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Books: Websphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

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Redbooks Paper

Javier Voos

WebSphere Application Server V6:

Web Container Problem
If users receive unexpected results in a Web browser (such as errors or incorrect
information), you might have a problem with the Web components in the
application. The runtime environment for Web components is called the Web
container. This paper discusses techniques for diagnosing problems that can
occur in the Web container. Potential symptoms of a Web container problem can
򐂰 Users are not able to access a Web component
򐂰 Unexpected behavior when running a Web component
򐂰 Errors when starting a Web component
򐂰 Problems with JSP™ compilation
򐂰 Errors or exceptions thrown when running a Web component
򐂰 Messages starting with SRVE (Web container), JSPG (JSPs), or JSFG (JSF)

Problems areas that are related to the Web container also include session
management problems and character encoding problems.

Important: We recommend that you start your problem determination process

by reading Approach to Problem Determination in WebSphere Application
Server V6 at http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redpapers/pdfs/redp4073.pdf.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. ibm.com/redbooks 1

The Web container is a runtime environment for Web applications. It processes
servlets, JSP files, and other types of server-side includes. The Web container
also provides session management, static content processing and an inbound
transport chain for HTTP requests. Each application server runtime has one
logical Web container, which can be modified but not created or removed.

Figure 1 illustrates the Web container and its place within the application server.

Application Server

Web container
client HTTP server HTTP(s)
Web Container
inbound chain

Session Manager

Servlet JSP

EJB Container

JCA Services

Name Server (JNDI)

Security Server


Web Services

Figure 1 Web container overview

Each Web container provides the following:

򐂰 Web container transport chains
Requests are directed to the Web container using the Web container inbound
transport chain. The chain consists of a TCP inbound channel that provides
the connection to the network, an HTTP inbound channel that serves HTTP
1.0 and 1.1 requests, and a Web container channel over which requests for
servlets and JSPs are sent to the Web container for processing.

2 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

򐂰 Servlet processing
When handling servlets, the Web container creates a request object and a
response object and then invokes the servlet service method. The Web
container invokes the servlet’s destroy method when appropriate and unloads
the servlet, after which the JVM™ performs garbage collection.
򐂰 HTML and other static content processing
Requests for HTML and other static content that are directed to the Web
container are served by the Web container inbound chain. However, in most
cases, using an external Web server and Web server plug-in as a front-end to
a Web container is more appropriate for a production environment.
򐂰 Session management
Support is provided for the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession interface as
described in the Servlet API specification.

Web applications
Servlets and JavaServer™ Pages™ (JSP) files are referred to as Web
components. Static content files (such as HTML pages, image files, and XML
files) are bundled with Web components during application assembly to create a
Web module. A Web module is the single deployable and usable unit of Web
resources and has a specific structure or archived format known as a Web
archive (WAR) file. A J2EE™ Web module corresponds to a Web application as
defined in the Java™ Servlet specification.

The top-level directory of a Web module is the document root of the application.
The document root is where JSP pages and static Web resources are stored.
The document root contains a subdirectory named /WEB-INF/, which contains
the Web application deployment descriptor (web.xml) and the server-side
classes used by the module.

Figure 2 on page 4 illustrates the directory structure of a Web application.

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 3

Rational Application Developer
Assembly root


web.xml lib classes

faces-config.xml Server-side class files
Library JAR files

Figure 2 Web application components

Initial symptoms
A problem that occurs in the Web container usually causes unexpected results to
be displayed in the Web browser. Three common indications are addressed
򐂰 HTTP 404 errors
򐂰 HTTP 500 errors
򐂰 Incorrect information

Note: If the application has an error page configured in the Web module to be
delivered when HTTP errors occur, the user will see this page instead of an
HTTP error page. In this case, the true error might not be apparent until the
Web server log files are examined.

Figure 3 on page 5 shows a flow chart of the high-level symptoms and the
potential problem areas that might apply to each.

4 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Browser displays

HTTP 404 Error HTTP 500 Error Incorrect Information

The page cannot be found JSP Processing Error HTTP session

Failed to find resource IllegalStateExceptions Web resource reloading

WebGroup/Virtual Host error Encoding

Static resource

Figure 3 Initial symptoms for Web container problems

Work the problem

You begin the problem determination process by collecting the appropriate data
that is required to diagnose the problem. We give you a list of all the
documentation that might be required and how to collect it. If you have limited
ability to recreate the problem, you might want to collect all the documentation at
once, before starting the problem determination process.

Next, you go through a series of questions and actions that will help you define
the high-level symptoms that you are experiencing. Each of these steps leads
you to a more detailed procedure that takes you through the process of collecting
and analyzing data to determine the most likely source of the problem.

And lastly, we provide guidance on the next step to take for resolution, whether it
be a support site, contacting IBM®, information about configuration, or some
other suggestion as to how to proceed.

Data to collect
The following data will help you with the problem determination process in a Web
container execution environment:
򐂰 WebSphere® Application Server JVM logs: SystemOut and SystemErr files
򐂰 WebSphere Application Server process logs: native_stderr.log and
native_stdout.log log files
򐂰 Web server log files

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 5

For information about collecting the JVM and Process logs, see WebSphere
Application Server V6: Diagnostic Data at:

The Web server log files names and locations are specific to the product (IBM
HTTP Server, Apache, SunOne, IIS, and Domino®) that is used for this function.

If the problem is difficult to recreate or disruptive to business operations, see

“The next step” on page 45 for a complete list of documentation to collect before
continuing. In particular, you should review the MustGather documents for a
complete list of documentation that is required by IBM support.

High-level symptom analysis

Consider the following error types. If you do not find the description of your
problem here, go to “The next step” on page 45.

What to look for

Many indicators of a Web container problem first appear to a user as an
unexpected Web browser page or page contents. The unexpected information
can be an error page that results from an HTTP error or a page that has incorrect
or incomplete information displayed.

When an HTTP error occurs, the Web browser displays the error page with the
error code (in particular, HTTP error codes 404 and 500 are likely). If a custom
error page has been configured for the Web module, you need check the Web
server logs files to determine the specific HTTP error code.

HTTP 404 errors

HTTP 404 errors can have different underlying causes. Table 1 shows the HTTP
404 errors that we address in this paper.

Table 1 Where to go for information about HTTP 404 errors

If the errors include Then go to

Page can’t be found or displayed “Symptom: HTTP 404 error - The page
cannot be displayed” on page 8

JSPG0036E: Failed to find resource “Symptom: HTTP 404 error - Failed to find
message resource” on page 11

WebGroup/virtual host not define “Symptom: HTTP 404 error -

WebGroup/virtual host not defined” on
page 13

6 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

HTTP 500 errors
HTTP 500 errors can also have different underlying causes, which include the
򐂰 If the errors indicate JSP processor errors or incorrect syntax in JSPs, go to
“Symptom: HTTP 500 error - JSP processing error” on page 15.
򐂰 If the symptoms include an HTTP 500 error page on the browser and in the
SystemOut.log file you see an IllegalStateException, go to “Symptom:
HTTP 500 error - IllegalStateException” on page 17.

Incorrect information displayed on Web pages

If the users are receiving the correct page on the Web browser but the page
contains invalid information, check these symptoms:
򐂰 Users report that pages appear with missing elements.
If a Web page appears but is missing static resources such as text, images,
or file segments, go to “Static resources not displayed” on page 26.
򐂰 Users report seeing an old version of application pages.
If a JSP file has been modified and deployed to the server but the changes do
not appear to the browser interface, you might need to ensure that the
application has been enabled for JSP reloading. Go to “Web resources not
reloading” on page 28.
򐂰 Users report that pages contain invalid information such as multiple question
marks (???) or garbage characters.
It is possible that the application uses DBCS characters (Japanese, Chinese,
Korean languages) or specific characters for other languages that are not
included in the default character encoding.
In these cases, a correct character encoding configuration is necessary to
display and process this information without problems. For more details
related to encoding configurations, go to “Encoding and internationalization
issues” on page 31.
򐂰 Users report problems such as lost data during a session.
Users repeatedly have to enter information that should be saved during the
session, lose shopping cart information, or have other short-term data loss.
This data loss might be caused by a problem with HTTP sessions. In a
clustered environment, the problem could be with the Web server plug-in.
However, there are other possible causes, such as configuration or
application errors.
To further analyze this problem, go to “HTTP session management” on
page 38.

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 7

Symptom: HTTP 404 error - The page cannot be displayed
Figure 4 shows an overview of the steps that you can take to find the cause of an
HTTP 404 error caused by a page cannot be displayed condition.

Web Module starts sucessfully? Review JVM logs problems

Web Server OK? HTTP Server support


Application accessible through the yes

Web container but not Web server? HTTP plug-in problems


Browser URL verification steps

Application server OK? yes

Review application development


Look at available online support Obtain help from IBM Support

Figure 4 Page cannot be displayed verification steps

Verify that the Web module has started successfully

Check the JVM logs for the application server, and look for messages in the
SystemOut.log file (Example 1) to verify that the Web container and Web module
started successfully.

Example 1 Web Module start process results in SystemOut.log file

ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I: Starting application: [application_name]
WebContainer A SRVE0161I: IBM WebSphere Application Server - Web Container.
Copyright IBM Corp. 1998-2004
WebContainer A SRVE0162I: Servlet Specification Level: 2.4
WebContainer A SRVE0163I: Supported JSP Specification Level: 2.0
WebGroup A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: [web_module_name]
ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: [application_name]

8 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

One possible reason that would keep the Web container from starting is a
problem with the session manager. To determine if this is the case:
򐂰 Look for any errors or exceptions containing a package name of
com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.httpsession. You will normally find these errors
between the starting application message and the application started
򐂰 Look in the logs for session manager related messages. These messages will
be in the format SESNxxxxE for errors and SESNxxxxW for warnings. You might
also see transaction messages that indicate a problem with session data (see
Example 2).

Example 2 Session manager message error

Error "SRVE0054E: An error occurred while loading session context and Web

You can look up the extended error definitions in the session manager
message table:

If you find a session manager error but the explanation is not sufficient to solve
the problem, go to “The next step” on page 45.

Verify that the Web server is working

Verify that the Web server is healthy by accessing the URL http://server_name
from a browser and seeing whether the Welcome page appears. This action
indicates whether the Web server is up and running, regardless of the state of
WebSphere Application Server.

If the Web server Welcome page does not appear (that is, if you get a browser
message such as page cannot be displayed or something similar), the problem is
most likely in the Web server. For information about how to approach Web server
problems, see Approach to Problem Determination in WebSphere Application
Server V6 at:

Verify that the Web server plug-in is working

If you have recently updated or installed the application, ensure that the Web
server plug-in was regenerated and propagated to the Web server. Also, ensure
that the Web server is using the new plug-in configuration file.

If you have regenerated the plug-in and are sure it is in use but still have a
problem, you can bypass the Web server and access the application directly

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 9

from the application server. This is not the recommended method of serving a
production Web site. However, it provides a good diagnostic tool when it is not
clear whether a problem resides in the Web server, WebSphere Application
Server, or the Web server plug-in.

Note: To access the application directly through the Web container, do the
1. Find the port for the Web container:
a. In the WebSphere administrative console, select Servers →
Application Servers.
b. Select the server name.
c. Under the Communications section, expand Ports.
d. Use the port number listed for WC_defaulthost.
2. Use the port number to access the resource from a browser. For example,
if the port is 9080, the URL is:

If you can access the application via the application server but not through the
Web server, you are most likely experiencing a problem with the Web server
plug-in. In this case, consult WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Server
Plug-in Problem Determination at:

Verify that the URL is correct

If you cannot access the page directly from the application server, verify that the
URL being used to access the page is correct. For more information, see
“Application URL specification” on page 22.

Verify that the application server is working

If the URL appears to be correct but you cannot access the resource directly
through the application server, verify the health of the hosting application server
and Web module by doing the following:
1. View the hosting application server and Web module in the administrative
console to verify that they are up and running. In a single server environment,
you can check the application server process to see if it is running, or you can
use the serverStatus command as follows:
c:\cd WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01\bin
serverStatus server1

10 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

2. Copy a simple HTML or JSP file to the Web module document root and try to
access it. The Web module document root is located in:
<application>.ear\<web module>.war
If successful, the problem is with the resource. View the SystemOut.log file for
the application server to discover why the resource cannot be found or

Look at available online support

If none of these steps fixes your problem, check to see if the problem has been
identified and documented by looking at the available online support (hints and
tips, tech notes, and fixes) that are related to Web container problems:

If the searches fail to find the problem, then go to “The next step” on page 45 for
information about gathering the MustGather documentation for HTTP status
code 404 “Not Found” problems.

Symptom: HTTP 404 error - Failed to find resource

If the browser displays a JSPG0036E: Failed to find resource message, the
JSP processor cannot find the specified JSP page in the Web module, as shown
in Figure 5 on page 12.

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 11

Figure 5 JSPG0036E: Failed to find resource

Verify that the URL is correct

Follow the steps described in “Application URL specification” on page 22 to see if
the URL being specified is the correct URL.

If the URL is incorrect and is being created as a link from another JSP file,
servlet, or HTML file, try correcting it in the browser URL field and reloading the
page. This ensures that you know the correct URL before updating the
application to use it.

If the URL appears to be correct, it is possible that this page does not exist in the
Web module deployment unit (WAR file). Verify that the requested page is
located in the Web module directory structure:

<application>.ear\<web module>.war

Look at available online support

If these steps have failed to identify the problem, see “The next step” on page 45.

12 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Symptom: HTTP 404 error - WebGroup/virtual host not defined
The error message SRVE0017W: WebGroup/Virtual Host has not been defined
can appear in the SystemOut.log file for many reasons. Check the following to
correct the problem.

Verify that the Web module started

Verify that the Web module has started successfully (see “Verify that the Web
module has started successfully” on page 8).

Verify that the host alias is unique

A duplicate host alias that is defined in multiple virtual hosts can cause this type
of problem. For example, in Example 3, the host alias test:80 is duplicated in
both virtual hosts because a URI that contains test:80 would match aliases in
both virtual hosts (*:80 and test:80).

Example 3 Virtual host definitions

<VirtualHostGroup Name="default_host">
<VirtualHost Name="*:80"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:9080"/>

<VirtualHostGroup Name="test_host">
<VirtualHost Name="test:80"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:9081"/>

To resolve this problem:

1. In the WebSphere administrative console, click Environment → Virtual
2. Select the target virtual host, then click Host Aliases, and select the *:80 host
3. Change the Host Name field to a specific alias instead of * alias.
4. Restart the application server.

Note: The existence of localhost as an alias can cause duplicate entries.

If localhost is used as an alias entry, check the etc/hosts file to ensure that all
host names (aliases) associated with the loop back address ( are
part of the same virtual host grouping (for example, default_host).

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 13

Verify that the URL is correct
See “Application URL specification” on page 22 to determine that the URL is

Note: The virtual host matching that is performed by the application server is
case sensitive. For example, if your virtual host alias is listed as myserver:80,
a request to http://MYSERVER:80/snoop results in the following message in
the browser:
SRVE0017W: A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle MYSERVER:80 has not been

Favicon.ico reference
When accessing the WebSphere administrative console, you could see an error
similar to the following:
Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The web
group /favicon.ico has not been defined.

If you receive this error message, refer to Technote # 1193379 at the following
Web address for the cause and solution details:

Look at available online support

If none of these steps fixes your problem, check to see if the problem has been
identified and documented by looking at the available online support (hints and
tips, technotes, and fixes) that are related to Web container problems:

If your searches fail to find the problem, then go to “The next step” on page 45 for
information about gathering the MustGather documentation for servlet engine
and Web container problems.

14 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Symptom: HTTP 500 error - JSP processing error
Figure 6 shows the diagnostic steps to take when the symptoms of the problem
include an HTTP 500 - JSP processing error.

HTML or servlet displays correctly HTTP 404 - Page not found steps


JSP Processor starts normally

Look at available online support
JSP code revision
problem continues
IBM Support Help

Figure 6 JSP processing error

Determine if the failing file is the only failure

You should determine whether other resource types such as HTML files or
servlets are being requested and displayed correctly. If the failure does not
appear to be limited to one JSP file, go to “Symptom: HTTP 404 error - The page
cannot be displayed” on page 8.

Ensure that the JSP processor started normally

If other resources are being displayed correctly, determine whether the JSP
processor has started normally. Browse the SystemOut.log file of the server that
hosts the JSP files that you are trying to access. The messages shown in
Example 4 indicate that the JSP processor has started normally.

Example 4 JSP processor messages in SystemOut.log file

WebContainer A SRVE0239I: Extension Factory [class
com.ibm.ws.jsp.webcontainerext.JSPExtensionFactory] was registered
WebContainer A SRVE0240I: Extension Factory [class
com.ibm.ws.jsp.webcontainerext.JSPExtensionFactory] has been associated with
patterns [*.jsp *.jspx *.jsw *.jsv ].

If the JSP processor fails to load, go to “The next step” on page 45 for information
about gathering the MustGather documentation for JSP exceptions.

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 15

Look for JSP code errors
If the JSP processor starts normally, the problem might be with the JSP file itself.
The JSP might have invalid JSP syntax that cannot be processed by the JSP
processor. To look for JSP code errors:
򐂰 Examine the SystemOut.log file of the target application server for invalid JSP
directive syntax messages. Errors similar to that shown in Example 5 indicate
this kind of problem.

Example 5 JSP directive syntax error message

Message: /test.jsp(2,1)JSPG0076E: Missing required attribute page for jsp
element jsp:include

򐂰 Examine the SystemOut.log file for problems with invalid Java syntax. Errors
that contain text similar to “failed to compile (shown in Example 6) indicate
this kind of problem.

Example 6 Invalid Java syntax error message

com.ibm.ws.jsp.JspCoreException: JSPG0049E: /test.jsp failed to compile :
JSPG0091E: An error occurred at line: 16 in the file: /test.jsp
JSPG0093E: Generated servlet error from file: /test.jsp

򐂰 Look up the extended error definitions for JSP messages at:

򐂰 Correct the error in the JSP file and retry the file.

Look at available online support

If you have not identified the problem, check to see if the problem has been
documented by looking at the available online support (hints and tips, technotes,
and fixes) for JSP problems at:

If the searches fail to resolve your problem, go to “The next step” on page 45 for
information about gathering the MustGather documentation for JSP exceptions.

16 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Symptom: HTTP 500 error - IllegalStateException
If you have an illegal state exception error, the exception should give you an
indication of the illegal state causing the problem. This section addresses the
򐂰 Invalid session object
򐂰 Response generation problems

Invalid session object

The session manager component uses the HttpSession interface to create a
session between an HTTP client and the server. When a new session object is
created, a unique session ID is assigned to it. The session ID, which is then
passed as part of every request, matches the user with the session object.
Session tracking gives servlets the ability to maintain state and user information
across multiple requests.

Sessions might get invalidated automatically due to a session timeout (see

“Session timeout interval” on page 43) or can be ended explicitly by application
code. The HttpSession interface provides the following method to terminate a
session explicitly:
public void invalidate();

When a session terminates, the session object and the information that is stored
in it are lost permanently. The session manager unbinds any objects bound to the
session before it destroys the session.

Figure 7 illustrates the HttpSession interface life cycle.

Retrieve the session object

Invoke a session object method Store object in the session

Retrieve object from session

Invalid session object ?
Remove object from the session
Invalidate session object
Throw IllegalStateException

Figure 7 HttpSession interface life cycle

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 17

When the application tries to use an invalidated session object, the
IllegalStateException occurs, as shown in Example 7.

Example 7 IllegalStateException in invalid session object

[7/7/05 16:41:30:627 ART] 00000028 ServletWrappe E SRVE0068E: Could not
invoke the service() method on servlet TestServlet. Exception thrown :
Session Object Internals:
id : pi55X7syi-ExTjyyhFn5Cu7
hashCode : 1449590567
create time : Thu Jul 07 16:24:54 ART 2005
last access : Thu Jul 07 16:41:30 ART 2005
max inactive interval : 1800
user name : anonymous
valid session : false
new session : true
overflowed : false
non-serializable app specific session data : {}
serializable app specific session data : {}
ompiled Code))
ed Compiled Code))
nlined Compiled Code))
acade.java(Compiled Code))

Check the servlet or JSP code that threw the exception to make sure the session
is not being invalidated too early. If that is not the case, check the session
timeout interval to ensure it is not too short.

Look at available online support

If these steps do not identify the problem, the following resources can be of help:
򐂰 Review the Java Servlet Specification Version 2.4, Section SRV.15.1.7
related to the HttpSession interface and methods definitions, to obtain more
details for IllegalStateException creation causes:

18 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

򐂰 Look up the extended error definitions for session and user profiles

For current information that is available from IBM Support on known problems
and their resolution related to session management, use the following URL:

If these actions do not identify the problem, go to “The next step” on page 45 for
information about gathering the MustGather documentation for session and
session management problems.

Response generation problems

When an HTTP request from a client is delegated to a servlet, the service()
method of the HttpServlet class is invoked. The HttpServlet class adds additional
methods, such as doGet(), doPost(), doPut() and doHead(), for HTTP-based
request processing. Figure 8 illustrates the life cycle of the service() method.

Retrieve initialization parameters

Retrieve request headers

Invoke RequestDispacher Retrieve request parameters

Generate response object Send response by servlet

Send response by web resource Execute sendRedirect method

Response already committed ? Display page in browser Response already committed ?


Throw IllegalStateException Throw IllegalStateException

Figure 8 Servlet service() method life cycle

The java.lang.IllegalStateException: Response already committed

exception is thrown by the HttpServletResponse interface during the response
generation process (Example 8 on page 20). If the response has been
committed, you cannot execute any method that is related to

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 19

HttpServletResponse object modification. For example, if you have written
something in the response buffer, you cannot forward a page using the
RequestDispacher interface methods.

Example 8 IllegalStateException in response generation

[7/8/05 20:36:25:694 ART] 0000004f ServletWrappe E SRVE0068E: Could not
invoke the service() method on servlet TestServlet. Exception thrown :
at web.TestServlet.doGet(TestServlet.java:56)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)

[7/8/05 20:36:25:764 ART] 0000004f LocalTranCoor E WLTC0017E: Resources

rolled back due to setRollbackOnly() being called.
[7/8/05 20:36:25:774 ART] 0000004f WebApp E SRVE0026E: [Servlet
Error]-[TestServlet]: java.lang.IllegalStateException
at web.TestServlet.doGet(TestServlet.java:56)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:743)
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:856)

[7/8/05 20:36:25:784 ART] 0000004f SRTServletRes W WARNING: Cannot set

status. Response already committed.

Other issues to look for in an application that can cause a

java.lang.IllegalStateException are the following calls when the response has
already been committed:
򐂰 Calling setBufferSize()
򐂰 Calling ServletResponse.reset() or ServletResponse.resetBuffer()
򐂰 Calling either HttpServletResponse.sendError() or
򐂰 Calling RequestDispatcher.forward(), which includes performing a jsp:forward

20 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Note: Remember that if you call forward() or sendRedirect() in your code, any
lines of code following these will still execute.

Two common variants of this exception are:

򐂰 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Header already sent
One or more headers have been committed to the client, so you cannot set
that header again.
򐂰 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot forward as Output Stream or
Writer has already been obtained
The calling servlet has called response.getWriter() or
response.getOutputStream(). Because the response has been written, it is
unsuitable for forwarding.

Look at available online support

If you still have not identified the cause of the problem, see the Java Servlet
Specification Version 2.4 at the following URL to obtain more details for
IllegalStateException generation causes in response generation process:

Review the following sections:

򐂰 SRV.14.2.5 RequestDispatcher interface
򐂰 SRV.14.2.16 ServletRequest interface
򐂰 SRV.14.2.22 ServletResponse interface

For current information that is available from IBM Support on known issues and
resolutions that related to session management, go to the following URL:

If these steps do not resolve your problem, go to “The next step” on page 45 for
information about gathering the MustGather documentation for servlet engine
and Web container problems.

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 21

Analyzing problem areas
Your analysis of the data you gathered will most likely lead you to one of the
following areas. If not, please see “The next step” on page 45.

Application URL specification

In a new installation or new application, it is possible that the URL of the
application is not being specified correctly. To determine the URL of the installed
application, you need to use the administrative console to view the configuration
of a number of items.

The format of the URL is as follows:


Finding <host>:<port>
When a Web module is installed, a virtual host is associated with it. To find the
virtual host using the WebSphere administrative console:
1. Select Applications → Enterprise Applications.
2. Select the application name to open the details page.
3. In the Additional Properties section, click Map virtual hosts for Web
4. Note the virtual host(s) that are used by the specified application Web
module, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9 Listing the virtual host for a Web module

22 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

To find the host and port numbers that are valid for the virtual host:
1. Select Environment → Virtual Hosts.
2. Choose the virtual host, and then under Additional Properties, click Host
3. The list contains the host name and port combinations that can be used to
access this virtual host (Figure 10). The host column should contain values
that are registered in a DNS server as a host name for the WebSphere server.
An asterisk (*) in the host column indicates that any name can be used. In this
case, use the server host name.
If port 80 is listed, usually the request is being forwarded from a Web server.
(The user specified the URL of the Web server, which is normally 80.)
The WC_defaulthost (for example, 9080) and WC_defaulthost_secure (for
example, 9443) ports for the application server should also be listed. You can
see the corresponding ports by looking at the list of ports in the
Communications section of the application server.
Use either the host/port combination that accesses the virtual host through
the Web server or the host/port combination for using WC_* ports to access
the application directly through the application server.

Figure 10 Finding the alias and ports for the virtual host

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 23

If you need SSL, you can check the Web container transport chains for the
corresponding ports to see if SSL has been enabled by doing the following:
a. Select Servers → Application servers.
b. Select the application server name.
c. Under Container Settings, open the Web Container Settings list.
d. Click Web container transport chains and check the status and SSL
enablement for the port that is specified in the virtual host alias.

Finding <context_root>
The context root is the Web application root and is used to identify the application
in the URI. To find the context root:
1. In the WebSphere administrative console, click Applications → Enterprise
2. Select the target application, then under Additional Properties, click View
Deployment Descriptor.
3. Review the <context-root> tag for the specified Web module in the related
deployment descriptor tag (Figure 11).

Figure 11 Finding the context root

24 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Important: Remember that the Web container context root value “/” is used by
the sample application named DefaultApplication. For this reason, if you need
use this value and this sample application is installed, first uninstall the sample
application, install your application, and regenerate the Web server plug-in.

Finding <resource_name>
To find the initial file for the application (for example, index.html), you can look at
the welcome file list in the Web deployment descriptor. If you are looking for a
particular servlet, the servlet mappings in the Web deployment descriptor tell you
the URL pattern to use for each servlet. To find the initial file:
1. In the administrative console, click Applications → Enterprise
2. Select the target application, and then under Related Items, click Web
3. Choose the specified Web module, and then under Additional Properties,
click View Deployment Descriptor.
4. Examine the <servlet-mapping id> and <welcome-file-list> deployment
descriptor tags to determine the URL pattern and file name configured
respectively for this purpose (Example 9).

Example 9 Servlets and welcome files in Web deployment descriptor

<servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_1" >
<servlet-name>Main Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_2" >
<servlet-name>Action Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-mapping id="ServletMapping_3" >
<servlet-name>Process Servlet</servlet-name>
<welcome-file-list id="WelcomeFileList_1" >
<welcome-file> index.html</welcome-file>
<welcome-file> index.htm</welcome-file>

5. If the Web module has security configured, also you need check the
<security-constraint> and <security-role> deployment descriptor tags for the
role that is needed for access to the selected Web resource (Example 10 on
page 26).

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 25

Example 10 Security tags in Web deployment descriptor
<security-constraint id="SecurityConstraint_1" >
<web-resource-collection id="WebResourceCollection_1" >
<web-resource-name>Main Servlet</web-resource-name>
<description>Access for Main Servlet.</description>
<auth-constraint id="AuthConstraint_1" >
<description>Main Servlet Security</description>
<role-name>All Role</role-name>
<user-data-constraint id="UserDataConstraint_1" >
<security-role id="SecurityRole_1" >
<description>All Authenticated Users Role.</description>
<role-name>All Role</role-name>

Static resources not displayed

If the browser displays text output that is related to a JSP or servlet Web page
but images or HTML files are not displayed, you could have a problem in the
Web module packaging or in how the files are referenced within the application.
Another possibility is that the file serving enablement feature needs to be turned
on for your application.

Verify the static resource file locations

The first step is to verify that your files are in the right place and that the
document root directory of the Web application module follows the J2EE
standard, that is that the document root is in the <web_module>.war directory of
the deployed application ear file. Typically this directory is in this location:

If the image files are in a subdirectory of the document root, verify that the
reference to the image reflects that, as shown in Example 11.

Example 11 Image reference in HTML tags

File Location: <web_module_name.war>/images/test.gif
Correct HTML tag: <img SRC="images/test.gif">
Incorrect HTML tag: <img SRC="test.gif">

26 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Note: Do not place files to be served to the client in the WEB-INF directory.

Check the file serving enablement feature

File serving allows a Web application to serve static file types (HTML, images,
and style sheets) using the enable file servlet, also known as the file serving
servlet or file serving enabler. This servlet serves up any resource file that is
packaged in the WAR file, and the file serving enabled attribute is set to true by
default. For more information about this feature, see:

This behavior is implemented by setting the fileServingEnabled property to

true when configuring the Web module. If it is set to false, the Web server
plug-in does not send requests for static content to the application server but
leaves it up to the Web server to serve them. This is sometimes done for
performance reasons to ensure that the content is served by the Web server.
Serving the page from the Web server provides a shorter path to the page and
usually provides more customization options than the file servlet can offer.

For more information, see:

򐂰 Customizing SimpleFileServlet to disable file serving at:
򐂰 Supported assembly tools in WebSphere Application Server V6:

The fileServingEnabled property is located in the ibm-web-ext.xmi configuration

file at:

To update the property using the Application Server Toolkit or a Rational®

Developer tool:
1. Go to the J2EE Hierarchy view (Project Explorer in Rational), and select the
target Web application module.
2. Double-click the Web deployment descriptor (web.xml), and select the
Extensions tab to see the IBM Web module extensions (Figure 12 on
page 28).
3. Under the General section, select or deselect File serving enabled to enable
or disable the static file serving.

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 27

4. Save the Web deployment descriptor file.
5. Redeploy the Web module.
6. Regenerate the Web server plug-in, and propagate it to the Web server.
7. Stop and restart the Web server or allow enough time for the new plug-in
configuration to be reloaded.
8. Retry the Web request.

Figure 12 IBM Web module extensions

Web resources not reloading

If, after modifying and saving a servlet or JSP file, the change does not show up
in the browser, you need to check the reload settings in the Web module
configuration and the JSP runtime reload settings.

28 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Web module reloading
For Web resources such as servlets and JSPs, the Web container reloads a Web
module only when the IBM extension reloadingEnabled in the ibm-web-ext.xmi
file is set to true. You can set reloadingEnabled to true when editing the Web
module's extended deployment descriptors in an assembly tool.

To review these settings with the Application Server Toolkit or Rational

Application Developer:
1. Go to the J2EE Hierarchy view (Project Explorer for Rational) and select the
target Web application module.
2. Double-click the Web deployment descriptor (web.xml), and select the
Extensions tab to see the IBM Web module extensions (Figure 12 on
page 28).
3. In the General section, check the Reloading Enabled flag and the Reload
Interval value.
4. Select Reloading Enabled, or if it is already selected, then set the Reload
Interval lower.
5. Save the Web deployment descriptor file.
6. Redeploy the Web module.
7. Regenerate the Web server plug-in and propagate it to the Web server.
8. Stop and restart the Web server or wait for the new plug-in file to take effect.
9. Retry the Web request.

The entries in ibm-web-ext.xmi look similar to that shown in Example 12.

Example 12 Web module reloading settings in ibm-web-ext.xmi

<webappext:WebAppExtension xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI"
xmlns:webappext="webappext.xmi" xmi:id="WebAppExtension_1109270589179"
reloadInterval="3" reloadingEnabled="true" fileServingEnabled="true">

Configuring JSP runtime reloading

You have the ability to modify the JSP processor behavior for different JSP
stages (such as development, testing, or production environments). This done by
configuring specific attributes in the IBM Web module extensions that affect the
JSP runtime reload behavior.

JSP files can be translated and compiled at runtime when the JSP file or its
dependencies are modified. This is known as JSP reloading. JSP reloading is
enabled through the reloadEnabled JSP engine parameter in the
ibm-web-ext.xmi configuration file.

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 29

To review these settings with the Application Server Toolkit or Rational
Application Developer:
1. Go to the J2EE Hierarchy view (Project Explorer for Rational), and select the
target Web application module.
2. Double-click in Web deployment descriptor (web.xml), and select the
Extensions tab.
3. Under the JSP Attributes section (Figure 13), click Add.
4. Enter reloadEnabled in the Name field, true in the Value field, and click
5. Save the Web deployment descriptor file.
6. Redeploy the Web module.
7. Regenerate the Web server plug-in and verify it is working (see “Verify that
the Web server plug-in is working” on page 9).
8. Stop and restart the Web server.
9. Retry the Web request.

Figure 13 JSP attributes in IBM Web module extensions

30 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

The JSP engine settings are stored in ibm-web.ext.xmi, as shown in Example 13.

Example 13 JSP engine settings in ibm-web-ext.xmi

<jspAttributes xmi:id="JSPAttribute_1" name="reloadEnabled" value="true"/>
<jspAttributes xmi:id="JSPAttribute_9" name="reloadInterval" value="3"/>

For more available JSP attributes and details that are related to reload
processing sequence, see the following article in the WebSphere Information

Encoding and internationalization issues

Encoding and internationalization problems usually surface as garbage
characters in Web pages (Figure 14 on page 32). Another common symptom is
that input from the user is interpreted incorrectly.

Double Byte Character Set (DBCS) character processing is a common issue for
encoding problems. DBCS is used for languages such a Chinese, Korean, and
Japanese, where a single byte is not sufficient to represent all characters in the
alphabet. Proper coding and configuration usually resolves these problems

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 31

Figure 14 Web page with invalid character encoding settings

Character encoding in J2EE environment

Web components usually use java.io.PrintWriter object to produce responses;
PrintWriter automatically encodes using ISO 8859-1 character encoding.
Servlets can also output binary data using java.io.OutputStream objects, which
perform no encoding. An application that cannot use the default encoding must
explicitly set a different encoding.

For Web components, three encodings must be considered:

򐂰 Request
򐂰 JSP page
򐂰 Response

32 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Request encoding
Request encoding is the character encoding in which parameters in an incoming
request are interpreted. Currently, many browsers do not send a request
encoding qualifier with the content-type HTTP header. In such cases, a Web
container uses the default encoding: ISO-8859-1 to parse request data. If the
client has not set character encoding and the request data is encoded with a
different encoding from the default, the data will not be interpreted correctly.

To correct this situation, you can use the setCharacterEncoding(String enc)

method to override the character encoding supplied by the container, as shown
in Example 14.

Example 14 setCharacterEncoding() method implementation

public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {

public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)

throws ServletException, IOException {

String name = req.getParameter("name");
PrintWriter out = resp.getWriter();
out.println("Your name is "+name);

You must call the method before parsing any request parameters or reading any
input from the request. Calling the method or tag after data has been read will not
affect the encoding.

Page encoding
For JSP pages, page encoding is the character encoding in which the file is
encoded. For JSP pages in standard syntax, the page encoding is determined
from the following sources:
򐂰 The pageEncoding attribute of the page directive of the page
򐂰 The charset value of the contentType attribute of the page directive

If none of these is provided, ISO-8859-1 is used as the default page encoding.

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 33

Example 15 Page directive implementation
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8"
pageEncoding="ISO-8859-15" %>

<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

<TITLE>Receiving parameters</TITLE>
Your data is <%= request.getParameter("name") %>

The pageEncoding and contentType attributes determine the page character

encoding of only the file that physically contains the page directive.

Response encoding
Response encoding is character encoding of the textual response that is
generated from a Web component. A Web container sets an initial response
encoding for a JSP page from the following sources:
򐂰 The charset value of the contentType attribute of the page directive
򐂰 The encoding specified by the pageEncoding attribute of the page directive

If none of these is provided, ISO-8859-1 is used as the default response


The setContentType() method in a servlet can be called to change the character

encoding. Calls made after the getWriter() method has been called or after the
response is committed have no effect on the character encoding.

MVC/Struts character encoding settings

When using a Model-View-Controller architecture, including the use of Struts,
consider the following for encoding.

34 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Request character encoding
In a Struts environment, call the setCharacterEncoding() method in the
ActionForm, as shown in Example 16.

Example 16 Request encoding in Struts implementation

public class PostMessageForm extends ActionForm {
public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
try {
}catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {

Response character encoding

Specify the response encoding using the contentType attribute with a charset
value in the JSP page directive.

WebSphere Application Server configuration

WebSphere determines the character encoding used for request/response by
parsing the client input values in getParameter() and writing the output per the
value in the accept-language header of the incoming request.

The language value and corresponding character encoding names are

associated in the encoding.properties file, which is located in the
<WAS_install_root>/properties directory (Example 17).

Example 17 encoding.properties file


WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 35

There might be cases where you want to override the definition in
encoding.properties. For example, when you want to use UTF-8 for the entire
application server, use the JVM command line argument
client.encoding.override for the selected application server.

Specify -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8 for the generic JVM arguments

field in the Java Virtual Machine section.

For more information, see:


autoRequestEncoding and autoResponseEncoding

Starting with WebSphere Application Server Version 5, the Web container no
longer sets request and response encodings and response content types
automatically. The default value for both extensions is false, then the request and
response character encoding is set to the Servlet 2.4 Specification default, which
is ISO-8859-1.

Use an assembly tool (Figure 12 on page 28) to change the default values for the
autoRequestEncoding and autoResponseEncoding extensions.

Review the autoRequestEncoding and autoResponseEncoding encoding

examples for a description of Web container behavior when these values are set
to true:

36 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

Figure 15 shows a summary of how the encoding values are determined.

Application uses explicit Java no

methods for character encoding

autoRequestEncoding and false

autoResponseEncoding values
Servlet 2.4 methods JSP 2.0 attributes

setCharacterEncoding() contextType

setContextType() pageEncoding

Java Servlet 2.4 Spec default


Figure 15 Encoding determination process

Look at available online support

If none of these steps fixes your problem, the following resources might be
򐂰 Globalize your On Demand Business for tips on character encoding:
򐂰 The Java Servlet Specification Version 2.4 for details about the character
encoding available methods:
򐂰 The JavaServer Pages Specification Version2.0, section JSP.4 that are
related to internationalization issues:
򐂰 Internationalization: Resources for learning

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 37

For current information available from IBM Support on known issues and
resolutions that are related to encoding, see:

If these steps do not resolve your problem, go to “The next step” on page 45 for
information about gathering the MustGather documentation for
internationalization problems.

HTTP session management

Figure 16 outlines the problem determination steps for HTTP session
management problems.

HTTP Session is lost between requests

Session management level Cookies

Session management tracking URL Rewriting

Configuration problems
Session timeout interval SSL

Database persistent session

Look at available online support Obtain help from IBMSupport

Figure 16 HTTP Session problems steps

When session data is lost between requests, the session manager configuration
settings are the most likely suspect.

38 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination


A special servlet, com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.httpsession.IBMTrackerDebug,

can be invoked to display the current configuration and statistics related to
session tracking. This servlet has all the counters that are in performance
monitor tool and has some additional counters.

It can be invoked from any Web module that is enabled to serve servlets by
class name using the following URL:

Note that a module that can be viewed via the serve servlets by classname
feature can be seen by anyone that can view the application. You might want
to map a specific, secured URL to the servlet instead and disable serve
servlets by classname.

Session management settings can be set at the following levels:

򐂰 Web container
򐂰 Enterprise application
򐂰 Web module

When you configure session management at the Web container level, all
applications and the respective Web modules in the Web container normally
inherit that configuration, setting up a basic default configuration for the
applications and Web modules below it. However, you can set up different
configurations individually for specific applications and Web modules that vary
from the Web container default. These different configurations override the
default for these applications and Web modules only.

Note: When you overwrite the default session management settings on the
application level, all the Web modules below that application inherit this new
setting, unless they too are set to overwrite these settings.

To begin session management configuration, you first need to get to the settings
for the selected level.
1. Web container level:
a. In the WebSphere administrative console, click Servers → Application
b. Select the application server name.

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 39

c. Under Container Settings, expand the Web Container Settings list, and
click Session management.
2. Enterprise application level:
a. In the WebSphere administrative console, click Applications →
Enterprise Applications.
b. Click the application name, and under Additional Properties, click Session
3. Web module level:
a. In the WebSphere administrative console, click Applications →
Enterprise Applications.
b. Select the target application, and then under Related Items, click Web
c. Choose the specified Web module, and then under Additional Properties,
click Session management.

Note: If you are working on the Web module or application level and want
these settings to override the inherited Session Management settings, under
General Properties, select Override session management.

WebSphere Application Server offers the following methods of session manager

򐂰 Session management tracking with cookies
򐂰 Session management tracking with URL rewriting
򐂰 Session management tracking with SSL

If you are having session management problems, there are specific things to
check for each type of session manager tracking. In addition, the following
configuration items are common to all three tracking types:
򐂰 Session timeout interval
򐂰 Database persistent session

Session management tracking with cookies

The session manager uses cookies to store the session ID on the client between
requests. To check the session management cookie settings, go to the
appropriate session management configuration level and ensure that the Enable
cookies option is set.

To view or change the cookie settings, click the Enable cookies link.

40 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

To ensure that cookies are flowing between the application server and the
򐂰 Make sure cookies are enabled on the browser you are testing from or from
which your users are accessing the application.
򐂰 Check the cookie flow between the browser and server. On the browser,
enable cookie prompt. Enter the URL of the servlet and make sure the cookie
is being prompted.

򐂰 If you use a Netscape browser, check the following URL for information
related to cookie domains that are not recognized with Netscape:
Check the cookie domain definition (see Example 18).

Example 18 Cookie domain definition

Cookie domain: “.myCom.com”
Resources should be accessed using that domain name:

򐂰 Check the cookie path that is specified in the session manager settings.
Check whether the problem URL is hierarchically below the cookie path that
is specified. If it is not, correct the cookie path.
򐂰 If the cookie maximum age property is set, ensure that the client (browser)
machine's date and time is the same as the server's, including the time zone.
If the client and the server time difference is over the maximum age, every
access would be a new session because the cookie will expire after the
򐂰 If you have multiple Web modules within an enterprise application that track
– If you want to have different session settings among Web modules in an
enterprise application, ensure that each Web module specifies a different
cookie name or path.
– If Web modules within an enterprise application use a common cookie
name and path, ensure that the HTTP session settings, such as cookie
maximum age, are the same for all Web modules. Otherwise, cookie
behavior is unpredictable and depends upon which application creates the
session. Note that this does not affect session data, which is maintained
separately by the Web module.
򐂰 Configure Internet browsers to present a warning before accepting cookies:

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 41

Session management tracking with URL rewriting
Using URL rewriting for session management means that the session
management facility uses rewritten URLs to carry the session IDs. If URL
rewriting is enabled, the session management facility recognizes session IDs
that arrive in the URL if the encodeURL method is called in the servlet.

Enabling protocol switch rewriting specifies that the session ID is added to a URL
when the URL requires a switch from HTTP to HTTPS or from HTTPS to HTTP.
If rewriting is enabled, the session ID is required to go between HTTP and

You can check if URL rewriting is enabled by going to the appropriate session
management configuration level and verifying that the Enable URL rewriting
option is selected. You can also see if Enable protocol switch rewriting
option is selected.

If you are using URL rewriting:

򐂰 Ensure that there are no static HTML pages on the application's navigation
򐂰 Review that the servlet and JSP files are implementing URL rewriting
correctly. For details and an example see:
򐂰 If the application uses Struts, check this URL to understand the URL rewrite
behavior in WebSphere Application Server V6:

Session management tracking with SSL

No special programming is required to track sessions with Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) information. You can check to see if SSL session management is enabled
by going to the appropriate session management configuration level and
verifying that the Enable SSL ID tracking option is selected.
򐂰 The SSL session ID is negotiated between the Web browser and Web server.
This ID cannot survive a Web server failure. However, the failure of an
application server does not affect the SSL session ID if an external Web
server is present between WebSphere Application Server and the browser.
򐂰 SSL tracking is supported for the IBM HTTP Server and iPlanet™ Web
servers only.
򐂰 You can control the lifetime of an SSL session ID by configuring options in the
Web server. For example, in the IBM HTTP Server, set the configuration
variable SSLV3TIMEOUT to provide an adequate lifetime for the SSL session

42 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

ID. An interval that is too short can cause a premature termination of a

Session timeout interval

The session manager invalidation process thread runs every x seconds to
invalidate any invalid sessions, where x is determined based on the session
timeout interval that is specified in the session manager properties. For the
default value of 30 minutes, x is around 300 seconds. In this case, it could take
up to 5 minutes (300 seconds) beyond the timeout threshold of 30 minutes for a
particular session to become invalidated.

Database persistent session

If session data is lost when the application server restarts or is not shared across
the cluster, you might have a problem with the database used to persist sessions
or with its configuration.

To review the database session persistent values using the administrative

console, do the following:
1. In the session management settings, under the Additional Properties list, click
Distributed environment settings.
2. If you are using a database for persistent sessions, the Database option is
3. Click the Database link to check the data source definition.
4. Check the JNDI name of the data source.
5. Ensure that the correct user ID and password that are required to access the
database are specified.
6. The data source should be non-JTA, that is non-XA enabled.
7. With DB2®, for row sizes other than 4 KB, make sure that the specified row
size matches the DB2 page size. Make sure the tablespace name is specified
8. Check the SystemOut.log file for appropriate database error messages.

Note: You should check these settings against the properties of an existing
data source. The session manager does not create a session database
automatically for you.

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 43

For more information, see:
򐂰 Session manager user ID settings for database persistence
򐂰 Creating a DB2 table for session persistence - WebSphere V6

Look at available online support

If none of these steps fixes your problem, the following resources might be
򐂰 Managing HTTP sessions: Resources for learning
򐂰 Best practices for using HTTP Sessions
򐂰 Tuning session management
򐂰 State replication in the Web tier

For current information available from IBM Support on known issues and
resolutions that are related to session management, see:

If these steps do not resolve your problem, go to the next section for information
about gathering the MustGather documentation for session management

44 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

The next step
The symptoms and problem areas included in this paper are some that you are
more likely to experience. However, there are other things that can go wrong, or
the cause of the problem might be related to a component other than the Web

If, after going through this process, you still have an undiagnosed problem, it is
recommended that you go back to Approach to Problem Determination in
WebSphere Application Server V6 at:

Review the problem classifications to see if there are any other components that
might be causing the problem.

If you feel sure that you have a Web container related problem, there are things
you can do before contacting IBM support. First, you should review the
documentation that you have gathered for errors related to the Web container
that were not addressed in this paper and search support sites for information or
fixes. For hints and tips, technotes, and fixes that are related to Web container
problems, see:

If the problem is performance related, the following references are useful for
configuring the JSP engine for optimal performance:
򐂰 JSP engine configuration parameters
򐂰 JSP class file generation
򐂰 Disabling JavaServer Pages run-time compilation
򐂰 Packages and directories for generated .java and .class files

WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination 45

If this search does not provide any information relevant to your problem, it might
be time to contact IBM support. The MustGather documents for Web container
problems are:
򐂰 HTTP status code 404, “NOT FOUND” in WebSphere Application Server
򐂰 MustGather: Servlet engine and Web container errors on WebSphere
Application Server V6.0
򐂰 MustGather: JavaServer Pages JSP exceptions for V6.0
򐂰 MustGather: Sessions and session management problems in V6.0
򐂰 MustGather: i18n (Internationalization) / Double Byte Character Set (DBCS)

Be sure to note all of the diagnostic work that you have done so far to minimize
the amount of time that it takes IBM Support to assist you in resolving your

You can find detailed information about contacting IBM support for issues that
are related to WebSphere Application Server V6.0 in Approach to Problem
Determination in WebSphere Application Server V6 at:

46 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination


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© Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. All rights reserved. 47

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48 WebSphere Application Server V6: Web Container Problem Determination

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