The Way To A Successful Employment or Promotion Interview For Doctors
The Way To A Successful Employment or Promotion Interview For Doctors
The Way To A Successful Employment or Promotion Interview For Doctors
Interview skills traditionally receive little emphasis in the medical profession, in contrast to clinical and
technical skills. However, good interview skills have a major impact on a doctor's career. Unfortunately,
there is hardly any reference in the medical literature on employment interview skills. This is a review of
the preparation, expectation, etiquette and presentation for interviews from 'management sources' and is
equally applicable to the medical profession. (Hong Kong 2003;10:113-119)
Introduction many mechanisms to find the right people for the right
job. 1,2 Interviews are useful in clarifying some
Traditionally in the medical profession, emphasis is information and observing presentation skills.
put on clinical and technical skills. Communication Preparation for job application should really be a long-
and interview skills are generally neglected and are term plan that starts from the day you decide to pursue
not systematically taught either at undergraduate or a medical career. Good track records in education and
postgraduate levels. Similar to examinations, success employment have been regarded as the most reliable
in interviews has a major impact on a doctor's career. indicators for good future performance.3-5 In addition,
It is a pity to see well qualified doctors denied 'effective' managers may not necessarily be 'successful'
employment or promotion simply because of poor managers – good interpersonal relationships are at least
interview skills. The success rate in interviews is as important as technical skills. Your resume may be
generally much lower than that in examinations. your first contact with the interviewers. Prepare it
Logically, interviews should receive more attention carefully, clearly, concisely and comprehensively; it
and preparation than examinations. The trend is should be neat and tidy as first impressions may be
changing; medical schools in Hong Kong are lasting impressions.
beginning to pr ovide advice and training in
employment interviews for their graduates.
Planning, preparing and performing Your primary aim is to convince the interviewers that:
You are fully competent for the job.
The selection process for a particular position involves You are able to contribute to the organization.
a number of aspects and interview is only one of the You are the best candidate among the lot.
the key to success. Plan your strategy and presentation of the job and assess their compatibilities. 1,8 A good
well beforehand. You will have more confidence and example is the 'Core Competency' requirement of the
less nervousness in the interview if you know what to Hospital Authority. (Table 1) Enthusiasm, positive
expect. 7 It is imperative to do your homework, work attitude, people management skills, analytical
m a t c h i n g yo u r p e r s o n a l a t t r i b u t e s w i t h t h e reasoning, problem solving abilities, emotional
requirements of the job, identify questions you will stability and organization power are examples of the
most likely be asked, draft and practice their answers.8 most common expectations.3,4 Another example is the
The following are essential information you need to proposed interview selection criteria for higher surgical
know: - trainees in the Hospital Authority – 'The applicant
will be assessed on aspiration, personal insight, ethics,
Know yourself audit, patient care skills, team skills, knowledge and
You should know your resume 'inside out' – education, communication skills'. As well as the generic KSA
work experience, voluntary services, hobbies – and be required for a position, there will be published and
able to discuss comfortably and thoroughly any item sometimes unpublished expectations which are related
with specific examples. 2,3,8 In addition to your to the particular position e.g. special interest in
technical or clinical knowledge, skills and abilities prehospital care, developing a research program. This
(KSA), you should also be familiar with the strengths information may only be available prior to the
and weaknesses 3,8 of your generic KSA, such as interview through informal contact with
communication, presentation, leadership and acquaintances who know the potential employer.
Know the types of interviews
Know the organization and its needs There are various forms of interviews, such as
Background information about the organization can telephone interviews 3 and computer interviews4 where
usually be obtained from the internet, libraries, questions pertaining to the job are asked or tests
newspapers, periodicals, publications, the (psychometric, technical or intelligence) 6 used as
organization's annual reports or its public relations screening processes. However, traditional face-to-face
department, and acquaintances who know the interview 4-6 is still the standard procedure for the
organization.1-3,8,9 An example is the 'Vision Statement'
of Hong Kong Hospital Authority: 'The Hospital
Table 1. Core Competency for Medical Staff, Hospital
Authority will collaborate with other healthcare
providers and carers in the community to create a
1. Functional competence
seamless healthcare environment which will maximize
Patient-centered care
healthcare benefits and meet community
Application of medical knowledge
expectations'. If possible, pay a visit to get a sense of
Clinical decision-making
its operation and culture. Perform a SWOT analysis
Procedural/operative skills
of the organization – strengths, weaknesses,
2. Personal competency
opportunities and threats. Current trends, recent hot
Personal effectiveness
topics, adverse events and new developments in related
fields should also be noted.
3. People & team competency
People development
Know the job and qualities that the organization
is looking for
Through the job description and related sources, you
4. Organization effectiveness
should have a rough understanding of the KSA
Service/organization development
required – clinical, teaching, research or management.
Service improvement
You should match your attributes to the requirements
Chung et al./Interview skills for doctors 115
a good night's sleep.3,9 You will think more effectively Receiving questions2
if you have rested and yawning will be avoided. Listen to each question carefully and do not interrupt.
Nod to show agreement and that you are listening.
E a t s o m e t h i n g b e f o r e t h e i n t e r v i e w. 3 D r e s s Ensure you understand a question before you answer.
comfortably, neatly and appropriately for the position Always clarify if you do not understand a question.
that you are applying.3,9 In general, men should wear Note the wording that is used by the interviewer and
dark colour suits or jackets with tie and women should when appropriate use similar words. If you need time
wear a pantsuit or skirt suit. Clothes should be clean, to collect your thoughts – take it. Do not give instant
ironed and pressed. Always err on the side of being answers without careful thoughts. Pause a couple of
too dressed up. Take important materials to the seconds before you respond to each question, even if
interview: always carry some extra resumes, references, you know exactly what you want to say. Take this time
work samples, a pen and some paper.3,7,9 to quickly analyze available information, generate
solutions and organize your answer to fit the question.
Anticipate traffic, parking problems and general Make sure you do not pause for too long.
unforeseen difficulties, and arrive 10-15 minutes early.3,9
Do a final tidying up after arrival e.g. in the washroom. Answering question2,3,9
If the interviewers are ahead of schedule, they will The interview is an opportunity to sell yourself. It is
appreciate the opportunity to get an early start. Turn not the place for modesty. Do not be afraid to 'blow
off your mobile or pager or change to vibrating mode. your own horn'.3,7 You should project a confident and
assertive impression. Instead of 'if', 'I think', 'I feel'
and 'I wish', use 'when', 'I am', and 'I would'. Speak
At the interview clearly and relatively slowly in a sincere tone. Be
concise, logical and to the point. Use short sentences.
Appearance Offer the answer in a natural and spontaneous way.
First impressions are critical,3,10 about 55% of our first Do not recite them directly from your memory. Make
impression of a person is formed by their appearance, hand gestures to emphasize important points, but
38% by the way they speak and a mere 7% by the avoid distracting gestures or making too many hand
words they use.6 Be natural – unless you are a trained gestures. Avoid jargons and slang, including 'well',
actor, it is difficult to be anyone other than yourself.11 'ok', 'you know', 'to be frank', etc. Remember jokes
Smile naturally and confidently, but not to the point can easily cause offence. 11 Use technical terms only
where you would appear to be too casual. Smiling also when appropriate to the question. Be careful not to
helps you relax. 2,9 Remind yourself that you have been pause too often in the middle of your answers or fill
short-listed from many applicants, therefore you must your pause with too many fillers such as 'er…', 'em…'
have a pretty good chance. This will help you relax or 'uh…'. Pause to give time for further questions.
and project a positive confident attitude. Wait until
the interviewer sits or offers you a seat before sitting You should look at all interviewers when answering
down. 3 Address interviewers' titles and surnames as questions. Do not just maintain eye contact with the
they are introduced. Sit calmly, comfortably, upright, interviewer who asked you the question you are
or perhaps a little bit forward to project an eager image, answering. Always acknowledge the other interviewers'
and not stiffly or sprawling over the chair.2,3,9 Listen presence by making eye contact while answering
attentively, look at the interviewers directly, but not questions. Direct your attention at the beginning and
staring. Maintain eye contact with each interviewer end of your response to the person who asked you
throughout the interview. Avoid closed postures, such that question. Ignore note-taking by interviewers, as
as crossing the arms. Try to relax and avoid nervous good interviewers may take notes.2,3
mannerisms, such as swinging your foot, or fiddling with
jewelry, buttons, pens, etc. Try not to appear bored, Never answer just 'yes' or 'no' to a question. 3,9 Back
impatient or anxious. Do not look at your watch.2,3,7,9 up what you are saying with specific supporting
118 Hong Kong j. emerg. med. Vol. 10(2) Apr 2003
examples. Present one idea at a time. Third party After the interview
observations can also be mentioned, e.g. 'my last Do not be afraid of failure. Gear up for your next
employer told me that I was promoted because……' interview. Reflect on any mistake. (Tables 2 & 3) The
Do not be afraid of repeating important points. In more interviews you tackle, the more polished you
fact, it is a good idea to do this. The most qualified become. If you want to improve, learn from this interview
person to do a job is someone who has already done and use what you have learned on future interviews.3,9
the job. Cite your work and life experiences in
examples to reinforce to the interviewers that you have
already done what they are looking for, and you have Conclusion
done it successfully.
The keys to success can be summarized as: -
Never say anything negative about past experiences, Preparation! Preparation! Preparation!
employers or jobs. Do not try to put blame on others or Practice! Practice! Practice!
offer an excuse for yourself.2,3,9 Do not apologise for
experience that you do not have.3 Avoid negative words
e.g. you would not say 'I have a little experience in……'3 Table 2. Common causes of interview failure
Do not use limiting words, such as 'only' or 'just'. 1. Unfavourable track record
2. Sloppy application
3. Being late to interview
At the end of the interview, the chairman will usually
4. Poor personal appearance
ask: 'Do you have any question for us?'. The right
5. Lack of confidence, enthusiasm or ambition
answer is always yes. You should prepare intelligent 6. Lack of eye contact
'short' questions to ask during this stage2,8 e.g. 'What 7. Inability to express self adequately: poor communication,
qualities are you looking for in a candidate?', 'What preparation or logic
criteria will be used to evaluate my performance?'. It 8. Condemnation of past employers
is also appropriate to ask when you may expect to hear 9. Strong prejudices
from the employer if that information is not 10. Indefinite or evasive response to questions
11. Intention to have job for only a short time
volunteered to you. When it is over, stand up and
12. Unwillingness to go where sent
thank the interviewers.