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A Review On The Effects of Neem (Azadirachta: Indica) As Feed Additive in Poultry Production

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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2018; 6(1): 1331-1333

E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2018; 6(1): 1331-1333
A review on the effects of neem (Azadirachta
© 2018 JEZS
Received: 01-11-2017
indica) as feed additive in poultry production
Accepted: 02-12-2017

Hasanain N Ezzat Hasanain N Ezzat, Suha S Abood and Hasan SA Jawad

Department of Animal
Production, Faculty of
Agriculture, Baghdad
University, Iraq The use of herbs and medicinal plants to feed poultry has recently been used as a safe and natural
material to stimulate the immune system, treating diseases or using them as catalysts of growth and thus
Suha S Abood positive impact on the productive performance of poultry. Recent reports have indicated that the use of
Department of Animal antibiotics is prohibited many countries due to adverse effects on the health of the consumer as a result of
Production, Faculty of the survival of the residues of these antibiotics in the tissues of the bird's body.
Agriculture, Baghdad The active compounds found in the Neem plant have a wide and varied effects on human health as it is
University, Iraq considered anti-bacterial, viruses, malaria, infections and antioxidants.
The main objective of this study is to review the research currently under way on the Neem plant, which
Hasan SA Jawad is one of the most important medicinal and herbal plants.
Department of Animal
Production, Faculty of Keywords: Additive, Neem, poultry, performance
Agriculture, Baghdad
University, Iraq
1. Introduction
1.1 Neem tree (Azadirachta indica)
Neem is a perennial tree, neem is a native of India but it is also found in a number of countries
in south east India. It has a smell of garlic and bitter taste. The neem tree is known to the
Indians as the village pharmacy because of their vulnerability in the healing of wounds and
used in ancient Indian medicine for more than 4000 years because of their natural useful old,
thanks to the natural characteristics [1-3]. Neem tree is an evergreen Tropical tree, it scientific
name is Azadirachta indica.
It is considered one of the most important dry areas trees that could grow in dry lands and poor
areas with nutrients elements they are also fast-growing evergreen trees and growing densely
. The height is up to 16 m and sometimes reaches 25 m, and the diameter of a total
vegetative to 10 m which is a tree that is characterized by the large size of its roots as the roots
extend to large area incidentally Therefore, when planting trees neem must leave spaces
between each tree and another not less than 3 m [5], the neem tree is character a solid hard
trunk, dark brown with a cracked brown crust of between 75 and 150 cm the leaves are
gathered at the ends of the branches. The length of the leaf is 30 cm, the leaves are composed
of an of opposite leafs of up to 17 Leaflet, The side flora are numerous flowers up to 20 cm
long. The flower aromatic and white, and the fruit is as long as one centimeter. It is green and
turns to yellow when it ripens and with one seed bitter taste [6, 7].

1.2 Chemical composition of neem

Neem leaves are chemically composed of proteins, fibers, ether, ash and other compounds,
Bonsu et al, [8] showed that neem leaves contain Crude protein 15.8%, Crude fiber 14.6%,
Ether extract 8.5%, Ash 4.5%, Moisture 13.0% and NFE 56.6%, These percentages vary from
one place to another due to variations in nutrient composition of the soil where the neem plant
is grown.

1.3 Medicinal Properties of Neem (Azadirachta indica)

Neem leaves contain anti-microbial compounds [9, 10], Anti-inflammatory, anti-
Hasanain N Ezzat
hyperglycaemia, anti-ulcer, anti-malaria, anti-fungal, anti-virus, and antioxidants [4], One of the
Department of Animal most important items in the neem is Sodium nimbidate, which is anti-inflammatory and
Production, Faculty of substance Nimbidin which is anti-arthritis, reduce blood sugar and treat stomach ulcer [11, 12].
Agriculture, Baghdad The seeds of the neem plant contain Azadirachtin which is considered as anti-malarial
University, Iraq substance [13], Seed oil contains Nimbolide,
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

Gedunin and Mahmoodin which are anti-bacterial and treatments on carcass parameters (heart, gizzard and liver)
bacteriological, The researcher also noted that the plant neem when adding the neem leaves powder to broiler diet at a rate
bark contains Polysaccharides and Polysaccharides GIIIaGIIa, of 1,2 grams / kg and 0.5, 1 grams / kg garlic powder. These
as an anti-inflammatory and Polysaccharides GIa, GIb is an results are not consistent with Shihab et al [24] they founded
anti-cancerous tumors, The injection of the neem leaves that there were no significant differences between treatments
extract on solid cancerous tumors reduces the risk of the in relative weight (liver, heart and gizzard) when adding the
spread of the disease, as well as the limit of its growth, neem leaves powder to broiler diet at a rate of 2 grams / kg.
especially skin cancer which responds very well to the Obikaonu et al [26] observed significant decrease in the
treatment of neem [14]. It also contains the NB-II concentration of cholesterol, glucose, alanine
Peptidoglycan that increase the immunity of the body as the aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartate Aminotransferase
neem stop the increasing numbers of AIDS virus by (AST) ) when adding the neem leaves powder to broiler diet
discouraging protein P24 produced by the virus, in order to at a rate of 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10%, while there were no
increase the number of this virus in the body and then significant differences between treatments in the total protein,
decreasing the number virus in the body of the patient. The calcium, and sodium, also Shihab et al [23] showed a
leaves of the neem tree extract could be used as a treatment significant improvement in the concentration of total protein,
stung by pests, burns, skin diseases and infections. Neem oil cholesterol, triglycerides, albumen, globulin and calcium
also prevents the proliferation of fungi on the skin of human when adding the neem leaves powder to broiler diet at a rate
and animal [15, 16]. Insulin Injection in some diabetics may not of 2 gm/ kg. Alam et al [27] observed that there were no
have been the best way to treat diabetes, therefore, insulin significant differences between treatments in the
injection can be replaced gradually by taking one of the neem hematological parameter (RBC, Hb, PCV, ESR) when adding
products in the form of tablets or capsules or oil that enables neem leaves powder to broiler diet at a rate of 1, 2, 3 gram/kg.
the redaction of insulin doses to a minimum 50% and lowers
the level of glucose in the blood by 26% [17, 18]. 2. Acknowledgment
We thank Dr. Firas Ahmed Mahmood, Department of animal
1.4 Effect of neem on the performance of poultry production- Faculty of Agriculture- Baghdad University- Iraq,
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