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Ic-38 Health Q&a

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1. IRDAI stands for __________.

a. International Regulatory & Development Authority

b. Indian Regulatory & Development Authority
c. Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority of India
d. Income Regulatory & Development Authority
2. The term TPA refers to ________.
(Answer with regards to health insurance)
a. The Primary Associate
b. To Provide Assistance
c. Third Party Administrator
d. Third Party Assistance
3. Which of the below group would not be eligible for a group health insurance policy?
a. Employees of a company
b. Credit card holders of an organization
c. Professional association members
d. Group of unrelated individuals formed for the purpose of availing group
health insurance
4. Who cannot be covered under a family floater policy?
a. Children
b. Spouse
c. Parents-in-law
d. Maternal uncle
5. As per IRDA regulations issued in February 2013, what is the grace period allowed beyond the
expiry date of the policy, for renewal?
a. 15 days
b. 30 days
c. 45 days
d. 60 days
6. Identify the form of insurance that is depicted in the following scenario.
Scenario: Patient pays the health provider and is subsequently reimbursed by the health
insurance company.
a. Service Benefit
b. Direct contracting
c. Indemnity
d. Casualty
7. Moral Hazard by health insurance companies can result in _________.
a. Community rating
b. Adverse selection
c. Abuse of health insurance
d. Risk pooling
8. Primary Care can be described as ____________.
a. Care provided to patient in an acute setting
b. Care provided in hospitals
c. First point of contact for people seeking healthcare
d. Care provided by Doctors
9. ________________ is an insured who undergoes treatment after getting admitted in a hospital.
a. Inpatient
b. Outpatient
c. Day patient
d. House patient

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10. _________ refers to a hospital/health care provider enlisted by an insurer to provide medical
services to an insured on payment by a cashless facility.
a. Day care center
b. Network provider
c. Third Party Administrator
d. Domiciliary
11. Health Insurance is designed to handle which of the following risks?
a. Mortality
b. Morbidity
c. Infinity
d. Serendipity
12. Though the duration of cover for pre-hospitalization expenses would vary from one Insurer to
Insurer and is defined in the Policy, the most common cover is for ______Pre-Hospitalization.
a. Fifteen Days
b. Thirty Days
c. Forty Five Days
d. Sixty days.
13. As per IRDA guidelines, a _____grace period is allowed for renewal of individual health policies.
a. Fifteen Days
b. Thirty Days
c. Forty Five days
d. Sixty Days
14. Which of the below statement is correct with regards to a hospitalization expenses policy?
a. Only hospitalization expenses are covered.
b. Hospitalization as well as pre and post Hospitalization expenses are covered.
c. Hospitalization as well as pre and post Hospitalization expenses are covered and a
lumpsum amount is paid to the family members in the event of the insured’s death.
d. Hospitalization expenses are covered from the first year and pre and post
hospitalization expenses are covered from the second year if the first year is claim
15. Identify which of the below statements is correct?
a. Health Insurance deals with Morbidity
b. Health Insurance deals with Mortality
c. Health Insurance deals with Morbidity as well as Mortality
d. Health Insurance neither deals with Morbidity nor Mortality
16. Which of the below statements is correct with regards to cashless service provided in health
a. It is an environment friendly go-green initiative started by insurance companies to
promote electronic payments so that circulation of physical cash notes can be
reduced and trees can be saved
b. Service is provided free of cost to the insured and no cash is to be paid as the
payment is made by the Government to the insurance company under a special
c. All payments made by insured have to made only through internet banking or cards
as cash is not accepted by the insurance company.
d. The insured does not pay and the insurance company settles the bill directly
with the hospital.
17. Identify the full form of PPN with regards to hospitals in health insurance?
a. Public Preferred Network

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b. Preferred Provider Network
c. Public Private Network
d. Provider Preferential Network
18. Identify which of the below statements is incorrect?
a. An employer can take a group policy for his employees
b. A bank take a take a group policy for its customers
c. A shop keeper can take a take a group policy for its customers
d. A group policy taken by the employer for his employees can be extended to include
the family members of the employees.
19. Under Writing is the process of ________
a. Marketing insurance products
b. Collecting premium from customers
c. Risk selection and Risk pricing
d. Selling various Insurance products
20. The principal of utmost good faith in underwriting is required to be followed by _____
a. The insurer
b. The Insured
c. Both the insurer and the insured
d. The medical examiners
21. Insurable Interest refers to _____
a. Financial interest of the person in the asset to be insured
b. The asset which is already insured
c. Each insurers share of loss when more than one company covers the same loss
d. The amount of loss that can be recovered from the insurer
22. Which of the following statements about medical under writing is incorrect?
a. It involves high cost in collecting and assessing medical reports
b. Current health status and age are the key factors in medical under writing for health
c. Proposers have to undergo medical and pathological investigations to assess their
health risk profile
d. Percentage assessment is made on each component of the risk
23. In a group health insurance,
A. Any of the individual constituting the group could anti-select against the insurer
B. Group health insurance provided coverage only to employer-employee groups
a. Statement A is true and stamen B is false
b. Statement B is true and stamen A is false
c. Statement A and statement B are true
d. Statement A and statement B are false
24. Which of the following factor doesn’t affect the Morbidity of an individual
a. Gender
b. Spouse job
c. Habits
d. Residence location
25. According to the principal indemnity, the insured is paid for _____
a. The actual losses to the extent of the sum insured
b. The sum insured irrespective of the amount actually spent
c. A fixed amount agreed between both the parties
d. The actual losses irrespective of the sun assured
26. The first and primary source of information about an applicant, for the underwriter is his ___

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a. Age proof documents
b. Financial documents
c. Previous medical regards
d. Proposal from
27. The underwriting process is completed when ____
a. All the critical information related to the health and personal details of the proposer
are collected though the proposal form
b. All the medical examinations and tests of the proposal are completed
c. The received information is carefully assessed and classified into appropriate
risk categories
d. The policy is issued to the proposer after risk selection and pricing
28. Which of the following statements about the numerical rating method is incorrect
a. Numerical rating method provided greater speed in the handling of a large business
with the help of trained personnel
b. Analysis of difficult or doubtful cases is not possible on the basis of numerical
points without medical referees or experts.
c. This method can be used by persons without any specific knowledge of medical
d. It ensures consistency between the decision of different under writers
29. Who among the following is not a stake holder in the insurance claim process
a. Insurance company share holders
b. Human Resource department
c. Regulator
d. TPA
30. Which of the following document is maintained at the hospital detailing all treatment done to an
a. Investigation report
b. Settlement sheet
c. Case paper
d. Hospital registration certificate
31. The amount of provision made for all claims in the books of the insurer based on the status of
claims is known as ___
a. Pooling
b. Provisioning
c. Reserving
d. Investing
32. Which of the following documents are not required to be submitted for permanent total disability
a. Duly completed personal accident claim from signed by the claimant
b. Attested copy of First Information Report if applicable
c. Permanent dis ability certificate from a civil surgeon or an equivalent competent
doctors certifying the dis ability of the insured
d. Fitness certificate from the treating doctor certifying that the insured is fit to
perform his normal duties.
33. ____ are paid upfront by assistance company and later claimed from insurance company
a. Bail bond cases
b. Personal accident claims
c. Overseas travel insurance claims
d. Untenable claims

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34. Who among the following is considered as primary stake holder in insurance claim process
a. Customers
b. Owners
c. Under writers
d. Insurance agents/Brokers
35. Girish Saxena’s insurance claim was denied by the insurance companies. In case of a denial,
what is the option available to Girish Saxena, apart from the representation to the insurer?
a. To approach Government
b. To approach Legal authorities
c. To Approach Insurance agents
d. Nothing could be done in case of case denial
36. During investigation, of a health insurance claim presented by Rajiv Mehto, Insurance company
finds that instead of Rajiv Mehto his brother Rajesh Mehto had been admitted to hospital for
treatment. The policy of Rajiv Mehto is not a family floater plan. This is an example of ____ fraud
a. Impersonation
b. Fabrication of document
c. Exaggeration of expenses
d. Out patient treatment converted to in patient/hospitalization
37. Under which of the following condition, is domiciliary hospitalization is covered in a health
insurance policy
a. The condition of the patient is such that he or she can be removed to the
hospital/nursing home but refer not to
b. The patient cannot be removed to hospital/nursing home for lack of
accommodation there in
c. The treatment can be carried out only in hospital or nursing home.
d. Duration of hospitalization is exceeding 24 Hrs
38. Which of the following codes capture the procedures performed to treat the illness?
a. ICD
b. DCI
c. CPT
d. PCT


1. Standalone Health Insurance Companies are?

a. Apollo Munich health insurance
b. Cigna TTK Health Insurance
c. Max Bupa Health Insurance
d. Religare Health Insurance
e. Star Health Insurance
2. Risk related to Crop Insurance / Rural Insurance Insurer?
a. Agriculture Insurance Company of India limited
3. Risks related to Export Credit Insurer?
a. Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation Of India
4. What are the factors determine the health of an any individual?
a. Life style factors
b. Environmental factors

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c. Genetic factors
5. Types of Health Care?
a. Primary Health Care
b. Secondary Health Care
c. Tertiary Health Care
6. Health Care to be effective must be?
a. Appropriate to the needs of the people
b. Comprehensive
c. Adequate
d. Easily available
e. Affordable
7. ESI Act – Employees State Insurance Scheme?
a. 1948
8. Central Government Health Scheme – CGHS was introduced?
a. 1954
9. Formation of IRDA?
a. April 2000
10. IRDA Act?
a. 1999
11. IRA Insurance Regulatory Authority was established?
a. 1997
12. Malhotra Committee was set up on?
a. 1993
13. Malhotra Committee submitted its report on?
a. 1994
14. Origin of Insurance Business?
a. Lloyds Coffee House in London
15. First Life Insurance Company in India, English company?
a. Oriental Life Insurance Company Limited in 1818, Calcutta
16. First Non Life Insurance Company in India?
a. Triton Insurance company Limited in 1850, Calcutta
17. The First Indian Insurance Company?
a. Bombay Mutual Assurance Society Limited, 1870 Bombay
18. First Life Insurance Company in the World?
a. Amicable Society for an Perpetual Assurance, 1706 London
19. Life Insurance Companies Act and PF Act?
a. 1912
20. The Oldest Insurance Company in India which still exists today?
a. National Insurance Company Limited, 1906
21. Life Insurance Business was nationalized on?
a. Sep 1 1956
22. GIBNA, Non Life Insurance business was nationalized on?
a. 1972

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