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American Revolution Webquest - JH

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Name: ________________________________

American Revolution WebQuest

Use the following links to answer the questions.

http://www.historyplace.com/unitedstates/revolution/  ­ history timeline of 

https://www.varsitytutors.com/earlyamerica/videos/shot-heard-round-world video

Lexington & Concord

Liberty! http://www.pbs.org/ktca/liberty/index.html
https://www.britishbattles.com/war-of-the-revolution-1775-to-1783/ - Info on battles
https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/american-revolution-timeline - info on battles
& timeline
American Rev. Timeline -
Interactive Map of Rev. -
Mapping the Rev. http://catalog.socialstudies.com/pdf/SHL173EX.pdf
Valley Forge Website - http://www.ushistory.org/valleyforge/history/
History Animated Maps – Revolutionary War -

Prelude to the Revolution - https://sites.google.com/a/tctchome.com/american-revolution-

The French and Indian War

2. What was the major cause of the French & Indian War?

3. Why was the Ohio River Valley so important?

4. What were the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

The Proclamation of 1763

Name: ________________________________

5. Why did the colonist feel like they had the right to venture out west of the Appalachian

6. Why did Great Britain want to stop settlers from moving west of the Appalachian

7. In your own opinion, did the people living in the colonies in 1763 have the right to
disobey King George's request? Why?

The Acts

8. What is the Stamp Act?

9. What were the British trying to do with the creation of these acts?

10. Why were the Colonists upset with the Acts? Were they justified with their opinions
of the acts?

11. Which of these Acts do you think placed the biggest burden on the colonists?
Explain why you feel this way?

Boston Massacre

12. Describe the background scene in this engraving.

Name: ________________________________

13. Does this painting accurately portray the Boston Massacre?

14. Why do you think the Colonists' chose to paint the picture this way?

The Boston Tea Party

15. What did the British do to cause the Boston Tea Party?

16. How did the British respond to the Tea Party?

17. What effect did this have on the relationship between the colonists and the British

The Intolerable Acts

18. Why do the Colonists refer to these acts as "Intolerable?"

19. Imagine this picture appeared in a London newspaper. How would this look to a
British citizen living in London?

20. What is the significance of a noose next to the term "Liberty Tree"?
Name: ________________________________

Continental Congress

21. Imagine that you are a member of the committee tasked with writing the Declaration
of Independence. What is going through your mind as you draft this document?

22. Why do you think someone would have reservations about signing this document?

Declaration of Independence

23. If you were a member of the Second Continental Congress, would you have signed
the Declaration of Independence?

24. Why or Why not?

25. What are the risks and benefits?

King George Responds

26. How accurate do you think this portrayal is of King George's reaction?
Name: ________________________________

27. How would you expect the King to react?

American Revolution WebQuest

1. Open up the Internet application. Type the following website into the address bar.

2. Click on Chronicle of the Revolution at the top of the page. Then select Boston
1774. Read the article and answer the following questions.

What is the headline of the newspaper?

What is the name of Massachusetts’s agent to the British government?

3. Now, click on Philadelphia 1776 on the left side of the page. Read the article and
answer the following questions.

What is the headline of the newspaper?

Name the 5 people who helped author the Declaration of Independence.

What does the article quote King George as saying after hearing about the colonists’
entreaty for peace?

4. Now, click on Trenton 1776 on the left side of the page. Read the article and
answer the following questions.

What is the headline of the newspaper?

Name: ________________________________

When was the article published?

Where were Washington and his army staying according to the article?

5. Click on the final 3 articles on the left side of the webpage: Saratoga, Yorktown,
and Philadelphia 1791. Make sure you read the articles carefully so you are
prepared for the game coming up…

What is the headline for the Saratoga newspaper?

What is the headline for the Yorktown newspaper?

What is the headline for the Philadelphia 1791 newspaper?

6. At the top of the page select The Road to Revolution Game. Play the game to
test your knowledge of the Revolutionary War.

At the end of the game there is a quote displayed at the bottom of the screen. Write that
quote below.
Name: ________________________________

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