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Epotek Tech Tips

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The key takeaways are that epoxies must be properly mixed and handled to ensure the best performance and bond. Proper mixing procedures and material storage are outlined.

Epoxies must be premixed, weighed out accurately according to specifications, and mixed thoroughly. Containers must be cleaned and capped properly after use to avoid contamination.

Common applications of polyimides include jacketing or coatings for electronics and cables, insulation for wires, composite materials like circuit boards, medical devices, and semiconductor wafer passivation.


Tip 1 Proper Mixing &
Handling of Epoxies
Proper mixing and handling epoxies eases could cause cross-contamination and may
the application process and allows for the start to cure or gel any adhesive within the
What > Proper Mixing best possible performance of an adhesive. lid threads, causing the jar to seal shut.
Why > Mixing and
handling epoxies properly For all filled systems, mix contents of each Hygiene is also very important when
eases the application process container (part A and part B) before being working with epoxies. Most EPO-TEK®
and increases the chances of mixed together. This “premix” re-disperses epoxies are 100% solids systems, so there is
achieving a good bond. any filler particles that can sometimes no vapor coming off the material. It is still
settle. It is also considered good practice recommended to work with every mate-
to gently mix any one-component systems rial in a well ventilated area or under an
that contain fillers. exhaust hood. Latex or Nitrile gloves are
also required in order to reduce any dermal
Once the products are thoroughly mixed, exposure. Gloves should be replaced often
weigh out the appropriate amount of each and work spaces should be kept clean of
into a third container using a gram scale any contaminants. Be sure to wash hands
and the recommended mix ratio found on thoroughly with soap and water when
the data sheet. A minimum of two grams finished.
of material should be used each time a
product is mixed. This will ensure there For any necessary clean up of spatulas or
is enough material for an adequate cure. counter tops, acetone or IPA (isopropyl
Each weighing should remain within alcohol) can be used with a paper towel
+/- 5% of the original ratio for each or rag. Be sure to completely remove all
component. Once the components are solvent residue in order to avoid any con-
weighed out, the product should be mixed tamination.
for 1-2 minutes in a clockwise fashion and
1-2 minutes in counter-clockwise fashion.
This will result in a homogeneous mixture
that is ready for application.

Proper storage of the materials is also a key

element to material handling. After the
weighing of each component is complete,
the jar threads should be wiped clean and
the caps replaced. If the materials are sup-
plied in the same type of jars, make sure
not to mix the caps of the two jars. This

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
Tip 2 Handling Procedures for
Premixed & Frozen Materials
Commonly, customers will purchase two 4. Once the product has been thawed, the
component epoxies premixed and frozen product is now dispensable and the syringe
What > Handling Pre- in syringes for automated dispensing. This can be handled by the barrel without
mixed & Frozen Materials removes the weighing step and ensures that gloves. If the product seems too thick, wait
Why > Touching the material has already been properly mixed longer for the epoxy to thaw more before
barrel of a frozen syringe for two component systems. continuing with dispensing.
without gloves will result in 5. The pot life of the syringe packaged
the product pulling away Here are some quick tips on how to material will be similar to the pot life listed
from the barrel and cause properly handle these materials: on the datasheet for the product. Keep in
freeze thaw voids. mind the time needed to thaw the product
1. Materials are shipped in dry ice to keep as well as for packaging. The user should
them frozen at -40°C. Once the package be conservative with the syringe pot life
is received, the syringes should be moved so as not to affect the performance of the
into a freezer at -40°C as soon as possible. adhesive by dispensing too close to the end
of the recommended pot life.
Note: Freezer temperature should remain 6. Do not refreeze the product in syringe.
within ± 3˚C of the recommended This will cause moisture to be trapped
storage temperature of -40˚C. in the syringe and can cause freeze thaw
voids. The addition of air and moisture
2. When handling frozen syringes, take into a syringe reduces the epoxy’s usability
special care to handle the product by either and can cause cure problems. It is strongly
the needle tip or flange of the syringe only. suggested that the epoxy be packaged in a
Insulating gloves may also be worn to way that will reduce the need to refreeze
facilitate handling. Touching the barrel product (ex: ordering 1cc of material in a
of a frozen syringe without gloves will 3cc syringe instead of 3cc of material in a
result in the product pulling away from 3cc syringe if only 1cc of product is used
the barrel and cause freeze thaw voids. It a day).
can also introduce air and moisture into
the epoxy that can result in dispensing and
curing issues. Note: In some cases, a “stepped thaw”
may be preferred in thawing syringes.
3. After removing from the freezer, the This is done by placing a previously
syringe should be placed into a test tube frozen syringe (-40°C) into a standard
rack or something similar to keep the freezer (0°C) for 30-60 minutes, before
syringe in the vertical position while thaw- thawing at room temperature to complete
the thaw.
ing. The flange end should be facing up
and the needle end pointing down. Do
Using this interim step can aid in
not place syringes on their sides. Allow the reducing potential Freeze-Thaw Voids
product to thaw using the following sug- (FTV) that may occur in some products
gested thaw times: due to a CTE mismatch between the
barrel and the adhesive.
Syringe Size Thaw Time
1-3 cc 15 min Frozen syringe barrels can be brittle and
5 cc 30 min will fracture easily. Careful handling is
10 cc 40-60 min
always recommended.

ALWAYS remove syringe end cap before

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™ removing the luer lock tip cap.

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
Tip 3 Viscosity and
Thixotropic Index
Viscosity and Thixotropic Index (TI) are cPs is equal to the viscosity of water. From
common terminology used to describe the this reference, all other viscosities can be
What > Viscosity and rheology of an epoxy. They both play a derived. A product like honey would have
Thixotropic Index large role on how a product will perform a much higher viscosity of approximately
Why > Viscosity and TI for a particular application. 10,000 cPs and would flow much slower
are important parameters out of a tipped glass than water.
to consider when choosing Viscosity is a measurement of a fluid’s
an epoxy. resistance to flow and is measured in Poise Here is a list of common materials and
or more commonly centipoise (cPs). One their viscosities:

Approximate Viscosities of Common Materials

(At Room Temperature 70°F)
Material Viscosity in Centipoise
Water 1 cps
Milk 3 cps
SAE 10 Motor Oil 85-140 cps
SAE 20 Motor Oil 140-420 cps
SAE 30 Motor Oil 420-650 cps
SAE 40 Motor Oil 650-900 cps
Castrol Oil 1,000 cps
Karo Syrup 5,000 cps
Honey 10,000 cps
Chocolate 25,000 cps
Ketchup 50,000 cps
Mustard 70,000 cps
Sour Cream 100,000 cps
Peanut Butter 250,000 cps

If necessary, the viscosity of a material can be decreased with an increase in temperature to

better suit an application. Typically, this drop is in an exponential fashion.

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
The below graph shows how
EPO-TEK 353ND will react when heated:
The viscosity of the 353ND drops very quickly, and then
Temp (°C) Viscosity (cPs) levels out at increased temperatures. This is a great tech-
23 3153 nique if an epoxy performs well for a certain application,
25 2252 but the viscosity is slightly high. It is important to note
that by heating the mixture, this can accelerate the cure
27 2147 and reduce the pot life significantly.
29 1728
31 785
33 737
35 737
45 409
55 163
65 143
70 102

Another important parameter that was mentioned earlier is thixotropic index. Thixotropic Index
is a ratio of a material’s viscosity at two different speeds, generally different by a factor of ten.
This value is indicative of a material’s ability to hold its shape. A highly thixotropic material will
drop in viscosity as agitation or shear stress is increased. Mayonnaise is a great example of this.
It will hold its shape very well, but when a shear stress is applied, the material will easily spread.

Both viscosity and thixotropic index are important to consider when choosing an epoxy for a
specific application and dispense method.

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
Tip 4 Removing Bubbles
from Epoxy
Air entrapment is an inevitable occurrence Centrifuge:
when any product, regardless of its rheol- This is the most commonly used process
What > Removing ogy, is mixed. This tip discusses three for removing bubbles in syringes. Once
Bubbles from Epoxy techniques for removing and reducing this the product is placed into a syringe with
Why > Removing bubbles entrapped air. the piston, the syringe should be stood up
ensures optimal adhesive with the tip up on a lab bench to allow
performance by providing a Pre-mixed and frozen syringes are a conve- any air bubbles to push their way up to the
good continuous bond. nient way to apply adhesive and can assist syringe tip. As soon as the bubbles have
in reducing any potential errors that can moved up to the syringe tip, the luer lock
occur when weighing out each component tip cap should be removed. The piston
on a gram scale and hand mixing. can then be pushed up slowly to remove
Occasionally, there may be a small amount any large bubbles present in the syringe
of air entrapped within the syringe after it out through the tip. The luer lock tip cap
has been packaged. Air can also become should then be replaced and the syringe is
entrapped within a hand mix of material in now ready for the centrifuge.
an open container. The following are three
simple ways to remove bubbles from epoxy With unfilled epoxies, the centrifuge
before applying it to your parts: Vacuum should be run from 1,000 to 3,000 RPM
Degas, Centrifuge, and Heat. for 3 minutes. This will remove all minute
bubbles suspended within the epoxy. If
Vacuum Degas: any large bubbles appear near the piston of
Vacuum degassing involves actual removal the syringe, be sure to keep the syringe tip
of the air surrounding the epoxy by allow- down during storage so that they are not
ing the air that is trapped within the epoxy able to move into the epoxy. These large
to easily escape. In order to accomplish bubbles are micronized air that was pulled
this, the epoxy should be placed into a from the epoxy during the centrifuge
container that has at least five times as process.
much volume capacity as the epoxy itself.
This is due to the “rise” in the volume of Filled epoxies can also be degassed this way
epoxy once the material is subjected to the as well but special care needs to be taken to
vacuum. ensure that the filler does not separate out
of the epoxy. Generally, the speed should
The vacuum should be created with a be kept at a maximum of 1,000 RPM for 3
pump that can pull at least 29 inches of minutes. This will remove the bubbles but
Hg quickly. The key is to hold the vacuum not drag the filler out of the resin.
for as short a period of time as possible
without pulling too much vacuum. An
indication of this is a “rolling boil” which
will have the opposite affect and actually
adds bubbles to the epoxy. Vibration can
also assist in facilitating the bubbles while
pulling the vacuum. This method is used
for epoxy that is in an open container

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
Heat is a simple and efficient way to remove bubbles from epoxy. The key to this technique is to keep the product in a
wide container that has large amounts of epoxy in the X and Y dimension, but little in the Z dimension. This gives the
maximum amount of surface area for the bubbles to escape. This method should only be used for epoxy in an open

The wide container should be placed into an oven that has been pre-heated to 35°C - 40°C for approximately ten min-
utes. If there are still large amounts of bubbles in the epoxy, the product can be kept in the oven a bit longer. Be sure to
keep track of the pot life of the product and remember that heat can act as a catalyst and speed up the cure. Sometimes
it is necessary to lightly brush the top surface of the material with a spatula to break the surface tension on any bubbles
that are not able to get to the surface easily.

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
Tip 5 Using an EPO-TEK Product After
the Shelf Life has Expired

What > Shelf Life Note: Epoxy Technology, Inc.® does not 2. If the user decides to evaluate the
make any guarantees as to the performance expired material, here are a couple quick
Why > A product can be of any EPO-TEK® materials used after the tests to see if the material is performing as
used for certain applications shelf life has expired. This document was it should:
after the date of expiration created to demonstrate how a product can
has passed. a. For unfilled epoxies, mix part A & B
be used for certain applications after the
separately in their containers before
date of expiration has passed.
weighing and mixing together. Apply
a small drop of product onto a glass
Many EPO-TEK products will com-
slide and cure according to the recom-
monly have a shelf life of one year at room
mended cure schedule on data sheet.
temperature. Several single component
materials and some UV cure systems have b. For filled epoxies, stir part A & B sepa-
a six month shelf life or shorter due to the rately and thoroughly before mixing
chemical nature of that particular product. together. If electrically conductive, set
Please refer to the shelf life section on each up a conductance test on a glass slide
product datasheet for the material’s specific (call Epoxy Technology if unfamiliar
shelf life. with this test). If thermally conductive,
test as described above for an unfilled
Customers will commonly call and ask if product.
they can still use product that is past its
shelf life. Here are some comments and
suggestions on how to proceed with using 3. If the material appears to be working
the material in this situation if desired: properly, it can be used for a variety of
purposes besides end line manufacturing
such as R&D, reliability testing, samples or
1. Epoxy Technology, Inc. does not rapid prototyping.
guarantee materials after the shelf life has
expired. Epoxy Technology, Inc. will not
re-certify materials and will not express in
writing the viability of using any expired

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
Tip 6 Minimum Bond Line
(Cure and Thickness)
Introduction Minimum Bond Line
What > Minimum Epoxies cure by a kinetically favored pro- Thickness
Bond Line cess known as an exothermic reaction. By Minimum bond line thickness often
Why > Minimum bond adding a part B curing agent to the part receives special attention in part specifica-
line cure and thickness A monomer, the result is a cured polymer tions but, is often overlooked and seldom
play an important role in network. Some proceed very rapidly at controlled or monitored during process
adhesive properties and ambient conditions, others need to be cata- and manufacturing engineering. The risks
performance. lyzed with a temperature or light source, of inadequate bond line could be low
but all require a minimum amount of time strength, poor electrical properties, high
for a complete cure. Epoxies also require a thermal resistance and optical scattering.
minimum bond line thickness in order for The following is a suggestion of minimum
sufficient adhesion and performance in a bond line thickness as a function of adhe-
specified application. This document pro- sive type and application:
vides recommendations on best practices
for successful curing and bonding.

Minimum Bond Line Cure

Minimum Bond
Line Thickness
All epoxies must be cured in order to Adhesive Type
achieve optimal mechanical, electrical, or

optical properties. There are numerous
methods of curing epoxies (ambient, box
oven, tunnel oven, hot plate, heat gun, UV,
etc.) and each can result in varying proper-
Silver- 12 micron -Less than this can
ties. For each product that is developed, a filled (0.5 mil) become electrically
unique cure schedule is devised which in- insulating
cludes a “minimum cure” reported on each -Best thermal pathway is
0.5 to 3 mils
product data sheet. This “minimum cure” - Die attaching and
is the worst case scenario cure for minimal SMD caps and resistor
properties. Furthermore, the “minimum
cure” temperature is the actual temperature Thermally 25 to 75 - Thermal interface mate-
conduc- micron rials for heat sinking
of the epoxy bond line and should not be tive (1 to 3 mils) -Potting several layers
confused with the temperature setting of that can be several mm
to inches deep
the heating source. It is important to note
that the thermal masses of trays, parts, ac- Optical / 3 micron in -Optical beam pathway
UV cured fiber optic for fiber optic, optical
cessories, and opening and closing the oven connectors and medical optics
door will slow down the time it takes for bonding
-LCD laminating layers
the epoxy to reach the minimum tem- -LED encapsulation
perature; so special care should be taken
Polyimides 10-20 micron -Semiconductor wafer
to incorporate these thermal lags when up to 100 passivation
determining the optimum curing profile. micron
Curing conditions reported on data sheets
are guidelines and should not be confused
with specifications. Contact techserv@
epotek.com for cure recommendations
per your specific application, process, and
Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™
DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
Tip 7 Epoxy Crystallization

What is Epoxy Resin Why Does Crystallization

What > Crystallization? Occur?
Epoxy Crystallization It can often come as a surprise, but crystal- Many plastic resins are super-cooled
lization is more of an inconvenience rather liquids, including epoxy resins. They are
Why > Crystallization of than a problem. The ones who are most solids in format at room temperature but
epoxy resins is completely aware of it are our customers. Frequently, remain in a liquid state below their freezing
reversible, like freeze/thaw a jar, bottle, bucket or container looks temperature. Liquids super-cool because
cycles of ice and water. cloudy, turbid or even solid upon inspec- crystallization can be too slow of a process
tion. By definition, it is referred to as a or the seed crystals are not readily formed.
phase change from a liquid resin to a solid In general, super-cooled liquid resins have
format. It can be viewed similarly as water a natural tendency to crystallize at low tem-
turning from liquid into ice and vice versa. peratures. Other factors such as extreme
Crystallization of epoxy resins is complete- cold, fluctuation in ambient temperatures
ly reversible, like freeze/thaw cycles of ice and thermal cycling can cause seed crystal
and water. As water remains unchanged growth and may induce materials to revert
from repeated cycles, so do the original back to their natural, solid state.
properties of epoxy resin.
Causes of Crystallization
Signs of Crystallization Crystallization can be difficult to predict
Crystallization appears in the form of and eliminate entirely. It happens random-
cloudiness, free-floating crystals, crystal ly, without warning, and may affect parts
masses or as a completely solidified. Since of a given production batch (it is normal
the crystals are higher density than the for a few containers from the same batch
liquid resin, they sink to the bottom of the to show differing degrees of crystallization
container. At the onset of crystallization, deposits). Understanding the factors that
the clear resin begins to look foggy, cloudy, contribute towards crystallization helps
hazy or turbid to milky white. The white with knowing how to deal with them.
sedimentation continues to build, pack and According to our suppliers, the tendency
spread, typically from the bottom of the for liquid epoxy resins to become crystal-
container to corresponding side-walls. This lized depends on the purity of the resin,
sandy-like texture will eventually overcome resin viscosity, additives, moisture content
the entire contents of the container. Once and temperature history (extreme cold or
solidified, crystallized epoxy resin can be thermal cycles).
stored indefinitely in this state.

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
• High Purity
Typically, high purity resins are more easily crystallized than impure resins. A narrow molecular weight distribution is
indicative of the former, while broader MW distributions the latter. One model for high MW impurities is the addi-
tion of anti-freeze into water. It has the effect of lowering the melting temperature, thus making it harder to crystallize.
The same can be said with adding high MW oligomers or isomers into an epoxy resin formulation. Avoiding crystalli-
zation of resins due to their purity is more of a formulating challenge and not for our customers. We would rather our
customers understand that it is an indication of purity and homogeneity and not be viewed as a negative byproduct.

• Low Viscosity
In general, higher MW resins result in higher viscosities and are less prone to crystallize. The rate of crystallization
is also much faster in a lower viscosity resin. Lowering the temperature increases the viscosity and thus, reduces the
molecular motion and rate of crystallization. Storing “crystal seed free resin” at 0°C is one method to reduce the rate of
crystallization but, this may be less than optimal. As explained above, 0°C might be enough of “extreme cold” or may
be viewed as enough of a thermal cycle, to cause hidden seed crystals to propagate into a solid mass.

• Additive – Solid Fillers

Solid, inorganic fillers sometimes can act as seeds for crystal growth. Precipitated calcium carbonate has been shown
to increase the rate of crystallization (eg. ISO 4985, “Plastics – Liquid Epoxy Resin – Determination of Tendency to
Crystallize”). Other fillers like alumina and silica an have a similar effect. Even the scratch of a side-wall of a glass or
metal container can be enough of a “filler” to promote seed growth.

• Temperature
While cold temperatures can reduce the crystal formation/growth by slowing movement (increased viscosity), extreme
cold accelerates crystal formation once seed crystals have been formed.

• Thermal Cycles
Temperature cycles of as little as 20-30°C are the most common cause of crystallization. Once the material is warmed,
molecular motion is enhanced allowing the liquid epoxy to orient itself around the seed crystals. Subsequent exposure
of an oriented material to cold temperatures will then accelerate crystal growth. Once started, the crystallization typi-
cally will go to completion resulting in a solid mass. The temperature fluctuations than occur between night and day
can start or enhance the crystal growth process.

As stated earlier on, crystallization of epoxy resins is more of an inconvenience rather than a problem. Subjecting the
resin to a temperature of 40-50°C for a few hours is sufficient for re-melting the crystals. It is important to be certain
that all of the crystals have been melted away and can no longer act as seeds before cooling to room temperature. This
can be done by closely examining the container sides, bottom and areas around the caps for any signs of crystalliza-
tion the could nucleate additional growth. If possible, it is recommended to clean the bottle caps and bottle neck with
solvent (isopropyl alcohol – IPA or acetone) after each use in order to prevent seeds from developing. The same applies
for spigots, spouts, pumps, piping and valves. Controlling and monitoring shipping and storage temperatures is a good
way to prevent crystallization from fluctuations in temperature. Good housekeeping is also a great way of preventing
this as well.

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
Tip 8 Reworking, Removing
and “Decapsulating”
What > Removing
Cured Epoxies
Cured Epoxy
A major advantage of using an epoxy is easily. The tip of a soldering iron can be
Why > There are sev- that it provides a very strong, permanent used as the heating mechanism and can
eral techniques which have
bond in adhesive applications. This perma- be applied directly on the epoxy or at the
shown to be effective tools
nence can also act as a limitation when bond line. When the adhesive becomes
in removing cured epoxy
needing to rework, remove or “decapsu- soft and “gummy”, de-bonding can occur.
from substrates.
late” the cured epoxy. This document lists Heating of the substrate using a hot plate
several techniques which have shown to is another common technique, as well as
be effective tools in removing cured epoxy using a conventional box oven.
from substrates.
5. Degradation temperature of the epoxy.
1. Chlorinated solvent is the most aggres- Most epoxies will decompose and turn to
sive way to attack cured epoxy. Methylene carbon ash at temperatures of 400°C and
chloride (dichloromethane) has shown the above. By heating the unit above the deg-
most success but does require the material radation temperature (found on the data
to be soaked for several hours. Stripping sheet), the epoxy adhesive simply burns
Agent MS-111 (which contains approxi- away.
mately 85% methylene chloride) from
the Miller- Stephenson Chemical Co. in 6. Boiling water. Epoxies, when exposed
Danbury, CT is a product that works very to boiling water for an hour or so, will
well. Dynaloy LLC also has several epoxy lift away from any surfaces in most cases.
solvents and removers based on which type Some prying action may be needed and
of epoxy hardener is used in a product. this technique can vary widely depending
on epoxy and bonding surfaces.
2. A warm solution of sulfuric acid will
dissolve the cured epoxy. This, like the 7. Thermal shock. Large differences in
chlorinated solvents, also requires a good thermal expansion rates between a sub-
soaking. An effective technique that some strate, adhesive or component can stress
customers have used is repeatedly dropping the epoxy and create joint separation as
the acid on the top surface of the epoxy to well as bond line lift. Thus, by impos-
facilitate the removal. ing severe thermal fatigue on the adhesive
joint, de-bonding can be accomplished
3. Other chemicals which have shown to simply by the thermal-mechanical differ-
be effective: toluene, NMP (n-methly- ences of adhesive and substrate.
pyrollidone) and MEK (methyl-ethyl-
ketone). Several of the techniques listed are destruc-
tive in nature and can be suicidal in terms
4. Combination of heat and pressure. of re-usable parts for manufacturing. This
Since epoxies are thermosetting resins, they document makes no attempt to suggest
have a softening point called the glass tran- how manufactured parts can be saved
sition temperature (Tg). Heating above or reclaimed. Its intention is to provide
the Tg will soften the material slightly and means of solving erroneously placed epoxy
Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™ allow the epoxy to be pried away more or components, and failure analysis.

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
Tip 9 UV Cure Adhesives –
Tips, Tricks &
What > UV curing adhesives offer a convenient 3. Moisture sensitivity: The
UV Curing Tips way to quickly cure a product in specific photo-initiators in cationic systems are
applications. These types of chemistries acidic. As a result, both moisture and bases
Why > UV curing adhe-
offer two fundamentally different cure can neutralize them. It is not recommend-
sives offer a convenient way
mechanisms, cationic or free radical, ed that cationic systems be cured in humid
to quickly cure a product in
with varying cure parameters as well as environments (>70%RH). Higher irradia-
specific applications.
end properties. tion energy or a higher temperature may
be able to overcome the effects of humidity
Cationic UV Systems in some cases. An interesting note is that
For cationic UV cure products, ionic small amounts of moisture (30-60%) can
polymerization is initiated by photo gener- actually increase the cure speed.
ated ions and cure in minutes rather than
seconds. Many are also capable of a ther- 4. Mechanical Properties:
mal cure as well as UV cure; also called a The ultimate mechanical properties of
dual-cure system. Generally they have the cationic cured systems are generally very
benefits of less shrinkage and higher adhe- good. However, due to the slow nature of
sion over free radical cured systems, and are the cationic cure mechanism, these systems
not adversely impacted by an oxygen rich will continue crosslinking long after the
curing environment. However, they do UV irradiation is removed and complete.
have a few characteristics that are impor- Generally, waiting 24 hours after cure to
tant to point out: measure the full mechanical properties of
cationic systems is a good rule of thumb.
1. Cure speed: Complete cure
of cationic systems is very dependent on 5. Post-cure: A thermal post-cure
thickness. The thicker the layer, the longer will often shorten the time needed for a
the required cure time will be. Warming cationic system to reach full degree of cure
the material before cure or curing under conversion and can often improve mechan-
warm conditions (including lamps that ical and physical properties of the material.
generate large amounts of heat during cure) In addition, a thermal post-cure can be
may increase cure speed by increasing the used to cure areas of the material that were
mobility of the molecules. not exposed to the UV irradiation during
processing (shadow areas, etc.).
2. Skin-over: It may be necessary
to reduce the intensity of the lamp while 6. Stress: Cationic systems gener-
increasing the time to cure through thick ally have less shrinkage and lower stress
layers. If the surface of a thick layer is than free radical systems. Curing at lower
subjected to high intensity irradiation, it intensities may reduce shrinkage and stress
will quickly form a high crosslink density further.
making a hard skin or barrier that prevents
subsequent light from passing through to
deeper layers of the bond line. Note: Mov-
ing the lamp farther away from the part is
a good option to reduce the UV intensity if
Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™ the lamp does not have a tunable intensity.

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
Free Radical UV Systems
Free radical cure systems are most noted for their very rapid cure – seconds rather than minutes. This is made possible
by the chain reaction curing mechanism set off by the decomposition of the photo-initiator into free radicals upon
exposure to UV light. Here are a few characteristics that are worth highlighting:

1. Cure speed: Due to the very fast cure speed, free radical cure systems have generally reached close to their full
degree of conversion/cross-linking very soon after the UV irradiation is complete. Normally there is no need to wait for
the material to rest after cure before testing mechanical properties as with cationic cure systems.

2. Oxygen Inhibition: The major pitfall for free radical cure systems is oxygen inhibition. The presence of
oxygen in the curing environment can actually quench both the activated photo-initiator radicals as well as the grow-
ing chains. This can lead to short chain segments, resulting in tacky surface layers and poor mechanical and physical
properties. Adhesives are less prone to oxygen inhibition than coatings due to the fact that the substrates on either side
of an adhesive sandwich act to isolate the adhesive from oxygen in the atmosphere. Higher cure speeds can also lessen
the impact of inhibition as faster chain formation allows the polymerization to proceed to completion faster than the
quenching can occur. Finally, curing in a nitrogen-rich environment can help to eliminate oxygen inhibition in the most
persistent cases.

3. Post cure: While a thermal post cure will not harm free radical systems, it does not benefit them either. The
free radical mechanism cannot be initiated by heat. As a result, shadow curing is not possible with free radical materials.

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only as a guide in selecting an adhesive. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended the
user perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in
connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2009 EPO-102-01
10 Component Selections for Optimal
Dispensing of Epoxies

Tip Selection
What > (Other than straight-walled needle type)
Proper Dispensing Tips
Why > Tapered tips: Oval tips:
Selecting the correct • Available as small as • Often used for
syringe (barrel), tip, piston 27 gauge (200um). dispensing ribbons.
& adapter is crucial for
• Highly recommended • Can create
optimal dispensing.
for filled systems uneven flow
as pressures are resulting in air
significantly reduced bubbles or voids.

Angled Tips:
Chamfered tips: • Often used to
• Wall thickness of the tip dispense into
is reduced at the end. difficult to
Reduces cling of the reach areas.
fluid to the end of the • Not recommended
tip for enhanced unless absolutely
microdot applications. necessary as longer
lengths and bend
may reduce flow
and require higher pressures which
can be problematic for filled systems.

Color Coding For Tips Sizes

Color Gauge Inner Diameter Outer Diameter
mm inch mm inch

Olive 14 1.54 .060 1.83 .072

Amber 15 1.36 .053 1.65 .065

Grey 16 1.19 .047 n/a n/a

Green 18 0.84 .033 1.27 .050

Pink 20 0.61 .024 0.91 .036

Purple 21 0.51 .020 0.82 .032

Blue 22 0.41 .016 0.72 .028

Orange 23 0.33 .013 0.65 .025

Red 25 0.25 .010 0.52 .020

Clear 27 0.20 .008 0.42 .016

Lavender 30 0.15 .006 0.31 .012

Yellow 32 0.10 .004 0.24 .009

Tip Diameter:
Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™ Rule of thumb: dispensed dot size = 2.5 X inner diameter of the tip.

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a
thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the use or
inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
Other Considerations
(Colors may vary with individual manufactures.)

• Self wiping (White): good for

seeing level of adhesive left in the
syringe, but may jam and cause
inconsistent pressures

• Free floating (Orange): best for

consistent pressures. However,
may not be possible to see level
of remaining fluid in syringe as
walls may be coated with residue.

• Partial wiping (Tan): Good

initial piston choice. Useful for
many systems.

Fill Level:
• Recommended syringe fill level is no more than two-thirds full in order to obtain
most consistent pressure over the course of the dispense.

Dispenser Adapter:
• For the most uniform dispensing, all pistons and adapter should be matched to your
barrel of choice. Failure to do this will result in improper dispensing.

Dispensing Pressure:
• Use lowest stable pressures possible.

• High pressures (>20psi) can cause packing, agglomerations and excess shear especially in
filled systems.

For other useful tips, please visit epotek.com and click our ISO 9001
technical info tab.

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended
that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes
no responsibility in connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2010

Converting Mix Ratios
Converting Mix Ratio by Weight to
What >
Mix ratio by weight to
Mix Ratio by Volume for Two Component Epoxies
mix ratio by volume
Why > 1. What Is Mix Ratio? 3. Where Do I Find It?
Large errors can occur
Mix ratio of a two part epoxy is extremely Epoxy Technology lists the mix ratio for
when mix ratios are not
important in achieving a proper cure. all two part epoxies by weight on the
calculated properly Epoxies use a chemical reaction between a Technical Data Sheet. For some processes,
resin and hardener which have a stoichio- however, a customer may find it more
metric ratio that determines the relative convenient to measure and mix by volume
proportions in which the two substances rather than weight. Using the reported mix
react for this reaction. This ratio can vary ratio by weight to mix by volume can cause
from product to product and is reported on products not to cure properly.
each Technical Data Sheet.

4. How To Convert
2. Why Is It Important?
The volumetric mix ratio can easily be
Although different chemistries have differ- determined from the weight mix ratio by
ent tolerances for mixing, an error of no using the specific gravities of each com-
more than +/- 5% from the mix ratio is a ponent also reported on each data sheet.
good guideline. Larger errors in the mix Specific gravity is a unit-less quantity
ratio can allow un-reacted components to defined as the ratio of the density of a
remain within the epoxy and may lead to material to the density of water. Because
an increase in outgassing, a decrease in Tg water has a density of approximately 1 g/cc,
and decreased resistance to chemicals and the specific gravity can be considered the
moisture. density in units of g/cc for the purpose of
these calculations.

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
Example One: Example Two:


Consider EPO-TEK 353ND where the mix ratio by Consider another example using EPO-TEK H20E
weight is 10:1, and specific gravities are 1.20 for Part A which has a mix ratio by weight of 1:1, and specific
and 1.02 for Part B. gravities of 2.03 for Part A and 3.07 for Part B.

Divide the number of weight parts by Divide the number of weight parts by
the respective density: the respective density:

This yields a volumetric mix ratio of 8.33 : 0.98, which This yields a volumetric mix ratio of 0.493 : 0.326,
can then be normalized to a more convenient ratio. To which, just as before, can then be normalized to a the
create a ratio in the form of 100:b, divide the volume form of 100:b by dividing the volume parts of Part B by
parts of Part B by the volume parts of Part A and the volume parts of Part A and multiplying the result
multiply the result by 100. by 100.

This yields a volumetric mix ratio of 100 : 11.8 The This yields a volumetric mix ratio of 100 : 66.1. Nor-
ratio can also be normalized to the form a:1 by dividing malizing instead to the form a:1 by dividing the volume
the volume parts of Part A by the volume parts of Part B. parts of Part A by the volume parts of Part B gives:

This yields a volumetric mix ratio of 8.5 : 1 This yields a volumetric mix ratio of 1.51 : 1

For other useful tips, please visit epotek.com and click our technical info tab.

ISO 9001 RoHS


DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed
to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements.
Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the use or inability to use
these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™ phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2011

12 Compatible Metallization
with Electrically Conductive
Silver Epoxies
Why Silver Epoxies? Metal & Metal-Oxides
What > Silver epoxy adhesives (ECAs) have Palladium, platinum and gold are noble
Compatible Metallization been widely used in semiconductor and metals which will not readily oxidize, due
for Silver Epoxies electronic packaging industries since the to their electron orbital configuration.
Why > 1960s, as a reliable connection method Silver is also a noble metal with a similar
Considerations for PCB instead of soldering or eutectic joining configuration, but will oxidize under the
& circuit assembly when of metals. right conditions. However, even if the
choosing ECAs ahead of silver is oxidized, its oxides are conductive.
After 2000, as a result of the global transi-
solder joining
tion to lead-free electronics, the majority Lead and tin are main group metals con-
of the electronic component manufacturers taining free electrons that will readily form
are now using pure tin or tin-rich alloys non-conductive oxides and can cause seri-
for soldering, SMD terminals and leaded ous conductivity issues. Since these oxides
devices. This change has resulted in form on the surface of the metal, they can
increased reflow temperature, less ductil- also significantly reduce the shear strength
ity and more likelihood of “tin-whisker” of an adhesive bond.
formation. It is well known that electrical
shorts caused by growth of these tin
whiskers (needle-like metal crystals) have Ag, Sn, Al Joints
knocked out guided missiles and commu- Silver epoxy should never be used on
nication satellites, caused heart pacemakers pre-tinned surfaces for three reasons.
to fail and watches to stop ticking.
• It is industry legacy and common sense
that noble metals like to be joined to
These concerns have catapulted silver epoxy other noble metals.
(ECA) applications. While the ECAs have
advantages over tin rich soldering process- • Silver and tin have dissimilar potentials,
es, what they adhere to needs to be chosen leading to galvanic corrosion, via a tar-
carefully. When used for electrical contact, nish or rusting process.
it is important that the metallization has • Silver itself can be a catalyst for tin whis-
similar potentials to avoid galvanic corro- ker formation.
sion and non-conductive oxides. Manufacturers should avoid pure tin
altogether by plating components with
What is a “Tin Whisker”? materials that do not have a tendency to
A tin whisker is a conductive tin crystal, whisker, such as Au, Ag, AgPd, NiPdAu,
which can spontaneously grow from tin Pt, Pd, Cu.
based lead-free finished surfaces even at
room temperature, often in a needle-like Aluminum presents a similar quandary
form. Oxidation in humid conditions, as tin, not producing whiskers, but its
corrosion, intermetallic formation, stress likelihood to readily oxidize. Aluminum
under thermal cycling, and electromigra- oxide is an electrical insulator and
tion have all been shown to promote mechanically it will yield a weaker bond
whisker formation. than its non-oxidized form resulting
in as much as a 50% difference in lap
While pure tin has gained the most noto- shear strength.
riety for developing whiskers, these pesky
crystalline filaments can also grow from
other metals, including cadmium, silver,
and zinc.
Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
Compatibility Chart
Market Sector Compatible Metals Comments | Compatibility
wafers Pd, Ni/Pd/Au Al plated I/O’s must be re-metallized
lead-frame Cu, Ag, Alloy 42 die-attach paddles, avoid Sn plated lead frame

die attach Au Au plated ceramic substrates, Au backed chips

Hybrid Micro-Electronics SMD attach Au, Ag, AgPd SMDs can not be Sn/Pb plated
EMI/Rf shield Brass, SST, Kovar ohmic contact for grounding purposes

acoustics Au, Cu pads on PCBs

PZT, or similar piezo electric materials
PCB level Au, Cu never use Sn/Pb or SnAgCu solder pads
RFIDs Ag, Au contact pads on substrates
PTF-Ag ink antennae coils for RF
Electronics Assembly
SMD caps Au, Ag, AgPd cannot be SnAgCu or Sn/Pb terminations
Tantalum Caps Au industry standard terminations
Solar cell SnO, ZnO Transparent Conductive Oxides - TCO
Al/Cu, Cu/Sn, Cu/Ag Ribbon wires
Mo, Ag, Ni, Cr, TCOs PV subtrates

pacemaker Au/Ceramic substrates packged in hybrid form-factor

Medical Device
catheters Pt/Ir guide wires, fluoroscopy

Fiber Optics brass, SST, Kovar metal housings, EMI shielding

Au/ceramic opto-circuit, or optical bench
Lithium Niobate die attach optical chips
Sensor Optics SST, brass EMI shielding
Camera Optics Au common interconnections
X-ray optics Au plated scintillator electrical bridge to photo-detector arrays
LEDs Cu, Ag spot lead frame die attach LED chips, single chip package
Cu, Au LED arrays onto PCB
Au, Cu electrical bridge to PCB/substrate

Silver Epoxy ECA Silver Epoxy ECA

+’s -’s
• Is compatible with Si, GaAs, In, P and MEMs • Is not compatible with Sn, Al, and SnAgCu solder
chips surfaces
• Can withstand 260˚C lead-free reflow • Should not be used with solder dipped pads on
• Are well matched with Au, Ag, Ag-Pd terminations SMDs / PCBs
of capacitors and resistor SMDs • In its cured form, can not be ribbon or wire
• Will bond well to Pt, Pd, Au, Ag, Ni & Cu surfaces bonded and will not accept solder joints

• Provide an excellent alternative to solder joining • Should have oxides removed from Cu and Ni
surfaces prior to bonding
• Yields similar thermal conductivity values as most
solder joints

For other useful tips, please visit epotek.com and click

our technical info tab. ISO 9001 RoHS

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed
to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements.
Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the use or inability to use
these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™ phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2011

13 Surface Preparation
Why Surface Preparation Is Important?
In adhesive bonding the epoxy is only one part of the equation. Each substrate that
is being adhered to is often as important as the adhesive selection. Physical properties
such as bond strength, conductivity, and bond reliability all hinge on the interface
between substrate and adhesive. The adhesive-substrate interface is a sensitive
What > equilibrium that can be upset by even the slightest contaminants. In preparing a surface
Surface Preparation for adhesive bonding users can increase reliability and productivity by optimizing the
substrate’s ability to accept the adhesive.
Why > Properly
preparing a surface for Cohesive and Mechanical and
bonding can increase Adhesive Failure Chemical Bonding
reliability by optimizing a
In an ideal adhesive substrate system, the It is a common misconception that the
substrates’ ability to accept
adhesive will fail cohesively. A cohesive ability of an adhesive to bond hinges on
the adhesive.
failure occurs when the adhesive is left how well it “sticks” to a surface. Bonding
evenly on both surfaces of the substrates. is far more complicated and can be
For a non-adhesive example of cohesive broken down into two major types of
failure, consider an Oreo® cookie that is bonding: mechanical and chemical bond.
twisted open and has filling on both sides. Chemical bonding is the formation of
Cohesive failures are ideal in terms of sur- chemical bonds between the surface of the
face preparation because they indicate that substrate and the surface of the adhesive.
the adhesive is the limiting variable in the These are physical bonds created by a
equation. When this happens, it suggests chemical reaction between the surface
that the adhesive had a stronger grip to and the adhesive. Mechanical bonding,
the surface than itself which shows a high on the other hand, is the ability of the
degree of surface adhesion. Alternately, an adhesive to grasp the nooks and crannies
adhesive failure occurs when the entire of a complex and irregular surface. Bonds
adhesive is preferentially left on one sub- are not formed, but the surface is held by
strate and can be indicative of poor surface the adhesive like molecular Velcro®. Both
preparation. For example, an Oreo® that mechanical bonding and chemical bonding
is twisted open and all the filling is left are critical to any substrate and adhesive
on one side is an adhesive failure. Failure interface.
analysis and identification of adhesive or
cohesive failure can be a good indication of
the quality of surface preparation.

Methods of Increasing Surface Adhesion

Optimal surface preparation is a two step process of solvent cleaning/abrasion, and chemical
1a. Solvent Cleaning: The most common 1b. Abrasion: Another part of the cleaning
type of surface preparation is a solvent process is abrasion. This further eliminates
wipe before bonding. This process removes surface contaminates and oxide layers.
surface contaminants and organic matter Abrasion exposes a clean, uncontaminated
with an organic solvent. The most common surface and increases the roughness and
and substrate independent solvents used irregularity of the surface. This allows for
are acetone and isopropyl alcohol (IPA). greater mechanical bonding due to the
Both are relatively safe organic solvents increase in surface area and creates a greater
that will remove a wide array of surface physical barrier to resist shear. Common
contamination. Surfaces should be wiped intermediate cleaning processes include
down with a clean cloth and allowed to dry abrasion, wet abrasion, grit blasting,
fully dry. and detergent scrubs. This step should be
followed by a solvent wipe as described in
Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™
step 1a.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
Methods of Increasing Surface Adhesion - (continued)
2. Chemical Treatment: A second step in surface preparation is chemical treatment with strong etching compounds. Once the surface
has been fully cleaned and roughened, it is chemically altered to increase its ability to receive and hold adhesive. Chemical treatment is
commonly a strong acid, or powerful solvent that has the ability to chemically react and change the surface chemistry of the substrate.
Chemical treatments are substrate specific and should be performed only after ensuring proper chemical hygiene and reading all
applicable MSDSs.
Surface Preparations of Common Substrates
Substrate Cleaning/Abrasion Chemical Treatment Method
Aluminum, Cleaning - Vapor degrease with chlorinated solvent 1 L DI water, 300g H2SO4, • Etch in bath for 12-15 min at 150-160°F.
aluminum alloys • Spray in tap water immediately for 5 min with a DI water
Abrasion - Detergent scrub 60g Na2Cr2O7· 2H2O
1.5g 2024 bare aluminum • Dry at 120-140°F and do not touch bonding surface.
Dissolve the Al to “seed” the bath • Prime or bond within 16 hour.

Copper, Cleaning - Immerse, spray or wipe with 15 pbw 42% aqueous FeCl2 soln • Immerse for 1-2 min at room temp.
copper alloys chlorinated solvent • Rinse in cold running DI water.
30 pbw Conc. HNO3
Abrasion – Abrade surface with emery paper • Dry immediately with air at room temp.
197 pbw DI water

Gold, Platinum Cleaning - Vapor degrease with chlorinated solvent None • Follow abrasion with cleaning step.
or Silver
Abrasion – Use fine-grit emery paper to remove
any tarnish from bonding area for silver only.

Nickel Cleaning - Vapor degrease with chlorinated solvent Conc. HNO3 • Immerse metal for 5 sec in conc. HNO3 at room temp.
Abrasion – Abrade surface with emery paper • Rinse etched metal thoroughly in cold running DI water
then air dry at 104°F.

Stainless Steel Cleaning - Vapor degrease with chlorinated solvent 3.5 pbw Na2Cr2O7· 2H2O • Immerse in bath at 140-160°F for 15 min.
Abrasion – Abrade surface with alumina grit paper 3.5 pbw DI water • Scrub under cold water with a stiff bristle brush then
rinse in DI water.
200 pbw Conc. H2SO4 • Dry in oven at 200°F for 10-15 min.

ABS or methyl Cleaning - Vapor degrease with acetone 26 pbw Conc. H2SO4 • Etch at room temp. for 20 min.
pentene • Rinse in tapwater then DI water.
Abrasion – Abrade surface with alumina grit paper 3 pbw K2Cr2O7
• Dry in warm air.
11 pbw DI water

Epoxy, phenolics Cleaning - Vapor degrease with chlorinated solvent None • Follow abrasion with cleaning step.
Abrasion – Abrade surface with emery paper

Polycarbonate Cleaning - Vapor degrease with methyl alcohol None • Follow abrasion with cleaning step.
Abrasion – Abrade surface with emery paper

Fluorocarbons Cleaning - Vapor degrease with acetone or MEK 23g Na(s) • Immerse in the solution for 15 min at 77°F near exhaust
Abrasion – Abrade surface with emery paper 128g Naphthalene
• Wash in acetone or MEK then in cold, DI water and dry
1 L THF thoroughly.
Add Naph. to THF carefully, adding
cubes of Na slowly while stirring.
Let sit 16 hr at RT then stir 2 hrs.

Polyethylene, Cleaning - Vapor degrease with acetone or MEK 75 pbw K2Cr2O7 • Immerse in the solution for 60 min at 77°F.
polypropylene • Rinse in cold, running DI water.
120 pbw DI water
• Dry at room temperature.
1500 pbw H2SO4
Dissolve K2Cr2O7 in water and stir
in the H2SO4.

Polyimide or Cleaning - Vapor degrease with chlorinated None • Follow abrasion with cleaning step.
polymethylmethac- solvent or methyl alcohol
Abrasion – Abrade surface with emery paper

Polyurethane Cleaning - Vapor degrease with methyl alcohol None None

Glass quartz Cleaning - Vapor degrease with MEK 1 pbw CrO3 • Immerse 10-15 min at 77°F .
(non optical) • Wash well in running water.
Abrasion – Abrade surface with fine grit paper 4 pbw DI water
• Dry for 30 min at 210°F.
• Apply adhesive while still hot.

Optical grade glass Cleaning - Vapor degrease in an ultrasonically None • Rinse thoroughly.
agitated detergent bath • Dry <100°F.

Ceramics Cleaning - Vapor degrease with MEK None • Follow abrasion with cleaning step.
Abrasion – Abrade surface with emery paper • Evaporate the solvent.

For other useful tips and surface preparation recommendations on alternate ISO 9001
substrates, contact our Tech Service Group: techserv@epotek.com RoHS
or www.epotek.com 2002/95/EC

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be
accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology
makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the use or inability to use these products.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

Innovative Epoxy Adhesive Solutions for Over 40 Years™ phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2011 Oreo® and Velcro® are registered trademarks of their respective companies
14 Understanding Acceptable
Epoxy Color Variations

Epoxy adhesive components can be supplied in many different shades and colors, often
What > How color can varying lot-to-lot in appearance. Visual color differences are monitored closely and only
vary in epoxy adhesive after proper quality control for specification adherence is each lot accepted. Quality
components. control accepted color variations will not affect adhesive performance.
Examples of commonly accepted ranges of color differences in
Why > Uncured epoxy uncured epoxies:
color differences do not
translate into a change in Silver-Filled (Ag) Epoxy Adhesives:
performance. For electrically conductive adhesives containing silver, color can vary from dull to shiny in
its uncured state, due to lot-to-lot variation in silver flake appearance. Each batch of silver
flake undergoes several processing steps before it is deemed acceptable for use in an epoxy
resin system.

Silver flake variations are dependent on several factors: size of the input powder, flake
processing length and flake processing time. After the flake has been properly processed, it
is subjected to further quality assurance performance tests. Once the specified lot of silver
flake has been approved, it is then incorporated into a resin or hardener and again tested
to ensure it will achieve the desired properties required for electrically conductive epoxies.

Three Color Variations in

Uncured Silver Epoxies

The above three batches display uncured silver epoxy color variations ranging from a dull
silver to a very shiny silver. Each of these three lots performed equally well in quality as-
surance performance testing.

Color variations batch-to-batch, accepted within our stringent quality

assurance guidelines, DO NOT affect the performance of the product.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
Optical (Unfilled) Epoxy Adhesives:
Optical epoxy adhesive products are often formulated from several raw materials, each of which may contain batch-to-batch
color variations. All optical raw materials are color checked by quality assurance using a color scale known as the
“Gardener Liquid Color Standards”.

Gardener Liquid Color Standards

This color scale is a one-dimensional scale for yellowness. The yellowness of the transparent liquid is determined by pouring the
sample into a tube and comparing it to a pre-determined and known standard. The Gardener scale ranges from ‘1’, being the
lightest, to ‘18’ the darkest shade.

Same Optical Raw Material in Three Accepted Lots

Since some raw materials can fluctuate the full range of the Gardener scale
lot-to-lot, and still be within specifications, these variations directly impact
the final color of each lot of optical epoxy, but not the performance.
Despite the difference in color, each of these lots was accepted by quality
control and did not impact the end product performance.

As demonstrated in this tech tip, color differences when properly reviewed by quality
assurance, do not translate into a change in performance.

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group: ISO 9001
techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com RoHS

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2011 Gardener® is registered trademark of its respective companies
15 The Effect of Relative Humidity
and Temperature on VR for Room
Temperature Curing ECAs
What > The Effect of
Relative Humidity and Room Temperature Curing Electrically Conductive Adhesives (RT ECA) are
Temperature on Volume an attractive option for use with substrates and components that cannot withstand typical
Resistivity for Room heat curing conditions (100˚C -150˚C) of traditional ECAs, like our well-known
Temperature Curing ECAs EPO-TEK® H20E, a standard in the industry.

Why > It could be your Although room temperature curing ECAs can provide similar performance to heat
environment. curing ECAs, there are guidelines that need to be taken into consideration when using
these adhesives.

Here are the guidelines:

1. Resin and hardener proportions (mix ratio) should always adhere to the data sheet val-
ues. For all types of epoxy, hardener and resin must be mixed exactly as prescribed. Even a
slight difference may cause the epoxy properties to change.
(See Tech Tip 11 – Converting Mix Ratio by Weight to Mix Ratio by Volume if needed)

2. Room temperature conditions can vary depending on your geographical location

and laboratory and/or manufacturing conditions. It is imperative to maintain a
temperature between 23˚C and 27˚C (73˚F – 81˚F). Significant temperature fluctuations
can affect the cure time, potentially changing the rate of cross-linking as well as the cross-
linking density.

3. Relative Humidity (RH) conditions are especially critical for curing room temperature
ECAs to ensure optimal electrical conductivity. This is achieved by maintaining an RH
between 40% and 60%.

Why Proper Mix Ratio and Temperature are Required

In order for an ECA to achieve optimal electrical conductivity, it must be well cross-
linked. This requires that the material be mixed at the proper ratio of A and B and then
maintains the proper ratio during the curing process. For traditional heat-cured systems,
this cross-linking occurs fairly rapidly and generally ensures that all of the components
stay homogeneously mixed throughout the cure.

Room temp ECAs cross-link much more slowly, allowing more time for the cure to be
affected if the correct environmental controls are not in place. As the RT ECA is curing,
the lowest surface tension components of the adhesive migrate to the higher surface
tension interfaces, the highest being the open air. When this happens in excess, the
internal mix ratio of curing agent to epoxy is altered from the proper ratio; therefore
the adhesive cannot properly crosslink. It may eventually harden, but it may not have
good electrical conductivity and may even increase in resistance if post cured at a higher
temperature. Curing temperatures below 23˚C are not recommended as the cross-linking
rates will be too slow to allow sufficient cure.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
What is the Mechanism for Preventing Separation and Migration?
Excessive migration of low surface tension components can be impeded by the in-situ formation of a thin amine carbonate
barrier layer at the air interface. This effectively lowers the surface tension and stops the migration. Under the right conditions,
this barrier layer forms naturally from three components: amine + carbon dioxide + water (amine is in the adhesive, low levels of
water vapor and carbon dioxide are in the atmosphere). Finally, proper humidity levels are needed to supply the final component
of the equation - water.

What Happens If Temperature and Humidity Guidelines are Not Maintained?

If the temperature and relative humidity levels are not maintained at their recommended ranges, the amine will continue to
migrate to the air interface and cause further separation. This will create an imbalance in the unreacted amine functional groups
that are available to react with the epoxy functional groups causing a non-homogeneous network that has lost its ability to fully
crosslink throughout the full depth of the adhesive. Without the timely formation of amine carbonate (i.e. the in-situ barrier
layer), the only other occurrence that could slow the migration is the occasional reaction of an amine group with an epoxy group.
This reaction will thicken the adhesive and cause some slowing of the separation, but with long pot life adhesives this happens
too slowly to be effective by itself.

Note: Post curing an improperly cured RT ECA will not fix the issue and could even drive the electrical resistance up, not
down as intended.


Maintaining a temperature range of 23˚C to 27˚C and 40% to 60% RH during the full
cure cycle of a room temp ECA ensures optimal cure and performance.

How to Measure Volume Resistivity of ECAs

Volume Resistivity Sample Preparation
Once the sample has been prepared and cured, the two
probes of a voltmeter are applied to the ends of the stripe
to measure the resistance across the sample. Volume
resistivity is then calculated according to the following

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group: ISO 9001
techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com RoHS

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2011
16 Understanding and Preventing
Epoxy Resin Bleed
What is Epoxy Resin Bleed?
Epoxy resin separation (“resin bleed or bleed out”) is a phenomenon that can take place
when working with filled, adhesive systems dispensed onto various surfaces/substrates. It
What > Understanding is often described as a clear, colorless or amber organic stain, surrounding the die attach
and Preventing Epoxy Resin epoxy; appearing as a shadow or a “halo ring” around a circular dot of adhesive. Below is
Bleed an example of what resin bleed may look like.

Why > Epoxy bleed-out Resin bleed has, at times, been known to be severe
is a random occurrence not enough to interfere with subsequent wire bonding
related to epoxies. and lid sealing operations by coating the bonding
fingers and seal rings of the carriers. Other times,
it is simply a cosmetic/aesthetic concern and its
occurrence may be sporadic in nature.
The purpose of this tip is to provide an overview
of resin bleed, ways to avoid it and is meant as
a general guideline for epoxy adhesive users.

What Are Some Potential Causes of Bleed Out?

Bleed out may occur for many reasons including: thermodynamics of wetting
(surface free energy), bulk material properties and curing schedule.
Surface Free Energy
Epoxy adhesives are typically formulated to have higher surface energy than their
respective substrates and adherents. This positive differential ensures good wetting and
stronger bonds. When the reverse occurs, a resin bleed often results due to the epoxy
having more of an affinity to the surface, than itself. This is especially true with Au
plated electronic parts, as described in the surface contaminants portion of this tip.
Viscosity of Adhesive
In general, lower viscosity adhesives will bleed more than high viscosity pastes, due to
capillary and thermodynamic work of adhesion forces which increase wetting across the
surfaces. Differences in densities, wide ranges in molecular weight distribution and type
or lack of rheological fillers, can contribute to resin bleed.
Curing Schedule
Do not delay the cure or “stage” the adhesive while on a substrate. This will increase
the chances of bleed out. The cure temperature should always be the highest that the
substrate will allow; since the faster the epoxy adhesive cures, the lower the probability of
resin bleed. As a rule of thumb, higher/faster cure = less resin bleed.
Surface Contaminants
In the manufacturing of electro-plated parts (particularly gold), the plating bath can
often be a source of contamination. During this process, the parts are exposed to organic
and inorganic agents within the plating bath. These materials can become entrapped
within the plating material as it is being deposited. Even after a solvent cleaning process
which parts go through prior to shipment, these contaminants can remain within
the plating.
In addition, any solvent residue remaining on the parts can increase the potential of resin
bleed down the road. It is also believed that higher porosity substrates may contribute to
resin bleed by changing the surface wetting properties, promoting resin bleed through
increased capillary transport.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
What Are the Risks of Bleed Out?
Often, resin bleed is a cosmetic risk only, which may appear unsightly, as poor craftsmanship to end-users. When the resin bleed
is severe, this organic layer can interfere with subsequent assembly operations by coating wire bond pads and solder joints as well
as lid sealing metallization; leading to electrical and mechanical failures. In today’s circuit assemblies, manufacturers are creating
smaller packaging, bringing wire bond pads and lid sealing metallization even closer together. Even minor resin bleeds can cause
a major impact on performance.

How to Prevent Bleed Out?

It is important to remember that resin bleed is not an epoxy phenomenon, but a
substrate dependent one. Therefore, substrate quality is of the utmost importance.
Each lot of incoming substrate should be screened for resin bleed (via a simple
dotting test; bleed out is usually seen within the first 10-30 minutes) prior to
production assembly. Any substrates not passing this test should be quarantined,
while a new lot is investigated.
Vacuum Bakeout
Example of non-bleed on a good Au substrate
For consistent and best performance, each substrate lot should be vacuum baked
to ensure a properly prepared bonding surface. Best vacuum baking parameters
are 220°C for 2-4 hours at 100 millitorr vacuum. Interestingly, neither a high Substrates Most Often Affected
temperature bake out nor a vacuum treatment alone is effective in eliminating
resin bleed; but a combination of heat and vacuum is required for best results by • Usually gold (Au) pads on PCBs
removing both trace cleaning agents and any contaminants. and substrates
• Lower quality substrates/poor
Plasma Cleaning plating processing
Plasma cleaning involves the removal of impurities and contaminants from • Porous substrates such as ceramics
surfaces through the use of an energetic plasma created from gaseous species. and crystalline silicon
Gases such as argon or oxygen, are commonly used.
• Die-paddles used in semiconductor
However, if the plated part to be treated is easily oxidized, such as silver lead frames.
or copper, inert gases such as argon and helium are preferred. The plasma
activated atoms and ions behave like a molecular sandblast and can break down
organic contaminants.
As a side note, plasma cleaning (also known as plasma etching) is most often used to treat
fluoropolymer-based materials, like Teflon®(PTFE), that are difficult to bond as it is able to
etch the surface and increase adhesion forces.
Plasma cleaning is also effective for removing or “burning off” the epoxy bleed out after die
attach, prior to wire bonding, with a low pressure argon plasma, when vacuum baking is not

• Epoxy bleed out is a random occurrence, not related to epoxies
• Au is not always Au in terms of potential manufacturing variances
• Not properly preparing and cleaning surfaces can lead to resin bleed

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group: techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com

RoHS ISO 9001


DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2011 Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
Identifying Particles in an Epoxy
Adhesive Using Hegman Gauge
(Grind Gauge) Analysis
What > Hegman gauge
helps to identify different
potential types of particles For wet particle analysis, a Hegman Gauge (sometimes referred to as a grind gauge) is
frequently used to determine the fineness of the grind and to analyze different types of
within an epoxy
particles within an epoxy matrix. The test involves a flat, stainless steel block with two
Why > To identify top channels, decreasing slightly in depth from one end to the other. The channel depth
particle characteristics when begins at 100µm and decreases to zero, with a corresponding scale on either side.
subjected to Hegman Gauge A typical Hegman Gauge measures approximately 170mm long by 65mm wide, with a
analysis height of 15mm. A small amount of the adhesive (Part A, Part B or Part A + B) is placed
at the end of the steel block containing the deepest channel or groove. Using a stainless
steel scraper, the material is slowly drawn down while maintaining uniform pressure along
the entire length of the block.

The resultant thin coating or film on the block is then visually inspected for any lumps
or non-uniformites on the surface of the coating. Any visual observations can also be
read using the scale along either side of the block. This scale can be read in Hegman units
(dimensionless), micrometers or mils.

During a Hegman Gauge analysis, there are four main categories of particles that can
be displayed:

• Uniform Fine Dispersion

• Particle Size Determination
• Crystallization
• Agglomeration

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
Examples of Hegman Gauge Results
The below figures display actual draw downs using Hegman Gauge analysis.

Uniform Fine Particle Size Crystallization Agglomeration

Dispersion Determination

All particles show a flawless Forms uniform, unbroken Appears as a lumpy Has the appearance of
appearance throughout the lines from the initial draw texture throughout the intermittent breaks within
draw down with proper to the corresponding entire draw down. the draw down; not
dispersion. particle size determination, corresponding to any
continuing throughout size scale.
entire draw down.

Good Results Bad/Problematic Results

A Hegman Gauge is an excellent quality assurance tool to quickly evaluate and identify particles within
an epoxy. It allows for differentiating any potential problems such as: crystallization, agglomeration, as
well as determining varying particle sizes.

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group: ISO 9001
techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com RoHS

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2011
18 Understanding Optical Properties
for Epoxy Applications

Optical or unfilled epoxy adhesives are commonly used for adhering various substrates,
What > Optical encapsulating components and providing protective coatings in several optical
Properties of Epoxy applications. They are found in optoelectronic devices for telecommunications, avionics,
Adhesives satellites as well as scientific and medical instrumentation. Epoxy adhesives can provide
optical transparency and opacity. Optical epoxies provide structural integrity, while
Why > Index of resisting many types of environmental tests including: sterilization, elevated temperature
Refraction & Spectral and humidity.
Transmission play a Two of the most important parameters to be considered in selecting an
critical role in optical epoxy are refractive index (Nd) and spectral transmission.
optoelectronic applications
involving epoxies Index of Refraction (Nd)
Index of Refraction (sometimes referred to as Refractive Index) is
the measurement of the speed of light within a certain substance.
The value itself is expressed as the ratio of the speed of light in a
vacuum relative to the speed of light in the specific medium.

A common example of refractive index is a straw in a half-filled

glass of water. The straw appears to be bent or crooked,
due to the differing indicies of refraction of air versus water.

Note: Most epoxies have a refractive index ranging from 1.50 to 1.57.

Spectral Transmission
Spectral Transmission (%T) is an important property when selecting epoxy adhesives for
two reasons. First, in electro-optical circuits, light signals may be required to pass through
the epoxy glue joint interface. Secondly, spectral transmission of a substrate needs to be
fully understood in order to select the best UV curing epoxy adhesive. Not only does it
determine process methods and capabilities prior to curing, but also spectral transmission
generally will not be realized <400nm, after cure.
In order to select the best optical grade adhesive, users need to specify the %T
versus wavelength targets. As an example, it is common for a given epoxy to have a
characteristic of being infrared transparent, but visible light opaque. It is important to
remember that epoxies will not provide significant optical transmission <400nm, since
these are the absorption bands needed to cross-link the epoxy.

The Electro Magnetic Spectrum

Measurement of Optical Properties by Epoxy Technology

Index of Refraction
Index of refraction is measured using a refractometer, capable of room temperature measurements of liquid samples, at a
fixed wavelength only called the Sodium D line, or 589.3nm. As a general rule, Nd values increase by 0.03 upon curing.
For example, a data sheet listed value at 1.56 (wet) becomes 1.59 in its cured state, at 589nm. If the application of the
optical epoxy is for fiber optic telecomm, using NIR wavelengths of 1330nm or 1550nm, the Nd value will decrease with
increased wavelength, in a manner shown in the curve below.

Refractive Index vs Temperature for EPO-TEK® OG142-87 Refractive Index vs Wavelength for EPO-TEK 301-2 FL

Tip: As with increasing wavelength, an increase in Tip: As a general trend, Nd decreases with an increase
temperature will cause a decrease in Nd value. in wavelength.

Spectral Transmission
Spectral transmission values are determined using a UV-VIS Spectrophotometer that measures transmission intensity as a
function of the light source wavelength. The epoxy adhesive is applied as a coating onto a glass slide and cured according to
the data sheet. Specimen thickness is generally determined by the product’s overall viscosity, surface tension and wetting
forces and is recorded on the resulting %T spectrum curve. The cured product is then subjected to a light source (laser)
over 300nm – 2500nm, providing a curve that shows how much the material absorbs or transmits the light at distinct
wavelengths. A reference sample of glass is also measured in order to subtract out the baseline curve resulting from the
glass slide.
Spectral Transmission Curve for EPO-TEK 301-2






500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Wavelength (nm)

Index of refraction and spectral transmission play a critical role in the increasing demands of
optoelectronic or photonic applications of today and the future.

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group:

techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2012
19 Understanding Mechanical
Properties of Epoxies For Modeling,
Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
The unique molecular structure of epoxy allows for a large variety of mechanical
What > Mechanical properties through varying formulations. Epoxies can range from very soft and flexible
Properties of Epoxies to very hard and rigid. Softer materials can relieve stress while harder products
for FEA are used for their high strength and acoustic properties. The thermosetting nature of
epoxies cause them to behave differently than thermoplastics and other engineered
Why > Understanding materials when stresses are applied. Understanding these properties can help in the
the properties of epoxies selection of the best possible product and aid in the modeling of systems such as finite
will help in product element analysis (FEA).
selection when using FEA
In the majority of applications, the largest stress on an
epoxy is shear, not tensile. For this reason we perform two
types of shear testing to determine epoxy strength:
lap shear and die shear.
Lap shear is performed by bonding two overlapping aluminum coupons and applying
a shear force by pulling the coupons in opposite directions until they fail in a shear
mode. The lap shear strength provides a good approximation for strength in structural
applications and is reported in units of pounds per square inch (psi).
Die shear strength is typically perfomed using a probe to push a 2mm x 2mm gold
die, adhered to a gold plated kovar substrate. Die shear strength is reported as a force
in kilograms (kg) and as a stress in units of pressure (psi). For the bonding of small
components such as electronics, this is the preferred test method.
Crosslinked Epoxy
(For greater details, see Epoxy Technology Adhesive Application Guide)

Modulus is an excellent property for judging how rigid or flexible a material may be and
is very important in modeling. Epoxies highly cross-linked polymer structure exhibit
mainly elastic response to loadings, however there is also a viscous response which causes
some plastic deformation. The combination of responses is known as viscoelasticity, which
is measured using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) and provides a more accurate
characterization of the material.
DMA uses a cyclic Three Point Bend Test which allows for the viscoelastic response to be
seen as a phase shift in the response of the material. The phase shift, reported as tan(δ),
can also be expressed as the ratio between the loss modulus and the storage modulus. The
loss modulus represents the complex or viscous component, while the storage modulus
represents the real or elastic response. This allows the storage modulus to act as a good
approximation of the Young’s Modulus for an epoxy.
(For greater details, see Epoxy Technology Adhesive Application Guide)


Three Point Bend Test Geometry for DMA

Epoxies are thermosetting polymers, which causes them to behave quite differently from thermoplastic materials at
high temperatures. Unlike thermoplastics, epoxies will not flow or melt when brought above their glass transition
temperature (Tg). Above its Tg, an epoxy becomes softer as evidenced by a decrease in the modulus. However, the
cross-linking of the polymer chains causes the material to maintain its shape and adhesion through this transition.
Many epoxies are commonly used well above their Tg with excellent results. Above the Tg, there is an increase in
the free volume within the structure which allows for more movement of the polymer chains. The increase in chain
movement accounts for the decrease in modulus and an increase in the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE).

Tips Many times, instinct dictates that a lower CTE value will lead to better resistance of thermal stresses, this is not always
the case. While low CTE values indicate less of an expansion in the dimensions of the epoxy with an increase in
temperature, it can be impossible to exactly match the CTE of the substrates being bonded. Low CTE materials also
tend to be very rigid, so any thermal stresses transferred to the bond line can often lead to de-bonding of the epoxy.
Instead of having a low CTE, the best materials for overcoming thermal stresses usually have a lower modulus.
A lower modulus allows the epoxy to absorb stresses caused by temperature changes, even if the epoxy has a high
CTE value. This is especially important for larger parts where the forces caused by thermal expansion are
proportionately greater.

In addition to strength and modulus, another important property is the hardness of an epoxy.
Hardness is a useful approximation of the rigidity of an epoxy. Along with the modulus, hardness
can provide additional data regarding the compliance of an epoxy.
Hardness is measured using a Shore® Durometer. Higher hardness values indicate a more rigid
material, while a lower values, a softer one. There are two scales that are used for measuring
hardness; Shore D for more rigid materials, while Shore A is used for softer products. Each
hardness reading can vary from sample to sample and even within the same sample if measured by
different operators. This can lead to a variation of approximately ±5 for most products.

L Poisson’s Ratio
Another useful mechanical property for modeling systems is Poisson’s Ratio (ѵ). The Poisson’s
ΔL’ ratio describes the relationship of the change in dimensions of a material in both the axial and
ΔL’ ΔL’ transverse direction when a stress is applied. Epoxy Technology does not measure this property,
but most epoxies exhibit a value of approximately 0.3-0.35. For modeling purposes, 0.3 is most
commonly used.

The above information provides a general guideline for epoxy selection in finite element analysis and
can aid in predicting the performance of an adhesive for specific applications. Many times, adhesive
performance can be optimized by adjusting cure schedules, application method and surface preparation.

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group:

techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2012
B-stage Epoxy
What > Understanding
B-stage Epoxy Adhesives B-staged epoxy resin is a descriptive term used to define a one component epoxy system,
using a latent (low reactivity) curing agent. This unique product can be partially cured
Why > B-staged (sometimes referred to as “pre-dried”), as an initial stage after being applied onto one
epoxy provides many substrate/surface. It can, at a later time, be completely cured under heat and pressure.
processing advantages in This is significantly different from a typical A-stage epoxy system that is provided in a one
mass production or two component format and, is cured in one step at ambient or elevated temperatures.

Why is B-stage Important?

Partially cured epoxy, or B-staged epoxy adhesive, does have processing advantages. The
adhesive can have its initial application and partial cure in one location, and its final cure
in another location days later. In short, B-stage epoxies are typically considered
and ultimately chosen for process assembly reasons, rather then technical or
performance reasons.

Why Consider B-stage Process?

• Mass production; apply epoxy on one day, adhere the parts together at a later date
• Facility; apply epoxy at one location, drop ship them to 2nd location for final assembly
• Service/Value-Added Provider; subcontractors, or electronic packaging companies can apply
epoxy in mass production, then ship pre-applied epoxy resin parts to their customers
• Avoiding manufacturing bottlenecks; increases production capacity because bonding of
parts does not have to immediately follow deposition of the epoxy adhesive

Applications of B-stage Epoxy Adhesives

• Hybrid Microelectronics • Optical
◦◦ Adhering lids over air-cavity / ◦◦ Gasket and perimeter sealing of glasses
hermetic packages in LCDs / Flat Panel Displays (FPDs)
◦◦ Adhering substrates into ◦◦ Window mounting in opto-sensors
package housing ◦◦ Fiber optic bonding in ferrules
• Semiconductor Packaging • PCB level
◦◦ Flip chip processes - flip chip on board, ◦◦ Pre-appling epoxy on heat sinks
on glass, in package
◦◦ Wafer passivation enabling 3D
stacking, wafer back side adhesive

Available Formats of B-stage Epoxy Adhesives

B-stage epoxies are available in various forms including liquids and pastes. Most pastes
can be easily patterned directly onto the electronic parts, comparable to diced films
and tapes.
Deposition Method General Considerations of B-stage Epoxies:
for B-stage Epoxy • The epoxy is typically applied onto one surface only. Its appearance is similar to a “tape style”
adhesive in the form of a dried layer with some surface tack; without a plastic carrier material.
Liquid B-stage epoxy can be
Once it is joined to the 2nd surface, with final A-stage curing, it looks like any normal
applied by hand processes,
adhesive joint.
dip, roller and spray coating.
• There is no general rule, but a user should always be careful of “over-drying” the adhesive,
Paste B-stage epoxy is as the surface will lose its tackiness, thus make wetting to the 2nd surface more difficult.
typically screen, stencil or Individuals should consult the respective product data sheets for suggested drying conditions.
pad printed and can even
approach “ultra-fine pitch” Application:
resolution as seen in figure 1.
• Thickness is controlled by the users processes and design specifications. Normally, the wet
layer does not exceed 200-250um. After the drying process, the adhesive layer is typically
greater than 10um and less than 150-200um.
• The epoxy thickness will be reduced by applying force to the parts during final cure. An
A-stage curing process includes mounting and bonding force during the cure. For example, in
an LCD gasket sealing process, a 9um dried layer is reduced to a 6um A-stage final
cured layer.

• It is recommended that pre-applied adhesive on electrical /optical parts be protected from
Figure 1. Single chip photo from a shipping materials, via waffle or gel-pack style trays. Any potentially contaminated B-stage
25 x 25 chip array across an 8 inch
wafer. Picture of 5mm x 5mm sensor
dried adhesive layer may add to the risk of reduced final bond strength and integrity.
window screen printed with 200um
gasket seal of EPO-TEK B9021-13, Final Processing Recommendations:
at 150 um pitch from its neighbor
• Recommended pressure or force during the A-stage cure can also vary. For example, a 5mm x
5mm optical sensor window shown in Figure 1, 15N pressure at 150°C for 15 sec was realized
during the mounting process. Not only does it make acceptable fillets, but it also “forces the
wetting” process. These parts were later post-cured in gang assembly, via off-line process at
150˚C for 30 minutes.

B-stage Product Line From Epoxy Technology

Category Product Application/Comments
Optical B9021-14 LCD gasket sealing, sensor window sealing non optical beam
MA-5 Fiber optic connectors, fiber-ferrule gluing
Thermal B9021-13 PCB heat sinking, PCB structural assembly, fast drying
B9021-15 PCB heat sinking, PCB structural assembly, slow drying
General B9021-1 Hybrid package lid sealing
M10-D Very thixotropic paste, lid sealing hybrids, optical window-attach
Silver filled EE149-6 Hybrid packaging, semiconductor flip chip
P1011-S Polyimide chemistry, quartz crystal oscillator, stamping process
P1011 More viscous version of P1011-S, dispensing process
P1011-T More thixotropic version of P1011, stencil/screen printing process

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group:

techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2012
21 Epoxy and Silicone
What > Epoxy and
Silicone Interactions
Epoxy adhesives are a great choice for many applications for their excellent adhesion,
Why > Epoxies and chemical and temperature resistance, as well as many other attributes. When selecting
Silicones can co-exist an epoxy for a specific application, it is important to consider any potential negative
favorably within the same interactions from alternative chemistries that may be used within the same design.
application when applied
This tip will review potential epoxy and silicone interactions when used together for a
properly. specific application. When applied properly, both materials can co-exist favorably within
the same application, however, they can also be problematic if used incorrectly.

Three main points to be aware of when working with

epoxies and silicones:
• Proper handling of epoxy and silicone is a must
• Potential silicone contamination (invisible) of the epoxy can occur
• Possible poisoning/inhibition of the silicone cure by the epoxy can also occur

Proper Handling of Epoxy & Silicone

Silicone Molecule In order to keep your laboratories clean of cross-contamination, and to avoid
manufacturing line-down situations, it is imperative to consider the following
guidelines and procedures for handling and curing epoxies and silicones:
• Best practice states that epoxy and silicone handling and curing should always be
performed in separate laboratories, with NO connecting air vents.
• Always clean parts to be certain that any trace mold release agents (usually silicone based)
are thoroughly removed.
• Once an epoxy is fully cured, or a silicone is fully cured, they can be used adjacent to
each other without any issues.
• Silicone only oven; epoxy only oven.

Silicone Contamination on Epoxy Adhesive Bonding

Examples of where silicones are often used or found:

• Adhesives, encapsulants, glob tops and potting agents

• Optical gels and greases
• Thermal interface pads and greases
• Trace contaminant from molded and de-molded parts as silicone-based mold
release agents.
• Silicone oils released from jacketing of coaxial and fiber cable
Potential Contamination Outcome
Generally, wet state and fully cured silicones will not poison the epoxy curing process itself. But the silicone, as well as
its by-products, can be catastrophic for the strength and wetting of the epoxy interfaces (substrate to substrate adhesion)
down-stream by forming an ultra-thin coating on these surfaces. The presence of silicone, and its inherent nature to be a
“release” type of product, can cause total epoxy adhesive bonding failure. In other words, the mode of failure changes from
what might be an expected failure outcome (cohesive failure) to an undesired adhesive failure (adhesive failure) as shown in
the figures below.

Typical failure mode of an epoxy Total lack of bonding associated with

silcone contamination onto the substrate

NOTE: When using epoxies and silicones within the same application, it is critical to properly clean and be aware of any
potential cross-contaminants before the epoxy bonding. Also, certain protective gear (ie. gloves, lab coats, etc.)
should not be overlooked as they can be a source of silicone contamination.

Possible Poisoning/Inhibition of the Cure by an Epoxy in Addition Cure Silicones

Based on the type of curing agent in the epoxy adhesive, proper silicone curing can be
affected. Amine-based curing agents are frequently used in epoxy hardener systems. These
curing agents can differ in composition, aliphatic or aromatic; as well as functionality via
mono, di- or tri-amine.
Platinum catalysts, used in most addition cure silicones, are very susceptible to
poisoning from amine-based epoxy curing agents. Wet silicone can easily be spoiled by
adjacent wet or amine cured epoxy, as even cured epoxy outgassed vapors can inhibit the
silicone cure. Poisoning can range from a slight tackiness on the surface to a complete
failure of the cure. Silicones users should be aware of this in order to assess any potential
risk. Consult our MSDS or contact our Application Expert to determine your epoxy
hardener composition.


Proper handling and knowledge of epoxies and silicones adhesives, including their potential interaction,
allows for both materials to used successfully within the same application.

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group:

techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2012
Using Mold Release
Agents with
What >
Mold Release Agents
Epoxy Adhesives
Why > Epoxy adhesives are universally known for their high strength and toughness in bonding
Mold release agents work a wide variety of substrates found in semiconductor and electronics assembly. Although
well when used properly an epoxies inherent nature is to provide a strong bond, there may be some areas where
with epoxy adhesives. adhesion is unwanted or unintended. These occasions are where a mold release agent
can play an important role.

Where Can Mold Release Agents Be Used?

Mold release agents are used for:
• Preventing adhesion to unintended surfaces in potting and casting electronics
• Coating a mold to be used for molding epoxy into various shapes and formats
• Protecting fixtures or tooling so the epoxy can be easily removed when finished

Potting and Casting Electronics

Potting usually refers to a liquid epoxy resin encapsulant which covers and protects the
electronics beneath it. Potting resins are commonly self-leveling and will take the shape of
their host container. These materials are used in electronics applications for:
–– Protection from harsh environments such as chemicals and moisture
–– Color coding and cosmetic appearance
–– Security in the form of protecting electronics from being reverse-engineered
–– Increasing the dielectric performance of the circuit
–– Thermal management and general heat dissipation

Casting usually refers to epoxy potted electronics that are removed or recovered
from a mold. They can also be described as “casted electronics” or “casted
electronic components”.

Conversely, when the epoxy potted electronics remain inside a housing, chassis, package
or hybrid, it is said to be “potted electronics” as described above. Whether potted or
casted, both utilize similar concepts and processes; including the same epoxy product.

In summary, the main difference between potting and casting is potted electronics
generally do not use mold release agents, where as casted electronics do in order to
facilitate a release from the host container.
Molding Epoxies
Since epoxies are capable of a low viscosity, liquid appearance, they can be molded into various shapes, much like
traditional injection molding techniques of thermoplastics. Epoxy resins, however, are thermosetting polymers and should
be handled differently.

Note: The pot life of each epoxy should be carefully monitored to ensure optimum molding results.

Applications of Molded Epoxies

Epoxy resins can be molded into shapes for various applications including:
• Lens optics, electro-optical packaging of fiber optics and sensor
devices. Ingots of molded epoxy can be diced, machined, lapped
and polished into lens shapes including hemispherical, spherical, Mold
cylindrical and concave/convex geometries.
• Micro-molded camera lens optics directly molded onto CCD/CMOS
or glass wafers, using the de-wetting properties contributed from Epoxy
silicone molds.
• Medical implants such as molding around titanium venal access ports
or molding a feed-through wire into a pacemaker hermetic case. Molded Lens Optics
• Test specimens for scientific measurements, including: optical, physical, mechanical, electrical and thermal analysis of epoxy
resin or epoxy impregnated composites.

Fixturing and Tooling

Fixtures are used for the purpose of holding parts in high volume arrays for critical alignments, and providing bonding forces
and assistance during cure. Similarly, tooling involves the use of tools, clamps, carriers and trays where epoxy splashes or deposits
are undesirable. In order to avoid this unwanted overspill of material onto the fixture or tool, a mold release agents is applied to
facilitate release.

Suggested Mold Release Agents

The following materials are commonly chosen as mold release agents:
• Teflon® (PTFE) based products. Epoxies are very polar molecules and will release well from non-polar surfaces. An example
of a PTFE based spray coating that works well is a The Dry Release Agent from Miller Stephenson Chemicals Company.
• Wax. Wax is another material having a non-polar surface along with high molecular weight. When selecting a specific wax, it
is important to choose one that has a high enough melting temperature, in relation to the epoxy curing temperature. Waxes
are often used for temporary holding of semiconductor wafers during the dicing/sawing/lapping processes.
• Silicones. Silicones can work as well, however special precautions should be taken in handling in order to avoid any potential
epoxy and silicone interactions. See EPO-TEK Tech Tip 21 for more information.
• Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) Soap. Especially found in the medical industry, where many implantable devices such as
hearing aids, may be molded using a biocompatible epoxy. In these applications, SDS soap is often the mold release agent
of choice.

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group:

techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2012 Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company.
23 Tg - Glass Transition
Temperature for Epoxies
The Glass Transition Temperature (Tg ) is one of the most important properties of any
What > Glass Transition epoxy and is the temperature region where the polymer transitions from a hard, glassy material
to a soft, rubbery material. As epoxies are thermosetting materials and chemically cross-link
Temperature (Tg ) during the curing process, the final cured epoxy material does not melt or reflow when heated
(unlike thermoplastic materials), but undergoes a slight softening (phase change) at elevated
Why > Tg is an
important property of an
epoxy, especially critical in What Exactly is Tg?
product design. The Glass Transition Temperature (Tg ), not to be confused with melting point (Tm), is the
temperature range where a thermosetting polymer changes from a hard, rigid or “glassy” state
to a more pliable, compliant or “rubbery” state.

In actuality Tg is not a discrete thermodynamic transition, but a temperature range over which
the mobility of the polymer chains increase significantly. The ultimate Tg is determined by
a number of factors: the chemical structure of the epoxy resin, the type of hardener and the
degree of cure.

Tg is usually measured using Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC): ASTM E1356,

“Standard Test Method for Assignment of the Glass Transition Temperature by Differential
Scanning Calorimetry”.

The format of the Tg scan is similar to that of a kinetic scan except that it is performed with a
cured sample. Temperature is plotted on the X axis and the heat flow response on the Y axis
(see above figure)

As discussed previously, Tg is actually a temperature range, rather than a specific temperature.

The convention, however, is to report a single temperature defined as the midpoint of the
temperature range, bounded by the tangents to the two flat regions of the heat flow curve. For
the epoxy material in the above figure, the reported Tg would be 75˚C.

Tg spans a temperature range, rather than occurring at a specific temperature, due to the
cross-linked polymer chains having multiple degrees of freedom and modes of polymer chain
movement in response to any applied thermal energy. The Tg value can also vary depending on
its degree of cure. Generally, the reported Tg for a material is based on 100% conversion (full
cure). For a more detailed explanation, see our Epoxy Adhesive Application Guide, pages 16-19.
Altering the Tg of an Epoxy
The Tg is strongly dependent on the cure schedule. Low temperature cures such as room temperature (RT) will result in the lowest possible
Tg of all for that chemistry. Very high Tg values are not achievable by room temperature curing. If the same material is cured at an elevated
temperature, a higher Tg will result. As an example an adhesive could have a Tg between 60°C and 110°C, based on the cure schedule. This
is why it is important to maintaining tight temperature control in any production setting.

Additionally, the glass transition temperature (Tg ) of epoxies can be significantly reduced by moisture absorption, a factor which should be
considered when designing for humid applications.

Other Tg Considerations
Typically, adhesives with the highest Tg have the best heat resistance and therefore deliver the best tensile properties at high temperature.
Unless there are significant exotherms associated with the cure process, as a general rule, a Tg cannot be significantly higher than the highest
temperature seen during curing. For more information about the effect cure has on an epoxy, see EPO-TEK Cure Matters, Technical Aid.

Effects of Tg on:
The basic relationship Modulus has to adhesives is: the higher the Tg , the higher the cross-linked density and the higher the modulus. As
an epoxy rises above its Tg , the storage modulus drops. This is indicative of the change from a rigid to compliant state.
A high Tg along with a high storage modulus, results in a high stiffness which in most cases equates to a low percent elongation and poor
energy dissipation when stressed at ambient temperatures. The modulus below the Tg has a primarily linear inverse relationship with

Lap Shear and Die Shear

Generally, as the temperature rises, the lap shear and die shear strengths of an epoxy will decrease. As an interesting side note, this effect is
often employed as a means of removing cured adhesive.
As the epoxy becomes soft, cohesive failures become more prevalent. This then allows for two substrates to be more easily detached.

Thermo Mechanical Analysis

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
Another important physical change that can occur with changing Tg in an
adhesive, is the change in coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE).
“Glassy” “Rubbery”
As the temperature rises past the Tg, the adhesive will begin to soften and lose
some tensile strength. It will also experience a rise in its CTE. Generally, there is
a smooth transition between the two coefficients around the Tg.

You can also locate the Tg of a material by using a CTE curve. This is
done by determining the intercept of the two curves, plotting

Temperature versus Displacement.


Can I Use an Epoxy Above its Tg?

Absolutely, unlike solder, an epoxy will not re-flow during a thermal cycle. A force produced by covalent bonds within the cured
epoxy structure will cause the more compliant epoxy back to its original shape when cooled back below Tg. In many cases it may be
advantageous to use an epoxy above its Tg as the added compliance makes the bond more shock and vibration resistant. Additionally, the
epoxy is also less likely to damage fragile components as a result of its lower rigidity.

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group:

techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2012
24 Bonding to Aluminum
Why Bonding to Aluminum Needs Special Considerations
Aluminum is a popular metal that is often chosen in various manufacturing processes.
What > Bonding to It has many important physical properties including: light weight, corrosion resistance,
excellent conductivity, high reflectivity, and high strength, along with low cost. Since
Aluminum Using Epoxy
aluminum is such a pervasive metal in manufacturing, the ability to join it properly using
Why > Aluminum, a an epoxy is crucial in the manufacturing process.
popular metal, has unique
physical properties to be con- There are many forms of aluminum that exist and some, such as anodized aluminum,
sidered for proper bonding can be difficult to bond. Additionally, aluminum is commonly alloyed with copper,
with epoxy adhesives. magnesium, manganese, silicon, and zinc. With proper handling and preparation, epoxy
can bond well to most aluminums and aluminum alloys. For more information on
compatible metals for epoxy bonding, see EPO-TEK Tech Tip 12.

Special Considerations for Bonding to Aluminum and

Aluminum Alloys
Aluminum presents a particular concern in bonding as it readily oxidizes to form an
insulative/passivation layer of aluminum oxide. Interestingly, both aluminum and
aluminum oxide alike can maintain their apparent shine and reflectivity in a dry
environment. However, aluminum, when oxidized, becomes an electrical insulator
and mechanically will cause a weaker bond than when non-oxidized. This can result in
decreased lap shear strength of as much as 50%. Oxidized aluminum can also cause
issues with bonding and electrical properties over both the short term as well as the
lifetime of a bond.

Another issue with aluminium is galvanic corrosion. Galvanic corrosion results in the
formation of a thick oxide passivation layer causing electrical conductivity to plummet
and the bond to weaken. Aluminum and aluminum alloy can galvanically corrode when
electrically connected to metals with a large anodic index difference, such as silver found
in silver-filled electrically conductive adhesives (ECAs). Aluminum has an anodic index
of -0.90 – -0.95V, while silver is a noble metal with an anodic index of only -0.15 V. This
large anodic difference can lead to significant corrosion of the aluminum. A common
method of preventing galvanic corrosion is to electroplate the aluminum with a metal that
will not corrode, such as nickel or gold.

What About Anodized Aluminum?

Although aluminum is a common bonding substrate for epoxy, anodized aluminum
can present its own set of bonding problems. Anodized aluminum is an electrolytically
induced passivation process, where several physical changes occur to the surface including:
thicker aluminum oxide layer, increased porosity, and increased strength/brittleness.

An epoxy’s mechanical bond strength can be aided by the increased porosity of an

anodized surface. These pores can act as anchor points (similar mechanism to Velcro®)
which binds the epoxy to aluminum. The problem, however, comes from the fact that
most anodized aluminum is sealed after the anodizing process. Sealing can be done with
a wide array of methods all of which shrink the pore size in order to increase corrosion
resistance. These methods include immersion in such solvents as: water, nickel acetate,
cobalt acetate, hot sodium, or even Teflon®. Many of these sealing processes can leave the
aluminum with below average bondability.
Examples of Applications Where Aluminum is Often Bonded Using Epoxy
• Photonics and ferrules • Housing for RF modules
• Heat sinks • Aerospace
• Solar panels • PCB level plating

Solutions for Better Bonding to Aluminum

The best solution to any aluminum bonding issue is good surface preparation and proper electroplating. Proper surface
preparation greatly increases the epoxy’s ability to adhere properly. For additional information on surface preparation see
EPO-TEK Tech Tip 13. There are also several ways to minimize the passivation layer that may form on the surface of aluminum.
The most straightforward and simple way of handling this is combining abrasion with an acetone or IPA wipe.

For optimal cleaning/surface preparation a more in-depth four step cleaning process can be used :

1. Cleaning/degreasing: The aluminum is immersed, sprayed or wiped with a chlorinated solvent, ketone, or mineral spirits.
The aluminum could also be vapor degreased with chlorinated solvent.

2. Abrasion: The surface would be detergent scrubbed or abraded.

3. Etching: The surface is chemically treated with a strong acid solution. Examples include: sulfuric acid and sodium
dichromate or citric acid for a less effective, but more environmentally friendly cleaning option.

4. Rinsing: The part is then rinsed with in DI water.

With proper preparation, most types of aluminum can easily be bonded using epoxy adhesives for a wide variety
of applications.

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group:

techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 Toll Free 800-227-2201 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2013 Teflon & Velcro are a registered trademark of respective companies.
25 Dielectric Properties
of Epoxies
Dielectric, by definition, means any insulating medium which intervenes between two
conductors. In simple terms, it suggests the absence of conduction and describes materials
What > Dielectric which are not electrical conductors. Dielectric materials can be used for making capacitors,
Properties of Epoxies providing an insulating barrier between two conductors (as in cross over and multi-layered
Why > circuits) and for encapsulating circuits. Dielectric properties, specifically for epoxy adhesives,
Dielectric materials provide refer to the electrical properties of a material.
an insulating barrier between
two electrical conductors. Epoxy Technology, Inc. is a DSCC (Defense Supply Center Columbus) approved military
testing lab for epoxy adhesives (military standard MIL-STD 883H / Test Method 5011-5).
This standard involves several adhesive tests: Volume Resistivity (VR), Dielectric Constant
(Dk) and Dissipation Factor (Df ), but does not include Dielectric Strength as it is application

If a material is certified to the above standard, it is a great candidate for evaluation in

high reliability applications, such as military or aerospace. Many companies require this
certification for consideration in their design phase.

Dielectric Properties
There are four dielectric properties typically associated with epoxy products: VR, Dk, Df and
dielectric strength. For epoxies, here are some general guidelines:

Volume Resistivity (VR) is defined as the measured electrical resistance through a material
when a voltage is applied for a specific amount of time. For an insulative product, it is
generally greater than or equal to 0.1 teraohm-meter at 25°C and greater than or equal to
1.0 megaohm-meter at 125°C, according to ASTM D257.

Dielectric Constant (Dk) is defined as a material’s ability to store a charge when used as
a capacitor dielectric. It is usually less than or equal to 6.0 at both 1 kHz and 1 MHz,
according to ASTM D150, and is a unit less value because it is measured in ratios.

Dissipation Factor (Df ) (also called loss factor or dielectric loss) is defined as the power
dissipated by a dielectric, generally less than or equal to 0.03 at 1 kHz and less than or
equal to 0.05 at 1 MHz, according to ASTM D150.

Dielectric Strength (sometimes referred to as breakdown voltage) is the maximum electric

field a material can withstand before breaking down. It is an important property for many
applications that will be running a high current or amperage. As a general rule-of-thumb, the
dielectric strength of an epoxy is roughly 500 volts/mil at 23°C for an insulating product. As a
practical example, if an electronic circuit needs to resist 1000 volts, a minimum of 2 mil of
dielectric epoxy is required.

Volume resistivity, dielectric constant and dissipation factor can be experimentally determined
by an adhesive manufacturer, however, dielectric strength is application dependent. Epoxy
users should always validate the adhesive for its dielectric strength in their specific application.
Variability of Dielectric Properties
Many dielectric properties will vary with respect to factors unrelated to the bulk material properties such as: temperature, frequency,
sample size, sample thickness and time. Some external factors and how they affect the end result are:

VR and Temperature - When the temperature of a material increases, VR will decrease. In other words, it will become less
of an insulator. The main reason is that the material is above its glass transition temperature (Tg) and molecular motion of
the monomers intertwined in the polymer network is at its highest level. It not only means less insulation compared to room
temperature, but also can result in lower strength and hermeticity.

Dk and Temperature - Similar to the explanation above, this property will also change with respect to temperature. The dielectric
constant of a room temperature cured epoxy will increase with increasing temperature. For example, a value of 3.49 at 25°C will
change to 4.55 at 100°C and 5.8 at 150°C. In general terms, the higher the Dk value, the less electrically insulating a material
will be.

Dk and Radio Frequency (Rf ) - In general, as frequency increases, Dk will decrease. As described in the effect of temperature on
Dk, a room temperature cured epoxy with a Dk value of 3.49 at 60Hz will result in a value of 3.25 at 1KHz and 3.33 at 1MHz.
In other words, as Rf increases, so does the insulation properties of the adhesive. Thus, the lower the Dk value, the more of an
insulator the material will become.

Common Applications
Dielectric adhesives are used in most semiconductor and electronic packaging applications. A few examples include:
semiconductor flip chip underfill, SMD staking on PCB and substrate, wafer passivation, glob top over IC’s, copper coil
impregnation and general PCB potting and encapsulation. All of these areas require the utmost insulation for eliminating and
preventing any electrical short-circuit.

Dielectric Products
Epoxy Technology offers several products for dielectric applications providing a combination of structural, optical and thermal
properties along with their great dielectric characteristics. All dielectric products are electrical insulators, but many are thermal
conductors, too. The below product chart highlights our best dielectric epoxies and some of their uses.

Product Application Description Electronic Packaging Format

353ND Cu coil impregnation, SMD inductors, HDD voice coils, piezo Power Electronics, Data Storage,
ceramic lamination Medical Ultrasound
360 Flip chip, CSP or BGA underfill Semiconductor, PCB
730 Dielectric over DBC ceramic substrate CPV Solar Cells
930-4 Ferrite bonding, SMD motor coils Power Electronics, IC, SMD
H65-175MP SMD attach, Opto-packaging, Hybrids Semiconductor, Military, Avionics
H67-MP SMD attach, Opto-packaging, Hybrids Military, Avionics
H67MP-GB SMD attach, Hybrids, Heat sinking Military, Avionics
H67MP-T SMD attach, Hybrids, Heat sinking Military, Avionics
H70E Hybrid die attach, SMD attach, COB Die Attached Hybrid Rf Microwave, FO Components
H77 Potting D-shaped connectors Electronics Cabling
T7109 Kapton heater coil to metal clad PCB Medical Electronics
T7110 Potting and encapsulation of PCBs Electronics
T905BN-3 Thermal potting of transformer cases Hybrid Avionics

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group:

techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests
believed to be accurate. It is recommended that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific
requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no responsibility in connection with the
use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821
phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2014
26 Pot Life, Working Life and
Gel Time of Epoxies
Pot life, working life, and gel time are properties of an epoxy that can vary greatly from product
to product. These properties play a vital role in material selection in choosing an adhesive for
a specific manufacturing environment or process. When selecting an epoxy, pot life may be an
important concern for one application, but not for another. When it matters, it is important to
What > Understanding know how to interpret product test data on a product’s datasheet concerning these properties.
the terms pot life, working
life, and gel time with regards Pot Life vs. Working Life Pot life is an important value and is one
to EPO-TEK adhesives. of many searchable parameters on our
Pot life and working life are often taken to epotek.com website. Table 2 quantifies pot life
Why > mean the same thing, but that is not always related terminology, as it is used on
Knowing the difference will the case. Pot life is defined as the amount our EPO-TEK website.
help with material selection of time it takes for an initial mixed viscosity
for a specific application. Table 2
to double, or quadruple for lower viscosity
products (<1000 cPs). Timing starts from the Pot Life Length Approximate Duration
moment the product is mixed, and is measured
Quick < 1 hour
at room temperature (23˚C).
Short 1 – 4 hours
Working life, on the other hand, is the Medium 4 – 8 hours
amount of time an epoxy remains low enough
Long 8 – 24 hours
in viscosity that it can still be easily applied to
a part or substrate in a particular application. Days > 2 Days
For that reason, working life can vary from
application to application, and even by the
application method of the epoxy, so there is no
Gel Time
uniform method for quantifying this property. Gel time is another term that is often used
interchangeably with pot life, although there
Pot life can act as a guide in determining
are some differences. Both terms are used to
working life by providing a rough timeline of
describe the thickening of an epoxy after it is
viscosity growth, remembering that viscosity
mixed, but gel time is often tested at elevated
doubles for every pot life value.
temperatures as well.
One example for review is the pot life
Gel time is determined by heating the epoxy
determination of EPO-TEK H70E, see Table
and observing when it starts to become stringy,
1 below. It starts with an initial viscosity of
or gel-like, though not quite fully cured. It will
5632 cPs and doubles after 56 hours. You can
most likely be at a higher viscosity the end of
estimate that in another 56 hours, the viscosity
it’s pot life measurement.
will be at least 22,000 cPs.
Table 1 This value can be useful for manufacturing
purposes if one needs to move a part before the
EPO-TEK H70E Pot Life cure is complete, but does not want any shift
Time (hrs) Time (min) Viscosity (cPs) in a component placement. It is not, however,
a standard quality control test and should be
0 0 5632
determined experimentally in each application,
24 1440 6349 if needed.
48 2880 8397
51.5 3090 9523
54 3240 10137
56 3360 11059

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended
that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes no
responsibility in connection with the use or inability to use these products.
Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821 phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2014
27 Polyimides
Polyimides are synthetic polymers containing two acyl groups (C=O) bonded to
nitrogen (N); known as imides. They are supplied as a one component system and
What > typically contain solvents. Polyimides are known for their flexural strength, flame
Understanding Polyimides resistance and chemical resistance, as well as high temperature performance in the
Why > Polyimides are 400-500°C range.
high temperature materials
with excellent chemical and
solvent resistance Why are Polyimides Important?
Polyimides are commonly used as a coating due to their solvent containing formulations.
This translates to a material that is better suited for large surface areas instead of adhesive
glue joints. As a coating, polyimides have enough adhesion to the primary surface; where
performance is quantified using a scratch or abrasion test. As an adhesive, we find them
less effective in structural bonding applications versus epoxy-based chemistry. Users of
polyimides should expect at least ⅓ to ½ of ultimate strength compared to a similar epoxy
glue joint.

Often, a polyimide is chosen due to its inherent ability of being flame resistant. This is
an environmental advantage because trade restricted flame retardants, such as antimony
compounds and red phosphorous structures, are not needed.

Types of Polyimides
Polyimides exist in two formats: thermosetting and thermoplastic. Thermosetting
Imide Group
polyimides have a glass transition temperature (Tg) and a non-reversible polymerization
process; where the starting materials cannot be reclaimed. By contrast, thermoplastic
polyimides have a melt temperature (Tm) and will revert back to their original format
(i.e. liquid or paste) once this temperature is reached.

Applications of Polyimides
• Jacketing or jacket coatings, insulation layers and composite impregnation on electronic
and coaxial cables
• Insulation and a protective layer for magnetic wires
• Composite plastics, where polyimide impregnates woven or non-woven carbon and
glass fiber cloth, resulting in a PCB substrate, such as Kapton®, and molded plastic parts
such as Vespel®
• Medical grade molded plastic parts and tubing
• Semiconductor wafer passivation layer
• Coating optical fibers
Processing of Polyimides
Since most polyimides are supplied in a solvent containing format, special attention is needed when handling and curing. For
handling, it is important to be mindful of the dry time. The dry time, similar to working time, is the time you have to work
with the material when it is out of the original jar. This may yield only minutes or hours on a screen printer or dip coater, due
to evaporation rates. In terms of curing, a solvent-borne product will typically require a multi-step curing procedure in order to
avoid trapped pin holes, or bubbles, in the coating or adhesive layer. As with all solvent-borne materials, proper ventilation of the
laboratory and curing ovens is important. It is also important to note that the shelf life cannot be extend by adding additional
solvent to the material.

EPO-TEK® Polyimide Product Line From Epoxy Technology

Product Application/Comments
OE132-43 Slow drying, optically transparent, high temperature coating for fiber optics, medical catheters and industrial
flow meters (REACH compliant).

P1011 Low stress, long dry time, silver-filled for chip bonding in microelectronics and optoelectronic applications.
Designed for screen printing and dispensing.
P1011S Low stress, long dry time, silver-filled for semiconductor die attach and hybrid microelectronic packaging.
Lower viscosity version of P1011. Designed for die-stamping and pin transfer.
TV1002 Black-colored, high Tg, low outgassing, slow drying with high strength for wafer passivation and performance
up to 450°C. Designed for ultra-fine screen print definition.
TV1003 White-colored, high viscosity, high Tg, low outgassing, slow drying with very high dielectric strength for wafer
passivation and alpha particle protection. More electrically insulating version of TV1002. Designed for ultra-fine
screen print definition with performance up to 450°C.

Polyimides are high temperature, flame retardant materials
that exist in thermoplastic and themosetting versions. They are
commonly used as a coating or jacketing material on electronic
and optical cables, as well as a wafer passivation dielectric.

© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2015

For other useful tips, contact our Tech Service Group:

techserv@epotek.com or www.epotek.com

DISCLAIMER: Data presented is provided only to be used as a guide. Properties listed are typical, average values, based on tests believed to be accurate. It is recommended
that users perform a thorough evaluation for any application based on their specific requirements. Epoxy Technology makes no warranties (expressed or implied) and assumes
no responsibility in connection with the use or inability to use these products. Please refer to the product data sheets and safety data sheets (SDS) for more detailed information.

Epoxy Technology Inc. • 14 Fortune Drive • Billerica, MA 01821

phone 978-667-3805 fax 978-663-9782 techserv@epotek.com
© Epoxy Technology Inc. 2015

EPO-213-01 Kapton® And Vespel® are registered trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company

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