Medado (Digest)
Medado (Digest)
Medado (Digest)
Admission to the Bar, Unauthorized Practice of Law,
Canon 9, Signing of the Roll of Attorneys
Michael A. Medado passed the Philippine bar exams in
1979. On 7 May 1980, he took the Attorney’s Oath at
the PICC. He was scheduled to sign in the Roll of
Attorneys on 13 May 1980, but failed to do so allegedly
because he had misplaced the Notice to Sign the Roll of
Attorneys. Several years later, while rummaging
through his things, he found said Notice. He then
realized that he had not signed in the roll, and that what
he had signed at the entrance of the PICC was probably
just an attendance record.
Whether or not petitioner may be allowed to sign the
Roll of Attorneys.
Yes, the Supreme Court granted the petition subject to
the payment of a fine and the imposition of a penalty
equivalent to suspension from the practice of law.