This payslip summarizes the earnings, deductions, and net pay for employee Kadali Sridhar for the month of December 2018. It shows a basic salary of 40,583 INR, HRA of 20,291 INR, and other allowances. Deductions include PF contribution, professional tax, income tax, and others. The net pay for the month is 102,538 INR. It also includes a year-to-date summary of earnings, taxes, and PF contributions.
This payslip summarizes the earnings, deductions, and net pay for employee Kadali Sridhar for the month of December 2018. It shows a basic salary of 40,583 INR, HRA of 20,291 INR, and other allowances. Deductions include PF contribution, professional tax, income tax, and others. The net pay for the month is 102,538 INR. It also includes a year-to-date summary of earnings, taxes, and PF contributions.
This payslip summarizes the earnings, deductions, and net pay for employee Kadali Sridhar for the month of December 2018. It shows a basic salary of 40,583 INR, HRA of 20,291 INR, and other allowances. Deductions include PF contribution, professional tax, income tax, and others. The net pay for the month is 102,538 INR. It also includes a year-to-date summary of earnings, taxes, and PF contributions.
This payslip summarizes the earnings, deductions, and net pay for employee Kadali Sridhar for the month of December 2018. It shows a basic salary of 40,583 INR, HRA of 20,291 INR, and other allowances. Deductions include PF contribution, professional tax, income tax, and others. The net pay for the month is 102,538 INR. It also includes a year-to-date summary of earnings, taxes, and PF contributions.
Hitech City, Madhapur, Hyderabad Telangana - 500081
Payslip for the month of December 2018
Employee ID : 23075462 Employee Name : Kadali Sridhar
Cost Center : 0001411169 Department : GWBT- PRODUCTION SUP PF Number : AP/HYD/0044454/000/0008958 Location : Hyderabad Designation : Sr Analyst - Apps Prog EPS Number : AP/HYD/0044454/000/0008958 Date of Birth : 14.10.1973 Bank A/C No : 05451140061196 PAN Number : AJBPK5813D Date of Joining : 14.03.2008 Gender : Male ESI Number : UAN : 100185027765 No. of days paid : 31.00 Bank Name : HDFC Band : 6
Basic Salary 40,583.23 PF Contribution 4,870.00 HRA 20,291.62 Prof. Tax 200.00 BA Continuum Allowance 44,505.20 LWF Contribution 2.00 Medical Allowance 1,250.00 Income Tax 16,559.00 Bonus 17,000.00 Global Recognition Award 1,188.00 Global Recognition Award 1,727.00 Rounding off adjustment 0.05
(*) denotes Arrear payment
Total Earnings 125,357.05 Total Deductions 22,819.05
Net pay : 102,538.00
Attendance days Arr. Paid days Days in a month LOP Days
31.00 0.00 31.00 0.00
MASTER SALARY Amount(INR) Year to Date ( YTD) Amount(INR)
Basic Salary 40,583.23 YTD Earnings 985,038.45 HRA 20,291.62 YTD Tax 104,360.00 Medical Allowance 1,250.00 YTD PF 43,830.00 BA Continuum Allowance 44,505.20
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