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Novel approaches for Molecular

Analyses, Micropropagation and

Curing of Vanilla
(Vanilla planifolia)

A thesis submitted to the

Department of Biotechnology of
University of Mysore

in fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy


Sreedhar R.V., M.Sc. (Agri.)


Under the supervision of

Dr. Bhagyalakshmi Neelwarne


Plant Cell Biotechnology Department

(A Constituent Laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi)
MYSORE - 570 020, INDIA

March 2009

Affectionately Dedicated to

– The Mother EARTH, she who nurtures you and me!
Sreedhar R.V.
Research Fellow
Department of Plant Cell Biotechnology
CFTRI, Mysore-570 020
E-mail: rvsree@rediffmail.com


I, Sreedhar R.V., declare that this thesis entitled “Novel approaches for Molecular
Analyses, Micropropagation and Curing of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia)” is the result
of research work done by me under the supervision of Dr. Bhagyalakshmi Neelwarne

at Plant Cell Biotechnology Department of Central Food Technological Research
Institute, Mysore- 570 020, India during the period of January 2004 to February 2009. I

am submitting this thesis for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in
BIOTECHNOLOGY of the University of Mysore.
I further declare that this thesis has not been submitted by me for the award of
any other degree / diploma of this or any other University.

Place : Mysore Sreedhar R.V.

Date : (Candidate)
Dr. Bhagyalakshmi Neelwarne
Department of Plant Cell Biotechnology
E-mail: pcbt@cftri.res.in


This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Novel approaches for Molecular Analyses,
Micropropagation and Curing of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia)” submitted by

Mr. Sreedhar R.V. to the University of Mysore for the award of the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Biotechnology is the result of research work carried out by
him under my guidance in Plant Cell Biotechnology Department, Central Food
Technological Research Institute, Mysore during the period of January 2004 to
February 2009.

Place: Mysore Bhagyalakshmi Neelwarne


Date: (Research Supervisor)

Vanilla is the most popular flavor both by monitory and tonnage basis finding vast
applications in food, pharmaceutical, beverage and cosmetic industries. Natural vanilla
flavor is obtained from careful curing of vanilla beans and it is the second most
expensive spice traded in the world market. In a study for assessing the diversity among
Indian vanilla clones and to create a database for the available germplasm, analysis of
isozymes as markers was found to be inappropriate due to inconsistencies in zymograms
of enzymes. On the other hand, genetic markers such as RAPD and ISSR were found
highly suitable. The genetic diversity among 25 accessions collected from 13 major
locations was studied. The PCR-amplification patterns within accessions were similar
for a given primer indicating that the morphological difference observed had no genetic

background. Molecular analysis among different accessions also yielded identical PCR

band profiles in both RAPD and ISSR analyses. These results clearly indicate that

V. planifolia cultivated in India appears to share the same genetic background and
therefore, the genetic diversity is either extremely low or non-existing.
Occurrence of genetic variants during micropropagation is occasionally
encountered when the cultures are maintained in vitro for long period. Through an

investigation using RAPD and ISSR markers, micropropagated multiple shoots of

vanilla established and multiplied in vitro for over 10 years were assessed which

established that micropropagation protocol used in this study can be carried out for a

considerable length of time without any risk of genetic instability. Vanilla shoot
multiplication in semi-solid (SS), complete immersion system (CIS) and partial

immersion system (PIS) were evaluated for biomass, shoot multiplication and
elongation aiming at developing an improved micropropagation protocol. GrowtekTM
bioreactor, functioning on the principle of PIS, was found to be most suitable for
micropropagation of vanilla. For automation of the micropropagation system, different
medium contact periods were provided to shoot cultures in CIS in which the 30 min
contact three times a day appeared most congenial. Similarly a bioreactor developed
with intermittent bathing of the cultures with nutrient medium was congenial for shoot
multiplication of vanilla. A combination of red soil: sand: vermicompost in equi-
proportion was found to be the best for greenhouse hardening. Field-evaluation showed
that the micropropagated plants were early to flower and high yielders than the
conventionally propagated ones.
The vanilla shoots cultured under completely immersed condition showed
hyperhydricity syndrome (HHS). A study focusing on unraveling the major structural,
biochemical and molecular changes occurring during HHS was carried out. The HHS
was associated with severe damages at cellular and sub-cellular levels, increase in free
polyamines and accumulation of water, and decrease in quantities of chlorophyll,
protein and drastic changes in reducing and non-reducing sugars. The onset and
progression towards hyperhydricity (HH) showed higher activities of antioxidant
enzymes, indicative of shoots’ defensive efforts against oxidative stress. Thirty one HH-
associated cDNAs identified by DDRT-PCR were cloned and sequenced whose
electronic homology searches using BLASTX analysis resulted in the identification of
23 cDNA clones showing homology with various stress, apoptosis, DNA repair and

carbohydrate breakdown related proteins expressed differentially during HHS.

BLASTN analysis yielded 18 fragments having homology with different stress linked

cDNA clones. A partially characterized transcriptome of hyperhydric condition in V.
planifolia has been developed which paves the way for a better insight into gene
expression during this common physiological disorder.
Vanilla beans derived from the micropropagated plants along with the beans
available commercially were cured following different biotechnological approaches for
development of an efficient curing technique. In this study, effects of pre-treatments on

the flavor formation during accelerated curing at 38 oC for 40 days were studied. Use of

naphthalene acetic acid (5 mg/L) or ethrel (1%) with blanching pre-treatment resulted in
3-fold higher vanillin on 10th day. All major quality parameters analyzed were found

comparable to commercial sample. In another experiment, food-grade elicitors were

used in combination with pre-treatments for the accelerated curing of beans. When
acetone dried red beet elicitor - a rich source of peroxidase was used, 2.65% vanillin
was formed in 10 days, which was 1.7-fold higher than in control beans of this study
and 3.2-fold higher than the conventional curing. HPLC analysis of elicitor-treated
samples showed the formation of almost all the major compounds found in the
conventionally cured beans (cured for 3-6 months) with better sensorial properties.
These observations appear useful for developing a rapid process for the curing of vanilla

I consider myself very lucky to be associated with mentor of my doctoral

research, whose relentless efforts and ever encouraging nature have positively
influenced and benefited me a lot. Therefore, I express my deep sense of
gratitude to Dr. Bhagyalakshmi Neelwarne, who laid a very strong foundation for
my research career.

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. V. Prakash, Director, CFTRI,

Mysore, for granting me the opportunity to utilize excellent facilities available
at CFTRI and submit the results of my work in the form of a thesis.

I am ever grateful to Dr. G.A. Ravishankar, Head, Department of Plant Cell

Biotechnology, CFTRI, for his constant encouragement and support during the
pursuit of my research work. C
I wish to extend my gratitude to Dr. M.S. Narayan a lot by way of scientific
discussions, who was more than willing to lend his helping hand during the

needy hours. I sincerely thank Dr. Maya Prakash, Dr. Varadaraj M.C. and
Dr. Prafulla S.G. for their constant encouragement and valuable suggestions.

My heartfelt thanks to the staff of PCBT Dr. Rajasekaran, T., Dr. Sarada R.,

Dr. Giridhar P., Dr. Mahadevaswamy M., Dr. Arun Chandrasekar, Mrs. Karuna,
Mr. Shivanna, Mr. Srinivas Yella, Palaksha, Shashi and Channe Gowda who have

always been so helpful.

Deepest thanks to all my dear seniors and colleagues Dr. Thimmaraju, Dr. KNC
Murthy, Dr. Vinod, Dr. BCN Prasad, Dr. Sathya, Dr. Vanitha, Dr. Sandesh, Venkat,
Roohie, Ashwin, Dayananda, Vidhya, Jyothi, Ranga, Rama, Gururaj, Sakthi, Pari,
Kathir, Lokesh, Shibin, Mahindra, Harsha, Manjunath, Imtiaz, Anila, Kumudha,
Ganapati, Gurudatt, Padma, Ramesh, Avinash, Simmi, Santosh, Sridevi, Kavitha,
Akshatha, Kalpashree and many others. I would like to thank all my friends in
other departments Raghunath Reddy, Harish Babu, Kisan, Revannappa, Rachappa,
Ravi, Dr. Uma, Desai, Namitha, Mamatha, Ravikumar, Ramesh, Badri,
Harshavardhan Reddy, Gangadhar, Devaraj, Rajashekar, SriRanga, for their moral
support, affection and encouragement.
I acknowledge the timely help and cooperation of staff of supporting
departments: HRD, Stores and Purchase, CIFS, FOSTIS, Computer Center and

I sincerely acknowledge the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR),

New Delhi, INDIA for the Research Fellowship, which enabled me to undertake
the research as career.

On a personal note, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to my Parents Smt.

Rathnamma and Sri. R.V.V. Reddy and Grand parents for their love,
blessings, guidance and encouraging me to select research as career. I thank
my brother Shashidhar, sister Shilpa and Shanboge family for their
boundless love, encouragement and support. Without their moral support and

continuous encouragement, it would not have been possible to accomplish this
task. Lastly, but most importantly, I thank my dear fiancée Roopa for her love,

compassion, understanding and support.

To all others, who had helped me knowing or unknowing wherever they are,
goes my thanks and with them the assurance that their assistance not be

(Sreedhar R.V.)
Chapter Page
List of Figures i
List of Tables iii
List of Abbreviations iv
General Introduction and Review of Literature
G1 General Introduction 01
G1.1 The plant 02
G1.2 The bean 03
G1.3 Chemistry of vanilla bean 03
G1.4 Qualitative variations among vanilla species 05
G2 Vanillin 06
G2.1 Natural occurrence of Vanillin 06
G2.2 Site of vanillin synthesis in vanilla beans 07

G2.3 Biosynthesis of vanilla flavor compounds 07
G2.4 Other sources of Vanillin 09
G3 The vanilla ‘crisis’ 10

G4 Origin and Dissemination of Vanilla 11
G4.1 V. planifolia in its area of origin and introduction 11
G4.1.1 The history of V. planifolia in Mexico 11
G4.1.2 V. planifolia in introduced areas 13
G4.2 Diversity analysis 14
G4.2.1 Genetic Diversity of vanilla 17
G4.2.2 Diversity in Indian vanilla 17
G5 Micropropagation 18

G6 Hyperhydricity syndrome 19
G6.1 Genetic analysis by Differential display 20

G7 Curing of vanilla 22

Chapter I Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

Summary 26

1.1 Introduction 27
1.1.1 Isozymic analysis 28
1.1.2 RAPD 29
1.1.3 ISSR 29
1.1.4 Genetic diversity analyses in vanilla and other orchids 29
1.2 Materials and methods 30
1.2.1 Plant sampling 30
1.2.2 Isozymic analysis of peroxidase (POD) 31
1.2.3 DNA extraction and quantification 32
1.2.4 Primer selection 32
1.2.5 DNA amplification 33
1.2.6 Analysis of PCR product by agarose gel electrophoresis 34
1.2.7 Data analysis 34
1.3 Results 36
1.4 Discussion 38
1.5 Conclusion 40
Chapter II Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation
Summary 41
2.1 Introduction 43
2.2 Materials and methods 47
2.2.1 Genetic fidelity 47 Plant material and establishment of shoot cultures 47 Extraction of DNA, PCR analysis, Primer selection, DNA
amplification, Analysis of PCR product by agarose gel
electrophoresis and Data analysis 48
2.2.2 Micropropagation 48 Plant material 48 Culturing conditions 48 Kinetic parameters 50 Growth parameters 51 Rooting, hardening and green house cultivation 51

2.2.3 Planting material for field performance study 51 Stem cuttings 51

FT Micropropagated plantlets 51
2.2.4 Statistical analysis 52
2.3 Results 52
2.3.1 Genetic fidelity 52
2.3.2 Micropropagation 57
2.3.3 Greenhouse hardening and field performance studies 62
2.4 Discussion 65
2.4.1 Genetic fidelity 65
2.4.2 Micropropagation 68

2.4.3 Greenhouse hardening and field performance studies 72

2.5 Conclusion 73

Chapter III Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Summary 75

3.1 Introduction 77
3.2 Materials and methods 79
3.2.1 Morphological and Biochemical changes 79 Plant material and in vitro culturing conditions 79 Morphological changes 80 Measurement of pH, conductance and osmolarity 81 Chlorophyll content 82 Carbohydrate content 82 Analysis of polyamines 82 Protein content and antioxidant enzyme activity 83 Statistical analysis 84 Isozymic analysis of POD 84
3.2.2 Molecular changes 84 RNA isolation 84 mRNA Differential display 84 PCR amplification 85 Urea formamide denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 85 Elution of differentially expressed amplicons 86 Re-amplification 86 T/A cloning of isolated differential amplicons 86 Ligation of A-tailed PCR product to T-tailed vector 87 Transformation of E. coli with the ligation reaction mix 87 Preparation of competent cells using CaCl2 90 Transformation of competent cells 90 Selection of transformants/recombinants and PCR confirmation
of the transformation 90 Isolation of plasmid DNA from the transformed colonies 91 Sequencing of the clones 91 Validation by RNA dot blot 91 Quantitative (relative) reverse transcriptase polymerase chain
reaction (qRT-PCR) 93
3.3 Results 95
3.3.1 Morphological and Biochemical changes 95

I Morphological and ultra structural changes 95

R Changes in medium kinetics in CIS 95 Changes in chlorophyll and carbohydrate contents 99

FT Polyamines content 99 Protein content and activities of antioxidant enzymes 102
3.3.2 Molecular Changes 104 Cloning 106
C PCR analysis to confirm cloning 106 Sequence analyses of cDNA fragments 106
@ BLASTN analysis 106 BLASTX analysis 108 Verification of the DD cDNAs expression by RNA blot analysis 114
ts Quantitative (relative) reverse transcriptase polymerase chain

reaction (qRT-PCR) of selected genes 114

3.4 Discussion 117

3.4.1 Morphological and Biochemical changes 117
3.4.2 Molecular changes 121

3.5 Conclusion 126

Chapter IV Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Summary 127
4.1 Introduction 129
4.1.1 Use of pre-treatments 131
4.1.2 Use of elicitors 132
4.2 Materials and Methods 134
4.2.1 Chemicals 134
4.2.2 Vanilla beans 134
4.2.3 Measurement of moisture loss 134
4.2.4 Texture measurement 134
4.2.5 Flavour analysis 135 Standards 135 Extraction of flavour compounds 135 Analytical High Performance Liquid Chromatography 135
4.2.6 Extraction and estimation of total protein content 136
4.2.7 Activities of major enzymes 136 Extraction of enzymes and assay 136 Extraction 136 -glucosidase 136 Cellulase 137 Peroxidase 137
4.2.8 Tissue printing 137
4.2.9 Sensorial properties 138 Odour profile analysis of vanilla pods 138 Panel training 138 E-nose analysis 139
4.2.10 Statistical analyses 139
4.2.11 Treatments 139 Pre-treatments experiment 139 Elicitation experiment 141

4.3 Results

4.3.1 Pre-treatments experiment 141 Changes in physical parameters 141

FT Formation of flavour compounds 143 Protein content 148 Enzyme activities 149 -Glucosidase 149
C Cellulase 150 Peroxidase 150
@ E-nose analysis 151
4.3.2 Elicitation experiment 152 Total protein 152
ts The enzymes 152 Formation of flavour compounds 156
rin Sensory attributes 158

4.4 Discussion 160
4.4.1 Pre-treatments experiment 160

4.4.2 Elicitation experiment 162

4.5 Conclusion 164

Conclusions and Future prospects 166

Bibliography 170
Appendix 192
Publications 198
Fig. Page
No No.
G1 Vanilla plant, inflorescence and beans 02
G2 Shikimic acid pathway showing the formation of vanilla flavour
compounds 08
G3 Geographical localization of Mexican and Meso-American places 12
G4 Chemical structures of the major compounds found in cured beans 23
1.1 Map showing sampling locations in India and Karnataka 33
1.2 Isozymic pattern of peroxidase enzyme from leaves at different
stages of development in vanilla 37
1.3 Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) banding pattern
generated by primer OPJ 10 37
1.4 Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) of DNA showing
amplification pattern generated by primer UBC 810 37
2.1 Different phenotypes developed during long-term micropropagation

of shoot cultures of Vanilla planifolia 47
2.2 Growtek™ bioreactor used in the present study 49
2.3 Diagrammatic representation of modified bioreactor developed for

automation of submerged cultivation of vanilla (as TIS) 49
2.4 A representative Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
amplification pattern 55
2.5 A representative Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) amplification
pattern 56
2.6 Various micropropagation systems used in the present study 58
2.7 pH, osmolarity and conductivity of the medium at various stages of
culturing shoot cultures 59

2.8 Shoot multiplication, shoot elongation and biomass production in

semi-solid medium (SS), Erlenmeyer’s flasks (CIS) and GrowtekTM

bioreactor (PIS) 60
2.9 Scale-up of shoot cultivation in a modified bioreactor 62
2.10 Greenhouse hardening and field cultivation of vanilla 65
3.1 Shoot cultures of Vanilla planifolia cultured on solid and complete

immersion system 81
3.2 Shoots cultivated in normal and liquid medium showing various
degrees of hyperhydricity 81
3.3 The experimental model adopted for the differential display study 89
3.4 Cross-sections of stem in normal and hyperhydric shoot cultures of
vanilla 96
3.5 Cross-sections of leaf in normal and hyperhydric shoot cultures of
vanilla 96
3.6 Scanning electron micrographs of normal and hyperhydric shoot
cultures (stage H2) of vanilla 97
3.7 Kinetic parameters of the medium used for culture of vanilla shoots 98
3.8 Protein content and activity of antioxidant enzymes in normal
(shoots cultured in solid medium) and hyperhydric shoot cultures 103
3.9 Zymogram on denaturing gel of PODs after activity staining 104
3.10 Differentially expressed bands visualized on polyacrylamide gel 105

3.11 Formation of blots of different intensities confirmation of
differential accumulation of gene products of VP2 and VP9 114
3.12 Expression and relative transcript abundance of different
hyperhydricity related genes 116
4.1 Experimental model adopted in the pre-treatment study showing
various treatments 140
4.2 Moisture content at different periods of curing of vanilla beans after
various pre-treatments 142
4.3 Texture analysis of vanilla beans during different stages of curing
after various pre-treatments 143
4.4 Flexibility of vanilla beans cured for 10 days after pre-treatment
with NAA during blanching-pretreated beans 143
4.5 HPLC profiles of standard compounds and pre-treated vanilla beans 145
4.6 Total protein content of vanilla beans (at 25% moisture level) at
different incubation periods as estimated by Macro-Kjeldahl method 148
4.7 Electronic nose analysis pattern of vanilla pods from various sources 152
4.8 HPLC patterns showing profiles of vanilla flavour compounds

formed after 10 days of curing at 38 oC in elicitor-treated vanilla

beans as compared with standards and control beans 157

4.9 Sensory profile of vanilla beans cured for 10 days with or without
elicitors and different pre-treatments
C 159

Table Page
No. No.
G1 World Vanilla Market 01
G2 Concentrations of major volatile compounds in cured vanilla bean 04
G3 Vanillin content in different plants 09
G4 Widely used markers and their applications 16
1.1 List of accessions of V. planifolia and their geographical origin
used in this study 31
1.2 List of selected RAPD and ISSR primers 33
1.3 List of selected primers used in RAPD analysis and number of
scorable bands 35
1.4 List of selected primers used in ISSR analysis and number of
scorable bands 36
2.1 List of selected primers used in RAPD analysis 53

2.2 List of selected primers used in ISSR analysis 54

2.3 Effect of different contact periods on growth and development of
vanilla shoot cultures 62

2.4 Effect of different combinations of soil mixtures used for hardening
the plants under green house conditions 63
2.5 Field performance of Conventionally propagated and
Micropropagated vanilla 63
3.1 List of anchor primers and arbitrary primers used for Differential
Display 85
3.2 Gene specific primers and annealing temperatures used for RT-
PCR 94

3.3 Changes in the levels of chlorophyll and carbohydrates in normal

and hyperhydric shoot cultures of vanilla 100
3.4 Levels of free polyamines in solid-medium and CIS cultured shoots 101

3.5 List of the isolated bands, their size and expression based on their
expression in PAGE gel electrophoresis 105
3.6 Homology search results for differentially expressed cDNAs during

hyperhydricity syndrome of vanilla: BLASTN analysis 110

3.7 Homology search results for differentially expressed cDNAs during
hyperhydricity syndrome of vanilla: BLASTX analysis 112
4.1 Vanillin content in pre-treated beans 146
4.2 Vanillic acid content in pre-treated beans 147
4.3 p-hydroxybenzoic acid content in pre-treated beans 147
4.4 p-hydroxybenzaldehyde content in pre-treated beans 148
4.5  -glucosidase activity in pre-treated beans 149
4.6 Cellulase activity in pre-treated beans 150
4.7 Peroxidase activity in pre-treated beans 151
4.8 Activities of enzymes in elicitor powders processed either by
lyophilization (L) or acetone-wash (A) and in fresh vanilla beans 154
4.9 Levels of activities of different enzymes in control and elicitor-
treated vanilla beans during various stages of curing 155
4.10 Concentrations of different flavoring compounds in control and
elicitor treated vanilla beans during different stages of curing 158

AFLP : Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism
APS : Ammonium persulphate
BAP : Benzylaminopurine
BLAST : Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
bp : base pairs
BSA : Bovine Serum Albumin
BSR : Beet Seedling Root
ºC : Degree Centigrade
CAT : Catalase
cDNA : Complementary Deoxyribonucleic Acid
CES : Cellulase
CIS : Complete Immersion System
cm : Centimeter

CMC : Carboxymethyl cellulose

DAC : Days After Curing
DCP : Dry Cell Powder

DD : Differential Display
DDRT-PCR : Differrential Display Reverse Transcription- PCR
DIG : Digoxigenin
DMF : Dimethyl formamide
DNA : Deoxyribonucleic Acid
dNTP : Deoxynucleotide triphosphate
DTT : Dithiothreitol
EDTA : Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid

IPTG : Isopropyl-Dthiogalactopyranoside
kb : Kilobase

3’ : Hydroxyl- terminus of DNA molecule

5’ : Phosphate-terminus of DNA molecule
d : day
DNase I : Deoxyribonuclease I

EST : Expressed Sequence Tag

FW : Fresh Weight
g : gram
GANP : Germinal center associated nuclear protein
GLUC : Glucosidase
H : Hour
ha : hectare
HH : Hyperhydricity
HHS : Hyperhydricity syndrome
HPLC : High Performance Liquid Chromatography
ISSR : Inter Simple Sequence Repeats
kg : kilogram
LB : Luria- Bertani (medium)
L : Litre
M : Molar
MAP : Microtubule associated protein

MAPK : Mitogen activated protein kinase
mg : milli gram
min : minute
mL : milli Liter
mM : milli Molar
mm : milli meter
MOPS : 4-Morpholinepropanesulfonic acid
mRNA : messenger RNA
MS : Murashige and Skoog
mS : milli Siemen
N : Normal
NAA : Naphthalene acetic acid
nm : nanometer
ng : Nano gram
nt : nucleotide
NCBI : National Centre for Biotechnology Information

NBT : Nitroblue tetrazolium
OD : Optical density

OPA : Operon A
PAs : Polyamines
PAGE : Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
PAL : Phenylalanine ammonium lyase
PCA : Principal Component Analysis
PCR : Polymerase Chain Reaction
PEG : Polyethylene glycol
pG1 : Polygalacturonase
POD : Peroxidase

PP : Phenyl propanoid
QDA : Quantitative Descriptive Analysis

qRT-PCR : quantitative Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction

RAPD : Rapid Amplification of Polymorphic DNA
RNA : Ribonucleic acid

RNase : Ribonuclease
rRNA : ribosomal RNA
rpm : revolution per minute
RT : Room Temperature
RT-PCR : Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
SA : Salicylic acid
SAGE : Serial Analysis of Gene Expression
SD : Standard Deviation
SDS : Sodium dodecyl sulphate
Sec : Second
SEM : Scanning Electron Microscopy
SOD : Superoxide dismutase
SS : Semi-solid
SSR : Simple Sequence Repeat
TAE : Tris-acetate-EDTA
Taq : Thermus aquaticus
TBE : Tris-Borate-EDTA

TE : Tris-EDTA buffer
TIS : Temporary Immersion System
Tris : Tris (hydroxymethyl) amino methane
X-GAL : 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-D-galactopyranoside
U : Unit enzyme
UBC : University of British Columbia
UTM : Universal Texture Measurement
UV : Ultra Violet
V : Volt
v/v : Volume per volume
WAI : Week after inoculation
w/v : Weight per volume
α : Alpha
β : Beta
μg : Micro gram
μM : Micro molar
μL : Micro liter

% : Percent


General Introduction and Review of Literature

G1. General Introduction

Vanilla is the most popular and widely used flavor by both monitory and tonnage
basis. Being the second most expensive spice traded in world market only after
saffron (Minoo et al. 2008), natural vanilla flavor is obtained as an extract from
cured vanilla beans and is universally used as aromatic flavoring in food,
pharmaceutical, beverage and cosmetic industries. The top category beans
classified as “gourmet” grade are above 15 cm or more in length and are selected
from A grade beans having over 1.75% vanillin (the chief flavouring compound)
and 25-30% moisture content. Approximately 20-25% of the total production
from well maintained farms often account for this grade. Natural vanilla

consumption in India at present is only about 5% of a total consumption of 400-
500 tonnes per year (Indian Food Industry, 2008). Export of Indian vanilla has

steeply gone up from 125 tonnes in 2006-2007 season to 200 tonnes in 2007-2008
season showing 133% increase from the target of 150 tonnes (Spice India, 2008).
The major vanilla producing countries and their market sizes are presented
in Table G1. Madagascar being the largest producer of vanilla accounts for 67%
of market share, followed by Papua New Guinea with 9% share. Both Uganda

and Indonesia produce 7% each of world vanilla whereas India is 4th major

producer with a production of nearly 120 MT.

Table G1. World Vanilla Market (2007) (Gassenmeier et al. 2008)


Country Production (MT) Proportion of market (%)

Madagascar 1500 67
Papua New Guinea 200 9
Uganda 150 7
Indonesia 150 7
India 120 5
Comores Island/Tahiti 70 3
Mexico 40 2

General Introduction and Review of Literature

G1.1 The Plant

Vanilla in wild is found as a climber. It is an herbaceous perennial succulent vine,

climbing up trees or other supports by means of adventitious roots. During
cultivation vines are trained to a height that facilitates hand pollination and
harvesting. The long cylindrical succulent green stem is 1-2 cm in diameter and
the leaves are large, flat, fleshy, subsessile, alternate and oblong-elliptical to
lanceonate. The stout racemose inflorescence is axillary, normally simple but
rarely branched (Figure G1). Flowering is seen usually from December to May
and it takes 45-60 days from initiation of inflorescence to flowering. The tip of
the column of the flower bears a single stamen with two masses (pollinia) covered

by a cap or hood like structure called ‘rostellum’, which separates stamen from

stigma and prevents natural pollination. The flower is so constructed that self-

pollination is rather difficult unless hand-pollinated. Stingless bees of the genus
Melipona (Apoidea) and humming birds are known to pollinate some flowers in
Mexico and Central America and elsewhere hand-pollination is practiced.

Figure G1. A: Vanilla plant; B: Inflorescence; C: Beans

General Introduction and Review of Literature

G 1.2 The Bean

The syncarpous fruit of Vanilla planifolia develops from an inferior ovary and
splits open along the three lines at maturity becoming a capsule. There are two
principal regions in the fruit: The fruit wall or the ‘green’ region which includes
epidermis, ground and vascular tissues. The ‘white’ region composed of three
parietal placentae and the three bands of glandular hairs between them. The
glandular hairs play a role in the biosynthesis of the flavouring compounds. The
most important for the vanilla bean are the unusual glandular hairs that begin to
develop quickly in the regions between the placentae. Vanillin and related
intermediates of vanillin biosynthetic pathway accumulate in the inner white

tissue of a developing vanilla pod, around placental hairs. This information may

be important for understanding the rationale for the control of the curing process.

G 1.3 Chemistry of vanilla bean

The distinct aroma imparted by cured vanilla beans is due to a group of phenolic
aromatic compounds accounting for over 170 flavoring compounds, of which the

major ones are vanillin, vanillic acid, para-hydroxybenzoic acid and para-
hydroxybenzaldehyde. The constituents responsible for the aroma and flavor are

the volatiles such as aromatic carbonyls, aromatic esters, aromatic alcohols,


aromatic acids, phenols, phenol ethers, aliphatic alcohols, carbonyls, acids, esters
and lactones, aromatic hydrocarbons, terpenoids, aliphatic hydrocarbons and

heterocyclics. The nonvolatile constituents are the tannins, polyphenols, resins and
free amino acids. All these constituents together produce the delicate, rich and
mellow aroma with spicy, woody and balsamic notes. The highest quantity of
about 2-2.5% of the dry matter of cured pod is due to vanillin, the cost of latter is
about a hundred-fold higher than the synthetic one. Concentrations of major
volatile compounds in cured vanilla bean are presented in Table G2. Earlier
studies have noted that vanillin or its glycoside do not accumulate in the interior
of cells may be to avert the reactivity and possible toxicity of the carbonyl group.
Therefore, vanillin biosynthesis in Vanilla species occurs in specialized cells
where vanillin is glycosylated and expelled from the cellular interiors. This
suggests that biological cells not equipped to deal with the cellular turnover of

General Introduction and Review of Literature

vanillin might be ill equipped to accomplish vanillin production (Havkin-Frenkel

and Belanger 2008).

Table G2. Concentrations of major volatile compounds in cured vanilla bean

(Perez-silva et al. 2006)

Sl.No. Compound Concentration (ppm)

1 Vanillin 19118±1124.71
2 Vanillic acid 1315±77.78
3 p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde 873.3±55.6
4 p-Hydroxybenzoicacid 255±13.44
5 Vanillyl alcohol 83.8±2.97
6 p-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol 65.1±4.88

Aliphatic acids

1 Linoleic acid 225.6±17.25
2 Hexadecanoic acid 126.6±5.94

3 Acetic acid 124.3±11.1
4 Oleic acid 16.3±1.56
5 Nonanoic acid 15.7±1.73
Aromatic acids
1 Cinnamic acid (isomer 2) 9.5±1.13
2 Benzene propanoic acid 3.9±0.28
3 Cinnamic acid (isomer 1) 3.4±0.57
4 Benzoic acid 2.6±0.35

1 2,3-Butanediol (isomer 1) 16.5±1.77

2 2,3-Butanediol (isomer 2) 8±0.14

3 Benzyl alcohol 2.7±0.21

4 1-Octanol 1.1±008

1 2-Heptenal 2.1±0.28
2 2-Decenal 1.8±0.16
3 2,4-Decadienal 1.4±0.11
1 Ethyl linolenate 13.5±0.35
2 Anisyl formate 2.3±0.35
3 Methyl cinnamate 1.1±0.07
1 Pentacosine 19.9±1.48
2 Tricosane 15.9±2.19

This brings to the fore the particular suitability of green vanilla beans for vanillin
production by direct enzymatic treatments. Proper agronomic practices and

General Introduction and Review of Literature

selection of lines producing high levels of vanillin could result in high quality
vanilla pods since the present cultivation practices show that glucovanillin can
accumulate to levels of up to 20% of the dry weight (Havkin-Frenkel and
Belanger 2008). This being the case, with proper control of curing process, it
might be possible to obtain cured beans with 10% vanillin (Havkin-Frenkel and
Belanger 2008).

G1.4 Qualitative variations among vanilla species

Based on qualitative variations in the aroma and flavor of beans of vanilla various
species and their geographical origins are as follows:

Bourbon vanilla (V. planifolia Andrews) - It is the collective term used for the

beans of Madagascar, Reunion, the Comoro islands and the Seychelles origin.

Bourbon vanilla is characterized by its sweet, creamy, rich, full-bodied, tobacco-
like, woody and animal, and deep balsamic, sweet spicy flavor back notes.
Mexican vanilla (V. planifolia Andrews) - The flavor notes in this are described
as sharp, slightly pungent and sweet spicy notes lacking body compared to
Bourbon vanilla.

Java vanilla (V. planifolia Andrews) - This is from Indonesian islands and is less

sweet and creamy than Bourbon type. It lacks bouquet note and has a strong
woody and slightly smoky character with a freshly sharpened pencil note.

Indian vanilla (V. planifolia Andrews) - The flavor of carefully cured Indian
vanilla is full-bodied but less sweet and creamy than Bourbon vanilla. It lacks
balsamic note but has slightly spicy and pungent sour notes.

Uganda vanilla (V. planifolia Andrews) - These beans almost have aroma and
flavor similar to Bourbon vanilla but less creamy and sweet.

Thaitian vanilla (V. tahitiensis) - This type has a distinctly perfumey and
flowery, fragrant, helitropine-like, with a rather shallow vanilla character.

General Introduction and Review of Literature

Papua New Guinea (PNG) vanilla - (V. tahitiensis, V. hapape or V. politi) – It

has a weak flowery and perfumey note and possess anisic notes. It is weak in
flavor and aroma character.

Guadeloup vanilla (V. pompana) - This species of Central America possesses a

sweet anisic holiotropine-like fragrance.

Vanilla species, growing conditions, soil nutrition, harvest maturity of the

beans and the curing method are known to determine the ratio of various flavor
constituents of cured beans. Vanillin is the major abundant flavor and aroma
chemical present in cured vanilla beans (normally varies between 0.3-3%). The
other major aromatic constituents are p-hydroxybenzaldehyde (0.12-0.15%),

vanillic acid (nearly 0.1%), p-hydroxybenzoic acid (nearly 0.02%), p-hydroxy

benzyl methyl ether (nearly 0.02%) and acetic acid (nearly 0.02%).

G2. Vanillin
Vanillin (4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde) is the most widely appreciated
flavor compound with an odor threshold of 11.8 × 10-14 M for humans
(Buccellato 2005). It has the unique characteristic that even at a very high dose,

the flavor is perceivable. Vanillin is found to have antimicrobial, antioxidant,


antimutagenic, anticlastogenic and anticancerous activities. Its antimicrobial

property on fungi Aspergillus flavus, Bacillus subtilus and Staphylococcus aureus
makes it a potential food preservative. It is also of general interest because of its

biogenetic relationship to the phenylpropanoid pathway and other molecules of

physiological significance, notably salicylate.

G2.1 Natural occurrence of Vanillin

It is found in traces in many plants. Essential oils like clove, cinnamon and mace
contain vanillin. Plants from the genus Vanilla have large amounts of vanillin.
Vanilla planifolia (syn. V. fragrans), V. tahitensis and V. pompona of the family
Orchidaceae are the commercially cultivated species for the production of natural
vanilla flavor where V. planifolia is the most preferred one.

General Introduction and Review of Literature

G2.2 Site of vanillin synthesis in vanilla beans

Some early studies indicated vanillin secretion ‘in tissue around seeds’. A
comprehensive localization study in developing fruit using catechin-HCl which
binds to various phenolic compounds including vanillin as a staining agent
revealed that endocarp parenchymatic cells contained vanillin and intermediates in
the biosynthetic pathway. A descending staining gradient from endocarp in the
fruit cavity outwards was observed indicating the site of synthesis. The study also
showed that vanillin accumulation begins after 3 to 4 months of fruit
development. As vanillin is sparingly soluble in water, particularly in acidic plant
vacuoles, glycosylation of vanillin to glucovanillin is a likely mechanism for

increasing the hydrophilicity of the compound, thus aiding in the sequestering and

storage of the compound in aqueous extracellular regions. Special cells in the pod

interior are thought to be dedicated to vanillin biosynthesis (Havkin-Frenkel and
Belanger 2008).
G2.3 Biosynthesis of vanilla flavor compounds:
Though extensive studies have been made on the biosynthesis of vanillin and
allied flavor compounds in plant and cell cultures, several questions remain

unanswered. A common observation in all studies is the involvement of the


shikimate pathway, and phenylalanine (phenylpropanoid) pathway in this. The

stage of oxidation of C3 side chain to yield aldehydes function could be before or
after the formation of 3-methoxy, 4-hydroxy substitution pattern in the aromatic

ring. It is not yet clear whether vanillin is derived from the lignin precursors
having an alcohol function in the C3 part of phenylpropanoid, or from the
cinnamic acid type (acid group). Kanisaw et al. (1994) proposed that major
pathway would go via 4-coumaric acid glucoside, which is the precursor for para-
hydroxybenzaldehyde glucoside, the central intermediate for the biosynthesis of
the glucosides A and B as well as vanillin. Various experiments with vanilla cell
cultures give different results which might be due to the fact that different
biosynthetic pathways operate in the beans and cell cultures. Figure G2 shows
the formation of vanillin through different ways in a complex network of

General Introduction and Review of Literature


Figure G2. Shikimic acid pathway showing the formation of vanilla flavour

General Introduction and Review of Literature

G2.4 Other sources of Vanillin

Though several plant species produce vanillin in traces (Table G3), committed
biosynthetic route has been identified only in Vanilla species and the biosynthetic
pathways in others are still not clear. Various biotechnological approaches have
been explored to produce natural vanillin at a lower price through various
microorganisms, cell-free systems using enzymatic degradation and plant tissue

Table G3. Vanillin content in different plants

Species Plant part % Dry weight

Unicorn plant (Proboscidae cuisianica) Roots and pods 0.01

Potato (Solanum tuberosum) Tuber skin 0.01

Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) Dry flower buds Traces

Narcissus (Triandrus narcissi, Tazetta arsissi) Roots and basal plate 0.01-0.60
Hyacinth (Hyacinhus orientalis) Roots and basal plate 0.20-0.50
Vanilla planifolia Pod (cured) 1.00-8.00

Vanilla tahitensis Pod (cured) 0.05-2.00


Vanilla pompana Pod (cured) 0.01-2.00


General Introduction and Review of Literature

G3. The Vanilla ‘CRISIS’

The worldwide consumption of vanilla exceeded production throughout 1990’s.
This reduced the shortfall continuously reducing the surplus of earlier years which
lead to surplus exhaust in 2000. Recognizing this shortfall, the extractors began
heavy buying in late 1999 and the producers predictably increased the price seeing
the growing demand. The ill-timed Cyclone ‘Hudah’ arrived shortly after and the
initial reports showed 80% damage to vanilla crop in Madagascar though the
actual damage was modest. Buyers quickly protected themselves against
perceived shortage and this doubled the price overnight. Higher prices
encouraged growers to plant more vanilla and on the other hand manufacturers of

food and beverages reacted predictably by searching for alternatives for natural

vanilla. Both these activities took time and so the for the next three years, vanilla

prices spiraled upward. By the end of 2003, worldwide consumption of
approximately 1100 metric tons was roughly half of what it had been in 1999 and
the prices exceeded $500 per kg cured beans, nearly 15 times higher than they
were four years ago (Rick 2006).

Presently, vanilla industry is experiencing a remarkable resurgence in


growth and popularity and will probably take a decade to reach the level of
consumption which existed before the crisis. Like all who experience and survive

crisis, the industry is expected to emerge stronger and healthier. Production is

likely to exceed consumption keeping prices low and stable. This rebound to

natural vanilla has already started primarily in the retail (home) and food service
(restaurant) segments but yet to get initiated in the large food and beverage
manufacturers as they are adamant to reformulate their product to the use of
natural vanilla again. Ultimately, consumer will decide what to use and the
manufacturers need to rebound.

One major factor impacting vanilla consumption, post-crisis is the demand

for healthier natural products. Vanilla is one of the only a handful of flavors to
achieve organic certification. Natural vanillas are GMO-free and the Fair Trade
vanilla will be another opportunity for the food and beverage manufacturers to
position their products for todays environmentally and socially conscious

General Introduction and Review of Literature

G4. Origin and Dissemination of Vanilla

The Vanilla genus contains more than 800 genera distributed in more than 25,000
species (Govaerts et al. 2006). The basic chromosome number of genus vanilla is
X=16 and V. planifolia is a diploid with 2n=32. The genus Vanilla belongs to the
Orchidaceae family (largest plant family) and V. planifolia is probably endemic
from eastern Mexico tropical forests and its natural habitat roughly follows a
straight line between the Oaxaca state towards Guatemala and Belize (Figure G3)
(Soto Arenas 1999a). Another Vanilla species, V. tahitensis J.W. Moore is
cultivated in several Pacific countries. Some other aromatic species grown locally
or harvested in the wild having no economical importance are V. pompona

Schiede in the West Indies, V. chamissonis Klotzsch in Brazil, V. odorata C. Presl
in America, V. claviculata (W. Wright) Sw., V. griffithii Rchb. f. and V.

abundiflora J.J.Sm. in the West Indies and in Asia (Soto Arenas 2003). The genus
Vanilla is widely distributed throughout tropical and subtropical regions around
the world (Indonesia, South and Central America, Mexico and Africa), and this
distribution supports the theory that it is very old genus. Three species have
economic value and are the Vanilla planifolia Andrews (earlier known as

V. planifolia), Vanilla pompana Schiede and Vanilla tahitensis J.W. Moore.

V. planifolia is the most cultivated species whereas the V. pompana is more

resistant to diseases. V. tahitensis yields a distinctly different flavor and the beans
are more expensive compared to the other two.

G4.1 V. planifolia in its area of origin and introduction

G4.1.1 The history of V. planifolia in Mexico

The pre-Columbian history of vanilla in Mexico is poorly documented. Stehle´

(1952) refers to archive documents dating from 1427 and mentions the gathering
of vanilla pods by Aztecs. Vanilla belongs to a group of native plants in the Maya
Lowlands that could have been subjected to human selection before 3400 B.C.
The pods were used for medicinal purposes, as mentioned in a 1552 Aztec herbal,
as well as to flavour the hot chocolate drinks valued among the Aztec nobles. The
importance of vanilla since early times in Mexico, is evident by the mention of
offering vanilla as a medicinal beverage as part of a tribute during reign of

General Introduction and Review of Literature

Itzco´atl (Aztec Emperor) in 1427, and citing vanilla as a remedy for fatigue in
Badianus manuscript in 1552 (Lubinsky 2004). Establishment of first vanilla
plantation was by the Totonac Indians (in the Veracruz region), particularly in the
Papantla and Misantla areas (Figure G3), from 1767 which marks the start of
vanilla cultivation. According to Ecott (2004), Soto Arenas considers that Totonac
Indians did not use manual pollination to produce vanilla pods. There is no
evidence of manual pollination before the 19th century. From 1841, the technique
of manual pollination discovered in Europe was transferred to Mexico and
Totonac Indians became the world most important producers, until the supremacy
of Madagascar in 1924 (Lucas 1990).


Figure G3. Geographical localization of Mexican and Meso-American places

(adopted from Bory et al. 2008)
V. planifolia in Mexico is cultivated mainly in two areas: northern Veracruz and
northern Oaxaca (Figure G3). Plants in Oaxaca were established by the end of the
1980’s from regional spontaneous specimens and those cultivated in Veracruzs
were established two centuries ago whose origin is not known. They are less
variable and very different from the cultivated populations of Oaxaca.

General Introduction and Review of Literature

G4.1.2 V. planifolia in introduced areas

After C. Colombus discovered the New World in 1492, the first record of
dissemination of vanilla from Mexico is by Father Labat who imported three
V. planifolia vines into Martinique in 1697 and from there to Guadeloupe in 1701.
It was then introduced in Reunion Island in 1793. Early in the 19th century, one
major event is V. planifolia introduction by Marquis of Blandford into the
collection of C. Greville at Paddington where it flowered in 1807. Greville then
supposedly sent some cuttings to the botanical gardens of Antwerp (Belgium) and
from there to Paris (Correll 1953). From the Botanical Garden of Antwerp, it was
introduced into Buitenzorg in Java in 1819 by Marchal (Purseglove et al. 1981)

and in Reunion Island from the Jardin du Roi in Paris in 1822 by the ordinance

officer of Bourbon, Marchant.

Vanilla was introduced to Europe from Mexico, in about 1,500 numbers and its
reputation of being an aphrodisiac followed it to countries where it was
introduced. An introduction event is documented in India in 1835 but the plant
died after flowering (Correll 1953). Lack of natural pollinators in the areas of
introduction prevented sexual reproduction and pod production until the first half

of the 19th century. The British introduced V. planifolia into India about 200 years
ago where five other species are native viz, V. pilifera Holtt., V. andamanica

Rolfe, V. aphylla Blume, V. walkeriae Wight and V. wightiana Lindl. V. pilifera

originally described from Malaya, recorded in Thailand is found in the Mikir hills

of North East India.

It is commonly agreed that V. planifolia cultivation started from a very narrow

genetic pool (Soto Arenas 1999b; Lubinsky 2003), and that the extensive
vegetative reproduction that followed might be responsible for the relatively high
genetic uniformity observed to date in vanilla crops. Soto Arenas even suggested
that most V. planifolia cultivated specimens around the world came from a unique
clone (of the ‘Mansa’ type) exported from Mexico (Ecott 2004) to the C. Greville
collection at Paddington and disseminated by cuttings via the botanical gardens of
Paris and Antwerp, from where it would have been disseminated worldwide
(Correll 1953). However, in many areas of introduction, some phenotypic

General Introduction and Review of Literature

variations are described. Some hypotheses are proposed to explain the

morphological variability in cultivation areas like the existence of different
introduction events, accumulation of somatic mutations, the possible role of
sexual recombination, and the existence of epigenetic phenomena.

G4.2 Diversity analysis

Apart from responding to the challenges of improving food security and fostering
socio-economic development, Biotechnological applications must also promote
the conservation, diversification and sustainable use of plant genetic resources for
food and agriculture. Currently the Biotechnology toolbox available to plant
breeders offers several new possibilities for increasing productivity, crop

diversification and production, while developing a more sustainable agriculture.
Molecular markers have already played a major role in the genetic

characterization and improvement of many crop species. They have also
contributed to and greatly expanded our abilities to assess biodiversity, reconstruct
accurate phylogenetic relationships, and understand the structure, evolution and
interaction of plant and microbial populations. Molecular markers are now

routinely used for characterization of genetic diversity, DNA fingerprinting,


genome mapping, genome evolution, ecology, taxonomy, and plant breeding.


DNA-based markers are abundant, highly polymorphic and independent of

environment or tissue type. Most DNA-based markers can be classified into three
categories based on the technique used: Hybridization-based DNA markers,

arbitrarily primed Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-based markers, and

sequence targeted and single locus DNA markers. Restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP) markers are based on hybridization in which DNA
polymorphism is detected by digesting DNA with restriction enzymes followed by
DNA blotting and hybridizations with probes. Arbitrarily primed PCR-based
markers are employed in organisms for which no genome sequence is available.

Molecular markers have been successfully used to study introduced

species and proven to be more useful tools in identifying the source of
introduction and variability due to a new environment. Some widely used markers
and their applications are given in Table G4. PCR-based random amplified

General Introduction and Review of Literature

polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) have been
widely used to survey genetic structure of populations. Among various molecular
markers, the RAPD technique is simple, rapid, and requires only a few nanograms
of DNA, has no requirement of prior information of the DNA sequence and has
feasibility of automation with higher frequency of polymorphism, which makes it
suitable for routine application for the analysis of genetic diversity (Babu et al.
2007). It is also proven to be quite efficient in detecting genetic variations, even in
closely related organisms like two near isogenic lines of tomato (Martin et al.
1991). For the use of ISSRs, primers are not proprietary as in Microsatellites or
Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) and can be synthesized by anyone and also

allow the production of a high number of reproducible polymorphic bands. ISSR

is found to be very simple, quick, cost-effective, highly discriminative and most

reliable method which combines most of the advantages of SSRs and Amplified
Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) to the universality of RAPD (Reddy et
al. 2002). ISSRs though considered mostly as dominant markers; they are shown
to segregate co-dominantly in some cases (Sankar and Moore 2001) thus enabling
distinction between homozygotes and heterozygotes. They are found to be more
useful and reproducible than isozymes, RAPD and RFLP (Fang et al. 1997) and

are also known to give more polymorphism than any other assay procedure (Virk
et al. 2000). Detection of additional polymorphism could be done by the use of

RAPD in combination with ISSRs (Joshi et al. 2000). Martins et al. (2004) suggest
the use of a combination of two types of markers that amplify different regions of

the genome and hence a better analysis of genetic variation can be made.

General Introduction and Review of Literature

Table G4. Widely used markers and their applications

Markers Applications
PCR Based markers
Fingerprinting, mapping, F1, Varietal
AFLP: Amplified Fragment
identification, Gene tagging, Marker-assisted
Length Polymorphism (D)
selection, Map-based gene cloning
CAPS: Cleaved Amplified Framework mapping, Can be converted to allele-
Polymorphic Sequences (CD) specific probes, F1 identification, Gene tagging,
Bulk segregant analysis, Diversity studies,
SCAR: Sequence Marker-assisted selection, Map-based cloning
Characterized Amplified
Region (CD)
Fingerprinting, Varietal identification, Genetic

EST: Expressed Sequence Tag maps, F1 identification, Gene tagging and

(D/CD) identification, Bulk segregant analysis, Diversity
studies, Marker-assisted selection, Novel allele

STS: Sequence Tagged Site detection, High-resolution mapping, Map-based
(D/CD) cloning
IPCR: Inverse Polymerase
Chain Reaction (CD) Fingerprinting, Varietal identification
IRAP: Inter-Retrotransposon F1 identification, Gene tagging

Amplified Polymorphism (CD) Bulk segregant analysis, Diversity studies

Marker-assisted selection, High-resolution
REMAP: Retrotransposon- mapping, Seed testing

Microsatellite Amplified
Polymorphism (CD)

Fingerprinting, Varietal/line identification, Genetic

maps, F1 identification, Gene tagging Breeding,
ISSR: Inter-Simple Sequence Bulk segregant analysis, Diversity studies,
Repeat amplification (D)

Marker-assisted selection, High-resolution

mapping, Seed testing
Genetic maps, F1 identification, Varietal/line
RAPD: Random Amplified identification, Breeding, Bulk segregant analysis,
Polymorphic DNA (D) Diversity studies, Marker-assisted selection, Seed
testing, Map-based gene cloning
Genetic maps, F1 identification, Breeding, Gene
tagging, Alien gene introduction, Bulk segregant
SNP: Single Nucleotide analysis, Diversity studies, Novel allele detections,
Polymorphism (CD) Marker-assisted selection, High resolution
Fingerprinting, Varietal/line identification,
Framework /region specific mapping, Genetic
SSR: Simple Sequence Repeat maps, F1 identification, Comparative mapping,
(CD) Breeding, Bulk segregant analysis, Diversity
studies, Novel allele detections, Marker-assisted
selection, High-resolution mapping, Seed testing

General Introduction and Review of Literature

Non PCR-based marker

Comparative maps, Framework maps, Genetic
maps, Breeding, Varietal/line identification,
RFLP: Restriction Fragment Marker-assisted selection, F1 identification,
Length Polymorphism (CD) Diversity studies, Novel allele detections, Gene
tagging, Bulk segregant analysis, Map-based gene
D: Dominant, CD: Co-Dominant

G4.2.1 Genetic Diversity of Vanilla

The first molecular data on specimens from crops in northern Veracruz, Oaxaca
and other Mexican regions obtained using iso-enzymes show low levels of total
genetic variation. A molecular analysis using RAPD markers in Meso-America by

Schlu¨ter (2002) differentiated V. planifolia from Costa Rica and Mexico. Among
Mexican V. planifolia, two main groups were revealed: individuals from Oaxaca,

Chiapas and Quintana Roo on one hand, and individuals from Veracruz, Federal
District of Mexico, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco and Oaxaca on the other hand. The
individuals from Oaxaca and Tabasco present in the second group most probably
correspond to specimens that were collected from the Veracruz region at the time
of the establishment of new crops. Attempts to study some hypervariable regions,

such as introns in three protein coding genes (alcohol dehydrogenase, calmoduline

and glyceraldehyde 3- phosphate dehydrogenase) in order to detect intraspecific

sequence variations were unsuccessful due to lack in polymorphism (Soto Arenas

1999b). Vanilla is naturally distributed in Mexico and parts of Central America

and the history of origin of cultivated vanilla suggests that the entire stock outside
Mexico may be from a single genetic source. A study on genetic diversity of
V. planifolia by Besse et al. (2004) using RAPD markers in vanilla cultivated
areas of Reunion Island and Polynesia reveled a very low level of diversity.

G4.2.2 Diversity in Indian Vanilla

Vanilla cultivation was initiated in India, through the East India Company, nearly
250 years back in the spice garden at Kurtallam in Tamil Nadu (George 2005). Its
organized cultivation started in 2001-2002 in 1600 ha yielding 60 tonnes of cured
vanilla beans and steadily gained importance doubling its cultivation to 3427 ha in
2003-2004 resulting in the production of 131 tonnes

General Introduction and Review of Literature

(http://www.foodindianews.com). In India, only a few cultivars have been

recognized from the species V. planifolia. In the countries where vanilla has been
introduced, variability is likely to be highly limited as the species is propagated
only vegetatively. However, seed germination is also reported for vanilla (Havkin-
Frenkel and Dorn 1997) indicating the possibility of bird dispersal leading to the
chance for variations in the populations. The only study on genetic diversity of
Indian vanilla using molecular markers is by Minoo et al. (2008). RAPD analysis
of two indigenous collections of V. planifolia made from vanilla cultivating
regions of India reveled that there is very limited variation within the collections
indicative of its narrow genetic base. An estimation of genetic diversity in Indian

vanilla is extremely essential to protect it from erosion due to epidemic diseases

and pests apart from planning strategies for conservation of the genetic resources

(secondary gene pools and cultivated resources).

G5. Micropropagation
Vanilla is generally propagated by stem cutting which is a slow, time consuming
and labour intensive process. Removal of cuttings may also cause injury to the
mother plant resulting in a set-back of growth and reduction in yield.

Micropropagated plantlets have gained importance in the vanilla cultivating areas


as the market demand for the propagules is hardly met through these cuttings. In
vitro propagation of vanilla has been established by culturing axillary buds
(George and Ravishankar 1997; Geetha and Shetty 2000; Giridhar et al. 2001,

Kalimuthu et al. 2006), aerial root tips (Philip and Nainar 1988), through callus
(Davidonis and Knorr 1991) and protocorms. Micropropagation using shoot tips
or nodal segments has been found as an appropriate technique for clonal
propagation of vanilla (George and Ravishankar 1997).

Mass propagation of plants by tissue culture is a costly and labour

intensive technology. The gelling agents used are not inert medium components
and do not enable easy automation for commercial mass propagation. Agar, the
most commonly used non-nutrient gelling agent is one of the costliest ingredients
of the culture medium. Use of liquid media, scale-up in bioreactors are some of
the alternatives explored for minimization of the cost of production of micro-

General Introduction and Review of Literature

propagules (Hvoslef-Eide and Melby 2000; Dey 2001). Low-cost culture vessels
and minimization of contamination are the other options available. Techniques at
present for the micropropagation need a large number of containers, gelled media
and aseptic conditions and a complicated and costly production technology. It
involves periodic transfer of plant material to fresh media, after subcultures, due
to exhaustion of the nutrients in the medium, continuous proliferation of the plant
material and limited size of the container. Though liquid culture systems are
considered as advantageous in term of uniform culture conditions, ease for change
of the medium and reduced manual labour requirement, it is usually associated
with hyperhydricity disorder. An intermittent exposure of the culture to liquid

medium rather than continuous was found to solve this problem. For this the

bioreactors developed earlier do not suit as they are mainly adapted to bacterial

culture and do not take in to consideration specific requirements of plant cultures
like the shear force, mechanical damages or foam formation in bubble aerated
bioreactors (Berthouly and Etienne 2005). High production cost limits the
commercial use of micropropagation to markets with a high unit value, such as
vanilla. It has been concluded for various species that extensive expansion of
micropropagation would only take place if new technologies became available to

automate procedures and acclimatization protocols were improved (Kitto 1997).


G6. Hyperhydricity syndrome

Switching over to submerged cultivation is the first step towards automation of


shoot cultures in a micropropagation industry. Initial trials for this are normally
conducted using shake-flask cultures, often known as complete immersion system
(CIS) as the shoots are continuously bathed in liquid medium. During cultivation
in vitro, the plantlets are exposed to a wide range of stress conditions caused by
high relative humidity, gas accumulation in the headspace, altered
nutrient/hormonal combinations and non-congenial osmoticity of the culture
medium. Although most plant cultures adapt to changes in environmental
conditions, some of them become abnormal with turgid, translucent, less green,
watery, hypo-lignified, wrinkled and brittle appearance. This phenomenon,
known as hyperhydricity syndrome (HHS), can lead to irreversible loss of
multiplication as well as regenerative potential. HHS has also been a generic

General Introduction and Review of Literature

problem in continuous cultivation or scale-up of plant organs in vitro. Such a shift

towards hyperhydricity has been linked to various metabolic disorders, changed
array of proteins and altered stress responsive pathways.

G6.1 Genetic analysis by Differential Display

There are many methods to analyze physiological disorders in plants. Differential

display (DD) (Liang and Pardee 1992) and RNA arbitrary primed polymerase
chain reaction (RAP-PCR) (McClelland et al. 1993) were simultaneously
introduced in 1992 as a means to identify and compare genes expressed as mRNA
in various cell populations under specified conditions (Liang and Pardee 1995).

The DDRT-PCR technique only requires small amounts of RNA and it allows the

comparison of several RNA populations simultaneously (Bosch and Lohmann

1997; Jorgensen et al. 1997). Nonetheless differential display has advantages over
other methods which include: the use of small amounts of total RNA, the
identification of mRNA species independent of prevalence (Wan et al. 1996), and
the detection of rare and abundant transcripts of both known and novel genes
(Matz and Lukyanov 1998). Though effective, the technique does have some
drawbacks. The major limitation is the high incidence of false positive. However

the single greatest contributor to false positives is arbitrarily primed PCR using

short oligos (Matz and Lukyanov 1998), which can be solved with the use of
longer arbitrary primers (Zhao et al. 1995). Classical differential display employs
the use of a degenerate single base or two-base- anchored oligo-dT primer [d(T)11

NN where N= G, A, T, C] to reverse transcribe a subset of the total mRNA

population extracted from cell lines or tissues under various conditions (Liang and
Pardee 1992). Amplification of the cDNA by PCR using the 3' anchored oligo dT
primer and a 5' arbitrary decamer which anneals randomly along the length of the
cDNA results in the amplification of a subset of the total cDNA population, which
is resolved by denaturing polyacrylamide get electrophoresis (PAGE). In order to
increase the cDNA amplified, it may be necessary to perform multiple
amplifications with different primer combinations, although redundancy in cDNA
amplification is likely as degenerative decamer may anneal upstream of a cDNA
already represented in an amplified subpopulation of another primer set (Matz and
Lukyanov 1998). Given that twenty different arbitrary decamers (priming as 6- to

General Introduction and Review of Literature

7- mers) combined with twelve different combinations of oligo d(T)11 MN primers

are estimated to be required to display the approximately fifteen thousand
individual mRNA species expressed in an average eukaryotic cell (Liang and
Pardee 1992; 1995), which likely represents an underestimate if system
redundancy is taken into account, many amplifications and gels would need to be
run to display the whole set, a disadvantage of differential display.
Differentially expressed genes are represented by bands that are present on
the gel in one sample but not in another, or at different intensities indicating
varying levels of abundance between samples (Matz and Lukyanov 1998). Thus
specific advantages of differential display include the simultaneous detection of

both up- regulated and down-regulated genes and the comparison of more than

two RNA populations; in fact limitations to the number of comparisons that can

be done are only imposed by the size of the gel.
Some of the notable advantages of differential display are:

1. A minimal amount of starting material is required. (Differential Display can be

performed with as little as 200 g of total RNA per sample)
2. Multiple samples can be analyzed simultaneously. (Alternative methods are
limited to comparing two samples, whereas Differential Display is limited

only by the number of lanes available on the gel apparatus)

3. Sensitivity (As Differential Display is a PCR- based procedure, transcripts


present at very low copy numbers are included in the analysis)

4. Speed

Genes involved in physiological events, stress responses, signal

transduction and secondary metabolism have been isolated and characterized.
Some of the isolated genes encode transcription factors, membrane proteins and
rare enzymes that were previously difficult to purify. These results suggest that
differential display is a powerful tool used to investigate the rare genes involved
in the plant life cycle without using information from proteins. The stress response
genes affected by environmental factors such as ultraviolet (UV) light exposure,
extreme temperatures, oxygen, salt and desiccation was isolated using by DD and
characterized (Yamazaki and Saito 2002). A well focused study unraveling the
major structural, biochemical and molecular changes occurring during

General Introduction and Review of Literature

hydrophonic cultivation of shoot cultures is needed for a better understanding of

the hyperhydricity syndrome.

G7. Curing of Vanilla

Natural ‘vanilla flavor’ comprises of a large array of aromatic compounds formed

after systematic curing of the beans of Vanilla planifolia. The major compound
vanillin is the most preferred flavouring compound among the universally used
aromas and has a great market potential in food, beverage, cosmetic and
pharmaceutical industries. Sixty five volatiles and 26 odour-active compounds
are identified in the extract of cured vanilla beans (Perez-Silva et al. 2006); the

major ones after vanillin are vanillic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and

p-hydroxybenzaldehyde (Figure G4). In green vanilla beans, these phenolic

aromatic compounds are present as their respective glucosides major being
glucovanillin (Figure G4) synthesized from phenylalanine of shikimic acid
pathway and curing process is meant to release the aglycones as the free aroma
compounds. Curing also induces the formation of many other compounds that
complement to the delicate aroma of natural vanilla flavour. In fact, it is the
presence of these minor compounds in large numbers that fetch high price for

natural “vanilla extract”.


Botanical study of vanilla beans reveals that the flavour precursors are
found in the bean interior, i.e., placental region around the seeds, whereas the
hydrolytic and other degenerative enzymes that are known to catalyze the

reactions for the release of flavour compounds are localized mostly in the outer
fruit wall (Havkin-Frenkel et al. 2005). The purpose of curing is to create contact
between the flavour precursors and the enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of
precursor compounds (Havkin-Frenkel et al. 2004).

General Introduction and Review of Literature

Figure G4. Chemical structures of the major flavor compounds found in
cured beans of Vanilla planifolia

Curing of vanilla beans is a traditionally well-established process which is

laborious and takes 3 to 6 months depending on different curing procedures

adopted in different vanilla-producing regions (Havkin-Frenkel et al. 2004).


Despite the long time required for the curing process, the enzymatic
transformation of the glycosides to flavouring compounds is not very efficient.

Only a fraction of the vanillin is produced by systematic curing of green beans of

which a part may also be lost during exposure to sun as well as during extraction
(Frenkel and Havkin-Frenkel 2006). Finally, the total flavour yield depends upon
the quality of starting material where the best quality beans range in length from
15-20 cm.
The conventional curing depends on weather conditions as it involves
intermittent exposure to sun and sweating followed by conditioning (Dignum et al.
2001). Therefore, it is lengthy and cumbersome involving several months, may
often fail to completely hydrolyze glucosides resulting in only fractions of flavour
compounds (Frenkel and Havkin-Frenkel 2006).

General Introduction and Review of Literature

To overcome the above problems, earlier workers used methods such as

curing of the cut beans, covering beans in plastic sheets and heating them at 60 °C
along with high humidity, freeze curing, treatment of green beans with various
enzymes like -glucosidase, pectinase and hemi-cellulase, hot-air drying and solar
drying (Dignum et al. 2001; Ruiz-Teran 2001). The development of vanilla
flavour during these treatments is partly due to the hydrolysis of glycosylated
precursors occurring in the green bean (Arana 1943). The most important step in
vanilla curing has been found to be the scalding followed by incubation at 45 oC
(Jones and Vincente 1949). An almost the same process wherein scalding in hot
water of 63 oC for 2-3 minutes, followed by cutting the beans into pieces and
incubation in an oven at 38 oC for 48 h followed by further curing in closed

containers at 38 oC for 2-3 months resulting in pleasing aroma was also suggested

(Broderick 1956). From then onwards, blanching in hot water has been an
essential step traditionally followed before curing of vanilla beans. This has been
a convention for several decades in various vanilla-growing countries of the
world. For imparting the mild temperature treatment, sunning of the fruits has
also been a regular practice, which invariably leads to losses at each exposure.
Thus, there is a need for a process, which is simple and effective.

Therefore, the present study aimed at developing a novel biotechnological curing

process that reduces the processing time and increases the flavouring compounds

in cured vanilla beans.


General Introduction and Review of Literature

With this background, present research work was conducted with the following

 To collect elite clones of Vanilla from different areas of Karnataka and

Tamil Nadu and develop biochemical and genetic markers to identify
varietal differences

 To study the kinetic parameters that affect shoot proliferation in shake

flask and to standardize conditions for high rate of shoot multiplication in
a bioreactor

 To study the pattern of hardening of plantlets derived from shoots

multiplied in bioreactor and their field performance

 To study the novel differentially expressed mRNA transcripts in

hyperhydric shoot cultures of Vanilla planifolia as depicted by Differential

Display analysis

 To study the quality of green vanilla beans and their curing using various
elicitors for increasing flavor production as well as reduction in curing

The following chapters deal with the results obtained on experiments on

genetic diversity of Indian vanilla, micropropagation, hyperhydricity syndrome of

vanilla shoot cultures and novel improved methods for curing vanilla beans. The

information thus obtained aids overall improvement of vanilla cultivation, flavor

production and allied industries.

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

In the present study, use of isozymic markers to study genetic diversity was found
to be inappropriate due to variation in zymogram of peroxidase enzyme within the
plants. Therefore the usefulness of genetic markers such as RAPD and ISSR for
assessing the diversity among clones of V. planifolia cultivated in India was
evaluated. The genetic diversity among 25 accessions collected from 13 major
locations was studied. Forty random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and 11
inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) primers resulted in 326 scorable bands
ranging in size from 200 bp to 2800 bp and 83 scorable bands from 200 bp to
2500 bp, respectively. Banding pattern among the different samples collected
within accessions was similar indicating that the morphological difference

observed within accession had no genetic background. On the other hand,

molecular analysis among different accessions from different locations also

yielded identical PCR band profiles in both RAPD and ISSR analysis. These
results clearly indicate that V. planifolia cultivated in India appears to share the
same genetic background and therefore, the genetic diversity is extremely low.
Hence other biotechnological approaches may be considered to induce genetic

variations to improve genetic diversity in vanilla.


Sreedhar RV, Venkatachalam L, Roohie K, Bhagyalakshmi N (2007) Molecular

Analyses of Vanilla planifolia Cultivated in India using RAPD and ISSR Markers.
Orchid Science and Biotechnology 1(1): 29-33

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

1.1 Introduction
Vanilla planifolia (syn. V. fragrans), V. tahitensis and V. pompona of the family
Orchidaceae are the commercially cultivated species for the production of natural
vanilla flavour where V. planifolia is the most preferred one. Vanilla is cultivated
in an area of 37,000 ha with a production of 2230 tonnes of cured beans globally
(Gassenmeier et al. 2008). Natural vanilla flavour, extracted from cured vanilla
beans, is one of the most important and universally used aromatic flavours in
food, pharmaceutical, beverage and cosmetic industries. Vanilla was indigenous to
Mexico and was introduced to Europe by the Spanish Conquistadores in 1520
(Dignum et al. 2001). Vanilla cultivation was initiated in India, through the East
India Company, nearly 250 years back in the spice garden at Kurtallam in Tamil

Nadu (George 2005). Its organized cultivation started in 2001-2002 in 1600 ha

yielding 60 tonnes of cured vanilla beans and steadily gained importance doubling

its cultivation to 3427 ha in 2003-2004 resulting in the production of 131 tonnes.
Indian vanilla occupies 5% of International vanilla market with a production
volume of nearly 120 tonnes (Gassenmeier et al. 2008). In India, only a few
cultivars have been recognized from the species V. planifolia. In the countries

where vanilla has been introduced, variability is likely to be highly limited as the
species is propagated only vegetatively. However, seed germination is also

reported for vanilla (Havkin-Frenkel and Dorn 1997) indicating the possibility of

bird dispersal leading to the chance for variations in the populations. Therefore, it
is necessary to analyze the extent of variations in V. planifolia plants collected

from various locations in India.

Molecular markers have been successfully used to study introduced
species and proven to be more useful tools in identifying the source of
introduction and variability due to a new environment. Traditionally researchers
employ isozymic markers to understand the genetic structure or variation in
various plant species. Leaf isozymes were successfully utilized to study the
genetic structure of various walnut cultivars (Vyas et al. 2003). Allozymic
variation was studied in Castilleja grisea herb which led to conclusion that there
existed a moderately high genetic diversity and that the herb might have not lost
substantial genetic variation during 150 years of overgrazing (Helenurm et al.
2005). A combination of isozyme technique coupled with molecular markers such

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

as RAPD and AFLP have been used to study genetic diversity in various plants
like Wyethia (Ayres and Ryan 1999), sunflower inbreds (Popov et al. 2002) and
Lentil (Sultana and Ghafoor 2008). PCR-based random amplified polymorphic
DNA (RAPD) and inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) have been widely used to
survey genetic structure of populations. Among various molecular markers, the
RAPD technique is simple, rapid, and requires only a few nanograms of DNA, has
no requirement of prior information of the DNA sequence and has feasibility of
automation with higher frequency of polymorphism, which makes it suitable for
routine application for the analysis of genetic diversity (Babu et al. 2007). It is
also proven to be quite efficient in detecting genetic variations, even in closely
related organisms like two near isogenic lines of tomato (Martin et al. 1991). For

the use of ISSRs, primers are not proprietary as in Microsatellites or Simple

Sequence Repeats (SSRs) and can be synthesized by anyone and also allow the

production of a high number of reproducible polymorphic bands. ISSR is found to
be very simple, quick, cost-effective, highly discriminative and most reliable
method which combines most of the advantages of SSRs and Amplified Fragment
Length Polymorphism (AFLP) to the universality of RAPD (Reddy et al. 2002).
ISSRs though considered mostly as dominant markers; they are shown to
segregate co-dominantly in some cases (Sankar and Moore 2001) thus enabling

distinction between homozygotes and heterozygotes. They are found to be more


useful and reproducible than isozymes, RAPD and RFLP (Fang et al. 1997) and
are also known to give more polymorphism than any other assay procedure (Virk

et al. 2000). Detection of additional polymorphism could be done by the use of

RAPD in combination with ISSRs (Joshi et al. 2000). Martins et al. (2004) suggest
the use of a combination of two types of markers that amplify different regions of
the genome and hence a better analysis of genetic variation can be made.
1.1.1 Isozymic analysis
Isozyme or isoenzyme refers to any two distinguishable proteins catalyzing the
same biochemical reaction. They are separated most commonly by horizontal gel
electrophoresis. Characterization is primarily based on the basis of charge and
size, and the visualization of the enzymatic activity is with specific substrates.
These variants are extensively used as genetic markers in many crops. The
technique involves simple inexpensive laboratory procedure and consumes less of
time and money. Proteins from seeds or leaf tissue serve the purpose, avoiding
Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

growing plant to maturity. Maize, tomato, Brassica, wheat, barley, soybean and
sugar-beet are the major crops where this technique has been routinely applied.

1.1.2 RAPD

RAPD technique uses any DNA segment that is amplified using short oligo-
deoxy-nucleotide primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence (amplifiers) and
polymerase chain reaction procedures (PCR). Random amplified polymorphic
DNAs (RAPDs) are produced by PCR using genomic DNA and arbitrary primers.
PCR is typically carried out using two random oligonucleotide primers that flank
the DNA fragment to be amplified. These primers hybridise to complementary
strands of the target sequence and are oriented so that DNA synthesis by the
polymerase proceeds across the region between the primers. The result is an

exponential accumulation of the specific target fragment by the de novo synthesis
of the region of DNA flanked by the two primers. Any variation in the DNA

sequence representing the genetic variation among different individuals leads to
variation in the size or presence/absence of PCR product when amplified by
RAPD primers. This is displayed as variation in the banding pattern when
separated on agarose or acrylamide gel.

1.1.3 ISSR

This technique is a variant of the PCR that uses simple sequence repeat primers

(eg. [AC]n) to amplify regions between their target sequences. The technique
exploits the abundant and random distribution of SSRs in plant genomes by

amplifying DNA sequences between closely linked SSRs. More complex banding
patterns can be achieved using 5’-anchored primers that incorporate the SSR
regions in their amplification. ISSR technique is nearly identical to RAPD
technique except that the primer sequences are designed from microsatellite or
SSR regions and the annealing temperatures used are higher than those used for
RAPD. Any variation variation in the DNA sequence is depicted as change in the
banding pattern after gel electrophoresis.

1.1.4 Genetic diversity analyses in vanilla and other orchids

Molecular markers have been successfully used for various studies in orchids. For
instance, Pillon et al. (2006) studied genetic diversity in the genus Dactylorhiza
using molecular markers and concluded that the diversity was greatest in the

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

Mediterranean basin and the Caucasus, which were then considered to be the
major targets for conservation based on their results. They also showed that the
results of phylogenetic analyses and genetic data obtained with molecular tools
could offer an alternative measure of biodiversity that is not sensitive to
taxonomic inflation. Study of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships
among and within species of Cymbidiums using RAPD analysis showed full
agreement with the groups identified by morphological, physiological and
ecological characteristics. RAPD markers have also been successfully employed
to reveal relationships and classifications in Cymbidiums at cultivar levels (Obara-
Okeyo and Kako 1998; Ok et al. 2004). Chung et al. in 2006 successfully
differentiated Paphiopedilum and Phragmipedium using RAPD which were in

good agreement with morphologically-based classification. Schlu¨ter (2002) in

Meso-America successfully used RAPD markers to differentiate V. planifolia

from Costa Rica and Mexico. A study on genetic diversity of V. planifolia by
Besse et al. (2004) using RAPD markers in vanilla cultivated areas of Reunion
Island and Polynesia reveled that there exists a very low level of genetic diversity.
The only study on genetic diversity of Indian vanilla using molecular markers is
by Minoo et al. (2008). RAPD analysis of two indigenous collections of
V. planifolia made from vanilla cultivating regions of India reveled that there is

very limited variation within the collections indicative of its narrow genetic base.

In the present study, both the PCR based techniques, RAPD and ISSR,
were adopted for the evaluation of genetic variation in V. planifolia. Therefore,

the objectives of the present study were to assess the usefulness of genetic
markers for assessing the diversity among clones of vanilla cultivated in India and
to create a database for the available germplasm.

1.2 Materials and Methods

1.2.1 Plant sampling
Since commercial cultivation of vanilla in India is mainly concentrated in the
states of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu, leaf samples were collected from
plantations of these states (Figure 1.1; Table 1.1). Standard procedures were
followed for the collection of samples (Li et al. 2006) and preparation of DNA
extract. Briefly, leaf samples from six different vines per accession were collected

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

by looking at the morphological variations. Samples were stored in plastic bags,

which were kept at -20 °C until DNA was extracted.

Table 1.1 List of accessions of V. planifolia and their geographical origin used
in this study

Sl. No. Population localities No. of accessions*

1 Mysore, Karnataka 5
2 Hassan, Karnataka 1
3 Madikeri, Karnataka 2
4 Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka 3
5 Shimoga, Karnataka 6

6 Udupi, Karnataka 1
7 Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 1

8 Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu 1
9 Dindigul, Tamil Nadu 1
10 Ooty, Tamil Nadu 1
11 Mallapuram, Kerala 1

12 Kasargud, Kerala 1

13 Pallakad, Kerala 1
* Refer to Figure 1.1 for location of accessions.

1.2.2 Isozymic analysis of peroxidase (POD)


Native-PAGE analysis
For analyzing the isozymes of POD from different clones of vanilla, standard
protocol was used. An initial experiment was conducted to check the variation in
zymogram pattern within same clone. For this, leaf material obtained from
different stages of leaves (unopened, first and fourth leaf pairs from shoot tip)
from the same plant was used for extraction of the proteins. Protein extract was
made in sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) containing 1 mM Dithiothreitol and 0.1
mM Phenyl Methyl Sulfonyl Fluoride. Zymogram was prepared by
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (7.2% (w/v)) (PAGE) carried out at 120 V for
4 h using 12 × 14 × 0.5 cm gel without SDS. The gel was stained for POD activity
with a 100 ml solution of sodium phosphate buffer containing 10 ml of 0.25%

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

(w/v) orthodianisidine dihydrochloride and 10 ml of 1% (v/v) hydrogen peroxide

and immediately photographed (Thimmaraju et al. 2007).

1.2.3 DNA extraction and quantification

Approximately 100 mg of young leaf tissue was ground into fine powder in liquid
nitrogen and total genomic DNA was extracted using the GenEluteTM Plant
Genomic DNA Mini prep Kit (Sigma Aldrich, India). Quality and quantity of
DNA preparations were checked by standard spectrophotometry and the samples
were diluted to 25 ng µL-1 in TE buffer and stored at 4 °C.
1.2.4 Primer selection
Various RAPD and ISSR primers were selected, based on specific relevance to
family Orchidaceae to which vanilla belongs, from the studies of Besse et al.

(2004), Tsai et al. (2002) and NCBI-database. Others were those for monocots
that were successfully used in our earlier study in banana (Venkatachalam et al.

2007). Out of the 60 RAPD 10-mer primers and 20 ISSR primers, 40 RAPD and
11 ISSR primers were selected depending on their consistency in amplification
(Table 1.2).

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla




11 24
TN 22

9 21

12 20
5 23


Figure 1.1 Map showing sampling locations (filled triangles) in India (I) and
Karnataka (K)

Table 1.2 List of selected RAPD and ISSR primers


RAPD primers
Kit OPA A-03; A-04; A-11; A-14; A-20
Kit OPC C-01; C-02; C-04; C-05; C-06; C-07; C-08; C-09; C-10; C-12

Kit OPD D-04; D-11; D-16

Kit OPF F-12
Kit OPJ J-07; J-08; J-09; J-10; J-11; J-12; J-13; J-15; J-16; J-17; J-18; J-19
Kit OPM M-16; M-18; M-20
Kit OPN N-03; N-04; N-06; N-09; N-10; N-14
ISSR primers
Kit UBC 809; 810; 811; 813; 823; 824; 826; 834; 836; 840; 848

1.2.5 DNA amplification

Optimum PCR conditions for both RAPD and ISSR were standardized with
different quantities of template DNA (12.5, 25 and 50 ng), dNTPs (100, 200 and
300µM) and MgCl2 (1, 2 and 3 mM). Based on the results, RAPD amplifications

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

were performed routinely using a PCR mixture (25 µL) which contained 25 ng of
genomic DNA as template, 1X PCR buffer (Fermentas GMBH, Germany), 200
µM dNTPs (Fermentas GMBH, Germany), 1 unit (U) of Taq DNA polymerase
(Bangalore Genei, India), 0.5 µM of each primer (Operon Technologies, Alameda,
California, USA) with varied concentration of MgCl2 (Fermentas GMBH,
Germany) depending on the primer (Table 1.3). PCR was performed at initial
denaturation at 93 °C for 4 min followed by 36 cycles of 1 min denaturation at 94
°C, 1 min annealing at 36 °C and 2 min extension at 72 °C with a final extension
of 72 °C for 10 min using a thermal cycler (Eppendorf thermal cycler 5332,
For ISSR primers, optimal annealing temperature was found to vary

according to the base compositions of the primers. PCR mixture (25 µL)

contained 25 ng of genomic DNA as template, 1X PCR buffer, 200 µM dNTPs, 1

unit (U) of Taq DNA polymerase, 0.5 µM of each primer with varied
concentration of MgCl2 depending on the primer (Table 1.4). PCR was performed
at initial denaturation at 94 °C for 4 min followed by 40 cycles of 1 min
denaturation at 94 °C, 1 min at 2 °C lower than the specified annealing
temperature for each primer and 2 min extension at 72 °C with a final extension
also at 72 °C for 10 min using a thermal cycler.

1.2.6 Analysis of PCR product by agarose gel electrophoresis


The PCR products obtained were separated by gel electrophoresis on 2% agarose

gel (ICN, USA), in 0.5 TBE buffer and stained with ethidium bromide (0.001%)

and visualized by image analysis software documented in a gel documentation

system (Lab works software, version 3.00,UVP Hero-Lab GMBH, Germany). The
size of the amplification products was estimated from 100 bp DNA ladder
(Fermentas GMBH, Germany).
1.2.7 Data analysis
Well-resolved and consistently reproducible fragments ranging form 200 bp-2.8
kb were scored as present or absent for both RAPD and ISSR markers for each
sample. Comparison of RAPD and ISSR profiles of all the 21 DNA samples were
done for the analysis. Genetic distances could not be established since there was
not a single band differing from others in RAPD and ISSR reactions.

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

Table 1.3 List of selected primers used in RAPD analysis and number of
scorable bands

Sl. Primer Primer MgCl2 concentration No. of scorable bands

No. sequence (mM)







Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

Table 1.4 List of selected primers used in ISSR analysis and number of
scorable bands

Sl. Primer name Primer sequence MgCl2 concentration No. of scorable bands
No. (5′–3′) (mM)
1 UBC 809 (AG)8G 0 4
2 UBC 810 (GA)8T 0 9
3 UBC 811 (GA)8C 0 10
4 UBC 813 (CT)8T 1 5
5 UBC 823 (TC)8C 0 4
6 UBC 824 (TC)8G 0 6
7 UBC 826 (AC)8C 1 15
8 UBC 834 (AG)8YT 0 8
9 UBC 836 (AG)8YA 0 5
10 UBC 840 (GA)8YT 1 11
11 UBC 848 (CA)8RG 0 6

Y : C or T

1.3 Results

A total of five isozymes of POD were observed in the zymogram out of which
only three were found in the protein extracts from unopened and first leaf pair.
Protein extract from the fourth leaf pair displayed all the five isozymes in the gel
(Figure 1.2). Standardization of conditions for PCR amplification such as
concentrations of magnesium chloride, Taq-polymerase, template DNA and

annealing temperature were initially varied to arrive at a most effective

combination to obtain highly intense distinctly separated bands without smearing

effects. Forty RAPD primers (Table 1.2) were selected from 60 arbitrary primers
(having 60-70% GC content) based on their amplification products. Each RAPD

primer generated a unique set of amplification products ranging in size from 200
bp to 2800 bp where the number of bands for each primer varied from 4 in OPJ 08
and 15 in OPM 16 (Table 1.3). The 40 primers used in this analysis yielded 326
scorable bands with an average of 8.15 bands per primer. Screening with the 20
ISSR primers generated 83 scorable bands in 11 primers (Table 1.2) ranging from
200 bp to 2500 bp. An average of 7.54 bands per ISSR primer was obtained
ranging from 4 to 15 (Table 1.4). Banding pattern among the different samples
collected within an accession was similar indicating that the morphological
difference observed within accessions had no genetic background. On the other
hand, molecular analysis among different accessions from different locations also

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

yielded an identical PCR band profile in both RAPD and ISSR analysis (Figures
1.3, 1.4).

Figure 1.2 Isozymic pattern of peroxidase enzyme from leaves at different

stages of development in vanilla. (1,2: un-opened leaf; 3,4:first leaf pair;
5,6:fourth leaf pair)


Figure 1.3 Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) banding pattern

generated by primer OPJ 10. Lanes 1-25 designate accessions. Lane M:

GeneRulerTM 100 bp DNA Ladder Plus


Figure 1.4 Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) of DNA showing

amplification pattern generated by primer UBC 810. Lanes 1-25 designate
accessions. Lane M: GeneRulerTM 100 bp DNA Ladder Plus

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

1.4 Discussion
Isozymic analysis of POD enzyme for its possible use in analysis of genetic
diversity among various clones of vanilla showed that there was variation in the
zymogram pattern within same clone between protein extracts of leaf material
from different stage of development. This difference within same plant/clone may
be due to variation in isozymes synthesized during various stages of growth and
development of the plant depending on the biochemical status of the plant tissue.
These observations suggested exclusion of isozymic analysis for diversity study in
vanilla clones collected which otherwise lead to erroneous conclusions. Of the
various biochemical and molecular techniques used to resolve genetic diversity in
lentil, isozymes and seed proteins gave low levels of genetic diversity. RAPD was

found to be the best option for determining inter- and intra-accession variation

(Sultana and Ghafoor 2008). A population genetic study of Goodyera procera

with allozyme and RAPD markers supported that RAPD can detect higher levels
of genetic variation than allozyme (Wong and Sun 1999). In Brassica oleracea,
high variability in the banding pattern within and among cultivars was observed
(Arus et al. 1985). RAPD analysis proved to be more informative and effective

approach for estimation of genetic diversity in inbred sunflower lines (Popov et al.
2002). The use of isozymes in limited by the lower number of polymorphic

isozyme markers in many populations.


The present study involved two types of efficient genetic markers involving
a large number of primers for marker-based genetic analyses of 25 accessions

collected from different locations of India (Figure 1.1; Table 1.1). This study has
clearly showed the absence of genetic variation within and among V. planifolia
populations. A very low level of genetic diversity was detected in V. planifolia in
geographical areas such as Mexico (Soto and Arenas 1996; Cibrian 1999),
Reunion Island (Besse et al. 2004) and Polynesia (Pacific Ocean) (Besse et al.
2004), which is in accordance with the vegetative mode of dispersion as stem
cuttings and the history (introduced plant species) of recent introduction in these
regions. A thorough analysis of different species (such as V. planifolia, V.
tahitensis and V. pompona) and clones within the species of Vanilla cultivated in
Reunion and Central America (Besse et al. 2004) showed no variation in the
introduced locations.

Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

It is well known that population genetic variation is influenced by factors

such as historical events, genetic drift, breeding systems and natural selection
(Barrett 1992). History of introduction determines the genetic variation within and
among populations to some extent. Introductions usually consist of a small
number of founders, resulting in lower genetic variability in introduced
populations (Nei et al. 1975). Multiple introduced populations have higher genetic
diversity than those that have been introduced only a few times (Li et al. 2006).
Low genetic variation may also be a result of a few well-adopted genotypes that
might have established successfully and expanded rapidly even in the case of
multiple introductions. During the time of the introduction, a super aggressive
genotype among the introduced ones might have been fixed by some biotic and

abiotic factors (Li et al. 2006). The introduced plant need not accumulate enough

genetic variation to adapt to its newer environment in its spread phase if its

phenotypic plasticity is stronger and could buffer against the selection pressure
(Weber and Schmid 1998). The degree to which introductions are accompanied by
genetic bottlenecks depends on the species breeding systems and is expected to be
lowest in highly selfing species or those that reproduce vegetatively (Nei et al.
Vanilla, being an introduced crop in most countries where it has been

cultivated, much of the planting material is originated from limited clonal


propagation, which largely limits the genetic variability in the crop (Divakaran
2006b). Vanilla might have been introduced to India through a “stepping-stone”

process resulting in all cultivars sharing the same genetic background. Vanilla
cultivation, having begun in India by the East India Company nearly 250 years
back in the spice garden at Kurtallam in Tamil Nadu indicates that a few vines
belonging to same mother plant or plantation might have been introduced and
further expansion to all other parts is from these plants, which are of a similar
genetic background. Reports indicate that plantations of Reunion, Mauritius,
Seychelles and Malagasy Republic can all be traced back to a single clone
(Madhusoodanan et al. 2003). Besse et al. (2004) while studying genetic diversity
of V. planifolia by using RAPD markers in vanilla cultivated areas of Reunion
Island and Polynesia reported a very low level of diversity. The only study on
genetic diversity of Indian vanilla using molecular markers is by Minoo et al.
(2008) by RAPD analysis of two indigenous collections of V. planifolia made
Genetic Diversity of Indian Vanilla

from vanilla cultivating regions of India reveled that there is very limited variation
within the collections indicative of its narrow genetic base.
The development of strong adaptability of a plant species to its current
environments is more important for its survival than the accumulation of rich
genetic diversity, which usually takes a long time to achieve (Xu et al. 2003).
Obviously, the shortcomings of low genetic diversity in a plant species can be
highly compensated by the development of its strong adaptability, at least for a
temporal period of time. However, it is difficult to predict the long-term effect
caused by the low genetic variation of the clonal species. Through rapid and
massive expansion, a few successful clones with favorable genotypes might be the
essential component in all individuals in its new colonies, although overall genetic

variability in these clones might appear to be low.

1.5 Conclusion
This preliminary investigation has determined the absence of genetic variations in
introduced and then commercially cultivated V. planifolia in India indicating a
threat of extinction due to pest and environment vagaries. These observations

indicate the need to increase the number of introductions and broaden the gene
pool of cultivated vanilla in India to reduce its vulnerability to diseases and insect

pests apart from its genetic improvement for other attributes. Genetic variability is

required to permit an adaptive response of the introduced species to the new

selective regime imposed by the environment. A recent study by Divakaran et al.

(2006a) involved inter-specific hybridization in vanilla and molecular

characterization of hybrids and selfed progenies using RAPD and AFLP markers
indicated the possibility of taking up breeding work in vanilla. In order to broaden
the genetic base of vanilla cultivars, further efforts such as seed germination,
mutation breeding, genetic engineering and induction of somaclonal variants are
to be urgently pursued.

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

Occurrence of genetic variants during micropropagation is occasionally
encountered when the cultures are maintained in vitro for long period. Therefore,
the micropropagated multiple shoots of vanilla developed from axillary bud
explants that were established 10 years ago were used to determine somaclonal
variation using Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and Inter-Simple
Sequence Repeats markers (ISSR). One thousand micro-plants were established
in soil of which 95 plantlets (consisting of 4 phenotypes) along with the mother
plant were subjected to genetic analyses using RAPD and ISSR markers. Out of
the 45 RAPD and 20 ISSR primers screened, 30 RAPD and 7 ISSR primers
showed 317 clear, distinct and reproducible band classes resulting in a total of

30,115 bands. However, no difference was observed in banding patterns of all the
samples for a particular primer indicating the absence of variation among the

micropropagated plants. The results suggest that the micropropagation protocol
used for in vitro proliferation of vanilla plantlets for the last 10 years might be
applicable for the production of clonal plants over a considerable period of time.
To study the possibility of up-scaling the protocol, vanilla shoot
multiplication in semi-solid (SS), complete immersion system (CIS) and partial

immersion system (PIS) were evaluated keeping track of kinetics of growth and
nutrient uptake. Significant reduction in osmolarity due to high uptake of sucrose

was higher in CIS than in PIS with no difference in the conductivity pattern,
indicating that the mineral uptake was probably similar in both. The rate of shoot

multiplication was although marginally higher in SS than in CIS and PIS, by the
end of five-weeks culture period, the biomass production and shoot elongation
were significantly higher in PIS than in SS and CIS. Shoot cultivation in CIS was
associated with hyperhydric shoots (>80%) having poor ability to establish in
fresh medium or soil. GrowtekTM bioreactor, the cheaper version of bioreactor,
functioning on the principle of PIS enabling constant supply of the nutrients and
aeration to the plants was found to perform better than SS and CIS and can be an
efficient liquid culture system for shoot cultivation of vanilla. To obtain
preliminary data on the conditions required for the shoot multiplication in
bioreactor where the shoots are intermittently bathed with liquid medium,
different medium contact periods were provided to shoot cultures in CIS where in

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

the 30 min contact three times a day appeared most congenial for best shoot
multiplication and elongation. An equi-proportion of red soil: sand:
vermicompost was found to be the best hardening soil medium for vanilla. The
shoots sub-cultured in PIS were robust with good elongation producing both
geotropic and aerial roots resulting in highest survival (90.5%) on transfer to this
soil mixture. When a comparison was made on the growth and yield performance
of plants derived from micropropagation and stem cuttings, plants form
micropropagation flowered early and were higher yielders than those from the
stem cuttings.

Sreedhar RV, Venkatachalam L, Bhagyalakshmi N (2007) Genetic fidelity of long -

term micropropagated shoot cultures of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) as
assessed by molecular markers. Biotechnology Journal 2: 1007-1013

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

2.1 Introduction
Genus Vanilla Swartz belongs to the family Orchidaceae which consists of 110
species, of which 15 are known to yield aromatic pods. The seeds of vanilla do
not generally germinate and hence the plants are propagated by vegetative means
through stem cuttings that result in slow rate of multiplication and non-uniformity
in planting material. Removal of cuttings may also cause injury to the mother
plant resulting in a set-back of growth and reduction in yield. Market demand for
the propagules is hardly met through these cuttings; therefore, micropropagated
plantlets have gained importance in the vanilla cultivating areas. In vitro
propagation of vanilla by culturing axillary buds (George and Ravishankar 1997;
Giridhar et al. 2001), aerial root tips (Phillip and Nainar 1988), through callus

(Davidonis and Knorr 1991) and protocorms has been reported earlier.
Micropropagation using shoot tips or nodal segments has been found to be an

appropriate technique wherein about one lakh plantlets may be obtained in fifteen
sub cultures (George and Ravishankar 1997).
True-to-type clonal fidelity is important for utilizing the advantages of
micropropagation. A major problem encountered with in vitro culture is the
occurrence of somaclonal variation amongst sub-clones of one parental line,

arising as a direct consequence of in vitro culture condition itself (Gould 1986).

Micropropagated plants obtained from preformed organs, especially from axillary

buds and shoot tips have been reported to maintain clonal fidelity as organized
meristems are more resistant to genetic changes compared to unorganized callus

under in vitro culture (Ostry et al. 1994). However, the possibility of occurrence
of somaclonal variants even in such cultures cannot be ruled out (Devarumath et
al. 2002). The exact causes for such variations are still unknown, although it is
believed to be induced by alterations in the supply of nutrients, auxin-cytokinin
concentrations and their ratio, in vitro stress due to unnatural conditions and
disturbed diurnal rhythm. Cultured plant tissues are also known to undergo high
levels of oxidative stress and are exposed to reactive oxygen species (ROS), the
latter being known to cause DNA damage including microsatellite instability
(Jackson et al. 1998). Thus, the array of variations is often heritable and
undesirable, challenging the very “clonal” nature of micropropagated plants.
Reliable assays to assess the genetic stability of a genotype throughout in vitro

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

culture period are highly desirable in micropropagation as well as genetic

engineering experiments, especially in the latter case wherein the starting material
itself should not contribute to the variation. Hence, it is important to detect
genetic variations as early as possible to prevent further tricky situations.
Tissue and environmental independent expression of DNA based markers
have made them more reliable than morphological and isozymic markers. Among
various nucleic acid markers, Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP)
though can be used for screening genetic stability of tissue cultured plants, the
method involves high cost, radioactivity and is laborious. Amplified Fragment
Length Polymorphism (AFLP), also being of high cost, is not suitable for routine
application for tissue cultured plants. Microsatellites or Simple Sequence Repeats

(SSRs) consist of short tandem repeats of 2 to 5 base pair motifs, distributed
throughout eukaryotic genomes and hence are highly informative. However, for

their efficient use, flanking regions must be known so that polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) primers may be generated. On the other hand, Random Amplified
Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) is simpler and has proven to be quite efficient in
detecting genetic variations, even in closely related organisms (Martin et al.

1991). With Inter-Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSRs), primers are not proprietary
as in SSRs and can be synthesized by anyone and also allow production of a high

number of reproducible polymorphic bands. ISSR is a very simple, quick, cost-


effective, highly discriminative and reliable method which combines most of the
advantages of Simple Sequence Repeats and Amplified Fragment Length

Polymorphism with the universality of RAPD (Reddy et al. 2002). They are
found to be more useful and reproducible than isozymes and RAPD; less
cumbersome and cost-effective for routine application than RFLP (Fang et al.
1997). In addition, the ISSRs are also found to give more polymorphism than any
other assay procedure (Virk et al. 2000). Thus, detection of additional
polymorphism could be done by the use of RAPD in combination with ISSRs. At
present, RAPD and ISSR markers have been widely utilized to detect the genetic
similarities and dissimilarities in micropropagated material in various plants
(Devarumath et al. 2002; Martins et al. 2004; Venkatachalam et al. 2007).
Mass propagation of plants by tissue culture is a costly and labour
intensive technology. The gelling agents used are not inert medium components

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

and do not enable easy automation for commercial mass propagation. Agar, the
most commonly used non-nutrient gelling agent is one of the costliest ingredients
of the culture medium. High production costs limit the commercial use of
micropropagation to markets with a high unit value for crops such as vanilla. It
has been concluded for various species that extensive expansion of
micropropagation would only take place if improved technologies became
available for automation and acclimatization (Kitto 1997). Liquid culturing has
been considered as an ideal technique for mass propagation as it reduces manual
labor and facilitates better control over medium manipulation apart from rendering
automation opportunities of the entire process. Moreover, plant tissues from
numerous species are known to perform better when cultured in liquid medium

rather than on agar medium. It is also considered to be an ideal solution for
reducing plantlet production costs and the system provides more uniform culturing

conditions. Use of liquid medium allows scale-up in bioreactors minimizing the
number of operations with the advantage of medium manipulation, thereby
reducing the cost of production of micro-propagules (Hvoslef-Eide and Melby
2000; Dey 2001). The available bioreactors are basically the modified microbial

bioreactors and are un-suitable for higher plants due to their high sensitivities to
shear force leading to mechanical damages. Alternatively, the aerated type exhibit

foam formation, particularly in bubble aerated bioreactors (Berthouly and Etienne


Vanilla shoots when grown in liquid medium undergo hyperhydricity or

vitrification (Sreedhar et al. 2009) which is a major problem encountered during

submerged cultivation. To compensate this problem, it would be judicious to
expose the culture to the liquid medium intermittently rather than continuously. It
has been shown that increased aeration and intermittent contact between the plant
material and the medium could reduce hyperhydricity (Aitken-Christie and Jones
1987) and these two characteristics are combined in temporary immersion systems
(TIS). Medium may thus be easily renewed without changing the container and
sterilization is possible by ultrafiltration (Berthouly and Etienne 2005). Recently,
a type of bioreactor which allows partial immersion of culture has been shown to
offer numerous advantages compared to semi-solid and completely immersed
liquid medium system in improving the productivity and reducing the time taken

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

to multiply commercially-important material. PIS combine the advantages of

gelled and liquid medium having intermittent to total availability of nutrients with
an added advantage of allowing the plants to grow in an air space. Such a system
is also known to reduce hyperhydricity in other plants by avoiding submergence
of the entire plant material. Combining all these parameters, a low-cost bioreactor
working on the principle of PIS has been designed, patented and commercialized
under the name GrowtekTM with unique features like floating and rotating explant
holder with an option for perforated explant support and a side tube for medium
changing and content monitoring. Its usefulness in terms of enhanced
multiplication rates, reduced bioreactor costs, saving in terms of incubation time,
the minimization of contamination and plantlet transfer without root injury have

been well documented (Dey 2005).
Reports on in vitro propagation of vanilla indicate the usefulness of

culturing axillary buds (George and Ravishankar 1997; Geetha and Shetty 2000;
Giridhar et al. 2001, Kalimuthu et al. 2006) and aerial root tips (Phillip and Nainar
1988). Reports on the plantlet formation through callus cultures (Davidonis and
Knorr 1991) and protocorms are sporadic. Micropropagation using shoot tips or

nodal segments appears to be an appropriate technique for clonal propagation of


An in vitro clonal propagation protocol for V. planifolia developed by


George and Ravishankar 1997 has been adopted as an initial step for
establishment and maintenance of shoot cultures in the present study. While

developing a protocol for micropropagation of vanilla, George and Ravishankar

(1997) emphasized on the effects of various growth regulators as well as different
culture conditions, where a maximum number of shoots was formed in liquid
medium with a further higher number occurring in two-phase (solid/liquid) culture
For addressing the problems associated with the continuous production of
high quality planting material of vanilla, a study was undertaken with four major
a. To assess the micropropagation protocol on long-term culture of V.
planifolia for possible occurrence of genetic variants
b. To study the kinetic parameters that affect shoot proliferation

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

c. To standardize conditions for high rate of shoot multiplication which leads

to development of an efficient method for clonal propagation in large scale
d. To study on hardening of plantlets derived from shoots multiplied in
bioreactor and their field performance

2.2 Material and Methods

2.2.1 Genetic fidelity Plant material and establishment of shoot cultures
A vanilla clone collected from Burliar plantation, Nilgiris, India served as the
mother plant from which shoot cultures had been established as described earlier
(George and Ravishankar 1997). These shoots were routinely multiplied and

maintained for about 10 years at 252 oC under 16 h photoperiod having
illumination of 37.5µE m-2 s-1 provided by fluorescent lamps. Over 1000 plantlets

from such cultures were established as rooted plantlets, of which four groups of
plants were selected where group one had 26 normal-looking and the other three
groups consisted of 23 plantlets each showing unusual phenotypes such as pale
green leaves, hyper-hydric, multiple-apiced and stunted growth (Figure 2.1). The
plantlets from these four groups were used for genetic analysis along with the leaf

material from the mother plant (maintained in the departmental garden). Thus a
total number of 96 samples (including mother plant) were subjected for genetic

marker analyses.

Normal Hyper-hydric Multiple apiced Stunted

Figure 2.1 Different phenotypes developed during long-term

micropropagation of shoot cultures of Vanilla planifolia

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques Extraction of DNA, PCR analysis, Primer selection, DNA

amplification, Analysis of PCR product by agarose gel electrophoresis and
Data analysis were done as explained earlier in Chapter I

2.2.2 Micropropagation Plant material
The plant material, establishment and maintenance of shoot cultures were as in
section Shoot bud clusters (Figure 2.6A) were trimmed to have an
average of five buds per cluster and were used as initial inoculum for all the
studies. Each cluster weighed approximately 1 gm and each bud was 0.5-1 cm in

R Culturing conditions
The medium used for all the studies was modified MS medium (supplemented

with 30 g of sucrose, 8.87 µM BAP and 2.69 µM NAA). Medium gelled with 7.2
g L-1 of agar (HiMedia, India) served as SS system. As a CIS, Erlenmeyer’s flasks
(150 mL) with 40 mL of medium (Figure 2.6B) were used. For PIS, GrowtekTM
bioreactors (100×150 mm (×h), Tarsons Products, India) (Figure 2.2) filled with

200 mL of liquid medium having unique features like floating, rotating, non-
absorbing explant holder with perforated explant support matrix; side-tube with

silicon rubber septum for changing media and online monitoring of medium

environment were used. For larger-scale PIS, a bubble column bioreactor

(BIOFLO 111, New Brunswick Scientific, Edison, N.J., U.S.A.) with 1.75 liter of

medium was used. The bubble column bioreactor was made of a glass column
(Corning glass, height 22 cm and diameter 14 cm) of 3 liters capacity with a
working volume of 1.75 liter. The upper lid had provision for air inlet/outlet for
sparger and ports for inoculation and sampling. Air was supplied through a glass
sparger of 45 cm height and 7 cm diameter, molded into a circular shape at the
bottom having pores of size 1 mm. An autoclavable basket made of stainless steel
wire mesh of 10.5 cm height and 8.5 cm diameter was used to provide anchorage
for the biomass. This anchorage had pores of 0.5 cm diameter at the bottom as
well as sides and was placed at a height of 7 cm from the bottom of the bioreactor
vessel supported by a stainless steel stand. The distance between sparger and the

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

Figure 2.2 Growtek™ bioreactor used in the present study. A: The entire

setup; B: Container with lid and side-tube with silicon rubber septum, C:

Explant holder with perforated explant support matrix

Peristaltic pump FT PTFE

Inoculation port
Medium circulation lines

basket for 22 cm

14 cm

Figure 2.3 Diagrammatic representation of modified bioreactor developed

for automation of submerged cultivation of vanilla (as TIS)

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

anchorage was kept at 4 cm. The bioreactor was operated at a temperature of

25±2 C with 2000-lux illumination (provided from outside the jar) for a period of
16h a day for 3 weeks with a continuous air sparging at a rate of 33.4 cc sec-1. As
a Temporary Immersion System (TIS), a modified bioreactor was developed
which was made up of a column glass container (Corning glass, height 22 cm and
diameter 14 cm) of 3 liters capacity with a working volume of 1.75 liter (Figure
2.3). The upper lid was provided with openings for air inlet/outlet and ports for
inoculation and medium pumping. The basket used to provide anchorage for the
biomass was similar to that in bubble column bioreactor. The bioreactor was
operated at a temperature of 25±2 C with 2000-lux illumination (provided from
outside the jar). Peristaltic pump was fitted to medium circulation lines for

pumping liquid medium in and out to provide required period and number of
contacts by the medium. Effect of different contact periods on the shoot

multiplication, elongation and morphology were studied for a total period of five
Clusters of shoot buds (shoot bud length 0.5-1 cm) were used as initial
inoculums. Erlenmeyer’s flasks and GrowtekTM bioreactors were maintained at

252oC under 16h photoperiod having illumination of 37.5µE m-2s-1on a gyratory


shaker set at 80 rpm throughout the culturing period. Approximately 2 g of the

plant material was inoculated in to Erlenmeyer’s flasks, 50 g in bubble column

bioreactor and modified TIS bioreactor and 15 g in to the GrowtekTM bioreactor.

Enough number of replicates were used so that periodically a set of cultures could

be removed for recording data. Kinetic parameters

The pH of the medium was adjusted to 5.8 prior to autoclaving. The changes in
the pH of the medium were recorded using digital pH meter (Control Dynamics,
India). The nutrient depletion in the medium was examined by measuring the
electrical conductivity using a conductivity meter of Wiss-teelm-werkstalten
model LF-54 (Wielhalm, Germany). Conductivity was expressed in the units of
mS (milli Siemen). Osmolarity of the medium was measured in order to
determine the level of total solutes, both charged and neutral compounds in the
medium by using an automatic cryoscopic osmometer (Osmomat 030-D

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

Gonotech, GmbH, Germany). The calibration of the instrument was done using
triple distilled water. Osmolarity was expressed as Osmol kg-1. Growth parameters

To check the total biomass accumulation, culture from each type of container was
removed, gently rolled on blotters and weighed using electronic balance. Fresh
weight served as a basis for the rate of biomass accumulation per gram biomass
inoculated. Shoot multiplication rate was calculated as rate of multiplication per
bud inoculated and shoot length was recorded in centimeters in all the systems.
All the observations were made at weekly intervals for five weeks during

I Rooting, hardening and green house cultivation

Rooting of the elongated shoots from GrowtekTM bioreactor was achieved on MS

medium with 1/2 strength NH4NO3 supplemented with 5.37 µM NAA and
15 g L-1 sucrose which was found to be most suitable by earlier observations.
Well rooted plantlets of 8-10 cm length were then planted in soil mixture
containing varied proportion of red soil, sand and vermicompost and observations

on percent survival and growth response were made four weeks after planting.

2.2.3 Planting material for field performance study

rin Stem cuttings

Stem cuttings of nearly one foot length were derived from 5 years old mother

plant maintained in the garden of Plant Cell Biotechnology Department of CFTRI,

Mysore. Each cutting had a minimum of 2 buds and initial bud germination was
made in greenhouse conditions in a soil mixture having equi-proportion of red
soil, sand and vermicompost. These sprouted cuttings having shoots of 2 to 3
inches length with at least a pair of leaves were then planted in pits following
standard agronomical practices for vanilla. Micropropagated plantlets
Well rooted and greenhouse hardened plantlets (Figure 2.10A, B) of at least 15
cm length derived from PIS bioreactor system were selected and planted in pits
following standard agronomical practices. Plants were grown under shade-net
(providing 50% shade) and were trained to metal rod or bamboo stick support

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

(Figure 2.10C, D). Vines were trained longitudinally instead of horizontally to

have an induce more number of flowers which was as per earlier visual
observation that more number of flowers were induced in longitudinally trained
vines compared to horizontally trained ones. Pollination of all the bloomed
flowers was done using a thin bamboo splinter between 7.00 and 8.00 AM and a
mist of water spray was given to the plant to improve pollination and fertilization
rate. Observations on various growth and yield parameters were made at regular
intervals in both the cases.
2.2.4 Statistical analysis
The data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using
Microsoft Excel XP (Microsoft Corporation, Washington) and the data are

presented as an average of mean±error bars (p≤0.05).

2.3 Results
2.3.1 Genetic fidelity FT
Table 2.1 lists the RAPD primers used in the present study, their sequence, the
additional levels of MgCl2 needed for proper amplification, the number of
scorable bands formed for each primer and the range of fragment sizes. A

comparison of RAPD and ISSR profiles of all the DNA samples extracted was
done for analyzing the variations, if any. Out of the 45 arbitrary primers (having

60-70% GC content) tested for RAPD, 30 primers were selected based on their
amplification products. Each RAPD primer generated a unique set of

amplification products ranging in size from 200 bp to 2,800 bp where the number
of bands for each primer varied from 4 in OPJ 08 and 15 in OPM 16. The 30
primers used in this analysis yielded 258 scorable bands with an average of 8.60
bands per primer. Out of 20 ISSR primers, 7 were selected and they produced 59
scorable bands which ranged from 200 bp to 2,500 bp (Table 2.2). An average of
8.43 bands per ISSR primer was obtained which ranged from 4 to 15. A total of
30,115 bands (no. of plantlets analysed × no. of band classes with all primers)
were generated by the RAPD and ISSR techniques giving rise to monomorphic
band classes for all the 95 DNA samples of micropropagated plants analyzed.
Both micropropagated plants and the mother plant showed identical banding

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

pattern. An example of the monomorphic band classes obtained is shown in

Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5 for RAPD and ISSR markers respectively.

Table 2.1 List of selected primers used in RAPD analysis, the respective
additional levels of MgCl2, the number of scorable bands obtained and the
range of fragment size for each primer

Sl. Primer Primer sequence Additional Number of Fragment size

No. (5’-3’) MgCl2 (mM) scorable bands range
01 OPA 03 AGTCAGCCAC 0 11 700-2800
02 OPA 04 AATCGGGCTG 1 5 400-1200
03 OPA 11 CAATCGCCGT 0 10 200-2800
04 OPA 14 CTCGTGCTGG 1 7 500-1000
05 OPA 20 GTTGCGATCC 0 8 400-1200

06 OPC 01 TTCGAGCCAG 0 7 450-1300

07 OPC 02 GTGAGGGCTC 2 6 300-1200
08 OPC 04 CCGCATCTAC 1 8 450-1500

09 OPC 05 GATGACCGCC 1 8 300-1700
10 OPC 06 GAACGGACTC 0 6 900-2500
11 OPC 07 GTCCCGACGA 0 8 400-2800
12 OPC 09 CTCACCGTCC 1 9 400-2500
13 OPC 08 TGGACCGGTG 0 7 300-1500
14 OPD 04 TCTGGTGAGG 0 6 900-2300
15 OPD 11 AGCGCCATTG 1 9 300-2800
16 OPD 16 AGGGCGTAAG 1 8 400-1500
17 OPF 12 ACGGTACCAG 0 8 300-2000
18 OPJ 07 CCTCTCGACA 0 9 300-2000
19 OPJ 08 CATACCGTGG 1 4 400-1000

20 OPJ 09 TGAGCCTCAC 0 7 850-2200

21 OPJ 10 AAGCCCGAGG 2 8 650-2800

22 OPM 16 GTAACCAGCC 1 15 200-2000

23 OPM 18 CACCATCCGC 2 6 950-2500
24 OPM 20 AGGTCTTGGG 2 10 300-1200
25 OPN 03 GGTACTCCCC 1 12 200-1500

26 OPN 04 GACCGACCCA 0 10 350-1500

27 OPN 06 GAGACGCACA 2 11 300-1000
28 OPN 09 TGCCGGCTTG 2 11 200-1900
29 OPN 10 ACAACTGGGG 0 14 200-2000
30 OPN 14 TCGTGCGGGT 1 10 300-2800

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

Table 2.2 List of selected primers used in ISSR analysis, the respective
additional levels of MgCl2, the number of scorable bands obtained and the
range of fragment size for each primer

Sl. Name of the Primer Tm Additional MgCl2 Number of Fragment

No. primer sequence (oC) concentration scorable size range
(5’-3’) (mM) bands (bp)
1. UBC 809 (AG)8G 52 0 4 200-400
2. UBC 810 (GA)8T 50 0 9 200-1000
3. UBC 811 (GA)8C 52 0 10 300-2500
4. UBC 823 (TC)8C 52 1 4 200-600
5. UBC 824 (TC)8G 52 0 6 200-900
6. UBC 826 (AC)8C 52 0 15 200-1500
7. UBC 840 (GA)8YT 53 1 11 200-1000
Y = C or T


Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

M P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26




M P 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49




M P 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72


M P 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95




Figure 2.4 A representative Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD)

amplification pattern obtained for mother plant (P) and for long-term
micropropagated shoot cultures (lanes 1-26: normal-looking; 27-49:
hyperhydric; 50-72: multiple-apiced; 73-95: stunted) generated by primer
OPJ 10. M: GeneRulerTM 100 bp DNA Ladder Plus (Fermentas GmbH,

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques


Figure 2.5 A representative Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR)

amplification pattern obtained for mother plant (P) and for long-term
micropropagated shoot cultures (lanes 1-26: normal-looking; 27-49:
hyperhydric; 50-72: multiple-apiced; 73-95: stunted) generated by primer
UBC 826. M: GeneRulerTM 100 bp DNA Ladder Plus (Fermentas GmbH,

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

2.3.2 Micropropagation

While the cultures in agar-gelled medium showed a steady rate of multiplication

with an average of 6.2 shoots per bud (Figure 2.6A), those in liquid medium
showed higher multiplication rate. Due to high multiplication rate as well as to
initiate the scale-up process, studies in liquid medium were considered. For this
shake flask culture, GrowtekTM bioreactor and bubble column bioreactors were
used. Cultivation in shake flask invariably resulted in abnormal shoots with
collapsed and decayed tips (Figure 2.6B). The shoot bud clusters inoculated into
the bubble column bioreactor developed hyperhydric syndrome and became
turgid, translucent, watery, wrinkled and brittle (Figure 2.6E). Bleaching of the
shoots and shoot bud death was observed which led to death of the culture within

2 weeks after inoculation (WAI). Hence, the cultivation was terminated and
GrowtekTM bioreactor (Figure 2.6C, D) which showed a good response was

considered as PIS for further studies. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of
PIS, it was compared with semi-solid and CIS for various parameters like pH,
conductivity, osmolarity and their effects on the rate of biomass accumulation,
shoot multiplication and elongation.

The pH of the medium which had been adjusted to 5.8 during preparation,

dropped to 5.7 after autoclaving, with a steep drop further to 4.3 after inoculation.

It later stabilized at around 4.7 throughout the culture period from 1 WAI. The
pH changes were almost similar for both PIS and CIS (Figure 2.7). The medium
conductivity depends on the electrolyte concentration and ignores the changes in

sugars which are present in higher concentration (Madhusudhan et al. 1995). The
trend of uptake was almost similar in both CIS and PIS with a slight higher rate of
uptake in CIS 4 WAI. A decrease in conductivity from an initial value of 6.4 mS
to 4.2 mS in PIS and 4.05 mS in CIS was notable (Figure 2.7). The Osmolarity
takes into account the number of moles of all solutes present in the medium.
Initial osmolarity of the medium before inoculation was 0.225 Osmol kg-1 which
gradually decreased to 0.086 Osmol kg-1 in PIS and 0.069 Osmol kg-1 in CIS
indicating all solutes in the media are probably exhausted by 5 weeks of culture
(Figure 2.7). Though there was a similar trend of uptake of solutes in both PIS
and CIS in the first week, a higher uptake of nutrients in case of CIS between 1st
and 4th week was apparent from the osmolarity data.

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques


Figure 2.6 Various micropropagation systems used in the present study. A:

Shoot buds cluster cultured on solid medium; B: Erlenmeyer’s flasks (used as
CIS) showing malformed hyperhydric shoots and bud death; C: GrowtekTM
bioreactor used (as PIS); D: Explant holder with uniformly elongated shoots
5WAI; E: Bubble column bioreactor used in the present study; F: Rooting of
shoots in MS medium with 1/2 strength NH4NO3 supplemented with NAA
(5.37 µM) and 15 gm L-1 of sucrose; G: Growth and acclimatization of
plantlets derived from GrowtekTM bioreactor in greenhouse conditions in
equi proportion of red soil, sand and vermicompost.

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

Figure 2.7 pH, osmolarity and conductivity of the medium in Erlenmeyer’s
flasks (CIS) and GrowtekTM bioreactor (PIS) used at various stages of
culturing shoot cultures. WAI: weeks after inoculation. All treatments had at
least fifteen replicates and the data are presented as an average of
mean±error bar (p≤0.05) of replicates of two separate experiments.

The rate of shoot multiplication was 2.71 in SS and 2.46 in PIS 5WAI

which did not differ significantly (Figure 2.8). However, there was a significant
difference in shoot multiplication rate between SS, CIS and PIS from 2 WAI to 4

WAI. Cultures in SS showed higher rate of multiplication than their counterparts.

Average shoot length was 9.56 cms in PIS 5WAI which was significantly very
high compared to that in SS (4.55 cms) and CIS (2.89 cms) (Figure 2.8). There
was a rapid increase in shoot elongation from 3 WAI in PIS which was
significantly higher than SS and CIS.

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

Figure 2.8 Shoot multiplication, shoot elongation and biomass production in
semi-solid medium (SS), Erlenmeyer’s flasks (CIS) and GrowtekTM
bioreactor (PIS) at various stages of culturing shoot cultures. WAI: weeks
after inoculation. All treatments had at least fifteen replicates and the data
are presented as an average of mean±error bar (p≤0.05) of replicates of two

separate experiments.

There was no significant difference in shoot length during first and second
week of culturing. Highest biomass accumulation was found in PIS 5 WAI which

was 23.45-fold (Figure 2.8). It was significantly higher compared to CIS (11.89-
fold) and SS (7.78-fold). A significantly higher increase in biomass production
was found in PIS from 3 WAI. No significant variation in biomass accumulation
was found between SS, CIS and PIS during the first two weeks of culturing.
However shoot cultivation in CIS was associated with hyperhydricity syndrome
wherein more than 80% of shoots appeared hyperhydric (Figure 2.6B).
The shoots derived from PIS (GrowtekTM bioreactor) appeared better and
well- grown than those from CIS or SS (Figure 2.6D). Development of root
initials was a notable feature in the GrowtekTM bioreactor grown shoot clusters.
Each shoot in the cluster developed 2-3 root initials 5 WAI. All the shoots were
then separated and were inoculated into rooting medium. Uniform rooting (3-4

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

roots per plantlet) in MS medium with 1/2 strength NH4NO3 supplemented with
5.37 µM NAA and 15 gm L-1 of sucrose was observed (Figure 2.6F).
In case of Temporary Immersion System, a contact period of 30 min three
times a day was found to be the best compared to the other treatments for
automation of vanilla shoot cultivation. Shoot multiplication rate was 2.42 which
was significantly higher and 1.25-fold higher than the 15 min treatment (Table
2.3). Although the treatment with 45 min contact period showed significantly
higher number of shoots with 1.19-fold higher than 30 min treatment, the shoots
were stunted and associated with hyperhydricity syndrome which started by 3rd
week of inoculation. Highest shoot elongation was observed in 30 min contact
treatment which was 9.45 cm by the end of 5 week cultivation (Table 2.3). It was

1.43-fold higher than the 15 min treatment and 2-fold higher compared to 45 min
contact treatment. Total biomass accumulation was found to be highest in 30 min

contact period treatment which was around 654.1 g and was 3.04-fold higher than
the 45 min contact treatment and 1.53-fold higher than 15 min treatment (Table
2.3). The shoot cultures which got a 15 min contact period three times a day
appeared dried and less vigorous whereas the ones which received 30 min contact

period treatment were more vigorous and dark green. Shoots which received a 45
min contact treatment were pale and translucent probably due to hyperhydricity

which started by the third week of culture.


Further, scale-up of shoot cultures was successfully achieved in modified

bioreactor developed for automation of submerged cultivation of vanilla (Figure

2.9) with a medium contact period of 30 min three times a day. This resulted in a
biomass accumulation of more than 663.5 g with shoot multiplication rate of
nearly 2.55 fold and shoot elongation of around 9.55 cm five weeks after

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

Table 2.3 Effect of different contact periods on growth and development of

vanilla shoot cultures (5 weeks after inoculation). Initial inoculums was 50 g
per container and all treatments had at least three replicates and the data are
presented as an average of mean±error bar (p≤0.05) of replicates of two
separate experiments.

Contact Contacts Shoot Shoot Biomass Shoot morphology

period per day multiplication elongation accumulation
(minutes) (fold) (cm) (gm)
15 3 1.93±0.21 6.63±0.57 426.36±15.8 Green and dried
30 3 2.42±0.30 9.45±0.87 654.1±26.1 Dark green and vigorous

45 3 2.88±0.32 4.71±0.29 215.2±11.8 Pale green and hyperhydric

(by 3 weeks)


Figure 2.9 Scale-up of shoot cultivation in a modified bioreactor with a

contact period of 30 min three times a day period (2-week-old-culture)

2.3.3 Greenhouse hardening and field performance studies

Study on the effect of different combinations of soil mixture for hardening plants
under green house conditions showed that soil mixture of red soil: sand:
vermicompost in a ratio of 1: 1: 1 was found to be the best with percent survival
of 90.5 and an excellent growth response. It was closely followed by a ratio of 2:
1: 1 and 2: 1: 2 both showing nearly 80% shoot survival and good growth
response (Table 2.4, Figure 2.6G).

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

Table 2.4 Effect of different combinations of soil mixtures used for hardening
the plants under green house conditions (Average of 25 plantlets)

Soil Combination % Survival Growth Response

(Red soil: Sand: Vermicompost)
3:1:0 69.5 Poor
3:2:1 73.9 Fair
3:1:2 71.2 Good
2:1:1 83.5 Good
1:1:1 90.5 Excellent
2:1:2 80.6 Good

A study was conducted to compare the growth and yield performance of

vanilla plants propagated through conventional and micropropagation techniques.
Germination of the shoot buds in the cuttings took a period of 30-45 days

compared to 15-20 days taken by those in micropropagation. Shoots of stem

cuttings reached a height of 13-15 cm in 16-18 weeks which was comparatively

lesser in the case of micropropagated ones which took just 12-14 weeks in the
greenhouse conditions (Table 2.5). After a six month period, the conventionally
propagated plants reached a height of 30-35 cm which was significantly higher in
micropropagated ones which reached a height of more than 50 cm.

Micropropagated plants started flowering from 2 years of planting while flowering

in the stem cutting propagated plants was after a period of 3 years.

Table 2.5 Field performance of Conventionally propagated and

Micropropagated vanilla (Average of 25 plants each)

Parameter Conventional propagation Micropropagation

(Stem cuttings) (Partial Immersion System)
Shoot bud germination 30-45 days 15-20 days (in vitro)

Plant of 13-15 cm length 16-18 weeks (4 months) 12-14 weeks (3 months)

6 months after planting 30-35 cm shoot length 50-60 cm shoot length

2 years after planting No flowering Flowering and fruit set

3 years after planting Flowering and fruit set Flowering and fruit set (higher)

Yield (3 years old) 342 ± 12.3 gm/plant 472 ± 21.4 gm/plant

% Fertilization 80-85 80-85

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

An average yield of conventionally propagated plant was around 342 gm of beans

per plant which was much higher in the micropropagated ones with an average
yield of 472 gm of beans per plant (Table 2.5). However, there was no variation
in the flower fertilization percentage between the plants.


Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques




Figure 2.10 Greenhouse hardening and field cultivation of vanilla. A:


Hardening in greenhouse conditions in equi-proportional soil mixture of red

soil, sand and vermicompost. B: Vanilla plants in greenhouse ready for field
planting. C: Tissue culture (PIS bioreactor) derived plant planted in field

trained to a bamboo support. D: One year old plant grown under shade net
condition. E: Profuse flowering in vertically trained branch of vanilla of two
year old tissue culture derived plant. F: Fruiting in plant of tissue culture

2.4 Discussion
2.4.1 Genetic fidelity
The present study involved two types of efficient genetic markers involving a
large number of primers for marker-based genetic analyses of 95 micropropagated
plants. This study has clearly shown the absence of genetic variation among the
plantlets of V. planifolia. By using a combination of two types of markers which
amplify different regions of the genome a better analysis of genetic stability of
plantlets can be made (Martins et al. 2004). It is (Palombi and Damiano 2002)

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

suggested that the use of more than one DNA amplification technique proves to be
advantageous in evaluating somaclonal variation while screening the
micropropagated plants of kiwi fruit for any genetic variation. Hence, in the
present study, two PCR based techniques, RAPD and ISSR were adopted for the
evaluation of clonal fidelity of micropropagated V. planifolia plantlets.
The large number of bands produced by RAPD and ISSR primers indicates
that several sites were effectively amplified by these primers and hence they
appear appropriate for genetic evaluation of Vanilla planifolia. Absence of
genetic variation using RAPD has been reported in several cases like in
micropropagated shoots of Pinus thunbergii Pral. (Goto et al. 1998), axillary bud
proliferations of chestnut root stock hybrids (Carvalho et al. 2004) and almond

plantlets (Martins et al. 2004). In contrast, somaclonal variations were reported in
micropropagated plants of Populus tremuloides (Rahmann and Rajora 2001),

cauliflower (Leroy et al. 2001) and Actinidia deliciosa (Palombi and Damiano
2002). In the present study, no variation in the banding pattern was observed
among the micropropagated plants in any of the RAPD or ISSR profiles,
indicating the absence of variation in DNA sequence and therefore the absence of

somaclonal variation.
The vanilla shoots cultured in vitro for several subcultures appeared to

have developed into three unusual phenotypes (Figure 2.1). Development of


different phenotypes during prolonged in vitro culturing was also observed while
working on micropropagated phenotypes of Pinus thunbergii Pral. (Goto et al.

1998) and P. radiate (Ishii et al. 1987). In these studies, the use of cytokinins,
especially the exposure to BAP (6-Benzylaminopurine), has been noted to induce
hyper-hydricity. The latter phenomenon has been prevalent in xerophytic plants.
Since vanilla plants are also partially xerophytic in nature one can expect high
morphological variability and concomitant genetic changes, especially when shoot
cultures are exposed to cytokinins for a long-period. Morphological changes such
as stunted growth of shoots and unusual shapes of leaves observed in the present
study have also been commonly known to occur during micropropagation in many
plants either due to direct effect of plant growth regulators or due to re-
juvenilization during long-term culture (George 1996). Formation of callusy
shoot apices in some of the cultures during prolonged multiplication could be due

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

to repeated apical suppression with concomitant lateral dominance resulting in the

development of clusters of meristems at their growing points, which is a well-
known effect of continuous exposure to cytokinins (Anderson et al. 1982). The
minor variations in the band intensities for certain fragments observed in RAPD
and ISSR studies are, however, not quantitative as recorded in other such studies
(Ryynanen and Aronen 2005).
Growth regulator types and levels are known to influence genomic
dynamics during in vitro culture as observed in Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Bennici
et al. 2004). Culture media with high concentrations of different growth
regulators like NAA (α-Naphthalene Acetic Acid), BAP and 2, 4-D (2, 4-
dichlorophenoxyacetic acid) are known to contribute significantly to the

somaclonal variation (George 1996). Though a high concentration of BAP and
NAA have been continuously used in the medium for sub culturing over a period

of 10 years, in the present study, no somaclonal variation could be detected within
the micropropagated vanilla shoots. The morphological changes that occurred
seem to be purely due to varied physiological and/or developmental states with no
effect on genetic composition of the plantlets. Almond plantlets multiplied

through axillary branching maintained their genetic integrity even after 4 and 6
years of in vitro multiplication (Martins et al. 2004). Similar was the case in long-

term (70 months) tissue cultured silver birch (Ryynanen and Aronen 2005).

Most of the organized cultures, especially the shoot-tips are known to

maintain strict genotypic and phenotypic stability under tissue culture conditions

(Bennici et al. 2004) which appears applicable even to vanilla since no genetic
variations were observed. Somaclonal variation has often been linked to the
source of explant and the method of culture. In the present study, axillary buds
have been used for micropropagation of vanilla and were found to be appropriate
explants for initiation of in vitro shoot cultures. Such explants are considered to
be a low-risk material, as organized meristems are proven to be more resistant to
genetic changes than un-organized callus (Ostry et al. 1994).
From the results obtained in the present study using RAPD and ISSR
markers it is apparent that there exists genetic homogeneity of vanilla plantlets
and therefore the present micropropagation system for vanilla appears practically
feasible and can be carried out for a considerable length of time (for at least 10

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

years) without any risk of genetic instability. The present study of evaluating
different primers (RAPD and ISSR) for amplification of genomic DNA in vanilla
can also form a basis for the use of these primers for other genetic studies like
DNA fingerprinting.
2.4.2 Micropropagation
The culture medium kinetics with reference to pH shows that the pH drops down
after inoculation and stabilizes after first week and remains constant throughout.
The narrow change in pH due to autoclaving the medium is known and the change
in presence of explant (Escalona et al. 1999). Although vanilla shoots were
obtained from previous cultures, the trimming of unwanted tissues creating cut
ends probably results in leaching of sap. The initial sudden drop in pH may be

due to the inoculation with acidic plant material. This would lead to a sudden
drop in the pH of the medium to 4.3, and its improvement and stabilization later at

4.7 suggests that the ionic status is maintained and hence there could not be a
catastrophic effect of medium pH on the development of hyperhydricity syndrome
(HHS). The later lower pH can be attributed to the preferential uptake of
ammonium ions in the medium in exchange to protons. In the medium containing

both NO3ˉand NH4+ ions, preferential uptake of NH4+ ions leads to drop in pH
during early growth stage which increases NO3ˉ utilization and a gradual increase

and stabilization of the pH.


A rapid fall of the osmolarity of the medium noted between the 1st and 3rd
week of culture indicates high uptake of minerals as well as sugars and the steady

decline in conductance reflects the progressive uptake of ions (minerals). These

trends inversely correlate with the increase in shoot growth and accumulation of
biomass. The lesser rate of change in osmolarity and conductance from 3rd week
onwards indicates poor utilization of nutrients and another possibility could be
saturation of the water/nutrient uptake system. A constant immersion of the plant
material in CIS may lead to an increased rate of uptake compared to PIS.
V. planifolia with xerophytic characteristics is expected to pose difficulty
in growing in submerged (hydrophytic) conditions. But, as in most of the other
such shoot cultures, which easily adapt to submerged conditions, the vanilla
shoots were also expected to grow and multiply better in CIS. Cultivation of
plants in SS culture medium allows good amount of explant air exchange but the

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

nutrient uptake is limited to the explant basal region only. CIS works the other
way where in the entire explant is well covered with liquid medium providing
more surface for nutrient uptake and less area for gas exchange and hence is
usually associated with hyperhydricity. PIS which provide enough exposure of
the explant to the nutrient medium along with good exposure to air for better O2
exchange invariably resulting in good elongation of shoots promoting pronounced
growth of aerial roots.
Vanilla micropropagation using nodal explants requires a period of 5-6
months to obtain plantlets in good numbers. Use of an intervening liquid medium
also requires at least 5 months for moderate rate of shoot multiplication (George
and Ravishankar 1997). Use of a single culture medium for initiation,

multiplication, elongation and rooting was proposed by Kalimuthu et al. (2006)
and the entire protocol takes more than 15 weeks to obtain plantlets of 8-9 cms.

Culturing of shoot tip and nodal explants for 10-12 weeks in MS medium
supplemented with BAP and coconut water yielded 9-10 shoots and 2-3
vigorously growing shoots which elongated with expanded leaves and root
initials. Further culturing of such shoots in fresh medium with similar

composition for another 3 weeks produced elongated shoots with roots

(Kalimuthu et al. 2006). The proposed protocol developed in the present study

needs 4-5 weeks for shoot bud proliferation after initiation of shoot cultures from

nodal explants and another 5 weeks for elongation of the shoots to a length of 9-
10 cms. Rooting could be achieved in 2-3 weeks and the total period required is

12-14 weeks to obtain plantlets ready for greenhouse planting. A uniform

elongation of the shoot cultures could be achieved in this system which was
lacking in the earlier protocol. The initiation of aerial roots in the shoots in the
GrowtekTM bioreactor offers a great advantage in faster rooting and
acclimatization. Additionally the use of GrowtekTM bioreactors is extremely
useful for large scale multiplication of the plantlets allowing minimum
contamination due to reduction in the number of handlings. It also allows
monitoring of various kinetic parameters of the liquid medium and replacement of
fresh medium when the cultures are still growing in the container.
Various plant species are found to perform well in liquid cultures
compared to semi-solid medium (Etienne and Berthouly, 2002). A combination

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

of liquid and semi-solid medium in the same culture vessel enhanced axillary bud
and shoot production in many plants (Molnar 1987). Use of successive semi-
solid and liquid media for establishing propagation systems have been reported for
Lilium hybrids (Simmonds and Cumming 1976). Shoots of vanilla cultivated in
CIS started developing HHS by the end of 2 WAI and were completely
hyperhydric by the end of 3 weeks. A similar observation was noted wherein
stunted growth and hyperhydricity of shoots occured in cultures liquid medium as
early as within 21 days after sub-culture (George and Ravishankar, 1997).

It is known that continuous immersion in the medium leads to inadequate

oxygen supply to the immersed buds and cause bud death. Rotation at higher
speed exposes plant material to shear forces causing mechanical damage, affecting

normal growth and morphogenesis in CIS. On the other hand, in GrowtekTM
bioreactor, circular floating explant holder provides unique advantage to use it in

agitated mode apart from providing support for the shoot culture for partial
immersion which allows better gaseous exchange compared to CIS. Perforations
in the explant holder permits free access to nutrient medium. It was observed that
plant material propagated by temporary immersion can perform better during the
acclimatization phase than those grown on semi-solid or in liquid media (Etienne

and Berthouly 2002). There are other similar reports on the advantages of
GrowtekTM bioreactor (Dey 2005). Lesser physical stress seems to improve

overall growth and development of healthier plantlets in vanilla as found in PIS

(GrowtekTM) compared to CIS. In the latter case, continuous agitation leads to

mechanical damages with higher hydrodynamic force and physiological stress, as

observed by Liu et al. 2003. Root initiation and root health is known to be
seriously affected by ethylene accumulation in the vessels with inadequate gas
exchange (Zobayed et al. 2001; Klerk 2002). GrowtekTM bioreactor without this
problem aided initiation and development of healthy roots. The present study
which compared the solid, liquid (referred as CIS) and PIS substantiates that
GrowtekTM (as PIS) proves to be an efficient culture system in all respects.

Temporary Immersion System (TIS) enables contact between all parts of

the explant and the medium along with complete renewal of the culture
atmosphere by forced ventilation. The positive effect of temporary immersion on
shoot elongation has also been reasoned due to larger volume of the container

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

(Krueger 1991). Shoots of radiate pine derived from temporary immersion system
were longer and of better quality than those obtained on agar medium (Aitken-
Christie and Jones 1987). Krueger et al. in 1991 reported that cultures that grew
in intermittent contact with the culture medium gave higher values for the shoot
multiplication rate, shoot weight and shoot length. Work on sugarcane with twin
flask system immersion system showed that it clearly stimulates shoot formation
and length (Lorenzo et al. 1998). Hyperhydricity in outer leaf sheaths of stem
portion immersed continuously in liquid medium with continuous bubble-aeration
in banana was reported by Alvard et al. 1993 which was successfully prevented
when cultured in temporary immersion system.
Immersion or continuous/intermittent contact period was reported to have

a major influence on the quality of shoots. Longer contact periods and complete
immersion resulted in hyperhydricity development in coffee and rubber. Several

immersions for shorter time (1 min) were found to be more appropriate in case of
coffee somatic embryos whereas several immersions with an immersion time of
15 min resulted in glassy embryos (Berthouly and Etienne 2005). In case of
rubber, excessive time of immersion (15 min every 6 hours) induced

hyperhydricity in the somatic embryos (Etienne et al. 1997). Temporary

immersions of 5 min every hour were found to prevent hyperhydricity in

serviceberry shoots but more frequent immersion of 5 min every 30 min resulted

in hyperhydricity with highly translucent shoots with curled and thickened leaves
(Krueger et al. 1991). A similar observation has been made in the present study

wherein immersion of the shoot cultures for lengthier period of time (45 min per
day) resulted in hyperhydricity problem which initiated in a period of 3 weeks
after inoculation. An immersion of microcuttings of Coffee arabica for a period
of 15 min every 6 hours showed no symptoms of hyperhydricity whereas the same
was not true for Coffee canephora which reveled hyperhydricity symptoms for the
same treatment. The sensitivity to the duration and frequency of immersion in
liquid medium may vary with species of same genera (Berthouly et al. 1995).
Immersion or contact period of 30 min for 3 times per day was found to be most
appropriate for vanilla shoot cultures which yielded dark green vigorous shoots
with better shoot elongation and biomass accumulation than the other treatments.
This can form basis for development of automated large scale micropropagation

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

technique for vanilla. Based on the above results, the bioreactor used earlier
(Figure 2.9) was re-considered for a study with intermittent bathing of shoot
cultures. Immersion or contact period of 30 min for 3 times per day which was
found to be most congenial was provided and the shoot cultures were successfully
propagated with lesser hyperhydricity and excellent shoot multiplication and
elongation. Thus, an automated micropropagation system for large scale
multiplication of vanilla shoot cultures was achieved by developing a modified
bioreactor (Figure 2.3) for intermittent submergence of the shoot cultures. Apart
from the positive effects of TIS on multiplication and plant material quality, it also
provides an opportunity to reduce cost of production, thereby making the whole
process of micropropagation simpler.

2.4.3 Greenhouse hardening and field performance studies

An equi-proportion of red soil: sand: vermicompost was found to be the best
hardening soil medium for vanilla by the present study. Vanilla is reported to
thrive well in the soil with good amount of humus and sand and needs soil which
provides good drainage for the excess water to drain down. The plants are
sensitive to water logged conditions. A combination of red soil, sand and
vermicompost in equal proportion in perforated poly-bags provides an excellent

growing substrate for the vanilla plantlets and aids maximum survival (90.5%)

and growth (Figure 2.6G).

When a comparison was made on the growth and yield performance of
plants derived from micropropagation and stem cuttings, plants from

micropropagation were found to perform better than those from the stem cuttings.
They were early and high yielders. A comparative study using morphological and
biochemical tests of field established micropropagated and conventionally cutting-
derived plants of mulberry genotypes conducted reveled that the micropropagated
mulberry plants showed significantly better vigour than plants raised through
cuttings (Zaman et al. 1997). A similar observation was made even in this study
wherein the micropropagation derived plants were found to be more vigorous than
the stem cutting derived ones. In a study on field performance of blueberries
derived from softwood cuttings and from micropropagation, propagation methods
were found to exert significant influence on nursery and field performance.
Cutting-derived plants grew more slowly, produced significantly less and shorter

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

shoots and were more variable than micropropagated plants. However, the
majority of cutting-derived plants developed flowers one year earlier, flowered
more abundantly, bore significantly larger berries than tissue cultured plants.
Plants obtained through in vitro culture were more uniform than cutting-derived
plants for the number of inflorescences per plant. On the contrary, better yielding
of tissue cultured plants without deterioration of berry quality was reported for
half-highbush blueberry (El-Shiekh et al., 1996), and lingonberry (Gustavsson
1999). Thus such differences may be attributed to different effects of
micropropagation protocol on different plant species (Litwin´czuk et al. 2005).
The conventionally vegetatively propagated plants are known to carry latent
systemic infections, leading to low yields. Higher plant size with more

pseudostem height and higher uniformity in fruit characteristics were observed in
banana plants derived from micropropagation compared to those from

conventional method. Bunches from plants derived from micropropagation could
be harvested earlier by nearly a month than the conventionally cultivated ones
(Msogoya et al. 2006). In the present study, micropropagation derived plants
started yielding earlier than the cutting derived ones which might be due to

continuous illumination during in vitro cultivation and low temperature incubation

that are known to alter the vernalization in plants. Fast growth of

micropropagated plants may also be due to the well developed roots and leaves in

them when planted in fields.


2.5 Conclusion
The results from this study clearly indicated that the micropropagation protocol
followed for establishment and maintenance of shoot cultures is appropriate and
does not induce any genetic instability during long-term cultivation in vitro.
Through the use of partial immersion system in the form of GrowtekTM bioreactor
for micropropagation, plantlets for greenhouse hardening could be obtained within
a period of 12-14 weeks compared to 20-24 weeks required in conventional
methods with the advantage of cutting the cost of laborious sub-culturing in solid
medium. Moreover the plants derived from this micropropagation system were
found to outperform those from stem cuttings in both growth and yield
parameters. Operating conditions for a bioreactor with net support and temporary

Genetic Fidelity and Advanced Micropropagation Techniques

immersion of shoot cultures in liquid medium demonstrated through the present

study forms a basis for developing improved bioreactor models.


Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Shoot cultures of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) when transferred to liquid medium
from gelled solid medium showed a progressive increase in their watery
appearance resulting in hyperhydricity syndrome (HHS) which caused necrosis of
shoot buds. HHS in in vitro cultures is a major constraint and a generic problem in
cultured shoots. HHS hinders automation and large-scale production of plantlets.
HHS was also associated with severe damages at cellular and sub-cellular levels,
increase in free polyamines (PAs) and accumulation of water, and decrease in
quantities of chlorophyll, protein and drastic changes in reducing and non-
reducing sugars. Spermine was far the major polyamine in all the analyzed
cultures. The onset and progression towards HHS showed higher activities of

antioxidant enzymes, indicative of shoots’ defensive efforts against oxidative
stress. The specific enzyme activities of normal and H2 stages respectively were

342.6 and 350.35 U mg -1 protein for peroxidase (POD, EC, 38.4 and
30.38 U mg -1 protein for superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC and 71.3 and
82.75 U mg protein for catalase (CAT, EC The kinetic parameters of
culture medium, suggested that nutrient utilization being normal in HHS, the
severe biochemical alterations and cellular damages mainly occur due to oxidative

stress. There is also a paucity of information on the genetic control of this

phenomenon. In the present study, Differential Display Reverse Transcription-

Polymerase Chain Reaction was employed to have information about the up/down
regulated genes during this disorder. Of the 114 HH-associated cDNAs identified,

31 were cloned in T/A cloning vector and sequenced using M13 forward and
reverse primers. Electronic homology searches using BLASTX analysis resulted
in identification of 23 cDNA clones showing homology with various stress related
proteins like Zinc-finger like protein, gag-pol polyprotein, apoptosis related MAP
kinase activating protein, DNA replication related GANP protein, DNA repair
related DNA-binding SAP zinc finger. Endopolygalacturonase, pG1 protein,
Triglycerol lipase and Enolase responsible for carbohydrate breakdown, Biotin-
carboxylase having a role in fatty acid biosynthesis were also found to be
differentially expressed during HHS. BLASTN analysis yielded 18 fragments
having homology with different stress linked cDNA clones whilst the remainder
did not show any significant homology to known sequences. Quantitative reverse

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis of selected genes indicated that there
was a more than 20-fold increase in the relative expression levels of genes having
homology to Zinc finger family protein, Enolase and MAP kinase activating
protein during the course of HHS. The relative transcript abundance level of clone
having homology with putative GANP protein showed a drastic reduction to a
0.06-fold in hyperhydric shoots compared to normal shoots indicating down-
regulation of this particular gene during HHS. A partially characterized
transcriptome of hyperhydric condition in Vanilla planifolia has been developed
which paves the way for a better insight into gene expression during this common
physiological disorder.


Sreedhar RV, Venkatachalam L, Bhagyalakshmi N (2009) Hyperhydricity-related
morphological and biochemical changes in Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia). Journal of
Plant Growth Regulation DOI 10.1007/s00344-008-9073-4

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

3.1 Introduction
Switching over to submerged cultivation is the first step towards automation of
shoot cultures production in a micropropagation industry. Initial trials for this are
normally conducted using shake-flask cultures, often known as complete
immersion system (CIS) as the shoots are continuously bathed in liquid medium.
During cultivation in vitro, the plantlets are exposed to a wide range of stress
conditions caused by high relative humidity, gas accumulation in the headspace,
altered nutrient/hormonal combinations and non-congenial osmoticity of the
culture medium. Although most plant cultures adapt to changes in environmental
conditions, some of them become abnormal with turgid, translucent, less green,
watery, hypo-lignified, wrinkled and brittle appearance. This phenomenon,

known as hyperhydricity syndrome (HHS), can lead to irreversible loss of
multiplication as well as regenerative potential. HHS has also been a generic

problem in continuous cultivation or scale-up of plant organs in vitro. Such a shift
towards hyperhydricity has been linked to various metabolic disorders, changed
array of proteins and altered stress responsive pathways.
Under stressful conditions cells undergo a surge of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) such as superoxide anion (O2-) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The

generation of ROS has been associated with oxidases in plasma membrane and the
electron transport of chloroplast and mitochondrion (Laloi et al. 2004, Ye et al.

2006) and known to affect photosynthetic pigments, membranes and cell ultra-
structure (Xu et al. 2008). A higher concentration of intracellular ROS has been

shown to create cytotoxic conditions, including oxidative damage to lipids,

proteins, and nucleic acids and disruption of cellular functions, finally leading to
cell death.
Plants exhibit several antioxidant enzymes functioning as scavengers of
ROS. In addition, non-enzymatic antioxidants including polyamines have also
been observed engaged in the prevention and alleviation of ROS effects (Tasxgin
et al. 2006). Among the enzymes, peroxidases, (POD) ubiquitously found in
higher plants with various isoforms, function as rapid detoxifiers of stress-induced
H2O2. Superoxide dismutases (SOD) are metallo-enzymes playing a key role in
plants rendering protection against oxidative stress. Catalases (CAT) are
tetrameric homoproteins which are among the main antioxidant defense in plants.

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Polyamines (PA) affect membrane fluidity, act as ROS scavengers and

control many functions associated with DNA, RNA, and protein turnover
(Tiburcio et al. 1993). In few cases involving experiments with herbicides,
oxidative injury occurring in hyperhydric tissues was directly related to changes in
PA levels (Zheleva et al. 1993; Ye et al. 1997). Possible role of the PAs in the
HHS is rarely studied, although some reports establish similarities between the
symptoms of hyperhydricity and other physiological situations that enhance PA
synthesis (Piqueras et al. 2002).
Comprehensive expression analysis is an important tool for understanding
gross genetic changes. Isolating differentially expressed and functionally
important stress-regulated genes is expected to reveal the genetic networks within

the cells. This can be achieved by applying different techniques, such as RT-PCR
differential display, serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), subtractive

hybridization, and cDNA microarray. RT-PCR differential display (Liang and
Pardee, 1992, 1995) has been widely used to isolate genes whose expression
profiles have been altered under different abiotic or biotic cues because of its
technical simplicity and lack of requirement for previous genomic information of

the species of interest (Kuno et al. 2000; Carginale et al. 2004; Basse 2005; Lang
et al. 2005).

Genes involved in physiological events, stress responses, signal


transduction and secondary metabolism have been isolated and characterized.

Some of the isolated genes encode transcription factors, membrane proteins and

rare enzymes that were previously difficult to purify. These results suggest that
differential display is a powerful tool used to investigate the rare genes involved
in the plant life cycle without using information from proteins. The stress response
genes affected by environmental factors such as ultraviolet (UV) light exposure,
extreme temperatures, oxygen, salt and desiccation was isolated using by DD and
characterized (Yamazaki and Saitom 2002).
Transcriptome analyses in apricot (Grimplet et al. 2005) and tomato (Alba
et al. 2005) have also been performed in an effort to get an insight into the vast
array of genes that may be involved in ripening. These studies have been
successful in identifying several novel genes related to fruit ripening whose action
in the ripening process was not obvious earlier. The isolation and characterization

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

of the promoters of these novel genes could provide important cis-elements useful
for delayed ripening through targeted repression of ripening related genes in fruit
or for the expression of target proteins for value addition.
Vanilla planifolia is a member of Orchidaceae, and vanilla is popular for
its natural flavour prepared from the extract of carefully cured vanilla beans.
Although vanilla plants are propagated by cuttings, there is a large demand for
elite planting material produced via micropropagation technique. While
developing a protocol for micropropagation of vanilla, George and Ravishankar
(1997) studied the effects of various growth regulators as well as different culture
conditions, where a maximum number of shoots was formed in liquid medium,
and a higher number of shoots than in solid medium occurred in two-phase culture

system. Long-term culturing of shoots in vitro and the use of genetic markers for
testing the clonal nature of plantlets thus produced have also been evaluated

(Sreedhar et al. 2007a). Further for scale-up of shoot cultures in bioreactor, initial
trials in fully submerged cultivation of vanilla shoots in air-lift bioreactor (2-L
capacity) resulted in rapid death and leaching of white exudates into the medium.
Therefore, a thorough investigation was considered aiming at acclimatizing the

shoot cultures to liquid medium. The present study focuses on unraveling the
major structural, biochemical and molecular changes occurring in vanilla shoots

grown in liquid medium. The study also records the changes in kinetics of

nutrient utilization from the medium, measured in terms of pH, osmolarity and
conductance. To have a better insight on the molecular regulation of

hyperhydricity process, Differential Display Reverse Transcription-Polymerase

Chain Reaction (DD RT-PCR) technique coupled with silver-staining was applied
to identify and isolate cDNAs representing transcripts differentially expressed.

3.2 Materials and Methods

3.2.1 Morphological and Biochemical Changes Plant material and in vitro culturing conditions
Vanilla clone collected from Burliar plantation, Nilgiris, India served as the
mother plant from which shoot cultures had been established under conditions
described in earlier chapter. These shoots were routinely multiplied (Sreedhar et
al. 2007a) in gelled Murashige and Skoog’s (MS) (Murashige and Skoog 1962)

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

culture medium supplemented with 8.87 µM BAP and 2.69 µM NAA and
maintained at 252 oC under 16-h photoperiod having illumination of 37.5 µmol
photons m-2s-1 provided by fluorescent lamps.
Transferring to liquid medium involved the culturing of shoots in
Erlenmeyer flasks (150 ml) containing 40 ml of MS based medium supplemented
with 8.87 µM BAP and 2.69 µM NAA. Approximately 2.5 g of the plant material
was used as initial inoculum, which included 1 to 2 cluster(s) having 5 to 6 shoot
buds (of length 0.5-1 cm) each. The culture vessels were maintained at 252 oC
under 16-h photoperiod, having illumination of 37.5 µmol photons m-2s-1 on a
gyratory shaker set at 90 rpm throughout the culturing period of 5 weeks. The
cultures thus established were continuously bathed in liquid medium and termed

as continuous immersion system. The shoots cultured on a solid medium having
composition as above but gelled with 7.2 g L-1 of agar (HiMedia, India) served as

control. Observations in terms of morphological and biochemical changes were
made at various stages of HHS for 5 weeks.
C Morphological changes
While the shoot multiplication was better in complete immersion system (CIS),
compared to solid system (Figure 3.1), the shoots in CIS displayed HHS towards

the end of the culture period of 5 weeks and the four stages towards HHS are as
shown in Figure 3.2. The other drastic morphological changes occurring

progressively towards HHS were recorded by light microscopy, followed by

scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Observations were made in terms of leaf

morphology and changes at tissue level. For latter purpose freehand sections of
about 0.5 to 1 mm thickness were made using new stainless steel razor blade.
The sections were mounted on a slide and observed under an inverted light
microscope (Leitz, LABOVERT, Ernst Leitz GmbH, Wetzlar, Germany) at 320×
magnification and the responses were documented through photomicrographs.
For SEM, the normal and hyperhydric cultures were processed according to
Fowke et al. (1994). The samples were fixed in 2% (v/v) glutaraldehyde in 0.2 M
phosphate buffer (pH 6.8)

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

1 2

Figure 3.1 Shoot cultures of Vanilla planifolia cultured on (1) solid and (2)
complete immersion system (CIS) (liquid media) after 5 weeks of culture

showing hyperhydricity and bud death


1 2 3 4

Figure 3.2 Shoots cultivated in normal and liquid medium showing various

degrees of hyperhydricity. (1) Shoots cultivated on solid medium; (2) Shoots

from CIS 1 week after inoculation (H1 stage); (3) Shoots from CIS 3 weeks
after inoculation (H2 stage); (4) Shoots from CIS 5 weeks after inoculation

(H3 stage)

for 6 h, dried in alcohol series up to 100% (v/v), sputter coated with gold and
examined in a LEO Scanning Electron Microscope 435 VP (Leo Electron
Microscopy Ltd., Cambridge, UK). Measurement of pH, conductance and osmolarity
The pH of the medium was adjusted to 5.8 prior to autoclaving and the changes in
the pH after autoclaving and after the placement of shoot bud inoculum were
monitored using digital pH meter (Control Dynamics, India) pre-calibrated with
buffer standards.
Osmolarity was measured in order to determine the level of total solutes,
both charged and neutral compounds in the medium, by using an automatic

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

cryoscopic osmometer (Osmomat 030-D Gonotech GmbH, Berlin, Germany). The

calibration of the instrument was done using triple distilled water as well as
sodium chloride standard. The osmolarity was expressed as Osmol kg-1. The
depletion of nutrients from the medium was examined by measuring the electrical
conductance using a conductance meter of Wiss-teelm-werkstalten model LF-54
(Wielhalm, Germany), pre-calibrated with triple distilled water. The conductance
was expressed in the units of µS (micro Siemen). The pH, osmolarity and
conductance of the media were recorded before inoculation, just after inoculation
and every week during five weeks of culture. Chlorophyll content
The chlorophyll content was calculated using Lichtenthaler equations

(Lichtenthaler 1987) after measuring the absorbance of the acetone extracts at 645
and 661.5 nm.

FT Carbohydrate content
Samples were repeatedly crushed in absolute ethanol and the alcohol solubles and
insolubles were separated by filtration and vacuum evaporation of alcohol. Total
carbohydrate in each fraction was estimated by phenol sulphuric acid method

(Dubois et al. 1956); reducing sugars by dinitrosalicylic acid method (Miller

1959) and non-reducing sugars were quantified by subtracting the reducing sugar

values from the total sugar values. The alcohol insoluble material was dried and

after recording the weight, a known weight was hydrolyzed using 72% (v/v)
H2SO4 keeping samples in ice bath. The mixture was appropriately diluted and

used for estimating reducing or non-reducing sugars as above. Analysis of polyamines
The extraction of polyamines and their HPLC analyses were conducted according
to the method of Flores and Galston (1982). Authentic standards of Putrescine
(Put), Spermidine (Spd) and Spermine (Spm) (Sigma, St. Louis, USA) were
benzoylated before analyzing by HPLC. Free polyamines were extracted by
homogenizing the plant materials (1 g of tissue) in 10 ml of 5% (v/v) ice-cold
perchloric acid using a pestle and mortar. The homogenate was then centrifuged
for 30 min at 20000×g. Free polyamines in the supernatant were benzoylated and
analyzed by HPLC (Shimadzu LC6A, Tokyo, Japan). The elution system
consisted of methanol:water (64:36) solvent, running isocratically with a flow rate

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

of 1.0 ml min-1. The benzoyl-polyamines were eluted through a C18 column (300 ×
4.6 mm i.d., with pore size of 5 μM), an SLC-6A system controller, and a CR4A
data processor was used. Detection of eluted compounds was done by a UV
detector SPD-AV set at a sensitivity of 0.04 AUFC and absorbance at 254 nm. A
relative calibration procedure was used to determine the polyamines in the
samples, using data of standards – Put, Spd and Spm by comparing peak areas and
retention times. Results were expressed as nanomoles per gram of fresh weight.
Extractions from three different samples were made independently and each
extract was quantified in triplicate. Protein content and antioxidant enzyme activity
Protein content of the plant material was estimated by Lowry’s method (Lowry et

al. 1951). The plant material (1g each) for enzyme assay was extracted by
crushing using pestle and mortar with 10 ml of respective buffer and after

homogenization, the homogenate was centrifuged at 12,000 rpm twice and the
supernatant was used.
POD enzyme was estimated following the method explained earlier
(Sreedhar et al. 2007b). The material was extracted in sodium phosphate buffer

(pH 6.0) containing 1 mM Dithiothreitol and 0.1 mM Phenyl Methyl Sulfonyl

Fluoride. SOD activity was measured spectrophotometrically based on the

reduction of nitro blue tetrazolium (NBT) to water insoluble blue formazan as


described by Murthy et al. (2002). Units of SOD activity were expressed as the
amount of enzyme required to inhibit the reduction of NBT to 50%. The specific

activity was expressed in terms of units mg-1 protein. CAT activity was
determined by adding sample extract in a 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7)
containing 18 mM H2O2 in a total volume of 3 mL. The consumption of H2O2 by
CAT was measured by the decrease in absorbance at 240 nm (ε = 39.4 mM cm-1)
at 25 oC (Beers and Sizer 1952).
Chlorophyll, carbohydrates, free polyamines and protein contents along
with enzyme activities were recorded initially, 1st, 3rd and 5th week after
inoculation in both normal(solid) and liquid cultures at respective moisture

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla Statistical analysis

The data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using
Microsoft Excel XP (Microsoft Corporation, Washington), and post-hoc mean
separations were performed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at p ≤ 0.05 (Harter
1960) by using the statistical program SPASS7.0 Isozymic analysis of POD
Native-PAGE analysis: For analyzing the isozymes of POD from normal and
hyperhydric stage (stage H2) standard protocol was used. Zymogram was
prepared by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (7.2% (w/v)) (PAGE) carried out
at 120 V for 4 h using 12 × 14 × 0.5 cm gel without SDS. The gel was stained for
POD activity with a 100 ml solution of sodium phosphate buffer containing 10 ml

of 0.25% (w/v) orthodianisidine dihydrochloride and 10 ml of 1% (v/v) hydrogen
peroxide and immediately photographed (Thimmaraju et al. 2007).

3.2.2 Molecular Changes RNA isolation
Total RNA was extracted from shoot cultures of vanilla at four stages of HHS
(Figure 3.3) for 5 weeks using RNAqueous® kit (Ambion, Austin, TX, USA)
according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
ts mRNA Differential Display


The experimental model adopted for this study is given in Figure 3.3. The mRNA
Differential Display was performed using the RNAimage kit® (GenHunter
Corporation, Nashville, TN, USA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol

provided. The analysis was conducted in four RNA samples using 0.2 µg of total
RNA from each independent sample. Briefly, poly(A)+–RNA (0.2 µg) was heated
at 65 C for 10 min and chilled on ice immediately. First-strand cDNA synthesis
was performed in a reaction mixture containing 50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.5), 50
mM KCl, 4 mM MgCl2, 10 mM DTT, 1mM each dNTP, 40 units of RiboLock
Ribonuclease inhibitor (MBI (Fermentas GmbH, St. Leon-Rot) and 40 units of H-
minus M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase (MBI Fermentas) with 50 mM of different
anchor primer (Table 3.1) for 1 h at 42 C. The reaction was stopped by heating
the mixture at 70 C for 10 minutes and chilling immediately. Enzymes were then

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

heat-denatured at 95 C for 5 min. Product thus obtained was used for PCR
amplification of the cDNAs.

Table 3.1 List of anchor primers and arbitrary primers used for Differential
Anchor primers Arbitrary primers
Sl. No. Name of the Sequence
primer (5’-3’) Operon Primers:
1 DD1 (T)11A
OPA-03, OPC-08, OPD-11, OPJ-09,
2 DD2 (T)11G
OPM-16, OPN-04, OPN-06, OPN-10
3 DD3 (T)11C

R PCR amplification

PCR mixture was prepared as described in Chapter I using a mixture of anchor

primers and each arbitrary primer in all possible combinations (Table 3.1). PCR
was performed using a thermal cycler (MWG peqlab, Germany) and the reaction
parameters were as follows:
a. Initial Denaturation : 94 °C for 4 min
b. Denaturation : 94 °C for 60 sec

c. Annealing : 36 °C for 45 sec 10 cycles

d. Extension : 72 °C for 2 min

e. Denaturation : 94 °C for 60 sec

f. Annealing : 38 °C for 45 sec 10 cycles

g. Extension : 72 °C for 2 min

h. Denaturation : 94 °C for 60 sec
i. Annealing : 40 °C for 45 sec 10 cycles
j. Extension : 72 °C for 2 min
k. Final extension : 72 °C for 30 min Urea formamide denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and

After selective amplification, a 6 µL aliquot of PCR amplified product was mixed
with equal volume of denaturing loading buffer (98% formamide, 10 mM EDTA,
0.05% Xylene-cyanol, 0.05% Bromo-phenol blue), denatured at 90 oC for 3 min

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

and immediately cooled on ice. Samples (12 µL) were loaded on pre-warmed
denaturing 6% polyacrylamide standard sequencing gel of 28:2 ratio
acrylamide:bisacrylamide, 7.5 M urea, 1X TBE buffer (89 mM Tris, 89 mM boric
acid, 2 mM EDTA; pH 8.0), then electrophoresed in 1X TBE buffer at 50W
constant power for about 2 h and 30 min; until the loading dye reached the bottom
of the gel. The gel was fixed by incubating the gel slab in fixation solution (2%
ethanol and 0.1% acetic acid) for 10 min with gentle shaking. Then the gel was
rinsed with distilled water for twice for 5 min each and incubated in staining
solution (chilled 0.2% AgNO3 prepared in fixation solution) for 20 min followed
by brief wash in double distilled water for 10 sec. The gel was developed with
developing solution (0.6% NaOH and 0.2% of 37% formaldehyde). The

developing solution was discarded as soon as it turned yellow and was replaced
with a fresh portion. When a sufficient degree of staining has been obtained,

developing solution was replaced with 5% acetic acid and the gel was washed
with distilled water.
C Elution of differentially expressed amplicons
The gel slice containing differential DNA bands was excised using an aseptic
surgical sharp scalpel blade (no.11) fitted to handle. DNA was extracted using

QIAEX II Polyacrylamide Gel Extraction kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany)

according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
rin Re-amplification

For re-amplification, 2 µL of the supernatant solution was used in standard PCR

reaction using the same primer pair that was used in the Differential Display of the
correspondent reaction. PCR reaction mixture was prepared to a final volume of
20 µL containing 1X Taq buffer (50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM MgCl2, 10 mM Tris-HCl
pH 9.0), 0.25 mM dNTPs, 0.5 μM of each primer and 1 U of Taq DNA
polymerase enzyme (Sigma Aldrich, St. Louis MO). The PCR cycle program was
with an initial step of 4 min at 94 °C, 35 cycles of 30 sec at 94 °C, 60 sec at 40 °C
and 45 sec at 72 °C, followed by a final extension step of 8 min at 72 °C. T/A cloning of isolated differential amplicons

A-tailing: The PCR product was heated at 95 ○C for 20 min and 1µL of 2 mM
dATP per 10 µL of PCR product was added. This was incubated at 70 ○C for 15

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

min. The mixture was purified using HiPura PCR clean-up kit (HiMedia, India)
before ligation. Ligation of A-tailed PCR product to T-tailed vector

The A-tailed purified PCR product was cloned after ligating it to pKRXT vector
using T/A Clone PCR Product Cloning Kit (SBS Genotech, Beijing, China) and
transforming it into competent cells of Escherichia coli strain DH5.
Ligation was carried out using the following components in a thin-walled 0.2 mL
PCR reaction tube:
Plasmid vector pKRX-T DNA : 1.0 L
Purified PCR fragment : 4.0 L

10X Ligase Buffer : 1.0 L

T4 DNA Ligase, 5 U L-1 : 0.5 L

Deionized water : vol. made up to 10.0 L
The reaction components were mixed by pipetting or a brief spin and the mixture
was incubated at 16 °C for 4 hours. The enzyme was then inactivated by heating
the reaction mixture to 65 ○C for 10 min.
@ Transformation of E. coli with the ligation reaction mix


Luria-Bertani broth (LB) (components used per litre)

Bacto-tryptone : 10 g
Bacto-yeast extract : 5g

Sodium chloride : 10 g
The pH was adjusted to 7.0 with 2 N NaOH and the total volume was made up to 1
litre with deionized water.
SOB (components used per litre)
Bacto-tryptone : 20.0 g
Bacto-yeast extract : 5.0 g
Sodium chloride : 0.6 g
Potassium chloride : 0.19 g
Magnesium sulphate : 10.0 mM (added from 1.0 M stock)
Magnesium chloride : 10.0 mM (added from 1.0 M stock)

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

The first four components and the magnesium salts were autoclaved separately and
mixed to constitute the SOB medium.
SOC (per 100 mL): To 1.0 mL of SOB, 7 L of filter-sterilized (Millipore, 0.4 μm)
glucose solution (50% w/v) was added to prepare SOC medium.
0.1 M CaCl2 stock solution: 1.47 g of CaCl2 was dissolved in 100 mL of deionized
water. The solution was sterilized by filtration and stored as 20 mL aliquots at -20

Ampicillin stock solution: 100 mg of Ampicillin (Ranbaxy, India) was dissolved in
1.0 mL of deionized water and the solution was sterilized by filtration. It was stored
at 4 ○C and used at a working concentration of 100 g mL-1.
0.1 M IPTG stock solution: 0.12 g of IPTG was dissolved in 5 mL of deionized

water and the solution was filter-sterilized and stored as aliquots at -20 ○C.
X-Gal stock solution: 100 mg of X-Gal was dissolved in 2 mL of N, N'-

dimethylformamide (DMF) and the solution was stored in micro-centrifuge tube
wrapped in aluminium foil at -20○C.

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla


Northern dot-blot & qRT-PCR analyses

Figure 3.3 The experimental model adopted for the differential display study

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla Preparation of competent cells using CaCl2

A single colony of E. coli (DH5 strain) from freshly grown culture (at 37 ○C for
16-20 h) was picked and transferred into 50 mL of LB broth in a 250 mL conical
flask. The culture was incubated at 37 ○C with rigorous shaking. The OD600 of the
culture was determined periodically to monitor cell growth. When the OD600
reached 0.4-0.5, the cells were transferred aseptically to 50 mL sterile
polypropylene tube. The culture was cooled by storing the tube on ice for 10 min
and the cells were recovered by centrifugation at 4000 rpm for 8 min at 4 ○C. The
medium was decanted and the pellet was re-suspended in 10 mL of ice-cold 0.1 M
CaCl2 and was stored on ice. The cells were recovered by centrifugation at 4000
rpm for 10 min at 4 ○C. The fluid from the cell pellet was decanted and the tubes

were kept in an inverted position for 1 min to allow the last traces of fluid to drain
away. The cell pellet was re-suspended in 10 mL of ice-cold 0.1 M CaCl2 and cells

were stored at 4 ○C for 4-8 hours. Transformation of competent cells
About 200 L of the suspension of competent cells was added to sterile micro-
centrifuge tubes along with the Plasmid DNA (~50 ng) or 4 L of ligation mixture.
The contents of the tubes were mixed by swirling gently and the tubes were stored

on ice for 30 min. The samples represented (a) competent cells that received

standard supercoiled plasmid DNA and (b) competent cells that received no plasmid
DNA. The tubes were transferred to water-bath set at 42 ○C for 90 sec to subject the
cells to heat shock. The tubes were then rapidly transferred to ice and the cells were

allowed to chill for 45 sec. An 800 L of SOC medium was added to each tube and
the cultures were incubated at 37 ○C for 45 min. Selection of transformants/recombinants and PCR confirmation of

the transformation

About 100 L of transformation mix was plated onto LB agar plates containing 100
g mL-1 ampicillin, 0.5 mM IPTG and 80 g mL-1 X-Gal. The plates were
incubated overnight at 37 ○C for the colonies to grow.
Colonies harbouring the recombinant plasmid have a disrupted lacZ gene
and appeared white while non-recombinant vectors were blue. White colonies
were selected from the LB plate and screened by PCR for the presence of insert

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

using the T3 and T7 primers flanking the cloning site. PCR amplifications were
performed using PCR mixture (250 μL) containing 25 μL of 10X PCR buffer, 5
μL of 10 mM dNTPs, 10 U of Taq DNA polymerase and 5 μM of each primer (T7
and T3 primers) where volume was made up to 250 μL using nuclease free water.
Transformed cells from white colonies were picked by sterile tips and were mixed
to the PCR mixture. PCR was performed at initial denaturation at 94 °C for 5
min, 30 cycles of: 30 sec at 94 °C; 30 sec 42 °C; 50 sec at 72 °C, and final
elongation for 10 min at 72 °C using a thermal cycler according to the
manufacturers protocol for pKRXT vector cloning and detection of transformants
(SBS Genotech, Beijing, China). The PCR products obtained were separated on
1.8% agarose gel, stained with ethidium bromide (0.001%), and documented. The

size of the amplification products was estimated from the 100-bp DNA ladder
(Fermentas GmbH).

FT Isolation of plasmid DNA from the transformed colonies
Plasmids from recombinant clones were isolated with the Qiagen mini prep
Plasmid Mini Kit according to the manufacturers’ protocol.
@ Sequencing of the clones
DNA sequencing was carried out by dideoxy chain termination method (Sanger et

al. 1977). The reaction was carried out in an automatic DNA sequencer (ABI
prism, Applied Biosystems, USA) with fluorescent dideoxy chain terminators at

the Bioserve Biotechnologies Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India. Validation by RNA dot blot

The observed differential display expression levels need to be re-confirmed to

eliminate possible false positive differential display results. There are several
techniques that allow fast corroboration of gene expression. Northern dot blot
hybridizing was used to verify differential expression to verify the changes in
gene expression. The cloned differential display products were used to probe with
total RNA isolated from different stages of hyperhydricity. DNA-dig labeling was
done according to manufacturer’s protocol using DIG High Prime DNA labeling
and detection starter kit I (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany).
High prime DNA-dig labeled probes effectively incorporated the digitoxin and
provided sufficient sensitivity for detecting their target mRNAs. The total RNA
was precipitated overnight at 4 °C by the addition of 0.3 volumes of 10 mM LiCl

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

and then precipitated in ethanol. One µL of total RNA (RNA from the stock 1µg
µL -1) was denatured with 2 volumes of denaturing buffer (1X MOPS containing
formamide and formaldehyde) by boiling for 5 minutes and immediately chilled
on ice and spotted to a Hybond-N nylon membranes (Ambion Inc., Austin, TX).
The RNA was fixed to the membrane by using a 302 nm ultraviolet cross linker
for 45 min. Then the membranes were pre-hybridized for more than 1 h in
ULTRAHyb buffer (Ambion Inc., Austin, TX) and hybridization was then
performed overnight with the same buffer containing the gene specific DIG-
labeled probe at 42 °C. Two selected clones VP2 (zinc finger family protein) and
VP9 (Putative GANP protein) one representing up-regulation and the other down-
regulation were assessed for regulation by RNA blots using total RNA isolated

from four stages of hyperhydricity. The clone 18S (18S ribosomal RNA gene of
Vanilla planifolia) was used as a control. The hybridization, post-hybridization

treatments and detection were done as follows:

The membranes with RNA blots were placed in a polythene bag containing 15 mL
pre-warmed (65 ○C) hybridization buffer and were sealed and incubated at 42 ○C

overnight with mild agitation.


A 5 L aliquot of probe for respective gene was heat-denatured by incubating in

boiling water for 5 min, followed by snap cooling on ice and 2 L aliquot of
denatured probe was added to 5 mL of pre-warmed (65 ○C) hybridization buffer.

Hybridization buffer containing the denatured probe was added to the polythene bag
containing the membrane and sealed and it was incubated at 42 ○C for 6 h with mild
agitation in a water bath.
Post-hybridization washes
The hybridization buffer was discarded and the membrane was washed twice in 50
mL of post hybridization washing buffer-I for 5 min at room temperature under
mild agitation. The membrane was again washed twice in 50 mL of post
hybridization washing buffer-II for 15 min at 65 ○C under mild agitation.


1. The membrane was rinsed briefly at room temperature in maleic acid buffer and
incubated in 50 mL 1X blocking solution for 30 min.
Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

2. The blocking solution was discarded and the membrane was incubated in 10 mL
of antibody solution (1:5000 Anti-DIG-AP conjugate in 1X blocking solution)
at room temperature for 45 min under mild agitation.
3. The membrane was then washed in 50 mL maleic acid buffer twice for 15 min
and incubated in 20 mL detection buffer for 5 min.
4. The detection buffer was discarded and the membrane was incubated overnight
in 10 mL freshly prepared color solution.
5. The membrane was kept in dark for color development.
6. The reaction was stopped by washing the membrane for 5 min with 50 mL of
deionized water. The results were documented by photography of the wet
membrane and the membrane was stored at 4 °C.

R Quantitative (relative) reverse transcriptase polymerase chain
reaction (qRT-PCR)

Quantitative relative RT-PCR was used to confirm the differential expression of
DNA fragments isolated from normal and hyperhydric shoot cultures. The sample
selection and RNA isolation was done as mentioned earlier. Specific
oligonucleotide primers were designed for each DD product for RT-PCR (Table
3.2) and synthesized (Bioserve Biotechnologies Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad, India). For

amplification of the 18S rRNA sequence, primers from banana were used with
success as there was non-availability of 18S rRNA sequence in the GenBank

database for Vanilla planifolia. Sequence analysis of the amplified product

showed a very high degree of homology with 18S rRNA of plants like Vanilla

aphylla (E score; identities: 0.0; 97%) and Lecanorchis multiflora (E score;

identities: 0.0; 96%). The sequence of the Vanilla planifolia 18S rRNA obtained is
presented in the appendix. First-strand complementary DNAs were synthesized
from 1.5 μg of total RNA using M-MuLV reverse transcriptase and oligo-dT (18-
mer) primer (Fermentas GmbH, Germany). PCR amplifications were performed
using PCR mixture (15 μL) containing 1 μL of RT reaction product as template,
1× PCR buffer, 200 μM dNTPs, 1 U of Taq DNA polymerase and 0.1 μM of each
primer depending on the gene. PCR was performed at initial denaturation at 94 °C
for 4 min, 30 cycles of: 1 min at 94 °C; 1 min at 60-62 °C (depending on primer);
1 min at 72 °C, and final elongation for 10 min at 72 °C using a thermal cycler.
The optimal PCR annealing temperatures are shown in Table 3.2. The PCR

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

products obtained were separated on 1.8% agarose gel, stained with ethidium
bromide (0.001%), and documented. The size of the amplification products was
estimated from the 100-bp DNA ladder (Fermentas GmbH). The band intensity of
each gel was checked using the Herolab E.A.S.Y Win 32 software. The transcript
levels of each gene in control shoots were taken for comparison in calculating the
transcript abundance of respective genes during hyperhydricity. Five genes
(Table 3.2) were selected based on their vital role played during various stress
responses for the qRT-PCR study.

Table 3.2 Gene specific primers and annealing temperatures used for RT-
Primers Primer sequence (5’-3’)

temperature (°C)








Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

3.3 Results
3.3.1 Morphological and Biochemical changes Morphological and ultra structural changes
Normal and HHS shoots of vanilla displayed significant differences, when leaves
and stem portions were observed by optical and scanning electron microscopy
(SEM). Normal vanilla shoots cultured on solid medium displayed xerophytic
morphology, with succulent waxy leaves. The moisture content was 88.8% in
normal shoot cultures, 90.3% in H1 stage cultures, 93.7% in H2 stage and 96.4%
in H3 stage cultures. Light microscopic observations of stem sections of H2
cultures revealed distinct degradation of vascular tissues and lesser degradation of
cortical tissues, reduction in size of the cortical cells and the hypertrophy of

tissues inside the vascular cylinder. Degradation of the endodermal cells was
noted in the hyperhydric shoots (Figure 3.4), whereas the leaf sections showed

higher degradation of vascular bundles, loss of compactness of palisade
parenchyma with abnormal enlargement and more intercellular space (Figure
3.5). The scanning electron microscopy of stem surface revealed uniform
cuticular ridges in normal cultures and scattering in hyperhydric cultures (Figure
3.6A). Vascular tissue was severely collapsed in hyperhydric shoot cultures

(Figure 3.6B & 3.6C). Stomata showed regular structure in normal leaf and
lacked closure mechanism in hyperhydric leaf (Figure 3.6D).
rin Changes in medium kinetics in CIS


The pattern of variation in key media characteristics like pH, osmolarity and
conductance during the course of HHS development is presented in Figure 3.7. A
sudden fall in the pH of the medium from 5.7 to 4.3 was observed just after
inoculation (JAI) of the shoot cultures, which stabilized within a week attaining an
equilibrium pH of 4.7 throughout the culturing period of five weeks (Figure 3.7).
Omolarity of the medium, which was initially 0.225 Osmol kg-1, showed a steady
decline to a level of 0.069 Osmol kg-1 by the end of culturing period with a steep
fall between 2nd and 3rd week (Figure 3.7). The medium conductance, which
reflects the electrolyte concentration, showed an initial value of 6.4 mS. There
was a steady decline to a level of 4.05 mS by the end of culturing period

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

indicating a slow and continuous uptake of the nutrients by the shoot cultures
(Figure 3.7).

Normal Hyperhydric

Figure 3.4 Cross-sections of stem in normal and hyperhydric (stage H2) shoot
cultures of vanilla. Vascular tissue (white arrows) and endodermis (black

arrows) of stem C



Figure 3.5 Cross-sections of leaf in normal and hyperhydric (stage H2) shoot
cultures of vanilla. Vascular tissue (white arrows) and palisade parenchyma
(black arrows) of leaf

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Normal Hyperhydric

10 µm 10 µm

100 µm 100 µm

10 µm 10 µm

Figure 3.6 Scanning electron micrographs of normal and hyperhydric shoot

cultures (stage H2) of vanilla. A: Stem surface. B: Vascular tissue. C: An
enlarged view of B showing secondary wall thickening of the vascular tissue.
D: Stomatal structure

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla


Figure 3.7 Kinetic parameters of the medium used for culture of vanilla
shoots. pH, osmolarity, and conductance in complete immersion system
(CIS). BI: before inoculation; JAI: just after inoculation; WAI: weeks after
inoculation. Data presented as mean of five replicates. Means with different
letters are significantly different at p0.05, according to Duncan’s multiple-
range test

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla Changes in chlorophyll and carbohydrate contents

At H1 stage, shoot cultures exhibited much lesser variations in levels of total
chlorophyll and chlorophyll-b, compared to normal shoots (Table 3.3). However,
at subsequent periods there was a significant loss of chlorophyll at H2 and H3
stages. The loss of chlorophyll-a was about 72.5% and the loss in chlorophyll-b
was over 64% from normal to H2 stage, with a loss of 70% of total chlorophyll.
H3 stage had almost lost the major amount of chlorophyll, which is also evident
from the Figure 3.2.
An estimation of total carbohydrates, taking into account the reducing and
non-reducing sugars from both soluble and insoluble fractions, was carried out in
the normal and hyperhydric shoot cultures (Table 3.3). The total soluble sugar

was highest in normal shoots whereas the total insoluble sugar was highest in both
normal and stage H1 cultures. Hyperhydric shoot cultures had significantly lower

concentrations of soluble reducing sugars compared to the normal shoots. Total
soluble and soluble reducing sugars were very low in stage H3 cultures. Highest
amount of reducing sugars was found in the insoluble fraction in H1 stage.
However, normal cultures showed highest content of non-reducing sugars in the

insoluble fraction. Regarding non-reducing sugars in insoluble fractions, there

was a steady decline in their levels from normal to H2 stage, with an abnormal

high level at the H3 stage.

rin Polyamines content

The change in the content of free polyamines is presented in Table 3.4. A

significantly sharp increase in the concentration of all the three PAs was noted in
stage H2 cultures. A sudden increase in the concentration of Put was found in
cultures of stage H2 from base level in normal and H1 stage cultures. However, it
showed a pitfall in H3 stage cultures.
Almost a 1.8-fold increase in Spd content was observed in H2 compared to
normal and H1 stage, which dropped in H3 stage. Spm was high in the normal
cultures, with a significant decline at H1 and steeply increased at H2 stage. The
increase in Spm concentration was to an extent of 1.6-fold in H2 stage cultures
compared to H1 stage shoots. It again declined to nearly half of its concentration
from H2 to H3 stage.

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Table 3.3 Changes in the levels of chlorophyll and carbohydrates in normal (N) (shoots cultivated on solid-medium)
and hyperhydric shoot cultures of vanilla

Chlorophyll (% FW) Soluble sugars (mg g-1 FW) Insoluble sugars (mg g-1 FW)

Stage Total Chlorophyll-a Chlorophyll-b Total Reducing Non- Total Reducing Non-

sugars reducing sugars reducing
sugars sugars
N† 0.0057±0.0005a 0.0040±0.0003a 0.0017±0.0002a 13.45±1.24a 8.86±0.34a 4.58±0.13a 4.55±0.2a 2.94±0.18b 1.6±0.04a

H1 0.0051±0.0005a 0.0034±0.0003b 0.0018±0.0002a 10.04±0.5b 6.01±0.22b 4.04±0.3a 4.84±0.21a 4.11±0.2a 0.73±0.07b

H2 0.0017±0.0017b 0.0011±0.0001c 0.0006±0b 6.92±0.34c 3.79±0.17c 3.13±0.18b 2.63±0.12b 2.54±0.11b 0.09±0d

H3 0.0003±0c 0.0002±0d 0.0001±0c 2.78±0.21d 2.15±0.15d 0.63±0.06c 1.46±0.08c 1.1±0.1c 0.37±0.02c

Hyperhydric shoots: 1 week after inoculation (H1), 3 weeks after inoculation (H2) and 5 weeks after inoculation (H3)

No significant differences in the chlorophyll and carbohydrate contents were noticed among solid-medium cultivated shoot
cultures of initial, 1st, 3rd and 5th weeks of culturing.
Data presented as mean±SD of five replicates. Means with different letters are significantly different at p≤0.05,
according to Duncan’s Multiple Range Test

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Table 3.4 Levels of free polyamines (Putrescine (Put), Spermidine (Spd) and Spermine (Spm)) in solid-medium and
CIS cultured shoots

Put (nmol g-1 FW) Spd (nmol g-1 FW) Spm (nmol g-1 FW)

Solid CIS Solid CIS Solid CIS

1. 12.92±1.09ab 12.92±.09b 18.1±0.81a 18.1±0.81b 2074.44±199.12a 2074.44±199.12a

2. 16.9±1.91a 9.05±0.91b 17.93±0.99a 18.64±1.76b 1985.4±89.12a 1291.77±122.34b

3. 16.34±2.03a 595.07±57.95a 19.96±0.12a 32.00±3.01a 2100.3±34.19a 2121.27±211.1a

4. 14.68±1.17a 64.5±6.22b 20.1±1.99a 8.48±0.88c 1947.36±34.88a 1087.63±104.7b

Solid-medium cultured shoots: (1) 0 weeks after inoculation (N), (2) 1 week after inoculation, (3) 3 weeks after inoculation and (4) 5

weeks after inoculation; CIS cultured shoots: (1) 0 weeks after inoculation (N), (2) 1 week after inoculation (H1 stage), (3) 3 weeks
after inoculation (H2 stage) and (4) 5 weeks after inoculation (H3 stage).
Data presented as mean±SD of triplicates. Means with different letters are significantly different at p≤0.05, according to Duncan’s
Multiple Range Test

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla Protein content and activities of antioxidant enzymes

Vanilla shoot cultures displayed wide variations in total protein concentrations, with
significant loss towards the progression of HHS (Figure 3.8). Lowest protein content
of 8.14 mg g-1 FW was found in H3 stage, which was nearly 77% lesser than that in
normal shoots.
POD: A high activity of POD was maintained in normal, H1 and H2 stage
cultures (Figure 3.8). Highest enzyme activity (356.93 U mg-1 protein) was noticed
in H1 stage which was on par with the activity in H2 stage cultures (350.35 U mg-1
protein). However, HHS stage H3 showed a significant loss in the enzyme activity
(59.93 U mg-1 protein) (Figure 3.8). In the zymogram (Figure 3.9) POD activity

showed three isoforms in both normal and HH shoot cultures with a significant

difference between the two, i.e., the bands of H2 stage cultures showed high intensity

indicative of high activity whereas those of normal shoots (N) showed faint activity.
SOD: The activity of SOD was highest in normal and H1 stage cultures with a
significant loss in H2 stage cultures. A substantial drop in the SOD activity was
noted (nearly 6-fold) (6.01 U mg-1 protein) in H3 stage cultures compared to normal

and H1 stage cultures (Figure 3.8).


CAT: A significantly higher activity of CAT was noticed in H2 stage cultures

compared to H1 stage and normal cultures. The enzyme displayed highest activity of

82.75 U mg-1 protein in H2 stage cultures with more than 1.4-fold increase in the
activity compared to H1 stage (58.04 U mg-1 protein). However, there was a steep fall

(more than 2-fold) in its activity in H3 stage cultures (38.48 U mg-1 protein)
compared to H2 stage cultures (Figure 3.8).

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla


Figure 3.8 Protein content and activity of antioxidant enzymes in normal (shoots

cultured in solid medium) and hyperhydric shoot cultures: shoots from CIS 1
week after inoculation (H1 stage), shoots from CIS 3 weeks after inoculation (H2
stage), and shoots from CIS 5 weeks after inoculation (H3 stage). Data presented

as mean of five replicates. Means with different letters are significantly different
at p0.05, according to Duncan’s multiple-range test. † No significant differences
in the protein content and activity of antioxidant enzymes were noticed among
solid-medium cultivated shoot cultures of initial, first, third, and fifth week of

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

N N H2 H2

P1 P1
P2 P2
P3 P3

Figure 3.9 Zymogram on denaturing gel of PODs after activity staining. N: of

normal shoots and H2: of hyperhydric (stage H2, shoots from complete

immersion system 3 weeks after inoculation) shoot cultures. P1, P2, and P3
represent various isoforms of PODs

3.3.2 Molecular Changes

In the present study, mRNA Differential Display technique was employed by the
means of RNAimage kit® (GenHunter Corporation, Nashville, TN, USA) as a general
strategy to obtain fragments of genes differentially expressed under hyperhydric
stress condition. This technique amplifies cDNA sequences from subsets of mRNAs

by reverse transcription and PCR. Total RNA was isolated from four different stages

of shoot cultures and was used for cDNA synthesis. The use of 27 primer
combinations (Table 3.1) in the four RNA populations resulted in 114 distinct

scorable fragments in the silver-stained polyacrylamide gels within the scorable area
of 100 to 1000 bp. Thirty one fragments were selected based on differential display
pattern of either present/absent or of higher/lower intensity (Figure 3.10). These
were eluted from the gel and were re-amplified using the same primer combinations
as used earlier for amplification of respective cDNA fragment after reverse
transcription. Most of the candidate bands generated single target PCR product which
corresponded to the size observed in the original DD gel. The remaining candidate
bands produced more than one PCR product from which the target PCR product
appeared more intense than the non target one. These single bands and the intense
bands were selected for cloning and sequence analysis. Initially, the up-regulation
and down-regulation (differential expression) of the genes was screened and
Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

documented based on the variation in intensity levels of the selected candidate bands,
which were eluted from the DD gel (Table 3.5). Later Northern dot-blot analysis was
performed for selected clones to confirm the differential expression which was
followed by analysis of the expression levels of important genes by qRT-PCR.

Figure 3.10 Differentially expressed bands visualized on polyacrylamide gel
(M: Protein marker; 1, 2, 3, 4: PCR amplified products of different cDNAs)

Table 3.5 List of the isolated bands, their size and expression based on their

expression in PAGE gel electrophoresis


Sl. Fragment Size Expression Sl. Fragment Size Expression

No. ID (bp) No. ID (bp)
01 VP1 250 Down regulated 17 VP17 241 Down regulated

02 VP2 392 Up regulated 18 VP18 218 Up regulated

03 VP3 239 Down regulated 19 VP19 361 Up regulated
04 VP4 285 Up regulated 20 VP20 771 Up regulated
05 VP5 254 Down regulated 21 VP21 684 Down regulated
06 VP6 147 Down regulated 22 VP22 615 Down regulated
07 VP7 115 Up regulated 23 VP23 506 Down regulated
08 VP8 358 Up regulated 24 VP24 729 Down regulated
09 VP9 313 Down regulated 25 VP25 420 Up regulated
10 VP10 333 Down regulated 26 VP26 506 Down regulated
11 VP11 264 Up regulated 27 VP27 557 Up regulated
12 VP12 345 Down regulated 28 VP28 537 Down regulated
13 VP13 216 Up regulated 29 VP29 533 Down regulated
14 VP14 309 Up regulated 30 VP30 416 Up regulated
15 VP15 175 Down regulated 31 VP31 376 Down regulated
16 VP16 324 Up regulated

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla Cloning
All the selected re-amplified amplicons were cloned into pKRX-T cloning system
which takes advantage of the ability of Taq polymerase to add a terminal
3’deoxyadenosine during the PCR. These vectors contain a 3’T overhang at the
cloning site, allowing sticky end ligation which is more successful than blunt end
ligation. However, the resolution of the re-amplified PCR products on a 1.5% agarose
gel was insufficient to detect 5-20 bp differences and multiple products were not
observed until cloned fragments were amplified using the universal sequencing T3
and T7 primers. PCR analysis to confirm cloning

Both the T3 and T7 primers anneal to sites in the pKRXT vector 60 bp upstream or
downstream respectively from the cloning site. Therefore, colonies that contained

plasmids with inserts gave a band of 160 plus the size of the insert. Based on the PCR
results, clones with the correct insert size were selected. All the 31 cloning and
transformation reactions yielded recombinant clones from which the plasmid DNA
was isolated for sequencing. Sequence analyses of cDNA fragments

Clones from all the 31 cDNA fragments were sequenced using both T3 forward as

well as T7 reverse primers which produced readable sequences. Sequence length

varied from 115 bp to 771 bp. The size of these cDNA fragments were relatively

close to the estimated size from the original display from which these fragments were
obtained. All the cDNA fragments were amplified with their respective arbitrary
primers on both the 5’ and 3’ ends as determined by sequencing. Nucelotide
sequences of these cloned cDNA fragments are presented in the Appendix. BLASTN analysis
Analysis of the 31 sequences of the cloned products for homology with the EST
sequences available in the genetic data base resulted in four groups on their functional
similarity (Table 3.6). They are as follows:

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Group I. Abiotic Stress

This particular group consists of thirteen sequences which are potentially involved in
the event of abiotic stress. Three of these cDNA fragments were found related to salt
stress cDNA libraries of Oryza sativa and Fragaria vesca. Three of the fragments
were found to have homology with ESTs of nutrient starvation like phosphate (VP1)
and nitrogen or glucose (VP22). The other was found to have homology with cDNA
library of nutrient deprived roots in tomato (VP24). Two of the fragments had
homology with ESTs of etiolated Panicum virgatum seedlings (VP2) and light
stressed Haematococcus pluvialis
(VP6). The other fragments had homology with the cDNA libraries of heat, water

and other biotic and abiotic stress.

Group II. Biotic Stress

The five cloned sequences of this group were detected to share homologies with the
genes expressed during various biotic stresses. While three of them had sequence
similarity with the cDNA library of the wild leaf response of Zingiber species to
Phythium aphanidermatum (VP14, VP18 and VP19), the other two had homology
with the cDNA library of the soybean disease resistance (VP13) and Citrus sinensis

affected by Xylella fastidiosa.

Group III. Ungrouped sequences

The third group included seven clones homolog to different cDNA libraries. Two of
them (VP9 and VP10) were found related to genes expressed during tillering stage of

Oryza sativa. Another two sequences (VP16 and VP30) showed homology with
cDNA library associated with callus induction in oil palm and Citrus sinensis. The
clone VP3 showed significant homology with genes encoding non-stressed condition
in Musa while the clone VP7 showed homology with cDNA induced in banana by
ethylene treatment. Clone VP27 had homology with EST sequence of developing
shoot buds of Actinidia deliciosa.
Group IV. Novel sequences
This group is constituted by the sequences which were novel and had no homology
with the genetic database available. A total of six clones were found in this category.

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla BLASTX analysis

The BLASTX analysis of all the 31 sequences resulted in five groups of clones which
are mainly associated with stress, metabolism and DNA replication and repair.
Between the other two groups, one had unclassified clones and novel sequences in the
other (Table 3.7).
Group I. Stress
This group consists of three sequences having protein homology with zinc finger
family protein (VP2) which is known to express as a response to oxidative stress in
living systems, a truncated disease resistance protein of Musa (VP14) and gag-pol
protein (VP16) which offers stress resistance.

Group II. Metabolism

Eight sequences were found to make this group in which three clones (VP5, VP12

and VP26) showed homology with pG1 protein having endopolygalacturonase
activity. The clone VP11 had homology with gene coding for enoloase which has a
major role in the glycolytic pathway. Clone VP15 showed homology to gene
encoding triacylglycerol lipase enzyme involved in carbohydrate breakdown. The
clone VP17 showed similarity to alpha-gliadin protein encoding gene while VP22 had

sequence similarity for Golgi complex component Cog3 gene. VP28 displayed
sequence homology with biotin-carboxylase encoding gene having a role in fatty acid

Group III. DNA replication and repair

The third group constitutes of sequences which showed homology with the genes
coding for proteins and enzymes having a major role in DNA replication and repair.
While the first two (VP9 and VP10) sequences shared similarity with putative GNAP
protein encoding genes involved in DNA replication, the next two (VP18 and VP19)
had homology with the genes coding for transposase which is involved in DNA
transposition. The other clone (VP21) displayed similarity with genes coding DNA
binding SAP related to chromosomal organization and DNA repair. The clone VP24
was closely related to spliceosome-associated factor gene which splices hnRNA and
clone VP29 had good homology with transcriptional regulator coding gene.

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Group IV. Ungrouped sequences

This particular group consists of three sequences associated with proteins with varied
functions. Clone VP1 had homology with phi-1 like protein coding gene which helps
in phosphorylation and cell division. Another clone VP20 showed sequence similarity
to gene encoding oxidoreductase domain protein involved in oxidation-reduction
reactions. Clone VP30 had homology with sequence coding MAP kinase activating
protein which has a major role in cell death or apoptosis.
Group V. Novel sequences
Ten sequences makeup this category which have no functional homology attached in
the genetic base. These were treated as novel sequences of the products whose

functions are yet to be arrived at.


Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Table 3.6 Homology search results for differentially expressed cDNAs during hyperhydricity syndrome of vanilla:
BLASTN analysis

Fragment Accession Size Homologue with highest homology in the genetic Significance
ID No. (bp) database E score; identities (%)
EST-cDNA library Acc. No.

Group I. Abiotic Stress

VP1 GE746280 250 Emiliania huxleyi grown on phosphate GE205735.1 0.006; 75%
starved media
VP2 GE746281 392 Ethiolated Panicum virgatum seedlings FL901957.1 3e-16; 68%

VP5 GE746284 254 Tamarix hispida leaves at different stress EH055866.1 6e-117; 97%
VP6 GE746285 147 Light stressed Haematococcus pluvialis GE649945.1 5.6; 100%

VP8 GE746287 358 Wheat during abiotic stress CK163419.1 0.37; 86%
VP11 GE746290 264 Salt stressed Fragaria vesca EX663966.1 8e-64; 85%
VP12 GE746291 345 Salt stressed Oryza sativa EX451515.1 1e-121; 97%

VP21 GE746300 684 Abiotic and biotic stressed Panicum GD019023.1 2e-13; 83%
VP22 GE746301 615 Nitrogen deprived Neurospora crassa GH152236.1 8.2; 93%

Glucose deprived Neurospora crassa
Nutrient deprived roots of Tomato
Salt stressed Fragaria vesca
8.2; 93%
9.8; 84%
0; 96%
VP26 GE746305 506 Heat stressed Fragaria vesca EX673998.1 0; 96%
VP31 GE746310 376 Water stressed Glycine max CX705303.1 5e-06; 66%
Group II. Biotic Stress

VP13 GE746292 216 Soybean disease resistance cDNA library CV998036.1 6e-08; 97%
VP14 GE746293 309 Zingiber species wild leaf response to ES560490.1 5e-17; 98%
Phythium aphanidermatum
VP18 GE746297 218 Zingiber species wild leaf response to ES560490.1 7e-19; 98%
Phythium aphanidermatum
VP19 GE746298 361 Zingiber species wild leaf response to ES560490.1 6e-17; 98%
Phythium aphanidermatum
VP28 GE746307 537 Citrus sinensis leaf affected by Xylella EY665891.1 1e-09; 76%

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Group III. Ungrouped sequences

VP3 GE746282 239 Nonstressed Musa FL658728.1 2e-09; 78%
VP7 GE746286 115 Ethylene induced cDNA in banana GE470242.1 0.027; 93%
VP9 GE746288 313 Oryza sativa tillering stage CK036789.1 2e-04; 85%
VP10 GE746289 333 Oryza sativa tillering stage CK036789.1 2e-04; 85%
VP16 GE746295 324 Non-embryogenic callus of oil palm EY400192.1 4e-19; 69%
VP27 GE746306 557 Developing shoot buds of Actinidia FG411204.1 0.05; 88%

VP30 GE746309 416 Callus of Citrus sinensis CV717662.1 4e-40; 90%

Group III. Novel sequences
VP4 GE746283 285 NA

VP15 GE746294 175 NA
VP17 GE746296 241 NA
VP20 GE746299 771 NA
VP23 GE746302 506 NA

VP29 GE746308 533 NA


Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

Table 3.7 Homology search results for differentially expressed cDNAs during hyperhydricity syndrome of vanilla:
BLASTX analysis

Fragment ID Accession Size Homologue with highest homology in the genetic database Significance
No. (bp) E score;
identities (%)

Protein homologue Putative Acc. No.

Group I. Stress
VP2 GE746281 392 Zinc finger family Oxidative stress NP850020.1 6e-19; 50%

protein response
VP14 GE746293 309 Truncated disease Disease CAP66362.1 3.4; 100%
resistance protein of resistance

VP16 GE746295 324 Gag-pol polyprotein Stress resistance AAR13317.1 4e-35; 62%
Group II. Metabolism

VP5 GE746284 254 pG1 protein Endopolygalactu AA066461.1 3e-14; 61%
VP11 GE746290 264 Enolase Glycolytic AAQ77241.1 8e-37; 91%

VP15 GE746294 175ts Triacylglycerol lipase

Carbohydrate ZP03388601.1 1e-07; 96%
VP17 GE746296 241 Alpha-gliadin protein AAY45928.1 0.081; 33%
VP22 GE746301 615 Golgi complex Glycosylation XP2143969.1 4e-07; 37%
component Cog3

VP26 GE746305 506 pG1 protein Endopolygalactu AA066461.1 6e-1; 57%

VP28 GE746307 537 Biotin-carboxylase Fatty acid YP1707481.1 1e-84; 98%
Group III. DNA Replication and repair
VP9 GE746288 313 Putative GANP protein DNA replication AAT39189.1 0.4; 70%
VP10 GE746289 333 Putative GANP protein DNA replication AAT39189.1 0.4; 70%
VP18 GE746297 218 Transposase Transposition of CAL47051.1 0.18; 100%
DNA segmants
VP19 GE746298 361 Transposase Transposition of CAL47051.1 0.18; 100%

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

DNA segmants
VP21 GE746300 684 DNA binding SAP Chromosomal ABD33066.1 3e-08; 34%
DNA repair
VP24 GE746303 729 Spliceosome- Splice hnRNA XP954790.1 0.1; 28%
associated factor
VP29 GE746308 533 Transcriptional Transcription ZP02620321.1 5e-04; 22%
regulator regulation
Group IV. Ungrouped sequences

VP1 GE746280 250 phi-1 like protein Phosphorylation, AAM08535.1 8e-05; 56%

cell division

VP20 GE746299 771 Oxidoreductase domain Oxidation- YP821867.1 9e-81; 57%
protein reduction
VP30 GE746309 416 MAP kinase activating Apoptosis BAD61807.1 1e-19; 45%

Group IV. Novel sequences
VP3 GE746282 239 NA

VP4 GE746283 285 NA
VP6 GE746285 147 NA
VP7 GE746286 115 NA
VP8 GE746287 358 NA
GE746302 ts
VP25 GE746304 420 NA
VP27 GE746306 557 NA
VP31 GE746310 376 NA

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla Verification of the DD cDNAs expression by RNA blot analysis

Results of Dot blot hybridization confirmed that clone VP2 and VP9 (Figure 3.11)
were differentially expressed during hyperhydricity syndrome where there was
increased accumulation of VP2 mRNA (Zinc finger family protein) and fall in
accumulation of VP9 mRNA (Putative GANP protein). The clone 18S (18S ribosomal
RNA gene of Vanilla planifolia) was used as a control which had uniform expression.




Figure 3.11 Formation of blots of different intensities confirming differential

accumulation of gene products of VP2 and VP9. Total RNA was used for dot
blot analysis and was hybridized with Dig-labeled probes
eP Quantitative (relative) reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-

PCR) of selected genes

Each band was normalized against the intensity obtained with the same cDNA using
the internal 18S primers of Vanilla planifolia. All the comparisons of the abundance
for the transcripts were made with the abundance in normal shoot cultures. There
was a more that 20-fold increase in the relative transcript abundance level of VP2
clone corresponding to zinc finger family protein in the H2 stage of HHS and a
relatively higher level of 19-fold was maintained in the H3 stage compared to the
level in normal shoots (Figure 3.12A). The relative transcript abundance level of
Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

VP9 (putative GANP protein) was highest to an extent of 1.46-fold in the H1 stage
which showed a drastic reduction to a 0.06-fold compared to normal shoots indicating
down-regulation of this particular gene during HHS (Figure 3.12B). A slight but
significant up-regulation of clone VP12 (pG1 protein) was observed as HHS
progressed (Figure 3.12C). A near 20-fold increase in the relative expression level
of VP11 (Enolase) in the H2 and H3 stage cultures was seen compared to normal
shoots (Figure 3.12D). Clone VP30 (MAP kinase activating protein) showed an
increase of nearly 22-fold in H2 stage and 17.5-fold in H3 stage cultures (Figure


Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

A 20



N H1 H2 H3


B 1.6
N H1 H2 H3


C 1.8

CH1 H2 H3

D 20



N H1 H2 H3


E 20



N H1 H2 H3

Figure 3.12 Expression and relative transcript abundance of different hyperhydricity
related genes. A: Zinc finger family protein (VP2); B: Putative GANP protein (VP9);
C: pG1 protein (VP12); D: Enolase (VP11); E: MAP kinase activating protein (VP30)

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

3.4 Discussion
3.4.1 Morphological and Biochemical changes
Vanilla planifolia normally displays xerophytic characteristics and therefore, one can
expect the difficulty in growing this plant in submerged (hydrophytic) conditions.
However, as in most of the other shoot cultures, which easily adapt to agitated
medium, the vanilla shoots were also expected to grow and multiply better in CIS.
Although shoot number increased in CIS as expected (Figure 3.1), the shoots
underwent severe hyperhydricity conditions leading to HHS (Figure 3.2), where
progressive accumulation of water was evident. In other plants where hyperhydricity
conditions are reported, anatomically there was hypertrophy of the cortex and pith,

and parenchyma displayed large intercellular spaces (Hazarika 2006). Even in case
of vanilla with HHS, there was a general loss of cellular integrity and pronounced

degradation of vascular tissues. Severe structural damage was observed at the surface
of the leaves. The endodermis, palisade and vascular tissues were found severely
collapsed (Figure 3.4 & 3.5). The conducting vessels, particularly xylem and
tracheids in normal plants displayed beautiful architecture of secondary walls in
xylary tissues whereas the vasculatures of HHS appeared decomposed (Figure 3.4,

3.5 & 3.6). Vascular bundles lacked the typical arrangement as found in normal

shoots, indicative of lack of lignin synthesis and degradation of existing secondary

wall structures (George 1996). It has been a general observation that most stomata of

in vitro plantlets do not have a closure mechanism, a cause linked to water loss and
death of plantlets during acclimatization under low relative humidity (Hazarika
2006). Contrarily, vanilla plants in vitro displayed structurally normal stomata
(Figure 3.6D). Regarding the induction of HHS stage, the significant changes in the
carbohydrates indicate the structural degradation of cell walls.

With respect to the medium kinetics, the drop in pH upon introduction of

cultures into medium is due to the acidic nature of the plant material (Escalona et al.
1999). Although vanilla shoots were obtained from previous cultures, the trimming
of unwanted tissues creating cut ends probably results in leaching of sap. This would
lead to a sudden drop in the pH of the medium to 4.3, and its improvement and

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

stabilization later at 4.7 suggests that the ionic status is maintained and hence there
could not be a catastrophic effect of medium pH on the development of HHS. A
rapid fall of the osmolarity of the medium noted between the 1st and 3rd week of
culture indicates high uptake of minerals as well as sugars and the steady decline in
conductance reflects the progressive uptake of ions (minerals). These trends
inversely correlate with the increase in shoot growth and accumulation of biomass
(data not shown). The lesser rate of change in osmolarity and conductance from 3rd
week onwards indicates poor utilization of nutrients. Another possibility could be
saturation of the water/nutrient uptake system.

Polyamines (PAs), the chemically non-protein straight-chain aliphatic amines,

are known to play important role in various cellular processes (Bais and Ravishankar
2002). PAs have been implicated in direct scavenging of free radicals, thereby

reducing oxidative effects. They may also act indirectly by elevating the levels of
antioxidants. Put is known to suppress the level of superoxide and H2O2 in leaf of
stressed plants. The chilling induced H2O2 production was found inhibited in
cucumber seedlings after Spd pretreatment (Shen et al. 2000). Spm (a tetramine), Spd
(a triamine) and their precursor Put (a diamine) are known to play a major role in

assisting the plants and their cells/tissues to adapt to stressful conditions through

acting as antioxidants and rendering protection to biological membranes against

peroxidation (Verma and Mishra 2005). In vanilla, Spm level was far higher than Spd,

although both are derived from Put showing a particular dynamics of free PAs. Such
stress-dependant increase in the levels of Spm has also been observed in other studies
(Kumar and Rajam 2004; Silveira et al. 2006). A similar trend was observed even in
the case of banana cultures with progressive subcultures (Venkatachalam and
Bhagyalakshmi 2008). The control vanilla shoot cultures (in solid medium) did not
show significant variations in the contents of PAs during the culture of 5 weeks;
contrarily our study with banana cultures showed a slow accumulation of free PAs
during 12 weeks period (Venkatachalam and Bhagyalakshmi 2008). In the present
study, the cultures in CIS displayed the accumulation of free PAs, Spm, Put and Spd
increasing substantially during HHS progression. The H3 stage where shoots had
attained HHS, the levels of Spd and Put decreased and most of the proteins and

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

activities of antioxidant enzymes also decreased possibly due to proteolysis.

Treatment with herbicide atrazine, which induces HHS in plants, showed higher
accumulation of Put, Spd, and Spm in pea leaves (Piqueras et al. 2002) indicating that
even in case of vanilla shoots, the increase in all the three PAs are possibly associated
with HHS. The polycationic nature of PAs can help them strongly bind to nucleic
acids, proteins and phospholipids. They also interact with membrane phospholipids
to stabilize then under stress conditions. Spm is known to be prominently involved in
free radical scavenging. While Put was enhanced by cold stress, Spd was enhanced
by water stress in chickpea, although the accumulation of PAs was short-lived in the
combined presence of both the stresses (Nayyar and Chander 2004). Nevertheless the

oxidative injury to stressed tissue could be reduced by exogenous application of

respective PAs leading to concomitant increase in the endogenous levels of respective

PAs, suggesting their direct or indirect role as antioxidants.
Reduction in the chlorophyll content was one of the earliest symptoms
observable with the onset of HHS (Figure 3.2), which probably serve as an early
marker for HHS. The changes in the levels of reducing and non-reducing sugars are
expected to occur due to hydrolysis of polysaccharides as well as inter-conversions of

soluble sugars as happens in ripening fruits with higher water activity. The decrease
in soluble sugars at H3 stage may be due to their further degradation forming

uronides. However, since there is no drastic change either in the pH of the medium,
its conductance or osmolarity, the degradative products may be held within the

tissues, without leaching into the medium.

The capacity of antioxidant defense system often increases under stress
conditions (Gressel and Galun 1994). Saher et al. (2004) observed that hyperhydric
leaves of carnation suffering from oxidative stress accumulate H2O2 and the tissues
try to reduce the damage via induction of the sub-cellular antioxidant systems, by
increasing the activity of detoxifying enzymes like CAT and PODs. In many other
studies higher levels of antioxidant enzymes have been correlated with the oxidative
stress and hence are considered as molecular markers for such situations (Mishra et
al. 2006, Arbona et al. 2008). Therefore, the significant increase in the activity of
CAT and maintenance of a higher activity of POD associated with the progression of

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

HHS is indicative of oxidative stress in vanilla shoot cultures. Among the three
enzymes, SOD appears the foremost one to defend against the injury caused by ROS,
catalyzing the dismutation of O2– to H2O2 and molecular oxygen. The H2O2 produced
is then scavenged by several classes of PODs, the activity of which is also high at H1
stage. PODs are homoproteins present as multiple isozymes in plant tissues and are
distributed throughout the cell carrying the function of catalyzing the reduction of
H2O2 to H2O. They belong to a large family of enzymes, having the ability to
oxidize/reduce different substrates in the presence of H2O2 and thus maintain redox
status of the cell. While the activity of POD was highest in vanilla cultures, the
simultaneous increase in the activity of this enzyme and of CAT in the hyperhydric

cultures at H3 stage indicates their good orchestrated effects in scavenging H2O2 as

well as other free radicals. It is also known that PODs exist as a large group of

isoenzymes with an extreme range of isoelectric points, serving a multitude of
functions. Each group is thought to have a different function in the cell. Acidic
(anodic) isoenzymes of POD are known for their involvement in growth and
differentiation of cells, the basic forms are assumed to provide H2O2 for other PODs
(Gulen and Eris 2004). In the present study the zymograms of POD from normal and

HH shoots showed no new isoform formation in response to HH stress. However,

higher intensity bands are indicative of increase in their activities.

Earlier studies have indicated both physical and chemical methods for the
reversal and control of hyperhydricity. Among the physical methods, measures like

flushing out ethylene, CO2 and other volatile components accumulated in the
headspaces of culture vessels appear essential to contain HHS (Lai et al. 2005).
Avoiding the complete submergence of shoots has also been suggested for which, the
use of temporary immersion systems providing intermittent contact between the plant
material and the liquid culture medium have been proposed (Etienne and Berthouly
2002). In case of vanilla, our earlier studies have shown that despite 10 years of
maintenance in solid medium (Sreedhar et al. 2007a) or any increase or decrease of
cytokinin concentration in solid medium (George and Ravishankar 1997), the
induction of HHS did not occur. Our present study shows that liquid medium in
particular induces HHS indicating that water potential plays an important role in the

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

induction of HHS. However, in case of Vitis vinifera (cv. Albarino) although the
increase in cytokinin level enhanced HHS condition, the addition of liquid phase to
solid medium further increased HHS (Couselo et al. 2006). It is worth noting that our
present study does not involve any change in growth regulator, where the level of
cytokinin is constant both in liquid and solid medium. Agar at a concentration of
0.8% was found to be the best gelling agent to avoid hyperhydricity as lower
concentrations clearly induced hyperhydricity. A double-phase culture (using liquid
and gelling agent solidified culture system) was also proposed to obtain higher
biomass and shoot number compared to solid medium in Japanese pear (Kadota et al.
2001). However, as mentioned above, this aggravated HHS condition in Vitis vinifera

(cv. Albarino) (Couselo et al. 2006). Among the chemicals, activated charcoal,

phloridzin and paclobutrazol have been used for specific shoot cultures (George

3.4.2 Molecular Changes
To obtain comprehensive information on gene expression pattern a more effective
and straightforward strategy would be the genomic approach where isolation of
numerous genes and their characterization on the basis of homologies and similarities

of expression patterns with genes previously studied. It would be possible to gain, in

short time, a general framework of those genes involved, from which one can select

appropriate exemplars for a more comprehensive analysis of the genes controlling

hyperhydricity. Over the last 15 years, differential display has been used to isolate

genes involved in physiological events, signal transduction, stress response and

secondary metabolism. The present approach has led to the isolation, successful
cloning, sequencing and bioinformatics analysis of 31 transcripts that were
differentially expressed in DD gels in response to hyperhydricity in vanilla shoot
cultures. This can be useful to assist future investigations to unravel the molecular
mechanisms of hyperhydricity syndrome. Out of the 31 cDNA transcripts analyzed,
17 were found to be down-regulated and 14 up-regulated.
Results of sequence analysis of the 31 cDNAs are encapsulated in Table 3.6
& 3.7. BLASTN analysis showed that more than half of the hyperhydricity-induced
cDNAs share homology with stress response expressed sequences in the GenBank

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

database. The abiotic stress seems to have developed as a result of higher availability
of various salts and other nutrients in the liquid culture medium during cultivation of
the shoot cultures as depicted by variation in the patterns of expression of genes
involved in salt and nutrient stresses (Table 3.6). In view of the over expression of
carbohydrate hydrolases, one may expect influx of salts causing ionic imbalance and
expression of salt-stress-responsive genes. The development of callus in the
hyperhydric shoot cultures was also observable which was complemented by an
increase in expression levels of the genes related to growth response (VP27 and
VP30, Table 3.5 & 3.6), especially re-induced type.
BLASTX analysis reveled that majority of cDNAs (10) did not share protein

homology with any of the entries in the GenBank database with only three of them

sharing homology with proteins associated with stress response.

Group I. Stress
Zinc-finger proteins have been reported to be involved in regulation of gene
expression and RNA metabolism by direct associations with respective cognate target
promoters. Some zinc-finger proteins have a role in defence or senescence regulation
while many of other identified proteins have no function associated to them. A zinc-

finger transcription factor is known to increase during tomato ripening together with
other transcriptional factors, including MADS box genes, homebox genes and

polycomb genes (Bartley and Ishida 2002). In pepper (Capsicum annum L.), a zinc-
finger protein gene was found to express in red fruit but was undetectable in the green

ones (Kim et al. 2004). This gene was also proposed to function as an early defense
gene against pathogen (Kim et al. 2004). A zinc-finger identified by Luis and
Cristina (2007) had high homology to proteins having putative role in responses to a
variety of abiotic stresses.
The gag-pol poly protein which is a major protein imparting stress resistance
in plants was found to be up-regulated during the course of development of
hyperhydricity in vanilla. A similar observation was made by Maqbool et al. (2008)
while studying drought stress responsive transcripts by differential display in cotton
where two of the transcripts having homology with the gag-pol protein studied
showed a significant increase in their expression levels. But in another study

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

involving identification of drought-related mRNAs in common bean roots, there was

no regulation in the expression level of mRNA transcript having homology with gag-
pol protein (Torres et al. 2006).
A near 20-fold increase in the relative transcript abundance of the gene related
to zinc finger protein (Figure 3.12A) and up-regulation of the genes having
homology with gag-pol protein in the hyperhydric shoot cultures of vanilla indicate
their pivotal role in counteracting stress development due to HHS.
Group II. Metabolism
One of the most significant pectin-degrading enzymes in plants is polygalacturonase
(PG). Its involvement in the softening of tomato during ripening by hydrolysis of the

pectin of cell wall, causing loss of cell adhesion in the middle lamella is well

established (Monic et al. 2007). Endopolygalacturonases have long been proposed to

play an important role in fungal pathogenicity to plants by depolymerizing
homogalacturonan, a major component of the plant cell wall. Besides acting as
virulence factors, endoPGs may also function as avirulence determinants through
release of oligogalacturonide inducers of plant defense and interaction with plant
proteins that modulate PG activity (PGIPs) (Cervone et al. 1989; Antonio and Isabel

1998). Maintenance of a significant high level of relative transcript abundance of

VP12 clone corresponding to pG1 protein during the development of severe collapse

of the endodermis, palisade parenchyma and vascular tissue observed in an earlier

study (Sreedhar et al. 2009) reveal that homogalacturonon in cell wall and which

cause loss of cellular integrity during HHS.

Enolase is an integral enzyme involved in glycolytic pathway. It is involved
in the dehydration of 2-phosphoglycerate to phosphoenolpyruvate. It has been
identified as an anaerobic stress protein in Echinochloa oryzoides based on the
homology of its interna1 amino acid sequence with those of enolases from other
organisms, by immunological reactivity, and induction of catalytic activity during
anaerobic stress (Theodore et al. 1995). An enolase cDNA clone (pENO2) from
maize was successfully cloned and sequenced and its expression in maize roots under
anaerobic stress was reported. Expression of ENO2 was found to be constitutive
under aerobic conditions, whereas ENO1 levels were induced 10-fold in maize roots

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

after 24 h of anaerobic treatment (Shailesh et al. 1998). In a study during the

induction of Crassulacean acid metabolism by environmental stresses in the common
ice plant (Mesembryanfhemum crysfallinum L.) enzyme activities involved in
glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, including enolase, increased significantly. Two
nearly identical cDNA clones (Pghla and PghIb) encoding enolase from the common
ice plant were described. Enolase activity increased more than 4-fold in leaves during
salt stress. This increase was accompanied by a dramatic increase in Pghl
transcription rate and the accumulation of enolase transcripts in leaves. Pghl transcript
levels also increased in leaves in response to low temperature, drought, and anaerobic
stress conditions and upon treatment of unstressed plants with the plant growth

regulators abscisic acid and 6-benzylaminopurine. Development of anaerobic

environment around the shoot cultures of vanilla during their submerged cultivation

in liquid medium might play an important role in up-regulation of the gene
controlling enolase (Figure 3.12D) and may play a vital role in HHS of vanilla. In
roots of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum, enolase transcripts increased in abundance
in response to salt, low and high temperature, and anaerobic stresses. Surprisingly, no
increase in enolase protein levels was observed despite the increased levels of mRNA

and enzyme activity during salt stress. The stress-induced increase in enolase activity
was therefore found to be due to post-translational regulation of steady-state enzyme

pools (Nancy et al. 1995).

Group III. DNA Replication and repair

Biological organisms are constantly exposed to environmental stimuli named stresses,

and they are capable of establishing mechanisms of protection and adaptation. Stress
has the most significant and mainly negative effect on organism growth,
development, and reproduction and increases the genetic variability (Capy et al.
2000). Two mechanisms are frequently described: those involving the SOS response
(the activation of mutagenic activity) or the MRS response (inhibition of an
antimutagenic system, the mismatch repair system) (Taddei et al. 1997) and those
involving transposable elements (TEs) (Capy et al. 1997). Transposase aids in the
transposition of DNA segments or TEs. An increase in the expression levels of the
DNA sequence having homology to Transposase enzyme (VP19) was observed with

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

the progression of hyperhydricity indicating the development of stress and the

response of the shoot cultures to it (Table 3.5).
Induction or expression of defence genes has been observed as a short term
response and transposable elements mobility as long term response of an organism to
stressful environment (Capy et al. 2000). Increase in the expression levels of stress
responsive DNA fragments like those having homology with zinc finger family
protein (VP2) and gag-pol polyprotein (VP16) (Table 3.5) was observed as a short
term response and increased expression of DNA sequence having similarity with
Transposase enzyme for possible development of new genetic variability to adapt to
new environment was observed in vanilla shoot cultures undergoing hyperhydricity

stress. Down regulation of protein factors that are involved in replication,

transcription and repair of DNA was an observable feature in the hyperhydric

Group IV. Ungrouped sequences
Plants respond to a variety of biotic and abiotic signals that influence growth and
development. Although the responses of plants to these signals have been extensively
studied at the physiological and the biochemical levels, the perception and the

intracellular signal transmission mechanisms are largely unknown. Studies indicate

that the MMK4 kinase pathway mediates drought and cold signaling independently of

ABA. Extreme temperatures, drought, and salt stress induce a partially overlapping
set of genes in different organisms. Incubation of tobacco leaf pieces in high salt

medium induced a protein kinase with very similar properties to a MAP kinase. MAP
kinases have been demonstrated to be activated upon injury such as cutting of leaves
(Seo et al. 1995, Usami et al. 1995) and biotic stress such as exposure of cells to
fungal elicitor (Suzuki and Shinshi 1995). Increased transcript levels of genes
encoding a MAP kinase module have been taken as a key evidence for the
involvement of a MAP kinase pathway in signaling response to touch, cold, salt, and
water stress. It is quite evident that environmental stresses are mediated by post-
translational activation of a specific MAP kinase in alfalfa. The MAP kinase pathway
appears to mediate only specific forms of stress, because cold and drought, but not
high temperature and osmotic stress, induce the activation of this pathway (Jonak et

Hyperhydricity Syndrome of Vanilla

al. 1996). Many MAPKs are activated by osmotic stress, cold, salt, drought, and
wounding. All of these conditions are known to disturb the redox balance of plants.
A role of the Arabidopsis MAPK module MEKK1-MKK2-MPK4/MPK6 was
reported for cold and salt stress (Pitzschke and Hirt 2006).

3.5 Conclusion
The present study has given an insight into morphological and biochemical changes
occurring during the progression of HHS in vanilla shoots. One of the main
consequences of HHS appears to be the oxidative stress, which is evident from the
increase in the levels of activities of antioxidant enzymes. The rapid loss of

chlorophyll with concurrent increase in the content of free PAs serve as useful
biochemical indicator of HHS in V. planifolia. On the basis of homology with known

genes, the sequences which have been identified as preferentially expressed in vanilla
shoot cultures during hyperhydricity would be involved in a wide range of basic
metabolic functions and hence the data generated here would be highly valuable for
understanding the regulatory cascades of hyperhydricity syndrome.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

For developing an efficient rapid curing method, vanilla beans derived from the
micropropagated plants as well as the commercial beans were subjected for curing
following different biotechnological approaches. Aiming at reducing the curing
period, effects of pre-treatments on the flavour formation in vanilla beans during
accelerated curing at 38 oC for 40 days were studied. Moisture loss, change in
texture, levels of flavouring compounds and activities of relevant enzymes were
compared among various pre-treatments as well as the commercial sample. Use
of naphthalene acetic acid (5 mg L-1) or ethrel (1%) with blanching pre-treatment
resulted in 3-fold higher vanillin on 10th day. Other flavouring compounds -
vanillic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde fluctuated

highly showing no correlation with the pre-treatments. Scarification of beans

resulted in nearly 4-fold and 3.6-fold higher vanillin formation on 10th day in

NAA and ethrel-treated beans respectively as compared to control with a
significant change in texture. When activities of major relevant enzymes were
followed, addition of NAA or ethrel helped to retain higher levels of cellulase
throughout the curing period and higher levels of β-glucosidase on 20th day that

correlated with higher vanillin content during and subsequent periods.

Peroxidase, being highest throughout, did not correlate with the change in levels

of major flavouring compounds. The pre-treatment methods of the present study


may find importance for realizing higher flavour formation in a shorter period
since the major quality parameters were found comparable to commercial sample.

In another experiment, food-grade elicitors, selected after an initial screening,

were used in combination with pre-treatments for the accelerated curing of beans.
When acetone dried red beet elicitor-a rich source of peroxidase (98,500 U g-1 dry
weight) was used, 2.65% vanillin was formed in 10 days, which was 1.7-fold
higher than in control beans (blanched + scarified) of this study and 3.23-fold
higher than the conventional curing (0.82%). HPLC analysis of elicitor-treated
samples showed the formation of almost all the major compounds found in the
conventionally cured beans (cured for 3-6 months) with better sensorial
properties. These observations appear useful for developing a rapid process for the
curing of vanilla beans.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans


1. Sreedhar RV, Roohie K, Venkatachalam L, Narayan MS, Bhagyalakshmi N

(2007) Specific pre-treatments reduce curing period of Vanilla (Vanilla
planifolia) beans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 55: 2947-

2. Sreedhar RV, Roohie K, Maya P, Venkatachalam L, Narayan MS,

Bhagyalakshmi N (2008) Biotic elicitors enhance flavour compounds during
accelerated curing of vanilla beans. Food Chemistry 112: 461-468


Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

4.1 Introduction
Natural vanilla flavour, obtained from cured beans of Vanilla planifolia forms the
highest-priced flavour ingredient in food (60%), cosmetics (33%) and
aromatherapy (7%) (Priefert et al. 2001). The major compound vanillin is the most
preferred flavouring compound among the universally used aromas and has a
great market potential in food, beverage, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
Sixty five volatiles and 26 odour-active compounds are identified in the extract of
cured vanilla beans (Perez-Silva et al. 2006); the major ones after vanillin are
vanillic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde. Characteristic
vanilla flavour in beans is formed only during a careful curing process resulting in
2% vanillin (on dry weight basis) and over 170 other compounds with delicate

sweet fragrance. In green vanilla beans, these phenolic aromatic compounds are

present as their respective glucosides major being glucovanillin synthesized from

phenylalanine of shikimic acid pathway and curing process is meant to release the
aglycones as the free aroma compounds. Curing also induces the formation of
many other compounds that complement to the delicate aroma of natural vanilla
flavour. In fact, it is the presence of these minor compounds in large numbers that

fetch high price for natural “vanilla extract”.

Botanical study of vanilla beans reveals that the flavour precursors are

found in the bean interior, i.e., placental region around the seeds, whereas the

hydrolytic and other degenerative enzymes that are known to catalyze the
reactions for the release of flavour compounds are localized mostly in the outer

fruit wall (Havkin-Frenkel et al. 2005). The purpose of curing is to create contact
between the flavour precursors and the enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of
precursor compounds (Havkin-Frenkel et al. 2004). Curing of vanilla beans is a
traditionally well-established process which is laborious and takes 3 to 6 months
depending on different curing procedures adopted in different vanilla-producing
regions (Havkin-Frenkel et al. 2004). Despite the long time required for the
curing process, the enzymatic transformation of the glycosides to flavouring
compounds is not very efficient. Only a fraction of the vanillin is produced by
systematic curing of green beans of which a part may also be lost during exposure
to sun as well as during extraction (Frenkel and Havkin-Frenkel 2006). Finally,

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

the total flavour yield depends upon the quality of starting material where the best
quality beans range in length from 15-20 cm.
The conventional curing depends on weather conditions as it involves
intermittent exposure to sun and sweating followed by conditioning (Dignum et al.
2001). Therefore, it is lengthy and cumbersome involving several months, may
often fail to completely hydrolyze glucosides resulting in only fractions of flavour
compounds (Frenkel and Havkin-Frenkel 2006). The curing process has been
conventionally developed over a few centuries in vanilla-growing countries, as an
art rather than a science. Thus curing is the most crucial and laborious step in the
entire process of natural vanilla production.
To overcome the above problems, earlier workers used methods such as

curing of the cut beans, covering beans in plastic sheets and heating them at 60 °C

along with high humidity, freeze curing, treatment of green beans with various

enzymes like -glucosidase, pectinase and hemi-cellulase, hot-air drying and solar
drying (Dignum et al. 2001; Ruiz-Teran et al. 2001). The development of vanilla
flavour during these treatments is partly due to the hydrolysis of glycosylated
precursors occurring in the green bean (Arana 1943). The most important step in

vanilla curing has been found to be the scalding followed by incubation at 45 oC

(Jones and Vincente 1949). An almost the same process wherein scalding in hot

water of 63 oC for 2-3 minutes, followed by cutting the beans into pieces and

incubation in an oven at 38 oC for 48 h followed by further curing in closed

containers at 38 oC for 2-3 months resulting in pleasing aroma was also suggested

(Broderick 1956). From then onwards, blanching in hot water has been an
essential step traditionally followed before curing of vanilla beans. This has been
a convention for several decades in various vanilla-growing countries of the
world. For imparting the mild temperature treatment, sunning of the fruits has
also been a regular practice, which invariably leads to losses at each exposure. In
the present study, vanilla beans derived from both micropropagated plants and
those bought from the market were cured following different biotechnological
approaches for development of an efficient curing technique.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

4.1.1 Use of pre-treatments

A simple and an effective process is needed to cut short the long processing time
and increases the flavouring compounds in cured vanilla beans. To do this, the
present study was aimed at the use auxin and ethrel in combination with different
pre-treatments. Auxins and ethrel are compounds having popularity in the area of
horticulture to induce parthenocarpy and ripening/senescence respectively.
Auxins are plant growth regulators that are known to act by loosening the cell wall
via enhancement of -glucanase enzyme (Felix and Meins 1985) as well as by
acidification of cell walls (Schubert and Matzke 1985) probably via inducing the
secretion of hydrogen ions into and through the cell wall. Such acidification of
cell wall by auxin leads to lipid breakdown thereby increasing the extensibility of

membranes enhancing the permeability. Such effects in the present context are

expected to create appropriate physico-chemical conditions for the enzymes to

come in contact with the substrates and act to release the flavouring compounds.
A preliminary screening was done and among the auxins, naphthalene acetic acid
(NAA) was selected due to its better efficacy over others in supporting the
biosynthesis of extractable phenolics (Funk and Brodelius 1990a, 1990b). An

earlier report on cell cultures of Vanilla planifolia showed that NAA increased the
secondary metabolism, resulting in high phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL)

activity and high concentration of extractable phenolics (Funk and Brodelius


1990c). Ethrel is widely used as a source of ethylene to induce ripening in fruits.

Its involvement in the phenyl-propanoid pathway is also known and hence

selected for pre-treatment. Curing temperature was chosen as 38 °C, which is

congenial for the activities of key enzymes involved in bioconversions of flavour

Sensorial analysis of the final product is done in food industry to evaluate

the product acceptance. Instrument like Electronic nose is commonly used to
make a quick assessment of aroma quality for quality control and product
development. Electronic nose, like human nose makes a global analysis of
vapours emitted from the sample and performs a classification process by
comparing the samples with a database. E-nose utilizes the data preprocessor
which is analogous to the olfactory bulb in the human olfactory region. The E-
nose generally consists of 12 metal oxide sensors and the sensors essentially

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

measure the change in voltage due to the presence of odorous volatile molecules.
Sensor responses are then analyzed by the software built-in with the equipment to
get an olfactive picture of the product. E-nose has been successfully used for
analysing coffee aroma (Gretsch et al. 1998) tea quality (Lucas et al. 1998). It has
been used by Ravi et al. (2007) for charactrization of coriander aroma. Evaluation
of flavour quality of pepper was carrriedout with the help of E-nose by Mamatha
et al. in 2008.
4.1.2 Use of elicitors
A large number of handlings for sunning and sweating generally result in a low
quality product. Due to these reasons, there are various attempts to modernize the
curing process, which involves solar drying, oven drying and enzyme treatment

(Dignum et al. 2001). However, so far there has been no attempt to apply elicitors

for curing vanilla beans. Elicitors are compounds that trigger the increased

production of pigments, flavones, phytoalexins and other defence related
compounds. Elicitation has been found as an effective strategy for the induction
and enhancement of secondary metabolites at a commercial scale. For example,
synthesis of shikonin and its derivatives by suspension cultures of Lithospermum
erythrorhizon was by the use of elicitors – agaro-pectins (Tabata and Fujita 1985).
In genetically transformed root cultures of red beet a significantly high

productivity of 5-fold betalain was observed when pullulan was used and 4-fold

higher pigment accumulated when cultures were treated with dry cell powder of
Penicillium notatum (Savitha et al. 2006). Peroxidase is one of the key enzymes in

phenyl-propanoid (PP) pathway through which defence-related compounds are

biosynthesized in higher plants. Significant elicitation in the activity of peroxidase
was accomplished by the addition of the dry cell powder of Candida versatalis
(3.5-fold higher than the control) or glutathione (3.44-fold) or Rhizophus
oligosporus (3.09-fold) (Thimmaraju et al. 2006). Rao and Ravishankar (2000)
listed biotransformations of a number of PP compounds to vanillin/vanillic acid.
Nevertheless, failure of an elicitor to trigger a particular metabolic pathway does
not necessarily establish its total in-efficacy. An elicitor may be ineffective under
a combination of inappropriate conditions as well as unsuitable concentration of
an elicitor. For example, the PP pathway was not induced in cultures of V.
planifolia by yeast extract whereas the same elicitor induced phytoalexin in other
cultures; the PP pathway in V. planifolia could however be triggered by using
Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

chitosan (Funk and Brodelius 1990c), indicating that a successful elicitation is a

very challenging process requiring intense screening procedures. While
processing vanilla beans, the low yield of flavour compounds is also due to
inefficient enzymatic conversion of the phenolic glycosides (Ruiz-Teran et al.
2001). Although flavour substrates and relevant enzymes co-exist in vanilla beans,
low yields of flavour have been attributed to the compartmentalization of substrate
and the enzyme (Odoux et al. 2003). The total picture of chemical reactions
occurring while curing vanilla beans is not fully understood. However, the
enzymes playing important roles in the flavour formation have been identified.
β-Glucosidase (-GLUC) is known to hydrolyze the glucovanillin, the non-
aromatic precursor, resulting in the release of the major flavouring component -

vanillin (Odoux et al. 2003). Peroxidase (POD) activity in vanilla beans is found

to be quite high even during curing (Sreedhar et al. 2007b) and hence may be

implicated in oxidation/reduction of flavour-forming compounds. For vanilla
flavour development one may also envisage the involvement of cell wall
degrading enzymes like cellulase, hemicellulase and pectinase by way of breaking
down the cell walls and making the flavour substrates available for the enzyme to

act (Ranadive 1992). Accordingly, the treatment of vanilla beans with additional
enzymes resulted in enhanced flavour formation. For example, successive

treatment of green vanilla beans with pectinase and -glucosidase followed by


curing was found to result in 6% vanillin compared to 1.75% in traditionally cured

beans (Mane and Zucca 1999). In one study it was observed that a two step

enzymatic reaction system with Viscozyme (mixture of cellulase, arabinase,

hemicellulase, xylanase and pectinase from Aspergillus) and Celluclast-(Novo)®
(cellulase from Trichoderma reseii) resulted in an increase of glucovanillin
extraction and its further conversion to vanillin to an extent of 3.13-folds (Ruiz-
Teran et al. 2001). With this background, the present study was undertaken to find
out first whether the elicitors are useful for hastening the process of flavour
formation, and if so, whether the levels of flavour turnover are corroborative with
the levels of endogenous enzymes of the beans or with those of the elicitors, or
both. The present study also addresses whether the flavour compounds thus
generated are comparable with the profile and sensorial properties of
conventionally cured beans.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

4.2 Materials and Methods

4.2.1 Chemicals
Authentic vanillin, vanillic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde
used as standards and the auxin - naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) were obtained
from Sigma Chemical Co. St. Louis, MO, USA. Ethephon (39% SL, Bayer Crop
Science India Ltd., India) served as a source for ethrel. Solvents used were of
HPLC-grade methanol (Ranbaxy, India), triple distilled water and AR grade
glacial acetic acid (Qualigens, India). Ethanol was distilled before use. Horse-
radish peroxidase was obtained from MP Biomedicals, USA.
4.2.2 Vanilla beans
Mature beans of vanilla ranging in length 10-13 cm (second quality) were

obtained from the growers in “Western ghats” region of Karnataka, India during

the second phase of harvesting season (early December) and transported within 24

h to the laboratory. In addition, the mature beans of similar lengths were
harvested from the plants derived via micropropagation cultivated in the institute
and mixed with the samples collected from the growers. For comparison with the
commercial samples, the conventionally cured beans from market where the

curing is done by intermittent sun-drying and sweating process for 3-6 months
(Dignum et al. 2001) were used.

4.2.3 Measurement of moisture loss


Beans from each treatment were separately subjected for drying in an oven at 60
°C and the loss of water was recorded by gravimetric method throughout the

experiment at required intervals.

4.2.4 Texture measurement

Texture of the beans at various stages of curing was measured using Instron 4301-
UTM (Universal Texture Measuring system) by WB Shear at a speed of 100 mm
min-1 and a load of 100 kg. Ten beans were removed from each treatment at 10
days intervals for a total curing period of 40 days and were used for the analysis.
All the results were expressed as force in Newton (N).

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

4.2.5 Flavour analysis Standards

Vanillin (1.2 g), vanillic acid (0.08 g), p-hydroxybenzoic acid (0.02 g) and
p-hydroxybenzaldehyde (0.06 g) were separately weighed into a 100 mL
volumetric flask and diluted to 100 mL with 95% pre-distilled ethanol. From
these, 10 mL aliquot was further diluted to 100 mL with 40% ethanol separately
and was used as standard. Extraction of flavour compounds

The extraction of flavour components from vanilla beans was done by the method
as described earlier (Ranadive 1992). Briefly, triplicate of 10 g cured vanilla

beans were finely crushed in liquid nitrogen. The extraction was done with 75 mL

of 44% aqueous ethanol for 48 h at 45 oC in stoppered conical flasks. The mixture

was stirred occasionally, filtered and washed with 36% ethanol until the total
volume of filtrate, along with washings, was 100 mL. An aliquot of the filtrate
was taken in a syringe and passed through a membrane filter (Millipore, 0.45µm)
to remove coarse particles and clear aliquot was used for HPLC analyses.
@ Analytical High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)


The levels of flavouring compounds formed at different stages of curing were

analysed by HPLC. Shimadzu LC 6A model (Tokyo, Japan) with μ-Bondapack

(Waters Corp., Miford, MA) C18 Column (300 x 4.6 mm i.d., with pore size of 5
micron) a SLC-6A system controller and CR4A data processor was used. For

calibration purpose, solutions of vanillin, vanillic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and

p-hydroxybenzaldehyde at concentrations from 1-100 mg L-1 were separately
prepared in 100% ethanol and injected into the HPLC system described above to
build the calibration curve. Detection was done by a UV detector SPD-AV set at
a sensitivity of 0.04 AUFC and a wavelength of 254 nm and flow rate of 1 mL
min-1. Mobile phase used was methanol-acidified water (10:90) where 800 mL of
water was acidified with 10 mL glacial acetic acid. Samples were injected using a
20 μL sample loop injection system and the concentrations of major flavour
components were calculated by peak proportioning using the standard curves.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

4.2.6 Extraction and estimation of total protein content

Total protein was extracted from the beans and estimated by Macro-Kjeldahl
method (AOAC, Official Methods of Analysis No. 984.13) since the phenolic
compounds hindered the estimation by Lowry’s method.

4.2.7 Activities of major enzymes

Earlier reports indicated the involvement of three major enzymes during curing of
vanilla beans; the involvement of -glucosidase (-GLUC) for catalyzing the
conversion of glucovanillin and other glycosides to vanillin and respective flavour
compounds, cellulase (CSE) for cell-wall degradation assisting the
permeabilization of -GLUC from surface of the beans to the centre and

peroxidase (POD) in various bio-conversions of phenyl-propanoid compounds

(Dignum et al. 2001). Therefore, the activities of these three enzymes were

followed throughout the curing period after different treatments. Extraction of enzymes and assay

C Extraction
The extraction involved chopping of beans into 1 cm pieces of which 5 g was
extracted at 4 °C with 20 mL of respective buffers and centrifuged twice at

5000g for 15 min. and the supernatant was used as the enzyme source.
rin -glucosidase

The buffer used was 0.1 M sodium citrate (pH 5). The activity of -GLUC was

determined at 30 ºC in fresh extraction buffer (pH 5) using p-nitrophenol

glucopyranoside as the substrate. The p-nitrophenol released after the glucose is
hydrolysed by the enzyme is measured spectrophotometically. The reaction
mixture contained 100 µL of 0.1 M sodium citrate buffer (pH 5), 100 µL of
enzyme extract and 100 µL of 0.0055 M p-nitrophenol -D glucopyranoside
(Spagna et al. 2002). The hydrolysis of one micromole of substrate per minute
was recorded as one unit of activity and quantified based on ε = 18500 mol-1 cm-1.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans Cellulase
CSE activity was determined by measuring the reducing groups released from
carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC, Sigma) by following the method explained
elsewhere (Priya-Sethu et al. 1996). The reaction mixture contained 0.25 mL of
crude enzyme, 0.5 mL of 0.1% (w/v) CMC and 0.25 mL of sodium citrate buffer
(pH 5), incubated at 37 °C for 1 h. One unit is defined as amount of enzyme that
catalyzed the formation of one micro molar reducing group per minute. Peroxidase
POD was extracted in sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6) at 4 °C and the activity was
determined following the procedure explained elsewhere (Agostini et al. 1997).
Briefly, 1 mL assay mixture was prepared which consisted of 100 L of 1% H2O2,

100 L of 0.25% ortho-dianisidine dihydrochloride, 10 L of enzyme extract and

790 L of sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6). The change in absorbance at 460nm

per minute (dA min-1) at 27 °C was recorded using kinetic program in UV- visible
spectrophotometer (Shimadzu UV-160A). Activity was quantified on the basis of
standard curve, using the same substrate, of horseradish POD enzyme obtained
from ICN-biochemicals. One unit of enzyme activity refers to the rate of change

of absorbance by 1 unit per minute.

4.2.8 Tissue printing

Activities in the fresh beans were also checked by tissue printing method where

cross sections of beans were obtained from distal end (away from the petiole),
middle region and proximal end (near the petiole) and immediately and carefully

placed on nitrocellulose paper supported on sterile blotter sheets. After the sap
from the sections imbibed into nitrocellulose, the latter was processed at 4 oC in
buffer solutions containing substrates for the enzyme in question. For peroxidase,
100 mL of (at 4 oC) sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) containing 10 mL of 0.25%
o-dianisidine dihydrochloride and 10 mL of 1% H2O2 was used. For β-
glucosidase, 100 mL of reaction solution containing per ml concentration of
100µL of 0.1 M sodium citrate buffer (pH 5) and 100 L of 0.0055 M p-
nitrophenol β -D-glucopyranoside (Spagna et al. 2002) was used. For control, the
prints of bean slices were processed in respective buffers without substrate. After
10 min, each nitrocellulose sheet was kept on multilayered sterile blotters and the
colour developed was photographed. Localization of enzymes in bean tissues was

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

re-checked by keeping the thin sections on a glass slide and directly adding the
respective buffer solutions with or without substrate. The enzymatic reactions
were immediately photographed.
4.2.9 Sensorial properties
Sensory evaluations were carried out in seven separate booths maintained at a
temperature of 22±2 oC with 45±5% of relative humidity with fluorescent lights,
which was equivalent to day light illumination. The Quantitative Descriptive
Analysis (QDA) method (Stone and Sidel 1998) used for profiling sensory
attributes consisted of 15 cm line scale wherein 1.25 cm was anchored as low and
13.75 cm as high. Odour profile analysis of vanilla pods

One gram of vanilla pod was taken in 250 mL conical flask with stopper. Panelists

were trained to sniff the headspace and mark the intensity of odour notes in the

scorecard. The scorecards were decoded and mean values of the attributes were
calculated from three separate analyses. The profiles were generated as spider web
diagram by plotting attributes versus mean scores.
C Panel training
A group of 12-15 panelists were trained over three sessions for descriptive sensory
analysis. The members of the staff were familiar with sensory analysis techniques

used in plantation products and flavour technology and related fields. The training

included development of a common lexicon of the sensory attributes in evaluation.

For this, a vanilla flavour lexicon wheel procedure was used (Hariom et al. 2006).

The common descriptors selected by at least one-third of the panel and few
important descriptors cited in the literature were utilized in the development of the
scorecard. In order to assist panelists in the selection of descriptors, dominant
flavour notes of vanilla and appropriately diluted reference compounds
corresponding to the flavour notes (Hariom et al. 2006) were provided. The
panelist evaluated the vanilla extracts in a group and recorded the perceived
attributes individually. Following this, an open discussion was held to reach to an
agreement on appropriate descriptors and the threshold levels were decided for
plotting the graph.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans E-nose analysis

An E-nose (Alpha Fox 3000, Alpha M.O.S. SA, Toulouse, France) equipped with
six doped and six undoped metal-oxide semiconducting sensors was used in the
present study. The samples that were subjected for the analysis were commercial
sample (1); green beans (2); blanched and cured beans (3) and beans cured after
scarification and pre-treatment with 5 mg L-1 NAA (4). Two grams of the vanilla
pods from each group were placed separately in the sample vials and the volatiles
were allowed to accumulate in the headspace by holding the vials at 25 oC for
120 sec. Then, the volatiles were carried by a stream of zero air (flow rate 150 ml
min-1) to the sensor chamber. Injection and acquisition times were 60 and 120 sec,

4.2.10 Statistical analyses

Each treatment had at least 150 beans and thirty beans were randomly picked, at a
known point of time, for physical, chemical and sensorial analyses. The entire
experiment was repeated in the subsequent year. Student ‘t’ test has been used to
compare the mean values and the tests were considered statistically significant at

p<0.05. The data was analyzed by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using
Microsoft Excel XP (Microsoft Corporation, Washington), and post-hoc mean

separations were performed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test at p0.05 (Harter


4.2.11 Treatments
eP Pre-treatments experiment

In conventional curing, high flavour yields are achieved by way of blanching
vanilla beans in hot water of 55 to 65 °C for 3 to 10 minutes (Dignum et al. 2001).
In the present study, a preliminary screening of different temperatures of 55, 57,
59, 61, 62, 63, 65 and 65 °C versus time ranging from 2 to 10 minutes was done.
Based on this study, the beans were blanched in hot water (tap water) at a
temperature of 63 °C for 3 minutes and spread on blotter sheets and gently pressed
with fresh sheets of blotters to remove water droplets adhering to the surface of
beans. The beans were allowed to stay for 30 min at room temperature (RT, 28 to
30 °C) until the surface of each bean appeared free from water. Scarification
treatments were given by way of individually picking up the beans and creating

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

length-wise scarification with a brush having fine stainless-steel bristles. Before

arriving at the list of chemicals and their concentrations for pre-treatment, a
preliminary study was done where both NAA (3, 5 & 7 mg L-1) and ethrel (1 and
2%) showed highest induction of flavour (data not shown) and hence were
included for the treatment. For treatment with auxin, appropriate levels of NAA
was weighed to obtain the required final concentrations (3, 5 & 7 mg L-1) where
the compound was first dissolved in a few drops of NaOH (0.1 N) to which a
required volume of lukewarm water was added and allowed to cool to RT. After
blanching/non-blanching or scarification/non-scarification treatments, the beans
were dipped for 5 minutes in NAA-containing or ethrel-containing water at RT.
To obtain appropriate level (1-2%) of ethrel, Ethephon was diluted with water

appropriately. For the entire experiment, tap-water washed untreated beans

(without blanching/scarification and without NAA/ethrel-treatments) served as

general control; thus all the treatments had respective controls (Figure 4.1).

Figure 4.1 Experimental model adopted in the pre-treatment study showing

various treatments. Each treatment had atleast 150 beans where as the
market sample had 30 beans.

All the samples with different treatments as well as general control were
separately wrapped in double-layered wax paper and gently tied with cotton
thread. Incubation of the beans was carried out at 38 °C for a period of 40 days.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Since the moisture loss was very high initially, the wax wrappers were replaced
with fresh ones on 3rd, 6th and 10th days. For each treatment, 150 beans were
used. After every 10 day thirty randomly picked beans from each treatment were
used for chemical and physical analyses. After different curing periods, the beans
were re-bundled in fresh butter paper and allowed to condition at room
temperature (28 to 30 °C) for 15 days, followed by storing in thermocole boxes at
RT in self-sealable polythene bags. Elicitation experiment

The vanilla beans were blanched at 63 oC for 3 min as explained earlier (Sreedhar
et al. 2007b). To bring the elicitors in contact with the living cells of the beans, the

beans were scarified lengthwise with a brush having fine stainless steel bristles

(automation for blanching and scarification is also possible). Different sets, each

having 20 scarified beans (×6), were kept on two-layered butter paper sheet and
sprinkled with different elicitor powders at the rate of 5 mg DCP per bean. The
treated beans (20 in each bundle) were wrapped and incubated in an oven at
38±1 oC as reported (Sreedhar et al. 2007b).

4.3 Results

4.3.1 Pre-treatments experiment

rin Changes in physical parameters

The pattern of water loss in vanilla beans during the curing period of 40 days at 38

C is shown in Figure 4.2. The initial water content of over 70% was drastically
reduced, in most of the treatments, to around 10% (w/w of the beans) by the 40th
day except in control. The water loss was higher in treated beans than control,
with more so in scarification treatments. The conventionally cured market
samples were also subjected for this test and found to contain 25% moisture. The
analysis of texture (Figure 4.3) showed progressively low values indicating
increase in softness till the end of the curing period in most of the treatments.
However, at the end of the curing period the control and scarified samples showed
higher resistance due to more hardness than in other treatments. The
conventionally cured commercial sample showed texture comparable to the 10
days cured samples of the present study indicating that 10th day is the right time to

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

terminate the incubation at 38 oC. The NAA-pretreated beans cured for 10 days
and conditioned at RT retained their flexibility even after one year (Figure 4.4).
Thus both texture and moisture levels of 10 day-cured beans and conditioned at
RT are comparable to the commercial sample in almost all the treated beans
except for un-blanched control.


Figure 4.2 Moisture content at different periods of curing of vanilla beans

after various pre-treatments. The values presented are averages of 10


Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Figure 4.3 Texture analysis of vanilla beans during different stages of curing

after various pre-treatments. The values presented are averages of 10
replicates±SD. C

Figure 4.4 Flexibility of vanilla bean cured for 10 days after pre-treatment
with NAA during blanching-pretreated beans. The figure shows the
flexibility of the bean stored for one year at room temperature in air-tight
pouches. Formation of flavour compounds

HPLC profiles of standard flavouring compounds and those of variously cured
beans are shown in Figure 4.5. Vanillin, the major flavouring compound, was
formed to various degrees with respect to different treatments (Table 4.1). After
10 days of incubation, the control (un-blanched and un-scarified) showed
substantial quantity of vanillin formed, which declined steadily up to 30th day
followed by a negligible improvement on 40th day. Scarification of beans
Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

enhanced vanillin content by nearly 40% on 10th day, which decreased further
during the entire curing period of 40 days showing 15-25% increase over the
respective control, i.e., un-scarified beans (Table 4.1). Blanching, the
conventional pre-treatment, showed an increase of nearly 1.5-fold (150%
increase) in vanillin content when compared to un-blanched control after 10 days
of curing. A very significant increase of vanillin content by nearly 2-fold was
evinced when blanching was combined with scarification treatment compared to
blanching alone. A similar 2-fold increase in vanillin was observed when NAA (5
mg L-1) treatment was followed after blanching treatment when compared to the
respective control i.e., blanching alone. Though all the treatments with NAA
resulted in significant increase in the turn-over of vanillin and other flavouring

compounds, the best concentration was 5 mg L-1.


Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans


Figure 4.5 HPLC profiles of standard compounds (1), green bean (2),

blanched bean (3), Ethrel-pre-treated bean (Blanched, scarified and treated

with 1% Ethrel) (4), NAA-pre-treated bean (Blanched, scarified and treated

with 5 mg L-1 of NAA) (5) and commercial bean sample (6) showing elution
time for major vanilla flavour compounds detected at 254 nm. The HPLC
profiles of (3), (4) and (5) are of beans incubated for 10 days at 38 oC.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Table 4.1 Vanillin content in pre-treated beans (% g-1 bean weight*)

Sl No. Treatments 10 DAC 20 DAC 30 DAC 40 DAC
1 Control 0.546 de 0.518 de 0.421 de 0.463 d
2 Scarified 0.759 d 0.655 d 0.486 de 0.586 d
3 Blanched 0.821 d 1.362 bc 1.151 c 1.287 bc
4 Blanched + Scarified 1.583 bc 1.422 bc 1.584 b 1.988 a
5 Blanched + NAA (3 mg L-1) 1.29 c 1.671 b 1.235 c 1.612 b
6 Blanched + NAA (5 mg L-1) 1.692 ab 2.137 a 2.071 a 2.022 a
7 Blanched + NAA (7 mg L-1) 1.41 bc 1.823 ab 1.461 bc 1.822 ab
8 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (3 mg L-1) 1.301 c 1.265 c 0.912 cd 1.218 bc
9 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (5 mg L-1) 2.174 a 2.058 a 1.513 b 1.945 a
10 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (7 mg L-1) 1.541 bc 1.412 bc 1.216 c 1.564 b
11 Blanched + Ethrel (1%) 1.612 ab 1.911 ab 1.641 b 1.844 ab
12 Blanched + Ethrel (2%) 1.411 bc 1.713 b 1.414 bc 1.623 b
13 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel (1%) 1.983 ab 1.962 ab 1.72 ab 1.956 a
14 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel (2%) 1.562 bc 1.642 b 1.513 b 1.428 b
* at 25% moisture level; DAC: Days After Curing

When blanching and scarification was combined with NAA treatment (5 mg L-1),

there was a very high increase in vanillin formation, accounting to nearly 4-fold

increase as compared to untreated control and 2.6-fold higher than blanched
control on 10th day of curing. In this treatment, the increase was to the tune of 4-
fold over the control on 10th and 20th day and 40th compared to control (untreated).
Other concentrations of NAA, i.e., 3 and 7 mg L-1, were lesser efficient than 5 mg

L-1. Between the two ethrel treatments, use of 1% ethrel after blanching and
scarification showed significantly higher vanillin content on 10th day than the

respective control, i.e., blanching and scarification (Table 4.1).


Regarding the other major flavouring compounds, vanillic acid

concentration showed a significant increase in control beans after 10 days of

incubation, blanched + Scarified + NAA (5 mg L-1) treated beans 20 days after

incubation (Table 4.2). Concentration of p-hydroxybenzoic acid was higher in
control on 10th and 20th day of curing than the pre-treated ones which had a fall
after 20th day (Table 4.3). There was a significant increase (3-fold) in p-
hydroxybenzaldehyde concentration when beans were blanched and incubated for
20 days. Blanching followed by scarification and NAA (5 mg L-1) treatment
showed an increase of 2.4-fold compared to control on 30th day (Table 4.4).

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Table 4.2 Vanillic acid content in pre-treated beans (% g-1 bean weight*)

Sl No. Treatments 10 DAC 20 DAC 30 DAC 40 DAC

1 Control 0.009 a 0.002 d 0.013 a 0.001 cd
2 Scarified 0.005 bc 0.001 de 0.004 cd 0.002 cd
3 Blanched 0.003 bc 0.003 cd 0.003 cd 0.008 ab
4 Blanched + Scarified 0.003 bc 0.001 de 0.004 cd 0.009 a
5 Blanched + NAA (3 mg L-1) 0.001 de 0.002 d 0e 0d
6 Blanched + NAA (5 mg L-1) 0.002 d 0.003 cd 0.002 d 0.002 cd
7 Blanched + NAA (7 mg L-1) 0e 0.001 de 0.001 de 0d
8 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (3 mg L-1) 0.003 cd 0.004 bc 0.006 c 0d
9 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (5 mg L-1) 0.005 bc 0.007 a 0.012 ab 0d
10 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (7 mg L-1) 0.004 c 0.005 b 0.005 c 0d
11 Blanched + Ethrel (1%) 0.004 c 0.005 b 0.009 b 0.004 bc
12 Blanched + Ethrel (2%) 0.002 d 0.003 cd 0.007 bc 0.001 cd
13 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel (1%) 0.001 de 0.004 bc 0.007 bc 0.007 ab
14 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel (2%) 0e 0.003 cd 0.005 c 0.006 b
* at 25% moisture level; DAC: Days After Curing

Table 4.3 p-hydroxybenzoic acid content in pre-treated beans (% g-1 bean
weight*) C
Sl No. Treatments 10 DAC 20 DAC 30 DAC 40 DAC
1 Control 0.003 a 0.006 a 0.003 b 0.001 b
0.002 b 0.002 c 0e 0.002 a
2 Scarified
3 Blanched 0.001 c 0.003 bc 0.002 c 0.002 a
4 Blanched + Scarified 0.001c 0.001 d 0.001 d 0.002 a
5 Blanched + NAA (3 mg L-1) 0d 0e 0.001 d 0.001 b

6 Blanched + NAA (5 mg L-1) 0.001 c 0.001 d 0.001 d 0.001 b

7 Blanched + NAA (7 mg L-1) 0d 0e 0e 0c
8 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (3 mg L-1) 0d 0e 0.002 c 0.001 b

9 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (5 mg L-1) 0.001 c 0.001 d 0.004 a 0.002 a

10 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (7 mg L-1) 0d 0e 0.003 b 0.001 b
11 Blanched + Ethrel (1%) 0.002 b 0e 0.003 b 0c
0.001 c 0e 0.002 c 0c

12 Blanched + Ethrel (2%)

13 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel (1%) 0.001 c 0.001 d 0.002 c 0.002 a
14 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel (2%) 0d 0.001 d 0.001 d 0.001 b
* at 25% moisture level; DAC: Days After Curing

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Table 4.4 p-hydroxybenzaldehyde content in pre-treated beans (% g-1 bean


Sl No. Treatments 10 DAC 20 DAC 30 DAC 40 DAC

1 Control 0.002 d 0.004 d 0.007 c 0.002 c
2 Scarified 0.008 a 0.003 d 0.002 de 0.002 c
3 Blanched 0.005 bc 0.013 a 0.002 de 0.005 a
4 Blanched + Scarified 0.003 cd 0.003 de 0.003 c 0.005 a
5 Blanched + NAA (3 mg L-1) 0.002 d 0.001 e 0e 0.001 cd
6 Blanched + NAA (5 mg L-1) 0.004c 0.003 de 0.002 de 0.002 de
7 Blanched + NAA (7 mg L-1) 0.001 de 0.002 de 0.001 de 0 de
8 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (3 mg L-1) 0e 0.004 d 0.008 c 0e
9 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (5 mg L-1) 0.001 de 0.009 bc 0.017 a 0.002 de
10 Blanched + Scarified + NAA (7 mg L-1) 0e 0.005 cd 0.006 cd 0.001 de
11 Blanched + Ethrel (1%) 0.001 de 0.002 de 0.009 bc 0.003 b
12 Blanched + Ethrel (2%) 0e 0.001 e 0.001 de 0.001 cd
13 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel (1%) 0.003 cd 0.007 c 0.004 d 0.003 b
14 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel (2%) 0.002 d 0.004 d 0.002 de 0.001 cd

* at 25% moisture level; DAC: Days After Curing

R Protein content

Total protein content estimated on the basis of nitrogen analysis showed the
presence of 5.64% protein on 25% moisture basis. This value remained constant
without any significant change throughout the curing process (Figure 4.6).

Figure 4.6 Total protein content of vanilla beans (at 25% moisture level) at
different incubation periods as estimated by Macro-Kjeldahl method

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans Enzyme activities -Glucosidase
In general, incubation at 38 oC for 10 days showed a significant increase in the
activity of -GLUC compared to the initial activity in green beans (172.3 U g-1
tissue at 25% moisture level). Blanched beans exhibited a higher activity on 10th
day while the activity declined significantly on 20th and 30th days of curing (Table
4.5). Beans blanched, scarified and treated with NAA (5 mg L-1) as well as those
blanched, scarified and treated with 1% ethrel showed an increased activity on
20th day. The enzyme activity declined upon further incubation.

Table 4.5  -glucosidase activity in pre-treated beans (U g-1 tissue*)

Sl Treatments Zero Day
No. Mean±SD 10 DAC 20 DAC 30 DAC 40 DAC

1 Control 172.3±9.3 188.094 bc 311.306 bc 141.133 cd 119.846 cd
2 Scarified 187.013 bc 315.898 bc 208.593 bc 204.085 bc
3 Blanched 257.263 a 243.352 cd 126.931 d 201.480 bc
4 Blanched + Scarified 213.74 b 358.14 bc 318.660 a 246.639 b
5 Blanched + NAA (3 mg L-1) 105.90 d 174.9 d 101.21 d 108.55 d
6 Blanched + NAA (5 mg L-1) 211.876 b 349.875 bc 134.032 cd 217.112 bc
7 Blanched + NAA (7 mg L-1) 110.2 d 190.2 d 120.4 d 126.2 cd
8 Blanched + Scarified + NAA
(3 mg L-1) 102.69 de 243.35 cd 100.24 d 106.22 d
9 Blanched + Scarified + NAA

(5 mg L-1) 205.39 b 486.703 a 192.616 c 183.242 c

10 Blanched + Scarified + NAA
(7 mg L-1) 114.24 d 200.26 d 108.22 d 123.21 cd

11 Blanched + Ethrel (1%) 178.365 bc 417.830 ab 227.234 bc 274.429 ab

12 Blanched + Ethrel (2%) 156.21 c 316.24 bc 196.21 c 246.22 b
13 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel
(1%) 193.499 bc 470.174 a 265.402 ab 308.299 a

14 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel

(2%) 176.22 bc 373.41 b 246.24 b 278.42 ab
* at 25% moisture level; DAC: Days After Curing

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans Cellulase
All the pre-treatments including blanching showed a significant increase in the
CSE activity compared to initial activity (0.74 U g-1 tissue at 25% moisture level)
in green beans. Though there was a higher activity on 20th day in all the
treatments, a sudden fall was noticed upon further incubation (Table 4.6).

Table 4.6 Cellulase activity in pre-treated beans (U g-1 tissue*)

Sl Treatments Zero Day

No. Mean±SD 10 DAC 20 DAC 30 DAC 40 DAC
1 Control 0.74±0.12 0.972 cd 3.007 ab 0.589 d 0.864 ab
2 Scarified 1.238 cd 2.103 bc 0.437 de 0.623 c
3 Blanched 2.637 ab 0.914 d 0.598 d 0.716 bc
4 Blanched + Scarified 2.684 ab 2.093 bc 1.567 a 0.976 a
5 Blanched + NAA (3 mg L-1) 1.342 c 1.682 c 0.304 e 0.464 d

6 Blanched + NAA (5 mg L-1) 2.695 ab 3.363 a 0.608 d 0.929 ab

7 Blanched + NAA (7 mg L-1) 1.462 c 1.841 c 0.421 de 0.562 cd
8 Blanched + Scarified + NAA

(3 mg L-1) 1.324 c 1.415 cd 0.308 e 0.446 d
9 Blanched + Scarified + NAA
(5 mg L-1) 2.648 ab 2.83 b 0.617 d 0.892 ab
10 Blanched + Scarified + NAA
(7 mg L-1) 1.562 c 1.678 c 0.546 d 0.729 bc
11 Blanched + Ethrel (1%) 2.96 a 3.272 ab 0.665 d 0.819 b
12 Blanched + Ethrel (2%) 2.746 ab 2.944 ab 0.428 de 0.662 c
13 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel
(1%) 2.81 a 3.484 a 0.592 d 0.94 a
14 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel
2.442 ab 2.991 ab 0.322 e 0.774 b

* at 25% moisture level; DAC: Days After Curing
rin Peroxidase
An initial POD activity of 1125.3 U g-1 tissue (at 25% moisture level) was found

in the green beans which increased upon scarification treatment on 10th day and
increased further on 20th day. Blanching generally retarded the activity compared
to the un- blanched control, though uniformity in the activity was found in most of
the treatments throughout the curing period (Table 4.7).

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Table 4.7 Peroxidase activity in pre-treated beans (U g-1 tissue*)

Sl Treatments Zero Day

No. Mean±SD 10 DAC 20 DAC 30 DAC 40 DAC
1 Control 29.4 1492.24 ab 1697.55 bc 1524.67 a 1517.48 a
2 Scarified 1749.64 a 2541.84 a 513.78 d 592.27 d
3 Blanched 1278.70 bc 2104.65 ab 1109.86 b 308.36 e
4 Blanched + Scarified 995.38 c 1038.63 cd 539.65 d 1010.81 ab
5 Blanched + NAA (3 mg L-1) 589.24 de 554.32 de 398.45 de 347.47 de
6 Blanched + NAA (5 mg L-1) 1178.48 bc 1108.65 cd 796.91 cd 694.94 cd
7 Blanched + NAA (7 mg L-1) 624.42 d 739.10 d 531.27 d 463.29 de
8 Blanched + Scarified + NAA
(3 mg L-1) 634.45 d 559.45 de 332.87 e 352.31 de
9 Blanched + Scarified + NAA
(5 mg L-1) 1268.9 bc 1118.90 cd 665.74 cd 704.62 cd
10 Blanched + Scarified + NAA
(7 mg L-1) 845.9 cd 745.93 d 443.82 de 469.74 de
11 Blanched + Ethrel (1%) 1359.32 b 1182.91 cd 787.01 cd 753.05 cd

12 Blanched + Ethrel (2%) 906.21 cd 801.46 d 524.67 d 502.03 d

13 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel
(1%) 1404.53 b 1277.64 c 816.46 c 779.69 cd
14 Blanched + Scarified + Ethrel

(2%) 936.35 cd 851.76 d 544.3 d 519.79 d

* at 25% moisture level; DAC: Days After Curing

C E-nose analysis

The Electronic nose analysis of the vanilla pods is shown in the Figure 4.7 as a
two dimensional representation of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with

respect to axes. As seen in the graph, the data analysis was done based on the

values of maximum change in resistance of the sensors by the Principal

Component Analysis (PCA) using inbuilt software supplied by the manufacturers.

The results are shown as a two dimensional representation of PCA with respect to
two axes. Principal Component 1 (PC1) accounted for major differences (92.6%)
in variance and Principal Component 2 (PC2) accounted for very minor
differences of 6.7%. Beans cured by blanching pre-treatment (3) was placed in
one quadrant while the green beans cured without any pre-treatment (2) was
placed in a separate quadrant away from the others. Both the NAA pre-treated
beans (4) and beans from commercial sample (1) were placed in a similar
quadrant indicating that both have a similar odour profile.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Figure 4.7 Electronic nose analysis pattern of vanilla pods from various

sources. 1: commercial sample, 2: green beans, 3: blanched beans and 4:
NAA pre-treated beans

4.3.2 Elicitation experiment

C Total protein
There was no significant change in the level of protein during the treatment period
in vanilla beans throughout the curing period. In all treatments, the initial protein

content of 5.7% was found and the cured beans showed 5.55% protein indicating
an insignificant loss during the treatment period of 40 days (data not shown

separately). The enzymes

The levels of activities of the three enzymes followed in the present study are
summarized in Table 4.8. POD was dominant in all the elicitor powders, with a
high level of activity (98,500±260 U g-1 DW) in acetone-dried powder of red beet
seedling root (BSR) than in the lyophilized counterpart (92,800±280 U g mg L-1
DW). The other elicitors, A. niger and S. cerevisiae, showed considerably high
activity of POD (over 1000 U g-1 DW), however, the values were significantly
lower than those in BSR elicitors. The activity of -GLUC was not traceable in
BSR whereas some activities of CSE and POD were found in all the elicitors.
Even in case of vanilla beans, the fresh ones showed high POD activity (1125±29
U g-1 tissue) distributed throughout the fruit, although the core and the distal
region showed higher activity of POD than the surface and the proximal (petiolar)

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

region. Assay of nitrocellulose membranes on which tissue prints were obtained

also revealed similar results with good intensity of colour developed when
substrate for POD was used. In contrast, the activity of β-GLUC was feeble in
tissue slices indicated by slight increase in yellow colour with no results in tissue
prints. When assayed, the activity of β-GLUC was 172.3±9.3 U g-1 tissue (at 25%
moisture level) (Table 4.8). Throughout the curing period, with and without
elicitor treatment, the enzyme activities in beans showed large differences (Table
4.9). The level of β-GLUC, which was 172.3±9.3 U g-1 tissue at initial level,
increased to 213.7 U g-1 tissue on the 10th day with a further increase to 358.1 U
g-1 tissue on the 20th day. However, there was a steady decline towards the end of
the curing period. POD activity significantly decreased to 995.4 U g-1 tissue from

1125±29 U g-1 tissue at initial level during curing with a narrow increase on the

20th day and a significant drop on the 30th day following a slight increase on 40th

day (Table 4.9). The traces of cellulose activity present in the beans on 10th day
of curing steadily declined towards the end. Upon elicitor treatment, there was a
steady increase in the activity of β-GLUC, especially in the acetone dried A.
niger-treated beans, with a highest activity of 513 U g-1 tissue on the 40th day of

curing. A higher activity was recorded in acetone-dried elicitor treated material

than that treated with lyophilized material (Table 4.9). Acetone-dried BSR (BSR-

A) was also an efficient enhancer of β- GLUC activity in the beans as compared


to the control. Yeast elicitors showed a narrow enhancement in β-GLUC only at

initial stage with lower activities during further curing periods. However,

significant increase as well as fluctuations in the activities of POD were observed

when the beans were treated with A. niger and BSR-A, where the latter showed
highest value on 20th day of curing with a steady decline later. The activity of
CSE was very low (0.74±0.12 U g-1 tissue) in the fresh vanilla beans (Table 4.8).
During curing a three to four fold increase in activity was observed on 10th day
and A. niger (lyophilized) showed a slightly higher activity on 20th and 30th day
of curing (Table 4.9).

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Table 4.8 Activities (U g-1 Dry Weight) of enzymes in elicitor powders

processed either by lyophilization (L) or acetone-wash (A) and in fresh
vanilla beans

Cellulase β-glucosidase Peroxidase

Elicitor name L A L A L A
Aspergillus niger 3.5±0.13 15.7±0.42 18.7±0.45 5.8±0.67 1085.1± 40.56 1205.6±24.94

Saccharomyces 19.0±1.64 14.0±0.68 Tr Tr 1507.1± 36.86 1350.3±43.58

cerevisiae (yeast)

Red beet seedling 3.5±0.1 3.2±0.12 0 0 92810.3± 98498.1±

root 282.51 260.95

Fresh vanilla 0.74±0.12 172.3±9.3 1125±29.4


at 25% moisture level


Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Table 4.9 Levels of activities of different enzymes in control and elicitor-

treated vanilla beans during various stages of curing a

Elicitor 10 DAC 20 DAC 30 DAC 40 DAC

-1 b
Peroxidase (U g tissue )
c b
Control 995.38 1038.63 cd 1004.21 b 1010.81 bc
A. niger-A 1045.33 b 1288.42 b 1096.91 b 1157.11 ab
A. niger-L 1010.40 b 1235.29 b 1239.33 ab 1043.64 b
BSR-A 1323.54 a 1504.48 a 1327.33 a 567.12 d
BSR-L 1235.05 ab 1407.95 ab 814.01 c 707.18 cd
Yeast-A 969.37 b 1051.91 cd 1080.97 b 1159.52 ab
Yeast-L 1000.66 b 1030.11 cd 1072.61 b 1362.81 a

-Glucosidase (U g-1 tissueb)

Controlc 213.74 c 358.14 ab 318.66 bc 246.63 cd
A. niger-A 237.12 b 396.39 a 463.63 a 513.31 a

A. niger-L 219.33 bc 288.99 bc 381.63 b 316.59 bc
BSR-A 249.33 a 198.31 d 222.43 cd 234.30 cd
195.43 b 241.36 cd 210.28 cd 207.16 cd
Yeast-A 228.31 b 264.33 c 240.39 cd 180.01 d
Yeast-L 224.4 bc 259.21 c 238.81 cd 209.34 cd

Cellulase (U g-1 tissueb)


Controlc 2.69 d 2.09 d 1.57 d 0.98 cd


A. niger-A 2.97 cd 3.05 bc 2.54 c 1.07 c

A. niger-L 4.10 a 4.68 a 4.89 a 2.24 a
BSR-A 2.19 de 1.90 d 1.74 d 0.71 d

BSR-L 1.72 e 2.28 cd 2.00 cd 0.68 d

Yeast-A 2.60 d 2.82 c 2.43 c 0.97 cd
Yeast-L 2.43 d 2.94 c 1.82 cd 0.65 d

Data are the mean value of three replicates
At 25% moisture level
Experiment-specific control where the beans were blanched and scarified
DAC, days after curing; A, Acetone-dried; L, Lyophilized; BSR, Beet Seedling
Data followed by different letters within each column are significantly different
according to Duncan’s multiple-range test at p≤0.05

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans Formation of flavour compounds

The control beans on zero day contained 0.38% vanillin, which may be formed
mainly during extraction because vanilla beans do not impart any flavour before
curing. Other compounds were not traceable by HPLC on day zero. Figure 4.8
shows the HPLC patterns of standard compounds, commercial sample, green bean
(uncured), as well as those obtained from elicitor-treated bean samples cured for
10 days. The major compound, vanillin, was formed to an extent of nearly 1.58%
in control beans on the 10th day. However, in the samples treated with elicitor of
red beet seedling root prepared by acetone-drying method, a very high level of
2.65% of vanillin was observed on the 10th day itself (Table 4.10). This level of
vanillin formation is 1.7-fold higher than control beans of this study on the 10th

day and much higher (3.23-fold) than the conventionally cured sample (0.82%)

(Sreedhar et al. 2007b) and nearly 7-fold compared to zero day (0.38% in green

bean). Nearly similar effects were observed in case of treatments with A. niger
and BSR-L elicitors, all producing nearly 2% vanillin with 2-fold increase in
vanillic acid and slight fluctuations in the levels of p-hydroxybenzaldehyde and
p-hydroxybenzoic acid. In the control sample itself, there were significant
fluctuations in the quantities of flavour compounds formed during the entire
curing process, with a decline in vanillin after 20 days with a steady increase up to

40 days.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans


Figure 4.8 HPLC patterns showing profiles of vanilla flavour compounds

formed after 10 days of curing at 38 oC in elicitor-treated vanilla beans as
compared with standards and control beans. (A) Standard compounds, (B)
commercial sample, (C) green bean (uncured), (D) control (blanched and
scarified), (E) treated with red beet seedling root powder-acetone dried, (F)
treated with A. niger powder-acetone dried, DAC: days after curing.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

Table 4.10 Concentrations of different flavoring compounds in control and

elicitor treated vanilla beans during different stages of curing a

Vanillin Vanillic acid p-Hydroxy- p-Hydroxy-

Treatment benzaldehyde benzoic acid
(Gram Percent of Bean Weight b)
10 DAC
Controlc 1.58 d 0.003 c 0.003 c 0.001 cd
A. niger-A 2.02 c 0.006 ab
0.005 bc 0.004 b
A. niger-L 1.98 c 0.006 ab
0.003 c 0.006 a
BSR-A 2.65 a 0.007 a 0.006 b 0.003 bc
BSR-L 1.98 c 0.005 b
0.005 bc 0.002 c
Yeast-A 1.67 d 0.004 b
0.009 b 0.001 cd
Yeast-L 1.80 cd 0.003 c 0.010 a 0.002 c
20 DAC
Controlc 1.42 d 0.001 d 0.003 bc 0.001 cd
A. niger-A 1.65 bc 0.004 c
0.004 b 0.005 ab
A. niger-L 1.60 c 0.005 bc 0.000 d 0.004 b
BSR –A 1.95 a 0.005 bc
0.004 b 0.003 bc

BSR-L 1.89 ab 0.008 a
0.006 a 0.004 b

Yeast-A 1.58 c 0.006 b
0.002 c 0.00 cd
Yeast-L 1.58 c 0.005 bc 0.005 ab 0.006 a

30 DAC
Controlc 1.59 c 0.004 bc 0.003 c 0.001 c
A. niger-A 1.80 ab 0.004 bc
0.004 c 0.000 c
A. niger-L 1.45 d 0.006 ab 0.002 d 0.007 a
BSR-A 1.87 a 0.006 ab
0.007 b 0.005 bc
BSR-L 1.70 bc 0.008 a
0.010 a 0.006 ab
Yeast-A 1.62 c 0.00 c 0.005 bc 0.006 ab
Yeast-L 1.85 ab 0.007 ab
0.008 ab 0.008 a
40 DAC
Controlc 2.00 ab 0.009 b 0.005 cd 0.002 d

A. niger-A 1.85 bc 0.004 c 0.004 e 0.003 cd

A. niger-L 1.65 d 0.00 d
0.005 cd 0.005 bc
BSR-A 2.05 a 0.01 a
0.006 c 0.008 a

BSR-L 1.85 bc 0.008 b

0.008 a 0.004 c
Yeast-A 1.82 c 0.006 bc 0.007 b 0.005 bc
Yeast-L 1.75 cd 0.005 bc
0.005 d 0.006 b
Data are the mean value of three replicates

At 25% moisture level
Experiment-specific control where the beans were blanched and scarified
DAC, days after curing; A, Acetone-dried; L, Lyophilized; BSR, Beet Seedling
Data followed by different letters within each column are significantly different
according to Duncan’s multiple-range test at p≤0.05 Sensory attributes

The observations made on odour profile of vanilla bean samples are shown in
Figure 4.9. In case of unblanched and unscarified treatment, vanilla note differed
significantly (p≤0.05) from blanched beans and BSR-A treated beans (Figure
4.9). Treatment with red beet seedling elicitor appeared to impart good sensory

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

profile to the beans with high notes of vanilla, sweet and floral odour and low
intensity of woody, beany and smoky notes.

Figure 4.9 Sensory profile of vanilla beans cured for 10 days with or without
elicitors and different pre-treatments. The data represents average of atleast
12 panelists in three separate analyses.

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 Pre-treatments experiment
Traditionally the appearance, the flexibility and size characteristics have been of
importance since there is a fairly close relationship between any two factors and
the aroma/flavour quality. The moisture content is one of the several parameters,
which is important for bean quality. It is therefore, very important to realize that
moisture content is inter-dependent on other quality parameters and cannot be
considered, by itself, as an index of quality. The presence of appropriate water
content ranging from 25 to 30% has been noted by earlier workers, to result in the
desirable texture. The present study has clearly shown that the use of NAA or
ethrel coupled with bean scarification more quickly reduced the moisture content

than with similar set of conditions with blanching treatment (Figure 4.2). Beans

used for extraction have low moisture content while gourmet beans contain higher

moisture content (Havkin-Frenkel et al. 2005). The moisture content is a major
factor in the preservation of cured vanilla beans since low moisture content is
essential to prevent microbial growth. Also, the water content of properly cured
beans must be sufficiently low to prevent growth and activity of microorganisms,
since low water, in combination with high phenolic content offer protection
against spoilage in cured beans. Our observation of NAA/ethrel-treated 10-day

cured beans, stored at RT for one year did not show spoilage due to any
fungal/microbial infestation (Figure 4.4).

The present study has documented the texture measurement of vanilla

beans for the first time. Since the desirable moisture content in vanilla beans and

the texture comparable to commercial samples were achievable in a period of 10

days, the curing conditions (time and temperature) selected in the present study
appears appropriate to accomplish faster curing. Supporting this is the data of
HPLC-profile of flavours, which is also comparable to the commercial sample
(Figure 4.5). Thus, the present study has clearly demonstrated the possibility of
reducing the curing period of vanilla beans to as short as 10 days with almost
similar array of flavouring compounds and texture compared to the conventionally
cured ones. However, for the formation of age-related compounds, which takes
place during the conditioning of the beans after the curing period, the cured beans
need to be stored appropriately. Therefore, the cured beans that result after

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

NAA/ethrel-pre-treatment also need to be conditioned as per the traditional

Though several reports indicate the absence of vanillin in the green beans,
the results of the present study showed that some amount of vanillin and
negligible amounts of other flavouring compounds were already formed in green
beans before the onset of curing process (Figure 4.5). It appears that the glucosyl
form of vanillin is largely predominant in green beans but it does not exclude the
presence of a fraction in free form (Odoux 2006). This indicates that the
glucolytic and other hydrolytic enzymes within the vanilla beans get activated
immediately after harvest. Blanching, a traditionally followed curing process
(Bourbon method) substantially enhanced the flavour formation from the

respective glucosides, as compared to untreated beans, despite the well-

documented fact that the specific β-GLUC gets arrested after blanching and

missing during curing (Dignum et al. 2002). An extensive study of the thermal
sensitivity of β-GLUC showed that the activity of the enzyme was lost within 24h
after blanching (Dignum et al. 2002). However, in the present study, a much
higher activity than reported elsewhere was observed throughout the curing period
where most of the treatments significantly enhanced the enzyme activity on 20th
day. Although direct correlation could not be made between the enzyme levels

and the quantity of flavours formed at a given period of treatment, one can reason

such fluctuation in turn-over of each compound due to either inter-conversions of

various precursor compounds or variations in reaction kinetics. The biosynthetic

pathway of vanillin and other flavour related compounds is shown in Figure G2.
The formation of vanillin precursor, the glucovanillin originates from glucosides
of ferulic acid or protocatechuic aldehyde, both the compounds being derived
from coumaric acid glucoside of phenyl-propanoid pathway (Figure G2). In
studying the biosynthesis of vanillin in vanilla beans, it was found that ferulic acid
was incorporated to a greater extent into vanillin than vanillic acid indicating that
ferulic acid is β-oxidized to vanillyl-Co-A, which either can be reduced to vanillin
or de-acetylated to vanillic acid (Zenk 1965). Thus the native β-glucosidase plays
a crucial role in the conversion of not only the glucovanillin into vanillin but also
the other precursors to glucovanillin. This probably could be the reason for
fluctuations in the levels of flavouring compounds during the curing period and
hence not strictly corroborative with the enzyme levels. The limiting factor in
Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

glycoside hydrolysis is more likely to be the cellular compartmentation than the

enzyme activity level. Glucoside hydrolysis is complete if the treatment allows a
total decomparmentation and if sufficient residual glucosidase activity can
continue (Odoux 2006). Native peroxidase which was found to be thermo-stable
and persisted with high activity throughout the curing process might be
responsible for oxidation of vanillin to produce quinine bodies having a different
aroma than vanillin, and thus be partially responsible for the overall loss of vanilla
aroma and fluctuation in vanillin content. Also, the continuous escape of
flavouring molecules into the air leading to erroneous quantifications cannot be
ignored. This is also indicative of substantial flavour losses occurring in
conventional curing where routine sunning is involved. The pre-treatments appear

to enhance the flavour formation via up-regulation of the -GLUC and CSE.

The E-nose analysis of vanilla beans from different sources complimented

well with the hplc quantification of major flavour components. Sample from green
beans which consists of least amount of vanillin and allied flavouring compounds
was placed in a separate quadrant away from the other samples derived from
cured beans. The PCA mapping clearly distinguished the samples based on the

dominant volatiles from the beans. A similar trend was observed in a study on
coriander oil samples aroma analysis (Ravi et al. 2007).

4.4.2 Elicitation experiment

Elicitors are known to interfere with plant phenyl-propanoid (PP) compounds

catalyzing lignification of plant cells. Since the natural vanilla flavour from cured
beans of V. planifolia comprises over a hundred flavour molecules derived from
the PP pathway, the effects of elicitors were studied, assuming that they might
hasten the curing process by catalyzing relevant enzyme activities.
The data presented in Table 4.8 show significant differences in the
activities of enzymes, indicating that the method used for elicitor preparation
possibly influenced their characteristics. Peroxidase showed lesser sensitivity to
processing conditions than other enzymes. Enzyme activity change due to
processing conditions is widely known. The major enzyme present in both vanilla
beans and elicitors was the POD. The formation of very high levels of vanillin
was also noted in the treatment with high levels of POD, which is indicative of the

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

major role played by this enzyme in catalyzing the flavour pathway. Earlier
studies have established that peroxidases (of Class III type) are widely distributed
in higher plant cells. Plant PODs and their various isoenzymes have been proven
responsible for a plethora of physiological functions where they preferentially use
phenolics as electron donors resulting in the formation of oxidized phenolic
compounds of brown colour (Hanum 1997). Since their isoenzymes are diversely
regulated (Welinder and Gajhede 1993), one can expect wide variations as well as
an array of the end product. Whereas the fungal peroxidases (Class II type) are
known to act at extra-cellular level and are mainly involved in lignin degradation;
often contributing for the re-formation of vanillin (Hanum 1997; Priefert et al.
2001). Ferulic acid (an iso-lignin) occurs abundantly in most of the plant cells

including vanilla beans. Earlier labeling studies have established its preferential

incorporation into vanillin over other closely related substrates leading to the

higher turnover of vanillin (Zenk 1965). Thus, there is a good relationship
between the levels of POD (in situ + that of elicitor) and the levels of vanilla
flavour compounds where the enzyme could probably catalyze the inter-
conversions of the flavour precursors resulting in the formation of appropriate

substrates for the action of the other key enzyme--GLUC. The potential of
A. niger to convert natural precursors of vanilla flavour, i.e., isoeugenol to vanillin

(Abraham et al. 1988), ferulic acid into vanillic acid (Bonnin et al. 1999) and

vanillic acid to vanillin (Priefert et al. 2001), is well known. A. niger has also been
described as a ferulic acid-degrading organism (Labuda et al. 1992). Commercial

exploitation of A. niger for the conversion of ferulic acid to vanillic acid has been
described (Lesage- Meessen et al. 1999). The treatment with the dry cell powder
of A. niger, particularly the acetone-dried powder, significantly enhanced vanillin
on 10th day itself, which was nearly 1.3-fold higher than the blanched and
scarified control, and 2.46-fold higher than the traditional method of blanching
(Sreedhar et al. 2007b). Noteworthy improvements in the other flavour
components were also observed during this period. Lyophilized A. niger powder
was more effective in enhancing vanillic acid and benzoic acid steadily up to 30th
day. A few studies have demonstrated the direct involvement of -GLUC as the
key enzyme for the de-glucosylation of flavour substrates, which is also
controversial due to compartmentalization of the enzyme from the substrate

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

(Dignum et al. 2001; Odoux 2006; Odoux et al. 2003; Havken-Frenkel et al.
2004). β-GLUC is also expected to enhance flavour extractability by hydrolysis of
cell wall components (Ruiz-Teran et al. 2001). Nevertheless the present study and
our previous report (Sreedhar et al. 2007b) indicate that the high levels of POD of
the beans and that in the elicitor may also be involved in the quantum turn over of
the flavour molecules, although a deeper study is needed to unequivocally
establish the same. It is interesting to note that there is a decline in the level of
vanillin on 20th and 30th days. These changes may again be attributed to the
catalytic activities of POD followed by -GLUC, where the latter systematically
catalyzes the de-glucosylation whereas the former may be implicated in a cascade
of redox reactions. Plant PODs (POD class III), (both from vanilla beans and red

beet seedling root-derived) having high redox potential may not only build up but

also degrade vanilla flavour compounds. Therefore, in a mixture of phenolics, the

radicals of phenolics that are good substrates for POD can oxidize a poor electron
donor molecule for peroxidase, rapidly. Thus, even the un-preferred substrate is
indirectly catalyzed by POD, bringing about fluctuations in the flavour profile as
observed in the present study. However, the fungal PODs are known to work the

other way, where they depolymerize lignin to form vanillin (Hammel et al. 1993;
Kirk and Farrell 1987; Priefert et al. 2001; Ten Have et al. 1998). Thus the highest

turnover of vanillin in the red beet seedling powder or A. niger-treatments (being


rich in POD) may be attributed to the re-conversion of degraded vanillin and

similar iso-lignin molecules. Beans treated with red beet seedling powder showed

a better sensory profile with high notes of vanilla, sweet, and floral and low
woody, beany and smoky notes which is a characteristic feature of good quality
vanilla (Hariom et al. 2006). Attributes such as fruity, floral, woody and beany
notes did not differ significantly from the others, which might be due to the use of
the higher concentrations of the sample which might have masked the subtle

4.5 Conclusion
The present study has clearly demonstrated that for developing a process for the
production of vanilla flavour compounds from vanilla beans, one need to carefully
control the process parameters with periodical monitoring for flavour compounds

Biotechnological Approaches for Curing of Vanilla Beans

and terminating the reaction as desired because the endogenous enzyme may
divert the flavour molecules towards lignin biogenesis. The pre-treatment methods
developed as a result of the present investigation may find importance for
realizing higher flavour formation in a shorter period since the major quality
parameters and sensorial analysis were found to be comparable and similar with
conventionally processed commercial sample. This study has also shown that the
HPLC profile as well as the sensorial properties of the beans cured just for 10
days with elicitor were characteristically similar to the conventionally cured beans
indicating that the present finding holds great promise for further application in
vanilla bean curing.


Conclusions and Future Prospects

Summary and Conclusions

 The study on genetic diversity of Indian vanilla using RAPD and ISSR
markers indicated that V. planifolia cultivated in India is likely to share the
same genetic background and therefore, the genetic diversity is extremely
low. This preliminary investigation has determined the absence of genetic
variations in introduced and then commercially cultivated V. planifolia in
India indicating a threat of extinction due to pest and environment

 Through an investigation on the occurrence of genetic variants in

micropropagated multiple shoots of vanilla developed from axillary bud

explants established 10 years ago using RAPD and ISSR, it can be

concluded that the micropropagation system for vanilla can be carried out
for a considerable length of time (for at least 10 years) without any risk of
genetic instability.
 Vanilla shoot multiplication in semi-solid (SS), complete immersion
system (CIS) and partial immersion system (PIS) were evaluated for

biomass, shoot multiplication and elongation aiming at developing an


improved micropropagation protocol. Shoot cultivation in CIS was

associated with hyperhydric shoots having poor ability to establish in fresh
medium or soil. The shoots sub-cultured in PIS were healthy with good

elongation producing both geotropic and aerial roots resulting in highest

survival on transfer to soil. A bioreactor model was worked out where the
cultures were bathed with aerated medium for different periods to arrive at
a final set of operating conditions leading to improvement in the
multiplication rate of shoots which were adequately elongated and capable
of rooting on hardening medium.

 The present study compares the solid, liquid (referred as CIS) and partial
immersion system (PIS) and substantiates that GrowtekTM bioreactor (as
PIS) appears to be an efficient culture system in all respects. A
combination of equal ratios of red soil: sand: vermicompost was found to

Conclusions and Future Prospects

be the best for greenhouse hardening. Field evaluation showed that the
micropropagated plants flowered early with higher bean yield than the
conventionally propagated ones.

 A study focusing on unraveling the major structural, biochemical and

molecular changes occurring during hyperhydric syndrome in vanilla
shoots grown in liquid medium was carried out. The syndrome was
associated with severe damages at cellular and sub-cellular levels, increase
in free polyamines and accumulation of water, and decrease in quantities
of chlorophyll, protein and drastic changes in reducing and non-reducing
sugars. The onset and progression towards hyperhydricity showed higher

activities of antioxidant enzymes, indicative of shoots’ defensive efforts

against oxidative stress.

Thirty one hyperhydricity-associated cDNAs identified by DDRT-PCR
were cloned and sequenced whose electronic homology searches using
BLASTX analysis resulted in identification of 23 cDNA clones showing
homology with various stress, apoptosis, DNA repair and carbohydrate
breakdown related proteins to be differentially expressed during HHS.

BLASTN analysis yielded twelve fragments having homology with


different stress linked cDNA clones. A partially characterized

transcriptome of hyperhydric condition in V. planifolia has been developed

which paves the way for a better insight into gene expression during this
common physiological disorder.

 Aiming at developing of an improved bean curing technique using

biotechnological methods, effects of different pre-treatments on the
flavour formation in vanilla beans during accelerated curing at 38 oC for
40 days were studied. Use of naphthalene acetic acid (5 mg/L) or ethrel
(1%) with blanching pre-treatment resulted in 3-fold higher vanillin on
10th day. Other flavouring compounds - vanillic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic
acid and p-hydroxybenzaldehyde fluctuated highly showing no correlation
with the pre-treatments. The pre-treatment methods found through the
present study appear important for realizing higher flavour formation in a
Conclusions and Future Prospects

shorter period since at this stage the major quality parameters were found
comparable to commercial sample.

 In another bean curing experiment, food-grade elicitors were used in

combination with different pre-treatments and accelerated conditions.
When acetone dried red beet elicitor - a rich source of peroxidase was
used, 2.65% vanillin was formed in 10 days, which was 1.7-fold higher
than that in control beans (blanched + scarified) of this study and 3.23-fold
higher than the conventional curing. HPLC analysis of elicitor-treated
samples showed the formation of almost all the major compounds found in
the conventionally cured beans (cured for 3-6 months) and better sensorial

properties. These observations appear useful for developing a rapid

process for the curing of vanilla beans.


Conclusions and Future Prospects

Future prospects

 Absence of genetic diversity of Indian vanilla population as reveled from

the present study indicates the need to increase the number of
introductions and broaden the gene pool of cultivated vanilla in India to
reduce its vulnerability to diseases and insect pests apart from its genetic
improvement for other attributes.

 In order to broaden the genetic base of vanilla cultivars, further efforts

such as seed germination, mutation breeding, genetic engineering,
induction of somaclonal variants and other biotechnological means are to

be urgently pursued.

 The information on the use of different micropropagation systems for
vanilla and identification of partial immersion system as an easy method
helps to develop an efficient technology for large scale production of

 A partially characterized transcriptome documented for identification of

various genes involved in development of hyperhydricity syndrome

through DDRT-PCR technique and study of their expression at various

stages of hyperhydricity opens-up the gate way for further investigation

and development of molecular methods to control the syndrome not only

in vanilla but probably in other plant systems also.

 The study of the use of pre-treatments and the use of food-grade elicitors
in combination with pre-treatments for the accelerated curing of beans
appear useful for developing a rapid process for the curing of vanilla beans
which appears to offer economical advantage.


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List of the differential amplicons, accession numbers and their


Acc. No. Sequence (5’-3’)



VP3 GE746282


VP5 GE746284

VP6 GE746285
VP8 GE746287







VP18 GE746297


















VP28 GE746307



VP30 GE746309










Papers published

1. Sreedhar RV, Venkatachalam L, Bhagyalakshmi N (2009)

Hyperhydricity-related morphological and biochemical changes in Vanilla
(Vanilla planifolia). Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
DOI 10.1007/s00344-008-9073-4

2. Sreedhar RV, Venkatachalam L, Bhagyalakshmi N (2007) Genetic fidelity

of long -term micropropagated shoot cultures of Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia
Andrews) as assessed by molecular markers. Biotechnology Journal

2: 1007-1013

3. Sreedhar RV, Roohie K, Maya P, Venkatachalam L, Narayan MS,

Bhagyalakshmi N (2008) Biotic elicitors enhance flavour compounds
during accelerated curing of vanilla beans. Food Chemistry 112: 461-468

4. Sreedhar RV, Roohie K, Venkatachalam L, Narayan MS, Bhagyalakshmi

N (2007) Specific pre-treatments reduce curing period of Vanilla (Vanilla
planifolia) beans. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
55: 2947-2955

5. Sreedhar RV, Venkatachalam L, Roohie K, Bhagyalakshmi N (2007)


Molecular Analyses of Vanilla planifolia Cultivated in India using RAPD

and ISSR Markers. Orchid Science and Biotechnology 1(1): 29-33

Papers for publication

1. Sreedhar RV, Bhagyalakshmi N (2008) A Partial Immersion System for

micropropagation of vanilla.

2. Sreedhar RV, Venkatachalam L, Bhagyalakshmi N (2008) Gene expression

in hyperhydric shoot cultures of Vanilla planifolia as depicted by mRNA
differential display.

3. Sreedhar RV, Maya Prakash, Bhagyalakshmi N (2008) Flavor and

Sensorial profiling of Indian and Madagascar vanilla beans.


Papers presented in Symposia/ Conferences

1. Sreedhar RV, Venkatachalam L, Kaunain Roohie and Bhagyalakshmi

(2007) Molecular analyses of genetic diversity in Indian vanilla and genetic
fidelity of long -term micropropagated vanilla shoot cultures. Poster
presented at Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and Agri-
Biotechnology (APaCPA) 2007 held between 17th-21st June 2007 at Putra
World Trade Center (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2. Sreedhar RV, Venkatachalam L and Bhagyalakshmi (2007) Novel

differentially expressed mRNA transcripts in hyperhydric shoot cultures of
Vanilla planifolia. Poster presented at the symposium Novel Approaches
for Food and Nutritional Security held between 6th-8th Dec 2007 at
CFTRI, Mysore, India

3. Sreedhar RV, Venkatachalam L, Kaunain Roohie, Thimmaraju R and

Bhagyalakshmi N (2005) Molecular analysis of genetic fidelity in long-term
micropropagated shoots of vanilla (Vanilla planifolia). Poster presented at

National symposium on Plant Biotechnology: New Frontiers, held
between 18-20th November at Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic
Plants, Lucknow, India


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