Tda1086 PDF
Tda1086 PDF
Tda1086 PDF
Title of Entity:
*Business Address:
(no PO box or mail drop)
*Mailing Address:
(if different from above)
Primary Phone: M Check here if this is not a U.S. phone number Secondary Phone: M Check here if this is not a U.S. phone number
Fax Number:
Meeting/Resolution Date:
Type of Business: (Please choose from the list provided on page 10 the industry of occupation code that most accurately describes your situation)
In the space provided, please describe how your entity generates income:
Is this a Pooled Asset Vehicle? If this entity is a publicly traded company, please specify the stock symbol:
M Yes M No
*If a U.S. address is listed for a Foreign Entity, then attach a Letter of Explanation for U.S. Mailing Address/U.S. Phone Number Attachment to form W-8. This form
can be found on the TD Ameritrade Forms Library:
M Check here if any Officer, their spouse, any member of their immediate family, including parents, in-laws, siblings, and dependents is licensed, employed by or
associated with a broker-dealer firm, a financial services regulator, securities exchange, or member of a securities exchange. If this affiliated entity requires its approval
for you to open this account, please provide a copy of the required authorization letter (with this application). Specify the name of the affiliated person/Officer:
M Check here if any Officer, their spouse, any member of their immediate family, including parents, in-laws, siblings, and dependents is, or is employed by, a federal
or state registered Investment Advisor. Specify the name of the affiliated person/Officer and Investment Advisor company name:
M Check here if any Officer, their spouse, any member of their immediate family, including parents, in-laws, siblings, and dependents is using a license in a professional
sale or trading capacity. Specify the name of the affiliated person/Officer:
Please specify if you are: Source of Income (If Unemployed, Retired, Homemaker, or Student):
M Employed M Unemployed M Retired M Homemaker M Student M Self-Employed
Employer Name (If Self-Employed,
provide the name of your business):
Please choose from the list provided on page 10 the occupation code and industry of occupation code that most accurately describes your situation.
Occupation: Industry of Occupation:
Employer Street Address:
Non-U.S. citizens:** Do you hold a current U.S. immigration visa? Specify visa type: Visa Number: Expiration:
M Yes M No
Please specify if you are: Source of Income (If Unemployed, Retired, Homemaker, or Student):
M Employed M Unemployed M Retired M Homemaker M Student M Self-Employed
Employer Name (If Self-Employed,
provide the name of your business):
Please choose from the list provided on page 10 the occupation code and industry of occupation code that most accurately describes your situation.
Occupation: Industry of Occupation:
Employer Street Address:
Non-U.S. citizens:** Do you hold a current U.S. immigration visa? Specify visa type: Visa Number: Expiration:
M Yes M No
N Check here if this is a domestic entity and this person owns 25% or more.
N Check here if this is a foreign entity and this person owns 10% or more.
Name Prefix (optional): M Mr. M Mrs. M Ms. M Dr. M Rev.
Full Legal Name:
Please specify if you are: Source of Income (If Unemployed, Retired, Homemaker, or Student):
M Employed M Unemployed M Retired M Homemaker M Student M Self-Employed
Employer Name (If Self-Employed,
provide the name of your business):
Please choose from the list provided on page 10 the occupation code and industry of occupation code that most accurately describes your situation.
Occupation: Industry of Occupation:
Employer Street Address:
Non-U.S. citizens:** Do you hold a current U.S. immigration visa? Specify visa type: Visa Number: Expiration:
M Yes M No
*If none, I will submit a photocopy of my passport.
**Nonresident aliens must submit a copy of a current passport, and a copy of a bank or brokerage statement.
M Check here if you have already provided your contact information above in sections 6, 7, and 8.
Home Street Address:
(no PO box or mail drop)
Non-U.S. citizens: Do you hold a current U.S. immigration visa? Specify visa type: Visa Number: Expiration:
M Yes M No
Nonresident aliens must submit a copy of a current passport, and a copy of a bank or brokerage statement.
10. BENEFICIAL OWNERS (This section should be completed by only beneficial owners that are not already listed in sections 6, 7, and 8.)
Beneficial Owner means each individual, if any, who, directly or indirectly, owns 25% or more of the equity interest of a legal entity customer (10% or
more if the legal entity customer is foreign).
Name Prefix (optional): M Mr. M Mrs. M Ms. M Dr. M Rev.
Non-U.S. citizens: Do you hold a current U.S. immigration visa? Specify visa type: Visa Number: Expiration:
M Yes M No
Nonresident aliens must submit a copy of a current passport, and a copy of a bank or brokerage statement.
Name Prefix (optional): M Mr. M Mrs. M Ms. M Dr. M Rev.
Non-U.S. citizens: Do you hold a current U.S. immigration visa? Specify visa type: Visa Number: Expiration:
M Yes M No
Nonresident aliens must submit a copy of a current passport, and a copy of a bank or brokerage statement.
Non-U.S. citizens: Do you hold a current U.S. immigration visa? Specify visa type: Visa Number: Expiration:
M Yes M No
Nonresident aliens must submit a copy of a current passport, and a copy of a bank or brokerage statement.
Name Prefix (optional): M Mr. M Mrs. M Ms. M Dr. M Rev.
Non-U.S. citizens: Do you hold a current U.S. immigration visa? Specify visa type: Visa Number: Expiration:
M Yes M No
Nonresident aliens must submit a copy of a current passport, and a copy of a bank or brokerage statement.
If additional beneficial owners need to be disclosed, please copy this page as needed.
Account Statement: N Electronic Monthly N Paper Monthly ($2 fee may apply each month) N Paper Quarterly ($2 fee may apply each quarter)
Trade Confirmation: N Electronic N Paper
N Unless I have checked this box, TD Ameritrade will provide my name to corporations whose securities I hold in my account for the purpose of
additional corporate communications.
First Name:
| Middle Initial:
| Last Name:
Mailing Address:
| State:
| ZIP Code:
First Name:
| Middle Initial:
| Last Name:
Mailing Address:
| State:
| ZIP Code:
Select the degree of risk you are willing to take with the assets in this account:
M Conservative M Moderate M Aggressive M Speculative
The IRS does not require your consent The Client Agreement applicable to this brokerage account contains a predispute arbitration
to any provision of this document clause. By signing this agreement, the parties agree to be bound by the terms of the Client
other than the certifications required Agreement, including the arbitration agreement located in Section 12 of the Client Agreement
to avoid backup withholding. on page 8.
Original signatures required; electronic signatures and/or signature fonts are not authorized.
I hereby certify I am the Secretary of the above-named corporation (or nonincorporated association) duly organized and existing under the laws
of the above-named state, and that the following is a true copy of a resolution duly adopted by the board of directors of said corporation (or non-
incorporated association) at a meeting held on the date stated in Section 3, at which meeting a quorum was present and acting throughout, or by
unanimous consent of the board of directors, and that such resolution has not been rescinded or modified and is in full force and effect.
RESOLVED, that the President, Vice President, and the Treasurer of this corporation (or nonincorporated association), or any one of
such officers, are hereby fully authorized and empowered to open a brokerage account, transfer, endorse, sell, assign, set over, and
deliver any and all shares of stock, bonds, debentures, notes, evidences of indebtedness, or other securities (including short sales)
now or hereafter standing in the name of or owned by this corporation (or nonincorporated association), to purchase stocks, bonds,
debentures, notes, evidences of indebtedness, and other securities (on margin or otherwise), and to make, execute, and deliver, under
the corporate seal of this corporation, any and all written instruments necessary or proper to effectuate the authority hereby conferred.
I further certify that the authority hereby conferred is consistent with the charter or bylaws of this corporation (or nonincorporated association).
Unless indicated above that I am a sole officer, the previous is a true and correct list of the officers of this corporation (or nonincorporated
association) as of the present date and a record of the officers’ signatures:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said corporation (or nonincorporated association) this date:
Original signature required; electronic signatures and/or signature fonts are not authorized.
Investment Products: Not FDIC Insured * No Bank Guarantee * May Lose Value
TD Ameritrade, Inc. and TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc., members FINRA/SIPC. TD Ameritrade is a trademark jointly owned by
TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. and The Toronto-Dominion Bank. © 2018 TD Ameritrade.
Page 8 of 10 TDA 1086 A 08/18
Reflects your desire to seek very low risk and minimize potential loss of principal. You may seek income from your investments while
understanding that returns may not keep pace with inflation. You may also intend to invest over a short period of time.
Reflects your desire to seek lower risk and fluctuation in your portfolio, while striving to achieve more stable returns on your investments. It may
also mean that you plan to invest over a short period of time.
Moderate growth:
Reflects your desire to seek growth in your portfolio by typically using a balance of growth and conservative investment types. It may also mean
that you are moderately tolerant of risk and plan to invest for a medium to long period of time.
Reflects your desire to seek the potential for investment growth, as well as your tolerance for more significant market fluctuations and risk of loss.
It may also mean that you plan to invest over a long period of time.
Aggressive Growth:
Reflects your desire for potentially substantial investment growth, as well as your tolerance for large market fluctuations and increased risk of
loss. It may also mean that you plan to invest over a long period of time.