Cerm Index
Cerm Index
Cerm Index
1/3 load increase, 68-3 dynamometer, 85-13 Accrual system, 87-34
1% factor, 34-21 Accumulation, 8-7
flood, 20-6, 20-7 gas, 34-2 Accumulator, 17-39
storm, 20-5 masonry, 67-5 Accuracy, 85-1
2, 4-D, 32-12 process, 34-2 concrete batch, 49-2
10-minute unit hydrograph, 20-13 Abstraction, initial, 20-2 degree of, 78-5
18-kip ESAL, 76-20 Abundance, relative, 22-2 level of, 78-4
60-degree method, 40-2 AC machine, 84-11 order of, 78-4
80% Accelerated Accurate experiment, 11-11
rated circuit breaker, 84-9 Cost Recovery System, 87-22 ACI
rule, 84-9 depreciation method, 87-22 coefficient, analysis, 51-2
85th percentile speed, 73-4 flow, 19-21, G-1 shear coefficient, 47-19
100% rated circuit breaker, 84-9 Accelerating force, railroad, 75-4 Acid, 22-12, G-1
100-year Acceleration amino, 23-1 (tbl)
storm, 20-5, 20-6 absolute, 71-10 binary, 22-4
flood, 20-6 angular, 71-7 carbonic, 22-21, 22-23, 25-2, 31-9,
!-method, 38-3 Coriolis, 71-8, 71-9 34-23 (ftn)
head C-value, 18-2 (tbl), 18-3 (tbl) carboxylic, 23-2 (tbl)
instantaneous center of, 71-14 constant, 22-15
A linear, 71-4 deoxyribonucleic, 27-2
normal component, 71-8 dissociation constant, A-92
AAR, 48-2 of gravity, 1-2 -extractable metal, 28-14
AASHO Road Test, 77-5 relative, 71-10 fatty, 23-2 (tbl), 27-9
AASHTO, G-1 resultant, 71-8, 71-14 -formed bacteria, 30-15
concrete compressive stress limit, tangential, 71-8 fulvic, G-7
prestressing tendon, 56-8 (tbl) uniform, 71-3 gas, 32-4
effective flange width, 57-2 uniform, formulas, 71-4 (tbl) haloacetic, 25-10
flexible pavement design Accelerator set, 48-3 humic, G-8
nomograph, 76-23 (fig) Acceptance, 88-3 hydrochloric, 25-9, 32-4
Green Book parallel parking testing, concrete, 49-1 hypochlorous, 25-9
design, 73-22 (fig) Access organic, 23-2 (tbl)
Highway Safety Manual, 75-2 control of, G-5 polyprotic, 22-17
lump-sum loss, 56-4 point, 73-3 rain, 32-4
-PCI standard girder, 56-8 right of, G-12 ribonucleic, 27-2
-PCI standard girder section, 56-8 (fig) Accessibility, 19-16 -splitting bacteria, 30-15
-PCI standard girder section, Accessible parking, 73-23 sulfuric, 32-4
properties, 56-9 (fig) space, 73-23 ternary, 22-4
required curve lengths, 79-14 (tbl) Accident, 75-15 -test ratio, 87-35
resistance factor, 56-7 (tbl) data, 75-15 volatile, 27-9
rigid pavement nomograph, 77-8 (fig) data, analysis, 75-10 Acidity, 22-21, 25-2
soil classification, 35-3, 35-4 history warrant, signalization, 73-18 Acoustic
strength reduction factor, 56-7 (tbl) log, 83-2 (ftn) emission testing, 43-12
tensile stress limit in prestressed modeling, vehicle, 75-13 holography, 43-13
concrete, 56-7 (tbl) PDO, 75-11 velocity, 14-14
Abandonment, G-1 pedestrian, 75-15 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Abbreviation, stake marking, 81-2 (tbl) rate, 75-11 (AIDS), 27-10
Above-ground storage tank, 33-1 rate, OSHA, 83-2 ACR, 48-2
Abrams’ strength law, 48-4 type, 75-12 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, 16-9 (ftn)
ABS pipe, 16-9, 28-4 Accidental error, 85-2 Act, fraudulent, 88-6
Abscissa, 7-2 Accommodation, reasonable, 82-9 Actinide, 22-3
Absolute Account Actinium, 22-3 (ftn)
acceleration, 71-10 accumulated depreciation, 87-23 (ftn) Actinon, 22-3
convergence, 3-13 asset, 87-33 Action
English System, 1-4 equipment, 87-23 (ftn) capillary, 14-12
parallax, 78-20 expense, 87-37 composite, 57-1
position, 71-10 ledger, 87-33 galvanic, 22-18
pressure, 14-2 liability, 87-33 level, 83-8
velocity, 71-10 owners’ equity, 87-33 level, noise, OSHA, 83-8
viscosity, 14-6 (ftn) Accounting, 87-36 line of, 5-1, 41-2
volume method, 49-2 convention, 87-34 (ftn) noncomposite, 68-14
volume method, concrete, 77-2 cost, 87-36 pop, 16-12
Absorbed equation, 87-33 prying, 65-6, 66-8
asphalt, 76-9 job cost, 87-36 shear force, 45-17
dose, G-1 principle, standard, 87-34 (ftn) tension field, 63-2
Absorber, spray tower, 34-3 (fig) process cost, 87-36 tort, 88-6
Absorption, G-1 Accreditation Activated
coefficient, 22-10, 31-9 Board for Engineering and carbon, 29-13, 34-3 (ftn)
coefficient, gas, 31-9 (tbl) Technology, 89-1 (ftn) carbon, granular, 26-14
dry, 34-17
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I-2 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-3
Alpha, 11-14
risk, 11-14 cost-benefit, highway safety, 75-18 measurement equipment, 78-12
-value, 85-5 descriptive, safety, 75-2 measurement method, 78-12
Alphabet, Greek, 3-1 dimensional, 1-8 miscellaneous formula, 6-4
Alternate economic life, 87-4 obtuse, 6-1
depth, 19-16, G-1 economic, engineering, 87-2 of depression, 6-2
mode, 73-19 elastic second-order, 53-1 of elevation, 6-2
mode operation, 73-19 error, 78-2 of intersection, 7-8
Alternating first-order, 53-1 of repose, 72-6, 80-4
current, 84-2, 84-4 Fourier, 9-7 of static friction, 72-6
sign series, 3-13 frequency, 9-8 (ftn) opposite side, 6-2
Alternative gravimetric, 22-6, 24-2 parking, 73-22
comparison, 87-4 horizon, 87-17 plane, 6-1
disinfectant, 25-10 hydrograph, 20-7 power, 84-7
disinfection, 29-13 incremental, 87-17 rebound, 72-17
hypothesis, 11-15 inelastic first-order, 47-2 reflex, 6-1
sewer, 28-4 inelastic second-order, 47-2 related, 6-1
to chlorination, 25-10, 26-21 life-cycle cost, 86-7 repose, 40-7
Alternator, 84-11 (ftn) nonlinear second-order, 53-1 right, 6-1
Altitude valve, 26-24, 26-25 numerical, 12-1 rupture, 43-8
Alum, 26-8 period, 76-19 solid, 6-6
Aluminum, A-116, A-117, A-118 plastic, 47-2 spiral, 79-19
structural, A-115 proximate, 24-2 stall, 17-40
structural, properties, A-115 quantitative predictive, 75-2 station, 78-13
Amber period, 73-21 replacement/retirement, 87-4 straight, 6-1
American risk, 87-44 supplementary, 6-1
Insurance Association equation, 26-24 sensitivity, 87-44 to the right, 78-12
Insurance Association formula, 26-24 signature, 9-8 (ftn) total deflection, 79-19
National Standards Institute, 82-3 strength, doubly reinforced section, 50-24 traverse, 78-13 (fig)
Society of Civil Engineers, 89-1 structural, 47-1 trihedral, 6-6
wire gauge, 84-8 tension member, 60-4, 60-5 (fig) twist, 43-8, 45-14
Americans with Disabilities Act, 82-9 time-series, 9-8 (ftn) type (see also by name), 6-2
Amictic, G-1 ultimate, 22-5, 22-6, 24-2 valve, 16-12
Amide, 23-2 (tbl) uncertainty, 87-44 vertex, 6-1
Amine, 23-1 (tbl), 23-2 (tbl) value, 87-44 vertical, 6-2
filming, 22-23 volumetric, 24-2 wall friction, 37-5
neutralizing, 22-23 Analytic function, 8-1 yaw, 17-28
polar, 22-23 Analyzer Angoff procedure, modified, xxxi
Amino acid, 23-1 (tbl), 23-2 (tbl) FFT, 9-8 Angstrom, A-1, A-2
Ammonia signal, 9-8 Angular
in wastewater, 28-14 spectrum, 9-8 acceleration, 71-7
in water, 25-8 Anchor frequency, 84-4
nitrogen, in wastewater, 28-14 pull, 39-5 impulse, 72-14
removal, in wastewater, 29-3, 29-13 trench, 31-4 momentum, 17-33, 72-3 (fig)
slip, 34-19 (ftn) Anchorage motion, 71-7
stripping, 28-14, 29-13 masonry, 67-6 orientation, 5-1
toxic effect on fish, 25-8 requirement, shear perspective, 2-3
un-ionized, in water, 25-8 reinforcement, 50-23 (fig) position, 71-7
Amoeba, 27-8 shear reinforcement, 50-23 velocity, 71-7
Amoeboid, 27-8 Anchored bulkhead, 39-5 Angularity, aggregate, 76-15
Amortization, 87-24 Andesite porphyry, 35-32 Anhydride, 23-3 (tbl)
Amount, factor compound, 87-5 Andrade’s equation, 43-16 Anion, 25-1, G-2
Ampacity, 84-8 Anemometer, 17-27 Anisotropic material, 5-1
Ampere, 84-2 hot-wire, 17-27 Annual
Amperometric sensor, 85-3 Angle air temperature, mean, 76-16
Amphoteric behavior, G-1 acute, 6-1 amount, 87-7
Amplification adjacent, 6-1 benefit, 73-27
factor, moment, 53-5 adjacent side, 6-2 capital cost, 73-27
force, 41-11 banking, 79-7 cost, 87-7
Amplified end moment, 53-5 bearing, 78-12 (fig) cost method, 87-15
AMU, G-2 between figures, 7-8 cost, equivalent uniform, 87-16
Anabolic, 27-9 between lines, 6-1 effective interest rate, 87-5
Anabolism, G-1 complementary, 6-2 equivalent cost, 87-16
Anabranch, G-1 contact, 14-12 growth rate, average, 3-11
Anaerobe, 27-6, G-2 deflection, 78-12, 78-13, 79-4 return method, 87-15, 87-16
digester, 30-16 direction, 5-2, 7-5 traffic, 73-4
obligate, 27-6 explement, 78-13 Annuity, 87-7
external friction, 37-5 Anode, sacrificial, 22-19
face, 6-6
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I-4 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
Anticlinal spring, G-2 method, landfill, 31-2 concrete, untreated aggregate base,
Antiderivative, 9-1 moment of inertia, 42-3 150 mm, 76-27 (fig)
Antireversal check valve, 16-12 moment of inertia, basic shapes, A-114 concrete, untreated aggregate base,
Antoine equation, 14-10 (ftn) net, 60-2 6 in, 76-27 (fig)
Apex, 41-22 net filtering, 34-5 content, effective, 76-9
Aphelion, 72-21 reduction, 43-6 content, optimum, 76-11
API scale, 14-5 rural, 73-3 crumb-rubber modified, 76-29
Apogee, 72-21 second moment of, 42-4 cutback, 76-2
Apparatus specific collection, 34-9 emulsified, 76-2
breathing, 83-6 specific surface, 29-11 emulsion, 76-2, G-2
Golgi, 27-2 specific, filter, 29-9 grade, 76-2
Orsat, 24-12 steel reinforcement bar, 50-10, 51-3 grading, 76-2
osmotic pressure, 14-10 suburban, 73-3 hot mix, 76-2, 76-10
vane-shear, 35-29 transformation method, 44-19 hot rubber mix, 76-29
Apparent under standard normal curve, A-12 mix, 76-3
color, in water, 25-8 urban, 73-3 mixer, 76-6
modulus, 43-11 weaving, 73-26 modifier, 76-5, 76-6 (tbl)
specific gravity, 76-8 Areal, 1-8 pavement recycling, 76-28
specific gravity, asphalt mixture, G-2 density, 1-8 pavement, full-depth, 76-28
yield stress, 43-7 dust density, 34-5 performance graded, 76-15
Application measurement, 1-8 plant, 76-6
FE exam, 90-2 rain, 20-17 polymer-modified, 76-5
point of, 5-1 velocity, 72-20 rubber, 76-29
Applied Argument, 3-7, 3-8 rubber-modified, 76-29
impulse, 72-15 Arithmetic stone mastic, 76-28
load, pressure from, 40-2 growth rate, 3-11 stone matrix, 76-28
Appraisal, economic, HSM, 75-18 mean, 11-12 synthetic, 76-29
Approach, 73-15 sequence, 3-11 target optimum content, 76-11
category, aircraft, 79-21 series, 3-12 Asphaltic coating, 16-11
tangent, 79-1, 79-2 Arm ASR, 48-2
velocity, 21-4 machinery, 83-10 method, 74-2
velocity of, 16-4, 17-16, 17-17 moment, 41-3 Assembly
Approximate structural methods, 47-18 working, 83-10 door, 82-4
Approximation Aromatic, 23-3 (tbl) slider rod, 71-14
series, 8-8 alcohol, 23-2 (tbl) Assessment, life-cycle, 86-7
small angle, 6-3 hydrocarbon, 24-1 Asset
Appurtenance, G-2 liquid, 14-10 (ftn) account, 87-33
Apron, G-2 Array, 4-1 (ftn) capitalizing, 87-20
Aquatic plant, 25-8 Arrival type, 73-16 class, 87-20
Aquation, 22-11 Arterial, 73-3 current, 87-35
Aquiclude, 40-10, G-2 highway, G-2 expensing, 87-20
Aquifer, 21-1, G-2 Artesian fixed, 87-35
confined, 21-2 formation, G-2 liquid, 87-35
free, 21-1, 21-2 spring, G-2 nonliquid, 87-35
unconfined, 21-1, 21-2 well, 21-2 Assignment, 88-4
Aquifuge, G-2 Artificial expense, 87-20 Associative
Aquitard, G-2 Aryl, (tbl), 23-1 law of addition, 3-3, 4-4
Aramid halide, 23-3 (tbl) law of multiplication, 3-3, 4-4
fiber, 32-4 As set, law, 11-2
tendon, 56-6 -built document, 86-16 Assumed
Arbitrary fired, 24-3 inflection point, 47-18
proportions method, 49-2 Asbestos, 32-4 meridian, 78-12
volume method, 49-2 cement pipe, 16-9, 26-25, 28-4 Assumption, Whitney, 50-8
weight method, 49-2 Asbestosis, 32-4 ASTM
Arc, 20-17, 86-10 ASCE, 89-1 C330 aggregate, 48-7
basis, 79-3 ASD, 58-5 E119, 82-4
length, 71-8 Ash, 24-3 International, 82-3
length, by integration, 9-5 air heater, 24-3 prestressing tendon, 56-5 (tbl)
shield, 64-4 bottom, 24-3, 32-4 soil test, 35-16, 35-17 (tbl)
Archimedes’ principle, 15-16 coal, 24-3 standard, pipe, 16-10
Architect, 88-4 combined, 32-5 standards, wire reinforcement, A-134
Arctic, 32-12 economizer, 24-3 Asymmetric multiplier, 83-7, 83-8
Area, A-7, A-114 fly, 24-3, 48-2 Asymmetrical function, 7-4
bar, 50-12 (tbl) fly, pavement, 77-12 Asymptote, 7-2
between two curves, 9-4 pit, 24-3 Asymptotic, 7-2
bolt, tensile stress, 65-4 refractory, 24-3 At-rest
bounded by irregular area, 78-18 (fig) soda, 26-15 earth pressure coefficient, 37-5
by integration, 9-4 ASME long-radius nozzle, 17-32 (ftn) soil pressure, 37-5
centroid of an, 42-1
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I N D E X I-5
Attention and information processing, 75-9 minor, 7-11 chemical equations, 22-7
Attenuator, impact, 75-13 minor, buckling and bracing, 61-4 (fig) closed traverse angles, 78-14
Atterberg limit, 35-21 neutral, 44-11 closed traverse distance, 78-15
test, 35-3, 35-21 oblique, 2-2 operations, 70-2
Attractive rate of return, minimum, 87-16 of rotation, 72-2 traverse, 78-15
Auger parabolic, 7-10 traverse, least squares, 78-15
boring, 40-11 principal, 42-8, 59-15 Bale, hay, 80-11
-hole method, 35-23 rotation, 42-7 Ball valve, 16-12
Augmented matrix, 4-1 torsional, 45-17 Ballast
Austenitic stainless steel, 22-19 (ftn) transverse, 7-11 circuit, 85-10
Authority having jurisdiction, 82-2 weak, 59-5 thermal, 34-13
Autochthonous material, 25-7 Axle Balling scale, 14-5 (ftn)
Autogenous waste, 34-11 (ftn) spread-tandem, 76-18 Ballistic pendulum, 72-3 (fig)
Autoignition temperature, 24-8 type, 76-19 (fig) Balloon payment, 87-42
Automatic Axonometric view, 2-3 Ban, land, 33-2
total station, 78-5 Azimuth, 78-12, 78-13, G-2 Bandwidth, 9-8, 73-20
traffic recorder, 73-6 from back line, 78-12 of frequency analysis, 9-8
Autotroph, 27-4, G-2 from north, 78-13 Bank
Autotrophic bacteria, 27-6, 28-9 from south, 78-13 cubic yard, 80-1
Auxiliary magnetic, 73-30 -measure, 80-1
elevation, 2-2 Banking
equation, 10-1 angle, 79-7
lane, G-2 B days in a year, 87-28 (ftn)
view, 2-2 roadway, 72-8
Availability, 26-9 B box, 80-9 Bar
Available B1-B2 procedure, 62-2 area, 50-12 (tbl)
combined residual, 28-13 Babcock formula, 17-10 chart, 86-9
compressive strength, 62-2 BAC-CAB identity, 5-5 chart, water chemistry, 25-1
flexural strength, 64-2, 64-3 Back deformed, 48-9 (fig)
hydrogen, 24-3, 24-14 -calculation, 76-16 dimension, hard SI
lime, 26-9 corona, 34-9 (Canadian), 48-9 (tbl)
load, fastener, 65-3 station, 79-3 dowel, 55-6, 77-12
method, 32-15 stationing, 79-3 headed, deformed, 55-6
moment table, 59-10 tangent, 79-1, 79-2 lacing, 61-2 (ftn)
moment versus unbraced Backfill, 40-8 lattice, 61-2 (ftn)
length, 59-3 (fig) inclined, 37-6 purple, 48-10
Average slope, broken, 37-6 reinforcing, 67-6
annual daily flow, 26-22, 73-4 Backsight, 78-10 steel, 48-8
annual daily traffic, 73-4 Backward tie, pavement, 77-7
annual growth rate, 3-11 pass, G-2 total area, 51-3
change, 11-16 soil pressure, 37-2 Barometer, 15-2
cost method, 87-38 Backwashing multi-fluid, 15-5
cost, weighted, 87-31 air wash, 26-14 Barometric
daily air temperature, 49-6 filter, 26-13 height relationship, 15-13
daily traffic, 73-4 Backwater, G-2 pressure, 14-3
decrease, 11-16 curve, G-2 Barrel, 19-27
end area method, 80-4 Bacteria, 27-6 Barrier
highway speed, 73-3 acid-formed, 30-15 brush, 80-11
increase, 11-16 acid-splitting, 30-15 concrete, highway, 75-13
power, 84-6, 84-7 autotrophic, 27-6, 28-9 constant slope, 75-13
precipitation, 20-2 carbonaceous, 28-9 F-shape, 75-13
pressure, 15-7 facultative, 27-6 General Motors, 75-13
running speed, 73-3 growth, 27-6 (tbl) GM, 75-13
spot speed, 73-3 iron, 27-6 heavy vehicle median, 75-13 (fig)
time per unit, 87-43 mesophyllic, G-9 highway, 75-13
travel speed, 73-3, 73-12 nonphotosynthetic, 27-6 Jersey, 75-13
thermophilic, G-14
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I-6 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-7
Biological treatment efficiency, 30-6 Boussinesq
bed, 29-8 ultimate, 28-9 contour chart, 40-2
contactor, rotating, 29-11 Body, 41-8 (fig) stress contour chart, A-112, A-113
contactor, rotating, characteristics, 29-12 burden, G-3 Boussinesq’s equation, 40-1
filter, 29-8 rigid, 71-1 Bowditch method, 78-15
reaction, 27-11 Boiler Box
Biology, cellular, 27-1 circulating fluidized-bed, 34-11 closed, 45-15
Biomagnification, G-3 design, fluidized-bed, 34-11 section, 61-2
factor, G-3 efficiency, 24-16 shape, 59-2
Biomass, G-3 feedwater characteristics, 22-23 -shoring, 39-1
composition, 27-11 feedwater quality, 22-24 Braced
yield, 30-13 fluidized-bed, 34-11 column, 45-3, 53-2, 53-5
Bioplastic, 32-13 horsepower, 24-16, 24-17 cut, 39-1
Bioreactor, 34-7 Boilerplate clause, 88-4 cut, clay, 39-2
Bioremediation, 34-6 Boiling, 14-10 cut, medium clay, 39-3
Biosolid, 30-2, 32-2 (ftn) -point margin, 32-8 cut, sand, 39-2
Biosorption, 30-3 Bolster, 50-2 cut, stability, 39-3
process, 30-3, G-3 Bolt, 45-9, 65-1 frame, 53-2 (fig)
Biosphere, G-3 area, tensile stress, 65-4 Bracing
Biostat, 34-22 (ftn) common, 65-1 diagonal, 53-2
Biot number, 1-9 (tbl) dimension, 45-11 (tbl) lateral, 59-3
Biota, G-3 family, 45-9 member, 61-1
Bioventing, 34-7 grade, 45-9 spacing, 59-3
Biphenyl, polychlorinated, 32-12 grade and type, 45-10 (tbl) Bracket, 65-5, 65-6
Bisection method, 3-4, 12-1 high-strength, 65-1 bisection method, 12-1
bracket, 12-1 marking, 45-10 income, 87-25
Bituminous material, 58-4 plate, 65-5, 65-6
coal, 24-4 preload, 45-12, 65-3 tax, 87-25
coating, pipe, 16-11 pretension, 65-3 Braided stream, G-3
concrete, 76-10 pretension, minimum, 65-4 (tbl) Brake
mix, 76-2 standards, 45-9 anti-lock/anti-skid, 75-6
Black structural, 65-1 assist system, 75-6
pipe, 16-10 tensile stress area, 65-4 dynamometer, 85-13
steel pipe, 16-10 thread, 45-9 fan, 85-13
Blacktop, 76-10 torque, 45-13 friction, 85-13
Blade torque factor, 45-13 horsepower, pump, 18-9
jet force on, 17-35 twist-off, 65-1 Prony, 85-13
pitch, circular, 18-4 Bolted pump power, 18-9
Blasius connection, 65-2 (fig) water, 85-13
equation, 17-5 connection reduction values, 60-3 (tbl) Braking
solution, 17-45 simple framing connection, 65-7 (fig) distance, 75-6, 75-7
Blast-furnace gas, 24-8 (ftn) Bolting, small column base plate perception-reaction time, 75-6
Bleeding, 76-14 (ftn), G-3 anchor, 61-11 (fig) rate, 75-6
pavement, 76-5 Bomb calorimeter, 24-14 time, 75-6
Blind drainage, G-3 Bond, 87-29 Brale indenter, 43-13
Block fully amortized, 87-29 (ftn) Branch
and tackle, 41-11 masonry, 67-3 pipe, 17-21
load, 83-10 pattern, 67-3 sewer, G-3
shear failure, 60-4 (fig) running, 67-3 Brass
shear strength, 60-4 yield, 87-30 pipe, 16-9
stress, 50-9 Bonded tubing, dimensions, A-48
Bloom, G-3 strain gauge, 85-8 (ftn) Breach
Blowdown, 22-23, 32-6 tendon, 56-2 material, 88-6
Blower Bonus depreciation, 87-23 of contract, 88-6
air, 30-9 Book Break-even
wastewater, 29-4, 30-10 of original entry, 87-33 analysis, 87-38
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I-8 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-9
retaining wall, 37-1, 54-2 Carbonyl, 23-1 (tbl) shear beam load, 85-13
wall, 37-1, 39-4 Carboxylic acid, 23-2 (tbl) structural, 41-12
Cap Carcinogen, G-4 structure, 27-1
landfill, 31-5 Card, indicator, 85-14 transport, 27-2
mushroom, 83-7 Cardano’s formula, 3-4 wall, G-4
Capacitance, 84-5 Carrier, G-4 yield, 30-13
Capacitive reactance, 84-5 frequency, 85-4 Cellular biology, 27-1
Capacitor, 84-5 slurry, 17-11 Cement
Capacity, bearing, 36-1, 73-14 Carrying capacity, 27-4 asbestos, pipe, 16-9
bearing, allowable, 36-2 Carryover factor, 47-14 asphalt, 76-2
bearing, clay, 36-5 Cartesian bentonite, 40-10
bearing, gross, 36-3 coordinate system, 7-3 bentonite slurry, trench, 40-10
bearing, net, 36-3 equation form, 3-3 (ftn) factor, 49-2
bearing, rock, 36-8 triad, 5-2 low-alkali, 48-2
bearing, sand, 36-7 unit vector, 5-2 (fig) portland, 48-1
bearing, ultimate, 36-3 Carver-Greenfield process, 30-20 properties, 49-1
brimful, 80-9 Casagrande method, 35-25 shrinkage-compensating, 48-2
carrying, 27-4 Cascade impactor, G-4 soil, 48-8
design, 38-2 Case, Westergaard, 40-2 -treated base, 48-8, G-4
design, traffic, 73-5 Cased hole, G-4 type-K, 48-2
earth-handling equipment, 80-9 Cash Cementing material requirement,
excess, 87-32 flow, 87-3 concrete, 77-4 (tbl)
field, 31-7 flow analysis, 87-8 Cementitious material, 48-1
heaping, 80-9 flow diagram, 87-3, 87-11 (fig) Center, 7-2
heat, 13-4 flow factor, 87-6, A-177, A-178 -entry mixer, 76-6
ideal, 73-5 flow, (discounting) factor, 87-6 instant, 71-13
infiltration, 21-9 flow, beginning of year, 87-11 (fig) instantaneous, 71-13
intersection, 73-14 flow, exponential gradient series, 87-4 of buoyancy, 15-18
landfill, 31-3 flow, exponentially decreasing, 87-26 of force, 72-19, 72-20
maximum, 73-6 flow, gradient series, 87-4 of gravity, 9-6, 70-1
maximum, traffic, 73-6 flow, missing part, 87-10 (fig) of mass, 70-1
moment, 50-9 flow, phantom, 87-4 (ftn) of pressure, 15-5, 15-10, 41-5
pedestrian, 73-21 flow, single payment, 87-3 of pressure, shapes, 15-9 (fig)
pile group, 38-5 flow, standard, 87-4 (fig) of rotation, 66-7
point, 38-2 flow, stepped, 87-10 of rotation method,
pull-out, 38-5 flow, superposition of, 87-10 instantaneous, 65-5, 65-6
reduction factor, 45-2, 50-5 flow, uniform series, 87-3 of twist, 45-17
sewer, 28-5 system, 87-34 of vision, 2-3
shaft, 38-3 Cast -radius form, 7-10
shear, vertical stirrup, 50-22 (fig) iron, A-116, A-117, A-118 shear, 45-17, 59-15
skin friction, 38-3 -iron pipe, 16-9, 26-25, 28-3, A-44 torsional, 45-17
specific, 21-4 -iron pipe dimensions, A-44 Centerline velocity, 16-8
struck, 80-9 Catabolic, 27-9 Centipoise, 14-7
tensile, pile, 38-4, 38-5 Catabolism, G-4 Centistoke, 14-8
Capillarity, 14-12 Catalyst, 22-13 Central
Capillary Catalytic angle, curve, 79-2
action, 14-12 cracking, 24-2 force field, 72-19
water, G-4 reduction, selective, 34-19 impact, 72-18
Capital recovery method, 87-15, 87-16 Categorization, microbe, 27-4 limit theorem, 11-14
Capitalized cost Category oblique impact, 72-18 (fig)
87-7, 87-15 exposure, 48-10 tendency, 11-12
method, 87-15 severity, 75-11 view, 2-1
Capitalizing the asset, 87-20 Catena, G-4 Centrate, 30-18
Capture, particle, 32-7 Catenary, 41-19 Centrifugal
Car resistance, railroad, 75-4 cable, 41-19, 41-19 (fig) factor, 79-7
Carbamate, 32-12 parameter, 41-19 force, 72-4
Carbamide urea, 32-10 Cathodic protection, 48-10 pump, 18-2, 18-4 (fig)
Carbinol, 23-1 (tbl) Cation, 25-1, G-4 pump characteristic curve, 18-17 (fig)
Carbohydrate, 23-3 (tbl), 28-14 Cauchy pump efficiency curve, 18-9 (fig)
Carbon equation, 10-5 pump, partial emission, forced
activated, 34-3 number, 1-9 (tbl) vortex, 18-13 (ftn)
adsorption, 29-13 -Schwartz theorem, 5-3 pump, suction side, 18-2
dioxide, 31-6 (tbl) Cause, driver overload, 75-9 (tbl) ratio, unbalanced, 79-7
dioxide, emission, 32-5 Caustic Centrifugation, 30-18
dioxide, in leachate, 31-9 embrittlement, 22-20 Centrifuge, 30-18
dioxide, in water, 26-15 phosphate treatment, 22-24 kerosene equivalent, 76-14
dioxide, properties, 31-6 (tbl) Cavalier projection, 2-2, 2-3 Centripetal force, 72-4, 72-5 (fig)
-fiber-reinforced concrete, 48-7 Caveat emptor, 88-7 Centroid, 9-6, 42-1, A-114
fixed, 24-4 Cavitation, 18-14, 18-15 of a line, 42-3
granular activated, 26-14, 29-13, 34-3 coefficient, 18-16 of an area, 42-1
monoxide, emission, 32-5 corrosion, 22-20 of volume, 70-1
powdered activated, 29-13 number, critical, 18-16 plastic, 52-5
steel, 58-1 preventing, 18-15 weld group, A-125
Carbonaceous CBR, 35-29, 77-6 (fig) Centroidal
bacteria, 28-9 load, 35-30 (tbl) mass moment of inertia, 70-2
demand, G-4 CD test, 35-28 moment of inertia, 42-3, 42-4
Carbonate Cell, 31-3 Century storm, 20-5
hardness, 22-21 (ftn), 25-3, 26-15, G-4 bending beam load, 85-12 Ceramic ferrule, 64-4
hardness removal, 26-15 gram-negative, 27-2 Cesspool, 29-2
reaction with alkali, 48-2 height, 31-3 Cetane number, 24-7
Carbonic acid, 22-21, 22-23, 25-2, 31-9, membrane, 27-2 CFR, G-4
34-23 (ftn) photovoltaic, 85-4 CFSTR, 30-6
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I-10 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-11
soil, Unified, 35-4, 35-6 (tbl) technology, clean, 24-5 of flow, 17-30
soil, USCS, 35-4, 35-6 (tbl) upgrading, 24-5 of friction, 72-6, 72-7, 75-5
Classified label, 82-3 Coarse of friction, static, 15-12
Clastic sedimentary rock, 35-32 aggregate, 48-2, 76-3 of friction, tire, 75-5
Clause, boilerplate, 88-4 aggregate, bulk volume, 77-4 (tbl) of friction, typical, 72-6 (tbl)
Clausius-Clapeyron equation, 14-10 (ftn) aggregate, PCC, 77-3 of gradation, 35-2
Clay, 35-3 aggregate, properties, 49-1 of heat transfer, overall, 30-17
bearing capacity, 36-5 screen, wastewater, 29-6 of lateral earth pressure, 38-3
bentonite, 40-10 Coat of lift, 17-40
braced cut, 39-2 prime, G-11 of liquid mass transfer, 34-21
cap, 31-5 seal, G-12 of passive earth pressure, 37-4
cohesion, 35-27, 38-3 tack, G-14 of permeability, 21-2
consistency, 35-22 Coating of restitution, 72-17
consolidation curve, 40-4 (fig) asphaltic, 16-11 of road adhesion, 75-5
cut in soft, 39-3 (fig) bituminous, 16-11 of rolling friction, 72-8
cut in stiff, 39-3 (fig) pipe, 16-11 of rolling resistance, 72-8
formation, 35-32 tar, 16-11 of secondary consolidation, 40-6
heave, 39-3 COD, 28-12 of skidding friction, 75-6 (tbl)
liner, 31-4 Code of the instrument, 17-28
overconsolidated, 40-3, 40-4 (fig) adjunct, 82-2 of thermal expansion, piping, 34-17 (tbl)
pipe, vitrified, 16-9, 28-4 building, 58-5, 82-1, 82-2 of thermal resistance, 85-6
raft on, 36-9, 36-11 model, 82-1 of transformation, 5-3
sensitivity, 35-29 National Electrical, 84-8 of transmissivity, 21-3
slope stability, 40-7 of ethics, 89-1 of uniformity, 21-5
varved, 40-4 of Federal Regulations, 83-1 of variation, 11-13
versus sand, 36-1, 36-2 Coding, 75-10 of velocity, 17-17, 17-29, 18-22
Clean Coefficient of viscosity, 14-6
coal technology, 24-5 absorption, 31-9 of viscous damping, 72-19
-out, G-4 ACI, shear, 47-19 orifice, 17-17 (tbl)
Cleaning coal, 24-5 active earth pressure, 37-3 oxygen saturation, 30-9
Cleanup air resistance, 75-3 partition, 27-2, G-10
advanced flue gas, 34-4 binomial, 11-2, 11-4 pipe, 16-8
flue gas, 32-2 BPTSF estimation, 73-14 (tbl) roughness, 17-8
Clear cavitation, 18-16 saturation, 67-5
distance, 50-8 chemistry, 49-8 shear, ACI, 47-19
zone, 75-13 Chezy, 19-4 skin friction, 17-5 (ftn), 17-45, 38-3
Clearance, G-4 conductivity, 35-23 slip, 65-3
period, all-red, 73-21 constant, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3 smoothing, 87-42
Clearwell, 26-13 Coriolis, 19-27 solubility, 22-10
Client, dealing with, 89-2 correlation, 11-17 spillway, 19-13
Clinker, 24-3 discharge, venturi, 17-30 stability, 53-2
Clinographic projection, 2-3 distribution, G-5 Steel rainfall, 20-6
Close-sheeting, 39-1 drag, 17-41 storage, 21-3
Closed drag, cars, 17-41 strength, 43-5, 76-22
box, 45-15 drainage, 31-7, 76-22, 77-6 thermal expansion, 44-4
-loop recovery system, 34-4 earth pressure, 37-5 torque, 45-13
traverse, 78-13 end condition, 61-3 unit weight, 49-8
Closely held corporation, 88-2 end restraint, 45-3 (tbl) valve flow, 17-13
Closure endogenous decay, 28-7, 30-7 viscous, 72-19
in departure, 78-15 film, 30-17 volumetric expansion, 44-4
in latitude, 78-15 flexibility, 47-8 web plate buckling, 63-2
traverse, 78-15 (fig) friction, 65-3 yield, 27-11, 30-7, 30-13
Cloth filter, 40-10, 80-11 friction, dynamic, 75-5 Cofactor
Cloud point, 24-7 gas absorption, 31-9 (tbl) expansion by, 4-3
Cloverleaf half-velocity, 28-6 matrix, 4-1
full, 73-25 Hazen uniformity, 35-2 of entry, 4-2
interchange, 73-25 Horton, 19-13 Cofferdam, 39-5
Cluster layer, 76-22 cellular, 39-6
information, 81-1 linear expansion, 44-3, 44-4 double-wall, 39-6
stake, 81-1 linear thermal expansion, 44-4 (tbl) liner-plate, 39-8
CMP, 16-11, A-73 load transfer, 77-7 single-wall, 39-7
Co-firing, 31-11 loss, 17-12, 17-13 (tbl), 17-14 vertical-lagging, 39-8
CO2, ultimate, 24-13 Manning’s roughness, 19-4, A-73 Cogener, 22-2
Coagulant, 26-8, 29-8 mass-transfer, 34-21 Coherent unit system, 1-2 (ftn)
dose, 26-9 matrix, 4-6 Cohesiometer, Hveem, 76-14
Coagulation, 29-8 maximum specific growth rate, 28-6 Cohesion, 14-12 (ftn), 35-26, 43-8
Coal, 24-4 maximum yield, 28-6 clay, 35-27
anthracite, 24-4 method of loss, 17-12 gravel, 35-27
ash, 24-3 method of undetermined, 10-4 intercept, 35-26
bituminous, 24-4 minor entrance loss, 19-28 (tbl) sand, 35-27
blending, 32-8 neutral stress, 21-9 soil, 35-26
cleaning, 24-5 nozzle, 18-22 Cohesionless soil, 37-2
dry ultra-fine, 32-7 of absorption, 22-10 Cohesive soil, 37-2
formation, 35-32 of compressibility, 14-13, 40-5 Coke, 24-5
lignite, 24-4 of consolidation, 40-5 -oven gas, 24-8 (ftn)
lump, 24-4 of contraction, 17-18, 17-30 Cold
micronized, 24-5 (ftn) of creep, 56-3 cracking pavement, 76-5
nut, 24-4 of curvature, soil, 35-2 flow, 43-16
property, 24-5 (tbl) of discharge, 17-18, 17-30 in-place recycling, 76-28
run-of-mine, 24-4 of drag, 17-41 planing, 76-28
substitution/blending, 32-15 of earth pressure at rest, 37-5
tar epoxy, 16-11 of expansion, thermal, 14-13 (ftn)
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I-12 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-13
volatile suspended solids, 30-5 prestressed, AASHTO tensile stress Confinement term, 55-5
Concentrator, rotor, 34-4 limit, 56-7 (tbl) Confining stress, 35-26
Concentric pretensioned, 56-2 Confirmed test, G-5
connection, 65-1 reinforced, beam, 50-1 Conflagration, G-5
connection, shear, 65-4 reinforced, slab, 51-1 Congestion pricing, 73-27
cylinder viscometer, 14-6 (ftn) retarder, 49-8 Congruency, 7-3
loading, 44-12 roller-compacted, 48-7, 76-29 Conic section, 7-8
shear connection, 65-4 sand-lightweight, 48-7 Conical pile, 80-4 (fig)
tension connection, 66-4 section, doubly reinforced, 50-24 Conjugate
Concrete, 48-1, A-42, A-43, G-4 segregation, 49-5 axis, 7-11
AASHTO compressive stress limit, self-compactible, 48-7 beam method, 44-15, 44-16, 47-6
prestressing tendon, 56-8 (tbl) self-consolidating, 48-7 beam support, 47-6
all-lightweight, 48-6, 48-7 self-placing, 48-7 complex, 3-8
asphalt, 76-2, 76-8, 76-10 shear strength, 48-6, 50-20 depth, 19-23, 19-26, G-5
asphalt, mixture, 76-4 shrinkage, compensating, 48-2 Connate water, G-5
barrier, highway, 75-13 shrinkage-compensating, 48-2 Connection
beam, deflection, 50-15, 50-17 slump, 49-1 bearing, 65-2
beam, doubly reinforced, 50-24 steel fiber-reinforced, 77-13 bolt, 45-10
beam, shear strength, 50-21 strength acceptance testing, 49-1 bolted, 65-2 (fig)
bituminous, 76-10 stress-strain curve, 48-5 (fig) concentric, 65-4
carbon-fiber-reinforced, 48-7 structural lightweight, G-5 concentric, tension, 66-4
cold-weather, 49-6 sulfate, 48-10 eccentric, 45-18, 65-1, 65-5, 66-5
column, 52-2 sulfur, 76-29 flexible, 65-7
column, long, 53-1 sulfur-asphalt, 76-29 framing, 65-7
components, properties, 49-1, 49-2 sulfur-extended, 76-29 fully restrained, 65-7
compressive strength, 48-4 (fig) test cylinder, 48-4 moment-resisting, 65-7
consolidation, 49-5 tremie, 40-10 moment-resisting framing, 65-8 (fig)
cooling, 48-5 wall, 54-1 nonconcentric, tension, 66-5
corrosion, exposure category C, 48-10 water pipe, 26-25 partially restrained, 65-7
cover, 50-8, 50-14 workability, 49-1 pinned, 60-7
curing, 48-4, 49-5 Concurrent force system, 41-6 plate, 60-7
cylinder pipe, prestressed, 16-10 Condemnation, G-5 reduction value, 60-3 (tbl)
deck system, bridge, 51-8 inverse, G-8 rigid framing, 65-7
deck, empirical design, 51-8 Condensate polishing, 22-24 shear, 65-4
deck, traditional design, 51-9 Condenser, cooling water, 32-6 simple framing, 65-7
density, 15-12 (ftn), 48-4 Condensing vapor, 34-22 slip-critical, 65-3
-disintegration cracking, 48-2 Condition tension, 65-6
durability, 49-1 anoxic, 27-6 type 1, 65-7
fiber-reinforced, 48-3, 48-7 antecedent moisture, 20-17 type 2, 65-7
flowable, 48-7 antecedent runoff, 20-17 type 3, 65-7
footing, 55-1 dry, 72-6 Connector, 65-1
form, 49-6 equilibrium, 41-6 material, 58-4
formwork, 49-6 factor, 74-4 shear, 57-2, 64-1, 64-4
full-depth asphalt, 76-26 (fig) international standard metric, 24-2 shear-stud, 64-3
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I-14 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I N D E X I-15
Othmer, 14-11 Costing matrix, 86-6 cushion, 75-13
Schulze, 29-11 Cotangent, hyperbolic, 6-5 data, 75-10, 75-15
Corrosion, 22-19 Coulomb, 84-2 estimation, 75-16
cavitation, 22-20 earth pressure theory, 37-3, 37-5 experience warrant, signalization, 73-18
concentration cell, 22-19 friction, 72-5 factor, 75-8
crevice, 22-19 Coulomb’s equation, 35-26 factor, bicyclist, 75-10
erosion, 22-19 Count, drag, 17-42 factor, intersection, 75-10
exposure category C, concrete, 48-10 Counterflexure point of, flexible factor, pedestrian, 75-10
fatigue, 22-20 bulkhead, 39-4, 39-5 factor, roadway segment, 75-10
fretting, 22-20 Counterflow mixer, 76-6 frequency, 75-16 (ftn)
galvanic, 22-18 Counterfort wall, 37-1 frequency data, 75-18 (fig)
intergranular, 22-19 Counterjib, 83-10 modification factor, 75-16
-resisting compound, 48-3 Countermeasure, 75-16 rate, 75-16 (ftn)
stress, cracking, 22-20 highway safety, 75-15 severity, 75-16
tendon, 56-6 Counterweight, 83-9, 83-10 site condition, 75-18
two-metal, 22-18 Couple, 41-4 (fig), 41-9 time, 86-9
Corrosive substance, 32-2 moment, 41-4 type, 75-15
Corrugated Coupling Crawl speed, 73-3
metal pipe, 16-11 fair, 83-7, 83-8 Credit, 87-34
steel pipe, 16-11 good, 83-7, 83-8 investment, 87-25
Corrugation, pavement, 76-5 moment, 41-4 investment tax, 87-25
Cosecant, hyperbolic, 6-5 multiplier, 83-7, 83-8 tax, 87-25
Cosine poor, 83-7, 83-8 Creed, 89-1
direction, 5-2, 7-5, 41-2 Coupon rate, 87-29 Creep, 43-16
first law of, 6-6 Course, base, G-2 coefficient of, 56-3
function, integral, 9-8, 9-9 Cover loss, 56-4
hyperbolic, 6-4, 41-19 concrete, 50-8, 50-14 modulus, plastic, 43-11
law of, 6-5 final, 31-5 pretension loss, 56-3
second law of, 6-6 plate, 61-2 primary, 43-16
versed, 6-4 plate, perforated, 61-2 rate, 43-16
Cost (see also type), 87-8, 87-32 specified, 50-8 (tbl) secondary, 43-16
accounting, 87-36 steel, 50-8 stage, 43-16 (fig)
aeration, 30-9 type, 20-17 strain, 43-16
analysis, life-cycle, 86-7 Coversed function, 6-4 strength, 43-16
annual capital, 73-27 Coversed sine, 6-4 test, 43-16
-benefit analysis, highway safety, 75-18 Cox chart, 14-10 Crenothrix, 27-6
-benefit ratio, 87-16 CPM, 86-11 Crest
building, 86-4 CPT value, 35-18 curve, 79-11, 79-14
capitalized, 87-7 CPVC pipe, 16-9, A-38 curve, length, 79-14, 79-15, 79-17
construction, 86-4 dimensions, A-38 dam, 15-11, 15-12
contingency, 86-5 Crack Crevice
direct, 86-9 alligator, 76-5 corrosion, 22-19
-effectiveness index, 75-19 salt, 22-24
-effectiveness method, 75-19 Crippling, web, 59-17
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I-16 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-17
special, 88-7 Declination, 78-12 of kinematic indeterminacy, 47-10
Damaging flood, 20-6 east, 78-12 of polynomial, 3-3
Damper, pulsation (pump), 18-2 magnetic, 78-12 of reduction, 27-11
Damping, 87-42 minus, 78-12 of redundancy, 46-1
Dangerous section, 44-11 plus, 78-12 of saturation, 35-7, 73-15
Darcian velocity, 21-4 west, 78-12 of static indeterminacy, 47-7
Darcy, 21-2 Declining Dehydration, 23-2
equation, 17-6, 17-8 balance depreciation, 87-21 (ftn) Deicing chemical, 48-10
flux, 21-4 balance depreciation recovery, 87-26 Deionized water, 22-24
friction factor, 17-5 (ftn), A-51, A-52, balance method, 87-21, 87-26 Del operator, 8-7
A-53, A-54 growth phase, 27-4 Delay
velocity, 21-4 Decoloration time, 28-13 control, 73-14
-Weisbach equation, 17-6, 17-7 Decomposition, 22-6 geometric, 73-14
Darcy’s law, 21-3, 31-7, 35-23 aerobic, 27-9 incident, 73-14
DART rate, 83-2 anaerobic, 27-9 queueing, 73-14
Data anoxic, 27-9 Delta, G-5
accident, 75-15 end product of, 27-10 (tbl) -connection, 84-11
collector, 78-5 waste, 27-9 rosette, 85-12
crash, 75-10, 75-15 Decrease, average, 11-16 DELVO admixture system, 48-3
crash frequency, 75-18 (fig) Decrement, batter, 37-1, 37-12 Demand, 87-42
facility, 75-15 Deep biochemical oxygen, 28-8, G-3
spot speed, 73-4 beam, 50-27 carbonaceous, G-4
traffic volume, 75-15, 75-16 strength asphalt pavement, 76-2 chemical oxygen, 28-12
Date well, 80-11 chlorine, 28-13, G-4
exam, 90-3 Defect, spherical, 6-6 electrical, 84-7
maturity, 87-29 Defendant, 88-6 first-stage, G-6
Datum, 78-7 Defender, 87-18 multiplier, wastewater, 28-2
Davis Deficit multiplier, water, 26-22 (tbl)
equation, 75-5 critical oxygen, 28-11 nitrogen, G-10
equation, modified, 75-5 oxygen, 28-7 nitrogenous, 28-9
Definite integral, 9-1 (ftn), 9-4 oxygen, 30-9
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I-18 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
oxygen, biochemical, 27-9 critical, 19-17, 38-2, A-76, G-5 time, 26-6, 29-7
second stage, G-12 critical, circular channel, A-76 time, hydraulic, 30-5, 30-8
starvation, 73-25 girder, 63-1 Detergent, 25-7
water, 26-20, 26-22 hydraulic, 16-6 (ftn), 19-3, G-8 Determinacy, 41-7
Demineralization, 26-22 impoundment, 20-19 Determinant, 4-3
Demineralized water, 22-24 normal, 19-6, G-10 Determinate
Denitrification, 27-9, 28-14 plate girder, 63-1 beam, type, 41-8 (fig)
anoxic, 27-6 pressure at a, 1-3 reaction, 41-8
Denitrifier, 27-6 profile, 19-22 statically, 41-7
Dense-graded mix, 76-3 side water, 29-7 truss, 41-13
Density -thickness ratio, 63-2 Deterministic method, 86-11
areal, 1-8 visual, 75-9 Detour, 73-31
areal, dust, 34-5 web, 63-1 Detrial mineral, G-5
buoyant, 35-7 Derivative, 8-1 Detritus, tank, 29-6
concrete, 15-12 (ftn), 48-4 directional, 8-6 Deuterium, 22-2
critical, traffic, 73-6 first, 8-1 Deuteron, 22-2
drainage, G-5 Laplace transform of, 10-6 Deutsch-Anderson equation, 34-9
dry, 35-7 second, 8-1 Devastating flood, 20-6
dry, maximum, 35-18 Derived Developed well, 21-4
equivalent fluid, 37-9 from rule, 32-2 Developer, 88-4
ESP power, 34-10 unit, 1-6 (tbl) Development length, 55-5
fluid, 14-3 Desalination, 26-22 masonry, 67-6
function, 11-4 Descartes’ rule of signs, 3-4 Deviate, standard normal, 11-12
function, probability, 11-4 Descriptive analysis, safety, 75-2 Deviation, standard
gauge, nuclear, 35-21 Design (see also type) log, 11-8
index, 35-8 allowable strength, 58-5 sample, 11-13
jam, G-9 basis flood, 20-6 Deviator stress, 35-26
jam, traffic, 73-6 beam-column, 62-3 Device
masonry, 15-12 (ftn) bearing stiffener, 63-4 channelization, 73-31
mass, 1-3 bearing strength, 59-18, 61-9 photoconductive, 85-4 (ftn)
moist, 35-7 capacity, 38-2, 73-5 photoemissive, 85-4 (ftn)
-on-the-run meter, 76-8 column, 61-5 pressure relief, 16-12
optical, 32-15 composite beam, 64-4 pressure-measuring, 15-2 (tbl)
optimum, 73-6 concrete deck, traditional, 51-9 Dew point, 24-14
pedestrian, 73-21 culvert, 19-31 flue gas, 24-14
power, ESP, 34-10 doubly reinforced section, 50-25 Dewatering, 26-13, 80-11, G-5
relative, 35-8, 35-17 filtering velocity, 34-5 groundwater, 31-7
saturated, 35-7 flange, 63-2 sludge, 30-18
soil, 35-7 flood, 20-5, 20-6 Dezincification, 22-19
solid, 35-8 girder web, 63-2 dfg, 24-16
submerged, 35-8, 36-8 hour volume, 73-4 Diagnosis
test, field, 35-21 interaction diagram, 52-5 procedure, transportation network, 75-17
test, in-place, 35-21 intermediate stiffener, 63-4 transportation network, 75-17
total ramp, 73-9 life, 76-19 Diagonal
traffic, 73-6 limit states, 58-5 bracing, 53-2
weight, 1-3 load and resistance factor, 58-5 matrix, 4-1
wet, 35-7 mechanistic-empirical, 77-11 parking, 73-22
zero air voids, 35-18 method, 58-5 shear reinforcement, 50-20
zero-voids, 35-8 pavement, methodology, 77-7 tension stress, 50-20
Denting, 22-24 (ftn) period, 76-19 Diagram
Deoxygenation, 28-8, G-5 power, 72-7 (ftn) cash flow, 87-3, 87-11 (fig)
rate constant, 28-8 procedure, shear reinforcement, 50-23 collision, 75-11, 75-17, 75-18 (fig)
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 27-2 professional, 88-7 coordinate, free-body, 41-21
Departure, 78-13 (fig) resilient modulus, percentile, 76-25 (tbl) drawing, shear and moment, 44-9
tangent, 79-2 sequencing, 86-8 free-body, 41-8
Dependent slab, flexure, 51-3 indicator, 85-14
event, 11-3 slab, shear, 51-3 influence, 41-10, 46-8, 46-9, 46-11,
system, 71-12 slip resistance, 65-3 46-12, 46-13
variable, 3-2 speed, 73-3, 73-4 interaction, 52-5, 52-6
Depletion, 87-24 speed, minimum, 73-4 (tbl) mass, 20-21, 80-6
allowance, 87-24 storm, 20-4, 20-5 moment, 44-8
Deposit alluvial, G-1 strength, 50-2, 50-5, 52-3 plastic moment, 59-14
Deposition, G-5 T-beam, 50-17 profile, 80-6
Depreciation, 87-20, 87-21 tension member, 60-6 Rippl, 20-21
accelerated, 87-22 tension member, LRFD, 60-6 (fig) shear, 44-8
basis, 87-20 traffic, 76-17 time-space, 73-19
bonus, 87-23 vehicle, 73-3 valve, 16-13 (tbl)
calculation, summary, 87-27 (tbl) vehicle, standard, 73-3, 73-4 (tbl), 76-18 Venn, 11-1 (fig)
period, 87-20 weathering steel, 58-6 Diameter
rate, 87-21, 87-22 Desorption aerodynamic equivalent, 32-7
recovery, 87-26 gas, 34-2 (ftn) changes, tapered, 17-13
Depression thermal, 34-22 equivalent, 16-6 (ftn) (tbl), 17-43
angle, 6-2 Destruction removal efficiency, 34-13 hydraulic, 16-6 (ftn), 17-9, 19-3
cone of, 21-5, 80-11, G-5 Destructive test, 43-14, 82-4 Diametral
storage, G-5 Desulfurization, flue gas, 24-5, 34-2 interference, 45-6
tailwater, 18-24 Detector strain, 45-6
Depth, 2-2 light-sensitive, 85-4 Diamond interchange, 73-24
alternate, 19-16, G-1 resistance temperature, 85-5 Diaphragm
-area-duration, G-5 -transducer, 85-3 flexible, 68-12
brink, 19-19 Detention (see also Retention) gauge, 15-2
concrete beam, minimum, 50-17 period, 26-6, 29-7 pump, 18-3
conjugate, 19-23, 19-26, G-5 surface, G-14 rigid, 68-12
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I N D E X I-19
Dilation, 44-2 line, centrifugal pump, 18-2 temperature, 32-8
Dilution of contract, 88-6 Distorted model, 17-45
disposal, G-5 side, 18-4 Distortion energy theory, 43-8
of position, 78-6 specific, 21-4 Distributed
of position, geodetic, 78-6 tank, 17-16, 17-17 (fig) load, 41-5
of position, horizontal, 78-6 throttling, 18-18 (fig) load, beam, 41-5 (fig)
of position, vertical, 78-6 velocity, 17-17, 21-4 load, cable, 41-18 (fig)
purification, 28-10 Discount factor, A-177, A-178 load, moment, 41-6
Dimension continuous compounding, 87-28 loading, 41-5 (fig)
bolt, 45-11 (tbl) discrete compounding, 87-7 (tbl) Distribution (see also type)
cast-iron pipe, A-44 Discounting, 87-5 and marketing, sludge, 30-20
characteristic, 16-6 Discrete compounding, discount bathtub, 11-9
concrete pipe, A-42, A-43 factor, 87-7 (tbl) beta, 86-14
concrete sewer pipe, A-42, A-43 Discriminant, 3-3, 7-9 binomial, 11-4
CPVC pipe, A-38 Discs, method of, 9-6 chart, particle size, 35-3, 35-4
ductile iron pipe, A-44, A-45 Disease, waterborne, 27-10 chi-squared, 11-7, A-13
nominal, 16-10 Disinfection, 26-20, 28-13 coefficient, G-5
of variables, 1-8 (tbl) alternative, 25-10 continuous, 11-6
primary, 1-7 by-product, 25-9, 25-10 discrete, 11-5
PVC pipe, A-38, A-39, A-40, A-41 Disintegration, 32-13 exponential, 11-6
sieve, 35-2 pavement, 76-5 factor, 47-13
steel pipe, A-31, A-32, A-33, A-34, Disjoint, set, 11-1 factor, directional, 76-17
A-35, A-36, A-37 Dispersant, 22-24 factor, lane, 76-17
Dimensional analysis, 1-8 Dispersion, 11-13 frequency, 11-10
Dimensionless, 1-8, 1-9 (tbl) relative, 11-13 function, continuous, 11-6
group, 1-8, 1-9 (tbl) test, 35-4 Galton’s, 11-8
number, 1-7, 1-9 (tbl) Displacement, 22-7, 71-3 Gaussian, 11-6
unit hydrograph, NRCS, 20-11 double, 22-7 gravity, 26-24
Dimensions linear, 71-3 hypergeometric, 11-5
BWG tubing, A-49 meter, 17-26 lane, 73-6
parking lot, 73-23 method, photogrammetry, 78-19 leptokurtic, 11-14
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I-20 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I N D E X I-21
load factor, 59-17 (ftn) evaluation, road, 73-27 value, 84-4
reaction, 72-5 (ftn) indicator, 87-39 velocity, 21-3
response, 44-8 life, 87-19, 87-20 walkway width, 73-21
similarity, 17-45 life analysis, 87-4 weld size, minimum, 66-9
viscosity, 14-6 (ftn) order quantity, 87-43 weld throat, 45-14
Dynamics, 71-1 Economical shape, most, 58-6 width, 19-11, 50-18, 64-2
vehicle, 75-2 Economics, engineering, 87-2 (ftn) width, concrete slab, 64-2
Dynamometer, 85-13 Economizer, ash, 24-3 Effectiveness
brake, 85-13 Economy, fuel, 75-4 cost-, method, 75-19
driving, 85-13 Eddy current testing, 43-12 index, cost-, 75-19
torsion, 85-13 Edge lever, 15-16
transmission, 85-13 adsorption, G-1 Efficiency, 13-6
Dyne, 1-4, 1-5, A-3 distance, hole, 65-1 boiler, 24-16
Dystrophic, G-5 three-, bearing test, 16-11 collection, 26-6, 26-7, 34-9
EDM, 78-5, 78-8 combustion, 24-16
EDTA, 25-4 compressor, 30-9
E Eductor pipe, 21-4 destruction removal, 34-13
Effect drive train, 75-3
e common ion, 22-13 electrostatic precipitator, 34-9
-folding time, 3-11 frost, 76-16 energy-production, 13-6
-log p curve, 35-24 greenhouse, 32-8 energy-use, 13-6
e-log p curve, 40-3, 40-4 impurity on mechanical furnace, 24-16
E. coli, 27-3, 27-6, 27-8, G-6 property, 43-17 (fig) isentropic, 30-9
Earplug, NRR, 83-8 isotope, 22-2 (ftn) joint, 16-10, 45-12
Earth Magnus, 17-41 lever, 15-16
atmosphere, 15-13, 15-14 (ftn) of deflection, 62-2 motor, 84-17
curvature, 78-9 P-delta, 53-1, 62-1 overall, pump, 18-9
-handling equipment, 80-9 Peltier, 85-7 (ftn) oxygen transfer, 30-9
pressure, 37-2 photoelectric, 85-4 pile group, 38-5
pressure coefficient, 37-3, 37-5 piezoelectric, 15-2, 85-4 pulley, 41-11
pressure, active, 37-2, 37-3 refraction, 78-9 (fig) pump, 18-9
pressure, Coulomb, 37-3, 37-5 second-order, 62-1, 62-2 pumping (temperature), 18-20
pressure, lateral, coefficient of, 38-3 Seebeck, 85-7 removal, 30-13, 34-7
pressure, passive, 37-2, 37-4 strain-hardening on mechanical sedimentation, 26-6
pressure, Rankine, 37-3, 37-5 property, 43-17 (fig) thermal, 24-16
rare, 22-3 stress on creep rate, 43-16 (fig) treatment, 30-6
Earthwork, 80-1 Thompson, 85-7 (ftn) volumetric, 18-3
factor, load, 80-1 venturi, 17-29 wire-to-water, 18-9
factor, swell, 80-1 Effective Efficient cross section, 19-9
measure, 80-1 annual interest rate, 87-5 Effluent, G-6
volume, 80-4 asphalt content, 76-9 disposal, 29-13
Easement, G-6 drift velocity, 34-9 stream, G-6
curve, 79-18 flange width, 50-18 (fig) Efflux, speed of, 17-17
East declination, 78-12 flange width, AASHTO, 57-2 Effort, 41-11
Eastern coal, 24-5 flexural stiffness, 53-4 tractive, 75-3
Eccentric force, 72-5 (ftn) Egg digester, 30-16
connection, 65-1, 65-5, 66-5 gauge, 79-10 Eigenvalue, 4-8
impact, 72-18 (fig) grain size, 35-2, 35-23 Eigenvector, 4-8
load, column, 45-4 green ratio, 73-15 EIR, 32-3
load, connection, 45-18 green time, 73-20 EJCDC, 88-5 (ftn)
load, footing, 36-9 head, 17-17, 18-6 pump, 18-2
loading, 44-12 height, masonry column, 69-2 Ejector
loading, axial member, 44-12 (fig) interest rate, 87-5, 87-28 Elastic
plug valve, 16-12 interest rate per period, 87-28 analysis, 45-17 (ftn)
shear connection, 65-5, 65-6 (fig) length, 61-3 beam deflection equations, A-120,
Eccentricity, 7-8, 7-11, 7-12, 44-12, 45-4 length factor, 53-3, 61-3 (tbl) A-121, A-122, A-123
column, 52-3, 52-6 length factor alignment chart, 61-3 (fig) buckling, 61-4
column, minimum, 69-3 length factor, wall, 54-2 constant, 43-9
dam, 15-12 length, column, 45-3, 53-3 constant, relationship, 43-9
in plane of faying surface, 66-5 (fig) moment of inertia, 50-16 deflection, beam, A-120, A-121,
normal to plane of faying net area, 60-3 A-122, A-123
surface, 66-5 (fig) number of passes, 29-10 deformation, 44-2, 46-2
normal to plane of faying surfaces, 66-5 period, 87-2 design, steel, 59-8
normalized, 52-3 pile length, 38-3 failure, 44-19
orbit, 72-21 (tbl) porosity, 21-2 fixed-end moments, A-126, A-127
plane of faying surfaces, 66-5 pressure, 37-9, 40-5 impact, 72-17
torsional, 45-17 radius of gyration, steel beam, 59-3 limit, 43-3
rate per compounding period, 87-28 line, 44-14
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I-22 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I N D E X I-23
Chezy-Manning, 19-4 Equilibrium, 72-2 A-15
Clausius-Clapeyron, 14-10 (ftn) charge, 34-9 function, complementary, 11-8, A-15
Colding, 31-7 chemical, 22-13, 22-14 limits range, 85-7
Colebrook, 17-5, 17-6 condition, 41-6 magnitude, 85-2, 85-3
complementary, 10-1 condition, force system, 41-6 (tbl) of the mean, probable, 78-2
complete isothermal flow, 17-10 constant, 22-15 order of, 78-4
continuity, 17-3 dynamic, 72-5 probable, 78-2
Coulomb’s, 35-26 elevation, 79-10 product, 78-4
Darcy, 17-6, 17-8 isopiestic, 14-10 (ftn) standard, 11-13
Darcy-Weisbach, 17-6, 17-7 method, beam, 47-17 straight line, 45-20 (ftn)
Davis, 75-5 neutral, 72-2 sum, 78-4
Davis, modified, 75-5 phase, 72-6 terms, 85-3 (tbl)
Deutsch-Anderson, 34-9 simulated, 72-5 (ftn) type, 85-2
differential, 10-1 stable, 72-2 type I, 11-14
Donnan, 31-7 static, 15-18, 41-6 (ftn) type II, 11-15
dose, 26-9 three-dimensional, 41-21 Errors and omissions insurance, 88-8
Dupuit, 21-5, 80-11 unstable, 72-2 ESAL, 76-16, 76-17
ellipse, 31-7 Equipment 18–kip, 76-20
Engineering News Record, 38-2 angle measurement, 78-12 Escape velocity, 72-21
ENR, 38-2 compaction, 35-19 (fig) Escarpment, G-6
Euler’s, 3-8, 10-5 earth-handling, 80-9 Escherichia coli, 27-3
extended Bernoulli, 17-15 rolling, 76-8 Escherichieae coli (see also E. coli), G-6
first-order, 10-1 Equipotential line, 17-3, 21-7 Escort vehicle, 74-3
Francis weir, 19-11 Equity, 87-35 ESP
Gauss’ hypergeometric, 10-5 Equivalence, economic, 87-5 collection efficiency, 34-9
Hagen-Poiseuille, 17-7 Equivalency design parameter, 34-10 (tbl)
Hazen-Williams, 17-8 factor, axle load, flexible power density, 34-10
Hazen’s, 35-23 pavement, A-166, A-167, A-168 removal efficiency, 34-9
Henderson-Hasselbach, 27-3 factor, axle load, rigid tubular, 34-8 (ftn)
homogeneous, 3-7 pavement, A-169, A-170, A-171 Espey
homogeneous differential, 10-1, 10-2 Equivalent, 22-5 10-minute unit hydrograph, 20-13
Horton, 19-13, 21-9 annual cost, 87-16 conveyance factors, 20-12
Horton-Einstein, 19-10 axial compression method, 62-2 method, 20-12
interaction, 62-2 CaCO3, 22-20 synthetic unit hydrograph, 20-12
Jacob’s, 21-7 centrifuge, kerosene, 76-14 Ester, 23-1 (tbl), 23-3 (tbl)
Karman-Nikuradse, 17-5 chemical, 22-5 Estimate, precise, 85-2
layer-thickness, 76-22 diameter, 16-6 (ftn) (tbl), 17-43 Estimating
Legendre, 10-5 factor, A-177, A-178 cost, 86-3
linear, 3-6, 3-7 fluid density, 37-9 parameter method, 86-6
linear differential, 10-1 fluid height, 15-5 (tbl) Estimation, crash, 75-16
Lloyd-Davies, 20-14 (ftn) fluid pressure, 37-9 Estimator, 86-3
logistic, 27-4 fluid weight, 37-9 unbiased, 11-12, 11-13
Manning, 19-4 frame method, 51-5 Estuary, G-6
Manning, nomograph, A-74 hydrostatic pressure, 37-9 Ethanol, 24-7
Mohr-Coulomb, 35-26 (ftn) investment, life of, 87-39 (ftn) Ether, 23-1 (tbl), 23-3 (tbl)
Monod’s, 28-6 Joule, 13-1 Ethical priority, 89-2
Nikuradse, 17-5 length, 17-12 Ethics, 89-1
nonhomogeneous, 3-7 length, straight pipe, fittings, A-56 code of, 89-1
nonhomogeneous differential, 10-1, 10-3 pressure, 37-9 Ethyl alcohol, 24-7
nonlinear, 10-1 resultant force, 41-4 EUAC versus age at retirement, 87-19 (fig)
nonparametric, 3-3 single-axle load, 76-16 Eukaryote, 27-1
NRC, 29-10 spring constant, 45-20 Euler
NRCS lag, 20-4 truck/bus/RV, 73-7 buckling, 61-2
O’Connor and Dobbins, 28-7 uniform annual cost, 87-7, 87-16 buckling load, 53-5
of condition, 46-1 vector, 5-1 (ftn) buckling load theory, 61-2
parametric, 3-2 vehicle, 73-7 load, 45-2, 61-2
quadratic, 3-3, 7-9 weight, 22-5, G-6 number, 1-9 (tbl)
rational, 20-14 weight, milligram, 22-11 stress, 45-3
reduced, 10-1 Equivalents Euler’s
Refutas, 14-16 calcium carbonate, A-85, A-86 constant, 9-9
Rehbock weir, 19-11 population, 28-3 curve, 45-3
Rohsenow, 14-11 velocity, 21-3 equation, 3-8, 10-5
Schaake, Geyer, and Knapp, 20-14 water chemistry, A-85, A-86 equation of motion, 72-10
SCS lag, 20-11 Erf, 9-9 European method, distance
second-order, 10-1 Erg, 1-5, A-3 measurement, 78-8
simultaneous linear, 3-6, 3-7 Erodible channel, 19-26 Eutrophic, G-6
steady-flow energy, 16-2 side-slope, 19-26 Eutrophication, 25-7, G-6
Streeter-Phelps, 28-10 velocity, 19-26
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I-24 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I N D E X I-25
lane and shoulder adjustment, 73-13 conditional probability of, 11-9 and strain, 43-6 (fig)
lane distribution, 76-17, 76-18 (tbl) cup-and-cone, 43-5 Ferrule. ceramic, 64-4
lateral torsional buckling, 59-4 ductile, mode, 50-6 FFS, 73-9
lightweight aggregate, 50-16, 55-2, 55-5 energy versus temperature, 43-16 (fig) FFT, 9-8
live-load, 74-4 envelope, 35-26 analyzer, 9-8
load (haulage), 40-9, 50-3, 80-1 fatigue, 43-9 Fiber
load equivalency, 76-17 fracture, 74-1 core wire rope, 45-21
load, bedding, 40-9 line, 35-26 extreme, 42-7
loading, 31-3 mean time before, 11-9 (ftn) -reinforced concrete, 48-3, 48-7
long-term deflection, 56-3 mean time to, 11-9 -reinforced concrete, steel, 77-13
Meyerhof, 36-3, 36-4 (tbl) mode, steel beam, 59-4 Fiberglass, 32-4
moment, 59-4 probability, 11-3 Fiduciary responsibility, 88-3
moment amplification, 62-1 shear, soil, 36-2 Field
nonquantifiable, 87-2 slope circle, 40-7 capacity, 31-7
nonquantitative, 87-2 soil, 35-26 condition, crash, 75-18
nut, 45-13 toe circle, 40-7 condition, transportation, 75-15
of safety, overturning, 15-12 veneer, 31-5 density test, 35-21
of safety, sliding, 15-12 Faith of an Engineer, 89-1 (ftn) inverse-square attractive, 72-19
overload, 45-2 Fall inverse-square repulsive, 72-19
peak hour, 73-5 arrest system, 83-7 File hardness, 43-13
peaking, 28-2 protection, 83-7, 83-9 Fill, 80-2
phase, 84-7 Falling and cut, 80-2
pipe, 16-8 -head test, 35-23 broad, 40-9
piping geometry, 17-14 limb, 20-7 embankment, 40-9
plastification, web, 63-6, 63-7 mass energy, 13-3 Filled metal deck, 57-4
power, 84-7, 84-9 weight deflectometer, 76-16 Filler
reinforcement location, 55-5 False factor, 65-3
reinforcement size, 55-5 position method, 12-2 (ftn) metal, 58-4, 66-1
resistance, 74-4 positive error, 11-14 mineral, 76-3
Reynolds number, 17-14 Familiarity factor, 73-9 Fillet weld, 45-14, 66-2, 66-3 (fig), 66-9
roadway, 75-8 Family size, minimum, 66-3 (tbl)
section, 19-3 chemical, 22-2 Film coefficient, 30-17
separation, 34-8 organic compound, 23-1, 23-2, 23-3 Filming amine, 22-23
service, 72-7 (ftn), 84-13 Fan brake, 85-13 Filter
shape, 35-23, 36-3 Fanning friction factor, 17-5 (ftn) backwashing, 26-13
side friction, 38-3, 72-8, 79-7 Faraday, 84-2, A-1, A-2 berm, 32-14
single payment present worth, 87-5 Faraday’s law of induction, 17-27 biofilm, 26-14
sinking fund, 87-7 Fast biological, 29-8
size, 55-5 Fourier transform, 9-8 cake, 30-20
slenderness, reduction, 68-7 track pavement, 76-29 chamber, 32-14
stability correlation, 76-12 (tbl) tracking, 86-9 cloth, 40-10, 80-11
stadia interval, 78-8 Fastener, 45-9, 65-1 drag, 34-5
standard cash flow, A-177 allowable, 65-3 drag model, 34-5
stiffness reduction, axial load, 53-4 available load, 65-3 dual-layer, 26-13
stiffness reduction, lateral load, 53-4 critical, 45-18 fixed media, 29-8
strain sensitivity, 85-8 stress, static loading, 65-3 (tbl) fly, 29-8
strength reduction, 50-5 tension connection, 65-6 (fig) high-rate, 29-8
stress concentration, 44-5 Fatigue low-rate, 29-8
stress concentration, press fit, 45-9 corrosion, 22-20 multi-layer, 26-13
stripping, 34-21 damage value, relative, 76-20 multi-media, 26-13
surface area, 76-6 failure, 43-9 others, 26-14
surface finish, 43-10 life, 43-9 polishing, 29-12
swell, 80-1 limit state, 74-4 (ftn) porous, 21-5
system, 74-4 loading, 58-5 press, belt, 30-18
T- (truck), 73-8 low-cycle, 43-9 press, recessed plate, 30-18
table, economic analysis, A-177, A-178 notch factor, 43-10 pressure, 26-14
Terzaghi, 36-3 (tbl) notch sensitivity, 43-10 ratio, 34-5
time, 40-5 ratio, 43-9 resistance, 34-5
transverse sensitivity, 85-9 resistance, pavement, 76-4 roughing, 29-9
truck, 76-17 strength, 43-9 sand, 26-13, 29-12
utilization, 73-28 stress concentration factor, 43-10, 44-5 sand, bed, 32-14
vehicle, 75-8 test, 43-9 sand, rapid, 26-13
velocity of approach, 17-29 Fatty acid, 23-2 (tbl), 27-9 sand, slow, 26-14
Vesic, 36-3, 36-4 (tbl) Faulting, pavement, 76-5 specific area, 29-9
wall shear stress, 17-5 (ftn) Faying surface, 22-20, 65-3 standard-rate, 29-8
weighting, 87-42 Fecal coliform, 27-8, G-6 super high-rate, 29-9
yield, 27-12 Fee trickling, 29-8
fixed, cost plus, 88-5
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I-26 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I N D E X I-27
supercritical, 19-16, G-14 ash, pavement, 77-12 cis, 3-8
surface, 20-7 (ftn) filter, 29-8 concrete, 49-6
through, profit, 88-2 Flying form, 49-7 drag, 17-41
-through velocity, 26-5 Focus, 7-10 exponential, 3-7, 3-8
tranquil, 19-16, G-14 Food-to-microorganism ratio, 30-5 flying, 49-7
tubular, 30-6 Foot functional, 3-2
turbulent, 16-7, 17-5 board, 1-8 general, 7-5
type, 19-2 crow’s, 81-3 intercept, 7-5
type-n, culvert, 19-29 standard cubic, 24-2 log-linear, 3-11
uniform, 16-9, 19-2, 19-4, 19-6, G-14 Footing, 36-2 Newton, 12-3 (ftn)
uninterrupted, 73-3 cantilever, 36-2 normal, 7-5
unit width, 73-21 column, 36-2, 55-3 operational, log, 3-5
unsteady, well, 21-6 combined, 36-2 phasor, 3-8, 84-5
value, asphalt mix, 76-11 concrete, 55-1 phasor, vector, 5-2
varied, 19-21, G-15 eccentric load, 36-9 point-slope, 7-5
versus density, 73-7 (fig) isolated, 36-2 polar, 3-8, 7-5
viscous, 16-7 loading, 55-2 (fig) polar, vector, 5-2
work, 13-3 overturning moment, 36-9 (fig) rectangular, 3-7
Flowable concrete, 48-7 spread, 36-2 rectangular, vector, 5-2
Flowchart strip, 36-2 row canonical, 4-2
analysis, 59-6 (fig) wall, 36-2, 55-2 row-reduced echelon, 4-1
design, 59-9 (fig) Force (see also type), 41-2, 72-2 slope-intercept, 7-5
Flowing accelerating, railroad, 75-4 standard, 7-9
well, G-6 adfreeze, 38-6 standard polynomial, 3-3
Flowmeter amplification, 41-11 tie, 49-6
electromagnetic, 17-27 axial member, 41-12 trigonometric, 3-7
magnetic, 17-27 buoyant, 15-16 two-point, 7-5
ultrasonic, 17-28 center of, 72-19, 72-20 Formality, 22-11
Flue gas centrifugal, 72-4 Formation
24-12, 32-4 (ftn) centripetal, 72-4, 72-5 (fig) artesian, G-2
calculation, 24-13 component and direction angle, 41-2 (fig) constant, 22-15
cleanup, 32-2 concentrated, 41-2 enthalpy, 22-17, 22-18
desulfurization, 24-5, 34-2 constant, 72-2 heat of, 22-17
dew-point, 24-14 conversions, SI, A-3 Forming, slip, 49-7
recirculation, 34-10 -couple system, 41-4 Forms, concrete pressure on, 49-8
temperature, 24-14 downdrag, 38-6 Formula
Fluid draft air injection, 26-4 Babcock, 17-10
Bingham, 14-7 equivalent resultant, 41-4 Camp, 29-6
density, 14-3 external, 41-2, 72-2 Cardano’s, 3-4
dilatant, 14-7 field, central, 72-19 chemical, 22-4, A-88
friction, 72-5 g-, 72-4 Churchill, 28-7, 28-8
height equivalent, 15-5 (tbl) impulsive, 72-15 Colding, 31-7
ideal, 14-2 inertial, 70-2, 72-5 Donnan, 31-7
Newtonian, 14-2, 14-7 inertial resisting, 75-2 double-angle, 6-3
non-Newtonian, 14-2 internal, 41-2, 41-13, 72-2 Dulong’s, 24-14
pressure, 14-2, 15-15 linear-velocity-dependent, 72-18 empirical, 22-6
pseudoplastic, 14-7 main, 28-4, G-6 FAA, 20-4
real, 14-2 majeure, 88-4 G.K., 19-4 (ftn)
rheopectic, 14-7 member, 41-16 half-angle, 6-4
shear stress, 14-6 normal, 15-12, 72-4 (ftn), 72-6, 75-5 Hazen’s, 21-2, 35-23
specific weight, equivalent, 37-9 normal, on a dam, 15-11 J. B. Johnson, 45-4
stream coordinates, 17-18 (fig) on a dam, 15-11 kinematic wave, 20-4
thixotropic, 14-7 on blade, jet, 17-35 Korteweg, 17-39
type, 14-2 on pipe bend, 17-36 Lagrange’s, 5-5
velocity, maximum, 17-3 on plate, jet, 17-34 Maney, 45-13
viscosity type, 14-6 point, 41-2 Manning, 19-4
Fluidity, 14-6 pound, A-3 Marston’s, 40-8
Fluidized-bed quadratic velocity-dependent, 72-19 miscellaneous, angle, 6-4
boiler, 34-11 reversed effective, 72-5 (ftn) NRC, 29-10
combustion, 24-5 specific, 19-15 O’Connor and Dobbins, 28-7
combustor, 34-10 (fig) system equilibrium condition, 41-6 (tbl) Panhandle, 17-10
Fluke, 27-8 system, type, 41-6 parabolic column, 45-4
Flume, G-6 tendon jacking, 50-4 prismoidal, 80-5
Parshall, 19-14 tensile, 41-16 rational, 20-14
Parshall, K-values, 19-14 (tbl) tension, 41-16 secant, 45-4
Fluoridation, 26-14 tractive, 75-3 soil parameter, 35-8
chemicals, 25-6 tractive, locomotive, 75-4 Spitzglass, 17-10
Fluoride ion, in water, 25-6 unbalanced, 41-1, 72-4 Steel, 20-5
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I-28 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
Taylor’s, 8-8 Freedom, degree of, 11-7, 47-10, 71-1, 71-12 heave, 37-12, 38-6
two-angle, 6-4 chi-squared, 11-7, 11-8 jacking, 38-6
uniform acceleration, 71-4 (tbl) Freehaul, G-7 pavement, 76-30
Velz, 29-11 distance, 80-8 susceptibility, G-7
weight, 22-5 Freeman’s formula, 26-24 (ftn) Froude number, 1-9 (tbl), 17-47, 19-18
Weymouth, 17-10 Freeway, 73-3, 73-7, 73-8, G-7 Fuel
Formwork, 49-6 weaving segment, 73-26 (fig) -bound NOx, 32-9
concrete pressure on, 49-8 Freeze consumption, vehicular, 75-3, 75-4
pressure on, 49-8 in piles, G-7 diesel, 24-7
stay-in-place, 51-9 -thaw cycle, 76-16 economy, 75-3, 75-4
Forward /thaw, exposure category F, loss, unburned, 24-16
pass, G-6 concrete, 48-10 NOx, 32-9
soil pressure, 37-2 Freezing, 76-30 oil, 24-6
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I N D E X I-29
ledger, 87-33 complex, 27-2
Galvanic ledger system, 87-33 (ftn) Gon, 78-7
action, 22-18 motion, 72-2 Gore, G-7
corrosion, 22-18 Motors barrier, 75-13 area, 73-26
series, 22-19 (tbl) overhead, 86-6 GPS, 78-6
Galvanized steel pipe, 16-10 partner, 88-1 stand-alone navigational mode, 78-6
Gamma integral function, 9-8 (ftn) plane motion, 72-2 surveying, kinematic, 78-6
Gantt chart, 86-9, 86-10 plant overhead, 87-33 surveying, pseudokinematic, 78-6
Gap, 73-6, G-7 shear failure, 36-2 Grab
critical, 73-6 term, 3-10 sample, 28-15
-graded, G-7 triangle, 6-5 (fig) sampling, 22-24
-graded mixture, 76-3 Generation trip, 73-5 Grad, angular measurement, 78-7
-graded soil, 35-2 Generator, 84-11 (ftn), 84-15 Gradation, 35-2
traffic, 73-6 pollution, 32-2 Grade, 78-7
Garbage, 24-4, 31-1 Generic collector collection efficiency, 34-19 asphalt, 76-2
Gas, 34-9 Geobar, G-7 bolt, 45-9
absorption, 34-2 Geocell, G-7 change, rate of, 79-12
absorption coefficient, 31-9 (tbl) Geocomposite, G-7 line, 80-3
acid, 32-4 liner, 31-4 line, energy, 16-8, 17-15
blast-furnace, 24-8 (ftn) Geodetic line, energy, without friction, 16-9 (fig)
coke-oven, 24-8 (ftn) dilution of position, 78-6 line, hydraulic, 16-8, 17-16
collection, 31-6 level, 78-10 line, hydraulic, without
constant, universal, 14-10 survey, 78-5 friction, 16-9 (fig)
degradability, 34-7 (tbl) Geofoam, G-7 point, 80-3, 81-3, 81-5 (fig)
desorption, 34-2 (ftn) Geographic Information System, 78-7 resistance, 75-2
digester (see also Methane), 30-16 Geogrid, 31-5, G-7 roadway, 75-2
dissolved in liquid, 22-9 Geoid, 78-6 rod, 81-4, 81-5 (fig)
extraction well, 31-6 Geomat, G-7 rod reading, 81-4
flue, 24-12 Geomembrane, 31-4, G-7 stake, 81-1
friction loss, 17-9 Geometric steel, 48-10
greenhouse, 32-8 delay, 73-14 structural rivet, 45-9 (ftn)
incompressible, 16-2 (ftn) design, airport, 79-21 viscosity, 14-9
landfill, 31-5 design, railway, 79-21 weathering, 67-5
liquefied petroleum, 24-8 growth, 3-11 Graded performance, asphalt, 76-15
manufactured, 24-8 (ftn) mean, 11-12 Gradian, 78-7
metal arc welding, 66-2 sequence, 3-11 Gradient, G-7
methane, 30-16 series, 3-12 cash flow, 87-8, 87-9 (fig)
natural, 24-8, 24-11 similarity, 17-45 energy, 19-3, G-6
noble, 22-3 slope, 19-3 factor, exponential, 87-26
off-, 34-21 stress concentration, 44-4 hydraulic, 21-2
producer, 24-8 (ftn) Geonet, G-7 roadway, 75-2
properties, A-95 Geopipe, G-7 ruling, 75-4
specific heat, 24-2 Geospacer, G-7
stack, 24-12 Geostationary orbit, 72-20
sulfur in stack, 32-4
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I-30 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-31
power line, 83-7 Heel, 15-18 (ftn), 37-12 Histogram, 11-10, 85-3
salinity, 25-11 dam, 15-11, 15-12 History accident and crash, warrant,
sodium, 25-11 retaining wall, 54-3 signalization, 73-18
Hazardous Height, 2-2 HIV, 27-10
air pollutant, 32-2 building, allowable, 82-8 HL-93
material, 33-1 cell, 31-3 design load, 74-4
spill, 32-15 critical, excavation, 39-3 standard truck, 74-4
waste, 32-2 measurement, parallax, 78-20 truck, 76-18
waste incinerator, 34-15 (fig) object, 78-19 Hobby, 87-12 (ftn)
waste, disposition, 33-2 packing, 34-22 HOCl fraction, ionized, 26-20
waste, incineration, 34-14 instrument, 78-10, 81-4 Hoist, 41-11
Hazen-Williams transfer unit, 34-22 Hoisting
constant, A-50 piezometric, 21-2 cable, 45-21
empirical formula, 21-2 rebound, 72-17 rope, extra-flexible, 45-21
equation, 17-8 roughness, 2-4 Hole
formula, 35-23 waviness, 2-4 cased, G-4
nomograph, A-57 Helix, 7-12 drilled, 60-2
roughness pipe, A-50 pitch, 7-12 in beam, 59-17
uniformity coefficient, 35-2 thread angle, 45-14 lamp, G-9
velocity, 19-6 Helmet, 83-7 oversized, 65-1
Hazmat, 33-1 Helminth, 27-4 punched, 60-2
HCM exhibit, two-line highway Henderson-Hasselbach equation, 27-3 slotted, 65-1
adjustment, 73-13 (tbl) Henry’s law, 22-9, 34-21 spacing, 65-1
HDPE pipe, 16-9 constant, 22-9 (tbl), 34-21 (tbl) standard, 60-2
Head, 15-5 (ftn), 18-6, G-8 Hepatitis, 27-6 tap, 15-3
acceleration, 18-2, 18-3 (ftn) Herbicide, 32-12 Hollow
added, 17-15 Hess’ law, 22-18 brick, 67-2
added, pump, 17-15 Heterotroph, 27-4 structural section, 58-3
dynamic, 18-6 Hexachlorobenzene, 32-12 Holographic
effective, 17-17, 18-6 Hideout, 22-24 NDT method, 43-13
extracted, 17-15 High testing, 43-13
friction, 18-6 -density screed, 76-7 Holomorphic function, 8-1
hydraulic, 26-13 -early strength portland cement, 48-1 Holonomic coordinate, 71-2
impact, 16-4 -head turbine, 18-21 Homogeneous
loss, 17-4 -lift safety valve, 16-12 circuits, law of, 85-7
loss, effect of viscosity, 17-11 -occupancy vehicle, 73-7 differential equation, 10-1, 10-2
loss, friction, 17-4 -performance concrete, 48-6 linear equation, 3-7
loss, slurry, 17-11 -performance steel, 58-6 second-order, 10-3
protection, 83-7 -performance steel plate, mechanical unit system, 1-2 (ftn)
static discharge, 18-6 property, 58-6 (tbl) Homologous
static suction, 18-6 purity oxygen aeration, 30-4 family, pump, 18-13 (ftn)
total, 16-2 -range water reducer, 48-3 pump, 18-13
velocity, 18-6 -rate aeration, 30-4 Honeycomb concrete, 49-5
Headed -rate filter, 29-8 Hook, 50-23
deformed bar, 55-6 -slump concrete, 48-3 standard, 55-6 (fig)
stud, 64-3 -speed exit, 73-31 standard, masonry, 67-7
Header information, 81-1 -speed taxiway, 73-31 Hooke’s law, 43-2, 44-2 (fig), 45-20, 85-11
speed, 73-3 -strength bolt, 58-4, 65-1 Hoop
Headlight sight distance, 79-16 -strength concrete, 48-6 beam, 50-20
Headwall, G-8 -strength low-alloy steel, 58-1 stress, 45-4, 45-6
Headway, 73-6, G-8 -strength steel, 58-7 Horizon, 87-3, G-8
Health, company, 87-35 temperature, structural steel, analysis, 87-17
Heaping capacity, 80-9 properties, A-151 Horizontal
Hearing protection, 83-8 Higher heating value, 24-14 auxiliary view, 2-2
device, 83-8 Highly significant results, 11-14 circular curve, 79-1
Heat Highway (see also type), 73-3, 75-15 curve elements, 79-2 (fig)
capacity, 13-4 arterial, G-2 curve, through point, 79-6 (fig)
conversion, SI, A-3 barrier, 75-13 dilution of position, 78-6
loss, 30-17 belt, G-2 flow, grit chamber, 29-6
of combustion, 24-14, A-94 Capacity Manual, 73-2 joint reinforcement, 67-7
of formation, 22-17 Class I, 73-12 multiplier, 83-7, 83-8
of hydration, G-8 Class II, 73-12 shear, 44-10
of reaction, 22-18 Class III two-lane, 73-12 sightline offset, 79-11
release rate, 31-10 curve, 79-3 stadia measurement, 78-8 (fig)
specific, 13-4 divided, 73-3, G-5 Horsepower, 13-6, A-1, A-2
transfer, 30-17 guardrail, 75-13 aero, 17-42
transfer coefficient, 30-17 interchange, 73-23 boiler, 24-16, 24-17
transfer, fluid viscosity, A-24 multilane, 73-10 friction, 18-9
Heating rainwater runoff, 32-14 hydraulic, 17-15, 18-8 (tbl)
friction, 17-4 (ftn) safety, 75-2 shaft, 45-14
losses, 84-17 segment (see also Segment), 75-10 theoretical, 17-15
value, 24-14 specific downgrade, 73-12 water, 17-15, 18-8
value, methane, 30-17 specific upgrade, 73-12 Horton
Heave, 21-9 speed, average, 73-3 coefficient, 19-13
clay, 39-3 two-lane, 73-12 -Einstein equation, 19-10
frost, 37-12, 38-6 undivided, 73-3 equation, 19-13, 21-9
Heavy Highway Safety Manual, 75-2 Hot
hydrogen, 22-2 Hindered settling zone, 30-14 in-place recycling, 76-28
metal, 22-3 Hinge, 41-10 mix asphalt, 76-2, 76-10
metal, in wastewater, 28-14 joint, 77-12 mix asphalt concrete, 76-10
vehicle factor, 73-8 plastic, 44-19, 47-2, 47-17 mix asphaltic concrete, 76-2
vehicle median barrier, 75-13 (fig) Hinged base, pole, 75-13 mix recycling, 76-28
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I-32 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-33
Income, 87-34 wastewater, 28-2, 28-8, 29-1 occupational, 83-2
bracket, 87-25 wastewater pollution, 34-23 (tbl) Inlet
net, 87-34 wastewater, standards, 29-1 control, 19-27
tax, 87-24 Industry classification system, 83-2 (ftn) curb, 28-5
Incomplete combustion, 24-12 Inelastic grate, 28-5
Incompressible gas, 16-2 (ftn) analysis, 47-2 gutter, 28-5
Inconsistent system, 3-7 buckling, 61-4 pressure, net positive, 18-2 (ftn)
Increase, average, 11-16 design, 59-8 Inline sampling, 22-24
Incremental first-order analysis, 47-2 Inner transition element, 22-3
analysis, 87-17 impact, 72-17 Innovative method, 32-15
cost, 87-32 second-order analysis, 47-2 Inorganic
Incursion, lane, 79-20 strain, 43-3 chemical, 28-14
Indefinite integral, 9-1 (ftn), 9-2, 9-4, A-10 Inequality, 4-4 compound, volatile, 32-16
Indenter, Brale, 43-13 Inertia, 70-2 salt, removal, in wastewater, 29-3
Independent area moment, 42-3 Insecticide (see also Pesticide), 32-12
event, 11-3 centroidal mass moment, 70-2 Insensitivity, 85-2
float, G-8 centroidal moment of, 42-3, 42-4 experiment, 11-12
variable, 3-2 cracked, transformed, 50-15 Inspection
wire rope core, 45-21 mass moment of, 70-2, A-165 polynomial, 3-4
Indeterminacy moment of, 42-3, A-114, A-165 radiographic, 82-4
degree of, 41-7, 41-8, 46-1 polar moment of, 42-6 Instability, 85-2
kinematic, degree of, 47-10 principal moment of, 42-8 Instant center, 71-13
static, degree of, 47-7 product of, 42-7, 70-2 Instantaneous
Indeterminate rectangular moment of, 42-3 center, 71-13
beam formulas, resistance, vehicle, 75-2 center of acceleration, 71-14
A-128, A-129, A-130, A-131, A-132 vector, 70-2, 72-5 (ftn) center of rotation, 66-7
statically, 41-7, 46-1 Inertial center of rotation method, 65-5, 65-6
statics, 46-1 force, 70-2, 72-5 center, constrained cylinder, 72-12 (fig)
system, 41-8 (fig) frame of reference, 71-10 deflection, 50-15
truss, 46-7 frame of reference, Newtonian, 71-10
resisting force, vehicle, 75-2
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I-34 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-35
probability, 11-3 Pearson’s, 11-14 joint, 66-2
processing, 28-2 Kutta-Joukowsky joint, bolted, 45-10
quality factor, 16-10 result, 17-41 length, wire, 67-7
reinforcement, 67-7 theorem, 17-41 Laplace transform, 10-5, A-11
spacing, 77-11 Kutter equation, 19-4 (ftn) of a derivative, 10-6
warping, 77-12 kVA rating, 84-14 table, A-11
weakened plane, 77-11 inverse, 10-6
Jointed Lapse rate, G-9
concrete pavement, 77-2 L dry, G-9
reinforced concrete pavement, 77-2 wet, G-9
Joints (see also type) L’Hôpital’s rule, 3-9 Large eccentricity, 52-6
method of, 41-14 Label Last-in, first-out method, 87-38
Joist, 59-2 classified, 82-3 Latency, 27-10
construction, 50-21 listed, 82-3 Lateral, G-9
Joule, 1-5, A-3 UL, 82-3 acceleration, rate of increase, 79-18
equivalent, 13-1 Labor bracing, 59-3
Joule’s direct, 87-32 buckling, 44-19
constant, 13-1 variance, 87-36 buckling, in beam, 59-3 (fig)
law, 13-5 Laboratory buckling, flange support, 44-19 (fig)
Journal, 87-33 settling column test, 26-6 earth pressure, coefficient, 38-3
Judgment factor, 87-2 strength, pipe, 40-9 load, stiffness reduction factor, 53-4
Jump, hydraulic, 16-9 (ftn), 19-23, G-8 Laborer’s lien, 88-5 offset between tangent and curve, 79-21
Junction, 85-6 Laced column, 61-2 (ftn) pressure on formwork, 49-8
Juvenile water, G-9 Lacing bar, 61-2 (ftn) ratio, 79-7
Lag spreading cracking, pavement, 76-5
equation, NRCS, 20-4 strain, 43-4
equation, SCS, 20-11
K phase, 27-3
support, 59-3
tie, masonry column, 69-2
K time, 20-11 torsional buckling modification
-out-of-n system, 11-10 Lagging, G-9 factor, 59-4
-rail barrier, 75-13 circuit, 84-7 Latex
-value, 45-20, 77-5, 77-6 (tbl) storm method, 20-13 -modified concrete, 77-13
-value method, 79-15 Lagoon synthetic, 76-5
-waste, 32-2 aerated, 29-5 Lath, 81-1
KABCO severity scale, 75-16 stabilization, 29-4 Latitude, 78-13 (fig)
Karman-Nikuradse equation, 17-5 Lagrange stream function, 17-4 Lattice bar, 61-2 (ftn)
Kepler’s law, 72-20 Lagrange’s formula, 5-5 Latticed column, 61-2 (ftn)
Kern, 44-13, 69-3 Lagrangian interpolating polynomial, 12-2 Latus rectum, 7-10, 7-11
cross section, 44-13 (fig) Lake Launching, 75-13
Kernel, 44-13 dimictic, G-5 Lava, G-9
Kerosene meromictic, G-9 Law
equivalent, centrifuge, 76-14 monomictic, G-10 Abrams’, strength, 48-4
Ketone, 23-3 (tbl) polymictic, G-11 affinity, 18-18
Key, 37-1 (ftn) Lame’s solution, 45-5 associative, addition, 3-3
component, 34-21 Lamella plate, 26-6 associative, multiplication, 3-3
Kick-out, toe, 39-5 Laminae, 16-7 Avogadro’s, 22-5, G-2
Kilograin (unit), 26-17 (ftn) Laminar commutative, addition, 3-3
Kilogram, 1-1 flow, 16-7, 17-5 commutative, multiplication, 3-3
Kilowatt tube, 26-6 conservation of momentum, 17-33
-hours, 18-10 Lamp hole, G-9 Dalton’s, 24-14, 31-6
hydraulic, 18-8 (tbl) Land ban, 33-2 Darcy’s, 21-3, 31-7, 35-23
Kinematic Landfill, 31-2 distributive, 3-3
equation, Manning, 20-3 cap, 31-5 Green’s, 2-4
GPS surveying, 78-6 capacity, 31-3 Henry’s, 34-21
indeterminacy, degree of, 47-10 containment, 31-2 Hess’, 22-18
viscosity, 14-8, 16-7 gas, 31-5 Hooke’s, 43-2, 44-2, 45-20, 85-11
wave formula, 20-4 monitoring, 31-9
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I-36 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-37
contour, 78-22 -gas ratio, venturi scrubber, 34-18 coefficient, buried pipe, 40-8
current, 84-11 immiscible, 15-12 concentric, 44-12
daylight, 81-4 incineration, 34-14 curve, trapezoidal, 41-6
dredge, 39-2 limit, 35-21 distributed, 41-5 (fig)
energy, 16-8 (ftn) penetrant testing, 43-12 dust, 34-5
energy grade, 16-8, 17-15 pore-squeeze, 31-7 eccentric, 44-12
equipotential, 17-3, 21-7 thixotropic, 14-7 error, 85-2
failure, 35-26 volatile, 14-10, 22-11 (ftn) fabric, 34-5
flow, 21-7, 29-2 Liquidated damages, 88-7 factor, 31-3
grade, 80-3 Liquidity, 87-35 HL-93, 76-19 (fig)
hydraulic grade, 16-8, 17-16 index, 35-22 hydraulic, 28-3, 29-10, 34-23
influence, 41-10 Liquor, mixed, 30-2 impact, 44-7, 44-8
intersection, 2-1, 7-6 List, 15-18 (ftn) lane, 76-18
isogonic, 78-12, G-8 Listed organic, 28-3, 29-9
mud, 39-2, G-10 label, 82-3 pump shaft, 18-11
neat, 80-10 product, 82-3 rate, 26-13
net, 80-10 Liter, 1-6 sewage treatment plant, 28-3
normal vector, 8-6 Lithium-based admixture, 48-2 steel, 58-5
of action, 5-1, 41-2 Lithotroph, 27-4 surface, 26-6, 29-7, 29-8
perpendicular, 2-1 Littoral, G-9 transverse, 41-16
pull, 83-10 Live load, 45-2 (ftn), G-9 volumetric, 30-8
rupture, 35-26 factor, 74-4 weir, 26-6, 29-7
straight, 7-4 (fig) model, 74-3 Loadometer, 76-17
surcharge, 37-8 Lloyd-Davies equation, 20-14 (ftn) Loads on buried pipe, 40-8
virgin compression, 35-24 Load Loan, 87-40
waiting, 73-27 allowance, dynamic, 74-4 constant amount paid toward
zero haulage, 80-6 and resistance factor principal, 87-41 (fig)
Lineal, 1-8 design, 58-5, 59-8, 74-3 (ftn) direct reduction, 87-41 (fig)
measurement, 1-8 and resistance factor rating method, direct reduction, balloon
Linear, 1-8 bridge, 74-4 payment, 87-42 (fig)
acceleration, 71-4 block, 83-10 repayment, 87-4
algebra, 4-4 (ftn) buckling, 53-5, 61-2 repayment problem, 87-4
deformation, 47-3 -carrying wall, 54-2 simple interest, 87-40
displacement, 71-3 cell, 85-12 Local
elastic analysis, 47-2 chart, crane, 83-11 buckling, 44-19, 59-17 (fig), 61-2, 61-6
elastic analysis, second-order, 47-2 combination, 50-3 loss, 17-12, A-57
equation, 3-6, 3-7 composite, 57-3 regulations, 82-2
equation, differential, 10-1 dead, 41-5, G-5 road, 73-3
equation, graphing, 3-7 -deformation compatibility, 66-4 shear failure, 36-2
equation, reduction, 3-7 distributed, 41-5 Location
equation, simultaneous, 3-6, 3-7 distributed, beam, 41-5 (fig) effect on cost, 86-7
equation, substitution, 3-7 distributed, moment, 41-6 landfill, 31-5
expansion, coefficient, 44-3, 44-4 dominant, 46-14 parameter, 11-8
first-order, 10-2 duration factor, 59-17 (ftn) stake, 81-5 (fig)
force system, 41-4 (fig) -elongation curve, 43-2 water treatment plant, 26-2
frequency, 84-4 equivalency factor, 76-17 Locomotive
growth rate, 3-11 Euler, 61-2 diesel-electric, 75-5
impulse, 72-14 factor (haulage), 40-9, 45-2, 50-3, 80-1 resistance, 75-4
momentum, 17-33, 72-2 factor design method, 45-2, 59-8 tractive force, 75-4
motion, 71-2 factor rating method, bridge, 74-3 Locus of points, 7-2
particle motion, 71-2 factor, bedding, 40-9 Loess, G-9
regression, 11-16 factor, jacking force, 50-4 Log
second-order, 10-3 factored, 50-3 -spiral theory, 37-3
spring, 13-2 (ftn) impact, 44-8 injury, 83-2 (ftn)
system, 71-2 inventory, 74-3 -linear form, 3-11
thermal expansion, coefficient, 44-4 (tbl) live, 45-2 (ftn), G-9 mean, 11-8
variable differential transformer, 85-4 moving, 46-14 -normal distribution, 11-8
velocity, 21-4 noncomposite, 57-3 standard deviation, 11-8
velocity-dependent force, 72-18 operating, 74-3 strain, 43-5
yield, paving, 76-7 overhung, 18-11 Logarithm, 3-5
Linearity, 10-6 permit, 74-3 common, 3-5
Lined concrete pipe, 16-10 posted, 74-3 identity, 3-5
Liner posting, 74-2 Napierian, 3-5
clay, 31-4 proof, bolt, 45-9, 45-13 natural, 3-5
double, 31-3 rating, bridge, 74-2 Logarithmic growth phase, 27-4
flexible membrane, 31-3, 31-4 service, 45-2, 50-3 Logistic
geocomposite, 31-4 shock, septage, 29-2 equation, 27-4
-plate cofferdam, 39-8 superposition, 41-16 growth rate constant, 27-4
synthetic membrane, 31-4 thermal, 47-3 Long
Lines, angle between, 6-1 transfer, 77-7 column, 52-1, 53-1, 61-4
Lining transfer coefficient, 77-7 hydraulically, 19-27
ditch, fabric, 80-11 transverse, truss member, 41-16 (fig) stress, 45-5
pipe, 16-11 transverse, truss, 41-16 -term deflection, 50-17
Lintel, 59-2 truck, 76-18 -term deflection factor, 56-3
Lipid, G-9 ultimate, 47-2 -term deformation, 50-17
Lipiphilic, G-9 vector, 47-12 -term liability, 87-35
Liquefaction, 40-11 Loaded tire radius, 75-3 ton, 1-7
Liquefied petroleum gas, 24-8 Loader, low-lift, 76-7 Longitudinal stress, 45-5
Liquid Loading Loop, 73-25
aromatic, 14-10 (ftn) axial, 44-12 pipe, 17-21
asset, 87-35 BOD, 28-9, 29-9 ramp, 73-25
fuel, 24-5 chemical, 34-23
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I-38 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-39
mineral, 24-3 offset stake, 81-3 magnetic, 78-12
volatile, 24-4 reference point stake, 81-1 true, 78-12
Maturation pond, 29-4 reliable, 85-2 Meromictic lake, G-9
Maturity date, 87-29 ton, 1-7 Mesa, G-9
Maxima point, 8-2 witness stake, 81-1 Mesh, steel, A-134
Maximum Mechanic’s lien, 88-5 Mesokurtic distribution, 11-14
achievable control technology, 34-2 Mechanical Mesophile, 27-6 (tbl)
capacity, traffic, 73-6 advantage, 15-16, 41-11 Mesophyllic bacteria, G-9
contaminant level, 25-6, 28-15 advantage, pulley block, 41-11 Metabolism, 27-9, G-9
dry density, 35-18 advantage, rope-operated Metacenter, 15-18
flame temperature, 24-15 (ftn) machine, 41-11 (tbl) Metacentric height, 15-18
flood, probable, 20-6 property, high-performance steel Metal, 22-2, 22-3
flow, 73-6 plate, 58-6 (tbl) active gas welding, 66-2
fluid velocity, 17-3 property, steel, 48-9 alkali, 22-3
freeway service flow rate, 73-8 (tbl) seal, 34-16 alkaline earth, 22-3
moment, 44-9, 50-9 (fig) similarity, 17-45 base, 66-1
moment condition, Mechanics concentration, 28-15
period, 73-20 engineering, 41-1 deck system, 57-4
plastic moment, 59-13 (tbl) material, 44-2 deck, filled, 57-4
point, 8-2 space, 72-21 deck, orthotropic, 57-4
precipitation, probable, 20-6 Mechanism, 41-20, 47-2 deck, partially filled, 57-4
prestress, 56-6 method, 59-8 deck, unfilled composite, 57-4
rainfall, probable, G-11 two-dimensional, 41-20 filler, 66-1
service flow rate, 73-5 Mechanistic heavy, 22-3, 28-14
shear envelope, 47-20 -empirical design, 77-11 heavy, in wastewater, 28-14
shear stress theory, 43-8 -empirical method, 76-16 inert gas welding, 66-2
slenderness ratio, steel tension method, 76-16 light, 22-3
member, 60-4 Media mechanical properties, A-116, A-117,
specific gravity, 76-9 factor, 29-11 A-118
specific growth rate, 30-7 packing, 34-20 total, in wastewater, 28-14
specific growth rate coefficient, 28-6 Median, 11-12, G-9 transition, 22-3 (ftn)
stress, with and without shoring, 64-2 barrier, heavy vehicle, 75-13 (fig) weld, 66-1
theoretical combustion lane, G-9 Metalimnion, G-9
temperature, 24-15 speed, 73-4 Metallic property, 22-2
total uniform load table, 59-8 Medium Metalloid, 22-2, 22-3
value, sinusoid, 84-4 cure, asphalt, 76-2 Metamorphic rock, 35-32, G-9
velocity in pipe, 17-3 screen, wastewater, 29-6 Metathesis, 22-7 (ftn)
velocity, open channel, 19-26 Megagram, 1-6 Meteoric water, G-9
water-cement ratio, 77-2 (tbl) Meinzer unit, 21-2 Meter
yield coefficient, 28-6 Member constant, 17-29
MCL, 25-6, 28-15 axial, 41-11 current, 17-27
MCLG, 25-6 axial, force, 41-12 density-on-the-run, 76-8
Mean, 11-12, 34-9 circular, 50-21 displacement, 17-26
annual air temperature, 76-16 force, 41-16 normal cubic, 24-2
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I-40 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-41
ML"T system, 1-7 circle for stress, 44-7 (fig) of inertia, polar, 42-6
MMA concrete, 48-7 theory of rupture, 43-8 of inertia, principal, 42-8
Mobile batcher mixer, 49-5 Mohs of inertia, transformed, 50-15
Mode, 11-12 hardness scale, 43-13 (fig) of momentum, 72-3
alternate, 73-19 scale, 43-13 one-way, 44-8 (ftn)
brittle failure, 50-6 test, 43-13 overturning, dam, 15-12
ductile failure, 50-6 Moiety, 23-1 resisting, 44-8 (ftn)
free-flow, 19-14 Moist -resisting connection, 65-7
rapid static, 78-6 curing, 48-5 -resisting connection, framing, 65-8 (fig)
speed, 73-4 density, 35-7 righting, 15-18
submerged, 19-14 Moisture second area, 42-4
Model, 17-45 condition, antecedent, 20-17 (ftn) statical, 42-3, 44-10
Bingham-plastic, 17-12 content, 35-7 strength, nominal, 50-8
Calvert, venturi scrubber, 34-18 content, optimum, 35-18, 35-20 ultimate plastic, 59-12
code, 82-1 content, soil, 21-2 Momentum, 17-33, 72-2
distorted, 17-45 level, bed, 24-3 angular, 17-33, 72-3 (fig)
filter drag, 34-5 mol, 22-5 conservation, 72-2
live load, 74-3 Molality, 22-11 fluid, 17-33
M/M/1 single-server, 73-28 Molar flux, 17-14 (ftn)
M/M/s multi-server, 73-29 specific heat, 13-4 law of conservation, 72-2
power-law, 17-12 volume, 22-5 linear, 17-33, 72-2
queuing, 73-27 Molarity, 22-11 moment of, 72-3
scale, 17-45 Mole, 22-4, G-10 Money, time value, 87-5
Modeling fraction, 14-6, 22-11, 24-2 Monitor
pedestrian impact, 75-15 percent, 14-6 steel, 45-21
stormwater, 20-23 Molecular well, 21-4
vehicle accident, 75-13 formula, biomass, 27-11 Monitoring
watershed, 20-23 weight, 22-5, G-10 landfill, 31-9
Modification factor, crash, 75-16 Molecule, 22-2 project, 86-15
Modified hydrated, 22-5 well, 31-9
Accelerated Cost Recovery System, spacing, 14-2 Monod’s equation, 28-6
87-22 Mollier diagram, steam, A-87 Monofill sludge, 30-20
Angoff procedure, xxxi Mollusk, 27-8 Monomial, 3-3
Davis equation, 75-5 Moment, 41-2, 44-8 Monomictic, G-10
portland cement, 48-1 amplification factor, 53-5, 62-1 Monte Carlo simulation, 20-22, 87-42 (ftn)
Proctor test, 35-18 area method, 44-14 Montreal Protocol, 32-5
rational method, 20-20 arm, 41-3 Moody friction factor chart, 17-6, 17-7 (fig)
Modifier, asphalt, 76-5, 76-6 (tbl) available, table, 59-10 Mortality, infant, 11-9
Modular ratio, 44-20, 50-15, 56-3, 56-4, 57-3 available, versus unbraced Mortar, 67-5
Modulus, 3-7, 3-8 length, 59-3 (fig) face shell, 68-4
apparent, 43-11 bending, 44-8 (ftn), 44-11 full, 68-4
bulk, 14-14 capacity, 50-9 masonry, 68-3
bulk, water, 14-14 coefficient, 47-18 properties, 67-5
chord, masonry, 67-4 component, 41-3
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I-42 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-43
damages, 88-7 slope, 19-3 imaginary, 3-1
dimension, pipe, 16-10 speed, 72-8 irrational, 3-1
interaction diagram, 52-6 stress, 44-2 Mach, 14-15
interest rate, 87-28 temperature and pressure, 24-3 motor octane, 24-6
moment strength, 50-8 vector, 7-6 octane, 24-6
resistance, 74-4 view, 2-1 odor, G-10
shear strength, 50-21 Normality, 22-11 odor threshold, 26-15
shear strength, beam, 59-5 Normalized eccentricity, 52-3 of passes, effective, 29-10
strength, 45-2, 50-5 Normally consolidated, 35-24 of transfer units, 34-19
system voltage, 84-5 (ftn) clay, 40-3 oxidation, 22-3 (tbl), 22-4, G-10
value, 50-4 curve, 40-4 performance, 24-6
Nomograph, Hazen-Williams, A-57 soil, 40-4, G-10 period, 87-9
Non Normalweight concrete, 48-4, 48-6, 48-7 random, A-82
-Newtonian fluid, 14-2 North American Industry Classification rational, 3-1
-Newtonian viscosity, 17-12 System, 83-2 (ftn) real, 3-1
-SI units, 1-7 Norwalk virus, 27-6 research octane, 24-6
Nonattainment area, 32-2 Notation, Newton’s, 8-1 Reynolds, 16-7
Nonbearing wall, 54-1 Notch Reynolds, similarity, 17-46
Noncarbonate -brittle material, 43-6 (ftn) smoke spot, 24-12, 32-15
hardness, 22-21, 25-3, 25-4 factor, fatigue, 43-10 stability, 39-2, 40-7
hardness removal, 26-15 sensitivity, 43-10 structural, 76-17
Noncatalytic reduction, selective, 34-19 stress concentration, 44-5 threshold odor, 26-15
Noncircular duct, 17-9 toughness, 43-14, 43-15 type, 3-1
Nonclog pump, 18-5 NOx, 32-9 viscosity blending, 14-16
Noncohesive soil, 37-2 burner, low, 34-15 Weber, 17-47 (ftn)
Noncompact section, 61-6 burner, ultra-low, 34-15 Weber, similarity, 17-47 (tbl)
Noncomposite control, 24-5 Numbering system, 3-1
action, 68-14 fuel, 32-9 Numerical
load, 57-3 fuel-bound, 32-9 analysis, 12-1
Nonconcentric tension connection, 66-5 prompt-, 32-9
Noncriteria pollutant, 32-2
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I-44 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-45
media, type, 34-21 (fig) tandem, 73-22
Oversized hole, 65-1 Pad, 36-9
Overturn, G-10 Parkway, G-10
Paddle Parshall flume, 19-14
Overturning mixer, 26-10
factor of safety, 15-12 K-values, 19-14 (tbl)
moment, dam, 15-12 velocity, relative, 26-11 Part of line, 83-10
moment, footing, 36-9 (fig) Paint pipe, 16-11 Partial
Owner, 88-4 Pan, G-10 cloverleaf interchange, 73-25
Owners’ equity, 87-33 coefficient, 20-22 composite action, 64-3
evaporation, 20-22 differentiation, 8-4
Ownership, 88-1 Panel, 41-12
Oxidant, 26-9, 32-11 emission, forced vortex pump, 18-13 (ftn)
drop, 51-5 fraction, 3-6, 9-3
total residual, 29-13 shear, 46-12
Oxidation, 22-7, 23-2, G-10 -penetration groove weld, 66-2, 66-9
truss, 41-12 pressure, 31-6
-reduction reaction, 22-7
advanced, 34-4 Panhandle formula, 17-10 pressure fraction, 24-2
ditch, 30-3 Pappus pressure ratio, 24-2
industrial wastewater -Guldinus theorems, 42-3 prestressing, 56-3
pollutant, 34-17 (tbl) Pappus’ theorem, 9-5 similarity, 17-47
Parabola, 7-10 (fig) traverse, 78-16 (fig)
number, 22-3, 22-4, G-10 formula, A-7
number change method, 22-8 treatment, G-10
Parabolic Partially
pond, 29-4 axis, 7-10
power, common oxidant, 34-5 (tbl) compensated foundation, 36-10
cable, 41-17 (fig) filled circular pipes, A-30, A-75
process, advanced, 26-21
state, 22-3 column formula, 45-4 filled metal deck, 57-4
tower, 29-9 curve, 79-5, 79-12 grouted masonry, 68-6
Oxide flare, 79-5 incinerated compound, 34-14
nitrogen, 32-9 taper, 79-5 restrained connection, 65-7
Paraboloid of revolution, A-9 Particle
sulfur, 32-15 Paradox
Oxidizing agent, 22-7 capture, 32-7
D’Alembert’s, 17-2 (ftn) conditioning, 34-9
Oxyacid, 22-4 hydrostatic, 15-4
Oxygen exposure time, 34-8, 34-9
Paraffin series, 24-1 residence time, 34-8, 34-9
-enriched incineration, 34-14
deficit, 28-7 Parallax resistivity, 34-9
deficit, critical, 28-11 absolute, 78-20 size distribution, 35-2
demand, 30-9 differential, 78-20 size distribution chart, 35-3
demand, biochemical, 27-9, 28-8, G-3 height measurement, 78-20 (fig) Particles, 71-1
Parallel Particular solution, 10-3, 10-4 (tbl)
demand, chemical, 28-12 axis theorem, 42-4, 70-2
dissolved, 28-7 Particulate
circuit, electrical, 84-4 matter, 32-12
in water, dissolved, A-87 -flow mixer, 76-6
point, 85-6 (ftn) phosphorus, 25-7
force system, 41-6 Partition coefficient, 27-2, G-10
sag (Streeter-Phelps), 28-10
sag curve, 28-11 (fig) line, 7-8 Partner
sag curve, dissolved, 28-10 offset, 43-3 general, 88-1
saturation coefficient, 30-9 parking, 73-22 limited, 88-2
scavenging, 22-23 perspective, 2-3 Partnering, 86-1
pipe, 17-21 Partnership, 88-1
transfer, rate of, 30-9 pump, 18-18
Oxygenate, 24-7 limited, 88-2
reliability, 11-9 limited liability, 88-2
common type, 24-7 (tbl) spring, 45-20, 45-21
Oxygenated Parts
system, 11-9 integration by, 9-2
fuel, 32-5
gasoline, 24-6, 24-7 Parallelogram per billion, 22-11
Oxygenation, 28-10 formula, A-7, A-8 per million, 22-11, 22-24 (ftn)
rate constant, 28-9 method, 5-3 Pascal’s
Ozonation, 26-21, 34-17 Parameter law, 15-4
catenary, 41-19 triangle, 3-3
Ozone, 26-21 impaction, 34-19
atmospheric, 32-5 location, 11-8
method, 86-6
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I-46 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
flexible, 76-10, 76-29, G-6 pocket, test, 83-3 protection limit, 21-5
flexible, AASHTO test, cone, 35-18 soil, 35-23
nomograph, 76-23 (fig) Penstock, 18-24 specific, 21-2
full-depth asphalt, 76-2, 76-25 Pentagon, properties, A-7, A-8 test, 35-23
grade, 79-17, 79-18 Per Permeameter, 35-23
grooving, 77-12 capita, daily demand, 26-22, 26-23 Permease, 27-3
joint, 77-11 diem fee, 88-5 Permissible
joint, concrete, 77-11 (fig) Percent exposure limit, 83-4, 83-5, 83-6, 83-8
minimum thickness, 76-22, 76-25 elongation, 43-6 noise dose, 83-8 (tbl)
PCC, tie bar spacing, 77-10 (fig) elongation at failure, 43-6 Permit
portland cement concrete, 77-1 mole, 14-6 load, 74-3
problem, 76-5 of free-flow speed, 73-12 rating level, bridge, 74-3
recycled, 76-28 pore space, 35-8 Permittivity
recycled asphalt, 76-6 sodium content, 25-11 of free space, 34-9
recycling, PCC, 77-12 time spent following, 73-12 relative, 34-9
rigid, 77-1, G-12 VMA, 76-9 Permutation, 11-2
rigid, AASHTO nomograph, 77-8 (fig) Percentage circular, 5-5
structural design, flexible, 76-15 composition, 22-6 ring, 11-2
structural number, 76-22 of construction cost, fee, 88-5 Perpendicular
Paving yield, 22-9 axis theorem, 42-6
equipment, placement, 76-7 Percentile, 11-12 line, 2-1, 7-8
machine, 76-7 rank, 11-12 line principle, 2-1
temperature, 76-7 speed, 73-3 Perpetual
Pay Perception-reaction time, 79-10 inventory system, 87-37
as you throw, G-11 Perceptual cue, 75-9 series, 87-7
-back period, 87-38, 87-39 (ftn) Perched spring, G-11 Persistence, 27-10
Payment, balloon, 87-42 Percolation, G-11 pesticide, 32-12
PCB, 32-12 field, 29-2 Person
PCC, 48-1 Perfect reaction, 22-8 competent, OSHA, 83-4
pavement, tie bar spacing, 77-10 (fig) Perfecting a lien, 88-5 instrument, 81-4
PD pump, 18-2 Perforated cover plate, 61-2 qualified, OSHA, 83-10
PDO accident, 75-11 Performance -rem, G-11
Pea coal screening, 24-4 curve, pump, 18-16 rod, 81-4
Peak function, 11-9 Personal
demand multiplier, 84-7 function, safety, 75-16 property, 87-20 (ftn)
-discharge compartment, 32-14 graded asphalt, 76-15 protective equipment, 83-7
discharge, NRCS method, 20-17 grading, 76-3 Perspective
discharge, SCS method, 20-17 number, 24-6 angular, 2-3
flame temperature, 32-10 period, 76-19 oblique, 2-3
flow direction, 73-5 Perigee, 72-21 parallel, 2-3
hour factor, 73-5 distance, 72-21 view, 2-1, 2-3
hour warrant, signalization, 73-18 Perihelion, 72-21 Pesticide (see also Volatile organic
pedestrian flow rate, 73-21 Perimeter, wetted, 16-5, G-15 compound), 32-12
runoff, 20-11 Period (see also type), 76-19, 87-2 chlorinated, 32-12
runoff, rational method, 20-14 aeration, 30-8 P-waste, 32-2
searching method, 75-17 all-red clearance, 73-21 PFFS (percent of free-flow speed), 73-12
time to, 20-11 amber, 73-21 PFR, 30-6
Peaking factor, 28-2 chemical, 22-2 pH, 22-12, G-11
wastewater, 28-2 cost-recovery, 87-39 (ftn) Phantom cash flow, 87-4 (ftn)
Harmon’s, 28-2 depreciation, 87-20 Phase, 84-10
Pearson’s design, 76-19 angle, 84-4, 84-6
kurtosis, 11-14 detention, 26-6 current, 84-11
skewness, 11-14 effective, 87-2 death, 27-4
Pedestal, 52-1 (ftn) electrical, 84-4 declining growth, 27-4
Pedestrian, 73-21 green, 73-21 equilibrium, 72-6
capacity, 73-21 initial, 73-20 exponential growth, 27-4
circulation area, 73-18 law of, 72-20 factor, 84-7
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I N D E X I-47
growth, organismal, 27-3 safe bearing value, 38-2 system, multiloop, 17-24
lag, 27-3 safe load, 38-2 truss, 16-10, 28-4
logarithmic growth, 27-4 settlement, 38-5 ultimate strength, 40-9
motion impending, 72-6 shape, 80-4 (fig) water (see also type), 26-25
signal, 73-14, 73-15 small-diameter grouted, 38-6 Pipelines, submerged, 15-18
stationary, 27-4 soldier, 39-1, G-13 Piping
Phases, project scheduling, 86-8 tension, 38-5 geometry factor, 17-14
Phasor form, 3-8, 84-5 volume, 80-4 predicting limit, 21-5
vector, 5-2 wedge, 80-4 (fig) symbols, A-46
Phenol, 23-3 (tbl) Piling sheet, 39-4 Piston, rotary pump, 18-3 (fig)
Phenolphthalein alkalinity, 22-21 section modulus, 39-4 Pit
Philadelphia rod, 78-10 Pilot vehicle, 74-3 ash, 24-3
Phosphorus Pin-connected borrow, 80-5
ion, in water, 25-7 axial member, 41-12 sheeted, G-13
removal, in wastewater, 29-3, 29-12 plate, 60-7 Pitch, 18-4, 72-2
Photoautotroph, 27-7 pile, 38-6 circular blade, 18-4
Photobase, 78-20 Pinned support, 41-7 helix, 7-12
Photocell, 85-4 Pintle tie, 68-16 spacing, 60-2
Photochemical Pipe Pitot
reaction, 32-11 asbestos-cement, 28-4 -static gauge, 17-28 (fig)
smog, 32-14 bend, 17-36 (fig) tube, 16-4
Photoconductive device, 85-4 (ftn) bend, force on, 17-36 tube traverse, G-11
Photoelectric effect, 85-4 black, 16-10 tube-piezometer apparatus, 16-4 (fig)
Photoemissive device, 85-4 (ftn) branch, 17-21 Pitting, 22-19
Photogenerative, 85-4 (ftn) buried, loads on, 40-8 Pivot point, bulkhead, 39-4
Photogrammetric cast-iron, 28-3, A-44 PJP weld, 66-2, 66-9
image, 78-18 (fig) cast-iron dimensions, A-44 Placement, paving equipment, 76-7
survey, 78-5 chlorinated polyvinyl chloride Placing, concrete, 49-5
Photogrammetry, 78-18 (CPVC), A-38 Plain
displacement method, 78-19 circular, A-30 jointed concrete pavement, 77-2
nomenclature, 78-18 (fig) class, 16-10 masonry, 68-1
parallax measurement, 78-20 clay, 28-4 sedimentation, 26-5
Photosensitive conductor, 85-5 coating, 16-11 sedimentation basin, 29-7
Photosensor, 85-4 coefficient, 16-8 Plaintiff, 88-6
Photosynthesis, 27-2 concrete, 28-3, A-42, A-43 Plan view, 2-2
Phototroph, 27-4 concrete sewer, dimensions, A-42, A-43 Planar view, 2-2
Photovoltaic, 85-4 (ftn) CPVC, dimensions, A-38 Plane, 7-6
cell, 85-4 culvert, 17-19 (fig) angle, 6-1
Phreatic zone, 21-1, G-11 dimensions, ductile iron, A-45 beam bending, 59-2 (fig)
Phreatophytes, G-11 ductile, dimensions, A-44 complex, 3-7
Physical ductile iron, A-44 motion, 71-12
inventory, 87-37 eductor, 21-4 neutral, 44-11
strain, 43-5 entrance, 17-13 of bending, 59-2
stress, 43-5 exit, 17-13 of motion, 72-2
Phytoplankton, G-11 factor, 16-8 survey, 78-5
Pi-group, 1-10 flexible, 40-9 surveying, 78-1
Pick and carry, crane, 83-11 friction, 17-14 table survey, 78-5
Pickup, 85-3 (ftn), 85-4 Hazen-Williams constant, A-50 tangent, 8-5
Pictorial drawing, 2-2 (ftn) impact factor, 40-9 Planetary motion, 72-20 (fig)
Pier, 38-6, 44-12, 45-2 jacking, 40-11 Planimeter, 2-4, G-11
shaft, G-11 leg, 17-21 Planing, cold, 76-28
tension, 44-12 (fig) lined concrete, 16-10 Plant
Piercing the corporate veil, 88-3 loop, 17-21 asphalt, 76-6
PIEV time, 75-6 material, 16-9 hydroelectric generating, 18-23, 18-24
Piezoelectric maximum velocity in, 17-3 material recovery, 31-10, 31-11
effect, 15-2, 85-4 network, 17-24 mix, 76-6, G-11
transducer, 85-4 parallel, 17-21 mix, hot, 76-10
Piezometer, G-11 plastic, 28-4 resource-recovery, 31-10
nest, G-11 polyvinyl chloride (PVC), A-38, A-39, waste-to-energy, 31-10 (fig)
ring, 15-2 (ftn) A-40, A-41 waste-to-steam, 31-10
tube, 15-2 polyvinylchloride (PVC), 16-10 Plasma
Piezometric prestressed concrete, 16-10 incineration, 34-14
height, 21-2 prestressed concrete cylinder, 16-10 incinerator, 34-14
level, G-11 PVC, dimensions, A-38, A-39, Plastic, 32-12
Pilaster, 69-1 A-40, A-41 analysis, 47-2, 47-16
Pile (see also type), 38-1, 80-4 reinforced concrete, 16-10 behavior, 44-2 (ftn)
batter, G-2 riser, 21-4 biodegradable, 32-13
bearing capacity, ultimate, 38-1 sag, G-12 centroid, 52-5
bent, G-11 section, 61-1 compostable, 32-13
capacity, tensile, 38-4, 38-5 series, 17-20 degradable, 32-13
composite, 38-1 specific roughness, A-50 design, 59-8, 59-11
conical, 80-4 (fig) specification, 16-10 design method, 45-2
friction, 38-1 standard, 16-10 hinge, 44-19, 47-2, 47-17
group, 38-5 standard pressure classes, A-44 impact, 72-17
group efficiency, 38-5 standard pressure classes, ductile instability, pavement, 76-5
grouted, 38-6 iron, A-45 limit, 35-21
length, effective, 38-3 steel, 16-11, A-31, A-32, A-33, A-34, material, 14-7
needle, 38-6 A-35, A-36, A-37 moment, 59-12, 59-13 (tbl), 59-14
pin, 38-6 steel, dimensions, A-31, A-32, A-33, neutral axis, 64-3
point-bearing, 38-1 A-34,A-35, A-36, A-37 pipe, 16-9, 28-4
resistance, 38-2 steel, modulus of elasticity, 17-39 region, 48-9
root, 38-6 stiffness, 16-11 section modulus, 59-11
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I-48 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
section modulus, plate girder, 63-2 inflection, 8-2, 44-17 frequency, 11-10
strain, 43-3 load surcharge, 37-8 mensuration, A-7
test, 43-10, 43-11 locus, 7-2 method, 5-3
type, 32-13 maxima, 8-2 Polyhedra, properties, A-9
waste, 32-12 maximum, 8-2 Polymer, 26-8, 32-12
water pipe, 26-25 minima, 8-2 asphalt, 76-5
Plasticity, 35-3 minimum, 8-2 asphalt modifier, 76-5
index, 35-22 null, 34-10 concrete, 48-7, 77-13
test, 35-4 of application, 5-1 -modified asphalt, 76-5
Plat, G-11 of beginning of curve, 79-3 organic, 26-8
Plate of common curvature, 79-6 -portland cement concrete, 48-7
anchor bolting, small column of continuing curve, 79-6 synthetic, 26-8, 26-9
base, 61-11 (fig) of contraflexure, 7-2 water treatment, 26-8
beam bearing, 59-18 of counterflexure, bulkhead, 39-4, 39-5 Polymictic, G-11
beam bearing, nomenclature, 59-19 (fig) of curvature, 79-3 Polynomial, 3-3
bearing value test, 35-31 of end of curve, 79-3 characteristic, 4-8
bracket, 65-5, 65-6 of inflection, 7-2 degree, 3-3
column base, 61-9, 61-10 (fig) of inflection, flexible bulkhead, 39-4, 39-5 factoring, 3-4
connection, 60-7 of rotation, 79-8 form, standard, 3-3
flat, 45-19, 51-5 of rotation, bulkhead, 39-4 graphing, 3-4
flat, uniform pressure, 45-20 (tbl) of sale system, 87-37 inspection, 3-4
girder, 59-2, 63-1 (fig), 63-2, 63-3, 63-5 of tangency, 79-3 Lagrangian interpolating, 12-2
girder, concentrated force, 63-5 operating, 18-17 Newton’s interpolating, 12-3
girder, flange, 63-2 oxygen, 85-6 (ftn) special case, 3-4
girder, web, 63-2 plumb, 78-19 Polyphase motor, A-173
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I N D E X I-49
Pound, 1-1 Premature exhaustion, 29-13 surface, 15-6, 15-7, 15-9, 15-10
force, A-3 Prerequisite of privity, 88-7 (ftn) total, 16-2, 37-9
mole, 22-5 Presedimentation, 26-3 transverse, 17-28
Poundal, 1-4 Present unit, 14-2 (fig)
Pour point, 24-7 value, 87-5 (ftn) uplift, 21-9
Powdered activated carbon, 29-13 value, net, 87-5 (ftn) vapor, 14-9
Power, 3-5, 13-6 worth, 87-5, 87-11 water service, 26-25
aeration, 29-4, 30-9 worth method, 87-14, 87-15 Pressurized
angle, 84-7 Press fluidized-bed combustion, 24-5
blower, 29-4 belt filter, 30-18 liquid, 15-15
conversion, 13-6 fit, 45-6 tank, 17-18
conversion factor, A-1, A-2 fit, stress concentration factor, 45-9 (tbl) Prestress
conversion, SI, A-3, A-5 hydraulic, 15-15 loss, 56-3
curve, 43-5 Pressure, 14-2 maximum, 56-6
density, ESP, 34-10 absolute, 14-3 tendon, 56-3
design, 72-7 (ftn) active, G-1 Prestressed
electrical, 84-3, 84-6 apparatus, osmotic, 14-10 beam, analysis, 56-10
factor, 18-10, 84-7, 84-9 at a depth, 1-3, 15-6 (ftn) beam deflection, 56-4
friction, 18-9 at point, 40-2 (fig) concrete, 56-2
hydraulic, 18-7 atmospheric, 14-3 concrete cylinder pipe, 16-10
law, 1/7, 16-8 average, 15-7 concrete pavement, 77-2
-law model, 17-12 barometric, 14-3 concrete pipe, 16-10
law, viscosity, 17-12 center of, 15-5, 15-9, 15-10, 41-5 section, shear, 56-11
line hazard, 83-7 classes, ductile iron pipe, A-45 Prestressing
line, safety, 83-7 classes, iron pipe, A-44 effect on simple beam, 56-2 (fig)
number, 26-11 collapsing, 45-5 (ftn) fully, 56-3
of the test, 11-15 conduit, 16-5 midspan deflections from, 56-5 (fig)
phase, 84-11 conversion, SI, A-3, A-4 partial, 56-3
propulsion, 75-3 dead load, 40-8, 40-9 steel ratio, 56-10
pump, 18-2, 18-7 differential, 14-3 tendon, ASTM, 56-5 (tbl)
pumping, well, 21-7 drag, 17-41 tendon, stress, 56-7
series, 8-8 -drop, endpoint, 22-23 Presumptive test, G-11
ton of explosive, 1-7 drop, friction, 17-4 (ftn) Pretension
turbine, 17-36, 18-22 drop, steel pipe, A-55 bolt, 65-3
unit stream, G-15 drop, water, steel pipe, A-55 loss, creep, 56-4
water, 18-7 earth, 37-2 loss, shrinkage, 56-3
Powerhouse, 18-24 earth, active, 37-2, 37-3 Pretensioned
Pozzolanic earth, passive, 37-2 concrete, 56-1, 56-2
activity, 77-12 effective, 37-9, 40-5 connection, 65-2
additive, 48-2 energy, 16-2 construction, 56-2
ppb, 22-11 external, 15-15 Pretensioning, DTI washer, 58-4
PPCC, 48-7 filter, 26-14 Pretreatment, 26-2
ppm, 22-11 filtration, 30-18 Prevention, pollution, 32-1
Practical scaling index, 26-19 flow, 16-5 Prewash, air, 26-14
Prandtl number, 1-9 (tbl) fluid, 14-2 Price-earnings ratio, 87-36
Prandtl’s boundary layer theory, 17-44 from applied load, 40-2 Pricing, congestion, 73-27
Pre-chlorination, G-11 from concrete, 49-8 Primacy, 75-10
Precast concrete deck slab, girder, 51-9 from gas, 15-13 Primary
Precedence table, 86-10 gage, 14-3, 15-2 combustion chamber, 34-13
Prechlorination, 26-3 gauge, Bourdon, 15-2 consolidation, 40-3, 40-4
Precipitation, 20-1, 22-11 head, 18-6 consolidation rate, 40-5
average, 20-2 hydrostatic, 15-4, 37-9 creep, 43-16
chemical, G-4 lateral, concrete, 49-8 dimension, 1-7
phosphorus, 29-12 mean effective, 85-14 structure, 47-7
measurement, 15-1 treatment, 29-3
-measuring device, 15-2 (tbl) unit, 1-7
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I-50 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-51
head added, 17-15 on clay, 36-9
homologous, 18-13 Quadratic on sand, 36-11
jet, 18-2 equation, 3-3, 7-9 Railing, safety, 75-13
kinetic, 18-2 velocity-dependent force, 72-19 Railroad
mixed-flow, 18-4 (ftn) Qualified rolling stock, 75-4
multiple-stage, 18-4 individual, ADA, 82-9 superelevation, 79-10
nonclog, 18-5 person, OSHA, 83-10 Railway
operating in parallel, 18-18 (fig) Quality curve, 79-3
operating in series, 18-18 (fig) break-even, 87-38 (fig) geometric design, 79-21
overall efficiency, 18-9 factor, joint, 16-10 vertical curve, 79-22
PD, 18-2 of boiler feedwater, 22-24 Rain
performance curve, 18-16 (fig) Quantitative predictive analysis, 75-2 acid, 32-4
piston rotary, 18-3 (fig) Quantity areal, 20-17
plunger, 18-2 economic order, 87-43 gross, 20-17
positive displacement, 18-2 ideal, 24-9 net, 20-7 (ftn), 20-17, G-10
power, 18-7 sludge, wastewater, 30-13 Rainfall
power factor, sludge, 18-5 sludge, water treatment, 26-12 gross, 20-17
power versus specific gravity, 18-5 stoichiometric, 24-9 intensity, 20-4
power, sludge, 18-5 wastewater, 28-1, 28-2 mass curve, 20-2
reciprocating action, 18-2 Quarter probable maximum, G-11
reciprocating positive displacement, 18-2 -bridge, 85-11 total, 20-17
rotary action, 18-2 -wave symmetry, 9-7 (tbl) Rainwater runoff, 32-14
sewage, 18-4 Quartile, 11-12 highway, 32-14
shaft loading, 18-11 Quartz, 35-32 Ram hydraulic, 15-15
similarity, 18-20 -crystal transducer, 15-2 Ramp
simplex, 18-2 Quenched and tempered alloy steel, 58-2 density, total, 73-9
single-acting, 18-2 Queue, 73-27 loop, 73-25
single-suction, 18-4 Queuing Ramping, 75-13
sludge, 18-5 delay, 73-14 Random
steam, 18-2 model, 73-27 error, 85-2
surge pressure, 49-8 theory, 73-27 number, A-82
triplex, 18-2 Quick Range, 11-13
velocity ratio, 18-3 mixer, 26-10 diagram, crane, 83-11
wastewater, 18-5, 29-3 ratio, 87-35 error limits, 85-7
Pumped storage, 26-24 test, 35-28 number, 78-20
Pumping Quicklime, 26-9 pace, 73-4
hydrocarbon, 18-21 Quicksand, 36-2 table, crane, 83-11
membrane, 27-3 Quiet sedimentation basin, 26-6 Ranger, G-12
other liquids, 18-20 Quotient, respiratory, 27-11 Rank
pavement, 76-5 column, 4-5 (ftn)
power multiplicative factor, 18-5 (tbl) matrix, 4-5
power, well, 21-7 R percentile, 11-12
R-test, 35-28 row, 4-5 (ftn)
speed, 73-4
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I-52 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
Rankine earth pressure theory, 37-3, 37-5 surface loading, 29-7 slenderness, 45-3, 52-1, 60-4, 61-2
Ranking total incidence, 83-2 slenderness, critical, 61-4
alternative, 87-17 transition, 79-8 slenderness, steel tension member, 60-6
simple, 75-17 weir loading, 29-7 steel, 50-8, 50-12
Raoult’s law, 14-16 Rated steel, prestressing, 56-10
Rap, rip, G-12 point, pump, 18-16 stress, cyclic, 40-11
Rapid value, motor, 84-13 test, 3-12
cure, asphalt, 76-2 Rating transmission gear, 75-3
flow, 19-16, G-12 curve, G-12 void, 35-7
mixer, 26-10 factor, bridge, 74-2 volume-capacity, 73-5, 73-15
sand filter, 26-13, 29-12 level, operating, bridge, 74-3 water-cement, 49-1
static mode, 78-6 level, permit, bridge, 74-3 width-thickness, 61-6, 63-3
Rapper, 34-8 level, superload, bridge, 74-3 Rational
Rare earth, 22-3 load and resistance factor, method, equation, 20-14
Raster image, 78-7 bridge, 74-4 formula, 20-14
Rate load factor, bridge, 74-3 method runoff C-coefficient, A-81
15 min passenger car equivalent load, bridge, 74-2 method, modified, 20-20
flow, 73-10 SK, 29-8 method, peak runoff, 20-14
accident, 75-11, 83-2 system, rock mass, 35-33 real number, 3-1
arithmetic growth, 3-11 tonnage, railroad, 75-4 Rationalization, 3-8
average annual growth, 3-11 waviness spacing, 2-4 Rattler test, Los Angeles, 76-4
braking, 75-6 waviness width, 2-4 Raveling, pavement, 76-5
burning, 31-10 Ratio Raw material, 87-33
constant growth, 3-11 air-to-cloth, 34-5 Ray, 6-1 (ftn)
constant, BOD removal, 29-5 air/fuel, 24-9 RCP, 28-3
constant, deoxygenation, 28-8 aspect, 17-40 RDF, 31-10
constant, mixing, 26-10 available compressive stress versus Reach, 19-2, G-12
constant, reoxygenation, 28-7 slenderness, 61-4 (fig) Reactance, 84-5
crash, 75-16 (ftn) benefit-cost, 87-16 capacitive, 84-5
creep, 43-16 beta, 17-29 Reactant, 22-6
DART, 83-2 bifurcation, G-3 limiting, 22-9
days away, 83-2 California bearing, 35-29, 76-20 Reacted asphalt process, 76-29
decay, Velz, 29-11 cement-water, 49-2 Reaction, 41-7
exponential growth, 87-4 centrifugal, unbalanced, 79-7 biologic, 27-11
flow, 26-13, 73-6, 73-8 circular channel, 19-5 (tbl), A-75 chemical, 22-6
growth, 3-11 common, 3-11 combustion, 24-9
growth, maximum specific, 30-7 compression, 40-4 combustion, ideal, 24-9 (tbl)
heat release, 31-10 cornering, 79-7 determinate, 41-8
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I N D E X I-53
Reconsolidation index, 35-25 Refractory, G-12 compaction, 35-18
Recordable incident, OSHA, 83-2 ash, 24-3 compaction, suggested, 35-20
Recorder, automatic traffic, 73-6 metal, A-116, A-117, A-118 density, 35-8, 35-17
Recovery, 43-3 organic, 28-6 dispersion, 11-13
closed-loop, 34-4 solid, 28-6 fatigue damage value, 76-20
depreciation, 87-26 substance, 29-3 fraction, 87-31
leachate, 31-8 Refrigeration, ton, 1-7 importance, 87-31
method, capital, 87-15, 87-16 Refuse, 24-4 motion, 71-10
open-loop, 34-4 -derived fuel, 24-4, 31-10, 31-11 (tbl) paddle velocity, 26-11
solvent, 34-3, 34-4 Refutas equation, 14-16 permittivity, 34-9
Recreation vehicle, 73-7 Regenerating solution, 22-23, 26-18 position, 71-10
Rectangular Regeneration, 22-23 positioning, 78-6
channel, 19-6, 19-8, 19-17 ion exchange, 26-18 proportion, sodium carbonate, 25-11
channel, normal depth, 19-6 Regime risk, 87-35
coordinate system, 7-3 flow, G-6 roughness, 17-5
form, 3-7 subsonic flow, 14-15 (ftn) stability, 28-13 (tbl)
form, vector, 5-2 Region velocity, 71-10
hyperbola, 7-12 elastic, 43-3, 48-9 velocity difference, 17-35
moment of inertia, 42-3 null, 7-3 Relaxation
pyramid, 80-4 (fig) plastic, 48-9 loss, 56-4
rosette, 85-12 proportional, 43-3 stress, 56-6
Surveying System, 78-20 Steel, 20-5 Release valve, air, 16-12
tubing, 61-1 Steel, rainfall, 20-5 Reliability, 11-9, 85-2
weir, submerged, 19-11 strain-hardening, 48-9 experiment, 11-12
Rectified sinusoid, 84-5 transition, 16-7 flexible pavement, 76-20
Rectilinear system, 71-2 void, 7-3 parallel, 11-9
Rectum, latus, 7-10, 7-11 Registered engineer, 90-1 pavement, 76-20
Recurrence interval frequency, 20-5 Registration, 90-1 serial, 11-9
Recycle Regression Reliable measurement, 85-2
rate, sludge, 30-11 linear, 11-16 Relief
ratio, 30-10 nonlinear curve, 11-17 device, pressure, 16-12
Recycled Regula falsi method, 12-2 (ftn) drain, 31-7
asphalt pavement, 76-3, 76-6, 76-28 Regular valve, 16-12
pavement, PCC, 77-12 function, 8-1 valve, safety, 16-12
Recycling lay, 45-22 well, 21-4
asphalt pavement, 76-28 Regulation Reloading curve, 35-24, 43-7
cold, in-place, 76-28 speed, 84-12 Reluctance, 85-4 (ftn)
hot mix, 76-28 voltage, 84-11, 84-12 Rem, G-12
microwave asphalt, 76-28 Regulations, 82-2 Remediation, 32-15
plastic, 32-12 drinking water, A-96 Removal
surface, 76-28 Regulator, G-12 efficiency, 30-13, 34-7
wastewater, 29-8 pressure, 26-25 efficiency, BOD, 29-9
Rehabilitation period, 76-20 efficiency, ESP, 34-9
Rehbock weir equation, 19-11 fraction, 26-6, 30-6
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I-54 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
fraction, BOD, 29-9 railroad car, 75-4 rate of, 87-4, 87-12, 87-14
of barrier, 82-11 rolling, 75-2 (ftn) rate, sludge, 30-10
rate constant, BOD, 29-5 side, 38-3 Reuse
Renewal, 87-14 (ftn) skid, pavement, 76-3, 76-4 beneficial, 30-20
Reovirus, 27-6 skin, 38-3 wastewater, 29-12
Reoxygenation, 28-7 slip, 65-3 Revenue, 87-34
rate constant, 28-7 specific, 34-5, 34-6 Reverse
Repayment temperature detector, 85-5 -bias, 85-5 (ftn)
loan, 87-4 thermometer, 85-5 osmosis, 26-22
Replacement, 22-7 tip, 38-2 Reversed effective force, 72-5 (ftn)
double, 22-7 value, Hveem’s, 35-31 Reversible
/retirement analysis, 87-4 value, soil, 35-32, 76-20 reaction, 22-13, 22-14
sampling with, 11-3 vehicular, 75-2 reaction kinetics, 22-14
sampling without, 11-3 Resisting Revolution
single, 22-7 moment, 44-8 (ftn) solid of, 9-6
study, 87-18 shear, 44-8 (ftn) surface of, 9-5, 42-3 (fig)
Report, environmental impact, 32-3 Resistivity volume of, 9-5, 9-6, 42-3 (fig)
Repose, angle of, 40-7, 72-6, 80-4 electrical, 84-2, 85-6 Reynolds number, 1-9 (tbl), 16-7
Required strength, 50-4 fire, 82-4 critical, 16-7
Research particle, 34-9 factor, 17-14
and development cost, 87-33 Resistor, 84-2, 84-3, 84-5 mixing, 26-11
octane number, 24-6 variable, 85-3 similarity, 17-46
Reservoir Resolution, 3-6 Rheogram, 14-7
evaporation, 20-22 of frequency analysis, 9-8 Rheopectic fluid, 14-7
impounding, 20-19 Resonant cycle length, 73-16 Rheostat, 84-2
multiple, 17-22 Resource Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 27-2
routing, 20-21 leveling, 86-10 Right
sizing, 20-19 -recovery plant, 31-10 angle, 6-1
three, 17-22 Respirable fraction, 32-7 circular cone, formula, A-9
yield, 20-19 Respiration, G-12 circular cylinder, A-9
Residence time Respiratory quotient, 27-11 distributive law, 4-4
mean, 29-7 Response -hand rule, 5-4, 41-3 (fig)
mean cell, 30-5, 30-8 dynamic, 44-8 of access, G-12
particle, 34-8, 34-9 static, 44-8 triangle, 6-2
solids, 30-5 Restitution, coefficient of, 72-17 Righting moment, 15-18
Residential property, 87-20 (ftn) Restraint, G-12 Rigid
Residual, 30-2, G-12 Result body, 71-1, 72-10
available combined, 28-13 highly significant, 11-14 body motion, 72-2
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I N D E X I-55
Rollcrete, 48-7 end slope, 81-4 S
Roller Route surveying, 78-9
-compacted concrete, 48-7, 76-29 Routing S
grid, 35-18 channel, 20-23 corporation, 88-3
pavement (see also type), 76-8 flood, 20-23 -curve, 27-4
pneumatic, 76-8 reservoir, 20-21 -curve method, 20-13
rubber-tired, 35-18, 76-8 Row -test, 35-28
sheepsfoot, 35-18 canonical form, 4-2 S-N curve, 43-9
smooth-wheeled, 35-18 equivalent, 4-2 typical, aluminum, 43-10 (fig)
static, 76-8 equivalent matrix, 4-2 typical, steel, 43-9 (fig)
support, 41-7 matrix, 4-1 Sack, cement, 48-1
Rolling operation, elementary, 4-2 Sacrificial anode, 22-19
equipment, 76-8 rank, 4-5 (ftn) Saddle point, 7-2
friction, coefficient of, 72-8 -reduced echelon form, 4-2 Safe
resistance, 72-8, 75-2 (ftn) -reduced echelon matrix, 4-1 bearing pressure, 36-2
resistance, coefficient of, 72-8 RQD, 35-32 bearing value, pile, 38-2
resistance, wheel, 72-8 (fig) Rth-order difference, 3-10 Drinking Water Act, 25-5
stock, railroad, 75-4 Rubber load, pile, 38-2
Root, 3-3, 12-1 asphalt, 76-29 yield, 21-6, G-12
-mean-squared value, 11-12, 84-4, 84-5 crumb, asphalt, 76-29 Safety, 83-1
double, 3-3 -modified asphalt, 76-29 crane, 83-10
extraneous, 3-4 -tired roller, 35-18, 76-8 electrical, 83-6 (tbl), 83-7 (tbl)
finding, 12-1 Rubberized asphalt process, 76-29 feature, road, 75-12
pile, 38-6 Rubbish, 24-4 geotechnical, 35-33
Rope, 41-11 Rubcrete, 77-13 highway, 75-2
-operated machine, mechanical Rule, 89-1 management technique, 75-10
advantage, 41-11 (tbl) 80%, 84-9 objective, 75-2
haulage, 45-21 compass, 78-15 performance function, 75-16
hoisting, extra flexible, 45-21 Cramer’s, 3-7, 4-7 railing, roadside, 75-13
standard hoisting, 83-10 derived, 32-2 relief valve, 16-12
structural, 45-21 engineering economic analysis, 87-3 scaffolding, 83-9
subjective, 75-2
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I-56 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I N D E X I-57
arithmetic, 3-11 Settled sludge volume, 30-6 direct, 66-6
convergent, 3-10 Settlement (see also double-action, 55-3
divergent, 3-10 Consolidation), 36-1, 40-3 envelope, 50-20
geometric, 3-11 differential, 36-1 envelope, maximum, 47-20
harmonic, 3-11 elastic, 40-3 failure, soil, 36-2
p-, 3-11 immediate, 40-3 flow, 45-16
standard, 3-11 pile, 38-5 force of action, 45-17
Sequencing Settling, 40-3 formation, rate of, 14-6, 14-7
batch reactor, 30-4 basin, G-13 horizontal, 44-10
construction, 86-8 column test, laboratory, 26-6 lag, 57-3
design, 86-8 rate, 29-7 lag reduction coefficient, 60-3
Sequentiality, 75-10 velocity, 17-43, 26-5, 26-6 lag reduction coefficient, bolted
Sequestering agent, 26-19 (ftn) velocity, critical, 26-7 connection, 60-3 (tbl)
Serial Severability, 88-4 lag reduction coefficient, welded
reliability, 11-9 Severity connection, 60-4 (tbl)
system, 11-9 category, 75-11 minimum, 46-10
Series, 3-11 crash, 75-16 modulus, 43-8 (tbl), 44-2, 45-14, 58-2
arithmetic, 3-12 rate, 83-2 modulus of elasticity, 43-8
circuit, electrical, 84-3 ratio, 75-11 one-way, 44-8 (ftn), 55-3
expansion, 8-8 Sewage panel, 46-12
finite, 3-11 pump, 18-4 prestressed section, 56-11
Fourier, 9-7 strength, 28-8 punching, 55-3
galvanic, 22-19 (tbl) Sewer rate, 14-6, 17-14
geometric, 3-12 alternative, 28-4 reinforcement, 50-20
harmonic, 3-12 branch, G-3 reinforcement, anchorage, 50-23
hydrocarbon, 24-1 capacity, 28-5 (tbl) reinforcement, anchorage requirement,
infinite, 3-11, 87-7 collector, 28-2 50-23 (fig)
Maclaurin, 8-8 combined, 28-2 reinforcement design procedure, 50-23
methane, 24-1 G-P, 28-4 reinforcement limitation, 50-22
naphthalene, 24-1 gravity, 28-4 resistance, 14-1
of alternating sign, 3-13 interceptor, 28-3 resisting, 44-8 (ftn)
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I-58 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
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I N D E X I-59
window method, 75-17 water treatment, 26-6 test, ASTM, 35-16, 35-17 (tbl)
Slip, 18-10 yield, 30-13 test, standard, 35-16
ammonia, 34-19 (ftn) Slug, 1-3, A-3, A-4 type A, 83-2
base, pole, 75-13 Slump, 48-4 type B, 83-2, 83-3
coefficient, 65-3 concrete, 49-1 type C, 83-3
-critical connection, 65-3 grout, 67-6 type, geotechnical quality, 83-3 (fig)
electrical, 84-14 test, 48-4 washing, 34-20
factor, Cunningham, 34-9 Slurry well-graded, 35-2
-form construction, 77-1, 77-2 friction loss, 17-11 Sol, G-13
forming, 49-7 trench, 40-10 Soldier, 39-1
pump, 18-3 wall, 40-10 beam, 39-7
resistance, 65-3 Small pile, 39-1, G-13
ring, 85-8 (ftn) angle approximation, 6-3 Sole proprietorship, 88-1
Sliplining, 40-11 -diameter gravity sewer, 28-4 Solid
Slipping, 72-11 -diameter grouted pile, 38-6 angle, 6-6
cracking, pavement, 76-5 SMAW process, 66-1 bowl centrifuge, 30-18
Slope,7-5, 8-1, 19-15, G-13 Smog, 32-14 contact unit, 26-12
backfill, broken, 37-6 photochemical, 32-14 density, 35-8
circle failure, 40-7 precursor, 32-14 incineration, 34-15
configuration, 83-4 (fig) Smoke, 24-12, 32-15 of revolution, 9-6
critical, 19-3, G-5 opacity, 32-15 settleable, 34-23
cross, adverse, 79-8 spot number, 24-12, 32-15 volatile, G-15
deflection method, 47-3 Smooth-wheeled roller, 35-18 volume method, 49-2
drain, temporary, 80-10 Smoothing, 87-42 volume method, concrete, 77-2
energy gradient, 19-3 coefficient, 87-42 waste, 32-2
excavation, 83-3 Snug-tightened connection, 65-2 waste, municipal, 31-1
geometric, 19-3 Snyder hydrograph, 20-11 Solidity, 80-8
-intercept form, 7-5 SO2 control, 24-5 Solids, 28-6, A-165
maximum allowable, 83-4 (tbl) SOC, 28-14 dissolved, 28-6
normal, 19-3 Soda ash, 26-15 fixed, 30-4
/ramp method, landfill, 31-2 in water (see also type), 25-9
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I-60 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
mean speed versus density, 73-7 (fig) DOT geotextile, 40-11 exit, 79-18
mean speed versus flow, 73-7 (fig) kept intact, 82-11 tangent offset, 79-19
mechanics, 72-21 Specified cover, 50-8 (tbl) wire, column, 52-2
mechanics, nomenclature, 72-21 (fig) Specimen, 43-2 wire, splice, 52-3
pedestrian, 73-21 test, 43-2 (ftn) Spitzglass formula, 17-10
per pedestrian, 73-21 SpecsIntact, 82-11 Splice
permittivity of free, 34-9 Spectrum analyzer, 9-8 length, minimum, 67-7
-time diagram, 73-19 Speed (see also type), 71-3 spiral wire, 52-3
traffic, 73-32 adaptation, 75-9 Split
work, traffic, 73-32 average, travel, 73-3, 73-12 beam, tee construction, 65-8 (fig)
Spacing, G-13 balanced, 72-8 chlorination, G-13
bracing, 59-3 compression wave, 17-38 cylinder testing procedure, 48-6
fire hydrant, 26-24 control, motor, 84-15 mastic, 76-28
gage, 60-2 crawl, 73-3 process, 26-16
hole, 65-1 critical, 73-6 spoon sampler, 35-16
molecule, 14-2 critical, shaft, 26-12 Splitting tensile strength test, 48-6
pitch, 60-2 degradation on grade, 75-8 Spoilage, 87-38 (ftn)
stirrup, 50-22 design, 73-3, 73-4 Spoils, 39-2
transverse joint, 77-11 driving, 75-9 Sporozoans, 27-8
vehicular, 73-6 -flow relationship, 73-8 (fig) Spot speed
Spalling, 76-5 free-flow, 73-3, 73-6, 73-8, 73-10 data, 73-4
Span, 17-40 legal, 73-3 study, 73-4
shear, 50-27 limit, 73-3 average, 73-3
Spandrel, 59-2 limit, legal, 73-3 Spray tower, 34-2, 34-20
Sparging, 34-20 linear, 13-2 (ftn) absorber, 34-3 (fig)
SPC, 11-16 mean, 73-3, 73-4 packed bed, 34-3 (fig)
Special median, 73-4 Spread
case, polynomial, 3-4 mode, 73-4 footing, 36-2
condition, 46-1 normal, 72-8 length, 76-7
damages, 88-7 of a jet, 17-17 -tandem axle, 76-18
triangle, 6-2 of efflux, 17-17
Species, target, 85-3 of reaction, 22-13
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I N D E X I-61
Spreading, 75-10 Stake (see also type), 78-9, 81-1 testing, 82-3
cracking, pavement, 76-5 abbreviations of, 81-1 -writing organization, 82-3
rate, 76-8 alignment, 81-3 Standing wave, 19-18, G-13
Spring, 45-20, G-13 cluster, 81-1 Stanton number, 1-9 (tbl)
anticlinal, G-2 daylight, 81-4 Starvation demand, 73-25
artesian, G-2 guard, 81-1 State
constant, 44-3, 45-20 header, 81-1 fatigue limit, 74-4 (ftn)
constant, combinations, 45-20 hub, 81-1 limit, 74-4 (ftn)
dimple, G-5 location, 81-5 (fig) oxidation, 22-3
energy, 13-3 marking, 81-1 plane coordinate system, 78-5, 78-7
ideal, 45-20 marking, abbreviations, 81-2 (tbl) service limit, 74-4 (ftn)
in parallel, 45-20, 45-21 reference point, 81-1 standard, chemical, 22-17
in series, 45-20 slope, 81-3 strength limit, 74-4 (ftn)
index, 45-20 (ftn) slope, marking, determinant, 81-4 Statement
perched, G-11 witness, 81-1 common size, financial, 87-34 (ftn)
rate, 45-20 Staking, 81-1 of changes in financial
scale, 45-20, 85-14 Stall position, 87-34 (ftn)
stiffness, 45-20 angle, 17-40 of income and retained earnings, 87-34
SPT value, 35-16 parking, 73-22 Static
Square width, 73-21 analysis, 47-2
matrix, 4-2 Stand-alone navigational mode, GPS, 78-6 balance, 70-2
tubing, 61-1 Standard discharge head, 18-6 (fig)
Squirrel cage rotor, 84-14 accounting principle, 87-34 (ftn) energy, 13-3, 16-2 (ftn)
SSD condition, 49-3 atmosphere, international, A-59 equilibrium, 15-18, 41-6 (ftn)
SSF, 14-6 atmosphere, SI, A-3, A-4 friction, 72-5
SSU, 14-6, 18-2 (ftn) atmospheric pressure, 14-3 friction, angle of, 72-6
St. Venant torsional constant, 59-4 (ftn) Building Code, 58-5 (ftn), 82-1 friction, coefficient of, 75-5
Stability, 15-18, 72-2, 85-2 cash flow, 87-4 (fig) GPS surveying, 78-6
asphalt mix, 76-11 cash flow factor, A-177 head, 18-6
coefficient, 53-2 circuit breaker, 84-9 indeterminacy, degree of, 47-7
constant, 22-15 condition, 14-4 (ftn), 24-2 pile composting, 30-20
correlation factor, 76-12 condition, gaseous fuel, 24-2 pressure probe, 17-27
experiment, 11-12 contract, 88-5 pressure tube, 15-2
Hveem, 76-14 cost, 87-36 response, 44-8
index, Langelier, 26-18 cubic feet per minute, 30-9 roller, 76-8
index, Ryznar, 26-18 cubic foot, 24-2 suction head, 18-6
Marshall, 76-10 design vehicle, 73-3, 73-4 (tbl), 76-18 suction lift, 18-6 (fig)
number, 39-2, 40-7 deviation, 11-13 Statical moment, 42-3, 44-10
pavement, 76-3 deviation of the sample, 11-13 (ftn) Statically
relative, 28-13 dissolved oxygen, 28-10 determinate, 41-7
sand, cut, 39-4 enthalpy of formation, 22-18 (tbl) indeterminate, 41-7, 46-1
slope, clay, 40-7 error, 11-13 Statics, 41-1
slope, Taylor chart, 40-7 error of the mean, 11-14 indeterminate, 46-1
Taylor slope, 40-7 (fig) factory cost, 87-36 Station
water, 26-18 flood, 20-6 angle, 78-13
Stabilization, 32-15 form, 7-9 back, 79-3
contact, 30-3 girder, AASHTO-PCI, 56-8 control, 78-7
lagoon, 29-4 gravity, 1-2 curve, around, 79-3
pond, 29-4 hoisting rope, 83-10 full, 78-9
sludge, 30-15 hole, 60-2 offset method, 79-5
surface, 32-7 hook, 50-23, 55-6 (fig) plus, 78-9
tank, 30-4 hook, masonry, 67-7 survey distance, 78-9
time, 28-13 motor, 84-12 triangulation, 78-7
treatment, 26-18 normal curve, area under, A-12 zero plus zero zero, 79-3
water, 26-19 normal deviate, 11-12 Stationary
Stabilometer normal table, 11-6 mixer, 49-5
Hveem, 76-14 normal value, 11-6, 11-12, 11-15 phase, 27-4
test, 35-32 normal variable, 11-12 Stationing, 78-9
value, 76-14 normal variate, 11-12 ahead, 79-3
Stable equilibrium, 72-2 of care, 88-6 (ftn), 88-7 back, 79-3
Stack gas (see also Flue gas), 24-12 orthographic view, 2-2 curve, 79-3
Stadia penetration resistance, 35-16 forward, 79-3
interval, 78-8 penetration test, 35-16, 36-7 Statistic, chi-squared, 11-8
interval factor, 78-8 pipe, 16-10 Statistical
measurement, horizontal, 78-8 (fig) polynomial form, 3-3 error, terms, 85-3
measurement, inclined, 78-8 (fig) project flood, 20-6 process control, 11-16
method, 78-8, G-13 -rate filter, 29-8 Stator, pump, 18-3
reading, 78-8 rod, 78-10 Statute, 89-1
survey, 78-5 sequence, 3-11 of frauds, 88-3 (ftn)
Staff gauge, 19-11 state, chemical, 22-17 Statutory rule, 89-1
Stage, G-13 temperature and pressure, 14-4, 24-2 Stay-in-place formwork, 51-9
pump, 18-4 truck, 76-18 Steady
Staged truck load, 76-18 flow, 19-2, 19-14, G-13
-air burner system, 34-20 truck loading, 76-19 -flow energy equation, 16-2
combustion, 34-20 truck, HL-93, 74-4 flow well, 21-5
-fuel burner system, 34-20 wastewater, 28-15 -state operation, 11-9
Stagnation weld symbol, 66-3 (fig) Steam
energy, 16-4 Standards friction loss, 17-9
point, 16-4 drinking water, 25-5 point, 85-6 (ftn)
tube, 16-4 fire resistance, 82-5 pump, 18-2
Stainless steel, A-116, A-117, A-118 industrial wastewater, 29-1 saturated, properties, A-60, A-61, A-62,
type, 22-19 (ftn) national drinking water, 25-5 A-67, A-68, A-69
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combined, 44-5 (fig) plate, corrugated steel pipe, 16-11 head, total, 18-6
concentration, 44-4 rope, 45-21 side, centrifugal pump, 18-2
concentration factor, 44-5 section, G-13 specific speed, 18-16
concentration factor, fatigue, 43-10 shape, 60-1 specific speed available, 18-16
concentration, geometric, 44-4 shape designation, 58-3 (tbl) Sudden
concentration, press-fit, 45-8, 45-9 steel, 58-1, A-115 contraction, 17-13
confining, 35-26 steel, properties, 58-2 (tbl), A-115 enlargement, 17-12, 17-13
contour chart, Boussinesq, A-112, A-113 steel, properties, high Sufficiency rating, bridge, 74-2
corrosion cracking, 22-20, 58-7 temperature, A-151 Sugar, 23-2 (tbl)
critical, 17-12 steel, stress-strain curve, 58-2 (fig) Sulfate
critical, beam, 59-8 steel, type, 58-1, A-150 exposure category S, concrete, 48-10
cyclic, 43-9 (ftn) strand, 45-21 -resistant portland cement, 48-2
cylinder, thick-walled, 45-6 (tbl) tee, 61-2 sulfur, 24-3
design, working, 45-2 Structurally deficient, 74-2 Sulfide
deviator, 35-26 Structure attack, 28-5
effective, 35-14, 35-27, 37-9, 40-5 atomic, 22-2 cadmium, 85-5
engineering, 43-2 cell, 27-1 Sulfur, 24-3
Euler, 45-3 composite, 44-19 -asphalt concrete, 76-29
extreme fiber, 44-11 sediment, 80-11 -extended concrete, 76-29
extreme, shear, 44-6 temporary, 83-9 concrete, 76-29
flexural, 44-11 Stud dioxide, 32-15
longitudinal, 45-5 burn-off, 64-4 in stack gas, 32-4
mean, 43-9 connector, 64-4 low-, coal, 24-5
neutral, 35-14 headed, 64-3 organic, 24-3
normal, 44-2 material, 58-4 oxide, 32-15
overburden, 35-15 shear, 64-3 point, 85-6 (ftn)
physical, 43-5 type B, 64-3, 64-4 pyritic, 24-3
principal, 44-5 Student’s t-distribution, 11-7, A-14 sulfate, 24-3
proof, 43-3 (ftn) Study, replacement, 87-18 trioxide, 24-3, 32-4, 32-15
radial, 35-26 Sub-base, mass diagram, 80-6 Sulfuric acid, 32-4
ratio, cyclic, 40-11 Subautogenous waste, 34-11 (ftn) Sulfurous acid, 32-15
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lookup method, beam deflection, 44-17 shoulder, 73-32 Temporary
of indefinite integrals, A-10 two-way traffic, 73-32 benchmark, 78-7
of integrals, 9-1 (ftn) Tapered berm, 80-10
periodic, 22-2, A-84 aeration, 30-3 hardness, 22-21, G-14
precedence, 86-10 diameter changes, 17-13 slope drain, 80-10
standard normal, 11-6 energy, 26-12 structure, 83-9
water, G-15 flocculation, 26-12 traffic control, 73-31
Tacheometric distance measurement, 78-8 Tapeworm, 27-8 traffic control zone, 73-31
Tacheometry, 78-8 Taping, 78-7 traffic control zone section, 73-31 (fig)
Tack coat, G-14 Tar Ten States’ Standards, 28-2, 30-5,
Tail coal, epoxy, 16-11 A-104, A-105
curve, 11-7 pipe coating, 16-11 Tendency, central, 11-12
race, 18-24, G-14 Target Tender mix, 76-5
Tailwater, 18-24, G-14 optimum asphalt content, 76-11 Tendon, 39-5
depression, 18-24 species, 85-3 AASHTO concrete compressive stress
Takeoff, 86-3 substance, 34-2, 85-3 limit, prestressing, 56-8 (tbl)
viewer, 86-3 Targeted chlorination, 32-6 aramid, 56-6
Tandem Task driving, 75-8 bonded, 56-2
curb parking geometry, 73-22 (fig) Taste in water, 26-15 corrosion, 56-6
parking, 73-22 Tax prestress, 56-3
seal, 34-16 bracket, 87-25 prestressing, ASTM, 56-5 (tbl)
Tangency, point of, 79-3 credit, 87-25 stress, 56-7
Tangent Taxation typical cross section for seven-wire
ahead, 79-2 check the box, 88-3 (ftn) prestressing, 56-5 (fig)
back, 79-1, 79-2 double, 88-2 unbonded, 56-2
bulk modulus, 14-14 Taxiway, 73-30 Tensile
curve, 79-1 airport, 79-21 capacity, pile, 38-4, 38-5
departure, 79-2 high-speed, 73-31 ductile failure, type, 43-5 (fig)
distance, 79-2 (tbl), 79-5 Taxonomy, G-14 force, 41-16
forward, 79-2 Taylor slope stability, 40-7 (fig) strain, net, 50-5
hyperbolic, 6-4, 6-5 chart, 40-7 strength, 43-3, 58-2
law of, 6-5 Taylor’s strength test, splitting, 48-6 (fig)
modulus, 48-5 formula, 8-8 strength, splitting, 48-6
offset, 79-5 (fig) series, 8-8 stress, 60-1, 65-4
offset, spiral, 79-18 TCLP, 32-2 stress limit, prestressed concrete,
plane, 8-5 Technique, safety management, 75-10 AASHTO, 56-7 (tbl)
point, 7-2 Technology test, 43-2
resistance, 75-5 best available, 34-2 test performance, typical,
runoff, 79-8 best available control, 34-2 plastic, 43-11 (fig)
runout, 79-8 maximum available control, 34-2 zone, bridge beam, 56-8 (fig)
Tangential, 71-9 reasonably available control, 34-2 Tensiometer, 21-2
acceleration, 71-8 Tee-beam (see also T-beam), 50-17 Tension
stress, 45-4 Telecommunication device for the cable, 72-13
turbine, 18-21 (ftn) deaf, 82-11 cable, guardrail, 75-13
velocity, 18-22, 71-8 Telecommunications Relay Service cable, suspended mass, 72-13 (fig)
wheel, 18-21 (ftn) (TRS), 82-11 connection, 65-6
Tangible personal property, 87-20 (ftn) Telescope, 78-9 connection, concentric, 66-4
Tank Telescopic instrument, 78-5 connection, nonconcentric, 66-5
above-ground storage, 33-1 Teletypewriter, 82-11 -controlled section, 50-5
aeration, 30-8 Temperature direct-, indicating, 45-13
contact, 30-4 adiabatic flame, 24-15 field action, 63-2, 63-3
detritus, 29-6 air, mean annual, 76-16 field action equation, 63-3
discharge, 17-16, 17-17 (fig) and pressure, normal, 24-3 force, 41-16
pressurized, 17-18 asphalt, 76-11 (fig) member, 60-1 (fig), 60-7
reactor, 34-7 autoignition, 24-8 member analysis, 60-4, 60-5 (fig)
sedimentation, 26-5 average daily air, 49-6 member design, 60-6
septic, 29-2 coefficient, 85-5 member design, LRFD, 60-6 (fig)
skimming, 29-7 combustion, 24-15 member, staggered holes, 60-2 (fig)
spherical, 45-6 conversion, SI, A-3, A-5 member, uniform thickness, unstaggered
stabilization, 30-4 deflection, 43-11 holes, 60-2 (fig)
storage, 33-1 detectors, resistance, 85-5 member, unstaggered row of
surge, 17-39 dissociation, 24-15 (ftn) holes, 60-2 (fig)
thick-walled (see also Cylinder, thick- ductile transition, 43-15 pier, 44-12 (fig)
walled), 45-5, 45-6 effect on output, 85-13 pile, 38-5
thin-walled, 45-4 flame, 24-15 steel, 50-5 (fig)
time to empty, 17-19 flue gas, 24-14 steel, extreme, 50-5
underground, 32-15 fracture appearance transition, 43-15 stress, diagonal, 50-20
upflow, 26-12 fracture transition, plastic, 43-15 surface, 14-11
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I N D E X I-67
Tied wash-out, 39-5 ramp density, 73-9
bulkhead, 39-4, 39-5 Tolerance, 2-4 removed fraction, 26-6
column, 52-2 Ton (see also Threshold odor residual chlorine, 32-6, 34-8
Tile number), 1-7, 26-15, G-14 residual oxidant, 29-13
bed, 29-2 explosive, 1-7 solids, 25-9, 28-6
field, 29-2 freight, 1-7 specific energy, 16-2 (ftn)
Till, G-14 long, 1-7, A-3, A-4 station survey, 78-5
glacial, G-7 measurement, 1-7 station, automatic, 78-5
Time (see also type) metric, 1-7 station, manual, 78-5
base, 20-7 of explosive power, 1-7 strain, 0.5%, 43-4
bed residence, 34-7 refrigeration, 1-7, A-3, A-5 stress, 35-14
braking perception-reaction, 75-6 short, 1-7, A-3, A-4 suction head, 18-6, 18-7
constant, 3-11 Tonnage, 74-2 superelevation, 72-8
-cost trade-off, 86-9 rating, railroad, 75-4 suspended solids, 25-9
crash, 86-9 Tonne, 1-7 volatile solids, 25-9
decoloration, 28-13 Top Tough material, 43-1, 43-7
-dependent loss, 56-4 cap, 31-5 Toughness, 43-7, 43-14, 58-2
detention, 26-6, 29-7 chord, 61-1 elastic, 43-7
doubling, 3-11, 87-8 plate construction, 65-8 (fig) modulus of, 43-7
doubling, interest rate, 87-9 (tbl) tower, crane, 83-10 notch, 43-14, 43-15
e-folding, 3-11 Topographic map, 78-21 (fig) test, 43-14
exposure, 34-8, 34-9 symbols, 78-21 (fig) Tower
factor, 40-5 Topography, G-14 cooling, 32-6
factors, consolidation, 40-5 Torque, 41-2, 47-3 crane, 83-10 (fig)
filtration, 34-6 bolt, 45-13 oxidation, 29-9
float, 86-11 coefficient, 45-13 packed, 34-3, 34-20
hydraulic detention, 30-8 conversion, SI, A-3, A-5 spray, 34-2, 34-20
lag, 20-11 electrical motor, 84-12 top, crane, 83-10
lost, 73-15 hydrostatic, 15-11 tray, 34-20
mean cell residence, 30-8 meter, 85-13, 85-14 Town gas, 24-8 (ftn)
mean residence, 29-7, 32-9 on a gate, 15-11 Township, 78-20, G-14
mean speed, 73-3, G-14 pump shaft, 18-11 number, 78-20
mission, 11-9 shaft, 45-14 subdivision, 78-20 (fig)
of concentration, 20-3, G-14 Torr, A-3, A-4 Toxaphene, 32-12
per unit, average, 87-43 Torricelli equation, 17-17 Toxic air, 32-2
perception-reaction, 79-10 Torricelli’s speed of efflux, 17-17 Toxicity, 25-8
periodic, 72-20 Torsion characteristic leaching procedure
PIEV, 75-6 angle, 43-8, 45-14 (TCLP), 32-2
PRT, 75-6 balance, Du Nouy, 14-11 (ftn) Toxin, G-14
residence, 34-8, 34-9 dynamometer, 85-13 Trace organic, 29-3
retention, 26-6, 29-7 noncircular shape, 45-16 Tracking, fast, 86-9
retention, hydraulic, 30-7 shell, 45-15 Tract, 78-20
rule, 79-9 solid member, 45-16 Tractive
-series analysis, 9-8 (ftn) test, 43-8 effort, 75-3
service, 73-27 Torsional force, 75-3
-shifting theorem, 10-6 axis, 45-17 force, locomotive, 75-4
slack, 86-11 buckling, 59-4, 61-2 Trade-in allowance, 87-18
-space diagram, 73-19 buckling, lateral, 59-3 difference, 87-18
-space diagram bandwidth, 73-20 (fig) center, 45-17 Traditional organochlorine pesticide, 32-12
-space diagram construction, 73-19 (fig) constant, 59-4 Traditionality, 75-10
stabilization, 28-13 eccentricity, 45-17 Traffic (see also type), 73-3, 76-16
system, 73-27 shear, 66-6 -activated controller, 73-20
to double, 87-8 stiffness, computation, 51-7 -activated timing, 73-20
to empty tank, 17-19 Tort, 88-6 calming, 73-27
to peak, 20-11 action, 88-6 control zone, temporary, 73-31
to triple, 87-8 strict liability in, 88-7 control, temporary, 73-31
tripling, 87-8 Torus formula, A-9 design, 76-17
tripling, interest rate, 87-9 (tbl) Torvane shear vane test, 83-3 recorder, automatic, 73-6
value of money, 87-5 Total signal, resonant cycle, 73-16
waiting, 73-27 active resultant, 37-3 space, 73-32
-weighted average, 83-8 air void, 76-9 volume data, 75-15, 75-16
Time-dependent loss, 56-4 coliform, 27-8 Trailer, aggregate, 80-9
Timing cost, 87-33 Train, cold, 76-28
on demand, 73-20 density, soil, 35-7 Tranquil, flow, 19-16, G-14
traffic-activated, 73-20 discharge head, 18-7 Transaction, short-term, 87-3
Tip dissolved solids, 25-9, 26-19 (tbl) Transcendental function
resistance, 38-2 dynamic head, 18-7 circular, 6-2
speed, 18-4 energy, 16-2, 16-4
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I-68 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
unit, height of, 34-22 rack, 26-3, 29-6 Trickling filter, 29-8
units, number, 34-19 Trashphalt, 76-29 Trigonometric
Transform Travel form, 3-7
fast Fourier, 9-8 hypersonic, 14-15 function, 6-2
Laplace, 10-5, A-11 speed, 73-4 functions in a unit circle, 6-3 (fig)
Transformation supersonic, 14-15 identity, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5
coefficient of, 5-3 transonic, 14-15 Trigonometry, spherical, 6-5, 6-6
matrix, 5-3 Traveled Trihalomethane, 25-10
Transformed moment of inertia, 50-15 distance, 71-3 Trihedral angle, 6-6
Transformer, 84-6 way, G-14 Trilateration, 78-5
Transgranular, 22-20 Traverse, 78-13 Trimetric view, 2-3
Transit, 78-9, 78-12 angle, 78-13 (fig) Trioxide, sulfur, 24-3, 32-15
engineer’s, 78-12 area, 78-16, 78-17 Trip generation, 73-5
rule, 78-15 closed, 78-13 Triphosphate, adenosine, G-1
surveyor’s, 78-12 closure, 78-15 (fig) Triple
Transition closure error, 78-5 (tbl) cross product, 5-5
channel, 19-16 Crandall rule, balancing, 78-15 integral, 9-3
curve, 79-18 least squares, balancing, 78-15 product, mixed, 5-4, 5-5
distance, superelevation, 79-8 open, 78-13 scalar product, 5-5
element, 22-3 partial, 78-16 (fig) Triplex pump, 18-2
metal, 22-3 (ftn) pitot tube, G-11 Tripling time, 87-8, 87-9
rate, 79-8 Tray tower, 34-20 interest rate, 87-9 (tbl)
region, 16-7 Treatment Tripod, 41-22 (fig)
section, 50-5 advanced wastewater, 29-3 Tritium, 22-2
superelevation, 79-8 all-volatile, 22-24 Trivial solution, 3-7 (ftn)
temperature, 43-15 caustic phosphate, 22-24 Trolley crane, 83-10
temperature, ductile, 43-15 efficiency, 30-6 Tropopause, 15-14 (ftn)
trench width, 40-9 facility, 33-2 Troposphere, 15-14 (ftn)
zone, 30-14 highway safety, 75-15 Truck
Translation, pure, 72-2 leachate, 31-8 equivalent, 73-7
Transmissible vector, 5-1 (ftn) method, water supply, 26-4 (tbl) factor, 76-17
Transmission partial, G-10 HL-93, 76-18
dynamometer, 85-13 penetration, G-11 HS20-44, 76-18
gear ratio, 75-3 plant, wastewater, 29-3 loading type, 76-19 (fig)
rope, 45-21 preliminary, 29-3 loading, standard, 76-19
waterborne disease, 27-10 primary, 29-3 standard, 76-18
Transmissivity, 21-3, G-14 secondary, 29-3 transfer, 80-9
coefficient of, 21-3 shock, 28-5 type, standard, 76-18
Transmittance tertiary, 29-3 True
smoke, 32-15 wastewater, 34-22 color, in water, 25-8
Transonic travel, 14-15 zero-solids, 22-24 meridian, 78-12
Transpiration, G-14 Tremie, concrete, 40-10 strain, 43-5
Transport Trench stress, 43-5
airport, 79-21 anchor, 31-4 Trumpet interchange, 73-25
cell, 27-2 cement bentonite slurry, 40-10 Trunk, 28-2
loss, 80-9 method, landfill, 31-2 Truss, 41-12
Transportation shield, 83-3 bridge, 41-12, 41-13 (fig)
network, 75-2, 75-15 slurry, 40-10 deflection, 44-17, 47-4
network screening, 75-17 width, transition, 40-9 determinate, 41-13
network diagnosis, 75-17 Trenching, 39-1, 83-3 indeterminate, 46-7
project, 75-15 safety, 83-3 pipe, 16-10, 28-4
Transpose, 4-5 Trenchless method, 40-11 rigid, 41-12
Transverse Trenchsheet, 39-4 transverse load, 41-16
axis, 7-11 Trestle, 41-13 type, 41-13 (fig)
component, 71-9 Triad, Cartesian, 5-2 Tschebotarioff trapezoidal pressure
force, beam, 44-11 Triadimenol, 32-12 distribution, 39-2
joint spacing, 77-11 Trial, 11-2 TSS, A-104, A-105
joint spacing, pavement, 77-11 (tbl) batch method, 49-2 Tube (see also Tubing)
load, truss, 41-16 mix method, 49-2 impact, 16-4
loading, 41-16 successive, 11-4 laminar, 26-6
pitot tube, G-11 Triangle, 6-2 piezometer, 15-2
pressure, 17-28 formula, A-7 pitot, 16-4
reinforcement index, 55-5 general, 6-5 (fig) stagnation, 16-4
sensitivity factor, 85-9 oblique, 6-5 static pressure, 15-2
truss member load, 41-16 (fig) oblique, equations, A-172 Tubing
velocity, 71-9 Pascal’s, 3-3 copper, 16-9
Trap right, 6-2 dimensions, brass and copper, A-48
sand, G-12 similar, 6-2 dimensions, BWG, A-49
steam, 16-14 dimensions, copper, A-47
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dimensions, seamless steel, boiler, A-49 -n flow, culvert, 19-29 acceleration formulas, 71-4 (tbl)
dimensions, steel, boiler, A-49 number, 3-1 annual cost, equivalent, 87-7
Tubular of flow, 19-2 attack corrosion, 22-19
ESP, 34-8 (ftn) of view, 2-1 bar in torsion, 43-9 (fig)
flow, 30-6 structural bolt, 45-9 (ftn) exam, 90-2
Tunnel, wind, 17-42 structural steel, 58-1, A-150 flow, 16-9, 19-2, 19-4, 19-6, G-14
Turbid water, 25-9 valve, 16-13 (fig) gradient factor, 87-8
Turbidity, 25-8, G-14 Typical section, 80-3 load surcharge, 37-8
unit, G-14 motion, 71-3
unit, nephelometric, 25-8, G-10 series cash flow, 87-3
Turbine, 17-15 U Uniform Building Code, 58-5 (ftn), 82-1
axial-flow, 18-24 (fig) Uniformity coefficient
axial-flow reaction, 18-23 U of, 21-5
-tube manometer (see also Hazen, 35-2
Francis, 18-23
high-head, 18-21 Manometer), 15-2 Uninterrupted flow, 73-3
impulse, 17-36, 18-21 -waste, 32-2 Union, set, 11-1
UBC, 82-1 Unit
meter, 17-27 UL, 82-3
mixed-flow reaction, 18-23 circle, 6-1
label, 82-3 hydrograph, 20-8
power, 17-36, 18-22 Ultimate
propeller, 18-23 hydrograph, Espey 10-minute, 20-13
analysis, 22-5, 22-6, 24-2 hydrograph, NRCS dimensionless, 20-12
radial-flow reaction, 18-23
reaction, 18-23 bearing capacity, 36-3 hydrograph, synthetic, 20-11, 20-12
runner, 18-21 BOD, 28-9 hydrograph, synthetic, Espey, 20-12
specific speed, 18-21 CO2, 24-13 hydrograph, triangular, 20-12
tangential, 18-21 (ftn) load, 47-2 hyperbola, 6-5
type, 18-23 plastic moment, 59-12 impulse function, 10-6
Turbulent flow, 16-7, 17-5 shear, 59-12 load method, 44-18
Turning static bearing capacity, pile, 38-1 matrix, 4-2
point, 79-12 strength, 43-3, 45-2 process, G-15
radius, 73-3 strength design, 44-2 (ftn), 59-8 sphere, 6-6
Turnout, G-14 strength, pipe, 40-9 steel, 58-1
Turns ratio, 84-6 Ultra step function, 10-6
Turntable crane, 83-10 -low NOx burner, 34-15 strength method, 67-3
TWA, 83-8 -thin whitetopping, 76-29 transfer, 34-22
Twaddell scale, 14-5 (ftn) Ultrafilter, 26-14 vector, 5-2, 41-2
Twist Ultrasonic vector, Cartesian, 5-2 (fig)
angle, 43-8, 45-14 flowmeter, 17-28 weight, 14-5, 35-7
center, 45-17 test, 43-14 weight coefficient, 49-8
-off bolt, 65-1 testing, 82-4 weight, concrete, 48-4
Two Ultrasound imaging test, 43-12 weight, dry, at zero air voids, 35-18
-angle formula, 6-4 Ultraviolet radiation, 26-21 width flow, 73-21
-dimensional mechanism, 41-20 Unaccounted-for water, 26-25 United States Rectangular Surveying
-dimensional mensuration, A-7 Unadjusted basis, 87-21 System, 78-20
-dimensional reaction, 41-8 Unavailable combined residual, 28-13 Units
-dimensional space, vector in, 5-1 (fig) Unbalanced angstrom, A-1, A-2
-force member, 41-6, 41-12 centrifugal ratio, 79-7 base, 1-5
-lane highway, 73-12 force, 41-1, 72-4 chemical concentration, 22-11
lines, angle, 7-8 Unbiased estimator, 11-12, 11-13 consistent system of, 1-2
-metal corrosion, 22-18 Unbonded derived, 1-6 (tbl)
-phase signal, 73-14 strain gauge, 85-8 (ftn) flow rate, pedestrian, 73-21
-point form, 7-5 tendon, 56-2 nephelometric turbidity, 25-8, G-10
points, distance, 7-7 Unbraced non-SI, 1-7
-sided weaving section, single-lane column, 53-2, 53-5 number of transfer, 34-19
ramp, 73-26 frame, 53-2 (fig) of pressure, 14-2
-sided weaving segment, 73-26,73-27 (fig) length versus available primary, 1-7
-stage process, 26-16 moment, 59-3 (fig) of production depreciation, 87-22
-stage trickling filter, 29-10 Unburned fuel loss, 24-16 shaft friction, 38-3
-tail confidence limit, 11-15 Uncertainty analysis, 87-44 SI, 1-5
-way drainage, 40-5 Unconfined SI conversion, A-3
-way shear, 55-3 aquifer, 21-1, 21-2 SI derived, 1-5, 1-6
-way slab, 51-5 (fig), 51-7 (fig), 51-8 compressive strength test, 35-29 stream power, G-15
-way traffic taper, 73-32 Unconsolidated-undrained test, 35-28 supplementary, 1-6 (tbl)
-wire joint reinforcement, 67-7 Unconstrained motion, 72-11 (fig) turbidity, G-14
Type Under-reinforced beam, 50-6 velocity, 21-4 (ftn)
1 connection, 65-7 Underground Unity equation, 68-8
2 connection, 65-7 storage tank, 32-15 Universal
3 connection, 65-7 water, 21-1 constant, Newton’s, 72-20
3 truck, 74-3 Undersaturated condition, 73-28 gas constant, 14-10
3-3 truck, 74-3 Underwriters Laboratories, 82-3 gravitation, Newton’s law of, 72-20
3-S2 truck, 74-3 Undetermined coefficients, method mill plate width tolerance, 58-3 (tbl)
I building, 82-8 of, 3-6, 10-4 set, 11-1
I error, 11-14 Undivided highway, 73-3 Transverse Mercator, 78-5, 78-22
I settling, 26-5 (ftn) Undrained case, 36-5 Universe, 11-3
II error, 11-15 Unequal Unloading
II settling, 26-5 (ftn) angle, 61-1 and reloading curve, 43-7 (fig)
V building, 82-8 tangent vertical curve, 79-17 curve, 43-7
arrival, 73-16 Unfilled composite grid deck, 57-4 Unreinforced
A soil, 83-2 Unified masonry, 68-3
B soil, 83-2, 83-3 method, 50-3 membrane, 31-4
B stud, 64-3, 64-4 Soil Classification System, 35-4,35-6 (tbl) Unsaturated hydrocarbon, 23-2 (tbl), 24-1
C soil, 83-3 strength design method, 50-3 Unshored construction, 57-3, 64-2
cover, 20-17 Uniform Unstable equilibrium, 72-2
acceleration, 71-3
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I-70 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
Unsteady flow, well, 21-6 residual, 86-7, 87-16 Varied flow, 19-21, G-15
Unstiffened element, 61-6 resistance, soil, 35-31 Varignon’s theorem, 41-3
Unsupported root-mean-squared, 11-12 Varve, G-15
length, steel beam, 59-4 salvage, 87-18 Varved clay, 40-4
membrane, 31-4 stabilometer, 76-14 Varying
Unsymmetrical standard normal, 11-6, 11-12 mass, 72-19
bending, beam, 59-15 terminal, 87-16 n-value, 19-5
bending, case, 59-15 (fig) Valve, 16-12 Vaulting, 75-13
vertical curve, 79-17 air release, 16-12 VBI, 14-16
Unwatering, 80-11 air, siphon, 16-14 VBN, 14-16
Upflow tank, 26-12 altitude, 26-24, 26-25 Vector, 5-1
Upgrade angle, 16-12 addition, 5-3
coal, 24-5 angle lift, 16-12 biological, 31-5
specific, highway, 73-12 antireversal, 16-12 bound, 5-1 (ftn)
Upheaving, pavement, 76-5 ball, 16-12 Cartesian unit, 5-2
Uplift, G-15 butterfly, 16-12 characteristic, 4-8
force, 21-9 characteristics, 16-13 cross product, 5-4 (fig)
pressure, 21-9 check, 16-12 dot product, 5-3 (fig)
Upper combination air, 16-14 equal, 5-1
bound, 9-4 diagram, 16-13 (tbl) equivalent, 5-1 (ftn)
confidence limit, 78-2 double orifice air, 16-14 field, curl, 8-7
Upstream control, 19-21 eccentric plug, 16-12 field, divergence, 8-7
Urban equivalent length, A-56 fixed, 5-1 (ftn)
area, 73-3 flow coefficient, 17-13 function, 5-5
interchange, 73-25 gate, 16-12 gradient, 8-5
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I N D E X I-71
migration, 34-9 frontal auxiliary, 2-2 total air, 76-9
minimum, open channel, 19-2 horizontal auxiliary, 2-2 total mix, 76-9
mixing, 26-11 isometric, 2-3 Volatile
net filtering, 34-5 normal, 2-1 acid, 27-9
net net filtering, 34-5 oblique, 2-2 dissolved solids, 25-9
of approach, 16-4, 17-16, 17-17, 17-31 orthogonal, 2-1 inorganic compound, 32-16
of approach factor, 17-29 orthographic, 2-1, 2-2 liquid, 14-10, 22-11 (ftn)
of whirl, 18-11 (ftn) orthographic oblique, 2-3 matter, 24-4
overland flow, 20-5 perspective, 2-1, 2-3 organic chemical, 28-14
paddle, relative, 26-11 plan, 2-2 organic compound, 28-14, 32-14, 32-15,
pore, 21-4 planar, 2-2 32-16, G-15
potential function, 17-3 principal, 2-2 solids, 25-9, 28-6, 30-4, G-15
profile, 16-8 profile auxiliary, 2-2 suspended solids, 25-9
ratio, pump, 18-3 (tbl) redundant, 2-2 suspended solids concentration, 30-5
reaction, 22-13 trimetric, 2-3 Volatility, 24-6
rebound, 72-17 type, 2-1 Volatilization, G-15
relative, 71-10 Viewer, takeoff, 86-3 Volcanic glass, 35-32
scouring, 29-6 Virgin Voltage, 84-2
seepage, 21-4 compression branch, 40-4 deflection, 85-10
self-cleansing, 19-2, 20-3 (ftn), 28-4 compression line, 35-24 divider, 84-4
settling, 17-43, 26-5, 26-6 consolidation line, 35-24 drop, 84-3
sewer, 28-4 curve, 40-4 induced, 17-27
sonic, 14-14 Virtual motor, 84-17
superficial, 21-4 displacement, 46-10 regulation, 84-11, 84-12
superficial face, 34-5 work, 46-10 Voltammetric
tangential, 18-22, 71-8 work method, 44-18 sensor, 85-3
terminal, 17-43, 72-19 work method, beams, 47-17 Volume
unit, 21-3 work principle, 47-3 absolute, 49-2
wave, 19-18 Virus, 27-4, 27-6 -capacity ratio, 73-5, 73-15
Velz Viscometer consolidated, 49-2
decay rate, 29-11 concentric cylinder, 14-6 (ftn) conversion, A-3, A-5
equation, 29-11 cup-and-bob, 14-6 (ftn) directional design hour, 73-5
Vena contracta, 17-17, 17-30 (ftn) Saybolt, 14-6 (ftn) flow conversion, A-3, A-6
Veneer failure, 31-5 test, 14-6 hourly, 73-9
Venn diagram, 11-1 (fig) Viscosity, 14-6 index, sludge, 30-5
Venturi absolute, 14-6 (ftn) mensuration, A-9
discharge coefficients, 17-30 (fig) Bingham-plastic limiting, 17-12 mensuration, three-dimensional, A-9
effect, 17-29 blending index, 14-16 molar, 22-5
meter, 17-29, 17-30 (fig) blending number, 14-16 of a fluid, 14-1
meter performance, 17-29 coefficient of, 14-6 of revolution, 9-5, 9-6, 42-3 (fig)
scrubber, 34-18 conversion, 14-8, 14-9 (tbl), A-3, A-5 parameter, traffic, 73-4
scrubber collection efficiency, 34-19 dynamic, 14-6 (ftn) pile, 80-4
Vers function, 6-4 effect on head loss, 17-11 reactor, 30-7, 30-8
Versed fuel, A-24 settled sludge, 30-6
cosine, 6-4 grade, 14-9 sludge, 30-10, 30-12
sine, 6-4 grading, 76-2 sludge, water treatment, 26-12
Versine, 6-4 heat transfer fluid, A-24 solid, 49-2
Vertex hydrocarbon, A-24 specific, 14-4
angle, 6-1 index, 14-9 warrant, signalization, 73-18
parabola, 7-10 kinematic, 14-8, 16-7 wastewater, 28-1, 28-2
Vertical lubricant, A-24 Volumetric
angle, 6-2 Newton’s law of, 14-6, 14-7 air flow rate, 30-10
buckling, 44-19 non-Newtonian, 17-12 analysis, 24-2
curve, 79-11 power law, 17-12 efficiency, pump, 18-3
curve, obstruction, 79-13 (fig) water, A-20 expansion, coefficient, 44-4
curve, railway, 79-22 flow rate, 17-3
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I-72 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I N D E X I-73
flanged beam, 44-10 (fig) partial-penetration groove, 66-2, 66-9 trench, transition, 40-9
force, concentrated, 59-17 PJP, 66-2 weaving segment, 73-26
plastification factor, 63-6, 63-7 plug, 66-2 Wind tunnel, 17-42
plate buckling coefficient, 63-2 shielded metal arc, 66-1 Windage loss, 84-17
plate girder, 63-2 size, 66-3 (tbl) Window sliding, method, 75-17
stiffener, 44-19 size, minimum, 66-9 Winfrey method, 87-16 (ftn)
yielding, 59-17 slot, 6-2, 66-2 Wiper, wall, 34-20
yielding calculation, strength, bridge, 66-8 Wire
nomenclature, 59-18 (fig) submerged arc, 66-1 corona, 34-8
Weber symbol, 66-3 (fig) fiber core, 45-21
number, 1-9 (tbl), 17-47 (ftn) throat, 66-2 gauge, masonry, 67-7
number, similarity, 17-47 (tbl) throat, effective, 45-14 horizontal joint, 67-7
Webster’s equation, traffic signal, 73-16 type, 66-2 (fig) independent core, 45-21
Wedge, 72-7 Weldability, 58-2 lap length, 67-7
pile, 80-4 (fig) Welded reinforcing, A-134
usage, 72-7 (fig) connection, AASHTO LRFD, 66-8 rope, 45-21, 45-22
Weight, 1-1, 1-3, 22-6, 70-1 connection, building frame, 66-8 rope, hoisting, 83-10
adjusted, 49-3 connection, combined shear and sheave, 45-22
and proportion problem, 22-8, 27-11 bending, 66-5 (fig) size, AWG, 84-8
atomic, 22-2, A-83, G-2 connection, combined shear and spiral, column, 52-3
chemical, atomic, 22-2, A-83, G-2 torsion, 66-5 (fig) strand core, 45-21
combining, 22-6 joint, type, 66-2 (fig) -to-water efficiency, 18-9
density, 1-3 Welding (see also Weld), 66-2 Witness stake, 81-1
density, concrete, 48-4 filler metal, material, 58-4 measurement, 81-1
equivalent, 22-5, G-6 Well, 21-4 Wood as fuel, 24-4
formula, 22-5 artesian, 21-2 Work, 13-2, 47-3
limit sign, 74-2 (fig) chlorine dose, 21-4 done by force, 13-2
limit, lifting, 83-7 deep, 80-11 done by torque, 13-2
molecular, 22-5, G-10 developed, 21-4 -energy principle, 13-3, 13-4, 45-20
roughness, 2-4 drawdown, 21-5 external, 13-2
specific, 14-5 extraction, gas, 31-6 flow, 13-3
specific, concrete, 48-4 flowing, G-6 internal, 13-2, 43-6
unit, 14-5, 35-7 function, 21-7 lost, 17-4 (ftn)
unit, concrete, 48-4 -graded soil, 35-2 of a constant force, 13-2 (fig)
-volume relationship, 76-6 gravel pack, 21-4 p-V, 13-3, 13-4
-volume relationship, asphalt gravity, 21-2, 21-4 performed by a force, 9-4
mixture, 76-7 (fig) injection, 34-11 space, traffic, 73-32
Weighted monitor, 21-4, 31-9 spring, 13-2
average cost, 87-31 observation, G-10 virtual, 46-10
cost, 87-31 penetrating, 80-11 virtual, method, 44-18
Weighting pumping power, 21-7 Workability
agent, 26-9 relief, 21-4 concrete, 48-4, 49-1
factor, 87-31 screen, 21-4 pavement, 76-5
Weir, 19-10 sterilization, 21-4 Working
broad-crested, 19-13 symbols, A-106, A-107 arm, 83-10
Cipoletti, 19-13 wet, G-15 stress design, 58-5
contracted, 19-11 Wellpoint, 80-11 stress design method, 45-2
equation, Francis, 19-11 West declination, 78-12 Worksheet, moment distribution, A-133
equation, Rehbock, 19-11 Westergaard Worm, 27-8
length, 19-11 case, 40-2 Worth
loading, 26-6, 29-7 modulus of subgrade reaction, 77-5 future, 87-5
loading rate, 29-7 Western coal, 24-5 method, present, 87-14, 87-15
proportional, 19-14 Wet present, 87-5
rectangular, submerged, 19-11 basis, concrete, 49-3 Woven fabric, 40-10
sharp-crested, 19-11 condition, 72-6 Wye-connection, 84-11
suppressed, 19-11 density, 35-7 Wythe, 68-14
Sutro, 19-14 scrubber, 34-2 multiple, 68-14
trapezoidal, 19-13 venturi scrubber, 34-18 (fig) Wöhler curve, 43-9
triangular, 19-13 well, G-15
V-notch, 19-13 Wetted perimeter, 16-5, A-30, G-15
Weisbach equation, 17-6, 17-7 Weymouth formula, 17-10 X
Weld, 66-1 Wheatstone bridge, 85-9
as lines, A-125 Wheelbarrow, 80-9 X-ray testing, 43-12
Xeriscape, G-15
balanced tension, 66-4 Wheelbase, 73-3
CJP, 66-2 Whirl, velocity of, 18-11 (ftn) Xerophytes, G-15
complete-penetration groove, 66-2, 66-8 Whistle-blowing, 89-3 (ftn)
decay, 22-19 Whitetopping, 76-29
ductility, 66-4 ultra-thin, 76-29 Y
electrogas, 66-2 Whitney assumption, 50-8 Y
electroslag, 66-2 Wide -connection, 84-5
fillet, 45-14, 66-2, 66-3 (fig), 66-9 area augmentation system, 78-6 -valve, 16-12
flux-cored arc, 66-2 beam, 44-17 Yard
full-penetration groove, 66-2 -beam shear, 55-3 bank cubic, 80-1
gas metal arc, 66-2 Width, 2-2 compacted cubic, 80-1
groove, 66-2, 66-8 beam, minimum, 50-8 (tbl) cubic, 80-1
group, A-125 effective, 19-11, 50-18, 64-2 loose cubic, 80-1
group, balanced, 66-4 effective flange, AASHTO, 57-2 -quarter, 80-9
group, properties, A-125 effective slab, composite member, 57-2 -station, 80-8
metal, 66-1 stall, 73-21 Yaw, 17-27, 72-2
metal active gas, 66-2 -thickness ratio, 61-6, 61-7 (tbl), 63-3 angle, 17-28
metal inert gas, 66-2 tolerance, universal mill plate, 58-3 (tbl) Year-end convention, 87-3
minimum effective size, 66-9 (tbl)
P P I * w w w . p p i 2 p a s s . c o m
I-74 C I V I L E N G I N E E R I N G R E F E R E N C E M A N U A L
z-values for confidence level, 11-15 (tbl)
Zebra mussel, 27-8
Zeolite, 22-22
process, 22-22, 26-17
synthetic, 26-17
Zero, 3-3, 12-1
air voids curve, 35-18
air voids density, 35-18
-discharge facility, 32-6
factorial, 3-2 (tbl)
-force member, 41-14 (fig)
haulage line, 80-6
-indicating bridge, 85-9 (ftn)
matrix, 4-2
-order, reaction rate, 22-14
-solids treatment, 22-24
-voids density, 35-8
Zone (see also type)
active, 37-3
benthic, G-3
clear, 75-13
of aeration, G-15
of influence, 40-2
of saturation, G-15
phreatic, 21-1, G-11
vadose, 21-1, G-15
Zoned survey, 78-5
Zoning, ordinance, 82-2
Zoogloea, G-15
Zooplankton, G-15
Zuber equation, 14-11
Zx beam selection table, 59-8
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