the signaling link
assigned to the linkset being removed>
Repeat this step for all the signaling links
assigned to the linkset being removed.

Enter the rmv-card command with

this parameter. Are any signaling
:loc=<location of the card links the last signaling
containing the last signaling link on link on the card?
the card>


Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 7

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Sheet 2

Enter the dlt-slk command with these

:loc=<location of the signaling link
assigned to the linkset being removed>
:port=<signaling link port>
Repeat this step for all the signaling links
assigned to the linkset being removed.

Did the linkset

contain any signaling
Yes Enter the rept-stat-iptps
links assigned to either the

No Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this parameter.
:lsn=<name of the linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output>
This step is being performed to verify if the linkset
being removed is the mate of another IPGWx
Repeat this step for each linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output until all the linksets have
been displayed, or until the linkset name being
removed is shown in the rtrv-ls output as the mate
of another linkset.

Is the linkset
No being removed the
mate of another


Perform the "Configuring a Mate IPGWx Linkset"

procedure in the Database Administration Manual
- IP7 Secure Gateway using these parameters.
:lsn=<name of the linkset containing the mate
Sheet 4
:matelsn=<name of the linkset being removed>

Sheet 3 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with

From this parameter.
Sheet 3 :lsn=<name of the linkset being

Is the linkset that

No To
is being removed shown in
Sheet 5
the rtrv-rtx output?


Do you wish
to change the name of
No the linkset assigned to the route Yes
exception entries displayed
in the rtrv-rtx

Perform the “Removing a Perform the “Chaning a Route

Route Exception Entry” Exception Entry” procedure in this
procedure in this chapter to chapter to change the name of the
remove all the entries shown in linkset assigned to the route
the rtrv-rtx output exception entries displayed in the
rtrv-rtx output

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 7

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Are the
entries fcd, fcg, fcdfcg,
From or fcgfcd shown in the Yes
Sheet 4 GTTMODE column of the
rtrv-ls:lsn output on
Sheet 2?
The Flexible Linkset
Optional Based Routing
No feature is enabled and
turned on.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this

Is the Flexible
To No Linkset Optional Based Yes
Sheet 6 Routing feature enabled and
turned on?

Enter the rtrv-gttsel

command with this
:lsn=<the name of the
linkset that is being

Is the linkset
shown in the rtrv-gttsel


Perform the “Removing a GTT

Selector” procedure in the
Database Administration Manual – To
Global Title Translation to remove Sheet 6
all the GTT selectors that contain
the linkset that is being removed.

Sheet 5 of 7

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Enter the dlt-ls command with

From this parameter.
Sheet 5 :lsn=<name of the linkset being

Enter the rtrv-ls command with this

:lsn=<name of the linkset used in
the dlt-ls output>

Was the linkset that No

was removed a proxy


Was the proxy linkset

the only linkset assigned to the Yes
APC of the linkset that was

Enter the
No command

Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 7

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Sheet 6

Did the proxy linkset

contain the proxy point code No
that was assigned to the APC
of the linkset?


Do you wish
to remove the proxy linkset
that contains the proxy point code
that was assigned to the APC
of the linkset?


Enter the

Perform this procedure from

Are other proxy Sheet 1 to remove the linkset
linksets with this APC still with the APC that contains the
in the database? proxy point code shown in the
rtrv-dstn output on Sheet 1.


The linkset whose APC contains the

proxy point code shown in the rtrv-dstn
output on Sheet 1 cannot be removed
until the other proxy linksets that have
Sheet 1
this APC are removed. Perform this
procedure from Sheet 1 to remove
these linksets.

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 293: Removing a Linkset Containing SS7 Signaling Links

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1048

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an SS7 Linkset

Enter the rtrv-ls command with

Enter the rtrv-ls this parameter.
command :lsn=<the name of the linkset that
is being changed>

Is the
No APC or the SPC of Yes
the linkset being

Perform the Verifying the

Will any of the
No New Adjacent Point
To parameters shown in the
Code or New Secondary
Sheet 2 next step be specified for
Point Code for a Linkset
the linkset?


To specify any of the following parameters for the linkset :

the feature that corresponds to the parameters must be shown as turned on in the rtrv-feat
output, or enabled, and turned on if required, in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output.
other entities that correspond to the parameters must be configured in the database.
Perform the procedure, shown in the following list, that corresponds to the parameters that you
wish to specify for the linkset.
scrn, gwsa, gwsm, gwsd – Verifying the Gateway Screening Configuration for a Linkset
mtprse – Configuring the MTP Restart Feature
slsci, asl8 – Configuring the 5-Bit to 8-Bit Conversion Feature. These parameters only apply to
ANSI linksets.
multgc – Using the MULTGC Parameter when Changing the Attributes of a Linkset . This
parameter applies to linksets with ITU-I and 14-bit ITU-N adjacent point codes.
islsrsb – Activating the SLS Bit Rotation by Incoming Linkset Feature
If you wish to use the values 6, 7, or 8 for the ISLSRSB parameter of an ANSI linkset, and the
current RSLS8 value for the linkset is no, or the RSLS8 column is not shown in the rtrv-ls:lsn
output on Sheet 1, perform the Configuring the RSLS8 Value for ANSI Linksets procedure to
change the RSLS8 value for the linkset to yes.
gttmode – If the value for this parameter will be CG, ACDCD, ACDCGCD, ACDCDCG,
CGACDCD, CGCD, or CDCG, perform the Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature
procedure. The Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature must be enabled and turned on. If the
value for this parameter will be FCD, FCG, FCGFCD, or FCDFCG, perform the Activating the
Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature procedure. The Flexible Linkset Optional
Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on.
randsls – Configuring the System for Random SLS Generation. The value of the randsls
parameter of the chg-stpopts command must be perls.
cgttmode - Activating the Advanced GT Modification Feature. Either the AMGTT or AMGTT
CgPA Upgrade feature must be enabled .

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

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From Note: The slsocbit parameter can be

Sheet 1 used only with linksets that have
either ITU-I or ITU-N APCs (either
14-bit or 24-bit ITU-N APCs).

Is the slsocbit Is the

parameter to be specified No tfatcabmlq parameter No To
for the linkset? value to be Sheet 3
(See the Note) changed?


PRX What is the C

Is the slsocbit linkset type?
parameter to be assigned
to the linkset?
A, B, D, E
Sheet 3

Is the linkset Yes Enter the

Enter the rtrv-feat type to be changed rtrv-ss7opts
command. to C? command.


ON What is the
Enhancement feature on value?


Enter the
Enter the chg-ss7opts:lsrestrict=on
Sheet 3
chg-feat:slsocb=on command. (See the Caution)

Caution: Turning the lsrestrict option on changes the way the EAGLE 5 ISS routes
messages by using the state of the route along with the cost of the route to
determine the preferred route to use. With this option on, the preferred route is not
the absolute lowest cost available route in the routeset. A route is considered
available if its status is either Allowed or Restricted. If the state of the absolute
lowest cost route in the routeset is Restricted, the preferred route is the lowest cost
route in the routeset whose status is Allowed. Make sure that you wish to have the
EAGLE 5 ISS route messages in this manner before turning the lsrestrict option on.

Sheet 2 of 3

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

The linkset type

From What is the PRX of a proxy linkset
Sheet 2 linkset type? (LST=PRX) cannot
be changed.
A, B, C, D,

Yes Is the linkset type No

of the ANSI linkset being

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this Enter the dact-slk command with these
parameter. parameters.
:lsn=<the name of the linkset :loc=<card location of the signaling link>
being changed> :link=<the signaling link>
Perform this step for each signaling link in
the linkset

Enter the chg-ls command.

Is the linkset assigned Use the Changing a Linkset Parameter
to a route whose DPC is a No Combinations table in the “Changing an SS7
cluster point code or a network Linkset” procedure in the Database
routing point code? Administration Manual - SS7 as a guide to
determine which parameters to specify with
the chg-ls command.


Enter the rtrv-ls command with

The new linkset type of the this parameter.
linkset must be B, C, or D. :lsn=<the linkset name specified
with the chg-ls command>

Enter the act-slk command with these

:loc=<card location of the signaling link>
:link=<the signaling link>
Perform this step for each signaling link in
the linkset.

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 294: Changing an SS7 Linkset

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Verifying the New Adjacent Point Code or New Secondary Point Code for
a Linkset


The APC and linkset

type of a proxy
Are proxy linksets
Yes cannot be changed.
(LST=PRX) shown in the
rtrv-ls output?
cannot be specified
for a proxy linkset.
From This procedure is
Sheets 3 finished.
or 4

Will the APC of

a linkset be changed with No
the APC of another

Will the SPC that is
assigned to a linkset be

To No
Sheet 2

Sheet 8

Sheet 1 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1052

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Sheet 1

Are multiple linksets

with the same APC shown
in the rtrv-ls output?


Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with
this parameter:

Is the Mutiple
Linksets to Single
Adjacent PC feature
enabled and turned


Perform the “Activating the Multiple

Linksets to Single Adjacent PC Is the APC of No
(MLS) Feature” procedure in this the linkset being
chapter to enable and turn on this changed?


To To
Sheet 3 Sheet 5

Sheet 2 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1053

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Sheet 2

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this parameter:
new APC of the linkset being

How many 6
linksets are assigned
to this APC?


Enter the This is the maximum number

rtrv-ls command with this parameter: of linksets that can be
:lsn=<the name of the linkset being assigned to an APC. Choose
changed> another APC from the rtrv-ls
output on Sheet 1.

To To
Sheet 4 Sheet 1

Sheet 3 of 8

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Is the SPC of the

From linkset being changed No
Sheet 3 shown in the previous
Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
Yes parameter:
dpcn24=<the new APC of the
This APC can be used as the APC of
the linkset that is being changed only
if the SPC assigned to this linkset is

Is the SPC of the

Yes linkset being changed
shown in the previous

Do you wish to No
change the SPC assigned to Yes
the linkset that is being This APC can be used as the
changed? new APC of the linkset that
is being changed.
The SPC that is assigned to
No this linkset can be changed,
if desired.

Choose another APC

from the rtrv-ls output on
Sheet 1.

Do you wish to
Yes change the SPC assigned to
To the linkset that is being
Sheet 1 changed?


To To
Sheet 5 Sheet 8

Sheet 4 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1055

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Sheets 2
or 4

Were the
attributes of the linkset that Yes
is being changed displayed
on Sheet 3?


Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this parameter:
:lsn=<the name of the linkset being

Is an SPC No
assigned to the


Do you wish Yes

to change the SPC value
to another SPC?


To To
Sheet 6 Sheet 7

Sheet 5 of 8

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Sheet 5

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this parameter:
APC of the linkset being changed>

How many linksets

One None
are displayed that have
no SPC value?

The SPC of the linkset that The SPC of the

is being changed cannot linkset that is being
be changed to none. Only changed can be
one linkset that is changed to none.
assigned to an APC can
no SPC value.

Do you wish No
to change the SPC value
to another SPC?


Will the APC of the

linkset be changed (the No
To steps on Sheets 1 through 4
Sheet 7 performed)?

Yes This procedure is


Sheet 8

Sheet 6 of 8

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Sheets 5
or 6

Enter the Is the new SPC

rtrv-spc value shown in the rtrv-spc
command output?

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this parameter:
APC of the linkset being changed>

Enter the Add the new SPC by

rtrv-dstn command with this performing the “Adding a
parameter: Secondary Point Code”
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<the procedure in Chapter 2 of
APC of the linkset being changed> this manual.

The new SPC value cannot be

shown in the rtrv-ls and rtrv-dstn
outputs on this sheet.

Is the new SPC

value shown in the Yes
rtrv-ls and rtrv-dstn outputs
on this sheet?

Will the APC of the
linkset be changed (the Yes
steps on Sheets 1 through 4
Choose another performed)?
secondary point code.


This procedure is
finished. To
Sheet 8

Sheet 7 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1058

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 4,
Sheet 1
6, or 7

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with this

Enter the rtrv-sid parameter:
command :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<New
APC for the linkset>

Enter the rtrv-dstn

Is the
new APC of the linkset No
shown in the rtrv-rtx
Is the APC in Yes
the DPC table?
This procedure is
No finished.

Do you wish to
Go to the "Adding a No
choose another APC
Destination Point Code" for the linkset?
procedure and add the
APC to the DPC table
Perform the “Removing
Yes a Route Exception
Entry” procedure in this
chapter to remove all
This procedure is the entries shown in the
finished. rtrv-rtx output

This procedure is

Note: If the adjacent point code is being changed, the point code type
of the new adjacent point code must be the same as the current
adjacent point code.
For example, if the current adjacent point code is an ITU-I point code,
the new adjacent point code must be an ITU-I point code.
Private point codes cannot be used as an adjacent point code in this
procedure. Private point codes can be assigned only to IPGWx linksets.
The procedures for configuring IPGWx linksets are in the Database
Administration Manual - IP7 Secure Gateway.

Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 295: Verifying the New Adjacent Point Code or New Secondary Point Code for a Linkset

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1059

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Using the MULTGC Parameter when Changing the Attributes of a Linkset

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
Enter the rtrv-ls
:lsn =<the name of the
linkset that is being

To change the multgc parameter value,

all the signaling links in the linkset must be
assigned to the IPLIMI or IPGWI applications
or must be an IPSG M2PA linkset .
The adjacent point code of the linkset must be
either an ITU-I or 14-bit ITU-N point code.
The linkset cannot be a proxy linkset

Does the linkset

Yes No
meet the criteria shown in
the previous step?

The multgc parameter

value cannot be changed
for this linkset.
Is the
MULTGC column shown No To
in the previous step? Sheet 2
(See the Note)

Note: The MULTGC column is shown

Yes only if the ITU National Duplicate
Point Code feature is on.

What value will No To

the MULTGC parameter
Sheet 3
be changed to?


This procedure is

Sheet 1 of 3

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Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-feat

command Note: When the ITU National Duplicate
Point Code feature is turned on
(ituduppc=on), the multgc parameter
value for the linkset defaults to no.

Is the Mutiple
Point Code feature on
(MPC = on)?

Yes Enter the

:ituduppc=on command.
Enter the (See the Note)
(See the Note)

This procedure is

Sheet 2 of 3

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Sheet 1

Does the linkset

No This procedure is
have more than one ITU-N
SAPC assigned?


Enter the
rtrv-rte:dpcn=<14-bit Is the SAPC the No
ITU-N SAPC> DPC of a route?

Enter the
chg-ls command with these
Perform the "Removing
a Route" procedure and
:lsn=<the name of the
remove the route to the
linkset being changed>
14-bit ITU-N SAPC
:sapcn=<14-bit ITU-N SAPC
being removed>

Does the linkset

have more than one ITU-N
SAPC assigned?


Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
:lsn =<the name of the
linkset that is being
Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 296: Using the MULTGC Parameter when Changing the Attributes of a Linkset

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring an ITU Linkset with a Secondary Adjacent Point Code (SAPC)

Choose a linkset whose linkset type is

Enter the rtrv-ls not PRX (a proxy linkset). Secondary
command adjacent point codes cannot be
specified for a proxy linkset.

Enter the
rtrv-ls:lsn=<linkset name>

Are any SAPCs No To

to be added to the
Sheet 2

Choose another linkset.

Yes Linksets containing E1 ATM
Is the linkset Yes signaling links cannot contain
24-bit ITU-N APCs or SAPCs.
IPSG-M3UA linksets cannot
contain SAPCs.

Are any 24-bit

ITU-N SAPCs to be added Does the linkset
Yes Yes
to the linkset, or does the contain E1 ATM signaling
linkset contain a 24-bit APCN links?


Enter the rtrv-sid
Sheets 2
or 3

Is the required
Enter the rtrv-dstn Yes To
point code in
command Sheet 3
the DPC table?


Go to the "Adding a Destination

Point Code" procedure and add To
the required point code to the Sheet 4
DPC table

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1063

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Sheet 1

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with one of these
parameters corresponding to the SAPC being
:dpci=<ITU-I SAPC being removed>
:dpcn=<14-bit ITU-N SAPC being removed>
:dpcn24=<24-bit ITU-N SAPC being

Go to the "Removing a Route"

Is the SAPC the Yes
procedure and remove the
DPC of a route?
route to the SAPC


Enter the
chg-ls command with these parameters:
:lsn=<linkset name being changed>
and with one of these parameters
corresponding to the SAPC being
:sapci=<ITU-I SAPC>
:sapcn=<14-bit ITU-N SAPC>
:sapcn24=<24-bit ITU-N SAPC>

Enter the
Is an SAPC to be Yes To
rtrv-ls:lsn=<linkset name>
added to the linkset? Sheet 1


Enter the

Sheet 2 of 6

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Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-rte command with

this parameter:
SAPC for the linkset>

Is the new
SAPC of the linkset being Do you wish to
Yes Yes
changed in this procedure in choose another SAPC
the rtrv-rte output as the for the linkset?
DPC of a route?

No To
No Sheet 1

Perform the “Removing a

Route” procedure in the
To Database Administration
Sheet 4 Manual - SS7 to remove all the
entries shown in the rtrv-rte

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1065

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Sheets 1
or 3

What is the MULTGC Yes To

parameter value? Sheet 5


Does the linkset

Yes Go to Sheet 2 and remove
already have an SAPC of
the SAPC from the linkset
the type being added?


Enter the
chg-ls command with these parameters:
:lsn=<linkset name being changed>
and with one of these parameters
corresponding to the type of SAPC
being added:
:sapci=<new ITU-I SAPC>
:sapcn=<new 14-bit ITU-N SAPC> Notes:
:sapcn=<new 24-bit ITU-N SAPC> 1. A linkset with an ITU-I APC can
(See Notes) contain either a 14-bit ITU-N SAPC
or a 24-bit ITU-N SAPC.
2. A linkset with a 14-bit ITU-N APC
can contain only an ITU-I SAPC,
Enter the even if the 14-bit ITU-N APC contains
rtrv-ls:lsn=<linkset name> a group code.
3. A linkset with a 24-bit ITU-N APC
can contain only an ITU-I SAPC.
4. Private point codes can be
Enter the specified as SAPCs only for IPGWI
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed linksets.

Sheet 4 of 6

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Sheets 4
or 6

14-Bit ITU-N
point code with 24-Bit Go to Sheet 4 and add the
a group code What type of SAPC ITU-N 24-bit ITU-N SAPC. The
is being added? linkset can contain only
one 24-bit ITU-N SAPC.


Does the linkset Go to Sheet 2 and

already have an ITU-I remove the SAPC from
SAPC? the linkset


Enter the
chg-ls command with these

:lsn=<linkset name being

:sapci=<new ITU-I SAPC>
:action=add (See Notes)
1. A linkset with a 14-bit ITU-N
APC can contain only one ITU-I
Enter the 2. Private point codes can be
rtrv-ls:lsn=<linkset name> specified as SAPCs only for
command IPGWI linksets.

Are 14-bit ITU-N

To Yes No
SAPCs to be added to
Sheet 6
the linkset?
Enter the

Sheet 5 of 6

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Sheet 5

Enter the Notes:

rtrv-spc command 1. A linkset with an ITU-I APC can
contain a 14-bit ITU-N SAPC with
a group code, for every group
code in shown in the rtrv-dstn and
Enter the chg-ls command with these rtrv-spc outputs, and no ITU-I
parameters: SAPCs.
2. A linkset with a14-bit ITU-N
:lsn=<linkset name being changed> APC can contain a 14-bit ITU-N
:sapcn=<new 14-bit ITU-N SAPC> SAPC with a group code, for
:action=add (See Notes) every group code in shown in the
rtrv-dstn and rtrv-spc outputs, and
3. Private point codes can be
specified as SAPCs only for
IPGWI linksets.
Are other ITU-N
SAPCs to be added to
the linkset?


Enter the
rtrv-ls:lsn=<linkset name>

Is an ITU-I
Yes To
SAPC to be added to
Sheet 4
the linkset?


Enter the

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 297: Configuring an ITU Linkset with a Secondary Adjacent Point Code (SAPC)

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1068

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an SS7 Signaling Link

Enter the rtrv-tbl-capacity


Will the addition

of the signaling link Yes
exceed the maximum number of
signaling links the EAGLE
5 ISS can have?

No What is the
maximum number of signaling 2800
links the EAGLE 5 ISS can

Less than

Perform the "Enabling the

Large System # Links
Controlled Feature"
procedure to enable the
desired quantity of
signaling links.

Enter the rtrv-slk This procedure cannot be

command performed. The EAGLE 5
ISS can contain a
maximum of 2800
signaling links.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1069

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the
rtrv-card command

Perform the "Adding an SS7

Is the LIM" procedure in the Database
required card in the Administration Manual - System
database? Management to add the LIM to
the database


Enter the rtrv-ls Choose another

command linkset.

Enter the rtrv-ls command

Is the desired
Yes with this parameter.
linkset in the
:lsn=<the name of the


Perform the "Adding an

What is the
SS7 Linkset" procedure in Yes
IPSG value for the
this chapter to add a new
linkset to the database


What is the
To No Yes
IPGWAPC value for
Sheet 3
the linkset?

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1070

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the ent-slk command. Use the SS7 Signaling Link

Parameter Combinations table in this procedure as a
guide to determine which parameters to specify with the
ent-slk command. This table is in the “Adding an SS7
From Signaling Link” procedure in the Database Administration
Sheet 2 Manual – SS7.
If adding the new signaling link will result in more than
700 signaling links in the database and the
OAMHCMEAS value in the rtrv-measopts output is on,
the scheduled UI measurement reports will be disabled.

Enter the rtrv-slk command with this

parameter for each card location specified
in the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>

Enter the
Were any of the rst-card:loc=<card location
signaling links specified Yes specified in the ent-slk
with the ent-slk command the command> command for
signaling link the first link each card that signaling links
on the card? were added to for the first


Enter the act-slk command with these

parameters for each signaling link added
with the ent-slk command:
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:port = <the signaling port specified in
the ent-slk command>

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with

these parameters for each signaling link
added with the ent-slk command:
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the signaling link specified in the
ent-slk command>

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 298: Adding an SS7 Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1071

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Removing an SS7 Signaling Link

Enter the
rtrv-slk command.

Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this What is the A, B, D,
parameter. linkset type of the linkset E, or PRX
:lsn=<the name of the linkset that displayed in the previous
contains the signaling link that is step?
being removed>

Enter the
rtrv-ss7opts command.

What is the Off



When the signaling

link is removed, will the
Yes number of signaling links in the No
linkset be less than the
TFATCABMLQ value of the
linkset ?

Enter the chg-ls command

Do you wish with these parameters.
to change the Yes :lsn=<the name of the linkset To
TFATCABMLQ value for that contains the signaling Sheet 2
the linkset to 0? link that is being removed>


The signaling link cannot be

removed. The remainder of
this procedure cannot be

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1072

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is a link fault
sectionalization (LFS) test Yes
Enter the
being performed in the signaling
rept-stat-lfs command.
link to be removed from the

Enter the dact-lbp
command with these
Enter the rept-stat-slk command Enter the dact-slk command with
with these parameters. these parameters.
:loc=<location of the
:loc=<location of the signaling link> :loc=<location of the signaling link>
signaling link>
:port=<signaling link port> :port=<signaling link port>
:port=<signaling link

Is the signaling Yes Enter the rmv-card command with

link the last signaling this parameter.
link on the card? :loc=<location of the signaling link>


Enter the dlt-slk command with

these parameters.
Is the signaling Yes :loc=<location of the signaling link>
link the last signaling
:port=<signaling link port>
link in the linkset?
See the Note.
Note: If removing the signaling link
will result in 700 or less signaling No
links in the database and the
OAMHCMEAS value in the
rtrv-measopts output is on, the Enter the dlt-slk command with
scheduled UI measurement reports these parameters.
will be enabled. :loc=<location of the signaling link>
:port=<signaling link port>
See the Note.

Enter the rtrv-slk


Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 299: Removing an SS7 Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1073

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Route Containing an SS7 DPC

Enter the rtrv-rte


Is the point
code to be assigned to
From Yes To
the route as the route DPC
Sheet 2 Sheet 2
shown in the rtrv-rte


Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code”
procedure (See Note 4 on
Sheet 7) or "Adding a Network
Routing Point Code" procedure
in this manual to add the point
code to the database.

Was a proxy point Yes To

code assigned to the
Sheet 3
point code?


Sheet 4

Sheet 1 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1074

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Are routes
From No
currently assigned to
Sheet 1
the route DPC?


How many routes

are assigned to the
route DPC?

No more routes
can be added to 1-5
the route DPC.
Choose another
route DPC. Is the route DPC
To Yes
a network routing point
Sheet 4

Sheet 1 No

Enter the rtrv-dstn command with

this parameter:
dpcn24=<the DPC of the route>

Is a proxy point
To No Yes To
code assigned to the
Sheet 4 Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1075

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-ls command with

From this parameter:
Sheets 1 :ppc/ppca/ppci/ppcn/
or 2 ppcn24=<the proxy point code
shown in the rtrv-dstn output>

Perform the "Adding an SS7 Linkset"

procedure in this chapter to add the
linkset to the database. The APC of
the linkset cannot be a private point
Is a linkset shown
(See Note 8 on Sheet 7)
in the rtrv-ls output with
No The DPC of the route must be the
the PRX linkset type and the
APC of the linkset equal to same as the APC of the linkset and a
the DPC of the route? proxy point code must be assigned to
the DPC. The linkset type of the
linkset must be PRX. The proxy point
code that is assigned to the DPC of
Yes the route must be assigned to the

Enter the ent-rte command with these

mandatory parameters:
:lsn = <linkset name>
:dpc/dpcadpci/dpcn/dpcn24 = <destination point
code of the route>
:rc = <0 - 99>
and this optional parameter
:force = <yes, no>
(See the Notes on Sheet 7)
The DPC of the route must be the same as the
APC of the linkset and a proxy point code must
be assigned to the DPC. The linkset type of the
linkset must be PRX. The proxy point code that
is assigned to the DPC of the route must be
assigned to the linkset.

Are other routes

To Yes
being added to this
Sheet 4


Enter the rtrv-rte command with this

dpcn24=<destination point code of the
route added in this procedure>
Enter the

Sheet 3 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Will more than two

routes in the routeset No
Sheets 1,
have the same relative
2, or 3
cost value?


Are routesets that

contain more than two Yes
routes shown in the rtrv-rte
output on Sheet 1?


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Is the 6-Way
Loadsharing on Routesets Yes
feature enabled and
turned on?


Perform the “Activating the 6-Way

Loadsharing on Routesets Feature”
procedure in this chapter to enable
Sheet 5
and turn on the 6-Way Loadsharing
on Routesets feature.

Sheet 4 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Are cluster point

From No
codes shown in the
Sheet 4
rtrv-rte output?


Is the DPC
Yes No To
of the route a member
Sheet 6
of a cluster?

Enter the rtrv-dstn

command with this
point code>

Do you wish
What is the NCAI No No
to change the NCAI
value of the cluster
value of the cluster
point code?
point code?

Yes Yes

Perform the "Changing the

Attributes of a Cluster Point
Code” procedure in this manual
to change the NCAI value of the
cluster point code.

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code” or
To "Adding a Network Routing
Sheet 6 Point Code" procedure in this
manual to add the point code
to the database.

Sheet 5 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

From Enter the rtrv-ls

Sheet 5 command

Enter the rtrv-ls command Is the

with this parameter: Yes desired linkset in the No
:lsn=<name of the linkset database? (See Note 8
being added to the route> on Sheet 7)

Choose another


What is the Have all the

IPGWAPC value linksets been
for this linkset? displayed?

No Yes

Perform the "Adding an SS7 Linkset"

procedure in this chapter to add the
linkset to the database. The APC of
the linkset cannot be a private point
(See Note 8 on Sheet 7)

Enter the ent-rte command with these

mandatory parameters.
:lsn = <linkset name> Enter the rtrv-rte command with
:dpc/dpcadpci/dpcn/dpcn24 = this parameter.
<destination point code of the route> :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/
dpcn24=<destination point code
:rc = <0 - 99>
of the route added in this
and this optional parameter
:force = <yes, no>
(See the Notes on Sheet 7)

Enter the

Sheet 6 of 7

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

1. The force=yes parameter must be specified if the linkset being assigned to the route
has no signaling links assigned to it. Otherwise, each linkset must have at least one
signaling link assigned to it.
2. A route can contain a maximum of six linksets.
3. A maximum of two linksets can be assigned the same rc parameter value, if the
6-Way Loadsharing on Routesets feature is not enabled or turned on. If the 6-Way
Loadsharing on Routesets feature is enabled and turned on, a maximum of six linksets
in the route can have the same rc parameter value.
4. If the DPC of the route is a member of a cluster point code, and the nested cluster
allowed indicator (ncai parameter of either the ent-dstn or chg-dstn command) is set to
no, then the route to the DPC must be the same as the route to the cluster point code.
If the nested cluster allowed indicator is set to yes, the route to the member of the
cluster does not have to be the same as the route to the cluster point code.
5. For routes containing 14-bit ITU National DPCs with group codes, if the linkset
assigned to the route has the MULTGC value set to yes , then 14-bit ITU National
DPCs with group codes that are different from the linkset APC group code can be
assigned to the route. If the MULTGC value is set to no , then only 14-bit ITU National
DPCs with group codes that are the same as the linkset APC group code can be
assigned to the route.
6. The DPC of the route must be of the same format as the APC of the linkset being
added to the route. That is, routes containing ANSI DPCs must have linksets with ANSI
APCs; routes containing ITU-I DPCs must have linksets with ITU-I APCs; routes
containing 14-bit ITU-N DPCs must have linksets with 14-bit ITU-N APCs; routes
containing 24-bit ITU-N DPCs must have linksets with 24-bit ITU-N APCs. The DPC of
the route must be defined as a true point code in the rtrv-dstn output. Alias point codes
and secondary point codes cannot be used. True point codes are shown in the output
of the rtrv-dstn command in the DPCA, DPCI, DPCN, or DPCN24 fields.
7. Private point codes can be specified as the DPC of a route only if the linkset
assigned to the route is an IPGWx linkset (a linkset that has the ipgwapc=yes
parameter assigned to it).
8. If the DPC of the route is a network routing point code, the link set type of the linkset
assigned to the route must be either B, C, or D.

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 300: Adding a Route Containing an SS7 DPC

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Route Containing a Cluster Point Code

Enter the rtrv-rte


Perform the "Adding a

Is the cluster
Cluster Point Code”
point code to be assigned No
procedure in this manual
to the route shown in the
and add the cluster point
rtrv-rte output?
code to the database.


Enter the rtrv-dstn

command with this
Enter the rtrv-ls
point code>

Is the desired
Yes linkset in the database? No
(the linkset type must be
either B, C, or D)

Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter. Choose another
:lsn=<name of the linkset linkset.
being added to the route>


What is the Have all the

IPGWAPC value linksets been
for this linkset? displayed?

No Yes

Perform the "Adding an SS7

Linkset" procedure in this chapter
To and add the linkset to the database
Sheet 2 with an ANSI point code, lst
parameter value of B, C, or D, and
the ipgwapc=no parameter.

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1081

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Will more than two

From routes in the routeset No
Sheet 1 have the same relative
cost value?


Are routesets that

contain more than two Yes
routes shown in the rtrv-rte
output on Sheet 1?


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Is the 6-Way
Loadsharing on Routesets Yes
feature enabled and
turned on?


Perform the “Activating the 6-Way

Loadsharing on Routesets Feature”
procedure in this chapter to enable
Sheet 3
and turn on the 6-Way Loadsharing
on Routesets feature.

Sheet 2 of 3

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the ent-rte command with these

mandatory parameters.
:lsn = <SS7 linkset name>
:dpc/dpca = <cluster destination point code of
the route>
:rc = <0 - 99>
and this optional parameter
:force = <yes, no>
(See the Notes)

Enter the rtrv-rte command

with this parameter.
:dpc/dpca = <cluster
destination point code of the
route added in this procedure>

Enter the

1. The force=yes parameter must be specified if the linkset being assigned to the
route has no signaling links assigned to it. Otherwise, each linkset must have at
least one signaling link assigned to it.
2. A route can contain a maximum of six linksets.
3. A maximum of two linksets can be assigned the same rc parameter value, if the
6-Way Loadsharing on Routesets feature is not enabled or turned on. If the 6-Way
Loadsharing on Routesets feature is enabled and turned on, a maximum of six
linksets in the route can have the same rc parameter value.
4. If the DPC of the route is a member of a cluster point code, and the nested
cluster allowed indicator (ncai parameter of either the ent-dstn or chg-dstn
command) is set to no, then the route to the DPC must be the same as the route to
the cluster point code. If the nested cluster allowed indicator is set to yes, the route
to the member of the cluster does not have to be the same as the route to the
cluster point code.
5. Private point codes can be specified as the DPC of a route only if the linkset
assigned to the route is an IPGWx linkset (a linkset that has the ipgwapc=yes
parameter assigned to it).

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 301: Adding a Route Containing a Cluster Point Code

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1083

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Adding a Route Containing an IPGWx Linkset

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code”
procedure in this manual and
add the point code to the
Is the point database. This point code can
Enter the rtrv-rte code to be assigned to the No be, but does not have to be, a
command route shown in the private point code.
rtrv-rte output? This point code cannot be
proxy point code. A proxy
point code or secondary point
Yes code cannot be assigned to
this point code.

Does the
Choose another point Yes point code have a route
code. assigned to it? (See To
Note) Sheet 3


Enter the rtrv-dstn command with Note: If the RC, LSN, and
this parameter: APC columns contain
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<the dashes, a route is not
DPC of the route> assigned to the point code.

Is the point
code a proxy point


Is a proxy point
code assigned to the
point code?


Is a secondary
Yes No To
point code assigned to
Sheet 2
the point code?

Sheet 1 of 4

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Sheet 1

Are cluster point

Yes No
codes shown in the
rtrv-rte output?

Enter the rtrv-dstn

command with this Yes Is the DPC No To
parameter: of the route a member
Sheet 3
:dpc/dpca=<cluster of a cluster?
point code>

Perform the "Adding a

Destination Point Code”
procedure in this manual and
add the point code to the
Do you wish database. This point code can
What is the NCAI No No
to change the NCAI be, but does not have to be, a
value of the cluster
value of the cluster private point code.
point code?
point code? This point code cannot be
proxy point code. A proxy
point code or secondary point
Yes Yes code cannot be assigned to
this point code.
Perform the "Changing the
Attributes of a Cluster Point
Code” procedure in this manual
Sheet 3
and change the NCAI value of
the cluster point code.

Sheet 2 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-ls
Sheets 1
or 2

Is the point code

Yes chosen on Sheet 1 shown No
as the APC of a linkset in
the rtrv-ls output?
Enter the rtrv-ls command Perform the "Configuring an IPGWx
with this parameter: Linkset" procedure in Database
:lsn=<name of the linkset Administration Manual - IP7 Secure
being added to the route> Gateway and add the linkset to the
database with the ipgwapc=yes
parameter. The APC of the linkset
can be a private point code.

What is the
No Do you wish to
IPGWAPC value for
use another point code
this linkset? No
from the rtrv-rte output on Sheet 1 To
that does not have a route Sheet 4
Yes assigned to it?

Enter the rtrv-rte command

with this parameter: Yes Go to Sheet 1 and To
:lsn=<name of the linkset repeat this procedure. Sheet 1
being added to the route>

Is the linkset Is an SAPC The DPC of the

No No
assigned to a assigned to the route must be the
route? linkset? APC of the linkset.

Yes Yes

Perform the "Configuring an IPGWx The DPC of the route must

Linkset" procedure in Database be either the APC of the
Administration Manual - IP7 Secure linkset or the SAPC value
Gateway and add the linkset to the assigned to the linkset.
database with the ipgwapc=yes
parameter. The APC of the linkset
can be a private point code.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Enter the ent-rte command with these

mandatory parameters:
:lsn = <IPGWx linkset name> Enter the rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc/dpcadpci/dpcn/dpcn24 = <destination parameter:
point code of the route> :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/
:rc = <0 - 99> dpcn24=<destination point code of the
and this optional parameter route added in this procedure>
:force = <yes, no>
(See Notes)

Enter the

1. The force=yes parameter must be specified if the linkset being assigned to the route has no
signaling links assigned to it. Otherwise, each linkset must have at least one signaling link
assigned to it.
2. A route can contain only one linkset.
3. If the DPC of the route is a member of a cluster point code, and the nested cluster allowed
indicator (ncai parameter of either the ent-dstn or chg-dstn command) is set to no, then the
route to the DPC must be the same as the route to the cluster point code. If the nested cluster
allowed indicator is set to yes, the route to the member of the cluster does not have to be the
same as the route to the cluster point code.
4. For routes containing 14-bit ITU National DPCs with group codes, if the linkset assigned to the
route has the MULTGC value set to yes , then 14-bit ITU National DPCs with group codes that
are different from the linkset APC group code can be assigned to the route. If the MULTGC
value is set to no, then only 14-bit ITU National DPCs with group codes that are the same as
the linkset APC group code can be assigned to the route.
5. The DPC of the route must be the APC of the linkset, or the SAPC assigned to the linkset. The
DPC of the route must be of the same format as the APC of the linkset being added to the
route. That is, a route containing an ANSI DPC must have a linkset with an ANSI APC; a route
containing an ITU-I DPC must have a linkset with an ITU-I APC; a route containing a 14-bit
ITU-N DPC must have a linkset with a 14-bit ITU-N APC; a route containing a 24-bit ITU-N DPC
must have a linkset with a 24-bit ITU-N APC.
The DPC of the route must be defined as a true point code in the rtrv-dstn output. Cluster point
codes, network routing point codes, alias point codes, secondary point codes, and proxy point
codes cannot be used. True point codes are shown in the output of the rtrv-dstn command in
the DPCA, DPCI, DPCN, or DPCN24 fields.
For a linkset with an ITU APC, if that linkset has an SAPC assigned to it, the DPC of the route
can be either the APC of the linkset or the SAPC assigned to the linkset. The format of the
SAPC can be different from the APC of the linkset.
For a linkset with an ITU APC, if that linkset does not have an SAPC assigned to it, the DPC of
the route must be the APC of the linkset.
6. Private point codes can be specified as the DPC of a route only if the linkset assigned to the
route is an IPGWx linkset (a linkset that has the ipgwapc=yes parameter assigned to it).

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 302: Adding a Route Containing an IPGWx Linkset

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1087

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a Route

Is the GTT No
Enter the rtrv-rte Enter the rtrv-feat To
feature turned
command. command. Sheet 3

Enter the
rtrv-map command with this Yes
pcn24=<DPC of the route
being removed>

Perform the "Removing a

Do any of the Mated Applications"
mated applications Yes procedure to remove the
Enter the
reference the route mated application that
DPC? references the DPC of the
route being removed.

Enter the rtrv-cspc

command. No
feature enabled?

Enter the rtrv-cspc

:grp=<CSPC group>
command. The network
type of the CSPC group Enter the
must be the same as the rtrv-mrn command with this
DPC of the route being parameter.
removed from the :pc/pca/pci/pcn/
database. pcn24=<point code value
being removed>

Do any of the No Is the DPC No

CSPC groups reference
in the mated relay
the route DPC?
node table?

Yes Yes

Perform the "Removing Perform the "Removing

Have all MRN Entries" procedure to
Concerned Signaling
the CSPC groups remove the DPC from
Point Codes" procedure Yes
with the same network mated relay node table.
to remove the concerned
type as the route
signaling point code
DPC been
group that references the
route DPC
Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 8

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-tt

Enter the rtrv-gttset

Enter the
rtrv-gtt command with these
parameters. Enter the
:type=<translation type from the rtrv-gta command with these
rtrv-tt command output> parameters.
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<DPC of the :gttsn=<GTT set name from the
route being removed> rtrv-gttset command output>
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24=<DPC of the
route being removed>

Are entries Yes

displayed in the rtrv-gtt
output? Are entries Yes
displayed in the rtrv-gta
No Perform the “Removing a
Global Title Translation”
procedure to remove the No
entries displayed in the Perform the
rtrv-gtt output. “Removning Global Title
Address Information”
procedure to remove
the entries displayed in
No Have all the
the rtrv-gta output.
global title translations
been checked?

No Have all the

Yes global title translations
been checked?


Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 8

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-ppsopts


Do any entries in
the rtrv-ppsopts output Yes
contain the DPC of the route
that is being removed?

No Enter the chg-ppsopts command

with these parameters.
:ppt=<the prepaid portability type
containing the DPC of the route
From Enter the rtrv-gws-redirect that is being removed>
Sheet 1 command. :pc/pca/pci/pcn=none
Repeat this step for all entries in
the rtrv-ppsopts output that
containing the DPC of the route
that is being removed.

Does the gateway

screening redirect No
function DPC reference
the route DPC?


Perform the "Changing the

Gateway Screening Redirect
Parameters" procedure to To
change the gateway Sheet 4
screening redirect function
point code

Sheet 3 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1090

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the
From rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this
Sheet 3 parameter.

Yes Is a quantity of No
proxy point codes

Enter the
rtrv-dstn command with this
dpcn24=<the DPC of the

Is a proxy No
point code assigned
to the DPC?


Enter the
rtrv-ls command with this
:lsn=<the name of the linkset
assigned to the route being

The other routes to the

Does the linkset
DPC must be removed
contain these attributes: Yes before the route with the
LST=PRX, and the proxy
linkset APC that is the
point code shown in the
same as the route DPC can
rtrv-dstn output?
be removed.

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 8

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Is the last No
route to the DPC being
Sheet 4


Enter the
rtrv-pct command.

Are any entries No



Are any entries

No Is the DPC of No
displayed whose REALPC
the route an ANSI
or FILTPC values are the
point code?
DPC of the route?


Enter the
Perform the “Removing a Point rtrv-rte command with these
Code and CIC Translation” parameters.
procedure to remove the PCT :dpca=<xxx-yyy-***>
entries whose REALPC or :mode=full
FILTPC values reference the xxx is the network value of the point
DPC of the route. code and yyy is the cluster value of
the point code.

Yes Is the DPC of the No

To To
route a member of a
Sheet 7 Sheet 6
cluster point code?

Sheet 5 of 8

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

What is the RTX Yes Is the last Yes

value shown for the route route to the DPC being
Sheets 5
being removed? removed?

Enter the
No No rtrv-rtx command with
this parameter.
dpcn24=<DPC of the
route being removed>

Does the linkset Perform the "Removing a

assigned to the route contain Route Exception Table Entry "
Yes these attributes: LST=PRX, and procedure to remove the
the proxy point code shown in the route exception table entries
rtrv-dstn output? (see the that reference the DPC of the
steps on Sheet 4) route that is being removed.


Enter the Enter the

dlt-rte command with these dlt-rte command with these
Are all routes Yes
parameters. parameters.
to the DPC to be
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/
of the route> dpcn24=<DPC of the route>
:lsn=<name of the linkset assigned :all=yes
to the route whose APC is not the No
same as the DPC of the route>
Repeat this step for each linkset
whose APC is not the same as the
DPC of the route. Enter the
dlt-rte command with these
of the route>
:lsn=<name of the linkset assigned
to the route>

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
parameter and value specified in
the dlt-rte command>

Enter the

Sheet 6 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1093

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-dstn with this

From parameter.
Sheet 5 :dpc/dpca=<cluster point code Are all of the
value specified on Sheet 5> routes to the cluster point
code being removed (the routes No
to the member point codes are
remaining in the

Are all of the routes
Yes No Sheet 8
to the cluster point code Yes
and its member point codes
being removed?

What is the value

What is the value of the NCAI parameter No
of the NCAI parameter No of the cluster point
of the cluster point code?
Perform the "Changing
Yes the Attributes of a
Yes Cluster Point Code"
procedure to change
the NCAI value to yes.
Perform the "Changing
the Attributes of a
Cluster Point Code"
procedure to change
the NCAI value to no.
Do any members
of the cluster point code No
contain the RTX=yes


Perform the "Removing a

Route Exception Table Entry "
Enter the
procedure to remove the
dlt-rte command with these
route exception table entries
that reference the DPC of the
:dpc/dpca=<Cluster DPC>
route that is being removed.
The entries are shown in the
rtrv-rte output on Sheet 5.

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc/dpca=<dpc value specified in
the dlt-rte command>

Enter the

Sheet 7 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1094

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 7

What is the value

of the NCAI parameter Yes
of the cluster point


Perform the "Changing

Is the last route
the Attributes of a Yes
to a member of the
Cluster Point Code"
cluster point code being
procedure to change
the NCAI value to yes.

Does the member
No of the cluster point code
contain the RTX=yes


Perform the "Removing a

Enter the Route Exception Table Entry "
dlt-rte command with these procedure to remove the
parameters. route exception table entries
:dpc/dpca=<DPC of the route> that reference the DPC of the
:lsn=<name of the linkset route that is being removed.
assigned to the route> The entries are shown in the
rtrv-rte output on Sheet 5.

Enter the
rtrv-rte command with this
:dpc/dpca=<dpc value specified in
the dlt-rte command>

Enter the

Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 303: Removing a Route

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1095

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a Route

Enter the rtrv-rte


Is the DPC of
Yes the route being
changed a private point


How many 2 to 6
linksets are assigned to
the route?

Enter the rtrv-ls command with this

:lsn=<name of the linkset currently
assigned to the route>

What is the value

To Yes No
of the IPGWAPC
Sheet 2

value Which attribute
of the route is being
Sheet 3

Name Only

Sheet 4

Sheet 1 of 8

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Sheet 1

The route is an IPGWx route.

The DPC of a IPGWx route must either be the APC of
the linkset or the SAPC of the linkset.
The DPC of a IPGWx route, or any type of route, cannot
be changed.
The SAPC can be assigned to only one linkset.
As a result, the linkset assigned to the IPGWx route
cannot be changed.
Only the RC value of the IPGWx route can be changed.

No further action
Do you wish No can be performed.
to change the RC
This procedure is


Sheet 7

Sheet 2 of 8

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Will more than two

routes in the routeset No
Sheets 1,
have the same relative
2, or 5
cost value?


Are routesets that

No contain more than two Yes
routes shown in the rtrv-rte
output on Sheet 1?

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Is the 6-Way
Loadsharing on Routesets Yes
feature enabled and
turned on?


Perform the “Activating the 6-Way

Loadsharing on Routesets Feature”
procedure in this chapter to enable
and turn on the 6-Way Loadsharing
on Routesets feature.

Is the linkset
To Yes
name being
Sheet 4

Sheet 7

Sheet 3 of 8

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From Are the APC of the

Sheets 1 linkset and the DPC of
or 3 the route the same?


Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
:lsn=<the name of the linkset
whose APC is the same as
the DPC of the route>

Is the linkset a proxy

No To
linkset (LST=PRX) containing
Sheet 6
a proxy point code?


Enter the rtrv-dstn command

with this parameter.
dpcn24=<the DPC of the route>

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 8

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Sheet 4

Does the linkset

contain the proxy point code No To
that is also assigned to the Sheet 6
DPC of the route?


This linkset assigned to the route cannot be

changed using this procedure.
However, the RC value for this linkset can be

Do you wish to
Yes To
change just the RC value
Sheet 3
for this linkset?


Perform the “Removing a Route” procedure in

this chapter and remove this linkset from the
DPC of the route.
After the route has been removed, perform
the “Adding a Route Containing an SS7 DPC”
procedure in this chapter and add the new
linkset to the DPC of the route.

Sheet 5 of 8

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Enter the rtrv-ls
Sheets 4
or 5

Is the desired
Yes linkset in the database?
(See Note 2 on
Sheet 8)


Go to the "Adding an SS7

Linkset" procedure in this
chapter and add the SS7
linkset to the database

Is the DPC of the Yes

route a cluster point


Enter the rtrv-dstn

command with this
Sheet 7
:dpc/dpca=<cluster DPC of
the route>

Sheet 6 of 8

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Sheet 6

Is the DPC of
the route a 14-bit No
ITU-N point code with group
codes? (see Note 4 on
Sheet 8)


Enter the rtrv-ls command with this

:lsn=<name of the new linkset being
assigned to the route>
If the DPC of the route is both a 14-bit
ITU-N point code and a private point code,
verify the MULTGC values in the linkset
displayed in this step.

Sheets 2
or 3 Enter the chg-rte command with these
mandatory parameters:
:lsn = <linkset name>
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24 =
<destination point code of the route>
and at least one of these optional
:rc = <0 - 99>
:nlsn = <new linkset name>
(See the Notes on Sheet 8)

Enter the rtrv-rte command with this

of the route specified in the
chg-rte command>

Enter the

Sheet 7 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1102

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1. An IPGWx route can contain only one linkset, and only the rc parameter value for an
IPGWx route can be changed. For an SS7 route other than an IPGWx route, a
maximum of two linksets can be assigned the same rc parameter value, if the 6-Way
Loadsharing on Routesets feature is not enabled or turned on. If the 6-Way
Loadsharing on Routesets feature is enabled and turned on, a maximum of six linksets
in the route can have the same rc parameter value.
2. If the DPC of the route is a cluster point code or a network routing point code, the
link set type of the linkset assigned to the route must be either B, C, or D.
3. If the DPC of the route is a member of a cluster point code, and the nested cluster
allowed indicator (ncai parameter of either the ent-dstn or chg-dstn command) is set to
no, then the route to the DPC must be the same as the route to the cluster point code.
If the nested cluster allowed indicator is set to yes, the route to the member of the
cluster does not have to be the same as the route to the cluster point code.
4. For routes containing 14-bit ITU National DPCs with group codes, if the linkset
assigned to the route has the MULTGC value set to yes , then the group code of the
linkset's APC can be different from the group code of the route's DPC. If the MULTGC
value is set to no, then the group code of the linkset's APC must be the same as the
group code of the route's DPC.
5. If the DPC of the route is a cluster point code, the linksets that will be assigned to
the route, with the nlsn parameter, cannot specify the ipgwapc=yes parameter.
6. The DPC of the route must be of the same format as the APC of the linkset being
added to the route. That is, routes containing ANSI DPCs must have linksets with ANSI
APCs; routes containing ITU-I DPCs must have linksets with ITU-I APCs; routes
containing 14-bit ITU-N DPCs must have linksets with 14-bit ITU-N APCs; routes
containing 24-bit ITU-N DPCs must have linksets with 24-bit ITU-N APCs.

Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 304: Changing a Route

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Changing Level 2 Timers

Enter the
rtrv-l2t command with this parameter.
:l2tset=<level 2 timer set being

Enter the
chg-l2t command with this mandatory parameter:
:l2tset=<level 2 timer set being changed>
and at least one of these parameters.
:t1=<Timer 1 value>
:t2=<Timer 2 value>
:t3=<Timer 3 value>
:t4npp=<Timer 4 – Normal Proving Period value>
:t4epp=<Timer 4 – Emergency Proving Period value>
:t5=<Timer 5 value>
:t6=<Timer 6 value>
:t7=<Timer 7 value>
:nodata=<NODATA timer value >
Note: Refer to one of these tables in this procedure for
the timer values.
Level 2 Timer Values - Low-Speed ANSI Signaling
Level 2 Timer Values - Low-Speed ITU Signaling
Level 2 Timer Values - ITU-N High-Speed Signaling
Links for China
Level 2 Timer Values - ITU-N High-Speed Signaling
Links for Areas other than China
Level 2 Timer Values - Unchannelized T1 High-Speed
Signaling Links

Enter the
rtrv-l2t command with this parameter.
:l2tset=<level 2 timer set value specified
in the chg-l2t command>

Enter the

Figure 305: Changing Level 2 Timers

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1104

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Changing Level 3 Timers

Enter the
rtrv-l3t command.

Enter the
chg-l3t command with this mandatory parameter:
and at least one of these parameters.

:t1 = 100 - 2000 milliseconds :t19 = 30000 - 600000 milliseconds

:t2 = 100 - 3000 milliseconds :it19 = 67000 - 69000 milliseconds
:t3 = 100 - 2000 milliseconds :t20 = 90000 - 120000 milliseconds (See Note 2)
:t4 = 100 - 2000 milliseconds :it20 = 59000 - 61000 milliseconds
:t5 = 100 - 2000 milliseconds :t21 = 90000 - 120000 milliseconds (See Note 3)
:t6 = 100 - 2000 milliseconds (See Note 1) :it21 = 63000 - 65000 milliseconds
:t7 = 100 - 3000 milliseconds :t22 = 10000 - 60000 milliseconds
:t8 = 500 - 2000 milliseconds :it22 = 180000 - 360000 milliseconds (See Note 2)
:t10 = 20000 - 90000 milliseconds :t23 = 9000 - 100000 milliseconds
:t11 = 1000 - 90000 milliseconds :it23 = 180000 - 360000 milliseconds (See Note 3)
:t12 = 100 - 2000 milliseconds :t24 = 9000 - 60000 milliseconds
:t13 = 100 - 2000 milliseconds :t25 = 30000 - 35000 milliseconds
:t14 = 200 - 4000 milliseconds :t26 = 12000 - 15000 milliseconds
:t15 = 200 - 4000 milliseconds :t28 = 3000 - 35000 milliseconds
:t16 = 200 - 3000 milliseconds :t29 = 60000 - 65000 milliseconds
:t17 = 500 - 2000 milliseconds :t30 = 30000 - 35000 milliseconds
:t18 = 2000 - 20000 milliseconds :t31 = 10000 - 120000 milliseconds
:it18 =19000 - 50000 milliseconds :t32 = 60000 - 120000 milliseconds
1. If the 6-Way Loadsharing on Routesets feature is enabled and turned on, it is recommended that
the value for this timer is set to 100 milliseconds. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat:partnum=893019801
command to verify the status of the 6-Way Loadsharing on Routesets feature.
2. Do not specify t20 and it22 parameters together because one value overrides the other.
3. Do not specify t21 and it23 parameters together because one value overrides the other.

Enter the
rtrv-l3t command.

Enter the

Figure 306: Changing Level 3 Timers

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a Signaling Link Test Message

Enter the
rtrv-slt command

Enter the
chg-slt command with this mandatory parameter:
:sltset=<signaling link test set being changed, 1 - 20>
and at least one of these parameters:
:t1 = < 4 - 12>
:t2 = <30 – 90>
:mode = <regular, special>
:enabled = <on, off>
:pattern = <2 to 30 alphanumeric characters (0–9 and
The number of characters used in the pattern must be
even. The first two characters of the pattern must be
alphabetic characters.

Enter the
rtrv-slt command with this parameter:
:sltset=<signaling link test set value
specified in the chg-slt command>

Enter the

Figure 307: Changing a Signaling Link Test Message

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring Circular Route Detection

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

Enter the
chg-stpopts command with at least one of
these parameters.
:on=mtplti (to change the MTPLTI value in the
rtrv-stpopts output to yes)
:off=mtplti (to change the MTPLTI value in the
rtrv-stpopts output to no)
:mtpltctdpcq = < 3 – 10 >
:mtpltst = < 10000 – 20000 >

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

Enter the

Figure 308: Configuring Circular Route Detection

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the TFA/TFR Pacing Rate

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command

Enter the
chg-stpopts command with this parameter:
:tfatfrpr = < 0 - 1000 > (in increments of 100)

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command

Enter the

Figure 309: Configuring the TFA/TFR Pacing Rate

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1108

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the Frequency of RST Messages on Low Priority Routes

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

parameter value being


What is the current No

MTPLPRST parameter


Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this parameter.
:partnum=893014201 Enter the
If the Origin-Based MTP Routing feature is rtrv-l3t command.
enabled and turned on, the MTPLPRST
value cannot be changed from yes to no.

Enter the
chg-stpopts command with at least one of
these parameters.
:on=mtplprst (to change the MTPLPRST value
in the rtrv-stpopts output to yes)
:off=mtplprst (to change the MTPLPRST
value in the rtrv-stpopts output to no)
:mtpt10alt = < 20000 - 10000000>
The value of the mtpt10alt parameter must be
equal to or greater than the value of the level
3 T10 timer shown in the rtrv-l3t output.

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

Enter the

Figure 310: Configuring the Frequency of RST Messages on Low Priority Routes

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1109

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Adding Remote Loopback Points

Enter the Note: Before executing this procedure, make sure you have purchased
rtrv-feat command the link fault sectionalization feature. If you are not sure if you have
purchased the link fault sectionalization feature, contact your Tekelec
Sales Representative or Account Representative.

Is the link fault No Enter the chg-feat:lfs=on

feature on?


Enter the
rtrv-slk command

Enter the
rtrv-lbp command

Enter the
ent-lbp command with these mandatory parameters:
:lbp=<1 - 32>
:loc=<card location of the signaling link>
:link=<the signaling link assigned to the card>
:rle=<ds0, ocu, csu, dsu, nei>
:lfst=<llt, nlt>
and with any of these optional parameters:
:rep=<0 - 31>
:clli=<1 alphabetic character followed by up to 10
alphanumeric characters>

Enter the
rtrv-lbp command

Enter the

Figure 311: Adding Remote Loopback Points

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1110

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Removing Remote Loopback Points

Enter the
rtrv-lbp command

Enter the
dlt-lbp command with these mandatory parameters:
:loc=<card location of the signaling link>
:link=<the signaling link assigned to the card>
and with only one of these optional parameters:
:lbp=<1 - 32>
:all=yes (this parameter removes all the loopback
points assigned to the signaling link)

Enter the
rtrv-lbp command

Enter the

Figure 312: Removing Remote Loopback Points

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1111

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Changing Remote Loopback Points

Enter the
rtrv-lbp command

Enter the
chg-lbp command with these mandatory parameters:
:lbp=<1 - 32>
:loc=<card location of the signaling link>
:link=<the signaling link assigned to the card>
and with any of these optional parameters:
:rle=<ds0, ocu, csu, dsu, nei>
:lfst=<llt, nlt>
:rep=<0 - 31>
:clli=<1 alphabetic character followed by up to 10
alphanumeric characters>

Enter the
rtrv-lbp command

Enter the

Figure 313: Changing Remote Loopback Points

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Configuring the System for Random SLS Generation

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Sheet 2
What is the new
value for the randsls
Sheet 2
Sheet 3

Enter the Enter the

chg-stpopts:randsls=off chg-stpopts:randsls=class0
command command

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Enter the

Sheet 1 of 3

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Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts

The randsls=all parameter of the chg-stpopts
command should not be used with the class1seq=on
parameter of the chg-sccpopts command.
Using the randsls=all parameter with the
What is the On class1seq=on parameter does not guarantee that
CLASS1SEQ UDT/XUDT Class1 ITU messages are delivered to the
value? remote node in the order in which they were received.
The class1seq=on parameter, without the randsls=all
parameter, guarantees that UDT/XUDT Class 1 ITU
Off messages are delivered to the remote node in the
order in which they were received.

Do you wish to
continue to guarantee the
No delivery of UDT/XUDT Class 1 ITU
messages to the remote node in the
order in which they were
Enter the

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


Enter the Go to Sheet 1 and change the

chg-stpopts:randsls=all randsls parameter value to either
command randsls=off or randsls=class0.

Enter the rtrv-stpopts

command To
Sheet 1

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 3

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Sheet 1

Enter the

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


No Will the Random

SLS feature be applied to
ANSI linksets?


Enter the rtrv-ss7opts


Yes What is the



Enter the

Enter the rtrv-ss7opts


Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 314: Configuring the System for Random SLS Generation

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1115

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the Options for the TDM Global Timing Interface

Enter the rtrv-clkopts

Note: The system default
values for the HSCLKSRC and
HSCLKLL parameters are:

Are the
HSCLKLL values set to the
system default values?
(See Note)


Visually verfiy the part number

of both TDMs (card locations
1114 and 1116)

Is the part number Yes

of both TDMs 870-0774-15
or later?


This procedure cannot be performed

unless the part number of both TDMs is
870-0774-15 or later.
Replace these TDMs with part number
870-0774-15 or later. Enter the
Caution: Contact the Customer Care rept-stat-clk command
Center before replacing the TDMs.
Refer to the “Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the contact
Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1116

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Sheet 1

Does the EAGLE

Yes No
5 ISS contain the E5-MASP
cards (870-2903-xx)?

Enter the chg-clkopts command with Enter the chg-clkopts command with
this mandatory parameter this mandatory parameter
:clock=<all, primary, secondary> :clock=all
and at least one of these parameters: and at least one of these parameters:
:hsclksrc=<rs422, t1framed, :hsclksrc=<rs422, t1framed,
t1unframed, e1framed, e1unframed> t1unframed, e1framed, e1unframed>
:hsclkll = <longhaul, shorthaul> :hsclkll = <longhaul, shorthaul>
(See the Note and the Caution) (See the Note and the Caution)

Enter the
rtrv-clkopts command

Enter the

Note: If the rept-stat-clk output on Sheet 1 shows valid high-speed clocks,

and the hsclksrc parameter is specified with the chg-clkopts command,
the force=yes parameter must be specified with the chg-clkopts
Caution: Changing these options changes the external master clock
source for all E1, T1, ANSI ATM, or E1 ATM high-speed signaling
links using external timing. A clock outage can occur and traffic on
these signaling links can be lost if the new source clock type does
not match the source clock that these signaling links are actually

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 315: Configuring the Options for the TDM Global Timing Interface

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1117

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Configuring the Restricted Linkset Option

Enter the rtrv-ss7opts


What is the
current value for the ON To
lsrestrict Sheet 2


Enter the
command (See Caution)

Enter the rtrv-ss7opts


Enter the

Caution: Turning the lsrestrict option on changes the way the EAGLE 5 ISS routes
messages by using the state of the route along with the cost of the route to determine
the preferred route to use. With this option on, the preferred route is not the absolute
lowest cost available route in the routeset. A route is considered available if its status
is either Allowed or Restricted. If the state of the absolute lowest cost route in the
routeset is Restricted, the preferred route is the lowest cost route in the routeset
whose status is Allowed. Make sure that you wish to have the EAGLE 5 ISS route
messages in this manner before turning the lsrestrict option on.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-ls


Are any C linksets

shown in the rtrv-ls output No
(linksets with the LST=C


Enter the chg-ls command

with these parameters:
:lsn=<linkset name from the
previous rtrv-ls output>

Have all the No

C linksets been

Yes Enter the


Enter the rtrv-ss7opts


Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 316: Configuring the Restricted Linkset Option

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1119

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the Options for Handling TFCs on ITU-I and ITU-N Networks

Enter the rtrv-ss7opts



parameter is being

Enter the Enter the

chg-ss7opts command with this DISCARDTFCI chg-ss7opts command with this
parameter: and parameter:
:discardtfci = <on, off> DISCARDTFCN :discardtfcn = <on, off>
The parameter value specified The parameter value specified
with the chg-ss7opts command Enter the with the chg-ss7opts command
cannot be the same as the value chg-ss7opts command with these cannot be the same as the value
displayed in the rtrv-ss7opts parameters: displayed in the rtrv-ss7opts
output. :discardtfci = <on, off> output.
:discardtfcn = <on, off>
The parameter values specified
with the chg-ss7opts command
cannot be the same as the
values displayed in the
rtrv-ss7opts output.

Enter the rtrv-ss7opts


Enter the

Figure 317: Configuring the Options for Handling TFCs on ITU-I and ITU-N Networks

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1120

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Changing the High-Capacity Card Temperature Alarm Thresholds

Enter the rtrv-th-alm


Enter the chg-th-alm command Notes:

with at least one of these 1. The thermallv2 parameter value shown in
parameters the rtrv-th-alm output after the chg-th-alm
:thermallv1=< 73 – 92 > command has been executed must be greater
:thermallv2=< 74 – 100 > than the thermallv1 parameter value shown in
(See the Notes) the rtrv-th-alm output.
2. If a temperature parameter is not specified
with the chg-th-alm command, that parameter
value will not be changed. The system default
Enter the rtrv-th-alm values for the temperature parameters are:
:thermallv1 = 92
:thermallv2 = 100

Enter the

Figure 318: Changing the High-Capacity Card Temperature Alarm Thresholds

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1121

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the Origin-Based MTP Routing Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
Origin-Based MTP Yes No further action can be
Routing feature enabled performed.
and turned on?


Is the
Origin-Based MTP No To
Routing feature Sheet 2


Sheet 4

Sheet 1 of 4

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Sheet 1

Are any controlled

No features shown in the Yes
rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is the Yes To
serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No To
in the database Sheet 3


1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only
the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
Enter the ent-serial-num quantity of 64, the answer to this
command with these parameters: question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial serial number must be verified. This is
number> the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat
:lock=yes output. This entry is shown whether or
not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in
the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot
be changed.
To 3. If the serial number is not locked, the
Sheet 4 controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1123

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Sheet 2
This feature cannot be
enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Is the Contact the Customer Care
EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
serial number number entered into the
locked? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No
in the database


Enter the ent-serial-num

command with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1124

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Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<Origin-Based MTP Routing feature access key>
Note: If you do not have the feature access key for the
Origin-Based MTP Routing feature, contact your
Tekelec sales representative or account representative .

From Enter the rtrv-stpopts

Sheet 1 command

Change the MTPLPRST

option value to yes by
performing the “Configuring
What is the No
the Frequency of RST
Messages on Low Priority
Routes” Procedure in this

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
Caution: Once the Origin-Based MTP Routing
feature is turned on with the chg-ctrl-feat
command, it cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 319: Activating the Origin-Based MTP Routing Feature

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the Origin-Based MTP Routing SCCP OPC Option

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


Is the
shown in the rtrv-sccpopts

Enter the
No chg-sccpopts command with this parameter:
:mobrsccpopc = <mtp, sccp, tpc>
sccp - If the CGPA portion of the message is
route-on-dpcssn, the point code in the CGPA
The MOBRSCCPOPC field is displayed only portion of the message is used as the OPC value
when the Origin-Based MTP Routing feature to use for routing the SCCP message. If the
is enabled and turned on. CGPA portion of the message is route-on-gt, the
Perform the “Activating the Origin-Based MTP MTP option, the original OPC in the message, is
Routing Feature” procedure in this chapter to used as the OPC value to use for routing the
enable and turn on the Origin-Based MTP SCCP message.
Routing feature. mtp - The original OPC in the message is used
as the OPC value to use for routing the SCCP
tpc - The EAGLE 5 ISS’s true point code is used
as the OPC value to use for routing the SCCP

Enter the rtrv-sccpopts


Enter the

Figure 320: Configuring the Origin-Based MTP Routing SCCP OPC Option

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1126

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an Exception Route Entry

Enter the rtrv-rtx


Perform the “Activating the

Origin-Based MTP Routing Feature”
Is error message Yes
in this chapter to enable and turn on
E4584 displayed?
the Origin-Based MTP Routing

Enter the rtrv-dstn command

with this parameter.

Is the number shown in

the TOTAL DPC (s): row equal
to the number shown in the No
row of either the rtrv-rtx or
rtrv-dstn outputs?

Yes Will adding the new

exception route entry exceed
Yes the number of DPCs shown in the
row of either the rtrv-rtx or
rtrv-dstn outputs?

Sheet 2

Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1127

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

What is the number 9999 or

shown in the DESTINATION Less
either the rtrv-rtx or rtrv-dstn

Do you wish to
increase the amount
No shown in the DESTINATION Yes
either the rtrv-rtx or
rtrv-dstn outputs?
Perform the
“Changing the DPC
Quantity” procedure
to increase the
Do you wish to number of entries in
remove enough entries from the routing table.
the routing table to allow the
addition of the new exception
route entries?

This procedure cannot

Yes be performed.

Perform one of these procedure

to remove the required number of
entries from the routing table:
“Removing a Destination Point
Sheet 3
Code” procedure
“Removing an Exception Route
Entry” procedure.

Sheet 2 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1128

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Sheets 1
or 2

Will the new

exception route entry be
Yes To
added to a DPC shown in the
Sheet 4
rtrv-rtx output? See the

No Note: See Notes 1 and 2 in the Add

Exception Route Parameter
Combinations table in the “Adding an
Enter the rtrv-rte Exception Route Entry” procedure in the
command. Database Administration Manual – SS7.

Is the required
route shown in the
rtrv-rte output?

Perform one of these procedures to add the
required route.
Adding a Route Containing an SS7 DPC
Adding a Route Containing a Cluster Point Code
Adding a Route Containing an IPGWx Linkset

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1129

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Is the name of
the linkset to be used for
the lsn parameter (and ilsn
From Yes
parameter if the ilsn parameter will be
Sheet 3
specified with the ent-rtx command)
shown in the rtrv-rtx or rtrv-rte


From Enter the rtrv-ls

Sheet 5 command

Is the name of
the linkset to be used for
the lsn parameter (and ilsn
No Yes
parameter if the ilsn parameter will be
specified with the ent-rtx
command) shown in the
rtrv-ls output?

Add the new linkset by performing one

of these procedures:
Configuring an IPGWx Linkset, Adding
an IPSG M2PA Linkset , or Adding an
IPSG M3UA Linkset procedures for
adding an IPGWx or IPSG linkset .
Adding an SS7 Linkset procedure To
for adding an SS7 linkset. Sheet 5
Make sure that the new linkset meets
the criteria shown in the “Adding
Linksets for Exception Routes” section
of the “Adding an Exception Route
Entry” in the Database Administration
Manual – SS7.

Sheet 4 of 10

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Sheet 4

Is the DPC of the Yes To

route exception entry an
Sheet 6


Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
:lsn=<linkset name to be
specified with the ent-rtx

Does the linkset meet

the criteria specified in the “Adding
Linksets for Exception Routes” section of the Yes To
“Adding an Exception Route Entry” in Sheet 9
the Database Administration
Manual – SS7?

Add a new linkset by performing one

of these procedures.
Configuring an IPGWx Linkset
procedure for adding an IPGWx linkset.
Adding an SS7 Linkset procedure
Do you wish to No
for adding an SS7 linkset.
choose another
linkset? Make sure that the new linkset meets
the criteria shown in the “Adding
Linksets for Exception Routes” section
Yes of the “Adding an Exception Route
Entry” in the Database Administration
Manual – SS7.

Sheet 4

Sheet 9

Sheet 5 of 10

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Sheet 5

Is a cluster point
code shown in the rtrv-rtx
or rtrv-rte outputs?

Enter the rtrv-dstn


Is a cluster point
code shown in the
rtrv-dstn output?


Is the DPC of
the exception route entry a No To
member of a cluster point Sheet 8


Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1132

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Sheet 6

Enter the rtrv-dstn command

with this parameter.
:dpca=<cluster point code
referenced in the previous step>

What is the
NCAI value of the Yes
cluster point


Enter the rtrv-feat


Is the NCR Yes

feature on?

Enter the chg-dstn command
Enter the chg-feat with this parameter.
command with this :dpca=<cluster point code
parameter. specfied in the previous
:ncr=on rtrv-dstn command>

Sheet 8

Sheet 7 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1133

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Sheets 6
or 7

Is the opc/opca
parameter to be No
specified with the ent-rtx


Are the network

cluster and network No To
cluster member segments of
Sheet 9
the point code to be


Is the network Yes Enter the rtrv-sid

indicator value to be 1
through 5?


OTHER What is the

PCTYPE value?


Enter the chg-sid command

with these parameters:
:pca=<PCA value shown in
Sheet 9
the rtrv-sid output>

Sheet 8 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1134

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Will more than two

entries containing the same
exception route criteria be No
Sheets 5
assigned to the DPC of the
or 8
exception route?
(See the Note)


Are more than two

entries containing the same
exception route criteria assigned Yes
to a DPC of an exception route
shown in the rtrv-rtx output
on Sheet 1?


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Is the 6-Way
Loadsharing on Routesets Yes
feature enabled and
turned on?


Perform the “Activating the

6-Way Loadsharing on
Routesets Feature” procedure To
to enable and turn on the Sheet 10
6-Way Loadsharing on
Routesets feature.
Note: The exception route criteria of an
exception route entry consists of the RC
value and either an OPC value, an SI
value, an ILSN value, a CIC value, or a
range of CIC values. The LSN value for
each entry must be different.

Sheet 9 of 10

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Sheet 9

Enter the ent-rtx command. Use the Add

Exception Route Parameter Combinations
table in the “Adding an Exception Route Entry”
procedure in the Database Administration
Manual – SS7 as a guide to determine which
parameters to specify with the ent-rtx

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with these parameters.

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC parameter and value specified
in the previous step>
:lsn=<LSN value specified in the previous step>
If the opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24 parameter was specified with the
ent-rtx command, specify this parameter with the rtrv-rtx command.
:opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24=<OPC parameter and value specified
in the previous step>
If the si parameter was specified with the ent-rtx command, specify
this parameter with the rtrv-rtx command.
:si=<SI value specified in the previous step>
If the ilsn parameter was specified with the ent-rtx command,
specify this parameter with the rtrv-rtx command.
:ilsn=<ILSN value specified in the previous step>
If a single CIC value was specified with the ent-rtx command,
specify this parameter with the rtrv-rtx command.
:cic=<CIC value specified in the previous step>
If a range of CIC values were specified with the ent-rtx command,
specify these parameters with the rtrv-rtx command.
:cic=<CIC value specified in the previous step>
:ecic=<ECIC value specified in the previous step>

Enter the

Sheet 10 of 10
Figure 321: Adding an Exception Route Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1136

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Removing a Route Exception Entry

Enter the rtrv-rtx

Sheet 2

What route
exception criteria is CIC To
assigned to the route
Sheet 3
exception table entry
being removed?

Sheet 5

Enter the dlt-rtx command with these

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value
Are all entries for assigned to the route exception entry>
the DPC and OPC entry
:opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24=<OPC value
being removed?
assigned to the route exception entry>

Enter the dlt-rtx command with these

parameters: Enter the rtrv-rtx command with
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value these parameters:
assigned to the route exception entry> :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC
:opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24=<OPC value value specified in the previous step>
assigned to the route exception entry> :opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24=<OPC
:lsn=<linkset name assigned to the route value specified in the previous step>
exception entry>

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with

these parameters:
value specified in the previous step> Enter the
value specified in the previous step>
:lsn=<linkset name specified in the
previous step>

Sheet 1 of 5

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Sheet 1

Enter the dlt-rtx command with these

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value
Are all entries for assigned to the route exception entry>
the DPC and ILSN entry
:ilsn=<incoming linkset name assigned to
being removed?
the route exception entry>

Enter the dlt-rtx command with these

parameters: Enter the rtrv-rtx command with
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value these parameters:
assigned to the route exception entry> :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC
:lsn=<linkset name assigned to the route value specified in the previous step>
exception entry> :ilsn=<incoming linkset name
:ilsn=<incoming linkset name assigned to specified in the previous step>
the route exception entry>

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with

these parameters:
Enter the
value specified in the previous step>
:ilsn=<incoming linkset name
specified in the previous step>
:lsn=<linkset name specified in the
previous step>

Sheet 2 of 5

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Sheet 1

Is a range of CIC Yes To

entries being removed? Sheet 4


Enter the dlt-rtx command with these

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value
Are all entries for assigned to the route exception entry>
the DPC and CIC entry
:cic=<CIC value assigned to the route
being removed?
exception entry>

Enter the dlt-rtx command with these

parameters: Enter the rtrv-rtx command with
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value these parameters:
assigned to the route exception entry> :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC
:lsn=<linkset name assigned to the route value specified in the previous step>
exception entry> :cic=<CIC value assigned to the
:cic=<CIC value assigned to the route route exception entry>
exception entry>

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with

these parameters:
Enter the
value specified in the previous step>
:cic=<CIC value assigned to the
route exception entry>
:lsn=<linkset name specified in the
previous step>

Sheet 3 of 5

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Sheet 3

Enter the dlt-rtx command with these

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value
Are all entries assigned to the route exception entry>
for the DPC with the Yes :cic=<CIC value assigned to the route
range of CIC entries being exception entry>
removed? :ecic=<ECIC value assigned to the route
exception entry>
No :force=yes

Enter the dlt-rtx command with these

parameters: Enter the rtrv-rtx command with
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value these parameters:
assigned to the route exception entry> :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC
:lsn=<linkset name assigned to the route value specified in the previous step>
exception entry> :cic=<CIC value specified in the
:cic=<CIC value assigned to the route previous step>
exception entry> :ecic=<ECIC value specified in the
:ecic=<ECIC value assigned to the route previous step>
exception entry>

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with

these parameters:
value specified in the previous step>
Enter the
:cic=<CIC value specified in the
previous step>
:ecic=<ECIC value specified in the
previous step>
:lsn=<linkset name specified in the
previous step>

Sheet 4 of 5

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Sheet 1

Enter the dlt-rtx command with these

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value
Are all entries for assigned to the route exception entry>
the DPC and SI entry
:si=<service indicator value assigned to
being removed?
the route exception entry>

Enter the dlt-rtx command with these

parameters: Enter the rtrv-rtx command with
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value these parameters:
assigned to the route exception entry> :dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC
:lsn=<linkset name assigned to the route value specified in the previous step>
exception entry> :si=<service indicator value assigned
:si=<service indicator value assigned to to the route exception entry>
the route exception entry>

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with

these parameters:
Enter the
value specified in the previous step>
:si=<service indicator value assigned
to the route exception entry>
:lsn=<linkset name specified in the
previous step>

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 322: Removing a Route Exception Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1141

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Changing a Route Exception Entry

Enter the rtrv-rtx

Will more than two
entries containing the same
exception route criteria be No
assigned to the DPC of the
exception route?
(See the Note)


Are more than two

entries containing the same
No exception route criteria assigned Yes
to a DPC of an exception route
shown in the rtrv-rtx

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Is the 6-Way
Loadsharing on Routesets Yes
feature enabled and
turned on?


Perform the “Activating the

6-Way Loadsharing on
Routesets Feature” procedure To
in this chapter to enable and Sheet 2
turn on the 6-Way Loadsharing
on Routesets feature.

Note: The exception route criteria of an

exception route entry consists of the RC
value and either an OPC value, an SI
value, an ILSN value, a CIC value, or a
range of CIC values. The LSN value for
each entry must be different.

Sheet 1 of 8

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Is the LSN value No

From To
of the route execption entry
Sheet 1 Sheet 4
being changed?


From Enter the rtrv-ls

Sheet 3 command.

Is the new
Yes To
linkset shown in the
Sheet 3
rtrv-ls output?


Add the new linkset by performing one

of these procedures.
Configuring an IPGWx Linkset, Adding
an IPSG M2PA Linkset , or Adding an
IPSG M3UA Linkset in the Database
Administration Manual - IP7 Secure
Gateway for adding an IPGWx or IPSG To
linkset. Sheet 4
Adding an SS7 Linkset in this chapter
for adding an SS7 linkset.
Make sure that the new linkset meets
the criteria shown in the “Adding
Linksets for Exception Routes” section
in this procedure.

Sheet 2 of 8

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Is the DPC of
From Yes
the exception route an
Sheet 2


Enter the rtrv-ls command with

this parameter.
:lsn=<name of the new linkset>

Does the
new linkset meet the
criteria specified in the “Adding Yes To
Linksets for Exception Routes” Sheet 4
section in this


Do you wish to No
choose another

Add a new linkset by performing one of these

Yes procedures.
Configuring an IPGWx Linkset, Adding an IPSG
M2PA Linkset , or Adding an IPSG M3UA
Linkset in the Database Administration Manual
- IP7 Secure Gateway for adding an IPGWx or
Sheet 2
IPSG linkset.
Adding an SS7 Linkset in this chapter for
adding an SS7 linkset.
Make sure that the new linkset meets the
criteria shown in the “Adding Linksets for
Exception Routes” section in this procedure.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 8

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1144

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 5

What route
From exception criteria is CIC To
Sheets 2 assigned to the route
Sheet 6
or 3 exception table entry
being removed?

Sheet 8

Enter the chg-rtx command with

these parameters.
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value
assigned to the route exception entry>
:opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24=<OPC value
assigned to the route exception entry>
:lsn=<linkset name assigned to the route exception
If only the RC value is being changed, specify this
parameter without the nlsn parameter.
:rc=<new relative cost value - 0 - 99>
If only the linkset value is being changed, specify
this parameter without the rc parameter.
:nlsn=<new linkset name shown in the rtrv-ls
If the linkset and RC values are being changed,
specify the rc and nlsn parameters.

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with these parameters.

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value specified
in the previous step>
:opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24=<OPC value specified
in the previous step>
:lsn=<LSN value specified in the previous step>
Note: If the LSN value was changed in the previous
step, the lsn parameter value must be the nlsn
parameter value specified in the previous step.

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 8

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Sheet 4

Enter the chg-rtx command with

these parameters.
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value
assigned to the route exception entry>
:ilsn=<ILSN value assigned to the route exception
:lsn=<linkset name assigned to the route exception
If only the RC value is being changed, specify this
parameter without the nlsn parameter.
:rc=<new relative cost value - 0 - 99>
If only the linkset value is being changed, specify
this parameter without the rc parameter.
:nlsn=<new linkset name shown in the rtrv-ls
If the linkset and RC values are being changed,
specify the rc and nlsn parameters.

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with these parameters.

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value specified
in the previous step>
:ilsn=<ISLN value specified in the previous step>
:lsn=<LSN value specified in the previous step>
Note: If the LSN value was changed in the previous
step, the lsn parameter value must be the nlsn
parameter value specified in the previous step.

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 8

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Is an entry
From containing a range of Yes To
Sheet 4 entries being Sheet 7


Enter the chg-rtx command with

these parameters.
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value
assigned to the route exception entry>
:cic=<CIC value assigned to the route exception
:lsn=<linkset name assigned to the route exception
If only the RC value is being changed, specify this
parameter without the nlsn parameter.
:rc=<new relative cost value - 0 - 99>
If only the linkset value is being changed, specify
this parameter without the rc parameter.
:nlsn=<new linkset name shown in the rtrv-ls
If the linkset and RC values are being changed,
specify the rc and nlsn parameters.

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with these parameters.

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value specified
in the previous step>
:cic=<CIC value specified in the previous step>
:lsn=<LSN value specified in the previous step>
Note: If the LSN value was changed in the previous
step, the lsn parameter value must be the nlsn
parameter value specified in the previous step.

Enter the

Sheet 6 of 8

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Sheet 6

Enter the chg-rtx command with

these parameters.
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value
assigned to the route exception entry>
:cic=<CIC value assigned to the route exception
:ecic=<ECIC value assigned to the route exception
:lsn=<linkset name assigned to the route exception
If only the RC value is being changed, specify this
parameter without the nlsn parameter.
:rc=<new relative cost value - 0 - 99>
If only the linkset value is being changed, specify
this parameter without the rc parameter.
:nlsn=<new linkset name shown in the rtrv-ls
If the linkset and RC values are being changed,
specify the rc and nlsn parameters.

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with these parameters.

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value specified
in the previous step>
:cic=<CIC value specified in the previous step>
:ecic=<ECIC value assigned to the route exception
:lsn=<LSN value specified in the previous step>
Note: If the LSN value was changed in the previous
step, the lsn parameter value must be the nlsn
parameter value specified in the previous step.

Enter the

Sheet 7 of 8

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Sheet 4

Enter the chg-rtx command with

these parameters.
:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value
assigned to the route exception entry>
:si=<SI value assigned to the route exception
:lsn=<linkset name assigned to the route exception
If only the RC value is being changed, specify this
parameter without the nlsn parameter.
:rc=<new relative cost value - 0 - 99>
If only the linkset value is being changed, specify
this parameter without the rc parameter.
:nlsn=<new linkset name shown in the rtrv-ls
If the linkset and RC values are being changed,
specify the rc and nlsn parameters.

Enter the rtrv-rtx command with these parameters.

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24=<DPC value specified
in the previous step>
:si=<SI value specified in the previous step>
:lsn=<LSN value specified in the previous step>
Note: If the LSN value was changed in the previous
step, the lsn parameter value must be the nlsn
parameter value specified in the previous step.

Enter the

Sheet 8 of 8
Figure 323: Changing a Route Exception Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1149

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the Circular Route Auto-Recovery Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the Circular
No To
Route Auto-Recovery
Sheet 2
feature enabled?


Is the status of
The Circular Route Auto-Recovery
the Circular Route On
feature is enabled and turned on. No
further action is necessary.
feature on or off?


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1150

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Are any controlled
Yes 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows
From features shown in the
no other features, only the default
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
entry HC-MIM SLK Capacity
(See Note 1)
feature with a quantity of 64 is

No 2. If the serial number is locked, it

cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not
Enter the rtrv-serial-num locked, the controlled feature
command cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found
on a label affixed to the control
shelf (shelf 1100).

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 3
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)
This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial number
in the database. Contact the
Is the EAGLE
Is the EAGLE 5 Customer Care Center to get the
5 ISS's serial number No Yes
ISS's serial number correct serial number entered
in the database
locked? into the database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center” section
in Chapter 1 for the contact
Yes No

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial Enter the rtrv-serial-num
number> command

Is the EAGLE
To Yes 5 ISS's serial number No
Sheet 3 in the database

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1151

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<Circular Route Auto-Recovery feature
access key>
Note: If you do not have the feature access key for the
Circular Route Auto-Recovery feature, contact your
Tekelec sales representative or account representative .

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 324: Activating the Circular Route Auto-Recovery Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1152

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Turning Off the Circular Route Auto-Recovery Feature

Enter the

This procedure cannot be perfomed. To

Is the Circular Route turn the Circular Route Auto-Recovery
Auto-Recovery feature feature off, the Circular Route
enabled and on? Auto-Recovery feature must be
enabled and on.


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with

these parameters:
Caution: Circular Route Auto-Recovery
will not be performed if the Circular Route
Auto-Recovery feature is turned off.

Enter the

Enter the

Figure 325: Turning Off the Circular Route Auto-Recovery Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1153

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the Enhanced
Far-End Loopback No To
Detection feature Sheet 2


Is the status of The Enhanced Far-End Loopback

the Enhanced Far-End On Detection feature is enabled and
Loopback Detection turned on. No further action is
feature on or off? necessary.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1154

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Are any controlled
Yes 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows
From features shown in the
no other features, only the default
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
entry HC-MIM SLK Capacity
(See Note 1)
feature with a quantity of 64 is

No 2. If the serial number is locked, it

cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not
Enter the rtrv-serial-num locked, the controlled feature
command cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found
on a label affixed to the control
shelf (shelf 1100).

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 3
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)
This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial number
in the database. Contact the
Is the EAGLE
Is the EAGLE 5 Customer Care Center to get the
5 ISS's serial number No Yes
ISS's serial number correct serial number entered
in the database
locked? into the database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center” section
in Chapter 1 for the contact
Yes No

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial Enter the rtrv-serial-num
number> command

Is the EAGLE
To Yes 5 ISS's serial number No
Sheet 3 in the database

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1155

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection
feature access key>
Note: If you do not have the feature access key for the
Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection feature, contact
your Tekelec sales representative or account

Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with
these parameters:

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 326: Activating the Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1156

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Turning Off the Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection Feature

Enter the

This procedure cannot be

Is the Enhanced perfomed. To turn the Enhanced
Far-End Loopback No Far-End Loopback Detection
Detection feature feature off, the Enhanced Far-End
enabled and on? Loopback Detection feature must
be enabled and on.


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat

:status=off command
Caution: Enhanced Far-End Loopback
Detection is not performed if the
Enhanced Far-End Loopback
Detection feature is turned off.

Enter the

Enter the

Figure 327: Turning Off the Enhanced Far-End Loopback Detection Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1157

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the Multiple Linksets to Single Adjacent PC (MLS) Feature

Is the Multiple
Linksets to Single
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Yes
Adjacent PC (MLS)
feature enabled and
turned on?
No further action
No can be performed.

Is the Multiple
Enter the rtrv-feat No Linksets to Single Yes
command Adjacent PC (MLS)
feature enabled?

Is the Enter the chg-ctrl-feat

Multiple command with these
Point Code (MPC) parameters:
feature turned :partnum=893019701
on? :status=on
Enter the chg-feat
Yes command with this

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:
Sheet 2

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1158

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Are any controlled

No features shown in the Yes
rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is the Yes To
serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No To
in the database Sheet 3


1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only
the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
Enter the ent-serial-num quantity of 64, the answer to this
command with these parameters: question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial serial number must be verified. This is
number> the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat
:lock=yes output. This entry is shown whether or
not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in
the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot
be changed.
To 3. If the serial number is not locked, the
Sheet 4 controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1159

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2
This feature cannot be
enabled without the correct
serial number in the database.
Is the Contact the Customer Care
EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
serial number number entered into the
locked? database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
No contact information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No
in the database


Enter the ent-serial-num

command with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1160

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with these

:fak=<Multiple Linksets to Single Adjacent PC
(MLS) feature access key>
This feature cannot be enabled with a
temporary feature access key.
If you do not have the feature access key for
this feature, contact your Tekelec Sales
Representative or Account Representative.

Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with

these parameters:

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 328: Activating the Multiple Linksets to Single Adjacent PC (MLS) Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1161

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the ITU Linkset NI Mapping Options

This procedure can be

performed only on ITU-I or
Are ITU-I or ITU-N ITU-N linksets. If these types
Enter the rtrv-ls No
linksets shown in the of linksets are not shown in
rtrv-ls output? the rtrv-ls output, this
procedure cannot be

Enter the rtrv-ls command Yes

with this parameter:
:lsn = <the name of the ITU-I
or ITU-N linkset shown in the
rtrv-ls output>

The ICNIMAP and OGNIMAP columns

are shown in the rtrv-ls output only if the
ITU National and International Spare
Point Code Support feature is enabled.
and OGNIMAP columns No
Perform the “Activating the ITU National
shown in the previous
and International Spare Point Code
Support Feature” procedure in Chapter 2
of this manual to enable the ITU National
and International Spare Point Code
Yes Support feature.

Enter the chg-lsopts command with these parameters:

:lsn=<the name of the linkset that was displayed in the rtrv-ls
step with the lsn parameter>
:icnimap=<itui2ituis, ituis2itui, itun2ituns, ituns2itun, none>
:ognimap=<itui2ituis, ituis2itui, itun2ituns, ituns2itun, none>

Note: The network indicator mapping value for incoming

messages (icnimap) on the linkset must be compatible with the
network indicator mapping value for the outgoing messages on
the linkset (ognimap). For example, if the icnimap=itui2ituis
parameter is specified for the linkset, the ognimap=ituis2itui
parameter must be specified for the linkset. The Network
Indicator Mapping Rules table in this procedure shows the
relationship between the icnimap and ognimap parameter

Enter the rtrv-ls command with

this parameter.
:lsn=<the name of the linkset
specified in the chg-lsopts

Enter the

Figure 329: Configuring the ITU Linkset NI Mapping Options

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1162

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring the Option for Handling Message Priorities for Messages

Crossing into ITU-I and ITU-N Networks

Enter the rtrv-ss7opts


Enter the chg-ss7opts command with at

least one of these parameters:
:msgpri2itui=< dflt, 0 – 3 >
:msgpri2itun=< dflt, 0 – 3 >
The parameter values specified with the
chg-ss7opts command cannot be the same
as the values displayed in the rtrv-ss7opts

Enter the rtrv-ss7opts


Enter the

Figure 330: Configuring the Option for Handling Message Priorities for Messages Crossing into
ITU-I and ITU-N Networks

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1163

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the 6-Way Loadsharing on Routesets Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
6-Way Loadsharing on No To
Routesets feature Sheet 2


Is the status The 6-Way Loadsharing on

of the 6-Way Loadsharing on On Routesets feature is enabled
Routesets feature and turned on. No further
on or off? action is necessary.


Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Note: Once the 6-Way Loadsharing
on Routesets feature is turned on, it
cannot be turned off.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1164

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


Sheet 3

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
feature with a quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is the default entry
for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control
shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1165

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
From 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters.
Sheet 2 in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4

Is the EAGLE 5 Yes

ISS's serial number

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Enter the ent-serial-num
Center to get the correct serial
command with this parameter.
number entered into the
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
database. Refer to the
serial number>
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters.
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1166

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SS7 Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the controlled feature part Caution: If the 6-Way
number for the feature you wish to enable , contact Loadsharing on Routesets
your Tekelec sales representative or account feature is not turned on,
representative. provisioning for this feature
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled. cannot be performed and
only two routes to the same
DPC that have the same
relative cost value can be

Do you wish
to turn this feature on at Yes
this time? (See the
Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
No parameters.
Note: Once the 6-Way
Loadsharing on Routesets feature
is turned on, it cannot be turned
Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 331: Activating the 6-Way Loadsharing on Routesets Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1167


Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures that are used to configure the Point Code
• Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation and CIC Translation feature. These procedures are
Quantity.....1169 located in the Database Administration Manual - SS7.
• Adding a Point Code and CIC Translation
• Removing a Point Code and CIC Translation
• Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation
STP Option.....1175
• Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation
Linkset Option.....1176

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1168

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration

Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity

Is a point code Are any controlled

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat and CIC translation No features shown in the No
command. quantity currently rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
enabled? (See Note 1)

This is the maximum
number of point code
and CIC translations Less than
that can be enabled in 1000 1000
What is the To
the EAGLE 5 ISS. The
enabled quantity? Sheet 2
quantity cannot be
decreased. This
procedure cannot be
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Is the EAGLE
Is the EAGLE 5 ISS's serial number in
Yes 5 ISS's serial number No the database correct and is the Yes To
in the database serial number locked? Sheet 2
correct? (See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)
Enter the ent-serial-num
command with these No
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
This feature cannot be enabled without
serial number>
the correct serial number in the
:lock=yes Is the
Yes database. Contact the Customer Care
Center to get the correct serial number
serial number
entered into the database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center” section in
Chapter 1 for the contact information.
Sheet 2

Enter the ent-serial-num

Notes: command with this parameter. Enter the rtrv-serial-num
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct command.
1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only serial number>
the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
quantity of 64, the answer to this
question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s
serial number must be verified. This is
the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat Enter the ent-serial-num
output. This entry is shown whether or command with these Is the EAGLE
parameters. Yes 5 ISS's serial number
not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in
the database. :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's in the database
serial number> correct?
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot :lock=yes
be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the No
controlled feature cannot be enabled. To
4. The serial number can be found on a Sheet 2
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1169

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration

Sheet 1

Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.

:partnum=<point code and CIC translation quantity part number>
(See Notes 1 and 2)
:fak=<point code and CIC translation quantity feature access key>
(See Notes 3 and 4)
1. This list contains the part numbers for the point code and CIC
translation quantities that can be enabled.
Part Number Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity
893037201 25
893037202 50
893037203 75
893037204 100
893037205 150
893037206 200
893037207 250
893037208 1000
2. A point code and CIC translation quantity cannot be decreased.
3. A point code and CIC translation quantity cannot be enabled with
a temporary feature access key.
4. If you do not have the feature access key for the point code and
CIC translation quantity that you wish to enable, contact your
Tekelec Sales Representative or Account Representative .

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.
:partnum=<part number specified in
the enable-ctrl-feat command>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 332: Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1170

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration

Adding a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry

Enter the rtrv-pct


Will adding the Note: The term PCT refers to

new PCT translation entry No
the Point Code and CIC
exceed the enabled Translation feature .


Perform the “Changing the Point

Less than Code and CIC Translation Quantity”
What is the current 1000 procedure to enable a PCT
enabled quantity? translation quantity. The new
quantity must be greater than the
current enabled quantity.
No Are entries
displayed in the rtrv-pct
The EAGLE 5 ISS output?
can contain a
maximum of 1000
PCT translation Yes
entries. This
procedure cannot be To
performed. Sheet 2 There can be a maximum of 100 PCT entries
that use the same EPC value. There can be a
maximum of 100 PCT entries that use the
same REALPC value.
A maximum of 250 different EPC values can
be used in all the PCT entries that are
provisioned. A maximum of 250 different
REALPC values can be used in all the PCT
entries that are provisioned.

If the EAGLE 5 ISS contains 100 PCT entries that

contain the same EPC value, a different EPC value
must be used.
If the EAGLE 5 ISS contains 100 PCT entries that
contain the same REALPC value, a different REALPC Will adding the
value must be used. Yes new entry exceed the
If the EAGLE 5 ISS contains a maximum of 250 maximum quantities shown
different EPC values, the new entry must contain one in the previous step?
of these EPC values.
If the EAGLE 5 ISS contains a maximum of 250
different REALPC values, the new entry must contain No
one of these REALPC values.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1171

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration

Enter the rtrv-sid command.

From The new EPC, REALPC, or
Sheet 1 FILTPC values cannot be
shown in the rtrv-sid output.

Enter the rtrv-spc command.

The new EPC, REALPC, or Enter the rtrv-rte
FILTPC values cannot be command.
shown in the rtrv-spc output.

The REALPC value, and the FILTPC value if a

point code value is specified for the FILTPC
parameter, must be the DPC of a routeset that
contains at least one route.
The REALPC value must be a full point code and
cannot be a spare point code.
The FILTPC value can be a full point code , a
Are the required cluster point code, or a network routing point code
No point codes and routes and cannot be a spare point code.
shown in the
rtrv-rte output? The EPC, REALPC, and FILTPC values must be
the same network type, either ANSI, ITU-I, or a
Perform one of these 14-bit ITU-N point codes.
procedures to add the routes Yes If the 14-bit ITU-N point codes contain group
with the required point code codes, the group codes of the EPC, REALPC, and
values. FILTPC values must be the same .
Adding a Route Containing None of the point code values can be a private
an SS7 DPC point code.
Adding a Route Containing a
Cluster Point Code
Adding a Route Containing
an IPGWx Linkset

Enter the ent-pct command with these mandatory

:epc/epca/epci/epcn = <emulated point code value>
:realpc/realpca/realpci/realpcn = <real point code value>
and with any of these optional parameters.
:filtpc/filtpca/filtpcifiltpcn = <filter point code value, or *>,
Default value = * Enter the
rtrv-pct command with the
:si = <0, 3, 4, 5, 13, *>, Default value = * parameters and values that were
:ssn = <0 – 255, *>, Default value = * specified with the ent-pct
:ecics = See Note 1 on Sheet 3, Default value = * command.

:ecice = See Note 1 on Sheet 3, Default value = *

:rcics = See Note 1 on Sheet 3, Default value = *
:rcice = See Note 1 on Sheet 3, Default value = * Enter the
:relcause = < 0 – 127>, Default value = 0 chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
See the Notes on Sheet 3.

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1172

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration

1. The value of the ecics/ecice and rcics/rcice parameters is dependent on the value of the si parameter.
If the si value is 4, the value of the ecics/ecice and rcics/rcice parameters is 0 – 4095 or *.
If the si value is 5 and the entry contains ITU point codes, the value of the ecics/ecice and rcics/rcice parameters is
0 – 4095 or *.
If the si value is 5 and the entry contains ANSI point codes, the value of the ecics/ecice and rcics/rcice parameters
is 0 – 16383 or *.
If the si value is 13, the value of the ecics/ecice and rcics/rcice parameters is 0 – 4294967295 or *.
2. If the ssn parameter is specified, the si value must be specified with the value 3.
3. If the ecics/ecice and rcics/rcice parameters are specified, the si parameter must be specified with the values 4, 5, or
4. The epc/epca/epci/epcn parameter value must be a full point code and cannot be a spare point code.
5. If the relcause parameter is specified, the si parameter value must be 5 or 13, and the ecics parameter must be
6. If a range of emulated CIC values is specified, the ecics and ecice parameters must be specified. The ecice
parameter value must be equal to or greater than the ecics parameter value.
7. If a range of real CIC values is specified, the rcics and rcice parameters must be specified. The rcice parameter value
must be equal to or greater than the rcics parameter value.
8. If the ecice parameter is specified, the ecics parameter must be specified.
9. If the rcice parameter is specified, the rcics parameter must be specified.
10. If the rcics parameter is specified, the ecics parameter must be specified.
11. If the ecics, ecice, and rcics parameters are specified, the rcice parameter must be specified.
12. If the ecics, rcics, and rcice parameters are specified, the ecice parameter must be specified.
13. If a range of emulated CIC and real CIC values are specified, the difference between the ECICS and ECICE values
must be the same as the difference between the RCICS and RCICE values. Where CIC translations are not applied
uniformly across a trunk group, it is recommended that the CIC should be provisioned in ranges such that a trunk is
not split across PCT translations.
14. If the epc/epca/epci/epcn parameter value is equal to the realpc/realpca/realpci/realpcn parameter value, the range
of emulated CIC values cannot be the same as the range of real CIC values.
15. Duplicate values for these key combinations are not allowed .
epc/epca/epci/epcn + filtpc/filtpca/filtpci/filtpcn + si + ssn/(ecics/ecice)
realpc/realpca/realpci/realpcn + filtpc/filtpca/filtpci/filtpcn + si + ssn/(rcics/rcice)
16. Only one filter point code value can be specified with the PCT entry, either an ANSI filter point code (filtpc/filtpca), an
ITU-I filter point code (filtpci), or a 14-bit ITU-N filter point code (filtpcn).
17. If the si parameter value is 0 or wildcard (*), only the epc/epca/epci/epcn, realpc/realpca/realpci/realpcn, or filtpc/
filtpca/filtpci/filtpcn parameters can be specified.
18. The value * is a wildcard value. The wildcard value indicates that the parameter is not part of the key to find the
matching translation.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 333: Adding a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1173

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration

Removing a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry

Enter the
rtrv-pct command.

Are entries No This procedure cannot

shown in the rtrv-pct
be performed.


Enter the dlt-pct command with the values for these

parameters shown in the rtrv-pct output that correspond to
the point code and CIC translation entry that is being
:epc/epca = <value in the EPCA column>
:epci = <value in the EPCI column>
:epcn = <value in the EPCN column>
:realpc/realpca = <value in the REALPCA column>
:realpci = <value in the REALPCI column>
:realpcn = <value in the REALPCN column>
:filtpc/filtpca = <value in the FILTPCA column >
:filtpci = <value in the FILTPCI column >
:filtpcn = <value in the FILTPCN column >
:si = <value in the SI column>
:ssn = <value in the SSN column>
:ecics = <value in the ECICS field>
:ecice = <value in the ECICE field>
:rcics = <value in the RCICS field>
:rcice = <value in the RCICE field>
The values for these parameters must be entered as
shown in the rtrv-pct output. If dashes are shown in a
field or column, the field or column entry has no value
and the parameter that corresponds to that field or
column cannot be specified with the dlt-pct command.

Enter the
rtrv-pct command with the Enter the
parameters and values that were chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
specified with the dlt-pct command.

Figure 334: Removing a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1174

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration

Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation STP Option

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Perform the “Changing the Point

Code and CIC Translation Quantity”
Is a PCT No procedure to enable a PCT (point
quantity enabled? code and CIC translation) quantity.
The PCT STP option value is set to
the default value off.

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Enter the chg-stpopts command with

this parameter.
:pct=<on, off, lset>
The pct parameter value must be
different from the current pct
parameter value.

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Enter the

Figure 335: Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation STP Option

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1175

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration

Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation Linkset Option

Perform the “Changing the Point

Code and CIC Translation Quantity”
procedure to enable a PCT (point
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Is a PCT No code and CIC translation) quantity.
command. quantity enabled? The PCT value for all linksets is set
to the default value off and the PCT
STP option value is set to the
Yes default value off.

Enter the rtrv-ls


Enter the chg-lsopts command with

these parameters.
Enter the rtrv-ls command :lsn=<the name of the linkset that
with this parameter. was displayed in the rtrv-ls step with
:lsn = <the name of the the lsn parameter>
linkset shown in the rtrv-ls :pct=<on, off>
output> The pct parameter value must be
different from the current pct
parameter value.

Enter the rtrv-ls command with

The pct parameter value will have
this parameter.
no effect on the linkset’s traffic
:lsn=<the name of the linkset
unless the PCT value shown in
specified in the chg-lsopts
the rtrv-stpopts output is lset.

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


Do you wish Perform the “Configuring

What is the on or
to change the value Yes the Point Code and CIC
value of the PCT field off
of the PCT field in the Translation STP Option”
shown in the rtrv-stpopts
rtrv-stpopts output procedure to change the
to lset? PCT value to lset.

lset No

Enter the

Figure 336: Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation Linkset Option

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1176


E1 Interface Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures used to configure the E1 interface. These
• Adding a LIM-E1 Card.....1178 procedures are located in the Database Administration
• Removing a LIM-E1 Card.....1182 Manual - SS7.
• Adding Channelized and non-Channel Bridged E1
• Adding Channel Bridged E1 Ports.....1190
• Adding Unchannelized E1 Ports.....1196
• Removing the E1 Interface Parameters.....1206
• Changing the Attributes of a Channelized E1
• Changing the Attributes of an Unchannelized E1
• Making a Channel Bridged E1 Port from a
Channelized E1 Port.....1213
• Making a Non-Channel Bridged E1 Port from a
Channel Bridged E1 Port.....1219
• Adding an E1 Signaling Link.....1221

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1177

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Adding a LIM-E1 Card

Enter the Note: The part numbers for

rtrv-card command the E1 cards are shown in the
E1 Card Part Numbers table
in this procedure.

Verify that the E1

interface hardware has
been installed.

Has the E1 Go to the Installation

interface hardware been Manual and install
installed? the E1 hardware


Is the E1 card
being provisioned in this Yes
procedure an HC MIM?
(See the Note)

Verify that the E1 card has been

No installed into an odd numbered card
location according to the HC MIM Card
Locations table in this procedure.
Verify that the E1 card has been
installed into desired card location. If a card is installed and provisioned in
the even numbered card location
For any E1 card provisioned as a adjacent to the desired odd numbered
channel card, the channel card must card, either choose another card
be installed in the same shelf as the E1 location to install and provision the HC
card that will be servicing the timeslots MIM, or remove the card in the even-
on that channel card. numbered card location by performing
The E5-E1T1 card cannot be added to the appropriate procedure shown in the
the database as a channel card Card Removal Procedures table in this
(LIMCH). procedure.
The HC MIM cannot be added to the
database as a channel card (LIMCH).

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1178

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the
card you are Enter the
installing an E5-E1-B rtrv-stpopts command.
or E5-T1-B

Refer to "Configuring
To Is the MFC option No the MFC Option”
Sheet turned on? procedure to turn on the
3 MFC option.


Enter the
No Is the Fan
chg-feat command
feature turned
with this parameter.


Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the E5-E1-B or
E5-T1-B card?

Have the fans Yes
been installed? 3


Refer to the Installation Manual and

install the fans on the shelf containing
E5-E1-B or E5-T1-B card.
Note: The fans must be installed and
working properly before an E5-E1-B or
E5-T1-B card can be installed in the

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1179

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Which card (See Note) To
type is being added to
Sheet 4
the database?

LIME1 Note: The HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card

cannot be added to the database as
a channel card (LIMCH).

Which application CCS7ITU

is being assigned to the


Enter the Enter the

ent-card:loc=<card location> ent-card:loc=<card location>
:type=lime1:appl=ss7ansi :type=lime1:appl=ccs7itu
command command

Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<card location specified in
the ent-card command> command

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1180

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Which application
is being assigned to the

Enter the Enter the

ent-card:loc=<card location> ent-card:loc=<card location>
:type=limch:appl=ss7ansi :type=limch:appl=ccs7itu
command command

Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<card location specified in
the ent-card command> command

Enter the

Sheeet 4 of 4
Figure 337: Adding a LIM-E1 Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1181

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Removing a LIM-E1 Card

Enter the rtrv-card


Enter the
Which card type is LIMCH Only rtrv-slk command with this parameter:
being removed from the
:loc=<card location of the LIMCH being

LIME1 Go to the "Removing an SS7 Signaling

Link" procedure in Chapter 3, "SS7
Configuration," and remove the signaling
Enter the
link assigned to the channel card
rtrv-e1 command

Enter the Enter the

rtrv-e1 command with these parameters: dlt-card:loc=<location of LIMCH
:loc=<card location of the LIME1 being being removed> command
:e1port=<e1port value assigned to the LIME1
being removed>

Go to the "Removing an E1 Interface"

procedure and remove the signaling
links and timeslots serviced by the E1
card being removed from the database

Enter the
Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<location of the
dlt-card:loc=<location of LIME1
LIME1 or LIMCH that was
being removed> command
removed> command

Enter the

Figure 338: Removing a LIM-E1 Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1182

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Adding Channelized and non-Channel Bridged E1 Ports

Enter the rtrv-e1

Sheet 2

Is E1 port to be
Yes assigned to an E1 card No To
shown in the rtrv-e1 output? Sheet 3
(See Note 1)

Does the E1 card No To

contain channel bridged
Sheet 2
E1 ports?

Are all the
The E1 card is either an E1 ports on the E1 No
HC MIM or an E5-E1T1 card assigned to the E1
card card? (See Notes 2,
and 3)


Do you wish to No more E1 ports can

choose another card in the be assigned to the E1
rtrv-e1 output? card.

To HC MIM or
E5-E1T1 What type of E1
Sheet 3 card is the E1 port being
added to?

To To
Sheet 5 Sheet 4

1. E1 ports assigned in this procedure cannot be assigned to an E1 card
containing unchannelized E1 ports.
2. The E1/T1 MIM can have only E1 ports 1 and 2 assigned to it.
3. The HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card can have E1 ports 1 through 8 assigned to it.

Sheet 1 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1183

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Are E1 ports 3, 4,
From No
5, 6, 7, or 8 assigned to
Sheet 1
the E1 card?


Verify the type of the E1 card. The E1

card can be one of three types.
Card Type Part Number
E1/T1 MIM 870-2198-XX
HC MIM 870-2671-XX
E5-E1T1 870-1873-XX

Are all the

E1 ports on the E1 No more E1 ports can
card assigned to the E1 be assigned to the E1
card? (See the card.


Do you wish to No
choose another card in the
rtrv-e1 output?

E1/T1 Yes To
What type of E1 MIM Sheet 3
card is the E1 port being
added to?
Sheet 1

To To
Sheet 5 Sheet 4

1. The E1/T1 MIM can have only E1 ports 1 and 2 assigned to it.
2. The HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card can have E1 ports 1 through 8 assigned to it.

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1184

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-card


Perform the “ Adding a LIM-E1

Card” procedure in this appendix
and add a new E1 card to the
Is the desired E1 database.
card shown in the rtrv-card If you wish to assign E1 ports 3,
output? 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 to the E1 card, the
new E1 card must be an HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card. The new E1
card cannot be a channel card.

Verify the type of the E1 card. The E1

card can be one of three types.
Card Type Part Number
E1/T1 MIM 870-2198-XX What type of E1 E1/T1 MIM
HC MIM 870-2671-XX card was added?
E5-E1T1 870-1873-XX


What type of E1 E5-E1T1 To
card is the E1 port being
Sheet 5
added to?

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1185

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 1,
2, or 3

Enter the Notes:

ent-e1 command with these mandatory 1. Channel cards (LIMCH card types)
parameters: cannot be specified with the ent-e1
:loc=<location of E1 card> command.
:e1port=<E1 ports 1 or 2>
2. If the cas=on parameter is
and with any of these optional specified, timeslot 16 cannot be used
parameters: when provisioning the E1 signaling
:crc4=<on, off> link in the "Adding an E1 Signaling
:cas=<on, off> Link" procedure.
:encode=<ami, hdb3>
:e1tsel=<line, external> 3. To configure the E 1 interface for
:si=<0 - 3> master timing, use the e1tsel=external
:sn=<0-31> parameter.
(See the Notes) 4. The linkclass=chan parameter
configures a channelized E1 port.
Specifying the linkclass=chan
parameter in this procedure is not
Enter the necessary as this is the default value
rtrv-e1 command with these parameters: for the linkclass parameter.
:loc=<card location specified in the ent-e1
:e1port=<e1port value specified in the
ent-e1 command>

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1186

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 1,
2, or 3

Are E1 ports 3
through 8, channel bridged E1
ports, or unchannelized E1 ports, shown
Yes To
in the rtrv-e1 output on Sheet 1, shown on E1
Sheet 7
cards that are on the same shelf as the
card being used in
this procedure?


Enter the

cards installed in
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

No Enter the

cards installed in
No Yes
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

Go to the Installation Manual

and install the HIPR or HIPR2 To
cards in the shelf containing Sheet 6
the HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card

Sheet 5 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1187

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Will the E1
Yes No To
interface be assigned to
Sheet 7
an HC MIM card?

Is the Fan
Enter the Yes
feature turned
rtrv-feat command


Enter the

Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the HC MIM

No Have the fans Yes

been installed?

Go to the Installation Manual and install

the fans on the shelf containing the
Note: The fans must be installed and Sheet 7
working properly before an HC MIM
can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 6 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1188

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 5
or 6

Enter the Notes:

ent-e1 command with these mandatory 1. Channel cards (LIMCH card types)
parameters: cannot be specified with the ent-e1
:loc=<location of E1 card> command.
:e1port=<E1 port 1 - 8> 2. To configure the E 1 interface for
and with any of these optional master timing, use the e1tsel=external
parameters: parameter.
:crc4=<on, off>
3. The linkclass=chan parameter
configures a channelized E1 port.
:encode=<ami, hdb3>
Specifying the linkclass=chan
:e1tsel=<line, external>
parameter in this procedure is not
:si=<0 - 3>
necessary as this is the default value
for the linkclass parameter.
(See the Notes)

Enter the
rtrv-e1 command with these parameters:
:loc=<card location specified in the ent-e1
:e1port=<e1port value specified in the
ent-e1 command>

Enter the

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 339: Adding Channelized and non-Channel Bridged E1 Ports

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1189

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Adding Channel Bridged E1 Ports

Enter the rtrv-card


Perform the “Adding an

Are E1 cards
No E1 Card” procedure in this
shown in the rtrv-card
appendix to add an HC
MIM or an E5-E1T1 card.


Enter the rtrv-e1


Does the card Yes To

have any E1 ports
Sheet 2
assigned to it?


Verify that the E1 card is an

HC MIM or an E5-E1T1 card.
An HC MIM has the part
number 870-2671-XX
assigned to it.
An E5-E1T1 has the part
number 870-1873-XX
assigned to it.

Is the card an Yes To

HC MIM or an
Sheet 3
E5-E1T1 card?

No Perform the “Adding an

E1 Card” procedure in
this appendix and add an
Sheet 4
HC MIM or an E5-E1T1

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1190

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Both unchannelized E1
ports and channel bridged
E1 ports cannot be
Are these E1 ports Yes assigned to the same E1
unchannelized? card.
Go to the beginning of
this procedure and
choose another E1 card.

Are E1 ports 3, 4, Yes

5, 6, 7, or 8 assigned to
the E1 card?

Are any of the E1 Yes
ports on the E1 card
channel bridged?
Verify that the E1 card is an
HC MIM or an E5-E1T1 card. No
An HC MIM has the part
number 870-2671-XX
assigned to it.
An E5-E1T1 has the part
number 870-1873-XX
assigned to it.

Is the card an Yes To

HC MIM or an
Sheet 3
E5-E1T1 card?

Perform the “Adding an

No E1 Card” procedure in
this appendix and add an
Sheet 4
HC MIM or an E5-E1T1

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1191

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the rtrv-slk command

with this parameter:

Was a new
HC MIM or an Yes
E5-E1T1 card added
on Sheet 1?


Is the even
numbered E1 port No
to be channel bridged
assigned to signaling


Peform the "Removing an SS7

Signaling Link" procedure in
Chapter 3 of this manual and To
remove the signaling links Sheet 4
assigned to the even numbered
E1 port to be channel bridged.

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1192

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 1,
2, or 3

Are E1 ports 3
through 8, channel bridged E1
ports, or unchannelized E1 ports, shown
Yes To
in the rtrv-e1 output on Sheet 1, shown on E1
Sheet 7
cards that are on the same shelf as the
card being used in
this procedure?


Enter the

cards installed in
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

No Enter the

cards installed in
No Yes
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

Go to the Installation Manual

and install the HIPR or HIPR2 To
cards in the shelf containing Sheet 6
the HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1193

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 4

Will the E1
Yes No To
interface be assigned to
Sheet 6
an HC MIM card?

Is the Fan
Enter the Yes
feature turned
rtrv-feat command


Enter the

Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the HC MIM

No Have the fans Yes

been installed?

Go to the Installation Manual and install

the fans on the shelf containing the
Note: The fans must be installed and Sheet 6
working properly before an HC MIM
can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1194

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 4
or 5

Enter the ent-e1 command with these

mandatory parameters:
:loc=<location of E1 card>
:e1port=<E1 port 1, 3, 5, or 7>
:e1tsel=<external, recovered>
and with any of these optional
:crc4=<on, off>
:encode=<ami, hdb3>
:si=<0 - 3>
(See the Notes)

Enter the rtrv-e1 command with these

:loc=<card location specified in the ent-e1
:e1port=<e1port value specified in the
ent-e1 command>

Enter the

1. Channel cards (LIMCH card types) cannot be specified with
the ent-e1 command.
2. To configure the E 1 interface for master timing, use the
e1tsel=external parameter.
3. The linkclass=chan parameter configures a channelized E1
port. Specifying the linkclass=chan parameter in this procedure
is not necessary as this is the default value for the linkclass
4. The force=yes parameter must be specified if the even
numbered E1 port that will be channel bridged is already
provisioned in the database.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 340: Adding Channel Bridged E1 Ports

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1195

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Adding Unchannelized E1 Ports

Enter the rtrv-card

Sheets 2,
3, or 4

Are E1 cards
shown in the rtrv-card


Perform the “Adding an E1

Enter the rtrv-e1 Card” procedure in this
command appendix and add an HC
MIM or an E5-E1T1 card.

Does the
rtrv-e1 output contain
the maximum number of Yes This procedure cannot
unchannelized E1 be performed.
ports? (See the


Was an E1
No To
card added in this
Sheet 2


Note: The maximum number of

unchannelized E1 ports is shown
To in the SE-HSL Signaling Link
Sheet 5 Capacity Part Numbers table in
this procedure.

Sheet 1 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1196

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Does the E1 card Yes To

have any E1 ports
Sheet 3
assigned to it?


Verify that the E1 card is an

HC MIM or an E5-E1T1 card.
An HC MIM has the part number
870-2671-XX assigned to it.
An E5-E1T1 card has the part number
870-1873-XX assigned to it.

Is the E1 card Do you wish

No Yes
an HC MIM or an to select another
E5-E1T1 card? card?

Yes No To
Sheet 1

Perform the “Adding an

E1 Card” procedure in
this appendix and add
Sheet 5
an HC MIM or an
E5-E1T1 card.

Sheet 2 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1197

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Are the E1 No To
ports on the E1 card
Sheet 4


Unchannelized E1 ports
cannot be added to an
E1 card containing
channelized E1 ports.

Are all the E1

ports shown in the rtrv-e1 Yes
output on Sheet 1


Perform the “Adding an E1

Do you wish No Card” procedure in this
to select another
appendix and add an HC
MIM or an E5-E1T1 card.


To To
Sheet 1 Sheet 5

Sheet 3 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1198

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 3

The E1 card is an HC
The E1 ports
MIM. This unchannelized
assigned to this card
E1 port cannot be
are unchannelized. How 2
assigned to this E1 card.
many unchannelized E1 ports
An HC MIM can contain
are assigned to this
a maximum of 2
E1 card?
unchannelized E1 ports.

Verify that the E1 card is an

HC MIM or an E5-E1T1 card.
An HC MIM has the part number
870-2671-XX assigned to it.
An E5-E1T1 card has the part
number 870-1873-XX assigned
to it.

This unchannelized E1
E5-E1T1 port cannot be assigned
Is the E1 card Card to this E1 card.
an HC MIM or an
An E5-E1T1 can contain
E5-E1T1 card?
only 1 unchannelized E1

Do you wish
to select another

Perform the “Adding an E1 Yes

To Card” procedure in this
Sheet 5 appendix and add an HC
MIM or an E5-E1T1 card. To
Sheet 1

Sheet 4 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1199

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows no other
Sheets 1,
features, only the default entry HC-MIM SLK
2, 3, or 4
Capacity feature with a quantity of 64 is shown.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat 3. If the serial number is not locked, the
command controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label
affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Is an Yes To
SE-HSL SLK quantity
Sheet 7


Are any
controlled features shown No
in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)

Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Yes command

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
To Yes the database correct and is the
Sheet 7 serial number locked?
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1200

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number Yes
in the database

This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial number in
the database. Contact the
Is the EAGLE 5 Customer Care Center to get the
ISS's serial number correct serial number entered into
locked? the database. Refer to the
"Customer Care Center” section in
Chapter 1 for the contact

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No
in the database

Enter the ent-serial-num

Yes command with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial

Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1201

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

From From
Sheet 5 Sheet 6

Will the addition

of the new unchannelized Yes
E1 port exceed the enabled
Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command
with these parameters:
:partnum=<SE-HSL SLK Capacity part
number desired quantity – refer to the
SE-HSL Signaling Link Capacity Part
Numbers table in this procedure for the
part number>
:fak=<SE-HSL SLK Capacity feature
access key>
Note: If you do not have the feature
access key for the SE-HSL SLK
Capacity feature, contact your Tekelec
sales representative or account

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:
:partnum=<SE-HSL SLK Capacity
Sheet 8
part number specified in the
enable-ctrl-feat command>

Sheet 7 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1202

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 5
or 7

Are E1 ports 3
through 8, channel bridged E1
ports, or unchannelized E1 ports, shown
Yes To
in the rtrv-e1 output on Sheet 1, shown on E1
Sheet 10
cards that are on the same shelf as the
card being used in
this procedure?


Enter the

cards installed in
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

No Enter the

cards installed in
No Yes
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

Go to the Installation Manual

and install the HIPR or HIPR2 To
cards in the shelf containing Sheet 9
the HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card

Sheet 8 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1203

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 8

Will the E1
Yes No To
interface be assigned to
Sheet 10
an HC MIM card?

Is the Fan
Enter the Yes
feature turned
rtrv-feat command


Enter the

Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the HC MIM

No Have the fans Yes

been installed?

Go to the Installation Manual and install

the fans on the shelf containing the
Note: The fans must be installed and Sheet 10
working properly before an HC MIM
can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 9 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1204

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 8
or 9

Enter the ent-e1 command with these

mandatory parameters:
:loc=<location of E1 card>
:e1port=<E1 port 1 - 8>
and with any of these optional parameters:
:crc4=<on, off>
:encode=<ami, hdb3>
:e1tsel=<line, external>
:si=<0 - 3>
:sn=<0 - 31>
:minsurate=<500 - 2000>
Note: To configure the E 1 port for master
timing, use the e1tsel=external parameter.

Enter the rtrv-e1 command with

these parameters:
:loc=<card location specified in
the ent-e1 command>
:e1port=<e1port value specified in
the ent-e1 command>

Enter the

Sheet 10 of 10
Figure 341: Adding Unchannelized E1 Ports

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1205

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Removing the E1 Interface Parameters

Enter the rtrv-e1


Is the even
Is the E1 Port Yes numbered E1 port channel Yes
an even numbered
bridged to its master


Even numbered E1 ports cannot be

Enter the rtrv-e1 command with these specified in this procedure. The master
parameters: E1 port (the odd numbered E1 port) must
:loc=<E1 card location> be removed to remove the even
e1port=<E1 port being removed> numbered E1 port. Perform the dlt-e1
command specifying the master E1 port.

Go to the "Removing an SS7

Does the rtrv-e1
Signaling Link" procedure in
output show any timeslots Yes
Chapter 3, "SS7 Configuration,"
that are serviced by this E1
and remove the signaling links and
timeslots serviced by the E1 port


Enter the
dlt-e1 command with these parameters:
:loc=<E1 card location>
:e1port=<E1 port on the E1 card>

Enter the rtrv-e1 command command with

these parameters:
:loc=<card location used in the dlt-e1
:e1port=<E1 port used in the dlt-e1

Enter the

Figure 342: Removing the E1 Interface Parameters

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1206

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Changing the Attributes of a Channelized E1 Port

Enter the rtrv-e1


Are any channelized

No This procedure cannot
be performed.
shown in the rtrv-e1 output?


Are the values

No Only the si or sn
of any of these parameters to
parameter values can
be changed: encode, e1tsel,
be changed.
crc4, or cas?

Sheet 2
Enter the rtrv-e1 command with these
:loc<E1 card location>
:e1port=<E1 port on E1 card> Yes

Enter the rtrv-slk command Are the signaling links

with this parameter. serviced by the E1 port out of
:loc<E1 card location> service?

Enter the rept-stat-slk
command with these
parameters. Enter the dact-slk
:loc<E1 card location> command with these
:link=<E1 signaling link> parameters.
Repeat this step for each :loc<E1 card location>
signaling link shown in the :link=<E1 signaling link>
rtrv-slk output that is serviced Repeat this step for each
by the E1 port. signaling link shown in the
rept-stat-slk output that is
not out of service.

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1207

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the E1 port Yes

channel bridged?


The E1 card is
Are E1 ports 3, 4, Yes either an HC MIM To
5, 6, 7, or 8 assigned to
or an E5-E1T1 Sheet 4
the card?

No Verify the type of the E1 card. The E1

card can be one of four types. The
part number of the card is shown in
Enter the rtrv-stp command the rtrv-stp output.
with this parameter. Card Type Part Number
:type=lime1 LIM-E1 870-1379-XX
E1/T1 MIM 870-2198-XX
HC MIM 870-2671-XX
E5-E1T1 870-1873-XX

card What type of
card is the E1
Sheet 4

LIM-E1 or

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1208

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Is the card a
LIM-E1 or E1/T1

Enter the Enter the

chg-e1 command with these chg-e1 command with these
mandatory parameters: mandatory parameters:
:loc=<E1 card location> :loc=<E1 card location>
:e1port=<E1 port being :e1port=<E1 port being
changed> changed>
and with at least one of these and with at least one of these
optional parameters. optional parameters.
:e1tsel=<line, external> :e1tsel=<line, external>
:cas=<on, off> :cas=<on, off>
:crc4=<on, off> :crc4=<on, off>
:encode=<ami, hdb3> :encode=hdb3
:si=<0 - 3> :si=<0 - 3>
:sn=<0-31> :sn=<0-31>

Note: If timeslot 16 is being Note: If timeslot 16 is being

used for the signaling link used for the signaling link
assigned to the E1 port being assigned to the E1 port being
changed, the cas value must be changed, the cas value must be
off. off.

Enter the rtrv-e1 command with these

:loc=<card location specified in the
chg-e1 command>
:e1port=<e1port value specified in the
chg-e1 command>

Were any signaling links

Yes No
serviced by the E1 card

Enter the act-slk command

with these parameters.
:loc<E1 card location> Enter the
:link=<E1 signaling link> chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Perform this step for each command
signaling link that was

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1209

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the
chg-e1 command with these mandatory
:loc=<E1 card location>
:e1port=<E1 port being changed>
and with any of these optional
:e1tsel=<line, recovered, external>
:crc4=<on, off>
:encode=<ami, hdb3>
:si=<0 - 3>
1. If the E1 port being changed is channel
bridged (the entry MASTER is shown in
the CHANBRDG column for the odd
numbered E1 port in the rtrv-e1 output.),
the e1port values must be either 1, 3, 5, Enter the rtrv-e1 command with these
or 7, and the e1tsel value must be parameters:
external or recovered. :loc=<card location specified in the
2. If the E1 port is not channel bridged, chg-e1 command>
the e1tsel value recovered cannot be :e1port=<e1port value specified in the
used. chg-e1 command>

Were any signaling links

serviced by the E1 card

Enter the act-slk command
with these parameters.
:loc<E1 card location> Enter the
:link=<E1 signaling link> chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Perform this step for each command
signaling link that was

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 343: Changing the Attributes of a Channelized E1 Port

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1210

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Changing the Attributes of an Unchannelized E1 Port

Enter the rtrv-e1


Are any unchannelized

No This procedure cannot
be performed.
shown in the rtrv-e1 output?


Are the values Only the si, sn, or

of any of these parameters to No minsurate parameter
be changed: encode, e1tsel, values can be
crc4, or cas? changed.

Sheet 2
Enter the rtrv-slk command
with this parameter.
:loc<E1 card location>

Enter the rept-stat-slk

command with these Are the signaling links
parameters. serviced by the E1 port out of
:loc<E1 card location> service?
:link=<E1 signaling link>
Repeat this step for each
signaling link shown in the
rtrv-slk output.

Enter the dact-slk

command with these
:loc<E1 card location>
:link=<E1 signaling link>
Repeat this step for each
signaling link shown in the
rept-stat-slk output that is
not out of service.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1211

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the
chg-e1 command with these
mandatory parameters:
:loc=<E1 card location>
:e1port=<E1 port being
Enter the rtrv-e1 command with these
and with at least one of these
:loc=<card location specified in the
optional parameters.
chg-e1 command>
:e1tsel=<line, external>
:e1port=<e1port value specified in the
chg-e1 command>
:crc4=<on, off>
:encode=<ami, hdb3>
:si=<0 - 3>

Were any signaling links

serviced by the E1 card

Enter the act-slk command
with these parameters.
:loc<E1 card location> Enter the
:link=<E1 signaling link> chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Perform this step for each command
signaling link that was

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 344: Changing the Attributes of an Unchannelized E1 Port

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1212

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Making a Channel Bridged E1 Port from a Channelized E1 Port

Enter the rtrv-e1 Note: A channelized E1 port is shown

command by the entry CHAN in the LINKCLASS
column of the rtrv-e1 output. The odd
numbered E1 port is not channel
bridged if dashes are shown in the
CHANBRDG column for the odd
numbered E1 port in the rtrv-e1 output.

Are any odd numbered

channelized E1 ports that are not No This procedure cannot
channel bridged shown in the be performed.
rtrv-e1 output?

Yes Does the

E1 card contain Yes
channel bridged E1

No The E1 card is
either an HC MIM
or an E5-E1T1

Are E1 ports 3, 4, Yes

5, 6, 7, or 8 assigned to To
the card? Sheet 2

Verify the type of the E1 card. The E1
card can be one of three types. The
part number of the card is shown in
Enter the rtrv-stp command the rtrv-stp output.
with this parameter.
Card Type Part Number
E1/T1 MIM 870-2198-XX
HC MIM 870-2671-XX
E5-E1T1 870-1873-XX

Only E1 ports on HC MIMs or

E5-E1T1 cards can be channel
Choose another E1 port on another E1/T1 MIM What type of
HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card and repeat card is the E1
this procedure from the beginning. card?
If no HC MIMs or E5-E1T1 cards are
present in the EAGLE 5 ISS, this HC MIM or
procedure cannot be performed. E5-E1T1 card

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1213

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Are the values Only the chanbrdg, si,

of any of these parameters to No or sn parameter
be changed: encode, e1tsel, values can be
crc4, or cas? changed.

Sheet 3
Enter the rtrv-e1 command with these
:loc<E1 card location>
:e1port=<E1 port on E1 card>

Enter the rtrv-slk command

with this parameter.
:loc<E1 card location>

Enter the rept-stat-slk
command with these
Are the signaling links
:loc<E1 card location>
serviced by the E1 port out of
:link=<E1 signaling link>
Repeat this step for each
signaling link shown in the
rtrv-slk output.

Enter the dact-slk

command with these
:loc<E1 card location>
:link=<E1 signaling link>
Repeat this step for each
signaling link shown in the
rept-stat-slk output that is
not out of service.

Sheet 2 of 6

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Are E1 ports 3
through 8, channel bridged E1
ports, or unchannelized E1 ports, shown
Yes To
in the rtrv-e1 output on Sheet 1, shown on E1
Sheet 5
cards that are on the same shelf as the
card being used in
this procedure?


Enter the

cards installed in
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

No Enter the

cards installed in
No Yes
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

Go to the Installation Manual

and install the HIPR or HIPR2 To
cards in the shelf containing Sheet 4
the HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1215

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Will the E1
Yes No To
interface be assigned to
Sheet 5
an HC MIM card?

Is the Fan
Enter the Yes
feature turned
rtrv-feat command


Enter the

Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the HC MIM

No Have the fans Yes

been installed?

Go to the Installation Manual and install

the fans on the shelf containing the
Note: The fans must be installed and Sheet 5
working properly before an HC MIM
can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1216

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

From Is the No
Sheets 3, adjacent E1 port
4, or 5 provisioned?


Enter the rtrv-slk command

with this parameter:

Is the adjacent E1 port No

number assigned to any
signaling links?

Enter the
chg-e1 command with these mandatory
Yes parameters:
:loc=<E1 card location>
:e1port=<E1 port being changed, either 1,
Perform the "Removing an 3, 5, or 7>
SS7 Signaling Link" :chanbrdg=on
procedure in Chapter 3 of and with at least one of these optional
this manual and remove all parameters:
the signaling links assigned :force=yes
to the adjacent E1 port. :e1tsel=<external, recovered>
:crc4=<on, off>
:encode=<ami, hdb3>
:si=<0 - 3>
1. If the adjacent even-numbered E1 port is
not provisioned in the database before this
step is performed, this E1 port will be
added when this step is performed.
2. If the adjacent even-numbered E1 port is
provisioned in the database before this
To step is performed, the force=yes parameter
Sheet 6 must be specified with the chg-e1
3. If the e1tsel parameter value is line, the
e1tsel parameter value for the E1 port
being channel bridged must be changed.

Sheet 5 of 6

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Enter the rtrv-e1 command with these

:loc=<card location specified in the
chg-e1 command>
:e1port=<e1port value specified in the
chg-e1 command>

Enter the act-slk command

with these parameters.
Were any signaling links :loc<E1 card location>
serviced by the E1 card :link=<E1 signaling link>
deactivated? Perform this step for each
signaling link that was


Enter the

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 345: Making a Channel Bridged E1 Port from a Channelized E1 Port

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1218

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Making a Non-Channel Bridged E1 Port from a Channel Bridged E1 Port

Enter the rtrv-e1 Note: If the odd numbered E1 port is

command channel bridged, the entry MASTER is
shown in the CHANBRDG column for
the odd numbered E1 port in the
rtrv-e1 output. Only the odd numbered
E1 port can be specified in this

Are any channel bridged

No This procedure cannot
E1 ports shown in the rtrv-e1
be performed.
output? (See the Note)


Are the values Only the chanbrdg, si,

of any of these parameters to No or sn parameter
be changed: encode, e1tsel, values can be
crc4, or cas? changed.

Sheet 2
Enter the rtrv-e1 command with these
:loc<E1 card location>
:e1port=<E1 port on E1 card> Yes

Enter the rtrv-slk command Are the signaling links

with this parameter. serviced by the E1 port out of
:loc<E1 card location> service?

Enter the rept-stat-slk No

command with these
Enter the dact-slk
:loc<E1 card location>
command with these
:link=<E1 signaling link>
Repeat this step for each
:loc<E1 card location>
signaling link shown in the
:link=<E1 signaling link>
rtrv-slk output.
Repeat this step for each
signaling link shown in the
rept-stat-slk output that is
not out of service.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1219

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the
chg-e1 command with these mandatory
:loc=<E1 card location>
:e1port=<E1 port being changed,
either 1, 3, 5, or 7>
and with any of these optional
:crc4=<on, off> Enter the rtrv-e1 command
:cas=off with these parameters.
:encode=<ami, hdb3> :loc=<card location specified
:e1tsel=<line, external> in the chg-e1 command>
:si=<0 - 3> :e1port=<e1port value
:sn=<0-31> specified in the
Notes: chg-e1 command>

1. When the chanbrdg value is

changed to off, the even-numbered E1
port that was channel bridged to the E1
port specified in this step will be
2. If the e1tsel value is recovered, the
e1tsel value must be changed to either
line or external.

Were any signaling links

serviced by the E1 card

Enter the act-slk command
with these parameters.
:loc<E1 card location> Enter the
:link=<E1 signaling link> chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Perform this step for each command
signaling link that was

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 346: Making a Non-Channel Bridged E1 Port from a Channel Bridged E1 Port

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1220

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Adding an E1 Signaling Link

Perform the "Adding an

Is the No
Enter the E1 Card" procedure to
required card in the
rtrv-card command. add the E1 or channel
card to the database.


Choose another Enter the rtrv-ls

linkset. command.

Perform the "Adding an

Is the desired No SS7 Linkset" procedure
linkset in the
to add the linkset to the


Enter the rtrv-ls command Enter the rtrv-slk

with this parameter. command.
:lsn=<the name of the

Will the addition

of the signaling link No
exceed the maximum number of
Yes What is the signaling links the EAGLE
IPSG value for the 5 ISS can have?


Yes What is the What is the

No 2800
IPGWAPC value for maximum number of signaling
the linkset? links the EAGLE 5 ISS can

This procedure cannot be Less than

performed. The EAGLE 5 2800
ISS can contain a
maximum of 2800 Perform the "Enabling the
signaling links. Large System # Links
Controlled Feature" To
procedure to enable the Sheet 2
desired quantity of
signaling links.

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1221

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Which card type is LIMCH To

the E1 signaling link
Sheet 4
being assigned to?

LIME1 Perform one of these

procedures in this chapter to
Is the desired E1 add the desired E1 port.
Enter the port and card location No “ Adding Channelized and
combination shown in the non-Channel Bridged E1 Ports”
rtrv-t1 command.
“Adding Channel Bridged E1
rtrv-slk output? Ports”
“Adding Unchannelized E1

Verify the type of the E1 card.

Enter this command.
Note: The E1 card can be one of these types.
Card Type Part Number
E1/T1 MIM 870-2198-XX
HC MIM 870-2671-XX
E5-E1T1 870-1873-XX

E5-E1T1 Note: Link values A16-A31 or
Which type of card Card B16-B31 can be specified only for
is the E1 signaling link
E1 signaling links that are
being assigned to?
assigned to HC MIMs.

MIM What value for
the linkclass parameter CHAN
is assigned to the
E1 port?


Are link values

No A16-A31 or B16-B31
being specified for the E1
Sheet 4
signaling link? See the

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Are link values

From A16-A31 or B16-B31 Yes
Sheet 2 shown in the rtrv-slk output for
any E1 signaling links?

No Is the E1
signaling link being
No added to an HC MIM that is on
Enter the
the same shelf as the HC MIMs
rtrv-feat command.
containing the A16-A31 or B16-
B31 values shown in the
rtrv-slk output?

Is the Fan Yes

feature turned Yes


Enter the Verify that fans have been

chg-feat:fan=on installed on the shelf
command. containing the HC MIM.

Have the fans Yes

been installed?


Go to the Installation
Manual and install the fans
on the shelf containing the
Note: The fans must be
Sheet 4
installed and working
properly before an HC MIM
can be placed in the

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1223

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts E1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 2
or 3

Add the E1 signaling link by

entering the ent-slk command.
Use the parameter combinations shown in
the E1 Signaling Link Parameter
Combinations table in the “Adding an E1 Enter the rtrv-slk command with
Signaling Link” procedure in the Database this parameter for each card
Administration Manual - SS7 as a guide to location specified in the ent-slk
determine which parameters and values to command.
specify with the ent-slk command. :loc=<card location specified in the
If adding the new signaling link will result in ent-slk command>
more than 700 signaling links in the database
and the OAMHCMEAS value in the
rtrv-measopts output is on, the scheduled UI
measurement reports will be disabled.

Enter the
rst-card:loc=<card location Were any of the
specified in the ent-slk Yes signaling links specified
command> command for with the ent-slk command the
each card that signaling links signaling link the first link
were added to for the first on the card?


Enter the act-slk command with these

parameters for each signaling link added
with the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the signaling link specified in the
ent-slk command>

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with

these parameters for each signaling link
added with the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the signaling link specified in the
ent-slk command>

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 347: Adding an E1 Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1224


T1 Interface Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures used to configure the T1 interface. These
• Adding a LIM-T1 Card.....1226 procedures are located in the Database Administration
• Removing a LIM-T1 Card.....1230 Manual - SS7.
• Adding Channelized and non-Channel Bridged T1
• Adding Channel Bridged T1 Ports.....1238
• Adding Unchannelized T1 Ports.....1244
• Removing the T1 Interface Parameters.....1253
• Changing the Attributes of a Channelized T1
• Changing the Attributes of an Unchannelized T1
• Making a Channel Bridged T1 Port from a
Channelized T1 Port.....1260
• Making a Non-Channel Bridged T1 Port from a
Channel Bridged T1 Port.....1266
• Adding a T1 Signaling Link.....1268

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1225

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Adding a LIM-T1 Card

Enter the
rtrv-card command
Note: The part numbers for
the T1 cards are shown in
Verify that the T1 the T1 Card Part Numbers
interface hardware has table in this procedure.
been installed.

Has the T1 Go to the Installation

interface hardware been Manual and install
installed? the T1 hardware


Is the T1
card being provisioned in Yes
this procedure an HC MIM?
(See the Note)

Verify that the T1 card has been

No installed into an odd numbered card
location according to the HC MIM Card
Verify that the T1 card has been Locations table in this procedure.
installed into desired card location. If a card is installed and provisioned in
For any T1 card provisioned as a the even numbered card location
channel card, the channel card must adjacent to the desired odd numbered
be installed in the same shelf as the T1 card, either choose another card
card that will be servicing the timeslots location to install and provision the HC
on that channel card. MIM, or remove the card in the even-
numbered card location by performing
The E5-E1T1 card cannot be added to
the appropriate procedure shown in the
the database as a channel card
Card Removal Procedures table in this
The HC MIM cannot be added to the
database as a channel card (LIMCH).

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1226

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the
card you are Enter the
installing an E5-E1-B rtrv-stpopts command.
or E5-T1-B

Refer to "Configuring
To Is the MFC option No the MFC Option”
Sheet turned on? procedure to turn on the
3 MFC option.


Enter the
No Is the Fan
chg-feat command
feature turned
with this parameter.


Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the E5-E1-B or
E5-T1-B card?

Have the fans Yes
been installed? 3


Refer to the Installation Manual and

install the fans on the shelf containing
E5-E1-B or E5-T1-B card.
Note: The fans must be installed and
working properly before an E5-E1-B or
E5-T1-B card can be installed in the

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1227

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Which card (See Note) To
type is being added to
Sheet 4
the database?

LIMT1 Note: The HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card

cannot be added to the database as
a channel card (LIMCH).

Which application CCS7ITU

is being assigned to the


Enter the Enter the

ent-card:loc=<card location> ent-card:loc=<card location>
:type=limt1:appl=ss7ansi :type=limt1:appl=ccs7itu
command command

Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<card location specified in
the ent-card command> command

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1228

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Which application
is being assigned to the

Enter the Enter the

ent-card:loc=<card location> ent-card:loc=<card location>
:type=limch:appl=ss7ansi :type=limch:appl=ccs7itu
command command

Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<card location specified in
the ent-card command> command

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 348: Adding a LIM-T1 Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1229

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Removing a LIM-T1 Card

Enter the rtrv-card


Enter the
Which card type is LIMCH Only rtrv-slk command with this parameter:
being removed from the
:loc=<card location of the LIMCH being

LIMT1 Go to the "Removing an SS7 Signaling

Link" procedure in Chapter 3, "SS7
Configuration," and remove the signaling
Enter the
link assigned to the channel card
rtrv-t1 command

Enter the Enter the

rtrv-t1 command with these parameters: dlt-card:loc=<location of LIMCH
:loc=<card location of the LIMT1 being being removed> command
:t1port=<t1port value assigned to the LIMT1
being removed>

Go to the "Removing an T1 Interface"

procedure and remove the signaling
links and timeslots serviced by the T1
card being removed from the database

Enter the
Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<location of the
dlt-card:loc=<location of LIMT1
LIMT1 or LIMCH that was
being removed> command
removed> command

Enter the

Figure 349: Removing a LIM-T1 Card

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1230

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Adding Channelized and non-Channel Bridged T1 Ports

Enter the rtrv-t1

Sheet 2

Is T1 port to be
Yes assigned to a T1 card No To
shown in the rtrv-t1 output? Sheet 3
(See Note 1)

Does the T1 card No To

contain channel bridged
Sheet 2
T1 ports?

Are all the
The T1 card is either an T1 ports on the T1 No
HC MIM or an E5-E1T1 card assigned to the T1
card card? (See Notes 2,
and 3)


Do you wish to No more T1 ports can

choose another card in the be assigned to the T1
rtrv-t1 output? card.

To HC MIM or
E5-E1T1 What type of T1
Sheet 3 card is the T1 port being
added to?


To To
Sheet 5 Sheet 4

1. T1 ports assigned in this procedure cannot be assigned to a T1 card containing
unchannelized T1 ports.
2. The E1/T1 MIM can have only T1 ports 1 and 2 assigned to it.
3. The HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card can have T1 ports 1 through 8 assigned to it.

Sheet 1 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1231

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Are T1 ports 3, 4,
From No
5, 6, 7, or 8 assigned to
Sheet 1
the T1 card?


Verify the type of the T1 card. The T1

card can be one of three types.
Card Type Part Number
E1/T1 MIM 870-2198-XX
HC MIM 870-2671-XX
E5-E1T1 870-1873-XX

Are all the

T1 ports on the T1 No more T1 ports can
card assigned to the T1 be assigned to the T1
card? (See the card.


Do you wish to No
choose another card in the
rtrv-t1 output?

Yes To
What type of T1 E1/T1 MIM Sheet 3
card is the T1 port being
added to?
Sheet 1

To To
Sheet 5 Sheet 4

1. The E1/T1 MIM can have only T1 ports 1 and 2 assigned to it.
2. The HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card can have T1 ports 1 through 8 assigned to it.

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1232

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-card


Perform the “ Adding a LIM-T1

Card” procedure in this appendix
and add a new T1 card to the
Is the desired T1 database.
card shown in the rtrv-card If you wish to assign T1 ports 3, 4,
output? 5, 6, 7, or 8 to the T1 card, the
new T1 card must be an HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card. The new T1
card cannot be a channel card.

Verify the type of the T1 card. The T1

card can be one of three types.
Card Type Part Number
E1/T1 MIM 870-2198-XX What type of T1 E1/T1 MIM
HC MIM 870-2671-XX card was added?
E5-E1T1 870-1873-XX


What type of T1 E5-E1T1 To
card is the T1 port being
Sheet 5
added to?

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1233

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 1,
2, or 3

Enter the Notes:

ent-t1 command with these mandatory 1. Channel cards (LIMCH card types)
parameters: cannot be specified with the ent-t1
:loc=<location of T1 card> command.
:t1port=<T1 ports 1 or 2>
2. To configure the T 1 interface for
and with any of these optional
master timing, use the t1tsel=external
:encode=<ami, b8zs>
:t1tsel=<line, external> 3. The linkclass=chan parameter
:ll=<0 - 655> configures a channelized T1 port.
:framing=<sf, esf> Specifying the linkclass=chan
(See the Notes) parameter in this procedure is not
necessary as this is the default value for
the linkclass parameter.

Enter the rtrv-t1 command with these

:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-t1 command>
:t1port=<t1port value specified in the
ent-t1 command>

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1234

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 1,
2, or 3

Are T1 ports 3
through 8, channel bridged T1
ports, or unchannelized T1 ports, shown
Yes To
in the rtrv-t1 output on Sheet 1, shown on T1
Sheet 7
cards that are on the same shelf as the
card being used in
this procedure?


Enter the

cards installed in
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

No Enter the

cards installed in
No Yes
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

Go to the Installation Manual

and install the HIPR or HIPR2 To
cards in the shelf containing Sheet 6
the HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card

Sheet 5 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1235

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Will the T1
Yes No To
interface be assigned to
Sheet 7
an HC MIM card?

Is the Fan
Enter the Yes
feature turned
rtrv-feat command


Enter the

Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the HC MIM

No Have the fans Yes

been installed?

Go to the Installation Manual and install

the fans on the shelf containing the
Note: The fans must be installed and Sheet 7
working properly before an HC MIM
can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 6 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1236

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 5
or 6

Enter the Notes:

ent-t1 command with these mandatory
1. Channel cards (LIMCH card types)
cannot be specified with the ent-t1
:loc=<location of T1 card>
:t1port=<T1 port 1 - 8>
and with any of these optional 2. To configure the T 1 interface for
parameters: master timing, use the t1tsel=external
:encode=<ami, b8zs> parameter.
:t1tsel=<line, external> 3. The linkclass=chan parameter
:ll=<0 - 655> configures a channelized T1 port.
:framing=<sf, esf> Specifying the linkclass=chan
(See the Notes) parameter in this procedure is not
necessary as this is the default value
for the linkclass parameter.

Enter the
rtrv-t1 command with these parameters:
:loc=<card location specified in the ent-t1
:t1port=<t1port value specified in the
ent-t1 command>

Enter the

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 350: Adding Channelized and non-Channel Bridged T1 Ports

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1237

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Adding Channel Bridged T1 Ports

Enter the rtrv-card


Perform the “Adding an

Are T1 cards
No T1 Card” procedure in this
shown in the rtrv-card
appendix to add an HC
MIM or an E5-E1T1 card.


Enter the rtrv-t1


Does the card Yes To

have any T1 ports
Sheet 2
assigned to it?


Verify that the T1 card is an

HC MIM or an E5-E1T1 card.
An HC MIM has the part
number 870-2671-XX
assigned to it.
An E5-E1T1 has the part
number 870-1873-XX
assigned to it.

Is the card an Yes To

HC MIM or an
Sheet 3
E5-E1T1 card?

No Perform the “Adding a T1

Card” procedure in this To
appendix and add an HC Sheet 4
MIM or an E5-E1T1 card.

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1238

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Both unchannelized T1
ports and channel bridged
T1 ports cannot be
Are these T1 ports Yes assigned to the same T1
unchannelized? card.
Go to the beginning of
this procedure and
choose another T1 card.

Are T1 ports 3, 4, Yes

5, 6, 7, or 8 assigned to
the T1 card?

Are any of the T1 Yes
ports on the T1 card
channel bridged?
Verify that the T1 card is an
HC MIM or an E5-E1T1 card. No
An HC MIM has the part
number 870-2671-XX
assigned to it.
An E5-E1T1 has the part
number 870-1873-XX
assigned to it.

Is the card an Yes To

HC MIM or an
Sheet 3
E5-E1T1 card?

No Perform the “Adding a T1

Card” procedure in this To
appendix and add an HC Sheet 4
MIM or an E5-E1T1 card.

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1239

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the rtrv-slk command

with this parameter:

Was a new
HC MIM or an Yes
E5-E1T1 card added
on Sheet 1?


Is the even
numbered T1 port No
to be channel bridged
assigned to signaling


Peform the "Removing an SS7

Signaling Link" procedure in
Chapter 3 of this manual and To
remove the signaling links Sheet 4
assigned to the even numbered
T1 port to be channel bridged.

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1240

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Are T1 ports 3
through 8, channel bridged T1
ports, or unchannelized T1 ports, shown
Yes To
in the rtrv-t1 output on Sheet 1, shown on T1
Sheet 6
cards that are on the same shelf as the
card being used in
this procedure?


Enter the

cards installed in
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

No Enter the

cards installed in
No Yes
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

Go to the Installation Manual

and install the HIPR or HIPR2 To
cards in the shelf containing Sheet 5
the HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1241

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 4

Will the T1
Yes No To
interface be assigned to
Sheet 6
an HC MIM card?

Is the Fan
Enter the Yes
feature turned
rtrv-feat command


Enter the

Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the HC MIM

No Have the fans Yes

been installed?

Go to the Installation Manual and install

the fans on the shelf containing the
Note: The fans must be installed and Sheet 6
working properly before an HC MIM
can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1242

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 4
or 5

Enter the ent-t1 command with these

mandatory parameters:
:loc=<location of T1 card>
:t1port=<T1 port 1, 3, 5, or 7>
:t1tsel=<external, recovered>
and with any of these optional
:encode=<ami, b8zs>
:ll=<0 - 655>
:framing=<sf, esf>
(See the Notes)

Enter the rtrv-t1 command with these

:loc=<card location specified in the ent-t1
:t1port=<t1port value specified in the
ent-t1 command>

Enter the

1. Channel cards (LIMCH card types) cannot be specified with
the ent-t1 command.
2. To configure the T 1 interface for master timing, use the
t1tsel=external parameter.
3. The linkclass=chan parameter configures a channelized T1
port. Specifying the linkclass=chan parameter in this procedure
is not necessary as this is the default value for the linkclass
4. The force=yes parameter must be specified if the even
numbered T1 port that will be channel bridged is already
provisioned in the database.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 351: Adding Channel Bridged T1 Ports

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1243

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Adding Unchannelized T1 Ports

Enter the rtrv-card

Sheets 2,
3, or 4

Are T1 cards
shown in the rtrv-card


Perform the “Adding a T1

Enter the rtrv-t1 Card” procedure in this
command appendix to add an
E5-E1T1 card.

Does the
Yes rtrv-t1 output contain No
180 unchannelized T1

This is the maximum

number of Was a T1
unchannelized T1 ports No
card added in this
that the EAGLE 5 ISS procedure?
can contain. This
procedure cannot be
performed. Yes
Sheet 2

Sheet 5

Sheet 1 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1244

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Does the T1 card Yes To

have any T1 ports
Sheet 3
assigned to it?


Verify that the T1 card is an

E5-E1T1 card.
An E5-E1T1 card has the part number
870-1873-XX assigned to it.

Do you wish
Is the T1 card No Yes
to select another
an E5-E1T1 card?

Yes No To
Sheet 1

Perform the “Adding a

To T1 Card” procedure in
Sheet 5 this appendix to add an
E5-E1T1 card.

Sheet 2 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1245

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Are the T1 No To
ports on the T1 card
Sheet 4


Unchannelized T1 ports
cannot be added to a T1
card containing
channelized T1 ports.

Are all the T1

ports shown in the rtrv-t1 Yes
output on Sheet 1


Perform the “Adding a T1

Do you wish No Card” procedure in this
to select another
appendix to add an
E5-E1T1 card.


To To
Sheet 1 Sheet 5

Sheet 3 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1246

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 3

The T1 port assigned to this card

is unchannelized.
An unchannelized T1 port cannot
be assigned to this T1 card.
An E5-E1T1 can contain only 1
unchannelized T1 port.

Do you wish Yes To

to select another
Sheet 1


Perform the “Adding a T1

Card” procedure in this
appendix to add an
E5-E1T1 card.

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1247

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows no other
Sheets 1, 2,
features, only the default entry HC-MIM SLK
3, or 4
Capacity feature with a quantity of 64 is shown.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat 3. If the serial number is not locked, the
command controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label
affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Is an Yes To
ST-HSL-A SLK quantity
Sheet 7


Are any
controlled features shown No
in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)

Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Yes command

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
To Yes the database correct and is the
Sheet 7 serial number locked?
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1248

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number Yes
in the database

This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial number in
the database. Contact the
Is the EAGLE 5 Customer Care Center to get the
ISS's serial number correct serial number entered into
locked? the database. Refer to the
"Customer Care Center” section in
Chapter 1 for the contact

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number No
in the database

Enter the ent-serial-num

Yes command with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial

Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1249

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

From From
Sheet 5 Sheet 6

Will the addition

of the new unchannelized Yes
T1 port exceed the enabled
Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command
with these parameters:
:partnum=<ST-HSL-A SLK Capacity
part number desired quantity – refer to
the ST-HSL-A Signaling Link Capacity
Part Numbers table in this procedure
for the part number>
:fak=<ST-HSL-A SLK Capacity feature
access key>
Note: If you do not have the feature
access key for the ST-HSL-A SLK
Capacity feature, contact your Tekelec
sales representative or account

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter:
:partnum=<ST-HSL-A SLK Capacity
Sheet 8
part number specified in the
enable-ctrl-feat command>

Sheet 7 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1250

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Are T1 ports 3
through 8, channel bridged T1
ports, or unchannelized T1 ports, shown
Yes To
in the rtrv-t1 output on Sheet 1, shown on T1
Sheet 6
cards that are on the same shelf as the
card being used in
this procedure?


Enter the

cards installed in
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the
E5-E1T1 card?

No Enter the

cards installed in
No Yes
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the
E5-E1T1 card?

Go to the Installation Manual

and install the HIPR or HIPR2 To
cards in the shelf containing Sheet 5
the E5-E1T1 card

Sheet 8 of 9

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1251

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 8

Enter the ent-t1 command with these

mandatory parameters:
:loc=<location of T1 card>
:t1port=<T1 port 1 - 8>
and with any of these optional parameters:
:encode=<ami, b8zs>
:t1tsel=<line, external>
:ll=<0 - 655>
:framing=<sf, esf, esfperf>
Note: To configure the T 1 port for master
timing, use the t1tsel=external parameter.

Enter the rtrv-t1 command with

these parameters:
:loc=<card location specified in
the ent-t1 command>
:t1port=<t1port value specified in
the ent-t1 command>

Enter the

Sheet 9 of 9
Figure 352: Adding Unchannelized T1 Ports

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1252

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Removing the T1 Interface Parameters

Enter the rtrv-t1


Is the even
Is the T1 Port an Yes numbered T1 port channel Yes
even numbered port? bridged to its master


Even numbered T1 ports cannot be

Enter the rtrv-t1 command with these specified in this procedure. The master
parameters: T1 port (the odd numbered T1 port) must
:loc=<T1 card location> be removed to remove the even
t1port=<T1 port being removed> numbered T1 port. Perform the dlt-t1
command specifying the master T1 port.

Go to the "Removing an SS7

Does the rtrv-t1
Signaling Link" procedure in
output show any timeslots Yes
Chapter 3, "SS7 Configuration,"
that are serviced by this T1
and remove the signaling links and
timeslots serviced by the T1 port


Enter the
dlt-t1 command with these parameters:
:loc=<location of LIMT1 card>
:t1port=<T1 port on T1 Card>

Enter the rtrv-t1 command command with

these parameters:
:loc=<card location used in the dlt-t1
:t1port=<T1 port used in the dlt-t1

Enter the

Figure 353: Removing the T1 Interface Parameters

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1253

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Changing the Attributes of a Channelized T1 Port

Enter the rtrv-t1


Are any channelized

No This procedure cannot
be performed.
shown in the rtrv-t1 output?


Are the values This procedure cannot be

of any of these parameters to No performed. One of these
be changed: encode, t1tsel, parameter values must be
framing, or ll? changed.

Sheet 2
Enter the rtrv-t1 command with these
:loc<T1 card location>
:t1port=<T1 port on T1 card> Yes

Enter the rtrv-slk command Are the signaling links

with this parameter. serviced by the T1 port out of
:loc<T1 card location> service?

Enter the rept-stat-slk
command with these
parameters. Enter the dact-slk
:loc<T1 card location> command with these
:link=<T1 signaling link> parameters.
Repeat this step for each :loc<T1 card location>
signaling link shown in the :link=<T1 signaling link>
rtrv-slk output that is services Repeat this step for each
by the T1 port. signaling link shown in the
rept-stat-slk output that is
not out of service.

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1254

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the T1 port Yes

channel bridged?


The T1 card is
Are T1 ports 3, 4, Yes either an HC MIM To
5, 6, 7, or 8 assigned to
or an E5-E1T1 Sheet 3
the card?

No Verify the type of the T1 card. The T1

card can be one of three types. The
part number of the card is shown in
Enter the rtrv-stp command the rtrv-stp output.
with this parameter.
Card Type Part Number
E1/T1 MIM 870-2198-XX
HC MIM 870-2671-XX
E5-E1T1 870-1873-XX

card What type of
card is the T1
Sheet 4


Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1255

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the
chg-t1 command with these
mandatory parameters:
:loc=<T1 card location>
:t1port=<T1 port being
and with at least one of these
optional parameters:
:encode=<ami, b8zs>
:t1tsel=<line, external>
:ll=<0 - 655>
:framing=<sf, esf>

Enter the rtrv-t1 command with these

:loc=<card location specified in the
chg-t1 command>
:t1port=<t1port value specified in the
chg-t1 command>

Were any signaling links

Yes No
serviced by the T1 card

Enter the act-slk command

with these parameters.
:loc<T1 card location> Enter the
:link=<T1 signaling link> chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Perform this step for each command
signaling link that was

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1256

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the
chg-t1 command with these mandatory
:loc=<T1 card location>
:t1port=<T1 port being changed>
and with at least one of these optional
:t1tsel=<line, recovered, external>
:encode=<ami, b8zs>
:ll=<0 - 655>
:framing=<sf, esf>
1. If the T1 port being changed is channel
bridged (the entry MASTER is shown in
the CHANBRDG column for the odd
numbered T1 port in the rtrv-t1 output),
the t1port values must be either 1, 3, 5, or
7, and the t1tsel value must be external or
recovered. Enter the rtrv-t1 command with these
2. If the T1 port is not channel bridged, parameters:
the t1tsel value recovered cannot be :loc=<card location specified in the
used. chg-t1 command>
:t1port=<t1port value specified in the
chg-t1 command>

Were any signaling links

serviced by the T1 card

Enter the act-slk command
with these parameters.
:loc<T1 card location> Enter the
:link=<T1 signaling link> chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Perform this step for each command
signaling link that was

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 354: Changing the Attributes of a Channelized T1 Port

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1257

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Changing the Attributes of an Unchannelized T1 Port

Enter the rtrv-t1


Are any unchannelized

No This procedure cannot
be performed.
shown in the rtrv-t1 output?


Are the values

No Only the minsurate
of any of these parameters to
parameter value can
be changed: encode, t1tsel,
be changed.
framing, or ll?

Sheet 2
Enter the rtrv-slk command
with this parameter.
:loc<T1 card location>

Enter the rept-stat-slk

command with these Are the signaling links
parameters. serviced by the T1 port out of
:loc<T1 card location> service?
:link=<T1 signaling link>
Repeat this step for each
signaling link shown in the
rtrv-slk output.

Enter the dact-slk

command with these
:loc<T1 card location>
:link=<T1 signaling link>
Repeat this step for each
signaling link shown in the
rept-stat-slk output that is
not out of service.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1258

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the
chg-t1 command with these
mandatory parameters:
:loc=<T1 card location>
Enter the rtrv-t1 command with these
:t1port=<T1 port being
:loc=<card location specified in the
and with at least one of these
chg-t1 command>
optional parameters.
:t1port=<t1port value specified in the
:encode=<ami, b8zs>
chg-t1 command>
:t1tsel=<line, external>
:ll=<0 - 655>
:framing=<sf, esf, esfperf>

Were any signaling links

serviced by the T1 card

Enter the act-slk command
with these parameters.
:loc<T1 card location> Enter the
:link=<T1 signaling link> chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Perform this step for each command
signaling link that was

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 355: Changing the Attributes of an Unchannelized T1 Port

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1259

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Making a Channel Bridged T1 Port from a Channelized T1 Port

Enter the rtrv-t1 Note: A channelized T1 port is shown

command by the entry CHAN in the LINKCLASS
column of the rtrv-t1 output. The odd
numbered T1 port is not channel
bridged if dashes are shown in the
CHANBRDG column for the odd
numbered T1 port in the rtrv-t1 output.

Are any odd numbered

channelized T1 ports that are not No This procedure cannot
channel bridged shown in the be performed.
rtrv-t1 output?

Yes Does the

T1 card contain Yes
channel bridged T1

No The T1 card is
either an HC MIM
or an E5-E1T1

Are T1 ports 3, 4, Yes

5, 6, 7, or 8 assigned to To
the card? Sheet 2

Verify the type of the T1 card. The T1
card can be one of three types. The
part number of the card is shown in
Enter the rtrv-stp command the rtrv-stp output.
with this parameter.
Card Type Part Number
E1/T1 MIM 870-2198-XX
HC MIM 870-2671-XX
E5-E1T1 870-1873-XX

Only T1 ports on HC MIMs or

E5-E1T1 cards can be channel
Choose another T1 port on another E1/T1 MIM What type of
HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card and repeat card is the T1
this procedure from the beginning. card?
If no HC MIMs or E5-E1T1 cards are
present in the EAGLE 5 ISS, this HC MIM or
procedure cannot be performed. E5-E1T1 card

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1260

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Are the values

No Only the chanbrdg
of any of these parameters to
parameter value can
be changed: encode, t1tsel,
be changed.
framing, or ll?

Sheet 3
Enter the rtrv-t1 command with these
:loc<T1 card location>
:t1port=<T1 port on T1 card>

Enter the rtrv-slk command

with this parameter.
:loc<T1 card location>

Enter the rept-stat-slk
command with these
Are the signaling links
:loc<T1 card location>
serviced by the T1 port out of
:link=<T1 signaling link>
Repeat this step for each
signaling link shown in the
rtrv-slk output.

Enter the dact-slk

command with these
:loc<T1 card location>
:link=<T1 signaling link>
Repeat this step for each
signaling link shown in the
rept-stat-slk output that is
not out of service.

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1261

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Are T1 ports 3
through 8, channel bridged T1
ports, or unchannelized T1 ports, shown
Yes To
in the rtrv-t1 output on Sheet 1, shown on T1
Sheet 5
cards that are on the same shelf as the
card being used in
this procedure?


Enter the

cards installed in
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

No Enter the

cards installed in
No Yes
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf containing the HC MIM
or E5-E1T1 card?

Go to the Installation Manual

and install the HIPR or HIPR2 To
cards in the shelf containing Sheet 4
the HC MIM or E5-E1T1 card

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1262

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Will the T1
Yes No To
interface be assigned to
Sheet 5
an HC MIM card?

Is the Fan
Enter the Yes
feature turned
rtrv-feat command


Enter the

Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the HC MIM

No Have the fans Yes

been installed?

Go to the Installation Manual and install

the fans on the shelf containing the
Note: The fans must be installed and Sheet 5
working properly before an HC MIM
can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1263

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

From Is the No
Sheets 3, adjacent T1 port
4, or 5 provisioned?


Enter the rtrv-slk command

with this parameter:

Is the adjacent T1 port No

number assigned to any
signaling links?

Enter the
Yes chg-t1 command with these mandatory
:loc=<T1 card location>
Perform the "Removing an :t1port=<T1 port being changed, either 1,
SS7 Signaling Link" 3, 5, or 7>
procedure in Chapter 3 of :chanbrdg=on
this manual and remove all and with any of these optional parameters:
the signaling links assigned :force=yes
to the adjacent T1 port. :encode=<ami, b8zs>
:t1tsel=<external, recovered>
:ll=<0 - 655>
:framing=<sf, esf>
1. If the adjacent even-numbered T1 port is
not provisioned in the database before this
step is performed, this T1 port will be
added when this step is performed.
2. If the adjacent even-numbered T1 port is
provisioned in the database before this
To step is performed, the force=yes parameter
Sheet 6 must be specified with the chg-t1
3. If the t1tsel parameter value is line, the
t1tsel parameter value for the T1 port being
channel bridged must be changed.

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1264

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Enter the rtrv-t1 command with these

:loc=<card location specified in the
chg-t1 command>
:t1port=<t1port value specified in the
chg-t1 command>

Enter the act-slk command

with these parameters.
Were any signaling links :loc<T1 card location>
serviced by the T1 card :link=<T1 signaling link>
deactivated? Perform this step for each
signaling link that was


Enter the

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 356: Making a Channel Bridged T1 Port from a Channelized T1 Port

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1265

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Making a Non-Channel Bridged T1 Port from a Channel Bridged T1 Port

Enter the rtrv-t1 Note: If the odd numbered T1 port is

command channel bridged, the entry MASTER is
shown in the CHANBRDG column for
the odd numbered T1 port in the
rtrv-t1 output. Only the odd numbered
T1 port can be specified in this

Are any channel bridged

No This procedure cannot
T1 ports shown in the rtrv-t1
be performed.
output? (See the Note)


Are the values

No Only the chanbrdg
of any of these parameters to
parameter value can
be changed: encode, t1tsel,
be changed.
framing, or ll?

Sheet 2
Enter the rtrv-t1 command with these
:loc<T1 card location>
:t1port=<T1 port on T1 card> Yes

Enter the rtrv-slk command Are the signaling links

with this parameter. serviced by the T1 port out of
:loc<T1 card location> service?

Enter the rept-stat-slk No

command with these
Enter the dact-slk
:loc<T1 card location>
command with these
:link=<T1 signaling link>
Repeat this step for each
:loc<T1 card location>
signaling link shown in the
:link=<T1 signaling link>
rtrv-slk output.
Repeat this step for each
signaling link shown in the
rept-stat-slk output that is
not out of service.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1266

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the chg-t1 command with these

mandatory parameters:
:loc=<T1 card location>
:t1port=<T1 port being changed,
either 1, 3, 5, or 7>
and with any of these optional
parameters: Enter the rtrv-t1 command
:encode=<ami, b8zs> with these parameters.
:t1tsel=<line, external> :loc=<card location specified
:ll=<0 - 655> in the chg-t1 command>
:framing=<sf, esf> :t1port=<t1port value
Notes: specified in the
1. When the chanbrdg value is chg-t1 command>
changed to off, the even-numbered T1
port that was channel bridged to the T1
port specified in this step will be
2. If the t1tsel value is recovered, the
t1tsel value must be changed to either
line or external.

Were any signaling links

serviced by the T1 card

Enter the act-slk command
with these parameters.
:loc<T1 card location> Enter the
:link=<T1 signaling link> chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Perform this step for each command
signaling link that was

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 357: Making a Non-Channel Bridged T1 Port from a Channel Bridged T1 Port

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1267

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Adding a T1 Signaling Link

Perform the "Adding an

Is the No
Enter the T1 Card" procedure to
required card in the
rtrv-card command. add the T1 or channel
card to the database.


Choose another Enter the rtrv-ls

linkset. command.

Perform the "Adding an

Is the desired No SS7 Linkset" procedure
linkset in the
to add the linkset to the


Enter the rtrv-ls command Enter the rtrv-slk

with this parameter. command.
:lsn=<the name of the

Will the addition

of the signaling link No
exceed the maximum number of
Yes What is the signaling links the EAGLE
IPSG value for the 5 ISS can have?


Yes What is the What is the

No 2800
IPGWAPC value for maximum number of signaling
the linkset? links the EAGLE 5 ISS can

This procedure cannot be Less than

performed. The EAGLE 5 2800
ISS can contain a
maximum of 2800 Perform the "Enabling the
signaling links. Large System # Links
Controlled Feature" To
procedure to enable the Sheet 2
desired quantity of
signaling links.

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1268

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Which card type is LIMCH To

the T1 signaling link being
Sheet 4
assigned to?

LIMT1 Perform one of these

procedures in this chapter to
Is the desired T1 add the desired T1 port.
Enter the port and card location No “ Adding Channelized and
combination shown in the non-Channel Bridged T1 Ports”
rtrv-t1 command.
“Adding Channel Bridged T1
rtrv-slk output? Ports”
“Adding Unchannelized T1

Verify the type of the T1 card.

Enter this command.
Note: The T1 card can be one of these types.
Card Type Part Number
E1/T1 MIM 870-2198-XX
HC MIM 870-2671-XX
E5-E1T1 870-1873-XX

Which type of card HC MIM

is the T1 signaling link
being assigned to?

Are link values
MIM or Yes
A16-A31 or B16-B31
being specified for the T1
signaling link?

No To
Sheet 3
Sheet 4

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1269

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Are link values

From A16-A31 or B16-B31 Yes
Sheet 2 shown in the rtrv-slk output for
any T1 signaling links?

No Is the T1
signaling link being
No added to an HC MIM that is on
Enter the
the same shelf as the HC MIMs
rtrv-feat command.
containing the A16-A31 or B16-
B31 values shown in the
rtrv-slk output?

Is the Fan Yes

feature turned Yes


Enter the Verify that fans have been

chg-feat:fan=on installed on the shelf
command. containing the HC MIM.

Have the fans Yes

been installed?


Go to the Installation
Manual and install the fans
on the shelf containing the
Note: The fans must be
Sheet 4
installed and working
properly before an HC MIM
can be placed in the

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1270

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts T1 Interface Flowcharts

Sheets 2
or 3

Add the T1 signaling link by

entering the ent-slk command.
Use the parameter combinations shown in
the T1 Signaling Link Parameter
Combinations table in the “Adding an T1 Enter the rtrv-slk command with
Signaling Link” procedure in the Database this parameter for each card
Administration Manual - SS7 as a guide to location specified in the ent-slk
determine which parameters and values to command.
specify with the ent-slk command. :loc=<card location specified in the
If adding the new signaling link will result in ent-slk command>
more than 700 signaling links in the database
and the OAMHCMEAS value in the
rtrv-measopts output is on, the scheduled UI
measurement reports will be disabled.

Enter the
rst-card:loc=<card location Were any of the
specified in the ent-slk Yes signaling links specified
command> command for with the ent-slk command the
each card that signaling links signaling link the first link
were added to for the first on the card?


Enter the act-slk command with these

parameters for each signaling link added
with the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the signaling link specified in the
ent-slk command>

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with

these parameters for each signaling link
added with the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the signaling link specified in the
ent-slk command>

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 358: Adding a T1 Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1271


ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures used to configure ATM high-speed
• Adding an ATM High-Speed LIM.....1273 signaling links. These procedures are located in the
• Changing the Three Links per E5-ATM Card Database Administration Manual - SS7.
• Adding an ATM High-Speed Signaling Link.1278
• Changing an ATM High-Speed Signaling Link
Parameter Set.....1288

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1272

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an ATM High-Speed LIM

Visually verfiy that the ATM

high-speed LIM has been installed
Enter the in the card location being specified
rtrv-card command in this procedure. If the card has
not been installed, install the card
in the proper location.

Enter the Yes Is an E5-ATM No

rept-stat-gpl:gpl=hipr being provisioned in this
command procedure?

Are HIPR cards Is the card

installed in both the card Yes that is being added E5-ATM To
locations 9 and 10 of the shelf in an E5-ATM or an Sheet 2
which the E5-ATM will be E5-ATM-B card?


Enter the
Enter the rtrv-stpopts command.

Is the Refer to "Configuring

MFC option No the MFC Option"
turned on? procedure to turn on the
Are HIPR2 cards MFC option.
installed in both the card Yes
locations 9 and 10 of the shelf in
which the E5-ATM will be Yes

Is the Fan
feature turned

Refer to the Installation

Manual - EAGLE 5 ISS Yes
and install the required
Enter the Verify that fans have been
HIPR cards
chg-feat command installed on the shelf
with this paremeter.
containing the E5-ATM-B

Refer to the Installation Manual and

install the fans on the shelf containing
the E5-ATM-B card. No Have the fans Yes To
Note: The fans must be installed and
been installed? Sheet 2
working properly before an E5-ATM-B
card can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1273

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

From What application LIME1ATM

Sheet 1 will be assigned to the


Enter the Enter the

ent-card command with ent-card command with
these parameters. these parameters.
:loc=<ATM high -speed :loc=<ATM high -speed
LIM card location> LIM card location>
:type=limatm :type=lime1atm
:appl=atmansi :appl=atmitu

Enter the
rtrv-card command with this
:loc=<card loaction specified
in the ent-card command>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 359: Adding an ATM High-Speed LIM

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1274

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the Three Links per E5-ATM Card Quantity

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is a No To
3 Links per E5-ATM Card
Sheet 2
quantity enabled?


The 3 Links per E5-ATM

Card feature is enabled with
250 the maximum number of
What quantity is
E5-ATM cards that the
currently enabled?
EAGLE 5 ISS can support.
This procedure cannot be
5 to 245

Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command with these

parameters. Part Number Number of E5-ATMs Part Number Number of E5-ATMs
:partnum=<3 Links per E5-ATM Card quantity part 893039101 5 893039126 130
number> (See the part number list on this sheet.)
893039102 10 893039127 135
:fak=<feature access key>
893039103 15 893039128 140
893039104 20 893039129 145
1. If you do not have the feature access key for
this feature, contact your Tekelec sales 893039105 25 893039130 150
representative or account representative. 893039106 30 893039131 155
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled 893039107 35 893039132 160
with a quantity that is greater than the current 893039108 40 893039133 165
quantity. 893039109 45 893039134 170
893039110 50 893039135 175
893039111 55 893039136 180
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command 893039112 60 893039137 185
with this parameter. 893039113 65 893039138 190
:partnum=<the part number 893039114 70 893039139 195
specified in the enable-ctrl-feat 893039115 75 893039140 200
command> 893039116 80 893039141 205
893039117 85 893039142 210
893039118 90 893039143 215
Enter the 893039119 95 893039144 220
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed 893039120 100 893039145 225
command. 893039121 105 893039146 230
893039122 110 893039147 235
893039123 115 893039148 240
893039124 120 893039149 245
893039125 125 893039150 250

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1275

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
This feature cannot be Yes
Enter the rtrv-serial-num the database correct and is the
enabled without the correct
command. serial number locked?
serial number in the
(See Notes 2, 3,
database. Contact the
and 4)
Customer Care Center to get
the correct serial number
entered into the database.
Refer to the “Customer Care
Center” section in Chapter 1
for the contact information.

Is the Is the EAGLE

Yes EAGLE 5 ISS's No 5 ISS's serial number
serial number in the database
locked? correct?

No Yes

Enter the ent-serial-num Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter. command with these
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct parameters. To
serial number> :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's Sheet 3
serial number>
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num
1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only
Is the EAGLE command with these
Yes the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
5 ISS's serial number parameters.
quantity of 64, the answer to this
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s
correct? serial number>
serial number must be verified. This is
the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat
No output. This entry is shown whether or
not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in
the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot
To be changed.
Sheet 3 3. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1276

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2
Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.
:partnum=<3 Links per E5-ATM Card quantity part
number> (See the part number list on this sheet.)
:fak=<feature access key>
Enter the rtrv-slk command Notes:
with this parameter. 1. If you do not have the feature access key for this
:type=saal feature, contact your Tekelec sales representative
or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Are any entries No Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command with

shown in the rtrv-slk
this parameter.
:partnum=<the part number specified in
the enable-ctrl-feat command>


Enter the
Are any VCI command.
values in the rtrv-slk No
output greater than
Part Number Number of E5-ATMs Part Number Number of E5-ATMs
Yes 893039101 5 893039126 130
893039102 10 893039127 135
893039103 15 893039128 140
Perform the “Removing an SS7
893039104 20 893039129 145
Signaling Link” procedure to
remove all the signaling links 893039105 25 893039130 150
shown in the rtrv-slk output 893039106 30 893039131 155
whose VCI value is greater than 893039107 35 893039132 160
16383. 893039108 40 893039133 165
893039109 45 893039134 170
893039110 50 893039135 175
893039111 55 893039136 180
893039112 60 893039137 185
Do you wish 893039113 65 893039138 190
to add to the database No 893039114 70 893039139 195
the signaling links that were 893039115 75 893039140 200
removed in the previous 893039116 80 893039141 205
893039117 85 893039142 210
893039118 90 893039143 215
Yes 893039119 95 893039144 220
893039120 100 893039145 225
893039121 105 893039146 230
Perform the “Adding an ATM 893039122 110 893039147 235
High-Speed Signaling Link” 893039123 115 893039148 240
procedure to add the signaling 893039124 120 893039149 245
links that had been previously 893039125 125 893039150 250
removed. The VCI value for these
signaling links must be less than
or equal to 16383.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 360: Changing the Three Links per E5-ATM Card Quantity

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1277

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Adding an ATM High-Speed Signaling Link

Enter the rtrv-slk


Will the addition This procedure cannot be

What is the
of the signaling link Yes 2800 performed. The EAGLE 5
maximum number of signaling
exceed the maximum number of ISS can contain a
links the EAGLE 5 ISS can
signaling links the EAGLE maximum of 2800
5 ISS can have? signaling links.

Less than
No 2800

Perform the "Enabling the

Large System # Links
Enter the rtrv-tps Controlled Feature"
command. procedure to enable the
desired quantity of
signaling links.

An ANSI ATM high -speed

signaling link uses 1630 TPS.
An ITU ATM high -speed
signaling link uses 2038 TPS.

Will the addition of

the signaling link exceed Yes To
the maximum total provisioned Sheet 2
system TPS?


Sheet 5

Sheet 1 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1278

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Note: The maximum total

From provisioned system TPS
Sheet 1 cannot be increased
beyond 750,000 TPS.

What is
the maximum total 750,000
provisioned system TPS
value? See
the Note.

To add the signaling link , one or more of these actions

500,000 must be performed.
The IP TPS values of some IPGWx linksets will have
to be changed.
The MAXSLKTPS values of some IPSG linksets (and
Do you wish the RSVDSLKTPS values if necessary) will have to
to change the maximum No be changed.
total provisioned system Some ATM high -speed signaling links will have to be
TPS value? removed. An ANSI ATM high -speed signaling link
uses 1630 TPS. An ITU ATM high -speed signaling
link uses 2038 TPS.
Remove an IPLIMx card that contains signaling links.
An IPLIMx card that contains signaling links uses
Perform the “Activating the 4000 TPS.
HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature”
procedure to enable and turn on
the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
feature. When the HIPR2 High
Rate Mode feature is enabled
and turned on, the maximum
Sheet 3
total provisioned system TPS
value is increased to 750,000.

Sheet 5

Sheet 2 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1279

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

None of the
From Actions This procedure
Sheets 2
cannot be performed.
or 4

Change the TPS

Which action Linksets
do you wish to
Sheet 4

Remove ATM
High-Speed Remove an
Signaling Links IPLIMx Card

Enter the rtrv-slk Enter the rtrv-slk

command with this command with this
parameter. parameter.
:type=saal :type=iplim

Are any
Are any
No IPLIMx cards No
ATM high -speed
containing signaling links
signaling links shown in the
shown in the rtrv-slk
rtrv-slk output?

Yes Yes

Perform the
Perform the “Removing
“Removing an IPLIMx
an SS7 Signaling Link”
Card” procedure to
procedure to remove
remove an IPLIMX
some ATM high -speed
card and it associated
signaling links.
signaling links.

Yes Do you wish No To

to perform other
Sheet 5

Sheet 3 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1280

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Are any
From Enter the rept-stat-iptps linksets shown in No
Sheet 3 command. the rept-stat-iptps


Enter the rtrv-ls command

with this parameter.
Are any linksets
No :lsn=<linkset name shown in
shown with the value
the rept-stat-iptps output>
yes in the IPGWAPC
column? Repeat this step for each
linkset shown in the
rept-stat-iptps output.

Change the IP TPS

values of some or all the
Are any
existing IPGWx linksets No
linksets shown with
shown in the rtrv-ls
the value yes in the
output by performing the
IPSG column?
“Configuring an IPGWx
Linkset” procedure.

Change the MAXSLKTPS
values of the IPSG linksets
(and RSVDSLKTPS values if
necessary) of some or all of Do you
the IPSG linkset shown in the wish to change
rtrv-ls output by performing Yes the MAXSLKTPS
one of these procedures as values on any of
necessary. the IPSG
“Changing an IPSG M2PA linksets?
“Changing an IPSG M3UA No

Yes Do you wish

to perform other
Sheet 3


Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1281

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

From Note: ATM high -speed signaling

Enter the rtrv-card
Sheets 2, links cannot be added to the card if
3, 4, or 6 the card contains signaling links
with the LINK values A, A1, and B.

Perform the “Adding an ATM

High-Speed LIM” procedure to add the
Is the required
No card that will support the new ATM
card shown in the
high-speed signaling link.
rtrv-card output? (See
If the LINK value of the new signaling
the Note)
link will be A1 or B, the card must be
an E5-ATM .


What will be the A To

LINK value of the new ATM
Sheet 8
high-speed signaling link?

A1 or B

Enter the rept-stat-card

command with this
:loc=<card location of the
card that you wish to add
The card is not an
the signaling link to>
E5-ATM .
Choose another

ATMITU What is the GPL ATMHC The card is an
value shown in the
E5-ATM .
rept-stat-card output?

A or B What will be the

LINK value of the new ATM
Sheet 8
high-speed signaling link?


Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1282

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 5

Does the rtrv-slk output

on Sheet 1 show any ATM Yes A 3 Links per E5-ATM
high-speed signaling links whose Card quantity is enabled.
LINK value is A1?

No Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


A 3 Links per E5-ATM

Card quantity must be

Will adding the

new signaling link with the
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat LINK value A1 exceed the 3 Links No To
command. per E5-ATM Card quantity Sheet 7
shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is a 3 Links Yes
per E5-ATM Card quantity
enabled? Less than
250 What is the 250
current quantity?
The signaling link cannot be added.
Perform the “Changing the 3
The EAGLE 5 ISS can have a
Links per E5-ATM Card Quantity”
maximum of 250 E5-ATMs that can
procedure to enable a 3 Links per
have three signaling links.
E5-ATM Card quantity .

Sheet 7 Does the E5-ATM Yes
contain LINK values A
and B?

Sheet 5

Sheet 8

Sheet 6 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1283

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Enter the rept-stat-card

command with this
Was the rept-stat-card Yes
From parameter.
command on Sheet 5
Sheet 6 :loc=<card location of the
card that you wish to add
the signaling link to>


Is the state of the Yes

card shown in the previous


Is the state of all the

signaling links shown in the Yes
previous step


Enter the dact-slk command with

these parameters.
:loc=<card location of the card that
you wish to add the signaling link
:link=<a or b>
Perform this step for each signaling
link on the card whose state is not

Enter the inh-card or the

rmv-card command with this
parameter. To
:loc=<card location of the Sheet 8
card that you wish to add
the signaling link to>

Sheet 7 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1284

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Sheets 5,
6, or 7

Yes Is the
Enter the rtrv-ls
desired linkset in the

Enter the rtrv-ls

command with this No
parameter. Choose another
:lsn=<the name of linkset.
Perform the "Adding
the linkset> an SS7 Linkset"
procedure to add a
new linkset to the

Sheet 9

What is the Yes

IPSG value for the


What is the Yes

IPGWAPC value for
the linkset?


A signaling link assigned to a card

running the ATMITU application
What application cannot be assigned to a linkset with a
Does the linkset
is assigned to the card ATMITU Yes 24-bit ITU-N APC or SAPC. Either
contain a 24-bit ITU-N
that the ATM high -speed choose another linkset from the rtrv-ls
signaling link will be output, perform the "Adding an SS7
assigned to? Linkset" procedure to add a linkset to
the database that does not contain a
24-bit ITU-N APC or SACP.

Sheet 9

Sheet 8 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1285

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 8

Is the lpset Yes Enter the

parameter being specified rtrv-atm-lps:lpset=<ATM link
for the signaling link? parameter set> command.


Do you wish to change

No the values of the ATM link
parameter set specified by the
lpset parameter?

Enter the ent-slk command. Use the ATM
High-Speed Signaling Link Parameter
Combinations table in the “Adding an ATM Perform the "Changing an ATM
High-Speed Signaling Link” procedure in the High-Speed Signaling Link Parameter
Database Administration Manual - SS7 as a Set" procedure to change the values of
guide to determine which parameters to the ATM link parameter set being
specify with the ent-slk command. assigned to the ATM
high-speed signaling link.
If adding the new signaling link will result in
Caution: If the ATM link parameter set
more than 700 signaling links in the database
being changed is used by other signaling
and the OAMHCMEAS value in the
links, changing the values of this ATM
rtrv-measopts output is on, the scheduled UI
link parameter set can impact the
measurement reports will be disabled.
performance of all the signaling links
If the link=a1 parameter will be specified for using this ATM link parameter set.
the new signaling link, the vci parameter value
can be only 0 to 16383.

Enter the rtrv-slk command with this

parameter for each card location specified
in the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>

Sheet 10

Sheet 9 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1286

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 9

Were any of the

Enter the
signaling links specified
Yes alw-card or the rst-card
with the ent-slk command the first
command with this parameter.
signaling link on the card or was the
:loc=<card location specified
link=a1 parameter specified with
in the ent-slk command>
the ent-slk command?


Enter the act-slk command with these

parameters for each signaling link that
was added with the ent-slk command.
:loc=<card location specified in the
ent-slk command>
:link = <the signaling link specified in the
ent-slk command>
If the link=a1 parameter was specified
with the ent-slk command, perform this
step for all the signaling links that are
assigned to the card.

Enter the rept-stat-slk command with

these parameters for each signaling link
that was specified with the act-slk
:loc=<card location specified in the act-slk
:link = <the signaling link specified in the
act-slk command>

Enter the

Sheet 10 of 10
Figure 361: Adding an ATM High-Speed Signaling Link

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1287

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts ATM Signaling Link Configuration Flowcharts

Changing an ATM High-Speed Signaling Link Parameter Set

Enter the rtrv-atm-lps

command with this parameter.
:lpset=<parameter set being

Enter the chg-atm-lps command with

Are the action these parameters.
and srclpset parameters :lpset=<parameter set being changed>
being used? :action=copy
:srclpset=<parameter set being copied>


Enter the chg-atm-lps command with this mandatory parameter:

:lpset=<parameter set being changed> (See Note 1)
and with at least one of these optional parameters (See Note 2).
:maxcc –1 – 10 :tmrt2 – 15000 – 180000 milliseconds
:maxpd – 5 – 2120 :tmrt3 – 450 – 23000, microseconds
:maxstat – 3 – 67 :n1 – 500 – 64552
:tmrcc – 100 – 2000 milliseconds :maxnrp – 1 – 10 (ANSI ATM )
:tmrkalive – 25 – 500 milliseconds 0 – 10 (E1 ATM )
:tmrnorsp – 500 – 2000 milliseconds :tmrsrec – 60000 – 10800000 milliseconds
:tmrpoll – 25 – 500 milliseconds :tmrnocred – 1000 – 6000 milliseconds
:tmridle – 25 – 1000 milliseconds :tmrerm – 25 – 500 milliseconds
:tmrt1 – 1000 – 15000 milliseconds :nblk – 1 – 10
:tmrprov – 60000 – 1200000 milliseconds
1. Link parameter sets 20 and 30 cannot be changed. The values in link parameter
set 20 are set to the ANSI default values. The values in link parameter set 30 are set
to the ITU default values. The values in link parameter set 20 and 30 can be copied
to another link parameter set.
2. The value for any optional parameter will not be changed if that optional parameter
is not specified.

Enter the rtrv-atm-lps

command with this parameter.
:lpset=<parameter set that
was changed>

Enter the

Figure 362: Changing an ATM High-Speed Signaling Link Parameter Set

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1288


Database Management Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures that are used for managing the database.
• Making a Backup of the Database on the Fixed These procedures are located in the Database
Disk.....1290 Administration Manual - System Management.
• Making a Backup of the Database to the Removable
Cartridge or Removable Media .....1291
• Restoring the Database from the Backup Partition
of the Fixed Disk.....1295
• Restoring the Database from the Removable
Cartridge or Removable Media .....1296
• Repairing the Database.....1298
• Copying the Database from the Active to the
Standby Fixed Disk.....1299
• Backing Up System Data to the Removable
Cartridge or Removable Media .....1302
• Restoring System Data from a Removable Cartridge
or Removable Media.....1304
• Formatting a Removable Cartridge.....1306
• Formatting the Fixed Disk of the Standby
• Formatting Removable Media.....1315

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1289

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Making a Backup of the Database on the Fixed Disk

Enter the rept-stat-db


Are the databases Go to the Verifying the

in the current partitions No Database section and
(FD CRNT) of both resolve the database
MASPs coherent? problems


Enter the

Enter the rept-stat-db


Figure 363: Making a Backup of the Database on the Fixed Disk

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1290

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Making a Backup of the Database to the Removable Cartridge or Removable


Are the databases

Enter the
in the current partition No
(FD CRNT) of the active
MASP coherent?
Refer to the “Verifying
the Database” section to
Yes resolve the database

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

Which Legacy Control

Cards Check the removable
control cards are
cartridge drive for a
installed in the EAGLE
removable cartridge.
5 ISS?

Control Cards

Is a cartridge in
To the removable
Sheet 2 cartridge drive?

Remove the No

Enter the Insert a write enabled

chg-db:action=backup:dest=remove removable cartridge into the
command. removable cartridge drive.

Remove the removable

Enter the rept-stat-db
cartridge from the removable
cartridge drive.

Label the removable


Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1291

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is removable No To
media installed in both
Sheet 3

Yes Sheet 3

Remove the
Do you wish Insert the media
No media that will
to use this media for that will be used
not be used for
the backup? for the backup.
the backup.


When the backup is

performed, the database on
Enter the
the current partition of each
fixed disk is copied to the
corresponding removable

Remove the removable media

Enter the rept-stat-db
from the removable media

Label the removable


Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1292

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Note: If removable media is installed in both

From removable media drives when the backup is
Sheet 2 performed, the database on the current
partition of each fixed disk is copied to the
corresponding removable media.

Do you wish
to perform the backup No To
to both removable media? Sheet 4
(See the Note)


Do you wish
No To
to use the media that is
Sheet 2


Insert the media that will

be used for the backup in
the empty removable
media drive.

Enter the

Enter the rept-stat-db


Remove the removable media

from the removable media

Label the removable


Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1293

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Note: If removable media is installed in both

From removable media drives when the backup is
Sheet 3 performed, the database on the current
partition of each fixed disk is copied to the
corresponding removable media.

Is removable
Is removable
media installed in No No
media installed in the
the active MASP
standby MASP?

Yes Yes

Do you wish Remove the media

to use the media that is from the removable
installed? media drive on the
standby MASP.


Remove the media Insert the media that will

from the removable be used for the backup in
media drive on the the removable media drive
active MASP. on the active MASP.

Enter the
:dest=remove command.

Remove the removable

Enter the rept-stat-db
media from the removable
media drives.

Label the removable


Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 364: Making a Backup of the Database to the Removable Cartridge or Removable Media

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1294

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Restoring the Database from the Backup Partition of the Fixed Disk

Enter the rept-stat-db


Go to the “Verifying the

Are the databases
No Database” section in the
in the backup partition
Database Administration Manual
(FD BKUP) of both
– System Management to resolve
MASPs coherent?
the database problems.


Enter the

Enter the init-sys command.

The init-sys command must be
entered twice within 30 seconds.

Enter the login command

with this parameter.
:uid=<user ID>

Enter the rept-stat-db


Figure 365: Restoring the Database from the Backup Partition of the Fixed Disk

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1295

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Restoring the Database from the Removable Cartridge or Removable Media

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

Control Cards
control cards are To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Legacy Control
Cards Enter the rept-stat-db
Check the removable
cartridge drive for a
removable cartridge.

Is the database on No
the removable cartridge
Is a cartridge in (RD BKUP) coherent?
the removable
cartridge drive?
Contact the Customer
Yes Care Center for
Yes assistance. Refer to
the “Customer Care
Center” section in
Insert the removable cartridge
Chapter 1 for the
Remove the that contains the database
contact information.
cartridge. that is being restored into the
removable cartridge drive.

Enter the

Enter the login command Enter the init-sys command.

with this parameter. The init-sys command must be
:uid=<user ID> entered twice within 30 seconds.

Remove the removable

Enter the rept-stat-db
cartridge from the removable
cartridge drive.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1296

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rept-stat-db


Is removable
media installed in the No
MASP that you wish to Enter the
use to restore the chg-db:action=restore:src=remove command.
database? The :sloc=<1113, 1115> parameter can be
specifed with the chg-db command if you wish to
restore the database from a specific removable
Yes media drive.
If the sloc parameter is not specified with the
chg-db command, the database will be restored
from the removable media in the active MASP.
Do you wish
Yes to use this media The sloc parameter must be specified with the
to restore the chg-db command if the either of these conditions
database? are present.
If removable media is installed in both MASPs
and the database levels are different.
No If you wish to restore the database from the
removable media in the standby MASP.
Insert the media that
Remove the
contains the database that
media from the
is being restored in the
removable media drive that
media drive. Enter the init-sys command.
you wish to use.
The init-sys command must be
entered twice within 30 seconds.

Enter the rept-stat-db

Enter the login command
with this parameter.
:uid=<user ID>

Is the database on Yes Enter the rept-stat-db

the removable media (RD command.
BKUP) coherent?

Contact the Customer Care

No This procedure is
Center for assistance. Refer
to the “Customer Care
Center” section in Chapter 1
for the contact information.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 366: Restoring the Database from the Removable Cartridge or Removable Media

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1297

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Repairing the Database

Enter the rept-stat-db


Refer to the “Verifying the

Are the databases Database” section in the
on the active MASP (FD No Database Administration
CRNT and FD BKUP) Manual - System
coherent? Management to resolve the
database problems.


Enter the rtrv-trm


Enter the rept-stat-trm command

with this parameter.
Yes :trm=<the number of the SEAS
terminals shown in the
terminal shown in the rtrv-trm
rtrv-trm command
command output>
Perform this step for both SEAS


Enter the rmv-trm command with this parameter.

Enter the :trm=<the number of the SEAS terminal specified
chg-db:action=repair with the rept-stat-trm command output>
command. Perform this step for each SEAS terminal whose
state is not OOS-MT-DSBLD.
When this command is performed for the last
SEAS terminal whose state is not
Enter the rept-stat-db OOS-MT-DSBLD, the force=yes parameter must
command. be specified with the rmv-trm command.

Enter the

Enter the rst-trm command with this

:trm=<the number of the terminal specified Enter the rept-stat-db
with the rmv-trm command> command.
Perform this step for each terminal
specified in the rmv-trm command.

Figure 367: Repairing the Database

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1298

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Copying the Database from the Active to the Standby Fixed Disk

Enter the rept-stat-db


Refer to the “Verifying the

Are the databases in
Database” section in the Database
both partitions of the active No
Administration Manual – System
Management to resolve the
BKUP) coherent?
database the problems.


Enter the rtrv-measopts


Enter the rtrv-meas-sched


Is the No
Mesurements Platform

Yes Is measurement
collection on?

Enter the rept-stat-seculog


Enter the
Does the standby
security log contain any No
entries not copied to the


Enter the
Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1299

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

From Enter the rtrv-trm terminals shown in the No
Sheet 1 command rtrv-trm command

Enter the rept-stat-trm command

with this parameter: Yes
:trm=<the number of the SEAS
terminal shown in the rtrv-trm
command output>
Perform this step for both SEAS

Enter the rmv-trm command with this parameter:

:trm=<the number of the SEAS terminal specified
with the rept-stat-trm command output>
Perform this step for each SEAS terminal whose Does the standby fixed No
state is not OOS-MT-DSBLD. disk contain system data and is
When this command is performed for the last it to be formatted?
SEAS terminal whose state is not
OOS-MT-DSBLD, the force=yes parameter must
be specified with the rmv-trm command.

Enter the copy-disk command

with these parameters.
:dloc=<the card location of the
destination disk>

Enter the copy-disk command

with these parameters. Does the
:dloc=<the card location of the Yes standby fixed
destination disk> disk contain system
:force=yes data?


Enter the copy-disk command

with these parameters. Is the
:dloc=<the card location of the Yes standby fixed
destination disk> disk to be
:force=no formatted?

Enter the copy-disk command

with these parameters.
To :dloc=<the card location of the
Sheet 3 destination disk>

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1300

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Was measurement Yes Enter the chg-meas:collect=on

collection turned off in this


Enter the rst-card command

Were MCPMs specifying the location of
placed out of service on each MCPM shown in the
Sheet 1? rept-stat-meas command
executed on Sheet 1.


Enter the
Enter the rept-stat-db

Were SEAS No The procedure is

terminals taken out of
service on Sheet 2?


Enter the rst-trm command with this

:trm=<the number of the terminal specified
with the rmv-trm command>
Perform this step for each terminal
specified in the rmv-trm command on
Sheet 2.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 368: Copying the Database from the Active to the Standby Fixed Disk

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1301

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Backing Up System Data to the Removable Cartridge or Removable Media

Perform the “Making a Backup of the

Database to the Removable Cartridge or
Removable Media” procedure in this chapter
to make a backup of the database to either
the removable cartridge or removable media.
Perform this procedure without performing
the last two steps (removing the cartridge or
media, and labeling the cartridge or media).

Which E5-Based
control cards are Control Cards To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Legacy Control

Enter the copy-gpl command

with these parameters.
:sloc= <1114 or 1116, the
location of the active TDM>

Enter the rtrv-gpl


Remove the removable

cartridge from the removable
cartridge drive.

Label the removable


Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1302

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the copy-gpl command

with these parameters.
:sloc= <1114 or 1116, the location
of the active TDM>
:dloc=<1113 or 1115, the location
of the active E5-MCAP card>

Enter the rtrv-gpl


Remove the removable

mediae from the removable
media drives.

Label the removable


Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 369: Backing Up System Data to the Removable Cartridge or Removable Media

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1303

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Restoring System Data from a Removable Cartridge or Removable Media

Perform the “Restoring the Database from the

Removable Cartridge or Removable Media”
procedure in this chapter
to make restore the database from either
the removable cartridge or removable media.
If the database is being restored from a
removable cartridge, do not remove the
removable cartridge.

Which E5-Based
control cards are Control Cards To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Legacy Control

Enter the copy-gpl command

with these parameters.
:dloc= <1114 or 1116, the
location of the standby TDM>

Enter the rtrv-gpl


Enter the init-card command with

this parameter.
:loc=<the card location of the
Remove the removable
active GPSM-II card>
cartridge from the removable
This step makes the active
cartridge drive.
MASP the standby MASP. The
MASP that was active is now the
standby MASP.

Enter the copy-gpl command

with these parameters. Insert the removable cartridge
:sloc=1117 into the removable cartridge
:dloc= <1114 or 1116, the drive.
location of the standby TDM>

This procedure is finished.

Enter the rtrv-gpl Remove the removable
command. cartridge from the removable
cartridge drive.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1304

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the copy-gpl command

with these parameters.
:sloc= <1113 or 1115, the location
of the active E5-MCAP card>
:dloc=<1114 or 1116, the location
of the standby TDM>

Enter the rtrv-gpl


Enter the init-card command with

this parameter.
:loc=<the card location of the
active E5-MCAP card>
This step makes the active
MASP the standby MASP. The
MASP that was active is now the
standby MASP.

Enter the copy-gpl command

with these parameters.
:sloc= <1113 or 1115, the location
of the active E5-MCAP card>
:dloc=<1114 or 1116, the location
of the standby TDM>

Enter the rtrv-gpl


This procedure is

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 370: Restoring System Data from a Removable Cartridge or Removable Media

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1305

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Formatting a Removable Cartridge

Check the removable cartridge

drive for a removable cartridge

Is a removable No
cartridge in the


Remove the removable Insert a write enable

Is this No cartridge from the removable cartridge into
removable cartridge to
removable cartridge the removable cartridge
be formatted?
drive drive


Remove the removable

cartridge from the removable
cartridge drive

Verify that the removable

cartridge is write enabled

Is the Yes
removable cartridge
write enabled?


Insert the removable cartridge

Make the removable To Sheet
into the removable cartridge
cartridge write enabled 2

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1306

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rept-stat-db


Is the database in Go to the Verifying the

the current partition of the Yes Database section and
active MASP (FD CRNT) resolve the database
coherent? problems


Enter the rtrv-meas-sched


Enter the rtrv-measopts


Is measurement No
collection on?

Is the Mesurements Yes Enter the rept-stat-meas

Yes Platform Enabled? command

Enter the No
chg-meas:collect=off Enter the rmv-card command
command specifying the location of
each in service MCPM
shown in the rept-stat-meas

To Sheet

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1307

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 2

What type of data Data To Sheet
will be on the disk? 4


Enter the
Does the Will a low level
Yes Yes format-disk:type=system
removable cartridge format be performed on the
contain system data? removable cartridge?

No No

Enter the
:low=no:force=yes command

Will a low level Enter the

format be performed on the format-disk:type=system
removable cartridge? :low=yes command


Enter the
To Sheet
:low=no command

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1308

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Does the Enter the

Will a low level
removable cartridge Yes Yes format-disk:type=meas
format be performed on the
contain EAGLE 5 ISS :low=yes:force=yes
removable cartridge?
data? command


Enter the

Will a low level Enter the

format be performed on the format-disk:type=meas
removable cartridge? :low=yes command


Enter the
To Sheet
:low=no command

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1309

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheets 3
or 4

Do you wish to turn Yes Enter the chg-meas:collect=on

measurement collection

No Enter the

Enter the rst-card command

Were MCPMs specifying the location of
placed out of service on each MCPM shown in the
Sheet 2? rept-stat-meas command
executed on Sheet 2


Enter the
The procedure is

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 371: Formatting a Removable Cartridge

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1310

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Formatting the Fixed Disk of the Standby TDM

Enter the rept-stat-db


Is the database in Go to the Verifying the

the current partition of the No Database section and
active MASP (FD CRNT) resolve the database
coherent? problems.


Enter the rtrv-meas-sched


Is measurement No
collection on?


Enter the
Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1311

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-measopts


Is the
Measurements Yes Enter the rept-stat-meas
Platform command.

Enter the rmv-card command
specifying the location of
Enter the rept-stat-seculog
each in service MCPM
shown in the rept-stat-meas

Does the standby

Enter the
security log contain any Yes
entries not copied to the

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1312

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the
format-disk command with
these parameters.
Will a check for
Yes :type=fixed
problems format be
performed on the
standby TDM?
:loc=<the location of the
standby TDM, 1114 or

Enter the
format-disk command with these
:loc=<the location of the standby
TDM, 1114 or 1116>
The optional parameter prtngrp
parameter can be specified with this
Sheet 4
The prtngrp parameter has two
values, active and inactive. The
default value for the prtngrp
parameter is active.
Contact the Customer Care Center
before using the prtngrp=inactive
Refer to the "Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the contact

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1313

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 3

Do you wish to Yes

turn measurement
collection on?

Enter the
No chg-meas:collect=on

Enter the

Were MCPMs No
placed out of service on
Sheet 2?

Enter the rst-card command

specifying the location of Yes
each MCPM shown in the
rept-stat-meas command
executed on Sheet 2.

Enter the
The procedure is

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 372: Formatting the Fixed Disk of the Standby TDM

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1314

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Formatting Removable Media

Check the E5-MASPs for

removable media.

Insert the removable

Is removable No media to be formatted
media in the removable
into one of the
media drives?
removable media drives.


Is any of the Yes

media in these drives
to be formatted?


Remove the
removable media
from the removable
media drive being
used to format the
removable media.

Insert the removable

media to be formatted To
into one of the Sheet 2
removable media drives.

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1315

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

From Enter the rept-stat-db

Sheet 1 command

Is the database in
the current partition of the No
active MASP (FD CRNT)

Contact the Customer Care

Center for assistance. Refer
to the “Customer Care
Center” section in Chapter 1
for the contact information.
Enter the rtrv-meas-sched

Yes Is measurement No
collection on?

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-measopts

Is the
Enter the rept-stat-meas Yes Measurements
command Platform


Enter the rmv-card command

specifying the location of
each in service MCPM
Sheet 3
shown in the rept-stat-meas

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1316

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Database Management Flowcharts

Sheet 2 Enter the format-disk command
with these parameters.
:loc=<1113, 1115 – the card
location of the E5-MCAP card
Measurement containing the removable media>
What type
Data If a check of the media for
of data will be on
the media? problems will be performed,
specify this parameter.
System :low=yes
Data If the media contains system data ,
specify this parameter.
Enter the format-disk command
with these parameters.
:loc=<1113, 1115 – the card
location of the E5-MCAP card
containing the removable media>
Do you wish to turn No
If a check of the media for measurement collection
problems will be performed, on?
specify this parameter.
If the media contains system data , Yes
specify this parameter.
:force=yes Enter the chg-meas:collect=on

Enter the

Enter the rst-card command

specifying the location of Were MCPMs
each MCPM shown in the placed out of service on
rept-stat-meas command Sheet 2?
executed on Sheet 2.


Enter the
The procedure is

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 373: Formatting Removable Media

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1317


GPL Management Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures that are used for managing the system
• Updating the IMT GPL.....1319 data (GPLs). These procedures are located in the
• Updating the EOAM GPL.....1323 Database Administration Manual - System Management.
• Updating the BLMCAP and OAMHC GPLs.1326
• Updating the Signaling Link and Data Link
• Updating the Service GPLs.....1334
• Updating the Flash GPLs.....1341
• Updating the BPHMUX GPL.....1351
• Updating the HIPR GPL.....1356
• Updating the HIPR2 GPL.....1361
• Making the Trial Utility GPL the Approved Utility
• Reloading the TDM LCA Clock Bitfile.....1369
• Activating the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
• Turning Off the HIPR2 High Rate Mode
• Updating the BLIXP GPL.....1378
• Updating a High-Capacity Card to Run the BLIXP

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1318

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating the IMT GPL

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

Which E5-Based
control cards are Control Cards To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Legacy Control

Check the removable cartridge

drive for a removable cartridge.

Enter the
Is a cartridge in
Yes rtrv-gpl command with this
the removable cartridge


Insert the removable

cartridge containing the imt
GPL into the removable
cartridge drive.

Is the version of the

imt GPL being updated,
Remove the No shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column
cartridge. of the rtrv-gpl output, the version
that is to be loaded onto
the cards?


Sheet 4

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1319

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Check the E5-MASPs for

removable media.

Is removable Yes
media installed in both


Enter the rept-stat-db


Is removable Yes
media installed in the
active MASP?


Insert the removable media

Enter the
containing the GPL being
rtrv-gpl command with this
updated into the removable
media drive on the active

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1320

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Is the version of the

GPL being updated, shown in the
REMOVE TRIAL column of the rtrv-gpl Yes To
output for the active MASP, the Sheet 4
version that is to be loaded onto
the cards?


Remove the media from

the active MASP.

Insert the removable media

containing the GPL being
updated into the removable
media drive on the active

Enter the
rtrv-gpl command with this

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1321

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Enter the
rept-stat-gpl command
Sheets 1
with this parameter.
or 3

Enter the chg-gpl command with

Enter the act-gpl command with
these parameters:
these parameters.
:ver=<IMT GPL version number
:ver=<IMT GPL version number
from the removable cartridge or
specified in chg-gpl command>
removable media>

Enter the init-imt-gpl command with

these parameters.
:loc=<card location shown in the
rept-stat-gpl output>
CAUTION: The init-imt-gpl command
cannot be entered if the Extended Bit
Error Rate Test (BERT) is being
Enter the
rept-stat-gpl command
with this parameter.

Has the new IMT

GPL been loaded on all the No
cards displayed in the
rept-stat-gpl output?

Do you wish to
Yes load the new IMT
No Yes
GPL on to the other cards
displayed in the rept-stat-gpl

Control Which Legacy Control
Cards control cards are Cards
installed in the EAGLE
5 ISS?

This procedure is Remove the removable cartridge

finished. from the removable cartridge

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 374: Updating the IMT GPL

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1322

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating the EOAM GPL

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

This procedure cannot be Enter the chg-gpl command

performed. The EOAM GPL with these parameters:
Which Control
runs only on GPSM-II cards. :gpl=eoam
control cards are Cards
If E5-based control cards :ver=<EOAM GPL version
installed in the EAGLE number from the removable
5 ISS? are installed in the EAGLE 5
ISS, there are no GPSM-II cartridge>
cards in the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Legacy Control
Cards Enter the rtrv-gpl command
Check the removable
cartridge drive for a with this parameter.
removable cartridge. :gpl=eoam

Enter the rtrv-gpl Enter the rept-stat-gpl

Is a cartridge in command with this
Yes command with this
the removable cartridge parameter.
drive? :gpl=eoam

Enter the rept-stat-db
Insert the removable
cartridge containing the
eoam GPL into the
removable cartridge drive. Enter the rtrv-trm
Is the version of
the eoam GPL being
No updated, shown in the
Remove the Yes
REMOVE TRIAL column of the
rtrv-gpl output, the version To
that is to be loaded onto Sheet 2
the cards? new

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1323

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rmv-card command

Are SEAS terminals
No with this parameter.
shown in the rtrv-trm
:loc=<location of standby
command output?
GPSM-II card>

Yes Enter the rst-card command with

these parameters.
Enter the rept-stat-trm command :code=appr
with this parameter. :loc=<location of standby
:trm=<the number of the SEAS GPSM-II card>
terminal shown in the rtrv-trm
command output>
Perform this step for both SEAS Enter the
terminals. rept-stat-gpl command
with this parameter.
Enter the rmv-trm command with this parameter.
:trm=<the number of the SEAS terminal specified
with the rept-stat-trm command output>
Perform this step for each SEAS terminal whose
state is not OOS-MT-DSBLD.
When this command is performed for the last Is the EOAM GPL No
SEAS terminal whose state is not to be loaded on the active
OOS-MT-DSBLD, the force=yes parameter must GPSM-II card?
be specified with the rmv-trm command.


Enter the chg-trm command with

Enter the init-card command with
these parameters.
:type=none this parameter. To
:trm=<the number of the SEAS :loc=<the card location of the Sheet 6x
terminal shown in the rtrv-trm output> active GPSM-II card>
Note: Perform this step for all the
SEAS terminals shown in the rtrv-trm

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1324

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Were the terminal Remove the removable

types of the SEAS terminals No cartridge from the
changed on removable cartridge
Sheet 2? drive.


Enter the chg-trm command with

these parameters.
:trm=<the number of the SEAS
terminal that was changed on Sheet
Perform this step for both SEAS

Enter the rst-trm command with this

:trm=<number of the terminal
specified in the chg-trm command>
Perform this step for all the OAP and
SEAS terminals.

Remove the removable cartridge

from the removable cartridge

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 375: Updating the EOAM GPL

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1325

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating the BLMCAP and OAMHC GPLs

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS. Which Legacy Control
control cards are Cards
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in installed in the EAGLE
Chapter 1 for more information about 5 ISS?
the control cards. This procedure cannot be
performed. The BLMCAP and
OAMHC GPLs run only on
Control Cards
E5-MCAP cards.
Check the E5-MASPs for
removable media. If legacy control cards are
installed in the EAGLE 5 ISS,
there are no E5-MCAP cards in
the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Is removable Yes Enter the rtrv-gpl command

media installed in both with this parameter.
E5-MASPs? :gpl=blmcap

Enter the rtrv-gpl command
with this parameter.
Enter the rept-stat-db :gpl=oamhc

Are the versions

Is removable Yes Yes of the BLMCAP and OAMHC
media installed in the GPLs shown in the REMOVE
active MASP? TRIAL column to be loaded
onto the cards?

No To
Sheet 2 No
Insert the removable media
containing the BLMCAP and
OAMHC GPLs that are being Remove the media from
updated into the removable the active MASP.
media drive on the active MASP.

Insert the removable media

containing the BLMCAP and Enter the rtrv-gpl Enter the rtrv-gpl
OAMHC GPLs being command with this command with this
updated into the removable parameter. parameter.
media drive on the active :gpl=blmcap :gpl=oamhc

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1326

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Enter the chg-gpl Enter the chg-gpl

Enter the act-gpl
command with these command with these
command with these
parameters. parameters.
From parameters.
:gpl=blmcap :gpl=oamhc
Sheet 1 :gpl=blmcap
:ver=<trial BLMCAP GPL
version number from the version number from the
version number>
removable media> removable media>

Enter the rept-stat-gpl Enter the rtrv-gpl Enter the rtrv-gpl

command with this command with this command with this
parameter. parameter. parameter.
:gpl=blmcap :gpl=oamhc :gpl=blmcap

Enter the rept-stat-gpl

command with this

Are SEAS terminals No

Enter the rtrv-trm
shown in the rtrv-trm
command output?


Enter the rept-stat-trm command

with this parameter.
:trm=<the number of the SEAS
terminal shown in the rtrv-trm
command output>
Perform this step for both SEAS

Enter the rmv-trm command with this parameter.

:trm=<the number of the SEAS terminal specified
with the rept-stat-trm command output>
Perform this step for each SEAS terminal whose
state is not OOS-MT-DSBLD.
When this command is performed for the last
SEAS terminal whose state is not
OOS-MT-DSBLD, the force=yes parameter must
be specified with the rmv-trm command.

Enter the chg-trm command with

these parameters.
:trm=<the number of the SEAS To
terminal shown in the rtrv-trm output> Sheet 3
Note: Perform this step for all the
SEAS terminals shown in the rtrv-trm

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1327

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Was the
From rept-stat-db command No Enter the rept-stat-db
Sheet 2 executed on command.
Sheet 1?

Enter the rmv-card command Yes

with this parameter.
:loc=<location of the standby
E5-MCAP card>
CAUTION: The flash-card
command cannot be entered if
the IMT Rate Change
Enter the flash-card command sequence or the Extended Bit
Enter the rst-card command with
with these parameters. Error Rate Test (BERT) is
these parameters.
:code=appr being performed.
:loc=<location of the standby
:loc=<location of standby
E5-MCAP card>
E5-MCAP card>
(See the Caution)

Enter the
Enter the init-card command
rept-stat-card command with this
with this parameter.
:loc=<the card location of
:loc=<card location specified in the
the active E5-MCAP card>
rst-card command>


Have the new Is the card running

BLMCAP and OAMHC GPLs Yes the GPL versions specified No
to been loaded on both with the act-gpl commands on
E5-MCAP cards? Sheet 2?

Contact the Customer Care

Center. Refer to the "Customer
Yes Care Center" section in
Chapter 1 for the contact

Enter the chg-trm command

Enter the rst-trm command
with these parameters.
with this parameter:
Were the terminal :type=seas
Yes :trm=<number of the terminal
types of the SEAS :trm=<the number of the
specified in the chg-trm
terminals changed on SEAS terminal that was
Sheet 2? changed on Sheet 2>
Perform this step for all the
Perform this step for both
SEAS terminals.
SEAS terminals.

This procedure is

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 376: Updating the BLMCAP and OAMHC GPLs

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1328

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating the Signaling Link and Data Link GPLs

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

Which Control
control cards are Cards To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Note: The SS7 LIM Card Types and Data

Legacy Control
Link Card Types tables contain the names
of the GPLs that can be updated in this
procedure. The names in these tabls are
Check the removable cartridge used as the value of the GPL parameter of
drive for a removable cartridge. the chg-gpl, act-gpl, rept-stat-gpl, and
rtrv-gpl commands.
This table is in the “Updating the Signaling
Link and Data Link GPLs” procedure in
the Database Administration Manual –
System Management.
Is a cartridge in Yes
the removable cartridge


Enter the
Insert the removable cartridge
rtrv-gpl command with this
containing the GPL being
updated into the removable
:gpl=<GPL being updated>
cartridge drive.
(See the Note)

Is the version of the

GPL being updated, shown
Remove the No in the REMOVE TRIAL column of the
cartridge. rtrv-gpl output, the version that is
to be loaded onto the

To Yes
Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1329

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

From Note: The SS7 LIM Card Types and Data

Sheet 1 Link Card Types tables contain the names
of the GPLs that can be updated in this
procedure. The names in these tabls are
used as the value of the GPL parameter of
the chg-gpl, act-gpl, rept-stat-gpl, and
rtrv-gpl commands.
Check the E5-MASPs for
removable media. This table is in the “Updating the Signaling
Link and Data Link GPLs” procedure in
the Database Administration Manual –
System Management.

Is removable Yes
media installed in both


Enter the rept-stat-db


Is removable Yes
media installed in the
active MASP?


Insert the removable media Enter the

containing the GPL being rtrv-gpl command with this
updated into the removable parameter.
media drive on the active :gpl=<GPL being updated>
MASP. (See the Note)

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1330

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Sheet 1

Is the version of the

GPL being updated,
shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column Yes
of the rtrv-gpl output for the active MASP,
the version that is to be loaded
onto the cards?
Enter the chg-gpl command
with these parameters.
:gpl=<GPL being updated>
No :ver=<GPL version number
from removable cartridge or
removable media>
(See the Note)
Remove the media from
the active MASP.

Enter the act-gpl command

with these parameters.
Insert the removable media :gpl=<GPL being updated>
containing the GPL being :ver=<trial GPL version
updated into the removable number>
media drive on the active (See the Note)

Enter the To
rtrv-gpl command with this Sheet 4
:gpl=<GPL value being updated>
(See the Note)

Note: The SS7 LIM Card Types and Data

Link Card Types tables contain the names
of the GPLs that can be updated in this
procedure. The names in these tabls are
used as the value of the GPL parameter of
the chg-gpl, act-gpl, rept-stat-gpl, and
rtrv-gpl commands.
This table is in the “Updating the Signaling
Link and Data Link GPLs” procedure in
the Database Administration Manual –
System Management.

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1331

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-gpl command

with this parameter.
:gpl=<GPL name specified
Sheet 3
with the act-gpl command
on Sheet 3>

Enter the
rept-stat-gpl command with this
:gpl=<GPL name specified with
the rtrv-gpl command>

Is the GPL
From Yes Enter the rept-stat-dlk
being updated VXWSLAN
Sheet 5 command.

No Enter the canc-dlk

command with this
Enter the rtrv-slk :loc=<card location>

Enter the rmv-card

command with this
Enter the
dact-slk command with these parameters.
:loc=<card location>
:loc=<card location>
:link=<signaling link assigned to the card>
Repeat this step for each signaling link
that is assigned to the card.
Sheet 5

Does the card No

contain the last link in a

Enter the rmv-card command

Yes with this parameter.
:loc=<card location>

Enter the rmv-card command

with these parameters. To
:loc=<card location> Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1332

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 4

Enter the rst-card command Enter the rept-stat-gpl

with this parameter. command with this parameter.
:loc=<card location> :gpl=<GPL being updated>

Enter the act-slk command with these

:loc=<card location> No Is the GPL
:link=<signaling link assigned to the being updated VXWSLAN
card> or SLANHC?
Repeat this step for each signaling
links that is assigned to the card.


Enter the rept-stat-slk command Enter the act-dlk command

with these parameters. with this parameter.
:loc=<card location> :loc=<card location>
:link=<signaling link assigned to
the card>

Enter the rept-stat-dlk


Is the GPL to Are other

Yes No Yes
be loaded on other GPLs to be
cards? updated?

Go back to
No Sheet 1 and
Sheet 4 repeat this

Control Which Legacy Control
Cards control cards are Cards
installed in the EAGLE
5 ISS?

This procedure is Remove the removable cartridge

finished. from the removable cartridge

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 377: Updating the Signaling Link and Data Link GPLs

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1333

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating the Service GPLs

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

Which Control
control cards are Cards To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Legacy Control
Note: The Service GPL Card Types table
contains the names of the GPLs that can
be updated in this procedure. The names
Check the removable cartridge in this table are used as the value of the
drive for a removable cartridge. GPL parameter of the chg-gpl, act-gpl,
rept-stat-gpl, and rtrv-gpl commands.
This table is in the “Updating the Service
GPLs” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – System
Is a cartridge in Yes
the removable cartridge


Enter the
Insert the removable cartridge
rtrv-gpl command with this
containing the GPL being
updated into the removable
:gpl=<GPL being updated>
cartridge drive.
(See the Note)

Is the version of the

GPL being updated, shown
Remove the No in the REMOVE TRIAL column of the
cartridge. rtrv-gpl output, the version that is
to be loaded onto the

To Yes
Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1334

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1 Note: The Service GPL Card Types table
contains the names of the GPLs that can
be updated in this procedure. The names
in this table are used as the value of the
GPL parameter of the chg-gpl, act-gpl,
Check the E5-MASPs for rept-stat-gpl, and rtrv-gpl commands.
removable media. This table is in the “Updating the Service
GPLs” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – System

Is removable Yes
media installed in both


Enter the rept-stat-db


Is removable Yes
media installed in the
active MASP?


Insert the removable media Enter the

containing the GPL being rtrv-gpl command with this
updated into the removable parameter.
media drive on the active :gpl=<GPL being updated>
MASP. (See the Note)

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1335

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Sheet 1

Is the version of the

GPL being updated,
shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column Yes
of the rtrv-gpl output for the active MASP,
the version that is to be loaded
onto the cards?
Enter the chg-gpl command
with these parameters.
:gpl=<GPL being updated>
No :ver=<GPL version number
from removable cartridge or
removable media>
(See the Note)
Remove the media from
the active MASP.

Enter the act-gpl command

with these parameters.
Insert the removable media :gpl=<GPL being updated>
containing the GPL being :ver=<trial GPL version
updated into the removable number>
media drive on the active (See the Note)

Enter the To
rtrv-gpl command with this Sheet 4
:gpl=<GPL value being updated>
(See the Note)

Note: The Service GPL Card Types table

contains the names of the GPLs that can
be updated in this procedure. The names
in this table are used as the value of the
GPL parameter of the chg-gpl, act-gpl,
rept-stat-gpl, and rtrv-gpl commands.
This table is in the “Updating the Service
GPLs” procedure in the Database
Administration Manual – System

Sheet 3 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1336

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-gpl command

with this parameter.
:gpl=<GPL name specified
Sheet 3
with the act-gpl command on
Sheet 3>

Enter the
rept-stat-gpl command with this
:gpl=<GPL name specified with
the rtrv-gpl command>

ERTHC Enter the
Sheet 7

Enter the
GLS/ rept-stat-card
Which GPL is GLSHC :loc=<location of the GLS
being loaded onto the
card> command for each
GLS card shown in the
rept-stat-gpl output

IPSHC Enter the
Sheet 5
SCCPHC Enter the

Sheet 6

Sheet 4 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1337

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 4

Enter the
rept-stat-card command with
this parameter.
:loc=<location of card>
Repeat this step for each IPSM
shown in the rept-stat-gpl

Enter the
rtrv-trm command.

Enter the Caution: Placing these terminals out of

rept-stat-trm command. service will disable all the sessions
supported by the terminals associated
with the card.
Enter the rmv-trm command with this 1. Each card has 8 terminals associated
parameter. with it. The rtrv-trm output shows the
:trm=<terminal number> terminals that are associated with each
Repeat this step for each terminal that is card.
not OOS-MT-DSBLD associated with the
card being updated with the new IPS or 2. If the last in service SEAS terminal is
IPSHC GPL. assigned to the card containing the
(See Notes and Caution) terminals that are being inhibited, the
force=yes parameter must be specified
for that terminal.

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1338

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

From Which GPL is IPS, IPSHC
Sheets 4 being loaded onto the
or 5 card?


Is the card that the

GPL is being loaded onto No
the only in service card
running that GPL?
Enter the
rmv-card command with this
Yes parameter.
:loc=<card location>

Enter the rmv-card command

with these parameters.
:loc=<card location>

Enter the
rst-card command with this
:loc=<card location>

Enter the
rept-stat-gpl command with this
:gpl=<GPL being updated>

Sheet 7

Sheet 6 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1339

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Was the IPS or

From Yes
IPSHC GPL loaded onto
Sheet 6
the card?

Enter the rst-trm command with

No this parameter.
:trm=<terminal number>
Repeat this step for each
terminal that was placed out of
service on Sheet 5.

Is the GPL Enter the

To Yes
to be loaded on other rept-stat-trm
Sheet 4
cards? command.


Are other Yes Go back to Sheet 1 and

GPLs to be
repeat this procedure.


Control Which Legacy Control
Cards control cards are Cards
installed in the EAGLE
5 ISS?

This procedure is Remove the removable cartridge

finished. from the removable cartridge

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 378: Updating the Service GPLs

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1340

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating the Flash GPLs

Verify the control cards that installed in Note: This procedure is used to update these
Refer to the “Maintenance and BPMLPT, BPDCM, BPDCM2. These names
Administration Subsystem” section in are used as the value of the GPL parameter of
Chapter 1 for more information about the chg-gpl, act-gpl, rept-stat-gpl, and rtrv-gpl
the control cards. commands.

Which Legacy Control

Cards Check the removable
control cards are
cartridge drive for a removable
installed in the EAGLE
5 ISS?

Control Cards

Is a cartridge in Yes
The BPDCM or BPDCM2 GPLs that
the removable cartridge
run on GPSM-II cards cannot be
updated because the EAGLE 5 ISS
does not contain any GPSM-II cards.


Insert the removable

Enter the
cartridge containing
Do you wish to the flash GPL being
No GPL being updated>
update the flash GPLs updated into the
running on the E5-based removable cartridge
(See the Note)
control cards? drive.

Yes Sheet 2
Remove the
Perform the “Updating the BLMCAP Is the version of the
and OAMHC GPLs” procedure to flash GPL being updated,
No shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column
update the flash GPLs running on the
E5-based control cards. of the rtrv-gpl output, the version that
is to be loaded onto the

Enter the act-gpl command with these Enter the chg-gpl command with these
parameters. parameters.
:gpl=<flash GPL being updated> :gpl=<flash GPL being updated>
:ver=<trial flash GPL version number> :ver=<flash GPL version number from
(See the Note) removable cartridge> (See the Note)

Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1341

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1 Note: This procedure is used to update these
BPMLPT, BPDCM, BPDCM2. These names
are used as the value of the GPL parameter of
the chg-gpl, act-gpl, rept-stat-gpl, and rtrv-gpl
Check the E5-MASPs for commands.
removable media.

Enter the
Is removable Yes rtrv-gpl command with this
media installed in both parameter.
E5-MASPs? :gpl=<flash GPL being updated>
(See the Note)


Enter the rept-stat-db

Is the version of the
flash GPL being updated,
shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column Yes
of the rtrv-gpl output for the active MASP,
the version that is to be loaded
onto the cards?
Is removable Yes
media installed in the Enter the chg-gpl command
active MASP? with these parameters.
:gpl=<flash GPL being
No updated>
No :ver=<flash GPL version
number from removable
Remove the media from media>
Insert the removable media the active MASP. (See the Note)
containing the flash GPL
being updated into the
removable media drive on
the active MASP. Enter the act-gpl command
Insert the removable media
with these parameters.
containing the flash GPL
:gpl=<flash GPL being
being updated into the
removable media drive on
:ver=<trial flash GPL version
the active MASP.
(See the Note)

Enter the
rtrv-gpl command with this
:gpl=<flash GPL value being To
updated> Sheet 3
(See the Note)

Sheet 2 of 10

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1342

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheets 1,
2, or 10

Enter the rtrv-gpl command with

this parameter.
:gpl=<flash GPL name specified on
Sheets 1 or 2>

Enter the rept-stat-gpl command Is the VXWSLAN Yes

with this parameter. GPL running on the
:gpl=<flash GPL name specified in card?
the previous step>

No Enter the
rept-stat-dlk command.
Enter the rtrv-card command with
this parameter. Enter the
:loc=<card location from the rtrv-slk command.
rept-stat-gpl output> Enter the
canc-dlk command with this
Enter the dact-slk command with these :loc=<card location of the
BPHCAPT, parameters.
BPMPL, :loc=<card location of the signaling link>
Which flash BPMPLT :link=<signaling link assigned to the
GPL is being card>
loaded? Perform this command for all the
signaling links assigned to the card.

BPDCM2 Enter the
rmv-card command with this
Does the card No :loc=<card location>
contain the last link in
This command must be
Is the card's a linkset?
entered for each card that is
application GPL VXWSLAN, Yes being updated.
(See the Caution)
IPLIMI (shown in the Yes
rtrv-card output)?
Enter the rmv-card command with these
No :loc=<card location>
Sheet 5
This command must be entered for each
card that is being updated.
To (See the Caution)
Sheet 4
Caution: Multiple cards running the same flash GPL can be updated at the same time
with the init-flash command. This requires that the cards in the locations specified with
the init-flash command are out of service. All the cards running one of these
application GPLs (ss7ml, atmansi, atmitu, iplim, iplimi, ss7ipgw, ipgwi, and vxwslan)
can be placed out of service.
However, it is recommended that only some of the cards running a specific application
GPL are placed out of service. Placing all the cards running a specific application GPL
out of service will cause the traffic carried by these cards to be lost and disable the
features supported by these cards.

Sheet 3 of 10

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 3 Enter the rept-stat-card
command with this parameter.
IPS :loc=<location of card>
Repeat this step for each IPSM
shown in the rept-stat-gpl

MCP Which application EOAM To

GPL is running on the
Sheet 6
card? Enter the
rtrv-trm command.
Enter the EROUTE
rept-stat-meas VSCCP
Enter the
rept-stat-trm command.
Enter the
rept-stat-sccp command

Enter the rmv-trm command with this

Enter the parameter.
rmv-card command with this :trm=<Telnet terminal number >
parameter: Repeat this step for each Telnet terminal
Is the card running No that is not OOS-MT-DSBLD associated
:loc=<card location>
the application GPL the with the IPSM being updated with the
This command must be
only one in service? new BPDCM GPL.
entered for each card that is
being updated. (See the Note and Caution 1)
(See the Caution 2)

Enter the
Enter the rmv-card command
rmv-card command with these parameters:
with this parameter.
:loc=<card location>
To :loc=<card location>
Sheet 5 Repeat this step for each card
This command must be entered for each card
that is being updated.
that is being updated.
(See Caution 2)
(See the Caution 2)

Note: Each IPSM has 8 Telnet terminals associated with it. The rtrv-trm output shows the Telnet terminals
that are associated with each IPSM.
1. Placing the Telnet terminals out of service will disable all Telnet sessions supported by the terminals
associated with the IPSM.
2. Multiple cards running the same flash GPL can be updated at the same time with the init-flash command.
This requires that the cards in the locations specified with the init-flash command are out of service. All the
cards running a one of these application GPLs (vsccp, mcp, eroute, ips) can be placed out of service.
However, it is recommended that only some of the cards running a specific application GPL are placed out of
service. Placing all the cards running a specific application GPL out of service will cause the traffic carried by
these cards to be lost and disable the features supported by these cards.

Sheet 4 of 10

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Sheets 3
or 4

Is more than
No one card being updated Yes
with the approved
flash GPL?

Enter the init-flash command Enter the init-flash command

with these parameters: with these parameters:
:code=appr :code=appr
:loc=<card location> :sloc=<start card location>
CAUTION: The init-flash :eloc=<end card location>
command cannot be entered if :gpl=<flash GPL being updated>
the IMT Rate Change CAUTION: The init-flash
sequence or the Extended Bit command cannot be entered if
Error Rate Test (BERT) is the IMT Rate Change sequence
being performed. or the Extended Bit Error Rate
Test (BERT) is being performed.

Enter the rst-card command with

this parameter.
:loc=<card location>
Repeat this step for each card
that was placed out of service on
Sheets 3 or 4.

Sheet 8

Sheet 5 of 10

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Sheet 4

Enter the rept-stat-db


Enter the rtrv-trm


Enter the rept-stat-trm

Enter the rmv-trm command with this
:trm=<the number of the SEAS
terminal specified with the
rept-stat-trm command output>
Yes Perform this step for each SEAS
terminals shown in the
terminal whose state is not
rtrv-trm command OOS-MT-DSBLD.
When this command is performed for
the last SEAS terminal whose state is
not OOS-MT-DSBLD, the force=yes
No parameter must be specified with the
rmv-trm command.
Enter the rmv-card
command with this
:loc=<location of the standby Enter the chg-trm command with
GPSM-II card> these parameters.
:trm=<the number of the SEAS
terminal shown in the rtrv-trm output>
Note: Perform this step for all the
SEAS terminals shown in the rtrv-trm

Enter the rmv-card

To :loc=<location of the
Sheet 7 standby GPSM-II card>

Sheet 6 of 10

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

1. High-speed clocks are shown in the
rept-stat-clk output only when the EAGLE 5 ISS
From Do you wish to No contains cards capable of using high-speed
Sheets 6 reload the TDM clock master timing.
or 10 LCA bitfile? 2. The system default values are:
3. The initclk=yes parameter can be specified
Yes only if the part numbers of the TDMs in the
system are 870-0774-15 or later. See Sheet 8.
Enter the 4. The force=yes parameter can be specified
rept-stat-clk command only if the initclk=yes parameter is specified.
5. The force=yes parameter should be used
only if the TDM clock LCA bitfile reload would
cause a system clock outage. A system clock
outage can be caused by either the system
Are high-speed having only one TDM (a simplex MASP
There are no cards in the No configuration) or if the status of high-speed
clocks displayed in the
EAGLE 5 ISS capable of using clocks on the TDM which is not being reset is
rept-stat-clk output?
high-speed master timing. Fault. See the rept-stat-clk output from Sheet 8.
(See Note 1)
1. A clock outage will result in a loss of traffic on
Yes some or all signaling links.
2. The init-flash command cannot be entered if
the IMT Rate Change sequence or the
Extended Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) is being
Are the HS CLK
Visually verify the part
LINELEN values set to the
numbers of the TDMs
system default values?
(See Note 2)

No Enter the
init-flash command with these
mandatory parameters:
:loc=<card location of the standby
Are the part Yes GPSM>
numbers of both TDMs
and with any of these optional
870-0774-15 or later?
No (See the Notes 3, 4, and 5, and
the Cautions)

The TDM clock LCA bitfile cannot be

reloaded with the TDMs currently in the
system. Enter the
The TDMs must be replaced with TDM part rst-card command with this
numbers 870-0774-15 or later. parameter:
Contact the Customer Care Center before :loc=<card location of the standby
replacing the TDMs. Refer to the GPSM>
"Customer Care Center" section in Chapter
1 for the contact information.

Sheet 8

Sheet 7 of 10

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Sheets 5
or 7

Enter the rept-stat-card command

with this parameter.
:loc=<card location>

Is the card Contact the Customer Care

running the version of the Center. Refer to the "Customer
flash GPL specified with the Care Center" section in
chg-gpl command on Chapter 1 for the contact
Sheets 1 or 2? information.


Enter the
act-flash command with these
:sloc=<start card location>
Is the flash GPL Yes :eloc=<end card location>
being activated on more
:gpl=<flash GPL being activated>
than one card?
CAUTION: The act-flash
command cannot be entered if the
Extended Bit Error Rate Test
(BERT) is being performed.

Enter the act-flash command

with this parameter.
Enter the rept-stat-gpl command
:loc=<card location>
with this parameter.
CAUTION: The act-flash
:gpl=<flash GPL specified on
command cannot be entered if
Sheet 3>
the Extended Bit Error Rate
Test (BERT) is being performed.

Is the application No To
GPL running on the card
Sheet 10
Is the
application GPL running Yes
on the card VXWSLAN
or EOAM? Yes

No Enter the act-dlk command

with this parameter.
:loc=<card location>

To Enter the rept-stat-dlk

Sheet 9 command

Sheet 8 of 10

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Is the application Yes

GPL running on the card
Sheet 8


Is the application
No GPL running on the card Yes
or MCP?

Is the application Yes Enter the rst-trm command with

GPL running on the card this parameter.
IPS? :trm=<Telnet terminal number >
Repeat this step for each Telnet
terminal that was placed out of
No service on Sheet 4.

Enter the act-slk command with these

:loc=<card location> Enter the
:link=<signaling link assigned to the rept-stat-trm command
Repeat this step for all the signaling
links on the card.
Which Control
Cards Remove the removable cartridge
Enter the rept-stat-slk command with control cards are
from the removable cartridge
these parameters. installed in the EAGLE
:loc=<card location> 5 ISS?
:link=<signaling link assigned to the
card> E5-Based
Repeat this step for all the signaling Control Cards
links on the card.

No Was the BPDCM or

BPDCM2 GPL loaded onto
the GPSM-II card?

Is the flash GPL Are other Go back to Sheet 1
Yes No Yes
to be loaded on other flash GPLs to be and repeat this
cards? updated? procedure.

Go back to Sheet 3 and No

repeat this procedure.

This procedure is

Sheet 9 of 10

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 8

Enter the chg-trm command

with these parameters.
Were the terminal :type=seas
Has the flash GPL Yes Yes
types of the SEAS :trm=<the number of the
been loaded onto both
terminals changed on SEAS terminal that was
GPSM-II cards?
Sheet 6? changed on Sheet 6>
Perform this step for both
SEAS terminals.
No No

Enter the rst-trm command with this

Is the flash GPL to No :trm=<number of the terminal
be loaded on the active specified in the chg-trm command>
GPSM-II card? Perform this step for all the OAP and
SEAS terminals.
Which Control
Yes Cards Remove the removable cartridge
control cards are
from the removable cartridge
installed in the EAGLE
Enter the init-card command with 5 ISS?
this parameter.
:loc=<the card location of the E5-Based
active GPSM-II card> Control Cards

Enter the rmv-card command

with this parameter. No Was the BPDCM or
:loc=<location of the standby BPDCM2 GPL loaded onto
GPSM-II card> the GPSM-II card?

Sheet 7

Yes Is the flash GPL No Are other Yes

to be loaded on other flash GPLs to be
cards? updated?

Go back to Sheet 3 and No Go back to Sheet 1

repeat this procedure. and repeat this
This procedure is

Sheet 10 of 10
Figure 379: Updating the Flash GPLs

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1350

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating the BPHMUX GPL

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

Which Control
control cards are Cards To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Legacy Control

Check the removable cartridge

drive for a removable cartridge.

Is a cartridge in Yes
the removable cartridge

Enter the
No rtrv-gpl command with this
Insert the removable cartridge
containing the BPHMUX GPL
being updated into the
removable cartridge drive.

Is the version of the

BPHMUX GPL being updated,
Remove the No shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column
cartridge. of the rtrv-gpl output, the version
that is to be loaded onto
the cards?

Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 5

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Sheet 1

Check the E5-MASPs for

removable media.

Is removable Yes
media installed in both


Enter the rept-stat-db


Is removable Yes
media installed in the
active MASP?


Insert the removable media

Enter the
containing the BPHMUX
rtrv-gpl command with this
GPL being updated into the
removable media drive on
the active MASP.

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 5

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Sheet 2

Sheet 1

Is the version of the

BPHMUX GPL being updated,
shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column Yes
of the rtrv-gpl output for the active MASP,
the version that is to be loaded
onto the cards?
Enter the chg-gpl command
with these parameters.
No :ver=<BPHMUX GPL version
number from removable
cartridge or removable media>
Remove the media from
the active MASP.
Enter the act-gpl command
with these parameters.
Insert the removable media :ver=<BPHMUX GPL version
containing the BPHMUX number specified in the chg-gpl
GPL being updated into the command>
removable media drive on
the active MASP.

Enter the
rtrv-gpl command with this
Enter the parameter.
rtrv-gpl command with this :gpl=bphmux

Enter the rept-stat-gpl

command with this parameter.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1353

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From Is only one HMUX No

Sheets 3 card on the IMT bus being
or 5 updated?

Enter the Yes

init-flash command with these
:loc=<card location of the
Enter the
HMUX card>
init-flash command with these
(See the Caution)
:sloc=<start card location>
Enter the init-mux command with :eloc=<end card location>
this parameter. :gpl=bphmux
:loc=<card location specified in the (See the Note and the Caution)
init-flash command>
(See the Caution)

Enter the
init-mux command with this parameter.
:bus=<IMT bus being reset> command.
Enter the rept-stat-card command with
If the card locations specified in the
these parameters.
previous step are in card location 09 in
:loc=<card location specified in the
each shelf (xx09), then IMT bus A must
init-flash command>
be specified in this step.
If the card locations specified in the
Repeat this step for each HMUX card
previous step are in card location 10 in
being that is being updated.
each shelf (xx10), then IMT bus B must
be specified in this step.
(See the Caution)

Is the card running

the version of the bphmux Yes To
GPL specified with the chg-gpl Sheet 5
command on Sheet 3?

Note: Multiple HMUX cards can be updated at

the same time with the init-flash command.
No The multiple HMUX cards being updated must
be on the same IMT bus. Specifying card
Contact the locations XX09 for the sloc and eloc
Customer Care parameters specifies the HMUX cards on IMT
Center. bus A. Specifying card locations XX10 for the
sloc and eloc parameters specifies the HMUX
cards on IMT bus B.
CAUTION: The init-flash and init-mux
commands cannot be entered if the IMT Rate
Change sequence or the Extended Bit Error
Rate Test (BERT) is being performed.

Sheet 4 of 5

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Was more than one

From Yes
HMUX card on the IMT bus
Sheet 4
updated on Sheet 4?

Enter the
act-flash command with this No
:loc=<card location specified in
the init-flash command>
(See the Caution)
Enter the
act-flash command with these
Enter the
:sloc=<start card location specified
rept-stat-gpl command with this
in the init-flash command>
:eloc=<end card location specified
in the init-flash command>
(See the Caution)

CAUTION: The act-flash

Has the new BPHMUX command cannot be entered if the
GPL been loaded on all the Extended Bit Error Rate Test
HMUX cards? (BERT) is being performed.


Do you wish to load No

the new BPHMUX GPL on
other HMUX cards?

Which Control
control cards are Cards
installed in the EAGLE
5 ISS?

To This procedure is
Sheet 4 Legacy finished.

Remove the removable cartridge

from the removable cartridge

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 380: Updating the BPHMUX GPL

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1355

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating the HIPR GPL

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

Which Control
control cards are Cards To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Legacy Control

Check the removable cartridge

drive for a removable cartridge.

Is a cartridge in Yes
the removable cartridge

Enter the
No rtrv-gpl command with this
Insert the removable cartridge
containing the HIPR GPL being
updated into the removable
cartridge drive.

Is the version of the

HIPR GPL being updated,
Remove the No shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column
cartridge. of the rtrv-gpl output, the version
that is to be loaded onto
the cards?

Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 5

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Sheet 1

Check the E5-MASPs for

removable media.

Is removable Yes
media installed in both


Enter the rept-stat-db


Is removable Yes
media installed in the
active MASP?


Insert the removable media

Enter the
containing the HIPR GPL
rtrv-gpl command with this
being updated into the
removable media drive on
the active MASP.

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1357

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Sheet 2

Sheet 1

Is the version of the

HIPR GPL being updated,
shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column Yes
of the rtrv-gpl output for the active MASP,
the version that is to be loaded
onto the cards?
Enter the chg-gpl command
with these parameters.
No :ver=<HIPR GPL version
number from removable
cartridge or removable media>
Remove the media from
the active MASP.
Enter the act-gpl command
with these parameters.
Insert the removable media :ver=<HIPR GPL version
containing the HIPR GPL number specified in the
being updated into the chg-gpl command>
removable media drive on
the active MASP.

Enter the
rtrv-gpl command with this
Enter the parameter.
rtrv-gpl command with this :gpl=hipr

Enter the rept-stat-gpl

command with this parameter.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 5

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From Is only one HIPR No

Sheets 3 card on the IMT bus being
or 5 updated?


Enter the init-flash command with

these parameters.
:code=appr Enter the
:loc=<card location of the HIPR card> init-flash command with these
(See the Caution) parameters:
:sloc=<start card location>
:eloc=<end card location>
Enter the init-mux command with
this parameter.
(See the Note and the Caution)
:loc=<card location specified in the
init-flash command>
(See the Caution)
Enter the init-mux command with this
:bus=<IMT bus being reset>
Enter the
rept-stat-card command with these
If the card locations specified in the
previous step are in card location 09 in
:loc=<card location specified in the
each shelf (xx09), then IMT bus A
init-flash command>
must be specified in this step.
If the card locations specified in the
Repeat this step for each HIPR card
previous step are in card location 10 in
that is being updated.
each shelf (xx10), then IMT bus B
must be specified in this step.
(See the Caution)

Is the card running

the version of the HIPR GPL Yes To
specified with the chg-gpl Sheet 5
command on Sheet 3?

Note: Multiple HIPR cards can be updated at the

same time with the init-flash command. The multiple
No HIPR cards being updated must be on the same
IMT bus. Specifying card locations XX09 for the
sloc and eloc parameters specifies the HIPR cards
Contact the on IMT bus A. Specifying card locations XX10 for
Customer Care the sloc and eloc parameters specifies the HIPR
Center. cards on IMT bus B.
CAUTION: The init-flash and init-mux commands
cannot be entered if the IMT Rate Change sequence
or the Extended Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) is being

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1359

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Was more than one

From Yes
HIPR card on the IMT bus
Sheet 4
updated on Sheet 4?


Enter the act-flash command with

this parameter.
:loc=<card location specified in
the init-flash command>
(See the Caution)
Enter the
act-flash command with these
Enter the rept-stat-gpl :sloc=<start card location specified
command with this parameter. in the init-flash command>
:gpl=hipr :eloc=<end card location specified
in the init-flash command>
(See the Caution)

Has the HIPR GPL Yes CAUTION: The act-flash

been loaded on all the
HIPR cards command cannot be entered if the
Extended Bit Error Rate Test
(BERT) is being performed.


Do you wish to No
load the HIPR GPL on
other the HIPR cards?
Which Control
control cards are Cards
Yes installed in the EAGLE
5 ISS?

To This procedure is
Legacy finished.
Sheet 4 Control

Remove the removable cartridge

from the removable cartridge

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 381: Updating the HIPR GPL

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1360

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating the HIPR2 GPL

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

Which Control
control cards are Cards To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Legacy Control

Check the removable cartridge

drive for a removable cartridge.

Is a cartridge in Yes
the removable cartridge

Enter the
No rtrv-gpl command with this
Insert the removable cartridge
containing the HIPR2 GPL
being updated into the
removable cartridge drive.

Is the version of the

HIPR2 GPL being updated,
Remove the No shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column
cartridge. of the rtrv-gpl output, the version
that is to be loaded onto
the cards?

Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 5

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Sheet 1

Check the E5-MASPs for

removable media.

Is removable Yes
media installed in both


Enter the rept-stat-db


Is removable Yes
media installed in the
active MASP?


Insert the removable media

Enter the
containing the HIPR2 GPL
rtrv-gpl command with this
being updated into the
removable media drive on
the active MASP.

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1362

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Sheet 2

Sheet 1

Is the version of the

HIPR2 GPL being updated,
shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column Yes
of the rtrv-gpl output for the active MASP,
the version that is to be loaded
onto the cards?
Enter the chg-gpl command
with these parameters.
No :ver=<HIPR2 GPL version
number from removable
cartridge or removable media>
Remove the media from
the active MASP.
Enter the act-gpl command
with these parameters.
Insert the removable media :ver=<HIPR2 GPL version
containing the HIPR2 GPL number specified in the
being updated into the chg-gpl command>
removable media drive on
the active MASP.

Enter the
rtrv-gpl command with this
Enter the parameter.
rtrv-gpl command with this :gpl=hipr2

Enter the rept-stat-gpl

command with this parameter.

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1363

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From Is only one HIPR2 No

Sheets 3 card on the IMT bus being
or 5 updated?


Enter the init-flash command with

these parameters.
:code=appr Enter the
:loc=<card location of the HIPR2 card> init-flash command with these
(See the Caution) parameters:
:sloc=<start card location>
:eloc=<end card location>
Enter the init-mux command with this :gpl=hipr2
parameter. (See the Note and the Caution)
:loc=<card location specified in the
init-flash command>
(See the Caution)
Enter the init-mux command with this
:bus=<IMT bus being reset>
Enter the
rept-stat-card command with these
If the card locations specified in the
previous step are in card location 09 in
:loc=<card location specified in the
each shelf (xx09), then IMT bus A
init-flash command>
must be specified in this step.
If the card locations specified in the
Repeat this step for each HIPR2 card
previous step are in card location 10 in
that is being updated.
each shelf (xx10), then IMT bus B
must be specified in this step.
(See the Caution)

Is the card running

the version of the HIPR2 GPL Yes To
specified with the chg-gpl Sheet 5
command on Sheet 3?

Note: Multiple HIPR2 cards can be updated at the

same time with the init-flash command. The
No multiple HIPR2 cards being updated must be on
the same IMT bus. Specifying card locations XX09
for the sloc and eloc parameters specifies the
Contact the
HIPR2 cards on IMT bus A. Specifying card
Customer Care
locations XX10 for the sloc and eloc parameters
specifies the HIPR2 cards on IMT bus B.
CAUTION: The init-flash and init-mux commands cannot
be entered if the IMT Rate Change sequence or the
Extended Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) is being performed.

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1364

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Was more than

From one HIPR2 card on the Yes
Sheet 4 IMT bus updated on
Sheet 4?


Enter the act-flash command with

this parameter.
:loc=<card location specified in
the init-flash command>
(See the Caution)
Enter the
act-flash command with these
Enter the rept-stat-gpl :sloc=<start card location specified
command with this parameter. in the init-flash command>
:gpl=hipr2 :eloc=<end card location specified
in the init-flash command>
(See the Caution)

Has the HIPR2

GPL been loaded on all CAUTION: The act-flash
the HIPR2 cards? command cannot be entered if the
Extended Bit Error Rate Test
(BERT) is being performed.

Do you wish to
load the HIPR2 GPL on No
other the HIPR2
Which Control
Yes control cards are Cards
installed in the EAGLE
5 ISS?
To This procedure is
Sheet 4 Legacy finished.

Remove the removable cartridge

from the removable cartridge

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 382: Updating the HIPR2 GPL

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1365

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Making the Trial Utility GPL the Approved Utility GPL

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

Which Control
control cards are Cards To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Legacy Control

Check the removable cartridge

drive for a removable cartridge.

Is a cartridge in Yes
the removable cartridge

Enter the
No rtrv-gpl command with this
Insert the removable cartridge
containing the UTILITY GPL
being updated into the
removable cartridge drive.

Is the version of the

UTILITY GPL being updated,
Remove the No shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column
cartridge. of the rtrv-gpl output, the version
that is to be loaded onto
the cards?

Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1366

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Sheet 1

Check the E5-MASPs for

removable media.

Is removable Yes
media installed in both


Enter the rept-stat-db


Is removable Yes
media installed in the
active MASP?


Insert the removable media

Enter the
containing the UTILITY GPL
rtrv-gpl command with this
being updated into the
removable media drive on
the active MASP.

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1367

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Sheet 1

Is the version of the

UTILITY GPL being updated,
shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column Yes
of the rtrv-gpl output for the active MASP,
the version that is to be loaded
onto the cards?
Enter the chg-gpl command
with these parameters.
No :ver=<UTILITY GPL version
number from the rtrv-gpl
Remove the media from
the active MASP.
Enter the
rtrv-gpl command with this
Insert the removable media :gpl=utility
containing the UTILITY GPL
being updated into the
removable media drive on
the active MASP.

Enter the
rtrv-gpl command with this

Control Which
This procedure is Cards control cards are
finished. installed in the EAGLE
5 ISS?


Remove the removable cartridge

from the removable cartridge

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 383: Making the Trial Utility GPL the Approved Utility GPL

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1368

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Reloading the TDM LCA Clock Bitfile

Enter the
rept-stat-clk command

There are no cards in the Are high-speed

EAGLE 5 ISS capable of No clocks displayed in the
using high-speed master rept-stat-clk output?
timing. (See Note 1)


Are the HS CLK

Visually verify the part
LINELEN values set to the
numbers of the TDMs
system default values?
(See Note 2)


Are the part Yes Enter the rtrv-trm To

numbers of both TDMs
command Sheet 2
870-0774-15 or later?


The TDM clock LCA bitfile cannot be reloaded

with the TDMs currently in the system.
The TDMs must be replaced with TDM part
numbers 870-0774-15 or later.
Contact the Customer Care Center before
replacing the TDMs. Refer to the "Customer
Care Center" section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.

1. High-speed clocks (the HS SYSTEM CLOCK, HS PRIMARY CLK, HS
in the rept-stat-clk output only when the EAGLE 5 ISS contains cards
capable of using high-speed master timing.
2. The system default values are:

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1369

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

From terminals shown in the No Enter the rept-stat-db
Sheet 1 rtrv-trm command command

Yes Enter the rmv-card

Enter the rept-stat-trm :loc=<location of the
command standby GPSM-II or
E5-MCAP card> command

Enter the
Enter the rmv-trm command with this init-card command with these
parameter: mandatory parameters:
:trm=<the number of the SEAS terminal :loc=<card location of the standby
specified with the rept-stat-trm command GPSM-II or E5-MCAP card>
output> :initclk=yes
Perform this step for each SEAS terminal and with this optional parameter:
whose state is not OOS-MT-DSBLD. :force=yes
When this command is performed for the last (See Notes and Caution) Enter the
SEAS terminal whose state is not rmv-card:loc=<location of the
OOS-MT-DSBLD, the force=yes parameter standby GPSM-II or
must be specified with the rmv-trm E5-MCAP card> command
command. Enter the
rst-card command with these
:loc=<card location of the standby
Enter the chg-trm command with GPSM-II or E5-MCAP card>
these parameters:
:trm=<the number of the SEAS
Enter the
terminal shown in the rtrv-trm output>
init-card command with this
Note: Perform this step for all the parameter:
SEAS terminals shown in the rtrv-trm Do you wish to reload :loc=<card location of the active
output. the TDM clock LCA bitfile GPSM-II or E5-MCAP card>
on the other TDM? This command makes the active
GPSM-II or E5-MCAP card the
standby GPSM-II or E5-MCAP
Enter the rept-stat-db card.
command No

Enter the To
Enter the rmv-card rept-stat-clk command Sheet 3
:loc=<location of the
standby GPSM-II or
E5-MCAP card> command
1. The initclk=yes parameter can be specified only if the part numbers of
the TDMs in the EAGLE 5 ISS are 870-0774-15 or later. See Sheet 1.
2. The force=yes parameter should be used only if the TDM clock LCA
bitfile reload would cause a system clock outage. A system clock outage
can be caused by either the EAGLE 5 ISS having only one TDM (a simplex
MASP configuration) or if the status of the high-speed clocks on the TDM
which is not being reset is Fault. See the rept-stat-clk output from Sheet 1.
Caution: A clock outage will result in a loss of traffic on some or all
signaling links.

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1370

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Sheet 2

Were the terminal Enter the

types of the SEAS terminals chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
changed on Sheet 2? command


Enter the chg-trm command

with these parameters:
:trm=<the number of the
SEAS terminal that was
changed on Sheet 2>
Perform this step for both
SEAS terminals.

Enter the rst-trm command with this

:trm=<number of the terminal
specified in the chg-trm command>
Perform this step for all the SEAS

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 384: Reloading the TDM LCA Clock Bitfile

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1371

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Activating the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the
HIPR2 High Rate Mode No To
feature Sheet 2


The HIPR2 High Rate Mode

Is the status On feature is enabled and
of the HIPR2 High Rate
turned on. No further action
Mode feature on or off?
is necessary.


Enter the rept-stat-gpl Enter the rept-stat-gpl

command with this parameter. command with this parameter.
:gpl=bphmux :gpl=hipr

Enter the rept-stat-gpl

command with this parameter.

Are HIPR2 cards

installed in card locations 9 Yes
and 10 in all the provisioned

Go to the Installation Manual -

No EAGLE 5 ISS and replace the
HMUX and HIPR cards with HIPR2
Contact the Customer Care Center To
before replacing any HMUX or Sheet 5
HIPR cards. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center” section of
Chapter 1 for the contact

Sheet 1 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1372

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)


Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is Yes To
the serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


Sheet 3

1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity
feature with a quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number must be verified. This is the default entry
for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is shown whether or not the
Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control
shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1373

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
From 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
Sheet 2 in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>


Sheet 4

Is the EAGLE 5 Yes

ISS's serial number

This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial
number in the database.
Contact the Customer Care
Enter the ent-serial-num
Center to get the correct serial
command with this parameter:
number entered into the
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
database. Refer to the
serial number>
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num

Is the EAGLE command with these
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes parameters:
in the database :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
correct? serial number>

Sheet 4

Sheet 3 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1374

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Sheets 2
or 3

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters:
:fak=<feature access key>
1. If you do not have the feature access key for the
feature you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec
sales representative or account representative.
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Do you wish Yes

to turn this feature on at
this time?

Sheet 5
Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 5

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1375

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Enter the rept-stat-gpl

command with this parameter.
Sheet 4

Enter the rept-stat-gpl

command with this parameter.

Enter the rept-stat-gpl

command with this parameter.

Go to the Installation Manual -

EAGLE 5 ISS and replace the
HMUX and HIPR cards with HIPR2
Are HIPR2 cards cards.
installed in card locations 9 No Contact the Customer Care Center
and 10 in all the provisioned before replacing any HMUX or
shelves? HIPR cards. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center” section of
Chapter 1 for the contact
Yes information.
Sheet 1
Enter the
chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Caution: The HIPR2 High Rate
Mode feature cannot be turned on
if the IMT Rate Change sequence
or the Extended Bit Rate Test
(BERT) is being performed, or if
any of the cards in card locations
9 and 10 in each shelf are being
flashed with the init-flash

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

Enter the

Sheet 5 of 5
Figure 385: Activating the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1376

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Turning Off the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this

This procedure cannot be

Is the
perfomed. To turn the HIPR2
HIPR2 High Rate Mode No
High Rate Mode feature off, the
feature enabled
HIPR2 High Rate Mode feature
and on?
must be enabled and on.


Enter the
rtrv-tps command.

This procedure cannot be

Is the Total
perfomed. To turn the HIPR2
provisioned System TPS Yes
High Rate Mode feature off, the
value greater than
Total provisioned System TPS
value must be 500,000 or less.


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat

command with these parameters.
1. If the HIPR2 High Rate Mode feature Enter the
is turned off, the throughput rate for the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with
IMT bus is limited to 1 Gbps.
this parameter.
2. The HIPR2 High Rate Mode feature :partnum=893020101
cannot be turned off if the IMT Rate
Change sequence or the Extended Bit
Rate Test (BERT) is being performed, or
if any of the cards in card locations 9 and Enter the
10 in each shelf are being flashed with chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
the init-flash command. command

Figure 386: Turning Off the HIPR2 High Rate Mode Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1377

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating the BLIXP GPL

Verify the control cards that installed in

the EAGLE 5 ISS.
Refer to the “Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem” section in
Chapter 1 for more information about
the control cards.

control cards are To
installed in the EAGLE Sheet 2
5 ISS?

Legacy Control

Check the removable cartridge

drive for a removable cartridge.

Is a cartridge in Yes
the removable cartridge


Insert the removable

Enter the rtrv-gpl command
cartridge containing the GPL
with this parameter.
being updated into the
removable cartridge drive.

Remove the
Is the version of the
GPL being updated, shown
No in the REMOVE TRIAL column of the
rtrv-gpl output, the version that is
to be loaded onto the


Sheet 3

Sheet 1 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1378

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Sheet 1

Check the E5-MASPs for

removable media.

Is removable Yes Enter the rtrv-gpl command

media installed in both with this parameter.
E5-MASPs? :gpl=blixp


Enter the rept-stat-db

command. Is the version of the
blixp GPL being updated,
shown in the REMOVE TRIAL column Yes
of the rtrv-gpl output for the active MASP,
the version that is to be loaded
onto the cards?

Is removable Yes To
media installed in the
Sheet 3
active MASP? No

Remove the media from
the active MASP.
Insert the removable media
containing the blixp GPL that
is being updated into the
removable media drive on Insert the removable media
the active MASP. containing the blixp GPL
being updated into the
removable media drive on
the active MASP.

Enter the rtrv-gpl command

with this parameter.

Sheet 2 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1379

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Enter the chg-gpl command

Enter the act-gpl command
with these parameters.
From with these parameters.
Sheets 1 :gpl=blixp
:ver=<blixp GPL version
or 2 :ver=<trial blixp GPL version
number from removable
cartridge or removable media>

Enter the Enter the

From rept-stat-gpl command with this rtrv-gpl command with this
Sheet 7 parameter. parameter.
:gpl=blixp :gpl=blixp

Enter the 1. Do not deactivate all the signaling links assigned to
rept-stat-card command with the high-capacity cards in the EAGLE 5 ISS at the
this parameter. same time. Doing so will take all the signaling links out
:loc=<card location from of service and the traffic on these signaling links could
rept-stat-gpl output> be lost.
If the EAGLE 5 ISS contains only signaling links
assigned to high-capacity cards, deactivating all the
links assigned to these cards at the same time take all
these signaling links out of service and isolate the
SLANHC, ERTHC, EAGLE 5 ISS from the network.
What is the SCCPHC, GLSHC, 2. Multiple high-capacity cards can be updated at the
application GPL running IPSHC same time with the init-flash command. This requires
on the card that contains the that the high-capacity cards in the locations specified
Sheet 4
flash GPL being with the init-flash command are out of service.
updated? However, it is recommended that only some of the
high-capacity cards are placed out of service. Placing
all the high-capacity cards out of service will cause all
SS7HC, the traffic hosted by the high-capacity cards to be lost.

Enter the dact-slk command with these

Enter the rtrv-slk command with
:loc=<card location of the signaling link>
this parameter.
:link=<signaling link assigned to the
:loc=<location of the card
containing the blixp GPL being
Repeat this step for all the signaling
links assigned to the card.
(See Caution 1)

Enter the
Enter the
rmv-card or inh-card
rmv-card or inh-card
command with these
command with this
parameters. Yes Does the card No parameter.
:loc=<card location> contain the last link in
:loc=<card location>
:force=yes command a linkset?
Repeat this step for each card
Repeat this step for each card
that is being updated.
that is being updated.
(See Caution 2)
(See Caution 2)

Sheet 6

Sheet 3 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1380

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Enter the
What is the rept-stat-card command with
application GPL running IPSHC this parameter.
on the card that contains the :loc=<location of card>
Sheet 3
blixp GPL that is being Repeat this step for each IPSM
updated? shown in the rept-stat-gpl
rtrv-trm command.

Is the card Is the card Enter the

containing the BLIXP No containing the BLIXP No rept-stat-trm command.
GPL being updated running GPL being updated running
the SLANHC application the ERTHC application
Enter the
To rmv-trm or inh-trm command with
Yes Yes Sheet 5 this parameter.
:trm=<Telnet terminal number >
Enter the rept-stat-dlk command Repeat this step for each Telnet
with this parameter. terminal associated with the
:loc=<location of the card IPSM being updated with the new
containing the flash GPL being GPL whose state is not
updated> OOS-MT-DSBLD.
If the terminal is the last in service
SEAS terminal, the force=yes
parameter must be specified with
Enter the the rtrv-trm command.
Enter the rmv-card or inh-card command (See Note and Caution 2)
canc-dlk command with this with this parameter.
parameter. :loc=<card location>
:loc=<card location specified in Repeat this step for each card
the rept-stat-dlk command> that is being updated.
(See Caution 1)

Sheet 6

Note: Each IPSM has 8 Telnet terminals associated with it. The rtrv-trm output
shows the Telnet terminals that are associated with each IPSM .
1. Multiple high-capacity cards can be updated at the same time with the
init-flash command. This requires that the high-capacity cards in the locations
specified with the init-flash command are out of service.
However, it is recommended that only some of the high-capacity cards are
placed out of service. Placing all the high-capacity cards out of service will
cause all the traffic hosted by the high-capacity cards to be lost.
2. Placing the Telnet terminals out of service will disable all Telnet sessions
supported by the terminals associated with the IPSM.

Sheet 4 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1381

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Sheet 4

What is the
Enter the
application GPL running GLSHC rept-stat-card command
on the card that contains the
with this parameter.
blixp GPL that is being
Enter the
rept-stat-card command
SCCPHC with this parameter.

Enter the rept-stat-sccp


Enter the
rmv-card or inh-card
command with these
Is the card Yes Yes Is the card
:loc=<card location>
the last service module the last in service
that is in service? GLS card?
Repeat this step for each
card that is being
No (See the Caution) No

Enter the Enter the

rmv-card or inh-card command rmv-card or inh-card command
with this parameter. with this parameter.
:loc=<card location> :loc=<card location>
Sheet 6
Repeat this step for each card Repeat this step for each card
that is being updated. that is being updated.
(See the Caution) (See the Caution)

Caution: Multiple high-capacity cards can be updated at the same time with the
init-flash command. This requires that the high-capacity cards in the locations
specified with the init-flash command are out of service.
However, it is recommended that only some of the high-capacity cards are
placed out of service. Placing all the high-capacity cards out of service will
cause all the traffic hosted by the high-capacity cards to be lost.

Sheet 5 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1382

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Enter the
init-flash command with these
Is more than
From No parameters.
one card being updated
Sheets 3, :code=appr
with the approved blixp
4, or 5 :loc=<card location>
(See the Note and the Caution 1)
Enter the
init-flash command with these Yes
:sloc=<start card location>
:eloc=<end card location>
(See the Note and Caution 1) Enter the
rst-card or alw-card command
with this parameter. Enter the rept-stat-card command
:loc=<card location> with this parameter.
Repeat this step for each card :loc=<card location>
that was placed out of service on
Sheets 3, 4, or 5.

Note: The card or cards specified in the

init-flash command will be re-initialized.
Contact the Customer Care
CAUTION: Is the card running
Center. Refer to the "Customer No the version of the GPL
1. The init-flash command cannot be entered Care Center" section in
specified with the chg-gpl
if the IMT Rate Change sequence or the Chapter 1 for the contact
command on Sheet 3?
Extended Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) is information.
being performed.
2. The act-flash command cannot be entered
if the Extended Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) is Yes
being performed.

Enter the
act-flash command with these
parameters. Yes Is the GPL
:sloc=<start card location> being activated on more
:eloc=<end card location> than one card?
See Caution 2.


Enter the
act-flash command with these
To parameters.
Sheet 7 :loc=<card location>
See Caution 2.

Sheet 6 of 7

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1383

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Enter the rept-stat-gpl

command with this parameter.
Sheet 6

What is the SCCPHC,
IPSHC application GPL running GLSHC
on the card that contains the
blixp GPL that is being

IPLHC, IPGHC, Enter the act-dlk command with
IPSG, ATMHC SLANHC this parameter.
:loc=<location of the card
containing the blixp GPL that is
being updated>
Enter the act-slk command
with this parameter.
:loc=<card location>
:link=<signaling link Enter the rept-stat-dlk command
assigned to the card> with this parameter.
command. :loc=<card location specified in
Repeat this step for all the the act-dlk command>
signaling links on the card.

Enter the rept-stat-slk command

with this parameter.
Is the blixp GPL Yes
to be loaded on other
link assigned to the card>
Repeat this step for all the
signaling links on the card. Go to Sheet 3 and
No repeat this procedure starting with
the rept-stat-gpl command.
Enter the
rst-trm or alw-trm command with
this parameter. Legacy Control
:trm=<Telnet terminal number > Cards
control cards are
Repeat this step for each Telnet
installed in the EAGLE
terminal that was placed out of
5 ISS?
service on Sheet 4.
Remove the removable cartridge
E5-Based from the removable cartridge
Control Cards drive.

Enter the
rept-stat-trm command. This procedure is

Sheet 7 of 7
Figure 387: Updating the BLIXP GPL

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1384

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Updating a High-Capacity Card to Run the BLIXP GPL

Enter the
rtrv-gpl command with this

Enter the
rept-stat-card command with
this parameter.
:loc=<location of the card that is
being updated>

Enter the IPSG, What is the SLANHC
rtrv-slk command with this ATMHC application GPL running IPSHC To
parameter. on the card that contains the
Sheet 2
:loc=<location of the card that flash GPLs being
is being updated> updated?

Enter the dact-slk command with these ERTHC GLSHC

:loc=<location of the card that is being
:link=<signaling link assigned to the Enter the rmv-card or Enter the
card> inh-card command with this rept-stat-card command
Perform this command for all the parameter. with this parameter.
signaling links assigned to the card. :loc=<location of the card that :appl=gls
is being updated>

No Is the card
the last in service
Sheet 3
GLS card?


Enter the rmv-card or

inh-card command with these
Does the card Yes parameters.
contain the last link in
:loc=<location of the card that
a linkset?
is being updated>


Enter the
rmv-card or inh-card
command with this parameter.
Sheet 3
:loc=<location of the card that
is being updated>

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1385

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 1

What is the
SCCPHC application GPL running IPSHC Enter the
on the card that is being rtrv-trm command.

Enter the
SLANHC Enter the
rept-stat-trm command.

Enter the rept-stat-dlk command

with this parameter.
:loc=<location of the card that is
Enter the rmv-trm or inh-trm command
Is the card No being updated>
with this parameter.
the last service module :trm=<Telnet terminal number >
that is in service?
Repeat this step for each Telnet terminal
associated with the IPSM being updated with
Enter the the new GPL whose state is not
Yes canc-dlk command with this OOS-MT-DSBLD.
:loc=<card location specified in If the terminal is the last in service SEAS
Enter the rmv-card or the rept-stat-dlk command> terminal, the force=yes parameter must be
inh-card command with specified with the rtrv-trm command.
these parameters. Note: Each IPSM has 8 Telnet terminals
:loc=<location of the associated with it. The rtrv-trm output shows
card that is being the Telnet terminals that are associated with
updated> Enter the rmv-card or inh-card each IPSM.
:force=yes command with this parameter.
:loc=<location of the card that is Caution: Placing the Telnet terminals out of
being updated> service will disable all Telnet sessions
supported by the terminals associated with the

Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1386

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Enter the
flash-card command with these parameters.
:loc=<location of the card that is being updated>
1. The force=yes is an optional parameter of the
flash-card command. The force=yes parameter
must be specified if the high-capacity card was not
taken out of service with the rmv-card or inh-card
command on Sheets 1 or 2. If the force=yes
parameter is specified with the flash-card
command, the high-capacity card will be taken out
of service and all traffic hosted by the high-capacity
card will be lost.
2. The flash-card command cannot be entered if
the IMT Rate Change sequence or the Extended
Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) is being performed.

Enter the
rst-card or alw-card command
with this parameter.
:loc=<location of the card that is
being updated>

Enter the
rept-stat-card command with this
:loc=<location of the card that is
being updated>

Is the card running

the approved version of the Yes To
BLIXP GPL version shown in
Sheet 4
the rtrv-gpl output on
Sheet 1?


Contact the Customer Care

Center. Refer to the "Customer
Care Center" section in
Chapter 1 for the contact

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1387

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts GPL Management Flowcharts

Sheet 3

What is the SCCPHC,
IPSHC application GPL running GLSHC
on the card that is being

Enter the IPGHC, IPSG,
rst-trm or alw-trm ATMHC SLANHC
command with this
:trm=<Telnet terminal
Repeat this step for each Enter the act-slk command Enter the act-dlk
Telnet terminal that was with these parameters. command with this
placed out of service on :loc=<location of the card parameter.
Sheet 3. that is being updated> :loc=<location of the
:link=<signaling link card containing the
assigned to the card> blixp GPL that is being
Repeat this step for all the updated>
signaling links on the card.
Enter the

Enter the rept-stat-slk command Enter the rept-stat-dlk

with this parameter. command with this
:loc=<card parameter.
location>:link=<signaling :loc=<card location
link assigned to the card> specified in the act-dlk
command. command>
Repeat this step for all the
signaling links on the card.

This procedure is

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 388: Updating a High-Capacity Card to Run the BLIXP GPL

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1388


System Administration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures that are used to administer the items
• Setting the Clock and Date on the EAGLE 5 shown in the Introduction section of the Database
ISS.....1391 Administration Manual - System Management. This
• Changing the Security Defaults.....1392 chapter also contains the flowcharts for the
• Configuring the Unauthorized Use Warning procedures contained in the Controlled Feature
Message.....1393 Activation Procedures section of the Database
Administration Manual - System Management.
• Changing the Security Log Characteristics....1394
• Copying the Security Log to the File Transfer
• Adding a User to the System.....1397
• Removing a User from the System.....1399
• Changing User Information.....1400
• Changing a Password.....1403
• Changing Terminal Characteristics.....1404
• Changing Terminal Command Class
• Configuring Command Classes.....1412
• Adding a Shelf.....1414
• Removing a Shelf.....1415
• Adding an SS7 LIM.....1416
• Removing an SS7 LIM.....1417
• Configuring the UIM Threshold.....1419
• Removing a UIM Threshold.....1420
• Configuring the Measurements Terminal for an
EAGLE 5 ISS Containing 700 Signaling
• Adding a Measurement Collection and Polling
Module (MCPM).....1422
• Removing a MCPM.....1425
• Configuring the Measurements Platform
• Adding an FTP Server.....1430
• Removing an FTP Server.....1432
• Changing an FTP Server.....1433

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1389

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

• Adding an IPSM.....1435
• Removing an IPSM.....1441
• Configuring the Options for the Network Security
Enhancements Feature.....1443
• Configuring the Restore Device State Option.1444
• Adding an Entry to the Frame Power Alarm
Threshold Table.....1445
• Removing an Entry from the Frame Power Alarm
Threshold Table.....1447
• Changing an Entry in the Frame Power Alarm
Threshold Table.....1449
• Configuring the IMT Bus Alarm Thresholds.1450
• Activating Controlled Features.....1451
• Activating the Eagle OA&M IP Security
Enhancement Controlled Feature.....1455
• Activating the 15 Minute Measurements
Controlled Feature.....1459
• Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm.....1463
• Deactivating Controlled Features.....1464
• Configuring the Integrated Measurements

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1390

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Setting the Clock and Date on the EAGLE 5 ISS

Enter a rtrv- or rept-stat-

command with a short output

Is the date and time Yes The date and time do not
in the header of the output
have to be changed


Enter the
set-date command
Time Do you wish to Date with this parameter:
set the date or time? :date=<the date in
the format
Enter the
set-time command with these Both
:time=<the time in the format
HHMM> Enter the
:tz=<the time zone - see the set-date command
Time Zones table in this with this parameter:
procedure> :date=<the date in
the format

Enter the
set-time command with these
:time=<the time in the format
:tz=<the time zone - see the
Time Zones table in this

Enter the

Figure 389: Setting the Clock and Date on the EAGLE 5 ISS

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1391

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Changing the Security Defaults

Enter the
rtrv-secu-dflt command.

Enter the
chg-secu-dflt command with at
least one of these parameters.
:alpha=<0 – 12>
:minlen=<1 – 12>
:multlog=<yes, no>
:num=<0 – 12>
:page=<0 – 999>
:punc=<0 – 12>
:uout=<0 – 999>
:minintrvl=<0 – 30>
:pchreuse=<0 – 10>
:pgrace=<0 – 7>
:pnotify=<0 – 30>
:preuse=<0 – 12>

Enter the
rtrv-secu-dflt command.

Enter the

Figure 390: Changing the Security Defaults

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1392

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Configuring the Unauthorized Use Warning Message

Enter the

Enter the
Is the current
chg-secu-dflt command Yes
warning being
with this parameter:


Enter the
chg-secu-dflt command with these parameters:
:wrnln=<the warning message line number – 1 to
:wrntx=< the text of the warning message for the
specified line, enclosed in quotes – from 0 to 70
Do you wish to Repeat this step for each line of the warning
configure a new warning message.
message? For a blank line to appear in the warning
message, a space enclosed in quotes must be
specified for the wrntx parameter.
No To prevent a line from being displayed in the
warning message, specify the clrwrntx=yes
parameter with the wrnln parameter. Do not
specify the wrntx parameter with the wrnln and
clrwrntx=yes parameters.

Enter the

Enter the

Figure 391: Configuring the Unauthorized Use Warning Message

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1393

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Changing the Security Log Characteristics

Enter the
rtrv-attr-seculog command

Enter the
chg-attr-seculog command

Enter the
rtrv-attr-seculog command

Enter the

Figure 392: Changing the Security Log Characteristics

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1394

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Copying the Security Log to the File Transfer Area

Enter the rept-stat-card

command with this parameter.

Enter the rept-stat-card

command with this parameter.

Is a GPSM-II shown
in one of the rept-stat-card
outputs and an E5-MCAP card
shown in the other
rept-stat-card output?


This procedure cannot be performed.

To perform this procedure , both card locations
must contain the same type of card.
Contact the Customer Care
Center to correct the EAGLE 5 ISS configuration
Sheet 2
before continuing this procedure.
Refer to the “Customer Care Center” section in
Chapter 1 of this manual for the contact

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1395

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Enter the
Sheet 1

Enter the copy-seculog command.

If the copy-seculog command is specified with no
parameters, the security log on the active fixed disk is
copied to the FTA on the active fixed disk and is given a
default name. The default name is in this format,
yymmdda.log, where yymmdd are the current year/month/
day that the security log file was created, and a for the
copy of the security log on the active fixed disk.
If you wish to change the security log file name, the
security log to copy, or the location of the file transfer area
that will receive the copied security log, specify any of
these optional parameters with the copy-seculog
:dfile=<the name of the file containing the security log
entries – refer to the dfile parameter description in the
beginning of this procedure>
:slog=<the security log that is being copied – act, stb>
:dloc=<the location of the file transfer area receiving the
copied security log – act, stb>
act = the active fixed disk
stb = the standby fixed disk

Enter the
rept-stat-seculog command.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 393: Copying the Security Log to the File Transfer Area

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1396

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Adding a User to the System

Enter the
Note: This procedure can be performed on all
rtrv-secu-user command with
terminals (1 - 40) if the Eagle OA&M IP Security
this parameter.
Enhancements feature is on. If this feature is on,
:uid=<user ID being added>
the entry YES is shown for terminals 17 through
40 in the SECURE column in the rtrv-trm output.
The output of the rtrv-ctrl-feat command also
shows if this feature is on or off. If this feature is
off, this procedure can be performed only on
The user ID is in the database
Is error No terminals 1 through 16. If you wish to use the
and cannot be used in this
message E2199 Eagle OA&M IP Security Enhancements feature,
procedure. Choose another
displayed? and the feature is not on, perform the “Activating
user ID.
the Eagle OA&M IP Security Enhancement
Controlled Feature” procedure to enable and turn
Yes on this feature.

Are the configurable No To

command classes to be
Sheet 2
assigned to the user?


Are the configurable Yes Enter the rtrv-cmd

command classes shown in
the rtrv-secu-user output?


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this parameter.

Are the desired

configurable command classes Yes
shown in the rtrv-cmd
Is the Command
Class Management feature Yes
enabled and turned
on? No


Perform the "Activating Controlled

Perform the "Configuring Command
Features" procedure to enable and To
Classes" procedure to configure the
turn on the Command Class Sheet 2
desired command classes.
Management feature.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1397

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-secu-dflt


Enter the ent-user command with the Notes:

uid=<user name> parameter and at least
one of these optional parameters. 1. The revoke=yes parameter cannot be specified with the sa parameter value
:all=<yes, no> is yes.
:link=<yes, no> 2. To specify the cc1 through cc8 parameters, the Command Class
:sa=<yes, no> Management feature must be enabled and turned on.
:sys=<yes, no> 3. The user can have a maximum of 32 configurable command classes
:pu=<yes, no> assigned. The ent-user command can assign up to 8 configurable command
:db=<yes, no> classes. Perform the “Changing User Information” procedure to assign the
:dbg=<yes, no> other 24 configurable command classes to the user.
:cc1=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:cc2=<command class name>-<yes, no> 4. The all parameter specifies whether or not all non-configurable command
:cc3=<command class name>-<yes, no> classes (link, sa, sys, pu, db, dbg) can be used by the user.
:cc4=<command class name>-<yes, no> 5. If the all parameter and individual non-configurable command classes are
:cc5=<command class name>-<yes, no> specified with the ent-user command, the value of the specified individual
:cc6=<command class name>-<yes, no> non-configurable command classes overrides the value of the all parameter.
:cc7=<command class name>-<yes, no> 6. The password must adhere to all password provisioning rules as shown in
:cc8=<command class name>-<yes, no> the rtrv-secu-dflt output. These rules are displayed on the screen after the
:page=<0 - 999> ent-user command is entered.
:uout=<0 - 999>
:revoke=<yes, no>
See Notes 1 through 5.

Enter the user's

password. See Note 6.

Re-enter the user's


Enter the rtrv-secu-user with

this parameter.
:uid=<user ID specified in
the ent-user command>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 394: Adding a User to the System

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1398

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Removing a User from the System

Enter the rtrv-secu-user


Enter the
dlt-user command with this
:uid=<user name being removed>

Enter the
rtrv-secu-user command with this
:uid=<user ID specified in the ent-user

Enter the

Figure 395: Removing a User from the System

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1399

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Changing User Information

Are the configurable

Enter the No
command class parameters To
rtrv-secu-user command.
to be specified with the Sheet 2
See the Note.
chg-user command?

Yes Note: The pid parameter can be

specified for this procedure on all
terminals (1 - 40) if the Eagle OA&M IP
Security Enhancements feature is on. If
this feature is on, the entry YES is shown
for terminals 17 through 40 in the
Yes Are the configurable SECURE column in the rtrv-trm output.
command classes shown in The output of the rtrv-ctrl-feat command
the rtrv-secu-user output? also shows if this feature is on or off. If
this feature is off, the pid parameter can
be specified for this procedure only on
terminals 1 through 16.
No If you wish to use the Eagle OA&M IP
Security Enhancements feature, and the
feature is not on, perform the “Activating
Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
the Eagle OA&M IP Security
command with this parameter.
Enhancement Controlled Feature”
procedure to enable and turn on this

Perform the "Activating

Is the Command Controlled Features"
Enter the rtrv-cmd Yes Class Management feature No procedure to enable and
command. enabled and turned turn on the Command
on? Class Management

Are the desired Perform the "Configuring

configurable command classes No Command Classes"
shown in the rtrv-cmd procedure to configure the
output? desired command classes.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1400

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Is the
user logged into Yes
From Enter the rept-stat-user Notify the user
the EAGLE 5 ISS?
Sheet 1 command. to log off.
See Note 1
on Sheet 3.


Is the
Yes pid parameter
Enter the rtrv-secu-dflt
to be specified with
the chg-user

Enter the chg-user command with the
uid=<user name> parameter and at least
one of these optional parameters.
:nuid=<new user name>
:pid=<yes, no>
:all=<yes, no>
:link=<yes, no> Was the
:sa=<yes, no> pid parameter No
:sys=<yes, no> specified with
:pu=<yes, no> the chg-user
:db=<yes, no> command?
:dbg=<yes, no>
:cc1=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:cc2=<command class name>-<yes, no> Yes
:cc3=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:cc4=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:cc5=<command class name>-<yes, no> Enter the user's
:cc6=<command class name>-<yes, no> password. See Note
:cc7=<command class name>-<yes, no> 8 on Sheet 3.
:cc8=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:page=<0 - 999>
:uout=<0 - 999>
:revoke=<yes, no> Re-enter the user's
:rstlsl=<yes, no> password.
(See Notes 2 through 7 on Sheet 3)

Enter the rtrv-secu-user

command with this parameter.
:uid=<user ID specified in the
chg-user command>
Yes No
Are more configurable
command classes to be
assigned to the user? Enter the

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1401

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

1. A user ID cannot be changed while the user is logged on, except when the
revoke=yes parameter is specified with the chg-user command. It is assumed that if the
user ID is being revoked, the intent is to immediately deny the user access to the
EAGLE 5 ISS. In this case, the user will be logged off when the database is updated.
2. The words SEAS and NONE are reserved by the EAGLE 5 ISS and cannot be
specified as values for the nuid parameter.
3. The revoke=yes parameter cannot be specified when the sa parameter value is yes.
4. To specify the cc1 through cc8 parameters, the Command Class Management
feature must be enabled and activated.
5. The user can have a maximum of 32 configurable command classes assigned.
6. The all parameter specifies whether or not all non-configurable command classes
(link, sa, sys, pu, db, dbg) can be used by the user.
7. If the all parameter and individual non-configurable command classes are specified
with the ent-user command, the value of the specified individual non-configurable
command classes overrides the value of the all parameter.
8. The password must adhere to all password provisioning rules as shown in the
rtrv-secu-dflt output. These rules are displayed on the screen after the chg-user
command is entered with the pid=yes parameter.

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 396: Changing User Information

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1402

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Changing a Password

Log into the EAGLE 5 ISS by

entering either the
login:uid=<user name> or the
act-user:uid=<user name>
command. See Note 1.

Enter the chg-pid


Enter your current Notes:

password. 1. This procedure can be performed on all terminals (1 - 40) if the
Eagle OAM IP Security Enhancements feature is on. If this feature is
on, the entry YES is shown for terminals 17 through 40 in the
SECURE column in the rtrv-trm output. The output of the rtrv-ctrl-feat
Enter your new password. command also shows if this feature is on or off. If this feature is off,
See Note 2. this procedure can be performed only on terminals 1 through 16. If
you wish to use the Eagle OAM IP Security Enhancements feature,
and the feature is not on, go to the “Activating the Eagle OAM IP
Security Enhancement Controlled Feature” procedure to enable and
activate this feature.
2. When you are prompted to enter the new password, the minimum
Yes Was the requirements for passwords are displayed after the current password
password is entered at the Enter Old Password: prompt. Make sure the new
rejected? password meets these requirements and the requirements in the
Rules for Changing a Password section of the “Changing a
Password” procedure in the Database Administration Manual –
No System Management.

Re-enter the new password making

sure that the new password being
re-entered matches the new
password previously entered in this

Yes Was the



Enter the

Figure 397: Changing a Password

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1403

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Changing Terminal Characteristics

Enter the
rtrv-trm command

Perform the “Configuring

Is the terminal SEAS Terminals for the
No Yes
type being changed to Initial SEAS Configuration”
seas? procedure to configure the
SEAS terminal.

Does the rtrv-trm

output show terminal No
numbers greater than


Does the rtrv-trm No Do you wish No

output show terminals 17 to add any Telnet
through 40? terminals?

Yes Yes

Are only the

security parameters or Perform the "Adding an IPSM"
output group parameters for procedure to add the required
the Telnet terminals being IPSM to the database

Sheet 3 No

Do you wish to
change the terminal type Yes To
of any Telnet terminals to Sheet 2


No further action can be

performed for the Telnet
terminals. This procedure is

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1404

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Is the terminal Yes Enter the

type being changed?
rept-stat-trm command.
(See the Notes)


Is the status Yes

of the terminal
Are the logintmr,
logouttmr, pngfailcnt,
pngtimeint parameter values for Yes
TELNET or EMSALM terminals
being changed?
(See Note 4)

Enter the
No rmv-trm command with
this parameter.
:trm=<terminal port
being changed>

Are the
communications attributes Yes
being changed? Enter the
(See the Notes) rept-stat-trm command
with this parameter.
Sheet 3
:trm=<terminal port
No being changed>

Sheet 4

1. If the terminal numbers are from 17 to 40, the values for the type parameter can
be only telnet, none, or emsalm. The communication attributes for these terminals
cannot be specified.
2. If the terminal numbers are from 1 to 16, the values for the type parameter can
be vt320, ksr, printer, sccs, mgmt, none, or emsalm. The communication attributes
for these terminals can be specified and changed.
3. The communications attributes are defined by these parameters: baud (baud
rate), prty (parity), sb (stop bits), and fc (flow control).
4. The logintmr and logouttmr parameters can be specified only for TELNET
terminals. The pngfailcnt and pngtimeint parameters can be specified only for
TELNET and EMSALM terminals.

Sheet 2 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1405

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Sheets 1
or 2

Is the terminal type No

being changed to either
printer, or none?


Enter the
rtrv-secu-trm command.

Is the terminal
being changed No
assigned to the Security
command class?


Will changing the

terminal leave the EAGLE
5 ISS with only one terminal No
assigned to the Security
command class?


Perform the "Changing Terminal

Command Class Assignments"
procedure to change the
command class assignment of
Sheet 4
another terminal to include the
Security Administration
command class.

Sheet 3 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1406

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Enter the
Sheets 2
rtrv-stpopts command.
or 3

What is the What is the

Yes UIMRD value in the No UIMRD value in the No
rtrv-stpopts rtrv-trm output on
output? Sheet 1?
The UIMs remain in their
What is the Yes original output message
UIMRD value in the No groupand are output to
rtrv-trm output on terminals receiving
Sheet 1? The UIMs remain in their original messages from the original
output message group and are output message group.
output to terminals receiving
Yes messages from the original output
message group.
Even though the UIMRD value for
The UIMs are in the UIM the terminal is yes, there are no
The UIMs are in the
Redirect output group and are messages in the UIM redirect
UIM Redirect output
output to terminals receiving output group because the UIMRD
group but are not
unsolicited UIM redirect value in the rtrv-stpopts output is
output to any terminal.
messages. no.
No UIM redirect messages are
output to any terminal.

Do you wish
Yes Do you wish Yes No
to change how UIMs
to change UIMRD STP
are sent to the
option value?

Enter the No
chg-stpopts command with one of The UIMRD value for the
these parameters. terminal must be changed to
To turn the option on, use this either yes or no when the
parameter. chg-trm command is performed
on=uimrd on Sheet 5. The new UIMRD
To turn the option off, use this value must be different from the
parameter. current UIMRD value.
off=uimrd Yes

Do you wish No To
to change UIMRD value
Sheet 5
for the terminal?

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

Sheet 4 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1407

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Will the FC
value be changed to
Yes Enter these commands.
From HW (hardware flow control)
Sheet 4 or BOTH (hardware and
software flow

No What is
the TYPE value of the

Hardware flow control (fc=hw) and both E5TDM

hardware and software flow control (fc=both)
are not supported for the terminal.
Part of the terminal output may be lost if
hardware flow control is specified for the

Enter the
chg-trm:trm=<terminal port being changed>
command with at least one of these optional parameters.
:type = <vt320, ksr, printer, sccs, mgmt, none, telnet, emsalm>
(See Notes 1, 4, 5, 6, & 7, and the Cautions)
:baud = <2400, 4800, 9600, 19200> (See Notes 1 & 3 )
:prty = <none, even, odd> (See Notes 1 & 3)
:sb = <1 or 2> (See Notes 1 & 3)
:fc =<sw, hw, both, none> (See Notes 1 & 3)
:all = <yes or no> :appserv = <yes or no>
:traf = <yes or no> :appss = <yes or no>
:link = <yes or no> :card = <yes or no>
:sa = <yes or no> :clk = <yes or no>
:db = <yes or no> :dbg = <yes or no>
:sys = <yes or no> :gtt = <yes or no>
:pu = <yes or no> :gws = <yes or no>
:uimrd = <yes or no> :meas = <yes or no>
:tmout = <0 to 99 minutes> :mon = <yes or no> Enter the
:mxinv = <0 to 9> :mps = <yes or no> rtrv-trm:trm=<terminal
:dural = <See Note 2> :seas = <yes or no> port specified with the
:slan = <yes or no> chg-trm command>
:pngfailcnt = <1 to 10> (See Notes 1 and 8) command.
:pngtimeint = <100 to 1200000 milliseconds> (See Notes 1 and 8)
:logintmr = <3 to 600 seconds> or none (See Notes 1 and 8)
:logouttmr = <0 to 1200 seconds> or none (See Notes 1 and 8)
The notes are on Sheet 6.

No Was the
terminal inhibited on
Sheet 2?


Enter the
Enter the
rst-trm:trm=<terminal port
specified with the chg-trm
command> command

Sheet 5 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1408

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

1. If the terminal was not placed out of service on Sheet 2, this parameter cannot be specified with the chg-trm
2. The value of the dural parameter can be expressed in seconds (0 - 59), minutes and seconds (0 - 5959), or hours,
minutes, and seconds (0 - 995959). The value 999999 for the dural parameter disables the terminal, when the login
failure threshold has been exceeded, for an indefinite period of time.
3. This parameter cannot be specified for terminals 17 through 40.
4. The type=telnet parameter cannot be specified for terminals 1 through 16. Valid terminal types for terminals 1
through 16 are vt320, ksr, printer, sccs, mgmt, none, or emsalm.
5. For terminals 17 through 40, the value of the type parameter can be only telnet, none, or emsalm.
6. The output group settings are set to yes when the terminal type is changed to emsalm. The output group settings
for an EMSALM terminal can be changed.
Caution: It is recommended that all the output message group settings for an EMSALM terminal are set to
yes. Changing any of the output message group settings to no could prevent alarm messages controlled by
the output message group from being displayed on the EMSALM terminal.
Caution: If a terminal dedicated to measurements collection is configured (see the “Configuring the
Measurements Terminal for a 700 Signaling Link System” procedure in this chapter), it is recommended that
this terminal is not changed to an EMSALM terminal.
7. The output group settings are not changed when the terminal type is changed from emsalm to another terminal
8. The logintmr and logouttmr parameters can be specified only for TELNET terminals. The pngfailcnt and pngtimeint
parameters can be specified only for TELNET and EMSALM terminals.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 398: Changing Terminal Characteristics

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Changing Terminal Command Class Assignments

Enter the
rtrv-secu-trm command

Are the configurable

command classes No To
to be assigned to the Sheet 2


Are the configurable Yes Enter the rtrv-cmd

command classes shown in
the rtrv-secu-trm output?


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

command with this parameter. Are the desired
:partnum=893005801 configurable command classes Yes
shown in the rtrv-cmd

Is the Command
Yes No
Class Management feature
enabled and turned


Perform the "Activating Controlled

Features" procedure in Appendix A, Perform the "Configuring Command
"Controlled Feature Activation Classes" procedure in this chapter to To
Procedures," to enable and turn on configure the desired command Sheet 2
the Command Class Management classes.

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1410

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

1. To specify the cc1 through cc8 parameters, the Command Class Management
From feature must be enabled and turned on.
Sheet 1 2. A terminal can have a maximum of 32 configurable command classes assigned. The
chg-secu-trm command can assign up to 8 configurable command classes. Repeat the
chg-secu-trm command to assign the other 24 configurable command classes to the

Enter the rept-stat-user 3. The all parameter specifies whether or not all non-configurable command classes
command. (link, sa, sys, pu, db, dbg) can be executed on the terminal.
4. If the all parameter and individual non-configurable command classes are specified
with the chg-secu-trm command, the value of the specified individual non-configurable
command classes overrides the value of the all parameter.

Is a user logged Yes Have the user log off

on the specified
the terminal.
Enter the chg-secu-trm command with this
mandatory parameter:
No :trm=<1 – 16>
and with at least one of these optional
:all=<yes or no>
:db=<yes or no>
:dbg=<yes or no>
Is the Security :pu=<yes or no>
Administration command No :sa=<yes or no>
class being changed to NO :sys=<yes or no>
(:sa=no)? :cc1=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:cc2=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:cc3=<command class name>-<yes, no>
Yes :cc4=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:cc5=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:cc6=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:cc7=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:cc8=<command class name>-<yes, no>
Do only two
No (See the Notes)
terminals have the
Security Administration
command class?
Enter the rtrv-secu-trm command
with this parameter.
:trm=<terminal number specified
with the chg-secu-trm command>
Enter the
port>:sa=yes command,
Enter the
specifying another terminal

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 399: Changing Terminal Command Class Assignments

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Configuring Command Classes

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Perform the "Activating Controlled

Is the Command Features" procedure in Appendix A,
Class Management feature No "Controlled Feature Activation
enabled and turned Procedures," to enable and turn on
on? the Command Class Management


Enter the rtrv-cmd


Are the desired Yes No further action is

commands in the desired
command classes?


Is the command Yes Enter the rtrv-cmdclass

class name being

No Enter the chg-cmdclass

command with this mandatory parameter:
:class=<current command class name>
and at least one of these optional parameters.
:nclass=<new command class name>
:descr="<description of new command class - 1
alphabetic character and up to 31 alphnumeric

To Enter the rtrv-cmdclass

Sheet 2 command.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Add or remove commands from the desired

command class by entering the chg-cmd
command with this mandatory parameter:
:cmd=<command name>
at least one of these optional parameters.
:class1=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:class2=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:class3=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:class4=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:class5=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:class6=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:class7=<command class name>-<yes, no>
:class8=<command class name>-<yes, no>
(See the Notes)

Is the command
Yes to be assigned to more
configurable command


Enter the
rtrv-cmd:cmd=<command name
specified in the chg-cmd command>

Enter the

1. Specifing the value yes in the class1 - class8 parameters
adds the command to the specified configurable command
2. Specifing the value no in the class1 - class8 parameters
removes the command from the specified configurable
command class.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 400: Configuring Command Classes

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Adding a Shelf

Enter the
rtrv-shlf command

Enter the
ent-shlf command

Enter the
rtrv-shlf command

Enter the

Figure 401: Adding a Shelf

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1414

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Removing a Shelf

Enter the rtrv-card


Perform the procedures shown in the Card

Removal Procedures table to remove all the
cards in the shelf from the database.
Note: Specific frames contain specific shelves.
The procedures to be performed are based The following list shows the frames and the
on the entries shown in the APPL and TYPE shelves contained in those frames.
columns in the rtrv-card output.
Frame CF00 – Shelves 1200 and 1300
The Card Removal Procedures table is
Frame EF00 – Shelves 2100, 2200, and 2300
located in the “Removing a Shelf” procedure
Frame EF01 – Shelves 3100, 3200, and 3300
in the Database Administration Manual –
Frame EF02 – Shelves 4100, 4200, and 4300
System Management.
Frame EF03 – Shelves 5100, 5200, and 5300
Frame EF04 – Shelf 6100
Shelf 1100 is the Control Shelf and is in Frame
Enter the rtrv-shlf CF00. Shelf 1100 cannot be removed.

Is the shelf being

Yes Enter the rtrv-frm-pwr
removed that only shelf in the
frame? (See Note)


Is frame containing
Enter the dlt-shlf
No the shelf being removed
:loc=<shelf being removed>
shown in the rtrv-frm-pwr
output? (See Note)

Enter the Yes

rtrv-shlf:loc=<shelf location
specified in the dlt-shlf command>
command Perform the “Removing an Entry from the
Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table”
procedure to remove the frame from this
Enter the

Figure 402: Removing a Shelf

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1415

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Adding an SS7 LIM

Enter the
rtrv-card command

Enter the ent-card command

with these parameters:
:loc=<card location>

Enter the rtrv-card command with

this parameter:
:loc=<card loaction specified in the
ent-card command>

Enter the

Figure 403: Adding an SS7 LIM

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1416

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Removing an SS7 LIM

Enter the rtrv-card


Enter the
rept-stat-slk:loc=<location of the LIM being
removed>:link=<link parameter value assigned to
the LIM being removed> command.
Repeat this step for all the signaling links assigned
to the LIM being removed in this procedure.

Enter the
dact-slk:loc=<location of the LIM being
Enter the
removed>:link=<link parameter value used in the
rept-stat-slk command> command. Repeat this step
for all the signaling links assigned to the LIM being
removed in this procedure.

Enter the rtrv-ls:lsn=<linkset name> command.

The linkset name is shown in the LSET NAME
field in the rtrv-card output or in the LSN field
in the rept-stat-slk output.

Does the LIM Enter the

contain the only signaling Yes rmv-card:loc=<location of LIM
link in the linkset that being removed>:force=yes
is in service? command


Enter the
rmv-card:loc=<location of LIM
Sheet 2
being removed> command

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the
dlt-slk:loc=<location of the LIM being
removed>:link=<link parameter value
Is the signaling Yes of the last signaling link in the linkset>
link the last signaling
:force=yes command.
link in the linkset?
Repeat this step for other signaling
links assigned to this LIM that are the
last signaling link in a linkset.

Enter the
dlt-slk:loc=<location of the LIM being
removed>:link=<link parameter value
Enter the
used in the dact-slk command on
dlt-card:loc=<location of the LIM
Sheet 1> command.
being removed> command
Repeat this step for all the signaling
links assigned to the LIM that is being
removed in this procedure.
Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<location of the LIM
that was removed> command

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 404: Removing an SS7 LIM

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Configuring the UIM Threshold

Enter the

Enter the
set-uim-acthresh command
with the uimn=<xxxx>, limit=0,
Is a new UIM Yes Is the threshold limit Yes force=yes, and intrvl=<xx>
threshold being
being set to 0? parameters, where <xxxx> is
the number of the UIM that will
not be displayed and <xx> is
time interval
No No

Enter the
set-uim-acthresh command with
the uimn=<xxxx>, limit=<yyyy>,
and intrvl=<zz> parameters, where
<xxxx> is the number of the UIM,
<yyyy> is the number of messages
to display, and <zz> is time interval

Enter the
set-uim-acthresh command
with the uimn=<xxxx> and
Which UIM LIMIT limit=<yyyy> parameters,
threshold parameter is
where <xxxx> is the number
being changed?
of the UIM, <yyyy> is the
number of messages to

Enter the
set-uim-acthresh command with
Enter the
the uimn=<xxxx> and intrvl=<zz>
parameters, where <xxxx> is the
number of the UIM and <zz> is
time interval

Enter the

Figure 405: Configuring the UIM Threshold

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Removing a UIM Threshold

Enter the

Enter the
dlt-uim-acthresh command with the
uimn=<xxxx> parameter, where
<xxxx> is the number of the UIM
whose threshold is being removed

Enter the

Enter the

Figure 406: Removing a UIM Threshold

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Configuring the Measurements Terminal for an EAGLE 5 ISS Containing

700 Signaling Links

Enter the rtrv-trm


Enter the
rmv-trm:trm=<terminal port
being changed> command

Enter the rept-stat-trm

:trm=<terminal port being
changed> command

Are all the output

message group values for Yes
the terminal being changed
set to no?


Enter the chg-trm command Enter the chg-trm command

with these parameters: with these parameters:
:trm=<terminal port being :trm=<terminal port being
changed> changed>
:baud=19200 :baud=19200
:type=ksr :type=ksr
:all=no :traf=yes

Enter the
rtrv-trm:trm=<terminal port
that was changed> command

Enter the
rst-trm:trm=<terminal port that
was changed> command

Enter the

Figure 407: Configuring the Measurements Terminal for an EAGLE 5 ISS Containing 700 Signaling

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Adding a Measurement Collection and Polling Module (MCPM)

Note: Before executing this procedure, make sure you have purchased the Measurements Platform
feature. If you are not sure whether you have purchased the Measurements Platform feature, contact
your Tekelec Sales Representative or Account Representative.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1422

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Visually verify that the

MCPM has been installed
into the EAGLE 5 ISS. Has the MCPM No Insert the MCPM into
Note: The part number of the been installed? the EAGLE 5 ISS
MCPM should be
870-2372-03 or later.

Connect the Ethernet cables

Enter the
from the customer's network
rtrv-stpoptscommand .
to Port A of the MCPM

Is the
No Enter the
Fan feature chg-feat:fan=on
turned on? command


Verify that fans have been

installed on the shelf
containing the E5-MPCM-B

Have the fans Yes Go to

been installed? Sheet 2.


Refer to the Installation Manual and

install the fans on the shelf containing
the E5-MCPM-B card.
Note: The fans must be installed and
working properly before a E5-MCPM-B
card can be placed in the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the
rtrv-card command

Is an MCPM shown in No Enter the

the rtrv-card output? rtrv-feat command


Is the
No Enter the
Measurements Platform
feature (MEASPLAT )


Enter the
ent-card:loc=<card location>

Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<card loaction specified in
the ent-card command> command

Go to the "Configuring the

Measurements Platform
Enter the Feature" procedure and
chg-db:action=backup configure the IP link for the
:dest=fixed command MCPM and enable the
Measurements Platform

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 408: Adding a Measurement Collection and Polling Module (MCPM)

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Removing a MCPM

Enter the
rtrv-card command

Enter the
rept-stat-meas command

Enter the
Is the MCPM Yes rmv-card:loc=<location of the
the only MCPM that
MCPM being removed>:force=yes
is in service?


Enter the Enter the

rmv-card:loc=<location of the dlt-card:loc=<location of the
MCPM being removed> MCPM being removed>
command command

Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<card location specified in
the dlt-card command> command

Enter the

Figure 409: Removing a MCPM

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Configuring the Measurements Platform Feature

Enter the
rtrv-card command

Go to the "Adding an MCPM"

Is the MCPM in No
procedure and add the required
the database?
MCPM to the database


Enter the

Enter the rmv-card card with this

:loc=<location of the MCPM
Is the state of being removed>
the MCPM If the MCPM is the only MCPM
OOS-MT-DSBLD? that is in service, the
:force=yes parameter must be
specified with the rmv-card
Yes command.

Sheet 2

Sheet 1 of 4

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Sheet 1

Is a Class B IP
address to be specified for No
the new IP address of the IP
link to the MCPM?


Enter the
rtrv-netopts command

Is error message Yes

E3967 displayed?


Choose values for the ipaddr and submask

parameters of the IP link to the MCPM that
do not produce the same subnet address as
these parameter values shown in the
rtrv-netopts output.
The subnet address resulting from the ipaddr
and submask parameter values of the IP link
to the MCPM cannot be the same as the
subnet address resulting from the PVN and
FCNB and FCNBMASK values shown in the
rtrv-netopts output.

Sheet 2 of 4

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S he e t 2

Ente r the chg-ip-lnk

comma nd with the s e pa ra me te rs .
:loc=<MCP M loca tion>
Ente r the :port=a
rtrv-ip-lnk comma nd. :ipa ddr=<MCP M IP a ddre s s >
:s ubma s k=
:s pe e d=100
:mca s t=ye s
Ente r the chg-ip-ca rd
comma nd with the s e pa ra me te rs .
:loc=<MCP M loca tion>
:s rchordr=loca l
:doma in=<doma in na me a s s igne d
to the ne twork>
:de froute r=<IP a ddre s s of the
de fa ult route r>

Ente r the rtrv-ip-hos t

comma nd with this pa ra me te r.
:dis pla y=a ll

Ente r the e nt-ip-hos t

comma nd with the s e pa ra me te rs .
:hos t=<hos t na me of the MP CM>
:ipa ddr=<IP a ddre s s of the MCP M>

Ente r the rs t-ca rd comma nd

with this pa ra me te r.
:loc=<loca tion of the MCP M>

S he e t 4

Sheet 3 of 4

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Sheet 3

Enter the rtrv-ftp-serv


Are the required FTP

Do you wish
servers for the Measurements No Yes
to change an existing
Platform configured in the
FTP server?

Go to the "Adding an FTP No

Yes Server" procedure and
configure the required
FTP servers
Go to the "Changing an
FTP Server" procedure
and change an existing
FTP servers

Enter the
rtrv-measopts command

Is the
No Yes
Measurements Platform
option enabled?

Enter the

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 410: Configuring the Measurements Platform Feature

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Adding an FTP Server

The EAGLE 5 ISS can contain these

Enter the quantities of FTP servers:
rtrv-ftp-serv command 3 MEAS FTP servers (app=meas)
with this parameter. 2 USER FTP servers (app=user)
:mode=full 1 DB FTP server (app=db)
1 DIST FTP server (app=dist)

Are the maximum

number of the desired FTP server No To
that you wish to add shown in the Sheet 2
rtrv-ftp-serv output?


No more FTP servers of

that type can be added.

Do you wish to change the No No further action can be

attributes of the FTP server that
you wanted to add?


Perform the “Changing an

FTP Server” in this chapter
to change the attributes of
the FTP server.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the ent-ftp-serv

command with these parameters:
:app=<meas, user, db, dist>
:ipaddr=<IP address of the FTP server>
:login=<FTP server client name>
:path=<path to find the file to send>
:prio=<priority of the FTP server - from 1 - 10>
(See the Notes and Caution)

Enter a password for the FTP server at

the PASSWORD : prompt. The Enter the
password can contain from 1 to 15 rtrv-ftp-serv command with
alpha-numeric characters. The this parameter.
alphabetic characters must be both :mode=full
upper and lower case characters.

Enter the

1. The login parameter value can contain from 1 to 15 alpha-numeric characters. The
alphabetic characters can be both upper and lower case characters.
2. The path parameter value is a mixed-case quoted character string with a valid FTP
path format that can contain up to 100 characters.
3. If the Eagle OAM IP Security Enhancement Controlled Feature is enabled and
activated, the FTP servers configured in this procedure must be secure FTP servers
and secure shell clients must be available. The FTP-Based Table Retrieve Application
(FTRA) and the Measurements Platform must support secure shell connections to the
EAGLE 5 ISS. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify whether or not the Eagle OAM
IP Security Enhancement Controlled Feature is enabled and activated.
4. Because CSV measurement data files do not have unique names across multiple
STPs, include the CLLI of the STP in the FTP server path for meas FTP servers.
Caution: This procedure can be used to add a USER FTP server, but any USER FTP
servers entered by this procedure will be overwritten by the FTP server configuration
information sent to the EAGLE 5 ISS by the FTP-Based Table Retrieve Application
(FTRA). It is recommended that USER FTP servers be added at the FTRA. For more
information on adding USER FTP servers at the FTRA, see the FTP-Based Table
Retrieve Application (FTRA) User Guide.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 411: Adding an FTP Server

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1431

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Removing an FTP Server

Enter the
rtrv-ftp-serv command
with this parameter.

Enter the dlt-ftp-serv

command with these parameters:
:app=<meas, user, db, dist>
:ipaddr=<IP address of the FTP server>
Caution: Removing all FTP servers for
an application will disable the feature
supported by the FTP servers.

Enter the
rtrv-ftp-serv command with
this parameter.

Enter the

Figure 412: Removing an FTP Server

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1432

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Changing an FTP Server

Enter the
rtrv-ftp-serv command
with this parameter.

Perform the "Removing an

Is the IP address FTP Server" procedure in
of the FTP server to be this chapter to remove the
changed? FTP server from the

Perform the "Adding an FTP
Enter the chg-ftp-serv Server" procedure in this
command with these mandatory parameters: chapter to add the FTP server
:app=<meas, user, db, dist> to the database with the new
:ipaddr=<IP address of the FTP server> IP address
and at least one of these optional parameters:
:login=<FTP server client name>
:path=<path to find the file to send>
:prio=<priority of the FTP server - from 1 - 10>
(See Notes and the Caution on Sheet 2)

Enter a password for the FTP

server at the PASSWORD :
prompt. The password can
Has the login Yes contain from 1 to 15
parameter value been
alpha-numeric characters. The
alphabetic characters must be
both upper and lower case

Enter the
rtrv-ftp-serv command with
this parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1433

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

1. The login parameter value can contain from 1 to 15 alpha-numeric characters. The
alphabetic characters can be both upper and lower case characters.
2. The path parameter value is a mixed-case quoted character string with a valid FTP
path format that can contain up to 100 characters.
3. If the Eagle OAM IP Security Enhancement Controlled Feature is enabled and
activated, the FTP servers configured in this procedure must be secure FTP servers
and secure shell clients must be available. The FTP-Based Table Retrieve
Application (FTRA) and the Measurements Platform must support secure shell
connections to the EAGLE 5 ISS. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify whether
or not the Eagle OAM IP Security Enhancement Controlled Feature is enabled and
4. Because CSV measurement data files do not have unique names across multiple
STPs, include the CLLI of the STP in the FTP server path for meas FTP servers.
Caution: Changes to the USER FTP server configurations in this procedure may
interfere with the operation of the FTP-Based Table Retrieve Application (FTRA). It is
recommended that any changes to the USER FTP server configurations be made at
the FTRA. For more information on making these changes at the FTRA, see the
FTP-Based Table Retrieve Application (FTRA) User Guide.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 413: Changing an FTP Server

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Adding an IPSM

Enter the
rtrv-card command

This procedure cannot be

Does the Yes performed. The EAGLE 5
EAGLE 5 ISS contain
ISS can contain a
3 IPSMs?
maximum of 3 IPSMs.


Is the
card being provisioned No To
in this procedure an Sheet 2
E5-IPSM card?


Enter the

Enter the
Are HIPR rept-stat-gpl:gpl=hipr2
cards installed in command
card locations 9 and 10 in the
shelf that will contain the
E5-IPSM card?

Are HIPR2 cards

installed in card locations
9 and 10 of the shelf that will
contain the E5-IPSM


Refer to the Installation

Manual and install the
HIPR or HIPR 2 cards in
Sheet 2
the shelf that will contain
the E5-IPSM card

Sheet 1 of 6

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1435

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Sheet 1

Install the IPSM into the appropiate card

Note: If the OA&M IP Security
Enhancements feature is enabled and
activated, UIM 1493 is generated when
the IPSM is installed. The public host
key fingerprint for this IPSM is displayed
in UIM 1493. Record the public host key
fingerprint information. The public host
key fingerprint for this IPSM must be
placed in the hosts.xml file on the FTRA
for the FTRA to make a secure
connection to the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Enter the
ent-card:loc=<card location>
:type=ipsm:appl=ips command
Note: When an IPSM is added to the
database, 8 telnet terminals are added to
the database with the default values for
the output group parameters. These 8
telnet terminals are associated with the
The output group parameter values, and
the logintmr, logouttmr, pngfailcnt, and
pngtimeint parameter values can be
changed, if desired, by performing the
"Changing Terminal Characteristics"
procedure in this chapter.

Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<card location specified in
the ent-card command> command

Enter the To
rtrv-trm command Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 6

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Is a Class B IP
address to be specified for No
the new IP address of the IP
link to the IPSM?


Enter the
rtrv-netopts command

Is error message Yes

E3967 displayed?


Choose values for the ipaddr and submask

parameters of the IP link to the IPSM that do
not produce the same subnet address as
these parameter values shown in the
rtrv-netopts output.
The subnet address resulting from the ipaddr
and submask parameter values of the IP link
to the IPSM cannot be the same as the
subnet address resulting from the PVN and
FCNB and FCNBMASK values shown in the
rtrv-netopts output.

Sheet 3 of 6

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1. If either the ipaddr or submask parameters are
Sheet 3
specified, then both parameters must be specified,
unless the ipaddr= parameter is specified,
then the submask parameter is not required.
2. The ipaddr= parameter disabled the IP
Enter the link.
rtrv-ip-lnk command 3. The network portion of the default router's IP
with these parameters: address must be the same as the IP address
:loc=<IPSM location> specified in the ent-ip-host and chg-ip-lnk
:port=a commands. The value of the last octet of the
default router's IP address must be from 1 to 254.

Enter the chg-ip-lnk command with

these parameters:
:loc=<IPSM location> Enter the
:port=a ent-ip-host command with these
:ipaddr=<IPSM IP address > parameters:
:submask=<subnet mask of the IP :host=<host name of the IPSM>
address> :ipaddr=<IP address of the IPSM>
(See Notes 1 and 2)

Enter the
rtrv-ip-card command
Enter the with this parameter:
rtrv-ip-lnk command :loc=<IPSM location>
with these parameters:
:loc=<IPSM location>
Enter the chg-ip-card command
with these parameters:
:loc=<IPSM location>
:domain=<host name specified in
Enter the
the ent-ip-host command>
rtrv-ip-host command
:defrouter=<IP address of the
with this parameter:
default router>
:ipaddr=<IPSM IP
(See Note 3)

Enter the
rtrv-ip-card command
with this parameter:
:loc=<IPSM location>

Sheet 5

Sheet 4 of 6

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Sheet 4

Enter the
rtrv-ctrl-feat command

Perform the “Activating

Is the IP User
Controlled Features”
Interface (Telnet ) feature No
procedure in Appendix A to
enabled and turned
enable and turn on the IP User
Interface (Telnet ) feature


Is the Eagle OA&M IP Yes

Security Ehancements feature
enabled and turned on?


Perform the “Activating the

Eagle OA&M IP Security
Enhancement Controlled Are secure
Feature” procedure in Yes connections to the
Appendix A to enable and EAGLE 5 ISS to be
turn on the Eagle OA&M IP used?
Security Enhancements

Sheet 6

Sheet 5 of 6

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Sheet 5

Enter the
rst-card:loc=<card location of the
IPSM added in this procedure>
command (See Note)

Enter the
rst-trm command with this parameter:
:trm=<terminal created when the IPSM was
added in this procedure>
Repeat this step for each terminal that was

Enter the

Note: If the Eagle OA&M IP Security

Enhancements feature is enabled and activated,
UIM 1494 is generated when the IPSM is placed
into service with rst-card command. The public
host key fingerprint for this IPSM is displayed in
UIM 1494. Record the public host key fingerprint
information. The public host key fingerprint for
this IPSM must be placed in the hosts.xml file
on the FTRA for the FTRA to make a secure
connection to the EAGLE 5 ISS.

Sheet 6 of 6
Figure 414: Adding an IPSM

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1440

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Removing an IPSM

Enter the
rtrv-card command

Enter the
rept-stat-card:loc=<location of the
IPSM being removed> command

Is the IPSM Yes

out of service?


Enter the
rtrv-trm command

Enter the
rept-stat-trm command

Are the all terminals Yes

associated with the IPSM
out of service?


Enter the rmv-trm command with this parameter:

:trm=<the number of the terminal assigned to the
IPSM that will be removed>
Perform this step for each terminal assigned to the
IPSM that will be removed whose state is not
Sheet 2
If the IPSM that will be removed contains the last
in-service SEAS terminal (shown in the rtrv-trm
and rept-stat-trm outputs, the force=yes parameter
must be specified with the rmv-trm command for
that SEAS terminal.

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the
rmv-card:loc=<location of the
IPSM being removed>

Enter the
dlt-card:loc=<location of the
IPSM being removed>

Enter the
rtrv-card:loc=<card location specified in
the dlt-card command> command

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 415: Removing an IPSM

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1442

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Configuring the Options for the Network Security Enhancements Feature

Enter the rtrv-stpopts



SECSCCPSCMG options shown
in the rtrv-stpopts output?


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the Network Security Yes

Enhancements feature
enabled and activated?


Go to the "Activating Controlled Enter the chg-stpopts command with

Features" procedure in Appendix A, these parameters:
"Controlled Feature Activation :secmtpmate = <off, notify, silent, test>
Procedures," and enable and turn on :secmtpsid = <off, notify, silent, test>
the Network Security Enhancements :secmtpsnm = <off, notify, silent, test>
feature :secsccpscmg = <off, notify, silent, test>

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-stpopts

Figure 416: Configuring the Options for the Network Security Enhancements Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1443

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Configuring the Restore Device State Option

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

What will the Off

new RSTDEV value

Enter the chg-stpopts Enter the chg-stpopts

command with this parameter. command with this parameter.
:on=rstrdev :off=rstrdev

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

Enter the

Figure 417: Configuring the Restore Device State Option

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1444

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Adding an Entry to the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table

Enter the rtrv-frm-pwr


Enter the rtrv-shlf


The actions that can be

Are all the frames
performed on the Frame Power
shown in the rtrv-shlf output Yes
Alarm Threshold table is to
shown in the rtrv-frm-pwr
remove an entry from the table or
output? (See Notes)
to change an entry in the table.


Do you wish to
To remove an entry from the Yes
Sheet 2 Frame Power Alarm
Threshold table?
Perform the “Removing
an Entry from the Frame
Notes: No Power Alarm Threshold
1. An entry to the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table” procedure in this
table can be added only if a shelf in that frame is chapter.
shown in the rtrv-shlf output, but the frame is not
shown in the rtrv-frm-pwr output. Do you wish to
2. The following list shows the frame No This procedure is
change the threshold
designations that are used in the Frame Power finished.
value for a frame?
Alarm Threshold table and the frame numbers
shown in the SHELF FRAME column of the
rtrv-shlf output that correspond to the frame
designations. Yes
Frame Designations Frame Numbers
CF00 1 Perform the “Changing an
EF00 2 Entry in the Frame Power
EF01 3 Alarm Threshold Table”
EF02 4 procedure in this chapter.
EF03 5
EF04 6

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-stp command with Notes:

these parameters: 1. The following list shows the frame designations that
:display=power are used in the Frame Power Alarm Threshold table
:frm=<frame shown in the and the frame numbers shown in the SHELF FRAME
rtrv-shlf output but not in the column of the rtrv-shlf output that correspond to the
rtrv-frm-pwr output> frame designations.
(See Note 1) Frame Designations Frame Numbers
CF00 1
EF00 2
EF01 3
Enter the ent-frm-pwr command
EF02 4
with these parameters:
EF03 5
:frm=<frame value specified in
EF04 6
the previous step>
:thrshld=<the frame power alarm The frame designation shown in this list is the value for
threshold - 30 - 65> the frm parameter of the rtrv-stp, ent-frm-pwr, and rtrv-
See Notes 1, 2, and 3 frm-pwr commands.
2. A minor alarm is generated when the power level for
the frame reaches 90% of the threshold value.
A major alarm is generated when the power level for
Enter the rtrv-frm-pwr command the frame reaches 95% of the threshold value.
with these parameters: A critical alarm is generated when the power level for
:frm=<frm parameter value the frame reaches 98% of the threshold value.
specified in the previous step> 3. The thrshld parameter is optional. If the thrshld
parameter value is not specified, the thrshld value is set
to 30.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 418: Adding an Entry to the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1446

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Removing an Entry from the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table

Enter the rtrv-frm-pwr


Enter the rtrv-stp command with these

:frm=<frame entry being removed,
shown in the rtrv-frm-pwr output>
(See Note 1)

Is the power level Is the power level

in the frame, shown in the in the frame, shown in the
No Yes To
Power Consumption (AMPs) in Power Consumption (AMPs) in
Sheet 2
the rtrv-stp output, above 30 the rtrv-stp output, below 27
amps? amps?

Yes No

When a frame entry is removed, a When a frame entry is removed, a

default threshold setting of 30 amps is default threshold setting of 30 amps is
assigned to the frame. Removing this assigned to the frame.
entry will generate a critical alarm for An alarm will be generated when this
this frame. frame entry is removed. The alarm that
A critical alarm is generated when the will be generated will depend of the
power level for the frame reaches power level of the frame.
98% of the threshold value. A minor alarm is generated when the
Removing this frame entry puts the power level for the frame reaches 90% of
power level at more than 100% of the the threshold value (27 amps).
threshold value. A major alarm is generated when the
power level for the frame reaches 95% of
the threshold value (28.5 amps).
A critical alarm is generated when the
power level for the frame reaches 98% of
the threshold value (29.4 amps).
Do you wish Yes
to remove this frame

No To
Sheet 2

Do you wish
Yes No No further action can be taken.
to select another frame
This procedure is finished.
entry to remove?

Sheet 1 of 2

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Sheet 1

Enter the dlt-frm-pwr command

with these parameters:
:frm=<frame value specified in
the rtrv-stp command>

Enter the rtrv-frm-pwr command

with these parameters:
:frm=<frm parameter value
specified in the previous step>

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 419: Removing an Entry from the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table

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Changing an Entry in the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table

Enter the rtrv-frm-pwr


Enter the rtrv-stp command with Note:

these parameters: A minor alarm is generated when the power level for the frame
:display=power reaches 90% of the threshold value.
:frm=<frame entry to change A major alarm is generated when the power level for the frame
that is shown in the rtrv-frm-pwr reaches 95% of the threshold value.
output> A critical alarm is generated when the power level for the frame
reaches 98% of the threshold value.
The following list shows selected threshold values and the power
levels for a frame that would generate a minor alarm for that
threshold value.
Enter the chg-frm-pwr command
with these parameters: Threshold Value Power Level to Generate a Minor Alarm
:frm=<frame value specified in 30 27
the previous step> 35 31.5
:thrshld=<the frame power alarm 40 36
threshold - 30 - 65> 45 40.5
See Note 50 45
55 49.5
60 54
65 58.5
Enter the rtrv-frm-pwr command
with these parameters:
:frm=<frm parameter value
specified in the previous step>

Enter the

Figure 420: Changing an Entry in the Frame Power Alarm Threshold Table

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1449

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Configuring the IMT Bus Alarm Thresholds

Enter the rtrv-th-alm


Enter the chg-th-alm command

with at least of of these
:imtbusutllvl1 = < 35 to 70 > Enter the rtrv-th-alm
:imtbusutllvl2 = < 40 to 80 > command
:imtcongestlvl1 = < 35 to 70 >
:imtcongestlvl2 = < 40 to 80 >
(See the Notes)
Enter the

1. If any parameter is not specified with the chg-th-alm command, that parameter
value will not be changed.
2. The system default values for the parameters used in this procedure are:
imtbusutllvl1 – 70 imtbusutllvl2 – 80
imtcongestlvl1 – 70 imtcongestlvl2 – 80.
3. After the chg-th-alm command is performed, the imtbusutllvl2 parameter value must
be greater than the imtbusutllvl1 parameter value.
4. After the chg-th-alm command is performed, the imtcongestlvl2 parameter value
must be greater than the imtcongestlvl1 parameter value.

Figure 421: Configuring the IMT Bus Alarm Thresholds

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1450

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Activating Controlled Features

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the feature
No To Sheet


Is the status of The feature is permanently

the feature on enabled and activated. No further
or off? action is necessary.


Enter the Notes:

chg-ctrl-feat 1. The following is a list of the features and part
:partnum=<controlled feature part numbers enabled and activated in this procedure:
:status=on command (See Notes) Command Class Management - 893005801
IP User Interface - 893005701
Network Security Enhancements - 893009101.
Enter the 2. If you do not have the controlled feature part
rtrv-ctrl-feat:partnum=<part number number or the feature access key for the controlled
specified in the chg-ctrl-feat feature you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec
command> command sales representative or account representative.
The feature access key determines if the controlled
feature is permenantly or temporarily enabled.
Enter the

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1451

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From Is the feature No To Sheet

Sheet 1 temporarily enabled? 3


Enter the
Do you wish to Yes :partnum=<controlled feature part
permanently enable this
:fak=<feature access key> command
(See Notes)


On Is the status of the Is the status of the On

feature on or off? feature on or off?

The feature is temporarily Off Off

enabled and activated. No
further action is necessary.
Enter the
:partnum=<controlled feature part
:status=on command (See Notes)
1. The following is a list of the features and part
numbers enabled and activated in this procedure:
Enter the
Command Class Management - 893005801 rtrv-ctrl-feat:partnum=<part
IP User Interface - 893005701 number specified in the chg-ctrl-
Network Security Enhancements - 893009101. feat command> command
2. If you do not have the controlled feature part
number or the feature access key for the controlled
feature you wish to enable, contact your Tekelec Enter the
sales representative or account representative. chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
The feature access key determines if the controlled command
feature is permenantly or temporarily enabled.

Sheet 2 of 4

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Are any controlled 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only
From features shown in the Yes the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
Sheet 2 rtrv-ctrl-feat output? quantity of 64, the answer to this
(See Note 1) question is no and the EAGLE 5 ISS’s
serial number must be verified. This is
the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat
output. This entry is shown whether or
No not the EAGLE 5 ISS’s serial number is
in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot
Enter the rtrv-serial-num be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the
controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a
label affixed to the control shelf (shelf
Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
No the database correct and is the Yes To
serial number locked? Sheet 4
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)
This feature cannot be enabled
without the correct serial
number in the database.
Is the EAGLE Contact the Customer Care
5 ISS's serial number No Is the EAGLE 5 ISS's Yes Center to get the correct serial
in the database serial number locked? number entered into the
correct? database. Refer to the
"Customer Care Center" section
in Chapter 1 for the contact
Yes No information.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>
Enter the ent-serial-num
command with these parameters:
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial Enter the rtrv-serial-num
number> command

Is the EAGLE
To Yes 5 ISS's serial number No
Sheet 4 in the database

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1453

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Sheet 3

Enter the
:partnum=<controlled feature part No Is the feature to be
number> permanently enabled?
:fak=<temporary feature access key>
command (See Notes 1 and 4)


Enter the Enter the

chg-ctrl-feat enable-ctrl-feat
:partnum=<controlled feature part :partnum=<controlled feature part
number specified with the number>
enable-ctrl-feat command> :fak=<permanent feature access key>
:status=on command command (See Notes 1 and 4)

Enter the Notes:

rtrv-ctrl-feat:partnum=<part number 1. The following is a list of the features and part numbers enabled and
specified in the chg-ctrl-feat activated in this procedure:
command> command Command Class Management - 893005801
IP User Interface - 893005701
Network Security Enhancements - 893009101.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
Enter the
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed 3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be
4. If you do not have the controlled feature part number or the feature
access key for the controlled feature you wish to enable , contact your
Tekelec sales representative or account representative . The feature
access key determines if the controlled feature is permenantly or
temporarily enabled.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 422: Activating Controlled Features

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1454

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Activating the Eagle OA&M IP Security Enhancement Controlled Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


The feature is
Is the feature Is the status of permanently enabled
Yes On
permanently the feature on and activated. No
enabled? or off? further action is

No Off To
Sheet 3

Is the feature No To
temporarily enabled? Sheet 2


Enter the
Do you wish to enable-ctrl-feat
permanently enable this :partnum=893400001
feature? :fak=<feature access key> command
(See Note)


On Is the status of the Off Off Is the status of the On

feature on or off? feature on or off?

The feature is
temporarily enabled and To
activated. No further Sheet 3 Enter the
action is necessary. rtrv-ctrl-feat:partnum=<part number
specified in the enable-ctrl-feat
command> command
Note: If you do not have the controlled feature part number or the feature
access key for the controlled feature you wish to enable , contact your Tekelec
sales representative or account representative. The feature access key
Enter the
determines if the controlled feature is permenantly or temporarily enabled.

Sheet 1 of 4

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Are any controlled

From features shown in the Yes
Sheet 1 rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note 1)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
Enter the rtrv-serial-num the database correct and is the Yes
This feature cannot be
enabled without the correct command serial number locked?
serial number in the (See Notes 2, 3,
database. Contact the and 4)
Customer Care Center to
get the correct serial
number entered into the No
database. Refer to the Yes
"Customer Care Center"
section in Chapter 1 for the
contact information. Is the EAGLE
Is the EAGLE
No 5 ISS's serial number
5 ISS's serial number
in the database

No Yes

Enter the ent-serial-num

Enter the ent-serial-num command with these parameters:
command with this parameter: :serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's serial
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct number>
serial number> :lock=yes

Enter the rtrv-serial-num

Is the feature to be Yes
permanently enabled?

Is the EAGLE
No 5 ISS's serial number Yes No
in the database
Enter the Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat enable-ctrl-feat
:partnum=893400001 :partnum=893400001
1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the EAGLE 5 ISS’s serial :fak=<temporary feature :fak=<permanent feature
number must be verified. This is the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This access key> command access key> command
entry is shown whether or not the EAGLE 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
(See Note 5) (See Note 5)
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf (shelf
1100). To
5. If you do not have the controlled feature part number or the feature access key Sheet 3
for the controlled feature you wish to enable , contact your Tekelec sales
representative or account representative. The feature access key determines if the
controlled feature is permenantly or temporarily enabled.

Sheet 2 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Enter the rtrv-trm
Sheets 1
or 2

Are telnet
No To
terminals shown in the
Sheet 4
rtrv-trm output?


Enter the
rept-stat-card:loc=<location of
the ISPM being taken out of
service> command

Is the state of No Enter the

the IPSM
rept-stat-trm command


Are the terminals

Select another Yes
associated with the IPSM
out of service?

Sheet 4 No

Enter the
Have all IPSMs
Yes rmv-trm:trm=<terminal associated
been taken out of
with the IPSM being taken out of
service> command

Enter the Have all the

rmv-card:loc=<location of the Yes terminals associated with No
ISPM being taken out of the IPSM been taken out
service> command of service?

Sheet 3 of 4

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Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Enter the
Sheet 3
:status=on command

Enter the

Were IPSMs Enter the

taken out of service on chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
Sheet 3? command


Select one of
the IPSMs

Enter the
rst-trm:trm=<terminal associated
with the IPSM being restored to
service> command

Have all the

No terminals associated with Select another
the IPSM been restored to IPSM

Yes No

Enter the
Have all the
rst-card:loc=<location of the
IPSMs been restored to
ISPM being restored to
service> command


Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 423: Activating the Eagle OA&M IP Security Enhancement Controlled Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1458

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Activating the 15 Minute Measurements Controlled Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the 15 Minute Yes Is the status Off To

Measurements feature of the feature on
Sheet 3
enabled? or off?

No On

The 15 Minute Measurements

feature is enabled and turned
Are any controlled on. No further action is
features shown in the Yes necessary.
rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See Note1)

No Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with
these parameters.
Enter the rtrv-serial-num :partnum=893012101
command. :fak=<feature access key>
(See Notes 5 and 6)

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in
the database correct and is the Yes To
serial number locked? Sheet 3
(See Notes 2, 3,
and 4)


To 1. If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
Sheet 2 quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the EAGLE 5 ISS’s serial
number must be verified. This is the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This
entry is shown whether or not the EAGLE 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.
2. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
3. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature cannot be enabled.
4. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf (shelf
5. If you do not have the feature access key for this feature , contact your Tekelec
sales representative or account representative.
6. This feature cannot be enabled with a temporary feature access key .

Sheet 1 of 4

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Sheet 1

Is the EAGLE
Yes 5 ISS's serial number
in the database


This feature cannot be enabled

without the correct serial number in
Is the EAGLE the database. Contact the Customer
Yes Care Center to get the correct serial
5 ISS's serial number
number entered into the database.
locked? Refer to the "Customer Care Center"
section in Chapter 1 for the contact

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter.
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>

Enter the rtrv-serial-num


Enter the ent-serial-num

command with these Is the EAGLE
parameters. Yes 5 ISS's serial number No
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's in the database
serial number> correct?

Enter the
enable-ctrl-feat command with
these parameters. To
:partnum=893012101 Sheet 3
:fak=<feature access key>
(See Notes 5 and 6 on Sheet 1)

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1460

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheets 1 rtrv-tbl-capacity
or 2 command.

Either the Measurements Platform

feature the Measurements Platform
option must be on, or the
Does the
Yes No Integrated Measurements feature
EAGLE 5 ISS contain
must be enabled and turned on
more than 1200
and the measurement collection
signaling links?
option for the E5-MCAP card
option (OAMHCMEAS) must be
The Measurements on.
Platform feature must
Enter the
be turned on and the
Platform option must
be on.

Is the
Measurements Yes
Platform option
turned on?


Is the
No Measurements
Platform feature

Do you
wish to use the Yes Enter the rtrv-feat


Is the
Measurements Yes
To Platform feature
Sheet 4 on?


Perform the "Adding an Perform the "Configuring the

MCPM" procedure to add Measurements Platform
an MCPM and to turn the Feature" procedure to
Sheet 4
Measurments Platform configure the Measurements
feature on. Platform feature.

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1461

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Is the
From Measurements No
Sheet 3 Platform feature being

Is the
Yes measurement collection option No
for the E5-MCAP card option

Is the Integrated
No Measurements feature
enabled and turned on, shown
in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output
on Sheet 1?

Perform the "Configuring the

Integrated Measurements Yes
Feature" procedure to
configure the Integrated
Measurements feature.

Enter the chg-measopts

Yes Is 30-minute
command with this
measurement collection
in progress?


Enter the
Wait until 30-minute chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Enter the
measurement collection parameters.
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this
has finished before :partnum=893012101
proceeding with this :status=on
procedure. Note: Once this feature is turned
on, it cannot be turned off.

Enter the
Enter the rtrv-measopts chg-measopts command with this
command. parameter.

Enter the

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 424: Activating the 15 Minute Measurements Controlled Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1462

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm

Enter the

Enter the
:partnum=<control feature part
number without dashes>
:alarm=clear command.

Enter the

Enter the

Figure 425: Clearing a Temporary FAK Alarm

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1463

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Deactivating Controlled Features

Enter the

Is the TELNET Yes

feature being turned


No Is the SEAS over Yes

IP feature turned

Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.

:partnum=<controlled feature part number being
1. If the Command Class Management controlled feature is
deactivated, no new user-defined command classes can be The TELNET feature cannot be
created, and the user-defined command classes cannot be turned off if the SEAS over IP feature
assigned to user IDs or terminals. is turned on. Perform the “Turning
2. If the IP User Interface (TELNET) controlled feature is the SEAS over IP Feature Off”
deactivated, all Telnet sessions supported by this feature procedure to turn the SEAS over IP
will be disabled. No changes can be made to the feature off.
configuration of the Telnet terminals (terminals 17 through
40). Deactivating this feature will also deactivate FTP
Retrieve and Replace feature.
3. If the Network Security Enhancements controlled feature
is deactivated, the network Security Enhancement options
will be disabled.

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.
:partnum=<part number specified
in the chg-ctrl-feat command>

Enter the

Figure 426: Deactivating Controlled Features

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1464

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Configuring the Integrated Measurements Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat


Is the No Enter the rtrv-stp command

Integrated Measurements with this parameter.
feature enabled? :gpl=oamhc

cards shown in both No
card locations 1113
and 1115?
Is the status On
of the Integrated Measurements Yes Install E5-MCAP cards in
feature on or off? both card locations as
required. Contact the
Customer Care Center
before installing the
Off E5-MCAP cards. Refer to
the “Customer Care
Center” section in Chapter
Enter the 1 for the contact
chg-ctrl-feat command with these information.
:status=on Are any controlled
Caution: Once this feature is features shown in the Yes
turned on, it cannot be turned off. rtrv-ctrl-feat output?
(See the Note)

Enter the No
rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this To
parameter. Sheet 4
:partnum=893037301 Enter the To
rtrv-serial-num command. Sheet 2

Note: If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC -MIM SLK Capacity feature with a
quantity of 64, the answer to this question is no and the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number
must be verified. This is the default entry for the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. This entry is
shown whether or not the Eagle 5 ISS’s serial number is in the database.

Sheet 1 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1465

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Is the EAGLE
5 ISS's serial number in Is the EAGLE
From the database correct and is No 5 ISS's serial number No
Sheet 1 the serial number locked? in the database
(See Notes 1, 2, correct?
and 3)
Enter the
Yes command with Is the EAGLE 5
these parameters. ISS's serial number
:serial=<EAGLE 5 locked?
ISS's serial
Is a Class B No
This feature cannot be
IP address to be enabled without the correct
No specified for the IP serial number in the
address of the database. Contact the
the E5-MCAP Customer Care Center to
cards? get the correct serial
number entered into the
database. Refer to the
“Customer Care Center”
section in Chapter 1 for the
Enter the contact information.
rtrv-netopts command.

Enter the ent-serial-num

command with this parameter.
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's correct
serial number>
Yes Is error
message E3967
Enter the rtrv-serial-num
No command.

Choose values for the ipaddr and submask

parameters of the IP address of the
E5-MCAP cards that do not produce the
same subnet address as these parameter Is the EAGLE
values shown in the rtrv-netopts output. No 5 ISS's serial number
PVN and PVNMASK in the database
Enter the ent-serial-num Yes
The subnet address resulting from the ipaddr
command with these
and submask parameter values of the IP
address of the E5-MCAP cards cannot be
:serial=<EAGLE 5 ISS's
the same as the subnet address resulting
serial number>
from the PVN and PVNMASK, FCNA and
values shown in the rtrv-netopts output.
1. If the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.
2. If the serial number is not locked, the controlled feature
cannot be enabled.
3. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the
control shelf (shelf 1100).

Sheet 2 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1466

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

Sheet 2 Enter the chg-ip-card
command with these parameters.
Display the IP card
Display the IP link :loc=<E5-MCAP card location>
information for both
information for both :srchordr=local
E5-MCAP cards.
E5-MCAP cards. :domain=<domain name assigned
Enter these
Enter these commands. to the network>
rtrv-ip-lnk:loc=1113 :defrouter=<IP address of the
rtrv-ip-lnk:loc=1115 default router>
Perform this step for both
E5-MCAP cards.

Enter the chg-ip-lnk

command with these parameters.
:loc=<E5-MCAP card location> Verify the changes.
:port=a Enter the rtrv-ftp-serv Enter these commands.
:ipaddr=<E5-MCAP IP address> command. rtrv-ip-card:loc=1113
:submask= rtrv-ip-card:loc=1115
Perform this step for both
E5-MCAP cards.
Are the required
measurements FTP Yes
servers configured in the
Verify the changes. database?
Enter these commands.

Enter the rtrv-ip-host

command with this parameter. Do you wish
to change an existing Yes
measurements FTP

Enter the ent-ip-host

command with these parameters. No
:host=<host name of the
E5-MCAP card>
:ipaddr=<IP address of the
E5-MCAP card> Perform the "Changing
How many
Perform this step for both 3 an FTP Server"
measurements FTP
E5-MCAP cards. procedure to change an
servers are
existing measurements
FTP server.

Verify the changes. 0, 1, 2

Enter the rtrv-ip-host
command with this parameter.
:host=<host name specified in Perform the "Adding an
the previous step> FTP Server" procedure to To
Perform this step for both configure the required Sheet 4
hosts that were added in the FTP servers.
previous step.

Sheet 3 of 4

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1467

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts System Administration Flowcharts

From Enter the

Sheet 3 chg-ctrl-feat command with these
Caution: Once this feature is turned
Enter the on, it cannot be turned off.
enable-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.
:fak=<feature access key>
Notes: Enter the
1. If you do not have the feature access key for this rtrv-ctrl-feat command with this
feature, contact your Tekelec sales representative parameter.
or account representative. :partnum=893037301
2. This feature can only be permanently enabled.

Enter the From

rtrv-measopts command. Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-meas-sched


On What is the Off

Yes Is measurement
collection on?

Enter the
chg-measopts command with this parameter.
Enter the Notes:
chg-meas:collect=on 1. Once this option is turned on, it cannot be turned
command. off.
2. If more than 700 signaling links are provisioned,
the scheduled UI measurement reports are disabled.
The number of signaling links that are provisioned is
shown in the rtrv-slk or rtrv-tbl-capacity outputs.
3. If the platformenable option is set to on before this
command is executed, these actions occur after the
command is executed.
Enter the
rtrv-measopts command. All of the historical measurements data on the
MCPM is transferred to the E5-MCAP card. The
data transfer provides continuity of data within the
Enter the Measurements Subsystem and takes
chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed approximately 30 minutes to complete. UIM 1170
command. is displayed when the transfer is complete.
The status of the transfer is shown in the AST field
of the rept-stat-card output for the active E5-MCAP
card. The value in the AST field shows a value that
represents the percentage of the measurements
data that has been transferred. When the value in
the AST field is 100%, the data transfer is
The platformenable option will be set to off.

Sheet 4 of 4
Figure 427: Configuring the Integrated Measurements Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1468


SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures that are used to configure the SEAS over
• Activating the SEAS over IP Feature.....1470 IP feature. These procedures are located in the
• Performing the Initial SEAS Configuration...1472 Database Administration Manual - System Management.
• Configuring SEAS Terminals.....1474
• Changing the Existing SEAS Configuration..1477
• Turning Off the SEAS Over IP Feature.....1480

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1469

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

Activating the SEAS over IP Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat Note: To turn this feature on , these items must be
command. provisioned in the database:
The seasclli value must be provisioned.
The IP address and port for at least one connection must
be provisioned.
At least one SEAS terminal must be provisioned.
Is the If the Eagle OA&M IP Security Enhancement feature is
No To
SEAS over IP feature enabled and turned on, the login and hname values for at
Sheet 2 least one connection must be provisioned.
Caution: When the SEAS over IP feature is turned on, the
SEAS terminal traffic starts.

Is the status of On The SEAS over IP feature is

the SEAS over IP feature enabled and turned on. No
on or off? further action is necessary.


Are SEAS Perform the “Configuring

Enter the rtrv-seas-config terminals shown in the No SEAS Terminals” procedure
command. rtrv-seas-config output? to configure the SEAS
(See the Note) terminals.


Is the SEAS over IP Enter the

configuration correct? chg-ctrl-feat command with these
(See the Note) parameters.
:status=on (See the Caution)


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

Perform the “Changing the Existing
with this parameter.
SEAS Configuration” procedure to
make the necessary corrections to
the SEAS over IP configuration.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1470

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

From Note: To turn this feature on , these items must be

Sheet 1 provisioned in the database:
The seasclli value must be provisioned.
The IP address and port for at least one connection
must be provisioned.
At least one SEAS terminal must be provisioned.
Perform to the “Activating
Is the TELNET No Controlled Features” If the Eagle OA&M IP Security Enhancement feature is
feature enabled and procedure to enable and enabled and turned on, the login and hname values for
turned on? turn on the TELNET at least one connection must be provisioned.
feature. Caution: When the SEAS over IP feature is turned on, the
SEAS terminal traffic starts.

Enter the enable-ctrl-feat command

with these parameters:
:fak=<SEAS over IP feature access
Is the Eagle OA&M key>
IP Security Enhancement Yes Notes:
feature enabled and turned 1. If you do not have the SEAS over IP
on? feature access key, contact your
Tekelec sales representative or
account representative.
No 2. This feature can only be
permanently enabled.

Do you wish to Perform these procedures

enable and turn on the No to provision the EAGLE 5
Eagle OA&M IP Security ISS for the SEAS over IP
Enhancement Do you wish to feature.
feature? provision the EAGLE 5 Yes
“Performing the Initial
ISS for the SEAS over IP
SEAS Configuration”
feature at this time?
Yes “Configuring SEAS
(See the Note)
Perform the “Activating the No
Eagle OA&M IP Security
Enhancement Controlled
Feature” procedure to enable Enter the
and turn on the Eagle OA&M Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command
IP Security Enhancement rtrv-ctrl-feat command with these parameters.
feature. with this parameter. :partnum=893018801
:partnum=893018801 :status=on
(See the Caution)

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 428: Activating the SEAS over IP Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1471

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

Performing the Initial SEAS Configuration

Perform the “Activating the

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat
SEAS over IP Feature”
command with this Is the SEAS over IP No
procedure in this chapter to
parameter: feature enabled?
enable the SEAS over IP


Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat

Enter the rtrv-seas-config command with this
command parameter:

Enter the chg-seas-config command

with this parameter:
:seasclli=<SEAS CLLI part of the
node name for the EAGLE 5 ISS - 1
alphabetic character and up to 15
Is the Eagle OA &M IP
alphanumeric characters> No
Security Enhancements feature
Note: This CLLI value is different
enabled and turned on?
from the CLLI value specified with
the chg-sid command.

Provision the first connection to the CCS MR.

Enter the chg-seas-config command with Yes
these parameters:
:ipaddr=<the IP address of the CCS MR>
:port= <the port number of the CCS MR –
Sheet 2
1024 - 5000> (See Caution)

Provision the second connection to the CCS MR.

Enter the rtrv-seas-config command with these
Enter the rtrv-seas-config
:ipaddr=<the IP address of the CCS MR>
:port= <the port number of the CCS MR – 1024 -
5000> (See Caution)

Enter the
Caution: The IP address and port value chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed
combination for each SEAS connection must be command
unique or the chg-seas-config command will be

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1472

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Provision the first connection to the CCS MR. Caution: The IP address and port
Enter the chg-seas-config command with value combination for each SEAS
these parameters: connection must be unique or the
:conn=ipmr1 chg-seas-config command will be
:ipaddr=<the IP address of the CCS MR> rejected.
:port= <the port number of the CCS MR –
1024 - 5000>
:hname=<the name of the remote host of the
CCS MR – 1 - 15 alphanumeric characters>
:login=<the login name of the CCS MR – 1 -
15 alphanumeric characters> (See Caution)

When the Enter Password: prompt

appears, enter the password for the login
name. The length of the password is 1 - 15
alphanumeric characters.
The password is not echoed on the screen.

Provision the second connection to the CCS MR.

Enter the chg-seas-config command with these
:ipaddr=<the IP address of the CCS MR>
:port= <the port number of the CCS MR – 1024 -
:hname=<the name of the remote host of the
CCS MR – 1 - 15 alphanumeric characters >
:login=<the login name of the CCS MR – 1 - 15
alphanumeric characters> (See Caution)

When the Enter Password: prompt

appears, enter the password for
the login name. The length of the
Enter the rtrv-seas-config
password is 1 - 15 alphanumeric
The password is not echoed on
the screen.

Enter the

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 429: Performing the Initial SEAS Configuration

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1473

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

Configuring SEAS Terminals

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command No

Is the SEAS over IP
with this parameter:
feature enabled?

Perform the “Activating the

Yes SEAS over IP Feature”
procedure in this chapter to
enable the SEAS over IP
Enter the
rtrv-trm command
Perform the “Performing the Initial
SEAS Configuration” procedure in
this chapter to configure the
SEAS over IP feature.

Perform the “Adding an IPSM”

Are TELNET No procedure to add E5-IPSM
terminals shown in the cards to the EAGLE 5 ISS so
rtrv-trm output? that there is a minimum of 2
E5-IPSMs in the EAGLE 5 ISS.


Perform the “Removing an

IPSM” procedure to remove
How many cards
cards that are running the IPS
hosting TELNET terminals 1
GPL. When the card has been
are shown in the rtrv-trm
removed from the database,
remove the card from the shelf.
Remove enough cards so that
when the E5-IPSMs are added
2 or 3 in the next step, there will be a
minimum of 2 E5-IPSMs in the
Enter the rept-stat-card command with this
:loc=<card location shown in the rtrv-trm output>
Repeat this step for each card shown in the
rtrv-trm output.

Are a miminum of
2 cards running the Yes To
IPSHC GPL shown in the Sheet 2
rept-stat-card output?

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1474

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Select a TELNET terminal

on an E5-IPSM

Enter the
rept-stat-trm command with
this parameter:
:trm=<the number of the
terminal being changed>

Enter the
Is the state of the rmv-trm command with this
terminal being changed parameter:
OOS-MT-DSBLD? :trm=<the number of the
terminal being changed>

Enter the
rept-stat-trm command with this
:trm=<the number of the terminal
specified in the rmv-card

Has the state of a Select a TELNET

terminal on 2 E5-IPSMs terminal on
been checked? another E5-IPSM


Sheet 3

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1475

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the
chg-trm command with these
:trm=<number of the terminal being
Perform this step for each SEAS
terminal being configured.

Enter the
rtrv-trm with this parameter:
:trm=<number of the terminal specified
with the chg-trm command>
Perform this step for each SEAS
terminal configured in the previous
Verify the connection to the CCS MR
by entering the pass command with
these parameters:
:loc=<location of the SEAS terminal>
Enter the rtrv-seas-config
:cmd="ping <IP address of the
connection to the CCS MR>"
Perform this step for the connections to
the CCS MR associated with the SEAS
terminals configured in this procedure.

Enter the
alw-trm with this parameter:
:trm=<number of the terminal specified
with the chg-trm command>
Perform this step for each SEAS
terminal configured in the chg-trm

Enter the

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 430: Configuring SEAS Terminals

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1476

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

Changing the Existing SEAS Configuration

Enter the rtrv-seas-config


Enter the
rept-stat-trm command with this
Is the SEASCLLI Yes parameter:
value being changed? :trm=<the number of the SEAS terminal>
Perform this step for both SEAS
From terminals.
Sheet 3 Enter the
No rmv-trm command with this
Enter the :trm=<SEAS terminal
rept-stat-trm command with this number>
Is the state of Perform this step for the
parameter: No
both SEAS terminals SEAS terminals whose state
:trm=<the number of the SEAS terminal
assigned to the connection being
When this step is performed
for the last in-service SEAS
terminal, the force=yes
Yes parameter must be specified
with the rmv-trm command.

Is the state of Yes To

the SEAS terminal Enter the chg-seas-config command
Sheet 2
OOS-MT-DSBLD? with this parameter:
:seasclli=<SEAS CLLI part of the
node name for the EAGLE 5 ISS- 1
alphabetic character and up to 15
No alphanumeric characters>>
Yes Note: This CLLI value is different
Enter the from the CLLI value specified with
rmv-trm command with this the chg-sid command.
parameter: Is the connection
:trm=<SEAS terminal information being
number> changed?
If this is the last in-service
SEAS terminal, the force=yes
parameter must be specified No
with the rmv-trm command. Enter the alw-trm command with
this parameter:
Enter the rtrv-seas-config
:trm=<number of a SEAS terminal>
Repeat this step for the other
SEAS terminal.

Enter the

Sheet 1 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1477

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

From Note: If the LOGIN and HNAME columns

Sheet 1 are shown in the rtrv-seas-config output,
the Eagle OA&M IP Security Enhancement
feature is enabled and turned on.

Change the connection to the CCS MR.

Enter the chg-seas-config command with this
mandatory parameter:
:conn=<the connection being changed, ipmr1
or ipmr2>
Is the Eagle OA&M IP and with at least one of these optional
Security Enhancement feature Yes parameters:
enabled and turned on? :ipaddr=<the IP address of the CCS MR>
(See Note) :port= <the port number of the CCS MR –
1024 - 5000>
:hname=<the name of the remote host of the
CCS MR – 1 - 15 alphanumeric characters>
No :login=<the login name of the CCS MR – 1 -
15 alphanumeric characters> (See Caution)

Do you wish to
specify the login and Yes
hname parameters for
the connection?
Perform the “Activating the
Eagle OAM IP Security
No Enhancement Controlled
Feature” procedure in
Appendix A of this manual to
enable and turn on the Eagle
OA&M IP Security
Enhancement feature.

Change the connection to the CCS MR.

Enter the chg-seas-config command with this If the login parameter value was changed
mandatory parameter: in the previous step, the Enter Password:
:conn=<the connection being changed, ipmr1 prompt appears. When the Enter
or ipmr2> Password: prompt appears, enter the
and with at least one of these optional password for the login name. The length
parameters: of the password is 1 - 15 alphanumeric
:ipaddr=<the IP address of the CCS MR> characters.
:port= <the port number of the CCS MR – The password is not echoed on the
1024 - 5000> (See Caution) screen.

Sheet 3
Caution: The IP address and port value
combination for each SEAS connection must be
unique or the chg-seas-config command will be

Sheet 2 of 3

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1478

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

Sheet 2

Enter the rtrv-seas-config


Verify the connection to the CCS MR

by entering the pass command with
these parameters:
:loc=<location of the SEAS terminal>
:cmd="ping <IP address of the
connection to the CCS MR>"

Have all the

No Yes
connections been

Enter the alw-trm command with

this parameter:
Do you wish to No :trm=<number of a SEAS terminal>
change the other
Perform this step for all SEAS
terminals that were taken out of
service on Sheet 1.

Enter the
Sheet 1

Sheet 3 of 3
Figure 431: Changing the Existing SEAS Configuration

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1479

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts SEAS Over IP Configuration Flowcharts

Turning Off the SEAS Over IP Feature

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

This procedure cannot be

Is the SEAS No perfomed. To turn the SEAS over
over IP feature enabled
IP feature off, the SEAS over IP
and on?
feature must be enabled and on.


Enter the chg-ctrl-feat command

with these parameters.
Caution: When the SEAS over IP
feature is turned off, all SEAS traffic

Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command

with this parameter.

Do you wish to Yes Enter the rtrv-seas-config

change the SEAS terminals
to TELNET terminals?

No Enter the rtrv-trm command Enter the chg-trm command

with this parameter. with these parameters.
:trm=<number of the terminal :trm=<number of the SEAS terminal>
specified in the chg-trm command> :type=telnet
Perform this step for both terminals Perform this step for both SEAS
specified in the chg-trm command. terminals.

Enter the

Figure 432: Turning Off the SEAS Over IP Feature

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1480


Remote Backup and Restore Flowcharts
Topics: This chapter contains the flowcharts for the
procedures that are used for backing up the database
• Making a Backup of the Database to the FTP to the DB FTP server and restoring the database
Server.....1482 from the DB FTP server. These procedures are
• Restoring the Database from the FTP Server.1484 located in the Database Administration Manual -
• Configuring the Archive Build ID Option.....1485 System Management.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1481

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Remote Backup and Restore Flowcharts

Making a Backup of the Database to the FTP Server

Are the databases

Enter the rept-stat-db in the current partition No
command (FD CRNT) of the active
MASP coherent?
Go to the “Verifying
the Database” section
Yes in the Database
Enter the rept-stat-card
command with this parameter.
Manual – System
Management and
resolve the database
Cards running the ipshc GPL
are E5-IPSMs. Cards running
Are any
the ips GPL are IPSMs. No
cards shown in the
An E5-IPSM must be
provisioned in the database to
backup the database to the
remote FTP server.

Yes E5-IPSMs shown
in the rept-stat-card


How many
3 cards are shown in 0-2
the rept-stat-card

This is the maximum number

of IPSMs the EAGLE 5 ISS
can contain.
Perform the “Remove an
IPSM” procedure to remove
an IPSM from the database
so that an E5-IPSM can be

Perform the “Adding an

To IPSM” procedure to add
Sheet 2 an E5-IPSM to the

Sheet 1 of 2

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1482

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Remote Backup and Restore Flowcharts

Sheet 1

Enter the rtrv-ftp-serv


Is the FTP
Perform the “Adding an FTP
server for the database
No Server” procedure to add the
application (app=db) shown
FTP server for the database
in the rtrv-ftp-serv

Enter the

Enter the rtrv-stpopts


A file with the following naming convention is created:

“CLLI string”-“Release number string”-“yymmddhh”.tar.gz
The CLLI string is the CLLI value shown in the output header.
The release number string is the release number shown in the
output header. If the archbldid option, shown in the
rtrv-stpopts output, is set to yes, the release number string
contains the build number instead of the release number. If you
wish to change the archbldid option, perform the “Configuring the
Archive Build ID Option” procedure in this chapter.
The string yymmddhh is the year (yy - 2 digits), the month (mm),
the day (dd), and the hour (hh) that the backup was performed.
For example, the file name for a backup performed on
September 26, 2008 at 12 noon would be:
The file name can contain a maximum of 39 alphanumeric
This file name will be needed to restore the database from the
FTP server. Record this filename.

Sheet 2 of 2
Figure 433: Making a Backup of the Database to the FTP Server

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1483

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Remote Backup and Restore Flowcharts

Restoring the Database from the FTP Server

Cards running the ipshc GPL

are E5-IPSMs. Cards running
Enter the rept-stat-card the ips GPL are IPSMs.
command with this parameter. An E5-IPSM must be
:appl=ips provisioned in the database to
backup the database to the
remote FTP server.
Is the FTP
server for the
database application No
(app=db) shown in the
Are any Perform the “Adding
cards shown in the No an IPSM” procedure
Yes Perform the “Adding
rept-stat-card to add an E5-IPSM
output? to the database. an FTP Server”
procedure to add the
FTP server for the
Yes database application.

Enter the chg-db command with

Are these parameters.
E5-IPSMs shown No Enter the rtrv-ftp-serv :action=restore
in the rept-stat-card command. :dest=server
output? :file=<the name of the TAR file on
the FTP server that contains the
database that is being restored>
Yes The file parameter value is the file
name that was created when the
database was backed up to the
FTP server. The file parameter
How many value can contain a maximum of 39
cards are shown in 0-2 alphanumeric characters. Refer to
the rept-stat-card the “Making a Backup of the
output? Database to the FTP Server”
procedure in this chapter for more
information about the file name for
3 database backups to the FTP

This is the maximum number

of IPSMs the EAGLE 5 ISS
can contain. Perform the “Adding an
Enter the init-sys command
Perform the “Remove an IPSM” procedure to add
twice within 30 seconds.
IPSM” procedure to remove an E5-IPSM to the
an IPSM from the database database.
so that an E5-IPSM can be
Enter the login command
with this parameter.
:uid=<user ID>

Enter the rept-stat-db


Figure 434: Restoring the Database from the FTP Server

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1484

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Remote Backup and Restore Flowcharts

Configuring the Archive Build ID Option

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

What will the Off

value be?

Enter the chg-stpopts Enter the chg-stpopts

command with this parameter. command with this parameter.
:on=archbldid :off=archbldid

Enter the
rtrv-stpopts command.

Enter the

Figure 435: Configuring the Archive Build ID Option

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1485


ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

A packet-oriented transfer mode that
uses an asynchronous time division
multiplexing technique to multiplex
information flow in fixed blocks,
called cells.
A high-bandwidth, low-delay
switching, and multiplexing
technology to support applications
that include high-speed data, local
area network interconnection,
multimedia application and imaging,
and residential applications such as
video telephony and other
information-based services.

control cards Cards that occupy slots 1113

through 1118 of the control shelf
on an EAGLE 5 ISS and perform
OAM, TDM, and database
functions for the EAGLE 5 ISS. The
legacy set consists of the single-slot
GPSM-II card running the OAM
application and EOAM GPL, the
single-slot TDM card, and the
dual-slot MDAL card. The
E5-based set consists of the
dual-slot E5-MASP card (the
E5-MCAP module and the E5-TDM
module) and the dual-slot
E5-MDAL card.

credit card drive Flash memory credit card-shaped

drive used in the flush-mounted
USB port on an E5-MCAP card for
upgrade; it could be used for
disaster recovery.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1486

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Glossary

E5-MASP card E5-based dual-slot card that

consists of the E5-MCAP module
(occupies slot 1113 and slot 1115)
and the E5-TDM module (occupies
slot 1114 and slot 1116) in an
EAGLE 5 ISS control shelf. Used
when the E5-MDAL card is used.

E5-MCAP card The module contains the

Communications Processor and
Applications Processor and
provides connections to the IMT
bus. Controls the maintenance and
database administration activity
and performs both application and
communication processing. Runs
the OAM application and OAMHC
GPL. Occupies slot 1113 and slot
1115 in an EAGLE 5 ISS control
shelf. Used when the E5-MDAL
card is used. Contains two USB

E5-MDAL card The E5 MDAL card processes

alarm requests, provides general
purpose relays, and provides fan
control. Occupies slots 1117 and
1118 in an EAGLE 5 ISS Control
Shelf. Used with E5-MASP cards.
Does NOT contain a drive for
removable cartridges.

E5-TDM card The E5-TDM card provides the

EAGLE 5 ISS with 16 ports for user
terminals, contains fixed disk
storage and distributes Composite
Clocks and High Speed Master
clocks throughout the EAGLE 5
ISS. Occupies slot 1114 and slot
1116 in an EAGLE 5 ISS Control
Shelf. Used when the E5-MDAL
card is used.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1487

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Glossary

fixed disk drive Hard drive on the TDM card and

the E5-TDM card.

flush-mounted USB port USB port on the E5-MCAP card;

used with credit card flash memory
drives for upgrades and could be
used for disaster recovery.

GPL Generic Program Load

Software that allows the various
features in the system to work. GPLs
and applications are not the same

GPSM-II card General Purpose Service Module II

Contains the communications
processor and applications processor
and provides connections to the
Interprocessor Message Transport
(IMT) bus. The GPSM-II card can run
on the OAM, IPS, or MCP
This card runs various GPLs and
applications in the EAGLE 5 ISS. As
a control card, it runs the OAM
application and EOAM GPL. Used
when the legacy TDM card and
MDAL card are used.

ISS Integrated Signaling System

latched USB port On the E5-MCAP card, a USB port

with a lockable latch. Used with
removable media (flash memory
”thumb” drives) to install and back
up customer data.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1488

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Glossary

MAS Maintenance and Administration

A set of cards located in the Control
Shelf, used to provide a central
management point for the EAGLE 5
ISS. The MAS provides user
interface, maintenance
communication, peripheral services,
alarm processing, system disk
interface, and measurements using
the following three subassemblies:

MASP Maintenance and Administration

Subsystem Processor
The Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem Processor
(MASP) function is a logical pairing
of the GPSM-II card and the TDM
card. The GPSM-II card is connected
to the TDM card by means of an
Extended Bus Interface (EBI) local
The MDAL card contains the
removable cartridge drive and alarm
logic. There is only one MDAL card
in the Maintenance and
Administration Subsystem (MAS)
and it is shared between the two

MTP Message Transfer Part

The levels 1, 2, and 3 of the SS7
protocol that control all the functions
necessary to route an SS7 MSU
through the network

removable cartridge MO cartridge used in the drive on

the legacy MDAL card.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1489

Database Administration Manual Flowcharts Glossary

removable cartridge drive Media drive for removable MO

cartridges on the legacy MDAL

removable media Flash memory or “thumb” drives

used in the latched USB port on an
E5-MCAP card for installation and
backup of customer data.

SS7 Signaling System #7

TDM Terminal Disk Module

USB port Receptacle for flash memory drives

on personal computers. On the
E5-MDAL card, a flush-mounted
USB port used with credit card
flash memory drives for upgrade.
On the E5-MCAP card, a latched
USB port for use with flash
memory ”thumb” drives for
installation and backup of
customer data.

910-6244-001 Revision A, February 2012 1490

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