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Important Safeguards: Service Instructions

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compound (such as Fel-Pro C5A) damage to the bearing system, and parts of the turbocharger.

Do not
on all threaded fasteners connected will tend to purge residual remove metal from any part of the
to the turbocharger. contaminants from the bearing turbocharger.
D. Limit drain port tilt to 20 degrees housing prior to unit acceleration. D. Service should be done only in
from bottom centre in either accordance with the appropriate
direction. Tilting in excess of this Schwitzer Service Manual for the
amount can create a low-idle
leakage tendency at both the
Important specific turbocharger model.

turbine and compressor seals. Safeguards E. Do not modify or substitute any

parts of engine except in
E. Fill the oil inlet port to overflowing WARNING: Misuse or modification of accordance with engine owner ’s
with clean engine oil before the turbocharger can result in serious fuel control system, restrict exhaust
connecting the oil feed hose to the injury and property damage. Basic system or air inlet.
turbocharger. Avoid using any safety precautions including the F. Do not operate at excessive
thread sealer on oil inlet - it can
contaminate the oil system.
following should always be practised.
A. Read and comply with all
G. Be sure that oil supply and drain
F. Before connecting the oil drain instructions.
hose, crank the engine without lines are adequate. This data sheet covers the recommended procedures for 5) Release the turbine and vee
B. Install turbocharger only on an
H. Always warm up the engine for 2-5 overhauling Model S3B Schwitzer Turbochargers. These clamp.
firing until a steady stream of oil engine which has been approved
minutes to allow oil to reach the instructions should be used in conjunction with the latest 6) Lift the central core assembly out
flows from the drain port. for such application (check
turbocharger before operating of the turbine housing.
G. Upon first start-up of engine, stand Schwitzer catalogue). The issue of the ‘S Series Turbocharger Service Limits and
under load. 7) Clamp the 11/16 inch A/F 12 point
clear of vehicle and observe that turbocharger is a precision built Torque Values’ Data Sheet.
I. Perform all maintenance specified socket wrench in the vice with the
turbo operates smoothly after product which has been matched System troubleshooting and failure analysis are not
by the engine manufacturer at the socket axis vertical.
installation. Run the engine at low and tested for use on specific
covered but detailed service procedure is given which is to 8) Place the 12 point hub of the
idle for at least three minutes. engines only. recommended intervals.
This will prevent oil starvation C. Do not modify or substitute any be followed should the turbocharger need repair. The text turbine wheel into the socket.
is written with the assumption that a Schwitzer Overhaul Hold the core assembly in one
Kit will be used to rebuild the turbocharger. hand and release the compressor
Unauthorised field disassembly may nullify factory wheel locknut using a 9/16 inch
A/F spanner. Note later
warranty. Ensure that the turbocharger is no longer under
models use a left hand thread.
warranty before dismantling. 9) Remove the compressor nut and
We urge you to contact your nearest Schwitzer location slide the compressor wheel from
with regard to any warranty or turbo rebuilding questions. the turbine shaft.
10) Gently remove the turbine shaft
and wheel by tapping with a small
soft faced mallet on the
compressor end of the shaft. Be
Service Instructions careful not bend or damage the
The shop requirements for servicing the Model S3B turbochargers are 11) Sit the bearing housing on the
minimal. The few standard tools commonly needed are listed below. Also turbine backplate on the bench
recommended is a securely mounted vice, a source of clean compressed and remove the insert retaining
air, a plastic scraper, a stiff natural or wire brush, a nonflammable safety snap ring.
solvent such as trichlorethylene, a “squirt can” of clean engine oil, a 12) Lever out the insert assembly
CLEAN work area, and the appropriate Schwitzer Service Parts. from the bearing housing by
1) Circlip Pliers prying evenly with screwdriver
Dimensions given below are for general information only. Refer to Schwitzer for exact details. 2) 12 point sockets 9/16 11/16 inch A/F under the lip.
3) Open ended spanners 7/16 inch A/F 13) Dismantle the insert assembly by
4) Torque wrench 0-20 lb. ft. (2.8 Kg. M) pushing the flinger sleeve out of
the insert.
14) Lift out the thrust washers and
Dismantling Procedure thrust bearing from the bearing
Dimensions are in mm 1) Mark the relative positions of the compressor cover and turbine housing.
housing to the bearing housing. 15) Using suitable circlip pliers,
2) Fix the turbine housing in the vice using soft jaws with the remove the outer circlips from
Schwitzer (Europe) Limited both ends of the bearing housing,
turbocharger shaft vertical.
Euroway Industrial Estate, Bradford
West Yorkshire BD4 6SE, England 3) Release the compressor cover vee clamp. remove the journal bearings and
Telephone: +44 (0)1274 684915 Telefax: +44 (0)1274 689671 Issue: SI S3B 1/97E 4) Lift off the compressor cover and vee clamp. inner circlips.
overtemperature damage such as oil deflector.
Cleaning of Parts cracking, pitting, warping, erosion. 11) Fit a new ‘O’ ring to the groove in
1) Aluminium Parts Reject and replace if damage is the insert.
Soak in commercially available non- excessive. 12) Fit a new piston ring onto the
caustic solvent until deposits have 6) Turbine Backplate flinger sleeve.
been softened. Clean surfaces with Replace if cracked or warped. 13) Assemble the flinger sleeve
bristle brush and soft scraper. 7) Flinger Sleeve assembly into the insert taking
Vapour blast may be used providing Check piston ring groove width care not to damage the piston
bearing surfaces are protected. and for signs of taper or damage ring.
2) Cast Iron Parts to groove. Reject if worn. 14) Lubricate the ‘O’ Ring and
Soak in commercially available non- 8) Thrust Rings assemble the insert assembly into
caustic solvent. Replace if thrust surfaces are the bearing housing and shaft
Alternatively bead blast, taking care worn. In most cases these may be assembly and retain with the snap
with internal profile surfaces. re-used by reversing the position ring, taking care to ensure the
3) Shaft and Wheel Assembly so that the non worn side is in bevelled edge is uppermost.
Soak in commercially available contact with the thrust bearing. 15) Fit the compressor wheel and lock
solvent to remove oily residue. 9) Spacer Sleeve nut.
Mask entire shaft section and This part should show no sign of 16) Clamp the 11/16 inch A/F 12 point
vapour blast wheel and hub to total surface disturbance. socket wrench in the vice with the
cleanliness. Avoid concentrating on socket axis vertical.
piston ring seal groove. 17) Place the 12 point hub of the
turbine wheel into the socket.
Assembly 18) Tighten the compressor locknut
Inspection of Parts Instructions with a Tee handle wrench in
for Re-use 1) Use only the parts complying with
accordance with ‘S Range
Service Limits and
the dimensions outlined in the
Critical dimensions mentioned Torque Values’ Data Sheet.
inspection instructions above plus
below are given in the latest issue of Apply 2 drops of loctite 290 to the
an ‘Overhaul Kit’.
the ‘S Range Service Limits and threads.
2) All parts must be washed in clean
Torque Values’ Data Sheet. 19) Fit the core assembly into the
solvent and dried with
1) Bearing Housing Assembly compressor cover, orientate to the
compressed air.
a) Inspect bearing bore visually for marks, fit the vee clamp and
3) Fit the inboard snap rings to the
sign of damage or wear. tighten the nut.
bearing housing bore. Add a few
b) Check turbine end seal bore for 20) Fit the core assembly into the
drops of oil to the bore and fit the
damage. turbine housing, orientate to the
journal bearings, speed control
2) Compressor Wheel marks, fit the vee clamp and
washers and outboard circlips.
Inspect visually for evidence of tighten the nut to 8 lb. ft. (1.1
4) Fit a new piston ring seal to the
bent, burred, nicked or eroded KgM).
groove in the shaft and wheel
blades, and for evidence of
scuffing on the back face. Very
minor damage is acceptable.
5) Fit turbine backplate over the Reinstallation
shaft section and rest on the back
Reject and replace if damage
of turbine wheel.
appears sufficient to affect wheel
6) Fit the shaft and wheel etc. into A. Inspect the intake and exhaust
balance. Do not attempt to
the bearing housing assembly systems leading to and from the
straighten any bent blades.
after lubricating both shaft and turbocharger to ensure absence of
3) Shaft and Wheel Assembly
piston ring. Take care not to foreign material including burrs
a) Check journal diameter for wear.
damage the piston ring when and loose lining fragments. Be
b) Check seal groove width.
entering the sealing bore. thorough - even small particles
c) Measure eccentricity between
7) Place this assembly into the entering the turbocharger during
large and small shaft diameter.
turbine housing with the shaft operation can cause severe rotor
d) Check balance in both planes.
vertical. damage.
Replace if outside limits.
8) Fit the thrust ring and spacer onto B. Use new, approved gaskets at the
4) Compressor Cover
the shaft. various air, oil and exhaust
Visually inspect for evidence of
9) Fit the thrust bearing into the connections to the turbocharger.
contour damage. Replace if
bearing housing locating carefully Do not use sealing or jointing
damage is excessive.
on the dowel and lubricate the compounds at flanged
5) Turbine Housing
bearing surfaces. connections.
Inspect visually for evidence of
10) Fit the second thrust washer and C. Use high temperature antiseize
contour damage and evidence of
overtemperature damage such as oil deflector.
Cleaning of Parts cracking, pitting, warping, erosion. 11) Fit a new ‘O’ ring to the groove in
1) Aluminium Parts Reject and replace if damage is the insert.
Soak in commercially available non- excessive. 12) Fit a new piston ring onto the
caustic solvent until deposits have 6) Turbine Backplate flinger sleeve.
been softened. Clean surfaces with Replace if cracked or warped. 13) Assemble the flinger sleeve
bristle brush and soft scraper. 7) Flinger Sleeve assembly into the insert taking
Vapour blast may be used providing Check piston ring groove width care not to damage the piston
bearing surfaces are protected. and for signs of taper or damage ring.
2) Cast Iron Parts to groove. Reject if worn. 14) Lubricate the ‘O’ Ring and
Soak in commercially available non- 8) Thrust Rings assemble the insert assembly into
caustic solvent. Replace if thrust surfaces are the bearing housing and shaft
Alternatively bead blast, taking care worn. In most cases these may be assembly and retain with the snap
with internal profile surfaces. re-used by reversing the position ring, taking care to ensure the
3) Shaft and Wheel Assembly so that the non worn side is in bevelled edge is uppermost.
Soak in commercially available contact with the thrust bearing. 15) Fit the compressor wheel and lock
solvent to remove oily residue. 9) Spacer Sleeve nut.
Mask entire shaft section and This part should show no sign of 16) Clamp the 11/16 inch A/F 12 point
vapour blast wheel and hub to total surface disturbance. socket wrench in the vice with the
cleanliness. Avoid concentrating on socket axis vertical.
piston ring seal groove. 17) Place the 12 point hub of the
turbine wheel into the socket.
Assembly 18) Tighten the compressor locknut
Inspection of Parts Instructions with a Tee handle wrench in
for Re-use 1) Use only the parts complying with
accordance with ‘S Range
Service Limits and
the dimensions outlined in the
Critical dimensions mentioned Torque Values’ Data Sheet.
inspection instructions above plus
below are given in the latest issue of Apply 2 drops of loctite 290 to the
an ‘Overhaul Kit’.
the ‘S Range Service Limits and threads.
2) All parts must be washed in clean
Torque Values’ Data Sheet. 19) Fit the core assembly into the
solvent and dried with
1) Bearing Housing Assembly compressor cover, orientate to the
compressed air.
a) Inspect bearing bore visually for marks, fit the vee clamp and
3) Fit the inboard snap rings to the
sign of damage or wear. tighten the nut.
bearing housing bore. Add a few
b) Check turbine end seal bore for 20) Fit the core assembly into the
drops of oil to the bore and fit the
damage. turbine housing, orientate to the
journal bearings, speed control
2) Compressor Wheel marks, fit the vee clamp and
washers and outboard circlips.
Inspect visually for evidence of tighten the nut to 8 lb. ft. (1.1
4) Fit a new piston ring seal to the
bent, burred, nicked or eroded KgM).
groove in the shaft and wheel
blades, and for evidence of
scuffing on the back face. Very
minor damage is acceptable.
5) Fit turbine backplate over the Reinstallation
shaft section and rest on the back
Reject and replace if damage
of turbine wheel.
appears sufficient to affect wheel
6) Fit the shaft and wheel etc. into A. Inspect the intake and exhaust
balance. Do not attempt to
the bearing housing assembly systems leading to and from the
straighten any bent blades.
after lubricating both shaft and turbocharger to ensure absence of
3) Shaft and Wheel Assembly
piston ring. Take care not to foreign material including burrs
a) Check journal diameter for wear.
damage the piston ring when and loose lining fragments. Be
b) Check seal groove width.
entering the sealing bore. thorough - even small particles
c) Measure eccentricity between
7) Place this assembly into the entering the turbocharger during
large and small shaft diameter.
turbine housing with the shaft operation can cause severe rotor
d) Check balance in both planes.
vertical. damage.
Replace if outside limits.
8) Fit the thrust ring and spacer onto B. Use new, approved gaskets at the
4) Compressor Cover
the shaft. various air, oil and exhaust
Visually inspect for evidence of
9) Fit the thrust bearing into the connections to the turbocharger.
contour damage. Replace if
bearing housing locating carefully Do not use sealing or jointing
damage is excessive.
on the dowel and lubricate the compounds at flanged
5) Turbine Housing
bearing surfaces. connections.
Inspect visually for evidence of
10) Fit the second thrust washer and C. Use high temperature antiseize
contour damage and evidence of
compound (such as Fel-Pro C5A) damage to the bearing system, and parts of the turbocharger. Do not
on all threaded fasteners connected will tend to purge residual remove metal from any part of the
to the turbocharger. contaminants from the bearing turbocharger.
D. Limit drain port tilt to 20 degrees housing prior to unit acceleration. D. Service should be done only in
from bottom centre in either accordance with the appropriate
direction. Tilting in excess of this Schwitzer Service Manual for the
amount can create a low-idle
leakage tendency at both the
Important specific turbocharger model.

turbine and compressor seals. Safeguards E. Do not modify or substitute any

parts of engine except in
E. Fill the oil inlet port to overflowing WARNING: Misuse or modification of accordance with engine owner ’s
with clean engine oil before the turbocharger can result in serious fuel control system, restrict exhaust
connecting the oil feed hose to the injury and property damage. Basic system or air inlet.
turbocharger. Avoid using any safety precautions including the F. Do not operate at excessive
thread sealer on oil inlet - it can
contaminate the oil system.
following should always be practised.
A. Read and comply with all
G. Be sure that oil supply and drain
F. Before connecting the oil drain instructions.
hose, crank the engine without lines are adequate. This data sheet covers the recommended procedures for 5) Release the turbine and vee
B. Install turbocharger only on an
H. Always warm up the engine for 2-5 overhauling Model S3B Schwitzer Turbochargers. These clamp.
firing until a steady stream of oil engine which has been approved
minutes to allow oil to reach the instructions should be used in conjunction with the latest 6) Lift the central core assembly out
flows from the drain port. for such application (check
turbocharger before operating of the turbine housing.
G. Upon first start-up of engine, stand Schwitzer catalogue). The issue of the ‘S Series Turbocharger Service Limits and
under load. 7) Clamp the 11/16 inch A/F 12 point
clear of vehicle and observe that turbocharger is a precision built Torque Values’ Data Sheet.
I. Perform all maintenance specified socket wrench in the vice with the
turbo operates smoothly after product which has been matched System troubleshooting and failure analysis are not
by the engine manufacturer at the socket axis vertical.
installation. Run the engine at low and tested for use on specific
covered but detailed service procedure is given which is to 8) Place the 12 point hub of the
idle for at least three minutes. engines only. recommended intervals.
This will prevent oil starvation C. Do not modify or substitute any be followed should the turbocharger need repair. The text turbine wheel into the socket.
is written with the assumption that a Schwitzer Overhaul Hold the core assembly in one
Kit will be used to rebuild the turbocharger. hand and release the compressor
Unauthorised field disassembly may nullify factory wheel locknut using a 9/16 inch
A/F spanner. Note later
warranty. Ensure that the turbocharger is no longer under
models use a left hand thread.
warranty before dismantling. 9) Remove the compressor nut and
We urge you to contact your nearest Schwitzer location slide the compressor wheel from
with regard to any warranty or turbo rebuilding questions. the turbine shaft.
10) Gently remove the turbine shaft
and wheel by tapping with a small
soft faced mallet on the
compressor end of the shaft. Be
Service Instructions careful not bend or damage the
The shop requirements for servicing the Model S3B turbochargers are 11) Sit the bearing housing on the
minimal. The few standard tools commonly needed are listed below. Also turbine backplate on the bench
recommended is a securely mounted vice, a source of clean compressed and remove the insert retaining
air, a plastic scraper, a stiff natural or wire brush, a nonflammable safety snap ring.
solvent such as trichlorethylene, a “squirt can” of clean engine oil, a 12) Lever out the insert assembly
CLEAN work area, and the appropriate Schwitzer Service Parts. from the bearing housing by
1) Circlip Pliers prying evenly with screwdriver
Dimensions given below are for general information only. Refer to Schwitzer for exact details. 2) 12 point sockets 9/16 11/16 inch A/F under the lip.
3) Open ended spanners 7/16 inch A/F 13) Dismantle the insert assembly by
4) Torque wrench 0-20 lb. ft. (2.8 Kg. M) pushing the flinger sleeve out of
the insert.
14) Lift out the thrust washers and
Dismantling Procedure thrust bearing from the bearing
Dimensions are in mm 1) Mark the relative positions of the compressor cover and turbine housing.
housing to the bearing housing. 15) Using suitable circlip pliers,
2) Fix the turbine housing in the vice using soft jaws with the remove the outer circlips from
Schwitzer (Europe) Limited both ends of the bearing housing,
turbocharger shaft vertical.
Euroway Industrial Estate, Bradford
West Yorkshire BD4 6SE, England 3) Release the compressor cover vee clamp. remove the journal bearings and
Telephone: +44 (0)1274 684915 Telefax: +44 (0)1274 689671 Issue: SI S3B 1/97E 4) Lift off the compressor cover and vee clamp. inner circlips.

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