Letter of Guarantee
Letter of Guarantee
Letter of Guarantee
2018 December 02
Good day, I am writing on behalf of the VISA Applicant for her entry
to Japan, a Letter of Guarantee is required. The VISA applicant is Ms.
Rocelyn Soco Parinasan, Female, Single, Filipino Citizen, housewife and
partly self-employed, born on October 26, 1988.
I will guarantee the following items, terms and conditions regarding her
entry and stay in Japan:
1. Expenses for the Applicant’s stay in Japan
2. Return travel expenses
3. Compliance with Japanese Laws and Regulations
4. That we will be travelling together. We are scheduled to arrive in
Japan on January 12, 2019 and depart from Japan on January 16,
2019 (5days).
Respectfully yours,