Oracle® Developer Suite: Quick Start Installation Guide
Oracle® Developer Suite: Quick Start Installation Guide
Oracle® Developer Suite: Quick Start Installation Guide
August 2005 Page 2 Monday, August 8, 2005 5:16 PM
Oracle Developer Suite Quick Start Installation Guide Release 2 10g (10.1.2) for Solaris, Windows and Linux
Copyright © 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are
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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the
documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as
may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose.
If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on
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delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data"
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such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the Programs, including documentation and
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and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer
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The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently
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Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Retek are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its
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The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties.
Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all
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not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealing with any third party.
Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting
documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled
community. To that end, our documentation includes features that
make information available to users of assistive technology. This
documentation is available in HTML format, and contains
markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessi-
bility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is
actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors
to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be
accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the
Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at
Hardware Requirements
Table 3 contains the basic hardware requirements for Oracle
Developer Suite.
Item Requirements
Memory 128 MB 1
Item Requirements
Disk space required for installing English language only.
The actual disk space required depends on the languages
selected for installation. Additional temporary disk space
of 50 MB, typically on the C drive, is also required.
If you are using Oracle JDeveloper 10g in a multiuser
Linux or Solaris environment, you should use 1 GB swap
Component Memory
Component Professional Solaris Linux
Oracle10g JDeveloper (including Oracle YES YES YES
Business Intelligence Beans, and UIX and
Bali subcomponents)
prompt>pkginfo SUNWarc
If your computer is missing a package, contact your system
The Solaris 8 (2.8) and Solaris 9 (2.9) package requirements for
Oracle Developer Suite are listed below:
■ SUNWarc
■ SUNWbtool
■ SUNWhea
■ SUNWlibm
■ SUNWlibms
■ SUNWsprot
■ SUNWsprox
■ SUNWtoo
■ SUNWi1of
■ SUNWxwfnt
■ SUNWi1cs
■ SUNWi15cs
■ SUNWarc
■ SUNWbtool
■ SUNWhea
■ SUNWlibm
■ SUNWlibms
■ SUNWsprot
■ SUNWsprox
■ SUNWtoo
■ SUNWi1of
■ SUNWxwfnt
■ SUNWi1cs
■ SUNWi15cs
Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 2.1 Systems
The following sections list the software requirements for Red Hat
Enterprise Linux AS/ES 2.1 systems for installing Oracle
Developer Suite.
For more information on Red Hat, see
Software Packages
■ glibc-2.2.4-32.17
■ glibc-common-2.2.4-32.17
■ gcc-2.96-128.7.2
■ gcc-c++-2.96-128.7.2
■ pdksh-5.2.14-22
■ openmotif-2.1.30-12
■ sysstat-4.0.1-15.2.1as
■ compat-glibc-6.2-
■ compat-libstdc++-6.2-
■ libstdc++-2.96-128.7.2
■ gnome-libs-1.2.13-16
■ binutils-
■ make-3.79.1-8
■ db1-1.85-7
■ db3-3.3.11-5
To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these
1. Log in as the root user.
Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 2.1, 3.0, 4.0, and
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 and 9 are certified and
supported. For the most current list of supported Linux
Operating Systems, check OracleMetaLink
# uname -r
Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 Systems
The following sections list the software requirements for Red Hat
Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 systems for installing Oracle
Developer Suite.
For more information on Red Hat, see:
Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 2.1, 3.0, 4.0, and
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 and 9 are certified and
supported. For the most current list of supported Linux
operating systems, check OracleMetaLink
RedHat Update
■ Update 3
■ libstdc++-devel-3.2.3-42
■ openmotif21-2.1.30-8
■ pdksh-5.2.14-21
■ setarch-1.3-1
■ make-3.79.1-17
■ gnome-libs-
■ sysstat-4.0.7-4.EL3.3
■ compat-db-4.0.14-5
■ openmotif21-2.1.30-8
To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these
1. Log in as the root user.
2. To determine which distribution and version of Linux is
installed, enter the following command:
# cat /etc/issue
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon)
Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 2.1, 3.0 and SUSE
Linux Enterprise Server 8 and 9 are certified and
supported. For the most current list of supported Linux
operating systems, check OracleMetaLink
Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0 Systems
The following sections list the software requirements for Red Hat
Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0 for installing Oracle Developer Suite.
For more information on Red Hat, see:
Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 2.1, 3.0, 4.0 and
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 and 9 are certified and
supported. For the most current list of supported Linux
Operating Systems, see OracleMetaLink
Software Packages
■ glibc-2.3.4-2.9
■ glibc-common-2.3.4-2.9
■ binutils-
■ compat-libstdc++-296-2.96-132.7.2
■ gcc-3.4.3-22.1
■ gcc-c++-3.4.3-22.1
■ libstdc++-3.4.3-22.1
■ libstdc++-devel-3.4.3-22.1
■ openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.4
■ pdksh-5.2.14-30
■ setarch-1.6-1
■ make-3.80-5
■ gnome-libs-
■ sysstat-5.0.5-1
■ compat-db-4.1.25-9
■ control-center-2.8.0-12
■ xscreensaver-4.18-5.rhel4.2
Software Packages
■ glibc-2.2.2-124
■ gcc-3.2.2-38
■ gcc-c++-3.2.2-38
■ pdksh-5.2.14
■ openmotif-2.1.30MLI4
■ sysstat-4.0.3
■ libstdc++-3.2.2
■ make-3.79.1-407
■ binutils-
■ compat-2003.1.10-0
To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these
1. Log in as the root user.
2. To determine which distribution and version of Linux is
installed, enter the following command:
# cat /etc/issue
Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 (i586) -
Kernel \r (\l)
Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 2.1, 3.0 and SUSE
Linux Enterprise Server 8 and 9 are certified and
supported. For the most current list of supported Linux
operating systems, check OracleMetaLink, at
prompt> cd /etc/profile.d
prompt> mv oracle.csh oracle.csh.bak
prompt> mv
prompt> mv
prompt> mv alljava.csh alljava.csh.bak
Software Packages
■ glibc-2.3.3-98.28
■ gcc-3.3.3-43.24
■ gcc-c++-3.3.3-43.24
■ libstdc++-3.3.3-43.24
■ libstdc++-devel-3.3.3-43.24
■ openmotif21-libs-2.1.30MLI4-119.1
■ pdksh-5.2.14-780.1
■ make-3.80-184.1
■ gnome-libs-
■ gnome-libs-devel-
■ sysstat-5.0.1-35.1
■ binutils-
■ db1-1.85-85.1
■ compat-2004.7.1-1.2
To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these
Note: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 2.1, 3.0 and SUSE
Linux Enterprise Server 8 and 9 are certified and
supported. For the most current list of supported Linux
operating systems, check OracleMetaLink
Certified Software
You can view a complete list of certified software for Oracle
Developer Suite on OracleMetaLink, at:
Item Requirements
4. If you are using the autorun feature, the installer will start
automatically. Click Install Oracle Developer Suite to start
your installation.
5. For users of Windows assistive technologies: To disable the
autorun feature, hold down the Shift key after inserting the
CD-ROM or DVD. Alternatively, if the autorun window
appears, press ALT-F4 to close the window. Then do one of the
a. CD-ROM: To install Oracle Developer Suite, locate the
program setup.exe in the root directory of the
CD-ROM. Start the installer by running this program.
DVD: To install Oracle Developer Suite, locate the
program setup.exe in the directory \developer_
suite under the root directory of the DVD. Start the
installer by running this program.
b. To browse the CD-ROM or DVD contents, use Windows
c. To learn about Oracle Developer Suite, point your browser
to the file \doc\welcome\index.htm on the CD-ROM,
or \developer_suite\
doc\welcome\index.htm on the DVD.
your auto mount configuration when you insert the disk into the
If your computer is not set up for auto mounting, then you must
mount the CD-ROM or DVD manually.
Follow these steps to mount the CD-ROM or DVD manually:
1. Insert the Oracle Developer Suite Disk 1 CD-ROM or the
Oracle Developer Suite and Documentation DVD into the
2. Log in as the root user.
3. Ensure that you have a mount point directory for the
CD-ROM or DVD. For example, you can create the directory
# mkdir /cdrom
4. Mount the CD-ROM or DVD drive to the mount point
directory. For example, if your mount point directory is
/cdrom, enter the following command:
# mount -r -F hsfs device_name /cdrom
5. Log out as the root user.
6. Proceed to Running the Installer.
1. Log in with the user that you created for installing Oracle
2. Change to a directory other than the mount point directory or
its subdirectories. For example, if your mount point directory
is /mnt/cdrom, change to a directory other than
/mnt/cdrom or its subdirectories.
3. CD-ROM: Start the installer by entering:
prompt> mount_point_directory/runInstaller
DVD: Start the installer by entering:
prompt> mount_point_directory/developer_
Starting a Component
Before you start an Oracle Developer Suite component, make sure
you have completed the general and component-specific postin-
stallation steps described in previous sections. Also, if you are
upgrading from a previous version of a component, make sure
you perform the necessary upgrade steps. Each component’s
upgrade procedure is documented in Appendix A in Oracle
Developer Suite Installation Guide.
Once you have completed a component’s postinstallation and
upgrade steps you can start the component, as follows: