25 Beaded Bracelets 2015
25 Beaded Bracelets 2015
25 Beaded Bracelets 2015
From the publisher of Bead&Button magazine
Must-have styles
for every season
instructions for
every project
Make 5 cute
holiday patterns
Translate a
crochet technique
into beadwork
Get great
from your
bead stash
0 71486 01131 6
25BEADED FROM THE EDITOR a collector’s edition of bracelet projects
Editor Julia Gerlach
Senior Art Director Lisa A. Bergman iamonds may be a girl’s best friend,
Associate Editors Cassie Donlen, Kristen Scheuing, but when it comes to beaders,
Connie Whittaker
Editorial Assistant Lora Groszkiewicz nothing beats beads. And what
Graphic Designer Lisa M. Schroeder better way to use them than to
Photographer Bill Zuback
Illustrator Kellie Jaeger make bracelets? Bracelets are sub-
Digital Content Specialist Danielle Barr
stantial enough to be satisfying yet can usually be
Publisher Linda Kast
completed in a matter of hours. They also make
great gifts for all the mothers, daughters, sisters,
President Charles R. Croft
Vice President, Editorial Kevin P. Keefe and other special women and girls in our lives.
Senior V.P., Sales & Marketing Daniel R. Lance
V.P., Consumer Marketing Nicole McGuire So I’m excited to bring you this special
Corporate Art Director Maureen M. Schimmel collector’s edition containing 25 beautiful beaded bracelet projects. Culled from
Art and Production Manager Mike Soliday
Production Coordinator Jodi Jeranek Bead&Button magazine’s exclusive subscriber-only bimonthy digital bonus
Group Circulation Manager Kathy Steele
B&B Extra, these bracelet projects have never before been available to the public.
Single Copy Specialist Kim Redmond
The bracelets featured in this issue have been grouped into three categories and
Corporate Advertising Director Ann E. Smith there is truly something for everyone. The “Seed beads” section is for those who
Advertising Sales Dawn Becker, Lori Schneider
Ad Services Representatives Nanette Hackbarth, enjoy charted patterns. This selection features five holiday/seasonal bracelets,
Melissa Valuch including two adorable styles for Valentine’s Day, a Halloween-themed design, and
25 Beaded Bracelets (ISBN 978-1-62700-307-0) is published
by Kalmbach Publishing Co., 21027 Crossroads Circle, two styles that are perfect for the winter holidays. In addition, there are five more
P.O. Box 1612, Waukesha, WI 53187-1612. © 2015, Kalmbach
Publishing Co. Material in this publication may not be reproduced
in part or in whole without written permission from the publisher. that would be appropriate to wear any time of year.
SINGLE COPY PRICE: $7.99; $8.99 Canadian and international,
payable in U.S. funds drawn on U.S. banks only. (Canadian price
includes GST.) BN 12271 3209 RT.
The “Two-hole bead” projects all prominently feature beads with two holes, such
Printed in U.S.A. as SuperDuos, Tila beads and tiles, two-hole lentils and daggers, and piggy beads.
www.BeadAndButton.com For anyone who has already embraced these bead styles, you know how much fun
The designs in 25 Beaded Bracelets are for your personal
enjoyment. The designs may not be taught or sold without they are! For those who have yet to try these beads, here’s your chance. Our tried-
and-true instructions mean you’ll be able to follow along with no problem.
Our third project category, “Crystals, pearls, and glass,” includes projects that
highlight those classic beading supplies in conjunction with seed beads. Whether its
a chunky bracelet of bezeled crystal stones, an eclectic bangle made with seed beads
Call (262) 796-8776 or write to: and fire-polished beads, or a classic crossweave cuff made with bicone crystals,
Editor, Bead&Button
P.O. Box 1612 you’ll surely find several styles to make.
Waukesha, WI 53187-1612
TO SUBSCRIBE (800) 533-6644 I hope you enjoy this special edition and find lots of projects to keep your beady
TO ADVERTISE (888) 558-1544 x648 fingers busy. And if you’ve ever been shy of giving your beadwork away as gifts,
SELLING BEAD&BUTTON magazine take this opportunity to make a bracelet in your favorite style and give it to a
or products in your store
Phone: (800) 558-1544, press 3
special gal in your life — and help spread the joy of beads!
Outside the U.S. and Canada:
(262) 796-8776 x 818
Fax: (262) 798-6592
Email: tss@kalmbach.com
Website: www.Retailers.Kalmbach.com
Seed Beads
7 Delica diamonds
by Beth Maddocks
10 Fleur-de-lis
by Josie Fabre
12 Houndstooth cat
by Lesha McPhearson
14 Turkish embroidery
by Mahide Erkan
16 Aqua terra
by Julia Gerlach
19 Candy hearts
by Belinda McCoy
22 Chain of hearts
by Bobbie Yoakum
25 Bewitching bracelet
by Josie Fabre
28 Prancing reindeer
by Josie Fabre
30 Snowflake sashay
by Bobbie Yoakum
Two-hole Crystals,
Beads Pearls & Glass
34 Waltzing waves 58 Desert flower
by Michelle Heim by Rae Arlene Reller
3 from the editor
80 basics
6 www.BeadAndButton.com
Stitch a kaleidoscope of
color with this pattern,
based on a classic
quilt motif.
25 Beaded Bracelets 7
Row 122
[1] On a comfortable length of thread
and leaving a 1-yd. (.9 m) tail, work
in ladder stitch (Basics, p. 80) to make
a ladder of 25 background-color 110
cylinder beads. These beads form row
12 of the band; rows 1–11 will be
added later. Zigzag back through the
ladder to stabilize it.
[2] Work row 13 in brick stitch (Basics)
as follows, referring to the pattern,
reading it from left to right:
• First stitch: Pick up two background-
color cylinders, sew under the thread
bridge between the first two cylinders
in the previous row, and sew up through
the second cylinder just added.
• Subsequent stitches: Pick up one
background-color cylinder, sew under
the next thread bridge in the previous
row, and sew up through the cylinder
just added. Repeat this stitch to the end
of the row, picking up the appropriate
color cylinder for each stitch.
Edge beads
to be added
in step 6
Row 12
Rows 1 - 11
8 www.BeadAndButton.com
[3] Work rows 14–122 as in step 2, [7] Using the tail, work rows 1–11 Difficulty rating
always picking up the appropriate colors as in step 4.
as indicated in the pattern. Read the [8] Align half of the clasp on the end
pattern from right to left for even- of the bracelet just completed. Using
numbered rows and left to right for the tail, sew through the beadwork to
odd-numbered rows. End and add exit a cylinder near the first loop of Materials
thread (Basics) as needed. the clasp. Sew through the loop and bracelet 7 in. (18 cm)
[4] Work row 123 as follows: back through the cylinder your thread • 10 g 110 Miyuki cylinder beads for
• First stitch: Pick up two background- is exiting. Sew through the adjacent background color (DB0010, black,
color cylinders, sew under the thread cylinder, sew through the loop, and sew or DB0310, matte black)
bridge between the second and third back through the cylinder your thread • 1 g 110 Miyuki cylinder beads for the
cylinders in the previous row, and sew is exiting. Retrace the thread path of diamonds in as many colors as you
up through the second cylinder just both connections. choose; each diamond consists
added. This begins the taper at the [9] Repeat step 8 to attach the remain- of 16 cylinders
end of the bracelet. ing two loops of this half of the clasp, • 1 3-strand slide clasp
• Subsequent stitches: Work stitches and end the tail. Add 12 in. (30 cm) of • nylon beading thread, size D
with one cylinder each, as before. thread to the other end of the bracelet, • beading needles, #11
[5] Work rows 124–133 as in step 4. and attach the loops of the other half
[6] Sew through the beadwork to of the clasp in the same manner. w
exit the far-right cylinder in row 122. EDITOR’S NOTE
Working in flat peyote stitch (Basics), As an alternative to step 6 (adding
add background-color cylinders to this a row of peyote stitch to one edge),
edge of the pattern, thereby making the you could work an increase brick
two edges symmetrical and centering stitch at the end of every other row
the design. End the working thread. as you make the band. To do so,
simply work a second brick stitch
off of the last thread bridge in the
row, so that you have two new
beads attached to the last thread
bridge. Remember, you would only
do this for every other row.
25 Beaded Bracelets 9
Wear a classic motif with
this quick-to-stitch pattern.
10 www.BeadAndButton.com
Difficulty rating
110 hex-cut cylinder
110 cylinder bead
bracelet without the clasp
67⁄8 x 13⁄4 in. (17.5 x 4.4 cm)
• 10 g 110 hex-cut cylinder beads
(Miyuki DBH0035, metallic
galvanized silver)
• 5 g 110 cylinder beads (Miyuki
DB0453, galvanized dark
My inspiration for this piece • nylon beading thread or
came from the fleurs-de-lis Fireline, 6 lb. test
• beading needles, #11 or #12
that are seen everywhere in
Louisiana. It’s worked in
www To watch a video on
three-drop peyote stitch,
how to work in three-drop
which means this bracelet peyote, go to
comes together quickly. www.BeadAndButton.com/
[1] On a comfortable length of thread Josie Fabre has
or Fireline, attach a stop bead, leaving a been beading for
12-in. (30 cm) tail. Starting at the lower- more than
left corner of pattern 1, pick up 24 110 10 years. She
cylinder and hex-cut cylinder beads for resides in Slidell, Louisiana.
rows 1 and 2: one hex-cut bead, 22 110 She is a full-time scientist and
cylinder beads, and a hex-cut. mother but beads every
[2] Following pattern 1, work the band chance she gets. She is
in three-drop peyote (Basics, p. 80), end- inspired by nature, art,
ing and adding thread (Basics) as needed. and architecture. She also
[3] To create a toggle bar: On 1 yd. enjoys photography and is
(.9 m) of thread and leaving a 6-in. beginning to combine her
(15 cm) tail, work a strip of flat even- photographs with her jewelry
count peyote stitch (Basics) that is 18 designs. Contact Josie at
beads wide and 12 rows long. You can josie@fabres.net, or see more
work the bar in all one color bead, or of her work at www.josie.
follow pattern 2 to create a center etsy.com.
stripe. Roll the strip into a tube, and
zip up (Basics) the end rows.
[4] At the center of the toggle bar, make
a flat even-count peyote tab two beads
wide and eight rows long (pattern 3).
Use the two red boxes in pattern 1 as
a guide to attach the tab. End the thread.
[5] To create a toggle ring: On the other
end of the band, use the 12-in. (30 cm)
tail to exit the 10th bead from the edge.
In flat even-count peyote, make a strip
28 beads long and two beads wide.
Attach the strip to the 10th bead from
the other edge, and end the thread. w
25 Beaded Bracelets 11
cat bracelet
Transform a classic
fabric motif into an
adorable pattern of
tessellating felines.
12 www.BeadAndButton.com
stepbystep Difficulty rating
25 Beaded Bracelets 13
Create a bracelet
inspired by Turkish
rug motifs.
14 www.BeadAndButton.com
Work two peyote stitch Difficulty rating
panels, and join them with
accent beads. A toggle bar
and built-in slot serve as Materials
the clasp. bracelet 77⁄8 x 2 in. (20 x 5 cm)
• 10 3 mm round accent beads
stepbystep • 110 Delica cylinder beads
- 3 g color A (DB0254, opaque
[1] On a comfortable length of luster silver gold)
thread, attach a stop bead, leaving a - 7 g color B (DB0352, matte
6-in. (15 cm) tail. Reading the pattern eggshell)
from the upper-left corner, pick up 31 - 1 g color C (DB0373,
beads for rows 1 and 2: a repeating metallic matte dark green)
pattern of a color B 110 cylinder - 2 g color D (DB0795,
bead and a color A 110 cylinder bead opaque matte coral)
15 times, and then pick up a B. Working - 2 g color E (DB0729, opaque
in flat odd-count peyote stitch (Basics, turquoise green)
p. 80) complete the panel, adding and • Fireline, 6 lb. test, or size D
ending thread as needed. Note: In rows nylon beading thread
9–21, omit the center bead in each of • beading needles, #11 or #12
the indicated rows, leaving an open slot.
This will be the clasp opening. Remove
the stop bead, and end the tail but not www To watch a video
the working thread. on odd-count peyote stitch,
[2] Repeat step 1 to make another go to www.BeadAndButton.
panel, but do not leave the open slot. com/videos.
[3] To create the toggle bar: On 1 yd.
(.9 m) of thread and leaving a 6-in.
(15 cm) tail, work a strip of flat odd-
count peyote that is 13 cylinder beads Mahide Erkan
wide and six rows long. Roll the strip lives in Istanbul,
into a tube, and zip up (Basics) the Turkey. She has
end rows. bachelor’s and
[4] With the working thread exiting master’s degrees in
an end bead in the tube, pick up a 3 mm architecture. She transfers
bead, and sew through the correspond- kilim, embroidery, and
ing end bead on the opposite side of the textile designs to her jewelry.
tube. Sew through the beadwork of the Contact her at mahide44@
tube to exit an end bead on the other gmail.com.
end of the tube, and add a 3 mm bead
the same way. End the tail but not the PATTERN
working thread.
[5] Sew through the beadwork of the
tube to exit a bead at the center of the
110 cylinder beads
toggle bar. Stitch a strip of five cylinder
beads using ladder stitch (Basics). Stitch color A
the ladder to the center of the 21st row color B
of the panel without the open slot.
[6] Using the working thread from color C
a panel, connect the panels by sewing color D
back and forth through 3 mm beads color E
positioned between the up-beads at the
remaining ends of the panels. End all 3 mm bead
the remaining threads. w
25 Beaded Bracelets 15
Aqua terra
Stitch a boldly-patterned band
for a lively summer bracelet.
by Julia Gerlach
16 www.BeadAndButton.com
Difficulty rating
110 cylinder beads
color A
color B
color C Materials
color D bracelet 7 in. (18 cm)
• 1 44 mm glass ring (dark green;
• 5 4 mm oak leaf charms (TierraCast,
copper; www.artbeads.com)
• 60 3 mm bicone crystals (Swarovski,
Pacific opal)
• 110 Miyuki Delica cylinder beads
- 5 g color A (DB0066, white-lined
crystal AB)
- 4 g color B (DB1769, sparkle aqua
green-lined teal)
- 3 g color C (DB1768, forest green-
lined opal AB)
- 2 g color D (DB0263, opaque luster
olive green)
• 2 size 1/0 snaps (www.joann.com)
• Fireline, 6 lb. test
• beading needles, #12
All supplies from Eclectica, (262) 641-0910,
unless otherwise noted.
Work up this pattern in
peyote stitch, and then use a
large glass ring as a focal that Julia Gerlach
doubles as a clasp. Add a few is the editor of
Bead&Button magazine.
sprays of branched fringe for Contact her at jgerlach@
an organic touch to comple- beadandbutton.com.
ment the floral band.
18 www.BeadAndButton.com
hear ts
Get your admirers
talking with a sweet
treat of a bracelet.
25 Beaded Bracelets 19
Difficulty rating
bracelet 71⁄2 in. (19.1 cm)
• 110 Miyuki Delica cylinder beads* 110 cylinder beads
- 2 g color A (DB200, opaque white) color A
- 1 g color B (DB873, opaque matte color B
rainbow fuchsia)
color C
- 2 g color C (DB1137, opaque
blue agate; www.artbeads.com) color D
- 1 g color D (DB1131, opaque light color E
butter rum; www.artbeads.com)
color F
- 56 color E (DB651, opaque light
orange) color G
- 1 g color F (DB1371, opaque rose) color H
- 47 color G (DB654, opaque brick red)
color I
- 1 g color H (DB791, opaque
matte candy apple red) color J
- 92 color I (DB653, opaque pumpkin) color K
- 2 g color J (DB1491, opaque
color L
- 48 color K (DB724, opaque pea green) color M
- 2 g color L (DB1496, opaque color N
sea foam)
color O
- 83 color M (DB1379, opaque red violet)
- 55 color N (DB661, opaque color P
- 2 g color O (DB1493, opaque dark
peach) Valentine’s Day gives us
- 48 color P (DB1498, opaque pale grey) an opportunity to spread
• 1 13 x 15 mm heart button with shank
• Fireline, 4 or 6 lb. test the love with encouraging
• beading needles, #12 cards and tasty morsels. This
peyote stitch bracelet sends
*The Delica beads were purchased from
www.firemountaingems.com (unless otherwise a warm and fuzzy message
noted) and reflect the numbering and naming to anyone who receives it —
conventions of the vendor. even if you give it to yourself!
25 Beaded Bracelets 21
Chain of
designed by Bobbie Yoakum
Work decreasing
rows of peyote
to make a
bracelet that
really shows
the shape of
your heart.
22 www.BeadAndButton.com
12 mm pearl
a b
e d
b c
b c
Difficulty rating
25 Beaded Bracelets 23
b a
b e d
f b e
g d
(figure 4, a–b). At the end of the row, five Bs, and an A, and sew through the Clasp
work a decrease turn instead of sewing next two As (d–e). At the end of the row, [1] Exiting the bottom edge A of an end
through two As (c–d). work a decrease turn (f–g). heart, pick up two As, a 12 mm pearl,
Row 3: For each heart motif, work two [2] Finish the first heart: and three As. Sew back through the
As, and sew through the next four As. Row 3: Work an A, four Bs, and an A. pearl, pick up two As, and sew through
Repeat these two stitches (figure 5, a–b). Work a decrease turn (g–h). the top edge A (figure 7). Retrace the
At the end of the row, work a decrease Row 4: Work an A, three Bs, and an A. thread path through the pearl connec-
turn instead of sewing through four As Work a decrease turn (h–i). tion, and end the thread (Basics).
(c–d). Row 5: Work an A, two Bs, and an A. [2] With the tail, pick up enough As to
Row 4: For each heart motif, work an A, Work a decrease turn (i–j). fit around the pearl (approximately
and sew through the next six As. Repeat Row 6: Work an A, a B, and an A. 25–30), and sew through the bottom
(d–e). At the end of the row, sew through Work a decrease turn (j–k). edge A at this end. Test that the loop fits
the beadwork to exit the edge A along Row 7: Work two As and a decrease around the pearl, and add or remove As
the bottom row (e–f). turn (k–l). as needed. If you need to reposition the
Row 8: Work a stitch with two As and clasp loop to improve the fit, remove
Bottom points a decrease turn (l–m). the beads just added, sew through the
[1] Continue in peyote as follows: Row 9: Work one A between the pair beadwork to the desired point, pick
Row 1: For each heart motif, work an A, of As in row 8. Sew through the next up the loop of beads again, and sew
six Bs, and an A (figure 6, a–b). At the end 10 edge As (m–n). through the adjacent bead in the brace-
of the row, work a decrease turn (c–d). [3] Finish the remaining hearts as in let. Retrace the thread path a few times,
Row 2: For each heart motif, work an A, step 2. and end the tail. w
24 www.BeadAndButton.com
25 Beaded Bracelets 25
Difficulty rating
bracelet 8 in. (20 cm) 110 cylinder beads
• components for witch hat toggle color A
(all available from www.fusionbeads.com) color B
- 1 14 mm cosmic ring (Swarovski color C
#4139, jet)
- 1 12 mm Artemis crystal (Swarovski
#5540, jet)
- 2 10 mm margarita crystals (Swarovski
#3700, 1 tanzanite and 1 jet)
- 1 2-in. (5 cm) 22-gauge head pin
• 64 3 mm fire-polished beads stepbystep
(Preciosa, black)
• 110 Miyuki Delica cylinder beads Bracelet band
- 5 g color A (DB0004, metallic dark [1] On a comfortable length of thread,
plum iris) attach a stop bead (Basics, p. 80), leav-
- 5 g color B (DB0310, matte black) ing a 6-in. (15 cm) tail. Starting at the
- 4 g color C (DB0352, opaque lower-right corner of the pattern, pick
matte cream) up 110 cylinder beads for rows 1 and 2:
• 1 g 150 seed beads (Miyuki 401F, two color C 110 cylinder beads, two Bs,
matte black) five Cs, seven As, two Bs, and six As.
• Fireline, 6 lb. test, or size D nylon [2] Following the pattern, work in
beading thread three-drop peyote stitch (Basics) using
• beading needles, #12 the appropriate color cylinders. End and
• chainnose pliers add thread (Basics) as needed while you
• roundnose pliers stitch, and end the working thread and
• wire cutters tail when you complete the band.
DESIGNER’S NOTE [1] Add a comfortable length of thread
I learned how to make the witch to one end of the band, and exit the
hat toggle from an earring tutorial nearest corner cylinders with your nee-
at www.fusionbeads.com/witch- dle pointing away from the beadwork.
hat-earrings. [2] Pick up a 150 seed bead, a 3 mm
fire-polished bead, and a 150. Skip one
edge cylinder, sew down through the
Josie Fabre is a prolific next edge cylinder, and sew up through
designer of peyote stitch the following edge cylinder. Repeat
patterns. Go to pp. 10 this stitch for the length of the band.
and 28 to see more [3] Sew through the beadwork to exit
designs by Josie. the nearest corner cylinder along the
other edge, and repeat step 2. End and
add thread as needed.
www To watch a video
on three-drop peyote, visit
26 www.BeadAndButton.com
a b
25 Beaded Bracelets 27
Deck yourself
with Rudolph
and friends.
designed by Josie Fabre
Difficulty rating
110 cylinder beads
color A
color B
color C bracelet 7 in. (18 cm)
• 1 12 mm crystal rivoli button
(Swarovski #3015, crystal)
• 62 3 mm fire-polished beads
stepbystep (Czech, red)
• 110 Miyuki Delica cylinder
Bracelet band beads
[1] On a comfortable length of thread, attach a stop - 12 g color A (DB0035,
bead (Basics, p. 80), leaving a 6-in. (15 cm) tail. Start- galvanized silver)
ing at the lower-right corner of the pattern, pick up - 4 g color B (DB0022,
24 110 cylinder beads for rows 1 and 2: two color As, metallic bronze)
a B, and 21 As. - 1 color C (DB0602,
[2] Following the pattern, work in three-drop peyote silver-lined red)
stitch (Basics) using cylinders as indicated. End and • 1 g 150 seed beads
add thread (Basics) as needed while you stitch, and (Miyuki 1, silver-lined crystal)
end the working thread and tail when you complete • Fireline, 6 lb. test, or size D
the pattern. nylon beading thread
• beading needles, #12
[1] Add a comfortable length of thread to the band,
and exit an end edge bead.
[2] Pick up a 150 seed bead, a 3 mm fire-polished Josie Fabre
bead, and a 150. Skip the next two edge cylinders, and has been
sew down through the following edge cylinder. Sew beading for
through the beadwork to exit the same edge cylinder more than
with your needle pointing away from the beadwork. 10 years. She
Repeat this step for the length of the band. became hooked on peyote
[3] Sew through the beadwork to exit an end bead stitch and designing patterns
along the other edge, and repeat step 2 to embellish after she made several
this edge. End the thread. squares for the 2012 Bead-
It-Forward project. She is
Clasp a full-time scientist and
[1] Add 10 in. (25 cm) of thread to one end of the mother but beads every
band, and exit between the two center stitches in chance she gets. She is
the very last row. inspired by nature, art, and
[2] Pick up about 16 150s and a 12 mm crystal architecture. Contact her at
button, and sew back into the beadwork in the josie@fabres.net, or visit
same spot. Retrace the thread path through the www.josie.etsy.com.
button several times, and end the thread.
[3] Add 2 ft. (61 cm) of thread at the other end
of the band, and exit one-third of the way across
the end row. Pick up 21 cylinder beads, skip six www To watch a video
center beads in the end row, and sew through on working in three-drop
the next bead to form a loop. peyote, visit us at www.
[4] Turn, and work in regular peyote stitch back BeadAndButton.com/
across the loop, picking up one cylinder per stitch. videos.
Sew into the band, and then sew through the bead-
work to exit the last cylinder added with your needle
pointing away from the band and toward the loop. PATTERN
[5] Pick up three 150s, and sew through the next
up-bead in the peyote loop. Repeat this stitch around
the loop, and end the thread in the band. w
25 Beaded Bracelets 29
sashay Display a band of friendly
flurries with an easy pattern.
designed by Bobbie Yoakum
30 www.BeadAndButton.com
Difficulty rating
FIGURE 1 Bobbie
Yoakum is a
retired math
stepbystep teacher who
found beading
Band in 1989. She
On a comfortable length of thread, attach taught and worked at
a stop bead (Basics, p. 80), leaving a 10-in. Margo Field’s bead shop in
(25 cm) tail. Pick up 21 color A 110 cylinder Albuquerque, New Mexico,
beads for rows 1 and 2. Reading the pattern for 11 years and now teaches
from top to bottom or bottom to top, work beading at various shops in
the band in flat odd-count peyote stitch that area. See another project
(Basics). End and add thread as needed by Bobbie on p. 22. Email
(Basics), but do not end the working thread her at bobbiecy@comcast.net.
or tail when you complete the band.
[1] With the working thread, sew through the
beadwork to exit the fourth up-bead from one www To learn how to work
edge in the last row with your needle pointing in odd-count peyote, go to
toward the other edge (figure 1, point a). www.BeadAndButton.com/
[2] Pick up seven color A cylinders, half of videos.
the clasp, and three As, and sew through the
fourth A picked up in this step (a–b). This
forms a loop of beads through the clasp; snug
the loop to the first three As picked up. Pick
up three more As, skip three up-beads in the
last row of the band, and sew through the
following up-bead, which should be the
fourth up-bead from the other edge (b–c).
Retrace the thread path through the clasp
connection, and end the working thread.
25 Beaded Bracelets 31
a f d c
[1] Add 1 yd. (.9 m) of thread to the band,
and exit the first A along one edge with your
needle pointing away from the band (figure 2,
point a).
[2] Pick up five 150 seed beads. Skip one A
along the edge of the band, sew through the
next edge A with your needle pointing toward
the band, and sew through the following edge
A with your needle pointing away from the
band (a–b).
[3] Repeat step 2 for the length of the band.
[4] Sew through the beadwork to exit the
last A along this edge (point c), and continue
through the last two 150s added in the last
edging stitch (c–d). Skipping the center 150
in the stitch, sew through the next two 150s
in the stitch (d–e). Pull the thread tight so the
center 150 forms a point. Sew through the
next two edge As in the band, and continue
through the following two 150s added in the
previous edging stitch (e–f).
[5] Continue sewing back through the edging
stitches, skipping the center 150s to form
points, as in step 4. End the thread.
[6] Repeat steps 1–5 on the other edge of
the band. w
25 Beaded Bracelets 33
34 www.BeadAndButton.com
Difficulty rating
6 mm pearl
4 mm pearl Materials
turquoise bracelet 7¾ in. (19.7 cm)
2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo bead, color A • 15 6 mm glass pearls (Preciosa, cream)
• 13 4 mm glass pearls (Preciosa, cream)
2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo bead, color B
• 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo beads
2 x 3 mm rondelle - 5 g color A (pastel aqua)
- 4 g color B (matte emerald)
110 seed bead
• 65 2 x 3 mm crystal rondelles (milky aqua)
• 1 g 110 seed beads (sparkling green-
lined topaz)
• 1 toggle clasp
• Fireline, 6 lb. test
• beading needles, #11
red bracelet
• 6 mm glass pearls (red)
• 4 mm fire-polished beads, in place
of the 4 mm pearls (amethyst)
• 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo beads
- color A (Vega on jet)
- color B (pastel dark coral)
• 2 x 3 mm crystal rondelles (orange red)
• 110 seed beads (silver-lined amethyst)
purple bracelet
e • 6 mm glass pearls (deep purple)
• 5 mm round melon beads, in place of
the 4 mm pearls (Czech, opaque smoked
bronze luster; www.beadaholique.com)
• 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo beads
- color A (pastel bordeaux)
stepbystep [3] Repeat step 2 for the desired length - color B (crystal gray rainbow)
bracelet. Our 7¾-in. (19.7 cm) finished • 2 x 3 mm crystal rondelles (clear and gold)
[1] On 3½ yd. (3.2 m) of thread, pick bracelet has a total of 15 fans. • 110 seed beads (Toho 993, gold-lined
up an 110 seed bead, a 2 x 3 mm ron- [4] With your thread exiting the last black diamond)
delle, five color A 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo rondelle, sew through the next 110
beads, a rondelle, an 110, and a 6 mm (figure 3, point a). Pick up three 110s
pearl. Sew through the first eight beads and the toggle ring, and sew back Michelle Heim started
again to exit the second rondelle, leav- through the third 110 just added (a–b). beading about 10 years
ing a 10-in. (25 cm) tail. Form the beads Pick up two 110s, and sew through the ago and quickly became
into a fan shape (figure 1). rondelle and 110 your thread exited at a bead addict. Two
[2] Pick up five As, a rondelle, an 110, the start of this step (b–c). Retrace the years later, she opened
a 6 mm, and an 110. Sew through the thread path of the clasp connection Beadalotta in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin,
rondelle your thread exited at the start several times. which she co-owns with her mother.
of this step, and continue through the [5] Sew through the beadwork as Michelle finds that the best way to
next six beads to exit the new rondelle. shown to exit the last A of the last fan design is to sit in a comfy chair and
Form the beads into a new fan (figure 2), (c–d). Sew through the open hole of just start picking up beads! Contact
which should be facing opposite the the last A (d–e). her at michelle@beadalotta.com, or
previous fan. visit www.beadalotta.com.
25 Beaded Bracelets 35
Keep your tension relatively
loose while stitching the
fans. The bracelet will snug
d up considerably as you add
subsequent embellishments.
36 www.BeadAndButton.com
Tila bracelet
Bugle beads and drops spice up —
and spike up — this trendy bracelet.
25 Beaded Bracelets 37
Difficulty rating c e
a d
c e
25 Beaded Bracelets 39
by Connie Whittaker
Surround two-hole seed beads with crystals
for a simple yet stunning bracelet.
40 www.BeadAndButton.com
c Difficulty rating
c a
d a
b Materials
green bracelet 7¾ in. (19.7 cm)
b • 48 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo beads
c a c b (P65455, opaque ultra green luster)
b a
• 96 3 mm bicone crystals
FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 (Swarovski, khaki)
• 1 g 150 seed beads (Toho 221,
c bronze)
a • 1 lobster claw clasp (gold)
b • 2 6 mm split rings (gold)
• Fireline, 6 lb. test
• beading needles, #11 or #12
25 Beaded Bracelets 41
designed by Thomasin “Alyx” Alyxander
42 www.BeadAndButton.com
g gg Difficulty rating
If you haven’t tried two- ff f
hole bricks or daggers d
e ee
25 Beaded Bracelets 43
Pinwheel blossom
bracelet Stitch whirling petals around a crystal
chaton, and attach them to a leather
strap with easy-to-use rivets.
by Julia Gerlach
44 www.BeadAndButton.com
c Difficulty rating
a Materials
110 seed bead d turquoise bracelet 6½ in. (16.5 cm)
• 3 SS39/8 mm crystal chatons
150 seed bead (Swarovski #1028, chrysolite opal)
• 10 4 x 8 mm piggy beads (mint Picasso)
• 5 4 x 3 mm crystal rondelles (frosted
Williamsburg blue sand)
• 5 3 mm drop beads (purple teal luster)
• 3 g 110 seed beads (Toho P487, silver
sage permanent galvanized)
• 1 g 150 seed beads (Toho F378J, gray/
bronze matte-lined AB)
• leather band (TierraCast, turquoise)
• clasp hook
• 5 6 mm compression rivets (TierraCast,
• Fireline or Wildfire, 6 lb. test
• beading needles, #12
• bench block or anvil
• hammer
a b • leather punch or other piercing tool
• marker
stepbystep with the cap on the inside of the band • rivet-setting tool (TierraCast)
and the indented end on the outside.
Leather band Place the cap on the stem, and gently
[1] Using a leather punch or other hammer it in place, leaving about 1⁄8 in. DESIGNER’S NOTE
piercing tool, make a hole about 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) between the leather and the If desired, substitute 4 mm round
(3 mm) from one end of the leather rivet cap (photo b). Repeat to set a rivet beads, like the crystal pearls below,
band. Measure about 7⁄8 in. (2.2 cm) into each of the side holes. Push the for the 4 x 3 mm crystal rondelles.
from the first hole, and make another three center rivets through the leather
hole. Slide the clasp onto the leather, so the cap is flush with the inside sur-
and fold the leather to align the holes. face of the band and the exposed stems
Slide the longer portion of a 6 mm com- are exiting the top surface.
pression rivet through the holes, from
the bottom to the top. Place the cap of Center flower
the rivet onto the stem, cover the rivet [1] On 2 yd. (1.8 m) of thread, pick up
cap with the rivet-setting tool, and 10 110 seed beads. Wrap them around
strike it gently with a hammer several the stem of the center rivet, and tie them
times to compress the rivet (photo a). into a ring with a square knot (Basics,
[2] Wrap the band around your wrist p. 80), leaving a 6-in. (15 cm) tail. Sew
to determine the desired finished length, through the next few beads. Julia Gerlach
keeping the length of the clasp in mind. [2] Pick up three 110s, skip the next 110 is the editor of
Cut the band about 1⁄2 in. (1.3 cm) in the ring, and sew through the follow- Bead&Button.
longer than this length. Repeat step 1 ing 110 (figure 1, a–b). Repeat this stitch Contact her
at this end of the band to create the to complete the round, and step up at jgerlach@
slot for the clasp catch. through the first two 110s in the first beadandbutton.com.
[3] Make a mark at the center of the stitch (b–c).
band, and then make a mark about [3] Pick up two 110s, and sew through
7⁄8 in. (2.2 cm) to each side of the center the center 110 in the next stitch of the www To watch videos of the
mark. Punch a hole at each mark. previous round (c–d). Repeat this stitch to basic techniques referenced in this
[4] Slide the stem of a rivet into the complete the round, and step up through story (plus other techniques!), visit
center hole, from top to bottom. This the first 110 added in this round (d–e). www.BeadAndButton.com/videos.
rivet will be installed “upside down,”
25 Beaded Bracelets 45
c d e
f g h
46 www.BeadAndButton.com
Stitch two-hole
lentils and tiles into
a textured pattern
inspired by Europe’s
ancient streets.
25 Beaded Bracelets 47
6 mm tile bead
Difficulty rating b
6 mm lentil bead, color A
48 www.BeadAndButton.com
b c
Attach a stop bead (photo b), bangle, adding color A lentils [6] Attach a stop bead to
and trim the excess thread to between the A and B lentils 1 yd. (.9 m) of thread, leav-
6 in. (15 cm). added in the previous rounds ing a 6-in. (15 cm) tail, and
[2] Work as in step 1 to (figure 7). Tighten the thread sew through the open hole of
add a round on the other to cinch up this edge of the an edge A lentil. Working as
side of the bangle (figure 6). bangle (photo d). Retrace in peyote stitch, zip (Basics)
Everything should lie flat the thread path through the the A lentils to the B lentils
without curving or bunching round, attach a stop bead, just added: Sew through the
(photo c). and trim the excess thread open hole of the next B lentil
[3] Attach a stop bead to 6 in. (15 cm). added in step 5 followed by FIGURE 10
(Basics) to 1 yd. (.9 m) [4] Repeat step 3 along the next A lentil. Repeat
of thread, leaving a 6-in. the other edge of the bangle around to join both edges of Nichole
(15 cm) tail. Sew through (figure 8). the bangle (figure 10). As you Starman has
the open hole of an A lentil [5] On one edge of the ban- zip up, pull the stop beads been designing
added in step 1. Pick up gle, work as in step 3 to add and tails out of the way. Czech glass bead
an A lentil, and sew through color B lentils between the A [7] Retrace the thread path shapes and colors
the open hole of the next lentils (figure 9). Do not add through the join, cinching since 2000. She has been
lentil. Repeat around the new lentils to the other side. up any slack. Tie half-hitch instrumental in creating and
knots in multiple places to marketing the CzechMates
set the tension. Remove all two-hole beading system.
KNOW BEFORE YOU GO the stop beads, and end all Nichole enjoys designing
• The diameter cinches up as rounds are added, the remaining threads. w architectural pieces to
so plan ahead to make sure your bracelet will fit. highlight the textural and
• Do not tie threads for different rounds together. sculptural possibilities of
• Work both sides of the ring in each round before COLOR CUE CzechMates, particularly
moving to the next round. Use different colors in combination with Toho
• Always sew in the same direction around for the stop beads in seed beads. Contact her at
the bangle. each round to easily nichole@starmanbeads.com,
tell them apart. or visit www.czechbeads.com.
25 Beaded Bracelets 49
on the
designed by Shoshana Rubin
Construct a
sturdy cuff
with Tila beads,
seed beads,
and crystals.
50 www.BeadAndButton.com
Difficulty rating
5 mm Tila bead
b c
f e d Shoshana Rubin
began beading several
years ago to fill the
tremendous hole in her
heart when she lost a
daughter in a car accident. She finds
Add a gentle curve to bands of square Tila beads with seed beading very fulfilling and consoling.
beads and crystals. Beading foundation creates a strong yet After a couple of years, she started
teaching a group of bereaved par-
lightweight core that lends structure to this elegant cuff. ents. She also teaches other groups,
like women’s organizations and
stepbystep Tila bead. Leaving a bicone crystal, and sew classes in an artisan craft store.
6-in. (15 cm) tail, sew through the open hole Shoshana lives in Israel. Contact
On many Tila beads, one through the other hole of of the next Tila bead her at shoshir100@gmail.com.
surface is more rounded the same Tila and the first (figure 2, a–b). Repeat
than the other. Try to hole again (figure 1, a–b). this stitch for the length
keep all the rounded sides [2] Pick up two 110 seed of the beadwork (b–c). www For more projects using
on the same surface of beads and a Tila bead [4] Pick up a Tila bead, Tila beads, visit our website,
each wall as you stitch. 26 times (b–c). Sew and sew through the www.BeadAndButton.com, and
The flat surface will be through both holes of second hole of the adja- search for “Tila.”
the outward-facing surface the last Tila, ending with cent Tila in the previous
of each wall. your thread exiting the row and the new Tila
second hole, pointing (figure 3, a–b).
Outer wall toward the other end [5] Pick up two 110s
[1] On 2 yd. (1.8 m) of of the beadwork (c–d). and a Tila bead, and sew
thread, pick up a 5 mm [3] Pick up a 3 mm through the second hole
25 Beaded Bracelets 51
52 www.BeadAndButton.com
e f g
25 Beaded Bracelets 53
Look closely to see the zigzagging lines of SuperDuos
in a monochromatic bracelet, or work in multiple colors
to really highlight the pattern.
designed by Svetlana Chernitsky
54 www.BeadAndButton.com
Difficulty rating
d multicolor bracelet
Row 1 c
Row 2 • 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo beads
- 4 g color A (luster opaque amethyst)
- 3 g color B (light bronze pearl)
- 3 g color C (pastel lime)
- 4 g color D (chalk green luster)
• 3 mm drop beads (Toho 1627F,
opaque rainbow frosted khaki)
d • 110 seed beads (Miyuki 4202,
Duracoat galvanized gold)
To make a four-color bracelet,
pick up the following beads in
stepbystep next SuperDuo in the previous row step 2: a color A 2.5 x 5 mm
(figure 2, a–b). SuperDuo bead, an 110 seed
The instructions below are for the single- • Pick up an 110 and a SuperDuo, and bead, two color B 2.5 x 5 mm
color bracelet. To adjust the steps to sew through the open hole of the next SuperDuo beads, an 110, two
make the four-color bracelet, see the SuperDuo in the previous row (b–c). color C 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo
Design Alternative at right. Repeat this stitch twice (c–d). beads, an 110, and three color D
• Pick up a SuperDuo (d–e). 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo beads.
[1] On 2½ yd. (2.3 m) of thread, attach [4] Work row 4 as follows: Continue working as in steps 3
a stop bead (Basics, p. 80), leaving a • Pick up an 110, a drop, and an 110, and 4, always picking up the
10-in. (25 cm) tail. and sew through the open hole of the color SuperDuo you are about
[2] Pick up a 2.5 x 5 mm SuperDuo last SuperDuo added in the previous to sew through. Then work
bead, an 110 seed bead, two SuperDuos, step (figure 3, a–b). steps 5–6, this time picking up
an 110, two SuperDuos, an 110, and • Pick up a SuperDuo, and sew through the color SuperDuo your thread
three SuperDuos. Orient the beads as the open hole of the next SuperDuo in is exiting. Repeat steps 3–6
shown in figure 1; the SuperDuos point- the previous row (b–c). in this alternating manner.
ing to the left will be row 1, and the • Pick up an 110 and a SuperDuo, and
SuperDuos pointing to the right will sew through the open hole of the next
be row 2. SuperDuo in the previous row (c–d). www To view videos of the
[3] Work row 3 as follows: Repeat this stitch twice (d–e). techniques referenced in this
• Pick up an 110, a 3.4 mm drop [5] Work row 5 as follows: story (plus other techniques!), visit
bead, an 110, and a SuperDuo, and • Pick up an 110, a drop, an 110, and www.BeadAndButton.com/videos.
sew through the open hole of the a SuperDuo, and sew through the open
25 Beaded Bracelets 55
a e d
d b
c c
d a
b d b
hole of the last SuperDuo added [7] Repeat steps 3–6 for the desired [9] Complete the first row as follows:
in the previous step (figure 4, a–b). length bracelet minus the length of • Remove the stop bead from the tail.
• Pick up a SuperDuo and an 110, and the clasp, and end with row 6. Our • Pick up a SuperDuo, an 110, a drop,
sew through the open hole of the next 7½-in. (19.1 cm) finished bracelets and an 110, and sew through the
SuperDuo in the previous row (b–c). have 24 drop beads along each edge open hole of the SuperDuo just added
Repeat this stitch twice (c–d). at this stage. (figure 7, a–b).
• Pick up a SuperDuo (d–e). [8] Complete the last row as follows: • Pick up two 110s, and sew through
[6] Work row 6 as follows: • Pick up an 110, a drop, and two 110s, the open hole of the next SuperDuo
• Pick up an 110, a drop, and an and sew through the open hole of the in the previous row (b–c). Repeat this
110, and sew through the last Super- next SuperDuo in the previous row stitch three times (c–d).
Duo added in the previous step (figure 6, a–b). • Pick up an 110, and sew back through
(figure 5, a–b). • Pick up two 110s, and sew through the last SuperDuo (d–e) and a few more
• Pick up a SuperDuo and an 110, the open hole of the following Super- beads in the row. End the tail.
and sew through the open hole of the Duo (b–c). Repeat this stitch twice (c–d). [10] On one end of the bracelet,
next SuperDuo in the previous row • Pick up an 110, and sew back through use two 4–5 mm jump rings (Basics)
(b–c). Repeat this stitch twice (c–d). the last SuperDuo (d–e) and a few more to attach a toggle ring as shown in
• Pick up a SuperDuo, and sew through beads in the row. End the working photo a. On the other end of the bracelet,
the open hole of the next SuperDuo in thread (Basics). use six jump rings to attach the toggle
the previous row (d–e). bar as show in photo b. w
Svetlana Chernitsky
has been beading for eight
years and loves working
with two-hole beads. Email
her at lirigal@gmail.com,
or visit www.lirigal.com and
a b
56 www.BeadAndButton.com
Pearls &
25 Beaded Bracelets 57
See what blooms when you combine
fire-polished beads, seed beads, and
a sultry (or sophisticated) color palette.
58 www.BeadAndButton.com
Difficulty rating
red/green bracelet* (seven flowers)
6¼ in. (15.9 cm)
• 7 6–7 mm round accent beads (unakite;
a b • 61 4 mm round fire-polished beads
(Czech CZ706, lime green;
• 112 3 mm round fire-polished beads
(Czech FP0216, hyacinth AB;
• 6 g 110 seed beads (Miyuki 313,
cranberry gold luster;
• 1 g 150 seed beads (Miyuki 1889,
transparent golden olive luster;
c d www.caravanbeads.net)
• 1 9⁄16-in. (1.4 cm) shank button (vintage;
antique brass)
• Nymo D beading thread or Fireline,
6 lb. test, conditioned with wax or
Thread Heaven
• beading needles, #12
25 Beaded Bracelets 59
g h i
j k l
60 www.BeadAndButton.com
Show off Swarovski
chessboard crystals
on a band of one- and
two-drop peyote stitch.
designed by Melissa Grakowsky Shippee
25 Beaded Bracelets 61
Difficulty rating
silver bracelet 61⁄4 in. (15.9 cm)
• 4 12 mm crystal chessboard flat-back
squares (Swarovski, aqua/glacier)
• 32 4 mm crystal pearls (Swarovski,
creamrose light)
• 32 3 mm bicone crystals (Swarovski,
Siam AB 2X)
• 16 2 mm glass pearls (Czech, white) FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4
• 110 cylinder beads
- 6 g color A (Toho Treasure 711, tar-
nished silver; www.shipwreckbeads.com) [9] Pick up a color E 150 seed bead,
- 1 g color B (Toho Treasure 405, a 3 mm bicone crystal, and an E, and
silver-lined black diamond; sew through the next three Cs. Repeat
www.shipwreckbeads.com) this stitch three times, but in the last
• 2 g 110 seed beads, color C (Toho 554F, repeat, exit the center D in the three- 12 mm crystal
permanent finish lilac galvanized matte; bead set (figure 9). chessboard square
www.bellomodo.com) [10] Pick up a 2 mm pearl, and sew
• 150 seed beads through the center D in the next three-
- 1 g color D (Toho 2101, ivory opal bead set (figure 10, a–b). Pick up a color 4 mm pearl
silver lined) F 150 seed bead, a 4 mm pearl, and an F,
- 1 g color E (Toho 558, permanent finish and sew through the second D in the next 3 mm bicone crystal
galvanized silver) four-bead set (b–c). Pick up a 2 mm, and
- 2 g color F (Toho 505, higher metallic sew through the third D in the next four- 2 mm pearl
dragonfly; www.beadaholique.com) bead set (c–d). Pick up an F, a 4 mm, and 110 cylinder bead, color A
- 2 g color G (Toho 711, nickel-plated an F, and sew through the center D in
silver) the next three-bead set (d–e). 110 cylinder bead, color B
• 2 1⁄4-in. (6 mm) garment snaps [11] Work as in step 10 to make a 110 seed bead, color C
• Fireline, 4 lb. test mirror image around the other half 150 seed bead, color D
• beading needles, #12 of the crystal, and then sew through
150 seed bead, color E
the beadwork to exit at point f.
topaz bracelet [12] Pick up seven Fs, skip the 4 mm, 150 seed bead, color F
• 12 mm crystal chessboard flat-back and sew through the next F. Push the
squares (Swarovski, golden shadow) seven-bead loop down so it sits below
• 4 mm pearls (Czech, powder olive) the 4 mm. Pick up two Fs, and sew through the beadwork to exit the first
• 3 mm bicone crystals (Swarovski, through the next three Cs. Pick up two two Cs picked up in step 1 (d–e).
sand opal AB 2X) Fs, and sew through the F before the [3] Pick up an E, a 3 mm, and an E,
• 3 mm magatamas in place of the 2 mm next 4 mm. Repeat these stitches three and sew through the center C in the
pearls (Toho 1627, matte opaque times to complete the round (figure 11). next three-bead set. Repeat this stitch
khaki AB) three times to complete the round,
• 110 cylinder beads Hollow embellishment and step up through the first E and
- color A (Toho Treasure 221, bronze) [1] Sew through the beadwork to exit 3 mm added in this round (figure 13).
- color B (Toho Treasure 222, copper) the pair of Bs in row 31 of the base with [4] Pick up an E, and sew through the
• 110 seed beads, color C (Toho 750, your needle pointing toward the second next 3 mm. Repeat this stitch three
metallic copper penny) pair of Bs in this row. Pick up three Cs, times, and continue through the next
• 150 seed beads an F, a 4 mm, an F, and three Cs, and E and the last two Cs in the next three-
- color D (Toho 222, metallic dark sew through the second pair of Bs in bead set picked up in step 1. Your
copper; www.artbeads.com) this row (figure 12, a–b). needle should be pointing toward a side
- color E (Toho 995, dichroic-lined aqua [2] Sew through the beadwork to exit of the embellishment that does not have
blue rainbow; www.artbeads.com) the corresponding pair of Bs in row 35 a 4 mm (figure 14).
- colors F and G (Toho 994, gold-lined (b–c), and work as in step 1, exiting the
rainbow crystal; www.artbeads.com) first pair of Bs in the row (c–d). Sew [5] Pick up an F, a 4 mm, and an F,
62 www.BeadAndButton.com
b d a c e
a c b d
b a f a
c g
d e d e
and sew through the first and third Cs to create a picot, and continue up through
in the next three-bead set. Continue Snap closure the following edge bead. Repeat this
through the following F, 4 mm, F, and [1] Add 12 in. (30 cm) of thread to the stitch once.
the first and third Cs in the next three- starting end of the base. Position one [3] Sew down through the next edge
bead set (figure 15, a–b). half of a snap closure on the back of bead and up through the following edge
[6] Work as in step 5 to make a mirror the base within 3⁄8 in. (1 cm) of the end. bead twice without adding any beads.
image around the other half of the Stitch the snap to the base. Repeat to You will be stitching behind the three
embellishment, and then sew through attach half of the other snap closure Cs added in the crystal square embel-
the beadwork to exit the first F picked on this end. The two snaps should sit lishment, and there will be one cylinder
up in step 5 (b–c). side by side. End the thread. between the embellishment and the
[7] Pick up six Fs, skip the 4 mm, and [2] Work as in step 1 to attach the bead your thread is exiting.
sew through the next F. Pick up two Fs, remaining halves of the snap closures [4] Work as in step 2 to add nine picots
and sew through the following F. Repeat to the top side of the other end of the along this edge, and then work as in
these stitches three times to complete base, making sure they line up with the step 3 to stitch behind the next crystal
the round (figure 16), and sew through snaps on the starting end. Test the fit square embellishment. Continue in this
the beadwork to exit the next edge B before securing the clasps and ending manner to complete this edge, and end
in the base. the thread. the thread.
[8] Work the steps for “Crystal square [5] Work as in steps 1–4 for the remain-
embellishment” and “Hollow embellish- Edging ing edge of the bracelet. w
ment” for the length of the base, work- [1] Add a comfortable length of thread
ing the motifs off of subsequent Bs and to the starting end of the bracelet, and
leaving the last 3⁄8 in. (1 cm) of the base exit the first bead along one edge.
unembellished for the snap closure. [2] Pick up three color G 150 seed beads,
End the thread. sew down through the next edge bead
25 Beaded Bracelets 63
f d
64 www.BeadAndButton.com
Snap closure
[1] Add 12 in. (30 cm) of thread to the
starting end of the base. Position one
half of a snap closure on the back of
the base within 3⁄8 in. (1 cm) of the end.
Stitch the snap to the base. Repeat to
attach half of the other snap closure
on this end. The two snaps should sit
side by side. End the thread.
[2] Work as in step 1 to attach the
remaining halves of the snap closures
to the top side of the other end of the
base, making sure they line up with the
FIGURE 16 snaps on the starting end. Test the fit
before securing the clasps and ending
the thread.
25 Beaded Bracelets 65
Make a checkerboard
bracelet with alternating
crystal dazzlers.
designed by Giorgia Scardini
This bracelet works up quickly, starting with a crossweave base and stitch, sew through the bead-
finishing with alternating four-squares of bicone crystals. Change the work with both needles to
exit opposite ends of a side
width of the cuff to make it as dainty or deluxe as you like. group of four As (figure 3,
a–b and aa–bb).
stepbystep line, and cross both needles As picked up with the first [5] With the top needle, pick
through the last four 110s needle (figure 2). up 12 As. With the bottom
Base to form a square (figure 1). [3] Repeat step 2 for the needle, cross through the last
[1] Thread a needle on each [2] With one needle, pick desired length of the bracelet. four As just picked up (b–c
end of a comfortable length up eight As. With the other The bronze/silver bracelet and bb–cc).
of Fireline. Center 16 color A needle, pick up four As, and above is 23 stitches long. [6] With the right-hand nee-
110 seed beads on the Fire- cross through the last four [4] After completing the last dle, pick up eight As. With the
66 www.BeadAndButton.com
aa a Difficulty rating
b bronze/silver bracelet 71⁄4 in.
c (18.4 cm)
• 276 4 mm bicone crystals
(Swarovski, comet argent light)
• 110 seed beads
- 15 g color A (Toho 221, bronze)
4 mm bicone crystal - 1 g color B (Toho 711, nickel)
• 1 6-strand slide clasp
110 seed bead, color A FIGURE 2
• Fireline, 6 lb. test
110 seed bead, color B • beading needles, #12
For a more casual look,
make this bracelet nar-
rower (stitch fewer rows
and use a smaller clasp)
or use pearls instead of
dd d
aa a Giorgia
Scardini was
born in Rome.
She is a multi-
cc media artist who now lives
b bb in Pleasant Hill, California,
with her husband, son,
bb b and dog. To see more
of her work or contact
Giorgia, visit her website,
a aa www.giorgiajewelry.com.
left-hand needle, sew through Embellishment [3] Sew through the base [7] Place half of a clasp
the next four As in the previ- and clasp with both needles to skip along the end of the base
ous row, and cross through [1] Center a comfortable a stitch (c–d and cc–dd). your threads are exiting.
the last four As just picked length of Fireline through [4] Repeat steps 2 and 3 With either thread, sew
up (figure 4, a–b and aa–bb). four As in a corner stitch. for the length of the row. through the base to exit
[7] Repeat step 6 for the [2] With each needle, pick [5] Sew through the base an A nearest the first loop
length of the base. up a 4 mm bicone crystal. to exit a stitch in the next of the clasp. Sew through
[8] Repeat steps 4–7 to With one needle, pick up row that is offset from the the loop, sew back into the
make a total of six rows. a color B 110 seed bead, last stitch you embellished base, and retrace the thread
End the threads (Basics, and cross the other needle in the previous row. Work path through the loop. Attach
p. 80) as needed, and add through it (figure 5, a–b and as in steps 2 and 3 to embel- the other loops in the same
a new thread by centering aa–bb). With each needle, lish this row. manner, and end the threads.
it through the last four As pick up a 4 mm, and cross [6] Continue to embellish Add a new thread to the
added. End the threads both needles through the the remaining rows, follow- other end of the base, and
when you complete the base. opposite four As in the same ing the established pattern. attach the other half of the
base stitch (b–c and bb–cc). End and add thread as needed. clasp. w
25 Beaded Bracelets 67
Rondelle rendition
Jazz up a peyote band with sparkling embellishments
and a delicate picot edging.
designed by Beth Moser
stepbystep You will have four pairs of up-beads [3] Sew through the beadwork to exit
in each row. the third A picked up in row 4. Pick
Band [3] Work as in step 2 to create a band up six As, and sew through the third A
[1] On a comfortable length of thread, that is 1-in. (2.5 cm) shorter than the picked up in row 3 to form a loop (h–i).
attach a stop bead (Basics, p. 80), leav- desired length of the bracelet, ending Retrace the thread path through the
ing a 12-in. (30 cm) tail. Pick up 16 and adding thread (Basics) as needed. loop several times, and end the thread.
color A 110 seed beads. These beads [4] Remove the stop bead, and repeat
will shift to form the first two rows Tabs steps 1–3 with the tail on the other
as the next row is added. [1] To work row 1 of the tab: Sew end of the band.
[2] Work row 3 in two-drop peyote through the beadwork to exit the first
stitch as follows: Pick up two As, skip pair of up-beads in the last row with Embellishments
the last two As in the previous row, the needle pointing toward the opposite [1] Add a comfortable length of thread
and sew through the next two As edge (figure 1, d–e). Work two stitches to the band, and exit the pair of edge As
(figure 1, a–b). Repeat this stitch three in two-drop peyote (e–f). in row 2 with the needle pointing toward
times to complete the row (b–c). [2] Work rows 2–4 as in row 1 (f–g). the opposite edge. Pick up two 150 seed
68 www.BeadAndButton.com
Difficulty rating
g h i
row 3 row 4
row 2
tab row 1
e f Materials
d turquoise bracelet 61⁄2 in. (16.5 cm) *
• 30–35 3 x 4 mm fire-polished rondelles
(Czech, bronze)
• 110 seed beads
- 6–7 g color A (Miyuki 412D, turquoise
row 8 blue opaque)
row 7 row 6
row 5 - 2 g color B (Miyuki 457G, bronze
row 4
row 3 c metallic)
b a • 2 g 110 triangle beads (Toho 378A, light
aqua/bronze lined)
FIGURE 1 • 2 g 150 seed beads (Miyuki 457G,
bronze metallic)
• 2 6 mm jump rings (antique brass)
• 1 lobster claw clasp (antique brass)
• nylon beading thread, such as One-G
• beading needles, #10 or #11
row 8 • 2 pairs of pliers
row 7
d row 6
b row 5 row 4 optional extension chain
row 3 row 2
row 1 • 1 in. (2.5 cm) chain (antique brass)
a • 1-in. (2.5 cm) head pin (antique brass)
• roundnose pliers
• wire cutters
green bracelet
FIGURE 2 • 3 x 4 mm fire-polished rondelles
(Czech, bronze)
• 110 seed beads
- color A (Miyuki F374M, jonquil/green
beads, two As, an 110 triangle bead, aqua matte lined)
a 3 x 4 mm rondelle, a triangle, two As, - color B (Miyuki 457G, dark brown
3 x 4 mm rondelle
and two 150s, and sew through the pair metallic luster)
of edge As in row 3 (figure 2, a–b). 110 seed bead, color A • 80 seed beads, in place of triangle beads
[2] Sew through the beadwork to exit 110 triangle bead
(Czech, green AB)
the pair of edge As in row 7 (b–c). Pick • 150 seed beads (Miyuki 457G, dark
up the bead pattern established in step 1, 150 seed bead brown metallic luster)
and sew through the pair of edge As in
row 6 (c–d). *All beads for the turquoise bracelet
[3] Continue to work as in steps 1 Clasp available at www.beyondbeadery.com.
and 2 for the remainder of the band, [1] Open a 6 mm jump ring (Basics),
skipping an edge row between each and attach the lobster claw clasp to
pair of embellishments. End and add the loop at one end of the bracelet. Beth Moser is an
thread as needed. [2] Open a 6 mm jump ring, and award-winning bead
[4] Sew through the beadwork to exit attach it to the loop at the other end designer. She never
an A along one edge of the band. Pick of the bracelet. sketches her designs but
up three color B 110 seed beads, sew [3] Optional chain and dangle embel- visualizes them as she
down through the next edge A, and sew lishment: Attach a 1-in. (2.5 cm) piece stitches. To see more of her work, visit
up through the following A. Repeat this of chain to the jump ring from step 2. www.bethmoserdesigns.etsy.com or
stitch for the length of this edge. Sew On a head pin, string a rondelle, and www.facebook.com/bethmoserdesigns.
through the beadwork to the other edge, make the first half of a wrapped loop Contact her at cabmoser@verizon.net.
and repeat this step. End the thread. (Basics). Attach the available end of the
chain, and complete the wraps. w
25 Beaded Bracelets 69
Embellish a
bangle with
a whimsical
of beads from
your stash.
designed by Jayashree Paramesh
70 www.BeadAndButton.com
c Difficulty rating
a b
c Materials
b green/purple bangle 21⁄4-in. (5.7 cm)
d inside diameter
• 32 4 mm fire-polished beads (Czech,
a c
opaque lime green)
• 96 3 mm bicone crystals (Swarovski,
b a astral pink AB)
FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 • 96 2 mm round beads (hematite)
• 20 g 100 triangle beads (Miyuki 0484,
purple-lined transparent amethyst)
4 mm fire-polished bead • 3 g 110 seed beads in each of 3 colors:
- color A (Czech, lime green)
100 triangle bead - color B (Czech, antique gold)
- color C (Czech, peach-lined amber)
110 seed bead, color A
• 3 g 150 seed beads (Czech, antique gold)
110 seed bead, color B • 8–9 in. (20–23 cm) 4 mm rubber cord
150 seed bead • Fireline, 8 lb. test
• beading needles, #10 and #12
This bangle is a textural delight, with smooth seed beads, blue/pink bangle
faceted fire-polished accents, bicones, triangle beads, and • 4 mm fire-polished beads (Czech,
blue turquoise)
any other shapes you can find a place for! Go bold with • 3 mm bicone crystals (Swarovski,
contrasting colors, as in the green/purple bangle. air-blue opal)
• 80 seed beads, in place of 2 mm round
stepbystep beads (Miyuki 592, ivory pearl Ceylon)
[3] Repeat step 2 to make a strip long • 100 triangle beads in 2 colors:
This bangle is made using a very firm enough to fit around the widest part top strip (Miyuki 1529, sparkle light blue
tension throughout. of your hand, ending and adding thread lined), bottom strip (Miyuki 51667, pink-
(Basics) as needed. Our strip is 96 rows lined transparent amethyst)
Herringbone bangle long and measures 9½ in. (24.1 cm). • 110 seed beads in 3 colors:
Bottom herringbone strip This makes a bangle with a 21⁄4-in. - color A (Miyuki 1457, dyed emerald
[1] On a comfortable length of thread (5.7 cm) inside diameter. To increase silver-lined dark sapphire)
and leaving a 6-in. (15 cm) tail, work or decrease the diameter, add or omit - color B (Miyuki 592, ivory pearl Ceylon)
in ladder stitch (Basics, p. 80) to make rows in multiples of three. - color C (Miyuki 395C, raspberry-lined rose)
a four-bead ladder using 100 triangle [4] Join the ends of the strip: Make sure • 150 seed beads (Miyuki 352, fuchsia-lined
beads (figure 1, a–b). Zigzag back the strip is not twisted, and zigzag back aqua luster)
through the ladder to line up the beads and forth through the triangles in the
evenly (b–c). Your thread should be last row and the first row. Retrace the
exiting the first bead opposite the tail. thread path of the join (figure 3), and Jayashree Paramesh
This forms the first row of the bottom end the working thread and tail. was introduced to the
herringbone strip. world of beads through
[2] Work in flat herringbone stitch as Top herringbone strip a bead-embroidery
follows: Pick up two triangles, sew down Beginning with a six-bead ladder, work class she took while
through the next bead in the previous as in steps 1–3 of “Bottom herringbone a student at Parsons School of Design.
row (figure 2, a–b), and sew up through strip” to make another strip with the She is inspired by fine jewelry and
the following bead (b–c). Pick up two same number of rows. Do not join the loves to use gold or silver alongside
triangles, and sew down through the ends or end the working thread. crystals and gemstones in her designs.
next bead in the previous row. To make To see more of her work, visit
the turn and get into position to start Cord www.nchantme.com, or contact
the next row: Pick up a color A 110 Cut a piece of 4 mm rubber cord her at jay@nchantme.com.
seed bead, and sew up through the last to the same length as the bottom
triangle in the new row (c–d). herringbone strip.
25 Beaded Bracelets 71
top strip
a b c
d e f
72 www.BeadAndButton.com
ST. PETERSBURG CHAIN Stitch layers of offset
leaves in a bracelet
inspired by the crochet
technique known as
crocodile stitch.
by Julia Gerlach
25 Beaded Bracelets 73
e c
d c b a c
d c
stepbystep [5] Continue in herringbone using [6] Pick up four A 110s, and sew
B 3 mms for 17 more rows. Work a through the first two beads again so
Base ladder stitch thread path through the the third and fourth beads form an
[1] On 2 yd. (1.8 m) of thread and last row without adding any beads. adjacent column. Slide the new beads
leaving an 18-in. (46 cm) tail, work End the working thread (Basics) but tight to the existing chain (figure 4).
in ladder stitch (Basics, p. 80) using not the tail. [7] Pick up an A 150, and sew back
color B 3 mm fire-polished beads to through the next three 110s in the same
make a ladder that is eight beads wide. Leaves column (figure 5, a–b).
[2] Working in flat herringbone stitch First row [8] Pick up an A 3 mm, and sew through
(Basics), work 17 rows with B 3 mms, [1] Add a comfortable length of thread the two 110s in the new column (b–c).
using three color A 150 seed beads to (Basics) at one end of the base, exiting [9] Pick up three A 110s, skip the last
make each turn. the edge bead in the second-to-last row 110, and sew back through the previous
[3] Work the first herringbone stitch of with your needle pointing toward the four 110s plus the next 3 mm, 110, and
the next row (figure 1, a–b). Work the nearest end of the band. 3 mm. Continue down through the
next stitch, but substitute four A 150s and [2] Pick up two color A 110 seed beads. base row 110 your thread exited at the
the shank of a 26 mm button for the sec- Sew through the first 110 again, and start of step 3, and sew up through
ond 3 mm (b–c). Pick up an A 150, and position them side by side. Snug the the adjacent base row 110 (figure 6).
sew through the middle two 150s and the beads to the herringbone base. These [10] Repeat steps 3–5, but in step 5,
button shank from the previous stitch. two beads will be referred to as the instead of picking up a 3 mm, sew
Pick up an A 150 and a B 3 mm, and base row. through the first 3 mm added on
complete the third stitch (c–d). Work the [3] Pick up five A 110s, and sew the other side (figure 7).
fourth stitch and the turn as usual (d–e). through the second and third beads [11] Repeat steps 6–8, but in step 8,
[4] For the next row, return to stitching again so the fourth and fifth beads instead of picking up a 3 mm, sew
in herringbone using B 3 mms, but after form an adjacent column (figure 2). through the remaining 3 mm on the
picking up two beads for the second [4] Pick up a color A 150 seed bead, other side (figure 8).
stitch, sew down through the corre- and sew back through the next three [12] Pick up two A 110s, and sew
sponding four 150s and the 3 mm in the 110s in the same column (figure 3, a–b). through the tip 110 on the other side.
previous row. Sew up through the adja- [5] Pick up a color A 3 mm fire- Sew back through the two 110s just
cent 3 mm and four 150s. Work two polished bead, and sew through the added and the following two 110s,
more stitches to complete the row. two 110s in the new column (b–c). 3 mm, 110, and 3 mm. Continue through
74 www.BeadAndButton.com
Difficulty rating
3 mm fire-polished bead
110 seed bead
150 seed bead
bracelet 7½ in. (19.1 cm)
• 1 26 mm metal button (gold Renais-
sance; www.naturaltouchbeads.com)
• 3 mm fire-polished beads (Czech)
- 32 color A (rose gold topaz opaque
luster; www.eurekacrystalbeads.com)
c - 322 color B (green opaque luster;
b - 20 color C (sea blue stone;
• 2 g 110 seed beads in each of 3 colors:
- color A (Toho Y184, rosy topaz hybrid
FIGURE 12 FIGURE 13 opaque gold luster)
- color B (Toho 221, metallic bronze)
the base row 110 from which you started Clasp - color C (Toho 1207, marbled opaque
this side of the leaf (figure 9). [1] With the 18-in. (46 cm) tail exiting turquoise blue)
[13] Zigzag through the next three an edge 3 mm on one end of the base, • 1 g 150 seed beads in each of 3 colors:
3 mms in the base (figure 10, a–b). pick up two 110s, sew down through - color A (Toho 221, metallic bronze)
Sew under an adjacent thread bridge, the next 3 mm, and sew up through the - color B (Toho 2110, silver-lined milky
and then sew back through the bead 3 mm your thread exited at the start of light topaz)
your thread just exited (b–c). this step and the first 110 just picked - color C (Miyuki 217, forest green-
[14] Begin another leaf as in steps 2–5 up (figure 11, a–b). Working off of the lined crystal)
but in step 4, sew through the corre- newly added 110s instead of 3 mms, • 1 clasp
sponding 150 on the previous leaf repeat this stitch (b–c). Continue in this • 2 4–6 mm jump rings
instead of picking up a new one (c–d). manner until you have a strip with a • Fireline, 6 lb. test
Continue as in steps 6–13, but in step 7, total of 11 rows. Test the bracelet for fit, • beading needles, #12
sew through the corresponding 150 on keeping in mind the size of the clasp, • 2 pairs of pliers
the previous leaf. and adjust the number of rows if needed.
[15] Make a third leaf as in step 14. Pick up an 110, and sew down through
the entire adjacent column of 110s and Julia Gerlach
Subsequent rows a 3 mm (figure 12, a–b). Zigzag through is the editor of
[1] Sew through the base to exit the the end row of 3 mms, sew under the Bead&Button
third bead from the edge in the fourth adjacent thread bridge, and exit the end magazine. Contact
row from the end, with your needle 3 mm (b–c). Repeat this step on the her at jgerlach@
pointing toward the previous row of other edge of the base. beadandbutton.com.
leaves. Using color B 110s, 150s, and [2] Sew through the beadwork to exit
3 mms, stitch a row of two leaves one of the single 110s at the tip of a
but do not skip a base bead between strip with the needle pointing away
the leaves; instead, attach the leaves from the other strip. Pick up five 110s, www To watch a video on working
to the center four beads in the row. and sew through both tip 110s to form in St. Petersburg chain, go to
[2] Sew through the beadwork to a ring (figure 13). Retrace the thread www.BeadAndButton.com/videos.
exit the edge bead in the sixth row path through the ring several times,
from the end. Stitch a three-leaf row and end the tail.
using color C 110s, 150s, and 3 mms. [3] Open a 4–6 mm jump ring (Basics),
[3] Ending and adding thread as and attach half of the clasp to the seed
needed, continue alternating two- bead ring.
and three-leaf rows following the [4] Add 18 in. (46 cm) of thread to
established A-B-C color pattern until the other end of the base, and repeat
you have eight rows of leaves on one steps 1–3. w
end of the band. End the thread.
[4] Repeat to work eight rows of
leaves on the other end of the band.
25 Beaded Bracelets 75
costume bracelet
Swanky Swarovski stones and
bicone bezels are in vogue.
76 www.BeadAndButton.com
Difficulty rating
A vintage costume-jewelry bracelet, with big stones and
a supple band, is a fabulous find at a flea market or
auction. Now you can replicate that look without Materials
having to hunt and haggle! Simply bezel a string bracelet with 18 x 13 mm stones
of crystal stones with — you guessed it — more 7 in. (18 cm)
• 8 18 x 13 mm step-cut fancy stones
crystals, and you have a bauble worthy of a fun (Swarovski article #4527; tanzanite,
night on the town or evening at the opera. light amethyst, erinite, light Azore)
• 576 3 mm bicone crystals (Swarovski,
stepbystep crystal comet argent light)
Bracelet with • 6 g 80 seed beads (Toho 711, nickel;
Before buying any of the supplies for 18 x 13 mm stones www.artbeads.com)
your bracelet, make sure you can find the Bezeled stones • 1 g 150 seed beads (Toho 29B,
Swarovski article #4527 18 x 13 mm [1] On 1½ yd. (1.4 m) of thread, pick silver-lined gray; www.artbeads.com)
step-cut fancy stones. Stones like those up four 3 mm bicone crystals. Tie the • 1 2-strand slide clasp
used at left are usually sold wholesale beads into a ring with a square knot • Fireline, 6 lb. test
(in packs of 48, 72, or more pieces). (Basics, p. 80), leaving a 6-in. (15 cm) • beading needles, #10
Find some cool projects for the extra tail, and sew through all the beads again.
stones or share your leftovers with your [2] To work row 1 of the bezel: Work bead colors in photos a–l
beady friends. For more budget-friendly a strip of right-angle weave (Basics) • 18 x 13 mm step-cut fancy stones
alternatives, check out these sources: using 3 mms until you have a total of 17 (Swarovski article #4527; burgundy and
• www.ebay.com and www.etsy.com stitches, including the ring from step 1. crystal golden shadow; www.ejoyce.com)
both offered (as of publication) stones Sew through the beadwork to exit the • 3 mm bicone crystals (Swarovski,
in the designer’s colors, sold either indi- last 3 mm along one edge (photo a). crystal Dorado 2X)
vidually or in small quantities. Keep in [3] To work row 2 of the bezel: Pick • 80 seed beads
mind, though, that eBay and Etsy stores up a 3 mm, an 80 seed bead, and a 3 (Miyuki 2, silver-lined light gold)
do not have indefinite supplies. mm, and sew through the 3 mm your • 150 seed beads
• www.ejoyce.com offers the stones thread exited at the start of this step. (Miyuki 193, 24kt gold light plated)
in a different palette: burgundy, crystal Working off the top edge of row 1,
golden shadow, crystal silver shadow, continue in right-angle weave, picking bracelet with 14 x 10 mm stones
crystal, and smoky quartz. The stones up an 80 at the top of every stitch 7 in. (18 cm), (like the two shown at the
are sold individually. (photo b). bottom of photo m on p. 79)
• www.firemountaingems.com sells the [4] To join the ends of row 2: Pick up • 10 14 x 10 mm step-cut fancy stones
stones in the 14 x 10 mm size. Colors an 80, and sew through the 3 mm at the (Swarovski article #4527, Montana
include: light Azore, crystal, crystal AB, other end of row 2. Pick up a 3 mm, and crystal golden shadow;
crystal golden shadow, Montana, and and sew through the 3 mm your thread www.firemountaingems.com)
light amethyst. The stones are sold indi- exited at the start of this step (photo c). • 560 3 mm bicone crystals (Swarovski,
vidually, in packs of four, or in packs Retrace the thread path of the join, exit- crystal comet argent light)
of 72. If you choose this size stone, use ing the 3 mm added in this step. Sew • 5 g 110 seed beads
the “Bracelet with 14 x 10 mm stones” through the next end 3 mm in row 1 (Miyuki 1, silver-lined crystal)
instructions and materials list for adapted (photo d). • 1 g 150 seed beads
steps and bead counts. (Miyuki 551, gilt-lined white opal)
• 1 2-strand slide clasp
• Fireline, 6 lb. test
• beading needles, #10
a b
25 Beaded Bracelets 77
c d e
f g h
i j
[5] To join the ends of row 1: Pick up stitch twice to add a total of three 80s
a 3 mm, sew through the 3 mm at the (photo h). Make sure the 80s added in
other end of row 1, and continue through this step are positioned directly opposite
the 3 mm added in the previous step. the 150s on the front of the bezel.
Retrace the thread path of the join, exit- [10] Using loose tension, sew through
ing the 3 mm added in this step (photo e). the next six 80s, and then repeat step 9
[6] Pick up a 150 seed bead, and sew (photo i). This is the back of the bezel,
through the next 3 mm along this edge. and the 80s added in these steps will be
Repeat this stitch twice to add a total the connector 80s.
of three 150s (photo f). [11] Insert an 18 x 13 mm stone into the
[7] Sew through the next six edge 3 mms, bezel so that the front of it is against the
and then repeat step 6. Sew through all front of the bezel (photo j). Sew through
the 3 mms and 150s along this edge, all the 80s on the back of the bezel to
using tight tension (photo g). This is the tighten it around the stone. End the tail
front of the bezel. (Basics) but not the working thread.
[8] Sew through the beadwork to the 80s [12] Make eight bezeled stones.
on the back of the bezel, and exit so that
you are in position to add a bead directly Assembly
opposite a 150 on the front. [1] Lay out your bezeled stones in the
[9] Pick up an 80, and sew through the desired order, and turn them upside
next 80 along this edge. Repeat this down so their backs are facing up.
78 www.BeadAndButton.com
k l
Bracelet with
14 x 10 mm stones
Note the difference in size between
the 18 x 13 mm stones (photo m, top)
and the 14 x 10 mm stones (photo m,
bottom). You may find that you prefer
the daintier size stone for your bracelet.
Bezeled stones
Work as in steps 1–12 of “Bezeled stones”
above with the following changes:
• In step 2, work row 1 until it has just
13 stitches, including the ring from step 1.
[2] Using the working thread from an • In steps 3 and 4, replace the 80s with
end stone, sew through the beadwork to 110 seed beads.
exit an outer connector 80. Sew through • In step 7, sew through just four 3 mms
one loop of the clasp, continue through before repeating step 6.
the next connector 80, sew through the • In step 8, sew through the beadwork to
other loop of the clasp, and continue the 110s on the back of the bezel, and exit
through the following connector 80 so that you are in position to add a bead
(photo k). Retrace the clasp connection. directly opposite a 150 on the front.
[3] Sew through the beadwork to the • In step 9, replace the 80s with 110s.
other side of the stone, exiting an outer • In step 10, sew through just four 110s
connector 80. Using 80s, stitch three rows before repeating step 9.
of flat odd-count peyote stitch (Basics) • In step 12, make a total of 10
off the connector 80s, and zip up (Basics) bezeled stones.
to the connector 80s on the next bezeled
stone (photo l). Retrace the thread path Assembly
of the join, and end the working thread. Work as in steps 1–4 of “Assembly”
[4] Using the working thread of the with the following changes: Marion Leffler took
new bezeled stone, work as in step 3 • In step 2, the connector 80s you a bead-crochet class
to connect the next stone. Continue sew through will be connector 110s. in 2004, and quickly
working in this manner until all the • In step 3, use 110s to stitch seven became addicted. Now
stones are connected. Using the last rows of odd-count peyote stitch before she runs her own bead
remaining working thread, attach the zipping up to the connector 110s on store in Kassel, Germany,
other half of the clasp as in step 2. the next bezeled stone. w called Perlensucht (which,
not surprisingly, means “bead addic-
tion” in English). Email Marion at
perlensucht@hotmail.de, or visit
25 Beaded Bracelets 79
BASICS all you need to know to get started
Conditioning thread Square knot [4] To work the next row, pick up two beads,
Use beeswax or microcrystalline wax (not [1] Cross one end sew down through the next bead in the pre-
candle wax or paraffin) or Thread Heaven of the thread over and vious row, and sew up through the following
to condition nylon beading thread and under the other end. Pull bead (b–c). Continue adding pairs of beads
Fireline. Wax smooths nylon fibers and both ends to tighten the across the row.
adds tackiness that will stiffen your bead- first half of the knot.
work slightly. Thread Heaven adds a static [2] Cross the first end b c
charge that causes the thread to repel itself, of the thread over and a
so don’t use it with doubled thread. Both under the other end.
conditioners help thread resist wear. Pull both ends to tighten
To condition, stretch nylon thread to the knot. To turn without having thread show on
remove the curl (you don’t need to stretch the edge, pick up an accent or smaller bead
Fireline). Lay the thread or Fireline on top Attaching a stop bead before you sew through the last bead of the
of the conditioner, hold it in place with Use a stop bead to secure pair you just added.
your thumb or finger, and pull the thread beads temporarily when you
through the conditioner. begin stitching. Choose a Ladder stitch
bead that is different from the Making a ladder
Adding thread beads in your project. Pick up the [1] Pick up two a b
To add a thread, sew into the beadwork stop bead, leaving the desired length tail. beads, and sew through
several rows or rounds prior to the point Sew through the stop bead again in the them both again, posi-
where the last bead was added, leaving a same direction, making sure you don’t tioning the beads side by c
short tail. Follow the thread path of the split the thread inside the bead. If desired, side so that their holes are parallel (a–b).
stitch, tying a few half-hitch knots (see sew through the bead one more time for [2] Add subsequent beads by picking up
“Half-hitch knot”) between beads as you added security. one bead, sewing through the previous
go, and exit where the last stitch ended. bead, and then sewing through the new
Trim the short tail. STITCHES bead (b–c). Continue for the desired
length ladder.
Ending thread Herringbone stitch This technique
To end a thread, sew back through the Flat strip produces uneven
last few rows or rounds of beadwork, [1] Work the first row in ladder stitch tension, which you
following the thread path of the stitch (see “Ladder stitch: Making a ladder”) can correct by zigzag-
and tying two or three half-hitch knots to the desired length using an even ging back through the beads
(see “Half-hitch knot”) between beads number of beads, and exit the top of in the opposite direction.
as you go. Sew through a few beads after the last bead added.
the last knot, and trim the thread. Forming a ring
a With your thread exiting the last bead
Half-hitch knot c b
in the ladder, sew through the first bead
Pass the needle under the of the ladder, and then sew through the
thread bridge between two [2] Pick up two beads, and sew down last bead again.
beads, and pull gently until through the next bead in the previous row
a loop forms. Cross back (a–b). Sew up through the following bead Peyote stitch
over the thread between in the previous row, pick up two beads, and Flat even-count
the beads, sew through sew down through the next bead (b–c). [1] Pick up an e
the loop, and pull gently Repeat across the first row. even number of d c
to draw the knot into the [3] To turn to start the next row, sew beads, leaving the a b
beadwork. down through the end bead in the previous desired length tail
row and back through the last bead of the (a–b). These beads will shift to form
pair just added (a–b). the first two rows as the third row is added.
[2] To begin row 3, pick up a bead, skip
the last bead added in the previous step,
and sew back through the next bead,
working toward the tail (b–c). For each
stitch, pick up a bead, skip a bead in the
80 www.BeadAndButton.com
previous row, and sew through the next Three-drop Circular
bead until you reach the first bead picked Work three-drop peyote stitch the same Circular peyote is also worked in continu-
up in step 1 (c–d). The beads added in way as basic flat peyote, but treat trios ous rounds like tubular peyote, but the
this row are higher than the previous of beads as if they were single beads. rounds stay flat and radiate outward from
rows and are referred to as “up-beads.” [1] To work in even-count three-drop the center as a result of increases or using
[3] For each stitch in subsequent rows, peyote, pick up an even number of beads larger beads. If the rounds do not increase,
pick up a bead, and sew through the next that is divisible by three. For odd-count the edges will curve upward.
up-bead in the previous row (d–e). To count three-drop peyote, pick up an odd number
peyote stitch rows, add the total number of of beads that is divisible by three. Zipping up
beads along both straight edges. [2] To begin row 3, pick up three beads, or joining
skip the last three beads added in step 1, To join two pieces of
Flat odd-count and sew back through the next three beads. flat peyote invisibly,
Odd-count peyote is the same as even- Repeat this stitch across the row. match up the two pieces
count peyote, except for the turn on [3] For subsequent rows, pick up and sew so the end rows fit
odd-numbered rows, where the last through three beads per stitch. Work each together. “Zip up” the
bead of the row can’t be attached in the turn the same as in regular flat peyote, pieces by zigzagging
usual way because there is no up-bead using the odd-count turn if you began through the up-beads
to sew through. with an odd number of beads. on both ends.
[1] Begin as for flat even-count
peyote, but pick up an odd number Tubular Right-angle weave
of beads. Work row 3 as in even-count, Tubular peyote stitch follows the same Flat strip
stopping before adding the last bead. stitching pattern as flat peyote, but instead [1] Pick up four beads,
[2] Work a of sewing back and forth in rows, you work and tie them into a ring
figure-8 turn 8 7 in rounds. with a square knot
at the end of [1] Pick up an even number of beads, (see “Square knot”), leav-
row 3: Sew and tie them into a ring with a square ing the desired length tail. Sew through
through the 2 knot (see “Square knot”), leaving the the first three beads again. This is the first
first bead 1 3 desired length tail. stitch of the strip.
picked up in step 1 (bead #1). Pick up the [2] Sew through the first bead in the [2] Pick up three c
last bead of the row you’re working on ring. Pick up a bead, skip beads. Sew through the
(bead #8), and sew through beads #2, #3, a bead in the ring, and last bead in the previ- b
#7, #2, #1, and #8. sew through the next ous stitch (a–b), and a
You can work this turn at the end of bead. Repeat this stitch continue through the
each odd-numbered row, but this edge to complete the round. Knot first two beads picked up
will be stiffer than the other. Instead, in [3] To step up to start in this stitch (b–c).
subsequent odd-numbered rows, pick up the next round, sew through the first [3] Continue
the last bead of the row, sew under the bead added in this round (a–b). working as in step
thread bridge [4] Pick up a bead, and sew through 2, adding three
between the last the next bead in round 3 (b–c). beads per stitch,
two edge beads, Repeat this stitch to com- Round 4
until the first row
and sew back plete the round. Round 3 is the desired length. You are stitching in a
through the last [5] Repeat c b figure-8 pattern, alternating the direction
bead added to steps 3 and 4 of the thread path for each stitch.
begin the next row. for the desired
Round 1
length tube. Round 2
25 Beaded Bracelets 81
Wrapped loop Crimping
[1] Using chainnose Use crimp beads to secure flexible
pliers, make a right- beading wire. Slide the crimp bead
angle bend in the wire into place, and squeeze it firmly with
about 2 mm above a chainnose pliers to flatten it. Or, for a
knot bead or other compo- more finished look, use crimping pliers:
nent or at least 1¼ in. [1] Position the crimp
(3.2 cm) from the end bead in the hole that is
Tie the end of a length of thread to the of a piece of wire. closest to the handle of
first warp thread near the spring at the [2] Position the jaws of the crimping pliers.
top or bottom of the loom. Bring the the roundnose pliers in [2] Holding the wires
needle under the warp threads. String the bend. The closer to apart, squeeze the pli-
the first row of beads as shown on the the tip of the pliers that ers to compress the
pattern, and slide them to the knot. you work, the smaller crimp bead, making
the loop will be. sure one wire is on
[3] Curve the short each side of the dent.
end of the wire over the [3] Place the crimp
top jaw of the round- bead in the front hole
nose pliers. of the pliers, and posi-
knot [4] Reposition the tion it so the dent is
pliers so the lower jaw facing the tips of the
fits snugly in the loop. pliers. Squeeze the
Push the beads up between the warp Curve the wire down- pliers to fold the crimp
threads with your finger. ward around the bot- in half.
tom jaw of the pliers. [4] Tug on the wires to
This is the first half of ensure that the crimp is secure.
a wrapped loop.
[5] To complete the Opening and closing loops and
wraps, grasp the top of jump rings
knot the loop with one pair [1] Hold a loop or a
of pliers. jump ring with two
[6] With another pair pairs of pliers, such
of pliers, wrap the wire as chainnose, flatnose,
Sew back through the beads, keeping around the stem two or or bentnose pliers.
the needle above the warp threads. three times. Trim the [2] To open the loop
Repeat, following the pattern row excess wire, and gently or jump ring, bring the
by row. press the cut end close to the tips of one pair of pliers
Once you complete the last row, wraps with chainnose pliers. toward you, and push
secure the working thread by weaving the tips of the other pair
it into the beadwork. away from you.
[3] Reverse step 2 to
close the open loop or
jump ring. w
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25 Beaded Bracelets 83
Traditional Czech Beads
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