Incoterms Guide TFG
Incoterms Guide TFG
Incoterms Guide TFG
The Ultimate TFG Guide to Incoterms
Prepared by Trade Finance Global
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Incoterms are a standard set of
terminology, created by the
International Chamber of
Commerce (ICC), used
universally, defining the key parts
of freight forwarding
1. Introduction
2. About TFG
4. EXW - Ex Works
16. Contact Us
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Trade Finance Global Team
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EWW - Ex Works
Ex Works (EXW) is the term used to describe the
delivery of goods to an available designation at their
place of business, normally in their factory, offices or
The seller does not need to then load items onto a
truck or ship, and the remainder of the shipment is the
responsibility of the buyer (e.g. overseas shipment and
customs duty). EXW is therefore more favourable to
the seller as they do not need to worry about the
freight once it has left their premises.
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Free Carrier
Once the goods are have
been loaded and cleared
customs (export clearance)
and the shipment is accepted,
responsibility shifts from the Free Carrier is multimodal
seller to the buyer to arrange Whether the goods are shipped by
shipment and delivery to the inland waterway, rail, road, sea, air or a
end warehouse or customer. combination, FCA can be an agreed
form of transport agreement between
The seller may charge for their the buyer and seller.
services to arrange any
FCA can be less problematic than Ex
contracts to the carrier (e.g. a Works as the seller is responsible for
cargo ship or airport clearing customs, and they are likely to
authority). have the relevant licenses.
The buyer and seller might FCA Price
arrange for the goods to be
The price of Free Carrier can vary,
shipped by ocean freight on
depending on where the goods are
a container. The liability might dropped to, but there are several levers
therefore shift to the buyer at and known costs which should be
the Container Freight investigated:
Station or Container Yard – Fees to contract with the carrier
this needs to be clearly (which the seller might do on the
defined and agreed by both buyer’s behalf)
parties in advance. Shipping and transport costs
Warehouse Storage
Unloading fees
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As soon as the goods are delivered to the carrier (e.g. loaded onto the ship at the
port of the seller’s country), the liability and risk of these goods is transferred over to
the buyer.
The agreed transportation point of the goods can be at a port, terminal or goods
loading point, providing it’s within the home country of the seller.
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Given that the goods being The seller must provide a sufficient
export license for the goods, or
shipped are at the buyer’s
government authorisation to allow the
own risk, it’s advisable for the
goods to leave the country
buyer to ensure adequate
3. Insurance
insurance protection is in
place. The term ‘delivery’ The seller should provide a Contract of
means from the country of insurance at their own expense. The
origin to the final destination. seller must obtain at his own expense
cargo insurance as agreed in the
The seller also needs to
contract, such that the buyer, or any
arrange export clearance
other person having an insurable interest
from the origin country of the in the goods, shall be entitled to claim
goods, which can be for any directly from the insurer and provide the
mode of transport. buyer with the insurance policy or other
evidence of insurance cover.
In the case of CIP, damaged
goods can be claimed against 4. Delivery
the insurance company The seller must deliver the goods to the
through the buyer. When the first carrier as agreed at a named place
goods arrive in the port of and time
destination, the buyer needs 5. Transfer of risks
to ensure the goods clear
The seller is responsible for any goods
through customs. which are lost or damaged if this
happens before the goods have been
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Benefits of DAT
The key advantages of Delivery at
Terminal are around convenience and
reduced risk to the importer:
1. The supplier delivers goods to the destination place
(importer doesn’t need to cover these costs)
2. The risk is transferred from the supplier to the importer once
the goods have been dispatched and unloaded at a defined
place at the destination
3. The supplier bears the responsibility for most of the
carriage/transport of the goods from the origin to the
4. Less hassle and organisation for the buyer of goods
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Benefits of DDP
The key advantages of Delivery
Duty Paid are in favour of the
buyer. The seller takes most
responsibility and risk.
DDP puts the maximum risk and
responsibility on the seller. It is
the only one of the Incoterms
that requires the seller to take
responsibility for import
clearance and payment.
1. The supplier takes on the
The seller bears all the costs and
most risk and responsibility
risks involved in bringing the
as opposed to the buyer.
goods to the place of
destination. The seller is obliged
DDP is one of the only
to clear the goods for both incoterms that requires the
export and import, to pay duties supplier to also take
for both export and import, and responsibility for import
to execute all customs clearance and paying for
formalities. various import taxes
Sellers may not understand the 2. The supplier takes on all of
complex and bureaucratic the cost for transporting and
import clearance procedures getting the goods to the end
that exist in some countries and destination
make mistakes or
3. The supplier needs to clear
miscalculations that affect their
goods through customs at
bottom line; therefore, it may be
best left to the buyer who has both the country of origin
local knowledge and and place of destination, as
understanding. Keep this in mind well as clearing all customs
before choosing DDP. formalities, duties and taxes
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FAS stands for Free Alongside FAS is ideal for the shipping:
Ship, an international Hard commodities (e.g. oil)
commerce term (incoterm) Soft commodities (e.g. grain,
used to describe the delivery of soybean)
goods where the seller takes on Liquids
some responsibility for the Chemicals
(both pharmaceutical and non-
shipment of goods.
Under FAS, the exporter is Bulk cargo
responsible for clearing the Break bulk cargo
goods at customs and delivering FAS is generally not used for
them to the vessel at the point containerised goods as they would
of origin. often be delivered to a container yard
or terminal; in this case, FCA might be
Free Alongside Ship only applies a more appropriate incoterm to go by.
to sea or inland waterway ports.
As with most points of delivery,
it’s recommended to highlight
the exact location at which the
goods are being delivered to,
particularly in the case of large
ports as the seller is responsible
up for the goods until the port of
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Free Alongside
In the case of FAS, the seller is
responsible for delivering the
buyer’s goods next to the
shipping vessel. The seller is
also responsible for
completing export customs
documentation. FAS is often Benefits of FAS
used for cargo that doesn’t fit The key advantages of Free Alongside
into containers – known as Ship:
Out of Gauge (OOG) cargo – FAS is ideal for situations where the
as these would typically be seller can easily access the vessel for
transported to a container loading the goods, for example, with
yard under the FCA incoterm. bulk cargos or non-containerized
FAS is applicable to goods
With FAS, the risk transfers to the buyer
being transported by inland when the goods are alongside the
waterway and sea transport, ship, and the buyer bears the cost
and the costs for loading and responsibility thereafter.
these goods onto the vessel is
the responsibility of the seller.
With FAS, the buyer is then
responsible for the cost of
loading the goods onto the
ship, and all costs thereafter.
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- CHAPTER 10 -
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- CHAPTER 11 -
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CIF Tips
Watch outs for importers and tips for CIF:
Your supplier has control of the insurance coverage – this
means that the seller is likely to choose the cheapest / most
basic insurance option for your product
Watch out for the beneficiary of the insurance policy – in the
case of damages, if the seller is the beneficiary if your goods
get damaged in transit, payment will go to them to then be
reimbursed to you as the importer
CIF stops after the goods arrive at the port – if goods are
damaged at the port or when unloaded, as well as any
additional port or storage fees are incurred, this will be your
CIF could be more expensive – given that the seller invoices
CIF, the costs might be inflated above the actual cost of
insuring your goods
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