Condition-Based Maintenance: Model vs. Statistics A Performance Comparison
Condition-Based Maintenance: Model vs. Statistics A Performance Comparison
Condition-Based Maintenance: Model vs. Statistics A Performance Comparison
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Procedia CIRP 57 (2016) 253 – 258
The current development in industrial applications shows a variety of approaches to perform maintenance: With reactive maintenance, only parts
which fail will be replaced. This causes high costs and high unexpected failure rates. Preventive maintenance uses a predefined service plan
and also a wear part exchange schedule. The plan or schedule is often based on real-time or an operation time. This often results in fixed
maintenance cycles or an operation time-based maintenance. This can lead to a replacement or maintenance of a completely healthy component
or to ignoring components that need to be replaced more frequently. Condition-based maintenance is an advanced approach which is based on
measured component data to identify the current status of a component. This status is used to determine the date of maintenance or exchange
as estimated end of life. Thus, only damaged components are maintained or exchanged. The scope of this paper is to implement a model-based
maintenance algorithm in a real industrial application to determine the remaining lifetime of a component. A very important requirement is a
good identification process for the model and the component. However, short commissioning times and a variety of different components pose an
increased effort to identify the parameters. Thus, this paper presents an approach for a parameter identification which solely relies on data being
present in the numerical control of the machine. The model-based approach is then compared to a simpler statistical approach using data from a
running production machine.
©c 2016
2016TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by Elsevier
Published B.V. This
by Elsevier an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Scientific committee of the 49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems (CIRP-CMS 2016).
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
Keywords: Industrie 4.0, Predictive Maintenance, Model Based Maintenance, Condition Monitoring
2212-8271 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 49th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems
254 Marc Engeler et al. / Procedia CIRP 57 (2016) 253 – 258
Desired Position Ψ0 = 0.0915 (7)
4.3. Trajectory 2-4
Position [mm]
Current [A]
1.9 200
1.6 0
17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Time [sec] Time [sec]
Acting Torque on Motor during Ψ 0 identification Current for μ indentification
Torque [Nm]
Current [A]
1.5 -0.4
1.4 -0.6
1.3 -0.8
17.5 18 18.5 19 19.5 20 20.5 21 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Time [sec] Time [sec]
With no external load applied to the system, F p is equal to 4.4. Trajectory 5-6
the gravitational force mg, which is very small compared to the
spring force. It is no longer possible to neglect the friction in The third part of the trajectory consists of a part with con-
the system. However, as the motor constant Ψ0 is already iden- stant acceleration. The identification of the inertia Θtot relies on
tified, there is now the possibility to identifiy the friction term (3) and thus needs to have a dynamic component to guarantee,
(9). that dωdtm (t) 0. This means, that the inertia will be identified
μ(ωm ) = μ s sign(ωm ) + μv ωm (9)
Θtot dωdtm (t) = 32 pΨ0 Iq − μ s sign(ωm (t)) − μv ωm (t) − F p n10
2πγ (12)
extrapolation dt
0.1 b A
Friction [Nm]
The parameter is then given by (14)
Θtot = (AT A)−1 (AT b) (14)
Fig. 6. μ extrapolation
4.5. Verification
The identified values for two speeds are shown in Figure 6
and are reduced to a mean value (11) using least squares. To cross-validate this method, a different trajectory was run
on the same test equipment and compared to the modeled data.
μ s = 0.0795 μv = 6.4121 · 10−4 (11) A set of three different speeds was run (200mm/s, 120mm/s
and 40mm/s), which resemble a realistic operation in a state-
of-the-art assembly line. The verification results are depicted in
The trajectories used to identify these values are depicted in Figures 8 and 9.
Figure 7. The spindle is run at 40 mm/s and 80 mm/s respec- It is important to emphasize the incentive of this work, to
tively. The ripples in the plot are due to the spindle increment, only use data which can be obtained from the controller of the
which imposes some vibration to the motor. electric motor. With this data only, it is possible to identify the
Marc Engeler et al. / Procedia CIRP 57 (2016) 253 – 258 257
Absolute Current Signals 5.2. Teaching
I q simulated
I real
q To use control charts, the continuous signals (or large sam-
ple size discretized signals) available from the motor controller
are reduced to meaningful single points. First, an appropriate
0 signal has to be chosen. As shown in Section 4, the current
Current [A]
-0.2 signal contains information about load, friction and the motor
-0.4 itself and is therefore appropriate for condition monitoring. In
-0.6 a second step, one or more suitable features from the current
signal out of one working cycle are selected, see Figure 8. To
define a feature, a time interval is selected. Then, an attribute is
assigned, e.g. minimum, maximum or mean value of the signal
54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 in the selected interval.
Time [sec]
The selection of the signal, time interval and attribute de-
Fig. 8. Current verification trajectories fines which characteristic of the drive is monitored; this is com-
parable to the identification of the parameters in Section 4. For
Velocity of the verification simulation example, if the friction of the system should be monitored, the
Real data
current signal in trajectory 2-3 or 3-4, see Figure 7, is selected.
Simulated The mean current value in the interval t = [43, 46] represents
the viscous friction μv and the current peaks in the interval
t = [46, 48] represent the static friction μ s , given a constant
Velocity [mm/s]
5. Statistical Model
where μ0 is the target value, σ is the process variation and L
In contrast to the parameter identification method presented and λ are design parameters. Common choices for the smooth-
above, this section concentrates on a statistical approach to con- ing factor are 0.05 <= λ <= 0.25 and L = 3 for the sigma
dition monitoring. This approach solely relies on data available multiplier, which corresponds to the usual three-sigma limits.
from the motor controller, therefore no analytical model is re- Since target value and process variation are unknown, they are
quired. Since no parameters are identified, no direct statement estimated from the data set:
about the motor constant, the total inertia or the friction is made.
Rather, specific signal features are observed and compared to
μ0 = μ̂ and σ = σ̂ (18)
the nominal case. To obtain a statement about the condition of
the drive, these signal features have to be chosen accordingly.
5.1. Control Charts The exponentially weighted moving average is defined as:
Control charts originate from statistical process control, [8]. yi = λxi + (1 − λ)yi−1 (19)
In this work, they are used as a tool to analyze accruing process
data. A prerequisite to use control charts is, however, that pro-
cess signals from the drive in the nominal, fault free case are where x are the observations and i is the sample number. Af-
available. This data set is usually acquired during commission- ter calculating the control limits and the statistic yi , the EWMA
ing. chart is plotted. If all points yi lie inside the control limits,
During operation, the drive is monitored and its signals are the process is said to be under statistical control. Otherwise,
compared to the nominal case automatically. Hence, condition outliers are investigated, looking for assignable causes. After
monitoring with control charts involves two phases: teaching working on these causes to improve the process, outliers are
and analysis. excluded and the control limits are recalculated.
258 Marc Engeler et al. / Procedia CIRP 57 (2016) 253 – 258