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This subject has confused many.

Places and My reliance on various Tables and

New Testament Greek exposes a
clarity that is not obvious in various
Veils English translations of the book of

Earthly Places in Hebrews

The Greek word for the earthly
sanctuary is skene, meaning “tent”
Dr Ford’s confidence that Christ
or “tabernacle”.
entered the Most Holy place of the
heavenly sanctuary at His ascension1
Table 1 summarises the use of the
is derived from the book of Hebrews.
word skene in the book of Hebrews;
If his view is indeed correct,
the meaning listed is derived from the
the antitypical Day of Atonement
context in which the word is used.
commenced immediately at Christ’s
ascension and the Adventist teaching
Whenever skene is applied to the
that Christ entered the Holy Place at
Holy Place or the Most Holy Place it
His ascension is incorrect.
is always accompanied by additional
The Adventist idea that He entered
words. If these are not present it
the Most Holy place in 1844 is then
means the entire sanctuary:
also incorrect.

Meaning (from the context) Reference in Hebrews
Abraham’s tents 11:9
Earthly sanctuary 8:5; 9:8, 21; 13:10
Holy Place (“first tent”) of the earthly sanctuary 9: 2, 6
Most Holy Place (“tent called the Holy of Holies”) 9:3
of the earthly sanctuary
Heavenly sanctuary 8:2; 9:11

Heavenly Places in Hebrews Hebrews and which apartment of the

The Greek words for the heavenly heavenly sanctuary they refer to. The
sanctuary are hagion or hagia confusion does not arise at the whim
meaning “sanctuary”, “holy places”, of readers but from the disparity
“holy things” or “holies”. Normally across multiple English translations
these words mean the entire of the book of Hebrews2. Table 2
sanctuary although sometimes they summarises the inconsistent
refer to only part of it. The context treatment of these nine verses across
determines the correct meaning. six translations of the Bible for the
There has been considerable Greek word “to hagion” and
confusion about nine verses in

“ta hagia”. The disparity and read “Holy Place”, the worst offender
inconsistency carries serious being the NIV3. Please note the
implications where “Most Holy extent of the inconsistencies:
Place” is translated when it should

8:2 sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary
9:1 Place of sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary
9:2 Holy Place Holy Place Holy Place Holy Place Holy Place Holy Place
9:8 walk in on Holiest sanctuary sanctuary Holy Place Most Holy
God of all Place
9:12 Holy Place Holy Place Holy Place sanctuary Holy Place Most Holy
9:24 Holy Place Holy Place sanctuary sanctuary Holy Place sanctuary
9:25 - Holy Place Holy Place sanctuary Holy Place Most Holy
10:19 Holy Place Holiest sanctuary sanctuary Holy Place Most Holy
13:11 inside sanctuary sanctuary sanctuary Holy Place Most Holy

Fortunately the author of Hebrews “sanctuary” unless the context

left a valuable clue in the book which requires “Holy Place”. For example
serves as the key to remove in 8:2 the word ta hagia is linked
confusion. He uses the phrase hagia with the word skene (tabernacle) so it
hagion only once and that is in must translate as the entire sanctuary.
Hebrews 9:3. It means the “holy of The author probably followed the
the holy/holies” and is an Septuagint’s common practice of
unmistakable reference to the Most using ta hagia to describe the entire
Holy Place. Because this special sanctuary except in 9:3 where the
phrasing is used only once to refer to Most Holy Place is intended by using
the Most Holy Place, it is safe to the unusual phrasing hagia hagion.
translate the simpler terms to hagion Table 3 summarises the logic:
and ta hagia as the entire

Greek phrasing Text Meaning
“hagia hagion” 9:3 Most Holy Place
“to hagion” or 8:2; 9:1, 8, 12, 24, 24; Entire sanctuary (unless context demands
“ta hagia” 10:19; 13:11 “Holy Place” or “Most Holy”)
Chapter 7

Dr Ford translates the simpler terms rely on the meaning of the original
to hagion or ta hagia from their Greek words and the context.
broader meaning of “sanctuary” to
the more restricted meaning of “Most We can say with 100% certainty that
Holy Place”. Why do this when the Hebrews 9:3 indeed applies to the
author of Hebrews uses the different Most Holy Place of the Heavenly
phrasing hagia hagion for Most Holy Sanctuary. However this same level
Place? For example although there of certainty cannot be exported to any
are two Day of Atonement allusions other verse in the book of Hebrews.
in 9:25, the Greek phrase ta hagia is
still used here so it should be Whenever skene is employed, we can
translated “sanctuary”. This is quite be quite certain it refers to the earthly
safe as the high priest on the Day of sanctuary. If it is to also apply to the
Atonement ministered in both Holy Place or the Most Holy Place it
apartments. Even on the Day of must be accompanied by additional
Atonement the high priest ministered words. If these are not present it
blood in the entire sanctuary (See means the entire sanctuary.
Lev 16:16-19; compare to Ex 30:10;
Lev 16:30). Dr Salom, a scholar Therefore the words for the heavenly
expert in Biblical languages writes4: sanctuary are hagion or hagia
meaning “sanctuary”, “holy places”,
“Because the whole sanctuary “holy things” or “holies”. Normally
is involved in these services, these words mean the entire
‘sanctuary’ is to be preferred sanctuary although sometimes they
as the translation”. refer to only part of it. The context
will determine the correct meaning.
If the author of Hebrews meant to
teach that Christ at His ascension It is beyond dispute that all sacrifices,
entered into the Most Holy Place, including those of the Day of
why does the book never again Atonement had their fulfillment in
employ the phrase hagia hagion, Jesus at the Cross. The message of
which without ambiguity refers Hebrews is that through Christ all
exclusively to the Most Holy Place5? barriers between God and mankind
are broken down and that through
Knowing this, we can safely Christ’s death and mediation we now
re-submit the more correct have full access to the Father.
translations pursuant to Table 4.
The reader is encouraged to study the
Summary of Places Appendix to this chapter as it
It is most unwise to rely on any responds to scholarly commentary on
English translation of the Bible to this chapter.
decipher the correct meaning of
issues to do with sanctuary
apartments. For accuracy one must
Chapter 7

Text Greek Most correct Reason
phrasing primary
8:2 ton hagion Sanctuary Linked to skene (tabernacle).
9:1 to hagion Sanctuary Refers to earthly sanctuary.
9:2 hagia Holy Place Depicts first apartment furniture.
..9:3 hagia hagion Most Holy Place Depicts what is behind “second” curtain.
9:8 ton hagion Sanctuary Author contrasts sanctuaries, not apartments.
9:12 ta hagia Sanctuary Author contrasts sanctuaries, not apartments.
9:24 hagia Sanctuary Emphasis here is on “man-made”.
9:25 ta hagia Sanctuary Context supports “sanctuary”. “Hagia hagion”
not used.
10:19 to hagion Sanctuary “Hagia hagion” not used.
13:11 ta hagia Sanctuary Context supports “sanctuary”. “Hagia hagion”
not used.

Veils in Hebrews that the verse depicts the entire

The author of Hebrews uses the sanctuary to which Christ has given
Greek word translated “veil” only us access and in which our hope is
three times in Hebrews 6:19; 9:3 and anchored. (See Appendix to this
10:19-20. chapter).

Hebrews 6:19 Others point out the phrase resembles

The most disputed text is Hebrews the language used in Exodus 26:33
6:19. Is the “veil” referred to the one and Leviticus 16:2, 12, 15 which
which: always refer to the second apartment.
(i) separated the courtyard
from the first apartment? Others see a parallel between the
verse and 10:19, 20 where Christ’s
(ii) separated the first flesh is not the veil but points to the
apartment from the second inauguration of the sanctuary. This
apartment? view supports the proposition that at
His ascension Christ dedicated the
Those who adopt (ii) believe Christ sanctuary as a whole and not a
entered the Most Holy Place at His specific apartment.
ascension and not in 1844 as taught
by Adventism. G. Rice believes this The phrase “within the veil” is not
is the less compelling view because found elsewhere in Scripture so there
the Day of Atonement allusions in is no support to secure a precise
Hebrews 6: 19 are unconvincing6 and meaning, however if the author of
therefore the most likely meaning is Hebrews is talking about the “second
Chapter 7

veil” in 6:19 why did he not use the to the sanctuary through Christ. This
specialised phrasing hagia hagion? point was amply demonstrated by the
rent veil at Christ’s death. (Luke
It is reasonable to conclude that the 23:45).
verse does not refer to the second
apartment but the sanctuary as a Answers in Revelation
whole. The verse of itself and on its The Book of Revelation casts
own does not clearly establish that additional light on Christ’s ministry
the Day of Atonement ministry was after His ascension. It is a book
fulfilled at the Cross. (See Appendix about Christ (Rev 1:1) and the visions
to this chapter). it contains are primarily His and
concern His salvatory activity for
Hebrews 9:3 mankind. The book also unlocks the
Hebrews 9:3 is quite clear because it book of Daniel which was to remain
deals with the earthly sanctuary and sealed until the time of the end (Dan
calls the veil separating the first 12: 4, 9). Any questions about the
apartment from the second apartment sanctuary in Daniel 8:14 would be
“the second veil”. expected to be answered in
Hebrews 10:19-20
Opinion is divided as to whether: Heavenly sanctuary in Revelation
Which ministration does John the
(i) Jesus’ flesh is the “new and Revelator depict Christ engaging in
living way” or when he wrote the book in AD 96?
Does John picture Christ entering His
(ii) Jesus’ flesh is the “veil”. anti-typical Day of Atonement
ministry immediately after His
If (i) is correct then Jesus’ flesh is the ascension or at a later time?
way to God and the veil refers to the
heavenly sanctuary. If (ii) is correct Table 5 analyses each reference to the
then the veil is symbolic of Jesus’ heavenly sanctuary in the entire book
incarnation and death and no earthly of Revelation. Please note from
or heavenly sanctuary is in view. Table 5 that Christ is depicted in
Holy Place ministration in the
Both interpretations agree that it is heavenly sanctuary (Rev 1:12, 13,
through Jesus that we have access to 20) before the messages to the seven
God. churches went out at the time the
book was written in AD 967. Christ is
Summary of Veils described in Chapter 1:12-13 as
The message of Hebrews is that among the seven golden candlesticks.
through Christ’s death and mediation Jesus has in His right hand “seven
all barriers between God and stars” (vs 16), a description also
humanity have been broken down carried forward in 2:1. Reference to
and all believers now have full access the seven stars carries forward in 3:1.
Chapter 7

Table 5 also shows that Christ is 7:15). Judgment is connected with

engaged in Holy Place ministration the throne but John does not depict
during the period of the five seals and Day of Atonement judgment as
the six trumpets (Rev 8:3, 4). The occurring in his day.
scene here of incense mingled with
prayers cannot refer to the incense Table 5 also reveals that Revelation is
used on the Day of Atonement (Lev not concerned with the courtyard
16:12) because the scene depicted which contained the laver and altar of
here is the backdrop for the blowing burnt offering symbolic of the cross
of the seven trumpets, reminiscent of event. The man with the measuring
the Jewish feast of trumpets which rod is instructed not to measure the
occurred 10 days before the Day of courtyard (11:2). The focus in
Atonement (Lev 23:24,27). revelation is on the heavenly
The only reference in the Book of sanctuary and not the perimeter
Revelation to a unique Most Holy grounds.
Place piece of furniture (Ark of the
Covenant) is in Rev 11:19. The From Table 5 we can conclude that
scene coincides with the blowing of Christ did not enter into anti-typical
the seventh trumpet (verse 15). Day of Atonement ministration until
the 7th trumpet blows (11:15-19) and
Preterists cannot offer a tangible that the book depicts Christ as High
fulfillment for the 7th trumpet in the Priest in Holy Place ministration
time of John. Some historicists apply during the first 6 trumpets (8:3, 4)
the blowing of the 6th trumpet to the and at the beginning of the messages
rise of the Ottomon Turks but opinion to the 7 churches (1:12, 13, 20).
of that interpretation is divided. (By Such is entirely consistent with our
converting the times in verse 15 from findings in the book of Hebrews.
‘day’ to 1, ‘month’ to 30 and ‘year’
to 360, a total of 391 prophetic years The reader is encouraged to read the
added to 1453 AD terminates in Appendix to this chapter as it
1844. In that year the ark was addresses three key issues raised by
exposed in the Most Holy Place; Rev scholars to this chapter.
Summary of Revelation
Judgment John depicts Christ in Holy Place
It is significant that nowhere does ministration after His ascension and
John the Revelator depict Day of in Most Holy Place ministration
Atonement judgment occurring in his when the 7th trumpet blows. John
day. He does depict the ‘great white does not depict Day of Atonement
throne’ in chapter 20:11 but this judgment as occurring in his day.
scene occurs after the millenium.
God’s throne is located in the Chapter 9 deals in detail with this
heavenly sanctuary (Psalm 11:4; subject but John’s depiction is
99:1; Isaiah 6:1; Ezekiel 1:26; Rev consistent with both the mediatorial
Chapter 7

work of the typical priest and that of much better, something that
the high priest on the Day of can accomplish what the old
Atonement who ministered in both never could. The new way
apartments and who ministered blood offers you the opportunity to
in the entire sanctuary on that Day. come to God as you never
could before. And that’s
We must not speculate about the because you can now come to
glory and scope of the heavenly God through or by means of
sanctuary. It is outside our Jesus’.
comprehension. We derive but a What does it mean to come to
faint clue from the mere shadow of God “by Him”, that is through
the earthly sanctuary. The heavenly Jesus? It is through Christ as
is about the mediatorial ministration your great High priest that we
of Jesus our Advocate and can have access to God. But
representative through whom we may how? How can we as sinners
enjoy open fellowship with God. have access to a holy God? Of
course we don’t stand in the
“Wherefore He is able to save physical presence of God, at
them to the uttermost who least not now. But we don’t
come unto God by Him, have to. Someone else does it
seeing He ever liveth to make for us, and that’s Jesus, who
intercession for them” (Heb by virtue of His perfect life
7:25). stands before the Father – for
us. He stands in our place,
SDA Sabbath School Quarterly representing us, not because of
An excellent statement in the third our own worth but because of
quarter of the 2003 Sabbath School His. He alone has the perfect
lesson8 requires recital: righteousness to stand in the
presence of the Father. Just as
“Perhaps in many ways the in the daily and the yearly
key theme of Hebrews can be service in the old covenant the
found in the simple phrase priests entered into the
within this text (7:25): that He presence of God in the
can save to the uttermost those sanctuary, Jesus does so for us
who come unto God by Him”. in the heavenly sanctuary. He
The Greek word translated is our Representative there,
“by” here means “through” or doing for us what we can
“by means of”. never do for ourselves”.

We must again remember the This gospel message clarifies

purpose of the epistle: Paul is Adventism’s understanding of
telling these people: 'Don’t go Hebrews 9 as Bible-based, gospel
back to your old ways. The focused and Christ-centered.
new way offers something
Chapter 7

Revelation Scene In In Holy In Most Conclusion
references Court- Place? Holy
Yard? Place?
1:12-13 Christ Christ in Holy Place in
among 7 yes AD 96
2:1, 5 Christ Christ in Holy Place in
among 7 yes AD 96
4:2 onwards God’s God’s Throne is in the Most
Throne yes Holy Place (Ps 99:1; Rev
6:9 Souls under yes Refers to altar of incense
the altar
8:3 Incense This occurred on the Feast
mingled with yes of Trumpets.
8:5 Throwing End of last trumpet (11:19)
down the yes and at close of probation
censer (16:17, 18)
9: 13 Four horns Occurs during 6 trumpet
of golden yes
11: 1 Measuring yes yes Does not refer to Jerusalem
temple temple destroyed in AD 70.
11: 4 Two yes Context is the 1260 days
11: 19 Ark of God’s yes Not in view until 7 trumpet
covenant is blown
14: 15, 17 Angel End of probation
coming from yes
the temple
14: 18 Angel Refers to Rev 8:5
coming from
the altar
15:5, 6; 16:1 Temple of Close of probation
covenant yes
16: 7 Altar crying Compare Rev 6:9
20: 11 Great white yes Throne of judgment (see
throne Dan 7:9)
22: 1 The Throne yes Throne of God’s
of God government
Chapter 7

Ford, D Dan 8:14 The Day of Atonement & The Investigative Judgment (1980) Pp 181-
195; 228-229. Euangelion press.
Mueller, E Come Boldly To The Throne (2003). Page 80. Pacific Press Publishing
Johnsson, W Hebrews (1994) Pacific Press Pub Assoc pp 149.
Salom, A.P Issues In The Book of Hebrews (1989) page 227. Silver Springs, Md. SDA
Biblical Research Institute.
SDA Sabbath School Lesson for the quarter July-September 2003 page 71.
6 Rice, G Hebrews 6:19; Analysis Of Some Assumptions Concerning
Katapatesma. DARCOM Issues In The Book Of Hebrews 9. Pp 229-234
Piper, O Johannesapokalpyse (1956-65) RGG Tubingen Col 829.
SDA Sabbath School Lesson for the quarter July-September 2003 page 82.

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