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Feb-March Newsletter 2019

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463 Highland Rd., Peterborough, Ontario, K9H 5J8 (705)745-0841

Website & Facebook at www.christlutheranpeterborough.com

February/March, 2019
Mission Statement: “As Christians living in God’s grace we seek to demonstrate our
faith in Christ by caring, listening, and responding to the needs of the whole person,
serving each other and those beyond our Lutheran community.

Pastor Scott is following doctor’s orders and taking a short-term medical break to deal
with his epilepsy which has been causing him quite a bit of trouble. He will be off until
March 25th and during that time I will be taking care of worship, pastoral care,
emergencies, hospital visits and home communions. I ask you pray for Pastor Scott that
he might be able to return to work refreshed and with his disease under control. I am
happy to take on this task, knowing that we have such good leadership in our church
and that so many activities like church council, committee and outreach activities can
continue without help.
To help me in my task I would like you to notify me if anyone is hospitalized or in need
of a visit. I would also ask you to support my efforts by being present in church every
Sunday. As I’ve said before, I don’t like preaching to empty pews. They are lousy
listeners and preaching to them makes me nervous. So, your regular presence at
worship would be much appreciated.
Speaking of worship, since Lent begins on Ash Wednesday March 6th, we will have extra
mid-week services each Wednesday evening 6 pm dinner, a time when we can be
together, feel each other’s support and then worship 6:30 pm together using a liturgy
Pastor Scott introduced and which I really like. People traditionally have often tried to
give up certain things for Lent as a way, I suppose, to suffer with Christ. I’ve never
been good at this and so it has been my tradition to do extra things for Lent; - extra
worship (mid-week services), extra home devotions, extra generosity, etc. I find that
works better than giving something up. Maybe you’d like to give it a try.
I guess that’s enough for now. See you in church!
Pastor Mike


February 3, 2019 at 11:00 following service
Attendance: 30 quorum is met
Opening Devotion: Pastor Mike Schroeder
Agenda – no changes
Minutes of previous Meeting – No discussion
Approval of minutes – Motion to approve – Pauline, second: Robin, Minutes approved
Appointment of Tellers - Glenn Coombs & Ilse Donnelly

a) Pastor’s report - President
Al summarized the successes Pastor Scott pointed out in his report. Topics are below. Al
mentioned Pastor was especially impressed with the offerings this year.
2)New Projects
3)GTA East Lutheran Activity
4)Bishop Pryse’s visit
5)Continuing Education
7)Thank You
8)Eastern Synod Assembly
b) Statistics – some people were removed from the roster that weren’t active. They
were not removed without first contacting.
c) Bishop’s Report – focused on three missions. He is really challenging churches to
not just serve themselves but reach outside of our walls. Report in our annual
meeting booklet is the same from the convention and from his Whitby visit on
January 31.
Irene Mehling – asked for more church activities at Jackson Creek
d) Chairperson’s Address – Feels great about what we are doing. Pointed out all of
our activities. Thanked Pastor Scott for his vision in guiding our activities.
e) Fundraising – raised $8600 for roof plus many other fundraising activities.
Thanks to Sylvia and Robin for organizing and to all who attended.
f) Mutual Ministry -
g) Messy Church – great reception. Wonderful success.
h) Kid’s Nutrition Program/Slice and Dice Team – thank you to all who come
out. Five or six people now participating. A great deal of food is put out.
i) Parish Outreach Committee
1) One Roof Community Diner
2) Kawartha Food Share
3) Winter Coats
4) Kawartha Heights
5) Global Hunger
6) Benevolence
7) Website and Facebook
8) Buckhorn Singers Concert – choir is very appreciative of ability to sing
benefit concert at Christ and of the people from the congregation that
attend. The choir is not part of the church and sings for charities of its
choice. This year it was Kawartha Food Share, Lakefield Food Bank and
Buckhorn Public School breakfast program. It raised $778 from this year’s
concert. Thanks to all who attended.
j)Parish Support/Church & Parsonage Maintenance – George points out that
there are always projects. Discussion of furnace – is it right size for facility? Heat
exchanger may need to be cleaned as it may be creating back pressure.
Suggestion for more parking spaces on upper level. – Irene Mehling
k)Financial Secretary’s Report – figure reflects everything in the envelopes
except World Hunger.
l)Social Activities – Thanks extended to Robin by Iris. Seniors dinners were
brought up specifically.
Team supports Connie Baker on two seniors’ lunches.
m) Health & Wellness Team – discussed future events.
n) Kids at Christ/Kid’s Klub – reviewed report
o) Treasurer’s Report – Thanks to Brenda for doIng a great job.
p) Financial Summary 2018 – No GIC’s CD’s left
Barry reviewed Men’s Breakfast Club which is every second Saturday. $175 was given
for Buckhorn Singers Benefit concert and Kid’s Klub. It is developing an ecumenical
following. More than just Lutherans attending.
Barry Parsons was disappointed that he could not find the interest in re-establishing a
neighbourhood flower garden at the end of Highland Road. He got the interest of four
households in the church neighbourhood. He got no interest from church people. He was
disappointed in council’s response. Much work was done but nothing happened.
Approval of Reports as corrected/commented
George made a motion that reports be accepted. Second: Brenda, Approved
New/Other Business
Adli questioned how we would use the sound equipment that we have. His idea is to use
equipment to produce youth services. Adli is invited to council meeting to further
development of idea. Discussed Adli’s ‘We Care’ community outreach idea.
Irene suggested that there is a church where youth come to play games with Seniors.
She suggested that middle aged Seniors come to play with Seniors at Jackson Creek and
explain how games are played.
Election of Congregational Council Members –
Reviewed terms that expired. Al and Marlys will let their names stand for a full three-
year term – expires 2022. Iris has one more year to serve – expires 2020.
Johanna Coombs will accept the open spot which will be for two years expiring 2021.
Motion to accept – Adli, Second: Delores All in favor.
Proposed Budget for 2019
Income and expense summaries – $88,673.74 starting January 2019 total cash
2018 Expenses reviewed for Pastor and Support Staff Support staff thanked!
2019 Expense summary reviewed
2019 Budget reviewed.
Outreach Reviewed –
More local initiatives
Motion – Robin makes a motion that church supports Kid’s Klub Gift from the Heart well
initiative through fundraising up to $1800. Second: Pauline
Discussion – budget addition up to $1800 for well project in expenses and also in the
Fundraising line as an additional $1800 in expenses. All in favour.
Motion – Barry makes a motion that $200 be set aside for the Neighbourhood Flower
Garden project. Second: Johanna
Discussion – Clarification as to why it didn’t happen last year. Passed.
Benevolence Al reviewed the 2019 Eastern Budget and how benevolence is used.

Discussion about our Benevolence offering. Is it based on our total income including
fundraising? Al pointed out that he believes that it is based on fundraising income also.
Pastor Mike believes that it is not percentage on income. It has been membership.
Motion – Irene made a motion to make Benevolence $8000. No second
Motion – Hilkka makes a motion to make Benevolence $10,000. Second: Andy
Motion passes.
Impact Sunday - $500 was questioned. No motion.
Motion – Milan makes a motion that we accept the operating budget. Second: Robin
Motion passes.
Motion by Margaret to spend $2500 for five basement window coverings. Second: Robin
Discussion – what look is being developed? Motion passed.
Motion by Mike to approve the budget in whole. Second: Iris All in favor
Motion – Robin makes motion that we pay Mike Schroeder his extra mileage.
Second: Irene Mehling Discussion – Motion passed.
Motion – Pauline made a motion to adjourn. Second: Gord Motion passed.
Closing Devotions - Pastor Mike

Church Council Meeting Minutes – January 15 2019

Present: Sylvia, Iris, Scott, Al, Marlys, George, Janice, Brenda, Connie
Regrets: Milan
Opening Devotion led by Pastor Scott.
The minutes of December 11 note that the person in charge of fundraising is Sylvia, not
Approval: Motion to approve first-seconded- Passed
 Mail and Other
 Synod grant of $500 for Kids Club/Messy Church and another $500 for
One Roof Diner.
 Request by synod to consider increasing benevolence by $600 to $11,600.
Electronic Updates- Facebook continues to be updated regularly.
Pastors Report – highlights
 Sound system: Continual conversation with Kawartha Sound.
 Bible Study: Continues January 15.
 Student Ministry: House upgrades – paint- doors underway.
 Health concerns: Due to renewed increase in seizure activity Dr.
prescribed reduction of work hours – no more than twenty-eight hours/week
until end of Feb.
GTA East Meeting
 Area planning team January 22.
 Special invitation for night of conversation with Bishop Pryse on January 31,
7pm at Christ the King, Whitby. Members of the congregation are invited
to attend. Possible carpool.

Parish Support (George)
 Ongoing is working with the furnace maintenance people to solve the problem
with the furnace cutting out at times. May need the heat exchanger to
be cleaned.
Outreach (Robin, Milan, Connie)
 Pastor Scott has received dates from Robin and will share below.
Messy Church (Sylvia)
 Approximately 35 people (including 14 children) attending the Jan 14th
Messy Church which saw Myley Jennett baptized. Thanks to everyone from
the church who attended and to Shirley Gillespie for the beautiful
baptismal banner.
 The next Messy Church is Mon Feb 11th at 5:30 p.m.
The theme is Love and everyone is welcome!
Kids Club (Marlys)
 11 children attended the past Kid’s Club. We can’t promote the program
at the Highland Heights School any more, so we advertise with signs on the
front lawn of the church. They seem to attract attention.
Next Kids Club is February 1.
Health and Wellness (Iris)
 We are planning an Alzheimer Coffee Break on Sunday January 27th,
immediately following our church service.
 We will be having a speaker from the local Alzheimer Society and
light refreshments will be served. Donations for our local Alzheimer Society
will be graciously accepted.
 We are also planning to have a Blood Pressure Clinic on
Sunday February 24th. Please come and get “checked out”.
Social Activities (Iris)
 Thank you to all those who hosted an Open House, coffee time and
/or congregational luncheon or dinner during 2018.
Stewardship & Fund-raising (Connie)
 List of future dates attached. Sylvia shared that Faith Life is changing their
grant matching program. No longer will grants be given for church
building upgrades but rather for missions or outreach projects.
Mutual Ministries (Sylvia)
 The Employment Agreement was signed by Scott and the Council.
 Following Scott’s marriage to Sue, his insurance was changed from single
to family. Sue’s congregation will split the cost of the insurance with us.
The net change will be an increase of approximately $500 per year.
Setting of Budget
Council spent the remainder of the meeting planning the budget for 2019. It was a
pleasant surprise to finish 2018 with an operating surplus. A secondary meeting to
finish setting for January 22.
Old Business - None
New Business
 Reports needed January 24 for printing of annual report. Feb/March Newsletter will
be printed Feb 10.

Upcoming Events:
 Friday Feb 1 – PA Day
 Sunday Feb. 3rd - Annual Meeting after worship
 Messy church - Jan. 14, Feb. 11, Mar. 4, Apr. 8 and May 6th. Sept. 9, Oct. 7,
Nov 4 Dec. 2nd.
 Tuesday March 5th Shrove Pancake supper 6 pm
 Wednesday March 6th Ash Wednesday 7 pm
 Wed. March 13, 20 & 27, Apr. 3, 10 & 17 Lenten Soup & Sandwich worship
6 pm dinner, worship 6:30 pm
 Spring fundraiser - Sylvia & Robin maybe
 Maundy Thursday April 18th 7 pm
 Good Friday April 19th 7 pm
 Easter Breakfast - Men's Club
 Easter Sunday April 21st
 Sunday Sept. 29th Fall Congregational Dinner maybe
 October fundraiser - Sylvia & Robin maybe
 Saturday November 16th Bazaar
 Saturday December 7th Christmas Fundraiser - sell tickets maybe
 March Break Kid’s Klub - March 18 - 22.
 PA day Kid’s Klub in April 5 and June 7.
Next meeting: Tuesday February 19, 6:30pm

March 11-15 Break – 9:15 am – 11:30 am.

This year our theme is water. The inspiration is from CLWR Gifts from the Heart in
which you donate a well. We will be talking about water and it availability and quality.
George Maschke has volunteered to talk to us about water treatment and handling in
Peterborough. We will contact Nobelgem at Trent whom Cybil says has classroom
information. We have mentioned at the last PA Kid’s Klub Friday February 1st for the
children to save some of their allowance towards a well. We shall see.

This would be a great 2019 Gifts from the Heart outreach for Christ Lutheran to raise
money along with the children to donate one or two wells to the project. Think about it!

Slice & Dice

There will be no Slice & Dice on Tuesday March 5 and 12. Will resume on Tuesday
March 19.

No Bible Studies in February & March, 2019

Men’s Club 8:30 am Saturday March 9 - see you there for Breakfast!


Rummage/Bake/Plant Sale at Christ Lutheran. We need volunteers to help coordinate
this major event. Start saving up items to donate, plants and bake items. All Bake
items are to be in on Friday May 3rd 10 am till 7 pm. All bake items are priced equally.
Please see Al Butson or a Council representative if you need help getting items to church


Al Butson is our Chairperson. Our other council members are Milan Ichniovsky, Connie
Baker, Janice LeClair, Iris Gravel, Marlys Kerkman, Sylvia Shea, George Maschke and
new member Johanna Coombs.

Health and Wellness Team

Health Alert – It is not too late to still get your flu vaccine to help you stay healthy
and well.
February 24th, we will be having a Blood Pressure Clinic immediately following our
church service. Everyone is welcome.
March 3rd, we will be hosting an educational coordinator from the local Alzheimer
Society. Light refreshments will be served.
March 17th, we will have a speaker from Epilepsy Peterborough and area. We will also
be celebrating St Patrick’s Day with a Irish luncheon.
We hope to see you all at these upcoming events… THANK YOU!

We are always in need of hosts for our after-church coffee hour. Coffee and juice are
provided. We even have muffins & loaves in the freezer. All you have to do is make sure
the coffee is on and supervise the clean-up. Sign-up sheet is posted on vestibule door.

Monday February 11 and March 11 5:30 pm-7 pm
We want to keep our church vibrant and alive and 'Messy Church' provides an
opportunity to attract families and people of all ages who want to experience a different
type of worship at a non-traditional day/time. It's a celebration of creativity, hospitality,
fun, worship and families. All are welcome!
We can't do this without you! Why not invite your neighbourhood families, friends, kids
and grandkids to experience church and fellowship while having fun and getting messy.
Additionally, if anyone would like to volunteer to be a part of this great experience as a
leader/helping to organize certain activities or events, then please reach out to Sylvia,
Robin or Marlys.
Let's Get Messy!

On the Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday April 14th, we will begin our worship in the
church basement with the traditional procession with palms. If you find difficulty in the
stairs please go as usual into church and await the procession there.

You are invited to do your part again. Plan to join us on Easter Sunday April 21st after
the Early Service (or before you attend the Second Service.) This is a great family event,
and your voluntary donation will be dedicated to a worthwhile church project. The men
of the church will be donating their time and energy in creating this tasty breakfast, so if
you wish to volunteer please talk to Barry Parsons.

Maundy Thursday Worship - Thursday April 18 – 7 pm
Good Friday Tenebrae Service - Friday April 19 – 7 pm
Easter Services - Sunrise Sunday Communion Service – April 21st – 7:30 am
Breakfast – 8:30 am
Holy Communion service – 10:00 am

If you wish to donate monies towards Easter lilies to decorate our church at Easter
please indicate on your offering envelope marked “Easter Lilies” and designate the
offering, as you wish, as a memorial or remembrances. Thank you.

Reader Ushers Communion Assistant
February 3 Al Al & Robin Al
February 10 Iris Johanna & Glenn Iris
February 17 Johanna Ilse & June Johanna
February 24 Al Andy & Hilkka Al

Altar Care for February – Shirley Gilbert Altar Care for March – Rosi Kerber
Counters for February – TBA & Al Butson (Feb.3 & 10),17-TBA, Shirley Gillespie(Feb.24)

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday Saturday


3 Epiphany 4 4 5 6 7 8 9
Holy Slice & Men’s
Communion Breakfast
10 am worship Dice noon
8:30 am
Annual meeting
After worship
Funeral for
with luncheon
Bill Scoffield

10 Epiphany 5 11 12 13 14 15 16
Holy Funeral for Slice &
10 am worship Martin Dice noon
Klein 1 pm
17 Epiphany 6 18 19 20 21 22 23
Holy Family Slice & Dice
Communion noon
10 am worship Day Congregational
Holiday Council
6:30 pm

24 Epiphany 7 25 26 27 28 March 1 March 2

10 am Holy Slice &
Special Dice noon
luncheon for
Barry after

Date Reader Ushers Communion
March 3 Al Butson Al & Robin Al Butson
March 10 Mark Jurguson Andy & Hilkka Iris Gravel
March 17 Al Butson Al & Robin Al Butson
March 24 Marlys Kerkman Barry & Pauline Marlys Kerkman
March 31 Iris Gravel Glenn & Johanna Iris Gravel
April 7 Al Butson Al & Robin Al Butson

Altar Care for March – Rosi Kerber Altar Care for April – Johanna Coombs
Counters for March - Andy Laitila & Al Butson (Mar.3,10,17),TBA
Counters for April – Glenn Coombs & Ilse Donnelly
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 2

MARCH 2019
3 4 5 Slice & 6 7 8 9
Transfiguration Dice noon Ash Men’s
Sunday Shrove Wednesday
10 am Holy Worship 7 pm Breakfast
8:30 am
Coffee time
6 pm
after worship

10 Lent 1 11 12 March 13 March 14 15 16

10 am Holy March Break Break Kid’s Break Kid’s March Break March Break
Communion Kid’s Club Club 9:15 am Club Kid’s Club Kid’s Club
9:15 am – – 11:30 am 9:15 am – 9:15 am –
11:30 am 9:15 am –
Coffee time 11:30 am 11:30 am
Lenten dinner 11:30 am
after worship Messy Church No Slice & Dice & worship
5:30-7 pm

17 Lent 2 18 19 Slice & 20 Lenten 21 22 23

10 am Holy Dice noon dinner &
Communion Congregational worship
Epilepsy Council 6pm
speaker at St. 6:30pm

24 Lent 3 25 26 27 Lenten 28 29 30
Holy Communion Slice & Dice dinner &
10:00 am worship 6pm
Coffee time after

31 Lent 4 April 1 April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 6

10 am Holy Lenten dinner
Communion Slice & Dice & worship _________
Coffee time noon 6pm
after worship


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