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RM COBOL Info Express

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Liant Software Corporation


User’s Guide
First Edition
This manual is a user’s guide for Liant Software Corporation’s RM/InfoExpress file management system for
Microsoft 32-bit Windows and UNIX clients communicating with UNIX and Windows servers using TCP/IP
(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) on a network. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with
RM/COBOL and various local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).
The information in this document is subject to change without prior notice. Liant Software Corporation assumes no
responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Liant reserves the right to make improvements and/or
changes in the products and programs described in this guide at any time without notice. Companies, names, and data
used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Liant
Software Corporation.
The software described in this document is furnished to the user under a license for a specific number of uses and
may be copied (with inclusion of the copyright notice) only in accordance with the terms of such license.
Copyright © 1986-2005 by Liant Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America.

Liant Software Corporation

8911 N. Capital of Texas Highway
Austin, TX 78759

Phone (512) 343-1010

(800) 762-6265

Fax (512) 343-9487

Web site http://www.liant.com

RM, RM/COBOL, RM/COBOL-85, Relativity, Enterprise CodeBench, RM/InfoExpress, RM/Panels, VanGui Interface
Builder, CodeWatch, CodeBridge, Cobol-WOW, WOW Extensions, InstantSQL, Xcentrisity, XML Extensions, Liant,
and the Liant logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Liant Software Corporation.
Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows
Server 2003 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the USA and other countries.
UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open
Company Ltd.
All other products, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective trademark holders, and are used only for explanation purposes.
Documentation Release History for the RM/InfoExpress User's Guide:

Edition Document Applies To Publication

Number Part Number Product Version Date

1 401239 RM/InfoExpress version 9 and later September 2005


Preface ................................................................................................ 1
Welcome to RM/InfoExpress...................................................................................... 1
What's New ................................................................................................................. 1
About Your Documentation ........................................................................................ 2
Related Publications.................................................................................................... 3
Conventions and Symbols ........................................................................................... 3
Registration ................................................................................................................. 4
Technical Support ....................................................................................................... 4
Support Guidelines............................................................................................... 5
Test Cases ............................................................................................................ 5

Chapter 1: Installation and Verification........................................... 7

System Requirements .................................................................................................. 7
RM/InfoExpress Server Program ......................................................................... 7
RM/InfoExpress Client Program.......................................................................... 8
Setup and Installation .................................................................................................. 9
RM/InfoExpress Servers ...................................................................................... 9
Setting Up RM/InfoExpress Servers on Windows and UNIX ...................... 9
Installing RM/InfoExpress Server on Windows ......................................... 10
Installing RM/InfoExpress Server on UNIX............................................... 11
Loading the License File...................................................................... 11
Mounting the Diskette as an MS-DOS File System...................... 11
Transferring the Liant License File via FTP from
a Windows Client ...................................................................... 13
Loading the Distribution Media........................................................... 14
Performing the Installation .................................................................. 15
Unloading the Distribution Media ....................................................... 15
RM/InfoExpress Clients..................................................................................... 16
Setting Up RM/InfoExpress Clients on Windows and UNIX..................... 16
Installing RM/InfoExpress Clients on Windows and UNIX....................... 16
Verification ............................................................................................................... 17
Verifying the RM/InfoExpress Server ............................................................... 17
Windows Server.......................................................................................... 17
UNIX Server ............................................................................................... 18
Verifying the RM/InfoExpress Windows Client................................................ 19
Verifying RM/InfoExpress Windows Client and Server Communication ......... 19
Verifying the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Client ..................................................... 22
Verifying RM/InfoExpress UNIX Client and Server Communication .............. 23

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide v

First Edition

Chapter 2: Configuring and Running the

RM/InfoExpress Server ................................................................. 25
Server Configuration Options ................................................................................... 25
Starting the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program................................................ 26
UNIX Server Command Line Options............................................................... 26
UNIX Server Display Command Line Option ................................................... 27
Starting and Stopping the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program..................... 28
Starting the Server.............................................................................................. 28
Stopping the Server ............................................................................................ 29
Configuring the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program............................. 30
Starting the Server Automatically ............................................................... 30
Running Under a Specific Log On Account ............................................... 30
Windows Server Command Line Options.......................................................... 31
Windows Server Display Command Line Option.............................................. 32

Chapter 3: Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL

for Windows Programs ................................................................. 33
Accessing the RM/InfoExpress Windows Client Program........................................ 33
Pointing to Network Data Files ................................................................................. 34
Specifying Synonyms......................................................................................... 34
Specifying RUNPATH Environment Variables................................................. 35
Specifying Explicit Path Names in the RM/COBOL Program .......................... 35
Specifying Complete Path Names Using RM/COBOL Data-Names................. 36
Executing RM/COBOL Programs............................................................................. 36

Chapter 4: Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL

for UNIX Programs ........................................................................ 37
Accessing the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Client Program............................................. 37
Pointing to Network Data Files ................................................................................. 38
Specifying Synonyms......................................................................................... 38
Specifying RUNPATH Environment Variables................................................. 38
Specifying Explicit Path Names in the RM/COBOL Program .......................... 39
Specifying Complete Path Names Using RM/COBOL Data-Names................. 39
Executing RM/COBOL Programs............................................................................. 39

Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations ............................ 41

Keyboard Functions .................................................................................................. 41
Server Display Screen Format................................................................................... 42
Server Display Commands........................................................................................ 43
Client Information.............................................................................................. 44
File Information ................................................................................................. 46
Open Log Information........................................................................................ 47
Error Log Information........................................................................................ 48
Termination of Communication Activity ........................................................... 50
Termination of Server Display.................................................................... 50
Termination of Client Communications...................................................... 51
Termination of the Server ........................................................................... 51
Quit When Idle..................................................................................... 51
Quit in a While..................................................................................... 52
Quit Now ............................................................................................. 52

vi RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition

Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server ..... 53

UNIX System Security.............................................................................................. 53
RM/InfoExpress File Security................................................................................... 54
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Security Levels ................................................. 54
Server-User-Name ...................................................................................... 56
Default Server User..................................................................................... 56
.rhosts File Entry......................................................................................... 56
ixpwfile File Entry ...................................................................................... 56
User Password............................................................................................. 57
Additional Parameters Needed for Non-UNIX Clients...................................... 57
Client Validation by the Server at Different Security Levels............................. 57
Server Compatibility with Older and Newer Clients.......................................... 58
Older Clients with the New Server ............................................................. 58
New Clients with an Older Server .............................................................. 58
Setting Up the Network to Run RM/InfoExpress with Security Enabled .......... 58
Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 0 ................. 60
Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 1 ................. 61
Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 2 ................. 62
Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 3 ................. 63
Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 4 ................. 64
Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 5 ................. 65
Setup Differences Between Server Security Levels.................................... 66

Appendix A: Messages ................................................................... 67

Error Message Types................................................................................................. 67
Permanent Error Types.............................................................................................. 69
RM/InfoExpress API-Generated Error Codes........................................................... 70
RM/InfoExpress-Generated Error Codes .................................................................. 72
RM/InfoExpress WinSock Error Codes .................................................................... 77
RM/InfoExpress Windows Sockets Interface Error Codes ....................................... 79
RM/InfoExpress BSD Sockets Interface Error Codes............................................... 80

Appendix B: Limits and Ranges .................................................... 81

Limits and Ranges..................................................................................................... 81

Appendix C: Troubleshooting RM/InfoExpress ............................ 83

Failure to Locate File or Path .................................................................................... 83
RM/InfoExpress Client Entries Not Terminating...................................................... 84
Removing IPC Objects After Server Failure............................................................. 85

Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress.................................... 87

Configuration Files and Options ............................................................................... 87
Sample Configuration File ................................................................................. 88
Common Configuration Options ............................................................................... 89
Client-Specific Configuration Options...................................................................... 92
Sample RM/InfoExpress Windows Client Configuration File........................... 94
Common Server-Specific Configuration Options ..................................................... 94
UNIX Server-Specific Configuration Options .......................................................... 97
Sample RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Configuration File................................ 97
Windows Server-Specific Configuration Options ..................................................... 98
Sample RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Configuration File .......................... 99

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide vii

First Edition

Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter

File Update Utility ........................................................................ 101
Using the Utility ...................................................................................................... 102
Adding a New Entry................................................................................................ 103
Modifying an Existing Entry................................................................................... 104
Deleting an Existing Entry ...................................................................................... 105
Listing All Entries ................................................................................................... 106

Appendix F: Using RM/InfoExpress with Relativity.................... 107

Changes to Relativity Configuration for 32-Bit Windows Clients.......................... 107
Create a Configuration File .............................................................................. 108
Configure Relativity to Use RM/InfoExpress .................................................. 108

Appendix G: Summary of Enhancements................................... 111

Version 8 Enhancements ......................................................................................... 111
Support for Large Files .................................................................................... 111
Atomic I/O Support for File Version Level 4 .................................................. 112
Limited Automatic Session Reconnection ....................................................... 112
Client Path Prefix Inclusion and Exclusion...................................................... 112
Version 2.1 Enhancements ...................................................................................... 113
RM/InfoExpress Server Now Supported on Windows NT Version 4.0........... 113
File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server......................................... 113
New Utility to Update RM/InfoExpress Parameter File .................................. 113
Improved Server Screens ................................................................................. 113
Optional Message Compression....................................................................... 113
Optional Message Encoding............................................................................. 113
Initialization File Support................................................................................. 114
-m Server Option Obsolete............................................................................... 114
Use Count Check by the Server ....................................................................... 114
New File Count Option .................................................................................... 114
New Option to Handle the Display of Long Filenames ................................... 114
Version 2.0.2 Enhancements ................................................................................... 115
New Server Option Enables the RM/plusDB Interface.................................... 115
Version 2.0 Enhancements ...................................................................................... 115
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Filename Case Sensitivity .............................. 115
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Configuration Option...................................... 115
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Runs as a Daemon .......................................... 115
RM/InfoExpress Screen Handler Program....................................................... 116
Changes in the Default Behavior .............................................................. 116
New Screens.............................................................................................. 116
More COBOL Information Added to Existing Screens ................................... 116
Improved Error Handling ................................................................................. 117
KEEPSESSION Configuration Option ............................................................ 117

Index................................................................................................ 119

viii RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition

List of Figures
Figure 1: RM/InfoExpress Client WinSock Info Message Box ...................................... 19
Figure 2: Server Display Screen Format ......................................................................... 42
Figure 3: Server Display Main Screen............................................................................. 43
Figure 4: Client Information Screen ................................................................................ 44
Figure 5: Client Files Screen ........................................................................................... 45
Figure 6: File Information Screen ................................................................................... 46
Figure 7: File Clients Screen ........................................................................................... 47
Figure 8: Open Log Screen.............................................................................................. 47
Figure 9: Open Log Screen (Toggled)............................................................................. 48
Figure 10: Error Log Screen............................................................................................ 49
Figure 11: Error Log Screen (Toggled) ........................................................................... 50
Figure 12: Terminate Command Line ............................................................................. 50
Figure 13: Quit Command Line....................................................................................... 51
Figure 14: Quit in a While Command Line ..................................................................... 52
Figure 15: Security Parameter File Update Utility Main Screen ................................... 102
Figure 16: Add Entry Screen ......................................................................................... 103
Figure 17: Modify Entry Screen.................................................................................... 104
Figure 18: Delete Entry Screen ..................................................................................... 105
Figure 19: List Entries Screen ....................................................................................... 106

List of Tables
Table 1: Installation System Requirements on Windows and UNIX ................................ 8
Table 2: RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Security Levels ................................................ 55
Table 3: Summary of Setup Differences Between Server Security Levels ..................... 66
Table 4: Error Types and Associated Error Codes .......................................................... 68
Table 5: Error Codes Generated by Windows Sockets.................................................... 77
Table 6: Error Codes Generated by the RM/InfoExpress Windows Sockets Interface ... 79
Table 7: Error Codes Generated by the RM/InfoExpress BSD Sockets Interface........... 80

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide ix

First Edition

x RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Welcome to RM/InfoExpress


Welcome to RM/InfoExpress
RM/InfoExpress is a file management system designed to optimize RM/COBOL
data file access on various local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks
(WANs). Implementation is available for TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol).
The RM/InfoExpress User’s Guide is intended for commercial application developers
who have a basic understanding of RM/COBOL, Microsoft Windows, UNIX, and
TCP/IP. The information in this preface outlines the contents of this manual, defines
typographic and programming conventions used in the documentation, and provides
information about registering your product and obtaining technical support. The new
features and significant changes in this release are also discussed.

What's New
Note The RM/InfoExpress version number refers to the RM/InfoExpress server;
RM/InfoExpress client(s) do not have version numbers.
The following summarizes the major new enhancements in RM/InfoExpress for
TCP/IP version 9:
• The RM/InfoExpress server File Manager has been updated to RM/COBOL
version 9 compatibility. (For further information, see “What’s New” in
Chapter 1: Introduction, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.)
• The RM/InfoExpress server display main screen now shows the server uptime
(in days) at the end of the date and time line. It can also now display
999,999,999,999 (one trillion—U.S.—minus one) total messages after which
the count wraps back to zero. See Server Display Commands on page 43.
• The Windows server (rmsrvtcp.exe) now uses WinSock 2. In particular, this
allows a much larger connection queue (WinSock 1 had a maximum backlog
of 5), which should avoid error 10061.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 1

First Edition
About Your Documentation

• The Windows server installation creates a Windows Firewall Exception, if

applicable, for the RM/InfoExpress TCP port number 21069. If you change the
port number (which is not recommended), you must change both the services
file and the Windows Firewall configuration.

For information on the significant enhancements in previous releases of

RM/InfoExpress, see Appendix G: Summary of Enhancements (on page 111).

About Your Documentation

The RM/InfoExpress for TCP/IP documentation consists of a user’s guide, which is
available in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) on the product CD, and on the
Liant Web site at http://www.liant.com/docs.
Note Viewing a PDF file requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. You can download the
latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader free at the Adobe Web site at
This user’s guide is divided into the following parts:
Chapter 1—Installation and Verification lists hardware and software
requirements, and provides procedures for installing RM/InfoExpress for TCP/IP on
both clients and servers for a specific LAN or WAN type. Also included are
procedures for verifying that both client and server software are properly installed
and communicating with one another.
Chapter 2—Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server describes the
procedures required to configure and run RM/InfoExpress servers for UNIX and
Chapter 3—Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL for Windows Programs
describes how to access the RM/InfoExpress Windows client program, how
RM/COBOL for Windows programs point to network data files, and explains how to
execute RM/COBOL for Windows programs for use with RM/InfoExpress.
Chapter 4—Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL for UNIX Programs
describes how to access the RM/InfoExpress UNIX client program, how
RM/COBOL for UNIX programs point to network data files, and how to execute
RM/COBOL for UNIX programs for use with RM/InfoExpress.
Chapter 5—RM/InfoExpress Server Operations describes the RM/InfoExpress
server commands. This chapter also describes the information displayed by the
server during RM/InfoExpress execution.
Chapter 6—File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server describes the
implementation of file security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server.
Appendix A—Messages lists and defines the information and error messages that
may be generated during an RM/InfoExpress session.
Appendix B—Limits and Ranges lists the logical and physical limits and ranges of
Appendix C—Troubleshooting RM/InfoExpress describes problems that you may
encounter during an RM/InfoExpress session and provides solutions.
Appendix D—Configuring RM/InfoExpress describes various configuration
parameters for RM/InfoExpress client and server components.

2 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Related Publications

Appendix E—RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility describes

how to use the utility program (ixsecure.cob) to update the parameter file (ixpwfile)
with security-related information that is used by the server to authenticate the clients.
Appendix F—Using RM/InfoExpress with Relativity describes how to access
Relativity files using RM/InfoExpress.
Appendix G—Summary of Enhancements reviews the new features and
enhancements that were added to earlier releases of RM/InfoExpress.
The RM/InfoExpress User’s Guide also includes an index.

Related Publications
The following documents contain information necessary for a complete
understanding of RM/InfoExpress for TCP/IP as used in conjunction with a specific
operating system and a local area network (LAN) or wide area network (WAN):
• RM/COBOL User’s Guide
• Relativity Installation Guides

Contact the appropriate vendor for other publications:

Microsoft products are available from Microsoft Corporation.

Conventions and Symbols

The following symbols and conventions are used or followed throughout this
1. Text that you enter or that is displayed on your screen is indented and appears in
a monospaced font. This type style is also used for sample command lines,
program code and file listing examples, and sample sessions.
2. Variable information, for which you substitute a specific value, is printed in
italics. For example:

runcobol name [options]

Italic type also identifies the titles of other manuals and the chapter names in this
guide, and occasionally it is used for emphasis.
3. Program names, directory names, filenames, and commands appear in bold type
and lowercase text. You can type program names, directory names, filenames,
and commands in uppercase or lowercase letters, except where otherwise stated.
Bold type is also used for emphasis on some types of lists, and for anything you
must type exactly as it appears.
4. Key combinations are connected by a plus sign (+), for example, Ctrl + X. This
notation indicates that you press and hold down the first key while you press the
second key. For example, “press Ctrl + X” indicates to press and hold down the
Ctrl key while pressing the X key. Then release both keys.
5. RM/COBOL Compile and Runtime Command line options may be specified
either with or without a hyphen. If any option on a command line is preceded by

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 3

First Edition

a hyphen, then a leading hyphen is required for all options. When assigning a
value to an option, the equal sign is optional if leading hyphens are used.
6. In this document, the term “Windows” refers to the following Microsoft
32-bit Windows operating systems: Windows 98 or 98 Special Edition (SE),
Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003.
As you read through this manual, note that Liant may use two shorthand
notations when referring to these operating systems. The term “Windows 9x
class” refers to the Windows 98 or Windows Me operating systems. The
term “Windows NT class” refers to the Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000,
Windows XP, or Windows Server 2003 operating systems.

Please take a moment to fill out and mail (or fax) the registration card you received
with RM/InfoExpress. You can also complete this process by registering your Liant
product online at: http://www.liant.com.
Registering your product entitles you to the following benefits:
• Customer support. Free 30-day telephone support, including direct access to
support personnel and 24-hour message service.
• Special upgrades. Free media updates and upgrades within 60 days of
• Product information. Notification of upgrades or revisions to RM/InfoExpress
when they are released.

You can also receive up-to-date information about Liant Software and all its products
via our Web site. Check back often for updated content.

Technical Support
Liant Software Corporation is dedicated to helping you achieve the highest possible
performance from the RM/COBOL family of products. The technical support staff is
committed to providing you prompt and professional service when you have
problems or questions about your Liant products.
These technical support services are subject to Liant’s prices, terms, and conditions
in place at the time the service is requested.
While it is not possible to maintain and support specific releases of all software
indefinitely, we offer priority support for the most current release of each product.
For customers who elect not to upgrade to the most current release of the products,
support is provided on a limited basis, as time and resources allow.

4 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Technical Support

Support Guidelines
When you need assistance, you can expedite your call by having the following
information available for the technical support representative:
1. Company name and contact information.
2. Liant product serial number (found on the media label, registration card, or
product banner message).
3. Product version number.
4. Operating system and version number.
5. Hardware, related equipment, and terminal type.
6. Exact message appearing on screen.
7. Concise explanation of the problem and process involved when the
problem occurred.

Test Cases
You may be asked for an example (test case) that demonstrates the problem. Please
remember the following guidelines when submitting a test case:
• The smaller the test case is, the faster we will be able to isolate the cause of
the problem.
• Do not send full applications.
• Reduce the test case to one or two programs and as few data files as possible.
• If you have very large data files, write a small program to read in your current
data files and to create new data files with as few records as necessary to
reproduce the problem.
• Test the test case before sending it to us to ensure that you have included all the
necessary components to recompile and run the test case. You may need to
include an RM/COBOL configuration file.

When submitting your test case, please include the following items:
1. README text file that explains the problems. This file must include
information regarding the hardware, operating system, and versions of all
relevant software (including the operating system and all Liant products). It
must also include step-by-step instructions to reproduce the behavior.
2. Program source files. We require source for any program that is called during
the course of the test case. Be sure to include any copy files necessary for
3. Data files required by the programs. These files should be as small as
possible to reproduce the problem described in the test case.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 5

First Edition
Technical Support

6 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
System Requirements
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

Chapter 1: Installation and


This chapter lists the hardware and software needed to use RM/InfoExpress for
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), detailing the differences
between the server and client program requirements. Chapter 1 also provides
instructions for setting up and installing RM/InfoExpress on Windows and UNIX,
and outlines procedures for verifying that RM/InfoExpress is properly installed.

System Requirements
This section describes the platform-specific system requirements necessary for
installing RM/InfoExpress server and clients. The version of RM/InfoExpress that
you have purchased is for a particular combination of hardware and operating
systems. Several items listed below vary depending on the actual version of the
product that you have purchased.
Before you can use RM/InfoExpress, your personal computer configuration must
meet or exceed the requirements set forth in this section.

RM/InfoExpress Server Program

RM/InfoExpress supports two types of server programs: one for Microsoft
32-bit Windows servers and one for UNIX (or UNIX-based) operating systems.
The RM/InfoExpress Windows server software consists of the following:
• rmsrvtcp.exe, the main program
• rmdistcp.exe, the server display (or screen handler) program

The RM/InfoExpress UNIX server software consists of the following:

• rmservertcp, the main program
• rmdisptcp, the server display (or screen handler) program
• ixsecure.cob, a file security parameter file update utility program

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 7

First Edition
System Requirements
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

Table 1 lists the system requirements to install the RM/InfoExpress server programs
on Microsoft Windows and UNIX.
Table 1: Installation System Requirements on Windows and UNIX

Microsoft Windows (Intel Pentium)

Operating System Minimum System Requirements

Windows 2000 Server (SP3 or later) • Pentium III or higher, 600 MHz.
Windows Server 2003 • 4MB hard disk space.
• 128 MB for Windows 2000 and
Windows Server 2003.
• CD-ROM drive and one 3.5”double-
sided, high-density floppy disk drive.
• SVGA or higher resolution monitor.
• Mouse or other pointing device.
• Network interface card.


Operating System Minimum System Requirements

Digital UNIX (Tru64) • Hard disk. The amount of hard disk

space required is version-specific.
• Memory. The amount of memory
IBM AIX depends on the specific version of the
Intel UNIX System V Release 4 product that you have purchased.
• CD-ROM drive and one 3.5”double-
Linux sided, high-density floppy disk drive.
SCO OpenServer 5 • Terminal. A terminal with a minimum
capacity of 80 columns.
SCO UnixWare 7 and
OpenServer 6 (SCO SVR5) • Network interface card.

Sun Solaris

RM/InfoExpress Client Program

The RM/InfoExpress client program (rmtcp32.dll on Windows or librminfox.so on
UNIX) is optionally installed by the default setup procedure for RM/COBOL for
Windows and by default with RM/COBOL for UNIX. The hardware and software
system requirements are exactly the same as the system requirements for the
RM/COBOL runtime system (runcobol) version 9 or later.

8 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Setup and Installation
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

Setup and Installation

The section includes setup guidelines and instructions for installing the
RM/InfoExpress server and client components.
The RM/InfoExpress for TCP/IP media contains a number of individual files and
programs. The media contains a README file, which lists the actual files and
programs delivered. For a list of known problems and recovery tips, refer to the
section “Problems in This Release” in the README file.
Note The RM/InfoExpress server software should be installed only on the machine
on which it is to run. If appropriately licensed, the RM/COBOL runtime system with
the RM/InfoExpress client software may be stored on a UNIX machine or a
Windows server machine.

RM/InfoExpress Servers
This section describes how to set up and install the RM/InfoExpress server software
on 32-bit Windows servers and UNIX server machines.

Setting Up RM/InfoExpress Servers on Windows and UNIX

Before you install the RM/InfoExpress server program, you must first ensure that the
complete TCP/IP package has been installed and set up on your Windows and UNIX
server machines.
Make certain that the hosts and services files are included. On Windows, these
files are usually in the \windows-directory\system32\drivers\ directory, where
windows-directory is the name of the directory where Windows is installed. On
UNIX, the files are usually named /etc/hosts and /etc/services.
• The hosts file lists the IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and host name(s) of all
machines (clients and servers) that are connected to your network. As an
alternative to using a hosts file on every machine, you can use DSN (Domain
Name Service). One machine or a few machines run DNS; all of the other
machines on the network access DNS to resolve names to IP addresses.
CAUTION On some machines, the RM/InfoExpress server program may
terminate with a “Signal (11) caught” (segmentation fault) error message when
accessed by a client if the /etc/hosts file on the server machine does not contain
the entries required by RM/InfoExpress. The client would most likely receive a
“COBOL I/O error 30, Runtime Library error 12006.” The solution to the
problem is to add the entries to the /etc/hosts file.
• The services file lists the service name and port number/protocol of all available
services. The rmaddsvc program will update the services file during setup in
order to add the following line:

RMCFileServer 21069/tcp

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 9

First Edition
Setup and Installation
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

No other line may contain RMCFileServer (in any mixture of uppercase or

lowercase letters), and no other line may contain the port number 21069. If port
number 21069 is already in use, select another unused port number. We
recommend that you choose a port number between 5000 and 32000.
Note The user must ensure that the RMCFileServer line in the services file is
identical on every machine (clients and servers) on the network.

Installing RM/InfoExpress Server on Windows

You can install the RM/InfoExpress server program on Windows from the product
CD or download the software from the Liant Electronic Software Delivery (ESD)
Web site. (Note that you must have an Internet connection and an Internet browser
installed to proceed with this latter method of installation.)
To verify that the installation was successful, see Verifying the RM/InfoExpress
Server (on page 17) and Verifying RM/InfoExpress Windows Client and Server
Communication (on page 19).
To install the RM/InfoExpress server program on Windows:
1. Log in as Administrator.
2. Close any other applications that may be running.
3. Insert the delivered media in the appropriate CD-ROM drive.
4. Do one of the following:
• If the installation program starts automatically, proceed to Step 5.
• If the installation program does not start automatically, click Start on the
task bar and then click Run. In the Run dialog box, in Open type


where X is the letter assigned to the CD-ROM drive where you inserted the
media. Click OK. Continue to follow these instructions.
5. Follow the instructions presented by the installation program.
6. When the Liant License dialog box opens, enter the complete filename of the
license file, liant.lic, which contains the license certificate for this product.
(This license file is included on the license diskette that came as part of the
installation media). If your machine has a diskette drive, insert the license
diskette into drive A and continue to follow the instructions presented on
your screen.
Note that if you are using a drive other than A, you must be sure to correct the
location of the license file in the Liant License File dialog box. If necessary, the
liant.lic license file can be copied to a location on a hard drive and that location
can be specified during installation.
7. Continue to follow the instructions and prompts on your screen to complete the
installation process.
Depending on your system configuration, you may be prompted to reboot your
system when the installation has completed.

Note The RM/InfoExpress server is installed and run as a Windows service.

10 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Setup and Installation
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

Installing RM/InfoExpress Server on UNIX

You can install the RM/InfoExpress server program from the product CD or
download the software from the Liant Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) Web site.
(Note that you must have an Internet connection and an Internet browser installed to
proceed with this latter method of installation.)
To verify that the installation was successful, see Verifying the RM/InfoExpress
Server (on page 17) and Verifying RM/InfoExpress UNIX Client and Server
Communication (on page 23).
There are four main steps to installing the RM/InfoExpress server program
on UNIX:
1. Loading the license file (see the following topic).
2. Loading the distribution media (on page 14).
3. Performing the installation (on page 15).
4. Unloading the distribution media (on page 15).

Loading the License File

The Liant license file is a normal text file distributed on an MS-DOS-formatted

diskette. Not all UNIX operating systems, however, can read an MS-DOS-formatted
diskette, and not all UNIX server machines have diskette drives. To make the license
file available to the RM/InfoExpress server for UNIX installation script, two
techniques are provided:
1. Mounting the diskette as an MS-DOS file system.
2. Transferring the Liant license file via FTP from a Windows client.

Mounting the Diskette as an MS-DOS File System

Use this option to load the license file if the UNIX operating system supports MS-
DOS file systems and your hardware has a diskette drive installed. Instructions for
specific platforms and versions of UNIX are provided.
• Digital UNIX (Tru64), HP-UX, IBM AIX, and Intel UNIX System V
Release 4,. These platforms do not support mounting MS-DOS diskettes.
To transfer the license file to the UNIX server, see the instructions described
in Transferring the Liant License File via FTP from a Windows Client (on
page 13).
• Linux
a. Insert the diskette into the diskette drive.
b. Log in as root and enter:
mount –t msdos /dev/fd0H1440 /mnt/floppy

c. Copy the license file to the /tmp directory:

cp /mnt/floppy/liant.lic /tmp/liant.lic

d. Dismount the diskette with the following command and then remove the
diskette from the diskette drive:
umount /mnt/floppy

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 11

First Edition
Setup and Installation
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

• SCO OpenServer 5
a. Insert the diskette into the diskette drive.
b. Log in as root and enter:

mount –f DOS,lower /dev/fd0 /floppy

Note It may be necessary to create the mount directory, /floppy, before

executing this command.
c. Copy the license file to the /tmp directory:

cp /floppy/liant.lic /tmp/liant.lic

d. Dismount the diskette with the following command and then remove the
diskette from the diskette drive:

umount /floppy

• SCO UnixWare 7 and OpenServer 6 (SCO SVR5)

a. Insert the diskette into the diskette drive.
b. Log in as root and enter:

mount –F dosfs /dev/dsk/f0q18dt /Disk_A

c. Copy the license file to the /tmp directory:

cp /Disk_A/liant.lic /tmp/liant.lic

d. Dismount the diskette with the following command and then remove the
diskette from the diskette drive:

umount /Disk_A

• Sun Solaris
a. Insert the diskette into the diskette drive.
b. Log in as root and enter:


c. Copy the license file to the /tmp directory:

cp /floppy/liant/liant.lic /tmp/liant.lic

d. Dismount the diskette with the following command and then remove the
diskette from the diskette drive:

eject floppy

12 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Setup and Installation
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

Transferring the Liant License File via FTP from a Windows Client

To transfer the Liant license file from a Windows client to the UNIX server, use one
of the many graphical FTP utilities available on Windows and transfer the liant.lic
file as a text file. You can also follow this procedure:
1. On the Windows client, insert the diskette into the diskette drive.
These instructions assume that this is drive A. If it is another drive, change the
drive letter to the appropriate letter in the remaining instructions.
2. Open an MS-DOS Prompt window by clicking Start on the task bar, point to
Programs, and then click MS-DOS Prompt.
3. Connect to the UNIX server by entering:

ftp UnixServerName

where UnixServerName is the network name of your UNIX server.

4. Change the directory to the /tmp directory:

cd /tmp

5. Specify a text file transfer:


6. Send the license file to the UNIX server:

send A:\LIANT.LIC liant.lic

7. Disconnect from the UNIX server:


8. Close the MS-DOS Prompt window with the following command and then
remove the diskette form the diskette drive:


RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 13

First Edition
Setup and Installation
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

Loading the Distribution Media

To load the distribution media on the UNIX machine:

1. Insert the RM/InfoExpress server for UNIX CD in the appropriate
CD-ROM drive.
2. Log in as root.
3. Enter the appropriate mount command for your system. See the examples
listed below.

Note 1 In the list that follows, the standard mount directory names are used where
the UNIX operating system has such a standard. If the operating system does not
follow a standard, the name /cdrom is used. In such cases, it will be necessary to
either create the directory /cdrom or substitute the preferred mount directory name
for /cdrom.
Note 2 The device names below are examples. The actual device name is dependent
on the hardware configuration of your UNIX server. It may be necessary to
substitute the proper value for your system. Consult your UNIX System
Administrator for more details.

System Mount Command

Digital UNIX (Tru64) mount -t cdfs -o ro,noversion /dev/rz4c /cdrom

HP-UX mount –F cdfs –o ro,cdcase /dev/dsk/c0t4d0 /cdrom

IBM AIX mount –o ro –v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom

Intel UNIX System V mount –o ro –F cdfs /dev/cdrom/c0t4l0 /cdrom

Release 4

Linux mount –o ro –t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom

SCO OpenServer 5 mount –o ro –f ISO9660,lower /dev/cd0 /cdrom

SCO UnixWare 7 and mount –F cdfs –o ro /dev/cdrom/c1b0t0l0 /CD-ROM_1

OpenServer 6 (SCO SVR5)

Sun Solaris If Solaris does not automatically load the CD-ROM, log in as root
and enter: volcheck

14 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Setup and Installation
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

Performing the Installation

After the CD-ROM has been successfully mounted, you will need to do the
1. Change the directory to the mount point for the CD-ROM. For example, enter:

cd /cdrom

2. From the mount point, execute the installation script using the following

sh ./install.sh

3. The installation script prompts you for all the information that it needs before
beginning the actual installation. Answer the prompts of the installation script

Messages are displayed periodically indicating the status of the installation.

Unloading the Distribution Media

To unload (remove) the distribution media from the hardware:

1. Enter the appropriate command for your system. See the examples
listed below.
2. Remove the distribution media from the CD-ROM drive.

System Umount Command

Digital UNIX (Tru64) umount /cdrom

Intel UNIX System V Release 4
SCO OpenServer 5

Linux umount /mnt/cdrom

SCO UnixWare 7 and umount /CD-ROM_1

OpenServer 6 (SCO SVR5)

Sun Solaris eject cdrom

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 15

First Edition
Setup and Installation
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

RM/InfoExpress Clients
This section describes how to set up and install the RM/InfoExpress client software
on Windows and UNIX workstations.

Setting Up RM/InfoExpress Clients on Windows and UNIX

In order for RM/InfoExpress clients to access the RM/InfoExpress server, you must
make sure that you have installed and configured the TCP/IP communication
protocol package correctly on 32-bit Windows and UNIX client workstations.
For both Windows and UNIX implementations, you may need to modify the hosts
file and services file:
• The hosts file lists the IP (Internet Protocol) addresses and host name(s)
of all machines (clients and servers) that are connected to your network.
As an alternative to using a hosts file on every machine, you can use DNS
(Domain Name Service). One machine or a few machines run DNS; all
of the other machines on the network access DNS to resolve names to IP
• The services file lists the service name and port number/protocol of all available
On Windows, you must locate and edit the services file for your Windows
Sockets implementation to add the following line, whereas on UNIX, the
rmaddsvc program will automatically update the services file during setup:

RMCFileServer 21069/tcp

Verify that no other line contains RMCFileServer (in any mixture of uppercase
or lowercase letters) and that no other line contains the port number 21069. If
port number 21069 is already in use, select another unused port number. We
recommend that you choose a port number between 5000 and 32000.
Note The user must ensure that the RMCFileServer line in the services file is
identical on every machine (clients and servers) on the network.

Installing RM/InfoExpress Clients on Windows and UNIX

The RM/InfoExpress Windows 32-bit client program (rmtcp32.dll) is installed by
default by the setup procedure for RM/COBOL for Windows if you chose the typical
installation procedure. If you did not initially install it, run the RM/COBOL setup
procedure again and choose to install only the RM/InfoExpress Client option. If you
wish to run the client verification program, choose the Verification Suite option also.
To verify that the installation was successful, see Verifying the RM/InfoExpress
Windows Client (on page 19).
The RM/InfoExpress UNIX client program (librminfox.so) is installed by default
with RM/COBOL for UNIX. The RM/COBOL for UNIX runtime uses the
librminfox.so support module (a shared object) to provide access to the
RM/InfoExpress server. To verify that the installation was successful, see Verifying
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Client and Server Communication (on page 23).

16 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

For both the RM/InfoExpress client and server software components, the first step in
system verification is to confirm that the TCP/IP network software is running
correctly on the client machine as well as the server machine.
For RM/InfoExpress client verification, follow all the vendor’s recommendations
making sure you have properly configured the TCP/IP network and that the software
is running correctly. System utilities, such as ping, can help ensure proper
configuration and/or communication between the client and server machines.

Verifying the RM/InfoExpress Server

The following procedures verify that the RM/InfoExpress server programs have
been installed correctly for 32-bit Windows and UNIX operating systems and that
they can run properly.
Note Only one RM/InfoExpress server program may be active on any given
server machine.

Windows Server
The RM/InfoExpress server for Windows is installed as, and is intended to be run as,
a Windows service, under the direction of the Windows Service Control Manager
(SCM). Initially, the server is configured to be started and stopped manually.
However, it can easily be reconfigured to start automatically when Windows is
initialized, as described in Configuring the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server
Program (on page 30).
Note For information on specifying server configuration options on Windows, see
the following topics:
• Windows Server Command Line Options (on page 31)
• Windows Server Display Command Line Option (on page 32)
• Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress (on page 87)

To start the RM/InfoExpress server for Windows:

1. Click Start on the task bar.
2. On Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003, start the Windows Service
Control Manager:
a. Click Run.
b. In the Run dialog box, in Open, type the following and then click OK:


c. Select RM/InfoExpress Server in the list of services.

d. To start the service, press the Start the service link located to the left, or
right-click over the service name and select Start from the pop-up menu.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 17

First Edition
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

These actions will launch the RM/InfoExpress server program for Windows,
which initially runs under the System account and has access to any resources
that this account is permitted to use. (Most systems log on to a System account,
rather than a user account.) To change the account under which the server
program runs, see Configuring the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program
(on page 30).
3. In the RM/InfoExpress folder, double-click the rmdistcp icon to start the
RM/InfoExpress server display program.
The RM/InfoExpress server main screen appears, as illustrated in Figure 3:
Server Display Main Screen (on page 43). The server is ready to process
requests from client machines.
Note The RM/InfoExpress Windows server display program, rmdistcp.exe,
monitors the server activity and does not affect the communication between the
client and server.

If the server main screen does not appear, check that no other RM/InfoExpress server
program is already running on the machine. If other messages appear, contact Liant
technical support services.
Note The RM/InfoExpress Windows server program can also be launched in user
mode using the icon created by default in the RM/InfoExpress program folder. To
start the server, simply double-click on the RM/InfoExpress Windows server icon.
The server will run using the current account and will be terminated when you log
out. When launched in this mode, there is also a small, 10- to 20-second delay
before the server becomes active.

UNIX Server
On the UNIX server machine, start the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server and server
display programs, rmservertcp and rmdisptcp, by entering the following

/usr/rminfox/rmdisptcp -t

The RM/InfoExpress server main screen appears, as illustrated in Figure 3: Server

Display Main Screen (on page 43). The server is ready to process requests from
client machines. If the server main screen does not appear, check that no other
RM/InfoExpress server program is already running on the machine. If other
messages appear, contact Liant technical support services.
Note For information on specifying server configuration options on UNIX, see the
following topics:
• UNIX Server Command Line Options (on page 26)
• UNIX Server Display Command Line Option (on page 27)
• Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress (on page 87)

18 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

Verifying the RM/InfoExpress Windows Client

If you choose both the RM/InfoExpress Client and Verification Suite options when
installing RM/COBOL for Windows, a program-item icon labeled ixverify is created
in the RM/COBOL program folder. Choose this icon to invoke the RM/InfoExpress
Windows client verification program. The RM/InfoExpress Client WinSock Info
message box appears in the center of the screen, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: RM/InfoExpress Client WinSock Info Message Box

If no message box appears, the RM/InfoExpress Windows client software is not

properly installed or started. Check that the RM/InfoExpress Windows client DLL
file (rmtcp32.dll) exists in your application installation directory.
Note This client verification does not attempt to connect to any server. It simply
verifies that the Windows Sockets implementation is sufficient to allow the
RM/InfoExpress Windows client DLL to be loaded and run.

Verifying RM/InfoExpress Windows Client and

Server Communication
The following procedures verify that the RM/InfoExpress Windows client program
can correctly communicate with the RM/InfoExpress server program using the
TCP/IP communication protocol. We recommend that you first read Chapter 3:
Installation and System Considerations for Microsoft Windows, in the RM/COBOL
User’s Guide, for more information.
1. Start the RM/InfoExpress server program running on the server machine, as
described in Verifying the RM/InfoExpress Server (on page 17).
2. Select the RM/COBOL folder from the Windows desktop.
3. Copy the RM/COBOL Runtime folder icon to a new icon:
a. Choose the RM/COBOL Runtime icon by clicking the mouse pointer on
the icon.
b. Right-click the RM/COBOL Runtime icon and choose the Copy option
from the menu.
c. Move the mouse pointer to a new location, right-click, and choose the Paste
option from the menu.
Note An alternative procedure to Steps 3 (b) and (c) is to hold down the Ctrl
key and the mouse button simultaneously while dragging the icon to a new
location. Then select the copied icon by clicking on it.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 19

First Edition
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

4. Modify the properties of the copied icon:

a. Right-click on the copy of the RM/COBOL Runtime icon and choose the
Rename option from the menu.
b. Type a new name for the icon (for example, IXDEMO) and press Enter.
c. Right-click on the renamed copy of the RM/COBOL Runtime icon and
choose the Properties option from the menu. The Properties dialog box is
d. Select the Shortcut tab.
e. Press End to enter input at the end of the existing command and then press
Backspace to erase the question mark.
f. Do one of the following:
• For a UNIX server, enter the following:

\\server\usr\rminfox\infoxdmo x=rmtcp32.cfg

• For a Windows server, enter the following:

\\server\infoxdmo x=rmtcp32.cfg

Note You may type either backslashes (\) or forward slashes (/) to separate
the edgenames of the path, but do not mix them. Notice the double
backslashes or double forward slashes at the beginning. Substitute the
actual machine name of your server machine (where the RM/InfoExpress
server program is running as described in Step 1) for server. This name is
usually displayed as Machine ID at the bottom of the server main screen,
but it is whatever name is specified in your hosts file or known to your DNS
that maps to the IP address of the UNIX server machine.
• Under UNIX, the rest of the path name assumes that RM/InfoExpress
was installed into /usr/rminfox during the server installation procedure.
If it was installed elsewhere, substitute the correct path name.
• Under Windows, RM/InfoExpress is normally installed in the
\Program Files\Liant\RMInfoExpress directory, which is the server’s
current directory.
Step 4 (f) also adds a configuration record file to the runcobol command.
This configuration record file (rmtcp32.cfg) is used by ixverify. It must
reside in the directory named in the Working Directory text box shown in
the Program Item Properties dialog box. This file should contain the
following information:


If you make an error, click Cancel and return to the beginning of

Step 4.
g. Click OK or press Enter to complete the modification. The dialog box
closes and the new icon appears.

20 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

5. Run the new icon by double-clicking on it or pressing Enter with the

icon selected.
6. The RM/InfoExpress Client WinSock Info message box appears on the screen,
as described in Verifying the RM/InfoExpress Windows Client (on page 19).
Note This message box is displayed because the OPTIONS=‘I’ keyword is
specified on the EXTERNAL-ACCESS-METHOD configuration record in the
rmtcp32.cfg file. In a production environment, omit OPTIONS=‘I’ so that the
message box will not appear.
7. Click OK or press Enter to acknowledge the message box.
The infoxdmo verification program window displays the following information:

RM/InfoExpress Verification Program

1. RM/COBOL File Test
2. RM/InfoExpress File Test
3. Exit Program
Enter test number

a. If a return code 252 error (STOP sign) box is displayed, the infoxdmo
verification program could not be loaded from the server.
b. If a “COBOL I/O error 30, Runtime Library error 11004” is displayed, the
server name has probably been entered incorrectly. Click OK or press
Enter. Return to Step 5 and then specify the correct server name in Step 6.
If the server name was correct, check that the hosts file (or DNS) contains
the server name and that the services file contains the proper
RMCFileServer line (see page 16).
c. If “COBOL procedure error 204” is displayed, the server name is correct
but the remaining path is incorrect. Click OK or press Enter. Return to
Step 5 and then specify the correct path name in Step 6.
d. Other return code values and other error codes are described in the
RM/COBOL User’s Guide, and in Appendix A: Messages (on page 67), of
this manual. If an error message occurs, check the following:
1) The status of the RM/InfoExpress server. (Is it still running?)
2) The path name on the server machine of the infoxdmo verification
3) The server name in your hosts file.
4) The RMCFileServer line in your services file.
If you cannot determine the cause of the problem and correct it, contact
Liant technical support services.
8. At the “Enter test number” prompt, type 2 and press Enter. The following
prompt appears:

Enter remote directory where files are to be created.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 21

First Edition
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

9. Enter the name of the directory on the RM/InfoExpress server where the files are
to be created. For example:


The directory must already exist on the server machine, and the RM/InfoExpress
server user must have read and write permissions to it.
The infoxdmo verification program creates one indexed file (inxfl) and
performs five tests: write sequential, read sequential, read random, rewrite
random, and delete random. Timing information for each test is shown.
10. When the five tests are complete, the “Type any key to continue . . .” prompt
appears. At this point, RM/InfoExpress Windows client and server
communication verification is successfully complete.

You may run other tests in the verification program, run test number 2 specifying a
different server, or exit the program.

Verifying the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Client

To verify that the RM/InfoExpress UNIX client shared object program can be
loaded, execute the RM/COBOL runtime with the -v option to display the banner
with a list of support modules loaded by the RM/COBOL runtime system.

runcobol xxx –v

The shared object, librminfox.so, should be listed under the “Dynamic libraries
loaded” section, as illustrated below.

RM/COBOL Runtime - Version nn.nn for IBM AIX.

RM/COBOL Runtime System issued to any Company Name.
Configured for one user.
Copyright (c) 1985-2nnn by Liant Software Corp. All rights reserved.
Registration Number: 8C-1000-15537-0001

RM/COBOL: Dynamic libraries loaded:

$EXEDIR/librmterm.so - Terminfo Terminal Interface - Version nn.nn.
$EXEDIR/librminfox.so - RM/InfoExpress Client - Version nn.nn.

If the librminfox.so shared object does not appear in the Dynamic libraries loaded
list, then the RM/InfoExpress client is not properly installed. Check that the
RM/InfoExpress client shared object (librminfox.so) exists in the same directory as
the RM/COBOL runtime (runcobol).

22 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

Verifying RM/InfoExpress UNIX Client and Server

The following procedures verify that the RM/InfoExpress UNIX client program can
correctly communicate with the RM/InfoExpress server program using the TCP/IP
communication protocol. We recommend that you first read Chapter 2: Installation
and System Considerations for UNIX, in the RM/COBOL User’s Guide, for more
1. Start the RM/InfoExpress server program running on the server machine,
as described in Verifying the RM/InfoExpress Server (on page 17).
2. Run the verification program, infoxdmo, using the RM/InfoExpress UNIX client
program, librminfox.so, by entering the following command:

runcobol infoxdmo

The shared object, librminfox.so, will be loaded automatically by the

RM/COBOL runtime system (runcobol).
3. Check that your PATH environment variable is set to point to the directory
where librminfox.so and runcobol are installed, and the RUNPATH
environment variable is pointing to the directory where infoxdmo.cob is present.
Note The infoxdmo.cob utility program may reside on your UNIX or Windows
server machine. You can load the program across the network by specifying the
server path in the RUNPATH environment variable. For example:
RUNPATH=//server/path. Remember, however, when setting environment
variables on UNIX, you must use forward slashes; for example,
RUNPATH=\\server\path. Under UNIX, backslashes are treated as escape
The infoxdmo verification program window displays the following information:

RM/InfoExpress Verification Program

1. RM/COBOL File Test
2. RM/InfoExpress File Test
3. Exit Program
Enter test number

a. If a “COBOL I/O error 30” is displayed, look at the explanation in

Appendix A: Messages (on page 67), or in the RM/COBOL User’s Guide
for the corresponding error.
b. For any RM/InfoExpress error, check the following:
• The status of the RM/InfoExpress server. (Is it still running?)
• The server name in your hosts file.
• The RMCFileServer entry in your services file.
If you cannot determine the cause of the problem and correct it, contact
Liant technical support for assistance.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 23

First Edition
Chapter 1: Installation and Verification

4. At the “Enter test number” prompt, type 2 and press Enter. The following
prompt appears:

Enter remote directory where files are to be created.

5. Enter the name of the directory on the RM/InfoExpress server where the files are
to be created. For example:


Note You may type either backslashes (\) or forward slashes (/) to separate the
edgenames of the path, but do not mix them. Notice the double backslashes or
double forward slashes at the beginning. Substitute the actual machine name (in
uppercase) of your server machine (where the RM/InfoExpress server program
is running as described in Step 1) for server. This name is usually displayed as
Machine ID at the bottom of the server main screen, but it is whatever name is
specified in your hosts file or known to your DNS that maps to the Internet
Protocol address of the server machine.
The directory must already exist on the server machine and the RM/InfoExpress
server must have read and write permissions to it.
The infoxdmo verification program creates one indexed file (inxfl) and
performs five tests: write sequential, read sequential, read random, rewrite
random, and delete random. Timing information for each test is shown.
6. When the five tests are complete, the “Type any key to continue...” prompt
appears. At this point, RM/InfoExpress client and server communication
verification is complete.

You may run other tests in the verification program, run test number 2 specifying a
different server, or exit the program.

24 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Server Configuration Options
Chapter 2: Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server

Chapter 2: Configuring and

Running the RM/InfoExpress

This chapter describes the procedures required to configure and run (start) the
RM/InfoExpress servers for UNIX and Windows.

Server Configuration Options

RM/InfoExpress server configuration options can be set either in the server
configuration file (rmixsrvr.ini) or on the command line. The command line
specification overrides the configuration file setting. While Liant recommends that
you specify the configuration options in the server configuration file, the ability to
specify configuration options on the command line ensures backward compatibility
with previous releases, and enables special, temporary invocations of the server
without affecting the settings in the configuration file. For example, there may be
times when it would be helpful to specify the -d option in order to create a debug file
to send to Liant technical support services.
All command line options have a configuration file equivalent. However, starting
with version 2.1, all new program options must be specified in the configuration file.
There is no command line equivalent.
For more information, see Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress (on page 87).

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 25

First Edition
Starting the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program
Chapter 2: Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server

Starting the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program

On the UNIX server machine, start the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server and server
display (screen handler) programs, rmservertcp and rmdisptcp, by entering:

/usr/rminfox/rmservertcp [-option]
/usr/rminfox/rmdisptcp [-option]

Note 1 The RM/InfoExpress UNIX server display program, rmdisptcp, monitors

the server activity and does not affect the communication between the client and
server. On some machines, the server daemon may take a few seconds to initialize
the underlying network. If the server display (rmdisptcp) is invoked immediately
after the server is started, the server display program will wait until the network
initialization is complete.
Note 2 If you start rmservertcp in a UNIX window opened using a telnet session on
your workstation, then you may not be able to close the telnet session until the server
is terminated. Always start the server from a terminal connected to the UNIX
The RM/InfoExpress server main screen appears, as illustrated in Figure 3: Server
Display Main Screen (on page 43). The server is ready to process requests from
client machines. If the server main screen does not appear, follow the instructions in
Verifying the RM/InfoExpress Server (on page 17).
The following sections describe the server program and server display program
command line options.

UNIX Server Command Line Options

Command line options or the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server program (rmservertcp)
can be any of the following:
• -c n|u|l. Indicates how the cases of path names from the clients are converted.
The -c option has three values:
- -c n. Indicates that no filename mapping is performed. This is the
default value.
- -c u. Indicates that the entire filename is mapped to uppercase before
the Open request is attempted. The option may be specified as -c upper,
if desired.
- -c l. Indicates that the entire filename is mapped to lowercase before
the Open request is attempted. The option may be specified as -c lower,
if desired.
Note The -c command line option is equivalent to the ConvertFileName
configuration option, which is discussed in UNIX Server-Specific Configuration
Options (on page 97). The command line option overrides the configuration
• -d pathname. This option causes the file pathname to be created and trace
information to be written into it. After the RM/InfoExpress server program is
terminated, send this file to Liant technical support services for further
investigation. Use this option only when you are investigating a problem with

26 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Starting the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program
Chapter 2: Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server

the help of Liant technical support services. Under normal conditions, using this
option affects server operations negatively.
Note The -d command line option is equivalent to the InfoxDebug configuration
option, as described in Common Configuration Options (on page 89). The
command line option overrides the configuration option.
• -k dddd. Indicates the maximum number of clients to be served. If more clients
are to be served, the server should be brought down and started again. The
default value is 50. This value cannot be greater than the number of clients for
which the server is licensed.
Note The -k command line option is equivalent to the UseCount configuration
option, which is described in Common Server-Specific Configuration Options
(on page 94). The command line option overrides the configuration option.
• -p nnnnn. Indicates the common buffer pool size. Do not change the default
value for this parameter unless instructed by Liant technical support services.
Note The -p command line option is equivalent to the FileBufferPool
configuration option, as explained in Common Server-Specific Configuration
Options (on page 94). The command line option overrides the configuration
• -z nnnnn. Indicates the maximum amount of data that can be handled by the
TCP send function. The default value is system-dependent and has been set by
Liant. Do not specify this parameter unless instructed to do so by Liant
technical support services.
Note The -z command line option is equivalent to the MaxSendSize
configuration option, which is discussed in Common Configuration Options (on
page 89). The command line option overrides the configuration option.

UNIX Server Display Command Line Option

The following is an option for the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server display (screen
handler) program, rmdisptcp:
• -t. Indicates that the user is requesting to terminate the server or communication
to a particular client. If this option is not specified, the user can terminate only
the server display program. Because the server display program does not
support any configuration file, this option must be specified on the command
For example, the following command will allow the user to terminate the server

rmdisptcp –t

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 27

First Edition
Starting and Stopping the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program
Chapter 2: Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server

Starting and Stopping the RM/InfoExpress Windows

Server Program
On the Windows server machine, it is necessary to start the Windows Service
Control Manager (SCM) in the Windows Control Panel to run the RM/InfoExpress
server software. Initially, the server is configured to be started and stopped
manually. However, it can easily be reconfigured to start automatically when
Windows is initialized, as described in Configuring the RM/InfoExpress Windows
Server Program (on page 30).
Note See the description of the server and server display program command line
options for Windows beginning on page 31.

Starting the Server

To stop the RM/InfoExpress server for Windows:
1. Click Start on the task bar.
2. On Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003, start the Windows Service
Control Manager:
a. Click Run.
b. In the Run dialog box, in Open, type the following and then click OK:


c. Select RM/InfoExpress Server in the list of services.

d. To start the service, press the Start the service link located to the left, or
right-click over the service name and select Start from the pop-up menu.
These actions will launch the RM/InfoExpress server program for Windows,
which initially runs under the System account and has access to any resources
that this account is permitted to use. (Most systems log on to a System account,
rather than a user account.) To change the account under which the server
program runs, see Configuring the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program
(on page 30).
3. In the RM/InfoExpress folder, double-click on the rmdistcp icon to start the
RM/InfoExpress server display program.
The RM/InfoExpress server main screen appears, as illustrated in Figure 3:
Server Display Main Screen (on page 43). The server is ready to process
requests from client machines. (The RM/InfoExpress Windows server display
program, rmdistcp.exe, monitors the server activity and does not affect the
communication between the client and server.)
Note Beginning in version 8, the -t command line option is automatically added
to the server display program icon. The -t option allows you to terminate a
server or the communication to a particular client when the server display
program is terminated.

28 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Starting and Stopping the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program
Chapter 2: Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server

If the server main screen does not appear, check that no other RM/InfoExpress server
program is already running on the machine. If other messages appear, contact Liant
technical support services.
Note The RM/InfoExpress Windows server program also can be launched in user
mode using the icon created by default in the RM/InfoExpress program folder. To
start the server, simply double-click on the RM/InfoExpress Windows server icon.
(You may wish to add command line options to the Target command line in the
Shortcut tab of the Properties dialog box for the icon, or you may use the command
line options from a DOS command line. For more information about Windows
shortcuts, see “Creating a Windows Shortcut” in Chapter 3: Installation and System
Considerations for Microsoft Windows, in the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.) The
server will run using the current account and will be terminated when you log out.
When launched in this mode, there is also a small, 10- to 20-second delay before the
server becomes active.

Stopping the Server

To stop the RM/InfoExpress server for Windows:
1. Start the Windows Service Control Manager (SCM) and find the server in the
list of services, as described previously.
2. On Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003, click the Stop the service
link located to the left, or right-click over the service name and click Stop from
the pop-up menu.

The RM/InfoExpress server will terminate.

Note The server can also be terminated from within the RM/InfoExpress server
display program (rmdistcp.exe) when that program is started with the -t option.
When halted in this manner, it is possible that the Windows Service Control Manager
(SCM) will not detect that the server has terminated. To restart the server, first stop
the service and then start the service again, using the methods described in the
previous topic.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 29

First Edition
Starting and Stopping the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program
Chapter 2: Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server

Configuring the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server

It is possible to configure the RM/InfoExpress Windows server program to load
automatically when Windows is started and to run under a specific log on account.
Instructions follow for both configurations.

Starting the Server Automatically

To configure the RM/InfoExpress server to load automatically when Windows is
1. Start the Windows Service Control Manager and find the server in the list of
services, as described in Starting and Stopping the RM/InfoExpress Windows
Server Program (on page 28).
2. On Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003, right-click over the
service name and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. Under Startup Type, select Automatic.

The server will now be loaded automatically the next time Windows is started.

Running Under a Specific Log On Account

To configure the server to run under a specific account, take the following steps:
1. Start the Windows Service Control Manager and find the server in the list of
services, as described in Starting and Stopping the RM/InfoExpress Windows
Server Program (on page 28).
2. On Windows 2000 Server and Windows Server 2003, right-click over the
service name and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
3. In the Properties dialog box, select the Log On tab.
4. Under the Log On As option, select either the Local System Account option to
run the server under the default account, or enter the name and password of a
selected account to run under another account.

Note Most services log on to a System account, rather than a user account.

30 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Starting and Stopping the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program
Chapter 2: Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server

Windows Server Command Line Options

Command line options for the RM/InfoExpress Windows server program
(rmsrvtcp.exe), when launched from the icon or from a DOS command line, can be
any of the following:
• -d pathname. This option causes the file pathname to be created and trace
information to be written into it. After the RM/InfoExpress server program is
terminated, send this file to Liant technical support services for further
investigation. Use this option only when you are investigating a problem with
the help of Liant technical support services. Under normal conditions, using this
option affects server operations negatively.
Note The -d command line option is equivalent to the InfoxDebug configuration
option, as described in Common Configuration Options (on page 89). The
command line option overrides the configuration option.
• -k dddd. Indicates the maximum number of clients to be served. If more clients
are to be served, the server should be brought down and started again. The
default value is 50. This value cannot be greater than the number of clients for
which the server is licensed.
Note The -k command line option is equivalent to the UseCount configuration
option, which is described in Common Server-Specific Configuration Options
(on page 94). The command line option overrides the configuration option.
• -p nnnnn. Indicates the common buffer pool size. Do not change the default
value for this parameter unless instructed by Liant technical support services.
Note The -p command line option is equivalent to the FileBufferPool
configuration option, as explained in Common Server-Specific Configuration
Options (on page 94). The command line option overrides the configuration
• -z nnnnn. Indicates the maximum amount of data that can be handled by the
TCP send function. The default value is system-dependent and has been set by
Liant. Do not specify this parameter unless instructed to do so by Liant
technical support services.
Note The -z command line option is equivalent to the MaxSendSize
configuration option, which is discussed in Common Configuration Options (on
page 89). The command line option overrides the configuration option.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 31

First Edition
Starting and Stopping the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program
Chapter 2: Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server

Windows Server Display Command Line Option

The following is an option for the RM/InfoExpress Windows server display (screen
handler) program, rmdistcp.exe:
• -t. Indicates that the user is requesting to terminate the server or communication
to a particular client. If this option is not specified, the user can terminate only
the screen display program. Because the server display program does not
support any configuration file, this option must be specified on the command
For example, the following command will allow the user to terminate the server

rmdistcp.exe -t

32 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Accessing the RM/InfoExpress Windows Client Program
Chapter 3: Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL for Windows Programs

Chapter 3: Using RM/InfoExpress

with RM/COBOL for Windows

This chapter describes the procedures required to use RM/InfoExpress for TCP/IP
with RM/COBOL for Windows programs, including how to access the
RM/InfoExpress Windows client program, how RM/COBOL for Windows programs
point to network data files, and how to execute RM/COBOL for Windows programs
for use with RM/InfoExpress.
Note For information on how to start the RM/InfoExpress server programs on either
Windows or UNIX, refer to the appropriate sections in Chapter 2: Configuring and
Running the RM/InfoExpress Server (on page 25).

Accessing the RM/InfoExpress Windows Client

The RM/InfoExpress Windows client program is rmtcp32.dll. The program is
invoked automatically by the RM/COBOL runtime system program for Windows
(runcobol) when an EXTERNAL-ACCESS-METHOD record, specifying
NAME=RMTCP32, is included in the RM/COBOL configuration file. See the
EXTERNAL-ACCESS-METHOD configuration record section in Chapter 10:
Configuration, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide, for more information.
Note The OPTIONS=‘I’ keyword, which causes an informative message box to
appear, normally should not be specified on the EXTERNAL-ACCESS-METHOD
configuration record. Other client-specific configuration options are described in
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress (on page 87).

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 33

First Edition
Pointing to Network Data Files
Chapter 3: Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL for Windows Programs

Pointing to Network Data Files

This section describes several different methods that can be used in an RM/COBOL
for Windows program to specify the path names of remote network data files, which
are to be accessed by RM/InfoExpress.

Specifying Synonyms
Generally, RM/COBOL programs contain synonyms in the file-access-name field of
the SELECT clause. For example:


The synonyms are mapped to the actual path name before executing the RM/COBOL
Synonym specification depends on the operating system on which the runtime
system application and the RM/InfoExpress client software are running. If you are
using RM/COBOL for Windows 9x or Windows NT class, synonyms are specified
by setting properties.
For example, to access a file on a UNIX server from a Windows 9x-class or
Windows NT-class client, set the following synonym:


In this example, the synonym inxfl points to a file inxfl in directory infox of
directory usr on a UNIX server, Unix_server. It is also possible to use DOS
environment variables (created with the DOS SET command) as synonyms if the
Windows runtime system is started with a command line from a DOS box running
under Windows. For more information, refer to the “Directory Search Sequences”
section in Chapter 3: Installation and System Considerations for Microsoft
Windows, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.
Here are three examples using synonyms:

Example 1


Example 2


Example 3


inxfl and relfl (specified on the left side of the SET expression) are both
Unix_server is the name of the UNIX server accessed by RM/InfoExpress, as
shown in the hosts file or as known by DNS.

34 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Pointing to Network Data Files
Chapter 3: Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL for Windows Programs

Q is a drive letter mapped to a UNIX server.

\usr\infox\inxfl and \usr\infox\relfl are the path names on the server.
Win_server is the name of the Windows server, as shown in the hosts file or as
known by DNS.
SharedFiles is the share name known to the Windows server running on

In Examples 1 and 3, RM/InfoExpress is able to process the inxfl file because the
path name begins with double backslashes (\\). It could also begin with double
forward slashes (//).
In Example 2, RM/InfoExpress is unable to process the relfl file because it is not
using the appropriate naming convention. Processing, however, is handled through
conventional network access.
Thus, for RM/COBOL files specified by filename only, you may access server files
by using a synonym that points to a server directory.

Specifying RUNPATH Environment Variables

Specifying an RM/InfoExpress server in one of the RUNPATH components causes
RM/COBOL to access the file using RM/InfoExpress. For example:


causes RM/COBOL to search for a file first in the directory prog on the local disk C;
then in the directory data on the network drive N: (assuming that drive N is mapped
to a network volume) using conventional network access; next in the subdirectory
data of directory usr on the server Unix_server using RM/InfoExpress; and lastly,
in the directory data in whatever directory is associated with the Shares share name
on Win_server using RM/InfoExpress.
For more information on the RUNPATH environment variable specification,
refer to the “Locating RM/COBOL Files” section in Chapter 3 of the RM/COBOL
User’s Guide.

Specifying Explicit Path Names in the RM/COBOL

You must change the path name in the SELECT clause of the RM/COBOL program
for filenames that include drive specifiers, computer names, or directory paths, and
that do not already point to a server directory. For example:



This type of path name specification makes the program less portable, however,
because whenever the location of the file data.fil changes (from one server to
another), you must recompile the source program.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 35

First Edition
Executing RM/COBOL Programs
Chapter 3: Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL for Windows Programs

Specifying Complete Path Names Using

RM/COBOL Data-Names
Some RM/COBOL programs use data-names to change path names dynamically.
For example, the SELECT statement:


In this example, DATA-FIL is the data-name defined in the DATA DIVISION, and
it contains the complete path name of the file at the time the file was opened. These
data-names must include the name of a UNIX machine or the Windows server on
which an RM/InfoExpress server is running. For example, DATA-FIL could contain
the following:


Executing RM/COBOL Programs

Execute your RM/COBOL program by entering the following command line, as
described in the “System Configuration” section of Chapter 3: Installation and
System Considerations for Microsoft Windows, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.

runcobol name [option]

name points to RM/COBOL object files.
option is any valid RM/COBOL Runtime Command option.

Before executing the runcobol command, set up the environment to create and
access files on the server machine, and create a configuration file to define the
external access method.
Execute the RM/COBOL verification suite for Windows, as described in Chapter 5:
System Verification, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.

36 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Accessing the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Client Program
Chapter 4: Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL for UNIX Programs

Chapter 4: Using
RM/InfoExpress with
RM/COBOL for UNIX Programs

This chapter describes the procedures required to use RM/InfoExpress with

RM/COBOL for UNIX programs, including how to access the RM/InfoExpress
UNIX client program, how RM/COBOL for UNIX programs point to network data
files, and how to execute RM/COBOL for UNIX programs for use with
Note For information on how to start the RM/InfoExpress server programs on either
UNIX or Windows, refer to the appropriate sections in Chapter 2: Configuring and
Running the RM/InfoExpress Server (on page 25).

Accessing the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Client Program

The RM/InfoExpress client shared object for UNIX is named librminfox.so.
By specifying the keyword NAME=NONE on the EXTERNAL-ACCESS-
METHOD record in the configuration file , you can bypass the RM/InfoExpress
UNIX client code in librminfox.so. See the EXTERNAL-ACCESS-METHOD
configuration record section in Chapter 10: Configuration, of the RM/COBOL User's
Guide, for more information.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 37

First Edition
Pointing to Network Data Files
Chapter 4: Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL for UNIX Programs

Pointing to Network Data Files

This section describes several different methods that can be used in an RM/COBOL
for UNIX program to specify the path names of remote network data files, which are
to be accessed by RM/InfoExpress.

Specifying Synonyms
Generally, RM/COBOL programs contain synonyms in the file-access-name field of
the SELECT clause. For example:


The synonyms are mapped to the actual path name before executing the RM/COBOL
Synonym specification depends on the operating system on which the runtime
system application and the RM/InfoExpress client software are running. For
example, to access a file on a UNIX server from a UNIX client, execute the
following command (assuming Bourne shell) prior to invoking the client:

inxfl=//UNIX_SERVER/usr/infox/inxfl; export inxfl

In this example, the synonym inxfl points to a file inxfl in directory infox of
directory usr on a UNIX server, UNIX_SERVER. See also the description of
synonyms in the “Directory Search Sequences” section in Chapter 2: Installation
and System Considerations for UNIX, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.

Specifying RUNPATH Environment Variables

Specifying an RM/InfoExpress server in one of the RUNPATH components causes
RM/COBOL to access the file using RM/InfoExpress. For example:


causes RM/COBOL to search for a file first in the directory /usr/local/infox on the
local disk using conventional network access; then in the directory data in directory
usr on UNIX_SERVER using RM/InfoExpress; and lastly, in the directory data in
whatever directory is associated with the Shares share name on Win_server using
For more information on the RUNPATH environmental variable specification,
refer to the “Locating RM/COBOL Files” section in Chapter 2 of the RM/COBOL
User’s Guide.

38 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Executing RM/COBOL Programs
Chapter 4: Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL for UNIX Programs

Specifying Explicit Path Names in the RM/COBOL

For filenames that include directory paths and that do not already point to a server
directory, you must change the path name in the SELECT clause of the RM/COBOL
program. For example:



This type of path name specification makes the program less portable, however,
because whenever the location of the file data.fil changes (from one server to
another), you must recompile the source program.

Specifying Complete Path Names Using

RM/COBOL Data-Names
Some RM/COBOL programs use data-names to change path names dynamically.
For example, the SELECT statement:


In this example, DATA-FIL is the data-name defined in the DATA DIVISION, and
it contains the complete path name of the file at the time the file was opened. These
data-names must include the name of a UNIX machine or the Windows server on
which an RM/InfoExpress server is running. For example, DATA-FIL could contain
the following:


Executing RM/COBOL Programs

Execute your RM/COBOL program by entering the following command line on the
terminal of your UNIX client machine:

librminfox name [option]

name points to RM/COBOL object files.
option is any valid RM/COBOL Runtime Command option.

Before executing the librminfox command, set up the environment to create and
access files on the server machine.
Execute the RM/COBOL verification suite for UNIX, as described in Chapter 5:
System Verification, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 39

First Edition
Executing RM/COBOL Programs
Chapter 4: Using RM/InfoExpress with RM/COBOL for UNIX Programs

40 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Keyboard Functions
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress
Server Operations

The RM/InfoExpress user interface is implemented for UNIX character-based

terminals and the Windows console interface. The RM/InfoExpress server display
(screen handler) program examines information and data from the server and client,
and updates the screen once every second.
CAUTION Multiple server display applications, with screens other than the main
screen displayed, may affect the server performance. As long as the server display
program is running with its main menu selected, it does not noticeably affect the
server performance.

Keyboard Functions
The following list describes the keys used in the RM/InfoExpress server display program.

Key Action

n N Any command or response may be selected by pressing the first

character of the command. Case is not important. For example:
S for Select file, t for Terminate, or a number, if appropriate.

Escape (Esc) Selects No in response to a query from the command line. Also
backtracks through a menu path.

Home Returns to the RM/InfoExpress server display main screen.

Up Arrow Moves the cursor up during client or file selection.

Down Arrow Moves the cursor down during client or file selection.

Left Arrow Moves the cursor left during the selection of menu commands
and responses.

Right Arrow Moves the cursor right during the selection of menu commands
and responses.

Page Up (PgUp) Scrolls the screen up to examine and review client and file
or Ctrl+B information.

Page Down (PgDn) Scrolls the screen down to examine and review client and file
or Ctrl+F information.

Enter Chooses the currently highlighted item for command and

response selection, and for individual client or file selection.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 41

First Edition
Server Display Screen Format
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

Server Display Screen Format

Except for the main screen (illustrated on the following page), each RM/InfoExpress
server display program screen has the same basic format, as illustrated in Figure 2.
Product name Time Date

Title line

Activity ⎪
area ⎪


Figure 2: Server Display Screen Format

The elements of the RM/InfoExpress server display screen are described as follows:
• Activity area. The activity area contains information related to the current
activity or server display screen.
• Command line. The command line, located at the bottom of the screen, shows
command names, user prompts, or user queries.
• Date. The date area displays the current system date.
• Product name. The product name displays the product name and version
• Time. The time area displays the current system time.
• Title line. The title line displays the name of the server display screen.

42 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Server Display Commands
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

Server Display Commands

The first screen you see when you start the RM/InfoExpress server display program
is the RM/InfoExpress main screen, as illustrated in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Server Display Main Screen

The RM/InfoExpress server display main screen lists the current time, date, the
uptime (in days), and identifies the RM/InfoExpress server machine (in the
Machine ID field). It also provides an overview of current network activity,
including the following:
• The Active clients field indicates the total number of clients currently connected
to this RM/InfoExpress server. Other programs using RM/COBOL are not
Note that the active client count on the main screen of the server display
program sometimes shows a value that is more than the number of clients
actually connected. This behavior is most noticeable when sessions are
established and released rapidly.
• The Open files field records a count of the number of files currently open.
• The Dynamic load field shows the percentage of CPU utilization by
the server.
• The Messages processed field indicates the number of client requests honored
by the server.

The command line at the bottom of the server display main screen contains the
following command options:
• Clients. This command lists all clients and reports on specific clients. Clients
may be selected any time the Clients field appears in the command line. See
Client Information (on page 44).
• Files. This command lists all currently open files and reports on specific files.
Files may be selected any time the Files field appears in the command line. See
File Information (on page 46).
• Log. This command provides access to two sub-screens: Open Log and Error
Log. Select log information from a command line or by pressing the letter L at

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 43

First Edition
Server Display Commands
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

any time. See Open Log Information (on page 47) and Error Log Information
(on page 48).
• Terminate. This command provides a number of termination modes.
Terminate may be selected any time the Terminate field appears in the command
line. See also Termination of Communication Activity (on page 50).

Each command and its associated screens, prompts, and queries are described in the
following sections. To return to the server display main screen from any of the
following screens, press the letter M or choose Main from the command line.

Client Information
The Client Information screen, illustrated in Figure 4, appears when you choose the
Clients command from the RM/InfoExpress server display main screen.

Figure 4: Client Information Screen

The Client Information screen lists all active clients by name, the number of files
each client has open, the total number of messages processed for each client, and the
type of operating system on which the client is running. Whenever there are more
clients or files than can be displayed on a single screen, a message appears on the
screen advising that Page Up or Page Down may be used to request the previous or
next screen.
Use the command Select Client to select a particular client in order to see
information that is more detailed. Press Enter or the letter S to choose the Select
Client command. The following prompt appears on the command line:

Select Client to display (using PgUp, PgDn, or Arrow keys)

Use Page Up, Page Down, or the arrow keys to select a client and press Enter. The
Client Files screen appears, as illustrated in Figure 5.

44 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Server Display Commands
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

Figure 5: Client Files Screen

The Client Files screen shows the total number of files currently opened by the
client, and the total number of messages passed between the client and the server.
For each open file, the Client Files screen also shows the following information.
• The ORG column indicates the file organization:
- INX (Indexed)
- SEQ (Sequential)
- REL (Relative)
• The OPEN column indicates the type of open mode:
- I-O (Input/Output)
- Input
- Output
- Extend
• The ACCESS column indicates the type of access:
- Dynamic
- Sequent(ial)
- Random
• The FILENAME column indicates the absolute path name.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 45

First Edition
Server Display Commands
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

File Information
The File Information screen, illustrated in Figure 6, appears when you choose the
Files command from the RM/InfoExpress server display main screen.

Figure 6: File Information Screen

The File Information screen lists the absolute path name for each file and the number
of times each file has been opened. Whenever there are more clients or files than can
be displayed on a single screen, a message appears on the screen advising that Page
Up or Page Down may be used to request the previous or next screen.
Use the command Select File to select a particular file in order to see information
that is more detailed. Press Enter or type the letter S to choose the Select File
command. The following prompt appears on the command line:

Select file to display (using PgUp, PgDn or Arrow keys)

Use Page Up, Page Down, or the arrow keys to select a file and press Enter. The File
Clients screen appears, as illustrated in Figure 7.

46 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Server Display Commands
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

Figure 7: File Clients Screen

The File Clients screen shows the number of clients that have opened this file since
the server was initiated and lists the clients that currently have the file open.

Open Log Information

The Open Log screen, illustrated in Figure 8, appears when you choose the Log
command from the RM/InfoExpress server display main screen, and then choose the
Open Log command or press the letter O. The Open Log screen displays
information about a maximum of 24 previous opens by the server, beginning with the
latest open.

Figure 8: Open Log Screen

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 47

First Edition
Server Display Commands
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

Note On Open Log and Error Log (see page 48) screens, filenames up to 32
characters long and client names up to 12 characters long can be displayed without
loss of information. If necessary, use the DotsBias option, described in Common
Server-Specific Configuration Options (on page 94), to control which part of longer
filenames is lost. To navigate to the Error Log screen from this location, press the
Esc key (to go back to the previous screen), followed by the letter E.
The command line provides three commands: Freeze, Unfreeze, and Toggle. To
choose a command, use the arrow keys or press the first letter of the desired
The Freeze command temporarily suspends the updating of the Open Log screen for
that particular server display application. However, it does not affect the logging of
the new opens into the data structures by the server.
The Unfreeze command causes the server display program to update the Open Log
screen with the information from the server data structures.
The Toggle command causes the information on the Open Log screen to be
displayed in a different form, illustrated in Figure 9, which is useful for Liant
technical support.

Figure 9: Open Log Screen (Toggled)

Error Log Information

The Error Log screen, illustrated in Figure 10, appears when you choose the Log
command from the RM/InfoExpress server display main screen, and then choose
the Error Log command or press the letter E. The Error Log screen displays a
maximum of 24 errors, beginning with the most recent error. It also lists the name
of the client for which the error was issued, the error code detected by the server, the
time the error occurred, the location within the RM/InfoExpress server code at which
the error occurred, and an explanation (or status) of the error.

48 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Server Display Commands
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

Figure 10: Error Log Screen

Note On Error Log and Open Log (see page 47) screens, filenames up to 32
characters long and client names up to 12 characters long can be displayed without
loss of information. If necessary, use the DotsBias option, described in Common
Server-Specific Configuration Options (on page 94), to control which part of longer
filenames is lost. To navigate to the Open Log screen from this location, press the
Esc key (to go back to the previous screen), followed by the letter O.
The command line provides three commands: Freeze, Unfreeze, and Toggle.
To choose a command, use the arrow keys or press the first letter of the desired
The Freeze command temporarily suspends the updating of the Error Log screen for
that particular server display application. However, it does not affect the logging of
the new errors into the data structures by the server.
The Unfreeze command causes the server display program to update the Error Log
screen with the information from the server data structures.
The Toggle command causes the information on the Error Log screen to be
displayed in a different form, illustrated in Figure 11, which is useful for Liant
technical support.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 49

First Edition
Server Display Commands
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

Figure 11: Error Log Screen (Toggled)

Termination of Communication Activity

The Terminate command provides access to a variety of termination nodes.
When you select the Terminate command from anywhere within the
RM/InfoExpress server program, the Terminate command line appears, as illustrated
in Figure 12.

Terminate: Display Client Server

Figure 12: Terminate Command Line

The Terminate commands are described in the next sections.

Note To avoid terminating the RM/InfoExpress server program accidentally, the
default behavior of the RM/InfoExpress server display program has changed. When
you start the screen display program, you can terminate only the screen display
program itself, not the server program or communication to a particular client. The
Terminate command line on the server display main screen will show only the
Display command. However, if the -t option is specified on the command line for
the server display program, then you may also terminate the server or communication
to a particular client. The illustration in Figure 12 and the following discussion
assume that the -t option is specified for the screen display program. For more
information, see UNIX Server Display Command Line Option (on page 27) and
Windows Server Display Command Line Option (on page 32).

Termination of Server Display

It is possible to temporarily terminate the screen interface (server display program) in
order to increase the processing power of the server. Press the letter D to choose the
Display command from the Terminate command line. The server display program
will be terminated without affecting the server or any clients.

50 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Server Display Commands
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

Termination of Client Communications

Termination of communications between the client and server should be requested
only if the particular client is interfering with other clients on the network (for
instance, a runaway program has left a record locked). Keep in mind that any access
to open files will result in I/O errors on shared files on the terminated client. This
action does not remove the client program.
Press the letter C to choose the Client command from the Terminate command line.
The Client Information screen (see page 44) appears with the following prompt at
the command line:

Select Client to terminate (using PgUp, PgDn or Arrow Keys)

Use Page Up, Page Down, or the arrow keys to select a client and press Enter.
The Client Files screen appears (see page 45) with the following prompt at the
command line:

Terminate selected Client? No Yes

Press the letter Y to terminate communication. Press Enter or Escape or the letter N
to cancel the command.
Note The use of the server display (screen handler) program is for administrative
purposes only. When invoked multiple times, only one administrator should perform
operations such as terminating clients.

Termination of the Server

To terminate the server, press the letter S from the Terminate command line. The
following command line appears, as illustrated in Figure 13.

Quit: When Idle In a while Now

Figure 13: Quit Command Line

The Quit commands are described in the following sections.

Quit When Idle

Press the letter W to choose the When Idle command. The following prompt

Quit when idle?

Press the letter N or press Escape to cancel the command. Otherwise, when all
clients are idle, the following prompt appears:

Terminate Server Now? No Yes

Press the letter Y to terminate the server immediately. Press the letter N, Escape, or
Home to cancel the command.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 51

First Edition
Server Display Commands
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations

Quit in a While

Press the letter I to choose the In A While command. The following command line
appears, as illustrated in Figure 14.

Quit in: 3 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes

Figure 14: Quit in a While Command Line

When you choose one of the time options, the number of minutes will decrement as
the specified time elapses. You can cancel the termination at any time by pressing
the letter N or Escape. Otherwise, when all clients are idle, the following prompt

Terminate Server Now? No Yes

Press the letter Y to terminate the server immediately. Press the letter N, Escape, or
Home to cancel the command.

Quit Now

Press the letter N to choose the Now command. The following prompt appears:

Terminate Server Now? No Yes

Press the letter Y to terminate the server immediately. Press the letter N, Escape, or
Home to cancel the command.
The recommended way to terminate the server is by using the command sequence
(Terminate, Server, Now, Yes) of the screen display (screen handler) program when
no active client is connected.
WARNING Never attempt to terminate one or more RM/InfoExpress UNIX
server processes using the kill command. This may cause the server to terminate
without cleaning up resources and closing open files. For example, using the kill
command causes the server to exit without removing the IPC (Inter Process
Communications) objects, such as shared memory segments and semaphores. As a
result, when the server is started next time, it fails with server error code 1
(RMIX_API_ERR_SERVER_ALREADY_EXISTS). For more information, see
Removing IPC Objects After Server Failure (on page 85) in Appendix C:

52 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
UNIX System Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

Chapter 6: File Security on the

RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

An important consideration in RM/InfoExpress is protecting the system and its data

from unauthorized access. This chapter describes the implementation of file security
on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server and the authentication procedures performed by
the server on various clients to grant access to the files on the server.

UNIX System Security

The basic security features of UNIX operating systems allow a user of a UNIX server
to belong to one of three categories of file access: Owner, Group, and Others. Each
category of users can have different access permissions to files. The possible file
access permissions are read, write, and execute. For example, if only the Owner of
the file has write permission, the UNIX operating system will prevent any other user
from writing to the file.
On a standalone UNIX server, the operating system validates the authenticity of the
user at login time using information stored in the system password file and other
security files. In a networked, client/server environment, however, users may log in
to the UNIX server from remote, non-UNIX clients. To validate users on these
clients, UNIX uses other security database files such as .rhosts or hosts.equiv. For
more information, see .rhosts File Entry (on page 56).
Note The RM/InfoExpress UNIX server software does not look at hosts.equiv, nor
does it use the ruserok function.
When a user on a remote client logs in to the UNIX server, the networking software
on the client passes information to the server about that user, including the server
user name, password, and client machine name. After the user has been
authenticated, the user on the remote client is allowed to access the files on the server
as one of the local users of that server. For more information on file security
provided by the UNIX operating system, refer to your UNIX system documentation.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 53

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

RM/InfoExpress File Security

The implementation of file security in RM/InfoExpress uses the UNIX system
security philosophy to protect the files on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server from
unauthorized access by users on client machines. To be able to use the file security
features of RM/InfoExpress, a security parameter file, ixpwfile, must be created on
each client machine and each UNIX server using the utility program, ixsecure.cob.
For more information on this utility, see Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security
Parameter File Update Utility (on page 101).
On a client machine, ixpwfile contains information needed to connect the
RM/InfoExpress client to different RM/InfoExpress UNIX servers. Similarly, on the
server, ixpwfile is created by the server administrator and contains information that
permits different clients to be connected to this server. Only the server administrator
should have read and write permissions to the server security parameter file.
The client passes information obtained from ixpwfile to the server when a
session is established. The server validates this information against the server’s
version of ixpwfile.

RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Security Levels

The RM/InfoExpress UNIX server can be invoked at one of six security levels using
the configuration option, ServerSecurityLevel=number, where number has a value in
the range of 0 through 5. These six security levels are described in Table 2. Refer
also to Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress (on page 87), for more
information about server configuration.
If the ServerSecurityLevel option is absent in the configuration file, the server runs in
“compatibility mode”; that is, the server behaves like a version 2.0 RM/InfoExpress
UNIX server. See Server Compatibility with Older and Newer Clients (on page 58).
Note Older RM/InfoExpress clients can only connect to RM/InfoExpress servers
running at security levels “compatible”, 0, or 1.
At other security levels, the server performs various tests on the client to validate its
authenticity to access files on the server. These tests become more stringent as the
security level increases, which means that starting the server at level 5 provides the
highest level of security to files on the server.
When the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server is run with security enabled, the server-user-
name passed from the client is used, if possible, as the User ID while accessing files.
If the server-user-name is not present (as is the case for older versions of the
RM/InfoExpress client) or invalid, the server will either run the process with the
default server user or disallow the client connection to the server. Only servers
running at security level 0 or 1 will use the default server user. A server running at
security level 0 or 1 will terminate with an error if the default server user is invalid.
Servers running at security level 2 or higher will disallow the client connection
unless the server-user-name is present and valid. See Setting Up the Network to Run
RM/InfoExpress with Security Enabled (on page 58) for more information.
The RM/InfoExpress UNIX server security levels are summarized in Table 2.
Terminology used in the table is defined following the table.

54 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

Table 2: RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Security Levels

Security Level Requires To

0 A valid server-user-name. Verify that server-user-name is

valid. If validation fails, server
runs the process as the default
server user.
1 A valid server-user-name. Verify that server-user-name and
.rhosts entry are valid. If
An appropriate entry in the validation fails, server runs the
.rhosts file process as the default server user.
2 A valid server-user-name. Verify that server-user-name and
.rhosts entry are valid. If
An appropriate entry in the validation fails, client connection
.rhosts file. is disallowed.
3 A valid server-user-name. Verify that server-user-name and
password are valid. If validation
An appropriate entry in the fails, client connection is
ixpwfile file. disallowed.
The correct user password.
The password is normally
obtained from ixpwfile on
the client.
4 A valid server-user-name. Verify that server-user-name,
.rhosts entry, ixpwfile entry, and
An appropriate entry in the password are valid. If validation
.rhosts file. fails, client connection is
An appropriate entry in the disallowed.
ixpwfile file.
The correct user password.
The password is normally
obtained from ixpwfile on
the client.
5 A valid server-user-name. Verifies that server-user-name,
.rhosts entry, ixpwfile entry, and
An appropriate entry in the password entered by the user are
.rhosts file. valid. If validation fails, client
An appropriate entry in the connection is disallowed.
ixpwfile file.
The correct user password.
The user must enter the
password on the client.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 55

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

In Table 2, a “valid server-user-name” means that the ixpwfile file on the client
contains an entry specifying the name of the server machine, the name of the client
machine, and a valid user-name to be used on the server. For more information, see
ixpwfile File Entry (on page 56).

Default Server User

At security level 0 or 1, the server allows the client to run as a default user on the
server when the client fails to meet the security requirements of the server.
Normally, the default server user will be allowed to access files that do not require
high levels of security. The default server user, which must be a valid user on the
server, is specified using the configuration parameter, DefaultServerUser. For more
information about this parameter, refer to UNIX Server-Specific Configuration
Options (on page 97). See also the discussion of compatibility of older clients with
the new server in Server Compatibility with Older and Newer Clients (on page 58).

.rhosts File Entry

The .rhosts file, present in each user’s home directory on the server, is used by the
UNIX operating system to validate the permissions of clients who try to access the
files on the server owned by the local user. This ASCII file contains information
about the client machine and one of its users. The following is a template for an
entry line in the .rhosts file:

machine-name [user-name]

where machine-name is the node name of a client machine, and user-name is the
name of the user on that machine who, when connected to the server, will obtain the
owner’s permissions on files owned by the local user. If user-name is not found on
the entry, all the users on the client machine have permission to access files.
Note user-name refers to the name used on the client machine, not on the server
machine. The user-name may match the name used on the server machine, or it may
be different.
An “appropriate entry in the .rhosts file” in Table 2 means that the .rhosts file exists
in server-user-name’s home directory, the .rhosts file owner is server-user-name,
only the owner has write permissions (that is, the file permissions must be
“rw-r--r--”), and a line exists in the .rhosts file specifying client machine-name
and, optionally, the client user-name.

ixpwfile File Entry

To successfully establish a session with the server running at one of the six security
levels, clients must pass certain information to the server at the time the session is
established. This information is created and stored in an ixpwfile security parameter
file for each client and each server system.
Each record in the ixpwfile security parameter file consists of four fields:

{server-machine-name, client-machine-name, server-user-name, password}

56 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

where server-machine-name is the name of the machine running the RM/InfoExpress

UNIX server with which the client (client-machine-name) will establish the session.
server-user-name is the name of the user on the server by which the client is known.
password is the password string of the user (server-user-name) on the server.
For information about how to run the utility program to create and update ixpwfile,
refer to Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility (on
page 101).
An “appropriate entry in the ixpwfile file” in Table 2 means that the ixpwfile file on
the server (pointed to in the rmixsrvr.ini configuration file) contains an entry
specifying the server-machine-name, client-machine-name, and server-user-name.
Note that the password should not be present in the entry on the RM/InfoExpress
server. The password is ignored.

User Password
In Table 2, “correct user password” means that the password sent by the client
matches the UNIX system password for server-user-name on the server.

Additional Parameters Needed for Non-UNIX Clients

Every UNIX and 32-bit Windows machine on the network is recognized by its node
name. There is, however, no concept of a node name on a machine running the
Windows 3.1 operating system. For proper recognition, workstations running
Windows 3.1 must define the client-machine-name using the ClientName
configuration parameter.
Note This discussion of the ClientName configuration parameter is for backward-
compatibility issues only as this option was provided for 16-bit Windows clients.
RM/InfoExpress no longer supports this option.

Client Validation by the Server at Different Security

At the time the connection between the client and the server is established, each
client passes information obtained from the ixpwfile security parameter file and the
configuration file to the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server. The server then validates
this information using the UNIX security database files such as etc/passwd,
$HOME/.rhosts, and so forth, and the ixpwfile security parameter file on the server.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 57

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

Server Compatibility with Older and Newer Clients

The following server and client compatibility issues are discussed below.

Older Clients with the New Server

Earlier versions of RM/InfoExpress clients can communicate with the new server
running in “compatibility mode” (that is, no security level specified or at security
levels 0 or 1). These clients run as the default server user. When the server security
level is 2 or greater, however, the server rejects the client connections. One of the
following error messages is displayed:


- or -


New Clients with an Older Server

New versions of RM/InfoExpress clients can communicate with older (pre-2.1)
versions of the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server without any problem. The information
passed by the new client at the time the session is established will be ignored by the
older server.

Setting Up the Network to Run RM/InfoExpress

with Security Enabled
The following sections provide instructions for setting up each of the six levels of
file security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server. (The setup differences between
server security levels are summarized in Table 3 on page 66.) In these procedures,
two UNIX machines are connected to a network and are known on that network as
serverU and clientU. A third machine running Windows, known on the network as
clientW, is also connected on the same network.
A UNIX user running RM/COBOL with the RM/InfoExpress client on machine
clientU wants to access data files on the RM/InfoExpress server running on machine
serverU. On the client machine, the user logs in as clientUser1, but on the server
machine, the user logs in as serverUser1 with password pass1. (Note that
serverUser1 may be the same as or different from clientUser1.)
Similarly, a Windows user running RM/COBOL with the RM/InfoExpress client on
machine clientW wants to access data files on the RM/InfoExpress server running on
machine serverU. On the client machine, the user is known as clientUser2, but on
the server machine the user is known as serverUser2 with password pass2. (Note
that serverUser2 may be the same as or different from clientUser2.)

58 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

It is assumed that the following software is installed and available:

• RM/COBOL with the RM/InfoExpress client on the UNIX client machine (in
directory /usr/rmcobol) and on the Windows client machine (in directory
• RM/COBOL on the UNIX server machine (in directory /usr/rmcobol)
• RM/InfoExpress server on the UNIX server machine (in directory /usr/rminfox)

The following notes apply to the procedures for setting up RM/InfoExpress to run at
each of the six security levels:
Note 1 “create an ixpwfile” means to run runcobol ixsecure.cob with your current
directory set to where you want the ixpwfile security parameter file to reside or with
the IXPWFILE environment variable pointing to the path.
Normally, ixpwfile on the UNIX server is maintained by the RM/InfoExpress server
administrator, and only such file is present on the UNIX server machine, generally in
the /usr/rminfox directory. The ixpwfile file on a Windows client machine is
normally maintained by the owner of the Windows machine and resides in the
RM/COBOL install directory, c:\rmcobol. On a UNIX client machine, each
RM/InfoExpress client has his own copy of ixpwfile. The client or server
configuration file (either rmixclnt.ini or rmixsrvr.ini) can be used to configure
other locations for ixpwfile. The environment variable IXCONFIG may be used to
specify the location and path name of the configuration file on UNIX.
RM/COBOL with the RM/InfoExpress client will look for ixpwfile in the location
specified by the IxPwFile option in the Security section of the client configuration
file. If the IxPwFile option is not present in the configuration file, then RM/COBOL
with the RM/InfoExpress client will attempt to open file ixpwfile in the current
working directory.
If the server security level is 3 or 4, passwords may be stored in the client ixpwfile;
therefore, it should reside in a secure place (with appropriate owner and restrictive
permissions on UNIX).
Note 2 “create a filename.ini file” means to use a text editor of your choice to create
the appropriate configuration file:
• /usr/rminfox/rmixsrvr.ini for a UNIX server.
• c:\windows\rmixclnt.ini for a Windows client.
• /usr/rmcobol/rmixclnt.ini for a UNIX client, if only a single client
configuration file is to be used when no user passwords are required in the
security parameter file. If multiple configuration files are required so that each
UNIX user can be responsible for the UNIX system password stored in a
tradition ixpwfile file, then the configuration file should be placed in the current
working directory or located using the IXCONFIG environment variable.
Note 3 “create a .rhosts file” means to use a text editor of your choice to create a
file named .rhosts in the home directory of serverUser. The owner of the file must
be serverUser and only the owner can have write permission. The .rhosts file entry
is the following:

clientU clientUser

clientUser is optional; if not present, any client user-name on machine clientU is

allowed. clientUser is a client user-name, not a server-user-name such as

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 59

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

serverUser. Although clientUser and serverUser are often the same user-name, this
is not required.
Note 4 Notation of the form:


will be used to indicate an ixpwfile entry with serverU as the server-machine-name,

clientU as the client-machine-name, serverUser1 as the server-user-name, and pass1
as the UNIX system password for the UNIX user ID serverUser1. The password
will only be present for security levels 3 and 4.

Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 0

1. Create an ixpwfile file (see Appendix E on page 101) on each of the two client
machines, clientU and clientW.
a. On machine clientU, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientU / serverUser1

b. On machine clientW, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientW / serverUser2

2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


b. On machine clientW, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


c. On machine serverU, create rmixsrvr.ini and enter:


3. Start the RM/InfoExpress server on machine serverU, as described in Starting

the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program (on page 26).
4. Run the application on machines clientU and clientW.

60 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 1

1. Create an ixpwfile file (see Appendix E on page 101) on each of the two client
machines, clientU and clientW.
a. On machine clientU, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientU / serverUser1

b. On machine clientW, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientW / serverUser2

2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


b. On machine clientW, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


c. On machine serverU, create rmixsrvr.ini and enter:


3. Create two .rhosts files (see page 56) on machine serverU.

a. Log in as serverUser1, create $HOME/.rhosts and enter:

clientU clientUser1

b. Log in as serverUser2, create $HOME/.rhosts and enter:

clientW clientUser2

4. Start the RM/InfoExpress server on machine serverU, as described in Starting

the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program (on page 26).
5. Run the application on machines clientU and clientW.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 61

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 2

1. Create an ixpwfile file (see Appendix E on page 101) on each of the two client
machines, clientU and clientW.
a. On machine clientU, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientU / serverUser1

b. On machine clientW, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientW / serverUser2

2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


b. On machine clientW, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


c. On machine serverU, create rmixsrvr.ini and enter:


3. Create two .rhosts files (see page 56) on machine serverU.

a. Log in as serverUser1, create $HOME/.rhosts and enter:

clientU clientUser1

b. Log in as serverUser2, create $HOME/.rhosts and enter:

clientW clientUser2

4. Start the RM/InfoExpress server on machine serverU, as described in Starting

the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program (on page 26).
5. Run the application on machines clientU and clientW.

62 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 3

1. Create an ixpwfile file (see Appendix E on page 101) on each of three machines,
clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientU / serverUser1 / pass1

b. On machine clientW, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientW / serverUser2 / pass2

c. On machine serverU, create an ixpwfile and enter:

serverU / clientU / serverUser1

serverU / clientW / serverUser2

2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


b. On machine clientW, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


c. On machine serverU, create rmixsrvr.ini and enter:


3. Start the RM/InfoExpress server on machine serverU, as described in Starting

the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program (on page 26).
4. Run the application on machines clientU and clientW.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 63

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 4

1. Create an ixpwfile file (see Appendix E on page 101) on each of three machines,
clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientU / serverUser1 / pass1

b. On machine clientW, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientW / serverUser2 / pass2

c. On machine clientW, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientU / serverUser1

serverU / clientW / serverUser2

2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


b. On machine clientW, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


c. On machine serverU, create rmixsrvr.ini and enter:


3. Create two .rhosts files (see page 56) on machine serverU.

a. Log in as serverUser1, create $HOME/.rhosts and enter:

clientU clientUser1

b. Log in as serverUser2, create $HOME/.rhosts and enter:

clientW clientUser2

4. Start the RM/InfoExpress server on machine serverU, as described in Starting

the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program (on page 26).
5. Run the application on machines clientU and clientW.

64 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

Setup for Running RM/InfoExpress at Server Security Level 5

1. Create an ixpwfile file (see Appendix E on page 101) on each of three machines,
clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientU / serverUser1

b. On machine clientW, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientW / serverUser2

c. On machine clientW, create an ixpwfile file and enter:

serverU / clientU / serverUser1

serverU / clientW / serverUser2

2. Create a configuration (.INI) file (see Appendix D on page 87) on each of the
three machines, clientU, clientW, and serverU.
a. On machine clientU, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


b. On machine clientW, create rmixclnt.ini and enter:


c. On machine serverU, create rmixsrvr.ini and enter:


3. Create two .rhosts files (see page 56) on machine serverU.

a. Log in as serverUser1, create $HOME/.rhosts and enter:

clientU clientUser1

b. Log in as serverUser2, create $HOME/.rhosts and enter:

clientW clientUser2

4. Start the RM/InfoExpress server on machine serverU, as described in Starting

the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program (on page 26).
5. Run the application on machines clientU and clientW. The appropriate password
entry dialog box is displayed.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 65

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress File Security
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

Setup Differences Between Server Security Levels

Table 3 summarizes the differences between the setup procedures for each server
security level and the setup for the next higher level.
Note The entry in ServerSecurityLevel=number in step 2c of each setup procedure is
incremented by one, beginning with level 1.
Table 3: Summary of Setup Differences Between Server Security Levels

Server Security
Levels Setup Differences

0 and 1 Setup for level 1 adds step 3, which is the requirement for
.rhosts files on the server machine.
1 and 2 Setup for level 2 does not support older clients (such as 16-bit
Windows clients). The DefaultServerUser=<server-user-
name> entry in level 1 step 2c is not needed because the server
at level 2 refuses the connection rather than running as
2 and 3 Setup for level 3 uses passwords rather than .rhosts files.
Steps 1a and 1b requires the entry of passwords in the client
ixpwfile entries, and level 3 step 1c is added because the server
requires ixpwfile entries (passwords are not needed here) for
the clients that will connect to it. Level 3 step 2c adds the
ixpwfile=<path> entry so that the server can access the
ixpwfile file created by level 3 step 1c. Level 2 step 3, which
is the .rhosts file requirement, is not needed at level 3.
3 and 4 Setup for level 4 adds step 3, which is the requirement for
.rhosts files on the server machine.
4 and 5 Setup for level 5 does not require passwords in steps 1a and 1b
for the client ixpwfile entries because the server forces clients
to make the user enter the password via a dialog box on the
client machine.

66 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Error Message Types
Appendix A: Messages

Appendix A: Messages

This appendix lists the error messages that can occur while RM/InfoExpress is
being used.

Error Message Types

Errors that can occur when using RM/InfoExpress fall into two categories:
• COBOL errors, which do not start with the value 30. These errors are
described in the appropriate RM/COBOL user’s guide.
• Non-COBOL permanent errors, which have the following format:

30, error type, error code

error type is used to identify the software that generates the error.
error code is the number returned by that software.

Table 4 lists each error type, the error codes that can occur with each type, and the
possible source of the error code for errors generated by RM/InfoExpress. Other
error codes associated with error types such as UNIX and Windows can be found in
the appropriate vendor documentation.
A complete description of each error type can be found in Permanent Error Types (on
page 69). A complete description of possible error codes begins on page 70.
Note 1 For more information on error messages, refer to “Error Message Types” and
“Error Message Formats” in Appendix A: Runtime Messages, in the RM/COBOL
User’s Guide.
Note 2 Earlier versions of RM/InfoExpress usually returned two errors: 255 for
network-specific errors and 254 for errors detected by RM/InfoExpress. In this
version of RM/InfoExpress, errors are returned as they occur, along with the
appropriate error code.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 67

First Edition
Error Message Types
Appendix A: Messages

Table 4: Error Types and Associated Error Codes

Permanent Error Type Possible Error Code Possible Error Code

(Number and Description) (Number/Description) (Source)

15 - RM/InfoExpress 1 - 13 RM/InfoExpress API

Server Error
21 - 59 RM/InfoExpress
12xxx RM/InfoExpress
Windows Sockets
4xx - 5xx RM/InfoExpress BSD
Sockets Interface
16 - RM/InfoExpress 21 - 59 RM/InfoExpress
Client Error
12xxx RM/InfoExpress
Windows Sockets
4xx - 5xx RM/InfoExpress BSD
Sockets Interface
21 - RM/InfoExpress 10xxx - 11xxx Windows Sockets
WinSock Error

68 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Permanent Error Types
Appendix A: Messages

Permanent Error Types

Error type 15: RM/InfoExpress Server Error
This type of error is generated by the RM/InfoExpress server when it encounters an
error within its code. Errors such as incorrect File Access Protocol (FAP) message
received from the client, out-of-memory, and so forth, fall into this category.
Possible error codes for error type 15 are described in the following topics:
• RM/InfoExpress API-Generated Error Codes (on page 70)
• RM/InfoExpress-Generated Error Codes (on page 72)
• RM/InfoExpress Windows Sockets Interface Error Codes (on page 79)
• RM/InfoExpress BSD Sockets Interface Error Codes (on page 80)

Error type 16: RM/InfoExpress Client Error

This type of error is generated by the RM/InfoExpress client when it encounters an
error within its code. Errors such as incorrect File Access Protocol (FAP) message
received from the RM/COBOL program (runcobol), incorrect FAP response from
the server, out-of-memory, and so forth, fall into this category.
Possible error codes for error type 16 are described in the following topics:
• RM/InfoExpress-Generated Error Codes (on page 72)
• RM/InfoExpress Windows Sockets Interface Error Codes (on page 79)
• RM/InfoExpress BSD Sockets Interface Error Codes (on page 80)

Error type 21: RM/InfoExpress WinSock Error

Error type 21 is generated by RM/InfoExpress when either the Windows client
program or the Windows server program receives an error from the underlying
Windows Sockets software. Possible error codes are described in RM/InfoExpress
WinSock Error Codes (on page 77).

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 69

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress API-Generated Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages

RM/InfoExpress API-Generated Error Codes

Error codes 1 through 13 are common to the server program, the server display
(screen handler) program, and the API application.


Failure Definition: Indicates that the server being started encounters a server already
running in the system, or at least one of its components is present in the system.
Action: For RM/InfoExpress running on UNIX, this error occurs if the server
invoked previously is not terminated, or it is terminated improperly. If the server has
been terminated improperly, remove the related IPC (Inter Process Communications)
objects (shared memory, key starting with 0x49584D and semaphore, key starting
with 0x495853, displayed using the ipcs command) using the UNIX command


Failure Definition: Indicates that there is not enough memory available in the
system for RM/InfoExpress (server or server display programs) to continue.
Action: Bring down all the connected clients, bring down the server, and make more
memory available before starting the server again.


Failure Definition: Indicates that too many server display programs are being
invoked. The limit is nine for UNIX and Windows.
Action: Close any unnecessary server display applications.


Failure Definition: Indicates that the application using the server API attempted
either to open the server database with a mode other than O_RDONLY, or it used an
unauthorized API. This message may also indicate that the server display executable
is corrupted.
Action: In case of a corrupted server display executable, install RM/InfoExpress


Failure Definition: Indicates that either the application using the server API or the
server display application is being started without the server having been started.
Action: Start the server and then start the application.


Failure Definition: Indicates a malfunction of either the server or the server display
Action: Bring down all the connected clients, terminate the server, and restart.

70 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress API-Generated Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages


Failure Definition: Indicates that the server has run out of free slots for remote
Action: Bring down unused client connections to release some slots on the server.
Alternatively, you can also perform one of the following:
• Edit the server configuration file, rmixsrvr.ini, to include the UseCount option.
For more information, see Common Server-Specific Configuration Options (on
page 94).
• Bring down all the connected clients, terminate the server, and restart with the
-k command line option. For more information, see Chapter 2: Configuring and
Running the RM/InfoExpress Server (on page 25).


Failure Definition: Indicates that the server has run out of the free slots for open
Action: Close inactive open files from the client applications. Alternatively, edit the
server configuration file, rmixsrvr.ini, to include the FileCount option. For more
information, see Common Server-Specific Configuration Options (on page 94).


Failure Definition: Indicates a server malfunction.
Action: Bring down all the connected clients, terminate the server, and restart.


Failure Definition: Indicates a malfunction of either the server or the server display
Action: Bring down all the connected clients, terminate the server, and restart.

Error code 12: RMIX_API_ERR_SERVER_

Failure Definition: Indicates that either the server display or the server API
application that is being started does not match the server running in the system.
Action: Use a matching server display. Also, make sure that the server display and
the server belong to same release, even though they support the same protocol.


Failure Definition: Indicates a malfunction of either the server or the server display
Action: Bring down all the connected clients, terminate the server, and restart.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 71

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress-Generated Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages

RM/InfoExpress-Generated Error Codes

Error codes 21 through 59 are common to the client, the server, and the
server display.


Failure Definition: Indicates an RM/InfoExpress system error.
Action: Contact Liant technical support for assistance.


Failure Definition: Indicates an RM/InfoExpress system error.
Action: Contact Liant technical support for assistance.


Failure Definition: Indicates that there is not enough memory available in the
system for RM/InfoExpress (client or server) to continue.
Action: If the associated error type is 15 (RM/InfoExpress Server Error), bring
down all the connected clients, bring the server down, and make more memory
available before starting the server again. If the associated error type is 16
(RM/InfoExpress Client Error), terminate the client application and restart it after
making more memory available on the client system.


Failure Definition: This error is reported by either the Windows client or the server.
When returned by the server, it indicates a problem with the network interface.
When returned by the Windows client, it indicates that the RM/COBOL runtime does
not match the client.
Action: If returned by the server, contact Liant technical support for assistance. If
returned by the client, use the version of the runtime that matches the Windows


Failure Definition: Indicates an RM/InfoExpress system error.
Action: Contact Liant technical support for assistance.


Failure Definition: Indicates an RM/InfoExpress system error.
Action: Contact Liant technical support for assistance.

72 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress-Generated Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages


Failure Definition: Indicates that the server or the server display discovered Inter
Process Communications (IPC) objects missing in the system. This error is specific
to the server and the server display for UNIX.
Action: It may be that the IPC objects have been removed accidentally. Remove the
other IPC objects and start the server and/or the server display again.


Failure Definition: Indicates an RM/InfoExpress system error.
Action: Contact Liant technical support for assistance.


Failure Definition: The server reports this error when the number of clients exceeds
the value specified on the -k option (or the UseCount configuration file option) or the
number of licensed use counts, whichever is less.
Action: Restart the server with a larger value on the UseCount configuration file
option, as described in Common Server-Specific Configuration Options (on
page 94), or use a server licensed for more users.


Failure Definition: The server, running at a security level of 0 to 2, reports this error
when it detects that the name specified on the DefaultServerUser configuration file
option or the user name rmserver is not a valid user on the server machine. This
error may also occur if root is specified as the default user name.
Action: Using system administration tools, add a new user with the name specified.
If that user already exists, check the etc/passwd file.


Failure Definition: The RM/InfoExpress server reports this error when it cannot find
a match for the server-user-name, client-machine-name, and server-machine-name
triple passed by the client in the server’s security parameter file, ixpwfile.
Action: Update ixpwfile by using the utility program ixsecure.cob on both the
client and the server machines to add an entry for the client-machine-name and the
server-user-name pair. For more information, see Chapter 6: File Security on the
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server (on page 53) and Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress
Security Parameter File Update Utility (on page 101). For a Windows client, the
client name is the Windows computer name. For a UNIX client, this is the node
name and is given by the uname command.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 73

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress-Generated Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages


Failure Definition: This error is normally reported by the RM/InfoExpress server
running at a security level of 3 or higher.
Action: Contact Liant technical support for assistance.


Failure Definition: The server, running at a security level of 3 or higher, reports this
error when it detects that the password string stored in the ixpwfile security
parameter file on the client machine and on the server machine, and the password
stored in the UNIX system, do not match.
Action: See that the password string entered interactively at the client terminal or
stored in ixpwfile on the client machine matches the password string stored in
ixpwfile on the server machine and the one stored in the UNIX system. To
update the password entry in ixpwfile, use the utility program ixsecure.cob. See
Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility (on page 101).


Failure Definition: The server, running at a security level of 3 or higher, reports this
error when it cannot locate the user password in the UNIX system security database.
Action: This error normally occurs on UNIX systems that maintain the security
database in a file different from the /etc/passwd file. This indicates that one or both
of these files have been corrupted. Contact your system administrator.


Failure Definition: The server reports this error when it cannot open the .rhosts file
in the user’s home directory.
Action: Seek your server administrator’s help in creating the .rhosts file with
appropriate entries in the user’s home directory on the server machine.


Failure Definition: The server reports this error when it finds the permissions of the
.rhosts file in the user’s home directory to be invalid.
Action: Set the permissions of the .rhosts file in the user’s home directory on the
server machine to be “-rw-r--r--” and make certain that the user is the owner of
this file.

74 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress-Generated Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages


Failure Definition: The server reports this error when it fails to find a matching
client name entry (with the client-machine-name parameter passed by the client
machine) in the .rhosts file on the server machine.
Action: With the help of your server administrator, edit the .rhosts file in the
user’s home directory on the server machine and add a new entry containing the
client-machine-name and an optional server-user-name.


Failure Definition: Both the server and the client may report this error. Although
not fatal, this error is still considered an RM/InfoExpress system error.
Action: Contact Liant technical support for assistance.


Failure Definition: The server, running at a security level of 0 to 5, reports this error
when it detects that the server-user-name parameter is absent in the information
passed by the client when connections are established.
Action: This error may occur when an old client tries to establish a connection with
the new server running at security level 2 or higher. This error may also occur when
the new client cannot provide the required information to the server due to some
problem in processing the security parameter file, ixpwfile (for example, the file is
not present on the client machine). Upgrade to a new version of the RM/InfoExpress
client in order to use security features on the server.


Failure Definition: The server, running at a security level of 0 to 5, reports this error
when it detects that the client-machine-name parameter is absent in the information
passed by the client when connections are established.
Action: This error may occur when an old client tries to establish a connection with
the new server running at security level 2 or higher. This error may also occur when
the new client cannot provide the required information to the server due to some
problem in processing the security parameter file, ixpwfile (for example, the file is
not present on the client machine). Upgrade to a new version of the RM/InfoExpress
client in order to use security features on the server.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 75

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress-Generated Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages


Failure Definition: This error occurs when the server fails to open the security
parameter file, ixpwfile, on the server machine.
Action: Make sure that a valid security parameter file, ixpwfile, is present on the
server machine. If this file does not exist, create it using the ixsecure.cob utility
program. See Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility
(on page 101).


Failure Definition: Indicates an RM/InfoExpress system error. This error occurs
when either the client or the server fails to decompress the message received from the
session partner.
Action: Contact Liant technical support for assistance.


Failure Definition: There was insufficient memory to compress or decompress the
Action: Set the IxCompress configuration file option to No to disable message
compression, as described in Common Configuration Options (on page 89).
Message compression should not be used for records of more than 64000 bytes.


Failure Definition: The client(s) have exceeded the total number of open files
supported by the server.
Action: Increase the value of the FileCount configuration file option and restart the
server, as discussed in Common Server-Specific Configuration Options (on page 94).


Failure Definition: This error occurs when an invalid /etc/passwd file (which may
be missing) or the server-user-name with which the client is trying to run is not
present on the server machine.
Action: Contact your system administrator.


Failure Definition: This error occurs when the client fails to open the security
parameter file, ixpwfile, on the client machine.
Action: Make sure that a valid security parameter file, ixpwfile, is present on the
client machine. If this file does not exist, create it using the ixsecure.cob utility
program. See Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility
(on page 101).

76 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress WinSock Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages

Error codes 50 — 59
Failure Definition: Error codes 50 through 59 represent internal errors in the
RM/InfoExpress server program. Error code 54 may indicate an attempt to use an
old client with a new server in a mode other than compatibility mode.
Action: Contact Liant technical support for assistance.

RM/InfoExpress WinSock Error Codes

Table 5 lists the possible error codes for permanent error type 21, which is described
on page 69. Codes in the 10000 range represent network or system errors. Codes in
the 11000 range represent database errors.
Table 5: Error Codes Generated by Windows Sockets

Error Windows Sockets UNIX Error

Code Description Error Equivalent Equivalent

10004 Interrupted system call WSAEINTR EINTR

10009 Bad file number WSAEBADF EBADF

10013 Permission denied WSAEACCES EACCES

10014 Bad address WSAEFAULT EFAULT

10022 Invalid argument WSAEINVAL ENOTSOCK
10024 Too many open files WSAEMFILE EMFILE
10035 Operation would block WSAEWOULDBLOCK EWOULDBLOCK
10036 Blocking operation in WSAEINPROGRESS EINPROGRESS
10037 Operation already in WSAEALREADY EALREADY
10038 Operation on non-socket WSAENOTSOCK ENOTSOCK


10040 Message too long WSAEMSGSIZE EMSGSIZE

10041 Wrong protocol type WSAEPROTOTYPE EPROTOTYPE


10045 Operation not supported WSAEOPNOTSUPP EOPNOTSUPP




10048 Address already in use WSAEADDRINUSE EADDRINUSE


10050 Network is down WSAENETDOWN ENETDOWN

10051 Network is unreachable WSAENETUNREACH ENETUNREACH
10052 Network reset connection WSAENETRESET ENETRESET

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 77

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress WinSock Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages

Table 5: Error Codes Generated by Windows Sockets (Cont.)

Error Windows Sockets UNIX Error

Code Description Error Equivalent Equivalent

10053 Connection was aborted WSAECONNABORTED ECONNABORTED

10054 Peer reset connection WSAECONNRESET ECONNRESET

10055 No available buffer space WSAENOBUFS ENOBUFS

10056 Socket already connected WSAEISCONN EISCONN

10057 Socket not connected WSAENOTCONN ENOTCONN
10058 Socket was shut down WSAESHUTDOWN ESHUTDOWN


10060 Connection timed out WSAETIMEDOUT ETIMEDOUT

10062 Symbolic link loop WSAELOOP ELOOP



10066 Directory not empty WSAENOTEMPTY
10067 Process limit WSAEPROCLIM
10091 Network is unusable WSASYSNOTREADY
10092 Version not supported WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED

10093 Startup not done WSANOTINITIALISED


11004 No data WSANO_DATA NO_DATA

78 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress Windows Sockets Interface Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages

RM/InfoExpress Windows Sockets Interface Error

Codes in the 12000 range, shown in Table 6, are generated by the Windows Sockets
interface portion of the RM/InfoExpress Windows client program or the Windows
server program and represent memory allocation failures or unexpected conditions.
These errors are considered RM/InfoExpress system errors. When these errors are
detected, contact Liant technical support for assistance.
Table 6: Error Codes Generated by the RM/InfoExpress Windows
Sockets Interface

Error Code Description

12001 Insufficient memory for connect.

12002 Internal socket number already in use.
12003 Unexpected event occurred during connect.
12004 Unexpected error condition from connect.
12005 Unexpected event occurred during initial receive.
12006 Received data length error (client/server not synchronized).
12007 Received data length error (client/server not synchronized).
12008 Received data length error (client/server not synchronized).
12009 Received data length inconsistent with FAP message length.
12010 Unexpected event occurred during secondary receive.
12011 Unexpected event occurred during send.
12012 Internal buffer length too small for status.
12013 Insufficient memory for status.
12014 Unknown error during asynchronous wait.
12015 Unknown error during event wait.
12016 Received data length error.
12017 Unknown error during asynchronous-wait.
12018 Unknown error during event wait.
12019 Unknown error during event wait.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 79

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress BSD Sockets Interface Error Codes
Appendix A: Messages

RM/InfoExpress BSD Sockets Interface Error Codes

Error codes 401 through 413 are generated by the BSD Sockets interface portion of
the RM/InfoExpress client and the server. These error codes are defined in Table 7.
These errors are considered RM/InfoExpress system errors. When these errors are
detected, contact Liant technical support for assistance.
Table 7: Error Codes Generated by the RM/InfoExpress BSD Sockets

Error Code Description

401 Insufficient for connect.

402 Socket already in use.
403 Out of memory.
406 Received data length error (client/server not synchronized).
407 Received data length error (client/server not synchronized).
408 Received data length error (client/server not synchronized).
409 Received data length inconsistent with FAP message length.
412 Internal buffer length too small for status.
501 BSD Sockets error HOST_NOT_FOUND.
502 BSD Sockets error TRY_AGAIN.
503 BSD Sockets error NO_RECOVERY.
504 BSD Sockets error NO_DATA.

80 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Limits and Ranges
Appendix B: Limits and Ranges

Appendix B: Limits and


This appendix describes RM/InfoExpress limits and ranges.

Limits and Ranges

The following limitations apply to RM/InfoExpress for TCP/IP:
1. It is not possible to run more than one RM/InfoExpress server program at a time
on a given machine.
2. No more than nine RM/InfoExpress UNIX and Windows server display (screen
handler) programs may be run at one time on a given machine.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 81

First Edition
Limits and Ranges
Appendix B: Limits and Ranges

82 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Failure to Locate File or Path
Appendix C: Troubleshooting RM/InfoExpress

Appendix C: Troubleshooting

This appendix is designed to help if you run into any problems when using
RM/InfoExpress. Each section offers steps you can take to solve the problem.

Failure to Locate File or Path

Error messages that occur while accessing the file on the server machine, for
example, “File not found” or “Path not found”, generally indicate one of the
following conditions:
1. The RM/InfoExpress UNIX server program is not running on a UNIX server
machine. In this case, load rmservertcp.
2. The complete filename (defined using the synonym or other means) does not
correctly point to the location on the server. Check your environment variables
and synonyms.
3. In the case of a Windows client, the rmtcp32 and winsock DLLs are not in the
execution path.
4. For a Windows client, the runcobol configuration file contains an incorrect DLL
name or the DLL specified on the NAME option of the EXTERNAL-ACCESS-
METHOD record cannot be located.
5. Invoke the RM/InfoExpress server with the -c l option so that path names from
Windows clients will be converted to lowercase by the server.
6. While accessing files from a UNIX client, make certain that the machine name
specified in the path name is the same as the one in the /etc/hosts file on the
client machine. For example, the machine name “HAL9000” in the path name
defined by INXFL=//RS6000/rminfox/inxfl matches the name “HAL9000” in
the /etc/hosts file entry 111.22.333.44 hal9000 HAL9000.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 83

First Edition
RM/InfoExpress Client Entries Not Terminating
Appendix C: Troubleshooting RM/InfoExpress

RM/InfoExpress Client Entries Not Terminating

Certain situations on some versions of UNIX, when running RM/InfoExpress using
the TCP/IP protocol, can cause the server not to notice that a client has been
terminated. This occurs only if the client is terminated in a non-standard method,
such as turning off the client workstation or experiencing a system failure on the
client workstation. In such instances, the RM/InfoExpress client is unable to inform
the server that the client is terminating. Although the operating system eventually
notifies the RM/InfoExpress server that the connection has been broken, it could take
several hours on some implementations of UNIX before the notification occurs.
One version of UNIX that exhibits this behavior is AIX running on the RS/6000. To
reduce the amount of time before the inactivity on a TCP/IP connection is interpreted
as a lost connection under AIX, use the following no command:

no -o tcp_keepidle=200 -o tcp_keepintvl=60

-o is a network option.
Note On AIX 5.2, there is a defect that prevents a single no command from
having two -o options. In this case, you must use two no commands.
tcp_keepidle determines the number of half-seconds to wait after the last
successful I/O operation before attempting to determine whether a connection
has been lost.
tcp_keepintvl determines the number of half-seconds to wait between requests
for a response from the possibly lost connection.

After ten requests with no response, the operating system reports a lost connection to
the server. The settings shown in this example will report a broken connection after
400 seconds (100+30*10).
Note You must run the no commands each time the network is started since it does
not permanently change the default configuration values.

84 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Removing IPC Objects After Server Failure
Appendix C: Troubleshooting RM/InfoExpress

Removing IPC Objects After Server Failure

The recommended way to terminate the server is by using the command sequence
(Terminate, Server, Now, Yes) of the screen display (screen handler) program when
no active client is connected.
Using the kill command causes the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server to exit without
removing the IPC (Inter Process Communications) objects, such as shared memory
segments and semaphores. Consequently, when the server is started next time, it
fails with server error code 1 (RMIX_API_ERR_SERVER_ALREADY_EXISTS).
In this situation, remove the IPC objects using the following UNIX commands:

ipcrm -m <shm_id> -s <sem_id>

where the <shm_id> and <sem_id> objects are obtained by using the UNIX


Note that the key values for RM/InfoExpress IPC objects start with the value
0x49584D for shared memory and 0x495853 for semaphores.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 85

First Edition
Removing IPC Objects After Server Failure
Appendix C: Troubleshooting RM/InfoExpress

86 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Configuration Files and Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

Appendix D: Configuring

RM/InfoExpress can be uniformly configured across all implementations of clients

and servers. To maintain compatibility with previous versions of RM/InfoExpress,
environment variables supported by previous versions can be used to override the
settings of the configuration file. On the server, all the command line options can be
specified in the configuration file.
This appendix describes the configuration files and their options.

Configuration Files and Options

Even though the names of the configuration files used by different implementations
of RM/InfoExpress are different, the format of all these files is identical. The
configuration files are as follows:

Use To set configuration parameters for

rmixclnt.ini RM/InfoExpress Windows and UNIX client programs.

rmixsrvr.ini Either the RM/InfoExpress UNIX or the Windows server program.

For Windows clients and Windows servers, the configuration file must be present in
the Windows directory (\WINDOWS or \WINNT, respectively). For UNIX clients
and UNIX servers, the configuration file must be present in the current directory or
the directory pointed to by the environment variable, IXCONFIG.
In a configuration file, any line beginning with a semi-colon (;) is treated as a
comment and is not processed.
The client and server configuration files are divided into sections, each of which
consists of a group of related options that you can use to customize your
implementation of RM/InfoExpress. Some configuration options are used only by
the client, while others are used only by the server. Some options are specific to the
type of server. Still others are common to both client and server. All configuration
options are shown in the sample configuration file that follows. See more detailed
descriptions of the configuration options beginning on page 89.
Note Option names are not case sensitive.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 87

First Edition
Configuration Files and Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

Sample Configuration File

InfoxDebug=debug filename



;###Server-Specific, All Servers###


;###Server-Specific, UNIX Server Only###


;###Server-Specific, Window Server Only###




;###Server-Specific, UNIX Server Only###


;###Server-Specific, Windows Server Only###

88 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Common Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress


IgnoreHangupError=Yes|No (Windows only)


Common Configuration Options

The following configuration options, listed alphabetically, are common to both the
client and server components of RM/InfoExpress:
• EncodeData. The EncodeData option in the [Security] section is used to encode
messages to provide more security to the data transmitted on the network.
EncodeData=No is the default. When the value is set to Yes, the
RM/InfoExpress component (either the client or the server) negotiates the
encoding algorithm of the messages exchanged with its session counterpart.
If both the session partners have the value set to Yes, the messages are encoded
before they are sent and unencoded immediately after they are received.
However, if any of the session partners have the value set to No, the message
encoding does not take place. Message encoding will not take place if either
of the session partners is using a release of RM/InfoExpress earlier than
version 2.1.
• IgnoreHangupError. The IgnoreHangupError option in the [Winsock] section
is used only by RM/InfoExpress on Windows. If the value is
IgnoreHangupError=Yes, any error returned by Windows Sockets functions,
called while the Windows client is trying to disconnect the session with the
server, are ignored. Do not specify this option unless instructed to do so by
Liant technical support services.
IgnoreHangupError=No is the default value. If the value is set to No, a possibly
serious error, should one occur while disconnecting the session with the server,
is returned to the Close operation. This is normal behavior for any I/O
• InfoxDebug. The InfoxDebug option in the [Debug] section causes the file
whose path name is given by debug filename to be created and trace information
written into it. After the client RM/COBOL application is terminated, send this
file to Liant technical support services for further investigation. Use this option
only when you are investigating a problem with the assistance of Liant technical
support services. Using this option under normal conditions affects client
operations negatively.
On the server, the InfoxDebug configuration option is equivalent to the -d
command line option, as described in the appropriate sections of Starting the
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program (on page 26) and Starting and Stopping
the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program (on page 28). Note that the
command line option overrides the configuration option.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 89

First Edition
Common Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

• IxCompress. The IxCompress option in the [Options] section is used to

compress messages transmitted on the network. Depending on the
compressibility of the messages, which may contain COBOL data records, this
option may improve the performance on the network. IxCompress=Yes is the
default. When the value is set to Yes, the RM/InfoExpress component (either
the client or the server) negotiates the compressibility of the messages
exchanged with its session counterpart. If both the session partners have the
value set to Yes, the messages are compressed before they are sent and
decompressed immediately after they are received. However, if any of the
session partners have the value set to No, the message compression does not take
place. Message compression will not take place if either of the session partners
is using a release of RM/InfoExpress earlier than version 2.1.
• IxPwFile. The value of pathname specified on the IxPwFile option in the
[Security] section is used to locate the file containing the security parameters. If
this option is absent, RM/InfoExpress looks for the security parameter file,
ixpwfile, in the current directory. See Chapter 6: File Security on the
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server (on page 53).
• MaxSendSize. The MaxSendSize option in the [Tcp] section may be specified
for those TCP/IP implementations that have a limitation. We recommend that
you leave this value unspecified unless you know that the TCP/IP in use has a
limitation. Some UNIX systems have a limit of 4096 bytes. Note that this value
is not the same value as the size of the maximum packet allowed on the network.
The value specified by the MaxSendSize option is used to determine whether the
RM/InfoExpress client or server code must perform multiple send operations on
a given message. The underlying TCP stack implementation determines the
maximum allowable value for a single send operation. Multiple send operations
may be required for some large messages. The TCP stack will transmit the data
in as many network packets as required by the underlying network. Again, for
large messages, multiple network packets may be required.
If I/O errors occur on a file with a record size larger than about 4000 bytes while
files with smaller record sizes perform normally, try specifying
MaxSendSize=4096. The default value is system-dependent, but is currently
4096 or larger. The value cannot be less than 512.
On the server, the MaxSendSize configuration option is equivalent to the
-z command line option, as described in the appropriate sections of Starting the
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Program (on page 26) and Starting and Stopping
the RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program (on page 28). Note that the
command line option overrides the configuration option.
• ReconnectEnable. The ReconnectEnable option in the [Options] section
determines whether reconnection logic in the client or server is enabled or
disabled. For the client, the option determines whether the client will attempt to
reconnect the session with the server if the connection is broken. For the server,
this option determines whether the server will keep the file manager process and
the current state of its open files intact waiting for the client to reconnect and
continue from where it left off when the connection was broken.
Both the client and server sides of a connection must have reconnection enabled
for the attempt to succeed. If the value is set to No for the client and the server,
then they both behave identically to previous RM/InfoExpress releases; that is,
the client reports an error to the COBOL program and the server closes files and
terminates the file manager process running on behalf of the client. The default
value is Yes for the client and No for the server. These defaults allow

90 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Common Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

reconnection to any given server to be enabled simply by changing the

rmixsrvr.ini file for that server and starting the server again.
Beginning with version 8, a limited reconnection capability, which allows a
connection that becomes broken to be reconnected automatically, has been
added to the RM/InfoExpress client and server logic. The client and server
continue normal operation without the client run unit (COBOL program) ever
being aware of the disconnection. The server writes a log file, named
RMRECONN.LOG, which is created in the directory specified in the
environment variable RM_RECONN_LOG_PATH, if defined. If this
environment variable is not defined, the log file is created in the TEMP directory
on Windows or in the current directory on UNIX. Although it is not
recommended, you can disable the log file by setting the RM_RECONN_LOG_PATH
environment variable to a non-existent directory name.
TCP/IP provides a capability, known as “keepalive” support, to determine
automatically whether an idle connection is still intact. When a connection has
been idle for a certain period of time, TCP/IP transmits keepalive packets to see
whether they are acknowledged, thus indicating an intact connection. After
several retries—with each attempt receiving no acknowledgement—TCP/IP
informs RM/InfoExpress that the connection is broken.
Having keepalive support enabled and keepalive packets being sent every short
interval helps the reconnection logic work in a reasonable manner.
Unfortunately, systems typically have keepalive support disabled or set to occur
only after two hours of inactivity. Liant recommends enabling keepalive
support, if necessary, and setting the keepalive delay time to a cycle of two
minutes or less. Since the method of setting these system TCP/IP variables
varies from system to system, consult your system administration
documentation. On UNIX, these TCP/IP parameters are normally part of the
kernel parameters that UNIX system administrators can set. On all versions of
Windows, these TCP/IP parameters are set in the Windows registry under the
following key:


In particular, it is the value name KeepAliveTime, the REG_DWORD value that

defaults to 7,200,000 milliseconds (two hours), which is the value that Liant
recommends changing to 120,000 milliseconds (two minutes) or less. More
information is available by searching the Microsoft Support Knowledge Base for
“keepalive configuration.” RM/InfoExpress calls the setsockopt function to
enable the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 91

First Edition
Client-Specific Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

Client-Specific Configuration Options

The following configuration options, listed alphabetically, are specific to
RM/InfoExpress clients:
• AcceptPassword. The AcceptPassword option in the [Security] section
specifies whether the client should always accept passwords interactively. The
default value is No. The server requires a password from the client when the
server is running at security level 3, 4, or 5. At level 5, the server forces the
client to always accept the password interactively, ignoring any password stored
in the ixpwfile file on the client machine.
When AcceptPassword=No is set and the server is running at level 3 or 4, the
client obtains the password from the ixpwfile on the client machine and sends it
to the server.
When AcceptPassword=Yes is set and the server is running at level 3 or 4, the
client accepts the password interactively (as it does for level 5).
The server administrator may wish to set AcceptPassword=Yes on unsecured
client machines where it is undesirable to store any passwords (even though they
are encoded) in the ixpwfile on that client machine.
• KeepSession. Located in the [Options] section. KeepSession=Yes is the
default. If the value is set to Yes, the client keeps the session with the server
until the run unit terminates, even if all files on that server are closed before that
time. This option is sometimes necessary when the client application opens and
closes files rapidly, causing sessions to be established and released in rapid
succession. Some network implementations cannot handle such frequent session
creation, which can lead to errors and program hangs. This option may also
improve performance slightly by eliminating the overhead of releasing and re-
establishing a session between the Close of one remote file and the Open of
another remote file on the same server. The drawback of specifying this option
is that sessions may be kept with several servers for long periods of time when
they will never be used again, thereby consuming network resources. Errors
may occur if some network resources are exhausted.
If the value is KeepSession=No, the client releases the session with the server
when the last open file is closed. In addition, the UNIX client supports this
option as an environment variable (also called KEEPSESSION), which when
set, overrides the current setting.
• PathPrefixExcluded and PathPrefixIncluded. These two configuration
options are both used to allow an RM/InfoExpress client to exclude selected
UNC-style path names (beginning with \\ or //) from access via RM/InfoExpress.
(Prior to version 8, RM/InfoExpress always attempted access to all UNC-style
path names.) The PathPrefixExcluded option in the [Options] section
determines which path name prefixes are not to be accessed via
RM/InfoExpress. The PathPrefixIncluded option in the [Options] section
determines which path name prefixes can be accessed via RM/InfoExpress.
In each option, the list is a comma-separated list of path name prefix strings.
Embedded spaces within each string are kept while leading and trailing spaces
are ignored. Matching is case-insensitive and slash (/) matches backslash (\).
Thus, \\SRV1\TMP is equivalent to //srv1/tmp. Only whole edgenames are
matched, where edgename means the text between two slashes or backslashes or
end of string. Consequently, //srv matches //srv/tmp/file.ext but does not match
//srv1/tmp/file.ext. No wildcard characters are allowed.

92 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Client-Specific Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

Consider the following to determine when and how to use these closely
related options:
- If only PathPrefixExcluded is specified, matching path names are excluded
and all other path names are included.
- If only PathPrefixIncluded is specified, matching path names are included
and all other path names are excluded.
- If both PathPrefixExcluded and PathPrefixIncluded are specified, the
longest matching prefix string determines exclusion or inclusion, and path
names matching none of the prefix strings are included by default.
- If neither PathPrefixExcluded nor PathPrefixIncluded is specified, all path
names are included (which is the same behavior as prior versions of

Typically, you would specify either PathPrefixExcluded or PathPrefixIncluded

based upon which path name prefix list is the shortest or most well defined to
enumerate. However, both options can be specified for more complicated
exclusion and inclusion schemes.
For example, specifying:


means that an RM/InfoExpress client will not attempt to access any files on
server srv1 and will attempt to access only files whose path names begin with
//srv2/data or //srv2/tmp on server srv2. You might want this in a situation in
which srv2 is a Windows server where all RM/InfoExpress data files reside in
directories data and tmp, but there are also Windows printers that you want to
access via path names //srv2/printer1, //srv2/printer2, and so forth. Note,
however, that if printer1 and printer2 are the only two path names that you do
not want to access via RM/InfoExpress on srv2, then specifying only the
following would achieve the same result:


Any other path name on srv2, such as //srv2/data/file, would be included by

default since that path name does not match any excluded path prefix.
• ReconnectDelay. The ReconnectDelay option in the [Options] section
determines the number of milliseconds the client will delay before attempting to
reconnect to the server after the client becomes aware that the connection has
been broken. The default value is 100 (one tenth of a second).
• UseBlockingIO. The UseBlockingIO option in the [Winsock] section is
provided to improve the performance of the RM/InfoExpress Windows client. If
the value is UseBlockingIO=Yes, Windows Sockets functions are called in
blocking mode; that is, every function call will block until the request is
complete. Using this value also ensures that Windows Sockets Asynchronous
functions and the PeekMessage function are never called. Substantial
performance improvements may occur, depending upon the type of Windows
Sockets implementation used. However, the operator will not be able to cancel a
Read operation waiting on a locked record. We suggest users experiment using
their own benchmark programs to determine whether specifying the value Yes
results in better performance for the specific TCP/IP implementation in use.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 93

First Edition
Common Server-Specific Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

If the value is UseBlockingIO=No (the default value), Windows Sockets

Asynchronous functions and the PeekMessage function are used; that is,
functions are called in non-blocking mode. If any COBOL program using the
Windows client executes a Read operation that waits on a locked record and the
operator requires the ability to cancel that operation, the UseBlockingIO option
must be set to No.

Sample RM/InfoExpress Windows Client

Configuration File
The following is a sample Windows client configuration file (rmixclnt.ini).




Common Server-Specific Configuration Options

CAUTION It is imperative that on every RM/InfoExpress server and RM/COBOL
runtime system accessing any particular file from any machine, the values specified
for the FileProcessCount, LargeFileLockLimit, RelUseLargeLimit, and
SeqUseLargeLimit keywords in the RM/InfoExpress server configuration file must
match the values specified in the corresponding configuration option in the
RM/COBOL runtime system.
The following configuration options, listed alphabetically, are common to both the
RM/InfoExpress UNIX server and the Windows server programs:
• DotsBias. The DotsBias option in the [Options] section is used to specify where
an ellipsis (…) appears in filenames that are too long to fit in the display field of
the server display program. The leftmost part of the filename appears to the left
of the dots and the rightmost part of the filename appears to the right of the dots
(the middle of the filename is replaced by the ellipsis.) The default value is zero,
which causes the ellipsis to appear in the middle of the field. Negative values
move the ellipsis to the left and positive values move the ellipsis to the right.
Special value +9999 moves the ellipsis completely out of the right side of the
field, thus displaying the leftmost part of the filename (truncated). This is
equivalent to RM/InfoExpress version 2.0 behavior. Special value -9999 moves
the ellipsis completely out of the left side so that the rightmost part of the
filename is displayed (with no ellipsis). This option is cosmetic and has no
effect on server operation other than the display.
• FileBufferPool. The FileBufferPool option in the [Options] section is used to
specify the common buffer pool size on the server machine. The default value is
zero, which causes the default size for the common buffer pool. Normally, you
should not need to specify a value. This option corresponds to the BUFFER-
POOL-SIZE keyword in the RUN-FILES-ATTR configuration record specified

94 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Common Server-Specific Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

for runcobol, as described in Chapter 10: Configuration, of the RM/COBOL

User’s Guide.
The FileBufferPool configuration option is equivalent to the -p command line
option, as described in the appropriate sections of Starting the RM/InfoExpress
UNIX Server Program (on page 26) and Starting and Stopping the
RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program (on page 28). Note that the
command line option overrides the configuration option.
• FileCount. The FileCount option in the [Options] section may be used to
specify the number of files the server can have open simultaneously. The
default value is ten times the UseCount. FileCount may need to be increased
when every client application has more than ten files on the server open
simultaneously. Reducing FileCount will reduce the server’s shared and local
memory requirements.
• FileProcessCount. The FileProcessCount option in the [Options] section
determines the maximum number of run units that can have a file open at the
same time. It applies to all file organizations. For record and file locks to
perform correctly, all RM/InfoExpress servers and RM/COBOL runtime systems
opening a file must use the same file process count. The maximum value for
this keyword is 16384; the minimum value is 8. The default value is 1024. This
option corresponds to the FILE-PROCESS-COUNT keyword in the RUN-
FILES-ATTR configuration record specified for runcobol, as described in
Chapter 10: Configuration, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.
• InxUseLargeLimit. The InxUseLargeLimit option in the [Options] section
determines which value to use for the lock limit when creating a version 4
indexed file. If the value is set to No (the default), the lock limit placed into the
KIB is 2 GB for indexed files created by the RM/InfoExpress server. If the
value is set to Yes, the lock limit placed into the KIB is the value of the
LargeFileLockLimit option for indexed files created by the RM/InfoExpress
server. Note that existing version 4 indexed files always use the lock limit
stored in their KIB. This option corresponds to the USE-LARGE-FILE-LOCK-
LIMIT keyword in the RUN-INDEX-FILES configuration record specified for
runcobol, as described in Chapter 10: Configuration, of the RM/COBOL
User’s Guide.
• LargeFileLockLimit. The LargeFileLockLimit option in the [Options] section
determines the limit for the location to apply locks to a file that will be accessed
as a large file. For record and file locks to perform correctly, all
RM/InfoExpress servers and RM/COBOL runtime systems opening a particular
file must use the same lock limit for that file. The lock limit also limits the
actual amount of data that can be stored in a file. This limit will be used when a
new indexed file is created provided the file version of the file is 3 or greater.
Otherwise, this limit has no effect on indexed files. The value assigned to this
keyword is specified in gigabytes (GB). The maximum value is 1048576, which
equates to 1 petabyte (250). The minimum value is 1. The default value is 64.
The lock limit for a normal file is 2 GB. This option corresponds to the
LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT keyword in the RUN-FILES-ATTR configuration
record specified for runcobol, as described in Chapter 10: Configuration, of the
RM/COBOL User’s Guide.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 95

First Edition
Common Server-Specific Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

• MinimumBlockSize. The MinimumBlockSize option in the [Options] section

determines the minimum disk block size for the indexed files created by the
RM/InfoExpress server, represented as a decimal number. The maximum value
for this keyword is 4096; the minimum value is 256. The default value is 1024.
This option corresponds to the MINIMUM-BLOCK-SIZE keyword in the RUN-
INDEX-FILES configuration record specified for runcobol, as described in
Chapter 10: Configuration, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.
• ReconnectTimeout. The ReconnectTimeout option in the [Options] section
determines the number of minutes the server will keep the file manager process
serving the client intact waiting for the client to reconnect to it. In particular, all
file and record locks remain in place while the client is disconnected and will
prevent access by other run units. The default value is 180 (three hours).
• RelUseLargeLimit. The RelUseLargeLimit option in the [Options] section
determines which value to use for the limit when applying locks to a relative file.
If the value is set to No (the default), the lock limit for relative files is 2 GB. If
the value is set to Yes, the value of the LargeFileLockLimit option is used. For
record and file locks to perform correctly, all run units RM/InfoExpress servers
and RM/COBOL runtime systems opening a file must use the same lock limit
for that file. This option corresponds to the USE-LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT
keyword in the RUN-REL-FILES configuration record specified for runcobol,
as described in Chapter 10: Configuration, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.
• RoundToNiceBlockSize. The RoundToNiceBlockSize option in the [Options]
section determines whether the block size computed for the indexed files created
by the RM/InfoExpress server is forced to be a multiple of 512 (under Windows)
or the value of BUFSIZ, taken from the C include file <stdio.h> (under UNIX).
The default value for this keyword is Yes. This option corresponds to the
configuration record specified for runcobol, as described in Chapter 10:
Configuration, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.
• SeqUseLargeLimit. The SeqUseLargeLimit option in the [Options] section
determines which value to use for the limit when applying locks to a sequential
file. If the value is set to No (the default), the lock limit for sequential files is 2
GB. If the value is set to Yes, the value of the LargeFileLockLimit option is
used. For record and file locks to perform correctly, all RM/InfoExpress servers
and RM/COBOL runtime systems opening a file must use the same lock limit
for that file. This option corresponds to the USE-LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT
keyword in the RUN-SEQ-FILES configuration record specified for runcobol,
as described in Chapter 10: Configuration, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide.
• UseCount. The UseCount option in the [Options] section may be used to
specify the number of clients that the server can serve simultaneously. This
number must not be greater than the server’s licensed client count. A reduced
value on the UseCount option will reduce the server’s shared and local memory
requirements. The number of clients will default to the server’s licensed client
count unless the client count is “unlimited.” In that case, it will default to 50.
The UseCount configuration option is equivalent to the -k command line option,
as described in the appropriate sections of Starting the RM/InfoExpress UNIX
Server Program (on page 26) and Starting and Stopping the RM/InfoExpress
Windows Server Program (on page 28). Note that the command line option
overrides the configuration option.

96 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
UNIX Server-Specific Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

UNIX Server-Specific Configuration Options

The following configuration options, listed alphabetically, are specific to the
RM/InfoExpress UNIX server:
• ConvertFileName. The ConvertFileName option, which is located in the
[Options] section and can have three values, is used to process the filename
before the file is opened on the server’s native operating system. When
ConvertFileName=NoConvert (the default value), no filename mapping is
performed. ConvertFileName=UpperCase indicates that the entire filename is
mapped to uppercase before the Open request is attempted.
ConvertFileName=LowerCase indicates that the entire filename is mapped to
lowercase before the Open request is attempted.
The ConvertFileName configuration option is equivalent to the -c command line
option, as described in the appropriate sections of Starting the RM/InfoExpress
UNIX Server Program (on page 26) and Starting and Stopping the
RM/InfoExpress Windows Server Program (on page 28). Note that the
command line option overrides the configuration option.
• DefaultServerUser. The DefaultServerUser option in the [Security] section
specifies the user name (at security levels 0 or 1) to run on the server when the
security validation fails. Normally, the default server user will be allowed to
access files that do not require high levels of security. The default server user
must be a valid user on the server. The default is DefaultServerUser=rmserver.
• ServerSecurityLevel. The ServerSecurityLevel option in the [Security] section
specifies the security level number at which the UNIX server is to run (for more
information, see Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server
on page 53). Valid values range from 0 through 5. If this option is not
specified, the server runs in compatibility mode, that is, the behavior is
equivalent to an RM/InfoExpress version 2.0 server.

Sample RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Configuration

The following is a sample UNIX server configuration file (rmixsrvr.ini).



RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 97

First Edition
Windows Server-Specific Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

Windows Server-Specific Configuration Options

The following configuration options are specific to the RM/InfoExpress Windows
• share-name. The share-name option in the [Sharing] section defines a share
name and equates it with a path name (share-path). On Windows, the
edgename following the server machine name is a share name; for example,
\\server-name\share-name\rest-of-path-to-file. All share names and paths are
case insensitive.
The server generates path names as follows:
1. Searches for the specified share name.
2. If found, substitutes the share-path for the name; if not found, searches for a
null share name.
3. If found, prepends the share-path to the filename; if not found, checks the
UseCurrentDirectory configuration flag.
4. If “Yes”, prepends the current working directory path to the filename; if
“No”, returns a “35” error;
The generated path name is then given to the RM/COBOL File Manager.
For example, if the [Sharing] section on host serverW contains


then the client path \\serverW\cdrive\file.dat causes the server to access



\\serverW\cdrive\red\white\blue c:\tmp\red\white\blue

\\serverW\acctpayable\master.inx d:\acctpayable\data\master.inx

\\serverW\file1 e:\guest\data\file1

\\serverW\xyzzy\tmp\junk.x e:\guest\data\xyzzy\tmp\junk.x

\\serverW\cdrive e:\guest\data\cdrive

If the null share name line (=e:\guest\data) did not exist and the server
was started in c:\bin, then:

\\serverW\file1 c:\bin\file1

\\serverW\xyzzy\tmp\junk.x c:\bin\xyzzy\tmp\junk.x

\\serverW\cdrive c:\bin\cdrive

98 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Windows Server-Specific Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

The server’s current working directory is the default path for the null share name
provided the UseCurrentDirectory option is set to Yes.
If there is no [Sharing] section and if UseCurrentDirectory=No and
UseSystemShares=No are both set, then every open returns a 35 error.
The path associated with a share name is intended to start with a drive letter and
to specify a valid directory so that the resulting final path name is an absolute
path name on the server machine.
• UseCurrentDirectory. The UseCurrentDirectory option in the [Options]
section determines whether or not the server’s current directory path name is
prepended to the filename when the edgename following the server name does
not match any valid share name. UseCurrentDirectory=Yes is the default.
• UseSystemShares. The UseSystemShares option in the [Options] section
determines whether or not the Windows server system share names are used.
UseSystemShares=Yes is the default. A Windows server system share name is
defined in the Shared As portion of the Sharing tab of the disk or directory folder
Properties. Note that RM/InfoExpress server ignores the Access Type and
Passwords portions of the Sharing tab. If UseSystemShares=No is specified,
only the share names defined in the rmixsrvr.ini file [Sharing] section are used.

Sample RM/InfoExpress Windows Server

Configuration File
The following is a sample Windows server configuration file (rmixsrvr.ini).




RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 99

First Edition
Windows Server-Specific Configuration Options
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress

100 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Windows Server-Specific Configuration Options
Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility

Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress
Security Parameter File Update

This appendix describes how to use the ixsecure.cob program to update the ixpwfile
parameter file with security-related information that is used by the server to
authenticate the clients. Note that ixpwfile must exist when the RM/InfoExpress
server is run at security levels greater than level 2. The implementation of file
security in RM/InfoExpress is detailed in Chapter 6: File Security on the
RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server (on page 53).
The RM/COBOL object program, ixsecure.cob, is included with the
RM/InfoExpress media to enable users to build the security parameter file, ixpwfile.
The RM/COBOL runtime system (runcobol) is needed to run this object program.
A separate parameter file (ixpwfile) is required for each of the client machines and
one for the server machine. The parameter file for the client machine may have
several entries, each giving information about this client and one of the servers with
which this client communicates. Similarly, the parameter file for the server machine
may have several entries, each giving information about this server and one of the
clients that may connect to the server.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 101

First Edition
Using the Utility
Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility

Using the Utility

To run the security parameter file update utility, use the following command:

runcobol ixsecure

If the security parameter file, ixpwfile, is not in the current directory or has a
different name, set the IXPWFILE environment variable to the current path name
of the file.
The RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility Main screen, illustrated
in Figure 15, is displayed.

RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility

1. Add an entry
2. Modify an entry
3. Delete an entry
4. List all entries
5. Exit/Quit to system

Select option using arrow keys, number, or letter:

Figure 15: Security Parameter File Update Utility Main Screen

To choose an option on this screen, move the cursor with the arrow keys to a
particular option and press Enter. Alternatively, you can type the option number or
the first letter of the option description (it is not necessary to press Enter afterwards).
To exit the utility program, choose option 5.
Note If RM/COBOL finds an error while performing the requested operation, a
message with the appropriate RM/COBOL runtime error is displayed on the last line
of the screen, and the utility waits for acknowledgment.
When the ixpwfile is empty (such as the first time this utility is run on a machine), a
warning message is displayed and the file is created.

102 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Adding a New Entry
Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility

Adding a New Entry

To add a new entry, choose option 1 on the Main screen. The RM/InfoExpress
Security Parameter File Update utility Add Entry screen, illustrated in Figure 16,
is displayed.

RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility


SERVER MACHINE NAME:..............................


Figure 16: Add Entry Screen

Type the requested information and press Enter on the last line to complete the entry.
If you want to cancel the input at any time, press Esc. The utility displays the
RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility Main screen, illustrated in
Figure 15 on page 102. Otherwise, the entry will be added to the file.
The SERVER USER NAME is case-sensitive.
case-sensitive; that is, they will be displayed as entered but will be mapped to
uppercase for use by RM/InfoExpress.
Note If you are creating a security parameter file for an RM/InfoExpress server,
the password field on the Add Entry screen should be left blank (simply press Enter
in this field). The password in an entry for the server security parameter file is
always ignored.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 103

First Edition
Modifying an Existing Entry
Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility

Modifying an Existing Entry

To modify an existing entry, choose option 2 on the Main screen. The
RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility Modify Entry screen,
illustrated in Figure 17, is displayed.

RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility


SERVER MACHINE NAME: unixserver...................



Figure 17: Modify Entry Screen

Using the arrow keys, choose the entry you wish to modify. Update the information
on the screen and press Enter on the last line to complete the entry. If you want to
cancel the input at any time, press Esc. The utility displays the RM/InfoExpress
Security Parameter File Update utility Main screen, illustrated in Figure 15 on
page 102. Otherwise, the current entry in the file will be replaced by this

104 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Deleting an Existing Entry
Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility

Deleting an Existing Entry

To delete an existing entry, choose option 3 on the Main screen. The
RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility Delete Entry screen,
illustrated in Figure 18, is displayed.

RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility


SERVER MACHINE NAME: unixserver..................



Figure 18: Delete Entry Screen

Using the arrow keys, choose the entry you wish to delete and press Enter. If you
want to cancel the input at any time, press Esc. The utility displays the
RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility Main screen, illustrated in
Figure 15 on page 102. Otherwise, the current entry in the file will be deleted.
After successful deletion, the following message is displayed for confirmation:

Confirm deletion (Y/N)

Type Y to confirm deletion. (To abandon the deletion, type N.) The following
message is displayed to confirm the successful deletion of the entry from the file:

Record deleted successfully. Press any key. . .

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 105

First Edition
Listing All Entries
Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility

Listing All Entries

To list all entries in the file, choose option 4 on the Main screen. The
RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility List Entries screen,
illustrated in Figure 19, is displayed showing the following information.

RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility


Server Machine Name Client Machine Name Server User Name

unixserver1 mypc user1
unixserver2 mypc user2

Press any key. . .

Figure 19: List Entries Screen

Press any key to return to the RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update utility
Main screen, illustrated in Figure 15 on page 102. If the file contains more entries
than can be displayed on one screen, additional screens will be displayed when a key
is pressed. When all entries have been displayed, pressing a key will return to the
Main screen.
Note The password information is not displayed.

106 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Changes to Relativity Configuration for 32-Bit Windows Clients
Appendix F: Using RM/InfoExpress with Relativity

Appendix F: Using
RM/InfoExpress with Relativity

RM/InfoExpress can be used with Relativity for RM/COBOL to access the catalog
and/or files stored on a server running the RM/InfoExpress server program. This
appendix provides instructions for 32-bit RM/InfoExpress Windows clients.
Note Some earlier versions of Relativity are called Relational DataBridge.

Changes to Relativity Configuration for 32-Bit

Windows Clients
The 32-bit RM/InfoExpress Windows client software (rmtcp32.dll) is installed with
Relativity. Note that the RM/InfoExpress Windows client software is not supplied
with the RM/InfoExpress server software or versions of Relativity prior to 2.5. It is
distributed with the RM/COBOL for Windows runtime or development system or,
alternatively, it can be downloaded from the Liant Web site (www.liant.com).
Contact Liant technical support services for more information.
The configuration procedures begin in the section Configure Relativity to Use
RM/InfoExpress (on page 108). These instructions assume the following:
• You have the RM/InfoExpress server main program and server display program
installed and running on your server machine. For more information, see the
installation instructions in Chapter 1: Installation and Verification (on page 7).
• You have the complete Microsoft TCP/IP software package installed and
configured in the Networking option on the Control Panel. (See also Chapter 1.)
• You are running Windows 9x or Windows NT class clients.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 107

First Edition
Changes to Relativity Configuration for 32-Bit Windows Clients
Appendix F: Using RM/InfoExpress with Relativity

Create a Configuration File

Create a file, called rmixclnt.ini, in the main Windows directory to set configuration
parameters for RM/InfoExpress client programs. Include the following entry:


This entry prevents a 10055 system error: “No available buffer space”. This
configuration parameter is discussed in Client-Specific Configuration Options (on
page 92).

Configure Relativity to Use RM/InfoExpress

There are two aspects to configuring the Relativity ODBC data source setup:
configuring Relativity to use RM/InfoExpress and specifying the location of the
Relativity catalog on the server.
Note All setup options can be configured from the Windows client workstation
using the ODBC Data Source Administrator that is distributed with Relativity.
To configure Relativity to use RM/InfoExpress:
1. On the Windows client workstation, click the Start button, point to Settings,
and then click Control Panel.
2. To access the ODBC Data Source Administrator from the Control Panel:
• On Windows 98, double-click ODBC Data Sources (32bit).
• On Windows NT, double-click ODBC.
• On Windows 2000, XP, and Windows Server 2003, double-click
Administrative Tools and then click Data Sources (ODBC).
3. In the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box, click Add.
4. In the Create Data Source dialog box, select Relativity (*.rcg) as the
driver type.
5. In the Relativity dialog box, select the RM/COBOL option and then click the
RM/InfoExpress tab to display the RM/InfoExpress page.
6. In the RM File Manager options area, select the Enable RM/InfoExpress check
box, which enables access to RM/InfoExpress.
The option for “Allow File Creation” is selected by default.
7. Next, click the Display Initial Message Box option to verify correct operation.
This action is useful when first configuring Relativity to use RM/InfoExpress. A
message box will be displayed when RM/InfoExpress is first called. If the
message box is not displayed, it indicates that any problems are not network
related, but are caused by the software installation. Similarly, if there is a
problem but the message box is displayed, the problem is related to the network.
Note After installation is verified, you may return to the RM/InfoExpress tab
using the 32-bit ODBC Administrator, as described in Step 2, and clear the
Display Initial Message Box option.

108 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Changes to Relativity Configuration for 32-Bit Windows Clients
Appendix F: Using RM/InfoExpress with Relativity

8. In the Relativity dialog box, click the DSN tab.

This tab has entries for the data source name and description, as well as buttons
to select or create a Relativity catalog.

Continue by specifying the location of the Relativity catalog on the server:

1. In the Data Source Name box on the DSN tab, enter the desired name for the
data source (what users will see from their ODBC-enabled application, such as
Microsoft Access or Excel).
2. Click the Select Catalog button. The Select Catalog for Data Source dialog box
is displayed.
3. In the Select Catalog for Data Source dialog box, select the Use
RM/InfoExpress only check box.
4. In the File name box, enter the complete path name.
You must specify the name in the following format:


where RMInfoExpressServer must match the TCP/IP host name for the server
machine on this client (for example, \\HOSTNAME\test.rcg). The following
example specifies a Relativity catalog called shirt3.rcg in the directory
/usr/relsamples on the server unixware21:


5. After you enter a valid RM/InfoExpress server and filename, click Open. The
Relativity catalog name will be validated and returned to the Relativity dialog
box as the name of the Relativity catalog for the data source. This information is
displayed in the Catalog Name area.
6. In the Relativity dialog box, click OK to complete creation of the Relativity
data source.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 109

First Edition
Changes to Relativity Configuration for 32-Bit Windows Clients
Appendix F: Using RM/InfoExpress with Relativity

110 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Version 8 Enhancements
Appendix G: Summary of Enhancements

Appendix G: Summary of

This appendix summarizes the enhancements from previous releases of

RM/InfoExpress, beginning with the most recent release.
Note The RM/InfoExpress version number refers to the RM/InfoExpress server;
RM/InfoExpress client(s) do not have version numbers.

Version 8 Enhancements
This section summarizes the major enhancements available in version 8 of

Support for Large Files

Because the RM/InfoExpress server contains the RM/COBOL file management
system, the RM/InfoExpress server includes the same support for large files as that
offered by the RM/COBOL runtime system (runcobol).
When running under operating systems that support files larger than 2 GB
(gigabytes), the RM/COBOL runtime system allows RM/COBOL files to grow past
limits imposed in previous versions. This support is provided by the LARGE-FILE-
LOCK-LIMIT keyword of the RUN-FILES-ATTR configuration record. In order to
use this new limit on relative or sequential files, you must use the USE-LARGE-
configuration record. In RM/InfoExpress, the server configuration file
(rmixsrvr.ini) contains keywords that correspond to those in the RM/COBOL
runtime system and that provide the same support. For record and file locks to
perform correctly, all RM/InfoExpress servers and RM/COBOL runtime systems
opening a file must use the same lock limit for that file.
On the Windows 9x class of operating systems, files up to 4 gigabytes (GB) are
supported. The Windows NT class of operating systems support multiple terabyte
files on the NT file system. Only files on FAT32 (file system format supported for
Windows 9x-class operating systems) or NTFS (file system format supported on
Windows NT-class operating systems) may be larger than 2 GB.
For more information, see Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress (on page 87)
of the RM/InfoExpress User’s Guide and Chapter 10: Configuration, of the
RM/COBOL User’s Guide. In order to use this new limit on indexed files, you must
use an indexed file version level of 3 (see the “Very Large File Support” topic in

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 111

First Edition
Version 8 Enhancements
Appendix G: Summary of Enhancements

Chapter 8: RM/COBOL Features, of the RM/COBOL User’s Guide for more

information). Additional information about UNIX and Windows systems that
support large files also can be found in the “Using Large Files” topic in Chapter 2:
Installation and System Considerations for UNIX, and in Chapter 3: Installation and
System Considerations for Microsoft Windows, respectively, of the RM/COBOL
User's Guide.

Atomic I/O Support for File Version Level 4

In RM/InfoExpress, as in RM/COBOL, file version level 4 indexed files optionally
support the new “atomic I/O” capability, which provides a means for users to avoid
almost all 98 errors caused by failures that occur while a file is open. Files created
with atomic I/O will almost never need recovery. If a crash occurs during a COBOL
I/O operation, the file will be automatically and quickly recovered the next time the
file is opened or a write operation is performed. The ENABLE-ATOMIC-IO
keyword has been added to the RUN-INDEX-FILES configuration record to
determine whether indexed files created by the runtime system use atomic I/O.
The default indexed file version for new files has been changed from 2 to 4 to
automatically provide the higher level of reliability to new files. The DEFAULT-
FILE-VERSION-NUMBER keyword of the RUN-INDEX-FILES configuration
record may be used to specify a different value.
Version 4 indexed files may, like version 3 files, grow to a larger size than version 0
or 2 files. However, unlike version 3 files, version 4 files may be either large or
regular sized files, depending on the new USE-LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT
keyword of the RUN-INDEX-FILE configuration record. This new keyword
determines whether the LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT or the FILE-LOCK-LIMIT
keyword of the RUN-FILES-ATTR configuration record is used to determine the
largest address that can be locked in the file. This, in turn, determines how large the
file can be.

Limited Automatic Session Reconnection

Beginning with version 8, a limited reconnection capability, which allows a
connection that becomes broken to be reconnected automatically, has been added to
the RM/InfoExpress client and server logic. The client and server continue normal
operation without the client run unit (COBOL program) ever being aware of the
disconnection. To enable this capability, you must set ReconnectEnable=Yes in the
[Options] section of the rmixsrvr.ini server configuration file, as explained in
Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress (on page 87).

Client Path Prefix Inclusion and Exclusion

A new feature has been added in version 8 to allow the RM/InfoExpress client to
exclude selected UNC-style path names (beginning with \\ or //) from access via
RM/InfoExpress. Prior versions of RM/InfoExpress always attempted access to all
UNC-style path names. In the rmixclnt.ini configuration file in the [Options]
section, you can specify PathPrefixIncluded=list and PathPrefixExcluded=list. For
more information, see Appendix D.

112 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Version 2.1 Enhancements
Appendix G: Summary of Enhancements

Version 2.1 Enhancements

This section summarizes the major enhancements available in version 2.1 of

RM/InfoExpress Server Now Supported on

Windows NT Version 4.0
A version of the RM/InfoExpress server software now runs on the Windows NT
Server (version 4.0).

File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server

The RM/InfoExpress UNIX server now provides enhanced file security. The level of
security is specified at the time the server is invoked. The server performs various
validations on the authenticity of the client(s) before granting access to a file. See
Chapter 6: File Security on the RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server (on page 53), for more

New Utility to Update RM/InfoExpress

Parameter File
To make the RM/InfoExpress server screens display similar information about all
types of clients, all new clients now provide client-specific information (such as
client-machine-name and user-name of the client on the server, as described in
Chapter 6) to the server from a security parameter file. This parameter file, default
name ixpwfile, is created using a utility program, ixsecure.cob. Refer to
Appendix E: RM/InfoExpress Security Parameter File Update Utility (on page 101),
for more information about how to use this utility.

Improved Server Screens

Additional information has been added to the server screens to identify the clients.
For example, the Error Log screen now displays the name of the file on which the
error occurred.

Optional Message Compression

This version of RM/InfoExpress optionally compresses messages before transmitting
them on the network. Depending on the compressibility of the messages, which
include the records from RM/COBOL data files, compression may improve the
performance of RM/InfoExpress over WANs and heavily loaded LANs.

Optional Message Encoding

This version of RM/InfoExpress optionally encodes messages before transmitting
them on the network to provide more security for the COBOL data.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 113

First Edition
Version 2.1 Enhancements
Appendix G: Summary of Enhancements

Initialization File Support

All implementations of RM/InfoExpress now allow configuration information to be
stored in a file that is in an .INI format. See Appendix D: Configuring
RM/InfoExpress (on page 87), for more information.

-m Server Option Obsolete

The RM/InfoExpress server now automatically expands the message buffer size
(previously set using the -m option on the server command line) as required by each
session. The user should no longer receive the error RMIX_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY
when transmitting records larger than 5000 bytes.

Use Count Check by the Server

The RM/InfoExpress server now limits the number of client connections to the value
specified by the UseCount configuration option or the licensed use count, whichever
is less. For more information, see the UseCount option as described in Appendix D.

New File Count Option

The RM/InfoExpress server can now be configured for any number of
simultaneously open files, independent of the licensed use count. For more
information, see the FileCount configuration option as described in Appendix D.

New Option to Handle the Display of Long

The RM/InfoExpress screen handler (server display) program can now be configured
to display more reasonably a filename that is too long to fit in the display field of the
screen handler. For more information, see the DotsBias configuration option as
described in Appendix D.

114 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Version 2.0.2 Enhancements
Appendix G: Summary of Enhancements

Version 2.0.2 Enhancements

This section summarizes the major enhancements available in version 2.0.2 of

New Server Option Enables the RM/plusDB

The -b option has been added in order to enable RM/InfoExpress to communicate
with RM/plusDB. Use the -b option when invoking the RM/InfoExpress server with
the RM/plusDB product if every filename is to be checked for an RM/plusDB table
name by the server before opening the RM/COBOL data file.
Note Beginning with version 8 of RM/InfoExpress, Liant Software no longer
develops or supports RM/plusDB. This option is maintained for backward
compatibility only and should be ignored. Do not specify this option unless you have
used RM/plusDB in your application.

Version 2.0 Enhancements

This section summarizes the major enhancements available in version 2.0 of

RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Filename Case

For the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server, the -c option allows you to specify whether to
map the filename on an Open request to uppercase, lowercase, or leave it unaltered
(the default). See Chapter 2: Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server
(on page 25), for more information.

RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Configuration Option

For the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server, the -c 1 configuration option must be
specified if the path names are to be converted to lowercase (as in the previous
version). The default is no conversion. For more information, see Chapter 2.

RM/InfoExpress UNIX Server Runs as a Daemon

This version of the RM/InfoExpress UNIX server runs unattended in the background
and no longer requires an additional terminal. The server uses data structures built in
shared memory. The server modifies the data structures using a well-defined
administrative API (Application Programming Interface) to preserve the integrity of
the server data structures.

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 115

First Edition
Version 2.0 Enhancements
Appendix G: Summary of Enhancements

RM/InfoExpress Screen Handler Program

The screen handler (server display) portion of RM/InfoExpress has been removed
from the server program and is now a separate application. The screen handler
application shares the data structures present in shared memory along with the server
daemon. The screen handler accesses the data structures using a well-defined
administrative API.
The screen handler program is improved to read an entire screen of information in a
single operation, thus providing more consistency to the data it displays.
Under UNIX, the screen handler can be invoked more than once on the system,
making it possible for multiple users to view the server statistics simultaneously.
The screen handler application can be run from any terminal on the UNIX system.
The command sequence, Terminate Display, now terminates the screen handler
program without affecting the server or any clients.
The following sections describe two additional modifications to the screen handler

Changes in the Default Behavior

The default behavior of the screen handler (server display) program allows only the
termination of the screen handler program itself. This prevents you from
accidentally stopping the server or a specific client. To terminate the server or a
particular client, you must specify the -t option (as described in Chapter 2:
Configuring and Running the RM/InfoExpress Server on page 25) when you start the
screen handler program.

New Screens
The Error Information screen has been replaced by two new screens.
The Open Log screen displays information about the most recent 24 open operations
performed by the server. The Error Log screen displays information about the most
recent 24 errors, including the complete error code and location of the error. See
Chapter 5: RM/InfoExpress Server Operations (on page 41), for more information.

More COBOL Information Added to Existing

More COBOL-related information has been added to existing screens. The Client
Files Information screen now displays the organization, open mode, and the access
mode of each file currently opened by the client. A new field, System name, has
been added to the Client Information screen. This field displays the type of operating
system on which the client is running. See Chapter 5 for further details.

116 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition
Version 2.0 Enhancements
Appendix G: Summary of Enhancements

Improved Error Handling

Error handling has been improved in this version of RM/InfoExpress. Additional
information, such as the location of the occurrence, is also now maintained.

KEEPSESSION Configuration Option

The default value for the KEEPSESSION configuration option has changed from
NO to YES. For more information, see Appendix D: Configuring RM/InfoExpress
(on page 87).

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 117

First Edition
Version 2.0 Enhancements
Appendix G: Summary of Enhancements

118 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition

Configuration 87. See also Configuration file

options; Command line options, server
client 87, 89, 92
files, samples of 88, 94, 97, 99
server 87, 89, 94, 97–98

Index with RM/COBOL 87, 111

Configuration file options 87
client 92
AcceptPassword 92
KeepSession 92
PathPrefixExcluded 92
PathPrefixIncluded 92
ReconnectDelay 93
UseBlockingIO 93
A client and server 89
AcceptPassword configuration option 92 EncodeData 89
AIX operating system 11 IgnoreHangupError 89
InfoxDebug 27, 31, 89
IxCompress 90
B IxPwFile 59, 90
Block size 96 MaxSendSize 27, 31, 90
Bold type, use of as a document convention 3 ReconnectEnable 90
Browsers 10–11 server 25, 94, 97–98
BSD Sockets software, error messages 68, 80 ConvertFilename 26, 97
Buffer pool size 27, 31, 94 DefaultServerUser 56, 58, 66, 97
BUFFER-POOL-SIZE keyword, RUN-FILES- DotsBias 94
ATTR configuration record 94 FileBufferPool 27, 31, 94
FileCount 95
FileProcessCount 95
C InxUseLargeLimit 95
-c command line option, server 26, 97 LargeFileLockLimit 95
Case sensitivity, configuration options 26, 87 MinimumBlockSize 96
Character-based terminals 41 ReconnectTimeout 96
Client program 8 RelUseLargeLimit 96
accessing 33, 37 RoundToNiceBlockSize 96
configuration file options 87, 89, 92 SeqUseLargeLimit 96
executing RM/COBOL programs with 36, 39 ServerSecurityLevel 54, 58, 66, 97
installation 16 share-name 98
pointing to network data files 34–36, 38–39 UseCount 27, 31, 96
setup 16 UseCurrentDirectory 99
system requirements 7–8 UseSystemShares 99
terminating communication to 27, 32, 50, 84 Configuration records
verification, installation 17–24 EXTERNAL-ACCESS-METHOD 33, 37
Clients, validating 53 RUN-FILES-ATTR 94–95, 111
Command line options, server 25, 26, 31 RUN-REL-FILES 111
buffer pool size (-p) 27, 31, 95 RUN-SEQ-FILES 111
debug (-d) 26, 31, 89 Console interface 41
display program (-t) 27, 28–29, 32, 50 Conventions and symbols used in this manual 3
mapping filenames (-c) 26, 97 ConvertFileName configuration option 26, 97
maximum amount of data handled by TCP send
function (-z) 27, 31, 90
maximum number of clients open (-k) 27, 31, 96
Communication, client and server machines 19, 23
Compatibility mode 54, 58, 97
Compiler options (RM/COBOL), hyphens,
used with 4

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 119

First Edition


ATTR configuration record 95
-d command line option, server 26, 31, 89 Files
data-names, RM/COBOL programs 36 client program
Data-names, RM/COBOL programs 39 librminfox.so, UNIX 8, 16, 22, 37
Debugging 26, 31, 89 rmtcp32.dll, Windows 8, 16, 33
DefaultServerUser configuration option 56, 58, configuration
66, 97 rmixclnt.ini 87, 94
Digital UNIX (Tru64) operating system 11 rmixsrvr.ini 25, 87, 97, 99
Directory search sequence, synonyms 34, 38 sample of 88
DNS. See Domain Name Service hosts 9, 16, 21
Documentation overview 2 rhosts 53, 56, 59
Domain Name Service 9, 16 server display program, rmdisptcp, UNIX 26
DOS environment variables 34 server program
DotsBias configuration option 94 rmservertcp, UNIX 7, 26
Downloading, from Web 10–11 rmsrvtcp.exe, Windows 7, 28
services 9, 16, 21
Ellipsis in filenames 94 H
EncodeData configuration option 89 hosts file 9, 16, 21
Encoding messages 89 HP-UX operating system 11
Enhancements to RM/InfoExpress Hyphen (-), using with
current version 1 optional, RM/COBOL compilation and runtime
version 2.0 115 options 3
version 2.0.2 115
version 2.1 113
version 8 111 I
Environment variables IBM AIX operating system 11
DOS 34 IgnoreHangupError configuration option 89
IXCONFIG 59, 87 Indexed files 95, 112
IXPWFILE 59, 102 InfoxDebug configuration option 27, 31, 89
KEEPSESSION 92 infoxdmo, verification program 21, 23
PATH 23 Installation
RM_RECONN_LOG_PATH 91 client program 16
RUNPATH 23, 35, 38 server display program 10, 11
troubleshooting 83 server program 10, 11–15
Error messages 67–80 setup 9, 16
Explicit path names 35, 39 system requirements 7–8
EXTERNAL-ACCESS-METHOD configuration verification 17–24
record 33, 37 Intel UNIX System V Release 4 operating
system 11
F InxUseLargeLimit configuration option 95
Italic type, use of as a document convention 3
Failure to locate file or path 83 IxCompress configuration option 90
File access, network 34, 38 IXCONFIG environment variable 59, 87
File lock limit 95, 96, 111 ixpwfile (security parameter file) 54, 56, 59, 101
File security 54, 101. See also Security, on IxPwFile configuration option 59, 90
UNIX server IXPWFILE environment variable 59, 102
File security parameter update utility iixsecure.cob, file security parameter update utility
(ixsecure.cob) 54, 101 54, 101
File version level, in indexed files 95, 112 ixverify, Windows client verification program 19
FileBufferPool configuration option 27, 31, 94
FileCount configuration option 95
FileProcessCount configuration option 95

120 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition

-k command line option, server 27, 31, 96 -p command line option, server 27, 31, 95
Keepalive support, TCP 91 Passwords, client 92
KeepSession configuration option 92 PATH environment variable 23
KEEPSESSION environment variable 92 Path names 20, 83
Key combinations, document convention for 3 case sensitivity 26
Keyboard interface, server display program 41 explicit 35, 39
specifying 34–36, 38–39
L UNC-style 112
PathPrefixExcluded configuration option 92
Large file support 95–96, 111 PathPrefixIncluded configuration option 92
LargeFileLockLimit configuration option 95 PDF format 2
LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT keyword, RUN- Performance, network 90
FILES-ATTR configuration record 95, 111 Ports, user 10, 16
librminfox.so, client program, UNIX 8, 16, 22, 37
License file 10
loading 11
use count 96 ReconnectDelay configuration option 93
Limits and ranges 81 ReconnectEnable configuration option 90
Linux operating system 11 Reconnecting server and client 90, 93
Local area networks (LANs) 1 ReconnectTimeout configuration option 96
Registration, product 4
M Related publications 3
Relativity, using with 107
MaxSendSize configuration option 27, 31, 90 RelUseLargeLimit configuration option 96
Messages rhosts file 53, 56, 59
compression 90 RM/COBOL
encoding 89 compilation options, hyphens, used with 4
error 67–80 configuration file options 87, 111
large 90 list support modules loaded by the RM/COBOL
MinimumBlockSize configuration option 96 runtime option (V) 22
runtime options, hyphens, used with 4
N using with RM/InfoExpress 33, 37
Network client program 8
accessing clients 33, 37 accessing 33, 37
compressing messages 90 configuration file options 87, 89, 92
data files, pointing to 34–36, 38–39 executing RM/COBOL programs with 36, 39
Network security 58. See also Security, on UNIX installation 16
server pointing to network data files 34–36, 38–39
setup 16
O system requirements 7–8
terminating communication to 27, 32, 50, 84
Online services 4 verification, installation 17–24
OpenServer 6 (SCO SVR5) operating system 12 configuring with RM/COBOL 87, 111
Organization of this manual 2 error messages 67–80
features 1, 111, 113, 115
installation 10, 11–16
limits and ranges 81
messages 67–80
Relativity, using with 107
RM/COBOL, using with 33, 37
security, on UNIX server 35, 90, 97, 101. See
also Security, on UNIX server

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 121

First Edition

server display program 10, 11 RUN-SEQ-FILES configuration record, USE-

command line options 27–29, 32, 50 LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT keyword
commands 96, 111
Clients 44 Runtime options (RM/COBOL), hyphens, used
Error Log 48 with 4
Files 46
Main 44 S
Open Log 47
Terminate 50 SCO OpenServer 5 operating system 12
Client 51 SCO SVR5 kernel 12
Display 50 SCO UnixWare 7 operating system 12
Server 51 Screen handler program. See Server display
keyboard functions 41 program
main screen 43 Security, on UNIX server 53
screen format, illustrated 42 .rhosts file 53, 56, 59
starting 26, 28 client validation 57
terminating 27, 32, 50 clients, non-UNIX 57
server program compatibility mode 54, 58, 97
command line options 25–26, 31 configuration file options 54, 56, 58–59, 66
configuration 25 default server user 56, 58, 66, 97
configuration file options 87, 89, 94, 97–98 file security 54, 101
default server user 56, 58 security levels 54, 57–58, 66, 97
installation 10, 11–15 security parameter file (ixpwfile) 54, 56, 59,
security, on UNIX 53, 101. See also Security, 90, 101
on UNIX server setting up network 58
setup 9 Send operations, maximum allowed 27, 31, 90
starting 26, 28 SeqUseLargeLimit configuration option 96
automatically 30 Server display program 10, 11
System account 18, 28 command line option 27, 28, 29, 32
system requirements 7–8 commands
verification, installation 17–24 Clients 44
version number, significance of 1, 111 Error Log 48
terminating 27, 29, 32, 50 Files 46
setup, installation 9, 16 Main 44
system requirements, installation 7–8 Open Log 47
terminating 50 Terminate 50
troubleshooting 83 Client 51
verification, installation 17 Display 50
RM_RECONN_LOG_PATH environment Server 51
variable 91 keyboard functions 41
rmixclnt.ini, client configuration file 94. See also main screen 43
Configuration file options screen format, illustrated 42
rmixsrvr.ini, server configuration file 97, 99. See starting 26, 28
also Configuration file options terminating 27, 32, 50
rmtcp32.dll, client program, Windows 8, 16, 33 Server program
RoundToNiceBlockSize configuration option 96 command line options 25, 26, 31
RUN-FILES-ATTR configuration record 111 configuration file options 87, 89, 94, 97–98
BUFFER-POOL-SIZE keyword 94 installation 10, 11–15
FILE-PROCESS-COUNT keyword 95 security, on UNIX 53, 101
LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT keyword 95, 111 .rhosts file 53, 56, 59
RUNPATH environment variable 23, 35, 38 client validation 57
RUN-REL-FILES configuration record, USE- clients, non-UNIX 57
LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT compatibility mode 54, 58
keyword 96, 111 configuration file options 54, 56, 58–59, 66
default server user 56, 58, 66
file security 54

122 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition

security levels 54, 57–58, 66 U

security parameter file (ixpwfile) 54, 56, 59
server display program 10, 11 UNC-style path names 92, 112
setup 9 UNIX client 8. See also Client program;
starting 17, 18, 26, 28 RM/InfoExpress
automatically 30 accessing 37
System account 18, 28 configuration file options 87, 89, 92
system requirements 7–8 installation 16
terminating 27, 32, 50 setup 16
verification, installation 17–24 system requirements 7–8
version number, significance of 1, 111 verification, installation 17–24
ServerSecurityLevel configuration option 54, 58, UNIX server
66, 97 command line options 26, 27
services file 9, 16, 21 configuration file options 87, 89, 94, 97
Setup, installation 9, 16 file security parameter update utility
share-name configuration option 98 (ixsecure.cob) 54, 101
Starting installation 11–15
server display program 26, 28 security 53
server program 26, 28 server display program 41
automatically 30 starting 26
on a specific account 30 verification, installation 17–24
Sun Solaris operating system 12 UseBlockingIO configuration option 93
Support services, technical 4 UseCount configuration option 27, 31, 96
Symbols and conventions used in this manual 3 UseCurrentDirectory configuration option 99
Synonyms, directory search sequence 34, 38 USE-LARGE-FILE-LOCK-LIMIT keyword
System account 18, 28, 30 RUN-REL-FILES configuration record 111
System requirements, installation 7–8 RUN-SEQ-FILES configuration record 111
UseSystemShares configuration option 99

-t command line option, server display 27, 28,
29, 32, 50 V Runtime Command option, RM/COBOL 22
TCP/IP communication protocol 7, 16, 17 Validating clients 53
keepalive support 91 Verification
send function 27, 31, 90 UNIX client 22
Technical support services 4 UNIX client and server communciation 23
Terminating 27, 32 Windows client 19
client communications 50–51 Windows client and server communication 19
client entries, troubleshooting 84 Version number, RM/InfoExpress server 1, 111
server 50–51
server display 50 W
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
See TCP/IP communication protocol Web browser 10–11
Troubleshooting Web site services, Liant 4
client entries not terminating 84 Wide area networks (WANs) 1
failure to locate file or path 83 Windows 9x class, defined 4
removing IPC objects after server failure 85 Windows client 8. See also Client program;
accessing 33
configuration file options 87, 89, 92
installation 16
setup 16
system requirements 7–8
verification, installation 17–24
Windows console 41
Windows NT class, defined 4

RM/InfoExpress User's Guide 123

First Edition

Windows operating systems 4, 8

Windows server
command line options 31, 32
configuration file options 87, 89, 94, 98
installation 10
server display program 10, 41
starting 28
automatically 30
System account 18, 28
terminating 29
verification, installation 17–24
Windows service. See Windows Service Control
Manager (SCM)
Windows Service Control Manager (SCM) 10, 17,
28–29, 30
Windows Sockets software 16, 19
blocking mode 93
error messages 68, 77, 79
IgnoreHangupError configuration option 89

-z command line option, server 27, 31, 90

124 RM/InfoExpress User's Guide

First Edition

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