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Asphalt Cement Content of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures by The Nuclear Method

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Standard Method of Test for

Asphalt Cement Content of Asphalt Concrete Mixtures by the Nuclear Method



1. SCOPE1 4.1.2 Detectors-Any type of thermal 5.1 The equipment shall be so

neutron detector, such as helium-3 or constructed as to be licensable in
boron tri-floride. accordance with applicable health and
1.1 This method covers the quantitative safety regulations.
determination of the asphalt cement 4.1.3 Read-Out Instrument, such as a
content of asphalt concrete mixtures by scaler or a direct-reading digital device 5.2 Equipment operators should wear an
testing a sample with a device that utili- calibrated in percent asphalt. approved form of radiation dosimetry
zes neutron thermalization techniques. 4.2 Variability of Apparatus: (i.e., film badges) capable of monitoring
the occupational radiation exposure.
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units 4.2.1 Variability of the apparatus at 6-
are to be regarded as the standard. The percent asphalt content shall be no 5.3 Since nuclear equipment measures
metric equivalents of inch-pound units greater than 0.05 percent for a 4-minnute the total amount of hydrogen in the
may be approximate. count. sample, this procedure is sensitive to
changes in moisture content. It must be
4.2.2 The variability of the apparatus is remembered that both asphalt cement and
2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS determined from the slope of the water contain hydrogen.
calibration curve and the standard
deviation of the count rate. Variability is 5.4 Keep any other source of neutron
2.1 AASHTO Standards: calculated as follows: radiation at least 30 ft (10 m) from the
equipment. Do not place the equipment
T2 Sampling Aggregate V = S.D./S where large amounts of hydrogenous
T 168 Sampling Bituminous where: material may be moved during the
Pavement Mixtures V = apparatus variability, in percent calibration or testing procedures (for
T 110 Moisture or Volatile asphalt, examples, water or plastic materials).
Distillates in Bituminous S.D. = standard deviation, in counts per 5.5 When moving the gauge, there may
Paving Mixture automatically timed period, and be an effect on the results.
2.2 Manufacturer's instruction manual. S = slope, in counts per percent asphalt.
The standard deviation is calculated from 6. SAMPLING
3. SIGNIFICANCE AND USE 20 individual automatically timed
readings (per manufacturer's instructions 6.1 Obtain samples of aggregate in
for operation of the equipment). Counts accordance with AASHTO Method T 2.
3.1 This method can be used for rapidly
are taken on a sample with asphalt
determining the asphalt content of asphalt 6.2 Obtain samples of the freshly
cement content within ± 0.5 percent of
paving mixtures. Testing can be produced asphalt concrete in accordance
the mix design.
completed in a matter of minutes so that with AASHTO Method T 168.
adjustments, if necessary, can be made in 4.2.3 The range of control mix should
the asphalt metering system with a be between 2 and 14 percent asphalt
limited amount of mix production. The cement by weight. 7. CALIBRATION
procedure is useful in the determination 4.3 Other Apparatus:
of asphalt content only, as it does not 4.3.1 Balance, capable of weighing to 7.1 This method is sensitive to the type
provide extracted aggregate for gradation 33 lb (15 kg), readable to 0.0002 lb (.1 of aggregate, percentage and source of
analysis. g). asphalt cement, and to the aggregate
3.2 Unless the test sample is completely 4.3.2 Oven, capable of heating to 350 ± gradation. Accordingly, a calibration
free of moisture, such percentage must be 5°F (177 ± 3°C). curve must be developed for each mix
determined as outlined in Section 8.3 and type. A dry aggregate count should be
a correction made to compensate for the 4.3.3 Straightedge, steel, made often enough to ensure that changes
moisture. approximately 18 in. (450 mm) in length. in aggregate do not occur unnoticed. If a
4.3.4 Plywood, ¾ in. (20 mm) or significant change is noted in this count
heavier, or 3/8 in. (10 nun) or heavier (± 0.3 percent). a new calibration should
4. APPARATUS metal plate having an area slightly larger be run. The curve can be established with
than the top of the sample pans. three or more points.
4.1 While exact details of construction 4.3.5 Assorted spoons and mixing 7.1.1 Sample the aggregate at the plant
for the apparatus may vary, the system bowls. in accordance with Section 6.1 and blend
shall consist of the following items: 4.3.6 Thermometer with a temperature the aggregates in the proper proportions.
4.1.1 Neutron Source-An encapsulated range 50 to 500°F (10 to 3000C). Enough aggregate should be obtained for
and sealed radioactive source such as a minimum of three samples. Approxima-
amercium-241 :beryllium. tely 65 lb (30 kg) total will be required.
7.1.2 Place the dry hot aggregate in a
Similar, but not technically identical to ASTM D tared sample pan-a minimum of two
4125-92. equal layers. The aggregate shall be

oven-dried at 300° ± 15°F (143` ± 8°C) Place the sample pan containing the Loss of hydrogen could cause an
for a minimum of 3 hours or to constant asphalt concrete mixture sample in the inaccurate count.
weight. Use a spatula to distribute the gauge and proceed as per manufacturer's
aggregate uniformly, so that the coarse instructions for operation of the
and fine material does not segregate. (Too equipment and the sequence of operation. 9. PROCEDURE
much spading can cause the fines to 7.1.6 Repeat Sections 7.1.4 and 7.1.5
migrate to the bottom, resulting in for the remainder of the calibration 9.1 Using a hot asphalt concrete mixture
excessive sample weight.) For each layer, samples. Using the same weight of sample having a temperature of 250°-
raise and drop the pan approximately one asphalt concrete mixture in each pan. 300° ± 10°F (121°-149° ± 6°C) obtained
inch, four times. Be sure that the pan in accordance with Section 6.2, fill the
bottom strikes evenly. Fill the pan with 7.1.7 Prepare a calibration curve by
plotting the calibration asphalt concrete sample pan one-half full, evenly
the second layer slightly above the top distribute the sample in the pan. Level the
rim. Place the straightedge firmly across mixture sample readings versus asphalt
content on linear graph paper, choosing asphalt concrete mixture with a trowel or
the rim and, using a sawing motion, spatula. Fill the remainder of the pan
strike off the surface of the sample, so convenient scale factors for counts and
asphalt content. Connect the points with a until the weight of the asphalt concrete
that it is flush with the rim. Gaps between mixture in the pan equals the weight of
the straightedge and the sample shall be straight line. On some gauges this line
may be generated internal to the gauge. mix samples used for calibration. Record
filled with fine aggregate and the sample weight of the asphalt concrete mixture in
leveled. Do not compact the sample. To be considered acceptable, a calibration
should have a correlation factor greater the pan. Level the top of asphalt concrete
Obtain and record the temperature and mixture using a spatula or trowel. Use the
weight of the sample. Obtain sample than or equal to 0.995.
metal plate or plywood to compact the

count per manufacture's instructions. This asphalt  concrete
2 mixture until it is even
(Y i - Yi )
count will be used to determine if i with the top of the pan.
Correlation factor  1 -
changes occur in the aggregate used
during construction.  i
(Y Yi ) 2and record the temperature of
9.2i -Obtain
the sample. The starting test temperature
7.1.3 All bowls, sample pans, and tools where: should be in the range of ± 10°F (± 6°C)
should be heated to 300° ± 15°F (149° ± Yi = Actual percent asphalt values for of the calibration temperature.
8°C). An initial or "butter" mix is each sample 9.3 Place the sample in the gauge and
required to condition the mixing
i = Calculated percent asphalt values follow the manufacturer's instructions to
equipment. Mix a minimum of three
from curve obtain sample counts. Determine
asphalt - _ concrete samples to cover the
apparent asphalt content and correct for
approximate range of the design asphalt  = Mean value of the actual percent
moisture content.
content. Mix one at the design asphalt ages asphalt
content, one 1.0 percent above and one i = Number of calibration samples
1.0 percent below, or at other percentages 10. STANDARDIZATION
as required to cover the range of expected 7.1.8 Repeat the calibration procedure
use. Use the same grade and type of for each asphalt concrete mixture that is
asphalt as will be used in the asphalt to be used on the project. 10.1 All nuclear devices are subject to
concrete mixture to be tested. long term aging of the radioactive source,
NOTE 1-This procedure can be used with detectors, and other electronic systems,
7.1.4 Fill the sample pan one-half full, recycled asphalt pavement (RAP), which may change the relationship
evenly distributing the sample in the pan. incorporated into the mixture, provided that
between count rate and asphalt content.
Level the asphalt concrete mixture with a the RAP is of uniform graduation, asphalt
content, and asphalt type. When RAP is used, Because of this aging, new calibration
trowel or spatula. Fill the remainder of curves should be run each year. Changes
the RAP should be mixed in the calibration
the pan until the weight of the asphalt samples at the same rate that will be used in in the surroundings of the asphalt content
concrete mixture in the pan equals the the asphalt concrete mixture being tested. gauge may also produce increases or
dry aggregate weight. If the pan is not decreases in count rate. In order to
full, fill the pan to the point that the minimize these effects background
asphalt concrete mixture is mounded 8. PREPARATION OF MIXTURE
counts must be taken daily, and the
slightly above the top of the pan. Record TEST SAMPLE
gauges should be kept out of the
weight of the asphalt concrete mixture in proximity of water or other hydrogenous
the pan. This is the weight that is to be 8.1 The sample portion to be tested substances.
used for all calibration and test samples should provide approximately 15.4 lb (7
using this calibration. Level the top of the kg) per test unit. NOTE 2-If the equipment is being used either
asphalt concrete mixture using a spatula continuously or intermittently during the day,
or trowel. Use the metal plate or plywood 8.2 The test sample must be checked for it is generally best to leave it in the "power on"
to consolidate the asphalt concrete moisture content. The provisions of T 110 condition during the day to prevent having to
mixture until it is even with the top edge may be used. If moisture is present, the repeat the background count. This will provide
of the pan. All specimens should be percentage determined must be more stable and consistent results.
compacted at a temperature between subtracted from the apparent asphalt
percentage as indicated by the nuclear 10.2 Dry aggregate standard count.
250°-300° ± 10°F (121°-149° ± 6°C) to
ensure that the mix will compact method. Alternatively, the sample may be 10.2.1 Turn on the equipment and allow
properly. dried to a constant mass in an oven at for stabilization of the equipment in
230° ± 9°F (110° ± 5°C); thereby accordance with the manufacturer's
7.1.5 Obtain and record the nullifying the need for a moisture recommendations.
temperature of the sample. This is the correction. Asphaltic samples should not
temperature (± 10°F (± 6°C)) at which all 10.2.2 Fill the sample pan one-half full
remain in the oven for longer than 2 of hot dry aggregate (dried to constant
samples and calibration pans must be hours prior to placement in the gauge.
counted, unless the gauge has weight and at the temperature of the
temperature compensation capability. aggregate sample used during calibration


± 10°F (± 6°C). Place the dry hot 10.2.3 Place the hot blended aggregate 11.1.1 Make, model, and serial number
aggregate in a tared sample pan in two into the gauge and proceed as per of the equipment,
equal layers. For each layer, raise and manufacturer's instructions for operation 11.1.2 Name of the operator,
drop the pan approximately one inch, of the equipment and the sequence of
four times. Be sure that the pan bottom operation. This dry aggregate count is 11.1.3 Date of test,
strikes evenly. Use a spatula to distribute used to determine changes in aggregates 11.1.4 Identification of asphalt and
the aggregate to avoid segregation. Add which affect counts. aggregate materials,
to or remove aggregate until the weight 11.1.5 Type of material and specified
of aggregate in the pan is equal to the NOTE 3-If a significant change is noted in (± asphalt content,
weight of aggregate used in the 0.5 percent) from calibration aggregate count,
a new calibration should be run. 11.1.6 Calibration date and daily
calibration (Section 7.1.2). Using a
background counts,
straightedge, level the top of the
aggregate sample until it is even with the 11. REPORT 11.1.7 Count rate for each sample and
top of the sample pan. Obtain and record the corrected asphalt content, moisture
the temperature of the sample. content, and
11.1 The report shall include the
11.1.8 Weight of sample, method of
sampling, and method of compaction.


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