RM COBOL Info Express
RM COBOL Info Express
RM COBOL Info Express
User’s Guide
First Edition
This manual is a user’s guide for Liant Software Corporation’s RM/InfoExpress file management system for
Microsoft 32-bit Windows and UNIX clients communicating with UNIX and Windows servers using TCP/IP
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) on a network. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with
RM/COBOL and various local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).
The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice. Liant Software Corporation assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Liant reserves the right to make improvements and/or
changes in the products and programs described in this guide at any time without notice. Companies, names, and data
used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Liant
Software Corporation.
The software described in this document is furnished to the user under a license for a specific number of uses and
may be copied (with inclusion of the copyright notice) only in accordance with the terms of such license.
Copyright © 1986-2005 by Liant Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.
RM, RM/COBOL, RM/COBOL-85, Relativity, Enterprise CodeBench, RM/InfoExpress, RM/Panels, VanGui Interface
Builder, CodeWatch, CodeBridge, Cobol-WOW, WOW Extensions, InstantSQL, Xcentrisity, XML Extensions, Liant,
and the Liant logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Liant Software Corporation.
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows
Server 2003 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open
Company Ltd.
All other products, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective trademark holders, and are used only for explanation purposes.
Documentation Release History for the RM/InfoExpress User's Guide:
Preface ................................................................................................ 1
Welcome to RM/InfoExpress...................................................................................... 1
What's New ................................................................................................................. 1
About Your Documentation ........................................................................................ 2
Related Publications.................................................................................................... 3
Conventions and Symbols ........................................................................................... 3
Registration ................................................................................................................. 4
Technical Support ....................................................................................................... 4
Support Guidelines............................................................................................... 5
Test Cases ............................................................................................................ 5
Index................................................................................................ 119
List of Figures
Figure 1: RM/InfoExpress Client WinSock Info Message Box ...................................... 19
Figure 2: Server Display Screen Format ......................................................................... 42
Figure 3: Server Display Main Screen............................................................................. 43
Figure 4: Client Information Screen ................................................................................ 44
Figure 5: Client Files Screen ........................................................................................... 45
Figure 6: File Information Screen ................................................................................... 46
Figure 7: File Clients Screen ........................................................................................... 47
Figure 8: Open Log Screen.............................................................................................. 47
Figure 9: Open Log Screen (Toggled)............................................................................. 48
Figure 10: Error Log Screen............................................................................................ 49
Figure 11: Error Log Screen (Toggled) ........................................................................... 50
Figure 12: Terminate Command Line ............................................................................. 50
Figure 13: Quit Command Line....................................................................................... 51
Figure 14: Quit in a While Command Line ..................................................................... 52
Figure 15: Security Parameter File Update Utility Main Screen ................................... 102
Figure 16: Add Entry Screen ......................................................................................... 103
Figure 17: Modify Entry Screen.................................................................................... 104
Figure 18: Delete Entry Screen ..................................................................................... 105
Figure 19: List Entries Screen ....................................................................................... 106
List of Tables
Table 1: Installation System Requirements on Windows and UNIX ................................ 8
Table 2: RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Security Levels ................................................ 55
Table 3: Summary of Setup Differences Between Server Security Levels ..................... 66
Table 4: Error Types and Associated Error Codes .......................................................... 68
Table 5: Error Codes Generated by Windows Sockets.................................................... 77
Table 6: Error Codes Generated by the RM/InfoExpress Windows Sockets Interface ... 79
Table 7: Error Codes Generated by the RM/InfoExpress BSD Sockets Interface........... 80
Welcome to RM/InfoExpress
RM/InfoExpress is a file management system designed to optimize RM/COBOL
data file access on various local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks
(WANs). Implementation is available for TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol).
The RM/InfoExpress User’s Guide is intended for commercial application developers
who have a basic understanding of RM/COBOL, Microsoft Windows, UNIX, and
TCP/IP. The information in this preface outlines the contents of this manual, defines
typographic and programming conventions used in the documentation, and provides
information about registering your product and obtaining technical support. The new
features and significant changes in this release are also discussed.
What's New
Note The RM/InfoExpress version number refers to the RM/InfoExpress server;
RM/InfoExpress client(s) do not have version numbers.
The following summarizes the major new enhancements in RM/InfoExpress for
TCP/IP version 9:
• The RM/InfoExpress server File Manager has been updated to RM/COBOL
version 9 compatibility. (For further information, see “What’s New” in
Chapter 1: Introduction, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.)
• The RM/InfoExpress server display main screen now shows the server uptime
(in days) at the end of the date and time line. It can also now display
999,999,999,999 (one trillion—U.S.—minus one) total messages after which
the count wraps back to zero. See Server Display Commands on page 43.
• The Windows server (rmsrvtcp.exe) now uses WinSock 2. In particular, this
allows a much larger connection queue (WinSock 1 had a maximum backlog
of 5), which should avoid error 10061.
Related Publications
The following documents contain information necessary for a complete
understanding of RM/InfoExpress for TCP/IP as used in conjunction with a specific
operating system and a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN):
• RM/COBOL User’s Guide
• Relativity Installation Guides
Italic type also identifies the titles of other manuals and the chapter names in this
guide, and occasionally it is used for emphasis.
3. Program names, directory names, filenames, and commands appear in bold type
and lowercase text. You can type program names, directory names, filenames,
and commands in uppercase or lowercase letters, except where otherwise stated.
Bold type is also used for emphasis on some types of lists, and for anything you
must type exactly as it appears.
4. Key combinations are connected by a plus sign (+), for example, Ctrl + X. This
notation indicates that you press and hold down the first key while you press the
second key. For example, “press Ctrl + X” indicates to press and hold down the
Ctrl key while pressing the X key. Then release both keys.
5. RM/COBOL Compile and Runtime Command line options may be specified
either with or without a hyphen. If any option on a command line is preceded by
a hyphen, then a leading hyphen is required for all options. When assigning a
value to an option, the equal sign is optional if leading hyphens are used.
6. In this document, the term “Windows” refers to the following Microsoft
32-bit Windows operating systems: Windows 98 or 98 Special Edition (SE),
Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
As you read through this manual, note that Liant may use two shorthand
notations when referring to these operating systems. The term “Windows 9x
class” refers to the Windows 98 or Windows Me operating systems. The
term “Windows NT class” refers to the Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003 operating systems.
Please take a moment to fill out and mail (or fax) the registration card you received
with RM/InfoExpress. You can also complete this process by registering your Liant
product online at: http://www.liant.com.
Registering your product entitles you to the following benefits:
• Customer support. Free 30-day telephone support, including direct access to
support personnel and 24-hour message service.
• Special upgrades. Free media updates and upgrades within 60 days of
• Product information. Notification of upgrades or revisions to RM/InfoExpress
when they are released.
You can also receive up-to-date information about Liant Software and all its products
via our Web site. Check back often for updated content.
Technical Support
Liant Software Corporation is dedicated to helping you achieve the highest possible
performance from the RM/COBOL family of products. The technical support staff is
committed to providing you prompt and professional service when you have
problems or questions about your Liant products.
These technical support services are subject to Liant’s prices, terms, and conditions
in place at the time the service is requested.
While it is not possible to maintain and support specific releases of all software
indefinitely, we offer priority support for the most current release of each product.
For customers who elect not to upgrade to the most current release of the products,
support is provided on a limited basis, as time and resources allow.
Support Guidelines
When you need assistance, you can expedite your call by having the following
information available for the technical support representative:
1. Company name and contact information.
2. Liant product serial number (found on the media label, registration card, or
product banner message).
3. Product version number.
4. Operating system and version number.
5. Hardware, related equipment, and terminal type.
6. Exact message appearing on screen.
7. Concise explanation of the problem and process involved when the
problem occurred.
Test Cases
You may be asked for an example (test case) that demonstrates the problem. Please
remember the following guidelines when submitting a test case:
• The smaller the test case is, the faster we will be able to isolate the cause of
the problem.
• Do not send full applications.
• Reduce the test case to one or two programs and as few data files as possible.
• If you have very large data files, write a small program to read in your current
data files and to create new data files with as few records as necessary to
reproduce the problem.
• Test the test case before sending it to us to ensure that you have included all the
necessary components to recompile and run the test case. You may need to
include an RM/COBOL configuration file.
When submitting your test case, please include the following items:
1. README text file that explains the problems. This file must include
information regarding the hardware, operating system, and versions of all
relevant software (including the operating system and all Liant products). It
must also include step-by-step instructions to reproduce the behavior.
2. Program source files. We require source for any program that is called during
the course of the test case. Be sure to include any copy files necessary for
3. Data files required by the programs. These files should be as small as
possible to reproduce the problem described in the test case.
This chapter lists the hardware and software needed to use RM/InfoExpress for
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), detailing the differences
between the server and client program requirements. Chapter 1 also provides
instructions for setting up and installing RM/InfoExpress on Windows and UNIX,
and outlines procedures for verifying that RM/InfoExpress is properly installed.
System Requirements
This section describes the platform-specific system requirements necessary for
installing RM/InfoExpress server and clients. The version of RM/InfoExpress that
you have purchased is for a particular combination of hardware and operating
systems. Several items listed below vary depending on the actual version of the
product that you have purchased.
Before you can use RM/InfoExpress, your personal computer configuration must
meet or exceed the requirements set forth in this section.
Table 1 lists the system requirements to install the RM/InfoExpress server programs
on Microsoft Windows and UNIX.
Table 1: Installation System Requirements on Windows and UNIX
Windows 2000 Server (SP3 or later) • Pentium III or higher, 600 MHz.
Windows Server 2003 • 4MB hard disk space.
• 128 MB for Windows 2000 and
Windows Server 2003.
• CD-ROM drive and one 3.5”double-
sided, high-density floppy disk drive.
• SVGA or higher resolution monitor.
• Mouse or other pointing device.
• Network interface card.
Sun Solaris
RM/InfoExpress Servers
This section describes how to set up and install the RM/InfoExpress server software
on 32-bit Windows servers and UNIX server machines.
RMCFileServer 21069/tcp
where X is the letter assigned to the CD-ROM drive where you inserted the
media. Click OK. Continue to follow these instructions.
5. Follow the instructions presented by the installation program.
6. When the Liant License dialog box opens, enter the complete filename of the
license file, liant.lic, which contains the license certificate for this product.
(This license file is included on the license diskette that came as part of the
installation media). If your machine has a diskette drive, insert the license
diskette into drive A and continue to follow the instructions presented on
your screen.
Note that if you are using a drive other than A, you must be sure to correct the
location of the license file in the Liant License File dialog box. If necessary, the
liant.lic license file can be copied to a location on a hard drive and that location
can be specified during installation.
7. Continue to follow the instructions and prompts on your screen to complete the
installation process.
Depending on your system configuration, you may be prompted to reboot your
system when the installation has completed.
Use this option to load the license file if the UNIX operating system supports MS-
DOS file systems and your hardware has a diskette drive installed. Instructions for
specific platforms and versions of UNIX are provided.
• Digital UNIX (Tru64), HP-UX, IBM AIX, and Intel UNIX System V
Release 4,. These platforms do not support mounting MS-DOS diskettes.
To transfer the license file to the UNIX server, see the instructions described
in Transferring the Liant License File via FTP from a Windows Client (on
page 13).
• Linux
a. Insert the diskette into the diskette drive.
b. Log in as root and enter:
mount –t msdos /dev/fd0H1440 /mnt/floppy
d. Dismount the diskette with the following command and then remove the
diskette from the diskette drive:
umount /mnt/floppy
• SCO OpenServer 5
a. Insert the diskette into the diskette drive.
b. Log in as root and enter:
cp /floppy/liant.lic /tmp/liant.lic
d. Dismount the diskette with the following command and then remove the
diskette from the diskette drive:
umount /floppy
cp /Disk_A/liant.lic /tmp/liant.lic
d. Dismount the diskette with the following command and then remove the
diskette from the diskette drive:
umount /Disk_A
• Sun Solaris
a. Insert the diskette into the diskette drive.
b. Log in as root and enter:
cp /floppy/liant/liant.lic /tmp/liant.lic
d. Dismount the diskette with the following command and then remove the
diskette from the diskette drive:
eject floppy
Transferring the Liant License File via FTP from a Windows Client
To transfer the Liant license file from a Windows client to the UNIX server, use one
of the many graphical FTP utilities available on Windows and transfer the liant.lic
file as a text file. You can also follow this procedure:
1. On the Windows client, insert the diskette into the diskette drive.
These instructions assume that this is drive A. If it is another drive, change the
drive letter to the appropriate letter in the remaining instructions.
2. Open an MS-DOS Prompt window by clicking Start on the task bar, point to
Programs, and then click MS-DOS Prompt.
3. Connect to the UNIX server by entering:
ftp UnixServerName
cd /tmp
8. Close the MS-DOS Prompt window with the following command and then
remove the diskette form the diskette drive:
Note 1 In the list that follows, the standard mount directory names are used where
the UNIX operating system has such a standard. If the operating system does not
follow a standard, the name /cdrom is used. In such cases, it will be necessary to
either create the directory /cdrom or substitute the preferred mount directory name
for /cdrom.
Note 2 The device names below are examples. The actual device name is dependent
on the hardware configuration of your UNIX server. It may be necessary to
substitute the proper value for your system. Consult your UNIX System
Administrator for more details.
Sun Solaris If Solaris does not automatically load the CD-ROM, log in as root
and enter: volcheck
After the CD-ROM has been successfully mounted, you will need to do the
1. Change the directory to the mount point for the CD-ROM. For example, enter:
cd /cdrom
2. From the mount point, execute the installation script using the following
sh ./install.sh
3. The installation script prompts you for all the information that it needs before
beginning the actual installation. Answer the prompts of the installation script
RM/InfoExpress Clients
This section describes how to set up and install the RM/InfoExpress client software
on Windows and UNIX workstations.
RMCFileServer 21069/tcp
Verify that no other line contains RMCFileServer (in any mixture of uppercase
or lowercase letters) and that no other line contains the port number 21069. If
port number 21069 is already in use, select another unused port number. We
recommend that you choose a port number between 5000 and 32000.
Note The user must ensure that the RMCFileServer line in the services file is
identical on every machine (clients and servers) on the network.
For both the RM/InfoExpress client and server software components, the first step in
system verification is to confirm that the TCP/IP network software is running
correctly on the client machine as well as the server machine.
For RM/InfoExpress client verification, follow all the vendor’s recommendations
making sure you have properly configured the TCP/IP network and that the software
is running correctly. System utilities, such as ping, can help ensure proper
configuration and/or communication between the client and server machines.
Windows Server
The RM/InfoExpress server for Windows is installed as, and is intended to be run as,
a Windows service, under the direction of the Windows Service Control Manager
(SCM). Initially, the server is configured to be started and stopped manually.
However, it can easily be reconfigured to start automatically when Windows is
initialized, as described in Configuring the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server
Program (on page 30).
Note For information on specifying server configuration options on Windows, see
the following topics:
• Windows Server Command Line Options (on page 31)
• Windows Server Display Command Line Option (on page 32)
• Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress (on page 87)
These actions will launch the RM/InfoExpress server program for Windows,
which initially runs under the System account and has access to any resources
that this account is permitted to use. (Most systems log on to a System account,
rather than a user account.) To change the account under which the server
program runs, see Configuring the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program
(on page 30).
3. In the RM/InfoExpress folder, double-click the rmdistcp icon to start the
RM/InfoExpress server display program.
The RM/InfoExpress server main screen appears, as illustrated in Figure 3:
Server Display Main Screen (on page 43). The server is ready to process
requests from client machines.
Note The RM/InfoExpress Windows server display program, rmdistcp.exe,
monitors the server activity and does not affect the communication between the
client and server.
If the server main screen does not appear, check that no other RM/InfoExpress server
program is already running on the machine. If other messages appear, contact Liant
technical support services.
Note The RM/InfoExpress Windows server program can also be launched in user
mode using the icon created by default in the RM/InfoExpress program folder. To
start the server, simply double-click on the RM/InfoExpress Windows server icon.
The server will run using the current account and will be terminated when you log
out. When launched in this mode, there is also a small, 10- to 20-second delay
before the server becomes active.
UNIX Server
On the UNIX server machine, start the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server and server
display programs, rmservertcp and rmdisptcp, by entering the following
/usr/rminfox/rmdisptcp -t
\\server\usr\rminfox\infoxdmo x=rmtcp32.cfg
\\server\infoxdmo x=rmtcp32.cfg
Note You may type either backslashes (\) or forward slashes (/) to separate
the edgenames of the path, but do not mix them. Notice the double
backslashes or double forward slashes at the beginning. Substitute the
actual machine name of your server machine (where the RM/InfoExpress
server program is running as described in Step 1) for server. This name is
usually displayed as Machine ID at the bottom of the server main screen,
but it is whatever name is specified in your hosts file or known to your DNS
that maps to the IP address of the UNIX server machine.
• Under UNIX, the rest of the path name assumes that RM/InfoExpress
was installed into /usr/rminfox during the server installation procedure.
If it was installed elsewhere, substitute the correct path name.
• Under Windows, RM/InfoExpress is normally installed in the
\Program Files\Liant\RMInfoExpress directory, which is the server’s
current directory.
Step 4 (f) also adds a configuration record file to the runcobol command.
This configuration record file (rmtcp32.cfg) is used by ixverify. It must
reside in the directory named in the Working Directory text box shown in
the Program Item Properties dialog box. This file should contain the
following information:
a. If a return code 252 error (STOP sign) box is displayed, the infoxdmo
verification program could not be loaded from the server.
b. If a “COBOL I/O error 30, Runtime Library error 11004” is displayed, the
server name has probably been entered incorrectly. Click OK or press
Enter. Return to Step 5 and then specify the correct server name in Step 6.
If the server name was correct, check that the hosts file (or DNS) contains
the server name and that the services file contains the proper
RMCFileServer line (see page 16).
c. If “COBOL procedure error 204” is displayed, the server name is correct
but the remaining path is incorrect. Click OK or press Enter. Return to
Step 5 and then specify the correct path name in Step 6.
d. Other return code values and other error codes are described in the
RM/COBOL User’s Guide, and in Appendix A: Messages (on page 67), of
this manual. If an error message occurs, check the following:
1) The status of the RM/InfoExpress server. (Is it still running?)
2) The path name on the server machine of the infoxdmo verification
3) The server name in your hosts file.
4) The RMCFileServer line in your services file.
If you cannot determine the cause of the problem and correct it, contact
Liant technical support services.
8. At the “Enter test number” prompt, type 2 and press Enter. The following
prompt appears:
9. Enter the name of the directory on the RM/InfoExpress server where the files are
to be created. For example:
The directory must already exist on the server machine, and the RM/InfoExpress
server user must have read and write permissions to it.
The infoxdmo verification program creates one indexed file (inxfl) and
performs five tests: write sequential, read sequential, read random, rewrite
random, and delete random. Timing information for each test is shown.
10. When the five tests are complete, the “Type any key to continue . . .” prompt
appears. At this point, RM/InfoExpress Windows client and server
communication verification is successfully complete.
You may run other tests in the verification program, run test number 2 specifying a
different server, or exit the program.
runcobol xxx –v
The shared object, librminfox.so, should be listed under the “Dynamic libraries
loaded” section, as illustrated below.
If the librminfox.so shared object does not appear in the Dynamic libraries loaded
list, then the RM/InfoExpress client is not properly installed. Check that the
RM/InfoExpress client shared object (librminfox.so) exists in the same directory as
the RM/COBOL runtime (runcobol).
runcobol infoxdmo
4. At the “Enter test number” prompt, type 2 and press Enter. The following
prompt appears:
5. Enter the name of the directory on the RM/InfoExpress server where the files are
to be created. For example:
Note You may type either backslashes (\) or forward slashes (/) to separate the
edgenames of the path, but do not mix them. Notice the double backslashes or
double forward slashes at the beginning. Substitute the actual machine name (in
uppercase) of your server machine (where the RM/InfoExpress server program
is running as described in Step 1) for server. This name is usually displayed as
Machine ID at the bottom of the server main screen, but it is whatever name is
specified in your hosts file or known to your DNS that maps to the Internet
Protocol address of the server machine.
The directory must already exist on the server machine and the RM/InfoExpress
server must have read and write permissions to it.
The infoxdmo verification program creates one indexed file (inxfl) and
performs five tests: write sequential, read sequential, read random, rewrite
random, and delete random. Timing information for each test is shown.
6. When the five tests are complete, the “Type any key to continue...” prompt
appears. At this point, RM/InfoExpress client and server communication
verification is complete.
You may run other tests in the verification program, run test number 2 specifying a
different server, or exit the program.
This chapter describes the procedures required to configure and run (start) the
RM/InfoExpress servers for UNIX and Windows.
/usr/rminfox/rmservertcp [-option]
/usr/rminfox/rmdisptcp [-option]
the help of Liant technical support services. Under normal conditions, using this
option affects server operations negatively.
Note The -d command line option is equivalent to the InfoxDebug configuration
option, as described in Common Configuration Options (on page 89). The
command line option overrides the configuration option.
• -k dddd. Indicates the maximum number of clients to be served. If more clients
are to be served, the server should be brought down and started again. The
default value is 50. This value cannot be greater than the number of clients for
which the server is licensed.
Note The -k command line option is equivalent to the UseCount configuration
option, which is described in Common Server-Specific Configuration Options
(on page 94). The command line option overrides the configuration option.
• -p nnnnn. Indicates the common buffer pool size. Do not change the default
value for this parameter unless instructed by Liant technical support services.
Note The -p command line option is equivalent to the FileBufferPool
configuration option, as explained in Common Server-Specific Configuration
Options (on page 94). The command line option overrides the configuration
• -z nnnnn. Indicates the maximum amount of data that can be handled by the
TCP send function. The default value is system-dependent and has been set by
Liant. Do not specify this parameter unless instructed to do so by Liant
technical support services.
Note The -z command line option is equivalent to the MaxSendSize
configuration option, which is discussed in Common Configuration Options (on
page 89). The command line option overrides the configuration option.
rmdisptcp –t
If the server main screen does not appear, check that no other RM/InfoExpress server
program is already running on the machine. If other messages appear, contact Liant
technical support services.
Note The RM/InfoExpress Windows server program also can be launched in user
mode using the icon created by default in the RM/InfoExpress program folder. To
start the server, simply double-click on the RM/InfoExpress Windows server icon.
(You may wish to add command line options to the Target command line in the
Shortcut tab of the Properties dialog box for the icon, or you may use the command
line options from a DOS command line. For more information about Windows
shortcuts, see “Creating a Windows Shortcut” in Chapter 3: Installation and System
Considerations for Microsoft Windows, in the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.) The
server will run using the current account and will be terminated when you log out.
When launched in this mode, there is also a small, 10- to 20-second delay before the
server becomes active.
The server will now be loaded automatically the next time Windows is started.
Note Most services log on to a System account, rather than a user account.
rmdistcp.exe -t
This chapter describes the procedures required to use RM/InfoExpress for TCP/IP
with RM/COBOL for Windows programs, including how to access the
RM/InfoExpress Windows client program, how RM/COBOL for Windows programs
point to network data files, and how to execute RM/COBOL for Windows programs
for use with RM/InfoExpress.
Note For information on how to start the RM/InfoExpress server programs on either
Windows or UNIX, refer to the appropriate sections in Chapter 2: Configuring and
Running the RM/InfoExpress Server (on page 25).
Specifying Synonyms
Generally, RM/COBOL programs contain synonyms in the file-access-name field of
the SELECT clause. For example:
The synonyms are mapped to the actual path name before executing the RM/COBOL
Synonym specification depends on the operating system on which the runtime
system application and the RM/InfoExpress client software are running. If you are
using RM/COBOL for Windows 9x or Windows NT class, synonyms are specified
by setting properties.
For example, to access a file on a UNIX server from a Windows 9x-class or
Windows NT-class client, set the following synonym:
In this example, the synonym inxfl points to a file inxfl in directory infox of
directory usr on a UNIX server, Unix_server. It is also possible to use DOS
environment variables (created with the DOS SET command) as synonyms if the
Windows runtime system is started with a command line from a DOS box running
under Windows. For more information, refer to the “Directory Search Sequences”
section in Chapter 3: Installation and System Considerations for Microsoft
Windows, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.
Here are three examples using synonyms:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
inxfl and relfl (specified on the left side of the SET expression) are both
Unix_server is the name of the UNIX server accessed by RM/InfoExpress, as
shown in the hosts file or as known by DNS.
In Examples 1 and 3, RM/InfoExpress is able to process the inxfl file because the
path name begins with double backslashes (\\). It could also begin with double
forward slashes (//).
In Example 2, RM/InfoExpress is unable to process the relfl file because it is not
using the appropriate naming convention. Processing, however, is handled through
conventional network access.
Thus, for RM/COBOL files specified by filename only, you may access server files
by using a synonym that points to a server directory.
causes RM/COBOL to search for a file first in the directory prog on the local disk C;
then in the directory data on the network drive N: (assuming that drive N is mapped
to a network volume) using conventional network access; next in the subdirectory
data of directory usr on the server Unix_server using RM/InfoExpress; and lastly,
in the directory data in whatever directory is associated with the Shares share name
on Win_server using RM/InfoExpress.
For more information on the RUNPATH environment variable specification,
refer to the “Locating RM/COBOL Files” section in Chapter 3 of the RM/COBOL
User’s Guide.
This type of path name specification makes the program less portable, however,
because whenever the location of the file data.fil changes (from one server to
another), you must recompile the source program.
In this example, DATA-FIL is the data-name defined in the DATA DIVISION, and
it contains the complete path name of the file at the time the file was opened. These
data-names must include the name of a UNIX machine or the Windows server on
which an RM/InfoExpress server is running. For example, DATA-FIL could contain
the following:
name points to RM/COBOL object files.
option is any valid RM/COBOL Runtime Command option.
Before executing the runcobol command, set up the environment to create and
access files on the server machine, and create a configuration file to define the
external access method.
Execute the RM/COBOL verification suite for Windows, as described in Chapter 5:
System Verification, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.
Chapter 4: Using
RM/InfoExpress with
RM/COBOL for UNIX Programs
Specifying Synonyms
Generally, RM/COBOL programs contain synonyms in the file-access-name field of
the SELECT clause. For example:
The synonyms are mapped to the actual path name before executing the RM/COBOL
Synonym specification depends on the operating system on which the runtime
system application and the RM/InfoExpress client software are running. For
example, to access a file on a UNIX server from a UNIX client, execute the
following command (assuming Bourne shell) prior to invoking the client:
In this example, the synonym inxfl points to a file inxfl in directory infox of
directory usr on a UNIX server, UNIX_SERVER. See also the description of
synonyms in the “Directory Search Sequences” section in Chapter 2: Installation
and System Considerations for UNIX, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.
causes RM/COBOL to search for a file first in the directory /usr/local/infox on the
local disk using conventional network access; then in the directory data in directory
usr on UNIX_SERVER using RM/InfoExpress; and lastly, in the directory data in
whatever directory is associated with the Shares share name on Win_server using
For more information on the RUNPATH environmental variable specification,
refer to the “Locating RM/COBOL Files” section in Chapter 2 of the RM/COBOL
User’s Guide.
This type of path name specification makes the program less portable, however,
because whenever the location of the file data.fil changes (from one server to
another), you must recompile the source program.
In this example, DATA-FIL is the data-name defined in the DATA DIVISION, and
it contains the complete path name of the file at the time the file was opened. These
data-names must include the name of a UNIX machine or the Windows server on
which an RM/InfoExpress server is running. For example, DATA-FIL could contain
the following:
name points to RM/COBOL object files.
option is any valid RM/COBOL Runtime Command option.
Before executing the librminfox command, set up the environment to create and
access files on the server machine.
Execute the RM/COBOL verification suite for UNIX, as described in Chapter 5:
System Verification, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress
Server Operations
Keyboard Functions
The following list describes the keys used in the RM/InfoExpress server display program.
Key Action
Escape (Esc) Selects No in response to a query from the command line. Also
backtracks through a menu path.
Down Arrow Moves the cursor down during client or file selection.
Left Arrow Moves the cursor left during the selection of menu commands
and responses.
Right Arrow Moves the cursor right during the selection of menu commands
and responses.
Page Up (PgUp) Scrolls the screen up to examine and review client and file
or Ctrl+B information.
Page Down (PgDn) Scrolls the screen down to examine and review client and file
or Ctrl+F information.
Title line
Activity ⎪
area ⎪
The elements of the RM/InfoExpress server display screen are described as follows:
• Activity area. The activity area contains information related to the current
activity or server display screen.
• Command line. The command line, located at the bottom of the screen, shows
command names, user prompts, or user queries.
• Date. The date area displays the current system date.
• Product name. The product name displays the product name and version
• Time. The time area displays the current system time.
• Title line. The title line displays the name of the server display screen.
The RM/InfoExpress server display main screen lists the current time, date, the
uptime (in days), and identifies the RM/InfoExpress server machine (in the
Machine ID field). It also provides an overview of current network activity,
including the following:
• The Active clients field indicates the total number of clients currently connected
to this RM/InfoExpress server. Other programs using RM/COBOL are not
Note that the active client count on the main screen of the server display
program sometimes shows a value that is more than the number of clients
actually connected. This behavior is most noticeable when sessions are
established and released rapidly.
• The Open files field records a count of the number of files currently open.
• The Dynamic load field shows the percentage of CPU utilization by
the server.
• The Messages processed field indicates the number of client requests honored
by the server.
The command line at the bottom of the server display main screen contains the
following command options:
• Clients. This command lists all clients and reports on specific clients. Clients
may be selected any time the Clients field appears in the command line. See
Client Information (on page 44).
• Files. This command lists all currently open files and reports on specific files.
Files may be selected any time the Files field appears in the command line. See
File Information (on page 46).
• Log. This command provides access to two sub-screens: Open Log and Error
Log. Select log information from a command line or by pressing the letter L at
any time. See Open Log Information (on page 47) and Error Log Information
(on page 48).
• Terminate. This command provides a number of termination modes.
Terminate may be selected any time the Terminate field appears in the command
line. See also Termination of Communication Activity (on page 50).
Each command and its associated screens, prompts, and queries are described in the
following sections. To return to the server display main screen from any of the
following screens, press the letter M or choose Main from the command line.
Client Information
The Client Information screen, illustrated in Figure 4, appears when you choose the
Clients command from the RM/InfoExpress server display main screen.
The Client Information screen lists all active clients by name, the number of files
each client has open, the total number of messages processed for each client, and the
type of operating system on which the client is running. Whenever there are more
clients or files than can be displayed on a single screen, a message appears on the
screen advising that Page Up or Page Down may be used to request the previous or
next screen.
Use the command Select Client to select a particular client in order to see
information that is more detailed. Press Enter or the letter S to choose the Select
Client command. The following prompt appears on the command line:
Use Page Up, Page Down, or the arrow keys to select a client and press Enter. The
Client Files screen appears, as illustrated in Figure 5.
The Client Files screen shows the total number of files currently opened by the
client, and the total number of messages passed between the client and the server.
For each open file, the Client Files screen also shows the following information.
• The ORG column indicates the file organization:
- INX (Indexed)
- SEQ (Sequential)
- REL (Relative)
• The OPEN column indicates the type of open mode:
- I-O (Input/Output)
- Input
- Output
- Extend
• The ACCESS column indicates the type of access:
- Dynamic
- Sequent(ial)
- Random
• The FILENAME column indicates the absolute path name.
File Information
The File Information screen, illustrated in Figure 6, appears when you choose the
Files command from the RM/InfoExpress server display main screen.
The File Information screen lists the absolute path name for each file and the number
of times each file has been opened. Whenever there are more clients or files than can
be displayed on a single screen, a message appears on the screen advising that Page
Up or Page Down may be used to request the previous or next screen.
Use the command Select File to select a particular file in order to see information
that is more detailed. Press Enter or type the letter S to choose the Select File
command. The following prompt appears on the command line:
Use Page Up, Page Down, or the arrow keys to select a file and press Enter. The File
Clients screen appears, as illustrated in Figure 7.
The File Clients screen shows the number of clients that have opened this file since
the server was initiated and lists the clients that currently have the file open.
Note On Open Log and Error Log (see page 48) screens, filenames up to 32
characters long and client names up to 12 characters long can be displayed without
loss of information. If necessary, use the DotsBias option, described in Common
Server-Specific Configuration Options (on page 94), to control which part of longer
filenames is lost. To navigate to the Error Log screen from this location, press the
Esc key (to go back to the previous screen), followed by the letter E.
The command line provides three commands: Freeze, Unfreeze, and Toggle. To
choose a command, use the arrow keys or press the first letter of the desired
The Freeze command temporarily suspends the updating of the Open Log screen for
that particular server display application. However, it does not affect the logging of
the new opens into the data structures by the server.
The Unfreeze command causes the server display program to update the Open Log
screen with the information from the server data structures.
The Toggle command causes the information on the Open Log screen to be
displayed in a different form, illustrated in Figure 9, which is useful for Liant
technical support.
Note On Error Log and Open Log (see page 47) screens, filenames up to 32
characters long and client names up to 12 characters long can be displayed without
loss of information. If necessary, use the DotsBias option, described in Common
Server-Specific Configuration Options (on page 94), to control which part of longer
filenames is lost. To navigate to the Open Log screen from this location, press the
Esc key (to go back to the previous screen), followed by the letter O.
The command line provides three commands: Freeze, Unfreeze, and Toggle.
To choose a command, use the arrow keys or press the first letter of the desired
The Freeze command temporarily suspends the updating of the Error Log screen for
that particular server display application. However, it does not affect the logging of
the new errors into the data structures by the server.
The Unfreeze command causes the server display program to update the Error Log
screen with the information from the server data structures.
The Toggle command causes the information on the Error Log screen to be
displayed in a different form, illustrated in Figure 11, which is useful for Liant
technical support.
Use Page Up, Page Down, or the arrow keys to select a client and press Enter.
The Client Files screen appears (see page 45) with the following prompt at the
command line:
Press the letter Y to terminate communication. Press Enter or Escape or the letter N
to cancel the command.
Note The use of the server display (screen handler) program is for administrative
purposes only. When invoked multiple times, only one administrator should perform
operations such as terminating clients.
Press the letter W to choose the When Idle command. The following prompt
Press the letter N or press Escape to cancel the command. Otherwise, when all
clients are idle, the following prompt appears:
Press the letter Y to terminate the server immediately. Press the letter N, Escape, or
Home to cancel the command.
Quit in a While
Press the letter I to choose the In A While command. The following command line
appears, as illustrated in Figure 14.
When you choose one of the time options, the number of minutes will decrement as
the specified time elapses. You can cancel the termination at any time by pressing
the letter N or Escape. Otherwise, when all clients are idle, the following prompt
Press the letter Y to terminate the server immediately. Press the letter N, Escape, or
Home to cancel the command.
Quit Now
Press the letter N to choose the Now command. The following prompt appears:
Press the letter Y to terminate the server immediately. Press the letter N, Escape, or
Home to cancel the command.
The recommended way to terminate the server is by using the command sequence
(Terminate, Server, Now, Yes) of the screen display (screen handler) program when
no active client is connected.
WARNING Never attempt to terminate one or more RM/InfoExpress UNIX
server processes using the kill command. This may cause the server to terminate
without cleaning up resources and closing open files. For example, using the kill
command causes the server to exit without removing the IPC (Inter Process
Communications) objects, such as shared memory segments and semaphores. As a
result, when the server is started next time, it fails with server error code 1
(RMIX_API_ERR_SERVER_ALREADY_EXISTS). For more information, see
Removing IPC Objects After Server Failure (on page 85) in Appendix C:
Security Level Requires To
In Table 2, a “valid server-user-name” means that the ixpwfile file on the client
contains an entry specifying the name of the server machine, the name of the client
machine, and a valid user-name to be used on the server. For more information, see
ixpwfile File Entry (on page 56).
machine-name [user-name]
where machine-name is the node name of a client machine, and user-name is the
name of the user on that machine who, when connected to the server, will obtain the
owner’s permissions on files owned by the local user. If user-name is not found on
the entry, all the users on the client machine have permission to access files.
Note user-name refers to the name used on the client machine, not on the server
machine. The user-name may match the name used on the server machine, or it may
be different.
An “appropriate entry in the .rhosts file” in Table 2 means that the .rhosts file exists
in server-user-name’s home directory, the .rhosts file owner is server-user-name,
only the owner has write permissions (that is, the file permissions must be
“rw-r--r--”), and a line exists in the .rhosts file specifying client machine-name
and, optionally, the client user-name.
User Password
In Table 2, “correct user password” means that the password sent by the client
matches the UNIX system password for server-user-name on the server.
- or -
The following notes apply to the procedures for setting up RM/InfoExpress to run at
each of the six security levels:
Note 1 “create an ixpwfile” means to run runcobol ixsecure.cob with your current
directory set to where you want the ixpwfile security parameter file to reside or with
the IXPWFILE environment variable pointing to the path.
Normally, ixpwfile on the UNIX server is maintained by the RM/InfoExpress server
administrator, and only such file is present on the UNIX server machine, generally in
the /usr/rminfox directory. The ixpwfile file on a Windows client machine is
normally maintained by the owner of the Windows machine and resides in the
RM/COBOL install directory, c:\rmcobol. On a UNIX client machine, each
RM/InfoExpress client has his own copy of ixpwfile. The client or server
configuration file (either rmixclnt.ini or rmixsrvr.ini) can be used to configure
other locations for ixpwfile. The environment variable IXCONFIG may be used to
specify the location and path name of the configuration file on UNIX.
RM/COBOL with the RM/InfoExpress client will look for ixpwfile in the location
specified by the IxPwFile option in the Security section of the client configuration
file. If the IxPwFile option is not present in the configuration file, then RM/COBOL
with the RM/InfoExpress client will attempt to open file ixpwfile in the current
working directory.
If the server security level is 3 or 4, passwords may be stored in the client ixpwfile;
therefore, it should reside in a secure place (with appropriate owner and restrictive
permissions on UNIX).
Note 2 “create a filename.ini file” means to use a text editor of your choice to create
the appropriate configuration file:
• /usr/rminfox/rmixsrvr.ini for a UNIX server.
• c:\windows\rmixclnt.ini for a Windows client.
• /usr/rmcobol/rmixclnt.ini for a UNIX client, if only a single client
configuration file is to be used when no user passwords are required in the
security parameter file. If multiple configuration files are required so that each
UNIX user can be responsible for the UNIX system password stored in a
tradition ixpwfile file, then the configuration file should be placed in the current
working directory or located using the IXCONFIG environment variable.
Note 3 “create a .rhosts file” means to use a text editor of your choice to create a
file named .rhosts in the home directory of serverUser. The owner of the file must
be serverUser and only the owner can have write permission. The .rhosts file entry
is the following:
clientU clientUser
serverUser. Although clientUser and serverUser are often the same user-name, this
is not required.
Note 4 Notation of the form:
2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:
2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:
clientU clientUser1
clientW clientUser2
2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:
clientU clientUser1
clientW clientUser2
2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:
2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:
clientU clientUser1
clientW clientUser2
2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:
clientU clientUser1
clientW clientUser2
Server Security
Levels Setup Differences
0 and 1 Setup for level 1 adds step 3, which is the requirement for
.rhosts files on the server machine.
1 and 2 Setup for level 2 does not support older clients (such as 16-bit
Windows clients). The DefaultServerUser=<server-user-
name> entry in level 1 step 2c is not needed because the server
at level 2 refuses the connection rather than running as
2 and 3 Setup for level 3 uses passwords rather than .rhosts files.
Steps 1a and 1b requires the entry of passwords in the client
ixpwfile entries, and level 3 step 1c is added because the server
requires ixpwfile entries (passwords are not needed here) for
the clients that will connect to it. Level 3 step 2c adds the
ixpwfile=<path> entry so that the server can access the
ixpwfile file created by level 3 step 1c. Level 2 step 3, which
is the .rhosts file requirement, is not needed at level 3.
3 and 4 Setup for level 4 adds step 3, which is the requirement for
.rhosts files on the server machine.
4 and 5 Setup for level 5 does not require passwords in steps 1a and 1b
for the client ixpwfile entries because the server forces clients
to make the user enter the password via a dialog box on the
client machine.
Appendix A: Messages
This appendix lists the error messages that can occur while RM/InfoExpress is
being used.
error type is used to identify the software that generates the error.
error code is the number returned by that software.
Table 4 lists each error type, the error codes that can occur with each type, and the
possible source of the error code for errors generated by RM/InfoExpress. Other
error codes associated with error types such as UNIX and Windows can be found in
the appropriate vendor documentation.
A complete description of each error type can be found in Permanent Error Types (on
page 69). A complete description of possible error codes begins on page 70.
Note 1 For more information on error messages, refer to “Error Message Types” and
“Error Message Formats” in Appendix A: Runtime Messages, in the RM/COBOL
User’s Guide.
Note 2 Earlier versions of RM/InfoExpress usually returned two errors: 255 for
network-specific errors and 254 for errors detected by RM/InfoExpress. In this
version of RM/InfoExpress, errors are returned as they occur, along with the
appropriate error code.
Error codes 50 — 59
Failure Definition: Error codes 50 through 59 represent internal errors in the
RM/InfoExpress server program. Error code 54 may indicate an attempt to use an
old client with a new server in a mode other than compatibility mode.
Action: Contact Liant technical support for assistance.
Appendix C: Troubleshooting
This appendix is designed to help if you run into any problems when using
RM/InfoExpress. Each section offers steps you can take to solve the problem.
no -o tcp_keepidle=200 -o tcp_keepintvl=60
-o is a network option.
Note On AIX 5.2, there is a defect that prevents a single no command from
having two -o options. In this case, you must use two no commands.
tcp_keepidle determines the number of half-seconds to wait after the last
successful I/O operation before attempting to determine whether a connection
has been lost.
tcp_keepintvl determines the number of half-seconds to wait between requests
for a response from the possibly lost connection.
After ten requests with no response, the operating system reports a lost connection to
the server. The settings shown in this example will report a broken connection after
400 seconds (100+30*10).
Note You must run the no commands each time the network is started since it does
not permanently change the default configuration values.
where the <shm_id> and <sem_id> objects are obtained by using the UNIX
Note that the key values for RM/InfoExpress IPC objects start with the value
0x49584D for shared memory and 0x495853 for semaphores.
Appendix D: Configuring
For Windows clients and Windows servers, the configuration file must be present in
the Windows directory (\WINDOWS or \WINNT, respectively). For UNIX clients
and UNIX servers, the configuration file must be present in the current directory or
the directory pointed to by the environment variable, IXCONFIG.
In a configuration file, any line beginning with a semi-colon (;) is treated as a
comment and is not processed.
The client and server configuration files are divided into sections, each of which
consists of a group of related options that you can use to customize your
implementation of RM/InfoExpress. Some configuration options are used only by
the client, while others are used only by the server. Some options are specific to the
type of server. Still others are common to both client and server. All configuration
options are shown in the sample configuration file that follows. See more detailed
descriptions of the configuration options beginning on page 89.
Note Option names are not case sensitive.
InfoxDebug=debug filename
;###Server-Specific, Windows Server Only###
IgnoreHangupError=Yes|No (Windows only)
Consider the following to determine when and how to use these closely
related options:
- If only PathPrefixExcluded is specified, matching path names are excluded
and all other path names are included.
- If only PathPrefixIncluded is specified, matching path names are included
and all other path names are excluded.
- If both PathPrefixExcluded and PathPrefixIncluded are specified, the
longest matching prefix string determines exclusion or inclusion, and path
names matching none of the prefix strings are included by default.
- If neither PathPrefixExcluded nor PathPrefixIncluded is specified, all path
names are included (which is the same behavior as prior versions of
means that an RM/InfoExpress client will not attempt to access any files on
server srv1 and will attempt to access only files whose path names begin with
//srv2/data or //srv2/tmp on server srv2. You might want this in a situation in
which srv2 is a Windows server where all RM/InfoExpress data files reside in
directories data and tmp, but there are also Windows printers that you want to
access via path names //srv2/printer1, //srv2/printer2, and so forth. Note,
however, that if printer1 and printer2 are the only two path names that you do
not want to access via RM/InfoExpress on srv2, then specifying only the
following would achieve the same result:
\\serverW\cdrive\red\white\blue c:\tmp\red\white\blue
\\serverW\acctpayable\master.inx d:\acctpayable\data\master.inx
\\serverW\file1 e:\guest\data\file1
\\serverW\xyzzy\tmp\junk.x e:\guest\data\xyzzy\tmp\junk.x
\\serverW\cdrive e:\guest\data\cdrive
If the null share name line (=e:\guest\data) did not exist and the server
was started in c:\bin, then:
\\serverW\file1 c:\bin\file1
\\serverW\xyzzy\tmp\junk.x c:\bin\xyzzy\tmp\junk.x
\\serverW\cdrive c:\bin\cdrive
The server’s current working directory is the default path for the null share name
provided the UseCurrentDirectory option is set to Yes.
If there is no [Sharing] section and if UseCurrentDirectory=No and
UseSystemShares=No are both set, then every open returns a 35 error.
The path associated with a share name is intended to start with a drive letter and
to specify a valid directory so that the resulting final path name is an absolute
path name on the server machine.
• UseCurrentDirectory. The UseCurrentDirectory option in the [Options]
section determines whether or not the server’s current directory path name is
prepended to the filename when the edgename following the server name does
not match any valid share name. UseCurrentDirectory=Yes is the default.
• UseSystemShares. The UseSystemShares option in the [Options] section
determines whether or not the Windows server system share names are used.
UseSystemShares=Yes is the default. A Windows server system share name is
defined in the Shared As portion of the Sharing tab of the disk or directory folder
Properties. Note that RM/InfoExpress server ignores the Access Type and
Passwords portions of the Sharing tab. If UseSystemShares=No is specified,
only the share names defined in the rmixsrvr.ini file [Sharing] section are used.
Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress
Security Parameter File Update
This appendix describes how to use the ixsecure.cob program to update the ixpwfile
parameter file with security-related information that is used by the server to
authenticate the clients. Note that ixpwfile must exist when the RM/InfoExpress
server is run at security levels greater than level 2. The implementation of file
security in RM/InfoExpress is detailed in Chapter 6: File Security on the
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server (on page 53).
The RM/COBOL object program, ixsecure.cob, is included with the
RM/InfoExpress media to enable users to build the security parameter file, ixpwfile.
The RM/COBOL runtime system (runcobol) is needed to run this object program.
A separate parameter file (ixpwfile) is required for each of the client machines and
one for the server machine. The parameter file for the client machine may have
several entries, each giving information about this client and one of the servers with
which this client communicates. Similarly, the parameter file for the server machine
may have several entries, each giving information about this server and one of the
clients that may connect to the server.
runcobol ixsecure
If the security parameter file, ixpwfile, is not in the current directory or has a
different name, set the IXPWFILE environment variable to the current path name
of the file.
The RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility Main screen, illustrated
in Figure 15, is displayed.
1. Add an entry
2. Modify an entry
3. Delete an entry
4. List all entries
5. Exit/Quit to system
To choose an option on this screen, move the cursor with the arrow keys to a
particular option and press Enter. Alternatively, you can type the option number or
the first letter of the option description (it is not necessary to press Enter afterwards).
To exit the utility program, choose option 5.
Note If RM/COBOL finds an error while performing the requested operation, a
message with the appropriate RM/COBOL runtime error is displayed on the last line
of the screen, and the utility waits for acknowledgment.
When the ixpwfile is empty (such as the first time this utility is run on a machine), a
warning message is displayed and the file is created.
Type the requested information and press Enter on the last line to complete the entry.
If you want to cancel the input at any time, press Esc. The utility displays the
RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility Main screen, illustrated in
Figure 15 on page 102. Otherwise, the entry will be added to the file.
The SERVER USER NAME is case-sensitive.
case-sensitive; that is, they will be displayed as entered but will be mapped to
uppercase for use by RM/InfoExpress.
Note If you are creating a security parameter file for an RM/InfoExpress server,
the password field on the Add Entry screen should be left blank (simply press Enter
in this field). The password in an entry for the server security parameter file is
always ignored.
Using the arrow keys, choose the entry you wish to modify. Update the information
on the screen and press Enter on the last line to complete the entry. If you want to
cancel the input at any time, press Esc. The utility displays the RM/InfoExpress
Security Parameter File Update utility Main screen, illustrated in Figure 15 on
page 102. Otherwise, the current entry in the file will be replaced by this
Using the arrow keys, choose the entry you wish to delete and press Enter. If you
want to cancel the input at any time, press Esc. The utility displays the
RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility Main screen, illustrated in
Figure 15 on page 102. Otherwise, the current entry in the file will be deleted.
After successful deletion, the following message is displayed for confirmation:
Type Y to confirm deletion. (To abandon the deletion, type N.) The following
message is displayed to confirm the successful deletion of the entry from the file:
Press any key to return to the RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility
Main screen, illustrated in Figure 15 on page 102. If the file contains more entries
than can be displayed on one screen, additional screens will be displayed when a key
is pressed. When all entries have been displayed, pressing a key will return to the
Main screen.
Note The password information is not displayed.
Appendix F: Using
RM/InfoExpress with Relativity
RM/InfoExpress can be used with Relativity for RM/COBOL to access the catalog
and/or files stored on a server running the RM/InfoExpress server program. This
appendix provides instructions for 32-bit RM/InfoExpress Windows clients.
Note Some earlier versions of Relativity are called Relational DataBridge.
This entry prevents a 10055 system error: “No available buffer space”. This
configuration parameter is discussed in Client-Specific Configuration Options (on
page 92).
where RMInfoExpressServer must match the TCP/IP host name for the server
machine on this client (for example, \\HOSTNAME\test.rcg). The following
example specifies a Relativity catalog called shirt3.rcg in the directory
/usr/relsamples on the server unixware21:
5. After you enter a valid RM/InfoExpress server and filename, click Open. The
Relativity catalog name will be validated and returned to the Relativity dialog
box as the name of the Relativity catalog for the data source. This information is
displayed in the Catalog Name area.
6. In the Relativity dialog box, click OK to complete creation of the Relativity
data source.
Appendix G: Summary of
Version 8 Enhancements
This section summarizes the major enhancements available in version 8 of
New Screens
The Error Information screen has been replaced by two new screens.
The Open Log screen displays information about the most recent 24 open operations
performed by the server. The Error Log screen displays information about the most
recent 24 errors, including the complete error code and location of the error. See
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations (on page 41), for more information.
-k command line option, server 27, 31, 96 -p command line option, server 27, 31, 95
Keepalive support, TCP 91 Passwords, client 92
KeepSession configuration option 92 PATH environment variable 23
KEEPSESSION environment variable 92 Path names 20, 83
Key combinations, document convention for 3 case sensitivity 26
Keyboard interface, server display program 41 explicit 35, 39
specifying 34–36, 38–39
L UNC-style 112
PathPrefixExcluded configuration option 92
Large file support 95–96, 111 PathPrefixIncluded configuration option 92
LargeFileLockLimit configuration option 95 PDF format 2
LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT keyword, RUN- Performance, network 90
FILES-ATTR configuration record 95, 111 Ports, user 10, 16
librminfox.so, client program, UNIX 8, 16, 22, 37
License file 10
loading 11
use count 96 ReconnectDelay configuration option 93
Limits and ranges 81 ReconnectEnable configuration option 90
Linux operating system 11 Reconnecting server and client 90, 93
Local area networks (LANs) 1 ReconnectTimeout configuration option 96
Registration, product 4
M Related publications 3
Relativity, using with 107
MaxSendSize configuration option 27, 31, 90 RelUseLargeLimit configuration option 96
Messages rhosts file 53, 56, 59
compression 90 RM/COBOL
encoding 89 compilation options, hyphens, used with 4
error 67–80 configuration file options 87, 111
large 90 list support modules loaded by the RM/COBOL
MinimumBlockSize configuration option 96 runtime option (V) 22
runtime options, hyphens, used with 4
N using with RM/InfoExpress 33, 37
Network client program 8
accessing clients 33, 37 accessing 33, 37
compressing messages 90 configuration file options 87, 89, 92
data files, pointing to 34–36, 38–39 executing RM/COBOL programs with 36, 39
Network security 58. See also Security, on UNIX installation 16
server pointing to network data files 34–36, 38–39
setup 16
O system requirements 7–8
terminating communication to 27, 32, 50, 84
Online services 4 verification, installation 17–24
OpenServer 6 (SCO SVR5) operating system 12 configuring with RM/COBOL 87, 111
Organization of this manual 2 error messages 67–80
features 1, 111, 113, 115
installation 10, 11–16
limits and ranges 81
messages 67–80
Relativity, using with 107
RM/COBOL, using with 33, 37
security, on UNIX server 35, 90, 97, 101. See
also Security, on UNIX server
-t command line option, server display 27, 28,
29, 32, 50 V Runtime Command option, RM/COBOL 22
TCP/IP communication protocol 7, 16, 17 Validating clients 53
keepalive support 91 Verification
send function 27, 31, 90 UNIX client 22
Technical support services 4 UNIX client and server communciation 23
Terminating 27, 32 Windows client 19
client communications 50–51 Windows client and server communication 19
client entries, troubleshooting 84 Version number, RM/InfoExpress server 1, 111
server 50–51
server display 50 W
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
See TCP/IP communication protocol Web browser 10–11
Troubleshooting Web site services, Liant 4
client entries not terminating 84 Wide area networks (WANs) 1
failure to locate file or path 83 Windows 9x class, defined 4
removing IPC objects after server failure 85 Windows client 8. See also Client program;
accessing 33
configuration file options 87, 89, 92
installation 16
setup 16
system requirements 7–8
verification, installation 17–24
Windows console 41
Windows NT class, defined 4
-z command line option, server 27, 31, 90