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Fault Simulator of Car Engine: Pratik Goyal, Sumedha Fegade, Damini Dabhilkar, Dr. Sharmila Petkar

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019 721

ISSN 2250-3153

Fault simulator of car engine

Pratik Goyal, Sumedha Fegade, Damini Dabhilkar, Dr. Sharmila Petkar
Department of Electronics Engineering,
Ramrao Adik Institute of Technology,
Nerul, Navi Mumbai, India.

DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.9.01.2019.p8589

Abstract- As we know any system when comes to existence has to overcome various difficulties. Practical study of engine
has some limitations and faults. We are proposing to develop a requires many devices and equipments, which increases the
E-training system which will train the user about the faults of a cost and maintenance, so this paper describes a simple
car engine and guide him/her about the necessary steps solution to such problems using virtual instrumentation.
required to overcome the corresponding fault. Parameters like
poor lubrication, Dirty oil, Spark knock, poor compression, IV. LITRATURE SURVEY
coolant loss, clogged radiator and worn spark plug are known
as engine faults. The simulator is developed using LabVIEW Fault detection plays an important role in safety measures of
which will consist of different panels viz. the Main panel, any device. Abnormal events occurring in a process can be
About faults panel, Normal conditions panel, Guide panels, avoided by early detection of faults. There are several methods
Fault simulator panel and Trainer kit panel. A trainer kit for of faults detection. The literature survey of these methods and
fault diagnosis in implemented using switches and indicators current state of research in the field is as explained below:
which will guide the user about the necessary steps required to
be performed to overcome the corresponding fault. PROCESS MODEL-BASED FAULT DETECTION

Keywords: E-training, Fault Simulator, LabVIEW, Indicators. The general scheme (Isermann 2006) employed for the model
based fault detection is shown in Figure below. Based on
I. INTRODUCTION measured input signals U and output signals Y, the detection
methods generate residuals r, parameter estimates or state
Our project “Fault simulation of car engine” is dedicated on estimates which are called features. In comparison with the
finding out faults which arises in any system having any normal features, changes of features are detected, leading to
physical or mechanical components. In our project we have analytical symptoms S. The process model approach for fault
considered different parameters which possess great detection can be carried out using state observer/state
importance in any car engine. The parameters such as ignition estimation, parity equation, parameter estimator or neural
fault, overheat fault, low compression, spark knock, noisy network[13].
engine, overshoot fault and poor lubrication are some of the
common engine faults of an
automobile. In Fault simulator panel the user changes the value
of the devices like temperature meter, pressure gauge, decibel
scale, rpm indicator and level indicators and observe the
simulated faults in the ’fault indicator’ window and ’other
possibilities’ window. In trainer kit panel the user selects the
fault to be diagnosed and then pass various test cases through
push buttons on the engine block diagram. After hitting the
check button the results of
diagnosis is observed through various indicators.


Objective of this work is to develop an interactive teaching
scheme for automobile engineers and beginners using virtual a. DATA BASED METHODS AND SIGNAL
engine developed in LabVIEW. This facilitates the user to MODELS
study engine parameters without having the physical engine.
All the engine parameters can be included in the built vi Data based methods exploit only available experimental
(virtual instrument) using virtual instruments in LabVIEW. (historical) data. It includes various methods as spectrum
analysis, Pattern recognition(neural networks)[7], Data
III. PROBLEM STATEMENT analysis, Parametric models, Limit checking and Trend
Detecting faults in a car engine is a complicated process and
requires high level of expertise. Developing a system dealing b. KNOWLEDGE BASED METHODS
with faults in a automobile engine
http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.9.01.2019.p8589 www.ijsrp.org
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019 722
ISSN 2250-3153
In recent time there is a trend towards knowledge based
and artificial intelligence methods like Expert systems,
Fuzzy logic.

i. Expert system

Rule-based expert systems have a wide range of applications

for diagnostic tasks where expertise and experience are
available, but deep understanding of the physical properties of
the system is either unavailable or too costly to obtain[14].
This approach offers efficiency for quasi-static systems
operating within fixed set of rules. Main components of this
approach are knowledge base and inference engine,
Knowledge is represented in form of production rules[1].
Knowledge acquisition is always considered as one of the
biggest difficulties in designing an expert system.

ii. Fuzzy Logic

The output of fault detection system needs not to be an alarm

that takes two values, fault or no fault. Instead of simple binary
decision fault/no-fault, fault severity of the system is provided
to operators as the output of fuzzy controller[12].


Software used: Figure 3: about fault window

a. LabVIEW iii. Normal conditions window: This panel provides

information about the normal range of various engine
LabVIEW stands for Laboratory Virtual Instrument parameters.
Engineering Workbench. LabVIEW uses graphical
programming approach that helped us to visualize different
aspects of our application more clearly. Necessary devices
required for our application were available through virtual
instrumentation in LabVIEW this helped us in reducing system
Entire system is developed using LabVIEW.

i. Main window: This panel helps user to select among

different pages included in project.

Figure 4: normal conditions window

iv. Guide to fault simulator: This panel help user to

understand how to operate the fault simulator.

Figure 2: main window

ii. About faults window: This panel provides information

about the various faults occurring in an automobile engine.

Figure 5: guide to fault simulator

http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.9.01.2019.p8589 www.ijsrp.org
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019 723
ISSN 2250-3153
v. Fault simulator window: In this panel user is allowed to
change different engine parameters and observe the
corresponding fault generated.

Figure 6: fault simulator wnidow

vi. Fault diagnosis window: In this panel user selects the fault
to be diagnosed and passes different test cases using the
buttons provided. The sequence of the buttons pressed is
recorded and after pressing the check button the results are
displayed using various indicators.

Figure 8: narrator’s voice app[7]


This paper is built with aspect of learning about car

engine through an interactive application developed
using LabVIEW. This would result in leveraging the
logic to analyze any faults that occur in reality. This
also provides better solution to beginners for engine
Figure 7: fault diagnosis trainer related study. Using a virtual engine as an alternative
to physical engine reduces the effective cost to a great
b. Android application: Narrator’s voice extent.

Narrator’s Voice, this application helped us to share our VII. FUTURE SCOPE
messages to user in different speech styles and languages.
We have to type a text message, select the voice and Scope of this project can be extended to develop an
language and this app returns the audio file [3]. android application for engine study.
We have used this application to provide sound effects in Different case studies can be developed for particular
our project. types of engines like ‘V’ engine, Jet engine,
locomotive engine etc.
Complete removal of dependency on physical engine
for engine related study.
The system can be focused more on getting the real
time data from sensors, instruments that provides
actual data.


[1] Dubravko Miljkovi, Hrvatska elektroprivreda,

Zagreb and Croatia, Fault Detection Methods: A
Literature Survey
[2] Mihaela Miron, Laurentiu frangu, Sergiu
Caraman. "Fault detection method for a

http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.9.01.2019.p8589 www.ijsrp.org
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2019 724
ISSN 2250-3153
wastewater treatment process based on a neural
model", 2017 5th International Symposium on
Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE),
[3] ://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.
[4] https://www.cars.com/articles/should-i-worry-
[5] http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-
[6] https://cartreatments.com/causes-of-car-engine-
[7] http://www.onestopauto.com/What-causes-
[8] https://www.ebay.com/gds/How-to-
[9] https://www.micksgarage.com/blog/ignition-
[10] https://dannysengineportal.com/engine-
[11] https://www.machinerylubrication.com/Read/288
[12] www.fmt.vein.hu
[13] aca2004.aanet.ru
[14] ljs.academicdirect.org
[15] http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603


First Author- Pratik Goyal, Under Graduate, Ramrao Adik

Institute of Technology, pratikgoyal1807@gmail.com

Second Author- Sumedha Fegade, Under Graduate, Ramrao

Adik Institute of Technology, sumedhafegade@gmail.com

Third Author- Damini Dabhilkar, Under Graduate, Ramrao

Adik Institute of Technology, daminidabhilkar43@gmail.com

Fourth Author-Dr. Sharmila Petkar, PhD. , Ramrao Adik

Institute of Technology, profsjpetkar@gmail.com

Correspondence Author- Pratik Goyal,

pratikgoyal1807@gmail.com, dudepratik96@gmail.com,

http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.9.01.2019.p8589 www.ijsrp.org

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